83_FR_32832 83 FR 32697 - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of the ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations and Fire Protection; Notice of Meeting

83 FR 32697 - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of the ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations and Fire Protection; Notice of Meeting


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 135 (July 13, 2018)

Page Range32697-32698
FR Document2018-15003

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 135 (Friday, July 13, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 135 (Friday, July 13, 2018)]
[Pages 32697-32698]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15003]



Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of the 
ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations and Fire Protection; Notice of 

    The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations and Fire Protection will 
hold a meeting on July 26, 2018 at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
Region I, 2100 Renaissance Blvd., Suite 100, King of Prussia, PA 19406-
    The entire meeting will be open to public attendance. The agenda 
for the subject meeting shall be as follows:

[[Page 32698]]

Thursday July 26, 2018,--8:15 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

    The Subcommittee will hear presentations by and hold discussions 
with NRC staff and other interested persons regarding this matter. The 
Subcommittee will gather information, analyze relevant issues and 
facts, and formulate proposed positions and actions, as appropriate, 
for deliberation by the Full Committee.
    Members of the public desiring to provide oral statements and/or 
written comments should notify the Designated Federal Official (DFO), 
Kent Howard (Telephone 301-415-2989 or Email: Kent.Howard@nrc.gov) five 
days prior to the meeting, if possible, so that appropriate 
arrangements can be made. Thirty-five hard copies of each presentation 
or handout should be provided to the DFO thirty minutes before the 
meeting. In addition, one electronic copy of each presentation should 
be emailed to the DFO one day before the meeting. If an electronic copy 
cannot be provided within this timeframe, presenters should provide the 
DFO with a CD containing each presentation at least thirty minutes 
before the meeting. Electronic recordings will be permitted only during 
those portions of the meeting that are open to the public. Detailed 
procedures for the conduct of and participation in ACRS meetings were 
published in the Federal Register on October 4, 2017 (82 FR 46312).
    Detailed meeting agendas and meeting transcripts are available on 
the NRC website at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/acrs. 
Information regarding topics to be discussed, changes to the agenda, 
whether the meeting has been canceled or rescheduled, and the time 
allotted to present oral statements can be obtained from the website 
cited above or by contacting the identified DFO. Moreover, in view of 
the possibility that the schedule for ACRS meetings may be adjusted by 
the Chairman as necessary to facilitate the conduct of the meeting, 
persons planning to attend should check with these references if such 
rescheduling would result in a major inconvenience.
    If attending this meeting, please enter through the Main Entrance, 
2100 Renaissance Blvd., Suite 100, King of Prussia, PA 19406-2713. 
After registering with Security, please contact Ms. Ann De Francisco 
(Telephone 601-337-5078) to be escorted to the meeting room.

    Dated: July 10, 2018.
Mark L. Banks,
Chief, Technical Support Branch, Advisory Committee on Reactor 
[FR Doc. 2018-15003 Filed 7-12-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2018 / Notices                                                                                   32697

                                                questions about NRC dockets to Jennifer                                DC 20555–0001, telephone: 301–415–                                      CFR part 40, and sets forth those
                                                Borges; telephone: 301–287–9127;                                       6252; email: James.Webb@nrc.gov.                                        findings in the renewed license. The
                                                email: Jennifer.Borges@nrc.gov. For                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                              agency afforded an opportunity for a
                                                technical questions, contact the                                                                                                               hearing in the ‘‘Notice of Opportunity
                                                individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                                   I. Discussion                                                           for a Hearing’’ published in the Federal
                                                INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                                       Based upon the application dated July                                Register on February 10, 2015 (80 FR
                                                document.                                                              24, 2014 (ADAMS Package Accession                                       7501). The NRC received no request for
                                                                                                                       No. ML14251A115), as supplemented                                       a hearing or petition for leave to
                                                   • NRC’s Agencywide Documents
                                                                                                                       on October 31, 2015 (ADAMS Accession                                    intervene following the notice.
                                                Access and Management System
                                                                                                                       No. ML15300A336), June 2, 2016                                             The NRC staff prepared a safety
                                                (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-
                                                                                                                       (ADAMS Accession No. ML16160A410),                                      evaluation report (ADAMS Accession
                                                available documents online in the                                      October 18, 2016 (ADAMS Accession
                                                ADAMS Public Documents collection at                                                                                                           No. ML18052B381) for the renewal of
                                                                                                                       No. ML16298A147), November 14, 2016
                                                http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                                                                                                                 the license and concluded, based on
                                                                                                                       (ADAMS Accession No. ML16335A183),
                                                adams.html. To begin the search, select                                                                                                        that evaluation, that KUC will continue
                                                                                                                       September 28, 2017 (ADAMS Accession
                                                ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then                                                                                                            to meet the regulations in the Act, 10
                                                                                                                       No. ML17277A074), and January 12,
                                                select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS                                                                                                                 CFR part 20, and 10 CFR part 40. The
                                                                                                                       2018 (ADAMS Accession No.
                                                Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,                                                                                                             NRC staff also prepared an
                                                                                                                       ML18043A034), the NRC has issued a
                                                please contact the NRC’s Public                                                                                                                environmental assessment (ADAMS
                                                                                                                       renewed license (ADAMS Accession
                                                Document Room (PDR) reference staff at                                                                                                         Accession No. ML18135A206) and
                                                                                                                       No. ML18102B175) to KUC, located in
                                                1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by                                                                                                            finding of no significant impact for the
                                                                                                                       Sweetwater County, Wyoming. The
                                                email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The                                                                                                             renewal of this license, which were
                                                                                                                       renewed license authorizes KUC to
                                                ADAMS accession number for each                                        possess uranium source and byproduct                                    published in the Federal Register on
                                                document referenced (if it is available in                             material at the SUP. In addition, the                                   June 8, 2018 (83 FR 26708). The NRC
                                                ADAMS) is provided the first time that                                 license authorizes KUC to operate its                                   staff concluded that renewal of this
                                                it is mentioned in this document. In                                   facilities as proposed in its license                                   license will not have a significant
                                                addition, for the convenience of the                                   renewal application, as amended, and as                                 impact on the quality of the human
                                                reader, the ADAMS accession numbers                                    prescribed in its amended license, after                                environment. Concurrent with its
                                                are provided in a table in the                                         a pre-operational inspection has been                                   license renewal review, the NRC also
                                                ‘‘Availability of Documents’’ section of                               completed at the SUP and any safety                                     reviewed KUC’s revised request to
                                                this document.                                                         issues resolved. The renewed license                                    construct an additional tailings
                                                                                                                       will expire on November 9, 2024.                                        impoundment and evaporation ponds
                                                   • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and                                                                                                            for future operations.
                                                purchase copies of public documents at                                    The licensee’s application for a
                                                the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One                                        renewed license complies with the                                       II. Availability of Documents
                                                White Flint North, 11555 Rockville                                     standards and requirements of the
                                                                                                                       Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended                                     The following table includes the
                                                Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
                                                                                                                       (the Act), and the NRC’s rules and                                      ADAMS accession numbers for the
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                       regulations. The NRC has made                                           documents referenced in this notice. For
                                                James Webb, Office of Nuclear Material                                 appropriate findings as required by the                                 additional information on accessing
                                                Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear                                    Act, part 20 of title 10 of the Code of                                 ADAMS, see the ADDRESSES section of
                                                Regulatory Commission, Washington,                                     Federal Regulations (10 CFR), and 10                                    this document.

                                                                                                                                      Document                                                                                                 accession

                                                License Renewal Application (LRA) July 24, 2014 .............................................................................................................................                 ML14251A113
                                                LRA Revision, October 31, 2015 .........................................................................................................................................................      ML15300A336
                                                LRA Revision, June 2, 2016 ................................................................................................................................................................   ML16160A410
                                                LRA Revision, October 18, 2016 .........................................................................................................................................................      ML16298A147
                                                LRA Revision, November 14, 2016 .....................................................................................................................................................         ML16335A183
                                                LRA Revision, September 28, 2017 ....................................................................................................................................................         ML17277A074
                                                LRA Revision, January 12, 2018 .........................................................................................................................................................      ML18043A034
                                                Final Environmental Assessment for the Renewal of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. SUA–1530 for
                                                  Kennecott Uranium Company, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, issued June 2018 ........................................................................                                            ML18135A206
                                                NRC Safety Evaluation Report, February 28, 2018 ............................................................................................................................                  ML18052B381
                                                Source Materials License, Kennecott Uranium Company, June 30, 2018 .........................................................................................                                  ML18102B175

                                                  Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 6th day                           NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                                      a meeting on July 26, 2018 at U.S.
                                                of July 2018.                                                          COMMISSION                                                              Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region
                                                  For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.                                                                                                       I, 2100 Renaissance Blvd., Suite 100,
                                                                                                                       Advisory Committee on Reactor                                           King of Prussia, PA 19406–2713.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Michele M. Sampson,
                                                                                                                       Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of the                                           The entire meeting will be open to
                                                Acting Deputy Director, Division of
                                                                                                                       ACRS Subcommittee on Plant                                              public attendance. The agenda for the
                                                Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and
                                                Waste Programs, Office of Nuclear Material                             Operations and Fire Protection; Notice                                  subject meeting shall be as follows:
                                                Safety and Safeguards.                                                 of Meeting
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–14855 Filed 7–12–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                        The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant
                                                BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                                                                                       Operations and Fire Protection will hold

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014        16:47 Jul 12, 2018      Jkt 244001      PO 00000       Frm 00080       Fmt 4703      Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\13JYN1.SGM            13JYN1

                                                32698                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2018 / Notices

                                                Thursday July 26, 2018,—8:15 a.m. until                    Dated: July 10, 2018.                               establishes comment deadline(s)
                                                12:00 p.m.                                               Mark L. Banks,                                        pertaining to each request.
                                                                                                         Chief, Technical Support Branch, Advisory               The public portions of the Postal
                                                   The Subcommittee will hear                            Committee on Reactor Safeguards.                      Service’s request(s) can be accessed via
                                                presentations by and hold discussions                    [FR Doc. 2018–15003 Filed 7–12–18; 8:45 am]           the Commission’s website (http://
                                                with NRC staff and other interested                      BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                www.prc.gov). Non-public portions of
                                                persons regarding this matter. The                                                                             the Postal Service’s request(s), if any,
                                                Subcommittee will gather information,                                                                          can be accessed through compliance
                                                analyze relevant issues and facts, and                                                                         with the requirements of 39 CFR
                                                                                                         POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                formulate proposed positions and                                                                               3007.40.
                                                actions, as appropriate, for deliberation                [Docket No. CP2018–265]                                 The Commission invites comments on
                                                by the Full Committee.                                                                                         whether the Postal Service’s request(s)
                                                                                                         New Postal Product                                    in the captioned docket(s) are consistent
                                                   Members of the public desiring to
                                                provide oral statements and/or written                   AGENCY:   Postal Regulatory Commission.               with the policies of title 39. For
                                                comments should notify the Designated                                                                          request(s) that the Postal Service states
                                                                                                         ACTION:   Notice.                                     concern market dominant product(s),
                                                Federal Official (DFO), Kent Howard
                                                (Telephone 301–415–2989 or Email:                        SUMMARY:   The Commission is noticing a               applicable statutory and regulatory
                                                                                                         recent Postal Service filing for the                  requirements include 39 U.S.C. 3622, 39
                                                Kent.Howard@nrc.gov) five days prior to
                                                                                                         Commission’s consideration concerning                 U.S.C. 3642, 39 CFR part 3010, and 39
                                                the meeting, if possible, so that
                                                                                                         negotiated service agreements. This                   CFR part 3020, subpart B. For request(s)
                                                appropriate arrangements can be made.
                                                                                                         notice informs the public of the filing,              that the Postal Service states concern
                                                Thirty-five hard copies of each                                                                                competitive product(s), applicable
                                                presentation or handout should be                        invites public comment, and takes other
                                                                                                         administrative steps.                                 statutory and regulatory requirements
                                                provided to the DFO thirty minutes                                                                             include 39 U.S.C. 3632, 39 U.S.C. 3633,
                                                before the meeting. In addition, one                     DATES: Comments are due: July 16,
                                                                                                                                                               39 U.S.C. 3642, 39 CFR part 3015, and
                                                electronic copy of each presentation                     2018.
                                                                                                                                                               39 CFR part 3020, subpart B. Comment
                                                should be emailed to the DFO one day                     ADDRESSES:   Submit comments                          deadline(s) for each request appear in
                                                before the meeting. If an electronic copy                electronically via the Commission’s                   section II.
                                                cannot be provided within this                           Filing Online system at http://
                                                timeframe, presenters should provide                     www.prc.gov. Those who cannot submit                  II. Docketed Proceeding(s)
                                                the DFO with a CD containing each                        comments electronically should contact                  1. Docket No(s).: CP2018–265; Filing
                                                presentation at least thirty minutes                     the person identified in the FOR FURTHER              Title: Notice of United States Postal
                                                before the meeting. Electronic                           INFORMATION CONTACT section by                        Service of Filing a Functionally
                                                recordings will be permitted only                        telephone for advice on filing                        Equivalent Global Expedited Package
                                                during those portions of the meeting                     alternatives.                                         Services 7 Negotiated Service
                                                that are open to the public. Detailed                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                               Agreement and Application for Non-
                                                procedures for the conduct of and                        David A. Trissell, General Counsel, at                Public Treatment of Materials Filed
                                                participation in ACRS meetings were                      202–789–6820.                                         Under Seal; Filing Acceptance Date:
                                                published in the Federal Register on                                                                           July 6, 2018; Filing Authority: 39 CFR
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                October 4, 2017 (82 FR 46312).                                                                                 3015.5; Public Representative:
                                                                                                         Table of Contents                                     Christopher C. Mohr; Comments Due:
                                                   Detailed meeting agendas and meeting
                                                                                                                                                               July 16, 2018.
                                                transcripts are available on the NRC                     I. Introduction
                                                website at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-                   II. Docketed Proceeding(s)                              This notice will be published in the
                                                rm/doc-collections/acrs. Information                                                                           Federal Register.
                                                                                                         I. Introduction                                       Stacy L. Ruble,
                                                regarding topics to be discussed,
                                                changes to the agenda, whether the                          The Commission gives notice that the               Secretary.
                                                meeting has been canceled or                             Postal Service filed request(s) for the               [FR Doc. 2018–14952 Filed 7–12–18; 8:45 am]
                                                rescheduled, and the time allotted to                    Commission to consider matters related                BILLING CODE 7710–FW–P
                                                present oral statements can be obtained                  to negotiated service agreement(s). The
                                                from the website cited above or by                       request(s) may propose the addition or
                                                contacting the identified DFO.                           removal of a negotiated service                       POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                Moreover, in view of the possibility that                agreement from the market dominant or
                                                                                                                                                               [Docket Nos. CP2018–266; MC2018–191 and
                                                the schedule for ACRS meetings may be                    the competitive product list, or the
                                                adjusted by the Chairman as necessary                    modification of an existing product
                                                                                                         currently appearing on the market                     New Postal Products
                                                to facilitate the conduct of the meeting,
                                                                                                         dominant or the competitive product
                                                persons planning to attend should check                                                                        AGENCY:   Postal Regulatory Commission.
                                                with these references if such
                                                                                                            Section II identifies the docket                   ACTION:   Notice.
                                                rescheduling would result in a major
                                                                                                         number(s) associated with each Postal
                                                inconvenience.                                                                                                 SUMMARY:   The Commission is noticing a
                                                                                                         Service request, the title of each Postal
                                                   If attending this meeting, please enter               Service request, the request’s acceptance             recent Postal Service filing for the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                through the Main Entrance, 2100                          date, and the authority cited by the                  Commission’s consideration concerning
                                                Renaissance Blvd., Suite 100, King of                    Postal Service for each request. For each             negotiated service agreements. This
                                                Prussia, PA 19406–2713. After                            request, the Commission appoints an                   notice informs the public of the filing,
                                                registering with Security, please contact                officer of the Commission to represent                invites public comment, and takes other
                                                Ms. Ann De Francisco (Telephone 601–                     the interests of the general public in the            administrative steps.
                                                337–5078) to be escorted to the meeting                  proceeding, pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 505                 DATES: Comments are due: July 17,
                                                room.                                                    (Public Representative). Section II also              2018.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:47 Jul 12, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00081   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13JYN1.SGM   13JYN1

Document Created: 2018-07-13 01:05:14
Document Modified: 2018-07-13 01:05:14
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 32697 

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