83_FR_29689 83 FR 29567 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Conveyance of Federally-Owned Mineral Interests

83 FR 29567 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Conveyance of Federally-Owned Mineral Interests

Bureau of Land Management

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 122 (June 25, 2018)

Page Range29567-29568
FR Document2018-13579

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing to renew an information collection.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)]
[Pages 29567-29568]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13579]



Bureau of Land Management

[LLWO35000.L14400000.PN0000; OMB Control Number 1004-0153]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the 
Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Conveyance of 
Federally-Owned Mineral Interests

AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of information collection; request for comment.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the 
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing to renew an information 

DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before 
July 25, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Send written comments on this Information Collection Request 
(ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget's Desk Officer for the 
Department of the Interior by email at [email protected]; or 
via facsimile to (202) 395-5806. Please provide a copy of your comments 
to the U.S. Department of the Interior, BLM, 1849 C Street NW, Room 
2134LM, Washington, DC 20240, Attention: Jean Sonneman; or by email to 
[email protected]. Please reference OMB Control Number 1004-0153 in the 
subject line of your comments.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request additional information 
about this ICR, contact Chantel Jordan by email at [email protected], or 
by telephone at 202-912-7514. You may also view the ICR at http://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995, the BLM provides the general public and other Federal 
agencies with an opportunity to comment on new, proposed, revised, and 
continuing collections of information. This helps us assess the impact 
of our information collection requirements and minimize the public's 
reporting burden. It also helps the public understand our information 
collection requirements and provide the requested data in the desired 
    A Federal Register notice with a 60-day public comment period 
soliciting comments on this collection of information was published on 
January 16, 2018 (83 FR 2183). The comment period closed on March 19, 
2018. On April 11, 2018, 23 days after the comment period closed, the 
BLM received two comments via email. The comments referred specifically 
to the Bears Ears National Monument.
    Except for the mention of the OMB control number in the title of 
each comment, the comments did not mention the information collection, 
and the BLM has taken no action to revise the information collection in 
response to the comments. The BLM Information Collection Clearance 
Officer has forwarded the comments to the appropriate BLM staff for 
    The BLM is again soliciting comments on the proposed ICR that is 
described below. We are especially interested in public comment 
addressing the following issues: (1) Is the collection necessary to the 
proper functions of the BLM; (2) will this information be processed and 
used in a timely manner; (3) is the estimate of burden accurate; (4) 
how might the BLM enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and (5) how might the BLM minimize the 
burden of this collection on the respondents, including through the use 
of information technology.
    Comments that you submit in response to this notice are a matter of 
public record. Before including your address, phone number, email 
address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you 
should be aware that your entire comment--including your personal 
identifying information--may be made publicly available at any time. 
While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal 
identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we 
will be able to do so.
    Abstract: Section 209(b) of the Federal Land Policy and Management 
Act (43 U.S.C. 1719) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to convey 
Federally-owned mineral interests to non-Federal owners of the surface 
estate. The respondents in this information collection are non-Federal 
owners of surface estates who apply for underlying Federally-owned 
mineral interests. This information collection enables the BLM to 
determine if the applicants are eligible to receive title to the 
Federally-owned mineral interests beneath their lands. Regulations at 
43 CFR part 2720

[[Page 29568]]

establish guidelines and procedures for the processing of these 
    Title of Collection: Conveyance of Federally-Owned Mineral 
    OMB Control Number: 1004-0153.
    Form Numbers: None.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Respondents/Affected Public: Owners of surface estates (i.e., 
individuals, businesses, or state, local, or tribal governments) that 
want to obtain underlying Federally-owned mineral estates.
    Total Estimated Number of Annual Respondents: 5.
    Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 5.
    Estimated Completion Time per Response: 1 hour.
    Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 5.
    Respondent's Obligation: Required to Obtain or Retain a Benefit.
    Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
    Total Estimated Annual Nonhour Burden Cost: $250.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required 
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.
    The authority for this action is the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

 Jean Sonneman,
 Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Land Management.
[FR Doc. 2018-13579 Filed 6-22-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                                             29567

                                                 Comments that you submit in                          action is the Paperwork Reduction Act                  collection requirements and provide the
                                              response to this notice are a matter of                 of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).                      requested data in the desired format.
                                              public record. We will include or                                                                                 A Federal Register notice with a 60-
                                                                                                      Jean Sonneman,
                                              summarize each comment in our request                                                                          day public comment period soliciting
                                                                                                      Information Collection Clearance Officer,              comments on this collection of
                                              to OMB to approve this ICR. Before                      Bureau of Land Management.
                                              including your address, phone number,                                                                          information was published on January
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–13582 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]            16, 2018 (83 FR 2183). The comment
                                              email address, or other personal
                                              identifying information in your                         BILLING CODE 4310–84–P                                 period closed on March 19, 2018. On
                                              comment, you should be aware that                                                                              April 11, 2018, 23 days after the
                                              your entire comment—including your                                                                             comment period closed, the BLM
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                             received two comments via email. The
                                              personal identifying information—may
                                              be made publicly available at any time.                 Bureau of Land Management                              comments referred specifically to the
                                              While you can ask us in your comment                                                                           Bears Ears National Monument.
                                              to withhold your personal identifying                   [LLWO35000.L14400000.PN0000; OMB                          Except for the mention of the OMB
                                                                                                      Control Number 1004–0153]                              control number in the title of each
                                              information from public review, we
                                              cannot guarantee that we will be able to                                                                       comment, the comments did not
                                                                                                      Agency Information Collection                          mention the information collection, and
                                              do so.                                                  Activities; Submission to the Office of
                                                 Abstract: The General Mining Law (30                                                                        the BLM has taken no action to revise
                                                                                                      Management and Budget for Review                       the information collection in response
                                              U.S.C. 29, 30, and 39) authorizes a                     and Approval; Conveyance of
                                              holder of an unpatented claim for                                                                              to the comments. The BLM Information
                                                                                                      Federally-Owned Mineral Interests                      Collection Clearance Officer has
                                              hardrock minerals to apply for fee title
                                              (patent) to the Federal land (as well as                AGENCY:   Bureau of Land Management,                   forwarded the comments to the
                                              minerals) embraced in the claim. Since                  Interior.                                              appropriate BLM staff for consideration.
                                                                                                      ACTION: Notice of information collection;                 The BLM is again soliciting comments
                                              1994, a rider on the annual
                                                                                                      request for comment.                                   on the proposed ICR that is described
                                              appropriation bill for the Department of
                                                                                                                                                             below. We are especially interested in
                                              the Interior has prevented the BLM from                 SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                      public comment addressing the
                                              processing mineral patent applications                  Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the                   following issues: (1) Is the collection
                                              unless the applications were                            Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is                     necessary to the proper functions of the
                                              grandfathered under the initial                         proposing to renew an information                      BLM; (2) will this information be
                                              legislation. While grandfathered                        collection.                                            processed and used in a timely manner;
                                              applications are rare at present, the                                                                          (3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
                                              approval to collect the information                     DATES: Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                      submit comments on or before July 25,                  (4) how might the BLM enhance the
                                              continues to be necessary because of the                                                                       quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                              possibility that the moratorium will be                 2018.
                                                                                                                                                             information to be collected; and (5) how
                                              lifted.                                                 ADDRESSES: Send written comments on
                                                                                                                                                             might the BLM minimize the burden of
                                                 Title of Collection: Mineral Surveys,                this Information Collection Request
                                                                                                                                                             this collection on the respondents,
                                              Mineral Patent Applications, Adverse                    (ICR) to the Office of Management and
                                                                                                                                                             including through the use of
                                              Claims, Protests, and Contests.                         Budget’s Desk Officer for the                          information technology.
                                                 OMB Control Number: 1004–0025.                       Department of the Interior by email at                    Comments that you submit in
                                                 Form Numbers: 3860–2 and 3860–5.                     OIRA_Submission@omb.eop.gov; or via                    response to this notice are a matter of
                                                                                                      facsimile to (202) 395–5806. Please                    public record. Before including your
                                                 Type of Review: Extension of
                                                                                                      provide a copy of your comments to the                 address, phone number, email address,
                                              currently approved collection.
                                                                                                      U.S. Department of the Interior, BLM,                  or other personal identifying
                                                 Respondents/Affected Public: Owners                  1849 C Street NW, Room 2134LM,
                                              of unpatented mining claims and mill                                                                           information in your comment, you
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20240, Attention: Jean                  should be aware that your entire
                                              sites upon the public lands, and of                     Sonneman; or by email to jesonnem@
                                              reserved mineral lands of the United                                                                           comment—including your personal
                                                                                                      blm.gov. Please reference OMB Control                  identifying information—may be made
                                              States, National Forests, and National                  Number 1004–0153 in the subject line of
                                              Parks.                                                                                                         publicly available at any time. While
                                                                                                      your comments.                                         you can ask us in your comment to
                                                 Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To                    withhold your personal identifying
                                              Respondents: 10.
                                                                                                      request additional information about                   information from public review, we
                                                 Total Estimated Number of Annual                     this ICR, contact Chantel Jordan by
                                              Responses: 10.                                                                                                 cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                                                                                      email at cmjordan@blm.gov, or by                       do so.
                                                 Estimated Completion Time per                        telephone at 202–912–7514. You may                        Abstract: Section 209(b) of the Federal
                                              Response: Varies from 3 to 100 hours,                   also view the ICR at http://                           Land Policy and Management Act (43
                                              depending on activity.                                  www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain.                     U.S.C. 1719) authorizes the Secretary of
                                                 Total Estimated Number of Annual                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                          the Interior to convey Federally-owned
                                              Burden Hours: 559.                                      accordance with the Paperwork                          mineral interests to non-Federal owners
                                                 Respondent’s Obligation: Required to                 Reduction Act of 1995, the BLM                         of the surface estate. The respondents in
                                              obtain or maintain a benefit.                           provides the general public and other                  this information collection are non-
                                                 Frequency of Collection: On occasion.                Federal agencies with an opportunity to                Federal owners of surface estates who
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                 Total Estimated Annual Nonhour                       comment on new, proposed, revised,                     apply for underlying Federally-owned
                                              Burden Cost: $174,375.                                  and continuing collections of                          mineral interests. This information
                                                 An agency may not conduct or                         information. This helps us assess the                  collection enables the BLM to determine
                                              sponsor and a person is not required to                 impact of our information collection                   if the applicants are eligible to receive
                                              respond to a collection of information                  requirements and minimize the public’s                 title to the Federally-owned mineral
                                              unless it displays a currently valid OMB                reporting burden. It also helps the                    interests beneath their lands.
                                              control number. The authority for this                  public understand our information                      Regulations at 43 CFR part 2720

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:58 Jun 22, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00040   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25JNN1.SGM   25JNN1

                                              29568                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                              establish guidelines and procedures for                 Commission may also be obtained by                     antidumping duty investigation will be
                                              the processing of these applications.                   accessing its internet server (https://                placed in the nonpublic record and a
                                                Title of Collection: Conveyance of                    www.usitc.gov). The public record for                  public version will be issued thereafter.
                                              Federally-Owned Mineral Interests.                      these investigations may be viewed on                    For further information concerning
                                                OMB Control Number: 1004–0153.                        the Commission’s electronic docket                     these investigations, see the
                                                Form Numbers: None.                                   (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov.                      Commission’s notice cited above and
                                                Type of Review: Extension of a                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Effective                   the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
                                              currently approved collection.                          January 23, 2018, the Commission                       Procedure, part 201, subparts A and B
                                                Respondents/Affected Public: Owners                   established a general schedule for the                 (19 CFR part 201), and part 207,
                                              of surface estates (i.e., individuals,                  conduct of the final phase of its                      subparts A and C (19 CFR part 207).
                                              businesses, or state, local, or tribal                  investigations on stainless steel flanges                Authority: These investigations are being
                                              governments) that want to obtain                        from China and India,1 following a                     conducted under authority of title VII of the
                                              underlying Federally-owned mineral                      preliminary determination by the U.S.                  Tariff Act of 1930; this notice is published
                                              estates.                                                Department of Commerce (‘‘Commerce’’)                  pursuant to section 207.21 of the
                                                Total Estimated Number of Annual                      that imports of the subject stainless steel            Commission’s rules.
                                              Respondents: 5.                                         flanges were subsidized by the                           By order of the Commission.
                                                Total Estimated Number of Annual                      government of China. Notice of the                       Issued: June 20, 2018.
                                              Responses: 5.                                           scheduling of the final phase of the                   Lisa Barton,
                                                Estimated Completion Time per                         Commission’s investigations and of a                   Secretary to the Commission.
                                              Response: 1 hour.                                       public hearing to be held in connection
                                                Total Estimated Number of Annual                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–13557 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      therewith was given by posting copies
                                              Burden Hours: 5.                                                                                               BILLING CODE 7020–02–P
                                                                                                      of the notice in the Office of the
                                                Respondent’s Obligation: Required to                  Secretary, U.S. International Trade
                                              Obtain or Retain a Benefit.                             Commission, Washington, DC, and by
                                                Frequency of Collection: On occasion.                                                                        INTERNATIONAL TRADE
                                                                                                      publishing the notice in the Federal                   COMMISSION
                                                Total Estimated Annual Nonhour                        Register of February 7, 2018 (83 FR
                                              Burden Cost: $250.                                      5459). The hearing was held in                         [Investigation No. 731–TA–860 (Third
                                                An agency may not conduct or                          Washington, DC, on April 10, 2018, and                 Review)]
                                              sponsor and a person is not required to                 all persons who requested the
                                              respond to a collection of information                                                                         Tin- and Chromium-Coated Steel Sheet
                                                                                                      opportunity were permitted to appear in
                                              unless it displays a currently valid OMB                                                                       From Japan; Determination
                                                                                                      person or by counsel. To date,
                                              control number.                                         Commerce has issued final affirmative                    On the basis of the record 1 developed
                                                The authority for this action is the                  determinations with respect to the                     in the subject five-year review, the
                                              Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44                     subject stainless steel flanges from                   United States International Trade
                                              U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).                                   China.2 3 The Commission subsequently                  Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
                                              Jean Sonneman,                                          issued its final affirmative                           determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of
                                              Information Collection Clearance Officer,               determination regarding subsidized                     1930 (‘‘the Act’’), that revocation of the
                                              Bureau of Land Management.                              imports from China on May 29, 2018 (83                 antidumping duty order on tin- and
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–13579 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      FR 25714, June 4, 2018). The                           chromium-coated steel sheet from Japan
                                                                                                      Commission currently is issuing a                      would be likely to lead to continuation
                                              BILLING CODE 4310–84–P
                                                                                                      supplemental schedule for its                          or recurrence of material injury to an
                                                                                                      antidumping duty investigation on                      industry in the United States within a
                                                                                                      imports of stainless steel flanges from                reasonably foreseeable time.
                                              INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                     China.
                                              COMMISSION                                                 This supplemental schedule is as                    Background
                                              [Investigation No. 731–TA–1383 (Final)]                 follows: The deadline for filing                         The Commission, pursuant to section
                                                                                                      supplemental party comments on                         751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)),
                                              Stainless Steel Flanges From China;                     Commerce’s final antidumping duty                      instituted this review on May 1, 2017
                                              Supplemental Schedule for the Subject                   determination regarding China is June                  (82 FR 20378) and determined on
                                              Investigation                                           25, 2018. Supplemental party comments                  August 4, 2017 that it would conduct a
                                                                                                      may address only Commerce’s final                      full review (82 FR 40168, August 24,
                                              AGENCY: United States International                     antidumping duty determination                         2017). Notice of the scheduling of the
                                              Trade Commission.                                       regarding imports of certain stainless                 Commission’s review and of a public
                                              ACTION: Notice.                                         steel flanges from China. These                        hearing to be held in connection
                                                                                                      supplemental final comments may not                    therewith was given by posting copies
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        contain new factual information and                    of the notice in the Office of the
                                              Celia Feldpausch (202–205–2387),                        may not exceed five (5) pages in length.               Secretary, U.S. International Trade
                                              Office of Investigations, U.S.                          The supplemental staff report in this                  Commission, Washington, DC, and by
                                              International Trade Commission, 500 E                                                                          publishing the notice in the Federal
                                              Street SW, Washington, DC 20436.                          1 Stainless Steel Flanges from China and India:
                                                                                                                                                             Register on October 20, 2017 (82 FR
                                              Hearing-impaired persons can obtain                     Scheduling of the Final Phase of Countervailing
                                                                                                                                                             49661). The hearing was held in
                                              information on this matter by contacting                Duty and Antidumping Duty Investigations, 83 FR
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                                                                      5459, February 7, 2018.                                Washington, DC, on February 27, 2018,
                                              the Commission’s TDD terminal on 202–                     2 Countervailing Duty Investigation of Stainless     and all persons who requested the
                                              205–1810. Persons with mobility                         Steel Flanges From the People’s Republic of China:     opportunity were permitted to appear in
                                              impairments who will need special                       Final Affirmative Determination, 83 FR 15790,
                                                                                                                                                             person or by counsel.
                                              assistance in gaining access to the                     April 12, 2018.
                                                                                                        3 Stainless Steel Flanges From the People’s
                                              Commission should contact the Office                    Republic of China: Final Affirmative Determination       1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the
                                              of the Secretary at 202–205–2000.                       of Sales at Less than Fair Value, 83 FR 26959, June    Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19
                                              General information concerning the                      11, 2018.                                              CFR 207.2(f)).

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Document Created: 2018-06-23 02:28:48
Document Modified: 2018-06-23 02:28:48
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of information collection; request for comment.
DatesInterested persons are invited to submit comments on or before July 25, 2018.
ContactTo request additional information about this ICR, contact Chantel Jordan by email at [email protected], or by telephone at 202-912-7514. You may also view the ICR at http:// www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain.
FR Citation83 FR 29567 

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