83_FR_2382 83 FR 2371 - Simplifying Deposit Requirements for Certain Literary Works and Musical Compositions

83 FR 2371 - Simplifying Deposit Requirements for Certain Literary Works and Musical Compositions

Copyright Office

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 11 (January 17, 2018)

Page Range2371-2372
FR Document2018-00701

The United States Copyright Office is issuing a final rule, amending regulations that govern the deposit requirements for certain types of literary works and musical compositions. The final rule is adopted as proposed in the notice of proposed rulemaking, though the Office provides some clarification regarding the rule's application.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 11 (Wednesday, January 17, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 11 (Wednesday, January 17, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 2371-2372]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-00701]



 Copyright Office

37 CFR Part 202

[Docket No. 2017-9]

Simplifying Deposit Requirements for Certain Literary Works and 
Musical Compositions

AGENCY: U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The United States Copyright Office is issuing a final rule, 
amending regulations that govern the deposit requirements for certain 
types of literary works and musical compositions. The final rule is 
adopted as proposed in the notice of proposed rulemaking, though the 
Office provides some clarification regarding the rule's application.

DATES: Effective February 16, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarang V. Damle, General Counsel and 
Associate Register of Copyrights, by email at [email protected]; Robert J. 
Kasunic, Associate Register of Copyrights and Director of Registration 
Policy and Practice, by email at [email protected]; Erik Bertin, Deputy 
Director of Registration Policy and Practice, by email at 
[email protected]; or Cindy Abramson, Assistant General Counsel, by email 
at [email protected]. All can be reached by telephone by calling 202-707-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 16, 2017, the Copyright Office 
published a notice of proposed rulemaking (``NPRM'') to amend the 
regulations governing the deposit requirements for certain types of 
literary works (specifically, literary monographs) and musical 
compositions that are published in print formats.
    Under the previous regulations, two copies of the best edition were 
generally needed to register these types of works and to comply with 
the mandatory deposit requirement. Under the new rule, copyright owners 
will be able to satisfy both registration deposit and mandatory deposit 
requirements by submitting one copy of the best edition of the work. In 
the case of literary monographs, the Office will retain the right to 
demand a second copy under the mandatory deposit provision should the 
Library need it.
    As part of these changes, the rule also clarifies the deposit 
requirements for musical compositions published both in print and 
phonorecord formats, requiring the submission of the print version for 
purposes of copyright registration. If, however, the musical 
composition is published only as a phonorecord, the applicant should 
submit a copy of the phonorecord.
    All of these changes will improve the efficiency of registration 
and mandatory deposit for both the Office and copyright owners alike, 
ensuring that the Office has an adequate registration record and 
continuing to make these works available to the Library of Congress 
when needed for use in its collections or other disposition.
    The NPRM explained in detail the rationale for the rule changes.\1\ 
The Office solicited and received five comments, only two of which were 
substantive. Having reviewed and carefully considered the comments, the 
Copyright Office now issues a final rule identical to the proposed 
rule. While the Office does not believe the comments require any 
alteration to the rule itself, it does believe that some clarification 
would be helpful to both the commenters and copyright owners, and is 
provided here.

    \1\ 82 FR 38859 (Aug. 16, 2017).

    The Association of American Publishers (``AAP'') filed a comment 
regarding the proposed rule as it relates to the deposit of literary 
monographs. While the comment appreciates that the rule ``could reduce 
the financial burdens of publishers with respect to deposit 
regulations,'' it nevertheless does not support the rule because it 
takes issue with the Library's disposition of surplus works. AAP 
Comments at 2.
    AAP appears to believe that there is no authority in the Copyright 
Act for the Library's disposition of surplus works and that the only 
authority comes from the Library's own regulations. AAP Comments at 6-
7. But as discussed in the NPRM, section 704 of the Copyright Act 
explicitly states that ``[i]n the case of published works, all copies, 
phonorecords, and identifying material deposited are available to the 
Library of Congress for its collections, or for exchange or transfer to 
any other library.'' 17 U.S.C. 704(b) (emphasis added). Furthermore, 
AAP's concern about the Library's disposition of surplus books would be 
diminished by adoption of the rule, which limits the volume of works 
(and thereby any surplus) coming in to the Library in the first place. 
AAP concedes that the rule should have that result. AAP Comments at 2. 
In part, a primary goal of the rule is to lessen the burden for 
publishers. Accordingly, the Office chooses to move forward with the 
rule as is and anticipates that AAP's members will benefit 
significantly from the rule.
    The National Music Publishers' Association (``NMPA'') filed a 
comment in support of the rule, subject to certain clarifications 
pertaining to the deposit of musical compositions. Specifically, NMPA 
wanted to clarify that ``where musical works are originally published 
solely as phonorecords, and such musical works are properly deposited 
and registered in accordance with the statutory and regulatory 
directives . . . that the later publication of the same musical work in 
the form of a `copy' does not create an additional burden to 
subsequently deposit and register the work in `copy' form.'' NMPA 
Comments at 2. The Office confirms that a later publication in the form 
of a ``copy'' does not create an additional deposit requirement.
    As NMPA correctly points out, the Copyright Act defines ``best 
edition'' as ``the edition, published in the United States at any time 
before the date of deposit, that the Library of Congress determines to 
be most suitable for its purposes.'' 17 U.S.C. 101 (emphasis added); 
NMPA Comments at 4. NMPA believes, and the Office agrees, that this 
definition limits a ``best edition'' to published works at the time of 
deposit--that is, at the time the deposit for copyright registration or 
mandatory deposit is made. NMPA Comments at 4-5. Therefore, if only a 
phonorecord is published at the time of deposit, a subsequently 
published ``copy'' would not be a ``best edition'' and not be required 
for deposit.
    NMPA proposes language to the rule to clarify any confusion 
regarding subsequent publication of ``copies.'' The Office believes 
that the rule in its current form along with the current definition of 
``best edition'' is sufficient and no changes need to be made to the 

List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 202

    Copyright, Preregistration and registration of claims to copyright.

Final Regulations

    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Copyright Office 
amends 37 CFR part 202 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 202 continues to read as follows:

[[Page 2372]]

    Authority:  17 U.S.C. 408(f), 702.

2. Amend Sec.  202.19 as follows:
a. Add paragraph (b)(5).
b. In paragraph (d)(2)(v), remove the words ``in copies only,'' and add 
in their place ``solely in copies,'' and remove the words ``if the only 
publication of copies in the United States took place by rental, lease, 
or lending,''.
c. Add paragraph (d)(2)(ix).
    The additions read as follows:

Sec.  202.19   Deposit of published copies or phonorecords for the 
Library of Congress.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (5) The term literary monograph means a literary work published in 
one volume or a finite number of volumes. This category does not 
include serials, nor does it include legal publications that are 
published in one volume or a finite number of volumes that contain 
legislative enactments, judicial decisions, or other edicts of 
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (ix) In the case of published literary monographs, the deposit of 
one complete copy of the best edition of the work will suffice in lieu 
of the two copies required by paragraph (d)(1) of this section, unless 
the Copyright Office issues a demand for a second copy pursuant to 17 
U.S.C. 407(d).
* * * * *

3. Amend Sec.  202.20 as follows:
a. Revise paragraph (b)(3).
b. Remove paragraph (b)(4).
c. Redesignate paragraph (b)(5) as paragraph (b)(4).
d. In paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(A) through (D), remove the semicolon and add 
a period in its place at the end of each sentence.
e. Revise paragraph (c)(2)(i)(E).
f. In paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(F) through (I), remove the semicolon and add 
a period in its place at the end of the sentence.
g. In paragraph (c)(2)(i)(J), remove ``; and'' and add a period in its 
place at the end of the sentence.
h. Add paragraph (c)(2)(i)(L).
i. In paragraphs (c)(2)(viii)(A) through (D), remove the semicolon and 
add a period in its place at the end of the sentence.
j. In paragraphs (c)(2)(viii)(C) and (D), remove ``an audiocassette or 
other'' and add in its place ``a''.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  202.20   Deposit of copies and phonorecords for copyright 

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) The terms secure test and literary monograph have the meanings 
set forth in Sec. Sec.  202.13(b) and 202.19(b)(5).
* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (E) Musical compositions published solely in copies or in both 
copies and phonorecords, provided that one complete copy (rather than a 
phonorecord) is deposited.
* * * * *
    (L) Published literary monographs.
* * * * *

    Dated: December 14, 2017.
Karyn Temple Claggett,
Acting Register of Copyrights and Director of the U.S. Copyright 
Carla D. Hayden,
Librarian of Congress.
[FR Doc. 2018-00701 Filed 1-16-18; 8:45 am]

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 17, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                              2371

                                               Dated: December 8, 2017.                              the mandatory deposit provision should                  first place. AAP concedes that the rule
                                             Brent J. Fields,                                        the Library need it.                                    should have that result. AAP Comments
                                             Secretary.                                                 As part of these changes, the rule also              at 2. In part, a primary goal of the rule
                                             [FR Doc. 2018–00625 Filed 1–16–18; 8:45 am]             clarifies the deposit requirements for                  is to lessen the burden for publishers.
                                             BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                     musical compositions published both in                  Accordingly, the Office chooses to move
                                                                                                     print and phonorecord formats,                          forward with the rule as is and
                                                                                                     requiring the submission of the print                   anticipates that AAP’s members will
                                                                                                     version for purposes of copyright                       benefit significantly from the rule.
                                             LIBRARY OF CONGRESS                                     registration. If, however, the musical                     The National Music Publishers’
                                                                                                     composition is published only as a                      Association (‘‘NMPA’’) filed a comment
                                             Copyright Office                                        phonorecord, the applicant should                       in support of the rule, subject to certain
                                                                                                     submit a copy of the phonorecord.                       clarifications pertaining to the deposit
                                             37 CFR Part 202                                            All of these changes will improve the                of musical compositions. Specifically,
                                                                                                     efficiency of registration and mandatory                NMPA wanted to clarify that ‘‘where
                                             [Docket No. 2017–9]
                                                                                                     deposit for both the Office and                         musical works are originally published
                                             Simplifying Deposit Requirements for                    copyright owners alike, ensuring that                   solely as phonorecords, and such
                                             Certain Literary Works and Musical                      the Office has an adequate registration                 musical works are properly deposited
                                             Compositions                                            record and continuing to make these                     and registered in accordance with the
                                                                                                     works available to the Library of                       statutory and regulatory directives . . .
                                             AGENCY:  U.S. Copyright Office, Library                 Congress when needed for use in its                     that the later publication of the same
                                             of Congress.                                            collections or other disposition.                       musical work in the form of a ‘copy’
                                             ACTION: Final rule.                                        The NPRM explained in detail the                     does not create an additional burden to
                                                                                                     rationale for the rule changes.1 The                    subsequently deposit and register the
                                             SUMMARY:    The United States Copyright                 Office solicited and received five                      work in ‘copy’ form.’’ NMPA Comments
                                             Office is issuing a final rule, amending                comments, only two of which were                        at 2. The Office confirms that a later
                                             regulations that govern the deposit                     substantive. Having reviewed and                        publication in the form of a ‘‘copy’’ does
                                             requirements for certain types of literary              carefully considered the comments, the                  not create an additional deposit
                                             works and musical compositions. The                     Copyright Office now issues a final rule                requirement.
                                             final rule is adopted as proposed in the                identical to the proposed rule. While the                  As NMPA correctly points out, the
                                             notice of proposed rulemaking, though                   Office does not believe the comments                    Copyright Act defines ‘‘best edition’’ as
                                             the Office provides some clarification                  require any alteration to the rule itself,              ‘‘the edition, published in the United
                                             regarding the rule’s application.                       it does believe that some clarification                 States at any time before the date of
                                             DATES: Effective February 16, 2018.                     would be helpful to both the                            deposit, that the Library of Congress
                                                                                                     commenters and copyright owners, and
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                                determines to be most suitable for its
                                                                                                     is provided here.
                                             Sarang V. Damle, General Counsel and                                                                            purposes.’’ 17 U.S.C. 101 (emphasis
                                                                                                        The Association of American
                                             Associate Register of Copyrights, by                    Publishers (‘‘AAP’’) filed a comment                    added); NMPA Comments at 4. NMPA
                                             email at sdam@loc.gov; Robert J.                        regarding the proposed rule as it relates               believes, and the Office agrees, that this
                                             Kasunic, Associate Register of                          to the deposit of literary monographs.                  definition limits a ‘‘best edition’’ to
                                             Copyrights and Director of Registration                 While the comment appreciates that the                  published works at the time of deposit—
                                             Policy and Practice, by email at rkas@                  rule ‘‘could reduce the financial                       that is, at the time the deposit for
                                             loc.gov; Erik Bertin, Deputy Director of                burdens of publishers with respect to                   copyright registration or mandatory
                                             Registration Policy and Practice, by                    deposit regulations,’’ it nevertheless                  deposit is made. NMPA Comments at 4–
                                             email at ebertin@loc.gov; or Cindy                      does not support the rule because it                    5. Therefore, if only a phonorecord is
                                             Abramson, Assistant General Counsel,                    takes issue with the Library’s                          published at the time of deposit, a
                                             by email at ciab@loc.gov. All can be                    disposition of surplus works. AAP                       subsequently published ‘‘copy’’ would
                                             reached by telephone by calling 202–                    Comments at 2.                                          not be a ‘‘best edition’’ and not be
                                             707–8040.                                                  AAP appears to believe that there is                 required for deposit.
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August                    no authority in the Copyright Act for the                  NMPA proposes language to the rule
                                             16, 2017, the Copyright Office published                Library’s disposition of surplus works                  to clarify any confusion regarding
                                             a notice of proposed rulemaking                         and that the only authority comes from                  subsequent publication of ‘‘copies.’’ The
                                             (‘‘NPRM’’) to amend the regulations                     the Library’s own regulations. AAP                      Office believes that the rule in its
                                             governing the deposit requirements for                  Comments at 6–7. But as discussed in                    current form along with the current
                                             certain types of literary works                         the NPRM, section 704 of the Copyright                  definition of ‘‘best edition’’ is sufficient
                                             (specifically, literary monographs) and                 Act explicitly states that ‘‘[i]n the case              and no changes need to be made to the
                                             musical compositions that are published                 of published works, all copies,                         rule.
                                             in print formats.                                       phonorecords, and identifying material                  List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 202
                                                Under the previous regulations, two                  deposited are available to the Library of
                                             copies of the best edition were generally                                                                         Copyright, Preregistration and
                                                                                                     Congress for its collections, or for
                                             needed to register these types of works                                                                         registration of claims to copyright.
                                                                                                     exchange or transfer to any other
                                             and to comply with the mandatory                        library.’’ 17 U.S.C. 704(b) (emphasis                   Final Regulations
                                             deposit requirement. Under the new                      added). Furthermore, AAP’s concern                        For the reasons set forth in the
                                             rule, copyright owners will be able to
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     about the Library’s disposition of                      preamble, the Copyright Office amends
                                             satisfy both registration deposit and                   surplus books would be diminished by                    37 CFR part 202 as follows:
                                             mandatory deposit requirements by                       adoption of the rule, which limits the
                                             submitting one copy of the best edition                 volume of works (and thereby any                        PART 202—GENERAL PROVISIONS
                                             of the work. In the case of literary                    surplus) coming in to the Library in the
                                             monographs, the Office will retain the                                                                          ■ 1. The authority citation for part 202
                                             right to demand a second copy under                       1 82   FR 38859 (Aug. 16, 2017).                      continues to read as follows:

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:56 Jan 16, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00043    Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\17JAR1.SGM   17JAR1

                                             2372             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 17, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 Authority: 17 U.S.C. 408(f), 702.                   work will suffice in lieu of the two                     The revisions and additions read as
                                             ■ 2. Amend § 202.19 as follows:                         copies required by paragraph (d)(1) of                 follows:
                                             ■ a. Add paragraph (b)(5).                              this section, unless the Copyright Office
                                                                                                     issues a demand for a second copy                      § 202.20 Deposit of copies and
                                             ■ b. In paragraph (d)(2)(v), remove the                                                                        phonorecords for copyright registration.
                                             words ‘‘in copies only,’’ and add in their              pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 407(d).
                                                                                                                                                            *     *     *    *     *
                                             place ‘‘solely in copies,’’ and remove the              *      *    *     *     *
                                                                                                                                                              (b) * * *
                                             words ‘‘if the only publication of copies               ■ 3. Amend § 202.20 as follows:                          (3) The terms secure test and literary
                                             in the United States took place by                      ■ a. Revise paragraph (b)(3).                          monograph have the meanings set forth
                                             rental, lease, or lending,’’.                           ■ b. Remove paragraph (b)(4).                          in §§ 202.13(b) and 202.19(b)(5).
                                             ■ c. Add paragraph (d)(2)(ix).
                                                                                                     ■ c. Redesignate paragraph (b)(5) as                   *     *     *    *     *
                                               The additions read as follows:                        paragraph (b)(4).                                        (c) * * *
                                             § 202.19 Deposit of published copies or                 ■ d. In paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(A) through                  (2) * * *
                                             phonorecords for the Library of Congress.               (D), remove the semicolon and add a                      (i) * * *
                                             *      *     *     *     *                              period in its place at the end of each                   (E) Musical compositions published
                                                (b) * * *                                            sentence.                                              solely in copies or in both copies and
                                                (5) The term literary monograph                      ■ e. Revise paragraph (c)(2)(i)(E).                    phonorecords, provided that one
                                             means a literary work published in one                  ■ f. In paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(F) through (I),           complete copy (rather than a
                                             volume or a finite number of volumes.                   remove the semicolon and add a period                  phonorecord) is deposited.
                                             This category does not include serials,                 in its place at the end of the sentence.               *     *     *    *     *
                                             nor does it include legal publications                  ■ g. In paragraph (c)(2)(i)(J), remove ‘‘;               (L) Published literary monographs.
                                             that are published in one volume or a                   and’’ and add a period in its place at the             *     *     *    *     *
                                             finite number of volumes that contain                   end of the sentence.
                                             legislative enactments, judicial                        ■ h. Add paragraph (c)(2)(i)(L).
                                                                                                                                                               Dated: December 14, 2017.
                                             decisions, or other edicts of government.               ■ i. In paragraphs (c)(2)(viii)(A) through             Karyn Temple Claggett,
                                             *      *     *     *     *                              (D), remove the semicolon and add a                    Acting Register of Copyrights and Director
                                                (d) * * *                                            period in its place at the end of the                  of the U.S. Copyright Office.
                                                (2) * * *                                            sentence.                                              Carla D. Hayden,
                                                (ix) In the case of published literary               ■ j. In paragraphs (c)(2)(viii)(C) and (D),            Librarian of Congress.
                                             monographs, the deposit of one                          remove ‘‘an audiocassette or other’’ and               [FR Doc. 2018–00701 Filed 1–16–18; 8:45 am]
                                             complete copy of the best edition of the                add in its place ‘‘a’’.                                BILLING CODE 1410–30–P
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Document Created: 2018-10-26 09:55:50
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 09:55:50
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective February 16, 2018.
ContactSarang V. Damle, General Counsel and Associate Register of Copyrights, by email at [email protected]; Robert J. Kasunic, Associate Register of Copyrights and Director of Registration Policy and Practice, by email at [email protected]; Erik Bertin, Deputy Director of Registration Policy and Practice, by email at [email protected]; or Cindy Abramson, Assistant General Counsel, by email at [email protected] All can be reached by telephone by calling 202-707- 8040.
FR Citation83 FR 2371 
CFR AssociatedCopyright and Preregistration and Registration of Claims to Copyright

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