83_FR_17168 83 FR 17093 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife

83 FR 17093 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 75 (April 18, 2018)

Page Range17093-17110
FR Document2018-08121

Under the authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are removing the lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife due to recovery. This determination is based on a thorough review of the best available scientific and commercial information, which indicates that the threats to this subspecies have been eliminated or reduced to the point that the subspecies has recovered and no longer meets the definition of endangered or threatened under the Act.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 75 (Wednesday, April 18, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 75 (Wednesday, April 18, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 17093-17110]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-08121]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138; FXES11130900000 178 FF09E42000]
RIN 1018-BB91

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of the 
Lesser Long-Nosed Bat From the Federal List of Endangered and 
Threatened Wildlife

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: Under the authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
amended, we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are removing the 
lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) from the 
Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife due to recovery. 
This determination is based on a thorough review of the best available 
scientific and commercial information, which indicates that the threats 
to this subspecies have been eliminated or reduced to the point that 
the subspecies has recovered and no longer meets the definition of 
endangered or threatened under the Act.

DATES: The rule is effective May 18, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Copies of documents: This final rule and supporting 
documents, including the Species Status Assessment (SSA) are available 
on http://www.regulations.gov in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138. In 
addition, the supporting file for this final rule will be available for 
public inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours, at the 
Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, 2321 W. Royal Palm Road, 
Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Spangle, Field Supervisor, U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, 
2321 W. Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021; by telephone 
(602-242-0210); or by facsimile (602-242-2513). If you use a 
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal Relay 
Service at 800-877-8339.


Executive Summary

    Why we need to publish a rule. Under the Endangered Species Act, as 
amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), a species may be added to the 
Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants if it is 
endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range. Adding a species to (``listing'') or removing a species from 
these Lists (``delisting'') can only be accomplished by issuing a rule.
    What this document does. This rule makes final the removal of the 
lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) from the 
Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
    The basis for our action. Under the ESA, we can determine that a 
species is an endangered or threatened species based on any of five 
factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. We may delist a species if the best available 
scientific and commercial data indicate that the species is neither 
endangered or threatened. We have determined that the lesser-long nosed 
bat has recovered and no longer meets the definition of endangered or 
threatened under the Act.
    Peer review and public comment. We sought comments on both the SSA 
and the proposed delisting rule from independent specialists to ensure 
that this rule is based on scientifically sound data, assumptions, and 
analyses. We also considered all comments and information received 
during the comment period.

Previous Federal Actions

    In carrying out our responsibility to enforce the Endangered 
Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA or Act; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), 
we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), maintain the Lists of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants in title 50 of the Code 
of Federal Regulations. On September 30, 1988, we published a final 
rule in the Federal Register (53 FR 38456) to add the Mexican long-
nosed bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) and Sanborn's long-nosed bat 
(Leptonycteris sanborni (=L. yerbabuenae)) as endangered species to the 
Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (List). That rule 
became effective on October 31, 1988. In 1993, we amended the List by 
revising the entry for the Sanborn's long-nosed bat to ``Bat, lesser 
(=Sanborn's) long-nosed'' with the scientific name ``Leptonycteris 
curasoae yerbabuenae.'' We issued a recovery plan for the lesser long-
nosed bat on March 4, 1997.
    In 2001, we revised the entry for the lesser long-nosed bat to 
remove the synonym of ``Sanborn's''; consequently, the listing reads, 
``Bat, lesser long-nosed'' and retains the scientific name 
``Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae.'' Cole and Wilson (2006) 
recommended that L. c. yerbabuenae be recognized as Leptonycteris 
yerbabuenae. Additionally, Wilson and Reeder's (2005) ``Mammal Species 
of the World (Third Edition), an accepted standard for mammalian 
taxonomy, also indicates that L. yerbabuenae is a species distinct from 
L. curasoae. Currently, the most accepted and currently used 
classification for the lesser long-nosed bat is L. yerbabuenae; 
however, the Service continues to classify the listed entity as 
Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae. On August 30, 2007, we completed a 
5-year review, in which we recommended reclassifying the species from 
endangered to threatened status (i.e., ``downlisting'') under the Act 
(Service 2007; available online at http://www.regulations.gov in Docket 
No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138 or https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm). We recommended, as part of the status review, that the 
Service recognize and change the taxonomic nomenclature for the lesser 
long-nosed bat to be consistent with the most recent classification of 
this species, L. yerbabuenae. However, because we are removing the 
lesser long-nosed bat from the List (i.e., ``delisting'' the species), 
this recommendation is moot. Please note that, throughout this rule, we 
continue to refer to the lesser long-nosed bat as a subspecies.
    The recommendation to downlist the species in the 5-year review was 
made because information generated since the listing of the lesser 
long-nosed bat indicated that the subspecies was not in imminent danger 
of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range 
(higher population numbers, increased number of known roosts, reduced 
impacts from known threats, and improved protection status) and thus, 
did not meet the definition of endangered. On July 16, 2012, we 
received a petition from The Pacific Legal Foundation and others 
requesting that, among other reclassification actions, the Service 
downlist the lesser long-nosed bat as recommended in the 5-year review. 
On September 9, 2013, the Service published a 90-day petition finding 
under the Act stating that the

[[Page 17094]]

petition contained substantial scientific or commercial information 
indicating the petitioned action (i.e., downlisting) for the lesser 
long-nosed bat may be warranted (78 FR 55046).
    On November 28, 2014, the Service received a ``60-day Notice of 
Intent to Bring Citizen Suit.'' On November 20, 2015, the New Mexico 
Cattle Growers Association and others filed a complaint challenging the 
Service's failure to complete the 12-month findings on five species, 
including the lesser long-nosed bat (New Mexico Cattle Growers 
Association, et al. v. United States Department of the Interior, et 
al., No. 1:15-cv-01065-PJK-LF (D.N.M)). Plaintiffs asked the Court to 
compel the Service to make 12-month findings on the five species. The 
parties settled the lawsuit with the requirement that the Service 
submit a 12-month finding for the lesser long-nosed bat to the Office 
of the Federal Register for publication on or before December 30, 2016, 
among other obligations not related to the lesser long-nosed bat. On 
January 6, 2017, the Service published in the Federal Register a 
proposed rule (82 FR 1665) and 12-month petition finding and request 
for comments to remove the lesser long-nosed bat from the Federal List 
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.

Summary of Changes From the Proposed Rule

    We have not made any substantive changes in this final rule based 
on the comments that we received during the public comment period on 
the January 6, 2017, proposed rule (82 FR 1665). Based on peer review, 
State, and public comments, we added text and information to clarify 
some language in the SSA and the proposed rule that has been 
incorporated into this final rule as discussed below in the Summary of 
Comments and Recommendations.

Species Information

    A thorough review of the taxonomy, life history, ecology, and 
overall viability of the lesser long-nosed bat is presented in the SSA 
report for the lesser long-nosed bat (Service 2017), which is available 
online at http://www.regulations.gov in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138 
or https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm, or in person at 
the Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (see ADDRESSES, above). 
The SSA report documents the results of the biological status review 
for the lesser long-nosed bat and provides an account of the 
subspecies' overall viability through forecasting of the subspecies' 
condition in the future (Service 2017; entire). In the SSA report, we 
summarize the relevant biological data and a description of past, 
present, and likely future stressors to the subspecies, and conduct an 
analysis of the viability of the subspecies. The SSA report provides 
the scientific basis that informs our regulatory determination 
regarding whether this subspecies should be listed as an endangered or 
a threatened species under the Act. This determination involves the 
application of standards within the Act, its implementing regulations, 
and Service policies to the scientific information and analysis in the 
    The following discussion is a summary of the results and 
conclusions from the SSA report. The Service invited a group of experts 
to provide input as the draft SSA report was being developed. These 
experts included lesser long-nosed bat biologists, as well as experts 
in climate change modeling and plant phenology (the scientific study of 
periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, in relation to 
climatic conditions). Following development of the draft SSA, and in 
compliance with our policy, ``Notice of Interagency Cooperative Policy 
for Peer Review of Endangered Species Act Activities,'' which was 
published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we solicited peer reviews on 
the draft SSA report from four objective and independent scientific 
experts in November 2016 and received responses from two peer 
    The lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) is 
one of three nectar-feeding bats in the United States; the others are 
the Mexican long-nosed bat (L. nivalis) and the Mexican long-tongued 
bat (Choeronycteris mexicana). The lesser long-nosed bat is a migratory 
pollinator and seed disperser that provides important ecosystem 
services in arid forest, desert, and grassland systems throughout its 
range in the United States and Mexico, contributing to healthy soils, 
diverse vegetation communities, and sustainable economic benefits for 
communities. The range of the lesser long-nosed bat extends from the 
southwestern United States southward through Mexico.
    Following listing of the lesser long-nosed bat, recovery activities 
were based on the U.S. recovery plan (Service 1997, entire) and the 
Program for the Conservation of Migratory Bats in Mexico, which was 
formed in 1994 (Bats 1995, pp. 1-6). The primary recovery actions 
outlined in the recovery plan were to monitor and protect known roost 
sites and foraging habitats. Because the lesser long-nosed bat is a 
colonial roosting species known to occur at a limited number of roosts 
across its range in Mexico and the United States (Arizona and New 
Mexico), impacts at roost locations could have a significant impact on 
the population, particularly if the impacts occur at maternity roosts. 
However, because approximately 60 percent (8 out of 14) of the roost 
locations known at the time of listing were on ``protected'' lands in 
both the United States and Mexico, the degree of threat from impacts to 
roost locations was determined in our SSA to be moderate. For example, 
as stated in the proposed rule, approximately 75 percent of this 
species in the United States is on federally managed lands where there 
are guidelines and management plans (Land and Resource Management 
Plans, Resource Management Plans, Integrated Natural Resource 
Management Plans, etc.) that include actions and measures that 
contribute to the protection of lesser long-nosed bats and their 
    The Service's 5-year review recommended downlisting from endangered 
to threatened status (Service 2007; available at http://www.regulations.gov in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138 or https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm). The 5-year review, 
indicated that information generated since the listing of the bat 
indicated that it was not in imminent danger of extinction throughout 
all or a significant portion of its range and thus, would not meet the 
definition of endangered. In Mexico, the lesser long-nosed bat was 
removed from that nation's equivalent of the endangered species list in 
2013 (SEMARNAT 2010, entire; Medellin and Knoop 2013, entire). Between 
1990 and 2010, Mexican researchers carried out a wide range of studies 
that demonstrated that the lesser long-nosed bat was no longer in the 
critical condition that led it to be listed as in danger of extinction 
in Mexico. Specifically, the evaluation to delist in Mexico showed (1) 
the distribution of lesser long-nosed bats is extensive within Mexico, 
covering more than 40 percent of the country; (2) the extent and 
condition of lesser long-nosed bat habitat is only moderately limiting 
and this species has demonstrated that it is adaptable to varying 
environmental conditions; (3) the species does not exhibit any 
particular characteristics that make it especially vulnerable; and (4) 
the extent of human impacts is average and increased education, 
outreach, and research have reduced the occurrence of human impacts and 

[[Page 17095]]

Subspecies Description and Needs

    The lesser long-nosed bat is a migratory bat characterized by a 
resident subpopulation that remains year round in southern Mexico to 
mate and give birth, and a migratory subpopulation that winters and 
mates in central and southern Mexico, but that migrates north in the 
spring to give birth in northern Mexico and the southwestern United 
States (Arizona). This migratory subpopulation then obtains the 
necessary resources in Arizona and New Mexico to be able to migrate 
south in the fall back to central and southern Mexico. The lesser long-
nosed bat is a nectar, pollen, and fruit-eating bat that depends on a 
variety of flowering plants as food resources. These plants include 
columnar cacti, agaves, and a variety of flowering deciduous trees. The 
lesser long-nosed bat is a colonial roosting species that roosts in 
groups ranging from a few hundred to over 100,000. Roost sites are 
primarily caves, mines, and large crevices with appropriate 
temperatures and humidity; reduced access to predators; free of 
disease-causing organisms (fungus that causes white-nose syndrome, 
etc.); limited human disturbance; structural integrity; in a diversity 
of locations to provide for maternity, mating, migration, and 
transition roost sites.
    The primary life-history needs of this subspecies include 
appropriate and adequately distributed roosting sites; adequate forage 
resources for life-history events such as mating and birthing; and 
adequate roosting and forage resources in an appropriate configuration 
(a ``nectar trail'') to complete migration between southern Mexico and 
northern Mexico and the United States.
    For more information on this topic, see chapter 2 of the SSA Report 
(Service 2017), which is available online at http://www.regulations.gov 
in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138 or https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm, or in person at the Arizona Ecological Services 
Field Office (see ADDRESSES, above).

Current Conditions

    For the last 20 years, following the completion of the lesser long-
nosed bat recovery plan, there has been a steadily increasing effort 
related to the conservation of this subspecies. In addition, better 
methods of monitoring have been developed, such as the use of infrared 
videography and radio telemetry. These monitoring efforts have led to 
an increase in the number of known roosts throughout its range, from 
approximately 14 known at the time of listing to approximately 75 
currently known roost sites. Additionally, these monitoring efforts 
have led to more accurate assessments of the numbers of lesser long-
nosed bats using these roosts. The 1988 listing rule emphasized low 
population numbers along with an apparent declining population trend. 
At the time of listing, 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats were estimated 
rangewide. Since then, we have documented increased lesser long-nosed 
bat numbers and positive trends (stable or increasing numbers of bats 
documented over the past 20 years) at most roosts. The current estimate 
is now more than 200,000 bats rangewide. While this may, in large part, 
reflect a better approach to survey and monitoring in subsequent years, 
it gives us better information upon which to evaluate the status of the 
lesser long-nosed bat population.
    A number of lesser long-nosed bat publications have population 
estimates that far exceed those known at the time of listing (Fleming 
et al. 2003; Sidner and Davis 1988). Although population estimates and 
roost count numbers fluctuate from year to year, the numbers of lesser 
long-nosed bats estimated from 2010 through 2015 in the three known 
maternity roosts in the United States were an average of two and a half 
times higher than those known in the late 1990s (Service 2017; p. 10). 
Furthermore, protection measures have been implemented at over half the 
roosts in both the United States and Mexico (approximately 40 roosts), 
including gating, road closures, fencing, implementation of management 
plans, public education, monitoring, and enforcement of access 
limitations. Generally, roosts on Federal lands benefit from monitoring 
by agency personnel and a law enforcement presence resulting in these 
roosts being exposed to fewer potential impacts than if the roost 
occurred on non-federal lands. Efforts to physically protect roosts 
through the use of gates or barriers have been implemented at six roost 
sites in Arizona. The experimental fence at one roost (a mine site) 
worked initially, but was subsequently vandalized resulting in roost 
abandonment. The fencing was repaired and there have been no subsequent 
breeches and the bats have recolonized the site (Service 2017; p. 11).
    In the summer of 2017, a drastic (i.e., approximately 86 percent) 
decline was observed in the numbers of bats at one of the key maternity 
sites along the U.S.-Mexico border. Additionally, a late-summer 
transition roost in Arizona was documented as not being occupied for 
the second year in a row. We do not have a complete understanding of 
what caused the fatality event and roost abandonment in 2017. It is 
likely that a mortality event at the maternity roost site in 2016 
probably contributed to the decline in 2017 and the information we have 
indicates the observed fatalities were the result of a natural weather 
event. The decline could also be the result of migrating females using 
other roosts in the area or resource conditions in Mexico resulted in 
fewer bats migrating northward. We intend to work with our partners in 
Mexico and the United States to increase the monitoring effort at this 
roost. We also intend to gather information on resource conditions in 
both the United States and Mexico and consider roost counts at other 
maternity roosts in the region to gain a better understanding of the 
causes and implications of the events of 2016 and 2017. This maternity 
roost is included in our draft post-delisting monitoring plan, so we 
will continue to monitor and evaluate this roost for the next 15 years 
and implement adaptive management actions, if necessary. We evaluated 
lesser long-nosed bat resiliency, redundancy, and representation in the 
SSA over two time frames, 15 years and 50 years. Because the species' 
viability is evaluated by resiliency, redundancy, and representation 
under a 15-year time frame, we used the same timeframe in the 
development of thresholds for post-delisting monitoring. In addition, 
the 15-year is based on the history of past conservation 
implementation, such as identifying and monitoring roost sites; 
completing the processes for identifying, permitting, implementing, and 
monitoring roost protection measures; conducting education and outreach 
and seeing changes in public perceptions.
    Lesser long-nosed bat roosts have a history of numbers fluctuating 
from year to year. Any observed incidents of fatalities or changes in 
roost occupancy patterns should be considered in the context of time. 
There is not rigorous roost count data that can be used to 
statistically define the trend of the lesser long-nosed bat population 
throughout its range. We have count data from both the United States 
and Mexico that has occurred regularly over the past 20 years, 
including annual simultaneous counts at both maternity and late-summer 
transition roosts in the United States. Not all roosts are counted 
every year, but some are. Not all roosts are counted multiple times 
each year, but some are. Regardless, each known roost in the United 
States has some count data that has occurred over the past 20 years 
that has resulted in regular or

[[Page 17096]]

periodic visits by bat biologists or land managers. These counts have 
shown increasing or stable numbers and roost sites that continue to 
provide for the life history needs of the lesser long-nose bat. When 
looking at the count data over time and applying our best professional 
judgment to this data, we have concluded that the overall lesser long-
nosed bat population trend is positive. Our conservation partners in 
Mexico reached the same conclusion when they delisted the lesser long-
nosed bat in 2013.
    The lesser long-nosed bat's conservation status in Mexico is secure 
enough that Mexico removed the subspecies from its endangered species 
list in 2013 because of the factors described above. The species has a 
greater distribution in Mexico than in the United States; thus much of 
the same reasoning for the subspecies' removal from Mexico's endangered 
species list applies to our reasoning to remove the lesser long-nosed 
bat from the U.S. List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
    Because the lesser long-nosed bat has both resident and migratory 
subpopulations, all of the necessary habitat elements must be 
appropriately distributed across the range of this species such that 
roost sites, forage resources, and migration pathways are in the 
appropriate locations during the appropriate season. Currently, the 
distribution of the lesser long-nosed bat extends from southern Mexico 
into the southwestern United States. In Mexico, the distribution of the 
lesser long-nosed bat covers approximately 40 percent of the country 
when considering resident areas, migration pathways, and seasonally-
occupied roosts within the range of this subspecies. Within both the 
United States and Mexico, the current distribution of the lesser long-
nosed bat has not generally decreased or changed substantially over the 
past 20 years from that described in the Recovery Plan. An exception to 
this is the recent documentation of the lesser long-nosed bat range 
expanding northward to the Gila River in New Mexico (HEG 2015, entire). 
However, any given area within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat 
may be used in an ephemeral manner dictated by the availability of 
resources that can change on an annual and seasonal basis. Roost 
switching occurs in response to changing resources and areas that may 
be used during one year or season may not be used in subsequent years 
until resources are again adequate to support occupancy of the area. 
This affects if and how maternity and mating roosts, migration 
pathways, and transition roosts are all used during any given year or 
season. However, while the distribution of the lesser long-nosed bat 
within its range may be fluid, the overall distribution of this species 
has remained similar over time (Service 2017, chapters 1 through 3).
    For more information on this topic, see chapter 5 of the SSA Report 
(Service 2017), which is available online at http://www.regulations.gov 
in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138 or https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm, or in person at the Arizona Ecological Services 
Field Office (see ADDRESSES, above).

Recovery Planning and Recovery Criteria

    Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to develop and implement 
recovery plans for the conservation and survival of endangered and 
threatened species unless we determine that such a plan will not 
promote the conservation of the species. Recovery plans identify site-
specific management actions that will achieve recovery of the species 
and objective, measurable criteria that set a trigger for review of the 
species' status. Methods for monitoring recovery progress may also be 
included in recovery plans.
    Recovery plans are not regulatory documents; instead they are 
intended to establish goals for long-term conservation of listed 
species and define criteria that are designed to indicate when the 
threats facing a species have been removed or reduced to such an extent 
that the species may no longer need the protections of the Act. They 
also identify suites of actions that are expected to facilitate 
achieving this goal of recovery. While recovery plans are not 
regulatory, they provide guidance regarding what recovery may look like 
and possible paths to achieve it. However, there are many paths to 
accomplishing recovery of a species, and recovery may be achieved 
without all recovery actions being implemented or criteria being fully 
met. Recovery of a species is a dynamic process requiring adaptive 
management that may, or may not, fully follow the guidance provided in 
a recovery plan.
    The 1997 lesser long-nosed bat recovery plan objective is to 
downlist the species to threatened (Service 1997, entire). The recovery 
plan does not explain why delisting was not considered as the objective 
for the recovery plan. The existing recovery plan does not explicitly 
tie the recovery criteria to the five listing factors at section 
4(a)(1) of the Act or contain explicit discussion of those five listing 
factors. The recovery plan lists four criteria that should be 
considered for downlisting the subspecies, which are summarized below. 
A detailed review of the recovery criteria for the lesser long-nosed 
bat is presented in the 5-year Review for the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat 
(Service 2007; available online at http://www.regulations.gov in Docket 
No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138 or at https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm).
    During our development of the SSA report and 5-year review, we 
found that data relied upon to develop the 1988 listing rule and the 
recovery plan are out of date. Subsequent to the completion of the 
listing rule and recovery plan, considerable additional data regarding 
the life history and status of the lesser long-nosed bat have been 
gathered and, as discussed above, have documented an increase in the 
number of known roost sites and the number of lesser long-nosed bats 
occupying those roosts. During the 2007 5-year review of the status of 
this subspecies, it was determined that the 1997 recovery plan was 
outdated and did not reflect the best available information on the 
biology of this subspecies and its needs (Service 2007; p. 30; 
available online at http://www.regulations.gov in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-
2016-0138 or at https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Lesser.htm). 
As explained below, we assessed the species' viability in the SSA 
report (Service 2017) in making the determination of whether or not the 
lesser long-nosed bat has recovered as defined by the Act.

Recovery Criterion 1 (Monitor Major Roosts for 5 Years)

    Significant efforts have been made to implement a regular schedule 
of monitoring at the known roost sites throughout the range of the 
species. Approximately six roosts were known in Arizona and New Mexico 
at the time of listing. Currently, we have documented approximately 50 
lesser long-nosed bat roosts in Arizona and New Mexico. All 13 of the 
roost sites identified in the recovery plan have had some degree of 
monitoring over the past 20 years. In the United States, all of the six 
major roosts identified in the recovery plan for monitoring (Copper 
Mountain, Bluebird, Old Mammon, Patagonia Bat Cave, State of Texas, and 
Hilltop) have been monitored since 2001. Additionally, we now consider 
almost all of the approximately 50 known roosts in the United States to 
be major roosts, meaning they host more than 1,000 bats. None of the 
New Mexico roosts were identified for monitoring in the recovery plan, 
but these roosts have been monitored

[[Page 17097]]

sporadically since the completion of the recovery plan (Service 2007; 
pp. 6-9). The seven roost sites in Mexico have been regularly monitored 
since the development of the recovery plan (Medell[iacute]n and Torres 
2013, pp. 11-13). Therefore, this recovery criterion has been 
satisfied. For more information, see chapter 2 of the SSA Report 
(Service 2017).

Recovery Criterion 2 (Roost Numbers Stable or Increasing)

    Nearly all of the lesser long-nosed bat experts and researchers who 
provided input to the 5-year review and SSA indicated that they 
observed that the number of lesser long-nosed bats at most of the roost 
sites in both the United States and Mexico is stable or increasing (see 
chapter 2 of the SSA Report (Service 2017). The lesser long-nosed bat's 
conservation status in Mexico has been determined to be secure enough 
that Mexico removed the subspecies from its endangered species list in 
2013 based on the factors discussed above. With a documented increase 
from an estimated 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats rangewide at the time of 
listing to more than 200,000 currently documented, the total number of 
bats documented at this time is many times greater than those numbers 
upon which the listing of this species relied. Therefore, this 
criterion has been met.

Recovery Criterion 3 (Protect Roost and Forage Plant Habitats)

    The lesser long-nosed bat population is fluid and constantly adapts 
to changing environmental conditions over a large, bi-national range. 
Lesser long-nosed bat roost sites are discrete and consistent, but the 
lesser long-nosed bat may use these roost sites in a changing and 
adaptable manner to take advantage of ephemeral and constantly changing 
forage resources with both seasonal and annual differences of 
occurrence. Therefore, observations of occupancy and numbers of bats 
using these roosts may not be a complete or accurate representation of 
the status of the subspecies across its range. However, the information 
regarding the status of the lesser long-nosed bat population is much 
more accurate and complete than it was as the time of the 1988 listing 
    More roost locations for lesser long-nosed bats are currently 
known, and are being more consistently monitored, than at the time of 
listing in 1988 (an increase from approximately 14 to approximately 75 
currently known roosts). As we describe in more detail in Factor D 
below, we now know that the majority of these roost sites occur on 
public lands where they are protected and managed.
    In related efforts, a number of studies have been completed that 
provide us with better information related to the forage requirements 
of the lesser long-nosed bat when compared to the time of listing and 
recovery plan completion. We now know that lesser long-nosed bats are 
more adaptable to ephemeral forage resources and we know that effects 
from livestock grazing, prescribed burning, and harvesting by the 
tequila industry do not significantly affect lesser long-nosed bat 
forage resources.
    Some progress has been made toward protecting known lesser long-
nosed bat roost sites, but the ultimate level of effectiveness of gates 
as a protection measure is still being evaluated and improved. Gates 
provide long-term protection of roost sites, but are accepted and used 
by different bat species to different extents. Different gates designs 
are currently being tested at additional lesser long-nosed bat roost 
sites. For more information, see chapter 4 of the SSA Report (Service 
    In summary, we have considerably better data with regard to roost 
locations of lesser long-nosed bat compared to the information 
available at the time of listing and completion of the recovery plan. 
Because of improved information, land management agencies are doing a 
better job of protecting lesser long-nosed bat roost sites and foraging 
areas. Over the past five years, there has been considerable effort and 
success in understanding lesser long-nosed bat roost protection options 
and many roosts have had roost protection measures implemented (Service 
2017, p. 56). In addition, monitoring over the past 24 years indicates 
steady increases in the numbers of lesser long-nosed bats at these 
roosts due to roost site protections (Service 2017, p. 10). Therefore, 
we believed this recovery criterion has been met. For more information, 
see chapter 2 and Conservation Efforts in the SSA Report (Service 

Recovery Criterion 4 (Status of New and Known Threats)

    This criterion relates to adequately addressing threats known at 
the time the 1997 recovery plan was written, as well as any new threats 
that have been identified subsequent to the completion of the recovery 
plan. Our current state of knowledge with regard to threats to this 
subspecies has changed since the development of the recovery plan. 
Threats to the lesser long-nosed bat from grazing on food plants, the 
tequila industry, and prescribed fire, identified in the recovery plan, 
are likely not as severe as once thought. Effects from illegal border 
activity and the associated enforcement activities are a new and 
continuing threat to roost sites in the border region. However, the 
Service and appropriate land managers have an active program of 
coordination and technical assistance with Customs and Border 
Protection that are addressing border issues. Potential effects to 
forage species and their phenology as a result of climate change have 
been identified, but are characterized by uncertainty and lack of data 
specifically addressing those issues. Nonetheless, lesser long-nosed 
bats have shown the ability to adapt to adverse forage conditions and 
we find that the lesser long-nosed bat is characterized by flexible and 
adaptive behaviors that will allow it to remain viable under changing 
climatic conditions.
    Some progress has been made toward protecting known lesser long-
nosed bat roost sites; while the ultimate level of effectiveness of 
gates as a protection measure is still being evaluated and improved, 
they do provide long-term protection of roost sites. Gates are 
currently being tested at a few additional lesser long-nosed bat roost 
sites. Roost protection also occurs in the form of regular monitoring, 
fencing, road closures, and ongoing management as outlined in the land 
management agencies' planning documents. This recovery criterion has 
been met. For more information, see chapter 4 of the SSA Report 
(Service 2017).

Summary of Factors Affecting the Species

    Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR part 
424) set forth the procedures for listing species, reclassifying 
species, or removing species from listed status. A species is an 
endangered or threatened species due to one or more of the five factors 
described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or threatened 
destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) 
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of 
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors 
affecting its continued existence. A species may be reclassified or 
delisted on the same basis. Consideration of these factors was included 
in the SSA report in the discussion on ``threats'' or ``risk factors,'' 
and threats were projected into the future using scenarios to evaluate 
the current and future viability of the lesser long-nosed bat. The 
effects of

[[Page 17098]]

conservation measures currently in place were also assessed in the SSA 
report as part of the current condition of the subspecies, and those 
effects were projected in future scenarios. The evaluation of the five 
factors as described in the SSA report is summarized below.
    The Service reviews the best scientific and commercial information 
available when conducting a threats analysis. In considering what 
factors may constitute a threat, we must look beyond the mere exposure 
of individuals of a species to the factor to determine whether the 
exposure causes actual impacts to the entire species. The mere 
identification of factors that could negatively impact a species is not 
sufficient to compel a finding that a currently listed species should 
be maintained on the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife and Plants. We require evidence that these factors are 
operative threats currently acting on the species to the point that the 
species meets the definition of endangered or threatened under the Act.

Factor A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or 
Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range

    The primary concern regarding future viability of this subspecies 
continues to be roost site disturbance or loss. This is primarily an 
issue related to human activities and destructive actions at these 
roost sites. In addition, the colonial roosting behavior of this 
subspecies, where high percentages of the population can congregate at 
a limited number of roost sites, increases the likelihood of 
significant declines or extinction if impacts at roost sites are 
pervasive However, as discussed above, increased lesser long-nosed bat 
numbers and positive trends at most roosts have reduced concerns 
expressed in the 1988 listing rule with regard to low population 
numbers and an apparent declining population trend. Agencies and 
conservation partners are implementing protective measures at known 
roosts and newly discovered roosts Outreach and education efforts have 
been effective in increasing the understanding of the general public, 
as well as conservation partners, with regard to the need to prevent 
disturbance at lesser long-nosed bat roosts while the bats are present 
(Service 2017, pp. 45-48). As discussed further in Factor D below, we 
have determined that roost sites have and will be protected to the 
extent that roost disturbance is no longer a sufficient threat to 
warrant protection under the Act.
    Although most data related to lesser long-nosed bat roost counts 
and monitoring have not been collected in a way that is statistically 
rigorous enough to draw statistically-valid conclusions about the trend 
of the population, in the professional judgment of biologists and 
others involved in these efforts, the total numbers of bats observed at 
roost sites across the range of the lesser long-nosed bat are 
considered stable or increasing at nearly all roost sites being 
monitored. With a documented increase from an estimated 1,000 lesser 
long-nosed bats rangewide at the time of listing to more than 200,000 
currently estimated, the total number of bats currently being 
documented is many times greater than those numbers upon which the 
listing of this species relied, and while this may, in large part, 
reflect a better approach to survey and monitoring in subsequent years, 
it gives us better information upon which to evaluate the status of the 
lesser long-nosed bat population. This documented increase in roosts 
and of stable or increasing lesser long-nosed bat numbers indicates 
that threats to habitat have not reduced available habitat components 
to the point that it is significantly affecting the lesser long-nosed 
bat status. And, roost site protections will continue into the 
foreseeable future. Adequate roosts of all types (maternity, mating, 
transition, and migratory) currently exist and are likely to exist into 
the foreseeable future (Service 2017; pp. 8-14).
    Significant information regarding the relationship of lesser long-
nosed bats to their forage resources has been gathered over the past 
decade. Because lesser long-nosed bats are highly specialized nectar-, 
pollen-, and fruit-eaters, they have potential to be extremely 
vulnerable to loss of or impacts to forage species. However, lesser 
long-nosed bats are also highly effective at locating food resources, 
and their nomadic nature allows them to adapt to local conditions. For 
example, the resiliency of lesser long-nosed bats became evident in 
2004, when a widespread failure of saguaro and organ pipe bloom 
occurred. The failure was first noted in Organ Pipe Cactus National 
Monument, and such a failure had not been noted in the recorded history 
of the Monument (Billings 2005). The failure extended from Cabeza 
Prieta National Wildlife Refuge on the west to Tucson on the east, and 
south into central Sonora, Mexico. The large-scale loss of this lesser 
long-nosed bat food resource was somewhat offset by the fact that small 
numbers of both saguaro and organ pipe flowers continued to bloom into 
August and September. Such a failure would have been expected to result 
in fewer lesser long-nosed bats using roosts in this area or reduced 
productivity at these roosts. However, this was not the case. Maternity 
roost numbers remained as high as or higher than previous years, with 
some 25,000 adult females counted during 2004 monitoring (Billings 
2005). Ultimately, it appears lesser long-nosed bats were able to 
subsist and raise young in southwestern Arizona in this atypical year. 
Other observations over the past 20 years, including some years of 
significantly reduced agave availability, have indicated that the 
lesser long-nosed bat is more adaptable than previously believed to 
changing forage resource availability. This adaptability leads us to a 
determination that forage availability will not significantly affect 
the viability of the lesser long-nosed bat population.
    Additionally, the effects of livestock grazing and prescribed fire 
on long-nosed bat food sources are also not as significant as 
originally thought. For example, Widmer (2002) found that livestock 
were not responsible for all of the utilization of agave flower stalks 
in their study area. Wildlife such as javelina, white-tailed deer, and 
small mammals also utilized agave flower stalks as a food resource. The 
extent of livestock use of agave flower stalks appears to be related to 
standing biomass and distance from water. Further, Bowers and 
McLaughlin (2000) found that the proportion of agave flower stalks 
broken by cattle did not differ significantly between grazed and 
ungrazed areas. This information indicates that livestock do not have a 
significant effect on lesser long-nosed bat food sources, over and 
above the impact of native grazers.
    Thomas and Goodson (1992) and Johnson (2001, p. 37) reported 14 
percent and 19 percent mortality of agaves following burns. Some agency 
monitoring has occurred post-fire for both wildfires and prescribed 
burns. This monitoring indicates that agave mortality in burned areas 
is generally less than 10 percent (USFS 2015, pp. 82-83; USFS 2013, pp. 
10-11). Contributing to this relatively low mortality rate is the fact 
that most fires burn in a mosaic, where portions of the area do not 
burn. Impacts of fire on agave as a food source for lesser long-nosed 
bats may not be a significant concern for the following reasons: Fire-
caused mortality of agaves appears to be low; alternative foraging 
areas typically occur within the foraging distance from lesser long-
nosed bat roosts; and most agave concentrations occur on steep, rocky 
slopes with low fuel loads (Warren 1996). In addition, Johnson

[[Page 17099]]

(2001, pp. 35-36) reported that recruitment of new agaves occurred at 
higher rates in burned plots than in unburned plots, indicating that 
there may be an increased availability over time of agaves in areas 
that have burned, if the return rate of fire is greater than 7 years. 
The effects of agave harvesting are primarily limited to bootleggers, 
which is likely occurring at the same levels as when the species was 
listed in 1988; however, this is not considered significant, because it 
removes a relatively limited number of lesser long-nosed bat forage 
plants. In addition, increased outreach and education are being 
provided to tequila producers in an effort to reduce the effects of 
agave harvesting on lesser long-nosed bats. These producers primarily 
farm agaves (as opposed to harvesting wild-growing agaves) and are 
working with our Mexican partners to leave agaves for utilization by 
nectar-feeding bats.
    Sufficient available forage resources are located in appropriate 
areas, including in proximity to maternity roosts and along the 
``nectar trail'' used during migration. The discussion above and the 
SSA report detail our analysis and determination that forage resources 
are adequate and that the lesser long-nosed bat is likely to adapt to 
any changes in forage availability in the future (Service 2017; pp. 15-
    While not currently a threat affecting the viability of the lesser 
long-nosed bat population, the potential for migration corridors to be 
truncated or interrupted is a concern. Significant gaps in the presence 
of important roosts and forage species along migration routes would 
affect the population dynamics of this subspecies. While the lesser 
long-nosed bat continues to be faced with loss and modification of its 
habitat throughout its range, primarily from urbanization and 
catastrophic wildfires, the habitats used by this subspecies occur over 
an extensive range that covers a wide diversity of vegetation and 
ecological communities. These are habitat characteristics that would 
not make this subspecies intrinsically vulnerable with regard to 
habitat limitations. That is to say, the wide variety of ecosystems 
that this subspecies uses, over a relatively expansive range, results 
in available areas characterized by the asynchronous flowering of 
forage resources making up the diet of the lesser long-nosed bat and 
buffers this subspecies from potential loss or reduction of habitats as 
a result of stochastic events, including climate change, among others.
    Lesser long-nosed bats are affected directly by development that 
removes important foraging habitat, but also indirectly as growing 
numbers of people increase the potential for roost disturbance. Impacts 
from urbanization on lesser long-nosed bat habitat are of concern 
because they tend to be permanent, long-term impacts, as opposed to the 
often temporary, shorter-term impacts from fire, grazing, and agave 
harvesting. Lesser long-nosed bats are often able to react to temporary 
impacts by moving to alternative sites in the short-term. Various human 
activities, including recreation and caving, can result in impacts to 
lesser long-nosed bat roosts. As discussed earlier, various land use 
plan and laws regulate the access to sensitive sites such as bat 
roosts. The implementation of these plans is not dependent on the 
regulatory protections of the Act. Additionally, post-delisting 
monitoring will provide regular assessments of lesser long-nosed bat 
roosts and allow us to respond with appropriate management to an 
indication of disturbance or vandalism. Past and ongoing outreach and 
education has been effective in raising public awareness related to the 
conservation of bats. The general public better understands the needs 
and benefits of bats in the environment. Continued education and 
understanding will help reduce the occurrence of bat roost disturbance 
and vandalism. Such efforts have been very effective, particularly in 
    There is no question that current population numbers of lesser 
long-nosed bats exceed the levels known and recorded at the time of 
listing in 1988. A number of publications have documented numbers of 
lesser long-nosed bats throughout its range that far exceed the numbers 
used in the listing analysis with an estimated increase from fewer than 
1,000 bats to approximately 200,000 bats rangewide (Fleming et al. 
2003, pp. 64-65; Sidner and Davis 1988, p. 494). Also, in general, the 
trend in overall numbers of lesser long-nosed bats estimated at roost 
sites has been stable or increasing in both the United States and 
Mexico (Medell[iacute]n and Knoop 2013, p. 13; Service 2017). Increased 
roost occupancy and the positive trend in numbers of lesser long-nosed 
bats occupying these roosts appear to be supported by adequate forage 
resources. The adaptability of the lesser long-nosed bat to changing 
forage conditions seems to allow the lesser long-nosed bat to sustain a 
positive population status under current environmental conditions.
    While some threats are ongoing with regard to lesser long-nosed bat 
habitat, in general, we find that threats to this species' habitat have 
been reduced or are being addressed in such a way that lesser long-
nosed bat habitat is being enhanced and protected at a level that has 
increased since the 1988 listing of this species. In particular, areas 
that were vulnerable to threats have been protected or are now managed 
such that those threats have been reduced. Outreach and education have 
increased the understanding of what needs to be done to protect lesser 
long-nosed bat habitat.
    Beyond the regulatory requirements of the Act, our conservation 
partners have implemented a number of past and current conservation 
measures that to benefit the bat (Service 2017, p. 46). The Blue Bird 
Mine on Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge was fenced in 2004 to 
protect a known lesser long-nosed bat maternity roost. Bats reoccupied 
this abandoned roost following the installation of this protective 
fencing. After the fence was vandalized and subsequently abandoned by 
lesser long-nosed bats in 2005, the fence was repaired (McCasland 
2005), and there has been no subsequent abandonment of this roost.
    Telemetry projects have identified a number of new transition 
roosts. Roosts on non-Federal lands support efforts to promote the 
conservation of the lesser long-nosed bat. The Arizona-Sonora Desert 
Museum has conducted studies on seasonal movements between lesser long-
nosed bat roosts in Arizona, a migratory pollinator study, and roost 
monitoring in the United States and Mexico, and conducts educational 
activities related to bats (Krebbs 2005a).
    Investigations were initiated related to the distribution and use 
of hummingbird feeders by lesser long-nosed bat in the Tucson area 
(Wolf 2006). This program has been continued and expanded through a 
citizen scientist program being coordinated by the Service, Arizona 
Game and Fish Department (AGFD), the Town of Marana, the University of 
Arizona, and a system of volunteer citizen scientists now number over 
100. Information on arrival and departure dates, peak use periods, and 
population characteristics are being gathered to increase our 
understanding of lesser long-nosed bat life history.
    A mine site on the Tohono O'odham Nation that supports a lesser 
long-nosed bat maternity colony has been structurally stabilized to 
maintain roost integrity (Wolf and Dalton 2005). The exhaust fan was 
removed from the historical Colossal Cave maternity roost in an effort 
to get lesser long-nosed bat to recolonize this roost; however, so far, 
no lesser long-nosed bats have

[[Page 17100]]

recolonized this cave (AGFD 2005, entire). More recently, in 2015, a 
gate blocking the entrance to the bat roost at Colossal Cave has been 
replaced by a more bat-friendly gate.
    Educational programs occur at organized events such as Southwest 
Wings Birding Festival. Other programs are conducted as requested, but 
efforts are sporadic (AGFD 2005). In Mexico, bat biologists are working 
with elementary schools, providing ``bat-pollination'' and other games 
for school children who previously had known little about and had 
little concern for bats. This educational effort has been successful in 
passing along this information to siblings and teachers are sharing the 
program (Medell[iacute]n 2011; p. 9).
    The Service and other agencies and partner organizations are 
raising the awareness of pollinators in general, and bat pollinators 
specifically, through education and outreach efforts that include 
events across the United States and in Mexico.
    Therefore, based on the analysis completed in the SSA report 
(Service 2017; pp. 54-61), we have determined that threats to the 
habitat of this species are currently reduced and will continue to be 
addressed in the foreseeable future, or are not as significant as 
previously thought.

Factor B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
Educational Purposes

    Lesser long-nosed bats are not known to be taken for commercial 
purposes, and scientific collecting is not known to be a problem 
(Service 1988, p. 38459). Caves and mines continue to attract 
recreational users interested in exploring these features, but this 
threat has probably not increased since the listing. For example, Pima 
County, in southeastern Arizona, is implementing mine closures on lands 
that they have acquired for conservation purposes. Other land 
management agencies also carry out abandoned mine closures for public 
recreational safety purposes. A positive aspect of these mine closure 
processes is that most agencies and landowners now understand the value 
of these features to bats and other wildlife and are implementing 
measures to maintain those values while still addressing public health 
and safety concerns. The 1988 listing rule stated that bats were often 
killed by vandals (Service 1988, p. 38459). However, significant 
changes in the public perception of bats are occurring. Educational 
efforts are making a difference, as evidenced by decreased vandalism at 
roost sites, measures being including in land use planning, reduced 
non-target fatalities during rabies control, and public interest and 
ownership in bat conservation efforts such as the hummingbird feeder 
monitoring project.
    In both the United States and Mexico, public education, in the form 
of radio and television spots, and educational materials have been 
implemented. Agencies now receive calls for assistance in nonlethal 
solutions to bat issues. Often, the general public may be concerned 
about rabies or vampire bats, but outreach and education are improving 
the understanding and knowledge of bats concerning these issues. 
Vampire bat control is implemented in portions of the lesser long-nosed 
bat range in Mexico. This control is necessary because of potential 
impacts to humans and livestock, including the transmission of rabies. 
Such control can result in the indiscriminate killing of non-target 
bats, including lesser long-nosed bats (Johnson et al. 2014; p. 1920-
1922). Because of the colonial roosting nature of lesser long-nosed 
bats, any roost lost or disturbed because of rabies control activities 
can affect the lesser long-nosed bat population. Mexico has focused 
efforts to reduce the mortality of non-target species in relation to 
vampire bat control (see chapter 4 of the SSA Report (Service 2017).
    In summary, we determine that the viability of the lesser long-
nosed bat is not being significantly affected by threats from 
scientific research or public recreational activities.

Factor C. Disease or Predation

    Disease does not currently appear to be a significant risk factor 
for the lesser long-nosed bat. Emerging disease issues, such as those 
associated with white-nose syndrome, may become more significant; 
however our current scientific assessment indicates that white-nose 
syndrome will not affect this non-hibernating species. Therefore, 
because lesser long-nosed bats do not hibernate, we do not anticipate 
that white-nose syndrome will be a significant risk factor for lesser 
long-nosed bats (see chapter 4 of the SSA Report (Service 2017).
    Predation contributes to the mortality of lesser long-nosed bats at 
roost sites. Likely predators include snakes, raccoons, skunks, 
ringtails, bobcats, coyotes, barn owls, great-horned owls, and screech 
owls. Specifically, barn owls have been observed preying on lesser 
long-nosed bats at the maternity roost at Organ Pipe Cactus National 
Monument for many years (Billings 2005; p. 11) and snakes have been 
observed preying on lesser long-nosed bats in Baja California Sur, 
Mexico (Frick 2017, pers. comm.). However, it is our professional 
judgement that at large aggregations, such as bat roosts, predation is 
an insignificant impact on the population. Therefore, we find that 
neither disease nor predation are currently or is likely in the future 
to affect the viability of the lesser long-nosed bat.

Factor D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms

    The current listing of the lesser long-nosed bat in the United 
States and the former listing of the bat in Mexico as an endangered 
species have provided this species with some level of protection. 
Outside of laws generally protecting wildlife and their habitats, no 
specific laws or regulations protect this species in Mexico. As noted 
in Factor B above, rabies control activities have resulted in the 
mortality of the lesser long-nosed bats due to the lack of requirements 
to properly identify the target species. However, increased education 
and outreach is improving this situation in Mexico, and incidents of 
nontarget fatalities during rabies control have been reduced. In the 
United States, State laws and regulations provide some additional level 
of protection. For example, Arizona State Law in Arizona Revised 
Statute (ARS) Title 17 prohibits the taking of bats outside of a 
prescribed hunting season and, per Commission Order 14, there is no 
open hunting season on bats, meaning it is always illegal to take them. 
Provisions for special licenses to take bats and other restricted live 
wildlife are found in Arizona Game and Fish Commission Rule 12, Article 
4 and are administered by the AGFD. However, this protection is for 
individual animals only, and does not apply to the loss or destruction 
of habitat. However, the loss and destruction of habitat has been and 
will be managed and adequate areas of suitable habitat remain 
undeveloped such that this lack of protection of habitat under State 
law does not result in a threat to the lesser long-nosed bat 
    More than 75 percent of the range of this species in the United 
States is on federally managed lands and these federal agencies have 
guidelines and requirements in place to protect lesser long-nosed bats 
and their habitats, particularly roost sites. As described above, 
roosts on Federal lands benefit from monitoring by agency personnel and 
a law enforcement presence resulting in these roosts being exposed to 
fewer potential impacts than if the roosts occurred elsewhere. Gating 

[[Page 17101]]

roosts on Federal lands is being implemented and evaluated. If the 
lesser long-nosed bat is delisted, protection of their roost sites and 
forage resources will continue on Federal lands because agency land-use 
plans and general management plans contain objectives to protect cave 
resources and restrict access to abandoned mines, both of which can be 
enforced by law enforcement officers. In addition, guidelines in these 
plans for grazing, recreation, off-road use, fire, etc., will continue 
to prevent or minimize impacts to lesser long-nosed bat forage 
resources. The Coronado National Forest's 2017 Land and Resource 
Management Plan (LRMP) includes standards and guidelines to retain and 
enhance areas with paniculate agaves in order to benefit the lesser 
long-nosed bat. The Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge 
Comprehensive Conservation Plan has identified an objective to install 
additional measures to protect the lesser long-nosed bat maternity 
roost on the refuge. The Bureau of Land Management has forage plant 
protections within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat, including 
avoidance measures to protect agave and saguaros. Organ Pipe Cactus 
National Monument and Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge protect 
hundreds of square miles of areas containing foraging plants for the 
bat within its refuge boundaries. We are currently working with the 
Department of Defense facilities at Fort Huachuca and Barry M. 
Goldwater Range to include actions in their Integrated Natural 
Resources Management Plans to continue with lesser long-nosed bat 
conservation activities. On Fort Huachuca, for example, they are 
implementing an Agave Management Plan that states that they will 
maintain a self-sustaining populations of Agave palmeri on Fort 
Huachuca to conserve the forage base of the lesser long-nosed bat and 
other species using agave.
    As described above, roosts on Federal lands benefit from monitoring 
by agency personnel, or access is granted for monitoring by other 
entities, and a law enforcement presence resulting in these roosts 
being exposed to fewer potential impacts than they otherwise would be. 
Gating of roosts on Federal lands is being implemented and evaluated 
and, while the best design for such gates is still being developed, 
these gates do provide long-term protection of the sites. Further, 
outreach and education, particularly with regard to pollinator 
conservation, has increased and human attitudes regarding bats are more 
positive now than in the past; and the lesser long-nosed bat has 
demonstrated adaptability to potential adverse environmental 
conditions, such as changes in plant flowering phenology (see 
discussion under Factor E, below).
    The Federal Cave Protection Act of 1988 prohibits persons from 
activities that ``destroy, disturb, deface, mar, alter, remove, or harm 
any significant cave or alters free movement of any animal or plant 
life into or out of any significant cave located on Federal lands, or 
enters a significant cave with the intent of committing any act 
described . . .'' Arizona statute (ARS 13-3702) makes it a class 2 
misdemeanor to ``deface or damage petroglyphs, pictographs, caves, or 
caverns.'' Activities covered under ARS 13-3702 include ``kill, harm, 
or disturb plant or animal life found in any cave or cavern, except for 
safety reasons.'' The above laws and regulations will continue to 
protect lesser long-nosed bats and their habitats after delisting.

Factor E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued 

    Ecosystems within the southwestern United States are thought to be 
particularly susceptible to climate change and variability (Strittholt 
et al. 2012, pp. 104-152; Munson et al. 2012, pp. 1-2; Archer and 
Predick 2008). Documented trends and model projections most often show 
changes in two variables: Temperature and precipitation. Recent warming 
in the southwest is among the most rapid in the nation, significantly 
more than the global average in some areas (Garfin et al. 2014, p. 463; 
Strittholt et al. 2012, pp. 104-152; Munson et al. 2012, pp. 1-2; Guido 
et al. 2009). Precipitation predictions have a larger degree of 
uncertainty than predictions for temperature, especially in the 
Southwest (Sheppard et al. 2002), but indicate reduced winter 
precipitation with more intense precipitation events (Global Climate 
Change 2009, pp. 129-134; Archer and Predick 2008, p. 24). Further, 
some models predict dramatic changes in Southwestern vegetation 
communities as a result of climate change (Garfin et al. 2014, p. 468; 
Munson et al. 2012, pp. 9-12; Archer and Predick 2008, p. 24). In the 
most recent assessment of climate change impacts by the 
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the IPCC indicated 
that there would be a decrease in the number of cold days and nights 
and an increase in the number of warm days and warm nights (IPCC 2014, 
p. 53). This may would favor frost-intolerant lesser long-nosed bat 
forage species like saguaro and organ pipe cacti, but may also affect 
the blooming phenology of those same species. They also indicted that 
precipitation events would likely become more intense and that we are 
more likely to see climate-related extremes such as heat waves, 
droughts, floods, wildfires, etc. (IPCC 2014, p. 53).
    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) produced a mapping tool that 
allows climate change projections to be downscaled to local areas 
including states, counties, and watershed units. We used this National 
Climate Change Viewer (USGS 2016) to compare past and projected future 
climate conditions for Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise counties, Arizona. 
The baseline for comparison was the observed mean values from 1950 
through 2005, and 30 climate models were used to project future 
conditions for 2050 through 2074. We selected the climate parameters of 
April maximum temperature and August and December mean precipitation to 
evaluate potential effects on lesser long-nosed bat forage resources. 
These particular parameters were selected from those available because 
they represented those most likely to impact the survival and flowering 
phenology of individual forage species.
    Similar to the more general climate change effects discussed above, 
the downscaled analysis also showed warming spring temperatures, which 
could result in an early blooming period for lesser long-nosed bat 
forage species (USGS 2016). Precipitation changes were evaluated for 
changes to monsoon and winter precipitation. In line with the general 
climate projections, changes during the evaluated time periods were 
greater for winter precipitation than for monsoon precipitation. 
Changes projected for monsoon precipitation were minimal, but projected 
to be reduced by approximately one inch per 100 days for winter 
precipitation (USGS 2016).
    The best available information indicates that ongoing climate 
change will probably have some effect on lesser long-nosed bat forage 
resources. Such effects will occur as a result of changes in the 
phenology (periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, in 
relation to climatic conditions) and distribution of lesser long-nosed 
bat's forage resources. How this affects the viability of the lesser 
long-nosed bat population is not clear. There is much uncertainty and a 
lack of information regarding the effects of climate change and 
specific impacts to forage for this subspecies. The biggest effect to 
the lesser long-nosed bat will occur if forage availability gets out of 
sync along the

[[Page 17102]]

``nectar trail'' such that bats arrive at the portion of the range they 
need to meet life-history requirements (migration, mating, birthing) 
and there are inadequate forage resources to support that activity. If 
the timing of forage availability changes, but changes consistently in 
a way that maintains the nectar trail, this subspecies is expected to 
adapt to those timing changes as stated above (see chapter 4 of the SSA 
Report (Service 2017). For example, as noted earlier, the resiliency of 
lesser long-nosed bats became evident in 2004, when a widespread 
failure of saguaro and organ pipe bloom occurred and lesser long-nosed 
bats were still, ultimately, able to subsist and raise young in 
southwestern Arizona in this atypical year. It is likely they did so by 
feeding more heavily on agaves (evident by agave pollen found on 
captured lesser long-nosed bats) than they typically do (see additional 
discussion under Factor A above). Although we are still not sure to 
what extent the environmental conductions described in climate change 
predictions will affect lesser long-nosed bat forage resource 
distribution and phenology, we have documented that lesser long-nosed 
bats have the ability to change their foraging patterns and food 
sources in response to a unique situation (Billings 2005; pp. 3-4), 
providing evidence that this species is more resourceful and resilient 
than may have been previously thought. We find that the lesser long-
nosed bat is characterized by flexible and adaptive behaviors that will 
allow it to remain viable under changing climatic conditions.

Species Future Conditions and Viability

    We evaluated overall viability of the lesser long-nosed bat in the 
SSA report (Service 2017) in the context of resiliency, redundancy, and 
representation. Species viability, or the ability to survive long term, 
is related to the species' ability to withstand catastrophic population 
and species-level events (redundancy); the ability to adapt to changing 
environmental conditions (representation); and the ability to withstand 
disturbances of varying magnitude and duration (resiliency). The 
viability of this species is also dependent on the likelihood of new 
threats or risk factors or the continuation of existing threats now and 
in the future that act to reduce a species' redundancy, resiliency, and 
    As described in the SSA report, we evaluated the viability of the 
lesser long-nosed bat population at two timeframes, 15 years and 50 
years. The 15-year timeframe represents the time it generally takes to 
document the effectiveness of various research, monitoring, and 
management approaches that have been or are implemented related to 
lesser long-nosed bat conservation. Therefore, the 15-year timeframe is 
a reasonable period of time within which we can predict outcomes of 
these activities in relation to the viability of the lesser long-nosed 
bat population. The 50-year timeframe is related primarily to the 
ability of various climate change models to reasonably and consistently 
predict or assess likely affects to lesser long-nosed bats and their 
forage resources. For each of these timeframes, we evaluated three 
future scenarios, a best-case scenario, a moderate-case scenario, and a 
worst-case scenario with respect to the extent and degree to which 
threats will affect the future viability of the lesser long-nosed bat 
population. We also determined how likely it would be that each of 
these three scenarios would actually occur. The SSA report details 
these scenarios and our analysis of the effects of these scenarios, 
over the two timeframes, on redundancy, resiliency, and representation 
of the lesser long-nosed bat population.
    During our decision-making process, we evaluated our level of 
comfort making predictions at each of the two timeframes. Ultimately, 
while the SSA report evaluates both timeframes, the decision-makers 
could not reasonably rely on predictions of the future viability of the 
lesser long-nosed bat out to 50 years due to the uncertainty of climate 
change models and the difficulty of predicting what will happen in 
Mexico where the majority of this species' habitat occurs, but where we 
have less information with regard to the threats affecting the lesser 
long-nosed bats. In the SSA report, all three scenarios were evaluated 
over both time frames (Service 2017, pp. 52-56). The evaluation results 
of future viability in the SSA report were identical for both 
timeframes (high viability), except in the worst-case scenario where, 
unlike the moderate- and best-case scenarios, the viability was 
moderate for the 15-year timeframe and low for the 50-year timeframe. 
For each future scenario, we describe how confident we are that that 
particular scenario will occur. This confidence is based on the 
following confidence categories: Highly likely (greater than 90 percent 
sure of the scenario occurring); moderately likely (70 to 90 percent 
sure); somewhat likely (50 to 70 percent sure); moderately unlikely (30 
to 50 percent sure); unlikely (10 to 30 percent sure); and highly 
unlikely (less than 10 percent sure).
    The SSA report concluded that it is unlikely that the worst-case 
scenario will actually occur. The worst case scenario describes a 
drastic increase in negative public attitudes towards bats and lesser 
long-nosed bat conservation, a greater influence from white-nose 
syndrome, and the worst possible effects from climate change. Based on 
our experience and the past and ongoing actions of the public and the 
commitment of management agencies in their land-use planning documents 
to address lesser long-nosed bat conservation issues, both now and in 
the future in both the United States and Mexico, such drastic impacts 
are unlikely to occur (10 to 30 percent sure this scenario will occur). 
In fact, for the conditions outlined in the worst-case scenario, we 
find that certainty of the worst-case scenario occurring is closer to 
10 percent than to 30 percent sure that this scenario would actually 
occur based on the commitment to conservation of this species and the 
adaptability of the lesser long-nosed bat.
    Subsequent to the publication of the proposed delisting rule for 
the lesser long-nosed bat (82 FR 1665, January 6, 2017), we have been 
in communication with our public and agency conservation partners to 
determine the extent of their participation in the post-delisting 
monitoring of the lesser long-nosed bat. Conservation partners will 
continue to implement management plans, such as the Forest Service's 
LRMPs, Bureau of Land Management's Resource Management Plans, 
Department of Defense's Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan 
that will result in continued coordination and implementation of 
existing and future conservation actions related to the lesser long-
nosed bat as appropriate and as resources are available. Such ongoing 
commitment to lesser long-nosed bat conservation has already been seen 
subsequent to the delisting of this bat in Mexico and our experience 
has been that it will also continue in the United States after 
    Our SSA evaluated the current status of the population in relation 
to the population's resiliency, redundancy, and representation (Service 
2017; pp. 3-4). Resiliency addresses the population's health and 
ability to withstand stochastic events (numbers of individuals and 
population trajectory). Redundancy addresses the population's ability 
to withstand catastrophic events (number and distribution of population 
segments). Representation addresses diversity within the population 

[[Page 17103]]

and habitat variation). We also evaluated future scenarios to assess 
the future viability of the populations in the foreseeable future. 
Although the worst-case scenario was evaluated in the SSA report, 
because we found that it was unlikely to actually occur, the focus of 
our consideration was on the scenarios that had the greatest likelihood 
of occurring, the best- and moderate-case scenarios, where redundancy, 
resiliency, and representation remain high regardless of the timeframe 
or scenario considered. Under the current condition for the lesser 
long-nosed bat, as well as in both the best-case (somewhat likely to 
occur) and moderate-case (moderately likely to occur) future scenarios, 
redundancy, resiliency, and representation of the lesser long-nosed bat 
population remain high and the viability of the subspecies is 
maintained (Service 2017, pp. 64-66). Current and future viability is 
based on the following findings of the high resiliency, redundancy, and 
representation. Multiple occupied roost sites occur within both the 
resident and migratory segments of the population. The numbers of bats 
at these roost sites have been characterized as stable or increasing. 
Lesser long-nosed bat numbers have been documented as increasing from 
approximately 1,000 rangewide at the time of listing to approximately 
200,000 currently. This includes stable and increasing numbers of bats 
at all roost types--maternity, late-summer transition, and mating 
roosts. Redundancy is high because there are multiple roost sites of 
each type of roost in both the migratory and non-migratory segments of 
the population. Lesser long-nosed bats have shown the ability to move 
among roost sites based on ephemeral forage availability allowing the 
bats to adapt to the ever-changing availability of forage resources. 
Ramirez (2011, entire) investigated population structure of the lesser 
long-nosed bat through DNA sampling and analysis and reported that 
combined results indicated sampled individuals belong to single 
population including both the United States and Mexico. Consequently, 
individuals found in the northern migratory range (United States) and 
in Mexico should be managed as a single population. Because the lesser 
long-nosed bats in both the United States and Mexico are considered a 
single population, there is little overall genetic variation. However, 
because of the large range and migratory nature of this species, the 
lesser long-nosed bat occupies a tremendous variety of vegetation 
communities and habitat types. This overall high diversity of habitat 
provides high representation across the range (see chapter 5 of the SSA 
Report (Service 2017).
    The future viability of this subspecies is dependent on a number of 
factors. First, an adequate number of roosts in the appropriate 
locations is needed. As detailed in the SSA report, adequate roosts of 
all types (maternity, mating, transition, and migratory) currently 
exist and are likely to exist into the foreseeable future (Service 
2017; pp. 8-14). Second, sufficient available forage resources are 
located in appropriate areas, including in proximity to maternity 
roosts and along the ``nectar trail'' used during migration. The 
discussion above and the SSA report detail our analysis and 
determination that forage resources are adequate and that the lesser 
long-nosed bat is likely to adapt to any changes in forage availability 
in the future (Service 2017; pp. 15-20). In addition, the SSA report 
analyses the contribution of current and future management of threats 
to the subspecies' long-term viability. The future viability of the 
lesser long-nosed bat will also depend on continued positive human 
attitudes towards the conservation of bats, implementation of 
conservation actions protecting roost sites and forage and migration 
resources, and implementation of needed research and monitoring to 
inform adaptive management as discussed above and in our SSA report.


    Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations, 50 CFR part 
424, set forth the procedures for listing, reclassifying, or removing 
species from the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 
and Plants. ``Species'' is defined by the Act as including any species 
or subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct 
vertebrate population segment of fish or wildlife that interbreeds when 
mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). Once the ``species'' is determined, we 
then evaluate whether that species may be endangered or threatened 
because of one or more of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1) 
of the Act. We must consider these same five factors in reclassifying 
or delisting a species. The Act defines an ``endangered species'' as a 
species that is ``in danger of extinction throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range,'' and a ``threatened species'' as a 
species that is ``likely to become an endangered species within the 
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range.'' The analysis of threats must include an evaluation of both the 
threats currently facing the species and the threats that are 
reasonably likely to affect the species in the foreseeable future. We 
may delist a species according to 50 CFR 424.11(d) if the best 
available scientific and commercial data indicate that the species is 
neither endangered or threatened for the following reasons: (1) The 
species is extinct; (2) the species has recovered and is no longer 
endangered or threatened; and/or (3) the original scientific data used 
at the time the species was classified were in error.

Lesser Long-Nosed Bat Determination of Status Throughout All of its 

    The total numbers of lesser long-nosed bats across its range are 
stable or increasing at nearly all roost sites being monitored based on 
the professional judgment of biologists and others involved in these 
efforts. While we acknowledge that the data we have does not allow us 
to draw statistically defensible population trend conclusions, the 
total number of bats currently documented is many times greater than 
the total number of bats documented at the time of listing in 1988. At 
the time of listing, fewer than 500 lesser long-nosed bats were 
estimated to remain in the United States; current estimates are greater 
than 100,000 bats. At the time of listing, the estimated rangewide 
population was fewer than 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats. Current range-
wide estimates are approximately 200,000 lesser long-nosed bats. While 
this may, in large part, reflect a better approach to survey and 
monitoring in subsequent years, it changes our view of the danger of 
extinction of the species and gives us better information upon which to 
evaluate the status of the lesser long-nosed bat population.
    This better information is related to the species' population size, 
the number of roosts, and its distribution. In addition, there have 
been increased efforts related to habitat protection (identification of 
roost sites and forage resources in planning efforts, implementation of 
protective measures for roosts and forage resources, increased 
awareness of habitat needs, etc.) and additional efforts for habitat 
protection are planned to be implemented in the future, regardless of 
the listing status of this subspecies. Threats identified at the time 
of listing are not as significant as thought or have been addressed to 
such an extent that they no longer threaten the lesser long-nosed bat 
population, now or in the future. For example, effects to agaves, a key 
lesser long-nosed bat forage resource, from prescribed burning and 
livestock grazing is not a significant impact to lesser long-nosed bat 

[[Page 17104]]

availability (FWS 2016; p. 33-35). Vandalism and human disturbance has 
been reduced at roost sites due to actions implemented by land 
management and border management agencies, including the use of fencing 
and gates and land use planning (FWS 2016; pp. 28-32). Forage resource 
impacts from agave harvesting for tequila production and non-target 
impacts to lesser long-nosed bats from vampire bat control in Mexico 
have both been reduced due to ongoing outreach and education (FWS 2016, 
p. 32 and 38). Public support for bats has increased with ongoing 
education and outreach and this has resulted in the public being more 
supportive of actions taken to reduce threats to bats including the 
protection of roosts and forage resources (FWS 2016; pp. 45-46). This 
increased level of information related to population, roosts, and 
distribution, along with ongoing conservation efforts, combined with 
the current state of its threats, allow us to conclude that the 
subspecies is not in danger of extinction and is not expected to become 
endangered in the foreseeable future. Our thorough evaluation of the 
available data for occupancy, distribution, and threat factors, as well 
as the opinions of experts familiar with this subspecies, indicates a 
currently viable population status with a stable to increasing trend.
    In the case of the lesser long-nosed bat, we have determined that, 
while the above threats may be affecting individuals or specific sites 
or areas within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat, they do not 
represent significant threats to the overall population of the lesser 
long-nosed bat. Therefore, after assessing the best available 
information, we conclude that the lesser-long nosed bat has recovered 
and no longer meets the definition of endangered or threatened under 
the Act. We conclude that the lesser long-nosed bat is not in danger of 
extinction throughout all of its range and we also find that the lesser 
long-nosed bat is not likely to be in danger of extinction throughout 
all of its range in the foreseeable future.

Lesser Long-Nosed Bat Determination of Status in Significant Portion of 
its Range

    On July 1, 2014, we published a final policy interpreting the 
phrase ``significant portion of its range'' (SPR) (79 FR 37578) (SPR 
Policy). Aspects of that policy were vacated for species that occur in 
Arizona by the United States District Court for the District of 
Arizona. Center for Biological Diversity v. Jewell, No. CV-14-02506-
TUC-RM (D. AZ. Mar. 29, 2017). Because this species occurs in Arizona, 
we are not relying on the portions of the SPR policy that were vacated 
by the court in this decision. Pursuant to the Act, a species may 
warrant listing if it is in danger of extinction or likely to become so 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range. We interpret the 
phrase ``significant portion of its range'' in the Act's definitions of 
``endangered species'' and ``threatened species'' to provide an 
independent basis for listing a species in its entirety; thus there are 
two situations (or factual bases) under which a species would qualify 
for listing: A species may be in danger of extinction or likely to 
become so in the foreseeable future throughout all of its range; or a 
species may be in danger of extinction or likely to become so 
throughout a significant portion of its range. If a species is in 
danger of extinction throughout a significant portion of its range, the 
species, is an ``endangered species.'' The same analysis applies to 
``threatened species.'' Having determined that the lesser long-nosed 
bat is not endangered or threatened throughout all of its range, we 
next consider whether there are any significant portions of its range 
in which the lesser long-nosed bat is in danger of extinction or likely 
to become so.
    The procedure for analyzing whether any portion is a SPR is 
similar, regardless of the type of status determination we are making. 
When we conduct a SPR analysis, we first identify any portions of the 
species' range that warrant further consideration. The range of a 
species can theoretically be divided into portions in an infinite 
number of ways. However, there is no purpose in analyzing portions of 
the range that have no reasonable potential to be significant or in 
analyzing portions of the range in which there is no reasonable 
potential for the species to be endangered or threatened. To identify 
only those portions that warrant further consideration, we determine 
whether substantial information indicates that: (1) The portions may be 
``significant''; and (2) the species may be in danger of extinction 
there or likely to become so within the foreseeable future. Depending 
on the biology of the species, its range, and the threats it faces, it 
might be more efficient for us to address the significance question 
first or the status question first. Thus, if we determine that a 
portion of the range is not ``significant,'' we do not need to 
determine whether the species is endangered or threatened there; if we 
determine that the species is not endangered or threatened in a portion 
of its range, we do not need to determine if that portion is 
``significant.'' In practice, a key part of the determination that a 
species is in danger of extinction in a significant portion of its 
range is whether the threats are geographically concentrated in some 
way. If the threats to the species are affecting it uniformly 
throughout its range, no portion is likely to have a greater risk of 
extinction, and thus would not warrant further consideration. Moreover, 
if any concentration of threats apply only to portions of the range 
that clearly do not meet the biologically based definition of 
``significant'' (i.e., the loss of that portion clearly would not be 
expected to increase the vulnerability to extinction of the entire 
species), those portions would not warrant further consideration.
    We identified portions of the lesser long-nosed bat's range that 
may be significant, and examined whether any threats are geographically 
concentrated in some way that would indicate that those portions of the 
range may be in danger of extinction, or likely to become so in the 
foreseeable future. Within the current range of the lesser long-nosed 
bat, some distinctions can be made between Mexico and the United 
States, such as the presence of an international border with associated 
differences in laws and culture, areas of different vegetation 
communities, areas of different management approaches, etc. However, we 
have not found that any of these geographic distinctions are 
characterized as areas where threats are concentrated. Therefore, our 
analysis indicates that the species is unlikely to be in danger of 
extinction or to become so in the foreseeable future in any geographic 
region within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat. The primary 
driver of the status of the species continues to be roost site 
disturbance or loss. This and other factors affecting the viability of 
the lesser long-nosed bat population as discussed above occur 
throughout the range of the bat. We have found no areas where the 
threats are concentrated in any geographic region. Therefore, we have 
not identified any portion of the range that warrants further 
consideration to determine whether they are a significant portion of 
its range.
    We also evaluated representation across the lesser long-nosed bat's 
range to determine if certain areas were in danger of extinction, or 
likely to become so, due to isolation from the larger range. Ramirez 
(2011, entire) investigated population structure of the lesser long-
nosed bat through DNA sampling and analysis and reported that combined 
results indicated sampled individuals belong to single population 
including both the United States and Mexico. Consequently, individuals

[[Page 17105]]

found in the northern migratory range (United States) and in Mexico 
should be managed as a single population. Additionally, the species' 
population has increased from an estimated 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats 
rangewide at the time of listing to over 200,000 currently.
    Our analysis indicates that there is no geographic portion of the 
range that is in danger of extinction or likely to become so in the 
foreseeable future. Therefore, based on the best scientific and 
commercial data available, no portion warrants further consideration to 
determine whether the species may be endangered or threatened in a 
significant portion of its range.
    We have determined that none of the existing or potential threats 
cause the lesser long-nosed bat to be in danger of extinction 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range, nor is the 
subspecies likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future 
throughout all or a significant portion of its range. We may delist a 
species according to 50 CFR 424.11(d) if the best available scientific 
and commercial data indicate that: (1) The species is extinct; (2) the 
species has recovered and is no longer endangered or threatened; or (3) 
the original scientific data used at the time the species was 
classified were in error. On the basis of our evaluation, we conclude 
that, due to recovery, the lesser long-nosed bat is not an endangered 
or threatened species. We therefore remove the lesser long-nosed bat 
from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife at 50 CFR 

Effects of the Rule

    This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h) by removing the lesser 
long-nosed bat from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife. The prohibitions and conservation measures provided by the 
Act, particularly through sections 7 and 9, no longer apply to this 
subspecies. Federal agencies are no longer required to consult with the 
Service under section 7 of the Act in the event that activities they 
authorize, fund, or carry out may affect the lesser long-nosed bat. 
Because no critical habitat was ever designated for the lesser long-
nosed bat, this rule would not affect 50 CFR 17.95. State laws related 
to the lesser long-nosed bat will remain in place. State and Federal 
laws related to protection of habitat for the lesser long-nosed bat, 
such as those addressing effects to caves and abandoned mines, as well 
as protected plant species such as columnar cacti and agaves, will 
remain in place.

Future Conservation Measures

    Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires the Secretary of the Interior, 
through the Service and in cooperation with the States, to implement a 
system to monitor, for not less than 5 years, all species that have 
been recovered and delisted. The purpose of this requirement is to 
develop a program that detects the failure of any delisted species to 
sustain populations without the protective measures provided by the 
Act. If, at any time during the monitoring period, data indicate that 
protective status under the Act should be reinstated, we can initiate 
listing procedures, including, if appropriate, emergency listing.
    To fulfill the post-delisting monitoring requirement, we developed 
a draft post-delisting monitoring plan for the lesser long-nosed bat in 
coordination with the State wildlife agencies from Arizona and New 
Mexico. We will be publishing a notice of the availability of the draft 
post-delisting monitoring plan for comment shortly. We will continue to 
coordinate with other Federal agencies, State resource agencies, 
interested scientific organizations, and others as appropriate to 
implement an effective post-delisting monitoring plan for the lesser 
long-nosed bat.

Summary of Comments and Recommendations

    In the proposed rule published on January 6, 2017 (82 FR 1665) in 
the Federal Register, we requested that all interested parties submit 
written comments on the proposal by March 7, 2017. We also contacted 
appropriate Federal and State agencies, Tribal entities, scientific 
experts and organizations, and other interested parties and invited 
them to comment on the proposal. We did not receive any requests for a 
public hearing.

State and Peer Review Comments

    Section 4(b)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act states that the Secretary must 
give actual notice of a proposed regulation under section 4(a) to the 
State agency in each state in which the species is believed to occur, 
and invite the comments of such agency. Section 4(i) of the Act directs 
that the Secretary will submit to the State agency a written 
justification for his or her failure to adopt regulations consistent 
with the agency's comments or petition. The Service submitted the 
proposed regulation to both the AGFD and the New Mexico Department of 
Game and Fish (NMGFD). We received comments supporting the proposed 
rule from both agencies.
    In accordance with our peer review policy, which was published July 
1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we solicited expert opinion on the SS) from 
which the proposed delisting rule was developed. Specifically, we 
solicited peer review from six knowledgeable, independent individuals 
with scientific expertise and background related to bats in general and 
to lesser long-nosed bats specifically. We received responses from two 
of the invited peer reviewers. Editorial and clarifying comments, as 
well as additional data and supporting citations, have been 
incorporated into this final delisting rule and the SSA.
    We reviewed all comments received from the peer reviewers and the 
State agencies for substantive issues and new information regarding the 
delisting of the lesser long-nosed bat. These comments are addressed 
    Comment (1): Both the NMGFD and the AGFD are supportive of the 
proposed rule and indicated that both the proposed rule and the 
Service's SSA provide sufficient justification for the removal of the 
lesser long-nosed bat from the List of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife. The AGFD reiterated supporting data and stated that they 
``look forward to our continued collaboration in developing an adequate 
post-delisting monitoring plan and implementing those techniques that 
ensure the status of the lesser long-nosed bat continues to improve 
once removed from the regulatory protections of the Endangered Species 
Act.'' The NMGFD provided clarifying information and suggestions, which 
have been incorporated in the SSA and the final delisting rule.
    Our Response: We appreciate the NMGFD and the AGFD's support and 
continued commitment to the conservation of the lesser long-nosed bat. 
We also look forward to working with both of these State agencies on 
post-delisting monitoring and adaptive management, if necessary, of the 
lesser long-nosed bat.
    Comment (2): The AGFD commented on the issue of substantially 
reduced numbers at a major lesser long-nosed bat maternity roost in 
2017 and what that might mean for our proposed delisting of this 
    Our Response: As described above, the largest known maternity roost 
for the lesser long-nosed bat experienced an 86 percent decline between 
2016 and 2017. We do not have a complete understanding of what caused 
the fatality event in 2017 and what that ultimately means for the 
lesser long-nosed bat population. The decline was likely due to 
mortality, but it could be

[[Page 17106]]

the result of migrating females using other roosts in the area or 
resource conditions in Mexico resulted in fewer bats migrating 
northward. We do not know if this decline represents a permanent loss 
of these bats. We will work with our partners in Mexico and the United 
States to increase the monitoring effort at this roost, as well as 
consider roost counts at other maternity roosts in the region, and 
gather information on resource conditions in both the United States and 
Mexico. This will provide information needed to better understand what 
the causes and implications of the events of 2016 and 2017 are and 
what, if any, ramifications this has on the viability of the lesser 
long-nosed bat population. This roost is included in our draft post-
delisting monitoring plan, so we will continue to monitor and evaluate 
this roost for the next 15 years and implement adaptive management 
actions as appropriate.
    Despite this decline, significantly more lesser long-nosed bats 
remain than when we listed the species, and the threats are not as 
significant as we concluded at the time of listing. When looking at the 
overall data from the past 20 years and applying our best professional 
judgment, we find that the overall lesser long-nosed bat population 
trend is positive, a conclusion that our conservation partners in 
Mexico also relied upon when they delisted the lesser long-nosed bat in 
2013. Consequently, stable and increasing numbers of lesser long-nosed 
bats, in conjunction with the various analyses included in our SSA have 
led us to conclude that the lesser long-nosed bat no longer meets the 
definition of threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species 
    Comment (3): One peer reviewer expressed concern that habitat loss 
and climate change could create a catastrophic effect on resource 
availability in the southwestern United States. The reviewer also 
believed that food items are lacking along the migration route in the 
United States. Thus, the reviewer believed that the species should not 
be delisted at this time.
    Our Response: We reviewed the best scientific and commercial 
information available when conducting the threats analysis. We 
acknowledge that climate change is likely to affect forage availability 
in the future, both in Mexico and the United States. However, we cannot 
predict at this time specifically how forage resources will be 
affected, and how lesser long-nosed bats are likely to respond to these 
changes. Loss of lesser long-nosed bat habitat and forage resources are 
a threat that does not appear to be as significant as described at the 
time this species was listed as an endangered species. In the SSA and 
this final delisting rule, we discuss the apparent flexibility and 
adaptability of the lesser long-nosed bat with regard to changes in 
forage availability. We acknowledge that the opportunity to observe 
this adaptability has been limited and may not represent future long-
term changes in forage availability; however, it provides evidence of 
the ability of this species to maintain viability during local or 
seasonal changes in forage availability. We have determined that, while 
threats to forage availability may be affecting individuals or specific 
sites or areas within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat, they do 
not represent significant threats to the overall population of the 
lesser long-nosed bat.
    Overall, the threats to foraging areas have been reduced since the 
species was listed under the Act. Foraging habitat for the species is 
primarily on public lands and is managed and conserved through 
inclusion in resource management plans as noted in Factor D above. 
Thus, land use plans, State regulatory mechanisms, and ongoing 
conservation measures support increased conservation efforts for the 
lesser long-nosed bat habitat and forage resources in the United 
    Comment (4): One peer reviewer suggested that we attempt to get 
better documentation related to the consistency and quality of data 
used to evaluate and describe the status of the lesser long-nosed bat 
in Mexico.
    Our Response: We are committed to ongoing communication and 
coordination with our Mexican conservation partners. The draft post-
delisting monitoring plan includes the use of available information on 
the status of the lesser long-nosed bat in Mexico to ensure that we 
consider the entire range of the species in assessing its status absent 
the protections of the Act. We consider the information we used during 
development of the SSA and the final delisting rule related to the 2013 
delisting of the lesser long-nosed bat in Mexico, in conjunction with 
other data from Mexico provided during our SSA process, to be the best 
available scientific information at this time. We will work with our 
partners on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border to update and improve 
the information regarding the status of the lesser long-nosed bat in 

Public Comments

    During the public comment period for the proposed rule, we received 
comments from 19 individuals or organizations. Of these, six provided 
substantial comments which we address below.
    Comment (6): Several commenters would support the Service in 
downlisting the lesser long-nosed bat to a threatened species, but do 
not support delisting.
    Our Response: We assessed the status of the species based on the 
best available scientific and commercial information, and included 
expert input and review. Mexico completed a similar process in 2013 
where they evaluated the current status of the lesser long-nosed bat in 
Mexico. The result of that analysis was the removal of the lesser long-
nosed bat from Mexico's version of the endangered species list. We 
considered that determination when evaluating the range-wide status of 
the lesser long-nosed bat. We analyzed the information within the SSA 
and determined that the lesser long-nosed bat does not meet the 
definition of endangered nor does it meet the definition of a 
threatened species, because the future scenario's analysis indicate 
that the lesser long-nosed bat will retain its viability into the 
foreseeable future due to high resiliency, redundancy, and 
representation. In addition, the population is stable or increasing, 
threats are not as significant as previously believed or have been 
alleviated through management, and conservation actions continue to be 
implemented. Therefore, the lesser long-nosed bat is not in danger of 
extinction now or within the foreseeable future. We have determined 
that the lesser-long nosed bat has recovered and no longer meets the 
definition of endangered or threatened under the Act.
    Comment (7): Several commenters requested that the Service explain 
the rationale it used to estimate the current population of the 
species. One commenter stated that the estimate regarding post-
maternity population size in the proposed rule is not a defendable 
    Our Response: Counts of bats at nearly every known lesser long-
nosed bat roost have occurred at least to some extent over the past 20 
years in both the United States and Mexico. We cannot generate 
statistically rigorous population numbers or trend from these counts 
because limited resources has meant that roost counts do not always 
occur annually and, with the exception of a few sites, very rarely have 
multiple counts per year been completed. However, these counts have 
generally occurred multiple times over the past 20 years and they 
represent information that can be used to assess the status of

[[Page 17107]]

the population. To do this, we relied upon the professional judgement 
of those conducting the counts, supported by a data set that, although 
not statistically robust, is a long-term data set. This input has been 
that, in general, the trend in overall numbers has been stable or 
increasing in both the United States and Mexico (AGFD 2005 and 2016, 
entire; Medell[iacute]n and Torres 2013, pp. 11-13; Buecher 2016, p. 
10; Cerro 2012, p. 23). The number of lesser long-nosed bats at any 
given roost fluctuates considerably each year and among years making it 
crucial to have long-term data sets to assess the status of the lesser 
long-nosed bat population. We considered the overall roost counts for 
maternity sites and at late-summer transition roosts, understanding 
that there is likely some overlap between individuals within those two 
sets of data. We also considered count data from Mexico understanding 
that there is overlap of individuals within the migratory segment of 
the population that inhabits both the United States and Mexico. This 
has allowed us to estimate that the overall population is probably at 
least 200,000, especially considering that one maternity site has 
consistently been counted at over 100,000 bats annually for many years. 
It also allows us to support the conclusion given to us by researchers 
familiar with these roost sites that indicate increasing and stable 
populations at nearly all roost sites that are being monitored. A good 
example are roost sites on Fort Huachuca in the Huachuca Mountains of 
Arizona. Monitoring over the past 24 years indicates steady increases 
in the numbers of lesser long-nosed bats at these roosts. In addition, 
two roost sites that had been abandoned have been reoccupied (Sidner 
2005; Buecher 2016; p. 17). However, we also have documented the 
abandonment of roost sites including roost sites in the Chiricahua and 
Santa Rita mountain ranges.
    We believe that we have conservatively estimated the overall lesser 
long-nosed bat population to be at least 200,000. The count data used 
in the SSA and the proposed delisting rule represent more of an index 
of population size and not the exact number of lesser long-nosed bats 
that exist within its range. Again, we acknowledged that the population 
numbers used in the SSA and the proposed delisting rule do not 
represent actual population numbers. We are required to make decisions 
based on the best available scientific and commercial data and have 
used this count data to evaluate the current status of the species. 
While numbers fluctuate both within and between years, the count data 
we used was generally gathered using a consistent approach and over a 
relatively long period of time such that we believe this does provide 
an index of population size. The total number of bats currently being 
documented is many times greater than those numbers upon which the 
listing of this species relied, and while this may, in large part, 
reflect a better approach to survey and monitoring in subsequent years, 
it gives us better information upon which to evaluate the status of the 
lesser long-nosed bat population.
    In addition, a documented expansion of the known range of the 
lesser long-nosed bat in the United States has occurred subsequent to 
listing. According to Bat Conservation International (lit 2017), recent 
reports from Dr. Keith Geluso at the University of Nebraska have 
identified the presence of lesser long-nosed bats near Gila, New 
Mexico. This is an expansion of over 100 miles north of known 
occurrences in Hidalgo County, NM. Additional data collected by Buecher 
Biological Consulting confirmed the presence of this species in the 
southern Big Burros Mountains at hummingbird feeders (HEG 2015, 
entire). These reports are approximately 100 miles north of the 
historic northern extent of their range in the Peloncillo and Big 
Hatchet Mountains.
    Comment (8): Several commenters suggested that additional 
evaluation and quantitative analyses of the population size and trend 
is needed before a determination that downlisting or delisting can be 
    Our Response: As stated in our response to the previous comment, we 
acknowledge that we do not have statistically rigorous roost count data 
that provides a statistically sound population estimate. Past, current, 
and future resources have not and are unlikely to support future roost 
counts at the intensity needed to provide such a population estimate. 
However, the count data we do have, in conjunction with the 
professional judgment of the biologists conducting these counts and of 
those involved in the management of roost sites, does provide us a 
picture of increased numbers and known roost sites subsequent to the 
listing of the lesser long-nosed bat in 1988. As stated in the proposed 
rule, there has been a steadily increasing effort related to the 
conservation of this subspecies for the last 20 years following the 
completion of the lesser long-nosed bat recovery plan. Better methods 
of monitoring have been developed. These monitoring efforts have led to 
an increase in the number of known roosts throughout its range. The 
1988 listing rule emphasized low population numbers along with an 
apparent declining population trend. At this time, we have documented 
increased lesser long-nosed bat numbers and positive trends at most 
roosts sites, as well as an increased number of knowns roosts and an 
expansion of the range of this species in the United States.
    Much of the debate as to the legitimacy of the 1988 listing of the 
lesser long-nosed bat centers around the population numbers and trends 
recorded from roost site monitoring. At the time of listing, population 
numbers and trends used by the Service in determining the endangered 
status of the lesser long-nosed bat showed low numbers and a declining 
trend (Wilson 1985). Information gathered since the listing show higher 
population numbers and a generally stable to increasing trend (Cockrum 
and Petryszyn 1991, AGFD 2005, entire, AGFD 2016, entire). Further, the 
increasing trend in Mexico warranted and resulted in the removal of the 
lesser long-nosed bat from Mexico's Law for Endangered Protection in 
    We anticipate that ongoing post-delisting monitoring will detect 
any significant changes in population health and allow for adaptive 
management responses, including possible re-listing, if necessary. As 
is the case with many listed species, we have not had, nor do we 
anticipate that we will have in the future, adequate resources to 
gather all the information we would like or feel is necessary to 
evaluate prior to delisting the lesser long-nosed bat. We rely on the 
best available scientific and commercial information. Based on this 
information, we have determined that the population of the lesser long-
nosed bat is currently viable and will likely maintain viability into 
the future based on the analysis contained in our SSA and this final 
    Comment (9): Several commenters remarked on and requested that the 
Service should more rigorously consider whether roost protections are 
likely to be maintained post-delisting in the absence of regulatory 
requirements of the Act.
    Our Response: After delisting, the lesser long-nosed bat will 
continue to be a high priority for conservation activities due to its 
status in both New Mexico and Arizona's State Wildlife Action Plans 
(SWAP). New Mexico has the species identified as a Species of Greatest 
Conservation Need. In Arizona's SWAP, the lesser long-nosed bat is 
named as a special status species and monitoring roosts is a proposed 
activity in the plan. Further, the U.S.

[[Page 17108]]

Forest Service has the species identified as Regional Forester 
Sensitive, providing it with additional conservation status in all 
regional USFS National Environmental Policy Act analyses. These 
classifications and proposed conservation activities were not 
identified when the lesser long-nosed bat was listed in 1988.
    We acknowledge that sustaining efforts of post-delisting monitoring 
can be challenging and subject to competing priorities for available 
resources. Nonetheless, we have designed the draft post-delisting 
monitoring plan to be realistic given limited resources and will 
continue to work with our conservation partners to obtain the resources 
necessary to implement post-delisting monitoring. As occurred prior to 
delisting, we anticipate protection and conservation of the lesser 
long-nosed bat will continue to be implemented as the result of 
existing management and land use plans, as well as other State and 
Federal laws related to protection of bats and their habitats, 
including caves used as roosts. These laws and plans will continue to 
be implemented and used to benefit the conservation of the lesser long-
nosed bat following delisting. We acknowledge that the level of support 
for ongoing lesser long-nosed bat conservation actions changes over 
time and is often focused on species listed under the Act. However, we 
have reached out to our Federal and non-Federal lesser long-nosed bat 
conservation partners as we worked to address comments on and finalize 
the delisting rule for the lesser long-nosed bat to assess their level 
of participation in future conservation actions for this species. They 
have indicated that they will continue to implement conservation 
actions as appropriate and as resources are available.
    Our discussion in Factor A above includes a number of specific 
examples of conservation actions that our conservation partners have 
and are implementing; many of which are regulatory requirements. We are 
confident that actions similar to those discussed above in this section 
will continue to benefit the conservation of lesser long-nosed bat even 
absent the regulatory protections of the Act as such actions have done 
in Mexico. Lesser long-nosed bat recovery has occurred because of the 
commitments of our conservation partners that have gone well beyond the 
requirements of the Act. The recovery of the lesser long-nosed bat is 
evidence of how effective species conservation can be when supported by 
a committed, active group of binational conservation partners.
    Comment (10): One commenter suggested that gates are ineffective in 
protecting lesser long-nosed bat roosts.
    Our Response: We are still developing the most appropriate gate 
design and implementation strategy for gates on lesser long-nosed bat 
roosts. Three efforts to physically protect roosts through the use of 
gates or barriers have been implemented (Bluebird and State of Texas). 
The experimental fence at the Bluebird Mine worked initially, but it 
was subsequently vandalized resulting in roost abandonment. The gate 
was repaired and there have been no subsequent breeches and the bats 
have recolonized the site. Gating at the State of Texas mine has had 
some success (the site is protected, but bat numbers have declined), 
but we still do not know how lesser long-nosed bats will adapt to gates 
over time or if gates will prove to be a viable option for lesser long-
nosed bat roost protection, especially at roosts containing the largest 
numbers of bats. A protective gate was installed at the Cave of the 
Bells roost site. This site has not been occupied since gating (AGFD 
2005, entire). It is not entirely clear if the gating was responsible 
for abandonment of this roost, but additional research has indicated 
that gating may be problematic for lesser long-nosed bats based on 
colony size and flight speeds. Bat gates are an excellent conservation 
tool for bat roosts, but they may not be as suitable for lesser long-
nosed bats (Ludlow and Gore 2000). Further research, similar to efforts 
at Coronado National Memorial, is needed before the effectiveness of 
this tool can be determined (Bucci et al. 2003). Current efforts are 
underway to use the existing gate at Coronado National Memorial to 
determine a better gate design and configuration with regard to lesser 
long-nosed bats. Regardless, the gates do provide protection from 
disturbance and as such, benefit the long-term conservation of the 
lesser long-nosed bat.
    Comment (11): Several commenters stated that with the on-going 
impact of illegal border activity occurring across the U.S.-Mexico 
border, abandoned mines and caves used by the bat are still at risk 
from disturbance.
    Our Response: Patterns of cross-border traffic are continually 
changing and, while the level of use in proximity to roosts may rise 
and fall, roost sites nonetheless occur in areas where they are 
vulnerable to disturbance by border traffic. In general, recent data 
indicates that illegal border crossings have decreased. This may 
indicate a current downturn in illegal border activity, but this trend 
may reverse at any time. The roost monitoring proposed in our draft 
post-delisting monitoring plan will provide regular assessments of 
lesser long-nosed bat roosts and allow us to respond appropriately if 
threats or impacts from illegal border activities become an issue.
    We have determined that, while activities associated with illegal 
border crossing may be affecting individuals or specific sites or areas 
within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat, they do not represent 
significant threats to the overall population of the lesser long-nosed 
    Comment (12): One commenter stated that growing human populations 
and increased rate of urbanization within the range of the lesser long 
nosed bat will increase the prevalence of vandalism at roost sites.
    Our Response: Lesser long-nosed bats can be affected directly by 
development which removes important foraging habitat, but also 
indirectly as growing numbers of people increase the potential for 
roost disturbance. We have specifically addressed the issue of 
development and urbanization in Factor A above. We have determined 
that, while human development and urbanization may be affecting 
individuals or specific sites or areas within the range of the lesser 
long-nosed bat, they do not represent significant threats to the 
overall population of the lesser long-nosed bat.
    Comment (13): Several commenters suggested that the species' food 
resources are unstable and the species' resilience to the 2004 cactus 
bloom failure event was overstated.
    Our Response: We have determined that there is a lack of evidence 
presented within the best available scientific and commercial 
information that these issues are or will have population-level effects 
on the lesser long-nosed bat. The threat to foraging areas has been 
reduced since the species was listed under the Act. A key to 
maintaining lesser long-nosed bat population viability into the future 
is assuring that forage species remain present and appropriately 
distributed across the landscape and available for the various life 
history requirements of the lesser long-nosed bat. Foraging habitat for 
the species is primarily on public lands and is conserved through 
inclusion in resource management plans. These plans provide guidance 
and measures to ensure that forage resources such as agaves and 
columnar cacti remain present in the landscape. For example, we are 
working with The Department of Defense facility at Fort Huachuca to 
continue their Agave Management Plan as part of their Integrated 
Natural Resources

[[Page 17109]]

Management Plan which states that it will maintain a self-sustaining 
populations of Agave palmeri on Fort Huachuca to conserve the forage 
base of the lesser long-nosed bat and other species using agave. The 
Coronado National Forest's 2017 LRMP includes standards and guidelines 
to retain and enhance areas with paniculate agaves in order to benefit 
the lesser long-nosed bat. The Bureau of Land Management has forage 
plant protections within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat, 
including avoidance measures to protect agave and saguaros. Organ Pipe 
Cactus National Monument and Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge 
protect hundreds of square miles of areas containing foraging plants 
for the bat within its refuge boundaries. We are confident that these 
efforts and protections will continue even after the lesser long-nosed 
bat is delisted.
    Comment (14): One commenter suggested that lesser long-nosed bats 
may become dependent on artificial food resources (i.e., hummingbird 
feeders), which may work as a temporary replacement of their natural 
food but are not sufficient as a sustainable food resource.
    Our Response: As stated in the SSA, one interesting aspect of the 
foraging behavior of lesser long-nosed bats is the fact that they 
readily find and use hummingbird feeders as a forage resource (Buecher 
and Sidner 2013, Wolf 2006, Town of Marana 2017). Some hypothesize that 
the year-round presence of hummingbird feeders in southern Arizona and 
New Mexico support lesser long-nosed bats staying later in the year in 
these areas, perhaps even year-round. It is possible that this extra 
availability of forage resources may be one factor that has led to the 
lesser long-nosed bat's increased stability and progress towards 
recovery. The increase and permanent presence of hummingbird feeders at 
homes in southern Arizona and New Mexico may supply a consistent forage 
resource for these nectar-feeding bats that allows them to use and 
remain in areas when natural forage resources are absent or reduced (R. 
Sharp, 2013 pers. comm.). Alternatively, the long-term effects of 
staying longer before migrating southward and the questionable 
nutritional value of the sugar water in the hummingbird feeders are 
unknown and could actually be detrimental.
    In 2006, in southern Arizona, there was a significant failure of 
blooming agaves. As a result, many members of the public reported that 
bats were using their hummingbird feeders that year. The Service, AGFD, 
and the Town of Marana initiated a citizen scientist program to track 
use of hummingbird feeders in 2007 based on Wolf (2006, entire) and, 
over the past approximately 10 years, the volunteer network of feeder 
watchers has grown to more than 100 individuals monitoring their 
hummingbird feeders across southern Arizona. This has resulted in a 
tremendous amount of data and some very interesting results.
    The existence of this ongoing study related to lesser long-nosed 
bat use of hummingbird feeders provides us an opportunity to continue 
to assess and evaluate the potential benefits and negative effects of 
hummingbird feeders on the landscape within the range of the lesser 
long-nosed bat. Currently, there is no evidence that this resource in 
the landscape is negatively affecting the lesser long-nosed bat 
    Comment (15): Several commenters stated that the impacts of climate 
change to bat distributions are unknown at this time and that the SSA 
did not adequately acknowledge the threat of climate change.
    Our Response: The lesser long-nosed bat SSA incorporates the best 
available scientific and commercial information related on the current 
state of our understanding of the potential effects of climate change 
on the lesser long-nosed bat. We acknowledge the limitations of the 
currently available information related to predicting the potential 
impacts of climate change on the lesser long-nosed bat specifically. 
However, we have determined that, while climate change may be affecting 
individuals or specific sites or areas within the range of the lesser 
long-nosed bat, it does not represent a significant threat to the 
overall population of the lesser long-nosed bat based upon the analysis 
we completed in the SSA.
    We are committed to using the best available scientific and 
commercial information in our analysis of the current and future status 
of the lesser long-nosed bat. We acknowledge that ecosystems within the 
southwestern United States are thought to be particularly susceptible 
to climate change and variability (Strittholt et al. 2012, pp. 104-152; 
Munson et al. 2012, pp. 1-2; Archer and Predick 2008, p. 23). 
Documented trends and model projections most often show changes in two 
variables: temperature and precipitation. Recent warming in the 
southwest is among the most rapid in the nation, significantly more 
than the global average in some areas (Guido et al. 2009, pp. 3-5). 
Bagne and Finch (2012 and 2013; pp. 107-116; pp. 150-160) assessed the 
vulnerability of the lesser long-nosed bat to the effects of climate 
change in the areas of the Barry M. Goldwater Range (southwestern 
Arizona) and at Fort Huachuca (southeastern Arizona). They concluded 
that the lesser long-nosed bat was moderately vulnerable to declines 
related to global climate change. Vulnerability was increased by 
reliance on the quantity and timing of flowering of a limited number of 
plant species, while resilience is incurred by flexible migratory 
behaviors and the probable resilience of forage plant populations to 
increasing temperatures.
    They also predicted that changes in climate are expected to 
exacerbate current threats. One of the primary factors related to the 
vulnerability of this species to climate change was the adaptability of 
non-native grasses and the potential changes in fire regime that are 
expected under most climate change scenarios. However, current climate 
change modeling efforts do not allow us to predict what the effects of 
this climate change will be beyond a relatively short timeframe. We are 
not able to conclude what the effects of climate change will be on the 
lesser long-nosed bat population distribution and viability given the 
current level of information we have related to climate change on 
forage resources such as saguaros and agaves. However, we acknowledge 
the potential for climate change to affect lesser long-nosed bat forage 
availability, and we have included an assessment of this issue as part 
of the draft post-delisting monitoring plan. This will provide us with 
information to make a better informed evaluation of the potential 
effects of climate change on lesser long-nosed bat forage resources. 
Results of this monitoring will allow us to formulate potential 
adaptive management actions to address these effects, or consider 
relisting the species if necessary.
    The best available scientific and commercial information indicates 
that the current population condition of the lesser long-nosed bat 
appears to indicate that lesser long-nosed bats may be showing some 
resiliency with regard to fluctuating food plant flowering cycles.
    Comment (16): Several comments expressed concern with regard to 
current regulations and laws not adequately protecting bats and caves.
    Our Response: The Federal Cave Protection Act of 1988 prohibits 
persons from activities that ``destroy, disturb, deface, mar, alter, 
remove, or harm any significant cave or alters free movement of any 
animal or plant life into or out of any significant cave located on 
Federal lands, or enters a significant cave with the intent of 
committing any act described . . .'' Arizona Revised

[[Page 17110]]

Statute 13-3702 makes it a class 2 misdemeanor to ``deface or damage 
petroglyphs, pictographs, caves, or caverns.'' Activities covered under 
ARS 13-3702 include ``kill, harm, or disturb plant or animal life found 
in any cave or cavern, except for safety reasons.'' We acknowledge that 
these regulations are only as effective as their enforcement, but we 
are confident that our Federal and State partners will enforce these 
regulations to the best of their ability. We are currently aware of 
only one site where abandonment of the roost resulted from human 
disturbance. This issue was addressed through fencing and human 
disturbance has not been an issue since the fencing was installed.
    Comment (17): Two commenters discussed the potential effects of 
wind energy development. One indicated that wind energy facilities were 
not adequately evaluated in the SSA and the proposed delisting rule.
    Our Response: We are aware of lesser long-nosed bat fatalities from 
wind energy development facilities in both the United States and 
Mexico. However, because monitoring at these sites is not comprehensive 
and because this is an emerging threat without much information 
available specifically related to lesser long-nosed bats, it is 
difficult to determine the actual long-term impact of wind turbines on 
this species. Based on existing wind energy development, there are two 
wind energy facilities in Arizona (producing 268 MW of power) and one 
wind energy facility in New Mexico (producing 1,112 MW of power) within 
the range of the lesser long-nosed bat. The American Wind Energy 
Association (AWEA) has identified an additional six projects under 
development in New Mexico; however, none of these projects are within 
the range of lesser long-nosed bat. The AWEA has identified no 
additional projects under development in Arizona within the range of 
the lesser long-nosed bat. Through 2050, the U.S. Department of 
Energy's Wind Vision (2013) report, projects 5 and 15 gigawatts of wind 
generating capacity for Arizona and New Mexico respectively. However, 
based on wind resource maps from the National Renewable Energy 
Laboratory, measured at 80 meters above ground level, wind resources 
are limited within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat in either 
State. While we do not have any specific information related to wind 
energy development in Mexico, short- and medium term projects indicate 
that the development of wind power is expected to take an increasingly 
important position in Mexico's energy landscape. One source predicts 
that wind energy development in Mexico will increase four fold from 
2016 to 2020.
    The impact of wind energy development on lesser long-nosed bats is 
unknown and more attention must be paid to characterizing and avoiding 
potential impacts. Because lesser long-nosed bats are migratory, and 
impacts from wind energy facilities to migratory bats are well 
documented, the construction of new facilities should be carefully 
sited to avoid roosts and migratory flyways. Moreover, construction of 
sites within the range of the lesser long-nosed bat should be monitored 
and fatalities reported with adaptive management strategies in place to 
reduce fatalities over time.

Required Determinations

National Environmental Policy Act

    We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental 
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National 
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be 
prepared in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 
4(a) of the Act. We published a notice outlining our reasons for this 
determination in the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 

Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes

    In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994, 
``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
Governments'' (59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175, and the Department 
of the Interior's manual at 512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge our 
responsibility to communicate meaningfully with recognized Federal 
Tribes on a government-to-government basis. Therefore, we solicited 
information from Native American Tribes during the comment period to 
determine potential effects on them or their resources that may result 
from the delisting of the lesser long-nosed bat, and we fully 
considered their comments in this final rule.

References Cited

    A complete list of all references cited in this rule is available 
on http://www.regulations.gov in Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0138, or 
upon request from the Field Supervisor, Arizona Ecological Services 


    The primary authors of this document are the staff members of the 
Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17

    Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.

Regulation Promulgation

    Accordingly, we hereby amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, 
title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:


1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; and 4201-4245, unless 
otherwise noted.

Sec.  17.11   [Amended]

2. Amend Sec.  17.11(h) by removing the entry for ``Bat, lesser long-
nosed'' under MAMMALS from the List of Endangered and Threatened 

    Dated: March 8, 2018.
James W. Kurth,
Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Exercising the 
Authority of the Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-08121 Filed 4-17-18; 8:45 am]

                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                               17093

                                           *      *     *       *      *                           Executive Summary                          Sanborn’s long-nosed bat to ‘‘Bat, lesser
                                                                                                      Why we need to publish a rule. Under (=Sanborn’s) long-nosed’’ with the
                                           [FR Doc. 2018–08196 Filed 4–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                           BILLING CODE 1301–00–C
                                                                                                   the Endangered Species Act, as             scientific name ‘‘Leptonycteris curasoae
                                                                                                   amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.),     yerbabuenae.’’ We issued a recovery
                                                                                                   a species may be added to the Lists of     plan for the lesser long-nosed bat on
                                                                                                   Endangered and Threatened Wildlife         March 4, 1997.
                                           DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                                                            In 2001, we revised the entry for the
                                                                                                   and Plants if it is endangered or
                                                                                                                                              lesser long-nosed bat to remove the
                                           Fish and Wildlife Service                               threatened throughout all or a
                                                                                                                                              synonym of ‘‘Sanborn’s’’; consequently,
                                                                                                   significant portion of its range. Adding
                                                                                                                                              the listing reads, ‘‘Bat, lesser long-
                                           50 CFR Part 17                                          a species to (‘‘listing’’) or removing a   nosed’’ and retains the scientific name
                                                                                                   species from these Lists (‘‘delisting’’)   ‘‘Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae.’’
                                           [Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138;
                                                                                                   can only be accomplished by issuing a      Cole and Wilson (2006) recommended
                                           FXES11130900000 178 FF09E42000]                         rule.                                      that L. c. yerbabuenae be recognized as
                                                                                                      What this document does. This rule      Leptonycteris yerbabuenae.
                                                                                                   makes final the removal of the lesser      Additionally, Wilson and Reeder’s
                                           RIN 1018–BB91
                                                                                                   long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae     (2005) ‘‘Mammal Species of the World
                                           Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                      yerbabuenae) from the Federal List of      (Third Edition), an accepted standard
                                           and Plants; Removal of the Lesser                       Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.        for mammalian taxonomy, also indicates
                                           Long-Nosed Bat From the Federal List                       The basis for our action. Under the     that L. yerbabuenae is a species distinct
                                           of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                   ESA, we can determine that a species is from L. curasoae. Currently, the most
                                                                                                   an endangered or threatened species        accepted and currently used
                                           AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                    based on any of five factors: (A) The      classification for the lesser long-nosed
                                           Interior.                                               present or threatened destruction,         bat is L. yerbabuenae; however, the
                                           ACTION: Final rule.                                     modification, or curtailment of its        Service continues to classify the listed
                                                                                                   habitat or range; (B) overutilization for  entity as Leptonycteris curasoae
                                           SUMMARY:    Under the authority of the                  commercial, recreational, scientific, or   yerbabuenae. On August 30, 2007, we
                                           Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                      educational purposes; (C) disease or       completed a 5-year review, in which we
                                           amended, we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife                 predation; (D) the inadequacy of           recommended reclassifying the species
                                           Service, are removing the lesser long-                  existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)     from endangered to threatened status
                                           nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae                       other natural or manmade factors           (i.e., ‘‘downlisting’’) under the Act
                                           yerbabuenae) from the Federal List of                   affecting its continued existence. We      (Service 2007; available online at http://
                                           Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                      may delist a species if the best available www.regulations.gov in Docket No.
                                           due to recovery. This determination is                  scientific and commercial data indicate    FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or https://
                                           based on a thorough review of the best                  that the species is neither endangered or www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/
                                           available scientific and commercial                     threatened. We have determined that        Lesser.htm). We recommended, as part
                                           information, which indicates that the                   the lesser-long nosed bat has recovered    of the status review, that the Service
                                           threats to this subspecies have been                    and no longer meets the definition of      recognize and change the taxonomic
                                           eliminated or reduced to the point that                 endangered or threatened under the Act. nomenclature for the lesser long-nosed
                                           the subspecies has recovered and no                        Peer review and public comment. We      bat to be consistent with the most recent
                                           longer meets the definition of                          sought comments on both the SSA and        classification of this species, L.
                                           endangered or threatened under the Act.                 the proposed delisting rule from           yerbabuenae. However, because we are
                                           DATES: The rule is effective May 18,                    independent specialists to ensure that     removing the lesser long-nosed bat from
                                           2018.                                                   this rule is based on scientifically sound the List (i.e., ‘‘delisting’’ the species),
                                                                                                   data, assumptions, and analyses. We        this recommendation is moot. Please
                                           ADDRESSES:   Copies of documents: This
                                                                                                   also considered all comments and           note that, throughout this rule, we
                                           final rule and supporting documents,
                                                                                                   information received during the            continue to refer to the lesser long-
                                           including the Species Status
                                                                                                   comment period.                            nosed bat as a subspecies.
                                           Assessment (SSA) are available on
                                           http://www.regulations.gov in Docket                    Previous Federal Actions                      The recommendation to downlist the
                                           No. FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138. In                                                                        species in the 5-year review was made
                                                                                                      In carrying out our responsibility to   because information generated since the
                                           addition, the supporting file for this                  enforce the Endangered Species Act of      listing of the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           final rule will be available for public                 1973, as amended (ESA or Act; 16           indicated that the subspecies was not in
                                           inspection, by appointment, during                      U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), we, the U.S. Fish    imminent danger of extinction
                                           normal business hours, at the Arizona                   and Wildlife Service (Service), maintain throughout all or a significant portion of
                                           Ecological Services Field Office, 2321                  the Lists of Endangered and Threatened its range (higher population numbers,
                                           W. Royal Palm Road, Suite 103,                          Wildlife and Plants in title 50 of the     increased number of known roosts,
                                           Phoenix, AZ 85021.                                      Code of Federal Regulations. On            reduced impacts from known threats,
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        September 30, 1988, we published a         and improved protection status) and
                                           Steve Spangle, Field Supervisor, U.S.                   final rule in the Federal Register (53 FR thus, did not meet the definition of
                                           Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona                      38456) to add the Mexican long-nosed       endangered. On July 16, 2012, we
                                           Ecological Services Field Office, 2321                  bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) and Sanborn’s received a petition from The Pacific
                                           W. Royal Palm Road, Suite 103,                          long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris sanborni     Legal Foundation and others requesting
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                           Phoenix, AZ 85021; by telephone (602–                   (=L. yerbabuenae)) as endangered           that, among other reclassification
                                           242–0210); or by facsimile (602–242–                    species to the Federal List of             actions, the Service downlist the lesser
                                           2513). If you use a telecommunications                  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife         long-nosed bat as recommended in the
                                           device for the deaf (TDD), call the                     (List). That rule became effective on      5-year review. On September 9, 2013,
                                           Federal Relay Service at 800–877–8339.                  October 31, 1988. In 1993, we amended      the Service published a 90-day petition
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              the List by revising the entry for the     finding under the Act stating that the

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                                           17094            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           petition contained substantial scientific               the SSA report, we summarize the                      to occur at a limited number of roosts
                                           or commercial information indicating                    relevant biological data and a                        across its range in Mexico and the
                                           the petitioned action (i.e., downlisting)               description of past, present, and likely              United States (Arizona and New
                                           for the lesser long-nosed bat may be                    future stressors to the subspecies, and               Mexico), impacts at roost locations
                                           warranted (78 FR 55046).                                conduct an analysis of the viability of               could have a significant impact on the
                                             On November 28, 2014, the Service                     the subspecies. The SSA report provides               population, particularly if the impacts
                                           received a ‘‘60-day Notice of Intent to                 the scientific basis that informs our                 occur at maternity roosts. However,
                                           Bring Citizen Suit.’’ On November 20,                   regulatory determination regarding                    because approximately 60 percent (8 out
                                           2015, the New Mexico Cattle Growers                     whether this subspecies should be listed              of 14) of the roost locations known at
                                           Association and others filed a complaint                as an endangered or a threatened                      the time of listing were on ‘‘protected’’
                                           challenging the Service’s failure to                    species under the Act. This                           lands in both the United States and
                                           complete the 12-month findings on five                  determination involves the application                Mexico, the degree of threat from
                                           species, including the lesser long-nosed                of standards within the Act, its
                                           bat (New Mexico Cattle Growers                                                                                impacts to roost locations was
                                                                                                   implementing regulations, and Service
                                           Association, et al. v. United States                                                                          determined in our SSA to be moderate.
                                                                                                   policies to the scientific information
                                           Department of the Interior, et al., No.                 and analysis in the SSA.                              For example, as stated in the proposed
                                           1:15–cv–01065–PJK–LF (D.N.M)).                             The following discussion is a                      rule, approximately 75 percent of this
                                           Plaintiffs asked the Court to compel the                summary of the results and conclusions                species in the United States is on
                                           Service to make 12-month findings on                    from the SSA report. The Service                      federally managed lands where there are
                                           the five species. The parties settled the               invited a group of experts to provide                 guidelines and management plans (Land
                                           lawsuit with the requirement that the                   input as the draft SSA report was being               and Resource Management Plans,
                                           Service submit a 12-month finding for                   developed. These experts included                     Resource Management Plans, Integrated
                                           the lesser long-nosed bat to the Office of              lesser long-nosed bat biologists, as well             Natural Resource Management Plans,
                                           the Federal Register for publication on                 as experts in climate change modeling                 etc.) that include actions and measures
                                           or before December 30, 2016, among                      and plant phenology (the scientific                   that contribute to the protection of
                                           other obligations not related to the                    study of periodic biological phenomena,               lesser long-nosed bats and their habitat.
                                           lesser long-nosed bat. On January 6,                    such as flowering, in relation to climatic               The Service’s 5-year review
                                           2017, the Service published in the                      conditions). Following development of                 recommended downlisting from
                                           Federal Register a proposed rule (82 FR                 the draft SSA, and in compliance with                 endangered to threatened status (Service
                                           1665) and 12-month petition finding                     our policy, ‘‘Notice of Interagency
                                                                                                                                                         2007; available at http://
                                           and request for comments to remove the                  Cooperative Policy for Peer Review of
                                                                                                                                                         www.regulations.gov in Docket No.
                                           lesser long-nosed bat from the Federal                  Endangered Species Act Activities,’’
                                           List of Endangered and Threatened                       which was published on July 1, 1994                   FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or https://
                                           Wildlife.                                               (59 FR 34270), we solicited peer reviews              www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/
                                                                                                   on the draft SSA report from four                     Lesser.htm). The 5-year review,
                                           Summary of Changes From the                                                                                   indicated that information generated
                                                                                                   objective and independent scientific
                                           Proposed Rule                                                                                                 since the listing of the bat indicated that
                                                                                                   experts in November 2016 and received
                                              We have not made any substantive                     responses from two peer reviewers.                    it was not in imminent danger of
                                           changes in this final rule based on the                    The lesser long-nosed bat                          extinction throughout all or a significant
                                           comments that we received during the                    (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) is               portion of its range and thus, would not
                                           public comment period on the January                    one of three nectar-feeding bats in the               meet the definition of endangered. In
                                           6, 2017, proposed rule (82 FR 1665).                    United States; the others are the                     Mexico, the lesser long-nosed bat was
                                           Based on peer review, State, and public                 Mexican long-nosed bat (L. nivalis) and               removed from that nation’s equivalent
                                           comments, we added text and                             the Mexican long-tongued bat                          of the endangered species list in 2013
                                           information to clarify some language in                 (Choeronycteris mexicana). The lesser                 (SEMARNAT 2010, entire; Medellin and
                                           the SSA and the proposed rule that has                  long-nosed bat is a migratory pollinator              Knoop 2013, entire). Between 1990 and
                                           been incorporated into this final rule as               and seed disperser that provides                      2010, Mexican researchers carried out a
                                           discussed below in the Summary of                       important ecosystem services in arid                  wide range of studies that demonstrated
                                           Comments and Recommendations.                           forest, desert, and grassland systems                 that the lesser long-nosed bat was no
                                                                                                   throughout its range in the United States             longer in the critical condition that led
                                           Species Information
                                                                                                   and Mexico, contributing to healthy                   it to be listed as in danger of extinction
                                              A thorough review of the taxonomy,                   soils, diverse vegetation communities,                in Mexico. Specifically, the evaluation
                                           life history, ecology, and overall                      and sustainable economic benefits for
                                           viability of the lesser long-nosed bat is                                                                     to delist in Mexico showed (1) the
                                                                                                   communities. The range of the lesser
                                           presented in the SSA report for the                                                                           distribution of lesser long-nosed bats is
                                                                                                   long-nosed bat extends from the
                                           lesser long-nosed bat (Service 2017),                                                                         extensive within Mexico, covering more
                                                                                                   southwestern United States southward
                                           which is available online at http://                    through Mexico.                                       than 40 percent of the country; (2) the
                                           www.regulations.gov in Docket No.                          Following listing of the lesser long-              extent and condition of lesser long-
                                           FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or https://                         nosed bat, recovery activities were                   nosed bat habitat is only moderately
                                           www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/                       based on the U.S. recovery plan (Service              limiting and this species has
                                           Lesser.htm, or in person at the Arizona                 1997, entire) and the Program for the                 demonstrated that it is adaptable to
                                           Ecological Services Field Office (see                   Conservation of Migratory Bats in                     varying environmental conditions; (3)
                                           ADDRESSES, above). The SSA report                       Mexico, which was formed in 1994                      the species does not exhibit any
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                                           documents the results of the biological                 (Bats 1995, pp. 1–6). The primary                     particular characteristics that make it
                                           status review for the lesser long-nosed                 recovery actions outlined in the                      especially vulnerable; and (4) the extent
                                           bat and provides an account of the                      recovery plan were to monitor and                     of human impacts is average and
                                           subspecies’ overall viability through                   protect known roost sites and foraging                increased education, outreach, and
                                           forecasting of the subspecies’ condition                habitats. Because the lesser long-nosed               research have reduced the occurrence of
                                           in the future (Service 2017; entire). In                bat is a colonial roosting species known              human impacts and disturbance.

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                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           17095

                                           Subspecies Description and Needs                        listing to approximately 75 currently                 caused the fatality event and roost
                                              The lesser long-nosed bat is a                       known roost sites. Additionally, these                abandonment in 2017. It is likely that a
                                           migratory bat characterized by a                        monitoring efforts have led to more                   mortality event at the maternity roost
                                           resident subpopulation that remains                     accurate assessments of the numbers of                site in 2016 probably contributed to the
                                           year round in southern Mexico to mate                   lesser long-nosed bats using these                    decline in 2017 and the information we
                                           and give birth, and a migratory                         roosts. The 1988 listing rule emphasized              have indicates the observed fatalities
                                           subpopulation that winters and mates in                 low population numbers along with an                  were the result of a natural weather
                                           central and southern Mexico, but that                   apparent declining population trend. At               event. The decline could also be the
                                                                                                   the time of listing, 1,000 lesser long-               result of migrating females using other
                                           migrates north in the spring to give birth
                                                                                                   nosed bats were estimated rangewide.                  roosts in the area or resource conditions
                                           in northern Mexico and the
                                                                                                   Since then, we have documented                        in Mexico resulted in fewer bats
                                           southwestern United States (Arizona).
                                                                                                   increased lesser long-nosed bat numbers               migrating northward. We intend to work
                                           This migratory subpopulation then
                                                                                                   and positive trends (stable or increasing             with our partners in Mexico and the
                                           obtains the necessary resources in
                                                                                                   numbers of bats documented over the                   United States to increase the monitoring
                                           Arizona and New Mexico to be able to
                                                                                                   past 20 years) at most roosts. The                    effort at this roost. We also intend to
                                           migrate south in the fall back to central
                                                                                                   current estimate is now more than                     gather information on resource
                                           and southern Mexico. The lesser long-
                                                                                                   200,000 bats rangewide. While this may,               conditions in both the United States and
                                           nosed bat is a nectar, pollen, and fruit-
                                                                                                   in large part, reflect a better approach to           Mexico and consider roost counts at
                                           eating bat that depends on a variety of
                                                                                                   survey and monitoring in subsequent                   other maternity roosts in the region to
                                           flowering plants as food resources.                     years, it gives us better information
                                           These plants include columnar cacti,                                                                          gain a better understanding of the
                                                                                                   upon which to evaluate the status of the              causes and implications of the events of
                                           agaves, and a variety of flowering                      lesser long-nosed bat population.
                                           deciduous trees. The lesser long-nosed                                                                        2016 and 2017. This maternity roost is
                                                                                                      A number of lesser long-nosed bat                  included in our draft post-delisting
                                           bat is a colonial roosting species that                 publications have population estimates
                                           roosts in groups ranging from a few                                                                           monitoring plan, so we will continue to
                                                                                                   that far exceed those known at the time               monitor and evaluate this roost for the
                                           hundred to over 100,000. Roost sites are                of listing (Fleming et al. 2003; Sidner
                                           primarily caves, mines, and large                                                                             next 15 years and implement adaptive
                                                                                                   and Davis 1988). Although population                  management actions, if necessary. We
                                           crevices with appropriate temperatures                  estimates and roost count numbers
                                           and humidity; reduced access to                                                                               evaluated lesser long-nosed bat
                                                                                                   fluctuate from year to year, the numbers              resiliency, redundancy, and
                                           predators; free of disease-causing                      of lesser long-nosed bats estimated from
                                           organisms (fungus that causes white-                                                                          representation in the SSA over two time
                                                                                                   2010 through 2015 in the three known                  frames, 15 years and 50 years. Because
                                           nose syndrome, etc.); limited human                     maternity roosts in the United States
                                           disturbance; structural integrity; in a                                                                       the species’ viability is evaluated by
                                                                                                   were an average of two and a half times               resiliency, redundancy, and
                                           diversity of locations to provide for                   higher than those known in the late
                                           maternity, mating, migration, and                                                                             representation under a 15-year time
                                                                                                   1990s (Service 2017; p. 10).                          frame, we used the same timeframe in
                                           transition roost sites.                                 Furthermore, protection measures have
                                              The primary life-history needs of this                                                                     the development of thresholds for post-
                                                                                                   been implemented at over half the                     delisting monitoring. In addition, the
                                           subspecies include appropriate and                      roosts in both the United States and
                                           adequately distributed roosting sites;                                                                        15-year is based on the history of past
                                                                                                   Mexico (approximately 40 roosts),                     conservation implementation, such as
                                           adequate forage resources for life-history              including gating, road closures, fencing,
                                           events such as mating and birthing; and                                                                       identifying and monitoring roost sites;
                                                                                                   implementation of management plans,
                                           adequate roosting and forage resources                                                                        completing the processes for
                                                                                                   public education, monitoring, and
                                           in an appropriate configuration (a                                                                            identifying, permitting, implementing,
                                                                                                   enforcement of access limitations.
                                           ‘‘nectar trail’’) to complete migration                                                                       and monitoring roost protection
                                                                                                   Generally, roosts on Federal lands
                                           between southern Mexico and northern                                                                          measures; conducting education and
                                                                                                   benefit from monitoring by agency
                                           Mexico and the United States.                                                                                 outreach and seeing changes in public
                                                                                                   personnel and a law enforcement
                                              For more information on this topic,                                                                        perceptions.
                                                                                                   presence resulting in these roosts being
                                           see chapter 2 of the SSA Report (Service                exposed to fewer potential impacts than                  Lesser long-nosed bat roosts have a
                                           2017), which is available online at                     if the roost occurred on non-federal                  history of numbers fluctuating from year
                                           http://www.regulations.gov in Docket                    lands. Efforts to physically protect                  to year. Any observed incidents of
                                           No. FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or https://                     roosts through the use of gates or                    fatalities or changes in roost occupancy
                                           www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/                       barriers have been implemented at six                 patterns should be considered in the
                                           Lesser.htm, or in person at the Arizona                 roost sites in Arizona. The experimental              context of time. There is not rigorous
                                           Ecological Services Field Office (see                   fence at one roost (a mine site) worked               roost count data that can be used to
                                           ADDRESSES, above).                                      initially, but was subsequently                       statistically define the trend of the lesser
                                                                                                   vandalized resulting in roost                         long-nosed bat population throughout
                                           Current Conditions                                                                                            its range. We have count data from both
                                                                                                   abandonment. The fencing was repaired
                                              For the last 20 years, following the                 and there have been no subsequent                     the United States and Mexico that has
                                           completion of the lesser long-nosed bat                 breeches and the bats have recolonized                occurred regularly over the past 20
                                           recovery plan, there has been a steadily                the site (Service 2017; p. 11).                       years, including annual simultaneous
                                           increasing effort related to the                           In the summer of 2017, a drastic (i.e.,            counts at both maternity and late-
                                           conservation of this subspecies. In                     approximately 86 percent) decline was                 summer transition roosts in the United
                                           addition, better methods of monitoring                  observed in the numbers of bats at one                States. Not all roosts are counted every
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                                           have been developed, such as the use of                 of the key maternity sites along the U.S.-            year, but some are. Not all roosts are
                                           infrared videography and radio                          Mexico border. Additionally, a late-                  counted multiple times each year, but
                                           telemetry. These monitoring efforts have                summer transition roost in Arizona was                some are. Regardless, each known roost
                                           led to an increase in the number of                     documented as not being occupied for                  in the United States has some count
                                           known roosts throughout its range, from                 the second year in a row. We do not                   data that has occurred over the past 20
                                           approximately 14 known at the time of                   have a complete understanding of what                 years that has resulted in regular or

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                                           17096            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           periodic visits by bat biologists or land               roosts are all used during any given year             criteria that should be considered for
                                           managers. These counts have shown                       or season. However, while the                         downlisting the subspecies, which are
                                           increasing or stable numbers and roost                  distribution of the lesser long-nosed bat             summarized below. A detailed review of
                                           sites that continue to provide for the life             within its range may be fluid, the                    the recovery criteria for the lesser long-
                                           history needs of the lesser long-nose bat.              overall distribution of this species has              nosed bat is presented in the 5-year
                                           When looking at the count data over                     remained similar over time (Service                   Review for the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat
                                           time and applying our best professional                 2017, chapters 1 through 3).                          (Service 2007; available online at http://
                                           judgment to this data, we have                            For more information on this topic,                 www.regulations.gov in Docket No.
                                           concluded that the overall lesser long-                 see chapter 5 of the SSA Report (Service              FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or at https://
                                           nosed bat population trend is positive.                 2017), which is available online at                   www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/
                                           Our conservation partners in Mexico                     http://www.regulations.gov in Docket                  Lesser.htm).
                                           reached the same conclusion when they                   No. FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or https://                      During our development of the SSA
                                           delisted the lesser long-nosed bat in                   www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/                     report and 5-year review, we found that
                                           2013.                                                   Lesser.htm, or in person at the Arizona               data relied upon to develop the 1988
                                              The lesser long-nosed bat’s                          Ecological Services Field Office (see                 listing rule and the recovery plan are
                                           conservation status in Mexico is secure                 ADDRESSES, above).                                    out of date. Subsequent to the
                                           enough that Mexico removed the                                                                                completion of the listing rule and
                                                                                                   Recovery Planning and Recovery
                                           subspecies from its endangered species                                                                        recovery plan, considerable additional
                                           list in 2013 because of the factors                                                                           data regarding the life history and status
                                           described above. The species has a                         Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to              of the lesser long-nosed bat have been
                                           greater distribution in Mexico than in                  develop and implement recovery plans                  gathered and, as discussed above, have
                                           the United States; thus much of the                     for the conservation and survival of                  documented an increase in the number
                                           same reasoning for the subspecies’                      endangered and threatened species                     of known roost sites and the number of
                                           removal from Mexico’s endangered                        unless we determine that such a plan                  lesser long-nosed bats occupying those
                                           species list applies to our reasoning to                will not promote the conservation of the              roosts. During the 2007 5-year review of
                                           remove the lesser long-nosed bat from                   species. Recovery plans identify site-                the status of this subspecies, it was
                                           the U.S. List of Endangered and                         specific management actions that will                 determined that the 1997 recovery plan
                                           Threatened Wildlife.                                    achieve recovery of the species and                   was outdated and did not reflect the
                                              Because the lesser long-nosed bat has                objective, measurable criteria that set a             best available information on the
                                           both resident and migratory                             trigger for review of the species’ status.            biology of this subspecies and its needs
                                           subpopulations, all of the necessary                    Methods for monitoring recovery                       (Service 2007; p. 30; available online at
                                           habitat elements must be appropriately                  progress may also be included in                      http://www.regulations.gov in Docket
                                           distributed across the range of this                    recovery plans.                                       No. FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138 or at
                                           species such that roost sites, forage                      Recovery plans are not regulatory                  https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/
                                           resources, and migration pathways are                   documents; instead they are intended to               arizona/Lesser.htm). As explained
                                           in the appropriate locations during the                 establish goals for long-term                         below, we assessed the species’ viability
                                           appropriate season. Currently, the                      conservation of listed species and define             in the SSA report (Service 2017) in
                                           distribution of the lesser long-nosed bat               criteria that are designed to indicate                making the determination of whether or
                                           extends from southern Mexico into the                   when the threats facing a species have                not the lesser long-nosed bat has
                                           southwestern United States. In Mexico,                  been removed or reduced to such an                    recovered as defined by the Act.
                                           the distribution of the lesser long-nosed               extent that the species may no longer
                                           bat covers approximately 40 percent of                  need the protections of the Act. They                 Recovery Criterion 1 (Monitor Major
                                           the country when considering resident                   also identify suites of actions that are              Roosts for 5 Years)
                                           areas, migration pathways, and                          expected to facilitate achieving this goal              Significant efforts have been made to
                                           seasonally-occupied roosts within the                   of recovery. While recovery plans are                 implement a regular schedule of
                                           range of this subspecies. Within both                   not regulatory, they provide guidance                 monitoring at the known roost sites
                                           the United States and Mexico, the                       regarding what recovery may look like                 throughout the range of the species.
                                           current distribution of the lesser long-                and possible paths to achieve it.                     Approximately six roosts were known
                                           nosed bat has not generally decreased or                However, there are many paths to                      in Arizona and New Mexico at the time
                                           changed substantially over the past 20                  accomplishing recovery of a species,                  of listing. Currently, we have
                                           years from that described in the                        and recovery may be achieved without                  documented approximately 50 lesser
                                           Recovery Plan. An exception to this is                  all recovery actions being implemented                long-nosed bat roosts in Arizona and
                                           the recent documentation of the lesser                  or criteria being fully met. Recovery of              New Mexico. All 13 of the roost sites
                                           long-nosed bat range expanding                          a species is a dynamic process requiring              identified in the recovery plan have had
                                           northward to the Gila River in New                      adaptive management that may, or may                  some degree of monitoring over the past
                                           Mexico (HEG 2015, entire). However,                     not, fully follow the guidance provided               20 years. In the United States, all of the
                                           any given area within the range of the                  in a recovery plan.                                   six major roosts identified in the
                                           lesser long-nosed bat may be used in an                    The 1997 lesser long-nosed bat                     recovery plan for monitoring (Copper
                                           ephemeral manner dictated by the                        recovery plan objective is to downlist                Mountain, Bluebird, Old Mammon,
                                           availability of resources that can change               the species to threatened (Service 1997,              Patagonia Bat Cave, State of Texas, and
                                           on an annual and seasonal basis. Roost                  entire). The recovery plan does not                   Hilltop) have been monitored since
                                           switching occurs in response to                         explain why delisting was not                         2001. Additionally, we now consider
                                           changing resources and areas that may                   considered as the objective for the                   almost all of the approximately 50
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                                           be used during one year or season may                   recovery plan. The existing recovery                  known roosts in the United States to be
                                           not be used in subsequent years until                   plan does not explicitly tie the recovery             major roosts, meaning they host more
                                           resources are again adequate to support                 criteria to the five listing factors at               than 1,000 bats. None of the New
                                           occupancy of the area. This affects if                  section 4(a)(1) of the Act or contain                 Mexico roosts were identified for
                                           and how maternity and mating roosts,                    explicit discussion of those five listing             monitoring in the recovery plan, but
                                           migration pathways, and transition                      factors. The recovery plan lists four                 these roosts have been monitored

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                                           sporadically since the completion of the                public lands where they are protected                 in the recovery plan, are likely not as
                                           recovery plan (Service 2007; pp. 6–9).                  and managed.                                          severe as once thought. Effects from
                                           The seven roost sites in Mexico have                       In related efforts, a number of studies            illegal border activity and the associated
                                           been regularly monitored since the                      have been completed that provide us                   enforcement activities are a new and
                                           development of the recovery plan                        with better information related to the                continuing threat to roost sites in the
                                           (Medellı́n and Torres 2013, pp. 11–13).                 forage requirements of the lesser long-               border region. However, the Service and
                                           Therefore, this recovery criterion has                  nosed bat when compared to the time of                appropriate land managers have an
                                           been satisfied. For more information,                   listing and recovery plan completion.                 active program of coordination and
                                           see chapter 2 of the SSA Report (Service                We now know that lesser long-nosed                    technical assistance with Customs and
                                           2017).                                                  bats are more adaptable to ephemeral                  Border Protection that are addressing
                                                                                                   forage resources and we know that                     border issues. Potential effects to forage
                                           Recovery Criterion 2 (Roost Numbers                     effects from livestock grazing,                       species and their phenology as a result
                                           Stable or Increasing)                                   prescribed burning, and harvesting by                 of climate change have been identified,
                                              Nearly all of the lesser long-nosed bat              the tequila industry do not significantly             but are characterized by uncertainty and
                                           experts and researchers who provided                    affect lesser long-nosed bat forage                   lack of data specifically addressing
                                           input to the 5-year review and SSA                      resources.                                            those issues. Nonetheless, lesser long-
                                           indicated that they observed that the                      Some progress has been made toward                 nosed bats have shown the ability to
                                           number of lesser long-nosed bats at most                protecting known lesser long-nosed bat                adapt to adverse forage conditions and
                                           of the roost sites in both the United                   roost sites, but the ultimate level of                we find that the lesser long-nosed bat is
                                           States and Mexico is stable or increasing               effectiveness of gates as a protection                characterized by flexible and adaptive
                                           (see chapter 2 of the SSA Report                        measure is still being evaluated and                  behaviors that will allow it to remain
                                           (Service 2017). The lesser long-nosed                   improved. Gates provide long-term                     viable under changing climatic
                                           bat’s conservation status in Mexico has                 protection of roost sites, but are                    conditions.
                                           been determined to be secure enough                     accepted and used by different bat                       Some progress has been made toward
                                           that Mexico removed the subspecies                      species to different extents. Different               protecting known lesser long-nosed bat
                                           from its endangered species list in 2013                gates designs are currently being tested              roost sites; while the ultimate level of
                                           based on the factors discussed above.                   at additional lesser long-nosed bat roost             effectiveness of gates as a protection
                                           With a documented increase from an                      sites. For more information, see chapter              measure is still being evaluated and
                                           estimated 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats                  4 of the SSA Report (Service 2017).                   improved, they do provide long-term
                                           rangewide at the time of listing to more                   In summary, we have considerably                   protection of roost sites. Gates are
                                           than 200,000 currently documented, the                  better data with regard to roost locations            currently being tested at a few
                                           total number of bats documented at this                 of lesser long-nosed bat compared to the              additional lesser long-nosed bat roost
                                           time is many times greater than those                   information available at the time of                  sites. Roost protection also occurs in the
                                           numbers upon which the listing of this                  listing and completion of the recovery                form of regular monitoring, fencing,
                                           species relied. Therefore, this criterion               plan. Because of improved information,                road closures, and ongoing management
                                           has been met.                                           land management agencies are doing a                  as outlined in the land management
                                                                                                   better job of protecting lesser long-nosed            agencies’ planning documents. This
                                           Recovery Criterion 3 (Protect Roost and
                                                                                                   bat roost sites and foraging areas. Over              recovery criterion has been met. For
                                           Forage Plant Habitats)                                  the past five years, there has been                   more information, see chapter 4 of the
                                              The lesser long-nosed bat population                 considerable effort and success in                    SSA Report (Service 2017).
                                           is fluid and constantly adapts to                       understanding lesser long-nosed bat
                                           changing environmental conditions over                  roost protection options and many                     Summary of Factors Affecting the
                                           a large, bi-national range. Lesser long-                roosts have had roost protection                      Species
                                           nosed bat roost sites are discrete and                  measures implemented (Service 2017, p.                  Section 4 of the Act and its
                                           consistent, but the lesser long-nosed bat               56). In addition, monitoring over the                 implementing regulations (50 CFR part
                                           may use these roost sites in a changing                 past 24 years indicates steady increases              424) set forth the procedures for listing
                                           and adaptable manner to take advantage                  in the numbers of lesser long-nosed bats              species, reclassifying species, or
                                           of ephemeral and constantly changing                    at these roosts due to roost site                     removing species from listed status. A
                                           forage resources with both seasonal and                 protections (Service 2017, p. 10).                    species is an endangered or threatened
                                           annual differences of occurrence.                       Therefore, we believed this recovery                  species due to one or more of the five
                                           Therefore, observations of occupancy                    criterion has been met. For more                      factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the
                                           and numbers of bats using these roosts                  information, see chapter 2 and                        Act: (A) The present or threatened
                                           may not be a complete or accurate                       Conservation Efforts in the SSA Report                destruction, modification, or
                                           representation of the status of the                     (Service 2017).                                       curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
                                           subspecies across its range. However,                                                                         overutilization for commercial,
                                           the information regarding the status of                 Recovery Criterion 4 (Status of New and               recreational, scientific, or educational
                                           the lesser long-nosed bat population is                 Known Threats)                                        purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
                                           much more accurate and complete than                      This criterion relates to adequately                the inadequacy of existing regulatory
                                           it was as the time of the 1988 listing                  addressing threats known at the time the              mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
                                           rule.                                                   1997 recovery plan was written, as well               manmade factors affecting its continued
                                              More roost locations for lesser long-                as any new threats that have been                     existence. A species may be reclassified
                                           nosed bats are currently known, and are                 identified subsequent to the completion               or delisted on the same basis.
                                           being more consistently monitored, than                 of the recovery plan. Our current state               Consideration of these factors was
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                                           at the time of listing in 1988 (an                      of knowledge with regard to threats to                included in the SSA report in the
                                           increase from approximately 14 to                       this subspecies has changed since the                 discussion on ‘‘threats’’ or ‘‘risk
                                           approximately 75 currently known                        development of the recovery plan.                     factors,’’ and threats were projected into
                                           roosts). As we describe in more detail in               Threats to the lesser long-nosed bat from             the future using scenarios to evaluate
                                           Factor D below, we now know that the                    grazing on food plants, the tequila                   the current and future viability of the
                                           majority of these roost sites occur on                  industry, and prescribed fire, identified             lesser long-nosed bat. The effects of

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                                           conservation measures currently in                         Although most data related to lesser               have been expected to result in fewer
                                           place were also assessed in the SSA                     long-nosed bat roost counts and                       lesser long-nosed bats using roosts in
                                           report as part of the current condition of              monitoring have not been collected in a               this area or reduced productivity at
                                           the subspecies, and those effects were                  way that is statistically rigorous enough             these roosts. However, this was not the
                                           projected in future scenarios. The                      to draw statistically-valid conclusions               case. Maternity roost numbers remained
                                           evaluation of the five factors as                       about the trend of the population, in the             as high as or higher than previous years,
                                           described in the SSA report is                          professional judgment of biologists and               with some 25,000 adult females counted
                                           summarized below.                                       others involved in these efforts, the total           during 2004 monitoring (Billings 2005).
                                              The Service reviews the best scientific              numbers of bats observed at roost sites               Ultimately, it appears lesser long-nosed
                                           and commercial information available                    across the range of the lesser long-nosed             bats were able to subsist and raise young
                                           when conducting a threats analysis. In                  bat are considered stable or increasing at            in southwestern Arizona in this atypical
                                           considering what factors may constitute                 nearly all roost sites being monitored.               year. Other observations over the past
                                           a threat, we must look beyond the mere                  With a documented increase from an                    20 years, including some years of
                                           exposure of individuals of a species to                 estimated 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats                significantly reduced agave availability,
                                           the factor to determine whether the                     rangewide at the time of listing to more              have indicated that the lesser long-
                                           exposure causes actual impacts to the                   than 200,000 currently estimated, the                 nosed bat is more adaptable than
                                           entire species. The mere identification                 total number of bats currently being                  previously believed to changing forage
                                           of factors that could negatively impact                 documented is many times greater than                 resource availability. This adaptability
                                           a species is not sufficient to compel a                 those numbers upon which the listing of               leads us to a determination that forage
                                           finding that a currently listed species                 this species relied, and while this may,              availability will not significantly affect
                                           should be maintained on the Federal                     in large part, reflect a better approach to           the viability of the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           Lists of Endangered and Threatened                      survey and monitoring in subsequent                   population.
                                                                                                   years, it gives us better information                    Additionally, the effects of livestock
                                           Wildlife and Plants. We require
                                                                                                   upon which to evaluate the status of the              grazing and prescribed fire on long-
                                           evidence that these factors are operative
                                                                                                   lesser long-nosed bat population. This                nosed bat food sources are also not as
                                           threats currently acting on the species to
                                                                                                   documented increase in roosts and of                  significant as originally thought. For
                                           the point that the species meets the
                                                                                                   stable or increasing lesser long-nosed                example, Widmer (2002) found that
                                           definition of endangered or threatened
                                                                                                   bat numbers indicates that threats to                 livestock were not responsible for all of
                                           under the Act.
                                                                                                   habitat have not reduced available                    the utilization of agave flower stalks in
                                           Factor A. The Present or Threatened                     habitat components to the point that it               their study area. Wildlife such as
                                           Destruction, Modification, or                           is significantly affecting the lesser long-           javelina, white-tailed deer, and small
                                           Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range                     nosed bat status. And, roost site                     mammals also utilized agave flower
                                                                                                   protections will continue into the                    stalks as a food resource. The extent of
                                              The primary concern regarding future                                                                       livestock use of agave flower stalks
                                           viability of this subspecies continues to               foreseeable future. Adequate roosts of
                                                                                                   all types (maternity, mating, transition,             appears to be related to standing
                                           be roost site disturbance or loss. This is                                                                    biomass and distance from water.
                                           primarily an issue related to human                     and migratory) currently exist and are
                                                                                                   likely to exist into the foreseeable future           Further, Bowers and McLaughlin (2000)
                                           activities and destructive actions at                                                                         found that the proportion of agave
                                           these roost sites. In addition, the                     (Service 2017; pp. 8–14).
                                                                                                                                                         flower stalks broken by cattle did not
                                           colonial roosting behavior of this                         Significant information regarding the              differ significantly between grazed and
                                           subspecies, where high percentages of                   relationship of lesser long-nosed bats to             ungrazed areas. This information
                                           the population can congregate at a                      their forage resources has been gathered              indicates that livestock do not have a
                                           limited number of roost sites, increases                over the past decade. Because lesser                  significant effect on lesser long-nosed
                                           the likelihood of significant declines or               long-nosed bats are highly specialized                bat food sources, over and above the
                                           extinction if impacts at roost sites are                nectar-, pollen-, and fruit-eaters, they              impact of native grazers.
                                           pervasive However, as discussed above,                  have potential to be extremely                           Thomas and Goodson (1992) and
                                           increased lesser long-nosed bat numbers                 vulnerable to loss of or impacts to forage            Johnson (2001, p. 37) reported 14
                                           and positive trends at most roosts have                 species. However, lesser long-nosed bats              percent and 19 percent mortality of
                                           reduced concerns expressed in the 1988                  are also highly effective at locating food            agaves following burns. Some agency
                                           listing rule with regard to low                         resources, and their nomadic nature                   monitoring has occurred post-fire for
                                           population numbers and an apparent                      allows them to adapt to local                         both wildfires and prescribed burns.
                                           declining population trend. Agencies                    conditions. For example, the resiliency               This monitoring indicates that agave
                                           and conservation partners are                           of lesser long-nosed bats became evident              mortality in burned areas is generally
                                           implementing protective measures at                     in 2004, when a widespread failure of                 less than 10 percent (USFS 2015, pp.
                                           known roosts and newly discovered                       saguaro and organ pipe bloom occurred.                82–83; USFS 2013, pp. 10–11).
                                           roosts Outreach and education efforts                   The failure was first noted in Organ                  Contributing to this relatively low
                                           have been effective in increasing the                   Pipe Cactus National Monument, and                    mortality rate is the fact that most fires
                                           understanding of the general public, as                 such a failure had not been noted in the              burn in a mosaic, where portions of the
                                           well as conservation partners, with                     recorded history of the Monument                      area do not burn. Impacts of fire on
                                           regard to the need to prevent                           (Billings 2005). The failure extended                 agave as a food source for lesser long-
                                           disturbance at lesser long-nosed bat                    from Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife                  nosed bats may not be a significant
                                           roosts while the bats are present                       Refuge on the west to Tucson on the                   concern for the following reasons: Fire-
                                           (Service 2017, pp. 45–48). As discussed                 east, and south into central Sonora,                  caused mortality of agaves appears to be
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                                           further in Factor D below, we have                      Mexico. The large-scale loss of this                  low; alternative foraging areas typically
                                           determined that roost sites have and                    lesser long-nosed bat food resource was               occur within the foraging distance from
                                           will be protected to the extent that roost              somewhat offset by the fact that small                lesser long-nosed bat roosts; and most
                                           disturbance is no longer a sufficient                   numbers of both saguaro and organ pipe                agave concentrations occur on steep,
                                           threat to warrant protection under the                  flowers continued to bloom into August                rocky slopes with low fuel loads
                                           Act.                                                    and September. Such a failure would                   (Warren 1996). In addition, Johnson

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                                           (2001, pp. 35–36) reported that                         increase the potential for roost                      are being addressed in such a way that
                                           recruitment of new agaves occurred at                   disturbance. Impacts from urbanization                lesser long-nosed bat habitat is being
                                           higher rates in burned plots than in                    on lesser long-nosed bat habitat are of               enhanced and protected at a level that
                                           unburned plots, indicating that there                   concern because they tend to be                       has increased since the 1988 listing of
                                           may be an increased availability over                   permanent, long-term impacts, as                      this species. In particular, areas that
                                           time of agaves in areas that have burned,               opposed to the often temporary, shorter-              were vulnerable to threats have been
                                           if the return rate of fire is greater than              term impacts from fire, grazing, and                  protected or are now managed such that
                                           7 years. The effects of agave harvesting                agave harvesting. Lesser long-nosed bats              those threats have been reduced.
                                           are primarily limited to bootleggers,                   are often able to react to temporary                  Outreach and education have increased
                                           which is likely occurring at the same                   impacts by moving to alternative sites in             the understanding of what needs to be
                                           levels as when the species was listed in                the short-term. Various human                         done to protect lesser long-nosed bat
                                           1988; however, this is not considered                   activities, including recreation and                  habitat.
                                           significant, because it removes a                       caving, can result in impacts to lesser                  Beyond the regulatory requirements of
                                           relatively limited number of lesser long-               long-nosed bat roosts. As discussed                   the Act, our conservation partners have
                                           nosed bat forage plants. In addition,                   earlier, various land use plan and laws               implemented a number of past and
                                           increased outreach and education are                    regulate the access to sensitive sites                current conservation measures that to
                                           being provided to tequila producers in                  such as bat roosts. The implementation                benefit the bat (Service 2017, p. 46). The
                                           an effort to reduce the effects of agave                of these plans is not dependent on the                Blue Bird Mine on Cabeza Prieta
                                           harvesting on lesser long-nosed bats.                   regulatory protections of the Act.                    National Wildlife Refuge was fenced in
                                           These producers primarily farm agaves                   Additionally, post-delisting monitoring               2004 to protect a known lesser long-
                                           (as opposed to harvesting wild-growing                  will provide regular assessments of                   nosed bat maternity roost. Bats
                                           agaves) and are working with our                        lesser long-nosed bat roosts and allow                reoccupied this abandoned roost
                                           Mexican partners to leave agaves for                    us to respond with appropriate                        following the installation of this
                                           utilization by nectar-feeding bats.                     management to an indication of                        protective fencing. After the fence was
                                              Sufficient available forage resources                disturbance or vandalism. Past and                    vandalized and subsequently
                                           are located in appropriate areas,                       ongoing outreach and education has                    abandoned by lesser long-nosed bats in
                                           including in proximity to maternity                     been effective in raising public                      2005, the fence was repaired
                                           roosts and along the ‘‘nectar trail’’ used              awareness related to the conservation of              (McCasland 2005), and there has been
                                           during migration. The discussion above                  bats. The general public better                       no subsequent abandonment of this
                                           and the SSA report detail our analysis                  understands the needs and benefits of                 roost.
                                           and determination that forage resources                 bats in the environment. Continued                       Telemetry projects have identified a
                                           are adequate and that the lesser long-                  education and understanding will help                 number of new transition roosts. Roosts
                                           nosed bat is likely to adapt to any                     reduce the occurrence of bat roost                    on non-Federal lands support efforts to
                                           changes in forage availability in the                   disturbance and vandalism. Such efforts               promote the conservation of the lesser
                                           future (Service 2017; pp. 15–20).                       have been very effective, particularly in             long-nosed bat. The Arizona-Sonora
                                              While not currently a threat affecting               Mexico.                                               Desert Museum has conducted studies
                                           the viability of the lesser long-nosed bat                 There is no question that current                  on seasonal movements between lesser
                                           population, the potential for migration                 population numbers of lesser long-                    long-nosed bat roosts in Arizona, a
                                           corridors to be truncated or interrupted                nosed bats exceed the levels known and                migratory pollinator study, and roost
                                           is a concern. Significant gaps in the                   recorded at the time of listing in 1988.              monitoring in the United States and
                                           presence of important roosts and forage                 A number of publications have                         Mexico, and conducts educational
                                           species along migration routes would                    documented numbers of lesser long-                    activities related to bats (Krebbs 2005a).
                                           affect the population dynamics of this                  nosed bats throughout its range that far                 Investigations were initiated related to
                                           subspecies. While the lesser long-nosed                 exceed the numbers used in the listing                the distribution and use of
                                           bat continues to be faced with loss and                 analysis with an estimated increase                   hummingbird feeders by lesser long-
                                           modification of its habitat throughout its              from fewer than 1,000 bats to                         nosed bat in the Tucson area (Wolf
                                           range, primarily from urbanization and                  approximately 200,000 bats rangewide                  2006). This program has been continued
                                           catastrophic wildfires, the habitats used               (Fleming et al. 2003, pp. 64–65; Sidner               and expanded through a citizen scientist
                                           by this subspecies occur over an                        and Davis 1988, p. 494). Also, in                     program being coordinated by the
                                           extensive range that covers a wide                      general, the trend in overall numbers of              Service, Arizona Game and Fish
                                           diversity of vegetation and ecological                  lesser long-nosed bats estimated at roost             Department (AGFD), the Town of
                                           communities. These are habitat                          sites has been stable or increasing in                Marana, the University of Arizona, and
                                           characteristics that would not make this                both the United States and Mexico                     a system of volunteer citizen scientists
                                           subspecies intrinsically vulnerable with                (Medellı́n and Knoop 2013, p. 13;                     now number over 100. Information on
                                           regard to habitat limitations. That is to               Service 2017). Increased roost                        arrival and departure dates, peak use
                                           say, the wide variety of ecosystems that                occupancy and the positive trend in                   periods, and population characteristics
                                           this subspecies uses, over a relatively                 numbers of lesser long-nosed bats                     are being gathered to increase our
                                           expansive range, results in available                   occupying these roosts appear to be                   understanding of lesser long-nosed bat
                                           areas characterized by the asynchronous                 supported by adequate forage resources.               life history.
                                           flowering of forage resources making up                 The adaptability of the lesser long-nosed                A mine site on the Tohono O’odham
                                           the diet of the lesser long-nosed bat and               bat to changing forage conditions seems               Nation that supports a lesser long-nosed
                                           buffers this subspecies from potential                  to allow the lesser long-nosed bat to                 bat maternity colony has been
                                           loss or reduction of habitats as a result               sustain a positive population status                  structurally stabilized to maintain roost
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                                           of stochastic events, including climate                 under current environmental                           integrity (Wolf and Dalton 2005). The
                                           change, among others.                                   conditions.                                           exhaust fan was removed from the
                                              Lesser long-nosed bats are affected                     While some threats are ongoing with                historical Colossal Cave maternity roost
                                           directly by development that removes                    regard to lesser long-nosed bat habitat,              in an effort to get lesser long-nosed bat
                                           important foraging habitat, but also                    in general, we find that threats to this              to recolonize this roost; however, so far,
                                           indirectly as growing numbers of people                 species’ habitat have been reduced or                 no lesser long-nosed bats have

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                                           recolonized this cave (AGFD 2005,                       including in land use planning, reduced               observed preying on lesser long-nosed
                                           entire). More recently, in 2015, a gate                 non-target fatalities during rabies                   bats in Baja California Sur, Mexico
                                           blocking the entrance to the bat roost at               control, and public interest and                      (Frick 2017, pers. comm.). However, it
                                           Colossal Cave has been replaced by a                    ownership in bat conservation efforts                 is our professional judgement that at
                                           more bat-friendly gate.                                 such as the hummingbird feeder                        large aggregations, such as bat roosts,
                                              Educational programs occur at                        monitoring project.                                   predation is an insignificant impact on
                                           organized events such as Southwest                         In both the United States and Mexico,              the population. Therefore, we find that
                                           Wings Birding Festival. Other programs                  public education, in the form of radio                neither disease nor predation are
                                           are conducted as requested, but efforts                 and television spots, and educational                 currently or is likely in the future to
                                           are sporadic (AGFD 2005). In Mexico,                    materials have been implemented.                      affect the viability of the lesser long-
                                           bat biologists are working with                         Agencies now receive calls for                        nosed bat.
                                           elementary schools, providing ‘‘bat-                    assistance in nonlethal solutions to bat
                                           pollination’’ and other games for school                issues. Often, the general public may be              Factor D. The Inadequacy of Existing
                                           children who previously had known                       concerned about rabies or vampire bats,               Regulatory Mechanisms
                                           little about and had little concern for                 but outreach and education are                           The current listing of the lesser long-
                                           bats. This educational effort has been                  improving the understanding and                       nosed bat in the United States and the
                                           successful in passing along this                        knowledge of bats concerning these                    former listing of the bat in Mexico as an
                                           information to siblings and teachers are                issues. Vampire bat control is                        endangered species have provided this
                                           sharing the program (Medellı́n 2011;                    implemented in portions of the lesser                 species with some level of protection.
                                           p. 9).                                                  long-nosed bat range in Mexico. This                  Outside of laws generally protecting
                                              The Service and other agencies and                   control is necessary because of potential             wildlife and their habitats, no specific
                                           partner organizations are raising the                   impacts to humans and livestock,                      laws or regulations protect this species
                                           awareness of pollinators in general, and                including the transmission of rabies.                 in Mexico. As noted in Factor B above,
                                           bat pollinators specifically, through                   Such control can result in the                        rabies control activities have resulted in
                                           education and outreach efforts that                     indiscriminate killing of non-target bats,            the mortality of the lesser long-nosed
                                           include events across the United States                 including lesser long-nosed bats                      bats due to the lack of requirements to
                                           and in Mexico.                                          (Johnson et al. 2014; p. 1920–1922).                  properly identify the target species.
                                              Therefore, based on the analysis                     Because of the colonial roosting nature               However, increased education and
                                           completed in the SSA report (Service                    of lesser long-nosed bats, any roost lost             outreach is improving this situation in
                                           2017; pp. 54–61), we have determined                    or disturbed because of rabies control                Mexico, and incidents of nontarget
                                           that threats to the habitat of this species             activities can affect the lesser long-                fatalities during rabies control have
                                           are currently reduced and will continue                 nosed bat population. Mexico has                      been reduced. In the United States, State
                                           to be addressed in the foreseeable                      focused efforts to reduce the mortality of            laws and regulations provide some
                                           future, or are not as significant as                    non-target species in relation to vampire             additional level of protection. For
                                           previously thought.                                     bat control (see chapter 4 of the SSA                 example, Arizona State Law in Arizona
                                                                                                   Report (Service 2017).                                Revised Statute (ARS) Title 17 prohibits
                                           Factor B. Overutilization for
                                                                                                      In summary, we determine that the                  the taking of bats outside of a prescribed
                                           Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
                                                                                                   viability of the lesser long-nosed bat is             hunting season and, per Commission
                                           Educational Purposes
                                                                                                   not being significantly affected by                   Order 14, there is no open hunting
                                              Lesser long-nosed bats are not known                 threats from scientific research or public            season on bats, meaning it is always
                                           to be taken for commercial purposes,                    recreational activities.                              illegal to take them. Provisions for
                                           and scientific collecting is not known to                                                                     special licenses to take bats and other
                                           be a problem (Service 1988, p. 38459).                  Factor C. Disease or Predation                        restricted live wildlife are found in
                                           Caves and mines continue to attract                       Disease does not currently appear to                Arizona Game and Fish Commission
                                           recreational users interested in                        be a significant risk factor for the lesser           Rule 12, Article 4 and are administered
                                           exploring these features, but this threat               long-nosed bat. Emerging disease issues,              by the AGFD. However, this protection
                                           has probably not increased since the                    such as those associated with white-                  is for individual animals only, and does
                                           listing. For example, Pima County, in                   nose syndrome, may become more                        not apply to the loss or destruction of
                                           southeastern Arizona, is implementing                   significant; however our current                      habitat. However, the loss and
                                           mine closures on lands that they have                   scientific assessment indicates that                  destruction of habitat has been and will
                                           acquired for conservation purposes.                     white-nose syndrome will not affect this              be managed and adequate areas of
                                           Other land management agencies also                     non-hibernating species. Therefore,                   suitable habitat remain undeveloped
                                           carry out abandoned mine closures for                   because lesser long-nosed bats do not                 such that this lack of protection of
                                           public recreational safety purposes. A                  hibernate, we do not anticipate that                  habitat under State law does not result
                                           positive aspect of these mine closure                   white-nose syndrome will be a                         in a threat to the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           processes is that most agencies and                     significant risk factor for lesser long-              population.
                                           landowners now understand the value                     nosed bats (see chapter 4 of the SSA                     More than 75 percent of the range of
                                           of these features to bats and other                     Report (Service 2017).                                this species in the United States is on
                                           wildlife and are implementing measures                    Predation contributes to the mortality              federally managed lands and these
                                           to maintain those values while still                    of lesser long-nosed bats at roost sites.             federal agencies have guidelines and
                                           addressing public health and safety                     Likely predators include snakes,                      requirements in place to protect lesser
                                           concerns. The 1988 listing rule stated                  raccoons, skunks, ringtails, bobcats,                 long-nosed bats and their habitats,
                                           that bats were often killed by vandals                  coyotes, barn owls, great-horned owls,                particularly roost sites. As described
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                                           (Service 1988, p. 38459). However,                      and screech owls. Specifically, barn                  above, roosts on Federal lands benefit
                                           significant changes in the public                       owls have been observed preying on                    from monitoring by agency personnel
                                           perception of bats are occurring.                       lesser long-nosed bats at the maternity               and a law enforcement presence
                                           Educational efforts are making a                        roost at Organ Pipe Cactus National                   resulting in these roosts being exposed
                                           difference, as evidenced by decreased                   Monument for many years (Billings                     to fewer potential impacts than if the
                                           vandalism at roost sites, measures being                2005; p. 11) and snakes have been                     roosts occurred elsewhere. Gating of

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                                           roosts on Federal lands is being                        lesser long-nosed bat has demonstrated                cacti, but may also affect the blooming
                                           implemented and evaluated. If the lesser                adaptability to potential adverse                     phenology of those same species. They
                                           long-nosed bat is delisted, protection of               environmental conditions, such as                     also indicted that precipitation events
                                           their roost sites and forage resources                  changes in plant flowering phenology                  would likely become more intense and
                                           will continue on Federal lands because                  (see discussion under Factor E, below).               that we are more likely to see climate-
                                           agency land-use plans and general                          The Federal Cave Protection Act of                 related extremes such as heat waves,
                                           management plans contain objectives to                  1988 prohibits persons from activities                droughts, floods, wildfires, etc. (IPCC
                                           protect cave resources and restrict                     that ‘‘destroy, disturb, deface, mar, alter,          2014, p. 53).
                                           access to abandoned mines, both of                      remove, or harm any significant cave or                  The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
                                           which can be enforced by law                            alters free movement of any animal or                 produced a mapping tool that allows
                                           enforcement officers. In addition,                      plant life into or out of any significant             climate change projections to be
                                           guidelines in these plans for grazing,                  cave located on Federal lands, or enters              downscaled to local areas including
                                           recreation, off-road use, fire, etc., will              a significant cave with the intent of                 states, counties, and watershed units.
                                           continue to prevent or minimize                         committing any act described . . .’’                  We used this National Climate Change
                                           impacts to lesser long-nosed bat forage                 Arizona statute (ARS 13–3702) makes it                Viewer (USGS 2016) to compare past
                                           resources. The Coronado National                        a class 2 misdemeanor to ‘‘deface or                  and projected future climate conditions
                                           Forest’s 2017 Land and Resource                         damage petroglyphs, pictographs, caves,               for Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise
                                           Management Plan (LRMP) includes                         or caverns.’’ Activities covered under                counties, Arizona. The baseline for
                                           standards and guidelines to retain and                  ARS 13–3702 include ‘‘kill, harm, or                  comparison was the observed mean
                                           enhance areas with paniculate agaves in                 disturb plant or animal life found in any             values from 1950 through 2005, and 30
                                           order to benefit the lesser long-nosed                  cave or cavern, except for safety                     climate models were used to project
                                           bat. The Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife                reasons.’’ The above laws and                         future conditions for 2050 through 2074.
                                           Refuge Comprehensive Conservation                       regulations will continue to protect                  We selected the climate parameters of
                                           Plan has identified an objective to                     lesser long-nosed bats and their habitats             April maximum temperature and
                                           install additional measures to protect                  after delisting.                                      August and December mean
                                           the lesser long-nosed bat maternity roost                                                                     precipitation to evaluate potential
                                                                                                   Factor E. Other Natural or Manmade
                                           on the refuge. The Bureau of Land                                                                             effects on lesser long-nosed bat forage
                                                                                                   Factors Affecting Its Continued
                                           Management has forage plant                                                                                   resources. These particular parameters
                                           protections within the range of the                                                                           were selected from those available
                                                                                                      Ecosystems within the southwestern                 because they represented those most
                                           lesser long-nosed bat, including
                                                                                                   United States are thought to be                       likely to impact the survival and
                                           avoidance measures to protect agave                     particularly susceptible to climate
                                           and saguaros. Organ Pipe Cactus                                                                               flowering phenology of individual
                                                                                                   change and variability (Strittholt et al.             forage species.
                                           National Monument and Cabeza Prieta                     2012, pp. 104–152; Munson et al. 2012,                   Similar to the more general climate
                                           National Wildlife Refuge protect                        pp. 1–2; Archer and Predick 2008).                    change effects discussed above, the
                                           hundreds of square miles of areas                       Documented trends and model                           downscaled analysis also showed
                                           containing foraging plants for the bat                  projections most often show changes in                warming spring temperatures, which
                                           within its refuge boundaries. We are                    two variables: Temperature and                        could result in an early blooming period
                                           currently working with the Department                   precipitation. Recent warming in the                  for lesser long-nosed bat forage species
                                           of Defense facilities at Fort Huachuca                  southwest is among the most rapid in                  (USGS 2016). Precipitation changes
                                           and Barry M. Goldwater Range to                         the nation, significantly more than the               were evaluated for changes to monsoon
                                           include actions in their Integrated                     global average in some areas (Garfin et               and winter precipitation. In line with
                                           Natural Resources Management Plans to                   al. 2014, p. 463; Strittholt et al. 2012,             the general climate projections, changes
                                           continue with lesser long-nosed bat                     pp. 104–152; Munson et al. 2012, pp. 1–               during the evaluated time periods were
                                           conservation activities. On Fort                        2; Guido et al. 2009). Precipitation                  greater for winter precipitation than for
                                           Huachuca, for example, they are                         predictions have a larger degree of                   monsoon precipitation. Changes
                                           implementing an Agave Management                        uncertainty than predictions for                      projected for monsoon precipitation
                                           Plan that states that they will maintain                temperature, especially in the                        were minimal, but projected to be
                                           a self-sustaining populations of Agave                  Southwest (Sheppard et al. 2002), but                 reduced by approximately one inch per
                                           palmeri on Fort Huachuca to conserve                    indicate reduced winter precipitation                 100 days for winter precipitation (USGS
                                           the forage base of the lesser long-nosed                with more intense precipitation events                2016).
                                           bat and other species using agave.                      (Global Climate Change 2009, pp. 129–                    The best available information
                                              As described above, roosts on Federal                134; Archer and Predick 2008, p. 24).                 indicates that ongoing climate change
                                           lands benefit from monitoring by agency                 Further, some models predict dramatic                 will probably have some effect on lesser
                                           personnel, or access is granted for                     changes in Southwestern vegetation                    long-nosed bat forage resources. Such
                                           monitoring by other entities, and a law                 communities as a result of climate                    effects will occur as a result of changes
                                           enforcement presence resulting in these                 change (Garfin et al. 2014, p. 468;                   in the phenology (periodic biological
                                           roosts being exposed to fewer potential                 Munson et al. 2012, pp. 9–12; Archer                  phenomena, such as flowering, in
                                           impacts than they otherwise would be.                   and Predick 2008, p. 24). In the most                 relation to climatic conditions) and
                                           Gating of roosts on Federal lands is                    recent assessment of climate change                   distribution of lesser long-nosed bat’s
                                           being implemented and evaluated and,                    impacts by the Intergovernmental Panel                forage resources. How this affects the
                                           while the best design for such gates is                 on Climate Change (IPCC), the IPCC                    viability of the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           still being developed, these gates do                   indicated that there would be a decrease              population is not clear. There is much
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                                           provide long-term protection of the                     in the number of cold days and nights                 uncertainty and a lack of information
                                           sites. Further, outreach and education,                 and an increase in the number of warm                 regarding the effects of climate change
                                           particularly with regard to pollinator                  days and warm nights (IPCC 2014, p.                   and specific impacts to forage for this
                                           conservation, has increased and human                   53). This may would favor frost-                      subspecies. The biggest effect to the
                                           attitudes regarding bats are more                       intolerant lesser long-nosed bat forage               lesser long-nosed bat will occur if forage
                                           positive now than in the past; and the                  species like saguaro and organ pipe                   availability gets out of sync along the

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                                           ‘‘nectar trail’’ such that bats arrive at the           generally takes to document the                       highly unlikely (less than 10 percent
                                           portion of the range they need to meet                  effectiveness of various research,                    sure).
                                           life-history requirements (migration,                   monitoring, and management                               The SSA report concluded that it is
                                           mating, birthing) and there are                         approaches that have been or are                      unlikely that the worst-case scenario
                                           inadequate forage resources to support                  implemented related to lesser long-                   will actually occur. The worst case
                                           that activity. If the timing of forage                  nosed bat conservation. Therefore, the                scenario describes a drastic increase in
                                           availability changes, but changes                       15-year timeframe is a reasonable period              negative public attitudes towards bats
                                           consistently in a way that maintains the                of time within which we can predict                   and lesser long-nosed bat conservation,
                                           nectar trail, this subspecies is expected               outcomes of these activities in relation              a greater influence from white-nose
                                           to adapt to those timing changes as                     to the viability of the lesser long-nosed             syndrome, and the worst possible effects
                                           stated above (see chapter 4 of the SSA                  bat population. The 50-year timeframe                 from climate change. Based on our
                                           Report (Service 2017). For example, as                  is related primarily to the ability of                experience and the past and ongoing
                                           noted earlier, the resiliency of lesser                 various climate change models to                      actions of the public and the
                                           long-nosed bats became evident in 2004,                                                                       commitment of management agencies in
                                                                                                   reasonably and consistently predict or
                                           when a widespread failure of saguaro                                                                          their land-use planning documents to
                                                                                                   assess likely affects to lesser long-nosed
                                           and organ pipe bloom occurred and                                                                             address lesser long-nosed bat
                                                                                                   bats and their forage resources. For each
                                           lesser long-nosed bats were still,                                                                            conservation issues, both now and in
                                                                                                   of these timeframes, we evaluated three               the future in both the United States and
                                           ultimately, able to subsist and raise
                                                                                                   future scenarios, a best-case scenario, a             Mexico, such drastic impacts are
                                           young in southwestern Arizona in this
                                                                                                   moderate-case scenario, and a worst-                  unlikely to occur (10 to 30 percent sure
                                           atypical year. It is likely they did so by
                                           feeding more heavily on agaves (evident                 case scenario with respect to the extent              this scenario will occur). In fact, for the
                                           by agave pollen found on captured                       and degree to which threats will affect               conditions outlined in the worst-case
                                           lesser long-nosed bats) than they                       the future viability of the lesser long-              scenario, we find that certainty of the
                                           typically do (see additional discussion                 nosed bat population. We also                         worst-case scenario occurring is closer
                                           under Factor A above). Although we are                  determined how likely it would be that                to 10 percent than to 30 percent sure
                                           still not sure to what extent the                       each of these three scenarios would                   that this scenario would actually occur
                                           environmental conductions described in                  actually occur. The SSA report details                based on the commitment to
                                           climate change predictions will affect                  these scenarios and our analysis of the               conservation of this species and the
                                           lesser long-nosed bat forage resource                   effects of these scenarios, over the two              adaptability of the lesser long-nosed bat.
                                           distribution and phenology, we have                     timeframes, on redundancy, resiliency,                   Subsequent to the publication of the
                                           documented that lesser long-nosed bats                  and representation of the lesser long-                proposed delisting rule for the lesser
                                           have the ability to change their foraging               nosed bat population.                                 long-nosed bat (82 FR 1665, January 6,
                                           patterns and food sources in response to                   During our decision-making process,                2017), we have been in communication
                                           a unique situation (Billings 2005; pp. 3–               we evaluated our level of comfort                     with our public and agency
                                           4), providing evidence that this species                making predictions at each of the two                 conservation partners to determine the
                                           is more resourceful and resilient than                  timeframes. Ultimately, while the SSA                 extent of their participation in the post-
                                           may have been previously thought. We                    report evaluates both timeframes, the                 delisting monitoring of the lesser long-
                                           find that the lesser long-nosed bat is                  decision-makers could not reasonably                  nosed bat. Conservation partners will
                                           characterized by flexible and adaptive                  rely on predictions of the future                     continue to implement management
                                           behaviors that will allow it to remain                                                                        plans, such as the Forest Service’s
                                                                                                   viability of the lesser long-nosed bat out
                                           viable under changing climatic                                                                                LRMPs, Bureau of Land Management’s
                                                                                                   to 50 years due to the uncertainty of
                                           conditions.                                                                                                   Resource Management Plans,
                                                                                                   climate change models and the
                                                                                                                                                         Department of Defense’s Integrated
                                           Species Future Conditions and Viability                 difficulty of predicting what will
                                                                                                                                                         Natural Resources Management Plan
                                              We evaluated overall viability of the                happen in Mexico where the majority of
                                                                                                                                                         that will result in continued
                                           lesser long-nosed bat in the SSA report                 this species’ habitat occurs, but where               coordination and implementation of
                                           (Service 2017) in the context of                        we have less information with regard to               existing and future conservation actions
                                           resiliency, redundancy, and                             the threats affecting the lesser long-                related to the lesser long-nosed bat as
                                           representation. Species viability, or the               nosed bats. In the SSA report, all three              appropriate and as resources are
                                           ability to survive long term, is related to             scenarios were evaluated over both time               available. Such ongoing commitment to
                                           the species’ ability to withstand                       frames (Service 2017, pp. 52–56). The                 lesser long-nosed bat conservation has
                                           catastrophic population and species-                    evaluation results of future viability in             already been seen subsequent to the
                                           level events (redundancy); the ability to               the SSA report were identical for both                delisting of this bat in Mexico and our
                                           adapt to changing environmental                         timeframes (high viability), except in                experience has been that it will also
                                           conditions (representation); and the                    the worst-case scenario where, unlike                 continue in the United States after
                                           ability to withstand disturbances of                    the moderate- and best-case scenarios,                delisting.
                                           varying magnitude and duration                          the viability was moderate for the 15-                   Our SSA evaluated the current status
                                           (resiliency). The viability of this species             year timeframe and low for the 50-year                of the population in relation to the
                                           is also dependent on the likelihood of                  timeframe. For each future scenario, we               population’s resiliency, redundancy,
                                           new threats or risk factors or the                      describe how confident we are that that               and representation (Service 2017; pp. 3–
                                           continuation of existing threats now and                particular scenario will occur. This                  4). Resiliency addresses the
                                           in the future that act to reduce a species’             confidence is based on the following                  population’s health and ability to
                                           redundancy, resiliency, and                             confidence categories: Highly likely                  withstand stochastic events (numbers of
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                                           representation.                                         (greater than 90 percent sure of the                  individuals and population trajectory).
                                              As described in the SSA report, we                   scenario occurring); moderately likely                Redundancy addresses the population’s
                                           evaluated the viability of the lesser long-             (70 to 90 percent sure); somewhat likely              ability to withstand catastrophic events
                                           nosed bat population at two timeframes,                 (50 to 70 percent sure); moderately                   (number and distribution of population
                                           15 years and 50 years. The 15-year                      unlikely (30 to 50 percent sure);                     segments). Representation addresses
                                           timeframe represents the time it                        unlikely (10 to 30 percent sure); and                 diversity within the population (genetic

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                                           and habitat variation). We also                         habitat provides high representation                  are reasonably likely to affect the
                                           evaluated future scenarios to assess the                across the range (see chapter 5 of the                species in the foreseeable future. We
                                           future viability of the populations in the              SSA Report (Service 2017).                            may delist a species according to 50
                                           foreseeable future. Although the worst-                    The future viability of this subspecies            CFR 424.11(d) if the best available
                                           case scenario was evaluated in the SSA                  is dependent on a number of factors.                  scientific and commercial data indicate
                                           report, because we found that it was                    First, an adequate number of roosts in                that the species is neither endangered or
                                           unlikely to actually occur, the focus of                the appropriate locations is needed. As               threatened for the following reasons: (1)
                                           our consideration was on the scenarios                  detailed in the SSA report, adequate                  The species is extinct; (2) the species
                                           that had the greatest likelihood of                     roosts of all types (maternity, mating,               has recovered and is no longer
                                           occurring, the best- and moderate-case                  transition, and migratory) currently                  endangered or threatened; and/or (3) the
                                           scenarios, where redundancy,                            exist and are likely to exist into the                original scientific data used at the time
                                           resiliency, and representation remain                   foreseeable future (Service 2017; pp. 8–              the species was classified were in error.
                                           high regardless of the timeframe or                     14). Second, sufficient available forage
                                                                                                   resources are located in appropriate                  Lesser Long-Nosed Bat Determination of
                                           scenario considered. Under the current                                                                        Status Throughout All of its Range
                                           condition for the lesser long-nosed bat,                areas, including in proximity to
                                                                                                   maternity roosts and along the ‘‘nectar                  The total numbers of lesser long-
                                           as well as in both the best-case
                                                                                                   trail’’ used during migration. The                    nosed bats across its range are stable or
                                           (somewhat likely to occur) and
                                                                                                   discussion above and the SSA report                   increasing at nearly all roost sites being
                                           moderate-case (moderately likely to
                                                                                                   detail our analysis and determination                 monitored based on the professional
                                           occur) future scenarios, redundancy,
                                                                                                   that forage resources are adequate and                judgment of biologists and others
                                           resiliency, and representation of the                                                                         involved in these efforts. While we
                                                                                                   that the lesser long-nosed bat is likely to
                                           lesser long-nosed bat population remain                                                                       acknowledge that the data we have does
                                                                                                   adapt to any changes in forage
                                           high and the viability of the subspecies                                                                      not allow us to draw statistically
                                                                                                   availability in the future (Service 2017;
                                           is maintained (Service 2017, pp. 64–66).                                                                      defensible population trend
                                                                                                   pp. 15–20). In addition, the SSA report
                                           Current and future viability is based on                                                                      conclusions, the total number of bats
                                                                                                   analyses the contribution of current and
                                           the following findings of the high                                                                            currently documented is many times
                                                                                                   future management of threats to the
                                           resiliency, redundancy, and                                                                                   greater than the total number of bats
                                                                                                   subspecies’ long-term viability. The
                                           representation. Multiple occupied roost                                                                       documented at the time of listing in
                                                                                                   future viability of the lesser long-nosed
                                           sites occur within both the resident and                bat will also depend on continued                     1988. At the time of listing, fewer than
                                           migratory segments of the population.                   positive human attitudes towards the                  500 lesser long-nosed bats were
                                           The numbers of bats at these roost sites                conservation of bats, implementation of               estimated to remain in the United
                                           have been characterized as stable or                    conservation actions protecting roost                 States; current estimates are greater than
                                           increasing. Lesser long-nosed bat                       sites and forage and migration                        100,000 bats. At the time of listing, the
                                           numbers have been documented as                         resources, and implementation of                      estimated rangewide population was
                                           increasing from approximately 1,000                     needed research and monitoring to                     fewer than 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats.
                                           rangewide at the time of listing to                     inform adaptive management as                         Current range-wide estimates are
                                           approximately 200,000 currently. This                   discussed above and in our SSA report.                approximately 200,000 lesser long-
                                           includes stable and increasing numbers                                                                        nosed bats. While this may, in large
                                           of bats at all roost types—maternity,                   Determination                                         part, reflect a better approach to survey
                                           late-summer transition, and mating                         Section 4 of the Act and its                       and monitoring in subsequent years, it
                                           roosts. Redundancy is high because                      implementing regulations, 50 CFR part                 changes our view of the danger of
                                           there are multiple roost sites of each                  424, set forth the procedures for listing,            extinction of the species and gives us
                                           type of roost in both the migratory and                 reclassifying, or removing species from               better information upon which to
                                           non-migratory segments of the                           the Federal Lists of Endangered and                   evaluate the status of the lesser long-
                                           population. Lesser long-nosed bats have                 Threatened Wildlife and Plants.                       nosed bat population.
                                           shown the ability to move among roost                   ‘‘Species’’ is defined by the Act as                     This better information is related to
                                           sites based on ephemeral forage                         including any species or subspecies of                the species’ population size, the number
                                           availability allowing the bats to adapt to              fish or wildlife or plants, and any                   of roosts, and its distribution. In
                                           the ever-changing availability of forage                distinct vertebrate population segment                addition, there have been increased
                                           resources. Ramirez (2011, entire)                       of fish or wildlife that interbreeds when             efforts related to habitat protection
                                           investigated population structure of the                mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). Once the                 (identification of roost sites and forage
                                           lesser long-nosed bat through DNA                       ‘‘species’’ is determined, we then                    resources in planning efforts,
                                           sampling and analysis and reported that                 evaluate whether that species may be                  implementation of protective measures
                                           combined results indicated sampled                      endangered or threatened because of                   for roosts and forage resources,
                                           individuals belong to single population                 one or more of the five factors described             increased awareness of habitat needs,
                                           including both the United States and                    in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. We must                etc.) and additional efforts for habitat
                                           Mexico. Consequently, individuals                       consider these same five factors in                   protection are planned to be
                                           found in the northern migratory range                   reclassifying or delisting a species. The             implemented in the future, regardless of
                                           (United States) and in Mexico should be                 Act defines an ‘‘endangered species’’ as              the listing status of this subspecies.
                                           managed as a single population.                         a species that is ‘‘in danger of extinction           Threats identified at the time of listing
                                           Because the lesser long-nosed bats in                   throughout all or a significant portion of            are not as significant as thought or have
                                           both the United States and Mexico are                   its range,’’ and a ‘‘threatened species’’ as          been addressed to such an extent that
                                           considered a single population, there is                a species that is ‘‘likely to become an               they no longer threaten the lesser long-
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                                           little overall genetic variation. However,              endangered species within the                         nosed bat population, now or in the
                                           because of the large range and migratory                foreseeable future throughout all or a                future. For example, effects to agaves, a
                                           nature of this species, the lesser long-                significant portion of its range.’’ The               key lesser long-nosed bat forage
                                           nosed bat occupies a tremendous variety                 analysis of threats must include an                   resource, from prescribed burning and
                                           of vegetation communities and habitat                   evaluation of both the threats currently              livestock grazing is not a significant
                                           types. This overall high diversity of                   facing the species and the threats that               impact to lesser long-nosed bat forage

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                                           availability (FWS 2016; p. 33–35).                      vacated by the court in this decision.                that a species is in danger of extinction
                                           Vandalism and human disturbance has                     Pursuant to the Act, a species may                    in a significant portion of its range is
                                           been reduced at roost sites due to                      warrant listing if it is in danger of                 whether the threats are geographically
                                           actions implemented by land                             extinction or likely to become so                     concentrated in some way. If the threats
                                           management and border management                        throughout all or a significant portion of            to the species are affecting it uniformly
                                           agencies, including the use of fencing                  its range. We interpret the phrase                    throughout its range, no portion is likely
                                           and gates and land use planning (FWS                    ‘‘significant portion of its range’’ in the           to have a greater risk of extinction, and
                                           2016; pp. 28–32). Forage resource                       Act’s definitions of ‘‘endangered                     thus would not warrant further
                                           impacts from agave harvesting for                       species’’ and ‘‘threatened species’’ to               consideration. Moreover, if any
                                           tequila production and non-target                       provide an independent basis for listing              concentration of threats apply only to
                                           impacts to lesser long-nosed bats from                  a species in its entirety; thus there are             portions of the range that clearly do not
                                           vampire bat control in Mexico have both                 two situations (or factual bases) under               meet the biologically based definition of
                                           been reduced due to ongoing outreach                    which a species would qualify for                     ‘‘significant’’ (i.e., the loss of that
                                           and education (FWS 2016, p. 32 and                      listing: A species may be in danger of                portion clearly would not be expected to
                                           38). Public support for bats has                        extinction or likely to become so in the              increase the vulnerability to extinction
                                           increased with ongoing education and                    foreseeable future throughout all of its              of the entire species), those portions
                                           outreach and this has resulted in the                   range; or a species may be in danger of               would not warrant further
                                           public being more supportive of actions                 extinction or likely to become so                     consideration.
                                           taken to reduce threats to bats including               throughout a significant portion of its                  We identified portions of the lesser
                                           the protection of roosts and forage                     range. If a species is in danger of                   long-nosed bat’s range that may be
                                           resources (FWS 2016; pp. 45–46). This                   extinction throughout a significant                   significant, and examined whether any
                                           increased level of information related to               portion of its range, the species, is an              threats are geographically concentrated
                                           population, roosts, and distribution,                   ‘‘endangered species.’’ The same                      in some way that would indicate that
                                           along with ongoing conservation efforts,                analysis applies to ‘‘threatened species.’’           those portions of the range may be in
                                           combined with the current state of its                  Having determined that the lesser long-               danger of extinction, or likely to become
                                           threats, allow us to conclude that the                  nosed bat is not endangered or                        so in the foreseeable future. Within the
                                           subspecies is not in danger of extinction               threatened throughout all of its range,               current range of the lesser long-nosed
                                           and is not expected to become                           we next consider whether there are any                bat, some distinctions can be made
                                           endangered in the foreseeable future.                   significant portions of its range in which            between Mexico and the United States,
                                           Our thorough evaluation of the available                the lesser long-nosed bat is in danger of             such as the presence of an international
                                           data for occupancy, distribution, and                   extinction or likely to become so.                    border with associated differences in
                                           threat factors, as well as the opinions of                                                                    laws and culture, areas of different
                                                                                                      The procedure for analyzing whether                vegetation communities, areas of
                                           experts familiar with this subspecies,
                                                                                                   any portion is a SPR is similar,                      different management approaches, etc.
                                           indicates a currently viable population
                                                                                                   regardless of the type of status                      However, we have not found that any of
                                           status with a stable to increasing trend.
                                             In the case of the lesser long-nosed                  determination we are making. When we                  these geographic distinctions are
                                           bat, we have determined that, while the                 conduct a SPR analysis, we first identify             characterized as areas where threats are
                                           above threats may be affecting                          any portions of the species’ range that               concentrated. Therefore, our analysis
                                           individuals or specific sites or areas                  warrant further consideration. The range              indicates that the species is unlikely to
                                           within the range of the lesser long-nosed               of a species can theoretically be divided             be in danger of extinction or to become
                                           bat, they do not represent significant                  into portions in an infinite number of                so in the foreseeable future in any
                                           threats to the overall population of the                ways. However, there is no purpose in                 geographic region within the range of
                                           lesser long-nosed bat. Therefore, after                 analyzing portions of the range that                  the lesser long-nosed bat. The primary
                                           assessing the best available information,               have no reasonable potential to be                    driver of the status of the species
                                           we conclude that the lesser-long nosed                  significant or in analyzing portions of               continues to be roost site disturbance or
                                           bat has recovered and no longer meets                   the range in which there is no                        loss. This and other factors affecting the
                                           the definition of endangered or                         reasonable potential for the species to be            viability of the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           threatened under the Act. We conclude                   endangered or threatened. To identify                 population as discussed above occur
                                           that the lesser long-nosed bat is not in                only those portions that warrant further              throughout the range of the bat. We have
                                           danger of extinction throughout all of its              consideration, we determine whether                   found no areas where the threats are
                                           range and we also find that the lesser                  substantial information indicates that:               concentrated in any geographic region.
                                           long-nosed bat is not likely to be in                   (1) The portions may be ‘‘significant’’;              Therefore, we have not identified any
                                           danger of extinction throughout all of its              and (2) the species may be in danger of               portion of the range that warrants
                                           range in the foreseeable future.                        extinction there or likely to become so               further consideration to determine
                                                                                                   within the foreseeable future.                        whether they are a significant portion of
                                           Lesser Long-Nosed Bat Determination of                  Depending on the biology of the species,              its range.
                                           Status in Significant Portion of its Range              its range, and the threats it faces, it                  We also evaluated representation
                                              On July 1, 2014, we published a final                might be more efficient for us to address             across the lesser long-nosed bat’s range
                                           policy interpreting the phrase                          the significance question first or the                to determine if certain areas were in
                                           ‘‘significant portion of its range’’ (SPR)              status question first. Thus, if we                    danger of extinction, or likely to become
                                           (79 FR 37578) (SPR Policy). Aspects of                  determine that a portion of the range is              so, due to isolation from the larger
                                           that policy were vacated for species that               not ‘‘significant,’’ we do not need to                range. Ramirez (2011, entire)
                                           occur in Arizona by the United States                   determine whether the species is                      investigated population structure of the
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                                           District Court for the District of Arizona.             endangered or threatened there; if we                 lesser long-nosed bat through DNA
                                           Center for Biological Diversity v. Jewell,              determine that the species is not                     sampling and analysis and reported that
                                           No. CV–14–02506–TUC–RM (D. AZ.                          endangered or threatened in a portion of              combined results indicated sampled
                                           Mar. 29, 2017). Because this species                    its range, we do not need to determine                individuals belong to single population
                                           occurs in Arizona, we are not relying on                if that portion is ‘‘significant.’’ In                including both the United States and
                                           the portions of the SPR policy that were                practice, a key part of the determination             Mexico. Consequently, individuals

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                                           found in the northern migratory range                   Future Conservation Measures                             In accordance with our peer review
                                           (United States) and in Mexico should be                   Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires the             policy, which was published July 1,
                                           managed as a single population.                         Secretary of the Interior, through the                1994 (59 FR 34270), we solicited expert
                                           Additionally, the species’ population                   Service and in cooperation with the                   opinion on the SS) from which the
                                           has increased from an estimated 1,000                   States, to implement a system to                      proposed delisting rule was developed.
                                           lesser long-nosed bats rangewide at the                                                                       Specifically, we solicited peer review
                                                                                                   monitor, for not less than 5 years, all
                                           time of listing to over 200,000 currently.                                                                    from six knowledgeable, independent
                                                                                                   species that have been recovered and
                                                                                                                                                         individuals with scientific expertise and
                                              Our analysis indicates that there is no              delisted. The purpose of this
                                                                                                                                                         background related to bats in general
                                           geographic portion of the range that is                 requirement is to develop a program
                                                                                                                                                         and to lesser long-nosed bats
                                           in danger of extinction or likely to                    that detects the failure of any delisted
                                                                                                                                                         specifically. We received responses
                                           become so in the foreseeable future.                    species to sustain populations without
                                                                                                                                                         from two of the invited peer reviewers.
                                           Therefore, based on the best scientific                 the protective measures provided by the
                                                                                                                                                         Editorial and clarifying comments, as
                                           and commercial data available, no                       Act. If, at any time during the
                                                                                                                                                         well as additional data and supporting
                                           portion warrants further consideration                  monitoring period, data indicate that
                                                                                                                                                         citations, have been incorporated into
                                           to determine whether the species may                    protective status under the Act should                this final delisting rule and the SSA.
                                           be endangered or threatened in a                        be reinstated, we can initiate listing                   We reviewed all comments received
                                           significant portion of its range.                       procedures, including, if appropriate,                from the peer reviewers and the State
                                              We have determined that none of the                  emergency listing.                                    agencies for substantive issues and new
                                           existing or potential threats cause the                   To fulfill the post-delisting                       information regarding the delisting of
                                           lesser long-nosed bat to be in danger of                monitoring requirement, we developed                  the lesser long-nosed bat. These
                                           extinction throughout all or a significant              a draft post-delisting monitoring plan                comments are addressed below.
                                           portion of its range, nor is the                        for the lesser long-nosed bat in                         Comment (1): Both the NMGFD and
                                           subspecies likely to become endangered                  coordination with the State wildlife                  the AGFD are supportive of the
                                                                                                   agencies from Arizona and New Mexico.                 proposed rule and indicated that both
                                           within the foreseeable future throughout
                                                                                                   We will be publishing a notice of the                 the proposed rule and the Service’s SSA
                                           all or a significant portion of its range.
                                                                                                   availability of the draft post-delisting              provide sufficient justification for the
                                           We may delist a species according to 50
                                                                                                   monitoring plan for comment shortly.                  removal of the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           CFR 424.11(d) if the best available
                                                                                                   We will continue to coordinate with                   from the List of Endangered and
                                           scientific and commercial data indicate
                                                                                                   other Federal agencies, State resource                Threatened Wildlife. The AGFD
                                           that: (1) The species is extinct; (2) the
                                                                                                   agencies, interested scientific                       reiterated supporting data and stated
                                           species has recovered and is no longer
                                                                                                   organizations, and others as appropriate              that they ‘‘look forward to our
                                           endangered or threatened; or (3) the
                                                                                                   to implement an effective post-delisting              continued collaboration in developing
                                           original scientific data used at the time
                                                                                                   monitoring plan for the lesser long-                  an adequate post-delisting monitoring
                                           the species was classified were in error.
                                                                                                   nosed bat.                                            plan and implementing those
                                           On the basis of our evaluation, we
                                           conclude that, due to recovery, the                     Summary of Comments and                               techniques that ensure the status of the
                                           lesser long-nosed bat is not an                         Recommendations                                       lesser long-nosed bat continues to
                                           endangered or threatened species. We                                                                          improve once removed from the
                                                                                                     In the proposed rule published on                   regulatory protections of the
                                           therefore remove the lesser long-nosed                  January 6, 2017 (82 FR 1665) in the
                                           bat from the Federal List of Endangered                                                                       Endangered Species Act.’’ The NMGFD
                                                                                                   Federal Register, we requested that all               provided clarifying information and
                                           and Threatened Wildlife at 50 CFR                       interested parties submit written                     suggestions, which have been
                                           17.11(h).                                               comments on the proposal by March 7,                  incorporated in the SSA and the final
                                           Effects of the Rule                                     2017. We also contacted appropriate                   delisting rule.
                                                                                                   Federal and State agencies, Tribal                       Our Response: We appreciate the
                                              This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h)              entities, scientific experts and                      NMGFD and the AGFD’s support and
                                           by removing the lesser long-nosed bat                   organizations, and other interested                   continued commitment to the
                                           from the Federal List of Endangered and                 parties and invited them to comment on                conservation of the lesser long-nosed
                                           Threatened Wildlife. The prohibitions                   the proposal. We did not receive any                  bat. We also look forward to working
                                           and conservation measures provided by                   requests for a public hearing.                        with both of these State agencies on
                                           the Act, particularly through sections 7                                                                      post-delisting monitoring and adaptive
                                           and 9, no longer apply to this                          State and Peer Review Comments
                                                                                                                                                         management, if necessary, of the lesser
                                           subspecies. Federal agencies are no                       Section 4(b)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act states            long-nosed bat.
                                           longer required to consult with the                     that the Secretary must give actual                      Comment (2): The AGFD commented
                                           Service under section 7 of the Act in the               notice of a proposed regulation under                 on the issue of substantially reduced
                                           event that activities they authorize,                   section 4(a) to the State agency in each              numbers at a major lesser long-nosed bat
                                           fund, or carry out may affect the lesser                state in which the species is believed to             maternity roost in 2017 and what that
                                           long-nosed bat. Because no critical                     occur, and invite the comments of such                might mean for our proposed delisting
                                           habitat was ever designated for the                     agency. Section 4(i) of the Act directs               of this species.
                                           lesser long-nosed bat, this rule would                  that the Secretary will submit to the                    Our Response: As described above,
                                           not affect 50 CFR 17.95. State laws                     State agency a written justification for              the largest known maternity roost for
                                           related to the lesser long-nosed bat will               his or her failure to adopt regulations               the lesser long-nosed bat experienced an
                                           remain in place. State and Federal laws                 consistent with the agency’s comments                 86 percent decline between 2016 and
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                                           related to protection of habitat for the                or petition. The Service submitted the                2017. We do not have a complete
                                           lesser long-nosed bat, such as those                    proposed regulation to both the AGFD                  understanding of what caused the
                                           addressing effects to caves and                         and the New Mexico Department of                      fatality event in 2017 and what that
                                           abandoned mines, as well as protected                   Game and Fish (NMGFD). We received                    ultimately means for the lesser long-
                                           plant species such as columnar cacti                    comments supporting the proposed rule                 nosed bat population. The decline was
                                           and agaves, will remain in place.                       from both agencies.                                   likely due to mortality, but it could be

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                                           the result of migrating females using                   not appear to be as significant as                    organizations. Of these, six provided
                                           other roosts in the area or resource                    described at the time this species was                substantial comments which we address
                                           conditions in Mexico resulted in fewer                  listed as an endangered species. In the               below.
                                           bats migrating northward. We do not                     SSA and this final delisting rule, we                    Comment (6): Several commenters
                                           know if this decline represents a                       discuss the apparent flexibility and                  would support the Service in
                                           permanent loss of these bats. We will                   adaptability of the lesser long-nosed bat             downlisting the lesser long-nosed bat to
                                           work with our partners in Mexico and                    with regard to changes in forage                      a threatened species, but do not support
                                           the United States to increase the                       availability. We acknowledge that the                 delisting.
                                           monitoring effort at this roost, as well as             opportunity to observe this adaptability                 Our Response: We assessed the status
                                           consider roost counts at other maternity                has been limited and may not represent                of the species based on the best
                                           roosts in the region, and gather                        future long-term changes in forage                    available scientific and commercial
                                           information on resource conditions in                   availability; however, it provides                    information, and included expert input
                                           both the United States and Mexico. This                 evidence of the ability of this species to            and review. Mexico completed a similar
                                           will provide information needed to                      maintain viability during local or                    process in 2013 where they evaluated
                                           better understand what the causes and                   seasonal changes in forage availability.              the current status of the lesser long-
                                           implications of the events of 2016 and                  We have determined that, while threats                nosed bat in Mexico. The result of that
                                           2017 are and what, if any, ramifications                to forage availability may be affecting               analysis was the removal of the lesser
                                           this has on the viability of the lesser                 individuals or specific sites or areas                long-nosed bat from Mexico’s version of
                                           long-nosed bat population. This roost is                within the range of the lesser long-nosed             the endangered species list. We
                                           included in our draft post-delisting                    bat, they do not represent significant                considered that determination when
                                           monitoring plan, so we will continue to                 threats to the overall population of the              evaluating the range-wide status of the
                                           monitor and evaluate this roost for the                 lesser long-nosed bat.                                lesser long-nosed bat. We analyzed the
                                           next 15 years and implement adaptive                       Overall, the threats to foraging areas             information within the SSA and
                                           management actions as appropriate.                      have been reduced since the species was               determined that the lesser long-nosed
                                              Despite this decline, significantly                  listed under the Act. Foraging habitat                bat does not meet the definition of
                                           more lesser long-nosed bats remain than                 for the species is primarily on public                endangered nor does it meet the
                                           when we listed the species, and the                     lands and is managed and conserved                    definition of a threatened species,
                                           threats are not as significant as we                    through inclusion in resource                         because the future scenario’s analysis
                                           concluded at the time of listing. When                  management plans as noted in Factor D                 indicate that the lesser long-nosed bat
                                           looking at the overall data from the past               above. Thus, land use plans, State                    will retain its viability into the
                                           20 years and applying our best                          regulatory mechanisms, and ongoing                    foreseeable future due to high
                                           professional judgment, we find that the                 conservation measures support                         resiliency, redundancy, and
                                           overall lesser long-nosed bat population                increased conservation efforts for the                representation. In addition, the
                                           trend is positive, a conclusion that our                lesser long-nosed bat habitat and forage              population is stable or increasing,
                                           conservation partners in Mexico also                    resources in the United States.                       threats are not as significant as
                                           relied upon when they delisted the                         Comment (4): One peer reviewer                     previously believed or have been
                                           lesser long-nosed bat in 2013.                          suggested that we attempt to get better               alleviated through management, and
                                           Consequently, stable and increasing                     documentation related to the                          conservation actions continue to be
                                           numbers of lesser long-nosed bats, in                   consistency and quality of data used to               implemented. Therefore, the lesser long-
                                           conjunction with the various analyses                   evaluate and describe the status of the               nosed bat is not in danger of extinction
                                           included in our SSA have led us to                      lesser long-nosed bat in Mexico.                      now or within the foreseeable future.
                                           conclude that the lesser long-nosed bat                    Our Response: We are committed to                  We have determined that the lesser-long
                                           no longer meets the definition of                       ongoing communication and                             nosed bat has recovered and no longer
                                           threatened or endangered under the                      coordination with our Mexican                         meets the definition of endangered or
                                           Endangered Species Act.                                 conservation partners. The draft post-                threatened under the Act.
                                              Comment (3): One peer reviewer                       delisting monitoring plan includes the                   Comment (7): Several commenters
                                           expressed concern that habitat loss and                 use of available information on the                   requested that the Service explain the
                                           climate change could create a                           status of the lesser long-nosed bat in                rationale it used to estimate the current
                                           catastrophic effect on resource                         Mexico to ensure that we consider the                 population of the species. One
                                           availability in the southwestern United                 entire range of the species in assessing              commenter stated that the estimate
                                           States. The reviewer also believed that                 its status absent the protections of the              regarding post-maternity population
                                           food items are lacking along the                        Act. We consider the information we                   size in the proposed rule is not a
                                           migration route in the United States.                   used during development of the SSA                    defendable number.
                                           Thus, the reviewer believed that the                    and the final delisting rule related to the              Our Response: Counts of bats at
                                           species should not be delisted at this                  2013 delisting of the lesser long-nosed               nearly every known lesser long-nosed
                                           time.                                                   bat in Mexico, in conjunction with other              bat roost have occurred at least to some
                                              Our Response: We reviewed the best                   data from Mexico provided during our                  extent over the past 20 years in both the
                                           scientific and commercial information                   SSA process, to be the best available                 United States and Mexico. We cannot
                                           available when conducting the threats                   scientific information at this time. We               generate statistically rigorous
                                           analysis. We acknowledge that climate                   will work with our partners on both                   population numbers or trend from these
                                           change is likely to affect forage                       sides of the U.S.-Mexico border to                    counts because limited resources has
                                           availability in the future, both in Mexico              update and improve the information                    meant that roost counts do not always
                                           and the United States. However, we                      regarding the status of the lesser long-              occur annually and, with the exception
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                                           cannot predict at this time specifically                nosed bat in Mexico.                                  of a few sites, very rarely have multiple
                                           how forage resources will be affected,                                                                        counts per year been completed.
                                           and how lesser long-nosed bats are                      Public Comments                                       However, these counts have generally
                                           likely to respond to these changes. Loss                  During the public comment period for                occurred multiple times over the past 20
                                           of lesser long-nosed bat habitat and                    the proposed rule, we received                        years and they represent information
                                           forage resources are a threat that does                 comments from 19 individuals or                       that can be used to assess the status of

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                                           the population. To do this, we relied                   species. While numbers fluctuate both                 number of known roosts throughout its
                                           upon the professional judgement of                      within and between years, the count                   range. The 1988 listing rule emphasized
                                           those conducting the counts, supported                  data we used was generally gathered                   low population numbers along with an
                                           by a data set that, although not                        using a consistent approach and over a                apparent declining population trend. At
                                           statistically robust, is a long-term data               relatively long period of time such that              this time, we have documented
                                           set. This input has been that, in general,              we believe this does provide an index                 increased lesser long-nosed bat numbers
                                           the trend in overall numbers has been                   of population size. The total number of               and positive trends at most roosts sites,
                                           stable or increasing in both the United                 bats currently being documented is                    as well as an increased number of
                                           States and Mexico (AGFD 2005 and                        many times greater than those numbers                 knowns roosts and an expansion of the
                                           2016, entire; Medellı́n and Torres 2013,                upon which the listing of this species                range of this species in the United
                                           pp. 11–13; Buecher 2016, p. 10; Cerro                   relied, and while this may, in large part,            States.
                                           2012, p. 23). The number of lesser long-                reflect a better approach to survey and                  Much of the debate as to the
                                           nosed bats at any given roost fluctuates                monitoring in subsequent years, it gives              legitimacy of the 1988 listing of the
                                           considerably each year and among years                  us better information upon which to                   lesser long-nosed bat centers around the
                                           making it crucial to have long-term data                evaluate the status of the lesser long-               population numbers and trends
                                           sets to assess the status of the lesser                 nosed bat population.                                 recorded from roost site monitoring. At
                                           long-nosed bat population. We                              In addition, a documented expansion                the time of listing, population numbers
                                           considered the overall roost counts for                 of the known range of the lesser long-                and trends used by the Service in
                                           maternity sites and at late-summer                      nosed bat in the United States has                    determining the endangered status of
                                           transition roosts, understanding that                   occurred subsequent to listing.                       the lesser long-nosed bat showed low
                                           there is likely some overlap between                    According to Bat Conservation                         numbers and a declining trend (Wilson
                                           individuals within those two sets of                    International (lit 2017), recent reports              1985). Information gathered since the
                                           data. We also considered count data                     from Dr. Keith Geluso at the University               listing show higher population numbers
                                           from Mexico understanding that there is                 of Nebraska have identified the presence              and a generally stable to increasing
                                           overlap of individuals within the                       of lesser long-nosed bats near Gila, New              trend (Cockrum and Petryszyn 1991,
                                           migratory segment of the population                     Mexico. This is an expansion of over                  AGFD 2005, entire, AGFD 2016, entire).
                                           that inhabits both the United States and                100 miles north of known occurrences                  Further, the increasing trend in Mexico
                                           Mexico. This has allowed us to estimate                 in Hidalgo County, NM. Additional data                warranted and resulted in the removal
                                           that the overall population is probably                 collected by Buecher Biological                       of the lesser long-nosed bat from
                                           at least 200,000, especially considering                Consulting confirmed the presence of                  Mexico’s Law for Endangered Protection
                                           that one maternity site has consistently                this species in the southern Big Burros               in 2013.
                                                                                                   Mountains at hummingbird feeders                         We anticipate that ongoing post-
                                           been counted at over 100,000 bats
                                                                                                   (HEG 2015, entire). These reports are                 delisting monitoring will detect any
                                           annually for many years. It also allows
                                                                                                   approximately 100 miles north of the                  significant changes in population health
                                           us to support the conclusion given to us
                                                                                                   historic northern extent of their range in            and allow for adaptive management
                                           by researchers familiar with these roost
                                                                                                   the Peloncillo and Big Hatchet                        responses, including possible re-listing,
                                           sites that indicate increasing and stable
                                                                                                   Mountains.                                            if necessary. As is the case with many
                                           populations at nearly all roost sites that
                                                                                                      Comment (8): Several commenters                    listed species, we have not had, nor do
                                           are being monitored. A good example
                                                                                                   suggested that additional evaluation and              we anticipate that we will have in the
                                           are roost sites on Fort Huachuca in the
                                                                                                   quantitative analyses of the population               future, adequate resources to gather all
                                           Huachuca Mountains of Arizona.
                                                                                                   size and trend is needed before a                     the information we would like or feel is
                                           Monitoring over the past 24 years                       determination that downlisting or                     necessary to evaluate prior to delisting
                                           indicates steady increases in the                       delisting can be supported.                           the lesser long-nosed bat. We rely on the
                                           numbers of lesser long-nosed bats at                       Our Response: As stated in our                     best available scientific and commercial
                                           these roosts. In addition, two roost sites              response to the previous comment, we                  information. Based on this information,
                                           that had been abandoned have been                       acknowledge that we do not have                       we have determined that the population
                                           reoccupied (Sidner 2005; Buecher 2016;                  statistically rigorous roost count data               of the lesser long-nosed bat is currently
                                           p. 17). However, we also have                           that provides a statistically sound                   viable and will likely maintain viability
                                           documented the abandonment of roost                     population estimate. Past, current, and               into the future based on the analysis
                                           sites including roost sites in the                      future resources have not and are                     contained in our SSA and this final rule.
                                           Chiricahua and Santa Rita mountain                      unlikely to support future roost counts                  Comment (9): Several commenters
                                           ranges.                                                 at the intensity needed to provide such               remarked on and requested that the
                                              We believe that we have                              a population estimate. However, the                   Service should more rigorously consider
                                           conservatively estimated the overall                    count data we do have, in conjunction                 whether roost protections are likely to
                                           lesser long-nosed bat population to be at               with the professional judgment of the                 be maintained post-delisting in the
                                           least 200,000. The count data used in                   biologists conducting these counts and                absence of regulatory requirements of
                                           the SSA and the proposed delisting rule                 of those involved in the management of                the Act.
                                           represent more of an index of                           roost sites, does provide us a picture of                Our Response: After delisting, the
                                           population size and not the exact                       increased numbers and known roost                     lesser long-nosed bat will continue to be
                                           number of lesser long-nosed bats that                   sites subsequent to the listing of the                a high priority for conservation
                                           exist within its range. Again, we                       lesser long-nosed bat in 1988. As stated              activities due to its status in both New
                                           acknowledged that the population                        in the proposed rule, there has been a                Mexico and Arizona’s State Wildlife
                                           numbers used in the SSA and the                         steadily increasing effort related to the             Action Plans (SWAP). New Mexico has
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                                           proposed delisting rule do not represent                conservation of this subspecies for the               the species identified as a Species of
                                           actual population numbers. We are                       last 20 years following the completion                Greatest Conservation Need. In
                                           required to make decisions based on the                 of the lesser long-nosed bat recovery                 Arizona’s SWAP, the lesser long-nosed
                                           best available scientific and commercial                plan. Better methods of monitoring have               bat is named as a special status species
                                           data and have used this count data to                   been developed. These monitoring                      and monitoring roosts is a proposed
                                           evaluate the current status of the                      efforts have led to an increase in the                activity in the plan. Further, the U.S.

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                                           Forest Service has the species identified                  Comment (10): One commenter                        post-delisting monitoring plan will
                                           as Regional Forester Sensitive,                         suggested that gates are ineffective in               provide regular assessments of lesser
                                           providing it with additional                            protecting lesser long-nosed bat roosts.              long-nosed bat roosts and allow us to
                                           conservation status in all regional USFS                   Our Response: We are still developing              respond appropriately if threats or
                                           National Environmental Policy Act                       the most appropriate gate design and                  impacts from illegal border activities
                                           analyses. These classifications and                     implementation strategy for gates on                  become an issue.
                                           proposed conservation activities were                   lesser long-nosed bat roosts. Three                      We have determined that, while
                                           not identified when the lesser long-                    efforts to physically protect roosts                  activities associated with illegal border
                                           nosed bat was listed in 1988.                           through the use of gates or barriers have             crossing may be affecting individuals or
                                              We acknowledge that sustaining                       been implemented (Bluebird and State                  specific sites or areas within the range
                                           efforts of post-delisting monitoring can                of Texas). The experimental fence at the              of the lesser long-nosed bat, they do not
                                           be challenging and subject to competing                 Bluebird Mine worked initially, but it                represent significant threats to the
                                           priorities for available resources.                     was subsequently vandalized resulting                 overall population of the lesser long-
                                           Nonetheless, we have designed the draft                 in roost abandonment. The gate was                    nosed bat.
                                           post-delisting monitoring plan to be                    repaired and there have been no                          Comment (12): One commenter stated
                                           realistic given limited resources and                   subsequent breeches and the bats have                 that growing human populations and
                                           will continue to work with our                          recolonized the site. Gating at the State             increased rate of urbanization within
                                           conservation partners to obtain the                     of Texas mine has had some success                    the range of the lesser long nosed bat
                                           resources necessary to implement post-                  (the site is protected, but bat numbers               will increase the prevalence of
                                           delisting monitoring. As occurred prior                 have declined), but we still do not know              vandalism at roost sites.
                                           to delisting, we anticipate protection                  how lesser long-nosed bats will adapt to                 Our Response: Lesser long-nosed bats
                                           and conservation of the lesser long-                    gates over time or if gates will prove to             can be affected directly by development
                                           nosed bat will continue to be                           be a viable option for lesser long-nosed              which removes important foraging
                                           implemented as the result of existing                   bat roost protection, especially at roosts            habitat, but also indirectly as growing
                                           management and land use plans, as well                  containing the largest numbers of bats.               numbers of people increase the
                                           as other State and Federal laws related                 A protective gate was installed at the                potential for roost disturbance. We have
                                           to protection of bats and their habitats,               Cave of the Bells roost site. This site has           specifically addressed the issue of
                                           including caves used as roosts. These                   not been occupied since gating (AGFD                  development and urbanization in Factor
                                           laws and plans will continue to be                      2005, entire). It is not entirely clear if            A above. We have determined that,
                                           implemented and used to benefit the                     the gating was responsible for                        while human development and
                                           conservation of the lesser long-nosed bat               abandonment of this roost, but                        urbanization may be affecting
                                           following delisting. We acknowledge                     additional research has indicated that                individuals or specific sites or areas
                                           that the level of support for ongoing                   gating may be problematic for lesser                  within the range of the lesser long-nosed
                                           lesser long-nosed bat conservation                      long-nosed bats based on colony size                  bat, they do not represent significant
                                           actions changes over time and is often                  and flight speeds. Bat gates are an                   threats to the overall population of the
                                           focused on species listed under the Act.                excellent conservation tool for bat                   lesser long-nosed bat.
                                           However, we have reached out to our                     roosts, but they may not be as suitable                  Comment (13): Several commenters
                                           Federal and non-Federal lesser long-                    for lesser long-nosed bats (Ludlow and                suggested that the species’ food
                                           nosed bat conservation partners as we                   Gore 2000). Further research, similar to              resources are unstable and the species’
                                           worked to address comments on and                       efforts at Coronado National Memorial,                resilience to the 2004 cactus bloom
                                           finalize the delisting rule for the lesser              is needed before the effectiveness of this            failure event was overstated.
                                           long-nosed bat to assess their level of                 tool can be determined (Bucci et al.                     Our Response: We have determined
                                           participation in future conservation                    2003). Current efforts are underway to                that there is a lack of evidence
                                           actions for this species. They have                     use the existing gate at Coronado                     presented within the best available
                                           indicated that they will continue to                    National Memorial to determine a better               scientific and commercial information
                                           implement conservation actions as                       gate design and configuration with                    that these issues are or will have
                                           appropriate and as resources are                        regard to lesser long-nosed bats.                     population-level effects on the lesser
                                           available.                                              Regardless, the gates do provide                      long-nosed bat. The threat to foraging
                                              Our discussion in Factor A above                     protection from disturbance and as                    areas has been reduced since the species
                                           includes a number of specific examples                  such, benefit the long-term conservation              was listed under the Act. A key to
                                           of conservation actions that our                        of the lesser long-nosed bat.                         maintaining lesser long-nosed bat
                                           conservation partners have and are                         Comment (11): Several commenters                   population viability into the future is
                                           implementing; many of which are                         stated that with the on-going impact of               assuring that forage species remain
                                           regulatory requirements. We are                         illegal border activity occurring across              present and appropriately distributed
                                           confident that actions similar to those                 the U.S.-Mexico border, abandoned                     across the landscape and available for
                                           discussed above in this section will                    mines and caves used by the bat are still             the various life history requirements of
                                           continue to benefit the conservation of                 at risk from disturbance.                             the lesser long-nosed bat. Foraging
                                           lesser long-nosed bat even absent the                      Our Response: Patterns of cross-                   habitat for the species is primarily on
                                           regulatory protections of the Act as such               border traffic are continually changing               public lands and is conserved through
                                           actions have done in Mexico. Lesser                     and, while the level of use in proximity              inclusion in resource management
                                           long-nosed bat recovery has occurred                    to roosts may rise and fall, roost sites              plans. These plans provide guidance
                                           because of the commitments of our                       nonetheless occur in areas where they                 and measures to ensure that forage
                                           conservation partners that have gone                    are vulnerable to disturbance by border               resources such as agaves and columnar
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                                           well beyond the requirements of the                     traffic. In general, recent data indicates            cacti remain present in the landscape.
                                           Act. The recovery of the lesser long-                   that illegal border crossings have                    For example, we are working with The
                                           nosed bat is evidence of how effective                  decreased. This may indicate a current                Department of Defense facility at Fort
                                           species conservation can be when                        downturn in illegal border activity, but              Huachuca to continue their Agave
                                           supported by a committed, active group                  this trend may reverse at any time. The               Management Plan as part of their
                                           of binational conservation partners.                    roost monitoring proposed in our draft                Integrated Natural Resources

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                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         17109

                                           Management Plan which states that it                    program to track use of hummingbird                   M. Goldwater Range (southwestern
                                           will maintain a self-sustaining                         feeders in 2007 based on Wolf (2006,                  Arizona) and at Fort Huachuca
                                           populations of Agave palmeri on Fort                    entire) and, over the past approximately              (southeastern Arizona). They concluded
                                           Huachuca to conserve the forage base of                 10 years, the volunteer network of                    that the lesser long-nosed bat was
                                           the lesser long-nosed bat and other                     feeder watchers has grown to more than                moderately vulnerable to declines
                                           species using agave. The Coronado                       100 individuals monitoring their                      related to global climate change.
                                           National Forest’s 2017 LRMP includes                    hummingbird feeders across southern                   Vulnerability was increased by reliance
                                           standards and guidelines to retain and                  Arizona. This has resulted in a                       on the quantity and timing of flowering
                                           enhance areas with paniculate agaves in                 tremendous amount of data and some                    of a limited number of plant species,
                                           order to benefit the lesser long-nosed                  very interesting results.                             while resilience is incurred by flexible
                                           bat. The Bureau of Land Management                         The existence of this ongoing study                migratory behaviors and the probable
                                           has forage plant protections within the                 related to lesser long-nosed bat use of               resilience of forage plant populations to
                                           range of the lesser long-nosed bat,                     hummingbird feeders provides us an                    increasing temperatures.
                                           including avoidance measures to protect                 opportunity to continue to assess and                    They also predicted that changes in
                                           agave and saguaros. Organ Pipe Cactus                   evaluate the potential benefits and                   climate are expected to exacerbate
                                           National Monument and Cabeza Prieta                     negative effects of hummingbird feeders               current threats. One of the primary
                                           National Wildlife Refuge protect                        on the landscape within the range of the              factors related to the vulnerability of
                                           hundreds of square miles of areas                       lesser long-nosed bat. Currently, there is            this species to climate change was the
                                           containing foraging plants for the bat                  no evidence that this resource in the                 adaptability of non-native grasses and
                                           within its refuge boundaries. We are                    landscape is negatively affecting the                 the potential changes in fire regime that
                                           confident that these efforts and                        lesser long-nosed bat population.                     are expected under most climate change
                                           protections will continue even after the                   Comment (15): Several commenters                   scenarios. However, current climate
                                           lesser long-nosed bat is delisted.                      stated that the impacts of climate                    change modeling efforts do not allow us
                                              Comment (14): One commenter                          change to bat distributions are unknown               to predict what the effects of this
                                           suggested that lesser long-nosed bats                   at this time and that the SSA did not                 climate change will be beyond a
                                           may become dependent on artificial                      adequately acknowledge the threat of                  relatively short timeframe. We are not
                                           food resources (i.e., hummingbird                       climate change.                                       able to conclude what the effects of
                                           feeders), which may work as a                              Our Response: The lesser long-nosed                climate change will be on the lesser
                                           temporary replacement of their natural                  bat SSA incorporates the best available               long-nosed bat population distribution
                                           food but are not sufficient as a                        scientific and commercial information                 and viability given the current level of
                                           sustainable food resource.                              related on the current state of our                   information we have related to climate
                                              Our Response: As stated in the SSA,                  understanding of the potential effects of             change on forage resources such as
                                           one interesting aspect of the foraging                  climate change on the lesser long-nosed               saguaros and agaves. However, we
                                           behavior of lesser long-nosed bats is the               bat. We acknowledge the limitations of                acknowledge the potential for climate
                                           fact that they readily find and use                     the currently available information                   change to affect lesser long-nosed bat
                                           hummingbird feeders as a forage                         related to predicting the potential                   forage availability, and we have
                                           resource (Buecher and Sidner 2013,                      impacts of climate change on the lesser               included an assessment of this issue as
                                           Wolf 2006, Town of Marana 2017).                        long-nosed bat specifically. However,                 part of the draft post-delisting
                                           Some hypothesize that the year-round                    we have determined that, while climate                monitoring plan. This will provide us
                                           presence of hummingbird feeders in                      change may be affecting individuals or                with information to make a better
                                           southern Arizona and New Mexico                         specific sites or areas within the range              informed evaluation of the potential
                                           support lesser long-nosed bats staying                  of the lesser long-nosed bat, it does not             effects of climate change on lesser long-
                                           later in the year in these areas, perhaps               represent a significant threat to the                 nosed bat forage resources. Results of
                                           even year-round. It is possible that this               overall population of the lesser long-                this monitoring will allow us to
                                           extra availability of forage resources                  nosed bat based upon the analysis we                  formulate potential adaptive
                                           may be one factor that has led to the                   completed in the SSA.                                 management actions to address these
                                           lesser long-nosed bat’s increased                          We are committed to using the best                 effects, or consider relisting the species
                                           stability and progress towards recovery.                available scientific and commercial                   if necessary.
                                           The increase and permanent presence of                  information in our analysis of the                       The best available scientific and
                                           hummingbird feeders at homes in                         current and future status of the lesser               commercial information indicates that
                                           southern Arizona and New Mexico may                     long-nosed bat. We acknowledge that                   the current population condition of the
                                           supply a consistent forage resource for                 ecosystems within the southwestern                    lesser long-nosed bat appears to indicate
                                           these nectar-feeding bats that allows                   United States are thought to be                       that lesser long-nosed bats may be
                                           them to use and remain in areas when                    particularly susceptible to climate                   showing some resiliency with regard to
                                           natural forage resources are absent or                  change and variability (Strittholt et al.             fluctuating food plant flowering cycles.
                                           reduced (R. Sharp, 2013 pers. comm.).                   2012, pp. 104–152; Munson et al. 2012,                   Comment (16): Several comments
                                           Alternatively, the long-term effects of                 pp. 1–2; Archer and Predick 2008, p.                  expressed concern with regard to
                                           staying longer before migrating                         23). Documented trends and model                      current regulations and laws not
                                           southward and the questionable                          projections most often show changes in                adequately protecting bats and caves.
                                           nutritional value of the sugar water in                 two variables: temperature and                           Our Response: The Federal Cave
                                           the hummingbird feeders are unknown                     precipitation. Recent warming in the                  Protection Act of 1988 prohibits persons
                                           and could actually be detrimental.                      southwest is among the most rapid in                  from activities that ‘‘destroy, disturb,
                                              In 2006, in southern Arizona, there                  the nation, significantly more than the               deface, mar, alter, remove, or harm any
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                           was a significant failure of blooming                   global average in some areas (Guido et                significant cave or alters free movement
                                           agaves. As a result, many members of                    al. 2009, pp. 3–5). Bagne and Finch                   of any animal or plant life into or out
                                           the public reported that bats were using                (2012 and 2013; pp. 107–116; pp. 150–                 of any significant cave located on
                                           their hummingbird feeders that year.                    160) assessed the vulnerability of the                Federal lands, or enters a significant
                                           The Service, AGFD, and the Town of                      lesser long-nosed bat to the effects of               cave with the intent of committing any
                                           Marana initiated a citizen scientist                    climate change in the areas of the Barry              act described . . .’’ Arizona Revised

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                                           17110            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           Statute 13–3702 makes it a class 2                      development in Mexico will increase                   Fish and Wildlife Service (see FOR
                                           misdemeanor to ‘‘deface or damage                       four fold from 2016 to 2020.                          FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                           petroglyphs, pictographs, caves, or                        The impact of wind energy
                                                                                                   development on lesser long-nosed bats                 List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
                                           caverns.’’ Activities covered under ARS
                                           13–3702 include ‘‘kill, harm, or disturb                is unknown and more attention must be                   Endangered and threatened species,
                                           plant or animal life found in any cave                  paid to characterizing and avoiding                   Exports, Imports, Reporting and
                                           or cavern, except for safety reasons.’’ We              potential impacts. Because lesser long-               recordkeeping requirements,
                                           acknowledge that these regulations are                  nosed bats are migratory, and impacts                 Transportation.
                                           only as effective as their enforcement,                 from wind energy facilities to migratory
                                                                                                   bats are well documented, the                         Regulation Promulgation
                                           but we are confident that our Federal
                                           and State partners will enforce these                   construction of new facilities should be                Accordingly, we hereby amend part
                                           regulations to the best of their ability.               carefully sited to avoid roosts and                   17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of
                                           We are currently aware of only one site                 migratory flyways. Moreover,                          the Code of Federal Regulations, as set
                                           where abandonment of the roost                          construction of sites within the range of             forth below:
                                           resulted from human disturbance. This                   the lesser long-nosed bat should be
                                           issue was addressed through fencing                     monitored and fatalities reported with                PART 17—ENDANGERED AND
                                           and human disturbance has not been an                   adaptive management strategies in place               THREATENED WILDLIFE AND PLANTS
                                           issue since the fencing was installed.                  to reduce fatalities over time.
                                              Comment (17): Two commenters                                                                               ■ 1. The authority citation for part 17
                                                                                                   Required Determinations                               continues to read as follows:
                                           discussed the potential effects of wind
                                           energy development. One indicated that                  National Environmental Policy Act                       Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
                                           wind energy facilities were not                                                                               1544; and 4201–4245, unless otherwise
                                                                                                     We have determined that
                                           adequately evaluated in the SSA and the                                                                       noted.
                                                                                                   environmental assessments and
                                           proposed delisting rule.                                environmental impact statements, as                   § 17.11    [Amended]
                                              Our Response: We are aware of lesser                 defined under the authority of the
                                           long-nosed bat fatalities from wind                                                                           ■ 2. Amend § 17.11(h) by removing the
                                                                                                   National Environmental Policy Act of
                                           energy development facilities in both                                                                         entry for ‘‘Bat, lesser long-nosed’’ under
                                                                                                   1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not
                                           the United States and Mexico. However,                                                                        MAMMALS from the List of Endangered
                                                                                                   be prepared in connection with
                                           because monitoring at these sites is not                                                                      and Threatened Wildlife.
                                                                                                   regulations adopted pursuant to section
                                           comprehensive and because this is an                    4(a) of the Act. We published a notice                  Dated: March 8, 2018.
                                           emerging threat without much                            outlining our reasons for this                        James W. Kurth,
                                           information available specifically                      determination in the Federal Register                 Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                           related to lesser long-nosed bats, it is                on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).                    Service, Exercising the Authority of the
                                           difficult to determine the actual long-                                                                       Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
                                           term impact of wind turbines on this                    Government-to-Government
                                                                                                                                                         [FR Doc. 2018–08121 Filed 4–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                           species. Based on existing wind energy                  Relationship With Tribes
                                                                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 4333–15–P
                                           development, there are two wind energy                     In accordance with the President’s
                                           facilities in Arizona (producing 268 MW                 memorandum of April 29, 1994,
                                           of power) and one wind energy facility                  ‘‘Government-to-Government Relations
                                           in New Mexico (producing 1,112 MW of                                                                          DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                                                                   with Native American Tribal
                                           power) within the range of the lesser                   Governments’’ (59 FR 22951), Executive                National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                           long-nosed bat. The American Wind                       Order 13175, and the Department of the                Administration
                                           Energy Association (AWEA) has                           Interior’s manual at 512 DM 2, we
                                           identified an additional six projects                   readily acknowledge our responsibility                50 CFR Part 635
                                           under development in New Mexico;                        to communicate meaningfully with
                                           however, none of these projects are                     recognized Federal Tribes on a                        [Docket Nos. 120328229–4949–02 and
                                           within the range of lesser long-nosed                   government-to-government basis.                       150121066–5717–02]
                                           bat. The AWEA has identified no                         Therefore, we solicited information                   RIN 0648–XG140
                                           additional projects under development                   from Native American Tribes during the
                                           in Arizona within the range of the lesser               comment period to determine potential                 Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
                                           long-nosed bat. Through 2050, the U.S.                  effects on them or their resources that               Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries
                                           Department of Energy’s Wind Vision                      may result from the delisting of the
                                           (2013) report, projects 5 and 15                        lesser long-nosed bat, and we fully                   AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                           gigawatts of wind generating capacity                   considered their comments in this final               Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                           for Arizona and New Mexico                              rule.                                                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                           respectively. However, based on wind                                                                          Commerce.
                                           resource maps from the National                         References Cited                                      ACTION: Temporary rule; annual
                                           Renewable Energy Laboratory, measured                     A complete list of all references cited             adjustment of Atlantic bluefin tuna
                                           at 80 meters above ground level, wind                   in this rule is available on http://                  Purse Seine and Reserve category
                                           resources are limited within the range of               www.regulations.gov in Docket No.                     quotas; inseason quota transfer from the
                                           the lesser long-nosed bat in either State.              FWS–R2–ES–2016–0138, or upon                          Reserve category to the Longline
                                           While we do not have any specific                       request from the Field Supervisor,                    category.
                                           information related to wind energy                      Arizona Ecological Services Field Office
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES

                                           development in Mexico, short- and                       (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                SUMMARY:    NMFS is adjusting the
                                           medium term projects indicate that the                                                                        Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) Purse Seine
                                           development of wind power is expected                   Authors                                               and Reserve category quotas for 2018, as
                                           to take an increasingly important                         The primary authors of this document                it has done annually since 2015. NMFS
                                           position in Mexico’s energy landscape.                  are the staff members of the Arizona                  also is transferring 44.5 metric tons (mt)
                                           One source predicts that wind energy                    Ecological Services Field Office, U.S.                of BFT quota from the Reserve category

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Document Created: 2018-04-18 02:58:30
Document Modified: 2018-04-18 02:58:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThe rule is effective May 18, 2018.
ContactSteve Spangle, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, 2321 W. Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021; by telephone (602-242-0210); or by facsimile (602-242-2513). If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
FR Citation83 FR 17093 
RIN Number1018-BB91
CFR AssociatedEndangered and Threatened Species; Exports; Imports; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Transportation

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