83_FR_22068 83 FR 21976 - Air Plan Approval; ID, Pinehurst PM10

83 FR 21976 - Air Plan Approval; ID, Pinehurst PM10


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 92 (May 11, 2018)

Page Range21976-21983
FR Document2018-09992

On September 29, 2017, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) submitted a redesignation request and limited maintenance plan (LMP) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to ten micrometers (PM<INF>10</INF>) for the PM<INF>10</INF> National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) developed for the Pinehurst PM<INF>10</INF> Nonattainment Area (NAA) and Pinehurst PM<INF>10</INF> Expansion Nonattainment Area (NAA). The redesignation request asserts that the area meets the Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements for redesignation identified in section 107(d)(3)(E). This limited maintenance plan for these contiguous nonattainment areas addresses maintenance of the PM<INF>10</INF> standard for a ten-year period beyond redesignation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to approve this IDEQ Implementation Plan (SIP) revision. The EPA also proposes to approve the September 15, 2013, high wind exceptional event at the Pinehurst monitoring station. Additionally, the EPA is proposing to approve the emissions inventory for the West Silver Valley annual PM<INF>2.5</INF> NAA.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 92 (Friday, May 11, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 92 (Friday, May 11, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 21976-21983]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09992]



40 CFR Parts 52 and 81

[EPA-R10-OAR-2017-0582; FRL-9977-96--Region 10]

Air Plan Approval; ID, Pinehurst PM10 Redesignation, Limited 
Maintenance Plan; West Silver Valley 2012 Annual PM2.5 Emission 

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: On September 29, 2017, the Idaho Department of Environmental 
Quality (IDEQ) submitted a redesignation request and limited 
maintenance plan (LMP) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic 
diameter less than or equal to ten micrometers (PM10) for 
the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) 
developed for the Pinehurst PM10 Nonattainment Area (NAA) 
and Pinehurst PM10 Expansion Nonattainment Area (NAA). The 
redesignation request asserts that the area meets the Clean Air Act 
(CAA) requirements for redesignation identified in section 
107(d)(3)(E). This limited maintenance plan for these contiguous 
nonattainment areas addresses maintenance of the PM10 
standard for a ten-year period beyond redesignation. The Environmental 
Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to approve this IDEQ Implementation 
Plan (SIP) revision. The EPA also proposes to approve the September 15, 
2013, high wind exceptional event at the Pinehurst monitoring station. 
Additionally, the EPA is proposing to approve the emissions inventory 
for the West Silver Valley annual PM2.5 NAA.

DATES: Written comments must be received on or before June 11, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-R10-
OAR-2017-0582, at http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online 
instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments cannot 
be edited or removed from Regulations.gov. The EPA may publish any 
comment received to its public docket. Do not submit electronically any 
information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) 
or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. 
Multimedia submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be accompanied by a 
written comment. The written comment is considered the official comment 
and should include discussion of all points you wish to make. The EPA 
will generally not consider comments or comment contents located 
outside of the primary submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or other 
file sharing system). For additional submission methods, the full EPA 
public comment policy, information about CBI or multimedia submissions, 
and general guidance on making effective comments, please visit http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Justin Spenillo, Air Planning Unit, 
Office of Air and Waste (OAW-150), Environmental Protection Agency, 
Region 10, 1200 Sixth Ave., Suite 900, Seattle, WA 98101; telephone 
number: 206-553-6125, email address: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document, wherever ``we'', 
``us'' or ``our'' are used, it is intended to refer to the EPA.

Table of Contents

I. This Action
II. Background
    A. PM10 NAAQS
    B. Pinehurst PM10 NAA and Planning Background
III. Requirements for Redesignation
    A. CAA Requirements for Redesignation of Nonattainment Area
    B. The LMP Option for PM10 Nonattainment Areas
    C. Conformity Under the LMP Option
IV. Review of the Idaho Submittal Addressing the Requirements for 
Redesignation and LMPs
    A. Has the Pinehurst PM10 NAA attained the applicable 
    B. Does the Pinehurst PM10 NAA have a fully approved 
SIP under section 110(k) of the CAA?
    C. Has the IDEQ met all applicable requirements under section 
110 and Part D of the CAA?
    D. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the air quality improvement is 
due to permanent and enforceable reductions?
    E. Does the area have a fully approved maintenance plan pursuant 
to section 175A of the CAA?
    F. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the Pinehurst PM10 
NAA qualifies for the LMP Option?
    G. Does the IDEQ have an approved attainment emissions inventory 
which can be used to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS?
    H. Does the LMP include an assurance of continued operation of 
an appropriate EPA-approved air quality monitoring network, in 
accordance with 40 CFR part 58?
    I. Does the plan meet the clean air act requirements for 
contingency provisions?
    J. How is conformity treated under a limited maintenance plan?
V. 2013 p.m.10 High Wind Exceptional Event
VI. West Silver Valley 2012 Annual PM2.5 Emission 

[[Page 21977]]

    A. Requirements for Emissions Inventories
    B. West Silver Valley PM2.5 Base Year Emissions 
    C. EPA's Evaluation
VII. Proposed Action
VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

I. This Action

    The EPA is proposing to approve the limited maintenance plan (LMP) 
submitted by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) on 
September 29, 2017, for the Pinehurst PM10 Nonattainment 
Area (NAA) and Pinehurst PM10 Expansion NAA and to 
concurrently redesignate the areas to attainment for the 
PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). 
Throughout this notice, Pinehurst PM10 NAA shall refer to 
both the original Pinehurst PM10 NAA and Pinehurst 
PM10 Expansion NAA unless noted otherwise. The EPA has 
reviewed air quality data for the area and determined that the 
Pinehurst NAA attained the PM10 NAAQS by the required 
attainment date, and that monitoring data continue to show attainment. 
The EPA is proposing to approve exclusion of data from a high wind 
exceptional event on September 15, 2013, that impacted PM10 
values at the Pinehurst monitor as they are needed to meet the LMP 
criteria. Separately, the EPA is proposing to approve the base year 
emission inventory for the West Silver Valley (WSV) PM2.5 
NAA in the Silver Valley, Idaho.

II. Background


    ``Particulate matter,'' also known as particle pollution or PM, is 
a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. The 
size of particles is directly linked to their potential for causing 
health problems. The EPA is concerned about particles that are 10 
micrometers in diameter or smaller because those are the particles that 
generally pass through the throat and nose and enter the lungs. Once 
inhaled, these particles can affect the heart and lungs and can cause 
serious adverse health effects. People with heart or lung diseases, 
children and older adults are the most likely to be affected by 
particle pollution exposure. Healthy individuals may also experience 
temporary symptoms from exposure to elevated levels of particle 
    On July 1, 1987, the EPA promulgated a NAAQS for PM10 
(52 FR 24634). The EPA established a 24-hour standard of 150 [micro]g/
m\3\ and an annual standard of 50 [micro]g/m\3\, expressed as an annual 
arithmetic mean. The EPA also promulgated secondary PM10 
standards that were identical to the primary standards. In a rulemaking 
action dated October 17, 2006, the EPA retained the 24-hour 
PM10 standard but revoked the annual PM10 
standard (71 FR 61144, effective December 18, 2006).

B. Pinehurst PM10 NAA and Planning Background

    On July 1, 1987, the EPA promulgated the PM10 NAAQS (52 
FR 24634) and on August 7, 1987, the EPA identified the Pinehurst area 
as a ``Group I'' area with a strong likelihood of violating the NAAQS 
(52 FR 29383). On March 15, 1991, the EPA published a notice announcing 
that the Pinehurst area had been designated a PM10 NAA upon 
the November 15, 1990 enactment of the 1990 CAA Amendments. In this 
notice, the EPA identified that the IDEQ needed to develop and submit 
by November 15, 1991, a plan that would bring the area into attainment 
by no later than December 31, 1994 (56 FR 11101). On November 6, 1991, 
the Pinehurst PM10 NAA, which included the City of 
Pinehurst, was classified as moderate under sections 107(d)(4)(B) and 
188(a) of the CAA (56 FR 56694), and it had an attainment date of no 
later than December 31, 1994. On December 21, 1993, the EPA designated 
the Pinehurst PM10 Expansion NAA, a contiguous area to the 
south of the City of Pinehurst and the existing Pinehurst 
PM10 NAA; the action became effective January 20, 1994 (58 
FR 67334). The Pinehurst Expansion area had an attainment date no later 
than December 31, 2000. These two nonattainment areas, while contiguous 
and share common planning elements, have separate timing requirements 
and are considered separate nonattainment areas.
    After these designations to nonattainment for the Pinehurst 
PM10 NAA, the IDEQ worked with the community of Pinehurst to 
develop a plan to bring the Pinehurst PM10 NAA into 
attainment. The IDEQ submitted a plan for the Pinehurst PM10 
NAA, both the original and expansion areas, to the EPA on April 14, 
1992, as a moderate PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) 
under section 189(a) of the CAA. The IDEQ's submitted plan addressed 
PM10 reductions through a suite of measures aimed at 
reducing wood smoke, primarily through a program to replace woodstoves 
with cleaner burning devices. The EPA conditionally approved the IDEQ's 
moderate PM10 SIP applicable to the City of Pinehurst on 
August 25, 1994 (59 FR 43745) and conditionally approved the revisions 
applicable to the Pinehurst PM10 Expansion area on May 26, 
1995 (60 FR 27891). Both plans were conditionally approved because 
these areas had failed to submit contingency measures. The IDEQ 
submitted a contingency plan covering both areas on July 13, 1995, 
which the EPA subsequently approved on October 2, 2014 (79 FR 59435). 
On August 23, 2001, the EPA published a finding that the two areas had 
attained the PM10 standard by their respective attainment 
dates (66 FR 44304).
    The IDEQ prepared a LMP for the Pinehurst PM10 NAA and 
provided notice and an opportunity for public comment on the proposed 
plan. On September 29, 2017, the IDEQ submitted the Pinehurst 
PM10 LMP to EPA for approval and has requested that the EPA 
redesignate the Pinehurst NAA to attainment for the PM10 

III. Requirements for Redesignation

A. CAA Requirements for Redesignation of Nonattainment Area

    A nonattainment area can be redesignated to attainment after the 
area has measured air quality data showing the NAAQS has been attained 
and when certain planning requirements are met. Section 107(d)(3)(E) of 
the CAA, and the General Preamble to Title I provide the criteria for 
redesignation (57 FR 13498, April 16, 1992). These criteria are further 
clarified in a policy and guidance memorandum from John Calcagni, 
Director, Air Quality Management Division, EPA Office of Air Quality 
Planning and Standards dated September 4, 1992, entitled ``Procedures 
for Processing Requests to Redesignate Areas to Attainment'' (Calcagni 
memo). The criteria for redesignation are:
    1. The Administrator has determined that the area has attained the 
applicable NAAQS;
    2. The Administrator has fully approved the applicable SIP for the 
area under section 110(k) of the CAA;
    3. The state has met all requirements applicable to the area under 
section 110 and part D of the CAA;
    4. The Administrator has determined that the improvement in air 
quality is due to permanent and enforceable reductions in emissions; 
    5. The Administrator has fully approved a maintenance plan for the 
area as meeting the requirements of section 175A of the CAA.

B. The LMP Option for PM10 Nonattainment Areas

    On August 9, 2001, the EPA issued guidance on streamlined 
maintenance plan provisions for certain moderate PM10 
nonattainment areas seeking redesignation to attainment (Memo from 
Lydia Wegman, Director, Air Quality Standards and Strategies Division,

[[Page 21978]]

entitled ``Limited Maintenance Plan Option for Moderate PM10 
Nonattainment Areas'' (LMP Option memo)). The LMP Option memo contains 
a statistical demonstration that areas meeting certain air quality 
criteria will, with a high degree of probability, maintain the standard 
10 years into the future. Thus, the EPA has already provided the 
maintenance demonstration for areas meeting the criteria outlined in 
the LMP Option memo. It follows that future year emission inventories 
for these areas, and some of the standard analyses to determine 
transportation conformity with the SIP are no longer necessary.
    To qualify for the LMP Option, the area should have attained the 
PM10 NAAQS and, based upon the most recent five years of air 
quality data at all monitors in the area, the 24-hour design value 
should be at or below 98 [micro]g/m\3\. If an area cannot meet this 
test, it may still be able to qualify for the LMP Option if the average 
design value (ADV) for the site is less than the site-specific critical 
design value (CDV). In addition, the area should expect only limited 
growth in on-road motor vehicle PM10 emissions (including 
fugitive dust) and should have passed a motor vehicle regional 
emissions analysis test. The LMP Option memo also identifies core 
provisions that must be included in the LMP. These provisions include 
an attainment year emissions inventory, assurance of continued 
operation of an EPA-approved air quality monitoring network, and 
contingency provisions.

C. Conformity Under the LMP Option

    The transportation conformity rule and the general conformity rule 
(40 CFR parts 51 and 93) apply to nonattainment areas and maintenance 
areas covered by an approved maintenance plan. Under either conformity 
rule, an acceptable method of demonstrating that a Federal action 
conforms to the applicable SIP is to demonstrate that expected 
emissions from the planned action are consistent with the emissions 
budget for the area.
    While EPA's LMP Option does not exempt an area from the need to 
affirm conformity, it explains that the area may demonstrate conformity 
without conforming to an emissions budget. Under the LMP Option, 
emissions budgets are treated as essentially not constraining for the 
length of the maintenance period because it is unreasonable to expect 
that the qualifying areas would experience so much growth in that 
period that a violation of the PM10 NAAQS would result. For 
transportation conformity purposes, the EPA would conclude that 
emissions in these areas need not be capped for the maintenance period 
and therefore a regional emissions analysis would not be required. 
Similarly, Federal actions subject to the general conformity rule could 
be considered to satisfy the ``budget test'' specified in 40 CFR 
93.158(a)(5)(i)(A) for the same reasons that the budgets are 
essentially considered to be unlimited.

IV. Review of the Idaho Submittal Addressing the Requirements for 
Redesignation and LMPs

A. Has the Pinehurst PM10 NAA attained the applicable NAAQS?

    To demonstrate that an area has attained the PM10 NAAQS, 
the IDEQ must submit an analysis of ambient air quality data from an 
ambient air monitoring network representing peak PM10 
concentrations. The data should be quality-assured and stored in the 
EPA Air Quality System database. The EPA has reviewed air quality data 
for the area and has determined that the Pinehurst NAA attained the 
PM10 NAAQS \1\ by the applicable attainment dates of 
December 31, 1994 for the City of Pinehurst and December 31, 2000 for 
the Pinehurst PM10 Expansion area, and they continue to 
attain the PM10 NAAQS. EPA's analysis is described below.

    \1\ Because the annual PM10 standard was revoked 
effective December 18, 2006, see 71 FR 61144 (October 17, 2006), 
this notice discusses only attainment of the 24-hour PM10 

    The 24-hour PM10 NAAQS is 150 [micro]g/m\3\. An area has 
attained this 24-hour standard when the average number of expected 
exceedances per year is less than or equal to one, when averaged over a 
three-year period (40 CFR 50.6). To make this determination, three 
consecutive years of complete ambient air quality data must be 
collected in accordance with Federal requirements (40 CFR part 58 
including appendices).
    A comprehensive air quality monitoring plan, meeting the 
requirements of 40 CFR part 58, was originally submitted by the IDEQ to 
the EPA on January 15, 1980, and approved by the EPA on July 28, 1982 
(40 CFR 52.670), and most recently submitted in June 2017, with 
approval by the EPA on November 8, 2017. The monitoring plan describes 
the Idaho monitoring network throughout the state, which includes the 
Pinehurst Idaho monitor (AQS ID 16-079-0017-81102-3). In the LMP 
submittal, the IDEQ states that the nonattainment designation was based 
on data collected at the Pinehurst monitoring site. With the exception 
of three high wind exceptional events, a review of data shows that 
PM10 3-year average expected exceedances recorded at this 
site have been less than or equal to the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS 
since 1994. In addition, the IDEQ states that the Pinehurst monitoring 
site is operated in compliance with the EPA monitoring guidelines set 
forth in 40 CFR part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance.
    Data from the Pinehurst monitoring site has been quality assured by 
the IDEQ and submitted to the EPA's Air Quality System (AQS), 
accessible through the EPA's AirData website at https://www.epa.gov/outdoor-air-quality-data. To show attainment for the 24-hour 
PM10 NAAQS the three-year design value must be less than or 
equal to 1.0 expected number of exceedances, as established in Appendix 
K to 40 CFR part 50. The Pinehurst monitoring site recorded exceedances 
in 2013 and 2015 and the IDEQ flagged these exceedances as being the 
result of exceptional events where unusually high winds entrained dust. 
Under the EPA's Exceptional Events Rule, the Agency may exclude data 
from a regulatory determination related to an exceedance or violation 
of the NAAQS if the IDEQ adequately demonstrates that an exceptional 
event caused the exceedance or violation. 40 CFR 50.1 and 50.14. For 
the reasons set forth in the IDEQ's Pinehurst PM10 2013 High 
Wind Exceptional Event concurrence letter and analysis (March 2, 2017), 
the EPA excluded data showing an exceedance on September 15, 2013, in 
determining whether the Pinehurst NAA has attained the PM10 
NAAQS. The concurrence letter explains how the IDEQ met the Exceptional 
Event Rule criteria to demonstrate that the September 15, 2013 
exceedance qualifies as an exceptional event. Based on this 
demonstration, the IDEQ's submission demonstrates that the Pinehurst 
PM10 NAA's expected number of exceedances was 0.67 for 2013-
15, which is below the 1.0 upper limit. The EPA confirmed that the area 
continues to be less than or equal to the 1.0 expected number 
exceedances with the 2014-16 value being 0.7. The EPA therefore finds 
that the area was not violating the PM10 NAAQS.

B. Does the Pinehurst PM10 NAA have a fully approved SIP under section 
110(k) of the CAA?

    To qualify for redesignation, the SIP for an area must be fully 
approved under section 110(k) of the CAA, and must satisfy all 
requirements that apply to the area. As discussed in Section II.B. 
above, the IDEQ submitted a moderate PM10 SIP for the 
Pinehurst PM10 NAA on April 14, 1992. The EPA took final 
action to conditionally approve the IDEQ's moderate PM10 SIP 
on August

[[Page 21979]]

25, 1994 (59 FR 43745) for the City of Pinehurst and to conditionally 
approve the IDEQ's moderate PM10 SIP on May 26, 1995 (60 FR 
27891) for the Pinehurst PM10 Expansion area. These 
conditional approvals required submission of contingency measures. 
Accordingly, the IDEQ submitted the contingency plan applicable to the 
entire Pinehurst PM10 NAA as required by the conditional 
approvals on July 13, 1995. With the EPA's approval on October 2, 2014 
(79 FR 59435), the Pinehurst PM10 NAA satisfied all 
requirements that apply to the area and thus the area has a fully 
approved nonattainment area SIP under section 110(k) of the CAA.

C. Has the IDEQ met all applicable requirements under section 110 and 
Part D of the CAA?

    Section 107(d)(3)(E) of the CAA requires that a state containing an 
NAA meet all applicable requirements under section 110 and Part D of 
the CAA for the area to be redesignated to attainment. The EPA 
interprets this to mean that the IDEQ must meet all requirements that 
applied to the area prior to, and at the time of, the submission of a 
complete redesignation request. The following is a summary of how Idaho 
meets these requirements.
1. Clean Air Act Section 110 Requirements
    Section 110(a)(2) of the CAA contains general requirements for 
nonattainment plans. These requirements include, but are not limited 
to: Submittal of a SIP that has been adopted by the IDEQ after 
reasonable notice and public hearing; provisions for establishment and 
operation of appropriate apparatus, methods, systems and procedures 
necessary to monitor ambient air quality; implementation of a permit 
program; provisions for Part C--Prevention of Significant Deterioration 
(PSD) and Part D--New Source Review (NSR) permit programs; criteria for 
stationary source emission control measures, monitoring and reporting; 
provisions for modeling; and provisions for public and local agency 
participation. See the General Preamble for further explanation of 
these requirements (57 FR 13498, April 16, 1992). The EPA's approval of 
Idaho's SIP for attainment and maintenance of national standards can be 
found at 40 CFR 52.673. For purposes of redesignation of the Pinehurst 
PM10 NAA, the EPA has reviewed the IDEQ SIP and finds that 
the IDEQ has satisfied all applicable requirements under CAA section 
110(a)(2) for the PM10 NAAQS.
2. Part D Requirements
    Part D of the CAA contains general requirements applicable to all 
areas designated nonattainment. The general requirements are followed 
by a series of subparts specific to each pollutant. All PM10 
nonattainment areas must meet the general provisions of Subpart 1 and 
the specific PM10 provisions in Subpart 4, ``Additional 
Provisions for Particulate Matter Nonattainment Areas.'' The following 
paragraphs discuss these requirements as they apply to the Pinehurst 
2a. Part D, Section 172(c)(2)--Reasonable Further Progress
    Section 172(c) contains general requirements for NAA plans. A 
thorough discussion of these requirements may be found in the General 
Preamble (57 FR 13538, April 16, 1992). CAA section 172(c)(2) requires 
nonattainment plans to provide for reasonable further progress (RFP). 
Section 171(1) of the CAA defines RFP as ``such annual incremental 
reductions in emissions of the relevant air pollutant as are required 
by this part (part D of title I) or may reasonably be required by the 
Administrator for the purpose of ensuring attainment of the applicable 
national ambient air quality standard by the applicable date.'' The 
requirements for reasonable further progress, identification of certain 
emissions increases and other measures needed for attainment were 
satisfied with the approved Pinehurst PM10 NAA SIP (59 FR 
43745 and 60 FR 27891). In its August 23, 2001 action (66 FR 44304), 
the EPA determined that the Pinehurst NAA attained the 24-hour 
PM10 NAAQS by the December 31, 1994 and December 31, 2000, 
attainment dates. Therefore, the EPA believes no further showing of RFP 
or quantitative milestones is necessary.
2b. Part D, Section 172(c)(3)--Emissions Inventory
    For redesignation, section 172(c)(3) of CAA requires a 
comprehensive, accurate, current inventory of actual emissions from all 
sources in the Pinehurst PM10 NAA. The IDEQ included an 
emissions inventory for the Pinehurst area for the year 2013 in the 
September 29, 2017 submittal. The IDEQ used 2013 as a base year for the 
emissions inventory, including data from the 2014 periodic emission 
inventory (PEI), as the IDEQ determined that it is representative of 
emissions during the five-year period associated with air quality data 
demonstrating attainment. The IDEQ has demonstrated that the 2013 base 
year emissions inventory is current, accurate, and comprehensive, and 
therefore meets the requirements of section 172(c)(3) of the CAA.
2c. Part D, Section 172(c)(5)--New Source Review (NSR)
    The CAA requires all nonattainment areas to meet several 
requirements regarding NSR. The IDEQ must have an approved major NSR 
program that meets the requirements of CAA section 172(c)(5). The Part 
D NSR rules for PM10 nonattainment areas in Idaho were 
approved by the EPA on July 23, 1993 (58 FR 39445) and amended on 
January 16, 2003 (68 FR 2217). Revisions to Idaho's NSR rules were most 
recently approved by the EPA on November 26, 2010 (75 FR 72719). Within 
the boundaries of the Pinehurst PM10 NAA, the requirements 
of the Part D NSR program will be replaced by the IDEQ's Prevention of 
Significant Deterioration (PSD) program requirements upon the effective 
date of redesignation. The currently approved NSR provisions meet the 
requirements of 172(c)(5) and therefore this condition for proposed 
redesignation is satisfied.
2d. Part D, Section 172(c)(7)--Compliance With CAA Section 110(a)(2): 
Air Quality Monitoring Requirements
    Once an area is redesignated, the IDEQ must continue to operate an 
appropriate air monitoring network in accordance with 40 CFR part 58 to 
verify the attainment status of the area. On January 15, 1980, the IDEQ 
submitted a comprehensive air quality monitoring plan, intended to meet 
the requirements of 40 CFR part 58. The EPA approved the plan on July 
28, 1982 (40 CFR 52.760). This monitoring plan has been updated, with 
the most recent submittal in June 2017, with approval by the EPA on 
November 8, 2017. The monitoring plan describes the PM10 
monitoring network throughout Idaho, including the Pinehurst monitoring 
site. The Pinehurst monitoring site is operated in compliance with the 
EPA monitoring guidelines set forth in 40 CFR part 58, Ambient Air 
Quality Surveillance. In addition, the Pinehurst PM10 NAA 
LMP submittal provides a commitment to continue operation of the 
PM10 monitoring network in accordance with 40 CFR part 58, 
and to annually verify continued attainment of the 24-hour 
PM10 NAAQS in Pinehurst through the Annual Ambient Air 
Monitoring Network Plan. Any changes to the monitoring site will be 
made via the Annual Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan or formal 
communication. The currently approved monitoring plan

[[Page 21980]]

and associated program meet the requirements of 172(c)(7) and therefore 
this condition for proposed redesignation is satisfied.
2e. Part D, Section 172(c)(9)--Contingency Measures
    The CAA requires that contingency measures take effect if an area 
fails to meet RFP requirements or fails to attain the NAAQS by the 
applicable attainment date. On August 23, 2001, the EPA determined that 
the Pinehurst NAA attained the PM10 NAAQS by the applicable 
attainment dates of December 31, 1994 and December 31, 2000 (66 FR 
44304). Therefore, attainment planning contingency measures are no 
longer required under section 172(c)(9) of the CAA. However, 
maintenance plan contingency provisions are required for maintenance 
plans under section 175(a)(d). Please see section IV.I. for a 
description of Idaho's maintenance plan contingency provisions.
2f. Part D, Section 189(a), (c) and (e)--Additional Provisions for 
Particulate Matter Nonattainment Areas
    CAA sections 189(a), (c) and (e) apply to moderate PM10 
nonattainment areas. Any of these requirements which were applicable 
and due prior to the submission of the redesignation request must be 
fully approved into the SIP before redesignating the area to 
attainment. With respect to the Pinehurst NAA, these requirements 
    (a) Provisions to assure that reasonably available control measures 
were implemented by December 31, 1994 and December 31, 2000 (section 
    (b) Either a demonstration that the plan provided for attainment as 
expeditiously as practicable but not later than December 31, 1994 and 
December 31, 2000, or a demonstration that attainment by that date was 
impracticable (section 189(a)(1)(B));
    (c) Quantitative milestones which were achieved every three years 
and which demonstrate RFP toward attainment by December 31, 1994 and 
December 31, 2000 (section 189(c)(1)); and
    (d) Provisions to assure that the control requirements applicable 
to major stationary sources of PM10 also apply to major 
stationary sources of PM10 precursors except where the 
Administrator determined that such sources do not contribute 
significantly to PM10 levels which exceed the NAAQS in the 
area (section 189(e)).
    Provisions for reasonably available control measures, attainment 
demonstration, and RFP milestones were conditionally approved into the 
Pinehurst PM10 SIP on August 25, 1994 (59 FR 43745) and on 
May 26, 1995 (60 FR 27891). The EPA's approval of the July 13, 1995 
contingency plan on October 2, 2014 (79 FR 59435) fully approved these 
required elements The EPA approved changes to Idaho's major NSR rules 
on July 17, 2012 (77 FR 41916) and November 26, 2010 (75 FR 72719). The 
IDEQ's major nonattainment NSR rules and PSD rules include control 
requirements that apply to major stationary sources of PM10 
and PM10 precursors in nonattainment and attainment/
unclassifiable areas. Therefore, the EPA proposes that the requirements 
of 189(a)(c) and (e) for this proposed redesignation is satisfied.

D. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the air quality improvement is due to 
permanent and enforceable reductions?

    Section 107(d)(3)(E)(iii) of the CAA provides that a NAA may not be 
redesignated unless the EPA determines that the improvement in air 
quality is due to permanent and enforceable reductions in emissions 
resulting from implementation of the SIP. Permanent and enforceable 
control measures in the Pinehurst PM10 SIP include controls 
primarily focused on residential wood combustion. The Pinehurst 
PM10 NAA LMP submittal describes its woodstove changeout 
program which resulted in 76 stove replacements by 1994 and an 
additional 87 replacements between 1996 and 2015. According to a recent 
survey in the community these 163 changeouts account for 60% of the 
uncertified devices in the area. Between 2015-17, 40 additional 
woodstoves have been changed out to cleaner burning devices under this 
program; 31 to EPA certified, 1 to propane, and 8 to natural gas. 
Additional permanent controls in the area include the weatherization of 
30 homes in the mid-1990s which provided for reductions in emissions by 
reducing home heating requirements which in turn reduce the need for 
additional fuel and the associated emissions.

E. Does the area have a fully approved maintenance plan pursuant to 
section 175A of the act?

    In this action, we are proposing to approve the LMP in accordance 
with the principles outlined in the LMP Option Memo. Upon final 
approval, the Pinehurst NAA will have a fully approved maintenance 

F. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the Pinehurst NAA qualifies for the 
LMP Option?

    The LMP Option Memo outlines the requirements for an area to 
qualify for a LMP. First, the area should be attaining the NAAQS. On 
August 23, 2001, the EPA determined that the Pinehurst NAA attained the 
PM10 NAAQS by December 31, 1994 and December 31, 2000 (66 FR 
44304). The EPA has reviewed recent ambient air quality data for the 
24-hour PM10 NAAQS, and has determined that the Pinehurst 
NAA continues to attain the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS. Please see 
section IV.A. above for a detailed discussion.
    Second, the average design value (ADV) for the past five years of 
monitoring data must be at or below the critical design value (CDV). 
The CDV is a margin of safety value at which an area has been 
determined to have a one in ten probability of exceeding the NAAQS. The 
LMP Option Memo provides two methods to review monitoring data for the 
purpose of determining qualification for an LMP. The first method is a 
comparison of a site's ADV with the CDV of 98 [micro]g/m\3\ for the 24-
hour PM10 NAAQS. A second method that applies to the 24-hour 
PM10 NAAQS is the calculation of a site-specific CDV and a 
comparison of the site-specific CDV with the ADV for the past five 
years of monitoring data. The IDEQ's LMP submittal provides a 
comparison of five-year ADVs compared to the 24-hour and annual CDVs, 
as described in the first method for review of monitoring data to 
determine qualification for a LMP. The IDEQ's analysis demonstrates 
that the Pinehurst NAA has met the LMP design value criteria using the 
tabular look up method which showed the area to be meeting the CDV with 
a five-year design value of 83 [micro]g/m\3\. The EPA has reviewed the 
calculations and concurs with the IDEQ's findings that the area has a 
five-year design value of 83 [micro]g/m\3\ for both 2011-2015 and the 
most recently available five year DV of 2012-2016.\2\ Therefore, the 
EPA finds that the Pinehurst NAA meets the design value criteria 
outlined in the LMP Option Memo.

    \2\ This LMP design value is dependent upon data being excluded 
from a high wind exceptional event also proposed for approval in 
this notice.

    Third, the area must meet the motor vehicle regional emissions 
analysis test described in attachment B of the LMP Option Memo. Using 
the methodology outlined in the LMP Option Memo, the IDEQ has submitted 
an analysis of whether increased emissions from on-

[[Page 21981]]

road mobile sources would increase PM10 concentrations in 
the Pinehurst NAA to levels that would threaten the assumption of 
maintenance that underlies the LMP policy. Using this methodology, the 
IDEQ has determined that the Pinehurst NAA passes the motor vehicle 
regional emissions analysis test. The motor vehicle regional emissions 
analysis test results of 83.19 [micro]g/m\3\ and 83.36 [micro]g/m\3\ 
when adjusted for growth are below the 98 [micro]g/m\3\ annual standard 
and meet the margin of safety requirements. The EPA has reviewed the 
calculations in the IDEQ's Pinehurst NAA LMP submittal in Section 3.1 
and concurs with this conclusion.
    The LMP Option Memo requires all controls relied on to demonstrate 
attainment remain in place for a NAA to qualify for a LMP. The LMP 
developed by IDEQ will continue to implement the control measures 
relied upon to demonstrate attainment. Therefore, EPA proposes to find 
that the Pinehurst PM10 NAA meets the qualification criteria 
set forth in the LMP Option Memo, and therefore qualifies for a LMP.
    The LMP Option Memo also indicates that once a state submits a LMP 
and it is in effect, the IDEQ will be expected to determine, on an 
annual basis, that the LMP criteria are still being met. If the IDEQ 
determines that the LMP criteria are not being met, it should take 
action to reduce PM10 concentrations enough to requalify for 
the LMP. One possible approach the IDEQ could take is to implement 
contingency measures. Section IV.I. provides a description of 
contingency provisions submitted as part of the Pinehurst NAA LMP 
submittal. The EPA believes the contingency provisions submitted by the 
IDEQ meet the requirements of CAA section 175A as outlined in the LMP 
Option memo.

G. Does the IDEQ have an approved attainment emissions inventory which 
can be used to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS?

    Pursuant to the LMP Option Memo, the IDEQ's approved attainment 
plan should include an emissions inventory which can be used to 
demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS. The inventory should represent 
emissions during the same five-year period associated with air quality 
data used to determine whether the area meets the applicability 
requirements of the LMP Option. The IDEQ should review its inventory 
every three years to ensure emissions growth is incorporated in the 
inventory if necessary.
    The IDEQ's Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP submittal includes an 
emissions inventory, with a base year of 2013. After reviewing the 2013 
emissions inventory and determining that it is current, accurate and 
complete, as well as reviewing monitoring data, the EPA has determined 
that the 2013 emissions inventory is representative of the attainment 
year inventory because the NAAQS was not violated during 2013. In 
addition, the year 2013 is representative of the level of emissions 
during the time period used to calculate the average design value 
because 2013 is one of the years during the five-year period used to 
calculate the design value. The submittal meets EPA guidance, as 
described above, for purposes of an attainment emissions inventory.

H. Does the LMP include an assurance of continued operation of an 
appropriate EPA-approved air quality monitoring network, in accordance 
with 40 CFR part 58?

    A PM10 monitoring network was established in the 
Pinehurst area in 1985. The monitoring network was developed and has 
been maintained in accordance with Federal siting and design criteria 
in 40 CFR part 58, and in consultation with EPA Region 10. The EPA most 
recently approved the IDEQ's air monitoring plan on November 8, 2017. 
In the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP submittal, the IDEQ commits to 
continue to operate its monitoring network to meet the EPA requirements 
at 40 CFR part 58 and identify any issues or adjustments via the Annual 
Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan or formal communication. The 
submittal contains an assurance of continued operation of the 
PM10 monitoring network. The submittal meets EPA LMP 
submission requirements with respect to maintenance of a monitoring 

I. Does the plan meet the clean air act requirements for contingency 

    The CAA section 175A states that a maintenance plan must include 
contingency provisions, as necessary, to ensure prompt correction of 
any violation of the NAAQS which may occur after redesignation of the 
area to attainment. As explained in the LMP Option Memo and the 
Calcagni Memo, these contingency provisions are considered to be an 
enforceable part of the federally-approved SIP. The maintenance plan 
should clearly identify the provisions to be adopted, a schedule and 
procedures for adoption and implementation, and a specific time limit 
for action by the IDEQ. The maintenance plan should identify the events 
that would ``trigger'' the adoption and implementation of a contingency 
provision, the contingency provision that would be adopted and 
implemented, and the schedule indicating the time frame by which the 
IDEQ would adopt and implement the provision. The LMP Option Memo and 
Calcagni Memo state that the EPA will determine the adequacy of a 
contingency plan on a case-by-case basis. At a minimum, it must require 
that the IDEQ will implement all measures contained in the CAA part D 
nonattainment plan for the area prior to redesignation.
    In the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP submittal, the IDEQ has 
included maintenance plan contingency provisions to ensure the area 
continues to meet the PM10 NAAQS. The submitted LMP includes 
the Annual Network Plan review process as the triggering mechanism for 
identifying if the Pinehurst area violates the PM10 NAAQS. 
If triggered the LMP identifies a list of specific control measures as 
listed in section 3.5.2 of their submittal to reduce emissions, 
including potential measures that would control emissions associated 
with residential wood combustion, controlling road-dust related 
emissions, and refuse burning for evaluation and a process for 
selection. Therefore, the EPA believes the contingency provisions 
submitted in the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP are adequate to meet 
CAA section 175A requirements.

J. How is conformity treated under a limited maintenance plan? \3\

    \3\ See ``Limited Maintenance Plan Option for Moderate 
PM10 Nonattainment Areas'' memo from Director Lydia 
Wegman to Regional Offices dated August 9, 2001.

    The transportation conformity rule (40 CFR 51. 390 and 40 CFR 
93.100-129) and the general conformity rule (40 CFR 93.150-165) apply 
to nonattainment areas and maintenance areas operating under 
maintenance plans. Under either conformity rule one means of 
demonstrating conformity of Federal actions is to indicate that 
expected emissions from planned actions are consistent with the 
emissions budget for the area. Emissions budgets in LMP areas may be 
treated as essentially not constraining for the length of the 
maintenance period because it is unreasonable to expect that an area 
satisfying the LMP criteria will experience so much growth during that 
period of time such that a violation of the PM10 NAAQS would 
result. While this policy does not exempt an area from the need to 
affirm conformity, it does allow the area to demonstrate

[[Page 21982]]

conformity without undertaking certain requirements of these rules. For 
transportation conformity purposes, EPA would be concluding that 
emissions in these areas need not be capped for the maintenance period, 
and, therefore, a regional emissions analysis would not be required. 
Similarly, Federal actions subject to the general conformity rule could 
be considered to satisfy the ``budget test'' specified in Sec.  
93.158(a)(5)(i)(A) of the rule, for the same reasons that the budgets 
are essentially considered to be unlimited.
    The Pinehurst area is an isolated rural area \4\. Transportation 
conformity determinations in isolated rural nonattainment and 
maintenance areas are required only when a new non-exempt Federal 
Highway Administration (FHWA)/State Transportation Agency (STA) project 
needs funding or approval. Thus, in the event that a conformity 
analysis is required, the state agency responsible for conducting 
transportation conformity must document and ensure that:

    \4\ As defined in 40 CFR 93.101, Isolated rural nonattainment 
and maintenance areas are areas that do not contain or are not part 
of any metropolitan planning area as designated under the 
transportation planning regulations. Isolated rural areas do not 
have Federally required metropolitan transportation plans (MTPs) or 
transportation improvement programs (TIPs) and do not have projects 
that are part of the emissions analysis of any metropolitan planning 
organization's (MPO's) MTP or TIP. Projects in such areas are 
instead included in statewide transportation improvement programs.

    (a) The interagency consultation procedures meet the applicable 
requirements of 40 CFR 93.105(c)(1)(vi);
    (b) Conformity is determined as specified in 40 CFR 93.109(g) for 
isolated rural areas.
    The minimum criteria by which the EPA determines whether a SIP is 
adequate for conformity purposes are specified at 40 CFR 93.118(e)(4). 
The EPA's analysis of how the LMP satisfies these criteria for 
transportation conformity is found in the docket. The EPA proposes to 
find adequate Idaho's LMP for Pinehurst for transportation conformity 
    Upon final approval of the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP, the 
Pinehurst area will be exempt from performing a regional emissions 
analysis, but must meet project-level conformity analysis as well as 
the transportation conformity criteria located in 40 CFR 93.109(g) for 
isolated rural areas.

V. 2013 PM[bdi1][bdi0] High Wind Exceptional Event

    The CAA allows for the exclusion of air quality monitoring data 
from design value calculations when there are exceedances caused by 
events, such as wildfires or high wind events, that meet the criteria 
for an exceptional event identified in the EPA's implementing 
regulations, the Exceptional Events Rule at 40 CFR 50.1, 50.14 and 
51.930. In 2013 emissions from a high wind event entrained dust and 
impacted PM10 concentrations recorded at the Pinehurst 
monitor. For purposes of this Pinehurst PM10 redesignation 
and LMP, the IDEQ submitted an exceptional event demonstration to 
request exclusion of the data. The EPA evaluated the IDEQ's exceptional 
event demonstration for the flagged values of the 24-hour 
PM10 NAAQS for September 15, 2013, at the monitor in 
Pinehurst, Idaho, with respect to the requirements of the EPA's 
Exceptional Events Rule (40 CFR 50.14) and determined that IDEQ met the 
rule requirements. On March 2, 2017, the EPA concurred with the IDEQ's 
request to exclude event-influenced data for September 15, 2013. As 
such, the event-influenced data have been removed from the data set 
used for regulatory purposes and, for this proposed action, the EPA 
relies on the calculated values that exclude the event-influenced data. 
The EPA now proposes approval of the IDEQ's request to exclude data 
from September 15, 2013, in determining PM10 attainment as a 
high wind exceptional event. For further information, refer to the 
IDEQ's Exceptional Event demonstration package and the EPA's 
concurrence and analysis located in the docket for this regulatory 

VI. West Silver Valley 2012 Annual PM[bdi2].[bdi5] Emission 

A. Requirements for Emissions Inventories

    Section 172(c)(3) of the CAA requires a state with an area 
designated as nonattainment to submit a ``comprehensive, accurate, 
current inventory of actual emissions from all sources of the relevant 
pollutant'' for the NAA. By requiring an accounting of actual emissions 
from all sources of the relevant pollutants in the area, this section 
provides for the base year inventory to include all emissions from 
sources in the NAA that contribute to the formation of a particular 
NAAQS pollutant. For the 2012 annual PM2.5 NAAQS, this 
includes direct PM2.5 (condensable and filterable) as well 
as the precursors to the formation of secondary PM2.5: 
Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur dioxide (SO2), 
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and ammonia (NH3) (40 CFR 
51.1008; 81 FR 58028). Inclusion of PM2.5 and all of the 
PM2.5 precursors in the emissions inventory is necessary in 
order to inform other aspects of the attainment plan development 
process, if such a plan is required. The SIP submission should include 
documentation explaining how the state calculated the emissions data 
for the base year inventory. The specific PM2.5 emissions 
inventory requirements are set forth in 40 CFR 51.1008. The EPA has 
provided additional guidance for developing PM2.5 emissions 
inventories in Emissions Inventory Guidance for Implementation of Ozone 
and Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 
and Regional Haze.

B. West Silver Valley PM2.5 Base Year Emissions Inventory

    The IDEQ developed a 2013 base year emissions inventory for the WSV 
annual PM2.5 NAA. The base year emissions inventory includes 
data from 2013 and 2014 and in large part was extracted from the 2014 
periodic emissions inventory (PEI) which is used to populate the EPA's 
National Emissions Inventory (NEI). The 2013 base year inventory is one 
of the three years used to designate the area as nonattainment. This 
base year inventory presents direct PM2.5 emissions 
(condensable and filterable) and emissions of all PM2.5 
precursors (NOX, VOCs, NH3, and SO2) 
to meet the emissions inventory requirements of CAA section 172(c). The 
IDEQ provided inventories from all sources in the WSV NAA, including 
nonpoint/area sources, point sources, nonroad sources, and onroad 
sources. The inventory is based on annual emissions in tons per year. 
The top source sectors of direct PM2.5 in the WSV are 
prescribed burns (88.91 tons/year (tpy)), residential wood combustion 
(52.61 tpy), onroad (17.25 tpy), unpaved roads (13.61 tpy), and nonroad 
(7.24 tpy) emissions.
    The largest source category of direct PM2.5 emissions in 
the WSV was from prescribed burning, accounting for 44.9% of direct 
PM2.5. These emissions came from primarily large and small 
scale permitted burners who burn forest waste mostly during the fall 
season. Emissions were estimated by extracting data, including fuel 
loading-moisture-acres burned-emissions factors, from prescribed burn 
databases maintained by the Idaho-Montana Air Shed Group and Idaho 
Department of Lands, and the Forest Practices Act Compliance database. 
The second largest source category is residential wood combustion 
(RWC). The emissions come from various residential devices designed to 
heat homes through burning wood whether in solid or pellet form.

[[Page 21983]]

Emissions from RWC, on an annual basis, account for about 26.6% of the 
base year direct PM2.5 emissions. These emissions were 
estimated using the EPA's Microsoft Access RWC tool v2.1 and estimates 
were adjusted with information from a local woodstove survey along with 
information from the ongoing woodstove changeout program in the area. 
The next three largest source categories, onroad emissions, unpaved 
roads emission, and nonroad emissions accounted for 30.9% of the direct 
PM2.5 in the base year emissions inventory. The onroad 
emissions source category includes emissions from motor vehicles and 
road dust from paved roads. The nonroad emissions source category 
includes winter and summer recreation vehicles and emissions generated 
from logging, construction and mining, and other minor nonroad sources. 
Onroad and nonroad emissions were calculated using MOVES2014.

C. EPA's Evaluation

    The EPA has reviewed the results, procedures, and methodologies for 
the WSV Annual PM2.5 NAA base year emissions inventory. The 
EPA has determined that the 2013 base year inventory for the WSV is 
based on the most current and accurate information available to the 
IDEQ at the time the inventories were being developed. The inventories 
comprehensively address all source categories in the WSV NAA, actual 
emissions are provided, and appropriate procedures were used to develop 
the inventories. We are proposing to approve the 2013 base year 
emissions inventory for the WSV NAA as meeting the requirements of CAA 
section 172(c)(3) and 40 CFR 51.1008(a)(1).

VII. Proposed Action

    The EPA is proposing to approve the Pinehurst PM10 NAA 
LMP submitted by the IDEQ for the Pinehurst NAA and concurrently 
redesignate the area to attainment for the PM10 NAAQS. The 
EPA has reviewed air quality data for the area and determined that the 
Pinehurst NAA attained the PM10 NAAQS by the required 
attainment date, and that air monitoring data continue to show 
attainment. The EPA is proposing to approve that the Pinehurst 
PM10 NAA LMP meets all of the requirements of an LMP and 
that the Pinehurst NAA meets all of the requirements of redesignation 
as described in this action.
    The EPA is also taking action to propose approval of the September 
15, 2013, high wind exceptional event that impacted PM10 
values in the area.
    The EPA is also taking action to propose approval of the WSV Annual 
PM2.5 base year Emissions Inventory as meeting CAA 172(c)(3) 

VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Under the CAA, the Administrator is required to approve a SIP 
submission that complies with the provisions of the CAA and applicable 
Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in 
reviewing SIP submissions, the EPA's role is to approve state choices, 
provided that they meet the criteria of the CAA. Accordingly, this 
proposed action merely approves state law as meeting Federal 
requirements and does not impose additional requirements beyond those 
imposed by state law. For that reason, this proposed action:
     Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to 
review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Orders 
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 
     Is not an Executive Order 13771 (82 FR 9339, February 2, 
2017) regulatory action because SIP approvals are exempted under 
Executive Order 12866;
     Does not impose an information collection burden under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
     Is certified as not having a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
     Does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
     Does not have Federalism implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
     Is not an economically significant regulatory action based 
on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 
19885, April 23, 1997);
     Is not a significant regulatory action subject to 
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
     Is not subject to requirements of section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) because it does not involve technical standards; and
     Does not provide the EPA with the discretionary authority 
to address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or 
environmental effects, using practicable and legally permissible 
methods, under Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
    The SIP is not approved to apply on any Indian reservation land or 
in any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated 
that a tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian country, the 
rule does not have tribal implications and will not impose substantial 
direct costs on tribal governments or preempt tribal law as specified 
by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000).

List of Subjects

40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by 
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Particulate matter, Reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

40 CFR Part 81

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, National parks, 
Wilderness areas.

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    Dated: April 30, 2018.
Chris Hladick,
Regional Administrator, Region 10.
[FR Doc. 2018-09992 Filed 5-10-18; 8:45 am]

                                                  21976                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  2017 (incorporated by reference; see                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                              consider comments or comment
                                                  § 625.4(d)).                                            AGENCY                                                contents located outside of the primary
                                                     (4) AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway                                                                            submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or
                                                  Bridge Design Specifications, 2nd                       40 CFR Parts 52 and 81                                other file sharing system). For
                                                  Edition, AASHTO, 2007, with 2008,                       [EPA–R10–OAR–2017–0582; FRL–9977–                     additional submission methods, the full
                                                  2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2015                        96—Region 10]                                         EPA public comment policy,
                                                  Interim Revisions, (incorporated by                                                                           information about CBI or multimedia
                                                  reference; see § 625.4(d)).                             Air Plan Approval; ID, Pinehurst PM10                 submissions, and general guidance on
                                                     (5) AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2015                       Redesignation, Limited Maintenance                    making effective comments, please visit
                                                  Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition,                       Plan; West Silver Valley 2012 Annual                  http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/
                                                  AASHTO, 2016 (incorporated by                           PM2.5 Emission Inventory                              commenting-epa-dockets.
                                                  reference; see § 625.4(d)).                             AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  *       *    *    *     *                               Agency (EPA).                                         Justin Spenillo, Air Planning Unit,
                                                                                                                                                                Office of Air and Waste (OAW–150),
                                                     (7) Standard Specifications for                      ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                                                                                                                                Environmental Protection Agency,
                                                  Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
                                                                                                          SUMMARY:   On September 29, 2017, the                 Region 10, 1200 Sixth Ave., Suite 900,
                                                  Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, 6th
                                                                                                          Idaho Department of Environmental                     Seattle, WA 98101; telephone number:
                                                  Edition, AASHTO, 2013, with 2015
                                                                                                          Quality (IDEQ) submitted a                            206–553–6125, email address:
                                                  Interim Revisions (incorporated by
                                                                                                          redesignation request and limited                     spenillo.justin@epa.gov.
                                                  reference; see § 625.4(d)).
                                                                                                          maintenance plan (LMP) for particulate                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  *       *    *    *     *                               matter with an aerodynamic diameter                   Throughout this document, wherever
                                                     (c) Materials.                                       less than or equal to ten micrometers                 ‘‘we’’, ‘‘us’’ or ‘‘our’’ are used, it is
                                                  *       *    *    *     *                               (PM10) for the PM10 National Ambient                  intended to refer to the EPA.
                                                     (2) Standard Specifications for                      Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)
                                                                                                          developed for the Pinehurst PM10                      Table of Contents
                                                  Transportation Materials and Methods
                                                  of Sampling and Testing, and AASHTO                     Nonattainment Area (NAA) and                          I. This Action
                                                  Provisional Standards, AASHTO, 2017.                    Pinehurst PM10 Expansion                              II. Background
                                                  (incorporated by reference, see                         Nonattainment Area (NAA). The                            A. PM10 NAAQS
                                                                                                          redesignation request asserts that the                   B. Pinehurst PM10 NAA and Planning
                                                  § 625.4(d)(1)).                                                                                                     Background
                                                     (3) Quality Assurance Procedures for                 area meets the Clean Air Act (CAA)
                                                                                                                                                                III. Requirements for Redesignation
                                                  Construction, refer to 23 CFR part 637,                 requirements for redesignation                           A. CAA Requirements for Redesignation of
                                                  subpart B.                                              identified in section 107(d)(3)(E). This                    Nonattainment Area
                                                                                                          limited maintenance plan for these                       B. The LMP Option for PM10
                                                     (d) * * *                                            contiguous nonattainment areas                              Nonattainment Areas
                                                     (1) * * *                                            addresses maintenance of the PM10                        C. Conformity Under the LMP Option
                                                     (ii) A Policy on Design Standards—                   standard for a ten-year period beyond                 IV. Review of the Idaho Submittal
                                                  Interstate System, May 2016.                            redesignation. The Environmental                            Addressing the Requirements for
                                                  *       *    *    *     *                               Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to                         Redesignation and LMPs
                                                                                                          approve this IDEQ Implementation Plan                    A. Has the Pinehurst PM10 NAA attained
                                                     (iv) AASHTO LRFD Bridge                                                                                          the applicable NAAQS?
                                                  Construction Specifications, 4th                        (SIP) revision. The EPA also proposes to                 B. Does the Pinehurst PM10 NAA have a
                                                  Edition, 2017.                                          approve the September 15, 2013, high                        fully approved SIP under section 110(k)
                                                     (v) AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design                        wind exceptional event at the Pinehurst                     of the CAA?
                                                  Specifications, 8th Edition, 2017.                      monitoring station. Additionally, the                    C. Has the IDEQ met all applicable
                                                                                                          EPA is proposing to approve the                             requirements under section 110 and Part
                                                     (vi) AASHTO LRFD Movable                                                                                         D of the CAA?
                                                                                                          emissions inventory for the West Silver
                                                  Highway Bridge Design Specifications,                                                                            D. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the air
                                                                                                          Valley annual PM2.5 NAA.
                                                  2nd Edition, 2007; with 2008, 2010,                                                                                 quality improvement is due to
                                                                                                          DATES: Written comments must be
                                                  2011, 2012, 2014, and 2015 Interim                                                                                  permanent and enforceable reductions?
                                                  Revisions.                                              received on or before June 11, 2018.                     E. Does the area have a fully approved
                                                                                                          ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                            maintenance plan pursuant to section
                                                     (vii) AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:
                                                  2015 Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition,                  identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R10–                        175A of the CAA?
                                                                                                          OAR–2017–0582, at http://                                F. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the
                                                  2016.                                                                                                               Pinehurst PM10 NAA qualifies for the
                                                                                                          www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                                     (viii) Standard Specifications for                                                                               LMP Option?
                                                                                                          instructions for submitting comments.
                                                  Structural Supports for Highway Signs,                                                                           G. Does the IDEQ have an approved
                                                                                                          Once submitted, comments cannot be
                                                  Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, 6th                                                                                attainment emissions inventory which
                                                                                                          edited or removed from Regulations.gov.                     can be used to demonstrate attainment of
                                                  Edition, 2013; with 2015 Interim
                                                                                                          The EPA may publish any comment                             the NAAQS?
                                                                                                          received to its public docket. Do not                    H. Does the LMP include an assurance of
                                                     (ix) Standard Specifications for                     submit electronically any information                       continued operation of an appropriate
                                                  Transportation Materials and Methods                    you consider to be Confidential                             EPA-approved air quality monitoring
                                                  of Sampling and Testing, and AASHTO                     Business Information (CBI) or other                         network, in accordance with 40 CFR part
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  Provisional Standards, AASHTO, 2017.                    information whose disclosure is                             58?
                                                     (2) American Welding Society (AWS),                  restricted by statute. Multimedia                        I. Does the plan meet the clean air act
                                                  8669 NW 36 Street, # 130 Miami, FL                      submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be                    requirements for contingency
                                                  33166–6672; www.aws.org; or (800)                                                                                   provisions?
                                                                                                          accompanied by a written comment.                        J. How is conformity treated under a
                                                  443–9353 or (305) 443–9353.                             The written comment is considered the                       limited maintenance plan?
                                                  *       *    *    *     *                               official comment and should include                   V. 2013 p.m.10 High Wind Exceptional Event
                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–09609 Filed 5–10–18; 8:45 am]             discussion of all points you wish to                  VI. West Silver Valley 2012 Annual PM2.5
                                                  BILLING CODE 4910–22–P                                  make. The EPA will generally not                            Emission Inventory

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          21977

                                                    A. Requirements for Emissions Inventories             that were identical to the primary                    approved because these areas had failed
                                                    B. West Silver Valley PM2.5 Base Year                 standards. In a rulemaking action dated               to submit contingency measures. The
                                                       Emissions Inventory                                October 17, 2006, the EPA retained the                IDEQ submitted a contingency plan
                                                    C. EPA’s Evaluation
                                                                                                          24-hour PM10 standard but revoked the                 covering both areas on July 13, 1995,
                                                  VII. Proposed Action
                                                  VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews             annual PM10 standard (71 FR 61144,                    which the EPA subsequently approved
                                                                                                          effective December 18, 2006).                         on October 2, 2014 (79 FR 59435). On
                                                  I. This Action                                                                                                August 23, 2001, the EPA published a
                                                                                                          B. Pinehurst PM10 NAA and Planning
                                                     The EPA is proposing to approve the                  Background                                            finding that the two areas had attained
                                                  limited maintenance plan (LMP)                                                                                the PM10 standard by their respective
                                                  submitted by the Idaho Department of                       On July 1, 1987, the EPA promulgated               attainment dates (66 FR 44304).
                                                  Environmental Quality (IDEQ) on                         the PM10 NAAQS (52 FR 24634) and on                      The IDEQ prepared a LMP for the
                                                  September 29, 2017, for the Pinehurst                   August 7, 1987, the EPA identified the                Pinehurst PM10 NAA and provided
                                                  PM10 Nonattainment Area (NAA) and                       Pinehurst area as a ‘‘Group I’’ area with             notice and an opportunity for public
                                                  Pinehurst PM10 Expansion NAA and to                     a strong likelihood of violating the                  comment on the proposed plan. On
                                                  concurrently redesignate the areas to                   NAAQS (52 FR 29383). On March 15,                     September 29, 2017, the IDEQ submitted
                                                  attainment for the PM10 National                        1991, the EPA published a notice                      the Pinehurst PM10 LMP to EPA for
                                                  Ambient Air Quality Standard                            announcing that the Pinehurst area had                approval and has requested that the EPA
                                                  (NAAQS). Throughout this notice,                        been designated a PM10 NAA upon the                   redesignate the Pinehurst NAA to
                                                  Pinehurst PM10 NAA shall refer to both                  November 15, 1990 enactment of the                    attainment for the PM10 NAAQS.
                                                  the original Pinehurst PM10 NAA and                     1990 CAA Amendments. In this notice,
                                                                                                          the EPA identified that the IDEQ needed               III. Requirements for Redesignation
                                                  Pinehurst PM10 Expansion NAA unless
                                                  noted otherwise. The EPA has reviewed                   to develop and submit by November 15,                 A. CAA Requirements for Redesignation
                                                  air quality data for the area and                       1991, a plan that would bring the area                of Nonattainment Area
                                                  determined that the Pinehurst NAA                       into attainment by no later than
                                                                                                          December 31, 1994 (56 FR 11101). On                     A nonattainment area can be
                                                  attained the PM10 NAAQS by the                                                                                redesignated to attainment after the area
                                                  required attainment date, and that                      November 6, 1991, the Pinehurst PM10
                                                                                                          NAA, which included the City of                       has measured air quality data showing
                                                  monitoring data continue to show                                                                              the NAAQS has been attained and when
                                                  attainment. The EPA is proposing to                     Pinehurst, was classified as moderate
                                                                                                          under sections 107(d)(4)(B) and 188(a)                certain planning requirements are met.
                                                  approve exclusion of data from a high                                                                         Section 107(d)(3)(E) of the CAA, and the
                                                                                                          of the CAA (56 FR 56694), and it had
                                                  wind exceptional event on September                                                                           General Preamble to Title I provide the
                                                                                                          an attainment date of no later than
                                                  15, 2013, that impacted PM10 values at                                                                        criteria for redesignation (57 FR 13498,
                                                                                                          December 31, 1994. On December 21,
                                                  the Pinehurst monitor as they are                                                                             April 16, 1992). These criteria are
                                                                                                          1993, the EPA designated the Pinehurst
                                                  needed to meet the LMP criteria.                                                                              further clarified in a policy and
                                                                                                          PM10 Expansion NAA, a contiguous area
                                                  Separately, the EPA is proposing to                                                                           guidance memorandum from John
                                                                                                          to the south of the City of Pinehurst and
                                                  approve the base year emission                                                                                Calcagni, Director, Air Quality
                                                                                                          the existing Pinehurst PM10 NAA; the
                                                  inventory for the West Silver Valley                                                                          Management Division, EPA Office of Air
                                                                                                          action became effective January 20, 1994
                                                  (WSV) PM2.5 NAA in the Silver Valley,                                                                         Quality Planning and Standards dated
                                                                                                          (58 FR 67334). The Pinehurst Expansion
                                                  Idaho.                                                                                                        September 4, 1992, entitled ‘‘Procedures
                                                                                                          area had an attainment date no later
                                                  II. Background                                          than December 31, 2000. These two                     for Processing Requests to Redesignate
                                                                                                          nonattainment areas, while contiguous                 Areas to Attainment’’ (Calcagni memo).
                                                  A. PM10 NAAQS                                                                                                 The criteria for redesignation are:
                                                                                                          and share common planning elements,
                                                     ‘‘Particulate matter,’’ also known as                have separate timing requirements and                   1. The Administrator has determined
                                                  particle pollution or PM, is a complex                  are considered separate nonattainment                 that the area has attained the applicable
                                                  mixture of extremely small particles and                areas.                                                NAAQS;
                                                  liquid droplets. The size of particles is                  After these designations to                          2. The Administrator has fully
                                                  directly linked to their potential for                  nonattainment for the Pinehurst PM10                  approved the applicable SIP for the area
                                                  causing health problems. The EPA is                     NAA, the IDEQ worked with the                         under section 110(k) of the CAA;
                                                  concerned about particles that are 10                   community of Pinehurst to develop a                     3. The state has met all requirements
                                                  micrometers in diameter or smaller                      plan to bring the Pinehurst PM10 NAA                  applicable to the area under section 110
                                                  because those are the particles that                    into attainment. The IDEQ submitted a                 and part D of the CAA;
                                                  generally pass through the throat and                   plan for the Pinehurst PM10 NAA, both                   4. The Administrator has determined
                                                  nose and enter the lungs. Once inhaled,                 the original and expansion areas, to the              that the improvement in air quality is
                                                  these particles can affect the heart and                EPA on April 14, 1992, as a moderate                  due to permanent and enforceable
                                                  lungs and can cause serious adverse                     PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP)                  reductions in emissions; and
                                                  health effects. People with heart or lung               under section 189(a) of the CAA. The                    5. The Administrator has fully
                                                  diseases, children and older adults are                 IDEQ’s submitted plan addressed PM10                  approved a maintenance plan for the
                                                  the most likely to be affected by particle              reductions through a suite of measures                area as meeting the requirements of
                                                  pollution exposure. Healthy individuals                 aimed at reducing wood smoke,                         section 175A of the CAA.
                                                  may also experience temporary                           primarily through a program to replace
                                                                                                          woodstoves with cleaner burning                       B. The LMP Option for PM10
                                                  symptoms from exposure to elevated
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                                                                                                          devices. The EPA conditionally                        Nonattainment Areas
                                                  levels of particle pollution.
                                                     On July 1, 1987, the EPA promulgated                 approved the IDEQ’s moderate PM10 SIP                   On August 9, 2001, the EPA issued
                                                  a NAAQS for PM10 (52 FR 24634). The                     applicable to the City of Pinehurst on                guidance on streamlined maintenance
                                                  EPA established a 24-hour standard of                   August 25, 1994 (59 FR 43745) and                     plan provisions for certain moderate
                                                  150 mg/m3 and an annual standard of 50                  conditionally approved the revisions                  PM10 nonattainment areas seeking
                                                  mg/m3, expressed as an annual                           applicable to the Pinehurst PM10                      redesignation to attainment (Memo from
                                                  arithmetic mean. The EPA also                           Expansion area on May 26, 1995 (60 FR                 Lydia Wegman, Director, Air Quality
                                                  promulgated secondary PM10 standards                    27891). Both plans were conditionally                 Standards and Strategies Division,

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                                                  21978                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  entitled ‘‘Limited Maintenance Plan                     capped for the maintenance period and                 at this site have been less than or equal
                                                  Option for Moderate PM10                                therefore a regional emissions analysis               to the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS since 1994.
                                                  Nonattainment Areas’’ (LMP Option                       would not be required. Similarly,                     In addition, the IDEQ states that the
                                                  memo)). The LMP Option memo                             Federal actions subject to the general                Pinehurst monitoring site is operated in
                                                  contains a statistical demonstration that               conformity rule could be considered to                compliance with the EPA monitoring
                                                  areas meeting certain air quality criteria              satisfy the ‘‘budget test’’ specified in 40           guidelines set forth in 40 CFR part 58,
                                                  will, with a high degree of probability,                CFR 93.158(a)(5)(i)(A) for the same                   Ambient Air Quality Surveillance.
                                                  maintain the standard 10 years into the                 reasons that the budgets are essentially                 Data from the Pinehurst monitoring
                                                  future. Thus, the EPA has already                       considered to be unlimited.                           site has been quality assured by the
                                                  provided the maintenance                                                                                      IDEQ and submitted to the EPA’s Air
                                                                                                          IV. Review of the Idaho Submittal                     Quality System (AQS), accessible
                                                  demonstration for areas meeting the
                                                                                                          Addressing the Requirements for                       through the EPA’s AirData website at
                                                  criteria outlined in the LMP Option
                                                                                                          Redesignation and LMPs                                https://www.epa.gov/outdoor-air-
                                                  memo. It follows that future year
                                                  emission inventories for these areas, and               A. Has the Pinehurst PM10 NAA                         quality-data. To show attainment for the
                                                  some of the standard analyses to                        attained the applicable NAAQS?                        24-hour PM10 NAAQS the three-year
                                                  determine transportation conformity                        To demonstrate that an area has                    design value must be less than or equal
                                                  with the SIP are no longer necessary.                   attained the PM10 NAAQS, the IDEQ                     to 1.0 expected number of exceedances,
                                                     To qualify for the LMP Option, the                   must submit an analysis of ambient air                as established in Appendix K to 40 CFR
                                                  area should have attained the PM10                      quality data from an ambient air                      part 50. The Pinehurst monitoring site
                                                  NAAQS and, based upon the most                          monitoring network representing peak                  recorded exceedances in 2013 and 2015
                                                  recent five years of air quality data at all            PM10 concentrations. The data should                  and the IDEQ flagged these exceedances
                                                  monitors in the area, the 24-hour design                be quality-assured and stored in the                  as being the result of exceptional events
                                                  value should be at or below 98 mg/m3.                   EPA Air Quality System database. The                  where unusually high winds entrained
                                                  If an area cannot meet this test, it may                EPA has reviewed air quality data for                 dust. Under the EPA’s Exceptional
                                                  still be able to qualify for the LMP                    the area and has determined that the                  Events Rule, the Agency may exclude
                                                  Option if the average design value                      Pinehurst NAA attained the PM10                       data from a regulatory determination
                                                  (ADV) for the site is less than the site-               NAAQS 1 by the applicable attainment                  related to an exceedance or violation of
                                                  specific critical design value (CDV). In                dates of December 31, 1994 for the City               the NAAQS if the IDEQ adequately
                                                  addition, the area should expect only                   of Pinehurst and December 31, 2000 for                demonstrates that an exceptional event
                                                  limited growth in on-road motor vehicle                 the Pinehurst PM10 Expansion area, and                caused the exceedance or violation. 40
                                                  PM10 emissions (including fugitive dust)                they continue to attain the PM10                      CFR 50.1 and 50.14. For the reasons set
                                                  and should have passed a motor vehicle                  NAAQS. EPA’s analysis is described                    forth in the IDEQ’s Pinehurst PM10 2013
                                                  regional emissions analysis test. The                   below.                                                High Wind Exceptional Event
                                                  LMP Option memo also identifies core                       The 24-hour PM10 NAAQS is 150 mg/                  concurrence letter and analysis (March
                                                  provisions that must be included in the                 m3. An area has attained this 24-hour                 2, 2017), the EPA excluded data
                                                  LMP. These provisions include an                        standard when the average number of                   showing an exceedance on September
                                                  attainment year emissions inventory,                    expected exceedances per year is less                 15, 2013, in determining whether the
                                                  assurance of continued operation of an                  than or equal to one, when averaged                   Pinehurst NAA has attained the PM10
                                                  EPA-approved air quality monitoring                     over a three-year period (40 CFR 50.6).               NAAQS. The concurrence letter
                                                  network, and contingency provisions.                    To make this determination, three                     explains how the IDEQ met the
                                                                                                          consecutive years of complete ambient                 Exceptional Event Rule criteria to
                                                  C. Conformity Under the LMP Option
                                                                                                          air quality data must be collected in                 demonstrate that the September 15,
                                                     The transportation conformity rule                                                                         2013 exceedance qualifies as an
                                                  and the general conformity rule (40 CFR                 accordance with Federal requirements
                                                                                                          (40 CFR part 58 including appendices).                exceptional event. Based on this
                                                  parts 51 and 93) apply to nonattainment                                                                       demonstration, the IDEQ’s submission
                                                                                                             A comprehensive air quality
                                                  areas and maintenance areas covered by                                                                        demonstrates that the Pinehurst PM10
                                                                                                          monitoring plan, meeting the
                                                  an approved maintenance plan. Under                                                                           NAA’s expected number of exceedances
                                                  either conformity rule, an acceptable                   requirements of 40 CFR part 58, was
                                                                                                          originally submitted by the IDEQ to the               was 0.67 for 2013–15, which is below
                                                  method of demonstrating that a Federal                                                                        the 1.0 upper limit. The EPA confirmed
                                                  action conforms to the applicable SIP is                EPA on January 15, 1980, and approved
                                                                                                          by the EPA on July 28, 1982 (40 CFR                   that the area continues to be less than
                                                  to demonstrate that expected emissions                                                                        or equal to the 1.0 expected number
                                                  from the planned action are consistent                  52.670), and most recently submitted in
                                                                                                          June 2017, with approval by the EPA on                exceedances with the 2014–16 value
                                                  with the emissions budget for the area.                                                                       being 0.7. The EPA therefore finds that
                                                     While EPA’s LMP Option does not                      November 8, 2017. The monitoring plan
                                                                                                          describes the Idaho monitoring network                the area was not violating the PM10
                                                  exempt an area from the need to affirm                                                                        NAAQS.
                                                  conformity, it explains that the area may               throughout the state, which includes the
                                                  demonstrate conformity without                          Pinehurst Idaho monitor (AQS ID 16–                   B. Does the Pinehurst PM10 NAA have
                                                  conforming to an emissions budget.                      079–0017–81102–3). In the LMP                         a fully approved SIP under section
                                                  Under the LMP Option, emissions                         submittal, the IDEQ states that the                   110(k) of the CAA?
                                                  budgets are treated as essentially not                  nonattainment designation was based                      To qualify for redesignation, the SIP
                                                  constraining for the length of the                      on data collected at the Pinehurst                    for an area must be fully approved
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                                                  maintenance period because it is                        monitoring site. With the exception of                under section 110(k) of the CAA, and
                                                  unreasonable to expect that the                         three high wind exceptional events, a                 must satisfy all requirements that apply
                                                  qualifying areas would experience so                    review of data shows that PM10 3-year                 to the area. As discussed in Section II.B.
                                                  much growth in that period that a                       average expected exceedances recorded                 above, the IDEQ submitted a moderate
                                                  violation of the PM10 NAAQS would                          1 Because the annual PM
                                                                                                                                                                PM10 SIP for the Pinehurst PM10 NAA
                                                                                                                                     10 standard was revoked
                                                  result. For transportation conformity                   effective December 18, 2006, see 71 FR 61144
                                                                                                                                                                on April 14, 1992. The EPA took final
                                                  purposes, the EPA would conclude that                   (October 17, 2006), this notice discusses only        action to conditionally approve the
                                                  emissions in these areas need not be                    attainment of the 24-hour PM10 standard.’’            IDEQ’s moderate PM10 SIP on August

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          21979

                                                  25, 1994 (59 FR 43745) for the City of                  2. Part D Requirements                                inventory is current, accurate, and
                                                  Pinehurst and to conditionally approve                     Part D of the CAA contains general                 comprehensive, and therefore meets the
                                                  the IDEQ’s moderate PM10 SIP on May                     requirements applicable to all areas                  requirements of section 172(c)(3) of the
                                                  26, 1995 (60 FR 27891) for the Pinehurst                designated nonattainment. The general                 CAA.
                                                  PM10 Expansion area. These conditional                  requirements are followed by a series of              2c. Part D, Section 172(c)(5)—New
                                                  approvals required submission of                        subparts specific to each pollutant. All              Source Review (NSR)
                                                  contingency measures. Accordingly, the                  PM10 nonattainment areas must meet
                                                  IDEQ submitted the contingency plan                                                                              The CAA requires all nonattainment
                                                                                                          the general provisions of Subpart 1 and               areas to meet several requirements
                                                  applicable to the entire Pinehurst PM10                 the specific PM10 provisions in Subpart
                                                  NAA as required by the conditional                                                                            regarding NSR. The IDEQ must have an
                                                                                                          4, ‘‘Additional Provisions for Particulate            approved major NSR program that meets
                                                  approvals on July 13, 1995. With the                    Matter Nonattainment Areas.’’ The
                                                  EPA’s approval on October 2, 2014 (79                                                                         the requirements of CAA section
                                                                                                          following paragraphs discuss these                    172(c)(5). The Part D NSR rules for PM10
                                                  FR 59435), the Pinehurst PM10 NAA                       requirements as they apply to the
                                                  satisfied all requirements that apply to                                                                      nonattainment areas in Idaho were
                                                                                                          Pinehurst PM10 NAA.                                   approved by the EPA on July 23, 1993
                                                  the area and thus the area has a fully
                                                                                                          2a. Part D, Section 172(c)(2)—                        (58 FR 39445) and amended on January
                                                  approved nonattainment area SIP under
                                                                                                          Reasonable Further Progress                           16, 2003 (68 FR 2217). Revisions to
                                                  section 110(k) of the CAA.
                                                                                                                                                                Idaho’s NSR rules were most recently
                                                  C. Has the IDEQ met all applicable                         Section 172(c) contains general                    approved by the EPA on November 26,
                                                  requirements under section 110 and                      requirements for NAA plans. A                         2010 (75 FR 72719). Within the
                                                                                                          thorough discussion of these                          boundaries of the Pinehurst PM10 NAA,
                                                  Part D of the CAA?
                                                                                                          requirements may be found in the                      the requirements of the Part D NSR
                                                     Section 107(d)(3)(E) of the CAA                      General Preamble (57 FR 13538, April                  program will be replaced by the IDEQ’s
                                                  requires that a state containing an NAA                 16, 1992). CAA section 172(c)(2)                      Prevention of Significant Deterioration
                                                  meet all applicable requirements under                  requires nonattainment plans to provide               (PSD) program requirements upon the
                                                  section 110 and Part D of the CAA for                   for reasonable further progress (RFP).                effective date of redesignation. The
                                                  the area to be redesignated to                          Section 171(1) of the CAA defines RFP                 currently approved NSR provisions
                                                  attainment. The EPA interprets this to                  as ‘‘such annual incremental reductions               meet the requirements of 172(c)(5) and
                                                  mean that the IDEQ must meet all                        in emissions of the relevant air pollutant            therefore this condition for proposed
                                                  requirements that applied to the area                   as are required by this part (part D of               redesignation is satisfied.
                                                  prior to, and at the time of, the                       title I) or may reasonably be required by
                                                                                                          the Administrator for the purpose of                  2d. Part D, Section 172(c)(7)—
                                                  submission of a complete redesignation                                                                        Compliance With CAA Section
                                                  request. The following is a summary of                  ensuring attainment of the applicable
                                                                                                          national ambient air quality standard by              110(a)(2): Air Quality Monitoring
                                                  how Idaho meets these requirements.                                                                           Requirements
                                                                                                          the applicable date.’’ The requirements
                                                  1. Clean Air Act Section 110                            for reasonable further progress,                        Once an area is redesignated, the
                                                  Requirements                                            identification of certain emissions                   IDEQ must continue to operate an
                                                                                                          increases and other measures needed for               appropriate air monitoring network in
                                                    Section 110(a)(2) of the CAA contains                 attainment were satisfied with the                    accordance with 40 CFR part 58 to
                                                  general requirements for nonattainment                  approved Pinehurst PM10 NAA SIP (59                   verify the attainment status of the area.
                                                  plans. These requirements include, but                  FR 43745 and 60 FR 27891). In its                     On January 15, 1980, the IDEQ
                                                  are not limited to: Submittal of a SIP                  August 23, 2001 action (66 FR 44304),                 submitted a comprehensive air quality
                                                  that has been adopted by the IDEQ after                 the EPA determined that the Pinehurst                 monitoring plan, intended to meet the
                                                  reasonable notice and public hearing;                   NAA attained the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS                   requirements of 40 CFR part 58. The
                                                  provisions for establishment and                        by the December 31, 1994 and December                 EPA approved the plan on July 28, 1982
                                                  operation of appropriate apparatus,                     31, 2000, attainment dates. Therefore,                (40 CFR 52.760). This monitoring plan
                                                  methods, systems and procedures                         the EPA believes no further showing of                has been updated, with the most recent
                                                  necessary to monitor ambient air                        RFP or quantitative milestones is                     submittal in June 2017, with approval
                                                  quality; implementation of a permit                     necessary.                                            by the EPA on November 8, 2017. The
                                                  program; provisions for Part C—                                                                               monitoring plan describes the PM10
                                                  Prevention of Significant Deterioration                 2b. Part D, Section 172(c)(3)—Emissions               monitoring network throughout Idaho,
                                                  (PSD) and Part D—New Source Review                      Inventory                                             including the Pinehurst monitoring site.
                                                  (NSR) permit programs; criteria for                        For redesignation, section 172(c)(3) of            The Pinehurst monitoring site is
                                                  stationary source emission control                      CAA requires a comprehensive,                         operated in compliance with the EPA
                                                  measures, monitoring and reporting;                     accurate, current inventory of actual                 monitoring guidelines set forth in 40
                                                  provisions for modeling; and provisions                 emissions from all sources in the                     CFR part 58, Ambient Air Quality
                                                  for public and local agency                             Pinehurst PM10 NAA. The IDEQ                          Surveillance. In addition, the Pinehurst
                                                  participation. See the General Preamble                 included an emissions inventory for the               PM10 NAA LMP submittal provides a
                                                  for further explanation of these                        Pinehurst area for the year 2013 in the               commitment to continue operation of
                                                  requirements (57 FR 13498, April 16,                    September 29, 2017 submittal. The                     the PM10 monitoring network in
                                                  1992). The EPA’s approval of Idaho’s                    IDEQ used 2013 as a base year for the                 accordance with 40 CFR part 58, and to
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                                                  SIP for attainment and maintenance of                   emissions inventory, including data                   annually verify continued attainment of
                                                  national standards can be found at 40                   from the 2014 periodic emission                       the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS in Pinehurst
                                                  CFR 52.673. For purposes of                             inventory (PEI), as the IDEQ determined               through the Annual Ambient Air
                                                  redesignation of the Pinehurst PM10                     that it is representative of emissions                Monitoring Network Plan. Any changes
                                                  NAA, the EPA has reviewed the IDEQ                      during the five-year period associated                to the monitoring site will be made via
                                                  SIP and finds that the IDEQ has satisfied               with air quality data demonstrating                   the Annual Ambient Air Monitoring
                                                  all applicable requirements under CAA                   attainment. The IDEQ has demonstrated                 Network Plan or formal communication.
                                                  section 110(a)(2) for the PM10 NAAQS.                   that the 2013 base year emissions                     The currently approved monitoring plan

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                                                  21980                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  and associated program meet the                         were conditionally approved into the                  F. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the
                                                  requirements of 172(c)(7) and therefore                 Pinehurst PM10 SIP on August 25, 1994                 Pinehurst NAA qualifies for the LMP
                                                  this condition for proposed                             (59 FR 43745) and on May 26, 1995 (60                 Option?
                                                  redesignation is satisfied.                             FR 27891). The EPA’s approval of the                     The LMP Option Memo outlines the
                                                  2e. Part D, Section 172(c)(9)—                          July 13, 1995 contingency plan on                     requirements for an area to qualify for
                                                  Contingency Measures                                    October 2, 2014 (79 FR 59435) fully                   a LMP. First, the area should be
                                                                                                          approved these required elements The                  attaining the NAAQS. On August 23,
                                                     The CAA requires that contingency
                                                                                                          EPA approved changes to Idaho’s major                 2001, the EPA determined that the
                                                  measures take effect if an area fails to
                                                                                                          NSR rules on July 17, 2012 (77 FR                     Pinehurst NAA attained the PM10
                                                  meet RFP requirements or fails to attain                                                                      NAAQS by December 31, 1994 and
                                                  the NAAQS by the applicable                             41916) and November 26, 2010 (75 FR
                                                                                                          72719). The IDEQ’s major                              December 31, 2000 (66 FR 44304). The
                                                  attainment date. On August 23, 2001,                                                                          EPA has reviewed recent ambient air
                                                  the EPA determined that the Pinehurst                   nonattainment NSR rules and PSD rules
                                                                                                          include control requirements that apply               quality data for the 24-hour PM10
                                                  NAA attained the PM10 NAAQS by the                                                                            NAAQS, and has determined that the
                                                  applicable attainment dates of December                 to major stationary sources of PM10 and
                                                                                                          PM10 precursors in nonattainment and                  Pinehurst NAA continues to attain the
                                                  31, 1994 and December 31, 2000 (66 FR                                                                         24-hour PM10 NAAQS. Please see
                                                  44304). Therefore, attainment planning                  attainment/unclassifiable areas.
                                                                                                                                                                section IV.A. above for a detailed
                                                  contingency measures are no longer                      Therefore, the EPA proposes that the
                                                  required under section 172(c)(9) of the                 requirements of 189(a)(c) and (e) for this               Second, the average design value
                                                  CAA. However, maintenance plan                          proposed redesignation is satisfied.                  (ADV) for the past five years of
                                                  contingency provisions are required for                                                                       monitoring data must be at or below the
                                                                                                          D. Has the IDEQ demonstrated that the
                                                  maintenance plans under section                                                                               critical design value (CDV). The CDV is
                                                                                                          air quality improvement is due to
                                                  175(a)(d). Please see section IV.I. for a                                                                     a margin of safety value at which an
                                                  description of Idaho’s maintenance plan                 permanent and enforceable reductions?
                                                                                                                                                                area has been determined to have a one
                                                  contingency provisions.                                   Section 107(d)(3)(E)(iii) of the CAA                in ten probability of exceeding the
                                                  2f. Part D, Section 189(a), (c) and (e)—                provides that a NAA may not be                        NAAQS. The LMP Option Memo
                                                  Additional Provisions for Particulate                   redesignated unless the EPA determines                provides two methods to review
                                                  Matter Nonattainment Areas                              that the improvement in air quality is                monitoring data for the purpose of
                                                                                                          due to permanent and enforceable                      determining qualification for an LMP.
                                                     CAA sections 189(a), (c) and (e) apply                                                                     The first method is a comparison of a
                                                  to moderate PM10 nonattainment areas.                   reductions in emissions resulting from
                                                                                                          implementation of the SIP. Permanent                  site’s ADV with the CDV of 98 mg/m3 for
                                                  Any of these requirements which were                                                                          the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS. A second
                                                  applicable and due prior to the                         and enforceable control measures in the
                                                                                                                                                                method that applies to the 24-hour PM10
                                                  submission of the redesignation request                 Pinehurst PM10 SIP include controls
                                                                                                                                                                NAAQS is the calculation of a site-
                                                  must be fully approved into the SIP                     primarily focused on residential wood
                                                                                                                                                                specific CDV and a comparison of the
                                                  before redesignating the area to                        combustion. The Pinehurst PM10 NAA                    site-specific CDV with the ADV for the
                                                  attainment. With respect to the                         LMP submittal describes its woodstove                 past five years of monitoring data. The
                                                  Pinehurst NAA, these requirements                       changeout program which resulted in 76                IDEQ’s LMP submittal provides a
                                                  include:                                                stove replacements by 1994 and an                     comparison of five-year ADVs compared
                                                     (a) Provisions to assure that                        additional 87 replacements between                    to the 24-hour and annual CDVs, as
                                                  reasonably available control measures                   1996 and 2015. According to a recent                  described in the first method for review
                                                  were implemented by December 31,                        survey in the community these 163                     of monitoring data to determine
                                                  1994 and December 31, 2000 (section                     changeouts account for 60% of the                     qualification for a LMP. The IDEQ’s
                                                  189(a)(1)(C));                                          uncertified devices in the area. Between              analysis demonstrates that the Pinehurst
                                                     (b) Either a demonstration that the                  2015–17, 40 additional woodstoves have                NAA has met the LMP design value
                                                  plan provided for attainment as                                                                               criteria using the tabular look up
                                                                                                          been changed out to cleaner burning
                                                  expeditiously as practicable but not                                                                          method which showed the area to be
                                                                                                          devices under this program; 31 to EPA
                                                  later than December 31, 1994 and                                                                              meeting the CDV with a five-year design
                                                                                                          certified, 1 to propane, and 8 to natural
                                                  December 31, 2000, or a demonstration                                                                         value of 83 mg/m3. The EPA has
                                                  that attainment by that date was                        gas. Additional permanent controls in
                                                                                                          the area include the weatherization of                reviewed the calculations and concurs
                                                  impracticable (section 189(a)(1)(B));                                                                         with the IDEQ’s findings that the area
                                                     (c) Quantitative milestones which                    30 homes in the mid-1990s which
                                                                                                          provided for reductions in emissions by               has a five-year design value of 83 mg/m3
                                                  were achieved every three years and                                                                           for both 2011–2015 and the most
                                                  which demonstrate RFP toward                            reducing home heating requirements
                                                                                                                                                                recently available five year DV of 2012–
                                                  attainment by December 31, 1994 and                     which in turn reduce the need for
                                                                                                                                                                2016.2 Therefore, the EPA finds that the
                                                  December 31, 2000 (section 189(c)(1));                  additional fuel and the associated
                                                                                                                                                                Pinehurst NAA meets the design value
                                                  and                                                     emissions.                                            criteria outlined in the LMP Option
                                                     (d) Provisions to assure that the
                                                                                                          E. Does the area have a fully approved                Memo.
                                                  control requirements applicable to                                                                               Third, the area must meet the motor
                                                  major stationary sources of PM10 also                   maintenance plan pursuant to section
                                                                                                          175A of the act?                                      vehicle regional emissions analysis test
                                                  apply to major stationary sources of
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                described in attachment B of the LMP
                                                  PM10 precursors except where the                          In this action, we are proposing to                 Option Memo. Using the methodology
                                                  Administrator determined that such                      approve the LMP in accordance with the                outlined in the LMP Option Memo, the
                                                  sources do not contribute significantly                                                                       IDEQ has submitted an analysis of
                                                                                                          principles outlined in the LMP Option
                                                  to PM10 levels which exceed the                                                                               whether increased emissions from on-
                                                                                                          Memo. Upon final approval, the
                                                  NAAQS in the area (section 189(e)).
                                                    Provisions for reasonably available                   Pinehurst NAA will have a fully
                                                                                                                                                                  2 This LMP design value is dependent upon data
                                                  control measures, attainment                            approved maintenance plan.
                                                                                                                                                                being excluded from a high wind exceptional event
                                                  demonstration, and RFP milestones                                                                             also proposed for approval in this notice.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                21981

                                                  road mobile sources would increase                      inventory, with a base year of 2013.                  and implementation of a contingency
                                                  PM10 concentrations in the Pinehurst                    After reviewing the 2013 emissions                    provision, the contingency provision
                                                  NAA to levels that would threaten the                   inventory and determining that it is                  that would be adopted and
                                                  assumption of maintenance that                          current, accurate and complete, as well               implemented, and the schedule
                                                  underlies the LMP policy. Using this                    as reviewing monitoring data, the EPA                 indicating the time frame by which the
                                                  methodology, the IDEQ has determined                    has determined that the 2013 emissions                IDEQ would adopt and implement the
                                                  that the Pinehurst NAA passes the                       inventory is representative of the                    provision. The LMP Option Memo and
                                                  motor vehicle regional emissions                        attainment year inventory because the                 Calcagni Memo state that the EPA will
                                                  analysis test. The motor vehicle regional               NAAQS was not violated during 2013.                   determine the adequacy of a
                                                  emissions analysis test results of 83.19                In addition, the year 2013 is                         contingency plan on a case-by-case
                                                  mg/m3 and 83.36 mg/m3 when adjusted                     representative of the level of emissions              basis. At a minimum, it must require
                                                  for growth are below the 98 mg/m3                       during the time period used to calculate              that the IDEQ will implement all
                                                  annual standard and meet the margin of                  the average design value because 2013                 measures contained in the CAA part D
                                                  safety requirements. The EPA has                        is one of the years during the five-year              nonattainment plan for the area prior to
                                                  reviewed the calculations in the IDEQ’s                 period used to calculate the design                   redesignation.
                                                  Pinehurst NAA LMP submittal in                          value. The submittal meets EPA                           In the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP
                                                  Section 3.1 and concurs with this                       guidance, as described above, for                     submittal, the IDEQ has included
                                                  conclusion.                                             purposes of an attainment emissions                   maintenance plan contingency
                                                     The LMP Option Memo requires all                     inventory.                                            provisions to ensure the area continues
                                                  controls relied on to demonstrate                                                                             to meet the PM10 NAAQS. The
                                                  attainment remain in place for a NAA to                 H. Does the LMP include an assurance
                                                                                                          of continued operation of an                          submitted LMP includes the Annual
                                                  qualify for a LMP. The LMP developed                                                                          Network Plan review process as the
                                                  by IDEQ will continue to implement the                  appropriate EPA-approved air quality
                                                                                                          monitoring network, in accordance with                triggering mechanism for identifying if
                                                  control measures relied upon to                                                                               the Pinehurst area violates the PM10
                                                  demonstrate attainment. Therefore, EPA                  40 CFR part 58?
                                                                                                                                                                NAAQS. If triggered the LMP identifies
                                                  proposes to find that the Pinehurst PM10                   A PM10 monitoring network was                      a list of specific control measures as
                                                  NAA meets the qualification criteria set                established in the Pinehurst area in                  listed in section 3.5.2 of their submittal
                                                  forth in the LMP Option Memo, and                       1985. The monitoring network was                      to reduce emissions, including potential
                                                  therefore qualifies for a LMP.                          developed and has been maintained in                  measures that would control emissions
                                                     The LMP Option Memo also indicates                   accordance with Federal siting and
                                                                                                                                                                associated with residential wood
                                                  that once a state submits a LMP and it                  design criteria in 40 CFR part 58, and in
                                                                                                                                                                combustion, controlling road-dust
                                                  is in effect, the IDEQ will be expected                 consultation with EPA Region 10. The
                                                                                                                                                                related emissions, and refuse burning
                                                  to determine, on an annual basis, that                  EPA most recently approved the IDEQ’s
                                                                                                                                                                for evaluation and a process for
                                                  the LMP criteria are still being met. If                air monitoring plan on November 8,
                                                                                                                                                                selection. Therefore, the EPA believes
                                                  the IDEQ determines that the LMP                        2017. In the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP
                                                                                                                                                                the contingency provisions submitted in
                                                  criteria are not being met, it should take              submittal, the IDEQ commits to
                                                                                                                                                                the Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP are
                                                  action to reduce PM10 concentrations                    continue to operate its monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                adequate to meet CAA section 175A
                                                  enough to requalify for the LMP. One                    network to meet the EPA requirements
                                                  possible approach the IDEQ could take                   at 40 CFR part 58 and identify any
                                                  is to implement contingency measures.                   issues or adjustments via the Annual                  J. How is conformity treated under a
                                                  Section IV.I. provides a description of                 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan                   limited maintenance plan? 3
                                                  contingency provisions submitted as                     or formal communication. The submittal
                                                                                                                                                                  The transportation conformity rule
                                                  part of the Pinehurst NAA LMP                           contains an assurance of continued
                                                                                                                                                                (40 CFR 51. 390 and 40 CFR 93.100–
                                                  submittal. The EPA believes the                         operation of the PM10 monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                129) and the general conformity rule (40
                                                  contingency provisions submitted by                     network. The submittal meets EPA LMP
                                                                                                                                                                CFR 93.150–165) apply to
                                                  the IDEQ meet the requirements of CAA                   submission requirements with respect to
                                                                                                                                                                nonattainment areas and maintenance
                                                  section 175A as outlined in the LMP                     maintenance of a monitoring network.
                                                                                                                                                                areas operating under maintenance
                                                  Option memo.                                            I. Does the plan meet the clean air act               plans. Under either conformity rule one
                                                  G. Does the IDEQ have an approved                       requirements for contingency                          means of demonstrating conformity of
                                                  attainment emissions inventory which                    provisions?                                           Federal actions is to indicate that
                                                  can be used to demonstrate attainment                      The CAA section 175A states that a                 expected emissions from planned
                                                  of the NAAQS?                                           maintenance plan must include                         actions are consistent with the
                                                     Pursuant to the LMP Option Memo,                     contingency provisions, as necessary, to              emissions budget for the area. Emissions
                                                  the IDEQ’s approved attainment plan                     ensure prompt correction of any                       budgets in LMP areas may be treated as
                                                  should include an emissions inventory                   violation of the NAAQS which may                      essentially not constraining for the
                                                  which can be used to demonstrate                        occur after redesignation of the area to              length of the maintenance period
                                                  attainment of the NAAQS. The                            attainment. As explained in the LMP                   because it is unreasonable to expect that
                                                  inventory should represent emissions                    Option Memo and the Calcagni Memo,                    an area satisfying the LMP criteria will
                                                  during the same five-year period                        these contingency provisions are                      experience so much growth during that
                                                  associated with air quality data used to                considered to be an enforceable part of               period of time such that a violation of
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  determine whether the area meets the                    the federally-approved SIP. The                       the PM10 NAAQS would result. While
                                                  applicability requirements of the LMP                   maintenance plan should clearly                       this policy does not exempt an area
                                                  Option. The IDEQ should review its                      identify the provisions to be adopted, a              from the need to affirm conformity, it
                                                  inventory every three years to ensure                   schedule and procedures for adoption                  does allow the area to demonstrate
                                                  emissions growth is incorporated in the                 and implementation, and a specific time                 3 See ‘‘Limited Maintenance Plan Option for
                                                  inventory if necessary.                                 limit for action by the IDEQ. The                     Moderate PM10 Nonattainment Areas’’ memo from
                                                     The IDEQ’s Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP                    maintenance plan should identify the                  Director Lydia Wegman to Regional Offices dated
                                                  submittal includes an emissions                         events that would ‘‘trigger’’ the adoption            August 9, 2001.

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                                                  21982                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  conformity without undertaking certain                  value calculations when there are                     precursors in the emissions inventory is
                                                  requirements of these rules. For                        exceedances caused by events, such as                 necessary in order to inform other
                                                  transportation conformity purposes,                     wildfires or high wind events, that meet              aspects of the attainment plan
                                                  EPA would be concluding that                            the criteria for an exceptional event                 development process, if such a plan is
                                                  emissions in these areas need not be                    identified in the EPA’s implementing                  required. The SIP submission should
                                                  capped for the maintenance period, and,                 regulations, the Exceptional Events Rule              include documentation explaining how
                                                  therefore, a regional emissions analysis                at 40 CFR 50.1, 50.14 and 51.930. In                  the state calculated the emissions data
                                                  would not be required. Similarly,                       2013 emissions from a high wind event                 for the base year inventory. The specific
                                                  Federal actions subject to the general                  entrained dust and impacted PM10                      PM2.5 emissions inventory requirements
                                                  conformity rule could be considered to                  concentrations recorded at the Pinehurst              are set forth in 40 CFR 51.1008. The
                                                  satisfy the ‘‘budget test’’ specified in                monitor. For purposes of this Pinehurst               EPA has provided additional guidance
                                                  § 93.158(a)(5)(i)(A) of the rule, for the               PM10 redesignation and LMP, the IDEQ                  for developing PM2.5 emissions
                                                  same reasons that the budgets are                       submitted an exceptional event                        inventories in Emissions Inventory
                                                  essentially considered to be unlimited.                 demonstration to request exclusion of                 Guidance for Implementation of Ozone
                                                     The Pinehurst area is an isolated rural              the data. The EPA evaluated the IDEQ’s                and Particulate Matter National
                                                  area 4. Transportation conformity                       exceptional event demonstration for the               Ambient Air Quality Standards
                                                  determinations in isolated rural                        flagged values of the 24-hour PM10                    (NAAQS) and Regional Haze.
                                                  nonattainment and maintenance areas                     NAAQS for September 15, 2013, at the                  B. West Silver Valley PM2.5 Base Year
                                                  are required only when a new non-                       monitor in Pinehurst, Idaho, with                     Emissions Inventory
                                                  exempt Federal Highway                                  respect to the requirements of the EPA’s
                                                  Administration (FHWA)/State                             Exceptional Events Rule (40 CFR 50.14)                   The IDEQ developed a 2013 base year
                                                  Transportation Agency (STA) project                     and determined that IDEQ met the rule                 emissions inventory for the WSV annual
                                                  needs funding or approval. Thus, in the                 requirements. On March 2, 2017, the                   PM2.5 NAA. The base year emissions
                                                  event that a conformity analysis is                     EPA concurred with the IDEQ’s request                 inventory includes data from 2013 and
                                                  required, the state agency responsible                  to exclude event-influenced data for                  2014 and in large part was extracted
                                                  for conducting transportation                           September 15, 2013. As such, the event-               from the 2014 periodic emissions
                                                  conformity must document and ensure                     influenced data have been removed                     inventory (PEI) which is used to
                                                  that:                                                   from the data set used for regulatory                 populate the EPA’s National Emissions
                                                     (a) The interagency consultation                     purposes and, for this proposed action,               Inventory (NEI). The 2013 base year
                                                  procedures meet the applicable                          the EPA relies on the calculated values               inventory is one of the three years used
                                                  requirements of 40 CFR 93.105(c)(1)(vi);                that exclude the event-influenced data.               to designate the area as nonattainment.
                                                     (b) Conformity is determined as                      The EPA now proposes approval of the                  This base year inventory presents direct
                                                  specified in 40 CFR 93.109(g) for                       IDEQ’s request to exclude data from                   PM2.5 emissions (condensable and
                                                  isolated rural areas.                                   September 15, 2013, in determining                    filterable) and emissions of all PM2.5
                                                     The minimum criteria by which the                    PM10 attainment as a high wind                        precursors (NOX, VOCs, NH3, and SO2)
                                                  EPA determines whether a SIP is                         exceptional event. For further                        to meet the emissions inventory
                                                  adequate for conformity purposes are                    information, refer to the IDEQ’s                      requirements of CAA section 172(c).
                                                  specified at 40 CFR 93.118(e)(4). The                                                                         The IDEQ provided inventories from all
                                                                                                          Exceptional Event demonstration
                                                  EPA’s analysis of how the LMP satisfies                                                                       sources in the WSV NAA, including
                                                                                                          package and the EPA’s concurrence and
                                                  these criteria for transportation                                                                             nonpoint/area sources, point sources,
                                                                                                          analysis located in the docket for this
                                                  conformity is found in the docket. The                                                                        nonroad sources, and onroad sources.
                                                                                                          regulatory action.
                                                  EPA proposes to find adequate Idaho’s                                                                         The inventory is based on annual
                                                  LMP for Pinehurst for transportation                    VI. West Silver Valley 2012 Annual                    emissions in tons per year. The top
                                                  conformity purposes.                                    PM2.5 Emission Inventory                              source sectors of direct PM2.5 in the
                                                     Upon final approval of the Pinehurst                                                                       WSV are prescribed burns (88.91 tons/
                                                                                                          A. Requirements for Emissions
                                                  PM10 NAA LMP, the Pinehurst area will                                                                         year (tpy)), residential wood combustion
                                                  be exempt from performing a regional                                                                          (52.61 tpy), onroad (17.25 tpy), unpaved
                                                                                                             Section 172(c)(3) of the CAA requires              roads (13.61 tpy), and nonroad (7.24
                                                  emissions analysis, but must meet                       a state with an area designated as
                                                  project-level conformity analysis as well                                                                     tpy) emissions.
                                                                                                          nonattainment to submit a                                The largest source category of direct
                                                  as the transportation conformity criteria               ‘‘comprehensive, accurate, current                    PM2.5 emissions in the WSV was from
                                                  located in 40 CFR 93.109(g) for isolated                inventory of actual emissions from all                prescribed burning, accounting for
                                                  rural areas.                                            sources of the relevant pollutant’’ for the           44.9% of direct PM2.5. These emissions
                                                  V. 2013 PM10 High Wind Exceptional                      NAA. By requiring an accounting of                    came from primarily large and small
                                                  Event                                                   actual emissions from all sources of the              scale permitted burners who burn forest
                                                                                                          relevant pollutants in the area, this                 waste mostly during the fall season.
                                                    The CAA allows for the exclusion of
                                                                                                          section provides for the base year                    Emissions were estimated by extracting
                                                  air quality monitoring data from design
                                                                                                          inventory to include all emissions from               data, including fuel loading-moisture-
                                                     4 As defined in 40 CFR 93.101, Isolated rural        sources in the NAA that contribute to                 acres burned-emissions factors, from
                                                  nonattainment and maintenance areas are areas that      the formation of a particular NAAQS                   prescribed burn databases maintained
                                                  do not contain or are not part of any metropolitan      pollutant. For the 2012 annual PM2.5                  by the Idaho-Montana Air Shed Group
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  planning area as designated under the                   NAAQS, this includes direct PM2.5                     and Idaho Department of Lands, and the
                                                  transportation planning regulations. Isolated rural
                                                  areas do not have Federally required metropolitan
                                                                                                          (condensable and filterable) as well as               Forest Practices Act Compliance
                                                  transportation plans (MTPs) or transportation           the precursors to the formation of                    database. The second largest source
                                                  improvement programs (TIPs) and do not have             secondary PM2.5: Nitrogen oxides (NOX),               category is residential wood combustion
                                                  projects that are part of the emissions analysis of     sulfur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic                (RWC). The emissions come from
                                                  any metropolitan planning organization’s (MPO’s)
                                                  MTP or TIP. Projects in such areas are instead
                                                                                                          compounds (VOCs), and ammonia (NH3)                   various residential devices designed to
                                                  included in statewide transportation improvement        (40 CFR 51.1008; 81 FR 58028).                        heat homes through burning wood
                                                  programs.                                               Inclusion of PM2.5 and all of the PM2.5               whether in solid or pellet form.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 92 / Friday, May 11, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                 21983

                                                  Emissions from RWC, on an annual                          The EPA is also taking action to                       The SIP is not approved to apply on
                                                  basis, account for about 26.6% of the                   propose approval of the WSV Annual                    any Indian reservation land or in any
                                                  base year direct PM2.5 emissions. These                 PM2.5 base year Emissions Inventory as                other area where the EPA or an Indian
                                                  emissions were estimated using the                      meeting CAA 172(c)(3) requirements.                   tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has
                                                  EPA’s Microsoft Access RWC tool v2.1                                                                          jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian
                                                                                                          VIII. Statutory and Executive Order
                                                  and estimates were adjusted with                                                                              country, the rule does not have tribal
                                                  information from a local woodstove                                                                            implications and will not impose
                                                  survey along with information from the                     Under the CAA, the Administrator is                substantial direct costs on tribal
                                                  ongoing woodstove changeout program                     required to approve a SIP submission                  governments or preempt tribal law as
                                                  in the area. The next three largest source              that complies with the provisions of the              specified by Executive Order 13175 (65
                                                  categories, onroad emissions, unpaved                   CAA and applicable Federal regulations.               FR 67249, November 9, 2000).
                                                  roads emission, and nonroad emissions                   42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).
                                                                                                          Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions, the               List of Subjects
                                                  accounted for 30.9% of the direct PM2.5
                                                  in the base year emissions inventory.                   EPA’s role is to approve state choices,               40 CFR Part 52
                                                  The onroad emissions source category                    provided that they meet the criteria of
                                                                                                          the CAA. Accordingly, this proposed                     Environmental protection, Air
                                                  includes emissions from motor vehicles                                                                        pollution control, Incorporation by
                                                  and road dust from paved roads. The                     action merely approves state law as
                                                                                                          meeting Federal requirements and does                 reference, Intergovernmental relations,
                                                  nonroad emissions source category                                                                             Particulate matter, Reporting and
                                                  includes winter and summer recreation                   not impose additional requirements
                                                                                                          beyond those imposed by state law. For                recordkeeping requirements.
                                                  vehicles and emissions generated from
                                                  logging, construction and mining, and                   that reason, this proposed action:                    40 CFR Part 81
                                                  other minor nonroad sources. Onroad                        • Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                  Environmental protection, Air
                                                  and nonroad emissions were calculated                   action’’ subject to review by the Office
                                                                                                                                                                pollution control, National parks,
                                                  using MOVES2014.                                        of Management and Budget under
                                                                                                                                                                Wilderness areas.
                                                                                                          Executive Orders 12866 (58 FR 51735,
                                                  C. EPA’s Evaluation                                     October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821,                 Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
                                                    The EPA has reviewed the results,                     January 21, 2011);                                      Dated: April 30, 2018.
                                                  procedures, and methodologies for the                      • Is not an Executive Order 13771 (82              Chris Hladick,
                                                  WSV Annual PM2.5 NAA base year                          FR 9339, February 2, 2017) regulatory                 Regional Administrator, Region 10.
                                                  emissions inventory. The EPA has                        action because SIP approvals are
                                                                                                                                                                [FR Doc. 2018–09992 Filed 5–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  determined that the 2013 base year                      exempted under Executive Order 12866;
                                                  inventory for the WSV is based on the                      • Does not impose an information                   BILLING CODE 6560–50–P

                                                  most current and accurate information                   collection burden under the provisions
                                                  available to the IDEQ at the time the                   of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
                                                                                                          U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                  inventories were being developed. The
                                                                                                             • Is certified as not having a                     COMMISSION
                                                  inventories comprehensively address all
                                                                                                          significant economic impact on a
                                                  source categories in the WSV NAA,                                                                             47 CFR Part 64
                                                                                                          substantial number of small entities
                                                  actual emissions are provided, and
                                                                                                          under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5               [WC Docket No. 13–39; FCC 18–45]
                                                  appropriate procedures were used to
                                                                                                          U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
                                                  develop the inventories. We are
                                                                                                             • Does not contain any unfunded                    Rural Call Completion
                                                  proposing to approve the 2013 base year
                                                                                                          mandate or significantly or uniquely
                                                  emissions inventory for the WSV NAA                                                                           AGENCY:  Federal Communications
                                                                                                          affect small governments, as described
                                                  as meeting the requirements of CAA                                                                            Commission.
                                                                                                          in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                  section 172(c)(3) and 40 CFR                                                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                                                                          of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
                                                  51.1008(a)(1).                                             • Does not have Federalism
                                                  VII. Proposed Action                                    implications as specified in Executive                SUMMARY:   In this document, we seek
                                                                                                          Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,                  comment on rules to implement the
                                                     The EPA is proposing to approve the                  1999);                                                recently enacted Improving Rural Call
                                                  Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP submitted by                        • Is not an economically significant               Quality and Reliability Act (‘‘RCC Act’’),
                                                  the IDEQ for the Pinehurst NAA and                      regulatory action based on health or                  which directs us to establish registration
                                                  concurrently redesignate the area to                    safety risks subject to Executive Order               requirements and service quality
                                                  attainment for the PM10 NAAQS. The                      13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);                  standards for ‘‘intermediate
                                                  EPA has reviewed air quality data for                      • Is not a significant regulatory action           providers’’—entities that transmit calls
                                                  the area and determined that the                        subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR               without serving as the originating or
                                                  Pinehurst NAA attained the PM10                         28355, May 22, 2001);                                 terminating provider. By giving us clear
                                                  NAAQS by the required attainment                           • Is not subject to requirements of                authority to shine a light on
                                                  date, and that air monitoring data                      section 12(d) of the National                         intermediate providers and hold them
                                                  continue to show attainment. The EPA                    Technology Transfer and Advancement                   accountable for their performance, the
                                                  is proposing to approve that the                        Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because              RCC Act provides an important
                                                  Pinehurst PM10 NAA LMP meets all of                     it does not involve technical standards;              additional tool we can use in our work
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  the requirements of an LMP and that the                 and                                                   to promote call completion to all
                                                  Pinehurst NAA meets all of the                             • Does not provide the EPA with the                Americans. We anticipate that the rules
                                                  requirements of redesignation as                        discretionary authority to address, as                we will adopt to implement the RCC
                                                  described in this action.                               appropriate, disproportionate human                   Act’s direction to regulate intermediate
                                                     The EPA is also taking action to                     health or environmental effects, using                providers will complement our covered
                                                  propose approval of the September 15,                   practicable and legally permissible                   provider monitoring rule by ensuring
                                                  2013, high wind exceptional event that                  methods, under Executive Order 12898                  that the participants in the call path
                                                  impacted PM10 values in the area.                       (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).                      share in the responsibility to ensure that

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 09:49:11
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 09:49:11
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesWritten comments must be received on or before June 11, 2018.
ContactJustin Spenillo, Air Planning Unit, Office of Air and Waste (OAW-150), Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, 1200 Sixth Ave., Suite 900, Seattle, WA 98101; telephone
FR Citation83 FR 21976 
CFR Citation40 CFR 52
40 CFR 81
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations; Particulate Matter; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; National Parks and Wilderness Areas

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