83_FR_17281 83 FR 17206 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX PEARL, LLC; Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt Rules Relating to Index Options

83 FR 17206 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX PEARL, LLC; Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt Rules Relating to Index Options


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 75 (April 18, 2018)

Page Range17206-17209
FR Document2018-08053

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 75 (Wednesday, April 18, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 75 (Wednesday, April 18, 2018)]
[Pages 17206-17209]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-08053]



[Release No. 34-83039; File No. SR-PEARL-2018-02]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX PEARL, LLC; Order Granting 
Approval of a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt Rules Relating to Index 

April 12, 2018.

I. Introduction

    On February 8, 2018, MIAX PEARL, LLC (``MIAX PEARL'' or 
``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``Commission''), pursuant to the provisions of Section 19(b)(1) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 
thereunder,\2\ a proposed rule change to adopt rules relating to index 
options. The proposed rule change was published for comment in the 
Federal Register on February 27, 2018.\3\ The Commission received no 
comments regarding the proposal. This order approves the proposed rule 

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82756 (February 21, 
2018), 83 FR 8538 (``Notice'').

II. Description of the Proposal

A. Overview

    The Exchange proposes to amend MIAX PEARL Rule 504 and adopt new 
Chapter XVIII to accommodate the trading of index options on the 
Exchange by MIAX PEARL Members; and establish generic listing standards 
and maintenance standards to permit the Exchange to list ``broad-
based'' and ``narrow-based'' index options on the Exchange pursuant to 
Rule 19b-4(e) under the Act.\4\ Proposed MIAX PEARL Chapter XVIII would 
incorporate by reference Chapter XVIII of the rules of the Exchange's 
affiliate, Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (``MIAX 
Options'').\5\ The proposed generic listing and maintenance standards 
for broad-based indices listed and traded on the Exchange require, 
among other things, that options on the index be a.m.-settled; that the 
index be capitalization-weighted, modified capitalization-weighted, 
price-weighted, or equal dollar-weighted; and that the index be 
comprised of at least fifty securities, all of which must be ``NMS 
stocks,'' as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS.\6\ The proposed 
generic listing and maintenance standards for narrow-based indices 
require, among other characteristics, that the proposed indices must 
consist of ten or more component securities.\7\

    \4\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(e). The term ``broad-based index'' is 
defined as an index designed to be representative of a stock market 
as a whole or of a range of companies in unrelated industries. See 
Proposed Rule 1801(k). The term ``narrow-based index'' is defined as 
an index designed to be representative of a particular industry or a 
group of related industries or an index whose constituents are all 
headquartered within a single country. See Proposed Rule 1801(j).
    \5\ The Commission has separately issued an order granting the 
Exchange an exemption pursuant to Section 36(a) of the Act from the 
rule filing requirements of Section 19(b) of the Act with respect to 
the rules in MIAX Options Chapter XVIII that the Exchange seeks to 
incorporate by reference. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 
83040 (April 12, 2018). See also Securities Exchange Act Release No. 
81739 (September 27, 2017), 82 FR 46111 (October 3, 2017) (order 
approving SR-MIAX-2017-39) (``MIAX Options Order''). The Commission 
notes that the MIAX Options Order also approved changes to MIAX 
Options Rules 308, 313, and 700, which rules are already 
incorporated by reference in MIAX PEARL's rules. See id. at 46112 & 
nn. 13 & 15. See also Notice, supra note 3, at 8539. In the 
description of the proposed rule change below, the term ``Proposed 
Rule'' shall refer to the rules in MIAX Options Chapter XVIII, which 
the Exchange has proposed to be incorporated by reference into the 
MIAX PEARL Rules and thereby become applicable to MIAX PEARL 
    \6\ See Proposed Rule 1802(d)(4).
    \7\ See Proposed Rule 1802(b)(2).

    Because the rules related to options in indices are product 
specific in many areas,\8\ certain rules will indicate that they apply 
to ``Specified'' indices. Proposed Rules 1800, 1801(n), 1804(a), 
1807(a), 1809, and 1811 all contain provisions that are dependent upon 
the Exchange identifying specific index products in the rule. 
Accordingly, Proposed Rule 1800 states that where the rules in Chapter 
XVIII indicate that particular indices or requirements with respect to 
particular indices will be ``Specified,'' the Exchange will file a 
proposed rule change with the Commission pursuant to Section 19 of the 
Act \9\ and Rule 19b-4 \10\ thereunder to specify such indices or 
requirements. Because MIAX PEARL has incorporated the rules in MIAX 
Options Chapter XVIII by reference, MIAX PEARL's rules will be amended 
when MIAX Options files a proposed rule change with the Commission 
pursuant to Section 19 of the Act \11\ and Rule 19b-4 \12\ thereunder 
to specify such indices or requirements.\13\ As more fully set forth in 
the Notice and further described below, the proposed new Exchange Rules 
are based on the existing rules of other options exchanges.\14\

    \8\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 8539.
    \9\ 15 U.S.C. 78s.
    \10\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \11\ 15 U.S.C. 78s.
    \12\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \13\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 8539. See also supra note 5.
    \14\ See, e.g., MIAX Options Rules Chapter XVIII; Nasdaq ISE, 
LLC (``ISE'') Rules, Chapter 20, Index Rules; Nasdaq GEMX, LLC 
Rules, Chapter 20, Index Rules; Nasdaq MRX, LLC Rules, Chapter 20, 
Index Rules; NASDAQ PHLX LLC (``Phlx'') Rules 1000A-1108A; and 
Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. (``CBOE'') Rules, Chapter XXIV, 
Index Options; Cboe C2 Exchange, Inc. Rules, Chapter 24, Index 
Options. See also Notice, supra note 3, at 8539.


[[Page 17207]]

B. Index Options Procedural Rules

    MIAX PEARL proposes to add new Chapter XVIII to the Exchange rules 
(``Proposed Rules''), which would incorporate by reference the rules in 
Chapter XVIII of MIAX Options.\15\ The proposal would, among other 
things, set forth general procedural rules that address the trading 
sessions for index options, including the days and hours of business, 
opening rotation, and halts and suspensions.\16\ Existing MIAX PEARL 
Rules further provide for the procedures Members must follow with 
respect to the exercise of American-style, cash settled index 

    \15\ The Exchange also proposes to amend MIAX PEARL Rule 504 
(Trading Halts) to address index options.
    \16\ See Proposed Rule 1808.
    \17\ See MIAX PEARL Rules 313(a)(3) and 700(h). See also supra 
note 5.

    The Proposed Rules also establish position limit and exercise 
limits for index options.\18\ In addition, existing MIAX PEARL Rules 
and the Proposed Rules provide for exemption standards from position 
limits and procedures for requesting exemptions from those rules.\19\ 
The proposed position limits and exercise limits, as well as the 
proposed exemptions, are different for broad-based index options and 
narrow-based index options.\20\

    \18\ See Proposed Rules 1804, 1805, and 1807.
    \19\ See MIAX PEARL Rule 308(b) and Proposed Rule 1806. See also 
supra note 5.
    \20\ See Proposed Rules 1804 to 1807.

C. Generic Listing Standards and Maintenance Standards for Broad-Based 
Index Options

    The Exchange also proposes to establish generic listing and 
maintenance standards in Proposed Rule 1802 to enable the Exchange to 
list and trade new broad-based index options pursuant to Rule 19b-4(e) 
under the Act.\21\ Proposed Rule 1802(d) sets forth the initial listing 
standards for broad-based index options. The listing standards require, 
among other things, that the underlying index be broad-based, as 
defined in Rule 1801(k); that options on the index be a.m. settled; 
that the index be capitalization-weighted, modified capitalization-
weighted, price-weighted, or equal dollar-weighted; and that the index 
consist of 50 or more component securities, each of which must be an 
``NMS stock'' as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS under the 
Act.\22\ In addition, Proposed Rule 1802(d) requires that the index's 
component securities meet certain minimum market capitalization and 
average daily trading volume requirements; that no single component 
account for more than10% of the weight of the index and that the five 
highest weighted component securities represent no more than 33% of the 
weight of the index; that the index value be widely disseminated at 
least once every 15 seconds; and that the Exchange have written 
surveillance procedures in place with respect to the index options. 
Proposed Rule 1802(e) establishes maintenance standards for broad-based 
index options listed pursuant to Proposed Rule 1802(d). The Exchange 
states that the proposed listing and maintenance standards are modeled 
after standards approved by the Commission for other options 

    \21\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(e). Rule 19b-4(e) provides that the 
listing and trading of a new derivative securities product by a 
self-regulatory organization (``SRO'') shall not be deemed a 
proposed rule change, pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of Rule 19b-4, if 
the Commission has approved, pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Act, 
the SRO's trading rules, procedures, and listing standards for the 
product class that includes the new derivative securities product 
and the SRO has a surveillance program for the product class. When 
relying on Rule 19b-4(e), the SRO must submit Form 19b-4(e) to the 
Commission within five business days after the exchange begins 
trading the new derivative securities products. See Securities 
Exchange Act Release No. 40761 (December 8, 1998), 63 FR 70952 
(December 22, 1998) (File No. S7-13-98).
    \22\ See 17 CFR 242.600.
    \23\ See, e.g., MIAX Options Rule 1802(d); NYSE American LLC 
(``NYSE American'') Rule 901C.02(a) and (b); CBOE Rule 24.2(f) and 
(g); NYSE Arca, Inc. (``NYSE Arca'') Rule 5.12-O; Phlx Rule 1009A(d) 
and (e); and ISE Rule 2002(d) and (e).

D. Generic Listing Standards and Maintenance Standards for Narrow-Based 
Index Options

    The Exchange further proposes to establish generic listing and 
maintenance standards in Proposed Rule 1802 to enable the Exchange to 
list and trade new narrow-based index options pursuant to Rule 19b-4(e) 
under the Act.\24\ Proposed Rule 1802(b) sets forth the initial listing 
standards for narrow-based index options. The listing standards 
require, among other things, that options on the index be a.m. settled; 
that the index be capitalization-weighted, price-weighted, equal 
dollar-weighted, or modified capitalization-weighted; and that the 
index consist of 10 or more component securities, each of which must be 
an ``NMS stock'' as defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS under the 
Act.\25\ In addition, Proposed Rule 1802(b) requires that the index's 
component securities meet certain minimum market capitalization and 
average daily trading volume requirements; that no single component 
account for more than 30% of the weight of the index and that the five 
highest weighted component securities represent no more than 50% (65% 
for an index consisting of fewer than 25 component securities) of the 
weight of the index; that the index value be widely disseminated at 
least once every 15 seconds; and that non-U.S. component securities 
(stocks or ADRs) that are not subject to comprehensive surveillance 
agreements do not in the aggregate represent more than 20% of the 
weight of the index. Proposed Rule 1802(c) establishes maintenance 
standards for narrow-based index options listed pursuant to Proposed 
Rule 1802(b). The Exchange states that the proposed listing and 
maintenance standards are modeled after standards approved by the 
Commission for other options exchanges.\26\

    \24\ 17 CFR 240.19b 09 094(e). See also supra note 21.
    \25\ See 17 CFR 242.600.
    \26\ See, e.g., MIAX Options Rule 1802(b) and (c); NYSE American 
Rule 901C.03; CBOE Rule 24.2(b) and (c); NYSE Arca Rule 5.13-O; Phlx 
Rule 1009A(b) and (c); and ISE Rule 2002(b) and (c).

E. Surveillance and Capacity

    The Exchange represents that it has an adequate surveillance 
program in place for index options. The Exchange is a member of the 
Intermarket Surveillance Group (``ISG''), which is comprised of an 
international group of exchanges, market centers, and market 
regulators.\27\ The Exchange further represents that it has analyzed 
its capacity and believes the Exchange and the Options Price Reporting 
Authority (``OPRA'') have the necessary systems capacity to handle the 
additional traffic associated with the listing and trading of index 

    \27\ See Notice, supra note 3, at 8552. The ISG was formed on 
July 14, 1983, to, among other things, coordinate more effectively 
surveillance and investigative information sharing arrangements in 
the stock and options markets. The purpose of the ISG is to provide 
a framework for the sharing of information and the coordination of 
regulatory efforts among exchanges trading securities and related 
products to address potential intermarket manipulations and trading 
abuses. Id. The ISG plays a crucial role in information sharing 
among markets that trade securities, options on securities, security 
futures products, and futures and options on broad-based security 
indexes. Id.
    \28\ See id.

F. Implementation

    The Exchange will announce the implementation date of the proposed 
rule change by Regulatory Circular to be published no later than 90 
days following the approval of the proposed rule change. The 
implementation date will be no later than 90 days following the 
issuance of the Regulatory Circular.

[[Page 17208]]

III. Discussion and Commission Findings

    After careful review, the Commission finds that the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the requirements of the Act and the rules and 
regulations thereunder applicable to a national securities exchange 
and, in particular, with Section 6(b) of the Act.\29\ In particular, 
the Commission believes that the Exchange's proposal to establish rules 
and procedures applicable to index options and establish generic 
listing and maintenance standards for broad-based and narrow-based 
index options is consistent with Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,\30\ which 
requires, among other things, that the rules of a national securities 
exchange be designed to prevent fraudulent and manipulative acts and 
practices, to promote just and equitable principles of trade, to remove 
impediments to and perfect the mechanisms of a free and open market and 
a national market system and, in general, to protect investors and the 
public interest.

    \29\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b). In approving this proposed rule change, 
the Commission has considered the proposed rule's impact on 
efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 
    \30\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5). See also supra note 5.

    The Commission believes that permitting the trading of options on 
an index of securities (including a narrow-based index) enables 
investors to participate in the price movements of the index's 
underlying securities and allows investors holding positions in some or 
all of such securities to hedge the risks associated with their 
portfolios. The Commission further believes that options on an index 
provide investors with an important trading and hedging mechanism that 
is designed to reflect accurately the overall movement of the component 
stocks. In particular, the Commission believes that the proposed 
position and exercise limits should serve to minimize potential 
manipulation concerns.

A. Generic Listing and Maintenance Standards for Broad-Based and 
Narrow-Based Index Options

    In considering the proposed generic listing and maintenance 
standards for broad-based and narrow-based index options, the 
Commission notes that they are consistent with the listing and 
maintenance standards for broad-based and narrow-based index options 
that other exchanges \31\ have developed and that the Commission has 
previously approved.\32\ The Commission finds that the generic 
standards covering minimum capitalization, monthly trading volume, and 
relative weightings of component stocks are designed to ensure that the 
trading markets for component stocks are adequately capitalized and 
sufficiently liquid, and that no one stock or stock group dominates the 
index. Thus, the Commission believes that the satisfaction of these 
requirements significantly minimizes the potential for manipulation of 
the index.

    \31\ See, e.g., MIAX Options Rules Chapter XVIII; NYSE American 
Rules 901C.02 and 901C.03; CBOE Rule 24.2; NYSE Arca Rules 5.12-O 
and 5.13-O; Phlx Rule 1009A; and ISE Rule 2002.
    \32\ See, e.g., MIAX Options Order, supra note 5 (order 
approving rules for index options, including generic listing and 
maintenance standards for broad-based and narrow-based index 
options); Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 48405 (August 25, 
2003), 68 FR 52257 (September 2, 2003) (SR-ISE-2003-05) (order 
approving rules for index options and generic listing and 
maintenance standards for narrow-based index options); 52578 
(October 7, 2005), 70 FR 60590 (October 18, 2005) (SR-ISE-2005-27) 
(order approving generic listing and maintenance standards for 
broad-based index options); and 75650 (August 7, 2015), 80 FR 48600 
(August 13, 2015) (SR-EDGX-2015-18) (order approving options trading 
rules, including generic listing and maintenance standards for 
broad-based and narrow-based index options).

    The Commission also finds the requirements that all securities 
comprising the index be an ``NMS stock'' as defined in Rule 600 of 
Regulation NMS under the Act,\33\ and that the index value be 
disseminated at least once every 15 seconds during trading hours of the 
index, will contribute significantly to the transparency of the market 
for such index options.

    \33\ See 17 CFR 242.600.

    The Commission further notes that the Exchange's rules that are 
applicable to broad-based and narrow-based index options, including 
provisions addressing sales practices, floor trading procedures, 
position and exercise limits, margin requirements, and trading halts 
and suspensions, will continue to apply to any broad-based or narrow-
based index options listed pursuant to Rule 19b-4(e) under the Act.
    The Commission's approval of the Exchange's proposed listing 
standards for broad-based and narrow-based index options will allow 
those index option products that satisfy the generic listing standards 
to begin trading pursuant to Rule 19b-4(e) under the Act, without the 
need for notice and comment and Commission approval. The Exchange's 
ability to rely on Rule 19b-4(e) under the Act for these products 
potentially reduces the time frame for listing and trading these 
securities, and thus enhances investors' opportunities.\34\

    \34\ The Exchange, however, must maintain regulatory oversight 
over any products listed under the generic listing standards through 
adequate surveillance. The Exchange represents that it has an 
adequate surveillance program in place for index options. See 
Notice, supra note 3, at 8552.

B. Surveillance

    As noted above,\35\ the Commission believes that the Exchange must 
maintain regulatory oversight over any products listed under the 
generic listing standards through adequate surveillance, and the 
Exchange represents that it has an adequate surveillance program in 
place for index options. The Commission also believes that a 
surveillance sharing agreement between an Exchange proposing to list a 
stock index derivative product and the exchange(s) trading the stocks 
underlying the derivative product is an important measure for 
surveillance of the derivative and underlying securities markets. The 
Commission notes that such agreements ensure the availability of 
information necessary to detect and deter potential manipulations and 
other trading abuses, thereby making the stock index product less 
readily susceptible to manipulation. When a new derivative securities 
product based upon domestic securities is listed and traded on an 
exchange pursuant to Rule 19b-4(e) under the Act, the exchange should 
determine that the markets upon which all of the U.S. component 
securities trade are members of the ISG, which provides information 
relevant to the surveillance of the trading of securities on other 
market centers.\36\ In this regard, all of the registered national 
securities exchanges, including the Exchange, as well as the Financial 
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), are members of the ISG.

    \35\ See supra note 34.
    \36\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 40761 (December 8, 
1998), 63 FR 70952 (December 22, 1998) (File No. S7-13-98).

    For new derivative securities products based on securities from a 
foreign market, the SRO should have a comprehensive Intermarket 
Surveillance Agreement with the market for the securities underlying 
the new securities product.\37\ Accordingly, the Commission finds that 
the requirement that no more than 20% of the weight of the index may be 
comprised of non-U.S. component securities (stocks or ADRs) that are 
not subject to a comprehensive surveillance sharing agreement between 
the particular U.S. exchange and the primary market of the underlying 
security will continue to ensure that the Exchange has the ability to 
adequately surveil trading in the broad-based and narrow-based index 
options and the ADR components of the index.\38\

    \37\ Id.
    \38\ See Proposed Rule 1802(b)(9) and (d)(10).


[[Page 17209]]

IV. Conclusion

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
Act,\39\ that the proposed rule change (SR-PEARL-2018-02), be and 
hereby is approved.

    \39\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\40\

    \40\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-08053 Filed 4-17-18; 8:45 am]

                                             17206                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Notices

                                             to the Plan on market operations as well                SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 generic listing and maintenance
                                             as to consider other potential                          COMMISSION                                              standards for broad-based indices listed
                                             modifications to the Plan including how                                                                         and traded on the Exchange require,
                                                                                                     [Release No. 34–83039; File No. SR–
                                             NMS Stocks are tiered under the Plan                    PEARL–2018–02]
                                                                                                                                                             among other things, that options on the
                                             and the applicable percentage                                                                                   index be a.m.-settled; that the index be
                                             parameters associated with such tiers,                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX                     capitalization-weighted, modified
                                             the elimination of double-wide Price                    PEARL, LLC; Order Granting Approval                     capitalization-weighted, price-weighted,
                                             Bands at the open and close of trading,                 of a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt                      or equal dollar-weighted; and that the
                                             and recommendations made by the                         Rules Relating to Index Options                         index be comprised of at least fifty
                                                                                                                                                             securities, all of which must be ‘‘NMS
                                             Equity Market Structure Advisory                        April 12, 2018.                                         stocks,’’ as defined in Rule 600 of
                                             Committee with respect to Plan
                                                                                                     I. Introduction                                         Regulation NMS.6 The proposed generic
                                             operations.10                                                                                                   listing and maintenance standards for
                                               The Commission believes that a one-                      On February 8, 2018, MIAX PEARL,                     narrow-based indices require, among
                                             year extension of the Plan will allow the               LLC (‘‘MIAX PEARL’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’)                    other characteristics, that the proposed
                                             Participants to continue their                          filed with the Securities and Exchange                  indices must consist of ten or more
                                             examination and analysis of the Plan’s                  Commission (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant                   component securities.7
                                             operation. Accordingly, the Commission                  to the provisions of Section 19(b)(1) of                   Because the rules related to options in
                                                                                                     the Securities Exchange Act of 1934                     indices are product specific in many
                                             believes that it is appropriate in the
                                                                                                     (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 a               areas,8 certain rules will indicate that
                                             public interest, for the protection of
                                                                                                     proposed rule change to adopt rules                     they apply to ‘‘Specified’’ indices.
                                             investors and the maintenance of a fair                 relating to index options. The proposed
                                             and orderly market to approve the                                                                               Proposed Rules 1800, 1801(n), 1804(a),
                                                                                                     rule change was published for comment                   1807(a), 1809, and 1811 all contain
                                             amendment to extend the pilot period                    in the Federal Register on February 27,
                                             until April 15, 2019.                                                                                           provisions that are dependent upon the
                                                                                                     2018.3 The Commission received no                       Exchange identifying specific index
                                               For the reasons noted above, the                      comments regarding the proposal. This                   products in the rule. Accordingly,
                                             Commission finds that the Seventeenth                   order approves the proposed rule                        Proposed Rule 1800 states that where
                                             Amendment to the Plan is consistent                     change.                                                 the rules in Chapter XVIII indicate that
                                             with Section 11A of the Act 11 and Rule                 II. Description of the Proposal                         particular indices or requirements with
                                             608 thereunder.12 The Commission                                                                                respect to particular indices will be
                                             reiterates its expectation that the                     A. Overview                                             ‘‘Specified,’’ the Exchange will file a
                                             Participants will continue to monitor                      The Exchange proposes to amend                       proposed rule change with the
                                             the scope and operation of the Plan and                 MIAX PEARL Rule 504 and adopt new                       Commission pursuant to Section 19 of
                                             study the data produced, and will                       Chapter XVIII to accommodate the                        the Act 9 and Rule 19b–4 10 thereunder
                                             propose any modifications to the Plan                   trading of index options on the                         to specify such indices or requirements.
                                             that may be necessary or appropriate.13                 Exchange by MIAX PEARL Members;                         Because MIAX PEARL has incorporated
                                                                                                     and establish generic listing standards                 the rules in MIAX Options Chapter
                                             IV. Conclusion                                          and maintenance standards to permit                     XVIII by reference, MIAX PEARL’s rules
                                                                                                     the Exchange to list ‘‘broad-based’’ and                will be amended when MIAX Options
                                               It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
                                                                                                     ‘‘narrow-based’’ index options on the                   files a proposed rule change with the
                                             Section 11A of the Act 14 and Rule 608
                                                                                                     Exchange pursuant to Rule 19b–4(e)                      Commission pursuant to Section 19 of
                                             thereunder,15 that the Seventeenth                      under the Act.4 Proposed MIAX PEARL                     the Act 11 and Rule 19b–4 12 thereunder
                                             Amendment to the Plan (File No. 4–631)                  Chapter XVIII would incorporate by                      to specify such indices or
                                             be, and it hereby is, approved.                         reference Chapter XVIII of the rules of                 requirements.13 As more fully set forth
                                               For the Commission, by the Division of                the Exchange’s affiliate, Miami                         in the Notice and further described
                                             Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              International Securities Exchange, LLC                  below, the proposed new Exchange
                                             authority.16                                            (‘‘MIAX Options’’).5 The proposed                       Rules are based on the existing rules of
                                             Brent J. Fields,                                                                                                other options exchanges.14
                                                                                                       1 15  U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                             Secretary.                                                2 17  CFR 240.19b–4.                                  Commission notes that the MIAX Options Order
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–08080 Filed 4–17–18; 8:45 am]               3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82756
                                                                                                                                                             also approved changes to MIAX Options Rules 308,
                                             BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  (February 21, 2018), 83 FR 8538 (‘‘Notice’’).           313, and 700, which rules are already incorporated
                                                                                                       4 17 CFR 240.19b–4(e). The term ‘‘broad-based         by reference in MIAX PEARL’s rules. See id. at
                                                                                                     index’’ is defined as an index designed to be           46112 & nn. 13 & 15. See also Notice, supra note
                                                                                                     representative of a stock market as a whole or of a     3, at 8539. In the description of the proposed rule
                                                                                                     range of companies in unrelated industries. See         change below, the term ‘‘Proposed Rule’’ shall refer
                                                                                                     Proposed Rule 1801(k). The term ‘‘narrow-based          to the rules in MIAX Options Chapter XVIII, which
                                                                                                     index’’ is defined as an index designed to be           the Exchange has proposed to be incorporated by
                                               10 See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission        representative of a particular industry or a group of   reference into the MIAX PEARL Rules and thereby
                                             Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee,             related industries or an index whose constituents       become applicable to MIAX PEARL Members.
                                             Recommendations for Rulemaking on Issues of             are all headquartered within a single country. See         6 See Proposed Rule 1802(d)(4).
                                                                                                     Proposed Rule 1801(j).                                     7 See Proposed Rule 1802(b)(2).
                                             Market Quality, dated November 29, 2016, available        5 The Commission has separately issued an order          8 See Notice, supra note 3, at 8539.
                                             here: https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/emsac/emsac-
                                                                                                     granting the Exchange an exemption pursuant to             9 15 U.S.C. 78s.
                                                                                                     Section 36(a) of the Act from the rule filing
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                               11 15 U.S.C. 78k–1.                                                                                              10 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                                                                                     requirements of Section 19(b) of the Act with              11 15 U.S.C. 78s.
                                               12 17 CFR 242.608.                                    respect to the rules in MIAX Options Chapter XVIII
                                                                                                                                                                12 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                               13 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 67091      that the Exchange seeks to incorporate by reference.
                                                                                                                                                                13 See Notice, supra note 3, at 8539. See also
                                             (May 31, 2012), 77 FR 33498 (June 6, 2012).             See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83040
                                                                                                     (April 12, 2018). See also Securities Exchange Act      supra note 5.
                                               14 15 U.S.C. 78k–1.
                                                                                                     Release No. 81739 (September 27, 2017), 82 FR              14 See, e.g., MIAX Options Rules Chapter XVIII;
                                               15 17 CFR 242.608.
                                                                                                     46111 (October 3, 2017) (order approving SR–            Nasdaq ISE, LLC (‘‘ISE’’) Rules, Chapter 20, Index
                                               16 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(29).                            MIAX–2017–39) (‘‘MIAX Options Order’’). The             Rules; Nasdaq GEMX, LLC Rules, Chapter 20, Index

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Notices                                                     17207

                                             B. Index Options Procedural Rules                       broad-based index options. The listing                component securities meet certain
                                                MIAX PEARL proposes to add new                       standards require, among other things,                minimum market capitalization and
                                             Chapter XVIII to the Exchange rules                     that the underlying index be broad-                   average daily trading volume
                                             (‘‘Proposed Rules’’), which would                       based, as defined in Rule 1801(k); that               requirements; that no single component
                                             incorporate by reference the rules in                   options on the index be a.m. settled;                 account for more than 30% of the
                                             Chapter XVIII of MIAX Options.15 The                    that the index be capitalization-                     weight of the index and that the five
                                             proposal would, among other things, set                 weighted, modified capitalization-                    highest weighted component securities
                                             forth general procedural rules that                     weighted, price-weighted, or equal                    represent no more than 50% (65% for
                                             address the trading sessions for index                  dollar-weighted; and that the index                   an index consisting of fewer than 25
                                             options, including the days and hours of                consist of 50 or more component                       component securities) of the weight of
                                             business, opening rotation, and halts                   securities, each of which must be an                  the index; that the index value be
                                             and suspensions.16 Existing MIAX                        ‘‘NMS stock’’ as defined in Rule 600 of               widely disseminated at least once every
                                             PEARL Rules further provide for the                     Regulation NMS under the Act.22 In                    15 seconds; and that non-U.S.
                                             procedures Members must follow with                     addition, Proposed Rule 1802(d)                       component securities (stocks or ADRs)
                                             respect to the exercise of American-                    requires that the index’s component                   that are not subject to comprehensive
                                             style, cash settled index options.17                    securities meet certain minimum market                surveillance agreements do not in the
                                                The Proposed Rules also establish                    capitalization and average daily trading              aggregate represent more than 20% of
                                             position limit and exercise limits for                  volume requirements; that no single                   the weight of the index. Proposed Rule
                                             index options.18 In addition, existing                  component account for more than10%                    1802(c) establishes maintenance
                                             MIAX PEARL Rules and the Proposed                       of the weight of the index and that the               standards for narrow-based index
                                             Rules provide for exemption standards                   five highest weighted component                       options listed pursuant to Proposed
                                             from position limits and procedures for                 securities represent no more than 33%                 Rule 1802(b). The Exchange states that
                                             requesting exemptions from those                        of the weight of the index; that the                  the proposed listing and maintenance
                                             rules.19 The proposed position limits                   index value be widely disseminated at                 standards are modeled after standards
                                             and exercise limits, as well as the                     least once every 15 seconds; and that                 approved by the Commission for other
                                             proposed exemptions, are different for                  the Exchange have written surveillance                options exchanges.26
                                             broad-based index options and narrow-                   procedures in place with respect to the
                                                                                                     index options. Proposed Rule 1802(e)                  E. Surveillance and Capacity
                                             based index options.20
                                                                                                     establishes maintenance standards for                    The Exchange represents that it has an
                                             C. Generic Listing Standards and                        broad-based index options listed                      adequate surveillance program in place
                                             Maintenance Standards for Broad-Based                   pursuant to Proposed Rule 1802(d). The                for index options. The Exchange is a
                                             Index Options                                           Exchange states that the proposed                     member of the Intermarket Surveillance
                                               The Exchange also proposes to                         listing and maintenance standards are                 Group (‘‘ISG’’), which is comprised of
                                             establish generic listing and                           modeled after standards approved by                   an international group of exchanges,
                                             maintenance standards in Proposed                       the Commission for other options                      market centers, and market regulators.27
                                             Rule 1802 to enable the Exchange to list                exchanges.23                                          The Exchange further represents that it
                                             and trade new broad-based index                         D. Generic Listing Standards and                      has analyzed its capacity and believes
                                             options pursuant to Rule 19b–4(e) under                 Maintenance Standards for Narrow-                     the Exchange and the Options Price
                                             the Act.21 Proposed Rule 1802(d) sets                   Based Index Options                                   Reporting Authority (‘‘OPRA’’) have the
                                             forth the initial listing standards for                                                                       necessary systems capacity to handle
                                                                                                       The Exchange further proposes to                    the additional traffic associated with the
                                             Rules; Nasdaq MRX, LLC Rules, Chapter 20, Index         establish generic listing and                         listing and trading of index options.28
                                             Rules; NASDAQ PHLX LLC (‘‘Phlx’’) Rules 1000A–          maintenance standards in Proposed
                                             1108A; and Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc.         Rule 1802 to enable the Exchange to list              F. Implementation
                                             (‘‘CBOE’’) Rules, Chapter XXIV, Index Options;          and trade new narrow-based index
                                             Cboe C2 Exchange, Inc. Rules, Chapter 24, Index
                                                                                                                                                             The Exchange will announce the
                                             Options. See also Notice, supra note 3, at 8539.        options pursuant to Rule 19b–4(e) under               implementation date of the proposed
                                                15 The Exchange also proposes to amend MIAX          the Act.24 Proposed Rule 1802(b) sets                 rule change by Regulatory Circular to be
                                             PEARL Rule 504 (Trading Halts) to address index         forth the initial listing standards for               published no later than 90 days
                                             options.                                                narrow-based index options. The listing               following the approval of the proposed
                                                16 See Proposed Rule 1808.
                                                                                                     standards require, among other things,                rule change. The implementation date
                                                17 See MIAX PEARL Rules 313(a)(3) and 700(h).

                                             See also supra note 5.
                                                                                                     that options on the index be a.m.                     will be no later than 90 days following
                                                18 See Proposed Rules 1804, 1805, and 1807.          settled; that the index be capitalization-            the issuance of the Regulatory Circular.
                                                19 See MIAX PEARL Rule 308(b) and Proposed           weighted, price-weighted, equal dollar-
                                             Rule 1806. See also supra note 5.                       weighted, or modified capitalization-                    26 See, e.g., MIAX Options Rule 1802(b) and (c);
                                                20 See Proposed Rules 1804 to 1807.
                                                                                                     weighted; and that the index consist of               NYSE American Rule 901C.03; CBOE Rule 24.2(b)
                                                21 17 CFR 240.19b–4(e). Rule 19b–4(e) provides                                                             and (c); NYSE Arca Rule 5.13–O; Phlx Rule
                                                                                                     10 or more component securities, each                 1009A(b) and (c); and ISE Rule 2002(b) and (c).
                                             that the listing and trading of a new derivative
                                             securities product by a self-regulatory organization
                                                                                                     of which must be an ‘‘NMS stock’’ as                     27 See Notice, supra note 3, at 8552. The ISG was

                                             (‘‘SRO’’) shall not be deemed a proposed rule           defined in Rule 600 of Regulation NMS                 formed on July 14, 1983, to, among other things,
                                             change, pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of Rule 19b–       under the Act.25 In addition, Proposed                coordinate more effectively surveillance and
                                             4, if the Commission has approved, pursuant to          Rule 1802(b) requires that the index’s                investigative information sharing arrangements in
                                             Section 19(b) of the Act, the SRO’s trading rules,                                                            the stock and options markets. The purpose of the
                                             procedures, and listing standards for the product                                                             ISG is to provide a framework for the sharing of
                                                                                                       22 See  17 CFR 242.600.
                                             class that includes the new derivative securities                                                             information and the coordination of regulatory
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                                                                                                       23 See,  e.g., MIAX Options Rule 1802(d); NYSE
                                             product and the SRO has a surveillance program for                                                            efforts among exchanges trading securities and
                                             the product class. When relying on Rule 19b–4(e),       American LLC (‘‘NYSE American’’) Rule 901C.02(a)      related products to address potential intermarket
                                             the SRO must submit Form 19b–4(e) to the                and (b); CBOE Rule 24.2(f) and (g); NYSE Arca, Inc.   manipulations and trading abuses. Id. The ISG
                                             Commission within five business days after the          (‘‘NYSE Arca’’) Rule 5.12–O; Phlx Rule 1009A(d)       plays a crucial role in information sharing among
                                             exchange begins trading the new derivative              and (e); and ISE Rule 2002(d) and (e).                markets that trade securities, options on securities,
                                                                                                        24 17 CFR 240.19b 09 094(e). See also supra note   security futures products, and futures and options
                                             securities products. See Securities Exchange Act
                                             Release No. 40761 (December 8, 1998), 63 FR 70952       21.                                                   on broad-based security indexes. Id.
                                             (December 22, 1998) (File No. S7–13–98).                   25 See 17 CFR 242.600.                                28 See id.

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                                             17208                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Notices

                                             III. Discussion and Commission                          approved.32 The Commission finds that                  B. Surveillance
                                             Findings                                                the generic standards covering
                                                                                                     minimum capitalization, monthly                           As noted above,35 the Commission
                                                After careful review, the Commission                                                                        believes that the Exchange must
                                                                                                     trading volume, and relative weightings
                                             finds that the proposed rule change is                                                                         maintain regulatory oversight over any
                                                                                                     of component stocks are designed to
                                             consistent with the requirements of the                                                                        products listed under the generic listing
                                                                                                     ensure that the trading markets for
                                             Act and the rules and regulations                                                                              standards through adequate
                                                                                                     component stocks are adequately
                                             thereunder applicable to a national                                                                            surveillance, and the Exchange
                                                                                                     capitalized and sufficiently liquid, and
                                             securities exchange and, in particular,                                                                        represents that it has an adequate
                                                                                                     that no one stock or stock group
                                             with Section 6(b) of the Act.29 In                      dominates the index. Thus, the                         surveillance program in place for index
                                             particular, the Commission believes that                Commission believes that the                           options. The Commission also believes
                                             the Exchange’s proposal to establish                    satisfaction of these requirements                     that a surveillance sharing agreement
                                             rules and procedures applicable to                      significantly minimizes the potential for              between an Exchange proposing to list
                                             index options and establish generic                     manipulation of the index.                             a stock index derivative product and the
                                             listing and maintenance standards for                      The Commission also finds the                       exchange(s) trading the stocks
                                             broad-based and narrow-based index                      requirements that all securities                       underlying the derivative product is an
                                             options is consistent with Section                      comprising the index be an ‘‘NMS                       important measure for surveillance of
                                             6(b)(5) of the Act,30 which requires,                   stock’’ as defined in Rule 600 of                      the derivative and underlying securities
                                             among other things, that the rules of a                 Regulation NMS under the Act,33 and                    markets. The Commission notes that
                                             national securities exchange be                         that the index value be disseminated at                such agreements ensure the availability
                                             designed to prevent fraudulent and                      least once every 15 seconds during                     of information necessary to detect and
                                             manipulative acts and practices, to                     trading hours of the index, will                       deter potential manipulations and other
                                             promote just and equitable principles of                contribute significantly to the                        trading abuses, thereby making the stock
                                             trade, to remove impediments to and                     transparency of the market for such                    index product less readily susceptible to
                                             perfect the mechanisms of a free and                    index options.                                         manipulation. When a new derivative
                                             open market and a national market                          The Commission further notes that                   securities product based upon domestic
                                             system and, in general, to protect                      the Exchange’s rules that are applicable               securities is listed and traded on an
                                             investors and the public interest.                      to broad-based and narrow-based index                  exchange pursuant to Rule 19b–4(e)
                                                The Commission believes that                         options, including provisions                          under the Act, the exchange should
                                             permitting the trading of options on an                 addressing sales practices, floor trading              determine that the markets upon which
                                             index of securities (including a narrow-                procedures, position and exercise limits,              all of the U.S. component securities
                                             based index) enables investors to                       margin requirements, and trading halts                 trade are members of the ISG, which
                                             participate in the price movements of                   and suspensions, will continue to apply                provides information relevant to the
                                             the index’s underlying securities and                   to any broad-based or narrow-based                     surveillance of the trading of securities
                                             allows investors holding positions in                   index options listed pursuant to Rule                  on other market centers.36 In this regard,
                                             some or all of such securities to hedge                 19b–4(e) under the Act.                                all of the registered national securities
                                             the risks associated with their                            The Commission’s approval of the                    exchanges, including the Exchange, as
                                             portfolios. The Commission further                      Exchange’s proposed listing standards                  well as the Financial Industry
                                             believes that options on an index                       for broad-based and narrow-based index                 Regulatory Authority (FINRA), are
                                             provide investors with an important                     options will allow those index option                  members of the ISG.
                                             trading and hedging mechanism that is                   products that satisfy the generic listing
                                             designed to reflect accurately the overall              standards to begin trading pursuant to                    For new derivative securities products
                                             movement of the component stocks. In                    Rule 19b–4(e) under the Act, without                   based on securities from a foreign
                                             particular, the Commission believes that                the need for notice and comment and                    market, the SRO should have a
                                             the proposed position and exercise                      Commission approval. The Exchange’s                    comprehensive Intermarket Surveillance
                                             limits should serve to minimize                         ability to rely on Rule 19b–4(e) under                 Agreement with the market for the
                                             potential manipulation concerns.                        the Act for these products potentially                 securities underlying the new securities
                                                                                                     reduces the time frame for listing and                 product.37 Accordingly, the
                                             A. Generic Listing and Maintenance                      trading these securities, and thus                     Commission finds that the requirement
                                             Standards for Broad-Based and Narrow-                   enhances investors’ opportunities.34                   that no more than 20% of the weight of
                                             Based Index Options                                                                                            the index may be comprised of non-U.S.
                                                In considering the proposed generic                     32 See, e.g., MIAX Options Order, supra note 5      component securities (stocks or ADRs)
                                             listing and maintenance standards for
                                                                                                     (order approving rules for index options, including    that are not subject to a comprehensive
                                                                                                     generic listing and maintenance standards for          surveillance sharing agreement between
                                             broad-based and narrow-based index                      broad-based and narrow-based index options);
                                             options, the Commission notes that they                 Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 48405             the particular U.S. exchange and the
                                             are consistent with the listing and                     (August 25, 2003), 68 FR 52257 (September 2, 2003)     primary market of the underlying
                                             maintenance standards for broad-based
                                                                                                     (SR–ISE–2003–05) (order approving rules for index      security will continue to ensure that the
                                                                                                     options and generic listing and maintenance            Exchange has the ability to adequately
                                             and narrow-based index options that                     standards for narrow-based index options); 52578
                                             other exchanges 31 have developed and                   (October 7, 2005), 70 FR 60590 (October 18, 2005)      surveil trading in the broad-based and
                                             that the Commission has previously                      (SR–ISE–2005–27) (order approving generic listing      narrow-based index options and the
                                                                                                     and maintenance standards for broad-based index        ADR components of the index.38
                                                                                                     options); and 75650 (August 7, 2015), 80 FR 48600
                                               29 15 U.S.C. 78f(b). In approving this proposed       (August 13, 2015) (SR–EDGX–2015–18) (order
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             rule change, the Commission has considered the          approving options trading rules, including generic     adequate surveillance program in place for index
                                             proposed rule’s impact on efficiency, competition,      listing and maintenance standards for broad-based      options. See Notice, supra note 3, at 8552.
                                                                                                                                                              35 See supra note 34.
                                             and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).            and narrow-based index options).
                                               30 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5). See also supra note 5.           33 See 17 CFR 242.600.                                36 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 40761

                                               31 See, e.g., MIAX Options Rules Chapter XVIII;          34 The Exchange, however, must maintain             (December 8, 1998), 63 FR 70952 (December 22,
                                             NYSE American Rules 901C.02 and 901C.03; CBOE           regulatory oversight over any products listed under    1998) (File No. S7–13–98).
                                                                                                                                                              37 Id.
                                             Rule 24.2; NYSE Arca Rules 5.12–O and 5.13–O;           the generic listing standards through adequate
                                             Phlx Rule 1009A; and ISE Rule 2002.                     surveillance. The Exchange represents that it has an     38 See Proposed Rule 1802(b)(9) and (d)(10).

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 18, 2018 / Notices                                        17209

                                             IV. Conclusion                                            burden, including through the use of                  Aban.—in S.D., Iowa, & Neb., AB 7
                                               It is therefore ordered, pursuant to                    automated techniques or other forms of                (Sub-No. 88) (ICC served May 14, 1980);
                                             Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,39 that the                   information technology; and (d) whether               see also Napa-Platte Reg’l R.R. Auth.—
                                             proposed rule change (SR–PEARL–                           there are ways to enhance the quality,                Modified Rail Certificate, FD 35026, slip
                                             2018–02), be and hereby is approved.                      utility, and clarity of the information.              op. at 1–2 (STB served June 14, 2007).
                                                                                                         Copies: A copy of the Form OMB                      The State further explains that, in 2007,
                                               For the Commission, by the Division of                  83–1, supporting statement, and other                 NPRRA obtained Board authority to
                                             Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                                                                       documents submitted to OMB for                        lease and operate the Napa-Tabor Line.
                                                                                                       review may be obtained from the                       See Napa-Platte Reg’l R.R. Auth.—Lease
                                             Eduardo A. Aleman,                                                                                              & Operation Exemption—Dakota Short
                                                                                                       Agency Clearance Officer.
                                             Assistant Secretary.                                                                                            Line Corp., FD 35025 (STB served May
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–08053 Filed 4–17–18; 8:45 am]               Summary of Information Collections                    31, 2007). According to the State,
                                             BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                      Title: Disaster Survey Worksheet.                   NPRRA’s last lease from the State
                                                                                                         Description of Respondents: Affected                expired on September 20, 2015. The
                                                                                                       Disaster Areas.                                       State claims that neither NPRRA nor
                                             SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                               Form Number: SBA Form 987.                          any other rail carrier provided common
                                                                                                         Estimated Annual Respondents:                       carrier service over the Napa-Tabor Line
                                             Reporting and Recordkeeping                               2,760.                                                between 2007 and September 20, 2015.
                                             Requirements Under OMB Review                               Estimated Annual Responses: 2,760.                  The State further claims that, beginning
                                                                                                         Estimated Annual Hour Burden: 229.                  September 21, 2015, the State has leased
                                             AGENCY:      Small Business Administration.
                                                                                                       Curtis Rich,                                          the Napa-Tabor Line and a connecting
                                             ACTION:     30-Day notice.                                                                                      line segment to the Dakota Southern
                                                                                                       Management Analyst.
                                             SUMMARY:   The Small Business                                                                                   Railway Company (DSRC). See Dakota
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–08064 Filed 4–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                             Administration (SBA) is publishing this                                                                         S. Ry.—Notice of Modified Certificate of
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 8025–01–P                                Pub. Convenience & Necessity—
                                             notice to comply with requirements of
                                             the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA),                                                                              Yankton, Bon Homme, & Charles Mix
                                             which requires agencies to submit                                                                               Ctys., S.D., FD 36086 (STB served Jan.
                                             proposed reporting and recordkeeping                      SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD                          25, 2017). According to the State,
                                             requirements to OMB for review and                        [Docket No. AB 1253]                                  following the termination of NPRRA’s
                                             approval, and to publish a notice in the                                                                        lease, the State requested that NPRRA
                                             Federal Register notifying the public of                  State of South Dakota Acting by and                   seek a voluntary termination of its lease
                                             that submission.                                          Through its Department of                             and operating authority over the Napa-
                                             DATES: Submit comments on or before                       Transportation—Adverse                                Tabor Line, but NPRRA has not done so.
                                                                                                       Discontinuance of Operating                           The State now seeks Board authority
                                             May 18, 2018.
                                                                                                       Authority—Napa-Platte Regional                        through an adverse discontinuance
                                             ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to
                                                                                                       Railroad Authority                                    proceeding to terminate NPRRA’s
                                             the information collection by name                                                                              regulatory authority to lease and operate
                                             and/or OMB Control Number and                                On March 29, 2018, the State of South              the Napa-Tabor Line. The State asserts
                                             should be sent to: Agency Clearance                       Dakota acting by and through its                      that NPRRA does not oppose the State’s
                                             Officer, Curtis Rich, Small Business                      Department of Transportation (the State)              application for adverse discontinuance.
                                             Administration, 409 3rd Street SW, 5th                    filed an application under 49 U.S.C.                     In a decision served in this
                                             Floor, Washington, DC 20416; and SBA                      10903 requesting that the Surface                     proceeding on May 31, 2017, the State
                                             Desk Officer, Office of Information and                   Transportation Board (the Board)                      was granted exemptions from several
                                             Regulatory Affairs, Office of                             authorize the third-party, or ‘‘adverse,’’            statutory provisions as well as waivers
                                             Management and Budget, New                                discontinuance of the operating                       of certain Board regulations that were
                                             Executive Office Building, Washington,                    authority of Napa-Platte Regional                     not relevant to its adverse
                                             DC 20503.                                                 Railroad Authority (NPRRA) 1 over                     discontinuance application or that
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                          approximately 13.4 miles of rail line                 sought information not available to the
                                             Curtis Rich, Agency Clearance Officer,                    extending from milepost (MP) 0.0,                     State.
                                             (202) 205–7030 curtis.rich@sba.gov.                       referred to as Napa Junction, in South                   According to the State, the Napa-
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SBA is                         Dakota, to MP 13.4+/¥ near Tabor, S.D.                Tabor Line does not contain federally
                                             required to survey affected disaster                      (the Napa-Tabor Line). The Napa-Tabor                 granted rights-of-way. Any
                                             areas, within a state upon request by the                 Line traverses United States Postal                   documentation in the State’s possession
                                             Governor of that state to determine if                    Service Zip Codes 57078 and 57063.2                   will be made available promptly to
                                             there is sufficient damage to warrant a                      According to the State, the Napa-                  those requesting it. The State’s entire
                                             Disaster Declaration, Information is                      Tabor Line is part of a longer line that              case-in-chief for adverse abandonment
                                             obtained from individuals, businesses,                    runs from MP 0.0 to MP 83.3 near Platte,              and discontinuance was filed with the
                                             and public officials.                                     S.D. (the Napa-Platte Line). The State                application.
                                                                                                       explains that the Napa-Platte Line was                   Any interested person may file
                                             Solicitation of Public Comments                           authorized for abandonment in 1980                    written comments concerning the
                                               Comments may be submitted on (a)                        but, prior to being abandoned, was                    proposed adverse discontinuance or
                                             whether the collection of information is                  acquired by the State. See Ogilvie—                   protests (including protestant’s entire
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES

                                             necessary for the agency to properly                                                                            opposition case) by May 14, 2018.
                                             perform its functions; (b) whether the                      1 According to the State, NPRRA is a political      Persons who may oppose the proposed
                                             burden estimates are accurate; (c)                        subdivision of the State of South Dakota and is a     adverse discontinuance but who do not
                                                                                                       non-operating common carrier railroad.                wish to participate fully in the process
                                             whether there are ways to minimize the                      2 In a letter filed April 11, 2018, the State

                                                                                                       informed the Board that United States Postal
                                                                                                                                                             by submitting verified statements of
                                               39 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).                               Service Zip Code 57058 had inadvertently been         witnesses containing detailed evidence
                                               40 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            included in its verified notice.                      should file comments. Persons opposing

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Document Created: 2018-04-18 03:00:39
Document Modified: 2018-04-18 03:00:39
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 17206 

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