83_FR_20143 83 FR 20055 - Notice of Meeting

83 FR 20055 - Notice of Meeting


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 88 (May 7, 2018)

Page Range20055-20056
FR Document2018-09334

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 88 (Monday, May 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 88 (Monday, May 7, 2018)]
[Pages 20055-20056]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09334]



Notice of Meeting

    The next meeting of the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts is scheduled 
for 17 May 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission offices at the National 
Building Museum, Suite 312, Judiciary Square, 401 F Street NW, 
Washington DC 20001-2728. Items of discussion may include buildings, 
parks and memorials.
    Draft agendas and additional information regarding the Commission 
are available on our website: www.cfa.gov. Inquiries regarding the 
agenda and requests to submit written or oral statements should be 

[[Page 20056]]

to Thomas Luebke, Secretary, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, at the above 
address; by emailing staff@cfa.gov; or by calling 202-504-2200.
    Individuals requiring sign language interpretation for the hearing 
impaired should contact the Secretary at least 10 days before the 
meeting date.

    Dated: April 25, 2018 in Washington, DC.
Thomas Luebke,
[FR Doc. 2018-09334 Filed 5-4-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Notices                                                    20055

                                               towards the disturbance, craning head                      4. Description of all marine mammal                   On a case-by-case basis, NMFS may
                                               and neck while holding the body rigid                   observations in the 24 hours preceding                issue a second one-year IHA without
                                               in a u-shaped position, changing from a                 the incident;                                         additional notice when 1) another year
                                               lying to a sitting position, or brief                      5. Species identification or                       of identical or nearly identical activities
                                               movement of less than twice the                         description of the animal(s) involved;                as described in the Specified Activities
                                               animal’s body length ‘‘alert’’;                            6. Fate of the animal(s); and                      section is planned or 2) the activities
                                                  (ii) Movements in response to source                    7. Photographs or video footage of the             would not be completed by the time the
                                               of disturbance, ranging from short                      animal(s).                                            IHA expires and a second IHA would
                                               withdrawals at least twice the animal’s                    8. Activities shall not resume until               allow for completion of the activities
                                               body length to longer retreats over the                 NMFS is able to review the                            beyond that described in the Dates and
                                               beach, or if already moving a change of                 circumstances of the prohibited take.                 Duration section, provided all of the
                                               direction of greater than 90 degrees,                   NMFS shall work with Point Blue to                    following conditions are met:
                                               ‘‘movement’’; and                                       determine what measures are necessary                    • A request for renewal is received no
                                                  (iii) All retreats (flushes) to the water,           to minimize the likelihood of further                 later than 60 days prior to expiration of
                                               ‘‘flush’’.                                              prohibited take and ensure MMPA                       the current IHA.
                                                  (iv) Observations of disturbance                     compliance. Point Blue may not resume                    • The request for renewal must
                                               Levels (ii) and (iii) shall be recorded as              their activities until notified by NMFS.              include the following:
                                                                                                          (ii) In the event that Point Blue                     (1) An explanation that the activities
                                                                                                       discovers an injured or dead marine                   to be conducted beyond the initial dates
                                                  (d) If applicable, note observations of
                                                                                                       mammal, and the lead observer                         either are identical to the previously
                                               marked or tag-bearing pinnipeds or
                                                                                                       determines that the cause of the injury               analyzed activities or include changes
                                               carcasses, as well as any rare or unusual
                                                                                                       or death is unknown and the death is                  so minor (e.g., reduction in pile size)
                                               species of marine mammal which
                                                                                                       relatively recent (e.g., in less than a               that the changes do not affect the
                                               should be reported to the West Coast
                                                                                                       modest state of decomposition), Point                 previous analyses, take estimates, or
                                               Regional Office.
                                                                                                       Blue shall immediately report the                     mitigation and monitoring
                                                  (e) If applicable, note the presence of
                                                                                                       incident to the NMFS contacts listed in               requirements.
                                               any offshore predators (date, time,
                                                                                                       6(c)(i). The report must include the                     (2) A preliminary monitoring report
                                               number, and species).
                                                                                                       same information identified in 6(c)(i).               showing the results of the required
                                                  6. Reporting.                                        Activities may continue while NMFS
                                                  The holder of this Authorization is                                                                        monitoring to date and an explanation
                                                                                                       reviews the circumstances of the                      showing that the monitoring results do
                                               required to:                                            incident. NMFS will work with Point
                                                  (a) Report observations of unusual                                                                         not indicate impacts of a scale or nature
                                                                                                       Blue to determine whether additional                  not previously analyzed or authorized.
                                               behaviors or numbers of pinnipeds to                    mitigation measures or modifications to
                                               the NMFS West Coast Region Office so                                                                             • Upon review of the request for
                                                                                                       the activities are appropriate.                       renewal, the status of the affected
                                               that the appropriate personnel NMFS                        (iii) In the event that Point Blue
                                               personnel may conduct any potential                                                                           species or stocks, and any other
                                                                                                       discovers an injured or dead marine
                                               follow-up observations.                                                                                       pertinent information, NMFS
                                                                                                       mammal, and the lead observer
                                                  (b) Submit a draft monitoring report to                                                                    determines that there are no more than
                                                                                                       determines that the injury or death is
                                               NMFS Office of Protected Resources by                                                                         minor changes in the activities, the
                                                                                                       not associated with or related to the
                                               April 1, 2018 covering the time period                                                                        mitigation and monitoring measures
                                                                                                       activities authorized in the IHA (e.g.,
                                               of January 1, 2018 through December 31,                                                                       remain the same and appropriate, and
                                                                                                       previously wounded animal, carcass
                                               2018. A final report shall be prepared                                                                        the original findings remain valid.
                                                                                                       with moderate to advanced
                                               and submitted within 30 days following                  decomposition, or scavenger damage),                    Dated: May 2, 2018.
                                               resolution of any comments on the draft                 Point Blue shall report the incident to               Donna S. Wieting,
                                               report from NMFS. If no comments are                    the NMFS contacts listed in 6(c)(i).                  Director, Office of Protected Resources,
                                               received from NMFS, the draft final                     Point Blue shall provide photographs,                 National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                               report will be considered to be the final               video footage or other documentation of               [FR Doc. 2018–09610 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                               report.                                                 the stranded animal sighting to NMFS.                 BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                  (c) Reporting injured or dead marine                    7. This Authorization may be
                                               mammals:                                                modified, suspended or withdrawn if
                                                  (i) In the unanticipated event that the              the holder fails to abide by the
                                               specified activity clearly causes the take                                                                    COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS
                                                                                                       conditions prescribed herein, or if
                                               of a marine mammal in a manner                          NMFS determines the authorized taking                 Notice of Meeting
                                               prohibited by this IHA, such as an                      is having more than a negligible impact
                                               injury (Level A harassment), serious                    on the species or stock of affected                     The next meeting of the U.S.
                                               injury, or mortality, Point Blue shall                  marine mammals.                                       Commission of Fine Arts is scheduled
                                               immediately cease the specified                                                                               for 17 May 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in the
                                               activities and report the incident to the               Request for Public Comments                           Commission offices at the National
                                               Incidental Take Program Supervisor,                       We request comment on our analyses,                 Building Museum, Suite 312, Judiciary
                                               Permits and Conservation Division,                      the proposed authorization, and any                   Square, 401 F Street NW, Washington
                                               Office of Protected Resources, and the                  other aspect of this Notice of Proposed               DC 20001–2728. Items of discussion
                                               West Coast Regional Stranding                           IHA for the proposed action. We also                  may include buildings, parks and
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Coordinator. The report must include                    request comment on the potential for                  memorials.
                                               the following information:                              renewal of this proposed IHA as                         Draft agendas and additional
                                                  1. Time and date of the incident;                    described in the paragraph below.                     information regarding the Commission
                                                  2. Description of the incident;                      Please include with your comments any                 are available on our website:
                                                  3. Environmental conditions (e.g.,                   supporting data or literature citations to            www.cfa.gov. Inquiries regarding the
                                               wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea                  help inform our final decision on the                 agenda and requests to submit written
                                               state, cloud cover, and visibility);                    request for MMPA authorization.                       or oral statements should be addressed

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                                               20056                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Notices

                                               to Thomas Luebke, Secretary, U.S.                          Written comments on matters                        the record during the public hearing on
                                               Commission of Fine Arts, at the above                   scheduled for hearing on May 16 will be               May 16 or to address the Commissioners
                                               address; by emailing staff@cfa.gov; or by               accepted through 5:00 p.m. on May 21.                 informally during the Open Public
                                               calling 202–504–2200.                                      The public is advised to check the                 Comment portion of the meeting on
                                                 Individuals requiring sign language                   Commission’s website periodically prior               June 13 as time allows, are asked to
                                               interpretation for the hearing impaired                 to the hearing date, as items scheduled               sign-up in advance through EventBrite.
                                               should contact the Secretary at least 10                for hearing may be postponed if                       Links to EventBrite for the Public
                                               days before the meeting date.                           additional time is deemed necessary to                Hearing and the Business Meeting are
                                                                                                       complete the Commission’s review, and                 available at drbc.net. For assistance,
                                                 Dated: April 25, 2018 in Washington, DC.
                                                                                                       items may be added up to ten days prior               please contact Ms. Paula Schmitt of the
                                               Thomas Luebke,                                          to the hearing date. In reviewing docket              Commission staff, at paula.schmitt@
                                               Secretary.                                              descriptions, the public is also asked to             drbc.nj.gov.
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–09334 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]              be aware that project details commonly                  Submitting Written Comment. Written
                                               BILLING CODE 6330–01–M                                  change in the course of the                           comment on items scheduled for
                                                                                                       Commission’s review, which is ongoing.                hearing may be made through
                                                                                                          Public Meeting. The public business                SmartComment, the web-based
                                                                                                       meeting on June 13, 2018 will begin at                comment system introduced by the
                                               DELAWARE RIVER BASIN                                    10:30 a.m. and will include: adoption of              Commission, a link to which is
                                               COMMISSION                                              the Minutes of the Commission’s March                 provided at drbc.net. Use of
                                                                                                       14, 2018 Business Meeting,                            SmartComment ensures that all
                                               Notice of Public Hearing and Business                   announcements of upcoming meetings
                                               Meeting                                                                                                       submissions are captured in a single
                                                                                                       and events, a report on hydrologic                    location and their receipt is
                                               May 16 and June 13, 2018.                               conditions, reports by the Executive                  acknowledged. Exceptions to the use of
                                                                                                       Director and the Commission’s General                 SmartComment are available based on
                                                  Notice is hereby given that the
                                                                                                       Counsel, and consideration of any items               need, by writing to the attention of the
                                               Delaware River Basin Commission will
                                                                                                       for which a hearing has been completed                Commission Secretary, DRBC, P.O. Box
                                               hold a public hearing on Wednesday,                     or is not required. The latter are
                                               May 16, 2018. A business meeting will                                                                         7360, 25 Cosey Road, West Trenton, NJ
                                                                                                       expected to include resolutions: (a)                  08628. For assistance, please contact
                                               be held the following month on                          Authorizing the Executive Director to
                                               Wednesday, June 13, 2018. The hearing                                                                         Paula Schmitt at paula.schmitt@
                                                                                                       revise the Administrative Manual—By-                  drbc.nj.gov.
                                               and meeting are open to the public and                  Laws, Management and Personnel; and
                                               will be held at the West Trenton                                                                                Accommodations for Special Needs.
                                                                                                       (b) providing for election of the                     Individuals in need of an
                                               Volunteer Fire Company Ballroom, 40                     Commission Chair, Vice Chair and
                                               West Upper Ferry Road, West Trenton,                                                                          accommodation as provided for in the
                                                                                                       Second Vice Chair for the year
                                               New Jersey.                                                                                                   Americans with Disabilities Act who
                                                                                                       commencing July 1, 2018 and ending
                                                  Public Hearing. The public hearing on                                                                      wish to attend the meeting or hearing
                                                                                                       June 30, 2019.
                                               May 16, 2018 will begin at 1:30 p.m.                       After all scheduled business has been              should contact the Commission
                                               Hearing items subject to the                            completed and as time allows, the                     Secretary directly at 609–883–9500 ext.
                                               Commission’s review will include draft                  Business Meeting will be followed by                  203 or through the Telecommunications
                                               dockets for withdrawals, discharges,                    up to one hour of Open Public                         Relay Services (TRS) at 711, to discuss
                                               and other water-related projects, as well               Comment, an opportunity to address the                how we can accommodate your needs.
                                               as resolutions to: (a) Adopt the                        Commission on any topic concerning                      Additional Information, Contacts.
                                               Commission’s annual Current Expense                     management of the basin’s water                       Additional public records relating to
                                               and Capital Budgets for the fiscal year                 resources, outside the context of a duly              hearing items may be examined at the
                                               ending June 30, 2019 (July 1, 2018                      noticed, on-the-record public hearing.                Commission’s offices by appointment by
                                               through June 30, 2019); (b) apportion                      There will be no opportunity for                   contacting Denise McHugh, 609–883–
                                               among the signatory parties the amounts                 additional public comment for the                     9500, ext. 240. For other questions
                                               required for the support of the Current                 record at the June 13 Business Meeting                concerning hearing items, please contact
                                               Expense and Capital Budgets for the                     on items for which a hearing was                      Judith Scharite, Project Review Section
                                               fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 (July 1,               completed on May 16 or a previous                     assistant at 609–883–9500, ext. 216.
                                               2018 through June 30, 2019); (c) clarify                date. Commission consideration on June                  Dated: April 30, 2018.
                                               and restate the Commission’s policy for                 13 of items for which the public hearing              Pamela M. Bush,
                                               the replacement of water consumptively                  is closed may result in approval of the               Commission Secretary and Assistant General
                                               used by electric generating or                          item (by docket or resolution) as                     Counsel.
                                               cogenerating facilities during critical                 proposed, approval with changes,                      [FR Doc. 2018–09563 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                               hydrologic conditions; and (d) authorize                denial, or deferral. When the                         BILLING CODE 6360–01–P
                                               the Executive Director to enter into a                  Commissioners defer an action, they
                                               contract for professional engineering                   may announce an additional period for
                                               services for technical evaluations and                  written comment on the item, with or
                                               cost estimations for upgrades of                        without an additional hearing date, or                DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
                                               wastewater treatment plants discharging                 they may take additional time to
                                               to the Delaware River Estuary.                          consider the input they have already                  Applications for New Awards;
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                  The list of projects scheduled for                   received without requesting further                   Assistance for Arts Education
                                               hearing, including project descriptions,                public input. Any deferred items will be              Program—Arts in Education National
                                               and the text of the proposed resolutions                considered for action at a public                     Program
                                               will be posted on the Commission’s                      meeting of the Commission on a future                 AGENCY: Office of Innovation and
                                               website, www.drbc.net, in a long form of                date.                                                 Improvement, Department of Education
                                               this notice at least ten days before the                   Advance Sign-Up for Oral Comment.
                                                                                                                                                             ACTION: Notice.
                                               hearing date.                                           Individuals who wish to comment on

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Document Created: 2018-05-05 02:48:45
Document Modified: 2018-05-05 02:48:45
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 20055 

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