83_FR_23629 83 FR 23531 - Solicitation of Nominations for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans

83 FR 23531 - Solicitation of Nominations for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 98 (May 21, 2018)

Page Range23531-23532
FR Document2018-10758

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Center for Minority Veterans (CMV), is seeking nominations of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment as a member of the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans (``the Committee'').

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 98 (Monday, May 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 98 (Monday, May 21, 2018)]
[Pages 23531-23532]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-10758]



Solicitation of Nominations for Appointment to the Advisory 
Committee on Minority Veterans

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Center for Minority 
Veterans (CMV), is seeking nominations of qualified candidates to be 
considered for appointment as a member of the Advisory Committee on 
Minority Veterans (``the Committee'').

DATES: Nominations for membership on the Committee must be received no 
later than 5:00 p.m. EST on June 1, 2018.

ADDRESSES: All nominations should be mailed to the Center for Minority 
Veterans, Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave. NW (00M), 
Washington, DC 20420 or faxed to (202) 273-7092.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Juanita J. Mullen and Mr. Dwayne 
Campbell, Center for Minority Veterans, Department of Veterans Affairs, 
810 Vermont Ave. NW (00M), Washington, DC 20420, Telephone (202) 461-
6191. A copy of the Committee charter and list of the current 
membership can be obtained by contacting Ms. Mullen or by accessing the 
website managed by CMV at www.va.gov/centerforminorityveterans/Advisory_Committee.asp.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In carrying out the duties set forth, the 
Committee responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
    (1) Advising the Secretary and Congress on VA's administration of 
benefits and provisions of healthcare, benefits, and services to 
minority Veterans.
    (2) Providing an Annual report to congress outlining 
recommendations, concerns and observations on VA's delivery of services 
to minority Veterans.
    (3) Meeting with VA officials, Veteran Service Organizations, and 
other stakeholders to assess the Department's efforts in providing 
benefits and outreach to minority Veterans.
    (4) Making periodic site visits and holding town hall meetings with 
Veterans to address their concerns.
    Management and support services for the Committee are provided by 
the Center for Minority Veterans (CMV).
    Authority:The Committee was established in accordance with 38 
U.S.C. 544 (Pub. L. 103-446, Sec 510). In accordance with 38 U.S.C. 
544, the Committee advises the Secretary on the administration of VA 
benefits and services to minority Veterans; assesses the needs of 
minority Veterans with respect to such benefits; and evaluates whether 
VA compensation, medical and rehabilitation services, outreach, and 
other programs are meeting those needs. The Committee makes 
recommendations to the Secretary regarding such activities. Nominations 
of qualified candidates are being sought to fill upcoming vacancies on 
the Committee.
    Membership Criteria: CMV is requesting nominations for upcoming 
vacancies on the Committee. The Committee is currently composed of 12 
members, in addition to ex-officio members. As required by statute, the 
members of the Committee are appointed by the Secretary from the 
general public, including:
    (1) Representatives of Veterans who are minority group members;
    (2) Individuals who are recognized authorities in fields pertinent 
to the needs of Veterans who are minority group members;
    (3) Veterans who are minority group members and who have experience 
in a military theater of operations;
    (4) Veterans who are minority group members and who do not have 
such experience and;
    (5) Women Veterans who are minority group members recently 
separated from active military service.
    Section 544 defines ``minority group member'' as an individual who 
is Asian American, Black, Hispanic, Native American (including American 
Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian); or Pacific-Islander 
    In accordance with Sec. 544, the Secretary determines the number, 
terms of service, and pay and allowances of members of the Committee 
appointed by the Secretary, except that a term of service of any such 
member may not exceed three years. The Secretary may reappoint any 
member for additional terms of service.
    Professional Qualifications: In addition to the criteria above, VA 
    (1) Diversity in professional and personal qualifications;
    (2) Experience in military service and military deployments (please 
identify Branch of Service and Rank);
    (3) Current work with Veterans;

[[Page 23532]]

    (4) Committee subject matter expertise;
    (5) Experience working in large and complex organizations;
    Requirements for Nomination Submission: Nominations should be type 
written (one nomination per nominator). Nomination package should 
include: (1) A letter of nomination that clearly states the name and 
affiliation of the nominee, the basis for the nomination (i.e. specific 
attributes which qualify the nominee for service in this capacity), and 
a statement from the nominee indicating a willingness to serve as a 
member of the Committee; (2) the nominee's contact information, 
including name, mailing address, telephone numbers, and email address; 
(3) the nominee's curriculum vitae, and (4) a summary of the nominee's 
experience and qualification relative to the professional 
qualifications criteria listed above.
    Individuals selected for appointment to the Committee shall be 
invited to serve a two-year term. Committee members will receive a 
stipend for attending Committee meetings, including per diem and 
reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.
    The Department makes every effort to ensure that the membership of 
its Federal advisory committees is fairly balanced in terms of points 
of view represented and the committee's function. Every effort is made 
to ensure that a broad representation of geographic areas, males & 
females, racial and ethnic minority groups, and the disabled are given 
consideration for membership. Appointment to this Committee shall be 
made without discrimination because of a person's race, color, 
religion, sex (including gender identity, transgender status, sexual 
orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, or 
genetic information. Nominations must state that the nominee is willing 
to serve as a member of the Committee and appears to have no conflict 
of interest that would preclude membership. An ethics review is 
conducted for each selected nominee.

    Dated: May 16, 2018.
Jelessa M. Burney,
Federal Advisory Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-10758 Filed 5-18-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 98 / Monday, May 21, 2018 / Notices                                           23531

                                                period, comments may be viewed online                     By direction of the Secretary.                        Management and support services for
                                                through FDMS.                                           Cynthia D. Harvey-Pryor,                              the Committee are provided by the
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Department Clearance Officer, Office of               Center for Minority Veterans (CMV).
                                                                                                        Quality, Privacy and Risk, Department of                Authority:The Committee was
                                                Cynthia Harvey-Pryor at (202) 461–                      Veterans Affairs.                                     established in accordance with 38
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–10740 Filed 5–18–18; 8:45 am]           U.S.C. 544 (Pub. L. 103–446, Sec 510).
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              BILLING CODE 8320–01–P                                In accordance with 38 U.S.C. 544, the
                                                  Under the PRA of 1995, Federal                                                                              Committee advises the Secretary on the
                                                agencies must obtain approval from the                                                                        administration of VA benefits and
                                                Office of Management and Budget                         DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS                                services to minority Veterans; assesses
                                                (OMB) for each collection of                            AFFAIRS                                               the needs of minority Veterans with
                                                information they conduct or sponsor.                                                                          respect to such benefits; and evaluates
                                                                                                        Solicitation of Nominations for                       whether VA compensation, medical and
                                                This request for comment is being made                  Appointment to the Advisory
                                                pursuant to Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the                                                                      rehabilitation services, outreach, and
                                                                                                        Committee on Minority Veterans                        other programs are meeting those needs.
                                                  With respect to the following                         ACTION:   Notice.                                     The Committee makes
                                                collection of information, VBA invites                                                                        recommendations to the Secretary
                                                comments on: (1) Whether the proposed                   SUMMARY:    The Department of Veterans                regarding such activities. Nominations
                                                collection of information is necessary                  Affairs (VA), Center for Minority                     of qualified candidates are being sought
                                                for the proper performance of VBA’s                     Veterans (CMV), is seeking nominations                to fill upcoming vacancies on the
                                                                                                        of qualified candidates to be considered              Committee.
                                                functions, including whether the
                                                                                                        for appointment as a member of the                      Membership Criteria: CMV is
                                                information will have practical utility;
                                                                                                        Advisory Committee on Minority                        requesting nominations for upcoming
                                                (2) the accuracy of VBA’s estimate of the
                                                                                                        Veterans (‘‘the Committee’’).                         vacancies on the Committee. The
                                                burden of the proposed collection of
                                                                                                        DATES: Nominations for membership on                  Committee is currently composed of 12
                                                information; (3) ways to enhance the
                                                                                                        the Committee must be received no later               members, in addition to ex-officio
                                                quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                                                                        than 5:00 p.m. EST on June 1, 2018.                   members. As required by statute, the
                                                information to be collected; and (4)
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: All nominations should be                  members of the Committee are
                                                ways to minimize the burden of the
                                                                                                        mailed to the Center for Minority                     appointed by the Secretary from the
                                                collection of information on
                                                                                                        Veterans, Department of Veterans                      general public, including:
                                                respondents, including through the use                                                                          (1) Representatives of Veterans who
                                                of automated collection techniques or                   Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave. NW (00M),
                                                                                                        Washington, DC 20420 or faxed to (202)                are minority group members;
                                                the use of other forms of information                                                                           (2) Individuals who are recognized
                                                technology.                                             273–7092.
                                                                                                                                                              authorities in fields pertinent to the
                                                  Authority: 38 U.S.C. 3032(d), 3034,                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.
                                                                                                                                                              needs of Veterans who are minority
                                                3241, 3323, 3474, 3481, 3484, 3534(b),                  Juanita J. Mullen and Mr. Dwayne
                                                                                                                                                              group members;
                                                3680(b), 3684, 3686(a), and 10 U.S.C                    Campbell, Center for Minority Veterans,
                                                                                                                                                                (3) Veterans who are minority group
                                                16131(e), 16136(b), chapter 31, section                 Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
                                                                                                                                                              members and who have experience in a
                                                510 and chapter 1607; 38 CFR                            Vermont Ave. NW (00M), Washington,
                                                                                                                                                              military theater of operations;
                                                21.4203(e), 21.4206, 21.5200(d) & (g),                  DC 20420, Telephone (202) 461–6191. A                   (4) Veterans who are minority group
                                                21.7140(c)(3), 21.7159, 21.7640(a)(4),                  copy of the Committee charter and list                members and who do not have such
                                                21.7659, and 21.9720.                                   of the current membership can be                      experience and;
                                                                                                        obtained by contacting Ms. Mullen or by                 (5) Women Veterans who are minority
                                                  Title: Certification of Lessons
                                                                                                        accessing the website managed by CMV                  group members recently separated from
                                                Completed VA Form 22–6553(b)/(b–1).
                                                                                                        at www.va.gov/                                        active military service.
                                                  OMB Control Number: 2900–0353.                        centerforminorityveterans/Advisory_                     Section 544 defines ‘‘minority group
                                                  Type of Review: Extension of a                        Committee.asp.                                        member’’ as an individual who is Asian
                                                currently approved collection.                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                         American, Black, Hispanic, Native
                                                  Abstract: VA uses information from                    carrying out the duties set forth, the                American (including American Indian,
                                                the current collection to determine the                 Committee responsibilities include, but               Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian); or
                                                number of lessons completed by the                      are not limited to:                                   Pacific-Islander American.
                                                student and serviced by the                                (1) Advising the Secretary and                       In accordance with Sec. 544, the
                                                correspondence school and to determine                  Congress on VA’s administration of                    Secretary determines the number, terms
                                                the date of completion or termination of                benefits and provisions of healthcare,                of service, and pay and allowances of
                                                correspondence training. VA pays                        benefits, and services to minority                    members of the Committee appointed by
                                                education benefits based on the                         Veterans.                                             the Secretary, except that a term of
                                                information furnished on the form.                         (2) Providing an Annual report to                  service of any such member may not
                                                Without this information, VA would be                   congress outlining recommendations,                   exceed three years. The Secretary may
                                                unable to determine the proper payment                  concerns and observations on VA’s                     reappoint any member for additional
                                                or the student’s training status.                       delivery of services to minority                      terms of service.
                                                  Affected Public: Individuals and                      Veterans.                                               Professional Qualifications: In
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                households.                                                (3) Meeting with VA officials, Veteran             addition to the criteria above, VA
                                                  Estimated Annual Burden: 110 hours.                   Service Organizations, and other                      seeks—
                                                                                                        stakeholders to assess the Department’s                 (1) Diversity in professional and
                                                  Estimated Average Burden per                          efforts in providing benefits and                     personal qualifications;
                                                Respondent: 10 minutes.                                 outreach to minority Veterans.                          (2) Experience in military service and
                                                  Frequency of Response: On occasion.                      (4) Making periodic site visits and                military deployments (please identify
                                                  Estimated Number of Respondents:                      holding town hall meetings with                       Branch of Service and Rank);
                                                224.                                                    Veterans to address their concerns.                     (3) Current work with Veterans;

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                                                23532                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 98 / Monday, May 21, 2018 / Notices

                                                   (4) Committee subject matter                         experience and qualification relative to              Committee shall be made without
                                                expertise;                                              the professional qualifications criteria              discrimination because of a person’s
                                                   (5) Experience working in large and                  listed above.                                         race, color, religion, sex (including
                                                complex organizations;                                     Individuals selected for appointment               gender identity, transgender status,
                                                   Requirements for Nomination                          to the Committee shall be invited to                  sexual orientation, and pregnancy),
                                                Submission: Nominations should be                       serve a two-year term. Committee                      national origin, age, disability, or
                                                type written (one nomination per                        members will receive a stipend for                    genetic information. Nominations must
                                                nominator). Nomination package should                   attending Committee meetings,                         state that the nominee is willing to serve
                                                include: (1) A letter of nomination that                including per diem and reimbursement
                                                clearly states the name and affiliation of                                                                    as a member of the Committee and
                                                                                                        for travel expenses incurred.
                                                the nominee, the basis for the                             The Department makes every effort to               appears to have no conflict of interest
                                                nomination (i.e. specific attributes                    ensure that the membership of its                     that would preclude membership. An
                                                which qualify the nominee for service in                Federal advisory committees is fairly                 ethics review is conducted for each
                                                this capacity), and a statement from the                balanced in terms of points of view                   selected nominee.
                                                nominee indicating a willingness to                     represented and the committee’s                         Dated: May 16, 2018.
                                                serve as a member of the Committee; (2)                 function. Every effort is made to ensure              Jelessa M. Burney,
                                                the nominee’s contact information,                      that a broad representation of
                                                                                                                                                              Federal Advisory Committee Management
                                                including name, mailing address,                        geographic areas, males & females, racial
                                                telephone numbers, and email address;                   and ethnic minority groups, and the
                                                                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2018–10758 Filed 5–18–18; 8:45 am]
                                                (3) the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and                 disabled are given consideration for
                                                (4) a summary of the nominee’s                          membership. Appointment to this                       BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
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Document Created: 2018-11-02 11:08:24
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 11:08:24
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesNominations for membership on the Committee must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on June 1, 2018.
ContactMs. Juanita J. Mullen and Mr. Dwayne Campbell, Center for Minority Veterans, Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave. NW (00M), Washington, DC 20420, Telephone (202) 461- 6191. A copy of the Committee charter and list of the current membership can be obtained by contacting Ms. Mullen or by accessing the website managed by CMV at www.va.gov/centerforminorityveterans/ Advisory_Committee.asp.
FR Citation83 FR 23531 

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