83_FR_25581 83 FR 25475 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Addressing the Issuance of Incidental Take Permits for Four Wind Energy Projects in Hawai`i

83 FR 25475 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Addressing the Issuance of Incidental Take Permits for Four Wind Energy Projects in Hawai`i

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 106 (June 1, 2018)

Page Range25475-25479
FR Document2018-11821

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), intend to prepare a draft programmatic environmental impact statement addressing the potential impacts on the human environment caused by alternatives described in habitat conservation plans (HCPs) for four similar wind energy projects. The HCPs were submitted to the Service in support of requests for incidental take permits (ITPs) under the Endangered Species Act authorizing the take of endangered species. The proposed permit actions involve a new HCP for the Pakini Nui Wind Farm on the Island of Hawai`i and major amendments to three existing HCPs addressing the Auwahi Wind and Kaheawa Wind Power II projects, both located on Maui, and the Kawailoa Wind Power project, located on O`ahu. All four wind energy facilities are already constructed and in operation. The proposed ITP and proposed ITP amendments would address take of three endangered species: The Hawaiian hoary bat, the Hawaiian goose, and the Hawaiian petrel.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 106 (Friday, June 1, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 106 (Friday, June 1, 2018)]
[Pages 25475-25479]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-11821]



Fish and Wildlife Service

[FWS-R1-ES-2018-N007]; [FXES11140100000-189-FF01E00000]

Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact 
Statement Addressing the Issuance of Incidental Take Permits for Four 
Wind Energy Projects in Hawai`i

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of intent; notice of public scoping meetings; request 
for comments.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), intend to 
prepare a draft programmatic environmental impact statement addressing 
the potential impacts on the human environment caused by alternatives 
described in habitat conservation plans (HCPs) for four similar wind 
energy projects. The HCPs were submitted to the Service in support of 
requests for incidental take permits (ITPs) under the Endangered 
Species Act authorizing the take of endangered species. The proposed 
permit actions involve a new HCP for the Pakini Nui Wind Farm on the 
Island of Hawai`i and major amendments to three existing HCPs 
addressing the Auwahi Wind and Kaheawa Wind Power II projects, both 
located on Maui, and the Kawailoa Wind Power project, located on O`ahu. 
All four wind energy facilities are already constructed and in 
operation. The proposed ITP and proposed ITP amendments would address 
take of three endangered species: The Hawaiian hoary bat, the Hawaiian 
goose, and the Hawaiian petrel.

DATES: The public scoping period begins with the publication of this 
notice in the Federal Register and will continue through July 2, 2018. 
The Service will consider all written comments on the scope of the 
analysis that are received or postmarked by this date.
    Public meetings: The Service will hold three public scoping 
meetings, one each on the islands of Hawai`i, Maui, and O`ahu, at the 
following times during the scoping period:
     Hawai`i: June 18, 2018, 6 to 8 p.m.
     Maui: June 20, 2018, 6 to 8 p.m.
     O`ahu: June 21, 2018 6 to 8 p.m.

ADDRESSES: To request further information or submit written comments, 
please use one of the following methods. Please include ``Wind Energy 
HCPs and PEIS Scoping'' in the subject line of your request, message, 
or comment.
     U.S. Mail: Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, 300 Ala Moana 
Boulevard, Room 3-122, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96850.
     Email: [email protected].
     Fax: 808-792-9580, Attn: Field Supervisor.
     Internet: You may obtain copies of this notice from the 
Service's Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office in Honolulu, 
Hawai`i, or on the internet at https://www.fws.gov/pacificislands/.
    Public meetings: The three public scoping meetings will be held at 
the following locations:
     Hawai`i: Na`alehu Community Center, 95-5635 Mamalahoa 
Hwy., Na`alehu, Hawai`i, HI 96772.
     Maui: Malcolm Center, 1305 North Holopono Street, Suite 5, 
K[imacr]hei, Maui, HI 96753
     O`ahu: Sunset Beach Recreation Center, 59-540 Kamehameha 
Hwy., Haleiwa, O`ahu, HI 96712

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Darren LeBlanc, at 808-792-9403, or 
Michelle Bogardus at 808-792-9473. Persons who use a telecommunications 
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 
1-800-877-8339 during normal business hours. Also, FRS is available 24 
hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question. You will 
receive a reply during normal business hours.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are 
initiating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance 
process related to four incidental take permit (ITP) applications under 
section 10 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (ESA) (16 U.S.C. 
1531 et seq.). The applications are for four wind energy projects in 
Hawai`i. The proposed ITPs (involving one new and three amended ITPs) 
would authorize take of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat 
([omacr]pe`ape`a in Hawaiian; Lasiurus cinereus semotus), the 
endangered Hawaiian goose (n[emacr]n[emacr] in Hawaiian; Branta 
sandvicensis), and the endangered Hawaiian petrel (`ua`u in Hawaiian; 
Pterodroma sandwichensis).
    The Service provides this notice to (1) advise other Federal and 
State agencies, local governments, and the general public of our intent 
to prepare a programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS); (2) 
announce the initiation of a 30-day scoping period; and (3) request 
information and recommendations on the scope of the issues to be 
included in the PEIS, including input on the appropriateness of our 
intent to develop a single PEIS addressing project-specific 
alternatives and cumulative impacts of the four separate permit 
decisions, instead of preparing an individual EIS for each of the 
proposed permit actions. The four wind energy facilities are already 
constructed and in operation. Therefore, the PEIS will address only 
effects associated with the operation of the four wind energy projects.
    The PEIS will serve as the Service's documentation of compliance 
with NEPA. The Service believes a programmatic NEPA analysis of similar 
wind energy project-related permit decisions provides the following 
benefits: A comprehensive analysis of cumulative impacts across all 
projects; a reduction in duplicative efforts between projects; improved 
consistency in the analysis; and a more efficient and comprehensive 
solicitation of public input.


    Section 9 of the ESA prohibits ``take'' of fish and wildlife 
species listed as endangered or threatened. Under section 3 of the ESA, 
the term ``take'' means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, 
kill, trap, capture, or collect, or attempt to engage in any such 
conduct (16 U.S.C. 1532(19)). The term ``harm'' is further defined by 
regulation in title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations as an act 
that actually kills or injures wildlife. Such act may include 
significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills 
or injures wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral 
patterns, including breeding, feeding, or sheltering (50 CFR 17.3). The 

[[Page 25476]]

``harass'' is also further defined in the regulations as an intentional 
or negligent act or omission that creates the likelihood of injury to 
wildlife by annoying it to such an extent as to significantly disrupt 
normal behavioral patterns, which include, but are not limited to, 
breeding, feeding, or sheltering (50 CFR 17.3).
    Pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA, the Service may 
authorize take of federally listed species, if such take occurs 
incidental to otherwise legal activities and a habitat conservation 
plan (HCP) has been developed under section 10(a)(2)(A) that describes: 
(1) The impact that will likely result from such taking; (2) the steps 
an applicant will take to minimize and mitigate that take to the 
maximum extent practicable and the funding that will be available to 
implement such steps; (3) alternative actions to such taking that an 
applicant considered and the reasons why such alternatives are not 
being used; and (4) other measures the Service may require as being 
necessary or appropriate for the purposes of the plan.
    Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA contains provisions for issuing ITPs 
to non-Federal entities for the take of endangered and threatened 
species, provided the following criteria are met: (1) The taking will 
be incidental to otherwise lawful activities; (2) an applicant will, to 
the maximum extent practicable, minimize and mitigate the impacts of 
such taking; (3) an applicant has ensured that adequate funding for the 
plan will be provided; (4) the taking will not appreciably reduce the 
likelihood of the survival and recovery of the species in the wild; and 
(5) the applicant will carry out any other measures we require as 
necessary or appropriate for the purposes of the plan. Regulations 
governing permits for endangered and threatened species are at 50 CFR 
17.22 and 17.32, respectively. The Service's general permitting 
regulations, found at 50 CFR 13.1-13.29, also apply to these actions.

Proposed Action

    The Service intends to prepare a PEIS to evaluate the project-
specific alternatives and cumulative impacts of four ITP decisions 
addressing a newly proposed HCP for the Pakini Nui Wind Farm and major 
amendments for three existing HCPs for the Auwahi Wind, Kawailoa Wind 
Power, and KWP II wind energy projects. If these proposed HCPs meet 
permit issuance criteria, the Service would issue separate ITPs to each 
of the four permit applicants. The existing projects, the amount of 
take authorized in their original ITP, and the estimated levels of take 
in the proposed new or amended HCPs (See Tables 1-3) are briefly 
described below. The ITPs, if issued, would authorize the incidental 
take of listed species caused by the operation of existing land-based 
wind energy facilities.

 Tables 1-3--Estimated Change in Authorized Take Requested for the Hawaiian Hoary Bat, the Hawaiian Petrel, and
                                    the Hawaiian Goose per Project Applicant
                                                           Take currently
                        Project                            authorized 1 2         Change           Total \3\
                                           Table 1--Hawaiian Hoary Bat
Auwahi.................................................                 21               +176                197
Kawailoa...............................................                 60               +162                222
KWPII..................................................                 11                +27                 38
Pakini Nui.............................................                 NA                +26                 26
    Total..............................................                 92               +391                483
                                           Table 2--Hawaiian Petrel 4
Auwahi.................................................                 87                  0                 87
Kawailoa...............................................                  0                 +7                  7
KWPII..................................................                 43                  0                 43
Pakini Nui.............................................                 NA                 +3                  3
    Total..............................................                130                +10                140
                                            Table 3--Hawaiian Goose 4
Auwahi.................................................                  5                  0                  5
Kawailoa...............................................                  0                  0                  0
KWPII..................................................                 30                +14                 44
Pakini Nui.............................................                 NA                 +3                  3
    Total..............................................                 35                +17                 52
\1\ Take for the Hawaiian hoary bat was originally authorized for adults and juveniles separately.
\2\ A clarification issued in 2014 simplified the way in which indirect take (e.g., loss of dependent juveniles)
  associated with the mortality of a breeding adult was accounted for and tracked. Juveniles were converted to
  adult equivalencies using calculations based on life-history information included in the respective original
  HCPs, resulting in authorized take represented as a whole number as opposed to listing adults and juveniles
\3\ Represents the currently authorized take plus the new requested take.
\4\ Take amounts for these species are summed or combined for adults, subadults, nestlings, or eggs.

Auwahi Wind

    The Auwahi Wind project began commercial operation on December 28, 
2012, and is located on Ulupalakua Ranch in east Maui, Hawai`i. Auwahi 
Wind Energy, LLC, was originally issued an ITP from the Service and an 
incidental take license (ITL) from the Hawai`i Department of Land and 
Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife on February 24 and 
February 9, 2012, respectively. The Auwahi Wind project consists of 
eight Siemens 3.0-megawatt (MW) wind turbines, augmented with an 11-MW

[[Page 25477]]

battery storage system. Ancillary facilities include an underground 
electrical collection system, an operation and maintenance facility, an 
approximately 9-mile 34.5-kilovolt (kV) above-ground generator-tie 
line, and an interconnection substation.
    The original ITP and ITL, with 2014 amendments, authorized the 
following amounts of incidental take over the 25-year permit term: 21 
Hawaiian hoary bats; 87 Hawaiian petrels; 5 Hawaiian geese; and 
Blackburn's sphinx moths (Manduca blackburni). The above levels of take 
were anticipated to result from project construction and operations, 
including collision with vehicles, generator tie-lines, substations, 
wind turbines and other project structures.
    Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC, is requesting a permit amendment to 
address a higher than anticipated amount of take of the Hawaiian hoary 
bat that has occurred during the first 5 years of operation. Auwahi 
Wind Energy, LLC, is requesting incidental take coverage for an 
additional estimated 176 Hawaiian hoary bats (for a total of 197 bats) 
over the 25-year permit term, which expires in 2037.

Kawailoa Wind Power

    The Kawailoa Wind Power project is located approximately 4 miles 
from Haleiwa town, on the north shore of the island of O`ahu, Hawai`i, 
and began commercial operations in November of 2012. Kawailoa Wind 
Power, LLC, was issued an ITP and an ITL on December 8, 2011, and 
January 6, 2012, respectively. The Kawailoa Wind Power project consists 
of 30 2.3-MW wind turbine generators. Ancillary facilities include an 
underground electrical collection system, an operation and maintenance 
facility, and an approximately 4.0-mile above-ground transmission line.
    The original ITP and ITL authorized the following amounts of 
incidental take over a 20-year permit term: 60 Hawaiian hoary bats; 12 
Hawaiian ducks (koloa maoli; Anas wyvilliana); 18 Hawaiian moorhen 
(`alae `ula; Gallinula galeata sandvicensis, also known as the Hawaiian 
gallinule); 18 Hawaiian coots (`alae kea; Fulica americana alai); 24 
Hawaiian stilts (kukuluae`o; Himantopus mexicanus knudseni); and 15 
Newell's shearwaters (`a`o; Puffinus auricularis newelli). The above 
levels of take were anticipated to result from project construction and 
operations, including collision with vehicles, generator tie-lines, 
substations, wind turbines, and other project structures.
    Kawailoa Wind Power, LLC, is requesting a permit amendment to 
address a higher than anticipated amount of take of the Hawaiian hoary 
bat that has occurred during the first 5 years of operation. Kawailoa 
Wind Power, LLC, is requesting incidental take coverage for an 
additional estimated 162 Hawaiian hoary bats (for a total of 222 bats), 
over the 20-year permit term, which expires in 2031. Additionally, in 
2017, Kawailoa Wind Power, LLC, documented the take of at least one 
Hawaiian petrel at their project site. Incidental take of this species 
was not authorized in their existing ITP or ITL; therefore, Kawailoa 
Wind Power, LLC, is requesting incidental take authorization for seven 
Hawaiian petrels in their permit amendment.

Kaheawa Wind Power II

    The Kaheawa Wind Power II (KWP II) project is located at Kaheawa 
Pastures above M[amacr]`alaea town, in the southwestern portion of the 
island of Maui, Hawai`i, and began commercial operations in July 2012. 
KWP II, LLC, was issued an ITP and an ITL in January 2012. The KWP II 
project consists of 14 1.5-MW wind turbine generators. Ancillary 
facilities include an underground electrical collection and 
communication system, an operation and maintenance facility, a battery 
energy storage system, and an overhead electrical transmission line 
connecting the facility substation to the County's electrical grid.
    The original ITP and ITL authorized the following levels of 
incidental take over the 20-year permit term, which expires in 2032: 11 
Hawaiian hoary bats, 30 Hawaiian geese, 8 Newell's shearwater, and 43 
Hawaiian petrel. The above levels of take were anticipated to result 
from project construction and operations, including collisions with 
vehicles, generator tie-lines, substations, wind turbines and other 
project structures.
    Kaheawa Wind Power II, LLC, is requesting a permit amendment to 
address a higher than anticipated amount of take of the Hawaiian hoary 
bat and the Hawaiian goose that has occurred during the first 6 years 
of operation. Kaheawa Wind Power II, LLC, is requesting incidental take 
authorization for an additional estimated 27 Hawaiian hoary bats (for a 
total of 38 bats) over the 20-year permit term. Additionally, KWP II, 
LLC, is also requesting incidental take authorization for an additional 
estimated 14 Hawaiian geese (for a total of 44 geese) over the 20-year 
permit term.

Pakini Nui Wind Farm

    The Pakini Nui Wind Farm is operated by Tawhiri Power, LLC, and is 
located on Ka Lae or South Point on the island of Hawai`i, Hawai`i. The 
Pakini Nui Wind Farm is currently not covered by a valid ITP or ITL, 
and Tawhiri Power, LLC, has not previously applied for an ITP or ITL. 
Tawhiri Power, LLC, has submitted a draft HCP to support their requests 
for an ITP and an ITL. The Pakini Nui Wind Farm began operations in 
April 2007 and consists of 14 1.5-MW wind turbine generators. Ancillary 
facilities include one mile of underground connector lines, an 
operation and maintenance building, a substation, and an overhead 
electrical transmission line connecting the facility substation to the 
County's electrical grid. The entire project facility footprint is 
79.42 acres. Tawhiri Power, LLC, is requesting incidental take 
authorization for an estimated 26 Hawaiian hoary bats, 3 Hawaiian 
petrels, and 3 Hawaiian geese over a 20-year permit term.

Covered Species

    The applicants are requesting incidental take authorization for one 
or more of the following species: The endangered Hawaiian hoary bat; 
the endangered Hawaiian goose; and the endangered Hawaiian petrel. 
Three of the applicants were authorized to take other listed species in 
their original ITPs; such take authorization would remain unchanged by 
the currently proposed amendments.
    The Hawaiian hoary bat is the only fully terrestrial, native mammal 
in the Hawaiian Islands and was federally listed as endangered under 
the ESA on October 13, 1970 (35 FR 16047). The Hawaiian hoary bat is 
nocturnal, solitary, and small in size and is known to collide with 
wind turbine structures. Take of Hawaiian hoary bats at the three 
currently permitted wind projects (Auwahi Wind, Kawailoa Wind Power, 
and KWP II) has been higher than anticipated under their original HCPs. 
The applicants assert that more recent project-specific bat fatality 
data and use of new statistical tools for estimating and predicting 
take of bats provides confidence that their revised estimates of total 
project-related take of bats are conservative and are unlikely to be 
exceeded over the term of these projects.
    The Hawaiian goose was listed as endangered under the ESA on March 
11, 1967 (32 FR 4001). The Hawaiian goose is found in a variety of 
habitats including scrubland, grassland, golf courses, sparsely 
vegetated slopes, and open lowland country. This species is also known 
to collide with wind turbine structures.
    The Hawaiian petrel was listed as endangered under the ESA on March 
11, 1967 (32 FR 4001). The Hawaiian petrel

[[Page 25478]]

is a seabird that breeds in high-elevation volcanic terrain or in 
montane mesic forests. When Hawaiian petrels fly over land areas, they 
are vulnerable to collision with manmade structures, including wind 

Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

    This notice was prepared pursuant to NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), 
and its implementing regulations (40 CFR 1506.6), and pursuant to 
section 10(c) of the ESA. For purposes of NEPA compliance, preparation 
of an EIS is required for actions that have the potential to 
significantly impact the human environment (40 CFR parts 1500-1508).
    To determine whether a proposed Federal action would require the 
preparation of an EIS, the Service must consider two distinct factors: 
Context and intensity (40 CFR 1508.27, Service and National Marine 
Fisheries Service HCP Handbook 2016). Context refers to the geographic 
scale (local, regional, or national) of significance of short- and/or 
long-term effects/impacts of a proposed action. Intensity refers to the 
severity of the effects/impacts relative to the affected settings, 
including the degree to which the proposed action affects: An 
endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitat; public 
health or safety; scientific, historic or cultural resources; or other 
aspects of the human environment.
    In determining whether the preparation of an EIS is warranted, we 
must also consider the 10 components of intensity, as set forth under 
40 CFR 1508.27(b):
    1. Impacts that may be both beneficial and adverse. A significant 
impact may exist even if the Federal agency believes that on balance 
the effect will be beneficial.
    2. The degree to which the proposed action affects public health or 
    3. Unique characteristics of the geographic area such as proximity 
to historic or cultural resources, park lands, prime farmlands, 
wetlands, wild and scenic rivers, or ecologically critical areas.
    4. The degree to which the effects on the quality of the human 
environment are likely to be highly controversial.
    5. The degree to which the potential impacts are highly uncertain 
or involve unique or unknown risks.
    6. The degree to which the action may establish a precedent for 
future actions with significant effects or represents a decision in 
principle about a future consideration.
    7. Whether the action is related to other actions with individually 
insignificant but cumulatively significant impacts.
    8. The degree to which the action may adversely affect districts, 
sites, highways, structures, or objects listed in or eligible for 
listing in the National Register of Historic Places or may cause loss 
or destruction of significant scientific, cultural, or historical 
    9. The degree to which the action may adversely affect an 
endangered or threatened species or its habitat that has been 
determined to be critical under the ESA.
    10. Whether the action threatens a violation of Federal, State, or 
local law or requirements imposed for the protection of the 
    The Service performed internal NEPA scoping for the four proposed 
ITP actions and identified the environmental issues requiring detailed 
analysis and also identified connected, similar, and cumulative 
actions. In this case, and after considering the above factors, the 
Service has determined that the four proposed ITP actions have the 
potential to significantly impact the human environment as described in 
the following paragraphs.
    Nearly 30 percent of renewable energy generated on the islands of 
Hawaii, Maui, and O'ahu is sourced solely from land-based wind. 
Combined, the four proposed ITP actions would address 50 percent of the 
existing wind energy operations in the State of Hawaii. Three of the 
four ITP actions propose to significantly increase their authorized 
incidental take levels for the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat. The 
applicants assert that recent project-specific bat fatality data and 
use of new statistical tools account for unobserved fatalities in 
estimating and predicting take of bats. This information provides 
confidence that their revised estimates of total project-related take 
of bats are conservative (high). There is a significant amount of 
mathematical uncertainty built into the projected take estimate, such 
that permit applicants believe take levels will not be exceeded and any 
commensurate mitigation proposed would provide a net conservation 
benefit compared to the actual take impact to the species.
    Cumulatively, the four proposed actions may have significant 
impacts to the Hawaiian hoary bat or other connected components of the 
human environment. The Hawaiian hoary bat is nocturnal, solitary, and 
small in size. These qualities have made it difficult for wildlife 
researchers to effectively study this species, and as a result much of 
the biological characteristics of the Hawaiian hoary bat are relatively 
unknown. The permit applicants may propose a suite of measures to 
mitigate for take of the Hawaiian hoary bat, including but not limited 
to: Habitat restoration, land acquisition, and scientific research to 
determine the relative size and priority needs of the Hawaiian hoary 
bat population. The results of this scientific research are intended to 
inform mitigation strategies for the Hawaiian hoary bat. Given the high 
level of uncertainty concerning biological impacts and mitigation 
efficacy, the context and intensity of potential impacts of these 
permit actions on the human environment are likely to be locally and 
regionally significant.
    Examining the four proposed permit actions individually, the 
Service determined that each of the proposed actions is of sufficient 
size and complexity to warrant the preparation of an EIS; is similar to 
previous permit actions taken by the Service's Pacific Region that 
likewise required the preparation of an EIS; and may have significant 
effects on the human environment. On that basis and in accordance with 
regulations at 40 CFR 1501.4, 1507.3, and 1508.27, the Service believes 
preparation of an EIS is warranted to analyze the project-specific and 
cumulative environmental impacts associated with these four individual 
proposed ITP actions. We do not intend to prepare an environmental 
assessment for any of these four ITP actions.

Similar Actions

    In accordance with regulations at 40 CFR 1508.25, an agency may 
analyze similar actions in the same impact statement when this is the 
best way to assess their combined impacts. Due to the similarities 
between these four wind energy projects including geography, impacts to 
covered species, and proposed minimization and mitigation measures, the 
Service believes a combined PEIS is the most efficient and 
comprehensive approach for considering the project-specific and 
cumulative impacts of these actions on the human environment. The PEIS 
will ensure consistency and reduce duplication in analysis across all 
projects, support a comprehensive look at cumulative impacts, and 
simplify opportunities for public input and engagement.

Request for Information

    We intend to gather information necessary to determine impacts and 
alternatives of permit decisions, regarding the potential issuance of 
separate ITPs to each of the four wind energy project applicants and 

[[Page 25479]]

implementation of their supporting HCPs. The primary purpose of the 
scoping process is for the public and other agencies to assist in 
developing the PEIS by identifying important issues and alternatives 
that should be considered. However, this scoping process would also be 
used to inform single-project EISs if we determine it is more 
appropriate to prepare a separate EIS for each of the proposed permit 
    The Service is requesting data, comments, new information, and/or 
recommendations from the public, other governmental agencies, the 
scientific community, Native Hawaiian organizations or entities, 
industry, or other interested parties related to our development of the 
PEIS or individual EISs. We seek specific comments on:
    1. Biological information and relevant data (e.g., range, 
distribution, population size, and population trends) for the Hawaiian 
hoary bat, Hawaiian goose, and the Hawaiian petrel;
    2. Potential direct and indirect impacts on the human environment 
that would occur as a result of the continued operation of these wind 
energy facilities and the proposed increase in authorized take of the 
Hawaiian hoary bat, Hawaiian goose, and the Hawaiian petrel;
    3. Whether a programmatic NEPA approach, as proposed, or separate 
NEPA evaluations for each of the four wind energy projects, is 
    4. Possible alternatives to the proposed ITP actions that the 
Service should evaluate;
    5. The presence of archaeological sites, buildings and structures, 
historic events, sacred and traditional areas, and other historic 
preservation concerns in the vicinity of any of the four wind project 
sites, including their mitigation areas, which are required to be 
considered in project planning by the National Historic Preservation 
Act; and
    6. Other past, present, or reasonably foreseeable future activities 
on the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii that may contribute to the 
cumulative impact on the Hawaiian hoary bat, Hawaiian goose, and the 
Hawaiian petrel.
    Once the draft PEIS (or individual EISs) and draft HCPs are 
prepared, there will be further opportunity for comment on the content 
of these documents through an additional public comment period.

Public Availability of Comments

    You may submit your comments and materials by one of the methods 
listed above in ADDRESSES. Before including your address, phone number, 
email address, or other personal identifying information in your 
comment, you should be aware that your entire comment(s)--including 
your personal identifying information--may be made publicly available 
at any time. While you can ask us in your comment(s) to withhold your 
personal identifying information from public review, we cannot 
guarantee that we will be able to do so. Comments and materials we 
receive, as well as supporting documentation we use in preparing the 
PEIS, will be available for public inspection by appointment, during 
normal business hours, at the Service's Pacific Islands Fish and 
Wildlife Office.

Reasonable Accommodation

    Persons needing reasonable accommodations to attend and participate 
in the public meetings should contact Darren LeBlanc or Michelle 
Bogardus at the Service's Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (see 
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT). To allow sufficient time to process 
requests, please call no later than 14 days in advance of the meeting 


    We provide this notice in accordance with the requirements of 
section 10 of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), and per NEPA 
regulations (40 CFR 1501.7, 40 CFR 1506.5 and 1508.22).

    Dated: January 31, 2018.
Theresa E. Rabot,
Deputy Regional Director, Pacific Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
[FR Doc. 2018-11821 Filed 5-31-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 106 / Friday, June 1, 2018 / Notices                                           25475

                                               governments a reasonable opportunity                    proposed ITP amendments would                         (ITP) applications under section 10 of
                                               to comment on such undertakings.                        address take of three endangered                      the Endangered Species Act, as
                                                                                                       species: The Hawaiian hoary bat, the                  amended (ESA) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
                                               Next Steps
                                                                                                       Hawaiian goose, and the Hawaiian                      The applications are for four wind
                                                 After the public review period is                     petrel.                                               energy projects in Hawai‘i. The
                                               complete and the Agencies have                          DATES:  The public scoping period begins              proposed ITPs (involving one new and
                                               reviewed the results, a list of comments                with the publication of this notice in the            three amended ITPs) would authorize
                                               and responses will be compiled and                      Federal Register and will continue                    take of the endangered Hawaiian hoary
                                               included in the Final EIS. The Agencies                 through July 2, 2018. The Service will                bat (ōpe‘ape‘a in Hawaiian; Lasiurus
                                               will select a preferred alternative that                consider all written comments on the                  cinereus semotus), the endangered
                                               will be set forth in the Final EIS and                  scope of the analysis that are received
                                                                                                                                                             Hawaiian goose (nēnē in Hawaiian;
                                               Draft Record of Decision (ROD). The                                                                           Branta sandvicensis), and the
                                                                                                       or postmarked by this date.
                                               Final EIS and Draft ROD will be made                       Public meetings: The Service will                  endangered Hawaiian petrel (‘ua‘u in
                                               available to the public through an NOA                  hold three public scoping meetings, one               Hawaiian; Pterodroma sandwichensis).
                                               in the Federal Register.                                                                                         The Service provides this notice to (1)
                                                                                                       each on the islands of Hawai‘i, Maui,
                                                 Dated: May 25, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                             advise other Federal and State agencies,
                                                                                                       and O‘ahu, at the following times during
                                                                                                                                                             local governments, and the general
                                               Karl H. Calvo,                                          the scoping period:
                                                                                                                                                             public of our intent to prepare a
                                               Assistant Commissioner, Office of Facilities               • Hawai‘i: June 18, 2018, 6 to 8 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                             programmatic environmental impact
                                               and Asset Management, Office of Enterprise                 • Maui: June 20, 2018, 6 to 8 p.m.
                                                                                                          • O‘ahu: June 21, 2018 6 to 8 p.m.                 statement (PEIS); (2) announce the
                                               Services, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
                                                                                                                                                             initiation of a 30-day scoping period;
                                               Gregory C. Smith,                                       ADDRESSES: To request further
                                                                                                                                                             and (3) request information and
                                               Acting Associate Deputy Chief, National                 information or submit written                         recommendations on the scope of the
                                               Forest System, U.S. Forest Service.                     comments, please use one of the                       issues to be included in the PEIS,
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–11766 Filed 5–31–18; 8:45 am]             following methods. Please include                     including input on the appropriateness
                                               BILLING CODE 9111–14–P                                  ‘‘Wind Energy HCPs and PEIS Scoping’’                 of our intent to develop a single PEIS
                                                                                                       in the subject line of your request,                  addressing project-specific alternatives
                                                                                                       message, or comment.                                  and cumulative impacts of the four
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                 • U.S. Mail: Field Supervisor, U.S.                separate permit decisions, instead of
                                                                                                       Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific                    preparing an individual EIS for each of
                                               Fish and Wildlife Service                               Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, 300                 the proposed permit actions. The four
                                                                                                       Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 3–122,                      wind energy facilities are already
                                               [FWS–R1–ES–2018–N007];                                  Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96850.                              constructed and in operation. Therefore,
                                               [FXES11140100000–189–FF01E00000]                           • Email: HIwindPEIS@fws.gov.                       the PEIS will address only effects
                                                                                                          • Fax: 808–792–9580, Attn: Field                   associated with the operation of the four
                                               Notice of Intent To Prepare a
                                                                                                       Supervisor.                                           wind energy projects.
                                               Programmatic Environmental Impact                          • Internet: You may obtain copies of
                                               Statement Addressing the Issuance of                                                                             The PEIS will serve as the Service’s
                                                                                                       this notice from the Service’s Pacific                documentation of compliance with
                                               Incidental Take Permits for Four Wind                   Islands Fish and Wildlife Office in
                                               Energy Projects in Hawai‘i                                                                                    NEPA. The Service believes a
                                                                                                       Honolulu, Hawai‘i, or on the internet at              programmatic NEPA analysis of similar
                                               AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                    https://www.fws.gov/pacificislands/.                  wind energy project-related permit
                                               Interior.                                                  Public meetings: The three public                  decisions provides the following
                                               ACTION: Notice of intent; notice of public
                                                                                                       scoping meetings will be held at the                  benefits: A comprehensive analysis of
                                               scoping meetings; request for comments.                 following locations:                                  cumulative impacts across all projects; a
                                                                                                          • Hawai‘i: Na‘alehu Community                      reduction in duplicative efforts between
                                               SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and                       Center, 95–5635 Mamalahoa Hwy.,                       projects; improved consistency in the
                                               Wildlife Service (Service), intend to                   Na‘alehu, Hawai‘i, HI 96772.                          analysis; and a more efficient and
                                               prepare a draft programmatic                               • Maui: Malcolm Center, 1305 North                 comprehensive solicitation of public
                                               environmental impact statement                          Holopono Street, Suite 5, Kı̄hei, Maui,               input.
                                               addressing the potential impacts on the                 HI 96753
                                               human environment caused by                                • O‘ahu: Sunset Beach Recreation                   Background
                                               alternatives described in habitat                       Center, 59–540 Kamehameha Hwy.,                          Section 9 of the ESA prohibits ‘‘take’’
                                               conservation plans (HCPs) for four                      Haleiwa, O‘ahu, HI 96712                              of fish and wildlife species listed as
                                               similar wind energy projects. The HCPs                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      endangered or threatened. Under
                                               were submitted to the Service in                        Darren LeBlanc, at 808–792–9403, or                   section 3 of the ESA, the term ‘‘take’’
                                               support of requests for incidental take                 Michelle Bogardus at 808–792–9473.                    means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt,
                                               permits (ITPs) under the Endangered                     Persons who use a telecommunications                  shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or
                                               Species Act authorizing the take of                     device for the deaf (TDD) may call the                collect, or attempt to engage in any such
                                               endangered species. The proposed                        Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1–800–                 conduct (16 U.S.C. 1532(19)). The term
                                               permit actions involve a new HCP for                    877–8339 during normal business                       ‘‘harm’’ is further defined by regulation
                                               the Pakini Nui Wind Farm on the Island                  hours. Also, FRS is available 24 hours                in title 50 of the Code of Federal
                                               of Hawai‘i and major amendments to                      a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message              Regulations as an act that actually kills
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               three existing HCPs addressing the                      or question. You will receive a reply                 or injures wildlife. Such act may
                                               Auwahi Wind and Kaheawa Wind                            during normal business hours.                         include significant habitat modification
                                               Power II projects, both located on Maui,                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We, the                    or degradation where it actually kills or
                                               and the Kawailoa Wind Power project,                    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are                   injures wildlife by significantly
                                               located on O‘ahu. All four wind energy                  initiating the National Environmental                 impairing essential behavioral patterns,
                                               facilities are already constructed and in               Policy Act (NEPA) compliance process                  including breeding, feeding, or
                                               operation. The proposed ITP and                         related to four incidental take permit                sheltering (50 CFR 17.3). The term

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                                               25476                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 106 / Friday, June 1, 2018 / Notices

                                               ‘‘harass’’ is also further defined in the                                   other measures the Service may require                              regulations, found at 50 CFR 13.1–13.29,
                                               regulations as an intentional or                                            as being necessary or appropriate for the                           also apply to these actions.
                                               negligent act or omission that creates                                      purposes of the plan.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Proposed Action
                                               the likelihood of injury to wildlife by                                        Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA
                                               annoying it to such an extent as to                                         contains provisions for issuing ITPs to                                The Service intends to prepare a PEIS
                                               significantly disrupt normal behavioral                                     non-Federal entities for the take of                                to evaluate the project-specific
                                               patterns, which include, but are not                                        endangered and threatened species,                                  alternatives and cumulative impacts of
                                               limited to, breeding, feeding, or                                           provided the following criteria are met:                            four ITP decisions addressing a newly
                                               sheltering (50 CFR 17.3).                                                   (1) The taking will be incidental to                                proposed HCP for the Pakini Nui Wind
                                                  Pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of the                                   otherwise lawful activities; (2) an                                 Farm and major amendments for three
                                               ESA, the Service may authorize take of                                      applicant will, to the maximum extent                               existing HCPs for the Auwahi Wind,
                                               federally listed species, if such take                                      practicable, minimize and mitigate the                              Kawailoa Wind Power, and KWP II
                                               occurs incidental to otherwise legal                                        impacts of such taking; (3) an applicant                            wind energy projects. If these proposed
                                               activities and a habitat conservation                                       has ensured that adequate funding for                               HCPs meet permit issuance criteria, the
                                               plan (HCP) has been developed under                                         the plan will be provided; (4) the taking                           Service would issue separate ITPs to
                                               section 10(a)(2)(A) that describes: (1)                                     will not appreciably reduce the                                     each of the four permit applicants. The
                                               The impact that will likely result from                                     likelihood of the survival and recovery                             existing projects, the amount of take
                                               such taking; (2) the steps an applicant                                     of the species in the wild; and (5) the                             authorized in their original ITP, and the
                                               will take to minimize and mitigate that                                     applicant will carry out any other                                  estimated levels of take in the proposed
                                               take to the maximum extent practicable                                      measures we require as necessary or                                 new or amended HCPs (See Tables 1–3)
                                               and the funding that will be available to                                   appropriate for the purposes of the plan.                           are briefly described below. The ITPs, if
                                               implement such steps; (3) alternative                                       Regulations governing permits for                                   issued, would authorize the incidental
                                               actions to such taking that an applicant                                    endangered and threatened species are                               take of listed species caused by the
                                               considered and the reasons why such                                         at 50 CFR 17.22 and 17.32, respectively.                            operation of existing land-based wind
                                               alternatives are not being used; and (4)                                    The Service’s general permitting                                    energy facilities.

                                                                         PETREL, AND THE HAWAIIAN GOOSE PER PROJECT APPLICANT
                                                                                                                                                                                    Take currently
                                                                                                         Project                                                                                            Change           Total 3
                                                                                                                                                                                    authorized 1 2

                                                                                                                                       Table 1—Hawaiian Hoary Bat

                                               Auwahi .......................................................................................................................                    21                  +176              197
                                               Kawailoa ....................................................................................................................                     60                  +162              222
                                               KWPII .........................................................................................................................                   11                   +27               38
                                               Pakini Nui ...................................................................................................................                    NA                   +26               26

                                                     Total ....................................................................................................................                  92                  +391              483

                                                                                                                                          Table 2—Hawaiian Petrel 4

                                               Auwahi .......................................................................................................................                    87                    0                87
                                               Kawailoa ....................................................................................................................                      0                   +7                 7
                                               KWPII .........................................................................................................................                   43                    0                43
                                               Pakini Nui ...................................................................................................................                    NA                   +3                 3

                                                     Total ....................................................................................................................                 130                  +10               140

                                                                                                                                         Table 3—Hawaiian Goose 4

                                               Auwahi .......................................................................................................................                     5                    0                 5
                                               Kawailoa ....................................................................................................................                      0                    0                 0
                                               KWPII .........................................................................................................................                   30                  +14                44
                                               Pakini Nui ...................................................................................................................                    NA                   +3                 3

                                                     Total ....................................................................................................................                  35                  +17                52
                                                  1 Take  for the Hawaiian hoary bat was originally authorized for adults and juveniles separately.
                                                  2A  clarification issued in 2014 simplified the way in which indirect take (e.g., loss of dependent juveniles) associated with the mortality of a
                                               breeding adult was accounted for and tracked. Juveniles were converted to adult equivalencies using calculations based on life-history informa-
                                               tion included in the respective original HCPs, resulting in authorized take represented as a whole number as opposed to listing adults and juve-
                                               niles separately.
                                                  3 Represents the currently authorized take plus the new requested take.
                                                  4 Take amounts for these species are summed or combined for adults, subadults, nestlings, or eggs.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Auwahi Wind                                                                 Wind Energy, LLC, was originally                                    and Wildlife on February 24 and
                                                                                                                           issued an ITP from the Service and an                               February 9, 2012, respectively. The
                                                 The Auwahi Wind project began                                             incidental take license (ITL) from the                              Auwahi Wind project consists of eight
                                               commercial operation on December 28,                                        Hawai‘i Department of Land and                                      Siemens 3.0-megawatt (MW) wind
                                               2012, and is located on Ulupalakua                                          Natural Resources Division of Forestry                              turbines, augmented with an 11–MW
                                               Ranch in east Maui, Hawai‘i. Auwahi

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 106 / Friday, June 1, 2018 / Notices                                            25477

                                               battery storage system. Ancillary                       amount of take of the Hawaiian hoary                  island of Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i. The Pakini
                                               facilities include an underground                       bat that has occurred during the first 5              Nui Wind Farm is currently not covered
                                               electrical collection system, an                        years of operation. Kawailoa Wind                     by a valid ITP or ITL, and Tawhiri
                                               operation and maintenance facility, an                  Power, LLC, is requesting incidental                  Power, LLC, has not previously applied
                                               approximately 9-mile 34.5-kilovolt (kV)                 take coverage for an additional                       for an ITP or ITL. Tawhiri Power, LLC,
                                               above-ground generator-tie line, and an                 estimated 162 Hawaiian hoary bats (for                has submitted a draft HCP to support
                                               interconnection substation.                             a total of 222 bats), over the 20-year                their requests for an ITP and an ITL. The
                                                  The original ITP and ITL, with 2014                  permit term, which expires in 2031.                   Pakini Nui Wind Farm began operations
                                               amendments, authorized the following                    Additionally, in 2017, Kawailoa Wind                  in April 2007 and consists of 14 1.5–
                                               amounts of incidental take over the 25-                 Power, LLC, documented the take of at                 MW wind turbine generators. Ancillary
                                               year permit term: 21 Hawaiian hoary                     least one Hawaiian petrel at their project            facilities include one mile of
                                               bats; 87 Hawaiian petrels; 5 Hawaiian                   site. Incidental take of this species was             underground connector lines, an
                                               geese; and Blackburn’s sphinx moths                     not authorized in their existing ITP or               operation and maintenance building, a
                                               (Manduca blackburni). The above levels                  ITL; therefore, Kawailoa Wind Power,                  substation, and an overhead electrical
                                               of take were anticipated to result from                 LLC, is requesting incidental take                    transmission line connecting the facility
                                               project construction and operations,                    authorization for seven Hawaiian petrels              substation to the County’s electrical
                                               including collision with vehicles,                      in their permit amendment.                            grid. The entire project facility footprint
                                               generator tie-lines, substations, wind                                                                        is 79.42 acres. Tawhiri Power, LLC, is
                                               turbines and other project structures.                  Kaheawa Wind Power II
                                                                                                                                                             requesting incidental take authorization
                                                  Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC, is                             The Kaheawa Wind Power II (KWP II)                 for an estimated 26 Hawaiian hoary
                                               requesting a permit amendment to                        project is located at Kaheawa Pastures                bats, 3 Hawaiian petrels, and 3
                                               address a higher than anticipated                       above Mā‘alaea town, in the                          Hawaiian geese over a 20-year permit
                                               amount of take of the Hawaiian hoary                    southwestern portion of the island of                 term.
                                               bat that has occurred during the first 5                Maui, Hawai‘i, and began commercial
                                               years of operation. Auwahi Wind                         operations in July 2012. KWP II, LLC,                 Covered Species
                                               Energy, LLC, is requesting incidental                   was issued an ITP and an ITL in January                  The applicants are requesting
                                               take coverage for an additional                         2012. The KWP II project consists of 14               incidental take authorization for one or
                                               estimated 176 Hawaiian hoary bats (for                  1.5–MW wind turbine generators.                       more of the following species: The
                                               a total of 197 bats) over the 25-year                   Ancillary facilities include an                       endangered Hawaiian hoary bat; the
                                               permit term, which expires in 2037.                     underground electrical collection and                 endangered Hawaiian goose; and the
                                                                                                       communication system, an operation                    endangered Hawaiian petrel. Three of
                                               Kawailoa Wind Power
                                                                                                       and maintenance facility, a battery                   the applicants were authorized to take
                                                  The Kawailoa Wind Power project is                   energy storage system, and an overhead                other listed species in their original
                                               located approximately 4 miles from                      electrical transmission line connecting               ITPs; such take authorization would
                                               Haleiwa town, on the north shore of the                 the facility substation to the County’s               remain unchanged by the currently
                                               island of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, and began                     electrical grid.                                      proposed amendments.
                                               commercial operations in November of                       The original ITP and ITL authorized                   The Hawaiian hoary bat is the only
                                               2012. Kawailoa Wind Power, LLC, was                     the following levels of incidental take               fully terrestrial, native mammal in the
                                               issued an ITP and an ITL on December                    over the 20-year permit term, which                   Hawaiian Islands and was federally
                                               8, 2011, and January 6, 2012,                           expires in 2032: 11 Hawaiian hoary bats,              listed as endangered under the ESA on
                                               respectively. The Kawailoa Wind Power                   30 Hawaiian geese, 8 Newell’s                         October 13, 1970 (35 FR 16047). The
                                               project consists of 30 2.3–MW wind                      shearwater, and 43 Hawaiian petrel. The               Hawaiian hoary bat is nocturnal,
                                               turbine generators. Ancillary facilities                above levels of take were anticipated to              solitary, and small in size and is known
                                               include an underground electrical                       result from project construction and                  to collide with wind turbine structures.
                                               collection system, an operation and                     operations, including collisions with                 Take of Hawaiian hoary bats at the three
                                               maintenance facility, and an                            vehicles, generator tie-lines, substations,           currently permitted wind projects
                                               approximately 4.0-mile above-ground                     wind turbines and other project                       (Auwahi Wind, Kawailoa Wind Power,
                                               transmission line.                                      structures.                                           and KWP II) has been higher than
                                                  The original ITP and ITL authorized                     Kaheawa Wind Power II, LLC, is                     anticipated under their original HCPs.
                                               the following amounts of incidental take                requesting a permit amendment to                      The applicants assert that more recent
                                               over a 20-year permit term: 60 Hawaiian                 address a higher than anticipated                     project-specific bat fatality data and use
                                               hoary bats; 12 Hawaiian ducks (koloa                    amount of take of the Hawaiian hoary                  of new statistical tools for estimating
                                               maoli; Anas wyvilliana); 18 Hawaiian                    bat and the Hawaiian goose that has                   and predicting take of bats provides
                                               moorhen (‘alae ‘ula; Gallinula galeata                  occurred during the first 6 years of                  confidence that their revised estimates
                                               sandvicensis, also known as the                         operation. Kaheawa Wind Power II,                     of total project-related take of bats are
                                               Hawaiian gallinule); 18 Hawaiian coots                  LLC, is requesting incidental take                    conservative and are unlikely to be
                                               (‘alae kea; Fulica americana alai); 24                  authorization for an additional                       exceeded over the term of these projects.
                                               Hawaiian stilts (kukuluae‘o;                            estimated 27 Hawaiian hoary bats (for a                  The Hawaiian goose was listed as
                                               Himantopus mexicanus knudseni); and                     total of 38 bats) over the 20-year permit             endangered under the ESA on March 11,
                                               15 Newell’s shearwaters (‘a‘o; Puffinus                 term. Additionally, KWP II, LLC, is also              1967 (32 FR 4001). The Hawaiian goose
                                               auricularis newelli). The above levels of               requesting incidental take authorization              is found in a variety of habitats
                                               take were anticipated to result from                    for an additional estimated 14 Hawaiian               including scrubland, grassland, golf
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               project construction and operations,                    geese (for a total of 44 geese) over the              courses, sparsely vegetated slopes, and
                                               including collision with vehicles,                      20-year permit term.                                  open lowland country. This species is
                                               generator tie-lines, substations, wind                                                                        also known to collide with wind turbine
                                               turbines, and other project structures.                 Pakini Nui Wind Farm                                  structures.
                                                  Kawailoa Wind Power, LLC, is                           The Pakini Nui Wind Farm is                            The Hawaiian petrel was listed as
                                               requesting a permit amendment to                        operated by Tawhiri Power, LLC, and is                endangered under the ESA on March 11,
                                               address a higher than anticipated                       located on Ka Lae or South Point on the               1967 (32 FR 4001). The Hawaiian petrel

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                                               25478                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 106 / Friday, June 1, 2018 / Notices

                                               is a seabird that breeds in high-elevation              insignificant but cumulatively                        unknown. The permit applicants may
                                               volcanic terrain or in montane mesic                    significant impacts.                                  propose a suite of measures to mitigate
                                               forests. When Hawaiian petrels fly over                    8. The degree to which the action may              for take of the Hawaiian hoary bat,
                                               land areas, they are vulnerable to                      adversely affect districts, sites,                    including but not limited to: Habitat
                                               collision with manmade structures,                      highways, structures, or objects listed in            restoration, land acquisition, and
                                               including wind turbines.                                or eligible for listing in the National               scientific research to determine the
                                                                                                       Register of Historic Places or may cause              relative size and priority needs of the
                                               Draft Programmatic Environmental                        loss or destruction of significant                    Hawaiian hoary bat population. The
                                               Impact Statement                                        scientific, cultural, or historical                   results of this scientific research are
                                                  This notice was prepared pursuant to                 resources.                                            intended to inform mitigation strategies
                                               NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), and its                     9. The degree to which the action may              for the Hawaiian hoary bat. Given the
                                               implementing regulations (40 CFR                        adversely affect an endangered or                     high level of uncertainty concerning
                                               1506.6), and pursuant to section 10(c) of               threatened species or its habitat that has            biological impacts and mitigation
                                               the ESA. For purposes of NEPA                           been determined to be critical under the              efficacy, the context and intensity of
                                               compliance, preparation of an EIS is                    ESA.                                                  potential impacts of these permit
                                               required for actions that have the                         10. Whether the action threatens a                 actions on the human environment are
                                               potential to significantly impact the                   violation of Federal, State, or local law             likely to be locally and regionally
                                               human environment (40 CFR parts                         or requirements imposed for the                       significant.
                                               1500–1508).                                             protection of the environment.                           Examining the four proposed permit
                                                  To determine whether a proposed                         The Service performed internal NEPA                actions individually, the Service
                                               Federal action would require the                        scoping for the four proposed ITP                     determined that each of the proposed
                                               preparation of an EIS, the Service must                 actions and identified the                            actions is of sufficient size and
                                               consider two distinct factors: Context                  environmental issues requiring detailed               complexity to warrant the preparation of
                                               and intensity (40 CFR 1508.27, Service                  analysis and also identified connected,               an EIS; is similar to previous permit
                                               and National Marine Fisheries Service                   similar, and cumulative actions. In this              actions taken by the Service’s Pacific
                                               HCP Handbook 2016). Context refers to                   case, and after considering the above                 Region that likewise required the
                                               the geographic scale (local, regional, or               factors, the Service has determined that              preparation of an EIS; and may have
                                               national) of significance of short- and/or              the four proposed ITP actions have the                significant effects on the human
                                               long-term effects/impacts of a proposed                 potential to significantly impact the                 environment. On that basis and in
                                               action. Intensity refers to the severity of             human environment as described in the                 accordance with regulations at 40 CFR
                                               the effects/impacts relative to the                     following paragraphs.                                 1501.4, 1507.3, and 1508.27, the Service
                                               affected settings, including the degree to                 Nearly 30 percent of renewable energy              believes preparation of an EIS is
                                               which the proposed action affects: An                   generated on the islands of Hawaii,                   warranted to analyze the project-specific
                                               endangered or threatened species or                     Maui, and O’ahu is sourced solely from                and cumulative environmental impacts
                                                                                                       land-based wind. Combined, the four                   associated with these four individual
                                               designated critical habitat; public health
                                                                                                       proposed ITP actions would address 50                 proposed ITP actions. We do not intend
                                               or safety; scientific, historic or cultural
                                                                                                       percent of the existing wind energy                   to prepare an environmental assessment
                                               resources; or other aspects of the human
                                                                                                       operations in the State of Hawaii. Three              for any of these four ITP actions.
                                                  In determining whether the                           of the four ITP actions propose to
                                                                                                       significantly increase their authorized               Similar Actions
                                               preparation of an EIS is warranted, we
                                               must also consider the 10 components                    incidental take levels for the endangered                In accordance with regulations at 40
                                               of intensity, as set forth under 40 CFR                 Hawaiian hoary bat. The applicants                    CFR 1508.25, an agency may analyze
                                               1508.27(b):                                             assert that recent project-specific bat               similar actions in the same impact
                                                  1. Impacts that may be both beneficial               fatality data and use of new statistical              statement when this is the best way to
                                               and adverse. A significant impact may                   tools account for unobserved fatalities               assess their combined impacts. Due to
                                               exist even if the Federal agency believes               in estimating and predicting take of                  the similarities between these four wind
                                               that on balance the effect will be                      bats. This information provides                       energy projects including geography,
                                               beneficial.                                             confidence that their revised estimates               impacts to covered species, and
                                                  2. The degree to which the proposed                  of total project-related take of bats are             proposed minimization and mitigation
                                               action affects public health or safety.                 conservative (high). There is a                       measures, the Service believes a
                                                  3. Unique characteristics of the                     significant amount of mathematical                    combined PEIS is the most efficient and
                                               geographic area such as proximity to                    uncertainty built into the projected take             comprehensive approach for
                                               historic or cultural resources, park                    estimate, such that permit applicants                 considering the project-specific and
                                               lands, prime farmlands, wetlands, wild                  believe take levels will not be exceeded              cumulative impacts of these actions on
                                               and scenic rivers, or ecologically critical             and any commensurate mitigation                       the human environment. The PEIS will
                                               areas.                                                  proposed would provide a net                          ensure consistency and reduce
                                                  4. The degree to which the effects on                conservation benefit compared to the                  duplication in analysis across all
                                               the quality of the human environment                    actual take impact to the species.                    projects, support a comprehensive look
                                               are likely to be highly controversial.                     Cumulatively, the four proposed                    at cumulative impacts, and simplify
                                                  5. The degree to which the potential                 actions may have significant impacts to               opportunities for public input and
                                               impacts are highly uncertain or involve                 the Hawaiian hoary bat or other                       engagement.
                                               unique or unknown risks.                                connected components of the human
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                                                  6. The degree to which the action may                environment. The Hawaiian hoary bat is                Request for Information
                                               establish a precedent for future actions                nocturnal, solitary, and small in size.                  We intend to gather information
                                               with significant effects or represents a                These qualities have made it difficult for            necessary to determine impacts and
                                               decision in principle about a future                    wildlife researchers to effectively study             alternatives of permit decisions,
                                               consideration.                                          this species, and as a result much of the             regarding the potential issuance of
                                                  7. Whether the action is related to                  biological characteristics of the                     separate ITPs to each of the four wind
                                               other actions with individually                         Hawaiian hoary bat are relatively                     energy project applicants and the

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 106 / Friday, June 1, 2018 / Notices                                            25479

                                               implementation of their supporting                      address, or other personal identifying                published in the Federal Register on
                                               HCPs. The primary purpose of the                        information in your comment, you                      November 14, 1979, and any and all
                                               scoping process is for the public and                   should be aware that your entire                      previous statutes.
                                               other agencies to assist in developing                  comment(s)—including your personal                    DATES: This Ordinance takes effect July
                                               the PEIS by identifying important issues                identifying information—may be made                   2, 2018.
                                               and alternatives that should be                         publicly available at any time. While                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                               considered. However, this scoping                       you can ask us in your comment(s) to                  Greg Norton, Tribal Government
                                               process would also be used to inform                    withhold your personal identifying                    Specialist, Northwest Regional Office,
                                               single-project EISs if we determine it is               information from public review, we                    Bureau of Indian Affairs, 911 Northeast
                                               more appropriate to prepare a separate                  cannot guarantee that we will be able to              11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232;
                                               EIS for each of the proposed permit                     do so. Comments and materials we                      telephone: (503) 231–6702; fax: (503)
                                               actions.                                                receive, as well as supporting                        231–2201.
                                                  The Service is requesting data,                      documentation we use in preparing the
                                               comments, new information, and/or                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant
                                                                                                       PEIS, will be available for public
                                               recommendations from the public, other                  inspection by appointment, during                     to the Act of August 15, 1953, Public
                                               governmental agencies, the scientific                   normal business hours, at the Service’s               Law 83–277, 67 Stat. 586, 18 U.S.C.
                                               community, Native Hawaiian                              Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office.             1161, as interpreted by the Supreme
                                               organizations or entities, industry, or                                                                       Court in Rice v. Rehner, 463 U.S. 713
                                               other interested parties related to our                 Reasonable Accommodation                              (1983), the Secretary of the Interior shall
                                               development of the PEIS or individual                     Persons needing reasonable                          certify and publish in the Federal
                                               EISs. We seek specific comments on:                     accommodations to attend and                          Register notice of adopted liquor
                                                  1. Biological information and relevant               participate in the public meetings                    ordinances for the purpose of regulating
                                               data (e.g., range, distribution,                        should contact Darren LeBlanc or                      liquor transactions in Indian country.
                                               population size, and population trends)                 Michelle Bogardus at the Service’s                       This notice is published in
                                               for the Hawaiian hoary bat, Hawaiian                    Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office              accordance with the authority delegated
                                               goose, and the Hawaiian petrel;                         (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                by the Secretary of the Interior to the
                                                  2. Potential direct and indirect                     To allow sufficient time to process                   Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs. I
                                               impacts on the human environment that                   requests, please call no later than 14                certify that the Shoalwater Bay Indian
                                               would occur as a result of the continued                days in advance of the meeting dates.                 Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Indian
                                               operation of these wind energy facilities                                                                     Reservation adopted Resolution
                                                                                                       Authority                                             Number: 02–16–18–07 (Liquor Control
                                               and the proposed increase in authorized
                                               take of the Hawaiian hoary bat,                           We provide this notice in accordance                Ordinance) on February 16, 2018. The
                                               Hawaiian goose, and the Hawaiian                        with the requirements of section 10 of                statute repeals and replaces the previous
                                               petrel;                                                 the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), and per             liquor control ordinance published in
                                                  3. Whether a programmatic NEPA                       NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1501.7, 40                   the Federal Register on November 14,
                                               approach, as proposed, or separate                      CFR 1506.5 and 1508.22).                              1979 (44 FR 65675).
                                               NEPA evaluations for each of the four                     Dated: January 31, 2018.                              Dated: May 14, 2018.
                                               wind energy projects, is appropriate;                   Theresa E. Rabot,                                     John Tahsuda,
                                                  4. Possible alternatives to the
                                                                                                       Deputy Regional Director, Pacific Region, U.S.        Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
                                               proposed ITP actions that the Service                   Fish and Wildlife Service.                            Affairs, Exercising the Authority of the
                                               should evaluate;                                                                                              Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–11821 Filed 5–31–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  5. The presence of archaeological
                                               sites, buildings and structures, historic               BILLING CODE 4333–15–P                                SHOALWATER BAY INDIAN TRIBE
                                               events, sacred and traditional areas, and                                                                     TRIBAL CODE
                                               other historic preservation concerns in
                                                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            TITLE 10—LIQUOR CONTROL
                                               the vicinity of any of the four wind
                                               project sites, including their mitigation               Bureau of Indian Affairs                              Chapter 10.1      General Provisions
                                               areas, which are required to be
                                                                                                       [189A2100DD/AAKC001030/                               Section 10.1.01     Title
                                               considered in project planning by the
                                               National Historic Preservation Act; and                 A0A501010.999900 253G]                                   This Title shall be cited as the tribal
                                                  6. Other past, present, or reasonably                                                                      ‘‘Liquor Control’’ code of the Shoalwater
                                                                                                       Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe of the
                                               foreseeable future activities on the                                                                          Bay Indian Tribe.
                                                                                                       Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation
                                               islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii that
                                                                                                       Liquor Ordinance; Repeal and Replace                  Section 10.1.02     Authority
                                               may contribute to the cumulative
                                               impact on the Hawaiian hoary bat,                       AGENCY:   Bureau of Indian Affairs,                     This title is enacted pursuant to the
                                               Hawaiian goose, and the Hawaiian                        Interior.                                             Tribe’s inherent sovereignty and
                                               petrel.                                                 ACTION: Notice.                                       pursuant to the provisions of the
                                                  Once the draft PEIS (or individual                                                                         Shoalwater Bay Tribal Constitution,
                                               EISs) and draft HCPs are prepared, there                SUMMARY:   This notice publishes the                  Article VI, Powers of the Tribal Council,
                                               will be further opportunity for comment                 Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe of the                    Section 1. Enumerated Powers,
                                               on the content of these documents                       Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation (the                subsections (e),(f) and (x) and in
                                               through an additional public comment                    Tribe) Liquor Control Ordinance (the                  conformity with the applicable laws of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               period.                                                 Ordinance). The Ordinance certifies the               the State of Washington to the extent
                                                                                                       Tribe’s liquor licensing laws to regulate             required under 18 U.S. C. § 1161.
                                               Public Availability of Comments                         and control the possession, sale, and
                                                 You may submit your comments and                      consumption of liquor within the                      Section 10.1.03     Relation to Other
                                               materials by one of the methods listed                  jurisdiction of the Tribe’s reservation.              Tribal Laws
                                               above in ADDRESSES. Before including                    The Ordinance repeals and replaces the                  Prior liquor control ordinances are
                                               your address, phone number, email                       previous liquor control ordinance                     hereby repealed. Chapter 2.06 of the

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Document Created: 2018-06-01 01:30:21
Document Modified: 2018-06-01 01:30:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent; notice of public scoping meetings; request for comments.
DatesThe public scoping period begins with the publication of this notice in the Federal Register and will continue through July 2, 2018. The Service will consider all written comments on the scope of the analysis that are received or postmarked by this date.
ContactDarren LeBlanc, at 808-792-9403, or Michelle Bogardus at 808-792-9473. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339 during normal business hours. Also, FRS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question. You will receive a reply during normal business hours.
FR Citation83 FR 25475 

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