83_FR_26816 83 FR 26705 - Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications

83 FR 26705 - Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 111 (June 8, 2018)

Page Range26705-26706
FR Document2018-12346

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have received applications for permits to conduct activities intended to enhance the propagation or survival of endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. We invite the public and local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies to comment on these applications. Before issuing any of the requested permits, we will take into consideration any information that we receive during the public comment period.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 111 (Friday, June 8, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 111 (Friday, June 8, 2018)]
[Pages 26705-26706]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12346]



Fish and Wildlife Service

[FWS-R6-ES-2018-N032; FXES11130600000-189-FF06E00000]

Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit 

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit applications; request for comments.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have received 
applications for permits to conduct activities intended to enhance the 
propagation or survival of endangered or threatened species under the 
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. We invite the public and 
local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies to comment on these 
applications. Before issuing any of the requested permits, we will take 
into consideration any information that we receive during the public 
comment period.

DATES: We must receive your written comments by July 9, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Document availability and comment submission: Submit 
requests for copies of the applications and related documents and 
submit any comments by one of the following methods. All requests and 
comments should specify the applicant name(s) and application number(s) 
(e.g., TEXXXXXX):
     Email: [email protected].
     U.S. Mail: Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, 134 Union Blvd., Suite 670, Lakewood, CO 80228.
     Pickup/hand-delivery: Call 303-236-4224 to make an 
appointment during regular business hours at Ecological Services, U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service, 134 Union Blvd., Suite 670, Lakewood, CO 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathy Konishi, Recovery Permits 
Coordinator, Ecological Services, 303-236-4224 (phone); 
[email protected] (email). Individuals who are hearing or speech 
impaired may call the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 for TTY 



    The ESA prohibits certain activities with endangered and threatened 
species unless authorized by a Federal permit. The ESA and our 
implementing regulations in part 17 of title 50 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR) provide for the issuance of such permits and require 
that we invite public comment before issuing permits for activities 
involving endangered species.
    A recovery permit issued by us under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA 
authorizes the permittee to conduct activities with endangered species 
for scientific purposes that promote recovery or for enhancement of 
propagation or survival of the species. Our regulations implementing 
section 10(a)(1)(A) for these permits are found at 50 CFR 17.22 for 
endangered wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.32 for threatened wildlife 
species, 50 CFR 17.62 for endangered plant species, and 50 CFR 17.72 
for threatened plant species.

Permit Applications Available for Review and Comment

    We invite local, State, and Federal agencies, Tribes, and the 
public to comment on the following applications.

                         Applicant, city,
   Application No.             state                Species                 Location                Activity            Type of take       Permit action
TE054237-3...........  USDA Forest Service   Southwestern willow   Colorado.................  Survey and monitor    Disturbance.........  Amend.
                        Rocky Mountain        flycatcher                                       to determine
                        Region, Golden, CO.   (Empidonax traillii                              baseline population
                                              extimus).                                        numbers.
TE73239C-0...........  U.S. Army Corps of    Pallid sturgeon       Kansas, Missouri.........  Survey and monitor    Capture, handle, and  New.
                        Engineers, Kansas     (Scaphirhynchus                                  to determine          radio tag; transfer
                        City, MO.             albus).                                          baseline population   limited numbers to
                                                                                               numbers.              U.S. Fish and
                                                                                                                     Wildlife Service
                                                                                                                     hatcheries for
                                                                                                                     propagation efforts.

[[Page 26706]]

TE98300A-2...........  Amnis Opes            Pallid sturgeon       Colorado, Montana........  Survey and monitor    Capture, handle, and  Renew.
                        Institute, LLC,       (Scaphirhynchus                                  to determine          radio tag.
                        Bend, OR.             albus), white                                    baseline population
                                              sturgeon (Acipenser                              numbers.
                                              bonytail chub (Gila
                                              elegans), Colorado
                                              lucius), humpback
                                              chub (Gila cypha),
                                              razorback sucker
                                              (Xyrauchen texanus).
TE79700C-0...........  Brackett Mays, Grand  Southwestern willow   Colorado, Utah...........  Survey and monitor    Disturbance.........  New.
                        Junction, CO.         flycatcher                                       to determine
                                              (Empidonax traillii                              baseline population
                                              extimus).                                        numbers.
TE84251C-0...........  Westech               Poweshiek             North Dakota.............  Survey and monitor    Disturbance.........  New.
                        Environmental         skipperling                                      to determine
                        Services, Inc.,       (Oarisma poweshiek).                             baseline population
                        Helena, MT.                                                            numbers.
TE056079-1...........  Colorado State        Bonytail chub (Gila   Colorado, Utah...........  Survey and monitor    Electrofish,          Renew.
                        University, Fort      elegans), Colorado                               to determine          capture, and handle.
                        Collins, CO.          pikeminnow                                       baseline population
                                              (Ptychocheilus                                   numbers.
                                              lucius), humpback
                                              chub (Gila cypha),
                                              razorback sucker
                                              (Xyrauchen texanus).
TE067734-2...........  Badlands National     Black-footed ferret   South Dakota.............  Survey and monitor    Disturbance.........  Renew.
                        Park.                 (Mustela nigripes).                              to determine
                                                                                               baseline population

Public Availability of Comments

    Written comments we receive become part of the administrative 
record associated with this Federal Register notice. Before including 
your address, phone number, email address, or other personal 
identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your 
entire comment--including your personal identifying information--may be 
made publicly available at any time. While you can request in your 
comment that we withhold your personal identifying information from 
public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. All 
submissions from organizations or businesses, and from individuals 
identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations 
or businesses, will be made available for public disclosure in their 

Next Steps

    If we decide to issue permits to any of the applicants listed in 
this notice, we will publish a notice in the Federal Register.


    We publish this notice under section 10(c) of the Endangered 
Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

Michael Thabault,
Assistant Regional Director, Mountain-Prairie Region.
[FR Doc. 2018-12346 Filed 6-7-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 111 / Friday, June 8, 2018 / Notices                                                                   26705

                                                ** Estimates assume a blended hourly rate that is equivalent to a GS–12, Step 5, Federal Government Employee.
                                                *** Total burden hours are different for states and localities vary. The result impacts the ability to make calculations work across table when combined as one total.

                                              B. Solicitation of Public Comment                         DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                   during regular business hours at
                                                                                                                                                                     Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and
                                                 This notice is soliciting comments                     Fish and Wildlife Service                                    Wildlife Service, 134 Union Blvd., Suite
                                              from members of the public and affected                                                                                670, Lakewood, CO 80228.
                                              parties concerning the collection of                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              information described in Section A on                                                                                  Kathy Konishi, Recovery Permits
                                              the following:                                            Endangered and Threatened Species;                           Coordinator, Ecological Services, 303–
                                                (1) Whether the proposed collection                     Receipt of Recovery Permit                                   236–4224 (phone); permitsR6ES@
                                              of information is necessary for the                       Applications                                                 fws.gov (email). Individuals who are
                                              proper performance of the functions of                    AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                         hearing or speech impaired may call the
                                              the agency, including whether the                         Interior.                                                    Federal Relay Service at 1–800–877–
                                              information will have practical utility;                                                                               8339 for TTY assistance.
                                                                                                        ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit
                                                (2) The accuracy of the agency’s                        applications; request for comments.                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              estimate of the burden of the proposed                                                                                 Background
                                              collection of information;                                SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and
                                                                                                        Wildlife Service, have received                                 The ESA prohibits certain activities
                                                (3) Ways to enhance the quality,                        applications for permits to conduct                          with endangered and threatened species
                                              utility, and clarity of the information to                activities intended to enhance the                           unless authorized by a Federal permit.
                                              be collected; and                                         propagation or survival of endangered                        The ESA and our implementing
                                                (4) Ways to minimize the burden of                      or threatened species under the                              regulations in part 17 of title 50 of the
                                              the collection of information on those                    Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                           Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
                                              who are to respond; including through                     amended. We invite the public and                            provide for the issuance of such permits
                                              the use of appropriate automated                          local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies                   and require that we invite public
                                              collection techniques or other forms of                   to comment on these applications.                            comment before issuing permits for
                                                                                                        Before issuing any of the requested                          activities involving endangered species.
                                              information technology, e.g., permitting
                                                                                                        permits, we will take into consideration                        A recovery permit issued by us under
                                              electronic submission of responses.
                                                                                                        any information that we receive during                       section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA
                                                HUD encourages interested parties to                    the public comment period.                                   authorizes the permittee to conduct
                                              submit comment in response to these                       DATES: We must receive your written                          activities with endangered species for
                                              questions.                                                comments by July 9, 2018.                                    scientific purposes that promote
                                              C. Authority                                              ADDRESSES: Document availability and                         recovery or for enhancement of
                                                                                                        comment submission: Submit requests                          propagation or survival of the species.
                                                Section 3507 of the Paperwork                           for copies of the applications and                           Our regulations implementing section
                                              Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.                          related documents and submit any                             10(a)(1)(A) for these permits are found
                                              Chapter 35.                                               comments by one of the following                             at 50 CFR 17.22 for endangered wildlife
                                                                                                        methods. All requests and comments                           species, 50 CFR 17.32 for threatened
                                                 Dated: May 31, 2018.
                                                                                                        should specify the applicant name(s)                         wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.62 for
                                              Anna P. Guido,                                            and application number(s) (e.g.,                             endangered plant species, and 50 CFR
                                              Department Reports Management Officer,                    TEXXXXXX):                                                   17.72 for threatened plant species.
                                              Office of the Chief Information Officer.                    • Email: permitsR6ES@fws.gov.
                                                                                                                                                                     Permit Applications Available for
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–12403 Filed 6–7–18; 8:45 am]                  • U.S. Mail: Ecological Services, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                     Review and Comment
                                              BILLING CODE 4210–67–P                                    Fish and Wildlife Service, 134 Union
                                                                                                        Blvd., Suite 670, Lakewood, CO 80228.                          We invite local, State, and Federal
                                                                                                          • Pickup/hand-delivery: Call 303–                          agencies, Tribes, and the public to
                                                                                                        236–4224 to make an appointment                              comment on the following applications.
                                               Application No.        Applicant, city, state             Species                     Location                    Activity                    Type of take                 action

                                              TE054237–3 .....    USDA Forest Service       Southwestern willow              Colorado ...............   Survey and monitor to de-   Disturbance ......................   Amend.
                                                                    Rocky Mountain Re-        flycatcher (Empidonax                                       termine baseline popu-
                                                                    gion, Golden, CO.         traillii extimus).                                          lation numbers.
                                              TE73239C–0 ....     U.S. Army Corps of Engi-  Pallid sturgeon                  Kansas, Missouri ..        Survey and monitor to de-   Capture, handle, and                 New.
                                                                    neers, Kansas City, MO.   (Scaphirhynchus albus).                                     termine baseline popu-      radio tag; transfer lim-
                                                                                                                                                          lation numbers.             ited numbers to U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Fish and Wildlife Serv-
                                                                                                                                                                                      ice hatcheries for prop-
                                                                                                                                                                                      agation efforts.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

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                                              26706                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 111 / Friday, June 8, 2018 / Notices

                                               Application No.        Applicant, city, state               Species                    Location                  Activity                    Type of take                 action

                                              TE98300A–2 ....     Amnis Opes Institute,            Pallid sturgeon             Colorado, Montana       Survey and monitor to de-   Capture, handle, and                 Renew.
                                                                   LLC, Bend, OR.                    (Scaphirhynchus albus),                             termine baseline popu-      radio tag.
                                                                                                     white sturgeon                                      lation numbers.
                                                                                                     bonytail chub (Gila
                                                                                                     elegans), Colorado
                                                                                                     (Ptychocheilus lucius),
                                                                                                     humpback chub (Gila
                                                                                                     cypha), razorback suck-
                                                                                                     er (Xyrauchen texanus).
                                              TE79700C–0 ....     Brackett Mays, Grand             Southwestern willow         Colorado, Utah .....    Survey and monitor to de-   Disturbance ......................   New.
                                                                    Junction, CO.                    flycatcher (Empidonax                               termine baseline popu-
                                                                                                     traillii extimus).                                  lation numbers.
                                              TE84251C–0 ....     Westech Environmental            Poweshiek skipperling       North Dakota ........   Survey and monitor to de-   Disturbance ......................   New.
                                                                    Services, Inc., Helena,          (Oarisma poweshiek).                                termine baseline popu-
                                                                    MT.                                                                                  lation numbers.
                                              TE056079–1 .....    Colorado State University,       Bonytail chub (Gila         Colorado, Utah .....    Survey and monitor to de-   Electrofish, capture, and            Renew.
                                                                    Fort Collins, CO.                elegans), Colorado                                  termine baseline popu-      handle.
                                                                                                     pikeminnow                                          lation numbers.
                                                                                                     (Ptychocheilus lucius),
                                                                                                     humpback chub (Gila
                                                                                                     cypha), razorback suck-
                                                                                                     er (Xyrauchen texanus).
                                              TE067734–2 .....    Badlands National Park ...       Black-footed ferret         South Dakota .......    Survey and monitor to de-   Disturbance ......................   Renew.
                                                                                                     (Mustela nigripes).                                 termine baseline popu-
                                                                                                                                                         lation numbers.

                                              Public Availability of Comments                             DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                Tribe to engage in certain class III
                                                                                                                                                                    gaming activities, provides for certain
                                                 Written comments we receive become                       Bureau of Indian Affairs                                  geographical exclusivity, limits the
                                              part of the administrative record                                                                                     number of gaming machines at existing
                                              associated with this Federal Register                       [189A2100DD/AAKC001030/A0A501010.
                                                                                                          999900253G]                                               racetracks, and prohibits non-tribal
                                              notice. Before including your address,                                                                                operation of certain machines and
                                              phone number, email address, or other                       Indian Gaming; Approval of a Tribal-                      covered games.
                                              personal identifying information in your                    State Class III Gaming Compact in the                       Dated: May 7, 2018.
                                              comment, you should be aware that                           State of Oklahoma
                                              your entire comment—including your                                                                                    John Tahsuda,
                                              personal identifying information—may                        AGENCY:   Bureau of Indian Affairs,                       Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
                                              be made publicly available at any time.                     Interior.                                                 Affairs, Exercising the Authority of the
                                                                                                          ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                                                                                    Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
                                              While you can request in your comment
                                              that we withhold your personal                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–12343 Filed 6–7–18; 8:45 am]
                                              identifying information from public                         SUMMARY:   The Shawnee Tribe and the                      BILLING CODE 4337–15–P

                                              review, we cannot guarantee that we                         State of Oklahoma entered into a
                                              will be able to do so. All submissions                      compact governing class III gaming; this
                                              from organizations or businesses, and                       notice announces the approval of the                      DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                              from individuals identifying themselves                     Tribal Gaming Compact between the
                                                                                                          Shawnee Tribe and the State of                            Bureau of Land Management
                                              as representatives or officials of
                                              organizations or businesses, will be                        Oklahoma.                                                 [LLWYR05000.L1610000.XP0000;
                                              made available for public disclosure in                     DATES: This compact takes effect on                       WYW168593]
                                              their entirety.                                             June 8, 2018.
                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.
                                                                                                                                                                    Public Land Order No. 7868;
                                              Next Steps                                                                                                            Withdrawal of Public Lands To Protect
                                                                                                          Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
                                                                                                          Gaming, Office of the Deputy Assistant                    the Johnny Behind the Rocks
                                                If we decide to issue permits to any                                                                                Recreation Zone; Wyoming
                                              of the applicants listed in this notice,                    Secretary—Policy and Economic
                                              we will publish a notice in the Federal                     Development, Washington, DC 20240,                        AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,
                                              Register.                                                   (202) 219–4066.                                           Interior.
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under                          ACTION: Public Land Order.
                                                                                                          section 11 of the Indian Gaming
                                                We publish this notice under section                      Regulatory Act (IGRA) Public Law 100–                     SUMMARY:   This order withdraws
                                              10(c) of the Endangered Species Act of                      497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq., the                          4,564.75 acres of public lands from
                                              1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et                         Secretary of the Interior shall publish in                location and entry under the United
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              seq.).                                                      the Federal Register notice of approved                   States Mining Laws, subject to valid
                                                                                                          Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of                  existing rights, but not from leasing
                                              Michael Thabault,                                           engaging in Class III gaming activities                   under the mineral or geothermal leasing
                                              Assistant Regional Director, Mountain-Prairie               on Indian lands. As required by IGRA                      laws, for a period of 20 years, for the
                                              Region.                                                     and 25 CFR 293.4, all compacts are                        protection of cultural and recreational
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–12346 Filed 6–7–18; 8:45 am]                  subject to review and approval by the                     resources associated with the Johnny
                                              BILLING CODE 4333–15–P                                      Secretary. The Compact authorizes the                     Behind the Rocks Recreation Zone.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014     16:53 Jun 07, 2018   Jkt 241001    PO 00000   Frm 00066   Fmt 4703     Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\08JNN1.SGM     08JNN1

Document Created: 2018-06-08 01:22:09
Document Modified: 2018-06-08 01:22:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of receipt of permit applications; request for comments.
DatesWe must receive your written comments by July 9, 2018.
ContactKathy Konishi, Recovery Permits Coordinator, Ecological Services, 303-236-4224 (phone); [email protected] (email). Individuals who are hearing or speech impaired may call the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 for TTY assistance.
FR Citation83 FR 26705 

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