83_FR_29651 83 FR 29529 - Notice of Solicitation of Applications for the Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants for Fiscal Year 2018

83 FR 29529 - Notice of Solicitation of Applications for the Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants for Fiscal Year 2018

Rural Housing Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 122 (June 25, 2018)

Page Range29529-29539
FR Document2018-13458

The Rural Housing Service (RHS), an Agency within Rural Development, announces that it is soliciting competitive applications under its Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) program. This action is taken to comply with Agency regulations which requires the Agency to announce the opening and closing dates for receipt of pre-applications for HPG funds from eligible applicants. The Agency has published the amount of funding received in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Pub. L. 115-141, March 23, 2018) on its website at https://www.rd.usda.gov/newsroom/notices- solicitation-applications-nosas. Expenses incurred in developing applications will be at the applicant's risk.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)]
[Pages 29529-29539]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13458]



Rural Housing Service

Notice of Solicitation of Applications for the Section 533 
Housing Preservation Grants for Fiscal Year 2018

AGENCY: Rural Housing Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Rural Housing Service (RHS), an Agency within Rural 
Development, announces that it is soliciting competitive applications 
under its Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) program. This action is 
taken to comply with Agency regulations which requires the Agency to 
announce the opening and closing dates for receipt of pre-applications 
for HPG funds from eligible applicants.
    The Agency has published the amount of funding received in the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Pub. L. 115-141, March 23, 2018) 
on its website at https://www.rd.usda.gov/newsroom/notices-solicitation-applications-nosas. Expenses incurred in developing 
applications will be at the applicant's risk.

DATES: The closing deadline for receipt of all pre-applications in 
response to this Notice is 5:00 p.m., local time for each Rural 
Development State Office on August 9, 2018 regardless of delivery 
method (hand delivered, electronic, mail, or a combination thereof). 
Rural Development State Office locations can be found at: http://www.rd.usda.gov/contact-us/state-offices. RHS will not consider any 
application that is received after the closing deadline. Applicants 
intending to mail applications must provide sufficient time to permit 
delivery on or before the closing deadline date and time. Acceptance by 
the United States Postal Service or private mailer does not constitute 
delivery. Facsimile (FAX) and postage due applications will not be 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information, applicants 
may contact Bonnie Edwards-Jackson, Finance and Loan Analyst, Multi-
Family Housing Preservation and Direct Loan Division, USDA Rural 
Development, STOP 0781, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
20250-0781, telephone (202) 690-0759 (voice) (this is not a toll-free 
number) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD-Federal Information Relay Service) or 
via email at, bonnie.edwards@wdc.usda.gov.



    The Agency encourages applications that will help improve life in 
rural America. See information on the Interagency Task Force on 
Agriculture and Rural Prosperity found at www.usda.gov/ruralprosperity. 
Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that provide measurable 
results in helping rural communities build robust and sustainable 
economies through strategic investments in infrastructure, partnerships 
and innovation. Key strategies include:

 Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America
 Developing the Rural Economy
 Harnessing Technological Innovation
 Supporting a Rural Workforce
 Improving Quality of Life


    Federal Agency Name: USDA Rural Housing Service.
    Funding Opportunity Title: Housing Preservation Grants.
    Announcement Type: Notice.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 10.433.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    The reporting requirements contained in this Notice have been 
approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control Number 

A. Program Description

    The HPG program is a grant program, authorized under 42 U.S.C. 
1490m and implemented at 7 CFR part 1944, subpart N, which provides 
qualified public agencies, private non-profit organizations including, 
but not limited to, Faith-Based and neighborhood partnerships, and 
other eligible entities,

[[Page 29530]]

grant funds to assist low- and very low-income homeowners in repairing 
and rehabilitating their homes in rural areas. In addition, the HPG 
program assists rental property owners and cooperative housing 
complexes in rural areas in repairing and rehabilitating their units if 
they agree to make such units available to low- and very low-income 

B. Federal Award Information

    The funding instrument for the HPG program will be a grant 
agreement. The term of the grant can vary from 1 to 2 years, depending 
on available funds and demand. No maximum or minimum grant levels have 
been established at the National level. In accordance with 7 CFR 
1944.652, coordination and leveraging of funding for repair and 
rehabilitation activities with housing and community development 
organizations or activities operating in the same geographic area are 
expected, but not required. You should contact the Rural Development 
State Office to determine the allocation. HPG applicants who were 
previously selected for HPG funds are eligible to submit new 
applications to apply for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 HPG program funds. New 
HPG applications must be submitted for the renewal or supplementation 
of existing HPG repair and/or rehabilitation projects that will be 
completed with FY 2018 HPG funds.
    The amount of funding available for the HPG program may be found at 
the following link: http://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/housing-preservation-grants. Priorities such as Rural Economic Area Partnership 
Zones and other funds will be distributed under a formula allocation to 
states pursuant to 7 CFR part 1940, subpart L, ``Methodology and 
Formulas for Allocation of Loan and Grant Program Funds.'' Decisions on 
funding will be based on pre-application scores. Anyone interested in 
submitting an application for funding under this program is encouraged 
to consult the Rural Development website periodically for updated 
information regarding the status of funding authorized for this 
    The commitment of program dollars will be made to selected 
applicants that have fulfilled the necessary requirements for 

C. Eligibility Information

    1. Eligible Applicants. Eligible entities for these competitively 
awarded grants include State and local Governments, non-profit 
corporations, which may include, but not be limited to Faith-Based and 
community organizations, federally recognized Indian Tribes, and 
consortia of eligible entities. HPG applicants who were previously 
selected for HPG funds are eligible to submit new applications to apply 
for FY 2018 HPG program funds. More eligibility requirements can be 
found at 7 CFR 1944.658, 1944.661, and 1944.662.
    2. Cost Sharing or Matching. Pursuant to 7 CFR 1944.652, grantees 
are expected to coordinate and leverage funding for repair and 
rehabilitation activities, as well as replacement housing, with housing 
and community development organizations or activities operating in the 
same geographic area. While HPG funds may be leveraged with other 
resources, cost sharing or matching is not a requirement for the HPG 
applicant as the HPG applicant would not be denied an award of HPG 
funds if all other project selection criteria have been met.
    3. Other. Awards made under this Notice are subject to the 
provisions contained in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Pub. 
L. 115-141, March 23, 2018) sections 745 and 746 regarding corporate 
felony convictions and corporate Federal tax delinquencies. To comply 
with these provisions, only applicants that are or propose to be 
corporations will submit this form as part of their pre-application. 
Form AD-3030 can be found here: http://www.ocio.usda.gov/document/ad3030.

D. Application and Submission Information

    1. Address to Request Application Package: Applicants wishing to 
submit a paper application in response to this Notice must contact the 
Rural Development State Office serving the State of the proposed HPG 
housing project in order to receive further information and copies of 
the paper application package. You may find the addresses and contact 
information for each State Office following this web link, http://www.rd.usda.gov/contact-us/state-offices. Rural Development will date 
and time stamp incoming paper applications to evidence timely receipt 
and, upon request, will provide the applicant with a written 
acknowledgment of receipt. You may access the electronic grant pre-
application for Housing Preservation Grants at: http://www.grants.gov.
    2. Content and Form of Application: 7 CFR part 1944, subpart N 
provides details on what information must be contained in the pre-
application package. Entities wishing to apply for assistance should 
contact the Rural Development State Office to receive further 
information, the State allocation of funds, and copies of the pre-
application package. Unless otherwise noted, applicants wishing to 
apply for assistance must make its statement of activities available to 
the public for comment. The applicant(s) must announce the availability 
of its statement of activities for review in a newspaper of general 
circulation in the project area and allow at least 15 days for public 
comment. The start of this 15-day period must occur no later than 16 
days prior to the last day for acceptance of pre-applications by the 
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Rural Development. Federally 
recognized Indian Tribes, pursuant to 7 CFR 1944.674, are exempt from 
the requirement to consult with local leaders including announcing the 
availability of its statement of activities for review in a newspaper.
    All applicants will file an original and two copies of Standard 
Form (SF) 424, ``Application for Federal Assistance,'' and supporting 
information with the appropriate Rural Development State Office. A pre-
application package, including SF-424, is available in any Rural 
Development State Office. All pre-applications shall be accompanied by 
the following information which Rural Development will use to determine 
the applicant's eligibility to undertake the HPG program and to 
evaluate the pre-application under the project selection criteria of 7 
CFR 1944.679.
    (a) A statement of activities proposed by the applicant for its HPG 
program as appropriate to the type of assistance the applicant is 
proposing, including:
    (1) A complete discussion of the type of and conditions for 
financial assistance for housing preservation, including whether the 
request for assistance is for a homeowner assistance program, a rental 
property assistance program, or a cooperative assistance program;
    (2) The process for selecting recipients for HPG assistance, 
determining housing preservation needs of the dwelling, performing the 
necessary work, and monitoring/inspecting work performed;
    (3) A description of the process for coordinating with other public 
and private organizations and programs that provide assistance in 
rehabilitation of historic properties in accordance with 7 CFR 
    (4) The development standard(s) the applicant will use for the 
housing preservation work; and, if not the Rural Development standards 
for existing dwellings, the evidence of its acceptance by the 
jurisdiction where the grant will be implemented;

[[Page 29531]]

    (5) The time schedule for completing the program;
    (6) The staffing required to complete the program;
    (7) The estimated number of very low- and low-income minority and 
nonminority persons the grantee will assist with HPG funds; and, if a 
rental property or cooperative assistance program, the number of units 
and the term of restrictive covenants on their use for very low- and 
    (8) The geographical area(s) to be served by the HPG program;
    (9) The annual estimated budget for the program period based on the 
financial needs to accomplish the objectives outlined in the proposal. 
The budget should include proposed direct and indirect administrative 
costs, such as personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, 
contracts, and other cost categories, detailing those costs for which 
the grantee proposes to use the HPG grant separately from non-HPG 
resources, if any. The applicant budget should also include a schedule 
(with amounts) of how the applicant proposes to draw HPG grant funds, 
i.e., monthly, quarterly, lump sum for program activities, etc.;
    (10) A copy of an indirect cost proposal when the applicant has 
another source of Federal funding in addition to the Rural Development 
HPG program;
    (11) A brief description of the accounting system to be used;
    (12) The method of evaluation to be used by the applicant to 
determine the effectiveness of its program which encompasses the 
requirements for quarterly reports to Rural Development in accordance 
with 7 CFR 1944.683(b) and the monitoring plan for rental properties 
and cooperatives (when applicable) according to 7 CFR 1944.689;
    (13) The source and estimated amount of other financial resources 
to be obtained and used by the applicant for both HPG activities and 
housing development and/or supporting activities;
    (14) The use of program income, if any, and the tracking system 
used for monitoring same;
    (15) The applicant's plan for disposition of any security 
instruments held by them as a result of its HPG activities in the event 
of its loss of legal status;
    (16) Any other information necessary to explain the proposed HPG 
program; and
    (17) The outreach efforts outlined in 7 CFR 1944.671(b).
    (b) Complete information about the applicant's experience and 
capacity to carry out the objectives of the proposed HPG program.
    (c) Evidence of the applicant's legal existence, including, in the 
case of a private non-profit organization, which may include, but not 
be limited to, Faith-Based and community organizations, a copy of, or 
an accurate reference to, the specific provisions of State law under 
which the applicant is organized; a certified copy of the applicant's 
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws or other evidence of corporate 
existence; certificate of incorporation for other than public bodies; 
evidence of good standing from the State when the corporation has been 
in existence 1 year or more; and the names and addresses of the 
applicant's members, directors and officers. If other organizations are 
members of the applicant-organization, or the applicant is a 
consortium, pre-applications should be accompanied by the names, 
addresses, and principal purpose of the other organizations. If the 
applicant is a consortium, documentation showing compliance with 
paragraph (4)(ii) under the definition of ``organization'' in 7 CFR 
1944.656 must also be included.
    (d) For a private non-profit entity, which may include, but not be 
limited to, Faith-Based and community organizations, the most recent 
audited statement and a current financial statement dated and signed by 
an authorized officer of the entity showing the amounts and specific 
nature of assets and liabilities together with information on the 
repayment schedule and status of any debt(s) owed by the applicant.
    (e) A brief narrative statement which includes information about 
the area to be served and the need for improved housing (including both 
percentage and the actual number of both low-income and low-income 
minority households and substandard housing), the need for the type of 
housing preservation assistance being proposed, the anticipated use of 
HPG resources for historic properties, the method of evaluation to be 
used by the applicant in determining the effectiveness of its efforts.
    (f) A statement containing the component for alleviating any 
overcrowding as defined by 7 CFR 1944.656.
    (g) A signed copy of the documentation in accordance with 7 CFR 
1944.673 (as a companion to (a)(3) above);
    (h) The applicant must submit written statements and related 
correspondence reflecting compliance with 7 CFR 1944.674(a) and (c) 
regarding consultation with local Government leaders in the preparation 
of its program and the consultation with local and State Government 
pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order 12372.
    (i) The applicant is to make its statement of activities available 
to the public for comment prior to submission to Rural Development 
pursuant to 7 CFR 1944.674(b). The application must contain a 
description of how the comments (if any were received) were addressed.
    (j) The applicant must submit an original and one copy of Form RD 
400-1, ``Equal Opportunity Agreement,'' and Form RD 400-4, ``Assurance 
Agreement,'' in accordance with 7 CFR 1944.676.
    Applicants should review 7 CFR part 1944, subpart N for a 
comprehensive list of all application requirements.
    3. Address unique entity identifier and System for Award Management 
(SAM): As part of the application, all applicants, except for 
individuals or agencies excepted under 2 CFR 25.110(d), must be: (1) 
Registered in the System for Award Management (SAM); (2) provide a 
valid unique entity identifier in its applications; and (3) maintain an 
active SAM registration with current information at all times during 
which it has an active Federal award or application. An award may not 
be made to the applicant until the applicant has complied with the 
unique entity identifier and SAM requirements.
    4. Intergovernmental Review: The HPG program is subject to the 
provisions of Executive Order 12372, which requires intergovernmental 
consultation with State and local officials.
    5. Funding Restrictions: There are no limits on proposed direct and 
indirect costs. Expenses incurred in developing pre-applications will 
be at the applicant's risk.
    6. Other Submission Requirements: To comply with the President's 
Management Agenda, USDA is participating as a partner in the 
Government-wide grants.gov site. Housing Preservation Grants [Catalog 
of Federal Domestic Assistance #10.433] is one of the programs included 
at this website. If you are an applicant under the HPG program, you may 
submit your pre-application to the Agency in either electronic or paper 
format. Please be mindful that the pre-application deadline for 
electronic format differs from the deadline for paper format. The 
electronic format deadline will be based on Eastern Standard Time. The 
paper format deadline is local time for each Rural Development State 
    Users of Grants.gov will be able to download a copy of the pre-

[[Page 29532]]

package, complete it off line, and then upload and submit the 
application via the Grants.gov site. You may not email an electronic 
copy of a grant pre-application to USDA Rural Development; however, the 
Agency encourages your participation in Grants.gov.
    The following are useful tips and instructions on how to use the 
     When you enter the Grants.gov site, you will find 
information about submitting an application electronically through the 
site as well as the hours of operation. USDA-Rural Development strongly 
recommends that you do not wait until the application deadline date to 
begin the application process through Grants.gov. To use Grants.gov, 
applicants must have a DUNS number.
     You may submit all documents electronically through the 
website, including all information typically included on the 
Application for Housing Preservation Grants, and all necessary 
assurances and certifications.
     After you electronically submit your application through 
the website, you will receive an automatic acknowledgement from 
Grants.gov that contains a Grants.gov tracking number.
     RHS may request that you provide original signatures on 
forms at a later date.
     If you experience technical difficulties on the closing 
date and are unable to meet the 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) 
deadline, print out your application and submit it to your State 
Office, you must meet the closing date and local time deadline.
     Please note that you must locate the downloadable 
application package for this program by the CFDA Number or FedGrants 
Funding Opportunity Number, which can be found at http://www.grants.gov.
    In addition to the electronic pre-application at the http://www.grants.gov website, all applicants must complete and submit the FY 
2018 pre-application package, detailed later in this Notice, for the 
Section 533 HPG program. A copy of a suggested coversheet is included 
with this Notice. Applicants are encouraged to submit this pre-
application coversheet electronically by accessing the website: http://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/housing-preservation-grants. Click on 
the Forms & Resources tab to access the ``FY 2018 Pre-application for 
Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants (HPG).''
    Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to also provide an 
electronic copy of all hard copy forms and documents submitted in the 
pre-application/application package as requested by this Notice. The 
forms and documents must be submitted as read-only Adobe Acrobat PDF 
files on an electronic media such as CDs, DVDs or USB drives. For each 
electronic device that you submit, you must include a Table of Contents 
listing all of the documents and forms on that device. The electronic 
medium must be submitted to the local Rural Development State Office 
where the project will be located.
    Please Note: If you receive a loan or grant award under this 
Notice, USDA reserves the right to post all information that is not 
protected by the Privacy Act submitted as part of the pre-application/
application package on a public website with free and open access to 
any member of the public.

E. Application Review Information

    1. Criteria. All paper applications for Section 533 HPG funds must 
be filed with the appropriate Rural Development State Office and all 
paper or electronic applications must meet the requirements of this 
Notice and 7 CFR part 1944, subpart N. Pre-applications determined not 
eligible and/or not meeting the selection criteria will be notified by 
the Rural Development State Office.
    2. Review and Selection Process. The Rural Development State 
Offices will utilize the following threshold project selection criteria 
for applicants in accordance with 7 CFR 1944.679:
    (a) Providing a financially feasible program of housing 
preservation assistance. ``Financially feasible'' is defined as 
proposed assistance which will be affordable to the intended recipient 
or result in affordable housing for very low- and low-income persons.
    (b) Serving eligible rural areas with a concentration of 
substandard housing for households with very low- and low-income.
    (c) Being an eligible applicant as defined in 7 CFR 1944.658.
    (d) Meeting the requirements of consultation and public comment in 
accordance with 7 CFR 1944.674.
    (e) Submitting a complete pre-application as outlined in 7 CFR 
    3. Scoring. For applicants meeting all of the requirements listed 
above, the Rural Development State Offices will use weighted criteria 
in accordance with 7 CFR part 1944, subpart N as selection for the 
grant recipients. Each pre-application and its accompanying statement 
of activities will be evaluated and, based solely on the information 
contained in the pre-application, the applicant's proposal will be 
numerically rated on each criteria within the range provided. The 
highest-ranking applicant(s) will be selected based on allocation of 
funds available to the State.
    (a) Points are awarded based on the percentage of very low-income 
persons that the applicant proposes to assist, using the following 

(1) More than 80%: 20 points
(2) 61% to 80%: 15 points
(3) 41% to 60%: 10 points
(4) 20% to 40%: 5 points
(5) Less than 20%: 0 points

    (b) The applicant's proposal may be expected to result in the 
following percentage of HPG fund use (excluding administrative costs) 
to total cost of unit preservation. This percentage reflects maximum 
repair or rehabilitation with the least possible HPG funds due to 
leveraging, innovative financial assistance, owner's contribution or 
other specified approaches. Points are awarded based on the following 
percentage of HPG funds (excluding administrative costs) to total 

(1) 50% or less: 20 points
(2) 51% to 65%: 15 points
(3) 66% to 80%: 10 points
(4) 81% to 95%: 5 points
(5) 96% to 100%: 0 points

    (c) The applicant has demonstrated its administrative capacity in 
assisting very low- and low-income persons to obtain adequate housing 
based on the following:
    (1) The organization or a member of its staff has at least one or 
more years' experience successfully managing and operating a 
rehabilitation or weatherization type program: 10 points.
    (2) The organization or a member of its staff has at least one or 
more years' experience successfully managing and operating a program 
assisting very low- and low-income persons obtain housing assistance: 
10 points.
    (3) If the organization has administered grant programs, there are 
no outstanding or unresolved audit or investigative findings which 
might impair carrying out the proposal: 10 points.
    (d) The proposed program will be undertaken entirely in rural areas 
outside Metropolitan Statistical Areas, also known as MSAs, identified 
by Rural Development as having populations below 10,000 or in remote 
parts of other rural areas (i.e., rural areas contained in MSAs with 
less than 5,000 population) as defined in 7 CFR 1944.656: 10 points.
    (e) The program will use less than 20 percent of HPG funds for 
administration purposes:

(1) More than 20%: Not eligible
(2) 20%: 0 points

[[Page 29533]]

(3) 19%: 1 point
(4) 18%: 2 points
(5) 17%: 3 points
(6) 16%: 4 points
(7) 15% or less: 5 points

    (f) The proposed program contains a component for alleviating 
overcrowding as defined in 7 CFR 1944.656: 5 points.
    In the event more than one pre-application receives the same amount 
of points, those pre-applications will then be ranked based on the 
actual percentage figure used for determining the points. Further, in 
the event that pre-applications are still tied, then those pre-
applications still tied will be ranked based on the percentage for HPG 
fund use (low to high). Further, for applications where assistance to 
rental properties or cooperatives is proposed, those still tied will be 
further ranked based on the number of years the units are available for 
occupancy under the program (a minimum of 5 years is required). For 
this part, ranking will be based from most to least number of years.
    Finally, if there is still a tie, then a lottery system will be 
used. After the award selections are made, all applicants will be 
notified of the status of their applications by mail.

F. Federal Award Administration Information

    1. Federal Award Notices. The Agency will notify, in writing, 
applicants whose pre-applications have been selected for funding. At 
the time of notification, the Agency will advise the applicant what 
further information and documentation is required along with a timeline 
for submitting the additional information. If the Agency determines it 
is unable to select the application for funding, the applicant will be 
so informed in writing. Such notification will include the reasons the 
applicant was not selected. The Agency will advise applicants, whose 
pre-applications did not meet eligibility and/or selection criteria, of 
their review rights or appeal rights in accordance with 7 CFR 1944.682.
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements. Rural 
Development is encouraging applications for projects that will support 
rural areas with persistent poverty. This emphasis will support Rural 
Development's mission of improving the quality of life for Rural 
Americans and commitment to directing resources to those who most need 
    3. Reporting. Post-award reporting requirements can be found in the 
Grant Agreement.

G. Non-Discrimination Statement

    In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of 
Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its 
Agencies, offices, and employees and institutions participating in or 
administering USDA programs are prohibited from discrimination based on 
race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, 
(including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, 
marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public 
assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for 
prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or 
funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and 
complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
    Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of 
communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, 
audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible 
Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or 
contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. 
Additionally, program information may be made available in languages 
other than English.
    To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA 
Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office or 
write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the 
information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint 
form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA 
    (1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
    (2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or
    (3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
    USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

    Dated: June 18, 2018.
Joel C. Baxley,
Administrator, Rural Housing Service.

Fiscal Year 2018 Pre-Application for Section 533 Housing Preservation 
Grants (HPG) Instructions

    Applicants are encouraged; but not required, to submit this pre-
application form electronically by accessing the website: http://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/housing-preservation-grants. Click on 
the Forms & Resources tab to access the ``Fiscal Year 2018 Pre-
Application for Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants (HPG).'' Please 
note that electronic submittals are not on a secured website. If you do 
not wish to submit the form electronically by clicking on the Send Form 
button, you may still fill out the form, print it and submit it with 
your application package to the State Office. You also have the option 
to save the form, and submit it on an electronic media to the State 
    Supporting documentation required by this pre-application may be 
attached to the email generated when you click the Send Form button to 
submit the form. However, if the attachments are too numerous or large 
in size, the email box will not be able to accept them. In that case, 
submit the supporting documentation for this pre-application to the 
State Office with your complete application package under item IX.
    Documents Submitted, indicate the supporting documents that you are 
submitting either with the pre-application or to the State Office.


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[FR Doc. 2018-13458 Filed 6-22-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                                              29529

                                              throughout the United States. The fruits                Shipping Documents Identifying the                     provide sufficient time to permit
                                              and vegetables regulations allow the                    Places of Production, Phytosanitary                    delivery on or before the closing
                                              importation of commercial shipments of                  Certificates with Additional                           deadline date and time. Acceptance by
                                              fresh longan with stems from Taiwan                     Declarations, Box Markings, Production                 the United States Postal Service or
                                              into the United States. As a condition of               Site Training Program, Emergency                       private mailer does not constitute
                                              entry, the longan will be subject to cold               Action Notifications, and Notices of                   delivery. Facsimile (FAX) and postage
                                              treatment and special port-of-arrival                   Arrival. If the information is not                     due applications will not be accepted.
                                              inspection procedures for certain                       collected, APHIS’ ability to protect the               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                              quarantine pests.                                       United States from plant pest would be                 general information, applicants may
                                                 Need and Use of the Information:                     severely compromised.                                  contact Bonnie Edwards-Jackson,
                                              APHIS will use the following                              Description of Respondents: Business                 Finance and Loan Analyst, Multi-
                                              information collection activities to                    or other for-profit; Federal Government.               Family Housing Preservation and Direct
                                              allow the import of commercial                            Number of Respondents: 66.                           Loan Division, USDA Rural
                                              shipment of fresh longan with stems                       Frequency of Responses: Reporting,                   Development, STOP 0781, 1400
                                              from Taiwan into the United States:                     Recordkeeping, Third-party disclosure:                 Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
                                              Phytosanitary Certificate, Inspection by                On occasion.                                           DC 20250–0781, telephone (202) 690–
                                              NPPOs in Taiwan, Stamping of Boxes                        Total Burden Hours: 1,289.
                                                                                                                                                             0759 (voice) (this is not a toll-free
                                              and Emergency Action Notification.                      Ruth Brown,                                            number) or (800) 877–8339 (TDD-
                                              Failing to collect this information would               Departmental Information Collection                    Federal Information Relay Service) or
                                              cripple APHIS ability to ensure that                    Clearance Officer.                                     via email at, bonnie.edwards@
                                              longan from Taiwan are not carrying                     [FR Doc. 2018–13551 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]            wdc.usda.gov.
                                              plant pests.
                                                 Description of Respondents: Business                 BILLING CODE 3410–34–P                                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              or other for-profits; Federal                                                                                  Preface
                                              Government.                                             DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
                                                 Number of Respondents: 2.                                                                                     The Agency encourages applications
                                                 Frequency of Responses: Reporting:                                                                          that will help improve life in rural
                                                                                                      Rural Housing Service                                  America. See information on the
                                              On occasion.
                                                 Total Burden Hours: 33.                              Notice of Solicitation of Applications                 Interagency Task Force on Agriculture
                                                                                                      for the Section 533 Housing                            and Rural Prosperity found at
                                              Animal and Plant Health Inspection                                                                             www.usda.gov/ruralprosperity.
                                              Service                                                 Preservation Grants for Fiscal Year
                                                                                                      2018                                                   Applicants are encouraged to consider
                                                 Title: Importation of Fresh Pitaya                                                                          projects that provide measurable results
                                              Fruit from Central America into the                     AGENCY:   Rural Housing Service, USDA.                 in helping rural communities build
                                              Continental United States.                              ACTION:   Notice.                                      robust and sustainable economies
                                                 OMB Control Number: 0579–0378.                                                                              through strategic investments in
                                                 Summary of Collection: Under the                     SUMMARY:    The Rural Housing Service                  infrastructure, partnerships and
                                              Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7701–                    (RHS), an Agency within Rural                          innovation. Key strategies include:
                                              7772), the Secretary of Agriculture is                  Development, announces that it is
                                                                                                                                                             • Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural
                                              authorized to carry out operations or                   soliciting competitive applications
                                              measures to detect, eradicate, suppress,                under its Housing Preservation Grant
                                                                                                                                                             • Developing the Rural Economy
                                              control, prevent, or retard the spread of               (HPG) program. This action is taken to                 • Harnessing Technological Innovation
                                              plant pests new to the United States or                 comply with Agency regulations which                   • Supporting a Rural Workforce
                                              not known to be widely distributed                      requires the Agency to announce the                    • Improving Quality of Life
                                              throughout the United States. The                       opening and closing dates for receipt of
                                              regulations ‘‘Subpart-Fruit and                         pre-applications for HPG funds from                    Overview
                                              Vegetables’’ (7 CFR 319.56–1 through                    eligible applicants.                                     Federal Agency Name: USDA Rural
                                              319 56–71), prohibit or restrict the                       The Agency has published the                        Housing Service.
                                              importation of fruits and vegetables into               amount of funding received in the                        Funding Opportunity Title: Housing
                                              the United States from certain parts of                 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018                  Preservation Grants.
                                              the world to prevent the introduction                   (Pub. L. 115–141, March 23, 2018) on its                 Announcement Type: Notice.
                                              and dissemination of plant pests that are               website at https://www.rd.usda.gov/                      Catalog of Federal Domestic
                                              not widely distributed within the                       newsroom/notices-solicitation-                         Assistance Number: 10.433.
                                              United States. The Animal and Plant                     applications-nosas. Expenses incurred
                                              Health Inspection Service (APHIS)                       in developing applications will be at the              Paperwork Reduction Act
                                              allows the importation of fresh pitaya                  applicant’s risk.                                        The reporting requirements contained
                                              fruit from Central America into the                     DATES: The closing deadline for receipt                in this Notice have been approved by
                                              continental United States.                              of all pre-applications in response to                 the Office of Management and Budget
                                                 Need and Use of the Information: The                 this Notice is 5:00 p.m., local time for               under Control Number 0575–0115.
                                              Animal and Plant Health Inspection                      each Rural Development State Office on
                                              Service uses the following activities to                August 9, 2018 regardless of delivery                  A. Program Description
                                              collect information: Production Site                    method (hand delivered, electronic,                      The HPG program is a grant program,
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Certification, Production Site                          mail, or a combination thereof). Rural                 authorized under 42 U.S.C. 1490m and
                                              Registration, Review and Maintain                       Development State Office locations can                 implemented at 7 CFR part 1944,
                                              Documents, Registration of                              be found at: http://www.rd.usda.gov/                   subpart N, which provides qualified
                                              Packinghouses, Packinghouse                             contact-us/state-offices. RHS will not                 public agencies, private non-profit
                                              Inspections and Investigations, Bilateral               consider any application that is received              organizations including, but not limited
                                              Workplans, Records of Fruit Fly                         after the closing deadline. Applicants                 to, Faith-Based and neighborhood
                                              Detections and Update Records,                          intending to mail applications must                    partnerships, and other eligible entities,

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                                              29530                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                              grant funds to assist low- and very low-                consortia of eligible entities. HPG                    of funds, and copies of the pre-
                                              income homeowners in repairing and                      applicants who were previously                         application package. Unless otherwise
                                              rehabilitating their homes in rural areas.              selected for HPG funds are eligible to                 noted, applicants wishing to apply for
                                              In addition, the HPG program assists                    submit new applications to apply for FY                assistance must make its statement of
                                              rental property owners and cooperative                  2018 HPG program funds. More                           activities available to the public for
                                              housing complexes in rural areas in                     eligibility requirements can be found at               comment. The applicant(s) must
                                              repairing and rehabilitating their units if             7 CFR 1944.658, 1944.661, and                          announce the availability of its
                                              they agree to make such units available                 1944.662.                                              statement of activities for review in a
                                              to low- and very low-income persons.                       2. Cost Sharing or Matching. Pursuant               newspaper of general circulation in the
                                                                                                      to 7 CFR 1944.652, grantees are                        project area and allow at least 15 days
                                              B. Federal Award Information                            expected to coordinate and leverage                    for public comment. The start of this 15-
                                                The funding instrument for the HPG                    funding for repair and rehabilitation                  day period must occur no later than 16
                                              program will be a grant agreement. The                  activities, as well as replacement                     days prior to the last day for acceptance
                                              term of the grant can vary from 1 to 2                  housing, with housing and community                    of pre-applications by the U.S.
                                              years, depending on available funds and                 development organizations or activities                Department of Agriculture (USDA)-
                                              demand. No maximum or minimum                           operating in the same geographic area.                 Rural Development. Federally
                                              grant levels have been established at the               While HPG funds may be leveraged with                  recognized Indian Tribes, pursuant to 7
                                              National level. In accordance with 7                    other resources, cost sharing or                       CFR 1944.674, are exempt from the
                                              CFR 1944.652, coordination and                          matching is not a requirement for the                  requirement to consult with local
                                              leveraging of funding for repair and                    HPG applicant as the HPG applicant                     leaders including announcing the
                                              rehabilitation activities with housing                  would not be denied an award of HPG                    availability of its statement of activities
                                              and community development                               funds if all other project selection                   for review in a newspaper.
                                              organizations or activities operating in                criteria have been met.                                   All applicants will file an original and
                                              the same geographic area are expected,                     3. Other. Awards made under this                    two copies of Standard Form (SF) 424,
                                              but not required. You should contact the                Notice are subject to the provisions                   ‘‘Application for Federal Assistance,’’
                                              Rural Development State Office to                       contained in the Consolidated                          and supporting information with the
                                              determine the allocation. HPG                           Appropriations Act, 2018 (Pub. L. 115–                 appropriate Rural Development State
                                              applicants who were previously                          141, March 23, 2018) sections 745 and                  Office. A pre-application package,
                                              selected for HPG funds are eligible to                  746 regarding corporate felony
                                                                                                                                                             including SF–424, is available in any
                                              submit new applications to apply for                    convictions and corporate Federal tax
                                                                                                                                                             Rural Development State Office. All pre-
                                              Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 HPG program                       delinquencies. To comply with these
                                                                                                                                                             applications shall be accompanied by
                                              funds. New HPG applications must be                     provisions, only applicants that are or
                                                                                                                                                             the following information which Rural
                                              submitted for the renewal or                            propose to be corporations will submit
                                                                                                                                                             Development will use to determine the
                                              supplementation of existing HPG repair                  this form as part of their pre-
                                                                                                                                                             applicant’s eligibility to undertake the
                                              and/or rehabilitation projects that will                application. Form AD–3030 can be
                                                                                                                                                             HPG program and to evaluate the pre-
                                              be completed with FY 2018 HPG funds.                    found here: http://www.ocio.usda.gov/
                                                                                                                                                             application under the project selection
                                                The amount of funding available for                   document/ad3030.
                                                                                                                                                             criteria of 7 CFR 1944.679.
                                              the HPG program may be found at the
                                                                                                      D. Application and Submission                             (a) A statement of activities proposed
                                              following link: http://www.rd.usda.gov/
                                                                                                      Information                                            by the applicant for its HPG program as
                                              preservation-grants. Priorities such as                    1. Address to Request Application                   appropriate to the type of assistance the
                                              Rural Economic Area Partnership Zones                   Package: Applicants wishing to submit                  applicant is proposing, including:
                                              and other funds will be distributed                     a paper application in response to this                   (1) A complete discussion of the type
                                              under a formula allocation to states                    Notice must contact the Rural                          of and conditions for financial
                                              pursuant to 7 CFR part 1940, subpart L,                 Development State Office serving the                   assistance for housing preservation,
                                              ‘‘Methodology and Formulas for                          State of the proposed HPG housing                      including whether the request for
                                              Allocation of Loan and Grant Program                    project in order to receive further                    assistance is for a homeowner assistance
                                              Funds.’’ Decisions on funding will be                   information and copies of the paper                    program, a rental property assistance
                                              based on pre-application scores. Anyone                 application package. You may find the                  program, or a cooperative assistance
                                              interested in submitting an application                 addresses and contact information for                  program;
                                              for funding under this program is                       each State Office following this web                      (2) The process for selecting
                                              encouraged to consult the Rural                         link, http://www.rd.usda.gov/contact-                  recipients for HPG assistance,
                                              Development website periodically for                    us/state-offices. Rural Development will               determining housing preservation needs
                                              updated information regarding the                       date and time stamp incoming paper                     of the dwelling, performing the
                                              status of funding authorized for this                   applications to evidence timely receipt                necessary work, and monitoring/
                                              program.                                                and, upon request, will provide the                    inspecting work performed;
                                                The commitment of program dollars                     applicant with a written                                  (3) A description of the process for
                                              will be made to selected applicants that                acknowledgment of receipt. You may                     coordinating with other public and
                                              have fulfilled the necessary                            access the electronic grant pre-                       private organizations and programs that
                                              requirements for obligation.                            application for Housing Preservation                   provide assistance in rehabilitation of
                                                                                                      Grants at: http://www.grants.gov.                      historic properties in accordance with 7
                                              C. Eligibility Information                                 2. Content and Form of Application:                 CFR 1944.673;
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                                                1. Eligible Applicants. Eligible entities             7 CFR part 1944, subpart N provides                       (4) The development standard(s) the
                                              for these competitively awarded grants                  details on what information must be                    applicant will use for the housing
                                              include State and local Governments,                    contained in the pre-application                       preservation work; and, if not the Rural
                                              non-profit corporations, which may                      package. Entities wishing to apply for                 Development standards for existing
                                              include, but not be limited to Faith-                   assistance should contact the Rural                    dwellings, the evidence of its
                                              Based and community organizations,                      Development State Office to receive                    acceptance by the jurisdiction where the
                                              federally recognized Indian Tribes, and                 further information, the State allocation              grant will be implemented;

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                                                 (5) The time schedule for completing                 carry out the objectives of the proposed               leaders in the preparation of its program
                                              the program;                                            HPG program.                                           and the consultation with local and
                                                 (6) The staffing required to complete                   (c) Evidence of the applicant’s legal               State Government pursuant to the
                                              the program;                                            existence, including, in the case of a                 provisions of Executive Order 12372.
                                                 (7) The estimated number of very low-                private non-profit organization, which                    (i) The applicant is to make its
                                              and low-income minority and                             may include, but not be limited to,                    statement of activities available to the
                                              nonminority persons the grantee will                    Faith-Based and community                              public for comment prior to submission
                                              assist with HPG funds; and, if a rental                 organizations, a copy of, or an accurate               to Rural Development pursuant to 7 CFR
                                              property or cooperative assistance                      reference to, the specific provisions of               1944.674(b). The application must
                                              program, the number of units and the                    State law under which the applicant is                 contain a description of how the
                                              term of restrictive covenants on their                  organized; a certified copy of the                     comments (if any were received) were
                                              use for very low- and low-income;                       applicant’s Articles of Incorporation and              addressed.
                                                 (8) The geographical area(s) to be                   Bylaws or other evidence of corporate                     (j) The applicant must submit an
                                              served by the HPG program;                              existence; certificate of incorporation for            original and one copy of Form RD 400–
                                                 (9) The annual estimated budget for                  other than public bodies; evidence of                  1, ‘‘Equal Opportunity Agreement,’’ and
                                              the program period based on the                         good standing from the State when the                  Form RD 400–4, ‘‘Assurance
                                              financial needs to accomplish the                       corporation has been in existence 1 year               Agreement,’’ in accordance with 7 CFR
                                              objectives outlined in the proposal. The                or more; and the names and addresses                   1944.676.
                                              budget should include proposed direct                   of the applicant’s members, directors                     Applicants should review 7 CFR part
                                              and indirect administrative costs, such                 and officers. If other organizations are               1944, subpart N for a comprehensive list
                                              as personnel, fringe benefits, travel,                  members of the applicant-organization,                 of all application requirements.
                                              equipment, supplies, contracts, and                     or the applicant is a consortium, pre-                    3. Address unique entity identifier
                                              other cost categories, detailing those                  applications should be accompanied by                  and System for Award Management
                                              costs for which the grantee proposes to                 the names, addresses, and principal                    (SAM): As part of the application, all
                                              use the HPG grant separately from non-                  purpose of the other organizations. If the             applicants, except for individuals or
                                              HPG resources, if any. The applicant                    applicant is a consortium,                             agencies excepted under 2 CFR
                                              budget should also include a schedule                   documentation showing compliance                       25.110(d), must be: (1) Registered in the
                                              (with amounts) of how the applicant                     with paragraph (4)(ii) under the                       System for Award Management (SAM);
                                              proposes to draw HPG grant funds, i.e.,                 definition of ‘‘organization’’ in 7 CFR                (2) provide a valid unique entity
                                              monthly, quarterly, lump sum for                        1944.656 must also be included.                        identifier in its applications; and (3)
                                              program activities, etc.;                                  (d) For a private non-profit entity,                maintain an active SAM registration
                                                 (10) A copy of an indirect cost                      which may include, but not be limited                  with current information at all times
                                              proposal when the applicant has                         to, Faith-Based and community                          during which it has an active Federal
                                              another source of Federal funding in                    organizations, the most recent audited                 award or application. An award may not
                                              addition to the Rural Development HPG                   statement and a current financial                      be made to the applicant until the
                                              program;                                                statement dated and signed by an                       applicant has complied with the unique
                                                 (11) A brief description of the                      authorized officer of the entity showing               entity identifier and SAM requirements.
                                              accounting system to be used;                           the amounts and specific nature of                        4. Intergovernmental Review: The
                                                 (12) The method of evaluation to be                  assets and liabilities together with                   HPG program is subject to the
                                              used by the applicant to determine the                  information on the repayment schedule                  provisions of Executive Order 12372,
                                              effectiveness of its program which                      and status of any debt(s) owed by the                  which requires intergovernmental
                                              encompasses the requirements for                        applicant.                                             consultation with State and local
                                              quarterly reports to Rural Development                     (e) A brief narrative statement which               officials.
                                              in accordance with 7 CFR 1944.683(b)                    includes information about the area to                    5. Funding Restrictions: There are no
                                              and the monitoring plan for rental                      be served and the need for improved                    limits on proposed direct and indirect
                                              properties and cooperatives (when                       housing (including both percentage and                 costs. Expenses incurred in developing
                                              applicable) according to 7 CFR                          the actual number of both low-income                   pre-applications will be at the
                                              1944.689;                                               and low-income minority households                     applicant’s risk.
                                                 (13) The source and estimated amount                 and substandard housing), the need for                    6. Other Submission Requirements:
                                              of other financial resources to be                      the type of housing preservation                       To comply with the President’s
                                              obtained and used by the applicant for                  assistance being proposed, the                         Management Agenda, USDA is
                                              both HPG activities and housing                         anticipated use of HPG resources for                   participating as a partner in the
                                              development and/or supporting                           historic properties, the method of                     Government-wide grants.gov site.
                                              activities;                                             evaluation to be used by the applicant                 Housing Preservation Grants [Catalog of
                                                 (14) The use of program income, if                   in determining the effectiveness of its                Federal Domestic Assistance #10.433] is
                                              any, and the tracking system used for                   efforts.                                               one of the programs included at this
                                              monitoring same;                                           (f) A statement containing the                      website. If you are an applicant under
                                                 (15) The applicant’s plan for                        component for alleviating any                          the HPG program, you may submit your
                                              disposition of any security instruments                 overcrowding as defined by 7 CFR                       pre-application to the Agency in either
                                              held by them as a result of its HPG                     1944.656.                                              electronic or paper format. Please be
                                              activities in the event of its loss of legal               (g) A signed copy of the                            mindful that the pre-application
                                              status;                                                 documentation in accordance with 7                     deadline for electronic format differs
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                                                 (16) Any other information necessary                 CFR 1944.673 (as a companion to (a)(3)                 from the deadline for paper format. The
                                              to explain the proposed HPG program;                    above);                                                electronic format deadline will be based
                                              and                                                        (h) The applicant must submit written               on Eastern Standard Time. The paper
                                                 (17) The outreach efforts outlined in                statements and related correspondence                  format deadline is local time for each
                                              7 CFR 1944.671(b).                                      reflecting compliance with 7 CFR                       Rural Development State Office.
                                                 (b) Complete information about the                   1944.674(a) and (c) regarding                             Users of Grants.gov will be able to
                                              applicant’s experience and capacity to                  consultation with local Government                     download a copy of the pre-application

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                                              29532                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                              package, complete it off line, and then                 requested by this Notice. The forms and                provided. The highest-ranking
                                              upload and submit the application via                   documents must be submitted as read-                   applicant(s) will be selected based on
                                              the Grants.gov site. You may not email                  only Adobe Acrobat PDF files on an                     allocation of funds available to the
                                              an electronic copy of a grant pre-                      electronic media such as CDs, DVDs or                  State.
                                              application to USDA Rural                               USB drives. For each electronic device                    (a) Points are awarded based on the
                                              Development; however, the Agency                        that you submit, you must include a                    percentage of very low-income persons
                                              encourages your participation in                        Table of Contents listing all of the                   that the applicant proposes to assist,
                                              Grants.gov.                                             documents and forms on that device.                    using the following scale:
                                                 The following are useful tips and                    The electronic medium must be                          (1) More than 80%: 20 points
                                              instructions on how to use the website:                 submitted to the local Rural                           (2) 61% to 80%: 15 points
                                                 • When you enter the Grants.gov site,                Development State Office where the                     (3) 41% to 60%: 10 points
                                              you will find information about                         project will be located.                               (4) 20% to 40%: 5 points
                                              submitting an application electronically                  Please Note: If you receive a loan or                (5) Less than 20%: 0 points
                                              through the site as well as the hours of                grant award under this Notice, USDA                       (b) The applicant’s proposal may be
                                              operation. USDA-Rural Development                       reserves the right to post all information             expected to result in the following
                                              strongly recommends that you do not                     that is not protected by the Privacy Act               percentage of HPG fund use (excluding
                                              wait until the application deadline date                submitted as part of the pre-application/              administrative costs) to total cost of unit
                                              to begin the application process through                application package on a public website                preservation. This percentage reflects
                                              Grants.gov. To use Grants.gov,                          with free and open access to any                       maximum repair or rehabilitation with
                                              applicants must have a DUNS number.                     member of the public.                                  the least possible HPG funds due to
                                                 • You may submit all documents                                                                              leveraging, innovative financial
                                              electronically through the website,                     E. Application Review Information
                                                                                                                                                             assistance, owner’s contribution or other
                                              including all information typically                       1. Criteria. All paper applications for              specified approaches. Points are
                                              included on the Application for                         Section 533 HPG funds must be filed                    awarded based on the following
                                              Housing Preservation Grants, and all                    with the appropriate Rural Development                 percentage of HPG funds (excluding
                                              necessary assurances and certifications.                State Office and all paper or electronic               administrative costs) to total funds:
                                                 • After you electronically submit                    applications must meet the
                                              your application through the website,                                                                          (1) 50% or less: 20 points
                                                                                                      requirements of this Notice and 7 CFR
                                              you will receive an automatic                                                                                  (2) 51% to 65%: 15 points
                                                                                                      part 1944, subpart N. Pre-applications
                                              acknowledgement from Grants.gov that                                                                           (3) 66% to 80%: 10 points
                                                                                                      determined not eligible and/or not                     (4) 81% to 95%: 5 points
                                              contains a Grants.gov tracking number.                  meeting the selection criteria will be
                                                 • RHS may request that you provide                                                                          (5) 96% to 100%: 0 points
                                                                                                      notified by the Rural Development State
                                              original signatures on forms at a later                                                                           (c) The applicant has demonstrated its
                                              date.                                                     2. Review and Selection Process. The                 administrative capacity in assisting very
                                                 • If you experience technical                        Rural Development State Offices will                   low- and low-income persons to obtain
                                              difficulties on the closing date and are                utilize the following threshold project                adequate housing based on the
                                              unable to meet the 5:00 p.m. (Eastern                   selection criteria for applicants in                   following:
                                              Standard Time) deadline, print out your                 accordance with 7 CFR 1944.679:                           (1) The organization or a member of
                                              application and submit it to your State                   (a) Providing a financially feasible                 its staff has at least one or more years’
                                              Office, you must meet the closing date                  program of housing preservation                        experience successfully managing and
                                              and local time deadline.                                assistance. ‘‘Financially feasible’’ is                operating a rehabilitation or
                                                 • Please note that you must locate the               defined as proposed assistance which                   weatherization type program: 10 points.
                                              downloadable application package for                    will be affordable to the intended                        (2) The organization or a member of
                                              this program by the CFDA Number or                      recipient or result in affordable housing              its staff has at least one or more years’
                                              FedGrants Funding Opportunity                           for very low- and low-income persons.                  experience successfully managing and
                                              Number, which can be found at http://                     (b) Serving eligible rural areas with a              operating a program assisting very low-
                                              www.grants.gov.                                         concentration of substandard housing                   and low-income persons obtain housing
                                                 In addition to the electronic pre-                   for households with very low- and low-                 assistance: 10 points.
                                              application at the http://www.grants.gov                income.                                                   (3) If the organization has
                                              website, all applicants must complete                     (c) Being an eligible applicant as                   administered grant programs, there are
                                              and submit the FY 2018 pre-application                  defined in 7 CFR 1944.658.                             no outstanding or unresolved audit or
                                              package, detailed later in this Notice, for               (d) Meeting the requirements of                      investigative findings which might
                                              the Section 533 HPG program. A copy                     consultation and public comment in                     impair carrying out the proposal: 10
                                              of a suggested coversheet is included                   accordance with 7 CFR 1944.674.                        points.
                                              with this Notice. Applicants are                          (e) Submitting a complete pre-                          (d) The proposed program will be
                                              encouraged to submit this pre-                          application as outlined in 7 CFR                       undertaken entirely in rural areas
                                              application coversheet electronically by                1944.676.                                              outside Metropolitan Statistical Areas,
                                              accessing the website: http://                            3. Scoring. For applicants meeting all               also known as MSAs, identified by
                                              www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/                      of the requirements listed above, the                  Rural Development as having
                                              housing-preservation-grants. Click on                   Rural Development State Offices will                   populations below 10,000 or in remote
                                              the Forms & Resources tab to access the                 use weighted criteria in accordance with               parts of other rural areas (i.e., rural areas
                                              ‘‘FY 2018 Pre-application for Section                   7 CFR part 1944, subpart N as selection                contained in MSAs with less than 5,000
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              533 Housing Preservation Grants                         for the grant recipients. Each pre-                    population) as defined in 7 CFR
                                              (HPG).’’                                                application and its accompanying                       1944.656: 10 points.
                                                 Applicants are encouraged, but not                   statement of activities will be evaluated                 (e) The program will use less than 20
                                              required, to also provide an electronic                 and, based solely on the information                   percent of HPG funds for administration
                                              copy of all hard copy forms and                         contained in the pre-application, the                  purposes:
                                              documents submitted in the pre-                         applicant’s proposal will be numerically               (1) More than 20%: Not eligible
                                              application/application package as                      rated on each criteria within the range                (2) 20%: 0 points

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                                               29533

                                              (3) 19%: 1 point                                        encouraging applications for projects                  call (866) 632–9992. Submit your
                                              (4) 18%: 2 points                                       that will support rural areas with                     completed form or letter to USDA by:
                                              (5) 17%: 3 points                                       persistent poverty. This emphasis will                   (1) Mail: U.S. Department of
                                              (6) 16%: 4 points                                       support Rural Development’s mission of                 Agriculture, Office of the Assistant
                                              (7) 15% or less: 5 points                               improving the quality of life for Rural                Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
                                                (f) The proposed program contains a                   Americans and commitment to directing                  Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
                                              component for alleviating overcrowding                  resources to those who most need them.                 DC 20250–9410;
                                              as defined in 7 CFR 1944.656: 5 points.                   3. Reporting. Post-award reporting                     (2) Fax: (202) 690–7442; or
                                                In the event more than one pre-                       requirements can be found in the Grant                   (3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
                                              application receives the same amount of                 Agreement.                                               USDA is an equal opportunity
                                              points, those pre-applications will then                                                                       provider, employer, and lender.
                                              be ranked based on the actual                           G. Non-Discrimination Statement
                                              percentage figure used for determining                                                                           Dated: June 18, 2018.
                                                                                                         In accordance with Federal civil
                                              the points. Further, in the event that                  rights law and U.S. Department of                      Joel C. Baxley,
                                              pre-applications are still tied, then those             Agriculture (USDA) civil rights                        Administrator, Rural Housing Service.
                                              pre-applications still tied will be ranked              regulations and policies, the USDA, its                Fiscal Year 2018 Pre-Application for
                                              based on the percentage for HPG fund                    Agencies, offices, and employees and
                                              use (low to high). Further, for                                                                                Section 533 Housing Preservation
                                                                                                      institutions participating in or                       Grants (HPG) Instructions
                                              applications where assistance to rental                 administering USDA programs are
                                              properties or cooperatives is proposed,                 prohibited from discrimination based on                   Applicants are encouraged; but not
                                              those still tied will be further ranked                 race, color, national origin, religion, sex,           required, to submit this pre-application
                                              based on the number of years the units                  gender identity, (including gender                     form electronically by accessing the
                                              are available for occupancy under the                   expression), sexual orientation,                       website: http://www.rd.usda.gov/
                                              program (a minimum of 5 years is                        disability, age, marital status, family/               programs-services/housing-
                                              required). For this part, ranking will be               parental status, income derived from a                 preservation-grants. Click on the Forms
                                              based from most to least number of                      public assistance program, political                   & Resources tab to access the ‘‘Fiscal
                                              years.                                                  beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior          Year 2018 Pre-Application for Section
                                                Finally, if there is still a tie, then a              civil rights activity, in any program or               533 Housing Preservation Grants
                                              lottery system will be used. After the                  activity conducted or funded by USDA                   (HPG).’’ Please note that electronic
                                              award selections are made, all                          (not all bases apply to all programs).                 submittals are not on a secured website.
                                              applicants will be notified of the status               Remedies and complaint filing                          If you do not wish to submit the form
                                              of their applications by mail.                          deadlines vary by program or incident.                 electronically by clicking on the Send
                                              F. Federal Award Administration                            Persons with disabilities who require               Form button, you may still fill out the
                                              Information                                             alternative means of communication for                 form, print it and submit it with your
                                                                                                      program information (e.g., Braille, large              application package to the State Office.
                                                 1. Federal Award Notices. The Agency                                                                        You also have the option to save the
                                              will notify, in writing, applicants whose               print, audiotape, American Sign
                                                                                                      Language, etc.) should contact the                     form, and submit it on an electronic
                                              pre-applications have been selected for                                                                        media to the State Office.
                                              funding. At the time of notification, the               responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET
                                                                                                      Center at (202) 720–2600 (voice and                       Supporting documentation required
                                              Agency will advise the applicant what
                                                                                                      TTY) or contact USDA through the                       by this pre-application may be attached
                                              further information and documentation
                                                                                                      Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.               to the email generated when you click
                                              is required along with a timeline for
                                                                                                      Additionally, program information may                  the Send Form button to submit the
                                              submitting the additional information. If
                                                                                                      be made available in languages other                   form. However, if the attachments are
                                              the Agency determines it is unable to
                                                                                                      than English.                                          too numerous or large in size, the email
                                              select the application for funding, the
                                                                                                         To file a program discrimination                    box will not be able to accept them. In
                                              applicant will be so informed in writing.
                                                                                                      complaint, complete the USDA Program                   that case, submit the supporting
                                              Such notification will include the
                                                                                                      Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF),                   documentation for this pre-application
                                              reasons the applicant was not selected.
                                                                                                      found online at http://                                to the State Office with your complete
                                              The Agency will advise applicants,
                                                                                                      www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_                    application package under item IX.
                                              whose pre-applications did not meet
                                              eligibility and/or selection criteria, of               cust.html, and at any USDA office or                      Documents Submitted, indicate the
                                              their review rights or appeal rights in                 write a letter addressed to USDA and                   supporting documents that you are
                                              accordance with 7 CFR 1944.682.                         provide in the letter all of the                       submitting either with the pre-
                                                 2. Administrative and National Policy                information requested in the form. To                  application or to the State Office.
                                              Requirements. Rural Development is                      request a copy of the complaint form,                  BILLING CODE 3410–XV–P
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                                              29534                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                                           I.           Applicant Information
                                                                        a.           Applicant's Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                        b.           Applicant's Address:
                                                                        Address, Line 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                        Address, Line 2: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                                        City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __       State:            Zip:
                                                                        c.           Name of Applicant's Contact Person: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                        d.           Contact Person's Telephone Number:
                                                                        e.           Contact Person's E-Mail Address:
                                                                        f.           Entity Type: D State Government                                    D Local Government
                                                                        (Check One) D Non-Profit Corporation                                    D Federally Recognized Indian
                                                                        D Faith-Based and neighborhood partnership
                                                                        D Community Organization
                                                                        D Other consortia of an eligible entity

                                                           II.          Project Information
                                                                        a.           Project Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                        b.           Project Address:
                                                                        Address, Line 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                        Address, Line 2: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                                        City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State:                Zip: _ _ __
                                                                        c.           Organization DUNS Number:
                                                                        d.           Grant Amount Requested: $_ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                        e.           This grant request is for one of the following types of assistance:
                                                                        D Homeowner assistance program
                                                                        D Rental property assistance program
                                                                        D Cooperative assistance program
                                                                        f.           In response to e. above, answer one of the following:
                                                                        The number of low- and very low-income persons that the grantee will assist in
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                                                           the Homeowner assistance program: _ _ _ _ OR

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                            29535

                                                                         The number of units for low- and very low-income persons in the Rental property
                                                               or Cooperative assistance program:
                                                                         g.          This proposal is for one of the following:
                                                                         D Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) program (no set-aside)
                                                                         D Set-Aide for grant located in a Rural Economic Area Partnership (REAP)

                                                               III.      Low-Income Assistance
                                                                         Check the percentage of very low-income persons that this pre-application
                                                               proposes to assist in relation to the total population of the project:
                                                                         D More than 80 percent (20 points)
                                                                         D 61 percent to 80 percent (15 points)
                                                                         D 41 percent to 60 percent ( 10 points)
                                                                         D 20 percent to 40 percent ( 5 points)
                                                                         D Less than 20 percent (0 points)

                                                               IV.       Percent ofHPG Fund Use
                                                                         Check the percentage ofHPG fund use (excluding administrative costs) in
                                                               comparison to the total cost of unit preservation. This percentage reflects maximum
                                                               repair or rehabilitation results with the least possible HPG funds due to leveraging,
                                                               innovative financial assistance, owner's contribution or other specified approaches.
                                                                         D 50 percent or less ofHPG funds (20 points)
                                                                         D 51 percent to 65 percent ofHPG funds (15 points)
                                                                         D 66 percent to 80 percent ofHPG funds (10 points)
                                                                         D 81 percent to 95 percent ofHPG funds (5 points)
                                                                         D 96 percent to 100 percent ofHPG funds (0 points)
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                                              29536                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                                           V.          Administrative Capacity
                                                           The following three criteria demonstrate your administrative capacity to assist very low-
                                                           and low-income persons to obtain adequate housing (30 points maximum).
                                                                       a.           Does this organization or a member of its staff have at least one or more
                                                           years of experience successfully managing and operating a rehabilitation or
                                                           weatherization type of program? (10 points) Yes _                                         No _         Points: __
                                                                       b.           Does this organization or a member of its staff have at least one or more
                                                           years of experience successfully managing and operating a program assisting very low-
                                                           or low-income persons obtain housing assistance? (1 0 points) Yes                                                    No
                                                                       c.           If this organization has administered grant programs, are there any
                                                           outstanding or unresolved audit or investigative findings which might impair carrying out
                                                           the proposal? (10 points for No) No _                                    Yes             Points:
                                                                       If Yes, please explain:

                                                           VI.         Area Served
                                                                       Will this proposal be undertaken entirely in rural areas outside Metropolitan
                                                           Statistical Areas, also known as MSAs, and identified by Rural Development as having
                                                           populations below 10,000 or in remote parts of other rural areas (i.e., rural areas
                                                           contained in MSAs with a population of less than 5,000) as defined in 7CFR 1944.656?
                                                           (10 points)
                                                                       Yes               No                 Points:

                                                           VII.        Percent of HPG Funds for Administration
                                                                       Check the percentage ofHPG funds that will be used for Administration
                                                                       D More than 20 percent (Not eligible)
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                                                                       D 20 percent (0 points)

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                            29537

                                                                       D 19 percent (1 point)
                                                                       D 18 percent (2 points)
                                                                       D 17 percent (3 points)
                                                                       D 16 percent (4 points)
                                                                       D 15 percent or 1ess ( 5 points)
                                                           VIII. Alleviating Overcrowding
                                                                       Does the proposed program contain a component for alleviating overcrowding as
                                                           defined in 7 CFR 1944.656? (5 points) Yes _                                     No             Points:

                                                           IX.         Persistent Poverty Counties
                                                                       Persistent Poverty Counties. Points will be awarded to projects located in
                                                                       persistent poverty counties. The USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS)
                                                                       (http://ers.usda.govl) is the main source of economic information and research for
                                                                       USDA and a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System located in
                                                                       Washington, D.C. ERS has defined counties as being persistently poor if20
                                                                       percent or more of their populations were living in poverty over the last 30 years
                                                                       (measured by the 1990, 2000 and 2010 decennial censuses and 2007-2011
                                                                       American Community Survey 5-year estimates): (20 points)
                                                                       Yes               No           Points:

                                                           X.          Documents Submitted
                                                                       Check if the following documents are being submitted electronically with this
                                                           pre-application or will be mailed to the State Office with your complete pre-application
                                                                       NOTE: You are only required to submit supporting documents for programs in
                                                           which you will be participating as indicated in this pre-application. Points will be
                                                           assigned for the items that you checked based on a review of the supporting documents.
                                                                       Please refer to the NOSA for the complete list of documents that you are
                                                           required to submit with your complete pre-application package.
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                                              29538                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                Submitted With                Submitted to
                                                                Reference                                   Item                                    This Pre-                 State Office
                                                                      I.            Applicant Information
                                                                     II.            Project Information
                                                                    III.            Low-Income Assistance
                                                                    IV.             Percent of HPG Fund Use
                                                                     v.             Administrative Capacity
                                                                    VI.             Area Served
                                                                    VII.            Percent of HPG Funds for
                                                                   VIII.            Alleviating Overcrowding
                                                                    IX.             Persistent Poverty County

                                                           B.         HPG 2018 Scoring

                                                                      PLEASE NOTE: The scoring below is based on the responses that you have
                                                          provided on this pre-application form and may not accord with the final score that the
                                                          Agency assigns upon evaluating the supporting documentation that you submit. Your
                                                          score may change from what you see here if the supporting documentation does not
                                                          adequately support your answer or, if required documentation is missing.
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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                                           29539

                                              [FR Doc. 2018–13458 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]             SUMMARY:  The Architectural and                        2:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m.—Ad Hoc
                                              BILLING CODE 3410–XV–C                                  Transportation Barriers Compliance                         Committee on Frontier Issues
                                                                                                      Board (Access Board) plans to hold its
                                                                                                                                                             Wednesday, July 11, 2018
                                                                                                      regular committee and Board meetings
                                                                                                      in Washington, DC, Monday through                      9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.—Planning and
                                              ARCHITECTURAL AND                                       Wednesday, July 9–11, 2018 at the times                     Evaluation Committee
                                              TRANSPORTATION BARRIERS                                 and location listed below.                             10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.—Budget
                                              COMPLIANCE BOARD                                        DATES: The schedule of events is as
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                                                                      follows:                                               1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.—Board Meeting
                                              Meetings                                                                                                       ADDRESSES: Meetings will be held at the
                                                                                                      Monday, July 9, 2018                                   Access Board Conference Room, 1331 F
                                              AGENCY: Architectural and
                                              Transportation Barriers Compliance                      11:00 a.m.–Noon—Technical Programs                     Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC
                                              Board.                                                      Committee                                          20004.
                                                                                                      1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m.—Ad Hoc                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                              ACTION: Notice of meetings.
                                                                                                          Committee on Design Guidance                       further information regarding the

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Document Created: 2018-06-23 02:29:19
Document Modified: 2018-06-23 02:29:19
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe closing deadline for receipt of all pre-applications in response to this Notice is 5:00 p.m., local time for each Rural Development State Office on August 9, 2018 regardless of delivery method (hand delivered, electronic, mail, or a combination thereof). Rural Development State Office locations can be found at: http:// www.rd.usda.gov/contact-us/state-offices. RHS will not consider any application that is received after the closing deadline. Applicants intending to mail applications must provide sufficient time to permit delivery on or before the closing deadline date and time. Acceptance by the United States Postal Service or private mailer does not constitute delivery. Facsimile (FAX) and postage due applications will not be accepted.
ContactFor general information, applicants may contact Bonnie Edwards-Jackson, Finance and Loan Analyst, Multi- Family Housing Preservation and Direct Loan Division, USDA Rural Development, STOP 0781, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-0781, telephone (202) 690-0759 (voice) (this is not a toll-free number) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD-Federal Information Relay Service) or via email at, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 29529 

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