83_FR_29695 83 FR 29573 - Decision and Order: Kevin G. Morgan, RN/APN

83 FR 29573 - Decision and Order: Kevin G. Morgan, RN/APN

Drug Enforcement Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 122 (June 25, 2018)

Page Range29573-29575
FR Document2018-13530

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 122 (Monday, June 25, 2018)]
[Pages 29573-29575]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13530]



Drug Enforcement Administration

[Docket No. 18-15]

Decision and Order: Kevin G. Morgan, RN/APN

    On December 22, 2017, the Acting Assistant Administrator, Diversion 
Control Division, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), issued an 
Order to Show Cause to Kevin G. Morgan, RN/APN (Respondent), of 
Nederland, Texas. The Show Cause Order proposed the revocation of 
Respondent's DEA Certificate of Registration No. MM2890312 on the 
ground that he does ``not have authority to handle controlled 
substances in the state of Texas, the state in which [Respondent is] 
registered with the DEA.'' Order to Show Cause, at 1 (citing 21 U.S.C. 
823(f), 824(a)(3)).
    With respect to the Agency's jurisdiction, the Show Cause Order 
alleged that Respondent is the holder of Certificate of Registration 
No. MM2890312, pursuant to which he is authorized to dispense 
controlled substances as a practitioner in schedules III through V, at 
the registered address

[[Page 29574]]

of 1003 Nederland Ave., Nederland, Texas. Id. The Order also alleged 
that this registration does not expire until January 31, 2019. Id.
    Regarding the substantive ground for the proceeding, the Show Cause 
Order alleged that on December 1, 2017, the Texas State Board of 
Nursing (TSBN), ``suspended [Respondent's] nursing license, including 
[Respondent's] prescriptive authority'' and that ``[t]his suspension 
remains in effect.'' Id. at 2. The Order alleged that the TSBN's 
suspension was ``based on allegations that [Respondent] acted outside 
[his] authorized scope of practice and misrepresented information to 
the public which was likely to deceive the public.'' Id. The Order 
further alleged that Respondent is therefore ``without authority to 
handle controlled substances in Texas, the [S]tate in which [he is] 
registered with the DEA.'' Id. Based on his ``lack of authority to 
[dispense] controlled substances in . . . Texas,'' the Order asserted 
that ``DEA must revoke'' his registration. Id. (citing 21 U.S.C. 
802(21), 823(f)(1), 824(a)(3)).
    The Show Cause Order notified Respondent of (1) his right to 
request a hearing on the allegations or to submit a written statement 
in lieu of a hearing, (2) the procedure for electing either option, and 
(3) the consequence for failing to elect either option. Id. at 2-3 
(citing 21 CFR 1301.43). The Show Cause Order also notified Respondent 
of his right to submit a corrective action plan. Id. at 3-4 (citing 21 
U.S.C. 824(c)(2)(C)).
    On January 23, 2018, Respondent filed a letter with the Office of 
Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) in which he requested a hearing on the 
allegation of the Show Cause Order and stated his desire to explain 
``how he is not a threat, provided great care, and how the State of 
Texas erroneously and wrongly suspended his license.'' Letter from 
Respondent's Counsel to Hearing Clerk (dated January 22, 2018) 
(hereinafter, Hearing Request), at 1. The matter was placed on the 
OALJ's docket and assigned to Chief Administrative Law Judge John J. 
Mulrooney, II (hereinafter, CALJ). On January 23, 2018, the CALJ issued 
an order entitled ``Order Directing the Filing of Government Evidence 
of Lack of State Authority Allegation and Briefing Schedule'' 
(hereinafter, ``Briefing Order'') in which the CALJ found, inter alia, 
that ``the Respondent, by counsel, filed a letter which requested a 
hearing in the matter of [sic] order to show cause. Therefore, the 
letter is construed as the Respondent's Request for Hearing.'' Briefing 
Order, at 1.
    Pursuant to 21 CFR 1301.43(a), ``any person entitled to a hearing . 
. . and desiring a hearing shall, within 30 days after the date of 
receipt of the order to show cause, . . . file with the Administrator a 
written request for a hearing.'' Accord Show Cause Order, at 2. The 
CALJ did not indicate in his Briefing Order or in his Recommended 
Decision--and the rest of the administrative record does not indicate--
when Respondent received the Show Cause Order. Without any evidence in 
the record establishing when Respondent received the Show Cause Order, 
the only way in which I could find that Respondent's Hearing Request 
was timely is if it had been filed with the Administrator within 30 
days of the December 22, 2017 date of the Show Cause Order. However, 
the OALJ did not receive Respondent's Hearing Request until January 23, 
2018.\1\ Hearing Request, at 1. Accordingly, I find that Respondent's 
Hearing Request was not timely filed pursuant to 21 CFR 1301.43(a), and 
as a result, Respondent waived his right to a hearing.

    \1\ Although the front of Respondent's Hearing Request is 
stamped ``Received'' by the Office of Administrative Law Judges on 
January 23, 2018, the fax confirmation page attached to the Hearing 
Request states that it arrived in that office on ``January 22, 
2018.'' Compare Hearing Request, at 1, with id. at 3. In any event, 
neither date is within 30 days of the December 22, 2017 date of the 
Show Cause Order.

    In the absence of a timely hearing request, I also find that the 
CALJ consequently lacked jurisdiction to hear the case. Accord David A. 
Ruben, M.D., 83 FR 12027, 12028 (2018) (same) (citing Brown's Discount 
Apothecary BC, Inc., and Bolling Apothecary, Inc., 80 FR 57393, 57394 
(2015) (``in the absence of a hearing request, the ALJ had no authority 
to rule on the issue of whether its registration should be revoked'')). 
I therefore cancel the hearing nunc pro tunc held by the CALJ by 
summary disposition. See 21 CFR 1301.43(e); accord Ruben, 83 FR at 
12028. Accordingly, I will treat this case as a Request for Final 
Agency Action and issue this Decision and Order based on the relevant 
evidence forwarded to my office by the CALJ on March 19, 2018.\2\ See 
id. I make the following findings.

    \2\ In his Briefing Order, the CALJ ordered the Government to 
file evidence to support its allegation that Respondent lacks state 
authority to handle controlled substances, and any motion for 
summary disposition on these grounds, on February 2, 2018. Briefing 
Order at 1-2. The CALJ also directed Respondent to file his response 
to any summary disposition motion on February 15, 2018. Id. at 2. On 
February 2, 2018, the Government filed its Motion for Summary 
Disposition, and the Respondent filed his response on February 15, 
2018. See Government's Motion for Summary Disposition (hereinafter, 
``Govt. Mot.''); Response to the DEA's Proposed Revocation and 
Motion to Temporarily Abate and Stay the Proceedings for Fifty Days 
(hereinafter, ``Respondent's Brief'' or ``Resp. Br.''). On February 
20, 2018, the CALJ issued his Order granting summary disposition and 
Recommended Decision. Order Granting the Government's Motion for 
Summary Disposition and Recommended Rulings, Findings of Fact, 
Conclusions of Law, and Decision (hereinafter, Recommended Decision 
or R.D.). Neither party filed exceptions to the CALJ's Recommended 
Decision. Although the CALJ's Recommended Decision did not establish 
that he had jurisdiction in this case, I will nonetheless consider 
the administrative record that he submitted to me in its entirety.

Findings of Fact

    Respondent is a holder of DEA Certificate of Registration No. 
MM2890312. Government Exhibit (GX) 1 to Govt. Mot. Pursuant to his 
registration, Respondent is authorized to dispense controlled 
substances in schedules III through V as an ``MLP-Nurse Practitioner.'' 
Id. Respondent's registered address is 1003 Nederland Ave., Nederland, 
Texas. Id. Respondent's registration does not expire until January 31, 
2019. Id.
    On December 1, 2017, the TSBN issued an ``Order of Temporary 
Suspension'' stating that Respondent's ``Permanent Advanced Practice 
Registered Nurse License Number AP123323 with Prescription 
Authorization Number 13799 and Permanent Registered Nurse License 
Number 758246 . . . to practice nursing in the State of Texas is/are, 
hereby SUSPENDED IMMEDIATELY.'' GX 2, at 17. The TSBN issued this Order 
after finding that ``given the nature of the charges, the continued 
practice of nursing by [Respondent] constitutes a continuing and 
imminent threat to public welfare.'' Id. Finally, the TSBN stated that 
``a probable cause hearing be conducted . . . not later than seventeen 
(17) days following the date of the entry of this order, and a final 
hearing on the matter be conducted . . . not later than the 61st day 
following the date of the entry of this order.'' Id. There is no 
evidence in the record establishing that the TSBN ever lifted this 
suspension. Based on the above, I find that Respondent does not 
currently have authority under the laws of Texas to dispense controlled 


    Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3), the Attorney General is authorized 
to suspend or revoke a registration issued under section 823 of the 
CSA, ``upon a finding that the registrant . . . has had his State 
license . . . suspended [or] revoked . . . by competent State authority 
and is no longer authorized by State law to engage in the . . . 
dispensing of controlled substances.''

[[Page 29575]]

Also, DEA has long held that the possession of authority to dispense 
controlled substances under the laws of the State in which a 
practitioner engages in professional practice is a fundamental 
condition for obtaining and maintaining a practitioner's registration. 
See, e.g., James L. Hooper, 76 FR 71371 (2011), pet. for rev. denied, 
481 Fed. Appx. 826 (4th Cir. 2012); see also Frederick Marsh Blanton, 
43 FR 27616 (1978) (``State authorization to dispense or otherwise 
handle controlled substances is a prerequisite to the issuance and 
maintenance of a Federal controlled substances registration.'').
    This rule derives from the text of two provisions of the CSA. 
First, Congress defined ``the term `practitioner' [to] mean[ ] a . . . 
physician . . . or other person licensed, registered or otherwise 
permitted, by . . . the jurisdiction in which he practices . . . to 
distribute, dispense, [or] administer . . . a controlled substance in 
the course of professional practice.'' 21 U.S.C. 802(21). Second, in 
setting the requirements for obtaining a practitioner's registration, 
Congress directed that ``[t]he Attorney General shall register 
practitioners . . . if the applicant is authorized to dispense . . . 
controlled substances under the laws of the State in which he 
practices.'' 21 U.S.C. 823(f). Because Congress has clearly mandated 
that a practitioner possess state authority in order to be deemed a 
practitioner under the CSA, DEA has held repeatedly that revocation of 
a practitioner's registration is the appropriate sanction whenever he 
is no longer authorized to dispense controlled substances under the 
laws of the State in which he engages in professional practice. See, 
e.g., Calvin Ramsey, 76 FR 20034, 20036 (2011); Sheran Arden Yeates, 
M.D., 71 FR 39130, 39131 (2006); Dominick A. Ricci, 58 FR 51104, 51105 
(1993); Bobby Watts, 53 FR 11919, 11920 (1988); Blanton, 43 FR at 
    Moreover, because ``the controlling question'' in a proceeding 
brought under 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3) is whether the holder of a 
practitioner's registration ``is currently authorized to handle 
controlled substances in the [S]tate,'' Hooper, 76 FR at 71371 (quoting 
Anne Lazar Thorn, 62 FR 12847, 12848 (1997)), the Agency has also long 
held that revocation is warranted even where a practitioner has lost 
his state authority by virtue of the State's use of summary process and 
the State has yet to provide a hearing to challenge the suspension. 
Bourne Pharmacy, 72 FR 18273, 18274 (2007); Wingfield Drugs, 52 FR 
27070, 27071 (1987). Thus, it is of no consequence that the TSBN 
summarily suspended Respondent's state medical license. What is 
consequential is the undisputed fact that Respondent is no longer 
currently authorized to dispense controlled substances in Texas, the 
State in which he is registered. Accordingly, Respondent is not 
entitled to maintain his DEA registration, and I will therefore order 
that his registration be revoked.\3\

    \3\ The CALJ received and considered the Government's Motion for 
Summary Disposition and Respondent's Brief. In his brief, Respondent 
``d[id] not contest that he is subject to a temporary suspension of 
his state prescriptive authority.'' Resp. Br. at 1. However, 
Respondent argued that he will be presenting evidence at ``a 
probable cause hearing to be held on March 6, 2018,'' that his 
suspension ``was granted on flawed information and false 
allegations,'' and that he ``has not had the chance to defend his 
self [sic] against these allegations.'' Id. However, as already 
noted above, the TSBN suspended Respondent's nursing license and his 
authority to issue prescriptions. GX 2, at 17. As of the date of 
this order, Respondent has not filed a motion for reconsideration on 
the ground that the TSBN has lifted the suspension. The CALJ 
concluded that the fact that the State has yet to provide a hearing 
to challenge Respondent's suspension does not change the undisputed 
fact that Respondent's state prescriptive authority is suspended. 
R.D. at 7-8. Accordingly, if the CALJ had the authority to issue his 
conclusion rejecting Respondent's argument, I would have adopted 
this conclusion.


    Pursuant to the authority vested in me by 21 U.S.C. 823(f) and 
824(a), as well as 28 CFR 0.100(b), I order that DEA Certificate of 
Registration No. MM2890312, issued to Kevin G. Morgan, RN/APN, be, and 
it hereby is, revoked. I further order that any pending application of 
Kevin G. Morgan to renew or modify the above registration, or any 
pending application of Kevin G. Morgan for any other DEA registration 
in the State of Texas, be, and it hereby is, denied. This Order is 
effective immediately.\4\

    \4\ For the same reasons which led the TSBN to suspend 
Respondent's license and prescriptive authority, I conclude that the 
public interest necessitates that this Order be effective 
immediately. 21 CFR 1316.67.

    Dated: June 14, 2018.
Robert W. Patterson,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2018-13530 Filed 6-22-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                                                  29573

                                              Gregory D. Owens, D.D.S., 74 FR 36751,                       I find, however, that the record as a              Respondent has accepted responsibility
                                              36757 and n.22 (2009) (‘‘The residents                    whole shows the requisite acceptance of               for his conduct. In sum, this case is
                                              of this Nation’s poorer areas are as                      responsibility. According to the Plea                 factually unique, and, as such, I will
                                              deserving of protection from diverters as                 Agreement, Respondent ‘‘has clearly                   impose a unique sanction.
                                              are the citizens of its wealthier                         demonstrated a recognition and                          Based on all of the evidence in the
                                              communities, and there is no legitimate                   affirmative acceptance of personal                    record, I shall suspend Respondent’s
                                              reason why practitioners should be                        responsibility for his criminal conduct.’’            registration for a minimum period of
                                              treated any differently because of where                  GX 3, at 9. While Respondent ‘‘appeared               two years. Said suspension shall
                                              they practice or the socioeconomic                        to have no plans to stop committing his               terminate upon Respondent’s providing
                                              status of their patients.’’ Considering                   crime prior to being approached by law                evidence that he has satisfied the
                                              community impact evidence would                           enforcement,’’ the AUSA acknowledged                  judgment of the District Court by paying
                                              ‘‘inject a new level of complexity into                   that ‘‘he did accept responsibility for his           the entire amount due pursuant to the
                                              already complex proceedings and take                      actions immediately.’’ GX 7                           District Court’s Judgment.
                                              the Agency far afield of the purpose of                   (Government Sentencing Memo, at 5).
                                              the . . . registration provisions, which                  The AUSA also stated that Respondent                  Order
                                              is to prevent diversion.’’).3                             ‘‘has unquestionably taken full                         Pursuant to the authority vested in me
                                                 Counsel’s Written Statement suggests                   responsibility for his action going so far            by 21 U.S.C. 824(a), as well as 28 CFR
                                              that Respondent, like the respondent in                   as to provide significant cooperation to              0.100(b), I order that DEA Certificate of
                                              Seglin, ‘‘did not ‘attempt to conceal his                 the government after his arrest.’’ Id. at             Registration FA3926055 issued to
                                              misconduct and in fact was quite                          7. Moreover, at the sentencing hearing,               Mohammed Asgar, M.D., be, and it
                                              straightforward with the investigators.’ ’’               in addressing the need for specific                   hereby is, suspended for a minimum
                                              GX 7 (Written Statement, at 3, citing                     deterrence, the AUSA concluded there                  period of two years and that said
                                              Melvin N. Seglin, M.D., 63 FR at 70,433).                 was ‘‘no need’’ for it, stating that                  suspension shall terminate upon
                                              As already discussed, Respondent’s                        Respondent’s ‘‘immediate acceptance of                Respondent’s providing evidence that
                                              obstruction of justice was recorded on                    responsibility demonstrate[s] not only                he has satisfied the judgment of the
                                              more than one occasion. Thus, although                    an acknowledgement of his wrongdoing,                 District Court by paying the amount he
                                              I will not revoke Respondent’s                            but a sincere effort to take steps to make            was ordered to pay pursuant to the
                                              registration, I reject Counsel’s argument                 amends for the crime that [he] has                    Court’s judgment. This Order is effective
                                              that Respondent did not attempt to                        committed.’’ Id. at 8–9. Notably, DEA                 July 25, 2018.
                                              conceal his misconduct.                                   has put forward no evidence
                                                 As for acceptance of responsibility,                                                                           Dated: June 11, 2018.
                                                                                                        challenging the sincerity of
                                              Agency precedent requires unequivocal                     Respondent’s acceptance of                            Robert W. Patterson,
                                              acceptance of responsibility when a                       responsibility.                                       Acting Administrator.
                                              respondent has committed knowing or                          As for evidence in the record                      [FR Doc. 2018–13531 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]
                                              intentional misconduct. Lon F.                            regarding whether Respondent should                   BILLING CODE 4410–09–P
                                              Alexander, M.D., 82 FR 49704, 49728                       continue to be entrusted with a
                                              (2017) (collecting cases) (A respondent                   registration, the District Judge was
                                              who committed knowing or intentional                      troubled by Respondent’s greed and the                DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
                                              misconduct must unequivocally                             fact that Respondent took affirmative
                                              acknowledge his misconduct.). Cf.                         steps to obstruct justice. I, too, am                 Drug Enforcement Administration
                                              Melvin N. Seglin, 63 FR at 70433                          troubled by the same facts. I do note,                [Docket No. 18–15]
                                              (Respondent thought the billing method                    however, that Respondent’s criminality
                                              he used was acceptable). Respondent’s                     did not directly involve his registration             Decision and Order: Kevin G. Morgan,
                                              participation in the multi-year illegal                   or controlled substances. There is                    RN/APN
                                              cash kickback payment conspiracy was                      nothing in the record addressing, let
                                              just that, knowing and intentional. See,                  alone impugning, Respondent’s use of                     On December 22, 2017, the Acting
                                              e.g., GX 3, at 2–3 (Respondent’s                          his registration.                                     Assistant Administrator, Diversion
                                              admissions in the Plea Agreement to                          As for the Agency’s interest in                    Control Division, Drug Enforcement
                                              knowing and willful criminality); GX 7                    deterrence, I adopt the District Judge’s              Administration (DEA), issued an Order
                                              (Government Sentencing Memo, at 2–3)                      conclusion that specific deterrence is                to Show Cause to Kevin G. Morgan, RN/
                                              (describing the recorded acts forming                     not a concern. GX 7 (Transcript of                    APN (Respondent), of Nederland, Texas.
                                              the basis for the obstruction of justice                  Sentencing Hearing, at 8). I agree with               The Show Cause Order proposed the
                                              enhancement); GX 7 (Transcript of                         the District Judge that ‘‘[g]eneral                   revocation of Respondent’s DEA
                                              Sentencing Hearing, at 37) (AUSA’s                        deterrence is the question.’’ Id. at 30.              Certificate of Registration No.
                                              description of Respondent’s knowing                       While not issuing some sanction due to                MM2890312 on the ground that he does
                                              and willful acts).                                        Respondent’s outrageous misconduct                    ‘‘not have authority to handle controlled
                                                                                                        sends the wrong message to the                        substances in the state of Texas, the
                                                 3 DEA’s brief appears to agree with Respondent’s       registrant community, not                             state in which [Respondent is]
                                              reading of Kwan Bo Jin while distinguishing it on         acknowledging the prosecutors’                        registered with the DEA.’’ Order to
                                              the facts. RFAA, at 5–6. As recognized in 21 CFR
                                              1301.43, a written statement ‘‘shall be considered        unqualified satisfaction with                         Show Cause, at 1 (citing 21 U.S.C.
                                              in light of the lack of opportunity for cross-            Respondent’s significant cooperation                  823(f), 824(a)(3)).
                                              examination in determining the weight to be               likewise sends the wrong message.                        With respect to the Agency’s
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              attached to matters of fact asserted therein.’’ In this      On the whole, while I find that the                jurisdiction, the Show Cause Order
                                              case, other credible evidence, such as the District
                                              Court’s acceptance of the Respondent’s guilty plea,       Respondent was involved in knowing                    alleged that Respondent is the holder of
                                              the application of the Sentencing Guidelines              and willful criminal conduct, I also find             Certificate of Registration No.
                                              provision crediting Respondent with accepting             that this conduct did not involve the                 MM2890312, pursuant to which he is
                                              responsibility, and the concession by the AUSA in
                                              the criminal case that Respondent accepted
                                                                                                        misuse of his registration to handle                  authorized to dispense controlled
                                              responsibility, supports Respondent’s contention          controlled substances. I further find, as             substances as a practitioner in schedules
                                              that he has accepted responsibility.                      the District Judge did, that the                      III through V, at the registered address

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                                              29574                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices

                                              of 1003 Nederland Ave., Nederland,                         Pursuant to 21 CFR 1301.43(a), ‘‘any                  Findings of Fact
                                              Texas. Id. The Order also alleged that                  person entitled to a hearing . . . and                      Respondent is a holder of DEA
                                              this registration does not expire until                 desiring a hearing shall, within 30 days                 Certificate of Registration No.
                                              January 31, 2019. Id.                                   after the date of receipt of the order to                MM2890312. Government Exhibit (GX)
                                                 Regarding the substantive ground for                 show cause, . . . file with the                          1 to Govt. Mot. Pursuant to his
                                              the proceeding, the Show Cause Order                    Administrator a written request for a                    registration, Respondent is authorized to
                                              alleged that on December 1, 2017, the                   hearing.’’ Accord Show Cause Order, at                   dispense controlled substances in
                                              Texas State Board of Nursing (TSBN),                    2. The CALJ did not indicate in his                      schedules III through V as an ‘‘MLP-
                                              ‘‘suspended [Respondent’s] nursing                      Briefing Order or in his Recommended                     Nurse Practitioner.’’ Id. Respondent’s
                                              license, including [Respondent’s]                       Decision—and the rest of the                             registered address is 1003 Nederland
                                              prescriptive authority’’ and that ‘‘[t]his              administrative record does not                           Ave., Nederland, Texas. Id.
                                              suspension remains in effect.’’ Id. at 2.               indicate—when Respondent received                        Respondent’s registration does not
                                              The Order alleged that the TSBN’s                       the Show Cause Order. Without any                        expire until January 31, 2019. Id.
                                              suspension was ‘‘based on allegations                   evidence in the record establishing                         On December 1, 2017, the TSBN
                                              that [Respondent] acted outside [his]                   when Respondent received the Show                        issued an ‘‘Order of Temporary
                                              authorized scope of practice and                        Cause Order, the only way in which I                     Suspension’’ stating that Respondent’s
                                              misrepresented information to the                       could find that Respondent’s Hearing                     ‘‘Permanent Advanced Practice
                                              public which was likely to deceive the                  Request was timely is if it had been filed               Registered Nurse License Number
                                              public.’’ Id. The Order further alleged                 with the Administrator within 30 days                    AP123323 with Prescription
                                              that Respondent is therefore ‘‘without                  of the December 22, 2017 date of the                     Authorization Number 13799 and
                                              authority to handle controlled                          Show Cause Order. However, the OALJ                      Permanent Registered Nurse License
                                              substances in Texas, the [S]tate in                     did not receive Respondent’s Hearing
                                                                                                                                                               Number 758246 . . . to practice nursing
                                              which [he is] registered with the DEA.’’                Request until January 23, 2018.1 Hearing
                                                                                                                                                               in the State of Texas is/are, hereby
                                              Id. Based on his ‘‘lack of authority to                 Request, at 1. Accordingly, I find that
                                                                                                                                                               SUSPENDED IMMEDIATELY.’’ GX 2, at
                                              [dispense] controlled substances in . . .               Respondent’s Hearing Request was not
                                                                                                                                                               17. The TSBN issued this Order after
                                              Texas,’’ the Order asserted that ‘‘DEA                  timely filed pursuant to 21 CFR
                                                                                                                                                               finding that ‘‘given the nature of the
                                              must revoke’’ his registration. Id. (citing             1301.43(a), and as a result, Respondent
                                                                                                                                                               charges, the continued practice of
                                              21 U.S.C. 802(21), 823(f)(1), 824(a)(3)).               waived his right to a hearing.
                                                                                                         In the absence of a timely hearing                    nursing by [Respondent] constitutes a
                                                 The Show Cause Order notified                                                                                 continuing and imminent threat to
                                                                                                      request, I also find that the CALJ
                                              Respondent of (1) his right to request a                                                                         public welfare.’’ Id. Finally, the TSBN
                                                                                                      consequently lacked jurisdiction to hear
                                              hearing on the allegations or to submit                                                                          stated that ‘‘a probable cause hearing be
                                                                                                      the case. Accord David A. Ruben, M.D.,
                                              a written statement in lieu of a hearing,                                                                        conducted . . . not later than seventeen
                                                                                                      83 FR 12027, 12028 (2018) (same)
                                              (2) the procedure for electing either                                                                            (17) days following the date of the entry
                                                                                                      (citing Brown’s Discount Apothecary
                                              option, and (3) the consequence for                                                                              of this order, and a final hearing on the
                                                                                                      BC, Inc., and Bolling Apothecary, Inc.,
                                              failing to elect either option. Id. at 2–3              80 FR 57393, 57394 (2015) (‘‘in the                      matter be conducted . . . not later than
                                              (citing 21 CFR 1301.43). The Show                       absence of a hearing request, the ALJ                    the 61st day following the date of the
                                              Cause Order also notified Respondent of                 had no authority to rule on the issue of                 entry of this order.’’ Id. There is no
                                              his right to submit a corrective action                 whether its registration should be                       evidence in the record establishing that
                                              plan. Id. at 3–4 (citing 21 U.S.C.                      revoked’’)). I therefore cancel the                      the TSBN ever lifted this suspension.
                                              824(c)(2)(C)).                                          hearing nunc pro tunc held by the CALJ                   Based on the above, I find that
                                                 On January 23, 2018, Respondent                      by summary disposition. See 21 CFR                       Respondent does not currently have
                                              filed a letter with the Office of                       1301.43(e); accord Ruben, 83 FR at                       authority under the laws of Texas to
                                              Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) in                     12028. Accordingly, I will treat this case               dispense controlled substances.
                                              which he requested a hearing on the                     as a Request for Final Agency Action                     Discussion
                                              allegation of the Show Cause Order and                  and issue this Decision and Order based
                                              stated his desire to explain ‘‘how he is                on the relevant evidence forwarded to                       Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3), the
                                              not a threat, provided great care, and                  my office by the CALJ on March 19,                       Attorney General is authorized to
                                              how the State of Texas erroneously and                  2018.2 See id. I make the following                      suspend or revoke a registration issued
                                              wrongly suspended his license.’’ Letter                 findings.                                                under section 823 of the CSA, ‘‘upon a
                                              from Respondent’s Counsel to Hearing                                                                             finding that the registrant . . . has had
                                              Clerk (dated January 22, 2018)                             1 Although the front of Respondent’s Hearing          his State license . . . suspended [or]
                                              (hereinafter, Hearing Request), at 1. The               Request is stamped ‘‘Received’’ by the Office of         revoked . . . by competent State
                                              matter was placed on the OALJ’s docket                  Administrative Law Judges on January 23, 2018, the       authority and is no longer authorized by
                                                                                                      fax confirmation page attached to the Hearing            State law to engage in the . . .
                                              and assigned to Chief Administrative                    Request states that it arrived in that office on
                                              Law Judge John J. Mulrooney, II                         ‘‘January 22, 2018.’’ Compare Hearing Request, at 1,     dispensing of controlled substances.’’
                                              (hereinafter, CALJ). On January 23,                     with id. at 3. In any event, neither date is within
                                              2018, the CALJ issued an order entitled                 30 days of the December 22, 2017 date of the Show        the DEA’s Proposed Revocation and Motion to
                                                                                                      Cause Order.                                             Temporarily Abate and Stay the Proceedings for
                                              ‘‘Order Directing the Filing of                            2 In his Briefing Order, the CALJ ordered the         Fifty Days (hereinafter, ‘‘Respondent’s Brief’’ or
                                              Government Evidence of Lack of State                    Government to file evidence to support its               ‘‘Resp. Br.’’). On February 20, 2018, the CALJ issued
                                              Authority Allegation and Briefing                       allegation that Respondent lacks state authority to      his Order granting summary disposition and
                                              Schedule’’ (hereinafter, ‘‘Briefing                     handle controlled substances, and any motion for         Recommended Decision. Order Granting the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                                                                      summary disposition on these grounds, on February        Government’s Motion for Summary Disposition and
                                              Order’’) in which the CALJ found, inter                 2, 2018. Briefing Order at 1–2. The CALJ also            Recommended Rulings, Findings of Fact,
                                              alia, that ‘‘the Respondent, by counsel,                directed Respondent to file his response to any          Conclusions of Law, and Decision (hereinafter,
                                              filed a letter which requested a hearing                summary disposition motion on February 15, 2018.         Recommended Decision or R.D.). Neither party filed
                                              in the matter of [sic] order to show                    Id. at 2. On February 2, 2018, the Government filed      exceptions to the CALJ’s Recommended Decision.
                                                                                                      its Motion for Summary Disposition, and the              Although the CALJ’s Recommended Decision did
                                              cause. Therefore, the letter is construed               Respondent filed his response on February 15,            not establish that he had jurisdiction in this case,
                                              as the Respondent’s Request for                         2018. See Government’s Motion for Summary                I will nonetheless consider the administrative
                                              Hearing.’’ Briefing Order, at 1.                        Disposition (hereinafter, ‘‘Govt. Mot.’’); Response to   record that he submitted to me in its entirety.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 122 / Monday, June 25, 2018 / Notices                                              29575

                                              Also, DEA has long held that the                        suspended Respondent’s state medical                     DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
                                              possession of authority to dispense                     license. What is consequential is the
                                              controlled substances under the laws of                 undisputed fact that Respondent is no                    Executive Office for Immigration
                                              the State in which a practitioner engages               longer currently authorized to dispense                  Review
                                              in professional practice is a                           controlled substances in Texas, the State                [EOIR Docket No. 18–0202]
                                              fundamental condition for obtaining                     in which he is registered. Accordingly,
                                              and maintaining a practitioner’s                                                                                 RIN 1125–AA81
                                                                                                      Respondent is not entitled to maintain
                                              registration. See, e.g., James L. Hooper,               his DEA registration, and I will therefore
                                              76 FR 71371 (2011), pet. for rev. denied,                                                                        EOIR Electronic Filing Pilot Program
                                                                                                      order that his registration be revoked.3
                                              481 Fed. Appx. 826 (4th Cir. 2012); see                                                                          AGENCY:  Executive Office for
                                              also Frederick Marsh Blanton, 43 FR                     Order                                                    Immigration Review, Department of
                                              27616 (1978) (‘‘State authorization to                                                                           Justice.
                                              dispense or otherwise handle controlled                    Pursuant to the authority vested in me
                                                                                                                                                               ACTION: Public notice.
                                              substances is a prerequisite to the                     by 21 U.S.C. 823(f) and 824(a), as well
                                              issuance and maintenance of a Federal                   as 28 CFR 0.100(b), I order that DEA                     SUMMARY:    The Executive Office for
                                              controlled substances registration.’’).                 Certificate of Registration No.                          Immigration Review (EOIR) is creating a
                                                 This rule derives from the text of two               MM2890312, issued to Kevin G.                            voluntary pilot program to test an
                                              provisions of the CSA. First, Congress                  Morgan, RN/APN, be, and it hereby is,                    expansion of electronic filing for cases
                                              defined ‘‘the term ‘practitioner’ [to]                  revoked. I further order that any                        filed with the immigration courts and
                                              mean[ ] a . . . physician . . . or other                pending application of Kevin G. Morgan                   the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).
                                              person licensed, registered or otherwise                to renew or modify the above                             This notice describes the procedures for
                                              permitted, by . . . the jurisdiction in                 registration, or any pending application                 participation in the pilot program.
                                              which he practices . . . to distribute,                 of Kevin G. Morgan for any other DEA                     DATES: The pilot program will be in
                                              dispense, [or] administer . . . a                       registration in the State of Texas, be,                  effect from July 16, 2018 until July 31,
                                              controlled substance in the course of                   and it hereby is, denied. This Order is                  2019. Initially, expanded electronic
                                              professional practice.’’ 21 U.S.C.                                                                               filing will be available in six
                                                                                                      effective immediately.4
                                              802(21). Second, in setting the                                                                                  immigration courts, but will be
                                              requirements for obtaining a                              Dated: June 14, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                               expanded to all remaining courts and
                                              practitioner’s registration, Congress                   Robert W. Patterson,                                     the BIA incrementally. Eligible
                                              directed that ‘‘[t]he Attorney General                  Acting Administrator.                                    attorneys and accredited representatives
                                              shall register practitioners . . . if the               [FR Doc. 2018–13530 Filed 6–22–18; 8:45 am]              may choose to participate at any time
                                              applicant is authorized to dispense . . .
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 4410–09–P                                   during the pilot program and will be
                                              controlled substances under the laws of
                                                                                                                                                               permitted to continue using electronic
                                              the State in which he practices.’’ 21
                                                                                                                                                               filing throughout the pendency of
                                              U.S.C. 823(f). Because Congress has
                                                                                                                                                               electronically filed cases.
                                              clearly mandated that a practitioner
                                              possess state authority in order to be                                                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              deemed a practitioner under the CSA,                                                                             Nathan Berkeley, Acting Chief,
                                              DEA has held repeatedly that revocation                                                                          Communications and Legislative Affairs
                                              of a practitioner’s registration is the                                                                          Division, Office of Policy, Executive
                                              appropriate sanction whenever he is no                                                                           Office for Immigration Review, 5107
                                              longer authorized to dispense controlled                                                                         Leesburg Pike, Suite 2618, Falls Church,
                                              substances under the laws of the State                     3 The CALJ received and considered the                VA 22041, telephone (703) 305–0289
                                              in which he engages in professional                     Government’s Motion for Summary Disposition and          (not a toll-free call) or email PAO.EOIR@
                                              practice. See, e.g., Calvin Ramsey, 76 FR               Respondent’s Brief. In his brief, Respondent ‘‘d[id]     usdoj.gov.
                                              20034, 20036 (2011); Sheran Arden                       not contest that he is subject to a temporary            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                      suspension of his state prescriptive authority.’’
                                              Yeates, M.D., 71 FR 39130, 39131                                                                                 I. Background
                                                                                                      Resp. Br. at 1. However, Respondent argued that he
                                              (2006); Dominick A. Ricci, 58 FR 51104,                 will be presenting evidence at ‘‘a probable cause
                                              51105 (1993); Bobby Watts, 53 FR                                                                                    In 1998, Congress passed the
                                                                                                      hearing to be held on March 6, 2018,’’ that his
                                              11919, 11920 (1988); Blanton, 43 FR at                  suspension ‘‘was granted on flawed information
                                                                                                                                                               Government Paperwork Elimination
                                              27616.                                                  and false allegations,’’ and that he ‘‘has not had the   Act, which required federal agencies to
                                                 Moreover, because ‘‘the controlling                  chance to defend his self [sic] against these            provide the public with the ability to
                                              question’’ in a proceeding brought                      allegations.’’ Id. However, as already noted above,      conduct business electronically with the
                                              under 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3) is whether the                the TSBN suspended Respondent’s nursing license          federal government. See Public Law
                                              holder of a practitioner’s registration ‘‘is            and his authority to issue prescriptions. GX 2, at 17.   105–277 (Oct. 21, 1998). Similarly, in
                                                                                                      As of the date of this order, Respondent has not
                                              currently authorized to handle                                                                                   2002, Congress passed the E-
                                                                                                      filed a motion for reconsideration on the ground
                                              controlled substances in the [S]tate,’’                 that the TSBN has lifted the suspension. The CALJ
                                                                                                                                                               Government Act of 2002, which
                                              Hooper, 76 FR at 71371 (quoting Anne                    concluded that the fact that the State has yet to        promoted electronic government
                                              Lazar Thorn, 62 FR 12847, 12848                         provide a hearing to challenge Respondent’s              services and required agencies to use
                                              (1997)), the Agency has also long held                  suspension does not change the undisputed fact           internet-based technology to increase
                                              that revocation is warranted even where                 that Respondent’s state prescriptive authority is        the public’s access to government
                                              a practitioner has lost his state authority             suspended. R.D. at 7–8. Accordingly, if the CALJ         information and services. See Public
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              by virtue of the State’s use of summary                 had the authority to issue his conclusion rejecting      Law 107–347 (Dec. 17, 2002).
                                                                                                      Respondent’s argument, I would have adopted this
                                              process and the State has yet to provide                                                                            As a result, EOIR began pursuing a
                                              a hearing to challenge the suspension.                     4 For the same reasons which led the TSBN to
                                                                                                                                                               long-term agency plan to create an
                                              Bourne Pharmacy, 72 FR 18273, 18274                     suspend Respondent’s license and prescriptive
                                                                                                                                                               electronic case access and filing system
                                              (2007); Wingfield Drugs, 52 FR 27070,                   authority, I conclude that the public interest           for the immigration courts and BIA. See
                                              27071 (1987). Thus, it is of no                         necessitates that this Order be effective                68 FR 71650 (Dec. 20, 2003) (‘‘The
                                              consequence that the TSBN summarily                     immediately. 21 CFR 1316.67.                             Department is . . . designing an

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Document Created: 2018-06-23 02:29:17
Document Modified: 2018-06-23 02:29:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 29573 

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