83_FR_14595 83 FR 14530 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

83 FR 14530 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 65 (April 4, 2018)

Page Range14530-14534
FR Document2018-06854

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 65 (Wednesday, April 4, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 4, 2018)]
[Pages 14530-14534]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-06854]



Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Upon Written Request, Copies Available From: Securities and Exchange 
Commission, Office of FOIA Services, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 

    Rule 12d1-1, SEC File No. 270-526, OMB Control No. 3235-0584.

    Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities and Exchange 
Commission (the ``Commission'') has submitted to the Office of 
Management and Budget a request for extension of the previously 
approved collection of information discussed below.
    An investment company (``fund'') is generally limited in the amount 
of securities the fund (``acquiring fund'') can acquire from another 
fund (``acquired fund''). Section 12(d) of the Investment Company Act 
of 1940 (the ``Investment Company Act'' or ``Act'') \1\ provides that a 
registered fund (and companies it controls) cannot:

    \1\ See 15 U.S.C. 80a.

     Acquire more than three percent of another fund's 
     Invest more than five percent of its own assets in another 
fund; or
     Invest more than ten percent of its own assets in other 
funds in the aggregate.\2\

    \2\ See 15 U.S.C. 80a-12(d)(1)(A). If an acquiring fund is not 
registered, these limitations apply only with respect to the 
acquiring fund's acquisition of registered funds.

    In addition, a registered open-end fund, its principal underwriter, 
and any registered broker or dealer cannot sell that fund's shares to 
another fund if, as a result:
     The acquiring fund (and any companies it controls) owns 
more than three percent of the acquired fund's stock; or

[[Page 14531]]

     All acquiring funds (and companies they control) in the 
aggregate own more than ten percent of the acquired fund's stock.\3\

    \3\ See 15 U.S.C. 80a-12(d)(1)(B).

    Rule 12d1-1 under the Act provides an exemption from these 
limitations for ``cash sweep'' arrangements in which a fund invests all 
or a portion of its available cash in a money market fund rather than 
directly in short-term instruments.\4\ An acquiring fund relying on the 
exemption may not pay a sales load, distribution fee, or service fee on 
acquired fund shares, or if it does, the acquiring fund's investment 
adviser must waive a sufficient amount of its advisory fee to offset 
the cost of the loads or distribution fees.\5\ The acquired fund may be 
a fund in the same fund complex or in a different fund complex. In 
addition to providing an exemption from section 12(d)(1) of the Act, 
the rule provides exemptions from section 17(a) of the Act and rule 
17d-1 thereunder, which restrict a fund's ability to enter into 
transactions and joint arrangements with affiliated persons.\6\ These 
provisions would otherwise prohibit an acquiring fund from investing in 
a money market fund in the same fund complex,\7\ and prohibit a fund 
that acquires five percent or more of the securities of a money market 
fund in another fund complex from making any additional investments in 
the money market fund.\8\

    \4\ See 17 CFR 270.12d1-1.
    \5\ See rule 12d1-1(b)(1).
    \6\ See 15 U.S.C. 80a-17(a), 15 U.S.C. 80a-17(d); 17 CFR 
    \7\ An affiliated person of a fund includes any person directly 
or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control 
with such other person. See 15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(3) (definition of 
``affiliated person''). Most funds today are organized by an 
investment adviser that advises or provides administrative services 
to other funds in the same complex. Funds in a fund complex are 
generally under common control of an investment adviser or other 
person exercising a controlling influence over the management or 
policies of the funds. See 15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(9) (definition of 
``control''). Not all advisers control funds they advise. The 
determination of whether a fund is under the control of its adviser, 
officers, or directors depends on all the relevant facts and 
circumstances. See Investment Company Mergers, Investment Company 
Act Release No. 25259 (Nov. 8, 2001) [66 FR 57602 (Nov. 15, 2001)], 
at n.11. To the extent that an acquiring fund in a fund complex is 
under common control with a money market fund in the same complex, 
the funds would rely on the rule's exemptions from section 17(a) and 
rule 17d-1.
    \8\ See 15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(3)(A), (B).

    The rule also permits a registered fund to rely on the exemption to 
invest in an unregistered money market fund that limits its investments 
to those in which a registered money market fund may invest under rule 
2a-7 under the Act, and undertakes to comply with all the other 
provisions of rule 2a-7.\9\ In addition, the acquiring fund must 
reasonably believe that the unregistered money market fund (i) operates 
in compliance with rule 2a-7, (ii) complies with sections 17(a), (d), 
(e), 18, and 22(e) of the Act \10\ as if it were a registered open-end 
fund, (iii) has adopted procedures designed to ensure that it complies 
with these statutory provisions, (iv) maintains the records required by 
rules 31a-1(b)(1), 31a-1(b)(2)(ii), 31a-1(b)(2)(iv), and 31a-1(b)(9); 
\11\ and (v) preserves permanently, the first two years in an easily 
accessible place, all books and records required to be made under these 

    \9\ See 17 CFR 270.2a-7.
    \10\ See 15 U.S.C. 80a-17(a), 15 U.S.C. 80a-17(d), 15 U.S.C. 
80a-17(e), 15 U.S.C. 80a-18, 15 U.S.C. 80a-22(e).
    \11\ See 17 CFR 270.31a-1(b)(1), 17 CFR 270.31a-1(b)(2)(ii), 17 
CFR 270.31a-1(b)(2)(iv), 17 CFR 270.31a-1(b)(9).

    Rule 2a-7 contains certain collection of information requirements. 
An unregistered money market fund that complies with rule 2a-7 would be 
subject to these collection of information requirements. In addition, 
the recordkeeping requirements under rule 31a-1 with which the 
acquiring fund reasonably believes the unregistered money market fund 
complies are collections of information for the unregistered money 
market fund. The adoption of procedures by unregistered money market 
funds to ensure that they comply with sections 17(a), (d), (e), 18, and 
22(e) of the Act also constitute collections of information. By 
allowing funds to invest in registered and unregistered money market 
funds, rule 12d1-1 is intended to provide funds greater options for 
cash management. In order for a registered fund to rely on the 
exemption to invest in an unregistered money market fund, the 
unregistered money market fund must comply with certain collection of 
information requirements for registered money market funds. These 
requirements are intended to ensure that the unregistered money market 
fund has established procedures for collecting the information 
necessary to make adequate credit reviews of securities in its 
portfolio, as well as other recordkeeping requirements that will assist 
the acquiring fund in overseeing the unregistered money market fund 
(and Commission staff in its examination of the unregistered money 
market fund's adviser).
    The number of unregistered money market funds that are affected by 
rule 12d1-1 is an estimate based on the number of private liquidity 
funds reported on Form PF as of the fourth calendar quarter 2016.\12\ 
The hour burden estimates for the condition that an unregistered money 
market fund comply with rule 2a-7 are based on the burden hours 
included in the Commission's 2013 PRA submission regarding rule 2a-
7.\13\ The estimated average burden hours in this collection of 
information are made solely for purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
and are not derived from a quantitative, comprehensive or even 
representative survey or study of the burdens associated with 
Commission rules and forms.

    \12\ See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Annual Staff 
Report Relating to the Use of Form PF Data, Private Fund Statistics, 
Fourth Calendar Quarter 2016, available at https://www.sec.gov/files/im-private-fund-annual-report-101617.pdf.
    \13\ See Securities and Exchange Commission, Request for OMB 
Approval of Extension for Approved Collection for Rule 2a-7 under 
the Investment Company Act of 1940 (OMB Control No. 3235-0268) 
(approved Aug. 28, 2013). This was the most recent rule 2a-7 
submission that includes certain estimates with respect to aggregate 
annual hour and cost burdens for collections of information for each 
existing registered money market fund, fund complexes with 
registered money market funds, registered money market funds that 
experience an event of default or insolvency, and newly registered 
money market funds.

    In the rule 2a-7 submission, Commission staff made the following 
estimates with respect to aggregate annual hour and cost burdens for 
collections of information for each existing registered money market 
    Record of credit risk analyses, and determinations regarding 
adjustable rate securities, asset backed securities, securities subject 
to a demand feature or guarantee, and counterparties to repurchase 
agreements: 85 responses, 680 hours of professional time, Cost: 

    \14\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (680 
burden hours x $262 per hour for professional time) = $178,160 per 

    Public website posting of monthly portfolio information: 12 
responses, 7 hours of professional time, Cost: $17,304.\15\

    \15\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (12 x 
7 burden hours x $206 per hour for a webmaster) = $17,304 per fund.

    Review of procedures and guidelines of any investment adviser to 
whom the fund's board has delegated responsibility under rule 2a-7 and 
amendment of such procedures: 1 response, 5 hours of professional and 
director time, Cost: $5,960.\16\

    \16\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (1 
hour x $4,500 per hour for board time) + (4 hours x $365 per hour 
for professional time) = $5,960 per fund.

    Based on census data available on Form PF, the staff believes that 
the number of private liquidity funds reported on Form PF (69) is the 

[[Page 14532]]

current and accurate estimate the number of unregistered money market 
funds affected by rule 12d1-1.\17\ Each of these unregistered money 
market funds engages in the collections of information described above. 
Accordingly, the staff estimates that unregistered money market funds 
complying with the collections of information described above engage in 
a total of 6,762 annual responses under rule 12d1-1,\18\ the aggregate 
annual burden hours associated with these responses is 47,748,\19\ and 
the aggregate annual cost to funds is $13,898,256.\20\

    \17\ See supra note 12. The staff notes, however, that this 
estimate may be overstated to the extent that a private liquidity 
fund reported on Form PF does not follow all of rule 2a-7's 
requirements (that include collections of information) or because no 
registered investment companies invest in such a fund. The staff 
also notes, however, that this estimate may be understated to the 
extent that there are additional unregistered money market funds 
that are not required to be reported on Form PF (because Form PF is 
filed only by certain investments advisers to private funds that 
have $150 million in private fund assets under management).
    \18\ The estimate is based on the following calculations: (69 
funds x 85 responses for documentation of credit analyses and other 
determinations) = 5,865 responses. (69 funds x 12 responses for 
public website posting) = 828 responses. (69 funds x 1 response for 
policies and procedures related to delegation to an investment 
adviser) = 69 responses. 5,865 responses + 828 responses + 69 
responses = 6,762 responses.
    \19\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (69 
funds x 680 hours for documentation of credit analyses and other 
determinations) = 46,920 hours. (69 funds x 7 hours for public 
website posting) = 483 hours. (69 funds x 5 hours for policies and 
procedures related to delegation to an investment adviser) = 345 
hours. 46,920 hours + 483 hours + 345 hours = 47,748 hours.
    \20\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (69 
funds x $178,160) = $12,293,040. (69 funds x $17,304) = $1,193,976. 
(69 funds x $5,960) = $411,240. $12,293,040 + $1,193,976 + $411,240 
= $13,898,256.

    In the rule 2a-7 submission, Commission staff further estimated the 
aggregate annual hour and cost burdens for collections of information 
for fund complexes with registered money market funds as follows:
    Review, revise, and approve procedures concerning stress testing: 1 
response, 12 burden hours of professional and director time, Cost: 

    \21\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (1 
hour x $4,500 per hour for board time) + (5 hours x $322 per hour 
for a portfolio manager) + (3 hours x $259 per hour for a risk 
management specialist) + (3 hours x $378 per hour for an attorney) = 
$8,021 per response.

    Report to fund boards on the results of stress testing: 5 
responses, 10 burden hours of professional and support staff time, 
Cost: $15,490.\22\

    \22\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (5 
responses x 5 hours x $322 per hour for a portfolio manager) + (5 
responses x 2 hours x $279 per hour for a compliance manager) + (5 
responses x 2 hours x $378 per hour for an attorney) + (5 responses 
x 1 hour x $174 per hour for support staff) = $15,490 per fund 

    Reporting of rule 17a-9 transactions: \23\ 1 response, 1 burden 
hour of legal time, Cost: $378.\24\

    \23\ See 17 CFR 270.17a-9.
    \24\ The estimate is based on the following calculations: (1 
response x $378 per hour for an attorney) = $378 per response.

    Based on the number of liquidity fund advisers reported on Form PF, 
the staff estimates that there are 39 fund complexes with unregistered 
money market funds invested in by mutual funds in excess of the 
statutory limits under rule 12d1-1.\25\ Each of these fund complexes 
engages in the collections of information described above. Accordingly, 
the staff estimates that these fund complexes complying with the 
collections of information described above engage in a total of 273 
annual responses under rule 12d1-1,\26\ the aggregate annual burden 
hours associated with these responses is 897,\27\ and the aggregate 
annual cost to funds is $931,671.\28\

    \25\ See supra note 12.
    \26\ The estimate is based on the following calculations: (39 
fund complexes x 1 response for revision of procedures concerning 
stress testing) = 39 responses. (39 fund complexes x 5 responses to 
provide stress testing reports) = 195 responses. (39 fund complexes 
x 1 response for reporting of rule 17a-9 transactions) = 39 
responses. 39 responses + 195 responses + 39 responses = 273 
    \27\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (39 
fund complexes x 12 hours for revision of procedures concerning 
stress testing) = 468 hours. (39 fund complexes x 10 hours to 
provide stress testing reports) = 390 hours. (39 fund complexes x 1 
hour for reporting of rule 17a-9 transactions) = 39 hours. 468 hours 
+ 390 hours + 39 hours = 897 hours.
    \28\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (39 
fund complexes x $8,021 for revision of procedures concerning stress 
testing) = $312,819. (39 fund complexes x $15,490 to provide stress 
testing reports) = $604,110. (39 fund complexes x $378 for reporting 
of rule 17a-9 transactions) = $14,742. $312,819 + $604,110 + $14,742 
= $931,671.

    In the rule 2a-7 submission, Commission staff further estimated the 
aggregate annual burdens for registered money market funds that 
experience an event of default or insolvency as follows:
    Written record of board determinations and actions related to 
failure of a security to meet certain eligibility standards or an event 
of default of default or insolvency: 2 responses, 1 burden hour of 
legal time, Cost: $378.
    Notice to Commission of an event of default or insolvency: 1 
response, 0.5 burden hours of legal time, Cost: $189.
    Consistent with the estimate in the rule 2a-7 submissions, 
Commission staff estimates that approximately 2 percent, or 1, 
unregistered money market fund experiences an event of default or 
insolvency each year. Accordingly, the staff estimates that one 
unregistered money market fund will comply with these collection of 
information requirements and engage in 3 annual responses under rule 
12d1-1,\29\ the aggregate annual burden hours associated with these 
responses is 1.5,\30\ and the aggregate annual cost to funds is 

    \29\ The estimate is based on the following calculations: (1 
fund x 2 responses) + (1 fund x 1 response) = 3 responses.
    \30\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (1 
fund x 1 hour) + (1 fund x 0.5 hours) = 1.5 hours.
    \31\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (1 
fund x $378) + (1 fund x $189) = $567.

    In the rule 2a-7 submission, Commission staff further estimated the 
aggregate annual burdens for newly registered money market funds as 
    Establish written procedures and guidelines designed to stabilize 
the fund's net asset value and establish procedures for board 
delegation of authority: 1 response, 15.5 hours of director, legal, and 
support staff time, Cost: $6,328.\32\

    \32\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (0.5 
hours x $4,500 per hour for board time) + (7.2 hours x $378 per hour 
for an attorney) + (7.8 hours x $174 per hour for support staff) = 
$6,328 per response.

    Adopt procedures concerning stress testing: 1 response per fund 
complex, 22 burden hours of professional and director time per fund 
complex, Cost: $19,373 per fund complex.\33\

    \33\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (3 
hours x $4,500 per hour for board time) + (8 hours x $378 per hour 
for an attorney) + (11 hours x $259 per hour for a risk management 
specialist) = $19,373 per response. See also infra note 34.

    Commission staff estimates that the proportion of unregistered 
money market funds that intend to newly undertake the collection of 
information burdens of rule 2a-7 will be similar to the proportion of 
money market funds that are newly registered. Based on a projection of 
10 new money market funds per year (in the most recent rule 2a-7 
submission), the staff estimates that, similarly, there will be 10 new 
unregistered money market funds that undertake the above burden to 
establish written procedures and guidelines designed to stabilize the 
fund's net asset value and establish procedures for board delegation of 
authority.\34\ Accordingly,

[[Page 14533]]

the staff estimates that 10 unregistered money market funds will comply 
with this collection of information requirement and engage in 10 annual 
responses under rule 12d1-1,\35\ the aggregate annual burden hours 
associated with these responses is 155,\36\ and the aggregate annual 
cost to funds is $62,380.\37\

    \34\ The staff's estimate is based on historical data provided 
in Lipper Inc.'s LANA database and projections about the growth of 
the money market mutual fund industry going forward. The actual 
number of new money market funds launched may vary significantly 
from our estimates depending upon developments in market interest 
rates and other factors. The staff does not estimate any new fund 
complexes being launched in the next year.
    \35\ The estimate is based on the following calculations: (10 
funds x 1 response) = 10 responses.
    \36\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (10 
funds x 15.5 hours) = 155 hours.
    \37\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (10 
funds x $6,238) = $62,380.

    Accordingly, the estimated total number of annual responses under 
rule 12d1-1 for the collections of information described in the rule 
2a-7 submissions is 7,048, the aggregate annual burden hours associated 
with these responses is 48,801.5, and the aggregate cost to funds is 

    \38\ These estimates are based upon the following calculations: 
(6,762 + 273 + 3+ 10) = 7,048 annual responses; (47,748 + 897 + 1.5 
+ 155) = 48,801.5 burden hours; and ($13,898,256 + $931,671 + $567 + 
$62,380) = $14,892,874.

    Rules 31a-1(b)(1), 31a-1(b)(2)(ii), 31a-1(b)(2)(iv), and 31a-
1(b)(9) require registered funds to keep certain records, which include 
journals and general and auxiliary ledgers, including ledgers for each 
portfolio security and each shareholder of record of the fund. Most of 
the records required to be maintained by the rule are the type that 
generally would be maintained as a matter of good business practice and 
to prepare the unregistered money market fund's financial statements. 
Accordingly, Commission staff estimates that the requirements under 
rules 31a-1(b)(1), 31a-1(b)(2)(ii), 31a-1(b)(2)(iv), and 31a-1(b)(9) 
would not impose any additional burden because the costs of maintaining 
these records would be incurred by unregistered money market funds in 
any case to keep books and records that are necessary to prepare 
financial statements for shareholders, to prepare the fund's annual 
income tax returns, and as a normal business custom.
    Rule 12d1-1 also requires unregistered money market funds in which 
registered funds invest to adopt procedures designed to ensure that the 
unregistered money market funds comply with sections 17(a), (d), (e), 
and 22(e) of the Act. This is a one-time collection of information 
requirement that applies to unregistered money market funds that intend 
to comply with the requirements of rule 12d1-1. As discussed above, 
based on a projection of 10 new money market funds per year, the staff 
estimates that, similarly, there will be 10 new unregistered money 
market funds that undertake the above burden to establish written 
procedures and guidelines designed to ensure that the unregistered 
money market funds comply with sections 17(a), (d), (e), and 22(e) of 
the Act. The staff estimates the burden as follows:
    Establish written procedures and guidelines designed to ensure that 
the unregistered money market funds comply with sections 17(a), (d), 
(e), and 22(e) of the Act: 1 response, 15.5 hours of director, legal, 
and support staff time, Cost: $6,328.\39\

    \39\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: (0.5 
hours x $4,500 per hour for board time) + (7.2 hours x $378 per hour 
for an attorney) + (7.8 hours x $174 per hour for support staff) = 
$6,328 per response.

    Accordingly, the staff estimates that 10 unregistered money market 
funds will comply with this collection of information requirement and 
engage in 10 annual responses under rule 12d1-1,\40\ the aggregate 
annual burden hours associated with these responses is 155,\41\ and the 
aggregate annual cost to funds is $62,380.\42\

    \40\ The estimate is based on the following calculations: (10 
funds x 1 response) = 10 responses.
    \41\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (10 
funds x 15.5 hours) = 155 hours.
    \42\ This estimate is based on the following calculations: (10 
funds x $6,238) = $62,380.

    Commission staff also estimates that unregistered money market 
funds will incur costs to preserve records, as required under rule 2a-
7. These costs will vary significantly for individual funds, depending 
on the amount of assets under fund management and whether the fund 
preserves its records in a storage facility in hard copy or has 
developed and maintains a computer system to create and preserve 
compliance records. In the rule 2a-7 submission, Commission staff 
estimated that the amount an individual money market fund may spend 
ranges from $100 per year to $300,000. We have no reason to believe the 
range is different for unregistered money market funds. Based on Form 
PF data as of the fourth calendar quarter 2016, private liquidity funds 
have $293 billion in gross asset value.\43\ The Commission does not 
have specific information about the proportion of assets held in small, 
medium-sized, or large unregistered money market funds. Because private 
liquidity funds are often used as cash management vehicles, the staff 
estimates that each private liquidity fund is a ``large'' fund (i.e., 
more than $1 billion in assets under management). Based on a cost of 
$0.0000009 per dollar of assets under management (for large funds),\44\ 
the staff estimates compliance with rule 2a-7 for these unregistered 
money market funds totals $263,700 annually.\45\

    \43\ See supra note 12.
    \44\ The recordkeeping cost estimates are $0.0051295 per dollar 
of assets under management for small funds, and $0.0005041 per 
dollar of assets under management for medium-sized funds. The cost 
estimates are the same as those used in the most recently approved 
rule 2a-7 submission.
    \45\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: ($293 
billion x $0.0000009) = $263,700 billion for small funds.

    Consistent with estimates made in the rule 2a-7 submission, 
Commission staff estimates that unregistered money market funds also 
incur capital costs to create computer programs for maintaining and 
preserving compliance records for rule 2a-7 of $0.0000132 per dollar of 
assets under management. Based on the assets under management figures 
described above, staff estimates annual capital costs for all 
unregistered money market funds of $3.87 million.\46\

    \46\ This estimate is based on the following calculation: ($293 
billion x 0.0000132) = $3.87 million.

    Commission staff further estimates that, even absent the 
requirements of rule 2a-7, money market funds would spend at least half 
of the amounts described above for record preservation ($131,850) and 
for capital costs ($1.94 million). Commission staff concludes that the 
aggregate annual costs of compliance with the rule are $131,850 for 
record preservation and $1.94 million for capital costs.
    The collections of information required for unregistered money 
market funds by rule 12d1-1 are necessary in order for acquiring funds 
to able to obtain the benefits described above. Notices to the 
Commission will not be kept confidential. An agency may not conduct or 
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of 
information unless it displays a currently valid control number.
    The public may view the background documentation for this 
information collection at the following website, www.reginfo.gov. 
Comments should be directed to: (i) Desk Officer for the Securities and 
Exchange Commission, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 
Office of Management and Budget, Room 10102, New Executive Office 
Building, Washington, DC 20503, or by sending an email to: 
[email protected]; and (ii) Pamela Dyson, Director/Chief 
Information Officer, Securities and Exchange Commission, c/o Remi 
Pavlik-Simon, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549 or send an email 
to: [email protected]. Comments must be submitted to OMB within 30 
days of this notice.

[[Page 14534]]

    Dated: March 29, 2018.
Eduardo Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-06854 Filed 4-3-18; 8:45 am]

                                             14530                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices

                                             price discovery and transparency and                      public interest, for the protection of                    submit only information that you wish
                                             enhancing order execution                                 investors, or otherwise in furtherance of                 to make available publicly. All
                                             opportunities for member organizations.                   the purposes of the Act. If the                           submissions should refer to File
                                             The Exchange believes that this could                     Commission takes such action, the                         Number SR–NYSE–2018–10 and should
                                             promote competition between the                           Commission shall institute proceedings                    be submitted on or before April 25,
                                             Exchange and other execution venues,                      under Section 19(b)(2)(B) 13 of the Act to                2018.
                                             including those that currently offer                      determine whether the proposed rule                         For the Commission, by the Division of
                                             similar order types and comparable                        change should be approved or                              Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                             transaction pricing, by encouraging                       disapproved.                                              authority.14
                                             additional orders to be sent to the                                                                                 Brent J. Fields,
                                             Exchange for execution.                                   IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                                Finally, the Exchange notes that it                      Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–06775 Filed 4–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                             operates in a highly competitive market                   submit written data, views, and
                                                                                                                                                                 BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                             in which market participants can                          arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                             readily favor competing venues if they                    including whether the proposed rule
                                             deem fee levels at a particular venue to                  change is consistent with the Act.                        SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                             be excessive or rebate opportunities                      Comments may be submitted by any of                       COMMISSION
                                             available at other venues to be more                      the following methods:
                                             favorable. In such an environment, the                    Electronic Comments                                       Submission for OMB Review;
                                             Exchange must continually adjust its                                                                                Comment Request
                                             fees and rebates to remain competitive                      • Use the Commission’s internet
                                             with other exchanges and with                             comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                         Upon Written Request, Copies Available
                                             alternative trading systems that have                     rules/sro.shtml); or                                       From: Securities and Exchange
                                             been exempted from compliance with                          • Send an email to rule-comments@                        Commission, Office of FOIA Services,
                                             the statutory standards applicable to                     sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                    100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
                                             exchanges. Because competitors are free                   NYSE–2018–10 on the subject line.                          20549–2736.
                                             to modify their own fees and credits in                   Paper Comments                                            Extension:
                                             response, and because market                                                                                          Rule 12d1–1, SEC File No. 270–526, OMB
                                                                                                          • Send paper comments in triplicate                        Control No. 3235–0584.
                                             participants may readily adjust their
                                                                                                       to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities                    Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
                                             order routing practices, the Exchange
                                                                                                       and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street                     to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                             believes that the degree to which fee
                                                                                                       NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090.                            (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities
                                             changes in this market may impose any                        All submissions should refer to File
                                             burden on competition is extremely                                                                                  and Exchange Commission (the
                                                                                                       Number SR–NYSE–2018–10. This file
                                             limited. As a result of all of these                                                                                ‘‘Commission’’) has submitted to the
                                                                                                       number should be included on the                          Office of Management and Budget a
                                             considerations, the Exchange does not                     subject line if email is used. To help the
                                             believe that the proposed changes will                                                                              request for extension of the previously
                                                                                                       Commission process and review your                        approved collection of information
                                             impair the ability of member                              comments more efficiently, please use
                                             organizations or competing order                                                                                    discussed below.
                                                                                                       only one method. The Commission will                         An investment company (‘‘fund’’) is
                                             execution venues to maintain their                        post all comments on the Commission’s
                                             competitive standing in the financial                                                                               generally limited in the amount of
                                                                                                       internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                     securities the fund (‘‘acquiring fund’’)
                                             markets.                                                  rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                           can acquire from another fund
                                             C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                         submission, all subsequent                                (‘‘acquired fund’’). Section 12(d) of the
                                             Statement on Comments on the                              amendments, all written statements                        Investment Company Act of 1940 (the
                                             Proposed Rule Change Received From                        with respect to the proposed rule                         ‘‘Investment Company Act’’ or ‘‘Act’’) 1
                                             Members, Participants, or Others                          change that are filed with the                            provides that a registered fund (and
                                               No written comments were solicited                      Commission, and all written                               companies it controls) cannot:
                                             or received with respect to the proposed                  communications relating to the                               • Acquire more than three percent of
                                             rule change.                                              proposed rule change between the                          another fund’s securities;
                                                                                                       Commission and any person, other than                        • Invest more than five percent of its
                                             III. Date of Effectiveness of the                         those that may be withheld from the                       own assets in another fund; or
                                             Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                       public in accordance with the                                • Invest more than ten percent of its
                                             Commission Action                                         provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                       own assets in other funds in the
                                                The foregoing rule change is effective                 available for website viewing and                         aggregate.2
                                             upon filing pursuant to Section                           printing in the Commission’s Public                          In addition, a registered open-end
                                             19(b)(3)(A) 11 of the Act and                             Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                          fund, its principal underwriter, and any
                                             subparagraph (f)(2) of Rule 19b–4 12                      Washington, DC 20549 on official                          registered broker or dealer cannot sell
                                             thereunder, because it establishes a due,                 business days between the hours of                        that fund’s shares to another fund if, as
                                             fee, or other charge imposed by the                       10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                    a result:
                                             Exchange.                                                 filing also will be available for                            • The acquiring fund (and any
                                                At any time within 60 days of the                      inspection and copying at the principal                   companies it controls) owns more than
                                             filing of such proposed rule change, the                  office of the Exchange. All comments                      three percent of the acquired fund’s
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             Commission summarily may                                  received will be posted without change.                   stock; or
                                             temporarily suspend such rule change if                   Persons submitting comments are
                                                                                                                                                                   14 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
                                             it appears to the Commission that such                    cautioned that we do not redact or edit
                                                                                                                                                                   1 See 15 U.S.C. 80a.
                                             action is necessary or appropriate in the                 personal identifying information from                       2 See 15 U.S.C. 80a–12(d)(1)(A). If an acquiring
                                                                                                       comment submissions. You should                           fund is not registered, these limitations apply only
                                               11 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).                                                                                      with respect to the acquiring fund’s acquisition of
                                               12 17   CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).                              13 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).                            registered funds.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices                                                     14531

                                                • All acquiring funds (and companies                   the other provisions of rule 2a–7.9 In                reported on Form PF as of the fourth
                                             they control) in the aggregate own more                   addition, the acquiring fund must                     calendar quarter 2016.12 The hour
                                             than ten percent of the acquired fund’s                   reasonably believe that the unregistered              burden estimates for the condition that
                                             stock.3                                                   money market fund (i) operates in                     an unregistered money market fund
                                                Rule 12d1–1 under the Act provides                     compliance with rule 2a–7, (ii) complies              comply with rule 2a–7 are based on the
                                             an exemption from these limitations for                   with sections 17(a), (d), (e), 18, and                burden hours included in the
                                             ‘‘cash sweep’’ arrangements in which a                    22(e) of the Act 10 as if it were a                   Commission’s 2013 PRA submission
                                             fund invests all or a portion of its                      registered open-end fund, (iii) has                   regarding rule 2a–7.13 The estimated
                                             available cash in a money market fund                     adopted procedures designed to ensure                 average burden hours in this collection
                                             rather than directly in short-term                        that it complies with these statutory                 of information are made solely for
                                             instruments.4 An acquiring fund relying                   provisions, (iv) maintains the records                purposes of the Paperwork Reduction
                                             on the exemption may not pay a sales                      required by rules 31a–1(b)(1), 31a–                   Act and are not derived from a
                                             load, distribution fee, or service fee on                 1(b)(2)(ii), 31a–1(b)(2)(iv), and 31a–                quantitative, comprehensive or even
                                             acquired fund shares, or if it does, the                  1(b)(9); 11 and (v) preserves                         representative survey or study of the
                                             acquiring fund’s investment adviser                       permanently, the first two years in an                burdens associated with Commission
                                             must waive a sufficient amount of its                     easily accessible place, all books and                rules and forms.
                                             advisory fee to offset the cost of the                    records required to be made under these                 In the rule 2a–7 submission,
                                             loads or distribution fees.5 The acquired                 rules.                                                Commission staff made the following
                                             fund may be a fund in the same fund                         Rule 2a–7 contains certain collection               estimates with respect to aggregate
                                             complex or in a different fund complex.                   of information requirements. An                       annual hour and cost burdens for
                                             In addition to providing an exemption                     unregistered money market fund that                   collections of information for each
                                             from section 12(d)(1) of the Act, the rule                complies with rule 2a–7 would be                      existing registered money market fund:
                                                                                                       subject to these collection of                          Record of credit risk analyses, and
                                             provides exemptions from section 17(a)
                                                                                                       information requirements. In addition,                determinations regarding adjustable rate
                                             of the Act and rule 17d–1 thereunder,
                                                                                                       the recordkeeping requirements under                  securities, asset backed securities,
                                             which restrict a fund’s ability to enter
                                                                                                       rule 31a–1 with which the acquiring                   securities subject to a demand feature or
                                             into transactions and joint arrangements
                                                                                                       fund reasonably believes the                          guarantee, and counterparties to
                                             with affiliated persons.6 These
                                                                                                       unregistered money market fund                        repurchase agreements: 85 responses,
                                             provisions would otherwise prohibit an
                                                                                                       complies are collections of information               680 hours of professional time, Cost:
                                             acquiring fund from investing in a
                                                                                                       for the unregistered money market fund.               $178,160.14
                                             money market fund in the same fund                                                                                Public website posting of monthly
                                                                                                       The adoption of procedures by
                                             complex,7 and prohibit a fund that                                                                              portfolio information: 12 responses, 7
                                                                                                       unregistered money market funds to
                                             acquires five percent or more of the                                                                            hours of professional time, Cost:
                                                                                                       ensure that they comply with sections
                                             securities of a money market fund in                                                                            $17,304.15
                                                                                                       17(a), (d), (e), 18, and 22(e) of the Act
                                             another fund complex from making any                                                                              Review of procedures and guidelines
                                                                                                       also constitute collections of
                                             additional investments in the money                                                                             of any investment adviser to whom the
                                                                                                       information. By allowing funds to invest
                                             market fund.8                                                                                                   fund’s board has delegated
                                                                                                       in registered and unregistered money
                                                The rule also permits a registered                     market funds, rule 12d1–1 is intended                 responsibility under rule 2a–7 and
                                             fund to rely on the exemption to invest                   to provide funds greater options for cash             amendment of such procedures: 1
                                             in an unregistered money market fund                      management. In order for a registered                 response, 5 hours of professional and
                                             that limits its investments to those in                   fund to rely on the exemption to invest               director time, Cost: $5,960.16
                                             which a registered money market fund                      in an unregistered money market fund,                   Based on census data available on
                                             may invest under rule 2a–7 under the                      the unregistered money market fund                    Form PF, the staff believes that the
                                             Act, and undertakes to comply with all                    must comply with certain collection of                number of private liquidity funds
                                                                                                       information requirements for registered               reported on Form PF (69) is the most
                                               3 See   15 U.S.C. 80a–12(d)(1)(B).                      money market funds. These
                                               4 See   17 CFR 270.12d1–1.                                                                                      12 See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                                                       requirements are intended to ensure that
                                                5 See rule 12d1–1(b)(1).                                                                                     Annual Staff Report Relating to the Use of Form PF
                                                6 See 15 U.S.C. 80a–17(a), 15 U.S.C. 80a–17(d); 17
                                                                                                       the unregistered money market fund has                Data, Private Fund Statistics, Fourth Calendar
                                             CFR 270.17d–1.                                            established procedures for collecting the             Quarter 2016, available at https://www.sec.gov/files/
                                                7 An affiliated person of a fund includes any          information necessary to make adequate                im-private-fund-annual-report-101617.pdf.
                                             person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled     credit reviews of securities in its                     13 See Securities and Exchange Commission,

                                             by, or under common control with such other               portfolio, as well as other recordkeeping             Request for OMB Approval of Extension for
                                             person. See 15 U.S.C. 80a–2(a)(3) (definition of                                                                Approved Collection for Rule 2a–7 under the
                                                                                                       requirements that will assist the                     Investment Company Act of 1940 (OMB Control No.
                                             ‘‘affiliated person’’). Most funds today are organized
                                             by an investment adviser that advises or provides         acquiring fund in overseeing the                      3235–0268) (approved Aug. 28, 2013). This was the
                                             administrative services to other funds in the same        unregistered money market fund (and                   most recent rule 2a–7 submission that includes
                                             complex. Funds in a fund complex are generally            Commission staff in its examination of                certain estimates with respect to aggregate annual
                                             under common control of an investment adviser or                                                                hour and cost burdens for collections of information
                                                                                                       the unregistered money market fund’s                  for each existing registered money market fund,
                                             other person exercising a controlling influence over
                                             the management or policies of the funds. See 15           adviser).                                             fund complexes with registered money market
                                             U.S.C. 80a–2(a)(9) (definition of ‘‘control’’). Not all     The number of unregistered money                    funds, registered money market funds that
                                             advisers control funds they advise. The                   market funds that are affected by rule                experience an event of default or insolvency, and
                                             determination of whether a fund is under the                                                                    newly registered money market funds.
                                                                                                       12d1–1 is an estimate based on the                      14 This estimate is based on the following
                                             control of its adviser, officers, or directors depends
                                             on all the relevant facts and circumstances. See
                                                                                                       number of private liquidity funds                     calculation: (680 burden hours × $262 per hour for
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             Investment Company Mergers, Investment                                                                          professional time) = $178,160 per fund.
                                                                                                         9 See 17 CFR 270.2a–7.                                15 This estimate is based on the following
                                             Company Act Release No. 25259 (Nov. 8, 2001) [66
                                             FR 57602 (Nov. 15, 2001)], at n.11. To the extent           10 See  15 U.S.C. 80a–17(a), 15 U.S.C. 80a–17(d),   calculation: (12 × 7 burden hours × $206 per hour
                                             that an acquiring fund in a fund complex is under         15 U.S.C. 80a–17(e), 15 U.S.C. 80a–18, 15 U.S.C.      for a webmaster) = $17,304 per fund.
                                             common control with a money market fund in the            80a–22(e).                                              16 This estimate is based on the following
                                             same complex, the funds would rely on the rule’s            11 See 17 CFR 270.31a–1(b)(1), 17 CFR 270.31a–      calculation: (1 hour × $4,500 per hour for board
                                             exemptions from section 17(a) and rule 17d–1.             1(b)(2)(ii), 17 CFR 270.31a–1(b)(2)(iv), 17 CFR       time) + (4 hours × $365 per hour for professional
                                                8 See 15 U.S.C. 80a–2(a)(3)(A), (B).                   270.31a–1(b)(9).                                      time) = $5,960 per fund.

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                                             14532                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices

                                             current and accurate estimate the                          Reporting of rule 17a–9                              market fund experiences an event of
                                             number of unregistered money market                     transactions: 23 1 response, 1 burden                   default or insolvency each year.
                                             funds affected by rule 12d1–1.17 Each of                hour of legal time, Cost: $378.24                       Accordingly, the staff estimates that one
                                             these unregistered money market funds                      Based on the number of liquidity fund                unregistered money market fund will
                                             engages in the collections of information               advisers reported on Form PF, the staff                 comply with these collection of
                                             described above. Accordingly, the staff                 estimates that there are 39 fund                        information requirements and engage in
                                             estimates that unregistered money                       complexes with unregistered money                       3 annual responses under rule 12d1–1,29
                                             market funds complying with the                         market funds invested in by mutual                      the aggregate annual burden hours
                                             collections of information described                    funds in excess of the statutory limits                 associated with these responses is 1.5,30
                                             above engage in a total of 6,762 annual                 under rule 12d1–1.25 Each of these fund                 and the aggregate annual cost to funds
                                             responses under rule 12d1–1,18 the                      complexes engages in the collections of                 is $567.31
                                             aggregate annual burden hours                           information described above.                               In the rule 2a–7 submission,
                                             associated with these responses is                      Accordingly, the staff estimates that                   Commission staff further estimated the
                                             47,748,19 and the aggregate annual cost                 these fund complexes complying with                     aggregate annual burdens for newly
                                             to funds is $13,898,256.20                              the collections of information described                registered money market funds as
                                               In the rule 2a–7 submission,                          above engage in a total of 273 annual                   follows:
                                             Commission staff further estimated the                  responses under rule 12d1–1,26 the                         Establish written procedures and
                                             aggregate annual hour and cost burdens                  aggregate annual burden hours                           guidelines designed to stabilize the
                                             for collections of information for fund                 associated with these responses is 897,27               fund’s net asset value and establish
                                             complexes with registered money                         and the aggregate annual cost to funds                  procedures for board delegation of
                                             market funds as follows:                                is $931,671.28                                          authority: 1 response, 15.5 hours of
                                               Review, revise, and approve                              In the rule 2a–7 submission,                         director, legal, and support staff time,
                                             procedures concerning stress testing: 1                 Commission staff further estimated the                  Cost: $6,328.32
                                             response, 12 burden hours of                            aggregate annual burdens for registered                    Adopt procedures concerning stress
                                             professional and director time, Cost:                   money market funds that experience an                   testing: 1 response per fund complex, 22
                                             $8,021.21                                               event of default or insolvency as                       burden hours of professional and
                                               Report to fund boards on the results                  follows:                                                director time per fund complex, Cost:
                                             of stress testing: 5 responses, 10 burden                  Written record of board
                                                                                                                                                             $19,373 per fund complex.33
                                             hours of professional and support staff                 determinations and actions related to
                                                                                                                                                                Commission staff estimates that the
                                             time, Cost: $15,490.22                                  failure of a security to meet certain
                                                                                                                                                             proportion of unregistered money
                                                                                                     eligibility standards or an event of
                                                                                                                                                             market funds that intend to newly
                                               17 See supra note 12. The staff notes, however,       default of default or insolvency: 2
                                                                                                                                                             undertake the collection of information
                                             that this estimate may be overstated to the extent      responses, 1 burden hour of legal time,
                                             that a private liquidity fund reported on Form PF                                                               burdens of rule 2a–7 will be similar to
                                                                                                     Cost: $378.
                                             does not follow all of rule 2a–7’s requirements (that      Notice to Commission of an event of                  the proportion of money market funds
                                             include collections of information) or because no
                                                                                                     default or insolvency: 1 response, 0.5                  that are newly registered. Based on a
                                             registered investment companies invest in such a                                                                projection of 10 new money market
                                             fund. The staff also notes, however, that this          burden hours of legal time, Cost: $189.
                                             estimate may be understated to the extent that there       Consistent with the estimate in the                  funds per year (in the most recent rule
                                             are additional unregistered money market funds          rule 2a–7 submissions, Commission                       2a–7 submission), the staff estimates
                                             that are not required to be reported on Form PF
                                                                                                     staff estimates that approximately 2                    that, similarly, there will be 10 new
                                             (because Form PF is filed only by certain                                                                       unregistered money market funds that
                                             investments advisers to private funds that have         percent, or 1, unregistered money
                                             $150 million in private fund assets under                                                                       undertake the above burden to establish
                                             management).                                            × $279 per hour for a compliance manager) + (5          written procedures and guidelines
                                               18 The estimate is based on the following             responses × 2 hours × $378 per hour for an attorney)    designed to stabilize the fund’s net asset
                                             calculations: (69 funds × 85 responses for              + (5 responses × 1 hour × $174 per hour for support     value and establish procedures for board
                                             documentation of credit analyses and other              staff) = $15,490 per fund complex.
                                             determinations) = 5,865 responses. (69 funds × 12          23 See 17 CFR 270.17a–9.
                                                                                                                                                             delegation of authority.34 Accordingly,
                                             responses for public website posting) = 828                24 The estimate is based on the following
                                             responses. (69 funds × 1 response for policies and      calculations: (1 response × $378 per hour for an
                                                                                                                                                               29 The estimate is based on the following

                                             procedures related to delegation to an investment       attorney) = $378 per response.                          calculations: (1 fund × 2 responses) + (1 fund × 1
                                             adviser) = 69 responses. 5,865 responses + 828             25 See supra note 12.                                response) = 3 responses.
                                             responses + 69 responses = 6,762 responses.                26 The estimate is based on the following
                                                                                                                                                               30 This estimate is based on the following
                                               19 This estimate is based on the following
                                                                                                     calculations: (39 fund complexes × 1 response for       calculations: (1 fund × 1 hour) + (1 fund × 0.5
                                             calculations: (69 funds × 680 hours for                 revision of procedures concerning stress testing) =     hours) = 1.5 hours.
                                             documentation of credit analyses and other              39 responses. (39 fund complexes × 5 responses to
                                                                                                                                                               31 This estimate is based on the following

                                             determinations) = 46,920 hours. (69 funds × 7 hours     provide stress testing reports) = 195 responses. (39    calculations: (1 fund × $378) + (1 fund × $189) =
                                             for public website posting) = 483 hours. (69 funds      fund complexes × 1 response for reporting of rule       $567.
                                             × 5 hours for policies and procedures related to        17a–9 transactions) = 39 responses. 39 responses +        32 This estimate is based on the following
                                             delegation to an investment adviser) = 345 hours.       195 responses + 39 responses = 273 responses.           calculation: (0.5 hours × $4,500 per hour for board
                                             46,920 hours + 483 hours + 345 hours = 47,748              27 This estimate is based on the following           time) + (7.2 hours × $378 per hour for an attorney)
                                             hours.                                                  calculations: (39 fund complexes × 12 hours for         + (7.8 hours × $174 per hour for support staff) =
                                               20 This estimate is based on the following                                                                    $6,328 per response.
                                                                                                     revision of procedures concerning stress testing) =
                                             calculations: (69 funds × $178,160) = $12,293,040.      468 hours. (39 fund complexes × 10 hours to               33 This estimate is based on the following
                                             (69 funds × $17,304) = $1,193,976. (69 funds ×          provide stress testing reports) = 390 hours. (39 fund   calculation: (3 hours × $4,500 per hour for board
                                             $5,960) = $411,240. $12,293,040 + $1,193,976 +          complexes × 1 hour for reporting of rule 17a–9          time) + (8 hours × $378 per hour for an attorney)
                                             $411,240 = $13,898,256.                                 transactions) = 39 hours. 468 hours + 390 hours +       + (11 hours × $259 per hour for a risk management
                                               21 This estimate is based on the following            39 hours = 897 hours.                                   specialist) = $19,373 per response. See also infra
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             calculation: (1 hour × $4,500 per hour for board           28 This estimate is based on the following           note 34.
                                             time) + (5 hours × $322 per hour for a portfolio        calculations: (39 fund complexes × $8,021 for             34 The staff’s estimate is based on historical data
                                             manager) + (3 hours × $259 per hour for a risk          revision of procedures concerning stress testing) =     provided in Lipper Inc.’s LANA database and
                                             management specialist) + (3 hours × $378 per hour       $312,819. (39 fund complexes × $15,490 to provide       projections about the growth of the money market
                                             for an attorney) = $8,021 per response.                 stress testing reports) = $604,110. (39 fund            mutual fund industry going forward. The actual
                                               22 This estimate is based on the following            complexes × $378 for reporting of rule 17a–9            number of new money market funds launched may
                                             calculation: (5 responses × 5 hours × $322 per hour     transactions) = $14,742. $312,819 + $604,110 +          vary significantly from our estimates depending
                                             for a portfolio manager) + (5 responses × 2 hours       $14,742 = $931,671.                                     upon developments in market interest rates and

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices                                                    14533

                                             the staff estimates that 10 unregistered                will be 10 new unregistered money                     under management (for large funds),44
                                             money market funds will comply with                     market funds that undertake the above                 the staff estimates compliance with rule
                                             this collection of information                          burden to establish written procedures                2a–7 for these unregistered money
                                             requirement and engage in 10 annual                     and guidelines designed to ensure that                market funds totals $263,700
                                             responses under rule 12d1–1,35 the                      the unregistered money market funds                   annually.45
                                             aggregate annual burden hours                           comply with sections 17(a), (d), (e), and                Consistent with estimates made in the
                                             associated with these responses is 155,36               22(e) of the Act. The staff estimates the             rule 2a–7 submission, Commission staff
                                             and the aggregate annual cost to funds                  burden as follows:                                    estimates that unregistered money
                                             is $62,380.37                                              Establish written procedures and                   market funds also incur capital costs to
                                                Accordingly, the estimated total                     guidelines designed to ensure that the                create computer programs for
                                             number of annual responses under rule                   unregistered money market funds                       maintaining and preserving compliance
                                             12d1–1 for the collections of                           comply with sections 17(a), (d), (e), and             records for rule 2a–7 of $0.0000132 per
                                             information described in the rule 2a–7                  22(e) of the Act: 1 response, 15.5 hours              dollar of assets under management.
                                             submissions is 7,048, the aggregate                     of director, legal, and support staff time,           Based on the assets under management
                                             annual burden hours associated with                     Cost: $6,328.39                                       figures described above, staff estimates
                                             these responses is 48,801.5, and the                       Accordingly, the staff estimates that              annual capital costs for all unregistered
                                             aggregate cost to funds is $14,892,874.38               10 unregistered money market funds                    money market funds of $3.87 million.46
                                                Rules 31a–1(b)(1), 31a–1(b)(2)(ii),                  will comply with this collection of                      Commission staff further estimates
                                             31a–1(b)(2)(iv), and 31a–1(b)(9) require                information requirement and engage in                 that, even absent the requirements of
                                             registered funds to keep certain records,               10 annual responses under rule 12d1–                  rule 2a–7, money market funds would
                                             which include journals and general and                  1,40 the aggregate annual burden hours                spend at least half of the amounts
                                             auxiliary ledgers, including ledgers for                associated with these responses is 155,41             described above for record preservation
                                             each portfolio security and each                        and the aggregate annual cost to funds                ($131,850) and for capital costs ($1.94
                                             shareholder of record of the fund. Most                 is $62,380.42                                         million). Commission staff concludes
                                             of the records required to be maintained                                                                      that the aggregate annual costs of
                                                                                                        Commission staff also estimates that
                                             by the rule are the type that generally                                                                       compliance with the rule are $131,850
                                                                                                     unregistered money market funds will
                                             would be maintained as a matter of good                                                                       for record preservation and $1.94
                                                                                                     incur costs to preserve records, as
                                             business practice and to prepare the                                                                          million for capital costs.
                                                                                                     required under rule 2a–7. These costs                    The collections of information
                                             unregistered money market fund’s
                                                                                                     will vary significantly for individual                required for unregistered money market
                                             financial statements. Accordingly,
                                                                                                     funds, depending on the amount of                     funds by rule 12d1–1 are necessary in
                                             Commission staff estimates that the
                                                                                                     assets under fund management and                      order for acquiring funds to able to
                                             requirements under rules 31a–1(b)(1),
                                             31a–1(b)(2)(ii), 31a–1(b)(2)(iv), and 31a–              whether the fund preserves its records                obtain the benefits described above.
                                             1(b)(9) would not impose any additional                 in a storage facility in hard copy or has             Notices to the Commission will not be
                                             burden because the costs of maintaining                 developed and maintains a computer                    kept confidential. An agency may not
                                             these records would be incurred by                      system to create and preserve                         conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
                                             unregistered money market funds in any                  compliance records. In the rule 2a–7                  required to respond to, a collection of
                                             case to keep books and records that are                 submission, Commission staff estimated                information unless it displays a
                                             necessary to prepare financial                          that the amount an individual money                   currently valid control number.
                                             statements for shareholders, to prepare                 market fund may spend ranges from                        The public may view the background
                                             the fund’s annual income tax returns,                   $100 per year to $300,000. We have no                 documentation for this information
                                             and as a normal business custom.                        reason to believe the range is different              collection at the following website,
                                                Rule 12d1–1 also requires                            for unregistered money market funds.                  www.reginfo.gov. Comments should be
                                             unregistered money market funds in                      Based on Form PF data as of the fourth                directed to: (i) Desk Officer for the
                                             which registered funds invest to adopt                  calendar quarter 2016, private liquidity              Securities and Exchange Commission,
                                             procedures designed to ensure that the                  funds have $293 billion in gross asset                Office of Information and Regulatory
                                             unregistered money market funds                         value.43 The Commission does not have                 Affairs, Office of Management and
                                             comply with sections 17(a), (d), (e), and               specific information about the                        Budget, Room 10102, New Executive
                                             22(e) of the Act. This is a one-time                    proportion of assets held in small,                   Office Building, Washington, DC 20503,
                                             collection of information requirement                   medium-sized, or large unregistered                   or by sending an email to: Shagufta_
                                             that applies to unregistered money                      money market funds. Because private                   Ahmed@omb.eop.gov; and (ii) Pamela
                                             market funds that intend to comply with                 liquidity funds are often used as cash                Dyson, Director/Chief Information
                                             the requirements of rule 12d1–1. As                     management vehicles, the staff estimates              Officer, Securities and Exchange
                                             discussed above, based on a projection                  that each private liquidity fund is a                 Commission, c/o Remi Pavlik-Simon,
                                             of 10 new money market funds per year,                  ‘‘large’’ fund (i.e., more than $1 billion            100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549
                                             the staff estimates that, similarly, there              in assets under management). Based on                 or send an email to: PRA_Mailbox@
                                                                                                     a cost of $0.0000009 per dollar of assets             sec.gov. Comments must be submitted to
                                             other factors. The staff does not estimate any new                                                            OMB within 30 days of this notice.
                                             fund complexes being launched in the next year.           39 This estimate is based on the following
                                               35 The estimate is based on the following             calculation: (0.5 hours × $4,500 per hour for board     44 The recordkeeping cost estimates are
                                             calculations: (10 funds × 1 response) = 10              time) + (7.2 hours × $378 per hour for an attorney)   $0.0051295 per dollar of assets under management
                                             responses.                                              + (7.8 hours × $174 per hour for support staff) =     for small funds, and $0.0005041 per dollar of assets
                                               36 This estimate is based on the following            $6,328 per response.                                  under management for medium-sized funds. The
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             calculations: (10 funds × 15.5 hours) = 155 hours.        40 The estimate is based on the following
                                                                                                                                                           cost estimates are the same as those used in the
                                               37 This estimate is based on the following            calculations: (10 funds × 1 response) = 10            most recently approved rule 2a–7 submission.
                                             calculations: (10 funds × $6,238) = $62,380.            responses.                                              45 This estimate is based on the following
                                               38 These estimates are based upon the following         41 This estimate is based on the following
                                                                                                                                                           calculation: ($293 billion × $0.0000009) = $263,700
                                             calculations: (6,762 + 273 + 3+ 10) = 7,048 annual      calculations: (10 funds × 15.5 hours) = 155 hours.    billion for small funds.
                                                                                                       42 This estimate is based on the following
                                             responses; (47,748 + 897 + 1.5 + 155) = 48,801.5                                                                46 This estimate is based on the following

                                             burden hours; and ($13,898,256 + $931,671 + $567        calculations: (10 funds × $6,238) = $62,380.          calculation: ($293 billion × 0.0000132) = $3.87
                                             + $62,380) = $14,892,874.                                 43 See supra note 12.                               million.

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                                             14534                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices

                                               Dated: March 29, 2018.                                pursuant to a policy adopted in                        Securities and Exchange Commission
                                             Eduardo Aleman,                                         accordance with this rule per year. The                (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
                                             Assistant Secretary.                                    Commission estimates that the annual                   change as described in Items I and II
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–06854 Filed 4–3–18; 8:45 am]              burden associated with the notice to                   below, which Items have been prepared
                                             BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  shareholders requirement of the rule is                by the Exchange. The Commission is
                                                                                                     20 hours per response, for annual total                publishing this notice to solicit
                                                                                                     of 660 hours per year.                                 comments on the proposed rule change
                                             SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                   Estimates of average burden hours are                from interested persons.
                                             COMMISSION                                              made solely for the purposes of the                    I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                                                                     Paperwork Reduction Act and are not                    Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                             Submission for OMB Review;                              derived from a comprehensive or even
                                             Comment Request                                                                                                the Proposed Rule Change
                                                                                                     representative survey or study of the
                                                                                                     costs of Commission rules and forms.                      The Exchange proposes to amend
                                             Upon Written Request, Copies Available                                                                         Rule 7034, as described below.
                                              From: Securities and Exchange                          The collection of information under rule
                                                                                                     35d–1 is mandatory. The information                       The text of the proposed rule change
                                              Commission, Office of FOIA Services,                                                                          is available on the Exchange’s website at
                                              100 F Street NE, Washington, DC                        provided under rule 35d–1 will not be
                                                                                                     kept confidential. An agency may not                   http://nasdaq.cchwallstreet.com, at the
                                              20549–2736.                                                                                                   principal office of the Exchange, and at
                                                                                                     conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
                                                                                                     required to respond to, a collection of                the Commission’s Public Reference
                                               Rule 35d–1, SEC File No. 270–491, OMB                                                                        Room.
                                                 Control No. 3235–0548.                              information unless it displays a
                                                                                                     currently valid OMB control number.                    II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                Notice is hereby given that, pursuant                  The public may view the background                   Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                             to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                  documentation for this information                     Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                             (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities                collection at the following website,                   Change
                                             and Exchange Commission (the                            www.reginfo.gov. Comments should be
                                             ‘‘Commission’’) has submitted to the                                                                              In its filing with the Commission, the
                                                                                                     directed to: (i) Desk Officer for the                  Exchange included statements
                                             Office of Management and Budget                         Securities and Exchange Commission,
                                             (‘‘OMB’’) a request for extension of the                                                                       concerning the purpose of and basis for
                                                                                                     Office of Information and Regulatory                   the proposed rule change and discussed
                                             previously approved collection of                       Affairs, Office of Management and
                                             information discussed below.                                                                                   any comments it received on the
                                                                                                     Budget, Room 10102, New Executive                      proposed rule change. The text of these
                                                Rule 35d–1 (17 CFR 270.35d–1) under
                                                                                                     Office Building, Washington, DC 20503,                 statements may be examined at the
                                             the Investment Company Act of 1940
                                                                                                     or by sending an email to: Shagufta_                   places specified in Item IV below. The
                                             (15 U.S.C. 80a–1 et seq.) defines as
                                                                                                     Ahmed@omb.eop.gov; and (ii) Pamela                     Exchange has prepared summaries, set
                                             ‘‘materially deceptive and misleading’’
                                                                                                     Dyson, Director/Chief Information                      forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
                                             for purposes of Section 35(d), among
                                                                                                     Officer, Securities and Exchange                       the most significant aspects of such
                                             other things, a name suggesting that a
                                                                                                     Commission, c/o Remi Pavlik-Simon,                     statements.
                                             registered investment company or series
                                             thereof (a ‘‘fund’’) focuses its                        100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549
                                                                                                     or send an email to: PRA_Mailbox@                      A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                             investments in a particular type of                                                                            Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                             investment or investments, in                           sec.gov. Comments must be submitted to
                                                                                                     OMB within 30 days of this notice.                     Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                             investments in a particular industry or                                                                        Change
                                             group of industries, or in investments in                 Dated: March 30, 2018.
                                             a particular country or geographic                      Eduardo Aleman,                                        1. Purpose
                                             region, unless, among other things, the                 Assistant Secretary.                                      The Exchange proposes to amend
                                             fund adopts a certain investment policy.                [FR Doc. 2018–06855 Filed 4–3–18; 8:45 am]             Rule 7034 pertaining to colocation
                                             Rule 35d–1 further requires either that                 BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                 services and fees to harmonize it with
                                             the investment policy is fundamental or                                                                        the rules of Nasdaq BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’).
                                             that the fund has adopted a policy to                                                                             The Exchange first proposes to amend
                                             provide its shareholders with at least 60               SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                Rule 7034(b), under the heading
                                             days prior notice of any change in the                  COMMISSION                                             ‘‘Market Data Connectivity,’’ to re-
                                             investment policy (‘‘notice to                                                                                 categorize and to update references to
                                             shareholders’’). The rule’s notice to                   [Release No. 34–82964; File No. SR–                    the CBOE/Bats/Direct Edge data feeds to
                                             shareholders provision is intended to                                                                          reflect their current names. Similarly,
                                             ensure that when shareholders purchase                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; The                     the Exchange proposes to delete a
                                             shares in a fund based, at least in part,               Nasdaq Stock Market LLC; Notice of                     $1,000 installation fee that presently
                                             on its name, and with the expectation                   Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of                  applies to the Direct Edge feeds because
                                             that it will follow the investment policy               Proposed Rule Change To Amend                          the Direct Edge feeds are now offerings
                                             suggested by that name, they will have                  Exchange Rule 7034                                     of CBOE, along with the BZX and BYX
                                             sufficient time to decide whether to                                                                           feeds. Going forward, a single, one-time
                                             redeem their shares in the event that the               March 29, 2018.                                        $1,000 installation fee will apply to
                                             fund decides to pursue a different                         Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the                 subscribers to any or all of the CBOE
                                             investment policy.                                      Securities Exchange Act of 1934                        data feeds. The Exchange also proposes
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                                The Commission estimates that there                  (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                to correct a typographical error in the
                                             are approximately 9,939 open-end and                    notice is hereby given that on March 16,               name of the TSXV Level 2 Feed. The
                                             closed-end funds that have names that                   2018, The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC                      Exchange notes that this proposal will
                                             are covered by the rule. The                            (‘‘Nasdaq’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the            render this paragraph of Rule 7034(b)
                                             Commission estimates that of these                                                                             consistent with BX Rule 7034(b).
                                             9,939 funds, approximately 33 will                        1 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                Second, the Exchange proposes to
                                             provide prior notice to shareholders                      2 17   CFR 240.19b–4.                                amend Rule 7034(b), under the heading

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Document Created: 2018-11-01 09:10:44
Document Modified: 2018-11-01 09:10:44
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Action\23\ 1 response, 1 burden hour of legal time, Cost: $378.\24\
FR Citation83 FR 14530 

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