83_FR_1044 83 FR 1038 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection: Public Comment Request Information Collection Request Title: Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program, OMB No. 0915-0387-Revision.

83 FR 1038 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection: Public Comment Request Information Collection Request Title: Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program, OMB No. 0915-0387-Revision.

Health Resources and Services Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 6 (January 9, 2018)

Page Range1038-1039
FR Document2018-00173

In compliance with the requirement for opportunity for public comment on proposed data collection projects of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, HRSA announces plans to submit an Information Collection Request (ICR), described below, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Prior to submitting the ICR to OMB, HRSA seeks comments from the public regarding the burden estimate, below, or any other aspect of the ICR.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 6 (Tuesday, January 9, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 6 (Tuesday, January 9, 2018)]
[Pages 1038-1039]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-00173]



Health Resources and Services Administration

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection: 
Public Comment Request Information Collection Request Title: Small 
Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program, OMB No. 0915-0387--

AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department 
of Health and Human Services.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirement for opportunity for public 
comment on proposed data collection projects of the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995, HRSA announces plans to submit an Information Collection 
Request (ICR), described below, to the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB). Prior to submitting the ICR to OMB, HRSA seeks comments from the 
public regarding the burden estimate, below, or any other aspect of the 

DATES: Comments on this ICR should be received no later than March 12, 

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments to paperwork@hrsa.gov or mail the HRSA 
Information Collection Clearance Officer, Room 14N39, 5600 Fishers 
Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request more information on the 
proposed project or to obtain a copy of the data collection plans and 
draft instruments, email paperwork@hrsa.gov or call Lisa Wright-
Solomon, the HRSA Information Collection Clearance Officer at (301) 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: When submitting comments or requesting

[[Page 1039]]

information, please include the information request collection title 
for reference.
    Information Collection Request Title: Small Health Care Provider 
Quality Improvement Program, OMB No. 0915-0387--Revision.
    Abstract: This program is authorized by Title III, Public Health 
Service Act, Section 330A(g) (42 U.S.C. 254c(g)), as amended. This 
authority permits the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) to 
support grants that expand access to, coordinate, contain the cost of, 
and improve the quality of essential health care services, including 
preventive and emergency services, through the development of health 
care networks in rural and frontier areas and regions. The authority 
also allows HRSA to provide funds to rural and frontier communities to 
support the direct delivery of health care and related services, expand 
existing services, or enhance health service delivery through 
education, promotion, and prevention programs.
    The purpose of the Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement 
Grant (Rural Quality) Program is to provide support to rural primary 
care providers for implementation of quality improvement activities. 
The program promotes the development of an evidence-based culture and 
delivery of coordinated care in the primary care setting. Additional 
objectives of the program include improved health outcomes for 
patients, enhanced chronic disease management, and better engagement of 
patients and their caregivers. Organizations participating in the 
program are required to use an evidence-based quality improvement 
model; develop, implement and assess effectiveness of quality 
improvement initiatives; and use health information technology (HIT) to 
collect and report data. HIT may include an electronic patient registry 
or an electronic health record, and is a critical component for 
improving quality and patient outcomes. With HIT, it is possible to 
generate timely and meaningful data, which helps providers track and 
plan care.
    Need and Proposed Use of the Information: FORHP collects this 
information to quantify the impact of grant funding on access to health 
care, quality of services, and improvement of health outcomes. FORHP 
uses the data for program improvement and grantees use the data for 
performance tracking. The measures encompass access to care, population 
demographics, consortium/network, sustainability, quality improvement 
implementation strategies, clinical, and optional topic utilization.
    The proposed Rural Quality draft measures reflect a reduced number 
of measures: 25 total (previously 43), which includes 18 required 
measures applicable to all awardees in addition to 7 optional measures. 
Proposed revisions specifically include the following: (1) Alignment of 
clinical measures to current National Quality Forum endorsement 
recommendations and (2) broadened orientation of measures for improved 
applicability across variety of rural quality improvement project topic 
    Likely Respondents: The respondents would be award recipients of 
the Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program.
    Burden Statement: Burden in this context means the time expended by 
persons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose or provide the 
information requested. This includes the time needed to review 
instructions; to develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and 
systems for the purpose of collecting, validating, and verifying 
information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and 
providing information; to train personnel and to be able to respond to 
a collection of information; to search data sources; to complete and 
review the collection of information; and to transmit or otherwise 
disclose the information. The total annual burden hours estimated for 
this ICR are summarized in the table below.
    Total Estimated Annualized Burden Hours:

                                     Number of       Number of         Total        burden per     Total  burden
            Form name               respondents    responses per     responses     response  (in       hours
                                                    respondent                        hours)
Small Health Care Provider                    32               1              32              26             832
 Quality Improvement Program
 Performance Improvement
 Measurement System (PIMS)
    Total.......................              32  ..............              32  ..............             832

    HRSA specifically requests comments on: (1) The necessity and 
utility of the proposed information collection for the proper 
performance of the agency's functions; (2) the accuracy of the 
estimated burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity 
of the information to be collected; and (4) the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology to 
minimize the information collection burden.

Amy McNulty,
Acting Director, Division of the Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2018-00173 Filed 1-8-18; 8:45 am]

                                                1038                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 6 / Tuesday, January 9, 2018 / Notices

                                                DATES:  Comments must be received by                    Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA                       information is readily available. Form
                                                March 12, 2018.                                         requires federal agencies to publish a                 Number: CMS–29 (OMB control number
                                                ADDRESSES: When commenting, please                      60-day notice in the Federal Register                  0938–0074); Frequency: Occasionally
                                                reference the document identifier or                    concerning each proposed collection of                 (initially and then every six years);
                                                OMB control number. To be assured                       information, including each proposed                   Affected Public: Private Sector (Business
                                                consideration, comments and                             extension or reinstatement of an existing              or other for-profit and Not-for-profit
                                                recommendations must be submitted in                    collection of information, before                      institutions); Number of Respondents:
                                                any one of the following ways:                          submitting the collection to OMB for                   820; Total Annual Responses: 820; Total
                                                  1. Electronically. You may send your                  approval. To comply with this                          Annual Hours: 137. (For policy
                                                comments electronically to http://                      requirement, CMS is publishing this                    questions regarding this collection
                                                www.regulations.gov. Follow the                         notice.                                                contact Shonté Carter at 410–786–3532.)
                                                instructions for ‘‘Comment or                           Information Collection                                    Dated: January 4, 2018.
                                                Submission’’ or ‘‘More Search Options’’                                                                        William N. Parham, III,
                                                to find the information collection                         1. Type of Information Collection
                                                                                                        Request: Extension of a currently                      Director, Paperwork Reduction Staff, Office
                                                document(s) that are accepting                                                                                 of Strategic Operations and Regulatory
                                                comments.                                               approved collection; Title of
                                                                                                        Information Collection: Laboratory                     Affairs.
                                                  2. By regular mail. You may mail                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–00198 Filed 1–8–18; 8:45 am]
                                                written comments to the following                       Personnel Report (CLIA) and Supporting
                                                address: CMS, Office of Strategic                       Regulations; Use: The information                      BILLING CODE 4120–01–P

                                                Operations and Regulatory Affairs,                      collected on this survey form is used in
                                                Division of Regulations Development,                    the administrative pursuit of the
                                                                                                        Congressionally-mandated program                       DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                Attention: Document Identifier/OMB                                                                             HUMAN SERVICES
                                                Control Number ll, Room C4–26–05,                       with regard to regulation of laboratories
                                                7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore,                     participating in CLIA. The surveyor will
                                                                                                                                                               Health Resources and Services
                                                Maryland 21244–1850.                                    provide the laboratory with the CMS–
                                                                                                        209 form. While the surveyor performs                  Administration
                                                  To obtain copies of a supporting
                                                statement and any related forms for the                 other aspects of the survey, the                       Agency Information Collection
                                                proposed collection(s) summarized in                    laboratory will complete the CMS–209                   Activities: Proposed Collection: Public
                                                this notice, you may make your request                  by recording the personnel data needed                 Comment Request Information
                                                using one of following:                                 to support their compliance with the                   Collection Request Title: Small Health
                                                  1. Access CMS’ website address at                     personnel requirements of CLIA. The                    Care Provider Quality Improvement
                                                http://www.cms.hhs.gov/Paperwork                        surveyor will then use this information                Program, OMB No. 0915–0387—
                                                ReductionActof1995.                                     in choosing a sample of personnel to                   Revision.
                                                  2. Email your request, including your                 verify compliance with the personnel
                                                address, phone number, OMB number,                      requirements. Information on personnel                 AGENCY: Health Resources and Services
                                                and CMS document identifier, to                         qualifications of all technical personnel              Administration (HRSA), Department of
                                                Paperwork@cms.hhs.gov.                                  is needed to ensure the sample is                      Health and Human Services.
                                                  3. Call the Reports Clearance Office at               representative of the entire laboratory.               ACTION: Notice.
                                                (410) 786–1326.                                         Form Number: CMS–209 (OMB control
                                                                                                        number 0938–0151); Frequency:                          SUMMARY:   In compliance with the
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                        Biennially; Affected Public: Private                   requirement for opportunity for public
                                                William Parham at (410) 786–4669.
                                                                                                        Sector—State, Local, or Tribal                         comment on proposed data collection
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              Governments; and Federal Government;                   projects of the Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                Contents                                                Number of Respondents: 19,051; Total                   of 1995, HRSA announces plans to
                                                                                                        Annual Responses: 9,592; Total Annual                  submit an Information Collection
                                                  This notice sets out a summary of the                 Hours: 4,796. (For policy questions                    Request (ICR), described below, to the
                                                use and burden associated with the                      regarding this collection contact                      Office of Management and Budget
                                                following information collections. More                 Kathleen Todd at 410–786–3385.)                        (OMB). Prior to submitting the ICR to
                                                detailed information can be found in                       2. Type of Information Collection                   OMB, HRSA seeks comments from the
                                                each collection’s supporting statement                  Request: Extension of a currently                      public regarding the burden estimate,
                                                and associated materials (see                           approved collection; Title of                          below, or any other aspect of the ICR.
                                                ADDRESSES).                                             Information Collection: Verification of                DATES: Comments on this ICR should be
                                                  CMS–209 Laboratory Personnel                          Clinic Data—Rural Health Clinic Form                   received no later than March 12, 2018.
                                                     Report (CLIA) and Supporting                       and Supporting Regulations; Use: The
                                                     Regulations                                                                                               ADDRESSES: Submit your comments to
                                                                                                        form is utilized as an application to be
                                                  CMS–29 Verification of Clinic                         completed by suppliers of Rural Health                 paperwork@hrsa.gov or mail the HRSA
                                                     Data—Rural Health Clinic Form and                  Clinic (RHC) services requesting                       Information Collection Clearance
                                                     Supporting Regulations                             participation in the Medicare program.                 Officer, Room 14N39, 5600 Fishers
                                                  Under the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–                        This form initiates the process of                     Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
                                                3520), federal agencies must obtain                     obtaining a decision as to whether the                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To
                                                approval from the Office of Management                  conditions for certification are met as a              request more information on the
                                                and Budget (OMB) for each collection of                 supplier of RHC services. It also                      proposed project or to obtain a copy of
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                information they conduct or sponsor.                    promotes data reduction or introduction                the data collection plans and draft
                                                The term ‘‘collection of information’’ is               to and retrieval from the Automated                    instruments, email paperwork@hrsa.gov
                                                defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR                  Survey Process Environment (ASPEN)                     or call Lisa Wright-Solomon, the HRSA
                                                1320.3(c) and includes agency requests                  and related survey and certification                   Information Collection Clearance Officer
                                                or requirements that members of the                     databases by the CMS Regional Offices.                 at (301) 443–1984.
                                                public submit reports, keep records, or                 Should any question arise regarding the                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: When
                                                provide information to a third party.                   structure of the organization, this                    submitting comments or requesting

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:58 Jan 08, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00026   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\09JAN1.SGM   09JAN1

                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 6 / Tuesday, January 9, 2018 / Notices                                                                      1039

                                                information, please include the                                           program include improved health                               applicable to all awardees in addition to
                                                information request collection title for                                  outcomes for patients, enhanced chronic                       7 optional measures. Proposed revisions
                                                reference.                                                                disease management, and better                                specifically include the following: (1)
                                                  Information Collection Request Title:                                   engagement of patients and their                              Alignment of clinical measures to
                                                Small Health Care Provider Quality                                        caregivers. Organizations participating                       current National Quality Forum
                                                Improvement Program, OMB No. 0915–                                        in the program are required to use an                         endorsement recommendations and (2)
                                                0387—Revision.                                                            evidence-based quality improvement                            broadened orientation of measures for
                                                  Abstract: This program is authorized                                    model; develop, implement and assess                          improved applicability across variety of
                                                by Title III, Public Health Service Act,                                  effectiveness of quality improvement                          rural quality improvement project topic
                                                Section 330A(g) (42 U.S.C. 254c(g)), as                                   initiatives; and use health information                       areas.
                                                amended. This authority permits the                                       technology (HIT) to collect and report                           Likely Respondents: The respondents
                                                Federal Office of Rural Health Policy                                     data. HIT may include an electronic                           would be award recipients of the Small
                                                (FORHP) to support grants that expand                                     patient registry or an electronic health                      Health Care Provider Quality
                                                access to, coordinate, contain the cost                                   record, and is a critical component for                       Improvement Program.
                                                of, and improve the quality of essential                                  improving quality and patient
                                                health care services, including                                                                                                            Burden Statement: Burden in this
                                                                                                                          outcomes. With HIT, it is possible to                         context means the time expended by
                                                preventive and emergency services,                                        generate timely and meaningful data,
                                                through the development of health care                                                                                                  persons to generate, maintain, retain,
                                                                                                                          which helps providers track and plan                          disclose or provide the information
                                                networks in rural and frontier areas and                                  care.
                                                regions. The authority also allows HRSA                                                                                                 requested. This includes the time
                                                to provide funds to rural and frontier                                       Need and Proposed Use of the                               needed to review instructions; to
                                                communities to support the direct                                         Information: FORHP collects this                              develop, acquire, install, and utilize
                                                delivery of health care and related                                       information to quantify the impact of                         technology and systems for the purpose
                                                services, expand existing services, or                                    grant funding on access to health care,                       of collecting, validating, and verifying
                                                enhance health service delivery through                                   quality of services, and improvement of                       information, processing and
                                                education, promotion, and prevention                                      health outcomes. FORHP uses the data                          maintaining information, and disclosing
                                                programs.                                                                 for program improvement and grantees                          and providing information; to train
                                                  The purpose of the Small Health Care                                    use the data for performance tracking.                        personnel and to be able to respond to
                                                Provider Quality Improvement Grant                                        The measures encompass access to care,                        a collection of information; to search
                                                (Rural Quality) Program is to provide                                     population demographics, consortium/                          data sources; to complete and review
                                                support to rural primary care providers                                   network, sustainability, quality                              the collection of information; and to
                                                for implementation of quality                                             improvement implementation strategies,                        transmit or otherwise disclose the
                                                improvement activities. The program                                       clinical, and optional topic utilization.                     information. The total annual burden
                                                promotes the development of an                                               The proposed Rural Quality draft                           hours estimated for this ICR are
                                                evidence-based culture and delivery of                                    measures reflect a reduced number of                          summarized in the table below.
                                                coordinated care in the primary care                                      measures: 25 total (previously 43),                              Total Estimated Annualized Burden
                                                setting. Additional objectives of the                                     which includes 18 required measures                           Hours:

                                                                                                                                                               Number of                                                           Total
                                                                                                                                             Number of                                     Total          burden per
                                                                                  Form name                                                                  responses per                                                        burden
                                                                                                                                            respondents                                 responses          response
                                                                                                                                                               respondent                                                          hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (in hours)

                                                Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program
                                                 Performance Improvement Measurement System
                                                 (PIMS) Measurement .......................................................                             32                         1            32                        26               832

                                                     Total ..............................................................................               32   ........................           32     ........................            832

                                                  HRSA specifically requests comments                                     DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                      comment on proposed data collection
                                                on: (1) The necessity and utility of the                                  HUMAN SERVICES                                                projects of the Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                proposed information collection for the                                                                                                 of 1995, HRSA announces plans to
                                                proper performance of the agency’s                                        Health Resources and Services                                 submit an Information Collection
                                                functions; (2) the accuracy of the                                        Administration                                                Request (ICR), described below, to the
                                                estimated burden; (3) ways to enhance                                                                                                   Office of Management and Budget
                                                                                                                          Agency Information Collection                                 (OMB). Prior to submitting the ICR to
                                                the quality, utility, and clarity of the                                  Activities: Proposed Collection: Public
                                                information to be collected; and (4) the                                                                                                OMB, HRSA seeks comments from the
                                                                                                                          Comment Request; Information                                  public regarding the burden estimate,
                                                use of automated collection techniques                                    Collection Request Title: Radiation
                                                or other forms of information                                                                                                           below, or any other aspect of the ICR.
                                                                                                                          Exposure Screening and Education
                                                technology to minimize the information                                    Program, OMB No. 0906–0012—                                   DATES: Comments on this ICR should be
                                                collection burden.                                                        Revision                                                      received no later than March 12, 2018.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Submit your comments to
                                                Amy McNulty,                                                              AGENCY: Health Resources and Services
                                                                                                                                                                                        paperwork@hrsa.gov or mail the HRSA
                                                Acting Director, Division of the Executive                                Administration (HRSA), Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                        Information Collection Clearance
                                                Secretariat.                                                              Health and Human Services.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Officer, Room 14N39, 5600 Fishers
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–00173 Filed 1–8–18; 8:45 am]                                ACTION: Notice.                                               Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
                                                BILLING CODE 4165–15–P
                                                                                                                          SUMMARY: In compliance with the                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To
                                                                                                                          requirement for opportunity for public                        request more information on the

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014       15:58 Jan 08, 2018         Jkt 244001       PO 00000        Frm 00027   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\09JAN1.SGM     09JAN1

Document Created: 2018-01-09 02:18:52
Document Modified: 2018-01-09 02:18:52
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesComments on this ICR should be received no later than March 12, 2018.
ContactTo request more information on the proposed project or to obtain a copy of the data collection plans and draft instruments, email [email protected] or call Lisa Wright- Solomon, the HRSA Information Collection Clearance Officer at (301) 443-1984.
FR Citation83 FR 1038 

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