83_FR_25125 83 FR 25020 - Solicitation of Written Comments on the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Implementation Work Group Draft Report and Draft Recommendations for Consideration by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee

83 FR 25020 - Solicitation of Written Comments on the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Implementation Work Group Draft Report and Draft Recommendations for Consideration by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 105 (May 31, 2018)

Page Range25020-25021
FR Document2018-11745

The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) was established in 1987 to comply with Title XXI of the Public Health Service Act. Its purpose is to advise and make recommendations to the Director of the National Vaccine Program on matters related to program responsibilities. The Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) has been designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) as the Director of the National Vaccine Program. The National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) is located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NVPO provides leadership and fosters collaboration among the various federal agencies involved in vaccine and immunization activities. The NVPO also supports the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). The NVAC advises and makes recommendations to the ASH in his capacity as the Director of the National Vaccine Program on matters related to vaccine program responsibilities. The ASH charged the NVAC in February 2018 to establish a work group to produce a brief report by June 2018 on recommendations to strengthen the effectiveness of national, state, and local efforts to improve Human Papillomavirus (HPV) coverage rates. Through a series of conference calls, electronic communication, and public discussion at the May 3, 2018, NVAC public meeting, the work group identified a number of draft recommendations for consideration by the NVAC. The work group's draft report and recommendations will inform NVAC deliberations as it finalizes recommendations for transmittal to the ASH. On behalf of NVAC, NVPO is soliciting public comment on the draft report and draft recommendations from a variety of stakeholders, including the general public, for consideration by the NVAC as they develop their final recommendations to the ASH. It is anticipated that the draft report and draft recommendations, as revised with consideration given to public comment and stakeholder input, will be presented to the NVAC for adoption in June 2018 at the quarterly NVAC meeting.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 105 (Thursday, May 31, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 105 (Thursday, May 31, 2018)]
[Pages 25020-25021]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-11745]



Solicitation of Written Comments on the Human Papillomavirus 
Vaccination Implementation Work Group Draft Report and Draft 
Recommendations for Consideration by the National Vaccine Advisory 

AGENCY: National Vaccine Program Office, Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Health, Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and 
Human Services.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) was established 
in 1987 to comply with Title XXI of the Public Health Service Act. Its 
purpose is to advise and make recommendations to the Director of the 
National Vaccine Program on matters related to program 
responsibilities. The Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) has been 
designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) as the 
Director of the National Vaccine Program. The National Vaccine Program 
Office (NVPO) is located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary 
for Health (OASH), Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health 
and Human Services (HHS). NVPO provides leadership and fosters 
collaboration among the various federal agencies involved in vaccine 
and immunization activities. The NVPO also supports the National 
Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). The NVAC advises and makes 
recommendations to the ASH in his capacity as the Director of the 
National Vaccine Program on matters related to vaccine program 
    The ASH charged the NVAC in February 2018 to establish a work group 
to produce a brief report by June 2018 on recommendations to strengthen 
the effectiveness of national, state, and local efforts to improve 
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) coverage rates. Through a series of 
conference calls, electronic communication, and public discussion at 
the May 3, 2018, NVAC public meeting, the work group identified a 
number of draft recommendations for consideration by the NVAC. The work 
group's draft report and recommendations will inform NVAC deliberations 
as it finalizes recommendations for transmittal to the ASH.
    On behalf of NVAC, NVPO is soliciting public comment on the draft 
report and draft recommendations from a variety of stakeholders, 
including the general public, for consideration by the NVAC as they 
develop their final recommendations to the ASH. It is anticipated that 
the draft report and draft recommendations, as revised with 
consideration given to public comment and stakeholder input, will be 
presented to the NVAC for adoption in June 2018 at the quarterly NVAC 

DATES: Comments for consideration by the NVAC should be received no 
later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on June 15, 2018.

    (1) The draft report and draft recommendations are available on the 
web at http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac/index.html.
    (2) Electronic responses may be sent to: nvac@hhs.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Captain Angela Shen, Designated 
Federal Officer, National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of 
Health and Human Services, Room 715H, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20201. Phone: 202-690-5566; 
email nvac@hhs.gov.


I. Background

    On June 9, 2015, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) 
issued a report ``Overcoming Barriers to Low HPV Vaccine Uptake in the 
United States: Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory 
Committee.'' This report provided recommendations to the ASH on how to 
increase Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake in young adolescents 
by reviewing the current state of HPV immunization, understanding the 
root cause(s) for the observed relatively low vaccine uptake (both 
initiation and series completion), and identifying existing best 
practices. Since the original NVAC HPV report, substantial progress led 
to policy and program changes and advances in research. To build on the 
substantial progress made toward increasing HPV vaccination coverage 
rates, the ASH charged the NVAC in February 2018 to establish a work 
group to produce a brief report by June 2018 on recommendations to 
``strengthen the effectiveness of national, state, and local efforts to 
improve HPV coverage rates.'' The ASH specifically requested the NVAC 
to consider the following:
    (1) Many national organizations are currently supporting HPV 
efforts. Are there additional national organizations that might 
contribute to increasing HPV vaccination coverage?
    (2) At the state level, many states have formed coalitions to 
support HPV vaccination efforts. Is there general guidance for states 
that do not yet have coalitions?
    (3) Integrated health care delivery networks can successfully 
integrate comprehensive quality improvement approaches to increase 
vaccination coverage rates. How can state immunization programs and 
coalitions engage with health systems to work together on improving HPV 
vaccination coverage?
    (4) Please specify recommendations on how to meet the needs of 
providers in rural areas.
    The NVAC established the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination 
Implementation Work Group in February 2018, a work group tasked to 
engage with a wide-range of implementation partners from across all 
sectors (e.g., government, industry, health systems, associations, 
academia, and non-profit) to inform NVAC's work and these 
    The NVAC draft report highlights the progress made toward 
increasing HPV vaccination coverage rates, since the 2015 NVAC report. 
The recommendations detail how the ASH can support HHS activities to 
strengthen the effectiveness of national, state, and local efforts to 
improve HPV coverage rates.

II. Request for Comment

    NVPO, on behalf of the NVAC HPV Vaccination Implementation Work 
Group, requests input on the draft report

[[Page 25021]]

and draft recommendations. Please limit your comments to three (3) 

III. Potential Responders

    HHS invites input from a broad range of stakeholders including 
individuals and organizations that have interests U.S. vaccine and 
immunization efforts and the role of HHS in advancing those efforts.
    Examples of potential responders include, but are not limited to, 
the following:

--General public;
--advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, and public interest 
--academics, professional societies, and healthcare organizations;
--public health officials and immunization program managers;
--physician and non-physician providers that administer immunization 
services, including pharmacists; and
--representatives from the private sector.

    When responding, please self-identify with any of the above or 
other categories (include all that apply) and your name. Anonymous 
submissions will not be considered. Written submissions should not 
exceed three (3) pages. Please do not send proprietary, commercial, 
financial, business, confidential, trade secret, or personal 

    Dated: May 24, 2018.
Roula Sweis,
Deputy Director, National Vaccine Program Office.
[FR Doc. 2018-11745 Filed 5-30-18; 8:45 am]

                                              25020                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 105 / Thursday, May 31, 2018 / Notices

                                                 This draft guidance is being issued                  among the various federal agencies                    This report provided recommendations
                                              consistent with FDA’s good guidance                     involved in vaccine and immunization                  to the ASH on how to increase Human
                                              practices regulation (21 CFR 10.115).                   activities. The NVPO also supports the                Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake in
                                              The draft guidance, when finalized, will                National Vaccine Advisory Committee                   young adolescents by reviewing the
                                              represent the current thinking of FDA                   (NVAC). The NVAC advises and makes                    current state of HPV immunization,
                                              on ‘‘Q12 Technical and Regulatory                       recommendations to the ASH in his                     understanding the root cause(s) for the
                                              Considerations for Pharmaceutical                       capacity as the Director of the National              observed relatively low vaccine uptake
                                              Product Lifecycle Management.’’ It does                 Vaccine Program on matters related to                 (both initiation and series completion),
                                              not establish any rights for any person                 vaccine program responsibilities.                     and identifying existing best practices.
                                              and is not binding on FDA or the public.                   The ASH charged the NVAC in                        Since the original NVAC HPV report,
                                              You can use an alternative approach if                  February 2018 to establish a work group               substantial progress led to policy and
                                              it satisfies the requirements of the                    to produce a brief report by June 2018                program changes and advances in
                                              applicable statutes and regulations. This               on recommendations to strengthen the                  research. To build on the substantial
                                              guidance is not subject to Executive                    effectiveness of national, state, and local           progress made toward increasing HPV
                                              Order 12866.                                            efforts to improve Human                              vaccination coverage rates, the ASH
                                                                                                      Papillomavirus (HPV) coverage rates.                  charged the NVAC in February 2018 to
                                              II. Electronic Access
                                                                                                      Through a series of conference calls,                 establish a work group to produce a
                                                 Persons with access to the internet                  electronic communication, and public                  brief report by June 2018 on
                                              may obtain the document at https://                     discussion at the May 3, 2018, NVAC                   recommendations to ‘‘strengthen the
                                              www.regulations.gov, https://                           public meeting, the work group                        effectiveness of national, state, and local
                                              www.fda.gov/Drugs/Guidance                              identified a number of draft                          efforts to improve HPV coverage rates.’’
                                              ComplianceRegulatoryInformation/                        recommendations for consideration by                  The ASH specifically requested the
                                              Guidances/default.htm, or https://                      the NVAC. The work group’s draft                      NVAC to consider the following:
                                              www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/                     report and recommendations will                          (1) Many national organizations are
                                              GuidanceComplianceRegulatory                            inform NVAC deliberations as it                       currently supporting HPV efforts. Are
                                              Information/Guidances/default.htm.                      finalizes recommendations for                         there additional national organizations
                                                Dated: May 24, 2018.                                  transmittal to the ASH.                               that might contribute to increasing HPV
                                              Leslie Kux,                                                On behalf of NVAC, NVPO is                         vaccination coverage?
                                              Associate Commissioner for Policy.                      soliciting public comment on the draft                   (2) At the state level, many states have
                                                                                                      report and draft recommendations from                 formed coalitions to support HPV
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–11641 Filed 5–30–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      a variety of stakeholders, including the              vaccination efforts. Is there general
                                              BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                                                                                      general public, for consideration by the              guidance for states that do not yet have
                                                                                                      NVAC as they develop their final                      coalitions?
                                                                                                      recommendations to the ASH. It is                        (3) Integrated health care delivery
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                      anticipated that the draft report and                 networks can successfully integrate
                                              HUMAN SERVICES
                                                                                                      draft recommendations, as revised with                comprehensive quality improvement
                                              Solicitation of Written Comments on                     consideration given to public comment                 approaches to increase vaccination
                                              the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination                    and stakeholder input, will be presented              coverage rates. How can state
                                              Implementation Work Group Draft                         to the NVAC for adoption in June 2018                 immunization programs and coalitions
                                              Report and Draft Recommendations                        at the quarterly NVAC meeting.                        engage with health systems to work
                                              for Consideration by the National                       DATES: Comments for consideration by
                                                                                                                                                            together on improving HPV vaccination
                                              Vaccine Advisory Committee                              the NVAC should be received no later                  coverage?
                                                                                                                                                               (4) Please specify recommendations
                                              AGENCY:  National Vaccine Program                       than 5:00 p.m. EDT on June 15, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                            on how to meet the needs of providers
                                              Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary               ADDRESSES:
                                                                                                                                                            in rural areas.
                                              for Health, Office of the Secretary,                       (1) The draft report and draft                        The NVAC established the Human
                                              Department of Health and Human                          recommendations are available on the                  Papillomavirus Vaccination
                                              Services.                                               web at http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac/                  Implementation Work Group in
                                                                                                      index.html.                                           February 2018, a work group tasked to
                                              ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                         (2) Electronic responses may be sent               engage with a wide-range of
                                              SUMMARY:   The National Vaccine                         to: nvac@hhs.gov.                                     implementation partners from across all
                                              Advisory Committee (NVAC) was                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      sectors (e.g., government, industry,
                                              established in 1987 to comply with Title                Captain Angela Shen, Designated                       health systems, associations, academia,
                                              XXI of the Public Health Service Act. Its               Federal Officer, National Vaccine                     and non-profit) to inform NVAC’s work
                                              purpose is to advise and make                           Program Office, U.S. Department of                    and these recommendations.
                                              recommendations to the Director of the                  Health and Human Services, Room                          The NVAC draft report highlights the
                                              National Vaccine Program on matters                     715H, Hubert H. Humphrey Building,                    progress made toward increasing HPV
                                              related to program responsibilities. The                200 Independence Avenue SW,                           vaccination coverage rates, since the
                                              Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) has                Washington, DC 20201. Phone: 202–                     2015 NVAC report. The
                                              been designated by the Secretary of                     690–5566; email nvac@hhs.gov.                         recommendations detail how the ASH
                                              Health and Human Services (HHS) as                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            can support HHS activities to strengthen
                                              the Director of the National Vaccine                                                                          the effectiveness of national, state, and
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Program. The National Vaccine Program                   I. Background
                                                                                                                                                            local efforts to improve HPV coverage
                                              Office (NVPO) is located within the                        On June 9, 2015, the National Vaccine              rates.
                                              Office of the Assistant Secretary for                   Advisory Committee (NVAC) issued a
                                              Health (OASH), Office of the Secretary,                 report ‘‘Overcoming Barriers to Low                   II. Request for Comment
                                              U.S. Department of Health and Human                     HPV Vaccine Uptake in the United                         NVPO, on behalf of the NVAC HPV
                                              Services (HHS). NVPO provides                           States: Recommendations from the                      Vaccination Implementation Work
                                              leadership and fosters collaboration                    National Vaccine Advisory Committee.’’                Group, requests input on the draft report

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:46 May 30, 2018   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00055   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\31MYN1.SGM   31MYN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 105 / Thursday, May 31, 2018 / Notices                                                  25021

                                              and draft recommendations. Please limit                 This meeting will be held online via                  individuals toward making informed
                                              your comments to three (3) pages.                       webinar and is open to the public. The                health decisions, and measure the
                                                                                                      Committee will discuss the nation’s                   impact of our prevention and health
                                              III. Potential Responders
                                                                                                      health promotion and disease                          promotion activities. Healthy People
                                                 HHS invites input from a broad range                 prevention objectives and will provide                2030 health objectives will reflect
                                              of stakeholders including individuals                   recommendations to improve health                     assessments of major risks to health and
                                              and organizations that have interests                   status and reduce health risks for the                wellness, changing public health
                                              U.S. vaccine and immunization efforts                   nation by the year 2030. The Committee                priorities, and emerging technologies
                                              and the role of HHS in advancing those                  will further develop recommendations                  related to our nation’s health
                                              efforts.                                                regarding setting targets for the Healthy             preparedness and prevention.
                                                 Examples of potential responders                     People 2030 objectives and                              Public Participation at Meeting:
                                              include, but are not limited to, the                    recommendations regarding the role of                 Members of the public are invited to
                                              following:                                              law and policy, systems science, health               join the online Committee meeting.
                                              —General public;                                        literacy, health promotion, health and                There will be no opportunity for oral
                                              —advocacy groups, non-profit                            well-being, summary measures, and                     public comments during this online
                                                 organizations, and public interest                   health equity in Healthy People 2030.                 Committee meeting. However, written
                                                 organizations;                                       Pursuant to the Committee’s charter, the              comments are welcome throughout the
                                              —academics, professional societies, and                 Committee’s advice must assist the                    entire development process of the
                                                 healthcare organizations;                            Secretary in reducing the number of                   national health promotion and disease
                                              —public health officials and                            objectives while ensuring that the                    prevention objectives for 2030 and may
                                                 immunization program managers;                       selection criteria identifies the most                be emailed to HP2030@hhs.gov.
                                              —physician and non-physician                            critical public health issues that are                  To join the Committee meeting,
                                                 providers that administer                            high-impact priorities supported by                   individuals must pre-register at the
                                                 immunization services, including                     current national data.                                Healthy People website at http://
                                                 pharmacists; and                                     DATES: The Committee will meet on July                www.healthypeople.gov. Participation in
                                              —representatives from the private                       10, 2018, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                 the meeting is limited. Registrations will
                                                 sector.                                              Eastern Time (ET).                                    be accepted until maximum webinar
                                                                                                      ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held                   capacity is reached, and must be
                                                 When responding, please self-identify                                                                      completed by 9:00 a.m. ET on July 10,
                                                                                                      online via webinar. To register to attend
                                              with any of the above or other categories                                                                     2018. A waiting list will be maintained
                                                                                                      the meeting, please visit the Healthy
                                              (include all that apply) and your name.                                                                       should registrations exceed capacity,
                                                                                                      People website at http://
                                              Anonymous submissions will not be                                                                             and those individuals will be contacted
                                              considered. Written submissions should                                                                        as additional space for the meeting
                                              not exceed three (3) pages. Please do not               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      Emmeline Ochiai, Designated Federal                   becomes available. Registration
                                              send proprietary, commercial, financial,                                                                      questions may be directed to
                                              business, confidential, trade secret, or                Official, Secretary’s Advisory
                                                                                                      Committee on National Health                          HealthyPeople@norc.org.
                                              personal information.                                                                                           Authority: 42 U.S.C. 300u and 42
                                                                                                      Promotion and Disease Prevention
                                                Dated: May 24, 2018.                                                                                        U.S.C. 217a. The Secretary’s Advisory
                                                                                                      Objectives for 2030, U.S. Department of
                                              Roula Sweis,                                                                                                  Committee on National Health
                                                                                                      Health and Human Services, Office of
                                              Deputy Director, National Vaccine Program               the Assistant Secretary for Health,                   Promotion and Disease Prevention
                                              Office.                                                 Office of Disease Prevention and Health               Objectives for 2030 is governed by
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–11745 Filed 5–30–18; 8:45 am]             Promotion, 1101 Wootton Parkway,                      provisions of the Federal Advisory
                                              BILLING CODE 4150–44–P                                  Room LL–100, Rockville, MD 20852,                     Committee Act (FACA), Public Law 92–
                                                                                                      (240) 453–8255 (telephone), (240) 453–                463, as amended (5 U.S.C., App.) which
                                                                                                      8281 (fax). Additional information is                 sets forth standards for the formation
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                available on the Healthy People website               and use of federal advisory committees.
                                              HUMAN SERVICES                                          at http://www.healthypeople.gov.                        Dated: May 24, 2018.
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        Don Wright,
                                              Meeting of the Secretary’s Advisory
                                              Committee on National Health                            names and biographies of the                          Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health,
                                                                                                      Committee members are available at                    (Disease Prevention and Health Promotion).
                                              Promotion and Disease Prevention
                                              Objectives for 2030                                     https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/                   [FR Doc. 2018–11600 Filed 5–30–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      about/history-development/healthy-                    BILLING CODE 4150–32–P
                                              AGENCY:  Office of Disease Prevention                   people-2030-advisory-committee.
                                              and Health Promotion, Office of the                        Purpose of Meeting: Through the
                                              Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of               Healthy People initiative, HHS leverages              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                              the Secretary, Department of Health and                 scientific insights and lessons from the              HUMAN SERVICES
                                              Human Services.                                         past decade, along with new knowledge
                                                                                                      of current data, trends, and innovations,             National Institutes of Health
                                              ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                      to develop the next iteration of national
                                              SUMMARY:  The U.S. Department of                        health promotion and disease                          Center for Scientific Review; Notice of
                                              Health and Human Services (HHS)                         prevention objectives. Healthy People                 Closed Meetings
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              announces the next meeting of the                       provides science-based, 10-year national                Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
                                              Secretary’s Advisory Committee on                       objectives for promoting health and                   Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
                                              National Health Promotion and Disease                   preventing disease. Since 1979, Healthy               amended, notice is hereby given of the
                                              Prevention Objectives for 2030                          People has set and monitored national                 following meetings.
                                              (Committee) regarding the development                   health objectives that meet a broad                     The meetings will be closed to the
                                              of national health promotion and                        range of health needs, encourage                      public in accordance with the
                                              disease prevention objectives for 2030.                 collaboration across sectors, guide                   provisions set forth in sections

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Document Created: 2018-05-31 00:48:46
Document Modified: 2018-05-31 00:48:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesComments for consideration by the NVAC should be received no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on June 15, 2018.
ContactCaptain Angela Shen, Designated Federal Officer, National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Room 715H, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20201. Phone: 202-690-5566; email [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 25020 

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