82_FR_45429 82 FR 45242 - Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire; Nonattainment Plan for the Central New Hampshire SO2

82 FR 45242 - Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire; Nonattainment Plan for the Central New Hampshire SO2


Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 187 (September 28, 2017)

Page Range45242-45253
FR Document2017-20721

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve the State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision that the State of New Hampshire submitted to EPA on January 31, 2017 for attaining the 1- hour sulfur dioxide (SO<INF>2</INF>) primary national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment Area. This plan (herein called a ``nonattainment plan'') includes New Hampshire's attainment demonstration and other elements required under the Clean Air Act (CAA). In addition to an attainment demonstration, the nonattainment plan addresses the requirement for meeting reasonable further progress (RFP) toward attainment of the NAAQS, reasonably available control measures and reasonably available control technology (RACM/RACT), base-year and projection-year emission inventories, and contingency measures. As a part of approving the attainment demonstration, EPA is also proposing to approve SO<INF>2</INF> emission limits and associated compliance parameters for Merrimack Station into the New Hampshire SIP. EPA proposes to conclude that New Hampshire has appropriately demonstrated that the nonattainment plan provisions provide for attainment of the 2010 1-hour primary SO<INF>2</INF> NAAQS in the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment Area by the applicable attainment date and that the nonattainment plan meets the other applicable requirements under the CAA.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 187 (Thursday, September 28, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 187 (Thursday, September 28, 2017)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 45242-45253]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-20721]



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R01-OAR-2017-0083; FRL-9968-43-Region 1]

Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire; Nonattainment Plan for the 
Central New Hampshire SO2 Nonattainment Area

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to 
approve the State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision that the State of 
New Hampshire submitted to EPA on January 31, 2017 for attaining the 1-
hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) primary national ambient air 
quality standard (NAAQS) for the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment 
Area. This plan (herein called a ``nonattainment plan'') includes New 
Hampshire's attainment demonstration and other elements required under 
the Clean Air Act (CAA). In addition to an attainment demonstration, 
the nonattainment plan addresses the requirement for meeting reasonable 
further progress (RFP) toward attainment of the NAAQS, reasonably 
available control measures and reasonably available control technology 
(RACM/RACT), base-year and projection-year emission inventories, and 
contingency measures. As a part of approving the attainment 
demonstration, EPA is also proposing to approve SO2 emission 
limits and associated compliance parameters for Merrimack Station into 
the New Hampshire SIP. EPA proposes to conclude that New Hampshire has 
appropriately demonstrated that the nonattainment plan provisions 
provide for attainment of the 2010 1-hour primary SO2 NAAQS 
in the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment Area by the applicable 
attainment date and that the nonattainment plan meets the other 
applicable requirements under the CAA.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before October 30, 2017.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-R01-
OAR-2017-0083 at http://www.regulations.gov, or via email to 
biton.leiran@epa.gov. For comments submitted at Regulations.gov, follow 
the online instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, 
comments cannot be edited or removed from Regulations.gov. For either 
manner of submission, EPA may publish any comment received to its 
public docket. Do not submit electronically any information you 
consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other 
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Multimedia 
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be accompanied by a written 
comment. The written comment is considered the official comment and 
should include discussion of all points you wish to make. EPA will 
generally not consider comments or comment contents located outside of 
the primary submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or other file sharing 
system). For additional submission methods, please contact the person 
identified in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. For the full 
EPA public comment policy, information about CBI or multimedia 
submissions, and general guidance on making effective comments, please 
visit http://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

Office Square Suite 100, Mail Code OEP05-2, Boston, MA 02109-3912; 
phone: 617-918-1267; fax: 617-918-0267; email: biton.leiran@epa.gov.

    Throughout this document whenever ``we,'' ``us,'' or ``our'' is 
used, we mean EPA.

Table of Contents

I. Why was New Hampshire required to submit an SO2 plan 
for the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment area?
II. Requirements for SO2 Nonattainment Area Plans
III. Attainment Demonstration and Longer-Term Averaging
IV. Review of Modeled Attainment Plan
    A. Model Selection and Modeling Components
    B. Area of Analysis
    C. Receptor Grid
    D. Meteorological Data
    E. Source Characterization
    F. Emissions Data
    G. Emission Limits
    1. Enforceability
    2. Longer-Term Average Limits
    H. Background Concentrations
    I. Summary of Results
V. Review of Other Plan Requirements
    A. Emissions Inventory
    C. New Source Review (NSR)
    D. Reasonable Further Progress (RFP)
    E. Contingency Measures
VI. Additional Elements of New Hampshire's Submittal
    A. Conformity
    B. Changes in Allowable Emissions
    C. Air Quality Trends
    D. Compliance With Section 110(a)(2) of the CAA
    E. Equivalency Techniques
VII. EPA's Proposed Action
VIII. Incorporation by Reference
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

I. Why was New Hampshire required to submit an SO2 plan for 
the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment area?

    On June 22, 2010, EPA promulgated a new 1-hour primary 
SO2 NAAQS of 75 parts per billion (ppb), which is met at an 
ambient air quality monitoring site when the 3-year average of the 
annual 99th percentile of 1-hour daily maximum concentrations does not 
exceed 75 ppb, as determined in accordance with appendix T of 40 CFR 
part 50. See 75 FR 35520, codified at 40 CFR 50.17(a)-(b). On August 5, 
2013, EPA designated a first set of 29 areas of the country as 
nonattainment for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS, including the Central 
New Hampshire Nonattainment Area within the State of New Hampshire. See 
78 FR 47191, codified at 40 CFR part 81, subpart C. These area 
designations were effective October 4, 2013. Section 191 of the CAA 
directs states to submit SIPs for areas designated as nonattainment for 
the SO2 NAAQS to EPA within 18 months of the effective date 
of the designation, i.e., by no later than April 4, 2015 in this case. 
These SIPs are required to demonstrate that their respective areas will 
attain the NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable, but no later than 5 
years from the effective date of designation, which is October 4, 2018.
    For a number of areas, including the Central New Hampshire 
Nonattainment Area, EPA published a notice on March 18, 2016 that New 
Hampshire and other pertinent states had failed to submit the required 
SO2 nonattainment plan by the submittal deadline. See 81 FR 
14736. This finding initiated a deadline under CAA section 179(a) for 
the potential imposition of new source and highway funding sanctions, 
and for EPA to promulgate a federal implementation plan (FIP) under 
section 110(c) of the CAA. In response to the requirement for 
SO2 nonattainment plan submittals, New Hampshire submitted a 
nonattainment plan for the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment Area on 
January 31, 2017. Pursuant to New Hampshire's January 31, 2017 
submittal and EPA's subsequent letter dated March 20, 2017 to New 
Hampshire finding the submittal complete and noting the stopping of the 
sanctions deadline, these sanctions under section 179(a) will not be 
imposed. However, to

[[Page 45243]]

stop the deadline for EPA to promulgate a FIP, the state must have made 
the necessary complete submittal and EPA must have approved the 
submittal as meeting applicable requirements no later than two years 
after the prior finding of failure to submit. Therefore, EPA remains 
under a FIP deadline of April 18, 2018. This FIP obligation will not 
apply if EPA issues final approval of New Hampshire's SIP submittal by 
April 18, 2018.
    The remainder of this preamble describes the requirements that 
nonattainment plans must meet in order to obtain EPA approval, provides 
a review of the State's plan with respect to these requirements, and 
describes EPA's proposed action on the plan.

II. Requirements for SO2 Nonattainment Area Plans

    Nonattainment SIPs must meet the applicable requirements of the 
CAA, and specifically CAA sections 110, 172, 191 and 192. EPA's 
regulations governing nonattainment SIPs are set forth at 40 CFR part 
51, with specific procedural requirements and control strategy 
requirements residing at subparts F and G, respectively. Soon after 
Congress enacted the 1990 Amendments to the CAA, EPA issued 
comprehensive guidance on SIPs in a document entitled, ``General 
Preamble for the Implementation of Title I of the Clean Air Act 
Amendments of 1990,'' published at 57 FR 13498 (April 16, 1992) 
(General Preamble). Among other things, the General Preamble addressed 
SO2 SIPs and fundamental principles for SIP control 
strategies. Id., at 13545-49, 13567-68. On April 23, 2014, EPA issued 
recommended guidance for meeting the statutory requirements in 
SO2 SIPs, in a document entitled, ``Guidance for 1-Hour 
SO2 Nonattainment Area SIP Submissions,'' available at 
https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-06/documents/20140423guidance_nonattainment_sip.pdf. In this guidance, EPA described 
the statutory requirements for a complete nonattainment area SIP, which 
includes: An accurate emissions inventory of current emissions for all 
sources of SO2 within the nonattainment area, an attainment 
demonstration, demonstration of RFP, implementation of RACM (including 
RACT), an approvable NSR program, enforceable emissions limitations and 
control measures as needed for timely attainment, and adequate 
contingency measures for the affected area.
    In order for EPA to fully approve a SIP as meeting the requirements 
of CAA sections 110, 172, 191, and 192, and EPA's regulations at 40 CFR 
part 51, the SIP for the affected area needs to demonstrate to EPA's 
satisfaction that each of the aforementioned requirements has been met. 
Under CAA sections 110(l) and 193, EPA may not approve a SIP that would 
interfere with any applicable requirement concerning NAAQS attainment 
and RFP, or any other applicable requirement under the CAA. 
Furthermore, no requirement in effect, or required to be adopted by an 
order, settlement, agreement, or plan in effect before November 15, 
1990, in any nonattainment area for any air pollutant, may be modified 
in any manner unless it ensures equivalent or greater emission 
reductions of such air pollutant.

III. Attainment Demonstration and Longer-Term Averaging

    CAA sections 172(c)(1) and (6) direct states with areas designated 
as nonattainment to demonstrate that the submitted plan provides for 
attainment of the NAAQS. Forty CFR part 51, subpart G further 
delineates the control strategy requirements that SIPs must meet, and 
EPA has long required that all SIPs and control strategies reflect four 
fundamental principles of quantification, enforceability, 
replicability, and accountability. See General Preamble, at 13567-68. 
SO2 attainment plans must consist of two components: (1) 
Emission limits and other control measures that assure implementation 
of permanent, enforceable, and necessary emission controls; and (2) a 
modeling analysis that meets the requirements of 40 CFR part 51, 
appendix W (the Guideline on Air Quality Models; ``the Guideline'') and 
demonstrates that these emission limits and control measures provide 
for timely attainment of the primary SO2 NAAQS as 
expeditiously as practicable, but by no later than the attainment date 
for the affected area. In all cases, the emission limits and control 
measures must be accompanied by appropriate methods and conditions to 
determine compliance with the respective emission limits and control 
measures and must be quantifiable (i.e., a specific amount of emission 
reduction can be ascribed to the measures), fully enforceable 
(specifying clear, unambiguous, and measurable requirements for which 
compliance can be practicably determined), replicable (the procedures 
for determining compliance are sufficiently specific and non-subjective 
so that two independent entities applying the procedures would obtain 
the same result), and accountable (source specific limits must be 
permanent and must reflect the assumptions used in the SIP 
    EPA's April 2014 guidance recommends that the emission limits be 
expressed as short-term average limits (e.g., addressing emissions 
averaged over one or three hours), but also describes the option to 
utilize emission limits with longer averaging times of up to 30 days so 
long as the state meets various suggested criteria. See April 2014 
guidance, pp. 22 to 39. The guidance recommends that--should states and 
sources utilize longer averaging times--the longer-term average limit 
should be set at an adjusted level that reflects a stringency 
comparable to the 1-hour average limit at the critical emission value 
shown to provide for attainment that the plan otherwise would have set.
    The April 2014 guidance provides an extensive discussion of EPA's 
rationale for concluding that appropriately set comparably stringent 
limitations based on averaging times as long as 30 days can be found to 
provide for attainment of the 2010 SO2 NAAQS. In evaluating 
this option, EPA considered the nature of the standard, conducted 
detailed analyses of how 30-day average limits impact attainment of the 
standard, and carefully reviewed how best to achieve an appropriate 
balance among the various factors that warrant consideration in judging 
whether a state's plan provides for attainment. Id. at pp. 22 to 39. 
See also id. at appendices B, C, and D.
    As specified in 40 CFR 50.17(b), the 1-hour primary SO2 
NAAQS is met at an ambient air quality monitoring site when the 3-year 
average of the annual 99th percentile of daily maximum 1-hour 
concentrations is less than or equal to 75 parts per billion. In a year 
with 365 days of valid monitoring data, the 99th percentile would be 
the fourth highest daily maximum 1-hour value. The 2010 SO2 
NAAQS, including this form of determining compliance with the standard, 
was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia 
Circuit in Nat'l Envt'l Dev. Ass'n's Clean Air Project v. EPA, 686 F.3d 
803 (D.C. Cir. 2012). Because the standard has this form, a single 
exceedance does not create a violation of the standard. Instead, at 
issue is whether a source operating in compliance with a properly set 
longer-term average could cause exceedances, and if so what the 
resulting frequency and magnitude of such exceedances will be, and in 
particular whether EPA can have reasonable confidence that a properly 
set longer-term average limit will provide that the average fourth 
highest daily maximum value will be at or below 75 ppb. A synopsis of 
how EPA judges whether such plans

[[Page 45244]]

``provide for attainment,'' based on modeling of projected allowable 
emissions and in light of the form of the NAAQS for determining 
attainment at monitoring sites, follows.
    For plans for SO2 based on 1-hour emission limits, the 
standard approach is to conduct modeling using fixed emission rates. 
The maximum emission rate that would be modeled to result in attainment 
(i.e., in an ``average year'' \1\ shows three, not four days with 
maximum hourly levels exceeding 75 ppb) is labeled the ``critical 
emission value.'' The modeling process for identifying this critical 
emission value inherently considers the numerous variables that affect 
ambient concentrations of SO2, such as meteorological data, 
background concentrations, and topography. In the standard approach, 
the state would then provide for attainment by setting a continuously 
applicable 1-hour emission limit at this critical emission value.

    \1\ An ``average year'' is used to mean a year with average air 
quality. While 40 CFR 50 appendix T provides for averaging three 
years of 99th percentile daily maximum values (e.g., the fourth 
highest maximum daily concentration in a year with 365 days with 
valid data), this discussion and an example below uses a single 
``average year'' in order to simplify the illustration of relevant 

    EPA recognizes that some sources have highly variable emissions, 
for example due to variations in fuel sulfur content and operating 
rate, that can make it extremely difficult, even with a well-designed 
control strategy, to ensure in practice that emissions for any given 
hour do not exceed the critical emission value. EPA also acknowledges 
the concern that longer-term emission limits can allow short periods 
with emissions above the critical emission value, which, if coincident 
with meteorological conditions conducive to high SO2 
concentrations, could in turn create the possibility of a NAAQS 
exceedance occurring on a day when an exceedance would not have 
occurred if emissions were continuously controlled at the level 
corresponding to the critical emission value. However, for several 
reasons, EPA believes that the approach recommended in our guidance 
document suitably addresses this concern. First, from a practical 
perspective, EPA expects the actual emission profile of a source 
subject to an appropriately set longer-term average limit to be similar 
to the emission profile of a source subject to an analogous 1-hour 
average limit. EPA expects this similarity because it has recommended 
that the longer-term average limit be set at a level that is comparably 
stringent to the otherwise applicable 1-hour limit (reflecting a 
downward adjustment from the critical emission value) and that takes 
the source's emission profile into account. As a result, EPA expects 
either form of emission limit to yield comparable air quality.
    Second, from a more theoretical perspective, EPA has compared the 
likely air quality with a source having maximum allowable emissions 
under an appropriately set longer-term limit, as compared to the likely 
air quality with the source having maximum allowable emissions under 
the comparable 1-hour limit. In this comparison, in the 1-hour average 
limit scenario, the source is presumed at all times to emit at the 
critical emission level, and in the longer-term average limit scenario, 
the source is presumed occasionally to emit more than the critical 
emission value but on average, and presumably at most times, to emit 
well below the critical emission value. In an ``average year,'' 
compliance with the 1-hour limit is expected to result in three 
exceedance days (i.e., three days with hourly values above 75 ppb) and 
a fourth day with a maximum hourly value at 75 ppb. By comparison, with 
the source complying with a longer-term limit, it is possible that 
additional exceedances would occur that would not occur in the 1-hour 
limit scenario (if emissions exceed the critical emission value at 
times when meteorology is conducive to poor air quality). However, this 
comparison must also factor in the likelihood that exceedances that 
would be expected in the 1-hour limit scenario would not occur in the 
longer-term limit scenario. This result arises because the longer-term 
limit requires lower emissions most of the time (because the limit is 
set well below the critical emission value), so a source complying with 
an appropriately set longer-term limit is likely to have lower 
emissions at critical times than would be the case if the source were 
emitting as allowed with a 1-hour limit.
    As a hypothetical example to illustrate these points, suppose a 
source always emits 1,000 pounds of SO2 per hour and results 
in air quality at the level of the NAAQS (i.e., results in a design 
value of 75 ppb). Suppose further that in an ``average year,'' these 
emissions cause the five highest maximum daily average 1-hour 
concentrations to be 100 ppb, 90 ppb, 80 ppb, 75 ppb, and 70 ppb. Then 
suppose that the source becomes subject to a 30-day average emission 
limit of 700 pounds per hour. It is theoretically possible for a source 
meeting this limit to have emissions that occasionally exceed 1,000 
pounds per hour, but with a typical emission profile, emissions would 
much more commonly be between 600 and 800 pounds per hour. In this 
simplified example, assume a zero background concentration, which 
allows one to assume a linear relationship between emissions and air 
quality. (A nonzero background concentration would make the mathematics 
more difficult but would give similar results.) Air quality will depend 
on what emissions occur during critical hours, but suppose that 
emissions at the relevant times on these 5 days are 800 pounds per 
hour, 1,100 pounds per hour, 500 pounds per hour, 900 pounds per hour, 
and 1,200 pounds per hour, respectively. (This is a conservative 
example because the average of these emissions, 900 pounds per hour, is 
well over the 30-day average emission limit.) These emissions would 
result in daily maximum 1-hour concentrations of 80 ppb, 99 ppb, 40 
ppb, 67.5 ppb, and 84 ppb. In this example, the fifth day would have an 
exceedance that would not otherwise have occurred, but the third and 
fourth days would not have exceedances that otherwise would have 
occurred. In this example, the fourth highest maximum daily 
concentration under the 30-day average would be 67.5 ppb.
    This simplified example illustrates the findings of a more 
complicated statistical analysis that EPA conducted using a range of 
scenarios using actual plant data. As described in appendix B of EPA's 
April 2014 SO2 nonattainment planning guidance, EPA found 
that the requirement for lower average emissions is highly likely to 
yield better air quality than is required with a comparably stringent 
1-hour limit. Based on analyses described in appendix B of our April 
2014 guidance, EPA expects that an emission profile with maximum 
allowable emissions under an appropriately set comparably stringent 30-
day average limit is likely to have the net effect of having a lower 
number of exceedances and better air quality than an emission profile 
with maximum allowable emissions under a 1-hour emission limit at the 
critical emission value. This result provides a compelling policy 
rationale for allowing the use of a longer averaging period in 
appropriate circumstances where the facts indicate this result can be 
expected to occur.
    The question then becomes whether this approach--which is likely to 
produce a lower number of overall exceedances even though it may 
produce some unexpected exceedances above the critical emission value--
meets the requirement in section 110(a)(1) and 172(c)(1) and (6) for 
state implementation plans to ``provide for

[[Page 45245]]

attainment'' of the NAAQS. For SO2, as for other pollutants, 
it is generally impossible to design a nonattainment plan in the 
present that will guarantee that attainment will occur in the future. A 
variety of factors can cause a well-designed attainment plan to fail 
and unexpectedly not result in attainment, for example if meteorology 
occurs that is more conducive to poor air quality than was anticipated 
in the plan. Therefore, in determining whether a plan meets the 
requirement to provide for attainment, EPA's task is commonly to judge 
not whether the plan provides absolute certainty that attainment will 
in fact occur, but rather whether the plan provides an adequate level 
of confidence of prospective NAAQS attainment. From this perspective, 
in evaluating use of a 30-day average limit, EPA must weigh the likely 
net effect on air quality. Such an evaluation must consider the risk 
that occasions with meteorology conducive to high concentrations will 
have elevated emissions leading to exceedances that would not otherwise 
have occurred, and must also weigh the likelihood that the requirement 
for lower emissions on average will result in days not having 
exceedances that would have been expected with emissions at the 
critical emission value. Additional policy considerations, such as in 
this case the desirability of accommodating real world emissions 
variability without significant risk of violations, are also 
appropriate factors for EPA to weigh in judging whether a plan provides 
a reasonable degree of confidence that the plan will lead to 
attainment. Based on these considerations, especially given the high 
likelihood that a continuously enforceable limit averaged over as long 
as 30 days, determined in accordance with EPA's guidance, will result 
in attainment, EPA believes as a general matter that such limits, if 
appropriately determined, can reasonably be considered to provide for 
attainment of the 2010 SO2 NAAQS.
    The April 2014 guidance offers specific recommendations for 
determining an appropriate longer-term average limit. The recommended 
method starts with determination of the 1-hour emission limit that 
would provide for attainment (i.e., the critical emission value), and 
applies an adjustment factor to determine the (lower) level of the 
longer-term average emission limit that would be estimated to have a 
stringency comparable to the otherwise necessary 1-hour emission limit. 
This method uses a database of continuous emission data reflecting the 
type of control that the source will be using to comply with the SIP 
emission limits, which (if compliance requires new controls) may 
require use of an emission database from another source. The 
recommended method involves using these data to compute a complete set 
of emission averages, computed according to the averaging time and 
averaging procedures of the prospective emission limitation. In this 
recommended method, the ratio of the 99th percentile among these 
longer-term averages to the 99th percentile of the 1-hour values 
represents an adjustment factor that may be multiplied by the candidate 
1-hour emission limit to determine a longer-term average emission limit 
that may be considered comparably stringent.\2\ The guidance also 
addresses a variety of related topics, such as the potential utility of 
setting supplemental emission limits, such as mass-based limits, to 
reduce the likelihood and/or magnitude of elevated emission levels that 
might occur under the longer-term emission rate limit.

    \2\ For example, if the critical emission value is 1,000 pounds 
of SO2 per hour, and a suitable adjustment factor is 
determined to be 70 percent, the recommended longer-term average 
limit would be 700 pounds per hour.

    Preferred air quality models for use in regulatory applications are 
described in appendix A of EPA's Guideline on Air Quality Models. In 
2005, EPA promulgated AERMOD as the Agency's preferred near-field 
dispersion modeling for a wide range of regulatory applications 
addressing stationary sources (for example in estimating SO2 
concentrations) in all types of terrain based on extensive 
developmental and performance evaluation. On December 20, 2016, EPA 
revised the Guideline, which provided additional regulatory options and 
updated methods for dispersion modeling with AERMOD; the updates became 
effective on May 22, 2017. Supplemental guidance on modeling for 
purposes of demonstrating attainment of the SO2 standard is 
provided in appendix A to the April 23, 2014 SO2 
nonattainment area SIP guidance document referenced above. Appendix A 
of the guidance provides extensive guidance on the modeling domain, 
source inputs, assorted types of meteorological data, and background 
concentrations. Consistency with the recommendations in this guidance 
is generally necessary for the attainment demonstration to offer 
adequately reliable assurance that the plan provides for attainment.
    As stated previously, attainment demonstrations for the 2010 1-hour 
primary SO2 NAAQS must demonstrate future attainment and 
maintenance of the NAAQS in the entire area designated as nonattainment 
(i.e., not just at the violating monitor) by using air quality 
dispersion modeling to show that the mix of sources and enforceable 
control measures and emission rates in an identified area will not lead 
to a violation of the SO2 NAAQS. For a short-term (e.g., 1-
hour) standard, EPA believes that dispersion modeling using allowable 
emissions and addressing stationary sources in the affected area (and 
in some cases those sources located outside the nonattainment area 
which may affect attainment in the area) is technically appropriate, 
efficient, and effective in demonstrating attainment in nonattainment 
areas because it takes into consideration combinations of 
meteorological and emission source operating conditions that may 
contribute to peak ground-level concentrations of SO2.
    The meteorological data used in the analysis should generally be 
processed with the most recent version of AERMET. Estimated 
concentrations should include ambient background concentrations, should 
follow the form of the standard, and should be calculated as described 
in the August 23, 2010 clarification memo on ``Applicability of 
Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hr SO2 National 
Ambient Air Quality Standard.''

IV. Review of Modeled Attainment Plan

    The following discussion evaluates various features of the modeling 
that New Hampshire used in its attainment demonstration.

A. Model Selection and Modeling Components

    New Hampshire's attainment demonstration used EPA's preferred model 
AERMOD (version 15181) with default options (e.g., without use of the 
ADJ_U* option) and rural dispersion coefficients for this application. 
The AERMOD modeling system contains the following components:

--AERMOD: The dispersion model
--AERMAP: The terrain processor for AERMOD
--AERMET: The meteorological data processor for AERMOD
--BPIP-PRIME: The building input processor
--AERMINUTE: A pre-processor to AERMET incorporating 1-minute automated 
surface observation system (ASOS) wind data
--AERSURFACE: The surface characteristics processor for AERMET
--AERSCREEN: A screening version of AERMOD

    For any dispersion modeling exercise, the ``urban'' or ``rural'' 
determination of

[[Page 45246]]

a source is important in determining the boundary layer characteristics 
that affect the model's prediction of downwind concentrations. For 
SO2 modeling, the urban/rural determination is important 
because AERMOD invokes a 4-hour half-life for urban SO2 
    To investigate whether the rural determination was correct, EPA 
examined aerial imagery within 3 km of the facility and classified land 
use within the total area, as described in section of the 
Guideline. Using this approach, EPA found that less than 50 percent of 
the land use in the area reflected urban characteristics, and that 
therefore, consistent with the State's selection, rural dispersion 
characteristics were most appropriate for use in this assessment.
    The State used AERMOD version 15181, the most up-to-date version at 
the time the area was modeled, using all regulatory default options. 
AERMOD version 16216r has since become the regulatory model version. 
There were no updates from 15181 to 16216r that would significantly 
affect the concentrations predicted here.
    The ADJ_U* option, which adjusts the minimum surface roughness 
velocity under stable, low-wind speed conditions, was not invoked by 
the State. Not invoking ADJ_U*, as in the demonstration submitted by 
New Hampshire, may result in higher modeled concentrations; therefore, 
this element of the model option selection is conservative (i.e., 
unlikely to underpredict concentrations).
    EPA finds this selection appropriate because this model version 
using default options is sufficiently up to date, the rural option 
selection is in line with site characteristics, and the selection of 
default surface roughness velocity characteristics (i.e., no ADJ_U*) is 
not expected to underpredict concentrations.

B. Area of Analysis

    New Hampshire accounted for SO2 impacts in the modeling 
domain, which extends in a 50 km radius around Merrimack Station and 
includes both locations within and outside of the nonattainment area, 
through the inclusion of measured background levels and explicitly 
modeled emission sources. The only source New Hampshire included 
explicitly in the modeling was Merrimack Station. In the narrative of 
the January 31, 2017 SIP submittal, New Hampshire indicated that other 
emitters of SO2 were accounted for in the background levels 
monitored within the nonattainment area. (The approach for developing 
the monitored background levels is described in detail in section IV.H, 
below.) In the submittal, New Hampshire also identified sources with 
annual emissions greater than 100 tons SO2 per year outside 
of the nonattainment area. Specifically, in the submission to EPA, New 
Hampshire identified Schiller Station and Newington Station, which are 
both located in the New Hampshire seacoast area approximately 55 km to 
the east southeast of Merrimack Station, as the principal nearby 
emitters of over 100 tons SO2 annually. Schiller and 
Newington stations are each located about 30 km from the boundary of 
the nonattainment area.
    For the purpose of ensuring that no other sources of SO2 
were inappropriately excluded in New Hampshire's modeling, EPA reviewed 
its 2014 National Emissions Inventory (NEI), version 1 for sources 
within or nearby to the nonattainment area. During this review, EPA 
identified one additional source in the region that has emitted greater 
than 100 tons of SO2 annually, though not within the Central 
New Hampshire Nonattainment Area. The source, Monadnock Paper Mills 
Inc. (Monadnock Paper), a pulp and paper facility located in 
Bennington, New Hampshire approximately 40 km to the southwest of 
Merrimack Station and 24 km from the closest portion of the 
nonattainment area, emitted 148 tons SO2 in 2014 according 
to the 2014 NEI.
    EPA examined whether Monadnock Paper might have an influence on the 
nonattainment area. The main criterion described in section 8.3 of the 
Guideline for establishing whether a secondary source is adequately 
represented by ambient monitoring data is whether that secondary source 
causes a significant concentration gradient in the vicinity of the 
primary source under consideration. In this context, secondary sources 
that do not cause a significant concentration gradient are typically 
considered to be adequately represented in the monitored ambient 
background. Based on the magnitude of emissions and distance relative 
to the nonattainment area, EPA believes it is unlikely that Monadnock 
Paper will cause a significant concentration gradient within the 
nonattainment area and has concluded that Monadnock Paper is adequately 
represented in the monitored ambient background.
    To examine the possible influence of other sources on the 
nonattainment area, EPA considered the most recent modeling assessment 
for Schiller and Newington stations provided by New Hampshire to EPA in 
February 2017 for purposes of SO2 designations. That 
modeling and EPA's evaluation of it are described in detail in the New 
Hampshire technical support document for EPA's intended designations 
for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS, for which EPA sent letters to states 
on August 22, 2017. Based on this information, EPA found no significant 
concentration gradient due to emissions from Schiller Station or 
Newington Station within the nonattainment area and has concluded that 
both stations are adequately represented in the monitored ambient 
    Additionally, EPA believes that the background levels reasonably 
account for other sources influencing air quality within the 
nonattainment area because data used to develop background levels 
include hours during which those sources may have impacted the 
    Therefore, based on the reasoning provided in the preceding 
paragraphs, EPA concludes that the State appropriately accounted for 
these other sources through the inclusion of monitored background 
concentrations (see section IV.H below).

C. Receptor Grid

    Within AERMOD, air quality concentration results are calculated at 
discrete locations identified by the user; these locations are called 
receptors. The receptor placement for the area of analysis selected by 
the State is a network of polar grids centered on Merrimack Station to 
a distance of 50 km in all directions. Polar grid radii were spaced at 
10 degree intervals. Receptors were placed every 20 meters along the 
perimeter of and excluded within the facility. Polar receptors along 
the radii were spaced as follows:

--20-meter spacing to 200 meters;
--50-meter spacing from 200 meters to 500 meters;
--100-meter spacing from 500 meters to 2 km;
--250-meter spacing from 2 km to 10 km;
--500-meter spacing from 10 km to 30 km; and
--1,000-meter spacing from 30 km to 50 km.

    In addition to the 4,349 receptors included in the description 
above, the State included 2,308 additional receptors in dense Cartesian 
arrays with 100-meter spatial resolution, over areas of expected 
maximum predicted concentrations based on preliminary modeling. 
Specifically, this was done in areas of complex terrain features at 
distances between 5 and 15 km of Merrimack Station.
    The receptor network contained a total of 6,657 receptors, covering 

[[Page 45247]]

circular area of 50 km in radius, including the entirety of the 
nonattainment area. EPA finds that the modeling domain and receptor 
network are sufficient to identify maximum impacts from Merrimack 
Station, and are therefore adequate for characterizing the 
nonattainment area.

D. Meteorological Data

    New Hampshire used AERMOD's meteorological data preprocessor AERMET 
(version 15181) with 2 years of surface and concurrent upper air 
meteorological data. The State relied on site-specific surface 
observations collected at Merrimack Station in Bow, New Hampshire 
during the 23-month period from January 1994 through November 1995 at 
five meteorological tower measurement levels and fifteen SODAR (Sound 
Detection and Ranging) levels. In addition, the State used surface 
observations from the National Weather Service (NWS) station at Concord 
Municipal Airport in Concord, New Hampshire (WBAN Station No. 14745) in 
the following ways: (1) To supplement site-specific surface data with 
additional parameters (sky cover, ceiling height, and surface pressure) 
not available in the site-specific meteorological data, (2) to 
substitute for missing site-specific wind observations (51 hours of the 
16,776 hours of the 23 month period), and (3) to extend the 
meteorological dataset through December 1995 to develop a full 2-year 
analysis period. Concord Municipal Airport is approximately 7 km to the 
north-northwest of Merrimack Station. The State used coincident upper 
air observations from different NWS stations located in Portland, Maine 
(WBAN Station No. 14764) from January 1, 1994 through September 21, 
1994, and Gray, Maine (WBAN Station No. 54762) from September 22, 1994 
through December 31, 1995. (The Portland station ceased its upper air 
observations on September 22, 1994, when the Gray station began its 
upper air observations.) The Portland station is around 110 km to the 
northeast of Merrimack and the Gray station is around 130 km to the 
northeast of Merrimack.
    New Hampshire also considered the use of more recent (2008-2012) 
NWS data collected at Concord Municipal Airport. The State cited two 
potential advantages of using this alternative dataset, mainly that it 
was significantly newer and included data derived from 1-minute 
resolution observations using the AERMINUTE preprocessor to AERMET. New 
Hampshire weighed these considerations against the advantages of using 
the 1994-1995 site-specific data, specifically: (1) The observation 
height for the site-specific data is closer in height to the stacks at 
Merrimack Station than the 8 meter collection height for the NWS data; 
(2) the site-specific wind direction data are more representative of 
the channeling effect within the Merrimack River valley in the location 
of Merrimack Station; and (3) use of the site-specific data would be 
consistent with previous modeling of Merrimack, which relied on the 
site-specific meteorology.
    EPA concurs with the choice of surface and upper air meteorological 
data inputs as being appropriately representative of site-specific 
meteorology. Specifically, EPA has judged the representativeness of the 
measured surface meteorological data according to the following four 
factors, as listed in section 8.4.1(b) to the Guideline: (1) The 
proximity of the meteorological monitoring site to the area under 
consideration, (2) the complexity of the terrain, (3) the exposure of 
the meteorological monitoring site, and (4) the period of time during 
which data are collected. Regarding proximity (factor 1), the site-
specific data is preferred over the more distant NWS data, though both 
data sources are sufficiently close to be appropriately representative 
of the site. Regarding the complexity of terrain (factor 2), both 
Concord and the site-specific location show wind flow patterns with 
predominant northwest flow and secondary southeast flows, but the site-
specific data show a more pronounced valley channeling effect with 
fewer hours with wind flow in other directions. In terms of exposure of 
the site, neither location appears to be exposed in a way that would 
have biased data collection (factor 3). Finally, regarding the data 
collection time period (factor 4), the more recent data at the NWS 
station would allow for use of 1-minute resolution data for more 
accurate wind data inputs, and would be preferred for this factor. 
Notwithstanding the age of the onsite data, current land-use is 
comparable to historical land-use, so that the historic meteorological 
data are sufficiently representative of current conditions. In summary, 
based on the four factors described above, despite the availability of 
recent nearby NWS data, the analysis suggests that the 1994-1995 site-
specific data augmented with NWS data are more representative of 
conditions pertinent to releases at Merrimack Station. The 23 months of 
site-specific data supplemented with 1 additional month of NWS data 
represent an appropriate study period, consistent with EPA guidance 
contained in section 8.4.2(e) of the Guideline, which states that at 
least 1 year of site-specific meteorological data are required to 
ensure that worst-case meteorological conditions are adequately 
represented in the model results. The upper air stations selected for 
the analysis are the closest sites and are suitably representative of 
the upper air in the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment Area, and are 
therefore most appropriate for developing upper air profiles for the 
State's modeling analysis.
    The State used AERSURFACE version 13016 using land cover data from 
the 1992 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) for both surface data 
collection locations to estimate the surface characteristics (albedo, 
Bowen ratio, and surface roughness length) of the area of analysis. The 
State estimated surface roughness length values for 12 spatial sectors 
out to the recommended radius of 1 km at a monthly temporal resolution 
for average surface moisture conditions. EPA concurs with New 
Hampshire's approach to developing relevant surface characteristics for 
use in processing meteorological data for this area.

E. Source Characterization

    EPA also reviewed the State's source characterization in its 
modeling assessment, including source types, use of accurate stack 
parameters, and inclusion of building dimensions for building downwash. 
The State's source characterization in its modeling demonstration was 
consistent with the recommendations included in the Guideline. The 
source used actual stack height (445 feet), which EPA determined to be 
good engineering practice (GEP) height using BPIP-PRIME. The State also 
adequately characterized the source's building layout and location, as 
well as the stack parameters, e.g., exit temperature, exit velocity, 
location, and diameter. EPA verified the position of buildings and 
stacks using aerial imagery and relevant stack parameters based on 
permit conditions.

F. Emissions Data

    New Hampshire included maximum allowable 1-hour emissions from 
Merrimack Station in its modeled attainment demonstration for the 
Central New Hampshire Nonattainment Area. The State indicated that 
SO2 air quality in the area is almost entirely characterized 
by emissions from the two primary boilers at Merrimack Station, and 
this informed the State's decision to only explicitly model 
SO2 emissions from Merrimack Station. Additional

[[Page 45248]]

units (i.e., two peak combustion turbines, an emergency generator, an 
emergency boiler, and a fire pump) at Merrimack Station operate 
infrequently and were treated as intermittent sources; therefore, they 
were excluded from the modeling.\3\ The State provided historical 
(2011-2014) counts of hours of operation for these units to bolster its 
contention that these units do not contribute to the annual 
distribution of daily maximum 1-hour concentrations. Specifically, 
during the 2011-2014 period, the two turbines were operated during an 
average of 40 and 45 hours per year, the emergency generator during an 
average of 17 hours per year, the emergency boiler during an average of 
43 hours per year, and the fire pump during an average of 3 hours per 
year. The maximum annual usage of any of these pieces of equipment 
during that time was 114 hours for combustion turbine 1 in 2014. The 
emergency generator is limited through section Env-A 1311.02(a) of New 
Hampshire's SIP-approved air pollution control regulations, to a 
maximum of 500 hours of operation during any consecutive 12-month 
period. The fire pump is limited to a maximum of 100 hours for 
maintenance and testing during any consecutive 12-month period because 
it is subject to EPA's New Source Performance Standards for stationary 
internal combustion engines, specifically 40 CFR 60.4211(e). These 
utilization levels and patterns are consistent with EPA's assessment of 
intermittent emissions based on the March 1, 2011 EPA guidance. EPA 
believes that this treatment is appropriate for those units in this 

    \3\ The March 1, 2011 EPA memorandum from Tyler Fox to EPA 
Regional Air Division Directors entitled ``Additional Clarification 
Regarding Application of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour 
NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard,'' which also 
includes information relevant to modeling for SO2, 
addresses treatment of intermittent sources. This guidance indicates 
that air permitting authorities have discretion to exclude certain 
types of intermittent emissions for modeling the 1-hour NAAQS on a 
case-specific basis.

    New Hampshire provided attainment modeling used to support its 
establishment of emission rates for Merrimack Station. In establishing 
the emission limits, the State followed EPA's April 2014 guidance by 
using modeling to develop a critical emission value and adjustment 
factor to establish a longer term limit for Merrimack. The State 
modeled three ``normal operating scenarios,'' comprised of one scenario 
with maximum operation of both utility boilers (scenario 1), and two 
other scenarios with maximum operation of each boiler individually 
(scenarios 2 and 3, respectively). In 2011, New Hampshire issued a 
permit (TP-0008) for Merrimack Station that contained, among other 
things, SO2 emission limits associated with a flue gas 
desulfurization (FGD) system. The FGD was required to be installed at 
Merrimack Station by the New Hampshire legislature. See New Hampshire 
Revised Statutes Annotated (RSA) 125-O:11. EPA approved the 
SO2-related source-specific requirements of that permit into 
the New Hampshire SIP as part of the State's regional haze SIP 
submittal. See 77 FR 50602 (August 22, 2012). In September 2016, New 
Hampshire issued a second permit (TP-0189) for Merrimack Station, which 
included SO2 emission limits specifically designed to ensure 
compliance with the SO2 NAAQS. The emission limits included 
in TP-0189, and which New Hampshire has proposed for inclusion in the 
State's SIP, apply at all times. The State's modeling established a 
critical emission value of 2,544 pounds (lb) SO2 per hour 
for scenario 1, which the State concluded is comparably stringent to a 
7-boiler operating day rolling average limit of 0.39 lb SO2 
per million British thermal units (MMBtu). The 7-boiler operating day 
rolling average emissions limits that would be comparably stringent to 
the 1-hour critical emission value under scenarios 2 and 3 would be 
0.92 and 0.47 lb SO2/MMBtu, respectively. Because scenario 1 
was the basis for establishing this limit, and the limit (0.39 lb/
MMBtu) is more stringent than the limits that would have been 
established for either scenario 2 or 3 (0.92 and 0.47 lb/MMBtu, 
respectively), using emissions from scenario 1 as the basis of the 
modeling analysis is appropriate. See section IV.G.2 below for further 
details on the emissions in the State's attainment modeling, including 
discussion of the State's conclusion of comparable stringency with the 
critical emission value.
    In summary, EPA concurs with the State's selection in its 
attainment demonstration modeling of emissions from utility boilers at 
Merrimack Station, and exclusion of additional emission sources at 
Merrimack due to their intermittent operation.

G. Emission Limits

    An important prerequisite for approval of a nonattainment plan is 
that the emission limits that provide for attainment be quantifiable, 
fully enforceable, replicable, and accountable. See General Preamble at 
13567-68. The limits that New Hampshire's plan relies on for Merrimack 
Station are expressed as 7-boiler operating day rolling average limits, 
where a boiler operating day is defined as a 24-hour period that begins 
at midnight and ends the following midnight during which any fuel is 
combusted at any time in the boiler; it is not necessary for the fuel 
to be combusted for the entire 24-hour period. Therefore, part of the 
review of New Hampshire's nonattainment plan must address the use of 
these limits, both with respect to the general suitability of using 
such limits for this purpose and with respect to whether the particular 
limits included in the plan have been suitably demonstrated to provide 
for attainment. The first subsection that follows addresses the 
enforceability of the limits in the plan, and the second subsection 
that follows addresses in particular the 7-boiler operating day average 
1. Enforceability
    On September 1, 2016, New Hampshire issued a permit, TP-0189, to 
Public Service of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy for Merrimack 
Station. The permit became effective and enforceable upon issuance, and 
was issued pursuant to RSA 125-C:11. These requirements are more 
stringent than the applicable measures for the facility, which require 
90% reduction for both MK1 and MK2, as incorporated into the SIP by 
reference to Table 4, Items 6 and 8 of TP-0008. EPA considers the 30-
boiler operating day limits included in TP-0189 (specifically, Table 4, 
Item 2) to supersede the conditions specified in Table 4, Items 6 and 8 
of TP-0008.
    Monitoring, testing, and recordkeeping requirements related to all 
of the permit's SO2 emission limits are clearly described in 
the permit and ensure that the limits are quantifiable, fully 
enforceable, and replicable. The accountability of the limits is 
established through the State's inclusion of the permit limits in its 
nonattainment plan, and its modeling demonstration using the 1-hour 
emission levels that are comparably stringent to the permit limits. In 
accordance with EPA policy, the 7-boiler operating day average limit 
for Merrimack Station is set at a lower level than the critical 
emission value used in the attainment demonstration; the relationship 
between these two values is discussed in more detail in the following 
2. Longer-Term Average Limits
    New Hampshire developed a critical emission value for each of the 
three normal operating scenarios (see section IV.F above) using a 
target concentration threshold of 183.2 micrograms per cubic meter 
([mu]g/m\3\) by subtracting a background value of 12.8 [mu]g/m\3\, the

[[Page 45249]]

highest hour-by-season background value (see section IV.H below), from 
196 [mu]g/m\3\, which is equivalent to the level of the NAAQS of 75 
ppb.\4\ The State then divided the target concentration threshold by 
the maximum predicted 99th percentile concentration using a unit 
emission rate (i.e., 1 lb/hr) for each normal operating scenario to 
establish the critical emission value for each scenario (e.g., 2,544 
lb/hr, equivalent to a limit of 0.54 lb/MMBtu at full operating load, 
for scenario 1).

    \4\ Using a numerical conversion factor of 2.619 [mu]g/m\3\ per 
ppb, the 2010 SO2 NAAQS of 75 ppb is equivalent to 196.4 
[mu]g/m\3\. The state rounded 196.4 [mu]g/m\3\ down to a more 
protective level of 196 [mu]g/m\3\. EPA is using the lower value in 
this case because it is consistent with the State's analysis and is 
also protective of the NAAQS.

    Using hourly emission data provided by EPA's Air Markets Program 
Data database for Merrimack Station for the period between July 4, 2013 
and March 30, 2015 (i.e., since the FGD system became operational), the 
State derived adjustment factors for longer-term averaging periods for 
each scenario. Because the dataset includes only data from Merrimack 
Station using the control technology, it is appropriate for use in 
developing adjustment factors. Prior to deriving the adjustment 
factors, the State removed erroneous data points from the dataset based 
on information provided by the facility. The adjustment factors were 
calculated as the ratio of the 99th percentile of mass emissions for 
the longer-term period to the 99th percentile hourly mass emissions. 
For the rolling 7-day averaging period, the adjustment factor was 0.73 
for each of the three scenarios. That is, the 7-day mass emission rate 
limit would need to be 0.73 times (or 27% lower than) the critical 
emission value to have comparable stringency as a 1-hour rate limit. 
The 7-day adjustment factor of 0.73 for Merrimack Station is similar to 
0.71, EPA's average 30-day adjustment factor for sources with wet 
scrubbers (derived from a database of 210 sources) as listed in 
appendix D of the April 2014 guidance. The State then derived emission 
limits for each scenario on an emission per heat-input basis, and 
selected the lowest level for the 7-day averaging period of 0.39 lb/
    Based on a review of the State's submittal, EPA believes that the 
7-boiler operating day average limit for Merrimack Station provides a 
suitable alternative to establishing a 1-hour average emission limit 
for this source. The State has used a suitable database in an 
appropriate manner and has thereby applied an appropriate adjustment, 
yielding an emission limit that has comparable stringency to the 1-hour 
average limit that the State determined would otherwise have been 
necessary to provide for attainment. While the 7-boiler operating day 
average limit allows occasions in which emissions may be higher than 
the level that would be allowed with the 1-hour limit, the State's 
limit compensates by requiring average emissions to be lower than the 
level that would otherwise have been required by a 1-hour average 
limit. For the reasons described above and explained in more detail in 
EPA's April 2014 guidance for SO2 nonattainment plans, EPA 
finds that appropriately set longer-term average limits provide a 
reasonable basis by which nonattainment plans may provide for 
attainment. Based on our review of this general information as well as 
the particular information in New Hampshire's plan, EPA finds that the 
7-boiler operating day average limit for Merrimack Station will provide 
for attainment of the SO2 NAAQS.
    In the April 2014 guidance for SO2, EPA also described 
possible supplemental limits on the frequency and/or magnitude of 
elevated emissions to strengthen the justification for the use of 
longer-term average limits to protect against NAAQS violations. One 
option provided in the guidance regarding this topic is the use of 
relatively shorter averaging times, which provide less allowance of 
emission spikes than would longer averaging times, i.e., the 30-day 
averaging time. In this instance, the emission limit for Merrimack 
Station is on a 7-boiler operating day average basis and the limit 
applies at all times. Furthermore, the adjustment factor used to derive 
the limit is similar to 0.71, EPA's average 30-day adjustment factor 
for sources with wet scrubbers as listed in appendix D of the April 
2014 guidance, meaning that the factor used to adjust the emission 
limit downward is more pronounced for a 7-day period than would 
typically be expected. Based on these considerations, EPA believes that 
the 7-boiler operating day limits are sufficiently protective of the 
NAAQS without application of an additional, supplemental limit.

H. Background Concentrations

    To develop background concentrations for the nonattainment area, 
the State of New Hampshire relied on 2012-2014 data from two monitors 
within the nonattainment area: The Pembroke monitor, Air Quality System 
(AQS) number 33-013-1006, and the Concord monitor, AQS number 33-013-
1007. The Pembroke monitor is located on Pleasant Street in Pembroke, 
New Hampshire, about 1.3 km to the southeast of Merrimack Station, and 
the Concord monitor is located at Hazen Drive in Concord, New 
Hampshire, about 9.4 km to the north-northwest of Merrimack Station. 
Each of these monitors was sited to record neighborhood scale exposure 
levels rather than regional background levels; there are currently no 
regional background monitors in the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment 
Area. Per section 8.3.1.a of the Guideline, background air quality 
should not include the ambient impacts of the source under 
consideration. Both the Pembroke and Concord monitors reflect impacts 
attributable to Merrimack Station. One solution to develop background 
concentrations from monitoring data around an isolated source, as 
described in section 8.3.2.c.i of the Guidance, is to exclude monitor 
measurements collected when wind is from a 90[deg] sector centered on 
the source. Due to the low wind speeds and swirling winds 
characteristic of Merrimack Station's river valley location, emissions 
from the source may contribute to the monitors even when the wind 
direction is outside of the 90[deg] sector. Therefore, the State 
determined that the 90[deg] exclusion sector approach was not 
appropriate for this application, and selected an alternative approach 
to develop background levels. Specifically, the State compiled an 
ambient concentration database using the lower observed value for the 
two monitors' hourly values as representing regional background levels. 
This approach accounts for area and mobile sources and more distant 
sources that were not modeled explicitly but affect SO2 
levels in the nonattainment area without also double-counting impacts 
from Merrimack Station, which was modeled explicitly. Using this 
approach, EPA finds the State's treatment of SO2 background 
levels to be suitable for the modeled attainment demonstration.

I. Summary of Results

    The modeling analysis upon which the State relied in establishing a 
critical emission value for setting emission limits for Merrimack 
Station results in concentrations of no greater than 196.0 [micro]g/
m\3\, which is below the level of the 1-hour primary SO2 
NAAQS of 196.4 [micro]g/m\3\. EPA agrees with the State that these 
results indicate that emissions at the critical emission value for 
Merrimack Station provide for attainment of the 1-hour SO2 

[[Page 45250]]

V. Review of Other Plan Requirements

A. Emissions Inventory

    The emissions inventory and source emission rate data for an area 
serve as the foundation for air quality modeling and other analyses 
that enable states to: (1) Estimate the degree to which different 
sources within a nonattainment area contribute to violations within the 
affected area; and (2) assess the expected improvement in air quality 
within the nonattainment area due to the adoption and implementation of 
control measures. As noted above, the State must develop and submit to 
EPA a comprehensive, accurate, and current inventory of actual 
emissions from all sources of SO2 emissions in each 
nonattainment area, as well as any sources located outside the 
nonattainment area which may affect attainment in the area. See CAA 
section 172(c)(3).
    In its plan, New Hampshire included a current emissions inventory 
for the nonattainment area and also for the three-county area of 
Hillsborough, Merrimack, and Rockingham Counties based on the 2011-2015 
period. The State principally relied on 2014 as the most complete and 
representative record of annual SO2 emissions because it 
coincided with EPA's National Emissions Inventory (NEI), which includes 
a comprehensive inventory of all source types. The State allocated 2014 
NEI version 1 emissions from the portion of each county within the 
nonattainment area using city- and town-level population (for area and 
non-road mobile sources) and vehicle miles traveled (VMT; for on-road 
mobile sources) statistics. The State included emissions from point 
sources (e.g., Merrimack Station) to the area based on location. The 
State calculated emissions for the area from some types of sources 
based on county-level emissions. A summary of the State's emissions 
inventories for 2011, 2014, and 2018 are presented in Table 1. Based on 
the State's inventory, of the 5,471 tons SO2 emitted in 2014 
within the three county area, 1,480 tons were emitted within the 
nonattainment area. Merrimack Station emitted 1,044 tons SO2 
in 2014. These emissions levels are much lower than historical 
emissions levels; for example, in 2011, Merrimack Station emitted 
22,420 tons SO2.

    Table 1--Summary of New Hampshire's Inventory of Actual SO2 Emissions for the Central New Hampshire Area
                                                              Hillsborough,      Central New
                                                             Merrimack, and       Hampshire         Merrimack
                           Year                                Rockingham       nonattainment    Station (tons)
                                                            Counties  (tons)    area  (tons)
2011......................................................            24,934            22,398            22,420
2014......................................................             5,471             1,480             1,044
2018 (projected)..........................................             6,966             2,473             1,927

    New Hampshire also developed a projected emission inventory for the 
2018 attainment year. The emissions projection indicates 1,927 tons of 
SO2 from Merrimack Station and a total of 2,473 tons of 
SO2 within the nonattainment area; however, these 
projections rely on a 90% reduction in SO2 emissions from 
Merrimack Station, which is less stringent than the at least 93.4% 
reduction incorporated into the permit New Hampshire issued for 
Merrimack Station on September 1, 2016, TP-0189.
    EPA agrees that the State's emissions inventories are appropriate 
because they rely on well-established and vetted estimates of emissions 
for the current period and attainment year, respectively.


    CAA section 172(c)(1) requires that each attainment plan provide 
for the implementation of all reasonably available control measures 
(RACM) as expeditiously as practicable (including such reductions in 
emissions from existing sources in the area as may be obtained through 
the adoption, at a minimum, of reasonably available control technology 
(RACT)) and shall provide for attainment of the NAAQS. EPA interprets 
RACM, including RACT, under section 172, as measures that a state 
determines to be reasonably available and which contribute to 
attainment as expeditiously as practicable for existing sources in the 
    In its January 31, 2017 SIP submittal, New Hampshire identified the 
operational and SO2 emission limits contained in Merrimack 
Station's permit, TP-0189, as meeting RACM/RACT. New Hampshire's plan 
for attaining the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS in the Central New 
Hampshire Nonattainment Area is based on the operational and emission 
limitations contained in Merrimack Station's permit. Specifically, 
Merrimack Station's permit limits SO2 emissions from the MK1 
and MK2 boilers at Merrimack Station to 0.39 lb/MMBtu on a 7-boiler 
operating day rolling average (achieved through operation of the FGD), 
which the State demonstrated was comparably stringent to the critical 
emission value that provides for attainment of the NAAQS, as described 
in section IV.G.2 above. New Hampshire's nonattainment plan includes 
the SO2 control measures required by the permit, which was 
effective immediately upon issuance on September 1, 2016. New Hampshire 
has determined that these measures suffice to provide for timely 
attainment, and plans to incorporate relevant conditions contained in 
TP-0189 into Merrimack's title V operating permit (TV-0055).
    The air modeling analysis submitted to EPA during the development 
of the SO2 limits in TP-0189 confirms that these limits are 
protective of the NAAQS, as described in section IV. Because the 
modeling demonstrates attainment using emission limits contained in 
Merrimack Station's permit, TP-0189, the State determined that controls 
for SO2 emissions at Merrimack Station are appropriate in 
the Central New Hampshire Area for purposes of attaining the 2010 
SO2 NAAQS. Accordingly, New Hampshire only completed a RACM/
RACT analysis for Merrimack Station because the air quality modeling 
showed that the SO2 emission reductions required by TP-0189 
will be sufficient to ensure that the nonattainment area achieves 
attainment with the SO2 NAAQS. EPA believes that New 
Hampshire's approach is consistent with EPA's April 2014 guidance, 
which indicates that ``[a]ir agencies should consider all RACM/RACT 
that can be implemented in light of the attainment needs for the 
affected area(s).''
    The Central New Hampshire Area is currently showing an attaining 
design value for 2014-2016, and has been since

[[Page 45251]]

the 2012-2014 period, which means that attainment of the NAAQS is as 
expeditious as practicable.
    Based on New Hampshire's modeling demonstration, which accounted 
for the SO2 emission limits contained in Merrimack Station's 
permit, TP-0189, the Central New Hampshire Area is projected to attain 
the 2010 SO2 NAAQS by the 2018 attainment date. Because the 
area is currently attaining the 2010 SO2 NAAQS, EPA proposes 
to find that the control strategy will ensure attainment of the NAAQS 
by the required attainment date.
    The State's plan also includes a broader discussion of the 
SO2 control strategy beyond Merrimack Station's permit, TP-
0189. Merrimack Station is also subject to requirements of the Mercury 
and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), which promotes reductions at subject 
facilities of certain hazardous air pollutants, including hydrochloric 
acid; such reductions are achieved at Merrimack Station through the 
operation of the FGD system, which concurrently reduces emissions of 
SO2. New Hampshire also notes in its nonattainment plan the 
anticipated 73% reduction in SO2 emissions among upwind 
states subject to EPA's Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), which 
will lessen the contribution of sources from other states into the 
nonattainment area in future years. New Hampshire also described 
emissions reductions at Schiller Station as part of statewide efforts 
to reduce SO2, as well as other state rules.
    EPA concurs with New Hampshire's approach and analysis, and 
proposes to conclude that the State has satisfied the requirement in 
section 172(c)(1) to adopt and submit all RACM as needed to attain the 
SO2 NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable.

C. New Source Review (NSR)

    EPA last approved New Hampshire's Env-A 618 nonattainment new 
source review rules on May 25, 2017 (82 FR 24057). These rules provide 
for appropriate new source review for SO2 sources undergoing 
construction or major modification in the Central New Hampshire 
Nonattainment Area without need for modification of the approved rules. 
Therefore, EPA concludes that this requirement has already been met for 
this area.

D. Reasonable Further Progress (RFP)

    New Hampshire concluded that the appropriate control measures were 
implemented as expeditiously as practicable in order to ensure 
attainment of the standard by the applicable attainment date. 
Specifically, the State implemented its main control strategy, i.e., 
establishment of federally enforceable SO2 emissions limits 
and operational conditions in TP-0189 for Merrimack Station in 
September 2016. New Hampshire concluded that this plan therefore 
provides for RFP in accordance with the approach to RFP described in 
EPA's guidance. EPA concurs and proposes to conclude that the plan 
provides for RFP.

E. Contingency Measures

    As discussed in our guidance, Section 172(c)(9) of the CAA defines 
contingency measures as such measures in a SIP that are to be 
implemented in the event that an area fails to make RFP, or fails to 
attain the NAAQS, by the applicable attainment date. Contingency 
measures are to become effective without further action by the state or 
EPA, where the area has failed to (1) achieve RFP or (2) attain the 
NAAQS by the statutory attainment date for the affected area. These 
control measures are to consist of other available control measures 
that are not included in the control strategy for the nonattainment 
area SIP. EPA guidance describes special features of SO2 
planning that influence the suitability of alternative means of 
addressing the requirement in section 172(c)(9) for contingency 
measures for SO2. Because SO2 control measures 
are by definition based on what is directly and quantifiably necessary 
emissions controls, any violations of the NAAQS are likely related to 
source violations of a source's permit terms. Therefore, an appropriate 
means of satisfying this requirement for SO2 is for the 
state to have a comprehensive enforcement program that identifies 
sources of violations of the SO2 NAAQS and to undertake an 
aggressive follow-up for compliance and enforcement.
    For its contingency program, New Hampshire proposed to continue to 
operate a comprehensive program to identify sources of violations of 
the SO2 NAAQS and undertake aggressive compliance and 
enforcement actions, including expedited procedures for establishing 
consent agreements pending the adoption of the revised SIP. New 
Hampshire's program for enforcement of SIP measures for the 2010 
SO2 NAAQS was approved by EPA on June 15, 2016. See 81 FR 
44542. As EPA stated in its April 2014 guidance, EPA believes that this 
approach continues to be a valid approach for the implementation of 
contingency measures to address the 2010 SO2 NAAQS.
    Based on the contingency measures identified by the State in its 
plan submittal, EPA believes that New Hampshire's plan provides for 
satisfying the contingency measure requirement. EPA concurs and 
proposes to approve New Hampshire's plan for meeting the contingency 
measure requirement in this manner.

VI. Additional Elements of New Hampshire's Submittal

A. Conformity

    The State addresses general conformity and transportation 
conformity requirements as they apply to the nonattainment area. 
Generally, as set forth in section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act, 
conformity requires that actions by federal agencies do not cause new 
air quality violations, worsen existing violations, or delay timely 
attainment of the relevant NAAQS. General conformity applies to federal 
actions, other than certain highway and transportation projects, if the 
action takes place in a nonattainment area or maintenance area (i.e., 
an area which submitted a maintenance plan that meets the requirements 
of section 175A of the CAA and has been redesignated to attainment) for 
ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, or 
SO2. EPA's General Conformity Rule (40 CFR 93.150 to 93.165) 
establishes the criteria and procedures for determining if a federal 
action conforms to the SIP. With respect to the 2010 SO2 
NAAQS, federal agencies are expected to continue to estimate emissions 
for conformity analyses in the same manner as they estimated emissions 
for conformity analyses under the previous NAAQS for SO2. 
EPA's General Conformity Rule includes the basic requirement that a 
federal agency's general conformity analysis be based on the latest and 
most accurate emission estimation techniques available (40 CFR 
93.159(b)). When updated and improved emissions estimation techniques 
become available, EPA expects the federal agency to use these 
techniques. New Hampshire addresses general conformity under SIP-
approved state rule Env-A 1500.
    Federal Highway and Federal Transit Administration projects are 
subject to transportation conformity rather than general conformity 
requirements, with some exceptions. New Hampshire asserts in its plan 
that due to minimal impact on SO2 from combustion of 
gasoline and diesel fuels, transportation conformity rules do not 
generally apply to SO2 unless the EPA Regional Administrator 
or the state air director finds that its transportation-related 
SO2 emissions are a significant contributor to fine 
particulate matter as a precursor.

[[Page 45252]]

This reasoning is consistent with EPA's April 2014 guidance and EPA 
proposes to conclude that New Hampshire's plan meets our guidance and 
rule requirements with regard to general and transportation conformity.

B. Changes in Allowable Emissions

    The State quantified the changes in allowable emissions expected to 
result from implementation of its nonattainment area plan. To do so, 
the State compared allowable annual emissions at Merrimack Station 
prior to installation of the FGD control system with those after the 
system was operational and with those with the conditions of TP-0189 in 
place (i.e., allowable emissions under the plan). Prior to the 
effective date of TP-0189, under the conditions of TP-0008 (see 77 FR 
50602), Merrimack Station was permitted to operate the MK1 boiler 
through the bypass stack (i.e., now the emergency stack) for no more 
than 840 hours during any consecutive 12-month period and thereby 
bypass SO2 controls; the MK2 boiler is unable to operate 
through the bypass stack. The State quantified emissions from these 
boilers which were allowed prior to installation of the FGD and the 
effective date of TP-0008. Then, the State quantified emissions from 
the MK1 and MK2 boilers under the provisions of TP-0008 (i.e., using a 
90% emissions reduction). Finally, the State quantified emissions for 
MK1 and MK2 allowed under the provisions of TP-0189, i.e., assuming an 
average of 0.39 lb/MMBtu. A summary of these allowable emissions is 
presented in Table 2. According to the plan, allowable annual 
SO2 emissions prior to the FGD installation (and the 
conditions of TP-0008) were 82,537 tons, compared to 8,254 tons under 
the permit conditions of TP-0008, and 8,047 tons under the 
nonattainment plan (namely the SO2 emissions limit for NAAQS 
compliance included in TP-0189). That is, the State expects 
implementation of the plan to allow 207 tons fewer than prior to plan 
implementation, and 74,490 tons fewer than prior to installation and 
operation of the FGD.

       Table 2--Summary of Annual Allowable SO2 Emissions for the MK1 and MK2 Boilers at Merrimack Station
                                                                                   Difference in   Difference in
                                                                                     allowable       allowable
                                                                       Total      emissions from  emissions from
                                                                     allowable     prior to TP-    prior to TP-
                                                                     emissions     0008  (tons)    0189  (tons)
Prior to TP-0008................................................          82,537
With TP-0008....................................................           8,254      \a\-74,283
Nonattainment Area Plan (With TP-0189)..........................           8,047      \a\-74,489        a b-206
\a\ Reported negative emissions values for differences indicate emission reductions.
\b\ New Hampshire reported a difference of 206 tons compared with the numerical difference of 207 tons between
  the reported total allowable emissions. This slight difference can be attributed to rounding.

C. Air Quality Trends

    New Hampshire also included trends in ambient monitoring data for 
the nonattainment area. In its nonattainment plan, the State shows that 
ambient concentrations in the area have dropped markedly since 2011, 
when Merrimack Station began operation of its FGD system under the SIP-
approved conditions of TP-0008, and are now below 75 ppb, the level of 
the NAAQS. The monitored design value for the Pembroke monitor (AQS 
number 33-013-1006), consistently the highest in the area, was 23 ppb 
for 2012 to 2014, and 20 ppb for both 2013 to 2015 and 2014 to 2016.

D. Compliance With Section 110(a)(2) of the CAA

    Section 172(c)(7) of the CAA requires nonattainment SIPs to meet 
the applicable provisions of section 110(a)(2) of the CAA. While the 
provisions of 110(a)(2) address various topics, EPA's past 
determinations suggest that only the section 110(a)(2) criteria linked 
with a particular area's designation and classification are relevant to 
section 172(c)(7). This nonattainment SIP submittal satisfies all 
applicable criteria of section 110(a)(2) of the CAA, as evidenced by 
the State's nonattainment new source review program which addresses 
110(a)(2)(I), the included control strategy, and the associated 
emissions limits which are relevant to 110(a)(2)(A). In addition, EPA 
approved the State's SO2 infrastructure SIP on May 25, 2017 
(82 FR 24057). EPA will take action in a separate rulemaking on the 
remaining portion of the State's infrastructure SIP, the so-called 
SO2 ``good neighbor'' or ``interstate transport'' SIP to 
satisfy section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) of the CAA. EPA is proposing to 
conclude that the State has meet the requirements of 172(c)(7) of the 

E. Equivalency Techniques

    Section 172(c)(8) of the CAA states that upon application by any 
state, the Administrator may allow the use of equivalent modeling, 
emission inventory, and planning procedures, unless the Administrator 
determines that the proposed techniques are, in the aggregate, less 
effective than the methods specified by the Administrator.
    The State's nonattainment SIP indicates that it followed existing 
regulations, guidance, and standard practices when conducting modeling, 
preparing the emissions inventories, and implementing its planning 
procedures. Therefore, the State did not use or request approval of 
alternative or equivalent techniques as allowed under of the CAA and 
EPA is proposing to conclude that the State's nonattainment SIP meets 
the requirements of section 172(c)(8) of the CAA.

VII. EPA's Proposed Action

    EPA has determined that New Hampshire's SO2 
nonattainment plan meets the applicable requirements of sections 110, 
172, 191, and 192 of the CAA. EPA is proposing to approve New 
Hampshire's January 31, 2017 SIP submission for attaining the 2010 1-
hour SO2 NAAQS for the Central New Hampshire Nonattainment 
Area and for meeting other nonattainment area planning requirements. 
This SO2 nonattainment plan includes New Hampshire's 
attainment demonstration for the SO2 nonattainment area. The 
nonattainment area plan also addresses requirements for RFP, RACT/RACM, 
enforceable emission limits and control measures, base-year and 
projection-year emission inventories, and contingency measures.
    In the January 31, 2017 submittal to EPA, New Hampshire included 
the applicable monitoring, testing, recordkeeping, and reporting

[[Page 45253]]

requirements contained in Merrimack Station's permit, TP-0189, to 
demonstrate how compliance with Merrimack Station's SO2 
emission limit will be achieved and determined. EPA is proposing to 
approve into the New Hampshire SIP the provisions of Merrimack 
Station's permit, TP-0189, that constitute the SO2 operating 
and emission limits and their associated monitoring, testing, 
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. EPA is proposing to approve 
these provisions into the State's SIP through incorporation by 
reference, as described in section VIII, below. EPA's analysis is 
discussed in this proposed rulemaking.
    EPA is not proposing to remove from the existing New Hampshire SIP, 
Table 4, items 6, 8, and 10 contained in Merrimack Station's July 2011 
permit, TP-0008, because EPA has not received a request from the State 
to do so. See 52.1520(d) EPA-approved State Source specific 
requirements. However, EPA considers those provisions to be superseded 
by the conditions of TP-0189, which are more stringent, and which are 
to be incorporated into the SIP in this proposed action. Specifically, 
two of the provisions, items 6 and 8 from Table 4, relate to 
SO2 emissions limits that have been superseded by Merrimack 
Station's September 2016 permit, TP-0189. Item 10 from Table 4 has also 
been superseded by Merrimack Station's September 2016 permit, TP-0189, 
in that the existing SIP provision allowed operation of one of 
Merrimack Station's two boilers, MK1, for up to 840 hours in any 
consecutive 12-month period through the emergency bypass stack, i.e., 
not through the FGD. Each of the corresponding provisions of Merrimack 
Station's September 2016 permit, TP-0189, are more stringent than those 
existing SIP provisions. EPA is taking public comments for thirty days 
following the publication of this proposed action in the Federal 
Register. We will take all comments into consideration in our final 

VIII. Incorporation by Reference

    In this rule, EPA is proposing to include in a final EPA rule 
regulatory text that includes incorporation by reference. In accordance 
with requirements of 1 CFR 51.5, EPA is proposing to incorporate by 
reference certain federally enforceable provisions of Merrimack 
Station's permit, TP-0189, effective on September 1, 2016. 
Specifically, the following provisions of that permit are proposed to 
be incorporated by reference: Items 1, 2, and 3 in Table 4 (``Operating 
and Emission Limits''); items 1 and 2 in Table 5 (``Monitoring and 
Testing Requirements''); items 1 and 2 in Table 6 (``Recordkeeping 
Requirements''); and items 1 and 2 in Table 7 (``Reporting 
    EPA has made, and will continue to make, these materials generally 
available through www.regulations.gov and/or at the EPA Region 1 Office 
(please contact the person identified in the For Further Information 
Contact section of this preamble for more information).

IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Under the CAA, the Administrator is required to approve a SIP 
submission that complies with the provisions of the Act and applicable 
Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in 
reviewing SIP submissions, EPA's role is to approve state choices, 
provided that they meet the criteria of the CAA. Accordingly, this 
proposed action merely approves state law as meeting Federal 
requirements and does not impose additional requirements beyond those 
imposed by state law. For that reason, this proposed action:
     Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to 
review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 
12866 58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 
     does not impose an information collection burden under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
     is certified as not having a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
     does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
     does not have Federalism implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
     is not an economically significant regulatory action based 
on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 
19885, April 23, 1997);
     is not a significant regulatory action subject to 
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
     is not subject to requirements of Section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent 
with the CAA; and
     does not provide EPA with the discretionary authority to 
address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or environmental 
effects, using practicable and legally permissible methods, under 
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
    In addition, the SIP is not approved to apply on any Indian 
reservation land or in any other area where EPA or an Indian tribe has 
demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian 
country, the rule does not have tribal implications and will not impose 
substantial direct costs on tribal governments or preempt tribal law as 
specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000).

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by 
Reference, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Sulfur oxides.

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    Dated: September 15, 2017.
Ken Moraff,
Acting Regional Administrator, EPA New England.
[FR Doc. 2017-20721 Filed 9-27-17; 8:45 am]

                                                    45242              Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Dated: September 8, 2017.                             submitted at Regulations.gov, follow the                A. Conformity
                                                    Cecil Rodrigues,                                        online instructions for submitting                      B. Changes in Allowable Emissions
                                                                                                            comments. Once submitted, comments                      C. Air Quality Trends
                                                    Acting Regional Administrator, Region III.
                                                                                                                                                                    D. Compliance With Section 110(a)(2) of
                                                    [FR Doc. 2017–20723 Filed 9–27–17; 8:45 am]             cannot be edited or removed from                           the CAA
                                                    BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  Regulations.gov. For either manner of                   E. Equivalency Techniques
                                                                                                            submission, EPA may publish any                       VII. EPA’s Proposed Action
                                                                                                            comment received to its public docket.                VIII. Incorporation by Reference
                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                Do not submit electronically any                      IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
                                                    AGENCY                                                  information you consider to be                        I. Why was New Hampshire required to
                                                                                                            Confidential Business Information (CBI)               submit an SO2 plan for the Central New
                                                    40 CFR Part 52                                          or other information whose disclosure is              Hampshire Nonattainment area?
                                                    [EPA–R01–OAR–2017–0083; FRL–9968–43–                    restricted by statute. Multimedia
                                                    Region 1]                                               submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be                 On June 22, 2010, EPA promulgated a
                                                                                                            accompanied by a written comment.                     new 1-hour primary SO2 NAAQS of 75
                                                    Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire;                       The written comment is considered the                 parts per billion (ppb), which is met at
                                                    Nonattainment Plan for the Central                      official comment and should include                   an ambient air quality monitoring site
                                                    New Hampshire SO2 Nonattainment                         discussion of all points you wish to                  when the 3-year average of the annual
                                                    Area                                                    make. EPA will generally not consider                 99th percentile of 1-hour daily
                                                                                                            comments or comment contents located                  maximum concentrations does not
                                                    AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                                                                             exceed 75 ppb, as determined in
                                                    Agency (EPA).                                           outside of the primary submission (i.e.,
                                                                                                            on the web, cloud, or other file sharing              accordance with appendix T of 40 CFR
                                                    ACTION: Proposed rule.                                                                                        part 50. See 75 FR 35520, codified at 40
                                                                                                            system). For additional submission
                                                                                                            methods, please contact the person                    CFR 50.17(a)–(b). On August 5, 2013,
                                                    SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                                                                                            identified in the FOR FURTHER                         EPA designated a first set of 29 areas of
                                                    Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve
                                                                                                            INFORMATION CONTACT section. For the
                                                                                                                                                                  the country as nonattainment for the
                                                    the State Implementation Plan (SIP)
                                                                                                            full EPA public comment policy,                       2010 SO2 NAAQS, including the Central
                                                    revision that the State of New
                                                                                                            information about CBI or multimedia                   New Hampshire Nonattainment Area
                                                    Hampshire submitted to EPA on January
                                                                                                            submissions, and general guidance on                  within the State of New Hampshire. See
                                                    31, 2017 for attaining the 1-hour sulfur
                                                                                                            making effective comments, please visit               78 FR 47191, codified at 40 CFR part 81,
                                                    dioxide (SO2) primary national ambient
                                                                                                            http://www.epa.gov/dockets/                           subpart C. These area designations were
                                                    air quality standard (NAAQS) for the
                                                                                                                                                                  effective October 4, 2013. Section 191 of
                                                    Central New Hampshire Nonattainment                     commenting-epa-dockets.
                                                                                                                                                                  the CAA directs states to submit SIPs for
                                                    Area. This plan (herein called a                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                  areas designated as nonattainment for
                                                    ‘‘nonattainment plan’’) includes New                    Leiran Biton, EPA New England, 5 Post                 the SO2 NAAQS to EPA within 18
                                                    Hampshire’s attainment demonstration                    Office Square Suite 100, Mail Code                    months of the effective date of the
                                                    and other elements required under the                   OEP05–2, Boston, MA 02109–3912;                       designation, i.e., by no later than April
                                                    Clean Air Act (CAA). In addition to an                  phone: 617–918–1267; fax: 617–918–                    4, 2015 in this case. These SIPs are
                                                    attainment demonstration, the                           0267; email: biton.leiran@epa.gov.                    required to demonstrate that their
                                                    nonattainment plan addresses the                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            respective areas will attain the NAAQS
                                                    requirement for meeting reasonable                         Throughout this document whenever                  as expeditiously as practicable, but no
                                                    further progress (RFP) toward                           ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, we mean           later than 5 years from the effective date
                                                    attainment of the NAAQS, reasonably                     EPA.                                                  of designation, which is October 4,
                                                    available control measures and
                                                                                                            Table of Contents                                     2018.
                                                    reasonably available control technology                                                                          For a number of areas, including the
                                                    (RACM/RACT), base-year and                              I. Why was New Hampshire required to                  Central New Hampshire Nonattainment
                                                    projection-year emission inventories,                         submit an SO2 plan for the Central New          Area, EPA published a notice on March
                                                    and contingency measures. As a part of                        Hampshire Nonattainment area?
                                                                                                            II. Requirements for SO2 Nonattainment Area           18, 2016 that New Hampshire and other
                                                    approving the attainment                                                                                      pertinent states had failed to submit the
                                                    demonstration, EPA is also proposing to                       Plans
                                                                                                            III. Attainment Demonstration and Longer-             required SO2 nonattainment plan by the
                                                    approve SO2 emission limits and                               Term Averaging                                  submittal deadline. See 81 FR 14736.
                                                    associated compliance parameters for                    IV. Review of Modeled Attainment Plan                 This finding initiated a deadline under
                                                    Merrimack Station into the New                             A. Model Selection and Modeling                    CAA section 179(a) for the potential
                                                    Hampshire SIP. EPA proposes to                                Components                                      imposition of new source and highway
                                                    conclude that New Hampshire has                            B. Area of Analysis                                funding sanctions, and for EPA to
                                                    appropriately demonstrated that the                        C. Receptor Grid
                                                                                                                                                                  promulgate a federal implementation
                                                    nonattainment plan provisions provide                      D. Meteorological Data
                                                                                                               E. Source Characterization                         plan (FIP) under section 110(c) of the
                                                    for attainment of the 2010 1-hour                                                                             CAA. In response to the requirement for
                                                                                                               F. Emissions Data
                                                    primary SO2 NAAQS in the Central New                       G. Emission Limits                                 SO2 nonattainment plan submittals,
                                                    Hampshire Nonattainment Area by the                        1. Enforceability                                  New Hampshire submitted a
                                                    applicable attainment date and that the                    2. Longer-Term Average Limits                      nonattainment plan for the Central New
                                                    nonattainment plan meets the other                         H. Background Concentrations                       Hampshire Nonattainment Area on
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    applicable requirements under the CAA.                     I. Summary of Results                              January 31, 2017. Pursuant to New
                                                    DATES: Comments must be received on                     V. Review of Other Plan Requirements                  Hampshire’s January 31, 2017 submittal
                                                    or before October 30, 2017.                                A. Emissions Inventory
                                                                                                                                                                  and EPA’s subsequent letter dated
                                                                                                               B. RACM/RACT
                                                    ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                                                                              March 20, 2017 to New Hampshire
                                                                                                               C. New Source Review (NSR)
                                                    identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R01–                       D. Reasonable Further Progress (RFP)               finding the submittal complete and
                                                    OAR–2017–0083 at http://                                   E. Contingency Measures                            noting the stopping of the sanctions
                                                    www.regulations.gov, or via email to                    VI. Additional Elements of New Hampshire’s            deadline, these sanctions under section
                                                    biton.leiran@epa.gov. For comments                            Submittal                                       179(a) will not be imposed. However, to

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:00 Sep 27, 2017   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00035   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\28SEP1.SGM   28SEP1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules                                         45243

                                                    stop the deadline for EPA to promulgate                 SIP for the affected area needs to                       EPA’s April 2014 guidance
                                                    a FIP, the state must have made the                     demonstrate to EPA’s satisfaction that                recommends that the emission limits be
                                                    necessary complete submittal and EPA                    each of the aforementioned                            expressed as short-term average limits
                                                    must have approved the submittal as                     requirements has been met. Under CAA                  (e.g., addressing emissions averaged
                                                    meeting applicable requirements no                      sections 110(l) and 193, EPA may not                  over one or three hours), but also
                                                    later than two years after the prior                    approve a SIP that would interfere with               describes the option to utilize emission
                                                    finding of failure to submit. Therefore,                any applicable requirement concerning                 limits with longer averaging times of up
                                                    EPA remains under a FIP deadline of                     NAAQS attainment and RFP, or any                      to 30 days so long as the state meets
                                                    April 18, 2018. This FIP obligation will                other applicable requirement under the                various suggested criteria. See April
                                                    not apply if EPA issues final approval                  CAA. Furthermore, no requirement in                   2014 guidance, pp. 22 to 39. The
                                                    of New Hampshire’s SIP submittal by                     effect, or required to be adopted by an               guidance recommends that—should
                                                    April 18, 2018.                                         order, settlement, agreement, or plan in              states and sources utilize longer
                                                       The remainder of this preamble                       effect before November 15, 1990, in any               averaging times—the longer-term
                                                    describes the requirements that                         nonattainment area for any air pollutant,             average limit should be set at an
                                                    nonattainment plans must meet in order                  may be modified in any manner unless                  adjusted level that reflects a stringency
                                                    to obtain EPA approval, provides a                      it ensures equivalent or greater emission             comparable to the 1-hour average limit
                                                    review of the State’s plan with respect                 reductions of such air pollutant.                     at the critical emission value shown to
                                                    to these requirements, and describes                                                                          provide for attainment that the plan
                                                    EPA’s proposed action on the plan.                      III. Attainment Demonstration and
                                                                                                                                                                  otherwise would have set.
                                                                                                            Longer-Term Averaging                                    The April 2014 guidance provides an
                                                    II. Requirements for SO2                                   CAA sections 172(c)(1) and (6) direct              extensive discussion of EPA’s rationale
                                                    Nonattainment Area Plans                                states with areas designated as                       for concluding that appropriately set
                                                       Nonattainment SIPs must meet the                     nonattainment to demonstrate that the                 comparably stringent limitations based
                                                    applicable requirements of the CAA,                     submitted plan provides for attainment                on averaging times as long as 30 days
                                                    and specifically CAA sections 110, 172,                 of the NAAQS. Forty CFR part 51,                      can be found to provide for attainment
                                                    191 and 192. EPA’s regulations                          subpart G further delineates the control              of the 2010 SO2 NAAQS. In evaluating
                                                    governing nonattainment SIPs are set                    strategy requirements that SIPs must                  this option, EPA considered the nature
                                                    forth at 40 CFR part 51, with specific                  meet, and EPA has long required that all              of the standard, conducted detailed
                                                    procedural requirements and control                     SIPs and control strategies reflect four              analyses of how 30-day average limits
                                                    strategy requirements residing at                       fundamental principles of                             impact attainment of the standard, and
                                                    subparts F and G, respectively. Soon                    quantification, enforceability,                       carefully reviewed how best to achieve
                                                    after Congress enacted the 1990                         replicability, and accountability. See                an appropriate balance among the
                                                    Amendments to the CAA, EPA issued                       General Preamble, at 13567–68. SO2                    various factors that warrant
                                                    comprehensive guidance on SIPs in a                     attainment plans must consist of two                  consideration in judging whether a
                                                    document entitled, ‘‘General Preamble                   components: (1) Emission limits and                   state’s plan provides for attainment. Id.
                                                    for the Implementation of Title I of the                other control measures that assure                    at pp. 22 to 39. See also id. at
                                                    Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990,’’                     implementation of permanent,                          appendices B, C, and D.
                                                    published at 57 FR 13498 (April 16,                     enforceable, and necessary emission                      As specified in 40 CFR 50.17(b), the
                                                    1992) (General Preamble). Among other                   controls; and (2) a modeling analysis                 1-hour primary SO2 NAAQS is met at an
                                                    things, the General Preamble addressed                  that meets the requirements of 40 CFR                 ambient air quality monitoring site
                                                    SO2 SIPs and fundamental principles for                 part 51, appendix W (the Guideline on                 when the 3-year average of the annual
                                                    SIP control strategies. Id., at 13545–49,               Air Quality Models; ‘‘the Guideline’’)                99th percentile of daily maximum 1-
                                                    13567–68. On April 23, 2014, EPA                        and demonstrates that these emission                  hour concentrations is less than or equal
                                                    issued recommended guidance for                         limits and control measures provide for               to 75 parts per billion. In a year with
                                                    meeting the statutory requirements in                   timely attainment of the primary SO2                  365 days of valid monitoring data, the
                                                    SO2 SIPs, in a document entitled,                       NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable,                99th percentile would be the fourth
                                                    ‘‘Guidance for 1-Hour SO2                               but by no later than the attainment date              highest daily maximum 1-hour value.
                                                    Nonattainment Area SIP Submissions,’’                   for the affected area. In all cases, the              The 2010 SO2 NAAQS, including this
                                                    available at https://www.epa.gov/sites/                 emission limits and control measures                  form of determining compliance with
                                                    production/files/2016-06/documents/                     must be accompanied by appropriate                    the standard, was upheld by the U.S.
                                                    20140423guidance_nonattainment_                         methods and conditions to determine                   Court of Appeals for the District of
                                                    sip.pdf. In this guidance, EPA described                compliance with the respective                        Columbia Circuit in Nat’l Envt’l Dev.
                                                    the statutory requirements for a                        emission limits and control measures                  Ass’n’s Clean Air Project v. EPA, 686
                                                    complete nonattainment area SIP, which                  and must be quantifiable (i.e., a specific            F.3d 803 (D.C. Cir. 2012). Because the
                                                    includes: An accurate emissions                         amount of emission reduction can be                   standard has this form, a single
                                                    inventory of current emissions for all                  ascribed to the measures), fully                      exceedance does not create a violation
                                                    sources of SO2 within the                               enforceable (specifying clear,                        of the standard. Instead, at issue is
                                                    nonattainment area, an attainment                       unambiguous, and measurable                           whether a source operating in
                                                    demonstration, demonstration of RFP,                    requirements for which compliance can                 compliance with a properly set longer-
                                                    implementation of RACM (including                       be practicably determined), replicable                term average could cause exceedances,
                                                    RACT), an approvable NSR program,                       (the procedures for determining                       and if so what the resulting frequency
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                                                    enforceable emissions limitations and                   compliance are sufficiently specific and              and magnitude of such exceedances will
                                                    control measures as needed for timely                   non-subjective so that two independent                be, and in particular whether EPA can
                                                    attainment, and adequate contingency                    entities applying the procedures would                have reasonable confidence that a
                                                    measures for the affected area.                         obtain the same result), and accountable              properly set longer-term average limit
                                                       In order for EPA to fully approve a                  (source specific limits must be                       will provide that the average fourth
                                                    SIP as meeting the requirements of CAA                  permanent and must reflect the                        highest daily maximum value will be at
                                                    sections 110, 172, 191, and 192, and                    assumptions used in the SIP                           or below 75 ppb. A synopsis of how
                                                    EPA’s regulations at 40 CFR part 51, the                demonstrations).                                      EPA judges whether such plans

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                                                    ‘‘provide for attainment,’’ based on                    applicable 1-hour limit (reflecting a                 a typical emission profile, emissions
                                                    modeling of projected allowable                         downward adjustment from the critical                 would much more commonly be
                                                    emissions and in light of the form of the               emission value) and that takes the                    between 600 and 800 pounds per hour.
                                                    NAAQS for determining attainment at                     source’s emission profile into account.               In this simplified example, assume a
                                                    monitoring sites, follows.                              As a result, EPA expects either form of               zero background concentration, which
                                                       For plans for SO2 based on 1-hour                    emission limit to yield comparable air                allows one to assume a linear
                                                    emission limits, the standard approach                  quality.                                              relationship between emissions and air
                                                    is to conduct modeling using fixed                         Second, from a more theoretical                    quality. (A nonzero background
                                                    emission rates. The maximum emission                    perspective, EPA has compared the                     concentration would make the
                                                    rate that would be modeled to result in                 likely air quality with a source having               mathematics more difficult but would
                                                    attainment (i.e., in an ‘‘average year’’ 1              maximum allowable emissions under an                  give similar results.) Air quality will
                                                    shows three, not four days with                         appropriately set longer-term limit, as               depend on what emissions occur during
                                                    maximum hourly levels exceeding 75                      compared to the likely air quality with               critical hours, but suppose that
                                                    ppb) is labeled the ‘‘critical emission                 the source having maximum allowable                   emissions at the relevant times on these
                                                    value.’’ The modeling process for                       emissions under the comparable 1-hour                 5 days are 800 pounds per hour, 1,100
                                                    identifying this critical emission value                limit. In this comparison, in the 1-hour              pounds per hour, 500 pounds per hour,
                                                    inherently considers the numerous                       average limit scenario, the source is                 900 pounds per hour, and 1,200 pounds
                                                    variables that affect ambient                           presumed at all times to emit at the                  per hour, respectively. (This is a
                                                    concentrations of SO2, such as                          critical emission level, and in the                   conservative example because the
                                                    meteorological data, background                         longer-term average limit scenario, the               average of these emissions, 900 pounds
                                                    concentrations, and topography. In the                  source is presumed occasionally to emit               per hour, is well over the 30-day average
                                                    standard approach, the state would then                 more than the critical emission value                 emission limit.) These emissions would
                                                    provide for attainment by setting a                     but on average, and presumably at most                result in daily maximum 1-hour
                                                    continuously applicable 1-hour                          times, to emit well below the critical                concentrations of 80 ppb, 99 ppb, 40
                                                    emission limit at this critical emission                emission value. In an ‘‘average year,’’               ppb, 67.5 ppb, and 84 ppb. In this
                                                    value.                                                  compliance with the 1-hour limit is                   example, the fifth day would have an
                                                       EPA recognizes that some sources                     expected to result in three exceedance                exceedance that would not otherwise
                                                    have highly variable emissions, for                     days (i.e., three days with hourly values             have occurred, but the third and fourth
                                                    example due to variations in fuel sulfur                above 75 ppb) and a fourth day with a                 days would not have exceedances that
                                                    content and operating rate, that can                    maximum hourly value at 75 ppb. By                    otherwise would have occurred. In this
                                                    make it extremely difficult, even with a                comparison, with the source complying                 example, the fourth highest maximum
                                                    well-designed control strategy, to ensure               with a longer-term limit, it is possible              daily concentration under the 30-day
                                                    in practice that emissions for any given                that additional exceedances would                     average would be 67.5 ppb.
                                                    hour do not exceed the critical emission                occur that would not occur in the 1-                     This simplified example illustrates
                                                    value. EPA also acknowledges the                        hour limit scenario (if emissions exceed              the findings of a more complicated
                                                    concern that longer-term emission limits                the critical emission value at times                  statistical analysis that EPA conducted
                                                    can allow short periods with emissions                  when meteorology is conducive to poor                 using a range of scenarios using actual
                                                    above the critical emission value,                      air quality). However, this comparison                plant data. As described in appendix B
                                                    which, if coincident with                               must also factor in the likelihood that               of EPA’s April 2014 SO2 nonattainment
                                                    meteorological conditions conducive to                  exceedances that would be expected in                 planning guidance, EPA found that the
                                                    high SO2 concentrations, could in turn                  the 1-hour limit scenario would not                   requirement for lower average emissions
                                                    create the possibility of a NAAQS                       occur in the longer-term limit scenario.              is highly likely to yield better air quality
                                                    exceedance occurring on a day when an                   This result arises because the longer-                than is required with a comparably
                                                    exceedance would not have occurred if                   term limit requires lower emissions                   stringent 1-hour limit. Based on
                                                    emissions were continuously controlled                  most of the time (because the limit is set            analyses described in appendix B of our
                                                    at the level corresponding to the critical              well below the critical emission value),              April 2014 guidance, EPA expects that
                                                    emission value. However, for several                    so a source complying with an                         an emission profile with maximum
                                                    reasons, EPA believes that the approach                 appropriately set longer-term limit is                allowable emissions under an
                                                    recommended in our guidance                             likely to have lower emissions at critical            appropriately set comparably stringent
                                                    document suitably addresses this                        times than would be the case if the                   30-day average limit is likely to have the
                                                    concern. First, from a practical                        source were emitting as allowed with a                net effect of having a lower number of
                                                    perspective, EPA expects the actual                     1-hour limit.                                         exceedances and better air quality than
                                                    emission profile of a source subject to                    As a hypothetical example to                       an emission profile with maximum
                                                    an appropriately set longer-term average                illustrate these points, suppose a source             allowable emissions under a 1-hour
                                                    limit to be similar to the emission                     always emits 1,000 pounds of SO2 per                  emission limit at the critical emission
                                                    profile of a source subject to an                       hour and results in air quality at the                value. This result provides a compelling
                                                    analogous 1-hour average limit. EPA                     level of the NAAQS (i.e., results in a                policy rationale for allowing the use of
                                                    expects this similarity because it has                  design value of 75 ppb). Suppose further              a longer averaging period in appropriate
                                                    recommended that the longer-term                        that in an ‘‘average year,’’ these                    circumstances where the facts indicate
                                                    average limit be set at a level that is                 emissions cause the five highest                      this result can be expected to occur.
                                                                                                            maximum daily average 1-hour                             The question then becomes whether
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                                                    comparably stringent to the otherwise
                                                                                                            concentrations to be 100 ppb, 90 ppb, 80              this approach—which is likely to
                                                      1 An ‘‘average year’’ is used to mean a year with     ppb, 75 ppb, and 70 ppb. Then suppose                 produce a lower number of overall
                                                    average air quality. While 40 CFR 50 appendix T         that the source becomes subject to a 30-              exceedances even though it may
                                                    provides for averaging three years of 99th percentile   day average emission limit of 700                     produce some unexpected exceedances
                                                    daily maximum values (e.g., the fourth highest          pounds per hour. It is theoretically                  above the critical emission value—
                                                    maximum daily concentration in a year with 365
                                                    days with valid data), this discussion and an
                                                                                                            possible for a source meeting this limit              meets the requirement in section
                                                    example below uses a single ‘‘average year’’ in order   to have emissions that occasionally                   110(a)(1) and 172(c)(1) and (6) for state
                                                    to simplify the illustration of relevant principles.    exceed 1,000 pounds per hour, but with                implementation plans to ‘‘provide for

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                                                    attainment’’ of the NAAQS. For SO2, as                  using to comply with the SIP emission                 designated as nonattainment (i.e., not
                                                    for other pollutants, it is generally                   limits, which (if compliance requires                 just at the violating monitor) by using
                                                    impossible to design a nonattainment                    new controls) may require use of an                   air quality dispersion modeling to show
                                                    plan in the present that will guarantee                 emission database from another source.                that the mix of sources and enforceable
                                                    that attainment will occur in the future.               The recommended method involves                       control measures and emission rates in
                                                    A variety of factors can cause a well-                  using these data to compute a complete                an identified area will not lead to a
                                                    designed attainment plan to fail and                    set of emission averages, computed                    violation of the SO2 NAAQS. For a
                                                    unexpectedly not result in attainment,                  according to the averaging time and                   short-term (e.g., 1-hour) standard, EPA
                                                    for example if meteorology occurs that                  averaging procedures of the prospective               believes that dispersion modeling using
                                                    is more conducive to poor air quality                   emission limitation. In this                          allowable emissions and addressing
                                                    than was anticipated in the plan.                       recommended method, the ratio of the                  stationary sources in the affected area
                                                    Therefore, in determining whether a                     99th percentile among these longer-term               (and in some cases those sources located
                                                    plan meets the requirement to provide                   averages to the 99th percentile of the 1-             outside the nonattainment area which
                                                    for attainment, EPA’s task is commonly                  hour values represents an adjustment                  may affect attainment in the area) is
                                                    to judge not whether the plan provides                  factor that may be multiplied by the                  technically appropriate, efficient, and
                                                    absolute certainty that attainment will                 candidate 1-hour emission limit to                    effective in demonstrating attainment in
                                                    in fact occur, but rather whether the                   determine a longer-term average                       nonattainment areas because it takes
                                                    plan provides an adequate level of                      emission limit that may be considered                 into consideration combinations of
                                                    confidence of prospective NAAQS                         comparably stringent.2 The guidance                   meteorological and emission source
                                                    attainment. From this perspective, in                   also addresses a variety of related                   operating conditions that may
                                                    evaluating use of a 30-day average limit,               topics, such as the potential utility of              contribute to peak ground-level
                                                    EPA must weigh the likely net effect on                 setting supplemental emission limits,                 concentrations of SO2.
                                                    air quality. Such an evaluation must                    such as mass-based limits, to reduce the                 The meteorological data used in the
                                                    consider the risk that occasions with                   likelihood and/or magnitude of elevated               analysis should generally be processed
                                                    meteorology conducive to high                           emission levels that might occur under                with the most recent version of
                                                    concentrations will have elevated                       the longer-term emission rate limit.                  AERMET. Estimated concentrations
                                                    emissions leading to exceedances that                      Preferred air quality models for use in            should include ambient background
                                                    would not otherwise have occurred, and                  regulatory applications are described in              concentrations, should follow the form
                                                    must also weigh the likelihood that the                 appendix A of EPA’s Guideline on Air                  of the standard, and should be
                                                    requirement for lower emissions on                      Quality Models. In 2005, EPA                          calculated as described in the August
                                                    average will result in days not having                  promulgated AERMOD as the Agency’s                    23, 2010 clarification memo on
                                                    exceedances that would have been                        preferred near-field dispersion modeling              ‘‘Applicability of Appendix W Modeling
                                                    expected with emissions at the critical                 for a wide range of regulatory                        Guidance for the 1-hr SO2 National
                                                    emission value. Additional policy                       applications addressing stationary                    Ambient Air Quality Standard.’’
                                                    considerations, such as in this case the                sources (for example in estimating SO2
                                                                                                            concentrations) in all types of terrain               IV. Review of Modeled Attainment Plan
                                                    desirability of accommodating real
                                                    world emissions variability without                     based on extensive developmental and                    The following discussion evaluates
                                                    significant risk of violations, are also                performance evaluation. On December                   various features of the modeling that
                                                    appropriate factors for EPA to weigh in                 20, 2016, EPA revised the Guideline,                  New Hampshire used in its attainment
                                                                                                            which provided additional regulatory                  demonstration.
                                                    judging whether a plan provides a
                                                                                                            options and updated methods for
                                                    reasonable degree of confidence that the                                                                      A. Model Selection and Modeling
                                                                                                            dispersion modeling with AERMOD; the
                                                    plan will lead to attainment. Based on                                                                        Components
                                                                                                            updates became effective on May 22,
                                                    these considerations, especially given
                                                                                                            2017. Supplemental guidance on                          New Hampshire’s attainment
                                                    the high likelihood that a continuously
                                                                                                            modeling for purposes of demonstrating                demonstration used EPA’s preferred
                                                    enforceable limit averaged over as long
                                                                                                            attainment of the SO2 standard is                     model AERMOD (version 15181) with
                                                    as 30 days, determined in accordance
                                                                                                            provided in appendix A to the April 23,               default options (e.g., without use of the
                                                    with EPA’s guidance, will result in
                                                                                                            2014 SO2 nonattainment area SIP                       ADJ_U* option) and rural dispersion
                                                    attainment, EPA believes as a general
                                                                                                            guidance document referenced above.                   coefficients for this application. The
                                                    matter that such limits, if appropriately               Appendix A of the guidance provides
                                                    determined, can reasonably be                                                                                 AERMOD modeling system contains the
                                                                                                            extensive guidance on the modeling                    following components:
                                                    considered to provide for attainment of                 domain, source inputs, assorted types of
                                                    the 2010 SO2 NAAQS.                                     meteorological data, and background                   —AERMOD: The dispersion model
                                                       The April 2014 guidance offers                       concentrations. Consistency with the                  —AERMAP: The terrain processor for
                                                    specific recommendations for                            recommendations in this guidance is                     AERMOD
                                                    determining an appropriate longer-term                  generally necessary for the attainment                —AERMET: The meteorological data
                                                    average limit. The recommended                          demonstration to offer adequately                       processor for AERMOD
                                                    method starts with determination of the                 reliable assurance that the plan provides             —BPIP–PRIME: The building input
                                                    1-hour emission limit that would                        for attainment.                                         processor
                                                    provide for attainment (i.e., the critical                 As stated previously, attainment                   —AERMINUTE: A pre-processor to
                                                    emission value), and applies an                         demonstrations for the 2010 1-hour                      AERMET incorporating 1-minute
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                                                    adjustment factor to determine the                      primary SO2 NAAQS must demonstrate                      automated surface observation system
                                                    (lower) level of the longer-term average                future attainment and maintenance of                    (ASOS) wind data
                                                    emission limit that would be estimated                  the NAAQS in the entire area                          —AERSURFACE: The surface
                                                    to have a stringency comparable to the                                                                          characteristics processor for AERMET
                                                    otherwise necessary 1-hour emission                       2 For example, if the critical emission value is    —AERSCREEN: A screening version of
                                                    limit. This method uses a database of                   1,000 pounds of SO2 per hour, and a suitable            AERMOD
                                                                                                            adjustment factor is determined to be 70 percent,
                                                    continuous emission data reflecting the                 the recommended longer-term average limit would         For any dispersion modeling exercise,
                                                    type of control that the source will be                 be 700 pounds per hour.                               the ‘‘urban’’ or ‘‘rural’’ determination of

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                                                    a source is important in determining the                described in detail in section IV.H,                  described in detail in the New
                                                    boundary layer characteristics that affect              below.) In the submittal, New                         Hampshire technical support document
                                                    the model’s prediction of downwind                      Hampshire also identified sources with                for EPA’s intended designations for the
                                                    concentrations. For SO2 modeling, the                   annual emissions greater than 100 tons                2010 SO2 NAAQS, for which EPA sent
                                                    urban/rural determination is important                  SO2 per year outside of the                           letters to states on August 22, 2017.
                                                    because AERMOD invokes a 4-hour                         nonattainment area. Specifically, in the              Based on this information, EPA found
                                                    half-life for urban SO2 sources.                        submission to EPA, New Hampshire                      no significant concentration gradient
                                                       To investigate whether the rural                     identified Schiller Station and                       due to emissions from Schiller Station
                                                    determination was correct, EPA                          Newington Station, which are both                     or Newington Station within the
                                                    examined aerial imagery within 3 km of                  located in the New Hampshire seacoast                 nonattainment area and has concluded
                                                    the facility and classified land use                    area approximately 55 km to the east                  that both stations are adequately
                                                    within the total area, as described in                  southeast of Merrimack Station, as the                represented in the monitored ambient
                                                    section of the Guideline. Using                 principal nearby emitters of over 100                 background.
                                                    this approach, EPA found that less than                 tons SO2 annually. Schiller and                          Additionally, EPA believes that the
                                                    50 percent of the land use in the area                  Newington stations are each located                   background levels reasonably account
                                                    reflected urban characteristics, and that               about 30 km from the boundary of the                  for other sources influencing air quality
                                                    therefore, consistent with the State’s                  nonattainment area.                                   within the nonattainment area because
                                                    selection, rural dispersion                                For the purpose of ensuring that no                data used to develop background levels
                                                    characteristics were most appropriate                   other sources of SO2 were                             include hours during which those
                                                    for use in this assessment.                             inappropriately excluded in New                       sources may have impacted the
                                                       The State used AERMOD version                        Hampshire’s modeling, EPA reviewed                    monitors.
                                                    15181, the most up-to-date version at                   its 2014 National Emissions Inventory                    Therefore, based on the reasoning
                                                    the time the area was modeled, using all                (NEI), version 1 for sources within or                provided in the preceding paragraphs,
                                                    regulatory default options. AERMOD                      nearby to the nonattainment area.                     EPA concludes that the State
                                                    version 16216r has since become the                     During this review, EPA identified one                appropriately accounted for these other
                                                    regulatory model version. There were no                 additional source in the region that has              sources through the inclusion of
                                                    updates from 15181 to 16216r that                       emitted greater than 100 tons of SO2                  monitored background concentrations
                                                    would significantly affect the                          annually, though not within the Central               (see section IV.H below).
                                                    concentrations predicted here.                          New Hampshire Nonattainment Area.
                                                       The ADJ_U* option, which adjusts the                 The source, Monadnock Paper Mills Inc.                C. Receptor Grid
                                                    minimum surface roughness velocity                      (Monadnock Paper), a pulp and paper                     Within AERMOD, air quality
                                                    under stable, low-wind speed                            facility located in Bennington, New                   concentration results are calculated at
                                                    conditions, was not invoked by the                      Hampshire approximately 40 km to the                  discrete locations identified by the user;
                                                    State. Not invoking ADJ_U*, as in the                   southwest of Merrimack Station and 24                 these locations are called receptors. The
                                                    demonstration submitted by New                          km from the closest portion of the                    receptor placement for the area of
                                                    Hampshire, may result in higher                         nonattainment area, emitted 148 tons                  analysis selected by the State is a
                                                    modeled concentrations; therefore, this                 SO2 in 2014 according to the 2014 NEI.                network of polar grids centered on
                                                    element of the model option selection is                   EPA examined whether Monadnock                     Merrimack Station to a distance of 50
                                                    conservative (i.e., unlikely to                         Paper might have an influence on the                  km in all directions. Polar grid radii
                                                    underpredict concentrations).                           nonattainment area. The main criterion                were spaced at 10 degree intervals.
                                                       EPA finds this selection appropriate                 described in section 8.3 of the Guideline             Receptors were placed every 20 meters
                                                    because this model version using                        for establishing whether a secondary                  along the perimeter of and excluded
                                                    default options is sufficiently up to date,             source is adequately represented by                   within the facility. Polar receptors along
                                                    the rural option selection is in line with              ambient monitoring data is whether that               the radii were spaced as follows:
                                                    site characteristics, and the selection of              secondary source causes a significant
                                                    default surface roughness velocity                      concentration gradient in the vicinity of             —20-meter spacing to 200 meters;
                                                    characteristics (i.e., no ADJ_U*) is not                the primary source under consideration.               —50-meter spacing from 200 meters to
                                                    expected to underpredict                                In this context, secondary sources that                 500 meters;
                                                    concentrations.                                         do not cause a significant concentration              —100-meter spacing from 500 meters to
                                                                                                            gradient are typically considered to be                 2 km;
                                                    B. Area of Analysis                                                                                           —250-meter spacing from 2 km to 10
                                                                                                            adequately represented in the monitored
                                                      New Hampshire accounted for SO2                       ambient background. Based on the                        km;
                                                    impacts in the modeling domain, which                   magnitude of emissions and distance                   —500-meter spacing from 10 km to 30
                                                    extends in a 50 km radius around                        relative to the nonattainment area, EPA                 km; and
                                                    Merrimack Station and includes both                     believes it is unlikely that Monadnock                —1,000-meter spacing from 30 km to 50
                                                    locations within and outside of the                     Paper will cause a significant                          km.
                                                    nonattainment area, through the                         concentration gradient within the                       In addition to the 4,349 receptors
                                                    inclusion of measured background                        nonattainment area and has concluded                  included in the description above, the
                                                    levels and explicitly modeled emission                  that Monadnock Paper is adequately                    State included 2,308 additional
                                                    sources. The only source New                            represented in the monitored ambient                  receptors in dense Cartesian arrays with
                                                    Hampshire included explicitly in the                    background.                                           100-meter spatial resolution, over areas
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                                                    modeling was Merrimack Station. In the                     To examine the possible influence of               of expected maximum predicted
                                                    narrative of the January 31, 2017 SIP                   other sources on the nonattainment                    concentrations based on preliminary
                                                    submittal, New Hampshire indicated                      area, EPA considered the most recent                  modeling. Specifically, this was done in
                                                    that other emitters of SO2 were                         modeling assessment for Schiller and                  areas of complex terrain features at
                                                    accounted for in the background levels                  Newington stations provided by New                    distances between 5 and 15 km of
                                                    monitored within the nonattainment                      Hampshire to EPA in February 2017 for                 Merrimack Station.
                                                    area. (The approach for developing the                  purposes of SO2 designations. That                      The receptor network contained a
                                                    monitored background levels is                          modeling and EPA’s evaluation of it are               total of 6,657 receptors, covering a

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                                                    circular area of 50 km in radius,                       specific data, specifically: (1) The                  with EPA guidance contained in section
                                                    including the entirety of the                           observation height for the site-specific              8.4.2(e) of the Guideline, which states
                                                    nonattainment area. EPA finds that the                  data is closer in height to the stacks at             that at least 1 year of site-specific
                                                    modeling domain and receptor network                    Merrimack Station than the 8 meter                    meteorological data are required to
                                                    are sufficient to identify maximum                      collection height for the NWS data; (2)               ensure that worst-case meteorological
                                                    impacts from Merrimack Station, and                     the site-specific wind direction data are             conditions are adequately represented
                                                    are therefore adequate for characterizing               more representative of the channeling                 in the model results. The upper air
                                                    the nonattainment area.                                 effect within the Merrimack River valley              stations selected for the analysis are the
                                                                                                            in the location of Merrimack Station;                 closest sites and are suitably
                                                    D. Meteorological Data
                                                                                                            and (3) use of the site-specific data                 representative of the upper air in the
                                                       New Hampshire used AERMOD’s                          would be consistent with previous                     Central New Hampshire Nonattainment
                                                    meteorological data preprocessor                        modeling of Merrimack, which relied on                Area, and are therefore most appropriate
                                                    AERMET (version 15181) with 2 years                     the site-specific meteorology.                        for developing upper air profiles for the
                                                    of surface and concurrent upper air                                                                           State’s modeling analysis.
                                                                                                               EPA concurs with the choice of
                                                    meteorological data. The State relied on                                                                        The State used AERSURFACE version
                                                                                                            surface and upper air meteorological
                                                    site-specific surface observations                                                                            13016 using land cover data from the
                                                                                                            data inputs as being appropriately
                                                    collected at Merrimack Station in Bow,                                                                        1992 National Land Cover Dataset
                                                                                                            representative of site-specific
                                                    New Hampshire during the 23-month                                                                             (NLCD) for both surface data collection
                                                                                                            meteorology. Specifically, EPA has
                                                    period from January 1994 through                                                                              locations to estimate the surface
                                                    November 1995 at five meteorological                    judged the representativeness of the
                                                                                                                                                                  characteristics (albedo, Bowen ratio, and
                                                    tower measurement levels and fifteen                    measured surface meteorological data
                                                                                                                                                                  surface roughness length) of the area of
                                                    SODAR (Sound Detection and Ranging)                     according to the following four factors,
                                                                                                                                                                  analysis. The State estimated surface
                                                    levels. In addition, the State used                     as listed in section 8.4.1(b) to the
                                                                                                                                                                  roughness length values for 12 spatial
                                                    surface observations from the National                  Guideline: (1) The proximity of the
                                                                                                                                                                  sectors out to the recommended radius
                                                    Weather Service (NWS) station at                        meteorological monitoring site to the
                                                                                                                                                                  of 1 km at a monthly temporal
                                                    Concord Municipal Airport in Concord,                   area under consideration, (2) the
                                                                                                                                                                  resolution for average surface moisture
                                                    New Hampshire (WBAN Station No.                         complexity of the terrain, (3) the
                                                                                                                                                                  conditions. EPA concurs with New
                                                    14745) in the following ways: (1) To                    exposure of the meteorological
                                                                                                                                                                  Hampshire’s approach to developing
                                                    supplement site-specific surface data                   monitoring site, and (4) the period of                relevant surface characteristics for use
                                                    with additional parameters (sky cover,                  time during which data are collected.                 in processing meteorological data for
                                                    ceiling height, and surface pressure) not               Regarding proximity (factor 1), the site-             this area.
                                                    available in the site-specific                          specific data is preferred over the more
                                                    meteorological data, (2) to substitute for              distant NWS data, though both data                    E. Source Characterization
                                                    missing site-specific wind observations                 sources are sufficiently close to be                    EPA also reviewed the State’s source
                                                    (51 hours of the 16,776 hours of the 23                 appropriately representative of the site.             characterization in its modeling
                                                    month period), and (3) to extend the                    Regarding the complexity of terrain                   assessment, including source types, use
                                                    meteorological dataset through                          (factor 2), both Concord and the site-                of accurate stack parameters, and
                                                    December 1995 to develop a full 2-year                  specific location show wind flow                      inclusion of building dimensions for
                                                    analysis period. Concord Municipal                      patterns with predominant northwest                   building downwash. The State’s source
                                                    Airport is approximately 7 km to the                    flow and secondary southeast flows, but               characterization in its modeling
                                                    north-northwest of Merrimack Station.                   the site-specific data show a more                    demonstration was consistent with the
                                                    The State used coincident upper air                     pronounced valley channeling effect                   recommendations included in the
                                                    observations from different NWS                         with fewer hours with wind flow in                    Guideline. The source used actual stack
                                                    stations located in Portland, Maine                     other directions. In terms of exposure of             height (445 feet), which EPA
                                                    (WBAN Station No. 14764) from January                   the site, neither location appears to be              determined to be good engineering
                                                    1, 1994 through September 21, 1994,                     exposed in a way that would have                      practice (GEP) height using BPIP–
                                                    and Gray, Maine (WBAN Station No.                       biased data collection (factor 3). Finally,           PRIME. The State also adequately
                                                    54762) from September 22, 1994                          regarding the data collection time                    characterized the source’s building
                                                    through December 31, 1995. (The                         period (factor 4), the more recent data at            layout and location, as well as the stack
                                                    Portland station ceased its upper air                   the NWS station would allow for use of                parameters, e.g., exit temperature, exit
                                                    observations on September 22, 1994,                     1-minute resolution data for more                     velocity, location, and diameter. EPA
                                                    when the Gray station began its upper                   accurate wind data inputs, and would                  verified the position of buildings and
                                                    air observations.) The Portland station is              be preferred for this factor.                         stacks using aerial imagery and relevant
                                                    around 110 km to the northeast of                       Notwithstanding the age of the onsite                 stack parameters based on permit
                                                    Merrimack and the Gray station is                       data, current land-use is comparable to               conditions.
                                                    around 130 km to the northeast of                       historical land-use, so that the historic
                                                    Merrimack.                                              meteorological data are sufficiently                  F. Emissions Data
                                                       New Hampshire also considered the                    representative of current conditions. In                 New Hampshire included maximum
                                                    use of more recent (2008–2012) NWS                      summary, based on the four factors                    allowable 1-hour emissions from
                                                    data collected at Concord Municipal                     described above, despite the availability             Merrimack Station in its modeled
                                                    Airport. The State cited two potential                  of recent nearby NWS data, the analysis               attainment demonstration for the
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                                                    advantages of using this alternative                    suggests that the 1994–1995 site-specific             Central New Hampshire Nonattainment
                                                    dataset, mainly that it was significantly               data augmented with NWS data are                      Area. The State indicated that SO2 air
                                                    newer and included data derived from                    more representative of conditions                     quality in the area is almost entirely
                                                    1-minute resolution observations using                  pertinent to releases at Merrimack                    characterized by emissions from the two
                                                    the AERMINUTE preprocessor to                           Station. The 23 months of site-specific               primary boilers at Merrimack Station,
                                                    AERMET. New Hampshire weighed                           data supplemented with 1 additional                   and this informed the State’s decision to
                                                    these considerations against the                        month of NWS data represent an                        only explicitly model SO2 emissions
                                                    advantages of using the 1994–1995 site-                 appropriate study period, consistent                  from Merrimack Station. Additional

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                                                    45248               Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules

                                                    units (i.e., two peak combustion                        Hampshire issued a permit (TP–0008)                   limits, where a boiler operating day is
                                                    turbines, an emergency generator, an                    for Merrimack Station that contained,                 defined as a 24-hour period that begins
                                                    emergency boiler, and a fire pump) at                   among other things, SO2 emission limits               at midnight and ends the following
                                                    Merrimack Station operate infrequently                  associated with a flue gas                            midnight during which any fuel is
                                                    and were treated as intermittent sources;               desulfurization (FGD) system. The FGD                 combusted at any time in the boiler; it
                                                    therefore, they were excluded from the                  was required to be installed at                       is not necessary for the fuel to be
                                                    modeling.3 The State provided                           Merrimack Station by the New                          combusted for the entire 24-hour period.
                                                    historical (2011–2014) counts of hours                  Hampshire legislature. See New                        Therefore, part of the review of New
                                                    of operation for these units to bolster its             Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated                  Hampshire’s nonattainment plan must
                                                    contention that these units do not                      (RSA) 125–O:11. EPA approved the SO2-                 address the use of these limits, both
                                                    contribute to the annual distribution of                related source-specific requirements of               with respect to the general suitability of
                                                    daily maximum 1-hour concentrations.                    that permit into the New Hampshire SIP                using such limits for this purpose and
                                                    Specifically, during the 2011–2014                      as part of the State’s regional haze SIP              with respect to whether the particular
                                                    period, the two turbines were operated                  submittal. See 77 FR 50602 (August 22,                limits included in the plan have been
                                                    during an average of 40 and 45 hours                    2012). In September 2016, New                         suitably demonstrated to provide for
                                                    per year, the emergency generator                       Hampshire issued a second permit (TP–                 attainment. The first subsection that
                                                    during an average of 17 hours per year,                 0189) for Merrimack Station, which                    follows addresses the enforceability of
                                                    the emergency boiler during an average                  included SO2 emission limits                          the limits in the plan, and the second
                                                    of 43 hours per year, and the fire pump                 specifically designed to ensure                       subsection that follows addresses in
                                                    during an average of 3 hours per year.                  compliance with the SO2 NAAQS. The                    particular the 7-boiler operating day
                                                    The maximum annual usage of any of                      emission limits included in TP–0189,                  average limits.
                                                    these pieces of equipment during that                   and which New Hampshire has
                                                                                                                                                                  1. Enforceability
                                                    time was 114 hours for combustion                       proposed for inclusion in the State’s
                                                    turbine 1 in 2014. The emergency                        SIP, apply at all times. The State’s                     On September 1, 2016, New
                                                    generator is limited through section                    modeling established a critical emission              Hampshire issued a permit, TP–0189, to
                                                    Env-A 1311.02(a) of New Hampshire’s                     value of 2,544 pounds (lb) SO2 per hour               Public Service of New Hampshire d/b/
                                                    SIP-approved air pollution control                      for scenario 1, which the State                       a Eversource Energy for Merrimack
                                                    regulations, to a maximum of 500 hours                  concluded is comparably stringent to a                Station. The permit became effective
                                                    of operation during any consecutive 12-                 7-boiler operating day rolling average                and enforceable upon issuance, and was
                                                    month period. The fire pump is limited                  limit of 0.39 lb SO2 per million British              issued pursuant to RSA 125–C:11. These
                                                    to a maximum of 100 hours for                           thermal units (MMBtu). The 7-boiler                   requirements are more stringent than
                                                    maintenance and testing during any                      operating day rolling average emissions               the applicable measures for the facility,
                                                    consecutive 12-month period because it                  limits that would be comparably                       which require 90% reduction for both
                                                    is subject to EPA’s New Source                          stringent to the 1-hour critical emission             MK1 and MK2, as incorporated into the
                                                    Performance Standards for stationary                    value under scenarios 2 and 3 would be                SIP by reference to Table 4, Items 6 and
                                                    internal combustion engines,                            0.92 and 0.47 lb SO2/MMBtu,                           8 of TP–0008. EPA considers the 30-
                                                    specifically 40 CFR 60.4211(e). These                   respectively. Because scenario 1 was the              boiler operating day limits included in
                                                    utilization levels and patterns are                     basis for establishing this limit, and the            TP–0189 (specifically, Table 4, Item 2)
                                                    consistent with EPA’s assessment of                     limit (0.39 lb/MMBtu) is more stringent               to supersede the conditions specified in
                                                    intermittent emissions based on the                     than the limits that would have been                  Table 4, Items 6 and 8 of TP–0008.
                                                    March 1, 2011 EPA guidance. EPA                         established for either scenario 2 or 3                   Monitoring, testing, and
                                                    believes that this treatment is                         (0.92 and 0.47 lb/MMBtu, respectively),               recordkeeping requirements related to
                                                    appropriate for those units in this area.               using emissions from scenario 1 as the                all of the permit’s SO2 emission limits
                                                       New Hampshire provided attainment                    basis of the modeling analysis is                     are clearly described in the permit and
                                                    modeling used to support its                            appropriate. See section IV.G.2 below                 ensure that the limits are quantifiable,
                                                    establishment of emission rates for                     for further details on the emissions in               fully enforceable, and replicable. The
                                                    Merrimack Station. In establishing the                  the State’s attainment modeling,                      accountability of the limits is
                                                    emission limits, the State followed                     including discussion of the State’s                   established through the State’s inclusion
                                                    EPA’s April 2014 guidance by using                      conclusion of comparable stringency                   of the permit limits in its nonattainment
                                                    modeling to develop a critical emission                 with the critical emission value.                     plan, and its modeling demonstration
                                                    value and adjustment factor to establish                   In summary, EPA concurs with the                   using the 1-hour emission levels that are
                                                    a longer term limit for Merrimack. The                  State’s selection in its attainment                   comparably stringent to the permit
                                                    State modeled three ‘‘normal operating                  demonstration modeling of emissions                   limits. In accordance with EPA policy,
                                                    scenarios,’’ comprised of one scenario                  from utility boilers at Merrimack                     the 7-boiler operating day average limit
                                                    with maximum operation of both utility                  Station, and exclusion of additional                  for Merrimack Station is set at a lower
                                                    boilers (scenario 1), and two other                     emission sources at Merrimack due to                  level than the critical emission value
                                                    scenarios with maximum operation of                     their intermittent operation.                         used in the attainment demonstration;
                                                    each boiler individually (scenarios 2                                                                         the relationship between these two
                                                                                                            G. Emission Limits
                                                    and 3, respectively). In 2011, New                                                                            values is discussed in more detail in the
                                                                                                               An important prerequisite for                      following section.
                                                                                                            approval of a nonattainment plan is that
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                                                      3 The March 1, 2011 EPA memorandum from

                                                    Tyler Fox to EPA Regional Air Division Directors        the emission limits that provide for                  2. Longer-Term Average Limits
                                                    entitled ‘‘Additional Clarification Regarding           attainment be quantifiable, fully                        New Hampshire developed a critical
                                                    Application of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for
                                                    the 1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air Quality             enforceable, replicable, and                          emission value for each of the three
                                                    Standard,’’ which also includes information             accountable. See General Preamble at                  normal operating scenarios (see section
                                                    relevant to modeling for SO2, addresses treatment       13567–68. The limits that New                         IV.F above) using a target concentration
                                                    of intermittent sources. This guidance indicates that
                                                    air permitting authorities have discretion to exclude
                                                                                                            Hampshire’s plan relies on for                        threshold of 183.2 micrograms per cubic
                                                    certain types of intermittent emissions for modeling    Merrimack Station are expressed as 7-                 meter (mg/m3) by subtracting a
                                                    the 1-hour NAAQS on a case-specific basis.              boiler operating day rolling average                  background value of 12.8 mg/m3, the

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules                                           45249

                                                    highest hour-by-season background                        hour average limit that the State                    southeast of Merrimack Station, and the
                                                    value (see section IV.H below), from 196                 determined would otherwise have been                 Concord monitor is located at Hazen
                                                    mg/m3, which is equivalent to the level                  necessary to provide for attainment.                 Drive in Concord, New Hampshire,
                                                    of the NAAQS of 75 ppb.4 The State                       While the 7-boiler operating day average             about 9.4 km to the north-northwest of
                                                    then divided the target concentration                    limit allows occasions in which                      Merrimack Station. Each of these
                                                    threshold by the maximum predicted                       emissions may be higher than the level               monitors was sited to record
                                                    99th percentile concentration using a                    that would be allowed with the 1-hour                neighborhood scale exposure levels
                                                    unit emission rate (i.e., 1 lb/hr) for each              limit, the State’s limit compensates by              rather than regional background levels;
                                                    normal operating scenario to establish                   requiring average emissions to be lower              there are currently no regional
                                                    the critical emission value for each                     than the level that would otherwise
                                                                                                                                                                  background monitors in the Central
                                                    scenario (e.g., 2,544 lb/hr, equivalent to               have been required by a 1-hour average
                                                                                                                                                                  New Hampshire Nonattainment Area.
                                                    a limit of 0.54 lb/MMBtu at full                         limit. For the reasons described above
                                                    operating load, for scenario 1).                         and explained in more detail in EPA’s                Per section 8.3.1.a of the Guideline,
                                                       Using hourly emission data provided                   April 2014 guidance for SO2                          background air quality should not
                                                    by EPA’s Air Markets Program Data                        nonattainment plans, EPA finds that                  include the ambient impacts of the
                                                    database for Merrimack Station for the                   appropriately set longer-term average                source under consideration. Both the
                                                    period between July 4, 2013 and March                    limits provide a reasonable basis by                 Pembroke and Concord monitors reflect
                                                    30, 2015 (i.e., since the FGD system                     which nonattainment plans may                        impacts attributable to Merrimack
                                                    became operational), the State derived                   provide for attainment. Based on our                 Station. One solution to develop
                                                    adjustment factors for longer-term                       review of this general information as                background concentrations from
                                                    averaging periods for each scenario.                     well as the particular information in                monitoring data around an isolated
                                                    Because the dataset includes only data                   New Hampshire’s plan, EPA finds that                 source, as described in section 8.3.2.c.i
                                                    from Merrimack Station using the                         the 7-boiler operating day average limit             of the Guidance, is to exclude monitor
                                                    control technology, it is appropriate for                for Merrimack Station will provide for               measurements collected when wind is
                                                    use in developing adjustment factors.                    attainment of the SO2 NAAQS.                         from a 90° sector centered on the source.
                                                    Prior to deriving the adjustment factors,                   In the April 2014 guidance for SO2,               Due to the low wind speeds and
                                                    the State removed erroneous data points                  EPA also described possible                          swirling winds characteristic of
                                                    from the dataset based on information                    supplemental limits on the frequency                 Merrimack Station’s river valley
                                                    provided by the facility. The adjustment                 and/or magnitude of elevated emissions               location, emissions from the source may
                                                    factors were calculated as the ratio of                  to strengthen the justification for the use
                                                                                                                                                                  contribute to the monitors even when
                                                    the 99th percentile of mass emissions                    of longer-term average limits to protect
                                                                                                                                                                  the wind direction is outside of the 90°
                                                    for the longer-term period to the 99th                   against NAAQS violations. One option
                                                    percentile hourly mass emissions. For                    provided in the guidance regarding this              sector. Therefore, the State determined
                                                    the rolling 7-day averaging period, the                  topic is the use of relatively shorter               that the 90° exclusion sector approach
                                                    adjustment factor was 0.73 for each of                   averaging times, which provide less                  was not appropriate for this application,
                                                    the three scenarios. That is, the 7-day                  allowance of emission spikes than                    and selected an alternative approach to
                                                    mass emission rate limit would need to                   would longer averaging times, i.e., the              develop background levels. Specifically,
                                                    be 0.73 times (or 27% lower than) the                    30-day averaging time. In this instance,             the State compiled an ambient
                                                    critical emission value to have                          the emission limit for Merrimack                     concentration database using the lower
                                                    comparable stringency as a 1-hour rate                   Station is on a 7-boiler operating day               observed value for the two monitors’
                                                    limit. The 7-day adjustment factor of                    average basis and the limit applies at all           hourly values as representing regional
                                                    0.73 for Merrimack Station is similar to                 times. Furthermore, the adjustment                   background levels. This approach
                                                    0.71, EPA’s average 30-day adjustment                    factor used to derive the limit is similar           accounts for area and mobile sources
                                                    factor for sources with wet scrubbers                    to 0.71, EPA’s average 30-day                        and more distant sources that were not
                                                    (derived from a database of 210 sources)                 adjustment factor for sources with wet               modeled explicitly but affect SO2 levels
                                                    as listed in appendix D of the April                     scrubbers as listed in appendix D of the             in the nonattainment area without also
                                                    2014 guidance. The State then derived                    April 2014 guidance, meaning that the                double-counting impacts from
                                                    emission limits for each scenario on an                  factor used to adjust the emission limit             Merrimack Station, which was modeled
                                                    emission per heat-input basis, and                       downward is more pronounced for a 7-                 explicitly. Using this approach, EPA
                                                    selected the lowest level for the 7-day                  day period than would typically be                   finds the State’s treatment of SO2
                                                    averaging period of 0.39 lb/MMBtu.                       expected. Based on these
                                                                                                                                                                  background levels to be suitable for the
                                                       Based on a review of the State’s                      considerations, EPA believes that the 7-
                                                                                                             boiler operating day limits are                      modeled attainment demonstration.
                                                    submittal, EPA believes that the 7-boiler
                                                    operating day average limit for                          sufficiently protective of the NAAQS                 I. Summary of Results
                                                    Merrimack Station provides a suitable                    without application of an additional,
                                                    alternative to establishing a 1-hour                     supplemental limit.                                     The modeling analysis upon which
                                                    average emission limit for this source.                                                                       the State relied in establishing a critical
                                                                                                             H. Background Concentrations
                                                    The State has used a suitable database                                                                        emission value for setting emission
                                                    in an appropriate manner and has                           To develop background                              limits for Merrimack Station results in
                                                    thereby applied an appropriate                           concentrations for the nonattainment                 concentrations of no greater than 196.0
                                                                                                             area, the State of New Hampshire relied
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    adjustment, yielding an emission limit                                                                        mg/m3, which is below the level of the
                                                    that has comparable stringency to the 1-                 on 2012–2014 data from two monitors                  1-hour primary SO2 NAAQS of 196.4
                                                                                                             within the nonattainment area: The                   mg/m3. EPA agrees with the State that
                                                       4 Using a numerical conversion factor of 2.619 mg/    Pembroke monitor, Air Quality System                 these results indicate that emissions at
                                                    m3 per ppb, the 2010 SO2 NAAQS of 75 ppb is              (AQS) number 33–013–1006, and the                    the critical emission value for
                                                    equivalent to 196.4 mg/m3. The state rounded 196.4       Concord monitor, AQS number 33–013–
                                                    mg/m3 down to a more protective level of 196 mg/                                                              Merrimack Station provide for
                                                                                                             1007. The Pembroke monitor is located
                                                    m3. EPA is using the lower value in this case                                                                 attainment of the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
                                                    because it is consistent with the State’s analysis and   on Pleasant Street in Pembroke, New
                                                    is also protective of the NAAQS.                         Hampshire, about 1.3 km to the

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                                                    45250                      Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules

                                                    V. Review of Other Plan Requirements                                        the nonattainment area which may                                     road mobile sources) and vehicle miles
                                                                                                                                affect attainment in the area. See CAA                               traveled (VMT; for on-road mobile
                                                    A. Emissions Inventory
                                                                                                                                section 172(c)(3).                                                   sources) statistics. The State included
                                                      The emissions inventory and source                                                                                                             emissions from point sources (e.g.,
                                                    emission rate data for an area serve as                                        In its plan, New Hampshire included
                                                                                                                                a current emissions inventory for the                                Merrimack Station) to the area based on
                                                    the foundation for air quality modeling                                                                                                          location. The State calculated emissions
                                                    and other analyses that enable states to:                                   nonattainment area and also for the
                                                                                                                                three-county area of Hillsborough,                                   for the area from some types of sources
                                                    (1) Estimate the degree to which
                                                                                                                                Merrimack, and Rockingham Counties                                   based on county-level emissions. A
                                                    different sources within a
                                                    nonattainment area contribute to                                            based on the 2011–2015 period. The                                   summary of the State’s emissions
                                                    violations within the affected area; and                                    State principally relied on 2014 as the                              inventories for 2011, 2014, and 2018 are
                                                    (2) assess the expected improvement in                                      most complete and representative                                     presented in Table 1. Based on the
                                                    air quality within the nonattainment                                        record of annual SO2 emissions because                               State’s inventory, of the 5,471 tons SO2
                                                    area due to the adoption and                                                it coincided with EPA’s National                                     emitted in 2014 within the three county
                                                    implementation of control measures. As                                      Emissions Inventory (NEI), which                                     area, 1,480 tons were emitted within the
                                                    noted above, the State must develop and                                     includes a comprehensive inventory of                                nonattainment area. Merrimack Station
                                                    submit to EPA a comprehensive,                                              all source types. The State allocated                                emitted 1,044 tons SO2 in 2014. These
                                                    accurate, and current inventory of actual                                   2014 NEI version 1 emissions from the                                emissions levels are much lower than
                                                    emissions from all sources of SO2                                           portion of each county within the                                    historical emissions levels; for example,
                                                    emissions in each nonattainment area,                                       nonattainment area using city- and                                   in 2011, Merrimack Station emitted
                                                    as well as any sources located outside                                      town-level population (for area and non-                             22,420 tons SO2.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Hillsborough,       Central New
                                                                                                                                                                                             Merrimack, and                       Merrimack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hampshire non-
                                                                                                                   Year                                                                       Rockingham                           Station
                                                                                                                                                                                                                attainment area
                                                                                                                                                                                                Counties                           (tons)

                                                    2011 .................................................................................................................................           24,934              22,398          22,420
                                                    2014 .................................................................................................................................            5,471               1,480           1,044
                                                    2018 (projected) ...............................................................................................................                  6,966               2,473           1,927

                                                       New Hampshire also developed a                                           under section 172, as measures that a                                plans to incorporate relevant conditions
                                                    projected emission inventory for the                                        state determines to be reasonably                                    contained in TP–0189 into Merrimack’s
                                                    2018 attainment year. The emissions                                         available and which contribute to                                    title V operating permit (TV–0055).
                                                    projection indicates 1,927 tons of SO2                                      attainment as expeditiously as                                          The air modeling analysis submitted
                                                    from Merrimack Station and a total of                                       practicable for existing sources in the                              to EPA during the development of the
                                                    2,473 tons of SO2 within the                                                area.                                                                SO2 limits in TP–0189 confirms that
                                                    nonattainment area; however, these                                             In its January 31, 2017 SIP submittal,                            these limits are protective of the
                                                    projections rely on a 90% reduction in                                      New Hampshire identified the                                         NAAQS, as described in section IV.
                                                    SO2 emissions from Merrimack Station,                                       operational and SO2 emission limits                                  Because the modeling demonstrates
                                                    which is less stringent than the at least                                   contained in Merrimack Station’s                                     attainment using emission limits
                                                    93.4% reduction incorporated into the                                       permit, TP–0189, as meeting RACM/                                    contained in Merrimack Station’s
                                                    permit New Hampshire issued for                                             RACT. New Hampshire’s plan for                                       permit, TP–0189, the State determined
                                                    Merrimack Station on September 1,                                           attaining the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS in the                                that controls for SO2 emissions at
                                                    2016, TP–0189.                                                              Central New Hampshire Nonattainment                                  Merrimack Station are appropriate in
                                                       EPA agrees that the State’s emissions                                    Area is based on the operational and                                 the Central New Hampshire Area for
                                                    inventories are appropriate because they                                    emission limitations contained in                                    purposes of attaining the 2010 SO2
                                                    rely on well-established and vetted                                         Merrimack Station’s permit.                                          NAAQS. Accordingly, New Hampshire
                                                    estimates of emissions for the current                                      Specifically, Merrimack Station’s permit                             only completed a RACM/RACT analysis
                                                    period and attainment year,                                                 limits SO2 emissions from the MK1 and                                for Merrimack Station because the air
                                                    respectively.                                                               MK2 boilers at Merrimack Station to                                  quality modeling showed that the SO2
                                                                                                                                0.39 lb/MMBtu on a 7-boiler operating                                emission reductions required by TP–
                                                    B. RACM/RACT                                                                day rolling average (achieved through                                0189 will be sufficient to ensure that the
                                                      CAA section 172(c)(1) requires that                                       operation of the FGD), which the State                               nonattainment area achieves attainment
                                                    each attainment plan provide for the                                        demonstrated was comparably stringent                                with the SO2 NAAQS. EPA believes that
                                                    implementation of all reasonably                                            to the critical emission value that                                  New Hampshire’s approach is
                                                    available control measures (RACM) as                                        provides for attainment of the NAAQS,                                consistent with EPA’s April 2014
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                                                    expeditiously as practicable (including                                     as described in section IV.G.2 above.                                guidance, which indicates that ‘‘[a]ir
                                                    such reductions in emissions from                                           New Hampshire’s nonattainment plan                                   agencies should consider all RACM/
                                                    existing sources in the area as may be                                      includes the SO2 control measures                                    RACT that can be implemented in light
                                                    obtained through the adoption, at a                                         required by the permit, which was                                    of the attainment needs for the affected
                                                    minimum, of reasonably available                                            effective immediately upon issuance on                               area(s).’’
                                                    control technology (RACT)) and shall                                        September 1, 2016. New Hampshire has                                    The Central New Hampshire Area is
                                                    provide for attainment of the NAAQS.                                        determined that these measures suffice                               currently showing an attaining design
                                                    EPA interprets RACM, including RACT,                                        to provide for timely attainment, and                                value for 2014–2016, and has been since

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules                                          45251

                                                    the 2012–2014 period, which means                       the State implemented its main control                submittal, EPA believes that New
                                                    that attainment of the NAAQS is as                      strategy, i.e., establishment of federally            Hampshire’s plan provides for satisfying
                                                    expeditious as practicable.                             enforceable SO2 emissions limits and                  the contingency measure requirement.
                                                       Based on New Hampshire’s modeling                    operational conditions in TP–0189 for                 EPA concurs and proposes to approve
                                                    demonstration, which accounted for the                  Merrimack Station in September 2016.                  New Hampshire’s plan for meeting the
                                                    SO2 emission limits contained in                        New Hampshire concluded that this                     contingency measure requirement in
                                                    Merrimack Station’s permit, TP–0189,                    plan therefore provides for RFP in                    this manner.
                                                    the Central New Hampshire Area is                       accordance with the approach to RFP
                                                    projected to attain the 2010 SO2 NAAQS                  described in EPA’s guidance. EPA                      VI. Additional Elements of New
                                                    by the 2018 attainment date. Because                    concurs and proposes to conclude that                 Hampshire’s Submittal
                                                    the area is currently attaining the 2010                the plan provides for RFP.                            A. Conformity
                                                    SO2 NAAQS, EPA proposes to find that
                                                                                                            E. Contingency Measures                                  The State addresses general
                                                    the control strategy will ensure
                                                                                                               As discussed in our guidance, Section              conformity and transportation
                                                    attainment of the NAAQS by the
                                                                                                            172(c)(9) of the CAA defines                          conformity requirements as they apply
                                                    required attainment date.
                                                       The State’s plan also includes a                     contingency measures as such measures                 to the nonattainment area. Generally, as
                                                    broader discussion of the SO2 control                   in a SIP that are to be implemented in                set forth in section 176(c) of the Clean
                                                    strategy beyond Merrimack Station’s                     the event that an area fails to make RFP,             Air Act, conformity requires that actions
                                                    permit, TP–0189. Merrimack Station is                   or fails to attain the NAAQS, by the                  by federal agencies do not cause new air
                                                    also subject to requirements of the                     applicable attainment date. Contingency               quality violations, worsen existing
                                                    Mercury and Air Toxics Standards                        measures are to become effective                      violations, or delay timely attainment of
                                                    (MATS), which promotes reductions at                    without further action by the state or                the relevant NAAQS. General
                                                    subject facilities of certain hazardous air             EPA, where the area has failed to (1)                 conformity applies to federal actions,
                                                    pollutants, including hydrochloric acid;                achieve RFP or (2) attain the NAAQS by                other than certain highway and
                                                    such reductions are achieved at                         the statutory attainment date for the                 transportation projects, if the action
                                                    Merrimack Station through the                           affected area. These control measures                 takes place in a nonattainment area or
                                                    operation of the FGD system, which                      are to consist of other available control             maintenance area (i.e., an area which
                                                    concurrently reduces emissions of SO2.                  measures that are not included in the                 submitted a maintenance plan that
                                                    New Hampshire also notes in its                         control strategy for the nonattainment                meets the requirements of section 175A
                                                    nonattainment plan the anticipated 73%                  area SIP. EPA guidance describes                      of the CAA and has been redesignated
                                                    reduction in SO2 emissions among                        special features of SO2 planning that                 to attainment) for ozone, particulate
                                                    upwind states subject to EPA’s Cross                    influence the suitability of alternative              matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon
                                                    State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR),                       means of addressing the requirement in                monoxide, lead, or SO2. EPA’s General
                                                    which will lessen the contribution of                   section 172(c)(9) for contingency                     Conformity Rule (40 CFR 93.150 to
                                                    sources from other states into the                      measures for SO2. Because SO2 control                 93.165) establishes the criteria and
                                                    nonattainment area in future years. New                 measures are by definition based on                   procedures for determining if a federal
                                                    Hampshire also described emissions                      what is directly and quantifiably                     action conforms to the SIP. With respect
                                                    reductions at Schiller Station as part of               necessary emissions controls, any                     to the 2010 SO2 NAAQS, federal
                                                    statewide efforts to reduce SO2, as well                violations of the NAAQS are likely                    agencies are expected to continue to
                                                    as other state rules.                                   related to source violations of a source’s            estimate emissions for conformity
                                                       EPA concurs with New Hampshire’s                     permit terms. Therefore, an appropriate               analyses in the same manner as they
                                                    approach and analysis, and proposes to                  means of satisfying this requirement for              estimated emissions for conformity
                                                    conclude that the State has satisfied the               SO2 is for the state to have a                        analyses under the previous NAAQS for
                                                    requirement in section 172(c)(1) to                     comprehensive enforcement program                     SO2. EPA’s General Conformity Rule
                                                    adopt and submit all RACM as needed                     that identifies sources of violations of              includes the basic requirement that a
                                                    to attain the SO2 NAAQS as                              the SO2 NAAQS and to undertake an                     federal agency’s general conformity
                                                    expeditiously as practicable.                           aggressive follow-up for compliance and               analysis be based on the latest and most
                                                                                                            enforcement.                                          accurate emission estimation techniques
                                                    C. New Source Review (NSR)                                 For its contingency program, New                   available (40 CFR 93.159(b)). When
                                                      EPA last approved New Hampshire’s                     Hampshire proposed to continue to                     updated and improved emissions
                                                    Env-A 618 nonattainment new source                      operate a comprehensive program to                    estimation techniques become available,
                                                    review rules on May 25, 2017 (82 FR                     identify sources of violations of the SO2             EPA expects the federal agency to use
                                                    24057). These rules provide for                         NAAQS and undertake aggressive                        these techniques. New Hampshire
                                                    appropriate new source review for SO2                   compliance and enforcement actions,                   addresses general conformity under SIP-
                                                    sources undergoing construction or                      including expedited procedures for                    approved state rule Env-A 1500.
                                                    major modification in the Central New                   establishing consent agreements                          Federal Highway and Federal Transit
                                                    Hampshire Nonattainment Area without                    pending the adoption of the revised SIP.              Administration projects are subject to
                                                    need for modification of the approved                   New Hampshire’s program for                           transportation conformity rather than
                                                    rules. Therefore, EPA concludes that                    enforcement of SIP measures for the                   general conformity requirements, with
                                                    this requirement has already been met                   2010 SO2 NAAQS was approved by EPA                    some exceptions. New Hampshire
                                                                                                            on June 15, 2016. See 81 FR 44542. As                 asserts in its plan that due to minimal
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    for this area.
                                                                                                            EPA stated in its April 2014 guidance,                impact on SO2 from combustion of
                                                    D. Reasonable Further Progress (RFP)                    EPA believes that this approach                       gasoline and diesel fuels, transportation
                                                       New Hampshire concluded that the                     continues to be a valid approach for the              conformity rules do not generally apply
                                                    appropriate control measures were                       implementation of contingency                         to SO2 unless the EPA Regional
                                                    implemented as expeditiously as                         measures to address the 2010 SO2                      Administrator or the state air director
                                                    practicable in order to ensure                          NAAQS.                                                finds that its transportation-related SO2
                                                    attainment of the standard by the                          Based on the contingency measures                  emissions are a significant contributor
                                                    applicable attainment date. Specifically,               identified by the State in its plan                   to fine particulate matter as a precursor.

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                                                    45252                     Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules

                                                    This reasoning is consistent with EPA’s                                  Prior to the effective date of TP–0189,                                provisions of TP–0189, i.e., assuming an
                                                    April 2014 guidance and EPA proposes                                     under the conditions of TP–0008 (see 77                                average of 0.39 lb/MMBtu. A summary
                                                    to conclude that New Hampshire’s plan                                    FR 50602), Merrimack Station was                                       of these allowable emissions is
                                                    meets our guidance and rule                                              permitted to operate the MK1 boiler                                    presented in Table 2. According to the
                                                    requirements with regard to general and                                  through the bypass stack (i.e., now the                                plan, allowable annual SO2 emissions
                                                    transportation conformity.                                               emergency stack) for no more than 840                                  prior to the FGD installation (and the
                                                                                                                             hours during any consecutive 12-month                                  conditions of TP–0008) were 82,537
                                                    B. Changes in Allowable Emissions                                        period and thereby bypass SO2 controls;                                tons, compared to 8,254 tons under the
                                                       The State quantified the changes in                                   the MK2 boiler is unable to operate                                    permit conditions of TP–0008, and
                                                    allowable emissions expected to result                                   through the bypass stack. The State
                                                                                                                                                                                                    8,047 tons under the nonattainment
                                                    from implementation of its                                               quantified emissions from these boilers
                                                                                                                                                                                                    plan (namely the SO2 emissions limit
                                                    nonattainment area plan. To do so, the                                   which were allowed prior to installation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    for NAAQS compliance included in TP–
                                                    State compared allowable annual                                          of the FGD and the effective date of TP–
                                                    emissions at Merrimack Station prior to                                  0008. Then, the State quantified                                       0189). That is, the State expects
                                                    installation of the FGD control system                                   emissions from the MK1 and MK2                                         implementation of the plan to allow 207
                                                    with those after the system was                                          boilers under the provisions of TP–0008                                tons fewer than prior to plan
                                                    operational and with those with the                                      (i.e., using a 90% emissions reduction).                               implementation, and 74,490 tons fewer
                                                    conditions of TP–0189 in place (i.e.,                                    Finally, the State quantified emissions                                than prior to installation and operation
                                                    allowable emissions under the plan).                                     for MK1 and MK2 allowed under the                                      of the FGD.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Difference in   Difference in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       allowable       allowable
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total allowable      emissions       emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                                    emissions        from prior to   from prior to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TP–0008         TP–0189
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (tons)          (tons)

                                                    Prior to TP–0008 .........................................................................................................................            82,537
                                                    With TP–0008 ..............................................................................................................................            8,254        a¥74,283

                                                    Nonattainment Area Plan (With TP–0189) ..................................................................................                              8,047        a¥74,489           a b¥206

                                                       a Reportednegative emissions values for differences indicate emission reductions.
                                                       b NewHampshire reported a difference of 206 tons compared with the numerical difference of 207 tons between the reported total allowable
                                                    emissions. This slight difference can be attributed to rounding.

                                                    C. Air Quality Trends                                                    nonattainment new source review                                        procedures. Therefore, the State did not
                                                      New Hampshire also included trends                                     program which addresses 110(a)(2)(I),                                  use or request approval of alternative or
                                                    in ambient monitoring data for the                                       the included control strategy, and the                                 equivalent techniques as allowed under
                                                    nonattainment area. In its                                               associated emissions limits which are                                  of the CAA and EPA is proposing to
                                                    nonattainment plan, the State shows                                      relevant to 110(a)(2)(A). In addition,                                 conclude that the State’s nonattainment
                                                    that ambient concentrations in the area                                  EPA approved the State’s SO2                                           SIP meets the requirements of section
                                                    have dropped markedly since 2011,                                        infrastructure SIP on May 25, 2017 (82                                 172(c)(8) of the CAA.
                                                    when Merrimack Station began                                             FR 24057). EPA will take action in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    VII. EPA’s Proposed Action
                                                    operation of its FGD system under the                                    separate rulemaking on the remaining
                                                    SIP-approved conditions of TP–0008,                                      portion of the State’s infrastructure SIP,                               EPA has determined that New
                                                    and are now below 75 ppb, the level of                                   the so-called SO2 ‘‘good neighbor’’ or                                 Hampshire’s SO2 nonattainment plan
                                                    the NAAQS. The monitored design                                          ‘‘interstate transport’’ SIP to satisfy                                meets the applicable requirements of
                                                    value for the Pembroke monitor (AQS                                      section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) of the CAA.                                 sections 110, 172, 191, and 192 of the
                                                    number 33–013–1006), consistently the                                    EPA is proposing to conclude that the                                  CAA. EPA is proposing to approve New
                                                    highest in the area, was 23 ppb for 2012                                 State has meet the requirements of                                     Hampshire’s January 31, 2017 SIP
                                                    to 2014, and 20 ppb for both 2013 to                                     172(c)(7) of the CAA.                                                  submission for attaining the 2010 1-hour
                                                    2015 and 2014 to 2016.                                                   E. Equivalency Techniques                                              SO2 NAAQS for the Central New
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hampshire Nonattainment Area and for
                                                    D. Compliance With Section 110(a)(2) of                                    Section 172(c)(8) of the CAA states                                  meeting other nonattainment area
                                                    the CAA                                                                  that upon application by any state, the                                planning requirements. This SO2
                                                      Section 172(c)(7) of the CAA requires                                  Administrator may allow the use of                                     nonattainment plan includes New
                                                    nonattainment SIPs to meet the                                           equivalent modeling, emission                                          Hampshire’s attainment demonstration
                                                    applicable provisions of section                                         inventory, and planning procedures,                                    for the SO2 nonattainment area. The
                                                    110(a)(2) of the CAA. While the                                          unless the Administrator determines                                    nonattainment area plan also addresses
                                                    provisions of 110(a)(2) address various                                  that the proposed techniques are, in the                               requirements for RFP, RACT/RACM,
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    topics, EPA’s past determinations                                        aggregate, less effective than the                                     enforceable emission limits and control
                                                    suggest that only the section 110(a)(2)                                  methods specified by the Administrator.                                measures, base-year and projection-year
                                                    criteria linked with a particular area’s                                   The State’s nonattainment SIP                                        emission inventories, and contingency
                                                    designation and classification are                                       indicates that it followed existing                                    measures.
                                                    relevant to section 172(c)(7). This                                      regulations, guidance, and standard                                      In the January 31, 2017 submittal to
                                                    nonattainment SIP submittal satisfies all                                practices when conducting modeling,                                    EPA, New Hampshire included the
                                                    applicable criteria of section 110(a)(2) of                              preparing the emissions inventories,                                   applicable monitoring, testing,
                                                    the CAA, as evidenced by the State’s                                     and implementing its planning                                          recordkeeping, and reporting

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 187 / Thursday, September 28, 2017 / Proposed Rules                                                45253

                                                    requirements contained in Merrimack                     Table 5 (‘‘Monitoring and Testing                     appropriate, disproportionate human
                                                    Station’s permit, TP–0189, to                           Requirements’’); items 1 and 2 in Table               health or environmental effects, using
                                                    demonstrate how compliance with                         6 (‘‘Recordkeeping Requirements’’); and               practicable and legally permissible
                                                    Merrimack Station’s SO2 emission limit                  items 1 and 2 in Table 7 (‘‘Reporting                 methods, under Executive Order 12898
                                                    will be achieved and determined. EPA                    Requirements’’).                                      (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
                                                    is proposing to approve into the New                       EPA has made, and will continue to                    In addition, the SIP is not approved
                                                    Hampshire SIP the provisions of                         make, these materials generally                       to apply on any Indian reservation land
                                                    Merrimack Station’s permit, TP–0189,                    available through www.regulations.gov                 or in any other area where EPA or an
                                                    that constitute the SO2 operating and                   and/or at the EPA Region 1 Office                     Indian tribe has demonstrated that a
                                                    emission limits and their associated                    (please contact the person identified in              tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of
                                                    monitoring, testing, recordkeeping, and                 the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT                   Indian country, the rule does not have
                                                    reporting requirements. EPA is                          section of this preamble for more                     tribal implications and will not impose
                                                    proposing to approve these provisions                   information).                                         substantial direct costs on tribal
                                                    into the State’s SIP through                                                                                  governments or preempt tribal law as
                                                    incorporation by reference, as described                IX. Statutory and Executive Order
                                                                                                                                                                  specified by Executive Order 13175 (65
                                                    in section VIII, below. EPA’s analysis is               Reviews
                                                                                                                                                                  FR 67249, November 9, 2000).
                                                    discussed in this proposed rulemaking.                     Under the CAA, the Administrator is
                                                       EPA is not proposing to remove from                  required to approve a SIP submission                  List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
                                                    the existing New Hampshire SIP, Table                   that complies with the provisions of the                Environmental protection, Air
                                                    4, items 6, 8, and 10 contained in                      Act and applicable Federal regulations.               pollution control, Incorporation by
                                                    Merrimack Station’s July 2011 permit,                   42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).                   Reference, Intergovernmental relations,
                                                    TP–0008, because EPA has not received                   Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions,                   Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                    a request from the State to do so. See                  EPA’s role is to approve state choices,               requirements, Sulfur oxides.
                                                    52.1520(d) EPA-approved State Source                    provided that they meet the criteria of                 Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
                                                    specific requirements. However, EPA                     the CAA. Accordingly, this proposed
                                                    considers those provisions to be                        action merely approves state law as                     Dated: September 15, 2017.
                                                    superseded by the conditions of TP–                     meeting Federal requirements and does                 Ken Moraff,
                                                    0189, which are more stringent, and                     not impose additional requirements                    Acting Regional Administrator, EPA New
                                                    which are to be incorporated into the                   beyond those imposed by state law. For                England.
                                                    SIP in this proposed action.                            that reason, this proposed action:                    [FR Doc. 2017–20721 Filed 9–27–17; 8:45 am]
                                                    Specifically, two of the provisions,                       • Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory                BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                    items 6 and 8 from Table 4, relate to SO2               action’’ subject to review by the Office
                                                    emissions limits that have been                         of Management and Budget under
                                                    superseded by Merrimack Station’s                       Executive Order 12866 58 FR 51735,                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                    September 2016 permit, TP–0189. Item                    October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821,               AGENCY
                                                    10 from Table 4 has also been                           January 21, 2011);
                                                    superseded by Merrimack Station’s                          • does not impose an information                   40 CFR Part 82
                                                    September 2016 permit, TP–0189, in                      collection burden under the provisions                [EPA–HQ–OAR–2017–0213; FRL–9968–67–
                                                    that the existing SIP provision allowed                 of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44                    OAR]
                                                    operation of one of Merrimack Station’s                 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
                                                                                                                                                                  RIN 2060–AT43
                                                    two boilers, MK1, for up to 840 hours                      • is certified as not having a
                                                    in any consecutive 12-month period                      significant economic impact on a                      Protection of Stratospheric Ozone:
                                                    through the emergency bypass stack,                     substantial number of small entities                  Refrigerant Management Regulations
                                                    i.e., not through the FGD. Each of the                  under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5               for Small Cans of Motor Vehicle
                                                    corresponding provisions of Merrimack                   U.S.C. 601 et seq.);                                  Refrigerant
                                                    Station’s September 2016 permit, TP–                       • does not contain any unfunded
                                                    0189, are more stringent than those                     mandate or significantly or uniquely                  AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                    existing SIP provisions. EPA is taking                  affect small governments, as described                Agency (EPA).
                                                    public comments for thirty days                         in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                   ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                    following the publication of this                       of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
                                                    proposed action in the Federal Register.                   • does not have Federalism                         SUMMARY:    EPA is proposing this action
                                                    We will take all comments into                          implications as specified in Executive                to correct an editing oversight that lead
                                                    consideration in our final action.                      Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,                  to a potential conflict in a prior
                                                                                                            1999);                                                rulemaking as to whether or not
                                                    VIII. Incorporation by Reference
                                                                                                               • is not an economically significant               containers holding two pounds or less
                                                       In this rule, EPA is proposing to                    regulatory action based on health or                  of non-exempt substitute refrigerants for
                                                    include in a final EPA rule regulatory                  safety risks subject to Executive Order               use in motor vehicle air conditioning
                                                    text that includes incorporation by                     13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);                  that are not equipped with a self-sealing
                                                    reference. In accordance with                              • is not a significant regulatory action           valve can be sold to persons that are not
                                                    requirements of 1 CFR 51.5, EPA is                      subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR               certified technicians, provided those
                                                    proposing to incorporate by reference                   28355, May 22, 2001);                                 small cans were manufactured or
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    certain federally enforceable provisions                   • is not subject to requirements of                imported prior to January 1, 2018. This
                                                    of Merrimack Station’s permit, TP–0189,                 Section 12(d) of the National                         action clarifies that those small cans
                                                    effective on September 1, 2016.                         Technology Transfer and Advancement                   may continue to be sold to persons that
                                                    Specifically, the following provisions of               Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because              are not certified as technicians under
                                                    that permit are proposed to be                          application of those requirements would               sections 608 or 609 of the Clean Air Act.
                                                    incorporated by reference: Items 1, 2,                  be inconsistent with the CAA; and                     In the ‘‘Rules and Regulations’’ section
                                                    and 3 in Table 4 (‘‘Operating and                          • does not provide EPA with the                    of this Federal Register, EPA is
                                                    Emission Limits’’); items 1 and 2 in                    discretionary authority to address, as                publishing this action as a direct final

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Document Created: 2017-09-28 01:32:45
Document Modified: 2017-09-28 01:32:45
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments must be received on or before October 30, 2017.
ContactLeiran Biton, EPA New England, 5 Post Office Square Suite 100, Mail Code OEP05-2, Boston, MA 02109-3912; phone: 617-918-1267; fax: 617-918-0267; email: [email protected]
FR Citation82 FR 45242 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Sulfur Oxides

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