83_FR_28928 83 FR 28808 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization Surveys off of Rhode Island and Massachusetts

83 FR 28808 - Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization Surveys off of Rhode Island and Massachusetts

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 120 (June 21, 2018)

Page Range28808-28824
FR Document2018-13279

In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given that NMFS has issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to Deepwater Wind New England, LLC (DWW), for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization surveys off the coast of Rhode Island and Massachusetts in the area of the Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0486) and along potential submarine cable routes to a landfall location in Rhode Island, Massachusetts or New York.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 120 (Thursday, June 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 120 (Thursday, June 21, 2018)]
[Pages 28808-28824]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13279]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XF984

Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; 
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization 
Surveys off of Rhode Island and Massachusetts

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; Issuance of an Incidental Harassment Authorization.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine 
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given 
that NMFS has issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to 
Deepwater Wind New England, LLC (DWW), for authorization to take marine 
mammals incidental to marine site characterization surveys off the 
coast of Rhode Island and Massachusetts in the area of the Commercial 
Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer 
Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0486) and along potential submarine cable 
routes to a landfall location in Rhode Island, Massachusetts or New 

DATES: This Authorization is valid for one year from the date of 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jordan Carduner, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the applications 
and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in 
this document, may be obtained by visiting the internet at: 
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. In case of 
problems accessing these documents, please call the contact listed 



    Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) 
direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon 
request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of small numbers 
of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity 
(other than commercial fishing) within a specified geographical region 
if certain findings are made and either regulations are issued or, if 
the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a proposed 
authorization is provided to the public for review.
    An authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS 
finds that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or 
stock(s), will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the 
availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses (where 
relevant), and if the permissible methods of taking and requirements 
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and reporting of such takings 
are set forth.
    NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103 as an 
impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot be reasonably 
expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely affect the 
species or stock through effects on annual rates of recruitment or 
    The MMPA states that the term ``take'' means to harass, hunt, 
capture, or kill,

[[Page 28809]]

or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill any marine mammal.
    Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the 
MMPA defines ``harassment'' as: Any act of pursuit, torment, or 
annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has the 
potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild 
by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not 
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or 
sheltering (Level B harassment).

Summary of Request

    On January 3, 2018, NMFS received a request from DWW for an IHA to 
take marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization surveys 
off the coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the area of the 
Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on 
the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0486) and along potential submarine 
cable routes to a landfall location in either Rhode Island, 
Massachusetts or New York. A revised application was received on April 
18, 2018. NMFS deemed that request to be adequate and complete. DWW's 
request is for take of 14 marine mammal species by Level B harassment. 
Neither DWW nor NMFS expects serious injury or mortality to result from 
this activity and the activity is expected to last no more than one 
year, therefore, an IHA is appropriate.

Description of the Proposed Activity


    DWW proposes to conduct marine site characterization surveys, 
including high-resolution geophysical (HRG) and geotechnical surveys, 
in the area of the Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable 
Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf #OCS-A 0486 (Lease 
Area) and along potential submarine cable routes to landfall locations 
in either Rhode Island, Massachusetts or Long Island, New York. The 
purpose of the marine site characterization surveys are to obtain a 
baseline assessment of seabed/sub-surface soil conditions in the Lease 
Area and cable route corridors to support the siting of potential 
future offshore wind projects. Underwater sound resulting from DWW's 
proposed site characterization surveys has the potential to result in 
incidental take of marine mammals in the form of behavioral harassment.
    DWW's survey activities would occur in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean 
within Federal waters. Surveys would occur within the Bureau of Ocean 
Energy Management (BOEM) Rhode Island-Massachusetts Wind Energy Area 
(RI-MA WEA) which is located east of Long Island, New York and south of 
Rhode Island and Massachusetts (see Figure 1 in the IHA application). 
Water depths in the Lease Area range from 26 to 48 meters (m) (85 to 
157 feet (ft)). For the purpose of this IHA the Lease Area and 
submarine cable corridor are collectively termed the Project Area. 
Surveys would occur from approximately June 15, 2018 through December 
31, 2018. The estimated duration of the geophysical survey is expected 
to be up to 200 days and the estimated duration of the geotechnical 
survey is expected to be up to 100 days.
    Geotechnical surveys would entail the use of core penetration 
testing, deep boring cores and vibracores. Geotechnical surveys are not 
expected to result in the take of marine mammals, as described in the 
Federal Register notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018) 
and are not analyzed further in this document. Geophysical surveys 
would entail the use of a multibeam depth sounder, shallow penetration 
sub-bottom profiler (chirp), medium penetration sub-bottom profiler 
(boomer and sparker or bubble gun), sidescan sonar and marine 
magnetometer. The deployment of geophysical survey equipment, including 
the equipment planned for use during DWW's planned activity, produces 
sound in the marine environment that has the potential to result in 
harassment of marine mammals.
    A detailed description of the planned survey activities, including 
types of survey equipment planned for use, is provided in the Federal 
Register notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018). Since 
that time, no changes have been made to the planned activities. 
Therefore, a detailed description is not repeated here. We note, 
however, that one type of survey equipment was described incorrectly in 
the proposed IHA: The frequencies listed for the Edgetech 4125 sidescan 
sonar were incorrectly listed as 105 and 410 kilohertz (kHz); correct 
frequencies for the Edgetech 4125 are 400/900 kHz or 600/1600 kHz. 
Please refer to the Federal Register notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 
19711; May 4, 2018) for a detailed description of the specific 

Comments and Responses

    NMFS published a notice of proposed IHA in the Federal Register on 
May 4, 2018 (83 FR 19711). During the 30-day public comment period, 
NMFS received comment letters from the Marine Mammal Commission 
(Commission) and from a group of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 
including Natural Resources Defense Council, the National Wildlife 
Federation, the Conservation Law Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, 
Southern Environmental Law Center, Surfrider Foundation, Sierra Club, 
and the International Fund for Animal Welfare. NMFS has posted the 
comments online at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. The following is a summary of the public comments received 
and NMFS' responses.
    Comment 1: The Commission expressed concern that the method used to 
estimate the numbers of takes, which summed fractions of takes for each 
species across project days, does not account for and negates the 
intent of NMFS' 24 hour reset policy and recommended that NMFS share 
the rounding criteria with the Commission in a timely manner.
    NMFS Response: NMFS appreciates the Commission's ongoing concern in 
this matter. Calculating predicted takes is not an exact science, and 
there are arguments for taking different mathematical approaches in 
different situations and for making qualitative adjustments in other 
situations. We believe, however, that the methodology used for take 
calculation in this IHA remains appropriate and is not at odds with the 
24 hour reset policy the Commission references. We look forward to 
continued discussion with the Commission on this matter and will share 
draft guidance on this issue as soon as possible with the Commission.
    Comment 2: The Commission recommended that, until behavioral 
thresholds are updated, NMFS require applicants to use the 120-decibel 
(dB) re 1 micropascal ([mu]Pa), rather than 160-dB re 1[mu]Pa, 
threshold for acoustic, non-impulsive sources (e.g., sub-bottom 
profilers/chirps, echosounders, and other sonars including side-scan 
and fish-finding).
    NMFS Response: Certain sub-bottom profiling systems are 
appropriately considered to be impulsive sources (e.g., boomers, 
sparkers); therefore, the threshold of 160-dB re 1[mu]Pa will continue 
to be used for those sources. Other source types referenced by the 
Commission (e.g., chirp sub-bottom profilers, echosounders, and other 
sonars including side-scan and fish-finding) produce signals that are 
not necessarily strictly impulsive; however, NMFS finds that the 160-dB 
root mean

[[Page 28810]]

square (rms) threshold is most appropriate for use in evaluating 
potential behavioral impacts to marine mammals because the temporal 
characteristics (i.e., intermittency) of these sources are better 
captured by this threshold. The 120-dB threshold is associated with 
continuous sources and was derived based on studies examining 
behavioral responses to drilling and dredging. Continuous sounds are 
those whose sound pressure level remains above that of the ambient 
sound, with negligibly small fluctuations in level (NIOSH, 1998; ANSI, 
2005). Examples of sounds that NMFS would categorize as continuous are 
those associated with drilling or vibratory pile driving activities. 
Intermittent sounds are defined as sounds with interrupted levels of 
low or no sound (NIOSH, 1998). Thus, signals produced by these source 
types are not continuous but rather intermittent sounds. With regard to 
behavioral thresholds, we consider the temporal and spectral 
characteristics of signals produced by these source types to more 
closely resemble those of an impulse sound rather than a continuous 
sound. The threshold of 160-dB re 1[mu]Pa is typically associated with 
impulsive sources, which are inherently intermittent. Therefore, the 
160-dB threshold (typically associated with impulsive sources) is more 
appropriate than the 120-dB threshold (typically associated with 
continuous sources) for estimating takes by behavioral harassment 
incidental to use of such sources.
    Comment 3: The Commission requested clarification regarding certain 
issues associated with NMFS' notice that one-year renewals could be 
issued in certain limited circumstances and expressed concern that the 
process would bypass the public notice and comment requirements. The 
Commission also suggested that NMFS should discuss the possibility of 
renewals through a more general route, such as a rulemaking, instead of 
notice in a specific authorization. The Commission further recommended 
that if NMFS did not pursue a more general route, that the agency 
provide the Commission and the public with a legal analysis supporting 
our conclusion that this process is consistent with the requirements of 
section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA.
    NMFS Response: The process of issuing a renewal IHA does not bypass 
the public notice and comment requirements of the MMPA. The notice of 
the proposed IHA expressly notifies the public that under certain, 
limited conditions an applicant could seek a renewal IHA for an 
additional year. The notice describes the conditions under which such a 
renewal request could be considered and expressly seeks public comment 
in the event such a renewal is sought. Importantly, such renewals would 
be limited to circumstances where: The activities are identical or 
nearly identical to those analyzed in the proposed IHA; monitoring does 
not indicate impacts that were not previously analyzed and authorized; 
and, the mitigation and monitoring requirements remain the same, all of 
which allow the public to comment on the appropriateness and effects of 
a renewal at the same time the public provides comments on the initial 
IHA. NMFS has, however, modified the language for future proposed IHAs 
to clarify that all IHAs, including renewal IHAs, are valid for no more 
than one year and that the agency would consider only one renewal for a 
project at this time. In addition, notice of issuance or denial of a 
renewal IHA would be published in the Federal Register, as they are for 
all IHAs. The option for issuing renewal IHAs has been in NMFS's 
incidental take regulations since 1996. We will provide any additional 
information to the Commission and consider posting a description of the 
renewal process on our website before any renewal is issued utilizing 
this process.
    Comment 4: The Commission recommended that NMFS increase the number 
of common dolphin takes and sperm whale takes, based on an assumption 
that the number proposed for authorization is insufficient for DWW's 
proposed survey, and that NMFS authorize at least 20 Level B harassment 
takes of Risso's dolphins, based on observations of Risso's dolphins 
during HRG surveys conducted by Deepwater Wind in the RI-MA WEA in 2017 
(AIS Inc., 2017). The Commission further recommended that NMFS better 
evaluate the numbers of Level A and B harassment takes it plans to 
    NMFS Response: NMFS considered the Commission's recommendations 
with regard to take numbers authorized for common dolphins, sperm 
whales and Risso's dolphins. The Commission noted that five sperm 
whales were observed during HRG surveys conducted by Deepwater Wind in 
the RI-MA WEA in 2017 and two were taken by Level B harassment, and 
expressed concern that the 2018 survey may be forced to shut down upon 
visual detection of sperm whales if the number of authorized takes of 
sperm whales is exceeded. However, results of the monitoring report 
from the 2017 IHA indicate that the majority of sperm whale detections 
during the 2017 survey were via passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), with 
only one confirmed visual detection which was outside the Level B zone 
at a distance of approximately 1,400 m from the vessel; both ``takes'' 
reported in the monitoring report were not based on visual detections 
but were instead based on acoustic detections that were localized 
within the Level B harassment zone (AIS Inc., 2017). However, for the 
IHA issued for 2017 surveys and for this IHA, NMFS does not consider 
animals detected acoustically but not confirmed visually by PSOs to 
have been taken by harassment. As the number of sperm whale takes in 
this IHA were based on the best available density data (e.g., Roberts 
et al. (2016)), and as shutdown of survey equipment based on PAM 
detection alone is not required for sperm whales in this IHA, we have 
concluded the number of sperm whale takes authorized is appropriate. 
The Commission noted that common dolphins were the most regularly 
observed marine mammal species during Deepwater Wind's 2017 HRG surveys 
in the RI-MA WEA, with 2,677 common dolphins observed (AIS Inc., 2017) 
and expressed concern that the 2018 survey may be forced to shut down 
upon visual detection of common dolphins if the number of authorized 
takes of common dolphins is exceeded. NMFS agrees that common dolphins 
are likely to be prevalent during DWW's survey activities; however, we 
note that while 2,677 common dolphins were observed during 2017 
surveys, 346 common dolphins were taken by Level B harassment (AIS 
Inc., 2017). NMFS is authorizing nearly 3 times the number of takes of 
common dolphins in this IHA (910) compared to the number of takes of 
common dolphins that occurred during 2017 surveys (346). As the number 
of common dolphin takes in this IHA were based on the best available 
density data (e.g., Roberts et al. (2016)) and as this IHA authorizes 
nearly 3 times as many takes by Level B harassment of common dolphins 
compared to the number taken during Deepwater Wind's HRG surveys in 
2017 (NMFS, 2017), we have concluded the number of common dolphin takes 
authorized is appropriate. The Commission noted that the monitoring 
report from the 2017 IHA issued to Deepwater Wind for HRG surveys in 
the RI-MA WEA indicated that eight Risso's dolphins were observed at 
400 m from the source during Deepwater Wind's 2017 surveys and that the 
vessel had to avoid the Risso's dolphins to prevent unauthorized takes 
(AIS Inc., 2017). We

[[Page 28811]]

agree with the Commission that, based on monitoring data from the 2017 
IHA issued to Deepwater Wind for HRG surveys in the RI-MA WEA (AIS 
Inc., 2017), the planned survey may encounter Risso's dolphins, and, 
thus authorization for the take of Risso's dolphins is warranted in 
this IHA. We have therefore authorized takes of Risso's dolphins in 
this IHA (Table 6). NMFS carefully evaluates the number of Level A and 
Level B harassment takes it proposes to authorize, as illustrated by 
the Level of analysis incorporated in our notices of proposed IHAs, and 
we will continue to do so.
    Comment 5: The NGOs expressed concern regarding the marine mammal 
density estimates used to calculate take. Specifically, the commenters 
stated the estimates derived from models presented in Roberts et al. 
(2016) may underrepresent density and seasonal presence of large whales 
in the survey area, and recommended that NMFS consider additional data 
sources in density modeling in future analyses of estimated take, 
including initial data from state monitoring efforts, existing passive 
acoustic monitoring data, opportunistic marine mammal sightings data, 
and other data sources.
    NMFS Response: NMFS has determined that the data provided by 
Roberts et al. (2016) represents the best available information 
concerning marine mammal density in the survey area and has used it 
accordingly. NMFS has considered other available information, including 
that cited by the commenters, and determined that it does not 
contradict the information provided by Roberts et al. (2016). The 
information discussed by the commenters does not provide data in a 
format that is directly usable in an acoustic exposure analysis, and 
the commenters make no useful recommendation regarding how to do so. We 
will review the data sources recommended by the commenters and will 
consider their suitability for inclusion in future analyses, as 
requested by the commenters.
    Comment 6: Regarding mitigation measures, the NGOs recommended NMFS 
impose a restriction on site assessment and characterization activities 
that have the potential to harass the North Atlantic right whale from 
November 1st to May 14th.
    NMFS Response: In evaluating how mitigation may or may not be 
appropriate to ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species 
or stocks and their habitat, we carefully consider two primary factors: 
(1) The manner in which, and the degree to which, the successful 
implementation of the measure(s) is expected to reduce impacts to 
marine mammals, marine mammal species or stocks, and their habitat; and 
(2) the practicability of the measures for applicant implementation, 
which may consider such things as relative cost and impact on 
    DWW determined the planned duration of the survey based on their 
data acquisition needs, which are largely driven by the Bureau of Ocean 
Energy Management's (BOEM) data acquisition requirements prior to 
required submission of a construction and operations plan (COP). Any 
effort on the part of NMFS to restrict the months during which the 
survey could operate would likely have the effect of forcing the 
applicant to conduct additional months of surveys the following year, 
resulting in increased costs incurred by the applicant and additional 
time on the water with associated additional production of underwater 
noise which could have further potential impacts to marine mammals. 
Thus the time and area restrictions recommended by the commenters would 
not be practicable for the applicant to implement and would to some 
degree offset the benefit of the recommended measure. In addition, our 
analysis of the potential impacts of the survey on right whales does 
not indicate that such closures are warranted, as potential impacts to 
right whales from the survey activities would be limited to short-term 
behavioral responses; no marine mammal injury is expected as a result 
of the survey, nor is injury authorized in the IHA. We also note that 
the majority of the survey is already scheduled to occur outside the 
time frame recommended for closure by the commenters; the survey is 
planned to occur from June 15 through December 31, while the commenters 
recommend a seasonal closure from November 1 through May 14. Thus, in 
consideration of the limited potential benefits of time and area 
restrictions, in concert with the impracticability and increased cost 
on the part of the applicant that would result from such restrictions, 
NMFS has determined that time and area restrictions are not warranted 
in this case. Existing mitigation measures, including exclusion zones, 
ramp-up of survey equipment, and vessel strike avoidance measures, are 
sufficiently protective to ensure the least practicable adverse impact 
on species or stocks and their habitat.
    Comment 7: Regarding mitigation measures, the NGOs recommended that 
NMFS require that geophysical surveys commence, with ramp-up, during 
daylight hours only to maximize the probability that North Atlantic 
right whales are detected and confirmed clear of the exclusion zone, 
and that, if a right whale were detected in the exclusion zone during 
nighttime hours and the survey is shut down, developers should be 
required to wait until daylight hours for ramp-up to commence.
    NMFS Response: We acknowledge the limitations inherent in detection 
of marine mammals at night. However, similar to the discussion above 
regarding time and area closures, restricting the ability of the 
applicant to ramp-up surveys only during daylight hours would have the 
potential to result in lengthy shutdowns of the survey equipment, which 
could result in the applicant failing to collect the data they have 
determined is necessary, which could result in the need to conduct 
additional surveys the following year. This would result in 
significantly increased costs incurred by the applicant. Thus the 
restriction suggested by the commenters would not be practicable for 
the applicant to implement. In addition, as described above, potential 
impacts to marine mammals from the survey activities would be limited 
to short-term behavioral responses. Restricting surveys in the manner 
suggested by the commenters may reduce marine mammal exposures by some 
degree in the short term, but would not result in any significant 
reduction in either intensity or duration of noise exposure. No injury 
is expected to result even in the absence of mitigation, given the very 
small estimated Level A harassment zones. In the event that NMFS 
imposed the restriction suggested by the commenters, potentially 
resulting in a second season of surveys required for the applicant, 
vessels would be on the water introducing noise into the marine 
environment for an extended period of time. Therefore, in addition to 
practicability concerns for the applicant, the restrictions recommended 
by the commenters could result in the surveys spending increased time 
on the water, which may result in greater overall exposure to sound for 
marine mammals; thus the commenters have failed to demonstrate that 
such a requirement would result in a net benefit for affected marine 
mammals. Therefore, in consideration of potential effectiveness of the 
recommended measure and its practicability for the applicant, NMFS has 
determined that restricting survey start-ups to daylight hours is not 
warranted in this case.
    However, in recognition of the concerns raised by the commenters, 
we have added a mitigation requirement to the IHA that shutdown of 
geophysical survey equipment is required upon

[[Page 28812]]

confirmed PAM detection of a North Atlantic right whale at night, even 
in the absence of visual confirmation, except in cases where the 
acoustic detection can be localized and the right whale can be 
confirmed as being beyond the 500 m exclusion zone (EZ); equipment may 
be re-started no sooner than 30 minutes after the last confirmed 
acoustic detection.
    Comment 8: The NGOs recommended that NMFS require a 500 m EZ for 
marine mammals (with the exception of dolphins that voluntarily 
approach the vessel). Additionally, the NGOs recommended that protected 
species observers (PSOs) monitor to an extended 1,000 m EZ for North 
Atlantic right whales.
    NMFS Response: Regarding the recommendation for a 1,000 m EZ 
specifically for North Atlantic right whales, we have determined that 
the 500 m EZ, as required in the IHA, is sufficiently protective. We 
note that the 500 m EZ exceeds the modeled distance to the Level B 
harassment isopleth (447 m), thus for North Atlantic right whales 
detected by PSOs this EZ would be expected to effectively minimize 
potential instances of injury and harassment.
    Regarding the commenters' recommendation to require a 500 m EZ for 
all marine mammals (except dolphins that approach the vessel) we have 
determined the EZs as currently required in the IHA (described in 
Mitigation Measures, below) are sufficient to ensure the least 
practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and their habitat. The 
EZs would prevent all potential instances of marine mammal injury 
(though in this instance, injury would not be an expected outcome even 
in the absence of mitigation due to very small predicted isopleths 
corresponding to the Level A harassment threshold (Table 5) and would 
further prevent some instances of behavioral harassment, as well as 
limiting the intensity and/or duration of behavioral harassment that 
does occur. As NMFS has determined the EZs currently required in the 
IHA to be sufficiently protective, we do not think expanded EZs, beyond 
what is required in the IHA, are warranted.
    Comment 9: The NGOs recommended that a combination of visual 
monitoring by PSOs and PAM should be required 24 hours per day.
    NMFS Response: The PAM requirement has been included in the IHA 
because PAM was proposed by the applicant, and PAM is required in BOEM 
lease stipulations. We do not think the use of PAM is necessarily 
warranted for surveys using the sound sources proposed for use by DWW, 
due to relatively small areas that are expected to be ensonified to the 
Level A harassment threshold (Table 5). As we are not convinced that 
PAM is necessarily warranted for this type of survey, we do not think a 
requirement to expand the use of PAM to 24 hours a day during the 
survey is warranted. Expanding the PAM requirement to 24 hours a day 
may also result in increased costs on the part of the applicant. When 
the potential benefits of a 24 hour PAM requirement are considered in 
concert with the potential increased costs on the part of the applicant 
that would result from such a requirement, we determined a requirement 
for 24 hour PAM operation is not warranted in this case. Given the 
effects to marine mammals from the types of surveys authorized in this 
IHA are expected to be limited to behavioral harassment even in the 
absence of mitigation, we have determined the current requirements for 
visual and acoustic monitoring are sufficient to ensure the EZs and 
Watch Zone are adequately monitored for this particular activity.
    Comment 10: The NGOs recommended that NMFS require a 10 knot speed 
restriction on all project-related vessels transiting to/from the 
survey area from November 1 through April 30 in New York state waters 
and the adjacent Block Island Seasonal Management Area (SMA) for North 
Atlantic right whales, and from February 1 to May 14 in Rhode Island 
and Massachusetts state waters outside of the Block Island SMA, and 
that all project vessels operating within the survey area should be 
required to maintain a speed of 10 knots or less during the entire 
survey period.
    NMFS Response: NMFS has analyzed the potential for ship strike 
resulting from DWW's activity and has determined that the mitigation 
measures specific to ship strike avoidance are sufficient to avoid the 
potential for ship strike. These include: A requirement that all vessel 
operators comply with 10 knot (18.5 kilometer (km)/hour) or less speed 
restrictions in any SMA or Dynamic Management Area (DMA); a requirement 
that all vessel operators reduce vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/
hour) or less when any large whale, any mother/calf pairs, pods, or 
large assemblages of non-delphinoid cetaceans are observed within 100 m 
of an underway vessel; a requirement that all survey vessels maintain a 
separation distance of 500 m or greater from any sighted North Atlantic 
right whale; a requirement that, if underway, vessels must steer a 
course away from any sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10 knots or 
less until the 500 m minimum separation distance has been established; 
and a requirement that, if a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a 
vessel's path, or within 500 m of an underway vessel, the underway 
vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. Additional 
measures to prevent the potential for ship strike are discussed in more 
detail below (see the Mitigation section). We have determined that the 
ship strike avoidance measures are sufficient to ensure the least 
practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and their habitat. We 
also note that vessel strike during surveys is extremely unlikely based 
on the low vessel speed; the survey vessel would maintain a speed of 
approximately 4 knots (7.4 km/hour) while transiting survey lines.
    Comment 11: The NGOs recommended that NMFS account for the 
potential for indirect ship strike risk resulting from habitat 
displacement in our analyses.
    NMFS Response: NMFS determined that habitat displacement was not an 
expected outcome of the specified activity, therefore an analysis of 
potential impacts to marine mammals from habitat displacement is not 
warranted in this case.
    Comment 12: The NGOs recommended that NMFS consider any existing 
siting and acoustic data and any new information that improves our 
understanding of marine mammal distribution and habitat use in the 
region in order to inform seasonal restrictions and mitigation measures 
in time for the November 2018 North Atlantic right whale migration 
    NMFS Response: We base our analyses on the best available 
information to inform mitigation measures in incidental take 
authorizations, and will continue to do so. Beyond a broad 
recommendation, the commenters have not provided us with any specific 
recommendations regarding data sources to consider, but we welcome 
future input, outside the comment period for this particular IHA, from 
interested parties on data sources that may be of use in analyzing the 
potential presence and movement patterns of North Atlantic right 
    Comment 13: The NGOs recommended that NMFS encourage offshore wind 
developers to partner with scientists to collect data that would 
increase the understanding of the effectiveness of night vision and 
infra-red technologies off Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and the broader 
region, with a view towards greater reliance on these technologies to 
commence surveys during nighttime hours in the future.

[[Page 28813]]

    NMFS Response: NMFS agrees with the NGOs that improved data on 
relative effectiveness of night vision and infra-red technologies would 
be beneficial and could help to inform future efforts at detection of 
marine mammals during nighttime activities. The commenters have not 
provided us with any specific recommendations to evaluate beyond a 
broad recommendation. However, we will encourage coordination and 
communication between offshore wind developers and researchers on 
effectiveness of night vision and infra-red technologies, to the extent 
possible. In recognition of the commenters' concerns, we have also 
added a requirement that the final report submitted to NMFS must 
include an assessment of the effectiveness of night vision equipment 
used during nighttime surveys, including comparisons of relative 
effectiveness among the different types of night vision equipment used.

Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of Specified Activity

    Sections 3 and 4 of DWW's IHA application summarize available 
information regarding status and trends, distribution and habitat 
preferences, and behavior and life history, of the potentially affected 
species. Additional information regarding population trends and threats 
may be found in NMFS' Stock Assessment Reports (SAR; 
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessment-reports-region) and more general information about 
these species (e.g., physical and behavioral descriptions) may be found 
on NMFS' website (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species-directory). All 
species that could potentially occur in the proposed survey area are 
included in Table 5 of the IHA application. However, the temporal and/
or spatial occurrence of several species listed in Table 5 of the IHA 
application is such that take of these species is not expected to 
occur, and they are not discussed further beyond the explanation 
provided here. Take of these species is not anticipated either because 
they have very low densities in the project area, are known to occur 
further offshore than the project area, or are considered very unlikely 
to occur in the project area during the proposed survey due to the 
species' seasonal occurrence in the area.
    Table 2 lists all species with expected potential for occurrence in 
the survey area and with the potential to be taken as a result of the 
proposed survey and summarizes information related to the population or 
stock, including regulatory status under the MMPA and ESA and potential 
biological removal (PBR), where known. For taxonomy, we follow 
Committee on Taxonomy (2017). PBR is defined by the MMPA as the maximum 
number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be 
removed from a marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach 
or maintain its optimum sustainable population (as described in NMFS' 
SARs). While no mortality is anticipated or authorized here, PBR is 
included here as a gross indicator of the status of the species and 
other threats.
    Marine mammal abundance estimates presented in this document 
represent the total number of individuals that make up a given stock or 
the total number estimated within a particular study or survey area. 
NMFS' stock abundance estimates for most species represent the total 
estimate of individuals within the geographic area, if known, that 
comprises that stock. For some species, this geographic area may extend 
beyond U.S. waters. All managed stocks in this region are assessed in 
NMFS' U.S. Atlantic SARs (e.g., Hayes et al., 2018). All values 
presented in Table 2 are the most recent available at the time of 
publication and are available in the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs (Hayes et 
al., 2018).

            Table 1--Marine Mammals Known To Occur in the Survey Area That May Be Affected by Deepwater Wind New England's Survey Activities
                                                                                   Stock abundance
                                                             NMFS MMPA and ESA  (CV,Nmin, most recent     Predicted                    Occurrence and
            Common name                       Stock          status; strategic  abundance survey) \2\   abundance (CV)   PBR \4\     seasonality in the
                                                                 (Y/N) \1\                                   \3\                        survey area
                                                               Toothed whales (Odontoceti)
Sperm whale (Physeter                North Atlantic........  E; Y               2,288 (0.28; 1,815; n/    5,353 (0.12)        3.6  Rare.
 macrocephalus).                                                                 a).
Long-finned pilot whale              W North Atlantic......  -; Y               5,636 (0.63; 3,464; n/      \5\ 18,977         35  Rare.
 (Globicephala melas).                                                           a).                            (0.11)
Atlantic white-sided dolphin         W North Atlantic......  -; N               48,819 (0.61; 30,403;    37,180 (0.07)        304  Rare.
 (Lagenorhynchus acutus).                                                        n/a).
Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella   W North Atlantic......  -; N               44,715 (0.43; 31,610;    55,436 (0.32)        316  Rare.
 frontalis).                                                                     n/a).
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops         W North Atlantic,       -; N               77,532 (0.40; 56,053;       \5\ 97,476        561  Common year round.
 truncatus).                          Offshore.                                  2011).                         (0.06)
Common dolphin \6\ (Delphinus        W North Atlantic......  -; N               173,486 (0.55;           86,098 (0.12)        557  Common year round.
 delphis).                                                                       55,690; 2011).
Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus)..  W North Atlantic......  -; N               18,250 (0.46; 12,619;     7,732 (0.09)        126  Rare.
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)  Gulf of Maine/Bay of    -; N               79,833 (0.32; 61,415;  * 45,089 (0.12)        706  Common year round.
                                      Fundy.                                     2011).

[[Page 28814]]

                                                                Baleen whales (Mysticeti)
North Atlantic right whale           W North Atlantic......  E; Y               458 (0; 455; n/a)....     * 535 (0.45)        1.4  Year round in
 (Eubalaena glacialis).                                                                                                             continental shelf
                                                                                                                                    and slope waters,
                                                                                                                                    occur seasonally to
Humpback whale \7\ (Megaptera        Gulf of Maine.........  -; N               823 (0.42; 239; n/a).   * 1,637 (0.07)        3.7  Common year round.
Fin whale \6\ (Balaenoptera          W North Atlantic......  E; Y               3,522 (0.27; 1,234; n/    4,633 (0.08)        2.5  Year round in
 physalus).                                                                      a).                                                continental shelf
                                                                                                                                    and slope waters,
                                                                                                                                    occur seasonally to
Sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis)..  Nova Scotia...........  E; Y               357 (0.52; 236; n/a).     * 717 (0.30)        0.5  Year round in
                                                                                                                                    continental shelf
                                                                                                                                    and slope waters,
                                                                                                                                    occur seasonally to
Minke whale \6\ (Balaenoptera        Canadian East Coast...  -; N               20,741 (0.3; 1,425; n/  * 2,112 (0.05)        162  Year round in
 acutorostrata).                                                                 a).                                                continental shelf
                                                                                                                                    and slope waters,
                                                                                                                                    occur seasonally to
                                                                Earless seals (Phocidae)
Gray seal \8\ (Halichoerus grypus).  W North Atlantic......  -; N               27,131 (0.10; 25,908;  ...............      1,554  Rare.
Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina).......  W North Atlantic......  -; N               75,834 (0.15; 66,884;  ...............      2,006  Common year round.
\1\ ESA status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (-) indicates that the species is not listed under the ESA or
  designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality exceeds PBR (see
  footnote 3) or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed
  under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
\2\ Stock abundance as reported in NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports (SAR) except where otherwise noted. SARs available online at:
  www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate of stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable. For
  certain stocks, abundance estimates are actual counts of animals and there is no associated CV. The most recent abundance survey that is reflected in
  the abundance estimate is presented; there may be more recent surveys that have not yet been incorporated into the estimate. All values presented here
  are from the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs.
\3\ This information represents species- or guild-specific abundance predicted by recent habitat-based cetacean density models (Roberts et al., 2016).
  These models provide the best available scientific information regarding predicted density patterns of cetaceans in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean, and we
  provide the corresponding abundance predictions as a point of reference. Total abundance estimates were produced by computing the mean density of all
  pixels in the modeled area and multiplying by its area. For those species marked with an asterisk, the available information supported development of
  either two or four seasonal models; each model has an associated abundance prediction. Here, we report the maximum predicted abundance.
\4\ Potential biological removal, defined by the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a
  marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population size (OSP).
\5\ Abundance estimates are in some cases reported for a guild or group of species when those species are difficult to differentiate at sea. Similarly,
  the habitat-based cetacean density models produced by Roberts et al. (2016) are based in part on available observational data which, in some cases, is
  limited to genus or guild in terms of taxonomic definition. Roberts et al. (2016) produced density models to genus level for Globicephala spp. and
  produced a density model for bottlenose dolphins that does not differentiate between offshore and coastal stocks.
\6\ Abundance as reported in the 2007 Canadian Trans-North Atlantic Sighting Survey (TNASS), which provided full coverage of the Atlantic Canadian coast
  (Lawson and Gosselin, 2009). Abundance estimates from TNASS were corrected for perception and availability bias, when possible. In general, where the
  TNASS survey effort provided superior coverage of a stock's range (as compared with NOAA shipboard survey effort), the resulting abundance estimate is
  considered more accurate than the current NMFS abundance estimate (derived from survey effort with inferior coverage of the stock range). NMFS stock
  abundance estimate for the common dolphin is 70,184. NMFS stock abundance estimate for the fin whale is 1,618.
\7\ 2017 U.S. Atlantic draft SAR for the Gulf of Maine feeding population lists a current abundance estimate of 335 individuals; this estimate was
  revised from the previous estimate of 823 individuals. However, the newer estimate is based on a single aerial line-transect survey in the Gulf of
  Maine. The 2017 U.S. Atlantic draft SAR notes that that previous estimate was based on a minimum number alive calculation which is generally more
  accurate than one derived from line-transect survey (Hayes et al., 2017), and that the abundance estimate was revised solely because the previous
  estimate was greater than 8 years old. Therefore, the previous estimate of 823 is more accurate, and we note that even that estimate is defined on the
  basis of feeding location alone (i.e., Gulf of Maine).
\8\ NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to U.S. population only, actual stock abundance is approximately 505,000.

    Four marine mammal species that are listed under the Endangered 
Species Act (ESA) may be present in the survey area and are included in 
the take request: The North Atlantic right whale, fin whale, sei whale, 
and sperm whale.
    Though marine mammal species other than those listed in Table 1 are 
known to occur in the Northwest Atlantic

[[Page 28815]]

Ocean, the temporal and/or spatial occurrence of several of these 
species is such that take of these species is not expected to occur, 
and they are therefore not discussed further beyond the explanation 
provided here. Take of these species is not anticipated either because 
they have very low densities in the project area (e.g., blue whale, 
Clymene dolphin, pantropical spotted dolphin, striped dolphin, spinner 
dolphin, killer whale, false killer whale, pygmy killer whale,), or, 
they are known to occur further offshore than the project area (e.g., 
beaked whales, short-finned pilot whale, rough toothed dolphin, Kogia 
    For the majority of species potentially present in the specific 
geographic region, NMFS has designated only a single generic stock 
(e.g., ``western North Atlantic'') for management purposes. This 
includes the ``Canadian east coast'' stock of minke whales, which 
includes all minke whales found in U.S. waters. For humpback and sei 
whales, NMFS defines stocks on the basis of feeding locations, i.e., 
Gulf of Maine and Nova Scotia, respectively. However, our reference to 
humpback whales and sei whales in this document refers to any 
individuals of the species that are found in the specific geographic 
    A detailed description of the species and stocks likely to be 
affected by DWW's survey, including brief introductions to the species 
and relevant stocks as well as available information regarding 
population trends and threats, and information regarding local 
occurrence, were provided in the Federal Register notice of the 
proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018); since that time, we are not 
aware of any changes in the status of these species and stocks; 
therefore, detailed descriptions are not repeated here. Please refer to 
that Federal Register notice for these descriptions. Please also refer 
to NMFS' website (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species-directory) for 
generalized species accounts.
    Information concerning marine mammal hearing, including marine 
mammal functional hearing groups, was provided in the Federal Register 
notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018), therefore that 
information is not repeated here. Please refer to that Federal Register 
notice for this information. For further information about marine 
mammal functional hearing groups and associated frequency ranges, 
please see NMFS (2016) for a review of available information. Fifteen 
marine mammal species (thirteen cetacean and two pinniped (both phocid) 
species) have the reasonable potential to co-occur with the survey 
activities. Please refer to Table 1. Of the cetacean species that may 
be present, five are classified as low-frequency cetaceans (i.e., all 
mysticete species), seven are classified as mid-frequency cetaceans 
(i.e., all delphinid species and the sperm whale), and one is 
classified as a high-frequency cetacean (i.e., harbor porpoise).

Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their 

    The effects of underwater noise from DWW's geophysical survey 
activities have the potential to result in behavioral harassment of 
marine mammals in the vicinity of the survey area. The Federal Register 
notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018) included a 
discussion of the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals and 
their habitat, therefore that information is not repeated here; please 
refer to that Federal Register notice for that information. No 
instances of hearing threshold shifts, injury, serious injury, or 
mortality are expected as a result of the planned activities.

Estimated Take

    This section provides an estimate of the number of incidental takes 
authorized through the IHA, which will inform both NMFS' consideration 
of ``small numbers'' and the negligible impact determination.
    Harassment is the only type of take expected to result from these 
activities. Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent 
here, the MMPA defines ``harassment'' as any act of pursuit, torment, 
or annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has the 
potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild 
by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not 
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or 
sheltering (Level B harassment).
    Authorized takes are by Level B harassment, as use of the HRG 
equipment has the potential to result in disruption of behavioral 
patterns for individual marine mammals. NMFS has determined take by 
Level A harassment is not an expected outcome of the proposed activity 
and thus we do not authorize the take of any marine mammals by Level A 
harassment. This is discussed in greater detail below. As described 
previously, no mortality or serious injury is anticipated or authorized 
for this activity. Below we describe how the take is estimated for this 
    Described in the most basic way, we estimate take by considering: 
(1) Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS believes the best available 
science indicates marine mammals will be behaviorally harassed or incur 
some degree of permanent hearing impairment; (2) the area or volume of 
water that will be ensonified above these levels in a day; (3) the 
density or occurrence of marine mammals within these ensonified areas; 
and, (4) and the number of days of activities. Below, we describe these 
components in more detail and present the take estimate.

Acoustic Thresholds

    NMFS uses acoustic thresholds that identify the received level of 
underwater sound above which exposed marine mammals would be reasonably 
expected to be behaviorally harassed (equated to Level B harassment) or 
to incur permanent threshold shift (PTS) of some degree (equated to 
Level A harassment).
    Level B Harassment--Though significantly driven by received level, 
the onset of behavioral disturbance from anthropogenic noise exposure 
is also informed to varying degrees by other factors related to the 
sound source (e.g., frequency, predictability, duty cycle); the 
environment (e.g., bathymetry); and the receiving animals (hearing, 
motivation, experience, demography, behavioral context); therefore can 
be difficult to predict (Southall et al., 2007, Ellison et al. 2012). 
NMFS uses a generalized acoustic threshold based on received level to 
estimate the onset of Level B (behavioral) harassment. NMFS predicts 
that marine mammals may be behaviorally harassed when exposed to 
underwater anthropogenic noise above received levels 160 dB re 1 [mu]Pa 
(rms) for non-explosive impulsive (e.g., seismic HRG equipment) or 
intermittent (e.g., scientific sonar) sources. DWW's activity includes 
the use of impulsive sources. Therefore, the 160 dB re 1 [mu]Pa (rms) 
criteria is applicable for analysis of Level B harassment.
    Level A Harassment--NMFS' Technical Guidance for Assessing the 
Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing (NMFS 2016) 
identifies dual criteria to assess auditory injury (Level A harassment) 
to five different marine mammal groups (based on hearing sensitivity) 
as a result of exposure to noise from two different types of sources 
(impulsive or non-impulsive). The Technical Guidance identifies the 
received levels, or thresholds, above which individual marine mammals 
are predicted to experience changes in their hearing sensitivity for 
all underwater

[[Page 28816]]

anthropogenic sound sources, reflects the best available science, and 
better predicts the potential for auditory injury than does NMFS' 
historical criteria.
    These thresholds were developed by compiling and synthesizing the 
best available science and soliciting input multiple times from both 
the public and peer reviewers to inform the final product, and are 
provided in Table 2 below. The references, analysis, and methodology 
used in the development of the thresholds are described in NMFS 2016 
Technical Guidance, which may be accessed at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/acoustics/guidelines.htm. As described above, DWW's activity includes 
the use of intermittent and impulsive sources.

 Table 2--Thresholds Identifying the Onset of Permanent Threshold Shift
                            in Marine Mammals
                                           PTS onset thresholds
          Hearing group          ---------------------------------------
                                      Impulsive *        Non-impulsive
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans....  Lpk,flat: 219 dB;   LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
                                   LE,LF,24h: 183 dB.
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans....  Lpk,flat: 230 dB;   LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
                                   LE,MF,24h: 185 dB.
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans...  Lpk,flat: 202 dB;   LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
                                   LE,HF,24h: 155 dB.
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW)             Lpk,flat: 218 dB;   LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
 (Underwater).                     LE,PW,24h: 185 dB.
Note: * Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use
  whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating PTS onset.
  If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound
  pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these
  thresholds should also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 [mu]Pa, and
  cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of
  1[mu]Pa2s. In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect
  American National Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However,
  peak sound pressure is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency
  weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence,
  the subscript ``flat'' is being included to indicate peak sound
  pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized
  hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure
  level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory
  weighting function (LF, MF, and HF cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds)
  and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The
  cumulative sound exposure level thresholds could be exceeded in a
  multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty
  cycle). When possible, it is valuable for action proponents to
  indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be

Ensonified Area

    Here, we describe operational and environmental parameters of the 
activity that will feed into estimating the area ensonified above the 
acoustic thresholds.
    The survey would entail the use of HRG survey equipment. The 
distance to the isopleth corresponding to the threshold for Level B 
harassment was calculated for all HRG survey equipment with the 
potential to result in harassment of marine mammals using the spherical 
transmission loss (TL) equation: TL = 20log10. Results of 
modeling indicated that, of the HRG survey equipment planned for use 
that has the potential to result in harassment of marine mammals, the 
AA Dura-Spark would be expected to produce sound that would propagate 
the furthest in the water (Table 3); therefore, for the purposes of the 
take calculation, it was assumed the AA Dura-Spark would be active 
during the entirety of the survey. Thus the distance to the isopleth 
corresponding to the threshold for Level B harassment for the AA Dura-
Spark (estimated at 447 m; Table 3) was used as the basis of the Level 
B take calculation for all marine mammals.

Table 3--Modeled Radial Distances From HRG Survey Equipment to Isopleths
              Corresponding to Level B Harassment Threshold
                                                  Radial distance (m) to
                                                    level B harassment
                   HRG system                     threshold (160 dB re 1
TB Chirp.......................................                    70.79
EdgeTech Chirp.................................                     6.31
AA Boomer......................................                     5.62
AA S-Boom......................................                   141.25
Bubble Gun.....................................                     63.1
800J Spark.....................................                   141.25
AA Dura Spark..................................                   446.69

    Predicted distances to Level A harassment isopleths, which vary 
based on marine mammal functional hearing groups (Table 4), were also 
calculated. The updated acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds (such 
as HRG survey equipment) contained in the Technical Guidance (NMFS, 
2016) were presented as dual metric acoustic thresholds using both 
cumulative sound exposure level (SELcum) and peak sound 
pressure level metrics. As dual metrics, NMFS considers onset of PTS 
(Level A harassment) to have occurred when either one of the two 
metrics is exceeded (i.e., metric resulting in the largest isopleth).
    The SELcum metric considers both level and duration of 
exposure, as well as auditory weighting functions by marine mammal 
hearing group. In recognition of the fact that calculating Level A 
harassment ensonified areas could be more technically challenging to 
predict due to the duration component and the use of weighting 
functions in the new SELcum thresholds, NMFS developed an 
optional User Spreadsheet that includes tools to help predict a simple 
isopleth that can be used in conjunction with marine mammal density or 
occurrence to facilitate the estimation of take numbers. DWW used the 
NMFS optional User Spreadsheet to calculate distances to Level A 
harassment isopleths based on SELcum. To calculate distances 
to the Level A harassment isopleths based on peak pressure, the

[[Page 28817]]

spherical spreading loss model was used (similar to the method used to 
calculate Level B isopleths as described above).
    Modeling of distances to isopleths corresponding to Level A 
harassment was performed for all types of HRG equipment planned for use 
with the potential to result in harassment of marine mammals. Of the 
HRG equipment types modeled, the AA Dura Spark resulted in the largest 
distances to isopleths corresponding to Level A harassment for all 
marine mammal functional hearing groups; therefore, to be conservative, 
the isopleths modeled for the AA Dura Spark were used to estimate 
potential Level A take. Based on a conservative assumption that the AA 
Dura Spark would be operated at 1,000 joules during the survey, a peak 
source level of 223 dB re 1[mu]Pa was used for modeling Level A 
harassment isopleths based on peak pressure (Crocker & Fratantonio, 
2016). Inputs to the NMFS optional User Spreadsheet for the AA Dura 
Spark are shown in Table 4. Modeled distances to isopleths 
corresponding to Level A harassment thresholds for the AA Dura Spark 
are shown in Table 5 (modeled distances to Level A harassment isopleths 
for all other types of HRG equipment planned for use are shown in Table 
6 of the IHA application). As described above, NMFS considers onset of 
PTS (Level A harassment) to have occurred when either one of the two 
metrics is exceeded (i.e., metric resulting in the largest isopleth). 
In this case, modeled distances to isopleths corresponding to the Level 
A harassment threshold are greater based on the peak SPL metric than 
the SELcum metric for all marine mammal functional hearing 
groups (Table 5).

  Table 4--Inputs to the NMFS Optional User Spreadsheet for the AA Dura
Source Level (rms SPL) \1\......................  213 dB re 1[mu]Pa
Source Level (peak) \1\.........................  223 dB re 1[mu]Pa
Weighting Factor Adjustment (kHz) \1\...........  3.2
Source Velocity (meters/second).................  2.07
Pulse Duration (seconds)........................  0.0021
1/Repetition rate (seconds).....................  2.42
Duty Cycle......................................  0.00
\1\ Derived from Crocker & Fratantonio (2016), based on operation at
  1,000 joules.

 Table 5--Modeled Radial Distances to Isopleths Corresponding to Level A
                          Harassment Thresholds
                               Radial distance (m)   Radial distance (m)
  Functional hearing group         to Level A            to Level A
     (Level A harassment      harassment threshold  harassment threshold
         thresholds)                (SELcum)           (Peak SPLflat)
Low frequency cetaceans.....                   1.3                   1.6
(Lpk,flat: 219 dB;
 LE,LF,24h: 183 dB).........
Mid frequency cetaceans.....                   0.0                   0.5
(Lpk,flat: 230 dB;
 LE,MF,24h: 185 dB).........
High frequency cetaceans....                   8.6                  11.2
(Lpk,flat: 202 dB;
 LE,HF,24h: 155 dB).........
Phocid Pinnipeds                               0.7                   1.8
(Lpk,flat: 218 dB;
 LE,HF,24h: 185 dB).........

    Due to the small estimated distances to Level A harassment 
thresholds for all marine mammal functional hearing groups, based on 
both SELcum and peak SPL (Table 5), and in consideration of 
the mitigation measures (see the Mitigation section for more detail), 
NMFS has determined that the likelihood of Level A take of marine 
mammals occurring as a result of the planned survey is so low as to be 
    We note that because of some of the assumptions included in the 
methods used, isopleths produced may be overestimates to some degree. 
Most of the acoustic sources planned for use in DWW's survey (including 
the AA Dura Spark) do not radiate sound equally in all directions but 
were designed instead to focus acoustic energy directly toward the sea 
floor. Therefore, the acoustic energy produced by these sources is not 
received equally in all directions around the source but is instead 
concentrated along some narrower plane depending on the beamwidth of 
the source. However, the calculated distances to isopleths do not 
account for this directionality of the sound source and are therefore 
conservative. Two types of geophysical survey equipment planned for use 
in the planned survey are omni-directional, however the modeled 
distances to isopleths corresponding to the Level B harassment 
threshold for these sources are smaller than that for the Dura Spark, 
and the Dura Spark was used to conservatively estimate take for the 
duration of the survey. For mobile sources, such as the planned survey, 
the User Spreadsheet predicts the closest distance at which a 
stationary animal would not incur PTS if the sound source traveled by 
the animal in a straight line at a constant speed.

Marine Mammal Occurrence

    In this section we provide the information about the presence, 
density, or group dynamics of marine mammals that will inform the take 
    The best available scientific information was considered in 
calculating marine mammal exposure estimates (the basis for estimating 
take). For cetacean species, densities calculated by Roberts et al. 
(2016) were used. The density data presented by Roberts et al. (2016) 
incorporates aerial and shipboard line-transect survey data from NMFS 
and from other organizations collected over the period 1992-2014. 
Roberts et al. (2016) modeled density from 8 physiographic and 16 
dynamic oceanographic and biological covariates, and controlled for the 
influence of sea state, group size, availability bias, and perception 
bias on the probability of making a sighting. NMFS considers the models 

[[Page 28818]]

by Roberts et al. (2016) to be the best available source of data 
regarding cetacean densities for this project. More information, 
including the model results and supplementary information for each 
model, is available online at: seamap.env.duke.edu/models/Duke-EC-GOM-2015/.
    For the purposes of the take calculations, density data from 
Roberts et al. (2016) were mapped using a geographic information system 
(GIS), using density data for the months June through December. Mean 
density per month for each species within the survey area was 
calculated by selecting 13 random raster cells selected from 100 square 
kilometers (km\2\) raster cells that were inside, or adjacent to, the 
RI-MA WEA (see Figure 1 in the IHA application). Estimates provided by 
the models are based on a grid cell size of 100 km\2\; therefore, model 
grid cell values were then divided by 100 to determine animals per 
    Systematic, offshore, at-sea survey data for pinnipeds are more 
limited than those for cetaceans. The best available information 
concerning pinniped densities in the planned survey area is the U.S. 
Navy's Operating Area (OPAREA) Density Estimates (NODEs) (DoN, 2007). 
These density models utilized vessel-based and aerial survey data 
collected by NMFS from 1998-2005 during broad-scale abundance studies. 
Modeling methodology is detailed in DoN (2007). For the purposes of the 
take calculations, NODEs Density Estimates (DoN, 2007) as reported for 
the summer and fall seasons were used to estimate harbor seal and gray 
seal densities.

Take Calculation and Estimation

    Here we describe how the information provided above is brought 
together to produce a quantitative take estimate.
    In order to estimate the number of marine mammals predicted to be 
exposed to sound levels that would result in harassment, radial 
distances to predicted isopleths corresponding to harassment thresholds 
are calculated, as described above. Those distances are then used to 
calculate the area(s) around the HRG survey equipment predicted to be 
ensonified to sound levels that exceed harassment thresholds. The area 
estimated to be ensonified to relevant thresholds in a single day of 
the survey is then calculated, based on areas predicted to be 
ensonified around the HRG survey equipment and the estimated trackline 
distance traveled per day by the survey vessel. DWW estimates a maximum 
daily track line distance of 110 km per day during HRG surveys. Based 
on the maximum estimated distance to the Level B harassment threshold 
of 447 m (Table 3) and the maximum estimated daily track line distance 
of 110 km, an area of 98.9 km\2\ would be ensonified to the Level B 
harassment threshold per day during HRG surveys.
    The number of marine mammals expected to be incidentally taken per 
day is then calculated by estimating the number of each species 
predicted to occur within the daily ensonified area, using estimated 
marine mammal densities as described above. Estimated numbers of each 
species taken per day are then multiplied by the number of survey days 
(i.e., 200), and the product is then rounded, to generate an estimate 
of the total number of each species expected to be taken over the 
duration of the survey (Table 6).
    The applicant estimated a total of 11 takes by Level A harassment 
of harbor porpoises, 5 takes by Level A harassment of harbor seals, and 
7 takes by Level A harassment of gray seals would occur, in the absence 
of mitigation. However, as described above, due to the very small 
estimated distances to Level A harassment thresholds (Table 5), and in 
consideration of the mitigation measures, the likelihood of the planned 
survey resulting in take in the form of Level A harassment is 
considered so low as to be discountable; therefore, we do not authorize 
take of any marine mammals by Level A harassment. Although there are no 
exclusion zones (EZs) required for pinnipeds, the estimated distance to 
the isopleth corresponding to the Level A harassment threshold for 
pinnipeds is less than 2 m (Table 6); therefore, we determined the 
likelihood of an animal being taken within this proximity of the survey 
equipment to be so low as to be discountable. Authorized take numbers 
are shown in Table 6.

                Table 6--Total Numbers of Potential Incidental Take of Marine Mammals Authorized and Takes as a Percentage of Population
                                                                                                                               Total        authorized
                         Species                          Density (#/100   Level A takes     Estimated     Level B takes    authorized      takes as a
                                                              km\2\)        authorized     Level B takes    authorized         takes       percentage of
                                                                                                                                          population \1\
North Atlantic right whale..............................         0.01706               0               3               3               3             0.6
Humpback whale..........................................         0.14439               0              29              29              29             1.8
Fin whale \2\...........................................         0.21353               0              42              42              42             1.2
Sei whale \3\...........................................           0.005               0               1               2               2             0.3
Minke whale \2\.........................................         0.04745               0               9               9               9            <0.1
Sperm whale.............................................         0.00665               0               1               1               1            <0.1
Long-finned pilot whale \3\.............................         0.15364               0              30              32              32             0.2
Bottlenose dolphin......................................         1.60936               0             318             318             318             0.3
Atlantic Spotted dolphin \3\............................         0.00886               0               2              50              50             0.1
Common dolphin \2\......................................         4.59986               0             910             910             910             0.5
Atlantic white-sided dolphin............................          1.8036               0             357             357             357             1.0
Risso's dolphin \4\.....................................               0               0               0              30              30             0.4
Harbor porpoise \5\.....................................         2.53125               0             501             501             501             1.1
Harbor seal.............................................         6.49533               0           1,285           1,285           1,285             1.7
Gray seal \4\...........................................         14.1160               0           2,792           2,792           2,792            10.3
\1\ Estimates of total takes as a percentage of population are based on marine mammal abundance estimates provided by Roberts et al. (2016), when
  available, except where noted otherwise, to maintain consistency with density estimates which are derived from data provided by Roberts et al. (2016).
  In cases where abundances are not provided by Roberts et al. (2016), total takes as a percentage of population are based on abundance estimates in the
  NMFS Atlantic SARs (Hayes et al., 2018).

[[Page 28819]]

\2\ Estimates of total takes as a percentage of population are based on marine mammal abundance estimates as reported in the 2007 TNASS (Lawson and
  Gosselin, 2009) (Table 2). Abundance estimates from TNASS were corrected for perception and availability bias, when possible. In general, where the
  TNASS survey effort provided superior coverage of a stock's range (as compared with NOAA shipboard survey effort), the resulting abundance estimate is
  considered more accurate than abundance estimates based on NMFS surveys.
\3\ The number of authorized takes (Level B harassment only) for these species has been increased from the estimated take to mean group size. Source for
  sei whale group size estimate is: Schilling et al. (1992). Source for long-finned pilot whale group size estimate is: Augusto et al. (2017). Source
  for Atlantic spotted dolphin group size estimate is: Jefferson et al. (2008). Source for Risso's dolphin group size estimate is: Baird and Stacey
\4\ Take estimate for these species has been revised from the proposed IHA. See text below for further information.
\5\ The density estimate in the IHA application is incorrectly shown as 0.0225781 animals/km\2\. The correct density estimate is reflected in Table 6.

    Species with Take Estimates Less than Mean Group Size: Using the 
approach described above to estimate take, the take estimates for the 
sei whale, long-finned pilot whale, Risso's dolphin and Atlantic 
spotted dolphin were less than the average group sizes estimated for 
these species (Table 6). However, information on the social structures 
and life histories of these species indicates these species are often 
encountered in groups. The results of take calculations support the 
likelihood that the survey is expected to encounter and to incidentally 
take these species, and we believe it is likely that these species may 
be encountered in groups. Therefore it is reasonable to conservatively 
assume that one group of each of these species will be taken during the 
planned survey. We authorize the take of the average group size for 
these species and stocks to account for the possibility that the 
planned survey encounters a group of any of these species or stocks 
(Table 6). Note that the take estimate for the sperm whale was not 
increased to average group size because, based on water depths in the 
survey area (26 to 48 m (52 to 92 ft)), it is very unlikely that groups 
of sperm whales, which tend to occur at greater depths, would be 
encountered by the survey.
    We note that the IHA authorizes take of Risso's dolphins, though 
authorization for the take of Risso's dolphins was not proposed in the 
Federal Register notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018). 
Though density estimates for Risso's dolphins in the survey area 
indicate they would not be expected in the survey area, based on public 
comments and a review of monitoring data from a previous IHA issued for 
a similar activity in 2017 (NMFS, 2017) we have determined that take 
authorization for Risso's dolphins is warranted. The monitoring report 
from the IHA issued to Deepwater Wind in 2017 for HRG surveys in the 
RI-MA WEA indicates that a single group of Risso's dolphins was 
observed by PSOs (though not taken by Level A or Level B harassment) 
during that survey (AIS Inc., 2017). As the activities authorized 
through this IHA are similar to those conducted by DWW in 2017 (i.e., 
HRG surveys conducted within the RI-MA WEA) NMFS has determined the 
planned survey may encounter Risso's dolphins and thus it is 
appropriate to authorize the take of Risso's dolphins. As take modeling 
based on density estimates (e.g., Roberts et. al (2016)) indicated no 
Risso's dolphins would be taken by the survey, but we have determined 
take authorization for Risso's dolphins is warranted and Risso's 
dolphins may be encountered in groups, we have authorized the take of a 
group of Risso's dolphins, based on mean group size for the species 
(Table 6). We also note that the take estimate for gray seals has been 
revised from the number proposed for authorization. In the Federal 
Register notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018), the 
take number proposed for gray seals was based on an incorrect density 
estimate. The average density of gray seals in the survey area was 
reported as 0.0941067 per km\2\; however the correct density is 0.14116 
per km\2\. The correct density has been used to re-calculate the 
authorized number of gray seal takes (Table 6).


    In order to issue an IHA under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA, 
NMFS must set forth the permissible methods of taking pursuant to such 
activity, and other means of effecting the least practicable impact on 
such species or stock and its habitat, paying particular attention to 
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar significance, and on 
the availability of such species or stock for taking for certain 
subsistence uses (latter not applicable for this action). NMFS 
regulations require applicants for incidental take authorizations to 
include information about the availability and feasibility (economic 
and technological) of equipment, methods, and manner of conducting such 
activity or other means of effecting the least practicable adverse 
impact upon the affected species or stocks and their habitat (50 CFR 
    In evaluating how mitigation may or may not be appropriate to 
ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and 
their habitat, as well as subsistence uses where applicable, we 
carefully consider two primary factors:
    (1) The manner in which, and the degree to which, the successful 
implementation of the measure(s) is expected to reduce impacts to 
marine mammals, marine mammal species or stocks, and their habitat. 
This considers the nature of the potential adverse impact being 
mitigated (likelihood, scope, range). It further considers the 
likelihood that the measure will be effective if implemented 
(probability of accomplishing the mitigating result if implemented as 
planned) the likelihood of effective implementation (probability 
implemented as planned); and
    (2) The practicability of the measures for applicant 
implementation, which may consider such things as relative cost and 
impact on operations.

Mitigation Measures

    Based on the applicant's request, which includes requirements 
relating to the BOEM lease stipulations associated with ESA-listed 
marine mammals, and specific information regarding the zones ensonified 
above NMFS thresholds, NMFS is requiring the following mitigation 
measures during the marine site characterization surveys.

Marine Mammal Exclusion and Watch Zone

    Marine mammal exclusion zones (EZ) will be established around the 
HRG survey equipment and monitored by protected species observers (PSO) 
during HRG surveys as follows:
     500 m EZ for North Atlantic right whales;
     200 m EZ for all other ESA-listed cetaceans (including fin 
whale, sei whale and sperm whale); and
     25 m EZ for harbor porpoises.
    The applicant proposed a 500 m EZ for North Atlantic right whales 
and 200 m EZ for all other marine mammals; however, for non-ESA-listed 
marine mammals, based on estimated distances to isopleths corresponding 
with Level A harassment thresholds (Table 5), we determined EZs for 
species other than those described above were not warranted. If HRG 
survey equipment is shut down (as described below) due to

[[Page 28820]]

a marine mammal being observed within or approaching the relevant EZs, 
ramp up of survey equipment may not commence until the animal(s) has 
been observed exiting the relevant EZ, or until an additional time 
period has elapsed with no further sighting of the animal (e.g., 15 
minutes for harbor porpoises and 30 minutes for all large whale 
species). In addition to the EZs described above, PSOs will visually 
monitor and record the presence of all marine mammals within a 500 m 
Watch Zone. Marine mammals observed by PSOs within 447 m of geophysical 
survey equipment will be documented as taken by Level B harassment.

Visual Monitoring

    As per the BOEM lease, visual and acoustic monitoring of the 
established exclusion and monitoring zones will be performed by 
qualified and NMFS-approved PSOs. It will be the responsibility of the 
Lead PSO on duty to communicate the presence of marine mammals as well 
as to communicate the action(s) that are necessary to ensure mitigation 
and monitoring requirements are implemented as appropriate. PSOs will 
be equipped with binoculars and would estimate distances to marine 
mammals located in proximity to the vessel and/or exclusion zone using 
range finders. Reticulated binoculars will also be available to PSOs 
for use as appropriate based on conditions and visibility to support 
the siting and monitoring of marine species. Position data will be 
recorded using hand-held or vessel GPS units for each sighting. 
Observations will take place from the highest available vantage point 
on the survey vessel. During surveys conducted at night, night-vision 
equipment with infrared light-emitting diodes spotlights and/or 
infrared video monitoring will be available for PSO use, and passive 
acoustic monitoring (described below) will be used.

Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion Zone

    Prior to initiating HRG survey activities, DWW will implement a 30-
minute pre-clearance period. During this period, the PSOs will ensure 
that no North Atlantic right whales are observed within 500 m of 
geophysical survey equipment, and that no other marine mammal species 
are observed within 200 m of geophysical survey equipment. Surveys may 
not begin until these zones have been clear of the relevant marine 
mammal species for 30 minutes. This pre-clearance requirement would 
include small delphinoids that approach the vessel (e.g., bow ride). 
PSOs would also continue to monitor the zone for 30 minutes after 
survey equipment is shut down or survey activity has concluded.

Passive Acoustic Monitoring

    As proposed by the applicant and required by BOEM lease 
stipulations, PAM will be used to support monitoring during night time 
operations to provide for optimal acquisition of species detections at 
night. The PAM system will consist of an array of hydrophones with both 
broadband (sampling mid-range frequencies of 2 kHz to 200 kHz) and at 
least one low-frequency hydrophone (sampling range frequencies of 75 
hertz (Hz) to 30 kHz). The PAM operator(s) will monitor acoustic 
signals in real time both aurally (using headphones) and visually (via 
sound analysis software). PAM operators will communicate nighttime 
detections to the lead PSO on duty who will ensure the implementation 
of the appropriate mitigation measure.
    Shutdown of geophysical survey equipment is required upon confirmed 
PAM detection of a North Atlantic right whale at night, even in the 
absence of visual confirmation, except in cases where the acoustic 
detection can be localized and the right whale can be confirmed as 
being beyond the 500 m EZ; equipment may be re-started no sooner than 
30 minutes after the last confirmed acoustic detection. However, aside 
from the required shutdown for right whales as described above, PAM 
detection alone would not trigger a requirement for any mitigation 
action to be taken upon acoustic detection of marine mammals, per BOEM 

Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment

    As proposed by the applicant, where technically feasible, a ramp-up 
procedure will be used for geophysical survey equipment capable of 
adjusting energy levels at the start or re-start of survey activities. 
The ramp-up procedure will be used at the beginning of HRG survey 
activities in order to provide additional protection to marine mammals 
near the survey area by allowing them to detect the presence of the 
survey and vacate the area prior to the commencement of survey 
equipment use at full energy. Ramp-up of the survey equipment will not 
begin until the relevant EZs have been cleared by the PSOs, as 
described above. Systems will be initiated at their lowest power output 
and will be incrementally increased to full power. If any marine 
mammals are detected within the EZ prior to or during the ramp-up, HRG 
equipment will be shut down (as described below).

Shutdown Procedures

    If a marine mammal is observed within or approaching the relevant 
EZ (as described above) an immediate shutdown of the survey equipment 
is required. Subsequent restart of the survey equipment may only occur 
after the animal(s) has either been observed exiting the relevant EZ or 
until an additional time period has elapsed with no further sighting of 
the animal (e.g., 15 minutes for harbor porpoises and 30 minutes for 
North Atlantic right, fin, sei and sperm whales).
    In addition, shutdown of geophysical survey equipment is required 
upon confirmed PAM detection of a North Atlantic right whale at night, 
even in the absence of visual confirmation, except in cases where the 
acoustic detection can be localized and the right whale can be 
confirmed as being beyond the 500 m EZ; equipment may be re-started no 
sooner than 30 minutes after the last confirmed acoustic detection.
    As required in the BOEM lease, if the HRG equipment shuts down for 
reasons other than mitigation (i.e., mechanical or electronic failure) 
resulting in the cessation of the survey equipment for a period greater 
than 20 minutes, a 30 minute pre-clearance period (as described above) 
will precede the restart of the HRG survey equipment. If the pause is 
less than 20 minutes, the equipment may be restarted as soon as 
practicable at its full operational level only if visual surveys were 
continued diligently throughout the silent period and the EZs remained 
clear of marine mammals during that entire period. If visual surveys 
were not continued diligently during the pause of 20 minutes or less, a 
30-minute pre-clearance period (as described above) will precede the 
re-start of the HRG survey equipment. Following a shutdown, HRG survey 
equipment may be restarted following pre-clearance of the zones as 
described above.
    If a species for which authorization has not been granted, or, a 
species for which authorization has been granted but the authorized 
number of takes have been met, approaches or is observed within an EZ 
or within the area encompassing the Level B harassment isopleth (450 
m), shutdown will occur.

Vessel Strike Avoidance

    Vessel strike avoidance measures will include, but are not limited 
to, the following, as required in the BOEM lease, except under 
circumstances when complying with these requirements would put the 
safety of the vessel or crew at risk:
     All vessel operators and crew will maintain vigilant watch 
for cetaceans

[[Page 28821]]

and pinnipeds, and slow down or stop their vessel to avoid striking 
these protected species;
     All survey vessels greater than or equal to 65 ft (19.8 m) 
in overall length will comply with 10 knot (18.5 km/hr) or less speed 
restriction in any SMA per the NOAA ship strike reduction rule (73 FR 
60173; October 10, 2008);
     All vessel operators will reduce vessel speed to 10 knots 
(18.5 km/hr) or less when any large whale, any mother/calf pairs, or 
large assemblages of non-delphinoid cetaceans are observed near (within 
100 m (330 ft)) an underway vessel;
     All survey vessels will maintain a separation distance of 
500 m (1640 ft) or greater from any sighted North Atlantic right whale;
     If underway, vessels must steer a course away from any 
sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10 knots (18.5 km/hr) or less 
until the 500 m (1640 ft) minimum separation distance has been 
established. If a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a vessel's 
path, or within 500 m (330 ft) to an underway vessel, the underway 
vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. Engines will 
not be engaged until the North Atlantic right whale has moved outside 
of the vessel's path and beyond 500 m. If stationary, the vessel must 
not engage engines until the North Atlantic right whale has moved 
beyond 500 m;
     All vessels will maintain a separation distance of 100 m 
(330 ft) or greater from any sighted non-delphinoid cetacean. If 
sighted, the vessel underway must reduce speed and shift the engine to 
neutral, and must not engage the engines until the non-delphinoid 
cetacean has moved outside of the vessel's path and beyond 100 m. If a 
survey vessel is stationary, the vessel will not engage engines until 
the non-delphinoid cetacean has moved out of the vessel's path and 
beyond 100 m;
     All vessels will maintain a separation distance of 50 m 
(164 ft) or greater from any sighted delphinoid cetacean. Any vessel 
underway remain parallel to a sighted delphinoid cetacean's course 
whenever possible, and avoid excessive speed or abrupt changes in 
direction. Any vessel underway reduces vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 
km/hr) or less when pods (including mother/calf pairs) or large 
assemblages of delphinoid cetaceans are observed. Vessels may not 
adjust course and speed until the delphinoid cetaceans have moved 
beyond 50 m and/or the abeam of the underway vessel;
     All vessels will maintain a separation distance of 50 m 
(164 ft) or greater from any sighted pinniped; and
     All vessels underway will not divert or alter course in 
order to approach any whale, delphinoid cetacean, or pinniped. Any 
vessel underway will avoid excessive speed or abrupt changes in 
direction to avoid injury to the sighted cetacean or pinniped.
    DWW will ensure that vessel operators and crew maintain a vigilant 
watch for cetaceans and pinnipeds by slowing down or stopping the 
vessel to avoid striking marine mammals. Project-specific training will 
be conducted for all vessel crew prior to the start of the site 
characterization survey activities. Confirmation of the training and 
understanding of the requirements will be documented on a training 
course log sheet. Signing the log sheet will certify that the crew 
members understand and will comply with the necessary requirements 
throughout the survey activities.

Seasonal Operating Requirements

    The northern section of the survey area partially overlaps with a 
portion of a North Atlantic right whale SMA which occurs east of Long 
Island, New York, and south of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This SMA 
is active from November 1 through April 30 of each year. Survey vessels 
that are >65 ft in length would be required to adhere to the mandatory 
vessel speed restrictions (<10 kn) when operating within the SMA during 
times when the SMA is active. In addition, between watch shifts, 
members of the monitoring team would consult NMFS' North Atlantic right 
whale reporting systems for the presence of North Atlantic right whales 
throughout survey operations. Members of the monitoring team would 
monitor the NMFS North Atlantic right whale reporting systems for the 
establishment of a Dynamic Management Area (DMA). If NMFS should 
establish a DMA in the survey area, within 24 hours of the 
establishment of the DMA DWW would coordinate with NMFS to shut down 
and/or alter the survey activities as needed to avoid right whales to 
the extent possible.
    The mitigation measures are designed to avoid the already low 
potential for injury in addition to some Level B harassment, and to 
minimize the potential for vessel strikes. There are no known marine 
mammal rookeries or mating grounds in the survey area that would 
otherwise potentially warrant increased mitigation measures for marine 
mammals or their habitat (or both). The planned survey would occur in 
an area that has been identified as a biologically important area for 
migration for North Atlantic right whales. However, given the small 
spatial extent of the survey area relative to the substantially larger 
spatial extent of the right whale migratory area, the survey is not 
expected to appreciably reduce migratory habitat nor to negatively 
impact the migration of North Atlantic right whales, thus mitigation to 
address the survey's occurrence in North Atlantic right whale migratory 
habitat is not warranted. The survey area would partially overlap 
spatially with a biologically important feeding area for fin whales. 
However, the fin whale feeding area is sufficiently large (2,933 
km\2\), and the acoustic footprint of the planned survey is 
sufficiently small (<100 km\2\ estimated to be ensonified to the Level 
B harassment threshold per day), that the survey is not expected to 
appreciably reduce fin whale feeding habitat nor to negatively impact 
the feeding of fin whales, thus mitigation to address the survey's 
occurrence in fin whale feeding habitat is not warranted. Further, we 
believe the mitigation measures are practicable for the applicant to 
    Based on our evaluation of the applicant's proposed measures, NMFS 
has determined that the mitigation measures provide the means of 
effecting the least practicable impact on the affected species or 
stocks and their habitat, paying particular attention to rookeries, 
mating grounds, and areas of similar significance.

Monitoring and Reporting

    In order to issue an IHA for an activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of 
the MMPA states that NMFS must set forth, requirements pertaining to 
the monitoring and reporting of such taking. The MMPA implementing 
regulations at 50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) indicate that requests for 
authorizations must include the suggested means of accomplishing the 
necessary monitoring and reporting that will result in increased 
knowledge of the species and of the level of taking or impacts on 
populations of marine mammals that are expected to be present in the 
survey area. Effective reporting is critical both to compliance as well 
as ensuring that the most value is obtained from the required 
    Monitoring and reporting requirements prescribed by NMFS should 
contribute to improved understanding of one or more of the following:
     Occurrence of marine mammal species or stocks in the area 
in which take is anticipated (e.g., presence, abundance, distribution, 
     Nature, scope, or context of likely marine mammal exposure 
to potential

[[Page 28822]]

stressors/impacts (individual or cumulative, acute or chronic), through 
better understanding of: (1) Action or environment (e.g., source 
characterization, propagation, ambient noise); (2) affected species 
(e.g., life history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence of marine mammal 
species with the action; or (4) biological or behavioral context of 
exposure (e.g., age, calving or feeding areas);
     Individual marine mammal responses (behavioral or 
physiological) to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or cumulative), 
other stressors, or cumulative impacts from multiple stressors;
     How anticipated responses to stressors impact either: (1) 
Long-term fitness and survival of individual marine mammals; or (2) 
populations, species, or stocks;
     Effects on marine mammal habitat (e.g., marine mammal prey 
species, acoustic habitat, or other important physical components of 
marine mammal habitat); and
     Mitigation and monitoring effectiveness.

Monitoring Measures

    As described above, visual monitoring of the EZs and monitoring 
zone will be performed by qualified and NMFS-approved PSOs. PSO 
Qualifications will include completion of a PSO training course and 
documented field experience conducting similar surveys. As proposed by 
the applicant and required by BOEM, an observer team comprising a 
minimum of four NMFS-approved PSOs and a minimum of two certified PAM 
operator(s), operating in shifts, will be employed by DWW during the 
planned surveys. PSOs and PAM operators will work in shifts such that 
no one monitor will work more than 4 consecutive hours without a 2 hour 
break or longer than 12 hours during any 24 hour period. During 
daylight hours the PSOs will rotate in shifts of one on and three off, 
while during nighttime operations PSOs will work in pairs. The PAM 
operators will also be on call as necessary during daytime operations 
should visual observations become impaired. Each PSO will monitor 360 
degrees of the field of vision.
    Also as described above, PSOs will be equipped with binoculars and 
have the ability to estimate distances to marine mammals located in 
proximity to the vessel and/or exclusion zone using range finders. 
Reticulated binoculars will also be available to PSOs for use as 
appropriate based on conditions and visibility to support the sighting 
and monitoring of marine species. During night operations, PAM and 
night-vision equipment with infrared light-emitting diode spotlights 
and/or infrared video monitoring will be used to increase the ability 
to detect marine mammals. Position data will be recorded using hand-
held or vessel global positioning system (GPS) units for each sighting. 
Observations will take place from the highest available vantage point 
on the survey vessel. General 360-degree scanning will occur during the 
monitoring periods, and target scanning by the PSO will occur when 
alerted of a marine mammal presence.
    Data on all PAM/PSO observations will be recorded, including dates, 
times, and locations of survey operations; time of observation, 
location and weather; details of marine mammal sightings (e.g., 
species, numbers, behavior); and details of any observed taking (e.g., 
behavioral disturbances or injury/mortality).

Reporting Measures

    Within 90 days after completion of survey activities, a final 
technical report will be provided to NMFS that fully documents the 
methods and monitoring protocols, summarizes the data recorded during 
monitoring, summarizes the number of marine mammals estimated to have 
been taken during survey activities (by species, when known), 
summarizes the mitigation actions taken during surveys (including what 
type of mitigation and the species and number of animals that prompted 
the mitigation action, when known), and provides an interpretation of 
the results and effectiveness of all mitigation and monitoring. Any 
recommendations made by NMFS must be addressed in the final report 
prior to acceptance by NMFS.
    In addition to the final technical report, DWW will provide the 
reports described below as necessary during survey activities. In the 
unanticipated event that DWW's survey activities lead to an injury 
(Level A harassment) or mortality (e.g., ship-strike, gear interaction, 
and/or entanglement) of a marine mammal, DWW would immediately cease 
the specified activities and report the incident to the Chief of the 
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources and 
the NMFS Greater Atlantic Stranding Coordinator. The report would 
include the following information:
     Time, date, and location (latitude/longitude) of the 
     Name and type of vessel involved;
     Vessel's speed during and leading up to the incident;
     Description of the incident;
     Status of all sound source use in the 24 hours preceding 
the incident;
     Water depth;
     Environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction, 
Beaufort sea state, cloud cover, and visibility);
     Description of all marine mammal observations in the 24 
hours preceding the incident;
     Species identification or description of the animal(s) 
     Fate of the animal(s); and
     Photographs or video footage of the animal(s) (if 
equipment is available).
    Activities would not resume until NMFS is able to review the 
circumstances of the event. NMFS would work with DWW to minimize 
reoccurrence of such an event in the future. DWW would not resume 
activities until notified by NMFS.
    In the event that DWW discovers an injured or dead marine mammal 
and determines that the cause of the injury or death is unknown and the 
death is relatively recent (i.e., in less than a moderate state of 
decomposition), DWW would immediately report the incident to the Chief 
of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources 
and the NMFS Greater Atlantic Stranding Coordinator. The report would 
include the same information identified in the paragraph above. 
Activities would be able to continue while NMFS reviews the 
circumstances of the incident. NMFS would work with DWW to determine if 
modifications in the activities are appropriate.
    In the event that DWW discovers an injured or dead marine mammal 
and determines that the injury or death is not associated with or 
related to the activities authorized in the IHA (e.g., previously 
wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced decomposition, or 
scavenger damage), DWW would report the incident to the Chief of the 
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, and 
the NMFS Greater Atlantic Regional Stranding Coordinator, within 24 
hours of the discovery. DWW would provide photographs or video footage 
(if available) or other documentation of the stranded animal sighting 
to NMFS. DWW may continue its operations under such a case.

Negligible Impact Analysis and Determination

    NMFS has defined negligible impact as an impact resulting from the 
specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not 
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival.

[[Page 28823]]

A negligible impact finding is based on the lack of likely adverse 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (i.e., population-
level effects). An estimate of the number of takes alone is not enough 
information on which to base an impact determination. In addition to 
considering estimates of the number of marine mammals that might be 
``taken'' through harassment, NMFS considers other factors, such as the 
likely nature of any responses (e.g., intensity, duration), the context 
of any responses (e.g., critical reproductive time or location, 
migration), as well as effects on habitat, and the likely effectiveness 
of the mitigation. We also assess the number, intensity, and context of 
estimated takes by evaluating this information relative to population 
status. Consistent with the 1989 preamble for NMFS's implementing 
regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29, 1989), the impacts from other 
past and ongoing anthropogenic activities are incorporated into this 
analysis via their impacts on the environmental baseline (e.g., as 
reflected in the regulatory status of the species, population size and 
growth rate where known, ongoing sources of human-caused mortality, or 
ambient noise levels).
    To avoid repetition, our analysis applies to all the species listed 
in Table 6, given that NMFS expects the anticipated effects of the 
planned survey to be similar in nature.
    NMFS does not anticipate that injury or mortality would occur as a 
result of DWW's planned survey, even in the absence of mitigation. Thus 
the IHA does not authorize any injury or mortality. As discussed in the 
Potential Effects section, non-auditory physical effects and vessel 
strike are not expected to occur.
    We expect that all potential takes would be in the form of short-
term Level B behavioral harassment in the form of temporary avoidance 
of the area or decreased foraging (if such activity were occurring), 
reactions that are considered to be of low severity and with no lasting 
biological consequences (e.g., Southall et al., 2007). Potential 
impacts to marine mammal habitat were discussed in the Federal Register 
notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018) (see Potential 
Effects of the Specified Activity on Marine Mammals and their Habitat). 
Marine mammal habitat may be impacted by elevated sound levels, but 
these impacts would be temporary. In addition to being temporary and 
short in overall duration, the acoustic footprint of the planned survey 
is small relative to the overall distribution of the animals in the 
area and their use of the area. Feeding behavior is not likely to be 
significantly impacted. Prey species are mobile and are broadly 
distributed throughout the project area; therefore, marine mammals that 
may be temporarily displaced during survey activities are expected to 
be able to resume foraging once they have moved away from areas with 
disturbing levels of underwater noise. Because of the temporary nature 
of the disturbance and the availability of similar habitat and 
resources in the surrounding area, the impacts to marine mammals and 
the food sources that they utilize are not expected to cause 
significant or long-term consequences for individual marine mammals or 
their populations.
    There are no rookeries or mating grounds known to be biologically 
important to marine mammals within the planned survey area. As 
described above, the survey area would overlap spatially and temporally 
with a biologically important feeding area for fin whales. The 
important fin whale feeding area occurs from March through October and 
stretches from an area south of Montauk Point to south of Martha's 
Vineyard. However, the fin whale feeding area is sufficiently large 
(2,933 km\2\), and the acoustic footprint of the planned survey is 
sufficiently small (<100 km\2\ estimated to be ensonified to the Level 
B harassment threshold per day), that fin whale feeding habitat would 
not be reduced appreciably. Any fin whales temporarily displaced from 
the survey area would be expected to have sufficient remaining feeding 
habitat available to them, and would not be prevented from feeding in 
other areas within the biologically important feeding habitat. In 
addition, any displacement of fin whales from the survey area would be 
expected to be temporary in nature. Therefore, we do not expect fin 
whale feeding to be negatively impacted by the planned survey. There 
are no feeding areas known to be biologically important to marine 
mammals within the project area with the exception of the 
aforementioned feeding area for fin whales. There is no designated 
critical habitat for any ESA-listed marine mammals in the survey area.
    The survey area is within a biologically important migratory area 
for North Atlantic right whales (effective March-April and November-
December) that extends from Massachusetts to Florida (LaBrecque, et 
al., 2015). Off the south coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, this 
biologically important migratory area extends from the coast to beyond 
the shelf break. Due to the fact that that the survey is temporary and 
short in overall duration, and the fact that the spatial acoustic 
footprint of the planned survey is very small relative to the spatial 
extent of the available migratory habitat in the area, right whale 
migration is not expected to be impacted by the planned survey.
    The mitigation measures are expected to reduce the number and/or 
severity of takes by (1) giving animals the opportunity to move away 
from the sound source before HRG survey equipment reaches full energy; 
(2) preventing animals from being exposed to sound levels that may 
otherwise result in injury. Additional vessel strike avoidance 
requirements will further mitigate potential impacts to marine mammals 
during vessel transit to and within the survey area.
    NMFS concludes that exposures to marine mammal species and stocks 
due to DWW's survey would result in only short-term (temporary and 
short in duration) effects to individuals exposed. Marine mammals may 
temporarily avoid the immediate area, but are not expected to 
permanently abandon the area. Major shifts in habitat use, 
distribution, or foraging success are not expected. NMFS does not 
anticipate the authorized take estimates to impact annual rates of 
recruitment or survival.
    In summary and as described above, the following factors primarily 
support our determination that the impacts resulting from this activity 
are not expected to adversely affect the species or stock through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival:
     No mortality, serious injury, or Level A harassment is 
anticipated or authorized;
     The anticipated impacts of the activity on marine mammals 
would be temporary behavioral changes due to avoidance of the area 
around the survey vessel;
     The availability of alternate areas of similar habitat 
value for marine mammals to temporarily vacate the survey area during 
the planned survey to avoid exposure to sounds from the activity;
     The project area does not contain areas of significance 
for mating or calving;
     Effects on species that serve as prey species for marine 
mammals from the survey would be temporary and would not be expected to 
reduce the availability of prey or to affect marine mammal feeding;
     The mitigation measures, including visual and acoustic 
monitoring, exclusion zones, and shutdown measures, are expected to 
minimize potential impacts to marine mammals.
    Based on the analysis contained herein of the likely effects of the 
specified activity on marine mammals

[[Page 28824]]

and their habitat, and taking into consideration the implementation of 
the monitoring and mitigation measures, NMFS finds that the total 
marine mammal take from the specified activity will have a negligible 
impact on all affected marine mammal species or stocks.

Small Numbers

    As noted above, only small numbers of incidental take may be 
authorized under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA for specified 
activities other than military readiness activities. The MMPA does not 
define small numbers and so, in practice, where estimated numbers are 
available, NMFS compares the number of individuals taken to the most 
appropriate estimation of abundance of the relevant species or stock in 
our determination of whether an authorization is limited to small 
numbers of marine mammals. Additionally, other qualitative factors may 
be considered in the analysis, such as the temporal or spatial scale of 
the activities.
    The numbers of marine mammals that we authorize to be taken, for 
all species and stocks, would be considered small relative to the 
relevant stocks or populations (less than 11 percent of each species 
and stock). See Table 6. Based on the analysis contained herein of the 
proposed activity (including the mitigation and monitoring measures) 
and the anticipated take of marine mammals, NMFS finds that small 
numbers of marine mammals will be taken relative to the population size 
of the affected species or stocks.

Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis and Determination

    There are no relevant subsistence uses of the affected marine 
mammal stocks or species implicated by this action. Therefore, NMFS has 
determined that the total taking of affected species or stocks would 
not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of such 
species or stocks for taking for subsistence purposes.

Endangered Species Act

    Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 
1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal agency insure that any action 
it authorizes, funds, or carries out is not likely to jeopardize the 
continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or result 
in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical 
habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for the issuance of IHAs, NMFS 
consults internally, in this case with the NMFS Greater Atlantic 
Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO), whenever we propose to authorize 
take for endangered or threatened species.
    The NMFS Office of Protected Resources is authorizing the 
incidental take of four species of marine mammals which are listed 
under the ESA: The North Atlantic right, fin, sei, and sperm whale. 
BOEM consulted with NMFS GARFO under section 7 of the ESA on commercial 
wind lease issuance and site assessment activities on the Atlantic 
Outer Continental Shelf in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and 
New Jersey Wind Energy Areas. The NMFS GARFO issued a Biological 
Opinion concluding that these activities may adversely affect but are 
not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the North Atlantic 
right, fin, and sperm whale. The Biological Opinion can be found online 
at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. Upon 
request from the NMFS Office of Protected Resources, the NMFS GARFO 
will issue an amended incidental take statement associated with this 
Biological Opinion to include the takes of the ESA-listed marine mammal 
species authorized through this IHA.

National Environmental Policy Act

    To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA; 
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A, 
NMFS must review our proposed action (i.e., the issuance of an 
incidental harassment authorization) with respect to potential impacts 
on the human environment. Accordingly, NMFS prepared an Environmental 
Assessment (EA) and analyzed the potential impacts to marine mammals 
that would result from the project, as well as from a similar project 
proposed by Garden State Offshore Energy (a subsidiary of Deepwater 
Wind) off the coast of Delaware. A Finding of No Significant Impact 
(FONSI) was signed on June 13, 2018. A copy of the EA and FONSI is 
available online at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable.


    NMFS has issued an IHA to Deepwater Wind New England, LLC for 
conducting marine site characterization surveys offshore of Rhode 
Island and Massachusetts and along potential submarine cable routes, 
for a period of one year, provided the previously mentioned mitigation, 
monitoring, and reporting requirements are incorporated.

    Dated: June 15, 2018.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2018-13279 Filed 6-20-18; 8:45 am]

                                              28808                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              Sirjanco Trading LLC, Mahan Air                         DATES:  See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                  that NMFS has issued an incidental
                                              General Trading LLC, Mehdi Bahrami,                     for meeting dates.                                     harassment authorization (IHA) to
                                              Sky Blue Bird Group, and/or Issam                       ADDRESSES: The location of the meeting                 Deepwater Wind New England, LLC
                                              Shammout may, at any time, appeal                       has not changed. It will be at the                     (DWW), for authorization to take marine
                                              their inclusion as a related person by                  Council office at 1164 Bishop St., Suite               mammals incidental to marine site
                                              filing a full written statement in support              1400, Honolulu, HI 96813.                              characterization surveys off the coast of
                                              of the appeal with the Office of the                                                                           Rhode Island and Massachusetts in the
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Administrative Law Judge, U.S. Coast                                                                           area of the Commercial Lease of
                                                                                                      Michael Seki, Director—NMFS Pacific
                                              Guard ALJ Docketing Center, 40 South                                                                           Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy
                                                                                                      Islands Fisheries Science Center
                                              Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202–                                                                         Development on the Outer Continental
                                                                                                      (PIFSC), telephone: (808) 725–5360.
                                              4022.                                                                                                          Shelf (OCS–A 0486) and along potential
                                                 In accordance with the provisions of                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: You may
                                                                                                                                                             submarine cable routes to a landfall
                                              Section 766.24(d) of the EAR, BIS may                   find background information about the                  location in Rhode Island, Massachusetts
                                              seek renewal of this Order by filing a                  stock assessment and WPSAR process,                    or New York.
                                              written request not later than 20 days                  and details of the meeting agenda and
                                                                                                      special accommodations in the June 5,                  DATES: This Authorization is valid for
                                              before the expiration date. A renewal
                                                                                                      2018, Federal Register notice: https://                one year from the date of issuance.
                                              request may be opposed by Mahan
                                              Airways, Al Naser Airlines, Ali                         www.federalregister.gov/documents/                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Abdullah Alhay, and/or Bahar Safwa                      2018/06/05/2018-11977/pacific-island-                  Jordan Carduner, Office of Protected
                                              General Trading as provided in Section                  fisheries-western-pacific-stock-                       Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
                                              766.24(d), by filing a written submission               assessment-review-public-meeting.                      Electronic copies of the applications
                                              with the Assistant Secretary of                                                                                and supporting documents, as well as a
                                              Commerce for Export Enforcement,                                                                               list of the references cited in this
                                              which must be received not later than                     In the Federal Register of June 5,                   document, may be obtained by visiting
                                              seven days before the expiration date of                2018, (83 FR 26010) in FR Doc. 2018–                   the internet at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/
                                              the Order.                                              11977, on page 26011, in the first                     national/marine-mammal-protection/
                                                 A copy of this Order shall be provided               column, the dates under the heading                    incidental-take-authorizations-other-
                                              to Mahan Airways, Al Naser Airlines,                    ‘‘Meeting Agenda for WPSAR Review’’                    energy-activities-renewable. In case of
                                              Ali Abdullah Alhay, and Bahar Safwa                     are corrected to read as follows:                      problems accessing these documents,
                                              General Trading and each related                        Day 1 Monday September 10, 2018                        please call the contact listed above.
                                              person, and shall be published in the                   Day 2 Tuesday September 11, 2018                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              Federal Register. This Order is effective               Day 3 Wednesday September 12, 2018
                                              immediately and shall remain in effect                  Day 4 Thursday September 13, 2018                      Background
                                              for 180 days.                                           Day 5 Friday September 14, 2018                          Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the
                                                Dated: June 14, 2018.                                   The meeting times and agenda items                   MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct
                                              Richard R. Majauskas,                                   are not changed.                                       the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated
                                              Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for                Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                    to NMFS) to allow, upon request, the
                                              Export Enforcement.                                                                                            incidental, but not intentional, taking of
                                                                                                        Dated: June 15, 2018.
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–13289 Filed 6–20–18; 8:45 am]                                                                    small numbers of marine mammals by
                                                                                                      Jennifer M. Wallace,                                   U.S. citizens who engage in a specified
                                              BILLING CODE P
                                                                                                      Acting Director, Office of Sustainable                 activity (other than commercial fishing)
                                                                                                      Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.          within a specified geographical region if
                                              DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  [FR Doc. 2018–13276 Filed 6–20–18; 8:45 am]            certain findings are made and either
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                 regulations are issued or, if the taking is
                                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric                                                                               limited to harassment, a notice of a
                                              Administration                                                                                                 proposed authorization is provided to
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                 the public for review.
                                              RIN 0648–XG270
                                                                                                      National Oceanic and Atmospheric                         An authorization for incidental
                                              Pacific Island Fisheries; Western                                                                              takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
                                              Pacific Stock Assessment Review;                                                                               that the taking will have a negligible
                                              Public Meeting; Correction                              RIN 0648–XF984                                         impact on the species or stock(s), will
                                                                                                                                                             not have an unmitigable adverse impact
                                              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to                  on the availability of the species or
                                              Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    Specified Activities; Taking Marine                    stock(s) for subsistence uses (where
                                              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      Mammals Incidental to Marine Site                      relevant), and if the permissible
                                              Commerce.                                               Characterization Surveys off of Rhode                  methods of taking and requirements
                                              ACTION: Notice of a public meeting;                     Island and Massachusetts                               pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
                                              correction.                                                                                                    and reporting of such takings are set
                                                                                                      AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                              SUMMARY:   NMFS and the Western                         Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                   forth.
                                              Pacific Fishery Management Council                      Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                       NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
                                              (Council) have rescheduled a Western                    Commerce.                                              impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as an impact
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Pacific Stock Assessment Review                         ACTION: Notice; Issuance of an Incidental
                                                                                                                                                             resulting from the specified activity that
                                              (WPSAR) of a draft 2018 benchmark                       Harassment Authorization.                              cannot be reasonably expected to, and is
                                              stock assessment for main Hawaiian                                                                             not reasonably likely to, adversely affect
                                              Islands Kona crab. The meeting                          SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                       the species or stock through effects on
                                              announced in the Federal Register on                    regulations implementing the Marine                    annual rates of recruitment or survival.
                                              June 5, 2018, has been rescheduled for                  Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as                          The MMPA states that the term ‘‘take’’
                                              September 10–14, 2018.                                  amended, notification is hereby given                  means to harass, hunt, capture, or kill,

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:22 Jun 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00008   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21JNN1.SGM   21JNN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                           28809

                                              or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or                 Federal waters. Surveys would occur                    public comment period, NMFS received
                                              kill any marine mammal.                                 within the Bureau of Ocean Energy                      comment letters from the Marine
                                                Except with respect to certain                        Management (BOEM) Rhode Island–                        Mammal Commission (Commission)
                                              activities not pertinent here, the MMPA                 Massachusetts Wind Energy Area (RI–                    and from a group of non-governmental
                                              defines ‘‘harassment’’ as: Any act of                   MA WEA) which is located east of Long                  organizations (NGOs) including Natural
                                              pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i)                Island, New York and south of Rhode                    Resources Defense Council, the National
                                              has the potential to injure a marine                    Island and Massachusetts (see Figure 1                 Wildlife Federation, the Conservation
                                              mammal or marine mammal stock in the                    in the IHA application). Water depths in               Law Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife,
                                              wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has                  the Lease Area range from 26 to 48                     Southern Environmental Law Center,
                                              the potential to disturb a marine                       meters (m) (85 to 157 feet (ft)). For the              Surfrider Foundation, Sierra Club, and
                                              mammal or marine mammal stock in the                    purpose of this IHA the Lease Area and                 the International Fund for Animal
                                              wild by causing disruption of behavioral                submarine cable corridor are                           Welfare. NMFS has posted the
                                              patterns, including, but not limited to,                collectively termed the Project Area.                  comments online at:
                                              migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,                Surveys would occur from                               www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/
                                              feeding, or sheltering (Level B                         approximately June 15, 2018 through                    marine-mammal-protection/incidental-
                                              harassment).                                            December 31, 2018. The estimated                       take-authorizations-other-energy-
                                                                                                      duration of the geophysical survey is                  activities-renewable. The following is a
                                              Summary of Request                                      expected to be up to 200 days and the                  summary of the public comments
                                                 On January 3, 2018, NMFS received a                  estimated duration of the geotechnical                 received and NMFS’ responses.
                                              request from DWW for an IHA to take                     survey is expected to be up to 100 days.                  Comment 1: The Commission
                                              marine mammals incidental to marine                        Geotechnical surveys would entail the               expressed concern that the method used
                                              site characterization surveys off the                   use of core penetration testing, deep                  to estimate the numbers of takes, which
                                              coast of Massachusetts and Rhode                        boring cores and vibracores.                           summed fractions of takes for each
                                              Island in the area of the Commercial                    Geotechnical surveys are not expected                  species across project days, does not
                                              Lease of Submerged Lands for                            to result in the take of marine mammals,               account for and negates the intent of
                                              Renewable Energy Development on the                     as described in the Federal Register                   NMFS’ 24 hour reset policy and
                                              Outer Continental Shelf (OCS–A 0486)                    notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR                      recommended that NMFS share the
                                              and along potential submarine cable                     19711; May 4, 2018) and are not                        rounding criteria with the Commission
                                              routes to a landfall location in either                 analyzed further in this document.                     in a timely manner.
                                              Rhode Island, Massachusetts or New                      Geophysical surveys would entail the                      NMFS Response: NMFS appreciates
                                              York. A revised application was                         use of a multibeam depth sounder,                      the Commission’s ongoing concern in
                                              received on April 18, 2018. NMFS                        shallow penetration sub-bottom profiler                this matter. Calculating predicted takes
                                              deemed that request to be adequate and                  (chirp), medium penetration sub-bottom                 is not an exact science, and there are
                                              complete. DWW’s request is for take of                  profiler (boomer and sparker or bubble                 arguments for taking different
                                              14 marine mammal species by Level B                     gun), sidescan sonar and marine                        mathematical approaches in different
                                              harassment. Neither DWW nor NMFS                        magnetometer. The deployment of                        situations and for making qualitative
                                              expects serious injury or mortality to                  geophysical survey equipment,                          adjustments in other situations. We
                                              result from this activity and the activity              including the equipment planned for                    believe, however, that the methodology
                                              is expected to last no more than one                    use during DWW’s planned activity,                     used for take calculation in this IHA
                                              year, therefore, an IHA is appropriate.                 produces sound in the marine                           remains appropriate and is not at odds
                                                                                                      environment that has the potential to                  with the 24 hour reset policy the
                                              Description of the Proposed Activity                    result in harassment of marine                         Commission references. We look
                                              Overview                                                mammals.                                               forward to continued discussion with
                                                                                                         A detailed description of the planned               the Commission on this matter and will
                                                 DWW proposes to conduct marine site                  survey activities, including types of                  share draft guidance on this issue as
                                              characterization surveys, including                     survey equipment planned for use, is                   soon as possible with the Commission.
                                              high-resolution geophysical (HRG) and                   provided in the Federal Register notice                   Comment 2: The Commission
                                              geotechnical surveys, in the area of the                of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May                  recommended that, until behavioral
                                              Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands                     4, 2018). Since that time, no changes                  thresholds are updated, NMFS require
                                              for Renewable Energy Development on                     have been made to the planned                          applicants to use the 120-decibel (dB) re
                                              the Outer Continental Shelf #OCS–A                      activities. Therefore, a detailed                      1 micropascal (mPa), rather than 160-dB
                                              0486 (Lease Area) and along potential                   description is not repeated here. We                   re 1mPa, threshold for acoustic, non-
                                              submarine cable routes to landfall                      note, however, that one type of survey                 impulsive sources (e.g., sub-bottom
                                              locations in either Rhode Island,                       equipment was described incorrectly in                 profilers/chirps, echosounders, and
                                              Massachusetts or Long Island, New                       the proposed IHA: The frequencies                      other sonars including side-scan and
                                              York. The purpose of the marine site                    listed for the Edgetech 4125 sidescan                  fish-finding).
                                              characterization surveys are to obtain a                sonar were incorrectly listed as 105 and                  NMFS Response: Certain sub-bottom
                                              baseline assessment of seabed/sub-                      410 kilohertz (kHz); correct frequencies               profiling systems are appropriately
                                              surface soil conditions in the Lease Area               for the Edgetech 4125 are 400/900 kHz                  considered to be impulsive sources (e.g.,
                                              and cable route corridors to support the                or 600/1600 kHz. Please refer to the                   boomers, sparkers); therefore, the
                                              siting of potential future offshore wind                Federal Register notice of the proposed                threshold of 160-dB re 1mPa will
                                              projects. Underwater sound resulting                    IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018) for a                   continue to be used for those sources.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              from DWW’s proposed site                                detailed description of the specific                   Other source types referenced by the
                                              characterization surveys has the                        activity.                                              Commission (e.g., chirp sub-bottom
                                              potential to result in incidental take of                                                                      profilers, echosounders, and other
                                              marine mammals in the form of                           Comments and Responses                                 sonars including side-scan and fish-
                                              behavioral harassment.                                    NMFS published a notice of proposed                  finding) produce signals that are not
                                                 DWW’s survey activities would occur                  IHA in the Federal Register on May 4,                  necessarily strictly impulsive; however,
                                              in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean within                  2018 (83 FR 19711). During the 30-day                  NMFS finds that the 160-dB root mean

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:22 Jun 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00009   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21JNN1.SGM   21JNN1

                                              28810                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              square (rms) threshold is most                          notice describes the conditions under                  whale detections during the 2017 survey
                                              appropriate for use in evaluating                       which such a renewal request could be                  were via passive acoustic monitoring
                                              potential behavioral impacts to marine                  considered and expressly seeks public                  (PAM), with only one confirmed visual
                                              mammals because the temporal                            comment in the event such a renewal is                 detection which was outside the Level
                                              characteristics (i.e., intermittency) of                sought. Importantly, such renewals                     B zone at a distance of approximately
                                              these sources are better captured by this               would be limited to circumstances                      1,400 m from the vessel; both ‘‘takes’’
                                              threshold. The 120-dB threshold is                      where: The activities are identical or                 reported in the monitoring report were
                                              associated with continuous sources and                  nearly identical to those analyzed in the              not based on visual detections but were
                                              was derived based on studies examining                  proposed IHA; monitoring does not                      instead based on acoustic detections
                                              behavioral responses to drilling and                    indicate impacts that were not                         that were localized within the Level B
                                              dredging. Continuous sounds are those                   previously analyzed and authorized;                    harassment zone (AIS Inc., 2017).
                                              whose sound pressure level remains                      and, the mitigation and monitoring                     However, for the IHA issued for 2017
                                              above that of the ambient sound, with                   requirements remain the same, all of                   surveys and for this IHA, NMFS does
                                              negligibly small fluctuations in level                  which allow the public to comment on                   not consider animals detected
                                              (NIOSH, 1998; ANSI, 2005). Examples                     the appropriateness and effects of a                   acoustically but not confirmed visually
                                              of sounds that NMFS would categorize                    renewal at the same time the public                    by PSOs to have been taken by
                                              as continuous are those associated with                 provides comments on the initial IHA.                  harassment. As the number of sperm
                                              drilling or vibratory pile driving                      NMFS has, however, modified the                        whale takes in this IHA were based on
                                              activities. Intermittent sounds are                     language for future proposed IHAs to                   the best available density data (e.g.,
                                              defined as sounds with interrupted                      clarify that all IHAs, including renewal               Roberts et al. (2016)), and as shutdown
                                              levels of low or no sound (NIOSH,                       IHAs, are valid for no more than one                   of survey equipment based on PAM
                                              1998). Thus, signals produced by these                  year and that the agency would consider                detection alone is not required for
                                              source types are not continuous but                     only one renewal for a project at this                 sperm whales in this IHA, we have
                                              rather intermittent sounds. With regard                 time. In addition, notice of issuance or               concluded the number of sperm whale
                                              to behavioral thresholds, we consider                   denial of a renewal IHA would be                       takes authorized is appropriate. The
                                              the temporal and spectral characteristics               published in the Federal Register, as                  Commission noted that common
                                              of signals produced by these source                     they are for all IHAs. The option for
                                                                                                                                                             dolphins were the most regularly
                                              types to more closely resemble those of                 issuing renewal IHAs has been in
                                                                                                                                                             observed marine mammal species
                                              an impulse sound rather than a                          NMFS’s incidental take regulations
                                                                                                                                                             during Deepwater Wind’s 2017 HRG
                                              continuous sound. The threshold of                      since 1996. We will provide any
                                                                                                                                                             surveys in the RI–MA WEA, with 2,677
                                              160-dB re 1mPa is typically associated                  additional information to the
                                                                                                                                                             common dolphins observed (AIS Inc.,
                                              with impulsive sources, which are                       Commission and consider posting a
                                                                                                                                                             2017) and expressed concern that the
                                              inherently intermittent. Therefore, the                 description of the renewal process on
                                                                                                                                                             2018 survey may be forced to shut down
                                              160-dB threshold (typically associated                  our website before any renewal is issued
                                                                                                                                                             upon visual detection of common
                                              with impulsive sources) is more                         utilizing this process.
                                                                                                         Comment 4: The Commission                           dolphins if the number of authorized
                                              appropriate than the 120-dB threshold
                                              (typically associated with continuous                   recommended that NMFS increase the                     takes of common dolphins is exceeded.
                                              sources) for estimating takes by                        number of common dolphin takes and                     NMFS agrees that common dolphins are
                                              behavioral harassment incidental to use                 sperm whale takes, based on an                         likely to be prevalent during DWW’s
                                              of such sources.                                        assumption that the number proposed                    survey activities; however, we note that
                                                 Comment 3: The Commission                            for authorization is insufficient for                  while 2,677 common dolphins were
                                              requested clarification regarding certain               DWW’s proposed survey, and that                        observed during 2017 surveys, 346
                                              issues associated with NMFS’ notice                     NMFS authorize at least 20 Level B                     common dolphins were taken by Level
                                              that one-year renewals could be issued                  harassment takes of Risso’s dolphins,                  B harassment (AIS Inc., 2017). NMFS is
                                              in certain limited circumstances and                    based on observations of Risso’s                       authorizing nearly 3 times the number
                                              expressed concern that the process                      dolphins during HRG surveys                            of takes of common dolphins in this
                                              would bypass the public notice and                      conducted by Deepwater Wind in the                     IHA (910) compared to the number of
                                              comment requirements. The                               RI–MA WEA in 2017 (AIS Inc., 2017).                    takes of common dolphins that occurred
                                              Commission also suggested that NMFS                     The Commission further recommended                     during 2017 surveys (346). As the
                                              should discuss the possibility of                       that NMFS better evaluate the numbers                  number of common dolphin takes in
                                              renewals through a more general route,                  of Level A and B harassment takes it                   this IHA were based on the best
                                              such as a rulemaking, instead of notice                 plans to propose.                                      available density data (e.g., Roberts et al.
                                              in a specific authorization. The                           NMFS Response: NMFS considered                      (2016)) and as this IHA authorizes
                                              Commission further recommended that                     the Commission’s recommendations                       nearly 3 times as many takes by Level
                                              if NMFS did not pursue a more general                   with regard to take numbers authorized                 B harassment of common dolphins
                                              route, that the agency provide the                      for common dolphins, sperm whales                      compared to the number taken during
                                              Commission and the public with a legal                  and Risso’s dolphins. The Commission                   Deepwater Wind’s HRG surveys in 2017
                                              analysis supporting our conclusion that                 noted that five sperm whales were                      (NMFS, 2017), we have concluded the
                                              this process is consistent with the                     observed during HRG surveys                            number of common dolphin takes
                                              requirements of section 101(a)(5)(D) of                 conducted by Deepwater Wind in the                     authorized is appropriate. The
                                              the MMPA.                                               RI–MA WEA in 2017 and two were                         Commission noted that the monitoring
                                                 NMFS Response: The process of                        taken by Level B harassment, and                       report from the 2017 IHA issued to
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                                              issuing a renewal IHA does not bypass                   expressed concern that the 2018 survey                 Deepwater Wind for HRG surveys in the
                                              the public notice and comment                           may be forced to shut down upon visual                 RI–MA WEA indicated that eight Risso’s
                                              requirements of the MMPA. The notice                    detection of sperm whales if the number                dolphins were observed at 400 m from
                                              of the proposed IHA expressly notifies                  of authorized takes of sperm whales is                 the source during Deepwater Wind’s
                                              the public that under certain, limited                  exceeded. However, results of the                      2017 surveys and that the vessel had to
                                              conditions an applicant could seek a                    monitoring report from the 2017 IHA                    avoid the Risso’s dolphins to prevent
                                              renewal IHA for an additional year. The                 indicate that the majority of sperm                    unauthorized takes (AIS Inc., 2017). We

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                             28811

                                              agree with the Commission that, based                   the measure(s) is expected to reduce                   whales are detected and confirmed clear
                                              on monitoring data from the 2017 IHA                    impacts to marine mammals, marine                      of the exclusion zone, and that, if a right
                                              issued to Deepwater Wind for HRG                        mammal species or stocks, and their                    whale were detected in the exclusion
                                              surveys in the RI–MA WEA (AIS Inc.,                     habitat; and (2) the practicability of the             zone during nighttime hours and the
                                              2017), the planned survey may                           measures for applicant implementation,                 survey is shut down, developers should
                                              encounter Risso’s dolphins, and, thus                   which may consider such things as                      be required to wait until daylight hours
                                              authorization for the take of Risso’s                   relative cost and impact on operations.                for ramp-up to commence.
                                              dolphins is warranted in this IHA. We                      DWW determined the planned                            NMFS Response: We acknowledge the
                                              have therefore authorized takes of                      duration of the survey based on their                  limitations inherent in detection of
                                              Risso’s dolphins in this IHA (Table 6).                 data acquisition needs, which are                      marine mammals at night. However,
                                              NMFS carefully evaluates the number of                  largely driven by the Bureau of Ocean                  similar to the discussion above
                                              Level A and Level B harassment takes                    Energy Management’s (BOEM) data                        regarding time and area closures,
                                              it proposes to authorize, as illustrated                acquisition requirements prior to                      restricting the ability of the applicant to
                                              by the Level of analysis incorporated in                required submission of a construction                  ramp-up surveys only during daylight
                                              our notices of proposed IHAs, and we                    and operations plan (COP). Any effort                  hours would have the potential to result
                                              will continue to do so.                                 on the part of NMFS to restrict the                    in lengthy shutdowns of the survey
                                                 Comment 5: The NGOs expressed                        months during which the survey could                   equipment, which could result in the
                                              concern regarding the marine mammal                     operate would likely have the effect of                applicant failing to collect the data they
                                              density estimates used to calculate take.               forcing the applicant to conduct                       have determined is necessary, which
                                              Specifically, the commenters stated the                 additional months of surveys the                       could result in the need to conduct
                                              estimates derived from models                           following year, resulting in increased                 additional surveys the following year.
                                              presented in Roberts et al. (2016) may                  costs incurred by the applicant and                    This would result in significantly
                                              underrepresent density and seasonal                     additional time on the water with                      increased costs incurred by the
                                              presence of large whales in the survey                  associated additional production of                    applicant. Thus the restriction suggested
                                              area, and recommended that NMFS                         underwater noise which could have                      by the commenters would not be
                                              consider additional data sources in                     further potential impacts to marine                    practicable for the applicant to
                                              density modeling in future analyses of                  mammals. Thus the time and area                        implement. In addition, as described
                                              estimated take, including initial data                  restrictions recommended by the                        above, potential impacts to marine
                                              from state monitoring efforts, existing                 commenters would not be practicable                    mammals from the survey activities
                                              passive acoustic monitoring data,                       for the applicant to implement and                     would be limited to short-term
                                              opportunistic marine mammal sightings                   would to some degree offset the benefit                behavioral responses. Restricting
                                              data, and other data sources.                           of the recommended measure. In                         surveys in the manner suggested by the
                                                 NMFS Response: NMFS has                              addition, our analysis of the potential                commenters may reduce marine
                                              determined that the data provided by                    impacts of the survey on right whales                  mammal exposures by some degree in
                                              Roberts et al. (2016) represents the best               does not indicate that such closures are               the short term, but would not result in
                                              available information concerning                        warranted, as potential impacts to right               any significant reduction in either
                                              marine mammal density in the survey                     whales from the survey activities would                intensity or duration of noise exposure.
                                              area and has used it accordingly. NMFS                  be limited to short-term behavioral                    No injury is expected to result even in
                                              has considered other available                          responses; no marine mammal injury is                  the absence of mitigation, given the very
                                              information, including that cited by the                expected as a result of the survey, nor                small estimated Level A harassment
                                              commenters, and determined that it                      is injury authorized in the IHA. We also               zones. In the event that NMFS imposed
                                              does not contradict the information                     note that the majority of the survey is                the restriction suggested by the
                                              provided by Roberts et al. (2016). The                  already scheduled to occur outside the                 commenters, potentially resulting in a
                                              information discussed by the                            time frame recommended for closure by                  second season of surveys required for
                                              commenters does not provide data in a                   the commenters; the survey is planned                  the applicant, vessels would be on the
                                              format that is directly usable in an                    to occur from June 15 through December                 water introducing noise into the marine
                                              acoustic exposure analysis, and the                     31, while the commenters recommend a                   environment for an extended period of
                                              commenters make no useful                               seasonal closure from November 1                       time. Therefore, in addition to
                                              recommendation regarding how to do                      through May 14. Thus, in consideration                 practicability concerns for the applicant,
                                              so. We will review the data sources                     of the limited potential benefits of time              the restrictions recommended by the
                                              recommended by the commenters and                       and area restrictions, in concert with the             commenters could result in the surveys
                                              will consider their suitability for                     impracticability and increased cost on                 spending increased time on the water,
                                              inclusion in future analyses, as                        the part of the applicant that would                   which may result in greater overall
                                              requested by the commenters.                            result from such restrictions, NMFS has                exposure to sound for marine mammals;
                                                 Comment 6: Regarding mitigation                      determined that time and area                          thus the commenters have failed to
                                              measures, the NGOs recommended                          restrictions are not warranted in this                 demonstrate that such a requirement
                                              NMFS impose a restriction on site                       case. Existing mitigation measures,                    would result in a net benefit for affected
                                              assessment and characterization                         including exclusion zones, ramp-up of                  marine mammals. Therefore, in
                                              activities that have the potential to                   survey equipment, and vessel strike                    consideration of potential effectiveness
                                              harass the North Atlantic right whale                   avoidance measures, are sufficiently                   of the recommended measure and its
                                              from November 1st to May 14th.                          protective to ensure the least practicable             practicability for the applicant, NMFS
                                                 NMFS Response: In evaluating how                     adverse impact on species or stocks and                has determined that restricting survey
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                                              mitigation may or may not be                            their habitat.                                         start-ups to daylight hours is not
                                              appropriate to ensure the least                            Comment 7: Regarding mitigation                     warranted in this case.
                                              practicable adverse impact on species or                measures, the NGOs recommended that                      However, in recognition of the
                                              stocks and their habitat, we carefully                  NMFS require that geophysical surveys                  concerns raised by the commenters, we
                                              consider two primary factors: (1) The                   commence, with ramp-up, during                         have added a mitigation requirement to
                                              manner in which, and the degree to                      daylight hours only to maximize the                    the IHA that shutdown of geophysical
                                              which, the successful implementation of                 probability that North Atlantic right                  survey equipment is required upon

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                                              28812                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              confirmed PAM detection of a North                      sources proposed for use by DWW, due                   knots or less until the 500 m minimum
                                              Atlantic right whale at night, even in the              to relatively small areas that are                     separation distance has been
                                              absence of visual confirmation, except                  expected to be ensonified to the Level                 established; and a requirement that, if a
                                              in cases where the acoustic detection                   A harassment threshold (Table 5). As we                North Atlantic right whale is sighted in
                                              can be localized and the right whale can                are not convinced that PAM is                          a vessel’s path, or within 500 m of an
                                              be confirmed as being beyond the 500                    necessarily warranted for this type of                 underway vessel, the underway vessel
                                              m exclusion zone (EZ); equipment may                    survey, we do not think a requirement                  must reduce speed and shift the engine
                                              be re-started no sooner than 30 minutes                 to expand the use of PAM to 24 hours                   to neutral. Additional measures to
                                              after the last confirmed acoustic                       a day during the survey is warranted.                  prevent the potential for ship strike are
                                              detection.                                              Expanding the PAM requirement to 24                    discussed in more detail below (see the
                                                 Comment 8: The NGOs recommended                      hours a day may also result in increased               Mitigation section). We have
                                              that NMFS require a 500 m EZ for                        costs on the part of the applicant. When               determined that the ship strike
                                              marine mammals (with the exception of                   the potential benefits of a 24 hour PAM                avoidance measures are sufficient to
                                              dolphins that voluntarily approach the                  requirement are considered in concert                  ensure the least practicable adverse
                                              vessel). Additionally, the NGOs                         with the potential increased costs on the              impact on species or stocks and their
                                              recommended that protected species                      part of the applicant that would result                habitat. We also note that vessel strike
                                              observers (PSOs) monitor to an                          from such a requirement, we                            during surveys is extremely unlikely
                                              extended 1,000 m EZ for North Atlantic                  determined a requirement for 24 hour                   based on the low vessel speed; the
                                              right whales.                                           PAM operation is not warranted in this                 survey vessel would maintain a speed of
                                                 NMFS Response: Regarding the                         case. Given the effects to marine                      approximately 4 knots (7.4 km/hour)
                                              recommendation for a 1,000 m EZ                         mammals from the types of surveys                      while transiting survey lines.
                                              specifically for North Atlantic right                   authorized in this IHA are expected to                    Comment 11: The NGOs
                                              whales, we have determined that the                     be limited to behavioral harassment                    recommended that NMFS account for
                                              500 m EZ, as required in the IHA, is                    even in the absence of mitigation, we                  the potential for indirect ship strike risk
                                              sufficiently protective. We note that the               have determined the current                            resulting from habitat displacement in
                                              500 m EZ exceeds the modeled distance                   requirements for visual and acoustic                   our analyses.
                                              to the Level B harassment isopleth (447                 monitoring are sufficient to ensure the                   NMFS Response: NMFS determined
                                              m), thus for North Atlantic right whales                EZs and Watch Zone are adequately                      that habitat displacement was not an
                                              detected by PSOs this EZ would be                       monitored for this particular activity.                expected outcome of the specified
                                              expected to effectively minimize                           Comment 10: The NGOs                                activity, therefore an analysis of
                                              potential instances of injury and                       recommended that NMFS require a 10                     potential impacts to marine mammals
                                              harassment.                                             knot speed restriction on all project-                 from habitat displacement is not
                                                 Regarding the commenters’                            related vessels transiting to/from the                 warranted in this case.
                                              recommendation to require a 500 m EZ                    survey area from November 1 through                       Comment 12: The NGOs
                                              for all marine mammals (except                          April 30 in New York state waters and                  recommended that NMFS consider any
                                              dolphins that approach the vessel) we                   the adjacent Block Island Seasonal                     existing siting and acoustic data and any
                                              have determined the EZs as currently                    Management Area (SMA) for North                        new information that improves our
                                              required in the IHA (described in                       Atlantic right whales, and from                        understanding of marine mammal
                                              Mitigation Measures, below) are                         February 1 to May 14 in Rhode Island                   distribution and habitat use in the
                                              sufficient to ensure the least practicable              and Massachusetts state waters outside                 region in order to inform seasonal
                                              adverse impact on species or stocks and                 of the Block Island SMA, and that all                  restrictions and mitigation measures in
                                              their habitat. The EZs would prevent all                project vessels operating within the                   time for the November 2018 North
                                              potential instances of marine mammal                    survey area should be required to                      Atlantic right whale migration period.
                                              injury (though in this instance, injury                 maintain a speed of 10 knots or less                      NMFS Response: We base our
                                              would not be an expected outcome even                   during the entire survey period.                       analyses on the best available
                                              in the absence of mitigation due to very                   NMFS Response: NMFS has analyzed                    information to inform mitigation
                                              small predicted isopleths corresponding                 the potential for ship strike resulting                measures in incidental take
                                              to the Level A harassment threshold                     from DWW’s activity and has                            authorizations, and will continue to do
                                              (Table 5) and would further prevent                     determined that the mitigation measures                so. Beyond a broad recommendation,
                                              some instances of behavioral                            specific to ship strike avoidance are                  the commenters have not provided us
                                              harassment, as well as limiting the                     sufficient to avoid the potential for ship             with any specific recommendations
                                              intensity and/or duration of behavioral                 strike. These include: A requirement                   regarding data sources to consider, but
                                              harassment that does occur. As NMFS                     that all vessel operators comply with 10               we welcome future input, outside the
                                              has determined the EZs currently                        knot (18.5 kilometer (km)/hour) or less                comment period for this particular IHA,
                                              required in the IHA to be sufficiently                  speed restrictions in any SMA or                       from interested parties on data sources
                                              protective, we do not think expanded                    Dynamic Management Area (DMA); a                       that may be of use in analyzing the
                                              EZs, beyond what is required in the                     requirement that all vessel operators                  potential presence and movement
                                              IHA, are warranted.                                     reduce vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5                  patterns of North Atlantic right whales.
                                                 Comment 9: The NGOs recommended                      km/hour) or less when any large whale,                    Comment 13: The NGOs
                                              that a combination of visual monitoring                 any mother/calf pairs, pods, or large                  recommended that NMFS encourage
                                              by PSOs and PAM should be required                      assemblages of non-delphinoid                          offshore wind developers to partner
                                              24 hours per day.                                       cetaceans are observed within 100 m of                 with scientists to collect data that would
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                                                 NMFS Response: The PAM                               an underway vessel; a requirement that                 increase the understanding of the
                                              requirement has been included in the                    all survey vessels maintain a separation               effectiveness of night vision and infra-
                                              IHA because PAM was proposed by the                     distance of 500 m or greater from any                  red technologies off Rhode Island,
                                              applicant, and PAM is required in                       sighted North Atlantic right whale; a                  Massachusetts, and the broader region,
                                              BOEM lease stipulations. We do not                      requirement that, if underway, vessels                 with a view towards greater reliance on
                                              think the use of PAM is necessarily                     must steer a course away from any                      these technologies to commence surveys
                                              warranted for surveys using the sound                   sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10               during nighttime hours in the future.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                                 28813

                                                 NMFS Response: NMFS agrees with                        and threats may be found in NMFS’                      regulatory status under the MMPA and
                                              the NGOs that improved data on relative                   Stock Assessment Reports (SAR;                         ESA and potential biological removal
                                              effectiveness of night vision and infra-                  www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/                       (PBR), where known. For taxonomy, we
                                              red technologies would be beneficial                      marine-mammal-protection/marine-                       follow Committee on Taxonomy (2017).
                                              and could help to inform future efforts                   mammal-stock-assessment-reports-                       PBR is defined by the MMPA as the
                                              at detection of marine mammals during                     region) and more general information                   maximum number of animals, not
                                              nighttime activities. The commenters                      about these species (e.g., physical and                including natural mortalities, that may
                                              have not provided us with any specific                    behavioral descriptions) may be found                  be removed from a marine mammal
                                              recommendations to evaluate beyond a                      on NMFS’ website                                       stock while allowing that stock to reach
                                              broad recommendation. However, we                         (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species-                       or maintain its optimum sustainable
                                              will encourage coordination and                           directory). All species that could                     population (as described in NMFS’
                                              communication between offshore wind                       potentially occur in the proposed survey               SARs). While no mortality is anticipated
                                              developers and researchers on                             area are included in Table 5 of the IHA                or authorized here, PBR is included here
                                              effectiveness of night vision and infra-                  application. However, the temporal and/                as a gross indicator of the status of the
                                              red technologies, to the extent possible.                 or spatial occurrence of several species               species and other threats.
                                              In recognition of the commenters’                         listed in Table 5 of the IHA application
                                              concerns, we have also added a                                                                                      Marine mammal abundance estimates
                                                                                                        is such that take of these species is not              presented in this document represent
                                              requirement that the final report                         expected to occur, and they are not
                                              submitted to NMFS must include an                                                                                the total number of individuals that
                                                                                                        discussed further beyond the                           make up a given stock or the total
                                              assessment of the effectiveness of night                  explanation provided here. Take of
                                              vision equipment used during nighttime                                                                           number estimated within a particular
                                                                                                        these species is not anticipated either                study or survey area. NMFS’ stock
                                              surveys, including comparisons of                         because they have very low densities in
                                              relative effectiveness among the                                                                                 abundance estimates for most species
                                                                                                        the project area, are known to occur                   represent the total estimate of
                                              different types of night vision                           further offshore than the project area, or
                                              equipment used.                                                                                                  individuals within the geographic area,
                                                                                                        are considered very unlikely to occur in               if known, that comprises that stock. For
                                              Description of Marine Mammals in the                      the project area during the proposed                   some species, this geographic area may
                                              Area of Specified Activity                                survey due to the species’ seasonal                    extend beyond U.S. waters. All managed
                                                Sections 3 and 4 of DWW’s IHA                           occurrence in the area.                                stocks in this region are assessed in
                                              application summarize available                              Table 2 lists all species with expected             NMFS’ U.S. Atlantic SARs (e.g., Hayes
                                              information regarding status and trends,                  potential for occurrence in the survey                 et al., 2018). All values presented in
                                              distribution and habitat preferences,                     area and with the potential to be taken                Table 2 are the most recent available at
                                              and behavior and life history, of the                     as a result of the proposed survey and                 the time of publication and are available
                                              potentially affected species. Additional                  summarizes information related to the                  in the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs (Hayes
                                              information regarding population trends                   population or stock, including                         et al., 2018).

                                                                                NEW ENGLAND’S SURVEY ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                and         Stock abundance               Predicted                      Occurrence and
                                                   Common name                         Stock                   ESA        (CV,Nmin, most recent          abundance          PBR 4           seasonality
                                                                                                              status;      abundance survey) 2             (CV) 3                       in the survey area
                                                                                                              (Y/N) 1

                                                                                                                    Toothed whales (Odontoceti)

                                              Sperm whale (Physeter         North Atlantic ...............   E; Y        2,288 (0.28; 1,815; n/a)          5,353 (0.12)         3.6   Rare.
                                              Long-finned pilot whale       W North Atlantic ...........     -; Y        5,636 (0.63; 3,464; n/a)       5 18,977   (0.11)        35   Rare.
                                                (Globicephala melas).
                                              Atlantic white-sided dol-     W North Atlantic ...........     -; N        48,819 (0.61; 30,403; n/        37,180 (0.07)          304   Rare.
                                                phin                                                                       a).
                                              Atlantic spotted dolphin      W North Atlantic ...........     -; N        44,715 (0.43; 31,610; n/        55,436 (0.32)          316   Rare.
                                                (Stenella frontalis).                                                      a).
                                              Bottlenose dolphin            W North Atlantic, Off-           -; N        77,532 (0.40; 56,053;          5 97,476   (0.06)       561   Common year round.
                                                (Tursiops truncatus).        shore.                                        2011).
                                              Common dolphin 6              W North Atlantic ...........     -; N        173,486 (0.55; 55,690;          86,098 (0.12)          557   Common year round.
                                                (Delphinus delphis).                                                       2011).
                                              Risso’s dolphin               W North Atlantic ...........     -; N        18,250 (0.46; 12,619;             7,732 (0.09)         126   Rare.
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                                                (Grampus griseus).                                                         2011).
                                              Harbor porpoise               Gulf of Maine/Bay of             -; N        79,833 (0.32; 61,415;          * 45,089 (0.12)         706   Common year round.
                                                (Phocoena phocoena).         Fundy.                                        2011).

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                                              28814                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                                                          NEW ENGLAND’S SURVEY ACTIVITIES—Continued
                                                                                                                and         Stock abundance                 Predicted                                Occurrence and
                                                   Common name                         Stock                   ESA        (CV,Nmin, most recent            abundance                 PBR 4              seasonality
                                                                                                              status;      abundance survey) 2               (CV) 3                                 in the survey area
                                                                                                              (Y/N) 1

                                                                                                                    Baleen whales (Mysticeti)

                                              North Atlantic right          W North Atlantic ...........     E; Y        458 (0; 455; n/a) ..........          * 535 (0.45)                1.4   Year round in conti-
                                                whale (Eubalaena                                                                                                                                   nental shelf and
                                                glacialis).                                                                                                                                        slope waters, occur
                                                                                                                                                                                                   seasonally to forage.
                                              Humpback whale 7              Gulf of Maine ...............    -; N        823 (0.42; 239; n/a) .....         * 1,637 (0.07)                 3.7   Common year round.
                                              Fin whale 6                   W North Atlantic ...........     E; Y        3,522 (0.27; 1,234; n/a)             4,633 (0.08)                 2.5   Year round in conti-
                                                (Balaenoptera                                                                                                                                      nental shelf and
                                                physalus).                                                                                                                                         slope waters, occur
                                                                                                                                                                                                   seasonally to forage.
                                              Sei whale                     Nova Scotia ..................   E; Y        357 (0.52; 236; n/a) .....            * 717 (0.30)                0.5   Year round in conti-
                                                (Balaenoptera bore-                                                                                                                                nental shelf and
                                                alis).                                                                                                                                             slope waters, occur
                                                                                                                                                                                                   seasonally to forage.
                                              Minke whale 6                 Canadian East Coast ...          -; N        20,741 (0.3; 1,425; n/a)           * 2,112 (0.05)                162    Year round in conti-
                                                (Balaenoptera                                                                                                                                      nental shelf and
                                                acutorostrata).                                                                                                                                    slope waters, occur
                                                                                                                                                                                                   seasonally to forage.

                                                                                                                    Earless seals (Phocidae)

                                              Gray  seal 8 (Halichoerus     W North Atlantic ...........     -; N        27,131 (0.10; 25,908; n/       ..........................       1,554   Rare.
                                                grypus).                                                                   a).
                                              Harbor seal (Phoca            W North Atlantic ...........     -; N        75,834 (0.15; 66,884;          ..........................       2,006   Common year round.
                                                vitulina).                                                                 2012).
                                                 1 ESA status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (-) indicates that the species is not listed under the ESA or
                                              designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality ex-
                                              ceeds PBR (see footnote 3) or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any spe-
                                              cies or stock listed under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
                                                 2 Stock abundance as reported in NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports (SAR) except where otherwise noted. SARs available on-
                                              line at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate of stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not
                                              applicable. For certain stocks, abundance estimates are actual counts of animals and there is no associated CV. The most recent abundance
                                              survey that is reflected in the abundance estimate is presented; there may be more recent surveys that have not yet been incorporated into the
                                              estimate. All values presented here are from the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs.
                                                 3 This information represents species- or guild-specific abundance predicted by recent habitat-based cetacean density models (Roberts et al.,
                                              2016). These models provide the best available scientific information regarding predicted density patterns of cetaceans in the U.S. Atlantic
                                              Ocean, and we provide the corresponding abundance predictions as a point of reference. Total abundance estimates were produced by com-
                                              puting the mean density of all pixels in the modeled area and multiplying by its area. For those species marked with an asterisk, the available in-
                                              formation supported development of either two or four seasonal models; each model has an associated abundance prediction. Here, we report
                                              the maximum predicted abundance.
                                                 4 Potential biological removal, defined by the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be re-
                                              moved from a marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population size (OSP).
                                                 5 Abundance estimates are in some cases reported for a guild or group of species when those species are difficult to differentiate at sea. Simi-
                                              larly, the habitat-based cetacean density models produced by Roberts et al. (2016) are based in part on available observational data which, in
                                              some cases, is limited to genus or guild in terms of taxonomic definition. Roberts et al. (2016) produced density models to genus level for
                                              Globicephala spp. and produced a density model for bottlenose dolphins that does not differentiate between offshore and coastal stocks.
                                                 6 Abundance as reported in the 2007 Canadian Trans-North Atlantic Sighting Survey (TNASS), which provided full coverage of the Atlantic Ca-
                                              nadian coast (Lawson and Gosselin, 2009). Abundance estimates from TNASS were corrected for perception and availability bias, when pos-
                                              sible. In general, where the TNASS survey effort provided superior coverage of a stock’s range (as compared with NOAA shipboard survey ef-
                                              fort), the resulting abundance estimate is considered more accurate than the current NMFS abundance estimate (derived from survey effort with
                                              inferior coverage of the stock range). NMFS stock abundance estimate for the common dolphin is 70,184. NMFS stock abundance estimate for
                                              the fin whale is 1,618.
                                                 7 2017 U.S. Atlantic draft SAR for the Gulf of Maine feeding population lists a current abundance estimate of 335 individuals; this estimate was
                                              revised from the previous estimate of 823 individuals. However, the newer estimate is based on a single aerial line-transect survey in the Gulf of
                                              Maine. The 2017 U.S. Atlantic draft SAR notes that that previous estimate was based on a minimum number alive calculation which is generally
                                              more accurate than one derived from line-transect survey (Hayes et al., 2017), and that the abundance estimate was revised solely because the
                                              previous estimate was greater than 8 years old. Therefore, the previous estimate of 823 is more accurate, and we note that even that estimate is
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                                              defined on the basis of feeding location alone (i.e., Gulf of Maine).
                                                 8 NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to U.S. population only, actual stock abundance is approximately 505,000.

                                                 Four marine mammal species that are                    and are included in the take request:                          Though marine mammal species other
                                              listed under the Endangered Species Act                   The North Atlantic right whale, fin                          than those listed in Table 1 are known
                                              (ESA) may be present in the survey area                   whale, sei whale, and sperm whale.                           to occur in the Northwest Atlantic

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                              28815

                                              Ocean, the temporal and/or spatial                      phocid) species) have the reasonable                     Described in the most basic way, we
                                              occurrence of several of these species is               potential to co-occur with the survey                  estimate take by considering: (1)
                                              such that take of these species is not                  activities. Please refer to Table 1. Of the            Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS
                                              expected to occur, and they are                         cetacean species that may be present,                  believes the best available science
                                              therefore not discussed further beyond                  five are classified as low-frequency                   indicates marine mammals will be
                                              the explanation provided here. Take of                  cetaceans (i.e., all mysticete species),               behaviorally harassed or incur some
                                              these species is not anticipated either                 seven are classified as mid-frequency                  degree of permanent hearing
                                              because they have very low densities in                 cetaceans (i.e., all delphinid species and             impairment; (2) the area or volume of
                                              the project area (e.g., blue whale,                     the sperm whale), and one is classified                water that will be ensonified above
                                              Clymene dolphin, pantropical spotted                    as a high-frequency cetacean (i.e.,                    these levels in a day; (3) the density or
                                              dolphin, striped dolphin, spinner                       harbor porpoise).                                      occurrence of marine mammals within
                                              dolphin, killer whale, false killer whale,                                                                     these ensonified areas; and, (4) and the
                                                                                                      Potential Effects of Specified Activities
                                              pygmy killer whale,), or, they are known                                                                       number of days of activities. Below, we
                                                                                                      on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat
                                              to occur further offshore than the project                                                                     describe these components in more
                                              area (e.g., beaked whales, short-finned                   The effects of underwater noise from                 detail and present the take estimate.
                                              pilot whale, rough toothed dolphin,                     DWW’s geophysical survey activities
                                                                                                      have the potential to result in behavioral             Acoustic Thresholds
                                              Kogia spp.).
                                                 For the majority of species potentially              harassment of marine mammals in the                       NMFS uses acoustic thresholds that
                                              present in the specific geographic                      vicinity of the survey area. The Federal               identify the received level of
                                              region, NMFS has designated only a                      Register notice of the proposed IHA (83                underwater sound above which exposed
                                              single generic stock (e.g., ‘‘western                   FR 19711; May 4, 2018) included a                      marine mammals would be reasonably
                                              North Atlantic’’) for management                        discussion of the effects of                           expected to be behaviorally harassed
                                              purposes. This includes the ‘‘Canadian                  anthropogenic noise on marine                          (equated to Level B harassment) or to
                                              east coast’’ stock of minke whales,                     mammals and their habitat, therefore                   incur permanent threshold shift (PTS) of
                                              which includes all minke whales found                   that information is not repeated here;                 some degree (equated to Level A
                                              in U.S. waters. For humpback and sei                    please refer to that Federal Register                  harassment).
                                              whales, NMFS defines stocks on the                      notice for that information. No instances                 Level B Harassment—Though
                                              basis of feeding locations, i.e., Gulf of               of hearing threshold shifts, injury,                   significantly driven by received level,
                                              Maine and Nova Scotia, respectively.                    serious injury, or mortality are expected              the onset of behavioral disturbance from
                                              However, our reference to humpback                      as a result of the planned activities.                 anthropogenic noise exposure is also
                                              whales and sei whales in this document                                                                         informed to varying degrees by other
                                                                                                      Estimated Take                                         factors related to the sound source (e.g.,
                                              refers to any individuals of the species
                                              that are found in the specific geographic                  This section provides an estimate of                frequency, predictability, duty cycle);
                                              region.                                                 the number of incidental takes                         the environment (e.g., bathymetry); and
                                                 A detailed description of the species                authorized through the IHA, which will                 the receiving animals (hearing,
                                              and stocks likely to be affected by                     inform both NMFS’ consideration of                     motivation, experience, demography,
                                              DWW’s survey, including brief                           ‘‘small numbers’’ and the negligible                   behavioral context); therefore can be
                                              introductions to the species and                        impact determination.                                  difficult to predict (Southall et al., 2007,
                                              relevant stocks as well as available                       Harassment is the only type of take                 Ellison et al. 2012). NMFS uses a
                                              information regarding population trends                 expected to result from these activities.              generalized acoustic threshold based on
                                              and threats, and information regarding                  Except with respect to certain activities              received level to estimate the onset of
                                              local occurrence, were provided in the                  not pertinent here, the MMPA defines                   Level B (behavioral) harassment. NMFS
                                              Federal Register notice of the proposed                 ‘‘harassment’’ as any act of pursuit,                  predicts that marine mammals may be
                                              IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018); since                   torment, or annoyance which (i) has the                behaviorally harassed when exposed to
                                              that time, we are not aware of any                      potential to injure a marine mammal or                 underwater anthropogenic noise above
                                              changes in the status of these species                  marine mammal stock in the wild (Level                 received levels 160 dB re 1 mPa (rms) for
                                              and stocks; therefore, detailed                         A harassment); or (ii) has the potential               non-explosive impulsive (e.g., seismic
                                              descriptions are not repeated here.                     to disturb a marine mammal or marine                   HRG equipment) or intermittent (e.g.,
                                              Please refer to that Federal Register                   mammal stock in the wild by causing                    scientific sonar) sources. DWW’s
                                              notice for these descriptions. Please also              disruption of behavioral patterns,                     activity includes the use of impulsive
                                              refer to NMFS’ website                                  including, but not limited to, migration,              sources. Therefore, the 160 dB re 1 mPa
                                              (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species-                        breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or              (rms) criteria is applicable for analysis
                                              directory) for generalized species                      sheltering (Level B harassment).                       of Level B harassment.
                                              accounts.                                                  Authorized takes are by Level B                        Level A Harassment—NMFS’
                                                 Information concerning marine                        harassment, as use of the HRG                          Technical Guidance for Assessing the
                                              mammal hearing, including marine                        equipment has the potential to result in               Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on
                                              mammal functional hearing groups, was                   disruption of behavioral patterns for                  Marine Mammal Hearing (NMFS 2016)
                                              provided in the Federal Register notice                 individual marine mammals. NMFS has                    identifies dual criteria to assess auditory
                                              of the proposed IHA (83 FR 19711; May                   determined take by Level A harassment                  injury (Level A harassment) to five
                                              4, 2018), therefore that information is                 is not an expected outcome of the                      different marine mammal groups (based
                                              not repeated here. Please refer to that                 proposed activity and thus we do not                   on hearing sensitivity) as a result of
                                              Federal Register notice for this                        authorize the take of any marine                       exposure to noise from two different
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                                              information. For further information                    mammals by Level A harassment. This                    types of sources (impulsive or non-
                                              about marine mammal functional                          is discussed in greater detail below. As               impulsive). The Technical Guidance
                                              hearing groups and associated frequency                 described previously, no mortality or                  identifies the received levels, or
                                              ranges, please see NMFS (2016) for a                    serious injury is anticipated or                       thresholds, above which individual
                                              review of available information. Fifteen                authorized for this activity. Below we                 marine mammals are predicted to
                                              marine mammal species (thirteen                         describe how the take is estimated for                 experience changes in their hearing
                                              cetacean and two pinniped (both                         this project.                                          sensitivity for all underwater

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                                              28816                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              anthropogenic sound sources, reflects                                       available science and soliciting input                                       of the thresholds are described in NMFS
                                              the best available science, and better                                      multiple times from both the public and                                      2016 Technical Guidance, which may
                                              predicts the potential for auditory injury                                  peer reviewers to inform the final                                           be accessed at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
                                              than does NMFS’ historical criteria.                                        product, and are provided in Table 2                                         acoustics/guidelines.htm. As described
                                                These thresholds were developed by                                        below. The references, analysis, and                                         above, DWW’s activity includes the use
                                              compiling and synthesizing the best                                         methodology used in the development                                          of intermittent and impulsive sources.

                                                             TABLE 2—THRESHOLDS IDENTIFYING THE ONSET OF PERMANENT THRESHOLD SHIFT IN MARINE MAMMALS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PTS onset thresholds
                                                                                                 Hearing group
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Impulsive *                            Non-impulsive

                                              Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans ..............................................................................                      Lpk,flat:   219   dB;   LE,LF,24h: 183 dB ..........        LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
                                              Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans .............................................................................                       Lpk,flat:   230   dB;   LE,MF,24h: 185 dB .........         LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
                                              High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans ............................................................................                       Lpk,flat:   202   dB;   LE,HF,24h: 155 dB ..........        LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
                                              Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater) .....................................................................                         Lpk,flat:   218   dB;   LE,PW,24h: 185 dB .........         LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
                                                 Note: * Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating PTS onset. If a non-
                                              impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds
                                              should also be considered.
                                                 Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 μPa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of 1μPa2s.
                                              In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American National Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However, peak sound pressure
                                              is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript ‘‘flat’’ is being
                                              included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated
                                              with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF
                                              cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
                                              thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible, it is valuable for
                                              action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be exceeded.

                                              Ensonified Area                                                             calculated for all HRG survey                                                water (Table 3); therefore, for the
                                                                                                                          equipment with the potential to result                                       purposes of the take calculation, it was
                                                Here, we describe operational and                                         in harassment of marine mammals using                                        assumed the AA Dura-Spark would be
                                              environmental parameters of the activity                                    the spherical transmission loss (TL)                                         active during the entirety of the survey.
                                              that will feed into estimating the area                                     equation: TL = 20log10. Results of                                           Thus the distance to the isopleth
                                              ensonified above the acoustic                                               modeling indicated that, of the HRG                                          corresponding to the threshold for Level
                                              thresholds.                                                                 survey equipment planned for use that                                        B harassment for the AA Dura-Spark
                                                The survey would entail the use of                                        has the potential to result in harassment                                    (estimated at 447 m; Table 3) was used
                                              HRG survey equipment. The distance to                                       of marine mammals, the AA Dura-Spark                                         as the basis of the Level B take
                                              the isopleth corresponding to the                                           would be expected to produce sound                                           calculation for all marine mammals.
                                              threshold for Level B harassment was                                        that would propagate the furthest in the

                                                                                     HARASSMENT THRESHOLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Radial distance (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to level B
                                                                                                                                HRG system                                                                                                  harassment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (160 dB re 1 μPa)

                                              TB Chirp ...............................................................................................................................................................................                   70.79
                                              EdgeTech Chirp ...................................................................................................................................................................                          6.31
                                              AA Boomer ..........................................................................................................................................................................                        5.62
                                              AA S-Boom ..........................................................................................................................................................................                      141.25
                                              Bubble Gun ..........................................................................................................................................................................                       63.1
                                              800J Spark ...........................................................................................................................................................................                    141.25
                                              AA Dura Spark .....................................................................................................................................................................                       446.69

                                                Predicted distances to Level A                                            harassment) to have occurred when                                            functions in the new SELcum thresholds,
                                              harassment isopleths, which vary based                                      either one of the two metrics is                                             NMFS developed an optional User
                                              on marine mammal functional hearing                                         exceeded (i.e., metric resulting in the                                      Spreadsheet that includes tools to help
                                              groups (Table 4), were also calculated.                                     largest isopleth).                                                           predict a simple isopleth that can be
                                              The updated acoustic thresholds for                                            The SELcum metric considers both                                          used in conjunction with marine
                                              impulsive sounds (such as HRG survey                                        level and duration of exposure, as well                                      mammal density or occurrence to
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                                              equipment) contained in the Technical                                       as auditory weighting functions by                                           facilitate the estimation of take
                                              Guidance (NMFS, 2016) were presented                                        marine mammal hearing group. In                                              numbers. DWW used the NMFS
                                              as dual metric acoustic thresholds using                                    recognition of the fact that calculating                                     optional User Spreadsheet to calculate
                                              both cumulative sound exposure level                                        Level A harassment ensonified areas                                          distances to Level A harassment
                                              (SELcum) and peak sound pressure level                                      could be more technically challenging                                        isopleths based on SELcum. To calculate
                                              metrics. As dual metrics, NMFS                                              to predict due to the duration                                               distances to the Level A harassment
                                              considers onset of PTS (Level A                                             component and the use of weighting                                           isopleths based on peak pressure, the

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                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                                                                         28817

                                              spherical spreading loss model was                                         for the AA Dura Spark were used to                                           Level A harassment isopleths for all
                                              used (similar to the method used to                                        estimate potential Level A take. Based                                       other types of HRG equipment planned
                                              calculate Level B isopleths as described                                   on a conservative assumption that the                                        for use are shown in Table 6 of the IHA
                                              above).                                                                    AA Dura Spark would be operated at                                           application). As described above, NMFS
                                                Modeling of distances to isopleths                                       1,000 joules during the survey, a peak                                       considers onset of PTS (Level A
                                              corresponding to Level A harassment                                        source level of 223 dB re 1mPa was used                                      harassment) to have occurred when
                                              was performed for all types of HRG                                         for modeling Level A harassment                                              either one of the two metrics is
                                              equipment planned for use with the                                         isopleths based on peak pressure                                             exceeded (i.e., metric resulting in the
                                              potential to result in harassment of
                                                                                                                         (Crocker & Fratantonio, 2016). Inputs to                                     largest isopleth). In this case, modeled
                                              marine mammals. Of the HRG
                                                                                                                         the NMFS optional User Spreadsheet for                                       distances to isopleths corresponding to
                                              equipment types modeled, the AA Dura
                                              Spark resulted in the largest distances to                                 the AA Dura Spark are shown in Table                                         the Level A harassment threshold are
                                              isopleths corresponding to Level A                                         4. Modeled distances to isopleths                                            greater based on the peak SPL metric
                                              harassment for all marine mammal                                           corresponding to Level A harassment                                          than the SELcum metric for all marine
                                              functional hearing groups; therefore, to                                   thresholds for the AA Dura Spark are                                         mammal functional hearing groups
                                              be conservative, the isopleths modeled                                     shown in Table 5 (modeled distances to                                       (Table 5).

                                                                         TABLE 4—INPUTS TO THE NMFS OPTIONAL USER SPREADSHEET FOR THE AA DURA SPARK
                                              Source Level (rms SPL) 1 ......................................................................................................................................................            213 dB re 1μPa
                                              Source Level (peak) 1 ............................................................................................................................................................         223 dB re 1μPa
                                              Weighting Factor Adjustment (kHz) 1 ....................................................................................................................................                   3.2
                                              Source Velocity (meters/second) ..........................................................................................................................................                 2.07
                                              Pulse Duration (seconds) ......................................................................................................................................................            0.0021
                                              1/Repetition rate (seconds) ...................................................................................................................................................            2.42
                                              Duty Cycle .............................................................................................................................................................................   0.00
                                                 1 Derived      from Crocker & Fratantonio (2016), based on operation at 1,000 joules.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Radial distance (m)                 Radial distance (m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           to Level A                          to Level A
                                                                           Functional hearing group (Level A harassment thresholds)                                                                       harassment                          harassment
                                                                                                                                                                                                            threshold                           threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                            (SELcum)                         (Peak SPLflat)

                                              Low frequency cetaceans ................................................................................................................
                                              (Lpk,flat: 219 dB; LE,LF,24h: 183 dB) ..................................................................................................                                             1.3                      1.6
                                              Mid frequency cetaceans .................................................................................................................
                                              (Lpk,flat: 230 dB; LE,MF,24h: 185 dB) .................................................................................................                                              0.0                      0.5
                                              High frequency cetaceans ...............................................................................................................
                                              (Lpk,flat: 202 dB; LE,HF,24h: 155 dB) .................................................................................................                                              8.6                     11.2
                                              Phocid Pinnipeds (Underwater) .......................................................................................................
                                              (Lpk,flat: 218 dB; LE,HF,24h: 185 dB) .................................................................................................                                              0.7                      1.8

                                                 Due to the small estimated distances                                    the source but is instead concentrated                                       Marine Mammal Occurrence
                                              to Level A harassment thresholds for all                                   along some narrower plane depending                                             In this section we provide the
                                              marine mammal functional hearing                                           on the beamwidth of the source.                                              information about the presence, density,
                                              groups, based on both SELcum and peak                                      However, the calculated distances to                                         or group dynamics of marine mammals
                                              SPL (Table 5), and in consideration of                                     isopleths do not account for this                                            that will inform the take calculations.
                                              the mitigation measures (see the                                           directionality of the sound source and                                          The best available scientific
                                              Mitigation section for more detail),                                       are therefore conservative. Two types of                                     information was considered in
                                              NMFS has determined that the                                               geophysical survey equipment planned                                         calculating marine mammal exposure
                                              likelihood of Level A take of marine                                       for use in the planned survey are omni-                                      estimates (the basis for estimating take).
                                              mammals occurring as a result of the                                       directional, however the modeled                                             For cetacean species, densities
                                              planned survey is so low as to be                                          distances to isopleths corresponding to                                      calculated by Roberts et al. (2016) were
                                              discountable.                                                              the Level B harassment threshold for                                         used. The density data presented by
                                                 We note that because of some of the                                     these sources are smaller than that for                                      Roberts et al. (2016) incorporates aerial
                                              assumptions included in the methods                                        the Dura Spark, and the Dura Spark was                                       and shipboard line-transect survey data
                                              used, isopleths produced may be                                            used to conservatively estimate take for                                     from NMFS and from other
                                              overestimates to some degree. Most of                                      the duration of the survey. For mobile                                       organizations collected over the period
                                              the acoustic sources planned for use in                                                                                                                 1992–2014. Roberts et al. (2016)
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                                                                                                                         sources, such as the planned survey, the
                                              DWW’s survey (including the AA Dura                                        User Spreadsheet predicts the closest                                        modeled density from 8 physiographic
                                              Spark) do not radiate sound equally in                                     distance at which a stationary animal                                        and 16 dynamic oceanographic and
                                              all directions but were designed instead                                                                                                                biological covariates, and controlled for
                                                                                                                         would not incur PTS if the sound source
                                              to focus acoustic energy directly toward                                                                                                                the influence of sea state, group size,
                                                                                                                         traveled by the animal in a straight line
                                              the sea floor. Therefore, the acoustic                                                                                                                  availability bias, and perception bias on
                                              energy produced by these sources is not                                    at a constant speed.                                                         the probability of making a sighting.
                                              received equally in all directions around                                                                                                               NMFS considers the models produced

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                                              28818                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              by Roberts et al. (2016) to be the best                            NODEs Density Estimates (DoN, 2007)                    number of each species predicted to
                                              available source of data regarding                                 as reported for the summer and fall                    occur within the daily ensonified area,
                                              cetacean densities for this project. More                          seasons were used to estimate harbor                   using estimated marine mammal
                                              information, including the model results                           seal and gray seal densities.                          densities as described above. Estimated
                                              and supplementary information for each                             Take Calculation and Estimation                        numbers of each species taken per day
                                              model, is available online at:                                                                                            are then multiplied by the number of
                                              seamap.env.duke.edu/models/Duke-EC-                                   Here we describe how the information                survey days (i.e., 200), and the product
                                              GOM-2015/.                                                         provided above is brought together to                  is then rounded, to generate an estimate
                                                 For the purposes of the take                                    produce a quantitative take estimate.                  of the total number of each species
                                                                                                                    In order to estimate the number of                  expected to be taken over the duration
                                              calculations, density data from Roberts
                                                                                                                 marine mammals predicted to be                         of the survey (Table 6).
                                              et al. (2016) were mapped using a
                                                                                                                 exposed to sound levels that would
                                              geographic information system (GIS),                                                                                         The applicant estimated a total of 11
                                                                                                                 result in harassment, radial distances to
                                              using density data for the months June                                                                                    takes by Level A harassment of harbor
                                                                                                                 predicted isopleths corresponding to
                                              through December. Mean density per                                                                                        porpoises, 5 takes by Level A
                                                                                                                 harassment thresholds are calculated, as
                                              month for each species within the                                  described above. Those distances are                   harassment of harbor seals, and 7 takes
                                              survey area was calculated by selecting                            then used to calculate the area(s) around              by Level A harassment of gray seals
                                              13 random raster cells selected from 100                           the HRG survey equipment predicted to                  would occur, in the absence of
                                              square kilometers (km2) raster cells that                          be ensonified to sound levels that                     mitigation. However, as described
                                              were inside, or adjacent to, the RI–MA                             exceed harassment thresholds. The area                 above, due to the very small estimated
                                              WEA (see Figure 1 in the IHA                                       estimated to be ensonified to relevant                 distances to Level A harassment
                                              application). Estimates provided by the                            thresholds in a single day of the survey               thresholds (Table 5), and in
                                              models are based on a grid cell size of                            is then calculated, based on areas                     consideration of the mitigation
                                              100 km2; therefore, model grid cell                                predicted to be ensonified around the                  measures, the likelihood of the planned
                                              values were then divided by 100 to                                 HRG survey equipment and the                           survey resulting in take in the form of
                                              determine animals per km2.                                         estimated trackline distance traveled per              Level A harassment is considered so
                                                 Systematic, offshore, at-sea survey                             day by the survey vessel. DWW                          low as to be discountable; therefore, we
                                              data for pinnipeds are more limited than                           estimates a maximum daily track line                   do not authorize take of any marine
                                              those for cetaceans. The best available                            distance of 110 km per day during HRG                  mammals by Level A harassment.
                                              information concerning pinniped                                    surveys. Based on the maximum                          Although there are no exclusion zones
                                              densities in the planned survey area is                            estimated distance to the Level B                      (EZs) required for pinnipeds, the
                                              the U.S. Navy’s Operating Area                                     harassment threshold of 447 m (Table 3)                estimated distance to the isopleth
                                              (OPAREA) Density Estimates (NODEs)                                 and the maximum estimated daily track                  corresponding to the Level A
                                              (DoN, 2007). These density models                                  line distance of 110 km, an area of 98.9               harassment threshold for pinnipeds is
                                              utilized vessel-based and aerial survey                            km2 would be ensonified to the Level B                 less than 2 m (Table 6); therefore, we
                                              data collected by NMFS from 1998–                                  harassment threshold per day during                    determined the likelihood of an animal
                                              2005 during broad-scale abundance                                  HRG surveys.                                           being taken within this proximity of the
                                              studies. Modeling methodology is                                      The number of marine mammals                        survey equipment to be so low as to be
                                              detailed in DoN (2007). For the                                    expected to be incidentally taken per                  discountable. Authorized take numbers
                                              purposes of the take calculations,                                 day is then calculated by estimating the               are shown in Table 6.

                                                                                      PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION
                                                                                                                                                                                           Total        authorized
                                                                                                               Density         Level A takes        Estimated        Level B takes
                                                                     Species                                                                                                             authorized     takes as a
                                                                                                             (#/100 km2)        authorized         Level B takes      authorized           takes       percentage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        population 1

                                              North Atlantic right whale .........................                0.01706                     0                  3                  3              3             0.6
                                              Humpback whale .....................................                0.14439                     0                 29                 29             29             1.8
                                              Fin whale 2 ...............................................         0.21353                     0                 42                 42             42             1.2
                                              Sei whale 3 ...............................................            0.005                    0                  1                  2              2             0.3
                                              Minke whale 2 ...........................................           0.04745                     0                  9                  9              9            <0.1
                                              Sperm whale ............................................            0.00665                     0                  1                  1              1            <0.1
                                              Long-finned pilot whale 3 ..........................                0.15364                     0                 30                 32             32             0.2
                                              Bottlenose dolphin ...................................              1.60936                     0                318                318            318             0.3
                                              Atlantic Spotted dolphin 3 .........................                0.00886                     0                  2                 50             50             0.1
                                              Common dolphin 2 ....................................               4.59986                     0                910                910            910             0.5
                                              Atlantic white-sided dolphin .....................                   1.8036                     0                357                357            357             1.0
                                              Risso’s dolphin 4 .......................................                  0                    0                  0                 30             30             0.4
                                              Harbor porpoise 5 .....................................             2.53125                     0                501                501            501             1.1
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                                              Harbor seal ..............................................          6.49533                     0              1,285              1,285          1,285             1.7
                                              Gray seal 4 ...............................................         14.1160                     0              2,792              2,792          2,792            10.3
                                                1 Estimates of total takes as a percentage of population are based on marine mammal abundance estimates provided by Roberts et al. (2016),
                                              when available, except where noted otherwise, to maintain consistency with density estimates which are derived from data provided by Roberts
                                              et al. (2016). In cases where abundances are not provided by Roberts et al. (2016), total takes as a percentage of population are based on
                                              abundance estimates in the NMFS Atlantic SARs (Hayes et al., 2018).

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                           28819
                                                 2 Estimates of total takes as a percentage of population are based on marine mammal abundance estimates as reported in the 2007 TNASS
                                              (Lawson and Gosselin, 2009) (Table 2). Abundance estimates from TNASS were corrected for perception and availability bias, when possible. In
                                              general, where the TNASS survey effort provided superior coverage of a stock’s range (as compared with NOAA shipboard survey effort), the re-
                                              sulting abundance estimate is considered more accurate than abundance estimates based on NMFS surveys.
                                                 3 The number of authorized takes (Level B harassment only) for these species has been increased from the estimated take to mean group
                                              size. Source for sei whale group size estimate is: Schilling et al. (1992). Source for long-finned pilot whale group size estimate is: Augusto et al.
                                              (2017). Source for Atlantic spotted dolphin group size estimate is: Jefferson et al. (2008). Source for Risso’s dolphin group size estimate is: Baird
                                              and Stacey (1991).
                                                 4 Take estimate for these species has been revised from the proposed IHA. See text below for further information.
                                                 5 The density estimate in the IHA application is incorrectly shown as 0.0225781 animals/km2. The correct density estimate is reflected in Table

                                                 Species with Take Estimates Less than                DWW in 2017 (i.e., HRG surveys                         well as subsistence uses where
                                              Mean Group Size: Using the approach                     conducted within the RI–MA WEA)                        applicable, we carefully consider two
                                              described above to estimate take, the                   NMFS has determined the planned                        primary factors:
                                              take estimates for the sei whale, long-                 survey may encounter Risso’s dolphins                     (1) The manner in which, and the
                                              finned pilot whale, Risso’s dolphin and                 and thus it is appropriate to authorize                degree to which, the successful
                                              Atlantic spotted dolphin were less than                 the take of Risso’s dolphins. As take                  implementation of the measure(s) is
                                              the average group sizes estimated for                   modeling based on density estimates                    expected to reduce impacts to marine
                                              these species (Table 6). However,                       (e.g., Roberts et. al (2016)) indicated no             mammals, marine mammal species or
                                              information on the social structures and                Risso’s dolphins would be taken by the                 stocks, and their habitat. This considers
                                              life histories of these species indicates               survey, but we have determined take                    the nature of the potential adverse
                                              these species are often encountered in                  authorization for Risso’s dolphins is                  impact being mitigated (likelihood,
                                              groups. The results of take calculations                warranted and Risso’s dolphins may be                  scope, range). It further considers the
                                              support the likelihood that the survey is               encountered in groups, we have                         likelihood that the measure will be
                                              expected to encounter and to                            authorized the take of a group of Risso’s              effective if implemented (probability of
                                              incidentally take these species, and we                 dolphins, based on mean group size for                 accomplishing the mitigating result if
                                              believe it is likely that these species                 the species (Table 6). We also note that               implemented as planned) the likelihood
                                              may be encountered in groups.                           the take estimate for gray seals has been              of effective implementation (probability
                                              Therefore it is reasonable to                           revised from the number proposed for                   implemented as planned); and
                                              conservatively assume that one group of                 authorization. In the Federal Register                    (2) The practicability of the measures
                                              each of these species will be taken                     notice of the proposed IHA (83 FR                      for applicant implementation, which
                                              during the planned survey. We                           19711; May 4, 2018), the take number                   may consider such things as relative
                                              authorize the take of the average group                 proposed for gray seals was based on an                cost and impact on operations.
                                              size for these species and stocks to                    incorrect density estimate. The average
                                              account for the possibility that the                    density of gray seals in the survey area               Mitigation Measures
                                              planned survey encounters a group of                    was reported as 0.0941067 per km2;                        Based on the applicant’s request,
                                              any of these species or stocks (Table 6).               however the correct density is 0.14116                 which includes requirements relating to
                                              Note that the take estimate for the sperm               per km2. The correct density has been                  the BOEM lease stipulations associated
                                              whale was not increased to average                      used to re-calculate the authorized                    with ESA-listed marine mammals, and
                                              group size because, based on water                      number of gray seal takes (Table 6).                   specific information regarding the zones
                                              depths in the survey area (26 to 48 m                                                                          ensonified above NMFS thresholds,
                                              (52 to 92 ft)), it is very unlikely that                Mitigation                                             NMFS is requiring the following
                                              groups of sperm whales, which tend to                     In order to issue an IHA under                       mitigation measures during the marine
                                              occur at greater depths, would be                       Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,                      site characterization surveys.
                                              encountered by the survey.                              NMFS must set forth the permissible
                                                 We note that the IHA authorizes take                 methods of taking pursuant to such                     Marine Mammal Exclusion and Watch
                                              of Risso’s dolphins, though                             activity, and other means of effecting                 Zone
                                              authorization for the take of Risso’s                   the least practicable impact on such                     Marine mammal exclusion zones (EZ)
                                              dolphins was not proposed in the                        species or stock and its habitat, paying               will be established around the HRG
                                              Federal Register notice of the proposed                 particular attention to rookeries, mating              survey equipment and monitored by
                                              IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018).                         grounds, and areas of similar                          protected species observers (PSO)
                                              Though density estimates for Risso’s                    significance, and on the availability of               during HRG surveys as follows:
                                              dolphins in the survey area indicate                    such species or stock for taking for                     • 500 m EZ for North Atlantic right
                                              they would not be expected in the                       certain subsistence uses (latter not                   whales;
                                              survey area, based on public comments                   applicable for this action). NMFS                        • 200 m EZ for all other ESA-listed
                                              and a review of monitoring data from a                  regulations require applicants for                     cetaceans (including fin whale, sei
                                              previous IHA issued for a similar                       incidental take authorizations to include              whale and sperm whale); and
                                              activity in 2017 (NMFS, 2017) we have                   information about the availability and                   • 25 m EZ for harbor porpoises.
                                              determined that take authorization for                  feasibility (economic and technological)                 The applicant proposed a 500 m EZ
                                              Risso’s dolphins is warranted. The                      of equipment, methods, and manner of                   for North Atlantic right whales and 200
                                              monitoring report from the IHA issued                   conducting such activity or other means                m EZ for all other marine mammals;
                                              to Deepwater Wind in 2017 for HRG                       of effecting the least practicable adverse             however, for non-ESA-listed marine
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                                              surveys in the RI–MA WEA indicates                      impact upon the affected species or                    mammals, based on estimated distances
                                              that a single group of Risso’s dolphins                 stocks and their habitat (50 CFR                       to isopleths corresponding with Level A
                                              was observed by PSOs (though not taken                  216.104(a)(11)).                                       harassment thresholds (Table 5), we
                                              by Level A or Level B harassment)                         In evaluating how mitigation may or                  determined EZs for species other than
                                              during that survey (AIS Inc., 2017). As                 may not be appropriate to ensure the                   those described above were not
                                              the activities authorized through this                  least practicable adverse impact on                    warranted. If HRG survey equipment is
                                              IHA are similar to those conducted by                   species or stocks and their habitat, as                shut down (as described below) due to

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                                              28820                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              a marine mammal being observed                          equipment is shut down or survey                       Shutdown Procedures
                                              within or approaching the relevant EZs,                 activity has concluded.                                  If a marine mammal is observed
                                              ramp up of survey equipment may not                                                                            within or approaching the relevant EZ
                                                                                                      Passive Acoustic Monitoring
                                              commence until the animal(s) has been                                                                          (as described above) an immediate
                                              observed exiting the relevant EZ, or                       As proposed by the applicant and                    shutdown of the survey equipment is
                                              until an additional time period has                     required by BOEM lease stipulations,                   required. Subsequent restart of the
                                              elapsed with no further sighting of the                 PAM will be used to support monitoring                 survey equipment may only occur after
                                              animal (e.g., 15 minutes for harbor                     during night time operations to provide                the animal(s) has either been observed
                                              porpoises and 30 minutes for all large                  for optimal acquisition of species                     exiting the relevant EZ or until an
                                              whale species). In addition to the EZs                  detections at night. The PAM system                    additional time period has elapsed with
                                              described above, PSOs will visually                     will consist of an array of hydrophones                no further sighting of the animal (e.g.,
                                              monitor and record the presence of all                  with both broadband (sampling mid-                     15 minutes for harbor porpoises and 30
                                              marine mammals within a 500 m Watch                     range frequencies of 2 kHz to 200 kHz)                 minutes for North Atlantic right, fin, sei
                                              Zone. Marine mammals observed by                        and at least one low-frequency                         and sperm whales).
                                              PSOs within 447 m of geophysical                        hydrophone (sampling range                               In addition, shutdown of geophysical
                                              survey equipment will be documented                     frequencies of 75 hertz (Hz) to 30 kHz).               survey equipment is required upon
                                              as taken by Level B harassment.                         The PAM operator(s) will monitor                       confirmed PAM detection of a North
                                              Visual Monitoring                                       acoustic signals in real time both aurally             Atlantic right whale at night, even in the
                                                                                                      (using headphones) and visually (via                   absence of visual confirmation, except
                                                As per the BOEM lease, visual and                     sound analysis software). PAM                          in cases where the acoustic detection
                                              acoustic monitoring of the established                  operators will communicate nighttime                   can be localized and the right whale can
                                              exclusion and monitoring zones will be                  detections to the lead PSO on duty who                 be confirmed as being beyond the 500
                                              performed by qualified and NMFS-                        will ensure the implementation of the                  m EZ; equipment may be re-started no
                                              approved PSOs. It will be the                           appropriate mitigation measure.                        sooner than 30 minutes after the last
                                              responsibility of the Lead PSO on duty                                                                         confirmed acoustic detection.
                                              to communicate the presence of marine                      Shutdown of geophysical survey
                                                                                                      equipment is required upon confirmed                     As required in the BOEM lease, if the
                                              mammals as well as to communicate the                                                                          HRG equipment shuts down for reasons
                                              action(s) that are necessary to ensure                  PAM detection of a North Atlantic right
                                                                                                      whale at night, even in the absence of                 other than mitigation (i.e., mechanical
                                              mitigation and monitoring requirements                                                                         or electronic failure) resulting in the
                                              are implemented as appropriate. PSOs                    visual confirmation, except in cases
                                                                                                      where the acoustic detection can be                    cessation of the survey equipment for a
                                              will be equipped with binoculars and                                                                           period greater than 20 minutes, a 30
                                              would estimate distances to marine                      localized and the right whale can be
                                                                                                      confirmed as being beyond the 500 m                    minute pre-clearance period (as
                                              mammals located in proximity to the                                                                            described above) will precede the restart
                                              vessel and/or exclusion zone using                      EZ; equipment may be re-started no
                                                                                                      sooner than 30 minutes after the last                  of the HRG survey equipment. If the
                                              range finders. Reticulated binoculars                                                                          pause is less than 20 minutes, the
                                              will also be available to PSOs for use as               confirmed acoustic detection. However,
                                                                                                      aside from the required shutdown for                   equipment may be restarted as soon as
                                              appropriate based on conditions and                                                                            practicable at its full operational level
                                              visibility to support the siting and                    right whales as described above, PAM
                                                                                                      detection alone would not trigger a                    only if visual surveys were continued
                                              monitoring of marine species. Position                                                                         diligently throughout the silent period
                                              data will be recorded using hand-held                   requirement for any mitigation action to
                                                                                                      be taken upon acoustic detection of                    and the EZs remained clear of marine
                                              or vessel GPS units for each sighting.                                                                         mammals during that entire period. If
                                              Observations will take place from the                   marine mammals, per BOEM
                                                                                                      requirements.                                          visual surveys were not continued
                                              highest available vantage point on the                                                                         diligently during the pause of 20
                                              survey vessel. During surveys                           Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment                            minutes or less, a 30-minute pre-
                                              conducted at night, night-vision                                                                               clearance period (as described above)
                                              equipment with infrared light-emitting                     As proposed by the applicant, where
                                                                                                                                                             will precede the re-start of the HRG
                                              diodes spotlights and/or infrared video                 technically feasible, a ramp-up
                                                                                                                                                             survey equipment. Following a
                                              monitoring will be available for PSO                    procedure will be used for geophysical
                                                                                                                                                             shutdown, HRG survey equipment may
                                              use, and passive acoustic monitoring                    survey equipment capable of adjusting
                                                                                                                                                             be restarted following pre-clearance of
                                              (described below) will be used.                         energy levels at the start or re-start of
                                                                                                                                                             the zones as described above.
                                                                                                      survey activities. The ramp-up                           If a species for which authorization
                                              Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion Zone                     procedure will be used at the beginning                has not been granted, or, a species for
                                                Prior to initiating HRG survey                        of HRG survey activities in order to                   which authorization has been granted
                                              activities, DWW will implement a 30-                    provide additional protection to marine                but the authorized number of takes have
                                              minute pre-clearance period. During                     mammals near the survey area by                        been met, approaches or is observed
                                              this period, the PSOs will ensure that no               allowing them to detect the presence of                within an EZ or within the area
                                              North Atlantic right whales are observed                the survey and vacate the area prior to                encompassing the Level B harassment
                                              within 500 m of geophysical survey                      the commencement of survey                             isopleth (450 m), shutdown will occur.
                                              equipment, and that no other marine                     equipment use at full energy. Ramp-up
                                              mammal species are observed within                      of the survey equipment will not begin                 Vessel Strike Avoidance
                                              200 m of geophysical survey equipment.                  until the relevant EZs have been cleared                 Vessel strike avoidance measures will
                                              Surveys may not begin until these zones                 by the PSOs, as described above.                       include, but are not limited to, the
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                                              have been clear of the relevant marine                  Systems will be initiated at their lowest              following, as required in the BOEM
                                              mammal species for 30 minutes. This                     power output and will be incrementally                 lease, except under circumstances when
                                              pre-clearance requirement would                         increased to full power. If any marine                 complying with these requirements
                                              include small delphinoids that                          mammals are detected within the EZ                     would put the safety of the vessel or
                                              approach the vessel (e.g., bow ride).                   prior to or during the ramp-up, HRG                    crew at risk:
                                              PSOs would also continue to monitor                     equipment will be shut down (as                          • All vessel operators and crew will
                                              the zone for 30 minutes after survey                    described below).                                      maintain vigilant watch for cetaceans

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                            28821

                                              and pinnipeds, and slow down or stop                       • All vessels underway will not                     However, given the small spatial extent
                                              their vessel to avoid striking these                    divert or alter course in order to                     of the survey area relative to the
                                              protected species;                                      approach any whale, delphinoid                         substantially larger spatial extent of the
                                                 • All survey vessels greater than or                 cetacean, or pinniped. Any vessel                      right whale migratory area, the survey is
                                              equal to 65 ft (19.8 m) in overall length               underway will avoid excessive speed or                 not expected to appreciably reduce
                                              will comply with 10 knot (18.5 km/hr)                   abrupt changes in direction to avoid                   migratory habitat nor to negatively
                                              or less speed restriction in any SMA per                injury to the sighted cetacean or                      impact the migration of North Atlantic
                                              the NOAA ship strike reduction rule (73                 pinniped.                                              right whales, thus mitigation to address
                                              FR 60173; October 10, 2008);                               DWW will ensure that vessel                         the survey’s occurrence in North
                                                 • All vessel operators will reduce                   operators and crew maintain a vigilant                 Atlantic right whale migratory habitat is
                                              vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/hr) or                watch for cetaceans and pinnipeds by                   not warranted. The survey area would
                                              less when any large whale, any mother/                  slowing down or stopping the vessel to                 partially overlap spatially with a
                                              calf pairs, or large assemblages of non-                avoid striking marine mammals. Project-                biologically important feeding area for
                                              delphinoid cetaceans are observed near                  specific training will be conducted for                fin whales. However, the fin whale
                                              (within 100 m (330 ft)) an underway                     all vessel crew prior to the start of the              feeding area is sufficiently large (2,933
                                              vessel;                                                 site characterization survey activities.               km2), and the acoustic footprint of the
                                                 • All survey vessels will maintain a                 Confirmation of the training and                       planned survey is sufficiently small
                                              separation distance of 500 m (1640 ft) or               understanding of the requirements will                 (<100 km2 estimated to be ensonified to
                                              greater from any sighted North Atlantic                 be documented on a training course log                 the Level B harassment threshold per
                                              right whale;                                            sheet. Signing the log sheet will certify              day), that the survey is not expected to
                                                 • If underway, vessels must steer a                  that the crew members understand and                   appreciably reduce fin whale feeding
                                              course away from any sighted North                      will comply with the necessary                         habitat nor to negatively impact the
                                              Atlantic right whale at 10 knots (18.5                  requirements throughout the survey                     feeding of fin whales, thus mitigation to
                                              km/hr) or less until the 500 m (1640 ft)                activities.                                            address the survey’s occurrence in fin
                                              minimum separation distance has been                                                                           whale feeding habitat is not warranted.
                                              established. If a North Atlantic right                  Seasonal Operating Requirements
                                                                                                                                                             Further, we believe the mitigation
                                              whale is sighted in a vessel’s path, or                    The northern section of the survey                  measures are practicable for the
                                              within 500 m (330 ft) to an underway                    area partially overlaps with a portion of              applicant to implement.
                                              vessel, the underway vessel must reduce                 a North Atlantic right whale SMA                          Based on our evaluation of the
                                              speed and shift the engine to neutral.                  which occurs east of Long Island, New                  applicant’s proposed measures, NMFS
                                              Engines will not be engaged until the                   York, and south of Massachusetts and                   has determined that the mitigation
                                              North Atlantic right whale has moved                    Rhode Island. This SMA is active from                  measures provide the means of effecting
                                              outside of the vessel’s path and beyond                 November 1 through April 30 of each                    the least practicable impact on the
                                              500 m. If stationary, the vessel must not               year. Survey vessels that are >65 ft in                affected species or stocks and their
                                              engage engines until the North Atlantic                 length would be required to adhere to                  habitat, paying particular attention to
                                              right whale has moved beyond 500 m;                     the mandatory vessel speed restrictions                rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
                                                 • All vessels will maintain a                        (<10 kn) when operating within the                     similar significance.
                                              separation distance of 100 m (330 ft) or                SMA during times when the SMA is
                                              greater from any sighted non-delphinoid                 active. In addition, between watch                     Monitoring and Reporting
                                              cetacean. If sighted, the vessel                        shifts, members of the monitoring team                    In order to issue an IHA for an
                                              underway must reduce speed and shift                    would consult NMFS’ North Atlantic                     activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the
                                              the engine to neutral, and must not                     right whale reporting systems for the                  MMPA states that NMFS must set forth,
                                              engage the engines until the non-                       presence of North Atlantic right whales                requirements pertaining to the
                                              delphinoid cetacean has moved outside                   throughout survey operations. Members                  monitoring and reporting of such taking.
                                              of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m.                  of the monitoring team would monitor                   The MMPA implementing regulations at
                                              If a survey vessel is stationary, the                   the NMFS North Atlantic right whale                    50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) indicate that
                                              vessel will not engage engines until the                reporting systems for the establishment                requests for authorizations must include
                                              non-delphinoid cetacean has moved out                   of a Dynamic Management Area (DMA).                    the suggested means of accomplishing
                                              of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m;                  If NMFS should establish a DMA in the                  the necessary monitoring and reporting
                                                 • All vessels will maintain a                        survey area, within 24 hours of the                    that will result in increased knowledge
                                              separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or                 establishment of the DMA DWW would                     of the species and of the level of taking
                                              greater from any sighted delphinoid                     coordinate with NMFS to shut down                      or impacts on populations of marine
                                              cetacean. Any vessel underway remain                    and/or alter the survey activities as                  mammals that are expected to be
                                              parallel to a sighted delphinoid                        needed to avoid right whales to the                    present in the survey area. Effective
                                              cetacean’s course whenever possible,                    extent possible.                                       reporting is critical both to compliance
                                              and avoid excessive speed or abrupt                        The mitigation measures are designed                as well as ensuring that the most value
                                              changes in direction. Any vessel                        to avoid the already low potential for                 is obtained from the required
                                              underway reduces vessel speed to 10                     injury in addition to some Level B                     monitoring.
                                              knots (18.5 km/hr) or less when pods                    harassment, and to minimize the                           Monitoring and reporting
                                              (including mother/calf pairs) or large                  potential for vessel strikes. There are no             requirements prescribed by NMFS
                                              assemblages of delphinoid cetaceans are                 known marine mammal rookeries or                       should contribute to improved
                                              observed. Vessels may not adjust course                 mating grounds in the survey area that                 understanding of one or more of the
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                                              and speed until the delphinoid                          would otherwise potentially warrant                    following:
                                              cetaceans have moved beyond 50 m                        increased mitigation measures for                         • Occurrence of marine mammal
                                              and/or the abeam of the underway                        marine mammals or their habitat (or                    species or stocks in the area in which
                                              vessel;                                                 both). The planned survey would occur                  take is anticipated (e.g., presence,
                                                 • All vessels will maintain a                        in an area that has been identified as a               abundance, distribution, density);
                                              separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or                 biologically important area for migration                 • Nature, scope, or context of likely
                                              greater from any sighted pinniped; and                  for North Atlantic right whales.                       marine mammal exposure to potential

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                                              28822                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              stressors/impacts (individual or                        night operations, PAM and night-vision                    • Status of all sound source use in the
                                              cumulative, acute or chronic), through                  equipment with infrared light-emitting                 24 hours preceding the incident;
                                              better understanding of: (1) Action or                  diode spotlights and/or infrared video                    • Water depth;
                                              environment (e.g., source                               monitoring will be used to increase the                   • Environmental conditions (e.g.,
                                              characterization, propagation, ambient                  ability to detect marine mammals.                      wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea
                                              noise); (2) affected species (e.g., life                Position data will be recorded using                   state, cloud cover, and visibility);
                                              history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence              hand-held or vessel global positioning                    • Description of all marine mammal
                                              of marine mammal species with the                       system (GPS) units for each sighting.                  observations in the 24 hours preceding
                                              action; or (4) biological or behavioral                 Observations will take place from the                  the incident;
                                              context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or              highest available vantage point on the                    • Species identification or
                                              feeding areas);                                         survey vessel. General 360-degree                      description of the animal(s) involved;
                                                 • Individual marine mammal                           scanning will occur during the                            • Fate of the animal(s); and
                                              responses (behavioral or physiological)                 monitoring periods, and target scanning                   • Photographs or video footage of the
                                              to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or               by the PSO will occur when alerted of                  animal(s) (if equipment is available).
                                              cumulative), other stressors, or                        a marine mammal presence.                                 Activities would not resume until
                                              cumulative impacts from multiple                           Data on all PAM/PSO observations                    NMFS is able to review the
                                              stressors;                                              will be recorded, including dates, times,              circumstances of the event. NMFS
                                                 • How anticipated responses to                       and locations of survey operations; time               would work with DWW to minimize
                                              stressors impact either: (1) Long-term                  of observation, location and weather;                  reoccurrence of such an event in the
                                              fitness and survival of individual                      details of marine mammal sightings                     future. DWW would not resume
                                              marine mammals; or (2) populations,                     (e.g., species, numbers, behavior); and                activities until notified by NMFS.
                                              species, or stocks;                                     details of any observed taking (e.g.,                     In the event that DWW discovers an
                                                 • Effects on marine mammal habitat                   behavioral disturbances or injury/                     injured or dead marine mammal and
                                              (e.g., marine mammal prey species,                      mortality).                                            determines that the cause of the injury
                                              acoustic habitat, or other important                                                                           or death is unknown and the death is
                                              physical components of marine                           Reporting Measures                                     relatively recent (i.e., in less than a
                                              mammal habitat); and                                       Within 90 days after completion of                  moderate state of decomposition), DWW
                                                 • Mitigation and monitoring                          survey activities, a final technical report            would immediately report the incident
                                              effectiveness.                                          will be provided to NMFS that fully                    to the Chief of the Permits and
                                                                                                      documents the methods and monitoring                   Conservation Division, Office of
                                              Monitoring Measures
                                                                                                      protocols, summarizes the data recorded                Protected Resources and the NMFS
                                                As described above, visual monitoring                 during monitoring, summarizes the                      Greater Atlantic Stranding Coordinator.
                                              of the EZs and monitoring zone will be                  number of marine mammals estimated                     The report would include the same
                                              performed by qualified and NMFS-                        to have been taken during survey                       information identified in the paragraph
                                              approved PSOs. PSO Qualifications will                  activities (by species, when known),                   above. Activities would be able to
                                              include completion of a PSO training                    summarizes the mitigation actions taken                continue while NMFS reviews the
                                              course and documented field experience                  during surveys (including what type of                 circumstances of the incident. NMFS
                                              conducting similar surveys. As                          mitigation and the species and number                  would work with DWW to determine if
                                              proposed by the applicant and required                  of animals that prompted the mitigation                modifications in the activities are
                                              by BOEM, an observer team comprising                    action, when known), and provides an                   appropriate.
                                              a minimum of four NMFS-approved                         interpretation of the results and                         In the event that DWW discovers an
                                              PSOs and a minimum of two certified                     effectiveness of all mitigation and                    injured or dead marine mammal and
                                              PAM operator(s), operating in shifts,                   monitoring. Any recommendations                        determines that the injury or death is
                                              will be employed by DWW during the                      made by NMFS must be addressed in                      not associated with or related to the
                                              planned surveys. PSOs and PAM                           the final report prior to acceptance by                activities authorized in the IHA (e.g.,
                                              operators will work in shifts such that                 NMFS.                                                  previously wounded animal, carcass
                                              no one monitor will work more than 4                       In addition to the final technical                  with moderate to advanced
                                              consecutive hours without a 2 hour                      report, DWW will provide the reports                   decomposition, or scavenger damage),
                                              break or longer than 12 hours during                    described below as necessary during                    DWW would report the incident to the
                                              any 24 hour period. During daylight                     survey activities. In the unanticipated                Chief of the Permits and Conservation
                                              hours the PSOs will rotate in shifts of                 event that DWW’s survey activities lead                Division, Office of Protected Resources,
                                              one on and three off, while during                      to an injury (Level A harassment) or                   and the NMFS Greater Atlantic Regional
                                              nighttime operations PSOs will work in                  mortality (e.g., ship-strike, gear                     Stranding Coordinator, within 24 hours
                                              pairs. The PAM operators will also be                   interaction, and/or entanglement) of a                 of the discovery. DWW would provide
                                              on call as necessary during daytime                     marine mammal, DWW would                               photographs or video footage (if
                                              operations should visual observations                   immediately cease the specified                        available) or other documentation of the
                                              become impaired. Each PSO will                          activities and report the incident to the              stranded animal sighting to NMFS.
                                              monitor 360 degrees of the field of                     Chief of the Permits and Conservation                  DWW may continue its operations
                                              vision.                                                 Division, Office of Protected Resources                under such a case.
                                                Also as described above, PSOs will be                 and the NMFS Greater Atlantic
                                              equipped with binoculars and have the                                                                          Negligible Impact Analysis and
                                                                                                      Stranding Coordinator. The report                      Determination
                                              ability to estimate distances to marine                 would include the following
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              mammals located in proximity to the                     information:                                             NMFS has defined negligible impact
                                              vessel and/or exclusion zone using                         • Time, date, and location (latitude/               as an impact resulting from the
                                              range finders. Reticulated binoculars                   longitude) of the incident;                            specified activity that cannot be
                                              will also be available to PSOs for use as                  • Name and type of vessel involved;                 reasonably expected to, and is not
                                              appropriate based on conditions and                        • Vessel’s speed during and leading                 reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
                                              visibility to support the sighting and                  up to the incident;                                    species or stock through effects on
                                              monitoring of marine species. During                       • Description of the incident;                      annual rates of recruitment or survival.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices                                            28823

                                              A negligible impact finding is based on                 significantly impacted. Prey species are               planned survey is very small relative to
                                              the lack of likely adverse effects on                   mobile and are broadly distributed                     the spatial extent of the available
                                              annual rates of recruitment or survival                 throughout the project area; therefore,                migratory habitat in the area, right
                                              (i.e., population-level effects). An                    marine mammals that may be                             whale migration is not expected to be
                                              estimate of the number of takes alone is                temporarily displaced during survey                    impacted by the planned survey.
                                              not enough information on which to                      activities are expected to be able to                    The mitigation measures are expected
                                              base an impact determination. In                        resume foraging once they have moved                   to reduce the number and/or severity of
                                              addition to considering estimates of the                away from areas with disturbing levels                 takes by (1) giving animals the
                                              number of marine mammals that might                     of underwater noise. Because of the                    opportunity to move away from the
                                              be ‘‘taken’’ through harassment, NMFS                   temporary nature of the disturbance and                sound source before HRG survey
                                              considers other factors, such as the                    the availability of similar habitat and                equipment reaches full energy; (2)
                                              likely nature of any responses (e.g.,                   resources in the surrounding area, the                 preventing animals from being exposed
                                              intensity, duration), the context of any                impacts to marine mammals and the                      to sound levels that may otherwise
                                              responses (e.g., critical reproductive                  food sources that they utilize are not                 result in injury. Additional vessel strike
                                              time or location, migration), as well as                expected to cause significant or long-                 avoidance requirements will further
                                              effects on habitat, and the likely                      term consequences for individual                       mitigate potential impacts to marine
                                              effectiveness of the mitigation. We also                marine mammals or their populations.                   mammals during vessel transit to and
                                              assess the number, intensity, and                          There are no rookeries or mating                    within the survey area.
                                              context of estimated takes by evaluating                grounds known to be biologically                         NMFS concludes that exposures to
                                              this information relative to population                 important to marine mammals within                     marine mammal species and stocks due
                                              status. Consistent with the 1989                        the planned survey area. As described                  to DWW’s survey would result in only
                                              preamble for NMFS’s implementing                        above, the survey area would overlap                   short-term (temporary and short in
                                              regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29,                 spatially and temporally with a                        duration) effects to individuals exposed.
                                              1989), the impacts from other past and                  biologically important feeding area for                Marine mammals may temporarily
                                              ongoing anthropogenic activities are                    fin whales. The important fin whale                    avoid the immediate area, but are not
                                              incorporated into this analysis via their               feeding area occurs from March through                 expected to permanently abandon the
                                              impacts on the environmental baseline                   October and stretches from an area                     area. Major shifts in habitat use,
                                              (e.g., as reflected in the regulatory status            south of Montauk Point to south of                     distribution, or foraging success are not
                                              of the species, population size and                     Martha’s Vineyard. However, the fin                    expected. NMFS does not anticipate the
                                              growth rate where known, ongoing                        whale feeding area is sufficiently large               authorized take estimates to impact
                                              sources of human-caused mortality, or                   (2,933 km2), and the acoustic footprint                annual rates of recruitment or survival.
                                              ambient noise levels).                                  of the planned survey is sufficiently                    In summary and as described above,
                                                 To avoid repetition, our analysis                    small (<100 km2 estimated to be                        the following factors primarily support
                                              applies to all the species listed in Table              ensonified to the Level B harassment                   our determination that the impacts
                                              6, given that NMFS expects the                          threshold per day), that fin whale                     resulting from this activity are not
                                              anticipated effects of the planned survey               feeding habitat would not be reduced                   expected to adversely affect the species
                                              to be similar in nature.                                appreciably. Any fin whales temporarily                or stock through effects on annual rates
                                                 NMFS does not anticipate that injury                 displaced from the survey area would be                of recruitment or survival:
                                              or mortality would occur as a result of                 expected to have sufficient remaining                    • No mortality, serious injury, or
                                              DWW’s planned survey, even in the                       feeding habitat available to them, and                 Level A harassment is anticipated or
                                              absence of mitigation. Thus the IHA                     would not be prevented from feeding in                 authorized;
                                              does not authorize any injury or                        other areas within the biologically                      • The anticipated impacts of the
                                              mortality. As discussed in the Potential                important feeding habitat. In addition,                activity on marine mammals would be
                                              Effects section, non-auditory physical                  any displacement of fin whales from the                temporary behavioral changes due to
                                              effects and vessel strike are not expected              survey area would be expected to be                    avoidance of the area around the survey
                                              to occur.                                               temporary in nature. Therefore, we do                  vessel;
                                                 We expect that all potential takes                   not expect fin whale feeding to be                       • The availability of alternate areas of
                                              would be in the form of short-term Level                negatively impacted by the planned                     similar habitat value for marine
                                              B behavioral harassment in the form of                  survey. There are no feeding areas                     mammals to temporarily vacate the
                                              temporary avoidance of the area or                      known to be biologically important to                  survey area during the planned survey
                                              decreased foraging (if such activity were               marine mammals within the project area                 to avoid exposure to sounds from the
                                              occurring), reactions that are considered               with the exception of the                              activity;
                                              to be of low severity and with no lasting               aforementioned feeding area for fin                      • The project area does not contain
                                              biological consequences (e.g., Southall                 whales. There is no designated critical                areas of significance for mating or
                                              et al., 2007). Potential impacts to marine              habitat for any ESA-listed marine                      calving;
                                              mammal habitat were discussed in the                    mammals in the survey area.                              • Effects on species that serve as prey
                                              Federal Register notice of the proposed                    The survey area is within a                         species for marine mammals from the
                                              IHA (83 FR 19711; May 4, 2018) (see                     biologically important migratory area for              survey would be temporary and would
                                              Potential Effects of the Specified                      North Atlantic right whales (effective                 not be expected to reduce the
                                              Activity on Marine Mammals and their                    March-April and November-December)                     availability of prey or to affect marine
                                              Habitat). Marine mammal habitat may                     that extends from Massachusetts to                     mammal feeding;
                                              be impacted by elevated sound levels,                   Florida (LaBrecque, et al., 2015). Off the               • The mitigation measures, including
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              but these impacts would be temporary.                   south coast of Massachusetts and Rhode                 visual and acoustic monitoring,
                                              In addition to being temporary and short                Island, this biologically important                    exclusion zones, and shutdown
                                              in overall duration, the acoustic                       migratory area extends from the coast to               measures, are expected to minimize
                                              footprint of the planned survey is small                beyond the shelf break. Due to the fact                potential impacts to marine mammals.
                                              relative to the overall distribution of the             that that the survey is temporary and                    Based on the analysis contained
                                              animals in the area and their use of the                short in overall duration, and the fact                herein of the likely effects of the
                                              area. Feeding behavior is not likely to be              that the spatial acoustic footprint of the             specified activity on marine mammals

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                                              28824                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2018 / Notices

                                              and their habitat, and taking into                      Office (GARFO), whenever we propose                    mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and
                                              consideration the implementation of the                 to authorize take for endangered or                    reporting requirements are incorporated.
                                              monitoring and mitigation measures,                     threatened species.                                      Dated: June 15, 2018.
                                              NMFS finds that the total marine                           The NMFS Office of Protected                        Donna S. Wieting,
                                              mammal take from the specified activity                 Resources is authorizing the incidental                Director, Office of Protected Resources,
                                              will have a negligible impact on all                    take of four species of marine mammals                 National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                              affected marine mammal species or                       which are listed under the ESA: The                    [FR Doc. 2018–13279 Filed 6–20–18; 8:45 am]
                                              stocks.                                                 North Atlantic right, fin, sei, and sperm
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                              Small Numbers                                           whale. BOEM consulted with NMFS
                                                                                                      GARFO under section 7 of the ESA on
                                                As noted above, only small numbers                    commercial wind lease issuance and
                                              of incidental take may be authorized                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                                                                      site assessment activities on the Atlantic
                                              under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA                  Outer Continental Shelf in                             National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                              for specified activities other than                     Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York                  Administration
                                              military readiness activities. The MMPA                 and New Jersey Wind Energy Areas. The
                                              does not define small numbers and so,                                                                          RIN 0648–XC969
                                                                                                      NMFS GARFO issued a Biological
                                              in practice, where estimated numbers
                                                                                                      Opinion concluding that these activities               2018 Revision to Technical Guidance
                                              are available, NMFS compares the
                                                                                                      may adversely affect but are not                       for Assessing the Effects of
                                              number of individuals taken to the most
                                                                                                      likely to jeopardize the continued                     Anthropogenic Sound on Marine
                                              appropriate estimation of abundance of
                                                                                                      existence of the North Atlantic right, fin,            Mammal Hearing—Underwater
                                              the relevant species or stock in our
                                                                                                      and sperm whale. The Biological                        Acoustic Thresholds for Onset of
                                              determination of whether an
                                                                                                      Opinion can be found online at:                        Permanent and Temporary Threshold
                                              authorization is limited to small
                                                                                                      www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/                       Shifts
                                              numbers of marine mammals.
                                              Additionally, other qualitative factors                                                                        AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                              may be considered in the analysis, such                                                                        Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                                                                      activities-renewable. Upon request from
                                              as the temporal or spatial scale of the                                                                        Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                                                                      the NMFS Office of Protected Resources,
                                              activities.                                                                                                    Commerce.
                                                                                                      the NMFS GARFO will issue an
                                                The numbers of marine mammals that
                                                                                                      amended incidental take statement                      ACTION: Notice.
                                              we authorize to be taken, for all species
                                                                                                      associated with this Biological Opinion
                                              and stocks, would be considered small                                                                          SUMMARY:    Per approval of the Secretary
                                                                                                      to include the takes of the ESA-listed
                                              relative to the relevant stocks or                                                                             of Commerce, The National Marine
                                                                                                      marine mammal species authorized
                                              populations (less than 11 percent of                                                                           Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces the
                                                                                                      through this IHA.
                                              each species and stock). See Table 6.                                                                          availability of the 2018 Revision (NOAA
                                              Based on the analysis contained herein                  National Environmental Policy Act                      Technical Memorandum NMFS–OPR–
                                              of the proposed activity (including the                                                                        59) to its 2016 Technical Guidance for
                                              mitigation and monitoring measures)                       To comply with the National
                                                                                                      Environmental Policy Act of 1969                       Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic
                                              and the anticipated take of marine                                                                             Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing—
                                              mammals, NMFS finds that small                          (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
                                                                                                      NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)                        Underwater Acoustic Thresholds for
                                              numbers of marine mammals will be                                                                              Onset of Permanent and Temporary
                                              taken relative to the population size of                216–6A, NMFS must review our
                                                                                                      proposed action (i.e., the issuance of an              Threshold Shifts (Technical Guidance
                                              the affected species or stocks.                                                                                or Guidance) based on comments
                                                                                                      incidental harassment authorization)
                                              Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis                     with respect to potential impacts on the               received during the review of the
                                              and Determination                                       human environment. Accordingly,                        Guidance pursuant to section 10 of
                                                                                                      NMFS prepared an Environmental                         Presidential Executive Order,
                                                There are no relevant subsistence uses                                                                       Implementing an America-First Offshore
                                              of the affected marine mammal stocks or                 Assessment (EA) and analyzed the
                                                                                                      potential impacts to marine mammals                    Energy Strategy (April 28, 2017).
                                              species implicated by this action.
                                                                                                      that would result from the project, as                 ADDRESSES: The 2018 Revision to the
                                              Therefore, NMFS has determined that
                                              the total taking of affected species or                 well as from a similar project proposed                Technical Guidance (NOAA Technical
                                              stocks would not have an unmitigable                    by Garden State Offshore Energy (a                     Memorandum NMFS–OPR–59) is
                                              adverse impact on the availability of                   subsidiary of Deepwater Wind) off the                  available in electronic form via the
                                              such species or stocks for taking for                   coast of Delaware. A Finding of No                     internet at https://
                                              subsistence purposes.                                   Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed                  www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/
                                                                                                      on June 13, 2018. A copy of the EA and                 marine-mammal-protection/marine-
                                              Endangered Species Act                                  FONSI is available online at:                          mammal-acoustic-technical-guidance.
                                                Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered                     www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et                  marine-mammal-protection/incidental-                   Amy R. Scholik-Schlomer, Office of
                                              seq.) requires that each Federal agency                 take-authorizations-other-energy-                      Protected Resources, 301–427–8449,
                                              insure that any action it authorizes,                   activities-renewable.                                  Amy.Scholik@noaa.gov.
                                              funds, or carries out is not likely to                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              jeopardize the continued existence of                                                                             Presidential Executive Order (E.O.)
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              any endangered or threatened species or                   NMFS has issued an IHA to                            13795, Implementing an America-First
                                              result in the destruction or adverse                    Deepwater Wind New England, LLC for                    Offshore Energy Strategy (82 FR 20815;
                                              modification of designated critical                     conducting marine site characterization                April 28, 2017), states in section 2 that
                                              habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for                   surveys offshore of Rhode Island and                   ‘‘It shall be the policy of the United
                                              the issuance of IHAs, NMFS consults                     Massachusetts and along potential                      States to encourage energy exploration
                                              internally, in this case with the NMFS                  submarine cable routes, for a period of                and production, including on the Outer
                                              Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries                     one year, provided the previously                      Continental Shelf, in order to maintain

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Document Created: 2018-06-21 01:23:01
Document Modified: 2018-06-21 01:23:01
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; Issuance of an Incidental Harassment Authorization.
DatesThis Authorization is valid for one year from the date of issuance.
ContactJordan Carduner, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the applications and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in this document, may be obtained by visiting the internet at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental- take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. In case of problems accessing these documents, please call the contact listed above.
FR Citation83 FR 28808 
RIN Number0648-XF98

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