83_FR_18860 83 FR 18777 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel Project in Virginia Beach, Virginia

83 FR 18777 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel Project in Virginia Beach, Virginia

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 83 (April 30, 2018)

Page Range18777-18801
FR Document2018-09032

NMFS has received a request from the Chesapeake Tunnel Joint Venture (CTJV) for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to the Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel Project (PTST) in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is requesting comments on its proposal to issue an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to incidentally take marine mammals during the specified activities. NMFS will consider public comments prior to making any final decision on the issuance of the requested MMPA authorizations and agency responses will be summarized in the final notice of our decision.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 83 (Monday, April 30, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 83 (Monday, April 30, 2018)]
[Pages 18777-18801]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09032]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XG107

Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; 
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel 
Project in Virginia Beach, Virginia

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental harassment authorization; request 
for comments.


SUMMARY: NMFS has received a request from the Chesapeake Tunnel Joint 
Venture (CTJV) for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to 
the Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel Project (PTST) in Virginia Beach, 
Virginia. Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is 
requesting comments on its proposal to issue an incidental harassment 
authorization (IHA) to incidentally take marine mammals during the 
specified activities. NMFS will consider public comments prior to 
making any final decision on the issuance of the requested MMPA 
authorizations and agency responses will be summarized in the final 
notice of our decision.

DATES: Comments and information must be received no later than May 30, 

ADDRESSES: Comments should be addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief, 
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, 
National Marine Fisheries Service. Physical comments should be sent to 
1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910 and electronic comments 
should be sent to [email protected].
    Instructions: NMFS is not responsible for comments sent by any 
other method, to any other address or individual, or received after the 
end of the comment period. Comments received electronically, including 
all attachments, must not exceed a 25-megabyte file size. Attachments 
to electronic comments will be accepted in Microsoft Word or Excel or 
Adobe PDF file formats only. All comments received are a part of the 
public record and will generally be posted online at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/node/23111 without change. All personal 
identifying information (e.g., name, address) voluntarily submitted by 
the commenter may be publicly accessible. Do not submit confidential 
business information or otherwise sensitive or protected information.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob Pauline, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the application 
and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in 
this document, may be obtained online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/construction.htm. In case of problems accessing these 
documents, please call the contact listed above.



    Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) 
direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon 
request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of small numbers 
of marine mammals by United States. citizens who engage in a specified 
activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified 
geographical region if certain findings are made and either regulations 
are issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a 
proposed authorization is provided to the public for review.
    An authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS 
finds that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or 
stock(s), will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the 
availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses (where 
relevant), and if the permissible methods of taking and requirements 
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and reporting of such takings 
are set forth.
    NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103 as an 
impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot be reasonably 
expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely affect the 
species or stock through effects on annual rates of recruitment or 
    The MMPA states that the term ``take'' means to harass, hunt, 
capture, kill or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill any marine 
    Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the 
MMPA defines ``harassment'' as any act of pursuit, torment, or 
annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has the 
potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild 
by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not 
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or 
sheltering (Level B harassment).

National Environmental Policy Act

    To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA; 
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A, 
NMFS must review our proposed action (i.e., the issuance of an 
incidental harassment authorization) with respect to potential impacts 
on the human environment.
    This action is consistent with categories of activities identified 
in Categorical Exclusion B4 (incidental harassment authorizations with 
no anticipated serious injury or mortality) of the Companion Manual for 
NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A, which do not individually or 
cumulatively have the potential for significant impacts on the quality 
of the human environment and for which we have not identified any 
extraordinary circumstances that would preclude this categorical 
exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has preliminarily determined that the

[[Page 18778]]

issuance of the proposed IHA qualifies to be categorically excluded 
from further NEPA review.
    We will review all comments submitted in response to this notice 
prior to concluding our NEPA process or making a final decision on the 
IHA request.

Summary of Request

    On January 11, 2018, NMFS received a request from the CTJV for an 
IHA to take marine mammals incidental to pile driving at the Chesapeake 
Bay Bridge and Tunnel (CBBT) near Virginia Beach, Virginia. CTJV's 
request is for take of small numbers of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), 
gray seal (Halichoerus grypus), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.), 
harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), and humpback whale (Megaptera 
novaeangliae) by Level A and Level B harassment. Neither the CTJV nor 
NMFS expect serious injury or mortality to result from this activity 
and, therefore, an IHA is appropriate.

Description of Proposed Activity


    The PTST project consists of the construction of a two-lane 
parallel tunnel to the west of the existing Thimble Shoal Tunnel, 
connecting Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2 (Figure 1 in application). Upon 
completion, the new tunnel will carry two lanes of southbound traffic 
and the existing tunnel will remain in operation and carry two lanes of 
northbound traffic. The PTST project will address existing constraints 
to regional mobility based on current traffic volume along the 
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) facility; improve safety by 
minimizing one lane, two-way traffic in the tunnel; improve the ability 
to conduct necessary maintenance with minimal impact to traffic flow; 
and ensure a reliable southwest hurricane evacuation route for 
residents of the eastern shore and/or a northern evacuation route for 
residents of the eastern shore, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. The CBBT 
is a 23 mile fixed link crossing the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay which 
connects Northampton County on the Delmarva Peninsula with Virginia 
Beach, which is part of the Hampton Roads metropolitan area.
    The new parallel tunnel will be bored under the Thimble Shoal 
Channel. The 6,525 linear feet (ft) of new tunnel will be constructed 
with a top of tunnel depth/elevation of 100 ft below Mean Low Water 
(MLW) within the width of the 1,000-ft-wide navigation channel. Impact 
pile driving will be used to install steel piles and vibratory pile 
driving will be utilized to install sheet piles. Sound produced during 
pile driving activities may result in behavioral harassment or auditory 
injury to local marine mammals. In-water construction will occur during 
spring and summer of 2018. This proposed IHA would cover one year of a 
larger project for which will run through 2022. The larger project, 
which does not employ pile driving and does not require an IHA, 
involves tunnel excavation with a tunnel boring machine and 
construction of a roadway within the tunnel.

Dates and Duration

    In-water construction is planned to begin on June 1, 2018 and run 
through March 31, 2019. Pile driving, which may be concurrent at times, 
could occur up to 8 hours per day for up to 202 days.

Specific Geographic Region

    The PTST project is located between Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2 of 
the CBBT, and will be bored underneath the Thimble Shoal Channel in the 
Chesapeake Bay. Water depths within the PTST construction area range 
from 0 to 60 ft below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). The Thimble Shoal 
Channel is 1,000 ft wide, is authorized to a depth of 55 ft below MLLW, 
and is maintained at a depth of 50 ft MLLW.

Detailed Description of Specific Activity

    Construction of the tunnel structure will begin on Portal Island 
No. 1 and move from south to north to Portal Island No. 2. It is 
anticipated that this project will be constructed without any or 
minimal effect on the existing tunnel and traffic operations. The only 
short-term possibility for traffic impact could occur when connecting 
the existing roadway to the new roadway. The Tunnel Boring Machine 
(TBM) components will be barged and trucked to Portal Island No. 1. The 
TBM will be assembled within an entry/launch portal that will be 
constructed on Portal Island No. 1. The machine will then both excavate 
material and construct the tunnel as it progresses from Portal Island 
No. 1 to Portal Island No. 2. Material excavated from within the tunnel 
will be transported via a conveyor belt system back to Portal Island No 
1. Approximately 350,000 cubic yards (cy) (in situ volume) of material 
will be excavated by the TBM and 524,000 cy (bulked volume) will be 
conveyed to Portal Island No. 1. This material will be transported 
offsite using a combination of trucks and barges and will be disposed 
at an approved off-site, upland facility in accordance with the Dredged 
Material Management Plan.
    Precast concrete tunnel segments will be transported to the TBM for 
installation. The TBM will assemble the tunnel segments in-place as the 
tunnel is bored. After the TBM reaches Portal Island No. 2, it will be 
disassembled and the components will be removed via an exit/receiving 
portal on Portal Island No. 2. After the tunnel structure is completed, 
final upland work for the PTST project will include installation of the 
final roadway, lighting, finishes, mechanical systems, and other 
required internal systems for tunnel use and function. In addition, the 
existing fishing pier will be repaired and refurbished.
    In-Water Construction Activities. In-water activities for the 
tunnel construction will be limited to eight primary actions:
    (1) Construction and use of a temporary dock, an integrated 
temporary conveyor dock, and mooring facilities;
    (2) Construction of temporary roadway trestles requiring a limited 
number of in-water piles and partially extending over water to 
facilitate safe construction vehicle movements on each portal island. 
For Portal Island No. 1, the temporary docking will integrate the 
roadway trestle in the same structure;
    (3) Construction of temporary work trestles approximately 850 ft 
long and 35 ft wide each, and offset west of the tunnel alignment to 
facilitate construction of the berms;
    (4) Temporary subaqueous stockpiling of existing armor stones for 
    (5) Construction of two permanent engineered berms (one extending 
channelward from each of the two portal islands) including installation 
of steel sheet pile to provide settlement mitigation between the 
existing tunnel and the new tunnel, handling of existing stone, adding 
new stone, and limited mechanical dredging at Portal Island No. 1;
    (6) Underground (below the sediment-water interface) tunnel boring;
    (7) Repair/rehabilitation to the existing fishing pier substructure 
and trestle substructure (only if deemed necessary based on 
inspection); and
    (8) Construction and use of outfalls on the east side of Portal 
Island No. 1 to allow for permitted process water discharges from a 
project-specific wastewater treatment facility, and periodic, 
intermittent warm water discharges of non-contact cooling water from an 
on-site cooling system.
    Up to 132 hollow steel piles measuring 36 inches in diameter will 
be installed to support the integrated temporary dock/barge unloading/

[[Page 18779]]

conveyor facility and temporary conveyor dock at Portal Island No. 1. 
Of these, 82 will be placed in-water and 50 will be placed upland 
(above the mean high water (MHW) line). Up to 30 hollow steel piles 
(36-inch diameter) will be installed to provide mooring facilities 
along each portal island (six dolphin moorings comprised of five piles 
    Up to 160 hollow steel piles (36-inch in diameter, below MHW) will 
be installed to support temporary work platforms (trestles) offset to 
the west of each of the two engineered berms. These trestles will 
extend 841 ft and 809 ft channelward from Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2, 
respectively. Up to 12 round piles will be installed on the island 
above MHW to support a temporary roadway trestle at Portal Island No. 
2. Installation for the temporary docks and mooring dolphins will occur 
over approximately 2 months; commencing in June 2018 as shown in Table 
1. Installation of the temporary offset construction trestles will 
occur over approximately five months. In-water pile driving activities 
will also include installation of sheet pile for settlement mitigation 
and as an in-water containment system to facilitate construction of the 
engineered berms adjacent to Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2. A total of 
1,540 linear ft of sheet pile (or 830 individual sheets each 27.56 
inches in length) will be installed over approximately eight months.

                                 Table 1--Anticipated Pile Installation Schedule
        Pile location            Pile function       Pile type     Number of piles (upland/in-    installation
                                                                              water)                  date
Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2...  Mooring dolphins  36-inch diameter  30.........................  1 June to 30
                                (in-water).       hollow steel.                                  June 2018.
West of Portal Island No. 1..  Berm              36-inch diameter  80.........................  1 July 2018
                                construction      hollow steel.                                  through 1
                                trestle (in-                                                     January 2019.
West of Portal Island No. 2..  Berm              36-inch diameter  80.........................  1 July 2018
                                construction      hollow steel.                                  through 1
                                trestle (in-                                                     January 2019.
Portal Island No. 1..........  Temporary docks   36-inch diameter  50.........................  1 May 2018
                                (upland).         hollow.                                        through 30 June
                                                 steel...........                                2018.
Portal Island No. 1..........  Temporary docks   36-inch diameter  82.........................  1 July 2018 to
                                (in- water).      hollow steel.                                  30 August 2018.
Portal Island No. 2 (above     Temporary         36-inch diameter  12.........................  1 May to 31 May
 MHW).                          roadway trestle   hollow steel.                                  2018.
Portal Island No. 1 (above     Excavated TBM     28 and 18-inch    1,110......................  1 May 2018 to 30
 MHW).                          material          steel sheet.                                   September 2018.
                                holding (muck)
                                bin (upland).
Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2     Settlement        28-inch steel     2,554......................  1 August 2018 to
 (above and below MHW).         mitigation and    sheet.                                         30 March 2019.
                                flowable fill
Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2     Portal            Steel sheet.....  1,401......................  1 June 2018 to
 (above MHW).                   excavation.                                                      30 September
                                                                                                 2018, 1 January
                                                                                                 to 30 March
Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2     Excavation        Steel sheet.....  240........................  1 April 2018 to
 (above MHW).                   Support.                                                         30 August 2019
                                                                                                 to 1 January
                                                                                                 2019 to 30
                                                                                                 March 2019.
    Total (above and below     ................  ................  5,305 Sheet Piles; 334
     water).                                                        Round Piles.

    Prior to initiation of the boring of the tunnel, construction of 
two engineered in-water berms will be required to provide structural 
support to the launch/receiving sections of the tunnel that are in 
closest proximity to the portal islands. Each engineered berm (at its 
maximum design configuration) will extend from the portal island 
channelward and will be approximately 1,400 ft long by 260 ft wide (at 
its widest point). Construction of the engineered berms will require 
installation of temporary trestles offset to the west of each berm 
alignment to serve as work platforms. The trestles will be supported by 
36-inch diameter round steel piles driven by an impact hammer (with an 
encased bubble curtain). Construction will also require installation of 
parallel rows of sheet pile (using a vibratory hammer) approximately 
530 linear ft in length by 60 ft in width channelward from MHW along 
the berm alignment at both Portal Islands.
    Mechanical dredging to remove unsuitable berm foundation material 
(Portal Island No. 1 only) and disposal of dredged material via bottom-
dump, or upland placement at an approved site. Note that NMFS does not 
consider underwater noise levels associated with dredging to occur at a 
level that could result in harassment of marine mammals. Therefore, 
dredging operations are not considered further in this analysis.
    A number of additional upland construction activities are planned 
on the Portal Islands as part of the PTST project. Since these 
activities will not occur in water, they are not included as part of 
this analysis and are described in detail in section 1.3 in the 
    Proposed mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures are 
described in detail later in this document (please see ``Proposed 
Mitigation'' and ``Proposed Monitoring and Reporting'').

Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of Specified Activities

    Sections 3 and 4 of the application summarize available information 
regarding status and trends, distribution and habitat preferences, and 
behavior and life history, of the potentially affected species. 
Additional information regarding population trends and threats may be 
found in NMFS's Stock Assessment Reports (SAR; www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/) and more general information about these species (e.g., physical 
and behavioral descriptions) may be found on NMFS's website 
    Table 2 lists all species with expected potential for occurrence in 
near the CBBT and summarizes information

[[Page 18780]]

related to the population or stock, including regulatory status under 
the MMPA and ESA and potential biological removal (PBR), where known. 
For taxonomy, we follow Committee on Taxonomy (2016). PBR is defined by 
the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural 
mortalities, that may be removed from a marine mammal stock while 
allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable 
population (as described in NMFS's SARs). While no mortality is 
anticipated or authorized here, PBR and annual serious injury and 
mortality from anthropogenic sources are included here as gross 
indicators of the status of the species and other threats.
    Marine mammal abundance estimates presented in this document 
represent the total number of individuals that make up a given stock or 
the total number estimated within a particular study or survey area. 
NMFS's stock abundance estimates for most species represent the total 
estimate of individuals within the geographic area, if known, that 
comprises that stock. For some species, this geographic area may extend 
beyond United States waters. All managed stocks in this region are 
assessed in NMFS's United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine 
Mammal Stock Assessments (Hayes et al., 2017a,b). All values presented 
in Table 2 are the most recent available at the time of publication and 
are available in the 2016 Stock Assessment Report (Hayes et al., 2017a) 
and draft 2017 stock assessment report (Hayes et al., 2017b) (available 
online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/regiont.htm).

                                          Table 2--Marine Mammal Species Likely To Occur Near the Project Area
                                                                                         ESA/MMPA status;   Stock abundance (CV,
             Common name                  Scientific name               Stock            Strategic (Y/N)      Nmin, most recent       PBR      Annual M/
                                                                                               \1\          abundance survey) \2\               SI \3\
                                          Order Cetartiodactyla--Cetacea--Superfamily Mysticeti (baleen whales)
Family Balaenidae:
    North Atlantic Right whale......  Eubalaena glacialis....  Western North Atlantic   E/D; Y             458 (0; 455; 2017)....        1.4          36
Family Balaenopteridae (rorquals):
    Humpback whale..................  Megaptera novaeangliae.  Gulf of Maine..........  -; N               335 (.42; 239; 2012)..        3.7         8.5
    Fin whale.......................  Balaenoptera physalus..  WNA....................  E/D; Y             1,618 (0.33; 1,234;           2.5        2.65
                                            Superfamily Odontoceti (toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises)
Family Delphinidae:
    Bottlenose dolphin..............  Tursiops spp...........  WNA Coastal, Northern    D; Y               11,548 (0.36; 8,620;           86     1.0-7.5
                                                                Migratory.                                  2010-11).
                                                               WNA Coastal, Southern    D; Y               9,173 (0.46; 6,326;            63        0-12
                                                                Migratory.                                  2010-11).
                                                               Northern North Carolina  D; S               823 (0.06; 782; 2013).        7.8    1.0-16.7
                                                                Estuarine System.
Family Phocoenidae (porpoises):
    Harbor porpoise.................  Phocoena phocoena......  Gulf of Maine/Bay of     -; N               79,833 (0.32; 61,415;         706  307 (0.16)
                                                                Fundy.                                      2011).
                                                         Order Carnivora--Superfamily Pinnipedia
Family Phocidae (earless seals):
    Harbor seal.....................  Phoca vitulina.........  WNA....................  -; N               75,834 (0.1; 66,884,        2,006         368
    Gray seal.......................  Halichoerus grypus.....  WNA....................  -; N               27,131 (.1, 25,908,         1,554       5,207
\1\ Endangered Species Act (ESA) status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (-) indicates that the species is not listed
  under the ESA or designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality
  exceeds PBR or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed
  under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
\2\ NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate of
  stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable.
\3\ These values, found in NMFS's SARs, represent annual levels of human-caused mortality plus serious injury from all sources combined (e.g.,
  commercial fisheries, ship strike). Annual M/SI often cannot be determined precisely and is in some cases presented as a minimum value or range. A CV
  associated with estimated mortality due to commercial fisheries is presented in some cases.
Note--Italicized species are not expected to be taken or proposed for authorization.

    All species that could potentially occur in the proposed survey 
areas are included in Table 2. However, the occurrence of endangered 
North Atlantic right whales and endangered fin whales is such that take 
is not expected to occur, and they are not discussed further beyond the 
explanation provided here. Between 1998 and 2013, there were no reports 
of North Atlantic right whale strandings within the Chesapeake Bay and 
only four reported standings along the coast of Virginia. During this 
same period, only six fin whale strandings were recorded within the 
Chesapeake Bay (Barco and Swingle 2014). In 2016, there were no reports 
of fin whale strandings (Barco et al., 2017). Due to the low occurrence 
of North Atlantic right whales and fin whales, NMFS is not proposing 
take of these species.

Humpback Whale

    Humpback whales inhabit all major ocean basins from the equator to 
subpolar latitudes. They generally follow a predictable migratory 
pattern in both hemispheres, feeding during the summer in the higher 
latitudes (40 to 70 degrees latitude) and migrating to lower latitudes 
(10 to 30 degrees latitude) where calving and breeding take place in 
the winter (Perry et al., 1999, NOAA

[[Page 18781]]

Fisheries 2006a). During the spring, summer, and fall, humpback whales 
in the North Atlantic Ocean feed over a range that includes the eastern 
coast of the United States, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland/
Labrador, and western Greenland.
    Humpback whales are the whale most likely to occur in the project 
area and could be found there at any time of the year. NOAA reported 
that between 2009-2013, three humpback whales were stranded in Virginia 
in the lower Bay (one off of Northampton County, one near the York 
River, and one off of Ft. Story), and two were stranded in Maryland 
near Ocean City (NOAA Fisheries 2015b). All of the whales stranded in 
Virginia and Maryland had signs of human-caused injury. NOAA's database 
of mortality and serious injury indicates no human caused serious 
injuries for humpback whales in the Chesapeake Bay proper between 1999 
and 2003. The only reported mortality of a humpback whale during the 
1999-2003 time period was at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay in 
Virginia as the result of a ship strike. Three other humpback whale 
mortalities related to ship strikes or entanglement in fishing gear in 
Virginia waters were reported during the study period. One serious 
injury to a humpback whale as a result of entanglement in fishing gear 
occurred near Ocean City, Maryland (Cole et al., 2005).
    There have been 33 humpback whale strandings recorded in Virginia 
between 1988 and 2013; 11 had signs of entanglement and 9 had injuries 
from vessel strikes. Most of these strandings were reported from ocean 
facing beaches, but 11 were also within the Chesapeake Bay (Barco and 
Swingle 2014). Strandings occurred in all seasons, but were most common 
in the spring. In the past 5 years of reported data (2011-2015), there 
have been five humpback whale strandings in Virginia (Swingle et al., 
2012, Swingle et al., 2013, Swingle et al., 2014, Swingle et al., 2015, 
Swingle et al., 2016). Since the beginning of 2017, five dead humpback 
whales have been observed in Virginia (Funk 2017). Ship strikes have 
been attributed as the likely cause of death in these instances. Note 
that in 2016, NMFS declared that an Unusual Mortality Event (UME) for 
humpback whales strandings along the Atlantic Coast from Maine through 
North Carolina. This means that elevated whale mortalities have 
occurred in the area. Since January 2016 through March 2018, thirteen 
strandings have occurred in Virginia and two have occurred in Maryland.
    In winter, whales from the six feeding areas mate and calve 
primarily in the West Indies where spatial and genetic mixing among 
these groups occur (Waring et al., 2000). Various papers (Clapham and 
Mayo 1990, Clapham et al., 1992, Barlow and Clapham 1997, Clapham et 
al., 1999) summarized information gathered from a catalogue of 
photographs of 643 individuals from the western North Atlantic 
population of humpback whales (also referred to as the Gulf of Maine 
stock). These photographs identified reproductively mature western 
North Atlantic humpbacks wintering in tropical breeding grounds in the 
Antilles, primarily on Silver and Navidad Banks, north of the Dominican 
Republic. The primary winter range also includes the Virgin Islands and 
Puerto Rico (NOAA Fisheries 1991). Not all whales migrate to the West 
Indies every year and some are found in the mid- and high-latitude 
regions during the winter months.
    Humpback whales use the mid-Atlantic as a migratory pathway to and 
from the calving/mating grounds, but it may also be an important winter 
feeding area for juveniles. Since 1989, observations of juvenile 
humpbacks in the mid-Atlantic have been increasing during the winter 
months, peaking from January through March (Swingle et al., 1993). 
Biologists theorize that non-reproductive animals may be establishing a 
winter feeding range in the mid-Atlantic since they are not 
participating in reproductive behavior in the Caribbean. Swingle et al. 
(1993) identified a shift in distribution of juvenile humpback whales 
in the nearshore waters of Virginia, primarily in winter months. 
Identified whales using the mid-Atlantic area were found to be 
residents of the Gulf of Maine and Atlantic Canada (Gulf of St. 
Lawrence and Newfoundland) feeding groups; suggesting a mixing of 
different feeding populations in the Mid-Atlantic region. Strandings of 
humpback whales have increased between New Jersey and Florida since 
1985, consistent with the increase in mid-Atlantic whale sightings. 
Strandings were most frequent during September through April in North 
Carolina and Virginia waters, and were composed primarily of juvenile 
humpback whales of no more than 11 meters in length (Wiley et al., 

Bottlenose Dolphin

    Bottlenose dolphins occur in temperate and tropical oceans 
throughout the world, ranging in latitudes from 45[deg] N to 45[deg] S 
(Blaylock 1985). In the western Atlantic Ocean there are two distinct 
morphotypes of bottlenose dolphins, an offshore type that occurs along 
the edge of the continental shelf as well as an inshore type. The 
inshore morphotype can be found along the entire United States coast 
from New York to the Gulf of Mexico, and typically occurs in waters 
less than 20 meters deep (NOAA Fisheries 2016a). There is evidence that 
the inshore bottlenose dolphins may be made up of seven different stock 
which may be either year-round residents or migratory. Bottlenose 
dolphins found in Virginia are representative primarily of either the 
northern migratory coastal stock or southern migratory coastal stock. 
The northern migratory stock spends the winter along the coast of North 
Carolina and migrates as far north as Long Island, New York in the 
summer. They are rarely found north of North Carolina in the winter 
(NOAA Fisheries 2016a). During October-December, the southern migratory 
stock occupies waters of southern North Carolina. During January-March, 
the southern migratory stock appears to move as far south as northern 
Florida. During April-June, the stock moves north to North Carolina 
while during July-August, the stock is presumed to occupy coastal 
waters north of Cape Lookout, North Carolina, to the eastern shore of 
Virginia. It is possible that these animals also occur inside the 
Chesapeake Bay and in nearshore coastal waters. There is also evidence 
that limited numbers of the Northern North Carolina Estuarine System 
Stock (NNCES) may occur in the Chesapeake Bay in the July-August 
    Bottlenose dolphins are the most abundant marine mammal along the 
Virginia coast and within the Chesapeake Bay. They are seen annually in 
Virginia from May through October with around 65 strandings occurring 
each year (Barco and Swingle 2014). During 2016, 68 bottlenose dolphin 
strandings were recorded in Virginia (Barco et al., 2017). Stranded 
bottlenose dolphins have been recorded as far north as the Potomac 
River in the Chesapeake Bay (Blaylock 1985). Both the northern and 
southern migratory coastal stocks are listed as depleted under the 
    The inshore variety of bottlenose dolphins often travel in small 
groups of 2 to 15 individuals. These groups and will travel into bays, 
estuaries, and rivers to feed, utilizing echolocation to find a variety 
of prey, including fish, squid, and benthic invertebrates (NOAA 
Fisheries 2017b).

Harbor Porpoise

    The harbor porpoise is typically found in colder waters in the 

[[Page 18782]]

hemisphere. In the western North Atlantic Ocean, harbor porpoises range 
from Greenland to as far south as North Carolina (Barco and Swingle 
2014). They are commonly found in bays, estuaries, and harbors less 
than 200 meters deep (NOAA Fisheries 2017c). Harbor porpoises in the 
United States are made up of the Gulf of Main/Bay of Fundy stock. Gulf 
of Main/Bay of Fundy stock are concentrated in the Gulf of Maine in the 
summer, but are widely dispersed from Maine to New Jersey in the 
winter. South of New Jersey, harbor porpoises occur at lower densities. 
Migrations to and from the Gulf of Maine do not follow a defined route 
(NOAA Fisheries 2016c).
    Harbor porpoise occur seasonally in the winter and spring in small 
numbers in mid-Atlantic waters. Strandings occur primarily on ocean 
facing beaches, but they occasionally travel into the Chesapeake Bay to 
forage and could occur in the project area (Barco and Swingle 2014). 
Since 1999, stranding incidents have ranged widely from a high of 40 in 
1999 to 2 in 2011, 2012, and 2016 (Barco et al., 2017.

Harbor Seal

    Harbor seals occur in arctic and temperate coastal waters 
throughout the northern hemisphere, including on both the east and west 
coasts of the United States. On the east coast, harbor seals can be 
found from the Canadian Arctic down to Georgia (Blaylock 1985). Harbor 
seals occur year-round in Canada and Maine and seasonally (September-
May) from southern New England to New Jersey (NOAA Fisheries 2016d). 
The range of harbor seals appears to be shifting as they are regularly 
reported further south than they were historically. In recent years, 
they have established haul out sites in the Chesapeake Bay including on 
the portal islands of the CBBT (NOAA Fisheries 2016d, Rees et al., 
    Harbor seals are the most common seal in Virginia (Barco and 
Swingle 2014). They can be seen resting on the rocks around the portal 
islands of the CBBT from December through April. Seal observation 
surveys conducted at the CBBT recorded 112 harbor seals in the 2014/
2015 season and 184 harbor seals during the 2015/2016 season (Rees et 
al., 2016).
    The harbor seal is a medium-sized seal, reaching about 2 meters in 
length. They spend a fair amount of time hauled out on land, often in 
large groups (Rees et al., 2016). Haul out sites--which may be rocks, 
beaches, or ice--provide the opportunity for rest, thermal regulation, 
social interaction, parturition, and predator avoidance (NOAA Fisheries 

Gray Seal

    Gray seals occur on both coasts of the Northern Atlantic Ocean and 
are divided into three major populations (NOAA Fisheries 2016b). The 
western north Atlantic stock occurs in eastern Canada and the 
northeastern United States, occasionally as far south as North 
Carolina. Gray seals inhabit rocky coasts and islands, sandbars, ice 
shelves and icebergs (NOAA Fisheries 2016b). In the United States, gray 
seals congregate in the summer to give birth at four established 
colonies in Massachusetts and Maine (NOAA Fisheries 2016b). From 
September through May, they disperse and can be abundant as far south 
as New Jersey. The range of gray seals appears to be shifting as they 
are regularly being reported further south than they were historically 
(Rees et al., 2016).
    Gray seals are uncommon in Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay. Only 15 
gray seal strandings were documented in Virginia from 1988 through 2013 
(Barco and Swingle 2014). They are rarely found resting on the rocks 
around the portal islands of the CBBT from December through April 
alongside harbor seals. Seal observation surveys conducted at the CBBT 
recorded one gray seal in each of the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons 
(Rees et al., 2016).
    Gray seals are a large seal at around 2-3 meters in length, and can 
dive to depths of 475 meters to capture prey. Like harbor seals, gray 
seals spend a fair amount of time hauled out on land to rest, 
thermoregulate, give birth or avoid predators (Rees et al., 2016).

Marine Mammal Hearing

    Hearing is the most important sensory modality for marine mammals 
underwater, and exposure to anthropogenic sound can have deleterious 
effects. To appropriately assess the potential effects of exposure to 
sound, it is necessary to understand the frequency ranges marine 
mammals are able to hear. Current data indicate that not all marine 
mammal species have equal hearing capabilities (e.g., Richardson, 1995; 
Wartzok and Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008). To reflect this, 
Southall et al. (2007) recommended that marine mammals be divided into 
functional hearing groups based on directly measured or estimated 
hearing ranges on the basis of available behavioral response data, 
audiograms derived using auditory evoked potential techniques, 
anatomical modeling, and other data. Note that no direct measurements 
of hearing ability have been successfully completed for mysticetes 
(i.e., low-frequency cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2016) described 
generalized hearing ranges for these marine mammal hearing groups. 
Generalized hearing ranges were chosen based on the approximately 65 
decibels (dB) threshold from the normalized composite audiograms, with 
the exception for lower limits for low-frequency cetaceans where the 
lower bound was deemed to be biologically implausible and the lower 
bound from Southall et al. (2007) retained. The functional groups and 
the associated frequencies are indicated below (note that these 
frequency ranges correspond to the range for the composite group, with 
the entire range not necessarily reflecting the capabilities of every 
species within that group):
     Low-frequency cetaceans (mysticetes): generalized hearing 
is estimated to occur between approximately 7 hertz (Hz) and 35 
kilohertz (kHz), with best hearing estimated to be from 100 Hz to 8 
     Mid-frequency cetaceans (larger toothed whales, beaked 
whales, and most delphinids): generalized hearing is estimated to occur 
between approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz;
     High-frequency cetaceans (porpoises, river dolphins, and 
members of the genera Kogia and Cephalorhynchus; including two members 
of the genus Lagenorhynchus, on the basis of recent echolocation data 
and genetic data): generalized hearing is estimated to occur between 
approximately 275 Hz and 160 kHz.
     Pinnipeds in water; Phocidae (true seals): generalized 
hearing is estimated to occur between approximately 50 Hz to 86 kHz;
     Pinnipeds in water; Otariidae (eared seals): generalized 
hearing is estimated to occur between 60 Hz and 39 kHz.
    The pinniped functional hearing group was modified from Southall et 
al. (2007) on the basis of data indicating that phocid species have 
consistently demonstrated an extended frequency range of hearing 
compared to otariids, especially in the higher frequency range 
(Hemil[auml] et al., 2006; Kastelein et al., 2009; Reichmuth and Holt, 
    For more detail concerning these groups and associated frequency 
ranges, please see NMFS (2016) for a review of available information. 
Four marine mammal species (two cetacean and two pinniped (two phocid) 
species) have the reasonable potential to co-occur with the proposed 
survey activities. Please refer to Table 2. Of the cetacean species 
that may be present, one is classified as a low-frequency cetacean 
(i.e., all mysticete species), one is classified as a

[[Page 18783]]

mid-frequency cetacean (i.e., all delphinid and ziphiid species) and 
one is classified as a high-frequency cetacean.

Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their 

    This section includes a summary and discussion of the ways that 
components of the specified activity may impact marine mammals and 
their habitat. The ``Estimated Take by Incidental Harassment'' section 
later in this document includes a quantitative analysis of the number 
of individuals that are expected to be taken by this activity. The 
``Negligible Impact Analysis and Determination'' section considers the 
content of this section, the ``Estimated Take by Incidental 
Harassment'' section, and the ``Proposed Mitigation'' section, to draw 
conclusions regarding the likely impacts of these activities on the 
reproductive success or survivorship of individuals and how those 
impacts on individuals are likely to impact marine mammal species or 

Description of Sound

    Sound travels in waves, the basic components of which are 
frequency, wavelength, velocity, and amplitude. Frequency is the number 
of pressure waves that pass by a reference point per unit of time and 
is measured in Hz or cycles per second. Wavelength is the distance 
between two peaks of a sound wave; lower frequency sounds have longer 
wavelengths than higher frequency sounds and attenuate (decrease) more 
rapidly in shallower water. Amplitude is the height of the sound 
pressure wave or the `loudness' of a sound and is typically measured 
using the dB scale. A dB is the ratio between a measured pressure (with 
sound) and a reference pressure (sound at a constant pressure, 
established by scientific standards). It is a logarithmic unit that 
accounts for large variations in amplitude; therefore, relatively small 
changes in dB ratings correspond to large changes in sound pressure. 
When referring to sound pressure levels (SPLs; the sound force per unit 
area), sound is referenced in the context of underwater sound pressure 
to 1 micro pascal ([mu]Pa). One pascal is the pressure resulting from a 
force of one newton exerted over an area of one square meter. The 
source level (SL) represents the sound level at a distance of 1 m from 
the source (referenced to 1 [mu]Pa). The received level is the sound 
level at the listener's position. Note that all underwater sound levels 
in this document are referenced to a pressure of 1 [micro]Pa and all 
airborne sound levels in this document are referenced to a pressure of 
20 [micro]Pa.
    Root mean square (rms) is the quadratic mean sound pressure over 
the duration of an impulse. Rms is calculated by squaring all of the 
sound amplitudes, averaging the squares, and then taking the square 
root of the average (Urick, 1983). Rms accounts for both positive and 
negative values; squaring the pressures makes all values positive so 
that they may be accounted for in the summation of pressure levels 
(Hastings and Popper 2005). This measurement is often used in the 
context of discussing behavioral effects, in part because behavioral 
effects, which often result from auditory cues, may be better expressed 
through averaged units than by peak pressures.
    When underwater objects vibrate or activity occurs, sound-pressure 
waves are created. These waves alternately compress and decompress the 
water as the sound wave travels. Underwater sound waves radiate in all 
directions away from the source (similar to ripples on the surface of a 
pond), except in cases where the source is directional. The 
compressions and decompressions associated with sound waves are 
detected as changes in pressure by aquatic life and man-made sound 
receptors such as hydrophones.
    Even in the absence of sound from the specified activity, the 
underwater environment is typically loud due to ambient sound. Ambient 
sound is defined as environmental background sound levels lacking a 
single source or point (Richardson et al., 1995), and the sound level 
of a region is defined by the total acoustical energy being generated 
by known and unknown sources. These sources may include physical (e.g., 
waves, earthquakes, ice, atmospheric sound), biological (e.g., sounds 
produced by marine mammals, fish, and invertebrates), and anthropogenic 
sound (e.g., vessels, dredging, aircraft, construction). A number of 
sources contribute to ambient sound, including the following 
(Richardson et al., 1995):
     Wind and waves: The complex interactions between wind and 
water surface, including processes such as breaking waves and wave-
induced bubble oscillations and cavitation, are a main source of 
naturally occurring ambient noise for frequencies between 200 Hz and 50 
kHz (Mitson, 1995). In general, ambient sound levels tend to increase 
with increasing wind speed and wave height. Surf noise becomes 
important near shore, with measurements collected at a distance of 8.5 
km from shore showing an increase of 10 dB in the 100 to 700 Hz band 
during heavy surf conditions;
     Precipitation: Sound from rain and hail impacting the 
water surface can become an important component of total noise at 
frequencies above 500 Hz, and possibly down to 100 Hz during quiet 
     Biological: Marine mammals can contribute significantly to 
ambient noise levels, as can some fish and shrimp. The frequency band 
for biological contributions is from approximately 12 Hz to over 100 
kHz; and
     Anthropogenic: Sources of ambient noise related to human 
activity include transportation (surface vessels and aircraft), 
dredging and construction, oil and gas drilling and production, seismic 
surveys, sonar, explosions, and ocean acoustic studies. Shipping noise 
typically dominates the total ambient noise for frequencies between 20 
and 300 Hz. In general, the frequencies of anthropogenic sounds are 
below 1 kHz and, if higher frequency sound levels are created, they 
attenuate rapidly (Richardson et al., 1995). Sound from identifiable 
anthropogenic sources other than the activity of interest (e.g., a 
passing vessel) is sometimes termed background sound, as opposed to 
ambient sound.
    The sum of the various natural and anthropogenic sound sources at 
any given location and time--which comprise ``ambient'' or 
``background'' sound--depends not only on the source levels (as 
determined by current weather conditions and levels of biological and 
shipping activity) but also on the ability of sound to propagate 
through the environment. In turn, sound propagation is dependent on the 
spatially and temporally varying properties of the water column and sea 
floor, and is frequency-dependent. As a result of the dependence on a 
large number of varying factors, ambient sound levels can be expected 
to vary widely over both coarse and fine spatial and temporal scales. 
Sound levels at a given frequency and location can vary by 10-20 dB 
from day to day (Richardson et al., 1995). The result is that, 
depending on the source type and its intensity, sound from the 
specified activity may be a negligible addition to the local 
environment or could form a distinctive signal that may affect marine 
    In-water construction activities associated with the project would 
include impact pile driving, vibratory pile driving and vibratory pile 
extraction. The sounds produced by these activities fall into one of 
two general sound types: Pulsed and non-pulsed (defined in the 
following paragraphs). The distinction between these two sound types is 

[[Page 18784]]

because they have differing potential to cause physical effects, 
particularly with regard to hearing (e.g., Ward, 1997 in Southall et 
al., 2007). Please see Southall et al., (2007) for an in-depth 
discussion of these concepts.
    Pulsed sound sources (e.g., explosions, gunshots, sonic booms, 
impact pile driving) produce signals that are brief (typically 
considered to be less than one second), broadband, atonal transients 
(ANSI, 1986; Harris, 1998; ISO, 2003) and occur either as isolated 
events or repeated in some succession. Pulsed sounds are all 
characterized by a relatively rapid rise from ambient pressure to a 
maximal pressure value followed by a rapid decay period that may 
include a period of diminishing, oscillating maximal and minimal 
pressures, and generally have an increased capacity to induce physical 
injury as compared with sounds that lack these features.
    Non-pulsed sounds can be tonal, narrowband, or broadband, brief or 
prolonged, and may be either continuous or non-continuous (ANSI, 1995; 
NIOSH, 1998). Some of these non-pulsed sounds can be transient signals 
of short duration but without the essential properties of pulses (e.g., 
rapid rise time). Examples of non-pulsed sounds include those produced 
by vessels, aircraft, machinery operations such as drilling, vibratory 
pile driving, and active sonar systems (such as those used by the 
United States Navy). The duration of such sounds, as received at a 
distance, can be greatly extended in a highly reverberant environment.
    Impact hammers operate by repeatedly dropping a heavy piston onto a 
pile to drive the pile into the substrate. Sound generated by impact 
hammers is characterized by rapid rise times and high peak levels, a 
potentially injurious combination (Hastings and Popper 2005). Vibratory 
hammers install piles by vibrating them and allowing the weight of the 
hammer to push them into the sediment. Vibratory hammers produce 
significantly less sound than impact hammers. Peak SPLs may be 180 dB 
or greater, but are generally 10 to 20 dB lower than SPLs generated 
during impact pile driving of the same-sized pile (Oestman et al., 
2009). Rise time is slower, reducing the probability and severity of 
injury, and sound energy is distributed over a greater amount of time 
(Nedwell and Edwards 2002).

Acoustic Impacts

    Please refer to the information given previously (Description of 
Sound) regarding sound, characteristics of sound types, and metrics 
used in this document. Anthropogenic sounds cover a broad range of 
frequencies and sound levels and can have a range of highly variable 
impacts on marine life, from none or minor to potentially severe 
responses, depending on received levels, duration of exposure, 
behavioral context, and various other factors. The potential effects of 
underwater sound from active acoustic sources can potentially result in 
one or more of the following: temporary or permanent hearing 
impairment, non-auditory physical or physiological effects, behavioral 
disturbance, stress, and masking (Richardson et al., 1995; Gordon et 
al., 2004; Nowacek et al., 2007; Southall et al., 2007). The degree of 
effect is intrinsically related to the signal characteristics, received 
level, distance from the source, and duration of the sound exposure. In 
general, sudden, high level sounds can cause hearing loss, as can 
longer exposures to lower level sounds. Temporary or permanent loss of 
hearing will occur almost exclusively for noise within an animal's 
hearing range. In this section, we first describe specific 
manifestations of acoustic effects before providing discussion specific 
to the proposed construction activities in the next section.
    Permanent Threshold Shift--Marine mammals exposed to high-intensity 
sound, or to lower-intensity sound for prolonged periods, can 
experience hearing threshold shift (TS), which is the loss of hearing 
sensitivity at certain frequency ranges (Kastak et al., 1999; Schlundt 
et al., 2000; Finneran et al., 2002, 2005). TS can be permanent (PTS), 
in which case the loss of hearing sensitivity is not fully recoverable, 
or temporary (TTS), in which case the animal's hearing threshold would 
recover over time (Southall et al., 2007). Repeated sound exposure that 
leads to TTS could cause PTS. In severe cases of PTS, there can be 
total or partial deafness, while in most cases the animal has an 
impaired ability to hear sounds in specific frequency ranges (Kryter 
    When PTS occurs, there is physical damage to the sound receptors in 
the ear (i.e., tissue damage), whereas TTS represents primarily tissue 
fatigue and is reversible (Southall et al., 2007). In addition, other 
investigators have suggested that TTS is within the normal bounds of 
physiological variability and tolerance and does not represent physical 
injury (e.g., Ward 1997). Therefore, NMFS does not consider TTS to 
constitute auditory injury.
    Relationships between TTS and PTS thresholds have not been studied 
in marine mammals--PTS data exists only for a single harbor seal 
(Kastak et al., 2008)--but are assumed to be similar to those in humans 
and other terrestrial mammals. PTS typically occurs at exposure levels 
at least several dB above (a 40-dB threshold shift approximates PTS 
onset; e.g., Kryter et al., 1966; Miller 1974) that inducing mild TTS 
(a 6-dB threshold shift approximates TTS onset; e.g., Southall et al., 
2007). Based on data from terrestrial mammals, a precautionary 
assumption is that the PTS thresholds for impulse sounds (such as 
impact pile driving pulses as received close to the source) are at 
least six dB higher than the TTS threshold on a peak-pressure basis and 
PTS cumulative sound exposure level thresholds are 15 to 20 dB higher 
than TTS cumulative sound exposure level thresholds (Southall et al., 
    Temporary threshold shift--TTS is the mildest form of hearing 
impairment that can occur during exposure to sound (Kryter 1985). While 
experiencing TTS, the hearing threshold rises, and a sound must be at a 
higher level in order to be heard. In terrestrial and marine mammals, 
TTS can last from minutes or hours to days (in cases of strong TTS). In 
many cases, hearing sensitivity recovers rapidly after exposure to the 
sound ends.
    Marine mammal hearing plays a critical role in communication with 
conspecifics, and interpretation of environmental cues for purposes 
such as predator avoidance and prey capture. Depending on the degree 
(elevation of threshold in dB), duration (i.e., recovery time), and 
frequency range of TTS, and the context in which it is experienced, TTS 
can have effects on marine mammals ranging from discountable to 
serious. For example, a marine mammal may be able to readily compensate 
for a brief, relatively small amount of TTS in a non-critical frequency 
range that occurs during a time where ambient noise is lower and there 
are not as many competing sounds present. Alternatively, a larger 
amount and longer duration of TTS sustained during time when 
communication is critical for successful mother/calf interactions could 
have more serious impacts.
    Currently, TTS data only exist for four species of cetaceans 
(bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), beluga whale (Delphinapterus 
leucas), harbor porpoise, and Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocoena 
asiaeorientalis)); and three species of pinnipeds (northern elephant 
seal (Mirounga angustirostris), harbor seal, and California sea lion 
exposed to a limited number of sound sources (i.e., mostly tones and 
octave-band noise) in laboratory settings (e.g., Finneran et al., 2002; 
Nachtigall et al., 2004; Kastak et al., 2005; Lucke et al.,

[[Page 18785]]

2009; Popov et al., 2011). In general, harbor seals (Kastak et al., 
2005; Kastelein et al., 2012a) and harbor porpoises (Lucke et al., 
2009; Kastelein et al., 2012b) have a lower TTS onset than other 
measured pinniped or cetacean species. Additionally, the existing 
marine mammal TTS data come from a limited number of individuals within 
these species. There are no data available on noise-induced hearing 
loss for mysticetes. For summaries of data on TTS in marine mammals or 
for further discussion of TTS onset thresholds, please see Southall et 
al. (2007), Finneran and Jenkins (2012), and Finneran (2015).
    Auditory masking--Sound can disrupt behavior through masking, or 
interfering with, an animal's ability to detect, recognize, or 
discriminate between acoustic signals of interest (e.g., those used for 
intraspecific communication and social interactions, prey detection, 
predator avoidance, navigation) (Richardson et al., 1995). Masking 
occurs when the receipt of a sound is interfered with by another 
coincident sound at similar frequencies and at similar or higher 
intensity, and may occur whether the sound is natural (e.g., snapping 
shrimp, wind, waves, precipitation) or anthropogenic (e.g., shipping, 
sonar, seismic exploration) in origin. The ability of a noise source to 
mask biologically important sounds depends on the characteristics of 
both the noise source and the signal of interest (e.g., signal-to-noise 
ratio, temporal variability, direction), in relation to each other and 
to an animal's hearing abilities (e.g., sensitivity, frequency range, 
critical ratios, frequency discrimination, directional discrimination, 
age or TTS hearing loss), and existing ambient noise and propagation 
    Under certain circumstances, marine mammals experiencing 
significant masking could also be impaired from maximizing their 
performance fitness in survival and reproduction. Therefore, when the 
coincident (masking) sound is man-made, it may be considered harassment 
when disrupting or altering critical behaviors. It is important to 
distinguish TTS and PTS, which persist after the sound exposure, from 
masking, which occurs during the sound exposure. Because masking 
(without resulting in TS) is not associated with abnormal physiological 
function, it is not considered a physiological effect, but rather a 
potential behavioral effect.
    The frequency range of the potentially masking sound is important 
in determining any potential behavioral impacts. For example, low-
frequency signals may have less effect on high-frequency echolocation 
sounds produced by odontocetes but are more likely to affect detection 
of mysticete communication calls and other potentially important 
natural sounds such as those produced by surf and some prey species. 
The masking of communication signals by anthropogenic noise may be 
considered as a reduction in the communication space of animals (e.g., 
Clark et al., 2009) and may result in energetic or other costs as 
animals change their vocalization behavior (e.g., Miller et al., 2000; 
Foote et al., 2004; Parks et al., 2007b; Di Iorio and Clark 2009; Holt 
et al., 2009). Masking can be reduced in situations where the signal 
and noise come from different directions (Richardson et al., 1995), 
through amplitude modulation of the signal, or through other 
compensatory behaviors (Houser and Moore 2014). Masking can be tested 
directly in captive species (e.g., Erbe, 2008), but in wild populations 
it must be either modeled or inferred from evidence of masking 
compensation. There are few studies addressing real-world masking 
sounds likely to be experienced by marine mammals in the wild (e.g., 
Branstetter et al., 2013).
    Masking affects both senders and receivers of acoustic signals and 
can potentially have long-term chronic effects on marine mammals at the 
population level as well as at the individual level. Low-frequency 
ambient sound levels have increased by as much as 20 dB (more than 
three times in terms of SPL) in the world's ocean from pre-industrial 
periods, with most of the increase from distant commercial shipping 
(Hildebrand, 2009). All anthropogenic sound sources, but especially 
chronic and lower-frequency signals (e.g., from vessel traffic), 
contribute to elevated ambient sound levels, thus intensifying masking. 
Note that any masking event that could possibly rise to Level B 
harassment under the MMPA would occur concurrently within the zones of 
behavioral harassment already estimated for vibratory and impact pile 
driving, and which have already been taken into account in the exposure 
    Behavioral effects--Behavioral disturbance may include a variety of 
effects, including subtle changes in behavior (e.g., minor or brief 
avoidance of an area or changes in vocalizations), more conspicuous 
changes in similar behavioral activities, and more sustained and/or 
potentially severe reactions, such as displacement from or abandonment 
of high-quality habitat. Behavioral responses to sound are highly 
variable and context-specific and any reactions depend on numerous 
intrinsic and extrinsic factors (e.g., species, state of maturity, 
experience, current activity, reproductive state, auditory sensitivity, 
time of day), as well as the interplay between factors (e.g., 
Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok et al., 2003; Southall et al., 2007; 
Weilgart, 2007; Archer et al., 2010). Behavioral reactions can vary not 
only among individuals but also within an individual, depending on 
previous experience with a sound source, context, and numerous other 
factors (Ellison et al., 2012), and can vary depending on 
characteristics associated with the sound source (e.g., whether it is 
moving or stationary, number of sources, distance from the source). 
Please see Appendices B-C of Southall et al. (2007) for a review of 
studies involving marine mammal behavioral responses to sound.
    Habituation can occur when an animal's response to a stimulus wanes 
with repeated exposure, usually in the absence of unpleasant associated 
events (Wartzok et al., 2003). Animals are most likely to habituate to 
sounds that are predictable and unvarying. It is important to note that 
habituation is appropriately considered as a ``progressive reduction in 
response to stimuli that are perceived as neither aversive nor 
beneficial,'' rather than as, more generally, moderation in response to 
human disturbance (Bejder et al., 2009). The opposite process is 
sensitization, when an unpleasant experience leads to subsequent 
responses, often in the form of avoidance, at a lower level of 
exposure. As noted, behavioral state may affect the type of response. 
For example, animals that are resting may show greater behavioral 
change in response to disturbing sound levels than animals that are 
highly motivated to remain in an area for feeding (Richardson et al., 
1995; NRC, 2003; Wartzok et al., 2003). Controlled experiments with 
captive marine mammals have showed pronounced behavioral reactions, 
including avoidance of loud sound sources (Ridgway et al., 1997; 
Finneran et al., 2003). Observed responses of wild marine mammals to 
loud pulsed sound sources (typically seismic airguns or acoustic 
harassment devices) have been varied but often consist of avoidance 
behavior or other behavioral changes suggesting discomfort (Morton and 
Symonds, 2002; see also Richardson et al., 1995; Nowacek et al., 2007).
    Available studies show wide variation in response to underwater 
sound; therefore, it is difficult to predict specifically how any given 
sound in a

[[Page 18786]]

particular instance might affect marine mammals perceiving the signal. 
If a marine mammal does react briefly to an underwater sound by 
changing its behavior or moving a small distance, the impacts of the 
change are unlikely to be significant to the individual, let alone the 
stock or population. However, if a sound source displaces marine 
mammals from an important feeding or breeding area for a prolonged 
period, impacts on individuals and populations could be significant 
(e.g., Lusseau and Bejder, 2007; Weilgart, 2007; NRC, 2003). However, 
there are broad categories of potential response, which we describe in 
greater detail here, that include alteration of dive behavior, 
alteration of foraging behavior, effects to breathing, interference 
with or alteration of vocalization, avoidance, and flight.
    Changes in dive behavior can vary widely, and may consist of 
increased or decreased dive times and surface intervals as well as 
changes in the rates of ascent and descent during a dive (e.g., Frankel 
and Clark, 2000; Costa et al., 2003; Ng and Leung, 2003; Nowacek et 
al.; 2004; Goldbogen et al., 2013a,b). Variations in dive behavior may 
reflect interruptions in biologically significant activities (e.g., 
foraging) or they may be of little biological significance. The impact 
of an alteration to dive behavior resulting from an acoustic exposure 
depends on what the animal is doing at the time of the exposure and the 
type and magnitude of the response.
    Disruption of feeding behavior can be difficult to correlate with 
anthropogenic sound exposure, so it is usually inferred by observed 
displacement from known foraging areas, the appearance of secondary 
indicators (e.g., bubble nets or sediment plumes), or changes in dive 
behavior. As for other types of behavioral response, the frequency, 
duration, and temporal pattern of signal presentation, as well as 
differences in species sensitivity, are likely contributing factors to 
differences in response in any given circumstance (e.g., Croll et al., 
2001; Nowacek et al.,; 2004; Madsen et al., 2006; Yazvenko et al., 
2007). A determination of whether foraging disruptions incur fitness 
consequences would require information on or estimates of the energetic 
requirements of the affected individuals and the relationship between 
prey availability, foraging effort and success, and the life history 
stage of the animal.
    Variations in respiration naturally vary with different behaviors 
and alterations to breathing rate as a function of acoustic exposure 
can be expected to co-occur with other behavioral reactions, such as a 
flight response or an alteration in diving. However, respiration rates 
in and of themselves may be representative of annoyance or an acute 
stress response. Various studies have shown that respiration rates may 
either be unaffected or could increase, depending on the species and 
signal characteristics, again highlighting the importance in 
understanding species differences in the tolerance of underwater noise 
when determining the potential for impacts resulting from anthropogenic 
sound exposure (e.g., Kastelein et al., 2001, 2005b, 2006; Gailey et 
al., 2007).
    Marine mammals vocalize for different purposes and across multiple 
modes, such as whistling, echolocation click production, calling, and 
singing. Changes in vocalization behavior in response to anthropogenic 
noise can occur for any of these modes and may result from a need to 
compete with an increase in background noise or may reflect increased 
vigilance or a startle response. For example, in the presence of 
potentially masking signals, humpback whales and killer whales have 
been observed to increase the length of their songs (Miller et al., 
2000; Fristrup et al., 2003; Foote et al., 2004), while right whales 
have been observed to shift the frequency content of their calls upward 
while reducing the rate of calling in areas of increased anthropogenic 
noise (Parks et al., 2007b). In some cases, animals may cease sound 
production during production of aversive signals (Bowles et al., 1994).
    Avoidance is the displacement of an individual from an area or 
migration path as a result of the presence of a sound or other 
stressors, and is one of the most obvious manifestations of disturbance 
in marine mammals (Richardson et al., 1995). For example, gray whales 
are known to change direction--deflecting from customary migratory 
paths--in order to avoid noise from seismic surveys (Malme et al., 
1984). Avoidance may be short-term, with animals returning to the area 
once the noise has ceased (e.g., Bowles et al., 1994; Goold, 1996; 
Stone et al., 2000; Morton and Symonds, 2002; Gailey et al., 2007). 
Longer-term displacement is possible, however, which may lead to 
changes in abundance or distribution patterns of the affected species 
in the affected region if habituation to the presence of the sound does 
not occur (e.g., Blackwell et al., 2004; Bejder et al., 2006).
    A flight response is a dramatic change in normal movement to a 
directed and rapid movement away from the perceived location of a sound 
source. The flight response differs from other avoidance responses in 
the intensity of the response (e.g., directed movement, rate of 
travel). Relatively little information on flight responses of marine 
mammals to anthropogenic signals exist, although observations of flight 
responses to the presence of predators have occurred (Connor and 
Heithaus 1996). The result of a flight response could range from brief, 
temporary exertion and displacement from the area where the signal 
provokes flight to, in extreme cases, marine mammal strandings (Evans 
and England 2001). However, it should be noted that response to a 
perceived predator does not necessarily invoke flight (Ford and Reeves 
2008), and whether individuals are solitary or in groups may influence 
the response.
    Behavioral disturbance can also impact marine mammals in more 
subtle ways. Increased vigilance may result in costs related to 
diversion of focus and attention (i.e., when a response consists of 
increased vigilance, it may come at the cost of decreased attention to 
other critical behaviors such as foraging or resting). These effects 
have generally not been demonstrated for marine mammals, but studies 
involving fish and terrestrial animals have shown that increased 
vigilance may substantially reduce feeding rates (e.g., Beauchamp and 
Livoreil, 1997; Fritz et al., 2002; Purser and Radford, 2011). In 
addition, chronic disturbance can cause population declines through 
reduction of fitness (e.g., decline in body condition) and subsequent 
reduction in reproductive success, survival, or both (e.g., Harrington 
and Veitch, 1992; Daan et al., 1996; Bradshaw et al., 1998). However, 
Ridgway et al. (2006) reported that increased vigilance in bottlenose 
dolphins exposed to sound over a five-day period did not cause any 
sleep deprivation or stress effects.
    Many animals perform vital functions, such as feeding, resting, 
traveling, and socializing, on a diel cycle (24-hour cycle). Disruption 
of such functions resulting from reactions to stressors such as sound 
exposure are more likely to be significant if they last more than one 
diel cycle or recur on subsequent days (Southall et al., 2007). 
Consequently, a behavioral response lasting less than one day and not 
recurring on subsequent days is not considered particularly severe 
unless it could directly affect reproduction or survival (Southall et 
al., 2007). Note that there is a difference between multi-day 
substantive behavioral reactions and multi-day anthropogenic 
activities. For example, just because an activity lasts for multiple 
days does not necessarily mean that individual animals are either

[[Page 18787]]

exposed to activity-related stressors for multiple days or, further, 
exposed in a manner resulting in sustained multi-day substantive 
behavioral responses.
    Stress responses--An animal's perception of a threat may be 
sufficient to trigger stress responses consisting of some combination 
of behavioral responses, autonomic nervous system responses, 
neuroendocrine responses, or immune responses (e.g., Seyle, 1950; 
Moberg, 2000). In many cases, an animal's first and sometimes most 
economical (in terms of energetic costs) response is behavioral 
avoidance of the potential stressor. Autonomic nervous system responses 
to stress typically involve changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and 
gastrointestinal activity. These responses have a relatively short 
duration and may or may not have a significant long-term effect on an 
animal's fitness.
    Neuroendocrine stress responses often involve the hypothalamus-
pituitary-adrenal system. Virtually all neuroendocrine functions that 
are affected by stress--including immune competence, reproduction, 
metabolism, and behavior--are regulated by pituitary hormones. Stress-
induced changes in the secretion of pituitary hormones have been 
implicated in failed reproduction, altered metabolism, reduced immune 
competence, and behavioral disturbance (e.g., Moberg, 1987; Blecha, 
2000). Increases in the circulation of glucocorticoids are also equated 
with stress (Romano et al., 2004).
    The primary distinction between stress (which is adaptive and does 
not normally place an animal at risk) and ``distress'' is the cost of 
the response. During a stress response, an animal uses glycogen stores 
that can be quickly replenished once the stress is alleviated. In such 
circumstances, the cost of the stress response would not pose serious 
fitness consequences. However, when an animal does not have sufficient 
energy reserves to satisfy the energetic costs of a stress response, 
energy resources must be diverted from other functions. This state of 
distress will last until the animal replenishes its energetic reserves 
sufficient to restore normal function.
    Relationships between these physiological mechanisms, animal 
behavior, and the costs of stress responses are well-studied through 
controlled experiments and for both laboratory and free-ranging animals 
(e.g., Holberton et al., 1996; Hood et al., 1998; Jessop et al., 2003; 
Krausman et al., 2004; Lankford et al., 2005). Stress responses due to 
exposure to anthropogenic sounds or other stressors and their effects 
on marine mammals have also been reviewed (Fair and Becker, 2000; 
Romano et al., 2002b) and, more rarely, studied in wild populations 
(e.g., Romano et al., 2002a). For example, Rolland et al. (2012) found 
that noise reduction from reduced ship traffic in the Bay of Fundy was 
associated with decreased stress in North Atlantic right whales. These 
and other studies lead to a reasonable expectation that some marine 
mammals will experience physiological stress responses upon exposure to 
acoustic stressors and that it is possible that some of these would be 
classified as ``distress.'' In addition, any animal experiencing TTS 
would likely also experience stress responses (NRC 2003).
    Non-auditory physiological effects--Non-auditory physiological 
effects or injuries that theoretically might occur in marine mammals 
exposed to strong underwater sound include stress, neurological 
effects, bubble formation, resonance effects, and other types of organ 
or tissue damage (Cox et al., 2006; Southall et al., 2007). Studies 
examining such effects are limited. In general, little is known about 
the potential for pile driving to cause auditory impairment or other 
physical effects in marine mammals. Available data suggest that such 
effects, if they occur at all, would presumably be limited to short 
distances from the sound source, where SLs are much higher, and to 
activities that extend over a prolonged period. The available data do 
not allow identification of a specific exposure level above which non-
auditory effects can be expected (Southall et al., 2007) or any 
meaningful quantitative predictions of the numbers (if any) of marine 
mammals that might be affected in those ways. However, the proposed 
activities do not involve the use of devices such as explosives or mid-
frequency active sonar that are associated with these types of effects. 
Therefore, non-auditory physiological impacts to marine mammals are 
considered unlikely.
    Airborne Acoustic Effects from the Proposed Activities--Pinnipeds 
that occur near the project site could be exposed to airborne sounds 
associated with pile driving that have the potential to cause 
behavioral harassment, depending on their distance from pile driving 
activities. Cetaceans are not expected to be exposed to airborne sounds 
that would result in harassment as defined under the MMPA.
    Airborne noise will primarily be an issue for pinnipeds that are 
swimming or hauled out near the project site within the range of noise 
levels elevated above the acoustic criteria. We recognize that 
pinnipeds in the water could be exposed to airborne sound that may 
result in behavioral harassment when looking with heads above water. 
Most likely, airborne sound would cause behavioral responses similar to 
those discussed above in relation to underwater sound. However, these 
animals would previously have been ``taken'' as a result of exposure to 
underwater sound above the behavioral harassment thresholds, which are 
in all cases larger than those associated with airborne sound. Thus, 
the behavioral harassment of these animals is already accounted for in 
these estimates of potential take. Multiple instances of exposure to 
sound above NMFS' thresholds for behavioral harassment are not believed 
to result in increased behavioral disturbance, in either nature or 
intensity of disturbance reaction.
    Potential Pile Driving Effects on Prey--Construction activities 
would produce continuous (i.e., vibratory pile driving) sounds and 
pulsed (i.e., impact driving) sounds. Fish react to sounds that are 
especially strong and/or intermittent low-frequency sounds. Short 
duration, sharp sounds can cause overt or subtle changes in fish 
behavior and local distribution. Hastings and Popper (2005) identified 
several studies that suggest fish may relocate to avoid certain areas 
of sound energy. Additional studies have documented effects of pile 
driving on fish, although several are based on studies in support of 
large, multiyear bridge construction projects (e.g., Scholik and Yan, 
2001, 2002; Popper and Hastings, 2009). Sound pulses at received levels 
of 160 dB may cause subtle changes in fish behavior. SPLs of 180 dB may 
cause noticeable changes in behavior (Pearson et al., 1992; Skalski et 
al., 1992). SPLs of sufficient strength have been known to cause injury 
to fish and fish mortality.
    The most likely impact to fish from pile driving activities at the 
project area would be temporary behavioral avoidance within an 
undetermined portion of the affected area. The duration of fish 
avoidance of this area after pile driving stops is unknown, but a rapid 
return to normal recruitment, distribution and behavior is anticipated. 
In general, impacts to marine mammal prey species from the proposed 
project are expected to be minor and temporary due to the relatively 
short timeframe of pile driving and extraction.
    Effects to Foraging Habitat--Pile installation may temporarily 
impact foraging habitat by increasing turbidity resulting from 
suspended sediments. Any increases would be temporary, localized, and 
minimal. The contractor must comply with state water quality

[[Page 18788]]

standards during these operations by limiting the extent of turbidity 
to the immediate project area. In general, turbidity associated with 
pile installation is localized to about a 25-foot radius around the 
pile (Everitt et al., 1980). Furthermore, water quality impacts are 
expected to be negligible because the project area occurs in a high 
energy, dynamic area with strong tidal currents. Cetaceans are not 
expected to be close enough to the project pile driving areas to 
experience effects of turbidity, and any pinnipeds will be transiting 
the area and could avoid localized areas of turbidity. Therefore, the 
impact from increased turbidity levels is expected to be discountable 
to marine mammals.
    It is important to note that pile driving and removal activities at 
the project site will not obstruct movements or migration of marine 
    In summary, given the relatively short and intermittent nature of 
sound associated with individual pile driving and extraction events and 
the relatively small area that would be affected, pile driving 
activities associated with the proposed action are not likely to have a 
permanent, adverse effect on any fish habitat, or populations of fish 
species. Thus, any impacts to marine mammal habitat are not expected to 
cause significant or long-term consequences for individual marine 
mammals or their populations.

Estimated Take

    This section provides an estimate of the number of incidental takes 
proposed for authorization through this IHA, which will inform both 
NMFS' consideration of ``small numbers'' and the negligible impact 
    Harassment is the only type of take expected to result from these 
activities. Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent 
here, section 3(18) of the MMPA defines ``harassment'' as any act of 
pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a 
marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); 
or (ii) has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal 
stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, 
including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, 
feeding, or sheltering (Level B harassment).
    Authorized takes would be by Level B harassment, in the form of 
disruption of behavioral patterns for individual marine mammals 
resulting from exposure to acoustic sources including impact and 
vibratory pile driving equipment. There is also some potential for 
auditory injury (Level A harassment) to result, due to larger predicted 
auditory injury zones. The proposed mitigation and monitoring measures 
are expected to minimize the severity of such taking to the extent 
    As described previously, no mortality is anticipated or proposed to 
be authorized for this activity. Below we describe how the take is 
    Described in the most basic way, we estimate take by considering: 
(1) Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS believes the best available 
science indicates marine mammals will be behaviorally harassed or incur 
some degree of permanent hearing impairment; (2) the area or volume of 
water that will be ensonified above these levels in a day; (3) the 
density or occurrence of marine mammals within these ensonified areas; 
and (4) and the number of days of activities. Below, we describe these 
components in more detail and present the proposed take estimate.

Acoustic Thresholds

    Using the best available science, NMFS has developed acoustic 
thresholds that identify the received level of underwater sound above 
which exposed marine mammals would be reasonably expected to be 
behaviorally harassed (equated to Level B harassment) or to incur PTS 
of some degree (equated to Level A harassment).
    Level B Harassment for non-explosive sources--Though significantly 
driven by received level, the onset of behavioral disturbance from 
anthropogenic noise exposure is also informed to varying degrees by 
other factors related to the source (e.g., frequency, predictability, 
duty cycle), the environment (e.g., bathymetry), and the receiving 
animals (hearing, motivation, experience, demography, behavioral 
context) and can be difficult to predict (Southall et al., 2007, 
Ellison et al., 2011). Based on what the available science indicates 
and the practical need to use a threshold based on a factor that is 
both predictable and measurable for most activities, NMFS uses a 
generalized acoustic threshold based on received level to estimate the 
onset of behavioral harassment. NMFS predicts that marine mammals are 
likely to be behaviorally harassed in a manner we consider Level B 
harassment when exposed to underwater anthropogenic noise above 
received levels of 120 dB re 1 [mu]Pa (rms) for continuous (e.g. 
vibratory pile-driving, drilling) and above 160 dB re 1 [mu]Pa (rms) 
for non-explosive impulsive (e.g., impact pile driving, seismic 
airguns) or intermittent (e.g., scientific sonar) sources.
    CTJV's proposed activity includes the use of continuous (vibratory 
pile driving) and impulsive (impact pile driving) sources, and 
therefore the 120 and 160 dB re 1 [mu]Pa (rms) are applicable.
    Level A harassment for non-explosive sources--NMFS' Technical 
Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine 
Mammal Hearing (Technical Guidance, 2016) identifies dual criteria to 
assess auditory injury (Level A harassment) to five different marine 
mammal groups (based on hearing sensitivity) as a result of exposure to 
noise from two different types of sources (impulsive or non-impulsive). 
CTJV's tunnel project includes the use of impulsive (impact hammer) and 
non-impulsive (vibratory hammer) sources.
    These thresholds are provided in Table 3 below. The references, 
analysis, and methodology used in the development of the thresholds are 
described in NMFS 2016 Technical Guidance, which may be accessed at: 

                     Table 3--Thresholds Identifying the Onset of Permanent Threshold Shift
                                                     PTS Onset acoustic thresholds * (received level)
             Hearing group              ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Impulsive                         Non-impulsive
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans...........  Cell 1: Lpk,flat: 219 dB;   Cell 2: LE,LF,24h: 199dB.
                                          LE,LF,24h: 183dB.
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans...........  Cell 3: Lpk,flat: 230 dB;   Cell 4: LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
                                          LE,MF,24h: 185dB.
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans..........  Cell 5: Lpk,flat: 202 dB;   Cell 6: LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
                                          LE,HF,24h: 155dB.
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater).....  Cell 7: Lpk,flat: 218 dB;   Cell 8: LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
                                          LE,PW,24h: 185dB.

[[Page 18789]]

Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater)....  Cell 9: Lpk,flat: 232 dB;   Cell 10: LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
                                          LE,OW,24h: 203dB.
* Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for
  calculating PTS onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level
  thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 [micro]Pa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE)
  has a reference value of 1 [micro]Pa\2\s. In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American
  NAtional Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However, peak sound pressure is defined by ANSI as
  incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript
  ``flat'' is being included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the
  generalized hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates
  the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds)
  and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level thresholds could
  be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible,
  it is valuable for action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be

    Although CTJV's construction activity includes the use of impulsive 
(impact pile driving) and non-impulsive (vibratory pile driving and 
drilling) sources, the shutdown zones set by the applicant are large 
enough to ensure Level A harassment will be prevented. To assure the 
largest shutdown zone can be fully monitored, protected species 
observers (PSOs) will be positioned in the possible best vantage points 
during all piling/drilling activities to guarantee a shutdown if marine 
mammals approach or enter the designated shutdown zone. These measures 
are described in full detail below in the Proposed Mitigation and 
Proposed Monitoring and Reporting Sections.

Ensonified Area

    Here, we describe operational and environmental parameters of the 
activity that will feed into identifying the area ensonified above the 
acoustic thresholds.
    Pile driving will generate underwater noise that potentially could 
result in disturbance to marine mammals swimming by the project area. 
Transmission loss (TL) underwater is the decrease in acoustic intensity 
as an acoustic pressure wave propagates out from a source until the 
source becomes indistinguishable from ambient sound. TL parameters vary 
with frequency, temperature, sea conditions, current, source and 
receiver depth, water depth, water chemistry, and bottom composition 
and topography. A standard sound propagation model, the Practical 
Spreading Loss model, was used to estimate the range from pile driving 
activity to various expected SPLs at potential project structures. This 
model follows a geometric propagation loss based on the distance from 
the driven pile, resulting in a 4.5 dB reduction in level for each 
doubling of distance from the source. In this model, the SPL at some 
distance away from the source (e.g., driven pile) is governed by a 
measured source level, minus the TL of the energy as it dissipates with 
distance. The TL equation is:

TL = 15log10(R1/R2)


TL is the transmission loss in dB,
R1 is the distance of the modeled SPL from the driven 
pile, and
R2 is the distance from the driven pile of the initial 

    The degree to which underwater noise propagates away from a noise 
source is dependent on a variety of factors, most notably by the water 
bathymetry and presence or absence of reflective or absorptive 
conditions including the sea surface and sediment type. The TL model 
described above was used to calculate the expected noise propagation 
from both impact and vibratory pile driving, using representative 
source levels to estimate the harassment zone or area exceeding 
specified noise criteria.

Source Levels

    Sound source levels from the PTST project site were not available. 
Therefore, literature values published for projects similar to the PTST 
project were used to estimate the amount of sound (RMS SPL) that could 
potentially be produced. The PTST Project will use round, 36-inch-
diameter, hollow steel piles and 28-inch wide sheet piles. Data 
reported in the Compendium of Pile Driving Sound Data (Caltrans 2015) 
for similar piles size and types are shown in Table 4. The use of an 
encased bubble curtain is expected to reduce sound levels by 10 dB 
(NAVFAC 2014, ICF Jones and Stokes 2009). Using data from previous 
projects (Caltrans 2015) and the amount of sound reduction expected 
from each of the sound mitigation methods, we estimated the peak noise 
level (SPLpeak), the root mean squared sound pressure level (RMS SPL), 
and the single strike sound exposure level (sSEL) for each pile driving 
scenario of the PTST project (Table 4).

                                  Table 4--The Sound Levels (dB Peak, dB RMS, and dB Ssel) Expected To Be Generated by
                                                               Each Hammer Type/Mitigation
                                                                    Estimated                       Estimated
                                                 Estimated peak    cumulative       Estimated     single strike
         Type of pile             Hammer type      noise level   sound exposure  pressure level  sound exposure  Relevant piles at the    Pile function
                                                    (dB peak)       level (dB       (dB RMS)        level (dB         PTST project
                                                                      cSEL)                           sSEL)
36-inch Steel Pipe...........  Impact \a\......             210              NA             193             183  Battered.............  Mooring
36-inch Steel Pipe...........  Impact with                  200              NA             183             173  Plumb................  Mooring dolphins
                                Bubble Curtain                                                                                           and Temporary
                                \b\.                                                                                                     Pier.
24-inch AZ Sheet.............  Vibratory \c\...             182              NA             154             165  Sheet................  Containment
36-inch Steel Pipe and 24-     Impact w/Bubble              200              NA             186             183  Plumb................  Mooring
 inch AZ Sheet Pile.            Curtain at PI 1                                                                                          Dolphins,
                                and PI 2 \d\.                                                                                           Temporary Pier.

[[Page 18790]]

36-inch Steel Pipe and 24-     Impact w/Bubble              200              NA             183             183  Plumb and Sheet......  Mooring
 inch AZ Sheet Pile.            Curtain at PI 1                                                                                          Dolphins,
                                and Vibratory                                                                                            Containment
                                at PI 2.                                                                                                 Structure.
36-inch Steel Pipe and 24-     Vibratory at PI              200              NA             183             183  Plumb and Sheet......  Mooring Dolphins
 inch AZ Sheet Pile.            1 and Impact w/                                                                                          and Containment
                                Bubble Curtain                                                                                           Structure.
                                at PI 2.
\a\ Examples from Caltrans 2015. These examples were the loudest provided in the Caltrans 2015 compendium for 36-inch-diameter hollow steel piles and in
  the Proxy Source Sound Levels and Potential Bubble Curtain Attenuation for Acoustic Modeling of nearshore marine Pile Driving at Navy Installations in
  Puget Sound (NAVFAC 2014).
\b\ Estimates of sound produced from impact that use sound mitigation measures were developed by subtracting 10 dB for an encased bubble curtain (ICF
  Jones and Stokes 2009, NAVFAC 2014). A 10-dB reduction in sound for this sound mitigation method is the minimum that may be expected and, therefore,
  represents a conservative estimate in sound reduction.
\c\ Example from NAVFAC 2017. Average 1-second and 10-second Broadband RMS SPL (dB re 1 [micro]Pa) for Vibratory Pile-Driving normalized to 10 meters at
  JEB Little Creek.
\d\ Simultaneous pile driving were determined by applying the rules of dB addition outlined in the Biological Assessment Advanced Training Manual
  Version 4-2017 (WSDOT 2017).

    When NMFS's Technical Guidance (2016) was published, in recognition 
of the fact that ensonified area/volume could be more technically 
challenging to predict because of the duration component in the new 
thresholds, we developed a User Spreadsheet that includes tools to help 
predict a simple isopleth that can be used in conjunction with marine 
mammal density or occurrence to help predict takes. We note that 
because of some of the assumptions included in the methods used for 
these tools, we anticipate that isopleths produced are typically going 
to be overestimates of some degree, which will result in some degree of 
overestimate of Level A take. However, these tools offer the best way 
to predict appropriate isopleths when more sophisticated 3D modeling 
methods are not available, and NMFS continues to develop ways to 
quantitatively refine these tools, and will qualitatively address the 
output where appropriate. For stationary sources, NMFS's User 
Spreadsheet predicts the closest distance at which, if a marine mammal 
remained at that distance the whole duration of the activity, it would 
not incur PTS. Inputs used in the User Spreadsheet, and the resulting 
isopleths are reported below.
    The Impact Pile Driving (Stationary Source: Impulsive, 
Intermittent) (Sheet E.1) spreadsheet provided by NOAA Fisheries 
requires inputs for assorted variables which are shown in Table 4. RMS 
SPL's for simultaneous pile driving were determined using the rules for 
dB addition (WSDOT 2017). The expected number of steel piles driven 
during a 24-hour period would be a maximum of eight for plumb piles and 
three for battered piles for each portal island. Practical spreading 
was assumed (15logR) and a pulse duration of 0.1 seconds utilized. The 
distance from the source where the literature based RMS SPL was 10 
meters while the number of strikes per pile was 1,000. Model outputs 
delineating PTS isopleths are provided in Table 6 assuming impact 
installation of three battered round steel piles per day and eight 
plumb round steel piles per day as well as vibratory installation of up 
to eight sheets per day over eight hours.
    The Optional User Spreadsheet for vibratory pile driving (non-
impulsive, stationary, continuous) (Sheet A) requires inputs for the 
sound pressure level of the source (dB RMS SPL), the expected activity 
duration in hours during per 24-hour period, the propagation of the 
sound and the distance from the source at which the sound pressure 
level was measured. Calculations also assumed that the expected 
activity level duration would be eight hours per Portal Island per 24-
hour period. Practical spreading was assumed and the measured distance 
from the sound source was 10 meters.
    The inputs from Table 5 determined isopleths where PTS from 
underwater sound during impact and vibratory driving as shown in Table 

                     Table 5--Inputs for Determining Distances to Cumulative PTS Thresholds
                               E.1: Impact pile    E.1: Impact                       E.1: Impact     E.1: Impact
                                    driving        pile driving    A: Stationary     pile driving   pile driving
                                  (stationary      (stationary      source: non-     (stationary     (stationary
     Spreadsheet tab used           source:          source:         impulsive,        source:         source:
                                  impulsive,        impulsive,       continuous       impulsive,     impulsive,
                                 intermittent)    intermittent)                     intermittent)   intermittent
Pile Type and Hammer Type....  36-in steel       36-in steel      28-in sheet      36-in steel      36-in steel
                                impact            impact w/        vibratory.       impact w/       impact w/
                                (battered pile).  bubble curtain                    bubble curtain  bubble
                                                  (plumb pile).                     at P1 and P2    curtain at
                                                                                    (plumb piles).  P1 (plumb
                                                                                                    pile) and
                                                                                                    sheet pile
                                                                                                    vibratory at
Source Level (RMS SPL).......  193.............  183............  154............  186............    183.
Weighting Factor Adjustment    2...............  2..............  2.5............  2..............      2.
Number of strikes in 1 h OR    1,000...........  1,000..........  NA.............  1,000..........  1,000.
 number of strikes per pile.
Activity Duration (h) within   3 steel piles...  8 steel piles..  8 hours/8        8 steel piles    8 steel
 24-h period OR number of                                          sheets.          per portal      piles.
 piles per day.                                                                     island.
Propagation (xLogR)..........  15..............  15.............  15.............  15.............     15.
Distance of source level       10..............  10.............  10.............  10.............     10.
 measurement (meters).
Pulse Duration (seconds).....  0.1.............  0.1............  NA.............  0.1............    0.1.

[[Page 18791]]

              Table 6--Radial Distance (Meters) From Pile Driven From Portal Island 1 (PI 1) and Portal Island 2 (PI 2) to PTS Isopleths *
                                               Low-frequency       Mid-frequency      High-frequency     Phocid  pinnipeds
                                                 cetaceans           cetaceans           cetaceans     --------------------    Applicable piles in the
                Hammer type                ------------------------------------------------------------                             PTST project
                                            Island 1  Island 2  Island 1  Island 2  Island 1  Island 2  Island 1  Island 2
Impact (battered) at PI 1 OR PI 2.........   2,077.2   2,077.2      73.9      73.9   2,474.3   2,474.3   1,111.6   1,111.6  Battered Piles for Mooring
Impact with Bubble Curtain (plumb) at PI 1     860.6     860.6      30.6      30.6   1,025.1   1,025.1     460.5     460.5  Plumb Piles for Temporary
 OR PI 2.                                                                                                                    Pier and Mooring Dolphins.
Vibratory.................................       9.3       9.3       0.8       0.8      13.8      13.8       5.7       5.7  Sheet Piles for Containment.
Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb)              1,363.9   1,363.9      48.5      48.5   1,624.7   1,624.7     729.9     729.9  Plumb Piles for temporary
 simultaneous at PI 1 and PI 2.                                                                                              pier.
Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb)                860.6       9.3      30.6       0.8   1,025.1      13.8     460.5       5.7  Plumb Piles for Temporary
 simultaneous at PI 1 and Vibratory at PI                                                                                    Pier and Mooring Dolphins;
 2.                                                                                                                          Sheet Pile for Containment.
Vibratory at PI 1 and Impact w/Bubble            9.3     860.6       0.8      30.6      13.8   1,025.1       5.7     460.5  Plumb Piles for temporary
 Curtain (plumb) at PI 2 Simultaneous.                                                                                       pier and Mooring Dolphins;
                                                                                                                             Sheet Pile for Containment.
* Distances based on up to 3 battered round steel piles per day, 8 plumb round steel piles per day, and up to 8 sheets per day over 8 hours.

    Table 7 shows the radial distance to Level B isopleths and Table 8 
shows the areas of ensonified Level B zones associated with each of the 
planned driving scenarios.

       Table 7--Radial Distance (Meters) From Pile Driven to Level B Isopleths for Cetaceans and Pinnipeds
                                                               Radial distance (m)  160
                                                                     (impact)/ 120
 Hearing group sound threshold  (dB)    Hammer type driving           (vibratory)        Applicable piles in the
                                              scenario        --------------------------       PTST project
                                                                 Island 1     Island 2
PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters)..  Impact (battered)......      1,584.9      1,584.9  Battered Piles for
                                                                                          Mooring Dolphins.
PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters)..  Impact with Bubble             341.5        341.5  Plumb Piles for
                                       Curtain.                                           Temporary Pier and
                                                                                          Mooring Dolphins.
PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters)..  Vibratory..............      1,847.8      1,847.8  Sheet Piles for
PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters)..  Impact w/Bubble Curtain        541.2        541.2  Plumb Piles for
                                       (plumb) at PI 1 and PI                             temporary pier.
                                       2 simultaneous.
PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters)..  Impact w/Bubble Curtain        341.5      1,847.8  Plumb Piles for
                                       (plumb) at PI 1 and                                Temporary Pier and
                                       Vibratory at PI 2                                  Mooring Dolphins;
                                       simultaneous.                                      Sheet Pile for
PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters)..  Vibratory at PI 1 and        1,847.8        341.5  Plumb Piles for
                                       Impact w/Bubble                                    temporary pier and
                                       Curtain (plumb) at PI                              Mooring Dolphins;
                                       2 simultaneous.                                    Sheet Pile for

  Table 8--Level B Areas (km\2\) for All Pile Driving Scenarios Planned
                       for Use During PTST Project
                            Scenario                               size
Impact Plumb...................................................     0.45
Impact Simultaneous Plumb......................................     2.08
Impact Battered................................................     8.27
Vibratory Sheet................................................    12.27
Simultaneous Vibratory Sheet and Impact Plumb..................    12.27

    To calculate level B disturbance zones for airborne noise from pile 
driving, the spherical spreading loss equation (20LogR) was used to 
determine the Level B zones. The airborne noise threshold for 
behavioral harassment for all pinnipeds, except harbor seals, is 100 dB 
RMS re 20 [micro]Pa (unweighted) and for harbor seals is 90 dB RMS re 
20 [micro]Pa (unweighted).
    Literature estimates were used to estimate the amount of in-air 
sound produced from driving a pile above the MHW line (Laughlin 
2010a,b). Hollow steel piles that were 30 inches in diameter were used 
as a close proxy to the 36-inch-diameter hollow steel piles that will 
be driven at the PTST project. AZ 24-inch sheet pile was used as a 
proxy for the sheet pile to be driven during the PTST Project (Table 
9). Using the spherical spreading loss model with these estimates, 
Level B isopleths were estimated as shown below in Table 9. Note that 
the take estimates for pinnipeds were based on surveys which included 
counts of hauled out animals. Therefore, to avoid double counting, 
airborne exposures are not evaluated further for purposes of estimating 
take under the proposed IHA. During any upland pile driving before 
issuance of the IHA, however, shutdown will occur whenever pinnipeds 
enter into the Level B zones as depicted below to avoid unauthorized 

  Table 9--Radial Distance (Meters) From Pile Driven Above MHW to Level B Sound Thresholds for Harbor Seals and
                                                   Gray Seals
                                                                      Level A      Level B harassment zone  (m)
                Source                         Sound level          harassment   -------------------------------
                                                                     zone  (m)     Harbor Seals     Gray Seals
Impact Hammer 36-inch Pile............  110 dBL5SEQ at 15m \a\..             N/A             150              47

[[Page 18792]]

Vibratory Hammer Assumed equivalent to  92 dBL5SEQ at 15m.......             N/A              19               6
 24-in sheet.
\a\ Laughlin 2010a,b as cited in City of Unalaska 2016 IHA for Unalaska Marine Center.

Marine Mammal Occurrence

    In this section we provide the information about the presence, 
density, or group dynamics of marine mammals that will inform the take 
    Humpback whales are relatively rare in the Chesapeake Bay but may 
be found within or near the Chesapeake Bay at any time of the year. 
Between 1998 and 2014, 11 humpback whale stranding were reported within 
the Chesapeake Bay (Barco and Swingle 2014). Strandings occurred in all 
seasons, but were most common in the spring. There is no existing 
density data for this species within or near the Chesapeake Bay. 
Populations in the mid-Atlantic have been estimated for humpback whales 
off the coast of New Jersey with a density of 0.000130 per square 
kilometer (Whitt et al., 2015). A similar density may be expected off 
the coast of Virginia.
    Bottlenose dolphins are abundant along the Virginia coast and 
within the Chesapeake Bay and can be seen seen annually in Virginia 
from May through October. Approximately 65 strandings are reported each 
year (Barco and Swingle 2014). Stranded bottlenose dolphins have been 
recorded as far north as the Potomac River in the Chesapeake Bay 
(Blaylock 1985). A 2016 Navy report on the occurrence, distribution, 
and density of marine mammals near Naval Station Norfolk and Virginia 
Beach, Virginia provides seasonal densities of bottlenose dolphins for 
inshore areas in the vicinity of the project area (Engelhaupt et al., 
2016) (Table 10).
    There is little data on the occurrence of harbor porpoises in the 
Chesapeake Bay. Harbor porpoises are the second most common marine 
mammal to strand in Virginia waters with 58 reported strandings between 
2007 through 2016. Unlike bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoises are 
found in Virginia in the cooler months, primarily late winter and early 
spring, and they strand primarily on ocean facing beaches (Barco et 
al., 2017).
    Harbor seals are the most common seal in Virginia (Barco and 
Swingle 2014). They can be seen resting on the rocks around the portal 
islands of the CBBT from December through April. They are unlikely to 
occur in the project area in the summer and early fall. Survey data for 
in-water and hauled out harbor seals was collected by the United States 
Navy at the CBBT portal islands from 2014 through 2016 (Rees et al., 
2016) (Table 12). Surveys reported 112 harbor seals in the 2014/2015 
season and 184 harbor seals during the 2015/2016 season. (Rees et al., 
    Gray seals are uncommon in Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay with 
only 15 gray seal strandings documented in Virginia from 1988-2013 
(Barco and Swingle 2014). They are rarely found resting on the rocks 
around the portal islands of the CBBT from December through April 
alongside harbor seals. Observation surveys conducted by the Navy at 
the CBBT portal islands recorded one gray seal in each of the 2014/2015 
and 2015/2016 seasons (Rees et al., 2016).

Take Calculation and Estimation

    Here we describe how the information provided above is brought 
together to produce a quantitative take estimate.
    The following assumptions are made when estimating potential 
incidences of take:
     All marine mammal individuals potentially available are 
assumed to be present within the relevant area, and thus incidentally 
     An individual can only be taken once during a 24-h period;
     Exposures to sound levels at or above the relevant 
thresholds equate to take, as defined by the MMPA.

Humpback Whale

    As noted previously, humpback whales are rare in the Chesapeake 
Bay, although they do occur. Density off of the coast of New Jersey, 
and presumably Virginia and Maryland, is extremely low (0.00013 
animals/km\2\). Because density is extremely low, the CTJV is 
requesting and NMFS is proposing one Level B take every two months for 
the duration of in-water pile driving activities. Pile driving 
activities are expected to occur over a 10-month period. Therefore, a 
total of 5 Level B takes of humpback whales is proposed by NMFS.

Bottlenose Dolphin

    Total number of takes for bottlenose dolphin were calculated using 
the seasonal density described above (individuals/km\2\/day) of animals 
within the inshore study area at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay 
(Englehaupt et al., 2016). Project specific dolphin densities were 
calculated within the respective Level B harassment zone and season. 
Densities were then used to calculate the seasonal takes based on the 
number and type of pile driving days per season. For example, the 
density of dolphins in summer months is assumed to be 3.55 dolphins/
km\2\ * 2.08 km\2\ (harassment zone for Simultaneous Plumb Pile driving 
as shown in Table 8) = 7.38 dolphins/km\2\ per day in summer as shown 
in Table 11. This density was then multiplied by number of simultaneous 
plumb pile driving days to provide takes for that season (e.g. 7.38 
dolphins/km\2\ * 24 days = 177 estimated summer exposures from 
simultaneous plumb pile driving). The sum of the anticipated number of 
seasonal takes resulted in 3,708 estimated exposures as shown in Table 
10 split among three stocks. There is insufficient information to 
apportion the takes precisely to the three stocks present in the area. 
Given that members of the NNCES stock are thought to occur in or near 
the Bay in very small numbers, and only during July and August, we will 
conservatively assume that no more than 100 of the takes will be from 
this stock. Most animals from this stock spend the summer months in 
Pamlico Sound and the range of species extends as far south as 
Beaufort, NC. In colder months, animals are thought to go no farther 
north than Pamlico Sound. Since members of the southern migratory 
coastal and northern migratory coastal stocks are known to occur in or 
near the Bay in greater numbers, we will conservatively assuming that 
no more than half of the remaining animals (1,804) will accrue to 
either of these stocks.). The largest level B zone for mid-frequency 
cetaceans occurs during

[[Page 18793]]

vibratory driving and extends out 1,847.8 meters. The largest Level A 
isopleth is 73.9 meters and would occur during installation of three 
battered piles on a single day. NMFS proposes a shutdown zone that 
extends 200 m, so no Level A take is proposed.

                 Table 10--Summary of Information Used To Calculate Bottlenose Dolphin Exposures
                                                                      Density        Estimated     Total number
                             Season                                (individuals   number of pile   of requested
                                                                    per km\2\)     driving days        takes
Summer 2018.....................................................            3.55              45             879
Fall 2018.......................................................            3.88              77           2,242
Winter 2019.....................................................            0.63              70             464
Spring 2019.....................................................            1.00              10             123
    Total.......................................................  ..............  ..............           3,708

        Table 11--Seasonal Daily Take by Driving Scenario (Seasonal Density * Scenario Zone Size) and Estimated Number of Driving Days per Season
                                                Impact plumb         Impact         Impact batter    Vibratory sheet   vibratory sheet
                   Season                        daily take       simultaneous    daily take (days/ daily take (days/ and impact plumb   Number of pile
                                                (days/season)   plumb daily take       season)           season)      daily take (days/   driving days
                                                                  (days/season)                                            season)
Summer......................................          1.61 (0)         7.38 (24)        29.37 (15)         43.55 (6)         43.55 (0)                45
Fall........................................          1.76 (0)         8.06 (36)         32.10 (0)        47.60 (41)         47.60 (0)                77
Winter......................................          0.28 (0)         1.31 (12)          5.21 (0)         7.73 (34)         7.73 (24)                70
Spring......................................          0.45 (0)          2.08 (0)          8.27 (0)         12.27 (9)         12.27 (1)                10

Harbor Porpoise

    Little is known about the abundance of arbor porpoises in the 
Chesapeake Bay. A recent survey of the Maryland Wind Energy Area found 
that porpoises occur frequently offshore January to May (Wingfield et 
al., 2017). This finding reflects the pattern of winter and spring 
strandings in the mid-Atlantic. NMFS will assume that there is a 
porpoise sighting once during every two months of operations. That 
would equate to five sightings over ten months. Assuming an average 
group size of two results in a total estimated take of 10 porpoises. 
Harbor porpoises are members of the high-frequency hearing group which 
would have Level A isopleths as large of 2,474 meters during impact 
installation of three battered piles per day. Given the relatively 
large Level A zones during impact driving, NMFS proposes to authorize 
the take of 4 porpoises by Level A take and 6 by Level B take.

Harbor Seal

    The number of harbor seals expected to be present in the PTST 
project area was estimated using survey data for in-water and hauled 
out seals collected by the United States Navy at the portal islands 
from 2014 through 2016 (Rees et al., 2016). The survey data were used 
to estimate the number of seals observed per hour for the months of 
January-May and October-December between 2014 and 2016. Seal density 
data are in the format of seal per unit time. Therefore, potential seal 
exposures were calculated as total number of potential seals per pile 
driving day (8 hours) multiplied by the number of pile driving days per 
month. For example, in November seal density data are reported at 0.1 
seals per hour, within an 8-hour work day there may be 0.8 seals * 27 
work days in November, resulting in 22 seal takes. The anticipated 
numbers of monthly exposures were summed. NMFS proposes to authorize 
the take of 7,537 harbor seals (Table 12). The largest level B zone 
would occur during vibratory driving and extends out 1,847.8 meters 
from the sound source. The largest Level A isopleth is 1,111.6 meters 
which would occur during impact installation of three battered piles. 
The smallest Level A zone during impact driving is 115 meters which 
would occur when a single steel pile is impact driven at the same time 
that vibratory driving of sheet piles is occurring. NMFS proposes a 
shutdown zone for harbor seals of 50 meters since seals are common in 
the project area and are known to approach the shoreline. A larger 
shutdown zone would likely result in multiple shutdowns and impede the 
project schedule. NMFS will assume that 20 percent of the exposed seals 
will occur within the Level A zone specified for a given scenario. 
Therefore, NMFS proposes to authorize the Level A take of 1,507 and 
Level B take of 6,030 harbor seals.

                          Table 12--Calculation of the Number of Harbor Seal Exposures
                                                                                    Total pile
                                                                                   driving days
                                                                     Estimated       per month     Total number
                              Month                               seals per work     (includes     of requested
                                                                        day           upland           takes
June 2018.......................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
July 2018.......................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
August 2018.....................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
September 2018..................................................         Seals not expected to be present.

[[Page 18794]]

October 2018....................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
November 2018...................................................             0.8              27              22
December 2018...................................................            20.8              24             499
January 2019....................................................              48              42           2,016
February 2019...................................................              96              42           4,032
March 2019......................................................              88              10             968

Gray Seals

    The number of gray seals potentially exposed to Level B harassment 
in the project area was calculated using the same methodology was used 
to estimate harbor seal exposures. Survey data recording gray seal 
observations was collected by the U.S. Navy at the portal islands from 
2014 through 2016 (Rees et al., 2016). Potential gray seal exposures 
were calculated as the number of potential seals per pile driving day 
(8 hours) multiplied by the number of pile driving days per month. The 
anticipated numbers of monthly exposures as shown in Table 13 were 
summed. Therefore, NMFS proposes to authorize take of 67 gray seals by 
Level B harassment. The Level A isopleths for gray seals are identical 
to those for harbor seals. Similarly, with a shutdown zone of 50 
meters, NMFS proposes to authorize the Level A take of 20 percent of 
gray seals. Therefore, NMFS proposes to authorize the Level A take of 
13 and Level B take of 54 gray seals.

                           Table 13--Calculation for the Number of Gray Seal Exposures
                                                                                    Total pile
                                                                                   driving days
                                                                     Estimated       per month      Harbor seal
                              Month                               seals per work     (includes         takes
                                                                        day           upland
June 2018.......................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
July 2018.......................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
August 2018.....................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
September 2018..................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
October 2018....................................................         Seals not expected to be present.
November 2018...................................................               0              27               0
December 2018...................................................               0              24               0
January 2019....................................................               0              42               0
February 2019...................................................             1.6              42              67
March 2019......................................................               0              11               0

    Table 14 provides a summary of proposed authorized Level B takes as 
well as the percentage of a stock or population proposed for take.

                    Table 14--Proposed Authorized Take and Percentage of Stock or Population
                                                                     Proposed        Proposed
                Species                           Stock             authorized      authorized        Percent
                                                                   Level A takes   Level B takes    population
Humpback whale........................  Gulf of Maine...........  ..............               5            0.61
Bottlenose dolphin....................  WNA Coastal, Northern     ..............           1,804              16
                                        WNA Coastal, Southern     ..............           1,804              20
                                        NNCES...................  ..............             100              12
Harbor porpoise.......................  Gulf of Maine/Bay of                   4               6           <0.01
Harbor seal...........................  Western North Atlantic..           1,507           6,030              10
Gray seal.............................  Western North Atlantic..              13              54           <0.01

Proposed Mitigation

    In order to issue an IHA under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA, 
NMFS must set forth the permissible methods of taking pursuant to such 
activity, and other means of effecting the least practicable impact on 
such species or stock and its habitat, paying particular attention to 
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar significance, and on 
the availability of such species or stock for taking for certain 
subsistence uses (latter not applicable for this action). NMFS 
regulations require applicants for incidental take authorizations to 
include information about the availability and feasibility (economic 
and technological) of equipment, methods, and manner of conducting such 
activity or other means

[[Page 18795]]

of effecting the least practicable adverse impact upon the affected 
species or stocks and their habitat (50 CFR 216.104(a)(11)
    In evaluating how mitigation may or may not be appropriate to 
ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and 
their habitat, as well as subsistence uses where applicable, we 
carefully consider two primary factors:
    (1) The manner in which, and the degree to which, the successful 
implementation of the measure(s) is expected to reduce impacts to 
marine mammals, marine mammal species or stocks, and their habitat. 
This considers the nature of the potential adverse impact being 
mitigated (likelihood, scope, range). It further considers the 
likelihood that the measure will be effective if implemented 
(probability of accomplishing the mitigating result if implemented as 
planned) the likelihood of effective implementation (probability 
implemented as planned); and
    (2) the practicability of the measures for applicant 
implementation, which may consider such things as cost, impact on 
operations, and, in the case of a military readiness activity, 
personnel safety, practicality of implementation, and impact on the 
effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
    The following mitigation measures are proposed in the IHA:
     Pile Driving Delay/Shutdown Zone--For in-water heavy 
machinery work (using, e.g., standard barges, tug boats, barge-mounted 
excavators, or clamshell equipment used to place or remove material), a 
minimum 10 meters shutdown zone shall be implemented. If a marine 
mammal comes within 10 meters of such operations, operations shall 
cease and vessels shall reduce speed to the minimum level required to 
maintain steerage and safe working conditions. This type of work could 
include (but is not limited to) the following activities: (1) Vibratory 
pile driving; (2) movement of the barge to the pile location; (3) 
positioning of the pile on the substrate via a crane (i.e., stabbing 
the pile); or (4) removal of the pile from the water column/substrate 
via a crane (i.e., deadpull).
     Non-authorized Take Prohibited--If a species for which 
authorization has not been granted (e.g., North Atlantic right whale, 
fin whale, harbor porpoise) or a species for which authorization has 
been granted but the authorized takes are met, is observed approaching 
or within the Level B Isopleth, pile driving and removal activities 
must shut down immediately using delay and shut-down procedures. 
Activities must not resume until the animal has been confirmed to have 
left the area or an observation time period of 15 minutes has elapsed.
     Use of Impact Installation--During pile installation of 
hollow steel piles, an impact hammer rather than a vibratory hammer 
will be used to reduce the duration of pile driving decrease the ZOI 
for marine mammals.
     Cushion Blocks--Use of cushion blocks will be required 
during impact installation. Cushion blocks reduce source levels and, by 
association, received levels, although exact decreases in sound levels 
are unknown.
     Use of Bubble Curtain--An encased bubble curtain will be 
used for impact installation of plumb round piles at water depths 
greater than 3 m (10 ft). Bubble curtains will not function effectively 
in shallower depths.
     Soft-Start--The use of a soft start procedure is believed 
to provide additional protection to marine mammals by warning or 
providing a chance to leave the area prior to the hammer operating at 
full capacity, and typically involves a requirement to initiate sound 
from the hammer at reduced energy followed by a waiting period. A soft-
start procedure will be used for impact pile driving at the beginning 
of each day's in-water pile driving or any time impact pile driving has 
ceased for more than 30 minutes. The CTJV will start the bubble curtain 
prior to the initiation of impact pile driving. The contractor will 
provide an initial set of strikes from the impact hammer at reduced 
energy, followed by a 30-second waiting period, then two subsequent 
     Establishment of Additional Shutdown Zones and Monitoring 
Zones--For all impact and vibratory pile driving shutdown and 
monitoring zones will be established and monitored.
     CTJV will establish a shutdown zone of 200 meters for 
common dolphins and harbor porpoises and 50 meters for harbor and gray 
seals. The shutdown zones for humpback whales are depicted in Table 16.
     For all impact and vibratory pile driving shutdown and 
monitoring zones will be established and monitored. Level B zones are 
shown in Table 15.

Table 15--Radial Distance (Meters) From Pile Driven to Level B Isopleths
                       for Cetaceans and Pinnipeds
                                               Radial distance  (m)
      Hammer type driving scenario       -------------------------------
                                             Island 1        Island 2
Impact (battered).......................           1,585           1,585
Impact with Bubble Curtain..............             350             350
Vibratory...............................           1,850           1,850
Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at PI 1              540             540
 and PI 2 simultaneous..................
Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at PI 1              340           1,850
 and Vibratory at PI 2 simultaneous.....
Vibratory at PI 1 and Impact w/Bubble              1,850             340
 Curtain (plumb) at PI 2 simultaneous...

     The Level A zones will depend on the number of piles 
driven and the presence of marine mammals per 24-hour period. Up to 3 
battered piles or 8 plumb steel piles will be driven per 24-hour period 
using the following adaptive monitoring approach. Monitoring will begin 
each day using the three-pile Level A zone for battered piles (or 
eight-pile zone for plumb piles). If after the first pile is driven, no 
marine mammals have been observed in the Level A zone, then the Level A 
zone will reduce to the two-pile zone. If no marine mammals are 
observed within the two-pile shutdown zone during the driving of the 
second pile, then the Level A zone will reduce to the one-pile zone. 
However, if a mammal is observed approaching or entering the three-pile 
Level A zone during the driving of the first pile, then the three-pile 
Level A zone will be monitored for the remainder of pile driving 
activities for that day. Likewise, if a marine mammal is observed 
within the two-pile but not the three-pile Level A zone, then the two-
pile Level A zone will be monitored for the remainder of pile driving 
activities for that day. The same protocol will be followed for 
installation of up to 8 plumb piles per day.

[[Page 18796]]

    The Level A isopleths for all authorized species are shown in Table 
16. Isopeths associated with low-frequency cetaceans will signify 
shutdown zones.for humpback and fin whales.

     Table 16--Radial Distance (Meters) From Pile Driven to PTS Zones for Cetaceans and Phocid Pinnipeds for
                                        Scenarios Involving Impact Hammer
                                                               Impact hammer   Impact hammer  driving--vibratory
                                               Impact hammer    with bubble     with bubble    hammer and impact
   Class of marine mammals     Piles per day     (battered        curtain         curtain     hammer with bubble
                                                   pile)       (plumb pile)    simultaneous     curtain (plumb
                                                                               (plumb pile)          pile)
Low-Frequency Cetaceans*....               8             N/A           860.6           1,363             860.6
                                           7             N/A           787.3           1,247             787.3
                                           6             N/A           710.4           1,125             710.4
                                           5             N/A           629.1             997             629.1
                                           4             N/A           542.1             859             542.1
                                           3         2,077.2           447.5             709             447.5
                                           2         1,585.2           341.5             541             341.5
                                           1           998.6           215.1             341             215.1
Mid-Frequency Cetaceans.....               8             N/A            30.6              48              30.6
                                           7             N/A            28.0              44              28.0
                                           6             N/A            25.3              40              25.3
                                           5             N/A            22.4              35              22.4
                                           4             N/A            19.3              30              19.3
                                           3            73.9            15.9              25              15.9
                                           2            56.4            12.1              19              12.1
                                           1            35.5             7.7            12.1               7.7
High Frequency Cetaceans....               8             N/A         1,025.1           1,624           1,025.1
                                           7             N/A           937.8          1,4861             937.8
                                           6             N/A           846.2           1,341             846.2
                                           5             N/A           749.4           1,187             749.4
                                           4             N/A           645.8           1,023             645.8
                                           3         2,474.3           533.1             844             533.1
                                           2         1,888.3           406.8             644             406.8
                                           1         1,189.5           256.3             406             256.3
Phocid Pinnipeds............               8             N/A           460.5             729             460.5
                                           7             N/A           412.3             667             412.3
                                           6             N/A           380.2             602             380.2
                                           5             N/A           336.7             533             336.7
                                           4             N/A           290.1             459             290.1
                                           3         1,111.6           239.5             379             239.5
                                           2           848.3           182.8             289             182.8
                                           1           534.4           115.1             182             115.1
* These isopleths serve as shutdown zones for all large whales, including humpback and fin whales.

    Based on our evaluation of the applicant's proposed measures, as 
well as other measures considered by NMFS, NMFS has preliminarily 
determined that the proposed mitigation measures provide the means 
effecting the least practicable impact on the affected species or 
stocks and their habitat, paying particular attention to rookeries, 
mating grounds, and areas of similar significance.

Proposed Monitoring and Reporting

    In order to issue an IHA for an activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of 
the MMPA states that NMFS must set forth, requirements pertaining to 
the monitoring and reporting of such taking. The MMPA implementing 
regulations at 50 CFR 216.104(a)(13) indicate that requests for 
authorizations must include the suggested means of accomplishing the 
necessary monitoring and reporting that will result in increased 
knowledge of the species and of the level of taking or impacts on 
populations of marine mammals that are expected to be present in the 
proposed action area. Effective reporting is critical both to 
compliance as well as ensuring that the most value is obtained from the 
required monitoring.
    Monitoring and reporting requirements prescribed by NMFS should 
contribute to improved understanding of one or more of the following:
     Occurrence of marine mammal species or stocks in the area 
in which take is anticipated (e.g., presence, abundance, distribution, 
     Nature, scope, or context of likely marine mammal exposure 
to potential stressors/impacts (individual or cumulative, acute or 
chronic), through better understanding of: (1) Action or environment 
(e.g., source characterization, propagation, ambient noise); (2) 
affected species (e.g., life history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence 
of marine mammal species with the action; or (4) biological or 
behavioral context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or feeding areas).
     Individual marine mammal responses (behavioral or 
physiological) to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or cumulative), 
other stressors, or cumulative impacts from multiple stressors.
     How anticipated responses to stressors impact either: (1) 
Long-term fitness and survival of individual marine mammals; or (2) 
populations, species, or stocks.
     Effects on marine mammal habitat (e.g., marine mammal prey 
species, acoustic habitat, or other important physical components of 
marine mammal habitat).
     Mitigation and monitoring effectiveness.

[[Page 18797]]

Visual Monitoring

    The following visual monitoring measures are proposed in the IHA:
     Pre-activity monitoring shall take place from 30 minutes 
prior to initiation of pile driving activity and post-activity 
monitoring shall continue through 30 minutes post-completion of pile 
driving activity. Pile driving may commence at the end of the 30-minute 
pre-activity monitoring period, provided observers have determined that 
the shutdown zone is clear of marine mammals, which includes delaying 
start of pile driving activities if a marine mammal is sighted in the 
     If a marine mammal approaches or enters the shutdown zone 
during activities or pre-activity monitoring, all pile driving 
activities at that location shall be halted or delayed, respectively. 
If pile driving is halted or delayed due to the presence of a marine 
mammal, the activity may not resume or commence until either the animal 
has voluntarily left and been visually confirmed beyond the shutdown 
zone and 15 minutes have passed without re-detection of the animal. 
Pile driving activities include the time to install or remove a single 
pile or series of piles, as long as the time elapsed between uses of 
the pile driving equipment is no more than thirty minutes.
     Monitoring distances, in accordance with the identified 
shutdown zones, Level A zones and Level B zones, will be determined by 
using a range finder, scope, hand-held global positioning system (GPS) 
device or landmarks with known distances from the monitoring positions.
     Monitoring locations will be based on land both at Portal 
Island No. 1 and Portal Island No. 2 during simultaneous driving. 
During non-simultaneous a single monitoring location will be identified 
on the Portal Island with pile driving activity.
     Monitoring will be continuous unless the contractor takes 
a break longer than 2 hours from active pile and sheet pile driving, in 
which case, monitoring will be required 30 minutes prior to restarting 
pile installation.
     If marine mammals are observed, their location within the 
zones, and their reaction (if any) to pile activities will be 
     If weather or sea conditions restrict the observer's 
ability to observe, or become unsafe, pile installation will be 
suspended until conditions allow for monitoring to resume.
     For in-water pile driving, under conditions of fog or poor 
visibility that might obscure the presence of a marine mammal within 
the shutdown zone, the pile in progress will be completed and then pile 
driving suspended until visibility conditions improve.
     Monitoring of pile driving shall be conducted by qualified 
PSOs (see below), who shall have no other assigned tasks during 
monitoring periods. CVTJV shall adhere to the following conditions when 
selecting observers:
    (1) Independent PSOs shall be used (i.e., not construction 
    (2) At least one PSO must have prior experience working as a marine 
mammal observer during construction activities.
    (3) Other PSOs may substitute education (degree in biological 
science or related field) or training for experience.
    (4) CTJV shall submit PSO CVs for approval by NMFS.
     CTJV will ensure that observers have the following 
additional qualifications:
    (1) Ability to conduct field observations and collect data 
according to assigned protocols.
    (2) Experience or training in the field identification of marine 
mammals, including the identification of behaviors.
    (3) Sufficient training, orientation, or experience with the 
construction operation to provide for personal safety during 
    (4) Writing skills sufficient to prepare a report of observations 
including but not limited to the number and species of marine mammals 
observed; dates and times when in-water construction activities were 
conducted; dates, times, and reason for implementation of mitigation 
(or why mitigation was not implemented when required); and marine 
mammal behavior.
    (5) Ability to communicate orally, by radio or in person, with 
project personnel to provide real-time information on marine mammals 
observed in the area as necessary.
    A draft marine mammal monitoring report would be submitted to NMFS 
within 90 days after the completion of pile driving and removal 
activities. It will include an overall description of work completed, a 
narrative regarding marine mammal sightings, and associated marine 
mammal observation data sheets. Specifically, the report must include:
     Date and time that monitored activity begins or ends;
     Construction activities occurring during each observation 
     Deviation from initial proposal in pile numbers, pile 
types, average driving times, etc.
     Weather parameters (e.g., percent cover, visibility);
     Water conditions (e.g., sea state, tide state);
     For each marine mammal sighting:
    (1) Species, numbers, and, if possible, sex and age class of marine 
    (2) Description of any observable marine mammal behavior patterns, 
including bearing and direction of travel and distance from pile 
driving activity;
    (3) Location and distance from pile driving activities to marine 
mammals and distance from the marine mammals to the observation point;
    (4) Estimated amount of time that the animals remained in the Level 
A Level B zone.
     Description of implementation of mitigation measures 
within each monitoring period (e.g., shutdown or delay); and
     Other human activity in the area.
     A summary of the following:
    (1) Total number of individuals of each species detected within the 
Level A and Level B Zone, and estimated as taken if correction factor 
is applied.
    (2) Daily average number of individuals of each species 
(differentiated by month as appropriate) detected within the Level A 
and Level B Zone, and estimated as taken, if correction factor is 
    If no comments are received from NMFS within 30 days, the draft 
final report will constitute the final report. If comments are 
received, a final report addressing NMFS comments must be submitted 
within 30 days after receipt of comments.
    In the unanticipated event that the specified activity clearly 
causes the take of a marine mammal in a manner prohibited by the IHA 
(if issued), such as an injury, serious injury or mortality, CTJV would 
immediately cease the specified activities and report the incident to 
the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, and the New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding 
Coordinator. The report would include the following information:
     Description of the incident;
     Environmental conditions (e.g., Beaufort sea state, 
     Description of all marine mammal observations in the 24 
hours preceding the incident;
     Species identification or description of the animal(s) 
     Fate of the animal(s); and
     Photographs or video footage of the animal(s) (if 
equipment is available).
    Activities would not resume until NMFS is able to review the 
circumstances of the prohibited take. NMFS would work with CTJV to 
determine what is necessary to

[[Page 18798]]

minimize the likelihood of further prohibited take and ensure MMPA 
compliance. CTJV would not be able to resume their activities until 
notified by NMFS via letter, email, or telephone.
    In the event that CTJV discovers an injured or dead marine mammal, 
and the lead PSO determines that the cause of the injury or death is 
unknown and the death is relatively recent (e.g., in less than a 
moderate state of decomposition as described in the next paragraph), 
CTJV would immediately report the incident to the Chief of the Permits 
and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, and the 
NMFS New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding Coordinator. The 
report would include the same information identified in the paragraph 
above. Activities would be able to continue while NMFS reviews the 
circumstances of the incident. NMFS would work with CTJV to determine 
whether modifications in the activities are appropriate.
    In the event that CTJV discovers an injured or dead marine mammal 
and the lead PSO determines that the injury or death is not associated 
with or related to the activities authorized in the IHA (e.g., 
previously wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced 
decomposition, or scavenger damage), CTJV would report the incident to 
the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, and the NMFS New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional 
Stranding Coordinator, within 24 hours of the discovery. CTJV would 
provide photographs or video footage (if available) or other 
documentation of the stranded animal sighting to NMFS and the Marine 
Mammal Stranding Network.

Negligible Impact Analysis and Determination

    NMFS has defined negligible impact as an impact resulting from the 
specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not 
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (50 CFR 216.103). A 
negligible impact finding is based on the lack of likely adverse 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (i.e., population-
level effects). An estimate of the number of takes alone is not enough 
information on which to base an impact determination. In addition to 
considering estimates of the number of marine mammals that might be 
``taken'' through harassment, NMFS considers other factors, such as the 
likely nature of any responses (e.g., intensity, duration), the context 
of any responses (e.g., critical reproductive time or location, 
migration), as well as effects on habitat, and the likely effectiveness 
of the mitigation. We also assess the number, intensity, and context of 
estimated takes by evaluating this information relative to population 
status. Consistent with the 1989 preamble for NMFS's implementing 
regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29, 1989), the impacts from other 
past and ongoing anthropogenic activities are incorporated into this 
analysis via their impacts on the environmental baseline (e.g., as 
reflected in the regulatory status of the species, population size and 
growth rate where known, ongoing sources of human-caused mortality, or 
ambient noise levels).
    CTJV's planned pile driving activities are highly localized. Only a 
relatively small portion of the Chesapeake Bay may be affected. The 
project is not expected to have significant adverse effects on marine 
mammal habitat. No important feeding and/or reproductive areas for 
marine mammals are known to be near the project area. Project-related 
activities may cause some fish to leave the area of disturbance, thus 
temporarily impacting marine mammals' foraging opportunities in a 
limited portion of their foraging range, but because of the relatively 
small impacted area of the habitat range utilized by each species that 
may be affected, the impacts to marine mammal habitat are not expected 
to cause significant or long-term negative consequences.
    A limited number of animals could experience Level A harassment in 
the form of PTS if they remain within the Level A harassment zone 
during certain impact driving scenarios. The sizes of the Level A zones 
are dependent on the number of steel piles driven in a 24-hour period. 
Up to 8 steel plumb piles or 3 steel battered piles could be driven in 
a single day, which would result in a relatively large Level A zones. 
(If fewer piles are driven per day then the Level A zones would be 
smaller) . However, an animal would have to be within the Level A zones 
during the driving of all 8 plumb or 3 battered piles. This is 
unlikely, as marine mammals tend to move away from sound sources. 
Furthermore, the degree of injury is expected to be mild and is not 
likely to affect the reproduction or survival of the individual 
animals. It is expected that, if hearing impairments occurs, most 
likely the affected animal would lose a few dB in its hearing 
sensitivity, which in most cases is not likely to affect its survival 
and recruitment.
    Exposures to elevated sound levels produced during pile driving 
activities may cause behavioral responses by an animal, but they are 
expected to be mild and temporary. Effects on individuals that are 
taken by Level B harassment, on the basis of reports in the literature 
as well as monitoring from other similar activities, will likely be 
limited to reactions such as increased swimming speeds, increased 
surfacing time, or decreased foraging (if such activity were occurring) 
(e.g., Thorson and Reyff, 2006; Lerma, 2014). Most likely, individuals 
will simply move away from the sound source and be temporarily 
displaced from the areas of pile driving, although even this reaction 
has been observed primarily only in association with impact pile 
driving. These reactions and behavioral changes are expected to subside 
quickly when the exposures cease. The pile driving activities analyzed 
here are similar to, or less impactful than, numerous construction 
activities conducted in numerous other locations on the east coast, 
which have taken place with no reported injuries or mortality to marine 
mammals, and no known long-term adverse consequences from behavioral 
harassment. Repeated exposures of individuals to levels of sound that 
may cause Level B harassment are unlikely to result in permanent 
hearing impairment or to significantly disrupt foraging behavior. 
Furthermore. Level B harassment will be reduced through use of 
mitigation measures described herein.
    CTJV will employ noise attenuating devices (i.e., bubble curtains, 
pile caps) during impact driving of plumb steel piles. During impact 
driving of both plumb and battered piles, implementation of soft start 
procedures and monitoring of established shutdown zones will be 
required, significantly reduces any possibility of injury. Given 
sufficient notice through use of soft start (for impact driving), 
marine mammals are expected to move away from a sound source. PSOs will 
be stationed on a portal island whenever pile driving operations are 
underway at that island. The portal island locations provide a 
relatively clear view of the shutdown zones as well as monitoring 
zones. These factors will limit exposure of animals to noise levels 
that could result in injury.
    In summary and as described above, the following factors primarily 
support our preliminary determination that the impacts resulting from 
this activity are not expected to adversely affect the species or stock 
through effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival:
     No serious injury or mortality is anticipated;
     The area of potential impacts is highly localized;

[[Page 18799]]

     No adverse impacts to marine mammal habitat;
     The absence of any significant habitat within the project 
area, including rookeries, or known areas or features of special 
significance for foraging or reproduction;
     Anticipated incidents of Level A harassment would likely 
be mild;
     Anticipated incidents of Level B harassment consist of, at 
worst, temporary modifications in behavior; and
     The anticipated efficacy of the required mitigation 
measures in reducing the effects of the specified activity.
    Based on the analysis contained herein of the likely effects of the 
specified activity on marine mammals and their habitat, and taking into 
consideration the implementation of the proposed monitoring and 
mitigation measures, NMFS preliminarily finds that the total marine 
mammal take from the proposed activity will have a negligible impact on 
all affected marine mammal species or stocks.

Small Numbers

    As noted above, only small numbers of incidental take may be 
authorized under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA for specified 
activities other than military readiness activities. The MMPA does not 
define small numbers and so, in practice, where estimated numbers are 
available, NMFS compares the number of individuals taken to the most 
appropriate estimation of abundance of the relevant species or stock in 
our determination of whether an authorization is limited to small 
numbers of marine mammals. Additionally, other qualitative factors may 
be considered in the analysis, such as the temporal or spatial scale of 
the activities.
    NMFS has preliminary determined that the estimated Level B take of 
humpback whale is 0.61 percent of the Gulf of Maine stock ; take of 
harbor seals is 10 percent of the Western North Atlantic stock; and 
take of gray seals is <0.01 percent of the Western North Atlantic 
stock. Estimated take of bottlenose dolphins (3,708), with 100 takes 
accruing to the NNCES stock and no more than half (1,804) of the 
remaining takes accruing to either of two migratory coastal stocks 
represents 12 percent of the NCCES stock (population 823), 16 percent 
of the Western North Atlantic northern migratory coastal stock (pop. 
11,548) and 20 percent of the Western North Atlantic southern migratory 
coastal stock (pop. 9,173). Additionally, some number of the 
anticipated takes are likely to be repeat sightings of the same 
individual, lowering the number of individuals taken.
    Based on the analysis contained herein of the proposed activity 
(including the proposed mitigation and monitoring measures) and the 
anticipated take of marine mammals, NMFS preliminarily finds that small 
numbers of marine mammals will be taken relative to the population size 
of the affected species or stocks.

Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis and Determination

    There are no relevant subsistence uses of the affected marine 
mammal stocks or species implicated by this action. Therefore, NMFS has 
preliminarily determined that the total taking of affected species or 
stocks would not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability 
of such species or stocks for taking for subsistence purposes.

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

    Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA: 16 
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal agency insure that any 
action it authorizes, funds, or carries out is not likely to jeopardize 
the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or 
result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated 
critical habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for the issuance of IHAs, 
NMFS consults internally, in this case with the ESA Interagency 
Cooperation Division whenever we propose to authorize take for 
endangered or threatened species.
    No incidental take of ESA-listed species is proposed for 
authorization or expected to result from this activity. Therefore, NMFS 
has determined that formal consultation under section 7 of the ESA is 
not required for this action.

Proposed Authorization

    As a result of these preliminary determinations, NMFS proposes to 
issue an IHA to CTJV for conducting pile driving and removal activities 
as part of the PTST project between June 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019, 
provided the previously mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and reporting 
requirements are incorporated. This section contains a draft of the IHA 
itself. The wording contained in this section is proposed for inclusion 
in the IHA (if issued).
    1. This Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) is valid from 
June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019. This IHA is valid only for pile 
driving and extraction activities associated with the PTST project.
    2. General Conditions.
    (a) A copy of this IHA must be in the possession of CTJV, its 
designees, and work crew personnel operating under the authority of 
this IHA.
    (b) The species authorized for taking are of harbor seal (Phoca 
vitulina), gray seal (Halichoerus grypus), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops 
spp.), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and humpback whale 
(Megaptera novaeangliae).
    (c) The taking, by Level A and Level B harassment, is limited to 
the species listed in condition 2(b). See Table 14 for number of takes 
    (d) The take of any other species not listed in condition 2(b) of 
marine mammal is prohibited and may result in the modification, 
suspension, or revocation of this IHA.
    (e) CTJV shall conduct briefings between construction supervisors 
and crews, marine mammal monitoring team, acoustical monitoring team 
prior to the start of all pile driving activities, and when new 
personnel join the work, in order to explain responsibilities, 
communication procedures, marine mammal monitoring protocol, and 
operational procedures.
    3. Mitigation Measures.
    The holder of this Authorization is required to implement the 
following mitigation measures:
    (a) Time Restrictions--For all in-water pile driving activities, 
CTJV shall operate only during daylight hours.
    (b) Use of Bubble Curtain.
    (i) CTJV shall employ an encased bubble curtain during impact pile 
driving of plumb steel piles in water depths greater than 3 m (10 ft).
    (c) Use of Soft-Start.--CTJV shall use soft start techniques when 
impact pile driving. Soft start requires contractors to provide an 
initial set of strikes at reduced energy, followed by a thirty-second 
waiting period, then two subsequent reduced energy strike sets. Soft 
start shall be implemented at the start of each day's impact pile 
driving and at any time following cessation of impact pile driving for 
a period of thirty minutes or longer.
    (d) Use of cushion blocks shall be required during impact 
    (e) Establishment of Shutdown Zones.
    (i) CTJV shall establish a shutdown zone of 200 meters harbor 
porpoise and common dolphin.
    (ii) CTJV shall establish a shutdown zone of 50 meters for harbor 
    (iii) CTJV shall establish shutdown zones for large whales (i.e. 
humpback, fin whale) according to low-frequency isopleths provided in 
Table 16.
    (iv) If a marine mammal comes within or approaches the shutdown 
zone, pile driving operations shall cease.

[[Page 18800]]

    (v) Pile driving and removal operations shall restart once the 
marine mammal is visibly seen leaving the zone or after 15 minutes have 
passed with no sightings.
    (vi) For in-water heavy machinery work (using, e.g., standard 
barges, tug boats, barge-mounted excavators, or clamshell equipment 
used to place or remove material), a minimum 10 meters shutdown zone 
shall be implemented. If a marine mammal comes within 10 meters of such 
operations, operations shall cease and vessels shall reduce speed to 
the minimum level required to maintain steerage and safe working 
conditions. This type of work could include (but is not limited to) the 
following activities: (1) Vibratory pile driving; (2) movement of the 
barge to the pile location; (3) positioning of the pile on the 
substrate via a crane (i.e., stabbing the pile); or (4) removal of the 
pile from the water column/substrate via a crane (i.e., deadpull).
    (vii) Shutdown shall occur if a species for which authorization has 
not been granted or for which the authorized numbers of takes have been 
met approaches or is observed within the pertinent take zone.
    (viii) If a marine mammal approaches or enters the shutdown zone 
during activities or pre-activity monitoring, all pile driving 
activities at that location shall be halted or delayed, respectively. 
If pile driving is halted or delayed due to the presence of a marine 
mammal, the activity may not resume or commence until either the animal 
has voluntarily left and been visually confirmed beyond the shutdown 
zone and 15 minutes have passed without re-detection of the animal. 
Pile driving activities include the time to install or remove a single 
pile or series of piles, as long as the time elapsed between uses of 
the pile driving equipment is no more than thirty minutes.
    (ix) If a species for which authorization has not been granted, or 
a species for which authorization has been granted but the authorized 
takes are met, is observed approaching or within the designated Level B 
Isopleth pile driving and removal activities must shut down immediately 
using delay and shut-down procedures. Activities must not resume until 
the animal has been confirmed to have left the area or the observation 
time period, as indicated in 3(e)(v) above, has elapsed.
    (f) Establishment of Level A and Level B Harassment Zones.
    (i) CTJV shall establish and monitor a level B zone according to 
values depicted in Table 15 during all driving activities.
    (ii) CTJV shall use an adaptive approach to establish Level A zones 
during impact pile driving.
    (1) The number of plumb piles planned for a given day determines 
initial Level A zone size as shown in Table 16.
    (2) If after the first pile is driven, no marine mammals have been 
observed in the Level A zone, then the Level A zone shall be reduced to 
the Level A zone associated with the next lowest number of piles driven 
per day. If no marine mammals are observed within that zone, the Level 
A zone shall again be reduced to the next lowest number of piles per 
day. This trend shall continue until an animal is seen approaching or 
entering a specified shutdown zone.
    (3) If Level A take does occur, the Level A zone size in effect 
during the initial Level A take shall remain in place for the remainder 
of the day.
    (4) Pile driving activities shall not be conducted when weather/
observer conditions do not allow for adequate sighting of marine 
mammals within the monitoring zone (e.g. lack of daylight/fog).
    (5) In the event of conditions that prevent the visual detection of 
marine mammals, impact pile driving shall be curtailed, but pile in 
progress shall be completed and then pile driving suspended until 
visibility conditions improve.
    4. Monitoring
    The holder of this Authorization is required to conduct visual 
marine mammal monitoring during pile driving activities.
    (a) Visual Marine Mammal Observation--CTJV shall collect sighting 
data and behavioral responses to pile driving for marine mammal species 
observed in the region of activity during the period of activity. 
Visual monitoring shall include the following:
    (i) Pre-activity monitoring shall take place from 30 minutes prior 
to initiation of pile driving activity and post-activity monitoring 
shall continue through 30 minutes post-completion of pile driving 
activity. Pile driving may commence at the end of the 30-minute pre-
activity monitoring period, provided observers have determined that the 
shutdown zone is clear of marine mammals, which includes delaying start 
of pile driving activities if a marine mammal is sighted in the zone.
    (ii) Protected Species Observers (PSOs) shall be positioned at the 
best practicable vantage points, taking into consideration security, 
safety, and space limitations. The PSOs shall be stationed in a 
location that shall provide adequate visual coverage for the shutdown 
zone and monitoring zones.
    (iii) Monitoring locations shall be based on land both at Portal 
Island No. 1 and Portal Island No. 2 during simultaneous driving. 
During non-simultaneous driving a single monitoring location shall be 
identified on the Portal Island with pile driving activity.
    (iv) Monitoring distances, in accordance with the identified 
shutdown zones, Level A zones and Level B zones, shall be determined by 
using a range finder, scope, hand-held global positioning system (GPS) 
device or landmarks with known distances from the monitoring positions
    (v) CTJV shall adhere to the following observer qualifications:
    (1) Independent PSOs shall be used (i.e., not construction 
    (2) At least one PSO must have prior experience working as a marine 
mammal observer during construction activities.
    (3) Other PSOs may substitute education (degree in biological 
science or related field) or training for experience.
    (4) CTJV shall submit PSO CVs for approval by NMFS.
    (vi) CTJV shall ensure that observers have the following additional 
    (1) Ability to conduct field observations and collect data 
according to assigned protocols.
    (2) Experience or training in the field identification of marine 
mammals, including the identification of behaviors.
    (3) Sufficient training, orientation, or experience with the 
construction operation to provide for personal safety during 
    (4) Writing skills sufficient to prepare a report of observations 
including but not limited to the number and species of marine mammals 
observed; dates and times when in-water construction activities were 
conducted; dates, times, and reason for implementation of mitigation 
(or why mitigation was not implemented when required); and marine 
mammal behavior.
    (5) Ability to communicate orally, by radio or in person, with 
project personnel to provide real-time information on marine mammals 
observed in the area as necessary.
    5. Reporting
    (a) A draft marine mammal monitoring report shall be submitted to 
NMFS within 90 days after the completion of pile driving and removal 
activities or a minimum of 60 days prior to any subsequent IHAs. A 
final report shall be prepared and submitted to the

[[Page 18801]]

NMFS within 30 days following receipt of comments on the draft report 
from the NMFS. If no comments are received from NMFS within 30 days, 
the draft final report shall constitute the final report. If comments 
are received, a final report addressing NMFS comments must be submitted 
within 30 days after receipt of comments.
    (b) The report shall include an overall description of work 
completed, a narrative regarding marine mammal sightings, and 
associated marine mammal observation data sheets. Specifically, the 
report must include:
    (i) Date and time that monitored activity begins or ends;
    (ii) Construction activities occurring during each observation 
    (iii) Weather parameters (e.g., percent cover, visibility);
    (iv) Water conditions (e.g., sea state, tide state);
    (v) Total number of individuals of each species detected within the 
Level A and Level B Zone, and estimated taken if a correction factor is 
    (vi) Daily average number of individuals of each species 
(differentiated by month as appropriate) detected within the Level A 
and Level B Zone, and estimated as taken if correction factor is used;
    (vii) Each marine mammal sighting shall include the following:
    (1) Species, numbers, and, if possible, sex and age class of marine 
    (2) Description of any observable marine mammal behavior patterns, 
including bearing and direction of travel and distance from pile 
driving activity;
    (3) Location and distance from pile driving activities to marine 
mammals and distance from the marine mammals to the observation point;
    (4) Estimated amount of time that the animals remained in the Level 
A and/or Level B zone;
    (5) Description of implementation of mitigation measures within 
each monitoring period (e.g., shutdown or delay);
    (6) Other human activity in the area.
    (c) In the unanticipated event that the specified activity clearly 
causes the take of a marine mammal in a manner prohibited by the IHA 
(if issued), such as an injury, serious injury or mortality, CTJV would 
immediately cease the specified activities and report the incident to 
the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, and the New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding 
Coordinator. The report would include the following information:
    (i) Description of the incident;
    (ii) Environmental conditions (e.g., Beaufort sea state, 
    (iii) Description of all marine mammal observations in the 24 hours 
preceding the incident;
    (iv) Species identification or description of the animal(s) 
    (v) Fate of the animal(s); and
    (vi) Photographs or video footage of the animal(s) (if equipment is 
    Activities would not resume until NMFS is able to review the 
circumstances of the prohibited take. NMFS would work with CTJV to 
determine what is necessary to minimize the likelihood of further 
prohibited take and ensure MMPA compliance. CTJV would not be able to 
resume their activities until notified by NMFS via letter, email, or 
    (d) In the event that CTJV discovers an injured or dead marine 
mammal, and the lead PSO determines that the cause of the injury or 
death is unknown and the death is relatively recent (e.g., in less than 
a moderate state of decomposition as described in the next paragraph), 
CTJV would immediately report the incident to the Chief of the Permits 
and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, and the 
New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding Coordinator. The report 
would include the same information identified in the paragraph above. 
Activities would be able to continue while NMFS reviews the 
circumstances of the incident. NMFS would work with CTJV to determine 
whether modifications in the activities are appropriate.
    (e) In the event that CTJV discovers an injured or dead marine 
mammal and the lead PSO determines that the injury or death is not 
associated with or related to the activities authorized in the IHA 
(e.g., previously wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced 
decomposition, or scavenger damage), CTJV would report the incident to 
the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, and the NMFS New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional 
Stranding Coordinator, within 24 hours of the discovery. CTJV would 
provide photographs or video footage (if available) or other 
documentation of the stranded animal sighting to NMFS and the Marine 
Mammal Stranding Network.
    6. This Authorization may be modified, suspended or withdrawn if 
the holder fails to abide by the conditions prescribed herein, or if 
NMFS determines the authorized taking is having more than a negligible 
impact on the species or stock of affected marine mammals.

Request for Public Comments

    We request comment on our analyses, the proposed authorization, and 
any other aspect of this Notice of Proposed IHA for the proposed PTST 
project. We also request comment on the potential for renewal of this 
proposed IHA as described in the paragraph below. Please include with 
your comments any supporting data or literature citations to help 
inform our final decision on the request for MMPA authorization.
    On a case-by-case basis, NMFS may issue a second one-year IHA 
without additional notice when (1) another year of identical or nearly 
identical activities as described in the Specified Activities section 
is planned or (2) the activities would not be completed by the time the 
IHA expires and a second IHA would allow for completion of the 
activities beyond that described in the Dates and Duration section, 
provided all of the following conditions are met:
     A request for renewal is received no later than 60 days 
prior to expiration of the current IHA.
     The request for renewal must include the following:
    (1) An explanation that the activities to be conducted beyond the 
initial dates either are identical to the previously analyzed 
activities or include changes so minor (e.g., reduction in pile size) 
that the changes do not affect the previous analyses, take estimates, 
or mitigation and monitoring requirements.
    (2) A preliminary monitoring report showing the results of the 
required monitoring to date and an explanation showing that the 
monitoring results do not indicate impacts of a scale or nature not 
previously analyzed or authorized.
     Upon review of the request for renewal, the status of the 
affected species or stocks, and any other pertinent information, NMFS 
determines that there are no more than minor changes in the activities, 
the mitigation and monitoring measures remain the same and appropriate, 
and the original findings remain valid.

Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2018-09032 Filed 4-27-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                            18777

                                                Notification to Importers                               (PTST) in Virginia Beach, Virginia.                   geographical region if certain findings
                                                   This notice serves as a final reminder               Pursuant to the Marine Mammal                         are made and either regulations are
                                                to importers of their responsibility                    Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is                        issued or, if the taking is limited to
                                                under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a                    requesting comments on its proposal to                harassment, a notice of a proposed
                                                certificate regarding the reimbursement                 issue an incidental harassment                        authorization is provided to the public
                                                of antidumping duties prior to                          authorization (IHA) to incidentally take              for review.
                                                liquidation of the relevant entries                     marine mammals during the specified                      An authorization for incidental
                                                during this review period. Failure to                   activities. NMFS will consider public                 takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
                                                comply with this requirement could                      comments prior to making any final                    that the taking will have a negligible
                                                result in Commerce’s presumption that                   decision on the issuance of the                       impact on the species or stock(s), will
                                                reimbursement of antidumping duties                     requested MMPA authorizations and                     not have an unmitigable adverse impact
                                                occurred and the subsequent assessment                  agency responses will be summarized in                on the availability of the species or
                                                of doubled antidumping duties.                          the final notice of our decision.                     stock(s) for subsistence uses (where
                                                                                                        DATES: Comments and information must                  relevant), and if the permissible
                                                Notification Regarding Administrative                   be received no later than May 30, 2018.               methods of taking and requirements
                                                Protective Order                                                                                              pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Comments should be
                                                  This notice also serves as a reminder                                                                       and reporting of such takings are set
                                                                                                        addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
                                                to parties subject to administrative                                                                          forth.
                                                                                                        Permits and Conservation Division,                       NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
                                                protective order (APO) of their                         Office of Protected Resources, National
                                                responsibility concerning the                                                                                 impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as an impact
                                                                                                        Marine Fisheries Service. Physical                    resulting from the specified activity that
                                                disposition of proprietary information                  comments should be sent to 1315 East-
                                                disclosed under APO in accordance                                                                             cannot be reasonably expected to, and is
                                                                                                        West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910                 not reasonably likely to, adversely affect
                                                with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely                       and electronic comments should be sent
                                                written notification of the return or                                                                         the species or stock through effects on
                                                                                                        to ITP.Pauline@noaa.gov.                              annual rates of recruitment or survival.
                                                destruction of APO materials or                            Instructions: NMFS is not responsible
                                                conversion to judicial protective order is                                                                       The MMPA states that the term ‘‘take’’
                                                                                                        for comments sent by any other method,                means to harass, hunt, capture, kill or
                                                hereby requested. Failure to comply                     to any other address or individual, or
                                                with the regulations and the terms of an                                                                      attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill
                                                                                                        received after the end of the comment                 any marine mammal.
                                                APO is a sanctionable violation.                        period. Comments received
                                                  This notice is issued and published in                                                                         Except with respect to certain
                                                                                                        electronically, including all                         activities not pertinent here, the MMPA
                                                accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and                  attachments, must not exceed a 25-
                                                777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR                                                                               defines ‘‘harassment’’ as any act of
                                                                                                        megabyte file size. Attachments to                    pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i)
                                                351.213(d)(4).                                          electronic comments will be accepted in               has the potential to injure a marine
                                                  Dated: April 25, 2018.                                Microsoft Word or Excel or Adobe PDF                  mammal or marine mammal stock in the
                                                James Maeder,                                           file formats only. All comments                       wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has
                                                Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for                received are a part of the public record              the potential to disturb a marine
                                                Antidumping and Countervailing Duty                     and will generally be posted online at                mammal or marine mammal stock in the
                                                Operations, performing the duties of Deputy             https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/node/                  wild by causing disruption of behavioral
                                                Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and                 23111 without change. All personal                    patterns, including, but not limited to,
                                                Countervailing Duty Operations.                         identifying information (e.g., name,                  migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–09047 Filed 4–27–18; 8:45 am]             address) voluntarily submitted by the                 feeding, or sheltering (Level B
                                                BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                  commenter may be publicly accessible.                 harassment).
                                                                                                        Do not submit confidential business
                                                                                                        information or otherwise sensitive or                 National Environmental Policy Act
                                                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  protected information.                                  To comply with the National
                                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob                  Environmental Policy Act of 1969
                                                Administration                                          Pauline, Office of Protected Resources,               (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
                                                                                                        NMFS, (301) 427–8401. Electronic                      NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)
                                                RIN 0648–XG107                                          copies of the application and supporting              216–6A, NMFS must review our
                                                                                                        documents, as well as a list of the                   proposed action (i.e., the issuance of an
                                                Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to                   references cited in this document, may                incidental harassment authorization)
                                                Specified Activities; Taking Marine                     be obtained online at:                                with respect to potential impacts on the
                                                Mammals Incidental to the Parallel                      www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/                         human environment.
                                                Thimble Shoal Tunnel Project in                         incidental/construction.htm. In case of                 This action is consistent with
                                                Virginia Beach, Virginia                                problems accessing these documents,                   categories of activities identified in
                                                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      please call the contact listed above.                 Categorical Exclusion B4 (incidental
                                                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            harassment authorizations with no
                                                Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                                                                            anticipated serious injury or mortality)
                                                                                                        Background                                            of the Companion Manual for NOAA
                                                ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental                       Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the                Administrative Order 216–6A, which do
                                                                                                        MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct                  not individually or cumulatively have
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES

                                                harassment authorization; request for
                                                comments.                                               the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated               the potential for significant impacts on
                                                                                                        to NMFS) to allow, upon request, the                  the quality of the human environment
                                                SUMMARY:  NMFS has received a request                   incidental, but not intentional, taking of            and for which we have not identified
                                                from the Chesapeake Tunnel Joint                        small numbers of marine mammals by                    any extraordinary circumstances that
                                                Venture (CTJV) for authorization to take                United States. citizens who engage in a               would preclude this categorical
                                                marine mammals incidental to the                        specified activity (other than                        exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has
                                                Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel Project                   commercial fishing) within a specified                preliminarily determined that the

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                                                18778                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                issuance of the proposed IHA qualifies                  driving will be utilized to install sheet                Precast concrete tunnel segments will
                                                to be categorically excluded from                       piles. Sound produced during pile                     be transported to the TBM for
                                                further NEPA review.                                    driving activities may result in                      installation. The TBM will assemble the
                                                   We will review all comments                          behavioral harassment or auditory                     tunnel segments in-place as the tunnel
                                                submitted in response to this notice                    injury to local marine mammals. In-                   is bored. After the TBM reaches Portal
                                                prior to concluding our NEPA process                    water construction will occur during                  Island No. 2, it will be disassembled and
                                                or making a final decision on the IHA                   spring and summer of 2018. This                       the components will be removed via an
                                                request.                                                proposed IHA would cover one year of                  exit/receiving portal on Portal Island
                                                                                                        a larger project for which will run                   No. 2. After the tunnel structure is
                                                Summary of Request                                      through 2022. The larger project, which               completed, final upland work for the
                                                   On January 11, 2018, NMFS received                   does not employ pile driving and does                 PTST project will include installation of
                                                a request from the CTJV for an IHA to                   not require an IHA, involves tunnel                   the final roadway, lighting, finishes,
                                                take marine mammals incidental to pile                  excavation with a tunnel boring                       mechanical systems, and other required
                                                driving at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge                    machine and construction of a roadway                 internal systems for tunnel use and
                                                and Tunnel (CBBT) near Virginia Beach,                  within the tunnel.                                    function. In addition, the existing
                                                Virginia. CTJV’s request is for take of                                                                       fishing pier will be repaired and
                                                                                                        Dates and Duration
                                                small numbers of harbor seal (Phoca                                                                           refurbished.
                                                vitulina), gray seal (Halichoerus grypus),                In-water construction is planned to                    In-Water Construction Activities. In-
                                                bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.),                     begin on June 1, 2018 and run through                 water activities for the tunnel
                                                harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena),                    March 31, 2019. Pile driving, which                   construction will be limited to eight
                                                and humpback whale (Megaptera                           may be concurrent at times, could occur               primary actions:
                                                novaeangliae) by Level A and Level B                    up to 8 hours per day for up to 202 days.                (1) Construction and use of a
                                                harassment. Neither the CTJV nor NMFS                   Specific Geographic Region                            temporary dock, an integrated
                                                expect serious injury or mortality to                                                                         temporary conveyor dock, and mooring
                                                result from this activity and, therefore,                  The PTST project is located between                facilities;
                                                an IHA is appropriate.                                  Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2 of the CBBT,                  (2) Construction of temporary
                                                                                                        and will be bored underneath the                      roadway trestles requiring a limited
                                                Description of Proposed Activity                        Thimble Shoal Channel in the                          number of in-water piles and partially
                                                Overview                                                Chesapeake Bay. Water depths within                   extending over water to facilitate safe
                                                                                                        the PTST construction area range from                 construction vehicle movements on
                                                   The PTST project consists of the                     0 to 60 ft below Mean Lower Low Water                 each portal island. For Portal Island No.
                                                construction of a two-lane parallel                     (MLLW). The Thimble Shoal Channel is                  1, the temporary docking will integrate
                                                tunnel to the west of the existing                      1,000 ft wide, is authorized to a depth               the roadway trestle in the same
                                                Thimble Shoal Tunnel, connecting                        of 55 ft below MLLW, and is maintained                structure;
                                                Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2 (Figure 1 in                 at a depth of 50 ft MLLW.                                (3) Construction of temporary work
                                                application). Upon completion, the new                                                                        trestles approximately 850 ft long and
                                                tunnel will carry two lanes of                          Detailed Description of Specific Activity
                                                                                                                                                              35 ft wide each, and offset west of the
                                                southbound traffic and the existing                        Construction of the tunnel structure
                                                                                                                                                              tunnel alignment to facilitate
                                                tunnel will remain in operation and                     will begin on Portal Island No. 1 and
                                                                                                                                                              construction of the berms;
                                                carry two lanes of northbound traffic.                  move from south to north to Portal                       (4) Temporary subaqueous stockpiling
                                                The PTST project will address existing                  Island No. 2. It is anticipated that this             of existing armor stones for re-use;
                                                constraints to regional mobility based                  project will be constructed without any                  (5) Construction of two permanent
                                                on current traffic volume along the                     or minimal effect on the existing tunnel              engineered berms (one extending
                                                Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT)                     and traffic operations. The only short-               channelward from each of the two
                                                facility; improve safety by minimizing                  term possibility for traffic impact could             portal islands) including installation of
                                                one lane, two-way traffic in the tunnel;                occur when connecting the existing                    steel sheet pile to provide settlement
                                                improve the ability to conduct necessary                roadway to the new roadway. The                       mitigation between the existing tunnel
                                                maintenance with minimal impact to                      Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)                           and the new tunnel, handling of existing
                                                traffic flow; and ensure a reliable                     components will be barged and trucked                 stone, adding new stone, and limited
                                                southwest hurricane evacuation route                    to Portal Island No. 1. The TBM will be               mechanical dredging at Portal Island
                                                for residents of the eastern shore and/or               assembled within an entry/launch                      No. 1;
                                                a northern evacuation route for                         portal that will be constructed on Portal                (6) Underground (below the sediment-
                                                residents of the eastern shore, Norfolk,                Island No. 1. The machine will then                   water interface) tunnel boring;
                                                and Virginia Beach. The CBBT is a 23                    both excavate material and construct the                 (7) Repair/rehabilitation to the
                                                mile fixed link crossing the mouth of                   tunnel as it progresses from Portal                   existing fishing pier substructure and
                                                the Chesapeake Bay which connects                       Island No. 1 to Portal Island No. 2.                  trestle substructure (only if deemed
                                                Northampton County on the Delmarva                      Material excavated from within the                    necessary based on inspection); and
                                                Peninsula with Virginia Beach, which is                 tunnel will be transported via a                         (8) Construction and use of outfalls on
                                                part of the Hampton Roads metropolitan                  conveyor belt system back to Portal                   the east side of Portal Island No. 1 to
                                                area.                                                   Island No 1. Approximately 350,000                    allow for permitted process water
                                                   The new parallel tunnel will be bored                cubic yards (cy) (in situ volume) of                  discharges from a project-specific
                                                under the Thimble Shoal Channel. The                    material will be excavated by the TBM                 wastewater treatment facility, and
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                                                6,525 linear feet (ft) of new tunnel will               and 524,000 cy (bulked volume) will be                periodic, intermittent warm water
                                                be constructed with a top of tunnel                     conveyed to Portal Island No. 1. This                 discharges of non-contact cooling water
                                                depth/elevation of 100 ft below Mean                    material will be transported offsite using            from an on-site cooling system.
                                                Low Water (MLW) within the width of                     a combination of trucks and barges and                   Up to 132 hollow steel piles
                                                the 1,000-ft-wide navigation channel.                   will be disposed at an approved off-site,             measuring 36 inches in diameter will be
                                                Impact pile driving will be used to                     upland facility in accordance with the                installed to support the integrated
                                                install steel piles and vibratory pile                  Dredged Material Management Plan.                     temporary dock/barge unloading/

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                                                                        18779

                                                conveyor facility and temporary                                    platforms (trestles) offset to the west of                                   construction trestles will occur over
                                                conveyor dock at Portal Island No. 1. Of                           each of the two engineered berms. These                                      approximately five months. In-water
                                                these, 82 will be placed in-water and 50                           trestles will extend 841 ft and 809 ft                                       pile driving activities will also include
                                                will be placed upland (above the mean                              channelward from Portal Island Nos. 1                                        installation of sheet pile for settlement
                                                high water (MHW) line). Up to 30                                   and 2, respectively. Up to 12 round                                          mitigation and as an in-water
                                                hollow steel piles (36-inch diameter)                              piles will be installed on the island                                        containment system to facilitate
                                                will be installed to provide mooring                               above MHW to support a temporary                                             construction of the engineered berms
                                                facilities along each portal island (six                           roadway trestle at Portal Island No. 2.                                      adjacent to Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2.
                                                dolphin moorings comprised of five                                 Installation for the temporary docks and                                     A total of 1,540 linear ft of sheet pile (or
                                                piles each).                                                       mooring dolphins will occur over                                             830 individual sheets each 27.56 inches
                                                  Up to 160 hollow steel piles (36-inch                            approximately 2 months; commencing
                                                                                                                                                                                                in length) will be installed over
                                                in diameter, below MHW) will be                                    in June 2018 as shown in Table 1.
                                                                                                                                                                                                approximately eight months.
                                                installed to support temporary work                                Installation of the temporary offset

                                                                                                     TABLE 1—ANTICIPATED PILE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                                                                                            Number of piles
                                                          Pile location                            Pile function                                      Pile type                                                            Anticipated installation date

                                                Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2 ..          Mooring dolphins (in-water)                     36-inch diameter hollow                         30 ..............................   1 June to 30 June 2018.
                                                West of Portal Island No. 1            Berm construction trestle                       36-inch diameter hollow                         80 ..............................   1 July 2018 through 1 Janu-
                                                                                         (in-water).                                     steel.                                                                              ary 2019.
                                                West of Portal Island No. 2            Berm construction trestle                       36-inch diameter hollow                         80 ..............................   1 July 2018 through 1 Janu-
                                                                                         (in-water).                                     steel.                                                                              ary 2019.
                                                Portal Island No. 1 ...............    Temporary docks (upland) ..                     36-inch diameter hollow ......                  50 ..............................   1 May 2018 through 30
                                                                                                                                       steel ....................................                                            June 2018.
                                                Portal Island No. 1 ...............    Temporary docks (in- water)                     36-inch diameter hollow                         82 ..............................   1 July 2018 to 30 August
                                                                                                                                         steel.                                                                              2018.
                                                Portal Island No. 2 (above             Temporary roadway trestle                       36-inch diameter hollow                         12 ..............................   1 May to 31 May 2018.
                                                  MHW).                                  (upland).                                       steel.
                                                Portal Island No. 1 (above             Excavated TBM material                          28 and 18-inch steel sheet                      1,110 .........................     1 May 2018 to 30 Sep-
                                                  MHW).                                  containment holding                                                                                                                 tember 2018.
                                                                                         (muck) bin (upland).
                                                Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2             Settlement mitigation and                       28-inch steel sheet .............               2,554 .........................     1 August 2018 to 30 March
                                                  (above and below MHW).                 flowable fill containment.                                                                                                          2019.
                                                Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2             Portal excavation ................              Steel sheet ..........................          1,401 .........................     1 June 2018 to 30 Sep-
                                                  (above MHW).                                                                                                                                                               tember 2018, 1 January
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to 30 March 2019.
                                                Portal Island Nos. 1 and 2             Excavation Support .............                Steel sheet ..........................          240 ............................    1 April 2018 to 30 August
                                                  (above MHW).                                                                                                                                                               2019 to 1 January 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to 30 March 2019.

                                                     Total (above and below            .............................................   .............................................   5,305 Sheet Piles;
                                                       water).                                                                                                                           334 Round Piles.

                                                   Prior to initiation of the boring of the                        along the berm alignment at both Portal                                      detail later in this document (please see
                                                tunnel, construction of two engineered                             Islands.                                                                     ‘‘Proposed Mitigation’’ and ‘‘Proposed
                                                in-water berms will be required to                                    Mechanical dredging to remove                                             Monitoring and Reporting’’).
                                                provide structural support to the                                  unsuitable berm foundation material                                          Description of Marine Mammals in the
                                                launch/receiving sections of the tunnel                            (Portal Island No. 1 only) and disposal                                      Area of Specified Activities
                                                that are in closest proximity to the                               of dredged material via bottom-dump, or
                                                portal islands. Each engineered berm (at                           upland placement at an approved site.                                           Sections 3 and 4 of the application
                                                its maximum design configuration) will                             Note that NMFS does not consider                                             summarize available information
                                                extend from the portal island                                      underwater noise levels associated with                                      regarding status and trends, distribution
                                                channelward and will be approximately                              dredging to occur at a level that could                                      and habitat preferences, and behavior
                                                1,400 ft long by 260 ft wide (at its                               result in harassment of marine                                               and life history, of the potentially
                                                widest point). Construction of the                                 mammals. Therefore, dredging                                                 affected species. Additional information
                                                engineered berms will require                                      operations are not considered further in                                     regarding population trends and threats
                                                installation of temporary trestles offset                          this analysis.                                                               may be found in NMFS’s Stock
                                                to the west of each berm alignment to                                 A number of additional upland                                             Assessment Reports (SAR;
                                                serve as work platforms. The trestles                              construction activities are planned on                                       www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/) and more
                                                will be supported by 36-inch diameter                              the Portal Islands as part of the PTST                                       general information about these species
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES

                                                round steel piles driven by an impact                              project. Since these activities will not                                     (e.g., physical and behavioral
                                                hammer (with an encased bubble                                     occur in water, they are not included as                                     descriptions) may be found on NMFS’s
                                                curtain). Construction will also require                           part of this analysis and are described                                      website (www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
                                                installation of parallel rows of sheet pile                        in detail in section 1.3 in the                                              species/mammals/).
                                                (using a vibratory hammer)                                         application.                                                                    Table 2 lists all species with expected
                                                approximately 530 linear ft in length by                              Proposed mitigation, monitoring, and                                      potential for occurrence in near the
                                                60 ft in width channelward from MHW                                reporting measures are described in                                          CBBT and summarizes information

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                                                18780                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                related to the population or stock,                                       mortality from anthropogenic sources                                         extend beyond United States waters. All
                                                including regulatory status under the                                     are included here as gross indicators of                                     managed stocks in this region are
                                                MMPA and ESA and potential                                                the status of the species and other                                          assessed in NMFS’s United States
                                                biological removal (PBR), where known.                                    threats.                                                                     Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine
                                                For taxonomy, we follow Committee on                                         Marine mammal abundance estimates                                         Mammal Stock Assessments (Hayes et
                                                Taxonomy (2016). PBR is defined by the                                    presented in this document represent                                         al., 2017a,b). All values presented in
                                                MMPA as the maximum number of                                             the total number of individuals that                                         Table 2 are the most recent available at
                                                animals, not including natural                                            make up a given stock or the total                                           the time of publication and are available
                                                mortalities, that may be removed from a                                   number estimated within a particular                                         in the 2016 Stock Assessment Report
                                                marine mammal stock while allowing                                        study or survey area. NMFS’s stock                                           (Hayes et al., 2017a) and draft 2017
                                                that stock to reach or maintain its                                       abundance estimates for most species
                                                                                                                                                                                                       stock assessment report (Hayes et al.,
                                                optimum sustainable population (as                                        represent the total estimate of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2017b) (available online at:
                                                described in NMFS’s SARs). While no                                       individuals within the geographic area,
                                                                                                                          if known, that comprises that stock. For                                     www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/
                                                mortality is anticipated or authorized
                                                here, PBR and annual serious injury and                                   some species, this geographic area may                                       regiont.htm).

                                                                                   TABLE 2—MARINE MAMMAL SPECIES LIKELY TO OCCUR NEAR THE PROJECT AREA
                                                                                                                                                                                            MMPA           Stock abundance                        Annual M/
                                                           Common name                                  Scientific name                                      Stock                          status;      (CV, Nmin, most recent        PBR           SI 3
                                                                                                                                                                                           Strategic      abundance survey) 2
                                                                                                                                                                                            (Y/N) 1

                                                                                                           Order Cetartiodactyla—Cetacea—Superfamily Mysticeti (baleen whales)

                                                Family Balaenidae:
                                                   North Atlantic Right whale                 Eubalaena glacialis ..................       Western North Atlantic (WNA)                    E/D; Y       458 (0; 455; 2017) .........      1.4            36

                                                Family Balaenopteridae
                                                     Humpback whale ................          Megaptera novaeangliae ..........            Gulf of Maine ............................      -; N         335 (.42; 239; 2012) ......       3.7           8.5
                                                     Fin whale ............................   Balaenoptera physalus .............          WNA .........................................   E/D; Y       1,618 (0.33; 1,234; 2011)         2.5          2.65

                                                                                                              Superfamily Odontoceti (toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises)

                                                Family Delphinidae:
                                                   Bottlenose dolphin ..............          Tursiops spp. ............................   WNA Coastal, Northern Migra-                    D; Y         11,548 (0.36; 8,620;                 86     1.0–7.5
                                                                                                                                            tory.                                                         2010–11).
                                                                                                                                           WNA Coastal, Southern Migra-                    D; Y         9,173 (0.46; 6,326;                  63        0–12
                                                                                                                                             tory.                                                        2010–11).
                                                                                                                                           Northern North Carolina Estua-                  D; S         823 (0.06; 782; 2013) ....        7.8      1.0–16.7
                                                                                                                                             rine System.

                                                Family Phocoenidae (por-
                                                    Harbor porpoise .................         Phocoena phocoena ................           Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy .....                -; N         79,833 (0.32; 61,415;            706      307 (0.16)

                                                                                                                                Order Carnivora—Superfamily Pinnipedia

                                                Family Phocidae (earless
                                                    Harbor seal .........................     Phoca vitulina ...........................   WNA .........................................   -; N         75,834 (0.1; 66,884,            2,006           368
                                                     Gray seal ............................   Halichoerus grypus ..................        WNA .........................................   -; N         27,131 (.1, 25,908, 2016)       1,554         5,207
                                                  1 Endangered    Species Act (ESA) status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (-) indicates that the species is not listed under the
                                                ESA or designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality exceeds PBR or
                                                which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed under the ESA is automatically
                                                designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
                                                  2 NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/. CV is coefficient of variation; N
                                                                                                                                                                             min is the minimum estimate of stock
                                                abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable.
                                                  3 These values, found in NMFS’s SARs, represent annual levels of human-caused mortality plus serious injury from all sources combined (e.g., commercial fish-
                                                eries, ship strike). Annual M/SI often cannot be determined precisely and is in some cases presented as a minimum value or range. A CV associated with estimated
                                                mortality due to commercial fisheries is presented in some cases.
                                                  Note—Italicized species are not expected to be taken or proposed for authorization.

                                                   All species that could potentially                                     within the Chesapeake Bay and only                                           Humpback Whale
                                                occur in the proposed survey areas are                                    four reported standings along the coast
                                                included in Table 2. However, the                                         of Virginia. During this same period,                                           Humpback whales inhabit all major
                                                occurrence of endangered North                                            only six fin whale strandings were                                           ocean basins from the equator to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       subpolar latitudes. They generally
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                                                Atlantic right whales and endangered                                      recorded within the Chesapeake Bay
                                                fin whales is such that take is not                                       (Barco and Swingle 2014). In 2016, there                                     follow a predictable migratory pattern in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       both hemispheres, feeding during the
                                                expected to occur, and they are not                                       were no reports of fin whale strandings
                                                                                                                                                                                                       summer in the higher latitudes (40 to 70
                                                discussed further beyond the                                              (Barco et al., 2017). Due to the low
                                                                                                                                                                                                       degrees latitude) and migrating to lower
                                                explanation provided here. Between                                        occurrence of North Atlantic right                                           latitudes (10 to 30 degrees latitude)
                                                1998 and 2013, there were no reports of                                   whales and fin whales, NMFS is not                                           where calving and breeding take place
                                                North Atlantic right whale strandings                                     proposing take of these species.                                             in the winter (Perry et al., 1999, NOAA

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                                                Fisheries 2006a). During the spring,                       In winter, whales from the six feeding             bottlenose dolphins, an offshore type
                                                summer, and fall, humpback whales in                    areas mate and calve primarily in the                 that occurs along the edge of the
                                                the North Atlantic Ocean feed over a                    West Indies where spatial and genetic                 continental shelf as well as an inshore
                                                range that includes the eastern coast of                mixing among these groups occur                       type. The inshore morphotype can be
                                                the United States, the Gulf of St.                      (Waring et al., 2000). Various papers                 found along the entire United States
                                                Lawrence, Newfoundland/Labrador, and                    (Clapham and Mayo 1990, Clapham et                    coast from New York to the Gulf of
                                                western Greenland.                                      al., 1992, Barlow and Clapham 1997,                   Mexico, and typically occurs in waters
                                                   Humpback whales are the whale most                   Clapham et al., 1999) summarized                      less than 20 meters deep (NOAA
                                                likely to occur in the project area and                 information gathered from a catalogue of              Fisheries 2016a). There is evidence that
                                                could be found there at any time of the                 photographs of 643 individuals from the               the inshore bottlenose dolphins may be
                                                year. NOAA reported that between                        western North Atlantic population of                  made up of seven different stock which
                                                2009–2013, three humpback whales                        humpback whales (also referred to as                  may be either year-round residents or
                                                were stranded in Virginia in the lower                  the Gulf of Maine stock). These                       migratory. Bottlenose dolphins found in
                                                Bay (one off of Northampton County,                     photographs identified reproductively                 Virginia are representative primarily of
                                                one near the York River, and one off of                 mature western North Atlantic                         either the northern migratory coastal
                                                Ft. Story), and two were stranded in                    humpbacks wintering in tropical                       stock or southern migratory coastal
                                                Maryland near Ocean City (NOAA                          breeding grounds in the Antilles,                     stock. The northern migratory stock
                                                Fisheries 2015b). All of the whales                     primarily on Silver and Navidad Banks,                spends the winter along the coast of
                                                stranded in Virginia and Maryland had                   north of the Dominican Republic. The                  North Carolina and migrates as far north
                                                signs of human-caused injury. NOAA’s                    primary winter range also includes the                as Long Island, New York in the
                                                database of mortality and serious injury                Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico (NOAA                  summer. They are rarely found north of
                                                indicates no human caused serious                       Fisheries 1991). Not all whales migrate               North Carolina in the winter (NOAA
                                                injuries for humpback whales in the                     to the West Indies every year and some                Fisheries 2016a). During October–
                                                Chesapeake Bay proper between 1999                      are found in the mid- and high-latitude               December, the southern migratory stock
                                                and 2003. The only reported mortality                   regions during the winter months.                     occupies waters of southern North
                                                of a humpback whale during the 1999–                       Humpback whales use the mid-                       Carolina. During January–March, the
                                                2003 time period was at the mouth of                    Atlantic as a migratory pathway to and                southern migratory stock appears to
                                                the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia as the                   from the calving/mating grounds, but it               move as far south as northern Florida.
                                                                                                        may also be an important winter feeding               During April–June, the stock moves
                                                result of a ship strike. Three other
                                                                                                        area for juveniles. Since 1989,                       north to North Carolina while during
                                                humpback whale mortalities related to
                                                                                                        observations of juvenile humpbacks in                 July–August, the stock is presumed to
                                                ship strikes or entanglement in fishing
                                                                                                        the mid-Atlantic have been increasing                 occupy coastal waters north of Cape
                                                gear in Virginia waters were reported
                                                                                                        during the winter months, peaking from                Lookout, North Carolina, to the eastern
                                                during the study period. One serious
                                                                                                        January through March (Swingle et al.,                shore of Virginia. It is possible that
                                                injury to a humpback whale as a result
                                                                                                        1993). Biologists theorize that non-                  these animals also occur inside the
                                                of entanglement in fishing gear occurred
                                                                                                        reproductive animals may be                           Chesapeake Bay and in nearshore
                                                near Ocean City, Maryland (Cole et al.,
                                                                                                        establishing a winter feeding range in                coastal waters. There is also evidence
                                                                                                        the mid-Atlantic since they are not                   that limited numbers of the Northern
                                                   There have been 33 humpback whale                    participating in reproductive behavior                North Carolina Estuarine System Stock
                                                strandings recorded in Virginia between                 in the Caribbean. Swingle et al. (1993)               (NNCES) may occur in the Chesapeake
                                                1988 and 2013; 11 had signs of                          identified a shift in distribution of                 Bay in the July–August timeframe.
                                                entanglement and 9 had injuries from                    juvenile humpback whales in the                          Bottlenose dolphins are the most
                                                vessel strikes. Most of these strandings                nearshore waters of Virginia, primarily               abundant marine mammal along the
                                                were reported from ocean facing                         in winter months. Identified whales                   Virginia coast and within the
                                                beaches, but 11 were also within the                    using the mid-Atlantic area were found                Chesapeake Bay. They are seen annually
                                                Chesapeake Bay (Barco and Swingle                       to be residents of the Gulf of Maine and              in Virginia from May through October
                                                2014). Strandings occurred in all                       Atlantic Canada (Gulf of St. Lawrence                 with around 65 strandings occurring
                                                seasons, but were most common in the                    and Newfoundland) feeding groups;                     each year (Barco and Swingle 2014).
                                                spring. In the past 5 years of reported                 suggesting a mixing of different feeding              During 2016, 68 bottlenose dolphin
                                                data (2011–2015), there have been five                  populations in the Mid-Atlantic region.               strandings were recorded in Virginia
                                                humpback whale strandings in Virginia                   Strandings of humpback whales have                    (Barco et al., 2017). Stranded bottlenose
                                                (Swingle et al., 2012, Swingle et al.,                  increased between New Jersey and                      dolphins have been recorded as far
                                                2013, Swingle et al., 2014, Swingle et                  Florida since 1985, consistent with the               north as the Potomac River in the
                                                al., 2015, Swingle et al., 2016). Since the             increase in mid-Atlantic whale                        Chesapeake Bay (Blaylock 1985). Both
                                                beginning of 2017, five dead humpback                   sightings. Strandings were most                       the northern and southern migratory
                                                whales have been observed in Virginia                   frequent during September through                     coastal stocks are listed as depleted
                                                (Funk 2017). Ship strikes have been                     April in North Carolina and Virginia                  under the MMPA.
                                                attributed as the likely cause of death in              waters, and were composed primarily of                   The inshore variety of bottlenose
                                                these instances. Note that in 2016,                     juvenile humpback whales of no more                   dolphins often travel in small groups of
                                                NMFS declared that an Unusual                           than 11 meters in length (Wiley et al.,               2 to 15 individuals. These groups and
                                                Mortality Event (UME) for humpback                      1995).                                                will travel into bays, estuaries, and
                                                whales strandings along the Atlantic                                                                          rivers to feed, utilizing echolocation to
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                                                Coast from Maine through North                          Bottlenose Dolphin
                                                                                                                                                              find a variety of prey, including fish,
                                                Carolina. This means that elevated                         Bottlenose dolphins occur in                       squid, and benthic invertebrates (NOAA
                                                whale mortalities have occurred in the                  temperate and tropical oceans                         Fisheries 2017b).
                                                area. Since January 2016 through March                  throughout the world, ranging in
                                                2018, thirteen strandings have occurred                 latitudes from 45° N to 45° S (Blaylock               Harbor Porpoise
                                                in Virginia and two have occurred in                    1985). In the western Atlantic Ocean                    The harbor porpoise is typically
                                                Maryland.                                               there are two distinct morphotypes of                 found in colder waters in the northern

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                                                hemisphere. In the western North                        parturition, and predator avoidance                   been successfully completed for
                                                Atlantic Ocean, harbor porpoises range                  (NOAA Fisheries 2017e).                               mysticetes (i.e., low-frequency
                                                from Greenland to as far south as North                                                                       cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2016)
                                                                                                        Gray Seal
                                                Carolina (Barco and Swingle 2014).                                                                            described generalized hearing ranges for
                                                They are commonly found in bays,                           Gray seals occur on both coasts of the             these marine mammal hearing groups.
                                                estuaries, and harbors less than 200                    Northern Atlantic Ocean and are                       Generalized hearing ranges were chosen
                                                meters deep (NOAA Fisheries 2017c).                     divided into three major populations                  based on the approximately 65 decibels
                                                Harbor porpoises in the United States                   (NOAA Fisheries 2016b). The western                   (dB) threshold from the normalized
                                                are made up of the Gulf of Main/Bay of                  north Atlantic stock occurs in eastern                composite audiograms, with the
                                                Fundy stock. Gulf of Main/Bay of Fundy                  Canada and the northeastern United                    exception for lower limits for low-
                                                stock are concentrated in the Gulf of                   States, occasionally as far south as                  frequency cetaceans where the lower
                                                Maine in the summer, but are widely                     North Carolina. Gray seals inhabit rocky              bound was deemed to be biologically
                                                dispersed from Maine to New Jersey in                   coasts and islands, sandbars, ice shelves             implausible and the lower bound from
                                                the winter. South of New Jersey, harbor                 and icebergs (NOAA Fisheries 2016b).                  Southall et al. (2007) retained. The
                                                porpoises occur at lower densities.                     In the United States, gray seals                      functional groups and the associated
                                                Migrations to and from the Gulf of                      congregate in the summer to give birth                frequencies are indicated below (note
                                                Maine do not follow a defined route                     at four established colonies in                       that these frequency ranges correspond
                                                (NOAA Fisheries 2016c).                                 Massachusetts and Maine (NOAA                         to the range for the composite group,
                                                   Harbor porpoise occur seasonally in                  Fisheries 2016b). From September                      with the entire range not necessarily
                                                the winter and spring in small numbers                  through May, they disperse and can be                 reflecting the capabilities of every
                                                                                                        abundant as far south as New Jersey.                  species within that group):
                                                in mid-Atlantic waters. Strandings
                                                occur primarily on ocean facing
                                                                                                        The range of gray seals appears to be                    • Low-frequency cetaceans
                                                                                                        shifting as they are regularly being                  (mysticetes): generalized hearing is
                                                beaches, but they occasionally travel
                                                                                                        reported further south than they were                 estimated to occur between
                                                into the Chesapeake Bay to forage and
                                                                                                        historically (Rees et al., 2016).                     approximately 7 hertz (Hz) and 35
                                                could occur in the project area (Barco                     Gray seals are uncommon in Virginia
                                                and Swingle 2014). Since 1999,                                                                                kilohertz (kHz), with best hearing
                                                                                                        and the Chesapeake Bay. Only 15 gray                  estimated to be from 100 Hz to 8 kHz;
                                                stranding incidents have ranged widely                  seal strandings were documented in                       • Mid-frequency cetaceans (larger
                                                from a high of 40 in 1999 to 2 in 2011,                 Virginia from 1988 through 2013 (Barco                toothed whales, beaked whales, and
                                                2012, and 2016 (Barco et al., 2017.                     and Swingle 2014). They are rarely                    most delphinids): generalized hearing is
                                                Harbor Seal                                             found resting on the rocks around the                 estimated to occur between
                                                                                                        portal islands of the CBBT from                       approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz;
                                                   Harbor seals occur in arctic and                     December through April alongside                         • High-frequency cetaceans
                                                temperate coastal waters throughout the                 harbor seals. Seal observation surveys                (porpoises, river dolphins, and members
                                                northern hemisphere, including on both                  conducted at the CBBT recorded one                    of the genera Kogia and
                                                the east and west coasts of the United                  gray seal in each of the 2014/2015 and                Cephalorhynchus; including two
                                                States. On the east coast, harbor seals                 2015/2016 seasons (Rees et al., 2016).                members of the genus Lagenorhynchus,
                                                can be found from the Canadian Arctic                      Gray seals are a large seal at around              on the basis of recent echolocation data
                                                down to Georgia (Blaylock 1985).                        2–3 meters in length, and can dive to                 and genetic data): generalized hearing is
                                                Harbor seals occur year-round in                        depths of 475 meters to capture prey.                 estimated to occur between
                                                Canada and Maine and seasonally                         Like harbor seals, gray seals spend a fair            approximately 275 Hz and 160 kHz.
                                                (September–May) from southern New                       amount of time hauled out on land to                     • Pinnipeds in water; Phocidae (true
                                                England to New Jersey (NOAA Fisheries                   rest, thermoregulate, give birth or avoid             seals): generalized hearing is estimated
                                                2016d). The range of harbor seals                       predators (Rees et al., 2016).                        to occur between approximately 50 Hz
                                                appears to be shifting as they are                                                                            to 86 kHz;
                                                regularly reported further south than                   Marine Mammal Hearing
                                                                                                                                                                 • Pinnipeds in water; Otariidae (eared
                                                they were historically. In recent years,                  Hearing is the most important sensory               seals): generalized hearing is estimated
                                                they have established haul out sites in                 modality for marine mammals                           to occur between 60 Hz and 39 kHz.
                                                the Chesapeake Bay including on the                     underwater, and exposure to                              The pinniped functional hearing
                                                portal islands of the CBBT (NOAA                        anthropogenic sound can have                          group was modified from Southall et al.
                                                Fisheries 2016d, Rees et al., 2016).                    deleterious effects. To appropriately                 (2007) on the basis of data indicating
                                                   Harbor seals are the most common                     assess the potential effects of exposure              that phocid species have consistently
                                                seal in Virginia (Barco and Swingle                     to sound, it is necessary to understand               demonstrated an extended frequency
                                                2014). They can be seen resting on the                  the frequency ranges marine mammals                   range of hearing compared to otariids,
                                                rocks around the portal islands of the                  are able to hear. Current data indicate               especially in the higher frequency range
                                                CBBT from December through April.                       that not all marine mammal species                    (Hemilä et al., 2006; Kastelein et al.,
                                                Seal observation surveys conducted at                   have equal hearing capabilities (e.g.,                2009; Reichmuth and Holt, 2013).
                                                the CBBT recorded 112 harbor seals in                   Richardson, 1995; Wartzok and Ketten,                    For more detail concerning these
                                                the 2014/2015 season and 184 harbor                     1999; Au and Hastings, 2008). To reflect              groups and associated frequency ranges,
                                                seals during the 2015/2016 season (Rees                 this, Southall et al. (2007)                          please see NMFS (2016) for a review of
                                                et al., 2016).                                          recommended that marine mammals be                    available information. Four marine
                                                   The harbor seal is a medium-sized                    divided into functional hearing groups                mammal species (two cetacean and two
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                                                seal, reaching about 2 meters in length.                based on directly measured or estimated               pinniped (two phocid) species) have the
                                                They spend a fair amount of time                        hearing ranges on the basis of available              reasonable potential to co-occur with
                                                hauled out on land, often in large                      behavioral response data, audiograms                  the proposed survey activities. Please
                                                groups (Rees et al., 2016). Haul out                    derived using auditory evoked potential               refer to Table 2. Of the cetacean species
                                                sites—which may be rocks, beaches, or                   techniques, anatomical modeling, and                  that may be present, one is classified as
                                                ice—provide the opportunity for rest,                   other data. Note that no direct                       a low-frequency cetacean (i.e., all
                                                thermal regulation, social interaction,                 measurements of hearing ability have                  mysticete species), one is classified as a

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                                                mid-frequency cetacean (i.e., all                       sound levels in this document are                        • Precipitation: Sound from rain and
                                                delphinid and ziphiid species) and one                  referenced to a pressure of 20 mPa.                   hail impacting the water surface can
                                                is classified as a high-frequency                          Root mean square (rms) is the                      become an important component of total
                                                cetacean.                                               quadratic mean sound pressure over the                noise at frequencies above 500 Hz, and
                                                                                                        duration of an impulse. Rms is                        possibly down to 100 Hz during quiet
                                                Potential Effects of Specified Activities               calculated by squaring all of the sound               times;
                                                on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat                     amplitudes, averaging the squares, and                   • Biological: Marine mammals can
                                                   This section includes a summary and                  then taking the square root of the                    contribute significantly to ambient noise
                                                discussion of the ways that components                  average (Urick, 1983). Rms accounts for               levels, as can some fish and shrimp. The
                                                of the specified activity may impact                    both positive and negative values;                    frequency band for biological
                                                marine mammals and their habitat. The                   squaring the pressures makes all values               contributions is from approximately 12
                                                ‘‘Estimated Take by Incidental                          positive so that they may be accounted                Hz to over 100 kHz; and
                                                Harassment’’ section later in this                      for in the summation of pressure levels                  • Anthropogenic: Sources of ambient
                                                document includes a quantitative                        (Hastings and Popper 2005). This                      noise related to human activity include
                                                analysis of the number of individuals                   measurement is often used in the                      transportation (surface vessels and
                                                that are expected to be taken by this                   context of discussing behavioral effects,             aircraft), dredging and construction, oil
                                                activity. The ‘‘Negligible Impact                       in part because behavioral effects,                   and gas drilling and production, seismic
                                                Analysis and Determination’’ section                    which often result from auditory cues,                surveys, sonar, explosions, and ocean
                                                considers the content of this section, the              may be better expressed through                       acoustic studies. Shipping noise
                                                ‘‘Estimated Take by Incidental                          averaged units than by peak pressures.                typically dominates the total ambient
                                                Harassment’’ section, and the ‘‘Proposed                   When underwater objects vibrate or                 noise for frequencies between 20 and
                                                                                                        activity occurs, sound-pressure waves                 300 Hz. In general, the frequencies of
                                                Mitigation’’ section, to draw
                                                                                                        are created. These waves alternately                  anthropogenic sounds are below 1 kHz
                                                conclusions regarding the likely impacts
                                                                                                        compress and decompress the water as                  and, if higher frequency sound levels
                                                of these activities on the reproductive
                                                                                                        the sound wave travels. Underwater                    are created, they attenuate rapidly
                                                success or survivorship of individuals
                                                                                                        sound waves radiate in all directions                 (Richardson et al., 1995). Sound from
                                                and how those impacts on individuals
                                                                                                        away from the source (similar to ripples              identifiable anthropogenic sources other
                                                are likely to impact marine mammal
                                                                                                        on the surface of a pond), except in                  than the activity of interest (e.g., a
                                                species or stocks.
                                                                                                        cases where the source is directional.                passing vessel) is sometimes termed
                                                Description of Sound                                    The compressions and decompressions                   background sound, as opposed to
                                                                                                        associated with sound waves are                       ambient sound.
                                                   Sound travels in waves, the basic                    detected as changes in pressure by                       The sum of the various natural and
                                                components of which are frequency,                      aquatic life and man-made sound                       anthropogenic sound sources at any
                                                wavelength, velocity, and amplitude.                    receptors such as hydrophones.                        given location and time—which
                                                Frequency is the number of pressure                        Even in the absence of sound from the              comprise ‘‘ambient’’ or ‘‘background’’
                                                waves that pass by a reference point per                specified activity, the underwater                    sound—depends not only on the source
                                                unit of time and is measured in Hz or                   environment is typically loud due to                  levels (as determined by current
                                                cycles per second. Wavelength is the                    ambient sound. Ambient sound is                       weather conditions and levels of
                                                distance between two peaks of a sound                   defined as environmental background                   biological and shipping activity) but
                                                wave; lower frequency sounds have                       sound levels lacking a single source or               also on the ability of sound to propagate
                                                longer wavelengths than higher                          point (Richardson et al., 1995), and the              through the environment. In turn, sound
                                                frequency sounds and attenuate                          sound level of a region is defined by the             propagation is dependent on the
                                                (decrease) more rapidly in shallower                    total acoustical energy being generated               spatially and temporally varying
                                                water. Amplitude is the height of the                   by known and unknown sources. These                   properties of the water column and sea
                                                sound pressure wave or the ‘loudness’                   sources may include physical (e.g.,                   floor, and is frequency-dependent. As a
                                                of a sound and is typically measured                    waves, earthquakes, ice, atmospheric                  result of the dependence on a large
                                                using the dB scale. A dB is the ratio                   sound), biological (e.g., sounds                      number of varying factors, ambient
                                                between a measured pressure (with                       produced by marine mammals, fish, and                 sound levels can be expected to vary
                                                sound) and a reference pressure (sound                  invertebrates), and anthropogenic sound               widely over both coarse and fine spatial
                                                at a constant pressure, established by                  (e.g., vessels, dredging, aircraft,                   and temporal scales. Sound levels at a
                                                scientific standards). It is a logarithmic              construction). A number of sources                    given frequency and location can vary
                                                unit that accounts for large variations in              contribute to ambient sound, including                by 10–20 dB from day to day
                                                amplitude; therefore, relatively small                  the following (Richardson et al., 1995):              (Richardson et al., 1995). The result is
                                                changes in dB ratings correspond to                        • Wind and waves: The complex                      that, depending on the source type and
                                                large changes in sound pressure. When                   interactions between wind and water                   its intensity, sound from the specified
                                                referring to sound pressure levels (SPLs;               surface, including processes such as                  activity may be a negligible addition to
                                                the sound force per unit area), sound is                breaking waves and wave-induced                       the local environment or could form a
                                                referenced in the context of underwater                 bubble oscillations and cavitation, are a             distinctive signal that may affect marine
                                                sound pressure to 1 micro pascal (mPa).                 main source of naturally occurring                    mammals.
                                                One pascal is the pressure resulting                    ambient noise for frequencies between                    In-water construction activities
                                                from a force of one newton exerted over                 200 Hz and 50 kHz (Mitson, 1995). In                  associated with the project would
                                                an area of one square meter. The source                 general, ambient sound levels tend to                 include impact pile driving, vibratory
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                                                level (SL) represents the sound level at                increase with increasing wind speed                   pile driving and vibratory pile
                                                a distance of 1 m from the source                       and wave height. Surf noise becomes                   extraction. The sounds produced by
                                                (referenced to 1 mPa). The received level               important near shore, with                            these activities fall into one of two
                                                is the sound level at the listener’s                    measurements collected at a distance of               general sound types: Pulsed and non-
                                                position. Note that all underwater sound                8.5 km from shore showing an increase                 pulsed (defined in the following
                                                levels in this document are referenced                  of 10 dB in the 100 to 700 Hz band                    paragraphs). The distinction between
                                                to a pressure of 1 mPa and all airborne                 during heavy surf conditions;                         these two sound types is important

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                                                because they have differing potential to                a broad range of frequencies and sound                2008)—but are assumed to be similar to
                                                cause physical effects, particularly with               levels and can have a range of highly                 those in humans and other terrestrial
                                                regard to hearing (e.g., Ward, 1997 in                  variable impacts on marine life, from                 mammals. PTS typically occurs at
                                                Southall et al., 2007). Please see                      none or minor to potentially severe                   exposure levels at least several dB above
                                                Southall et al., (2007) for an in-depth                 responses, depending on received                      (a 40-dB threshold shift approximates
                                                discussion of these concepts.                           levels, duration of exposure, behavioral              PTS onset; e.g., Kryter et al., 1966;
                                                   Pulsed sound sources (e.g.,                          context, and various other factors. The               Miller 1974) that inducing mild TTS (a
                                                explosions, gunshots, sonic booms,                      potential effects of underwater sound                 6-dB threshold shift approximates TTS
                                                impact pile driving) produce signals                    from active acoustic sources can                      onset; e.g., Southall et al., 2007). Based
                                                that are brief (typically considered to be              potentially result in one or more of the              on data from terrestrial mammals, a
                                                less than one second), broadband, atonal                following: temporary or permanent                     precautionary assumption is that the
                                                transients (ANSI, 1986; Harris, 1998;                   hearing impairment, non-auditory                      PTS thresholds for impulse sounds
                                                ISO, 2003) and occur either as isolated                 physical or physiological effects,                    (such as impact pile driving pulses as
                                                events or repeated in some succession.                  behavioral disturbance, stress, and                   received close to the source) are at least
                                                Pulsed sounds are all characterized by                  masking (Richardson et al., 1995;                     six dB higher than the TTS threshold on
                                                a relatively rapid rise from ambient                    Gordon et al., 2004; Nowacek et al.,                  a peak-pressure basis and PTS
                                                pressure to a maximal pressure value                    2007; Southall et al., 2007). The degree              cumulative sound exposure level
                                                followed by a rapid decay period that                   of effect is intrinsically related to the             thresholds are 15 to 20 dB higher than
                                                may include a period of diminishing,                    signal characteristics, received level,               TTS cumulative sound exposure level
                                                oscillating maximal and minimal                         distance from the source, and duration                thresholds (Southall et al., 2007).
                                                pressures, and generally have an                        of the sound exposure. In general,                       Temporary threshold shift—TTS is
                                                increased capacity to induce physical                   sudden, high level sounds can cause                   the mildest form of hearing impairment
                                                injury as compared with sounds that                     hearing loss, as can longer exposures to              that can occur during exposure to sound
                                                lack these features.                                    lower level sounds. Temporary or                      (Kryter 1985). While experiencing TTS,
                                                   Non-pulsed sounds can be tonal,                      permanent loss of hearing will occur                  the hearing threshold rises, and a sound
                                                narrowband, or broadband, brief or                      almost exclusively for noise within an                must be at a higher level in order to be
                                                prolonged, and may be either                            animal’s hearing range. In this section,              heard. In terrestrial and marine
                                                continuous or non-continuous (ANSI,                     we first describe specific manifestations             mammals, TTS can last from minutes or
                                                1995; NIOSH, 1998). Some of these non-                  of acoustic effects before providing                  hours to days (in cases of strong TTS).
                                                pulsed sounds can be transient signals                  discussion specific to the proposed                   In many cases, hearing sensitivity
                                                of short duration but without the                       construction activities in the next                   recovers rapidly after exposure to the
                                                essential properties of pulses (e.g., rapid             section.                                              sound ends.
                                                rise time). Examples of non-pulsed                         Permanent Threshold Shift—Marine                      Marine mammal hearing plays a
                                                sounds include those produced by                        mammals exposed to high-intensity                     critical role in communication with
                                                vessels, aircraft, machinery operations                 sound, or to lower-intensity sound for                conspecifics, and interpretation of
                                                such as drilling, vibratory pile driving,               prolonged periods, can experience                     environmental cues for purposes such
                                                and active sonar systems (such as those                 hearing threshold shift (TS), which is                as predator avoidance and prey capture.
                                                used by the United States Navy). The                    the loss of hearing sensitivity at certain            Depending on the degree (elevation of
                                                duration of such sounds, as received at                 frequency ranges (Kastak et al., 1999;                threshold in dB), duration (i.e., recovery
                                                a distance, can be greatly extended in a                Schlundt et al., 2000; Finneran et al.,               time), and frequency range of TTS, and
                                                highly reverberant environment.                         2002, 2005). TS can be permanent                      the context in which it is experienced,
                                                   Impact hammers operate by                            (PTS), in which case the loss of hearing              TTS can have effects on marine
                                                repeatedly dropping a heavy piston onto                 sensitivity is not fully recoverable, or              mammals ranging from discountable to
                                                a pile to drive the pile into the substrate.            temporary (TTS), in which case the                    serious. For example, a marine mammal
                                                Sound generated by impact hammers is                    animal’s hearing threshold would                      may be able to readily compensate for
                                                characterized by rapid rise times and                   recover over time (Southall et al., 2007).            a brief, relatively small amount of TTS
                                                high peak levels, a potentially injurious               Repeated sound exposure that leads to                 in a non-critical frequency range that
                                                combination (Hastings and Popper                        TTS could cause PTS. In severe cases of               occurs during a time where ambient
                                                2005). Vibratory hammers install piles                  PTS, there can be total or partial                    noise is lower and there are not as many
                                                by vibrating them and allowing the                      deafness, while in most cases the animal              competing sounds present.
                                                weight of the hammer to push them into                  has an impaired ability to hear sounds                Alternatively, a larger amount and
                                                the sediment. Vibratory hammers                         in specific frequency ranges (Kryter                  longer duration of TTS sustained during
                                                produce significantly less sound than                   1985).                                                time when communication is critical for
                                                impact hammers. Peak SPLs may be 180                       When PTS occurs, there is physical                 successful mother/calf interactions
                                                dB or greater, but are generally 10 to 20               damage to the sound receptors in the ear              could have more serious impacts.
                                                dB lower than SPLs generated during                     (i.e., tissue damage), whereas TTS                       Currently, TTS data only exist for four
                                                impact pile driving of the same-sized                   represents primarily tissue fatigue and               species of cetaceans (bottlenose dolphin
                                                pile (Oestman et al., 2009). Rise time is               is reversible (Southall et al., 2007). In             (Tursiops truncatus), beluga whale
                                                slower, reducing the probability and                    addition, other investigators have                    (Delphinapterus leucas), harbor
                                                severity of injury, and sound energy is                 suggested that TTS is within the normal               porpoise, and Yangtze finless porpoise
                                                distributed over a greater amount of                    bounds of physiological variability and               (Neophocoena asiaeorientalis)); and
                                                time (Nedwell and Edwards 2002).                        tolerance and does not represent                      three species of pinnipeds (northern
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                                                                                                        physical injury (e.g., Ward 1997).                    elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris),
                                                Acoustic Impacts                                        Therefore, NMFS does not consider TTS                 harbor seal, and California sea lion
                                                  Please refer to the information given                 to constitute auditory injury.                        exposed to a limited number of sound
                                                previously (Description of Sound)                          Relationships between TTS and PTS                  sources (i.e., mostly tones and octave-
                                                regarding sound, characteristics of                     thresholds have not been studied in                   band noise) in laboratory settings (e.g.,
                                                sound types, and metrics used in this                   marine mammals—PTS data exists only                   Finneran et al., 2002; Nachtigall et al.,
                                                document. Anthropogenic sounds cover                    for a single harbor seal (Kastak et al.,              2004; Kastak et al., 2005; Lucke et al.,

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                                                2009; Popov et al., 2011). In general,                  frequency echolocation sounds                         highly variable and context-specific and
                                                harbor seals (Kastak et al., 2005;                      produced by odontocetes but are more                  any reactions depend on numerous
                                                Kastelein et al., 2012a) and harbor                     likely to affect detection of mysticete               intrinsic and extrinsic factors (e.g.,
                                                porpoises (Lucke et al., 2009; Kastelein                communication calls and other                         species, state of maturity, experience,
                                                et al., 2012b) have a lower TTS onset                   potentially important natural sounds                  current activity, reproductive state,
                                                than other measured pinniped or                         such as those produced by surf and                    auditory sensitivity, time of day), as
                                                cetacean species. Additionally, the                     some prey species. The masking of                     well as the interplay between factors
                                                existing marine mammal TTS data come                    communication signals by                              (e.g., Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok et
                                                from a limited number of individuals                    anthropogenic noise may be considered                 al., 2003; Southall et al., 2007; Weilgart,
                                                within these species. There are no data                 as a reduction in the communication                   2007; Archer et al., 2010). Behavioral
                                                available on noise-induced hearing loss                 space of animals (e.g., Clark et al., 2009)           reactions can vary not only among
                                                for mysticetes. For summaries of data on                and may result in energetic or other                  individuals but also within an
                                                TTS in marine mammals or for further                    costs as animals change their                         individual, depending on previous
                                                discussion of TTS onset thresholds,                     vocalization behavior (e.g., Miller et al.,           experience with a sound source,
                                                please see Southall et al. (2007),                      2000; Foote et al., 2004; Parks et al.,               context, and numerous other factors
                                                Finneran and Jenkins (2012), and                        2007b; Di Iorio and Clark 2009; Holt et               (Ellison et al., 2012), and can vary
                                                Finneran (2015).                                        al., 2009). Masking can be reduced in                 depending on characteristics associated
                                                   Auditory masking—Sound can                           situations where the signal and noise                 with the sound source (e.g., whether it
                                                disrupt behavior through masking, or                    come from different directions                        is moving or stationary, number of
                                                interfering with, an animal’s ability to                (Richardson et al., 1995), through                    sources, distance from the source).
                                                detect, recognize, or discriminate                      amplitude modulation of the signal, or                Please see Appendices B–C of Southall
                                                between acoustic signals of interest (e.g.,             through other compensatory behaviors                  et al. (2007) for a review of studies
                                                those used for intraspecific                            (Houser and Moore 2014). Masking can                  involving marine mammal behavioral
                                                communication and social interactions,                  be tested directly in captive species                 responses to sound.
                                                prey detection, predator avoidance,                     (e.g., Erbe, 2008), but in wild                          Habituation can occur when an
                                                navigation) (Richardson et al., 1995).                  populations it must be either modeled                 animal’s response to a stimulus wanes
                                                Masking occurs when the receipt of a                    or inferred from evidence of masking                  with repeated exposure, usually in the
                                                sound is interfered with by another                     compensation. There are few studies                   absence of unpleasant associated events
                                                coincident sound at similar frequencies                 addressing real-world masking sounds                  (Wartzok et al., 2003). Animals are most
                                                and at similar or higher intensity, and                 likely to be experienced by marine                    likely to habituate to sounds that are
                                                may occur whether the sound is natural                  mammals in the wild (e.g., Branstetter et             predictable and unvarying. It is
                                                (e.g., snapping shrimp, wind, waves,                    al., 2013).                                           important to note that habituation is
                                                precipitation) or anthropogenic (e.g.,                     Masking affects both senders and                   appropriately considered as a
                                                shipping, sonar, seismic exploration) in                receivers of acoustic signals and can                 ‘‘progressive reduction in response to
                                                origin. The ability of a noise source to                potentially have long-term chronic                    stimuli that are perceived as neither
                                                mask biologically important sounds                      effects on marine mammals at the                      aversive nor beneficial,’’ rather than as,
                                                depends on the characteristics of both                  population level as well as at the                    more generally, moderation in response
                                                the noise source and the signal of                      individual level. Low-frequency                       to human disturbance (Bejder et al.,
                                                interest (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio,                  ambient sound levels have increased by                2009). The opposite process is
                                                temporal variability, direction), in                    as much as 20 dB (more than three times               sensitization, when an unpleasant
                                                relation to each other and to an animal’s               in terms of SPL) in the world’s ocean                 experience leads to subsequent
                                                hearing abilities (e.g., sensitivity,                   from pre-industrial periods, with most                responses, often in the form of
                                                frequency range, critical ratios,                       of the increase from distant commercial               avoidance, at a lower level of exposure.
                                                frequency discrimination, directional                   shipping (Hildebrand, 2009). All                      As noted, behavioral state may affect the
                                                discrimination, age or TTS hearing loss),               anthropogenic sound sources, but                      type of response. For example, animals
                                                and existing ambient noise and                          especially chronic and lower-frequency                that are resting may show greater
                                                propagation conditions.                                 signals (e.g., from vessel traffic),                  behavioral change in response to
                                                   Under certain circumstances, marine                  contribute to elevated ambient sound                  disturbing sound levels than animals
                                                mammals experiencing significant                        levels, thus intensifying masking. Note               that are highly motivated to remain in
                                                masking could also be impaired from                     that any masking event that could                     an area for feeding (Richardson et al.,
                                                maximizing their performance fitness in                 possibly rise to Level B harassment                   1995; NRC, 2003; Wartzok et al., 2003).
                                                survival and reproduction. Therefore,                   under the MMPA would occur                            Controlled experiments with captive
                                                when the coincident (masking) sound is                  concurrently within the zones of                      marine mammals have showed
                                                man-made, it may be considered                          behavioral harassment already                         pronounced behavioral reactions,
                                                harassment when disrupting or altering                  estimated for vibratory and impact pile               including avoidance of loud sound
                                                critical behaviors. It is important to                  driving, and which have already been                  sources (Ridgway et al., 1997; Finneran
                                                distinguish TTS and PTS, which persist                  taken into account in the exposure                    et al., 2003). Observed responses of wild
                                                after the sound exposure, from masking,                 analysis.                                             marine mammals to loud pulsed sound
                                                which occurs during the sound                              Behavioral effects—Behavioral                      sources (typically seismic airguns or
                                                exposure. Because masking (without                      disturbance may include a variety of                  acoustic harassment devices) have been
                                                resulting in TS) is not associated with                 effects, including subtle changes in                  varied but often consist of avoidance
                                                abnormal physiological function, it is                  behavior (e.g., minor or brief avoidance              behavior or other behavioral changes
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                                                not considered a physiological effect,                  of an area or changes in vocalizations),              suggesting discomfort (Morton and
                                                but rather a potential behavioral effect.               more conspicuous changes in similar                   Symonds, 2002; see also Richardson et
                                                   The frequency range of the potentially               behavioral activities, and more                       al., 1995; Nowacek et al., 2007).
                                                masking sound is important in                           sustained and/or potentially severe                      Available studies show wide variation
                                                determining any potential behavioral                    reactions, such as displacement from or               in response to underwater sound;
                                                impacts. For example, low-frequency                     abandonment of high-quality habitat.                  therefore, it is difficult to predict
                                                signals may have less effect on high-                   Behavioral responses to sound are                     specifically how any given sound in a

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                                                particular instance might affect marine                 response or an alteration in diving.                  avoidance responses in the intensity of
                                                mammals perceiving the signal. If a                     However, respiration rates in and of                  the response (e.g., directed movement,
                                                marine mammal does react briefly to an                  themselves may be representative of                   rate of travel). Relatively little
                                                underwater sound by changing its                        annoyance or an acute stress response.                information on flight responses of
                                                behavior or moving a small distance, the                Various studies have shown that                       marine mammals to anthropogenic
                                                impacts of the change are unlikely to be                respiration rates may either be                       signals exist, although observations of
                                                significant to the individual, let alone                unaffected or could increase, depending               flight responses to the presence of
                                                the stock or population. However, if a                  on the species and signal characteristics,            predators have occurred (Connor and
                                                sound source displaces marine                           again highlighting the importance in                  Heithaus 1996). The result of a flight
                                                mammals from an important feeding or                    understanding species differences in the              response could range from brief,
                                                breeding area for a prolonged period,                   tolerance of underwater noise when                    temporary exertion and displacement
                                                impacts on individuals and populations                  determining the potential for impacts                 from the area where the signal provokes
                                                could be significant (e.g., Lusseau and                 resulting from anthropogenic sound                    flight to, in extreme cases, marine
                                                Bejder, 2007; Weilgart, 2007; NRC,                      exposure (e.g., Kastelein et al., 2001,               mammal strandings (Evans and England
                                                2003). However, there are broad                         2005b, 2006; Gailey et al., 2007).                    2001). However, it should be noted that
                                                categories of potential response, which                    Marine mammals vocalize for                        response to a perceived predator does
                                                we describe in greater detail here, that                different purposes and across multiple                not necessarily invoke flight (Ford and
                                                include alteration of dive behavior,                    modes, such as whistling, echolocation                Reeves 2008), and whether individuals
                                                alteration of foraging behavior, effects to             click production, calling, and singing.               are solitary or in groups may influence
                                                breathing, interference with or alteration              Changes in vocalization behavior in                   the response.
                                                of vocalization, avoidance, and flight.                 response to anthropogenic noise can                      Behavioral disturbance can also
                                                   Changes in dive behavior can vary                    occur for any of these modes and may                  impact marine mammals in more subtle
                                                widely, and may consist of increased or                 result from a need to compete with an                 ways. Increased vigilance may result in
                                                decreased dive times and surface                        increase in background noise or may                   costs related to diversion of focus and
                                                intervals as well as changes in the rates               reflect increased vigilance or a startle              attention (i.e., when a response consists
                                                of ascent and descent during a dive (e.g.,              response. For example, in the presence                of increased vigilance, it may come at
                                                Frankel and Clark, 2000; Costa et al.,                  of potentially masking signals,                       the cost of decreased attention to other
                                                2003; Ng and Leung, 2003; Nowacek et                    humpback whales and killer whales                     critical behaviors such as foraging or
                                                al.; 2004; Goldbogen et al., 2013a,b).                  have been observed to increase the                    resting). These effects have generally not
                                                Variations in dive behavior may reflect                 length of their songs (Miller et al., 2000;           been demonstrated for marine
                                                interruptions in biologically significant               Fristrup et al., 2003; Foote et al., 2004),           mammals, but studies involving fish
                                                activities (e.g., foraging) or they may be              while right whales have been observed                 and terrestrial animals have shown that
                                                of little biological significance. The                  to shift the frequency content of their               increased vigilance may substantially
                                                impact of an alteration to dive behavior                calls upward while reducing the rate of               reduce feeding rates (e.g., Beauchamp
                                                resulting from an acoustic exposure                     calling in areas of increased                         and Livoreil, 1997; Fritz et al., 2002;
                                                depends on what the animal is doing at                  anthropogenic noise (Parks et al.,                    Purser and Radford, 2011). In addition,
                                                the time of the exposure and the type                   2007b). In some cases, animals may                    chronic disturbance can cause
                                                and magnitude of the response.                          cease sound production during                         population declines through reduction
                                                   Disruption of feeding behavior can be                production of aversive signals (Bowles                of fitness (e.g., decline in body
                                                difficult to correlate with anthropogenic               et al., 1994).                                        condition) and subsequent reduction in
                                                sound exposure, so it is usually inferred                  Avoidance is the displacement of an                reproductive success, survival, or both
                                                by observed displacement from known                     individual from an area or migration                  (e.g., Harrington and Veitch, 1992; Daan
                                                foraging areas, the appearance of                       path as a result of the presence of a                 et al., 1996; Bradshaw et al., 1998).
                                                secondary indicators (e.g., bubble nets                 sound or other stressors, and is one of               However, Ridgway et al. (2006) reported
                                                or sediment plumes), or changes in dive                 the most obvious manifestations of                    that increased vigilance in bottlenose
                                                behavior. As for other types of                         disturbance in marine mammals                         dolphins exposed to sound over a five-
                                                behavioral response, the frequency,                     (Richardson et al., 1995). For example,               day period did not cause any sleep
                                                duration, and temporal pattern of signal                gray whales are known to change                       deprivation or stress effects.
                                                presentation, as well as differences in                 direction—deflecting from customary                      Many animals perform vital functions,
                                                species sensitivity, are likely                         migratory paths—in order to avoid noise               such as feeding, resting, traveling, and
                                                contributing factors to differences in                  from seismic surveys (Malme et al.,                   socializing, on a diel cycle (24-hour
                                                response in any given circumstance                      1984). Avoidance may be short-term,                   cycle). Disruption of such functions
                                                (e.g., Croll et al., 2001; Nowacek et al.,;             with animals returning to the area once               resulting from reactions to stressors
                                                2004; Madsen et al., 2006; Yazvenko et                  the noise has ceased (e.g., Bowles et al.,            such as sound exposure are more likely
                                                al., 2007). A determination of whether                  1994; Goold, 1996; Stone et al., 2000;                to be significant if they last more than
                                                foraging disruptions incur fitness                      Morton and Symonds, 2002; Gailey et                   one diel cycle or recur on subsequent
                                                consequences would require                              al., 2007). Longer-term displacement is               days (Southall et al., 2007).
                                                information on or estimates of the                      possible, however, which may lead to                  Consequently, a behavioral response
                                                energetic requirements of the affected                  changes in abundance or distribution                  lasting less than one day and not
                                                individuals and the relationship                        patterns of the affected species in the               recurring on subsequent days is not
                                                between prey availability, foraging effort              affected region if habituation to the                 considered particularly severe unless it
                                                and success, and the life history stage of              presence of the sound does not occur                  could directly affect reproduction or
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                                                the animal.                                             (e.g., Blackwell et al., 2004; Bejder et al.,         survival (Southall et al., 2007). Note that
                                                   Variations in respiration naturally                  2006).                                                there is a difference between multi-day
                                                vary with different behaviors and                          A flight response is a dramatic change             substantive behavioral reactions and
                                                alterations to breathing rate as a                      in normal movement to a directed and                  multi-day anthropogenic activities. For
                                                function of acoustic exposure can be                    rapid movement away from the                          example, just because an activity lasts
                                                expected to co-occur with other                         perceived location of a sound source.                 for multiple days does not necessarily
                                                behavioral reactions, such as a flight                  The flight response differs from other                mean that individual animals are either

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                                                exposed to activity-related stressors for               have also been reviewed (Fair and                     could be exposed to airborne sound that
                                                multiple days or, further, exposed in a                 Becker, 2000; Romano et al., 2002b)                   may result in behavioral harassment
                                                manner resulting in sustained multi-day                 and, more rarely, studied in wild                     when looking with heads above water.
                                                substantive behavioral responses.                       populations (e.g., Romano et al., 2002a).             Most likely, airborne sound would
                                                   Stress responses—An animal’s                         For example, Rolland et al. (2012) found              cause behavioral responses similar to
                                                perception of a threat may be sufficient                that noise reduction from reduced ship                those discussed above in relation to
                                                to trigger stress responses consisting of               traffic in the Bay of Fundy was                       underwater sound. However, these
                                                some combination of behavioral                          associated with decreased stress in                   animals would previously have been
                                                responses, autonomic nervous system                     North Atlantic right whales. These and                ‘‘taken’’ as a result of exposure to
                                                responses, neuroendocrine responses, or                 other studies lead to a reasonable                    underwater sound above the behavioral
                                                immune responses (e.g., Seyle, 1950;                    expectation that some marine mammals                  harassment thresholds, which are in all
                                                Moberg, 2000). In many cases, an                        will experience physiological stress                  cases larger than those associated with
                                                animal’s first and sometimes most                       responses upon exposure to acoustic                   airborne sound. Thus, the behavioral
                                                economical (in terms of energetic costs)                stressors and that it is possible that                harassment of these animals is already
                                                response is behavioral avoidance of the                 some of these would be classified as                  accounted for in these estimates of
                                                potential stressor. Autonomic nervous                   ‘‘distress.’’ In addition, any animal                 potential take. Multiple instances of
                                                system responses to stress typically                    experiencing TTS would likely also                    exposure to sound above NMFS’
                                                involve changes in heart rate, blood                    experience stress responses (NRC 2003).               thresholds for behavioral harassment are
                                                pressure, and gastrointestinal activity.                   Non-auditory physiological effects—                not believed to result in increased
                                                These responses have a relatively short                 Non-auditory physiological effects or                 behavioral disturbance, in either nature
                                                duration and may or may not have a                      injuries that theoretically might occur in            or intensity of disturbance reaction.
                                                significant long-term effect on an                      marine mammals exposed to strong                         Potential Pile Driving Effects on
                                                animal’s fitness.                                       underwater sound include stress,                      Prey—Construction activities would
                                                   Neuroendocrine stress responses often                neurological effects, bubble formation,               produce continuous (i.e., vibratory pile
                                                involve the hypothalamus-pituitary-                     resonance effects, and other types of                 driving) sounds and pulsed (i.e., impact
                                                adrenal system. Virtually all                           organ or tissue damage (Cox et al., 2006;             driving) sounds. Fish react to sounds
                                                neuroendocrine functions that are                       Southall et al., 2007). Studies examining             that are especially strong and/or
                                                affected by stress—including immune                     such effects are limited. In general, little          intermittent low-frequency sounds.
                                                competence, reproduction, metabolism,                   is known about the potential for pile                 Short duration, sharp sounds can cause
                                                and behavior—are regulated by pituitary                 driving to cause auditory impairment or               overt or subtle changes in fish behavior
                                                hormones. Stress-induced changes in                     other physical effects in marine                      and local distribution. Hastings and
                                                the secretion of pituitary hormones have                mammals. Available data suggest that                  Popper (2005) identified several studies
                                                been implicated in failed reproduction,                 such effects, if they occur at all, would             that suggest fish may relocate to avoid
                                                altered metabolism, reduced immune                      presumably be limited to short distances              certain areas of sound energy.
                                                competence, and behavioral disturbance                  from the sound source, where SLs are                  Additional studies have documented
                                                (e.g., Moberg, 1987; Blecha, 2000).                     much higher, and to activities that                   effects of pile driving on fish, although
                                                Increases in the circulation of                         extend over a prolonged period. The                   several are based on studies in support
                                                glucocorticoids are also equated with                   available data do not allow                           of large, multiyear bridge construction
                                                stress (Romano et al., 2004).                           identification of a specific exposure                 projects (e.g., Scholik and Yan, 2001,
                                                   The primary distinction between                      level above which non-auditory effects                2002; Popper and Hastings, 2009).
                                                stress (which is adaptive and does not                  can be expected (Southall et al., 2007)               Sound pulses at received levels of 160
                                                normally place an animal at risk) and                   or any meaningful quantitative                        dB may cause subtle changes in fish
                                                ‘‘distress’’ is the cost of the response.               predictions of the numbers (if any) of                behavior. SPLs of 180 dB may cause
                                                During a stress response, an animal uses                marine mammals that might be affected                 noticeable changes in behavior (Pearson
                                                glycogen stores that can be quickly                     in those ways. However, the proposed                  et al., 1992; Skalski et al., 1992). SPLs
                                                replenished once the stress is alleviated.              activities do not involve the use of                  of sufficient strength have been known
                                                In such circumstances, the cost of the                  devices such as explosives or mid-                    to cause injury to fish and fish
                                                stress response would not pose serious                  frequency active sonar that are                       mortality.
                                                fitness consequences. However, when                     associated with these types of effects.                  The most likely impact to fish from
                                                an animal does not have sufficient                      Therefore, non-auditory physiological                 pile driving activities at the project area
                                                energy reserves to satisfy the energetic                impacts to marine mammals are                         would be temporary behavioral
                                                costs of a stress response, energy                      considered unlikely.                                  avoidance within an undetermined
                                                resources must be diverted from other                      Airborne Acoustic Effects from the                 portion of the affected area. The
                                                functions. This state of distress will last             Proposed Activities—Pinnipeds that                    duration of fish avoidance of this area
                                                until the animal replenishes its                        occur near the project site could be                  after pile driving stops is unknown, but
                                                energetic reserves sufficient to restore                exposed to airborne sounds associated                 a rapid return to normal recruitment,
                                                normal function.                                        with pile driving that have the potential             distribution and behavior is anticipated.
                                                   Relationships between these                          to cause behavioral harassment,                       In general, impacts to marine mammal
                                                physiological mechanisms, animal                        depending on their distance from pile                 prey species from the proposed project
                                                behavior, and the costs of stress                       driving activities. Cetaceans are not                 are expected to be minor and temporary
                                                responses are well-studied through                      expected to be exposed to airborne                    due to the relatively short timeframe of
                                                controlled experiments and for both                     sounds that would result in harassment                pile driving and extraction.
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                                                laboratory and free-ranging animals                     as defined under the MMPA.                               Effects to Foraging Habitat—Pile
                                                (e.g., Holberton et al., 1996; Hood et al.,                Airborne noise will primarily be an                installation may temporarily impact
                                                1998; Jessop et al., 2003; Krausman et                  issue for pinnipeds that are swimming                 foraging habitat by increasing turbidity
                                                al., 2004; Lankford et al., 2005). Stress               or hauled out near the project site                   resulting from suspended sediments.
                                                responses due to exposure to                            within the range of noise levels elevated             Any increases would be temporary,
                                                anthropogenic sounds or other stressors                 above the acoustic criteria. We                       localized, and minimal. The contractor
                                                and their effects on marine mammals                     recognize that pinnipeds in the water                 must comply with state water quality

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                                                standards during these operations by                       wild by causing disruption of behavioral                             duty cycle), the environment (e.g.,
                                                limiting the extent of turbidity to the                    patterns, including, but not limited to,                             bathymetry), and the receiving animals
                                                immediate project area. In general,                        migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,                             (hearing, motivation, experience,
                                                turbidity associated with pile                             feeding, or sheltering (Level B                                      demography, behavioral context) and
                                                installation is localized to about a 25-                   harassment).                                                         can be difficult to predict (Southall et
                                                foot radius around the pile (Everitt et                       Authorized takes would be by Level B                              al., 2007, Ellison et al., 2011). Based on
                                                al., 1980). Furthermore, water quality                     harassment, in the form of disruption of                             what the available science indicates and
                                                impacts are expected to be negligible                      behavioral patterns for individual                                   the practical need to use a threshold
                                                because the project area occurs in a high                  marine mammals resulting from                                        based on a factor that is both predictable
                                                energy, dynamic area with strong tidal                     exposure to acoustic sources including                               and measurable for most activities,
                                                currents. Cetaceans are not expected to                    impact and vibratory pile driving                                    NMFS uses a generalized acoustic
                                                be close enough to the project pile                        equipment. There is also some potential                              threshold based on received level to
                                                driving areas to experience effects of                     for auditory injury (Level A harassment)                             estimate the onset of behavioral
                                                turbidity, and any pinnipeds will be                       to result, due to larger predicted                                   harassment. NMFS predicts that marine
                                                transiting the area and could avoid                        auditory injury zones. The proposed                                  mammals are likely to be behaviorally
                                                localized areas of turbidity. Therefore,                   mitigation and monitoring measures are                               harassed in a manner we consider Level
                                                the impact from increased turbidity                        expected to minimize the severity of                                 B harassment when exposed to
                                                levels is expected to be discountable to                   such taking to the extent practicable.                               underwater anthropogenic noise above
                                                marine mammals.                                               As described previously, no mortality
                                                                                                                                                                                received levels of 120 dB re 1 mPa (rms)
                                                   It is important to note that pile                       is anticipated or proposed to be
                                                                                                                                                                                for continuous (e.g. vibratory pile-
                                                driving and removal activities at the                      authorized for this activity. Below we
                                                                                                                                                                                driving, drilling) and above 160 dB re 1
                                                project site will not obstruct movements                   describe how the take is estimated.
                                                                                                              Described in the most basic way, we                               mPa (rms) for non-explosive impulsive
                                                or migration of marine mammals.
                                                   In summary, given the relatively short                  estimate take by considering: (1)                                    (e.g., impact pile driving, seismic
                                                and intermittent nature of sound                           Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS                                 airguns) or intermittent (e.g., scientific
                                                associated with individual pile driving                    believes the best available science                                  sonar) sources.
                                                and extraction events and the relatively                   indicates marine mammals will be                                        CTJV’s proposed activity includes the
                                                small area that would be affected, pile                    behaviorally harassed or incur some                                  use of continuous (vibratory pile
                                                driving activities associated with the                     degree of permanent hearing                                          driving) and impulsive (impact pile
                                                proposed action are not likely to have a                   impairment; (2) the area or volume of                                driving) sources, and therefore the 120
                                                permanent, adverse effect on any fish                      water that will be ensonified above                                  and 160 dB re 1 mPa (rms) are
                                                habitat, or populations of fish species.                   these levels in a day; (3) the density or                            applicable.
                                                Thus, any impacts to marine mammal                         occurrence of marine mammals within                                     Level A harassment for non-explosive
                                                habitat are not expected to cause                          these ensonified areas; and (4) and the                              sources—NMFS’ Technical Guidance
                                                significant or long-term consequences                      number of days of activities. Below, we                              for Assessing the Effects of
                                                for individual marine mammals or their                     describe these components in more                                    Anthropogenic Sound on Marine
                                                populations.                                               detail and present the proposed take                                 Mammal Hearing (Technical Guidance,
                                                                                                           estimate.                                                            2016) identifies dual criteria to assess
                                                Estimated Take
                                                   This section provides an estimate of                    Acoustic Thresholds                                                  auditory injury (Level A harassment) to
                                                the number of incidental takes proposed                      Using the best available science,                                  five different marine mammal groups
                                                for authorization through this IHA,                        NMFS has developed acoustic                                          (based on hearing sensitivity) as a result
                                                which will inform both NMFS’                               thresholds that identify the received                                of exposure to noise from two different
                                                consideration of ‘‘small numbers’’ and                     level of underwater sound above which                                types of sources (impulsive or non-
                                                the negligible impact determination.                       exposed marine mammals would be                                      impulsive). CTJV’s tunnel project
                                                   Harassment is the only type of take                     reasonably expected to be behaviorally                               includes the use of impulsive (impact
                                                expected to result from these activities.                  harassed (equated to Level B                                         hammer) and non-impulsive (vibratory
                                                Except with respect to certain activities                  harassment) or to incur PTS of some                                  hammer) sources.
                                                not pertinent here, section 3(18) of the                   degree (equated to Level A harassment).                                 These thresholds are provided in
                                                MMPA defines ‘‘harassment’’ as any act                       Level B Harassment for non-explosive                               Table 3 below. The references, analysis,
                                                of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which                    sources—Though significantly driven by                               and methodology used in the
                                                (i) has the potential to injure a marine                   received level, the onset of behavioral                              development of the thresholds are
                                                mammal or marine mammal stock in the                       disturbance from anthropogenic noise                                 described in NMFS 2016 Technical
                                                wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has                     exposure is also informed to varying                                 Guidance, which may be accessed at:
                                                the potential to disturb a marine                          degrees by other factors related to the                              http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/acoustics/
                                                mammal or marine mammal stock in the                       source (e.g., frequency, predictability,                             guidelines.htm.

                                                                           TABLE 3—THRESHOLDS IDENTIFYING THE ONSET OF PERMANENT THRESHOLD SHIFT
                                                                                                                                                               PTS Onset acoustic thresholds *
                                                                                                                                                                     (received level)
                                                                         Hearing group
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                                                                                                                                                           Impulsive                                                 Non-impulsive

                                                Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans .......................................   Cell   1:   Lpk,flat:   219   dB;   LE,LF,24h: 183dB ..........................   Cell   2:   LE,LF,24h: 199dB.
                                                Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans ......................................    Cell   3:   Lpk,flat:   230   dB;   LE,MF,24h: 185dB .........................    Cell   4:   LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
                                                High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans .....................................    Cell   5:   Lpk,flat:   202   dB;   LE,HF,24h: 155dB .........................    Cell   6:   LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
                                                Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater) ..............................      Cell   7:   Lpk,flat:   218   dB;   LE,PW,24h: 185dB .........................    Cell   8:   LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.

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                                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                                                           18789

                                                                  TABLE 3—THRESHOLDS IDENTIFYING THE ONSET OF PERMANENT THRESHOLD SHIFT—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                     PTS Onset acoustic thresholds *
                                                                                                                                                                           (received level)
                                                                             Hearing group
                                                                                                                                                                  Impulsive                                              Non-impulsive

                                                Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater) ..............................                 Cell 9: Lpk,flat: 232 dB; LE,OW,24h: 203dB ........................       Cell 10: LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
                                                   * Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating PTS onset. If a non-impul-
                                                sive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should
                                                also be considered.
                                                   Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 μPa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of 1 μPa2s.
                                                In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American NAtional Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However, peak sound pressure
                                                is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript ‘‘flat’’ is being
                                                included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated
                                                with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF
                                                cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
                                                thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible, it is valuable for
                                                action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be exceeded.

                                                   Although CTJV’s construction activity                              TL parameters vary with frequency,                           model described above was used to
                                                includes the use of impulsive (impact                                 temperature, sea conditions, current,                        calculate the expected noise
                                                pile driving) and non-impulsive                                       source and receiver depth, water depth,                      propagation from both impact and
                                                (vibratory pile driving and drilling)                                 water chemistry, and bottom                                  vibratory pile driving, using
                                                sources, the shutdown zones set by the                                composition and topography. A                                representative source levels to estimate
                                                applicant are large enough to ensure                                  standard sound propagation model, the                        the harassment zone or area exceeding
                                                Level A harassment will be prevented.                                 Practical Spreading Loss model, was                          specified noise criteria.
                                                To assure the largest shutdown zone can                               used to estimate the range from pile
                                                                                                                      driving activity to various expected                         Source Levels
                                                be fully monitored, protected species
                                                observers (PSOs) will be positioned in                                SPLs at potential project structures. This                      Sound source levels from the PTST
                                                the possible best vantage points during                               model follows a geometric propagation                        project site were not available.
                                                all piling/drilling activities to guarantee                           loss based on the distance from the                          Therefore, literature values published
                                                a shutdown if marine mammals                                          driven pile, resulting in a 4.5 dB                           for projects similar to the PTST project
                                                approach or enter the designated                                      reduction in level for each doubling of                      were used to estimate the amount of
                                                shutdown zone. These measures are                                     distance from the source. In this model,                     sound (RMS SPL) that could potentially
                                                described in full detail below in the                                 the SPL at some distance away from the                       be produced. The PTST Project will use
                                                Proposed Mitigation and Proposed                                      source (e.g., driven pile) is governed by                    round, 36-inch-diameter, hollow steel
                                                Monitoring and Reporting Sections.                                    a measured source level, minus the TL                        piles and 28-inch wide sheet piles. Data
                                                                                                                      of the energy as it dissipates with                          reported in the Compendium of Pile
                                                Ensonified Area                                                       distance. The TL equation is:                                Driving Sound Data (Caltrans 2015) for
                                                   Here, we describe operational and                                  TL = 15log10(R1/R2)                                          similar piles size and types are shown
                                                environmental parameters of the activity                              Where:                                                       in Table 4. The use of an encased bubble
                                                that will feed into identifying the area                              TL is the transmission loss in dB,                           curtain is expected to reduce sound
                                                ensonified above the acoustic                                         R1 is the distance of the modeled SPL from                   levels by 10 dB (NAVFAC 2014, ICF
                                                thresholds.                                                                the driven pile, and                                    Jones and Stokes 2009). Using data from
                                                   Pile driving will generate underwater                              R2 is the distance from the driven pile of the               previous projects (Caltrans 2015) and
                                                noise that potentially could result in                                     initial measurement.                                    the amount of sound reduction expected
                                                disturbance to marine mammals                                           The degree to which underwater noise                       from each of the sound mitigation
                                                swimming by the project area.                                         propagates away from a noise source is                       methods, we estimated the peak noise
                                                Transmission loss (TL) underwater is                                  dependent on a variety of factors, most                      level (SPLpeak), the root mean squared
                                                the decrease in acoustic intensity as an                              notably by the water bathymetry and                          sound pressure level (RMS SPL), and
                                                acoustic pressure wave propagates out                                 presence or absence of reflective or                         the single strike sound exposure level
                                                from a source until the source becomes                                absorptive conditions including the sea                      (sSEL) for each pile driving scenario of
                                                indistinguishable from ambient sound.                                 surface and sediment type. The TL                            the PTST project (Table 4).
                                                               TABLE 4—THE SOUND LEVELS (dB PEAK, dB RMS, AND dB SSEL) EXPECTED TO BE GENERATED BY
                                                                                           EACH HAMMER TYPE/MITIGATION
                                                                                                                                       Estimated                             Estimated
                                                                                                                    Estimated          cumulative         Estimated         single strike    Relevant piles at
                                                                                                                    peak noise
                                                      Type of pile                  Hammer type                                          sound          pressure level         sound            the PTST                      Pile function
                                                                                                                       level         exposure level       (dB RMS)         exposure level         project
                                                                                                                    (dB peak)          (dB cSEL)                             (dB sSEL)
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                                                36-inch Steel Pipe .......    Impact a .......................               210                 NA                  193             183    Battered ................    Mooring dolphins.
                                                36-inch Steel Pipe .......    Impact with Bubble                             200                 NA                  183             173    Plumb ...................    Mooring dolphins and
                                                                                Curtain b.                                                                                                                                 Temporary Pier.
                                                24-inch AZ Sheet ........     Vibratory c ....................               182                 NA                  154             165    Sheet ....................   Containment Structure.
                                                36-inch Steel Pipe and        Impact w/Bubble Cur-                           200                 NA                  186             183    Plumb ...................    Mooring Dolphins,
                                                  24-inch AZ Sheet              tain at PI 1 and PI                                                                                                                      Temporary Pier.
                                                  Pile.                         2 d.

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                                                18790                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                     TABLE 4—THE SOUND LEVELS (dB PEAK, dB RMS, AND dB SSEL) EXPECTED TO BE GENERATED BY—Continued
                                                                                      EACH HAMMER TYPE/MITIGATION
                                                                                                                                               Estimated                                            Estimated
                                                                                                                      Estimated                cumulative                 Estimated                single strike              Relevant piles at
                                                                                                                      peak noise
                                                      Type of pile                Hammer type                                                    sound                  pressure level                sound                      the PTST                          Pile function
                                                                                                                         level               exposure level               (dB RMS)                exposure level                   project
                                                                                                                      (dB peak)                (dB cSEL)                                            (dB sSEL)

                                                36-inch Steel   Pipe and   Impact w/Bubble Cur-                                     200                         NA                       183                      183       Plumb and Sheet                 Mooring Dolphins,
                                                  24-inch AZ    Sheet        tain at PI 1 and Vi-                                                                                                                                                            Containment Struc-
                                                  Pile.                      bratory at PI 2.                                                                                                                                                                ture.
                                                36-inch Steel   Pipe and   Vibratory at PI 1 and                                    200                         NA                       183                      183       Plumb and Sheet                 Mooring Dolphins and
                                                  24-inch AZ    Sheet        Impact w/Bubble                                                                                                                                                                 Containment Struc-
                                                  Pile.                      Curtain at PI 2.                                                                                                                                                                ture.
                                                   a Examples from Caltrans 2015. These examples were the loudest provided in the Caltrans 2015 compendium for 36-inch-diameter hollow steel piles and in the
                                                Proxy Source Sound Levels and Potential Bubble Curtain Attenuation for Acoustic Modeling of nearshore marine Pile Driving at Navy Installations in Puget Sound
                                                (NAVFAC 2014).
                                                   b Estimates of sound produced from impact that use sound mitigation measures were developed by subtracting 10 dB for an encased bubble curtain (ICF Jones
                                                and Stokes 2009, NAVFAC 2014). A 10-dB reduction in sound for this sound mitigation method is the minimum that may be expected and, therefore, represents a
                                                conservative estimate in sound reduction.
                                                   c Example from NAVFAC 2017. Average 1-second and 10-second Broadband RMS SPL (dB re 1 μPa) for Vibratory Pile-Driving normalized to 10 meters at JEB Lit-
                                                tle Creek.
                                                   d Simultaneous pile driving were determined by applying the rules of dB addition outlined in the Biological Assessment Advanced Training Manual Version 4–2017
                                                (WSDOT 2017).

                                                  When NMFS’s Technical Guidance                                          Spreadsheet predicts the closest                                                     provided in Table 6 assuming impact
                                                (2016) was published, in recognition of                                   distance at which, if a marine mammal                                                installation of three battered round steel
                                                the fact that ensonified area/volume                                      remained at that distance the whole                                                  piles per day and eight plumb round
                                                could be more technically challenging                                     duration of the activity, it would not                                               steel piles per day as well as vibratory
                                                to predict because of the duration                                        incur PTS. Inputs used in the User                                                   installation of up to eight sheets per day
                                                component in the new thresholds, we                                       Spreadsheet, and the resulting isopleths                                             over eight hours.
                                                developed a User Spreadsheet that                                         are reported below.                                                                     The Optional User Spreadsheet for
                                                includes tools to help predict a simple                                      The Impact Pile Driving (Stationary                                               vibratory pile driving (non-impulsive,
                                                isopleth that can be used in conjunction                                  Source: Impulsive, Intermittent) (Sheet                                              stationary, continuous) (Sheet A)
                                                with marine mammal density or                                             E.1) spreadsheet provided by NOAA                                                    requires inputs for the sound pressure
                                                occurrence to help predict takes. We                                      Fisheries requires inputs for assorted                                               level of the source (dB RMS SPL), the
                                                note that because of some of the                                          variables which are shown in Table 4.                                                expected activity duration in hours
                                                assumptions included in the methods                                       RMS SPL’s for simultaneous pile                                                      during per 24-hour period, the
                                                used for these tools, we anticipate that                                  driving were determined using the rules                                              propagation of the sound and the
                                                isopleths produced are typically going                                    for dB addition (WSDOT 2017). The                                                    distance from the source at which the
                                                to be overestimates of some degree,                                       expected number of steel piles driven                                                sound pressure level was measured.
                                                which will result in some degree of                                       during a 24-hour period would be a                                                   Calculations also assumed that the
                                                overestimate of Level A take. However,                                    maximum of eight for plumb piles and                                                 expected activity level duration would
                                                these tools offer the best way to predict                                 three for battered piles for each portal                                             be eight hours per Portal Island per 24-
                                                appropriate isopleths when more                                           island. Practical spreading was assumed                                              hour period. Practical spreading was
                                                sophisticated 3D modeling methods are                                     (15logR) and a pulse duration of 0.1                                                 assumed and the measured distance
                                                not available, and NMFS continues to                                      seconds utilized. The distance from the                                              from the sound source was 10 meters.
                                                develop ways to quantitatively refine                                     source where the literature based RMS                                                   The inputs from Table 5 determined
                                                these tools, and will qualitatively                                       SPL was 10 meters while the number of                                                isopleths where PTS from underwater
                                                address the output where appropriate.                                     strikes per pile was 1,000. Model                                                    sound during impact and vibratory
                                                For stationary sources, NMFS’s User                                       outputs delineating PTS isopleths are                                                driving as shown in Table 6.
                                                                           TABLE 5—INPUTS FOR DETERMINING DISTANCES TO CUMULATIVE PTS THRESHOLDS
                                                                                 E.1: Impact pile driving                   E.1: Impact pile driving                    A: Stationary source:                    E.1: Impact pile driving                  E.1: Impact pile driving
                                                  Spreadsheet tab used             (stationary source:                        (stationary source:                          non-impulsive,                          (stationary source:                       (stationary source:
                                                                                 impulsive, intermittent)                   impulsive, intermittent)                         continuous                          impulsive, intermittent)                  impulsive, intermittent

                                                Pile Type and Hammer           36-in steel impact (bat-                   36-in steel impact w/bub- 28-in sheet vibratory .......                              36-in steel impact w/bub-                  36-in steel impact w/bub-
                                                   Type.                         tered pile).                               ble curtain (plumb pile).                                                            ble curtain at P1 and                       ble curtain at P1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 P2 (plumb piles).                           (plumb pile) and sheet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             pile vibratory at P2.
                                                Source Level (RMS SPL)         193 ..................................     183 ..................................     154 ..................................    186 ..................................     183.
                                                Weighting Factor Adjust-       2 ......................................   2 ......................................   2.5 ...................................   2 ......................................   2.
                                                  ment (kHz).
                                                Number of strikes in 1 h       1,000 ...............................      1,000 ...............................      NA ...................................    1,000 ...............................      1,000.
                                                  OR number of strikes
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                                                  per pile.
                                                Activity Duration (h) within   3 steel piles ....................         8 steel piles ....................         8 hours/8 sheets .............            8 steel piles per portal is-               8 steel piles.
                                                  24-h period OR number                                                                                                                                          land.
                                                  of piles per day.
                                                Propagation (xLogR) .......    15 ....................................    15 ....................................    15 ....................................   15 ....................................    15.
                                                Distance of source level       10 ....................................    10 ....................................    10 ....................................   10 ....................................    10.
                                                  measurement (meters).
                                                Pulse Duration (seconds)       0.1 ...................................    0.1 ...................................    NA ...................................    0.1 ...................................    0.1.

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                                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                                                          18791

                                                  TABLE 6—RADIAL DISTANCE (METERS) FROM PILE DRIVEN FROM PORTAL ISLAND 1 (PI 1) AND PORTAL ISLAND 2 (PI 2)
                                                                                           TO PTS ISOPLETHS *

                                                                                                             Low-frequency              Mid-frequency               High-frequency              Phocid
                                                                                                               cetaceans                 cetaceans                    cetaceans                pinnipeds                 Applicable piles in the
                                                                 Hammer type                                                                                                                                                 PTST project
                                                                                                           Island 1    Island 2      Island 1      Island 2      Island 1       Island 2   Island 1   Island 2

                                                Impact (battered) at PI 1 OR PI 2 .....                     2,077.2     2,077.2           73.9          73.9      2,474.3       2,474.3    1,111.6      1,111.6   Battered Piles for Mooring Dolphins.
                                                Impact with Bubble Curtain (plumb)                            860.6       860.6           30.6          30.6      1,025.1       1,025.1      460.5        460.5   Plumb Piles for Temporary Pier and
                                                  at PI 1 OR PI 2.                                                                                                                                                  Mooring Dolphins.
                                                Vibratory ............................................          9.3         9.3            0.8           0.8         13.8          13.8        5.7         5.7    Sheet Piles for Containment.
                                                Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) si-                         1,363.9     1,363.9           48.5          48.5      1,624.7       1,624.7      729.9       729.9    Plumb Piles for temporary pier.
                                                  multaneous at PI 1 and PI 2.
                                                Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) si-                           860.6           9.3         30.6            0.8     1,025.1           13.8     460.5          5.7   Plumb Piles for Temporary Pier and
                                                  multaneous at PI 1 and Vibratory                                                                                                                                  Mooring Dolphins; Sheet Pile for
                                                  at PI 2.                                                                                                                                                          Containment.
                                                Vibratory at PI 1 and Impact w/Bub-                             9.3        860.6            0.8         30.6            13.8    1,025.1         5.7      460.5    Plumb Piles for temporary pier and
                                                  ble Curtain (plumb) at PI 2 Simul-                                                                                                                                Mooring Dolphins; Sheet Pile for
                                                  taneous.                                                                                                                                                          Containment.
                                                   * Distances based on up to 3 battered round steel piles per day, 8 plumb round steel piles per day, and up to 8 sheets per day over 8 hours.

                                                  Table 7 shows the radial distance to                                       associated with each of the planned
                                                Level B isopleths and Table 8 shows the                                      driving scenarios.
                                                areas of ensonified Level B zones

                                                                                                                                                                               Radial distance (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                  160 (impact)/
                                                     Hearing group sound threshold                                                                                                                                   Applicable piles in the
                                                                                                                      Hammer type driving scenario                               120 (vibratory)
                                                                 (dB)                                                                                                                                                    PTST project
                                                                                                                                                                            Island 1         Island 2

                                                PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters) ...                          Impact (battered) ..............................                1,584.9         1,584.9     Battered Piles for Mooring Dolphins.
                                                PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters) ...                          Impact with Bubble Curtain ..............                         341.5           341.5     Plumb Piles for Temporary Pier and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mooring Dolphins.
                                                PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters) ...                          Vibratory ...........................................           1,847.8         1,847.8     Sheet Piles for Containment.
                                                PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters) ...                          Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at                                541.2           541.2     Plumb Piles for temporary pier.
                                                                                                                  PI 1 and PI 2 simultaneous.
                                                PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters) ...                          Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at                                341.5         1,847.8     Plumb Piles for Temporary Pier and
                                                                                                                  PI 1 and Vibratory at PI 2 simulta-                                                         Mooring Dolphins; Sheet Pile for
                                                                                                                  neous.                                                                                      Containment.
                                                PTS Isopleth to threshold (meters) ...                          Vibratory at PI 1 and Impact w/Bub-                             1,847.8           341.5     Plumb Piles for temporary pier and
                                                                                                                  ble Curtain (plumb) at PI 2 simul-                                                          Mooring Dolphins; Sheet Pile for
                                                                                                                  taneous.                                                                                    Containment.

                                                  TABLE 8—LEVEL B AREAS (km2) FOR                         spherical spreading loss equation                                                     proxy for the sheet pile to be driven
                                                   ALL PILE DRIVING SCENARIOS                             (20LogR) was used to determine the                                                    during the PTST Project (Table 9). Using
                                                   PLANNED FOR USE DURING PTST                            Level B zones. The airborne noise                                                     the spherical spreading loss model with
                                                   PROJECT                                                threshold for behavioral harassment for                                               these estimates, Level B isopleths were
                                                                                                          all pinnipeds, except harbor seals, is                                                estimated as shown below in Table 9.
                                                                                                  Zone    100 dB RMS re 20 mPa (unweighted) and                                                 Note that the take estimates for
                                                             Scenario                              size   for harbor seals is 90 dB RMS re 20 mPa                                               pinnipeds were based on surveys which
                                                                                                  (km2)   (unweighted).                                                                         included counts of hauled out animals.
                                                                                                             Literature estimates were used to                                                  Therefore, to avoid double counting,
                                                Impact Plumb ....................................    0.45
                                                Impact Simultaneous Plumb .............              2.08
                                                                                                          estimate the amount of in-air sound                                                   airborne exposures are not evaluated
                                                Impact Battered ................................     8.27 produced from driving a pile above the                                                further for purposes of estimating take
                                                Vibratory Sheet .................................  12.27 MHW line (Laughlin 2010a,b). Hollow                                                    under the proposed IHA. During any
                                                Simultaneous Vibratory Sheet and                          steel piles that were 30 inches in                                                    upland pile driving before issuance of
                                                  Impact Plumb ................................    12.27 diameter were used as a close proxy to                                                 the IHA, however, shutdown will occur
                                                                                                          the 36-inch-diameter hollow steel piles                                               whenever pinnipeds enter into the Level
                                                  To calculate level B disturbance zones that will be driven at the PTST project.                                                               B zones as depicted below to avoid
                                                for airborne noise from pile driving, the AZ 24-inch sheet pile was used as a                                                                   unauthorized take.

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                                                                                         SEALS AND GRAY SEALS
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Level A             Level B harassment zone
                                                                                                                                                                                               harassment                      (m)
                                                                               Source                                                               Sound level                                   zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (m)             Harbor Seals         Gray Seals

                                                Impact Hammer 36-inch Pile ..........................                       110 dBL5SEQ at 15m a ....................................                      N/A                150                  47

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                                                18792                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                   SEALS AND GRAY SEALS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                       Level A        Level B harassment zone
                                                                                                                                                                     harassment                 (m)
                                                                      Source                                                 Sound level                                zone
                                                                                                                                                                         (m)         Harbor Seals   Gray Seals

                                                Vibratory Hammer Assumed equivalent to 24-              92 dBL5SEQ at 15m ........................................           N/A               19                6
                                                  in sheet.
                                                   a Laughlin   2010a,b as cited in City of Unalaska 2016 IHA for Unalaska Marine Center.

                                                Marine Mammal Occurrence                                 rocks around the portal islands of the                      total of 5 Level B takes of humpback
                                                   In this section we provide the                        CBBT from December through April.                           whales is proposed by NMFS.
                                                information about the presence, density,                 They are unlikely to occur in the project
                                                                                                                                                                     Bottlenose Dolphin
                                                or group dynamics of marine mammals                      area in the summer and early fall.
                                                that will inform the take calculations.                  Survey data for in-water and hauled out                        Total number of takes for bottlenose
                                                   Humpback whales are relatively rare                   harbor seals was collected by the United                    dolphin were calculated using the
                                                in the Chesapeake Bay but may be found                   States Navy at the CBBT portal islands                      seasonal density described above
                                                within or near the Chesapeake Bay at                     from 2014 through 2016 (Rees et al.,                        (individuals/km2/day) of animals within
                                                any time of the year. Between 1998 and                   2016) (Table 12). Surveys reported 112                      the inshore study area at the mouth of
                                                2014, 11 humpback whale stranding                        harbor seals in the 2014/2015 season                        the Chesapeake Bay (Englehaupt et al.,
                                                were reported within the Chesapeake                      and 184 harbor seals during the 2015/                       2016). Project specific dolphin densities
                                                Bay (Barco and Swingle 2014).                            2016 season. (Rees et al., 2016).                           were calculated within the respective
                                                Strandings occurred in all seasons, but                     Gray seals are uncommon in Virginia                      Level B harassment zone and season.
                                                were most common in the spring. There                    and the Chesapeake Bay with only 15                         Densities were then used to calculate
                                                is no existing density data for this                     gray seal strandings documented in                          the seasonal takes based on the number
                                                species within or near the Chesapeake                    Virginia from 1988–2013 (Barco and                          and type of pile driving days per season.
                                                Bay. Populations in the mid-Atlantic                     Swingle 2014). They are rarely found                        For example, the density of dolphins in
                                                have been estimated for humpback                         resting on the rocks around the portal                      summer months is assumed to be 3.55
                                                whales off the coast of New Jersey with                  islands of the CBBT from December                           dolphins/km2 * 2.08 km2 (harassment
                                                a density of 0.000130 per square                         through April alongside harbor seals.                       zone for Simultaneous Plumb Pile
                                                kilometer (Whitt et al., 2015). A similar                Observation surveys conducted by the                        driving as shown in Table 8) = 7.38
                                                density may be expected off the coast of                 Navy at the CBBT portal islands                             dolphins/km2 per day in summer as
                                                Virginia.                                                recorded one gray seal in each of the                       shown in Table 11. This density was
                                                   Bottlenose dolphins are abundant                      2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons (Rees                       then multiplied by number of
                                                along the Virginia coast and within the                  et al., 2016).                                              simultaneous plumb pile driving days to
                                                Chesapeake Bay and can be seen seen                                                                                  provide takes for that season (e.g. 7.38
                                                                                                         Take Calculation and Estimation                             dolphins/km2 * 24 days = 177 estimated
                                                annually in Virginia from May through
                                                October. Approximately 65 strandings                       Here we describe how the information                      summer exposures from simultaneous
                                                are reported each year (Barco and                        provided above is brought together to                       plumb pile driving). The sum of the
                                                Swingle 2014). Stranded bottlenose                       produce a quantitative take estimate.                       anticipated number of seasonal takes
                                                dolphins have been recorded as far                         The following assumptions are made                        resulted in 3,708 estimated exposures as
                                                north as the Potomac River in the                        when estimating potential incidences of                     shown in Table 10 split among three
                                                Chesapeake Bay (Blaylock 1985). A 2016                   take:                                                       stocks. There is insufficient information
                                                Navy report on the occurrence,                             • All marine mammal individuals                           to apportion the takes precisely to the
                                                distribution, and density of marine                      potentially available are assumed to be                     three stocks present in the area. Given
                                                mammals near Naval Station Norfolk                       present within the relevant area, and                       that members of the NNCES stock are
                                                and Virginia Beach, Virginia provides                    thus incidentally taken;                                    thought to occur in or near the Bay in
                                                seasonal densities of bottlenose                           • An individual can only be taken                         very small numbers, and only during
                                                dolphins for inshore areas in the                        once during a 24-h period;                                  July and August, we will conservatively
                                                vicinity of the project area (Engelhaupt                   • Exposures to sound levels at or                         assume that no more than 100 of the
                                                et al., 2016) (Table 10).                                above the relevant thresholds equate to                     takes will be from this stock. Most
                                                   There is little data on the occurrence                take, as defined by the MMPA.                               animals from this stock spend the
                                                of harbor porpoises in the Chesapeake                                                                                summer months in Pamlico Sound and
                                                                                                         Humpback Whale                                              the range of species extends as far south
                                                Bay. Harbor porpoises are the second
                                                most common marine mammal to strand                         As noted previously, humpback                            as Beaufort, NC. In colder months,
                                                in Virginia waters with 58 reported                      whales are rare in the Chesapeake Bay,                      animals are thought to go no farther
                                                strandings between 2007 through 2016.                    although they do occur. Density off of                      north than Pamlico Sound. Since
                                                Unlike bottlenose dolphins, harbor                       the coast of New Jersey, and presumably                     members of the southern migratory
                                                porpoises are found in Virginia in the                   Virginia and Maryland, is extremely low                     coastal and northern migratory coastal
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                                                cooler months, primarily late winter and                 (0.00013 animals/km2). Because density                      stocks are known to occur in or near the
                                                early spring, and they strand primarily                  is extremely low, the CTJV is requesting                    Bay in greater numbers, we will
                                                on ocean facing beaches (Barco et al.,                   and NMFS is proposing one Level B                           conservatively assuming that no more
                                                2017).                                                   take every two months for the duration                      than half of the remaining animals
                                                   Harbor seals are the most common                      of in-water pile driving activities. Pile                   (1,804) will accrue to either of these
                                                seal in Virginia (Barco and Swingle                      driving activities are expected to occur                    stocks.). The largest level B zone for
                                                2014). They can be seen resting on the                   over a 10-month period. Therefore, a                        mid-frequency cetaceans occurs during

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                                                                                   18793

                                                vibratory driving and extends out                                           during installation of three battered                                        shutdown zone that extends 200 m, so
                                                1,847.8 meters. The largest Level A                                         piles on a single day. NMFS proposes a                                       no Level A take is proposed.
                                                isopleth is 73.9 meters and would occur

                                                                      TABLE 10—SUMMARY OF INFORMATION USED TO CALCULATE BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN EXPOSURES
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Density                  Estimated                 Total number
                                                                                                                  Season                                                                               (individuals              number of pile              of requested
                                                                                                                                                                                                         per km2)                 driving days                   takes

                                                Summer 2018 ..............................................................................................................................                           3.55                             45                 879
                                                Fall 2018 ......................................................................................................................................                     3.88                             77               2,242
                                                Winter 2019 .................................................................................................................................                        0.63                             70                 464
                                                Spring 2019 .................................................................................................................................                        1.00                             10                 123

                                                      Total ......................................................................................................................................   ........................    ........................              3,708

                                                                                  NUMBER OF DRIVING DAYS PER SEASON
                                                                                               Impact plumb                                                   Impact batter                Vibratory sheet                vibratory sheet
                                                                                                                              simultaneous                                                                                                                  Number of pile
                                                              Season                             daily take                                                     daily take                    daily take                    and impact
                                                                                                                            plumb daily take                                                                                                                 driving days
                                                                                               (days/season)                                                 (days/season)                 (days/season)                 plumb daily take
                                                                                                                             (days/season)                                                                                (days/season)

                                                Summer ............................                        1.61    (0)                  7.38 (24)                     29.37 (15)                      43.55 (6)                       43.55 (0)                          45
                                                Fall ...................................                   1.76    (0)                  8.06 (36)                      32.10 (0)                     47.60 (41)                       47.60 (0)                          77
                                                Winter ...............................                     0.28    (0)                  1.31 (12)                       5.21 (0)                      7.73 (34)                       7.73 (24)                          70
                                                Spring ...............................                     0.45    (0)                   2.08 (0)                       8.27 (0)                      12.27 (9)                       12.27 (1)                          10

                                                Harbor Porpoise                                                             Harbor Seal                                                                  harbor seals (Table 12). The largest level
                                                   Little is known about the abundance                                         The number of harbor seals expected                                       B zone would occur during vibratory
                                                of arbor porpoises in the Chesapeake                                        to be present in the PTST project area                                       driving and extends out 1,847.8 meters
                                                Bay. A recent survey of the Maryland                                        was estimated using survey data for in-                                      from the sound source. The largest Level
                                                Wind Energy Area found that porpoises                                       water and hauled out seals collected by                                      A isopleth is 1,111.6 meters which
                                                occur frequently offshore January to                                        the United States Navy at the portal                                         would occur during impact installation
                                                May (Wingfield et al., 2017). This                                          islands from 2014 through 2016 (Rees et                                      of three battered piles. The smallest
                                                finding reflects the pattern of winter and                                  al., 2016). The survey data were used to                                     Level A zone during impact driving is
                                                spring strandings in the mid-Atlantic.                                      estimate the number of seals observed                                        115 meters which would occur when a
                                                NMFS will assume that there is a                                            per hour for the months of January–May                                       single steel pile is impact driven at the
                                                porpoise sighting once during every two                                     and October–December between 2014                                            same time that vibratory driving of sheet
                                                months of operations. That would                                            and 2016. Seal density data are in the                                       piles is occurring. NMFS proposes a
                                                equate to five sightings over ten months.                                   format of seal per unit time. Therefore,                                     shutdown zone for harbor seals of 50
                                                Assuming an average group size of two                                       potential seal exposures were calculated                                     meters since seals are common in the
                                                results in a total estimated take of 10                                     as total number of potential seals per                                       project area and are known to approach
                                                porpoises. Harbor porpoises are                                             pile driving day (8 hours) multiplied by                                     the shoreline. A larger shutdown zone
                                                members of the high-frequency hearing                                       the number of pile driving days per                                          would likely result in multiple
                                                group which would have Level A                                              month. For example, in November seal                                         shutdowns and impede the project
                                                isopleths as large of 2,474 meters during                                   density data are reported at 0.1 seals per                                   schedule. NMFS will assume that 20
                                                impact installation of three battered                                       hour, within an 8-hour work day there                                        percent of the exposed seals will occur
                                                piles per day. Given the relatively large                                   may be 0.8 seals * 27 work days in                                           within the Level A zone specified for a
                                                Level A zones during impact driving,                                        November, resulting in 22 seal takes.                                        given scenario. Therefore, NMFS
                                                NMFS proposes to authorize the take of                                      The anticipated numbers of monthly                                           proposes to authorize the Level A take
                                                4 porpoises by Level A take and 6 by                                        exposures were summed. NMFS                                                  of 1,507 and Level B take of 6,030
                                                Level B take.                                                               proposes to authorize the take of 7,537                                      harbor seals.

                                                                                            TABLE 12—CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER OF HARBOR SEAL EXPOSURES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Total pile
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Estimated                 driving days               Total number
                                                                                                                   Month                                                                                seals per                  per month                 of requested
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        work day                    (includes                    takes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 upland driving)

                                                June 2018 ....................................................................................................................................                   Seals     not   expected        to   be    present.
                                                July 2018 .....................................................................................................................................                  Seals     not   expected        to   be    present.
                                                August 2018 .................................................................................................................................                    Seals     not   expected        to   be    present.
                                                September 2018 ..........................................................................................................................                        Seals     not   expected        to   be    present.

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                                                18794                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                TABLE 12—CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER OF HARBOR SEAL EXPOSURES—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Total pile
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Estimated                 driving days         Total number
                                                                                                                  Month                                                                              seals per                  per month           of requested
                                                                                                                                                                                                     work day                    (includes              takes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              upland driving)

                                                October 2018 ...............................................................................................................................                  Seals not expected to be present.

                                                November 2018 ...........................................................................................................................                          0.8                        27                 22
                                                December 2018 ...........................................................................................................................                         20.8                        24                499
                                                January 2019 ...............................................................................................................................                        48                        42              2,016
                                                February 2019 .............................................................................................................................                         96                        42              4,032
                                                March 2019 ..................................................................................................................................                       88                        10                968

                                                Gray Seals                                                                 islands from 2014 through 2016 (Rees et                                    take of 67 gray seals by Level B
                                                                                                                           al., 2016). Potential gray seal exposures                                  harassment. The Level A isopleths for
                                                  The number of gray seals potentially                                     were calculated as the number of                                           gray seals are identical to those for
                                                exposed to Level B harassment in the                                       potential seals per pile driving day (8                                    harbor seals. Similarly, with a shutdown
                                                project area was calculated using the                                      hours) multiplied by the number of pile                                    zone of 50 meters, NMFS proposes to
                                                same methodology was used to estimate                                      driving days per month. The anticipated                                    authorize the Level A take of 20 percent
                                                harbor seal exposures. Survey data                                         numbers of monthly exposures as                                            of gray seals. Therefore, NMFS proposes
                                                recording gray seal observations was                                       shown in Table 13 were summed.                                             to authorize the Level A take of 13 and
                                                collected by the U.S. Navy at the portal                                   Therefore, NMFS proposes to authorize                                      Level B take of 54 gray seals.
                                                                                             TABLE 13—CALCULATION FOR THE NUMBER OF GRAY SEAL EXPOSURES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Total pile
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Estimated                 driving days          Harbor seal
                                                                                                                  Month                                                                              seals per                  per month              takes
                                                                                                                                                                                                     work day                    (includes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              upland driving)

                                                June 2018 ....................................................................................................................................                Seals     not   expected   to   be   present.
                                                July 2018 .....................................................................................................................................               Seals     not   expected   to   be   present.
                                                August 2018 .................................................................................................................................                 Seals     not   expected   to   be   present.
                                                September 2018 ..........................................................................................................................                     Seals     not   expected   to   be   present.
                                                October 2018 ...............................................................................................................................                  Seals     not   expected   to   be   present.

                                                November 2018 ...........................................................................................................................                             0                       27                 0
                                                December 2018 ...........................................................................................................................                             0                       24                 0
                                                January 2019 ...............................................................................................................................                          0                       42                 0
                                                February 2019 .............................................................................................................................                         1.6                       42                67
                                                March 2019 ..................................................................................................................................                         0                       11                 0

                                                  Table 14 provides a summary of                                           well as the percentage of a stock or
                                                proposed authorized Level B takes as                                       population proposed for take.

                                                                              TABLE 14—PROPOSED AUTHORIZED TAKE AND PERCENTAGE OF STOCK OR POPULATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Proposed                    Proposed               Percent
                                                                            Species                                                                     Stock                                      authorized                  authorized             population
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Level A takes               Level B takes

                                                Humpback whale ............................................              Gulf of Maine ..................................................         ........................                 5                   0.61
                                                Bottlenose dolphin ..........................................            WNA Coastal, Northern Migratory .................                        ........................             1,804                     16
                                                                                                                         WNA Coastal, Southern Migratory .................                        ........................             1,804                     20
                                                                                                                         NNCES ...........................................................        ........................               100                     12
                                                Harbor porpoise ..............................................           Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy ...........................                                         4                  6                  <0.01
                                                Harbor seal .....................................................        Western North Atlantic ...................................                              1,507                 6,030                     10
                                                Gray seal .........................................................      Western North Atlantic ...................................                                   13                  54                  <0.01
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                                                Proposed Mitigation                                                        the least practicable impact on such                                       applicable for this action). NMFS
                                                                                                                           species or stock and its habitat, paying                                   regulations require applicants for
                                                  In order to issue an IHA under                                           particular attention to rookeries, mating                                  incidental take authorizations to include
                                                Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,                                          grounds, and areas of similar                                              information about the availability and
                                                NMFS must set forth the permissible                                        significance, and on the availability of                                   feasibility (economic and technological)
                                                methods of taking pursuant to such                                         such species or stock for taking for                                       of equipment, methods, and manner of
                                                activity, and other means of effecting                                     certain subsistence uses (latter not                                       conducting such activity or other means

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                                                                      18795

                                                of effecting the least practicable adverse                                  shutdown zone shall be implemented. If                                       installation of plumb round piles at
                                                impact upon the affected species or                                         a marine mammal comes within 10                                              water depths greater than 3 m (10 ft).
                                                stocks and their habitat (50 CFR                                            meters of such operations, operations                                        Bubble curtains will not function
                                                216.104(a)(11)                                                              shall cease and vessels shall reduce                                         effectively in shallower depths.
                                                   In evaluating how mitigation may or                                      speed to the minimum level required to                                          • Soft-Start—The use of a soft start
                                                may not be appropriate to ensure the                                        maintain steerage and safe working                                           procedure is believed to provide
                                                least practicable adverse impact on                                         conditions. This type of work could                                          additional protection to marine
                                                species or stocks and their habitat, as                                     include (but is not limited to) the                                          mammals by warning or providing a
                                                well as subsistence uses where                                              following activities: (1) Vibratory pile
                                                                                                                                                                                                         chance to leave the area prior to the
                                                applicable, we carefully consider two                                       driving; (2) movement of the barge to
                                                primary factors:                                                                                                                                         hammer operating at full capacity, and
                                                                                                                            the pile location; (3) positioning of the
                                                   (1) The manner in which, and the                                                                                                                      typically involves a requirement to
                                                                                                                            pile on the substrate via a crane (i.e.,
                                                degree to which, the successful                                                                                                                          initiate sound from the hammer at
                                                                                                                            stabbing the pile); or (4) removal of the
                                                implementation of the measure(s) is                                                                                                                      reduced energy followed by a waiting
                                                                                                                            pile from the water column/substrate
                                                expected to reduce impacts to marine                                                                                                                     period. A soft-start procedure will be
                                                                                                                            via a crane (i.e., deadpull).
                                                mammals, marine mammal species or                                              • Non-authorized Take Prohibited—If                                       used for impact pile driving at the
                                                stocks, and their habitat. This considers                                   a species for which authorization has                                        beginning of each day’s in-water pile
                                                the nature of the potential adverse                                         not been granted (e.g., North Atlantic                                       driving or any time impact pile driving
                                                impact being mitigated (likelihood,                                         right whale, fin whale, harbor porpoise)                                     has ceased for more than 30 minutes.
                                                scope, range). It further considers the                                     or a species for which authorization has                                     The CTJV will start the bubble curtain
                                                likelihood that the measure will be                                         been granted but the authorized takes                                        prior to the initiation of impact pile
                                                effective if implemented (probability of                                    are met, is observed approaching or                                          driving. The contractor will provide an
                                                accomplishing the mitigating result if                                      within the Level B Isopleth, pile driving                                    initial set of strikes from the impact
                                                implemented as planned) the likelihood                                      and removal activities must shut down                                        hammer at reduced energy, followed by
                                                of effective implementation (probability                                    immediately using delay and shut-down                                        a 30-second waiting period, then two
                                                implemented as planned); and                                                procedures. Activities must not resume                                       subsequent sets.
                                                   (2) the practicability of the measures                                   until the animal has been confirmed to                                          • Establishment of Additional
                                                for applicant implementation, which                                         have left the area or an observation time                                    Shutdown Zones and Monitoring
                                                may consider such things as cost,                                           period of 15 minutes has elapsed.                                            Zones—For all impact and vibratory
                                                impact on operations, and, in the case                                         • Use of Impact Installation—During                                       pile driving shutdown and monitoring
                                                of a military readiness activity,                                           pile installation of hollow steel piles, an                                  zones will be established and
                                                personnel safety, practicality of                                           impact hammer rather than a vibratory                                        monitored.
                                                implementation, and impact on the                                           hammer will be used to reduce the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • CTJV will establish a shutdown
                                                effectiveness of the military readiness                                     duration of pile driving decrease the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         zone of 200 meters for common
                                                activity.                                                                   ZOI for marine mammals.
                                                   The following mitigation measures are                                       • Cushion Blocks—Use of cushion                                           dolphins and harbor porpoises and 50
                                                proposed in the IHA:                                                        blocks will be required during impact                                        meters for harbor and gray seals. The
                                                   • Pile Driving Delay/Shutdown                                            installation. Cushion blocks reduce                                          shutdown zones for humpback whales
                                                Zone—For in-water heavy machinery                                           source levels and, by association,                                           are depicted in Table 16.
                                                work (using, e.g., standard barges, tug                                     received levels, although exact                                                 • For all impact and vibratory pile
                                                boats, barge-mounted excavators, or                                         decreases in sound levels are unknown.                                       driving shutdown and monitoring zones
                                                clamshell equipment used to place or                                           • Use of Bubble Curtain—An encased                                        will be established and monitored.
                                                remove material), a minimum 10 meters                                       bubble curtain will be used for impact                                       Level B zones are shown in Table 15.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Radial distance
                                                                                                               Hammer type driving scenario
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Island 1        Island 2

                                                Impact (battered) .....................................................................................................................................................              1,585             1,585
                                                Impact with Bubble Curtain .....................................................................................................................................                       350               350
                                                Vibratory ...................................................................................................................................................................        1,850             1,850
                                                Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at PI 1 and PI 2 simultaneous ...........................................................................                                              540               540
                                                Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at PI 1 and Vibratory at PI 2 simultaneous .......................................................                                                     340             1,850
                                                Vibratory at PI 1 and Impact w/Bubble Curtain (plumb) at PI 2 simultaneous .......................................................                                                   1,850               340

                                                  • The Level A zones will depend on                                        marine mammals have been observed in                                         zone will be monitored for the
                                                the number of piles driven and the                                          the Level A zone, then the Level A zone                                      remainder of pile driving activities for
                                                presence of marine mammals per 24-                                          will reduce to the two-pile zone. If no                                      that day. Likewise, if a marine mammal
                                                hour period. Up to 3 battered piles or 8                                    marine mammals are observed within                                           is observed within the two-pile but not
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                                                plumb steel piles will be driven per 24-                                    the two-pile shutdown zone during the                                        the three-pile Level A zone, then the
                                                hour period using the following                                             driving of the second pile, then the                                         two-pile Level A zone will be monitored
                                                adaptive monitoring approach.                                               Level A zone will reduce to the one-pile                                     for the remainder of pile driving
                                                Monitoring will begin each day using                                        zone. However, if a mammal is observed                                       activities for that day. The same
                                                the three-pile Level A zone for battered                                    approaching or entering the three-pile                                       protocol will be followed for installation
                                                piles (or eight-pile zone for plumb                                         Level A zone during the driving of the                                       of up to 8 plumb piles per day.
                                                piles). If after the first pile is driven, no                               first pile, then the three-pile Level A

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                                                18796                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                  The Level A isopleths for all                                     16. Isopeths associated with low-                      shutdown zones.for humpback and fin
                                                authorized species are shown in Table                               frequency cetaceans will signify                       whales.

                                                                                 FOR SCENARIOS INVOLVING IMPACT HAMMER

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Impact       driving—vibra-
                                                                                                                                                           Impact                            hammer with       tory hammer
                                                                                                                                                                          hammer with
                                                                      Class of marine mammals                                        Piles per day        hammer                             bubble curtain     and impact
                                                                                                                                                                         bubble curtain
                                                                                                                                                       (battered pile)                       simultaneous      hammer with
                                                                                                                                                                          (plumb pile)        (plumb pile)    bubble curtain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (plumb pile)

                                                Low-Frequency Cetaceans* .................................................                         8               N/A            860.6              1,363             860.6
                                                                                                                                                   7               N/A            787.3              1,247             787.3
                                                                                                                                                   6               N/A            710.4              1,125             710.4
                                                                                                                                                   5               N/A            629.1                997             629.1
                                                                                                                                                   4               N/A            542.1                859             542.1
                                                                                                                                                   3           2,077.2            447.5                709             447.5
                                                                                                                                                   2           1,585.2            341.5                541             341.5
                                                                                                                                                   1             998.6            215.1                341             215.1
                                                Mid-Frequency Cetaceans ...................................................                        8               N/A             30.6                 48              30.6
                                                                                                                                                   7               N/A             28.0                 44              28.0
                                                                                                                                                   6               N/A             25.3                 40              25.3
                                                                                                                                                   5               N/A             22.4                 35              22.4
                                                                                                                                                   4               N/A             19.3                 30              19.3
                                                                                                                                                   3              73.9             15.9                 25              15.9
                                                                                                                                                   2              56.4             12.1                 19              12.1
                                                                                                                                                   1              35.5              7.7               12.1               7.7
                                                High Frequency Cetaceans .................................................                         8               N/A          1,025.1              1,624           1,025.1
                                                                                                                                                   7               N/A            937.8             1,4861             937.8
                                                                                                                                                   6               N/A            846.2              1,341             846.2
                                                                                                                                                   5               N/A            749.4              1,187             749.4
                                                                                                                                                   4               N/A            645.8              1,023             645.8
                                                                                                                                                   3           2,474.3            533.1                844             533.1
                                                                                                                                                   2           1,888.3            406.8                644             406.8
                                                                                                                                                   1           1,189.5            256.3                406             256.3
                                                Phocid Pinnipeds .................................................................                 8               N/A            460.5                729             460.5
                                                                                                                                                   7               N/A            412.3                667             412.3
                                                                                                                                                   6               N/A            380.2                602             380.2
                                                                                                                                                   5               N/A            336.7                533             336.7
                                                                                                                                                   4               N/A            290.1                459             290.1
                                                                                                                                                   3           1,111.6            239.5                379             239.5
                                                                                                                                                   2             848.3            182.8                289             182.8
                                                                                                                                                   1             534.4            115.1                182             115.1
                                                   * These isopleths serve as shutdown zones for all large whales, including humpback and fin whales.

                                                  Based on our evaluation of the                                    of the species and of the level of taking              noise); (2) affected species (e.g., life
                                                applicant’s proposed measures, as well                              or impacts on populations of marine                    history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence
                                                as other measures considered by NMFS,                               mammals that are expected to be                        of marine mammal species with the
                                                NMFS has preliminarily determined                                   present in the proposed action area.                   action; or (4) biological or behavioral
                                                that the proposed mitigation measures                               Effective reporting is critical both to                context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or
                                                provide the means effecting the least                               compliance as well as ensuring that the                feeding areas).
                                                practicable impact on the affected                                  most value is obtained from the required                  • Individual marine mammal
                                                species or stocks and their habitat,                                monitoring.                                            responses (behavioral or physiological)
                                                paying particular attention to rookeries,                              Monitoring and reporting                            to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or
                                                mating grounds, and areas of similar                                requirements prescribed by NMFS                        cumulative), other stressors, or
                                                significance.                                                       should contribute to improved                          cumulative impacts from multiple
                                                                                                                    understanding of one or more of the                    stressors.
                                                Proposed Monitoring and Reporting                                                                                             • How anticipated responses to
                                                  In order to issue an IHA for an                                      • Occurrence of marine mammal                       stressors impact either: (1) Long-term
                                                activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the                               species or stocks in the area in which                 fitness and survival of individual
                                                MMPA states that NMFS must set forth,                               take is anticipated (e.g., presence,                   marine mammals; or (2) populations,
                                                requirements pertaining to the                                      abundance, distribution, density).                     species, or stocks.
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                                                monitoring and reporting of such taking.                               • Nature, scope, or context of likely                  • Effects on marine mammal habitat
                                                The MMPA implementing regulations at                                marine mammal exposure to potential                    (e.g., marine mammal prey species,
                                                50 CFR 216.104(a)(13) indicate that                                 stressors/impacts (individual or                       acoustic habitat, or other important
                                                requests for authorizations must include                            cumulative, acute or chronic), through                 physical components of marine
                                                the suggested means of accomplishing                                better understanding of: (1) Action or                 mammal habitat).
                                                the necessary monitoring and reporting                              environment (e.g., source                                 • Mitigation and monitoring
                                                that will result in increased knowledge                             characterization, propagation, ambient                 effectiveness.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                             18797

                                                Visual Monitoring                            pile in progress will be completed and                              • Water conditions (e.g., sea state,
                                                   The following visual monitoring           then pile driving suspended until                                tide state);
                                                measures are proposed in the IHA:            visibility conditions improve.                                      • For each marine mammal sighting:
                                                   • Pre-activity monitoring shall take         • Monitoring of pile driving shall be                            (1) Species, numbers, and, if possible,
                                                                                             conducted by qualified PSOs (see                                 sex and age class of marine mammals;
                                                place from 30 minutes prior to initiation
                                                                                             below), who shall have no other                                     (2) Description of any observable
                                                of pile driving activity and post-activity
                                                                                             assigned tasks during monitoring                                 marine mammal behavior patterns,
                                                monitoring shall continue through 30
                                                                                             periods. CVTJV shall adhere to the                               including bearing and direction of travel
                                                minutes post-completion of pile driving
                                                                                             following conditions when selecting                              and distance from pile driving activity;
                                                activity. Pile driving may commence at
                                                                                             observers:                                                          (3) Location and distance from pile
                                                the end of the 30-minute pre-activity           (1) Independent PSOs shall be used                            driving activities to marine mammals
                                                monitoring period, provided observers        (i.e., not construction personnel).                              and distance from the marine mammals
                                                have determined that the shutdown               (2) At least one PSO must have prior                          to the observation point;
                                                zone is clear of marine mammals, which experience working as a marine                                            (4) Estimated amount of time that the
                                                includes delaying start of pile driving      mammal observer during construction                              animals remained in the Level A Level
                                                activities if a marine mammal is sighted activities.                                                          B zone.
                                                in the zone.                                    (3) Other PSOs may substitute                                    • Description of implementation of
                                                   • If a marine mammal approaches or        education (degree in biological science                          mitigation measures within each
                                                enters the shutdown zone during              or related field) or training for                                monitoring period (e.g., shutdown or
                                                activities or pre-activity monitoring, all   experience.                                                      delay); and
                                                pile driving activities at that location        (4) CTJV shall submit PSO CVs for                                • Other human activity in the area.
                                                shall be halted or delayed, respectively. approval by NMFS.                                                      • A summary of the following:
                                                If pile driving is halted or delayed due        • CTJV will ensure that observers                                (1) Total number of individuals of
                                                to the presence of a marine mammal, the have the following additional                                         each species detected within the Level
                                                activity may not resume or commence          qualifications:                                                  A and Level B Zone, and estimated as
                                                until either the animal has voluntarily         (1) Ability to conduct field                                  taken if correction factor is applied.
                                                left and been visually confirmed beyond observations and collect data according                                  (2) Daily average number of
                                                the shutdown zone and 15 minutes have to assigned protocols.                                                  individuals of each species
                                                passed without re-detection of the              (2) Experience or training in the field                       (differentiated by month as appropriate)
                                                animal. Pile driving activities include      identification of marine mammals,                                detected within the Level A and Level
                                                the time to install or remove a single       including the identification of                                  B Zone, and estimated as taken, if
                                                pile or series of piles, as long as the time behaviors.                                                       correction factor is applied.
                                                elapsed between uses of the pile driving        (3) Sufficient training, orientation, or
                                                                                                                                                                 If no comments are received from
                                                equipment is no more than thirty             experience with the construction
                                                                                                                                                              NMFS within 30 days, the draft final
                                                minutes.                                     operation to provide for personal safety
                                                                                                                                                              report will constitute the final report. If
                                                   • Monitoring distances, in accordance during observations.                                                 comments are received, a final report
                                                with the identified shutdown zones,             (4) Writing skills sufficient to prepare
                                                                                             a report of observations including but                           addressing NMFS comments must be
                                                Level A zones and Level B zones, will                                                                         submitted within 30 days after receipt of
                                                be determined by using a range finder,       not limited to the number and species
                                                                                             of marine mammals observed; dates and                            comments.
                                                scope, hand-held global positioning                                                                              In the unanticipated event that the
                                                system (GPS) device or landmarks with        times when in-water construction
                                                                                             activities were conducted; dates, times,                         specified activity clearly causes the take
                                                known distances from the monitoring                                                                           of a marine mammal in a manner
                                                positions.                                   and reason for implementation of
                                                                                             mitigation (or why mitigation was not                            prohibited by the IHA (if issued), such
                                                   • Monitoring locations will be based                                                                       as an injury, serious injury or mortality,
                                                on land both at Portal Island No. 1 and      implemented when required); and
                                                                                                                                                              CTJV would immediately cease the
                                                Portal Island No. 2 during simultaneous marine mammal behavior.                                               specified activities and report the
                                                                                                (5) Ability to communicate orally, by
                                                driving. During non-simultaneous a                                                                            incident to the Chief of the Permits and
                                                                                             radio or in person, with project
                                                single monitoring location will be                                                                            Conservation Division, Office of
                                                                                             personnel to provide real-time
                                                identified on the Portal Island with pile                                                                     Protected Resources, NMFS, and the
                                                                                             information on marine mammals
                                                driving activity.                            observed in the area as necessary.                               New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional
                                                   • Monitoring will be continuous              A draft marine mammal monitoring                              Stranding Coordinator. The report
                                                unless the contractor takes a break          report would be submitted to NMFS                                would include the following
                                                longer than 2 hours from active pile and within 90 days after the completion of                               information:
                                                sheet pile driving, in which case,           pile driving and removal activities. It                             • Description of the incident;
                                                monitoring will be required 30 minutes       will include an overall description of                              • Environmental conditions (e.g.,
                                                prior to restarting pile installation.       work completed, a narrative regarding                            Beaufort sea state, visibility);
                                                   • If marine mammals are observed,         marine mammal sightings, and                                        • Description of all marine mammal
                                                their location within the zones, and         associated marine mammal observation                             observations in the 24 hours preceding
                                                their reaction (if any) to pile activities   data sheets. Specifically, the report must                       the incident;
                                                will be documented.                          include:                                                            • Species identification or
                                                   • If weather or sea conditions restrict      • Date and time that monitored                                description of the animal(s) involved;
                                                the observer’s ability to observe, or                                                                            • Fate of the animal(s); and
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                                                                                             activity begins or ends;
                                                become unsafe, pile installation will be        • Construction activities occurring                              • Photographs or video footage of the
                                                suspended until conditions allow for         during each observation period;                                  animal(s) (if equipment is available).
                                                monitoring to resume.                           • Deviation from initial proposal in                             Activities would not resume until
                                                   • For in-water pile driving, under        pile numbers, pile types, average                                NMFS is able to review the
                                                conditions of fog or poor visibility that    driving times, etc.                                              circumstances of the prohibited take.
                                                might obscure the presence of a marine          • Weather parameters (e.g., percent                           NMFS would work with CTJV to
                                                mammal within the shutdown zone, the cover, visibility);                                                      determine what is necessary to

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                                                18798                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                minimize the likelihood of further                      (e.g., critical reproductive time or                  may cause behavioral responses by an
                                                prohibited take and ensure MMPA                         location, migration), as well as effects              animal, but they are expected to be mild
                                                compliance. CTJV would not be able to                   on habitat, and the likely effectiveness              and temporary. Effects on individuals
                                                resume their activities until notified by               of the mitigation. We also assess the                 that are taken by Level B harassment, on
                                                NMFS via letter, email, or telephone.                   number, intensity, and context of                     the basis of reports in the literature as
                                                   In the event that CTJV discovers an                  estimated takes by evaluating this                    well as monitoring from other similar
                                                injured or dead marine mammal, and                      information relative to population                    activities, will likely be limited to
                                                the lead PSO determines that the cause                  status. Consistent with the 1989                      reactions such as increased swimming
                                                of the injury or death is unknown and                   preamble for NMFS’s implementing                      speeds, increased surfacing time, or
                                                the death is relatively recent (e.g., in                regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29,               decreased foraging (if such activity were
                                                less than a moderate state of                           1989), the impacts from other past and                occurring) (e.g., Thorson and Reyff,
                                                decomposition as described in the next                  ongoing anthropogenic activities are                  2006; Lerma, 2014). Most likely,
                                                paragraph), CTJV would immediately                      incorporated into this analysis via their             individuals will simply move away
                                                report the incident to the Chief of the                 impacts on the environmental baseline                 from the sound source and be
                                                Permits and Conservation Division,                      (e.g., as reflected in the regulatory status          temporarily displaced from the areas of
                                                Office of Protected Resources, NMFS,                    of the species, population size and                   pile driving, although even this reaction
                                                and the NMFS New England/Mid-                           growth rate where known, ongoing                      has been observed primarily only in
                                                Atlantic Regional Stranding                             sources of human-caused mortality, or                 association with impact pile driving.
                                                Coordinator. The report would include                   ambient noise levels).                                These reactions and behavioral changes
                                                the same information identified in the                     CTJV’s planned pile driving activities             are expected to subside quickly when
                                                paragraph above. Activities would be                    are highly localized. Only a relatively               the exposures cease. The pile driving
                                                able to continue while NMFS reviews                     small portion of the Chesapeake Bay                   activities analyzed here are similar to, or
                                                the circumstances of the incident.                      may be affected. The project is not                   less impactful than, numerous
                                                NMFS would work with CTJV to                            expected to have significant adverse                  construction activities conducted in
                                                determine whether modifications in the                  effects on marine mammal habitat. No                  numerous other locations on the east
                                                activities are appropriate.                             important feeding and/or reproductive                 coast, which have taken place with no
                                                   In the event that CTJV discovers an                  areas for marine mammals are known to                 reported injuries or mortality to marine
                                                injured or dead marine mammal and the                   be near the project area. Project-related             mammals, and no known long-term
                                                lead PSO determines that the injury or                  activities may cause some fish to leave               adverse consequences from behavioral
                                                death is not associated with or related                 the area of disturbance, thus temporarily             harassment. Repeated exposures of
                                                to the activities authorized in the IHA                 impacting marine mammals’ foraging                    individuals to levels of sound that may
                                                (e.g., previously wounded animal,                       opportunities in a limited portion of                 cause Level B harassment are unlikely
                                                carcass with moderate to advanced                       their foraging range, but because of the              to result in permanent hearing
                                                decomposition, or scavenger damage),                    relatively small impacted area of the                 impairment or to significantly disrupt
                                                CTJV would report the incident to the                   habitat range utilized by each species                foraging behavior. Furthermore. Level B
                                                Chief of the Permits and Conservation                   that may be affected, the impacts to                  harassment will be reduced through use
                                                Division, Office of Protected Resources,                marine mammal habitat are not                         of mitigation measures described herein.
                                                NMFS, and the NMFS New England/                         expected to cause significant or long-                   CTJV will employ noise attenuating
                                                Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding                         term negative consequences.                           devices (i.e., bubble curtains, pile caps)
                                                Coordinator, within 24 hours of the                        A limited number of animals could                  during impact driving of plumb steel
                                                discovery. CTJV would provide                           experience Level A harassment in the                  piles. During impact driving of both
                                                photographs or video footage (if                        form of PTS if they remain within the                 plumb and battered piles,
                                                available) or other documentation of the                Level A harassment zone during certain                implementation of soft start procedures
                                                stranded animal sighting to NMFS and                    impact driving scenarios. The sizes of                and monitoring of established shutdown
                                                the Marine Mammal Stranding Network.                    the Level A zones are dependent on the                zones will be required, significantly
                                                                                                        number of steel piles driven in a 24-                 reduces any possibility of injury. Given
                                                Negligible Impact Analysis and
                                                                                                        hour period. Up to 8 steel plumb piles                sufficient notice through use of soft start
                                                                                                        or 3 steel battered piles could be driven             (for impact driving), marine mammals
                                                   NMFS has defined negligible impact                   in a single day, which would result in                are expected to move away from a
                                                as an impact resulting from the                         a relatively large Level A zones. (If                 sound source. PSOs will be stationed on
                                                specified activity that cannot be                       fewer piles are driven per day then the               a portal island whenever pile driving
                                                reasonably expected to, and is not                      Level A zones would be smaller) .                     operations are underway at that island.
                                                reasonably likely to, adversely affect the              However, an animal would have to be                   The portal island locations provide a
                                                species or stock through effects on                     within the Level A zones during the                   relatively clear view of the shutdown
                                                annual rates of recruitment or survival                 driving of all 8 plumb or 3 battered                  zones as well as monitoring zones.
                                                (50 CFR 216.103). A negligible impact                   piles. This is unlikely, as marine                    These factors will limit exposure of
                                                finding is based on the lack of likely                  mammals tend to move away from                        animals to noise levels that could result
                                                adverse effects on annual rates of                      sound sources. Furthermore, the degree                in injury.
                                                recruitment or survival (i.e., population-              of injury is expected to be mild and is                  In summary and as described above,
                                                level effects). An estimate of the number               not likely to affect the reproduction or              the following factors primarily support
                                                of takes alone is not enough information                survival of the individual animals. It is             our preliminary determination that the
                                                on which to base an impact                              expected that, if hearing impairments                 impacts resulting from this activity are
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                                                determination. In addition to                           occurs, most likely the affected animal               not expected to adversely affect the
                                                considering estimates of the number of                  would lose a few dB in its hearing                    species or stock through effects on
                                                marine mammals that might be ‘‘taken’’                  sensitivity, which in most cases is not               annual rates of recruitment or survival:
                                                through harassment, NMFS considers                      likely to affect its survival and                        • No serious injury or mortality is
                                                other factors, such as the likely nature                recruitment.                                          anticipated;
                                                of any responses (e.g., intensity,                         Exposures to elevated sound levels                    • The area of potential impacts is
                                                duration), the context of any responses                 produced during pile driving activities               highly localized;

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                              18799

                                                  • No adverse impacts to marine                        likely to be repeat sightings of the same                (a) A copy of this IHA must be in the
                                                mammal habitat;                                         individual, lowering the number of                    possession of CTJV, its designees, and
                                                  • The absence of any significant                      individuals taken.                                    work crew personnel operating under
                                                habitat within the project area,                           Based on the analysis contained                    the authority of this IHA.
                                                including rookeries, or known areas or                  herein of the proposed activity                          (b) The species authorized for taking
                                                features of special significance for                    (including the proposed mitigation and                are of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), gray
                                                foraging or reproduction;                               monitoring measures) and the                          seal (Halichoerus grypus), bottlenose
                                                  • Anticipated incidents of Level A                    anticipated take of marine mammals,                   dolphin (Tursiops spp.), harbor
                                                harassment would likely be mild;                        NMFS preliminarily finds that small                   porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and
                                                  • Anticipated incidents of Level B                    numbers of marine mammals will be                     humpback whale (Megaptera
                                                harassment consist of, at worst,                        taken relative to the population size of              novaeangliae).
                                                temporary modifications in behavior;                    the affected species or stocks.                          (c) The taking, by Level A and Level
                                                and                                                                                                           B harassment, is limited to the species
                                                  • The anticipated efficacy of the                     Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis
                                                                                                                                                              listed in condition 2(b). See Table 14 for
                                                required mitigation measures in                         and Determination
                                                                                                                                                              number of takes authorized.
                                                reducing the effects of the specified                      There are no relevant subsistence uses                (d) The take of any other species not
                                                activity.                                               of the affected marine mammal stocks or               listed in condition 2(b) of marine
                                                  Based on the analysis contained                       species implicated by this action.                    mammal is prohibited and may result in
                                                herein of the likely effects of the                     Therefore, NMFS has preliminarily                     the modification, suspension, or
                                                specified activity on marine mammals                    determined that the total taking of                   revocation of this IHA.
                                                and their habitat, and taking into                      affected species or stocks would not                     (e) CTJV shall conduct briefings
                                                consideration the implementation of the                 have an unmitigable adverse impact on                 between construction supervisors and
                                                proposed monitoring and mitigation                      the availability of such species or stocks            crews, marine mammal monitoring
                                                measures, NMFS preliminarily finds                      for taking for subsistence purposes.                  team, acoustical monitoring team prior
                                                that the total marine mammal take from                                                                        to the start of all pile driving activities,
                                                the proposed activity will have a                       Endangered Species Act (ESA)
                                                                                                                                                              and when new personnel join the work,
                                                negligible impact on all affected marine                   Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered                  in order to explain responsibilities,
                                                mammal species or stocks.                               Species Act of 1973 (ESA: 16 U.S.C.                   communication procedures, marine
                                                Small Numbers                                           1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal              mammal monitoring protocol, and
                                                                                                        agency insure that any action it                      operational procedures.
                                                   As noted above, only small numbers                   authorizes, funds, or carries out is not                 3. Mitigation Measures.
                                                of incidental take may be authorized                    likely to jeopardize the continued                       The holder of this Authorization is
                                                under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA                  existence of any endangered or                        required to implement the following
                                                for specified activities other than                     threatened species or result in the                   mitigation measures:
                                                military readiness activities. The MMPA                 destruction or adverse modification of                   (a) Time Restrictions—For all in-water
                                                does not define small numbers and so,                   designated critical habitat. To ensure                pile driving activities, CTJV shall
                                                in practice, where estimated numbers                    ESA compliance for the issuance of                    operate only during daylight hours.
                                                are available, NMFS compares the                        IHAs, NMFS consults internally, in this                  (b) Use of Bubble Curtain.
                                                number of individuals taken to the most                 case with the ESA Interagency                            (i) CTJV shall employ an encased
                                                appropriate estimation of abundance of                  Cooperation Division whenever we                      bubble curtain during impact pile
                                                the relevant species or stock in our                    propose to authorize take for                         driving of plumb steel piles in water
                                                determination of whether an                             endangered or threatened species.                     depths greater than 3 m (10 ft).
                                                authorization is limited to small                          No incidental take of ESA-listed                      (c) Use of Soft-Start.—CTJV shall use
                                                numbers of marine mammals.                              species is proposed for authorization or              soft start techniques when impact pile
                                                Additionally, other qualitative factors                 expected to result from this activity.                driving. Soft start requires contractors to
                                                may be considered in the analysis, such                 Therefore, NMFS has determined that                   provide an initial set of strikes at
                                                as the temporal or spatial scale of the                 formal consultation under section 7 of                reduced energy, followed by a thirty-
                                                activities.                                             the ESA is not required for this action.              second waiting period, then two
                                                   NMFS has preliminary determined                                                                            subsequent reduced energy strike sets.
                                                that the estimated Level B take of                      Proposed Authorization
                                                                                                                                                              Soft start shall be implemented at the
                                                humpback whale is 0.61 percent of the                      As a result of these preliminary                   start of each day’s impact pile driving
                                                Gulf of Maine stock ; take of harbor seals              determinations, NMFS proposes to issue                and at any time following cessation of
                                                is 10 percent of the Western North                      an IHA to CTJV for conducting pile                    impact pile driving for a period of thirty
                                                Atlantic stock; and take of gray seals is               driving and removal activities as part of             minutes or longer.
                                                <0.01 percent of the Western North                      the PTST project between June 1, 2018                    (d) Use of cushion blocks shall be
                                                Atlantic stock. Estimated take of                       and March 31, 2019, provided the                      required during impact installation.
                                                bottlenose dolphins (3,708), with 100                   previously mentioned mitigation,                         (e) Establishment of Shutdown Zones.
                                                takes accruing to the NNCES stock and                   monitoring, and reporting requirements                   (i) CTJV shall establish a shutdown
                                                no more than half (1,804) of the                        are incorporated. This section contains               zone of 200 meters harbor porpoise and
                                                remaining takes accruing to either of                   a draft of the IHA itself. The wording                common dolphin.
                                                two migratory coastal stocks represents                 contained in this section is proposed for                (ii) CTJV shall establish a shutdown
                                                12 percent of the NCCES stock                           inclusion in the IHA (if issued).                     zone of 50 meters for harbor seals.
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                                                (population 823), 16 percent of the                        1. This Incidental Harassment                         (iii) CTJV shall establish shutdown
                                                Western North Atlantic northern                         Authorization (IHA) is valid from June                zones for large whales (i.e. humpback,
                                                migratory coastal stock (pop. 11,548)                   1, 2018 through May 31, 2019. This IHA                fin whale) according to low-frequency
                                                and 20 percent of the Western North                     is valid only for pile driving and                    isopleths provided in Table 16.
                                                Atlantic southern migratory coastal                     extraction activities associated with the                (iv) If a marine mammal comes within
                                                stock (pop. 9,173). Additionally, some                  PTST project.                                         or approaches the shutdown zone, pile
                                                number of the anticipated takes are                        2. General Conditions.                             driving operations shall cease.

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                                                18800                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices

                                                   (v) Pile driving and removal                            (ii) CTJV shall use an adaptive                    visual coverage for the shutdown zone
                                                operations shall restart once the marine                approach to establish Level A zones                   and monitoring zones.
                                                mammal is visibly seen leaving the zone                 during impact pile driving.                              (iii) Monitoring locations shall be
                                                or after 15 minutes have passed with no                    (1) The number of plumb piles                      based on land both at Portal Island No.
                                                sightings.                                              planned for a given day determines                    1 and Portal Island No. 2 during
                                                   (vi) For in-water heavy machinery                    initial Level A zone size as shown in                 simultaneous driving. During non-
                                                work (using, e.g., standard barges, tug                 Table 16.                                             simultaneous driving a single
                                                boats, barge-mounted excavators, or                        (2) If after the first pile is driven, no          monitoring location shall be identified
                                                clamshell equipment used to place or                    marine mammals have been observed in                  on the Portal Island with pile driving
                                                remove material), a minimum 10 meters                   the Level A zone, then the Level A zone               activity.
                                                shutdown zone shall be implemented. If                  shall be reduced to the Level A zone                     (iv) Monitoring distances, in
                                                a marine mammal comes within 10                         associated with the next lowest number                accordance with the identified
                                                meters of such operations, operations                   of piles driven per day. If no marine                 shutdown zones, Level A zones and
                                                shall cease and vessels shall reduce                    mammals are observed within that zone,                Level B zones, shall be determined by
                                                speed to the minimum level required to                  the Level A zone shall again be reduced               using a range finder, scope, hand-held
                                                maintain steerage and safe working                      to the next lowest number of piles per                global positioning system (GPS) device
                                                conditions. This type of work could                     day. This trend shall continue until an               or landmarks with known distances
                                                include (but is not limited to) the                     animal is seen approaching or entering                from the monitoring positions
                                                following activities: (1) Vibratory pile                a specified shutdown zone.                               (v) CTJV shall adhere to the following
                                                driving; (2) movement of the barge to                      (3) If Level A take does occur, the                observer qualifications:
                                                the pile location; (3) positioning of the               Level A zone size in effect during the                   (1) Independent PSOs shall be used
                                                pile on the substrate via a crane (i.e.,                initial Level A take shall remain in                  (i.e., not construction personnel).
                                                stabbing the pile); or (4) removal of the               place for the remainder of the day.                      (2) At least one PSO must have prior
                                                pile from the water column/substrate                       (4) Pile driving activities shall not be           experience working as a marine
                                                via a crane (i.e., deadpull).                           conducted when weather/observer                       mammal observer during construction
                                                   (vii) Shutdown shall occur if a species              conditions do not allow for adequate                  activities.
                                                for which authorization has not been                    sighting of marine mammals within the                    (3) Other PSOs may substitute
                                                granted or for which the authorized                     monitoring zone (e.g. lack of daylight/               education (degree in biological science
                                                numbers of takes have been met                          fog).                                                 or related field) or training for
                                                approaches or is observed within the                                                                          experience.
                                                                                                           (5) In the event of conditions that
                                                                                                                                                                 (4) CTJV shall submit PSO CVs for
                                                pertinent take zone.                                    prevent the visual detection of marine
                                                                                                                                                              approval by NMFS.
                                                   (viii) If a marine mammal approaches                 mammals, impact pile driving shall be                    (vi) CTJV shall ensure that observers
                                                or enters the shutdown zone during                      curtailed, but pile in progress shall be              have the following additional
                                                activities or pre-activity monitoring, all              completed and then pile driving                       qualifications:
                                                pile driving activities at that location                suspended until visibility conditions                    (1) Ability to conduct field
                                                shall be halted or delayed, respectively.               improve.                                              observations and collect data according
                                                If pile driving is halted or delayed due                   4. Monitoring                                      to assigned protocols.
                                                to the presence of a marine mammal, the                    The holder of this Authorization is                   (2) Experience or training in the field
                                                activity may not resume or commence                     required to conduct visual marine                     identification of marine mammals,
                                                until either the animal has voluntarily                 mammal monitoring during pile driving                 including the identification of
                                                left and been visually confirmed beyond                 activities.                                           behaviors.
                                                the shutdown zone and 15 minutes have                      (a) Visual Marine Mammal                              (3) Sufficient training, orientation, or
                                                passed without re-detection of the                      Observation—CTJV shall collect                        experience with the construction
                                                animal. Pile driving activities include                 sighting data and behavioral responses                operation to provide for personal safety
                                                the time to install or remove a single                  to pile driving for marine mammal                     during observations.
                                                pile or series of piles, as long as the time            species observed in the region of                        (4) Writing skills sufficient to prepare
                                                elapsed between uses of the pile driving                activity during the period of activity.               a report of observations including but
                                                equipment is no more than thirty                        Visual monitoring shall include the                   not limited to the number and species
                                                minutes.                                                following:                                            of marine mammals observed; dates and
                                                   (ix) If a species for which                             (i) Pre-activity monitoring shall take             times when in-water construction
                                                authorization has not been granted, or a                place from 30 minutes prior to initiation             activities were conducted; dates, times,
                                                species for which authorization has                     of pile driving activity and post-activity            and reason for implementation of
                                                been granted but the authorized takes                   monitoring shall continue through 30                  mitigation (or why mitigation was not
                                                are met, is observed approaching or                     minutes post-completion of pile driving               implemented when required); and
                                                within the designated Level B Isopleth                  activity. Pile driving may commence at                marine mammal behavior.
                                                pile driving and removal activities must                the end of the 30-minute pre-activity                    (5) Ability to communicate orally, by
                                                shut down immediately using delay and                   monitoring period, provided observers                 radio or in person, with project
                                                shut-down procedures. Activities must                   have determined that the shutdown                     personnel to provide real-time
                                                not resume until the animal has been                    zone is clear of marine mammals, which                information on marine mammals
                                                confirmed to have left the area or the                  includes delaying start of pile driving               observed in the area as necessary.
                                                observation time period, as indicated in                activities if a marine mammal is sighted                 5. Reporting
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES

                                                3(e)(v) above, has elapsed.                             in the zone.                                             (a) A draft marine mammal
                                                   (f) Establishment of Level A and Level                  (ii) Protected Species Observers                   monitoring report shall be submitted to
                                                B Harassment Zones.                                     (PSOs) shall be positioned at the best                NMFS within 90 days after the
                                                   (i) CTJV shall establish and monitor a               practicable vantage points, taking into               completion of pile driving and removal
                                                level B zone according to values                        consideration security, safety, and space             activities or a minimum of 60 days prior
                                                depicted in Table 15 during all driving                 limitations. The PSOs shall be stationed              to any subsequent IHAs. A final report
                                                activities.                                             in a location that shall provide adequate             shall be prepared and submitted to the

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 83 / Monday, April 30, 2018 / Notices                                                  18801

                                                NMFS within 30 days following receipt                      (iii) Description of all marine mammal             Request for Public Comments
                                                of comments on the draft report from                    observations in the 24 hours preceding
                                                the NMFS. If no comments are received                   the incident;                                            We request comment on our analyses,
                                                from NMFS within 30 days, the draft                                                                           the proposed authorization, and any
                                                                                                           (iv) Species identification or
                                                final report shall constitute the final                                                                       other aspect of this Notice of Proposed
                                                                                                        description of the animal(s) involved;
                                                report. If comments are received, a final                                                                     IHA for the proposed PTST project. We
                                                report addressing NMFS comments                            (v) Fate of the animal(s); and                     also request comment on the potential
                                                must be submitted within 30 days after                     (vi) Photographs or video footage of               for renewal of this proposed IHA as
                                                receipt of comments.                                    the animal(s) (if equipment is available).            described in the paragraph below.
                                                   (b) The report shall include an overall                 Activities would not resume until                  Please include with your comments any
                                                description of work completed, a                        NMFS is able to review the                            supporting data or literature citations to
                                                narrative regarding marine mammal                       circumstances of the prohibited take.                 help inform our final decision on the
                                                sightings, and associated marine                                                                              request for MMPA authorization.
                                                                                                        NMFS would work with CTJV to
                                                mammal observation data sheets.
                                                                                                        determine what is necessary to                           On a case-by-case basis, NMFS may
                                                Specifically, the report must include:
                                                   (i) Date and time that monitored                     minimize the likelihood of further                    issue a second one-year IHA without
                                                activity begins or ends;                                prohibited take and ensure MMPA                       additional notice when (1) another year
                                                   (ii) Construction activities occurring               compliance. CTJV would not be able to                 of identical or nearly identical activities
                                                during each observation period;                         resume their activities until notified by             as described in the Specified Activities
                                                   (iii) Weather parameters (e.g., percent              NMFS via letter, email, or telephone.                 section is planned or (2) the activities
                                                cover, visibility);                                        (d) In the event that CTJV discovers               would not be completed by the time the
                                                   (iv) Water conditions (e.g., sea state,              an injured or dead marine mammal, and                 IHA expires and a second IHA would
                                                tide state);                                            the lead PSO determines that the cause                allow for completion of the activities
                                                   (v) Total number of individuals of                   of the injury or death is unknown and                 beyond that described in the Dates and
                                                each species detected within the Level                  the death is relatively recent (e.g., in              Duration section, provided all of the
                                                A and Level B Zone, and estimated                       less than a moderate state of
                                                taken if a correction factor is used;                                                                         following conditions are met:
                                                                                                        decomposition as described in the next
                                                   (vi) Daily average number of                         paragraph), CTJV would immediately                       • A request for renewal is received no
                                                individuals of each species                             report the incident to the Chief of the               later than 60 days prior to expiration of
                                                (differentiated by month as appropriate)                Permits and Conservation Division,                    the current IHA.
                                                detected within the Level A and Level                   Office of Protected Resources, NMFS,                     • The request for renewal must
                                                B Zone, and estimated as taken if                       and the New England/Mid-Atlantic                      include the following:
                                                correction factor is used;                              Regional Stranding Coordinator. The
                                                   (vii) Each marine mammal sighting                                                                             (1) An explanation that the activities
                                                                                                        report would include the same                         to be conducted beyond the initial dates
                                                shall include the following:
                                                   (1) Species, numbers, and, if possible,              information identified in the paragraph
                                                                                                                                                              either are identical to the previously
                                                sex and age class of marine mammals;                    above. Activities would be able to
                                                                                                                                                              analyzed activities or include changes
                                                   (2) Description of any observable                    continue while NMFS reviews the
                                                                                                                                                              so minor (e.g., reduction in pile size)
                                                marine mammal behavior patterns,                        circumstances of the incident. NMFS
                                                                                                        would work with CTJV to determine                     that the changes do not affect the
                                                including bearing and direction of travel                                                                     previous analyses, take estimates, or
                                                and distance from pile driving activity;                whether modifications in the activities
                                                                                                        are appropriate.                                      mitigation and monitoring
                                                   (3) Location and distance from pile
                                                driving activities to marine mammals                       (e) In the event that CTJV discovers an
                                                and distance from the marine mammals                    injured or dead marine mammal and the                    (2) A preliminary monitoring report
                                                to the observation point;                               lead PSO determines that the injury or                showing the results of the required
                                                   (4) Estimated amount of time that the                death is not associated with or related               monitoring to date and an explanation
                                                animals remained in the Level A and/                    to the activities authorized in the IHA               showing that the monitoring results do
                                                or Level B zone;                                        (e.g., previously wounded animal,                     not indicate impacts of a scale or nature
                                                   (5) Description of implementation of                 carcass with moderate to advanced                     not previously analyzed or authorized.
                                                mitigation measures within each                         decomposition, or scavenger damage),                     • Upon review of the request for
                                                monitoring period (e.g., shutdown or                    CTJV would report the incident to the
                                                delay);                                                                                                       renewal, the status of the affected
                                                                                                        Chief of the Permits and Conservation                 species or stocks, and any other
                                                   (6) Other human activity in the area.                Division, Office of Protected Resources,
                                                   (c) In the unanticipated event that the                                                                    pertinent information, NMFS
                                                                                                        NMFS, and the NMFS New England/                       determines that there are no more than
                                                specified activity clearly causes the take
                                                                                                        Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding                       minor changes in the activities, the
                                                of a marine mammal in a manner
                                                                                                        Coordinator, within 24 hours of the
                                                prohibited by the IHA (if issued), such                                                                       mitigation and monitoring measures
                                                                                                        discovery. CTJV would provide
                                                as an injury, serious injury or mortality,                                                                    remain the same and appropriate, and
                                                                                                        photographs or video footage (if
                                                CTJV would immediately cease the                                                                              the original findings remain valid.
                                                                                                        available) or other documentation of the
                                                specified activities and report the
                                                                                                        stranded animal sighting to NMFS and                  Donna S. Wieting,
                                                incident to the Chief of the Permits and
                                                                                                        the Marine Mammal Stranding Network.                  Director, Office of Protected Resources,
                                                Conservation Division, Office of
                                                Protected Resources, NMFS, and the                         6. This Authorization may be                       National Marine Fisheries Service.
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES

                                                New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional                       modified, suspended or withdrawn if                   [FR Doc. 2018–09032 Filed 4–27–18; 8:45 am]
                                                Stranding Coordinator. The report                       the holder fails to abide by the                      BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                would include the following                             conditions prescribed herein, or if
                                                information:                                            NMFS determines the authorized taking
                                                   (i) Description of the incident;                     is having more than a negligible impact
                                                   (ii) Environmental conditions (e.g.,                 on the species or stock of affected
                                                Beaufort sea state, visibility);                        marine mammals.

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Document Created: 2018-04-28 01:03:42
Document Modified: 2018-04-28 01:03:42
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; proposed incidental harassment authorization; request for comments.
DatesComments and information must be received no later than May 30, 2018.
ContactRob Pauline, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the application and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in this document, may be obtained online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/ incidental/construction.htm. In case of problems accessing these documents, please call the contact listed above.
FR Citation83 FR 18777 
RIN Number0648-XG10

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