83_FR_27071 83 FR 26959 - Stainless Steel Flanges From the People's Republic of China: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value

83 FR 26959 - Stainless Steel Flanges From the People's Republic of China: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 112 (June 11, 2018)

Page Range26959-26962
FR Document2018-12482

The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that stainless steel flanges from the People's Republic of China (China) are being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is January 1, 2017, through June 30, 2017. The final dumping margins of sales at LTFV are listed below in the ``Final Determination'' section of this notice.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 112 (Monday, June 11, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 112 (Monday, June 11, 2018)]
[Pages 26959-26962]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12482]



International Trade Administration


Stainless Steel Flanges From the People's Republic of China: 
Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
U.S. Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that 
stainless steel flanges from the People's Republic of China (China) are 
being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair 
value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is January 1, 2017, 
through June 30, 2017. The final dumping margins of sales at LTFV are 
listed below in the ``Final Determination'' section of this notice.

DATES: Applicable June 11, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ian Hamilton or Kabir Archuletta, AD/
CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International 
Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution 
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-4798 or (202) 
482-2593, respectively.



    This final determination is made in accordance with section 735(a) 
of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). On March 28, 2018, 
Commerce published the preliminary affirmative determination of sales 
at LTFV in the investigation of stainless steel flanges from China.\1\ 
We invited interested parties to comment on the Preliminary 
Determination. We received no comments from interested parties.

    \1\ See Stainless Steel Flanges from the People's Republic of 
China: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than 
Fair Value, 83 FR 13244 (March 28, 2018) (Preliminary 
Determination), and accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum.


[[Page 26960]]

Scope of the Investigation

    The products covered by this investigation are stainless steel 
flanges from China. For a complete description of the scope of this 
investigation, see the Appendix to this notice.

Analysis of Comments Received

    As noted above, we received no comments in response to the 
Preliminary Determination. For the purposes of the final determination, 
Commerce has made no changes to the Preliminary Determination.

Use of Adverse Facts Available

    We continue to find that the mandatory respondent in this 
investigation, Shanxi Guanjiaying Flange Forging Group Co., Ltd (GJY), 
did not provide requested information, withheld requested information, 
significantly impeded this investigation, and did not cooperate to the 
best of its ability to comply with Commerce's request for information 
in failing to submit a complete and reliable sales reconciliation, as 
detailed in the Preliminary Determination and accompanying Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum.\2\ Accordingly, we continue to determine it 
appropriate to apply facts otherwise available, with an adverse 
inference, in accordance with sections 776(a)-(b) of the Act.\3\ As 
AFA, we have continued to apply the highest dumping margin contained in 
the Petition, 257.11 percent, as explained in the Preliminary 
Determination and accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum.\4\

    \2\ See Preliminary Determination, 83 FR at 13244; see also 
Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 8-10.
    \3\ Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 10-15.
    \4\ See Stainless Steel Flanges from India and the People's 
Republic of China: Initiation of Less-Than-Fair-Value 
Investigations, 82 FR 42649 (September 11, 2017); see also 
Petitioners' Letter, ``Stainless Steel Flanges from the People's 
Republic of China and India: Petitions for the Imposition of 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duties,'' dated August 16, 2017 
(Petition); Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 13-15.

    In accordance with the Preliminary Determination, we continue to 
grant GJY a separate rate because evidence on the record supports an 
absence of de jure and de facto government control.\5\ Hydro-Fluids 
Controls Limited (HFC), Songhai Flange Manufacturing Co., Ltd 
(Songhai), and Dongtai QB Stainless Steel Co., Ltd (Dongtai), were also 
selected as mandatory respondents, but withdrew from participation in 
this investigation and did not respond to requests for information.\6\ 
Thus, we continue to find that HFC, Songhai, and Dongtai did not 
demonstrate that they are eligible for a separate rate and are part of 
the China-wide entity. We also continue to find that, in addition to 
the mandatory respondents that did not respond to our requests for 
information, Commerce did not receive timely responses to its Quantity 
and Value (Q&V) questionnaire from numerous Chinese exporters and/or 
producers of the merchandise under consideration that were named in the 
Petition and to whom Commerce issued Q&V questionnaires.\7\ Because 
these companies, which comprise part of the China-wide entity, failed 
to submit the requested Q&V information, we determine that the China-
wide entity did not cooperate to the best of its ability. Therefore, 
for this final determination, Commerce continues to find that the 
China-wide entity failed to provide necessary information, withheld 
information requested by Commerce, failed to provide information in a 
timely manner, and significantly impeded this proceeding by not 
submitting the requested information. As a result, Commerce continues 
to find that use of facts available, with an adverse inference, is 
warranted in determining the rate of the China-wide entity, pursuant to 
sections 776(a)(1), (a)(2)(A)-(C), and 776(b) of the Act.\8\

    \5\ See Policy Bulletin 05.1, Separate-Rates Practice and 
Application of Combination Rates in Antidumping Investigations 
involving Non-Market Economy Countries, dated April 5, 2005, 
available at http://enforcement.trade.gov/policy/bull05-1.pdf.
    \6\ See HFC's Letter, ``Certain Stainless Steel Flanges from the 
People's Republic of China: Withdrawal from Active Participation by 
Hydro-Fluid Controls Limited,'' dated October 12, 2017; Songhai's 
Letter, ``Certain Stainless Steel Flanges from the People's Republic 
of China: Withdrawal from Active Participation by Songhai Flange 
Manufacturing Co. Ltd.,'' dated October 13, 2017; Dongtai's Letter, 
``Certain Stainless Steel Flanges from the People's Republic of 
China: Withdrawal from Active Participation by Dongtai QB Stainless 
Steel Co., Ltd,'' dated November 28, 2017.
    \7\ See Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 10; see also 
Petition; Memorandum, ``Quantity and Value Questionnaires Delivery 
Confirmation,'' dated September 20, 2017.
    \8\ See, e.g., Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at 
Less Than Fair Value, Affirmative Preliminary Determination of 
Critical Circumstances and Postponement of Final Determination: 
Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 
68 FR 4986, 4991-92 (January 31, 2003); unchanged in Notice of Final 
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Affirmative 
Critical Circumstances: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the 
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 68 FR 37116 (June 23, 2003).

China-Wide Rate

    In selecting the AFA rate for the China-wide entity, Commerce's 
practice is to select a rate that is sufficiently adverse to ensure 
that the uncooperative party does not obtain a more favorable result by 
failing to cooperate than if it had fully cooperated. Specifically, it 
is Commerce's practice to select, as an AFA rate, the higher of: (a) 
the highest dumping margin alleged in the petition; or, (b) the highest 
calculated dumping margin of any respondent in the investigation. As 
AFA, Commerce has assigned to the China-wide entity the rate of 257.11 
percent, which is the highest dumping margin alleged in the Petition.

Combination Rates

    In the Initiation Notice, Commerce stated that it would calculate 
producer/exporter combination rates for the respondents that are 
eligible for a separate rate in this investigation.\9\ Because Commerce 
continues to use facts otherwise available with an adverse inference in 
determining the rate for the only respondent that demonstrated 
eligibility for a separate rate in this investigation, GJY, Commerce 
did not calculate producer/exporter combination rates for that company.

    \9\ See Stainless Steel Flanges from India and the People's 
Republic of China: Initiation of Less-Than-Fair-Value 
Investigations, 82 FR 42649, 42653 (September 11, 2017) (Initiation 

Final Determination

    The final weighted-average dumping margins are as follows:

                    Exporter/producer                         dumping
Shanxi Guanjiaying Flange Forging Group Co., Ltd........          257.11
China-wide Entity.......................................          257.11

[[Page 26961]]


    Normally, Commerce discloses to interested parties the calculations 
performed in connection with a final determination within five days of 
its public announcement or, if there is no public announcement, within 
five days of the date of publication of this notice in accordance with 
19 CFR 351.224(b). However, because Commerce applied adverse facts 
available to the individually examined company participating in this 
investigation, in accordance with section 776 of the Act, and the 
applied adverse facts available rate is based solely on the Petition, 
there are no calculations to disclose.

Continuation of Suspension of Liquidation

    In accordance with section 735(c)(1)(B) of the Act, Commerce will 
instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to continue to 
suspend liquidation of all appropriate entries of stainless steel 
flanges from China, as described in the Appendix to this notice, which 
were entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after 
March 28, 2018, the date of publication in the Federal Register of the 
affirmative Preliminary Determination.
    Further, pursuant to section 735(c)(1)(B)(ii) of the Act, Commerce 
will also instruct CBP to collect a cash deposit as follows: (1) The 
rate for the exporters listed in the chart above will be the rate we 
have determined in this final determination; (2) for all Chinese 
exporters of subject merchandise which have not received their own 
rate, the cash-deposit rate will be the China-wide rate; and (3) for 
all non-Chinese exporters of subject merchandise which have not 
received their own rate, the cash-deposit rate will be the rate 
applicable to the Chinese exporter/producer combination that supplied 
that non-Chinese exporter. These suspension-of-liquidation instructions 
will remain in effect until further notice. Because there has been no 
demonstration that an adjustment for domestic subsidies is warranted, 
Commerce has not made any such adjustment to the rate assigned to GJY 
or the China-wide entity. Additionally, Commerce is making no 
adjustments for export subsidies to the antidumping cash deposit rate 
in this investigation because we have made no findings in the companion 
countervailing duty investigation that any of the programs are export 

    \10\ See Countervailing Duty Investigation of Stainless Steel 
Flanges from the People's Republic of China: Final Affirmative 
Determination, 83 FR 15790 (April 12, 2018); see also, e.g., 
Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipe from Pakistan: Affirmative 
Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and 
Postponement of Final Determination and Extension of Provisional 
Measures, 81 FR 36867 (June 8, 2016) and accompanying Preliminary 
Decision Memorandum at 13.

International Trade Commission Notification

    In accordance with section 735(d) of the Act, we will notify the 
U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) of the final affirmative 
determination of sales at LTFV. Because the final determination in this 
proceeding is affirmative, in accordance with section 735(b)(2) of the 
Act, the ITC will make its final determination as to whether the 
domestic industry in the United States is materially injured, or 
threatened with material injury, by reason of imports of stainless 
steel flanges from China no later than 45 days after this final 
determination. If the ITC determines that material injury, or threat of 
material injury, does not exist, the proceeding will be terminated and 
all cash deposits will be refunded. If the ITC determines that such 
injury does exist, Commerce will issue an antidumping duty order 
directing CBP to assess, upon further instruction by Commerce, 
antidumping duties on all imports of the merchandise under 
consideration entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on 
or after the effective date of the suspension of liquidation.

Notification Regarding Administrative Protective Orders

    This notice serves as a reminder to parties subject to an 
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility 
concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under 
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely notification of the 
return or destruction of APO materials, or conversion to judicial 
protective order, is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the 
regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation.

Notification to Interested Parties

    This determination is issued and published in accordance with 
sections 735(d) and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR 351.210(c).

    Dated: June 4, 2018.
Gary Taverman,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Operations, performing the non-exclusive functions and duties of the 
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.


Scope of the Investigation

    The products covered by this investigation are certain forged 
stainless steel flanges, whether unfinished, semi-finished, or 
finished (certain forged stainless steel flanges). Certain forged 
stainless steel flanges are generally manufactured to, but not 
limited to, the material specification of ASTM/ASME A/SA182 or 
comparable domestic or foreign specifications. Certain forged 
stainless steel flanges are made in various grades such as, but not 
limited to, 304, 304L, 316, and 316L (or combinations thereof). The 
term ``stainless steel'' used in this scope refers to an alloy steel 
containing, by actual weight, 1.2 percent or less of carbon and 10.5 
percent or more of chromium, with or without other elements.
    Unfinished stainless steel flanges possess the approximate shape 
of finished stainless steel flanges and have not yet been machined 
to final specification after the initial forging or like operations. 
These machining processes may include, but are not limited to, 
boring, facing, spot facing, drilling, tapering, threading, 
beveling, heating, or compressing. Semi-finished stainless steel 
flanges are unfinished stainless steel flanges that have undergone 
some machining processes.
    The scope includes six general types of flanges. They are: (1) 
Weld neck, generally used in butt-weld line connection; (2) 
threaded, generally used for threaded line connections; (3) slip-on, 
generally used to slide over pipe; (4) lap joint, generally used 
with stub-ends/butt-weld line connections; (5) socket weld, 
generally used to fit pipe into a machine recession; and (6) blind, 
generally used to seal off a line. The sizes and descriptions of the 
flanges within the scope include all pressure classes of ASME B16.5 
and range from one-half inch to twenty-four inches nominal pipe 
size. Specifically excluded from the scope of this investigation are 
cast stainless steel flanges. Cast stainless steel flanges generally 
are manufactured to specification ASTM A351.
    The country of origin for certain forged stainless steel 
flanges, whether unfinished, semi-finished, or finished is the 
country where the flange was forged. Subject merchandise includes 
stainless steel flanges as defined above that have been further 
processed in a third country. The processing includes, but is not 
limited to, boring, facing, spot facing, drilling, tapering, 
threading, beveling, heating, or compressing, and/or any other 
processing that would not otherwise remove the merchandise from the 
scope of the investigation if performed in the country of 
manufacture of the stainless steel flanges.
    Merchandise subject to the investigation is typically imported 
under headings 7307.21.1000 and 7307.21.5000 of the Harmonized 
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). While HTSUS 

[[Page 26962]]

and ASTM specifications are provided for convenience and customs 
purposes, the written description of the scope is dispositive.

[FR Doc. 2018-12482 Filed 6-8-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices                                                    26959

                                               Assessment Rates                                        this review, a prior review, or the                      B. Level of Trade
                                                                                                       original investigation but the producer                  C. Cost of Production
                                                  Upon completion of the final results,                                                                         1. Calculation of Cost of Production
                                               Commerce shall determine and U.S.                       is, the cash deposit rate will be the rate
                                                                                                       established for the most recent period                   2. Test of Comparison Market Sales Prices
                                               Customs and Border Protection (CBP)                                                                              3. Results of the COP Test
                                               shall assess antidumping duties on all                  for the producer of the merchandise; (4)                 D. Calculation of Normal Value Based on
                                               appropriate entries. If Yücel’s weighted-              the cash deposit rate for all other                         Comparison Market Prices
                                               average dumping margin is above de                      producers or exporters will continue to                VIII. Currency Conversion
                                               minimis in the final results of this                    be 35.86 percent,8 the all-others rate                 IX. Recommendation
                                               review, we will calculate an importer-                  established in the less-than-fair-value                [FR Doc. 2018–12479 Filed 6–8–18; 8:45 am]
                                               specific assessment rate on the basis of                investigation, adjusted for the export-                BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                               the ratio of the total amount of                        subsidy rate established in the
                                               antidumping duties calculated for each                  companion countervailing duty
                                               importer’s examined sales and the total                 investigation. These cash deposit                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               entered value of the sales in accordance                requirements, when imposed, shall
                                               with 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1). If Yücel’s                  remain in effect until further notice.                 International Trade Administration
                                               weighted-average dumping margin is                      Notification to Importers
                                               zero or de minimis in the final results                                                                        [A–570–064]
                                                                                                         This notice serves as a preliminary
                                               of review, we will instruct CBP not to                  reminder to importers of their
                                               assess duties on any of its entries in                                                                         Stainless Steel Flanges From the
                                                                                                       responsibility under 19 CFR                            People’s Republic of China: Final
                                               accordance with the Final Modification                  351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
                                               for Reviews.7                                                                                                  Affirmative Determination of Sales at
                                                                                                       regarding the reimbursement of                         Less Than Fair Value
                                                  For entries of subject merchandise                   antidumping duties prior to liquidation
                                               during the POR produced by Yücel for                   of the relevant entries during this                    AGENCY:   Enforcement and Compliance,
                                               which it did not know its merchandise                   review period. Failure to comply with                  International Trade Administration,
                                               was destined for the United States, we                  this requirement could result in the                   U.S. Department of Commerce.
                                               will instruct CBP to liquidate                          Secretary’s presumption that
                                               unreviewed entries at the all-others rate                                                                      SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of
                                                                                                       reimbursement of antidumping duties                    Commerce (Commerce) determines that
                                               if there is no rate for the intermediate                occurred and the subsequent assessment
                                               company(ies) involved in the                                                                                   stainless steel flanges from the People’s
                                                                                                       of double antidumping duties.                          Republic of China (China) are being, or
                                               transaction.                                              We are issuing and publishing these
                                                  For the companies which were not                                                                            are likely to be, sold in the United States
                                                                                                       results in accordance with sections                    at less than fair value (LTFV). The
                                               selected for individual examination,                    751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19
                                               Çayirova Boru San A.Ş., HG Tubulars                                                                          period of investigation (POI) is January
                                                                                                       CFR 351.221.                                           1, 2017, through June 30, 2017. The
                                               Canada Ltd., and Yücelboru İhracat,
                                               Ithalat, we will instruct CBP to apply                    Dated: June 5, 2018.                                 final dumping margins of sales at LTFV
                                               the rates listed above to all entries of                Gary Taverman,                                         are listed below in the ‘‘Final
                                               subject merchandise produced and/or                     Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping             Determination’’ section of this notice.
                                               exported by these firms.                                and Countervailing Duty Operations,                    DATES: Applicable June 11, 2018.
                                                                                                       performing the non-exclusive functions and
                                                  We intend to issue liquidation                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ian
                                                                                                       duties of the Assistant Secretary for
                                               instructions to CBP 15 days after                       Enforcement and Compliance.                            Hamilton or Kabir Archuletta, AD/CVD
                                               publication of the final results of this                                                                       Operations, Office V, Enforcement and
                                               review.                                                 Appendix                                               Compliance, International Trade
                                               Cash Deposit Requirements                               List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary            Administration, U.S. Department of
                                                                                                       Decision Memorandum                                    Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
                                                  The following deposit requirements                   I. Summary                                             NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
                                               will be effective upon publication of the               II. Background                                         (202) 482–4798 or (202) 482–2593,
                                               notice of final results of administrative               III. Scope of the Order                                respectively.
                                               review for all shipments of OCTG from                   IV. Allegation of a Particular Market
                                               Turkey entered, or withdrawn from                             Situation                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               warehouse, for consumption on or after                  V. Preliminary Finding of No Shipments
                                                                                                       VI. Rates for Respondents Not Selected for             Background
                                               the date of publication as provided by
                                                                                                             Individual Examination                              This final determination is made in
                                               section 751(a)(2) of the Act: (1) The cash              VII. Discussion of the Methodology
                                               deposit rate for companies subject to                                                                          accordance with section 735(a) of the
                                                                                                          Comparisons to Normal Value
                                               this review will be the rates established                  A. Determination of Comparison Method               Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act).
                                               in the final results of the review; (2) for                B. Results of Differential Pricing Analysis         On March 28, 2018, Commerce
                                               merchandise exported by producers or                       Product Comparisons                                 published the preliminary affirmative
                                               exporters not covered in this review but                   Date of Sale                                        determination of sales at LTFV in the
                                               covered in a prior segment of the                          Export Price                                        investigation of stainless steel flanges
                                                                                                          Normal Value                                        from China.1 We invited interested
                                               proceeding, the cash deposit rate will
                                                                                                          A. Home Market Viability and Comparison             parties to comment on the Preliminary
                                               continue to be the company-specific rate                      Market
                                               published for the most recent period; (3)                                                                      Determination. We received no
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               if the exporter is not a firm covered in                  8 See Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods from
                                                                                                                                                              comments from interested parties.
                                                                                                       India, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, the Republic
                                                 7 See Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of                                                                  1 See Stainless Steel Flanges from the People’s
                                                                                                       of Turkey, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam:
                                               the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and                 Antidumping Duty Orders; and Certain Oil Country       Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative
                                               Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping                  Tubular Goods from the Socialist Republic of           Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 83
                                               Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101, 8102       Vietnam: Amended Final Determination of Sales at       FR 13244 (March 28, 2018) (Preliminary
                                               (February 14, 2012) (Final Modification for             Less Than Fair Value, 79 FR 53691, 53693               Determination), and accompanying Preliminary
                                               Reviews).                                               (September 10, 2014).                                  Decision Memorandum.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:19 Jun 08, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11JNN1.SGM   11JNN1

                                               26960                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices

                                               Scope of the Investigation                                                a separate rate because evidence on the                                     warranted in determining the rate of the
                                                  The products covered by this                                           record supports an absence of de jure                                       China-wide entity, pursuant to sections
                                               investigation are stainless steel flanges                                 and de facto government control.5                                           776(a)(1), (a)(2)(A)–(C), and 776(b) of the
                                               from China. For a complete description                                    Hydro-Fluids Controls Limited (HFC),                                        Act.8
                                               of the scope of this investigation, see the                               Songhai Flange Manufacturing Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                     China-Wide Rate
                                               Appendix to this notice.                                                  (Songhai), and Dongtai QB Stainless
                                                                                                                         Steel Co., Ltd (Dongtai), were also                                            In selecting the AFA rate for the
                                               Analysis of Comments Received                                             selected as mandatory respondents, but                                      China-wide entity, Commerce’s practice
                                                 As noted above, we received no                                          withdrew from participation in this                                         is to select a rate that is sufficiently
                                               comments in response to the                                               investigation and did not respond to                                        adverse to ensure that the uncooperative
                                               Preliminary Determination. For the                                        requests for information.6 Thus, we                                         party does not obtain a more favorable
                                               purposes of the final determination,                                      continue to find that HFC, Songhai, and                                     result by failing to cooperate than if it
                                               Commerce has made no changes to the                                       Dongtai did not demonstrate that they                                       had fully cooperated. Specifically, it is
                                               Preliminary Determination.                                                are eligible for a separate rate and are                                    Commerce’s practice to select, as an
                                                                                                                         part of the China-wide entity. We also                                      AFA rate, the higher of: (a) the highest
                                               Use of Adverse Facts Available                                            continue to find that, in addition to the                                   dumping margin alleged in the petition;
                                                 We continue to find that the                                            mandatory respondents that did not                                          or, (b) the highest calculated dumping
                                               mandatory respondent in this                                              respond to our requests for information,                                    margin of any respondent in the
                                               investigation, Shanxi Guanjiaying                                         Commerce did not receive timely                                             investigation. As AFA, Commerce has
                                               Flange Forging Group Co., Ltd (GJY),                                      responses to its Quantity and Value                                         assigned to the China-wide entity the
                                               did not provide requested information,                                    (Q&V) questionnaire from numerous                                           rate of 257.11 percent, which is the
                                               withheld requested information,                                           Chinese exporters and/or producers of                                       highest dumping margin alleged in the
                                               significantly impeded this investigation,                                 the merchandise under consideration                                         Petition.
                                               and did not cooperate to the best of its                                  that were named in the Petition and to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Combination Rates
                                               ability to comply with Commerce’s                                         whom Commerce issued Q&V
                                               request for information in failing to                                     questionnaires.7 Because these                                                In the Initiation Notice, Commerce
                                               submit a complete and reliable sales                                      companies, which comprise part of the                                       stated that it would calculate producer/
                                               reconciliation, as detailed in the                                        China-wide entity, failed to submit the                                     exporter combination rates for the
                                               Preliminary Determination and                                             requested Q&V information, we                                               respondents that are eligible for a
                                               accompanying Preliminary Decision                                         determine that the China-wide entity                                        separate rate in this investigation.9
                                               Memorandum.2 Accordingly, we                                              did not cooperate to the best of its                                        Because Commerce continues to use
                                               continue to determine it appropriate to                                   ability. Therefore, for this final                                          facts otherwise available with an
                                               apply facts otherwise available, with an                                  determination, Commerce continues to                                        adverse inference in determining the
                                               adverse inference, in accordance with                                     find that the China-wide entity failed to                                   rate for the only respondent that
                                               sections 776(a)–(b) of the Act.3 As AFA,                                  provide necessary information,                                              demonstrated eligibility for a separate
                                               we have continued to apply the highest                                    withheld information requested by                                           rate in this investigation, GJY,
                                               dumping margin contained in the                                           Commerce, failed to provide                                                 Commerce did not calculate producer/
                                               Petition, 257.11 percent, as explained in                                 information in a timely manner, and                                         exporter combination rates for that
                                               the Preliminary Determination and                                         significantly impeded this proceeding                                       company.
                                               accompanying Preliminary Decision                                         by not submitting the requested
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Final Determination
                                               Memorandum.4                                                              information. As a result, Commerce
                                                 In accordance with the Preliminary                                      continues to find that use of facts                                          The final weighted-average dumping
                                               Determination, we continue to grant GJY                                   available, with an adverse inference, is                                    margins are as follows:

                                                                                                                                  Exporter/producer                                                                                                  dumping

                                               Shanxi Guanjiaying Flange Forging Group Co., Ltd ...........................................................................................................................                               257.11
                                               China-wide Entity .................................................................................................................................................................................        257.11

                                                 2 See Preliminary Determination, 83 FR at 13244;                        Economy Countries, dated April 5, 2005, available                           Value Questionnaires Delivery Confirmation,’’
                                               see also Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 8–                            at http://enforcement.trade.gov/policy/bull05-1.pdf.                        dated September 20, 2017.
                                               10.                                                                          6 See HFC’s Letter, ‘‘Certain Stainless Steel                              8 See, e.g., Notice of Preliminary Determination of

                                                 3 Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 10–15.                             Flanges from the People’s Republic of China:                                Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Affirmative
                                                 4 See Stainless Steel Flanges from India and the                        Withdrawal from Active Participation by Hydro-                              Preliminary Determination of Critical
                                               People’s Republic of China: Initiation of Less-Than-                      Fluid Controls Limited,’’ dated October 12, 2017;                           Circumstances and Postponement of Final
                                                                                                                         Songhai’s Letter, ‘‘Certain Stainless Steel Flanges                         Determination: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the
                                               Fair-Value Investigations, 82 FR 42649 (September
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 68 FR 4986, 4991–
                                               11, 2017); see also Petitioners’ Letter, ‘‘Stainless                      from the People’s Republic of China: Withdrawal
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                     92 (January 31, 2003); unchanged in Notice of Final
                                               Steel Flanges from the People’s Republic of China                         from Active Participation by Songhai Flange
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and
                                               and India: Petitions for the Imposition of                                Manufacturing Co. Ltd.,’’ dated October 13, 2017;                           Affirmative Critical Circumstances: Certain Frozen
                                               Antidumping and Countervailing Duties,’’ dated                            Dongtai’s Letter, ‘‘Certain Stainless Steel Flanges                         Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,
                                               August 16, 2017 (Petition); Preliminary Decision                          from the People’s Republic of China: Withdrawal                             68 FR 37116 (June 23, 2003).
                                               Memorandum at 13–15.                                                      from Active Participation by Dongtai QB Stainless                             9 See Stainless Steel Flanges from India and the
                                                 5 See Policy Bulletin 05.1, Separate-Rates Practice                     Steel Co., Ltd,’’ dated November 28, 2017.                                  People’s Republic of China: Initiation of Less-Than-
                                               and Application of Combination Rates in                                      7 See Preliminary Decision Memorandum at 10;
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fair-Value Investigations, 82 FR 42649, 42653
                                               Antidumping Investigations involving Non-Market                           see also Petition; Memorandum, ‘‘Quantity and                               (September 11, 2017) (Initiation Notice).

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices                                                  26961

                                               Disclosure                                              International Trade Commission                           Dated: June 4, 2018.
                                                 Normally, Commerce discloses to                       Notification                                           Gary Taverman,
                                               interested parties the calculations                                                                            Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
                                                                                                          In accordance with section 735(d) of                and Countervailing Duty Operations,
                                               performed in connection with a final
                                                                                                       the Act, we will notify the U.S.                       performing the non-exclusive functions and
                                               determination within five days of its
                                               public announcement or, if there is no                  International Trade Commission (ITC) of                duties of the Assistant Secretary for
                                                                                                       the final affirmative determination of                 Enforcement and Compliance.
                                               public announcement, within five days
                                               of the date of publication of this notice               sales at LTFV. Because the final                       Appendix
                                               in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).                   determination in this proceeding is
                                                                                                                                                              Scope of the Investigation
                                               However, because Commerce applied                       affirmative, in accordance with section
                                                                                                       735(b)(2) of the Act, the ITC will make                   The products covered by this investigation
                                               adverse facts available to the                                                                                 are certain forged stainless steel flanges,
                                               individually examined company                           its final determination as to whether the              whether unfinished, semi-finished, or
                                               participating in this investigation, in                 domestic industry in the United States                 finished (certain forged stainless steel
                                               accordance with section 776 of the Act,                 is materially injured, or threatened with              flanges). Certain forged stainless steel flanges
                                               and the applied adverse facts available                 material injury, by reason of imports of               are generally manufactured to, but not
                                               rate is based solely on the Petition, there             stainless steel flanges from China no                  limited to, the material specification of
                                               are no calculations to disclose.                        later than 45 days after this final                    ASTM/ASME A/SA182 or comparable
                                                                                                                                                              domestic or foreign specifications. Certain
                                               Continuation of Suspension of                           determination. If the ITC determines                   forged stainless steel flanges are made in
                                               Liquidation                                             that material injury, or threat of material            various grades such as, but not limited to,
                                                                                                       injury, does not exist, the proceeding                 304, 304L, 316, and 316L (or combinations
                                                  In accordance with section
                                                                                                       will be terminated and all cash deposits               thereof). The term ‘‘stainless steel’’ used in
                                               735(c)(1)(B) of the Act, Commerce will                                                                         this scope refers to an alloy steel containing,
                                                                                                       will be refunded. If the ITC determines
                                               instruct U.S. Customs and Border                                                                               by actual weight, 1.2 percent or less of carbon
                                               Protection (CBP) to continue to suspend                 that such injury does exist, Commerce
                                                                                                                                                              and 10.5 percent or more of chromium, with
                                               liquidation of all appropriate entries of               will issue an antidumping duty order                   or without other elements.
                                               stainless steel flanges from China, as                  directing CBP to assess, upon further                     Unfinished stainless steel flanges possess
                                               described in the Appendix to this                       instruction by Commerce, antidumping                   the approximate shape of finished stainless
                                               notice, which were entered, or                          duties on all imports of the merchandise               steel flanges and have not yet been machined
                                               withdrawn from warehouse, for                           under consideration entered, or                        to final specification after the initial forging
                                               consumption on or after March 28,                       withdrawn from warehouse, for                          or like operations. These machining
                                                                                                                                                              processes may include, but are not limited to,
                                               2018, the date of publication in the                    consumption on or after the effective
                                                                                                                                                              boring, facing, spot facing, drilling, tapering,
                                               Federal Register of the affirmative                     date of the suspension of liquidation.                 threading, beveling, heating, or compressing.
                                               Preliminary Determination.                                                                                     Semi-finished stainless steel flanges are
                                                  Further, pursuant to section                         Notification Regarding Administrative
                                                                                                                                                              unfinished stainless steel flanges that have
                                               735(c)(1)(B)(ii) of the Act, Commerce                   Protective Orders                                      undergone some machining processes.
                                               will also instruct CBP to collect a cash                                                                          The scope includes six general types of
                                                                                                          This notice serves as a reminder to
                                               deposit as follows: (1) The rate for the                                                                       flanges. They are: (1) Weld neck, generally
                                                                                                       parties subject to an administrative                   used in butt-weld line connection; (2)
                                               exporters listed in the chart above will
                                               be the rate we have determined in this                  protective order (APO) of their                        threaded, generally used for threaded line
                                               final determination; (2) for all Chinese                responsibility concerning the                          connections; (3) slip-on, generally used to
                                               exporters of subject merchandise which                  disposition of proprietary information                 slide over pipe; (4) lap joint, generally used
                                                                                                       disclosed under APO in accordance                      with stub-ends/butt-weld line connections;
                                               have not received their own rate, the                                                                          (5) socket weld, generally used to fit pipe
                                               cash-deposit rate will be the China-wide                with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
                                                                                                                                                              into a machine recession; and (6) blind,
                                               rate; and (3) for all non-Chinese                       notification of the return or destruction              generally used to seal off a line. The sizes
                                               exporters of subject merchandise which                  of APO materials, or conversion to                     and descriptions of the flanges within the
                                               have not received their own rate, the                   judicial protective order, is hereby                   scope include all pressure classes of ASME
                                               cash-deposit rate will be the rate                      requested. Failure to comply with the                  B16.5 and range from one-half inch to
                                               applicable to the Chinese exporter/                     regulations and the terms of an APO is                 twenty-four inches nominal pipe size.
                                               producer combination that supplied that                 a sanctionable violation.                              Specifically excluded from the scope of this
                                                                                                                                                              investigation are cast stainless steel flanges.
                                               non-Chinese exporter. These
                                               suspension-of-liquidation instructions                  Notification to Interested Parties                     Cast stainless steel flanges generally are
                                                                                                                                                              manufactured to specification ASTM A351.
                                               will remain in effect until further notice.               This determination is issued and                        The country of origin for certain forged
                                               Because there has been no                               published in accordance with sections                  stainless steel flanges, whether unfinished,
                                               demonstration that an adjustment for                    735(d) and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19                semi-finished, or finished is the country
                                               domestic subsidies is warranted,                        CFR 351.210(c).                                        where the flange was forged. Subject
                                               Commerce has not made any such                                                                                 merchandise includes stainless steel flanges
                                               adjustment to the rate assigned to GJY                                                                         as defined above that have been further
                                               or the China-wide entity. Additionally,                                                                        processed in a third country. The processing
                                                                                                                                                              includes, but is not limited to, boring, facing,
                                               Commerce is making no adjustments for
                                                                                                                                                              spot facing, drilling, tapering, threading,
                                               export subsidies to the antidumping                                                                            beveling, heating, or compressing, and/or any
                                               cash deposit rate in this investigation                                                                        other processing that would not otherwise
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               because we have made no findings in                     15790 (April 12, 2018); see also, e.g., Circular       remove the merchandise from the scope of
                                               the companion countervailing duty                       Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipe from Pakistan:        the investigation if performed in the country
                                               investigation that any of the programs                  Affirmative Preliminary Determination of Sales at      of manufacture of the stainless steel flanges.
                                               are export subsidies.10                                 Less Than Fair Value and Postponement of Final            Merchandise subject to the investigation is
                                                                                                       Determination and Extension of Provisional             typically imported under headings
                                                 10 See Countervailing Duty Investigation of           Measures, 81 FR 36867 (June 8, 2016) and               7307.21.1000 and 7307.21.5000 of the
                                               Stainless Steel Flanges from the People’s Republic      accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum           Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United
                                               of China: Final Affirmative Determination, 83 FR        at 13.                                                 States (HTSUS). While HTSUS subheadings

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                                               26962                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices

                                               and ASTM specifications are provided for   mechanical tubing from China,                                       ministerial errors in the Germany Final
                                               convenience and customs purposes, the      Germany, India, Italy, Korea, and                                   with respect to Benteler Steel/Tube
                                               written description of the scope is        Switzerland on April 16, 2018.1 In                                  GmbH (Benteler), Salzgitter
                                                                                          addition, Commerce made affirmative                                 Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–12482 Filed 6–8–18; 8:45 am] determinations of critical circumstances                            (Salzgitter Line Pipe) and Salzgitter
                                               BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                     with respect to China and Italy, in part,                           Mannesmann Precision GmbH
                                                                                          and with respect to Korea, pursuant to                              (Salzgitter Precision).7 On April 30,
                                                                                          section 735(a)(3) of the Act, and 19 CFR                            2018, Benteler submitted rebuttal
                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                     351.206.2                                                           comments to the petitioners’ allegation.8
                                                                                             Commerce received numerous                                       Neither Salzgitter Line Pipe nor
                                               International Trade Administration         ministerial error allegations and                                   Salzgitter Precision submitted rebuttal
                                               [A–570–058, A–428–845, A–533–873, A–475– comments in the various investigations.                               comments. However, we find that the
                                               838, A–580–892, A–441–801]                 A ministerial error is defined as an error                          alleged errors regarding our Final
                                                                                          in addition, subtraction, or other                                  Determination with respect to Benteler’s
                                               Certain Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing arithmetic function, clerical error                                       margin calculation and our treatment of
                                               of Carbon and Alloy Steel From the         resulting from inaccurate copying,                                  Salzgitter Line Pipe, Salzgitter
                                               People’s Republic of China, the            duplication, or the like, and any other                             Precision, or any other Salzgitter
                                               Federal Republic of Germany, India,        similar type of unintentional error                                 company are methodological, rather
                                               Italy, the Republic of Korea, and          which the Secretary considers                                       than ministerial, in nature.9
                                               Switzerland: Antidumping Duty              ministerial.3                                                          On April 23, 2018, Benteler Rothrist
                                               Orders; and Amended Final                     On April 17, 2018, Goodluck India                                AG (Benteler Rothrist) alleged that
                                               Determinations of Sales at Less Than       Limited (Goodluck) alleged that                                     Commerce made certain ministerial
                                               Fair Value for the People’s Republic of Commerce made a ministerial error in                                   errors in the Switzerland Final.10 On
                                               China and Switzerland                      the India Final.4 However, we find that                             April 30, 2018, the petitioners
                                               AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance,        the alleged error is methodological,                                submitted rebuttal comments to
                                               International Trade Administration,        rather than ministerial, in nature.5                                Benteler Rothrist’s allegation.11 See the
                                               Department of Commerce.                       On April 23, 2018, the petitioners 6                             ‘‘Amendment to Switzerland Final’’
                                                                                          alleged that Commerce made certain                                  section below for further information.
                                               SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final
                                                                                                                                                                 On April 24, 2018, the petitioners
                                               determinations by the Department of          1 See Certain Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing of
                                                                                                                                                              alleged that Commerce made certain
                                               Commerce (Commerce) and the                Carbon and Alloy Steel from the People’s Republic                   ministerial errors in the China Final
                                               International Trade Commission (the        of China: Affirmative Final Determination of Sales
                                                                                                                                                              with respect to Zhangjiagang Huacheng
                                               ITC), Commerce is issuing antidumping at Less-Than-Fair Value and Final Determination of
                                                                                          Critical Circumstances, in Part, 83 FR 16322 (April                 Import & Export Co., Ltd. (Huacheng).12
                                               duty orders on certain cold-drawn          16, 2018) (China Final); Certain Cold-Drawn                         On April 30, 2018, Huacheng submitted
                                               mechanical tubing of carbon and alloy      Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from                    rebuttal comments to the petitioners’
                                               steel (cold-drawn mechanical tubing)       the Federal Republic of Germany: Final Affirmative
                                                                                          Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 83                  allegation.13 See the ‘‘Amendment to
                                               from the People’s Republic of China
                                                                                          FR 16326 (April 16, 2018) (Germany Final); Certain
                                               (China), the Federal Republic of           Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and                             7 See the petitioners’ letter, ‘‘Cold-Drawn
                                               Germany (Germany), India, Italy, the       Alloy Steel from India: Final Affirmative                           Mechanical Tubing from Germany—Petitioners’
                                               Republic of Korea (Korea), and             Determination of Sales at Less than Fair Value, 83                  Ministerial Error Allegations Regarding BENTELER
                                               Switzerland. In addition, Commerce is      FR 16296 (April 16, 2018) (India Final); Certain                    Steel/Tube GmbH,’’ dated April 23, 2018
                                                                                          Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and                          (Petitioners’ Allegation regarding Benteler); the
                                               amending its final determination of        Alloy Steel from Italy: Final Determination of Sales                petitioners’ letter, ‘‘Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing
                                               sales at less than fair value (LTFV) for   at Less Than Fair Value and Final Affirmative                       from Germany—Petitioners’ Ministerial Error
                                               China and Switzerland as a result of       Determination of Critical Circumstances, in Part, 83                Allegations Regarding Salzgitter Mannesmann Line
                                               ministerial errors.                        FR 16289 (April 16, 2018) (Italy Final); Certain                    Pipe GmbH and Salzgitter Mannesmann Precision
                                                                                          Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and                          GmbH,’’ dated April 23, 2018 (Petitioners’
                                               DATES: Applicable June 11, 2018.           Alloy Steel from the Republic of Korea: Final                       Allegation regarding Salzgitter).
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than                             8 See Benteler’s letter, ‘‘Antidumping Duty

                                               Stolz at (202) 482–4474 or Keith Haynes Fair    Value, Final Affirmative Determination of
                                                                                          Critical Circumstances, 83 FR 16319 (April 16,
                                                                                                                                                              Investigation of Certain Cold-Drawn Mechanical
                                                                                                                                                              Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from Germany:
                                               at (202) 482–5139 (China), Frances         2018) (Korea Final); Certain Cold-Drawn                             Reply to Ministerial Error Comments for the Final
                                               Veith at (202) 482–4295 (Germany),         Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from                    Determination,’’ dated April 30, 2018 (Benteler’s
                                               Susan Pulongbarit at (202) 482–4031 or     Switzerland: Final Determination of Sales at Less                   Rebuttal Comments).
                                               Omar Qureshi at (202) 482–5307 (India), Than      Fair Value, 83 FR 16293 (April 16, 2018)
                                                                                          (Switzerland Final).
                                                                                                                                                                 9 See Memorandum, ‘‘Less-Than-Fair-Value

                                                                                                                                                              Investigation of Certain Cold-Drawn Mechanical
                                               Carrie Bethea at (202) 482–1491 (Italy),     2 See China Final, 83 FR at 16322; Italy Final, 83
                                                                                                                                                              Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from the Federal
                                               Annathea Cook at (202) 482–0250            FR at 16290; and Korea Final, 83 FR at 16320.                       Republic of Germany: Ministerial Error Allegation
                                               (Korea), and Laurel LaCivita at (202)        3 See section 735(e) of the Act and 19 CFR                        Memorandum,’’ dated June 6, 2018.
                                               482–4243 (Switzerland), AD/CVD             351.224(f).                                                            10 See Benteler Rothrist’s letter, ‘‘Antidumping
                                                                                            4 See Goodluck’s letter, ‘‘Goodluck’s Final                       Duty Investigation of Certain Cold-Drawn
                                               Operations, Enforcement and                                                                                    Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from
                                                                                          Determination Ministerial Error Comments:
                                               Compliance, U.S. Department of             Antidumping Duty Investigation on Certain Cold-                     Switzerland: Ministerial Error Comments for the
                                               Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue         Drawn Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and Alloy                         Final Determination,’’ dated April 23, 2018
                                               NW, Washington, DC 20230.                  Steel from India (A–533–873),’’ dated April 17,                     (Benteler Rothrist’s Allegation).
                                                                                          2018 (Goodluck’s Allegation).                                          11 See the petitioners’ letter, ‘‘Cold-Drawn
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                   5              See Memorandum, ‘‘Antidumping Duty                 Mechanical Tubing from Switzerland—Petitioners’
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Background                                              Investigation of Certain Cold-Drawn Mechanical         Response to Benteler Rothrist’s Ministerial Error
                                                                                                       Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from India:           Allegation,’’ dated April 30, 2018 (Petitioners’
                                                  In accordance with sections 735(a),                  Ministerial Error Allegation Memorandum,’’ dated       Rebuttal Comments to Benteler Rothrist).
                                               735(d), and 777(i)(1) of the Tariff Act of              May 16, 2018.                                             12 See the petitioners’ letter, ‘‘Cold-Drawn

                                               1930, as amended (the Act), and 19 CFR                    6 ArcelorMittal Tubular Products, Michigan           Mechanical Tubing from China—Petitioners’
                                                                                                       Seamless Tube, LLC, Plymouth Tube Co. USA, PTC         Ministerial Error Allegations,’’ dated April 24, 2018
                                               351.210(c), Commerce published its                      Alliance Corp., Webco Industries, Inc., and            (Petitioners’ China Allegation).
                                               affirmative final determinations in the                 Zekelman Industries, Inc. (collectively, the              13 See Huacheng’s letter, ‘‘Cold-Drawn

                                               LTFV investigations of cold-drawn                       petitioners).                                          Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 11:58:59
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 11:58:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApplicable June 11, 2018.
ContactIan Hamilton or Kabir Archuletta, AD/ CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-4798 or (202) 482-2593, respectively.
FR Citation83 FR 26959 

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