83_FR_16169 83 FR 16097 - Notice of Termination of Receiverships

83 FR 16097 - Notice of Termination of Receiverships


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 72 (April 13, 2018)

Page Range16097-16098
FR Document2018-07635

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 72 (Friday, April 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 72 (Friday, April 13, 2018)]
[Pages 16097-16098]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-07635]



Notice of Termination of Receiverships

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC or Receiver), as 
Receiver for each of the following insured depository institutions, was 
charged with the duty of winding up the affairs of the former 
institutions and liquidating all related assets. The Receiver has 
fulfilled its obligations and made all dividend distributions required 
by law.

                                     Notice of Termination of Receiverships
              Fund                 Receivership name          City                State         Termination date
10337...........................  Community First      Chicago...........  Illinois..........         04/01/2018
10350...........................  The Bank of          Wood Dale.........  Illinois..........         04/01/2018
10352...........................  Western Springs      Western Springs...  Illinois..........         04/01/2018
                                   National Bank and
10410...........................  Mid City Bank, Inc.  Omaha.............  Nebraska..........         04/01/2018

    The Receiver has further irrevocably authorized and appointed FDIC-
Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to execute and file any and all 
documents that may be required to be executed by the Receiver which 
FDIC-Corporate, in its sole discretion, deems necessary, including but 
not limited to releases, discharges, satisfactions, endorsements, 
assignments, and deeds. Effective on the termination dates listed 
above, the Receiverships have been terminated, the Receiver has been 
discharged, and the Receiverships have ceased to exist as legal 

[[Page 16098]]

    Dated at Washington, DC, on April 9, 2018.
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-07635 Filed 4-12-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 72 / Friday, April 13, 2018 / Notices                                                                                                                   16097

                                                                                                                                SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Estimated               Estimated                                           Total annual
                                                                                                                                                 Obligation                                       frequency                 time                   Frequency                   estimated
                                                                                                                  Type of burden                                        number of
                                                                                                                                                 to respond                                           per                    per                   of response                  burden
                                                                                                                                                                       respondents               respondent               response                                              (hours)

                                               Assessment Rate Adjustment Guidelines for                       Reporting ..............          Required to                               1                        1              80.00        On Occasion .....                      80
                                                 Large and Highly Complex Institutions.                                                            Obtain or

                                                   Total Hourly Burden .....................................   ...............................   ...................   ......................   ......................   ....................   ...........................            80

                                                 General Description of Collection:                                    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.                                                  discharged from any and all liabilities to
                                               These guidelines established a process                                  Robert E. Feldman,                                                                      the association and to each and all
                                               through which large and highly                                          Executive Secretary.                                                                    creditors and shareholders thereof.
                                               complex depository institutions could                                   [FR Doc. 2018–07667 Filed 4–12–18; 8:45 am]                                                The Receiver has irrevocably
                                               request a deposit insurance assessment                                  BILLING CODE 6714–01–P                                                                  authorized and appointed FDIC-
                                               rate adjustment from the FDIC.                                                                                                                                  Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               execute and file any and all documents
                                                 There is no change in the method or
                                                                                                                       FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE                                                               that may be required to be executed by
                                               substance of the collection. The overall                                                                                                                        the Receiver which FDIC-Corporate, in
                                               reduction in burden hours is the result                                                                                                                         its sole discretion, deems necessary;
                                               of economic fluctuation. In particular,                                 Notice of Termination of Receivership                                                   including but not limited to releases,
                                               the number of respondents has                                                                                                                                   discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,
                                               decreased while the hours per response                                     The Federal Deposit Insurance
                                                                                                                       Corporation (FDIC or Receiver), as                                                      assignments and deeds.
                                               and frequency of responses have                                                                                                                                    Effective April 1, 2018, the
                                               remained the same.                                                      Receiver for Guaranty National Bank of
                                                                                                                       Tallahassee, Tallahassee, Florida, has                                                  Receivership has been terminated and
                                               Request for Comment                                                     been authorized to take all actions                                                     the Receivership has ceased to exist as
                                                                                                                       necessary to terminate the receivership                                                 a legal entity.
                                                 Comments are invited on: (a) Whether                                  of Guaranty National Bank                                                                 Dated at Washington, DC, on April 9, 2018.
                                               the collection of information is                                        (Receivership).                                                                         Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
                                               necessary for the proper performance of                                    Surplus national bank receiverships                                                  Robert E. Feldman,
                                               the FDIC’s functions, including whether                                 must comply with 12 U.S.C. 197, which                                                   Executive Secretary.
                                               the information has practical utility; (b)                              requires the Receiver to convene a                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–07634 Filed 4–12–18; 8:45 am]
                                               the accuracy of the estimates of the                                    shareholders’ meeting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 6714–01–P
                                               burden of the information collection,                                      Notice of the shareholders’ meeting
                                               including the validity of the                                           was given to Evergreen Bancshares, Inc.,
                                               methodology and assumptions used; (c)                                   the sole shareholder of Guaranty                                                        FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE
                                               ways to enhance the quality, utility, and                               National Bank of Tallahassee, on                                                        CORPORATION
                                               clarity of the information to be                                        January 24, 2018.
                                               collected; and (d) ways to minimize the                                    The shareholder meeting was held on                                                  Notice of Termination of Receiverships
                                               burden of the collection of information                                 February 28, 2018, and at it, Evergreen
                                                                                                                       Bancshares, Inc., voted to appoint itself                                                  The Federal Deposit Insurance
                                               on respondents, including through the                                                                                                                           Corporation (FDIC or Receiver), as
                                                                                                                       as agent to take possession of the
                                               use of automated collection techniques                                                                                                                          Receiver for each of the following
                                                                                                                       remaining assets of the Receivership.
                                               or other forms of information                                              All assets of the Receivership not                                                   insured depository institutions, was
                                               technology. All comments will become                                    previously disposed of have been                                                        charged with the duty of winding up the
                                               a matter of public record.                                              transferred to Evergreen Bancshares,                                                    affairs of the former institutions and
                                                  Dated at Washington, DC, on April 9, 2018.                           Inc., as agent appointed by the bank’s                                                  liquidating all related assets. The
                                                                                                                       shareholder pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 197.                                                  Receiver has fulfilled its obligations and
                                                                                                                          Upon distribution of the assets of the                                               made all dividend distributions
                                                                                                                       Receivership, the Receiver was                                                          required by law.

                                                                                                                  NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF RECEIVERSHIPS
                                                   Fund                                    Receivership name                                                                   City                                             State                             Termination date

                                               10337   ........   Community First Bank—Chicago ..............................                              Chicago ............................               Illinois ...............................                        04/01/2018
                                               10350   ........   The Bank of Commerce ............................................                        Wood Dale .......................                  Illinois ...............................                        04/01/2018
                                               10352   ........   Western Springs National Bank and Trust ................                                 Western Springs ..............                     Illinois ...............................                        04/01/2018
                                               10410   ........   Mid City Bank, Inc. ....................................................                 Omaha .............................                Nebraska .........................                              04/01/2018
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                 The Receiver has further irrevocably                                  the Receiver which FDIC-Corporate, in                                                   termination dates listed above, the
                                               authorized and appointed FDIC-                                          its sole discretion, deems necessary,                                                   Receiverships have been terminated, the
                                               Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to                                    including but not limited to releases,                                                  Receiver has been discharged, and the
                                               execute and file any and all documents                                  discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,                                                Receiverships have ceased to exist as
                                               that may be required to be executed by                                  assignments, and deeds. Effective on the                                                legal entities.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014      17:41 Apr 12, 2018        Jkt 244001        PO 00000        Frm 00054          Fmt 4703         Sfmt 4703         E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM                   13APN1

                                               16098                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 72 / Friday, April 13, 2018 / Notices

                                                 Dated at Washington, DC, on April 9, 2018.            order to inspect and photocopy                          c. Ways to enhance the quality,
                                                 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.                comments.                                             utility, and clarity of the information to
                                               Robert E. Feldman,                                        Additionally, commenters may send a                 be collected;
                                               Executive Secretary.                                    copy of their comments to the OMB                       d. Ways to minimize the burden of
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–07635 Filed 4–12–18; 8:45 am]             Desk Officer—Shagufta Ahmed—Office                    information collection on respondents,
                                               BILLING CODE 6714–01–P                                  of Information and Regulatory Affairs,                including through the use of automated
                                                                                                       Office of Management and Budget, New                  collection techniques or other forms of
                                                                                                       Executive Office Building, Room 10235,                information technology; and
                                               FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                  725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC                      e. Estimates of capital or startup costs
                                                                                                       20503 or by fax to (202) 395–6974.                    and costs of operation, maintenance,
                                               Proposed Agency Information                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A                    and purchase of services to provide
                                               Collection Activities; Comment                          copy of the PRA OMB submission,                       information.
                                               Request                                                 including the proposed reporting form                   At the end of the comment period, the
                                                                                                       and instructions, supporting statement,               comments and recommendations
                                               AGENCY: Board of Governors of the                                                                             received will be analyzed to determine
                                               Federal Reserve System.                                 and other documentation will be placed
                                                                                                       into OMB’s public docket files, once                  the extent to which the Federal Reserve
                                               ACTION: Notice, request for comment.                                                                          should modify the proposal prior to
                                                                                                       approved. These documents will also be
                                                                                                       made available on the Federal Reserve                 giving final approval.
                                               SUMMARY:   The Board of Governors of the
                                               Federal Reserve System (Board) invites                  Board’s public website at: http://                    Proposal To Approve Under OMB
                                               comment on a proposal to extend for                     www.federalreserve.gov/apps/                          Delegated Authority the Extension for
                                               three years, without revision, the                      reportforms/review.aspx or may be                     Three Years, Without Revision, of the
                                               Recordkeeping and Disclosure                            requested from the agency clearance                   Following Report
                                               Requirements Associated with                            officer, whose name appears below.
                                                                                                                                                               Report title: Recordkeeping and
                                               Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s                    Federal Reserve Board Clearance
                                                                                                                                                             Disclosure Requirements Associated
                                               (CFPB) Regulation B (Equal Credit                       Officer—Nuha Elmaghrabi—Office of
                                                                                                                                                             with Consumer Financial Protection
                                               Opportunity Act) (FR B; OMB No. 7100–                   the Chief Data Officer, Board of
                                                                                                                                                             Bureau’s (CFPB) Regulation B (Equal
                                               0201).                                                  Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                                                                                                                             Credit Opportunity Act).
                                               DATES: Comments must be submitted on                    System, Washington, DC 20551, (202)                     Agency form number: FR B.
                                               or before June 12, 2018.                                452–3829. Telecommunications Device                     OMB control number: 7100–0201.
                                                                                                       for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact                    Frequency: Monthly; annually.
                                               ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                                                                       (202) 263–4869, Board of Governors of                   Respondents: State member banks;
                                               identified by FR B, by any of the
                                                                                                       the Federal Reserve System,                           subsidiaries of state member banks;
                                               following methods:
                                                 • Agency Website: http://                             Washington, DC 20551.                                 subsidiaries of bank holding companies;
                                               www.federalreserve.gov. Follow the                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June                    U.S. branches and agencies of foreign
                                               instructions for submitting comments at                 15, 1984, the Office of Management and                banks (other than federal branches,
                                               http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/                     Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board                   federal agencies, and insured state
                                               foia/proposedregs.aspx.                                 authority under the Paperwork                         branches of foreign banks); commercial
                                                 • Email: regs.comments@                               Reduction Act (PRA) to approve of and                 lending companies owned or controlled
                                               federalreserve.gov. Include OMB                         assign OMB control numbers to                         by foreign banks; and organizations
                                               number in the subject line of the                       collection of information requests and                operating under section 25 or 25A of the
                                               message.                                                requirements conducted or sponsored                   Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601–
                                                 • FAX: (202) 452–3819 or (202) 452–                   by the Board. In exercising this                      604a; 611–631).
                                               3102.                                                   delegated authority, the Board is                       Estimated number of respondents:
                                                 • Mail: Ann E. Misback, Secretary,                    directed to take every reasonable step to             Notifications, furnishing of credit
                                               Board of Governors of the Federal                       solicit comment. In determining                       information, record retention
                                               Reserve System, 20th Street and                         whether to approve a collection of                    (applications, actions, and prescreened
                                               Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,                     information, the Board will consider all              solicitations), information for
                                               DC 20551.                                               comments received from the public and                 monitoring purposes, and rules on
                                                  All public comments are available                    other agencies.                                       providing appraisal reports (providing
                                               from the Board’s website at http://                                                                           appraisal report), 958 respondents; Self-
                                               www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/                       Request for Comment on Information                    testing: Record retention—incentives, 92
                                               proposedregs.aspx as submitted, unless                  Collection Proposal                                   respondents; Self-testing: Record
                                               modified for technical reasons.                           The Board invites public comment on                 retention—self-correction, 23
                                               Accordingly, your comments will not be                  the following information collection,                 respondents, and Self-testing: Record
                                               edited to remove any identifying or                     which is being reviewed under                         retention—rules concerning requests for
                                               contact information. Public comments                    authority delegated by the OMB under                  information (disclosure for optional self-
                                               may also be viewed electronically or in                 the PRA. Comments are invited on the                  test), 92 respondents.
                                               paper form in Room 3515, 1801 K Street                  following:                                              Estimated average hours per response:
                                               (between 18th and 19th Streets NW)                        a. Whether the proposed collection of               Notifications, 6 hours; Furnishing of
                                               Washington, DC 20006 between 9:00                       information is necessary for the proper               credit information, 2.5 hours; Record
                                               a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. For                     performance of the Federal Reserve’s                  retention (Applications, actions, and
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               security reasons, the Board requires that               functions; including whether the                      prescreened solicitations), 8 hours;
                                               visitors make an appointment to inspect                 information has practical utility;                    Information for monitoring purposes,
                                               comments. You may do so by calling                        b. The accuracy of the Federal                      0.25 hours; Rules on providing appraisal
                                               (202) 452–3684. Upon arrival, visitors                  Reserve’s estimate of the burden of the               reports (Providing appraisal report), 3
                                               will be required to present valid                       proposed information collection,                      hours; Self-testing: Record retention—
                                               government-issued photo identification                  including the validity of the                         incentives, 2 hours; Self-testing: Record
                                               and to submit to security screening in                  methodology and assumptions used;                     retention—self-correction, 8 hours; and

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Document Created: 2018-04-13 00:18:31
Document Modified: 2018-04-13 00:18:31
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 16097 

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