83_FR_30831 83 FR 30705 - Intent To Prepare a Draft NEPA Document for the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and Dam 1 Disposition Study, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota

83 FR 30705 - Intent To Prepare a Draft NEPA Document for the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and Dam 1 Disposition Study, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota

Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 126 (June 29, 2018)

Page Range30705-30706
FR Document2018-14070

The St. Paul District, Army Corps of Engineers (MVP) is conducting a study regarding the disposition of the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and Dam 1 located in the Upper Mississippi River, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota. The study will include an environmental assessment and consider opportunities regarding deauthorization and disposal of any or all of the three lock and dam sites. The study will evaluate two primary alternatives: (1) No action; and, (2) deauthorization by Congress of the Federal missions at the sites and disposal according to Federal law. Deauthorization would include portions of the Mississippi River 9-foot navigation channel and the lands and structures associated with each lock and dam site. It is anticipated that a draft report of the integrated Disposition Study and Environmental Assessment (EA) will be available for a 30-day public comment period in the Spring of 2019. The St. Paul District of the Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting public comments on the proposed study, potential interest in future ownership if disposal of the properties is warranted, and substantive issues that should be analyzed in the EA.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 126 (Friday, June 29, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 126 (Friday, June 29, 2018)]
[Pages 30705-30706]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14070]



Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Intent To Prepare a Draft NEPA Document for the Upper St. Anthony 
Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and 
Dam 1 Disposition Study, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota

AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.

ACTION: Notice of intent to initiate public scoping and prepare an 
Environmental Assessment (EA).


SUMMARY: The St. Paul District, Army Corps of Engineers (MVP) is 
conducting a study regarding the disposition of the Upper St. Anthony 
Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and 
Dam 1 located in the Upper Mississippi River, Hennepin and Ramsey 
Counties, Minnesota. The study will include an environmental assessment 
and consider opportunities regarding deauthorization and disposal of 
any or all of the three lock and dam sites. The study will evaluate two 
primary alternatives: (1) No action; and, (2) deauthorization by 
Congress of the Federal missions at the sites and disposal according to 
Federal law. Deauthorization would include portions of the Mississippi 
River 9-foot navigation channel and the lands and structures associated 
with each lock and dam site. It is anticipated that a draft report of 
the integrated Disposition Study and Environmental Assessment (EA) will 
be available for a 30-day public comment period in the Spring of 2019. 
The St. Paul District of the Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting 
public comments on the proposed study, potential interest in future 
ownership if disposal of the properties is warranted, and substantive 
issues that should be analyzed in the EA.

    Scoping Meetings: MVP will hold public scoping meetings at the 
following times and locations during the scoping period:
    [ssquf] Monday, July 16th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Mill 
City Museum, 704 South Second Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401.
    [ssquf] Tuesday, July 17th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the 
Highland Park Senior High School Auditorium, 1015 Snelling Avenue 
South, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55116.
    At the scoping meetings, the public is encouraged to submit 
resource information, and identify topics to be considered in the 
development of the EA. Written and oral comments will be accepted at 
each meeting.
    Comments: MVP will accept comments received or postmarked on or 
before August 20, 2018. Any comments that we receive after the closing 
date may not be considered.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by one of the following methods:
    Email--Written comments should be sent to: 
[email protected].
    Mail/Courier--Written comments should be sent to: District 
Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District, ATTN: 
Regional Planning and Environment Division North, 180 Fifth Street 
East, Suite 700, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1678.
    Comment Card--Comment cards provided as part of the public meetings 
will be collected at the end of the meeting or can be mailed to the 
address in the MAIL/COURIER section above.
    If submitting comments by email, the following should be included 
in the subject line or first line of the message: ``USAF, LSAF, L/D 1 
Disposition Study Comments''.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To have your name added to a mailing 
list for notices related to the draft report and EA or additional 
public meetings, submit an email request to 
[email protected]. General questions about the study 
may be directed to Nan Bischoff, Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers, St. Paul District, 180 Fifth Street East, Suite 700, St. 
Paul, MN 55101-1678; telephone (651) 290-5426; email: 
[email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The St. Paul District, Army Corps of 
Engineers (MVP) operates the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam 
(USAF), Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam (LSAF), and Lock and Dam 
No. 1 (L/D 1), located on the Mississippi River in Minneapolis and St. 
Paul, Minnesota. MVP also maintains the navigation channel in proximity 
to these dams which involves periodic dredging. Section 2010 of the 
Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014), dated 
10 June 2014, directed that USAF be closed within one year of the date 
of enactment of the Act, but did not deauthorize USAF. Prior to the 
closure of USAF, the three locks operated as a system to support 
navigation on the upper reaches of the Mississippi River 9-foot 
navigation channel. With the lock at USAF now closed to navigation, the 
demand for both commercial and recreational lockage has decreased due 
to the navigational disconnect in the Mississippi River at USAF. 
Deauthorization and disposal of one or more of the three sites may be 
warranted if the sites are deemed to not be fulfilling their authorized 
purposes. Deauthorization would also preclude maintenance activities of 
the navigation channel in proximity to these dams. The current 
authorized purposes are navigation and recreation.
    Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 authorizes the 
Secretary of the Army to review operations of completed projects, when 
found advisable due to changed physical, economic, or environmental 
conditions. Disposition studies are a specific type of Section 216 
study with the intent to determine whether a water resources 
development project operated and maintained by the Corps of Engineers 
should be deauthorized and the associated real property and Government-
owned improvements disposed of. An Initial Appraisal (IA) was conducted 
by the Corps in 2015 to determine if conditions exist which may warrant 
further analysis on a completed project as authorized by Section 216. 
The IA recommended investigation under this authority regarding the 
future use or disposition of USAF, LSAF, and L/D 1.
    The purpose of the Disposition Study is to determine what federal 
interest exists to retain USAF, LSAF, and/or L/D 1 for its authorized 
purpose(s) based on an evaluation and comparison of the benefits, 
costs, and impacts (positive and negative) of continued operation, 
maintenance, repair, replacement, and rehabilitation, compared to the 
deauthorization and disposal of the associated real properties. The 
Disposition Study ends when the final report is transmitted to the 
Corps of Engineers' Headquarters Office for review and processing of 
recommendations. Deauthorization would require Congressional Approval.

[[Page 30706]]

    In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 
(NEPA), an Environmental Assessment (EA) for this study is anticipated 
and will be prepared by MVP. The study will broadly evaluate two 
primary alternatives: (1) The no action; and, (2) deauthorization by 
Congress of the Federal navigation-related missions at the sites and 
disposal of the properties according to Federal law. Deauthorization 
would include portions of the Mississippi River 9-foot navigation 
channel associated with each lock and dam site. MVP is soliciting 
public comments on the scope of the EA and significant issues that 
should be addressed. MVP will also accept comments related to potential 
new ownership and management measures.
    Two public scoping meetings are planned as discussed in the DATES 
section above. The primary purpose of these meetings is to provide a 
general understanding of the background of the proposed action and to 
solicit suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider 
in the EA. Written and oral comments will be accepted at the meetings. 
Comments can also be submitted by the methods listed in the ADDRESSES 
section. Once the draft EA is complete and made available for review, 
there will be additional opportunity for public comment.
    Persons needing reasonable accommodations in order to attend and 
participate in the public scoping meetings should contact the person 
listed under the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section as soon as 
possible. In order to allow sufficient time to process requests, please 
make contact no later than one week before the public meeting.
    Written comments, including email comments, should be sent to MVP 
at the address given in the ADDRESSES section of this Notice. Comments 
should be specific and pertain only to the issues relating to the 
action and the anticipated EA. MVP will include all comments in the 
project record.
    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--will be publicly available. While you can ask in your 
comment to have your personal identifying information withheld from 
public review, MVP cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
    All submissions from organizations or businesses and from 
individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of 
organizations or businesses will be available for public review to the 
extent consistent with applicable law.

    Dated: June 13, 2018.
Terry J. Birkenstock,
Deputy Chief, Regional Planning and Environment Division North.
[FR Doc. 2018-14070 Filed 6-28-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices                                            30705

                                                 Affected Public: Individuals or                        DATES:                                                 Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
                                                Households; Business or other for-profit.                  Scoping Meetings: MVP will hold                     MVP also maintains the navigation
                                                 Annual Burden Hours: 7,333.                            public scoping meetings at the following               channel in proximity to these dams
                                                 Number of Respondents: 44,000.                         times and locations during the scoping                 which involves periodic dredging.
                                                 Responses per Respondent: 1.                           period:                                                Section 2010 of the Water Resources
                                                 Annual Responses: 44,000.                                 D Monday, July 16th from 6:00 p.m. to               Reform and Development Act of 2014
                                                 Average Burden per Response: 10                        8:00 p.m. at the Mill City Museum, 704                 (WRRDA 2014), dated 10 June 2014,
                                                minutes.                                                South Second Street, Minneapolis,                      directed that USAF be closed within
                                                 Frequency: On Occasion.                                Minnesota 55401.                                       one year of the date of enactment of the
                                                  Dated: June 26, 2018.                                    D Tuesday, July 17th from 6:00 p.m.                 Act, but did not deauthorize USAF.
                                                Aaron T. Siegel,                                        to 8:00 p.m. at the Highland Park Senior               Prior to the closure of USAF, the three
                                                Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                  High School Auditorium, 1015 Snelling                  locks operated as a system to support
                                                Officer, Department of Defense.                         Avenue South, St. Paul, Minnesota,                     navigation on the upper reaches of the
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–14076 Filed 6–28–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        55116.                                                 Mississippi River 9-foot navigation
                                                                                                           At the scoping meetings, the public is              channel. With the lock at USAF now
                                                BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                                                                                        encouraged to submit resource                          closed to navigation, the demand for
                                                                                                        information, and identify topics to be                 both commercial and recreational
                                                DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                   considered in the development of the                   lockage has decreased due to the
                                                                                                        EA. Written and oral comments will be                  navigational disconnect in the
                                                Department of the Army, Corps of                        accepted at each meeting.                              Mississippi River at USAF.
                                                Engineers                                                  Comments: MVP will accept                           Deauthorization and disposal of one or
                                                                                                        comments received or postmarked on or                  more of the three sites may be warranted
                                                Intent To Prepare a Draft NEPA                          before August 20, 2018. Any comments                   if the sites are deemed to not be
                                                Document for the Upper St. Anthony                      that we receive after the closing date                 fulfilling their authorized purposes.
                                                Falls Lock and Dam, Lower St.                           may not be considered.                                 Deauthorization would also preclude
                                                Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock                    ADDRESSES: Comments may be                             maintenance activities of the navigation
                                                and Dam 1 Disposition Study,                            submitted by one of the following                      channel in proximity to these dams. The
                                                Hennepin and Ramsey Counties,                           methods:                                               current authorized purposes are
                                                Minnesota                                                  Email—Written comments should be                    navigation and recreation.
                                                AGENCY:    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,                sent to: MplsLocksDisposition@                            Section 216 of the Flood Control Act
                                                DoD.                                                    usace.army.mil.                                        of 1970 authorizes the Secretary of the
                                                                                                           Mail/Courier—Written comments                       Army to review operations of completed
                                                ACTION: Notice of intent to initiate                    should be sent to: District Engineer, U.S.
                                                public scoping and prepare an                                                                                  projects, when found advisable due to
                                                                                                        Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul                       changed physical, economic, or
                                                Environmental Assessment (EA).                          District, ATTN: Regional Planning and                  environmental conditions. Disposition
                                                SUMMARY:   The St. Paul District, Army                  Environment Division North, 180 Fifth                  studies are a specific type of Section 216
                                                Corps of Engineers (MVP) is conducting                  Street East, Suite 700, St. Paul,                      study with the intent to determine
                                                a study regarding the disposition of the                Minnesota 55101–1678.                                  whether a water resources development
                                                Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam,                      Comment Card—Comment cards                          project operated and maintained by the
                                                Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam,                   provided as part of the public meetings                Corps of Engineers should be
                                                and Lock and Dam 1 located in the                       will be collected at the end of the                    deauthorized and the associated real
                                                Upper Mississippi River, Hennepin and                   meeting or can be mailed to the address                property and Government-owned
                                                Ramsey Counties, Minnesota. The study                   in the MAIL/COURIER section above.                     improvements disposed of. An Initial
                                                will include an environmental                              If submitting comments by email, the                Appraisal (IA) was conducted by the
                                                assessment and consider opportunities                   following should be included in the                    Corps in 2015 to determine if conditions
                                                regarding deauthorization and disposal                  subject line or first line of the message:             exist which may warrant further
                                                of any or all of the three lock and dam                 ‘‘USAF, LSAF, L/D 1 Disposition Study                  analysis on a completed project as
                                                sites. The study will evaluate two                      Comments’’.                                            authorized by Section 216. The IA
                                                primary alternatives: (1) No action; and,               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To                    recommended investigation under this
                                                (2) deauthorization by Congress of the                  have your name added to a mailing list                 authority regarding the future use or
                                                Federal missions at the sites and                       for notices related to the draft report and            disposition of USAF, LSAF, and L/D 1.
                                                disposal according to Federal law.                      EA or additional public meetings,                         The purpose of the Disposition Study
                                                Deauthorization would include portions                  submit an email request to                             is to determine what federal interest
                                                of the Mississippi River 9-foot                         MplsLocksDisposition@usace.army.mil.                   exists to retain USAF, LSAF, and/or
                                                navigation channel and the lands and                    General questions about the study may                  L/D 1 for its authorized purpose(s)
                                                structures associated with each lock and                be directed to Nan Bischoff, Project                   based on an evaluation and comparison
                                                dam site. It is anticipated that a draft                Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,                 of the benefits, costs, and impacts
                                                report of the integrated Disposition                    St. Paul District, 180 Fifth Street East,              (positive and negative) of continued
                                                Study and Environmental Assessment                      Suite 700, St. Paul, MN 55101–1678;                    operation, maintenance, repair,
                                                (EA) will be available for a 30-day                     telephone (651) 290–5426; email:                       replacement, and rehabilitation,
                                                public comment period in the Spring of                  Nanette.m.bischoff@usace.army.mil.                     compared to the deauthorization and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                2019. The St. Paul District of the Army                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The St.                     disposal of the associated real
                                                Corps of Engineers is soliciting public                 Paul District, Army Corps of Engineers                 properties. The Disposition Study ends
                                                comments on the proposed study,                         (MVP) operates the Upper St. Anthony                   when the final report is transmitted to
                                                potential interest in future ownership if               Falls Lock and Dam (USAF), Lower St.                   the Corps of Engineers’ Headquarters
                                                disposal of the properties is warranted,                Anthony Falls Lock and Dam (LSAF),                     Office for review and processing of
                                                and substantive issues that should be                   and Lock and Dam No. 1 (L/D 1),                        recommendations. Deauthorization
                                                analyzed in the EA.                                     located on the Mississippi River in                    would require Congressional Approval.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:58 Jun 28, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00023   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29JNN1.SGM   29JNN1

                                                30706                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices

                                                   In accordance with the National                      available for public review to the extent              constructed. The Corps has reviewed
                                                Environmental Policy Act of 1969                        consistent with applicable law.                        the draft and Final EIR/EIS/EIS to
                                                (NEPA), an Environmental Assessment                       Dated: June 13, 2018.                                ensure that all NEPA requirements have
                                                (EA) for this study is anticipated and                  Terry J. Birkenstock,                                  been met.
                                                will be prepared by MVP. The study                                                                             DATES: Written comments regarding the
                                                                                                        Deputy Chief, Regional Planning and
                                                will broadly evaluate two primary                       Environment Division North.                            scope of the Corps adoption of the
                                                alternatives: (1) The no action; and, (2)                                                                      BOR’s FEIR/FEIS/FEIS, preparation of
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–14070 Filed 6–28–18; 8:45 am]
                                                deauthorization by Congress of the                                                                             the Corps ROD, and reimbursement to
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 3720–58–P
                                                Federal navigation-related missions at                                                                         CTC should be received by the Corps on
                                                the sites and disposal of the properties                                                                       or before July 30, 2018.
                                                according to Federal law.                               DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                  ADDRESSES: Send written comments and
                                                Deauthorization would include portions                                                                         suggestions to Mr. Mario Parker,
                                                of the Mississippi River 9-foot                         Department of the Army, Corps of                       Biological Sciences Study Manager, U.S.
                                                navigation channel associated with each                 Engineers                                              Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento
                                                lock and dam site. MVP is soliciting                                                                           District, 1325 J Street, Sacramento, CA
                                                public comments on the scope of the EA                  Notice of Intent To Adopt U.S. Bureau                  95814, or email him at mario.g.parker@
                                                and significant issues that should be                   of Reclamation’s December 2015 Final                   usace.army.mil, or telephone (916) 557–
                                                addressed. MVP will also accept                         Environmental Impact Report/                           6701, or fax (916) 557–7856.
                                                comments related to potential new                       Environmental Impact Statement/                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                ownership and management measures.                      Environmental Impact Statement,                           1. Proposed Action. The Corps in
                                                   Two public scoping meetings are                      Prepare Corps Record of Decision, and                  cooperation with the non-Federal
                                                planned as discussed in the DATES                       Reimburse the Sponsor for the Upper                    sponsor, the CTC, proposes to adopt the
                                                section above. The primary purpose of                   Truckee River and Marsh Restoration                    BOR’s December 2015 FEIR/FEIS/FEIS,
                                                these meetings is to provide a general                  Project, City of South Lake Tahoe, El                  prepare its own ROD, and reimburse
                                                understanding of the background of the                  Dorado County, CA                                      CTC on the final design and
                                                proposed action and to solicit                                                                                 construction of the restoration features
                                                suggestions and information on the                      AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S.
                                                                                                        Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.                          at the Upper Truckee River and Marsh
                                                scope of issues to consider in the EA.                                                                         Restoration Project in South Lake
                                                Written and oral comments will be                       ACTION: Notice of intent.
                                                                                                                                                               Tahoe, in Eldorado County, CA.
                                                accepted at the meetings. Comments can                                                                         Reimbursement for the construction of
                                                also be submitted by the methods listed                 SUMMARY:   The U.S. Army Corps of
                                                                                                        Engineers (Corps), Sacramento District,                the ecosystem restoration project is
                                                in the ADDRESSES section. Once the draft                                                                       authorized by the Tahoe 108 program
                                                EA is complete and made available for                   intends to adopt the Bureau of
                                                                                                        Reclamation’s (BOR) December 2015                      authority, which is Section 108 of the
                                                review, there will be additional                                                                               Energy and Water Development
                                                opportunity for public comment.                         Final Environment Impact Report
                                                                                                        (FEIR)/Final Environmental Impact                      Appropriations Act, 2005 (Division C of
                                                   Persons needing reasonable
                                                                                                        Statement (FEIS)/Final Environmental                   the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
                                                accommodations in order to attend and
                                                                                                        Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Upper                  Pub. L. 108–447). The relevant authority
                                                participate in the public scoping
                                                                                                        Truckee River and Marsh Restoration                    from the 2005 Consolidated
                                                meetings should contact the person
                                                                                                        Project and prepare its own Record of                  Appropriations Act excerpted is stated
                                                listed under the FOR FURTHER
                                                                                                        Decision (ROD) after the public review                 below:
                                                INFORMATION CONTACT section as soon as
                                                                                                        period for this Notice of Intent ends.                    Sec. 108. Lake Tahoe Basin
                                                possible. In order to allow sufficient                                                                         Restoration, Nevada and California. (a)
                                                time to process requests, please make                   The Corps will use its Tahoe Section
                                                                                                        108 program authorization for                          Definition.—In this section, the term
                                                contact no later than one week before                                                                          ‘‘Lake Tahoe Basin’’ means the entire
                                                the public meeting.                                     participation in the restoration activities
                                                                                                        by reimbursing the California Tahoe                    watershed drainage of Lake Tahoe
                                                   Written comments, including email                                                                           including that portion of the Truckee
                                                comments, should be sent to MVP at the                  Conservancy (CTC), the local sponsor,
                                                                                                        for final design, construction, and other              River 1,000 feet downstream from the
                                                address given in the ADDRESSES section                                                                         United States Bureau of Reclamation
                                                of this Notice. Comments should be                      applicable activities falling under the
                                                                                                        authorization. During final design and                 dam in Tahoe City, California.
                                                specific and pertain only to the issues                                                                           (b) Establishment of Program.—The
                                                relating to the action and the anticipated              construction, the Corps will serve as the
                                                                                                                                                               Secretary [of the Army] may establish a
                                                EA. MVP will include all comments in                    lead Federal agency for compliance with
                                                                                                                                                               program for providing environmental
                                                the project record.                                     the National Environmental Policy Act
                                                                                                                                                               assistance to non-Federal interests in
                                                   Before including your address, phone                 (NEPA), and CTC will serve as the lead
                                                                                                                                                               Lake Tahoe Basin.
                                                number, email address, or other                         agency for compliance with the                            (c) Form of Assistance.—Assistance
                                                personal identifying information in your                California Environmental Quality Act                   under this section may be in the form
                                                comment, you should be aware that                       (CEQA) during the final design and                     of planning, design, and construction
                                                your entire comment—including your                      construction activities if designs need to             assistance for water-related
                                                personal identifying information—will                   be modified or the river moves from its                environmental infrastructure and
                                                be publicly available. While you can ask                current alignment prior to design and                  resource protection and development
                                                in your comment to have your personal                   construction. In the December 2015                     projects in Lake Tahoe Basin, which
                                                                                                        Final EIR/EIS/EIS, the analysis for this
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                identifying information withheld from                                                                          could include the following:
                                                public review, MVP cannot guarantee                     ecosystem restoration project evaluated                   (1) Urban stormwater conveyance,
                                                that we will be able to do so.                          five alternatives to restore aquatic and               treatment and related facilities;
                                                   All submissions from organizations or                riparian values and functions on the                      (2) watershed planning, science and
                                                businesses and from individuals                         Upper Truckee River’s marsh area near                  research;
                                                identifying themselves as                               its terminus at Lake Tahoe, South Lake                    (3) environmental restoration; and
                                                representatives or officials of                         Tahoe in El Dorado County, CA with                        (4) surface water resource protection
                                                organizations or businesses will be                     selection of a preferred alternative to be             and development.

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Document Created: 2018-06-29 01:13:25
Document Modified: 2018-06-29 01:13:25
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent to initiate public scoping and prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA).
DatesScoping Meetings: MVP will hold public scoping meetings at the following times and locations during the scoping period:
ContactTo have your name added to a mailing list for notices related to the draft report and EA or additional public meetings, submit an email request to [email protected] General questions about the study may be directed to Nan Bischoff, Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, 180 Fifth Street East, Suite 700, St. Paul, MN 55101-1678; telephone (651) 290-5426; email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 30705 

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