83_FR_29621 83 FR 29499 - Clean Water Act Hazardous Substances Spill Prevention

83 FR 29499 - Clean Water Act Hazardous Substances Spill Prevention


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 122 (June 25, 2018)

Page Range29499-29520
FR Document2018-13470

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) is proposing to establish no new requirements under Clean Water Act (CWA), section 311. This section directs the President to issue regulations to prevent discharges of oil and hazardous substances from onshore and offshore facilities, and to contain such discharges. On July 21, 2015, EPA was sued for failing to comply with the alleged duty to issue regulations to prevent and contain CWA hazardous substance discharges. On February 16, 2016, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York entered a Consent Decree between EPA and the litigants that required EPA to sign a notice of proposed rulemaking pertaining to the issuance of hazardous substance regulations, and take final action after notice and comment on said notice. Based on an analysis of the frequency and impacts of reported CWA HS discharges and the existing framework of EPA regulatory requirements, the Agency is not proposing additional regulatory requirements at this time. This proposed action is intended to comply with the Consent Decree and to provide an opportunity for public notice and comment on EPA's proposed approach to satisfy the CWA requirements.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 29499-29520]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13470]



40 CFR Part 151

[EPA-HQ-OLEM-2018-0024; FRL-9979-83-OLEM]
RIN 2050-AG87

Clean Water Act Hazardous Substances Spill Prevention

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed action.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) is

[[Page 29500]]

proposing to establish no new requirements under Clean Water Act (CWA), 
section 311. This section directs the President to issue regulations to 
prevent discharges of oil and hazardous substances from onshore and 
offshore facilities, and to contain such discharges. On July 21, 2015, 
EPA was sued for failing to comply with the alleged duty to issue 
regulations to prevent and contain CWA hazardous substance discharges. 
On February 16, 2016, the United States District Court for the Southern 
District of New York entered a Consent Decree between EPA and the 
litigants that required EPA to sign a notice of proposed rulemaking 
pertaining to the issuance of hazardous substance regulations, and take 
final action after notice and comment on said notice. Based on an 
analysis of the frequency and impacts of reported CWA HS discharges and 
the existing framework of EPA regulatory requirements, the Agency is 
not proposing additional regulatory requirements at this time. This 
proposed action is intended to comply with the Consent Decree and to 
provide an opportunity for public notice and comment on EPA's proposed 
approach to satisfy the CWA requirements.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before August 24, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OLEM-2018-0024, ``Clean Water Act Hazardous Substances Discharge 
Prevention Action'' at http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online 
instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments cannot 
be edited or removed from https://www.regulations.gov/. The EPA may 
publish any comments received on its public docket. Do not submit 
electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business 
Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted 
by statute. Multimedia submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be 
accompanied by a written comment. The written comment is considered the 
official comment and should include discussion of all points you wish 
to make. The EPA will generally not consider comments or comment 
contents located outside of the primary submission (i.e., on the web, 
cloud, or other file sharing system). For additional submission 
methods, the full EPA public comment policy, information about CBI or 
multimedia submissions, and general guidance on making effective 
comments, please visit https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stacey Yonce, Office of Emergency 
Management, Mail Code 5104A, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 
Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460, (202) 564-2288, 
[email protected].


I. General Information

A. What is the statutory authority for this proposed action?

    This proposal is authorized by section 311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA.

B. Does this proposed action apply to me?

    A list of entities that could be affected by requirements 
established under CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) is provided in Table 1:

                 Table 1--Potentially Affected Entities
                    Industry                               NAICS
Wired and Wireless Telecommunications...........  51711, 51721.
Oil and Gas Extraction..........................  21111.
Water Supply and Irrigation Systems.............  22131.
Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers..............  42491.
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and       2211.
Support Activities for Crop Production..........  11511.
Warehousing and Storage.........................  4931.
Food Manufacturing..............................  311.
Chemical Manufacturing..........................  325.
Other Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods....  424.
Mining and Quarrying............................  21.
Utilities.......................................  22.
Construction....................................  23.
Manufacturing...................................  31-33.
Wholesale and Retail Trade......................  42, 44-45.
Transportation and Warehousing..................  48-49.
Other...........................................  11, 51-56, 61-62, 71-
                                                   72, 81, 92.
NAICS = North American Industry Classification System.

    The list of potentially affected entities in Table 1 may not be 
exhaustive. The Agency's aim is to provide a guide for readers 
regarding those entities that potentially could be affected by this 
action. However, this action may affect other entities not listed in 
this table. If you have questions regarding the applicability of this 
action to a particular entity, consult the person(s) listed in the 
preceding section entitled FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.

C. What is the purpose of this proposed action?

    The purpose of this proposal is to provide opportunity for public 
notice and comment on EPA's proposed approach to satisfy the 
requirements of CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) pertaining to CWA hazardous 
substances (HS).

II. Background

A. Statutory Authority and Delegation of Authority

    CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) directs the President to issue regulations 
establishing procedures, methods, and equipment; and other requirements 
for equipment to prevent discharges of oil and HS from vessels and from 
onshore facilities and offshore facilities, and to contain such 
discharges.\1\ The President

[[Page 29501]]

has delegated the authority to regulate non-transportation-related 
onshore facilities and offshore facilities landward of the coastline, 
under section 311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA to EPA.\2\

    \1\ 33 U.S.C. 1321(j)(1)(C).
    \2\ Under Executive Order 12777(b)(1), the Department of the 
Interior has redelegated the authority to regulate non-
transportation-related offshore facilities landward of the coastline 
to EPA (see 40 CFR part 112, Appendix B). A Memorandum of 
Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Department of Transportation 
(DOT) and EPA (36 FR 24080, November 24, 1971) established the 
definitions of transportation- and non-transportation-related 
facilities. An MOU among EPA, DOI, and DOT, effective February 3, 
1994, has redelegated the responsibility to regulate certain 
offshore facilities from DOI to EPA.

B. Legislative Background

    The term ``hazardous substance'' is defined in CWA section 
311(a)(14). Section 311(b)(2)(A) authorizes regulations designating HS, 
which when discharged in any quantity into jurisdictional waters,\3\ 
present an imminent and substantial danger to public health or welfare, 
including, but not limited to, fish, shellfish, wildlife, shorelines, 
and beaches.

    \3\ The CWA 311 jurisdiction applies to discharges or 
substantial threats of discharges into or upon the navigable waters 
of the United States, adjoining shorelines, or into or upon the 
waters of the contiguous zone; in connection with activities under 
the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) or 
the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (33 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.); or which 
may affect natural resources belonging to, appertaining to, or under 
the exclusive management authority of the United States [including 
resources under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)] (``jurisdictional 
waters''). See 33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(1) and 33 U.S.C. 1321(c).

    Once a chemical was designated as a CWA HS, as described in Section 
II.C, the corresponding quantity was established by regulation under 
the authority of CWA section 311(b)(4).\4\ The CWA prohibits discharges 
of CWA HS in quantities that may be harmful in section 311(b)(3).

    \4\ CWA section 311(b)(4) provides for the President to, by 
regulation, determine for the purposes of this section, those 
quantities of oil and any hazardous substances, the discharge of 
which may be harmful to the public health or welfare or the 
environment of the United States, including but not limited to fish, 
shellfish, wildlife, and public and private property, shorelines, 
and beaches.

C. Regulatory Background

    In March 1978, EPA designated a list of CWA HS in 40 CFR part 116. 
EPA established reportable quantities for those substances in 40 CFR 
part 117 in August 1979 (see, for example, 43 FR 10474, March 13, 1978; 
44 FR 50766, August 29, 1979). In September 1978, EPA proposed to 
establish requirements for Spill Prevention, Control, and 
Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans to prevent CWA HS discharges from 
facilities subject to permitting requirements under the National 
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program of the CWA (43 
FR 39276, September 1, 1978). The Agency proposed to require owners and 
operators to develop CWA HS SPCC Plans that included, among other 
things, general requirements for appropriate containment, drainage 
control and/or diversionary structures; and specific requirements for 
the proper storage of liquids and raw materials, preventive maintenance 
and housekeeping, facility security, and training for employees and 
contractors. EPA did not finalize that proposed CWA HS SPCC rule. There 
is no information in the record to explain the reason the 1978 proposal 
was not finalized.

D. Litigation Background

    On July 21, 2015, the Environmental Justice Health Alliance for 
Chemical Policy Reform, People Concerned About Chemical Safety, and the 
Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit \5\ against EPA for 
failing to comply with the alleged duty to issue regulations to prevent 
and contain CWA HS spills from non-transportation-related onshore 
facilities, including aboveground storage tanks, under CWA section 

    \5\ Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief, 
Environmental Justice Health Alliance from Chemical Policy Reform v. 
EPA, 15-cv-5705 (S.D.N.Y. July 21, 2015).

    On February 16, 2016, the United States District Court for the 
Southern District of New York entered a Consent Decree between EPA and 
the litigants establishing a schedule under which EPA is to sign ``a 
notice of proposed rulemaking pertaining to the issuance of the 
Hazardous Substance Regulations'' and take final action after notice 
and comment on said notice.\6\

    \6\ Envtl. Justice Health All. for Chem. Reform v. U.S. EPA, No. 
15-cv-05075, ECF No. 46 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 16, 2016).

E. Public Outreach

    EPA held three public meetings in 2016 to gain early input from 
stakeholders that EPA should consider during the rulemaking 
development. A public meeting was held in Charleston, West Virginia, on 
November 2; and two virtual public meetings were held on November 29 
and December 1. EPA received input from a variety of stakeholders, 
including nongovernmental organizations, local governments, private 
citizens, and representatives from industry and trade organizations. 
Topics addressed in these discussions included:
     Establish spill prevention and right-to-know requirements 
for chemicals.
     Require secondary containment and inspections of primary 
and secondary containment to assure continued compliance.
     Require information about downstream public water intakes 
to allow prompt notification after a spill.
     Concerns about CBI should not prohibit notifying residents 
about the risks of the chemicals stored or released.
     EPA must enforce standards for them to be effective.
     A number of Federal and state regulations already require 
spill prevention measures and EPA should not establish redundant or 
conflicting requirements.
    The public input received is available in the docket.\7\

    \7\ A summary of the input is available on the EPA website at: 
https://www.epa.gov/rulemaking-preventing-hazardous-substance-spills/summary-public-input-clean-water-act-cwa-hazardous, as well 
as in the docket for this proposal: Docket ID #: EPA-HQ-OLEM-2018-

F. Additional Information Collection

    We intend to supplement the information that this action is based 
on with an additional information collection. This information 
collection would be a voluntary survey of U.S. states, tribes, and 
territories that would request information on the number and type of 
facilities with CWA HS onsite; historical discharges of CWA HS; the 
ecological and human health impacts of those discharges; and existing 
state, territory, and Tribal programs that address discharge prevention 
of CWA HS. EPA anticipates using the results of the survey to further 
inform this regulatory action.\8\

    \8\ On September 21, 2017, EPA issued a notice in the Federal 
Register (82 FR 44178) that identified plans to submit an 
information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) for review and approval, and provided a 60-day public 
comment period.

III. Proposed Action

    EPA is proposing no new regulatory requirements under the authority 
of CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) at this time. This determination is based 
on an analysis of identified CWA HS discharges, and an evaluation of 
the existing framework of EPA regulatory requirements relevant to 
preventing and containing CWA HS discharges.
    The Agency set forth to determine what regulatory requirements 
under CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) would be appropriate to prevent CWA HS 
discharges. To this end, EPA analyzed the frequency of and reported 
impacts of the identified CWA HS discharges.
    Next, EPA identified an analytical framework of discharge 
prevention, containment, and mitigation provisions,

[[Page 29502]]

or program elements, commonly found in discharge and accident 
prevention regulatory programs. EPA then conducted a review of existing 
EPA regulatory programs to determine which regulations, such as NPDES, 
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Risk Management Program 
(RMP), and others include these program elements and also apply to CWA 
    Based on the reported frequency and impacts of identified CWA HS 
discharges, and the Agency's evaluation of the existing framework of 
EPA regulatory requirements relevant to preventing CWA HS discharges, 
EPA has determined that the existing framework of regulatory 
requirements serves to prevent CWA HS discharges. Additionally, EPA 
identified relevant requirements in other Federal regulatory programs 
and determined that they further serve to prevent CWA HS discharges, 
providing additional support for this proposed action.

A. CWA HS Discharge History and Impacts Analysis

1. Discharge History and Reported Impacts
    EPA analyzed CWA HS discharges reported to the National Response 
Center (NRC) \9\ over a 10-year period to estimate the frequency of CWA 
HS discharges and to understand the reported impacts of these 
discharges to communities that were potentially affected.\10\ 40 CFR 
117.21 requires immediate notification to the NRC once the person in 
charge of a vessel or an offshore or onshore facility has knowledge of 
a discharge of a designated CWA HS from the facility in quantities 
equal to or exceeding, in any 24-hour period, the reportable quantity.

    \9\ The NRC is the designated federal point of contact for 
reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and 
etiological discharges and releases into the environment anywhere in 
the United States and its territories. The NRC maintains a national 
database of these reports.
    \10\ EPA recognizes that historical CWA HS discharges do not 
predict future incidents. EPA reviewed the CWA HS discharge history 
to gain insight into the frequency and impact of past CWA HS 

    During 2007-2016, the NRC received reports of 285,867 releases of 
all kinds (including for example of oil, chemical, radiological, 
biological to a variety of media). EPA then further analyzed the data 
to identify discharges of CWA HS that impacted water from facilities in 
EPA's regulatory jurisdiction. Based on the NRC database review \11\ 
and recognizing the data limitations discussed further in Section 
III.A.3, EPA identified 9,416 reports of CWA HS discharges out of the 
total received (3.3 percent) for this time period. Of these CWA HS 
discharge reports, the Agency further refined the analysis by 
identifying 3,140 reports that were reported to have reached water (see 
discussion below on NRC data limitations). Within that universe, 2,491 
(less than one percent of the reports) were identified as CWA HS 
discharges reported to have originated from non-transportation-related 

    \11\ This review is described in detail in the Regulatory Impact 
Analysis in the docket (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OLEM-2018-0024) for 
this proposed action.

    EPA further analyzed the NRC data to examine how many of the CWA HS 
discharges to water from non-transportation-related facilities had 
reported impacts. This information was supplemented with reported 
impact data for identified CWA HS discharges from the National Toxic 
Substance Incidents Program (NTSIP).\12\ Impacts reported to NRC and 
NTSIP include evacuations, injuries, hospitalizations, fatalities, 
waterway closures, and water supply contamination. A total of 117 CWA 
HS discharge reports (4.7 percent) included one or more of these 
impacts out of the 2,491 identified CWA HS discharges to water, 
reported as originating from non-transportation-related sources over 
the 10-year period analyzed.

    \12\ The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's 
NTSIP collects and combines information from many resources to 
protect people from harm caused by spills and leaks of toxic 
substances. NTSIP gathers information about harmful spills into a 
central place. People can use NTSIP information to help prevent or 
reduce the harm caused by toxic substance incidents. NTSIP can also 
help experts when a release does occur. See https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ntsip/ for additional information.

    EPA seeks comment on the approach used to analyze the frequency of 
CWA HS discharges and to quantify the impacts of CWA HS discharges. 
Specifically, EPA requests additional data sources, information, and 
approaches that may allow EPA to further revise or refine the estimated 
impacts of CWA HS discharges from non-transportation-related sources, 
2. Most-Frequently Discharged CWA HS
    In addition to determining the frequency of CWA HS discharges, EPA 
also analyzed the reporting data to identify the CWA HS most frequently 
discharged. Of 292 CWA HS currently designated in 40 CFR part 116, the 
following 13 CWA HS comprised the majority of identified discharges, as 
well as the majority of identified discharges with reported impacts 
(Table 2).

                                   Table 2--Most Frequently Discharged CWA HS
                                                                                     Number of       Number w/
               CWA HS                     CAS No.           Chemical class          discharges        impacts
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)....       1336-36-3  Organic...................           1,322              21
Sulfuric Acid (>80%)................       7664-93-9  Acid......................             185              14
Sodium Hydroxide....................       1310-73-2  Base......................             147               4
Ammonia.............................       7664-41-7  Weak Base.................             112              18
Benzene.............................         71-43-2  Organic...................              91               8
Hydrochloric Acid...................       7647-01-0  Acid......................              91               9
Chlorine (liquid/solid).............       7782-50-5  Base......................              81              13
Sodium Hypochlorite.................       7681-52-9  Base......................              81               1
Toluene.............................        108-88-3  Organic...................              38               1
Phosphoric Acid.....................       7664-38-2  Acid......................              34               0
Styrene.............................        100-42-5  Organic...................              21               1
Nitric Acid (fuming)................       7697-37-2  Acid......................              19               4
Potassium Hydroxide.................       1310-58-3  Base......................              18               0
    Total...........................  ..............  ..........................           2,240              94

[[Page 29503]]

    These 13 CWA HS make up 90 percent of all identified CWA HS 
discharges to water from non-transportation-related facilities and 80 
percent of the 117 identified CWA HS discharges with reported impacts.
3. NRC Data Limitations
a. Discharge History Limitations
    The Agency looked to the NRC database as the best readily available 
source of information on CWA HS discharges in the United States. 
However, EPA recognizes its limitations. The NRC database is based on 
notifications of CWA HS discharges, and thus is dependent on the 
reporting individuals for comprehensiveness and accuracy of the 
information provided.
    NRC reports are generally received immediately following an 
incident, often before a facility has accurate and complete information 
about the discharge. There is no requirement to update the information 
reported to the NRC; sometimes, the information available in the 
database includes inaccuracies regarding, among others, the substance 
reported, the quantity reported, the source, and the nature or impacts 
of the discharge. Further, some discharges may not be reported to the 
NRC, or the NRC may be notified of discharges that do not equal or 
exceed the reportable quantity. EPA has no information to assess or 
characterize the uncertainty associated with information reported to 
the NRC, the extent of under-reporting (failure to report a discharge), 
or the extent of over-reporting (discharges reported that are not 
subject to notification requirements).
    Furthermore, the analysis conducted focused on those discharges 
that impacted water, but no additional determination was conducted to 
determine if the waters impacted were jurisdictional.\13\

    \13\ Jurisdictional waters include navigable waters of the 
United States or adjoining shorelines, or the waters of the 
contiguous zone or in connection with activities under the Outer 
Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) or the 
Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (33 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), or which may 
affect natural resources belonging to, appertaining to, or under the 
exclusive management authority of the United States (including 
resources under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).

b. Discharge Impact Limitations
    There may be additional impacts (i.e., beyond evacuations, 
injuries, hospitalizations, fatalities, waterway closures, and water 
supply contamination) from the universe of CWA HS discharges to water 
from non-transportation-related facilities, which were not required to 
be reported to the NRC and, thus, could not be quantified in this 
analysis. These may include the loss of productivity due to a facility 
or process unit shutting down as a result of a discharge, emergency 
response and restoration costs, transaction costs such as the cost of 
resulting litigation, damages to water quality, fish kills, or impacts 
to property values due to changes in perceived risk or reduced 
ecological services. EPA was not able to identify sources of data to 
quantify these impacts, other than the cited data from NRC or NTSIP and 
some limited information about fish kills that is made publicly 
available by a few states. The NRC and NTSIP data are discussed and 
analyzed in the RIA. The information EPA identified on fish kills is 
included in the docket.
c. Additional Efforts To Gather Data
    EPA's initial data gathering efforts for this proposed action 
focused on assessing the scope of historical CWA HS discharges and 
identifying relevant industry practices and regulatory requirements 
related to preventing CWA HS discharges. EPA began to develop an 
information collection request (ICR) with a voluntary survey intended 
for facilities with CWA HS. EPA intended to collect information on 
current prevention practices and other facility-specific information 
that would inform the selection of prevention program elements for a 
proposed rule (e.g., storage capacity, types of storage equipment). 
However, EPA revised the focus of the survey after recognizing 
uncertainties in the estimate of the universe of potentially-subject 
facilities and the impacts associated with the 10-year CWA HS discharge 
    EPA intends to collect information from states to refine:
     The estimate of the universe of potentially-regulated 
facilities, and
     The analysis of CWA HS discharges in the 10-year period 
    EPA provided notice on September 21, 2017 (82 FR 44179) of plans to 
submit an ICR to the OMB for review and approval of a voluntary survey 
intended for U.S. states, tribes, and territories. On April 10, 2018 
(83 FR 15387) EPA provided notice that the ICR has been submitted to 
OMB for review and provided an additional 30-day public comment period.
    EPA anticipates using any relevant information obtained through 
survey responses to further inform development of a regulatory action. 
If new information is received that informs the rulemaking, EPA will 
publish a notice to allow an opportunity for public review and comment 
of the information, as appropriate.

B. Analysis of Existing Regulatory Programs

1. Program Elements
    The Agency assessed current discharge prevention practices and 
technologies based on a review of existing EPA and other Federal 
regulatory programs.\14\ To further inform this analysis, EPA also 
reviewed state regulatory programs and industry standards, which are 
sometimes incorporated into state or Federal regulations as 
requirements. The purpose of this regulatory review was to identify 
common discharge and accident prevention, control and mitigation 
provisions that would serve to prevent, contain, or mitigate CWA HS 
discharges. EPA also analyzed past CWA HS discharges to determine what 
program elements could prevent or minimize impacts from these types of 
discharges in the future. Finally, EPA considered stakeholder input 
from the 2016 public meetings when identifying program elements (e.g., 
secondary containment and inspections, and downstream water 
notifications). See section II.E for a description of the early 
stakeholder input opportunities for this action.

    \14\ Indiana's Department of Environmental Management took a 
similar approach when developing a report of aboveground storage 
tank rules and regulations. See IDEM's Report of Aboveground Storage 
Tank Rules and Regulations Pursuant to SEA 312; November 2015. 

    EPA identified a framework of discharge prevention, containment, 
and mitigation provisions, or program elements, commonly found in 
discharge and accident prevention regulatory programs. These program 
elements are listed in Table 3 and discussed below and in the 
Background Information Document (BID).\15\

    \15\ The analysis did not include administrative provisions, 
such as recordkeeping, which would normally be included in a 
regulatory program.

[[Page 29504]]

           Table 3--Program Elements and Associated Provisions
         Program elements            Sample owner/operators requirements
Prevention Provisions:
    Safety Information............  Maintain and review Safety Data
                                     Sheets (SDS).
    Hazard Review.................  Review materials and operations at a
                                     facility, identify potential CWA HS
                                     discharge scenarios, and address
                                     them. Examples of resulting hazard
                                     mitigation measures could include
                                     storage container compatibility,
                                     engineering controls (e.g.,
                                     uninterrupted power source) to
                                     address expected weather events,
                                     overfill prevention, explosion-
                                     proof requirements, and facility
                                     security measures.
    Mechanical Integrity..........  Conduct preventive maintenance
                                     inspections, including process
                                     equipment and process control
                                     equipment, and implement
                                     appropriate corrective actions
                                     within specified timeframes.
    Personnel Training............  Conduct initial and periodic
                                     personnel training for employees
                                     and contractors on proper facility
                                     operations, including any discharge
                                     prevention, mitigation, and
                                     response practices.
    Incident Investigations.......  Investigate CWA HS discharge causes,
                                     identify ways to prevent
                                     recurrence, document findings, and
                                     implement appropriate corrective
    Compliance Audits.............  Review and document compliance with
                                     regulatory requirements. This could
                                     be an in-house or third-party
Containment Provisions:
    Secondary Containment.........  Install and maintain secondary
                                     containment or diversionary
                                     structures to prevent a CWA HS
                                     discharge from reaching a waterway.
                                     Requirements could include
                                     specifications for size
                                     requirements, freeboard for
                                     precipitation, and imperviousness.
Mitigation Provisions:
    Emergency Response Plan.......  Develop an emergency response plan
                                     that includes information and
                                     procedures needed in the event of a
                                     discharge to mitigate the impacts
                                     of the discharge, ensure the safety
                                     of responders and facility
                                     personnel, and to notify potential
    Coordination with State and     Coordinate with state and local
     Local Responders.               responders on response and
                                     notification procedures prior to a
                                     CWA HS discharge.

    A summary of the program elements is included below.
a. Safety Information
    As part of prevention planning, owners/operators should maintain 
and review safety information about the chemicals they handle and the 
equipment involved in their operations. Knowledge and understanding of 
this information could serve to maintain overall safe operations, 
reducing the potential for CWA HS discharges. Chemical safety 
information, for example, would be useful when conducting a hazards 
review, developing a mechanical integrity program, or developing 
training materials for equipment operators.
    Examples of safety information include SDS, as well as 
manufacturers' specifications for operating equipment. A safety 
information program element ensures that facility personnel have 
information to help them understand the safety-related aspects of their 
materials, equipment, and processes; and recognize the limits that are 
placed on their operations.
b. Hazard Review
    The hazard review process is intended to identify potential 
chemical or operational hazards present in a process. The task of 
identifying potential hazards could inform changes in operations that 
would prevent CWA HS discharges. A hazard review could provide 
information key to the proper design, construction, and operation of 
facility equipment/systems (e.g., identifying a risk of corrosion that 
can be mitigated by ensuring compatibility of the container with the 
stored material) or choosing engineering controls (e.g., identifying a 
risk of overfilling may lead to installing alarms or an automatic 
shutoff mechanism, installing an uninterrupted power supply in case of 
loss of power). Hazard review program provisions could be designed to 
focus facilities on identifying process hazards that may cause a 
discharge in order to control or prevent these discharges.
c. Mechanical Integrity Program
    Process equipment widely varies and may include, for example, 
containers, piping, valves, pumps, loading racks, reactors, control 
systems, vents or relief devices, wastewater treatment systems, or 
other equipment that could be potential sources of CWA HS discharges. 
Facilities develop and implement mechanical integrity programs to 
ensure proper equipment operation and maintenance, which not only serve 
to prevent CWA HS discharges, but can also ensure operational 
reliability and safe operation at a facility.
    Mechanical integrity provisions may include procedures for 
inspections (e.g., inspect pressure relief valves, gasket and seal 
integrity), testing, and appropriate corrective action by qualified 
personnel to prevent equipment failures before they cause a discharge. 
Specific to the prevention of CWA HS discharges, mechanical integrity 
provisions may, for example, serve to avoid equipment leaks and 
container failures. Failure of operational equipment (e.g., pumps or 
tanks) or instrumentation (e.g., overfill alarms) can weaken active 
prevention measures and result in CWA HS discharges.
d. Personnel Training
    Training programs for employees and/or contractors help ensure they 
are aware of proper and/or safe operating procedures, chemical hazards, 
discharge prevention and containment measures, and response procedures. 
A training program aims to reduce operator errors that could lead to 
CWA HS discharges and educate operators on the proper implementation of 
discharge prevention measures.
    Personnel training can also strengthen the implementation of other 
program elements, such as hazard review or mechanical integrity, by 
helping employees understand operational procedures established by 
those program elements. Training programs may include specific 
prevention and response procedures, which have been developed to 
prevent, contain, and mitigate CWA HS discharges; or include more 
general provisions for the safe and proper operation of equipment to 
prevent accidents due to operator error.
e. Incident Investigations
    Incident investigations examine the causes of a discharge after it 
has occurred. Lessons learned from incident investigations can then be 
applied to inform future prevention activities, and may result in 
improvements to

[[Page 29505]]

operational methods, process design, or preventative maintenance 
procedures with the goal of preventing future CWA HS discharges. 
Incident investigation requirements may include conducting the 
investigation, documenting the findings, developing procedures to 
address the findings, and sharing the results with relevant employees.
    Incident investigation provisions applicable to CWA HS discharges 
may serve to document findings of a discharge and implement appropriate 
corrective actions aimed at preventing future discharges. For example, 
depending on the identified cause of a CWA HS discharge, one-time 
corrective actions could be implemented (e.g., installing an 
engineering control), or a programmatic or management approach could be 
implemented through another program element (e.g., changes to a 
preventive maintenance inspection schedule under the mechanical 
integrity program, or changes to employee training materials).
f. Compliance Audits
    Compliance audits serve as a mechanism to evaluate and measure a 
facility's compliance with regulatory requirements. An audit reviews a 
facility's operations and practices to determine whether or not 
applicable regulatory requirements are being met. Compliance audits 
identify deficiencies and opportunities for improvement, and may be 
accomplished by in-house personnel or by an outside third party. A 
compliance audit could be accomplished by a Professional Engineer or 
other person with liability/professional standards and knowledge of the 
specific processes and applicable regulations.
    A compliance audit provision could provide facility management with 
a mechanism for oversight of implementation of CWA HS discharge 
prevention practices, and could include reports documenting the audit 
and follow-up actions.
g. Secondary Containment
    When properly designed and maintained, secondary containment 
systems can prevent discharges to jurisdictional waters. Secondary 
containment provisions could include dikes, berms, diversionary 
structures, sumps, spill kits, or other means of preventing discharges 
of CWA HS into jurisdictional waters. Secondary containment systems 
provide a second line of defense in the event of a failure of the 
primary containment, such as bulk storage containers, plant equipment, 
portable containers, or piping. Secondary containment design 
considerations may include passive or active measures, appropriate 
volumes, impermeability of containment structures, and freeboard for 
    Secondary containment provisions for CWA HS equipment could 
require, for example, specific sizing requirements for a worst-case 
discharge (e.g., construction of secondary containment sized to contain 
a CWA HS discharge from the largest container) or a typical discharge 
incident (based on a most-likely scenario); design specifications to 
address impervious construction; maintenance provisions, including 
inspections to ensure the designed capacity is maintained (e.g., by 
removing rainwater or other debris); and corrective actions to ensure 
that inspection results are addressed.
h. Emergency Response Plan
    Emergency response plans describe immediate response actions to be 
taken after a CWA HS discharge in order to mitigate the impacts of the 
discharge, and may include key information that could be quickly 
accessed when needed. These plans identify not only the steps to be 
taken by facility personnel to mitigate the severity and environmental 
impacts of a discharge, to make appropriate notifications to local, 
state and Federal authorities, and also typically includes safety 
information to protect employees and emergency responders. Including an 
emergency response plan as part of a prevention program is 
complementary, since it requires facility owners/operators to 
proactively (i.e., in advance of the discharge) gather information and 
develop immediate actions to be initiated quickly following a CWA HS 
discharge. Additional considerations for emergency response plans may 
include procedures for notifying potential receptors of the CWA HS 
discharge or requirements to have ready access to information about 
proper medical treatment for ingestion of CWA HS that impact drinking 
water supplies.
i. Coordinating Emergency Response Plan With State and/or Local 
    Coordination between facility personnel and state and/or local 
responders on the content of the facility's emergency response plan 
allows for an information exchange that can improve emergency 
responders' understanding of the potential hazards onsite and ensure an 
effective response following a discharge.
    For example, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) include 
representatives from the local community (including elected state and 
local officials; police, fire, civil defense, and public health 
professionals; facility representatives; and community group 
representatives). LEPCs develop an emergency response plan for the 
community, and provide information about chemicals in the community to 
citizens. Where there is no active LEPC, different entities such as 
fire departments, emergency management agencies, police departments, or 
public health agencies may be planning and/or assisting in an incident 
    Coordination with state and local responders prior to a CWA HS 
discharge could help mitigate the impacts of a CWA HS discharge (e.g., 
allow for a timely shutdown of downstream drinking water intakes). 
Provisions could require facility personnel to share their emergency 
response plans with the appropriate local or state entities that would 
respond in the event of a CWA HS discharge. This could include an LEPC, 
as well as other local authorities in charge of coordinating source 
water protection for public drinking water systems or for other 
2. Existing Regulatory Requirements
    EPA analyzed the Federal programs and corresponding regulations 
identified in Table 4, focusing on these program elements, to better 
understand the existing regulatory requirements, practices, and 
technologies currently used at facilities to prevent CWA HS discharges. 
These regulatory programs were selected because they include discharge 
or accident prevention requirements and were identified as regulating 
at least some CWA HS; or regulating at least some facilities that 
produce, store, or use CWA HS. For example, the SPCC rule in 40 CFR 
part 112 was reviewed because more than 50 percent of the 2,491 
identified CWA HS discharges in the NRC data were discharges of PCBs, 
reported as present in transformer oil. Storage and handling of 
transformer oil is subject to the SPCC rule when a facility meets the 
applicability criteria of 40 CFR part 112.

[[Page 29506]]

    Table 4--Reviewed Federal Programs and Corresponding Regulations
                                                        Code of Federal
  Federal programs/regulations        Authorizing         Regulations
                                        statute            citation
NPDES Multi-Sector General        CWA...............  40 CFR part 122.
 Permit (MSGP) for Industrial
 Stormwater (2015).
RMP Rule........................  Clean Air Act       40 CFR part 68.
SPCC Rule.......................  CWA...............  40 CFR part 112.
     Pesticide            Federal             40 CFR part 165,
     Management and Disposal.      Insecticide,        40 CFR part 170.
     Worker Protection     Fungicide, and
     Standard..                    Rodenticide Act.
     For Generators of    Resource            40 CFR part 262;
     Hazardous Waste.              Conservation and    40 CFR parts 264
     For Hazardous Waste   Recovery Act        and 265.
     Treatment, Storage, and       (RCRA).
     Disposal Facilities.
Requirements for Underground      RCRA..............  40 CFR part 280.
 Storage Tanks (USTs).
     Emergency Planning   Emergency Planning  40 CFR part 355;
     and Notification.             and Community       40 CFR part 370.
     Hazardous Chemical    Right-to-Know Act
     Reporting.                    (EPCRA).
Pulp, Paper, and Paper Board      CWA, CAA..........  40 CFR part 430.
 Effluent Guidelines.
          Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
     Process Safety       Occupational        29 CFR part 1910.
     Management (PSM).             Safety and Health
     Hazardous Waste       Act.
     Operations and Emergency
     Response (HAZWOPER)..
     Communication Standard
     Emergency Action
     Plans (EAPs).
              Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
MSHA Regulations................  Federal Mine        30 CFR parts 46-
                                   Safety and Health   48, 50, 56-57.
                                   Act (Mine Act).
                  Department of Transportation Programs
Pipeline Hazardous Materials      Hazardous           49 CFR parts 171-
 Safety Administration (PHMSA)     Materials           185.
 Regulations.                      Transportation
                                   Act (HMTA).
     Department of Interior/Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and
                           Enforcement (OSMRE)
Surface Mining Control and        SMCRA.............  30 CFR parts 700-
 Reclamation Act (SMCRA)                               999.

a. NPDES MSGP for Industrial Stormwater (2015)
    The CWA NPDES Permit Program, authorized by the CWA, controls water 
pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into 
waters of the United States. An NPDES permit establishes limits on what 
can be discharged, monitoring and reporting requirements, and other 
provisions to protect water quality. In essence, the permit translates 
general requirements of the CWA into specific provisions tailored to 
the operations of the facility discharging pollutants. Regulations at 
40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i)-(xi) require stormwater discharges associated 
with specific categories of industrial activity to be covered by NPDES 
permits, unless otherwise excluded. An NPDES general permit may be 
written to establish requirements that apply to eligible facilities 
with similar operations and types of discharges that obtain 
authorization to discharge under the general permit. Many states are 
currently authorized to issue NPDES permits for industrial stormwater.
    This review focused on the provisions in one industrial stormwater 
general permit, the Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater 
Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, issued by EPA in 
2015.\16\ The MSGP is a general permit that is available to facilities 
that do not discharge to a state with NPDES permitting authority. 
Because many states model their industrial stormwater permits after 
EPA's permit, it was used to identify prevention requirements likely to 
be present in NPDES industrial stormwater permits issued by states.

    \16\ EPA focused on stormwater permits for this review because 
the requirements apply where stormwater from an industrial property 
has the potential to discharge to a waterway. The MSGP's 
requirements apply to all pollutants present in the regulated 
stormwater discharge, including all toxic pollutants, conventional 
pollutants, and non-conventional pollutants. As such, the MSGP 
controls what this notice refers to as CWA HS. Further, the MSGP 
permit is representative of stormwater permits in general.

    NPDES stormwater permits for industrial activity contain effluent 
limits that correspond to required levels of technology-based and water 
quality-based controls for discharges (CWA 402(p)(3)(A)). In the MSGP, 
most of the effluent limits are expressed as non-numeric pollution 
prevention or best management practice (BMP) requirements for 
minimizing the pollutant levels in the discharge (40 CFR 122.44(k)). To 
identify existing requirements relevant to preventing CWA HS 
discharges, EPA focused on non-numeric effluent limitations in Section 
2 of the permit, including good housekeeping and maintenance 
requirements, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan requirements in 
Section 5 of the MSGP.
    The 2015 MSGP for Industrial Stormwater includes discharge

[[Page 29507]]

prevention and response measures to minimize stormwater contamination 
(see part of the MSGP). These requirements include plainly 
labeling containers susceptible to spillage or leakage to encourage 
proper handling and facilitate rapid response if spills or leaks occur; 
and implementing procedures for material storage and handling, 
including the use of secondary containment and barriers between 
material storage and traffic areas, or a similarly effective means 
designed to prevent the discharge of pollutants from these areas.
    Applicability criteria. The industrial sectors and activities 
covered by the MSGP are listed in Appendix D of the permit, while 
another version of that list of industries is included in Appendix N. 
The permit is meant to control and minimize pollutants in stormwater 
discharges associated with specific categories of industrial 
activities. This permit is available only to facilities that meet the 
eligibility criteria described in the MSGP where EPA is the permitting 
authority. Regulated facilities under the jurisdiction of authorized 
states are expected to be subject to similar provisions in a state-
issued NPDES permit.
    The term ``pollutant'' is defined at 40 CFR 122.2 as ``dredged 
spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, 
garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological 
materials, radioactive materials [except those regulated under the 
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)], heat, 
wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, 
municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water.'' The 
definition of pollutant is considered to include all CWA HS.
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. The permit's 
requirements apply to discharges of stormwater from activities and 
areas at a regulated industrial plant, including industrial processes 
and activities such as material handling, material storage, and 
equipment maintenance and cleaning.
b. RMP Rule (40 CFR Part 68)
    The Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions, also known as the RMP 
Rule, require facilities that use certain listed, regulated substances 
to develop and implement a RMP. The RMP Rule is authorized by the Clean 
Air Act (CAA). Regulated facilities are also required to develop an 
RMP, which must identify the potential effects of a chemical accident, 
identify steps the facility is taking to prevent an accident, and spell 
out emergency response procedures should an accident occur. Regulated 
facilities must submit a single RMP for all covered processes at the 
facility; these plans must be revised and resubmitted every five years.
    Applicability criteria. The RMP requirements apply to facilities 
(stationary sources) that manufacture, use, store, or otherwise handle 
more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a process. 
The RMP Rule provides a List of Regulated Substances under section 
112(r) of the CAA. The 140 RMP-regulated substances, and their 
threshold quantities, are listed at 40 CFR 68.130. The list includes 77 
acutely toxic chemicals that can cause serious health effects or death 
from short-term exposures, as well as 63 flammable gases and highly 
volatile flammable liquids that have the potential to form vapor clouds 
and explode or burn if released. RMP-regulated substances include some 
CWA HS. The rule defines three program levels based on the processes' 
relative potential for public impacts and the level of effort needed to 
prevent accidents. For each program level, the rule defines 
requirements that reflect the level of risk and effort associated with 
the processes at that level. As a result, different facilities covered 
by the regulation may have different requirements depending on their 
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. The RMP 
requirements apply to facilities that have more than a threshold 
quantity of a regulated substance in a process. Therefore, the 
requirements in the rule apply to processes. A process means any 
activity involving a regulated substance including any use, storage, 
manufacturing, handling, or onsite movement of such substances, or 
combination of these activities. For example, 40 CFR 68.25 requires 
that, for each process at the stationary source, the facility owner/
operator analyze and report worst-case release scenarios.
c. SPCC Rule (40 CFR Part 112)
    The portion of the Oil Pollution Prevention regulation known as the 
SPCC Rule, authorized by the CWA, is designed to protect public health, 
public welfare, and the environment from potential harmful effects of 
oil discharges to navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. The SPCC 
Rule requires certain facilities that could reasonably be expected to 
discharge oil in quantities that may be harmful into jurisdictional 
waters or adjoining shorelines to develop and implement SPCC Plans. 
Subparts A through C of 40 CFR part 112 are often referred to as the 
SPCC Rule. The SPCC Plan includes several elements to prevent oil 
spills, including a facility diagram, oil discharge predictions, 
secondary containment or diversionary structures, overfill prevention, 
requirements for inspections, transfer procedures, personnel training, 
and a five-year plan review.
    Applicability criteria. The SPCC Rule applies to any owner or 
operator of a non-transportation-related onshore or offshore facility 
engaged in drilling, producing, gathering, storing, processing, 
refining, transferring, distributing, using, or consuming oil and oil 
products, which, due to its location, could reasonably be expected to 
discharge oil in quantities that may be harmful. The rule applies to 
facilities with an aboveground storage capacity of more than 1,320 
gallons of oil (except farms \17\), or a completely buried storage 
capacity of more than 42,000 gallons of oil. The rule has a number of 
exemptions, such as an exemption for containers used for wastewater 

    \17\ Farms are exempt under two circumstances: (1) If the farm 
has less than 6,000 gallons of aboveground storage and no reportable 
oil discharge history; or (2) has 2,500 gallons or less of 
aboveground storage, regardless of reportable oil discharge history.

    While the SPCC Rule applies only to oil, it regulates oil mixed 
with other substances, including a CWA HS. The definition of oil can be 
found in 40 CFR 112.2: ``Oil means oil of any kind or in any form, 
including, but not limited to: Fats, oils, or greases of animal, fish, 
or marine mammal origin; vegetable oils, including oils from seeds, 
nuts, fruits, or kernels; and, other oils and greases, including 
petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, synthetic oils, mineral oils, oil refuse, 
or oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil.''
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. Some SPCC 
requirements apply facility-wide and some apply to specific equipment. 
For example, 40 CFR 112.7(f) requires that all oil-handling personnel 
must be trained in the operation and maintenance of equipment to 
prevent discharges; discharge procedure protocols; applicable pollution 
control laws, rules, and regulations; general facility operations; and 
the contents of the facility SPCC Plan. Alternatively, the integrity 
testing and inspection provisions found at 40 CFR 112.8(c)(6) apply to 
bulk storage containers.

[[Page 29508]]

d. Pesticide Management Regulation (Pesticide Management and Disposal, 
40 CFR Part 165)
    The Pesticide Management and Disposal regulation establishes 
standards for pesticide containers and repackaging as well as label 
instructions to ensure the safe use, reuse, disposal, and adequate 
cleaning of the containers. Pesticide registrants and refillers (who 
are often distributors or retailers) must comply with the regulations, 
and pesticide users must follow the label instructions for cleaning and 
handling empty containers. Specifically, the Pesticide Management 
Regulation at part 165 establishes standards and requirements for 
pesticide containers, repackaging pesticides, and pesticide containment 
structures (Sec.  165.1). Twenty-one states implement pesticide 
containment regulations in lieu of federal containment regulations in 
40 CFR part 165.
    Applicability criteria. The requirements apply to chemicals that 
meet the definition of pesticide. One hundred and nine designated CWA 
HS may be used as pesticides subject to the 40 CFR part 165 FIFRA 
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. Most 
requirements in 40 CFR part 165 apply to containers and pesticide 
manufacturers are responsible for meeting these requirements. For 
example, 40 CFR 165.25(a) and 165.45(a) require pesticide containers to 
meet certain DOT packaging requirements even if the pesticide is not a 
DOT hazardous material. Similarly, Sec.  165.65(e) requires visual 
inspection of a refillable container before repackaging a pesticide 
product into it, to determine whether the container meets the necessary 
criteria with respect to continued container integrity, required 
markings, and openings.
    The regulation also includes requirements that apply to the area 
where stationary containers are stored and/or pesticide dispensing 
areas. For example, 40 CFR 165.85 provides design and capacity 
requirements for secondary containment structures at these areas. The 
requirements at Sec.  165.90(a)(1) further state that containment 
structures must be managed in a manner that prevents pesticides or 
materials containing pesticides from escaping from the containment 
e. Pesticide Worker Protection Standard (Pesticide Agricultural Work 
Protection Standard, 40 CFR Part 170)
    FIFRA regulates worker safety through Workplace Protection 
Standards in 40 CFR part 170. Farms, forests, nurseries, and 
greenhouses that handle pesticides used to produce agricultural plant 
crops must adopt workplace practices designed to reduce or eliminate 
exposure to pesticides, and must follow procedures for responding to 
exposure-related emergencies.
    Applicability criteria. The requirements apply to chemicals that 
meet the definition of pesticide. One hundred and nine designated CWA 
HS may be used as pesticides subject to the 40 CFR part 165 FIFRA 
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. The Worker 
Protection Standard requirements in 40 CFR part 170 apply to employers 
of pesticide workers and handlers. For example, 40 CFR 170.501 requires 
employers to provide training to all pesticide handlers (who mix, load, 
and apply agricultural pesticides) every 12 months.
f. RCRA Generators Regulation (Standards Applicable to Generators of 
Hazardous Waste, 40 CFR Part 262)
    This RCRA Rule establishes cradle-to-grave hazardous waste 
management standards for generators of hazardous waste as defined by 
Sec.  260.10. These generator regulations ensure that hazardous waste 
is appropriately identified and handled in a manner that protects human 
health and the environment, while minimizing interference with daily 
business operations.
    The rule sets forth a process for generators of solid waste to 
determine if their wastes are hazardous, and for generator category 
determination (based on the amount of hazardous waste generated each 
month). It provides manifest requirements, pre-transport (e.g., 
packaging, labeling) requirements, and recordkeeping and reporting 
requirements for both small and large quantity generators. Some 
generators are also subject to preparedness, prevention, and emergency 
response requirements.
    Applicability criteria. The RCRA Generators Regulation applies to 
generators of hazardous waste. Hazardous wastes, defined in Sec.  
261.3, may include specifically ``listed'' hazardous wastes, or 
``characteristic'' hazardous wastes evaluated based on four criteria 
(ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity). Some listed 
hazardous wastes are CWA HS (e.g., toluene), and some CWA HS would meet 
criteria for characteristic hazardous wastes at certain concentrations 
if the CWA HS were present as waste. RCRA regulations apply only to 
waste materials (as opposed to raw materials or intermediate products). 
This rule establishes different requirements for very small, small, and 
large quantity generators of hazardous waste.
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. Some 
provisions apply to facility areas. For example, 40 CFR 262.252 
requires that all subject areas must be equipped with an internal 
communications or alarm system, a device to summon emergency 
assistance, portable fire extinguishers and other fire/spill control 
equipment, and adequate volumes of water or foam-producing equipment. 
Other provisions apply to packages. For example, Sec.  262.31 requires 
that the generator must label each package of hazardous waste in 
accordance with the applicable DOT regulations on hazardous materials 
(49 CFR part 172).
g. RCRA TSD Regulations (Standards for Owners and Operators of 
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities, 40 CFR 
Parts 264 and 265)
    The purpose of the RCRA Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities 
(TSDF) Standards is to establish minimum national standards for the 
acceptable management of hazardous waste.
    Part 264 applies to permitted TSDFs, while part 265 applies to 
interim status facilities. Both parts 264 and 265 provide general 
facility and unit-specific operating requirements to assure that a 
facility is operated in a manner that is protective of human health and 
the environment.
    Applicability criteria. The standards apply to owners and operators 
of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. 
Hazardous waste is defined in Sec.  261.3. Hazardous wastes may include 
specifically ``listed'' hazardous wastes; or ``characteristic'' 
hazardous wastes, which are identified as hazardous based on four 
criteria (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity.) Some 
listed hazardous wastes are CWA HS (e.g., toluene); and some CWA HS 
would meet criteria for characteristic hazardous wastes at certain 
concentrations, if the CWA HS were being discarded and thus a waste. A 
facility includes all contiguous land, structures, and appurtenances on 
or in the land used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous 
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. The standards 
in 40 CFR parts 264 and 265 include facility-wide requirements, such as 
good housekeeping provisions, as well as unit-specific design and 
operating criteria. A single facility may consist of several types of 
operational units (e.g., containers, tank systems, surface 
impoundments, waste piles, landfills,

[[Page 29509]]

incinerators). The unit-specific technical requirements are designed to 
prevent the release of hazardous waste into the environment. For 
example, Sec.  264.184 includes container-specific requirements 
governing design and operating requirements for storage area 
containment systems.
h. UST Rule (Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for 
Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks, 40 CFR Part 280)
    UST regulations, authorized by RCRA, are intended to reduce the 
chance of releases from USTs, detect leaks and spills when they do 
occur, and secure a prompt cleanup. The regulations require owners and 
operators to properly install UST systems and protect their USTs from 
spills, overfills, and corrosion; they also require correct filling 
practices to be followed. In addition, owners and operators must report 
new UST systems, suspected releases, and UST system closures; and they 
must keep records of operation and maintenance.
    Applicability criteria. These requirements are specific to UST 
systems greater than 110 gallons in capacity that store either 
petroleum or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and 
Liability Act (CERCLA) hazardous substances. All designated CWA HS are 
also defined as CERCLA hazardous substances. Specific parts of the 
regulation (e.g., Sec.  280.42) apply to hazardous substance UST 
systems and petroleum UST systems, both defined in 40 CFR 280.12.
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. Some 
requirements apply to equipment. For example, the compatibility 
requirements at 40 CFR 280.32 state that UST systems must be made of or 
lined with materials that are compatible with the substance stored in 
the UST system. Other requirements apply to areas or processes. For 
example, areas directly surrounding the tanks are protected by 
requirements such as the spill and overfill control measures in Sec.  
280.30, which calls for the constant monitoring of transfer operations.
i. EPCRA Planning Rule (Emergency Planning and Notification, 40 CFR 
Part 355)
    The EPCRA planning rule requires regulated facilities to provide 
information necessary for developing and implementing state and local 
emergency response plans. It also requires emergency notification in 
the event of a release of a regulated chemical. The facility owner/
operator must designate a facility representative who will participate 
in the local emergency planning process as a facility emergency 
response coordinator, and provide notice to the LEPC (Sec.  355.20(b)).
    Applicability criteria. The emergency planning requirements in 40 
CFR part 355 apply to facilities with an extremely EHS onsite in 
amounts equal to or greater than its designated threshold planning 
quantity (TPQ). EHS is defined in Appendices A and B of 40 CFR part 
355. EHS include 65 substances, all of which are also designated as CWA 
    The emergency release notification requirements in 40 CFR part 355 
apply to facilities that produce, use, or store a hazardous chemical, 
and that also release a reportable quantity of either an EHS or a 
CERCLA hazardous substance as defined by CERCLA. All CWA HS are defined 
as CERCLA hazardous substances.
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. These 
requirements apply to an entire facility.
j. EPCRA Reporting Rule (Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Community Right 
to Know, 40 CFR Part 370)
    The EPCRA reporting rule establishes reporting requirements for 
facilities to provide state and local officials with information on 
hazardous chemicals present at the facility. The information submitted 
by the facilities must also be made available to the public.
    Applicability criteria. This rule applies to facilities that are 
required by the OSHA HazCom regulation to have an SDS available, and 
handle or store hazardous chemicals in quantities that equal or exceed 
the following thresholds:
     For EHS, either 500 pounds or the TPQ, whichever is lower. 
EHS is defined in Appendices A and B of 40 CFR part 355.
     For all other hazardous chemicals, 10,000 pounds. A 
hazardous chemical is defined by OSHA HazCom at 29 CFR 1910.1200(c) and 
Sec.  1910.1200(c) defines chemical. This definition includes all CWA 
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. The hazardous 
chemical reporting requirements in 40 CFR part 370 apply to individual 
chemicals rather than process equipment. For example, regulated 
facilities must submit an SDS for the subject chemicals to the LEPC, 
the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), and the local fire 
department as described in Sec. Sec.  370.30 to 370.33.
k. Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines (Pulp, Paper and Paperboard 
Effluent Guidelines, 40 CFR Part 430)
    The requirements at 40 CFR part 430 were promulgated as part of the 
``Cluster Rule'' for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Industry; are 
authorized by the CWA and CAA; and establish requirements under 
multiple statutes for multiple environmental media. The Cluster Rule 
was included in EPA's review of existing requirements because it 
includes BMPs for spent pulping liquor, soap, and turpentine in Sec.  
430.03, which includes spill prevention and control measures and the 
requirement to develop a BMP Plan.
    Applicability criteria. These requirements apply to any pulp, 
paper, or paperboard mill that discharges or may discharge process 
wastewater pollutants to the waters of the United States; or that 
introduces or may introduce process wastewater pollutants into a 
publicly owned treatment works.
    The relevant BMPs apply specifically to direct and indirect 
discharging pulp, paper, and paperboard mills with pulp production in 
Subparts B and E of part 430 in order to prevent spills and leaks of 
spent pulping liquor, soap, and turpentine. Subparts B (Bleached 
Papergrade Kraft and Soda) and E (Papergrade Sulfite) define effluent 
limitations for a limited number of CWA HS.
    Equipment or operations at which requirements apply. The 
requirements apply to pieces of equipment and process areas. For 
example, 40 CFR 430.03(c)(2)(i) requires regular visual inspections of 
process areas with equipment items in spent pulping liquor service. As 
another example, under 40 CFR 430.03(c)(4), the mill must establish a 
program of initial and refresher training of operators, maintenance 
personnel, and other technical and supervisory personnel who have 
responsibility for operating, maintaining, or supervising the operation 
and maintenance of equipment items in spent pulping liquor, soap, and 
turpentine service.
l. Other Federal Programs
    Although the analysis of existing EPA regulations is the basis for 
this proposal, EPA reviewed other Federal regulations with prevention 
requirements that may be applicable to CWA HS. For more information 
about these requirements, see Background Information Document: Review 
of Relevant Federal and State Regulations; Docket ID #: EPA-HQ-OLEM-

 OSHA Regulations
    [cir] Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), 29

[[Page 29510]]

CFR 1910.38
    [cir] Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals 
(PSM), 29 CFR 1910.119
    [cir] Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), 
29 CFR 1910.120
    [cir] HazCom, 29 CFR 1910.1200
 Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Regulations
    [cir] Training and Retraining of Miners Engaged in Shell Dredging 
or Employed at Sand, Gravel, Surface Stone, Surface Clay, Colloidal 
Phosphate, or Surface Limestone Mines (Training, Sand and Gravel 
Mines), 30 CFR part 46
    [cir] Hazard Communication (HazCom), 30 CFR part 47
    [cir] Training and Retraining of Miners (Training), 30 CFR part 48
    [cir] Notification, Investigation, Reports and Records of 
Accidents, Injuries, Illnesses, Employment, and Coal Production in 
Mines (Accident Notification), 30 CFR part 50
    [cir] Safety and Health Standards--Surface Metal and Nonmetal 
Mines, 30 CFR part 56
    [cir] Safety and Health Standards--Underground Metal and Nonmetal 
Mines, 30 CFR part 57
 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) 
Hazardous Materials Regulations, 49 CFR parts 171-185
 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) 
Regulations, 30 CFR parts 700-999
m. State Programs and Industry Standards
    EPA also identified state regulatory programs,\18\ which regulate 
the proper handling and storage of chemicals to prevent accidents and 
discharges, and industry standards that establish technology standards 
and recommend practices prudent for proper operation and maintenance. A 
review of these state programs and industry standards is presented in 
the BID.

    \18\ Fourteen states have regulatory programs; multiple programs 
in the same state are noted in parentheses: CA (3), DE, GA, IL, IN 
(2), ME, MA (2), MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, PA, and WV.

3. Regulatory Coverage of the Nine Program Elements
    EPA cross-referenced the regulatory requirements for the Federal 
programs in Table 4--Reviewed Federal Programs and Corresponding 
Regulations with the nine program elements in Table 3--Program Elements 
and Associated Provisions to identify existing regulatory programs that 
include discharge prevention, control, and mitigation provisions. The 
relevance of each EPA/Federal program and corresponding regulations to 
the cross-referenced program elements and their associated provisions 
is summarized in Table 5--Review of EPA and Other Federal Regulations 
for Program Elements, and is discussed in detail in the BID available 
in the docket for this proposal.\19\ For each regulatory program, this 
high-level analysis documents provisions related to each of the nine 
program elements identified.

    \19\ See Background Information Document: Review of Relevant 
Federal and State Regulations; Docket ID #: EPA-HQ-OLEM-2018-0024.

    The analysis indicates that, for all nine program elements, there 
are existing cumulative EPA regulatory requirements under various 
programs for accident and discharge prevention relevant to CWA HS. 
Similarly, existing cumulative requirements under Federal regulatory 
programs administered by other Federal agencies and departments (i.e., 
OSHA, MSHA, PHMSA, and OSMRE) reflect, under various accident and 
discharge prevention programs, all nine program elements. This 
information is summarized in detail in the BID. For example, Table 5--
Review of EPA and Other Federal Regulations for Program Elements shows 
that hazard review and emergency response planning provisions are the 
two most frequently addressed program elements; these were identified 
in seven of eight EPA regulations and in all of the other Federal 
programs reviewed.


[[Page 29511]]



    The analysis focused on those provisions within the existing EPA, 
and other Federal, regulatory framework that address to varying 
degrees, either

[[Page 29512]]

directly or indirectly, the identified program elements for CWA HS. The 
compliance auditing program element is addressed by one EPA regulatory 
program (RMP) and one other Federal regulation (the OSHA Process Safety 
Management standard). Mechanical integrity and personnel training are 
addressed by seven of eight EPA programs and by three of the other 
Federal programs reviewed. Secondary containment provisions are 
included in six of eight EPA regulations and three additional Federal 
programs reviewed. The remaining program elements (i.e., safety 
information; incident investigations; and coordination with state and 
local responders) are addressed by approximately half of the Federal 
regulations reviewed.
    The BID provides details on how each program element is addressed 
by both EPA regulations and other Federal programs. A summary of the 
EPA regulations, that serve as the basis for this proposal, is provided 
a. Safety Information
    Of the 11 EPA regulations reviewed, three programs include 
requirements to identify safety information for chemicals used or 
stored on-site--the Pesticide Worker Protection Standard, the RMP Rule 
and the EPCRA Reporting Rule.
    The Pesticide Worker Protection Standard requires agricultural 
establishments to display safety data sheets for the pesticides that 
have been applied on the establishment and to keep the SDSs in records 
for two years.
    The RMP Rule requires owners or operators to compile and maintain 
general safety information, including: An SDS, maximum intended 
inventory of equipment in which the regulated substances are stored or 
processed, and safe operation conditions. The RMP rule also requires 
owners to compile process safety information for regulated substances, 
such as toxicity information.
    The EPCRA Reporting Rule, which establishes Tier I and Tier II 
reporting requirements, requires regulated facilities to submit 
identifying information, either as an SDS or a list of hazardous 
substances grouped by specific hazards, for hazardous substances. In 
addition, an inventory of the chemicals for the preceding calendar year 
must be submitted to the facility's State Emergency Response Commission 
(SERC), LEPC, and local fire department.
b. Hazard Review
    Eight EPA regulations reviewed include requirements for facilities 
to conduct a hazard review or identify hazards:
     MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
     RMP Rule;
     SPCC Rule;
     Pesticide Management Regulation;
     RCRA Generators Regulation;
     RCRA TSD Regulations;
     UST Rule; and
     EPCRA Reporting Rule.
    The program element or sub-elements most commonly required by EPA 
programs are identification of engineering or administrative controls 
and/or a requirement for equipment/containers to be constructed in 
accordance with standards (six regulatory programs), requirement for 
compatibility of stored materials with tanks and equipment (five 
regulatory programs), and overfill prevention (six programs).
    A general hazard review and identification of process hazards is 
required by four EPA regulatory programs--the 2015 MSGP for Industrial 
Stormwater, RMP Rule, SPCC Rule and RCRA TSD Regulations. Four 
programs, the MSGP for Industrial Stormwater, SPCC Rule, RCRA TSD 
Regulations and EPCRA Reporting Rule, require description of process 
technology or equipment for risk identification. The 2015 MSGP for 
Industrial Stormwater requires permitted facilities to assess potential 
hazards, implement control measures to minimize discharge based on 
identified hazards, and compile a list of the industrial activities 
exposed to stormwater. The RMP Rule requires facilities, depending on 
applicability, to either develop a hazard review or a process hazard 
analysis. The SPCC Rule requires that regulated facilities develop 
spill prevention, control and countermeasure plans that include a 
review of equipment and processes with a reasonable potential for 
    Compatibility of stored materials with tanks and equipment is 
required by five EPA regulatory programs--Pesticides Management 
Regulation, the SPCC Rule, RCRA Generators Regulation, RCRA TSD 
Regulations, and the UST Rule. Most of the regulatory programs have a 
general requirement that tanks or equipment (or tank lining) must be 
compatible with the stored material. The Pesticides Management 
Regulation requires compatibility of containers and pesticides stored 
by referring to and requiring compliance with the DOT Hazardous 
Materials Packaging Regulations, and also requires that each stationary 
pesticide container and its appurtenances are resistant to extreme 
changes in temperature and constructed of materials that are adequately 
thick to not fail and that are resistant to corrosion, puncture, or 
cracking. This requirement is included because material incompatibility 
can result in corrosion, which implicitly requires pesticide storage 
facilities to incorporate hazard review in order to satisfy the 
    Six EPA regulatory programs have a broad requirement to identify 
engineering or administrative controls or that equipment or containers 
are to be constructed in accordance with industry codes or standards. 
Four specific types of engineering or administrative controls were 
reviewed: General engineering or administrative controls (e.g. 
temperature control), alarms, inventory management, and overfill 
prevention. The most commonly required engineering or administrative 
control is general controls. For example, the RCRA TSD Regulations at 
40 CFR part 264 requires that containers holding hazardous waste remain 
closed during storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove 
waste, which is a control to prevent discharges. The RCRA Generators 
Regulation requires large quantity generators to use inventory logs to 
monitor hazardous waste. The UST Rule requires that owners or operators 
monitor hazardous substance transfer between tanks to avoid overfilling 
or spills. These forms of engineering or administrative controls may 
prevent discharges.
c. Mechanical Integrity
    Eight regulations include requirements for facilities to maintain 
mechanical integrity of equipment critical for safe operation:
     MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
     RMP Rule;
     SPCC Rule;
     Pesticide Management Regulation;
     RCRA Generators Regulation;
     RCRA TSD Regulations;
     UST Rule; and
     Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines.
    Five of the reviewed EPA regulations (MSGP for Industrial 
Stormwater, RMP Rule, SPCC Rule, RCRA TSD Regulations, and Pulp and 
Paper Effluent Guidelines,) have a general mechanical integrity program 
element requirement, eight require inspections and testing, and seven 
require corrective action as a result of these inspections and tests. 
For example, the 2015 MSGP for Industrial Stormwater addresses a 
mechanical integrity program element and requires maintenance of non-
structural control measures (e.g., ensuring availability of spill 
response supplies, maintenance training). The SPCC Rule requires that 
facilities' SPCC

[[Page 29513]]

Plans include inspections and mechanical integrity.
    These regulations vary considerably in scope, such as inspection 
frequency. For example, the Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines require 
best management practices that involve daily inspection of equipment 
for leaks for the pulp and paper sector while the 2015 MSGP for 
Industrial Stormwater requirements emphasize preventative maintenance 
on equipment that could result in contamination of stormwater. The RMP 
Rule requires facilities to inspect equipment at a frequency 
recommended by the manufacturer or industry standards and also to keep 
records of inspections.
d. Personnel Training
    Of the 11 EPA regulations reviewed, eight include training 
requirements for employees or contractors that could serve to prevent 
CWA HS discharges:
     MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
     RMP Rule;
     SPCC Rule;
     Pesticide Worker Protection Standard;
     RCRA Generators Regulation;
     RCRA TSD Regulations;
     UST Rule; and
     Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines.
    These regulations frequently outline prescribed content that must 
be covered in the employee and/or contractor training. These training 
programs typically require training related to safe operation of 
equipment as well as emergency response procedures when a spill occurs. 
For example, the RCRA TSD and Generators Regulations require that 
facility personnel are trained in hazardous waste management 
procedures, including equipment monitoring, automatic waste feed cut-
off systems, alarm systems, response to fires or explosions, response 
to ground-water contamination incidents, and emergency shutdown of 
operations. Similarly, the Pesticide Worker Protection Standard 
requires training for pesticide handlers to include safety requirements 
for handling, transporting, storing, and disposing of pesticides, 
including general procedures for spill cleanup. The MSGP for Industrial 
Stormwater (2015) has a general requirement for permit holders to 
develop training on the procedures for expeditiously stopping, 
containing, and cleaning up leaks, spills, and other releases.
    Seven of the eight EPA regulations reviewed specifically for 
personnel training also include a requirement specific to refresher 
training. Most programs require that employees receive a review or 
refresher training at least annually. For example, the RMP Rule 
requires that refresher training is completed every three years.
e. Incident Investigations
    Three EPA regulations include an incident investigation program 
     Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines;
     SPCC Rule; and
     the RMP Rule.
    These three EPA regulations that include an incident investigation 
program element require facilities to determine the cause of an 
incident. The SPCC Rule requires that facilities undertake an incident 
investigation and submit a report within 60 days if they discharged 
1,000 U.S. gallons of oil or more in a single discharge or more than 42 
U.S. gallons of oil in each of two discharges. This incident 
investigation must include an analysis of the cause of the discharge, 
corrective action taken, and additional preventive measures that would 
minimize the possibility of recurrence. The RMP Rule requires that 
incident investigations are initiated within 48 hours of an accidental 
release and include factors that contributed to the incident as well as 
recommendations resulting from the investigation. Finally, the Pulp and 
Paper Effluent Guidelines require that mills conduct an incident 
investigation after a spill and generate a report that identifies 
changes in operations and equipment, as necessary to prevent 
f. Compliance Audits
    Of the 11 EPA regulations reviewed, the RMP rule is the only one 
that requires compliance audits. The RMP Rule requires owners or 
operators of stationary sources with regulated chemicals to evaluate 
their compliance with the RMP Rule every three years. If they find 
areas of deficiency, they must determine and document an appropriate 
response and correct the deficiency.
g. Secondary Containment
    Seven EPA regulations were found to contain secondary containment 
     MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
     SPCC Rule;
     Pesticide Managment Regulation;
     RCRA Generators Regulation;
     RCRA TSD Regulations;
     UST Rule; and
     Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines.
    These seven EPA regulations require secondary containment for 
equipment in order to prevent discharges to jurisdictional waters. Only 
one regulation, SPCC Rule, allows for active or passive secondary 
containment. Another four of the seven regulations--MSGP for Industrial 
Stormwater, SPCC Rule, RCRA TSD Regulations, and Pulp and Paper 
Effluent Guidelines--allow an alternative to containment to be used to 
prevent released material from reaching water. For example, MSGP for 
Industrial Stormwater (2015) allows for a ``similarly effective means 
designed to prevent the discharge of pollutants.''
    EPA regulations reviewed vary in their standards for the required 
secondary containment. For example, RCRA TSD regulations require that 
secondary containment include at least one of the following: A liner 
(external to the tank); a vault; a double-walled tank; or an equivalent 
device as approved by the Regional Administrator. Comparatively, the 
SPCC Rule requires onshore facilities to use at least one of the 
following: Dikes, berms, or retaining walls sufficiently impervious to 
contain oil; curbing or drip pans; sumps and collection systems; 
culverting, gutters, or other drainage systems; weirs, booms, or other 
barriers; spill diversion ponds; retention ponds; or sorbent materials. 
The SPCC Rule requires offshore facilities to use curbing or drip pans 
or sumps and collection systems.
h. Emergency Response Plan
    Eight EPA regulations include requirements for facilities to 
develop an emergency response plan or at least one of the sub-elements 
of that program element:
     MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
     RMP Rule;
     SPCC Rule;
     Pesticide Worker Protection Standard;
     RCRA Generators Regulation;
     RCRA TSD Regulations;
     UST Rule; and
     EPCRA Planning Rule.
    These eight EPA regulations require either the emergency response 
program element or at least one of its sub-elements. Of these, four 
generally require emergency response plans for discharges or accidental 
releases--RMP Rule, SPCC Rule, RCRA Generators Regulation, and RCRA TSD 
Regulations. Both RCRA regulations require that facilities develop 
contingency plans, which describes the actions that must be taken in 
response to unplanned release of hazardous waste. The SPCC Rule 
requires that in addition to spill prevention, facilities must include 
certain response plan elements to assist with a responding to an oil 
discharge. The RMP Rule requires facilities to develop an emergency 
response plan for accidental release.
    Seven of the eight EPA regulations reviewed for the emergency 
response plan element require that facilities plan

[[Page 29514]]

immediate actions in the event of a discharge. For example, the MSGP 
for Industrial Stormwater regulation requires permitted facilities to 
develop plans for effective response to spills, including procedures 
for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up leaks, spills, 
and other releases and to execute such procedures as soon as possible. 
The RMP Plan requires the emergency response plan to include immediate 
procedures and measures for emergency response after an accident. Four 
of the reviewed EPA programs also include procedures to ensure 
personnel safety, such as evacuation. RCRA Generators and TSD 
Regulations both require evacuation plans for personnel, while the 
Pesticide Worker Protection Standard requires that employers provide 
emergency assistance for handlers that have experienced a potential 
pesticide exposure.
    Notification procedures are also frequently addressed by the 
reviewed EPA regulatory programs. Seven of these EPA regulations have 
requirements to notify government or local communities about spills. 
For example, the UST Rule requires owners and operators to notify the 
implementing agency within 24 hours of a spill. Similarly, the EPCRA 
Planning Rule requires facilities to make an immediate notification to 
EPA, as soon as practical, and a written follow-up emergency 
notification. The RMP Rule requires that emergency response plans 
include procedures for informing the public and local emergency 
response agencies about accidental releases.
    The remaining sub-elements identified for emergency response 
planning are addressed by half or less than half of the reviewed EPA 
regulations. Three programs require medical information, including the 
RMP Rule which requires documentation of proper first-aid and emergency 
medical treatment necessary to treat accidental human exposures. Four 
programs require facilities to designate an emergency response 
coordinator, including the SPCC Rule which requires the plan to provide 
a phone number for the facility response coordinator. One program 
requires facilities to describe information about downstream receptors 
that may be affected by a discharge. For example, the RMP Rule requires 
that facilities describe environmental receptors within a calculated 
distance from the point of release.
i. Coordination of Emergency Response Program With State/Local 
    Four EPA regulations require facilities to coordinate an emergency 
response program with state and/or local responders:
     RMP Rule;
     RCRA Generators Regulation;
     RCRA TSD Regulations;
     EPCRA Planning Rule.
    Each EPA regulatory program requires facilities to make 
arrangements with local responders to prepare for an emergency. The RMP 
Rule mandates that facilities establish an arrangement with public 
emergency responders to not enter an emergency area except as arranged 
with the emergency contact indicated in the RMP. The two RCRA rules 
mandate a coordinated effort with local police, fire, hospital, and 
other emergency personnel, wherein potential responders understand 
which specific police/fire departments have primary authority and are 
familiar with the layout and activity of the facility and the 
properties of hazardous waste being handled. Unlike the RCRA 
regulations and RMP Rule, the EPCRA Planning Rule does not require 
formal arrangements to be made with state and local responders; EPCRA 
mandates the sharing of information with local emergency response 
4. CWA HS Subject to EPA and Other Federal Regulatory Requirements
    EPA further analyzed the existing Federal regulatory programs to 
determine whether the most frequently discharged CWA HS listed in Table 
2 are subject to existing regulatory requirements (Table 6). However, 
it is important to note that the applicability criteria for some of the 
regulatory programs do not rely solely on chemical identity, but 
include other factors (e.g., whether the substance is a waste, the 
industrial category of the facility); there may be additional 
regulatory requirements applicable to the identified CWA HS that this 
analysis has not identified. Thus, in cases where applicability could 
not be assessed with relative certainty based on chemical identity, the 
existing regulation was not included in Table 6. Furthermore, the list 
of CWA HS and/or the criteria for listing or distinguishing hazards 
between CWA HS is outside the scope of this action, as well as 
differentiating requirements based on such consideration.

     Table 6--Most Frequently Discharged CWA HS and Relevant Federal
                 CWA HS                        Relevant regulations
PCBs (CAS No. 1336-36-3)...............  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                          Stormwater (Toxic Pollutant).
                                         SPCC Rule (commonly mixed with
                                          transformer oil).
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.\a\
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Sulfuric Acid (CAS No. 7664-93-9)......  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         RMP Rule.
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Sodium Hydroxide (CAS No. 1310-73-2)...  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Ammonia (CAS No. 7664-41-7)............  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         RMP Rule.
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material

[[Page 29515]]

Benzene (CAS No. 71-43-2)..............  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                          Stormwater (Priority/Toxic
                                         Pesticide Regulations.\b\
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Hydrochloric Acid (CAS No. 7647-01-0)..  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         RMP Rule.
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Chlorine (CAS No. 7782-50-5)...........  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         RMP Rule.
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Sodium Hypochlorite (CAS No. 7681-52-9)  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Toluene (CAS No. 108-88-3).............  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                          Stormwater (Priority/Toxic
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Phosphoric Acid (CAS No. 7664-38-2)....  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Styrene (CAS No. 100-42-5).............  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Nitric Acid (CAS No. 7697-37-2)........  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         RMP Rule.
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
Potassium Hydroxide (CAS No. 1310-58-3)  NPDES MSGP for Industrial
                                         UST Rule.
                                         EPCRA Regulations.
                                         OSHA Regulations.
                                         PHMSA Hazardous Material
\a\ All instances of ``OSHA Regulations'' indicate that the CWA HS is
  covered under either EAPs (29 CFR 1910.38), PSM (29 CFR 1910.119),
  HAZWOPER (29 CFR 1910.120), or HCS (29 CFR 1910.1200).
\b\ ``Pesticide Regulations'' indicates that the substance has a
  commercial use of pesticides.

    Table 6 summarizes relevant regulations for the most commonly 
discharged CWA HS. However, there are challenges to identifying 
applicability for certain programs, specifically when regulatory 
program applicability relies on criteria other than chemical identity. 
For example, SMCRA regulations and MSHA regulations apply primarily 
based on industrial activity (i.e., mining). These requirements were 
not cited in Table 6, although they may apply to some CWA HS present in 
those industrial activities. Also, not cited in this table are 
Standards for Generators of Hazardous Waste; or Standards for 
Treatment, Storage, and Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Their 
applicability depends on whether a waste is present, and whether that 
waste meets the regulatory definition of hazardous waste. While not 
included in Table 6, these regulations apply to CWA HS in certain 
situations (e.g., when CWA HS are hazardous waste), so EPA considered 
these regulatory requirements in the analysis of existing regulations.
    For other regulatory programs, applicability may depend on other 
criteria in addition to chemical identity. Requirements for USTs apply 
to CWA HS when present in UST systems greater than 110 gallons in 
capacity. PHMSA Hazardous Materials Regulations specify integrity 
requirements for packages used to ship hazardous materials, including 
CWA HS. Therefore, when CWA HS are stored in packages intended for 
shipment, the packages must meet certain design criteria that may also 
serve to prevent discharges of CWA HS. These regulatory programs are 
cited in Table 6, and the complexities of assessing their

[[Page 29516]]

prevention advantages for CWA HS are discussed in the BID.
    Based on the review of NRC reporting data, in conjunction with 
existing prevention requirements of the regulations included in the 
analysis, the Agency determined that the majority of identified CWA HS 
reported discharges to water from non-transportation-related sources 
have been discharges of chemicals currently subject to discharge or 
accident prevention regulatory requirements.

C. Conclusions

    In the 40 years since CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) was enacted by 
Congress, multiple statutory and regulatory requirements have been 
established under different Federal authorities that generally serve 
to, directly and indirectly, prevent CWA HS discharges. Some states 
have also established their own discharge prevention provisions 
relevant to CWA HS. Based on EPA's analysis of the frequency and 
impacts of reported CWA HS discharges and the existing framework of EPA 
regulatory programs and implementing regulations, EPA is not proposing 
additional regulatory requirements at this time.
    EPA requests comments on this proposed approach of establishing no 
new regulatory requirements under the authority of CWA section 
311(j)(1)(C). EPA specifically requests comments on the analysis of 
existing EPA regulations and their applicability to CWA HS for purposes 
of spill prevention. EPA also requests comments on the analysis of 
other Federal regulations that supplement the EPA regulatory program 
analysis and whether EPA should consider expanding the basis of the 
proposal to these Federal regulations.
    Furthermore, while the analysis of state regulations and industry 
standards included in the BID do not serve as a basis for this 
proposal, the Agency requests comments on whether the state regulations 
and industry standards considered have program elements reflective of 
those identified as key to prevention. The Agency also requests 
comments on whether there are other Federal regulations not considered 
in the analysis but that may have applicable discharge prevention 
requirements, as well as whether any of the identified program elements 
should or should not have been considered. Likewise, the Agency 
requests comments on whether there may be regulatory gaps in prevention 
requirements that are not reflected in the analysis. We also request 
information that may be used to revise or supplement our analysis 
regarding any facilities, which are using, storing, producing, and/or 
otherwise handling CWA HS. Please provide any supporting information, 
including supporting data, with comments.

IV. Alternative Regulatory Options Considered

A. Prevention Program

    The Agency considered proposing a CWA HS discharge prevention 
program that would include provisions to address all nine prevention 
program elements listed in Table 3. Under this option, EPA considered 
requiring regulated facility owners/operators to develop a written plan 
with site-specific prevention measures and practices. Regulated 
facilities would be expected to implement this plan, to maintain and 
update it as needed, and to make it available for inspection. Under 
this alternative option, the facilities could take credit for and/or 
incorporate existing discharge prevention compliance strategies when 
addressing CWA HS discharge prevention requirements under this program.
    A prevention program regulatory option would be designed to reflect 
all discharge prevention, control and mitigation program elements 
discussed in this action to prevent and mitigate CWA HS discharges to 
jurisdictional waters. A prevention program regulatory approach would 
also include additional administrative program elements, such as 
requirements to:
     Develop a plan in accordance with good engineering 
     Update the plan as operations or equipment changes; and
     Require records documenting compliance with the rule.
    Following an analysis of the frequency of CWA HS discharges and the 
causes and impacts of such discharges, the Agency chose not to propose 
this approach. Over the 10-year period analyzed (2007-2016), there were 
a total of 2,491 CWA HS discharges from non-transportation-related 
sources with 117 of those discharges with reported impacts. This data 
suggests that the existing framework of regulatory requirements serves 
to prevent CWA HS discharges.
    EPA requests comments on whether to consider this alternative 
approach and develop a CWA HS prevention program. Comments should 
include supporting information and data. EPA requests comments on the 
specific provisions recommended, costs and advantages of such an 
approach, ways to minimize any regulatory redundancies, and any other 
information that would support the promulgation of new CWA HS discharge 
prevention provisions.

B. Targeted Prevention Requirements

    EPA also considered proposing a limited set of requirements 
designed to prevent CWA HS discharges. This regulatory option could 
establish targeted requirements under one or more of the nine program 
elements listed in Table 3. Targeted requirements under several of the 
program elements could be effective in helping to prevent CWA HS 
    To evaluate which requirement(s) might be appropriate, EPA reviewed 
cause data in the NRC database for past CWA HS discharges, and 
identified four key program elements that may have addressed the CWA HS 
discharge causes. A summary of this review is shown in Table 7. The 
first category of causes, Unknown/Illegal Dumping/Other, consisted of 
reports for which there was either too little information provided to 
develop a prevention strategy, or for which additional regulatory 
requirements would be unlikely to prevent the discharges because the HS 
was disposed of illegally. For example, there are statutory and 
regulatory prohibitions in place to prevent CWA HS dumping, and these 
prohibitions are enforced (see CWA section 311(b)(3) and 40 CFR 
117.1(a)). There is no reason to believe that a redundant prohibition 
on such dumping would alleviate the problem of those who already 
disregard existing regulations.
    EPA identified program elements that could be effective in 
preventing CWA HS discharges resulting from the other four categories 
of reported causes. These program elements were considered, both 
individually and in various combinations, as an alternative regulatory 

[[Page 29517]]

                              Table 7--Cause Data for Identified CWA HS Discharges
                                                                 CWA HS
                                                 CWA HS        discharges         Program element that could
        Reported cause category \a\            discharges     with reported    potentially prevent this type of
                                                                 impacts                  discharge
Unknown/Illegal Dumping/Other..............           1,357              74  Unknown--not enough information.
                                                                             None--illegal dumping violates
                                                                              current regulations.
Equipment Failure..........................             563              17  Hazard Review.
                                                                             Mechanical Integrity.
                                                                             Secondary Containment.
Natural Phenomenon.........................             321               4  Hazard Review.
Operator Error.............................             204              10  Hazard Review.
                                                                             Personnel Training.
                                                                             Secondary Containment.
Fire, explosion............................              46              12  Hazard Review.
                                                                             Mechanical Integrity.
                                                                             Personnel Training.
    Total..................................           2,491             117  ...................................
\a\ EPA used NRC incident descriptions to categorize the incident cause.

1. Hazard Review
    Approximately 46 percent of the identified CWA HS discharges from 
2007 to 2016 were reportedly due to equipment failure, a natural 
phenomenon, operator error, or fire/explosion. These causes were all 
identified as potentially addressed by a hazard review. A requirement 
to identify potential hazards, including, for example, process hazards, 
engineering and administrative controls, and human factors, could help 
prevent CWA HS discharges. However, establishing new requirements for 
hazard reviews may provide only incremental advantages, as the hazard 
review program element was identified in seven of the eight EPA 
regulatory programs and in all four of the other Federal regulations 
2. Mechanical Integrity
    Nearly 23 percent of the identified 2,491 CWA HS discharges from 
2007 to 2016 were reportedly due to equipment failure, which could be 
addressed in part through preventive maintenance. However, EPA believes 
additional regulatory requirements would provide minimal prevention 
advantages, since seven of the eight EPA programs and three of the four 
other Federal programs analyzed in the existing requirements review 
already contain some mechanical integrity/preventive maintenance 
3. Personnel Training
    Approximately 10 percent of the identified 2,491 CWA HS discharges 
were due to either operator error or fire/explosion, which were both 
identified as causes that could be reduced by personnel training. 
Training employees on the proper operation of equipment and discharge 
prevention measures/procedures could serve to prevent CWA HS discharges 
due to operator error. However, the value of a personnel training 
program would depend, in part, on whether proper operating, 
maintenance, prevention, or response procedures have been developed to 
train personnel. Personnel training provisions are currently required 
in seven of the eight EPA programs and three of the four other Federal 
programs reviewed.
4. Secondary Containment
    More than 30 percent of the identified 2,491 CWA discharges were 
due to causes (e.g., equipment failure, operator failure) where 
secondary containment could have played a role in preventing the 
discharge to jurisdictional waters. A requirement to construct and 
maintain appropriate secondary containment (e.g., sized to prevent a 
CWA HS discharge from impacting jurisdictional waters could be the most 
generally applicable program element). However, the advantages of 
adding secondary containment provisions may only be incremental, as at 
least some type of secondary containment provision is included in six 
of the eight EPA regulatory programs and three of the four other 
Federal regulatory programs reviewed.
5. Conclusion
    Provisions for any of the four program elements described above, as 
well as others identified in Table 3, could be included in a targeted 
regulatory approach. However, these provisions were frequently 
identified in both the EPA and other Federal regulatory programs 
reviewed. EPA believes there would be only minimal incremental value in 
requiring these provisions in a new regulation. Additionally, the 
benefits of any of the targeted provisions described above may not 
justify the associated costs.\20\ For more information on the potential 
costs and benefits associated with regulatory options considered for 
this action, see the economic analysis, ``Regulatory Impact Analysis; 
Clean Water Act Hazardous Substances Discharge Prevention,'' available 
in the docket and the summary of the economic analysis in section V.A. 
of this action.

    \20\ Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) 
section 1(a) states that in choosing among alternative regulatory 
approaches, agencies should select those approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety, and other advantages; distributive impacts; and 
equity), unless a statute requires another regulatory approach.

    EPA requests comments on whether it should adopt a narrowly 
targeted regulatory approach to prevent CWA HS discharges. Commenters 
who support targeted prevention requirements should provide information 
and data that identify which program elements to include and why, the 
costs and advantages of such an approach, ways to minimize any 
regulatory redundancies, and any other information that would support 
the promulgation of new, targeted prevention provisions. Furthermore, 
EPA requests comments on whether a targeted regulatory approach should 
allow a facility to substitute alternative prevention measures for 
specific targeted requirements (e.g., a situation where secondary 
containment is not practicable, a facility could substitute a separate 
prevention measure that achieves the same effect).

[[Page 29518]]

    In summary, the proposal identifies three options the Agency may 
choose to finalize:
     Establishes no new requirements under the authority of CWA 
     Requires prevention plans to address the nine program 
elements discussed; or
     Requires actions under targeted program elements.
    EPA requests comments on these three approaches, as well as on 
other alternatives not specifically identified in this notice. For 
example, EPA could consider an approach that requires an owner or 
operator to develop a plan to prevent CWA HS discharges but allows 
flexibility for the owner or operator to determine what provisions 
should be incorporated within the plan. The Agency could also consider 
establishing a prevention program under CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) 
authority that incorporates existing discharge prevention provisions 
already established under other statutory authorities. EPA requests 
comments on alternative approaches.
    If the Agency were to finalize an alternative option that 
establishes a regulatory program, it would apply to facilities 
producing, storing, processing, using, transferring or otherwise 
handling CWA HS. EPA would need to establish applicability criteria for 
the program, and is requesting comments on appropriate applicability 
criteria or thresholds for such alternatives.

V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders 
can be found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is a significant regulatory action that was submitted 
to OMB for review, because it raises novel legal or policy issues 
arising out of legal mandates, the President's priorities, or the 
principles set forth in the Executive Order. Any changes made in 
response to the OMB recommendations have been documented in the docket.
    EPA prepared an economic analysis of the potential costs and 
benefits associated with regulatory options considered for this action. 
This analysis, ``Regulatory Impact Analysis; Clean Water Act Hazardous 
Substances Discharge Prevention,'' is available in the docket.
1. Summary of the Economic Analysis
    A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) is included in the record. The 
RIA considers three alternatives: The proposed no-action approach, a 
prevention program including provisions under nine program elements, 
and a targeted approach including four of the program elements. The 
unit costs of the program elements are derived from similar 
requirements in other EPA regulatory programs. The number of affected 
facilities is estimated from the number of facilities subject to EPCRA.
    EPA does not attempt to determine the number of potentially 
regulated facilities currently undertaking various prevention 
activities in the baseline. Thus, EPA does not estimate total costs per 
facility, nor does it estimate total program costs across facilities. 
EPA does calculate the annualized net present value of a wide range of 
unit compliance costs for each program element over a 10-year analysis 
period, using 3 percent and 7 percent discount rates, as presented in 
Tables 8 and 9. Avoided damages, estimated from historical CWA HS 
discharges, represent the monetized damages. Based on historical 
incidents reported to the NRC, EPA estimated the total existing level 
of monetized damages over the 10-year period from 2007 to 2016 to be 
$33.1 million in 2016 dollars.

                                         Table 8--Summary of Unit Costs
                                                Unit Costs: Total annualized unit costs  (2016 $)
                                   Option 1:  Proposed       Option 2:  Prevention        Option 3: Targeted
         Type of cost                    action                     program             prevention requirements
                                     3%           7%           3%            7%            3%            7%
Safety Information (Recurring)           $0           $0   $14-$25,100   $15-$26,700            $0            $0
Hazard Review (Recurring).....            0            0     19-15,900     20-17,300     19-15,900     20-17,300
Mechanical Integrity (Initial             0            0    348-98,800    349-99,400    348-98,800    349-99,400
 and Recurring)...............
Personnel Training (Recurring)            0            0     42-69,100     44-73,400     42-69,100     44-73,400
Incident Investigations                   0            0     40-14,600     42-15,300             0             0
Compliance Audits (Recurring).            0            0     46-10,800     45-10,600             0             0
Secondary Containment                     0            0  3,000-43,100  3,570-51,200  3,000-43,100  3,570-51,200
Emergency Response Plan, ERP)             0            0           770           914             0             0
Coordination of ERP with State            0            0           (*)           (*)             0             0
 and Local Responders
* Included in cost of ERP.

                                      Table 9--Summary of Monetized Damages
                                                                     Monetized damages
                                                                                                 Average annual
             Impact category                                                   Average  annual       damages
                                                         Impact                     cases        (millions, 2016
Human Health.............................  Injuries (w/o hospitalizations)..               1.2            $0.001
                                           Hospitalizations.................               4.1               0.2
                                           Fatalities.......................               0.3               3.1
Other....................................  Evacuations......................             211.9              0.04
                                           Sheltering-in-Place..............              n.e.              n.e.
                                           Waterway Closures................              n.e.              n.e.
                                           Water Supply Contamination.......              n.e.              n.e.
                                           Environmental Impacts............              n.e.              n.e.
                                           Lost Productivity................              n.e.              n.e.

[[Page 29519]]

                                           Emergency Response Costs.........              n.e.              n.e.
                                           Transaction Costs................              n.e.              n.e.
                                           Property Value Impacts *.........              n.e.              n.e.
    Total................................  .................................             217.5               3.3
n.e. = not estimated.
* Property value impacts overlap with human health and other impact categories.

    EPA believes the benefits would not justify the costs in any 
alternative other than the proposed alternative.\21\ The benefits of 
the provisions are to reduce the likelihood and severity of CWA 
hazardous substance discharges and their associated impacts on human 
health and the environment. Table 9 gives estimates of baseline damages 
from hazardous substance discharges. Annualized damages are estimated 
as $3.3 million (2016$) and represent human health impacts and 
evacuations. Nonmonetized baseline damages include impacts such as 
shelter-in-place events, waterway closures, and lost productivity. The 
estimated annualized unit costs of proposed provisions vary widely, 
from less than $100 to tens of thousands of dollars (Table 8). However, 
existing regulatory programs already require many of the prevention and 
mitigation actions proposed by Options 2 and 3. Even a robust 
regulatory program where none existed before would not be expected to 
completely eliminate all risk.

    \21\ Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), 
section 1(b)(6), each agency shall assess both the costs and 
benefits of the intended regulation and, recognizing that some costs 
and benefits are difficult to quantify, propose or adopt a 
regulation only upon a reasoned determination that the benefits of 
the intended regulation justify its costs.

    Since the proposed alternative establishes no new regulatory 
requirements, it neither imposes incremental costs nor provides 
incremental environmental protection benefits.
2. Estimating Universe of Potentially Regulated Facilities
a. Identifying Facilities With CWA HS
    To estimate the universe of facilities that would potentially be 
subject to a rule preventing CWA HS discharges, EPA first estimated the 
number of facilities with CWA HS onsite. Information in EPCRA Tier II 
reports was used to identify facilities with CWA HS onsite, because 
these reports contain information about many chemicals, of which CWA HS 
are a subset. EPA reviewed Tier II reports submitted in 16 states and 
extrapolated the data nationally based on NAICS codes and United States 
Census data. EPA estimates there are approximately 108,000 potentially 
affected facilities nationally. For additional details on this 
methodology, alternatives considered, and the results, please see 
Section 3 and Appendix B of the RIA available in the docket for this 

    \22\ See Regulatory Impact Analysis; Clean Water Act Hazardous 
Substances Discharge Prevention; Docket ID #: EPA-HQ-OLEM-2018-0024.

b. Proximity to Jurisdictional Waters
    EPA did not identify an appropriate method to quantify those 
facilities that would not have the potential to discharge to 
jurisdictional waters for this action. To estimate the universe of 
potentially subject facilities, EPA took a conservative approach and 
assumed that all CWA HS facilities have the potential to discharge CWA 
HS to jurisdictional waters.
c. Data Limitations
    The estimate of potentially regulated facilities has several 
uncertainties. First, due to the wide range of trade names used for 
many chemicals and chemical mixtures, it was unclear whether 
approximately 20 percent of the facilities in the Tier II reports 
reviewed had a CWA HS onsite. Second, Tier II reports are required for 
materials present at any one time in an amount greater than or equal to 
10,000 pounds, or lower established thresholds for chemicals defined as 
Extremely Hazardous Substances in 40 CFR part 355, Appendix A. If a 
proposed regulation were to establish applicability criteria with a 
higher or lower applicability threshold than those established in 40 
CFR part 355, Appendix A, the number of potentially regulated 
facilities would be impacted. Finally, the extrapolation assumes that 
the fraction of facilities in each NAICS sector that have CWA HS onsite 
is the same across all states. As discussed in Section 3.3 of the RIA, 
alternative extrapolation methodologies were used with reasonably 
similar results, which provides some confidence that the extrapolation 
approach is reasonable (i.e., nationwide estimate of approximately 
101,000 facilities based on Tier II data and U.S. population vs. 
approximately 108,000 facilities based on NAICS codes and Census data).
3. Conclusion
    EPA seeks comments on the method used to estimate the potential 
affected universe, including any additional data or information sources 
that could be used to reduce the uncertainty of the estimate. For any 
additional information sources, commenters are encouraged to provide 
information, including where it can be publicly obtained, as well as 
how the data could improve EPA's current estimate. EPA intends to 
further refine the estimate of the facilities that could be potentially 
subject to CWA HS regulatory requirements as additional information is 
received. EPA is requesting comments on its approach to the economic 
analysis, including additional sources of information or data to refine 
the analysis.

B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulation and Controlling 
Regulatory Costs

    This action is not an Executive Order 13771 regulatory or 
deregulatory action, because this action does not propose any 
regulatory requirements.

C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    This action does not impose an information collection burden under 
the PRA, because this action does not propose any regulatory 

D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    I certify that this action will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In 
making this

[[Page 29520]]

determination, the impact of concern is any significant adverse 
economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a rule 
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no net 
burden, or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small 
entities subject to the rule.
    This action proposes no regulatory requirements. We have therefore 
concluded that this action will have no net regulatory burden for all 
directly regulated small entities.

E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    This action does not contain any unfunded mandate as described in 
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, and does not significantly or uniquely affect 
small governments. The action imposes no enforceable duty on any state, 
local, or tribal governments or the private sector.

F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between 
the national government and the states, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.

G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13175, because this action proposes no regulatory 
requirements. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this 

H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health and Safety Risks

    The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying to those 
regulatory actions that concern environmental health or safety risks 
that the EPA has reason to believe may disproportionately affect 
children, per the definition of ``covered regulatory action'' in 
Section 2-202 of the Executive Order. This action is not subject to 
Executive Order 13045 because it does not concern an environmental 
health risk or safety risk.

I. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect Energy 
Supply, Distribution, or Use

    This action is not a ``significant energy action'' because it is 
not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, 
distribution, or use of energy. This action proposes no regulatory 

J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    This rulemaking does not involve technical standards.

K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    EPA believes that this action is not subject to Executive Order 
12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994) because it does not establish an 
environmental health or safety standard and imposes no regulatory 

    Dated: June 15, 2018.
E. Scott Pruitt,
[FR Doc. 2018-13470 Filed 6-22-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                  29499

                                                   As shown in table 13, the 2030                       ozone maintenance demonstration.                       affect small governments, as described
                                                MVEBs exceed the estimated 2030                         Further, once allocated to mobile                      in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                onroad sector emissions. In an effort to                sources, these safety margins will not be              of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
                                                accommodate future variations in travel                 available for use by other sources.                       • Does not have Federalism
                                                demand models and vehicle miles                                                                                implications as specified in Executive
                                                                                                        VI. Proposed Action
                                                traveled forecast, MDNR allocated a                                                                            Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,
                                                portion of the safety margin (described                    EPA is proposing to determine that                  1999);
                                                further below) to the mobile sector.                    the Missouri portion of the St. Louis                     • Is not an economically significant
                                                Missouri has demonstrated that the                      nonattainment area is attaining the 2008               regulatory action based on health or
                                                Missouri portion of the St. Louis area                  ozone standard based on quality-assured                safety risks subject to Executive Order
                                                can maintain the 2008 ozone NAAQS                       and certified monitoring data for 2013–                13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
                                                with mobile source emissions in the                     2015 and that the Missouri portion of                     • Is not a significant regulatory action
                                                area of 22 tpd of VOC and 40 tpd of NOX                 the St. Louis area has met the                         subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR
                                                in 2030, since despite partial allocation               requirements for redesignation under                   28355, May 22, 2001);
                                                of the safety margin, emissions will                    section 107(d)(3)(E) of the CAA.                          • Is not subject to requirements of the
                                                remain under attainment year emission                      EPA is also proposing to approve the                National Technology Transfer and
                                                levels. Based on this analysis, the St.                 state’s request to change the designation              Advancement Act (NTTA) because this
                                                Louis area should maintain attainment                   of the Missouri portion of the St. Louis               rulemaking does not involve technical
                                                of the 2008 ozone NAAQS for the                         area for the 2008 ozone standard from                  standards; and
                                                relevant maintenance period with                        nonattainment to attainment. EPA is                       • Does not provide EPA with the
                                                mobile source emissions at the levels of                also proposing to approve, as a revision               discretionary authority to address, as
                                                the MVEBs.                                              to the Missouri SIP, the state’s                       appropriate, disproportionate human
                                                   Therefore, EPA has found that the                    maintenance plan for the area. The                     health or environmental effects, using
                                                MVEBs are adequate and is proposing to                  maintenance plan is designed to keep                   practicable and legally permissible
                                                approve the MVEBs for use in                            the Missouri portion of the St. Louis                  methods, under Executive Order 12898
                                                determining transportation conformity                   area in attainment of the 2008 ozone                   (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
                                                in the Missouri portion of the St. Louis-               NAAQS through 2030. Finally, EPA                          The SIP is not approved to apply on
                                                St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL area.                     finds adequate and is proposing to                     any Indian reservation land or in any
                                                C. What is a safety margin?                             approve the newly-establisheed 2030                    other area where EPA or an Indian tribe
                                                                                                        MVEBs for the Missouri portion of the                  has demonstrated that a tribe has
                                                   A ‘‘safety margin’’ is the difference                St. Louis area.                                        jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian
                                                between the attainment level of                                                                                country, the rule does not have tribal
                                                emissions (from all sources) and the                    VII. Statutory and Executive Order
                                                                                                        Reviews                                                implications and will not impose
                                                projected level of emissions (from all
                                                                                                                                                               substantial direct costs on tribal
                                                sources) in the maintenance plan. As                      Under the CAA, the Administrator is                  governments or preempt tribal law as
                                                noted in table 11, the emissions in the                 required to approve a SIP submission                   specified by Executive Order 13175 (65
                                                Missouri portion of the St. Louis-St.                   that complies with the provisions of the               FR 67249, November 9, 2000).
                                                Charles-Farmington, MO-IL area are                      Act and applicable Federal regulations.
                                                projected to have safety margins of                     42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).                    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
                                                76.79 tpd for NOX and 23.76 tpd for                     Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions,                      Environmental protection, Air
                                                VOC in 2030 (the difference between the                 EPA’s role is to approve state choices,                pollution control, Incorporation by
                                                attainment year 2014 emissions, and the                 provided that they meet the criteria of                reference, Intergovernmental relations,
                                                projected 2030 emissions for all sources                the CAA. Accordingly, this action                      Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Volatile
                                                in the Missouri portion of the St. Louis-               merely approves state law as meeting                   organic compounds.
                                                St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL area).                    Federal requirements and does not
                                                Even if emissions reached the full level                                                                         Dated: June 13, 2018.
                                                                                                        impose additional requirements beyond
                                                of the safety margin, the counties would                those imposed by state law. For that                   James B. Gulliford,
                                                still demonstrate maintenance since                     reason, this action:                                   Regional Administrator, Region 7.
                                                emission levels would equal less than                     • Is not a significant regulatory action             [FR Doc. 2018–13442 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]
                                                those in the attainment year.                           subject to review by the Office of                     BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                   As shown in table 13 above, Missouri                 Management and Budget under
                                                is allocating a portion of that safety                  Executive Orders 12866 (58 FR 51735,
                                                margin to the mobile source sector.                     October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821,                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                Specifically, in 2030, Missouri is                      January 21, 2011);                                     AGENCY
                                                allocating 3.58 tpd and 14.43 tpd of the                  • Is not an Executive Order 13771 (82
                                                VOC and the NOX safety margins,                         FR 9339, February 2, 2017) regulatory                  40 CFR Part 151
                                                respectively. MDNR is not requesting                    action because SIP approvals are                       [EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0024; FRL–9979–
                                                allocation to the MVEBs of the entire                   exempted under Executive Order 12866.                  83–OLEM]
                                                available safety margins reflected in the                 • Does not impose an information
                                                demonstration of maintenance.                                                                                  RIN 2050–AG87
                                                                                                        collection burden under the provisions
                                                Therefore, even though the state is                     of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                                                                                                                               Clean Water Act Hazardous
                                                requesting MVEBs that exceed the                        U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);                                  Substances Spill Prevention
                                                projected onroad mobile source                            • Is certified as not having a
                                                emissions for 2030 contained in the                     significant economic impact on a                       AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                maintenance demonstration, the                          substantial number of small entities                   Agency (EPA).
                                                increase in onroad mobile source                        under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5                ACTION: Proposed action.
                                                emissions that can be considered for                    U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
                                                transportation conformity purposes is                     • Does not contain any unfunded                      SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
                                                well within the safety margins of the                   mandate or significantly or uniquely                   Agency (EPA or the Agency) is

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:25 Jun 22, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00035   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\25JNP1.SGM   25JNP1

                                                29500                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                proposing to establish no new                                                comment on EPA’s proposed approach                                            cloud, or other file sharing system). For
                                                requirements under Clean Water Act                                           to satisfy the CWA requirements.                                              additional submission methods, the full
                                                (CWA), section 311. This section directs                                     DATES: Comments must be received on                                           EPA public comment policy,
                                                the President to issue regulations to                                        or before August 24, 2018.                                                    information about CBI or multimedia
                                                prevent discharges of oil and hazardous                                                                                                                    submissions, and general guidance on
                                                substances from onshore and offshore                                         ADDRESSES:   Submit your comments,                                            making effective comments, please visit
                                                facilities, and to contain such                                              identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                                           https://www.epa.gov/dockets/
                                                discharges. On July 21, 2015, EPA was                                        OLEM–2018–0024, ‘‘Clean Water Act                                             commenting-epa-dockets.
                                                sued for failing to comply with the                                          Hazardous Substances Discharge
                                                                                                                                                                                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                alleged duty to issue regulations to                                         Prevention Action’’ at http://
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stacey Yonce, Office of Emergency
                                                prevent and contain CWA hazardous                                            www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Management, Mail Code 5104A,
                                                substance discharges. On February 16,                                        instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
                                                2016, the United States District Court                                       Once submitted, comments cannot be
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
                                                for the Southern District of New York                                        edited or removed from https://
                                                                                                                                                                                                           DC 20460, (202) 564–2288,
                                                entered a Consent Decree between EPA                                         www.regulations.gov/. The EPA may
                                                and the litigants that required EPA to                                       publish any comments received on its
                                                                                                                             public docket. Do not submit                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                sign a notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                pertaining to the issuance of hazardous                                      electronically any information you                                            I. General Information
                                                substance regulations, and take final                                        consider to be Confidential Business
                                                action after notice and comment on said                                      Information (CBI) or other information                                        A. What is the statutory authority for
                                                notice. Based on an analysis of the                                          whose disclosure is restricted by statute.                                    this proposed action?
                                                frequency and impacts of reported CWA                                        Multimedia submissions (audio, video,                                           This proposal is authorized by section
                                                HS discharges and the existing                                               etc.) must be accompanied by a written                                        311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA.
                                                framework of EPA regulatory                                                  comment. The written comment is
                                                requirements, the Agency is not                                              considered the official comment and                                           B. Does this proposed action apply to
                                                proposing additional regulatory                                              should include discussion of all points                                       me?
                                                requirements at this time. This proposed                                     you wish to make. The EPA will                                                  A list of entities that could be affected
                                                action is intended to comply with the                                        generally not consider comments or                                            by requirements established under CWA
                                                Consent Decree and to provide an                                             comment contents located outside of the                                       section 311(j)(1)(C) is provided in
                                                opportunity for public notice and                                            primary submission (i.e., on the web,                                         Table 1:
                                                                                                                         TABLE 1—POTENTIALLY AFFECTED ENTITIES
                                                                                                                                    Industry                                                                                                      NAICS

                                                Wired and Wireless Telecommunications .....................................................................................................................                             51711, 51721.
                                                Oil and Gas Extraction ..................................................................................................................................................               21111.
                                                Water Supply and Irrigation Systems ............................................................................................................................                        22131.
                                                Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers ..........................................................................................................................                           42491.
                                                Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution ...........................................................................................                                    2211.
                                                Support Activities for Crop Production ..........................................................................................................................                       11511.
                                                Warehousing and Storage .............................................................................................................................................                   4931.
                                                Food Manufacturing .......................................................................................................................................................              311.
                                                Chemical Manufacturing ................................................................................................................................................                 325.
                                                Other Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods ........................................................................................................                                   424.
                                                Mining and Quarrying ....................................................................................................................................................               21.
                                                Utilities ...........................................................................................................................................................................   22.
                                                Construction ...................................................................................................................................................................        23.
                                                Manufacturing ................................................................................................................................................................          31–33.
                                                Wholesale and Retail Trade ..........................................................................................................................................                   42, 44–45.
                                                Transportation and Warehousing ..................................................................................................................................                       48–49.
                                                Other ..............................................................................................................................................................................    11, 51–56, 61–62, 71–72,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          81, 92.
                                                   NAICS = North American Industry Classification System.

                                                   The list of potentially affected entities                                 C. What is the purpose of this proposed                                       II. Background
                                                in Table 1 may not be exhaustive. The                                        action?
                                                                                                                                                                                                           A. Statutory Authority and Delegation of
                                                Agency’s aim is to provide a guide for
                                                                                                                               The purpose of this proposal is to                                          Authority
                                                readers regarding those entities that
                                                potentially could be affected by this                                        provide opportunity for public notice
                                                                                                                                                                                                             CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) directs the
                                                action. However, this action may affect                                      and comment on EPA’s proposed
                                                                                                                                                                                                           President to issue regulations
                                                                                                                             approach to satisfy the requirements of
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                other entities not listed in this table. If                                                                                                                establishing procedures, methods, and
                                                you have questions regarding the                                             CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) pertaining to                                        equipment; and other requirements for
                                                applicability of this action to a                                            CWA hazardous substances (HS).                                                equipment to prevent discharges of oil
                                                particular entity, consult the person(s)                                                                                                                   and HS from vessels and from onshore
                                                listed in the preceding section entitled                                                                                                                   facilities and offshore facilities, and to
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.                                                                                                                           contain such discharges.1 The President

                                                                                                                                                                                                              1 33   U.S.C. 1321(j)(1)(C).

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                    29501

                                                has delegated the authority to regulate                 requirements under the National                           • Require secondary containment and
                                                non-transportation-related onshore                      Pollution Discharge Elimination System                 inspections of primary and secondary
                                                facilities and offshore facilities                      (NPDES) program of the CWA (43 FR                      containment to assure continued
                                                landward of the coastline, under section                39276, September 1, 1978). The Agency                  compliance.
                                                311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA to EPA.2                        proposed to require owners and                            • Require information about
                                                                                                        operators to develop CWA HS SPCC                       downstream public water intakes to
                                                B. Legislative Background
                                                                                                        Plans that included, among other things,               allow prompt notification after a spill.
                                                  The term ‘‘hazardous substance’’ is                   general requirements for appropriate                      • Concerns about CBI should not
                                                defined in CWA section 311(a)(14).                      containment, drainage control and/or                   prohibit notifying residents about the
                                                Section 311(b)(2)(A) authorizes                         diversionary structures; and specific                  risks of the chemicals stored or released.
                                                regulations designating HS, which when                  requirements for the proper storage of                    • EPA must enforce standards for
                                                discharged in any quantity into                         liquids and raw materials, preventive                  them to be effective.
                                                jurisdictional waters,3 present an                      maintenance and housekeeping, facility                    • A number of Federal and state
                                                imminent and substantial danger to                      security, and training for employees and               regulations already require spill
                                                public health or welfare, including, but                contractors. EPA did not finalize that                 prevention measures and EPA should
                                                not limited to, fish, shellfish, wildlife,              proposed CWA HS SPCC rule. There is                    not establish redundant or conflicting
                                                shorelines, and beaches.                                no information in the record to explain                requirements.
                                                  Once a chemical was designated as a                   the reason the 1978 proposal was not                      The public input received is available
                                                CWA HS, as described in Section II.C,                   finalized.                                             in the docket.7
                                                the corresponding quantity was
                                                established by regulation under the                     D. Litigation Background                               F. Additional Information Collection
                                                authority of CWA section 311(b)(4).4                      On July 21, 2015, the Environmental                    We intend to supplement the
                                                The CWA prohibits discharges of CWA                     Justice Health Alliance for Chemical                   information that this action is based on
                                                HS in quantities that may be harmful in                 Policy Reform, People Concerned About                  with an additional information
                                                section 311(b)(3).                                      Chemical Safety, and the Natural                       collection. This information collection
                                                C. Regulatory Background                                Resources Defense Council filed a                      would be a voluntary survey of U.S.
                                                                                                        lawsuit 5 against EPA for failing to                   states, tribes, and territories that would
                                                  In March 1978, EPA designated a list                  comply with the alleged duty to issue                  request information on the number and
                                                of CWA HS in 40 CFR part 116. EPA                       regulations to prevent and contain CWA                 type of facilities with CWA HS onsite;
                                                established reportable quantities for                   HS spills from non-transportation-                     historical discharges of CWA HS; the
                                                those substances in 40 CFR part 117 in                  related onshore facilities, including                  ecological and human health impacts of
                                                August 1979 (see, for example, 43 FR                    aboveground storage tanks, under CWA                   those discharges; and existing state,
                                                10474, March 13, 1978; 44 FR 50766,                     section 311(j)(1)(C).                                  territory, and Tribal programs that
                                                August 29, 1979). In September 1978,                      On February 16, 2016, the United                     address discharge prevention of CWA
                                                EPA proposed to establish requirements                  States District Court for the Southern                 HS. EPA anticipates using the results of
                                                for Spill Prevention, Control, and                      District of New York entered a Consent                 the survey to further inform this
                                                Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans to                          Decree between EPA and the litigants                   regulatory action.8
                                                prevent CWA HS discharges from                          establishing a schedule under which
                                                facilities subject to permitting                                                                               III. Proposed Action
                                                                                                        EPA is to sign ‘‘a notice of proposed
                                                                                                        rulemaking pertaining to the issuance of                  EPA is proposing no new regulatory
                                                   2 Under Executive Order 12777(b)(1), the
                                                                                                        the Hazardous Substance Regulations’’                  requirements under the authority of
                                                Department of the Interior has redelegated the
                                                authority to regulate non-transportation-related        and take final action after notice and                 CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) at this time.
                                                offshore facilities landward of the coastline to EPA    comment on said notice.6                               This determination is based on an
                                                (see 40 CFR part 112, Appendix B). A Memorandum                                                                analysis of identified CWA HS
                                                of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S.                 E. Public Outreach                                     discharges, and an evaluation of the
                                                Department of Transportation (DOT) and EPA (36
                                                FR 24080, November 24, 1971) established the              EPA held three public meetings in                    existing framework of EPA regulatory
                                                definitions of transportation- and non-                 2016 to gain early input from                          requirements relevant to preventing and
                                                transportation-related facilities. An MOU among         stakeholders that EPA should consider                  containing CWA HS discharges.
                                                EPA, DOI, and DOT, effective February 3, 1994, has                                                                The Agency set forth to determine
                                                redelegated the responsibility to regulate certain
                                                                                                        during the rulemaking development. A
                                                offshore facilities from DOI to EPA.                    public meeting was held in Charleston,                 what regulatory requirements under
                                                   3 The CWA 311 jurisdiction applies to discharges     West Virginia, on November 2; and two                  CWA section 311(j)(1)(C) would be
                                                or substantial threats of discharges into or upon the   virtual public meetings were held on                   appropriate to prevent CWA HS
                                                navigable waters of the United States, adjoining        November 29 and December 1. EPA                        discharges. To this end, EPA analyzed
                                                shorelines, or into or upon the waters of the
                                                contiguous zone; in connection with activities          received input from a variety of                       the frequency of and reported impacts of
                                                under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43         stakeholders, including                                the identified CWA HS discharges.
                                                U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) or the Deepwater Port Act of       nongovernmental organizations, local                      Next, EPA identified an analytical
                                                1974 (33 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.); or which may affect      governments, private citizens, and                     framework of discharge prevention,
                                                natural resources belonging to, appertaining to, or
                                                under the exclusive management authority of the         representatives from industry and trade                containment, and mitigation provisions,
                                                United States [including resources under the            organizations. Topics addressed in these
                                                Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and               discussions included:                                     7 A summary of the input is available on the EPA

                                                Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)]                  • Establish spill prevention and right-              website at: https://www.epa.gov/rulemaking-
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                                                (‘‘jurisdictional waters’’). See 33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(1)                                                          preventing-hazardous-substance-spills/summary-
                                                and 33 U.S.C. 1321(c).                                  to-know requirements for chemicals.                    public-input-clean-water-act-cwa-hazardous, as
                                                   4 CWA section 311(b)(4) provides for the                                                                    well as in the docket for this proposal: Docket
                                                                                                          5 Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief,   ID #: EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0024.
                                                President to, by regulation, determine for the
                                                purposes of this section, those quantities of oil and   Environmental Justice Health Alliance from                8 On September 21, 2017, EPA issued a notice in

                                                any hazardous substances, the discharge of which        Chemical Policy Reform v. EPA, 15–cv–5705              the Federal Register (82 FR 44178) that identified
                                                may be harmful to the public health or welfare or       (S.D.N.Y. July 21, 2015).                              plans to submit an information collection request
                                                the environment of the United States, including but       6 Envtl. Justice Health All. for Chem. Reform v.     (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget
                                                not limited to fish, shellfish, wildlife, and public    U.S. EPA, No. 15–cv–05075, ECF No. 46 (S.D.N.Y.        (OMB) for review and approval, and provided a 60-
                                                and private property, shorelines, and beaches.          Feb. 16, 2016).                                        day public comment period.

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                                                29502                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                or program elements, commonly found                                         affected.10 40 CFR 117.21 requires                                          data for identified CWA HS discharges
                                                in discharge and accident prevention                                        immediate notification to the NRC once                                      from the National Toxic Substance
                                                regulatory programs. EPA then                                               the person in charge of a vessel or an                                      Incidents Program (NTSIP).12 Impacts
                                                conducted a review of existing EPA                                          offshore or onshore facility has                                            reported to NRC and NTSIP include
                                                regulatory programs to determine which                                      knowledge of a discharge of a                                               evacuations, injuries, hospitalizations,
                                                regulations, such as NPDES, Resource                                        designated CWA HS from the facility in                                      fatalities, waterway closures, and water
                                                Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),                                       quantities equal to or exceeding, in any                                    supply contamination. A total of 117
                                                Risk Management Program (RMP), and                                          24-hour period, the reportable quantity.                                    CWA HS discharge reports (4.7 percent)
                                                others include these program elements                                          During 2007–2016, the NRC received                                       included one or more of these impacts
                                                and also apply to CWA HS.                                                   reports of 285,867 releases of all kinds                                    out of the 2,491 identified CWA HS
                                                   Based on the reported frequency and                                      (including for example of oil, chemical,                                    discharges to water, reported as
                                                impacts of identified CWA HS                                                radiological, biological to a variety of                                    originating from non-transportation-
                                                discharges, and the Agency’s evaluation                                     media). EPA then further analyzed the                                       related sources over the 10-year period
                                                of the existing framework of EPA                                            data to identify discharges of CWA HS                                       analyzed.
                                                regulatory requirements relevant to                                         that impacted water from facilities in
                                                                                                                                                                                                           EPA seeks comment on the approach
                                                preventing CWA HS discharges, EPA                                           EPA’s regulatory jurisdiction. Based on
                                                                                                                                                                                                        used to analyze the frequency of CWA
                                                has determined that the existing                                            the NRC database review 11 and
                                                                                                                            recognizing the data limitations                                            HS discharges and to quantify the
                                                framework of regulatory requirements                                                                                                                    impacts of CWA HS discharges.
                                                serves to prevent CWA HS discharges.                                        discussed further in Section III.A.3, EPA
                                                                                                                            identified 9,416 reports of CWA HS                                          Specifically, EPA requests additional
                                                Additionally, EPA identified relevant                                                                                                                   data sources, information, and
                                                requirements in other Federal regulatory                                    discharges out of the total received (3.3
                                                                                                                            percent) for this time period. Of these                                     approaches that may allow EPA to
                                                programs and determined that they                                                                                                                       further revise or refine the estimated
                                                further serve to prevent CWA HS                                             CWA HS discharge reports, the Agency
                                                                                                                            further refined the analysis by                                             impacts of CWA HS discharges from
                                                discharges, providing additional                                                                                                                        non-transportation-related sources,
                                                support for this proposed action.                                           identifying 3,140 reports that were
                                                                                                                            reported to have reached water (see                                         nationally.
                                                A. CWA HS Discharge History and                                             discussion below on NRC data                                                2. Most-Frequently Discharged CWA HS
                                                Impacts Analysis                                                            limitations). Within that universe, 2,491
                                                                                                                            (less than one percent of the reports)                                         In addition to determining the
                                                1. Discharge History and Reported
                                                                                                                            were identified as CWA HS discharges                                        frequency of CWA HS discharges, EPA
                                                                                                                            reported to have originated from non-                                       also analyzed the reporting data to
                                                  EPA analyzed CWA HS discharges                                            transportation-related sources.                                             identify the CWA HS most frequently
                                                reported to the National Response                                              EPA further analyzed the NRC data to                                     discharged. Of 292 CWA HS currently
                                                Center (NRC) 9 over a 10-year period to                                     examine how many of the CWA HS                                              designated in 40 CFR part 116, the
                                                estimate the frequency of CWA HS                                            discharges to water from non-                                               following 13 CWA HS comprised the
                                                discharges and to understand the                                            transportation-related facilities had                                       majority of identified discharges, as well
                                                reported impacts of these discharges to                                     reported impacts. This information was                                      as the majority of identified discharges
                                                communities that were potentially                                           supplemented with reported impact                                           with reported impacts (Table 2).

                                                                                                              TABLE 2—MOST FREQUENTLY DISCHARGED CWA HS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chemical               Number of      Number
                                                                                                   CWA HS                                                                    CAS No.                     class                 discharges    w/impacts

                                                Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) ...................................................................                          1336–36–3             Organic ..........               1,322               21
                                                Sulfuric Acid (>80%) ........................................................................................                 7664–93–9             Acid ................              185               14
                                                Sodium Hydroxide ...........................................................................................                  1310–73–2             Base ...............               147                4
                                                Ammonia ..........................................................................................................            7664–41–7             Weak Base ....                     112               18
                                                Benzene ...........................................................................................................             71–43–2             Organic ..........                  91                8
                                                Hydrochloric Acid .............................................................................................               7647–01–0             Acid ................               91                9
                                                Chlorine (liquid/solid) .......................................................................................               7782–50–5             Base ...............                81               13
                                                Sodium Hypochlorite .......................................................................................                   7681–52–9             Base ...............                81                1
                                                Toluene ............................................................................................................           108–88–3             Organic ..........                  38                1
                                                Phosphoric Acid ...............................................................................................               7664–38–2             Acid ................               34                0
                                                Styrene ............................................................................................................           100–42–5             Organic ..........                  21                1
                                                Nitric Acid (fuming) ..........................................................................................               7697–37–2             Acid ................               19                4
                                                Potassium Hydroxide .......................................................................................                   1310–58–3             Base ...............                18                0

                                                      Total ..........................................................................................................   ........................   ........................         2,240               94
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                                                  9 The NRC is the designated federal point of                              insight into the frequency and impact of past CWA                           caused by spills and leaks of toxic substances.
                                                contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological,                      HS discharges.                                                              NTSIP gathers information about harmful spills into
                                                biological, and etiological discharges and releases                            11 This review is described in detail in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        a central place. People can use NTSIP information
                                                into the environment anywhere in the United States                          Regulatory Impact Analysis in the docket (Docket                            to help prevent or reduce the harm caused by toxic
                                                and its territories. The NRC maintains a national                           ID No. EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0024) for this                                      substance incidents. NTSIP can also help experts
                                                database of these reports.                                                  proposed action.
                                                  10 EPA recognizes that historical CWA HS                                     12 The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
                                                                                                                                                                                                        when a release does occur. See https://
                                                                                                                                                                                                        www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ntsip/ for additional
                                                discharges do not predict future incidents. EPA                             Registry’s NTSIP collects and combines information
                                                reviewed the CWA HS discharge history to gain                               from many resources to protect people from harm                             information.

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                  29503

                                                   These 13 CWA HS make up 90                           hospitalizations, fatalities, waterway                 and provided an additional 30-day
                                                percent of all identified CWA HS                        closures, and water supply                             public comment period.
                                                discharges to water from non-                           contamination) from the universe of                      EPA anticipates using any relevant
                                                transportation-related facilities and 80                CWA HS discharges to water from non-                   information obtained through survey
                                                percent of the 117 identified CWA HS                    transportation-related facilities, which               responses to further inform
                                                discharges with reported impacts.                       were not required to be reported to the                development of a regulatory action. If
                                                                                                        NRC and, thus, could not be quantified                 new information is received that
                                                3. NRC Data Limitations                                 in this analysis. These may include the                informs the rulemaking, EPA will
                                                a. Discharge History Limitations                        loss of productivity due to a facility or              publish a notice to allow an opportunity
                                                  The Agency looked to the NRC                          process unit shutting down as a result                 for public review and comment of the
                                                                                                        of a discharge, emergency response and                 information, as appropriate.
                                                database as the best readily available
                                                                                                        restoration costs, transaction costs such
                                                source of information on CWA HS                                                                                B. Analysis of Existing Regulatory
                                                                                                        as the cost of resulting litigation,
                                                discharges in the United States.                                                                               Programs
                                                                                                        damages to water quality, fish kills, or
                                                However, EPA recognizes its
                                                                                                        impacts to property values due to                      1. Program Elements
                                                limitations. The NRC database is based
                                                                                                        changes in perceived risk or reduced
                                                on notifications of CWA HS discharges,
                                                                                                        ecological services. EPA was not able to                  The Agency assessed current
                                                and thus is dependent on the reporting
                                                                                                        identify sources of data to quantify these             discharge prevention practices and
                                                individuals for comprehensiveness and
                                                                                                        impacts, other than the cited data from                technologies based on a review of
                                                accuracy of the information provided.
                                                                                                        NRC or NTSIP and some limited                          existing EPA and other Federal
                                                  NRC reports are generally received                    information about fish kills that is made              regulatory programs.14 To further
                                                immediately following an incident,                      publicly available by a few states. The                inform this analysis, EPA also reviewed
                                                often before a facility has accurate and                NRC and NTSIP data are discussed and                   state regulatory programs and industry
                                                complete information about the                          analyzed in the RIA. The information                   standards, which are sometimes
                                                discharge. There is no requirement to                   EPA identified on fish kills is included               incorporated into state or Federal
                                                update the information reported to the                  in the docket.                                         regulations as requirements. The
                                                NRC; sometimes, the information
                                                                                                        c. Additional Efforts To Gather Data                   purpose of this regulatory review was to
                                                available in the database includes
                                                                                                                                                               identify common discharge and
                                                inaccuracies regarding, among others,                     EPA’s initial data gathering efforts for             accident prevention, control and
                                                the substance reported, the quantity                    this proposed action focused on                        mitigation provisions that would serve
                                                reported, the source, and the nature or                 assessing the scope of historical CWA                  to prevent, contain, or mitigate CWA HS
                                                impacts of the discharge. Further, some                 HS discharges and identifying relevant                 discharges. EPA also analyzed past
                                                discharges may not be reported to the                   industry practices and regulatory                      CWA HS discharges to determine what
                                                NRC, or the NRC may be notified of                      requirements related to preventing CWA                 program elements could prevent or
                                                discharges that do not equal or exceed                  HS discharges. EPA began to develop an                 minimize impacts from these types of
                                                the reportable quantity. EPA has no                     information collection request (ICR)                   discharges in the future. Finally, EPA
                                                information to assess or characterize the               with a voluntary survey intended for                   considered stakeholder input from the
                                                uncertainty associated with information                 facilities with CWA HS. EPA intended                   2016 public meetings when identifying
                                                reported to the NRC, the extent of                      to collect information on current                      program elements (e.g., secondary
                                                under-reporting (failure to report a                    prevention practices and other facility-               containment and inspections, and
                                                discharge), or the extent of over-                      specific information that would inform                 downstream water notifications). See
                                                reporting (discharges reported that are                 the selection of prevention program                    section II.E for a description of the early
                                                not subject to notification                             elements for a proposed rule (e.g.,                    stakeholder input opportunities for this
                                                requirements).                                          storage capacity, types of storage                     action.
                                                  Furthermore, the analysis conducted                   equipment). However, EPA revised the
                                                focused on those discharges that                                                                                  EPA identified a framework of
                                                                                                        focus of the survey after recognizing
                                                impacted water, but no additional                                                                              discharge prevention, containment, and
                                                                                                        uncertainties in the estimate of the
                                                determination was conducted to                                                                                 mitigation provisions, or program
                                                                                                        universe of potentially-subject facilities
                                                determine if the waters impacted were                                                                          elements, commonly found in discharge
                                                                                                        and the impacts associated with the 10-
                                                jurisdictional.13                                                                                              and accident prevention regulatory
                                                                                                        year CWA HS discharge data.
                                                                                                                                                               programs. These program elements are
                                                b. Discharge Impact Limitations                           EPA intends to collect information
                                                                                                                                                               listed in Table 3 and discussed below
                                                                                                        from states to refine:
                                                  There may be additional impacts (i.e.,                  • The estimate of the universe of                    and in the Background Information
                                                beyond evacuations, injuries,                           potentially-regulated facilities, and                  Document (BID).15
                                                                                                          • The analysis of CWA HS discharges
                                                   13 Jurisdictional waters include navigable waters                                                             14 Indiana’s Department of Environmental
                                                                                                        in the 10-year period analyzed.
                                                of the United States or adjoining shorelines, or the                                                           Management took a similar approach when
                                                waters of the contiguous zone or in connection with
                                                                                                          EPA provided notice on September                     developing a report of aboveground storage tank
                                                activities under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands      21, 2017 (82 FR 44179) of plans to                     rules and regulations. See IDEM’s Report of
                                                Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) or the Deepwater Port      submit an ICR to the OMB for review                    Aboveground Storage Tank Rules and Regulations
                                                Act of 1974 (33 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), or which may      and approval of a voluntary survey                     Pursuant to SEA 312; November 2015. https://
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                                                affect natural resources belonging to, appertaining                                                            www.in.gov/idem/cleanwater/files/ast_rules_
                                                                                                        intended for U.S. states, tribes, and                  overview.pdf.
                                                to, or under the exclusive management authority of
                                                the United States (including resources under the
                                                                                                        territories. On April 10, 2018 (83 FR                    15 The analysis did not include administrative

                                                Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and               15387) EPA provided notice that the ICR                provisions, such as recordkeeping, which would
                                                Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).                has been submitted to OMB for review                   normally be included in a regulatory program.

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                                                29504                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                          TABLE 3—PROGRAM ELEMENTS AND ASSOCIATED PROVISIONS
                                                          Program elements                                                            Sample owner/operators requirements

                                                Prevention Provisions:
                                                    Safety Information ....................   Maintain and review Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
                                                    Hazard Review ........................    Review materials and operations at a facility, identify potential CWA HS discharge scenarios, and address
                                                                                                them. Examples of resulting hazard mitigation measures could include storage container compatibility,
                                                                                                engineering controls (e.g., uninterrupted power source) to address expected weather events, overfill pre-
                                                                                                vention, explosion-proof requirements, and facility security measures.
                                                     Mechanical Integrity .................   Conduct preventive maintenance inspections, including process equipment and process control equipment,
                                                                                                and implement appropriate corrective actions within specified timeframes.
                                                     Personnel Training ...................   Conduct initial and periodic personnel training for employees and contractors on proper facility operations,
                                                                                                including any discharge prevention, mitigation, and response practices.
                                                     Incident Investigations .............    Investigate CWA HS discharge causes, identify ways to prevent recurrence, document findings, and imple-
                                                                                                ment appropriate corrective actions.
                                                     Compliance Audits ...................    Review and document compliance with regulatory requirements. This could be an in-house or third-party
                                                Containment Provisions:
                                                    Secondary Containment ..........          Install and maintain secondary containment or diversionary structures to prevent a CWA HS discharge
                                                                                                from reaching a waterway. Requirements could include specifications for size requirements, freeboard
                                                                                                for precipitation, and imperviousness.
                                                Mitigation Provisions:
                                                     Emergency Response Plan .....            Develop an emergency response plan that includes information and procedures needed in the event of a
                                                                                                discharge to mitigate the impacts of the discharge, ensure the safety of responders and facility per-
                                                                                                sonnel, and to notify potential receptors.
                                                     Coordination with State and              Coordinate with state and local responders on response and notification procedures prior to a CWA HS
                                                       Local Responders.                        discharge.

                                                   A summary of the program elements                     identifying a risk of corrosion that can                serve to avoid equipment leaks and
                                                is included below.                                       be mitigated by ensuring compatibility                  container failures. Failure of operational
                                                                                                         of the container with the stored                        equipment (e.g., pumps or tanks) or
                                                a. Safety Information
                                                                                                         material) or choosing engineering                       instrumentation (e.g., overfill alarms)
                                                   As part of prevention planning,                       controls (e.g., identifying a risk of                   can weaken active prevention measures
                                                owners/operators should maintain and                     overfilling may lead to installing alarms               and result in CWA HS discharges.
                                                review safety information about the                      or an automatic shutoff mechanism,
                                                chemicals they handle and the                                                                                    d. Personnel Training
                                                                                                         installing an uninterrupted power
                                                equipment involved in their operations.                  supply in case of loss of power). Hazard                  Training programs for employees and/
                                                Knowledge and understanding of this                      review program provisions could be                      or contractors help ensure they are
                                                information could serve to maintain                      designed to focus facilities on                         aware of proper and/or safe operating
                                                overall safe operations, reducing the                    identifying process hazards that may                    procedures, chemical hazards, discharge
                                                potential for CWA HS discharges.                         cause a discharge in order to control or                prevention and containment measures,
                                                Chemical safety information, for                         prevent these discharges.                               and response procedures. A training
                                                example, would be useful when                                                                                    program aims to reduce operator errors
                                                conducting a hazards review,                             c. Mechanical Integrity Program                         that could lead to CWA HS discharges
                                                developing a mechanical integrity                           Process equipment widely varies and                  and educate operators on the proper
                                                program, or developing training                          may include, for example, containers,                   implementation of discharge prevention
                                                materials for equipment operators.                       piping, valves, pumps, loading racks,                   measures.
                                                   Examples of safety information                        reactors, control systems, vents or relief                Personnel training can also strengthen
                                                include SDS, as well as manufacturers’                   devices, wastewater treatment systems,                  the implementation of other program
                                                specifications for operating equipment.                  or other equipment that could be                        elements, such as hazard review or
                                                A safety information program element                     potential sources of CWA HS                             mechanical integrity, by helping
                                                ensures that facility personnel have                     discharges. Facilities develop and                      employees understand operational
                                                information to help them understand                      implement mechanical integrity                          procedures established by those
                                                the safety-related aspects of their                      programs to ensure proper equipment                     program elements. Training programs
                                                materials, equipment, and processes;                     operation and maintenance, which not                    may include specific prevention and
                                                and recognize the limits that are placed                 only serve to prevent CWA HS                            response procedures, which have been
                                                on their operations.                                     discharges, but can also ensure                         developed to prevent, contain, and
                                                                                                         operational reliability and safe                        mitigate CWA HS discharges; or include
                                                b. Hazard Review                                         operation at a facility.                                more general provisions for the safe and
                                                   The hazard review process is                             Mechanical integrity provisions may                  proper operation of equipment to
                                                intended to identify potential chemical                  include procedures for inspections (e.g.,               prevent accidents due to operator error.
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                                                or operational hazards present in a                      inspect pressure relief valves, gasket
                                                process. The task of identifying                         and seal integrity), testing, and                       e. Incident Investigations
                                                potential hazards could inform changes                   appropriate corrective action by                           Incident investigations examine the
                                                in operations that would prevent CWA                     qualified personnel to prevent                          causes of a discharge after it has
                                                HS discharges. A hazard review could                     equipment failures before they cause a                  occurred. Lessons learned from incident
                                                provide information key to the proper                    discharge. Specific to the prevention of                investigations can then be applied to
                                                design, construction, and operation of                   CWA HS discharges, mechanical                           inform future prevention activities, and
                                                facility equipment/systems (e.g.,                        integrity provisions may, for example,                  may result in improvements to

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                              29505

                                                operational methods, process design, or                 line of defense in the event of a failure              responders on the content of the
                                                preventative maintenance procedures                     of the primary containment, such as                    facility’s emergency response plan
                                                with the goal of preventing future CWA                  bulk storage containers, plant                         allows for an information exchange that
                                                HS discharges. Incident investigation                   equipment, portable containers, or                     can improve emergency responders’
                                                requirements may include conducting                     piping. Secondary containment design                   understanding of the potential hazards
                                                the investigation, documenting the                      considerations may include passive or                  onsite and ensure an effective response
                                                findings, developing procedures to                      active measures, appropriate volumes,                  following a discharge.
                                                address the findings, and sharing the                   impermeability of containment                             For example, Local Emergency
                                                results with relevant employees.                        structures, and freeboard for                          Planning Committees (LEPCs) include
                                                   Incident investigation provisions                    precipitation.                                         representatives from the local
                                                applicable to CWA HS discharges may                        Secondary containment provisions for                community (including elected state and
                                                serve to document findings of a                         CWA HS equipment could require, for                    local officials; police, fire, civil defense,
                                                discharge and implement appropriate                     example, specific sizing requirements                  and public health professionals; facility
                                                corrective actions aimed at preventing                  for a worst-case discharge (e.g.,                      representatives; and community group
                                                future discharges. For example,                         construction of secondary containment                  representatives). LEPCs develop an
                                                depending on the identified cause of a                  sized to contain a CWA HS discharge                    emergency response plan for the
                                                CWA HS discharge, one-time corrective                   from the largest container) or a typical               community, and provide information
                                                actions could be implemented (e.g.,                     discharge incident (based on a most-                   about chemicals in the community to
                                                installing an engineering control), or a                likely scenario); design specifications to             citizens. Where there is no active LEPC,
                                                programmatic or management approach                     address impervious construction;                       different entities such as fire
                                                could be implemented through another                    maintenance provisions, including                      departments, emergency management
                                                program element (e.g., changes to a                     inspections to ensure the designed                     agencies, police departments, or public
                                                preventive maintenance inspection                       capacity is maintained (e.g., by                       health agencies may be planning and/or
                                                schedule under the mechanical integrity                 removing rainwater or other debris); and               assisting in an incident response.
                                                program, or changes to employee                         corrective actions to ensure that                         Coordination with state and local
                                                training materials).                                    inspection results are addressed.                      responders prior to a CWA HS discharge
                                                                                                                                                               could help mitigate the impacts of a
                                                f. Compliance Audits                                    h. Emergency Response Plan
                                                                                                                                                               CWA HS discharge (e.g., allow for a
                                                  Compliance audits serve as a                             Emergency response plans describe                   timely shutdown of downstream
                                                mechanism to evaluate and measure a                     immediate response actions to be taken                 drinking water intakes). Provisions
                                                facility’s compliance with regulatory                   after a CWA HS discharge in order to                   could require facility personnel to share
                                                requirements. An audit reviews a                        mitigate the impacts of the discharge,                 their emergency response plans with the
                                                facility’s operations and practices to                  and may include key information that                   appropriate local or state entities that
                                                determine whether or not applicable                     could be quickly accessed when needed.                 would respond in the event of a CWA
                                                regulatory requirements are being met.                  These plans identify not only the steps                HS discharge. This could include an
                                                Compliance audits identify deficiencies                 to be taken by facility personnel to                   LEPC, as well as other local authorities
                                                and opportunities for improvement, and                  mitigate the severity and environmental                in charge of coordinating source water
                                                may be accomplished by in-house                         impacts of a discharge, to make                        protection for public drinking water
                                                personnel or by an outside third party.                 appropriate notifications to local, state              systems or for other receptors.
                                                A compliance audit could be                             and Federal authorities, and also
                                                accomplished by a Professional                                                                                 2. Existing Regulatory Requirements
                                                                                                        typically includes safety information to
                                                Engineer or other person with liability/                protect employees and emergency                          EPA analyzed the Federal programs
                                                professional standards and knowledge                    responders. Including an emergency                     and corresponding regulations
                                                of the specific processes and applicable                response plan as part of a prevention                  identified in Table 4, focusing on these
                                                regulations.                                            program is complementary, since it                     program elements, to better understand
                                                  A compliance audit provision could                    requires facility owners/operators to                  the existing regulatory requirements,
                                                provide facility management with a                      proactively (i.e., in advance of the                   practices, and technologies currently
                                                mechanism for oversight of                              discharge) gather information and                      used at facilities to prevent CWA HS
                                                implementation of CWA HS discharge                      develop immediate actions to be                        discharges. These regulatory programs
                                                prevention practices, and could include                 initiated quickly following a CWA HS                   were selected because they include
                                                reports documenting the audit and                       discharge. Additional considerations for               discharge or accident prevention
                                                follow-up actions.                                      emergency response plans may include                   requirements and were identified as
                                                                                                        procedures for notifying potential                     regulating at least some CWA HS; or
                                                g. Secondary Containment                                                                                       regulating at least some facilities that
                                                                                                        receptors of the CWA HS discharge or
                                                  When properly designed and                            requirements to have ready access to                   produce, store, or use CWA HS. For
                                                maintained, secondary containment                       information about proper medical                       example, the SPCC rule in 40 CFR part
                                                systems can prevent discharges to                       treatment for ingestion of CWA HS that                 112 was reviewed because more than 50
                                                jurisdictional waters. Secondary                        impact drinking water supplies.                        percent of the 2,491 identified CWA HS
                                                containment provisions could include                                                                           discharges in the NRC data were
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                                                                                                        i. Coordinating Emergency Response
                                                dikes, berms, diversionary structures,                                                                         discharges of PCBs, reported as present
                                                                                                        Plan With State and/or Local
                                                sumps, spill kits, or other means of                                                                           in transformer oil. Storage and handling
                                                preventing discharges of CWA HS into                                                                           of transformer oil is subject to the SPCC
                                                jurisdictional waters. Secondary                          Coordination between facility                        rule when a facility meets the
                                                containment systems provide a second                    personnel and state and/or local                       applicability criteria of 40 CFR part 112.

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                                                29506                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                     TABLE 4—REVIEWED FEDERAL PROGRAMS AND CORRESPONDING REGULATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Code of Federal Regulations
                                                                              Federal programs/regulations                                                             Authorizing statute                                   citation


                                                NPDES Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Industrial Stormwater                                          CWA ..............................................   40 CFR part 122.
                                                RMP Rule ................................................................................................   Clean Air Act (CAA) ......................           40 CFR part 68.
                                                SPCC Rule ..............................................................................................    CWA ..............................................   40 CFR part 112.
                                                    • Pesticide Management and Disposal ...........................................                         Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and                  40 CFR part 165, 40 CFR part
                                                    • Worker Protection Standard.                                                                             Rodenticide Act.                                     170.
                                                    • For Generators of Hazardous Waste ...........................................                         Resource Conservation and Re-                        40 CFR part 262; 40 CFR parts
                                                    • For Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facili-                                            covery Act (RCRA).                                   264 and 265.
                                                Requirements for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) .........................                                 RCRA .............................................   40 CFR part 280.
                                                    • Emergency Planning and Notification ..........................................                        Emergency Planning and Commu-                        40 CFR part 355; 40 CFR part
                                                    • Hazardous Chemical Reporting                                                                           nity Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).                       370.
                                                Pulp, Paper, and Paper Board Effluent Guidelines ................................                           CWA, CAA .....................................       40 CFR part 430.

                                                                                                                Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

                                                   • Process Safety Management (PSM) ............................................                           Occupational Safety and Health                       29 CFR part 1910.
                                                   • Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response                                                       Act.
                                                   • Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).
                                                   • Emergency Action Plans (EAPs).

                                                                                                                      Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

                                                MSHA Regulations ..................................................................................         Federal Mine Safety and Health                       30 CFR parts 46–48, 50, 56–57.
                                                                                                                                                              Act (Mine Act).

                                                                                                                            Department of Transportation Programs

                                                Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Regula-                                          Hazardous Materials                 Transpor-        49 CFR parts 171–185.
                                                  tions.                                                                                                      tation Act (HMTA).

                                                                                      Department of Interior/Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)

                                                Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) Requirements                                             SMCRA ..........................................     30 CFR parts 700–999.

                                                a. NPDES MSGP for Industrial                                             authorization to discharge under the                                   to identify prevention requirements
                                                Stormwater (2015)                                                        general permit. Many states are                                        likely to be present in NPDES industrial
                                                                                                                         currently authorized to issue NPDES                                    stormwater permits issued by states.
                                                   The CWA NPDES Permit Program,                                         permits for industrial stormwater.                                        NPDES stormwater permits for
                                                authorized by the CWA, controls water                                      This review focused on the provisions                                industrial activity contain effluent
                                                pollution by regulating point sources                                    in one industrial stormwater general                                   limits that correspond to required levels
                                                that discharge pollutants into waters of                                 permit, the Multi-Sector General Permit                                of technology-based and water quality-
                                                the United States. An NPDES permit                                       for Stormwater Discharges Associated                                   based controls for discharges (CWA
                                                establishes limits on what can be                                        with Industrial Activity, issued by EPA                                402(p)(3)(A)). In the MSGP, most of the
                                                discharged, monitoring and reporting                                     in 2015.16 The MSGP is a general permit                                effluent limits are expressed as non-
                                                requirements, and other provisions to                                    that is available to facilities that do not                            numeric pollution prevention or best
                                                protect water quality. In essence, the                                   discharge to a state with NPDES                                        management practice (BMP)
                                                permit translates general requirements                                   permitting authority. Because many                                     requirements for minimizing the
                                                of the CWA into specific provisions                                      states model their industrial stormwater                               pollutant levels in the discharge (40
                                                tailored to the operations of the facility                               permits after EPA’s permit, it was used                                CFR 122.44(k)). To identify existing
                                                discharging pollutants. Regulations at                                                                                                          requirements relevant to preventing
                                                40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i)–(xi) require                                       16 EPA focused on stormwater permits for this
                                                                                                                                                                                                CWA HS discharges, EPA focused on
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                                                stormwater discharges associated with                                    review because the requirements apply where                            non-numeric effluent limitations in
                                                                                                                         stormwater from an industrial property has the
                                                specific categories of industrial activity                               potential to discharge to a waterway. The MSGP’s                       Section 2 of the permit, including good
                                                to be covered by NPDES permits, unless                                   requirements apply to all pollutants present in the                    housekeeping and maintenance
                                                otherwise excluded. An NPDES general                                     regulated stormwater discharge, including all toxic                    requirements, and Stormwater Pollution
                                                permit may be written to establish                                       pollutants, conventional pollutants, and non-                          Prevention Plan requirements in Section
                                                                                                                         conventional pollutants. As such, the MSGP
                                                requirements that apply to eligible                                      controls what this notice refers to as CWA HS.                         5 of the MSGP.
                                                facilities with similar operations and                                   Further, the MSGP permit is representative of                             The 2015 MSGP for Industrial
                                                types of discharges that obtain                                          stormwater permits in general.                                         Stormwater includes discharge

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                   29507

                                                prevention and response measures to                     and spell out emergency response                       CFR part 112 are often referred to as the
                                                minimize stormwater contamination                       procedures should an accident occur.                   SPCC Rule. The SPCC Plan includes
                                                (see part of the MSGP). These                   Regulated facilities must submit a single              several elements to prevent oil spills,
                                                requirements include plainly labeling                   RMP for all covered processes at the                   including a facility diagram, oil
                                                containers susceptible to spillage or                   facility; these plans must be revised and              discharge predictions, secondary
                                                leakage to encourage proper handling                    resubmitted every five years.                          containment or diversionary structures,
                                                and facilitate rapid response if spills or                 Applicability criteria. The RMP                     overfill prevention, requirements for
                                                leaks occur; and implementing                           requirements apply to facilities                       inspections, transfer procedures,
                                                procedures for material storage and                     (stationary sources) that manufacture,
                                                                                                                                                               personnel training, and a five-year plan
                                                handling, including the use of                          use, store, or otherwise handle more
                                                secondary containment and barriers                      than a threshold quantity of a regulated
                                                between material storage and traffic                    substance in a process. The RMP Rule                      Applicability criteria. The SPCC Rule
                                                areas, or a similarly effective means                   provides a List of Regulated Substances                applies to any owner or operator of a
                                                designed to prevent the discharge of                    under section 112(r) of the CAA. The                   non-transportation-related onshore or
                                                pollutants from these areas.                            140 RMP-regulated substances, and                      offshore facility engaged in drilling,
                                                   Applicability criteria. The industrial               their threshold quantities, are listed at              producing, gathering, storing,
                                                sectors and activities covered by the                   40 CFR 68.130. The list includes 77                    processing, refining, transferring,
                                                MSGP are listed in Appendix D of the                    acutely toxic chemicals that can cause                 distributing, using, or consuming oil
                                                permit, while another version of that list              serious health effects or death from                   and oil products, which, due to its
                                                of industries is included in Appendix N.                short-term exposures, as well as 63                    location, could reasonably be expected
                                                The permit is meant to control and                      flammable gases and highly volatile                    to discharge oil in quantities that may
                                                minimize pollutants in stormwater                       flammable liquids that have the                        be harmful. The rule applies to facilities
                                                discharges associated with specific                     potential to form vapor clouds and                     with an aboveground storage capacity of
                                                categories of industrial activities. This               explode or burn if released. RMP-
                                                                                                                                                               more than 1,320 gallons of oil (except
                                                permit is available only to facilities that             regulated substances include some CWA
                                                                                                                                                               farms 17), or a completely buried storage
                                                meet the eligibility criteria described in              HS. The rule defines three program
                                                the MSGP where EPA is the permitting                    levels based on the processes’ relative                capacity of more than 42,000 gallons of
                                                authority. Regulated facilities under the               potential for public impacts and the                   oil. The rule has a number of
                                                jurisdiction of authorized states are                   level of effort needed to prevent                      exemptions, such as an exemption for
                                                expected to be subject to similar                       accidents. For each program level, the                 containers used for wastewater
                                                provisions in a state-issued NPDES                      rule defines requirements that reflect                 treatment.
                                                permit.                                                 the level of risk and effort associated                   While the SPCC Rule applies only to
                                                   The term ‘‘pollutant’’ is defined at 40              with the processes at that level. As a                 oil, it regulates oil mixed with other
                                                CFR 122.2 as ‘‘dredged spoil, solid                     result, different facilities covered by the            substances, including a CWA HS. The
                                                waste, incinerator residue, filter                      regulation may have different                          definition of oil can be found in 40 CFR
                                                backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage                       requirements depending on their                        112.2: ‘‘Oil means oil of any kind or in
                                                sludge, munitions, chemical wastes,                     processes.                                             any form, including, but not limited to:
                                                biological materials, radioactive                          Equipment or operations at which
                                                                                                                                                               Fats, oils, or greases of animal, fish, or
                                                materials [except those regulated under                 requirements apply. The RMP
                                                                                                                                                               marine mammal origin; vegetable oils,
                                                the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as                       requirements apply to facilities that
                                                amended (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)], heat,                have more than a threshold quantity of                 including oils from seeds, nuts, fruits, or
                                                wrecked or discarded equipment, rock,                   a regulated substance in a process.                    kernels; and, other oils and greases,
                                                sand, cellar dirt and industrial,                       Therefore, the requirements in the rule                including petroleum, fuel oil, sludge,
                                                municipal, and agricultural waste                       apply to processes. A process means any                synthetic oils, mineral oils, oil refuse, or
                                                discharged into water.’’ The definition                 activity involving a regulated substance               oil mixed with wastes other than
                                                of pollutant is considered to include all               including any use, storage,                            dredged spoil.’’
                                                CWA HS.                                                 manufacturing, handling, or onsite                        Equipment or operations at which
                                                   Equipment or operations at which                     movement of such substances, or                        requirements apply. Some SPCC
                                                requirements apply. The permit’s                        combination of these activities. For                   requirements apply facility-wide and
                                                requirements apply to discharges of                     example, 40 CFR 68.25 requires that, for               some apply to specific equipment. For
                                                stormwater from activities and areas at                 each process at the stationary source,                 example, 40 CFR 112.7(f) requires that
                                                a regulated industrial plant, including                 the facility owner/operator analyze and                all oil-handling personnel must be
                                                industrial processes and activities such                report worst-case release scenarios.                   trained in the operation and
                                                as material handling, material storage,
                                                                                                        c. SPCC Rule (40 CFR Part 112)                         maintenance of equipment to prevent
                                                and equipment maintenance and
                                                                                                           The portion of the Oil Pollution                    discharges; discharge procedure
                                                                                                        Prevention regulation known as the                     protocols; applicable pollution control
                                                b. RMP Rule (40 CFR Part 68)                            SPCC Rule, authorized by the CWA, is                   laws, rules, and regulations; general
                                                   The Chemical Accident Prevention                     designed to protect public health, public              facility operations; and the contents of
                                                Provisions, also known as the RMP                       welfare, and the environment from                      the facility SPCC Plan. Alternatively,
                                                Rule, require facilities that use certain               potential harmful effects of oil                       the integrity testing and inspection
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                                                listed, regulated substances to develop                 discharges to navigable waters or                      provisions found at 40 CFR 112.8(c)(6)
                                                and implement a RMP. The RMP Rule                       adjoining shorelines. The SPCC Rule                    apply to bulk storage containers.
                                                is authorized by the Clean Air Act                      requires certain facilities that could
                                                                                                                                                                  17 Farms are exempt under two circumstances: (1)
                                                (CAA). Regulated facilities are also                    reasonably be expected to discharge oil
                                                                                                                                                               If the farm has less than 6,000 gallons of
                                                required to develop an RMP, which                       in quantities that may be harmful into
                                                                                                                                                               aboveground storage and no reportable oil discharge
                                                must identify the potential effects of a                jurisdictional waters or adjoining                     history; or (2) has 2,500 gallons or less of
                                                chemical accident, identify steps the                   shorelines to develop and implement                    aboveground storage, regardless of reportable oil
                                                facility is taking to prevent an accident,              SPCC Plans. Subparts A through C of 40                 discharge history.

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                                                29508                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                d. Pesticide Management Regulation                      forests, nurseries, and greenhouses that               intermediate products). This rule
                                                (Pesticide Management and Disposal, 40                  handle pesticides used to produce                      establishes different requirements for
                                                CFR Part 165)                                           agricultural plant crops must adopt                    very small, small, and large quantity
                                                   The Pesticide Management and                         workplace practices designed to reduce                 generators of hazardous waste.
                                                                                                        or eliminate exposure to pesticides, and                 Equipment or operations at which
                                                Disposal regulation establishes
                                                                                                        must follow procedures for responding                  requirements apply. Some provisions
                                                standards for pesticide containers and
                                                                                                        to exposure-related emergencies.                       apply to facility areas. For example, 40
                                                repackaging as well as label instructions
                                                                                                          Applicability criteria. The                          CFR 262.252 requires that all subject
                                                to ensure the safe use, reuse, disposal,
                                                                                                        requirements apply to chemicals that                   areas must be equipped with an internal
                                                and adequate cleaning of the containers.                                                                       communications or alarm system, a
                                                                                                        meet the definition of pesticide. One
                                                Pesticide registrants and refillers (who                hundred and nine designated CWA HS                     device to summon emergency
                                                are often distributors or retailers) must               may be used as pesticides subject to the               assistance, portable fire extinguishers
                                                comply with the regulations, and                        40 CFR part 165 FIFRA requirements.                    and other fire/spill control equipment,
                                                pesticide users must follow the label                     Equipment or operations at which                     and adequate volumes of water or foam-
                                                instructions for cleaning and handling                  requirements apply. The Worker                         producing equipment. Other provisions
                                                empty containers. Specifically, the                     Protection Standard requirements in 40                 apply to packages. For example,
                                                Pesticide Management Regulation at                      CFR part 170 apply to employers of                     § 262.31 requires that the generator must
                                                part 165 establishes standards and                      pesticide workers and handlers. For                    label each package of hazardous waste
                                                requirements for pesticide containers,                  example, 40 CFR 170.501 requires                       in accordance with the applicable DOT
                                                repackaging pesticides, and pesticide                   employers to provide training to all                   regulations on hazardous materials (49
                                                containment structures (§ 165.1).                       pesticide handlers (who mix, load, and                 CFR part 172).
                                                Twenty-one states implement pesticide                   apply agricultural pesticides) every 12
                                                containment regulations in lieu of                      months.                                                g. RCRA TSD Regulations (Standards for
                                                federal containment regulations in 40                                                                          Owners and Operators of Hazardous
                                                CFR part 165.                                           f. RCRA Generators Regulation                          Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal
                                                   Applicability criteria. The                          (Standards Applicable to Generators of                 Facilities, 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265)
                                                requirements apply to chemicals that                    Hazardous Waste, 40 CFR Part 262)                         The purpose of the RCRA Treatment,
                                                meet the definition of pesticide. One                      This RCRA Rule establishes cradle-to-               Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF)
                                                hundred and nine designated CWA HS                      grave hazardous waste management                       Standards is to establish minimum
                                                may be used as pesticides subject to the                standards for generators of hazardous                  national standards for the acceptable
                                                40 CFR part 165 FIFRA requirements.                     waste as defined by § 260.10. These                    management of hazardous waste.
                                                   Equipment or operations at which                     generator regulations ensure that                         Part 264 applies to permitted TSDFs,
                                                requirements apply. Most requirements                   hazardous waste is appropriately                       while part 265 applies to interim status
                                                in 40 CFR part 165 apply to containers                  identified and handled in a manner that                facilities. Both parts 264 and 265
                                                and pesticide manufacturers are                         protects human health and the                          provide general facility and unit-
                                                responsible for meeting these                           environment, while minimizing                          specific operating requirements to
                                                requirements. For example, 40 CFR                       interference with daily business                       assure that a facility is operated in a
                                                165.25(a) and 165.45(a) require                         operations.                                            manner that is protective of human
                                                pesticide containers to meet certain                       The rule sets forth a process for                   health and the environment.
                                                DOT packaging requirements even if the                  generators of solid waste to determine if                 Applicability criteria. The standards
                                                pesticide is not a DOT hazardous                        their wastes are hazardous, and for                    apply to owners and operators of
                                                material. Similarly, § 165.65(e) requires               generator category determination (based                facilities that treat, store, or dispose of
                                                visual inspection of a refillable                       on the amount of hazardous waste                       hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is
                                                container before repackaging a pesticide                generated each month). It provides                     defined in § 261.3. Hazardous wastes
                                                product into it, to determine whether                   manifest requirements, pre-transport                   may include specifically ‘‘listed’’
                                                the container meets the necessary                       (e.g., packaging, labeling) requirements,              hazardous wastes; or ‘‘characteristic’’
                                                criteria with respect to continued                      and recordkeeping and reporting                        hazardous wastes, which are identified
                                                container integrity, required markings,                 requirements for both small and large                  as hazardous based on four criteria
                                                and openings.                                           quantity generators. Some generators are               (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and
                                                   The regulation also includes                         also subject to preparedness,                          toxicity.) Some listed hazardous wastes
                                                requirements that apply to the area                     prevention, and emergency response                     are CWA HS (e.g., toluene); and some
                                                where stationary containers are stored                  requirements.                                          CWA HS would meet criteria for
                                                and/or pesticide dispensing areas. For                     Applicability criteria. The RCRA                    characteristic hazardous wastes at
                                                example, 40 CFR 165.85 provides design                  Generators Regulation applies to                       certain concentrations, if the CWA HS
                                                and capacity requirements for secondary                 generators of hazardous waste.                         were being discarded and thus a waste.
                                                containment structures at these areas.                  Hazardous wastes, defined in § 261.3,                  A facility includes all contiguous land,
                                                The requirements at § 165.90(a)(1)                      may include specifically ‘‘listed’’                    structures, and appurtenances on or in
                                                further state that containment structures               hazardous wastes, or ‘‘characteristic’’                the land used for treating, storing, or
                                                must be managed in a manner that                        hazardous wastes evaluated based on                    disposing of hazardous waste.
                                                prevents pesticides or materials                        four criteria (ignitability, corrosivity,                 Equipment or operations at which
                                                containing pesticides from escaping                     reactivity, and toxicity). Some listed                 requirements apply. The standards in 40
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                                                from the containment structure.                         hazardous wastes are CWA HS (e.g.,                     CFR parts 264 and 265 include facility-
                                                                                                        toluene), and some CWA HS would                        wide requirements, such as good
                                                e. Pesticide Worker Protection Standard                 meet criteria for characteristic                       housekeeping provisions, as well as
                                                (Pesticide Agricultural Work Protection                 hazardous wastes at certain                            unit-specific design and operating
                                                Standard, 40 CFR Part 170)                              concentrations if the CWA HS were                      criteria. A single facility may consist of
                                                  FIFRA regulates worker safety                         present as waste. RCRA regulations                     several types of operational units (e.g.,
                                                through Workplace Protection                            apply only to waste materials (as                      containers, tank systems, surface
                                                Standards in 40 CFR part 170. Farms,                    opposed to raw materials or                            impoundments, waste piles, landfills,

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                             29509

                                                incinerators). The unit-specific                        who will participate in the local                      k. Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines
                                                technical requirements are designed to                  emergency planning process as a facility               (Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Effluent
                                                prevent the release of hazardous waste                  emergency response coordinator, and                    Guidelines, 40 CFR Part 430)
                                                into the environment. For example,                      provide notice to the LEPC (§ 355.20(b)).                 The requirements at 40 CFR part 430
                                                § 264.184 includes container-specific                                                                          were promulgated as part of the ‘‘Cluster
                                                                                                          Applicability criteria. The emergency
                                                requirements governing design and                                                                              Rule’’ for the Pulp, Paper, and
                                                                                                        planning requirements in 40 CFR part
                                                operating requirements for storage area                                                                        Paperboard Industry; are authorized by
                                                containment systems.                                    355 apply to facilities with an extremely
                                                                                                        EHS onsite in amounts equal to or                      the CWA and CAA; and establish
                                                h. UST Rule (Technical Standards and                    greater than its designated threshold                  requirements under multiple statutes for
                                                Corrective Action Requirements for                      planning quantity (TPQ). EHS is defined                multiple environmental media. The
                                                Owners and Operators of Underground                     in Appendices A and B of 40 CFR part                   Cluster Rule was included in EPA’s
                                                Storage Tanks, 40 CFR Part 280)                         355. EHS include 65 substances, all of                 review of existing requirements because
                                                   UST regulations, authorized by RCRA,                 which are also designated as CWA HS.                   it includes BMPs for spent pulping
                                                are intended to reduce the chance of                                                                           liquor, soap, and turpentine in § 430.03,
                                                                                                          The emergency release notification                   which includes spill prevention and
                                                releases from USTs, detect leaks and                    requirements in 40 CFR part 355 apply
                                                spills when they do occur, and secure                                                                          control measures and the requirement to
                                                                                                        to facilities that produce, use, or store a            develop a BMP Plan.
                                                a prompt cleanup. The regulations
                                                                                                        hazardous chemical, and that also                         Applicability criteria. These
                                                require owners and operators to
                                                                                                        release a reportable quantity of either an             requirements apply to any pulp, paper,
                                                properly install UST systems and
                                                protect their USTs from spills, overfills,              EHS or a CERCLA hazardous substance                    or paperboard mill that discharges or
                                                and corrosion; they also require correct                as defined by CERCLA. All CWA HS are                   may discharge process wastewater
                                                filling practices to be followed. In                    defined as CERCLA hazardous                            pollutants to the waters of the United
                                                addition, owners and operators must                     substances.                                            States; or that introduces or may
                                                report new UST systems, suspected                         Equipment or operations at which                     introduce process wastewater pollutants
                                                releases, and UST system closures; and                  requirements apply. These requirements                 into a publicly owned treatment works.
                                                they must keep records of operation and                 apply to an entire facility.                              The relevant BMPs apply specifically
                                                maintenance.                                                                                                   to direct and indirect discharging pulp,
                                                   Applicability criteria. These                        j. EPCRA Reporting Rule (Hazardous                     paper, and paperboard mills with pulp
                                                requirements are specific to UST                        Chemical Reporting: Community Right                    production in Subparts B and E of part
                                                systems greater than 110 gallons in                     to Know, 40 CFR Part 370)                              430 in order to prevent spills and leaks
                                                capacity that store either petroleum or                                                                        of spent pulping liquor, soap, and
                                                                                                          The EPCRA reporting rule establishes                 turpentine. Subparts B (Bleached
                                                Comprehensive Environmental
                                                Response, Compensation, and Liability                   reporting requirements for facilities to               Papergrade Kraft and Soda) and E
                                                Act (CERCLA) hazardous substances.                      provide state and local officials with                 (Papergrade Sulfite) define effluent
                                                All designated CWA HS are also defined                  information on hazardous chemicals                     limitations for a limited number of CWA
                                                as CERCLA hazardous substances.                         present at the facility. The information               HS.
                                                Specific parts of the regulation (e.g.,                 submitted by the facilities must also be                  Equipment or operations at which
                                                § 280.42) apply to hazardous substance                  made available to the public.                          requirements apply. The requirements
                                                UST systems and petroleum UST                             Applicability criteria. This rule                    apply to pieces of equipment and
                                                systems, both defined in 40 CFR 280.12.                 applies to facilities that are required by             process areas. For example, 40 CFR
                                                   Equipment or operations at which                     the OSHA HazCom regulation to have                     430.03(c)(2)(i) requires regular visual
                                                requirements apply. Some requirements                   an SDS available, and handle or store                  inspections of process areas with
                                                apply to equipment. For example, the                    hazardous chemicals in quantities that                 equipment items in spent pulping liquor
                                                compatibility requirements at 40 CFR                                                                           service. As another example, under 40
                                                                                                        equal or exceed the following
                                                280.32 state that UST systems must be                                                                          CFR 430.03(c)(4), the mill must
                                                made of or lined with materials that are                                                                       establish a program of initial and
                                                compatible with the substance stored in                   • For EHS, either 500 pounds or the                  refresher training of operators,
                                                the UST system. Other requirements                      TPQ, whichever is lower. EHS is                        maintenance personnel, and other
                                                apply to areas or processes. For                        defined in Appendices A and B of 40                    technical and supervisory personnel
                                                example, areas directly surrounding the                 CFR part 355.                                          who have responsibility for operating,
                                                tanks are protected by requirements                       • For all other hazardous chemicals,                 maintaining, or supervising the
                                                such as the spill and overfill control                  10,000 pounds. A hazardous chemical is                 operation and maintenance of
                                                measures in § 280.30, which calls for the               defined by OSHA HazCom at 29 CFR                       equipment items in spent pulping
                                                constant monitoring of transfer                         1910.1200(c) and § 1910.1200(c) defines                liquor, soap, and turpentine service.
                                                operations.                                             chemical. This definition includes all                 l. Other Federal Programs
                                                i. EPCRA Planning Rule (Emergency                       CWA HS.
                                                                                                                                                                 Although the analysis of existing EPA
                                                Planning and Notification, 40 CFR Part                    Equipment or operations at which                     regulations is the basis for this proposal,
                                                355)                                                    requirements apply. The hazardous                      EPA reviewed other Federal regulations
                                                   The EPCRA planning rule requires                     chemical reporting requirements in 40                  with prevention requirements that may
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                regulated facilities to provide                         CFR part 370 apply to individual                       be applicable to CWA HS. For more
                                                information necessary for developing                    chemicals rather than process                          information about these requirements,
                                                and implementing state and local                        equipment. For example, regulated                      see Background Information Document:
                                                emergency response plans. It also                       facilities must submit an SDS for the                  Review of Relevant Federal and State
                                                requires emergency notification in the                  subject chemicals to the LEPC, the State               Regulations; Docket ID #: EPA–HQ–
                                                event of a release of a regulated                       Emergency Response Commission                          OLEM–2018–0024.
                                                chemical. The facility owner/operator                   (SERC), and the local fire department as               • OSHA Regulations
                                                must designate a facility representative                described in §§ 370.30 to 370.33.                        Æ Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), 29

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                                                29510                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    CFR 1910.38                                         • Surface Mining Control and                           Review of EPA and Other Federal
                                                  Æ Process Safety Management of                            Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA)                    Regulations for Program Elements, and
                                                    Highly Hazardous Chemicals                              Regulations, 30 CFR parts 700–999                  is discussed in detail in the BID
                                                    (PSM), 29 CFR 1910.119                                                                                     available in the docket for this
                                                                                                        m. State Programs and Industry
                                                  Æ Hazardous Waste Operations and                                                                             proposal.19 For each regulatory
                                                    Emergency Response                                                                                         program, this high-level analysis
                                                    (HAZWOPER), 29 CFR 1910.120                           EPA also identified state regulatory                 documents provisions related to each of
                                                  Æ HazCom, 29 CFR 1910.1200                            programs,18 which regulate the proper                  the nine program elements identified.
                                                • Mine Safety and Health                                handling and storage of chemicals to
                                                                                                        prevent accidents and discharges, and                     The analysis indicates that, for all
                                                    Administration (MSHA)
                                                                                                        industry standards that establish                      nine program elements, there are
                                                  Æ Training and Retraining of Miners                   technology standards and recommend                     existing cumulative EPA regulatory
                                                    Engaged in Shell Dredging or                        practices prudent for proper operation                 requirements under various programs
                                                    Employed at Sand, Gravel, Surface                   and maintenance. A review of these                     for accident and discharge prevention
                                                    Stone, Surface Clay, Colloidal                      state programs and industry standards is               relevant to CWA HS. Similarly, existing
                                                    Phosphate, or Surface Limestone                     presented in the BID.                                  cumulative requirements under Federal
                                                    Mines (Training, Sand and Gravel                                                                           regulatory programs administered by
                                                                                                        3. Regulatory Coverage of the Nine                     other Federal agencies and departments
                                                    Mines), 30 CFR part 46                              Program Elements
                                                  Æ Hazard Communication (HazCom),                                                                             (i.e., OSHA, MSHA, PHMSA, and
                                                    30 CFR part 47                                        EPA cross-referenced the regulatory                  OSMRE) reflect, under various accident
                                                  Æ Training and Retraining of Miners                   requirements for the Federal programs                  and discharge prevention programs, all
                                                    (Training), 30 CFR part 48                          in Table 4—Reviewed Federal Programs                   nine program elements. This
                                                  Æ Notification, Investigation, Reports                and Corresponding Regulations with the                 information is summarized in detail in
                                                    and Records of Accidents, Injuries,                 nine program elements in Table 3—                      the BID. For example, Table 5—Review
                                                    Illnesses, Employment, and Coal                     Program Elements and Associated                        of EPA and Other Federal Regulations
                                                    Production in Mines (Accident                       Provisions to identify existing regulatory             for Program Elements shows that hazard
                                                    Notification), 30 CFR part 50                       programs that include discharge                        review and emergency response
                                                  Æ Safety and Health Standards—                        prevention, control, and mitigation                    planning provisions are the two most
                                                    Surface Metal and Nonmetal Mines,                   provisions. The relevance of each EPA/                 frequently addressed program elements;
                                                    30 CFR part 56                                      Federal program and corresponding                      these were identified in seven of eight
                                                  Æ Safety and Health Standards—                        regulations to the cross-referenced                    EPA regulations and in all of the other
                                                    Underground Metal and Nonmetal                      program elements and their associated                  Federal programs reviewed.
                                                    Mines, 30 CFR part 57                               provisions is summarized in Table 5—
                                                                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials                        18 Fourteen states have regulatory programs;
                                                    Safety Administration (PHMSA)                       multiple programs in the same state are noted in         19 See Background Information Document:
                                                    Hazardous Materials Regulations,                    parentheses: CA (3), DE, GA, IL, IN (2), ME, MA (2),   Review of Relevant Federal and State Regulations;
                                                    49 CFR parts 171–185                                MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, PA, and WV.                        Docket ID #: EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0024.
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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                                                                          29511

                                                       Table 5- Review of EPA and Other Federal Regulations for Program Elements

                                                                                                                                                             Program Elementsa
                                                                                                                                                                        "'                         ~           (1)                      (1)   ........
                                                                                                                                  .b                                                               (1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "' ro
                                                                                                                                                                        0             "'
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                                                       EPA Programs/Regulations
                                                       NPDES MSGP for
                                                        Industrial Stormwater                                   ../              ../              ../                                            ../             ../
                                                      I (2ois)
                                                                                               ../              ../              ../              ../               ../              ../                         ../                     ../
                                                                                                                ../              ../              ../               ../                          ../             ../
                                                       Pesticide Management
                                                                                                                ../              ../                                                             ../
                                                       Pesticide Worker
                                                       Protection Standard
                                                                                               ../                                                ../                                                            ../
                                                       RCRA Generators
                                                                                                                ../              ../              ../                                            ../             ../                     ../
                                                       RCRA TSD
                                                                                                                ../              ../              ../                                            ../             ../                     ../
                                                                                                                ../              ../              ../                                            ../             ../
                                                       EPCRA Planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ../                     ../
                                                       EPCRA Reporting
                                                                                               ../              ../
                                                       Pulp, Paper, and Paper
                                                       Board Eft1uent                                                            ../              ../               ../                          ../
                                                       Other Federal Regulations
                                                       OSHAEAP                                                                                                                                                   ../
                                                       OSHAPSM                 ../                              ../              ../              ../               ../              ../                         ../
                                                       OSHA HAZWOPER                                            ../                               ../                                            ../             ../                     ../
                                                       OSHAHazCom              ../                                                                ../
                                                       MSHA                    ../                              ../                               ../               ../                          ../             ../
                                                       PHMSA Hazardous
                                                       Material                ../                              ../              ../              ../               ../                                          ../                     ../
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                                                                                                                ../              ../                                                             ../             ../
                                                       aA check mark("../") indicates that the regulatory program includes provisions addressing at least one
                                                       sub-element of the program element.

                                                BILLING CODE 6560–50–C                                          The analysis focused on those                                                  other Federal, regulatory framework that
                                                                                                              provisions within the existing EPA, and                                          address to varying degrees, either

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                                                29512                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                directly or indirectly, the identified                  conduct a hazard review or identify                    not fail and that are resistant to
                                                program elements for CWA HS. The                        hazards:                                               corrosion, puncture, or cracking. This
                                                compliance auditing program element is                     • MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;                   requirement is included because
                                                addressed by one EPA regulatory                            • RMP Rule;                                         material incompatibility can result in
                                                program (RMP) and one other Federal                        • SPCC Rule;                                        corrosion, which implicitly requires
                                                regulation (the OSHA Process Safety                        • Pesticide Management Regulation;                  pesticide storage facilities to incorporate
                                                Management standard). Mechanical                           • RCRA Generators Regulation;                       hazard review in order to satisfy the
                                                                                                           • RCRA TSD Regulations;                             requirement.
                                                integrity and personnel training are
                                                                                                           • UST Rule; and
                                                addressed by seven of eight EPA                            • EPCRA Reporting Rule.                                Six EPA regulatory programs have a
                                                programs and by three of the other                         The program element or sub-elements                 broad requirement to identify
                                                Federal programs reviewed. Secondary                    most commonly required by EPA                          engineering or administrative controls
                                                containment provisions are included in                  programs are identification of                         or that equipment or containers are to be
                                                six of eight EPA regulations and three                  engineering or administrative controls                 constructed in accordance with industry
                                                additional Federal programs reviewed.                   and/or a requirement for equipment/                    codes or standards. Four specific types
                                                The remaining program elements (i.e.,                   containers to be constructed in                        of engineering or administrative
                                                safety information; incident                            accordance with standards (six                         controls were reviewed: General
                                                investigations; and coordination with                   regulatory programs), requirement for                  engineering or administrative controls
                                                state and local responders) are                         compatibility of stored materials with                 (e.g. temperature control), alarms,
                                                addressed by approximately half of the                  tanks and equipment (five regulatory                   inventory management, and overfill
                                                Federal regulations reviewed.                           programs), and overfill prevention (six                prevention. The most commonly
                                                  The BID provides details on how each                  programs).                                             required engineering or administrative
                                                program element is addressed by both                       A general hazard review and                         control is general controls. For example,
                                                EPA regulations and other Federal                       identification of process hazards is                   the RCRA TSD Regulations at 40 CFR
                                                programs. A summary of the EPA                          required by four EPA regulatory                        part 264 requires that containers
                                                regulations, that serve as the basis for                programs—the 2015 MSGP for                             holding hazardous waste remain closed
                                                this proposal, is provided below.                       Industrial Stormwater, RMP Rule, SPCC                  during storage, except when it is
                                                                                                        Rule and RCRA TSD Regulations. Four                    necessary to add or remove waste,
                                                a. Safety Information                                                                                          which is a control to prevent discharges.
                                                                                                        programs, the MSGP for Industrial
                                                  Of the 11 EPA regulations reviewed,                   Stormwater, SPCC Rule, RCRA TSD                        The RCRA Generators Regulation
                                                three programs include requirements to                  Regulations and EPCRA Reporting Rule,                  requires large quantity generators to use
                                                identify safety information for                         require description of process                         inventory logs to monitor hazardous
                                                chemicals used or stored on-site—the                    technology or equipment for risk                       waste. The UST Rule requires that
                                                Pesticide Worker Protection Standard,                   identification. The 2015 MSGP for                      owners or operators monitor hazardous
                                                the RMP Rule and the EPCRA Reporting                    Industrial Stormwater requires                         substance transfer between tanks to
                                                Rule.                                                   permitted facilities to assess potential               avoid overfilling or spills. These forms
                                                  The Pesticide Worker Protection                       hazards, implement control measures to                 of engineering or administrative
                                                Standard requires agricultural                          minimize discharge based on identified                 controls may prevent discharges.
                                                establishments to display safety data                   hazards, and compile a list of the                     c. Mechanical Integrity
                                                sheets for the pesticides that have been                industrial activities exposed to
                                                applied on the establishment and to                     stormwater. The RMP Rule requires                         Eight regulations include
                                                keep the SDSs in records for two years.                 facilities, depending on applicability, to             requirements for facilities to maintain
                                                  The RMP Rule requires owners or                       either develop a hazard review or a                    mechanical integrity of equipment
                                                operators to compile and maintain                       process hazard analysis. The SPCC Rule                 critical for safe operation:
                                                general safety information, including:                  requires that regulated facilities develop                • MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
                                                An SDS, maximum intended inventory                      spill prevention, control and                             • RMP Rule;
                                                of equipment in which the regulated                     countermeasure plans that include a                       • SPCC Rule;
                                                substances are stored or processed, and                 review of equipment and processes with                    • Pesticide Management Regulation;
                                                safe operation conditions. The RMP rule                 a reasonable potential for failure.                       • RCRA Generators Regulation;
                                                also requires owners to compile process                    Compatibility of stored materials with                 • RCRA TSD Regulations;
                                                safety information for regulated                        tanks and equipment is required by five                   • UST Rule; and
                                                substances, such as toxicity information.               EPA regulatory programs—Pesticides                        • Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines.
                                                  The EPCRA Reporting Rule, which                       Management Regulation, the SPCC Rule,                     Five of the reviewed EPA regulations
                                                establishes Tier I and Tier II reporting                RCRA Generators Regulation, RCRA                       (MSGP for Industrial Stormwater, RMP
                                                requirements, requires regulated                        TSD Regulations, and the UST Rule.                     Rule, SPCC Rule, RCRA TSD
                                                facilities to submit identifying                        Most of the regulatory programs have a                 Regulations, and Pulp and Paper
                                                information, either as an SDS or a list                 general requirement that tanks or                      Effluent Guidelines,) have a general
                                                of hazardous substances grouped by                      equipment (or tank lining) must be                     mechanical integrity program element
                                                specific hazards, for hazardous                         compatible with the stored material.                   requirement, eight require inspections
                                                substances. In addition, an inventory of                The Pesticides Management Regulation                   and testing, and seven require corrective
                                                the chemicals for the preceding calendar                requires compatibility of containers and               action as a result of these inspections
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                                                year must be submitted to the facility’s                pesticides stored by referring to and                  and tests. For example, the 2015 MSGP
                                                State Emergency Response Commission                     requiring compliance with the DOT                      for Industrial Stormwater addresses a
                                                (SERC), LEPC, and local fire                            Hazardous Materials Packaging                          mechanical integrity program element
                                                department.                                             Regulations, and also requires that each               and requires maintenance of non-
                                                                                                        stationary pesticide container and its                 structural control measures (e.g.,
                                                b. Hazard Review                                                                                               ensuring availability of spill response
                                                                                                        appurtenances are resistant to extreme
                                                  Eight EPA regulations reviewed                        changes in temperature and constructed                 supplies, maintenance training). The
                                                include requirements for facilities to                  of materials that are adequately thick to              SPCC Rule requires that facilities’ SPCC

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            29513

                                                Plans include inspections and                           annually. For example, the RMP Rule                    MSGP for Industrial Stormwater, SPCC
                                                mechanical integrity.                                   requires that refresher training is                    Rule, RCRA TSD Regulations, and Pulp
                                                  These regulations vary considerably                   completed every three years.                           and Paper Effluent Guidelines—allow
                                                in scope, such as inspection frequency.                                                                        an alternative to containment to be used
                                                For example, the Pulp and Paper                         e. Incident Investigations
                                                                                                                                                               to prevent released material from
                                                Effluent Guidelines require best                           Three EPA regulations include an                    reaching water. For example, MSGP for
                                                management practices that involve daily                 incident investigation program element:                Industrial Stormwater (2015) allows for
                                                inspection of equipment for leaks for the                  • Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines;               a ‘‘similarly effective means designed to
                                                pulp and paper sector while the 2015                       • SPCC Rule; and                                    prevent the discharge of pollutants.’’
                                                MSGP for Industrial Stormwater                             • the RMP Rule.                                        EPA regulations reviewed vary in
                                                requirements emphasize preventative                        These three EPA regulations that                    their standards for the required
                                                maintenance on equipment that could                     include an incident investigation                      secondary containment. For example,
                                                result in contamination of stormwater.                  program element require facilities to                  RCRA TSD regulations require that
                                                The RMP Rule requires facilities to                     determine the cause of an incident. The                secondary containment include at least
                                                inspect equipment at a frequency                        SPCC Rule requires that facilities                     one of the following: A liner (external to
                                                recommended by the manufacturer or                      undertake an incident investigation and                the tank); a vault; a double-walled tank;
                                                industry standards and also to keep                     submit a report within 60 days if they                 or an equivalent device as approved by
                                                records of inspections.                                 discharged 1,000 U.S. gallons of oil or                the Regional Administrator.
                                                                                                        more in a single discharge or more than                Comparatively, the SPCC Rule requires
                                                d. Personnel Training                                   42 U.S. gallons of oil in each of two                  onshore facilities to use at least one of
                                                   Of the 11 EPA regulations reviewed,                  discharges. This incident investigation                the following: Dikes, berms, or retaining
                                                eight include training requirements for                 must include an analysis of the cause of               walls sufficiently impervious to contain
                                                employees or contractors that could                     the discharge, corrective action taken,                oil; curbing or drip pans; sumps and
                                                serve to prevent CWA HS discharges:                     and additional preventive measures that                collection systems; culverting, gutters,
                                                   • MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;                    would minimize the possibility of                      or other drainage systems; weirs, booms,
                                                   • RMP Rule;                                          recurrence. The RMP Rule requires that                 or other barriers; spill diversion ponds;
                                                   • SPCC Rule;                                         incident investigations are initiated                  retention ponds; or sorbent materials.
                                                   • Pesticide Worker Protection                        within 48 hours of an accidental release               The SPCC Rule requires offshore
                                                Standard;                                               and include factors that contributed to                facilities to use curbing or drip pans or
                                                   • RCRA Generators Regulation;                        the incident as well as                                sumps and collection systems.
                                                   • RCRA TSD Regulations;                              recommendations resulting from the
                                                   • UST Rule; and                                      investigation. Finally, the Pulp and                   h. Emergency Response Plan
                                                   • Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines.                Paper Effluent Guidelines require that                    Eight EPA regulations include
                                                   These regulations frequently outline                 mills conduct an incident investigation                requirements for facilities to develop an
                                                prescribed content that must be covered                 after a spill and generate a report that               emergency response plan or at least one
                                                in the employee and/or contractor                       identifies changes in operations and                   of the sub-elements of that program
                                                training. These training programs                       equipment, as necessary to prevent                     element:
                                                typically require training related to safe              recurrence.                                               • MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;
                                                operation of equipment as well as                                                                                 • RMP Rule;
                                                emergency response procedures when a                    f. Compliance Audits                                      • SPCC Rule;
                                                spill occurs. For example, the RCRA                       Of the 11 EPA regulations reviewed,                     • Pesticide Worker Protection
                                                TSD and Generators Regulations require                  the RMP rule is the only one that                      Standard;
                                                that facility personnel are trained in                  requires compliance audits. The RMP                       • RCRA Generators Regulation;
                                                hazardous waste management                              Rule requires owners or operators of                      • RCRA TSD Regulations;
                                                procedures, including equipment                         stationary sources with regulated                         • UST Rule; and
                                                monitoring, automatic waste feed cut-off                chemicals to evaluate their compliance                    • EPCRA Planning Rule.
                                                systems, alarm systems, response to                     with the RMP Rule every three years. If                   These eight EPA regulations require
                                                fires or explosions, response to ground-                they find areas of deficiency, they must               either the emergency response program
                                                water contamination incidents, and                      determine and document an appropriate                  element or at least one of its sub-
                                                emergency shutdown of operations.                       response and correct the deficiency.                   elements. Of these, four generally
                                                Similarly, the Pesticide Worker                                                                                require emergency response plans for
                                                Protection Standard requires training for               g. Secondary Containment                               discharges or accidental releases—RMP
                                                pesticide handlers to include safety                      Seven EPA regulations were found to                  Rule, SPCC Rule, RCRA Generators
                                                requirements for handling, transporting,                contain secondary containment                          Regulation, and RCRA TSD Regulations.
                                                storing, and disposing of pesticides,                   provisions:                                            Both RCRA regulations require that
                                                including general procedures for spill                    • MSGP for Industrial Stormwater;                    facilities develop contingency plans,
                                                cleanup. The MSGP for Industrial                          • SPCC Rule;                                         which describes the actions that must be
                                                Stormwater (2015) has a general                           • Pesticide Managment Regulation;                    taken in response to unplanned release
                                                requirement for permit holders to                         • RCRA Generators Regulation;                        of hazardous waste. The SPCC Rule
                                                develop training on the procedures for                    • RCRA TSD Regulations;                              requires that in addition to spill
                                                expeditiously stopping, containing, and                   • UST Rule; and                                      prevention, facilities must include
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                                                cleaning up leaks, spills, and other                      • Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines.                certain response plan elements to assist
                                                releases.                                                 These seven EPA regulations require                  with a responding to an oil discharge.
                                                   Seven of the eight EPA regulations                   secondary containment for equipment                    The RMP Rule requires facilities to
                                                reviewed specifically for personnel                     in order to prevent discharges to                      develop an emergency response plan for
                                                training also include a requirement                     jurisdictional waters. Only one                        accidental release.
                                                specific to refresher training. Most                    regulation, SPCC Rule, allows for active                  Seven of the eight EPA regulations
                                                programs require that employees receive                 or passive secondary containment.                      reviewed for the emergency response
                                                a review or refresher training at least                 Another four of the seven regulations—                 plan element require that facilities plan

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                                                29514                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                immediate actions in the event of a                            planning are addressed by half or less                     emergency personnel, wherein potential
                                                discharge. For example, the MSGP for                           than half of the reviewed EPA                              responders understand which specific
                                                Industrial Stormwater regulation                               regulations. Three programs require                        police/fire departments have primary
                                                requires permitted facilities to develop                       medical information, including the RMP                     authority and are familiar with the
                                                plans for effective response to spills,                        Rule which requires documentation of                       layout and activity of the facility and
                                                including procedures for expeditiously                         proper first-aid and emergency medical                     the properties of hazardous waste being
                                                stopping, containing, and cleaning up                          treatment necessary to treat accidental                    handled. Unlike the RCRA regulations
                                                leaks, spills, and other releases and to                       human exposures. Four programs                             and RMP Rule, the EPCRA Planning
                                                execute such procedures as soon as                             require facilities to designate an                         Rule does not require formal
                                                possible. The RMP Plan requires the                            emergency response coordinator,                            arrangements to be made with state and
                                                emergency response plan to include                             including the SPCC Rule which requires                     local responders; EPCRA mandates the
                                                immediate procedures and measures for                          the plan to provide a phone number for                     sharing of information with local
                                                emergency response after an accident.                          the facility response coordinator. One                     emergency response personnel.
                                                Four of the reviewed EPA programs also                         program requires facilities to describe
                                                include procedures to ensure personnel                         information about downstream                               4. CWA HS Subject to EPA and Other
                                                safety, such as evacuation. RCRA                               receptors that may be affected by a                        Federal Regulatory Requirements
                                                Generators and TSD Regulations both                            discharge. For example, the RMP Rule
                                                require evacuation plans for personnel,                                                                                      EPA further analyzed the existing
                                                                                                               requires that facilities describe                          Federal regulatory programs to
                                                while the Pesticide Worker Protection                          environmental receptors within a
                                                Standard requires that employers                                                                                          determine whether the most frequently
                                                                                                               calculated distance from the point of
                                                provide emergency assistance for                                                                                          discharged CWA HS listed in Table 2
                                                handlers that have experienced a                                                                                          are subject to existing regulatory
                                                potential pesticide exposure.                                  i. Coordination of Emergency Response                      requirements (Table 6). However, it is
                                                   Notification procedures are also                            Program With State/Local Responders                        important to note that the applicability
                                                frequently addressed by the reviewed                              Four EPA regulations require facilities                 criteria for some of the regulatory
                                                EPA regulatory programs. Seven of these                        to coordinate an emergency response                        programs do not rely solely on chemical
                                                EPA regulations have requirements to                           program with state and/or local                            identity, but include other factors (e.g.,
                                                notify government or local communities                         responders:                                                whether the substance is a waste, the
                                                about spills. For example, the UST Rule                           • RMP Rule;                                             industrial category of the facility); there
                                                requires owners and operators to notify                           • RCRA Generators Regulation;                           may be additional regulatory
                                                the implementing agency within 24                                 • RCRA TSD Regulations;                                 requirements applicable to the
                                                hours of a spill. Similarly, the EPCRA                            • EPCRA Planning Rule.                                  identified CWA HS that this analysis
                                                Planning Rule requires facilities to make                         Each EPA regulatory program requires                    has not identified. Thus, in cases where
                                                an immediate notification to EPA, as                           facilities to make arrangements with                       applicability could not be assessed with
                                                soon as practical, and a written follow-                       local responders to prepare for an                         relative certainty based on chemical
                                                up emergency notification. The RMP                             emergency. The RMP Rule mandates                           identity, the existing regulation was not
                                                Rule requires that emergency response                          that facilities establish an arrangement                   included in Table 6. Furthermore, the
                                                plans include procedures for informing                         with public emergency responders to                        list of CWA HS and/or the criteria for
                                                the public and local emergency                                 not enter an emergency area except as                      listing or distinguishing hazards
                                                response agencies about accidental                             arranged with the emergency contact                        between CWA HS is outside the scope
                                                releases.                                                      indicated in the RMP. The two RCRA                         of this action, as well as differentiating
                                                   The remaining sub-elements                                  rules mandate a coordinated effort with                    requirements based on such
                                                identified for emergency response                              local police, fire, hospital, and other                    consideration.

                                                                     TABLE 6—MOST FREQUENTLY DISCHARGED CWA HS AND RELEVANT FEDERAL REGULATIONS
                                                                                        CWA HS                                                                            Relevant regulations

                                                PCBs (CAS No. 1336–36–3) ....................................................................   NPDES MSGP for Industrial Stormwater (Toxic Pollutant).
                                                                                                                                                SPCC Rule (commonly mixed with transformer oil).
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.a
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material Regulations.
                                                Sulfuric Acid (CAS No. 7664–93–9) .........................................................     NPDES MSGP for Industrial Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                RMP Rule.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material Regulations.
                                                Sodium Hydroxide (CAS No. 1310–73–2) ...............................................            NPDES MSGP for Industrial Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
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                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material Regulations.
                                                Ammonia (CAS No. 7664–41–7) ..............................................................      NPDES MSGP for Industrial Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                RMP Rule.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material Regulations.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                        29515

                                                           TABLE 6—MOST FREQUENTLY DISCHARGED CWA HS AND RELEVANT FEDERAL REGULATIONS—Continued
                                                                                        CWA HS                                                                            Relevant regulations

                                                Benzene (CAS No. 71–43–2) ...................................................................   NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater (Priority/Toxic Pollutant).
                                                                                                                                                Pesticide Regulations.b
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Hydrochloric Acid (CAS No. 7647–01–0) .................................................         NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                RMP Rule.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Chlorine (CAS No. 7782–50–5) ...............................................................    NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                RMP Rule.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Sodium Hypochlorite (CAS No. 7681–52–9) ...........................................             NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Toluene (CAS No. 108–88–3) ..................................................................   NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater (Priority/Toxic Pollutant).
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Phosphoric Acid (CAS No. 7664–38–2) ...................................................         NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Styrene (CAS No. 100–42–5) ..................................................................   NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Nitric Acid (CAS No. 7697–37–2) ............................................................    NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                RMP Rule.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                Potassium Hydroxide (CAS No. 1310–58–3) ...........................................             NPDES MSGP for Industrial     Stormwater.
                                                                                                                                                UST Rule.
                                                                                                                                                EPCRA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                OSHA Regulations.
                                                                                                                                                PHMSA Hazardous Material      Regulations.
                                                   a All
                                                       instances of ‘‘OSHA Regulations’’ indicate that the CWA HS is covered under either EAPs (29 CFR 1910.38), PSM (29 CFR 1910.119),
                                                HAZWOPER (29 CFR 1910.120), or HCS (29 CFR 1910.1200).
                                                 b ‘‘Pesticide Regulations’’ indicates that the substance has a commercial use of pesticides.

                                                   Table 6 summarizes relevant                                 of Hazardous Waste; or Standards for                       criteria in addition to chemical identity.
                                                regulations for the most commonly                              Treatment, Storage, and Disposal of                        Requirements for USTs apply to CWA
                                                discharged CWA HS. However, there are                          Hazardous Waste. Their applicability                       HS when present in UST systems
                                                challenges to identifying applicability                        depends on whether a waste is present,                     greater than 110 gallons in capacity.
                                                for certain programs, specifically when                        and whether that waste meets the                           PHMSA Hazardous Materials
                                                regulatory program applicability relies                        regulatory definition of hazardous                         Regulations specify integrity
                                                on criteria other than chemical identity.                      waste. While not included in Table 6,                      requirements for packages used to ship
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                                                For example, SMCRA regulations and                             these regulations apply to CWA HS in                       hazardous materials, including CWA
                                                MSHA regulations apply primarily                               certain situations (e.g., when CWA HS                      HS. Therefore, when CWA HS are stored
                                                based on industrial activity (i.e.,                            are hazardous waste), so EPA                               in packages intended for shipment, the
                                                mining). These requirements were not                           considered these regulatory                                packages must meet certain design
                                                cited in Table 6, although they may                            requirements in the analysis of existing                   criteria that may also serve to prevent
                                                apply to some CWA HS present in those                          regulations.                                               discharges of CWA HS. These regulatory
                                                industrial activities. Also, not cited in                        For other regulatory programs,                           programs are cited in Table 6, and the
                                                this table are Standards for Generators                        applicability may depend on other                          complexities of assessing their

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                                                29516                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                prevention advantages for CWA HS are                    comments on whether there may be                       framework of regulatory requirements
                                                discussed in the BID.                                   regulatory gaps in prevention                          serves to prevent CWA HS discharges.
                                                  Based on the review of NRC reporting                  requirements that are not reflected in                   EPA requests comments on whether
                                                data, in conjunction with existing                      the analysis. We also request                          to consider this alternative approach
                                                prevention requirements of the                          information that may be used to revise                 and develop a CWA HS prevention
                                                regulations included in the analysis, the               or supplement our analysis regarding                   program. Comments should include
                                                Agency determined that the majority of                  any facilities, which are using, storing,              supporting information and data. EPA
                                                identified CWA HS reported discharges                   producing, and/or otherwise handling                   requests comments on the specific
                                                to water from non-transportation-related                CWA HS. Please provide any supporting                  provisions recommended, costs and
                                                sources have been discharges of                         information, including supporting data,                advantages of such an approach, ways to
                                                chemicals currently subject to discharge                with comments.                                         minimize any regulatory redundancies,
                                                or accident prevention regulatory
                                                                                                        IV. Alternative Regulatory Options                     and any other information that would
                                                                                                        Considered                                             support the promulgation of new CWA
                                                C. Conclusions                                                                                                 HS discharge prevention provisions.
                                                                                                        A. Prevention Program
                                                  In the 40 years since CWA section                                                                            B. Targeted Prevention Requirements
                                                311(j)(1)(C) was enacted by Congress,                      The Agency considered proposing a
                                                multiple statutory and regulatory                       CWA HS discharge prevention program                       EPA also considered proposing a
                                                requirements have been established                      that would include provisions to                       limited set of requirements designed to
                                                under different Federal authorities that                address all nine prevention program                    prevent CWA HS discharges. This
                                                generally serve to, directly and                        elements listed in Table 3. Under this                 regulatory option could establish
                                                indirectly, prevent CWA HS discharges.                  option, EPA considered requiring                       targeted requirements under one or
                                                Some states have also established their                 regulated facility owners/operators to                 more of the nine program elements
                                                own discharge prevention provisions                     develop a written plan with site-specific              listed in Table 3. Targeted requirements
                                                relevant to CWA HS. Based on EPA’s                      prevention measures and practices.                     under several of the program elements
                                                analysis of the frequency and impacts of                Regulated facilities would be expected                 could be effective in helping to prevent
                                                reported CWA HS discharges and the                      to implement this plan, to maintain and                CWA HS discharges.
                                                existing framework of EPA regulatory                    update it as needed, and to make it
                                                                                                        available for inspection. Under this                      To evaluate which requirement(s)
                                                programs and implementing regulations,                                                                         might be appropriate, EPA reviewed
                                                EPA is not proposing additional                         alternative option, the facilities could
                                                                                                        take credit for and/or incorporate                     cause data in the NRC database for past
                                                regulatory requirements at this time.                                                                          CWA HS discharges, and identified four
                                                  EPA requests comments on this                         existing discharge prevention
                                                                                                        compliance strategies when addressing                  key program elements that may have
                                                proposed approach of establishing no                                                                           addressed the CWA HS discharge
                                                new regulatory requirements under the                   CWA HS discharge prevention
                                                                                                        requirements under this program.                       causes. A summary of this review is
                                                authority of CWA section 311(j)(1)(C).                                                                         shown in Table 7. The first category of
                                                EPA specifically requests comments on                      A prevention program regulatory
                                                                                                        option would be designed to reflect all                causes, Unknown/Illegal Dumping/
                                                the analysis of existing EPA regulations                                                                       Other, consisted of reports for which
                                                and their applicability to CWA HS for                   discharge prevention, control and
                                                                                                        mitigation program elements discussed                  there was either too little information
                                                purposes of spill prevention. EPA also
                                                                                                        in this action to prevent and mitigate                 provided to develop a prevention
                                                requests comments on the analysis of
                                                                                                        CWA HS discharges to jurisdictional                    strategy, or for which additional
                                                other Federal regulations that
                                                                                                        waters. A prevention program regulatory                regulatory requirements would be
                                                supplement the EPA regulatory program
                                                                                                        approach would also include additional                 unlikely to prevent the discharges
                                                analysis and whether EPA should
                                                                                                        administrative program elements, such                  because the HS was disposed of
                                                consider expanding the basis of the
                                                                                                        as requirements to:                                    illegally. For example, there are
                                                proposal to these Federal regulations.
                                                                                                           • Develop a plan in accordance with                 statutory and regulatory prohibitions in
                                                  Furthermore, while the analysis of
                                                                                                        good engineering practices;                            place to prevent CWA HS dumping, and
                                                state regulations and industry standards
                                                                                                           • Update the plan as operations or                  these prohibitions are enforced (see
                                                included in the BID do not serve as a
                                                basis for this proposal, the Agency                     equipment changes; and                                 CWA section 311(b)(3) and 40 CFR
                                                requests comments on whether the state                     • Require records documenting                       117.1(a)). There is no reason to believe
                                                regulations and industry standards                      compliance with the rule.                              that a redundant prohibition on such
                                                considered have program elements                           Following an analysis of the                        dumping would alleviate the problem of
                                                reflective of those identified as key to                frequency of CWA HS discharges and                     those who already disregard existing
                                                prevention. The Agency also requests                    the causes and impacts of such                         regulations.
                                                comments on whether there are other                     discharges, the Agency chose not to                      EPA identified program elements that
                                                Federal regulations not considered in                   propose this approach. Over the 10-year                could be effective in preventing CWA
                                                the analysis but that may have                          period analyzed (2007–2016), there                     HS discharges resulting from the other
                                                applicable discharge prevention                         were a total of 2,491 CWA HS                           four categories of reported causes. These
                                                requirements, as well as whether any of                 discharges from non-transportation-                    program elements were considered, both
                                                the identified program elements should                  related sources with 117 of those                      individually and in various
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                                                or should not have been considered.                     discharges with reported impacts. This                 combinations, as an alternative
                                                Likewise, the Agency requests                           data suggests that the existing                        regulatory option.

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                                29517

                                                                                                     TABLE 7—CAUSE DATA FOR IDENTIFIED CWA HS DISCHARGES
                                                                                                                                                            CWA HS
                                                                                                                                                           discharges                       Program element that
                                                                                                                                        CWA HS
                                                                    Reported cause category a                                                                  with                        could potentially prevent
                                                                                                                                       discharges           reported                        this type of discharge

                                                Unknown/Illegal Dumping/Other ...................................                              1,357                   74   Unknown—not enough information.
                                                                                                                                                                            None—illegal dumping violates current regulations.
                                                Equipment Failure ........................................................                       563                   17   Hazard Review.
                                                                                                                                                                            Mechanical Integrity.
                                                                                                                                                                            Secondary Containment.
                                                Natural Phenomenon ....................................................                          321                    4   Hazard Review.
                                                Operator Error ..............................................................                    204                   10   Hazard Review.
                                                                                                                                                                            Personnel Training.
                                                                                                                                                                            Secondary Containment.
                                                Fire, explosion ..............................................................                    46                   12   Hazard Review.
                                                                                                                                                                            Mechanical Integrity.
                                                                                                                                                                            Personnel Training.

                                                      Total .......................................................................            2,491                 117
                                                   a EPA    used NRC incident descriptions to categorize the incident cause.

                                                1. Hazard Review                                                           and discharge prevention measures/                      new regulation. Additionally, the
                                                                                                                           procedures could serve to prevent CWA                   benefits of any of the targeted provisions
                                                  Approximately 46 percent of the
                                                                                                                           HS discharges due to operator error.                    described above may not justify the
                                                identified CWA HS discharges from
                                                                                                                           However, the value of a personnel                       associated costs.20 For more information
                                                2007 to 2016 were reportedly due to
                                                                                                                           training program would depend, in part,                 on the potential costs and benefits
                                                equipment failure, a natural
                                                                                                                           on whether proper operating,                            associated with regulatory options
                                                phenomenon, operator error, or fire/
                                                                                                                           maintenance, prevention, or response                    considered for this action, see the
                                                explosion. These causes were all                                           procedures have been developed to train
                                                identified as potentially addressed by a                                                                                           economic analysis, ‘‘Regulatory Impact
                                                                                                                           personnel. Personnel training provisions                Analysis; Clean Water Act Hazardous
                                                hazard review. A requirement to                                            are currently required in seven of the
                                                identify potential hazards, including, for                                                                                         Substances Discharge Prevention,’’
                                                                                                                           eight EPA programs and three of the
                                                example, process hazards, engineering                                                                                              available in the docket and the summary
                                                                                                                           four other Federal programs reviewed.
                                                and administrative controls, and human                                                                                             of the economic analysis in section V.A.
                                                factors, could help prevent CWA HS                                         4. Secondary Containment                                of this action.
                                                discharges. However, establishing new                                         More than 30 percent of the identified                 EPA requests comments on whether it
                                                requirements for hazard reviews may                                        2,491 CWA discharges were due to                        should adopt a narrowly targeted
                                                provide only incremental advantages, as                                    causes (e.g., equipment failure, operator               regulatory approach to prevent CWA HS
                                                the hazard review program element was                                      failure) where secondary containment                    discharges. Commenters who support
                                                identified in seven of the eight EPA                                       could have played a role in preventing                  targeted prevention requirements
                                                regulatory programs and in all four of                                     the discharge to jurisdictional waters. A               should provide information and data
                                                the other Federal regulations reviewed.                                    requirement to construct and maintain                   that identify which program elements to
                                                2. Mechanical Integrity                                                    appropriate secondary containment
                                                                                                                                                                                   include and why, the costs and
                                                                                                                           (e.g., sized to prevent a CWA HS
                                                   Nearly 23 percent of the identified                                                                                             advantages of such an approach, ways to
                                                                                                                           discharge from impacting jurisdictional
                                                2,491 CWA HS discharges from 2007 to                                       waters could be the most generally                      minimize any regulatory redundancies,
                                                2016 were reportedly due to equipment                                      applicable program element). However,                   and any other information that would
                                                failure, which could be addressed in                                       the advantages of adding secondary                      support the promulgation of new,
                                                part through preventive maintenance.                                       containment provisions may only be                      targeted prevention provisions.
                                                However, EPA believes additional                                           incremental, as at least some type of                   Furthermore, EPA requests comments
                                                regulatory requirements would provide                                      secondary containment provision is                      on whether a targeted regulatory
                                                minimal prevention advantages, since                                       included in six of the eight EPA                        approach should allow a facility to
                                                seven of the eight EPA programs and                                        regulatory programs and three of the                    substitute alternative prevention
                                                three of the four other Federal programs                                   four other Federal regulatory programs                  measures for specific targeted
                                                analyzed in the existing requirements                                      reviewed.                                               requirements (e.g., a situation where
                                                review already contain some                                                                                                        secondary containment is not
                                                mechanical integrity/preventive                                            5. Conclusion
                                                                                                                                                                                   practicable, a facility could substitute a
                                                maintenance provisions.                                                       Provisions for any of the four program               separate prevention measure that
                                                                                                                           elements described above, as well as                    achieves the same effect).
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                                                3. Personnel Training
                                                                                                                           others identified in Table 3, could be
                                                  Approximately 10 percent of the                                          included in a targeted regulatory                          20 Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October
                                                identified 2,491 CWA HS discharges                                         approach. However, these provisions                     4, 1993) section 1(a) states that in choosing among
                                                were due to either operator error or fire/                                 were frequently identified in both the                  alternative regulatory approaches, agencies should
                                                explosion, which were both identified                                      EPA and other Federal regulatory                        select those approaches that maximize net benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                   (including potential economic, environmental,
                                                as causes that could be reduced by                                         programs reviewed. EPA believes there                   public health and safety, and other advantages;
                                                personnel training. Training employees                                     would be only minimal incremental                       distributive impacts; and equity), unless a statute
                                                on the proper operation of equipment                                       value in requiring these provisions in a                requires another regulatory approach.

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                                                29518                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                   In summary, the proposal identifies                                     program, and is requesting comments on                                       considers three alternatives: The
                                                three options the Agency may choose to                                     appropriate applicability criteria or                                        proposed no-action approach, a
                                                finalize:                                                                  thresholds for such alternatives.                                            prevention program including
                                                   • Establishes no new requirements                                       V. Statutory and Executive Order                                             provisions under nine program
                                                under the authority of CWA 311(j)(1)(C);                                   Reviews                                                                      elements, and a targeted approach
                                                   • Requires prevention plans to                                                                                                                       including four of the program elements.
                                                address the nine program elements                                            Additional information about these
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The unit costs of the program elements
                                                discussed; or                                                              statutes and Executive Orders can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                        are derived from similar requirements in
                                                   • Requires actions under targeted                                       found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-
                                                                                                                           regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.                                       other EPA regulatory programs. The
                                                program elements.                                                                                                                                       number of affected facilities is estimated
                                                   EPA requests comments on these                                          A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory                                         from the number of facilities subject to
                                                three approaches, as well as on other                                      Planning and Review and Executive                                            EPCRA.
                                                alternatives not specifically identified in                                Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
                                                this notice. For example, EPA could                                        Regulatory Review                                                               EPA does not attempt to determine
                                                consider an approach that requires an                                                                                                                   the number of potentially regulated
                                                                                                                              This action is a significant regulatory                                   facilities currently undertaking various
                                                owner or operator to develop a plan to                                     action that was submitted to OMB for
                                                prevent CWA HS discharges but allows                                                                                                                    prevention activities in the baseline.
                                                                                                                           review, because it raises novel legal or                                     Thus, EPA does not estimate total costs
                                                flexibility for the owner or operator to                                   policy issues arising out of legal
                                                determine what provisions should be                                                                                                                     per facility, nor does it estimate total
                                                                                                                           mandates, the President’s priorities, or
                                                incorporated within the plan. The                                                                                                                       program costs across facilities. EPA does
                                                                                                                           the principles set forth in the Executive
                                                Agency could also consider establishing                                    Order. Any changes made in response to                                       calculate the annualized net present
                                                a prevention program under CWA                                             the OMB recommendations have been                                            value of a wide range of unit
                                                section 311(j)(1)(C) authority that                                        documented in the docket.                                                    compliance costs for each program
                                                incorporates existing discharge                                               EPA prepared an economic analysis of                                      element over a 10-year analysis period,
                                                prevention provisions already                                              the potential costs and benefits                                             using 3 percent and 7 percent discount
                                                established under other statutory                                          associated with regulatory options                                           rates, as presented in Tables 8 and 9.
                                                authorities. EPA requests comments on                                      considered for this action. This analysis,                                   Avoided damages, estimated from
                                                alternative approaches.                                                    ‘‘Regulatory Impact Analysis; Clean                                          historical CWA HS discharges, represent
                                                   If the Agency were to finalize an                                       Water Act Hazardous Substances                                               the monetized damages. Based on
                                                alternative option that establishes a                                      Discharge Prevention,’’ is available in                                      historical incidents reported to the NRC,
                                                regulatory program, it would apply to                                      the docket.                                                                  EPA estimated the total existing level of
                                                facilities producing, storing, processing,                                                                                                              monetized damages over the 10-year
                                                using, transferring or otherwise                                           1. Summary of the Economic Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                        period from 2007 to 2016 to be $33.1
                                                handling CWA HS. EPA would need to                                            A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) is                                     million in 2016 dollars.
                                                establish applicability criteria for the                                   included in the record. The RIA
                                                                                                                              TABLE 8—SUMMARY OF UNIT COSTS
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit Costs: Total annualized unit costs
                                                                                                                                                                                                      (2016 $)

                                                                                        Type of cost                                                          Option 1:                                 Option 2:                     Option 3: Targeted
                                                                                                                                                           Proposed action                         Prevention program              prevention requirements

                                                                                                                                                          3%                  7%                   3%                 7%              3%             7%

                                                Safety Information (Recurring) ..................................................................                $0                  $0      $14–$25,100           $15–$26,700              $0             $0
                                                Hazard Review (Recurring) .......................................................................                 0                   0        19–15,900             20–17,300       19–15,900      20–17,300
                                                Mechanical Integrity (Initial and Recurring) ..............................................                       0                   0       348–98,800            349–99,400      348–98,800     349–99,400
                                                Personnel Training (Recurring) .................................................................                  0                   0        42–69,100             44–73,400       42–69,100      44–73,400
                                                Incident Investigations (Recurring) ...........................................................                   0                   0        40–14,600             42–15,300               0              0
                                                Compliance Audits (Recurring) .................................................................                   0                   0        46–10,800             45–10,600               0              0
                                                Secondary Containment (Initial) ................................................................                  0                   0     3,000–43,100          3,570–51,200    3,000–43,100   3,570–51,200
                                                Emergency Response Plan, ERP) (Initial) ................................................                          0                   0              770                   914               0              0
                                                Coordination of ERP with State and Local Responders (Initial) ..............                                      0                   0               (*)                   (*)              0              0
                                                  * Included in cost of ERP.

                                                                                                                     TABLE 9—SUMMARY OF MONETIZED DAMAGES
                                                                                                                                                                            Monetized damages

                                                              Impact category                                                                                                                                                               Average annual
                                                                                                                                                        Impact                                                                                  damages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       annual cases        (millions, 2016 $)
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                Human Health ...............................             Injuries (w/o hospitalizations) ...............................................................                            1.2               $0.001
                                                                                                         Hospitalizations ....................................................................................                      4.1                  0.2
                                                                                                         Fatalities ...............................................................................................                 0.3                  3.1
                                                Other .............................................      Evacuations ..........................................................................................                   211.9                 0.04
                                                                                                         Sheltering-in-Place ...............................................................................                       n.e.                  n.e.
                                                                                                         Waterway Closures ..............................................................................                           n.e.                 n.e.
                                                                                                         Water Supply Contamination ...............................................................                                n.e.                  n.e.
                                                                                                         Environmental Impacts ........................................................................                             n.e.                 n.e.
                                                                                                         Lost Productivity ...................................................................................                      n.e.                 n.e.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                                                     29519

                                                                                                     TABLE 9—SUMMARY OF MONETIZED DAMAGES—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                          Monetized damages

                                                            Impact category                                                                                                                                                             Average annual
                                                                                                                                                      Impact                                                                                damages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      annual cases     (millions, 2016 $)

                                                                                                     Emergency Response Costs ...............................................................                                   n.e.                 n.e.
                                                                                                     Transaction Costs ................................................................................                         n.e.                 n.e.
                                                                                                     Property Value Impacts * .....................................................................                             n.e.                 n.e.

                                                     Total .......................................   ..............................................................................................................           217.5                  3.3
                                                   n.e. = not estimated.
                                                   * Property value impacts overlap with human health and other impact categories.

                                                   EPA believes the benefits would not                                 information about many chemicals, of                                            sector that have CWA HS onsite is the
                                                justify the costs in any alternative other                             which CWA HS are a subset. EPA                                                  same across all states. As discussed in
                                                than the proposed alternative.21 The                                   reviewed Tier II reports submitted in 16                                        Section 3.3 of the RIA, alternative
                                                benefits of the provisions are to reduce                               states and extrapolated the data                                                extrapolation methodologies were used
                                                the likelihood and severity of CWA                                     nationally based on NAICS codes and                                             with reasonably similar results, which
                                                hazardous substance discharges and                                     United States Census data. EPA                                                  provides some confidence that the
                                                their associated impacts on human                                      estimates there are approximately                                               extrapolation approach is reasonable
                                                health and the environment. Table 9                                    108,000 potentially affected facilities                                         (i.e., nationwide estimate of
                                                gives estimates of baseline damages                                    nationally. For additional details on this                                      approximately 101,000 facilities based
                                                from hazardous substance discharges.                                   methodology, alternatives considered,                                           on Tier II data and U.S. population vs.
                                                Annualized damages are estimated as                                    and the results, please see Section 3 and                                       approximately 108,000 facilities based
                                                $3.3 million (2016$) and represent                                     Appendix B of the RIA available in the                                          on NAICS codes and Census data).
                                                human health impacts and evacuations.                                  docket for this action.22
                                                                                                                                                                                                       3. Conclusion
                                                Nonmonetized baseline damages                                          b. Proximity to Jurisdictional Waters
                                                include impacts such as shelter-in-place                                                                                                                 EPA seeks comments on the method
                                                events, waterway closures, and lost                                       EPA did not identify an appropriate                                          used to estimate the potential affected
                                                productivity. The estimated annualized                                 method to quantify those facilities that                                        universe, including any additional data
                                                unit costs of proposed provisions vary                                 would not have the potential to                                                 or information sources that could be
                                                widely, from less than $100 to tens of                                 discharge to jurisdictional waters for                                          used to reduce the uncertainty of the
                                                thousands of dollars (Table 8). However,                               this action. To estimate the universe of                                        estimate. For any additional information
                                                existing regulatory programs already                                   potentially subject facilities, EPA took a                                      sources, commenters are encouraged to
                                                require many of the prevention and                                     conservative approach and assumed that                                          provide information, including where it
                                                mitigation actions proposed by Options                                 all CWA HS facilities have the potential                                        can be publicly obtained, as well as how
                                                2 and 3. Even a robust regulatory                                      to discharge CWA HS to jurisdictional                                           the data could improve EPA’s current
                                                program where none existed before                                      waters.                                                                         estimate. EPA intends to further refine
                                                would not be expected to completely                                    c. Data Limitations                                                             the estimate of the facilities that could
                                                eliminate all risk.                                                                                                                                    be potentially subject to CWA HS
                                                                                                                          The estimate of potentially regulated
                                                   Since the proposed alternative                                                                                                                      regulatory requirements as additional
                                                                                                                       facilities has several uncertainties. First,
                                                establishes no new regulatory                                          due to the wide range of trade names                                            information is received. EPA is
                                                requirements, it neither imposes                                       used for many chemicals and chemical                                            requesting comments on its approach to
                                                incremental costs nor provides                                         mixtures, it was unclear whether                                                the economic analysis, including
                                                incremental environmental protection                                   approximately 20 percent of the                                                 additional sources of information or
                                                benefits.                                                              facilities in the Tier II reports reviewed                                      data to refine the analysis.
                                                2. Estimating Universe of Potentially                                  had a CWA HS onsite. Second, Tier II                                            B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing
                                                Regulated Facilities                                                   reports are required for materials                                              Regulation and Controlling Regulatory
                                                                                                                       present at any one time in an amount                                            Costs
                                                a. Identifying Facilities With CWA HS
                                                                                                                       greater than or equal to 10,000 pounds,
                                                   To estimate the universe of facilities                              or lower established thresholds for                                               This action is not an Executive Order
                                                that would potentially be subject to a                                 chemicals defined as Extremely                                                  13771 regulatory or deregulatory action,
                                                rule preventing CWA HS discharges,                                     Hazardous Substances in 40 CFR part                                             because this action does not propose
                                                EPA first estimated the number of                                      355, Appendix A. If a proposed                                                  any regulatory requirements.
                                                facilities with CWA HS onsite.                                         regulation were to establish                                                    C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
                                                Information in EPCRA Tier II reports                                   applicability criteria with a higher or
                                                was used to identify facilities with CWA                               lower applicability threshold than those                                          This action does not impose an
                                                HS onsite, because these reports contain                               established in 40 CFR part 355,                                                 information collection burden under the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                                                                                       Appendix A, the number of potentially                                           PRA, because this action does not
                                                   21 Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,
                                                                                                                       regulated facilities would be impacted.                                         propose any regulatory requirements.
                                                October 4, 1993), section 1(b)(6), each agency shall                   Finally, the extrapolation assumes that
                                                assess both the costs and benefits of the intended
                                                                                                                                                                                                       D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
                                                regulation and, recognizing that some costs and                        the fraction of facilities in each NAICS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          I certify that this action will not have
                                                benefits are difficult to quantify, propose or adopt
                                                a regulation only upon a reasoned determination                           22 See
                                                                                                                               Regulatory Impact Analysis; Clean Water
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a significant economic impact on a
                                                that the benefits of the intended regulation justify                   Act Hazardous Substances Discharge Prevention;                                  substantial number of small entities
                                                its costs.                                                             Docket ID #: EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0024.                                             under the RFA. In making this

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                                                29520                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                determination, the impact of concern is                 This action proposes no regulatory                     submit electronically any information
                                                any significant adverse economic                        requirements.                                          you consider to be Confidential
                                                impact on small entities. An agency may                                                                        Business Information (CBI) or other
                                                                                                        J. National Technology Transfer and
                                                certify that a rule will not have a                                                                            information whose disclosure is
                                                                                                        Advancement Act
                                                significant economic impact on a                                                                               restricted by statute. Multimedia
                                                substantial number of small entities if                   This rulemaking does not involve                     submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
                                                the rule relieves regulatory burden, has                technical standards.                                   accompanied by a written comment.
                                                no net burden, or otherwise has a                       K. Executive Order 12898: Federal                      The written comment is considered the
                                                positive economic effect on the small                   Actions To Address Environmental                       official comment and should include
                                                entities subject to the rule.                           Justice in Minority Populations and                    discussion of all points you wish to
                                                  This action proposes no regulatory                    Low-Income Populations                                 make. The EPA will generally not
                                                requirements. We have therefore                                                                                consider comments or comment
                                                concluded that this action will have no                   EPA believes that this action is not                 contents located outside of the primary
                                                net regulatory burden for all directly                  subject to Executive Order 12898 (59 FR                submission (i.e. on the web, cloud, or
                                                regulated small entities.                               7629, February 16, 1994) because it does               other file sharing system). For
                                                                                                        not establish an environmental health or               additional submission methods, the full
                                                E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                         safety standard and imposes no                         EPA public comment policy,
                                                (UMRA)                                                  regulatory requirements.                               information about CBI or multimedia
                                                   This action does not contain any                       Dated: June 15, 2018.                                submissions, and general guidance on
                                                unfunded mandate as described in                        E. Scott Pruitt,                                       making effective comments, please visit
                                                UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538, and does                      Administrator.                                         http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/
                                                not significantly or uniquely affect small                                                                     commenting-epa-dockets.
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–13470 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]
                                                governments. The action imposes no                                                                               You may also view Hawaii’s
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                enforceable duty on any state, local, or                                                                       application from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                tribal governments or the private sector.                                                                      Monday to Friday, excluding State
                                                F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                               holidays at Hawaii State Department of
                                                                                                        AGENCY                                                 Health OPPPD, 1250 Punchbowl Street,
                                                  This action does not have federalism                                                                         Room 120, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813,
                                                implications. It will not have substantial              40 CFR Part 271                                        phone number: 808–586–4188.
                                                direct effects on the states, on the
                                                                                                        [EPA–R09–RCRA–2018–0267; FRL–9979–                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                relationship between the national
                                                government and the states, or on the                    60—Region 9]                                           Laurie Amaro, U.S. Environmental
                                                distribution of power and                                                                                      Protection Agency, Region 9, Land
                                                responsibilities among the various                      Hawaii: Proposed Authorization of                      Division, 75 Hawthorne Street (LND–1–
                                                levels of government.                                   State Hazardous Waste Management                       1), San Francisco, CA 94105, phone
                                                                                                        Program Revisions                                      number: 415–972–3364, email:
                                                G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation                                                                         amaro.laurie@epa.gov.
                                                and Coordination With Indian Tribal                     AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                Governments                                             Agency (EPA).
                                                                                                        ACTION: Proposed rule.                                 A. Why are revisions to State programs
                                                  This action does not have tribal                                                                             necessary?
                                                implications as specified in Executive                  SUMMARY:   Hawaii has applied to the
                                                Order 13175, because this action                        Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)                    States which have received final
                                                proposes no regulatory requirements.                    for final authorization of certain changes             authorization from EPA under RCRA
                                                Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not                    to its hazardous waste program under                   section 3006(b), 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), must
                                                apply to this action.                                   the Resource Conservation and                          maintain a hazardous waste program
                                                                                                        Recovery Act, as amended (RCRA).                       that is equivalent to, consistent with,
                                                H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of                                                                        and no less stringent than the federal
                                                Children From Environmental Health                      These changes correspond to certain
                                                                                                        federal rules promulgated between May                  program. As the federal program
                                                and Safety Risks                                                                                               changes, states must change their
                                                                                                        26, 1998 and June 30, 2016 (also known
                                                  The EPA interprets Executive Order                    as RCRA Checklist 167 and Clusters IX                  programs and ask EPA to authorize the
                                                13045 as applying to those regulatory                   through XXIV) plus several changes                     changes. Changes to state programs may
                                                actions that concern environmental                      initiated by the State. EPA has reviewed               be necessary when federal or state
                                                health or safety risks that the EPA has                 Hawaii’s application with regards to                   statutory or regulatory authority is
                                                reason to believe may                                   federal requirements and is proposing to               modified or when certain other changes
                                                disproportionately affect children, per                 authorize the changes. The EPA seeks                   occur. Most commonly, states must
                                                the definition of ‘‘covered regulatory                  public comment prior to taking final                   change their programs because of
                                                action’’ in Section 2–202 of the                        action.                                                changes to EPA’s regulations in 40 Code
                                                Executive Order. This action is not                                                                            of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts 124,
                                                subject to Executive Order 13045                        DATES:  Comments on this proposed rule                 260 through 268, 270, 273, and 279.
                                                because it does not concern an                          must be received by July 25, 2018.
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                                                                                                                                               B. What decisions has EPA made in this
                                                environmental health risk or safety risk.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                                                                        identified by Docket ID Number EPA–                    rule?
                                                I. Executive Order 13211: Actions That                  R09–RCRA–2018–0267 at http://                            On December 13, 2017, Hawaii
                                                Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                     www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                 submitted a final complete program
                                                Distribution, or Use                                    instructions for submitting comments.                  revision application seeking
                                                   This action is not a ‘‘significant                   Once submitted, comments cannot be                     authorization of changes to its
                                                energy action’’ because it is not likely to             edited or removed from Regulations.gov.                hazardous waste program corresponding
                                                have a significant adverse effect on the                The EPA may publish any comment                        to certain federal rules promulgated
                                                supply, distribution, or use of energy.                 received to its public docket. Do not                  between May 26, 1998 and June 30,

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Document Created: 2018-06-23 02:29:22
Document Modified: 2018-06-23 02:29:22
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed action.
DatesComments must be received on or before August 24, 2018.
ContactStacey Yonce, Office of Emergency Management, Mail Code 5104A, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460, (202) 564-2288, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 29499 
RIN Number2050-AG87

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