83_FR_12819 83 FR 12762 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request

83 FR 12762 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 57 (March 23, 2018)

Page Range12762-12763
FR Document2018-05955

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) invites comment on a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the Application for a Foreign Organization to Acquire a U.S. Bank or Bank Holding Company (FR Y-3F; OMB No. 7100-0119). The Board proposes to revise the FR Y-3F form and instructions in order to improve the clarity of the require information; obtain additional information necessary to evaluate the statutory factors; reflect the impact of new laws, regulations, capital requirements, and accounting rules; and improve transparency regarding the information that is required to consider a proposal. The revisions are intended to reduce the need for subsequent requests for additional information from applicants, which may delay the Board's consideration of a filing and create additional burden for filers.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 57 (Friday, March 23, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 57 (Friday, March 23, 2018)]
[Pages 12762-12763]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-05955]



Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment 

AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

ACTION: Notice, request for comment.


SUMMARY: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) 
invites comment on a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, 
the Application for a Foreign Organization to Acquire a U.S. Bank or 
Bank Holding Company (FR Y-3F; OMB No. 7100-0119). The Board proposes 
to revise the FR Y-3F form and instructions in order to improve the 
clarity of the require information; obtain additional information 
necessary to evaluate the statutory factors; reflect the impact of new 
laws, regulations, capital requirements, and accounting rules; and 
improve transparency regarding the information that is required to 
consider a proposal. The revisions are intended to reduce the need for 
subsequent requests for additional information from applicants, which 
may delay the Board's consideration of a filing and create additional 
burden for filers.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before May 22, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by FR Y-3F, by any of 
the following methods:
     Agency website: http://www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments at http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/proposedregs.aspx.
     Email: [email protected]. Include OMB 
number in the subject line of the message.
     FAX: (202) 452-3819 or (202) 452-3102.
     Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20551.
    All public comments are available from the Board's website at 
http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/proposedregs.aspx as submitted, 
unless modified for technical reasons. Accordingly, your comments will 
not be edited to remove any identifying or contact information. Public 
comments may also be viewed electronically or in paper form in Room 
3515, 1801 K Street (between 18th and 19th Streets NW) Washington, DC 
20006 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
    Additionally, commenters may send a copy of their comments to the 
OMB Desk Officer--Shagufta Ahmed--Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office 
Building, Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503 or by 
fax to (202) 395-6974.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A copy of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
(PRA) OMB submission, including the proposed reporting form and 
instructions, supporting statement, and other documentation will be 
placed into OMB's public docket files, if approved. These documents 
will also be made available on the Federal Reserve Board's public 
website at: http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/reportforms/review.aspx 
or may be requested from the agency clearance officer, whose name 
appears below.
    Federal Reserve Board Clearance Officer--Nuha Elmaghrabi--Office of 
the Chief Data Officer, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, Washington, DC 20551, (202) 452-3829. Telecommunications Device 
for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact (202) 263-4869, Board of Governors 
of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 15, 1984, the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board authority under the PRA to 
approve of and assign OMB control numbers to collection of information 
requests and requirements conducted or sponsored by the Board. In 
exercising this delegated authority, the Board is directed to take 
every reasonable step to solicit comment. In determining whether to 
approve a collection of information, the Board will consider all

[[Page 12763]]

comments received from the public and other agencies.

Request for Comment on Information Collection Proposal

    The Board invites public comment on the following information 
collection, which is being reviewed under authority delegated by the 
OMB under the PRA. Comments are invited on the following:
    a. Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for 
the proper performance of the Federal Reserve's functions; including 
whether the information has practical utility;
    b. The accuracy of the Federal Reserve's estimate of the burden of 
the proposed information collection, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used;
    c. Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected;
    d. Ways to minimize the burden of information collection on 
respondents, including through the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology; and
    e. Estimates of capital or startup costs and costs of operation, 
maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.
    At the end of the comment period, the comments and recommendations 
received will be analyzed to determine the extent to which the Federal 
Reserve should modify the proposal.

Proposal To Approve Under OMB Delegated Authority the Extension for 
Three Years, With Revision, of the Following Report

    Report title: Application for a Foreign Organization to Acquire a 
Bank Holding Company.
    Agency form number: FR Y-3F.
    OMB control number: 7100-0119.
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Respondents: Any company organized under the laws of a foreign 
country seeking to acquire a U.S. bank or bank holding company.
    Estimated number of respondents: Initial application, 1; subsequent 
application, 5.
    Estimated average hours per response: Initial application, 91 
hours; subsequent application, 71 hours.
    Estimated annual burden hours: 446 hours.
    General description of collection: Under the Bank Holding Company 
Act (BHCA), submission of this application is required for any company 
organized under the laws of a foreign country seeking to acquire a U.S. 
bank or bank holding company. Applicants must provide financial and 
managerial information, discuss the competitive effects of the proposed 
transaction, and discuss how the proposed transaction would effect the 
convenience and needs of the community to be served. The Federal 
Reserve also uses the information to fulfill, in part, its supervisory 
responsibilities with respect to foreign banking organizations in the 
United States.
    In addition to the application materials, an applicant also is 
required to publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in 
the community where the head office of the bank to be acquired is 
located. The notice must state the name and address of the applicant 
and its proposed subsidiary, and it must invite the public to submit 
written comments to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.
    Proposed revisions: The Board proposes to revise the FR Y-3F form 
and instructions in order to improve the clarity of the required 
information; obtain additional information necessary to evaluate the 
statutory factors; reflect the impact of new laws, regulations, capital 
requirements and accounting rules; and increase transparency regarding 
the information that is required to consider a proposal. The revisions 
are intended to reduce the need for subsequent information requests, 
which delay the Board's consideration of a filing and create additional 
burden for filers.
    Legal authorization and confidentiality: This information 
collection is mandatory and authorized by sections 3(a), 3(c), and 5(b) 
of the BHCA (12 U.S.C. 1842(a), (c) and 1844(b)). The information 
provided in the application is not confidential unless the applicant 
specifically requests confidentiality and the Board approves the 
request. Applicants may rely on any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 
exemption, but such requests for confidentiality must contain detailed 
justifications corresponding to the claimed FOIA exemption. Requests 
for confidentiality will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    Effective date: July 31, 2018.

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, March 20, 
Ann E. Misback
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2018-05955 Filed 3-22-18; 8:45 am]

                                             12762                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 57 / Friday, March 23, 2018 / Notices

                                                Respondents: Member banks, Edge                      Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(13),                   number in the subject line of the
                                             and agreement corporations, bank                        1843(c)(14), 1844(c)). The information                message.
                                             holding companies (BHCs), and foreign                   submitted in the FR K–1 is considered                   • FAX: (202) 452–3819 or (202) 452–
                                             organizations.                                          to be public unless an institution                    3102.
                                                Estimated number of respondents:                     requests confidential treatment for                     • Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary,
                                             Attachments A and B, 5; Attachments C                   portions of the particular application or             Board of Governors of the Federal
                                             through G, 15; Attachments H and I, 12;                 notification. Applicants may rely on any              Reserve System, 20th Street and
                                             Attachment J, 2; Attachment K, 1.                       Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)                     Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
                                                Estimated average hours per response:                exemption, but such requests for                      DC 20551.
                                             Attachments A and B, 11.5 hours;                        confidentiality must contain detailed                    All public comments are available
                                             Attachments C through G, 10 hours;                      justifications corresponding to the                   from the Board’s website at http://
                                             Attachments H and I, 15.5 hours;                        claimed FOIA exemption. Any requests                  www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/
                                             Attachment J, 10 hours; Attachment K,                   for confidentiality will be evaluated on              proposedregs.aspx as submitted, unless
                                             20 hours.                                               a case-by-case basis.                                 modified for technical reasons.
                                                Estimated annual burden hours: 1,013                   Effective date: July 31, 2018.                      Accordingly, your comments will not be
                                                General description of collection:                     Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve           edited to remove any identifying or
                                                                                                     System, March 20, 2018.                               contact information. Public comments
                                             Subpart A of the Board’s Regulation K
                                             governs the foreign investments and                     Ann E. Misback,                                       may also be viewed electronically or in
                                             activities of member banks, Edge and                    Secretary of the Board.                               paper form in Room 3515, 1801 K Street
                                             agreement corporations, BHCs, and                       [FR Doc. 2018–05957 Filed 3–22–18; 8:45 am]           (between 18th and 19th Streets NW)
                                             certain investments by foreign                          BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                Washington, DC 20006 between 9:00
                                             organizations. Subpart C of Regulation K                                                                      a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
                                             governs investments in export trading                                                                           Additionally, commenters may send a
                                             companies. The FR K–1 information                       FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                copy of their comments to the OMB
                                             collection contains eleven attachments                                                                        Desk Officer—Shagufta Ahmed—Office
                                                                                                     Proposed Agency Information                           of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
                                             for the application and notification
                                                                                                     Collection Activities; Comment                        Office of Management and Budget, New
                                             requirements embodied in Subparts A
                                                                                                     Request                                               Executive Office Building, Room 10235,
                                             and C of Regulation K. The Board
                                             requires these applications for                         AGENCY: Board of Governors of the                     725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
                                             regulatory and supervisory purposes                     Federal Reserve System.                               20503 or by fax to (202) 395–6974.
                                             and to allow the Board to fulfill its                   ACTION: Notice, request for comment.                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A
                                             statutory obligations under the Federal                                                                       copy of the Paperwork Reduction Act
                                             Reserve Act and the Bank Holding                        SUMMARY:   The Board of Governors of the              (PRA) OMB submission, including the
                                             Company Act of 1956. The applications                   Federal Reserve System (Board) invites                proposed reporting form and
                                             are event-generated and provide the                     comment on a proposal to extend for                   instructions, supporting statement, and
                                             Federal Reserve with information                        three years, with revision, the                       other documentation will be placed into
                                             necessary to evaluate each of the                       Application for a Foreign Organization                OMB’s public docket files, if approved.
                                             proposed transactions.                                  to Acquire a U.S. Bank or Bank Holding                These documents will also be made
                                                Proposed revisions: The Board                        Company (FR Y–3F; OMB No. 7100–                       available on the Federal Reserve Board’s
                                             proposes to revise the FR K–1 form and                  0119). The Board proposes to revise the               public website at: http://
                                             instructions primarily to make minor                    FR Y–3F form and instructions in order                www.federalreserve.gov/apps/
                                             changes for improved style, grammar,                    to improve the clarity of the require                 reportforms/review.aspx or may be
                                             and clarity, and to align the general                   information; obtain additional                        requested from the agency clearance
                                             information, certification, and                         information necessary to evaluate the                 officer, whose name appears below.
                                             confidentiality sections with other                     statutory factors; reflect the impact of                Federal Reserve Board Clearance
                                             similar forms.1 In addition, a statement                new laws, regulations, capital                        Officer—Nuha Elmaghrabi—Office of
                                             has been added indicating that the                      requirements, and accounting rules; and               the Chief Data Officer, Board of
                                             Board prefers that applicants/notificants               improve transparency regarding the                    Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                             electronically submit the application/                  information that is required to consider              System, Washington, DC 20551, (202)
                                             notification and that a pre-filing option               a proposal. The revisions are intended                452–3829. Telecommunications Device
                                             is available. No changes have been made                 to reduce the need for subsequent                     for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact
                                             to the information required in the                      requests for additional information from              (202) 263–4869, Board of Governors of
                                             various attachments to the FR K–1 form.                 applicants, which may delay the Board’s               the Federal Reserve System,
                                                Legal authorization and                              consideration of a filing and create                  Washington, DC 20551.
                                             confidentiality: This information                       additional burden for filers.                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June
                                             collection is mandatory and collected                   DATES: Comments must be submitted on
                                             pursuant to sections 25 and 25A of the                                                                        15, 1984, the Office of Management and
                                                                                                     or before May 22, 2018.                               Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board
                                             Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601–
                                                                                                     ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                   authority under the PRA to approve of
                                             604(a), 611–631), and sections 4(c)(13),
                                             4(c)(14), and 5(c) of the Bank Holding                  identified by FR Y–3F, by any of the                  and assign OMB control numbers to
                                                                                                     following methods:                                    collection of information requests and
                                                                                                       • Agency website: http://
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                                1 Bank Holding Company Application and                                                                     requirements conducted or sponsored
                                             Notification Forms (FR Y–3, FR Y–3N, and FR Y–          www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the                    by the Board. In exercising this
                                             4; OMB No. 7100–0121), the International                instructions for submitting comments at               delegated authority, the Board is
                                             Applications and Prior Notifications Under Subpart      http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/                   directed to take every reasonable step to
                                             B of Regulation K (FR K–2; OMB No. 7100–0284),
                                             and the Application for a Foreign Organization to
                                                                                                     foia/proposedregs.aspx.                               solicit comment. In determining
                                             Acquire a U.S. Bank or Bank Holding Company (FR           • Email: regs.comments@                             whether to approve a collection of
                                             Y–3F; OMB No. 7100–0119).                               federalreserve.gov. Include OMB                       information, the Board will consider all

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 57 / Friday, March 23, 2018 / Notices                                           12763

                                             comments received from the public and                   information, discuss the competitive                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                             other agencies.                                         effects of the proposed transaction, and              HUMAN SERVICES
                                             Request for Comment on Information                      discuss how the proposed transaction
                                                                                                     would effect the convenience and needs                Centers for Disease Control and
                                             Collection Proposal                                                                                           Prevention
                                                                                                     of the community to be served. The
                                               The Board invites public comment on                   Federal Reserve also uses the
                                             the following information collection,                   information to fulfill, in part, its                  [30Day–18–0213]
                                             which is being reviewed under                           supervisory responsibilities with respect
                                             authority delegated by the OMB under                                                                          Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
                                                                                                     to foreign banking organizations in the               Reduction Act Review
                                             the PRA. Comments are invited on the
                                                                                                     United States.
                                             following:                                                                                                       In accordance with the Paperwork
                                               a. Whether the proposed collection of                    In addition to the application
                                                                                                                                                           Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers for
                                             information is necessary for the proper                 materials, an applicant also is required
                                                                                                                                                           Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                                             performance of the Federal Reserve’s                    to publish a notice in a newspaper of                 has submitted the information
                                             functions; including whether the                        general circulation in the community                  collection request titled National Vital
                                             information has practical utility;                      where the head office of the bank to be               Statistics Report Forms to the Office of
                                               b. The accuracy of the Federal                        acquired is located. The notice must                  Management and Budget (OMB) for
                                             Reserve’s estimate of the burden of the                 state the name and address of the                     review and approval. CDC previously
                                             proposed information collection,                        applicant and its proposed subsidiary,                published a ‘‘Proposed Data Collection
                                             including the validity of the                           and it must invite the public to submit               Submitted for Public Comment and
                                             methodology and assumptions used;                       written comments to the appropriate                   Recommendations’’ notice on December
                                               c. Ways to enhance the quality,                       Federal Reserve Bank.                                 13, 2017 to obtain comments from the
                                             utility, and clarity of the information to
                                                                                                        Proposed revisions: The Board                      public and affected agencies. CDC
                                             be collected;
                                                                                                     proposes to revise the FR Y–3F form                   received two comments related to the
                                               d. Ways to minimize the burden of
                                                                                                     and instructions in order to improve the              previous notice. This notice serves to
                                             information collection on respondents,
                                                                                                     clarity of the required information;                  allow an additional 30 days for public
                                             including through the use of automated
                                                                                                     obtain additional information necessary               and affected agency comments.
                                             collection techniques or other forms of
                                                                                                     to evaluate the statutory factors; reflect               CDC will accept all comments for this
                                             information technology; and
                                                                                                                                                           proposed information collection project.
                                               e. Estimates of capital or startup costs              the impact of new laws, regulations,
                                                                                                                                                           The Office of Management and Budget
                                             and costs of operation, maintenance,                    capital requirements and accounting
                                                                                                                                                           is particularly interested in comments
                                             and purchase of services to provide                     rules; and increase transparency
                                             information.                                            regarding the information that is
                                               At the end of the comment period, the                                                                          (a) Evaluate whether the proposed
                                                                                                     required to consider a proposal. The                  collection of information is necessary
                                             comments and recommendations                            revisions are intended to reduce the
                                             received will be analyzed to determine                                                                        for the proper performance of the
                                                                                                     need for subsequent information                       functions of the agency, including
                                             the extent to which the Federal Reserve                 requests, which delay the Board’s
                                             should modify the proposal.                                                                                   whether the information will have
                                                                                                     consideration of a filing and create                  practical utility;
                                             Proposal To Approve Under OMB                           additional burden for filers.                            (b) Evaluate the accuracy of the
                                             Delegated Authority the Extension for                      Legal authorization and                            agencies estimate of the burden of the
                                             Three Years, With Revision, of the                      confidentiality: This information                     proposed collection of information,
                                             Following Report                                        collection is mandatory and authorized                including the validity of the
                                                Report title: Application for a Foreign              by sections 3(a), 3(c), and 5(b) of the               methodology and assumptions used;
                                             Organization to Acquire a Bank Holding                  BHCA (12 U.S.C. 1842(a), (c) and                         (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                             Company.                                                1844(b)). The information provided in                 clarity of the information to be
                                                Agency form number: FR Y–3F.                         the application is not confidential                   collected;
                                                OMB control number: 7100–0119.                       unless the applicant specifically                        (d) Minimize the burden of the
                                                Frequency: On occasion.                                                                                    collection of information on those who
                                                                                                     requests confidentiality and the Board
                                                Respondents: Any company organized                                                                         are to respond, including, through the
                                                                                                     approves the request. Applicants may
                                             under the laws of a foreign country                                                                           use of appropriate automated,
                                                                                                     rely on any Freedom of Information Act
                                             seeking to acquire a U.S. bank or bank                                                                        electronic, mechanical, or other
                                                                                                     (FOIA) exemption, but such requests for               technological collection techniques or
                                             holding company.
                                                                                                     confidentiality must contain detailed                 other forms of information technology,
                                                Estimated number of respondents:
                                             Initial application, 1; subsequent                      justifications corresponding to the                   e.g., permitting electronic submission of
                                             application, 5.                                         claimed FOIA exemption. Requests for                  responses; and
                                                Estimated average hours per response:                confidentiality will be evaluated on a                   (e) Assess information collection
                                             Initial application, 91 hours; subsequent               case-by-case basis.                                   costs.
                                             application, 71 hours.                                     Effective date: July 31, 2018.                        To request additional information on
                                                Estimated annual burden hours: 446                                                                         the proposed project or to obtain a copy
                                                                                                       Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                             hours.                                                  System, March 20, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                           of the information collection plan and
                                                General description of collection:                                                                         instruments, call (404) 639–7570 or
                                                                                                     Ann E. Misback
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             Under the Bank Holding Company Act                                                                            send an email to omb@cdc.gov. Direct
                                             (BHCA), submission of this application                  Secretary of the Board.                               written comments and/or suggestions
                                             is required for any company organized                   [FR Doc. 2018–05955 Filed 3–22–18; 8:45 am]           regarding the items contained in this
                                             under the laws of a foreign country                     BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                notice to the Attention: CDC Desk
                                             seeking to acquire a U.S. bank or bank                                                                        Officer, Office of Management and
                                             holding company. Applicants must                                                                              Budget, 725 17th Street NW,
                                             provide financial and managerial                                                                              Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202)

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Document Created: 2018-11-01 08:54:04
Document Modified: 2018-11-01 08:54:04
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice, request for comment.
DatesComments must be submitted on or before May 22, 2018.
ContactA copy of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) OMB submission, including the proposed reporting form and instructions, supporting statement, and other documentation will be placed into OMB's public docket files, if approved. These documents will also be made available on the Federal Reserve Board's public website at: http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/reportforms/review.aspx or may be requested from the agency clearance officer, whose name appears below.
FR Citation83 FR 12762 

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