83_FR_18523 83 FR 18441 - Managed Care

83 FR 18441 - Managed Care

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 82 (April 27, 2018)

Page Range18441-18441
FR Document2018-09060

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 82 (Friday, April 27, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 82 (Friday, April 27, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 18441]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09060]



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

42 CFR Part 438

Managed Care

CFR Correction

 In Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 430 to 481, 
revised as of October 1, 2017, on page 295, in Sec.  438.214, paragraph 
(c) [Reserved] is removed and ``(2) [Reserved]'' is added in its place.

[FR Doc. 2018-09060 Filed 4-26-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 82 / Friday, April 27, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                               18441

                                                that Statement dated August 18, 1988,                      Part 372—Hazardous Waste Manifest                   Appendix 37; Appendix 38; Appendices 40
                                                July 26, 1989, August 15, 1991, October                 System and Related Standards for Generators,           through 49; and Appendices 51 through 55.
                                                11, 1991, July 28, 1994, May 30, 1997,                  Transporters and Facilities: Sections 372.1(a)           Copies of the New York regulations that are
                                                                                                        through (d); 372.1(e)(2)(ii)(c) (January 31,           incorporated by reference are available from
                                                February 5, 2001, April 2, 2004, June 13,
                                                                                                        1992); 372.1(e)(2)(iii)(c) (January 31, 1992);         West Publishing Company, 610 Opperman
                                                2008 (including three certifications),                  372.1(e)(3) through (e)(8); 372.1(g) and (h);          Drive, P.O. Box 64526, Eagan, MN 55134–
                                                August 17, 2009, and May 22, 2012,                      372.2 (except (b)(5)(ii) and (b)(9)); 372.3            0526; Phone: 1–800–328–4880; website:
                                                although not incorporated by reference,                 (except (a)(1), (a)(4), (a)(7)(i), (a)(8), (b)(3),     http://west.thomson.com.
                                                are referenced as part of the authorized                (b)(5)(ii), (b)(6)(iv), (b)(7)(i)(d), (c)(4) and       *       *    *     *      *
                                                hazardous waste management program                      (d)(3)); 372.5 (except (h) and (i); 372.6;             [FR Doc. 2018–08431 Filed 4–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                                under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C.                     372.7(a) and (b); 372.7(c) (except (c)(1)(ii));
                                                                                                        and 372.7(d).                                          BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                6921 et seq.
                                                   (7) Program Description. The Program                    Part 373, Subpart 373–1—Hazardous Waste
                                                                                                        Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility
                                                Description and any other materials                     Permitting Requirements: Sections 373–1.1(a)
                                                submitted as supplements thereto,                                                                              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                        through (c), 373–1.1(d) (except (d)(1)(iii)(b),
                                                although not incorporated by reference,                 (d)(1)(iii)(c)(6), (d)(1)(iii)(d), (d)(1)(iv)(a) and   HUMAN SERVICES
                                                are referenced as part of the authorized                (b), (d)(1)(x), (d)(1)(xvi), and (d)(1)(xviii));
                                                hazardous waste management program                      373–1.1(e); 373–1.1(h) and (i); 373–1.2; 373–          Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
                                                under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C.                     1.3; 373–1.4(a); 373–1.4(g) and (h); 373–1.5(a)        Services
                                                6921 et seq.                                            (except (a)(2)(xviii)); 373–1.5(b) and (c); 373–
                                                                                                        1.5(d) through (p) (except reserved                    42 CFR Part 438
                                                ■ 3. Appendix A to part 272 is amended
                                                                                                        paragraphs); 373–1.6 (except (c)); 373–1.7
                                                by revising the listing for ‘‘New York’’                through 373–1.11.                                      Managed Care
                                                to read as follows:                                        Part 373, Subpart 373–2—Final Status
                                                                                                        Standards for Owners and Operators of                  CFR Correction
                                                Appendix A to Part 272—State
                                                                                                        Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and
                                                Requirements                                                                                                   ■ In Title 42 of the Code of Federal
                                                                                                        Disposal Facilities: Sections 373–2.1 through
                                                                                                        373–2.4; 373–2.5(a); 373–2.5(b) (except                Regulations, Parts 430 to 481, revised as
                                                *      *     *       *      *
                                                                                                        (b)(1)(i)(c), (b)(3)(ii)(d) and (b)(3)(ii)(e)); 373–   of October 1, 2017, on page 295, in
                                                New York                                                2.5(c) through (g); 373–2.6 through 373–2.11;          § 438.214, paragraph (c) [Reserved] is
                                                   The regulatory provisions include:                   373–2.12 (except 373–2.12(a)(1) and (d));              removed and ‘‘(2) [Reserved]’’ is added
                                                   Title 6, New York Codes, Rules and                   373–2.12(a)(1) (January 31, 1992); 373–2.13;           in its place.
                                                Regulations (6 NYCRR), Chapter IV, Quality              373–2.14; 373–2.15 (except (a)(2)); 373–2.19           [FR Doc. 2018–09060 Filed 4–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                                Services, Subchapter B, Solid Wastes                    (except (e)(1)(ii)); 373–2.23; 373–2.24; and
                                                                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 1301–00–D
                                                (Volumes A–2 and A–2A), as amended                      373–2.27 through 373–2.31.
                                                effective through September 5, 2006.                       Part 373, Subpart 373–3—Interim Status
                                                   Please note: For a few regulations, the              Standards Regulations for Owners and
                                                authorized regulation is an earlier version of          Operators of Hazardous Waste Facilities:               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                the New York State regulation. For these                Sections 373–3.1 (except 373–3.1(a)(4)); 373–          COMMISSION
                                                regulations, EPA authorized the version of              3.2 through 373–3.4; 373–3.5 (except 373–
                                                the regulations that appear in the Official             3.5(b)(1)(i)(c), (b)(3)(ii)(d) and (b)(3)(ii)(e));     47 CFR Parts 1, 73 and 74
                                                Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations             373–3.6 through 373–3.18; 373–3.23; and
                                                dated January 31, 1992. New York State made             373–3.27 through 373–3.31.                             [AU Docket No. 17–351; DA 18–257]
                                                later changes to these regulations but these               Part 374, Subpart 374–1—Standards for the
                                                changes have not been authorized by EPA.                Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes                Auction of FM Translator Construction
                                                The regulations where the authorized                    and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste                  Permits Scheduled for June 21, 2018;
                                                regulation is an earlier version of the                 Management Facilities: Sections 374–1.1;
                                                regulation are noted below by inclusion in              374–1.3; 374–1.6 (except (a)(2)(iii)); 374–1.7;
                                                                                                                                                               Notification of Filing Requirements,
                                                parentheses of January 31, 1992 after the               374–1.8 (except reserved sections); 374–1.9;           Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront
                                                regulatory citations.                                   and 374–1.13.                                          Payments, and Other Procedures for
                                                   Part 360, Subpart 360–14—Used Oil:                      Part 374, Subpart 374–2—Standards for the           Auction 83
                                                Sections 360–14.1(b)(7) and 360–14.1(b)(8).             Management of Used Oil: Sections 374–2.1
                                                   Part 370—Hazardous Waste Management                  (except (a)(2) ‘‘Adjacent towns or cities’’,           AGENCY:  Federal Communications
                                                System—General: Sections 370.1(a) (except               (a)(4) ‘‘Contract’’, (a)(10) ‘‘On-premises oil         Commission.
                                                (a)(3)); 370.1(b) through (d); 370.1(e) (except         changing operation’’, (a)(14) ‘‘Retail’’, (a)(15)      ACTION: Final action; requirements and
                                                (e)(9)); 370.1(f); 370.2(a); 370.2(b)(1) through        ‘‘Retail establishment’’, (a)(16) ‘‘Service            procedures.
                                                (b)(15) ‘‘battery’’; 370.2(b)(15) ‘‘bedrock’’,          establishment’’, (a)(18) ‘‘Total halogens’’,
                                                (January 31, 1992); 370.2(b)(17) through                (a)(19) ‘‘Underground used oil tank’’, and             SUMMARY:   In this document, the
                                                (b)(91); 370.2(b)(94) through (b)(125);                 (a)(27) ‘‘Used oil tank system’’); 374–2.2;            Commission summarizes the procedures
                                                370.2(b)(127) through (b)(137); 370.2(b)(139)           374–2.3 (except (c)(3) through (c)(6), and (f));       and announces upfront payments
                                                through (b)(221); 370.3 (except 370.3(c));              374–2.4; 374–2.5 (except (a)(2) and (e)(4));
                                                                                                                                                               amounts and minimum opening bids for
                                                370.4; 370.5 (except (b)).                              374–2.6 (except (a)(2) and (d)(4)); 374–2.7
                                                   Part 371—Identification and Listing of               (except (d)(4), (e)(5) and (e)(6)); 374–2.8; and       the auction of FM translator
                                                Hazardous Waste: Sections 371.1(a) through              374–2.9.                                               construction permits (Auction 83). The
                                                (c); 371.1(d) (except (d)(1)(ii)(c)); 371.1(e)             Part 374, Subpart 374–3—Standards for               document summarized here is intended
                                                (except 371.1(e)(1)(xvi) and (e)(2)(vi)(b)(21));        Universal Waste: Sections 374–3.1 (except (f)          to familiarize applicants with the
                                                371.1(f)(1) through (7); 371.1(f)(8) (except the        and (g)); 374–3.2; 374–3.3; 374–3.4 (except            procedures and other requirements for
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                                                phrase ‘‘or such mixing occurs at a facility            (a)(2)); and 374–3.5 through 374–3.7.                  participation in the auction.
                                                regulated under Subpart 373–4 or permitted                 Part 376—Land Disposal Restrictions:
                                                                                                                                                               DATES: April 16, 2018, and until 6:00
                                                under Part 373 of this Title’’); 371.1(f)(9) and        Sections 376.1 (except (a)(5), (a)(9), (e), (f),
                                                (f)(10); 371.1(g)(1) (except (g)(1)(ii)(c) and          and (g)(1)(ii)(b)); 376.2; 376.3 (except (b)(4)        p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on April 26,
                                                (g)(1)(v)); 371.1(g)(2) through (4); 371.1(h)           and (d)(2)); 376.4 (except (c)(2), (e)(1)–(7),         2018, each Auction 83 applicant must
                                                through (j); 371.2; 371.3; 371.4(a) and (b);            and (f)); and 376.5.                                   review, verify or update its previously-
                                                371.4(c) (except K064, K065, K066, K090 and                Appendices: Appendices 19 through 25;               filed short-form applications (FCC
                                                K091 entries); 371.4(d) and (f).                        Appendices 27 through 30; Appendix 33;                 Forms 175) electronically. Bidding in

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Document Created: 2018-04-27 01:45:37
Document Modified: 2018-04-27 01:45:37
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
FR Citation83 FR 18441 

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