83_FR_27110 83 FR 26998 - Problem Formulations for the Risk Evaluations To Be Conducted Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, and General Guiding Principles To Apply Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations; Notice of Availability

83 FR 26998 - Problem Formulations for the Risk Evaluations To Be Conducted Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, and General Guiding Principles To Apply Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations; Notice of Availability


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 112 (June 11, 2018)

Page Range26998-27000
FR Document2018-12520

EPA is publishing and taking comments on the problem formulation documents for the first 10 chemical substances undergoing risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Comments received will inform the development of draft risk evaluation documents for these 10 chemical substances. The 10 problem formulation documents announced in this document refine the scope documents published in June 2017 and are an additional interim step, prior to publication of the draft risk evaluations. EPA is also publishing and taking comments on a document entitled: ``Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations,'' which sets out general principles to guide EPA's application of systematic review for TSCA risk evaluations. The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) generally intends to apply systematic review principles in the development of risk evaluations under TSCA. The systematic review document includes a structured process of identifying, evaluating and integrating evidence for both the hazard and exposure assessments developed during the TSCA risk evaluation process. This document may be revised periodically. EPA welcomes public input on the document.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 112 (Monday, June 11, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 112 (Monday, June 11, 2018)]
[Pages 26998-27000]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12520]



[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2018-0210; FRL-9978-40]

Problem Formulations for the Risk Evaluations To Be Conducted 
Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, and General Guiding Principles 
To Apply Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations; Notice of 

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: EPA is publishing and taking comments on the problem 
formulation documents for the first 10 chemical substances undergoing 
risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Comments 
received will inform the development of draft risk evaluation documents 
for these 10 chemical substances. The 10 problem formulation documents 
announced in this document refine the scope documents published in June 
2017 and are an additional interim step, prior to publication of the 
draft risk evaluations. EPA is also publishing and taking comments on a 
document entitled: ``Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk 
Evaluations,'' which sets out general principles to guide EPA's 
application of systematic review for TSCA risk evaluations. The Office 
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) generally intends to apply 
systematic review principles in the development of risk evaluations 
under TSCA. The systematic review document includes a structured 
process of identifying, evaluating and integrating evidence for both 
the hazard and exposure assessments developed during the TSCA risk 
evaluation process. This document may be revised periodically. EPA 
welcomes public input on the document.

DATES: Comments on the problem formulations must be received on or 
before July 26, 2018.
    EPA specifically requests comments on the Application of Systematic 
Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations document for 45 days after date of 
publication in the Federal Register. In addition, because this document 
is a living document which may be revised periodically. EPA welcomes 
public input on this document at any time.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by the appropriate docket 
identification (ID) numbers as provided in Unit IV., by one of the 
following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting 
comments. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to 
be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. When submitting comments, please 
be as specific as possible, and please include any supporting data or 
other information.
     Mail: Document Control Office (7407M), Office of 
Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental Protection 
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001.
     Hand Delivery: To make special arrangements for 
hand delivery or delivery of boxed information, please follow the 
instructions at http://www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.
    Additional instructions on commenting or visiting the docket, along 
with more information about dockets in general is available at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.

    For technical information on the Problem Formulation documents 
contact: Christina Motilall, Risk Assessment Division, Office of 
Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: 
(202) 564-1287; email address: [email protected].
    For technical information on Application of Systematic Review in 
TSCA Risk Evaluations contact: Iris Camacho, Risk Assessment Division, 
Office of Pollution Prevention and

[[Page 26999]]

Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 
Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-1229; email 
address: [email protected].
    For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 
554-1404; email address: [email protected].


I. Does this action apply to me?

    You may be potentially affected by this action if you manufacture 
(defined under TSCA to include import), process, distribute in 
commerce, use or dispose of any of the 10 chemical substances 
identified in this document for risk evaluation, or any future existing 
chemical substances undergoing risk evaluation under TSCA. This action 
may be of particular interest to entities that are regulated under TSCA 
(e.g., entities identified under North American Industrial 
Classification System (NAICS) codes 325 and 324110, among others). 
Since other entities may also be interested, the Agency has not 
attempted to describe all the specific entities and corresponding NAICS 
codes for entities that may be interested in or affected by this 

II. What is the Agency's authority for this action?

    As amended in June 2016, TSCA requires that EPA prioritize and 
evaluate existing chemical substances and manage identified risks (15 
U.S.C. 2605). TSCA section 6(b) specifies the requirements for risk 

III. Background

A. The First 10 Chemical Substances for Risk Evaluations Under TSCA

    On December 19, 2016 (81 FR 91927) (FRL-9956-47), EPA released its 
designation of the first 10 chemical substances for risk evaluations 
under TSCA. EPA's designation of the first 10 chemical substances 
constituted the initiation of the risk evaluation process for each of 
these chemical substances, pursuant to the requirements of TSCA section 
    On June 22, 2017, EPA released scope documents for the first 10 
chemical substances (see 82 FR 31592, July 7, 2017) (FRL-9963-57). Each 
scope document includes the hazards, exposures, conditions of use, and 
the potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations that EPA expects 
to consider in the risk evaluation.
    EPA has prepared a Response to Comments document addressing 
overarching comments received on the scope documents, which is 
available in the docket (see docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2017-0736). 
Chemical substance-specific comments on the scope documents are 
addressed in the respective problem formulation documents.

B. Systematic Review

    In the development of TSCA risk evaluations, the Agency generally 
intends to apply systematic review principles. EPA described systematic 
review in the preamble of the final rule Procedures for Chemical Risk 
Evaluation Under the Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (82 FR 33726, 
July 20, 2017), and in the preamble of the proposed rule (82 FR 7562, 
January 19, 2017) (FRL-9957-75). EPA intends to apply systematic review 
to pre-specify the criteria, methods/approaches for data collection, 
data evaluation and data integration to meet the TSCA science 
standards. TSCA requires EPA to make scientific decisions in a manner 
consistent with the best available science and base decisions on the 
weight of the scientific evidence.
    Supplemental documents to the scope documents of the first 10 
chemical substances, published in June 2017 (e.g., Strategy for 
Conducting Literature Searches for Asbestos: Supplemental Document to 
the TSCA Scope Document, CASRN: 1332-21-4) already document the initial 
methods for identifying, compiling and screening publicly available 
information. These data collections and screening activities are 
described in the Strategy for Conducting Literature Searches document 
and the Bibliography document supporting each of the TSCA scope 
documents for the first ten chemical substances.

IV. What action is the Agency taking?

A. Problem Formulation Documents

    To refine the scope documents, EPA is publishing and taking public 
comment on problem formulation documents for the first 10 chemical 
substances. As indicated in the scope documents, time constraints 
resulted in scope documents that were not as refined or specific as 
future scope documents are anticipated to be. The 10 problem 
formulation documents announced in this document are an additional 
interim step, prior to publication of the draft risk evaluations, that 
refine the scope documents. These refinements may apply to the 
conditions of use, hazards, exposures, and the potentially exposed or 
susceptible subpopulations EPA expects to consider in the risk 
evaluation. EPA has incorporated scope document comments specific to 
each chemical substance into the respective problem formulation 
document. While EPA does not intend to revise these problem formulation 
documents, comments and information provided will inform the 
development of the draft risk evaluation documents.
    The following table identifies the docket ID numbers and EPA 
contact for each of the 10 problem formulations that EPA is taking 
comments on.

            Chemical No.                              Docket ID No.                        Agency contact
Asbestos............................  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0736                         Robert Courtnage,
                                                                                     [email protected],
1-Bromopropane......................  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0741                         Ana Corado,
                                                                                     [email protected], 202-564-
1,4-Dioxane.........................  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0723                         Cindy Wheeler,
                                                                                     [email protected], 202-
Carbon Tetrachloride................  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0733                         Stephanie Jarmul,
                                                                                     [email protected],
Cyclic Aliphatic Bromide Cluster      EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0735                         Sue Slotnick,
 (HBCD).                                                                             [email protected], 202-
Methylene Chloride..................  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0742                         Ana Corado,
                                                                                     [email protected], 202-564-
N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP)...........  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0743                         Ana Corado,
                                                                                     [email protected], 202-564-
Pigment Violet 29 (Anthra[2,1,9-      EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0725                         Hannah Braun,
 def:6,5,10-d'e'f'] diisoquinoline-                                                  [email protected], 202-
 1,3,8,10(2H,9H)-tetrone).                                                           564-5614.
Tetrachloroethylene (also known as    EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0732                         Tyler Lloyd,
 perchloroethylene).                                                                 [email protected], 202-
Trichloroethylene (TCE).............  EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0737                         Toni Krasnic,
                                                                                     [email protected], 202-

[[Page 27000]]

    EPA invites the public to provide additional comment and 
information that would be useful in conducting the risk evaluation for 
each of the 10 chemical substances.

B. The Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations

    The Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations 
document is a supplemental publication which sets out general 
principles to guide EPA's application of systematic review in the risk 
evaluation process for the first 10 chemical substances that EPA 
initiated on December 19, 2016, as well as future assessments. It also 
provides the intended strategy for assessing the quality of information 
that the Agency plans to use for the TSCA risk evaluations.
    The Agency intends to implement a structured process of 
identifying, evaluating and integrating evidence for both the hazard 
and exposure assessments developed during the TSCA risk evaluation 
process. As needed, EPA will develop new approaches and methods to 
address specific assessment needs for the relatively large and diverse 
chemical space under TSCA. Hence, the Agency will document the progress 
of implementing systematic review in the draft risk evaluations and 
through revisions of this document and publication of supplemental 
documents. The systematic review document provides the general 
expectations for evidence integration. Further additional information 
will be published with the publication of the draft TSCA risk 
    Ultimately, the goal is to establish a pragmatic systematic review 
process that generates high quality, fit-for-purpose risk evaluations 
that rely on the best available science and the weight of the 
scientific evidence within the context of TSCA.
    This document is a living document which may be revised 
periodically. EPA welcomes public input on this document at any time.

    Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.

    Dated: May 31, 2018.
Charlotte Bertrand,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical 
Safety and Pollution Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2018-12520 Filed 6-8-18; 8:45 am]

                                               26998                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices

                                               OMB. The actual number of claims                        received. This decision constitutes final              systematic review document includes a
                                               submitted under Section 312 is slightly                 Agency action and there is no                          structured process of identifying,
                                               lower than the estimate provided in the                 Administrative appeal. This decision                   evaluating and integrating evidence for
                                               previous ICR. The burden hours and                      may be reviewed/appealed in                            both the hazard and exposure
                                               costs may be revised based on the actual                compliance with the Administrative                     assessments developed during the TSCA
                                               trade secret claim submissions received                 Procedure Act.                                         risk evaluation process. This document
                                               for Section 313 reports. The compliance                 DATES: This action is effective as of May              may be revised periodically. EPA
                                               deadline for section 313 report is July 1,              18, 2018.                                              welcomes public input on the
                                               2018. EPA will revise the burden and                    ADDRESSES: Copies of the petition                      document.
                                               costs prior to submitting the package to                reissuance and all pertinent information               DATES: Comments on the problem
                                               OMB.                                                    relating thereto are on file at the                    formulations must be received on or
                                                 Dated: May 24, 2018.                                  following location: Environmental                      before July 26, 2018.
                                               Becki Clark,                                            Protection Agency, Region 6, Water                        EPA specifically requests comments
                                               Deputy Director, Office of Emergency                    Division, Safe Drinking Water Branch                   on the Application of Systematic Review
                                               Management.                                             (6WQ–S), 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas,                     in TSCA Risk Evaluations document for
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–12505 Filed 6–8–18; 8:45 am]              Texas 75202–2733.                                      45 days after date of publication in the
                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       Federal Register. In addition, because
                                                                                                       Philip Dellinger, Chief Ground Water/                  this document is a living document
                                                                                                       UIC Section, EPA—Region 6, telephone                   which may be revised periodically. EPA
                                               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                (214) 665–8324.                                        welcomes public input on this
                                               AGENCY                                                    Dated: May 18, 2018.                                 document at any time.
                                                                                                       James R. Brown,                                        ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                               [FRL–9979–08-Region 6]
                                                                                                       Associate Director, Safe Drinking Water                identified by the appropriate docket
                                               Underground Injection Control                           Branch.                                                identification (ID) numbers as provided
                                               Program; Hazardous Waste Injection                      [FR Doc. 2018–12508 Filed 6–8–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                              in Unit IV., by one of the following
                                               Restrictions; Petition for Exemption                                                                           methods:
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                               Reissuance—Class I Hazardous Waste                                                                                • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                               Injection; U. S. Ecology Texas (USET)                                                                          www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                               Robstown, Texas                                         ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                               instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                       AGENCY                                                 Do not submit electronically any
                                               AGENCY: Environmental Protection                                                                               information you consider to be
                                               Agency (EPA).                                           [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2018–0210; FRL–9978–40]                   Confidential Business Information (CBI)
                                               ACTION: Notice of a final decision on a                                                                        or other information whose disclosure is
                                                                                                       Problem Formulations for the Risk                      restricted by statute. When submitting
                                               UIC no migration petition reissuance.
                                                                                                       Evaluations To Be Conducted Under                      comments, please be as specific as
                                               SUMMARY:    Notice is hereby given that a               the Toxic Substances Control Act, and                  possible, and please include any
                                               reissuance of an exemption to the Land                  General Guiding Principles To Apply                    supporting data or other information.
                                               Disposal Restrictions, under the 1984                   Systematic Review in TSCA Risk                            • Mail: Document Control Office
                                               Hazardous and Solid Waste                               Evaluations; Notice of Availability                    (7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention
                                               Amendments to the Resource                              AGENCY: Environmental Protection                       and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental
                                               Conservation and Recovery Act, has                      Agency (EPA).                                          Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
                                               been granted to USET for two Class I                    ACTION: Notice.                                        Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.
                                               hazardous waste injection wells located                                                                           • Hand Delivery: To make special
                                               at their Robstown, Texas facility. The                  SUMMARY:    EPA is publishing and taking               arrangements for hand delivery or
                                               company has adequately demonstrated                     comments on the problem formulation                    delivery of boxed information, please
                                               to the satisfaction of the EPA by the                   documents for the first 10 chemical                    follow the instructions at http://
                                               petition reissuance application and                     substances undergoing risk evaluation                  www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.
                                               supporting documentation that, to a                     under the Toxic Substances Control Act                    Additional instructions on
                                               reasonable degree of certainty, there will              (TSCA). Comments received will inform                  commenting or visiting the docket,
                                               be no migration of hazardous                            the development of draft risk evaluation               along with more information about
                                               constituents from the injection zone for                documents for these 10 chemical                        dockets in general is available at http://
                                               as long as the waste remains hazardous.                 substances. The 10 problem formulation                 www.epa.gov/dockets.
                                               This final decision allows the                          documents announced in this document                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               underground injection by USET of the                    refine the scope documents published                      For technical information on the
                                               specific restricted hazardous wastes                    in June 2017 and are an additional                     Problem Formulation documents
                                               identified in this exemption reissuance,                interim step, prior to publication of the              contact: Christina Motilall, Risk
                                               into Class I hazardous waste injection                  draft risk evaluations. EPA is also                    Assessment Division, Office of Pollution
                                               wells WDW–278 and WDW–279 until                         publishing and taking comments on a                    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental
                                               December 31, 2030, unless the EPA                       document entitled: ‘‘Application of                    Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
                                               moves to terminate this exemption or                    Systematic Review in TSCA Risk                         Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;
                                               other petition condition limitations are                Evaluations,’’ which sets out general                  telephone number: (202) 564–1287;
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               reached. Additional conditions                          principles to guide EPA’s application of               email address: motilall.christina@
                                               included in this final decision may be                  systematic review for TSCA risk                        epa.gov.
                                               reviewed by contacting the EPA Region                   evaluations. The Office of Pollution                      For technical information on
                                               6 Ground Water/UIC Section. A public                    Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) generally                 Application of Systematic Review in
                                               notice was issued March 29, 2018, and                   intends to apply systematic review                     TSCA Risk Evaluations contact: Iris
                                               the public comment period closed on                     principles in the development of risk                  Camacho, Risk Assessment Division,
                                               May 15, 2018, and no comments were                      evaluations under TSCA. The                            Office of Pollution Prevention and

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:19 Jun 08, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00054   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11JNN1.SGM   11JNN1

                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices                                                        26999

                                               Toxics, Environmental Protection                                           substances for risk evaluations under               substances, published in June 2017 (e.g.,
                                               Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                                         TSCA. EPA’s designation of the first 10             Strategy for Conducting Literature
                                               Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone                                       chemical substances constituted the                 Searches for Asbestos: Supplemental
                                               number: (202) 564–1229; email address:                                     initiation of the risk evaluation process           Document to the TSCA Scope
                                               TSCA-systematicreview@epa.gov.                                             for each of these chemical substances,              Document, CASRN: 1332–21–4) already
                                                 For general information contact: The                                     pursuant to the requirements of TSCA                document the initial methods for
                                               TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422                                           section 6(b)(4).                                    identifying, compiling and screening
                                               South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY                                            On June 22, 2017, EPA released scope              publicly available information. These
                                               14620; telephone number: (202) 554–                                        documents for the first 10 chemical                 data collections and screening activities
                                               1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@                                         substances (see 82 FR 31592, July 7,                are described in the Strategy for
                                               epa.gov.                                                                   2017) (FRL–9963–57). Each scope                     Conducting Literature Searches
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                 document includes the hazards,                      document and the Bibliography
                                                                                                                          exposures, conditions of use, and the               document supporting each of the TSCA
                                               I. Does this action apply to me?                                           potentially exposed or susceptible                  scope documents for the first ten
                                                  You may be potentially affected by                                      subpopulations that EPA expects to                  chemical substances.
                                               this action if you manufacture (defined                                    consider in the risk evaluation.
                                               under TSCA to include import), process,                                                                                        IV. What action is the Agency taking?
                                                                                                                            EPA has prepared a Response to
                                               distribute in commerce, use or dispose                                     Comments document addressing                        A. Problem Formulation Documents
                                               of any of the 10 chemical substances                                       overarching comments received on the
                                               identified in this document for risk                                       scope documents, which is available in                 To refine the scope documents, EPA
                                               evaluation, or any future existing                                         the docket (see docket ID number EPA–               is publishing and taking public
                                               chemical substances undergoing risk                                        HQ–OPPT–2017–0736). Chemical                        comment on problem formulation
                                               evaluation under TSCA. This action                                         substance-specific comments on the                  documents for the first 10 chemical
                                               may be of particular interest to entities                                  scope documents are addressed in the                substances. As indicated in the scope
                                               that are regulated under TSCA (e.g.,                                       respective problem formulation                      documents, time constraints resulted in
                                               entities identified under North                                            documents.                                          scope documents that were not as
                                               American Industrial Classification                                                                                             refined or specific as future scope
                                               System (NAICS) codes 325 and 324110,                                       B. Systematic Review                                documents are anticipated to be. The 10
                                               among others). Since other entities may                                      In the development of TSCA risk                   problem formulation documents
                                               also be interested, the Agency has not                                     evaluations, the Agency generally                   announced in this document are an
                                               attempted to describe all the specific                                     intends to apply systematic review                  additional interim step, prior to
                                               entities and corresponding NAICS codes                                     principles. EPA described systematic                publication of the draft risk evaluations,
                                               for entities that may be interested in or                                  review in the preamble of the final rule            that refine the scope documents. These
                                               affected by this action.                                                   Procedures for Chemical Risk                        refinements may apply to the conditions
                                                                                                                          Evaluation Under the Amended Toxic                  of use, hazards, exposures, and the
                                               II. What is the Agency’s authority for                                                                                         potentially exposed or susceptible
                                               this action?                                                               Substances Control Act (82 FR 33726,
                                                                                                                          July 20, 2017), and in the preamble of              subpopulations EPA expects to consider
                                                  As amended in June 2016, TSCA                                           the proposed rule (82 FR 7562, January              in the risk evaluation. EPA has
                                               requires that EPA prioritize and                                           19, 2017) (FRL–9957–75). EPA intends                incorporated scope document comments
                                               evaluate existing chemical substances                                      to apply systematic review to pre-                  specific to each chemical substance into
                                               and manage identified risks (15 U.S.C.                                     specify the criteria, methods/approaches            the respective problem formulation
                                               2605). TSCA section 6(b) specifies the                                     for data collection, data evaluation and            document. While EPA does not intend
                                               requirements for risk evaluation.                                          data integration to meet the TSCA                   to revise these problem formulation
                                                                                                                          science standards. TSCA requires EPA                documents, comments and information
                                               III. Background
                                                                                                                          to make scientific decisions in a manner            provided will inform the development
                                               A. The First 10 Chemical Substances for                                    consistent with the best available                  of the draft risk evaluation documents.
                                               Risk Evaluations Under TSCA                                                science and base decisions on the                      The following table identifies the
                                                 On December 19, 2016 (81 FR 91927)                                       weight of the scientific evidence.                  docket ID numbers and EPA contact for
                                               (FRL–9956–47), EPA released its                                              Supplemental documents to the scope               each of the 10 problem formulations
                                               designation of the first 10 chemical                                       documents of the first 10 chemical                  that EPA is taking comments on.

                                                                         Chemical No.                                              Docket ID No.                                       Agency contact

                                               Asbestos ...............................................................    EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0736                Robert Courtnage, courtnage.robert@epa.gov, 202–566–
                                               1-Bromopropane ..................................................           EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0741                Ana Corado, corado.ana@epa.gov, 202–564–0140.
                                               1,4-Dioxane ..........................................................      EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0723                Cindy Wheeler, wheeler.cindy@epa.gov, 202–566–0484.
                                               Carbon Tetrachloride ...........................................            EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0733                Stephanie Jarmul, jarmul.stephanie@epa.gov, 202–564–
                                               Cyclic Aliphatic Bromide Cluster (HBCD) ............                        EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0735                Sue Slotnick, slotnick.sue@epa.gov, 202–566–1973.
                                               Methylene Chloride ..............................................           EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0742                Ana Corado, corado.ana@epa.gov, 202–564–0140.
                                               N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP) ..................................                EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0743                Ana Corado, corado.ana@epa.gov, 202–564–0140.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Pigment Violet 29 (Anthra[2,1,9-def:6,5,10-d′e’f′]                          EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0725                Hannah Braun, braun.hannah@epa.gov, 202–564–5614.
                                               Tetrachloroethylene (also known as                                          EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0732                Tyler Lloyd, lloyd.tyler@epa.gov, 202–564–4016.
                                               Trichloroethylene (TCE) .......................................             EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0737                Toni Krasnic, krasnic.toni@epa.gov, 202–564–0984.

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                                               27000                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 112 / Monday, June 11, 2018 / Notices

                                                  EPA invites the public to provide                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                   Open captioning will be provided for
                                               additional comment and information                      COMMISSION                                             this event. Other reasonable
                                               that would be useful in conducting the                                                                         accommodations for people with
                                               risk evaluation for each of the 10                      Federal Advisory Committee Act;                        disabilities are available upon request.
                                               chemical substances.                                    Communications Security, Reliability,                  Requests for such accommodations
                                                                                                       and Interoperability Council                           should be submitted via email to
                                               B. The Application of Systematic                                                                               fcc504@fcc.gov or by calling the
                                               Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations                         AGENCY: Federal Communications
                                                                                                       Commission.                                            Consumer & Governmental Affairs
                                                                                                                                                              Bureau at (202) 418–0530 (voice), (202)
                                                  The Application of Systematic Review                 ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
                                                                                                                                                              418–0432 (tty). Such requests should
                                               in TSCA Risk Evaluations document is
                                                                                                       SUMMARY:    In accordance with the                     include a detailed description of the
                                               a supplemental publication which sets                                                                          accommodation needed. In addition,
                                                                                                       Federal Advisory Committee Act, this
                                               out general principles to guide EPA’s                                                                          please include a way the FCC can
                                                                                                       notice advises interested persons that
                                               application of systematic review in the                 the Federal Communications                             contact you if it needs more
                                               risk evaluation process for the first 10                Commission’s (FCC or Commission)                       information. Please allow at least five
                                               chemical substances that EPA initiated                  Communications Security, Reliability,                  days’ advance notice; last-minute
                                               on December 19, 2016, as well as future                 and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) VI                requests will be accepted, but may be
                                               assessments. It also provides the                       will hold its fifth meeting.                           impossible to fill.
                                               intended strategy for assessing the                     DATES: June 29, 2018.                                  Federal Communications Commission.
                                               quality of information that the Agency                  ADDRESSES: Federal Communications                      Marlene Dortch,
                                               plans to use for the TSCA risk                          Commission, Room TW–C305                               Secretary.
                                               evaluations.                                            (Commission Meeting Room), 445 12th                    [FR Doc. 2018–12490 Filed 6–8–18; 8:45 am]
                                                  The Agency intends to implement a                    Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.                       BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                               structured process of identifying,                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               evaluating and integrating evidence for                 Jeffery Goldthorp, Designated Federal
                                               both the hazard and exposure                            Officer, (202) 418–1096 (voice) or                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                               assessments developed during the TSCA                   jeffery.goldthorp@fcc.gov (email); or                  COMMISSION
                                               risk evaluation process. As needed, EPA                 Suzon Cameron, Deputy Designated
                                                                                                       Federal Officer, (202) 418–1916 (voice)                [OMB 3060–1113]
                                               will develop new approaches and
                                               methods to address specific assessment                  or suzon.cameron@fcc.gov (email).
                                                                                                                                                              Information Collection Being
                                               needs for the relatively large and diverse              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                         Submitted for Review and Approval to
                                               chemical space under TSCA. Hence, the                   meeting will be held on June 29, 2018,                 the Office of Management and Budget
                                               Agency will document the progress of                    from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the
                                               implementing systematic review in the                   Commission Meeting Room of the                         AGENCY: Federal Communications
                                                                                                       Federal Communications Commission,                     Commission.
                                               draft risk evaluations and through
                                                                                                       Room TW–C305, 445 12th Street SW,                      ACTION: Notice and request for
                                               revisions of this document and
                                                                                                       Washington, DC 20554.                                  comments.
                                               publication of supplemental documents.                     The CSRIC is a Federal Advisory
                                               The systematic review document                          Committee that will provide                            SUMMARY:   As part of its continuing effort
                                               provides the general expectations for                   recommendations to the FCC regarding                   to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
                                               evidence integration. Further additional                best practices and actions the FCC can                 required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                               information will be published with the                  take to help ensure the security,                      Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal
                                               publication of the draft TSCA risk                      reliability, and interoperability of                   Communications Commission (FCC or
                                               evaluations.                                            communications systems. On March 19,                   the Commission) invites the general
                                                  Ultimately, the goal is to establish a               2017, the FCC, pursuant to the Federal                 public and other Federal agencies to
                                               pragmatic systematic review process                     Advisory Committee Act, renewed the                    take this opportunity to comment on the
                                               that generates high quality, fit-for-                   charter for the CSRIC for a period of two              following information collection.
                                               purpose risk evaluations that rely on the               years through March 18, 2019. The                      Comments are requested concerning:
                                               best available science and the weight of                meeting on June 29, 2018, will be the                  whether the proposed collection of
                                               the scientific evidence within the                      fifth meeting of the CSRIC under the                   information is necessary for the proper
                                                                                                       current charter. The FCC will attempt to               performance of the functions of the
                                               context of TSCA.
                                                                                                       accommodate as many attendees as                       Commission, including whether the
                                                  This document is a living document                   possible; however, admittance will be                  information shall have practical utility;
                                               which may be revised periodically. EPA                  limited to seating availability. The                   the accuracy of the Commission’s
                                               welcomes public input on this                           Commission will provide audio and/or                   burden estimate; ways to enhance the
                                               document at any time.                                   video coverage of the meeting over the                 quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                  Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.                    internet from the FCC’s web page at                    information collected; ways to minimize
                                                                                                       http://www.fcc.gov/live. The public may                the burden of the collection of
                                                 Dated: May 31, 2018.                                  submit written comments before the                     information on the respondents,
                                               Charlotte Bertrand,                                     meeting to Jeffery Goldthorp, CSRIC                    including the use of automated
                                               Acting Principal Deputy Assistant                       Designated Federal Officer, by email to                collection techniques or other forms of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and            jeffery.goldthorp@fcc.gov or U.S. Postal               information technology; and ways to
                                               Pollution Prevention.                                   Service Mail to Jeffery Goldthorp,                     further reduce the information
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–12520 Filed 6–8–18; 8:45 am]              Associate Bureau Chief, Public Safety                  collection burden on small business
                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  and Homeland Security Bureau, Federal                  concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
                                                                                                       Communications Commission, 445 12th                      The Commission may not conduct or
                                                                                                       Street SW, Room 7–A325, Washington,                    sponsor a collection of information
                                                                                                       DC 20554.                                              unless it displays a currently valid

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 11:59:07
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 11:59:07
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesComments on the problem formulations must be received on or before July 26, 2018.
ContactFor technical information on the Problem Formulation documents contact: Christina Motilall, Risk Assessment Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number:
FR Citation83 FR 26998 

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