83_FR_26051 83 FR 25943 - 340B Drug Pricing Program Ceiling Price and Manufacturer Civil Monetary Penalties Regulation

83 FR 25943 - 340B Drug Pricing Program Ceiling Price and Manufacturer Civil Monetary Penalties Regulation


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 108 (June 5, 2018)

Page Range25943-25947
FR Document2018-12103

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) administers section 340B of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), known as the ``340B Drug Pricing Program'' or the ``340B Program.'' HRSA published a final rule on January 5, 2017, that set forth the calculation of the ceiling price and application of civil monetary penalties. The final rule applied to all drug manufacturers that are required to make their drugs available to covered entities under the 340B Program. On May 7, 2018, HHS solicited comments on further delaying the effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1, 2019. HHS proposed this action to allow a more deliberate process of considering alternative and supplemental regulatory provisions and to allow for sufficient time for any additional rulemaking. After consideration of the comments received on the proposed rule, HHS is delaying the effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule, to July 1, 2019.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 108 (Tuesday, June 5, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 108 (Tuesday, June 5, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 25943-25947]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12103]



42 CFR Part 10

RIN 0906-AB18

340B Drug Pricing Program Ceiling Price and Manufacturer Civil 
Monetary Penalties Regulation

AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Final rule; further delay of effective date.


SUMMARY: The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 
administers section 340B of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), known 
as the ``340B Drug Pricing Program'' or the ``340B Program.'' HRSA 
published a final rule on January 5, 2017, that set forth the 
calculation of the ceiling price and application of civil monetary 
penalties. The final rule applied to all drug manufacturers that are 
required to make their drugs available to covered entities under the 
340B Program. On

[[Page 25944]]

May 7, 2018, HHS solicited comments on further delaying the effective 
date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1, 2019. HHS proposed 
this action to allow a more deliberate process of considering 
alternative and supplemental regulatory provisions and to allow for 
sufficient time for any additional rulemaking. After consideration of 
the comments received on the proposed rule, HHS is delaying the 
effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule, to July 1, 2019.

DATES: As of July 1, 2018, the effective date of the final rule 
published in the Federal Register on January 5, 2017 at 82 FR 1210, 
delayed March 6, 2017 at 82 FR 12508, March 20, 2017 at 82 FR 14332, 
May 19, 2017 at 82 FR 22893, and September 29, 2017 at 82 FR 45511, is 
further delayed until July 1, 2019.

of Pharmacy Affairs, Healthcare Systems Bureau, HRSA, 5600 Fishers 
Lane, Mail Stop 08W05A, Rockville, MD 20857, or by telephone at 301-


I. Background

    HHS published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on June 17, 
2015, to implement civil monetary penalties (CMPs) for manufacturers 
that knowingly and intentionally charge a covered entity more than the 
ceiling price for a covered outpatient drug; to provide clarity 
regarding the requirement that manufacturers calculate the 340B ceiling 
price on a quarterly basis; and to establish the requirement that a 
manufacturer charge $0.01 (penny pricing) for each unit of a drug when 
the ceiling price calculation equals zero (80 FR 34583, June 17, 2015). 
After review of the comments, HHS reopened the comment period (81 FR 
22960, April 19, 2016) to invite additional comments on the following 
areas of the NPRM: 340B ceiling price calculations that result in a 
ceiling price that equals zero (penny pricing); the methodology that 
manufacturers use when estimating the ceiling price for a new covered 
outpatient drug; and the definition of the ``knowing and intentional'' 
standard to be applied when assessing a CMP for manufacturers that 
overcharge a covered entity.
    On January 5, 2017, HHS published a final rule in the Federal 
Register (82 FR 1210, January 5, 2017); comments from both the original 
comment period established in the NPRM and the reopened comment period 
announced in the April 19, 2016, notice were considered in the 
development of the final rule. The provisions of that final rule were 
to be effective March 6, 2017; however, HHS issued a subsequent final 
rule (82 FR 12508, March 6, 2017) delaying the effective date to March 
21, 2017, in accordance with a January 20, 2017, memorandum from the 
Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, titled ``Regulatory 
Freeze Pending Review.'' \1\

    \1\ See: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/01/20/memorandum-heads-executive-departments-and-agencies.

    To provide affected parties sufficient time to make needed changes 
to facilitate compliance, and because questions were raised, HHS issued 
an interim final rule (82 FR 14332, March 20, 2017) to delay the 
effective date of the final rule to May 22, 2017. HHS solicited 
additional comments on whether that date should be further extended to 
October 1, 2017. After careful consideration of the comments received, 
HHS delayed the effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to 
October 1, 2017 (82 FR 22893, May 19, 2017). HHS later solicited 
comments on delaying the effective date to July 1, 2018 (82 FR 39553, 
August 21, 2017) and subsequently delayed the January 5, 2017, final 
rule to July 1, 2018 (82 FR 45511, September 29, 2017).
    HHS issued a proposed rule and solicited additional comments to 
further delay the effective date to July 1, 2019, and received a number 
of comments both supporting and opposing the delay (83 FR 20008, May 7, 
2018). After consideration of the comments received, HHS has decided to 
delay the effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1, 
2019. As HHS changed the effective date of the final rule to July 1, 
2019, enforcement will be delayed to July 1, 2019. HHS continues to 
believe that the delay of the effective date will provide regulated 
entities with needed time to implement the requirements of the rule, as 
well as allowing a more deliberate process of considering alternative 
and supplemental regulatory provisions, and to allow for sufficient 
time for any additional rulemaking. HHS intends to engage in additional 
or alternative rulemaking on these issues, and believes it would be 
counterproductive to effectuate the final rule prior to issuance of 
additional or alternative rulemaking on these issues. HHS is developing 
new comprehensive policies to address the rising costs of prescription 
drugs. These policies will address drug pricing in government programs, 
such as Medicare Parts B & D, Medicaid, and the 340B Program. Due to 
the development of these comprehensive policies, we are delaying the 
effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1, 2019.
    HHS does not believe this delay will adversely affect any of the 
stakeholders in a meaningful way.
    Section 553(d) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 
551 et seq.) requires that Federal agencies provide at least 30 days 
after publication of a final rule in the Federal Register before making 
it effective, unless good cause can be found not to do so or for rules 
that grant or recognize an exemption or relieve a restriction. HHS 
finds good cause for making this final rule effective less than 30 days 
after publication in the Federal Register given that failure to do so 
would result in the final rule published on January 5, 2017, going into 
effect on July 1, 2018, several weeks before the final rule delaying 
the effective date until July 1, 2019, would go into effect. To 
preclude this uncertainty in the marketplace and to ease the burdens of 
stakeholders, HHS believes that a clear effective date is an important 
goal and one that becomes particularly important when it is paired with 
potential civil monetary penalties. The additional time provided to the 
public before the rule takes effect will assist stakeholders to prepare 
for compliance with these new program requirements.

II. Analysis and Responses to Public Comments

    In the proposed rule, HHS solicited comments regarding the impact 
of delaying the effective date of the final rule, published January 5, 
2017, to July 1, 2019, while a more deliberate rulemaking process is 
undertaken. HHS received 29 comments containing a number of issues from 
covered entities, manufacturers, and groups representing these 
stakeholders. In this final rule, we will only respond to comments 
related to whether HHS should delay the January 5, 2017, final rule to 
July 1, 2019. We did not consider and do not address comments that 
raised issues beyond the narrow scope of the proposed rule, including 
comments related to broader policy matters. However, HHS is considering 
further rulemaking on issues covered in the January 5, 2017, final 
rule. We have summarized the relevant comments received and provided 
our responses below.
    Comment: Commenters disagree with HHS that delaying implementation 
of the rule has no adverse effect given that other more significant 
remedies are available to entities who believe that they have been 
overcharged by manufacturers. Commenters request that HHS explain what 
these ``significant

[[Page 25945]]

remedies'' are, as they believe that remedies do not exist. Commenters 
state they cannot audit manufacturers or sue companies in court. In 
addition, manufacturers can decide not to participate in the 340B 
program's current voluntary dispute resolution process, and a proposal 
to make the process mandatory has been withdrawn. Currently, covered 
entities cannot check if they are being charged the right price. Any 
further postponement would prevent Congress' intent that HHS has 
meaningful oversight and enforcement authority.
    Response: HRSA's website describes how it carefully reviews pricing 
discrepancies brought to its attention. In cases in which the 340B 
Program's ceiling price appears to have been violated, covered entities 
are provided the details necessary to settle any discrepancy with the 
manufacturer directly. It is in the manufacturer's best interest to 
ensure that they are appropriately reporting AMP and URA to CMS, as 
well as providing the 340B Program ceiling price to 340B Program 
covered entities. Inaccuracies in any of this pricing information will 
negatively impact other drug pricing programs, such as Medicaid or 
Veterans Affairs programs. Further, misreporting pricing data to CMS 
could lead to State and Federal False Claims Act liability, which has 
the potential to carry triple damages and other significant monetary 
    Comment: Some commenters stated that HHS alleges in the proposed 
rule that the delay will not adversely affect stakeholders, which 
ignores the extent of overcharges as documented in OIG reports. HHS 
also stated that ``a small number of manufacturers have informed HHS 
over the last several years that they charge more than $0.01 for a drug 
with a ceiling price below $0.01'' and that it ``believes'' a majority 
of manufacturers follow the ``long-standing HHS policy'' on penny 
pricing. HHS's statement that it merely ``believes'' most manufacturers 
are following the policy demonstrates that HHS has not attempted to 
investigate the extent of noncompliance. The penny pricing policy 
serves as a disincentive for manufacturers to raise drug prices much 
quicker than the rate of inflation and the rule should be implemented 
immediately in order to meet the Administration's goal of lowering drug 
prices. Until penny pricing is codified in a regulation, there is less 
incentive for manufacturers to comply and the final rule should be 
effective immediately.
    Response: HHS has consistently stated that ``A small number of 
manufacturers have informed HRSA over the last several years that they 
charge more than $0.01 for a drug with a ceiling price below $0.01. 
However, this is a long-standing HRSA policy and HRSA believes the 
majority of manufacturers currently follow the practice of charging a 
$0.01. Therefore, this portion of the regulation will not result in a 
significant impact.'' (e.g., 80 FR 34586, June 17, 2015; 82 FR 1227, 
January 5, 2017). The commenter does not provide evidence that a 
majority of manufacturers are not following the practice of charging 
$0.01 for a drug with a ceiling price below $0.01. HRSA's website 
describes how it carefully reviews pricing discrepancies brought to its 
attention. Through these and other mechanisms, HRSA monitors the 
program for noncompliance and maintains its belief that a majority of 
manufacturers follow the long-standing practice of charging $0.01 for a 
drug with a ceiling price below $0.01.
    Comment: Many commenters oppose delaying the effective date to July 
1, 2019. Commenters express concern that until the January 5, 2017, 
final rule is implemented, covered entities remain unprotected from 
overcharges that can further exacerbate the negative effects of high-
cost drugs. They contend that all accountability in the Program is 
placed on covered entities, and manufacturers are not being held 
accountable. They contend that the January 5, 2017, final regulation 
would have provided covered entities with access to a secure database 
to confirm ceiling prices. These commenters explain that without access 
to ceiling price information, covered entities have to rely on HRSA to 
confirm any instances in which the covered entity suspects that it was 
overcharged by a manufacturer, thereby hampering any meaningful 
enforcement against manufacturers. They conclude that continued delay 
of the final rule inhibits the ability of covered entities to verify 
whether or not manufacturers' calculations of ceiling prices are 
correct. The commenters request that HHS should implement the January 
5, 2017, rule immediately.
    Response: HHS does not agree that that we should enforce the final 
rule immediately. We are delaying the effective date of the January 5, 
2017, final rule to July 1, 2019, because the delay will allow HHS to 
consider additional rulemaking. The final rule does not represent the 
only method for HHS to address manufacturer overcharges. In addition to 
the final rule, HHS performs audits of manufacturers, investigates all 
allegations of overcharging, and participates in settlements that have 
returned millions of dollars to covered entities. HHS believes that it 
would be disruptive to require stakeholders to make potentially costly 
changes to pricing systems and business procedures to comply with a 
rule that is under further consideration and for which substantive 
questions have been raised.
    While stakeholders had the opportunity to provide comments on the 
final rule, the 340B Program is a complex program that is affected by 
changes in other areas of health care. HHS has determined that this 
complexity and changing environment warrants further review of the 
final rule and delaying the final rule affords HHS the opportunity to 
consider alternative and supplemental regulatory provisions and to 
allow for sufficient time for any additional rulemaking.
    Comment: The commenters also disagreed that ``a more deliberative 
process is needed'' as HHS has already spent 8 years considering and 
responding to multiple delays and stakeholders were given various 
opportunities to comment. HHS has not complied with the statutory 
deadline to promulgate the regulation and any further delay is 
unreasonable and violates the Administrative Procedure Act. Rather than 
implement the CMP Rule, HHS would reward those manufacturers that are 
flouting ceiling price requirements. Comments assert that the final 
rule would give HHS an effective penalty to impose on manufacturers 
that overcharge covered entities and to deter other manufacturers from 
doing so. In addition, commenters contend that HHS does not have 
authority to replace Congress' judgment with its own and ignore the 
requirements of the law. They urge HHS to immediately implement the 
January 5, 2017, final rule.
    Response: HHS believes it would be counterproductive to effectuate 
the final rule prior to consideration of additional or alternative 
rulemaking as HHS is in the process of developing new comprehensive 
policies to address the rising costs of prescription drugs not limited 
to the 340B Program. As such, HHS is delaying the effective date of the 
January 5, 2017, final rule until July 1, 2019. In addition, HHS 
believes this delay will not adversely impact covered entities and will 
instead save the healthcare sector compliance costs, as discussed in 
the January 5, 2017, final rule. Therefore, the rule is being delayed 
to July 1, 2019.
    Comment: Some commenters supported HHS's proposed delay of the 
effective date of the final rule until not only July 1, 2019, but until 
HHS fulfills its commitment to engage in additional

[[Page 25946]]

rulemaking that cures the substantive legal and practical concerns with 
the final rule. These commenters recommend that HRSA tie the further 
delay of the effective date of the final rule to the completion of such 
rulemaking, as opposed to a certain date.
    Response: HHS decided to delay the effective date to July 1, 2019, 
to provide affected parties sufficient time to make needed changes to 
facilitate compliance and because HHS continues to examine important 
substantive issues arising from the January 5, 2017, final rule. After 
reviewing the comments received from stakeholders regarding objections 
on the timing of the effective date and challenges associated with 
complying with the final rule, HHS has determined that delaying the 
effective date to July 1, 2019, is necessary to consider some of the 
issues raised. HHS believes that delaying the effective date to July 1, 
2019, provides sufficient time to address these issues in junction with 
HHS's stated intention to consider undertaking additional or 
alternative rulemaking on these issues.
    Comment: Some commenters stated that the January 5, 2017, final 
rule contains several policies that are inconsistent with the 340B 
statute and imposes unnecessary costs and needless administrative 
burdens on manufacturers. They believe that manufacturers should not be 
required to make updates to their systems, policies, and business 
practices to comply with the January 5, 2017, final rule if further 
changes or additional rulemaking will be forthcoming. These commenters 
urge HHS to delay the effective date to July 1, 2019, and use the 
additional time to reconsider the policies included in the final rule.
    Responses: HHS intends to engage in further rulemaking and believes 
that this delay will provide HHS with time to consider the public 
comments received. Requiring manufacturers to make targeted and 
potentially costly changes to pricing systems and business procedures 
to comply with a rule that is under further consideration would be 
disruptive. Therefore, HHS is delaying the January 5, 2017, final rule 
to July 1, 2019.
    Comment: Several commenters explained that a delay in the effective 
date of the final rule is also necessary to align with the 
Administration's priorities of analyzing final, but not yet effective 
regulations, and removing or minimizing unwarranted economic and 
regulatory burdens related to the Affordable Care Act, the law that 
added the provisions of the 340B statute that are the subject of the 
final rule.
    Response: HHS agrees with the commenters. Executive Order 13765 
instructs agencies to use discretion to delay the implementation of 
certain provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 
As previously mentioned, HHS based the January 5, 2017, final rule on 
changes made to the 340B Program by the Patient Protection and 
Affordable Care Act. As such, HHS is complying with Executive Order 
13765 to delay implementation on provisions of the law that ``. . . 
impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or 
regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, 
health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, 
purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, 
or medications.'' The policies finalized in the January 5, 2017, final 
rule will require targeted and potentially costly changes to pricing 
systems and business procedures for manufacturers affected by the rule. 
Thus, HHS is delaying the effective date to July 1, 2019.
    Comment: Some commenters recommend that HHS delay the effective 
date of the final rule until HHS concurrently addresses 340B covered 
entity compliance obligations and penalties under the 340B statute, 
which is necessary to strengthen the integrity of the 340B Program.
    Response: HHS plans to issue separate policy documents related to 
drug pricing in government programs, including the 340B Program, and 
disagrees with the commenters advising HHS to address these issues 
    Comment: Many commenters supported further delaying the effective 
date to July 1, 2019, at a minimum, and urged HHS to take the 
opportunity to refocus the 340B Program on its mission, and issue new 
reforms and new ceiling price and CMP rule as expeditiously as 
    Response: HHS agrees with the commenters and will delay the 
effective date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1, 2019.

III. Regulatory Impact Analysis

    HHS examined the effects of this final rule as required by 
Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (September 30, 
1993), Executive Order 13563 on Improving Regulation and Regulatory 
Review (January 8, 2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-
354, September 19, 1980), the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
(Pub. L. 104-4), Executive Order 13132 on Federalism (August 4, 1999), 
the Congressional Review Act, and Executive Order 13771 on Reducing 
Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs (January 30, 2017).

Executive Orders 12866, 13563 and 13771

    Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all 
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive 
Order 13563 is supplemental to and reaffirms the principles, 
structures, and definitions governing regulatory review as established 
in Executive Order 12866, emphasizing the importance of quantifying 
both costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and 
of promoting flexibility. Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 defines 
a ``significant regulatory action'' as an action that is likely to 
result in a rule: (1) Having an annual effect on the economy of $100 
million or more in any 1 year, or adversely and materially affecting a 
sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the 
environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or Tribal 
governments or communities (also referred to as ``economically 
significant''); (2) creating a serious inconsistency or otherwise 
interfering with an action taken or planned by another agency; (3) 
materially altering the budgetary impacts of entitlement grants, user 
fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
thereof; or (4) raising novel legal or policy issues arising out of 
legal mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth 
in the Executive Order. A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be 
prepared for major rules with economically significant effects ($100 
million or more in any 1 year), and a ``significant'' regulatory action 
is subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
    This final rule will not have economic impacts of $100 million or 
more in any 1 year, and, therefore, has not been designated an 
``economically significant'' rule under section 3(f)(1) of Executive 
Order 12866. The 340B Program as a whole creates significant savings 
for entities purchasing drugs through the program; however, this final 
rule would not have an economically significant impact on the Program.
    When the 2017 Rule was finalized, it was described as not 
economically significant. Therefore, delay of the effective date of the 
2017 Rule is also

[[Page 25947]]

not likely to have an economically significant impact.
    Specifically, the RIA for the 2017 Rule stated that, ``[. . .] 
manufacturers are required to ensure they do not overcharge covered 
entities, and a civil monetary penalty could result from overcharging 
if it met the standards in this final rule. HHS envisions using these 
penalties in rare situations. Since the Program's inception, issues 
related to overcharges have been resolved between a manufacturer and a 
covered entity and any issues have generally been due to technical 
errors in the calculation. For the penalties to be used as defined in 
the statute and in this [2017] rule, the manufacturer overcharge would 
have to be the result of a knowing and intentional act. Based on 
anecdotal information received from covered entities, HHS anticipates 
that this would occur very rarely if at all.'' Since the civil 
penalties envisioned in the 2017 Rule were expected to be rare, delay 
of these civil penalties is unlikely to have an economically 
significant impact.
    Additionally, the 2017 Rule codified the practice of manufacturers 
charging $0.01 for drugs with a ceiling price below $0.01, which the 
2017 Rule RIA described as ``[. . .] a long-standing HRSA policy, and 
HRSA believes the majority of manufacturers currently follow the 
practice of charging $0.01.'' Delay of this rule will delay the 
codification of this practice, but since it is already a longstanding 
policy and widespread practice, the impact of delay is not likely to be 
economically significant.
    Executive Order 13771, titled ``Reducing Regulation and Controlling 
Regulatory Costs,'' was issued on January 30, 2017. This rule is not 
subject to the requirements of E.O. 13771 because this rule results in 
no more than de minimis costs.

The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (RFA) and the 
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness Act of 1996, which 
amended the RFA, require HHS to analyze options for regulatory relief 
of small businesses. If a rule has a significant economic effect on a 
substantial number of small entities, the Secretary must specifically 
consider the economic effect of the rule on small entities and analyze 
regulatory options that could lessen the impact of the rule. HHS will 
use an RFA threshold of at least a 3 percent impact on at least 5 
percent of small entities.
    For purposes of the RFA, HHS considers all health care providers to 
be small entities either by meeting the Small Business Administration 
(SBA) size standard for a small business, or by being a nonprofit 
organization that is not dominant in its market. The current SBA size 
standard for health care providers ranges from annual receipts of $7 
million to $35.5 million. As of January 1, 2018, over 12,800 covered 
entities participate in the 340B Program, which represent safety-net 
health care providers across the country.
    In addition, the rule would affect drug manufacturers (North 
American Industry Classification System code 325412: Pharmaceutical 
Preparation Manufacturing). The small business size standard for drug 
manufacturers is 750 employees. Approximately 600 drug manufacturers 
participate in the 340B Program. While it is possible to estimate the 
impact of the rule on the industry as a whole, the data necessary to 
project changes for specific or groups of manufacturers is not 
available, as HRSA does not collect the information necessary to assess 
the size of an individual manufacturer that participates in the 340B 
Program. HHS has determined, and the Secretary certifies that this 
final rule will not have a significant impact on the operations of a 
substantial number of small manufacturers; therefore, we are not 
preparing an analysis of impact for this RFA. HHS estimates that the 
economic impact on small entities and small manufacturers will be 

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Section 202(a) of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires 
that agencies prepare a written statement, which includes an assessment 
of anticipated costs and benefits, before proposing ``any rule that 
includes any Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by 
State, local, and Tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the 
private sector, of $100 million or more (adjusted annually for 
inflation) in any one year.'' In 2017, that threshold is approximately 
$148 million. HHS does not expect this rule to exceed the threshold.

Executive Order 13132--Federalism

    HHS has reviewed this final rule in accordance with Executive Order 
13132 regarding federalism, and has determined that it does not have 
``federalism implications.'' This final rule would not ``have 
substantial direct effects on the States, or on the relationship 
between the national government and the States, or on the distribution 
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.''

Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires 
that OMB approve all collections of information by a federal agency 
from the public before they can be implemented. This final rule is 
projected to have no impact on current reporting and recordkeeping 
burden for manufacturers under the 340B Program. This final rule would 
result in no new reporting burdens.

    Dated: May 30, 2018.
George Sigounas
Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration.
    Approved: May 31, 2018.
Alex M. Azar II
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2018-12103 Filed 6-1-18; 11:15 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 5, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                            25943

                                           (NTTAA) (15 U.S.C. 272 note). Pursuant                  retailers, not States. This action does not            ■  2. In § 180.418, in the table in
                                           to the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                 alter the relationships or distribution of             paragraph (a)(3):
                                           (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the Agency                      power and responsibilities established                 ■ i. Amend the existing entries for
                                           previously assessed whether                             by Congress in the preemption                          ‘‘Fruit, citrus, group 10–10’’; and ‘‘Hog,
                                           establishment of tolerances, exemptions                 provisions of FFDCA section 408(n)(4).                 fat’’ by adding footnote references and
                                           from tolerances, raising of tolerance                   For these same reasons, the Agency has                 add footnote 1 to the end of the table;
                                           levels, expansion of exemptions, or                     determined that this action does not                   and
                                           revocations might significantly impact a                have any ‘‘tribal implications’’ as                    ■ ii. Add alphabetically new entries for
                                           substantial number of small entities and                described in Executive Order 13175,                    ‘‘Fruit, citrus, group 10–10’’; and ‘‘Hog,
                                           concluded that, as a general matter,                    entitled ‘‘Consultation and Coordination               fat’’.
                                           these actions do not impose a significant               with Indian Tribal Governments’’ (65 FR                   The additions to the table in
                                           economic impact on a substantial                        67249, November 9, 2000). Executive                    paragraph (a)(3) read as follows:
                                           number of small entities. These analyses                Order 13175, requires EPA to develop                   § 180.418 Cypermethrin and isomers
                                           for tolerance establishments and                        an accountable process to ensure                       alpha-cypermethrin and zeta-cypermethrin;
                                           modifications, and for tolerance                        ‘‘meaningful and timely input by tribal                tolerances for residues.
                                           revocations were published in the                       officials in the development of                            (a)(3) * * *
                                           Federal Register of May 4, 1981 (46 FR                  regulatory policies that have tribal
                                           24950) and December 17, 1997 (62 FR                     implications.’’ ‘‘Policies that have tribal                                                               Parts per
                                                                                                   implications’’ is defined in the                                      Commodity
                                           66020) (FRL–5753–1), respectively, and                                                                                                                             million
                                           were provided to the Chief Counsel for                  Executive order to include regulations
                                           Advocacy of the Small Business                          that have ‘‘substantial direct effects on
                                                                                                   one or more Indian tribes, on the                          *             *              *             *        *
                                           Administration. In a memorandum
                                           dated May 25, 2001, EPA determined                      relationship between the Federal                       Fruit, citrus, group 10–10 1 .........                    10
                                           that eight conditions must all be                       Government and the Indian tribes, or on                Fruit, citrus, group 10–10 ...........                  0.35
                                           satisfied in order for an import tolerance              the distribution of power and
                                           or tolerance exemption revocation to                    responsibilities between the Federal
                                           adversely affect a significant number of                Government and Indian tribes.’’ This                       *             *              *             *        *
                                           small entity importers, and that there is               action will not have substantial direct
                                                                                                   effects on tribal governments, on the                  Hog, fat 1 .....................................         1.0
                                           a negligible joint probability of all eight                                                                    Hog, fat .......................................        0.10
                                           conditions holding simultaneously with                  relationship between the Federal
                                           respect to any particular revocation.                   Government and Indian tribes, or on the
                                           Furthermore, for alpha-cypermethrin,                    distribution of power and                                  *             *              *             *        *
                                           the Agency knows of no extraordinary                    responsibilities between the Federal
                                           circumstances that exist as to the                      Government and Indian tribes, as                         1 This tolerance expires on December 5,
                                           present rule that would change EPA’s                    specified in Executive Order 13175.                    2018.
                                           previous analysis. Taking into account                  Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not
                                                                                                   apply to this action.                                  *        *        *        *         *
                                           this analysis, and available information                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–12066 Filed 6–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                           concerning the pesticides listed in this                VII. Congressional Review Act                          BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                           rule, EPA hereby certifies that this rule
                                           will not have a significant negative                      Pursuant to the Congressional Review
                                           economic impact on a substantial                        Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), EPA will
                                           number of small entities. In addition,                  submit a report containing this rule and               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                           the Agency has determined that this                     other required information to the U.S.                 HUMAN SERVICES
                                           action will not have a substantial direct               Senate, the U.S. House of
                                                                                                                                                          42 CFR Part 10
                                           effect on States, on the relationship                   Representatives, and the Comptroller
                                           between the national government and                     General of the United States prior to                  RIN 0906–AB18
                                           the States, or on the distribution of                   publication of the rule in the Federal
                                           power and responsibilities among the                    Register. This action is not a ‘‘major                 340B Drug Pricing Program Ceiling
                                           various levels of government, as                        rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).                  Price and Manufacturer Civil Monetary
                                           specified in Executive Order 13132,                                                                            Penalties Regulation
                                                                                                   List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180
                                           entitled ‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255,                                                                          AGENCY:   Health Resources and Services
                                           August 10, 1999). Executive Order                         Environmental protection,                            Administration, HHS.
                                           13132 requires EPA to develop an                        Administrative practice and procedure,                 ACTION: Final rule; further delay of
                                           accountable process to ensure                           Agricultural commodities, Pesticides                   effective date.
                                           ‘‘meaningful and timely input by State                  and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                           and local officials in the development of               requirements.                                          SUMMARY:   The Health Resources and
                                           regulatory policies that have federalism                  Dated: April 30, 2018.                               Services Administration (HRSA)
                                           implications.’’ ‘‘Policies that have                    Richard P. Keigwin, Jr.,                               administers section 340B of the Public
                                           federalism implications’’ is defined in                                                                        Health Service Act (PHSA), known as
                                                                                                   Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
                                           the Executive order to include                                                                                 the ‘‘340B Drug Pricing Program’’ or the
                                           regulations that have ‘‘substantial direct                Therefore, 40 CFR chapter I is                       ‘‘340B Program.’’ HRSA published a
                                           effects on the States, on the relationship              amended as follows:                                    final rule on January 5, 2017, that set
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                                           between the national government and                                                                            forth the calculation of the ceiling price
                                           the States, or on the distribution of                   PART 180—[AMENDED]                                     and application of civil monetary
                                           power and responsibilities among the                                                                           penalties. The final rule applied to all
                                           various levels of government.’’ This                    ■ 1. The authority citation for part 180               drug manufacturers that are required to
                                           action directly regulates growers, food                 continues to read as follows:                          make their drugs available to covered
                                           processors, food handlers, and food                         Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371.         entities under the 340B Program. On

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                                           25944               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 5, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           May 7, 2018, HHS solicited comments                     final rule. The provisions of that final               the effective date of the January 5, 2017,
                                           on further delaying the effective date of               rule were to be effective March 6, 2017;               final rule to July 1, 2019.
                                           the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1,              however, HHS issued a subsequent final                    HHS does not believe this delay will
                                           2019. HHS proposed this action to allow                 rule (82 FR 12508, March 6, 2017)                      adversely affect any of the stakeholders
                                           a more deliberate process of considering                delaying the effective date to March 21,               in a meaningful way.
                                           alternative and supplemental regulatory                 2017, in accordance with a January 20,                    Section 553(d) of the Administrative
                                           provisions and to allow for sufficient                  2017, memorandum from the Assistant                    Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 551 et
                                           time for any additional rulemaking.                     to the President and Chief of Staff, titled            seq.) requires that Federal agencies
                                           After consideration of the comments                     ‘‘Regulatory Freeze Pending Review.’’ 1                provide at least 30 days after
                                           received on the proposed rule, HHS is                                                                          publication of a final rule in the Federal
                                                                                                      To provide affected parties sufficient
                                           delaying the effective date of the                                                                             Register before making it effective,
                                                                                                   time to make needed changes to
                                           January 5, 2017, final rule, to July 1,                                                                        unless good cause can be found not to
                                                                                                   facilitate compliance, and because
                                           2019.                                                                                                          do so or for rules that grant or recognize
                                                                                                   questions were raised, HHS issued an
                                                                                                                                                          an exemption or relieve a restriction.
                                           DATES: As of July 1, 2018, the effective                interim final rule (82 FR 14332, March
                                                                                                                                                          HHS finds good cause for making this
                                           date of the final rule published in the                 20, 2017) to delay the effective date of
                                                                                                                                                          final rule effective less than 30 days
                                           Federal Register on January 5, 2017 at                  the final rule to May 22, 2017. HHS                    after publication in the Federal Register
                                           82 FR 1210, delayed March 6, 2017 at                    solicited additional comments on                       given that failure to do so would result
                                           82 FR 12508, March 20, 2017 at 82 FR                    whether that date should be further                    in the final rule published on January 5,
                                           14332, May 19, 2017 at 82 FR 22893,                     extended to October 1, 2017. After                     2017, going into effect on July 1, 2018,
                                           and September 29, 2017 at 82 FR 45511,                  careful consideration of the comments                  several weeks before the final rule
                                           is further delayed until July 1, 2019.                  received, HHS delayed the effective date               delaying the effective date until July 1,
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        of the January 5, 2017, final rule to                  2019, would go into effect. To preclude
                                           CAPT Krista Pedley, Director, Office of                 October 1, 2017 (82 FR 22893, May 19,                  this uncertainty in the marketplace and
                                           Pharmacy Affairs, Healthcare Systems                    2017). HHS later solicited comments on                 to ease the burdens of stakeholders,
                                           Bureau, HRSA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail                   delaying the effective date to July 1,                 HHS believes that a clear effective date
                                           Stop 08W05A, Rockville, MD 20857, or                    2018 (82 FR 39553, August 21, 2017)                    is an important goal and one that
                                           by telephone at 301–594–4353.                           and subsequently delayed the January 5,                becomes particularly important when it
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              2017, final rule to July 1, 2018 (82 FR                is paired with potential civil monetary
                                                                                                   45511, September 29, 2017).                            penalties. The additional time provided
                                           I. Background
                                                                                                      HHS issued a proposed rule and                      to the public before the rule takes effect
                                              HHS published a notice of proposed                   solicited additional comments to further               will assist stakeholders to prepare for
                                           rulemaking (NPRM) on June 17, 2015, to                  delay the effective date to July 1, 2019,              compliance with these new program
                                           implement civil monetary penalties                      and received a number of comments                      requirements.
                                           (CMPs) for manufacturers that                           both supporting and opposing the delay
                                           knowingly and intentionally charge a                                                                           II. Analysis and Responses to Public
                                                                                                   (83 FR 20008, May 7, 2018). After
                                           covered entity more than the ceiling                                                                           Comments
                                                                                                   consideration of the comments received,
                                           price for a covered outpatient drug; to                 HHS has decided to delay the effective                    In the proposed rule, HHS solicited
                                           provide clarity regarding the                           date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to             comments regarding the impact of
                                           requirement that manufacturers                          July 1, 2019. As HHS changed the                       delaying the effective date of the final
                                           calculate the 340B ceiling price on a                   effective date of the final rule to July 1,            rule, published January 5, 2017, to July
                                           quarterly basis; and to establish the                   2019, enforcement will be delayed to                   1, 2019, while a more deliberate
                                           requirement that a manufacturer charge                  July 1, 2019. HHS continues to believe                 rulemaking process is undertaken. HHS
                                           $0.01 (penny pricing) for each unit of a                that the delay of the effective date will              received 29 comments containing a
                                           drug when the ceiling price calculation                 provide regulated entities with needed                 number of issues from covered entities,
                                           equals zero (80 FR 34583, June 17,                      time to implement the requirements of                  manufacturers, and groups representing
                                           2015). After review of the comments,                    the rule, as well as allowing a more                   these stakeholders. In this final rule, we
                                           HHS reopened the comment period (81                     deliberate process of considering                      will only respond to comments related
                                           FR 22960, April 19, 2016) to invite                     alternative and supplemental regulatory                to whether HHS should delay the
                                           additional comments on the following                    provisions, and to allow for sufficient                January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1,
                                           areas of the NPRM: 340B ceiling price                   time for any additional rulemaking.                    2019. We did not consider and do not
                                           calculations that result in a ceiling price             HHS intends to engage in additional or                 address comments that raised issues
                                           that equals zero (penny pricing); the                   alternative rulemaking on these issues,                beyond the narrow scope of the
                                           methodology that manufacturers use                      and believes it would be                               proposed rule, including comments
                                           when estimating the ceiling price for a                 counterproductive to effectuate the final              related to broader policy matters.
                                           new covered outpatient drug; and the                    rule prior to issuance of additional or                However, HHS is considering further
                                           definition of the ‘‘knowing and                         alternative rulemaking on these issues.                rulemaking on issues covered in the
                                           intentional’’ standard to be applied                    HHS is developing new comprehensive                    January 5, 2017, final rule. We have
                                           when assessing a CMP for                                policies to address the rising costs of                summarized the relevant comments
                                           manufacturers that overcharge a covered                 prescription drugs. These policies will                received and provided our responses
                                           entity.                                                 address drug pricing in government                     below.
                                              On January 5, 2017, HHS published a                  programs, such as Medicare Parts B & D,                   Comment: Commenters disagree with
                                           final rule in the Federal Register (82 FR                                                                      HHS that delaying implementation of
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                                                                                                   Medicaid, and the 340B Program. Due to
                                           1210, January 5, 2017); comments from                   the development of these                               the rule has no adverse effect given that
                                           both the original comment period                        comprehensive policies, we are delaying                other more significant remedies are
                                           established in the NPRM and the                                                                                available to entities who believe that
                                           reopened comment period announced                         1 See: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-         they have been overcharged by
                                           in the April 19, 2016, notice were                      office/2017/01/20/memorandum-heads-executive-          manufacturers. Commenters request that
                                           considered in the development of the                    departments-and-agencies.                              HHS explain what these ‘‘significant

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 5, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          25945

                                           remedies’’ are, as they believe that                    over the last several years that they                  entities. HHS believes that it would be
                                           remedies do not exist. Commenters state                 charge more than $0.01 for a drug with                 disruptive to require stakeholders to
                                           they cannot audit manufacturers or sue                  a ceiling price below $0.01. However,                  make potentially costly changes to
                                           companies in court. In addition,                        this is a long-standing HRSA policy and                pricing systems and business
                                           manufacturers can decide not to                         HRSA believes the majority of                          procedures to comply with a rule that is
                                           participate in the 340B program’s                       manufacturers currently follow the                     under further consideration and for
                                           current voluntary dispute resolution                    practice of charging a $0.01. Therefore,               which substantive questions have been
                                           process, and a proposal to make the                     this portion of the regulation will not                raised.
                                           process mandatory has been withdrawn.                   result in a significant impact.’’ (e.g., 80               While stakeholders had the
                                           Currently, covered entities cannot check                FR 34586, June 17, 2015; 82 FR 1227,                   opportunity to provide comments on the
                                           if they are being charged the right price.              January 5, 2017). The commenter does                   final rule, the 340B Program is a
                                           Any further postponement would                          not provide evidence that a majority of                complex program that is affected by
                                           prevent Congress’ intent that HHS has                   manufacturers are not following the                    changes in other areas of health care.
                                           meaningful oversight and enforcement                    practice of charging $0.01 for a drug                  HHS has determined that this
                                           authority.                                              with a ceiling price below $0.01.                      complexity and changing environment
                                              Response: HRSA’s website describes                   HRSA’s website describes how it                        warrants further review of the final rule
                                           how it carefully reviews pricing                        carefully reviews pricing discrepancies                and delaying the final rule affords HHS
                                           discrepancies brought to its attention. In              brought to its attention. Through these                the opportunity to consider alternative
                                           cases in which the 340B Program’s                       and other mechanisms, HRSA monitors                    and supplemental regulatory provisions
                                           ceiling price appears to have been                      the program for noncompliance and                      and to allow for sufficient time for any
                                           violated, covered entities are provided                 maintains its belief that a majority of                additional rulemaking.
                                           the details necessary to settle any                     manufacturers follow the long-standing                    Comment: The commenters also
                                           discrepancy with the manufacturer                       practice of charging $0.01 for a drug                  disagreed that ‘‘a more deliberative
                                           directly. It is in the manufacturer’s best              with a ceiling price below $0.01.                      process is needed’’ as HHS has already
                                           interest to ensure that they are                           Comment: Many commenters oppose                     spent 8 years considering and
                                           appropriately reporting AMP and URA                     delaying the effective date to July 1,                 responding to multiple delays and
                                           to CMS, as well as providing the 340B                   2019. Commenters express concern that                  stakeholders were given various
                                           Program ceiling price to 340B Program                   until the January 5, 2017, final rule is               opportunities to comment. HHS has not
                                           covered entities. Inaccuracies in any of                implemented, covered entities remain                   complied with the statutory deadline to
                                           this pricing information will negatively                unprotected from overcharges that can                  promulgate the regulation and any
                                           impact other drug pricing programs,                     further exacerbate the negative effects of             further delay is unreasonable and
                                           such as Medicaid or Veterans Affairs                    high-cost drugs. They contend that all                 violates the Administrative Procedure
                                           programs. Further, misreporting pricing                 accountability in the Program is placed                Act. Rather than implement the CMP
                                           data to CMS could lead to State and                     on covered entities, and manufacturers                 Rule, HHS would reward those
                                           Federal False Claims Act liability,                     are not being held accountable. They                   manufacturers that are flouting ceiling
                                           which has the potential to carry triple                 contend that the January 5, 2017, final                price requirements. Comments assert
                                           damages and other significant monetary                  regulation would have provided covered                 that the final rule would give HHS an
                                           penalties.                                              entities with access to a secure database              effective penalty to impose on
                                              Comment: Some commenters stated                      to confirm ceiling prices. These                       manufacturers that overcharge covered
                                           that HHS alleges in the proposed rule                   commenters explain that without access                 entities and to deter other
                                           that the delay will not adversely affect                to ceiling price information, covered                  manufacturers from doing so. In
                                           stakeholders, which ignores the extent                  entities have to rely on HRSA to confirm               addition, commenters contend that HHS
                                           of overcharges as documented in OIG                     any instances in which the covered                     does not have authority to replace
                                           reports. HHS also stated that ‘‘a small                 entity suspects that it was overcharged                Congress’ judgment with its own and
                                           number of manufacturers have informed                   by a manufacturer, thereby hampering                   ignore the requirements of the law. They
                                           HHS over the last several years that they               any meaningful enforcement against                     urge HHS to immediately implement the
                                           charge more than $0.01 for a drug with                  manufacturers. They conclude that                      January 5, 2017, final rule.
                                           a ceiling price below $0.01’’ and that it               continued delay of the final rule inhibits                Response: HHS believes it would be
                                           ‘‘believes’’ a majority of manufacturers                the ability of covered entities to verify              counterproductive to effectuate the final
                                           follow the ‘‘long-standing HHS policy’’                 whether or not manufacturers’                          rule prior to consideration of additional
                                           on penny pricing. HHS’s statement that                  calculations of ceiling prices are correct.            or alternative rulemaking as HHS is in
                                           it merely ‘‘believes’’ most manufacturers               The commenters request that HHS                        the process of developing new
                                           are following the policy demonstrates                   should implement the January 5, 2017,                  comprehensive policies to address the
                                           that HHS has not attempted to                           rule immediately.                                      rising costs of prescription drugs not
                                           investigate the extent of noncompliance.                   Response: HHS does not agree that                   limited to the 340B Program. As such,
                                           The penny pricing policy serves as a                    that we should enforce the final rule                  HHS is delaying the effective date of the
                                           disincentive for manufacturers to raise                 immediately. We are delaying the                       January 5, 2017, final rule until July 1,
                                           drug prices much quicker than the rate                  effective date of the January 5, 2017,                 2019. In addition, HHS believes this
                                           of inflation and the rule should be                     final rule to July 1, 2019, because the                delay will not adversely impact covered
                                           implemented immediately in order to                     delay will allow HHS to consider                       entities and will instead save the
                                           meet the Administration’s goal of                       additional rulemaking. The final rule                  healthcare sector compliance costs, as
                                           lowering drug prices. Until penny                       does not represent the only method for                 discussed in the January 5, 2017, final
                                           pricing is codified in a regulation, there              HHS to address manufacturer                            rule. Therefore, the rule is being delayed
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                                           is less incentive for manufacturers to                  overcharges. In addition to the final                  to July 1, 2019.
                                           comply and the final rule should be                     rule, HHS performs audits of                              Comment: Some commenters
                                           effective immediately.                                  manufacturers, investigates all                        supported HHS’s proposed delay of the
                                              Response: HHS has consistently                       allegations of overcharging, and                       effective date of the final rule until not
                                           stated that ‘‘A small number of                         participates in settlements that have                  only July 1, 2019, but until HHS fulfills
                                           manufacturers have informed HRSA                        returned millions of dollars to covered                its commitment to engage in additional

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                                           25946               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 5, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                           rulemaking that cures the substantive                      Response: HHS agrees with the                       Regulation and Controlling Regulatory
                                           legal and practical concerns with the                   commenters. Executive Order 13765                      Costs (January 30, 2017).
                                           final rule. These commenters                            instructs agencies to use discretion to
                                                                                                                                                          Executive Orders 12866, 13563 and
                                           recommend that HRSA tie the further                     delay the implementation of certain
                                           delay of the effective date of the final                provisions of the Patient Protection and
                                           rule to the completion of such                          Affordable Care Act. As previously                        Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
                                           rulemaking, as opposed to a certain                     mentioned, HHS based the January 5,                    direct agencies to assess all costs and
                                           date.                                                   2017, final rule on changes made to the                benefits of available regulatory
                                              Response: HHS decided to delay the                   340B Program by the Patient Protection                 alternatives and, if regulation is
                                           effective date to July 1, 2019, to provide              and Affordable Care Act. As such, HHS                  necessary, to select regulatory
                                           affected parties sufficient time to make                is complying with Executive Order                      approaches that maximize net benefits
                                           needed changes to facilitate compliance                 13765 to delay implementation on                       (including potential economic,
                                           and because HHS continues to examine                    provisions of the law that ‘‘. . . impose              environmental, public health and safety
                                           important substantive issues arising                    a fiscal burden on any State or a cost,                effects, distributive impacts, and
                                           from the January 5, 2017, final rule.                   fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden                equity). Executive Order 13563 is
                                           After reviewing the comments received                   on individuals, families, healthcare                   supplemental to and reaffirms the
                                           from stakeholders regarding objections                  providers, health insurers, patients,                  principles, structures, and definitions
                                           on the timing of the effective date and                 recipients of healthcare services,                     governing regulatory review as
                                           challenges associated with complying                    purchasers of health insurance, or                     established in Executive Order 12866,
                                           with the final rule, HHS has determined                 makers of medical devices, products, or                emphasizing the importance of
                                           that delaying the effective date to July                medications.’’ The policies finalized in               quantifying both costs and benefits, of
                                           1, 2019, is necessary to consider some                  the January 5, 2017, final rule will                   reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
                                           of the issues raised. HHS believes that                 require targeted and potentially costly                and of promoting flexibility. Section 3(f)
                                           delaying the effective date to July 1,                  changes to pricing systems and business                of Executive Order 12866 defines a
                                           2019, provides sufficient time to address               procedures for manufacturers affected                  ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as an
                                           these issues in junction with HHS’s                     by the rule. Thus, HHS is delaying the                 action that is likely to result in a rule:
                                           stated intention to consider undertaking                effective date to July 1, 2019.                        (1) Having an annual effect on the
                                           additional or alternative rulemaking on                    Comment: Some commenters                            economy of $100 million or more in any
                                           these issues.                                           recommend that HHS delay the effective                 1 year, or adversely and materially
                                              Comment: Some commenters stated                      date of the final rule until HHS                       affecting a sector of the economy,
                                           that the January 5, 2017, final rule                    concurrently addresses 340B covered                    productivity, competition, jobs, the
                                           contains several policies that are                      entity compliance obligations and                      environment, public health or safety, or
                                           inconsistent with the 340B statute and                  penalties under the 340B statute, which                State, local, or Tribal governments or
                                           imposes unnecessary costs and needless                  is necessary to strengthen the integrity               communities (also referred to as
                                           administrative burdens on                               of the 340B Program.                                   ‘‘economically significant’’); (2) creating
                                           manufacturers. They believe that                           Response: HHS plans to issue separate               a serious inconsistency or otherwise
                                           manufacturers should not be required to                 policy documents related to drug                       interfering with an action taken or
                                           make updates to their systems, policies,                pricing in government programs,                        planned by another agency; (3)
                                           and business practices to comply with                   including the 340B Program, and                        materially altering the budgetary
                                           the January 5, 2017, final rule if further              disagrees with the commenters advising                 impacts of entitlement grants, user fees,
                                           changes or additional rulemaking will                   HHS to address these issues                            or loan programs or the rights and
                                           be forthcoming. These commenters urge                   concurrently.                                          obligations of recipients thereof; or (4)
                                           HHS to delay the effective date to July                    Comment: Many commenters
                                           1, 2019, and use the additional time to                                                                        raising novel legal or policy issues
                                                                                                   supported further delaying the effective
                                           reconsider the policies included in the                                                                        arising out of legal mandates, the
                                                                                                   date to July 1, 2019, at a minimum, and
                                           final rule.                                                                                                    President’s priorities, or the principles
                                                                                                   urged HHS to take the opportunity to
                                              Responses: HHS intends to engage in                                                                         set forth in the Executive Order. A
                                                                                                   refocus the 340B Program on its
                                           further rulemaking and believes that                                                                           regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must
                                                                                                   mission, and issue new reforms and
                                           this delay will provide HHS with time                                                                          be prepared for major rules with
                                                                                                   new ceiling price and CMP rule as
                                           to consider the public comments                                                                                economically significant effects ($100
                                                                                                   expeditiously as possible.
                                           received. Requiring manufacturers to                       Response: HHS agrees with the                       million or more in any 1 year), and a
                                           make targeted and potentially costly                    commenters and will delay the effective                ‘‘significant’’ regulatory action is subject
                                           changes to pricing systems and business                 date of the January 5, 2017, final rule to             to review by the Office of Management
                                           procedures to comply with a rule that is                July 1, 2019.                                          and Budget (OMB).
                                           under further consideration would be                                                                              This final rule will not have economic
                                           disruptive. Therefore, HHS is delaying                  III. Regulatory Impact Analysis                        impacts of $100 million or more in any
                                           the January 5, 2017, final rule to July 1,                 HHS examined the effects of this final              1 year, and, therefore, has not been
                                           2019.                                                   rule as required by Executive Order                    designated an ‘‘economically
                                              Comment: Several commenters                          12866 on Regulatory Planning and                       significant’’ rule under section 3(f)(1) of
                                           explained that a delay in the effective                 Review (September 30, 1993), Executive                 Executive Order 12866. The 340B
                                           date of the final rule is also necessary                Order 13563 on Improving Regulation                    Program as a whole creates significant
                                           to align with the Administration’s                      and Regulatory Review (January 8,                      savings for entities purchasing drugs
                                           priorities of analyzing final, but not yet              2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act                  through the program; however, this final
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES

                                           effective regulations, and removing or                  (Pub. L. 96–354, September 19, 1980),                  rule would not have an economically
                                           minimizing unwarranted economic and                     the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of                    significant impact on the Program.
                                           regulatory burdens related to the                       1995 (Pub. L. 104–4), Executive Order                     When the 2017 Rule was finalized, it
                                           Affordable Care Act, the law that added                 13132 on Federalism (August 4, 1999),                  was described as not economically
                                           the provisions of the 340B statute that                 the Congressional Review Act, and                      significant. Therefore, delay of the
                                           are the subject of the final rule.                      Executive Order 13771 on Reducing                      effective date of the 2017 Rule is also

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 5, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                25947

                                           not likely to have an economically                      small entities either by meeting the                   Paperwork Reduction Act
                                           significant impact.                                     Small Business Administration (SBA)                       The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                              Specifically, the RIA for the 2017 Rule              size standard for a small business, or by              (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires that OMB
                                           stated that, ‘‘[. . .] manufacturers are                being a nonprofit organization that is                 approve all collections of information
                                           required to ensure they do not                          not dominant in its market. The current                by a federal agency from the public
                                           overcharge covered entities, and a civil                SBA size standard for health care                      before they can be implemented. This
                                           monetary penalty could result from                      providers ranges from annual receipts of               final rule is projected to have no impact
                                           overcharging if it met the standards in                 $7 million to $35.5 million. As of                     on current reporting and recordkeeping
                                           this final rule. HHS envisions using                    January 1, 2018, over 12,800 covered                   burden for manufacturers under the
                                           these penalties in rare situations. Since               entities participate in the 340B Program,              340B Program. This final rule would
                                           the Program’s inception, issues related                 which represent safety-net health care                 result in no new reporting burdens.
                                           to overcharges have been resolved                       providers across the country.
                                           between a manufacturer and a covered                       In addition, the rule would affect drug               Dated: May 30, 2018.
                                           entity and any issues have generally                    manufacturers (North American                          George Sigounas
                                           been due to technical errors in the                     Industry Classification System code                    Administrator, Health Resources and Services
                                           calculation. For the penalties to be used               325412: Pharmaceutical Preparation                     Administration.
                                           as defined in the statute and in this                   Manufacturing). The small business size                  Approved: May 31, 2018.
                                           [2017] rule, the manufacturer                           standard for drug manufacturers is 750                 Alex M. Azar II
                                           overcharge would have to be the result                  employees. Approximately 600 drug                      Secretary, Department of Health and Human
                                           of a knowing and intentional act. Based                 manufacturers participate in the 340B                  Services.
                                           on anecdotal information received from                  Program. While it is possible to estimate              [FR Doc. 2018–12103 Filed 6–1–18; 11:15 am]
                                           covered entities, HHS anticipates that                  the impact of the rule on the industry                 BILLING CODE 4165–15–P
                                           this would occur very rarely if at all.’’               as a whole, the data necessary to project
                                           Since the civil penalties envisioned in                 changes for specific or groups of
                                           the 2017 Rule were expected to be rare,                 manufacturers is not available, as HRSA                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                           delay of these civil penalties is unlikely              does not collect the information                       HUMAN SERVICES
                                           to have an economically significant                     necessary to assess the size of an
                                           impact.                                                 individual manufacturer that                           Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
                                              Additionally, the 2017 Rule codified                 participates in the 340B Program. HHS                  Services
                                           the practice of manufacturers charging                  has determined, and the Secretary
                                           $0.01 for drugs with a ceiling price                    certifies that this final rule will not have           42 CFR Part 414
                                           below $0.01, which the 2017 Rule RIA                    a significant impact on the operations of
                                           described as ‘‘[. . .] a long-standing                  a substantial number of small
                                           HRSA policy, and HRSA believes the                      manufacturers; therefore, we are not                   Medicare Program; Update to the
                                           majority of manufacturers currently                     preparing an analysis of impact for this               Required Prior Authorization List of
                                           follow the practice of charging $0.01.’’                RFA. HHS estimates that the economic                   Durable Medical Equipment,
                                           Delay of this rule will delay the                       impact on small entities and small                     Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies
                                           codification of this practice, but since it             manufacturers will be minimal.                         (DMEPOS) Items That Require Prior
                                           is already a longstanding policy and                                                                           Authorization as a Condition of
                                                                                                   Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                           widespread practice, the impact of delay                                                                       Payment
                                           is not likely to be economically                          Section 202(a) of the Unfunded
                                           significant.                                            Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires                   AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
                                              Executive Order 13771, titled                        that agencies prepare a written                        Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
                                           ‘‘Reducing Regulation and Controlling                   statement, which includes an                           ACTION: Update to list.
                                           Regulatory Costs,’’ was issued on                       assessment of anticipated costs and
                                           January 30, 2017. This rule is not                      benefits, before proposing ‘‘any rule that             SUMMARY:   This document announces the
                                           subject to the requirements of E.O.                     includes any Federal mandate that may                  addition of 31 Healthcare Common
                                           13771 because this rule results in no                   result in the expenditure by State, local,             Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)
                                           more than de minimis costs.                             and Tribal governments, in the                         codes to the Required Prior
                                                                                                   aggregate, or by the private sector, of                Authorization List of Durable Medical
                                           The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                    $100 million or more (adjusted annually                Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and
                                              The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5                    for inflation) in any one year.’’ In 2017,             Supplies (DMEPOS) Items that require
                                           U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (RFA) and the Small                 that threshold is approximately $148                   prior authorization as a condition of
                                           Business Regulatory Enforcement and                     million. HHS does not expect this rule                 payment. Prior authorization for these
                                           Fairness Act of 1996, which amended                     to exceed the threshold.                               codes will be implemented nationwide.
                                           the RFA, require HHS to analyze                                                                                DATES: Implementation is effective on
                                           options for regulatory relief of small                  Executive Order 13132—Federalism                       September 1, 2018.
                                           businesses. If a rule has a significant                    HHS has reviewed this final rule in                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                           economic effect on a substantial number                 accordance with Executive Order 13132                    Emily Calvert, (410) 786–4277.
                                           of small entities, the Secretary must                   regarding federalism, and has                            Andre Damonze, (410) 786–1795.
                                           specifically consider the economic                      determined that it does not have                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                           effect of the rule on small entities and                ‘‘federalism implications.’’ This final
                                           analyze regulatory options that could                   rule would not ‘‘have substantial direct               I. Background
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES

                                           lessen the impact of the rule. HHS will                 effects on the States, or on the                          Sections 1832, 1834, and 1861 of the
                                           use an RFA threshold of at least a 3                    relationship between the national                      Social Security Act (the Act) establish
                                           percent impact on at least 5 percent of                 government and the States, or on the                   that the provision of durable medical
                                           small entities.                                         distribution of power and                              equipment, prosthetic, orthotics, and
                                              For purposes of the RFA, HHS                         responsibilities among the various                     supplies (DMEPOS) is a covered benefit
                                           considers all health care providers to be               levels of government.’’                                under Part B of the Medicare program.

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 11:46:45
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 11:46:45
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule; further delay of effective date.
DatesAs of July 1, 2018, the effective date of the final rule published in the Federal Register on January 5, 2017 at 82 FR 1210, delayed March 6, 2017 at 82 FR 12508, March 20, 2017 at 82 FR 14332, May 19, 2017 at 82 FR 22893, and September 29, 2017 at 82 FR 45511, is further delayed until July 1, 2019.
ContactCAPT Krista Pedley, Director, Office of Pharmacy Affairs, Healthcare Systems Bureau, HRSA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08W05A, Rockville, MD 20857, or by telephone at 301- 594-4353.
FR Citation83 FR 25943 
RIN Number0906-AB18

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