83_FR_31785 83 FR 31654 - Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological and Ethnological Material From Libya

83 FR 31654 - Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological and Ethnological Material From Libya

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 131 (July 9, 2018)

Page Range31654-31659
FR Document2018-14637

This document amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to continue the import restrictions on archaeological and ethnological material from Libya previously imposed on an emergency basis in a final rule published on December 5, 2017. These restrictions are being imposed pursuant to an agreement between the United States and Libya that has been entered into under the authority of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act. The document also contains the Designated List of Archaeological and Ethnological Material of Libya that describes the articles to which the restrictions apply. Accordingly, this document amends the CBP regulations by removing Libya from the listing of countries for which emergency actions imposed the import restrictions, and adding Libya to the list of countries for which an agreement has been entered into for imposing import restrictions.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 131 (Monday, July 9, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 131 (Monday, July 9, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 31654-31659]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14637]



U.S. Customs and Border Protection


19 CFR Part 12

[CBP Dec. 18-07]
RIN 1515-AE38

Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological and Ethnological 
Material From Libya

AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Department of Homeland 
Security; Department of the Treasury.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This document amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection 
(CBP) regulations to continue the import restrictions on archaeological 
and ethnological material from Libya previously imposed on an emergency 
basis in a final rule published on December 5, 2017. These restrictions 
are being imposed pursuant to an agreement between the United States 
and Libya that has been entered into under the authority of the 
Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act. The document also 
contains the Designated List of Archaeological and Ethnological 
Material of Libya that describes the articles to which the restrictions 
apply. Accordingly, this document amends the CBP regulations by 
removing Libya from the listing of countries for which emergency 
actions imposed the import restrictions, and adding Libya to the list 
of countries for which an agreement has been entered into for imposing 
import restrictions.

DATES: Effective Date: July 9, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For regulatory aspects, Lisa L. 
Burley, Chief, Cargo Security, Carriers and Restricted Merchandise 
Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade, (202) 325-0030, [email protected]. For operational aspects, William R. 
Scopa, Branch Chief, Partner Government Agency Branch, Trade Policy and 
Programs, Office of Trade, (202) 863-6554, [email protected].



    Pursuant to the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act, 
Pub. L. 97-446, 19 U.S.C. 2601 et seq. (hereinafter, ``the Cultural 
Property Implementation Act'' or ``the Act''), which implements the 
1970 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 
(UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the 
Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 
(hereinafter, ``1970 UNESCO Convention'' or ``the Convention'' (823 
U.N.T.S. 231 (1972))), the United States may enter into international 
agreements with another State Party to the 1970 UNESCO Convention to 
impose import restrictions on eligible archaeological and ethnological 
material under procedures and requirements prescribed by the Act. In 
certain limited circumstances, the Cultural Property Implementation Act 
authorizes the imposition of restrictions on an emergency basis (19 
U.S.C. 2603). The emergency restrictions are effective for no more than 
five years from the date of the State Party's request and may be 
extended for three years where it is determined that the emergency 
condition continues to apply with respect to the covered material (19 
U.S.C. 2603(c)(3)). These restrictions may also be continued pursuant 
to an agreement concluded within the meaning of the Act (19 U.S.C. 
    Libya has been one of the countries whose archaeological and 
ethnological material has been afforded emergency protection. On 
December 5, 2017, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a 
final rule, CBP Dec. 17-19, in the Federal Register (82 FR 57346) which 
amended CBP regulations in 19 CFR 12.104g(b) to reflect that 
archaeological material and ethnological material from Libya received 
import protection under the emergency protection provisions of the Act.
    Import restrictions are now being imposed on the same categories of 
archaeological and ethnological material from Libya as a result of a 
bilateral agreement entered into between the United States and Libya. 
This agreement was entered into on February 23, 2018, pursuant to the 
provisions of 19 U.S.C. 2602. Protection of the archaeological and 
ethnological material from Libya

[[Page 31655]]

previously reflected in Sec.  12.104g(b) will be continued through the 
bilateral agreement without interruption. Accordingly, Sec.  12.104g(a) 
of the CBP regulations is being amended to indicate that restrictions 
have been imposed pursuant to the agreement between the United States 
and Libya, and the emergency import restrictions on certain categories 
of archaeological and ethnological material from Libya are being 
removed from Sec.  12.104g(b) as those restrictions are now encompassed 
in Sec.  12.104g(a).
    In reaching the decision to recommend that negotiations for an 
agreement with Libya should be undertaken to continue the imposition of 
import restrictions on certain archaeological and ethnological material 
of Libya, the Acting Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public 
Affairs, State Department, after consultation with and recommendations 
by the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, determined that the 
cultural heritage of Libya is in jeopardy from pillage of certain 
categories of archaeological and ethnological material, and that import 
restrictions should be imposed for a five-year period until February 
23, 2023. Importation of such material continues to be restricted 
through that date unless the conditions set forth in 19 U.S.C. 2606 and 
19 CFR 12.104c are met.

Designated List

    The bilateral agreement between Libya and the United States covers 
the material set forth below in a Designated List of Archaeological and 
Ethnological Material of Libya. Importation of material on this list is 
restricted unless the material is accompanied by documentation 
certifying that the material left Libya legally and not in violation of 
the export laws of Libya.
    The Designated List covers archaeological material of Libya and 
Ottoman ethnological material of Libya (as defined in section 302 of 
the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 
2601)), including, but not limited to, the following types of material. 
The archaeological material represents the following periods and 
cultures: Paleolithic, Neolithic, Punic, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, 
Islamic and Ottoman dating approximately 12,000 B.C. to 1750 A.D. The 
ethnological material represents categories of Ottoman objects derived 
from sites of Islamic cultural importance, made by a nonindustrial 
society (Ottoman Libya), and important to the knowledge of the history 
of Islamic Ottoman society in Libya from 1551 A.D. through 1911 A.D.
    The Designated List set forth below is representative only. Any 
dimensions are approximate.

I. Archaeological Material

A. Stone

    1. Sculpture
    a. Architectural Elements--In marble, limestone, sandstone, and 
gypsum, in addition to porphyry and granite. From temples, forts, 
palaces, mosques, synagogues, churches, shrines, tombs, monuments, 
public buildings, and domestic dwellings, including doors, door frames, 
window fittings, columns, capitals, bases, lintels, jambs, friezes, 
pilasters, engaged columns, altars, mihrabs (prayer niches), screens, 
fountains, mosaics, inlays, and blocks from walls, floors, and 
ceilings. May be plain, molded, or carved. Often decorated with motifs 
and inscriptions. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 1750 A.D.
    b. Architectural and Non-architectural Relief Sculpture--In marble, 
limestone, sandstone, and other stone. Types include carved slabs with 
figural, vegetative, floral, geometric, or other decorative motifs, 
carved relief vases, stelae, and plaques, sometimes inscribed in Greek, 
Punic, Latin, or Arabic. Used for architectural decoration, funerary, 
votive, or commemorative monuments. Approximate date: 1st millennium 
B.C. to 1750 A.D.
    c. Monuments--In marble, limestone, and other kinds of stone. Types 
include votive statues, funerary and votive stelae, and bases and base 
revetments. These may be painted, carved with relief sculpture, 
decorated with moldings, and/or carry dedicatory or funerary 
inscriptions in Greek, Punic, Latin, or Arabic. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 1750 A.D.
    d. Statuary--Primarily in marble, but also in limestone and 
sandstone. Large- and small-scale, including deities, human, animal, 
and hybrid figures, as well as groups of figures in the round. Common 
types are large-scale and free-standing statuary from approximately 3 
to 8 ft. in height, life-sized portrait or funerary busts (head and 
shoulders of an individual), waist-length female busts that are either 
faceless (aniconic) and/or veiled (head or face), and statuettes 
typically 1 to 3 ft. in height. Includes fragments of statues. 
Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 1750 A.D.
    e. Sepulchers--In marble, limestone, and other kinds of stone. 
Types of burial containers include sarcophagi, caskets, and chest urns. 
May be plain or have figural, geometric, or floral motifs painted on 
them, be carved in relief, and/or have decorative moldings. Approximate 
date: 1st millennium B.C. to 1750 A.D.
    2. Vessels and Containers--In marble and other stone. Vessels may 
belong to conventional shapes such as bowls, cups, jars, jugs, lamps, 
and flasks, and also include smaller funerary urns. Funerary urns can 
be egg-shaped vases with button-topped covers and may have sculpted 
portraits, painted geometric motifs, inscriptions, scroll-like handles 
and/or be ribbed.
    3. Furniture--In marble and other stone. Types include thrones, 
tables, and beds. May be funerary, but do not have to be. Approximate 
date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    4. Inscriptions--Primarily in marble and limestone. Inscribed stone 
material date from the late 7th century B.C. to 5th century A.D. May 
include funerary stelae, votive plaques, tombstones, mosaic floors, and 
building plaques in Greek, Punic, Latin, or Arabic. Approximate date: 
1st millennium B.C. to 1750 A.D.
    5. Tools and Weapons--In flint, chert, obsidian, and other hard 
stones. Prehistoric and Protohistoric microliths (small stone tools). 
Chipped stone types include blades, borers, scrapers, sickles, cores, 
and arrow heads. Ground stone types include grinders (e.g., mortars, 
pestles, millstones, whetstones), choppers, axes, hammers, and mace 
heads. Approximate date: 12,000 B.C. to 1,400 B.C.
    6. Jewelry, Seals, and Beads--In marble, limestone, and various 
semi-precious stones, including rock crystal, amethyst, jasper, agate, 
steatite, and carnelian. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 12th 
century A.D.

B. Metal

    1. Sculpture
    a. Statuary--Primarily in bronze, iron, silver, or gold, including 
fragments of statues. Large- and small-scale, including deities, human, 
and animal figures, as well as groups of figures in the round. Common 
types are large-scale, free-standing statuary from approximately 3 to 8 
ft. in height and life-size busts (head and shoulders of an individual) 
and statuettes typically 1 to 3 ft. in height. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 324 A.D.
    b. Reliefs--Relief sculpture, including plaques, appliques, stelae, 
and masks. Often in bronze. May include Greek, Punic, Latin, and Arabic 
inscriptions. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 324 A.D.
    c. Inscribed or Decorated Sheet--In bronze or lead. Engraved 
inscriptions, ``curse tablets,'' and thin metal sheets

[[Page 31656]]

with engraved or impressed designs often used as attachments to 
furniture. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    2. Vessels and Containers--In bronze, silver, and gold. These may 
belong to conventional shapes such as bowls, cups, jars, jugs, 
strainers, cauldrons, and oil lamps, or may occur in the shape of an 
animal or part of an animal. Also include scroll and manuscript 
containers for manuscripts. All can portray deities, humans or animals, 
as well as floral motifs in relief. Islamic Period objects may be 
inscribed in Arabic. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th 
century A.D.
    3. Jewelry and Other Items for Personal Adornment--In iron, bronze, 
silver, and gold. Metal can be inlaid (with items such as red coral, 
colored stones, and glass). Types include necklaces, chokers, 
pectorals, rings, beads, pendants, belts, belt buckles, earrings, 
diadems, straight pins and fibulae, bracelets, anklets, girdles, belts, 
mirrors, wreaths and crowns, make-up accessories and tools, metal 
strigils (scrapers), crosses, and lamp-holders. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    4. Seals--In lead, tin, copper, bronze, silver, and gold. Types 
include rings, amulets, and seals with shank. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    5. Tools--In copper, bronze and iron. Types include hooks, weights, 
axes, scrapers, trowels, keys and the tools of crafts persons such as 
carpenters, masons and metal smiths. Approximate date: 1st millennium 
B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    6. Weapons and Armor--Body armor, including helmets, cuirasses, 
shin guards, and shields, and horse armor often decorated with 
elaborate engraved, embossed, or perforated designs. Both launching 
weapons (spears and javelins) and weapons for hand to hand combat 
(swords, daggers, etc.). Approximate date: 8th century B.C. to 4th 
century A.D.
    7. Coins
    a. General--Examples of many of the coins found in ancient Libya 
may be found in: A. Burnett and others, Roman Provincial Coinage, 
multiple volumes (British Museum Press and the Biblioth[egrave]que 
Nationale de France, 1992-), R. S. Poole and others, Catalogue of Greek 
Coins in the British Museum, volumes 1-29 (British Museum Trustees 
1873-1927) and H. Mattingly and others, Coins of the Roman Empire in 
the British Museum, volumes 1-6 (British Museum Trustees 1923-62). For 
Byzantine coins, see Grierson, Philip, Byzantine Coins, London, 1982. 
For publication of examples of coins circulating in archaeological 
sites, see La moneta di Cirene e della Cirenaica nel Mediterraneo. 
Problemi e Prospettive, Atti del V Congresso Internazionale di 
Numismatica e di Storia Monetaria, Padova, 17-19 marzo 2016, Padova 
2016 (Numismatica Patavina, 13).
    b. Greek Bronze Coins--Struck by city-states of the Pentapolis, 
Carthage and the Ptolemaic kingdom that operated in territory of the 
Cyrenaica in eastern Libya. Approximate date: 4th century B.C. to late 
1st century B.C.
    c. Greek Silver and Gold Coins--This category includes coins of the 
city-states of the Pentapolis in the Cyrenaica and the Ptolemaic 
Kingdom. Coins from the city-state of Cyrene often bear an image of the 
silphium plant. Such coins date from the late 6th century B.C. to late 
1st century B.C.
    d. Roman Coins--In silver and bronze, struck at Roman and Roman 
provincial mints including Apollonia, Barca, Balagrae, Berenice, 
Cyrene, Ptolemais, Leptis Magna, Oea, and Sabratha. Approximate date: 
late 3rd century B.C. to 1st century A.D.
    e. Byzantine Coins--In bronze, silver, and gold by Byzantine 
emperors. Struck in Constantinople and other mints. From 4th century 
A.D. through 1396 A.D.
    f. Islamic Coins--In bronze, silver, and gold. Dinars with Arabic 
inscriptions inside a circle or square, may be surrounded with symbols. 
Struck at mints in Libya (Barqa) and adjacent regions. From 642 A.D. to 
15th century A.D.
    g. Ottoman--Struck at mints in Istanbul and Libya's neighboring 
regions. Approximate date: 1551 A.D. through 1750 A.D.

C. Ceramic and Clay

    1. Sculpture
    a. Architectural Elements--Baked clay (terracotta) elements used to 
decorate buildings. Elements include acroteria, antefixes, painted and 
relief plaques, revetments. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 30 
    b. Architectural Decorations--Including carved and molded brick, 
and tile wall ornaments and panels.
    c. Statuary--Large- and small-scale. Subject matter is varied and 
includes deities, human and animal figures, human body parts, and 
groups of figures in the round. May be brightly colored. These range 
from approximately 4 to 40 in. in height. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 3rd century A.D.
    d. Terracotta Figurines--Terracotta statues and statuettes, 
including deities, human, and animal figures, as well as groups of 
figures in the round. Late 7th century B.C. to 3rd century A.D.
    2. Vessels
    a. Neolithic Pottery--Handmade, often decorated with a lustrous 
burnish, decorated with applique[acute] and/or incision, sometimes with 
added paint. These come in a variety of shapes from simple bowls and 
vases to large storage jars. Approximate date: 10th millennium B.C. to 
3rd millennium B.C.
    b. Greek Pottery--Includes both local and imported fine and coarse 
wares and amphorae. Also imported Attic Black Figure, Red Figure and 
White Ground Pottery--these are made in a specific set of shapes (e.g., 
amphorae, kraters, hydriae, oinochoi, kylikes) decorated with black 
painted figures on a clear clay ground (Black Figure), decorative 
elements in reserve with background fired black (Red Figure), and 
multi-colored figures painted on a white ground (White Ground). 
Corinthian Pottery--Imported painted pottery made in Corinth in a 
specific range of shapes for perfume and unguents and for drinking or 
pouring liquids. The very characteristic painted and incised designs 
depict human and animal figural scenes, rows of animals, and floral 
decoration. Approximate date: 8th century B.C. to 6th century B.C.
    c. Punic and Roman Pottery--Includes fine and coarse wares, 
including terra sigillata and other red gloss wares, and cooking wares 
and mortaria, storage and shipping amphorae.
    d. Byzantine Pottery--Includes undecorated plain wares, lamps, 
utilitarian, tableware, serving and storage jars, amphorae, special 
shapes such as pilgrim flasks. Can be matte painted or glazed, 
including incised ``sgraffitto'' and stamped with elaborate polychrome 
decorations using floral, geometric, human, and animal motifs. 
Approximate date: 324 A.D. to 15th century A.D.
    e. Islamic and Ottoman Pottery--Includes plain or utilitarian wares 
as well as painted wares.
    f. Oil Lamps and Molds--Rounded bodies with a hole on the top and 
in the nozzle, handles or lugs and figural motifs (beading, rosette, 
silphium). Include glazed ceramic mosque lamps, which may have a 
straight or round bulbous body with flared top, and several branches. 
Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    3. Objects of Daily Use--Including game pieces, loom weights, toys, 
and lamps.

[[Page 31657]]

D. Glass, Faience, and Semi-Precious Stone

    1. Architectural Elements--Mosaics and glass windows.
    2. Vessels--Shapes include small jars, bowls, animal shaped, 
goblet, spherical, candle holders, perfume jars (unguentaria), and 
mosque lamps. Those from prehistory and ancient history may be engraved 
and/or colorless or blue, green or orange, while those from the Islamic 
Period may include animal, floral, and/or geometric motifs. Approximate 
date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    3. Beads--Globular and relief beads. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    4. Mosque Lamps--May have a straight or round bulbous body with 
flared top, and several branches. Approximate date: 642 A.D. to 1750 

E. Mosaic

    1. Floor Mosaics--Including landscapes, scenes of deities, humans, 
or animals, and activities such as hunting and fishing. There may also 
be vegetative, floral, or geometric motifs and imitations of stone. 
Often have religious imagery. They are made from stone cut into small 
bits (tesserae) and laid into a plaster matrix. Approximate date: 5th 
century B.C. to 4th century A.D.
    2. Wall and Ceiling Mosaics--Generally portray similar motifs as 
seen in floor mosaics. Similar technique to floor mosaics, but may 
include tesserae of both stone and glass. Approximate date: 5th century 
B.C. to 4th century A.D.

F. Painting

    1. Rock Art--Painted and incised drawings on natural rock surfaces. 
There may be human, animal, geometric and/or floral motifs. Include 
fragments. Approximate date: 12,000 B.C. to 100 A.D.
    2. Wall Painting--With figurative (deities, humans, animals), 
floral, and/or geometric motifs, as well as funerary scenes. These are 
painted on stone, mud plaster, lime plaster (wet--buon fresco--and 
dry--secco fresco), sometimes to imitate marble. May be on domestic or 
public walls as well as in tombs. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. 
to 1551 A.D.
G. Plaster--Stucco reliefs, plaques, stelae, and inlays or other 
architectural decoration in stucco.

H. Textiles, Basketry, and Rope

    1. Textiles--Linen cloth was used in Greco-Roman times for mummy 
wrapping, shrouds, garments, and sails. Islamic textiles in linen and 
wool, including garments and hangings.
    2. Basketry--Plant fibers were used to make baskets and containers 
in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as sandals and mats.
    3. Rope--Rope and string were used for a great variety of purposes, 
including binding, lifting water for irrigation, fishing nets, 
measuring, and stringing beads for jewelry and garments.

I. Bone, Ivory, Shell, and Other Organics

    1. Small Statuary and Figurines--Subject matter includes human, 
animal, and hybrid figures, and parts thereof as well as groups of 
figures in the round. These range from approximately 4 to 40 in. in 
height. Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    2. Reliefs, Plaques, Stelae, and Inlays--Carved and sculpted. May 
have figurative, floral and/or geometric motifs.
    3. Personal Ornaments and Objects of Daily Use--In bone, ivory, and 
spondylus shell. Types include amulets, combs, pins, spoons, small 
containers, bracelets, buckles, and beads. Approximate date: 1st 
millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
    4. Seals and Stamps--Small devices with at least one side engraved 
with a design for stamping or sealing; they can be discoid, cuboid, 
conoid, or in the shape of animals or fantastic creatures (e.g., a 
scarab). Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C. to 2nd millennium B.C.
    5. Luxury Objects--Ivory, bone, and shell were used either alone or 
as inlays in luxury objects including furniture, chests and boxes, 
writing and painting equipment, musical instruments, games, cosmetic 
containers, combs, jewelry, amulets, seals, and vessels made of ostrich 
egg shell.
J. Wood--Items such as tablets (tabulae), sometimes pierced with holes 
on the borders and with text written in ink on one or both faces, 
typically small in size (4 to 12 in. in length), recording sales of 
property (such as slaves, animals, grain) and other legal documents 
such as testaments. Approximate date: late 2nd to 4th centuries A.D.

II. Ottoman Ethnological Material

A. Stone

    1. Architectural Elements--The most common stones are marble, 
limestone, and sandstone. From sites such as forts, palaces, mosques, 
shrines, tombs, and monuments, including doors, door frames, window 
fittings, columns, capitals, bases, lintels, jambs, friezes, pilasters, 
engaged columns, altars, mihrabs (prayer niches), screens, fountains, 
mosaics, inlays, and blocks from walls, floors, and ceilings. Often 
decorated in relief with religious motifs.
    2. Architectural and Non-architectural Relief Sculpture--In marble, 
limestone, and sandstone. Types include carved slabs with religious, 
figural, floral, or geometric motifs, as well as plaques and stelae, 
sometimes inscribed.
    3. Statuary--Primarily in marble, but also in limestone and 
sandstone. Large- and small-scale, such as human (including historical 
portraits or busts) and animal figures.
    4. Sepulchers--In marble, limestone, and other kinds of stone. 
Types of burial containers include sarcophagi, caskets, coffins, and 
chest urns. May be plain or have figural, geometric, or floral motifs 
painted on them, be carved in relief, and/or have decorative moldings.
    5. Inscriptions, Memorial Stones, and Tombstones--Primarily in 
marble, most frequently engraved with Arabic script.
    6. Vessels and Containers--Include stone lamps and containers such 
as those used in religious services, as well as smaller funerary urns.

B. Metal

    1. Architectural Elements--Primarily copper, brass, lead, and 
alloys. From sites such as forts, palaces, mosques, shrines, tombs, and 
monuments, including doors, door fixtures, other lathes, chandeliers, 
screens, and sheets to protect domes.
    2. Architectural and Non-architectural Relief Sculpture--Primarily 
bronze and brass. Includes appliques, plaques, and stelae. Often with 
religious, figural, floral, or geometric motifs. May have inscriptions 
in Arabic.
    3. Vessels and Containers--In brass, copper, silver, or gold, 
plain, engraved, or hammered. Types include jugs, pitchers, plates, 
cups, lamps, and containers used for religious services (like Qur'an 
boxes). Often engraved or otherwise decorated.
    4. Jewelry and Personal Adornments--In a wide variety of metals 
such as iron, brass, copper, silver, and gold. Includes rings and ring 
seals, head ornaments, earrings, pendants, amulets, bracelets, 
talismans, and belt buckles. May be adorned with inlaid beads, 
gemstones, and leather.
    5. Weapons and Armor--Often in iron or steel. Includes daggers, 
swords, saifs, scimitars, other blades, with or without sheaths, as 
well as spears, firearms, and cannons. Ottoman types may be inlaid with 
gemstones, embellished with silver or gold, or engraved with floral or 
geometric motifs and inscriptions. Grips or hilts may be made of metal, 
wood, or

[[Page 31658]]

even semi-precious stones such as agate, and bound with leather. Armor 
consisting of small metal scales, originally sewn to a backing of cloth 
or leather, and augmented by helmets, body armor, shields, and horse 
    6. Ceremonial Paraphernalia--Including boxes (such as Qur'an 
boxes), plaques, pendants, candelabra, stamp and seal rings.
    7. Musical Instruments--In a wide variety of metals. Includes 
cymbals and trumpets.

C. Ceramic and Clay

    1. Architectural Decorations--Including carved and molded brick, 
and engraved and/or painted tile wall ornaments and panels, sometimes 
with Arabic script. May be from forts, palaces, mosques, shrines, 
tombs, or monuments.
    2. Vessels and Containers--Includes glazed, molded, and painted 
ceramics. Types include boxes, plates, lamps, jars, and flasks. May be 
plain or decorated with floral or geometric patterns, or Arabic script, 
primarily using blue, green, brown, black, or yellow colors.

D. Wood

    1. Architectural Elements--From sites such as forts, palaces, 
mosques, shrines, tombs, monuments, and madrassas, including doors, 
door fixtures, panels, beams, balconies, stages, screens, ceilings, and 
tent posts. Types include doors, door frames, windows, window frames, 
walls, panels, beams, ceilings, and balconies. May be decorated with 
religious, geometric or floral motifs or Arabic script.
    2. Architectural and Non-architectural Relief Sculpture--Carved and 
inlaid wood panels, rooms, beams, balconies, stages, panels, ceilings, 
and doors, frequently decorated with religious, floral, or geometric 
motifs. May have script in Arabic or other languages.
    3. Qur'an Boxes--May be carved and inlaid, with decorations in 
religious, floral, or geometric motifs, or Arabic script.
    4. Study Tablets--Arabic inscribed training boards for teaching the 

E. Bone and Ivory

    1. Ceremonial Paraphernalia--Types include boxes, reliquaries (and 
their contents), plaques, pendants, candelabra, stamp and seal rings.
    2. Inlays--For religious decorative and architectural elements.

F. Glass--Vessels and containers in glass from mosques, shrines, tombs, 
and monuments, including glass and enamel mosque lamps and ritual 

G. Textiles--In linen, silk, and wool. Religious textiles and fragments 
from mosques, shrines, tombs, and monuments, including garments, 
hangings, prayer rugs, and shrine covers.

H. Leather and Parchment

    1. Books and Manuscripts--Either as sheets or bound volumes. Text 
is often written on vellum or other parchment (cattle, sheep, goat, or 
camel) and then gathered in leather bindings. Paper may also be used. 
Types include the Qur'an and other Islamic books and manuscripts, often 
written in brown ink, and then further embellished with colorful floral 
or geometric motifs.
    2. Musical Instruments--Leather drums of various sizes (e.g., 
bendir drums used in Sufi rituals, wedding processions and Mal'uf 

I. Painting and Drawing--Ottoman Period paintings may depict courtly 
themes (e.g., rulers, musicians, riders on horses) and city views, 
among other topics.

Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed Effective Date

    This amendment involves a foreign affairs function of the United 
States and is, therefore, being made without notice or public procedure 
under 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1). For the same reason, a delayed effective date 
is not required under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3).

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    Because no notice of proposed rulemaking is required, the 
provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do 
not apply.

Executive Orders 12866 and 13771

    CBP has determined that this document is not a regulation or rule 
subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12866 or Executive Order 
13771 because it pertains to a foreign affairs function of the United 
States, as described above, and therefore is specifically exempted by 
section 3(d)(2) of Executive Order 12866 and section 4(a) of Executive 
Order 13771.

Signing Authority

    This regulation is being issued in accordance with 19 CFR 
0.1(a)(1), pertaining to the Secretary of the Treasury's authority (or 
that of his/her delegate) to approve regulations related to customs 
revenue functions.

List of Subjects in 19 CFR Part 12

    Cultural property, Customs duties and inspection, Imports, 
Prohibited merchandise.

Amendment to CBP Regulations

    For the reasons set forth above, part 12 of title 19 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations (19 CFR part 12) is amended as set forth below:


1. The general authority citation for part 12 and the specific 
authority citation for Sec.  12.104g continue to read as follows:

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), 
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)), 1624;
* * * * *

    Sections 12.104 through 12.104i also issued under 19 U.S.C. 
* * * * *

2. In Sec.  12.104g:
a. The table in paragraph (a) is amended by adding the entry for Libya 
in appropriate alphabetical order; and
b. The table in paragraph (b) is amended by removing the entry for 
``Libya'' in its entirety, but retaining the table headings.
    The addition reads as follows:

Sec.  12.104g   Specific items or categories designated by agreements 
or emergency actions.

* * * * *
    (a) * * *

               State party                             Cultural property                     Decision No.
                                                  * * * * * * *
Libya...................................  Archaeological and ethnological material    CBP Dec. 18-07.
                                           from Libya.
                                                  * * * * * * *

[[Page 31659]]

Kevin K. McAleenan,
Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
    Approved: July 3, 2018.
Timothy E. Skud,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. 2018-14637 Filed 7-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                              31654                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              Regulatory Notices and Analyses                             AGL WI E2 Mineral Point, WI [Amended]                 William R. Scopa, Branch Chief, Partner
                                                 The FAA has determined that this                         Iowa County Airport, WI                               Government Agency Branch, Trade
                                              regulation only involves an established                       (Lat. 42°53′13″ N, long. 90°14′12″ W)               Policy and Programs, Office of Trade,
                                              body of technical regulations for which                       Within a 4.1-mile radius of Iowa County             (202) 863–6554, William.R.Scopa@
                                              frequent and routine amendments are                         Airport.                                              cbp.dhs.gov.
                                              necessary to keep them operationally                          Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on June 28,            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              current, is non-controversial and                           2018.
                                              unlikely to result in adverse or negative                   Walter Tweedy,
                                              comments. It, therefore: (1) Is not a                       Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,                Pursuant to the Convention on
                                              ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under                     ATO Central Service Center.                           Cultural Property Implementation Act,
                                              Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a                         [FR Doc. 2018–14529 Filed 7–6–18; 8:45 am]            Pub. L. 97–446, 19 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
                                              ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT                              BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                (hereinafter, ‘‘the Cultural Property
                                              Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44                                                                            Implementation Act’’ or ‘‘the Act’’),
                                              FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)                                                                             which implements the 1970 United
                                              does not warrant preparation of a                           DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                Nations Educational, Scientific and
                                              regulatory evaluation as the anticipated                    SECURITY                                              Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
                                              impact is so minimal. Since this is a                                                                             Convention on the Means of Prohibiting
                                              routine matter that only affects air traffic                U.S. Customs and Border Protection                    and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export
                                              procedures and air navigation, it is                                                                              and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural
                                              certified that this rule, when                              DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                            Property (hereinafter, ‘‘1970 UNESCO
                                              promulgated, does not have a significant                                                                          Convention’’ or ‘‘the Convention’’ (823
                                              economic impact on a substantial                            19 CFR Part 12                                        U.N.T.S. 231 (1972))), the United States
                                              number of small entities under the                                                                                may enter into international agreements
                                              criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.                 [CBP Dec. 18–07]
                                                                                                                                                                with another State Party to the 1970
                                              Environmental Review                                        RIN 1515–AE38                                         UNESCO Convention to impose import
                                                                                                                                                                restrictions on eligible archaeological
                                                 The FAA has determined that this                         Import Restrictions Imposed on                        and ethnological material under
                                              action qualifies for categorical exclusion                  Archaeological and Ethnological                       procedures and requirements prescribed
                                              under the National Environmental                            Material From Libya                                   by the Act. In certain limited
                                              Policy Act in accordance with FAA                                                                                 circumstances, the Cultural Property
                                              Order 1050.1F, ‘‘Environmental                              AGENCY:  U.S. Customs and Border
                                                                                                          Protection; Department of Homeland                    Implementation Act authorizes the
                                              Impacts: Policies and Procedures,’’                                                                               imposition of restrictions on an
                                              paragraph 5–6.5.a. This airspace action                     Security; Department of the Treasury.
                                                                                                                                                                emergency basis (19 U.S.C. 2603). The
                                              is not expected to cause any potentially                    ACTION: Final rule.                                   emergency restrictions are effective for
                                              significant environmental impacts, and                                                                            no more than five years from the date
                                              no extraordinary circumstances exist                        SUMMARY:    This document amends the
                                                                                                          U.S. Customs and Border Protection                    of the State Party’s request and may be
                                              that warrant preparation of an                                                                                    extended for three years where it is
                                              environmental assessment.                                   (CBP) regulations to continue the import
                                                                                                          restrictions on archaeological and                    determined that the emergency
                                              Lists of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71                         ethnological material from Libya                      condition continues to apply with
                                                Airspace, Incorporation by reference,                     previously imposed on an emergency                    respect to the covered material (19
                                              Navigation (air).                                           basis in a final rule published on                    U.S.C. 2603(c)(3)). These restrictions
                                                                                                          December 5, 2017. These restrictions are              may also be continued pursuant to an
                                              Adoption of the Amendment                                                                                         agreement concluded within the
                                                                                                          being imposed pursuant to an agreement
                                                In consideration of the foregoing, the                    between the United States and Libya                   meaning of the Act (19 U.S.C.
                                              Federal Aviation Administration                             that has been entered into under the                  2603(c)(4)).
                                              amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:                           authority of the Convention on Cultural                  Libya has been one of the countries
                                                                                                          Property Implementation Act. The                      whose archaeological and ethnological
                                              PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A,                                                                                   material has been afforded emergency
                                                                                                          document also contains the Designated
                                              B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR                                                                                protection. On December 5, 2017, U.S.
                                                                                                          List of Archaeological and Ethnological
                                              TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND                                                                                       Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
                                                                                                          Material of Libya that describes the
                                              REPORTING POINTS                                                                                                  published a final rule, CBP Dec. 17–19,
                                                                                                          articles to which the restrictions apply.
                                                                                                          Accordingly, this document amends the                 in the Federal Register (82 FR 57346)
                                              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 71                                                                           which amended CBP regulations in 19
                                              continues to read as follows:                               CBP regulations by removing Libya from
                                                                                                          the listing of countries for which                    CFR 12.104g(b) to reflect that
                                                Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,                                                                     archaeological material and ethnological
                                              40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,                emergency actions imposed the import
                                                                                                          restrictions, and adding Libya to the list            material from Libya received import
                                              1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.                                                                                          protection under the emergency
                                                                                                          of countries for which an agreement has
                                              § 71.1       [Amended]                                      been entered into for imposing import                 protection provisions of the Act.
                                                                                                          restrictions.                                            Import restrictions are now being
                                              ■ 2. The incorporation by reference in                                                                            imposed on the same categories of
                                              14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11B,                          DATES:   Effective Date: July 9, 2018.                archaeological and ethnological material
                                              Airspace Designations and Reporting
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:     For              from Libya as a result of a bilateral
                                              Points, dated August 3, 2017, and
                                                                                                          regulatory aspects, Lisa L. Burley, Chief,            agreement entered into between the
                                              effective September 15, 2017, is
                                                                                                          Cargo Security, Carriers and Restricted               United States and Libya. This agreement
                                              amended as follows:
                                                                                                          Merchandise Branch, Regulations and                   was entered into on February 23, 2018,
                                              Paragraph 6002 Class E Airspace                             Rulings, Office of Trade, (202) 325–                  pursuant to the provisions of 19 U.S.C.
                                              Designated as Surface Areas.                                0030, ot-otrrculturalproperty@                        2602. Protection of the archaeological
                                              *        *      *       *       *                           cbp.dhs.gov. For operational aspects,                 and ethnological material from Libya

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014      16:03 Jul 06, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00012   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\09JYR1.SGM   09JYR1

                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          31655

                                              previously reflected in § 12.104g(b) will                  The Designated List set forth below is              painted on them, be carved in relief,
                                              be continued through the bilateral                       representative only. Any dimensions are               and/or have decorative moldings.
                                              agreement without interruption.                          approximate.                                          Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.
                                              Accordingly, § 12.104g(a) of the CBP                                                                           to 1750 A.D.
                                                                                                       I. Archaeological Material                               2. Vessels and Containers—In marble
                                              regulations is being amended to indicate
                                              that restrictions have been imposed                      A. Stone                                              and other stone. Vessels may belong to
                                              pursuant to the agreement between the                       1. Sculpture                                       conventional shapes such as bowls,
                                              United States and Libya, and the                            a. Architectural Elements—In marble,               cups, jars, jugs, lamps, and flasks, and
                                              emergency import restrictions on certain                 limestone, sandstone, and gypsum, in                  also include smaller funerary urns.
                                              categories of archaeological and                         addition to porphyry and granite. From                Funerary urns can be egg-shaped vases
                                              ethnological material from Libya are                     temples, forts, palaces, mosques,                     with button-topped covers and may
                                              being removed from § 12.104g(b) as                       synagogues, churches, shrines, tombs,                 have sculpted portraits, painted
                                              those restrictions are now encompassed                   monuments, public buildings, and                      geometric motifs, inscriptions, scroll-
                                              in § 12.104g(a).                                         domestic dwellings, including doors,                  like handles and/or be ribbed.
                                                 In reaching the decision to                                                                                    3. Furniture—In marble and other
                                                                                                       door frames, window fittings, columns,
                                              recommend that negotiations for an                                                                             stone. Types include thrones, tables,
                                                                                                       capitals, bases, lintels, jambs, friezes,
                                              agreement with Libya should be                                                                                 and beds. May be funerary, but do not
                                                                                                       pilasters, engaged columns, altars,
                                              undertaken to continue the imposition                                                                          have to be. Approximate date: 1st
                                                                                                       mihrabs (prayer niches), screens,
                                              of import restrictions on certain                                                                              millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
                                                                                                       fountains, mosaics, inlays, and blocks                   4. Inscriptions—Primarily in marble
                                              archaeological and ethnological material                 from walls, floors, and ceilings. May be
                                              of Libya, the Acting Under Secretary for                                                                       and limestone. Inscribed stone material
                                                                                                       plain, molded, or carved. Often                       date from the late 7th century B.C. to
                                              Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs,                     decorated with motifs and inscriptions.
                                              State Department, after consultation                                                                           5th century A.D. May include funerary
                                                                                                       Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                 stelae, votive plaques, tombstones,
                                              with and recommendations by the                          to 1750 A.D.
                                              Cultural Property Advisory Committee,                                                                          mosaic floors, and building plaques in
                                                                                                          b. Architectural and Non-
                                              determined that the cultural heritage of                                                                       Greek, Punic, Latin, or Arabic.
                                                                                                       architectural Relief Sculpture—In
                                              Libya is in jeopardy from pillage of                                                                           Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.
                                                                                                       marble, limestone, sandstone, and other
                                              certain categories of archaeological and                                                                       to 1750 A.D.
                                                                                                       stone. Types include carved slabs with                   5. Tools and Weapons—In flint, chert,
                                              ethnological material, and that import                   figural, vegetative, floral, geometric, or
                                              restrictions should be imposed for a                                                                           obsidian, and other hard stones.
                                                                                                       other decorative motifs, carved relief                Prehistoric and Protohistoric microliths
                                              five-year period until February 23, 2023.                vases, stelae, and plaques, sometimes
                                              Importation of such material continues                                                                         (small stone tools). Chipped stone types
                                                                                                       inscribed in Greek, Punic, Latin, or                  include blades, borers, scrapers, sickles,
                                              to be restricted through that date unless                Arabic. Used for architectural
                                              the conditions set forth in 19 U.S.C.                                                                          cores, and arrow heads. Ground stone
                                                                                                       decoration, funerary, votive, or                      types include grinders (e.g., mortars,
                                              2606 and 19 CFR 12.104c are met.                         commemorative monuments.                              pestles, millstones, whetstones),
                                              Designated List                                          Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                 choppers, axes, hammers, and mace
                                                                                                       to 1750 A.D.                                          heads. Approximate date: 12,000 B.C. to
                                                 The bilateral agreement between                          c. Monuments—In marble, limestone,
                                              Libya and the United States covers the                                                                         1,400 B.C.
                                                                                                       and other kinds of stone. Types include                  6. Jewelry, Seals, and Beads—In
                                              material set forth below in a Designated                 votive statues, funerary and votive                   marble, limestone, and various semi-
                                              List of Archaeological and Ethnological                  stelae, and bases and base revetments.                precious stones, including rock crystal,
                                              Material of Libya. Importation of                        These may be painted, carved with                     amethyst, jasper, agate, steatite, and
                                              material on this list is restricted unless               relief sculpture, decorated with                      carnelian. Approximate date: 1st
                                              the material is accompanied by                           moldings, and/or carry dedicatory or                  millennium B.C. to 12th century A.D.
                                              documentation certifying that the                        funerary inscriptions in Greek, Punic,
                                              material left Libya legally and not in                   Latin, or Arabic. Approximate date: 1st               B. Metal
                                              violation of the export laws of Libya.                   millennium B.C. to 1750 A.D.                             1. Sculpture
                                                 The Designated List covers                               d. Statuary—Primarily in marble, but                  a. Statuary—Primarily in bronze, iron,
                                              archaeological material of Libya and                     also in limestone and sandstone. Large-               silver, or gold, including fragments of
                                              Ottoman ethnological material of Libya                   and small-scale, including deities,                   statues. Large- and small-scale,
                                              (as defined in section 302 of the                        human, animal, and hybrid figures, as                 including deities, human, and animal
                                              Convention on Cultural Property                          well as groups of figures in the round.               figures, as well as groups of figures in
                                              Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 2601)),                    Common types are large-scale and free-                the round. Common types are large-
                                              including, but not limited to, the                       standing statuary from approximately 3                scale, free-standing statuary from
                                              following types of material. The                         to 8 ft. in height, life-sized portrait or            approximately 3 to 8 ft. in height and
                                              archaeological material represents the                   funerary busts (head and shoulders of                 life-size busts (head and shoulders of an
                                              following periods and cultures:                          an individual), waist-length female                   individual) and statuettes typically 1 to
                                              Paleolithic, Neolithic, Punic, Greek,                    busts that are either faceless (aniconic)             3 ft. in height. Approximate date: 1st
                                              Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and Ottoman                    and/or veiled (head or face), and                     millennium B.C. to 324 A.D.
                                              dating approximately 12,000 B.C. to                      statuettes typically 1 to 3 ft. in height.               b. Reliefs—Relief sculpture, including
                                              1750 A.D. The ethnological material                      Includes fragments of statues.                        plaques, appliques, stelae, and masks.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              represents categories of Ottoman objects                 Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                 Often in bronze. May include Greek,
                                              derived from sites of Islamic cultural                   to 1750 A.D.                                          Punic, Latin, and Arabic inscriptions.
                                              importance, made by a nonindustrial                         e. Sepulchers—In marble, limestone,                Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.
                                              society (Ottoman Libya), and important                   and other kinds of stone. Types of burial             to 324 A.D.
                                              to the knowledge of the history of                       containers include sarcophagi, caskets,                  c. Inscribed or Decorated Sheet—In
                                              Islamic Ottoman society in Libya from                    and chest urns. May be plain or have                  bronze or lead. Engraved inscriptions,
                                              1551 A.D. through 1911 A.D.                              figural, geometric, or floral motifs                  ‘‘curse tablets,’’ and thin metal sheets

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                                              31656                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              with engraved or impressed designs                       London, 1982. For publication of                      groups of figures in the round. Late 7th
                                              often used as attachments to furniture.                  examples of coins circulating in                      century B.C. to 3rd century A.D.
                                              Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                    archaeological sites, see La moneta di                   2. Vessels
                                              to 15th century A.D.                                     Cirene e della Cirenaica nel
                                                 2. Vessels and Containers—In bronze,                  Mediterraneo. Problemi e Prospettive,                    a. Neolithic Pottery—Handmade,
                                              silver, and gold. These may belong to                    Atti del V Congresso Internazionale di                often decorated with a lustrous burnish,
                                              conventional shapes such as bowls,                       Numismatica e di Storia Monetaria,                    decorated with applique´ and/or
                                              cups, jars, jugs, strainers, cauldrons, and              Padova, 17–19 marzo 2016, Padova 2016                 incision, sometimes with added paint.
                                              oil lamps, or may occur in the shape of                  (Numismatica Patavina, 13).                           These come in a variety of shapes from
                                              an animal or part of an animal. Also                        b. Greek Bronze Coins—Struck by                    simple bowls and vases to large storage
                                              include scroll and manuscript                            city-states of the Pentapolis, Carthage               jars. Approximate date: 10th
                                              containers for manuscripts. All can                      and the Ptolemaic kingdom that                        millennium B.C. to 3rd millennium B.C.
                                              portray deities, humans or animals, as                   operated in territory of the Cyrenaica in                b. Greek Pottery—Includes both local
                                              well as floral motifs in relief. Islamic                 eastern Libya. Approximate date: 4th                  and imported fine and coarse wares and
                                              Period objects may be inscribed in                       century B.C. to late 1st century B.C.                 amphorae. Also imported Attic Black
                                              Arabic. Approximate date: 1st                               c. Greek Silver and Gold Coins—This                Figure, Red Figure and White Ground
                                              millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.                     category includes coins of the city-states            Pottery—these are made in a specific set
                                                 3. Jewelry and Other Items for                        of the Pentapolis in the Cyrenaica and                of shapes (e.g., amphorae, kraters,
                                              Personal Adornment—In iron, bronze,                      the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Coins from the                 hydriae, oinochoi, kylikes) decorated
                                              silver, and gold. Metal can be inlaid                    city-state of Cyrene often bear an image              with black painted figures on a clear
                                              (with items such as red coral, colored                   of the silphium plant. Such coins date                clay ground (Black Figure), decorative
                                              stones, and glass). Types include                        from the late 6th century B.C. to late 1st
                                              necklaces, chokers, pectorals, rings,                                                                          elements in reserve with background
                                                                                                       century B.C.                                          fired black (Red Figure), and multi-
                                              beads, pendants, belts, belt buckles,                       d. Roman Coins—In silver and
                                              earrings, diadems, straight pins and                                                                           colored figures painted on a white
                                                                                                       bronze, struck at Roman and Roman                     ground (White Ground). Corinthian
                                              fibulae, bracelets, anklets, girdles, belts,             provincial mints including Apollonia,
                                              mirrors, wreaths and crowns, make-up                                                                           Pottery—Imported painted pottery made
                                                                                                       Barca, Balagrae, Berenice, Cyrene,
                                              accessories and tools, metal strigils                                                                          in Corinth in a specific range of shapes
                                                                                                       Ptolemais, Leptis Magna, Oea, and
                                              (scrapers), crosses, and lamp-holders.                                                                         for perfume and unguents and for
                                                                                                       Sabratha. Approximate date: late 3rd
                                              Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                                                                          drinking or pouring liquids. The very
                                                                                                       century B.C. to 1st century A.D.
                                              to 15th century A.D.                                        e. Byzantine Coins—In bronze, silver,              characteristic painted and incised
                                                 4. Seals—In lead, tin, copper, bronze,                and gold by Byzantine emperors. Struck                designs depict human and animal
                                              silver, and gold. Types include rings,                   in Constantinople and other mints.                    figural scenes, rows of animals, and
                                              amulets, and seals with shank.                           From 4th century A.D. through 1396                    floral decoration. Approximate date: 8th
                                              Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                    A.D.                                                  century B.C. to 6th century B.C.
                                              to 15th century A.D.                                        f. Islamic Coins—In bronze, silver,                   c. Punic and Roman Pottery—
                                                 5. Tools—In copper, bronze and iron.                  and gold. Dinars with Arabic                          Includes fine and coarse wares,
                                              Types include hooks, weights, axes,                      inscriptions inside a circle or square,               including terra sigillata and other red
                                              scrapers, trowels, keys and the tools of                 may be surrounded with symbols.                       gloss wares, and cooking wares and
                                              crafts persons such as carpenters,                       Struck at mints in Libya (Barqa) and                  mortaria, storage and shipping
                                              masons and metal smiths. Approximate                     adjacent regions. From 642 A.D. to 15th               amphorae.
                                              date: 1st millennium B.C. to 15th                        century A.D.
                                              century A.D.                                                                                                      d. Byzantine Pottery—Includes
                                                                                                          g. Ottoman—Struck at mints in                      undecorated plain wares, lamps,
                                                 6. Weapons and Armor—Body armor,                      Istanbul and Libya’s neighboring
                                              including helmets, cuirasses, shin                                                                             utilitarian, tableware, serving and
                                                                                                       regions. Approximate date: 1551 A.D.                  storage jars, amphorae, special shapes
                                              guards, and shields, and horse armor                     through 1750 A.D.
                                              often decorated with elaborate engraved,                                                                       such as pilgrim flasks. Can be matte
                                              embossed, or perforated designs. Both                    C. Ceramic and Clay                                   painted or glazed, including incised
                                              launching weapons (spears and javelins)                     1. Sculpture                                       ‘‘sgraffitto’’ and stamped with elaborate
                                              and weapons for hand to hand combat                         a. Architectural Elements—Baked clay               polychrome decorations using floral,
                                              (swords, daggers, etc.). Approximate                     (terracotta) elements used to decorate                geometric, human, and animal motifs.
                                              date: 8th century B.C. to 4th century                    buildings. Elements include acroteria,                Approximate date: 324 A.D. to 15th
                                              A.D.                                                     antefixes, painted and relief plaques,                century A.D.
                                                 7. Coins                                              revetments. Approximate date: 1st                        e. Islamic and Ottoman Pottery—
                                                 a. General—Examples of many of the                    millennium B.C. to 30 B.C.                            Includes plain or utilitarian wares as
                                              coins found in ancient Libya may be                         b. Architectural Decorations—                      well as painted wares.
                                              found in: A. Burnett and others, Roman                   Including carved and molded brick, and
                                              Provincial Coinage, multiple volumes                                                                              f. Oil Lamps and Molds—Rounded
                                                                                                       tile wall ornaments and panels.
                                              (British Museum Press and the                                                                                  bodies with a hole on the top and in the
                                                                                                          c. Statuary—Large- and small-scale.
                                              Bibliothèque Nationale de France,                                                                             nozzle, handles or lugs and figural
                                                                                                       Subject matter is varied and includes
                                              1992–), R. S. Poole and others,                                                                                motifs (beading, rosette, silphium).
                                                                                                       deities, human and animal figures,
                                              Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British                  human body parts, and groups of figures               Include glazed ceramic mosque lamps,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              Museum, volumes 1–29 (British                            in the round. May be brightly colored.                which may have a straight or round
                                              Museum Trustees 1873–1927) and H.                        These range from approximately 4 to 40                bulbous body with flared top, and
                                              Mattingly and others, Coins of the                       in. in height. Approximate date: 1st                  several branches. Approximate date: 1st
                                              Roman Empire in the British Museum,                      millennium B.C. to 3rd century A.D.                   millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.
                                              volumes 1–6 (British Museum Trustees                        d. Terracotta Figurines—Terracotta                    3. Objects of Daily Use—Including
                                              1923–62). For Byzantine coins, see                       statues and statuettes, including deities,            game pieces, loom weights, toys, and
                                              Grierson, Philip, Byzantine Coins,                       human, and animal figures, as well as                 lamps.

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                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          31657

                                              D. Glass, Faience, and Semi-Precious                     Islamic textiles in linen and wool,                   fountains, mosaics, inlays, and blocks
                                              Stone                                                    including garments and hangings.                      from walls, floors, and ceilings. Often
                                                 1. Architectural Elements—Mosaics                        2. Basketry—Plant fibers were used to              decorated in relief with religious motifs.
                                              and glass windows.                                       make baskets and containers in a variety                 2. Architectural and Non-
                                                 2. Vessels—Shapes include small jars,                 of shapes and sizes, as well as sandals               architectural Relief Sculpture—In
                                              bowls, animal shaped, goblet, spherical,                 and mats.                                             marble, limestone, and sandstone.
                                              candle holders, perfume jars                                3. Rope—Rope and string were used                  Types include carved slabs with
                                              (unguentaria), and mosque lamps. Those                   for a great variety of purposes, including            religious, figural, floral, or geometric
                                              from prehistory and ancient history may                  binding, lifting water for irrigation,                motifs, as well as plaques and stelae,
                                              be engraved and/or colorless or blue,                    fishing nets, measuring, and stringing                sometimes inscribed.
                                              green or orange, while those from the                    beads for jewelry and garments.                          3. Statuary—Primarily in marble, but
                                              Islamic Period may include animal,                                                                             also in limestone and sandstone. Large-
                                                                                                       I. Bone, Ivory, Shell, and Other Organics             and small-scale, such as human
                                              floral, and/or geometric motifs.
                                              Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                       1. Small Statuary and Figurines—                   (including historical portraits or busts)
                                              to 15th century A.D.                                     Subject matter includes human, animal,                and animal figures.
                                                 3. Beads—Globular and relief beads.                   and hybrid figures, and parts thereof as                 4. Sepulchers—In marble, limestone,
                                              Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                    well as groups of figures in the round.               and other kinds of stone. Types of burial
                                              to 15th century A.D.                                     These range from approximately 4 to 40                containers include sarcophagi, caskets,
                                                 4. Mosque Lamps—May have a                            in. in height. Approximate date: 1st                  coffins, and chest urns. May be plain or
                                              straight or round bulbous body with                      millennium B.C. to 15th century A.D.                  have figural, geometric, or floral motifs
                                              flared top, and several branches.                           2. Reliefs, Plaques, Stelae, and                   painted on them, be carved in relief,
                                              Approximate date: 642 A.D. to 1750                       Inlays—Carved and sculpted. May have                  and/or have decorative moldings.
                                              A.D.                                                     figurative, floral and/or geometric                      5. Inscriptions, Memorial Stones, and
                                                                                                       motifs.                                               Tombstones—Primarily in marble, most
                                              E. Mosaic                                                   3. Personal Ornaments and Objects of               frequently engraved with Arabic script.
                                                 1. Floor Mosaics—Including                            Daily Use—In bone, ivory, and                            6. Vessels and Containers—Include
                                              landscapes, scenes of deities, humans,                   spondylus shell. Types include amulets,               stone lamps and containers such as
                                              or animals, and activities such as                       combs, pins, spoons, small containers,                those used in religious services, as well
                                              hunting and fishing. There may also be                   bracelets, buckles, and beads.                        as smaller funerary urns.
                                              vegetative, floral, or geometric motifs                  Approximate date: 1st millennium B.C.                 B. Metal
                                              and imitations of stone. Often have                      to 15th century A.D.
                                              religious imagery. They are made from                       4. Seals and Stamps—Small devices                     1. Architectural Elements—Primarily
                                              stone cut into small bits (tesserae) and                 with at least one side engraved with a                copper, brass, lead, and alloys. From
                                              laid into a plaster matrix. Approximate                  design for stamping or sealing; they can              sites such as forts, palaces, mosques,
                                              date: 5th century B.C. to 4th century                    be discoid, cuboid, conoid, or in the                 shrines, tombs, and monuments,
                                              A.D.                                                     shape of animals or fantastic creatures               including doors, door fixtures, other
                                                 2. Wall and Ceiling Mosaics—                          (e.g., a scarab). Approximate date: 1st               lathes, chandeliers, screens, and sheets
                                              Generally portray similar motifs as seen                 millennium B.C. to 2nd millennium                     to protect domes.
                                              in floor mosaics. Similar technique to                   B.C.                                                     2. Architectural and Non-
                                              floor mosaics, but may include tesserae                     5. Luxury Objects—Ivory, bone, and                 architectural Relief Sculpture—
                                              of both stone and glass. Approximate                     shell were used either alone or as inlays             Primarily bronze and brass. Includes
                                              date: 5th century B.C. to 4th century                    in luxury objects including furniture,                appliques, plaques, and stelae. Often
                                              A.D.                                                     chests and boxes, writing and painting                with religious, figural, floral, or
                                                                                                       equipment, musical instruments, games,                geometric motifs. May have inscriptions
                                              F. Painting                                                                                                    in Arabic.
                                                                                                       cosmetic containers, combs, jewelry,
                                                 1. Rock Art—Painted and incised                                                                                3. Vessels and Containers—In brass,
                                                                                                       amulets, seals, and vessels made of
                                              drawings on natural rock surfaces.                                                                             copper, silver, or gold, plain, engraved,
                                                                                                       ostrich egg shell.
                                              There may be human, animal, geometric                                                                          or hammered. Types include jugs,
                                                                                                       J. Wood—Items such as tablets (tabulae),
                                              and/or floral motifs. Include fragments.                                                                       pitchers, plates, cups, lamps, and
                                                                                                       sometimes pierced with holes on the
                                              Approximate date: 12,000 B.C. to 100                                                                           containers used for religious services
                                                                                                       borders and with text written in ink on
                                              A.D.                                                                                                           (like Qur’an boxes). Often engraved or
                                                                                                       one or both faces, typically small in size
                                                 2. Wall Painting—With figurative                                                                            otherwise decorated.
                                                                                                       (4 to 12 in. in length), recording sales of
                                              (deities, humans, animals), floral, and/                                                                          4. Jewelry and Personal
                                                                                                       property (such as slaves, animals, grain)
                                              or geometric motifs, as well as funerary                                                                       Adornments—In a wide variety of
                                                                                                       and other legal documents such as
                                              scenes. These are painted on stone, mud                                                                        metals such as iron, brass, copper,
                                                                                                       testaments. Approximate date: late 2nd
                                              plaster, lime plaster (wet—buon                                                                                silver, and gold. Includes rings and ring
                                                                                                       to 4th centuries A.D.
                                              fresco—and dry—secco fresco),                                                                                  seals, head ornaments, earrings,
                                              sometimes to imitate marble. May be on                   II. Ottoman Ethnological Material                     pendants, amulets, bracelets, talismans,
                                              domestic or public walls as well as in                                                                         and belt buckles. May be adorned with
                                                                                                       A. Stone
                                              tombs. Approximate date: 1st                                                                                   inlaid beads, gemstones, and leather.
                                              millennium B.C. to 1551 A.D.                                1. Architectural Elements—The most                    5. Weapons and Armor—Often in iron
                                              G. Plaster—Stucco reliefs, plaques,                      common stones are marble, limestone,                  or steel. Includes daggers, swords, saifs,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              stelae, and inlays or other architectural                and sandstone. From sites such as forts,              scimitars, other blades, with or without
                                              decoration in stucco.                                    palaces, mosques, shrines, tombs, and                 sheaths, as well as spears, firearms, and
                                                                                                       monuments, including doors, door                      cannons. Ottoman types may be inlaid
                                              H. Textiles, Basketry, and Rope                          frames, window fittings, columns,                     with gemstones, embellished with silver
                                                1. Textiles—Linen cloth was used in                    capitals, bases, lintels, jambs, friezes,             or gold, or engraved with floral or
                                              Greco-Roman times for mummy                              pilasters, engaged columns, altars,                   geometric motifs and inscriptions. Grips
                                              wrapping, shrouds, garments, and sails.                  mihrabs (prayer niches), screens,                     or hilts may be made of metal, wood, or

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                                              31658                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              even semi-precious stones such as agate,                          E. Bone and Ivory                                             subject to the provisions of Executive
                                              and bound with leather. Armor                                       1. Ceremonial Paraphernalia—Types                           Order 12866 or Executive Order 13771
                                              consisting of small metal scales,                                 include boxes, reliquaries (and their                         because it pertains to a foreign affairs
                                              originally sewn to a backing of cloth or                          contents), plaques, pendants,                                 function of the United States, as
                                              leather, and augmented by helmets,                                candelabra, stamp and seal rings.                             described above, and therefore is
                                              body armor, shields, and horse armor.                               2. Inlays—For religious decorative                          specifically exempted by section 3(d)(2)
                                                6. Ceremonial Paraphernalia—                                    and architectural elements.                                   of Executive Order 12866 and section
                                              Including boxes (such as Qur’an boxes),                           F. Glass—Vessels and containers in                            4(a) of Executive Order 13771.
                                              plaques, pendants, candelabra, stamp                              glass from mosques, shrines, tombs, and                       Signing Authority
                                              and seal rings.                                                   monuments, including glass and enamel
                                                                                                                                                                                This regulation is being issued in
                                                7. Musical Instruments—In a wide                                mosque lamps and ritual vessels.
                                                                                                                                                                              accordance with 19 CFR 0.1(a)(1),
                                              variety of metals. Includes cymbals and                           G. Textiles—In linen, silk, and wool.                         pertaining to the Secretary of the
                                              trumpets.                                                         Religious textiles and fragments from                         Treasury’s authority (or that of his/her
                                                                                                                mosques, shrines, tombs, and                                  delegate) to approve regulations related
                                              C. Ceramic and Clay
                                                                                                                monuments, including garments,                                to customs revenue functions.
                                                1. Architectural Decorations—                                   hangings, prayer rugs, and shrine
                                              Including carved and molded brick, and                            covers.                                                       List of Subjects in 19 CFR Part 12
                                              engraved and/or painted tile wall                                 H. Leather and Parchment                                        Cultural property, Customs duties and
                                              ornaments and panels, sometimes with                                                                                            inspection, Imports, Prohibited
                                              Arabic script. May be from forts,                                    1. Books and Manuscripts—Either as                         merchandise.
                                              palaces, mosques, shrines, tombs, or                              sheets or bound volumes. Text is often
                                                                                                                written on vellum or other parchment                          Amendment to CBP Regulations
                                                                                                                (cattle, sheep, goat, or camel) and then                        For the reasons set forth above, part
                                                2. Vessels and Containers—Includes                              gathered in leather bindings. Paper may
                                              glazed, molded, and painted ceramics.                                                                                           12 of title 19 of the Code of Federal
                                                                                                                also be used. Types include the Qur’an                        Regulations (19 CFR part 12) is
                                              Types include boxes, plates, lamps, jars,                         and other Islamic books and
                                              and flasks. May be plain or decorated                                                                                           amended as set forth below:
                                                                                                                manuscripts, often written in brown ink,
                                              with floral or geometric patterns, or                             and then further embellished with                             PART 12—SPECIAL CLASSES OF
                                              Arabic script, primarily using blue,                              colorful floral or geometric motifs.                          MERCHANDISE
                                              green, brown, black, or yellow colors.                               2. Musical Instruments—Leather
                                              D. Wood                                                           drums of various sizes (e.g., bendir                          ■ 1. The general authority citation for
                                                                                                                drums used in Sufi rituals, wedding                           part 12 and the specific authority
                                                 1. Architectural Elements—From sites                           processions and Mal’uf performances).                         citation for § 12.104g continue to read as
                                              such as forts, palaces, mosques, shrines,                         I. Painting and Drawing—Ottoman                               follows:
                                              tombs, monuments, and madrassas,                                  Period paintings may depict courtly                             Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66,
                                              including doors, door fixtures, panels,                           themes (e.g., rulers, musicians, riders on                    1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff
                                              beams, balconies, stages, screens,                                horses) and city views, among other                           Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)),
                                              ceilings, and tent posts. Types include                           topics.                                                       1624;
                                              doors, door frames, windows, window                                                                                             *       *      *        *    *
                                              frames, walls, panels, beams, ceilings,                           Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed
                                                                                                                Effective Date                                                   Sections 12.104 through 12.104i also
                                              and balconies. May be decorated with
                                                                                                                                                                              issued under 19 U.S.C. 2612;
                                              religious, geometric or floral motifs or                             This amendment involves a foreign
                                              Arabic script.                                                                                                                  *       *      *        *    *
                                                                                                                affairs function of the United States and
                                                 2. Architectural and Non-                                      is, therefore, being made without notice                      ■  2. In § 12.104g:
                                              architectural Relief Sculpture—Carved                             or public procedure under 5 U.S.C.                            ■  a. The table in paragraph (a) is
                                              and inlaid wood panels, rooms, beams,                             553(a)(1). For the same reason, a                             amended by adding the entry for Libya
                                              balconies, stages, panels, ceilings, and                          delayed effective date is not required                        in appropriate alphabetical order; and
                                              doors, frequently decorated with                                  under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3).                                     ■ b. The table in paragraph (b) is
                                              religious, floral, or geometric motifs.                           Regulatory Flexibility Act                                    amended by removing the entry for
                                              May have script in Arabic or other                                                                                              ‘‘Libya’’ in its entirety, but retaining the
                                              languages.                                                          Because no notice of proposed                               table headings.
                                                                                                                rulemaking is required, the provisions                           The addition reads as follows:
                                                 3. Qur’an Boxes—May be carved and
                                                                                                                of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
                                              inlaid, with decorations in religious,                                                                                          § 12.104g Specific items or categories
                                                                                                                U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply.
                                              floral, or geometric motifs, or Arabic                                                                                          designated by agreements or emergency
                                              script.                                                           Executive Orders 12866 and 13771                              actions.
                                                 4. Study Tablets—Arabic inscribed                                CBP has determined that this                                *       *    *          *    *
                                              training boards for teaching the Qur’an.                          document is not a regulation or rule                              (a) * * *

                                                         State party                                                             Cultural property                                                        Decision No.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                        *                                *                   *                     *                          *                                   *                  *
                                              Libya .................................   Archaeological and ethnological material from Libya ..............................................       CBP Dec. 18–07.

                                                           *                             *                           *                          *                        *                        *                  *

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                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            31659

                                              Kevin K. McAleenan,                                      mean high water in the closed position                network change notification processes,
                                              Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border                    and unlimited vertical clearance in the               and the customer notice process. It also
                                              Protection.                                              open position.                                        forbears from applying discontinuance
                                                Approved: July 3, 2018.                                   The current operating regulation is set            requirements for services with no
                                              Timothy E. Skud,                                         out in 33 CFR 117.5. Under this                       customers and no reasonable requests
                                              Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.              temporary deviation, the bridge will be               for service during the preceding 30
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–14637 Filed 7–6–18; 8:45 am]               maintained in the closed-to-navigation                days.
                                              BILLING CODE 9111–14–P
                                                                                                       position from 6 a.m. through 6 p.m. on                DATES: This rule is effective August 8,
                                                                                                       July 25, 2018, and July 26, 2018.                     2018, except for the amendments to 47
                                                                                                          The Black Narrows and Lewis Creek                  CFR 51.333(g)(1)(i), (g)(1)(iii), and (g)(2),
                                                                                                       Channel is used by a variety of vessels               63.71(f), (h), (k) introductory text, (k)(1)
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
                                                                                                       including recreational vessels. The                   and (3), and (l), which contain
                                                                                                       Coast Guard has carefully coordinated                 information collection requirements that
                                              Coast Guard                                              the restrictions with waterway users in               have not been approved by OMB. The
                                                                                                       publishing this temporary deviation.                  Federal Communications Commission
                                              33 CFR Part 117                                             Vessels able to pass through the                   will publish a document in the Federal
                                                                                                       bridge in the closed-to-navigation                    Register announcing the effective date.
                                              [Docket No. USCG–2018–0639]                              position may do so at anytime. The                    The amendments to 47 CFR 63.19(a)
                                                                                                       bridge will not be able to open for                   introductory text published at 81 FR
                                              Drawbridge Operation Regulation;
                                                                                                       emergencies and there is no immediate                 62656, Sept. 12, 2016, are effective
                                              Black Narrows and Lewis Creek
                                                                                                       alternative route for vessels unable to               August 8, 2018.
                                              Channel, Chincoteague Island, VA
                                                                                                       pass through the bridge in the closed                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.                                position. The Coast Guard will also                   Wireline Competition Bureau,
                                              ACTION:Notice of deviation from                          inform the users of the waterway                      Competition Policy Division, Michele
                                              drawbridge regulation.                                   through our Local and Broadcast                       Berlove, at (202) 418–1477,
                                                                                                       Notices to Mariners of the change in                  michele.berlove@fcc.gov. For additional
                                              SUMMARY:    The Coast Guard has issued a                 operating schedule for the bridge so that             information concerning the Paperwork
                                              temporary deviation from the operating                   vessel operators can arrange their                    Reduction Act information collection
                                              schedule that governs the SR 175                         transits to minimize any impact caused                requirements contained in this
                                              Bridge, which carries SR 175 across the                  by the temporary deviation.                           document, send an email to PRA@
                                              Black Narrows and Lewis Creek                               In accordance with 33 CFR 117.35(e),               fcc.gov or contact Nicole Ongele at (202)
                                              Channel, mile 0.0, at Chincoteague                       the drawbridge must return to its regular             418–2991.
                                              Island, VA. The deviation is necessary                   operating schedule immediately at the                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a
                                              to facilitate the 2018 Annual Pony Run                   end of the effective period of this                   summary of the Commission’s Second
                                              and Auction. This deviation allows the                   temporary deviation. This deviation                   Report and Order in WC Docket No. 17–
                                              bridge to remain in the closed-to-                       from the operating regulations is                     84, FCC 18–74, adopted June 7, 2018
                                              navigation position.                                     authorized under 33 CFR 117.35.                       and released June 8, 2018. The full text
                                              DATES: The deviation is effective from 6
                                                                                                         Dated: July 2, 2018.                                of this document is available for public
                                              a.m. on July 25, 2018, through 6 p.m. on                                                                       inspection during regular business
                                                                                                       Hal R. Pitts,
                                              July 26, 2018.                                                                                                 hours in the FCC Reference Information
                                                                                                       Bridge Program Manager, Fifth Coast Guard
                                              ADDRESSES: The docket for this                                                                                 Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW,
                                              deviation, USCG–2018–0639 is available                                                                         Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–14616 Filed 7–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                              at http://www.regulations.gov. Type the                                                                        It is available on the Commission’s
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
                                              docket number in the ‘‘SEARCH’’ box                                                                            website at https://docs.fcc.gov/public/
                                              and click ‘‘SEARCH’’. Click on Open                                                                            attachments/FCC-18-74A1.pdf.
                                              Docket Folder on the line associated
                                              with this deviation.                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                Synopsis
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If
                                                                                                       COMMISSION                                            I. Introduction
                                              you have questions on this temporary                     47 CFR Parts 51, 63, and 68                              1. Removing regulatory barriers
                                              deviation, call or email Mr. Michael                                                                           causing unnecessary costs or delay
                                              Thorogood, Bridge Administration                         [WC Docket No. 17–84; FCC 18–74]
                                                                                                                                                             when carriers seek to transition from
                                              Branch Fifth District, Coast Guard,                                                                            legacy networks and services to
                                              telephone 757–398–6557, email                            Accelerating Wireline Broadband
                                                                                                       Deployment by Removing Barriers to                    broadband networks and services is an
                                              Michael.R.Thorogood@uscg.mil.                                                                                  important piece of our work to
                                                                                                       Infrastructure Investment
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                                                                                 encourage deployment of next-
                                              Virginia Department of Transportation,                   AGENCY:   Federal Communications                      generation networks and to close the
                                              owner and operator of the SR 175 Bridge                  Commission.                                           digital divide. In this Report and Order,
                                              that carries SR 175 across the Black                     ACTION: Final rule; announcement of                   we continue to act on our commitment
                                              Narrows and Lewis Creek Channel, mile                    effective date.                                       by further reforming regulatory
                                              0.0, at Chincoteague Island, VA, has                                                                           processes that unnecessarily stand in
                                              requested a temporary deviation from                     SUMMARY:   In this document, a Second                 the way of this important transition that
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              the current operating regulations to                     Report and Order takes a number of                    benefits the American public.
                                              ensure the safety of the participants and                actions to accelerate the deployment of                  2. The actions we take today focus on
                                              spectators associated with the 2018                      next-generation networks and services                 further streamlining our processes by
                                              Annual Pony Run and Auction on July                      through removing barriers to                          which carriers discontinue outdated
                                              25, 2018, and July 26, 2018. This bridge                 infrastructure investment. The Second                 services, eliminating unnecessary and
                                              is a single-span bascule drawbridge,                     Report and Order takes further action to              burdensome or redundant requirements,
                                              with a vertical clearance of 15 feet above               revise the discontinuance process,                    and helping ensure that our network

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Document Created: 2018-07-07 00:42:33
Document Modified: 2018-07-07 00:42:33
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective Date: July 9, 2018.
ContactFor regulatory aspects, Lisa L. Burley, Chief, Cargo Security, Carriers and Restricted Merchandise Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade, (202) 325-0030, ot- [email protected] For operational aspects, William R. Scopa, Branch Chief, Partner Government Agency Branch, Trade Policy and Programs, Office of Trade, (202) 863-6554, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 31654 
RIN Number1515-AE38
CFR AssociatedCultural Property; Customs Duties and Inspection; Imports and Prohibited Merchandise

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