83_FR_31808 83 FR 31677 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Final Rule To Revise Atlantic Shark Fishery Closure Regulations

83 FR 31677 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Final Rule To Revise Atlantic Shark Fishery Closure Regulations

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 131 (July 9, 2018)

Page Range31677-31684
FR Document2018-14665

This final rule revises the current closure regulations for commercial shark fisheries. These changes affect commercial shark fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Revisions include changes to the landings threshold that prompts a closure and the minimum time between filing of the closure with the Federal Register and the closure becoming effective. This action is necessary to allow more flexibility when closing shark fisheries and to facilitate the use of available quota while still preventing overharvests.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 131 (Monday, July 9, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 131 (Monday, July 9, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 31677-31684]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14665]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 635

[Docket No. 170703617-8097-01]
RIN 0648-BG97

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Final Rule To Revise Atlantic 
Shark Fishery Closure Regulations

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This final rule revises the current closure regulations for 
commercial shark fisheries. These changes affect commercial shark 
fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and 
Caribbean. Revisions include changes to the landings threshold that 
prompts a closure and the minimum time between filing of the closure 
with the Federal Register and the closure becoming effective. This 
action is necessary to allow more flexibility when closing shark 
fisheries and to facilitate the use of available quota while still 
preventing overharvests.

DATES: This rule is effective on August 8, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Copies of the supporting documents, including the Final 
Environmental Assessment (EA), Regulatory Impact Review (RIR), Final 
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA), and the 2006 Consolidated 
Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and 
amendments are available from the HMS website at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/atlantic-highly-migratory-species or by 
contacting Lauren Latchford at (301) 427-8503.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lauren Latchford, Gu[yacute] DuBeck, 
Chant[eacute] Davis, or Karyl Brewster-Geisz by phone at (301) 427-8503 
or Delisse Ortiz at (240) 681-9037.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Atlantic sharks are directly managed under 
the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). NMFS published in the Federal 
Register (71 FR 59058, October 2, 2006) final regulations, effective 
November 1, 2006, implementing the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP, which 
details management measures for Atlantic HMS fisheries. The 
implementing regulations for the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
amendments are at 50 CFR part 635. This final rule modifies the current 
regulations related to closures for commercial shark fisheries.


    A brief summary of the background of this action is provided below; 
more detailed information can be found in the proposed rule (83 FR 
8037, February 23, 2018) and is not repeated here. Additional 
information regarding Atlantic HMS management, specifically the 
commercial fisheries season structure, can be found in the Final EA for 
this action and the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments, found 
on the HMS website (see ADDRESSES).
    On February 23, 2018, NMFS published a proposed rule (83 FR 8037) 
that proposed (1) changing the regulations from requiring a shark 
fishery species and/or management group to close when landings have 
reached or are projected to reach 80 percent of the available overall, 
regional, and/or sub-regional quota, and instead allowing the fishery 
to remain open in such circumstances if the species and/or management 
group's landings are not projected to reach 100 percent before the end 
of the commercial fishing season, and (2) changing the minimum notice 
time between filing and the closure going into effect from five days to 
three. A 30-day public comment period closed on March 26, 2018. The 
comments received on the Draft EA and proposed rule, and our responses 
to those comments, are summarized below in the section labeled 
``Response to Comments.''

[[Page 31678]]

    After reviewing the public comments and consulting with the HMS 
Advisory Panel, this final action allows a shark fishery to remain open 
after the fishery's landings have reached or are projected to reach 80 
percent of the available overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quota, 
if the fishery's landings are not projected to reach 100 percent of the 
applicable quota before the end of the season. This final action also 
changes the minimum notice time between filing of the closure notice 
with the Office of the Federal Register and the closure going into 
effect from five days to four days, which is a change from the proposed 
rule based on public comment.

Response to Comments

    During the 30-day public comment period, NMFS held one webinar and 
presented information about the proposed rule at the HMS Advisory Panel 
meeting. In addition to the nine verbal comments received at those 
meetings, NMFS also received 10 written comments regarding the proposed 
action from fishermen, states, environmental groups, academia, and 
other interested parties. All written comments can be found at http://www.regulations.gov/ by searching for RIN 0648-BG97. All of the 
comments received are summarized below.

Section A: Comments on Closure Threshold and Closure Notice 

    Comment 1: NMFS received a number of comments regarding the closure 
threshold alternatives. Some commenters supported preferred Alternative 
1f, while other commenters suggested combining Alternative 1e, which 
would establish criteria to use for evaluation of a closure, with the 
preferred Alternative 1f. Other commenters wanted to increase the 
federal fishery closure threshold for the shark management groups from 
80 percent to greater than 90 percent because they felt the current 
weekly electronic reporting requirements for dealers increased the 
timeliness and accuracy of dealer reporting (compared to reporting 
requirements that were in place when the 80-percent buffer was 
implemented) and would allow for a smaller buffer while still 
preventing overharvest of the quota. Lastly, one commenter preferred 
Alternative 1a, No Action.
    Response: After considering public comment and carefully reviewing 
the relevant data, NMFS is finalizing this action as proposed with 
preferred Alternative 1f, which would allow a shark fishery to remain 
open after the fishery's landings have reached or are projected to 
reach 80 percent of the available overall, regional, and/or sub-
regional quota, if the fishery's landings are not projected to reach 
100 percent of the applicable quota before the end of the season. With 
regard to comments preferring the combination of Alternatives 1e and 
1f, Alternative 1e would have established criteria such as examining 
stock status or patterns of over- and underharvest that NMFS would 
evaluate before determining if a closure notice is needed when any 
shark fishery species and/or management group landings reach or are 
projected to reach 80 percent of the available overall, regional, and/
or sub-regional quota. If the evaluation of the specified criteria were 
to indicate that the fishery does not need to close at 80 percent, the 
fishery could remain open until landings reach, or are projected to 
reach, 90 percent. Alternative 1f, however, maintains the 80-percent 
threshold, and at that threshold, NMFS would review landings 
projections indicating whether a closure is needed to avoid exceedance 
of the available overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quota by the 
end of the season. If the species and/or management group's landings 
are not projected to reach 100 percent of the applicable quota before 
the end of the season, the fishery will remain open. Because 
Alternative 1e would require closing the fishery at 90 percent of the 
quota, regardless of whether the projections indicate the fishery would 
not exceed 100 percent of the quota before the end of the fishing 
season (which is what Alternative 1f would allow), NMFS is assuming 
that commenters who suggested combining these two alternatives actually 
were suggesting adding the criteria listed in Alternative 1e to 
Alternative 1f. NMFS does not prefer adding criteria to Alternative 1f 
because doing so would unnecessarily complicate the closure procedures, 
possibly confuse the regulated community, and would not necessarily 
enhance the accuracy of any closure notice. Requiring NMFS to step 
through specific criteria such as stock status that do not influence 
catch rates would add complexity to the process and would not improve 
accuracy of the projections and in fact may delay needed closures in 
some circumstances.
    Some commenters supported a higher closure threshold than was 
analyzed in the proposed alternatives, such as closure when quota use 
reaches 100 percent, because they felt the combination of weekly 
electronic dealer reporting with advanced projection methodologies 
should allow for full quota utilization before closing the fishery. 
Most states in the Gulf of Mexico require all state-only dealers to 
report electronically, but some states still allow for paper reports, 
and/or require reporting once a month rather than weekly. That, in 
combination with late dealer reports prevent NMFS from setting the 
threshold at full utilization because of the risk of exceeding the 
quota. The 80-percent fishery-closure threshold for the shark 
management groups was implemented in Amendment 2 to the 2006 
Consolidated HMS FMP (73 FR 35778, June 24, 2008; 73 FR 40658, July 15, 
2008). At that time, NMFS relied on hard copy dealer reports that were 
mailed to the Agency and were often several weeks, or even months, out 
of date. Since then, NMFS has established weekly electronic reporting 
with weekly compliance monitoring. While dealer reporting now is 
electronic, except for some state-only dealers, particularly in the 
Gulf of Mexico, and thus generally more timely, NMFS must still account 
for late reporting by shark dealers and provide a buffer to include 
landings received after the reporting deadline to avoid overharvests. A 
review of closures since NMFS began electronic reporting has showed 
that the current 80-percent threshold is not always effective at 
closing in time to prevent overharvest of small quotas, such as 
porbeagle sharks. Additionally, the review shows that on average, 
across all of the shark fisheries, 16 percent of the quota is landed 
after a closure is announced. Therefore, a 90-percent or greater 
closure threshold would likely result in overharvests of the quotas. 
For stocks with small quotas, we can anticipate that this higher 
closure threshold would result in consistent overharvests, with little 
opportunity to account for the overharvests in the next year (because 
overharvests would occur again) and this could be expected to have 
moderate adverse direct ecological effects on such shark species and 
result in the need to close the fisheries in future years.
    Regarding the commenter who preferred no action, that alternative 
would require NMFS to continue closing the relevant management group 
when 80 percent of its shark quota had been landed. However, in recent 
years as a result of monitoring the fishery and changing the trip 
limits throughout the year, several management groups (e.g., aggregated 
large coastal sharks (LCS) and hammerhead sharks) are remaining open 
for the entire year and may not reach 80 percent of that quota until 
late in the year. Under no action, NMFS would close these fisheries 

[[Page 31679]]

landings reach 80 percent of the quota even if it would be unlikely 
that the quota would be fully harvested. Instead, this final action 
would allow NMFS to keep those fisheries open for the entire year as 
long as projections indicate the quotas would not be exceeded by 
December 31 of each year.
    Comment 2: Some commenters supported the proposed Alternative 2b, 
which would close sharks fisheries three days after the notice was 
filed with the Office of the Federal Register. Other commenters, 
including the States of North Carolina and Louisiana, supported the no 
action alternative and did not support proposed Alternative 2b because, 
they argued, three days would not allow time for states to implement 
complementary measures by closing state water shark fisheries. 
Additionally, some commenters stated that some commercial pelagic 
longline participants take multi-day trips that could be interrupted by 
such an earlier closure notice. Finally, commenters were worried that a 
three-day notice would have safety issues if, after getting notice of a 
closure, fishermen decide to fish one or more trips before a closure 
occurs and without regard to any weather conditions.
    Response: After considering public comment and reviewing the data, 
NMFS has decided to change from its originally preferred alternative 
providing three days' notice (Alternative 2b) to a new alternative that 
provides four days' notice (Alternative 2d) between filing of the 
closure notice with the Office of the Federal Register and the closure 
going into effect. This change is in response to comments that States 
need more than three days' notice in order to close state water shark 
fisheries at the same time as federal water shark fisheries. Closing 
with four days' notice adequately addresses our concerns about closing 
shark fisheries in a timely manner, while ensuring state and federal 
waters close at the same time to prevent confusion among fisherman, 
dealers, and enforcement. Additionally, the four-day preferred 
alternative increases flexibility to close the fishery as needed while 
still preventing overharvest and allowing sufficient time for fishermen 
to complete ongoing trips at the time of the closure. The allotted time 
before the closure becomes effective is also well within the range of 
the current directed shark trip lengths (i.e., one to two days). 
Because the EA examined alternatives ranging from immediate closure to 
closure with five days' notice, this new alternative is within the 
range of originally proposed actions.
    Regarding Alternative 1a, no action, NMFS does not prefer to keep 
the closure notice at five days because this alternative would not 
increase flexibility in NMFS' ability to manage the shark fisheries in 
a timely manner. As stated in the response to Comment 1, after NMFS 
announces a closure, approximately 16 percent of the quota is harvested 
before the fishery actually closes five days later. Under a no action 
alternative, continued landings during a five-day notice period would 
likely contribute to overharvests. When such overharvests occur on a 
frequent basis over the long-term, it can lead to overfishing, delayed 
rebuilding of overfished stocks, and overall negative impacts on 
fishermen and dealers. However, NMFS also recognizes that complementary 
state water closures are needed in order to prevent quotas from being 
overharvested. As such, in this final action, NMFS is finalizing a 
different alternative, Alternative 2d that changes the closure 
notification from five days to four days. This alternative is an 
appropriate compromise between needing to provide appropriate notice 
for states to implement complementary measures and for the closure to 
take effect quickly and prevent overharvests.
    Regarding the concerns about the potential for fishermen to be out 
on long trips, and then having to discard their catch if they missed 
the closure date, historically (pre-2008), directed shark fishing 
trips, primarily targeting LCS, averaged between one and four days in 
length, but could be longer. However, because of reduced trip-based 
retention limits implemented in Amendment 2 in 2008, there has been a 
reduction in trip length, and the typical shark fishing trip is now 
only one or two days. Trips using pelagic longline gear, and 
interacting with pelagic sharks, can be longer, with the typical trip 
lasting nine days. Pelagic longline trips usually do not land many 
sharks, and the sharks they do land tend to be sharks in the pelagic 
shark management groups, which have never closed. Therefore, the four-
day closure notice should not affect pelagic longline trips. NMFS has 
determined that a four-day closure notice should allow fishermen enough 
time to finish their trips, while still providing NMFS the flexibility 
to close the fishery as needed while still preventing overharvest. 
Similarly, a four-day closure notice would also allow fishermen to 
safely fish one or two more trips, depending on weather and other 
factors, once the closure notice is announced.

Section B: General Comments

    Comment 3: NMFS should stop all shark fishing.
    Response: This comment is outside the scope of this rulemaking. The 
purpose of this rulemaking is to revise existing HMS regulations that 
require closure of shark fisheries with no fewer than five days' notice 
when landings or projections of landings reach 80 percent of the 
commercial quota. Management of the Atlantic shark fisheries is based 
on the best available science to achieve optimum yield while rebuilding 
overfished shark stocks and preventing overfishing. The final rule does 
not reanalyze the overall management measures for sharks, which have 
been analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments.
    Comment 4: NMFS should provide more information about catch across 
all sectors including catch versus total allowable catch (TAC), catch 
and release mortality, and bycatch associated with other fisheries.
    Response: This comment is beyond the scope of this rulemaking. This 
rulemaking updates and revises existing HMS regulations that require 
NMFS to close shark fisheries with no fewer than five days' notice, 
when landings or projections of landings reach 80 percent of the 
commercial quota. NMFS provides similar data in its annual Stock 
Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) reports (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/bulletin/2017-stock-assessment-and-fishery-evaluation-report-atlantic-highly-migratory-species).
    Comment 5: NMFS should provide the date and location of landings by 
    Response: NMFS currently provides shark landings by region and 
management group on a monthly basis (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/atlantic-highly-migratory-species/atlantic-highly-migratory-species-landings-updates), and uses the landings in our decision process to 
determine fishery closures and annual fishery quotas. Additionally, 
NMFS provides aggregated information in its annual SAFE reports. Due to 
the confidentiality requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS 
aggregates such data.

Changes From the Proposed Rule (83 FR 8037; February 23, 2018)

    NMFS made one change to the proposed rule. Specifically, in Sec.  
635.28(b)(2) and (b)(3), NMFS is changing from the proposed action of a 
three-day minimum notice time between filing of the closure notice with

[[Page 31680]]

the Office of the Federal Register and the closure going into effect to 
four days. This change is being made in response to comments from 
States that they need more than three days' notice in order to 
implement complementary state water shark fishery closures. This change 
to a four-day notice should provide NMFS the flexibility to close the 
fishery as needed while still preventing overharvests and allowing 
sufficient time for fishermen to complete ongoing trips at the time of 
the closure.


    Pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the NMFS Assistant 
Administrator has determined that the final rule is consistent with the 
2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments, other provisions of the 
Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other applicable laws.
    This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    This final rule is expected to be an Executive Order 13771 
deregulatory action.
    A Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) was prepared for 
this rule. The FRFA incorporates the Initial Regulatory Flexibility 
Analysis (IRFA), and a summary of the analyses completed to support the 
action. The full FRFA and analysis of economic and ecological impacts 
are available from NMFS. A summary of the analysis follows. A copy of 
this analysis is available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES).
    Section 604(a)(1) of the RFA requires a succinct statement of the 
need for and objectives of the rule. The purpose of this final action 
is to allow shark fishermen to harvest available quota without 
exceeding it, consistent with conservation and management measures 
adopted in accordance with Magnuson-Stevens Act requirements to end 
overfishing and rebuild stocks. The final action is also intended to 
maximize economic benefits to stakeholders by allowing them to harvest 
available quota while achieving conservation goals, including 
preventing overfishing. To achieve this goal, this action considers 
modifications to the percent landings threshold that results in a 
closure, and modifications to the minimum amount of time before a 
closure is effective.
    Section 604(a)(2) requires a summary of significant issues raised 
by the public comment in response to the IRFA and a summary of the 
assessment of the Agency of such issues, and a statement of any changes 
made in the rule as a result of such comments. NMFS did not receive 
comments specific to the IRFA or any comments relating to economic 
impacts of the proposed action.
    Section 604(a)(4) of the RFA requires Agencies to provide an 
estimate of the number of small entities to which the rule would apply. 
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has established size criteria 
for all major industry sectors in the United States, including fish 
harvesters. This provision is made under the SBA's regulations for an 
agency to develop its own industry-specific size standards after 
consultation with and an opportunity for public comment (see 13 CFR 
121.903(c)). Under this provision, NMFS may establish size standards 
that differ from those established by the SBA Office of Size Standards, 
but only for use by NMFS and only for the purpose of conducting an 
analysis of economic effects in fulfillment of the agency's obligations 
under the RFA. To utilize this provision, NMFS must publish such size 
standards in the Federal Register, which NMFS did on December 29, 2015 
(80 FR 81194). In this final rule effective on July 1, 2016, NMFS 
established a small business size standard of $11 million in annual 
gross receipts for all businesses in the commercial fishing industry 
(NAICS 11411) for RFA compliance purposes. NMFS considers all HMS 
permit holders to be small entities because they all had average annual 
receipts of less than $11 million for commercial fishing.
    The final rule would apply to the approximately 113 commercial 
shark dealers, 490 commercial limited access permit holders in the 
Atlantic shark fishery (221 directed and 269 incidental permits), and 
154 open access smoothhound shark permit holders, based on an analysis 
of permit holders as of October 2017. Not all permit holders are active 
in the shark fishery in any given year. Active directed permit holders 
are defined as those with valid permits that landed one shark, based on 
HMS electronic dealer reports. Of those 221 commercial directed limited 
access permit holders, 32 (14 percent of permit holders) landed LCS, 30 
(14 percent of permit holders) landed non-blacknose SCS, and 14 (6 
percent of permit holders) landed blacknose sharks in the Atlantic. In 
the Gulf of Mexico region, 10 (5 percent of permit holders) landed LCS 
in the western sub-region, 6 (3 percent of permit holders) landed LCS 
in the eastern sub-region, and 8 (4 percent of permit holders) landed 
non-blacknose SCS throughout the region. Of directed limited access 
permit holders, 47 (21 percent of permit holders) landed pelagic 
sharks. Of the 154 open access smoothhound shark permit holders, 75 (49 
percent of permit holders) landed sharks in the Atlantic region. NMFS 
has determined that the final rule would not likely affect any small 
governmental jurisdictions.
    Section 603(a)(5) of the RFA requires agencies to describe any new 
reporting, record-keeping and other compliance requirements. The action 
does not contain any new collection of information, reporting, or 
record-keeping requirements. The alternatives considered modify the 
percentage landings threshold that prompts a shark fishery closure and 
the length of time between public notice and the effective date of a 
given fishery closure with the goal of avoiding under- and overharvests 
in these fisheries.
    Section 604(a)(6) of the RFA requires agencies is to describe the 
steps taken to minimize the significant economic impact on small 
entities consistent with the stated objectives of applicable statutes, 
including a statement of the factual, policy, and legal reasons for 
selecting the alternative adopted in the final rule and why each one of 
the other significant alternatives to the rule considered by the agency 
which affect the impact on small entities was rejected. These impacts 
are summarized below and discussed in the accompanying Final EA.
    Alternative 1a, the No Action alternative, would maintain the 
existing 80-percent threshold to close the shark fishery and maintain 
current shark quotas. Based on the 2017 ex-vessel prices, the potential 
average annual gross revenue for the 10 active directed permit holders 
from blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark meat in the western 
Gulf of Mexico sub-region would be $312,411, and average annual gross 
revenue from shark fins would be $187,631. Thus, potential average 
annual gross revenue by each active directed permit holder for 
blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark landings in the western 
Gulf of Mexico sub-region would be $50,004 ((312,411 + 187,631)/10 
active vessels). The potential total average annual gross revenue for 
the six active directed permit holders from blacktip, aggregated LCS, 
and hammerhead shark meat in the eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-region 
would be $113,327, and average annual gross revenue from shark fins 
would be $70,954. Thus, potential total average annual gross revenue by 
each active directed permit holder for blacktip, aggregated LCS, and 
hammerhead shark landings in the eastern Gulf of Mexico region would be 
$30,713 ((113,327 + 30,713)/6 active vessels). The potential total 
average annual gross revenue for the eight active directed permit 
holders for non-blacknose SCS and

[[Page 31681]]

smoothhound shark meat in the Gulf of Mexico would be $54,614, while 
revenue from shark fins would be $33,682. Thus, potential total average 
annual gross revenue by each active directed permit holder for non-
blacknose SCS in the Gulf of Mexico would be $11,036 ((54,614 + 
33,682)/8 active vessels). Since there have been no landings of 
smoothhound sharks in the Gulf of Mexico, the annual gross revenue for 
the active directed permit holders would be zero. The potential annual 
gross revenues for the 32 active directed permit holders from 
aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark meat in the Atlantic would be 
$283,630, while revenue from shark fins would be $97,566. Thus, 
potential total average annual gross revenues by each active directed 
permit holder for aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark in the Atlantic 
would be $11,912 ((283,630 + 97,566)/32 active vessels). The potential 
annual gross revenues for the 30 active directed permit holders from 
non-blacknose SCS shark meat in the Atlantic would be $266,150, while 
revenue from shark fins would be $54,869. Thus, potential total average 
annual gross revenue by each active directed permit holder for non-
blacknose SCS in the Atlantic would be $10,700 ((266,150 + 54,869)/30 
active vessels). The potential annual gross revenues for the 14 active 
directed permit holders from blacknose shark meat in the Atlantic would 
be $18,103, while revenue from shark fins would be $3,412. Thus, 
potential total average annual gross revenue by each active directed 
permit holder for blacknose in the Atlantic would be $1,537 ((18,103 + 
3,412)/14 active vessels). The potential annual gross revenues for the 
75 active directed permit holders from smoothhound shark meat in the 
Atlantic would be $582,233, while revenue from shark fins would be 
$48,808. Thus, potential total average annual gross revenues by each 
active directed permit holder for smoothhound shark in the Atlantic 
would be $8,414 ((582,233 + 48,808)/75 active vessels). The potential 
annual gross revenues for the 47 active directed permit holders from 
pelagic sharks (blue, porbeagle, shortfin mako, and thresher sharks) 
meat would be $381,580, while revenue from shark fins would be $20,134. 
Thus, potential total average annual gross revenues by each active 
directed permit holder for pelagic sharks would be $8,547 ((381,580 + 
20,134)/47 active vessels). Alternative 1a would likely result in 
neutral direct short- and long-term socioeconomic impacts because shark 
fishermen would continue to operate under current conditions, with 
shark fishermen continuing to fish at similar rates. The No Action 
alternative could also have neutral indirect impacts to those 
supporting the commercial shark fisheries, since the retention limits, 
and thus current fishing efforts, would not change under this 
    Under Alternative 1b, NMFS would change the shark fishery closure 
threshold to 90 percent of the available overall, regional, and/or sub-
regional quota. This alternative would be likely to have neutral direct 
and indirect short- and long-term socioeconomic impacts because the 
base quotas would not change for any of the management groups and 
fishermen would still be limited in the total amount of sharks that 
could be harvested. This alternative could potentially lead to minor 
beneficial direct economic impacts if fishermen can land available 
quota that may have remained unharvested under the current 80-percent 
threshold. For example, in 2017, the quota for the blacktip, aggregated 
LCS, and hammerhead management groups from the western Gulf of Mexico 
sub-region was underutilized by 310,546 lb dw or 25 percent of the 
adjusted annual base quota, valued at $247,518 in potential ex-vessel 
revenue. Assuming all of this unharvested quota were caught, based on 
the 10 vessels that landed LCS in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-
region, the individual vessel impact would be an approximate gain of 
$31,055 per year. This does not include incidental permit holders, who 
would receive a smaller amount per year. For example, in the Atlantic, 
the blacknose shark management group was underutilized by 21,238 lb dw 
or 35 percent of the quota, valued at $25,807 in potential ex-vessel 
revenue. Based on the 14 vessels that landed blacknose in the Atlantic 
region, the individual vessel impact would be an approximate gain of 
$1,843 per year. This does not include incidental permit holders, who 
would receive a smaller amount per year. Alternative 1b could also lead 
to minor adverse socioeconomic impacts in the short-term if the quotas 
are overharvested, which would lead to lower quotas the following year. 
In addition, this alternative could potentially lead to minor adverse 
socioeconomic impacts if there is a large increase of landings combined 
with late dealer reporting, after the fishery is closed, that resulted 
in overharvest. For instance, the current 80 percent threshold has not 
been effective at closing in time to prevent overharvest of shark 
species that have small quotas, such as porbeagle sharks. As such, 
changing the percent closure threshold to 90 percent might be 
detrimental to the porbeagle shark fishery, as it may not provide a 
sufficient buffer to prevent overharvest and season closures that 
occurred in 2013 and 2015. However, this negative impact would be only 
in the short-term, as NMFS has the ability to monitor quotas on a 
weekly basis and promptly close the shark fishery.
    Under Alternative 1c, NMFS would change the shark fishery closure 
threshold to 70 percent of the available overall, regional, and/or sub-
regional quota. This change would potentially leave a larger buffer for 
fishermen to complete trips and receive delayed dealer reports. It is 
likely the change in threshold to 70 percent would have neutral direct 
and indirect short- and long-term socioeconomic impacts since none of 
the commercial quotas are being changed and NMFS is not expecting an 
increase in effort or fishing. This alternative could potentially have 
minor adverse direct socioeconomic impacts if there is a large amount 
of underharvest remaining every year, after accounting for late dealer 
reports, that fishermen would no longer be able to harvest as compared 
to the No Action alternative. For instance, a 10 percent decrease in 
realized revenue for the western Gulf of Mexico blacktip, aggregated 
LCS, and hammerhead shark fisheries would equate to approximately 
$50,004 (10 percent of $500,042) loss in ex-vessel revenue. Based on 
the 10 vessels that landed LCS in the western Gulf of Mexico sub-
region, the individual vessel impact would be an approximate loss of 
$5,000 per year. This does not include incidental permit holders, who 
would receive a smaller amount per year. However, these would be only 
be in the short-term because the fisheries have achieved close to full 
quota utilization in recent years for some shark quotas.
    Under Alternative 1d, NMFS would change the shark fishery closure 
threshold to 90 percent in the Atlantic Region, while maintaining the 
Gulf of Mexico closure threshold or overall non-regional threshold at 
80 percent. Alternative 1d provides some flexibility in assigning 
different closure thresholds between the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. 
In the Atlantic region, this alternative could potentially lead to 
minor beneficial direct economic impacts if fishermen can land 
available quota that may have remained unharvested under the current 
80-percent threshold. For instance, a 10 percent increase in realized 
revenue for the Atlantic aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark fisheries 
would equate to an approximate $38,119 (10 percent of $381,196) gain in 

[[Page 31682]]

revenue. Based on the 32 vessels that landed LCS in the Atlantic 
region, the individual vessel impact would be an approximate increase 
of $1,191 per year. This does not include incidental permit holders, 
who would receive a smaller amount per year. In the Gulf of Mexico 
region and for fisheries with no region, this alternative could likely 
result in neutral direct and indirect, short- and long-term 
socioeconomic impacts because shark fishermen would continue to operate 
under current conditions, with shark fishermen continuing to fish at 
similar rates. Impacts in the Gulf of Mexico would therefore be the 
same as those described in Alternative 1a.
    Under Alternative 1e, when any shark fishery species and/or 
management group landings reach or are projected to reach 80 percent of 
the available overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quota, NMFS would 
evaluate the following criteriato determine if a closure is needed at 
the 80-percent threshold:
    A. The stock status of the relevant species or management group and 
any linked species and/or management groups;
    B. The patterns of over- and underharvest in the fishery over the 
previous five years;
    C. The likelihood of continued landings after the federal closure 
of the fishery;
    D. The effects of the closure on accomplishing the objectives of 
the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments;
    E. The likelihood of landings exceeding the quota by December 31 of 
each year; and
    F. The impacts of the closure on the catch rates of other shark 
management groups, including likelihood of an increase in dead 

(See discussion in Chapter 2 of the Final EA.) This alternative would 
add flexibility to close a fishery depending on a set of criteria, 
helping to maximize management efficacy while preventing overharvest. 
If this increased flexibility in determining when to close a fishery 
leads to full quota utilization of management groups, while still 
preventing overharvest of shark fisheries, then fishermen could 
potentially see additional revenue from being able to land sharks that 
would otherwise have remained unharvested under the existing 80-percent 
threshold. For instance, a 20-percent increase in realized revenue for 
the Atlantic aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark fisheries would equate 
to an approximate $76,239 (20 percent of $381,196) gain in ex-vessel 
revenue. Based on the 32 vessels that landed LCS in the Atlantic 
region, the individual vessel impact would be an approximate increase 
of $2,382 per year. This does not include incidental permit holders, 
who would receive a smaller amount per year. Based upon these criteria, 
the fishery could still operate similarly to the status quo 80-percent 
closure threshold, which would result in neutral socioeconomic impacts 
as described for Alternative 1a, the status quo alternative. As 
examples, if a shark species and/or management group quota reaches 80 
percent by September 1, then NMFS would evaluate the criteria in 
Alternative 1e before determining if a closure is needed at the 80-
percent threshold in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic regions. Based on 
criteria A (stock status of the relevant species or management group 
and any linked species and/or management groups) and C (continued 
landings after the federal closure), NMFS would likely close the shark 
species and/or management group quota in the Gulf of Mexico. In the 
Atlantic region, NMFS would likely also close the shark species and/or 
management group quota based on criteria A since all of the shark 
species and/or management groups in the region have an overfished or 
unknown stock status. This would lead to neutral socioeconomic impacts 
in both regions since there would be no change from current 
regulations. If a shark species and/or management group quota reaches 
80 percent by December 1, then NMFS would need to evaluate all of the 
criteria closely before implementing a closure in either the Gulf of 
Mexico or Atlantic region. A key criterion to evaluate is the 
likelihood of landings exceeding the quota by December 31 of each year 
(Criteria E). In the Gulf of Mexico region, NMFS would also consider 
Criteria C (continued landings after the federal closure) and how this 
would impact the fishery. In the Atlantic region, NMFS would likely 
keep the fishery open as long as landings are not projected to exceed 
the quota by the end of the year.
    Alternative 1f, the preferred alternative, will allow a shark 
fishery to remain open after the fishery's landings have reached or are 
projected to reach 80 percent of the available overall, regional, and/
or sub-regional quota, if the fishery's landings are not projected to 
reach 100 percent of the applicable quota before the end of the season. 
If the 80 percent threshold is reached but a closure is not necessary, 
NMFS will notify the public of this determination in the first monthly 
shark landings update listserv notice following achievement of the 80 
percent level. If a closure is needed, NMFS will file a Notice in the 
Federal Register reflecting that determination and closing the fishery 
with the appropriate notice. This alternative, similar to Alternatives 
1d and 1e, will provide the flexibility of achieving full quota 
utilization while still preventing overharvest. This alternative could 
therefore lead to neutral socioeconomic impacts, similar to Alternative 
1a, the status quo alternative, if the landings are projected to reach 
100 percent before the end of the fishing year. As examples, if 
landings of a shark species and/or management group reach 80 percent by 
September 1, then NMFS would likely have to close the fishery if it was 
in either the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic regions since the landings 
would likely reach 100 percent before the end of the fishing year. This 
would cause neutral socioeconomic impacts since it would be the status 
quo for the fishery. If landings of a shark species and/or management 
group reach 80 percent by December 1, then NMFS would project whether 
the landings in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic regions would reach 100 
percent before the end of the fishing year. If NMFS makes a 
determination that the landings would exceed 100 percent of the 
available quota before the end of the fishing year (December 31) absent 
a closure, then NMFS would keep the fishery open. Thus, this could lead 
to minor beneficial socioeconomic impacts since the quota could be 
fully utilized. A fishery reaching the 80-percent threshold without 
being projected to exceed its quota before the end of the season is 
most likely to occur late in the year.
    Under Alternative 2a, NMFS would maintain the status quo and would 
not change the notice period of five days for the closure of a 
management group. This alternative would have no impact on the 
allowable level of fishing pressure, catch rates, or distribution of 
fishing effort. As such, it is likely that the No Action Alternative as 
well as this alternative in combination with any of the Alternatives 
1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, or 1f would have both neutral direct and indirect, 
short- and long-term socioeconomic impacts. If there is a large amount 
of landings made during the five-day notice and a later closure under 
Alternatives 1b, 1c, or 1d, then there could be the potential for minor 
beneficial socioeconomic impacts for those fisheries who have 
underutilized the quota in recent years. The majority of fishing trips 
for sharks are currently one day in length, so a five-day closure

[[Page 31683]]

notice should not result in regulatory discards for these trips. 
However, this alternative could potentially result in interrupted 
fishing activities, potentially resulting in regulatory discards if 
trips were underway at the time of the notice of the closure. For 
instance, pelagic longline fishing vessels, which can take trips that 
last several weeks, may need to discard any dead sharks onboard and in 
their hold if the vessel is unable to land the sharks before the 
closure is effective. However, NMFS expects few dead discards as a 
result of closure notices given that NMFS has implemented several 
management measures that prohibit retention of some sharks (i.e., 
silky, oceanic whitetip, hammerhead sharks) on vessels with pelagic 
longline gear onboard. In combination with all other alternatives 
(i.e., 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f), except Alternative 1b, this alternative 
would allow fishermen to complete their fishing trips while still 
preventing overharvest. In combination with Alternative 1b (e.g., 90-
percent closure threshold), there is a risk of overharvest if the 
landings rate was high before the closure date is effective and 
potential reduced quotas the following season.
    Under Alternative 2b, NMFS would change the minimum notice period 
to three days instead of the current five-day notice once the fisheries 
reached a landings threshold necessitating a closure. This change would 
allow more timely action in closing shark fisheries, helping to prevent 
overharvest. In combination with all other Alternatives (1a, 1b, 1d, 
1e, and 1f), except Alternative 1c, this alternative would reduce the 
risk of exceeding the quota, especially if the landings rate was high 
before the closure date is effective. In combination with Alternative 
1c (e.g., 70-percent closure threshold), this alternative would 
increase the risk of a significant underharvest and would cause minor 
adverse socioeconomic impacts. This alternative would have no impact on 
the allowable level of fishing pressure, catch rates, or distribution 
of fishing effort, as the commercial quotas would remain the same. 
Therefore, it is likely that this alternative would have both neutral 
direct and indirect, short- and long-term socioeconomic impacts. This 
alternative could potentially result in interrupted fishing activities 
for pelagic longline vessels, which generally take trips up to nine 
days in length, potentially resulting in regulatory discards if shark 
trips were underway at the time of the closure and the closure was 
immediate upon filing of the closure notice. However, NMFS expects few 
dead discards as a result of the closure notice timing as most pelagic 
longline fishermen do not target sharks and are unlikely to land many 
sharks given recent management measures to reduce shark mortality on 
pelagic longline vessels. In addition, the preferred time before the 
closure is effective is well within the range of the current directed 
shark trip lengths (i.e., one to two days). This alternative was 
preferred in the draft EA primarily because it would increase 
flexibility to close the fishery as needed while still preventing 
overharvest and allowing sufficient time for most fishermen to complete 
trips underway at the time of the notice of the closure. Based on 
public comment, this alternative is no longer preferred. A new 
preferred alternative (2d) better addresses concerns from the States 
that they need more than three days' notice in order to close state 
waters in conjunction with federal waters while also addressing NMFS' 
need to increase flexibility to close the fishery as needed while still 
preventing overharvest.
    Under Alternative 2c, NMFS would change the timing of shark fishery 
species and/or management group closures to allow immediate closure 
upon filing of the closure notice with the Office of the Federal 
Register. This alternative would allow timely action in closing shark 
fisheries, helping to prevent overharvest. In combination with all 
other alternatives, this alternative would either reduce the risk of 
exceeding the quota (i.e., Alternatives 1a, 1b, 1d, 1e, and 1f) or 
increase the risk of a significant underharvest (i.e., Alternative 1c). 
Therefore, it is likely that this alternative would have both neutral 
direct and indirect, short- and long-term economic impacts. However, as 
described in above, this alternative could potentially result in 
interrupted fishing activities with little or no warning to the 
regulated community, potentially resulting in regulatory discards, if 
shark trips were underway at the time of the notice of the closure, 
with associated loss of revenue. Additionally, HMS AP members from 
several states indicated that some states would have difficulty closing 
state water fisheries immediately.
    Under Alternative 2d, the new preferred alternative, NMFS will 
change the minimum notice period to four days instead of the current 
five-day notice once the landings reach a threshold necessitating a 
closure. This alternative is preferred because it addresses the 
concerns from the States that they need more than three days' notice in 
order to close state waters in conjunction with federal waters while 
addressing NMFS' need to increase flexibility to close the fishery as 
needed while still preventing overharvest. In combination with all 
other alternatives (i.e., 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f), except Alternative 
1b, Alternative 2d will allow most fishermen, particularly those 
fishing for sharks, to complete their fishing trips while still 
reducing the risk of exceeding the quota, especially if landings rate 
increases substantially between the filing of the closure notice and 
the effective date of the closure. In combination with Alternative 1b 
(e.g., 90-percent closure threshold), there is a risk of overharvest if 
the landings rate was high before the closure date is effective under 
Alternative 2d. This alternative would likely have both neutral direct 
and indirect short- and long-term socioeconomic impacts to shark 
fishery participants because the allowable level of fishing pressure, 
catch rates, distribution of fishing effort, and the commercial quotas 
would remain the same. This alternative is within the range of 
originally proposed actions, which covered potential closure notice 
between immediate closure and five days.
    Section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act of 1996 states that, for each rule or group of related rules for 
which an agency is required to prepare a FRFA, the agency shall publish 
one or more guides to assist small entities in complying with the rule 
and shall designate such publications as ``small entity compliance 
guides.'' The agency shall explain the actions a small entity is 
required to take to comply with a rule or group of rules. As part of 
this rulemaking process, a listserv notice and a statement published 
online that also serves as small entity compliance guide (the guide) 
was prepared. Copies of this final rule and the guide are available 
upon request (see ADDRESSES).

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 635

    Fisheries, Fishing, Fishing vessels, Foreign relations, Imports, 
Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Treaties.

    Dated: July 3, 2018.
Patricia A. Montanio,
Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National 
Marine Fisheries Service.
    For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 635 is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 635 continues to read as follows:

[[Page 31684]]

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

2. In Sec.  635.24, revise paragraph (a)(8)(iii) to read as follows:

Sec.  635.24   Commercial retention limits for sharks, swordfish, and 
BAYS tunas.

* * * * *
    (a) * * *
    (8) * * *
    (iii) Estimated date of fishery closure based on when the landings 
are projected to reach 80 percent of the quota given the realized catch 
rates and whether they are projected to reach 100 percent before the 
end of the fishing season;
* * * * *

3. In Sec.  635.28, revise paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) to read as 

Sec.  635.28   Fishery closures.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2) Non-linked quotas. If the overall, regional, and/or sub-
regional quota of a species or management group is not linked to 
another species or management group and that overall, regional, and/or 
sub-regional quota is available as specified by a publication in the 
Federal Register, then that overall, regional, and/or sub-regional 
commercial fishery for the shark species or management group will open 
as specified in Sec.  635.27(b). When NMFS calculates that the overall, 
regional, and/or sub-regional landings for a shark species and/or 
management group, as specified in Sec.  635.27(b)(1), has reached or is 
projected to reach 80 percent of the applicable available overall, 
regional, and/or sub-regional quota as specified in Sec.  635.27(b)(1) 
and is projected to reach 100 percent of the relevant quota by the end 
of the fishing season, NMFS will file for publication with the Office 
of the Federal Register a notice of an overall, regional, and/or sub-
regional closure, as applicable, for that shark species and/or shark 
management group that will be effective no fewer than 4 days from date 
of filing. From the effective date and time of the closure until NMFS 
announces, via the publication of a notice in the Federal Register, 
that additional overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quota is 
available and the season is reopened, the overall, regional, and/or 
sub-regional fisheries for that shark species or management group are 
closed, even across fishing years.
    (3) Linked quotas. As specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this 
section, the overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quotas of some 
shark species and/or management groups are linked to the overall, 
regional, and/or sub-regional quotas of other shark species and/or 
management groups. For each pair of linked species and/or management 
groups, if the overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quota specified 
in Sec.  635.27(b)(1) is available for both of the linked species and/
or management groups as specified by a publication in the Federal 
Register, then the overall, regional, and/or sub-regional commercial 
fishery for both of the linked species and/or management groups will 
open as specified in Sec.  635.27(b)(1). When NMFS calculates that the 
overall, regional, and/or sub-regional landings for any species and/or 
management group of a linked group have reached or are projected to 
reach 80 percent of the applicable available overall, regional, and/or 
sub-regional quota as specified in Sec.  635.27(b)(1) and are projected 
to reach 100 percent of the relevant quota before the end of the 
fishing season, NMFS will file for publication with the Office of the 
Federal Register a notice of an overall, regional, and/or sub-regional 
closure for all of the species and/or management groups in that linked 
group that will be effective no fewer than 4 days from date of filing. 
From the effective date and time of the closure until NMFS announces, 
via the publication of a notice in the Federal Register, that 
additional overall, regional, and/or sub-regional quota is available 
and the season is reopened, the overall, regional, and/or sub-regional 
fishery for all species and/or management groups in that linked group 
is closed, even across fishing years.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-14665 Filed 7-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          31677

                                              discontinuance. You may file your                        the demarcation point within ten                      Management Plan (FMP) and
                                              comments electronically through the                      business days of a request from the                   amendments are available from the
                                              FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing                          premises owner. If the provider of                    HMS website at https://
                                              System using the docket number                           wireline telecommunications services                  www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/atlantic-
                                              established in the Commission’s public                   does not provide the information within               highly-migratory-species or by
                                              notice for this proceeding, or you may                   that time, the premises owner may                     contacting Lauren Latchford at (301)
                                              address them to the Federal                              presume the demarcation point to be at                427–8503.
                                              Communications Commission, Wireline                      the MPOE. Notwithstanding the                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Competition Bureau, Competition                          provisions of § 68.110(b), provider of                Lauren Latchford, Guý DuBeck, Chanté
                                              Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554,                   wireline telecommunications services                  Davis, or Karyl Brewster-Geisz by phone
                                              and include in your comments a                           must make this information freely                     at (301) 427–8503 or Delisse Ortiz at
                                              reference to the § 63.71 Application of                  available to the requesting premises                  (240) 681–9037.
                                              (carrier’s name). Comments should                        owner.                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Atlantic
                                              include specific information about the                   *     *     *     *    *                              sharks are directly managed under the
                                              impact of this proposed discontinuance                                                                         authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
                                              (or reduction or impairment) upon you                    § 68.110   [Amended]
                                                                                                                                                             Fishery Conservation and Management
                                              or your company, including any                           ■ 8. Amend § 68.110 by removing                       Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). NMFS
                                              inability to acquire reasonable substitute               paragraph (b) and redesignating                       published in the Federal Register (71
                                              service.                                                 paragraph (c) as paragraph (b).                       FR 59058, October 2, 2006) final
                                                 (2) For applications to discontinue,                                                                        regulations, effective November 1, 2006,
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–14570 Filed 7–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                              reduce, or impair such data service that                                                                       implementing the 2006 Consolidated
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                              has been grandfathered for a period of                                                                         HMS FMP, which details management
                                              no less than 180 days, in order to be                                                                          measures for Atlantic HMS fisheries.
                                              eligible for automatic grant under                                                                             The implementing regulations for the
                                              paragraph (l)(4) of this section, an                     DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                                                                                                                             2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its
                                              applicant must include in its                                                                                  amendments are at 50 CFR part 635.
                                                                                                       National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                              application a statement confirming that                                                                        This final rule modifies the current
                                              it received Commission authority to                                                                            regulations related to closures for
                                              grandfather the service at issue at least                                                                      commercial shark fisheries.
                                                                                                       50 CFR Part 635
                                              180 days prior to filing the current
                                              application.                                             [Docket No. 170703617–8097–01]                        Background
                                                 (3) An application seeking to                                                                                  A brief summary of the background of
                                              grandfather such a data service shall be                 RIN 0648–BG97
                                                                                                                                                             this action is provided below; more
                                              automatically granted on the 25th day                    Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;                    detailed information can be found in the
                                              after its filing with the Commission                     Final Rule To Revise Atlantic Shark                   proposed rule (83 FR 8037, February 23,
                                              without any Commission notification to                   Fishery Closure Regulations                           2018) and is not repeated here.
                                              the applicant unless the Commission                                                                            Additional information regarding
                                              has notified the applicant that the grant                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    Atlantic HMS management, specifically
                                              will not be automatically effective.                     Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  the commercial fisheries season
                                                 (4) An application seeking to                         Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    structure, can be found in the Final EA
                                              discontinue, reduce, or impair such a                    Commerce.                                             for this action and the 2006
                                              data service that has been grandfathered                 ACTION: Final rule.                                   Consolidated HMS FMP and its
                                              under this section for 180 days or more
                                                                                                                                                             amendments, found on the HMS
                                              preceding the filing of the application,                 SUMMARY:    This final rule revises the               website (see ADDRESSES).
                                              shall be automatically granted on the                    current closure regulations for                          On February 23, 2018, NMFS
                                              31st day after its filing with the                       commercial shark fisheries. These                     published a proposed rule (83 FR 8037)
                                              Commission without any Commission                        changes affect commercial shark                       that proposed (1) changing the
                                              notification to the applicant, unless the                fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean,                      regulations from requiring a shark
                                              Commission has notified the applicant                    including the Gulf of Mexico and                      fishery species and/or management
                                              that the grant will not be automatically                 Caribbean. Revisions include changes to               group to close when landings have
                                              effective.                                               the landings threshold that prompts a                 reached or are projected to reach 80
                                                                                                       closure and the minimum time between                  percent of the available overall,
                                              PART 68—CONNECTION OF                                    filing of the closure with the Federal
                                              TERMINAL EQUIPMENT TO THE                                                                                      regional, and/or sub-regional quota, and
                                                                                                       Register and the closure becoming                     instead allowing the fishery to remain
                                              TELEPHONE NETWORK                                        effective. This action is necessary to                open in such circumstances if the
                                                                                                       allow more flexibility when closing                   species and/or management group’s
                                              ■ 6. The authority citation for part 68 is
                                                                                                       shark fisheries and to facilitate the use             landings are not projected to reach 100
                                              revised to read as follows:
                                                                                                       of available quota while still preventing             percent before the end of the
                                                  Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 610.                  overharvests.                                         commercial fishing season, and (2)
                                              ■ 7. Amend § 68.105 by revising                          DATES: This rule is effective on August               changing the minimum notice time
                                              paragraph (d)(4) to read as follows:                     8, 2018.                                              between filing and the closure going
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              § 68.105 Minimum point of entry (MPOE)                   ADDRESSES: Copies of the supporting                   into effect from five days to three. A 30-
                                              and demarcation point.                                   documents, including the Final                        day public comment period closed on
                                              *      *    *    *     *                                 Environmental Assessment (EA),                        March 26, 2018. The comments received
                                                 (d) * * *                                             Regulatory Impact Review (RIR), Final                 on the Draft EA and proposed rule, and
                                                 (4) The provider of wireline                          Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA),               our responses to those comments, are
                                              telecommunications services shall make                   and the 2006 Consolidated Highly                      summarized below in the section
                                              available information on the location of                 Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery                       labeled ‘‘Response to Comments.’’

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:03 Jul 06, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00035   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\09JYR1.SGM   09JYR1

                                              31678                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 After reviewing the public comments                   fishery’s landings have reached or are                quota utilization before closing the
                                              and consulting with the HMS Advisory                     projected to reach 80 percent of the                  fishery. Most states in the Gulf of
                                              Panel, this final action allows a shark                  available overall, regional, and/or sub-              Mexico require all state-only dealers to
                                              fishery to remain open after the fishery’s               regional quota, if the fishery’s landings             report electronically, but some states
                                              landings have reached or are projected                   are not projected to reach 100 percent of             still allow for paper reports, and/or
                                              to reach 80 percent of the available                     the applicable quota before the end of                require reporting once a month rather
                                              overall, regional, and/or sub-regional                   the season. With regard to comments                   than weekly. That, in combination with
                                              quota, if the fishery’s landings are not                 preferring the combination of                         late dealer reports prevent NMFS from
                                              projected to reach 100 percent of the                    Alternatives 1e and 1f, Alternative 1e                setting the threshold at full utilization
                                              applicable quota before the end of the                   would have established criteria such as               because of the risk of exceeding the
                                              season. This final action also changes                   examining stock status or patterns of                 quota. The 80-percent fishery-closure
                                              the minimum notice time between filing                   over- and underharvest that NMFS                      threshold for the shark management
                                              of the closure notice with the Office of                 would evaluate before determining if a                groups was implemented in
                                              the Federal Register and the closure                     closure notice is needed when any shark               Amendment 2 to the 2006 Consolidated
                                              going into effect from five days to four                 fishery species and/or management                     HMS FMP (73 FR 35778, June 24, 2008;
                                              days, which is a change from the                         group landings reach or are projected to              73 FR 40658, July 15, 2008). At that
                                              proposed rule based on public                            reach 80 percent of the available overall,            time, NMFS relied on hard copy dealer
                                              comment.                                                 regional, and/or sub-regional quota. If               reports that were mailed to the Agency
                                              Response to Comments                                     the evaluation of the specified criteria              and were often several weeks, or even
                                                                                                       were to indicate that the fishery does                months, out of date. Since then, NMFS
                                                During the 30-day public comment                       not need to close at 80 percent, the                  has established weekly electronic
                                              period, NMFS held one webinar and                        fishery could remain open until                       reporting with weekly compliance
                                              presented information about the                          landings reach, or are projected to reach,            monitoring. While dealer reporting now
                                              proposed rule at the HMS Advisory                        90 percent. Alternative 1f, however,                  is electronic, except for some state-only
                                              Panel meeting. In addition to the nine                   maintains the 80-percent threshold, and               dealers, particularly in the Gulf of
                                              verbal comments received at those                        at that threshold, NMFS would review                  Mexico, and thus generally more timely,
                                              meetings, NMFS also received 10                          landings projections indicating whether               NMFS must still account for late
                                              written comments regarding the                           a closure is needed to avoid exceedance               reporting by shark dealers and provide
                                              proposed action from fishermen, states,                  of the available overall, regional, and/or            a buffer to include landings received
                                              environmental groups, academia, and                                                                            after the reporting deadline to avoid
                                                                                                       sub-regional quota by the end of the
                                              other interested parties. All written
                                                                                                       season. If the species and/or                         overharvests. A review of closures since
                                              comments can be found at http://
                                                                                                       management group’s landings are not                   NMFS began electronic reporting has
                                              www.regulations.gov/ by searching for
                                                                                                       projected to reach 100 percent of the                 showed that the current 80-percent
                                              RIN 0648–BG97. All of the comments
                                                                                                       applicable quota before the end of the                threshold is not always effective at
                                              received are summarized below.
                                                                                                       season, the fishery will remain open.                 closing in time to prevent overharvest of
                                              Section A: Comments on Closure                           Because Alternative 1e would require                  small quotas, such as porbeagle sharks.
                                              Threshold and Closure Notice                             closing the fishery at 90 percent of the              Additionally, the review shows that on
                                              Alternatives                                             quota, regardless of whether the                      average, across all of the shark fisheries,
                                                Comment 1: NMFS received a number                      projections indicate the fishery would                16 percent of the quota is landed after
                                              of comments regarding the closure                        not exceed 100 percent of the quota                   a closure is announced. Therefore, a 90-
                                              threshold alternatives. Some                             before the end of the fishing season                  percent or greater closure threshold
                                              commenters supported preferred                           (which is what Alternative 1f would                   would likely result in overharvests of
                                              Alternative 1f, while other commenters                   allow), NMFS is assuming that                         the quotas. For stocks with small quotas,
                                              suggested combining Alternative 1e,                      commenters who suggested combining                    we can anticipate that this higher
                                              which would establish criteria to use for                these two alternatives actually were                  closure threshold would result in
                                              evaluation of a closure, with the                        suggesting adding the criteria listed in              consistent overharvests, with little
                                              preferred Alternative 1f. Other                          Alternative 1e to Alternative 1f. NMFS                opportunity to account for the
                                              commenters wanted to increase the                        does not prefer adding criteria to                    overharvests in the next year (because
                                              federal fishery closure threshold for the                Alternative 1f because doing so would                 overharvests would occur again) and
                                              shark management groups from 80                          unnecessarily complicate the closure                  this could be expected to have moderate
                                              percent to greater than 90 percent                       procedures, possibly confuse the                      adverse direct ecological effects on such
                                              because they felt the current weekly                     regulated community, and would not                    shark species and result in the need to
                                              electronic reporting requirements for                    necessarily enhance the accuracy of any               close the fisheries in future years.
                                              dealers increased the timeliness and                     closure notice. Requiring NMFS to step                   Regarding the commenter who
                                              accuracy of dealer reporting (compared                   through specific criteria such as stock               preferred no action, that alternative
                                              to reporting requirements that were in                   status that do not influence catch rates              would require NMFS to continue
                                              place when the 80-percent buffer was                     would add complexity to the process                   closing the relevant management group
                                              implemented) and would allow for a                       and would not improve accuracy of the                 when 80 percent of its shark quota had
                                              smaller buffer while still preventing                    projections and in fact may delay                     been landed. However, in recent years
                                              overharvest of the quota. Lastly, one                    needed closures in some circumstances.                as a result of monitoring the fishery and
                                              commenter preferred Alternative 1a, No                      Some commenters supported a higher                 changing the trip limits throughout the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              Action.                                                  closure threshold than was analyzed in                year, several management groups (e.g.,
                                                Response: After considering public                     the proposed alternatives, such as                    aggregated large coastal sharks (LCS)
                                              comment and carefully reviewing the                      closure when quota use reaches 100                    and hammerhead sharks) are remaining
                                              relevant data, NMFS is finalizing this                   percent, because they felt the                        open for the entire year and may not
                                              action as proposed with preferred                        combination of weekly electronic dealer               reach 80 percent of that quota until late
                                              Alternative 1f, which would allow a                      reporting with advanced projection                    in the year. Under no action, NMFS
                                              shark fishery to remain open after the                   methodologies should allow for full                   would close these fisheries once

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                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         31679

                                              landings reach 80 percent of the quota                      Regarding Alternative 1a, no action,               Section B: General Comments
                                              even if it would be unlikely that the                    NMFS does not prefer to keep the                         Comment 3: NMFS should stop all
                                              quota would be fully harvested. Instead,                 closure notice at five days because this              shark fishing.
                                              this final action would allow NMFS to                    alternative would not increase                           Response: This comment is outside
                                              keep those fisheries open for the entire                 flexibility in NMFS’ ability to manage                the scope of this rulemaking. The
                                              year as long as projections indicate the                 the shark fisheries in a timely manner.               purpose of this rulemaking is to revise
                                              quotas would not be exceeded by                          As stated in the response to Comment                  existing HMS regulations that require
                                              December 31 of each year.                                1, after NMFS announces a closure,                    closure of shark fisheries with no fewer
                                                 Comment 2: Some commenters                            approximately 16 percent of the quota is              than five days’ notice when landings or
                                              supported the proposed Alternative 2b,                   harvested before the fishery actually                 projections of landings reach 80 percent
                                              which would close sharks fisheries                       closes five days later. Under a no action             of the commercial quota. Management
                                              three days after the notice was filed                    alternative, continued landings during a              of the Atlantic shark fisheries is based
                                              with the Office of the Federal Register.                 five-day notice period would likely                   on the best available science to achieve
                                              Other commenters, including the States                   contribute to overharvests. When such                 optimum yield while rebuilding
                                              of North Carolina and Louisiana,                         overharvests occur on a frequent basis                overfished shark stocks and preventing
                                              supported the no action alternative and                  over the long-term, it can lead to                    overfishing. The final rule does not
                                              did not support proposed Alternative 2b                  overfishing, delayed rebuilding of                    reanalyze the overall management
                                              because, they argued, three days would                   overfished stocks, and overall negative               measures for sharks, which have been
                                              not allow time for states to implement                   impacts on fishermen and dealers.                     analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS
                                              complementary measures by closing                                                                              FMP and its amendments.
                                                                                                       However, NMFS also recognizes that
                                              state water shark fisheries. Additionally,                                                                        Comment 4: NMFS should provide
                                                                                                       complementary state water closures are
                                              some commenters stated that some                                                                               more information about catch across all
                                                                                                       needed in order to prevent quotas from
                                              commercial pelagic longline                                                                                    sectors including catch versus total
                                                                                                       being overharvested. As such, in this
                                              participants take multi-day trips that                                                                         allowable catch (TAC), catch and release
                                              could be interrupted by such an earlier                  final action, NMFS is finalizing a
                                                                                                       different alternative, Alternative 2d that            mortality, and bycatch associated with
                                              closure notice. Finally, commenters                                                                            other fisheries.
                                              were worried that a three-day notice                     changes the closure notification from
                                                                                                                                                                Response: This comment is beyond
                                              would have safety issues if, after getting               five days to four days. This alternative
                                                                                                                                                             the scope of this rulemaking. This
                                              notice of a closure, fishermen decide to                 is an appropriate compromise between
                                                                                                                                                             rulemaking updates and revises existing
                                              fish one or more trips before a closure                  needing to provide appropriate notice
                                                                                                                                                             HMS regulations that require NMFS to
                                              occurs and without regard to any                         for states to implement complementary                 close shark fisheries with no fewer than
                                              weather conditions.                                      measures and for the closure to take                  five days’ notice, when landings or
                                                 Response: After considering public                    effect quickly and prevent overharvests.              projections of landings reach 80 percent
                                              comment and reviewing the data, NMFS                        Regarding the concerns about the                   of the commercial quota. NMFS
                                              has decided to change from its                           potential for fishermen to be out on long             provides similar data in its annual Stock
                                              originally preferred alternative                         trips, and then having to discard their               Assessment and Fishery Evaluation
                                              providing three days’ notice (Alternative                catch if they missed the closure date,                (SAFE) reports (https://
                                              2b) to a new alternative that provides                   historically (pre-2008), directed shark               www.fisheries.noaa.gov/bulletin/2017-
                                              four days’ notice (Alternative 2d)                       fishing trips, primarily targeting LCS,               stock-assessment-and-fishery-
                                              between filing of the closure notice with                averaged between one and four days in                 evaluation-report-atlantic-highly-
                                              the Office of the Federal Register and                   length, but could be longer. However,                 migratory-species).
                                              the closure going into effect. This                      because of reduced trip-based retention                  Comment 5: NMFS should provide
                                              change is in response to comments that                   limits implemented in Amendment 2 in                  the date and location of landings by
                                              States need more than three days’ notice                 2008, there has been a reduction in trip              region.
                                              in order to close state water shark                      length, and the typical shark fishing trip               Response: NMFS currently provides
                                              fisheries at the same time as federal                    is now only one or two days. Trips                    shark landings by region and
                                              water shark fisheries. Closing with four                 using pelagic longline gear, and                      management group on a monthly basis
                                              days’ notice adequately addresses our                    interacting with pelagic sharks, can be               (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/
                                              concerns about closing shark fisheries in                                                                      atlantic-highly-migratory-species/
                                                                                                       longer, with the typical trip lasting nine
                                              a timely manner, while ensuring state                                                                          atlantic-highly-migratory-species-
                                                                                                       days. Pelagic longline trips usually do
                                              and federal waters close at the same                                                                           landings-updates), and uses the
                                                                                                       not land many sharks, and the sharks
                                              time to prevent confusion among                                                                                landings in our decision process to
                                              fisherman, dealers, and enforcement.                     they do land tend to be sharks in the
                                                                                                                                                             determine fishery closures and annual
                                              Additionally, the four-day preferred                     pelagic shark management groups,
                                                                                                                                                             fishery quotas. Additionally, NMFS
                                              alternative increases flexibility to close               which have never closed. Therefore, the               provides aggregated information in its
                                              the fishery as needed while still                        four-day closure notice should not affect             annual SAFE reports. Due to the
                                              preventing overharvest and allowing                      pelagic longline trips. NMFS has                      confidentiality requirements of the
                                              sufficient time for fishermen to                         determined that a four-day closure                    Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS
                                              complete ongoing trips at the time of the                notice should allow fishermen enough                  aggregates such data.
                                              closure. The allotted time before the                    time to finish their trips, while still
                                              closure becomes effective is also well                   providing NMFS the flexibility to close               Changes From the Proposed Rule (83
                                                                                                                                                             FR 8037; February 23, 2018)
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                                              within the range of the current directed                 the fishery as needed while still
                                              shark trip lengths (i.e., one to two days).              preventing overharvest. Similarly, a                    NMFS made one change to the
                                              Because the EA examined alternatives                     four-day closure notice would also                    proposed rule. Specifically, in
                                              ranging from immediate closure to                        allow fishermen to safely fish one or                 § 635.28(b)(2) and (b)(3), NMFS is
                                              closure with five days’ notice, this new                 two more trips, depending on weather                  changing from the proposed action of a
                                              alternative is within the range of                       and other factors, once the closure                   three-day minimum notice time
                                              originally proposed actions.                             notice is announced.                                  between filing of the closure notice with

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                                              31680                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              the Office of the Federal Register and                   or any comments relating to economic                  sharks in the Atlantic region. NMFS has
                                              the closure going into effect to four                    impacts of the proposed action.                       determined that the final rule would not
                                              days. This change is being made in                          Section 604(a)(4) of the RFA requires              likely affect any small governmental
                                              response to comments from States that                    Agencies to provide an estimate of the                jurisdictions.
                                              they need more than three days’ notice                   number of small entities to which the                    Section 603(a)(5) of the RFA requires
                                              in order to implement complementary                      rule would apply. The Small Business                  agencies to describe any new reporting,
                                              state water shark fishery closures. This                 Administration (SBA) has established                  record-keeping and other compliance
                                              change to a four-day notice should                       size criteria for all major industry                  requirements. The action does not
                                              provide NMFS the flexibility to close                    sectors in the United States, including               contain any new collection of
                                              the fishery as needed while still                        fish harvesters. This provision is made               information, reporting, or record-
                                              preventing overharvests and allowing                     under the SBA’s regulations for an                    keeping requirements. The alternatives
                                              sufficient time for fishermen to                         agency to develop its own industry-                   considered modify the percentage
                                              complete ongoing trips at the time of the                specific size standards after consultation            landings threshold that prompts a shark
                                              closure.                                                 with and an opportunity for public                    fishery closure and the length of time
                                                                                                       comment (see 13 CFR 121.903(c)).                      between public notice and the effective
                                              Classification                                           Under this provision, NMFS may                        date of a given fishery closure with the
                                                 Pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens                      establish size standards that differ from             goal of avoiding under- and
                                              Act, the NMFS Assistant Administrator                    those established by the SBA Office of                overharvests in these fisheries.
                                              has determined that the final rule is                    Size Standards, but only for use by                      Section 604(a)(6) of the RFA requires
                                              consistent with the 2006 Consolidated                    NMFS and only for the purpose of                      agencies is to describe the steps taken to
                                              HMS FMP and its amendments, other                        conducting an analysis of economic                    minimize the significant economic
                                              provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens                       effects in fulfillment of the agency’s                impact on small entities consistent with
                                              Act, and other applicable laws.                          obligations under the RFA. To utilize                 the stated objectives of applicable
                                                 This final rule has been determined to                this provision, NMFS must publish such                statutes, including a statement of the
                                              be not significant for purposes of                       size standards in the Federal Register,               factual, policy, and legal reasons for
                                              Executive Order 12866.                                   which NMFS did on December 29, 2015                   selecting the alternative adopted in the
                                                                                                       (80 FR 81194). In this final rule effective           final rule and why each one of the other
                                                 This final rule is expected to be an
                                                                                                       on July 1, 2016, NMFS established a                   significant alternatives to the rule
                                              Executive Order 13771 deregulatory
                                                                                                       small business size standard of $11                   considered by the agency which affect
                                                                                                       million in annual gross receipts for all              the impact on small entities was
                                                 A Final Regulatory Flexibility
                                                                                                       businesses in the commercial fishing                  rejected. These impacts are summarized
                                              Analysis (FRFA) was prepared for this                                                                          below and discussed in the
                                                                                                       industry (NAICS 11411) for RFA
                                              rule. The FRFA incorporates the Initial                                                                        accompanying Final EA.
                                                                                                       compliance purposes. NMFS considers
                                              Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA),                                                                           Alternative 1a, the No Action
                                                                                                       all HMS permit holders to be small
                                              and a summary of the analyses                                                                                  alternative, would maintain the existing
                                                                                                       entities because they all had average
                                              completed to support the action. The                                                                           80-percent threshold to close the shark
                                                                                                       annual receipts of less than $11 million
                                              full FRFA and analysis of economic and                                                                         fishery and maintain current shark
                                                                                                       for commercial fishing.
                                              ecological impacts are available from                       The final rule would apply to the                  quotas. Based on the 2017 ex-vessel
                                              NMFS. A summary of the analysis                          approximately 113 commercial shark                    prices, the potential average annual
                                              follows. A copy of this analysis is                      dealers, 490 commercial limited access                gross revenue for the 10 active directed
                                              available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES).                     permit holders in the Atlantic shark                  permit holders from blacktip, aggregated
                                                 Section 604(a)(1) of the RFA requires                 fishery (221 directed and 269 incidental              LCS, and hammerhead shark meat in the
                                              a succinct statement of the need for and                 permits), and 154 open access                         western Gulf of Mexico sub-region
                                              objectives of the rule. The purpose of                   smoothhound shark permit holders,                     would be $312,411, and average annual
                                              this final action is to allow shark                      based on an analysis of permit holders                gross revenue from shark fins would be
                                              fishermen to harvest available quota                     as of October 2017. Not all permit                    $187,631. Thus, potential average
                                              without exceeding it, consistent with                    holders are active in the shark fishery in            annual gross revenue by each active
                                              conservation and management measures                     any given year. Active directed permit                directed permit holder for blacktip,
                                              adopted in accordance with Magnuson-                     holders are defined as those with valid               aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark
                                              Stevens Act requirements to end                          permits that landed one shark, based on               landings in the western Gulf of Mexico
                                              overfishing and rebuild stocks. The final                HMS electronic dealer reports. Of those               sub-region would be $50,004 ((312,411
                                              action is also intended to maximize                      221 commercial directed limited access                + 187,631)/10 active vessels). The
                                              economic benefits to stakeholders by                     permit holders, 32 (14 percent of permit              potential total average annual gross
                                              allowing them to harvest available quota                 holders) landed LCS, 30 (14 percent of                revenue for the six active directed
                                              while achieving conservation goals,                      permit holders) landed non-blacknose                  permit holders from blacktip, aggregated
                                              including preventing overfishing. To                     SCS, and 14 (6 percent of permit                      LCS, and hammerhead shark meat in the
                                              achieve this goal, this action considers                 holders) landed blacknose sharks in the               eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-region
                                              modifications to the percent landings                    Atlantic. In the Gulf of Mexico region,               would be $113,327, and average annual
                                              threshold that results in a closure, and                 10 (5 percent of permit holders) landed               gross revenue from shark fins would be
                                              modifications to the minimum amount                      LCS in the western sub-region, 6 (3                   $70,954. Thus, potential total average
                                              of time before a closure is effective.                   percent of permit holders) landed LCS                 annual gross revenue by each active
                                                 Section 604(a)(2) requires a summary                  in the eastern sub-region, and 8 (4                   directed permit holder for blacktip,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              of significant issues raised by the public               percent of permit holders) landed non-                aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark
                                              comment in response to the IRFA and                      blacknose SCS throughout the region. Of               landings in the eastern Gulf of Mexico
                                              a summary of the assessment of the                       directed limited access permit holders,               region would be $30,713 ((113,327 +
                                              Agency of such issues, and a statement                   47 (21 percent of permit holders) landed              30,713)/6 active vessels). The potential
                                              of any changes made in the rule as a                     pelagic sharks. Of the 154 open access                total average annual gross revenue for
                                              result of such comments. NMFS did not                    smoothhound shark permit holders, 75                  the eight active directed permit holders
                                              receive comments specific to the IRFA                    (49 percent of permit holders) landed                 for non-blacknose SCS and

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                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          31681

                                              smoothhound shark meat in the Gulf of                    conditions, with shark fishermen                      changing the percent closure threshold
                                              Mexico would be $54,614, while                           continuing to fish at similar rates. The              to 90 percent might be detrimental to
                                              revenue from shark fins would be                         No Action alternative could also have                 the porbeagle shark fishery, as it may
                                              $33,682. Thus, potential total average                   neutral indirect impacts to those                     not provide a sufficient buffer to prevent
                                              annual gross revenue by each active                      supporting the commercial shark                       overharvest and season closures that
                                              directed permit holder for non-                          fisheries, since the retention limits, and            occurred in 2013 and 2015. However,
                                              blacknose SCS in the Gulf of Mexico                      thus current fishing efforts, would not               this negative impact would be only in
                                              would be $11,036 ((54,614 + 33,682)/8                    change under this alternative.                        the short-term, as NMFS has the ability
                                              active vessels). Since there have been no                   Under Alternative 1b, NMFS would                   to monitor quotas on a weekly basis and
                                              landings of smoothhound sharks in the                    change the shark fishery closure                      promptly close the shark fishery.
                                              Gulf of Mexico, the annual gross                         threshold to 90 percent of the available                 Under Alternative 1c, NMFS would
                                              revenue for the active directed permit                   overall, regional, and/or sub-regional                change the shark fishery closure
                                              holders would be zero. The potential                     quota. This alternative would be likely               threshold to 70 percent of the available
                                              annual gross revenues for the 32 active                  to have neutral direct and indirect short-            overall, regional, and/or sub-regional
                                              directed permit holders from aggregated                  and long-term socioeconomic impacts                   quota. This change would potentially
                                              LCS and hammerhead shark meat in the                     because the base quotas would not                     leave a larger buffer for fishermen to
                                              Atlantic would be $283,630, while                        change for any of the management                      complete trips and receive delayed
                                              revenue from shark fins would be                         groups and fishermen would still be                   dealer reports. It is likely the change in
                                              $97,566. Thus, potential total average                                                                         threshold to 70 percent would have
                                                                                                       limited in the total amount of sharks
                                                                                                                                                             neutral direct and indirect short- and
                                              annual gross revenues by each active                     that could be harvested. This alternative
                                                                                                                                                             long-term socioeconomic impacts since
                                              directed permit holder for aggregated                    could potentially lead to minor
                                                                                                                                                             none of the commercial quotas are being
                                              LCS and hammerhead shark in the                          beneficial direct economic impacts if
                                                                                                                                                             changed and NMFS is not expecting an
                                              Atlantic would be $11,912 ((283,630 +                    fishermen can land available quota that
                                                                                                                                                             increase in effort or fishing. This
                                              97,566)/32 active vessels). The potential                may have remained unharvested under
                                                                                                                                                             alternative could potentially have minor
                                              annual gross revenues for the 30 active                  the current 80-percent threshold. For
                                                                                                                                                             adverse direct socioeconomic impacts if
                                              directed permit holders from non-                        example, in 2017, the quota for the
                                                                                                                                                             there is a large amount of underharvest
                                              blacknose SCS shark meat in the                          blacktip, aggregated LCS, and
                                                                                                                                                             remaining every year, after accounting
                                              Atlantic would be $266,150, while                        hammerhead management groups from                     for late dealer reports, that fishermen
                                              revenue from shark fins would be                         the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region                 would no longer be able to harvest as
                                              $54,869. Thus, potential total average                   was underutilized by 310,546 lb dw or                 compared to the No Action alternative.
                                              annual gross revenue by each active                      25 percent of the adjusted annual base                For instance, a 10 percent decrease in
                                              directed permit holder for non-                          quota, valued at $247,518 in potential                realized revenue for the western Gulf of
                                              blacknose SCS in the Atlantic would be                   ex-vessel revenue. Assuming all of this               Mexico blacktip, aggregated LCS, and
                                              $10,700 ((266,150 + 54,869)/30 active                    unharvested quota were caught, based                  hammerhead shark fisheries would
                                              vessels). The potential annual gross                     on the 10 vessels that landed LCS in the              equate to approximately $50,004 (10
                                              revenues for the 14 active directed                      western Gulf of Mexico sub-region, the                percent of $500,042) loss in ex-vessel
                                              permit holders from blacknose shark                      individual vessel impact would be an                  revenue. Based on the 10 vessels that
                                              meat in the Atlantic would be $18,103,                   approximate gain of $31,055 per year.                 landed LCS in the western Gulf of
                                              while revenue from shark fins would be                   This does not include incidental permit               Mexico sub-region, the individual vessel
                                              $3,412. Thus, potential total average                    holders, who would receive a smaller                  impact would be an approximate loss of
                                              annual gross revenue by each active                      amount per year. For example, in the                  $5,000 per year. This does not include
                                              directed permit holder for blacknose in                  Atlantic, the blacknose shark                         incidental permit holders, who would
                                              the Atlantic would be $1,537 ((18,103 +                  management group was underutilized                    receive a smaller amount per year.
                                              3,412)/14 active vessels). The potential                 by 21,238 lb dw or 35 percent of the                  However, these would be only be in the
                                              annual gross revenues for the 75 active                  quota, valued at $25,807 in potential ex-             short-term because the fisheries have
                                              directed permit holders from                             vessel revenue. Based on the 14 vessels               achieved close to full quota utilization
                                              smoothhound shark meat in the Atlantic                   that landed blacknose in the Atlantic                 in recent years for some shark quotas.
                                              would be $582,233, while revenue from                    region, the individual vessel impact                     Under Alternative 1d, NMFS would
                                              shark fins would be $48,808. Thus,                       would be an approximate gain of $1,843                change the shark fishery closure
                                              potential total average annual gross                     per year. This does not include                       threshold to 90 percent in the Atlantic
                                              revenues by each active directed permit                  incidental permit holders, who would                  Region, while maintaining the Gulf of
                                              holder for smoothhound shark in the                      receive a smaller amount per year.                    Mexico closure threshold or overall
                                              Atlantic would be $8,414 ((582,233 +                     Alternative 1b could also lead to minor               non-regional threshold at 80 percent.
                                              48,808)/75 active vessels). The potential                adverse socioeconomic impacts in the                  Alternative 1d provides some flexibility
                                              annual gross revenues for the 47 active                  short-term if the quotas are                          in assigning different closure thresholds
                                              directed permit holders from pelagic                     overharvested, which would lead to                    between the Atlantic and Gulf of
                                              sharks (blue, porbeagle, shortfin mako,                  lower quotas the following year. In                   Mexico. In the Atlantic region, this
                                              and thresher sharks) meat would be                       addition, this alternative could                      alternative could potentially lead to
                                              $381,580, while revenue from shark fins                  potentially lead to minor adverse                     minor beneficial direct economic
                                              would be $20,134. Thus, potential total                  socioeconomic impacts if there is a large             impacts if fishermen can land available
                                              average annual gross revenues by each                    increase of landings combined with late               quota that may have remained
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              active directed permit holder for pelagic                dealer reporting, after the fishery is                unharvested under the current 80-
                                              sharks would be $8,547 ((381,580 +                       closed, that resulted in overharvest. For             percent threshold. For instance, a 10
                                              20,134)/47 active vessels). Alternative                  instance, the current 80 percent                      percent increase in realized revenue for
                                              1a would likely result in neutral direct                 threshold has not been effective at                   the Atlantic aggregated LCS and
                                              short- and long-term socioeconomic                       closing in time to prevent overharvest of             hammerhead shark fisheries would
                                              impacts because shark fishermen would                    shark species that have small quotas,                 equate to an approximate $38,119 (10
                                              continue to operate under current                        such as porbeagle sharks. As such,                    percent of $381,196) gain in ex-vessel

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                                              31682                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              revenue. Based on the 32 vessels that                    Based on the 32 vessels that landed LCS               achievement of the 80 percent level. If
                                              landed LCS in the Atlantic region, the                   in the Atlantic region, the individual                a closure is needed, NMFS will file a
                                              individual vessel impact would be an                     vessel impact would be an approximate                 Notice in the Federal Register reflecting
                                              approximate increase of $1,191 per year.                 increase of $2,382 per year. This does                that determination and closing the
                                              This does not include incidental permit                  not include incidental permit holders,                fishery with the appropriate notice. This
                                              holders, who would receive a smaller                     who would receive a smaller amount                    alternative, similar to Alternatives 1d
                                              amount per year. In the Gulf of Mexico                   per year. Based upon these criteria, the              and 1e, will provide the flexibility of
                                              region and for fisheries with no region,                 fishery could still operate similarly to              achieving full quota utilization while
                                              this alternative could likely result in                  the status quo 80-percent closure                     still preventing overharvest. This
                                              neutral direct and indirect, short- and                  threshold, which would result in                      alternative could therefore lead to
                                              long-term socioeconomic impacts                          neutral socioeconomic impacts as                      neutral socioeconomic impacts, similar
                                              because shark fishermen would                            described for Alternative 1a, the status              to Alternative 1a, the status quo
                                              continue to operate under current                        quo alternative. As examples, if a shark              alternative, if the landings are projected
                                              conditions, with shark fishermen                         species and/or management group quota                 to reach 100 percent before the end of
                                              continuing to fish at similar rates.                     reaches 80 percent by September 1, then               the fishing year. As examples, if
                                              Impacts in the Gulf of Mexico would                      NMFS would evaluate the criteria in                   landings of a shark species and/or
                                              therefore be the same as those described                 Alternative 1e before determining if a                management group reach 80 percent by
                                              in Alternative 1a.                                       closure is needed at the 80-percent                   September 1, then NMFS would likely
                                                 Under Alternative 1e, when any shark                  threshold in the Gulf of Mexico and                   have to close the fishery if it was in
                                              fishery species and/or management                        Atlantic regions. Based on criteria A                 either the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic
                                              group landings reach or are projected to                 (stock status of the relevant species or              regions since the landings would likely
                                              reach 80 percent of the available overall,               management group and any linked                       reach 100 percent before the end of the
                                              regional, and/or sub-regional quota,                     species and/or management groups) and                 fishing year. This would cause neutral
                                              NMFS would evaluate the following                        C (continued landings after the federal               socioeconomic impacts since it would
                                              criteriato determine if a closure is                     closure), NMFS would likely close the                 be the status quo for the fishery. If
                                              needed at the 80-percent threshold:                      shark species and/or management group                 landings of a shark species and/or
                                                 A. The stock status of the relevant                   quota in the Gulf of Mexico. In the                   management group reach 80 percent by
                                              species or management group and any                      Atlantic region, NMFS would likely also               December 1, then NMFS would project
                                              linked species and/or management                         close the shark species and/or                        whether the landings in the Gulf of
                                              groups;                                                  management group quota based on                       Mexico and Atlantic regions would
                                                 B. The patterns of over- and                          criteria A since all of the shark species             reach 100 percent before the end of the
                                              underharvest in the fishery over the                     and/or management groups in the region                fishing year. If NMFS makes a
                                              previous five years;                                     have an overfished or unknown stock                   determination that the landings would
                                                 C. The likelihood of continued                        status. This would lead to neutral                    exceed 100 percent of the available
                                              landings after the federal closure of the                socioeconomic impacts in both regions                 quota before the end of the fishing year
                                              fishery;                                                 since there would be no change from                   (December 31) absent a closure, then
                                                 D. The effects of the closure on                      current regulations. If a shark species               NMFS would keep the fishery open.
                                              accomplishing the objectives of the 2006                 and/or management group quota reaches                 Thus, this could lead to minor
                                              Consolidated HMS FMP and its                             80 percent by December 1, then NMFS                   beneficial socioeconomic impacts since
                                              amendments;                                              would need to evaluate all of the criteria            the quota could be fully utilized. A
                                                 E. The likelihood of landings                         closely before implementing a closure in              fishery reaching the 80-percent
                                              exceeding the quota by December 31 of                    either the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic                 threshold without being projected to
                                              each year; and                                           region. A key criterion to evaluate is the            exceed its quota before the end of the
                                                 F. The impacts of the closure on the                  likelihood of landings exceeding the                  season is most likely to occur late in the
                                              catch rates of other shark management                    quota by December 31 of each year                     year.
                                              groups, including likelihood of an                       (Criteria E). In the Gulf of Mexico                      Under Alternative 2a, NMFS would
                                              increase in dead discards.                               region, NMFS would also consider                      maintain the status quo and would not
                                              (See discussion in Chapter 2 of the Final                Criteria C (continued landings after the              change the notice period of five days for
                                              EA.) This alternative would add                          federal closure) and how this would                   the closure of a management group. This
                                              flexibility to close a fishery depending                 impact the fishery. In the Atlantic                   alternative would have no impact on the
                                              on a set of criteria, helping to maximize                region, NMFS would likely keep the                    allowable level of fishing pressure,
                                              management efficacy while preventing                     fishery open as long as landings are not              catch rates, or distribution of fishing
                                              overharvest. If this increased flexibility               projected to exceed the quota by the end              effort. As such, it is likely that the No
                                              in determining when to close a fishery                   of the year.                                          Action Alternative as well as this
                                              leads to full quota utilization of                          Alternative 1f, the preferred                      alternative in combination with any of
                                              management groups, while still                           alternative, will allow a shark fishery to            the Alternatives 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, or 1f
                                              preventing overharvest of shark                          remain open after the fishery’s landings              would have both neutral direct and
                                              fisheries, then fishermen could                          have reached or are projected to reach                indirect, short- and long-term
                                              potentially see additional revenue from                  80 percent of the available overall,                  socioeconomic impacts. If there is a
                                              being able to land sharks that would                     regional, and/or sub-regional quota, if               large amount of landings made during
                                              otherwise have remained unharvested                      the fishery’s landings are not projected              the five-day notice and a later closure
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              under the existing 80-percent threshold.                 to reach 100 percent of the applicable                under Alternatives 1b, 1c, or 1d, then
                                              For instance, a 20-percent increase in                   quota before the end of the season. If the            there could be the potential for minor
                                              realized revenue for the Atlantic                        80 percent threshold is reached but a                 beneficial socioeconomic impacts for
                                              aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark                      closure is not necessary, NMFS will                   those fisheries who have underutilized
                                              fisheries would equate to an                             notify the public of this determination               the quota in recent years. The majority
                                              approximate $76,239 (20 percent of                       in the first monthly shark landings                   of fishing trips for sharks are currently
                                              $381,196) gain in ex-vessel revenue.                     update listserv notice following                      one day in length, so a five-day closure

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                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            31683

                                              notice should not result in regulatory                   the closure notice timing as most                     fishery as needed while still preventing
                                              discards for these trips. However, this                  pelagic longline fishermen do not target              overharvest. In combination with all
                                              alternative could potentially result in                  sharks and are unlikely to land many                  other alternatives (i.e., 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e,
                                              interrupted fishing activities, potentially              sharks given recent management                        and 1f), except Alternative 1b,
                                              resulting in regulatory discards if trips                measures to reduce shark mortality on                 Alternative 2d will allow most
                                              were underway at the time of the notice                  pelagic longline vessels. In addition, the            fishermen, particularly those fishing for
                                              of the closure. For instance, pelagic                    preferred time before the closure is                  sharks, to complete their fishing trips
                                              longline fishing vessels, which can take                 effective is well within the range of the             while still reducing the risk of
                                              trips that last several weeks, may need                  current directed shark trip lengths (i.e.,            exceeding the quota, especially if
                                              to discard any dead sharks onboard and                   one to two days). This alternative was                landings rate increases substantially
                                              in their hold if the vessel is unable to                 preferred in the draft EA primarily                   between the filing of the closure notice
                                              land the sharks before the closure is                    because it would increase flexibility to              and the effective date of the closure. In
                                              effective. However, NMFS expects few                     close the fishery as needed while still               combination with Alternative 1b (e.g.,
                                              dead discards as a result of closure                     preventing overharvest and allowing                   90-percent closure threshold), there is a
                                              notices given that NMFS has                              sufficient time for most fishermen to                 risk of overharvest if the landings rate
                                              implemented several management                           complete trips underway at the time of                was high before the closure date is
                                              measures that prohibit retention of some                 the notice of the closure. Based on                   effective under Alternative 2d. This
                                              sharks (i.e., silky, oceanic whitetip,                   public comment, this alternative is no                alternative would likely have both
                                              hammerhead sharks) on vessels with                       longer preferred. A new preferred                     neutral direct and indirect short- and
                                              pelagic longline gear onboard. In                        alternative (2d) better addresses                     long-term socioeconomic impacts to
                                              combination with all other alternatives                  concerns from the States that they need               shark fishery participants because the
                                              (i.e., 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f), except                   more than three days’ notice in order to              allowable level of fishing pressure,
                                              Alternative 1b, this alternative would                   close state waters in conjunction with                catch rates, distribution of fishing effort,
                                              allow fishermen to complete their                        federal waters while also addressing                  and the commercial quotas would
                                              fishing trips while still preventing                     NMFS’ need to increase flexibility to                 remain the same. This alternative is
                                              overharvest. In combination with                         close the fishery as needed while still               within the range of originally proposed
                                              Alternative 1b (e.g., 90-percent closure                 preventing overharvest.                               actions, which covered potential closure
                                              threshold), there is a risk of overharvest                  Under Alternative 2c, NMFS would                   notice between immediate closure and
                                              if the landings rate was high before the                 change the timing of shark fishery                    five days.
                                              closure date is effective and potential                  species and/or management group                          Section 212 of the Small Business
                                              reduced quotas the following season.                     closures to allow immediate closure                   Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
                                                                                                       upon filing of the closure notice with
                                                 Under Alternative 2b, NMFS would                                                                            1996 states that, for each rule or group
                                                                                                       the Office of the Federal Register. This
                                              change the minimum notice period to                                                                            of related rules for which an agency is
                                                                                                       alternative would allow timely action in
                                              three days instead of the current five-                                                                        required to prepare a FRFA, the agency
                                                                                                       closing shark fisheries, helping to
                                              day notice once the fisheries reached a                                                                        shall publish one or more guides to
                                                                                                       prevent overharvest. In combination
                                              landings threshold necessitating a                                                                             assist small entities in complying with
                                                                                                       with all other alternatives, this
                                              closure. This change would allow more                                                                          the rule and shall designate such
                                                                                                       alternative would either reduce the risk
                                              timely action in closing shark fisheries,                                                                      publications as ‘‘small entity
                                                                                                       of exceeding the quota (i.e., Alternatives
                                              helping to prevent overharvest. In                                                                             compliance guides.’’ The agency shall
                                                                                                       1a, 1b, 1d, 1e, and 1f) or increase the
                                              combination with all other Alternatives                                                                        explain the actions a small entity is
                                                                                                       risk of a significant underharvest (i.e.,
                                              (1a, 1b, 1d, 1e, and 1f), except                         Alternative 1c). Therefore, it is likely              required to take to comply with a rule
                                              Alternative 1c, this alternative would                   that this alternative would have both                 or group of rules. As part of this
                                              reduce the risk of exceeding the quota,                  neutral direct and indirect, short- and               rulemaking process, a listserv notice
                                              especially if the landings rate was high                 long-term economic impacts. However,                  and a statement published online that
                                              before the closure date is effective. In                 as described in above, this alternative               also serves as small entity compliance
                                              combination with Alternative 1c (e.g.,                   could potentially result in interrupted               guide (the guide) was prepared. Copies
                                              70-percent closure threshold), this                      fishing activities with little or no                  of this final rule and the guide are
                                              alternative would increase the risk of a                 warning to the regulated community,                   available upon request (see ADDRESSES).
                                              significant underharvest and would                       potentially resulting in regulatory                   List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 635
                                              cause minor adverse socioeconomic                        discards, if shark trips were underway
                                              impacts. This alternative would have no                  at the time of the notice of the closure,               Fisheries, Fishing, Fishing vessels,
                                              impact on the allowable level of fishing                 with associated loss of revenue.                      Foreign relations, Imports, Penalties,
                                              pressure, catch rates, or distribution of                Additionally, HMS AP members from                     Reporting and recordkeeping
                                              fishing effort, as the commercial quotas                 several states indicated that some states             requirements, Treaties.
                                              would remain the same. Therefore, it is                  would have difficulty closing state                     Dated: July 3, 2018.
                                              likely that this alternative would have                  water fisheries immediately.                          Patricia A. Montanio,
                                              both neutral direct and indirect, short-                    Under Alternative 2d, the new                      Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for
                                              and long-term socioeconomic impacts.                     preferred alternative, NMFS will change               Regulatory Programs, National Marine
                                              This alternative could potentially result                the minimum notice period to four days                Fisheries Service.
                                              in interrupted fishing activities for                    instead of the current five-day notice                  For the reasons set out in the
                                              pelagic longline vessels, which                          once the landings reach a threshold                   preamble, 50 CFR part 635 is amended
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              generally take trips up to nine days in                  necessitating a closure. This alternative             as follows:
                                              length, potentially resulting in                         is preferred because it addresses the
                                              regulatory discards if shark trips were                  concerns from the States that they need               PART 635—ATLANTIC HIGHLY
                                              underway at the time of the closure and                  more than three days’ notice in order to              MIGRATORY SPECIES
                                              the closure was immediate upon filing                    close state waters in conjunction with
                                              of the closure notice. However, NMFS                     federal waters while addressing NMFS’                 ■ 1. The authority citation for part 635
                                              expects few dead discards as a result of                 need to increase flexibility to close the             continues to read as follows:

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                                              31684                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C.            overall, regional, and/or sub-regional                designate 13 New Jersey artificial reefs
                                              1801 et seq.                                             quotas of other shark species and/or                  as special management zones under the
                                              ■ 2. In § 635.24, revise paragraph                       management groups. For each pair of                   black sea bass provisions of the Summer
                                              (a)(8)(iii) to read as follows:                          linked species and/or management                      Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass
                                                                                                       groups, if the overall, regional, and/or              Fishery Management Plan. The intent of
                                              § 635.24 Commercial retention limits for                 sub-regional quota specified in                       these measures is to reduce user group
                                              sharks, swordfish, and BAYS tunas.                       § 635.27(b)(1) is available for both of the           conflicts and help maintain the
                                              *      *    *      *    *                                linked species and/or management                      intended socioeconomic benefits of the
                                                (a) * * *                                              groups as specified by a publication in               artificial reefs to the maximum extent
                                                (8) * * *                                              the Federal Register, then the overall,               practicable.
                                                (iii) Estimated date of fishery closure                regional, and/or sub-regional                         DATES: This rule is effective August 8,
                                              based on when the landings are                           commercial fishery for both of the                    2018.
                                              projected to reach 80 percent of the                     linked species and/or management
                                                                                                                                                             ADDRESSES: NMFS prepared an
                                              quota given the realized catch rates and                 groups will open as specified in
                                                                                                                                                             environmental assessment (EA) and an
                                              whether they are projected to reach 100                  § 635.27(b)(1). When NMFS calculates
                                                                                                                                                             Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
                                              percent before the end of the fishing                    that the overall, regional, and/or sub-
                                                                                                                                                             (IRFA) for this action that describe the
                                              season;                                                  regional landings for any species and/or
                                                                                                                                                             measures and other considered
                                              *      *    *      *    *                                management group of a linked group
                                                                                                                                                             alternatives and analyzes of the impacts
                                              ■ 3. In § 635.28, revise paragraphs (b)(2)
                                                                                                       have reached or are projected to reach
                                                                                                                                                             of the measures and alternatives. Copies
                                              and (b)(3) to read as follows:                           80 percent of the applicable available
                                                                                                                                                             of the EA and the IRFA are available
                                                                                                       overall, regional, and/or sub-regional
                                                                                                                                                             upon request from Travis Ford, NOAA/
                                              § 635.28   Fishery closures.                             quota as specified in § 635.27(b)(1) and
                                                                                                                                                             NMFS, Sustainable Fisheries Division,
                                              *      *     *    *     *                                are projected to reach 100 percent of the             55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester,
                                                 (b) * * *                                             relevant quota before the end of the                  MA 01930. The special management
                                                 (2) Non-linked quotas. If the overall,                fishing season, NMFS will file for                    zone measures document is also
                                              regional, and/or sub-regional quota of a                 publication with the Office of the                    accessible via the internet at: https://
                                              species or management group is not                       Federal Register a notice of an overall,              www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/.
                                              linked to another species or                             regional, and/or sub-regional closure for                Copies of the small entity compliance
                                              management group and that overall,                       all of the species and/or management                  guide are available from Michael
                                              regional, and/or sub-regional quota is                   groups in that linked group that will be              Pentony, Regional Administrator,
                                              available as specified by a publication                  effective no fewer than 4 days from date              NMFS, Greater Atlantic Regional
                                              in the Federal Register, then that                       of filing. From the effective date and                Fisheries Office, 55 Great Republic
                                              overall, regional, and/or sub-regional                   time of the closure until NMFS                        Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930–2298, or
                                              commercial fishery for the shark species                 announces, via the publication of a                   available on the internet at: http://
                                              or management group will open as                         notice in the Federal Register, that                  www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/.
                                              specified in § 635.27(b). When NMFS                      additional overall, regional, and/or sub-             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              calculates that the overall, regional,                   regional quota is available and the                   Travis Ford, Fishery Policy Analyst,
                                              and/or sub-regional landings for a shark                 season is reopened, the overall, regional,            978–281–9233.
                                              species and/or management group, as                      and/or sub-regional fishery for all
                                                                                                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              specified in § 635.27(b)(1), has reached                 species and/or management groups in
                                              or is projected to reach 80 percent of the               that linked group is closed, even across              Background
                                              applicable available overall, regional,                  fishing years.                                           On November 6, 2015, the New Jersey
                                              and/or sub-regional quota as specified                   *      *     *    *     *                             Department of Environmental Protection
                                              in § 635.27(b)(1) and is projected to                    [FR Doc. 2018–14665 Filed 7–6–18; 8:45 am]            (NJDEP) requested that the Mid-Atlantic
                                              reach 100 percent of the relevant quota                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                Fishery Management Council (Council)
                                              by the end of the fishing season, NMFS                                                                         designate 13 artificial reef sites,
                                              will file for publication with the Office                                                                      currently permitted in Federal water by
                                              of the Federal Register a notice of an                   DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                the U.S. Corps of Engineers (COE), as
                                              overall, regional, and/or sub-regional                                                                         special management zones (SMZ) under
                                              closure, as applicable, for that shark                   National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      the black sea bass provisions of the
                                              species and/or shark management group                    Administration                                        Council’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and
                                              that will be effective no fewer than 4                                                                         Black Sea Bass Fishery Management
                                              days from date of filing. From the                       50 CFR Part 648                                       Plan (FMP), 50 CFR 648.148. The SMZ
                                              effective date and time of the closure                   [Docket No. 180110024–8535–02]                        request noted that the NJDEP has
                                              until NMFS announces, via the                                                                                  received complaints from rod and reel
                                              publication of a notice in the Federal                   RIN 0648–BH33                                         anglers regarding fouling of their fishing
                                              Register, that additional overall,                                                                             gear on commercial pots/traps and lines
                                                                                                       Fisheries of the Northeastern United
                                              regional, and/or sub-regional quota is                                                                         on ocean reef sites for more than 20
                                                                                                       States; Special Management Zones for
                                              available and the season is reopened,                                                                          years. It also noted that the U.S. Fish
                                                                                                       13 New Jersey Artificial Reefs
                                              the overall, regional, and/or sub-                                                                             and Wildlife Service (FWS) Sportfish
                                              regional fisheries for that shark species                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    Restoration Program (SRP), which was
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              or management group are closed, even                     Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  the primary funding source of the New
                                              across fishing years.                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    Jersey Reef Program, had discontinued
                                                 (3) Linked quotas. As specified in                    Commerce.                                             its funding of the program and all reef
                                              paragraph (b)(4) of this section, the                    ACTION: Final rule.                                   construction and monitoring activities
                                              overall, regional, and/or sub-regional                                                                         until the gear conflicts are resolved.
                                              quotas of some shark species and/or                      SUMMARY:NMFS approves and                             These gear conflicts are not consistent
                                              management groups are linked to the                      implements management measures to                     with the objectives of the SRP program,

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Document Created: 2018-07-07 00:43:02
Document Modified: 2018-07-07 00:43:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis rule is effective on August 8, 2018.
ContactLauren Latchford, Gu[yacute] DuBeck, Chant[eacute] Davis, or Karyl Brewster-Geisz by phone at (301) 427-8503 or Delisse Ortiz at (240) 681-9037.
FR Citation83 FR 31677 
RIN Number0648-BG97
CFR AssociatedFisheries; Fishing; Fishing Vessels; Foreign Relations; Imports; Penalties; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Treaties

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