83_FR_22456 83 FR 22362 - Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes

83 FR 22362 - Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 94 (May 15, 2018)

Page Range22362-22367
FR Document2018-10214

We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2016-23-01, which applied to all Airbus Model A310 series airplanes. AD 2016-23-01 required repetitive detailed inspections for cracking around the fastener holes in certain areas of the wing top skin panels, supplemental repetitive ultrasonic inspections for cracking around the fastener holes in certain other areas of the wing top skin panels, and repair if necessary. This AD adds an inspection and modification of the fastener holes of the wing top skin panels at a certain area. This AD also includes terminating action for certain inspections. This AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) which indicates that the wing top skin panel fastener holes at a certain area are also subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 94 (Tuesday, May 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 94 (Tuesday, May 15, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 22362-22367]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-10214]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2018-0071; Product Identifier 2017-NM-063-AD; Amendment 
39-19280; AD 2018-10-05]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

[[Page 22363]]

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2016-23-01, 
which applied to all Airbus Model A310 series airplanes. AD 2016-23-01 
required repetitive detailed inspections for cracking around the 
fastener holes in certain areas of the wing top skin panels, 
supplemental repetitive ultrasonic inspections for cracking around the 
fastener holes in certain other areas of the wing top skin panels, and 
repair if necessary. This AD adds an inspection and modification of the 
fastener holes of the wing top skin panels at a certain area. This AD 
also includes terminating action for certain inspections. This AD was 
prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) which 
indicates that the wing top skin panel fastener holes at a certain area 
are also subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). We are issuing 
this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.

DATES: This AD is effective June 19, 2018.
    The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by 
reference of certain publications listed in this AD as of June 19, 
    The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by 
reference of a certain other publication listed in this AD as of 
December 15, 2016 (81 FR 78899, November 10, 2016).

ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this final rule, 
contact Airbus SAS, Airworthiness Office--EAW, 1 Rond Point Maurice 
Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France; telephone: +33 5 61 93 36 96; 
fax: +33 5 61 93 44 51; email: account.airworth-eas@airbus.com; 
internet: http://www.airbus.com. You may view this referenced service 
information at the FAA, Transport Standards Branch, 2200 South 216th 
St., Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this 
material at the FAA, call 206-231-3195. It is also available on the 
internet at http://www.regulations.gov by searching for and locating 
Docket No. FAA-2018-0071.

Examining the AD Docket

    You may examine the AD docket on the internet at http://www.regulations.gov by searching for and locating Docket No. FAA-2018-
0071; or in person at the Docket Management Facility between 9 a.m. and 
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD docket 
contains this AD, the regulatory evaluation, any comments received, and 
other information. The address for the Docket Office (telephone 800-
647-5527) is Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, 
Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dan Rodina, Aerospace Engineer, 
International Section, Transport Standards Branch, FAA, 2200 South 
216th St., Des Moines, WA 98198; telephone and fax: 206-231-3225.



    We issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR 
part 39 to supersede AD 2016-23-01, Amendment 39-18708 (81 FR 78899, 
November 10, 2016) (``AD 2016-23-01''). AD 2016-23-01 applied to all 
Airbus Model A310 series airplanes. The NPRM published in the Federal 
Register on February 8, 2018 (83 FR 5579). The NPRM was prompted by an 
evaluation done by the DAH which indicates that the wing top skin panel 
fastener holes at a certain area are subject to WFD. The NPRM would 
continue to require repetitive detailed inspections for cracking around 
the fastener holes in certain areas of the wing top skin panels, 
supplemental repetitive ultrasonic inspections for cracking around the 
fastener holes in certain other areas of the wing top skin panels, and 
repair if necessary. The NPRM proposed to add an inspection and 
modification of the fastener holes of the wing top skin panels at a 
certain area. The NPRM also includes terminating action for certain 
inspections. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue 
cracking around the fastener holes, which could result in reduced 
structural integrity of the airplane.
    The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical 
Agent for the Member States of the European Union, has issued EASA AD 
2017-0081, dated May 8, 2017 (referred to after this as the Mandatory 
Continuing Airworthiness Information, or ``the MCAI''), to correct an 
unsafe condition for all Airbus Model A310 series airplanes. The MCAI 

    Following scheduled maintenance, cracks were found around the 
wing top skin panels fastener holes at Rib 2, between Stringer (STG) 
2 and STG14.
    This condition, if not detected and corrected, could reduce the 
structural integrity of the aeroplane.
    To address this issue, Airbus developed an inspection programme, 
and published Service Bulletin (SB) A310-57-2096, providing 
instructions for repetitive detailed inspections (DET) to ensure 
that any visible cracks in the wing top skin panels 1 and 2 along 
Rib 2 are detected on time and repaired appropriately. Consequently, 
EASA issued AD 2008-0211 [which corresponds to FAA AD 2010-04-03, 
Amendment 39-16196 (75 FR 6852, February 12, 2010) (``AD 2010-04-
03)] to require implementation of that inspection programme.
    After that [EASA] AD was issued, Airbus improved the inspection 
programme, revising SB A310-57-2096 accordingly, to include a 
special detailed inspection (SDI), using an ultrasonic method, to 
allow earlier crack detection, to subsequently reduce the scope of 
potential repair action, and to extend the intervals of the 
repetitive inspections.
    Consequently, EASA issued AD 2014-0200 (later revised), 
retaining the requirements of EASA AD 2008-0211, which was 
superseded, and required supplementary repetitive SDI [for cracking] 
of the wing top skin panel 1 and 2 between STG2 and STG10 at Rib 2 
[and repair if needed], as described in Airbus SB A310-57-2096 
Revision 02.
    Since EASA AD 2014-0200R1 was issued, a Widespread Fatigue 
Damage (WFD) analysis concluded that the inspection programme had to 
be extended to include the wing top skin panels at Rib 3 
attachments, and Airbus issued SB A310-57-2096 Revision 03 
accordingly, to provide the necessary instructions. Consequently, 
EASA issued [EASA] AD 2016-0005 [which corresponds to FAA AD 2016-
23-01], retaining the requirements of EASA AD 2014-0200R1, which was 
superseded, and extending the inspection area to include Rib 3.
    In addition to changes to the inspected area, WFD analysis 
identified structural modification points for certain fastener 
holes, located at each attachment from STG2 to STG10, at Ribs 2 and 
3 on both wings.
    Airbus developed modification (mod) 13785 and mod 13786, 
consisting of an SDI, followed by an oversize of the defined holes 
on Ribs 2 and 3 on both wings. Airbus issued SB A310-57-2106 and SB 
A310-57-2107 to provide in-service modification instructions for top 
skin attachments to Rib 2 and Rib 3 respectively. Accomplishment of 
these modifications at the specified time will reset the fatigue 
life of the attachment holes at the top skin attachment to Rib 2 and 
Rib 3 to the Limit of Validity (LOV). Airbus issued inspection SB 
A310-57-2096 Revision 04 to account for the inspection requirements 
    For the reasons describe above, this [EASA] AD retains the 
requirements of EASA AD 2016-0005, which is superseded, requires 
modifications to the top skin attachment holes at Rib 2 and Rib 3, 
and defines the inspection requirements for Rib 2 and Rib 3 after 

    Modification of the fastener holes at top skin ribs 2 and 3 
constitutes terminating action for certain repetitive special detailed 
inspections. You may examine the MCAI in the AD docket on the internet 
at http://www.regulations.gov by searching for and locating Docket No. 

[[Page 22364]]


    We gave the public the opportunity to participate in developing 
this AD. We considered the comment received. FedEx supported the NPRM.


    We reviewed the available data, including the comment received, and 
determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting 
this AD as proposed, except for minor editorial changes. We have 
determined that these minor changes:
     Are consistent with the intent that was proposed in the 
NPRM for correcting the unsafe condition; and
     Do not add any additional burden upon the public than was 
already proposed in the NPRM.

Related Service Information Under 1 CFR Part 51

    Airbus has issued the following service information.
     Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 04, dated 
December 5, 2016. This service information describes procedures for 
detailed and ultrasonic inspections for cracking around the fastener 
holes of wing top skin panels 1 and 2, at ribs 2 and 3, on the left- 
and right-hand sides of the fuselage.
     Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2106, dated November 14, 
2016. This service information describes procedures for a special 
detailed inspection and modification of the fastener holes of wing top 
skin panels 1 and 2, at rib 2.
     Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2107, dated November 14, 
2016. This service information describes procedures for a special 
detailed inspection and modification of the fastener holes of wing top 
skin panels 1 and 2, at rib 3.
    This service information is reasonably available because the 
interested parties have access to it through their normal course of 
business or by the means identified in the ADDRESSES section.

Costs of Compliance

    We estimate that this AD affects 8 airplanes of U.S. registry.
    The actions required by AD 2016-23-01, and retained in this AD, 
take about 8 work-hours per product, at an average labor rate of $85 
per work-hour. Based on these figures, the estimated cost of the 
actions that are required by AD 2016-23-01 on U.S. operators to be 
$5,440, or $680 per product.
    We also estimate that it takes about 95 work-hours per product to 
comply with the basic requirements of this AD. Required parts will cost 
about $10,200 per product. The average labor rate is $85 per work-hour. 
Based on these figures, we estimate the cost of this AD on U.S. 
operators to be $146,200, or $18,275 per product.
    In addition, we estimate that any necessary modification will take 
about 40 work-hours and require parts costing $10,000, for a cost of 
$13,400 per product. We have no way of determining the number of 
aircraft that might need these actions.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII: Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.
    This AD is issued in accordance with authority delegated by the 
Executive Director, Aircraft Certification Service, as authorized by 
FAA Order 8000.51C. In accordance with that order, issuance of ADs is 
normally a function of the Compliance and Airworthiness Division, but 
during this transition period, the Executive Director has delegated the 
authority to issue ADs applicable to transport category airplanes to 
the Director of the System Oversight Division.

Regulatory Findings

    We determined that this AD will not have federalism implications 
under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct 
effect on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);
    3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska; and
    4. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by 
reference, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

    Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. The FAA amends Sec.  39.13 by removing Airworthiness Directive (AD) 
2016-23-01, Amendment 39-18708 (81 FR 78899, November 10, 2016), and 
adding the following new AD:

2018-10-05 Airbus: Amendment 39-19280; FAA-2018-0071; Product 
Identifier 2017-NM-063-AD.

(a) Effective Date

    This AD is effective June 19, 2018.

(b) Affected ADs

    This AD replaces AD 2016-23-01, Amendment 39-18708 (81 FR 78899, 
November 10, 2016) (``AD 2016-23-01'').

(c) Applicability

    This AD applies to all Airbus Model A310-203, -204, -221, -222, 
-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes, certificated in any category, 
all manufacturer serial numbers.

(d) Subject

    Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 57, Wings.

(e) Reason

    This AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval 
holder (DAH) indicating that the wing top skin panel fastener holes 
at ribs 2 and 3 are subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). We 
are issuing this AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking around 
the fastener holes, which could result in reduced structural 
integrity of the airplane.

(f) Compliance

    Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, 
unless already done.

(g) Retained Repetitive Inspections, With Revised Service Information

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (g) of AD 
2016-23-01, with revised service information. Except as required by 
paragraph (i) of this AD: Within

[[Page 22365]]

the initial compliance time and thereafter at the repetitive 
intervals specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(3) of this AD, 
as applicable, accomplish the actions specified in paragraphs (g)(1) 
and (g)(2) of this AD concurrently and in sequence, in accordance 
with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service Bulletin 
A310-57-2096, Revision 03, dated June 30, 2015, or Revision 04, 
dated December 5, 2016; except as provided by paragraph (j) of this 
AD. As of the effective date of this AD, use only Airbus Service 
Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 04, dated December 5, 2016, to 
accomplish the required actions.
    (1) Accomplish a detailed inspection for cracking around the 
fastener holes in the wing top skin panels 1 and 2, along ribs 2 and 
3, between the front and rear spars on the left- and right-hand 
sides of the fuselage.
    (2) Accomplish an ultrasonic inspection for cracking around the 
fastener holes in the wing top skin panels 1 and 2, along ribs 2 and 
3, between stringer (STG) 2 and STG10 on the left- and right-hand 
sides of the fuselage.

(h) Retained Compliance Times for Airplanes Not Previously Inspected, 
With No Changes

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (h) of AD 
2016-23-01, with no changes.
    (1) For Model A310-203, -204, -221, and -222 airplanes: Do the 
actions required by paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD at the 
later of the times specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) and (h)(1)(ii) 
of this AD. Repeat the inspections specified in paragraphs (g)(1) 
and (g)(2) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to exceed 2,000 
flight cycles or 4,100 flight hours, whichever occurs first.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 18,700 flight cycles or 37,400 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after December 15, 2016 (the effective date 
of AD 2016-23-01).
    (2) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
average flight time (AFT) of less than 4 hours: Do the actions 
required by paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD at the later of 
the times specified in paragraphs (h)(2)(i) and (h)(2)(ii) of this 
AD. Repeat the inspections specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) 
of this AD thereafter at intervals not to exceed 2,000 flight cycles 
or 5,600 flight hours, whichever occurs first.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 17,300 flight cycles or 48,400 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after December 15, 2016 (the effective date 
of AD 2016-23-01).
    (3) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of equal to or more than 4 hours: Do the actions required by 
paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD at the later of the times 
specified in paragraphs (h)(3)(i) and (h)(3)(ii) of this AD. Repeat 
the inspections specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD 
thereafter at intervals not to exceed 1,500 flight cycles or 7,500 
flight hours, whichever occurs first.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 12,800 flight cycles or 64,300 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after December 15, 2016 (the effective date 
of AD 2016-23-01).

(i) Retained Compliance Times for Airplanes Previously Inspected, With 
Revised Service Information

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (i) of AD 
2016-23-01, with revised service information. For airplanes 
previously inspected before December 15, 2016 (the effective date of 
AD 2016-23-01), using Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, dated 
May 6, 2008; Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 01, 
dated August 5, 2010; or Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, 
Revision 02, dated March 5, 2014: At the applicable compliance times 
specified in paragraphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this AD, 
accomplish the actions specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of 
this AD concurrently and in sequence, in accordance with the 
Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, 
Revision 03, dated June 30, 2015, or Revision 04, dated December 5, 
2016. As of the effective date of this AD, use only Airbus Service 
Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 04, dated December 5, 2016, to 
accomplish the required actions. Repeat the inspections specified in 
paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD thereafter at the repetitive 
intervals specified in paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), and (h)(3) of this 
AD, as applicable.
    (1) For Model A310-203, -204, -221, and -222 airplanes: Do the 
actions required by paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD within 
3,500 flight hours or 1,700 flight cycles, whichever occurs first 
since the most recent inspection.
    (2) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of less than 4 hours: Do the actions required by paragraphs 
(g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD within 4,600 flight hours or 1,600 
flight cycles, whichever occurs first since the most recent 
    (3) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of equal to or more than 4 hours: Do the actions required by 
paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD within 6,100 flight hours or 
1,200 flight cycles, whichever occurs first since the most recent 

(j) Retained Compliance Times if No Ultrasonic Equipment Is Available, 
With Revised Service Information

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (j) of AD 
2016-23-01, with revised service information. If no ultrasonic 
equipment is available for the initial or second inspection required 
by paragraph (g) or (h) of this AD, accomplish the detailed 
inspection specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this AD within the 
applicable compliance times specified in paragraphs (j)(1) and 
(j)(2) of this AD. After accomplishing the detailed inspection, do 
the inspections specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD 
at the applicable compliance times specified by paragraphs (i)(1), 
(i)(2), and (i)(3) of this AD. Subsequently, repeat the inspections 
specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD thereafter at 
the applicable repetitive intervals specified in paragraphs (h)(1), 
(h)(2), and (h)(3) of this AD.
    (1) For airplanes not previously inspected before December 15, 
2016 (the effective date of AD 2016-23-01), using the service 
information identified in paragraph (j)(2)(i), (j)(2)(ii), 
(j)(2)(iii), or (j)(2)(iv) of this AD: Do the actions required by 
paragraph (g)(1) of this AD within the initial compliance time 
specified by paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), and (h)(3) of this AD, as 
    (2) For airplanes previously inspected before December 15, 2016 
(the effective date of AD 2016-23-01), using the service information 
identified in paragraph (j)(2)(i), (j)(2)(ii), (j)(2)(iii), or 
(j)(2)(iv) of this AD: Do the actions required by paragraph (g)(1) 
of this AD within the applicable compliance times specified in 
paragraphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this AD.
    (i) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, dated May 6, 2008.
    (ii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 01, dated 
August 5, 2010.
    (iii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 02, dated 
March 5, 2014.
    (iv) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 03, dated 
June 30, 2015.

(k) Retained Repair of Cracking, With No Changes

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (k) of AD 
2016-23-01, with no changes. If any cracking is found during any 
inspection required by paragraph (g), (h), (i), or (j) of this AD, 
before further flight, repair the cracking using a method approved 
by the Manager, International Section, Transport Standards Branch, 
FAA; or the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA); or Airbus's EASA 
Design Organization Approval (DOA). If approved by the DOA, the 
approval must include the DOA-authorized signature. Accomplishing 
the repair specified in this paragraph terminates the repetitive 
inspections required by paragraph (g), (h), (i), or (j) of this AD, 
as applicable, for the repaired area only.

(l) Retained Definition of AFT, With No Changes

    This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (l) of AD 
2016-23-01, with no changes. For the purposes of this AD, the AFT 
should be established as specified in paragraphs (l)(1), (l)(2), and 
(l)(3) of this AD for the determination of the compliance times.
    (1) The inspection threshold is defined as the total flight 
hours accumulated (counted from take-off to touch-down), divided by 
the total number of flight cycles accumulated at the effective date 
of this AD.
    (2) The initial inspection interval is defined as the total 
flight hours accumulated divided by the total number of flight 
cycles accumulated at the time of the initial inspection threshold.
    (3) The second inspection interval is defined as the total 
flight hours accumulated divided by the total number of flight 
cycles accumulated between the initial and second inspection 
threshold. For all inspection intervals onwards, the average flight 
time is the flight hours divided by the flight cycles accumulated 
between the last two inspections.

[[Page 22366]]

(m) New Requirements of This AD: Rib 2 Inspection and Modification

    At the compliance time specified in paragraph (n) of this AD, as 
applicable, accomplish the actions specified in paragraphs (m)(1) 
and (m)(2) of this AD concurrently and in sequence, in accordance 
with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service Bulletin 
A310-57-2106, dated November 14, 2016.
    (1) Accomplish a special detailed inspection to determine the 
diameter of the fastener holes in the wing top skin panels 1 and 2, 
at rib 2 of both wings.
    (2) Modify the fastener holes.

(n) New Compliance Times for Rib 2 Inspection and Modification

    (1) For Model A310-203, -204, -221, and -222 airplanes: Do the 
actions required by paragraphs (m)(1) and (m)(2) of this AD at the 
later of the times specified in paragraphs (n)(1)(i) and (n)(1)(ii) 
of this AD.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 40,000 flight cycles or 93,300 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD.
    (2) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of less than 4 hours: Do the actions required by paragraphs 
(m)(1) and (m)(2) of this AD at the later of the times specified in 
paragraphs (n)(2)(i) and (n)(2)(ii) of this AD.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 40,000 flight cycles or 116,000 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD.
    (3) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of 4 hours or more: Do the actions required by paragraphs (m)(1) 
and (m)(2) of this AD at the later of the times specified in 
paragraphs (n)(3)(i) and (n)(3)(ii) of this AD.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 30,000 flight cycles or 150,000 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD.

(o) New Requirements of This AD: Rib 3 Inspection and Modification

    At the compliance time specified in paragraph (p) of this AD, as 
applicable, accomplish the actions specified in paragraphs (o)(1) 
and (o)(2) of this AD concurrently and in sequence, in accordance 
with the Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus Service Bulletin 
A310-57-2107, dated November 14, 2016.
    (1) Accomplish a special detailed inspection to determine the 
diameter of the fastener holes in the wing top skin panels 1 and 2, 
at rib 3 of both wings.
    (2) Modify the fastener holes.

(p) New Compliance Times for Rib 3 Inspection and Modification

    (1) For Model A310-203, -204, -221, and -222 airplanes: Do the 
actions required by paragraphs (o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD at the 
later of the times specified in paragraphs (p)(1)(i) and (p)(1)(ii) 
of this AD.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 46,400 flight cycles or 92,900 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD.
    (2) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of less than 4 hours: Do the actions required by paragraphs 
(o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD at the later of the times specified in 
paragraphs (p)(2)(i) and (p)(2)(ii) of this AD.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 45,400 flight cycles or 127,300 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD.
    (3) For Model A310-304, -322, -324, and -325 airplanes having an 
AFT of 4 hours or more: Do the actions required by paragraphs (o)(1) 
and (o)(2) of this AD at the later of the times specified in 
paragraphs (p)(3)(i) and (p)(3)(ii) of this AD.
    (i) Prior to the accumulation of 33,800 flight cycles or 169,000 
flight hours since first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs 
    (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD.

(q) New Corrective Actions

    If any cracking is found during any inspection required by 
paragraph (m), (n), (o), or (p) of this AD, before further flight, 
repair the cracking using a method approved by the Manager, 
International Section, Transport Standards Branch, FAA; or EASA; or 
Airbus's EASA DOA. If approved by the DOA, the approval must include 
the DOA-authorized signature. Accomplishing the repair specified in 
this paragraph terminates the repetitive inspections required by 
paragraph (g), (h), (i), or (j) of this AD, as applicable, for the 
repaired area only.

(r) New Terminating Actions

    (1) Accomplishment of the modification specified in paragraph 
(m) of this AD constitutes terminating action for the repetitive 
special detailed inspections required by paragraph (g)(2) of this AD 
for the modified fastener holes at top skin rib 2 for that airplane. 
After modification, the un-modified fastener holes at top skin rib 2 
between the front and rear spars remain subject to the repetitive 
inspections required by paragraph (g)(1) of this AD.
    (2) Accomplishment of the modification specified in paragraph 
(o) of this AD constitutes terminating action for the repetitive 
special detailed inspections required by paragraph (g)(2) of this AD 
for the modified fastener holes at top skin rib 3 for that airplane. 
After modification, the un-modified fastener holes at top skin rib 3 
between the front and rear spars remain subject to the repetitive 
inspection required by paragraph (g)(1) of this AD.

(s) Other FAA AD Provisions

    (1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, 
International Section, Transport Standards Branch, FAA, has the 
authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the 
procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, 
send your request to your principal inspector or local Flight 
Standards District Office, as appropriate. If sending information 
directly to the International Section, send it to the attention of 
the person identified in paragraph (t)(2) of this AD. Information 
may be emailed to: 9-ANM-116-AMOC-REQUESTS@faa.gov. Before using any 
approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or 
lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the local flight 
standards district office/certificate holding district office.
    (2) Contacting the Manufacturer: As of the effective date of 
this AD, for any requirement in this AD to obtain corrective actions 
from a manufacturer, the action must be accomplished using a method 
approved by the Manager, International Section, Transport Standards 
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Airbus's EASA DOA. If approved by the DOA, 
the approval must include the DOA-authorized signature.
    (3) Required for Compliance (RC): If any service information 
contains procedures or tests that are identified as RC, those 
procedures and tests must be done to comply with this AD; any 
procedures or tests that are not identified as RC are recommended. 
Those procedures and tests that are not identified as RC may be 
deviated from using accepted methods in accordance with the 
operator's maintenance or inspection program without obtaining 
approval of an AMOC, provided the procedures and tests identified as 
RC can be done and the airplane can be put back in an airworthy 
condition. Any substitutions or changes to procedures or tests 
identified as RC require approval of an AMOC.

(t) Related Information

    (1) Refer to Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information 
(MCAI) EASA AD 2017-0081, dated May 8, 2017, for related 
information. This MCAI may be found in the AD docket on the internet 
at http://www.regulations.gov by searching for and locating Docket 
No. FAA-2018-0071.
    (2) For more information about this AD, contact Dan Rodina, 
Aerospace Engineer, International Section, Transport Standards 
Branch, FAA, 2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA 98198; telephone 
and fax: 206-231-3225.

(u) Material Incorporated by Reference

    (1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the 
incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service information listed 
in this paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
    (2) You must use this service information as applicable to do 
the actions required by this AD, unless this AD specifies otherwise.
    (3) The following service information was approved for IBR on 
June 19, 2018.
    (i) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 04, dated 
December 5, 2016.
    (ii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2106, dated November 14, 
    (iii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2107, dated November 14, 
    (4) The following service information was approved for IBR on 
December 15, 2016 (81 FR 78899, November 10, 2016).
    (i) Airbus Service Bulletin A310-57-2096, Revision 03, dated 
June 30, 2015.

[[Page 22367]]

    (ii) Reserved.
    (5) For service information identified in this AD, contact 
Airbus SAS, Airworthiness Office--EAW, 1 Rond Point Maurice 
Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France; telephone: +33 5 61 93 36 96; 
fax: +33 5 61 93 44 51; email: account.airworth-eas@airbus.com; 
internet: http://www.airbus.com.
    (6) You may view this service information at the FAA, Transport 
Standards Branch, 2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For 
information on the availability of this material at the FAA, call 
    (7) You may view this service information that is incorporated 
by reference at the National Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at 
NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

    Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on May 7, 2018.
Michael Kaszycki,
Acting Director, System Oversight Division, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 2018-10214 Filed 5-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                             22362               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS                                   2017, specifies contacting Boeing, and                or inspection program without obtaining
                                             DIRECTIVES                                              specifies that action as RC: This AD requires         approval of an AMOC, provided the RC steps,
                                                                                                     repair using a method approved in                     including substeps and identified figures, can
                                             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 39                 accordance with the procedures specified in           still be done as specified, and the airplane
                                             continues to read as follows:                           paragraph (j) of this AD.                             can be put back in an airworthy condition.
                                                                                                        (3) Where the Condition column of Table
                                                 Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.          3 in paragraph 1.E., ‘‘Compliance,’’ of Boeing        (k) Related Information
                                                                                                     Special Attention Service Bulletin 747–35–              For more information about this AD,
                                             § 39.13   [Amended]                                                                                           contact Susan L. Monroe, Aerospace
                                                                                                     2134, dated November 22, 2017, specifies
                                             ■ 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding                   ‘‘all airplanes,’’ for this AD, the Condition         Engineer, Cabin Safety and Environmental
                                             the following new airworthiness                         column of Table 3 is ‘‘airplanes on which one         Systems Section, FAA, Seattle ACO Branch,
                                             directive (AD):                                         or more hose assemblies were replaced or              2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA
                                                                                                     disconnected.’’                                       98198; phone and fax: 206–231–3570; email:
                                             2018–09–12 The Boeing Company:                                                                                susan.l.monroe@faa.gov.
                                                 Amendment 39–19269; Docket No.                      (i) Parts Installation Prohibition
                                                 FAA–2018–0362; Product Identifier                      As of the effective date of this AD, no            (l) Material Incorporated by Reference
                                                 2018–NM–020–AD.                                     person may install, on any airplane, the hose            (1) The Director of the Federal Register
                                             (a) Effective Date                                      assembly part numbers identified as                   approved the incorporation by reference
                                                                                                     ‘‘Removed hose assembly part numbers’’ in             (IBR) of the service information listed in this
                                               This AD is effective May 30, 2018.                                                                          paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
                                                                                                     Table 3, ‘‘Hose Assembly Replacement,’’ of
                                             (b) Affected ADs                                        Boeing Special Attention Service Bulletin             part 51.
                                                                                                     747–35–2134, dated November 22, 2017, in                 (2) You must use this service information
                                                                                                     the locations for hose assembly installation          as applicable to do the actions required by
                                             (c) Applicability                                       as identified in Figures 1 through 14 of              this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
                                                This AD applies to The Boeing Company                Boeing Special Attention Service Bulletin                (i) Boeing Special Attention Service
                                             Model 747–200B, 747–300, and 747–400                    747–35–2134, dated November 22, 2017.                 Bulletin 747–35–2134, dated November 22,
                                             series airplanes, certificated in any category,                                                               2017.
                                                                                                     (j) Alternative Methods of Compliance                    (ii) Reserved.
                                             as identified in Boeing Special Attention               (AMOCs)
                                             Service Bulletin 747–35–2134, dated                                                                              (3) For service information identified in
                                             November 22, 2017.                                         (1) The Manager, Seattle ACO Branch,               this AD, contact Boeing Commercial
                                                                                                     FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs               Airplanes, Attention: Contractual & Data
                                             (d) Subject                                             for this AD, if requested using the procedures        Services (C&DS), 2600 Westminster Blvd.,
                                               Air Transport Association (ATA) of                    found in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with             MC 110–SK57, Seal Beach, CA 90740–5600;
                                             America Code 35, Oxygen.                                14 CFR 39.19, send your request to your               telephone 562–797–1717; internet https://
                                                                                                     principal inspector or local Flight Standards         www.myboeingfleet.com.
                                             (e) Unsafe Condition                                    District Office, as appropriate. If sending              (4) You may view this service information
                                                This AD was prompted by reports of low-              information directly to the manager of the            at the FAA, Transport Standards Branch,
                                             pressure flex-hoses of the flightcrew oxygen            certification office, send it to the attention of     2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For
                                             system that burned through due to                       the person identified in paragraph (k) of this        information on the availability of this
                                             inadvertent electrical current from a short             AD. Information may be emailed to: 9-ANM-             material at the FAA, call 206–231–3195.
                                             circuit. We are issuing this AD to prevent              Seattle-ACO-AMOC-Requests@faa.gov.                       (5) You may view this service information
                                             electrical current from passing through the                (2) Before using any approved AMOC,                that is incorporated by reference at the
                                             low-pressure oxygen flex-hoses in the                   notify your appropriate principal inspector,          National Archives and Records
                                             gaseous passenger oxygen system, which can              or lacking a principal inspector, the manager         Administration (NARA). For information on
                                             cause the flex-hoses to melt or burn, and a             of the local flight standards district office/        the availability of this material at NARA, call
                                             consequent oxygen-fed fire in the passenger             certificate holding district office.                  202–741–6030, or go to: http://
                                             cabin.                                                     (3) An AMOC that provides an acceptable            www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-
                                             (f) Compliance                                          level of safety may be used for any repair,           locations.html.
                                                                                                     modification, or alteration required by this
                                                Comply with this AD within the                                                                               Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on
                                                                                                     AD if it is approved by the Boeing
                                             compliance times specified, unless already                                                                    April 27, 2018.
                                                                                                     Commercial Airplanes Organization
                                             done.                                                                                                         Michael Kaszycki,
                                                                                                     Designation Authorization (ODA) that has
                                             (g) Required Actions                                    been authorized by the Manager, Seattle ACO           Acting Director, System Oversight Division,
                                                                                                     Branch, to make those findings. To be                 Aircraft Certification Service.
                                                Except as required by paragraph (h) of this
                                             AD: At the applicable times specified in                approved, the repair method, modification             [FR Doc. 2018–09865 Filed 5–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                             paragraph 1.E., ‘‘Compliance,’’ of Boeing               deviation, or alteration deviation must meet          BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                             Special Attention Service Bulletin 747–35–              the certification basis of the airplane, and the
                                             2134, dated November 22, 2017, do all                   approval must specifically refer to this AD.
                                             applicable actions identified as ‘‘RC’’                    (4) Except as required by paragraph (h)(2)
                                                                                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                             (required for compliance) in, and in                    of this AD: For service information that
                                             accordance with, the Accomplishment                     contains steps that are labeled as Required
                                                                                                                                                           Federal Aviation Administration
                                             Instructions of Boeing Special Attention                for Compliance (RC), the provisions of
                                             Service Bulletin 747–35–2134, dated                     paragraphs (j)(4)(i) and (j)(4)(ii) of this AD
                                                                                                     apply.                                                14 CFR Part 39
                                             November 22, 2017.
                                                                                                        (i) The steps labeled as RC, including             [Docket No. FAA–2018–0071; Product
                                             (h) Exception to Service Information                    substeps under an RC step and any figures             Identifier 2017–NM–063–AD; Amendment
                                             Specifications                                          identified in an RC step, must be done to             39–19280; AD 2018–10–05]
                                               (1) For purposes of determining                       comply with the AD. If a step or substep is
                                             compliance with the requirements of this AD:            labeled ‘‘RC Exempt,’’ then the RC                    RIN 2120–AA64
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             Where Boeing Special Attention Service                  requirement is removed from that step or
                                             Bulletin 747–35–2134, dated November 22,                substep. An AMOC is required for any                  Airworthiness Directives; Airbus
                                             2017, uses the phrase ‘‘the original issue date         deviations to RC steps, including substeps            Airplanes
                                             of this service bulletin,’’ this AD requires            and identified figures.
                                             using ‘‘the effective date of this AD.’’                   (ii) Steps not labeled as RC may be                AGENCY: Federal Aviation
                                               (2) Where Boeing Special Attention Service            deviated from using accepted methods in               Administration (FAA), Department of
                                             Bulletin 747–35–2134, dated November 22,                accordance with the operator’s maintenance            Transportation (DOT).

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                              22363

                                             ACTION:   Final rule.                                   is Docket Management Facility, U.S.                   cracks in the wing top skin panels 1 and 2
                                                                                                     Department of Transportation, Docket                  along Rib 2 are detected on time and repaired
                                             SUMMARY:    We are superseding                          Operations, M–30, West Building                       appropriately. Consequently, EASA issued
                                             Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2016–23–                   Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200                      AD 2008–0211 [which corresponds to FAA
                                             01, which applied to all Airbus Model                                                                         AD 2010–04–03, Amendment 39–16196 (75
                                                                                                     New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC                  FR 6852, February 12, 2010) (‘‘AD 2010–04–
                                             A310 series airplanes. AD 2016–23–01                    20590.
                                             required repetitive detailed inspections                                                                      03)] to require implementation of that
                                                                                                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dan                  inspection programme.
                                             for cracking around the fastener holes in
                                                                                                     Rodina, Aerospace Engineer,                              After that [EASA] AD was issued, Airbus
                                             certain areas of the wing top skin                                                                            improved the inspection programme, revising
                                             panels, supplemental repetitive                         International Section, Transport
                                                                                                     Standards Branch, FAA, 2200 South                     SB A310–57–2096 accordingly, to include a
                                             ultrasonic inspections for cracking                                                                           special detailed inspection (SDI), using an
                                             around the fastener holes in certain                    216th St., Des Moines, WA 98198;
                                                                                                                                                           ultrasonic method, to allow earlier crack
                                             other areas of the wing top skin panels,                telephone and fax: 206–231–3225.
                                                                                                                                                           detection, to subsequently reduce the scope
                                             and repair if necessary. This AD adds an                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            of potential repair action, and to extend the
                                             inspection and modification of the                      Discussion                                            intervals of the repetitive inspections.
                                             fastener holes of the wing top skin                                                                              Consequently, EASA issued AD 2014–0200
                                             panels at a certain area. This AD also                    We issued a notice of proposed                      (later revised), retaining the requirements of
                                             includes terminating action for certain                 rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR                     EASA AD 2008–0211, which was
                                             inspections. This AD was prompted by                    part 39 to supersede AD 2016–23–01,                   superseded, and required supplementary
                                                                                                     Amendment 39–18708 (81 FR 78899,                      repetitive SDI [for cracking] of the wing top
                                             an evaluation by the design approval                                                                          skin panel 1 and 2 between STG2 and STG10
                                             holder (DAH) which indicates that the                   November 10, 2016) (‘‘AD 2016–23–
                                                                                                     01’’). AD 2016–23–01 applied to all                   at Rib 2 [and repair if needed], as described
                                             wing top skin panel fastener holes at a                                                                       in Airbus SB A310–57–2096 Revision 02.
                                             certain area are also subject to                        Airbus Model A310 series airplanes.                      Since EASA AD 2014–0200R1 was issued,
                                             widespread fatigue damage (WFD). We                     The NPRM published in the Federal                     a Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD)
                                             are issuing this AD to address the unsafe               Register on February 8, 2018 (83 FR                   analysis concluded that the inspection
                                             condition on these products.                            5579). The NPRM was prompted by an                    programme had to be extended to include the
                                                                                                     evaluation done by the DAH which                      wing top skin panels at Rib 3 attachments,
                                             DATES: This AD is effective June 19,
                                             2018.                                                   indicates that the wing top skin panel                and Airbus issued SB A310–57–2096
                                                                                                     fastener holes at a certain area are                  Revision 03 accordingly, to provide the
                                                The Director of the Federal Register                                                                       necessary instructions. Consequently, EASA
                                             approved the incorporation by reference                 subject to WFD. The NPRM would
                                                                                                     continue to require repetitive detailed               issued [EASA] AD 2016–0005 [which
                                             of certain publications listed in this AD                                                                     corresponds to FAA AD 2016–23–01],
                                             as of June 19, 2018.                                    inspections for cracking around the                   retaining the requirements of EASA AD
                                                The Director of the Federal Register                 fastener holes in certain areas of the                2014–0200R1, which was superseded, and
                                             approved the incorporation by reference                 wing top skin panels, supplemental                    extending the inspection area to include
                                             of a certain other publication listed in                repetitive ultrasonic inspections for                 Rib 3.
                                             this AD as of December 15, 2016 (81 FR                  cracking around the fastener holes in                    In addition to changes to the inspected
                                             78899, November 10, 2016).                              certain other areas of the wing top skin              area, WFD analysis identified structural
                                                                                                     panels, and repair if necessary. The                  modification points for certain fastener holes,
                                             ADDRESSES: For service information
                                                                                                     NPRM proposed to add an inspection                    located at each attachment from STG2 to
                                             identified in this final rule, contact                                                                        STG10, at Ribs 2 and 3 on both wings.
                                             Airbus SAS, Airworthiness Office—                       and modification of the fastener holes of
                                                                                                                                                              Airbus developed modification (mod)
                                             EAW, 1 Rond Point Maurice Bellonte,                     the wing top skin panels at a certain                 13785 and mod 13786, consisting of an SDI,
                                             31707 Blagnac Cedex, France;                            area. The NPRM also includes                          followed by an oversize of the defined holes
                                             telephone: +33 5 61 93 36 96; fax: +33                  terminating action for certain                        on Ribs 2 and 3 on both wings. Airbus issued
                                             5 61 93 44 51; email: account.airworth-                 inspections. We are issuing this AD to                SB A310–57–2106 and SB A310–57–2107 to
                                             eas@airbus.com; internet: http://                       detect and correct fatigue cracking                   provide in-service modification instructions
                                             www.airbus.com. You may view this                       around the fastener holes, which could                for top skin attachments to Rib 2 and Rib 3
                                                                                                     result in reduced structural integrity of             respectively. Accomplishment of these
                                             referenced service information at the                                                                         modifications at the specified time will reset
                                             FAA, Transport Standards Branch, 2200                   the airplane.
                                                                                                       The European Aviation Safety Agency                 the fatigue life of the attachment holes at the
                                             South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For                                                                          top skin attachment to Rib 2 and Rib 3 to the
                                             information on the availability of this                 (EASA), which is the Technical Agent
                                                                                                                                                           Limit of Validity (LOV). Airbus issued
                                             material at the FAA, call 206–231–3195.                 for the Member States of the European                 inspection SB A310–57–2096 Revision 04 to
                                             It is also available on the internet at                 Union, has issued EASA AD 2017–0081,                  account for the inspection requirements post-
                                             http://www.regulations.gov by searching                 dated May 8, 2017 (referred to after this             modification.
                                             for and locating Docket No. FAA–2018–                   as the Mandatory Continuing                              For the reasons describe above, this
                                             0071.                                                   Airworthiness Information, or ‘‘the                   [EASA] AD retains the requirements of EASA
                                                                                                     MCAI’’), to correct an unsafe condition               AD 2016–0005, which is superseded,
                                             Examining the AD Docket                                 for all Airbus Model A310 series                      requires modifications to the top skin
                                                                                                     airplanes. The MCAI states:                           attachment holes at Rib 2 and Rib 3, and
                                               You may examine the AD docket on                                                                            defines the inspection requirements for Rib 2
                                             the internet at http://                                   Following scheduled maintenance, cracks             and Rib 3 after modification.
                                             www.regulations.gov by searching for                    were found around the wing top skin panels
                                             and locating Docket No. FAA–2018–                       fastener holes at Rib 2, between Stringer               Modification of the fastener holes at
                                             0071; or in person at the Docket                        (STG) 2 and STG14.                                    top skin ribs 2 and 3 constitutes
                                             Management Facility between 9 a.m.                        This condition, if not detected and                 terminating action for certain repetitive
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                      corrected, could reduce the structural                special detailed inspections. You may
                                                                                                     integrity of the aeroplane.
                                             except Federal holidays. The AD docket                    To address this issue, Airbus developed an
                                                                                                                                                           examine the MCAI in the AD docket on
                                             contains this AD, the regulatory                        inspection programme, and published                   the internet at http://
                                             evaluation, any comments received, and                  Service Bulletin (SB) A310–57–2096,                   www.regulations.gov by searching for
                                             other information. The address for the                  providing instructions for repetitive detailed        and locating Docket No. FAA–2018–
                                             Docket Office (telephone 800–647–5527)                  inspections (DET) to ensure that any visible          0071.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:07 May 14, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\15MYR1.SGM   15MYR1

                                             22364               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             Comments                                                $85 per work-hour. Based on these                       4. Will not have a significant
                                               We gave the public the opportunity to                 figures, we estimate the cost of this AD              economic impact, positive or negative,
                                             participate in developing this AD. We                   on U.S. operators to be $146,200, or                  on a substantial number of small entities
                                             considered the comment received.                        $18,275 per product.                                  under the criteria of the Regulatory
                                             FedEx supported the NPRM.                                  In addition, we estimate that any                  Flexibility Act.
                                                                                                     necessary modification will take about
                                             Conclusion                                                                                                    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
                                                                                                     40 work-hours and require parts costing
                                               We reviewed the available data,                       $10,000, for a cost of $13,400 per                      Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
                                             including the comment received, and                     product. We have no way of                            safety, Incorporation by reference,
                                             determined that air safety and the                      determining the number of aircraft that               Safety.
                                             public interest require adopting this AD                might need these actions.                             Adoption of the Amendment
                                             as proposed, except for minor editorial                 Authority for This Rulemaking                           Accordingly, under the authority
                                             changes. We have determined that these
                                                                                                        Title 49 of the United States Code                 delegated to me by the Administrator,
                                             minor changes:
                                                                                                     specifies the FAA’s authority to issue                the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as
                                               • Are consistent with the intent that
                                                                                                     rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,                 follows:
                                             was proposed in the NPRM for
                                             correcting the unsafe condition; and                    section 106, describes the authority of
                                                                                                                                                           PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS
                                               • Do not add any additional burden                    the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII:
                                             upon the public than was already                        Aviation Programs, describes in more
                                             proposed in the NPRM.                                   detail the scope of the Agency’s                      ■ 1. The authority citation for part 39
                                                                                                     authority.                                            continues to read as follows:
                                             Related Service Information Under                          We are issuing this rulemaking under
                                             1 CFR Part 51                                           the authority described in Subtitle VII,                  Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
                                                Airbus has issued the following                      Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701:                   § 39.13    [Amended]
                                             service information.                                    ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that
                                                • Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–                   section, Congress charges the FAA with                ■ 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by
                                             2096, Revision 04, dated December 5,                    promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in            removing Airworthiness Directive (AD)
                                             2016. This service information describes                air commerce by prescribing regulations               2016–23–01, Amendment 39–18708 (81
                                             procedures for detailed and ultrasonic                  for practices, methods, and procedures                FR 78899, November 10, 2016), and
                                             inspections for cracking around the                     the Administrator finds necessary for                 adding the following new AD:
                                             fastener holes of wing top skin panels 1                safety in air commerce. This regulation               2018–10–05 Airbus: Amendment 39–19280;
                                             and 2, at ribs 2 and 3, on the left- and                is within the scope of that authority                     FAA–2018–0071; Product Identifier
                                             right-hand sides of the fuselage.                       because it addresses an unsafe condition                  2017–NM–063–AD.
                                                • Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–                   that is likely to exist or develop on                 (a) Effective Date
                                             2106, dated November 14, 2016. This                     products identified in this rulemaking                  This AD is effective June 19, 2018.
                                             service information describes                           action.
                                             procedures for a special detailed                          This AD is issued in accordance with               (b) Affected ADs
                                             inspection and modification of the                      authority delegated by the Executive                    This AD replaces AD 2016–23–01,
                                             fastener holes of wing top skin panels 1                Director, Aircraft Certification Service,             Amendment 39–18708 (81 FR 78899,
                                             and 2, at rib 2.                                        as authorized by FAA Order 8000.51C.                  November 10, 2016) (‘‘AD 2016–23–01’’).
                                                • Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–                   In accordance with that order, issuance               (c) Applicability
                                             2107, dated November 14, 2016. This                     of ADs is normally a function of the                     This AD applies to all Airbus Model A310–
                                             service information describes                           Compliance and Airworthiness                          203, –204, –221, –222, –304, –322, –324, and
                                             procedures for a special detailed                       Division, but during this transition                  –325 airplanes, certificated in any category,
                                             inspection and modification of the                      period, the Executive Director has                    all manufacturer serial numbers.
                                             fastener holes of wing top skin panels 1                delegated the authority to issue ADs                  (d) Subject
                                             and 2, at rib 3.                                        applicable to transport category
                                                                                                                                                             Air Transport Association (ATA) of
                                                This service information is reasonably               airplanes to the Director of the System               America Code 57, Wings.
                                             available because the interested parties                Oversight Division.
                                             have access to it through their normal                                                                        (e) Reason
                                             course of business or by the means                      Regulatory Findings                                      This AD was prompted by an evaluation by
                                             identified in the ADDRESSES section.                      We determined that this AD will not                 the design approval holder (DAH) indicating
                                                                                                     have federalism implications under                    that the wing top skin panel fastener holes
                                             Costs of Compliance                                     Executive Order 13132. This AD will                   at ribs 2 and 3 are subject to widespread
                                               We estimate that this AD affects 8                    not have a substantial direct effect on               fatigue damage (WFD). We are issuing this
                                             airplanes of U.S. registry.                                                                                   AD to detect and correct fatigue cracking
                                                                                                     the States, on the relationship between
                                               The actions required by AD 2016–23–                                                                         around the fastener holes, which could result
                                                                                                     the national government and the States,               in reduced structural integrity of the
                                             01, and retained in this AD, take about                 or on the distribution of power and                   airplane.
                                             8 work-hours per product, at an average                 responsibilities among the various
                                             labor rate of $85 per work-hour. Based                  levels of government.                                 (f) Compliance
                                             on these figures, the estimated cost of                   For the reasons discussed above, I                     Comply with this AD within the
                                             the actions that are required by AD                     certify that this AD:                                 compliance times specified, unless already
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             2016–23–01 on U.S. operators to be                        1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
                                             $5,440, or $680 per product.                            action’’ under Executive Order 12866;                 (g) Retained Repetitive Inspections, With
                                               We also estimate that it takes about 95                 2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the          Revised Service Information
                                             work-hours per product to comply with                   DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures                   This paragraph restates the requirements of
                                             the basic requirements of this AD.                      (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);                     paragraph (g) of AD 2016–23–01, with
                                             Required parts will cost about $10,200                    3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in           revised service information. Except as
                                             per product. The average labor rate is                  Alaska; and                                           required by paragraph (i) of this AD: Within

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                   22365

                                             the initial compliance time and thereafter at              (ii) Within 30 days after December 15, 2016        of AD 2016–23–01), using the service
                                             the repetitive intervals specified in                   (the effective date of AD 2016–23–01).                information identified in paragraph (j)(2)(i),
                                             paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(3) of this AD,                                                                  (j)(2)(ii), (j)(2)(iii), or (j)(2)(iv) of this AD: Do
                                                                                                     (i) Retained Compliance Times for Airplanes
                                             as applicable, accomplish the actions                                                                         the actions required by paragraph (g)(1) of
                                                                                                     Previously Inspected, With Revised Service
                                             specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of                                                                  this AD within the initial compliance time
                                             this AD concurrently and in sequence, in                Information
                                                                                                                                                           specified by paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), and
                                             accordance with the Accomplishment                         This paragraph restates the requirements of        (h)(3) of this AD, as applicable.
                                             Instructions of Airbus Service Bulletin A310–           paragraph (i) of AD 2016–23–01, with revised
                                                                                                                                                              (2) For airplanes previously inspected
                                             57–2096, Revision 03, dated June 30, 2015,              service information. For airplanes previously
                                                                                                     inspected before December 15, 2016 (the               before December 15, 2016 (the effective date
                                             or Revision 04, dated December 5, 2016;
                                                                                                     effective date of AD 2016–23–01), using               of AD 2016–23–01), using the service
                                             except as provided by paragraph (j) of this
                                                                                                     Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,                 information identified in paragraph (j)(2)(i),
                                             AD. As of the effective date of this AD, use
                                             only Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,              dated May 6, 2008; Airbus Service Bulletin            (j)(2)(ii), (j)(2)(iii), or (j)(2)(iv) of this AD: Do
                                             Revision 04, dated December 5, 2016, to                 A310–57–2096, Revision 01, dated August 5,            the actions required by paragraph (g)(1) of
                                             accomplish the required actions.                        2010; or Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–             this AD within the applicable compliance
                                               (1) Accomplish a detailed inspection for              2096, Revision 02, dated March 5, 2014: At            times specified in paragraphs (i)(1), (i)(2),
                                             cracking around the fastener holes in the               the applicable compliance times specified in          and (i)(3) of this AD.
                                             wing top skin panels 1 and 2, along ribs 2              paragraphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this AD,        (i) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,
                                             and 3, between the front and rear spars on              accomplish the actions specified in                   dated May 6, 2008.
                                             the left- and right-hand sides of the fuselage.         paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD                  (ii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,
                                               (2) Accomplish an ultrasonic inspection for           concurrently and in sequence, in accordance           Revision 01, dated August 5, 2010.
                                             cracking around the fastener holes in the               with the Accomplishment Instructions of                  (iii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–
                                             wing top skin panels 1 and 2, along ribs 2              Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,                 2096, Revision 02, dated March 5, 2014.
                                             and 3, between stringer (STG) 2 and STG10               Revision 03, dated June 30, 2015, or Revision
                                                                                                                                                              (iv) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–
                                                                                                     04, dated December 5, 2016. As of the
                                             on the left- and right-hand sides of the                                                                      2096, Revision 03, dated June 30, 2015.
                                                                                                     effective date of this AD, use only Airbus
                                                                                                     Service Bulletin A310–57–2096, Revision 04,           (k) Retained Repair of Cracking, With No
                                             (h) Retained Compliance Times for                       dated December 5, 2016, to accomplish the             Changes
                                             Airplanes Not Previously Inspected, With No             required actions. Repeat the inspections
                                                                                                     specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of             This paragraph restates the requirements of
                                                                                                     this AD thereafter at the repetitive intervals        paragraph (k) of AD 2016–23–01, with no
                                                This paragraph restates the requirements of                                                                changes. If any cracking is found during any
                                             paragraph (h) of AD 2016–23–01, with no                 specified in paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), and
                                                                                                     (h)(3) of this AD, as applicable.                     inspection required by paragraph (g), (h), (i),
                                             changes.                                                                                                      or (j) of this AD, before further flight, repair
                                                                                                        (1) For Model A310–203, –204, –221, and
                                                (1) For Model A310–203, –204, –221, and                                                                    the cracking using a method approved by the
                                                                                                     –222 airplanes: Do the actions required by
                                             –222 airplanes: Do the actions required by
                                                                                                     paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD within        Manager, International Section, Transport
                                             paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD at the
                                                                                                     3,500 flight hours or 1,700 flight cycles,            Standards Branch, FAA; or the European
                                             later of the times specified in paragraphs
                                                                                                     whichever occurs first since the most recent          Aviation Safety Agency (EASA); or Airbus’s
                                             (h)(1)(i) and (h)(1)(ii) of this AD. Repeat the
                                                                                                     inspection.                                           EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA).
                                             inspections specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and
                                                                                                        (2) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and            If approved by the DOA, the approval must
                                             (g)(2) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to
                                                                                                     –325 airplanes having an AFT of less than 4           include the DOA-authorized signature.
                                             exceed 2,000 flight cycles or 4,100 flight
                                                                                                     hours: Do the actions required by paragraphs          Accomplishing the repair specified in this
                                             hours, whichever occurs first.
                                                                                                     (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD within 4,600 flight      paragraph terminates the repetitive
                                                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 18,700              hours or 1,600 flight cycles, whichever
                                             flight cycles or 37,400 flight hours since first                                                              inspections required by paragraph (g), (h), (i),
                                                                                                     occurs first since the most recent inspection.        or (j) of this AD, as applicable, for the
                                             flight of the airplane, whichever occurs first.            (3) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and
                                                (ii) Within 30 days after December 15, 2016                                                                repaired area only.
                                                                                                     –325 airplanes having an AFT of equal to or
                                             (the effective date of AD 2016–23–01).                  more than 4 hours: Do the actions required            (l) Retained Definition of AFT, With No
                                                (2) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and              by paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD            Changes
                                             –325 airplanes having an average flight time            within 6,100 flight hours or 1,200 flight
                                             (AFT) of less than 4 hours: Do the actions                                                                       This paragraph restates the requirements of
                                                                                                     cycles, whichever occurs first since the most
                                             required by paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of             recent inspection.                                    paragraph (l) of AD 2016–23–01, with no
                                             this AD at the later of the times specified in                                                                changes. For the purposes of this AD, the
                                             paragraphs (h)(2)(i) and (h)(2)(ii) of this AD.         (j) Retained Compliance Times if No                   AFT should be established as specified in
                                             Repeat the inspections specified in                     Ultrasonic Equipment Is Available, With               paragraphs (l)(1), (l)(2), and (l)(3) of this AD
                                             paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD                 Revised Service Information                           for the determination of the compliance
                                             thereafter at intervals not to exceed 2,000                This paragraph restates the requirements of        times.
                                             flight cycles or 5,600 flight hours, whichever          paragraph (j) of AD 2016–23–01, with revised             (1) The inspection threshold is defined as
                                             occurs first.                                           service information. If no ultrasonic                 the total flight hours accumulated (counted
                                                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 17,300              equipment is available for the initial or             from take-off to touch-down), divided by the
                                             flight cycles or 48,400 flight hours since first        second inspection required by paragraph (g)           total number of flight cycles accumulated at
                                             flight of the airplane, whichever occurs first.         or (h) of this AD, accomplish the detailed            the effective date of this AD.
                                                (ii) Within 30 days after December 15, 2016          inspection specified in paragraph (g)(1) of              (2) The initial inspection interval is
                                             (the effective date of AD 2016–23–01).                  this AD within the applicable compliance              defined as the total flight hours accumulated
                                                (3) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and              times specified in paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(2)       divided by the total number of flight cycles
                                             –325 airplanes having an AFT of equal to or             of this AD. After accomplishing the detailed
                                                                                                                                                           accumulated at the time of the initial
                                             more than 4 hours: Do the actions required              inspection, do the inspections specified in
                                             by paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD at                                                                 inspection threshold.
                                                                                                     paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of this AD at the
                                             the later of the times specified in paragraphs          applicable compliance times specified by                 (3) The second inspection interval is
                                             (h)(3)(i) and (h)(3)(ii) of this AD. Repeat the         paragraphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this AD.     defined as the total flight hours accumulated
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             inspections specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and          Subsequently, repeat the inspections                  divided by the total number of flight cycles
                                             (g)(2) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to        specified in paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2) of          accumulated between the initial and second
                                             exceed 1,500 flight cycles or 7,500 flight              this AD thereafter at the applicable repetitive       inspection threshold. For all inspection
                                             hours, whichever occurs first.                          intervals specified in paragraphs (h)(1),             intervals onwards, the average flight time is
                                                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 12,800              (h)(2), and (h)(3) of this AD.                        the flight hours divided by the flight cycles
                                             flight cycles or 64,300 flight hours since first           (1) For airplanes not previously inspected         accumulated between the last two
                                             flight of the airplane, whichever occurs first.         before December 15, 2016 (the effective date          inspections.

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                                             22366               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             (m) New Requirements of This AD: Rib 2                     (i) Prior to the accumulation of 46,400            inspector or local Flight Standards District
                                             Inspection and Modification                             flight cycles or 92,900 flight hours since first      Office, as appropriate. If sending information
                                               At the compliance time specified in                   flight of the airplane, whichever occurs first.       directly to the International Section, send it
                                             paragraph (n) of this AD, as applicable,                   (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date       to the attention of the person identified in
                                             accomplish the actions specified in                     of this AD.                                           paragraph (t)(2) of this AD. Information may
                                             paragraphs (m)(1) and (m)(2) of this AD                    (2) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and            be emailed to: 9-ANM-116-AMOC-
                                             concurrently and in sequence, in accordance             –325 airplanes having an AFT of less than 4           REQUESTS@faa.gov. Before using any
                                             with the Accomplishment Instructions of                 hours: Do the actions required by paragraphs          approved AMOC, notify your appropriate
                                             Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2106,                   (o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD at the later of the      principal inspector, or lacking a principal
                                             dated November 14, 2016.                                times specified in paragraphs (p)(2)(i) and           inspector, the manager of the local flight
                                               (1) Accomplish a special detailed                     (p)(2)(ii) of this AD.                                standards district office/certificate holding
                                             inspection to determine the diameter of the                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 45,400            district office.
                                             fastener holes in the wing top skin panels 1            flight cycles or 127,300 flight hours since              (2) Contacting the Manufacturer: As of the
                                             and 2, at rib 2 of both wings.                          first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs        effective date of this AD, for any requirement
                                               (2) Modify the fastener holes.                        first.                                                in this AD to obtain corrective actions from
                                                                                                        (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date       a manufacturer, the action must be
                                             (n) New Compliance Times for Rib 2                      of this AD.                                           accomplished using a method approved by
                                             Inspection and Modification                                (3) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and            the Manager, International Section, Transport
                                                (1) For Model A310–203, –204, –221, and              –325 airplanes having an AFT of 4 hours or            Standards Branch, FAA; or EASA; or
                                             –222 airplanes: Do the actions required by              more: Do the actions required by paragraphs           Airbus’s EASA DOA. If approved by the
                                             paragraphs (m)(1) and (m)(2) of this AD at the          (o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD at the later of the      DOA, the approval must include the DOA-
                                             later of the times specified in paragraphs              times specified in paragraphs (p)(3)(i) and           authorized signature.
                                             (n)(1)(i) and (n)(1)(ii) of this AD.                    (p)(3)(ii) of this AD.                                   (3) Required for Compliance (RC): If any
                                                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 40,000                 (i) Prior to the accumulation of 33,800            service information contains procedures or
                                             flight cycles or 93,300 flight hours since first        flight cycles or 169,000 flight hours since           tests that are identified as RC, those
                                             flight of the airplane, whichever occurs first.         first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs        procedures and tests must be done to comply
                                                (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date         first.                                                with this AD; any procedures or tests that are
                                             of this AD.                                                (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date       not identified as RC are recommended. Those
                                                (2) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and              of this AD.                                           procedures and tests that are not identified
                                             –325 airplanes having an AFT of less than 4             (q) New Corrective Actions                            as RC may be deviated from using accepted
                                             hours: Do the actions required by paragraphs                                                                  methods in accordance with the operator’s
                                                                                                       If any cracking is found during any
                                             (m)(1) and (m)(2) of this AD at the later of                                                                  maintenance or inspection program without
                                                                                                     inspection required by paragraph (m), (n), (o),
                                             the times specified in paragraphs (n)(2)(i) and                                                               obtaining approval of an AMOC, provided
                                                                                                     or (p) of this AD, before further flight, repair
                                             (n)(2)(ii) of this AD.                                                                                        the procedures and tests identified as RC can
                                                                                                     the cracking using a method approved by the
                                                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 40,000                                                                    be done and the airplane can be put back in
                                                                                                     Manager, International Section, Transport
                                             flight cycles or 116,000 flight hours since             Standards Branch, FAA; or EASA; or                    an airworthy condition. Any substitutions or
                                             first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs          Airbus’s EASA DOA. If approved by the                 changes to procedures or tests identified as
                                             first.                                                  DOA, the approval must include the DOA-               RC require approval of an AMOC.
                                                (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date         authorized signature. Accomplishing the               (t) Related Information
                                             of this AD.                                             repair specified in this paragraph terminates
                                                (3) For Model A310–304, –322, –324, and                                                                       (1) Refer to Mandatory Continuing
                                                                                                     the repetitive inspections required by
                                             –325 airplanes having an AFT of 4 hours or                                                                    Airworthiness Information (MCAI) EASA AD
                                                                                                     paragraph (g), (h), (i), or (j) of this AD, as
                                             more: Do the actions required by paragraphs                                                                   2017–0081, dated May 8, 2017, for related
                                                                                                     applicable, for the repaired area only.
                                             (m)(1) and (m)(2) of this AD at the later of                                                                  information. This MCAI may be found in the
                                             the times specified in paragraphs (n)(3)(i) and         (r) New Terminating Actions                           AD docket on the internet at http://
                                             (n)(3)(ii) of this AD.                                     (1) Accomplishment of the modification             www.regulations.gov by searching for and
                                                (i) Prior to the accumulation of 30,000              specified in paragraph (m) of this AD                 locating Docket No. FAA–2018–0071.
                                             flight cycles or 150,000 flight hours since             constitutes terminating action for the                   (2) For more information about this AD,
                                             first flight of the airplane, whichever occurs          repetitive special detailed inspections               contact Dan Rodina, Aerospace Engineer,
                                             first.                                                  required by paragraph (g)(2) of this AD for           International Section, Transport Standards
                                                (ii) Within 30 days after the effective date         the modified fastener holes at top skin rib 2         Branch, FAA, 2200 South 216th St., Des
                                             of this AD.                                             for that airplane. After modification, the un-        Moines, WA 98198; telephone and fax: 206–
                                                                                                     modified fastener holes at top skin rib 2             231–3225.
                                             (o) New Requirements of This AD: Rib 3
                                                                                                     between the front and rear spars remain               (u) Material Incorporated by Reference
                                             Inspection and Modification
                                                                                                     subject to the repetitive inspections required
                                               At the compliance time specified in                   by paragraph (g)(1) of this AD.                          (1) The Director of the Federal Register
                                             paragraph (p) of this AD, as applicable,                   (2) Accomplishment of the modification             approved the incorporation by reference
                                             accomplish the actions specified in                     specified in paragraph (o) of this AD                 (IBR) of the service information listed in this
                                             paragraphs (o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD                 constitutes terminating action for the                paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
                                             concurrently and in sequence, in accordance             repetitive special detailed inspections               part 51.
                                             with the Accomplishment Instructions of                 required by paragraph (g)(2) of this AD for              (2) You must use this service information
                                             Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2107,                   the modified fastener holes at top skin rib 3         as applicable to do the actions required by
                                             dated November 14, 2016.                                for that airplane. After modification, the un-        this AD, unless this AD specifies otherwise.
                                               (1) Accomplish a special detailed                     modified fastener holes at top skin rib 3                (3) The following service information was
                                             inspection to determine the diameter of the             between the front and rear spars remain               approved for IBR on June 19, 2018.
                                             fastener holes in the wing top skin panels 1            subject to the repetitive inspection required            (i) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,
                                             and 2, at rib 3 of both wings.                          by paragraph (g)(1) of this AD.                       Revision 04, dated December 5, 2016.
                                               (2) Modify the fastener holes.                                                                                 (ii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2106,
                                                                                                     (s) Other FAA AD Provisions                           dated November 14, 2016.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             (p) New Compliance Times for Rib 3                         (1) Alternative Methods of Compliance                 (iii) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–
                                             Inspection and Modification                             (AMOCs): The Manager, International                   2107, dated November 14, 2016.
                                                (1) For Model A310–203, –204, –221, and              Section, Transport Standards Branch, FAA,                (4) The following service information was
                                             –222 airplanes: Do the actions required by              has the authority to approve AMOCs for this           approved for IBR on December 15, 2016 (81
                                             paragraphs (o)(1) and (o)(2) of this AD at the          AD, if requested using the procedures found           FR 78899, November 10, 2016).
                                             later of the times specified in paragraphs              in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR               (i) Airbus Service Bulletin A310–57–2096,
                                             (p)(1)(i) and (p)(1)(ii) of this AD.                    39.19, send your request to your principal            Revision 03, dated June 30, 2015.

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           22367

                                                (ii) Reserved.                                       Program provides a statutory death                    law enforcement officers; a prosecutor
                                                (5) For service information identified in            benefit to certain survivors of public                and former claims attorney, and two
                                             this AD, contact Airbus SAS, Airworthiness              safety officers who are fatally injured in            members of Congress. OJP received
                                             Office—EAW, 1 Rond Point Maurice
                                             Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France;
                                                                                                     the line of duty, disability benefits to              input from a total of 7 commenters on
                                             telephone: +33 5 61 93 36 96; fax: +33 5 61             public safety officers catastrophically               the first proposed rule, and 8
                                             93 44 51; email: account.airworth-eas@                  injured in the line of duty, and                      commenters on the second rule.
                                             airbus.com; internet: http://www.airbus.com.            education benefits to certain of the                     After careful consideration and
                                                (6) You may view this service information            survivors and family members of the                   analysis of all comments received, OJP
                                             at the FAA, Transport Standards Branch,                 foregoing public safety officers. Under               has made amendments that are
                                             2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For               the Program, claims are filed with, and               incorporated into this consolidated final
                                             information on the availability of this
                                                                                                     adjudicated by, the Office of Justice                 rule. The final rule also contains a few
                                             material at the FAA, call 206–231–3195.
                                                (7) You may view this service information            Programs (OJP) of the U.S. Department                 clarifying changes to provisions in the
                                             that is incorporated by reference at the                of Justice. The regulations for the PSOB              proposed rule where there were some
                                             National Archives and Records                           Program are codified at 28 CFR part 32.               previously unnoticed ambiguities, or
                                             Administration (NARA). For information on                                                                     where the language was more complex
                                             the availability of this material at NARA, call         I. Executive Summary
                                                                                                                                                           than necessary. A summary overview of
                                             202–741–6030, or go to: http://                         A. Purpose of the Regulatory Action                   the changes made by the final rule
                                             www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-                                                                    follows below, with a more complete
                                             locations.html.                                            OJP published two proposed rules for
                                                                                                     the PSOB Program, one on July 15,                     discussion (below that) of the provisions
                                                Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on May                                                                   of the rule, the public comments
                                             7, 2018.
                                                                                                     2016, 81 FR 46019 (‘‘PSOB I’’), and the
                                                                                                     other on August 22, 2016, 81 FR 57348                 received on the proposed rule, the
                                             Michael Kaszycki,                                                                                             Department’s response, and the final
                                                                                                     (‘‘PSOB II’’). PSOB I primarily focused
                                             Acting Director, System Oversight Division,                                                                   changes incorporated into the final rule.
                                                                                                     on certain changes needed to implement
                                             Aircraft Certification Service.                                                                                  Pursuant to 34 U.S.C. 10287, this final
                                                                                                     statutory changes made by the Dale
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–10214 Filed 5–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                     Long Act (affecting members of rescue                 rule is intended (insofar as consistent
                                             BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                                                                     squad and ambulance crews, as well as                 with law) to be effective and applicable
                                                                                                     provisions related to certain heart                   to all claims from and after the effective
                                                                                                     attack/stroke/vascular rupture cases),                date hereof, whether pending (in any
                                             DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE                                   and also to align the workings of the                 stage) as of that date or subsequently
                                                                                                     PSOB Program with certain provisions                  filed.
                                             28 CFR Part 32                                          under the World Trade Center (WTC)                    B. Summary of the Major Changes in the
                                             [Docket No.: OJP (BJA) 1722]                            Health Program, as well as with the                   Final Rule
                                             RIN 1121–AA85
                                                                                                     September 11th Victim Compensation
                                                                                                     Fund (VCF). PSOB II was to implement                     The final rule makes the following
                                                                                                     recent statutory changes, address some                conforming changes required by the
                                             Public Safety Officers’ Benefits
                                                                                                     gaps in the regulations, and to improve               Dale Long Public Safety Officers’
                                                                                                     the efficiency of the PSOB Program                    Benefits Improvement Act of 2012 (Dale
                                             AGENCY:  Office of Justice Programs,                    claims process.                                       Long Act), Public Law 112–239, which,
                                             Department of Justice.                                     During the comment periods, OJP                    among other things, added (as codified
                                             ACTION: Final rule.                                     received comments on its proposed                     at 34 U.S.C. 10282(9)(D)) as a new
                                                                                                     rules from various parties. After further             category of public safety officer—‘‘a
                                             SUMMARY:    This final rule finalizes two               review of the proposed rules and careful              member of a rescue squad or ambulance
                                             proposed rules in order to update and                   consideration and analysis of all                     crew who, as authorized or licensed by
                                             improve the regulations of the Office of                comments on both proposed rules, OJP                  law and by the applicable agency or
                                             Justice Programs (OJP) implementing                     has made amendments that are                          entity, is engaging in rescue activity or
                                             the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits                    incorporated into this final rule. In                 in the provision of emergency medical
                                             (PSOB) Program, in order to incorporate                 addition, the final rule includes a                   services’’. The following changes
                                             several statutory changes enacted in                    technical change necessitated by the                  implement the inclusion of the new
                                             recent years, address some gaps in the                  newly-enacted provisions of the Public                category of public safety officer by the
                                             regulations, and improve the efficiency                 Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement                 following revisions and additions to the
                                             of the PSOB Program claims process.                     Act of 2017, Public Law 115–36, 131                   PSOB regulations:
                                             After careful consideration and analysis                Stat. 841 (June 2, 2017). The final rule                 • Revise definition of Employed by a
                                             of the public comments on both                          also includes (non-substantive) changes               public agency;
                                             proposed rules, the final rule                          to myriad cross-references to statutory                  • Revise definition of Line of duty
                                             incorporates a number of changes as                     provisions, referred to in the                        activity or action to align with statutory
                                             discussed below.                                        regulations, that—effective September 1,              inclusion of members of rescue squads
                                             DATES: This rule is effective June 14,                  2017—were reclassified by the Law                     and ambulance crews;
                                             2018, except for amendatory                             Revision Counsel of the House of                         • Revise definition of Officially
                                             instructions 10 (amending 28 CFR                        Representatives from title 42 of the U.S.             recognized or designated public
                                             32.12), 17 (amending 28 CFR 32.22), and                 Code to title 34 of the U.S. Code.                    employee member of a squad or crew;
                                             32 (amending 28 CFR 32.53), which are                      During the comment period, OJP                        • Add a definition for Officially
                                             effective June 14, 2020.                                received comments on its proposed                     recognized or designated volunteer
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        rules from a number of interested                     member of a squad or crew;
                                             Hope Janke, Bureau of Justice                           parties: Various national police-, fire-,                • Revise definition of Official training
                                             Assistance; Telephone: (202) 514–6278,                  and rescue associations and unions; a                 program of public agency;
                                             or toll-free at (888) 744–6513.                         foundation supporting 9/11 responders;                   • Remove definition of Public
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                          an organization that provides support                 employee member of a squad or crew,
                                             Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB)                 and assistance to the survivors of fallen             and

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Document Created: 2018-05-15 00:33:04
Document Modified: 2018-05-15 00:33:04
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis AD is effective June 19, 2018.
ContactDan Rodina, Aerospace Engineer, International Section, Transport Standards Branch, FAA, 2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA 98198; telephone and fax: 206-231-3225.
FR Citation83 FR 22362 
RIN Number2120-AA64
CFR AssociatedAir Transportation; Aircraft; Aviation Safety; Incorporation by Reference and Safety

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