83_FR_30843 83 FR 30717 - Notice of Petition for Waiver of LG Electronics USA, Inc. From the Department of Energy Room Air Conditioner Test Procedure and Notice of Grant of Interim Waiver

83 FR 30717 - Notice of Petition for Waiver of LG Electronics USA, Inc. From the Department of Energy Room Air Conditioner Test Procedure and Notice of Grant of Interim Waiver


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 126 (June 29, 2018)

Page Range30717-30726
FR Document2018-14030

This document announces receipt of and publishes a petition for waiver from LG Electronics USA, Inc. (``LG''), which seeks an exemption from the U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') test procedure used for determining the efficiency of specified room air conditioner basic models. LG seeks to use an alternate test procedure to address issues involved in testing the basic models identified in its petition. According to LG, the current DOE test procedure for room air conditioners, which provides for testing at full-load performance only, does not take into account the benefits of room air conditioners that use variable-speed compressors (``variable speed air conditioners''), with their part-load performance characteristics, and misrepresents their actual energy consumption. LG requests that it be permitted to test the specified basic models at four rating conditions instead of a single rating condition and to calculate the test unit's weighted- average combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER), which can then be compared to the expected performance of a comparable single-speed room air conditioner across the same four rating conditions. The performance improvement would be applied to the measured performance of the variable-speed room air conditioner when tested under the high- temperature rating condition of the DOE test procedure for room air conditioners to determine the test unit's final rated CEER value. DOE grants LG an interim waiver from the DOE's room air conditioner test procedure for the specified basic models, subject to use of the alternate test procedure as set forth in the Interim Waiver Order. DOE solicits comments, data, and information concerning LG's petition and its suggested alternate test procedure to inform its final decision on LG's waiver request.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 126 (Friday, June 29, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 126 (Friday, June 29, 2018)]
[Pages 30717-30726]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14030]



[Case Number 2018-003; EERE-2018-BT-WAV-0006]

Notice of Petition for Waiver of LG Electronics USA, Inc. From 
the Department of Energy Room Air Conditioner Test Procedure and Notice 
of Grant of Interim Waiver

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 

ACTION: Notice of petition for waiver and grant of an interim waiver, 
and request for comments.


SUMMARY: This document announces receipt of and publishes a petition 
for waiver from LG Electronics USA, Inc. (``LG''), which seeks an 
exemption from the U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') test procedure 
used for determining the efficiency of specified room air conditioner 
basic models. LG seeks to use an alternate test procedure to address 
issues involved in testing the basic models identified in its petition. 
According to LG, the current DOE test procedure for room air 
conditioners, which provides for testing at full-load performance only, 
does not take into account the benefits of room air conditioners that 
use variable-speed compressors (``variable speed air conditioners''), 
with their part-load performance characteristics, and misrepresents 
their actual energy consumption. LG requests that it be permitted to 
test the specified basic models at four rating conditions instead of a 
single rating condition and to calculate the test unit's weighted-
average combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER), which can then be 
compared to the expected performance of a comparable single-speed room 
air conditioner across the same four rating conditions. The performance 
improvement would be applied to the measured performance of the 
variable-speed room air conditioner when tested under the high-
temperature rating condition of the DOE test procedure for room air 
conditioners to determine the test unit's final rated CEER value. DOE 
grants LG an interim waiver from the DOE's room air conditioner test 
procedure for the specified basic models, subject to use of the 
alternate test procedure as set forth in the Interim Waiver Order. DOE 
solicits comments, data, and information concerning LG's petition and 
its suggested alternate test procedure to inform its final decision on 
LG's waiver request.

DATES: Written comments and information are requested and will be 
accepted on or before July 30, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments using 
the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov. 
Alternatively, interested persons may submit comments, identified by 
case number ``2018-003'', and Docket number ``EERE-2018-BT-WAV-0006,'' 
by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Email: LG2018WAV0006@ee.doe.gov. Include the case number 
[Case No. 2018-003] in the subject line of the message.
     Postal Mail: Ms. Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of Energy, 
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies 
Office, Mailstop EE-5B, Petition for Waiver Case No. 2018-003, 1000 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. If possible, please 
submit all items on a compact disc (``CD''), in which case it is not 
necessary to include printed copies.
     Hand Delivery/Courier: Appliance and Equipment Standards 
Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, 950 
L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 6046, Washington, DC 20024. If possible, please 
submit all items on a ``CD'', in which case it is not necessary to 
include printed copies.
    No telefacsimilies (faxes) will be accepted. For detailed 
instructions on submitting comments and additional information on this 
process, see section V of this document.
    Docket: The docket, which includes Federal Register notices, 
comments, and other supporting documents/materials, is available for 
review at http://www.regulations.gov. All documents in the docket are 
listed in the http://www.regulations.gov index. However, some documents 
listed in the index, such as those containing information that is 
exempt from public disclosure, may not be publicly available.
    The docket web page can be found at http://www.regulations.gov/
docket?D=EERE-2018-BT-WAV-0006. The docket web page contains simple 
instruction on how to access all documents, including public comments, 
in the docket. See section V for information on how to submit comments 
through http://www.regulations.gov.

    Ms. Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy 
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mailstop 
EE-5B, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. E-mail: 
    Sarah Butler, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General 
Counsel, Mail Stop GC-33, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue 
SW, Washington, DC 20585-0103. Telephone: (202) 586-1777. E-mail: 


I. Background and Authority

    The Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (``EPCA'' or ``the 
Act''),\1\ Public Law 94-163 (42 U.S.C. 6291-6317, as codified), among 
other things, authorizes DOE to regulate the energy efficiency of a 
number of consumer products and industrial equipment. Title III, Part B 
\2\ of EPCA established the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer 
Products Other Than Automobiles, a program that includes room air 
conditioners, which are the subject of this document. (42 U.S.C. 

    \1\ All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute 
as amended through the EPS Improvement Act of 2017, Public Law 11-
115 (January 12, 2018).
    \2\ For editorial reasons, upon codification in the U.S. Code, 
Part B was re-designated Part A.

    DOE regulations set forth at 10 CFR 430.27 contain provisions that 
allow any interested person to seek a waiver from test procedure 
requirements for a particular basic model when the petitioner's basic 
model for which the petition for waiver was submitted contains one or 
more design characteristics that either (1) prevent testing according 
to the prescribed test procedure, or (2) cause the prescribed test 
procedures to evaluate the basic model in a manner so unrepresentative 
of its true energy consumption characteristics as to provide materially 
inaccurate comparative data. 10 CFR

[[Page 30718]]

430.27(f)(2). A petitioner must include in its petition any alternate 
test procedures known to the petitioner to evaluate the basic model in 
a manner representative of its energy consumption characteristics. 10 
CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iii).
    DOE may grant the waiver subject to conditions, including adherence 
to alternate test procedures. 10 CFR 430.27(f)(2). As soon as 
practicable after the granting of any waiver, DOE will publish in the 
Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend its 
regulations so as to eliminate any need for the continuation of such 
waiver. 10 CFR 430.27(l). As soon thereafter as practicable, DOE will 
publish in the Federal Register a final rule. Id.
    The waiver process also provides that DOE may grant an interim 
waiver if it appears likely that the underlying petition for waiver 
will be granted and/or if DOE determines that it would be desirable for 
public policy reasons to grant immediate relief pending a determination 
on the underlying petition for waiver. 10 CFR 430.27(e)(2). Within one 
year of issuance of an interim waiver, DOE will either: (i) Publish in 
the Federal Register a determination on the petition for waiver; or 
(ii) publish in the Federal Register a new or amended test procedure 
that addresses the issues presented in the waiver. 10 CFR 430.27(h)(1). 
When DOE amends the test procedure to address the issues presented in a 
waiver, the waiver will automatically terminate on the date on which 
use of that test procedure is required to demonstrate compliance. 10 
CFR 430.27(h)(2).

II. LG's Petition for Waiver and Petition for Interim Waiver

    On April 6, 2018, LG filed a petition for waiver and a petition for 
interim waiver from the test procedure applicable to room air 
conditioners set forth in appendix F. According to LG, the current DOE 
test procedure for room air conditioners, which provides for testing at 
full-load performance only (i.e., at a single indoor and high-
temperature outdoor operating condition), does not take into account 
the benefits of variable-speed room air conditioners, with their part-
load performance characteristics, and misrepresents their actual energy 
consumption.\3\ Appendix F requires room air conditioners be tested 
only with full-load performance, in part, as a result of DOE having 
previously concluded that widespread use of part-load technology in 
room air conditioners was not likely to be stimulated by the 
development of a part-load metric. 76 FR 972, 1016 (January 6, 2011).

    \3\ The specific basic models for which the petition applies are 
room air conditioner basic models LG LW2217IVSM, LG LW1817IVSM, and 
LG LW1517IVSM. These basic model names were provided by LG in its 
April 6, 2018 petition.

    LG states that variable-speed room air conditioners use frequency 
controls constantly to adjust the compressor rotation speed to maintain 
the desired temperature in the home without turning the motor on and 
off; that the compressor responds automatically to surrounding 
conditions to operate in the most efficient possible manner; and that 
this results in both dramatic energy savings and faster cooling 
compared to a room air conditioner without a variable-speed compressor. 
LG asserted that this ability to adjust to conditions results in both 
dramatic energy savings and faster cooling compared to products room 
air conditioners without variable-speed compressors. LG further stated 
that variable-speed room air conditioners also have a higher/lower 
operating range (10 Hz to 120 Hz). LG asserts that because the DOE test 
procedure does not account for part-load characteristics, the results 
of the test procedure are not representative of the actual energy 
consumption of variable-speed room air conditioners.
    LG also requests an interim waiver from the existing DOE test 
procedure. DOE will grant an interim waiver if it appears likely that 
the petition for waiver will be granted, and/or if DOE determines that 
it would be desirable for public policy reasons to grant immediate 
relief pending a determination of the petition for waiver. See 10 CFR 
    DOE understands that, absent an interim waiver, the test procedure 
does not accurately measure the energy consumption of variable-speed 
room air conditioners, and without waiver relief, the part-load 
characteristics of the basic models identified in LG's petition would 
not be captured.

III. Requested Alternate Test Procedure

    EPCA requires that manufacturers use DOE test procedures when 
making representations about the energy consumption and energy 
consumption costs of products covered by the statute. (42 U.S.C. 
6293(c)). Consistent representations are important for manufacturers to 
use in making representations about the energy efficiency of their 
products and to demonstrate compliance with applicable DOE energy 
conservation standards. Pursuant to its regulations applicable to 
waivers and interim waivers from applicable test procedures at 10 CFR 
430.27, and after consideration of public comments on the petition, DOE 
will consider setting an alternate test procedure for the equipment 
identified by LG in a subsequent Decision and Order.
    In its petition, LG requests testing the basic models listed in the 
petition according to the test procedure for room air conditioners 
prescribed by DOE in appendix F, except that the variable-speed room 
air conditioner would be tested at four rating conditions instead of a 
single rating condition. The suggested test conditions are presented in 
Table III.1.

         Table III.1--Indoor and Outdoor Inlet Air Test Conditions--Variable-Speed Room Air Conditioners
                               Evaporator inlet air, [deg]F     Condenser inlet air, [deg]F
       Test condition        ----------------------------------------------------------------  Compressor  speed
                                 Dry bulb        Wet bulb        Dry bulb        Wet bulb
Test Condition 1............              80              67              95              75  Maximum.
Test Condition 2............              80              67              92            72.5  Maximum.
Test Condition 3............              80              67              87              69  Intermediate.
Test Condition 4............              80              67              82              65  Minimum.

    Under the suggested test procedure, the test unit's weighted-
average combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER) metric is calculated 
from the individual CEER values obtained at the four rating conditions, 
with the weighting factors derived from the fractional temperature bin 
hours for each rating temperature provided in Table 19 of DOE's test

[[Page 30719]]

procedure for central air conditioners (10 CFR part 430, subpart B, 
appendix M (``appendix M'')). This weighted-average value is adjusted 
to normalize it against the expected weighted-average CEER under the 
same four rating conditions of a comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner that has the same performance as the variable-speed test 
unit at the 95 degree Fahrenheit ([deg]F) test condition but differing 
performance at the other rating conditions due to optimization of the 
refrigeration system efficiency through compressor speed adjustments to 
better match the cooling load and eliminate cycling losses. This 
average performance improvement resulting from the implementation of a 
variable-speed compressor across multiple rating conditions would then 
be applied to the measured performance of the variable-speed room air 
conditioner when tested at the 95 [deg]F rating condition according to 
appendix F to determine the test unit's final rated CEER value. LG 
states that this approach takes into account performance and efficiency 
improvements associated with variable-speed room air conditioners as 
compared to room air conditioners with single-speed compressors and 
isolates the effects just attributable to the variable speed operation.

IV. Grant of an Interim Waiver

    DOE has reviewed the marketing materials, website, and brochure for 
the specific basic models for which this petition applies. The 
materials that DOE reviewed support LG's assertion of the part-load 
characteristics of the variable-speed room air conditioners and that 
the DOE test procedure may evaluate the basic models in a manner 
unrepresentative of their true energy consumption characteristics. In 
particular, the DOE test procedure does not capture the relative 
efficiency improvements that can be achieved by variable-speed room air 
conditioners over a range of operating conditions compared to single-
speed room air conditioners. In the absence of an alternate test 
procedure, the CEER values of variable-speed room air conditioners 
would suggest that such room air conditioners would consume at least as 
much energy annually as a comparable single-speed room air conditioner, 
despite the anticipated benefits of improved performance under part-
load conditions. Furthermore, DOE has reviewed the alternate procedure 
suggested by LG, along with additional performance modeling and 
analysis performed by DOE using rating conditions specified in an 
industry standard for single-package air conditioning equipment with 
variable speed compressors, American National Standards Institute 
(``ANSI'')/Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute 
(``AHRI'') Standard 210/240:2008, ``Performance Rating of Unitary Air-
Conditioning & Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment.'' Based on this review 
it appears that the suggested alternate test procedure, with additional 
specification regarding the required compressor speeds,\4\ will allow 
for a more accurate measurement of efficiency of the specified basic 
models of variable-speed room air conditioners, while alleviating the 
testing problems associated with LG's implementation of room air 
conditioner testing for the basic models specified in its petition. 
Specifically, the suggested alternate test procedure will produce CEER 
values for the variable-speed room air conditioners under the DOE test 
procedure's existing rating condition that will more accurately reflect 
the average performance improvement associated with variable-speed 
compressors at differing operating conditions (i.e., optimization of 
the refrigeration system efficiency through compressor speed 
adjustments to better match the cooling load and eliminate cycling 
losses), as compared to the performance changes that comparable single-
speed room air conditioners would experience under those same 
conditions. Consequently, it appears likely that LG's petition for 
waiver will be granted. Furthermore, DOE has determined that it is 
desirable for public policy reasons to grant LG immediate relief 
pending a determination of the petition for waiver.

    \4\ DOE derived the specification for determining the 
intermediate compressor speed from the DOE test procedure provisions 
for central air conditioners with variable-speed compressors 
(section 3.2.4.a of appendix M of 10 CFR part 430 subpart B).

    For the reasons stated, DOE has granted an interim waiver to LG for 
the specified room air conditioner basic models in LG's petition.
    Therefore, DOE has issued an Order, stating:
    (1) LG must test and rate the following room air conditioner basic 
models with the alternate test procedure set forth in paragraph (2):

(A) LG LW2217IVSM, LG LW1817IVSM, and LG LW1517IVSM

    (2) The alternate test procedure for the LG basic models listed in 
subparagraph (1)(A) is the test procedure for room air conditioners 
prescribed by DOE at appendix F to subpart B of 10 CFR part 430 
(Appendix F), except the combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER) will 
be determined as detailed below. All other requirements of Appendix F 
and DOE's regulations remain applicable.
    In Section 1, Definitions, add:
    1.8 ``Single-speed'' means a type of room air conditioner that does 
not automatically adjust either the compressor or fan speed, or both, 
based on the detected outdoor conditions.
    1.9 ``Variable-speed'' means a type of room air conditioner that 
can automatically adjust compressor and fan speed, only compressor 
speed, or only fan speed, based on the detected outdoor conditions.
    Add to the end of Section 2.1 Cooling:
    For a variable-speed room air conditioner, the cooling mode test 
shall be repeated 3 additional times with alternate outdoor test 
conditions, as described in section 3.1 of this appendix. For a 
variable-speed room air conditioner, a psychrometric chamber may 
alternatively be used in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  430.3), in place of a calorimeter 
chamber, which is required in accordance with appendix F. If using the 
psychrometric chamber approach, set-up and instrument the variable-
speed room air conditioner in accordance with Section 5 and Section 6 
of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, measure the indoor cooling capacity in 
accordance with Section 7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, and 
measure the average electrical input power in Watts at the nameplate 
voltage for each of the rating test condition.
    Add to the end of Section 3.1, Cooling mode:
    However, for variable-speed room air conditioners, the set of four 
cooling mode tests shall be conducted with the following test 
conditions, presented in Table 1 of this appendix.

[[Page 30720]]

           Table 1--Indoor and Outdoor Inlet Air Test Conditions--Variable-Speed Room Air Conditioners
                               Evaporator inlet air, [deg]F     Condenser inlet air, [deg]F
       Test condition        ----------------------------------------------------------------  Compressor  speed
                                 Dry bulb        Wet bulb        Dry bulb        Wet bulb
Test Condition 1............              80              67              95              75  Maximum.
Test Condition 2............              80              67              92            72.5  Maximum.
Test Condition 3............              80              67              87              69  Intermediate.
Test Condition 4............              80              67              82              65  Minimum.

    Determine the intermediate compressor speed cited in Table 1 using:
where a tolerance of plus 5 percent or the next higher inverter 
frequency step from that calculated is allowed.
    Add to the end of Section 4.1, Cooling mode:
    If using the psychrometric chamber approach for a variable-speed 
room air conditioner, measure the indoor cooling capacity in accordance 
with Section 7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 and measured power 
input in cooling mode in accordance with Section 5.4 of ANSI/ASHRAE 
Standard 37-2009.
    Add to the end of Section 5.1:
    For variable-speed room air conditioners, determine cooling 
capacity, Capacitym, for each of the four cooling mode 
rating test conditions. Notwithstanding the requirements of Sec.  
430.23(f), the cooling capacity used in Sec.  430.23(f) and reported in 
Sec.  429.15(b)(2) shall be the cooling capacity determined for test 
condition 1 in Table 1 of this appendix.
    Add to the end of Section 5.2:
    For variable-speed room air conditioners, determine electrical 
power input, Pm, for each of the four cooling mode rating 
test conditions. Notwithstanding the requirements of Sec.  430.23(f), 
the electrical power input used in Sec.  430.23(f) and reported in 
Sec.  429.15(b)(2) shall be the value measured for test condition 1 in 
Table 1 of this appendix.
    Add following Section 5.3, Standby mode and off mode annual energy 
    5.4 Variable-speed room air conditioner combined energy efficiency 
ratio. Calculate the combined energy efficiency ratio for variable-
speed room air conditioners as follows, which shall be the combined 
energy efficiency ratio reported in Sec.  429.15(b)(2) for variable-
speed room air conditioners.
    5.4.1 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner. Calculate the 
cooling capacity, expressed in British thermal units per hour (Btu/h), 
and electrical power input, expressed in watts, for a comparable 
single-speed room air conditioner at all cooling mode test conditions. 
A comparable single-speed room air conditioner has the same cooling 
capacity and electrical power input, with no cycling losses, as the 
variable-speed room air conditioner under test at test condition 1 in 
Table 1.

CapacitySS_m = Capacity95 x (1 + (Mc x 
(T95 - Tm)))

PSS_m = P95 x (1 - (Mp x 
(T95 - Tm)))


CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h, calculated for each of the 
cooling mode test conditions in Table 1.
Capacity95 = variable-speed room air conditioner cooling 
capacity, in Btu/h, determined in section 5.1 of this appendix for 
test condition 1 in Table 1.
PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
electrical power input, in watts, calculated for each of the cooling 
mode test conditions in Table 1.
P95 = variable-speed room air conditioner electrical 
power input, in watts, determined in section 5.2 of this appendix 
for test condition 1 in Table 1.
Mc = adjustment factor to determine the increased 
capacity at lower outdoor test conditions, 0.0099.
Mp = adjustment factor to determine the reduced 
electrical power input at lower outdoor test conditions, 0.0076.
T95 = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for test condition 1 
in Table 1, 95 [deg]F.
Tm = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for each of the test 
conditions in Table 1.
m represents the cooling mode test condition (``95'' test condition 
1 (95 [deg]F), ``92'' test condition 2 (92 [deg]F), ``87'' test 
condition 3 (87 [deg]F), and ``82'' test condition 4 (82 [deg]F)).

    5.4.2 Variable-speed annual energy consumption for cooling mode at 
each cooling mode test condition. Calculate the annual energy 
consumption for cooling mode under each test condition, 
AECm, expressed in kilowatt-hours per year (kWh/year).

AECm = Pm x t x k


AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner annual energy 
consumption, in kWh/year, in cooling mode for each test condition in 
Table 1.
Pm = electrical power input, in watts, in cooling mode 
for each test condition in Table 1.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t = number of annual operating hours in cooling mode, 750.
k = 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor from watt-hours to kilowatt-

    5.4.3 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner annual energy 
consumption for cooling mode at each cooling mode test condition. 
Calculate the annual energy consumption for a comparable single-speed 
room air conditioner for cooling mode under each test condition, 
AECSS_m, expressed in kWh/year.

AECSS\m = PSS\m x t x k


AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
annual energy consumption, in kWh/year, in cooling mode for each 
test condition in Table 1.
PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
electrical power input, in watts, in cooling mode for each test 
condition in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.

    5.4.4 Variable-speed room air conditioner combined energy 
efficiency ratio at each cooling mode test condition. Calculate the 
variable-speed room air conditioner combined energy

[[Page 30721]]

efficiency ratio, CEERm, for each test condition, expressed 
in Btu/Wh.


CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner combined 
energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test condition in Table 
Capacitym = variable-speed room air conditioner cooling 
capacity, in Btu/h, for each test condition in Table 1, determined 
in section 5.1 of this appendix.
AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner annual energy 
consumption, in kWh/yr, in cooling mode for each test condition in 
Table 1, determined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.
ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual energy 
consumption for room air conditioners, in kWh/year, determined in 
section 5.3 of this appendix.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.

    5.4.5 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner combined energy 
efficiency ratio at each cooling mode test condition. Calculate the 
combined energy efficiency ratio for a comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner, CEERSS_m, for each test condition, expressed in 


CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test condition 
in Table 1.
CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h, for each test condition in 
Table 1, in Btu/h, determined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
annual energy consumption for each test condition in Table 1, in 
kWh/year, determined in section 5.4.3 of this appendix.
ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual energy 
consumption for room air conditioners, in kWh/year, determined in 
section 5.3 of this appendix.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.

    5.4.6 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner adjusted 
combined energy efficiency ratio for each cooling mode test condition. 
Calculate the adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio for a 
comparable single-speed room air conditioner, CEERSS_m_adj, 
with cycling losses considered, expressed in Btu/Wh.

CEERSS\m\adj = CEERSS\m x CLFm


CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, 
for each test condition in Table 1.
CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test 
condition in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.5 of this appendix.
CLFm = cycling loss factor for each cooling mode test 
condition, 1 for test condition 1, 0.971 for test condition 2, 0.923 
for test condition 3, and 0.875 for test condition 4.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.

    5.4.7 Weighted combined energy efficiency ratio. Calculate the 
weighted combined energy efficiency ratio for the variable-speed room 
air conditioner, CEERwt, and comparable single-speed room 
air conditioner, CEERSS_wt, expressed in Btu/Wh.


CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner weighted 
combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.
CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
weighted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.
CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner combined 
energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, at each test condition in Table 
1, determined in section 5.4.4 of this appendix.
CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, at 
each test condition in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.6 of this 
Wm = weighting factors for each cooling mode test 
condition, 0.05 for test condition 1, 0.16 for test condition 2, 
0.31 for test condition 3, and 0.48 for test condition 4.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.

    5.4.8 Variable-speed room air conditioner performance adjustment 
factor. Calculate the variable-speed room air conditioner performance 
adjustment factor, Fp.


Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner performance 
adjustment factor.
CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner weighted 
combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, determined in section 
5.4.7 of this appendix.
CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
weighted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, determined in 
section 5.4.7 of this appendix

    5.4.9 Variable-speed room air conditioner CEER. For variable-speed 
room air conditioners, multiply the combined energy efficiency ratio, 
CEER, expressed in Btu/Wh, determined in Sec.  430.23(f) by (1 + 
Fp) to obtain the final CEER for variable speed room air 

[[Page 30722]]


Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner performance 
adjustment factor, determined in section 5.4.8 of this appendix.''
    (3) Representations. LG may not make representations about the 
energy efficiency of the basic models identified in paragraph (1) for 
compliance, marketing, or other purposes unless the basic models have 
been tested in accordance with the provisions in the alternate test 
procedure and such representations fairly disclose the results of such 
testing in accordance with 10 CFR 429.15(a).
    (4) This interim waiver shall remain in effect according to the 
provisions of 10 CFR 430.27.
    (5) This interim waiver is issued to LG on the condition that the 
statements, representations, and information provided by LG are valid. 
DOE may revoke or modify this waiver at any time if it determines the 
factual basis underlying the petition for waiver is incorrect, or the 
results from the alternate test procedure are unrepresentative of the 
basic models' true energy consumption characteristics. 10 CFR 
430.27(k)(1). Likewise, LG may request that DOE rescind or modify the 
interim waiver if LG discovers an error in the information provided to 
DOE as part of its petition, determines that the interim waiver is no 
longer needed, or for other appropriate reasons. 10 CFR 430.27(k)(2).
    (6) Granting of this interim waiver does not release LG from the 
certification requirements set forth at 10 CFR part 429.
    DOE makes decisions on waivers and interim waivers for only those 
basic models specifically set out in the petition, not future models 
that may be manufactured by the petitioner. LG may submit a new or 
amended petition for waiver and request for grant of interim waiver, as 
appropriate, for additional basic models of room air conditioners. 
Alternatively, if appropriate, LG may request that DOE extend the scope 
of a waiver or an interim waiver to include additional basic models 
employing the same technology as the basic models set forth in the 
original petition consistent with 10 CFR 430.27(g).

V. Request for Comments

    DOE is publishing LG's petition for waiver in its entirety, 
pursuant to 10 CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iv).\5\ The petition includes a 
suggested alternate test procedure, as specified in the petition and 
summarized in section III of this document, to determine the efficiency 
of LG's specified room air conditioners. DOE may consider including the 
alternate procedure specified in the Interim Waiver Order, specified in 
section IV of this document, in a subsequent Decision and Order.

    \5\ The petition did not identify any of the information 
contained therein as confidential business information.

    DOE invites all interested parties to submit in writing by July 30, 
2018, comments and information on all aspects of the petition, 
including the alternate test procedure. Pursuant to 10 CFR 430.27(d), 
any person submitting written comments to DOE must also send a copy of 
such comments to the petitioner. The contact information for the 
petitioner is Scott Blake Harris, Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP, 1919 
M Street NW, Eighth Floor, Washington, DC 20036.
    Submitting comments via http://www.regulations.gov. The http://www.regulations.gov web page will require you to provide your name and 
contact information. Your contact information will be viewable to DOE 
Building Technologies staff only. Your contact information will not be 
publicly viewable except for your first and last names, organization 
name (if any), and submitter representative name (if any). If your 
comment is not processed properly because of technical difficulties, 
DOE will use this information to contact you. If DOE cannot read your 
comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for 
clarification, DOE may not be able to consider your comment.
    However, your contact information will be publicly viewable if you 
include it in the comment or in any documents attached to your comment. 
Any information that you do not want to be publicly viewable should not 
be included in your comment, nor in any document attached to your 
comment. Persons viewing comments will see only first and last names, 
organization names, correspondence containing comments, and any 
documents submitted with the comments.
    Do not submit to http://www.regulations.gov information for which 
disclosure is restricted by statute, such as trade secrets and 
commercial or financial information (hereinafter referred to as 
Confidential Business Information (``CBI'')). Comments submitted 
through http://www.regulations.gov cannot be claimed as CBI. Comments 
received through the website will waive any CBI claims for the 
information submitted. For information on submitting CBI, see the 
Confidential Business Information section.
    DOE processes submissions made through http://www.regulations.gov 
before posting. Normally, comments will be posted within a few days of 
being submitted. However, if large volumes of comments are being 
processed simultaneously, your comment may not be viewable for up to 
several weeks. Please keep the comment tracking number that http://www.regulations.gov provides after you have successfully uploaded your 
    Submitting comments via email, hand delivery, or mail. Comments and 
documents submitted via email, hand delivery, or mail also will be 
posted to http://www.regulations.gov. If you do not want your personal 
contact information to be publicly viewable, do not include it in your 
comment or any accompanying documents. Instead, provide your contact 
information on a cover letter. Include your first and last names, email 
address, telephone number, and optional mailing address. The cover 
letter will not be publicly viewable as long as it does not include any 
    Include contact information each time you submit comments, data, 
documents, and other information to DOE. If you submit via mail or hand 
delivery, please provide all items on a CD, if feasible. It is not 
necessary to submit printed copies. No facsimiles (faxes) will be 
    Comments, data, and other information submitted to DOE 
electronically should be provided in PDF (preferred), Microsoft Word or 
Excel, WordPerfect, or text (ASCII) file format. Provide documents that 
are not secured, written in English and free of any defects or viruses. 
Documents should not contain special characters or any form of 
encryption and, if possible, they should carry the electronic signature 
of the author.
    Campaign form letters. Please submit campaign form letters by the 
originating organization in batches of between 50 to 500 form letters 
per PDF or as one form letter with a list of supporters' names compiled 
into one or more PDFs. This reduces comment processing and posting 
    Confidential Business Information. According to 10 CFR 1004.11, any 
person submitting information that he or she believes to be 
confidential and exempt by law from public disclosure should submit via 
email, postal mail, or hand delivery two well-marked copies: one copy 
of the document marked confidential including all the information 
believed to be confidential, and one copy of the document marked ``non-
confidential'' with the information believed to be confidential 
deleted. Submit these documents via email or on

[[Page 30723]]

a CD, if feasible. DOE will make its own determination about the 
confidential status of the information and treat it according to its 
    Factors of interest to DOE when evaluating requests to treat 
submitted information as confidential include (1) a description of the 
items, (2) whether and why such items are customarily treated as 
confidential within the industry, (3) whether the information is 
generally known by or available from other sources, (4) whether the 
information has previously been made available to others without 
obligation concerning its confidentiality, (5) an explanation of the 
competitive injury to the submitting person which would result from 
public disclosure, (6) when such information might lose its 
confidential character due to the passage of time, and (7) why 
disclosure of the information would be contrary to the public interest.
    It is DOE's policy that all comments may be included in the public 
docket, without change and as received, including any personal 
information provided in the comments (except information deemed to be 
exempt from public disclosure).

    Signed in Washington, DC, on June 22, 2018.
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy.

Before the United States, Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. 20585

In the Matter of:

Energy Efficiency Program: Test Procedure for Room Air Conditioners

Petition of LG Electronics, Inc. for Waiver and Application for Interim 
Waiver of Test Procedure for Room Air Conditioners

    LG Electronics, Inc. (LG) respectfully submits this Petition for 
Waiver and Application for Interim Waiver \1\ from DOE's test procedure 
for room air conditioners (RACs). LG seeks a waiver because the current 
test procedure does not accurately measure the energy consumption of 
RACs with variable speed compressors (VSCs). LG requests expedited 
treatment of the Petition and Application.

    \1\ See 10 C.F.R. Sec.  430.27 (petitions for waiver and interim 

    LG is a manufacturer of room air conditioners and other products 
sold worldwide, including in the United States. LG's United States 
affiliate is LG Electronics USA, Inc., with headquarters at 1000 Sylvan 
Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (tel. 201-816-2000). Its worldwide 
headquarters are located at LG Twin Towers 20, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-
gu Seoul, Korea 150-721; (tel. 011-82-2-3777-1114); URL: 

I. Basic Models for Which a Waiver is Requested

    The basic models for which a waiver is requested are set forth in 
the Appendix. They are distributed in commerce under the LG brand name.

II. Need for the Requested Waiver

    The LG RACs with VSC technology are advanced, energy efficient 
products. A VSC (inverter compressor) uses frequency controls 
constantly to adjust the compressor's rotation speed to maintain the 
desired temperature in the home without turning the motor on and off. 
The compressor responds automatically to surrounding conditions to 
operate in the most efficient possible manner. This results in both 
dramatic energy savings and faster cooling compared to products without 
VSCs. RACs with VSCs also have a higher/lower operating range (10Hz to 
120Hz) than those without VSC.\2\

    \2\ To the best of LG's knowledge, LG is the only manufacturer 
of RAC basic models distributed in commerce in the United States to 
incorporate design characteristic(s) similar to those found in the 
basic models that are the subject of this petition, namely, RAC VSC 

    Unfortunately, the current DOE test procedure for RACs provides 
that they be tested only with full-load performance.\3\ Thus, the RAC 
test procedure does not take into account the benefits of VSC, with its 
part-load performance characteristics. This is unlike the DOE test 
procedure for central air conditioners, which provides for testing with 
part-load performance for VSCs.

    \3\ 10 C.F.R. Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix F.

    DOE has recognized this serious shortcoming in its RAC test 
procedure. It has stated that this test procedure ``does not measure 
the benefits of technologies that improve part-load performance.'' \4\

    \4\ 80 Fed. Reg. 34843, 34848 (June 18, 2015).

    The current room AC test procedure measures only the full-load 
performance at outdoor ambient conditions of 95 [deg]F dry-bulb and 
75 [deg]F wet-bulb. Therefore, technologies that improve part-load 
performance, such as multiple-speed compressors and variable-opening 
expansion devices, will not improve the rated performance of a room 
AC under the current test procedure.'' \5\

    \5\ Id.

Indeed, DOE has correctly stressed that, ``[i]n contrast, central ACs 
and heat pumps are rated using multiple rating points at different 
conditions.'' \6\ Finally, DOE has said it intends to investigate 
potential revision of the test procedure ``to account for any benefits 
of technologies that improve part-load performance.'' \7\

    \6\ Id.
    \7\ Id.

    At the moment, however, the DOE test procedure for RACs does not 
include any provision to account for the benefits of the part-load 
performance of VSCs. Therefore, the test procedure evaluates the LG 
models with VSCs in a manner that misrepresents their actual energy 
consumption. LG urges that a waiver be granted, for the basic models in 
the Appendix, that will allow use of the alternate test procedure 
discussed below. The test procedure is designed to take into account 
the energy savings characteristics of VSCs, and will yield results more 
representative of the actual energy consumption of these products than 
the current DOE test procedure. And the rules provide that DOE ``will 
grant a waiver from the test procedure requirements'' in these 
circumstances.\8\ The waiver should continue until DOE adopts an 
applicable amended test procedure.

    \8\ 10 C.F.R. Sec.  430.27(f)(2).

III. Proposed Alternate Test Procedure

    LG proposes the following alternate test procedure to evaluate the 
performance of the basic models listed in the Appendix. The alternate 
test procedure is the same as the existing test procedure for RACs 
except that it takes into account VSC part-load characteristics. It 
does so by providing for tests at a variety of load conditions. 
    LG shall be required to test the performance of the basic models 
listed in the Appendix hereto according to the test procedure for room 
air conditioners in 10 C.F.R. Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix F, except 
as follows:

Add new Sections 1.8 and 1.9 to Appendix F as follows:

    ``1.8 ``Single-speed'' means a type of room air conditioner that 
does not automatically adjust either the compressor or fan speed, or 
both, based on the detected outdoor conditions.
    1.9 ``Variable-speed'' means a type of room air conditioner that 
can automatically adjust compressor and fan speed, only compressor 
speed, or only fan speed, based on the detected outdoor conditions.''

Add the following at the end of Section 2.1 of Appendix F:

    ``For a variable-speed room air conditioner, the cooling mode test 

[[Page 30724]]

be repeated 3 additional times with alternate outdoor test conditions, 
as described in section 3.1 of this appendix. For a variable-speed room 
air conditioner, a psychrometric chamber may alternatively be used in 
place of a calorimeter chamber, in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 
37-2009 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  430.3). If using the 
psychrometric chamber approach, set-up and instrument the variable-
speed room air conditioner in accordance with Section 5 and Section 6 
of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, measure the indoor cooling capacity in 
accordance with Section 7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, and 
measure the average electrical input power in Watts at the nameplate 
voltage for each of the rating test condition.''

Add the following at the end of Section 3.1 of Appendix F:

    ``, except, for variable-speed room air conditioners, the set of 
four cooling mode tests shall be conducted with the following test 
conditions, presented in Table 1 of this appendix.

           Table 1--Indoor and Outdoor Inlet Air Test Conditions--Variable-Speed Room Air Conditioners
                               Evaporator inlet air, [deg]F     Condenser inlet air, [deg]F
       Test condition        ----------------------------------------------------------------  Compressor speed
                                 Dry bulb        Wet bulb        Dry bulb        Wet bulb
Test Condition 1............              80              67              95              75  Maximum.
Test Condition 2............              80              67              92            72.5  Maximum.
Test Condition 3............              80              67              87              69  Intermediate.
Test Condition 4............              80              67              82              65  Minimum.

Add the following at the end of Section 4.1 of Appendix F:

    ``If using the psychrometric chamber approach for a variable-speed 
room air conditioner, measure the indoor cooling capacity in accordance 
with Section 7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 and measured power 
input in cooling mode in accordance with Section 5.4 of ANSI/ASHRAE 
Standard 37-2009.''

Add the following at the end of Section 5.1 of Appendix F:

    ``For variable-speed room air conditioners, determine cooling 
capacity, Capacitym, for each of the four cooling mode 
rating test conditions. The cooling capacity used in Sec.  430.23(f) 
and reported in Sec.  429.15(b)(2) shall be the cooling capacity 
determined for test condition 1 in Table 1 of this appendix.

Add the following at the end of Section 5.2 of Appendix F:

    ``For variable-speed room air conditioners, determine electrical 
power input, Pm, for each of the four cooling mode rating 
test conditions, and the electrical power input used in Sec.  430.23(f) 
shall be the value measured for test condition 1 in Table 1 of this 

Add the following after Section 5.3 of Appendix F:

    ``5.4 Variable-speed room air conditioner combined energy 
efficiency ratio. Calculate the combined energy efficiency ratio for 
variable-speed room air conditioners as follows, which shall be the 
combined energy efficiency ratio reported in Sec.  429.15(b)(2) for 
variable-speed room air conditioners.
    5.4.1 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner. Calculate the 
cooling capacity, expressed in British thermal units per hour (Btu/h), 
and electrical power input, expressed in watts, for a comparable 
single-speed room air conditioner at all cooling mode test conditions.

CapacitySS_m = Capacity95 x (1 + (Mc x 

PSS_m = P95 x (1--(Mp x 


CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h, calculated for each of the 
cooling mode test conditions in Table 1.
Capacity95 = variable-speed room air conditioner cooling 
capacity, in Btu/h, determined in section 5.1 of this appendix for 
test condition 1 in Table 1.
PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
electrical power input, in watts, calculated for each of the cooling 
mode test conditions in Table 1.
P95 = variable-speed room air conditioner electrical 
power input, in watts, determined in section 5.2 of this appendix 
for test condition 1 in Table 1.
Mc = adjustment factor to determine the increased 
capacity at lower outdoor test conditions, 0.0099.
Mp = adjustment factor to determine the reduced 
electrical power input at lower outdoor test conditions, 0.0076.
T95 = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for test condition 1 
in Table 1, 95 [deg]F.
Tm = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for each of the test 
conditions in Table 1.
m represents the cooling mode test condition (``95'' test condition 
1 (95 [deg]F), ``92'' test condition 2 (92 [deg]F), ``87'' test 
condition 3 (87 [deg]F), and ``82'' test condition 4 (82 [deg]F)).

    5.4.2 Variable-speed annual energy consumption for cooling mode at 
each cooling mode test condition. Calculate the annual energy 
consumption for cooling mode under each test condition, 
AECm, expressed in kilowatt-hours per year (kWh/year).

AECm = Pm x t x k


AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner annual energy 
consumption, in kWh/year, in cooling mode for each test condition in 
Table 1.
Pm = electrical power input, in watts, in cooling mode 
for each test condition in Table 1.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t = number of annual operating hours in cooling mode, 750.
k = 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor from watt-hours to kilowatt-

    5.4.3 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner annual energy 
consumption for cooling mode at each cooling mode test condition. 
Calculate the annual energy consumption for a comparable single-speed 
room air conditioner for cooling mode under each test condition, 
AECSS_m, expressed in kWh/year.

AECss_m x t x k


AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
annual energy consumption, in kWh/year, in cooling mode for each 
test condition in Table 1.
PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
electrical power input, in watts, in cooling mode for each test 
condition in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.

    5.4.4 Variable-speed room air conditioner combined energy 
efficiency ratio at each cooling mode test condition. Calculate the 
variable-speed room air conditioner combined energy efficiency ratio, 
CEERm, for each test condition, expressed in Btu/Wh.

[[Page 30725]]



CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner combined 
energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test condition in Table 
Capacitym = variable-speed room air conditioner cooling 
capacity, in Btu/h, for each test condition in Table 1, determined 
in section 5.1 of this appendix.
AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner annual energy 
consumption, in kWh/yr, in cooling mode for each test condition in 
Table 1, determined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.
ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual energy 
consumption for room air conditioners, in kWh/year, determined in 
section 5.3 of this appendix.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.

    5.4.5 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner combined energy 
efficiency ratio at each cooling mode test condition. Calculate the 
combined energy efficiency ratio for a comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner, CEERSS_m, for each test condition, expressed in 


CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test condition 
in Table 1.
CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h, for each test condition in 
Table 1, in Btu/h, determined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
annual energy consumption for each test condition in Table 1, in 
kWh/year, determined in section 5.4.3 of this appendix.
ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual energy 
consumption for room air conditioners, in kWh/year, determined in 
section 5.3 of this appendix.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this appendix.

    5.4.6 Comparable single-speed room air conditioner adjusted 
combined energy efficiency ratio for each cooling mode test condition. 
Calculate the adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio for a 
comparable single-speed room air conditioner, CEERSS_m_adj, 
with cycling losses considered, expressed in Btu/Wh.

CEERSS\m\adj = CEERSS\m x CLFm


CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, 
for each test condition in Table 1.
CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test 
condition in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.5 of this appendix.
CLFm = cycling loss factor for each cooling mode test 
condition, 1 for test condition 1, 0.971 for test condition 2, 0.923 
for test condition 3, and 0.875 for test condition 4.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.

    5.4.7 Weighted combined energy efficiency ratio. Calculate the 
weighted combined energy efficiency ratio for the variable-speed room 
air conditioner, CEERwt, and comparable single-speed room 
air conditioner, CEERSS_wt, expressed in Btu/Wh.


CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner weighted 
combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.
CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
weighted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.
CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner combined 
energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, at each test condition in Table 
1, determined in section 5.4.4 of this appendix.
CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed room air 
conditioner adjusted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, at 
each test condition in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.6 of this 
Wm = weighting factors for each cooling mode test 
condition, 0.05 for test condition 1, 0.16 for test condition 2, 
0.31 for test condition 3, and 0.48 for test condition 4.
m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this appendix.

5.4.8 Variable-speed room air conditioner performance adjustment 
factor. Calculate the variable-speed room air conditioner performance 
adjustment factor, Fp.


Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner performance 
adjustment factor.
CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner weighted 
combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, determined in section 
5.4.7 of this appendix.
CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room air conditioner 
weighted combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, determined in 
section 5.4.7 of this appendix

    5.4.9 Variable-speed room air conditioner CEER. For variable-speed 
room air conditioners, multiply the combined energy efficiency ratio, 
CEER, expressed in Btu/Wh, determined in Sec.  430.23(f) by (1 + 
Fp) to obtain the final CEER for variable speed room air 


Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner performance 
adjustment factor, determined in section 5.4.8 of this appendix.''

[[Page 30726]]

IV. Application for Interim Waiver

    LG also hereby applies for an interim waiver of the applicable test 
procedure requirements for the LG basic models set forth in the 
Appendix. LG meets the criteria for an interim waiver.
    LG's Petition for Waiver is likely to be granted because the test 
method contained in 10 C.F.R. Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix F clearly 
does not address the VSC characteristics of these LG basic models. 
Thus, the test procedure does not accurately measure their energy 
consumption. Without waiver relief, LG would be subject to requirements 
that are inapplicable to these products. Additionally, LG will suffer 
economic hardship and be at a competitive disadvantage if it must wait 
to rate these basic models pending a determination on the petition for 
    DOE approval of LG's interim waiver application is also supported 
by sound public policy. These LG products employ advanced technology 
that increases efficiency and reduces energy consumption, while 
offering a new level of affordable comfort to consumers.

V. Conclusion

    LG respectfully requests that DOE grant its Petition for Waiver of 
the applicable test procedure for specified basic models, and also 
grant its Application for Interim Waiver.
    LG requests expedited treatment of the Petition and Application.

Respectfully submitted,
Scott Harris/s/

Richard C. Wingate,

Vice President, Compliance and General Counsel.

LG Electronics USA, Inc.
1000 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
(201) 816-2000

Scott Blake Harris
Stephanie Weiner
John A. Hodges

Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1919 M Street, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 730-1313

Counsel to LG Electronics USA, Inc.

April 6, 2018


    The waiver and interim waiver requested herein should apply to 
testing and rating of the following basic models that are manufactured 
by LG:


[FR Doc. 2018-14030 Filed 6-28-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices                                                      30717

                                                Loan (FFEL) and the Federal Perkins                     conditions. The performance                            index, such as those containing
                                                Loan (Perkins Loan) Programs may                        improvement would be applied to the                    information that is exempt from public
                                                request deferment of repayment on their                 measured performance of the variable-                  disclosure, may not be publicly
                                                loans if they meet certain statutory and                speed room air conditioner when tested                 available.
                                                regulatory criteria. The U.S. Department                under the high-temperature rating                        The docket web page can be found at
                                                of Education and other loan holders                     condition of the DOE test procedure for                http://www.regulations.gov/
                                                uses the information collected on these                 room air conditioners to determine the                 docket?D=EERE-2018-BT-WAV-0006.
                                                forms to determine whether a borrower                   test unit’s final rated CEER value. DOE                The docket web page contains simple
                                                meets the eligibility requirements for                  grants LG an interim waiver from the                   instruction on how to access all
                                                the specific deferment type being                       DOE’s room air conditioner test                        documents, including public comments,
                                                submitted.                                              procedure for the specified basic                      in the docket. See section V for
                                                  Dated: June 26, 2018.                                 models, subject to use of the alternate                information on how to submit
                                                                                                        test procedure as set forth in the Interim             comments through http://
                                                Kate Mullan,
                                                                                                        Waiver Order. DOE solicits comments,                   www.regulations.gov.
                                                Acting Director, Information Collection
                                                Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy
                                                                                                        data, and information concerning LG’s                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                Officer, Office of Management.                          petition and its suggested alternate test                Ms. Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–14022 Filed 6–28–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        procedure to inform its final decision on              Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
                                                                                                        LG’s waiver request.                                   Renewable Energy, Building
                                                BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
                                                                                                        DATES: Written comments and                            Technologies Office, Mailstop EE–5B,
                                                                                                        information are requested and will be                  1000 Independence Avenue SW,
                                                DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    accepted on or before July 30, 2018.                   Washington, DC 20585–0121. E-mail:
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Interested persons are                      AS_Waiver_Request@ee.doe.gov.
                                                [Case Number 2018–003; EERE–2018–BT–                    encouraged to submit comments using                      Sarah Butler, U.S. Department of
                                                WAV–0006]                                                                                                      Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
                                                                                                        the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
                                                                                                        http://www.regulations.gov.                            Mail Stop GC–33, Forrestal Building,
                                                Notice of Petition for Waiver of LG
                                                                                                        Alternatively, interested persons may                  1000 Independence Avenue SW,
                                                Electronics USA, Inc. From the
                                                                                                        submit comments, identified by case                    Washington, DC 20585–0103.
                                                Department of Energy Room Air
                                                                                                        number ‘‘2018–003’’, and Docket                        Telephone: (202) 586–1777. E-mail:
                                                Conditioner Test Procedure and Notice
                                                                                                        number ‘‘EERE–2018–BT–WAV–0006,’’                      Sarah.Butler@hq.doe.gov.
                                                of Grant of Interim Waiver
                                                                                                        by any of the following methods:                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                AGENCY:   Office of Energy Efficiency and                  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                                                                                                                               I. Background and Authority
                                                Renewable Energy, Department of                         www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                Energy.                                                 instructions for submitting comments.                     The Energy Policy and Conservation
                                                ACTION: Notice of petition for waiver and                  • Email: LG2018WAV0006@                             Act of 1975 (‘‘EPCA’’ or ‘‘the Act’’),1
                                                grant of an interim waiver, and request                 ee.doe.gov. Include the case number                    Public Law 94–163 (42 U.S.C. 6291–
                                                for comments.                                           [Case No. 2018–003] in the subject line                6317, as codified), among other things,
                                                                                                        of the message.                                        authorizes DOE to regulate the energy
                                                SUMMARY:   This document announces                         • Postal Mail: Ms. Lucy deButts, U.S.               efficiency of a number of consumer
                                                receipt of and publishes a petition for                 Department of Energy, Office of Energy                 products and industrial equipment.
                                                waiver from LG Electronics USA, Inc.                    Efficiency and Renewable Energy,                       Title III, Part B 2 of EPCA established the
                                                (‘‘LG’’), which seeks an exemption from                 Building Technologies Office, Mailstop                 Energy Conservation Program for
                                                the U.S. Department of Energy (‘‘DOE’’)                 EE–5B, Petition for Waiver Case No.                    Consumer Products Other Than
                                                test procedure used for determining the                 2018–003, 1000 Independence Avenue                     Automobiles, a program that includes
                                                efficiency of specified room air                        SW, Washington, DC 20585–0121. If                      room air conditioners, which are the
                                                conditioner basic models. LG seeks to                   possible, please submit all items on a                 subject of this document. (42 U.S.C.
                                                use an alternate test procedure to                      compact disc (‘‘CD’’), in which case it is             6292(a)(2)).
                                                address issues involved in testing the                  not necessary to include printed copies.                  DOE regulations set forth at 10 CFR
                                                basic models identified in its petition.                   • Hand Delivery/Courier: Appliance                  430.27 contain provisions that allow
                                                According to LG, the current DOE test                   and Equipment Standards Program, U.S.                  any interested person to seek a waiver
                                                procedure for room air conditioners,                    Department of Energy, Building                         from test procedure requirements for a
                                                which provides for testing at full-load                 Technologies Office, 950 L’Enfant Plaza                particular basic model when the
                                                performance only, does not take into                    SW, Room 6046, Washington, DC 20024.                   petitioner’s basic model for which the
                                                account the benefits of room air                        If possible, please submit all items on a              petition for waiver was submitted
                                                conditioners that use variable-speed                    ‘‘CD’’, in which case it is not necessary              contains one or more design
                                                compressors (‘‘variable speed air                       to include printed copies.                             characteristics that either (1) prevent
                                                conditioners’’), with their part-load                      No telefacsimilies (faxes) will be                  testing according to the prescribed test
                                                performance characteristics, and                        accepted. For detailed instructions on                 procedure, or (2) cause the prescribed
                                                misrepresents their actual energy                       submitting comments and additional                     test procedures to evaluate the basic
                                                consumption. LG requests that it be                     information on this process, see section               model in a manner so unrepresentative
                                                permitted to test the specified basic                   V of this document.                                    of its true energy consumption
                                                models at four rating conditions instead                   Docket: The docket, which includes                  characteristics as to provide materially
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                of a single rating condition and to                     Federal Register notices, comments,                    inaccurate comparative data. 10 CFR
                                                calculate the test unit’s weighted-                     and other supporting documents/
                                                average combined energy efficiency                      materials, is available for review at                     1 All references to EPCA in this document refer

                                                ratio (CEER), which can then be                         http://www.regulations.gov. All                        to the statute as amended through the EPS
                                                                                                                                                               Improvement Act of 2017, Public Law 11–115
                                                compared to the expected performance                    documents in the docket are listed in                  (January 12, 2018).
                                                of a comparable single-speed room air                   the http://www.regulations.gov index.                     2 For editorial reasons, upon codification in the

                                                conditioner across the same four rating                 However, some documents listed in the                  U.S. Code, Part B was re-designated Part A.

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                                                30718                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices

                                                430.27(f)(2). A petitioner must include                                  forth in appendix F. According to LG,                    DOE will grant an interim waiver if it
                                                in its petition any alternate test                                       the current DOE test procedure for room                  appears likely that the petition for
                                                procedures known to the petitioner to                                    air conditioners, which provides for                     waiver will be granted, and/or if DOE
                                                evaluate the basic model in a manner                                     testing at full-load performance only                    determines that it would be desirable for
                                                representative of its energy                                             (i.e., at a single indoor and high-                      public policy reasons to grant
                                                consumption characteristics. 10 CFR                                      temperature outdoor operating                            immediate relief pending a
                                                430.27(b)(1)(iii).                                                       condition), does not take into account                   determination of the petition for waiver.
                                                   DOE may grant the waiver subject to                                   the benefits of variable-speed room air                  See 10 CFR 430.27(e)(2).
                                                conditions, including adherence to                                       conditioners, with their part-load                         DOE understands that, absent an
                                                alternate test procedures. 10 CFR                                        performance characteristics, and                         interim waiver, the test procedure does
                                                430.27(f)(2). As soon as practicable after                               misrepresents their actual energy                        not accurately measure the energy
                                                the granting of any waiver, DOE will                                     consumption.3 Appendix F requires                        consumption of variable-speed room air
                                                publish in the Federal Register a notice                                 room air conditioners be tested only                     conditioners, and without waiver relief,
                                                of proposed rulemaking to amend its                                      with full-load performance, in part, as a                the part-load characteristics of the basic
                                                regulations so as to eliminate any need                                  result of DOE having previously                          models identified in LG’s petition
                                                for the continuation of such waiver. 10                                  concluded that widespread use of part-                   would not be captured.
                                                CFR 430.27(l). As soon thereafter as                                     load technology in room air
                                                practicable, DOE will publish in the                                     conditioners was not likely to be                        III. Requested Alternate Test Procedure
                                                Federal Register a final rule. Id.                                       stimulated by the development of a part-
                                                   The waiver process also provides that                                 load metric. 76 FR 972, 1016 (January 6,                    EPCA requires that manufacturers use
                                                DOE may grant an interim waiver if it                                    2011).                                                   DOE test procedures when making
                                                appears likely that the underlying                                          LG states that variable-speed room air                representations about the energy
                                                petition for waiver will be granted and/                                 conditioners use frequency controls                      consumption and energy consumption
                                                or if DOE determines that it would be                                    constantly to adjust the compressor                      costs of products covered by the statute.
                                                desirable for public policy reasons to                                   rotation speed to maintain the desired                   (42 U.S.C. 6293(c)). Consistent
                                                grant immediate relief pending a                                         temperature in the home without                          representations are important for
                                                determination on the underlying                                          turning the motor on and off; that the                   manufacturers to use in making
                                                petition for waiver. 10 CFR 430.27(e)(2).                                compressor responds automatically to                     representations about the energy
                                                Within one year of issuance of an                                        surrounding conditions to operate in the                 efficiency of their products and to
                                                interim waiver, DOE will either: (i)                                     most efficient possible manner; and that                 demonstrate compliance with
                                                Publish in the Federal Register a                                        this results in both dramatic energy                     applicable DOE energy conservation
                                                determination on the petition for                                        savings and faster cooling compared to                   standards. Pursuant to its regulations
                                                waiver; or (ii) publish in the Federal                                   a room air conditioner without a                         applicable to waivers and interim
                                                Register a new or amended test                                           variable-speed compressor. LG asserted                   waivers from applicable test procedures
                                                procedure that addresses the issues                                      that this ability to adjust to conditions                at 10 CFR 430.27, and after
                                                presented in the waiver. 10 CFR                                          results in both dramatic energy savings                  consideration of public comments on
                                                430.27(h)(1). When DOE amends the test                                   and faster cooling compared to products                  the petition, DOE will consider setting
                                                procedure to address the issues                                          room air conditioners without variable-                  an alternate test procedure for the
                                                presented in a waiver, the waiver will                                   speed compressors. LG further stated                     equipment identified by LG in a
                                                automatically terminate on the date on                                   that variable-speed room air                             subsequent Decision and Order.
                                                which use of that test procedure is                                      conditioners also have a higher/lower                       In its petition, LG requests testing the
                                                required to demonstrate compliance. 10                                   operating range (10 Hz to 120 Hz). LG                    basic models listed in the petition
                                                CFR 430.27(h)(2).                                                        asserts that because the DOE test                        according to the test procedure for room
                                                                                                                         procedure does not account for part-                     air conditioners prescribed by DOE in
                                                II. LG’s Petition for Waiver and Petition                                load characteristics, the results of the                 appendix F, except that the variable-
                                                for Interim Waiver                                                       test procedure are not representative of                 speed room air conditioner would be
                                                   On April 6, 2018, LG filed a petition                                 the actual energy consumption of                         tested at four rating conditions instead
                                                for waiver and a petition for interim                                    variable-speed room air conditioners.                    of a single rating condition. The
                                                waiver from the test procedure                                              LG also requests an interim waiver                    suggested test conditions are presented
                                                applicable to room air conditioners set                                  from the existing DOE test procedure.                    in Table III.1.

                                                                                                                                              Evaporator inlet air, °F              Condenser inlet air, °F           Compressor
                                                                              Test condition                                                                                                                            speed
                                                                                                                                             Dry bulb          Wet bulb           Dry bulb          Wet bulb

                                                Test   Condition   1   ..................................................................               80                67                 95                 75   Maximum.
                                                Test   Condition   2   ..................................................................               80                67                 92               72.5   Maximum.
                                                Test   Condition   3   ..................................................................               80                67                 87                 69   Intermediate.
                                                Test   Condition   4   ..................................................................               80                67                 82                 65   Minimum.
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                                                  Under the suggested test procedure,                                    metric is calculated from the individual                 derived from the fractional temperature
                                                the test unit’s weighted-average                                         CEER values obtained at the four rating                  bin hours for each rating temperature
                                                combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER)                                  conditions, with the weighting factors                   provided in Table 19 of DOE’s test

                                                  3 The specific basic models for which the petition                     LW2217IVSM, LG LW1817IVSM, and LG                        LW1517IVSM. These basic model names were
                                                applies are room air conditioner basic models LG                                                                                  provided by LG in its April 6, 2018 petition.

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices                                             30719

                                                procedure for central air conditioners                  benefits of improved performance under                    (1) LG must test and rate the following
                                                (10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix                   part-load conditions. Furthermore, DOE                 room air conditioner basic models with
                                                M (‘‘appendix M’’)). This weighted-                     has reviewed the alternate procedure                   the alternate test procedure set forth in
                                                average value is adjusted to normalize it               suggested by LG, along with additional                 paragraph (2):
                                                against the expected weighted-average                   performance modeling and analysis                      (A) LG LW2217IVSM, LG LW1817IVSM,
                                                CEER under the same four rating                         performed by DOE using rating                             and LG LW1517IVSM
                                                conditions of a comparable single-speed                 conditions specified in an industry
                                                                                                        standard for single-package air                           (2) The alternate test procedure for the
                                                room air conditioner that has the same
                                                                                                        conditioning equipment with variable                   LG basic models listed in subparagraph
                                                performance as the variable-speed test
                                                                                                        speed compressors, American National                   (1)(A) is the test procedure for room air
                                                unit at the 95 degree Fahrenheit (°F) test
                                                                                                        Standards Institute (‘‘ANSI’’)/Air-                    conditioners prescribed by DOE at
                                                condition but differing performance at
                                                                                                        Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration               appendix F to subpart B of 10 CFR part
                                                the other rating conditions due to
                                                                                                        Institute (‘‘AHRI’’) Standard 210/                     430 (Appendix F), except the combined
                                                optimization of the refrigeration system
                                                                                                        240:2008, ‘‘Performance Rating of                      energy efficiency ratio (CEER) will be
                                                efficiency through compressor speed
                                                                                                        Unitary Air-Conditioning & Air-Source                  determined as detailed below. All other
                                                adjustments to better match the cooling
                                                                                                        Heat Pump Equipment.’’ Based on this                   requirements of Appendix F and DOE’s
                                                load and eliminate cycling losses. This
                                                                                                        review it appears that the suggested                   regulations remain applicable.
                                                average performance improvement
                                                resulting from the implementation of a                  alternate test procedure, with additional                 In Section 1, Definitions, add:
                                                variable-speed compressor across                        specification regarding the required                      1.8 ‘‘Single-speed’’ means a type of
                                                multiple rating conditions would then                   compressor speeds,4 will allow for a                   room air conditioner that does not
                                                be applied to the measured performance                  more accurate measurement of                           automatically adjust either the
                                                of the variable-speed room air                          efficiency of the specified basic models               compressor or fan speed, or both, based
                                                conditioner when tested at the 95 °F                    of variable-speed room air conditioners,               on the detected outdoor conditions.
                                                rating condition according to appendix                  while alleviating the testing problems                    1.9 ‘‘Variable-speed’’ means a type
                                                F to determine the test unit’s final rated              associated with LG’s implementation of                 of room air conditioner that can
                                                CEER value. LG states that this approach                room air conditioner testing for the                   automatically adjust compressor and fan
                                                takes into account performance and                      basic models specified in its petition.                speed, only compressor speed, or only
                                                efficiency improvements associated                      Specifically, the suggested alternate test             fan speed, based on the detected
                                                with variable-speed room air                            procedure will produce CEER values for                 outdoor conditions.
                                                conditioners as compared to room air                    the variable-speed room air conditioners                  Add to the end of Section 2.1 Cooling:
                                                conditioners with single-speed                          under the DOE test procedure’s existing                   For a variable-speed room air
                                                compressors and isolates the effects just               rating condition that will more                        conditioner, the cooling mode test shall
                                                attributable to the variable speed                      accurately reflect the average                         be repeated 3 additional times with
                                                operation.                                              performance improvement associated                     alternate outdoor test conditions, as
                                                                                                        with variable-speed compressors at                     described in section 3.1 of this
                                                IV. Grant of an Interim Waiver                          differing operating conditions (i.e.,                  appendix. For a variable-speed room air
                                                   DOE has reviewed the marketing                       optimization of the refrigeration system               conditioner, a psychrometric chamber
                                                materials, website, and brochure for the                efficiency through compressor speed                    may alternatively be used in accordance
                                                specific basic models for which this                    adjustments to better match the cooling                with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009
                                                petition applies. The materials that DOE                load and eliminate cycling losses), as                 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3),
                                                                                                        compared to the performance changes                    in place of a calorimeter chamber,
                                                reviewed support LG’s assertion of the
                                                                                                        that comparable single-speed room air                  which is required in accordance with
                                                part-load characteristics of the variable-
                                                                                                        conditioners would experience under                    appendix F. If using the psychrometric
                                                speed room air conditioners and that the
                                                                                                        those same conditions. Consequently, it                chamber approach, set-up and
                                                DOE test procedure may evaluate the
                                                                                                        appears likely that LG’s petition for                  instrument the variable-speed room air
                                                basic models in a manner
                                                                                                        waiver will be granted. Furthermore,                   conditioner in accordance with Section
                                                unrepresentative of their true energy
                                                                                                        DOE has determined that it is desirable                5 and Section 6 of ANSI/ASHRAE
                                                consumption characteristics. In
                                                                                                        for public policy reasons to grant LG                  Standard 37–2009, measure the indoor
                                                particular, the DOE test procedure does
                                                                                                        immediate relief pending a                             cooling capacity in accordance with
                                                not capture the relative efficiency
                                                                                                        determination of the petition for waiver.              Section 7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
                                                improvements that can be achieved by                       For the reasons stated, DOE has
                                                variable-speed room air conditioners                                                                           37–2009, and measure the average
                                                                                                        granted an interim waiver to LG for the                electrical input power in Watts at the
                                                over a range of operating conditions                    specified room air conditioner basic
                                                compared to single-speed room air                                                                              nameplate voltage for each of the rating
                                                                                                        models in LG’s petition.                               test condition.
                                                conditioners. In the absence of an                         Therefore, DOE has issued an Order,
                                                alternate test procedure, the CEER                                                                                Add to the end of Section 3.1, Cooling
                                                values of variable-speed room air                                                                              mode:
                                                conditioners would suggest that such                      4 DOE derived the specification for determining         However, for variable-speed room air
                                                room air conditioners would consume at                  the intermediate compressor speed from the DOE         conditioners, the set of four cooling
                                                least as much energy annually as a                      test procedure provisions for central air              mode tests shall be conducted with the
                                                                                                        conditioners with variable-speed compressors
                                                comparable single-speed room air                        (section 3.2.4.a of appendix M of 10 CFR part 430
                                                                                                                                                               following test conditions, presented in
                                                conditioner, despite the anticipated                    subpart B).                                            Table 1 of this appendix.
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                                                                                                                                              Evaporator inlet air, °F             Condenser inlet air, °F           Compressor
                                                                              Test condition                                                                                                                           speed
                                                                                                                                             Dry bulb          Wet bulb           Dry bulb         Wet bulb

                                                Test   Condition   1   ..................................................................               80                67                 95                75   Maximum.
                                                Test   Condition   2   ..................................................................               80                67                 92              72.5   Maximum.
                                                Test   Condition   3   ..................................................................               80                67                 87                69   Intermediate.
                                                Test   Condition   4   ..................................................................               80                67                 82                65   Minimum.

                                                  Determine the intermediate
                                                compressor speed cited in Table 1

                                                where a tolerance of plus 5 percent or                                   capacity, expressed in British thermal                   the annual energy consumption for
                                                the next higher inverter frequency step                                  units per hour (Btu/h), and electrical                   cooling mode under each test condition,
                                                from that calculated is allowed.                                         power input, expressed in watts, for a                   AECm, expressed in kilowatt-hours per
                                                   Add to the end of Section 4.1, Cooling                                comparable single-speed room air                         year (kWh/year).
                                                mode:                                                                    conditioner at all cooling mode test                     AECm = Pm × t × k
                                                   If using the psychrometric chamber                                    conditions. A comparable single-speed
                                                approach for a variable-speed room air                                                                                            Where:
                                                                                                                         room air conditioner has the same
                                                conditioner, measure the indoor cooling                                  cooling capacity and electrical power                    AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner
                                                capacity in accordance with Section 7.3                                                                                                annual energy consumption, in kWh/
                                                                                                                         input, with no cycling losses, as the
                                                                                                                                                                                       year, in cooling mode for each test
                                                of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009                                          variable-speed room air conditioner                           condition in Table 1.
                                                and measured power input in cooling                                      under test at test condition 1 in Table                  Pm = electrical power input, in watts, in
                                                mode in accordance with Section 5.4 of                                   1.                                                            cooling mode for each test condition in
                                                ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009.                                            CapacitySS_m = Capacity95 × (1 + (Mc ×                        Table 1.
                                                   Add to the end of Section 5.1:                                            (T95 ¥ Tm)))                                         m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                   For variable-speed room air                                           PSS_m = P95 × (1 ¥ (Mp × (T95 ¥ Tm)))                         appendix.
                                                conditioners, determine cooling                                                                                                   t = number of annual operating hours in
                                                capacity, Capacitym, for each of the four                                Where:                                                        cooling mode, 750.
                                                cooling mode rating test conditions.                                     CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed                   k = 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor from
                                                                                                                              room air conditioner cooling capacity, in                watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.
                                                Notwithstanding the requirements of
                                                                                                                              Btu/h, calculated for each of the cooling
                                                § 430.23(f), the cooling capacity used in                                     mode test conditions in Table 1.                      5.4.3 Comparable single-speed room
                                                § 430.23(f) and reported in § 429.15(b)(2)                               Capacity95 = variable-speed room air                     air conditioner annual energy
                                                shall be the cooling capacity determined                                      conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h,             consumption for cooling mode at each
                                                for test condition 1 in Table 1 of this                                       determined in section 5.1 of this                   cooling mode test condition. Calculate
                                                appendix.                                                                     appendix for test condition 1 in Table 1.           the annual energy consumption for a
                                                   Add to the end of Section 5.2:                                        PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air                 comparable single-speed room air
                                                   For variable-speed room air                                                conditioner electrical power input, in              conditioner for cooling mode under
                                                conditioners, determine electrical power                                      watts, calculated for each of the cooling           each test condition, AECSS_m, expressed
                                                                                                                              mode test conditions in Table 1.
                                                input, Pm, for each of the four cooling                                                                                           in kWh/year.
                                                                                                                         P95 = variable-speed room air conditioner
                                                mode rating test conditions.                                                  electrical power input, in watts,                   AECSS_m = PSS_m × t × k
                                                Notwithstanding the requirements of                                           determined in section 5.2 of this
                                                § 430.23(f), the electrical power input                                                                                           Where:
                                                                                                                              appendix for test condition 1 in Table 1.
                                                used in § 430.23(f) and reported in                                      Mc = adjustment factor to determine the                  AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air
                                                § 429.15(b)(2) shall be the value                                             increased capacity at lower outdoor test                conditioner annual energy consumption,
                                                                                                                              conditions, 0.0099.                                     in kWh/year, in cooling mode for each
                                                measured for test condition 1 in Table                                                                                                test condition in Table 1.
                                                1 of this appendix.                                                      Mp = adjustment factor to determine the
                                                                                                                              reduced electrical power input at lower             PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air
                                                   Add following Section 5.3, Standby                                                                                                 conditioner electrical power input, in
                                                                                                                              outdoor test conditions, 0.0076.
                                                mode and off mode annual energy                                                                                                       watts, in cooling mode for each test
                                                                                                                         T95 = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for test
                                                consumption:                                                                  condition 1 in Table 1, 95 °F.                          condition in Table 1, determined in
                                                   5.4 Variable-speed room air                                           Tm = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for each                   section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
                                                conditioner combined energy efficiency                                        of the test conditions in Table 1.                  m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                ratio. Calculate the combined energy                                                                                                  appendix.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                         m represents the cooling mode test condition
                                                efficiency ratio for variable-speed room                                      (‘‘95’’ test condition 1 (95 °F), ‘‘92’’ test       t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this
                                                                                                                              condition 2 (92 °F), ‘‘87’’ test condition              appendix.
                                                air conditioners as follows, which shall
                                                be the combined energy efficiency ratio                                       3 (87 °F), and ‘‘82’’ test condition 4 (82            5.4.4 Variable-speed room air
                                                reported in § 429.15(b)(2) for variable-                                      °F)).                                               conditioner combined energy efficiency
                                                speed room air conditioners.                                               5.4.2 Variable-speed annual energy                     ratio at each cooling mode test
                                                   5.4.1 Comparable single-speed room                                    consumption for cooling mode at each                     condition. Calculate the variable-speed
                                                air conditioner. Calculate the cooling                                   cooling mode test condition. Calculate                   room air conditioner combined energy

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices                                                 30721

                                                efficiency ratio, CEERm, for each test                  single-speed room air conditioner,                     mode test condition. Calculate the
                                                condition, expressed in Btu/Wh.                         CEERSS_m, for each test condition,                     adjusted combined energy efficiency
                                                                                                        expressed in Btu/Wh.                                   ratio for a comparable single-speed
                                                                                                                                                               room air conditioner, CEERSS_m_adj, with
                                                                                                                                                               cycling losses considered, expressed in
                                                Where:                                                                                                         CEERSS_m_adj = CEERSS_m × CLFm
                                                CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner             Where:                                                 Where:
                                                    combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/           CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room                CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed
                                                    Wh, for each test condition in Table 1.                 air conditioner combined energy                        room air conditioner adjusted combined
                                                Capacitym = variable-speed room air                         efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test             energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for
                                                    conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h,                 condition in Table 1.                                  each test condition in Table 1.
                                                    for each test condition in Table 1,                 CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed                 CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room
                                                    determined in section 5.1 of this                       room air conditioner cooling capacity, in              air conditioner adjusted combined
                                                    appendix.                                               Btu/h, for each test condition in Table 1,             energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for
                                                AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner                  in Btu/h, determined in section 5.4.1 of               each test condition in Table 1,
                                                    annual energy consumption, in kWh/yr,                   this appendix.                                         determined in section 5.4.5 of this
                                                    in cooling mode for each test condition             AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air                 appendix.
                                                    in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.2                 conditioner annual energy consumption              CLFm = cycling loss factor for each cooling
                                                    of this appendix.                                       for each test condition in Table 1, in                 mode test condition, 1 for test condition
                                                ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual                     kWh/year, determined in section 5.4.3 of               1, 0.971 for test condition 2, 0.923 for
                                                    energy consumption for room air                         this appendix.                                         test condition 3, and 0.875 for test
                                                    conditioners, in kWh/year, determined               ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual                    condition 4.
                                                    in section 5.3 of this appendix.                        energy consumption for room air                    m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this                       conditioners, in kWh/year, determined                  appendix.
                                                    appendix.                                               in section 5.3 of this appendix.
                                                t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this             m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this                     5.4.7 Weighted combined energy
                                                    appendix.                                               appendix.                                          efficiency ratio. Calculate the weighted
                                                   5.4.5 Comparable single-speed room                   t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this            combined energy efficiency ratio for the
                                                air conditioner combined energy                             appendix.                                          variable-speed room air conditioner,
                                                efficiency ratio at each cooling mode                     5.4.6 Comparable single-speed room                   CEERwt, and comparable single-speed
                                                test condition. Calculate the combined                  air conditioner adjusted combined                      room air conditioner, CEERSS_wt,
                                                energy efficiency ratio for a comparable                energy efficiency ratio for each cooling               expressed in Btu/Wh.

                                                Where:                                                     determined in section 5.4.4 of this                     0.31 for test condition 3, and 0.48 for test
                                                CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner               appendix.                                               condition 4.
                                                   weighted combined energy efficiency                  CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed                 m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                                                                           room air conditioner adjusted combined                  appendix.
                                                   ratio, in Btu/Wh.
                                                                                                           energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, at
                                                CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room                   each test condition in Table 1,
                                                   air conditioner weighted combined                                                                             5.4.8 Variable-speed room air
                                                                                                           determined in section 5.4.6 of this
                                                   energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.                                                                         conditioner performance adjustment
                                                CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner             Wm = weighting factors for each cooling                factor. Calculate the variable-speed
                                                   combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/               mode test condition, 0.05 for test                  room air conditioner performance                   EN29JN18.004</GPH>

                                                   Wh, at each test condition in Table 1,                  condition 1, 0.16 for test condition 2,             adjustment factor, Fp.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Where:                                                  CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room               room air conditioners, multiply the
                                                Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner                   air conditioner weighted combined                   combined energy efficiency ratio, CEER,

                                                    performance adjustment factor.                         energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh,                 expressed in Btu/Wh, determined in
                                                CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner               determined in section 5.4.7 of this
                                                                                                           appendix                                            § 430.23(f) by (1 + Fp) to obtain the final
                                                    weighted combined energy efficiency                                                                        CEER for variable speed room air
                                                    ratio, in Btu/Wh, determined in section               5.4.9 Variable-speed room air                        conditioners.
                                                                                                        conditioner CEER. For variable-speed

                                                    5.4.7 of this appendix.

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                                                Where:                                                  document, to determine the efficiency of               before posting. Normally, comments
                                                Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner                LG’s specified room air conditioners.                  will be posted within a few days of
                                                    performance adjustment factor,                      DOE may consider including the                         being submitted. However, if large
                                                    determined in section 5.4.8 of this                 alternate procedure specified in the                   volumes of comments are being
                                                    appendix.’’                                         Interim Waiver Order, specified in                     processed simultaneously, your
                                                   (3) Representations. LG may not make                 section IV of this document, in a                      comment may not be viewable for up to
                                                representations about the energy                        subsequent Decision and Order.                         several weeks. Please keep the comment
                                                efficiency of the basic models identified                  DOE invites all interested parties to               tracking number that http://
                                                in paragraph (1) for compliance,                        submit in writing by July 30, 2018,                    www.regulations.gov provides after you
                                                marketing, or other purposes unless the                 comments and information on all                        have successfully uploaded your
                                                basic models have been tested in                        aspects of the petition, including the                 comment.
                                                accordance with the provisions in the                   alternate test procedure. Pursuant to 10                  Submitting comments via email, hand
                                                alternate test procedure and such                       CFR 430.27(d), any person submitting                   delivery, or mail. Comments and
                                                representations fairly disclose the                     written comments to DOE must also                      documents submitted via email, hand
                                                results of such testing in accordance                   send a copy of such comments to the                    delivery, or mail also will be posted to
                                                with 10 CFR 429.15(a).                                  petitioner. The contact information for                http://www.regulations.gov. If you do
                                                   (4) This interim waiver shall remain                 the petitioner is Scott Blake Harris,                  not want your personal contact
                                                in effect according to the provisions of                Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP, 1919 M                information to be publicly viewable, do
                                                10 CFR 430.27.                                          Street NW, Eighth Floor, Washington,                   not include it in your comment or any
                                                   (5) This interim waiver is issued to LG
                                                                                                        DC 20036.                                              accompanying documents. Instead,
                                                on the condition that the statements,                      Submitting comments via http://                     provide your contact information on a
                                                representations, and information                        www.regulations.gov. The http://                       cover letter. Include your first and last
                                                provided by LG are valid. DOE may                       www.regulations.gov web page will                      names, email address, telephone
                                                revoke or modify this waiver at any time                require you to provide your name and                   number, and optional mailing address.
                                                if it determines the factual basis                      contact information. Your contact                      The cover letter will not be publicly
                                                underlying the petition for waiver is                   information will be viewable to DOE                    viewable as long as it does not include
                                                incorrect, or the results from the                      Building Technologies staff only. Your                 any comments.
                                                alternate test procedure are                            contact information will not be publicly                  Include contact information each time
                                                unrepresentative of the basic models’                   viewable except for your first and last                you submit comments, data, documents,
                                                true energy consumption characteristics.                names, organization name (if any), and                 and other information to DOE. If you
                                                10 CFR 430.27(k)(1). Likewise, LG may                   submitter representative name (if any).                submit via mail or hand delivery, please
                                                request that DOE rescind or modify the                  If your comment is not processed                       provide all items on a CD, if feasible. It
                                                interim waiver if LG discovers an error                 properly because of technical                          is not necessary to submit printed
                                                in the information provided to DOE as                   difficulties, DOE will use this                        copies. No facsimiles (faxes) will be
                                                part of its petition, determines that the               information to contact you. If DOE                     accepted.
                                                interim waiver is no longer needed, or                  cannot read your comment due to                           Comments, data, and other
                                                for other appropriate reasons. 10 CFR                   technical difficulties and cannot contact              information submitted to DOE
                                                430.27(k)(2).                                           you for clarification, DOE may not be                  electronically should be provided in
                                                   (6) Granting of this interim waiver                                                                         PDF (preferred), Microsoft Word or
                                                                                                        able to consider your comment.
                                                does not release LG from the                               However, your contact information                   Excel, WordPerfect, or text (ASCII) file
                                                certification requirements set forth at 10              will be publicly viewable if you include               format. Provide documents that are not
                                                CFR part 429.                                           it in the comment or in any documents                  secured, written in English and free of
                                                   DOE makes decisions on waivers and
                                                                                                        attached to your comment. Any                          any defects or viruses. Documents
                                                interim waivers for only those basic
                                                                                                        information that you do not want to be                 should not contain special characters or
                                                models specifically set out in the
                                                                                                        publicly viewable should not be                        any form of encryption and, if possible,
                                                petition, not future models that may be
                                                                                                        included in your comment, nor in any                   they should carry the electronic
                                                manufactured by the petitioner. LG may
                                                                                                        document attached to your comment.                     signature of the author.
                                                submit a new or amended petition for                                                                              Campaign form letters. Please submit
                                                                                                        Persons viewing comments will see only
                                                waiver and request for grant of interim                                                                        campaign form letters by the originating
                                                                                                        first and last names, organization
                                                waiver, as appropriate, for additional                                                                         organization in batches of between 50 to
                                                                                                        names, correspondence containing
                                                basic models of room air conditioners.                                                                         500 form letters per PDF or as one form
                                                                                                        comments, and any documents
                                                Alternatively, if appropriate, LG may                                                                          letter with a list of supporters’ names
                                                                                                        submitted with the comments.
                                                request that DOE extend the scope of a                     Do not submit to http://                            compiled into one or more PDFs. This
                                                waiver or an interim waiver to include                  www.regulations.gov information for                    reduces comment processing and
                                                additional basic models employing the                   which disclosure is restricted by statute,             posting time.
                                                same technology as the basic models set                 such as trade secrets and commercial or                   Confidential Business Information.
                                                forth in the original petition consistent               financial information (hereinafter                     According to 10 CFR 1004.11, any
                                                with 10 CFR 430.27(g).                                  referred to as Confidential Business                   person submitting information that he
                                                V. Request for Comments                                 Information (‘‘CBI’’)). Comments                       or she believes to be confidential and
                                                                                                        submitted through http://                              exempt by law from public disclosure
                                                  DOE is publishing LG’s petition for
                                                                                                        www.regulations.gov cannot be claimed                  should submit via email, postal mail, or
                                                waiver in its entirety, pursuant to 10
                                                                                                                                                               hand delivery two well-marked copies:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iv).5 The petition                     as CBI. Comments received through the
                                                                                                        website will waive any CBI claims for                  one copy of the document marked
                                                includes a suggested alternate test
                                                                                                        the information submitted. For                         confidential including all the
                                                procedure, as specified in the petition
                                                                                                        information on submitting CBI, see the                 information believed to be confidential,
                                                and summarized in section III of this
                                                                                                        Confidential Business Information                      and one copy of the document marked
                                                  5 The petition did not identify any of the            section.                                               ‘‘non-confidential’’ with the information
                                                information contained therein as confidential              DOE processes submissions made                      believed to be confidential deleted.
                                                business information.                                   through http://www.regulations.gov                     Submit these documents via email or on

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices                                             30723

                                                a CD, if feasible. DOE will make its own                816–2000). Its worldwide headquarters                    DOE has said it intends to investigate
                                                determination about the confidential                    are located at LG Twin Towers 20,                        potential revision of the test procedure
                                                status of the information and treat it                  Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu Seoul,                        ‘‘to account for any benefits of
                                                according to its determination.                         Korea 150–721; (tel. 011–82–2–3777–                      technologies that improve part-load
                                                   Factors of interest to DOE when                      1114); URL: http.www.LGE.com.                            performance.’’ 7
                                                evaluating requests to treat submitted                                                                              At the moment, however, the DOE test
                                                information as confidential include (1) a               I. Basic Models for Which a Waiver
                                                                                                                                                                 procedure for RACs does not include
                                                description of the items, (2) whether                   is Requested
                                                                                                                                                                 any provision to account for the benefits
                                                and why such items are customarily                         The basic models for which a waiver                   of the part-load performance of VSCs.
                                                treated as confidential within the                      is requested are set forth in the                        Therefore, the test procedure evaluates
                                                industry, (3) whether the information is                Appendix. They are distributed in                        the LG models with VSCs in a manner
                                                generally known by or available from                    commerce under the LG brand name.                        that misrepresents their actual energy
                                                other sources, (4) whether the                          II. Need for the Requested Waiver                        consumption. LG urges that a waiver be
                                                information has previously been made                                                                             granted, for the basic models in the
                                                available to others without obligation                     The LG RACs with VSC technology                       Appendix, that will allow use of the
                                                concerning its confidentiality, (5) an                  are advanced, energy efficient products.                 alternate test procedure discussed
                                                explanation of the competitive injury to                A VSC (inverter compressor) uses                         below. The test procedure is designed to
                                                the submitting person which would                       frequency controls constantly to adjust
                                                                                                                                                                 take into account the energy savings
                                                result from public disclosure, (6) when                 the compressor’s rotation speed to
                                                                                                                                                                 characteristics of VSCs, and will yield
                                                such information might lose its                         maintain the desired temperature in the
                                                                                                                                                                 results more representative of the actual
                                                confidential character due to the                       home without turning the motor on and
                                                                                                                                                                 energy consumption of these products
                                                passage of time, and (7) why disclosure                 off. The compressor responds
                                                                                                                                                                 than the current DOE test procedure.
                                                of the information would be contrary to                 automatically to surrounding conditions
                                                                                                                                                                 And the rules provide that DOE ‘‘will
                                                the public interest.                                    to operate in the most efficient possible
                                                                                                                                                                 grant a waiver from the test procedure
                                                   It is DOE’s policy that all comments                 manner. This results in both dramatic
                                                                                                                                                                 requirements’’ in these circumstances.8
                                                may be included in the public docket,                   energy savings and faster cooling
                                                                                                                                                                 The waiver should continue until DOE
                                                without change and as received,                         compared to products without VSCs.
                                                                                                        RACs with VSCs also have a higher/                       adopts an applicable amended test
                                                including any personal information                                                                               procedure.
                                                provided in the comments (except                        lower operating range (10Hz to 120Hz)
                                                information deemed to be exempt from                    than those without VSC.2                                 III. Proposed Alternate Test
                                                public disclosure).                                        Unfortunately, the current DOE test                   Procedure
                                                                                                        procedure for RACs provides that they
                                                  Signed in Washington, DC, on June 22,                                                                             LG proposes the following alternate
                                                                                                        be tested only with full-load
                                                2018.                                                                                                            test procedure to evaluate the
                                                                                                        performance.3 Thus, the RAC test
                                                Kathleen B. Hogan,                                                                                               performance of the basic models listed
                                                                                                        procedure does not take into account
                                                Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy                                                                            in the Appendix. The alternate test
                                                                                                        the benefits of VSC, with its part-load
                                                Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable                                                                      procedure is the same as the existing
                                                                                                        performance characteristics. This is
                                                                                                        unlike the DOE test procedure for                        test procedure for RACs except that it
                                                Before the United States, Department of                 central air conditioners, which provides                 takes into account VSC part-load
                                                Energy, Washington, D.C. 20585                          for testing with part-load performance                   characteristics. It does so by providing
                                                                                                        for VSCs.                                                for tests at a variety of load conditions.
                                                In the Matter of:                                                                                                Specifically:
                                                                                                           DOE has recognized this serious
                                                Energy Efficiency Program: Test                         shortcoming in its RAC test procedure.                      LG shall be required to test the
                                                  Procedure for Room Air Conditioners                   It has stated that this test procedure                   performance of the basic models listed
                                                                                                        ‘‘does not measure the benefits of                       in the Appendix hereto according to the
                                                Petition of LG Electronics, Inc. for
                                                                                                        technologies that improve part-load                      test procedure for room air conditioners
                                                Waiver and Application for Interim
                                                                                                        performance.’’ 4                                         in 10 C.F.R. Part 430, Subpart B,
                                                Waiver of Test Procedure for Room
                                                                                                                                                                 Appendix F, except as follows:
                                                Air Conditioners                                          The current room AC test procedure
                                                  LG Electronics, Inc. (LG) respectfully                measures only the full-load performance at               Add new Sections 1.8 and 1.9 to
                                                                                                        outdoor ambient conditions of 95 °F dry-bulb             Appendix F as follows:
                                                submits this Petition for Waiver and
                                                                                                        and 75 °F wet-bulb. Therefore, technologies
                                                Application for Interim Waiver 1 from                   that improve part-load performance, such as                ‘‘1.8 ‘‘Single-speed’’ means a type of
                                                DOE’s test procedure for room air                       multiple-speed compressors and variable-                 room air conditioner that does not
                                                conditioners (RACs). LG seeks a waiver                  opening expansion devices, will not improve              automatically adjust either the
                                                because the current test procedure does                 the rated performance of a room AC under                 compressor or fan speed, or both, based
                                                not accurately measure the energy                       the current test procedure.’’ 5                          on the detected outdoor conditions.
                                                consumption of RACs with variable                       Indeed, DOE has correctly stressed that,                   1.9 ‘‘Variable-speed’’ means a type of
                                                speed compressors (VSCs). LG requests                   ‘‘[i]n contrast, central ACs and heat                    room air conditioner that can
                                                expedited treatment of the Petition and                 pumps are rated using multiple rating                    automatically adjust compressor and fan
                                                Application.                                            points at different conditions.’’ 6 Finally,             speed, only compressor speed, or only
                                                  LG is a manufacturer of room air                                                                               fan speed, based on the detected
                                                conditioners and other products sold                      2 To the best of LG’s knowledge, LG is the only        outdoor conditions.’’
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                worldwide, including in the United                      manufacturer of RAC basic models distributed in
                                                                                                        commerce in the United States to incorporate             Add the following at the end of Section
                                                States. LG’s United States affiliate is LG
                                                                                                        design characteristic(s) similar to those found in the   2.1 of Appendix F:
                                                Electronics USA, Inc., with                             basic models that are the subject of this petition,
                                                headquarters at 1000 Sylvan Avenue,                     namely, RAC VSC technology.                                ‘‘For a variable-speed room air
                                                Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (tel. 201–                     3 10 C.F.R. Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix F.           conditioner, the cooling mode test shall
                                                                                                          4 80 Fed. Reg. 34843, 34848 (June 18, 2015).

                                                  1 See 10 C.F.R. § 430.27 (petitions for waiver and      5 Id.                                                   7 Id.

                                                interim waiver).                                          6 Id.                                                   8 10    C.F.R. § 430.27(f)(2).

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                                                be repeated 3 additional times with                                      approach, set-up and instrument the                      Add the following at the end of Section
                                                alternate outdoor test conditions, as                                    variable-speed room air conditioner in                   3.1 of Appendix F:
                                                described in section 3.1 of this                                         accordance with Section 5 and Section
                                                appendix. For a variable-speed room air                                  6 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009,                         ‘‘, except, for variable-speed room air
                                                conditioner, a psychrometric chamber                                     measure the indoor cooling capacity in                   conditioners, the set of four cooling
                                                may alternatively be used in place of a                                  accordance with Section 7.3 of ANSI/                     mode tests shall be conducted with the
                                                calorimeter chamber, in accordance                                       ASHRAE Standard 37–2009, and                             following test conditions, presented in
                                                with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009                                        measure the average electrical input                     Table 1 of this appendix.
                                                (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3).                                power in Watts at the nameplate voltage
                                                If using the psychrometric chamber                                       for each of the rating test condition.’’

                                                                                                                                              Evaporator inlet air, °F             Condenser inlet air, °F           Compressor
                                                                              Test condition                                                                                                                           speed
                                                                                                                                             Dry bulb          Wet bulb           Dry bulb          Wet bulb

                                                Test   Condition   1   ..................................................................               80                67                 95                75   Maximum.
                                                Test   Condition   2   ..................................................................               80                67                 92              72.5   Maximum.
                                                Test   Condition   3   ..................................................................               80                67                 87                69   Intermediate.
                                                Test   Condition   4   ..................................................................               80                67                 82                65   Minimum.

                                                Add the following at the end of Section                                  units per hour (Btu/h), and electrical                   Where:
                                                4.1 of Appendix F:                                                       power input, expressed in watts, for a                   AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner
                                                  ‘‘If using the psychrometric chamber                                   comparable single-speed room air                              annual energy consumption, in kWh/
                                                approach for a variable-speed room air                                   conditioner at all cooling mode test                          year, in cooling mode for each test
                                                                                                                         conditions.                                                   condition in Table 1.
                                                conditioner, measure the indoor cooling
                                                capacity in accordance with Section 7.3                                  CapacitySS_m = Capacity95 × (1 + (Mc ×                   Pm = electrical power input, in watts, in
                                                                                                                             (T95¥Tm)))                                                cooling mode for each test condition in
                                                of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009                                                                                                        Table 1.
                                                and measured power input in cooling                                      PSS_m = P95 × (1—(Mp × (T95—Tm)))                        m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                mode in accordance with Section 5.4 of                                   Where:                                                        appendix.
                                                ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009.’’                                          CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed                   t = number of annual operating hours in
                                                Add the following at the end of Section                                       room air conditioner cooling capacity, in                cooling mode, 750.
                                                                                                                              Btu/h, calculated for each of the cooling           k = 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor from
                                                5.1 of Appendix F:
                                                                                                                              mode test conditions in Table 1.                         watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.
                                                  ‘‘For variable-speed room air                                          Capacity95 = variable-speed room air
                                                conditioners, determine cooling                                               conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h,               5.4.3 Comparable single-speed room
                                                capacity, Capacitym, for each of the four                                     determined in section 5.1 of this                   air conditioner annual energy
                                                cooling mode rating test conditions. The                                      appendix for test condition 1 in Table 1.           consumption for cooling mode at each
                                                                                                                         PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air                 cooling mode test condition. Calculate
                                                cooling capacity used in § 430.23(f) and                                      conditioner electrical power input, in
                                                reported in § 429.15(b)(2) shall be the                                                                                           the annual energy consumption for a
                                                                                                                              watts, calculated for each of the cooling
                                                cooling capacity determined for test                                          mode test conditions in Table 1.
                                                                                                                                                                                  comparable single-speed room air
                                                condition 1 in Table 1 of this appendix.                                 P95 = variable-speed room air conditioner                conditioner for cooling mode under
                                                                                                                              electrical power input, in watts,                   each test condition, AECSS_m, expressed
                                                Add the following at the end of Section                                       determined in section 5.2 of this                   in kWh/year.
                                                5.2 of Appendix F:                                                            appendix for test condition 1 in Table 1.
                                                                                                                         Mc = adjustment factor to determine the
                                                                                                                                                                                  AECss_m × t × k
                                                  ‘‘For variable-speed room air
                                                conditioners, determine electrical power                                      increased capacity at lower outdoor test            Where:
                                                input, Pm, for each of the four cooling                                       conditions, 0.0099.                                 AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air
                                                                                                                         Mp = adjustment factor to determine the                      conditioner annual energy consumption,
                                                mode rating test conditions, and the                                          reduced electrical power input at lower
                                                electrical power input used in                                                                                                        in kWh/year, in cooling mode for each
                                                                                                                              outdoor test conditions, 0.0076.
                                                § 430.23(f) shall be the value measured                                                                                               test condition in Table 1.
                                                                                                                         T95 = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for test
                                                                                                                                                                                  PSS_m = comparable single-speed room air
                                                for test condition 1 in Table 1 of this                                       condition 1 in Table 1, 95 °F.
                                                appendix.’’                                                              Tm = outdoor dry-bulb temperature for each                   conditioner electrical power input, in
                                                                                                                         of the test conditions in Table 1.                           watts, in cooling mode for each test
                                                Add the following after Section 5.3 of                                   m represents the cooling mode test condition                 condition in Table 1, determined in
                                                Appendix F:                                                                   (‘‘95’’ test condition 1 (95 °F), ‘‘92’’ test           section 5.4.1 of this appendix.
                                                                                                                              condition 2 (92 °F), ‘‘87’’ test condition          m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                   ‘‘5.4 Variable-speed room air
                                                conditioner combined energy efficiency                                        3 (87 °F), and ‘‘82’’ test condition 4 (82              appendix.
                                                                                                                              °F)).                                               t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this
                                                ratio. Calculate the combined energy                                                                                                  appendix.
                                                efficiency ratio for variable-speed room                                   5.4.2 Variable-speed annual energy
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                air conditioners as follows, which shall                                 consumption for cooling mode at each                        5.4.4 Variable-speed room air
                                                be the combined energy efficiency ratio                                  cooling mode test condition. Calculate                   conditioner combined energy efficiency
                                                reported in § 429.15(b)(2) for variable-                                 the annual energy consumption for                        ratio at each cooling mode test
                                                speed room air conditioners.                                             cooling mode under each test condition,                  condition. Calculate the variable-speed
                                                   5.4.1 Comparable single-speed room                                    AECm, expressed in kilowatt-hours per                    room air conditioner combined energy
                                                air conditioner. Calculate the cooling                                   year (kWh/year).                                         efficiency ratio, CEERm, for each test
                                                capacity, expressed in British thermal                                   AECm = Pm × t × k                                        condition, expressed in Btu/Wh.

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices                                                 30725

                                                                                                        CEERSS_m, for each test condition,                     mode test condition. Calculate the
                                                                                                        expressed in Btu/Wh.                                   adjusted combined energy efficiency
                                                                                                                                                               ratio for a comparable single-speed
                                                                                                                                                               room air conditioner, CEERSS_m_adj,
                                                Where:                                                                                                         with cycling losses considered,
                                                CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner                                                                    expressed in Btu/Wh.
                                                    combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/                                                                  CEERSS_m_adj = CEERSS_m × CLFm
                                                    Wh, for each test condition in Table 1.             Where:
                                                Capacitym = variable-speed room air                     CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room
                                                    conditioner cooling capacity, in Btu/h,                 air conditioner combined energy                    CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed
                                                    for each test condition in Table 1,                     efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for each test             room air conditioner adjusted combined
                                                    determined in section 5.1 of this                       condition in Table 1.                                  energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for
                                                    appendix.                                           CapacitySS_m = comparable single-speed                     each test condition in Table 1.
                                                AECm = variable-speed room air conditioner                  room air conditioner cooling capacity, in          CEERSS_m = comparable single-speed room
                                                    annual energy consumption, in kWh/yr,                   Btu/h, for each test condition in Table 1,             air conditioner adjusted combined
                                                    in cooling mode for each test condition                 in Btu/h, determined in section 5.4.1 of               energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, for
                                                                                                            this appendix.                                         each test condition in Table 1,
                                                    in Table 1, determined in section 5.4.2
                                                                                                        AECSS_m = comparable single-speed room air                 determined in section 5.4.5 of this
                                                    of this appendix.
                                                                                                            conditioner annual energy consumption                  appendix.
                                                ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual
                                                                                                            for each test condition in Table 1, in             CLFm = cycling loss factor for each cooling
                                                    energy consumption for room air                                                                                mode test condition, 1 for test condition
                                                    conditioners, in kWh/year, determined                   kWh/year, determined in section 5.4.3 of
                                                                                                            this appendix.                                         1, 0.971 for test condition 2, 0.923 for
                                                    in section 5.3 of this appendix.                                                                               test condition 3, and 0.875 for test
                                                m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this                   ETSO = standby mode and off mode annual
                                                                                                            energy consumption for room air                        condition 4.
                                                    appendix.                                                                                                  m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this                 conditioners, in kWh/year, determined
                                                                                                            in section 5.3 of this appendix.                       appendix.
                                                                                                        m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this                     5.4.7 Weighted combined energy
                                                   5.4.5 Comparable single-speed room                       appendix.                                          efficiency ratio. Calculate the weighted
                                                air conditioner combined energy                         t and k as defined in section 5.4.2 of this            combined energy efficiency ratio for the
                                                efficiency ratio at each cooling mode                                                                          variable-speed room air conditioner,
                                                test condition. Calculate the combined                    5.4.6 Comparable single-speed room                   CEERwt, and comparable single-speed
                                                energy efficiency ratio for a comparable                air conditioner adjusted combined                      room air conditioner, CEERSS_wt,
                                                single-speed room air conditioner,                      energy efficiency ratio for each cooling               expressed in Btu/Wh.

                                                Where:                                                     determined in section 5.4.4 of this                     0.31 for test condition 3, and 0.48 for test
                                                CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner               appendix.                                               condition 4.
                                                   weighted combined energy efficiency                  CEERSS_m_adj = comparable single-speed                 m as defined in section 5.4.1 of this
                                                                                                           room air conditioner adjusted combined                  appendix.
                                                   ratio, in Btu/Wh.
                                                                                                           energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh, at
                                                CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room                   each test condition in Table 1,
                                                   air conditioner weighted combined                                                                           5.4.8 Variable-speed room air
                                                                                                           determined in section 5.4.6 of this
                                                   energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh.                                                                              conditioner performance
                                                CEERm = variable-speed room air conditioner             Wm = weighting factors for each cooling                     adjustment factor. Calculate the
                                                   combined energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/               mode test condition, 0.05 for test                       variable-speed room air conditioner
                                                   Wh, at each test condition in Table 1,                  condition 1, 0.16 for test condition 2,                  performance adjustment factor, Fp.

                                                Where:                                                        energy efficiency ratio, in Btu/Wh,              § 430.23(f) by (1 + Fp) to obtain the final
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner                      determined in section 5.4.7 of this              CEER for variable speed room air
                                                    performance adjustment factor.                            appendix                                         conditioners.
                                                CEERwt = variable-speed room air conditioner

                                                                                                          5.4.9 Variable-speed room air                        Where:
                                                    weighted combined energy efficiency
                                                    ratio, in Btu/Wh, determined in section             conditioner CEER. For variable-speed                   Fp = variable-speed room air conditioner
                                                    5.4.7 of this appendix.                             room air conditioners, multiply the                        performance adjustment factor,
                                                CEERSS_wt = comparable single-speed room                combined energy efficiency ratio, CEER,                    determined in section 5.4.8 of this
                                                                                                        expressed in Btu/Wh, determined in                         appendix.’’

                                                    air conditioner weighted combined

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                                                30726                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 126 / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Notices

                                                IV. Application for Interim Waiver                      DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                   DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                                  LG also hereby applies for an interim                 Federal Energy Regulatory                              Federal Energy Regulatory
                                                waiver of the applicable test procedure                 Commission                                             Commission
                                                requirements for the LG basic models
                                                set forth in the Appendix. LG meets the                 [Docket No. ID–6627–002]                               Combined Notice of Filings #1
                                                criteria for an interim waiver.
                                                                                                        Vigue, Peter A.; Notice of                                Take notice that the Commission
                                                  LG’s Petition for Waiver is likely to be              Supplemental Filing                                    received the following electric corporate
                                                granted because the test method
                                                                                                           Take notice that on June 22, 2018,                  filings:
                                                contained in 10 C.F.R. Part 430, Subpart
                                                B, Appendix F clearly does not address                  Peter A. Vigue filed supplements to the                   Docket Numbers: EC18–107–000.
                                                the VSC characteristics of these LG basic               April 24, 2018 and May 11, 2018                           Applicants: New Covert Generating
                                                models. Thus, the test procedure does                   applications for authorization to hold                 Company, LLC.
                                                not accurately measure their energy                     interlocking positions, pursuant to                       Description: Application for
                                                consumption. Without waiver relief, LG                  section 305(b) of the Federal Power Act,               Authorization for Disposition of
                                                would be subject to requirements that                   18 U.S.C. 825d(f), and section 45.4 of                 Jurisdictional Facilities and Request for
                                                are inapplicable to these products.                     the Federal Energy Regulatory                          Expedited Action of New Covert
                                                Additionally, LG will suffer economic                   Commission’s (Commission)                              Generating Company, LLC.
                                                                                                        Regulations, 18 CFR 45.8.                                 Filed Date: 6/21/18.
                                                hardship and be at a competitive
                                                                                                           Any person desiring to intervene or to                 Accession Number: 20180621–5121.
                                                disadvantage if it must wait to rate these                                                                        Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/18.
                                                basic models pending a determination                    protest this filing must file in
                                                on the petition for waiver.                             accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of                      Docket Numbers: EC18–108–000.
                                                                                                        the Commission’s Rules of Practice and                    Applicants: Red Pine Wind Project,
                                                  DOE approval of LG’s interim waiver                                                                          LLC, PGGM Cooperatie U.A.
                                                application is also supported by sound                  Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
                                                                                                        Protests will be considered by the                        Description: Joint Application for
                                                public policy. These LG products                                                                               Authorization for Disposition of
                                                employ advanced technology that                         Commission in determining the
                                                                                                        appropriate action to be taken, but will               Jurisdictional Facilities and Request for
                                                increases efficiency and reduces energy                                                                        Expedited Action of Red Pine Wind
                                                consumption, while offering a new level                 not serve to make protestants parties to
                                                                                                        the proceeding. Any person wishing to                  Project, LLC.
                                                of affordable comfort to consumers.                                                                               Filed Date: 6/22/18.
                                                                                                        become a party must file a notice of
                                                V. Conclusion                                                                                                     Accession Number: 20180622–5065.
                                                                                                        intervention or motion to intervene, as                   Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/13/18.
                                                  LG respectfully requests that DOE                     appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
                                                                                                        protests must be filed on or before the                   Docket Numbers: EC18–109–000.
                                                grant its Petition for Waiver of the                                                                              Applicants: Rock Falls Wind Farm
                                                applicable test procedure for specified                 comment date. On or before the
                                                                                                                                                               LLC, PGGM Cooperatie U.A.
                                                basic models, and also grant its                        comment date, it is not necessary to
                                                                                                                                                                  Description: Joint Application for
                                                Application for Interim Waiver.                         serve motions to intervene or protests
                                                                                                                                                               Authorization for Disposition of
                                                                                                        on persons other than the Applicant.
                                                  LG requests expedited treatment of                                                                           Jurisdictional Facilities and Request for
                                                                                                           The Commission encourages
                                                the Petition and Application.                                                                                  Confidential Treatment and Expedited
                                                                                                        electronic submission of protests and
                                                Respectfully submitted,                                                                                        Action of Rock Falls Wind Farm LLC, et.
                                                                                                        interventions in lieu of paper using the
                                                Scott Harris/s/                                                                                                al.
                                                                                                        eFiling link at http://www.ferc.gov.
                                                Richard C. Wingate,                                                                                               Filed Date: 6/22/18.
                                                                                                        Persons unable to file electronically                     Accession Number: 20180622–5067.
                                                Vice President, Compliance and General                  should submit an original and 5 copies                    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/13/18.
                                                Counsel.                                                of the protest or intervention to the
                                                                                                                                                                  Docket Numbers: EC18–110–000.
                                                LG Electronics USA, Inc.                                Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
                                                1000 Sylvan Avenue                                                                                                Applicants: Playa Solar 1, LLC, Playa
                                                                                                        888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
                                                Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632                                                                                     Solar 2, LLC, PGGM Cooperatie U.A.
                                                                                                        20426.                                                    Description: Joint Application for
                                                (201) 816–2000                                             This filing is accessible on-line at
                                                Scott Blake Harris                                                                                             Authorization for Disposition of
                                                                                                        http://www.ferc.gov, using the eLibrary
                                                Stephanie Weiner                                                                                               Jurisdictional Facilities, and Request for
                                                                                                        link and is available for electronic
                                                John A. Hodges                                                                                                 Confidential Treatment and Expedited
                                                                                                        review in the Commission’s Public
                                                Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP                                                                                Action of Playa Solar 1, LLC, et. al.
                                                                                                        Reference Room in Washington, DC.                         Filed Date: 6/22/18.
                                                1919 M Street, NW, 8th Floor                            There is an eSubscription link on the
                                                Washington, DC 20036                                                                                              Accession Number: 20180622–5069.
                                                (202) 730–1313
                                                                                                        website that enables subscribers to                       Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/13/18.
                                                                                                        receive email notification when a
                                                Counsel to LG Electronics USA, Inc.                                                                               Take notice that the Commission
                                                                                                        document is added to a subscribed
                                                April 6, 2018                                                                                                  received the following electric rate
                                                                                                        docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
                                                Appendix                                                Online service, please email
                                                                                                        FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or call                       Docket Numbers: ER10–2739–022;
                                                  The waiver and interim waiver                         (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call              ER14–1219–009; ER16–1732–008;
                                                requested herein should apply to testing                (202) 502–8659.                                        ER17–993–007; ER18–95–004; ER10–
                                                and rating of the following basic models                                                                       2729–009; ER17–989–007; ER10–1892–
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                           Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern
                                                that are manufactured by LG:                            Time on July 13, 2018.                                 009; ER10–1854–014; ER17–990–007;
                                                LW2217IVSM                                                                                                     ER17–1946–007; ER17–991–007; ER16–
                                                                                                          Dated: June 22, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                               1652–010; ER11–3320–014; ER10–2744–
                                                LW1817IVSM                                              Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,                               015; ER16–2406–008; ER16–2405–008;
                                                LW1517IVSM                                              Deputy Secretary.                                      ER13–2316–012; ER17–992–007; ER10–
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–14030 Filed 6–28–18; 8:45 am]             [FR Doc. 2018–13960 Filed 6–28–18; 8:45 am]            2678–015; ER10–1631–014; ER14–19–
                                                BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                  BILLING CODE 6717–01–P                                 013.

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Document Created: 2018-06-29 01:12:55
Document Modified: 2018-06-29 01:12:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of petition for waiver and grant of an interim waiver, and request for comments.
DatesWritten comments and information are requested and will be accepted on or before July 30, 2018.
ContactMs. Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mailstop EE-5B, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. E-mail: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 30717 

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