83_FR_20092 83 FR 20004 - Withdrawal of Proposed Rules; Discontinuing Several Rulemaking Efforts Listed in the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

83 FR 20004 - Withdrawal of Proposed Rules; Discontinuing Several Rulemaking Efforts Listed in the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 88 (May 7, 2018)

Page Range20004-20008
FR Document2018-09206

EPA is withdrawing several proposed regulatory requirements described in the proposed rules identified in this document for which the Agency no longer intends to issue a final regulatory action. This document identifies the proposed rules and provides a brief explanation for the Agency's decision not to pursue a final action. The withdrawal of these proposed rules does not preclude the Agency from initiating the same or a similar rulemaking at a future date. It does, however, close out the entry for these rulemakings in EPA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda. Should the Agency decide at some future date to initiate the same or similar rulemaking, it will add an appropriate new entry to EPA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda to reflect the initiation of the action, and EPA will issue a new notice of proposed rulemaking.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 88 (Monday, May 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 88 (Monday, May 7, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 20004-20008]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09206]



40 CFR Parts 152, 156, 174 and 180

[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2012-0423; FRL-9977-08]

Withdrawal of Proposed Rules; Discontinuing Several Rulemaking 
Efforts Listed in the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Withdrawal of proposed rules.


SUMMARY: EPA is withdrawing several proposed regulatory requirements 
described in the proposed rules identified in this document for which 
the Agency no longer intends to issue a final regulatory action. This 
document identifies the proposed rules and provides a brief explanation 
for the Agency's decision not to pursue a final action. The withdrawal 
of these proposed rules does not preclude the Agency from initiating 
the same or a similar rulemaking at a future date. It does, however, 
close out the entry for these rulemakings in EPA's Semiannual 
Regulatory Agenda. Should the Agency decide at some future date to 
initiate the same or similar rulemaking, it will add an appropriate new 
entry to EPA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda to reflect the initiation 
of the action, and EPA will issue a new notice of proposed rulemaking.

DATES: As of May 7, 2018, the proposed rules published on November 23, 
1994, at 59 FR 60519; November 23, 1994, at 59 FR 60525; June 26, 1996, 
at 61 FR 33260; and September 17, 1999, at 64 FR 50671, are withdrawn.

ADDRESSES: The docket for this action, identified under docket 
identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2012-0423, is available at 
http://www.regulations.gov or at the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC), 1301 
Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open 
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 
566-1744, for the OPP Docket it is (703) 305-5805, and the telephone 
number for the OPPT Docket is (202) 566-0280. For more information 
about the docket and instructions about visiting the EPA/DC, go to 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Angela Hofmann, Director, Regulatory 
Coordination Staff (7101M), Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution 
Prevention, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001; 
telephone number: (202) 564-0258; email address: 


I. Does this action apply to me?

    This action is directed to the public in general, and may be of 
particular interest to those persons who follow proposed rules issued 
under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the Federal Food, Drug, 
and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), or the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Since others may also be interested, the 
Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific entities 
potentially interested.

II. Why is EPA issuing this withdrawal of proposed rules?

    This document serves two purposes:
    1. It announces to the public that EPA is withdrawing certain 
proposed rules

[[Page 20005]]

for which the Agency no longer intends to issue a final rule.
    2. It officially terminates the ongoing rulemaking activities, 
which allows the Agency to close out the individual rulemaking entries 
for these actions that appear in EPA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.
    All agencies publish Semiannual Regulatory Agendas describing 
regulatory actions they are developing or have recently completed. 
These agendas are published in the Federal Register, usually during the 
spring and fall of each year, as part of the Unified Agenda of Federal 
Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (Semiannual Regulatory Agenda). The 
Agency publishes the EPA Semiannual Regulatory Agenda to update the 
public about: Regulations and major policies currently under 
development, reviews of existing regulations and major policies, and 
rules and major policies completed or canceled since the last 
Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.
    The Semiannual Regulatory Agenda is often used as a tool to solicit 
interest and participation from stakeholders. As such, EPA believes 
that the public is best served by a Semiannual Regulatory Agenda that 
reflects active rulemaking efforts. The withdrawal of these inactive 
rulemaking efforts will streamline EPA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda 
and allow the public to better identify and focus on those rulemaking 
activities that are active.
    For the individual reasons described in this document, the Agency 
has decided not to complete these actions at this time. By withdrawing 
the proposed rules, the Agency is eliminating the pending nature of 
that regulatory action. Should the Agency determine to pursue anything 
in these areas in the future, it will create a new entry in EPA's 
Semiannual Regulatory Agenda and issue a new proposed rule.

III. Which proposed rules are being withdrawn?

    This Unit identifies the proposed regulatory actions that are being 
withdrawn, provides a summary of what was proposed, and a brief 
explanation for the Agency's withdrawal. The ``RIN'' refers to the 
regulatory identification number assigned to the rulemaking effort in 
the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.

A. Groundwater and Pesticide Management Plan Rule (PMP); RIN 2070-AC46

    1. What was proposed? On June 26, 1996 (61 FR 33260; FRL-4981-9), 
EPA issued a proposed rule to implement a key component of the Agency's 
1991 Pesticides and Ground Water Strategy, and it reflected many years 
of discussions and input from States and other stakeholders. Through 
the development and use of State Management Plans (SMPs), EPA proposed 
to restrict the use of certain pesticides by providing States with the 
flexibility to protect the ground water in the most appropriate way for 
local conditions. This approach capitalized on the most effective and 
efficient roles for State and Federal Government to collaborate in the 
protection of the nation's ground water resources. Using the proposed 
SMP approach, EPA proposed to restrict the legal sale and use of five 
pesticides that have been identified as either ``probable'' or 
``possible'' human carcinogens--alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, 
metolachlor, and simazine. Because of their potential to contaminate 
ground water, EPA had determined that these pesticides may cause 
unreasonable adverse effects on the environment in the absence of 
effective management measures provided by a SMP. The proposed rule 
announced that the labels of these pesticides would be changed to 
require use in accordance with an EPA-approved SMP, after a period of 
time allowed for development and approval of these SMPs. The proposed 
rule also contained proposed revisions to pesticide labeling 
regulations, in order to clarify general labeling requirements.
    On February 23, 2000 (65 FR 8925; FRL-6491-1), EPA solicited public 
comments on additional information about metolachlor, which was one of 
the four pesticides in the proposed rule. In the proposed PMP rule, the 
Agency proposed, as a condition of continued use, that States and 
Tribes prepare chemical-specific management plans for four herbicides 
that have been shown to persist in the environment and leach to ground 
water, creating a potential unreasonable adverse effect on human health 
and the environment. Specifically, EPA sought comment on data provided 
to EPA pertaining to the products containing metolachlor, S-
metolachlor, and R-metolachlor.
    2. Why is it being withdrawn? Action on the proposal was delayed 
while the scope of the program described in the proposed rule was 
reconsidered to determine whether the program could be expanded to 
address water quality issues in addition to ground water, and to 
determine the best partnership approach to implementation. More 
important, the risk level associated with the named pesticides in the 
proposed rule was also reexamined as part of the FIFRA reregistration 
process concluded in 2006. As part of that process, EPA determined that 
all five of the chemicals identified in the SMP proposal met the ``no 
unreasonable adverse effects on the environment'' standard for FIFRA 
registration without the steps identified in the proposed rule. These 
reregistration determinations necessarily mean that the rule is 
unnecessary to prevent unreasonable adverse effects on the environment, 
and EPA is therefore withdrawing its proposed rule.
    3. Where can I get more information about this action? The docket 
for this action is available under docket ID number OPP-36190.

B. Pesticides; Registration Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticide 
Products; RIN 2070-AD14

    1. What was proposed? On September 17, 1999, (64 FR 50671; FRL-
5570-6), EPA issued a proposed rule to establish procedures for the 
registration of antimicrobial products, as well as implement certain 
new provisions of FIFRA, as amended by the Food Quality Protection Act 
(FQPA). In addition to registration procedures for antimicrobial 
products, EPA also proposed to establish labeling standards for 
antimicrobial public health products, which would ensure that these 
products are appropriately labeled for the level of antimicrobial 
activity they demonstrate; to modify its notification process for 
antimicrobial products to conform to the statutorily prescribed 
process; and to exempt certain antimicrobial products from FIFRA 
regulation. EPA proposed new procedures and provisions to streamline 
and improve the registration process, increase consistency and 
certainty for antimicrobial producers, reduce the timeframes for EPA 
decisions on antimicrobial registrations, increase public health 
protection by ensuring the continued efficacy of antimicrobial public 
health pesticides, and promote international harmonization efforts. EPA 
proposed to interpret the applicability of the new FIFRA definition of 
``pesticide'' that excludes liquid chemical sterilants from FIFRA 
regulation and includes nitrogen stabilizers, and to describe 
requirements pertaining to use dilution labeling. EPA anticipated the 
proposed rule would provide technical, conforming and organizational 
changes to portions of its regulations on pesticide registration and 
labeling for clarity and understanding. On November 16, 1999, (64 FR 
62145; FRL-6393-8), EPA extended the comment period for the original 
proposed rule.
    2. Why is it being withdrawn? On December 14, 2001 (66 FR 64759; 
FRL-6752-1) EPA issued a final rule, entitled

[[Page 20006]]

``Pesticide Labeling and Other Regulatory Revisions,'' effective 
February 12, 2002, revising certain labeling regulations for pesticide 
products for clarity and published an interpretation of the FIFRA as it 
applies to nitrogen stabilizers. The final rule also revised 
regulations that contain statutory provisions excluding certain types 
of products from regulation as pesticides.
    The Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA), which was 
enacted in 2003, reauthorized October 1, 2007, by the Pesticide 
Registration Improvement Renewal Act (PRIA 2), and reauthorized again 
on October 1, 2012 by the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA 
3), established deadlines and pesticide registration service fees for 
registration actions. The category of action, the amount of the 
pesticide registration service fee, and the corresponding decision 
review periods by year are prescribed in these statutes. These 
statutory enactments were intended to create a more predictable 
evaluation process for affected pesticide decisions, and couple the 
collection of individual fees with specific decision review periods. 
They also promote shorter decision review periods for reduced-risk 
applications. EPA now actively provides guidance for PRIA-driven 
streamlined regulatory determinations for most major pesticide 
registration actions that is applicable to all pesticide registration 
types, not just antimicrobial products. (see PRIA guidance http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/regulating/fees/index.htm).
    The passage and implementation of PRIA and the implementation of 
the Agency's final rule regarding pesticide labeling and other 
regulatory revisions of December 14, 2001, have rendered the remainder 
of what was proposed in the proposed rule moot. For these reasons, EPA 
is withdrawing the remainder of what was proposed in its proposed rule.
    3. Where can I get more information about this action? The docket 
for this action is available under docket ID number OPP-36190.

C. Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs); Exemption for Those Derived 
Through Genetic Engineering From Sexually Compatible Plants; RIN 2070-

    1. What was proposed? On November 23, 1994 (59 FR 60519; FRL-4755-
3) (when proposed, the RIN was 2070-AC02), EPA proposed to exempt from 
FIFRA regulation those plant-incorporated protectants (then called 
plant-pesticides) that are not likely to present new exposures to non-
target organisms. This exemption was proposed based on the assumption 
that if a plant normally produces a pesticidal substance, organisms 
that normally come into contact with the plant have likely been exposed 
to the substance in the past, perhaps over long periods of time. No new 
exposures would be likely to occur, and based on long experience with 
plants in conventional agriculture, such PIPs would meet the FIFRA 
section 25(b)(2) exemption standard. In defining, for regulatory 
purposes, those substances for which no new exposures would occur, the 
Agency proposed to base its approach on the concept of sexual 
compatibility. Sexually compatible plants are more likely to share 
common traits than are unrelated plants. If the donor of the genetic 
material is sexually compatible with the recipient plant, it can be 
assumed that the genetic material is already present in the sexually 
compatible plant population and there would be no novel exposures. In 
the 1994 proposal, the proposed regulatory text did not specify how the 
genetic material of a plant-incorporated protectant or ``PIP'' could be 
moved from the donor to the sexually compatible recipient plant, 
whether through conventional breeding or genetic engineering 
    On July 19, 2001 (66 FR 37855; FRL-6760-4), EPA finalized part of 
its 1994 proposal thereby exempting certain plant-incorporated 
protectants moved among plants in a sexually compatible population. The 
2001 rule defined sexually compatible as meaning a viable zygote is 
formed only through the union of two gametes through conventional 
breeding. EPA did not in 2001 finalize that part of the proposal 
dealing with PIPs moved among plants in a sexually compatible 
population through genetic engineering but rather requested additional 
public comment on the issues raised by scientific information 
discovered between 1994 in 2001, in 1994 in public comment, and by 
issues raised by the 2000 report of the National Academies of Science 
(NAS) National Research Council (NRC).
    2. Why is it being withdrawn? EPA is withdrawing this proposed 
action because as the Agency's experience with PIPs and greater 
scientific knowledge have increased, it has become evident to the 
Agency that were EPA to pursue an exemption for certain PIPs moved 
among plants in sexually compatible populations through genetic 
engineering, more appropriate, scientifically current criteria for 
describing the exempted PIPs should be developed rather than relying on 
the criteria proposed in 1994.
    In 2001, EPA concluded that a high probability exists that PIPs 
moved between plants in sexually compatible populations through 
conventional breeding would not present novel exposures to nontarget 
organisms. Notwithstanding that conclusion, EPA could not (with the 
same level of confidence) draw the same conclusion for PIPs moved 
between plants in sexually compatible plant populations through genetic 
engineering given the limitations of the modification techniques 
available at that time. In addition, EPA came to agree with the 2000 
NRC report that recommended that ``[g]iven that transfer and 
manipulation of genes between sexually compatible plants could 
potentially result in adverse effects in some cases . . . EPA should 
reconsider its categorical exemption of transgenic [plant-incorporated 
protectants] derived from sexually compatible plants.'' (NRC 2000 at p. 
131, emphasis in original). The NRC report pointed out for example that 
the Agency's proposed language would exempt genetic material moved 
among plants in sexually compatible populations through genetic 
engineering without taking into consideration whether the moved genetic 
material would be expressed in the same pattern and at the same levels 
as occurs naturally in the plant (NRC 2000 at p. 129). The proposal is 
not supported by a sufficient basis to finalize the proposed exemption, 
especially in light of the scientific developments that have taken 
place in the last decade.
    Recently, newer, more precise techniques of genetic engineering 
have been developed based on scientific discoveries in genetics and 
molecular biology since the 1994 proposal and the 2001 rule were 
issued. These developments will allow the Agency to craft criteria that 
are scientifically more current and that more accurately describe the 
PIPs that would be exempted as well as procedures to better ensure that 
all the PIPs in an exempted category meet the FIFRA section 25(b)(2) 
exemption standard. Consequently, if EPA were to pursue such an 
exemption today, the Agency would issue a new proposed rule, based on 
knowledge of the types of products possible with the newest technology 
rather than issuing a final rule based on the previous proposals. 
Withdrawing the 1994 proposal does not preclude the Agency from 
initiating the same or similar regulatory action in the future. At that 
time, the Agency will initiate a new regulatory action and create a new 
entry for the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda. It is also worth noting 
that the Agency's proposal to exempt certain types of pesticide 
products from

[[Page 20007]]

regulation under FIFRA is entirely a discretionary action; there is no 
requirement in FIFRA that the Agency promulgate a regulation to exempt 
products that might satisfy the exemption standard in FIFRA section 
25(b)(2). EPA is therefore withdrawing the remainder of this proposal.
    3. Where can I get more information about this action? The docket 
for this action is available under docket ID number OPP-300369.

D. Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs); Exemption for PIPs That Act 
by Primarily Affecting the Plant; RIN 2070-AD56

    1. What was proposed? On November 23, 1994 (59 FR 60519; FRL-4755-
3) (when proposed, the RIN was 2070-AC02), EPA proposed, under FIFRA 
section 25(b)(2), to exempt from most of the requirements of FIFRA 
those Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) (in 1994, PIPs were called 
plant-pesticides (see 59 FR 60525; November 23, 1994)) that act 
primarily by affecting the plant under the assumption that such PIPs 
are less likely to be directly toxic to either target pests or to 
nontarget organisms. The criteria proposed at 40 CFR 174.5(b)(2) 
describe PIPs that act primarily by affecting the plant as a pesticidal 
substance so that the target pest is inhibited from attaching to the 
plant, penetrating the plant, or invading the plant's tissue in at 
least one of three ways: (a) The pesticidal substance acts as a 
structural barrier to attachment of the pest to the host plant, a 
structural barrier to penetration of the pest into the host plant, or a 
structural barrier to spread of the pest in the host plant, for 
example, through the production of wax or lignin, or length of 
trichomes (plant hairs); (b) The pesticidal substance acts in the host 
plant to inactivate or resist toxins or other disease-causing 
substances produced by the target pest; or (c) The pesticidal substance 
acts by creating a deficiency of a plant nutrient or chemical component 
essential for pest growth on/in the host plant.
    EPA also indicated in 1994 that it was considering whether to 
extend this exemption to include substances such as plant hormones, 
because plant hormones act within the plant to ``primarily affect the 
plant'' and do not act directly on a target pest.
    On July 19, 2001 (66 FR 37855; FRL-6760-4), EPA reopened the 
comment period on the proposed exemption to allow the public an 
opportunity to comment on the information, analyses, and conclusions 
pertaining to PIPs that act primarily by affecting the plant in the 
report issued in 2000 by the NRC of the NAS entitled ``Genetically 
Modified Pest-Protected Plants: Science and Regulation'' (National 
Research Council. 2000. National Academies Press, Washington, DC), and 
to comment on several risk issues received in public comment on the 
1994 proposal (59 FR 60525, November 23, 1994).
    2. Why is it being withdrawn? Because of new scientific discoveries 
in the area of genetics and molecular biology the Agency has concluded 
that neither the original 1994 proposal nor the subsequent 2001 
supplemental proposal present a sufficient basis for making the 
statutory finding required under FIFRA section 25(b)(2) to exempt this 
class of PIPs. Given the current state of genetic technology, it is 
possible that the exemption criteria set out in 1994 could exempt PIP 
products available today that pose different risks than the Agency 
envisioned when it initially proposed the criteria. In essence, the 
more limited technological capabilities and understanding of science in 
1994 led EPA to propose criteria for a generic exemption that current 
technologies and scientific understanding have rendered inappropriate. 
While there may be some PIPs that act primarily by affecting the plant 
that would meet the FIFRA section 25(b)(2) standard for exemption, the 
Agency no longer considers its proposed criteria for a generic 
exemption to fairly restrict available products to only those that 
``are of a character which is unnecessary to be subject to'' regulation 
under FIFRA. 7 U.S.C. 136w(b)(2). EPA is therefore withdrawing this 
    The decision to exempt pesticides under section 25(b) of FIFRA is 
entirely discretionary; there is no requirement that EPA promulgate 
pesticide exemptions. Withdrawing the proposal does not preclude the 
Agency from initiating regulatory action in the future for PIPs that 
act primarily by affecting the plant, e.g., exempting on a case-by-case 
basis a PIP that acts primarily by affecting the plant when that PIP 
can be shown to meet the FIFRA section 25(b)(2) exemption standard. At 
that time, the Agency would initiate a new regulatory action and create 
a new entry for EPA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.
    i. Why the Proposed Exemption Criteria Would Exempt Pesticides that 
Do Not Meet FIFRA Section 25(b)(2) Safety Standard. A number of 
advances in scientific knowledge accumulated since publication of the 
1994 proposal to exempt PIPs that act primarily by affecting the plant 
have contributed to an understanding of how the proposed criteria would 
exempt from FIFRA requirements PIPs that do not meet the FIFRA 25(b)(2) 
exemption standard. For example, recent research into plant regulatory 
mechanisms, e.g., the discovery of, and elucidation of the role of 
interfering RNAs (RNAi), in gene expression, not available at the time 
the 1994 proposal was published, contributed to the Agency's 
determination that the proposed exemption categories were constructed 
such that there are PIPs in the exempted categories that would not meet 
the FIFRA section 25(b)(2) standard. RNAi plays a key role in directing 
development of an organism, as well as controlling the various 
biological functions necessary to maintaining the life of an organism. 
RNAi is triggered by dsRNA, and while dsRNA can be native to the cell 
it can also be introduced from an external source. At the time the 
exemption was proposed, the role of dsRNA in controlling biological 
functions in the cell was unknown and the possibility that dsRNA could 
be introduced into the plant to affect the plant's behavior was not 
taken into consideration. Had such knowledge been available, the 
proposed criteria would have been based on substantively different 
    ii. Consideration of the points made in the 2000 NRC Report. In 
withdrawing this proposal, EPA has also taken into consideration the 
points the 2000 NRC report made on the Agency's 1994 proposal to exempt 
from FIFRA requirements PIPs that act primarily by affecting the plant. 
The NRC report noted that the Agency's analysis did not consider all of 
the potential impacts on non-target species of all of the PIPs proposed 
for exemption, including the possibility that in some instances 
secondary metabolites affecting non-target organisms could be a by-
product of a modification to create a PIP that acts primarily by 
affecting the plant. The NRC report concluded that based on its 
considerations a ``[C]ategorical exemption under FIFRA might not be 
scientifically justifiable'' (NRC 2000 at p. 133). Finally, the NRC 
report also cautioned the Agency that ``genetic changes that result in 
production of a specific plant protectant can result in production of 
biologically active compounds other than the intended plant 
protectants'' and cautioned that ``EPA should be aware of those 
unintended changes'' (NRC 2000 at p. 134). Upon further analysis, EPA 
has concluded that the generic criteria proposed in 1994 to allow 
exemption of PIPs, did not meet the FIFRA section 25(b)(2) exemption 
    Given the large number of potential PIPs displaying a wide range of 
modes of action in the categories circumscribed by each of the proposed 

[[Page 20008]]

criteria, and advances in knowledge showing scientific concerns with 
the logic underpinning the criteria as constructed in 1994, the Agency 
cannot utilize the proposed criteria as a basis for this rulemaking. 
EPA is therefore withdrawing this proposal.
    3. Where can I get more information about this action? The docket 
for this action is available under docket ID number OPP-300369. See 
also related dockets identified by the docket ID numbers OPP-300370 and 

    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq., 21 U.S.C. 346.

     Dated: April 25, 2018.
Charlotte Bertrand,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical 
Safety and Pollution Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2018-09206 Filed 5-4-18; 8:45 am]

                                                 20004                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 Regulatory Review. This action is not a                 substantial direct costs on tribal                    proposed rules does not preclude the
                                                 significant regulatory action and was                   governments or preempt tribal law as                  Agency from initiating the same or a
                                                 therefore not submitted to the Office of                specified by Executive Order 13175 (65                similar rulemaking at a future date. It
                                                 Management and Budget (OMB) for                         FR 67249, November 9, 2000).                          does, however, close out the entry for
                                                 review.                                                    In addition, pursuant to CAA section               these rulemakings in EPA’s Semiannual
                                                    • Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).                     307(d)(1)(B), EPA proposes to determine               Regulatory Agenda. Should the Agency
                                                 This action does not impose an                          that this action is subject to the                    decide at some future date to initiate the
                                                 information collection burden under the                 provisions of section 307(d). Section                 same or similar rulemaking, it will add
                                                 PRA. Therefore, its recordkeeping and                   307(d) establishes procedural                         an appropriate new entry to EPA’s
                                                 reporting provisions do not constitute a                requirements specific to certain                      Semiannual Regulatory Agenda to
                                                 ‘‘collection of information’’ as defined                rulemaking actions under the CAA.                     reflect the initiation of the action, and
                                                 under 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR                       Pursuant to CAA section 307(d)(1)(B),                 EPA will issue a new notice of proposed
                                                 1320.3(c).                                              the withdrawal of the provisions of the               rulemaking.
                                                    • Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA).                  Virginia regional haze regional FIP that              DATES: As of May 7, 2018, the proposed
                                                 This action will not have a significant                 apply to changing reliance on CAIR to
                                                 economic impact on a substantial                                                                              rules published on November 23, 1994,
                                                                                                         reliance on CSAPR to address certain                  at 59 FR 60519; November 23, 1994, at
                                                 number of small entities under the RFA.                 deficient regional haze requirements is
                                                 This action will not impose any                                                                               59 FR 60525; June 26, 1996, at 61 FR
                                                                                                         subject to the requirements of CAA                    33260; and September 17, 1999, at 64
                                                 requirements on small entities.                         section 307(d), as it constitutes a
                                                    • Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                                                                             FR 50671, are withdrawn.
                                                                                                         revision to a FIP under section 110(c) of
                                                 (UMRA). This action does not contain                                                                          ADDRESSES: The docket for this action,
                                                                                                         the CAA. Furthermore, section
                                                 an unfunded mandate of $100 million or                                                                        identified under docket identification
                                                                                                         307(d)(1)(V) of the CAA provides that
                                                 more as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C.                                                                           (ID) number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2012–
                                                                                                         the provisions of section 307(d) apply to
                                                 1531–1538, and does not significantly or                                                                      0423, is available at http://
                                                                                                         ‘‘such other actions as the Administrator
                                                 uniquely affect small governments.                                                                            www.regulations.gov or at the EPA
                                                                                                         may determine.’’ EPA proposes that the
                                                    • Executive Order 13132: Federalism.                                                                       Docket Center (EPA/DC), 1301
                                                                                                         provisions of 307(d) apply to EPA’s
                                                 This action does not have federalism                                                                          Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC.
                                                                                                         action on the Virginia SIP revision.
                                                 implications. It will not have substantial                                                                    The Public Reading Room is open from
                                                 direct effects on the states, on the                    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52                    8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
                                                 relationship between the national                         Environmental protection, Air                       Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
                                                 government and the states, or on the                    pollution control, Incorporation by                   telephone number for the Public
                                                 distribution of power and                               reference, Intergovernmental relations,               Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, for the
                                                 responsibilities among the various                      Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate                  OPP Docket it is (703) 305–5805, and
                                                 levels of government.                                   matter, Reporting and recordkeeping                   the telephone number for the OPPT
                                                    • Executive Order 13175:                                                                                   Docket is (202) 566–0280. For more
                                                                                                         requirements, Sulfur oxides.
                                                 Consultation and Coordination with                                                                            information about the docket and
                                                 Indian Tribal Governments. This action                    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.                   instructions about visiting the EPA/DC,
                                                 does not have tribal implications, as                     Dated: April 19, 2018.                              go to http://www.epa.gov/dockets.
                                                 specified in Executive Order 13175. It                  Cosmo Servidio,                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 will not have substantial direct effects                Regional Administrator, Region III.                   Angela Hofmann, Director, Regulatory
                                                 on any Indian tribes, on the relationship               [FR Doc. 2018–09653 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]            Coordination Staff (7101M), Office of
                                                 between the federal government and                                                                            Chemical Safety and Pollution
                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                 Indian tribes, or on the distribution of                                                                      Prevention, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.
                                                 power and responsibilities between the                                                                        NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;
                                                 federal government and Indian tribes.                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                              telephone number: (202) 564–0258;
                                                 Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not                    AGENCY                                                email address: hofmann.angela@
                                                 apply to this action.                                                                                         epa.gov.
                                                    • Executive Order 13045: Protection                  40 CFR Parts 152, 156, 174 and 180
                                                 of Children from Environmental Health                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                 Risks and Safety Risks. EPA interprets                  [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2012–0423; FRL–9977–08]
                                                                                                                                                               I. Does this action apply to me?
                                                 Executive Order 13045 as applying only
                                                                                                         Withdrawal of Proposed Rules;
                                                 to those regulatory actions that concern                                                                         This action is directed to the public
                                                                                                         Discontinuing Several Rulemaking
                                                 health or safety risks that EPA has                                                                           in general, and may be of particular
                                                                                                         Efforts Listed in the Semiannual
                                                 reason to believe may                                                                                         interest to those persons who follow
                                                                                                         Regulatory Agenda
                                                 disproportionately affect children, per                                                                       proposed rules issued under the Toxic
                                                 the definition of ‘‘covered regulatory                  AGENCY: Environmental Protection                      Substances Control Act (TSCA), the
                                                 action’’ in section 2–202 of the                        Agency (EPA).                                         Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
                                                 Executive Order. This action is not an                  ACTION: Withdrawal of proposed rules.                 (FFDCA), or the Federal Insecticide,
                                                 economically significant regulatory                                                                           Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
                                                 action based on health or safety risks                  SUMMARY:   EPA is withdrawing several                 (FIFRA). Since others may also be
                                                 subject to Executive Order 13045.                       proposed regulatory requirements                      interested, the Agency has not

                                                    The SIP is not approved to apply on                  described in the proposed rules                       attempted to describe all the specific
                                                 any Indian reservation land as defined                  identified in this document for which                 entities potentially interested.
                                                 in 18 U.S.C. 1151 or in any other area                  the Agency no longer intends to issue a
                                                                                                                                                               II. Why is EPA issuing this withdrawal
                                                 where EPA or an Indian tribe has                        final regulatory action. This document
                                                                                                                                                               of proposed rules?
                                                 demonstrated that a tribe has                           identifies the proposed rules and
                                                 jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian                  provides a brief explanation for the                     This document serves two purposes:
                                                 country, the rule does not have tribal                  Agency’s decision not to pursue a final                  1. It announces to the public that EPA
                                                 implications and will not impose                        action. The withdrawal of these                       is withdrawing certain proposed rules

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                             20005

                                                 for which the Agency no longer intends                  Pesticides and Ground Water Strategy,                 determined that all five of the chemicals
                                                 to issue a final rule.                                  and it reflected many years of                        identified in the SMP proposal met the
                                                    2. It officially terminates the ongoing              discussions and input from States and                 ‘‘no unreasonable adverse effects on the
                                                 rulemaking activities, which allows the                 other stakeholders. Through the                       environment’’ standard for FIFRA
                                                 Agency to close out the individual                      development and use of State                          registration without the steps identified
                                                 rulemaking entries for these actions that               Management Plans (SMPs), EPA                          in the proposed rule. These
                                                 appear in EPA’s Semiannual Regulatory                   proposed to restrict the use of certain               reregistration determinations
                                                 Agenda.                                                 pesticides by providing States with the               necessarily mean that the rule is
                                                    All agencies publish Semiannual                      flexibility to protect the ground water in            unnecessary to prevent unreasonable
                                                 Regulatory Agendas describing                           the most appropriate way for local                    adverse effects on the environment, and
                                                 regulatory actions they are developing                  conditions. This approach capitalized                 EPA is therefore withdrawing its
                                                 or have recently completed. These                       on the most effective and efficient roles             proposed rule.
                                                 agendas are published in the Federal                    for State and Federal Government to                      3. Where can I get more information
                                                 Register, usually during the spring and                 collaborate in the protection of the                  about this action? The docket for this
                                                 fall of each year, as part of the Unified               nation’s ground water resources. Using                action is available under docket ID
                                                 Agenda of Federal Regulatory and                        the proposed SMP approach, EPA                        number OPP–36190.
                                                 Deregulatory Actions (Semiannual                        proposed to restrict the legal sale and               B. Pesticides; Registration Requirements
                                                 Regulatory Agenda). The Agency                          use of five pesticides that have been                 for Antimicrobial Pesticide Products;
                                                 publishes the EPA Semiannual                            identified as either ‘‘probable’’ or                  RIN 2070–AD14
                                                 Regulatory Agenda to update the public                  ‘‘possible’’ human carcinogens—
                                                 about: Regulations and major policies                   alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine,                           1. What was proposed? On September
                                                 currently under development, reviews                    metolachlor, and simazine. Because of                 17, 1999, (64 FR 50671; FRL–5570–6),
                                                 of existing regulations and major                       their potential to contaminate ground                 EPA issued a proposed rule to establish
                                                 policies, and rules and major policies                  water, EPA had determined that these                  procedures for the registration of
                                                 completed or canceled since the last                    pesticides may cause unreasonable                     antimicrobial products, as well as
                                                 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.                           adverse effects on the environment in                 implement certain new provisions of
                                                    The Semiannual Regulatory Agenda is                  the absence of effective management                   FIFRA, as amended by the Food Quality
                                                 often used as a tool to solicit interest                measures provided by a SMP. The                       Protection Act (FQPA). In addition to
                                                 and participation from stakeholders. As                 proposed rule announced that the labels               registration procedures for antimicrobial
                                                 such, EPA believes that the public is                   of these pesticides would be changed to               products, EPA also proposed to
                                                 best served by a Semiannual Regulatory                  require use in accordance with an EPA-                establish labeling standards for
                                                 Agenda that reflects active rulemaking                  approved SMP, after a period of time                  antimicrobial public health products,
                                                 efforts. The withdrawal of these inactive               allowed for development and approval                  which would ensure that these products
                                                 rulemaking efforts will streamline EPA’s                of these SMPs. The proposed rule also                 are appropriately labeled for the level of
                                                 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda and                        contained proposed revisions to                       antimicrobial activity they demonstrate;
                                                 allow the public to better identify and                 pesticide labeling regulations, in order              to modify its notification process for
                                                 focus on those rulemaking activities that               to clarify general labeling requirements.             antimicrobial products to conform to the
                                                 are active.                                                On February 23, 2000 (65 FR 8925;                  statutorily prescribed process; and to
                                                    For the individual reasons described                 FRL–6491–1), EPA solicited public                     exempt certain antimicrobial products
                                                 in this document, the Agency has                        comments on additional information                    from FIFRA regulation. EPA proposed
                                                 decided not to complete these actions at                about metolachlor, which was one of the               new procedures and provisions to
                                                 this time. By withdrawing the proposed                  four pesticides in the proposed rule. In              streamline and improve the registration
                                                 rules, the Agency is eliminating the                    the proposed PMP rule, the Agency                     process, increase consistency and
                                                 pending nature of that regulatory action.               proposed, as a condition of continued                 certainty for antimicrobial producers,
                                                 Should the Agency determine to pursue                   use, that States and Tribes prepare                   reduce the timeframes for EPA decisions
                                                 anything in these areas in the future, it               chemical-specific management plans for                on antimicrobial registrations, increase
                                                 will create a new entry in EPA’s                        four herbicides that have been shown to               public health protection by ensuring the
                                                 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda and                        persist in the environment and leach to               continued efficacy of antimicrobial
                                                 issue a new proposed rule.                              ground water, creating a potential                    public health pesticides, and promote
                                                                                                         unreasonable adverse effect on human                  international harmonization efforts. EPA
                                                 III. Which proposed rules are being                     health and the environment.                           proposed to interpret the applicability
                                                 withdrawn?                                              Specifically, EPA sought comment on                   of the new FIFRA definition of
                                                    This Unit identifies the proposed                    data provided to EPA pertaining to the                ‘‘pesticide’’ that excludes liquid
                                                 regulatory actions that are being                       products containing metolachlor, S-                   chemical sterilants from FIFRA
                                                 withdrawn, provides a summary of what                   metolachlor, and R-metolachlor.                       regulation and includes nitrogen
                                                 was proposed, and a brief explanation                      2. Why is it being withdrawn? Action               stabilizers, and to describe requirements
                                                 for the Agency’s withdrawal. The ‘‘RIN’’                on the proposal was delayed while the                 pertaining to use dilution labeling. EPA
                                                 refers to the regulatory identification                 scope of the program described in the                 anticipated the proposed rule would
                                                 number assigned to the rulemaking                       proposed rule was reconsidered to                     provide technical, conforming and
                                                 effort in the Semiannual Regulatory                     determine whether the program could                   organizational changes to portions of its
                                                 Agenda.                                                 be expanded to address water quality                  regulations on pesticide registration and

                                                                                                         issues in addition to ground water, and               labeling for clarity and understanding.
                                                 A. Groundwater and Pesticide                            to determine the best partnership                     On November 16, 1999, (64 FR 62145;
                                                 Management Plan Rule (PMP); RIN                         approach to implementation. More                      FRL–6393–8), EPA extended the
                                                 2070–AC46                                               important, the risk level associated with             comment period for the original
                                                    1. What was proposed? On June 26,                    the named pesticides in the proposed                  proposed rule.
                                                 1996 (61 FR 33260; FRL–4981–9), EPA                     rule was also reexamined as part of the                  2. Why is it being withdrawn? On
                                                 issued a proposed rule to implement a                   FIFRA reregistration process concluded                December 14, 2001 (66 FR 64759; FRL–
                                                 key component of the Agency’s 1991                      in 2006. As part of that process, EPA                 6752–1) EPA issued a final rule, entitled

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                                                 20006                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 ‘‘Pesticide Labeling and Other                          proposed based on the assumption that                 between plants in sexually compatible
                                                 Regulatory Revisions,’’ effective                       if a plant normally produces a pesticidal             populations through conventional
                                                 February 12, 2002, revising certain                     substance, organisms that normally                    breeding would not present novel
                                                 labeling regulations for pesticide                      come into contact with the plant have                 exposures to nontarget organisms.
                                                 products for clarity and published an                   likely been exposed to the substance in               Notwithstanding that conclusion, EPA
                                                 interpretation of the FIFRA as it applies               the past, perhaps over long periods of                could not (with the same level of
                                                 to nitrogen stabilizers. The final rule                 time. No new exposures would be likely                confidence) draw the same conclusion
                                                 also revised regulations that contain                   to occur, and based on long experience                for PIPs moved between plants in
                                                 statutory provisions excluding certain                  with plants in conventional agriculture,              sexually compatible plant populations
                                                 types of products from regulation as                    such PIPs would meet the FIFRA                        through genetic engineering given the
                                                 pesticides.                                             section 25(b)(2) exemption standard. In               limitations of the modification
                                                    The Pesticide Registration                           defining, for regulatory purposes, those              techniques available at that time. In
                                                 Improvement Act (PRIA), which was                       substances for which no new exposures                 addition, EPA came to agree with the
                                                 enacted in 2003, reauthorized October 1,                would occur, the Agency proposed to                   2000 NRC report that recommended that
                                                 2007, by the Pesticide Registration                     base its approach on the concept of                   ‘‘[g]iven that transfer and manipulation
                                                 Improvement Renewal Act (PRIA 2),                       sexual compatibility. Sexually                        of genes between sexually compatible
                                                 and reauthorized again on October 1,                    compatible plants are more likely to                  plants could potentially result in
                                                 2012 by the Pesticide Registration                      share common traits than are unrelated                adverse effects in some cases . . . EPA
                                                 Improvement Act (PRIA 3), established                   plants. If the donor of the genetic                   should reconsider its categorical
                                                 deadlines and pesticide registration                    material is sexually compatible with the              exemption of transgenic [plant-
                                                 service fees for registration actions. The              recipient plant, it can be assumed that               incorporated protectants] derived from
                                                 category of action, the amount of the                   the genetic material is already present in            sexually compatible plants.’’ (NRC 2000
                                                 pesticide registration service fee, and                 the sexually compatible plant                         at p. 131, emphasis in original). The
                                                 the corresponding decision review                       population and there would be no novel                NRC report pointed out for example that
                                                 periods by year are prescribed in these                 exposures. In the 1994 proposal, the                  the Agency’s proposed language would
                                                 statutes. These statutory enactments                    proposed regulatory text did not specify              exempt genetic material moved among
                                                 were intended to create a more                          how the genetic material of a plant-                  plants in sexually compatible
                                                 predictable evaluation process for                      incorporated protectant or ‘‘PIP’’ could              populations through genetic engineering
                                                 affected pesticide decisions, and couple                be moved from the donor to the sexually               without taking into consideration
                                                 the collection of individual fees with                  compatible recipient plant, whether                   whether the moved genetic material
                                                 specific decision review periods. They                  through conventional breeding or                      would be expressed in the same pattern
                                                 also promote shorter decision review                    genetic engineering techniques.                       and at the same levels as occurs
                                                 periods for reduced-risk applications.                     On July 19, 2001 (66 FR 37855; FRL–                naturally in the plant (NRC 2000 at p.
                                                 EPA now actively provides guidance for                  6760–4), EPA finalized part of its 1994               129). The proposal is not supported by
                                                 PRIA-driven streamlined regulatory                      proposal thereby exempting certain                    a sufficient basis to finalize the
                                                 determinations for most major pesticide                 plant-incorporated protectants moved                  proposed exemption, especially in light
                                                 registration actions that is applicable to              among plants in a sexually compatible                 of the scientific developments that have
                                                 all pesticide registration types, not just              population. The 2001 rule defined                     taken place in the last decade.
                                                 antimicrobial products. (see PRIA                       sexually compatible as meaning a viable
                                                 guidance http://www.epa.gov/                            zygote is formed only through the union                  Recently, newer, more precise
                                                 pesticides/regulating/fees/index.htm).                  of two gametes through conventional                   techniques of genetic engineering have
                                                    The passage and implementation of                    breeding. EPA did not in 2001 finalize                been developed based on scientific
                                                 PRIA and the implementation of the                      that part of the proposal dealing with                discoveries in genetics and molecular
                                                 Agency’s final rule regarding pesticide                 PIPs moved among plants in a sexually                 biology since the 1994 proposal and the
                                                 labeling and other regulatory revisions                 compatible population through genetic                 2001 rule were issued. These
                                                 of December 14, 2001, have rendered                     engineering but rather requested                      developments will allow the Agency to
                                                 the remainder of what was proposed in                   additional public comment on the                      craft criteria that are scientifically more
                                                 the proposed rule moot. For these                       issues raised by scientific information               current and that more accurately
                                                 reasons, EPA is withdrawing the                         discovered between 1994 in 2001, in                   describe the PIPs that would be
                                                 remainder of what was proposed in its                   1994 in public comment, and by issues                 exempted as well as procedures to better
                                                 proposed rule.                                          raised by the 2000 report of the National             ensure that all the PIPs in an exempted
                                                    3. Where can I get more information                  Academies of Science (NAS) National                   category meet the FIFRA section
                                                 about this action? The docket for this                  Research Council (NRC).                               25(b)(2) exemption standard.
                                                 action is available under docket ID                        2. Why is it being withdrawn? EPA is               Consequently, if EPA were to pursue
                                                 number OPP–36190.                                       withdrawing this proposed action                      such an exemption today, the Agency
                                                                                                         because as the Agency’s experience with               would issue a new proposed rule, based
                                                 C. Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs);               PIPs and greater scientific knowledge                 on knowledge of the types of products
                                                 Exemption for Those Derived Through                     have increased, it has become evident to              possible with the newest technology
                                                 Genetic Engineering From Sexually                       the Agency that were EPA to pursue an                 rather than issuing a final rule based on
                                                 Compatible Plants; RIN 2070–AD55                        exemption for certain PIPs moved                      the previous proposals. Withdrawing
                                                   1. What was proposed? On November                     among plants in sexually compatible                   the 1994 proposal does not preclude the

                                                 23, 1994 (59 FR 60519; FRL–4755–3)                      populations through genetic                           Agency from initiating the same or
                                                 (when proposed, the RIN was 2070–                       engineering, more appropriate,                        similar regulatory action in the future.
                                                 AC02), EPA proposed to exempt from                      scientifically current criteria for                   At that time, the Agency will initiate a
                                                 FIFRA regulation those plant-                           describing the exempted PIPs should be                new regulatory action and create a new
                                                 incorporated protectants (then called                   developed rather than relying on the                  entry for the Semiannual Regulatory
                                                 plant-pesticides) that are not likely to                criteria proposed in 1994.                            Agenda. It is also worth noting that the
                                                 present new exposures to non-target                        In 2001, EPA concluded that a high                 Agency’s proposal to exempt certain
                                                 organisms. This exemption was                           probability exists that PIPs moved                    types of pesticide products from

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                             20007

                                                 regulation under FIFRA is entirely a                    Pest-Protected Plants: Science and                    example, recent research into plant
                                                 discretionary action; there is no                       Regulation’’ (National Research Council.              regulatory mechanisms, e.g., the
                                                 requirement in FIFRA that the Agency                    2000. National Academies Press,                       discovery of, and elucidation of the role
                                                 promulgate a regulation to exempt                       Washington, DC), and to comment on                    of interfering RNAs (RNAi), in gene
                                                 products that might satisfy the                         several risk issues received in public                expression, not available at the time the
                                                 exemption standard in FIFRA section                     comment on the 1994 proposal (59 FR                   1994 proposal was published,
                                                 25(b)(2). EPA is therefore withdrawing                  60525, November 23, 1994).                            contributed to the Agency’s
                                                 the remainder of this proposal.                            2. Why is it being withdrawn? Because              determination that the proposed
                                                   3. Where can I get more information                   of new scientific discoveries in the area             exemption categories were constructed
                                                 about this action? The docket for this                  of genetics and molecular biology the                 such that there are PIPs in the exempted
                                                 action is available under docket ID                     Agency has concluded that neither the                 categories that would not meet the
                                                 number OPP–300369.                                      original 1994 proposal nor the                        FIFRA section 25(b)(2) standard. RNAi
                                                                                                         subsequent 2001 supplemental proposal                 plays a key role in directing
                                                 D. Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs);
                                                                                                         present a sufficient basis for making the             development of an organism, as well as
                                                 Exemption for PIPs That Act by
                                                                                                         statutory finding required under FIFRA                controlling the various biological
                                                 Primarily Affecting the Plant; RIN 2070–
                                                                                                         section 25(b)(2) to exempt this class of              functions necessary to maintaining the
                                                                                                         PIPs. Given the current state of genetic              life of an organism. RNAi is triggered by
                                                    1. What was proposed? On November                    technology, it is possible that the                   dsRNA, and while dsRNA can be native
                                                 23, 1994 (59 FR 60519; FRL–4755–3)                      exemption criteria set out in 1994 could              to the cell it can also be introduced from
                                                 (when proposed, the RIN was 2070–                       exempt PIP products available today                   an external source. At the time the
                                                 AC02), EPA proposed, under FIFRA                        that pose different risks than the Agency             exemption was proposed, the role of
                                                 section 25(b)(2), to exempt from most of                envisioned when it initially proposed                 dsRNA in controlling biological
                                                 the requirements of FIFRA those Plant-                  the criteria. In essence, the more limited            functions in the cell was unknown and
                                                 Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) (in 1994,               technological capabilities and                        the possibility that dsRNA could be
                                                 PIPs were called plant-pesticides (see 59               understanding of science in 1994 led                  introduced into the plant to affect the
                                                 FR 60525; November 23, 1994)) that act                  EPA to propose criteria for a generic                 plant’s behavior was not taken into
                                                 primarily by affecting the plant under                  exemption that current technologies and               consideration. Had such knowledge
                                                 the assumption that such PIPs are less                  scientific understanding have rendered                been available, the proposed criteria
                                                 likely to be directly toxic to either target            inappropriate. While there may be some                would have been based on substantively
                                                 pests or to nontarget organisms. The                    PIPs that act primarily by affecting the              different logic.
                                                 criteria proposed at 40 CFR 174.5(b)(2)                 plant that would meet the FIFRA                          ii. Consideration of the points made
                                                 describe PIPs that act primarily by                     section 25(b)(2) standard for exemption,              in the 2000 NRC Report. In withdrawing
                                                 affecting the plant as a pesticidal                     the Agency no longer considers its                    this proposal, EPA has also taken into
                                                 substance so that the target pest is                    proposed criteria for a generic                       consideration the points the 2000 NRC
                                                 inhibited from attaching to the plant,                  exemption to fairly restrict available                report made on the Agency’s 1994
                                                 penetrating the plant, or invading the                  products to only those that ‘‘are of a                proposal to exempt from FIFRA
                                                 plant’s tissue in at least one of three                 character which is unnecessary to be                  requirements PIPs that act primarily by
                                                 ways: (a) The pesticidal substance acts                 subject to’’ regulation under FIFRA. 7                affecting the plant. The NRC report
                                                 as a structural barrier to attachment of                U.S.C. 136w(b)(2). EPA is therefore                   noted that the Agency’s analysis did not
                                                 the pest to the host plant, a structural                withdrawing this proposal.                            consider all of the potential impacts on
                                                 barrier to penetration of the pest into the                The decision to exempt pesticides                  non-target species of all of the PIPs
                                                 host plant, or a structural barrier to                  under section 25(b) of FIFRA is entirely              proposed for exemption, including the
                                                 spread of the pest in the host plant, for               discretionary; there is no requirement                possibility that in some instances
                                                 example, through the production of wax                  that EPA promulgate pesticide                         secondary metabolites affecting non-
                                                 or lignin, or length of trichomes (plant                exemptions. Withdrawing the proposal                  target organisms could be a by-product
                                                 hairs); (b) The pesticidal substance acts               does not preclude the Agency from                     of a modification to create a PIP that
                                                 in the host plant to inactivate or resist               initiating regulatory action in the future            acts primarily by affecting the plant.
                                                 toxins or other disease-causing                         for PIPs that act primarily by affecting              The NRC report concluded that based
                                                 substances produced by the target pest;                 the plant, e.g., exempting on a case-by-              on its considerations a ‘‘[C]ategorical
                                                 or (c) The pesticidal substance acts by                 case basis a PIP that acts primarily by               exemption under FIFRA might not be
                                                 creating a deficiency of a plant nutrient               affecting the plant when that PIP can be              scientifically justifiable’’ (NRC 2000 at
                                                 or chemical component essential for                     shown to meet the FIFRA section                       p. 133). Finally, the NRC report also
                                                 pest growth on/in the host plant.                       25(b)(2) exemption standard. At that                  cautioned the Agency that ‘‘genetic
                                                    EPA also indicated in 1994 that it was               time, the Agency would initiate a new                 changes that result in production of a
                                                 considering whether to extend this                      regulatory action and create a new entry              specific plant protectant can result in
                                                 exemption to include substances such                    for EPA’s Semiannual Regulatory                       production of biologically active
                                                 as plant hormones, because plant                        Agenda.                                               compounds other than the intended
                                                 hormones act within the plant to                           i. Why the Proposed Exemption                      plant protectants’’ and cautioned that
                                                 ‘‘primarily affect the plant’’ and do not               Criteria Would Exempt Pesticides that                 ‘‘EPA should be aware of those
                                                 act directly on a target pest.                          Do Not Meet FIFRA Section 25(b)(2)                    unintended changes’’ (NRC 2000 at p.
                                                    On July 19, 2001 (66 FR 37855; FRL–                  Safety Standard. A number of advances                 134). Upon further analysis, EPA has

                                                 6760–4), EPA reopened the comment                       in scientific knowledge accumulated                   concluded that the generic criteria
                                                 period on the proposed exemption to                     since publication of the 1994 proposal                proposed in 1994 to allow exemption of
                                                 allow the public an opportunity to                      to exempt PIPs that act primarily by                  PIPs, did not meet the FIFRA section
                                                 comment on the information, analyses,                   affecting the plant have contributed to               25(b)(2) exemption standard.
                                                 and conclusions pertaining to PIPs that                 an understanding of how the proposed                     Given the large number of potential
                                                 act primarily by affecting the plant in                 criteria would exempt from FIFRA                      PIPs displaying a wide range of modes
                                                 the report issued in 2000 by the NRC of                 requirements PIPs that do not meet the                of action in the categories circumscribed
                                                 the NAS entitled ‘‘Genetically Modified                 FIFRA 25(b)(2) exemption standard. For                by each of the proposed exemption

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                                                 20008                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 criteria, and advances in knowledge                       Additional instructions on                          low-income populations, in the
                                                 showing scientific concerns with the                    commenting or visiting the docket,                    development, implementation, and
                                                 logic underpinning the criteria as                      along with more information about                     enforcement of environmental laws,
                                                 constructed in 1994, the Agency cannot                  dockets generally, is available at http://            regulations, and policies. To help
                                                 utilize the proposed criteria as a basis                www.epa.gov/dockets.                                  address potential environmental justice
                                                 for this rulemaking. EPA is therefore                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      issues, the Agency seeks information on
                                                 withdrawing this proposal.                              Michael Goodis, Director, Registration                any groups or segments of the
                                                   3. Where can I get more information                   Division (RD) (7505P), Office of                      population who, as a result of their
                                                 about this action? The docket for this                  Pesticide Programs, Environmental                     location, cultural practices, or other
                                                 action is available under docket ID                     Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania                  factors, may have atypical or
                                                 number OPP–300369. See also related                     Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;                   disproportionately high and adverse
                                                 dockets identified by the docket ID                     main telephone number: (703) 305–                     human health impacts or environmental
                                                 numbers OPP–300370 and OPP–300371.                      7090; email address: RDFRNotices@                     effects from exposure to the pesticides
                                                   Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq., 21 U.S.C.            epa.gov.                                              discussed in this document, compared
                                                 346.                                                                                                          to the general population.
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                   Dated: April 25, 2018.                                                                                      II. What Does this Correction Do?
                                                 Charlotte Bertrand,                                     I. General Information
                                                                                                                                                                  This notice is being issued to correct
                                                 Acting Principal Deputy Assistant                       A. Does this action apply to me?                      PP 7E8571. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–0291)
                                                 Administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and
                                                 Pollution Prevention.                                      You may be potentially affected by                 in FR Doc. 2017–19692, published in
                                                                                                         this action if you are an agricultural                the Federal Register of September 15,
                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–09206 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                         producer, food manufacturer, or                       2017 (82 FR 43352) (FRL–9965–43) is
                                                 BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                         pesticide manufacturer. The following                 corrected as follows:
                                                                                                         list of North American Industrial                        PP 7E8571. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–
                                                 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                Classification System (NAICS) codes is                0291). Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC,
                                                 AGENCY                                                  not intended to be exhaustive, but rather             P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419,
                                                                                                         provides a guide to help readers                      requests to establish a tolerance in 40
                                                 40 CFR Part 180                                         determine whether this document                       CFR 180.226 for residues of the
                                                                                                         applies to them. Potentially affected                 herbicide, diquat (6,7-dihydrodipyrido
                                                 [EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–0291; FRL–9976–34]                     entities may include:                                 [1,2-a:2′1′-c] pyrazinediium), and its
                                                                                                            • Crop production (NAICS code 111).                metabolites in or on Crop Group 6C,
                                                 Receipt of a Pesticide Petition Filed for
                                                                                                            • Animal production (NAICS code                    dried shelled pea and bean (except
                                                 Residues of Diquat in or on Crop
                                                                                                         112).                                                 soybean) at 0.9 parts per million (ppm).
                                                 Group 6C, Dried Shelled Pea and Bean                       • Food manufacturing (NAICS code
                                                 (Except Soybean); Correction                                                                                  The Method GRM012.03A is used to
                                                                                                         311).                                                 measure and evaluate the chemical
                                                 AGENCY: Environmental Protection                           • Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS                   residues of diquat dibromide in
                                                 Agency (EPA).                                           code 32532).                                          commodities. Contact: RD.
                                                 ACTION: Notice; correction.                             B. What should I consider as I prepare                  Authority: 21 U.S.C. 346a.
                                                 SUMMARY:   EPA issued a notice in the                   my comments for EPA?                                    Dated: April 26, 2018.
                                                 Federal Register of September 15, 2017,                    1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this              Michael Goodis,
                                                 announcing the initial filing of a                      information to EPA through                            Director, Registration Division, Office of
                                                 pesticide petition requesting the                       regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark                Pesticide Programs.
                                                 establishment or modification of                        the part or all of the information that               [FR Doc. 2018–09648 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 regulations for residues of pesticide                   you claim to be CBI. For CBI                          BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                 chemicals in or on various commodities.                 information in a disk or CD–ROM that
                                                 DATES: Comments must be received on                     you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
                                                 or before June 6, 2018.                                 disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then                        DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                 ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                        identify electronically within the disk or            HUMAN SERVICES
                                                 identified by docket identification (ID)                CD–ROM the specific information that
                                                 number EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–0291, by                         is claimed as CBI. In addition to one                 42 CFR Part 10
                                                 one of the following methods:                           complete version of the comment that
                                                                                                                                                               RIN 0906–AB18
                                                   • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 includes information claimed as CBI, a
                                                 www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                  copy of the comment that does not
                                                                                                                                                               340B Drug Pricing Program Ceiling
                                                 instructions for submitting comments.                   contain the information claimed as CBI
                                                                                                                                                               Price and Manufacturer Civil Monetary
                                                 Do not submit electronically any                        must be submitted for inclusion in the
                                                                                                                                                               Penalties Regulation
                                                 information you consider to be                          public docket. Information so marked
                                                 Confidential Business Information (CBI)                 will not be disclosed except in                       AGENCY:  Health Resources and Services
                                                 or other information whose disclosure is                accordance with procedures set forth in               Administration, HHS.
                                                 restricted by statute.                                  40 CFR part 2.                                        ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
                                                   • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental                        2. Tips for preparing your comments.               further delay of effective date.

                                                 Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/                   When preparing and submitting your
                                                 DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.                   comments, see the commenting tips at                  SUMMARY:  The Health Resources and
                                                 NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.                          http://www.epa.gov/dockets/                           Services Administration (HRSA)
                                                   • Hand Delivery: To make special                      comments.html.                                        administers section 340B of the Public
                                                 arrangements for hand delivery or                          3. Environmental justice. EPA seeks to             Health Service Act, referred to as the
                                                 delivery of boxed information, please                   achieve environmental justice, the fair               ‘‘340B Drug Pricing Program’’ or the
                                                 follow the instructions at http://                      treatment and meaningful involvement                  ‘‘340B Program.’’ HHS is soliciting
                                                 www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.                      of any group, including minority and/or               comments on further delaying the

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Document Created: 2018-05-05 02:48:20
Document Modified: 2018-05-05 02:48:20
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionWithdrawal of proposed rules.
DatesAs of May 7, 2018, the proposed rules published on November 23, 1994, at 59 FR 60519; November 23, 1994, at 59 FR 60525; June 26, 1996, at 61 FR 33260; and September 17, 1999, at 64 FR 50671, are withdrawn.
ContactAngela Hofmann, Director, Regulatory Coordination Staff (7101M), Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001;
FR Citation83 FR 20004 
CFR Citation40 CFR 152
40 CFR 156
40 CFR 174
40 CFR 180

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