83_FR_32232 83 FR 32099 - Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Coral Reef Conservation Program; Notice of Intent; Scoping Period Announcement

83 FR 32099 - Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Coral Reef Conservation Program; Notice of Intent; Scoping Period Announcement

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 133 (July 11, 2018)

Page Range32099-32100
FR Document2018-14750

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office for Coastal Management announces its intention to prepare a programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) for its Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP), which is managed out of NOAA's National Ocean Service in Silver Spring, MD, and implemented in coastal areas and marine waters of Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the U.S. Pacific Remote Island Area, and targeted international regions including the wider Caribbean, the Coral Triangle, the South Pacific, and Micronesia. Publication of this document begins the official scoping period that will help identify issues and alternatives to be considered in the PEIS.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 133 (Wednesday, July 11, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 133 (Wednesday, July 11, 2018)]
[Pages 32099-32100]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14750]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Coral Reef 
Conservation Program; Notice of Intent; Scoping Period Announcement

AGENCY: Office for Coastal Management (OCM), National Ocean Service 
(NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 
Department of Commerce (DOC).

ACTION: Notice of intent; announcement of public scoping period and 
request for written comments.


SUMMARY: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 
Office for Coastal Management announces its intention to prepare a 
programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) in accordance with 
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) for its Coral Reef 
Conservation Program (CRCP), which is managed out of NOAA's National 
Ocean Service in Silver Spring, MD, and implemented in coastal areas 
and marine waters of Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Gulf of 
Mexico, Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 
American Samoa, the U.S. Pacific Remote Island Area, and targeted 
international regions including the wider Caribbean, the Coral 
Triangle, the South Pacific, and Micronesia. Publication of this 
document begins the official scoping period that will help identify 
issues and alternatives to be considered in the PEIS.

DATES: Written comments on the intent to prepare a PEIS will be 
accepted on or before Wednesday, August 15, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit scoping comments for the CRCP PEIS by any of 
the following methods:
     Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov/NOAA-NOS-2018-0077. Click the ``Comment Now!'' 
icon, complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
     Mail: Please direct written comments to Harriet Nash, 
Deputy Director, NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, Office for 
Coastal Management, 1305 East-West Highway, N/OCM6, Room 10404, Silver 
Spring, MD 20910.



    NOAA is preparing a Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact 
Statement (DPEIS) for coral reef

[[Page 32100]]

conservation and restoration activities implementing NOAA's CRCP 
throughout the United States, South Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and 
Pacific Island Regions, and priority international areas (i.e., wider 
Caribbean, Coral Triangle, South Pacific, and Micronesia). It will 
assess the direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts of 
NOAA's proposed action to continue funding and otherwise implementing 
coral reef conservation and restoration activities. This will be 
achieved through its existing programmatic framework and related 
procedures for implementing the CRCP. The CRCP is implemented 
consistently with the requirements of the Coral Reef Conservation Act 
of 2000 (CRCA) and Executive Order 13089. Projects implemented or 
funded by NOAA vary in terms of their size, complexity, geographic 
location, and NOAA involvement. They often benefit diverse coral 
species, habitats, and ecosystem types. The CRCP conducts research and 
monitoring to gather data on the existence and condition of coral reef 
ecosystems to support conservation and restoration efforts. NOAA 
implements the CRCP across four of its line offices (i.e., National 
Ocean Service, Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, National Marine 
Fisheries Service, National Environmental Satellite Data Information 
Service) and in coordination with other federal agencies, state and 
local agencies, private conservation organizations, and research and 
academic institutions. A significant amount of this support is 
administered through grants and cooperative agreements. CRCP activities 
are prioritized based on available funding and the responsiveness to 
the priorities in its strategic plan, including jurisdictional needs.
    The purpose of this DPEIS is to identify and evaluate the general 
environmental impacts, issues, and concerns related to the 
comprehensive management and implementation of the CRCP, including 
potential mitigation. NOAA anticipates that actual environmental 
effects will be caused by site-specific, project-level activities 
implementing the CRCP; therefore, this DPEIS will be used to support 
tiered, site-specific NEPA reviews by narrowing the scope of 
environmental impacts and facilitating focused, project-level reviews. 
NOAA also intends for this DPEIS to establish a tiered environmental 
decision making framework that will support efficient compliance with 
other statutes protecting natural resources such as the Endangered 
Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act. Since the CRCP will use 
this DPEIS to conduct tiered analyses, this document does not evaluate 
the environmental impacts of any project-level activities.


    NOAA is preliminarily proposing to analyze three program-level 
     No Action Alternative reflecting the ``status quo'' 
management of the CRCP based on minimizing threats.
     Alternative 1: Continued Operation of the CRCP based on 
minimizing threats with the addition of a framework to further 
research, test, and potentially implement novel coral restoration 
intervention techniques to respond rapidly to imminent threats to 
corals and coral ecosystems.
     Alternative 2: Continued Operation of the CRCP plus 
implementation of discretionary, standardized conservation and 
mitigation measures with or without the addition of a framework for 
novel intervention techniques.
    The fundamental distinction between Alternative 1 and the No Action 
Alternative is that Alternative 1 would adopt a framework that would 
add novel intervention techniques as tools to respond to imminent 
threats to corals. The DPEIS will consider the environmental effects of 
a suite of these intervention strategies, but will not commit to 
implement any. Implementation would occur through a separate decision 
making process. The primary distinction between Alternative 2 and the 
No Action Alternative is that Alternative 2 would call for 
implementation of not only mitigation measures imposed through 
statutory and regulatory compliance but also discretionary, 
standardized conservation and mitigation measures designed to further 
protect and conserve marine and other environmental resources. 
Alternative 2 could be adopted with or without a framework for novel 
intervention strategies.
    Preliminary major issues to be addressed in this DPEIS may include: 
the impact of the CRCP's activities and operations on coral ecosystems; 
coral species listed as threatened or endangered under the Federal 
Endangered Species Act; other marine and terrestrial resources; and the 
cumulative effects of the action when considered along with 
environmental conditions and past, present, and future actions 
potentially affecting coral and coastal ecosystems and coastal marine 
resources. The CRCP is also seeking to identify mitigation measures 
that would be effective at avoiding, minimizing, and mitigating adverse 
effects of project-level activities and specifically requests public 
comment on this issue.

Public Comment

    OCM begins this NEPA process by soliciting input from the public 
and interested parties on the type of impacts to be considered in the 
DPEIS, the range of alternatives to be assessed, and any other 
pertinent information. Specifically, this scoping process is intended 
to accomplish the following objectives:
    1. Invite affected federal, state, and local agencies, and 
interested persons to participate in the DPEIS process.
    2. Determine the potential significant environmental issues to be 
analyzed in the DPEIS.
    3. Identify and eliminate issues determined to be insignificant or 
addressed in other documents.
    4. Identify related environmental documents being prepared.
    5. Identify other environmental review and consultation 
    The official scoping period ends on August 15, 2018. Please visit 
the CRCP web page for additional information regarding the program: 


    The preparation of the DPEIS for the CRCP will be conducted under 
the authority and in accordance with the requirements of NEPA, Council 
on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), other 
applicable regulations, and NOAA's policies and procedures for 
compliance with those regulations.
    Written comments must be received on or before August 15, 2018.

    Dated: June 29, 2018.
W. Russell Callender,
Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management, 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
[FR Doc. 2018-14750 Filed 7-10-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 133 / Wednesday, July 11, 2018 / Notices                                           32099

                                               false killer whale group size, a factor                  on previous draft SARs related to: (1)                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               that will significantly impact the                       The assignment of a recovery factor to
                                               resulting abundance estimates. A robust                  the pelagic stock of false killer whales,             National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                               assessment of population trend will                      and continues to maintain that NMFS                   Administration
                                               require additional data and inclusion of                 should apply a recovery factor to the
                                               environmental variables that influence                                                                         Programmatic Environmental Impact
                                                                                                        pelagic stock that is greater than 0.5; (2)           Statement for the Coral Reef
                                               false killer whale distribution and the                  the 2010 Hawaiian Islands Cetacean
                                               proportion of the population                                                                                   Conservation Program; Notice of
                                                                                                        Ecosystem and Assessment Survey                       Intent; Scoping Period Announcement
                                               represented within the survey area                       (HICEAS) and the assumptions made by
                                               during each survey period.                                                                                     AGENCY:  Office for Coastal Management
                                                                                                        NMFS based upon the data from that
                                                  Comment 21: The HLA notes that the                                                                          (OCM), National Ocean Service (NOS),
                                               draft false killer whale SAR updates the                 survey, and assert that NMFS has
                                                                                                        inappropriately withheld acoustic data                National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                               Insular Stock population estimate to 167                                                                       Administration (NOAA), Department of
                                               based upon an unpublished paper by                       that should be publicly disclosed and
                                                                                                        reported; and (3) NMFS’ assumption                    Commerce (DOC).
                                               Bradford et al., which concludes that                                                                          ACTION: Notice of intent; announcement
                                               the population size of the Insular Stock                 that the insular stock of false killer
                                                                                                        whales has declined is speculative.                   of public scoping period and request for
                                               of false killer whales in certain study                                                                        written comments.
                                               areas has consistently ranged between                      Response: NMFS reiterates its
                                               144 and 187 animals over a 16-year                       responses to these comments from                      SUMMARY:   The National Oceanic and
                                               period. However, in reporting 167 as the                 previous SARs. Specifically: (1)                      Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                               population size for the Insular Stock,                   Reanalysis of existing datasets to derive             Office for Coastal Management
                                               the Draft SAR states that the Bradford et                more precise estimates does not                       announces its intention to prepare a
                                               al. annual estimate ‘‘represents only the                constitute an increase in population                  programmatic environmental impact
                                               animals present in the study area within                                                                       statement (PEIS) in accordance with the
                                                                                                        size. There are only two EEZ-wide
                                               that year.’’ HLA suggests that, if the                                                                         National Environmental Policy Act of
                                                                                                        estimates of abundance (484 from a
                                               reported 2015 abundance estimate of                                                                            1969 (NEPA) for its Coral Reef
                                               167 applies only to a study area that is                 2002 survey and 1,540 from a 2010
                                                                                                                                                              Conservation Program (CRCP), which is
                                               smaller than the range of the Insular                    survey). These estimates may not be
                                                                                                                                                              managed out of NOAA’s National Ocean
                                               Stock of false killer whales, then the                   directly compared due to changes in
                                                                                                                                                              Service in Silver Spring, MD, and
                                               actual abundance of the entire Insular                   group size enumeration methods                        implemented in coastal areas and
                                               Stock must be some amount higher than                    between those surveys. For this reason,               marine waters of Florida, Puerto Rico,
                                               167. HLA states that they are unable to                  the current status of pelagic false killer            U.S. Virgin Islands, Gulf of Mexico,
                                               sufficiently comment on this issue                       whales is unknown. (2) NMFS has not                   Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of
                                               because the Bradford et al. paper is                     made any attempt to withhold the                      the Northern Mariana Islands, American
                                               unpublished and not available for                        acoustic data from the HICEAS 2010                    Samoa, the U.S. Pacific Remote Island
                                               public review.                                           survey. It can be made available by                   Area, and targeted international regions
                                                  Response: NMFS notes that although                    request. NMFS has used the HICEAS                     including the wider Caribbean, the
                                               the abundance estimates provided in                      2010 data for a variety of analyses,                  Coral Triangle, the South Pacific, and
                                               Bradford et al. are limited to the number                including the development of                          Micronesia. Publication of this
                                               of animals in the survey area in each                    automated routines to detect and                      document begins the official scoping
                                               survey year, they are still the best                     classify false killer whale and other                 period that will help identify issues and
                                               available estimates of population size.                  species’ sounds, to assess false killer               alternatives to be considered in the
                                               The new estimates account for many                                                                             PEIS.
                                                                                                        whale sub-group spatial arrangements,
                                               sources of potential bias, and although
                                                                                                        and other projects. There were many                   DATES: Written comments on the intent
                                               we expect that limiting estimates to the
                                               surveyed area for a given year does                      changes in array hardware during the                  to prepare a PEIS will be accepted on or
                                               likely result in an under estimation of                  survey, complicating streamlined                      before Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
                                               abundance in years when the surveyed                     analyses of these data, such that a full-             ADDRESSES: You may submit scoping
                                               area is smaller than the stock area, we                  scale analysis of this dataset for                    comments for the CRCP PEIS by any of
                                               do not have sufficient information to                    abundance is not appropriate, efficient,              the following methods:
                                               correct annual estimates for the extent                  or cost-effective at this time. (3) NMFS                 • Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: Go to
                                               of the survey area. NMFS feels the use                   makes no assumption that MHI insular                  http://www.regulations.gov/NOAA-
                                               of estimates derived from the best                       stock abundance has declined in recent                NOS-2018-0077. Click the ‘‘Comment
                                               available data spanning 15 years of                      years. The minimum estimate reflects                  Now!’’ icon, complete the required
                                               surveys is far better than use of catalog                the number of individuals enumerated                  fields, and enter or attach your
                                               size, the previous metric for the                        during the stated period and may reflect              comments.
                                               minimum population estimate (Nmin)                       not only changes in actual population                    • Mail: Please direct written
                                               in the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI)                       abundance, but also changes in                        comments to Harriet Nash, Deputy
                                               insular false killer whale SAR. Further,                 encounter rates due to survey location                Director, NOAA’s Coral Reef
                                               the Nmin derived from the new mark-                      or animal distribution.                               Conservation Program, Office for Coastal
                                               recapture estimates meets the definition                                                                       Management, 1305 East-West Highway,
                                               of Nmin provided within the GAMMS                          Dated: July 6, 2018.                                N/OCM6, Room 10404, Silver Spring,
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               (NMFS 2016). Although cited as ‘‘in                      Donna S. Wieting,                                     MD 20910.
                                               review,’’ the Bradford et al. paper was                  Director, Office of Protected Resources,              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               reviewed by the Pacific SRG at its 2017                  National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                               meeting and is currently in review for                   [FR Doc. 2018–14811 Filed 7–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                               journal publication.                                     BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                  NOAA is preparing a Draft
                                                  Comment 22: The HLA incorporates                                                                            Programmatic Environmental Impact
                                               by reference its more specific comments                                                                        Statement (DPEIS) for coral reef

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:26 Jul 10, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00028   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11JYN1.SGM   11JYN1

                                               32100                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 133 / Wednesday, July 11, 2018 / Notices

                                               conservation and restoration activities                  Mammal Protection Act. Since the CRCP                 level activities and specifically requests
                                               implementing NOAA’s CRCP                                 will use this DPEIS to conduct tiered                 public comment on this issue.
                                               throughout the United States, South                      analyses, this document does not
                                                                                                                                                              Public Comment
                                               Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and                      evaluate the environmental impacts of
                                               Pacific Island Regions, and priority                     any project-level activities.                           OCM begins this NEPA process by
                                               international areas (i.e., wider                                                                               soliciting input from the public and
                                                                                                        Alternatives                                          interested parties on the type of impacts
                                               Caribbean, Coral Triangle, South Pacific,
                                               and Micronesia). It will assess the                         NOAA is preliminarily proposing to                 to be considered in the DPEIS, the range
                                               direct, indirect, and cumulative                         analyze three program-level alternatives:             of alternatives to be assessed, and any
                                               environmental impacts of NOAA’s                             • No Action Alternative reflecting the             other pertinent information.
                                               proposed action to continue funding                      ‘‘status quo’’ management of the CRCP                 Specifically, this scoping process is
                                               and otherwise implementing coral reef                    based on minimizing threats.                          intended to accomplish the following
                                               conservation and restoration activities.                    • Alternative 1: Continued Operation               objectives:
                                               This will be achieved through its                        of the CRCP based on minimizing                         1. Invite affected federal, state, and
                                                                                                        threats with the addition of a framework              local agencies, and interested persons to
                                               existing programmatic framework and
                                                                                                        to further research, test, and potentially            participate in the DPEIS process.
                                               related procedures for implementing the
                                                                                                        implement novel coral restoration                       2. Determine the potential significant
                                               CRCP. The CRCP is implemented
                                                                                                        intervention techniques to respond                    environmental issues to be analyzed in
                                               consistently with the requirements of
                                                                                                        rapidly to imminent threats to corals                 the DPEIS.
                                               the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000
                                                                                                        and coral ecosystems.                                   3. Identify and eliminate issues
                                               (CRCA) and Executive Order 13089.                           • Alternative 2: Continued Operation
                                               Projects implemented or funded by                                                                              determined to be insignificant or
                                                                                                        of the CRCP plus implementation of                    addressed in other documents.
                                               NOAA vary in terms of their size,                        discretionary, standardized
                                               complexity, geographic location, and                                                                             4. Identify related environmental
                                                                                                        conservation and mitigation measures                  documents being prepared.
                                               NOAA involvement. They often benefit                     with or without the addition of a
                                               diverse coral species, habitats, and                                                                             5. Identify other environmental
                                                                                                        framework for novel intervention                      review and consultation requirements.
                                               ecosystem types. The CRCP conducts                       techniques.
                                               research and monitoring to gather data                                                                           The official scoping period ends on
                                                                                                           The fundamental distinction between                August 15, 2018. Please visit the CRCP
                                               on the existence and condition of coral                  Alternative 1 and the No Action
                                               reef ecosystems to support conservation                                                                        web page for additional information
                                                                                                        Alternative is that Alternative 1 would               regarding the program: https://
                                               and restoration efforts. NOAA                            adopt a framework that would add
                                               implements the CRCP across four of its                                                                         coralreef.noaa.gov/.
                                                                                                        novel intervention techniques as tools to
                                               line offices (i.e., National Ocean Service,              respond to imminent threats to corals.                Authority
                                               Oceanic and Atmospheric Research,                        The DPEIS will consider the                             The preparation of the DPEIS for the
                                               National Marine Fisheries Service,                       environmental effects of a suite of these             CRCP will be conducted under the
                                               National Environmental Satellite Data                    intervention strategies, but will not                 authority and in accordance with the
                                               Information Service) and in                              commit to implement any.                              requirements of NEPA, Council on
                                               coordination with other federal                          Implementation would occur through a                  Environmental Quality Regulations (40
                                               agencies, state and local agencies,                      separate decision making process. The                 CFR parts 1500–1508), other applicable
                                               private conservation organizations, and                  primary distinction between Alternative               regulations, and NOAA’s policies and
                                               research and academic institutions. A                    2 and the No Action Alternative is that               procedures for compliance with those
                                               significant amount of this support is                    Alternative 2 would call for                          regulations.
                                               administered through grants and                          implementation of not only mitigation                   Written comments must be received
                                               cooperative agreements. CRCP activities                  measures imposed through statutory                    on or before August 15, 2018.
                                               are prioritized based on available                       and regulatory compliance but also
                                               funding and the responsiveness to the                                                                            Dated: June 29, 2018.
                                                                                                        discretionary, standardized
                                               priorities in its strategic plan, including              conservation and mitigation measures                  W. Russell Callender,
                                               jurisdictional needs.                                    designed to further protect and conserve              Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services
                                                  The purpose of this DPEIS is to                       marine and other environmental                        and Coastal Zone Management, National
                                               identify and evaluate the general                                                                              Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
                                                                                                        resources. Alternative 2 could be
                                               environmental impacts, issues, and                       adopted with or without a framework                   [FR Doc. 2018–14750 Filed 7–10–18; 8:45 am]
                                               concerns related to the comprehensive                    for novel intervention strategies.                    BILLING CODE 3510–08–P
                                               management and implementation of the                        Preliminary major issues to be
                                               CRCP, including potential mitigation.                    addressed in this DPEIS may include:
                                               NOAA anticipates that actual                             the impact of the CRCP’s activities and               DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                               environmental effects will be caused by                  operations on coral ecosystems; coral
                                               site-specific, project-level activities                  species listed as threatened or                       Department of the Army
                                               implementing the CRCP; therefore, this                   endangered under the Federal
                                                                                                                                                              Army Education Advisory Committee;
                                               DPEIS will be used to support tiered,                    Endangered Species Act; other marine
                                                                                                                                                              Notice of Federal Advisory Committee
                                               site-specific NEPA reviews by                            and terrestrial resources; and the
                                               narrowing the scope of environmental                     cumulative effects of the action when
                                               impacts and facilitating focused,                        considered along with environmental                   AGENCY:Department of the Army, DoD.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               project-level reviews. NOAA also                         conditions and past, present, and future                    Notice of Federal Advisory
                                               intends for this DPEIS to establish a                    actions potentially affecting coral and               Committee Meeting.
                                               tiered environmental decision making                     coastal ecosystems and coastal marine
                                               framework that will support efficient                    resources. The CRCP is also seeking to                SUMMARY:  The Department of Defense
                                               compliance with other statutes                           identify mitigation measures that would               (DoD) is publishing this notice to
                                               protecting natural resources such as the                 be effective at avoiding, minimizing,                 announce that the following Federal
                                               Endangered Species Act and Marine                        and mitigating adverse effects of project-            Advisory Committee meeting of the

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Document Created: 2018-07-10 23:54:10
Document Modified: 2018-07-10 23:54:10
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent; announcement of public scoping period and request for written comments.
DatesWritten comments on the intent to prepare a PEIS will be accepted on or before Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
FR Citation83 FR 32099 

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