83_FR_30237 83 FR 30113 - Request for Comments on the Cross-Agency Priority Goal: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset

83 FR 30113 - Request for Comments on the Cross-Agency Priority Goal: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 124 (June 27, 2018)

Page Range30113-30116
FR Document2018-13768

In March 2018, the Trump Administration launched the President's Management Agenda (PMA). It lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the ability of agencies to deliver mission outcomes, provide excellent service, and effectively steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of the American people. The PMA established a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal of Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset with an intended purpose of guiding development of a comprehensive long-term Federal Data Strategy to grow the economy, increase the effectiveness of the Federal Government, facilitate oversight, and promote transparency (https:// www.performance.gov/CAP/CAP_goal_2.html). This notice seeks comment on best strategies and processes for achieving this CAP goal. In addition to this request, two additional future requests for comment in September and December will inform draft federal data practices and a year-1 action plan.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 124 (Wednesday, June 27, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 124 (Wednesday, June 27, 2018)]
[Pages 30113-30116]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13768]



[Docket Number USBC-2018-0011]

Request for Comments on the Cross-Agency Priority Goal: 
Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset

AGENCY: Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: In March 2018, the Trump Administration launched the 
President's Management Agenda (PMA). It lays out a long-term vision for 
modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the 
ability of agencies to deliver mission outcomes, provide excellent 
service, and effectively steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of the 
American people. The PMA established a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal 
of Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset with an intended purpose of 
guiding development of a comprehensive long-term Federal Data Strategy 
to grow the economy, increase the effectiveness of the Federal 
Government, facilitate oversight, and promote transparency (https://www.performance.gov/CAP/CAP_goal_2.html). This notice seeks comment on 
best strategies and processes for achieving this CAP goal.
    In addition to this request, two additional future requests for 
comment in September and December will inform draft federal data 
practices and a year-1 action plan.

DATES: Comments on this notice must be received by July 27, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Submit comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal. We 
will not accept comments by fax or paper delivery. Include the Docket 
ID and the phrase ``Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset Phase 1 
Comments'' at the beginning of your comments. Also indicate which 
questions described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION of this notice are 
addressed in your comments.
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to www.regulations.gov to 
submit your comments electronically under Docket ID USBC-2018-0011. 
Information on using regulations.gov, including instructions for 
accessing documents, submitting comments, and viewing the docket, is 
available on the site under ``How to Use This Site.''
     Privacy Note: Comments and information submitted in 
response to this notice may be made available to the public through 
relevant websites. Therefore, commenters should only include in their 
comments information that they wish to make publicly available on the 
internet. Note that responses to this public comment request containing 
any routine notice about the confidentiality of the communication will 
be treated as public comments that may be made available to the public.

Department of Commerce, whawk@doc.gov or (202) 482-2134.



    The Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, performing the 
nonexclusive duties and functions of the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. 
Department of Commerce, along with the Federal Chief Information 
Officer, the Chief Statistician of the United States, and executives 
from the U.S. Small Business Administration and the White House Office 
of Science and Technology Policy, is charged with developing a 
comprehensive Federal Data Strategy under the PMA CAP goal of 
Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset. Under this goal, the Federal 
Government should leverage programmatic, statistical, and mission-
support data as a strategic asset to grow the economy, increase the 
effectiveness of the Federal Government, facilitate oversight, and 
promote transparency. The Federal Government's role in collecting and 
disseminating data is rooted in the U.S. Constitution. Advances in data 
science have transformed the production and use of data across society, 
business, and government. The Federal Government needs a robust, 
integrated approach to creating, acquiring, using, and disseminating 
data to deliver on mission, serve customers, and steward resources 
while respecting privacy and confidentiality. Over the next year, an 
interdisciplinary team from multiple federal agencies will develop work 
products, including principles, practices, and action steps for a 
unified approach to federal data stewardship and use, and will test 
potential plans as part of The Data Incubator Project (described 
below). Stakeholder engagement is critical to developing a data 
strategy that is viable and sustainable. This Federal Register notice 
is the first of three notices and requests for comment to seek public 
input on the strategy and process. This notice seeks comments on a 
four-part strategy to:
    1. Manage government data as a strategic asset;
    2. enable the American public, businesses, and researchers to 
effectively and efficiently access and use data;

[[Page 30114]]

    3. improve the use of data for federal decision-making and 
accountability, including for policy-making, innovation, oversight, and 
learning; and
    4. facilitate the use of federal data by interested parties to 
enhance the accessibility and usefulness of that data through 
commercial ventures, or innovation, or for additional public uses.

Request for Comments

    This is a general solicitation of comments from the public that 
offers businesses, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, 
government entities, and other interested parties the opportunity to 
offer best practices and use cases to support the Federal Data 
Strategy. Comments also are sought on draft Principles for a 
Comprehensive Federal Data Strategy. Finally, commenters are invited to 
list additional mechanisms that the Federal Government should use to 
seek interested parties' input on the data strategy. It is for 
information-gathering and fact-finding purposes only, and should not be 
construed as a request for proposals or as an obligation on the part of 
the U.S. Department of Commerce or federal agencies to agree with 
submitted comments or to incorporate recommendations identified in 
public comments regarding specific work products.
    The U.S. Department of Commerce requests that respondents briefly 
address the following questions, where possible and applicable. 
Respondents are encouraged to focus on questions informed by relevant 
expertise or perspectives. Clearly indicate which question(s) you 
address in your response and any evidence to support assertions, where 

Best Practices Related to the Four Pillars of the Federal Data Strategy

    1. Enterprise Data Governance. Briefly describe which best 
practices the Federal Government should consider as it sets priorities 
for managing government data as a strategic asset, including 
establishing data policies, specifying roles and responsibilities for 
data privacy, security, and confidentiality protection, and monitoring 
compliance with standards and policies throughout the information 
    2. Access, Use, and Augmentation. List a few best practices that 
the Federal Government should consider as it develops policies and 
practices to enable interested parties to effectively and efficiently 
access and use data assets by: (1) Making data available more quickly 
and in more useful formats; (2) maximizing the amount of non-sensitive 
data shared with the public; and (3) leveraging new technologies and 
best practices to increase access to sensitive or restricted data while 
protecting privacy, security, and confidentiality, and the interests of 
data providers.
    3. Decision-Making and Accountability. Which best practices should 
the Federal Government consider to improve the use of data assets for 
decision-making and accountability? Specifically, list best practices 
     Providing high quality and timely information to inform 
decision-making and learning;
     facilitating external research on the effectiveness of 
government programs and policies which will inform future policymaking; 
     fostering public accountability and transparency by 
providing accurate and timely spending information, performance 
metrics, and other administrative data.
    4. Commercialization, Innovation, and Public Use. Outline best 
practices that the Federal Government should consider to facilitate the 
use of Federal Government data interested parties to enhance the 
accessibility and usefulness of the data through commercial ventures, 
or innovation, or for additional public uses. Of particular interest 
are examples of how the Federal Government can promote data use by the 
private sector and scientific and research communities, by state and 
local governments for public policy purposes, for education, and in 
enabling civic engagement. Please include up to four examples of:
     How enabling external users to access and use government 
data for commercial or additional public purposes spurs innovative 
technological solutions and fills gaps in government capacity and 
knowledge; and
     how supporting the production and dissemination of 
comprehensive, accurate, and objective statistics on the state of the 
nation helps businesses and markets operate more efficiently.

Interim Work Products

    5. Principles. The interagency team on Leveraging Data as a 
Strategic Asset has written a draft set of principles for a 
comprehensive data strategy. Please review and provide feedback on 
their clarity, appropriateness, completeness, and potential 

Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset: Principles for a Comprehensive 
Federal Data Strategy

    The following broad principles are intended to guide the 
development of a comprehensive data strategy that encompasses the 
breadth of data the Federal Government acquires, uses, and disseminates 
for program, statistical, and mission-support purposes. These 
principles include concepts reflected in existing principles, such as 
those for the protection of personal information, for federal 
statistical agencies, and for federal evidence building. The principles 
will inform the development of practices and action steps for the 
Federal Data Strategy throughout the data lifecycle.
    1. Exercise Responsibility: Practice effective data stewardship and 
governance by maintaining modern data security practices, protecting 
individual privacy, and maintaining promised confidentiality.
    2. Uphold Ethics: Consider, monitor, and assess the implications of 
federal data practices for the public and provide sufficient checks and 
balances to protect and serve the public interest.
    3. Promote Transparency: Articulate purposes for acquiring, using, 
and disseminating data and comprehensively document processes and 
products to inform data users.
    4. Integrate Intentionality: Create, acquire, use, and disseminate 
data deliberately and thoughtfully, considering quality, consistency, 
privacy, value, reuse, and interoperability from the start.
    5. Ensure Relevance: Validate that data are high quality, useful, 
understandable, timely, and needed.
    6. Create Value: Coordinate and prioritize data needs and uses, 
harness data from multiple sources, and acquire new data only when 
Continuous Improvement
    7. Demonstrate Responsiveness: Improve data sharing and access with 
ongoing input from users and other stakeholders.
    8. Prioritize Best Practices: Model, assess, and continuously 
update best practices throughout the data lifecycle.
    9. Invest in Learning: Promote a culture of continuous and 
collaborative learning with data and about data.
    10. Practice Accountability: Audit data practices, document and 
learn from results, and make changes as needed based on findings.

[[Page 30115]]

Sources for Development of Above Principles

    European Statistical System Code of Practice (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/quality/european-statistics-code-of-practice); Fair 
Information Practice Principles as cited in (https://cep.gov/cep-final-report.html); First Principles of Project Management, (http://www.maxwideman.com/papers/principles/defns.htm); Guiding Principles for 
Evidence-Based Policymaking (https://cep.gov/cep-final-report.html); 
Key Principles of Government Information from the American Library 
Association, (http://www.ala.org/advocacy/govinfo/keyprinciples); OMB 
Statistical Standards (https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/information-regulatory-affairs/statistical-programs-standards/); Principles and 
Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency, Sixth Edition, (https://www.nap.edu/read/24810/chapter/1).
    6. Call for Use Cases. What Use Cases should the Federal Government 
consider in developing the Federal Data Strategy?

Federal Data Strategy: Call for Use Cases

    To solve the most pressing issues facing the nation, we must 
leverage data as a strategic asset. The United States Federal Data 
Strategy seeks to replicate, scale, and prioritize key data use cases 
to serve the public.
What is a Use Case?
    For the purposes of the Federal Data Strategy, a ``Use Case'' is a 
data practice or method that leverages data to support an articulable 
Federal agency mission or public interest outcome. The Federal Data 
Strategy is seeking best practices, missed opportunities, common 
solutions, and game changers that can help inform the four strategy 
    1. Enterprise Data Governance. What data governance and stewardship 
practices should the Federal Government be employing and why?
    2. Use, Access, and Augmentation. What data interoperability 
techniques or coordination tactics would better serve agency missions 
and the public?
    3. Decision-making and Accountability. How can the Federal 
Government better assist policy-makers with data?
    4. Commercialization, Innovation, and Public Use. What data 
solutions could address a pervasive problem in government service 
delivery or the public sphere?
Example Use Case Submissions
     Economic Development--State and local authorities 
increasingly need detailed local information about their economies to 
make informed decisions. The US Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer-
Household Dynamics (LEHD) program (https://lehd.ces.census.gov/) 
produces new, cost effective, public-use information combining federal, 
state and Census Bureau data on employers and employees under the Local 
Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership (https://lehd.ces.census.gov/state_partners/).
     National Security--Preventing and minimizing adverse 
effects of cyber-attacks is imperative to national security in the 21st 
century. National Institute of Standards and Technology's National 
Vulnerability Database (https://nvd.nist.gov/) and the Homeland 
Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute's Common 
Vulnerabilities and Exposure (https://cve.mitre.org/) list enable 
automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and 
     Education--Students seek colleges that give them the best 
return on their investment. The College Scorecard (https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/) provides up-to-date, comprehensive, and 
reliable information about college costs, student loan amounts, student 
ability to repay loans, and their expected earnings.
     Public Safety--Emergency responders rely on up-to-date 
addresses for timely response. The Federal Geospatial Data Committee 
(https://www.fgdc.gov/topics/national-address-database) recognizes the 
need for a free, open, and up-to-date National Address Database (NAD) 
(https://www.transportation.gov/nad) to serve these critical needs as 
well as a broad range of government services such as mail delivery, 
permitting, and school siting. Based on a minimum content approach, the 
Department of Transportation and the US Census Bureau's NAD pilot 
collected and standardized addresses from 22 state partners.
     Health--Local communities and health professionals 
reacting to the opioid crisis require timely data to assess impact and 
deliver effective interventions. The Department of Health and Human 
Services' 5 Point Strategy to Combat the Opioids Crisis includes Point 
2, Better Data (https://www.hhs.gov/opioids/about-the-epidemic/hhs-response/better-data/index.html)--supporting more timely, specific 
public health data and reporting, and accelerating the Center for 
Disease Control's reporting of drug overdose data.
Why does the Federal Data Strategy need Use Cases?
    While many high-level civic data challenges have been identified--
archaic data management practices and IT legacy systems, issues with 
data sharing and interoperability, and a lack of secondary use 
considerations--the Federal Government lacks an overall approach to 
prioritize data infrastructure improvements that serve the public. The 
Federal Data Strategy is seeking priority data use cases to ensure it 
is comprehensive and actionable.
How will the Federal Data Strategy incorporate Use Cases?
    These use cases will be identified and discussed in the Federal 
Data Strategy, and a select number of ready use cases will be assessed 
more deeply in The Data Incubator Project.
What is The Data Incubator Project?
    A select number of Use Cases deemed ``ripe for testing'' will be 
included in The Data Incubator Project. To be ``ripe for testing,'' 
these Use Cases must demonstrate potential for replication, scaling, 
and mission impact. They also must have a ready team for further 
exploration and assessment purposes. The Data Incubator Project is not 
a new platform or set of resources, but rather is focused research 
aimed at identifying methods for the Federal Data Strategy and for 
agencies going forward. The Federal Data Strategy team will seek 
academic, private sector, and NGO partnerships to further our learning 
from The Data Incubator Project.
How can I submit a Use Case?
    Please submit information about Use Cases in response to this RFC 
by July 27, 2018.
    To ensure complete use case entries, please provide as much 
contextual information as possible, such as: contact information for 
follow-up questions, the Federal agencies or bureaus related to the 
relevant data, related reference materials (including URLs) such as 
documentation about the data, practice, or goal of the project, and why 
this Use Case should be included in Federal Data Strategy development.

Stakeholder Engagement

    7. What are the best mechanisms for engaging stakeholders in the 
development of the data strategy? What platforms and processes are both 
comprehensive and efficient for collecting stakeholder feedback on

[[Page 30116]]

interim work products and input on next steps?

Guidance for Submitting Documents

    We ask that each respondent include the name and address of his or 
her institution or affiliation, and the name, title, mailing and email 
addresses, and telephone number of a contact person for his or her 
institution or affiliation, if any. No specific information pertaining 
to the respondent is required, other than that necessary for self-
identification, as a condition of the agency's full consideration of 
the comment.

    Dated: June 20, 2018.
Karen Dunn Kelley,
Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Performing the Nonexclusive 
Duties and Functions of the Deputy Secretary of Commerce, Department of 
[FR Doc. 2018-13768 Filed 6-26-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 27, 2018 / Notices                                           30113

                                               ‘‘Multiple Family Housing Project                       DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                 responses to this public comment
                                               Budget Utility Allowance,’’ must                                                                               request containing any routine notice
                                                                                                       [Docket Number USBC–2018–0011]
                                               allocate revenue and expense between                                                                           about the confidentiality of the
                                               project operations and the service                      Request for Comments on the Cross-                     communication will be treated as public
                                               component.                                              Agency Priority Goal: Leveraging Data                  comments that may be made available to
                                                                                                       as a Strategic Asset                                   the public.
                                               F. Equal Opportunity and Non-
                                               Discrimination Requirements                                                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                             Department of Commerce.
                                                                                                       AGENCY:                                                William Hawk, Economist, U.S.
                                                  In accordance with Federal civil                           Notice and request for
                                                                                                       ACTION:                                                Department of Commerce, whawk@
                                               rights law and U.S. Department of                       comments.                                              doc.gov or (202) 482–2134.
                                               Agriculture (USDA) civil rights                                                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               regulations and policies, the USDA, its                 SUMMARY:   In March 2018, the Trump
                                               Agencies, offices, and employees, and                   Administration launched the President’s                Purpose
                                               institutions participating in or                        Management Agenda (PMA). It lays out                      The Under Secretary for Economic
                                               administering USDA programs are                         a long-term vision for modernizing the                 Affairs, performing the nonexclusive
                                               prohibited from discriminating based on                 Federal Government in key areas that                   duties and functions of the Deputy
                                               race, color, national origin, religion, sex,            will improve the ability of agencies to                Secretary of the U.S. Department of
                                               gender identity (including gender                       deliver mission outcomes, provide                      Commerce, along with the Federal Chief
                                               expression), sexual orientation,                        excellent service, and effectively                     Information Officer, the Chief
                                               disability, age, marital status, family/                steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of                  Statistician of the United States, and
                                               parental status, income derived from a                  the American people. The PMA                           executives from the U.S. Small Business
                                               public assistance program. Political                    established a Cross-Agency Priority                    Administration and the White House
                                               beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior           (CAP) goal of Leveraging Data as a                     Office of Science and Technology
                                               civil rights activity, in any program or                Strategic Asset with an intended                       Policy, is charged with developing a
                                               activity conducted or funded by USDA                    purpose of guiding development of a                    comprehensive Federal Data Strategy
                                               (not all bases apply to all programs).                  comprehensive long-term Federal Data                   under the PMA CAP goal of Leveraging
                                               Remedies and complaint filing                           Strategy to grow the economy, increase                 Data as a Strategic Asset. Under this
                                               deadlines vary by program or incident.                  the effectiveness of the Federal                       goal, the Federal Government should
                                                  Persons with disabilities who require                Government, facilitate oversight, and                  leverage programmatic, statistical, and
                                               alternative means of communication for                  promote transparency (https://                         mission-support data as a strategic asset
                                               program information (e.g., Braille, large               www.performance.gov/CAP/CAP_goal_                      to grow the economy, increase the
                                               print, audiotape, American Sign                         2.html). This notice seeks comment on                  effectiveness of the Federal
                                               Language, etc.) should contact the                      best strategies and processes for                      Government, facilitate oversight, and
                                               responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET                     achieving this CAP goal.                               promote transparency. The Federal
                                               Center at (202) 720–2600 (voice and                        In addition to this request, two                    Government’s role in collecting and
                                               TTY) or contact USDA through the                        additional future requests for comment                 disseminating data is rooted in the U.S.
                                               Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.                in September and December will inform                  Constitution. Advances in data science
                                               Additionally, program information may                   draft federal data practices and a year-               have transformed the production and
                                               be made available in languages other                    1 action plan.                                         use of data across society, business, and
                                               than English.                                           DATES: Comments on this notice must be                 government. The Federal Government
                                                  To file a program discrimination                     received by July 27, 2018.                             needs a robust, integrated approach to
                                               complaint, complete the USDA Program                    ADDRESSES: Submit comments through                     creating, acquiring, using, and
                                               Discrimination Complaint Form, AD–                      the Federal eRulemaking Portal. We will                disseminating data to deliver on
                                               3027, found online at: http://                          not accept comments by fax or paper                    mission, serve customers, and steward
                                               www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_                     delivery. Include the Docket ID and the                resources while respecting privacy and
                                               cust.html, and at any USDA office or                    phrase ‘‘Leveraging Data as a Strategic                confidentiality. Over the next year, an
                                               write a letter addressed to USDA and                    Asset Phase 1 Comments’’ at the                        interdisciplinary team from multiple
                                               provide in the letter all of the                        beginning of your comments. Also                       federal agencies will develop work
                                               information requested in the form. To                   indicate which questions described in                  products, including principles,
                                               request a copy of a complaint form, call,               the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION of this                  practices, and action steps for a unified
                                               (866) 632–9992. Submit your completed                   notice are addressed in your comments.                 approach to federal data stewardship
                                               form or letter to USDA by:                                 • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                 and use, and will test potential plans as
                                                  (1) Mail: U.S. Department of                         www.regulations.gov to submit your                     part of The Data Incubator Project
                                               Agriculture, Office of the Assistant                    comments electronically under Docket                   (described below). Stakeholder
                                               Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400                        ID USBC–2018–0011. Information on                      engagement is critical to developing a
                                               Independence Avenue SW, Washington,                     using regulations.gov, including                       data strategy that is viable and
                                               DC 20250–9410;                                          instructions for accessing documents,                  sustainable. This Federal Register
                                                  (2) Fax: (202) 690–7442; or                          submitting comments, and viewing the                   notice is the first of three notices and
                                                  (3) Email at: program.intake@                        docket, is available on the site under                 requests for comment to seek public
                                               usda.gov.                                               ‘‘How to Use This Site.’’                              input on the strategy and process. This
                                                  USDA is an equal opportunity                            • Privacy Note: Comments and                        notice seeks comments on a four-part
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               provider, employer, and lender.                         information submitted in response to                   strategy to:
                                                                                                       this notice may be made available to the                  1. Manage government data as a
                                                 Dated: June 21, 2018.                                 public through relevant websites.                      strategic asset;
                                               Joel C. Baxley,                                         Therefore, commenters should only                         2. enable the American public,
                                               Administrator, Rural Housing Service.                   include in their comments information                  businesses, and researchers to
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–13761 Filed 6–26–18; 8:45 am]             that they wish to make publicly                        effectively and efficiently access and
                                               BILLING CODE 3410–XV–P                                  available on the internet. Note that                   use data;

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:58 Jun 26, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00019   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\27JNN1.SGM   27JNN1

                                               30114                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 27, 2018 / Notices

                                                 3. improve the use of data for federal                formats; (2) maximizing the amount of                  Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset:
                                               decision-making and accountability,                     non-sensitive data shared with the                     Principles for a Comprehensive Federal
                                               including for policy-making,                            public; and (3) leveraging new                         Data Strategy
                                               innovation, oversight, and learning; and                technologies and best practices to                       The following broad principles are
                                                 4. facilitate the use of federal data by              increase access to sensitive or restricted             intended to guide the development of a
                                               interested parties to enhance the                       data while protecting privacy, security,               comprehensive data strategy that
                                               accessibility and usefulness of that data               and confidentiality, and the interests of              encompasses the breadth of data the
                                               through commercial ventures, or                         data providers.                                        Federal Government acquires, uses, and
                                               innovation, or for additional public
                                               uses.                                                      3. Decision-Making and                              disseminates for program, statistical,
                                                                                                       Accountability. Which best practices                   and mission-support purposes. These
                                               Request for Comments                                    should the Federal Government                          principles include concepts reflected in
                                                  This is a general solicitation of                    consider to improve the use of data                    existing principles, such as those for the
                                               comments from the public that offers                    assets for decision-making and                         protection of personal information, for
                                               businesses, academic institutions, non-                 accountability? Specifically, list best                federal statistical agencies, and for
                                               profit organizations, government                        practices for:                                         federal evidence building. The
                                               entities, and other interested parties the                                                                     principles will inform the development
                                                                                                          • Providing high quality and timely                 of practices and action steps for the
                                               opportunity to offer best practices and
                                                                                                       information to inform decision-making                  Federal Data Strategy throughout the
                                               use cases to support the Federal Data
                                               Strategy. Comments also are sought on                   and learning;                                          data lifecycle.
                                               draft Principles for a Comprehensive                       • facilitating external research on the             Stewardship
                                               Federal Data Strategy. Finally,                         effectiveness of government programs
                                               commenters are invited to list                          and policies which will inform future                     1. Exercise Responsibility: Practice
                                               additional mechanisms that the Federal                  policymaking; and                                      effective data stewardship and
                                               Government should use to seek                                                                                  governance by maintaining modern data
                                                                                                          • fostering public accountability and               security practices, protecting individual
                                               interested parties’ input on the data                   transparency by providing accurate and
                                               strategy. It is for information-gathering                                                                      privacy, and maintaining promised
                                                                                                       timely spending information,                           confidentiality.
                                               and fact-finding purposes only, and                     performance metrics, and other
                                               should not be construed as a request for                                                                          2. Uphold Ethics: Consider, monitor,
                                                                                                       administrative data.                                   and assess the implications of federal
                                               proposals or as an obligation on the part
                                               of the U.S. Department of Commerce or                      4. Commercialization, Innovation, and               data practices for the public and provide
                                               federal agencies to agree with submitted                Public Use. Outline best practices that                sufficient checks and balances to protect
                                               comments or to incorporate                              the Federal Government should                          and serve the public interest.
                                               recommendations identified in public                    consider to facilitate the use of Federal                 3. Promote Transparency: Articulate
                                               comments regarding specific work                        Government data interested parties to                  purposes for acquiring, using, and
                                               products.                                               enhance the accessibility and usefulness               disseminating data and
                                                  The U.S. Department of Commerce                      of the data through commercial                         comprehensively document processes
                                               requests that respondents briefly                       ventures, or innovation, or for                        and products to inform data users.
                                               address the following questions, where                  additional public uses. Of particular                  Quality
                                               possible and applicable. Respondents                    interest are examples of how the Federal
                                               are encouraged to focus on questions                    Government can promote data use by                       4. Integrate Intentionality: Create,
                                               informed by relevant expertise or                       the private sector and scientific and                  acquire, use, and disseminate data
                                               perspectives. Clearly indicate which                    research communities, by state and local               deliberately and thoughtfully,
                                               question(s) you address in your                                                                                considering quality, consistency,
                                                                                                       governments for public policy purposes,
                                               response and any evidence to support                                                                           privacy, value, reuse, and
                                                                                                       for education, and in enabling civic
                                               assertions, where practicable.                                                                                 interoperability from the start.
                                                                                                       engagement. Please include up to four
                                                                                                                                                                5. Ensure Relevance: Validate that
                                               Best Practices Related to the Four                      examples of:                                           data are high quality, useful,
                                               Pillars of the Federal Data Strategy                       • How enabling external users to                    understandable, timely, and needed.
                                                  1. Enterprise Data Governance. Briefly               access and use government data for                       6. Create Value: Coordinate and
                                               describe which best practices the                       commercial or additional public                        prioritize data needs and uses, harness
                                               Federal Government should consider as                   purposes spurs innovative technological                data from multiple sources, and acquire
                                               it sets priorities for managing                         solutions and fills gaps in government                 new data only when necessary.
                                               government data as a strategic asset,                   capacity and knowledge; and
                                                                                                                                                              Continuous Improvement
                                               including establishing data policies,                      • how supporting the production and
                                               specifying roles and responsibilities for                                                                        7. Demonstrate Responsiveness:
                                                                                                       dissemination of comprehensive,
                                               data privacy, security, and                                                                                    Improve data sharing and access with
                                                                                                       accurate, and objective statistics on the
                                               confidentiality protection, and                                                                                ongoing input from users and other
                                                                                                       state of the nation helps businesses and
                                               monitoring compliance with standards                                                                           stakeholders.
                                                                                                       markets operate more efficiently.
                                               and policies throughout the information                                                                          8. Prioritize Best Practices: Model,
                                               lifecycle.                                              Interim Work Products                                  assess, and continuously update best
                                                  2. Access, Use, and Augmentation.                                                                           practices throughout the data lifecycle.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               List a few best practices that the Federal                5. Principles. The interagency team on                 9. Invest in Learning: Promote a
                                               Government should consider as it                        Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset has               culture of continuous and collaborative
                                               develops policies and practices to                      written a draft set of principles for a                learning with data and about data.
                                               enable interested parties to effectively                comprehensive data strategy. Please                      10. Practice Accountability: Audit
                                               and efficiently access and use data                     review and provide feedback on their                   data practices, document and learn from
                                               assets by: (1) Making data available                    clarity, appropriateness, completeness,                results, and make changes as needed
                                               more quickly and in more useful                         and potential duplications.                            based on findings.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 27, 2018 / Notices                                            30115

                                               Sources for Development of Above                        Example Use Case Submissions                           for Disease Control’s reporting of drug
                                               Principles                                                 • Economic Development—State and                    overdose data.
                                                 European Statistical System Code of                   local authorities increasingly need                    Why does the Federal Data Strategy
                                               Practice (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/                 detailed local information about their                 need Use Cases?
                                               web/quality/european-statistics-code-of-                economies to make informed decisions.
                                                                                                       The US Census Bureau’s Longitudinal                       While many high-level civic data
                                               practice); Fair Information Practice                                                                           challenges have been identified—
                                               Principles as cited in (https://cep.gov/                Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)
                                                                                                       program (https://lehd.ces.census.gov/)                 archaic data management practices and
                                               cep-final-report.html); First Principles                                                                       IT legacy systems, issues with data
                                               of Project Management, (http://                         produces new, cost effective, public-use
                                                                                                       information combining federal, state                   sharing and interoperability, and a lack
                                               www.maxwideman.com/papers/                                                                                     of secondary use considerations—the
                                               principles/defns.htm); Guiding                          and Census Bureau data on employers
                                                                                                       and employees under the Local                          Federal Government lacks an overall
                                               Principles for Evidence-Based                                                                                  approach to prioritize data
                                               Policymaking (https://cep.gov/cep-final-                Employment Dynamics (LED)
                                                                                                       Partnership (https://lehd.ces.census.                  infrastructure improvements that serve
                                               report.html); Key Principles of                                                                                the public. The Federal Data Strategy is
                                               Government Information from the                         gov/state_partners/).
                                                                                                          • National Security—Preventing and                  seeking priority data use cases to ensure
                                               American Library Association, (http://                                                                         it is comprehensive and actionable.
                                               www.ala.org/advocacy/govinfo/                           minimizing adverse effects of cyber-
                                               keyprinciples); OMB Statistical                         attacks is imperative to national security             How will the Federal Data Strategy
                                               Standards (https://www.whitehouse.gov/                  in the 21st century. National Institute of             incorporate Use Cases?
                                               omb/information-regulatory-affairs/                     Standards and Technology’s National
                                                                                                       Vulnerability Database (https://                         These use cases will be identified and
                                               statistical-programs-standards/);                                                                              discussed in the Federal Data Strategy,
                                               Principles and Practices for a Federal                  nvd.nist.gov/) and the Homeland
                                                                                                       Security Systems Engineering and                       and a select number of ready use cases
                                               Statistical Agency, Sixth Edition,                                                                             will be assessed more deeply in The
                                               (https://www.nap.edu/read/24810/                        Development Institute’s Common
                                                                                                       Vulnerabilities and Exposure (https://                 Data Incubator Project.
                                                                                                       cve.mitre.org/) list enable automation of              What is The Data Incubator Project?
                                                 6. Call for Use Cases. What Use Cases                 vulnerability management, security
                                               should the Federal Government                           measurement, and compliance.                              A select number of Use Cases deemed
                                               consider in developing the Federal Data                    • Education—Students seek colleges                  ‘‘ripe for testing’’ will be included in
                                               Strategy?                                               that give them the best return on their                The Data Incubator Project. To be ‘‘ripe
                                               Federal Data Strategy: Call for Use                     investment. The College Scorecard                      for testing,’’ these Use Cases must
                                               Cases                                                   (https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/)                     demonstrate potential for replication,
                                                                                                       provides up-to-date, comprehensive,                    scaling, and mission impact. They also
                                                 To solve the most pressing issues                     and reliable information about college                 must have a ready team for further
                                               facing the nation, we must leverage data                costs, student loan amounts, student                   exploration and assessment purposes.
                                               as a strategic asset. The United States                 ability to repay loans, and their                      The Data Incubator Project is not a new
                                               Federal Data Strategy seeks to replicate,               expected earnings.                                     platform or set of resources, but rather
                                               scale, and prioritize key data use cases                   • Public Safety—Emergency                           is focused research aimed at identifying
                                               to serve the public.                                    responders rely on up-to-date addresses                methods for the Federal Data Strategy
                                                                                                       for timely response. The Federal                       and for agencies going forward. The
                                               What is a Use Case?
                                                                                                       Geospatial Data Committee (https://                    Federal Data Strategy team will seek
                                                 For the purposes of the Federal Data                  www.fgdc.gov/topics/national-address-                  academic, private sector, and NGO
                                               Strategy, a ‘‘Use Case’’ is a data practice             database) recognizes the need for a free,              partnerships to further our learning
                                               or method that leverages data to support                open, and up-to-date National Address                  from The Data Incubator Project.
                                               an articulable Federal agency mission or                Database (NAD) (https://                               How can I submit a Use Case?
                                               public interest outcome. The Federal                    www.transportation.gov/nad) to serve
                                               Data Strategy is seeking best practices,                these critical needs as well as a broad                  Please submit information about Use
                                               missed opportunities, common                            range of government services such as                   Cases in response to this RFC by July 27,
                                               solutions, and game changers that can                   mail delivery, permitting, and school                  2018.
                                               help inform the four strategy areas:                    siting. Based on a minimum content                       To ensure complete use case entries,
                                                 1. Enterprise Data Governance. What                   approach, the Department of                            please provide as much contextual
                                               data governance and stewardship                         Transportation and the US Census                       information as possible, such as: contact
                                               practices should the Federal                            Bureau’s NAD pilot collected and                       information for follow-up questions, the
                                               Government be employing and why?                        standardized addresses from 22 state                   Federal agencies or bureaus related to
                                                                                                       partners.                                              the relevant data, related reference
                                                 2. Use, Access, and Augmentation.
                                                                                                          • Health—Local communities and                      materials (including URLs) such as
                                               What data interoperability techniques or
                                                                                                       health professionals reacting to the                   documentation about the data, practice,
                                               coordination tactics would better serve
                                                                                                       opioid crisis require timely data to                   or goal of the project, and why this Use
                                               agency missions and the public?
                                                                                                       assess impact and deliver effective                    Case should be included in Federal Data
                                                 3. Decision-making and                                interventions. The Department of Health                Strategy development.
                                               Accountability. How can the Federal                     and Human Services’ 5 Point Strategy to
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Government better assist policy-makers                                                                         Stakeholder Engagement
                                                                                                       Combat the Opioids Crisis includes
                                               with data?                                              Point 2, Better Data (https://                           7. What are the best mechanisms for
                                                 4. Commercialization, Innovation, and                 www.hhs.gov/opioids/about-the-                         engaging stakeholders in the
                                               Public Use. What data solutions could                   epidemic/hhs-response/better-data/                     development of the data strategy? What
                                               address a pervasive problem in                          index.html)—supporting more timely,                    platforms and processes are both
                                               government service delivery or the                      specific public health data and                        comprehensive and efficient for
                                               public sphere?                                          reporting, and accelerating the Center                 collecting stakeholder feedback on

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                                               30116                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 27, 2018 / Notices

                                               interim work products and input on                      on the basis of established records of                 DATES:  The prospective exclusive
                                               next steps?                                             distinguished service in their                         license may be granted unless NIST
                                                                                                       professional community and their                       receives, by July 12, 2018, written
                                               Guidance for Submitting Documents
                                                                                                       knowledge of issues affecting Smart                    evidence and argument which establish
                                                  We ask that each respondent include                  Grid deployment and operations. The                    that the grant of the license would not
                                               the name and address of his or her                      Committee advises the Director of NIST                 be consistent with the requirements of
                                               institution or affiliation, and the name,               in carrying out duties authorized by                   35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR 404.7.
                                               title, mailing and email addresses, and                 section 1305 of the Energy                             ADDRESSES: Information related to this
                                               telephone number of a contact person                    Independence and Security Act of 2007                  license may be submitted to NIST,
                                               for his or her institution or affiliation, if           (Pub. L. 110–140). The Committee                       Technology Partnerships Office, 100
                                               any. No specific information pertaining                 provides input to NIST on Smart Grid                   Bureau Drive, Stop 2200, Gaithersburg,
                                               to the respondent is required, other than               standards, priorities, and gaps, on the                MD 20899, or emailed to
                                               that necessary for self-identification, as              overall direction, status, and health of               donald.archer@nist.gov.
                                               a condition of the agency’s full                        the Smart Grid implementation by the                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               consideration of the comment.                           Smart Grid industry, and on the                        Donald G. Archer, National Institute of
                                                 Dated: June 20, 2018.                                 direction of research and standards                    Standards and Technology, Technology
                                               Karen Dunn Kelley,                                      activities. Background information on                  Partnerships Office, 100 Bureau Drive,
                                               Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,                   the Committee is available at http://                  Stop 2200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899,
                                               Performing the Nonexclusive Duties and                  www.nist.gov/smartgrid/.                               (301) 975–2522, donald.archer@nist.gov.
                                               Functions of the Deputy Secretary of                      The Committee functions solely as an                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a
                                               Commerce, Department of Commerce.                       advisory body and in compliance with                   notice in accordance with 35 U.S.C.
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–13768 Filed 6–26–18; 8:45 am]             provisions of the Federal Advisory                     209(e) and 37 CFR 404.7(a)(1)(i) that
                                               BILLING CODE 3510–07–P
                                                                                                       Committee Act. Pursuant to section 9(c)                NIST is contemplating the grant of an
                                                                                                       of the Federal Advisory Committee Act,                 exclusive license in the United States of
                                                                                                       5 U.S.C., App., as amended, copies of                  America, its territories, possessions and
                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  the Committee’s charter were furnished                 commonwealths, to NIST’s interest in
                                                                                                       to the Library of Congress and to the                  the invention embodied in 9,726,553
                                               National Institute of Standards and                     following committees of Congress:                      B2, titled ‘‘Optical Temperature Sensor
                                               Technology                                              • Senate Committee on Appropriations                   and Use of Same’’ (NIST Docket 13–006)
                                                                                                       • Senate Committee on Finance                          to Fluke Corporation, a subsidiary of
                                               Smart Grid Advisory Committee                           • Senate Committee on Commerce,                        Fortive, Inc. The grant of the license
                                               Charter Renewal                                           Science, and Transportation                          would be for manufacture of optical
                                               AGENCY:  National Institute of Standards                • House Committee on Appropriations                    thermometers in all fields.
                                                                                                       • House Committee on Science, Space,                      The prospective exclusive license will
                                               and Technology, Department of
                                                                                                         and Technology                                       be royalty bearing and will comply with
                                               ACTION: Notice of Advisory Committee                    Kevin A. Kimball,                                      the terms and conditions of 35 U.S.C.
                                               charter renewal.                                        Chief of Staff.                                        209 and 37 CFR 404.7. The prospective
                                                                                                                                                              exclusive license may be granted unless,
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–13822 Filed 6–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                               SUMMARY:    The National Institute of                                                                          within fifteen (15) days from the date of
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 3510–13–P
                                               Standards and Technology (NIST)                                                                                this published Notice, NIST receives
                                               hereby gives notice that the Department                                                                        written evidence and argument which
                                               of Commerce Acting Chief Financial                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                 establish that the grant of the license
                                               Officer/Assistant Secretary for                                                                                would not be consistent with the
                                               Administration, and Deputy Assistant                    National Institute of Standards and                    requirements of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37
                                               Secretary for Administration has                        Technology                                             CFR 404.7. The Patent was filed on June
                                               determined that charter renewal of the                                                                         11, 2014, issued on August 8, 2017, and
                                               NIST Smart Grid Advisory Committee                      Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent                  describes an optical resonator
                                               (Committee) is necessary and in the                     License                                                thermometer.
                                               public interest. The renewed charter can                                                                       Kevin A. Kimball,
                                                                                                       AGENCY: National Institute of Standards
                                               be found on the Committee website at
                                                                                                       and Technology, Department of                          Chief of Staff.
                                               the following URL link: https://
                                                                                                       Commerce.                                              [FR Doc. 2018–13821 Filed 6–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       ACTION: Notice.                                        BILLING CODE 3510–13–P
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                               Cuong Nguyen, Smart Grid and Cyber-                     SUMMARY:    The National Institute of
                                               Physical Systems Program Office,                        Standards and Technology (NIST), U.S.                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               National Institute of Standards and                     Department of Commerce, is
                                               Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Mail                      contemplating the grant of an exclusive                National Institute of Standards and
                                               Stop 8200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899–                      license in the United States of America,               Technology
                                               8200; telephone 301–975–2254, fax                       its territories, possessions and
                                               301–948–5668; or via email at                           commonwealths, to NIST’s interest in                   Judges Panel of the Malcolm Baldrige
                                               cuong.nguyen@nist.gov.                                  the invention embodied in U.S. Patent                  National Quality Award
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                          9,726,553 B2, titled ‘‘Optical                         AGENCY: National Institute of Standards
                                               Committee was established in                            Temperature Sensor and Use of Same’’                   and Technology, Department of
                                               accordance with the Federal Advisory                    (NIST Docket 13–006) to Fluke                          Commerce.
                                               Committee Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C.                     Corporation, a subsidiary of Fortive, Inc.             ACTION: Notice of closed meeting.
                                               App. The Committee is composed of                       The grant of the license would be for
                                               nine to fifteen members, appointed by                   manufacture of optical thermometers in                 SUMMARY: The Judges Panel of the
                                               the Director of NIST, who were selected                 all fields.                                            Malcolm Baldrige National Quality

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Document Created: 2018-11-06 09:52:42
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 09:52:42
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and request for comments.
DatesComments on this notice must be received by July 27, 2018.
ContactWilliam Hawk, Economist, U.S. Department of Commerce, [email protected] or (202) 482-2134.
FR Citation83 FR 30113 

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