83_FR_14941 83 FR 14874 - Information Collection Request to Office of Management and Budget; OMB Control Number: 1625-0097

83 FR 14874 - Information Collection Request to Office of Management and Budget; OMB Control Number: 1625-0097

Coast Guard

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 67 (April 6, 2018)

Page Range14874-14875
FR Document2018-07032

In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the U.S. Coast Guard intends to submit an Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), requesting an extension of its approval for the following collection of information: 1625-0097, Plan Approval and Records for Marine Engineering Systems--46 CFR Subchapter F; without change. Our ICR describes the information we seek to collect from the public. Before submitting this ICR to OIRA, the Coast Guard is inviting comments as described below.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 67 (Friday, April 6, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 67 (Friday, April 6, 2018)]
[Pages 14874-14875]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-07032]



Coast Guard

[Docket No. USCG-2018-0190]

Information Collection Request to Office of Management and 
Budget; OMB Control Number: 1625-0097

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.

ACTION: Sixty-day notice requesting comments.


SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the 
U.S. Coast Guard intends to submit an Information Collection Request 
(ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), requesting an extension of 
its approval for the following collection of information: 1625-0097, 
Plan Approval and Records for Marine Engineering Systems--46 CFR 
Subchapter F; without change. Our ICR describes the information we seek 
to collect from the public. Before submitting this ICR to OIRA, the 
Coast Guard is inviting comments as described below.

DATES: Comments must reach the Coast Guard on or before June 5, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Coast Guard docket 
number [USCG-2018-0190] to the Coast Guard using the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov. See the ``Public 
participation and request for comments'' portion of the SUPPLEMENTARY 
INFORMATION section for further instructions on submitting comments.
    A copy of the ICR is available through the docket on the internet 
at http://www.regulations.gov. Additionally, copies are available from: 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Contact Mr. Anthony Smith, Office of 
Information Management, telephone 202-475-3532, or fax 202-372-8405, 
for questions on these documents.


Public Participation and Request for Comments

    This Notice relies on the authority of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended. An ICR is an application to 
OIRA seeking the approval, extension, or renewal of a Coast Guard 
collection of information (Collection). The ICR contains information 
describing the Collection's purpose, the Collection's likely burden on 
the affected public, an explanation of the necessity of the Collection, 
and other important information describing the Collection. There is one 
ICR for each Collection.
    The Coast Guard invites comments on whether this ICR should be 
granted based on the Collection being necessary for the proper 
performance of Departmental functions. In particular, the Coast Guard 
would appreciate comments addressing: (1) The practical utility of the 
Collection; (2) the accuracy of the estimated burden of the Collection; 
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of information 
subject to the Collection; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the 
Collection on respondents, including the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology. In response to 
your comments, we may revise this ICR or decide not to seek an 
extension of approval for the Collection. We will consider all comments 
and material received during the comment period.
    We encourage you to respond to this request by submitting comments 
and related materials. Comments must contain the OMB Control Number of 
the ICR and the docket number of this request, [USCG-2018-0190], and 
must be received by June 5, 2018.

Submitting Comments

    We encourage you to submit comments through the Federal eRulemaking 
Portal at http://www.regulations.gov. If your material cannot be 
submitted using http://www.regulations.gov, contact the person in the 
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document for alternate 
instructions. Documents mentioned in this notice, and all public 
comments, are in our online docket at http://www.regulations.gov and 
can be viewed by following that website's instructions. Additionally, 
if you go to the online docket and sign up for email alerts, you will 
be notified when comments are posted.
    We accept anonymous comments. All comments received will be posted 
without change to http://www.regulations.gov and will include any 
personal information you have provided. For more about privacy and the 
docket, you may review a Privacy Act notice regarding the Federal 
Docket Management System in the March 24, 2005, issue of the Federal 
Register (70 FR 15086).

Information Collection Request

    Title: Plan Approval and Records for Marine Engineering Systems--46 
CFR Subchapter F.
    OMB Control Number: 1625-0097.
    Summary: This collection of information requires an owner or 
builder of a commercial vessel to submit to the U.S. Coast Guard for 
review and approval, plans pertaining to marine engineering systems to 
ensure that the vessel will meet regulatory standards.
    Need: Under 46 U.S.C. 3306, the Coast Guard is authorized to 
prescribe vessel safety regulations including those related to marine 
engineering systems. Title 46 CFR Subchapter F prescribes those 
requirements. The rules provide the specifications, standards and 
requirements for strength and adequacy of design, construction, 
installation, inspection, and choice of materials for machinery, 
boilers, pressure vessels, safety valves, and piping systems upon which 
safety of life is dependent.
    Forms: None.
    Respondents: Owners and builders of commercial vessels.
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Hour Burden Estimate: The estimated burden has increased from 5,512 
hours to 5,793 hours a year due to an increase in the estimated annual 
number of responses.

    Authority:  The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. 
Chapter 35, as amended.

[[Page 14875]]

    Dated: March 29, 2018.
James D. Roppel,
U.S. Coast Guard, Division Chief, Directives and Publications.
[FR Doc. 2018-07032 Filed 4-5-18; 8:45 am]

                                               14874                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 67 / Friday, April 6, 2018 / Notices

                                               coastwise voyages by sea are required to                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for                 eRulemaking Portal at http://
                                               obtain a Load Line Certificate.                         further instructions on submitting                    www.regulations.gov. If your material
                                                 Need: Title 46 U.S.C. 5101 to 5116                    comments.                                             cannot be submitted using http://
                                               provides the Coast Guard with the                         A copy of the ICR is available through              www.regulations.gov, contact the person
                                               authority to enforce provisions of the                  the docket on the internet at http://                 in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                               International Load Line Convention,                     www.regulations.gov. Additionally,                    CONTACT section of this document for
                                               1966. Title 46 CFR chapter I, subchapter                copies are available from:                            alternate instructions. Documents
                                               E—Load Lines, contains the relevant                     COMMANDANT (CG–612), ATTN:                            mentioned in this notice, and all public
                                               regulations.                                            PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
                                                                                                                                                             comments, are in our online docket at
                                                 Forms: None.                                          MANAGER, U.S. COAST GUARD, 2703
                                                                                                                                                             http://www.regulations.gov and can be
                                                 Respondents: Owners and operators                     MARTIN LUTHER KING JR AVE SE,
                                                                                                       STOP 7710, WASHINGTON, DC 20593–                      viewed by following that website’s
                                               of vessels.
                                                 Frequency: On occasion.                               7710.                                                 instructions. Additionally, if you go to
                                                 Hour Burden Estimate: The estimated                                                                         the online docket and sign up for email
                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               burden has decreased from 907 hours to                  Contact Mr. Anthony Smith, Office of                  alerts, you will be notified when
                                               757 hours a year due to a decrease in the               Information Management, telephone                     comments are posted.
                                               estimated annual number of                              202–475–3532, or fax 202–372–8405, for                   We accept anonymous comments. All
                                               respondents.                                            questions on these documents.                         comments received will be posted
                                                 Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            without change to http://
                                               of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended.                                                                    www.regulations.gov and will include
                                                                                                       Public Participation and Request for
                                                 Dated: March 29, 2018.                                Comments                                              any personal information you have
                                               James D. Roppel,                                                                                              provided. For more about privacy and
                                                                                                         This Notice relies on the authority of              the docket, you may review a Privacy
                                               U.S. Coast Guard, Division Chief, Directives            the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995;
                                               and Publications.                                                                                             Act notice regarding the Federal Docket
                                                                                                       44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended. An                  Management System in the March 24,
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–07037 Filed 4–5–18; 8:45 am]              ICR is an application to OIRA seeking
                                                                                                                                                             2005, issue of the Federal Register (70
                                               BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                  the approval, extension, or renewal of a
                                                                                                                                                             FR 15086).
                                                                                                       Coast Guard collection of information
                                                                                                       (Collection). The ICR contains                        Information Collection Request
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                  information describing the Collection’s
                                               SECURITY                                                purpose, the Collection’s likely burden                 Title: Plan Approval and Records for
                                                                                                       on the affected public, an explanation of             Marine Engineering Systems—46 CFR
                                               Coast Guard                                                                                                   Subchapter F.
                                                                                                       the necessity of the Collection, and
                                               [Docket No. USCG–2018–0190]                             other important information describing                  OMB Control Number: 1625–0097.
                                                                                                       the Collection. There is one ICR for each
                                               Information Collection Request to                       Collection.                                             Summary: This collection of
                                               Office of Management and Budget;                          The Coast Guard invites comments on                 information requires an owner or
                                               OMB Control Number: 1625–0097                           whether this ICR should be granted                    builder of a commercial vessel to submit
                                                                                                       based on the Collection being necessary               to the U.S. Coast Guard for review and
                                               AGENCY:Coast Guard, DHS.                                                                                      approval, plans pertaining to marine
                                                                                                       for the proper performance of
                                                     Sixty-day notice requesting
                                               ACTION:                                                 Departmental functions. In particular,                engineering systems to ensure that the
                                               comments.                                               the Coast Guard would appreciate                      vessel will meet regulatory standards.
                                               SUMMARY:    In compliance with the                      comments addressing: (1) The practical                  Need: Under 46 U.S.C. 3306, the Coast
                                               Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the                    utility of the Collection; (2) the accuracy           Guard is authorized to prescribe vessel
                                               U.S. Coast Guard intends to submit an                   of the estimated burden of the                        safety regulations including those
                                               Information Collection Request (ICR) to                 Collection; (3) ways to enhance the
                                                                                                                                                             related to marine engineering systems.
                                               the Office of Management and Budget                     quality, utility, and clarity of
                                                                                                       information subject to the Collection;                Title 46 CFR Subchapter F prescribes
                                               (OMB), Office of Information and                                                                              those requirements. The rules provide
                                               Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), requesting an                and (4) ways to minimize the burden of
                                                                                                       the Collection on respondents,                        the specifications, standards and
                                               extension of its approval for the                                                                             requirements for strength and adequacy
                                               following collection of information:                    including the use of automated
                                                                                                       collection techniques or other forms of               of design, construction, installation,
                                               1625–0097, Plan Approval and Records                                                                          inspection, and choice of materials for
                                               for Marine Engineering Systems—46                       information technology. In response to
                                                                                                       your comments, we may revise this ICR                 machinery, boilers, pressure vessels,
                                               CFR Subchapter F; without change. Our                                                                         safety valves, and piping systems upon
                                               ICR describes the information we seek                   or decide not to seek an extension of
                                                                                                       approval for the Collection. We will                  which safety of life is dependent.
                                               to collect from the public. Before
                                               submitting this ICR to OIRA, the Coast                  consider all comments and material                      Forms: None.
                                               Guard is inviting comments as                           received during the comment period.
                                                                                                         We encourage you to respond to this                   Respondents: Owners and builders of
                                               described below.                                                                                              commercial vessels.
                                                                                                       request by submitting comments and
                                               DATES: Comments must reach the Coast                    related materials. Comments must                        Frequency: On occasion.
                                               Guard on or before June 5, 2018.                        contain the OMB Control Number of the
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                               Hour Burden Estimate: The estimated
                                               ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                      ICR and the docket number of this                     burden has increased from 5,512 hours
                                               identified by Coast Guard docket                        request, [USCG–2018–0190], and must
                                               number [USCG–2018–0190] to the Coast                                                                          to 5,793 hours a year due to an increase
                                                                                                       be received by June 5, 2018.                          in the estimated annual number of
                                               Guard using the Federal eRulemaking
                                               Portal at http://www.regulations.gov.                   Submitting Comments                                   responses.
                                               See the ‘‘Public participation and                        We encourage you to submit                            Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
                                               request for comments’’ portion of the                   comments through the Federal                          of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:21 Apr 05, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00033   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06APN1.SGM   06APN1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 67 / Friday, April 6, 2018 / Notices                                                14875

                                                 Dated: March 29, 2018.                                Commandant redelegated that authority                 recertification terminates on March 1,
                                               James D. Roppel,                                        to the Chief, Office of Marine Safety,                2019.
                                               U.S. Coast Guard, Division Chief, Directives            Security and Environmental Protection                   Dated: February 28, 2018.
                                               and Publications.                                       (G–M) on March 19, 1992 (letter #5402).               Michael F. Mcallister,
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–07032 Filed 4–5–18; 8:45 am]                 On July 7, 1993, the USCG published                Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander,
                                               BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                  a policy statement, ‘‘Alternative                     Seventeenth Coast Guard District.
                                                                                                       Voluntary Advisory Groups, Prince                     [FR Doc. 2018–07085 Filed 4–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       William Sound and Cook Inlet’’ (58 FR
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                  36504), to clarify the factors considered
                                               SECURITY                                                in making the determination as to
                                                                                                       whether advisory councils, or groups,                 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                               Coast Guard                                             should be certified in accordance with                SECURITY
                                               [Docket No. USCG–2018–0066]                             the Act.
                                                                                                          The Assistant Commandant for                       Coast Guard
                                               Prince William Sound Regional                           Marine Safety and Environmental
                                                                                                                                                             [Docket No. USCG–2018–0191]
                                               Citizens’ Advisory Council                              Protection (G–M), redelegated
                                               (PWSRCAC) Recertification                               recertification authority for advisory                Information Collection Request to
                                                                                                       councils, or groups, to the Commander,                Office of Management and Budget;
                                               AGENCY:   Coast Guard, DHS.                             Seventeenth Coast Guard District on                   OMB Control Number: 1625–0034
                                               ACTION:   Notice of recertification.                    February 26, 1999 (letter #16450).
                                                                                                          On September 16, 2002, the USCG                    AGENCY:Coast Guard, DHS.
                                               SUMMARY:    This notice informs the public                                                                          Sixty-day notice requesting
                                                                                                       published a policy statement, 67 FR
                                               that the Coast Guard has recertified the                                                                      comments.
                                                                                                       58440, which changed the
                                               Prince William Sound Regional
                                                                                                       recertification procedures such that
                                               Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC)                                                                          SUMMARY:   In compliance with the
                                                                                                       applicants are required to provide the
                                               as an alternative voluntary advisory                                                                          Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
                                                                                                       USCG with comprehensive information
                                               group for Prince William Sound, Alaska.                                                                       U.S. Coast Guard intends to submit an
                                                                                                       every three years (triennially). For each
                                               This certification allows the PWSRCAC                                                                         Information Collection Request (ICR) to
                                                                                                       of the two years between the triennial
                                               to monitor the activities of terminal                                                                         the Office of Management and Budget
                                                                                                       application procedures, applicants
                                               facilities and crude oil tankers under the                                                                    (OMB), Office of Information and
                                                                                                       submit a letter requesting recertification
                                               Prince William Sound Program                                                                                  Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), requesting an
                                                                                                       that includes a description of any
                                               established by statute.                                                                                       extension of its approval for the
                                                                                                       substantive changes to the information
                                               DATES: This recertification is effective                provided at the previous triennial                    following collection of information:
                                               for the period from February 28, 2018                   recertification. Further, public comment              1625–0034, Ships’ Stores Certification
                                               through March 1, 2019.                                  is only solicited during the triennial                for Hazardous Materials Aboard Ships;
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: LT                     comprehensive review.                                 without change. Our ICR describes the
                                               Ian McPhillips, Seventeenth Coast                                                                             information we seek to collect from the
                                                                                                          The Alyeska Pipeline Service
                                               Guard District (dpi), by phone at                                                                             public. Before submitting this ICR to
                                                                                                       Company pays the PWSRCAC $2.9
                                               (907)463–2809, email at                                                                                       OIRA, the Coast Guard is inviting
                                                                                                       million annually in the form of a
                                               Ian.P.McPhillips@uscg.mil.                                                                                    comments as described below.
                                                                                                       longterm contract. In return for this
                                                                                                       funding, the PWSRCAC must annually                    DATES: Comments must reach the Coast
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                       show that it ‘‘fosters the goals and                  Guard on or before June 5, 2018.
                                               Background and Purpose                                  purposes’’ of OPA 90 and is ‘‘broadly                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                  As part of the Oil Pollution Act of                  representative of the communities and                 identified by Coast Guard docket
                                               1990, Congress passed the Oil Terminal                  interests in the vicinity of the terminal             number [USCG–2018–0191] to the Coast
                                               and Oil Tanker Environmental                            facilities and Prince William Sound.’’                Guard using the Federal eRulemaking
                                               Oversight and Monitoring Act of 1990                    The PWSRCAC is an independent,                        Portal at http://www.regulations.gov.
                                               (the Act), 33 U.S.C. 2732, to foster a                  nonprofit organization founded in 1989.               See the ‘‘Public participation and
                                               long-term partnership among industry,                   Though it receives federal oversight like             request for comments’’ portion of the
                                               government, and local communities in                    many independent, non-profit                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for
                                               overseeing compliance with                              organizations, it is not a federal agency.            further instructions on submitting
                                               environmental concerns in the                           The PWSRCAC is a local organization                   comments.
                                               operation of crude oil terminals and oil                that predates the passage of OPA 90.                    A copy of the ICR is available through
                                               tankers.                                                The existence of the PWSRCAC was                      the docket on the internet at http://
                                                  The President has delegated his                      specifically recognized in OPA 90                     www.regulations.gov. Additionally,
                                               authority under 33 U.S.C 2732(o)                        where it is defined as an ‘‘alternate                 copies are available from:
                                               respecting certification of advisory                    voluntary advisory group.’’ Alyeska                   COMMANDANT (CG–612), ATTN:
                                               councils, or groups, subject to the Act to              funds the PWSRCAC, and the Coast                      PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
                                               the Secretary of the Department of                      Guard makes sure the PWSRCRC                          MANAGER, U.S. COAST GUARD, 2703
                                               Homeland Security. Section 8(g) of                      operates in a fashion that is broadly                 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR AVE SE,
                                               Executive Order 12777, (56 FR 54757,                    consistent with OPA 90.                               STOP 7710, WASHINGTON, DC 20593–
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               October 22, 1991), as amended by                                                                              7710.
                                                                                                       Recertification                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               section 34 of Executive Order 13286 (68
                                               FR 10619, March 5, 2003). The Secretary                   By letter dated February 28, 2018, the              Contact Mr. Anthony Smith, Office of
                                               redelegated that authority to the                       Commander, Seventeenth Coast Guard                    Information Management, telephone
                                               Commandant of the USCG. Department                      certified that the PWSRCAC qualifies as               202–475–3532, or fax 202–372–8405, for
                                               of Homeland Security Delegation No.                     an alternative voluntary advisory group               questions on these documents.
                                               0170.1, paragraph 80 of section II. The                 under 33 U.S.C. 2732(o). This                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:21 Apr 05, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00034   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06APN1.SGM   06APN1

Document Created: 2018-11-01 09:15:00
Document Modified: 2018-11-01 09:15:00
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionSixty-day notice requesting comments.
DatesComments must reach the Coast Guard on or before June 5, 2018.
ContactContact Mr. Anthony Smith, Office of Information Management, telephone 202-475-3532, or fax 202-372-8405, for questions on these documents.
FR Citation83 FR 14874 

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