83_FR_22486 83 FR 22392 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassifying Tobusch Fishhook Cactus From Endangered to Threatened and Adopting a New Scientific Name

83 FR 22392 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassifying Tobusch Fishhook Cactus From Endangered to Threatened and Adopting a New Scientific Name

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 94 (May 15, 2018)

Page Range22392-22401
FR Document2018-10206

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), reclassify Tobusch fishhook cactus (Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii; currently listed as Ancistrocactus tobuschii), from endangered to threatened on the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants. This determination is based on a thorough review of the best available scientific and commercial information, which indicates that the threats to this plant have been reduced to the point that it is no longer in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range, but it remains threatened with becoming endangered within the foreseeable future. In addition, we accept the new taxonomic classification for Tobusch fishhook cactus as the subspecies Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 94 (Tuesday, May 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 94 (Tuesday, May 15, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 22392-22401]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-10206]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0130; FXES11130900000-178-FF09E42000]
RIN 1018-BB90

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassifying 
Tobusch Fishhook Cactus From Endangered to Threatened and Adopting a 
New Scientific Name

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), reclassify 
Tobusch fishhook cactus (Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii; 
currently listed as Ancistrocactus tobuschii), from endangered to 
threatened on the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants. 
This determination is based on a thorough review of the best available 
scientific and commercial information, which indicates that the threats 
to this plant have been reduced to the point that it is no longer in 
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range, but it remains threatened with becoming endangered within the 
foreseeable future. In addition, we accept the new taxonomic 
classification for Tobusch fishhook cactus as the subspecies 
Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii.

DATES: This rule becomes effective June 14, 2018.

ADDRESSES: This final rule is available on the internet at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0130 and the 
Service's websites at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/AustinTexas/ESA_Species_news.html and http://www.fws.gov/endangered. Comments and 
materials received, as well as supporting documentation used in the 
preparation of this rule, are available for public inspection, by 
appointment, during normal business hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, Austin Ecological Services Field Office, 10711 Burnet Road, 
Suite 200, Austin, TX 78727; telephone 512-490-0057; facsimile 512-490-
0974. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) 
may call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Adam Zerrenner, Field Supervisor, U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service, Austin Ecological Services Field Office (see 
ADDRESSES) telephone 512-490-0057, or by facsimile 512-490-0974. 
Individuals who are hearing impaired or speech-impaired may call the 
Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339 for TTY assistance.



    Under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act; 16 
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), a species is an endangered or threatened species 
based on any one or a combination of the five listing factors 
established under section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or 
threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or 
range; (B) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes; (C) Disease or predation; (D) The inadequacy of 
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) Other natural or manmade factors 
affecting its continued existence.
    After conducting a review of its biological status and threats, we 
have determined that Tobusch fishhook cactus is no longer in danger of 
extinction throughout all or a signification portion of its range; 
however, the subspecies is likely to become endangered within the 
foreseeable future as a result of changes in vegetation and wildfire 
frequency (Factor A), insect parasites and feral hog rooting (Factor 
C), and the demographic and genetic consequences of small population 
sizes and densities (Factor E).
    We sought comments from independent specialists to ensure that our 
determination is based on scientifically sound data, assumptions, and 
analyses. We invited these peer reviewers to comment on our 
reclassification proposal, and we considered all comments and 
information received during the public comment period.
    This rule finalizes the reclassification of Tobusch fishhook cactus 
from an endangered to a threatened species, and adopts the latest 
taxonomic assignment of the scientific name, changing it from 
Ancistrocactus tobuschii to Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii on 
the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants.

[[Page 22393]]

Previous Federal Actions

    We published a final rule to list Tobusch fishhook cactus as an 
endangered species under the Act on November 7, 1979 (44 FR 64736). At 
that time, we also determined that it was not prudent to designate 
critical habitat. On March 18, 1987, we finalized a recovery plan for 
Tobusch fishhook cactus. On January 5, 2010, a status review (``5-year 
review'') was completed under section 4(c)(2)(A) of the Act, which 
recommended that Tobusch fishhook cactus be reclassified from 
endangered to threatened (Service 2010).
    On July 16, 2012, we received a petition dated July 11, 2012, from 
The Pacific Legal Foundation, Jim Chilton, the New Mexico Cattle 
Growers' Association, New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau, New Mexico 
Federal Lands Council, and Texas Farm Bureau requesting that Tobusch 
fishhook cactus be reclassified as threatened based on the analysis and 
recommendation contained in the 5-year review. The Service published a 
90-day finding on September 9, 2013 (78 FR 55046), that the petition 
contained substantial scientific or commercial information indicating 
that the petitioned action may be warranted. On November 20, 2015, the 
Service received a complaint (New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association et 
al. v. United States Department of the Interior et al., No. 1:15-cv-
01065-PJK-LF (D. N.M.)) for declaratory judgment and injunctive relief 
from the New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association, Jim Chilton, New 
Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau, New Mexico Federal Lands Council, and 
Texas Farm Bureau to compel the Service to make a 12-month finding on 
the petition. On December 29, 2016, the Service published a combined 
12-month warranted finding and proposed rule to reclassify Tobusch 
fishhook cactus from endangered to threatened (81 FR 95932).

Summary of Biological Status and Threats

    We prepared a Species Status Assessment (SSA) for Tobusch fishhook 
cactus (Service 2016; available at http://www.regulations.gov and 
which includes a thorough review of the subspecies' taxonomy, natural 
history, habitats, ecology, populations, and range. We used the best 
available scientific and commercial data to analyze individual, 
population, and subspecies requirements, as well as factors affecting 
the subspecies' survival and its current conditions, to assess the 
current and future viability of Tobusch fishhook cactus in terms of 
resilience, redundancy, and representation. We solicited peer review of 
the draft SSA Report from three objective and independent scientific 
experts, and considered their comments in finalization of the SSA 
Report. The following is a summary of our results and conclusions. 
Please refer to section IV of the SSA Report for a more detailed 
discussion of the factors affecting Tobusch fishhook cactus (Service 
2016, pp. 38-46).


    Tobusch fishhook cactus is a rare, endemic plant of the Edwards 
Plateau of central Texas that is armed with curved ``fishhook'' spines. 
In the wild, this globose or columnar cactus rarely exceeds 5 
centimeters (2 inches) in diameter and in height (Poole and Janssen 
2002, p. 7).


    The taxonomic classifications of Tobusch fishhook cactus include 
several published synonyms. We listed it as a species, Ancistrocactus 
tobuschii (44 FR 64736, November 7, 1979), and retained this 
classification for the recovery plan (Service 1987). However, recent 
phylogenetic evidence supports classifying Tobusch fishhook cactus as 
subspecies tobuschii of Sclerocactus brevihamatus (Porter and Prince 
2011, pp. 40-47). It is distinguished morphologically from its closest 
relative, S. brevihamatus ssp. brevihamatus, on the basis of yellow 
versus pink- or brown-tinged flowers, fewer radial spines, and fewer 
ribs (Marshall 1952, p. 79; Poole et al. 2007, p. 442; Porter and 
Prince 2011, pp. 42-45). Additionally, S. brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii 
is endemic to limestone outcrops of the Edwards Plateau, while S. 
brevihamatus ssp. brevihamatus occurs in alluvial soils in the 
Tamaulipan Shrublands and Chihuahuan Desert. A recent investigation 
confirmed genetic divergence between the two subspecies, although they 
may interact genetically in a narrow area where their ranges overlap 
(Rayamajhi 2015, pp. 67, 98; Sharma 2015, p. 1). We officially accept 
the new scientific name of Tobusch fishhook cactus as Sclerocactus 
brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii.


    Tobusch fishhook cactus grows slowly, reaching a reproductive size 
of about 2 centimeters (0.8 inches) in diameter after 9 years (Emmett 
1995, pp. 168-169). It flowers between late January and mid-March, and 
its major pollinators are honey bees and halictid bees (Emmett 1995, 
pp. 74-75; Lockwood 1995, pp. 428-430; Reemts and Becraft 2013, pp. 6-
7; Langley 2015, pp. 21-23). The breeding system is primarily out-
crossing, requiring fertilization between unrelated individuals; 
relatively few viable seeds are produced from self-fertilized flowers 
(Emmett 1995, p. 70; Langley 2015, pp. 24-28). Reproductive individuals 
produce an average of 112 seeds per year (Emmett 1995, p. 108). Ants 
may be seed predators, dispersers, or both (Emmett 1995, pp. 112-114, 
124). Mammals or birds may also accomplish longer distance seed 
dispersal (Emmett 1995, pp. 115-116, 126). There is little evidence 
that seeds persist in the soil (Emmett 1995, pp. 120-122).


    When listed as endangered in 1979, fewer than 200 individuals of 
Tobusch fishhook cactus were known from 4 riparian sites, 2 of which 
had been destroyed by floods (44 FR 64736, November 7, 1979; Service 
1987, pp. 4-5). We now understand that those riparian habitats were 
atypical; the great majority of populations that have now been 
documented occur in upland sites dominated by Ashe juniper-live oak 
woodlands and savannas on the Edwards Plateau (Poole and Janssen 2002, 
p. 2). Soils are classified in the Tarrant, Ector, Eckrant, and similar 
series. Within a matrix of woodland and savanna, the subspecies occurs 
in discontinuous patches of very shallow, gravelly soils where bare 
rock and rock fragments comprise a large proportion of the surface 
cover (Sutton et al. 1997, pp. 442-443). Associated vegetation includes 
small bunch grasses and forbs. The subspecies' distribution within 
habitat patches is clumped and tends to be farther from woody plant 
cover (Reemts 2014, pp. 9-10). The presence of cryptograms, primitive 
plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds, may be a useful 
indicator of fine-scale habitat suitability (Service 2010, p. 17). 
Wildfire (including prescribed burning) causes negligible damage to 
Tobusch fishhook cactus populations (Emmett 1995, p. 42; Poole and 
Birnbaum 2003, p. 12). The subspecies probably does not require fire 
for germination, establishment, or reproduction, but periodic burning 
may be necessary to prevent the encroachment of woody plants into its 

Populations and Range

    A population of an organism is a group of individuals within a 
geographic area that are capable of interbreeding or interacting. 

[[Page 22394]]

the term is conceptually simple, it may be difficult to determine the 
extent of a population of rare or cryptic species, and this is 
certainly the case for Tobusch fishhook cactus. Thorough surveys on 
public lands, such as State parks and highway rights-of-way, have 
detected groups of individuals, but since the vast majority of the 
surrounding private land has not been surveyed, we do not know if these 
are small, isolated populations, or parts of larger interacting 
populations or metapopulations. In instances where we are unable to 
define the extent of the local population, we often informally use the 
terms ``site,'' referring to a place where the subspecies was found, 
and ``colony,'' referring to a cluster of individuals.
    Populations of Tobusch fishhook cactus are now confirmed in eight 
central Texas counties: Bandera, Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, Real, 
Uvalde, and Val Verde. The Texas Native Diversity Database (2016, pp. 
1-202) listed 97 element occurrences, areas in which the plant was 
present (EOs; NatureServe 2002, p. 10), of Tobusch fishhook cactus, 
totaling 3,336 individuals. In addition, recent surveys conducted 
through Section 7 consultations and at preserves managed by The Nature 
Conservancy, that are not included in the TXNDD report, bring the total 
number of documented individuals to approximately 4,500. Although the 
numbers of individuals at each site fluctuate over time, due to the 
combined, continuing effects of mortality and recruitment of new 
individuals, our best estimate of the total live individuals at all 
documented sites at any one time is 4,500.

Summary of Subspecies Requirements

    Tobusch fishhook cactus plants occur in patches of very shallow, 
rocky soil overlying limestone. The immediate vicinity of plants is 
sparsely vegetated with small bunch grasses and forbs and there is 
little or no woody plant cover. Individual plants require an estimated 
9 years to reach a reproductive size of about 2 centimeters (0.8 
inches) in diameter. Reproduction is primarily by out-crossing between 
unrelated individuals, and the known pollinators include honey bees and 
halictid bees. Out-crossing requires genetically diverse cactus 
populations within the foraging range of pollinators, and is less 
likely to occur in small, isolated populations. Healthy pollinator 
populations, in turn, require intact, diverse, native plant 
communities. Halictid bees are frequent natural pollinators of Tobusch 
fishhook cactus. We expect the foraging range of these bees, given 
their relatively small size, to be fairly limited. Therefore, the 
health and diversity of native vegetation within the vicinity of 
Tobusch fishhook cactus plants (a range of 50 to 500 meters (164 to 
1,640 feet)) may be particularly important for successful cactus 
reproduction. Healthy pollinator populations also require the least 
possible exposure to agricultural pesticides within their foraging 
    Resilient populations are those that exhibit stable or increasing 
demographic trends. The assessment of demographic trends, however, 
depends on how populations are delineated (81 FR 95932, December 29, 
2016). For Tobusch fishhook cactus, we conclude that it is more 
appropriate to track the collective populations of multiple colonies 
that interact on a landscape scale (i.e., metapopulations). Resilience 
of metapopulations requires recruitment of new colonies and/or 
reestablishment at sites of former colonies that previously collapsed. 
A major cause of mortality is infestation by insect larvae, mainly by 
an undescribed species of Gerstaeckeria (cactus weevil), and one or 
more species of cactus longhorn beetles (Moneilema spp.). The adults of 
these parasites are flightless, so their dispersal to new colonies is 
likely to be very limited. When individual colonies of the cactus die 
off, the parasites also die off, rendering those patches of suitable 
habitat available for cactus re-colonization. Hence, these periodic 
infestations of parasite larvae greatly influence the population 
dynamics of Tobusch fishhook cactus. The distance between colonies has 
two opposing effects on their persistence. Greater distance reduces 
susceptibility to parasite infestation, but also reduces the amount of 
gene flow, by means of pollinators vectoring pollen, or through seed 
dispersal, between colonies. Thus, the persistence of entire 
metapopulations would require fairly large landscapes where 
discontinuous patches of suitable habitat are distributed and populated 
at a density just low enough to hold the parasites at bay, but just 
high enough for halictid bees and other pollinators and seed dispersers 
to vector genes between them.
    One measure of population resilience is minimum viable population 
(MVP), which is an estimate of the minimum population size that has a 
high probability of enduring a specified period of time. Poole and 
Birnbaum (2003, p. 1) estimated an MVP of 1,200 individuals for Tobusch 
fishhook cactus, using a surrogate species approach (Pavlik 1996, pp. 
136-137). Although some Tobusch fishhook cactus individuals live for 
decades, annual mortality rates are often greater than 20 percent, and 
relatively few individuals live long enough to reproduce. Mortality 
within monitored colonies often exceeds recruitment, and some colonies 
have died out. Nevertheless, even where individual colonies have 
collapsed, the total documented population sizes at many protected 
natural areas are stable or increasing, due to discoveries of new 
individuals and colonies. For this reason, MVP levels are more 
appropriately applied to metapopulations rather than individual 
colonies of this cactus.
    The degree of genetic diversity within Tobusch fishhook cactus 
populations is important for several reasons. First, diversity within 
populations should confer greater resistance to pathogens and parasites 
and greater adaptability to environmental stochasticity (random 
variations, such as annual rainfall and temperature patterns) and the 
effects from climate change. Second, low genetic diversity within 
interbreeding populations leads to a higher incidence of inbreeding, 
and potentially to inbreeding depression (reduced biological fitness), 
which lowers a population's ability to survive and reproduce. Finally, 
the breeding system of Tobusch fishhook cactus is primarily out-
crossing, so populations with too little genetic diversity would 
produce fewer progeny.
    Fire, whether natural or prescribed, appears to have little effect 
on individual Tobusch fishhook cactus plants. This outcome is because 
the plants occur where vegetation is very sparse, and the plants 
protrude very little above the ground and are protected by surrounding 
rocks from the heat of vegetation burning nearby. On the other hand, 
periodic fire is likely to be necessary for population persistence to 
reduce juniper encroachment into suitable habitats. Furthermore, the 
diverse shrub and forb vegetation that sustains healthy pollinator 
populations is maintained by periodic wildfire; without fire, dense 
juniper groves frequently displace these shrubs and forbs. Hence, if 
the native plant diversity of entire landscapes surrounding Tobusch 
fishhook cactus populations succumbs to juniper encroachment, 
pollinator populations will likely decline, and reproduction of Tobusch 
fishhook cactus and gene flow between its colonies may be reduced.
    In addition to population resilience, we assessed the subspecies' 
viability in terms of its redundancy (ability to withstand catastrophic 
events) and representation (ability to adapt to changing environmental 

[[Page 22395]]

Given that insect parasites are able to devastate large, dense 
populations, a few large populations are much more vulnerable than many 
small populations. The viability of Tobusch fishhook cactus derives not 
merely from the size of metapopulations, but also their density. 
Metapopulations with a low density of colonies may incur loss of 
genetic diversity and increased potential for inbreeding. Conversely, 
vulnerability to insect parasitism increases when metapopulations 
become too dense, or when individual colonies become too large. 
Assessments of resilience (metapopulation size and demographics) and 
redundancy (number of metapopulations within the subspecies' range) 
depend on how metapopulations are delineated. We believe that there 
must be some optimal range of metapopulation density, i.e., the 
distance between metapopulations, and of colony size, although we do 
not currently know what those are.
    One influence on representation is genetic diversity, both within 
and among populations, that is necessary to conserve long-term adaptive 
capability (Shaffer and Stein 2000, pp. 307-308). Genetic diversity 
within a population can be measured by the numbers of variant forms of 
genes represented in that population. One measure of this within-
population genetic diversity is called heterozygosity; possible values 
range from 0 (all members of a population are genetically identical for 
specified genes) to 1.0 (all members of a population are genetically 
different). Another useful measure is the inbreeding coefficient 
(FIS), which ranges from -1 (all members of the population 
are heterozygous, containing two forms of specific genes, and there is 
no evidence of inbreeding) to 1.0 (all members are homozygous, 
containing only one form of specific genes, and inbred). Although there 
are no heterozygosity levels or inbreeding coefficients that are 
considered healthy for all species, we may assess the genetic health of 
Tobusch fishhook cactus by comparison to the observed values of 
reference species, such as other cactus species with similar life 
histories that are abundant and widespread (Rayamajhi 2015, pp. 56, 63; 
Schwabe et al. 2015, pp. 449, 454-455).
    A study by Rayamajhi (2015, entire) determined that the mean 
expected heterozygosity (He) for nine populations of Tobusch 
fishhook cactus was 0.59, and the mean observed heterozygosity 
(Ho) was 0.37 (p. 57). These results indicate relatively low 
levels of genetic differentiation among the nine populations; however, 
this situation is not unusual for endemic taxa and may also indicate a 
recent divergence of subspecies tobuschii from subspecies brevihamatus. 
Through comparison to other columnar cactus species that are endemic or 
have limited geographic distribution, Rayamajhi (2015) concluded that 
for Tobusch fishhook cactus, He was moderately high and 
Ho was moderate (pp. 58-61). The moderate Ho may 
be attributed to small population sizes and elevated levels of 
inbreeding within populations (p. 57). By comparison, He and 
Ho for Sclerocactus glaucus, a federally listed threatened 
cactus species from Colorado, were 0.66 and 0.47, respectively, while 
for Sclerocactus parviflorus, a relatively widespread cactus species, 
He and Ho were 0.62 and 0.39 (Schwabe et al. 
2015, p. 449). Despite low levels of genetic differentiation, the same 
study found evidence of substantial gene flow among Tobusch fishhook 
cactus populations and healthy levels of outbreeding, with a mean 
inbreeding coefficient (FIS) of 0.38 (range of 0.15 to 0.63) 
for ssp. tobuschii and 0.47 for ssp. brevihamatus (pp. 63-64). For 
comparison, the average FIS for S. glaucus and S. 
parviflorus was 0.28 and 0.37 (Schwabe et al. 2015, p. 449). These 
results suggest that Tobusch fishhook cactus currently possesses 
sufficient genetic representation to conserve long-term adaptive 

Review of the Recovery Plan

    Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to develop and implement 
recovery plans for the conservation and survival of endangered and 
threatened species unless we determine that such a plan will not 
promote the conservation of the species. Recovery plans identify site-
specific management actions that will achieve recovery of the species, 
measurable criteria that set a trigger for review of the species' 
status, and estimates of the time and cost to recovery.
    Recovery plans are not regulatory documents; instead they are 
intended to establish goals for long-term conservation of listed 
species and define criteria that are designed to indicate when the 
threats facing a species have been removed or reduced to such an extent 
that the species may no longer need the protections of the Act, as well 
as actions that may be employed to achieve reaching the criteria. There 
are many paths to accomplishing recovery of a species, and recovery 
may, at times, be achieved without all criteria being fully met or all 
actions fully implemented. Recovery of a species is a dynamic process 
requiring adaptive management that may, or may not, fully follow the 
guidance provided in a recovery plan.
    The Tobusch fishhook cactus recovery plan was approved by the 
Service on March 18, 1987 (Service 1987). Delisting criteria were not 
established in the recovery plan. However, the recovery plan did 
establish a criterion of 3,000 individuals in each of 4 safe sites for 
reclassification from endangered to threatened. The explanation for how 
this level was calculated is not included in the recovery plan, and to 
date this criterion has not been met. No individual colonies have 
reached this size, and we now understand that insect parasites are able 
to devastate large, dense populations of Tobusch fishhook cactus. Thus, 
the downlisting criterion of 3,000 individuals per population may be 
unattainable or unsustainable. Such large cactus populations would 
eventually host very large parasite populations, leading to their 
collapse (Service 2017, p. 40).
    Currently, many small populations exist, and surveyors have 
documented a total of approximately 4,500 Tobusch fishhook cactus 
individuals in 8 counties of the Edwards Plateau. Monitored 
populations, ranging from 34 to 1,090 individuals, occur on 12 
properties managed either by the State or conservation organizations. 
We conclude that a few large cactus populations are much more 
vulnerable than many small populations, and we will consider revision 
of the 1989 recovery plan to include delisting criteria based on our 
new understanding of Tobusch fishhook cactus demographics.

Summary of Changes From the Proposed Rule

    We have made no changes from the proposed rule.

Summary of Comments and Recommendations

    In the proposed rule published on December 29, 2016 (81 FR 95932), 
we requested that all interested parties submit written comments on the 
proposal by February 27, 2017, and we reopened the public comment 
period from June 13, 2017, to July 13, 2017 (82 FR 27033, June 13, 
2017). We also contacted appropriate Federal and State agencies, 
scientific experts and organizations, and other interested parties and 
invited them to comment on the proposal. Newspaper notices inviting 
general public comment were published in the San Antonio Express News 
on June 13, 2017. We did not receive any requests for a public hearing. 
All substantive information provided during comment periods has

[[Page 22396]]

either been incorporated directly into this final determination or is 
addressed below.
    In accordance with our peer review policy published on July 1, 1994 
(59 FR 34270), we solicited expert opinions from three knowledgeable 
individuals with scientific expertise that included familiarity with 
Tobusch fishhook cactus and its habitat, biological needs, and threats. 
We received responses from all three of the peer reviewers that they 
concurred with our decision to reclassify Tobusch fishhook cactus as a 
threatened subspecies. We received a total of five comments on the 
proposed rule; one from the State of Texas and four from the public. We 
did not receive comments from other Federal agencies or Tribes. We 
reviewed all comments received during the two public comment periods 
for substantive issues and new information regarding the proposed 
reclassification of Tobusch fishhook cactus. Four commenters were in 
favor of the proposed reclassification, and one commenter was in 
support of delisting Tobusch fishhook cactus. Substantive comments we 
received are addressed below.
    (1) Comment: Although locating new populations of Tobusch fishhook 
cactus does not yet ameliorate or offset the many threats to the 
subspecies, Tobusch fishhook cactus does fit the definition of 
threatened and warrants downlisting. As stated in the SSA, Tobusch 
fishhook cactus requires continued conservation, management, and 
protection. Downlisting Tobusch fishhook cactus to threatened will 
allow for these continued efforts.
    Our Response: We concur and look forward to continuing cooperative 
efforts to conserve and recover Tobusch fishhook cactus.
    (2) Comment: The reclassification of Tobusch fishhook cactus is 
fully supported; however, the downlisting should also exempt the 
subspecies from the take prohibition of the Act.
    Our Response: The Act does not prohibit the taking of either 
endangered or threatened plant species that occur on private lands. 
While the Act prohibits the taking of endangered and threatened plant 
species that occur on lands under Federal jurisdiction, the subspecies 
is not known to occur on any Federal lands.
    (3) Comment: We believe that the SSA, representing the Service's 
understanding of the best available scientific and commercial 
information, instead leads to a scientifically supportable conclusion 
that Tobusch fishhook cactus is neither threatened nor endangered with 
extinction within the foreseeable future throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range. We recommend that the Service modify 
its proposed rule to instead remove Tobusch fishhook cactus from the 
Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants on the basis that the 
original listing was in error. Such a conclusion is both consistent 
with and directed by the SSA developed by the Service.
    Our Response: The best available scientific information indicates 
that the subspecies remains at risk of extinction in the foreseeable 
future. Our analysis indicates that Tobusch fishhook cactus is likely 
to continue to be negatively affected by factors such as changes in 
vegetation and wildfire frequency, infection from parasites, feral hog 
rooting, and the demographic and genetic consequences of small 
population sizes (see discussion under Reclassification Analysis 
below). The subspecies persists but requires continued management, 
conservation, and protection under the Act to fully alleviate these 
    We also recognize that the subspecies may be more abundant than 
previously estimated at the time of listing; however, calculations of 
true population size are difficult to make. In the SSA, we estimated 
that the total subspecies population is about 480,000 individuals, and 
total estimated potential habitat ranges over 5 million acres. However, 
this estimate may overstate the actual population size, as only 4,564 
Tobusch fishhook cactus individuals were actually detected from 2003 to 
2015. In Appendix B of the SSA Report, we explained that the estimate 
of the total population size of Tobusch fishhook cactus is a simple 
extrapolation of the average population density within surveys of 
potential habitat to the total amount of potential habitat. The 
extremely uneven distribution of this cactus complicates estimates of 
the true population size (Service 2016, p. 21). In the SSA Report, we 
also stated that the estimated population size is not a precise 
determination, but is the best estimate we are currently able to make 
with available quantitative data that has been obtained from a small 
number of areas (Service 2016, p. 32). One peer reviewer of the SSA 
stated that the general approach we used to estimate the total number 
of plants was sound, but because the areas surveyed were a biased 
sample of potential habitats, our approach likely overestimated the 
amount of potential habitat and population size. This overestimate is 
because State parks and other areas surveyed are not representative of 
all areas of potential habitat within the subspecies' range. We concur 
with these comments. The survey sample size was small and was 
unavoidably biased, and the method we used did not establish confidence 
limits to the estimate. Due to the drastic collapse of many large 
colonies from insect parasites, we require statistically rigorous 
estimates of metapopulation trends to project long-term viability.
    Although the available data do indicate that both the subspecies' 
viability and population sizes are greater than when it was listed and 
that it is not currently in danger of extinction, threats to the 
subspecies remain unabated and Tobusch fishhook cactus is likely to 
become endangered with extinction in the foreseeable future.

Reclassification Analysis

    Under section 4 of the Act, we administer the Federal Lists of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, which are set forth in 
title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations at part 17 (50 CFR 17.11 
and 17.12). We can determine, on the basis of the best scientific and 
commercial data available, whether a species may be listed, delisted, 
or reclassified as described in 50 CFR 424.11. Tobusch fishhook cactus 
was listed as endangered in 1979 due to: Few known populations, habitat 
destruction, and altered stream flows (Factor A); illegal collection 
(Factor B); and very limited geographic range, small population sizes, 
restricted gene pool, and lack of reproduction (Factor E). We now know 
there are many more populations over a much wider area; approximately 
4,500 individuals have been documented at more than 97 EOs and other 
monitoring sites. Most habitats are relatively secure, given that they 
are in remote, rocky areas that are unsuitable for growing crops. 
However, the great majority is on private lands that are becoming 
increasingly fragmented and may be subject to destruction or 
modification. Many of the known populations are small and isolated, and 
the monitored portions of numerous populations have declined. 
Demographic population viability analyses predict an overall future 
decline in subspecies' viability. However, we do not know how well 
these analyses project the demographic trends of metapopulations 
distributed over larger landscapes. We know that insect parasites are a 
major cause of mortality and may naturally reduce populations to low 
densities. Many populations have sufficient genetic diversity to confer 
long-term adaptive capability, but some small, isolated populations 
have higher levels of inbreeding and may be affected by

[[Page 22397]]

reduced fitness and reproduction. It is likely that projected climate 
changes will affect Tobusch fishhook cactus, but we do not currently 
know whether such changes will have a net positive or negative effect 
on its viability.
    Using the SSA framework, we have carefully assessed the best 
scientific and commercial information available regarding the past, 
present, and future threats to Tobusch fishhook cactus to consider what 
the subspecies needs to maintain viability. We have determined that 
Tobusch fishhook cactus is currently no longer in danger of extinction, 
because it has larger, more numerous populations that are much more 
widely distributed than we previously understood, and therefore the 
subspecies has greater resilience, redundancy, and representation. 
Nevertheless, it is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable 
future because the following threats have not been fully ameliorated 
and are expected to continue into the foreseeable future: Habitat 
destruction and modification due to changes in vegetation and wildfire 
frequency (Factor A), insect parasites and feral hog rooting (Factor 
C), and the demographic and genetic consequences of small population 
sizes and densities (Factor E). In the SSA Report, we projected what 
the future viability of Tobusch fishhook cactus could be using the 
timeframe 2050 to 2074. This is the same timeframe that has been used 
to project future climate conditions for Edwards County, Texas (U.S. 
Geological Survey 2015), and although climate change is not likely a 
direct stressor to Tobusch fishhook cactus viability, the effects from 
climate change on the threats to Tobusch fishhook cactus are likely to 
impact the future viability of the species. We used the National 
Climate Change Viewer (NCCV; U.S. Geological Survey 2015) to compare 
past and projected future climate conditions. The baseline for 
comparison was the observed mean values from 1950 through 2005, and 30 
climate models were used to project future conditions. The NCCV 
generates projections for three timeframes: 2025 to 2049, 2050 to 2074, 
and 2075 to 2099. We chose the intermediate timeframe of 2050 to 2074 
for our projections of the species status in the foreseeable future 
because relatively few changes may be apparent in the earlier 
timeframe, and projection uncertainty is greatest in the later 
    Below we present our analysis of threats to Tobusch fishhook 
cactus. For a complete discussion of all threats, including those 
considered significant at the time of listing and those considered 
potential future threats, please refer to the SSA Report (Service 

Changes in Vegetation and Wildfire Frequency (Factor A)

    Bray (1904, pp. 14-15, 23-24) documented the rapid transition of 
grasslands to woodlands in the Edwards Plateau occurring more than a 
century ago; he attributed this change to overgrazing, the depletion of 
grasses, and the cessation of wildfires. Fonteyn et al. (1988, p. 79) 
state that savannas covered portions of the pre-settlement Edwards 
Plateau, and since 1850 were transformed to shrubland or woodland 
``primarily by suppression of recurring natural and anthropogenic fires 
and the introduction of livestock.'' They list the fire-sensitive Ashe 
juniper (Juniperus ashei) as the most successful of many woody plants 
that have invaded grasslands. Reemts (2014 p. 1) lists the encroachment 
of woody plants into the rocky, open habitat as one of several 
remaining habitat-related threats that endanger Tobusch fishhook 
cactus. In synthesis, unlike the mountainous conifer forests of the 
arid southwest, where fire frequency has increased, in the Edwards 
Plateau of Texas, poor rangeland management depleted the grass and forb 
cover, and the lack of fine fuels reduced the incidence of wildfire. 
Juniper trees that were formerly limited by relatively frequent 
wildfires have now greatly increased in abundance and cover, and the 
proportion of ground that is shaded has increased. Since Tobusch 
fishhook cactus thrives in full sun, but does not tolerate dense shade, 
these changes in vegetation cover, wildfire frequency, and juniper 
cover threaten this cactus. Replacement of a diverse shrub and forb 
community with monocultural (growth of a single plant species) stands 
of juniper also reduces pollinator populations, which in turn may 
reduce reproduction of Tobusch fishhook cactus and gene flow between 
colonies (Service 2017, p. 37). We expect these threats to continue at 
least through the 2050 to 2074 projection period (described above), 
which we define as the foreseeable future for this threat.
    Vegetation and fire frequency may also be influenced by climate 
changes. The means of 30 climate models project increasing temperatures 
for the Edwards Plateau of Texas over the 2050 to 2074 projection 
period (U.S. Geological Survey 2015). However, these models do not 
simulate well the projected patterns of regional precipitation (IPCC 
2013, p. 11). Average precipitation may increase or decrease, seasonal 
rainfall patterns may change, and annual variation in rainfall may 
increase. Consequently, we do not know what the net effect of climate 
changes will be on vegetation and wildfire frequency nor how these 
changes might affect the viability of Tobusch fishhook cactus.

Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
Educational Purposes (Factor B)

    The listing of Tobusch fishhook cactus as an endangered species (44 
FR 64736) included collection from wild populations for the commercial 
cactus trade as a threat to the species. Subsequently, we have detected 
very little evidence of illicit collection from wild populations; this 
potential threat has not substantively affected the species survival.

Insect Parasites (Factor C)

    The Tobusch fishhook cactus weevil (Gerstaeckeria spp.) and cactus 
longhorn beetle (Moneilema spp.) parasitize and kill Tobusch fishhook 
cactus plants. Populations of these parasites increase rapidly in 
large, dense cactus colonies and have caused drastic declines in many 
of the larger populations (Calvert 2003, entire). Conversely, since the 
parasites are flightless, smaller, widely dispersed colonies may be 
less susceptible to parasite infestation. Periodic outbreaks of insect 
parasitism appear to be an unavoidable natural cycle that may 
exacerbate population declines from other causes, and currently there 
are no management practices to prevent or minimize insect parasitism. 
Therefore, this threat remains unabated, and we expect it will continue 
at least through the foreseeable future (described above), which we 
define as the foreseeable future for this threat.

Other Herbivory (Factor C)

    The incidence of herbivory by jackrabbits, rodents, and other 
native herbivores on Tobusch fishhook cactus is relatively minor (Poole 
and Birnbaum (2003, pp. 11-12). However, introduced feral hogs are 
abundant throughout the subspecies' range and have damaged and 
destroyed Tobusch fishhook cactus individuals and habitats in many 
sites (Reemts 2015, p. 1). Feral hog populations remain undiminished in 
Texas despite active hunting and trapping efforts. Therefore, this 
threat remains unabated, and we expect it will continue at least 
through the 2050 to 2074 projection period (described above), which we 
define as the foreseeable future for this threat.

[[Page 22398]]

The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms (Factor D)

    Only a very small fraction of the potential habitat of Tobusch 
fishhook cactus occurs on state parks or other public lands where the 
habitat could be directly managed through regulatory mechanisms. 
Regulatory mechanisms cannot ensure habitat management and species 
conservation on the great majority of the species habitats that occur 
on privately owned land. Thus the habitat-related threats and feral hog 
issues described above are anticipated to continue to impact the 
species regardless of existing regulatory mechanisms.

Demographic and Genetic Consequences of Small Population Size and 
Density (Factor E)

    Small populations are less able to recover from losses caused by 
random environmental changes (Shaffer and Stein 2000, pp. 308-310), 
such as fluctuations in recruitment (demographic stochasticity), 
variations in rainfall (environmental stochasticity), or changes in the 
frequency of wildfires. Poole and Birnbaum (2003, p. 1) estimated a 
minimum viable population (MVP) size of 1,200 individuals for Tobusch 
fishhook cactus (Service 2016, section II.7.5, available at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0130). Since the 
subspecies has a predominantly out-crossing breeding system, the 
probability of successful fertilization between unrelated individuals 
is reduced in small, isolated populations. The remaining plants would 
produce fewer viable seeds, further reducing population recruitment and 
engendering a downward spiral toward extirpation. The demographic 
consequences of small population size are compounded by genetic 
consequences, because reduced out-crossing corresponds to increased 
inbreeding. In addition to population size, it is likely that 
population density within metapopulations also influences population 
viability; density must be high enough for gene flow within 
metapopulations, but low enough to minimize parasite infestations. 
Small, reproductively isolated populations are also susceptible to the 
loss of genetic diversity, to genetic drift (random fluctuations in the 
numbers of gene variants), and to inbreeding. The loss of genetic 
diversity is likely to cause a loss of fitness and lower chance of 
survival of populations and of the subspecies. Genetic drift may also 
cause the loss of genetic diversity in small populations. Inbreeding 
depression is the loss of fitness among offspring of closely related 
individuals. Rayamajhi (2015, pp. 63-64) found relatively high 
inbreeding coefficients in three of eight populations, which he 
attributed to mating of close relatives within small, isolated 
populations. We conclude that small population sizes, low densities, 
and isolation of populations threaten the survival of Tobusch fishhook 
cactus. We expect that abatement of these threats could not be overcome 
for one or more lifespans. Tobusch fishhook cactus is able to reproduce 
after about 10 years, and may live 50 years or more. Therefore, we 
define the foreseeable future for this threat to be a period of about 
50 years.


    Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and its implementing 
regulations (50 CFR part 424) set forth the procedures for determining 
whether a species meets the definition of ``endangered species'' or 
``threatened species.'' The Act defines an ``endangered species'' as a 
species that is ``in danger of extinction throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range,'' and a ``threatened species'' as a 
species that is ``likely to become an endangered species within the 
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range.'' The Act requires that we determine whether a species meets the 
definition of ``endangered species'' or ``threatened species'' because 
of any of the following factors:
    (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) Overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
Disease or predation; (D) The inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. The same factors apply whether we are analyzing 
the species' status throughout all of its range or throughout a 
significant portion of its range.
    On July 1, 2014, we published a final policy interpreting the 
phrase ``significant portion of its range'' (SPR) (79 FR 37578) (SPR 
Policy). Aspects of that policy were vacated for species that occur in 
Arizona by the United States District Court for the District of 
Arizona. CBD v. Jewell, No. CV-14-02506-TUC-RM (Mar. 29, 2017), 
clarified by the court, Mar. 29, 2017. Since the Tobusch fishhook 
cactus does not occur in Arizona, for this finding we rely on the SPR 
Policy, and also provide additional explanation and support for our 
interpretation of the SPR phrase. In our policy, we interpret the 
phrase ``significant portion of its range'' in the Act's definitions of 
``endangered species'' and ``threatened species'' to provide an 
independent basis for listing a species in its entirety; thus there are 
two situations (or factual bases) under which a species would qualify 
for listing: A species may be in danger of extinction or likely to 
become so in the foreseeable future throughout all of its range; or a 
species may be in danger of extinction or likely to become so 
throughout a significant portion of its range. If a species is in 
danger of extinction throughout an SPR, it, the species, is an 
``endangered species.'' The same analysis applies to ``threatened 
    Our final policy addresses the consequences of finding that a 
species is in danger of extinction in an SPR, and interprets what would 
constitute an SPR. The final policy includes four elements: (1) If a 
species is found to be endangered or threatened throughout a 
significant portion of its range, the entire species is listed as an 
endangered species or a threatened species, respectively, and the Act's 
protections apply to all individuals of the species wherever found; (2) 
a portion of the range of a species is ``significant'' if the species 
is not currently endangered or threatened throughout all of its range, 
but the portion's contribution to the viability of the species is so 
important that, without the members in that portion, the species would 
be in danger of extinction, or likely to become so in the foreseeable 
future, throughout all of its range; (3) the range of a species is 
considered to be the general geographical area within which that 
species can be found at the time the Service or the National Marine 
Fisheries Service makes any particular status determination; and (4) if 
a vertebrate species is endangered or threatened throughout an SPR, and 
the population in that significant portion is a valid DPS, we will list 
the DPS rather than the entire taxonomic species or subspecies.
    The SPR policy applies to analyses for all status determinations, 
including listing, delisting, and reclassification determinations. As 
described in the first element of our policy, once the Service 
determines that a ``species''--which can include a species, subspecies, 
or distinct population segment (DPS)--meets the definition of 
``endangered species'' or ``threatened species,'' the species must be 
listed in its entirety and the Act's protections applied consistently 
to all individuals of the species wherever found (subject to 
modification of protections through special rules under sections 4(d) 
and 10(j) of the Act).
    For the second element, the policy sets out the procedure for 

[[Page 22399]]

whether any portion is an SPR; the procedure is similar, regardless of 
the type of status determination we are making. The first step in our 
assessment of the status of a species is to determine its status 
throughout all of its range. We subsequently examine whether, in light 
of the species' status throughout all of its range, it is necessary to 
determine its status throughout a significant portion of its range. If 
we determine that the species is in danger of extinction, or likely to 
become so in the foreseeable future, throughout all of its range, we 
list the species as an endangered (or threatened) species and no SPR 
analysis is required. The policy explains in detail the bases for this 
conclusion--including that this process ensures that the SPR language 
provides an independent basis for listing; maximizes the flexibility of 
the Service to provide protections for the species; and eliminates the 
potential confusion is a species could meet the definitions of both 
``endangered species'' and ``threatened species'' based on its statuses 
throughout its range and in a significant portion of its range. See, 
e.g., SPR Policy, 79 FR at 37580-81.
    We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial 
information available regarding the past, present, and future threats 
to Tobusch fishhook cactus. Based on the analysis in the SSA, and 
information summarized above, we have determined that Tobusch fishhook 
cactus' current viability is higher than was known at the time of 
listing, and we believe that Tobusch fishhook cactus is not in danger 
of extinction throughout all of its range. However, due to continued 
threats from the demographic and genetic consequences of small 
population sizes and geographic isolation, insect parasitism, feral hog 
depredation, and changes in the wildfire cycle and vegetation, as well 
as unknown long-term effects of land use changes and climate changes, 
we find that Tobusch fishhook cactus is likely to become an endangered 
subspecies within the foreseeable future throughout all of its range.
    Consistent with our interpretation that there are two independent 
bases for listing species as described above, after examining the 
status of Tobusch fishhook cactus throughout all of its range, we now 
examine whether it is necessary to determine its status throughout a 
significant portion of its range. Per our final SPR policy, we must 
give operational effect to both the ``throughout all'' of its range 
language and the SPR phrase in the definitions of ``endangered 
species'' and ``threatened species.'' As discussed earlier and in 
greater detail in the SPR Policy, we have concluded that to give 
operational effect to both the ``throughout all'' language and the SPR 
phrase, the Service should conduct an SPR analysis if (and only if) a 
species does not warrant listing according to the ``throughout all'' 
    Because we found that Tobusch fishhook cactus is likely to become 
endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all of its range, per 
our Service's Significant Portion of its Range (SPR) Policy (79 FR 
37578, July 1, 2014), no portion of its range can be significant for 
purposes of the definitions of endangered species and threatened 
species. We therefore do not need to conduct an analysis of whether 
there is any significant portion of its range where the species is in 
danger of extinction or likely to become so in the foreseeable future.
    Therefore, on the basis of the best available scientific and 
commercial information, we are reclassifying Tobusch fishhook cactus as 
a threatened species in accordance with sections 3(6) and 4(a)(1) of 
the Act.
    Under the Act and its implementing regulations, a determination 
that a species is endangered or threatened also requires the Secretary, 
to the maximum extent prudent, to specify any habitat of such species 
which is considered to be critical habitat. The determination that it 
would not be prudent to designate critical habitat for Tobusch fishhook 
cactus that was made at the time the plant was listed as an endangered 
species remains true (44 FR 64737, November 7, 1979). Publication of 
critical habitat maps and cactus population locations increases the 
plants' vulnerability to collection from areas not under Federal 
jurisdiction, an activity that is not prohibited for plants under the 
Act. While there has been no recent evidence of collection of this 
species, collection is a threat to most cactus species, and is likely 
to increase if population sites are publicized. Given the predominance 
of private land ownership patterns for Tobusch fishhook cactus 
habitats, collection still may become a threat in the foreseeable 

Available Conservation Measures

    Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
threatened species under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
practices. Recognition through listing results in public awareness, and 
conservation by Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies, private 
organizations, and individuals. The Act encourages cooperation with the 
States and requires that recovery actions be carried out for all listed 
species. The protection required by Federal agencies and the 
prohibitions against certain activities are discussed, in part, below.
    The primary purpose of the Act is the conservation of endangered 
and threatened species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The 
ultimate goal of such conservation efforts is the recovery of these 
listed species, so that they no longer need the protective measures of 
the Act. Subsection 4(f) of the Act requires the Service to develop and 
implement recovery plans for the conservation of endangered and 
threatened species. The recovery planning process involves the 
identification of actions that are necessary to halt or reverse the 
species' decline by addressing the threats to its survival and 
recovery. The goal of this process is to restore listed species to a 
point where they are secure, self-sustaining, and functioning 
components of their ecosystems.
    Revisions of the plan may be done to address continuing or new 
threats to the species, as new substantive information becomes 
available. The current Tobusch fishhook cactus recovery plan was 
approved by the Service on March 18, 1987 (Service 1987). As a result 
of this reclassification, a revision of the plan is planned to address 
continuing threats to the subspecies, and will also establish delisting 
criteria. When completed, a revised draft and final recovery plan will 
be available on our website (http://www.fws.gov/endangered) or from our 
Austin Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
    Implementation of recovery actions generally requires the 
participation of a broad range of partners, including other Federal 
agencies, States, Tribal, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, 
and private landowners. Examples of recovery actions include habitat 
restoration (e.g., restoration of native vegetation), research, captive 
propagation and reintroduction, and outreach and education. The 
recovery of many listed species cannot be accomplished solely on 
Federal lands because their range may occur primarily or solely on non-
Federal lands. To achieve recovery of these species requires 
cooperative conservation efforts on private, State, and Tribal lands.
    Following publication of this final reclassification rule, funding 
for recovery actions will continue to be available from a variety of 
sources, including Federal budgets, State programs, and cost share 
grants for non-Federal landowners, the academic

[[Page 22400]]

community, and nongovernmental organizations. In addition, pursuant to 
section 6 of the Act, the State of Texas will continue to be eligible 
for Federal funds to implement management actions that promote the 
protection or recovery of Tobusch fishhook cactus. Information on our 
grant programs that are available to aid species recovery can be found 
at: http://www.fws.gov/grants.
    Please let us know if you are interested in participating in 
recovery efforts for Tobusch fishhook cactus. Additionally, we invite 
you to submit any new information on this subspecies whenever it 
becomes available and any information you may have for recovery 
planning purposes (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
    Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
actions with respect to any species that is listed as an endangered or 
threatened species and with respect to its critical habitat, if any is 
designated. Regulations implementing this interagency cooperation 
provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR part 402. Section 7(a)(2) 
of the Act requires Federal agencies to ensure that activities they 
authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the 
continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or destroy 
or adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may 
affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible 
Federal agency must enter into consultation with the Service.
    Federal agency actions within the species' habitat that may require 
conference or consultation or both, as described in the preceding 
paragraph, include management and any other landscape-altering 
activities related to the issuance of section 404 Clean Water Act 
permits by the Army Corps of Engineers, and construction and 
maintenance of roads or highways by the Federal Highway Administration.
    With respect to threatened plants, 50 CFR 17.71 provides that all 
of the provisions in 50 CFR 17.61 shall apply to threatened plants. 
These provisions make it illegal for any person subject to the 
jurisdiction of the United States to import or export, transport in 
interstate or foreign commerce in the course of a commercial activity, 
sell or offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce, or to remove 
and reduce to possession any such plant species from areas under 
Federal jurisdiction. In addition, the Act prohibits malicious damage 
or destruction of any such species on any area under Federal 
jurisdiction, and the removal, cutting, digging up, or damaging or 
destroying of any such species on any other area in knowing violation 
of any State law or regulation, or in the course of any violation of a 
State criminal trespass law. However, there is the following exception 
for threatened plants: Seeds of cultivated specimens of species treated 
as threatened shall be exempt from all the provisions of 50 CFR 17.61, 
provided that a statement that the seeds are of ``cultivated origin'' 
accompanies the seeds or their container during the course of any 
activity otherwise subject to these regulations. Exceptions to these 
prohibitions are outlined in 50 CFR 17.72.
    We may issue permits to carry out otherwise prohibited activities 
involving threatened plants under certain circumstances. Regulations 
governing permits are codified at 50 CFR 17.72. With regard to 
threatened plants, a permit issued under this section must be for one 
of the following: Scientific purposes, the enhancement of the 
propagation or survival of threatened species, economic hardship, 
botanical or horticultural exhibition, educational purposes, or other 
activities consistent with the purposes and policy of the Act.
    It is our policy, as published in the Federal Register on July 1, 
1994 (59 FR 34272), to identify to the maximum extent practicable at 
the time a species is listed, those activities that would or would not 
constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act. The intent of this 
policy is to increase public awareness of the effect of a final listing 
on proposed and ongoing activities within the range of a listed 
species. Based on the best available information, the following actions 
are unlikely to result in a violation of section 9, if these activities 
are carried out in accordance with existing regulations and permit 
requirements; this list is not comprehensive:
    (1) Normal agricultural and silvicultural practices, including 
herbicide and pesticide use, which are carried out in accordance with 
any existing regulations, permit and label requirements, and best 
management practices; and
    (2) Normal residential landscape activities.
    Questions regarding whether specific activities would constitute a 
violation of section 9 of the Act should be directed to the Austin 
Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).

Effects of the Rule

    This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.12(h) to reclassify Tobusch 
fishhook cactus from endangered to threatened on the Federal List of 
Endangered and Threatened Plants, and changes the scientific name from 
Ancistrocactus tobuschii to Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii. 
Because no critical habitat was ever designated for Tobusch fishhook 
cactus, this rule will not affect 50 CFR 17.96.
    On the effective date of this rule (see DATES, above), the 
prohibitions and conservation measures provided by the Act, 
particularly through sections 7 and 9, continue to apply to Tobusch 
fishhook cactus. Federal agencies are required to consult with the 
Service under section 7 of the Act in the event that activities they 
authorize, fund, or carry out may affect Tobusch fishhook cactus.

Required Determinations

National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)

    We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental 
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be 
prepared in connection with listing a species as an endangered or 
threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. We published a 
notice outlining our reasons for this determination in the Federal 
Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).

Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes

    In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994 
(Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
Governments; 59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175 (Consultation and 
Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments), and the Department of the 
Interior's manual at 512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge our 
responsibility to communicate meaningfully with recognized Federal 
Tribes on a government-to-government basis. In accordance with 
Secretarial Order 3206 of June 5, 1997 (American Indian Tribal Rights, 
Federal-Tribal Trust Responsibilities, and the Endangered Species Act), 
we readily acknowledge our responsibilities to work directly with 
tribes in developing programs for healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge 
that tribal lands are not subject to the same controls as Federal 
public lands, to remain sensitive to Indian culture, and to make 
information available to tribes.

References Cited

    A complete list of all references cited in this rulemaking is 
available on the internet at http://www.regulations.gov

[[Page 22401]]

and upon request from the Austin Ecological Services Field Office (see 


    The primary authors of this final rule are the staff members of the 
Austin Ecological Services Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17

    Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.

Regulation Promulgation

    Accordingly, we amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 
of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:


1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; and 4201-4245; 
unless otherwise noted.

2. Amend Sec.  17.12(h) by removing the entry for ``Ancistrocactus 
tobuschii'' and adding the following entry to the List of Endangered 
and Threatened Plants in alphabetical order under Flowering Plants:

Sec.  17.12  Endangered and threatened plants.

* * * * *
    (h) * * *

                                                                                          Listing citations and
         Scientific name              Common name         Where listed        Status         applicable rules
        Flowering Plants
                                                  * * * * * * *
Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp.    Tobusch fishhook     Wherever found....            T   44 FR 64736, 11/7/1979;
 tobuschii.                        cactus.                                                83 FR [Insert Federal
                                                                                          Register page where
                                                                                          the document begins],
                                                  * * * * * * *

    Dated: April 20, 2018.
James W. Kurth,
Deputy Director Exercising the Authority of the Director, U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-10206 Filed 5-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                             22392               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                Form Nos.: FCC Form 312; Schedule                    World Trade Organization Basic                        TX 78727; telephone 512–490–0057;
                                             A; Schedule B; Schedule S; FCC Form                     Telecom Agreement.                                    facsimile 512–490–0974. Persons who
                                             312–EZ; FCC Form 312–R.                                 Federal Communications Commission.                    use a telecommunications device for the
                                                Respondents: Business or other for-                  Marlene Dortch,
                                                                                                                                                           deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay
                                             profit entities.                                                                                              Service at 800–877–8339.
                                                Number of Respondents and                                                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                     [FR Doc. 2018–10335 Filed 5–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                             Responses: 5,036 respondents; 5,094                                                                           Adam Zerrenner, Field Supervisor, U.S.
                                                                                                     BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                             responses.                                                                                                    Fish and Wildlife Service, Austin
                                                Estimated Time per Response: 0.5 to                                                                        Ecological Services Field Office (see
                                             80 hours per response.                                                                                        ADDRESSES) telephone 512–490–0057, or
                                                Frequency of Response: On occasion,                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            by facsimile 512–490–0974. Individuals
                                             one time, and annual reporting                                                                                who are hearing impaired or speech-
                                                                                                     Fish and Wildlife Service
                                             requirements; third-party disclosure                                                                          impaired may call the Federal Relay
                                             requirement; recordkeeping                                                                                    Service at 800–877–8339 for TTY
                                                                                                     50 CFR Part 17
                                             requirement.                                                                                                  assistance.
                                                Obligation to Respond: Required to                   [Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2016–0130;
                                                                                                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                             obtain or retain benefits. The statutory                FXES11130900000–178–FF09E42000]
                                             authority for this collection is contained                                                                    Background
                                                                                                     RIN 1018–BB90
                                             in 47 U.S.C. 154, 301, 302, 303, 307,                                                                            Under the Endangered Species Act of
                                             309, 310, 319, 332, 605, and 721.                       Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                    1973, as amended (Act; 16 U.S.C. 1531
                                                Total Annual Burden: 35,622 hours.                   and Plants; Reclassifying Tobusch                     et seq.), a species is an endangered or
                                                Total Annual Cost: $12,411,120.                      Fishhook Cactus From Endangered to                    threatened species based on any one or
                                                Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:                Threatened and Adopting a New                         a combination of the five listing factors
                                             In general, there is no need for                        Scientific Name                                       established under section 4(a)(1) of the
                                             confidentiality with this collection of                                                                       Act: (A) The present or threatened
                                             information. Certain information                        AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                                                                                                                                           destruction, modification, or
                                             collected regarding international                       Interior.
                                                                                                                                                           curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
                                             coordination of satellite systems is not                ACTION: Final rule.                                   Overutilization for commercial,
                                             routinely available for public inspection                                                                     recreational, scientific, or educational
                                             pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 47 CFR                  SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and
                                                                                                                                                           purposes; (C) Disease or predation; (D)
                                             0.457(d)(1)(vii).                                       Wildlife Service (Service), reclassify
                                                                                                                                                           The inadequacy of existing regulatory
                                                Privacy Impact Assessment: No                        Tobusch fishhook cactus (Sclerocactus
                                                                                                                                                           mechanisms; or (E) Other natural or
                                             impact(s).                                              brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii; currently
                                                                                                                                                           manmade factors affecting its continued
                                                Needs and Uses: On September 27,                     listed as Ancistrocactus tobuschii), from
                                             2017, the Commission released a Report                  endangered to threatened on the Federal
                                                                                                                                                              After conducting a review of its
                                             and Order, FCC 17–122, titled, ‘‘Update                 List of Endangered and Threatened
                                                                                                                                                           biological status and threats, we have
                                             to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-                       Plants. This determination is based on
                                                                                                                                                           determined that Tobusch fishhook
                                             Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service                  a thorough review of the best available
                                                                                                                                                           cactus is no longer in danger of
                                             Systems and Related Matters.’’ In this                  scientific and commercial information,
                                                                                                                                                           extinction throughout all or a
                                             Report and Order, the Commission                        which indicates that the threats to this
                                                                                                                                                           signification portion of its range;
                                             updated and streamlined its rules                       plant have been reduced to the point
                                                                                                                                                           however, the subspecies is likely to
                                             governing satellite constellations that                 that it is no longer in danger of
                                                                                                                                                           become endangered within the
                                             operate in the fixed-satellite service.                 extinction throughout all or a significant
                                                                                                                                                           foreseeable future as a result of changes
                                             Many of the amendments are                              portion of its range, but it remains
                                                                                                                                                           in vegetation and wildfire frequency
                                             substantive changes intended to give                    threatened with becoming endangered
                                                                                                                                                           (Factor A), insect parasites and feral hog
                                             licensees greater operational flexibility.              within the foreseeable future. In
                                                                                                                                                           rooting (Factor C), and the demographic
                                             At the same time, however, many more                    addition, we accept the new taxonomic
                                                                                                                                                           and genetic consequences of small
                                             applications for non-geostationary,                     classification for Tobusch fishhook
                                                                                                                                                           population sizes and densities (Factor
                                             fixed-satellite service systems have been               cactus as the subspecies Sclerocactus
                                             filed, increasing the overall information               brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii.
                                                                                                                                                              We sought comments from
                                             collection burden. The information                      DATES: This rule becomes effective June               independent specialists to ensure that
                                             collection requirements in this                         14, 2018.                                             our determination is based on
                                             collection are needed to determine the                  ADDRESSES: This final rule is available               scientifically sound data, assumptions,
                                             technical, legal, and other qualifications              on the internet at http://                            and analyses. We invited these peer
                                             of applicants and licensees to operate a                www.regulations.gov under Docket No.                  reviewers to comment on our
                                             radio station and to determine whether                  FWS–R2–ES–2016–0130 and the                           reclassification proposal, and we
                                             grant of an authorization serves the                    Service’s websites at http://                         considered all comments and
                                             public interest, convenience and                        www.fws.gov/southwest/es/                             information received during the public
                                             necessity. Without such information,                    AustinTexas/ESA_Species_news.html                     comment period.
                                             the Commission could not determine                      and http://www.fws.gov/endangered.                       This rule finalizes the reclassification
                                             whether to permit respondents to                        Comments and materials received, as                   of Tobusch fishhook cactus from an
                                             provide communications services in the                  well as supporting documentation used                 endangered to a threatened species, and
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             United States. Therefore, the                           in the preparation of this rule, are                  adopts the latest taxonomic assignment
                                             Commission would not be able to fulfill                 available for public inspection, by                   of the scientific name, changing it from
                                             its statutory responsibilities in                       appointment, during normal business                   Ancistrocactus tobuschii to Sclerocactus
                                             accordance with the Communications                      hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,             brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii on the
                                             Act of 1934, as amended, and the                        Austin Ecological Services Field Office,              Federal List of Endangered and
                                             obligations imposed on parties to the                   10711 Burnet Road, Suite 200, Austin,                 Threatened Plants.

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          22393

                                             Previous Federal Actions                                current and future viability of Tobusch               pollinators are honey bees and halictid
                                                We published a final rule to list                    fishhook cactus in terms of resilience,               bees (Emmett 1995, pp. 74–75;
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus as an                           redundancy, and representation. We                    Lockwood 1995, pp. 428–430; Reemts
                                             endangered species under the Act on                     solicited peer review of the draft SSA                and Becraft 2013, pp. 6–7; Langley 2015,
                                             November 7, 1979 (44 FR 64736). At                      Report from three objective and                       pp. 21–23). The breeding system is
                                             that time, we also determined that it                   independent scientific experts, and                   primarily out-crossing, requiring
                                             was not prudent to designate critical                   considered their comments in                          fertilization between unrelated
                                             habitat. On March 18, 1987, we                          finalization of the SSA Report. The                   individuals; relatively few viable seeds
                                             finalized a recovery plan for Tobusch                   following is a summary of our results                 are produced from self-fertilized flowers
                                                                                                     and conclusions. Please refer to section              (Emmett 1995, p. 70; Langley 2015, pp.
                                             fishhook cactus. On January 5, 2010, a
                                                                                                     IV of the SSA Report for a more detailed              24–28). Reproductive individuals
                                             status review (‘‘5-year review’’) was
                                                                                                     discussion of the factors affecting                   produce an average of 112 seeds per
                                             completed under section 4(c)(2)(A) of
                                                                                                     Tobusch fishhook cactus (Service 2016,                year (Emmett 1995, p. 108). Ants may be
                                             the Act, which recommended that
                                                                                                     pp. 38–46).                                           seed predators, dispersers, or both
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus be reclassified
                                                                                                                                                           (Emmett 1995, pp. 112–114, 124).
                                             from endangered to threatened (Service                  Description
                                                                                                                                                           Mammals or birds may also accomplish
                                             2010).                                                     Tobusch fishhook cactus is a rare,                 longer distance seed dispersal (Emmett
                                                On July 16, 2012, we received a                      endemic plant of the Edwards Plateau of               1995, pp. 115–116, 126). There is little
                                             petition dated July 11, 2012, from The                  central Texas that is armed with curved               evidence that seeds persist in the soil
                                             Pacific Legal Foundation, Jim Chilton,                  ‘‘fishhook’’ spines. In the wild, this                (Emmett 1995, pp. 120–122).
                                             the New Mexico Cattle Growers’                          globose or columnar cactus rarely
                                             Association, New Mexico Farm &                          exceeds 5 centimeters (2 inches) in                   Habitats
                                             Livestock Bureau, New Mexico Federal                    diameter and in height (Poole and                        When listed as endangered in 1979,
                                             Lands Council, and Texas Farm Bureau                    Janssen 2002, p. 7).                                  fewer than 200 individuals of Tobusch
                                             requesting that Tobusch fishhook cactus                                                                       fishhook cactus were known from 4
                                             be reclassified as threatened based on                  Classification
                                                                                                                                                           riparian sites, 2 of which had been
                                             the analysis and recommendation                            The taxonomic classifications of                   destroyed by floods (44 FR 64736,
                                             contained in the 5-year review. The                     Tobusch fishhook cactus include several               November 7, 1979; Service 1987, pp. 4–
                                             Service published a 90-day finding on                   published synonyms. We listed it as a                 5). We now understand that those
                                             September 9, 2013 (78 FR 55046), that                   species, Ancistrocactus tobuschii (44 FR              riparian habitats were atypical; the great
                                             the petition contained substantial                      64736, November 7, 1979), and retained                majority of populations that have now
                                             scientific or commercial information                    this classification for the recovery plan             been documented occur in upland sites
                                             indicating that the petitioned action                   (Service 1987). However, recent                       dominated by Ashe juniper-live oak
                                             may be warranted. On November 20,                       phylogenetic evidence supports                        woodlands and savannas on the
                                             2015, the Service received a complaint                  classifying Tobusch fishhook cactus as                Edwards Plateau (Poole and Janssen
                                             (New Mexico Cattle Growers’                             subspecies tobuschii of Sclerocactus                  2002, p. 2). Soils are classified in the
                                             Association et al. v. United States                     brevihamatus (Porter and Prince 2011,                 Tarrant, Ector, Eckrant, and similar
                                             Department of the Interior et al., No.                  pp. 40–47). It is distinguished                       series. Within a matrix of woodland and
                                             1:15–cv–01065–PJK–LF (D. N.M.)) for                     morphologically from its closest                      savanna, the subspecies occurs in
                                             declaratory judgment and injunctive                     relative, S. brevihamatus ssp.                        discontinuous patches of very shallow,
                                             relief from the New Mexico Cattle                       brevihamatus, on the basis of yellow                  gravelly soils where bare rock and rock
                                             Growers’ Association, Jim Chilton, New                  versus pink- or brown-tinged flowers,                 fragments comprise a large proportion of
                                             Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau, New                     fewer radial spines, and fewer ribs                   the surface cover (Sutton et al. 1997, pp.
                                             Mexico Federal Lands Council, and                       (Marshall 1952, p. 79; Poole et al. 2007,             442–443). Associated vegetation
                                             Texas Farm Bureau to compel the                         p. 442; Porter and Prince 2011, pp. 42–               includes small bunch grasses and forbs.
                                             Service to make a 12-month finding on                   45). Additionally, S. brevihamatus ssp.               The subspecies’ distribution within
                                             the petition. On December 29, 2016, the                 tobuschii is endemic to limestone                     habitat patches is clumped and tends to
                                             Service published a combined 12-month                   outcrops of the Edwards Plateau, while                be farther from woody plant cover
                                             warranted finding and proposed rule to                  S. brevihamatus ssp. brevihamatus                     (Reemts 2014, pp. 9–10). The presence
                                             reclassify Tobusch fishhook cactus from                 occurs in alluvial soils in the                       of cryptograms, primitive plants that
                                             endangered to threatened (81 FR 95932).                 Tamaulipan Shrublands and                             reproduce by spores rather than seeds,
                                             Summary of Biological Status and                        Chihuahuan Desert. A recent                           may be a useful indicator of fine-scale
                                             Threats                                                 investigation confirmed genetic                       habitat suitability (Service 2010, p. 17).
                                                                                                     divergence between the two subspecies,                Wildfire (including prescribed burning)
                                               We prepared a Species Status                          although they may interact genetically                causes negligible damage to Tobusch
                                             Assessment (SSA) for Tobusch fishhook                   in a narrow area where their ranges                   fishhook cactus populations (Emmett
                                             cactus (Service 2016; available at http://              overlap (Rayamajhi 2015, pp. 67, 98;                  1995, p. 42; Poole and Birnbaum 2003,
                                             www.regulations.gov and http://                         Sharma 2015, p. 1). We officially accept              p. 12). The subspecies probably does not
                                             www.fws.gov/southwest/es/                               the new scientific name of Tobusch                    require fire for germination,
                                             AustinTexas/ESA_Species_news.html),                     fishhook cactus as Sclerocactus                       establishment, or reproduction, but
                                             which includes a thorough review of the                 brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii.                          periodic burning may be necessary to
                                             subspecies’ taxonomy, natural history,                                                                        prevent the encroachment of woody
                                             habitats, ecology, populations, and                     Reproduction
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                                                                                                                                                           plants into its habitats.
                                             range. We used the best available                         Tobusch fishhook cactus grows
                                             scientific and commercial data to                       slowly, reaching a reproductive size of               Populations and Range
                                             analyze individual, population, and                     about 2 centimeters (0.8 inches) in                     A population of an organism is a
                                             subspecies requirements, as well as                     diameter after 9 years (Emmett 1995, pp.              group of individuals within a
                                             factors affecting the subspecies’ survival              168–169). It flowers between late                     geographic area that are capable of
                                             and its current conditions, to assess the               January and mid-March, and its major                  interbreeding or interacting. Although

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                                             22394               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             the term is conceptually simple, it may                 bees, given their relatively small size, to           individuals live for decades, annual
                                             be difficult to determine the extent of a               be fairly limited. Therefore, the health              mortality rates are often greater than 20
                                             population of rare or cryptic species,                  and diversity of native vegetation within             percent, and relatively few individuals
                                             and this is certainly the case for                      the vicinity of Tobusch fishhook cactus               live long enough to reproduce. Mortality
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus. Thorough                       plants (a range of 50 to 500 meters (164              within monitored colonies often
                                             surveys on public lands, such as State                  to 1,640 feet)) may be particularly                   exceeds recruitment, and some colonies
                                             parks and highway rights-of-way, have                   important for successful cactus                       have died out. Nevertheless, even where
                                             detected groups of individuals, but                     reproduction. Healthy pollinator                      individual colonies have collapsed, the
                                             since the vast majority of the                          populations also require the least                    total documented population sizes at
                                             surrounding private land has not been                   possible exposure to agricultural                     many protected natural areas are stable
                                             surveyed, we do not know if these are                   pesticides within their foraging ranges.              or increasing, due to discoveries of new
                                             small, isolated populations, or parts of                   Resilient populations are those that               individuals and colonies. For this
                                             larger interacting populations or                       exhibit stable or increasing demographic              reason, MVP levels are more
                                             metapopulations. In instances where we                  trends. The assessment of demographic                 appropriately applied to
                                             are unable to define the extent of the                  trends, however, depends on how                       metapopulations rather than individual
                                             local population, we often informally                   populations are delineated (81 FR                     colonies of this cactus.
                                             use the terms ‘‘site,’’ referring to a place            95932, December 29, 2016). For                           The degree of genetic diversity within
                                             where the subspecies was found, and                     Tobusch fishhook cactus, we conclude                  Tobusch fishhook cactus populations is
                                             ‘‘colony,’’ referring to a cluster of                   that it is more appropriate to track the              important for several reasons. First,
                                             individuals.                                            collective populations of multiple                    diversity within populations should
                                                Populations of Tobusch fishhook                      colonies that interact on a landscape                 confer greater resistance to pathogens
                                             cactus are now confirmed in eight                       scale (i.e., metapopulations). Resilience             and parasites and greater adaptability to
                                             central Texas counties: Bandera,                        of metapopulations requires recruitment               environmental stochasticity (random
                                             Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, Real,                    of new colonies and/or reestablishment                variations, such as annual rainfall and
                                             Uvalde, and Val Verde. The Texas                        at sites of former colonies that                      temperature patterns) and the effects
                                             Native Diversity Database (2016, pp. 1–                 previously collapsed. A major cause of                from climate change. Second, low
                                             202) listed 97 element occurrences,                     mortality is infestation by insect larvae,            genetic diversity within interbreeding
                                             areas in which the plant was present                    mainly by an undescribed species of                   populations leads to a higher incidence
                                             (EOs; NatureServe 2002, p. 10), of                      Gerstaeckeria (cactus weevil), and one                of inbreeding, and potentially to
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus, totaling 3,336                 or more species of cactus longhorn                    inbreeding depression (reduced
                                             individuals. In addition, recent surveys                beetles (Moneilema spp.). The adults of               biological fitness), which lowers a
                                             conducted through Section 7                             these parasites are flightless, so their              population’s ability to survive and
                                             consultations and at preserves managed                  dispersal to new colonies is likely to be             reproduce. Finally, the breeding system
                                             by The Nature Conservancy, that are not                 very limited. When individual colonies                of Tobusch fishhook cactus is primarily
                                             included in the TXNDD report, bring the                 of the cactus die off, the parasites also             out-crossing, so populations with too
                                             total number of documented individuals                  die off, rendering those patches of                   little genetic diversity would produce
                                             to approximately 4,500. Although the                    suitable habitat available for cactus re-             fewer progeny.
                                             numbers of individuals at each site                     colonization. Hence, these periodic                      Fire, whether natural or prescribed,
                                             fluctuate over time, due to the                         infestations of parasite larvae greatly               appears to have little effect on
                                             combined, continuing effects of                         influence the population dynamics of                  individual Tobusch fishhook cactus
                                             mortality and recruitment of new                        Tobusch fishhook cactus. The distance                 plants. This outcome is because the
                                             individuals, our best estimate of the                   between colonies has two opposing                     plants occur where vegetation is very
                                             total live individuals at all documented                effects on their persistence. Greater                 sparse, and the plants protrude very
                                             sites at any one time is 4,500.                         distance reduces susceptibility to                    little above the ground and are protected
                                                                                                     parasite infestation, but also reduces the            by surrounding rocks from the heat of
                                             Summary of Subspecies Requirements                                                                            vegetation burning nearby. On the other
                                                                                                     amount of gene flow, by means of
                                                Tobusch fishhook cactus plants occur                 pollinators vectoring pollen, or through              hand, periodic fire is likely to be
                                             in patches of very shallow, rocky soil                  seed dispersal, between colonies. Thus,               necessary for population persistence to
                                             overlying limestone. The immediate                      the persistence of entire                             reduce juniper encroachment into
                                             vicinity of plants is sparsely vegetated                metapopulations would require fairly                  suitable habitats. Furthermore, the
                                             with small bunch grasses and forbs and                  large landscapes where discontinuous                  diverse shrub and forb vegetation that
                                             there is little or no woody plant cover.                patches of suitable habitat are                       sustains healthy pollinator populations
                                             Individual plants require an estimated 9                distributed and populated at a density                is maintained by periodic wildfire;
                                             years to reach a reproductive size of                   just low enough to hold the parasites at              without fire, dense juniper groves
                                             about 2 centimeters (0.8 inches) in                     bay, but just high enough for halictid                frequently displace these shrubs and
                                             diameter. Reproduction is primarily by                  bees and other pollinators and seed                   forbs. Hence, if the native plant
                                             out-crossing between unrelated                          dispersers to vector genes between                    diversity of entire landscapes
                                             individuals, and the known pollinators                  them.                                                 surrounding Tobusch fishhook cactus
                                             include honey bees and halictid bees.                      One measure of population resilience               populations succumbs to juniper
                                             Out-crossing requires genetically                       is minimum viable population (MVP),                   encroachment, pollinator populations
                                             diverse cactus populations within the                   which is an estimate of the minimum                   will likely decline, and reproduction of
                                             foraging range of pollinators, and is less              population size that has a high                       Tobusch fishhook cactus and gene flow
                                             likely to occur in small, isolated
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                                                                                                     probability of enduring a specified                   between its colonies may be reduced.
                                             populations. Healthy pollinator                         period of time. Poole and Birnbaum                       In addition to population resilience,
                                             populations, in turn, require intact,                   (2003, p. 1) estimated an MVP of 1,200                we assessed the subspecies’ viability in
                                             diverse, native plant communities.                      individuals for Tobusch fishhook                      terms of its redundancy (ability to
                                             Halictid bees are frequent natural                      cactus, using a surrogate species                     withstand catastrophic events) and
                                             pollinators of Tobusch fishhook cactus.                 approach (Pavlik 1996, pp. 136–137).                  representation (ability to adapt to
                                             We expect the foraging range of these                   Although some Tobusch fishhook cactus                 changing environmental conditions).

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         22395

                                             Given that insect parasites are able to                 also indicate a recent divergence of                  follow the guidance provided in a
                                             devastate large, dense populations, a                   subspecies tobuschii from subspecies                  recovery plan.
                                             few large populations are much more                     brevihamatus. Through comparison to                      The Tobusch fishhook cactus recovery
                                             vulnerable than many small                              other columnar cactus species that are                plan was approved by the Service on
                                             populations. The viability of Tobusch                   endemic or have limited geographic                    March 18, 1987 (Service 1987). Delisting
                                             fishhook cactus derives not merely from                 distribution, Rayamajhi (2015)                        criteria were not established in the
                                             the size of metapopulations, but also                   concluded that for Tobusch fishhook                   recovery plan. However, the recovery
                                             their density. Metapopulations with a                   cactus, He was moderately high and Ho                 plan did establish a criterion of 3,000
                                             low density of colonies may incur loss                  was moderate (pp. 58–61). The                         individuals in each of 4 safe sites for
                                             of genetic diversity and increased                      moderate Ho may be attributed to small                reclassification from endangered to
                                             potential for inbreeding. Conversely,                   population sizes and elevated levels of               threatened. The explanation for how
                                             vulnerability to insect parasitism                      inbreeding within populations (p. 57).                this level was calculated is not included
                                             increases when metapopulations                          By comparison, He and Ho for                          in the recovery plan, and to date this
                                             become too dense, or when individual                    Sclerocactus glaucus, a federally listed              criterion has not been met. No
                                             colonies become too large. Assessments                  threatened cactus species from                        individual colonies have reached this
                                             of resilience (metapopulation size and                  Colorado, were 0.66 and 0.47,                         size, and we now understand that insect
                                             demographics) and redundancy                            respectively, while for Sclerocactus                  parasites are able to devastate large,
                                             (number of metapopulations within the                   parviflorus, a relatively widespread                  dense populations of Tobusch fishhook
                                             subspecies’ range) depend on how                        cactus species, He and Ho were 0.62 and               cactus. Thus, the downlisting criterion
                                             metapopulations are delineated. We                      0.39 (Schwabe et al. 2015, p. 449).                   of 3,000 individuals per population may
                                             believe that there must be some optimal                 Despite low levels of genetic                         be unattainable or unsustainable. Such
                                             range of metapopulation density, i.e.,                  differentiation, the same study found                 large cactus populations would
                                             the distance between metapopulations,                   evidence of substantial gene flow among               eventually host very large parasite
                                             and of colony size, although we do not                  Tobusch fishhook cactus populations                   populations, leading to their collapse
                                             currently know what those are.                          and healthy levels of outbreeding, with               (Service 2017, p. 40).
                                                One influence on representation is                   a mean inbreeding coefficient (FIS) of                   Currently, many small populations
                                             genetic diversity, both within and                      0.38 (range of 0.15 to 0.63) for ssp.                 exist, and surveyors have documented a
                                             among populations, that is necessary to                 tobuschii and 0.47 for ssp. brevihamatus              total of approximately 4,500 Tobusch
                                             conserve long-term adaptive capability                  (pp. 63–64). For comparison, the                      fishhook cactus individuals in 8
                                             (Shaffer and Stein 2000, pp. 307–308).                  average FIS for S. glaucus and S.                     counties of the Edwards Plateau.
                                             Genetic diversity within a population                   parviflorus was 0.28 and 0.37 (Schwabe                Monitored populations, ranging from 34
                                             can be measured by the numbers of                       et al. 2015, p. 449). These results suggest           to 1,090 individuals, occur on 12
                                             variant forms of genes represented in                   that Tobusch fishhook cactus currently                properties managed either by the State
                                             that population. One measure of this                    possesses sufficient genetic                          or conservation organizations. We
                                             within-population genetic diversity is                  representation to conserve long-term                  conclude that a few large cactus
                                             called heterozygosity; possible values                  adaptive capability.                                  populations are much more vulnerable
                                             range from 0 (all members of a                                                                                than many small populations, and we
                                             population are genetically identical for                Review of the Recovery Plan
                                                                                                                                                           will consider revision of the 1989
                                             specified genes) to 1.0 (all members of                   Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to               recovery plan to include delisting
                                             a population are genetically different).                develop and implement recovery plans                  criteria based on our new understanding
                                             Another useful measure is the                           for the conservation and survival of                  of Tobusch fishhook cactus
                                             inbreeding coefficient (FIS), which                     endangered and threatened species                     demographics.
                                             ranges from -1 (all members of the                      unless we determine that such a plan
                                             population are heterozygous, containing                 will not promote the conservation of the              Summary of Changes From the
                                             two forms of specific genes, and there is               species. Recovery plans identify site-                Proposed Rule
                                             no evidence of inbreeding) to 1.0 (all                  specific management actions that will                   We have made no changes from the
                                             members are homozygous, containing                      achieve recovery of the species,                      proposed rule.
                                             only one form of specific genes, and                    measurable criteria that set a trigger for
                                                                                                                                                           Summary of Comments and
                                             inbred). Although there are no                          review of the species’ status, and
                                             heterozygosity levels or inbreeding                     estimates of the time and cost to
                                             coefficients that are considered healthy                recovery.                                                In the proposed rule published on
                                             for all species, we may assess the                        Recovery plans are not regulatory                   December 29, 2016 (81 FR 95932), we
                                             genetic health of Tobusch fishhook                      documents; instead they are intended to               requested that all interested parties
                                             cactus by comparison to the observed                    establish goals for long-term                         submit written comments on the
                                             values of reference species, such as                    conservation of listed species and define             proposal by February 27, 2017, and we
                                             other cactus species with similar life                  criteria that are designed to indicate                reopened the public comment period
                                             histories that are abundant and                         when the threats facing a species have                from June 13, 2017, to July 13, 2017 (82
                                             widespread (Rayamajhi 2015, pp. 56, 63;                 been removed or reduced to such an                    FR 27033, June 13, 2017). We also
                                             Schwabe et al. 2015, pp. 449, 454–455).                 extent that the species may no longer                 contacted appropriate Federal and State
                                                A study by Rayamajhi (2015, entire)                  need the protections of the Act, as well              agencies, scientific experts and
                                             determined that the mean expected                       as actions that may be employed to                    organizations, and other interested
                                             heterozygosity (He) for nine populations                achieve reaching the criteria. There are              parties and invited them to comment on
                                                                                                     many paths to accomplishing recovery                  the proposal. Newspaper notices
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                                             of Tobusch fishhook cactus was 0.59,
                                             and the mean observed heterozygosity                    of a species, and recovery may, at times,             inviting general public comment were
                                             (Ho) was 0.37 (p. 57). These results                    be achieved without all criteria being                published in the San Antonio Express
                                             indicate relatively low levels of genetic               fully met or all actions fully                        News on June 13, 2017. We did not
                                             differentiation among the nine                          implemented. Recovery of a species is a               receive any requests for a public
                                             populations; however, this situation is                 dynamic process requiring adaptive                    hearing. All substantive information
                                             not unusual for endemic taxa and may                    management that may, or may not, fully                provided during comment periods has

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                                             22396               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             either been incorporated directly into                  a significant portion of its range. We                comments. The survey sample size was
                                             this final determination or is addressed                recommend that the Service modify its                 small and was unavoidably biased, and
                                             below.                                                  proposed rule to instead remove                       the method we used did not establish
                                                In accordance with our peer review                   Tobusch fishhook cactus from the                      confidence limits to the estimate. Due to
                                             policy published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR                 Federal List of Endangered and                        the drastic collapse of many large
                                             34270), we solicited expert opinions                    Threatened Plants on the basis that the               colonies from insect parasites, we
                                             from three knowledgeable individuals                    original listing was in error. Such a                 require statistically rigorous estimates of
                                             with scientific expertise that included                 conclusion is both consistent with and                metapopulation trends to project long-
                                             familiarity with Tobusch fishhook                       directed by the SSA developed by the                  term viability.
                                             cactus and its habitat, biological needs,               Service.                                                 Although the available data do
                                             and threats. We received responses from                    Our Response: The best available                   indicate that both the subspecies’
                                             all three of the peer reviewers that they               scientific information indicates that the             viability and population sizes are
                                             concurred with our decision to                          subspecies remains at risk of extinction              greater than when it was listed and that
                                             reclassify Tobusch fishhook cactus as a                 in the foreseeable future. Our analysis               it is not currently in danger of
                                             threatened subspecies. We received a                    indicates that Tobusch fishhook cactus                extinction, threats to the subspecies
                                             total of five comments on the proposed                  is likely to continue to be negatively                remain unabated and Tobusch fishhook
                                             rule; one from the State of Texas and                   affected by factors such as changes in                cactus is likely to become endangered
                                             four from the public. We did not receive                vegetation and wildfire frequency,                    with extinction in the foreseeable
                                             comments from other Federal agencies                    infection from parasites, feral hog                   future.
                                             or Tribes. We reviewed all comments                     rooting, and the demographic and
                                                                                                                                                           Reclassification Analysis
                                             received during the two public                          genetic consequences of small
                                             comment periods for substantive issues                  population sizes (see discussion under                   Under section 4 of the Act, we
                                             and new information regarding the                       Reclassification Analysis below). The                 administer the Federal Lists of
                                             proposed reclassification of Tobusch                    subspecies persists but requires                      Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
                                             fishhook cactus. Four commenters were                   continued management, conservation,                   and Plants, which are set forth in title
                                             in favor of the proposed reclassification,              and protection under the Act to fully                 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations at
                                             and one commenter was in support of                     alleviate these threats.                              part 17 (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12). We
                                             delisting Tobusch fishhook cactus.                         We also recognize that the subspecies              can determine, on the basis of the best
                                             Substantive comments we received are                    may be more abundant than previously                  scientific and commercial data
                                             addressed below.                                        estimated at the time of listing;                     available, whether a species may be
                                                (1) Comment: Although locating new                   however, calculations of true population              listed, delisted, or reclassified as
                                             populations of Tobusch fishhook cactus                  size are difficult to make. In the SSA,               described in 50 CFR 424.11. Tobusch
                                             does not yet ameliorate or offset the                   we estimated that the total subspecies                fishhook cactus was listed as
                                             many threats to the subspecies, Tobusch                 population is about 480,000 individuals,              endangered in 1979 due to: Few known
                                             fishhook cactus does fit the definition of              and total estimated potential habitat                 populations, habitat destruction, and
                                             threatened and warrants downlisting.                    ranges over 5 million acres. However,                 altered stream flows (Factor A); illegal
                                             As stated in the SSA, Tobusch fishhook                  this estimate may overstate the actual                collection (Factor B); and very limited
                                             cactus requires continued conservation,                 population size, as only 4,564 Tobusch                geographic range, small population
                                             management, and protection.                             fishhook cactus individuals were                      sizes, restricted gene pool, and lack of
                                             Downlisting Tobusch fishhook cactus to                  actually detected from 2003 to 2015. In               reproduction (Factor E). We now know
                                             threatened will allow for these                         Appendix B of the SSA Report, we                      there are many more populations over a
                                             continued efforts.                                      explained that the estimate of the total              much wider area; approximately 4,500
                                                Our Response: We concur and look                     population size of Tobusch fishhook                   individuals have been documented at
                                             forward to continuing cooperative                       cactus is a simple extrapolation of the               more than 97 EOs and other monitoring
                                             efforts to conserve and recover Tobusch                 average population density within                     sites. Most habitats are relatively secure,
                                             fishhook cactus.                                        surveys of potential habitat to the total             given that they are in remote, rocky
                                                (2) Comment: The reclassification of                 amount of potential habitat. The                      areas that are unsuitable for growing
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus is fully                        extremely uneven distribution of this                 crops. However, the great majority is on
                                             supported; however, the downlisting                     cactus complicates estimates of the true              private lands that are becoming
                                             should also exempt the subspecies from                  population size (Service 2016, p. 21). In             increasingly fragmented and may be
                                             the take prohibition of the Act.                        the SSA Report, we also stated that the               subject to destruction or modification.
                                                Our Response: The Act does not                       estimated population size is not a                    Many of the known populations are
                                             prohibit the taking of either endangered                precise determination, but is the best                small and isolated, and the monitored
                                             or threatened plant species that occur                  estimate we are currently able to make                portions of numerous populations have
                                             on private lands. While the Act                         with available quantitative data that has             declined. Demographic population
                                             prohibits the taking of endangered and                  been obtained from a small number of                  viability analyses predict an overall
                                             threatened plant species that occur on                  areas (Service 2016, p. 32). One peer                 future decline in subspecies’ viability.
                                             lands under Federal jurisdiction, the                   reviewer of the SSA stated that the                   However, we do not know how well
                                             subspecies is not known to occur on any                 general approach we used to estimate                  these analyses project the demographic
                                             Federal lands.                                          the total number of plants was sound,                 trends of metapopulations distributed
                                                (3) Comment: We believe that the                     but because the areas surveyed were a                 over larger landscapes. We know that
                                             SSA, representing the Service’s                         biased sample of potential habitats, our              insect parasites are a major cause of
                                             understanding of the best available                                                                           mortality and may naturally reduce
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                                                                                                     approach likely overestimated the
                                             scientific and commercial information,                  amount of potential habitat and                       populations to low densities. Many
                                             instead leads to a scientifically                       population size. This overestimate is                 populations have sufficient genetic
                                             supportable conclusion that Tobusch                     because State parks and other areas                   diversity to confer long-term adaptive
                                             fishhook cactus is neither threatened                   surveyed are not representative of all                capability, but some small, isolated
                                             nor endangered with extinction within                   areas of potential habitat within the                 populations have higher levels of
                                             the foreseeable future throughout all or                subspecies’ range. We concur with these               inbreeding and may be affected by

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           22397

                                             reduced fitness and reproduction. It is                 considered potential future threats,                  variation in rainfall may increase.
                                             likely that projected climate changes                   please refer to the SSA Report (Service               Consequently, we do not know what the
                                             will affect Tobusch fishhook cactus, but                2016).                                                net effect of climate changes will be on
                                             we do not currently know whether such                                                                         vegetation and wildfire frequency nor
                                                                                                     Changes in Vegetation and Wildfire
                                             changes will have a net positive or                                                                           how these changes might affect the
                                                                                                     Frequency (Factor A)
                                             negative effect on its viability.                                                                             viability of Tobusch fishhook cactus.
                                                Using the SSA framework, we have                        Bray (1904, pp. 14–15, 23–24)
                                             carefully assessed the best scientific and              documented the rapid transition of                    Overutilization for Commercial,
                                             commercial information available                        grasslands to woodlands in the Edwards                Recreational, Scientific, or Educational
                                             regarding the past, present, and future                 Plateau occurring more than a century                 Purposes (Factor B)
                                             threats to Tobusch fishhook cactus to                   ago; he attributed this change to
                                             consider what the subspecies needs to                   overgrazing, the depletion of grasses,                   The listing of Tobusch fishhook
                                             maintain viability. We have determined                  and the cessation of wildfires. Fonteyn               cactus as an endangered species (44 FR
                                             that Tobusch fishhook cactus is                         et al. (1988, p. 79) state that savannas              64736) included collection from wild
                                             currently no longer in danger of                        covered portions of the pre-settlement                populations for the commercial cactus
                                             extinction, because it has larger, more                 Edwards Plateau, and since 1850 were                  trade as a threat to the species.
                                             numerous populations that are much                      transformed to shrubland or woodland                  Subsequently, we have detected very
                                             more widely distributed than we                         ‘‘primarily by suppression of recurring               little evidence of illicit collection from
                                             previously understood, and therefore                    natural and anthropogenic fires and the               wild populations; this potential threat
                                             the subspecies has greater resilience,                  introduction of livestock.’’ They list the            has not substantively affected the
                                             redundancy, and representation.                         fire-sensitive Ashe juniper (Juniperus                species survival.
                                             Nevertheless, it is likely to become                    ashei) as the most successful of many
                                             endangered within the foreseeable                       woody plants that have invaded                        Insect Parasites (Factor C)
                                             future because the following threats                    grasslands. Reemts (2014 p. 1) lists the
                                                                                                                                                              The Tobusch fishhook cactus weevil
                                             have not been fully ameliorated and are                 encroachment of woody plants into the
                                                                                                                                                           (Gerstaeckeria spp.) and cactus
                                             expected to continue into the                           rocky, open habitat as one of several
                                                                                                     remaining habitat-related threats that                longhorn beetle (Moneilema spp.)
                                             foreseeable future: Habitat destruction
                                                                                                     endanger Tobusch fishhook cactus. In                  parasitize and kill Tobusch fishhook
                                             and modification due to changes in
                                                                                                     synthesis, unlike the mountainous                     cactus plants. Populations of these
                                             vegetation and wildfire frequency
                                             (Factor A), insect parasites and feral hog              conifer forests of the arid southwest,                parasites increase rapidly in large, dense
                                             rooting (Factor C), and the demographic                 where fire frequency has increased, in                cactus colonies and have caused drastic
                                             and genetic consequences of small                       the Edwards Plateau of Texas, poor                    declines in many of the larger
                                             population sizes and densities (Factor                  rangeland management depleted the                     populations (Calvert 2003, entire).
                                             E). In the SSA Report, we projected                     grass and forb cover, and the lack of fine            Conversely, since the parasites are
                                             what the future viability of Tobusch                    fuels reduced the incidence of wildfire.              flightless, smaller, widely dispersed
                                             fishhook cactus could be using the                      Juniper trees that were formerly limited              colonies may be less susceptible to
                                             timeframe 2050 to 2074. This is the                     by relatively frequent wildfires have                 parasite infestation. Periodic outbreaks
                                             same timeframe that has been used to                    now greatly increased in abundance and                of insect parasitism appear to be an
                                             project future climate conditions for                   cover, and the proportion of ground that              unavoidable natural cycle that may
                                             Edwards County, Texas (U.S. Geological                  is shaded has increased. Since Tobusch                exacerbate population declines from
                                             Survey 2015), and although climate                      fishhook cactus thrives in full sun, but              other causes, and currently there are no
                                             change is not likely a direct stressor to               does not tolerate dense shade, these                  management practices to prevent or
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus viability, the                  changes in vegetation cover, wildfire                 minimize insect parasitism. Therefore,
                                             effects from climate change on the                      frequency, and juniper cover threaten                 this threat remains unabated, and we
                                             threats to Tobusch fishhook cactus are                  this cactus. Replacement of a diverse                 expect it will continue at least through
                                             likely to impact the future viability of                shrub and forb community with                         the foreseeable future (described above),
                                             the species. We used the National                       monocultural (growth of a single plant                which we define as the foreseeable
                                             Climate Change Viewer (NCCV; U.S.                       species) stands of juniper also reduces               future for this threat.
                                             Geological Survey 2015) to compare                      pollinator populations, which in turn
                                             past and projected future climate                       may reduce reproduction of Tobusch                    Other Herbivory (Factor C)
                                             conditions. The baseline for comparison                 fishhook cactus and gene flow between
                                                                                                                                                              The incidence of herbivory by
                                             was the observed mean values from                       colonies (Service 2017, p. 37). We
                                                                                                     expect these threats to continue at least             jackrabbits, rodents, and other native
                                             1950 through 2005, and 30 climate
                                                                                                     through the 2050 to 2074 projection                   herbivores on Tobusch fishhook cactus
                                             models were used to project future
                                                                                                     period (described above), which we                    is relatively minor (Poole and Birnbaum
                                             conditions. The NCCV generates
                                                                                                     define as the foreseeable future for this             (2003, pp. 11–12). However, introduced
                                             projections for three timeframes: 2025 to
                                             2049, 2050 to 2074, and 2075 to 2099.                   threat.                                               feral hogs are abundant throughout the
                                             We chose the intermediate timeframe of                     Vegetation and fire frequency may                  subspecies’ range and have damaged
                                             2050 to 2074 for our projections of the                 also be influenced by climate changes.                and destroyed Tobusch fishhook cactus
                                             species status in the foreseeable future                The means of 30 climate models project                individuals and habitats in many sites
                                             because relatively few changes may be                   increasing temperatures for the Edwards               (Reemts 2015, p. 1). Feral hog
                                             apparent in the earlier timeframe, and                  Plateau of Texas over the 2050 to 2074                populations remain undiminished in
                                                                                                     projection period (U.S. Geological                    Texas despite active hunting and
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                                             projection uncertainty is greatest in the
                                             later timeframe.                                        Survey 2015). However, these models                   trapping efforts. Therefore, this threat
                                                Below we present our analysis of                     do not simulate well the projected                    remains unabated, and we expect it will
                                             threats to Tobusch fishhook cactus. For                 patterns of regional precipitation (IPCC              continue at least through the 2050 to
                                             a complete discussion of all threats,                   2013, p. 11). Average precipitation may               2074 projection period (described
                                             including those considered significant                  increase or decrease, seasonal rainfall               above), which we define as the
                                             at the time of listing and those                        patterns may change, and annual                       foreseeable future for this threat.

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                                             22398               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory                   related individuals. Rayamajhi (2015,                 Act’s definitions of ‘‘endangered
                                             Mechanisms (Factor D)                                   pp. 63–64) found relatively high                      species’’ and ‘‘threatened species’’ to
                                                Only a very small fraction of the                    inbreeding coefficients in three of eight             provide an independent basis for listing
                                             potential habitat of Tobusch fishhook                   populations, which he attributed to                   a species in its entirety; thus there are
                                             cactus occurs on state parks or other                   mating of close relatives within small,               two situations (or factual bases) under
                                             public lands where the habitat could be                 isolated populations. We conclude that                which a species would qualify for
                                             directly managed through regulatory                     small population sizes, low densities,                listing: A species may be in danger of
                                             mechanisms. Regulatory mechanisms                       and isolation of populations threaten                 extinction or likely to become so in the
                                             cannot ensure habitat management and                    the survival of Tobusch fishhook cactus.              foreseeable future throughout all of its
                                             species conservation on the great                       We expect that abatement of these                     range; or a species may be in danger of
                                                                                                     threats could not be overcome for one or              extinction or likely to become so
                                             majority of the species habitats that
                                                                                                     more lifespans. Tobusch fishhook cactus               throughout a significant portion of its
                                             occur on privately owned land. Thus
                                                                                                     is able to reproduce after about 10 years,            range. If a species is in danger of
                                             the habitat-related threats and feral hog
                                                                                                     and may live 50 years or more.                        extinction throughout an SPR, it, the
                                             issues described above are anticipated
                                                                                                     Therefore, we define the foreseeable                  species, is an ‘‘endangered species.’’
                                             to continue to impact the species
                                                                                                     future for this threat to be a period of              The same analysis applies to
                                             regardless of existing regulatory
                                                                                                     about 50 years.                                       ‘‘threatened species.’’
                                             mechanisms.                                                                                                      Our final policy addresses the
                                                                                                     Determination                                         consequences of finding that a species is
                                             Demographic and Genetic
                                             Consequences of Small Population Size                      Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533)              in danger of extinction in an SPR, and
                                             and Density (Factor E)                                  and its implementing regulations (50                  interprets what would constitute an
                                                                                                     CFR part 424) set forth the procedures                SPR. The final policy includes four
                                                Small populations are less able to                   for determining whether a species meets               elements: (1) If a species is found to be
                                             recover from losses caused by random                    the definition of ‘‘endangered species’’              endangered or threatened throughout a
                                             environmental changes (Shaffer and                      or ‘‘threatened species.’’ The Act defines            significant portion of its range, the
                                             Stein 2000, pp. 308–310), such as                       an ‘‘endangered species’’ as a species                entire species is listed as an endangered
                                             fluctuations in recruitment                             that is ‘‘in danger of extinction                     species or a threatened species,
                                             (demographic stochasticity), variations                 throughout all or a significant portion of            respectively, and the Act’s protections
                                             in rainfall (environmental stochasticity),              its range,’’ and a ‘‘threatened species’’ as          apply to all individuals of the species
                                             or changes in the frequency of wildfires.               a species that is ‘‘likely to become an               wherever found; (2) a portion of the
                                             Poole and Birnbaum (2003, p. 1)                         endangered species within the                         range of a species is ‘‘significant’’ if the
                                             estimated a minimum viable population                   foreseeable future throughout all or a                species is not currently endangered or
                                             (MVP) size of 1,200 individuals for                     significant portion of its range.’’ The Act           threatened throughout all of its range,
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus (Service 2016,                  requires that we determine whether a                  but the portion’s contribution to the
                                             section II.7.5, available at http://                    species meets the definition of                       viability of the species is so important
                                             www.regulations.gov under Docket No.                    ‘‘endangered species’’ or ‘‘threatened                that, without the members in that
                                             FWS–R2–ES–2016–0130). Since the                         species’’ because of any of the following             portion, the species would be in danger
                                             subspecies has a predominantly out-                     factors:                                              of extinction, or likely to become so in
                                             crossing breeding system, the                              (A) The present or threatened                      the foreseeable future, throughout all of
                                             probability of successful fertilization                 destruction, modification, or                         its range; (3) the range of a species is
                                             between unrelated individuals is                        curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)              considered to be the general
                                             reduced in small, isolated populations.                 Overutilization for commercial,                       geographical area within which that
                                             The remaining plants would produce                      recreational, scientific, or educational              species can be found at the time the
                                             fewer viable seeds, further reducing                    purposes; (C) Disease or predation; (D)               Service or the National Marine Fisheries
                                             population recruitment and engendering                  The inadequacy of existing regulatory                 Service makes any particular status
                                             a downward spiral toward extirpation.                   mechanisms; or (E) Other natural or                   determination; and (4) if a vertebrate
                                             The demographic consequences of small                   manmade factors affecting its continued               species is endangered or threatened
                                             population size are compounded by                       existence. The same factors apply                     throughout an SPR, and the population
                                             genetic consequences, because reduced                   whether we are analyzing the species’                 in that significant portion is a valid
                                             out-crossing corresponds to increased                   status throughout all of its range or                 DPS, we will list the DPS rather than the
                                             inbreeding. In addition to population                   throughout a significant portion of its               entire taxonomic species or subspecies.
                                             size, it is likely that population density              range.                                                   The SPR policy applies to analyses for
                                             within metapopulations also influences                     On July 1, 2014, we published a final              all status determinations, including
                                             population viability; density must be                   policy interpreting the phrase                        listing, delisting, and reclassification
                                             high enough for gene flow within                        ‘‘significant portion of its range’’ (SPR)            determinations. As described in the first
                                             metapopulations, but low enough to                      (79 FR 37578) (SPR Policy). Aspects of                element of our policy, once the Service
                                             minimize parasite infestations. Small,                  that policy were vacated for species that             determines that a ‘‘species’’—which can
                                             reproductively isolated populations are                 occur in Arizona by the United States                 include a species, subspecies, or distinct
                                             also susceptible to the loss of genetic                 District Court for the District of Arizona.           population segment (DPS)—meets the
                                             diversity, to genetic drift (random                     CBD v. Jewell, No. CV–14–02506–TUC–                   definition of ‘‘endangered species’’ or
                                             fluctuations in the numbers of gene                     RM (Mar. 29, 2017), clarified by the                  ‘‘threatened species,’’ the species must
                                             variants), and to inbreeding. The loss of               court, Mar. 29, 2017. Since the Tobusch               be listed in its entirety and the Act’s
                                             genetic diversity is likely to cause a loss             fishhook cactus does not occur in
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                                                                                                                                                           protections applied consistently to all
                                             of fitness and lower chance of survival                 Arizona, for this finding we rely on the              individuals of the species wherever
                                             of populations and of the subspecies.                   SPR Policy, and also provide additional               found (subject to modification of
                                             Genetic drift may also cause the loss of                explanation and support for our                       protections through special rules under
                                             genetic diversity in small populations.                 interpretation of the SPR phrase. In our              sections 4(d) and 10(j) of the Act).
                                             Inbreeding depression is the loss of                    policy, we interpret the phrase                          For the second element, the policy
                                             fitness among offspring of closely                      ‘‘significant portion of its range’’ in the           sets out the procedure for analyzing

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           22399

                                             whether any portion is an SPR; the                      greater detail in the SPR Policy, we have             individuals. The Act encourages
                                             procedure is similar, regardless of the                 concluded that to give operational effect             cooperation with the States and requires
                                             type of status determination we are                     to both the ‘‘throughout all’’ language               that recovery actions be carried out for
                                             making. The first step in our assessment                and the SPR phrase, the Service should                all listed species. The protection
                                             of the status of a species is to determine              conduct an SPR analysis if (and only if)              required by Federal agencies and the
                                             its status throughout all of its range. We              a species does not warrant listing                    prohibitions against certain activities
                                             subsequently examine whether, in light                  according to the ‘‘throughout all’’                   are discussed, in part, below.
                                             of the species’ status throughout all of                language.                                                The primary purpose of the Act is the
                                             its range, it is necessary to determine its                Because we found that Tobusch                      conservation of endangered and
                                             status throughout a significant portion                 fishhook cactus is likely to become                   threatened species and the ecosystems
                                             of its range. If we determine that the                  endangered in the foreseeable future                  upon which they depend. The ultimate
                                             species is in danger of extinction, or                  throughout all of its range, per our                  goal of such conservation efforts is the
                                             likely to become so in the foreseeable                  Service’s Significant Portion of its Range            recovery of these listed species, so that
                                             future, throughout all of its range, we                 (SPR) Policy (79 FR 37578, July 1, 2014),             they no longer need the protective
                                             list the species as an endangered (or                   no portion of its range can be significant            measures of the Act. Subsection 4(f) of
                                             threatened) species and no SPR analysis                 for purposes of the definitions of                    the Act requires the Service to develop
                                             is required. The policy explains in                     endangered species and threatened                     and implement recovery plans for the
                                             detail the bases for this conclusion—                   species. We therefore do not need to                  conservation of endangered and
                                             including that this process ensures that                conduct an analysis of whether there is               threatened species. The recovery
                                             the SPR language provides an                            any significant portion of its range                  planning process involves the
                                             independent basis for listing; maximizes                where the species is in danger of                     identification of actions that are
                                             the flexibility of the Service to provide               extinction or likely to become so in the              necessary to halt or reverse the species’
                                             protections for the species; and                        foreseeable future.                                   decline by addressing the threats to its
                                             eliminates the potential confusion is a                    Therefore, on the basis of the best                survival and recovery. The goal of this
                                             species could meet the definitions of                   available scientific and commercial                   process is to restore listed species to a
                                             both ‘‘endangered species’’ and                         information, we are reclassifying                     point where they are secure, self-
                                             ‘‘threatened species’’ based on its                     Tobusch fishhook cactus as a threatened               sustaining, and functioning components
                                             statuses throughout its range and in a                  species in accordance with sections 3(6)              of their ecosystems.
                                             significant portion of its range. See, e.g.,            and 4(a)(1) of the Act.                                  Revisions of the plan may be done to
                                             SPR Policy, 79 FR at 37580–81.                             Under the Act and its implementing                 address continuing or new threats to the
                                                We have carefully assessed the best                  regulations, a determination that a                   species, as new substantive information
                                             scientific and commercial information                   species is endangered or threatened also              becomes available. The current Tobusch
                                             available regarding the past, present,                  requires the Secretary, to the maximum                fishhook cactus recovery plan was
                                             and future threats to Tobusch fishhook                  extent prudent, to specify any habitat of             approved by the Service on March 18,
                                             cactus. Based on the analysis in the                    such species which is considered to be                1987 (Service 1987). As a result of this
                                             SSA, and information summarized                         critical habitat. The determination that              reclassification, a revision of the plan is
                                             above, we have determined that                          it would not be prudent to designate                  planned to address continuing threats to
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus’ current                        critical habitat for Tobusch fishhook                 the subspecies, and will also establish
                                             viability is higher than was known at                   cactus that was made at the time the                  delisting criteria. When completed, a
                                             the time of listing, and we believe that                plant was listed as an endangered                     revised draft and final recovery plan
                                             Tobusch fishhook cactus is not in                       species remains true (44 FR 64737,                    will be available on our website (http://
                                             danger of extinction throughout all of its              November 7, 1979). Publication of                     www.fws.gov/endangered) or from our
                                             range. However, due to continued                        critical habitat maps and cactus                      Austin Ecological Services Field Office
                                             threats from the demographic and                        population locations increases the                    (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                             genetic consequences of small                           plants’ vulnerability to collection from                 Implementation of recovery actions
                                             population sizes and geographic                         areas not under Federal jurisdiction, an              generally requires the participation of a
                                             isolation, insect parasitism, feral hog                 activity that is not prohibited for plants            broad range of partners, including other
                                             depredation, and changes in the wildfire                under the Act. While there has been no                Federal agencies, States, Tribal,
                                             cycle and vegetation, as well as                        recent evidence of collection of this                 nongovernmental organizations,
                                             unknown long-term effects of land use                   species, collection is a threat to most               businesses, and private landowners.
                                             changes and climate changes, we find                    cactus species, and is likely to increase             Examples of recovery actions include
                                             that Tobusch fishhook cactus is likely to               if population sites are publicized. Given             habitat restoration (e.g., restoration of
                                             become an endangered subspecies                         the predominance of private land                      native vegetation), research, captive
                                             within the foreseeable future throughout                ownership patterns for Tobusch                        propagation and reintroduction, and
                                             all of its range.                                       fishhook cactus habitats, collection still            outreach and education. The recovery of
                                                Consistent with our interpretation                   may become a threat in the foreseeable                many listed species cannot be
                                             that there are two independent bases for                future.                                               accomplished solely on Federal lands
                                             listing species as described above, after                                                                     because their range may occur primarily
                                             examining the status of Tobusch                         Available Conservation Measures                       or solely on non-Federal lands. To
                                             fishhook cactus throughout all of its                     Conservation measures provided to                   achieve recovery of these species
                                             range, we now examine whether it is                     species listed as endangered or                       requires cooperative conservation efforts
                                             necessary to determine its status                       threatened species under the Act                      on private, State, and Tribal lands.
                                                                                                     include recognition, recovery actions,                   Following publication of this final
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             throughout a significant portion of its
                                             range. Per our final SPR policy, we must                requirements for Federal protection, and              reclassification rule, funding for
                                             give operational effect to both the                     prohibitions against certain practices.               recovery actions will continue to be
                                             ‘‘throughout all’’ of its range language                Recognition through listing results in                available from a variety of sources,
                                             and the SPR phrase in the definitions of                public awareness, and conservation by                 including Federal budgets, State
                                             ‘‘endangered species’’ and ‘‘threatened                 Federal, State, Tribal, and local                     programs, and cost share grants for non-
                                             species.’’ As discussed earlier and in                  agencies, private organizations, and                  Federal landowners, the academic

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                                             22400               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             community, and nongovernmental                          violation of any State law or regulation,             Threatened Plants, and changes the
                                             organizations. In addition, pursuant to                 or in the course of any violation of a                scientific name from Ancistrocactus
                                             section 6 of the Act, the State of Texas                State criminal trespass law. However,                 tobuschii to Sclerocactus brevihamatus
                                             will continue to be eligible for Federal                there is the following exception for                  ssp. tobuschii. Because no critical
                                             funds to implement management                           threatened plants: Seeds of cultivated                habitat was ever designated for Tobusch
                                             actions that promote the protection or                  specimens of species treated as                       fishhook cactus, this rule will not affect
                                             recovery of Tobusch fishhook cactus.                    threatened shall be exempt from all the               50 CFR 17.96.
                                             Information on our grant programs that                  provisions of 50 CFR 17.61, provided                     On the effective date of this rule (see
                                             are available to aid species recovery can               that a statement that the seeds are of                DATES, above), the prohibitions and
                                             be found at: http://www.fws.gov/grants.                 ‘‘cultivated origin’’ accompanies the                 conservation measures provided by the
                                                Please let us know if you are                        seeds or their container during the                   Act, particularly through sections 7 and
                                             interested in participating in recovery                 course of any activity otherwise subject              9, continue to apply to Tobusch
                                             efforts for Tobusch fishhook cactus.                    to these regulations. Exceptions to these             fishhook cactus. Federal agencies are
                                             Additionally, we invite you to submit                   prohibitions are outlined in 50 CFR                   required to consult with the Service
                                             any new information on this subspecies                  17.72.                                                under section 7 of the Act in the event
                                             whenever it becomes available and any                      We may issue permits to carry out                  that activities they authorize, fund, or
                                             information you may have for recovery                   otherwise prohibited activities                       carry out may affect Tobusch fishhook
                                             planning purposes (see FOR FURTHER                      involving threatened plants under                     cactus.
                                             INFORMATION CONTACT).                                   certain circumstances. Regulations
                                                Section 7(a) of the Act requires                     governing permits are codified at 50                  Required Determinations
                                             Federal agencies to evaluate their                      CFR 17.72. With regard to threatened                  National Environmental Policy Act (42
                                             actions with respect to any species that                plants, a permit issued under this                    U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
                                             is listed as an endangered or threatened                section must be for one of the following:
                                             species and with respect to its critical                Scientific purposes, the enhancement of                  We have determined that
                                             habitat, if any is designated. Regulations              the propagation or survival of                        environmental assessments and
                                             implementing this interagency                           threatened species, economic hardship,                environmental impact statements, as
                                             cooperation provision of the Act are                    botanical or horticultural exhibition,                defined under the authority of the
                                             codified at 50 CFR part 402. Section                    educational purposes, or other activities             National Environmental Policy Act
                                             7(a)(2) of the Act requires Federal                     consistent with the purposes and policy               (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not
                                             agencies to ensure that activities they                 of the Act.                                           be prepared in connection with listing
                                             authorize, fund, or carry out are not                      It is our policy, as published in the              a species as an endangered or
                                             likely to jeopardize the continued                      Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR               threatened species under the
                                             existence of any endangered or                          34272), to identify to the maximum                    Endangered Species Act. We published
                                             threatened species or destroy or                        extent practicable at the time a species              a notice outlining our reasons for this
                                             adversely modify its critical habitat. If a             is listed, those activities that would or             determination in the Federal Register
                                             Federal action may affect a listed                      would not constitute a violation of                   on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
                                             species or its critical habitat, the                    section 9 of the Act. The intent of this              Government-to-Government
                                             responsible Federal agency must enter                   policy is to increase public awareness of             Relationship With Tribes
                                             into consultation with the Service.                     the effect of a final listing on proposed
                                                Federal agency actions within the                    and ongoing activities within the range                  In accordance with the President’s
                                             species’ habitat that may require                       of a listed species. Based on the best                memorandum of April 29, 1994
                                             conference or consultation or both, as                  available information, the following                  (Government-to-Government Relations
                                             described in the preceding paragraph,                   actions are unlikely to result in a                   with Native American Tribal
                                             include management and any other                        violation of section 9, if these activities           Governments; 59 FR 22951), Executive
                                             landscape-altering activities related to                are carried out in accordance with                    Order 13175 (Consultation and
                                             the issuance of section 404 Clean Water                 existing regulations and permit                       Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                             Act permits by the Army Corps of                        requirements; this list is not                        Governments), and the Department of
                                             Engineers, and construction and                         comprehensive:                                        the Interior’s manual at 512 DM 2, we
                                             maintenance of roads or highways by                        (1) Normal agricultural and                        readily acknowledge our responsibility
                                             the Federal Highway Administration.                     silvicultural practices, including                    to communicate meaningfully with
                                                With respect to threatened plants, 50                herbicide and pesticide use, which are                recognized Federal Tribes on a
                                             CFR 17.71 provides that all of the                      carried out in accordance with any                    government-to-government basis. In
                                             provisions in 50 CFR 17.61 shall apply                  existing regulations, permit and label                accordance with Secretarial Order 3206
                                             to threatened plants. These provisions                  requirements, and best management                     of June 5, 1997 (American Indian Tribal
                                             make it illegal for any person subject to               practices; and                                        Rights, Federal-Tribal Trust
                                             the jurisdiction of the United States to                   (2) Normal residential landscape                   Responsibilities, and the Endangered
                                             import or export, transport in interstate               activities.                                           Species Act), we readily acknowledge
                                             or foreign commerce in the course of a                     Questions regarding whether specific               our responsibilities to work directly
                                             commercial activity, sell or offer for sale             activities would constitute a violation of            with tribes in developing programs for
                                             in interstate or foreign commerce, or to                section 9 of the Act should be directed               healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge that
                                             remove and reduce to possession any                     to the Austin Ecological Services Field               tribal lands are not subject to the same
                                             such plant species from areas under                     Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                   controls as Federal public lands, to
                                             Federal jurisdiction. In addition, the Act
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     CONTACT).                                             remain sensitive to Indian culture, and
                                             prohibits malicious damage or                                                                                 to make information available to tribes.
                                             destruction of any such species on any                  Effects of the Rule
                                             area under Federal jurisdiction, and the                   This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.12(h)            References Cited
                                             removal, cutting, digging up, or                        to reclassify Tobusch fishhook cactus                   A complete list of all references cited
                                             damaging or destroying of any such                      from endangered to threatened on the                  in this rulemaking is available on the
                                             species on any other area in knowing                    Federal List of Endangered and                        internet at http://www.regulations.gov

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                      22401

                                             and upon request from the Austin                        recordkeeping requirements,                                 Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
                                             Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR               Transportation.                                           1544; and 4201–4245; unless otherwise
                                             FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                                                                                     noted.
                                                                                                     Regulation Promulgation
                                             Authors                                                                                                           ■ 2. Amend § 17.12(h) by removing the
                                                                                                       Accordingly, we amend part 17,
                                               The primary authors of this final rule                                                                          entry for ‘‘Ancistrocactus tobuschii’’
                                                                                                     subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the
                                             are the staff members of the Austin                                                                               and adding the following entry to the
                                                                                                     Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth
                                             Ecological Services Field Office, U.S.                                                                            List of Endangered and Threatened
                                             Fish and Wildlife Service (see                                                                                    Plants in alphabetical order under
                                             ADDRESSES).                                             PART 17—ENDANGERED AND                                    Flowering Plants:
                                                                                                     THREATENED WILDLIFE AND PLANTS                            § 17.12    Endangered and threatened plants.
                                             List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
                                               Endangered and threatened species,                    ■ 1. The authority citation for part 17                   *       *    *         *   *
                                             Exports, Imports, Reporting and                         continues to read as follows:                                 (h) * * *

                                                  Scientific name                  Common name                     Where listed                 Status              Listing citations and applicable rules

                                                 FLOWERING PLANTS

                                                      *                       *                  *                           *                           *                  *                   *
                                             Sclerocactus                  Tobusch fishhook cac-             Wherever found ............          T          44 FR 64736, 11/7/1979; 83 FR [Insert Federal
                                               brevihamatus ssp.             tus.                                                                              Register page where the document begins],
                                               tobuschii.                                                                                                      5/15/2018.

                                                       *                      *                          *                      *                        *                        *                  *

                                               Dated: April 20, 2018.                                tribal allocation of 77,251 mt,                           copies are available from Chuck Tracy,
                                             James W. Kurth,                                         establishes a set-aside for research and                  Executive Director, Pacific Fishery
                                             Deputy Director Exercising the Authority of             bycatch of 1,500 mt, and announces the                    Management Council (Council), 7700
                                             the Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.           allocations of Pacific whiting to the non-                NE Ambassador Place, Portland, OR
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–10206 Filed 5–14–18; 8:45 am]             tribal fishery for 2018. The catch limits                 97220, phone: 503–820–2280.
                                             BILLING CODE 4333–15–P                                  in this rule are intended to ensure the                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                     long-term sustainability of the Pacific
                                                                                                     whiting stock.                                            Background
                                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  DATES: Effective May 15, 2018.                               This final rule announces the total
                                                                                                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                          allowable catch (TAC) for Pacific
                                             National Oceanic and Atmospheric                                                                                  whiting, which was determined under
                                             Administration                                          Frank Lockhart (West Coast Region,
                                                                                                     NMFS), phone: 206–526–6142, and                           the terms of the Agreement with Canada
                                                                                                     email: Frank.Lockhart@noaa.gov.                           on Pacific Hake/Whiting (Agreement)
                                             50 CFR Part 660                                                                                                   and the Pacific Whiting Act of 2006
                                                                                                     Electronic Access                                         (Whiting Act). The Agreement and the
                                             [Docket No. 171023999–8440–02]
                                                                                                        This final rule is accessible via the                  Whiting Act establish bilateral bodies to
                                             RIN 0648–BH31                                           internet at the Office of the Federal                     implement the terms of the Agreement.
                                                                                                     Register website at https://                              The bilateral bodies include: The Joint
                                             Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions;                                                                                  Management Committee (JMC), which
                                                                                                     www.federalregister.gov. Background
                                             Fisheries Off West Coast States;                                                                                  recommends the annual catch level for
                                                                                                     information and documents are
                                             Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery;                                                                                 Pacific whiting; the Joint Technical
                                                                                                     available at the NMFS West Coast
                                             Annual Specifications and                                                                                         Committee (JTC), which conducts the
                                                                                                     Region website at http://
                                             Management Measures for the 2018                                                                                  Pacific whiting stock assessment; the
                                             Tribal and Non-Tribal Fisheries for                                                                               Scientific Review Group (SRG), which
                                             Pacific Whiting                                                                                                   reviews the stock assessment; and the
                                                                                                     whiting.html and at the Pacific Fishery
                                             AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      Management Council’s website at http://                   Advisory Panel (AP), which provides
                                             Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    www.pcouncil.org/.                                        stakeholder input to the JMC.
                                             Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                         The final environmental impact                            The Agreement establishes a default
                                             Commerce.                                               statement regarding Harvest                               harvest policy of F–40 percent, which
                                             ACTION: Final rule.                                     Specifications and Management                             means a fishing mortality rate that
                                                                                                     Measures for 2015–2016 and Biennial                       would reduce the biomass to 40 percent
                                             SUMMARY:   NMFS issues this final rule                  Periods Thereafter, and the Final                         of the estimated unfished level (F–40).
                                             for the 2018 Pacific whiting fishery                    Environmental Assessment for Pacific                      The Agreement also allocates 73.88
                                             under the authority of the Pacific Coast                Coast Groundfish Harvest Specifications                   percent of the TAC to the United States
                                             Groundfish Fishery Management Plan                      and Management Measures for 2017–                         and 26.12 percent of the TAC to Canada.
                                             (FMP), the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                     2018 and Amendment 27 to the Pacific                      The JMC is primarily responsible for
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             Conservation and Management Act                         Coast Groundfish Fishery Management                       developing a TAC recommendation to
                                             (Magnuson-Stevens Act), and the Pacific                 Plan, are available on the NMFS West                      the United States and Canada. The
                                             Whiting Act of 2006. This final rule                    Coast Region website at:                                  Secretary of Commerce, in consultation
                                             announces the 2018 U.S. Total                           www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/                         with the Secretary of State, has the
                                             Allowable Catch of 441,433 metric tons                  publications/nepa/groundfish/                             authority to accept or reject this
                                             (mt) of Pacific whiting, establishes a                  groundfish_nepa_documents.html and                        recommendation.

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Document Created: 2018-05-15 00:34:14
Document Modified: 2018-05-15 00:34:14
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis rule becomes effective June 14, 2018.
ContactAdam Zerrenner, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Austin Ecological Services Field Office (see
FR Citation83 FR 22392 
RIN Number1018-BB90
CFR AssociatedEndangered and Threatened Species; Exports; Imports; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Transportation

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