83_FR_32895 83 FR 32759 - Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-G500 Series Airplanes; Flight Envelope Protection-High Incidence Protection System

83 FR 32759 - Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-G500 Series Airplanes; Flight Envelope Protection-High Incidence Protection System

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32759-32764
FR Document2018-15071

These special conditions are issued for the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream) Model GVII-G500 series airplanes. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology and design envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. This design feature is a high incidence protection system that limits the angle of attack at which the airplane can be flown during normal low speed operation. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 32759-32764]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15071]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. FAA-2015-0310; Special Conditions No. 25-732-SC]

Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GVII-
G500 Series Airplanes; Flight Envelope Protection--High Incidence 
Protection System

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final special conditions.


SUMMARY: These special conditions are issued for the Gulfstream 
Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream) Model GVII-G500 series airplanes. 
This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared 
to the state of technology and design envisioned in the airworthiness 
standards for transport category airplanes. This design feature is a 
high incidence protection system that limits the angle of attack at 
which the airplane can be flown during normal low speed operation. The 
applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or 
appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special 
conditions contain the additional safety standards that the 
Administrator considers necessary to establish a level

[[Page 32760]]

of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness 

DATES: This action is effective on July 16, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joe Jacobsen, Airframe & Flight Crew 
Interface Section, AIR-671, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and 
Innovation Division, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 2200 216th Street, Des Moines, Washington 98198; 
telephone and fax 206-231-3158; email Joe.Jacobsen@faa.gov.



    On June 30, 2013, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream) 
applied for a type certificate for its new Model GVII-G500 series 
airplane. The Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series airplane will be a 
business jet with seating for up to 19 passengers. It will incorporate 
a low, swept-wing design with a T-tail. The powerplant will consist of 
two aft-fuselage-mounted turbofan engines. The Gulfstream Model GVII-
G500 series airplane's maximum takeoff weight will be approximately 
79,600 pounds.
    The high incidence protection system prevents the airplane from 
stalling at low speeds and, therefore, a stall warning system is not 
needed during normal flight conditions.

Type Certification Basis

    Under the provisions of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 
CFR) 21.17, Gulfstream must show that the Model GVII-G500 series 
airplane meets the applicable provisions of 14 CFR part 25, as amended 
by amendments 25-1 through 25-137.
    If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain adequate or 
appropriate safety standards for the Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series 
airplane because of a novel or unusual design feature, special 
conditions are prescribed under the provisions of Sec.  21.16.
    Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which 
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended 
later to include any other model that incorporates the same novel or 
unusual design feature, these special conditions would also apply to 
the other model under Sec.  21.101.
    In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special 
conditions, the Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series airplane must comply 
with the fuel vent and exhaust emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, 
and the noise certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
    The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in 
accordance with Sec.  11.38, and they become part of the type 
certification basis under Sec.  21.17(a)(2).

Novel or Unusual Design Features

    The Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series airplane will incorporate the 
following novel or unusual design feature:
    A high incidence protection system, which limits the angle of 
attack at which the airplane can be flown during normal low speed 
operation, prohibits the airplane from stalling, and cannot be 
overridden by the flightcrew. The application of this angle of attack 
limit influences the stall speed determination, stall characteristics, 
stall warning demonstration, and longitudinal handling characteristics 
of the airplane. Existing airworthiness regulations do not contain 
adequate standards to address this feature.


    The high incidence protection system prevents the airplane from 
stalling at low speeds and, therefore, a stall warning system is not 
needed during normal flight conditions. However, during failures, which 
are not shown to be extremely improbable, the requirements of 
Sec. Sec.  25.203 and 25.207 apply, although slightly modified by these 
conditions. If there are failures of the high incidence protection 
system that are not shown to be extremely improbable, the flight 
characteristics at the angle of attack for CLMAX must be 
suitable in the traditional sense, and stall warning must be provided 
in a conventional manner.
    Part I of the special conditions is in lieu of Sec. Sec.  25.21(b), 
25.103, 25.145(a), 25.145(b)(6), 25.175(c) and (d), 25.201, 25.203, 
25.207, and 25.1323(d). Part II is in lieu of Sec. Sec.  25.21(g)(1), 
25.105(a)(2)(i), 25.107(c) and (g), 25.121(b)(2)(ii)(A), 
25.121(c)(2)(ii)(A), 25.121(d)(2)(ii), 25.123(b)(2)(i), 
25.125(b)(2)(ii)(B), and 25.143(j).
    These special conditions address this novel or unusual design 
feature on the Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series airplane, and contain 
the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers 
necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established 
by the existing airworthiness standards.
    These special conditions are different from special conditions 
previously issued on this topic. In Part I, sections 3.b.iv, 3.b.vi, 
3.e.vi, 5.a.i.1, 5.a.i.4, 5.a.i.6, 5.a.i.7, 5.c.i.4, 5.c.i.5, 5.c.i.6, 
5.c.ii.4, and 5.c.ii.5, previously used verbiage was updated to reflect 
language recommended in the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee 
(ARAC) Flight Test Harmonization Working Group (FTHWG) Phase 2 report. 
This language more accurately describes the actions required and 
formulas to be used to obtain the required result. In Part I, sections 
3.b.ii and 5.a.ii.4, the ARAC FTHWG language was adapted to reflect 
specific Gulfstream design features.
    In several previous special conditions on this subject, we used the 
nomenclature VCLMAX. To avoid confusion with previous 
Gulfstream special conditions, we have changed the nomenclature to 
VCLMAX Demo to highlight a difference. The difference is not 
significant, but the change in nomenclature was considered clarifying 
and therefore was adopted in this instance.

Discussion of Comments

    The FAA issued Notice of Proposed Special Conditions No. 25-18-02-
SC for the Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series airplane, which was 
published in the Federal Register on May 14, 2018 (83 FR 22214). The 
FAA received one comment that was not relevant to the subject of these 
special conditions. Therefore, the special conditions are adopted as 


    As discussed above, these special conditions are applicable to the 
Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series airplane. Should Gulfstream apply at 
a later date for a change to the type certificate to include another 
model incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, these 
special conditions would apply to that model as well.
    Under standard practice, the effective date of final special 
conditions would be 30 days after the date of publication in the 
Federal Register. However, as the certification date for the Gulfstream 
Model GVII-G500 series airplane is imminent, the FAA finds that good 
cause exists to make these special conditions effective upon 


    This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features 
on Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series of airplanes. It is not a rule of 
general applicability.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25

    Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 

[[Page 32761]]

Authority Citation

    The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 

The Special Conditions

Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the following special conditions are issued as part of 
the type certification basis for Gulfstream Model GVII-G500 series 

Part I: Stall Protection and Scheduled Operating Speeds

    In the following sections, ``in icing conditions,'' means with ice 
accretions (relative to the relevant flight phase) as defined in 
appendix C to part 25, at amendment 25-121.
1. Definitions
    These special conditions use terminology that does not appear in 14 
CFR part 25. For the purpose of these special conditions, the following 
terms describe certain aspects of this novel or unusual design feature:

High-Incidence Protection System

    A system that operates directly and automatically on the airplane's 
flight controls to limit the maximum angle of attack that can be 
attained to a value below that at which an aerodynamic stall would 


    The maximum angle of attack at which an airplane stabilizes with 
the high incidence protection system operating and the longitudinal 
control held on its aft stop.


    The minimum steady flight speed in the airplane's configuration 
under consideration with the high incidence protection system 
operating. See Part I, Section 3, ``Minimum Steady Flight Speed and 
Reference Stall Speed,'' of these special conditions.


    VMIN corrected to 1g acceleration of gravity conditions. 
See Part I, Section 3, ``Minimum Steady Flight Speed and Reference 
Stall Speed,'' of these special conditions. This is the minimum 
calibrated airspeed at which the airplane can develop a lift force 
normal to the flight path and equal to its weight when at an angle of 
attack not greater than that determined for VMIN.
2. Capability and Reliability of the High Incidence Protection System
    The applicant must establish the capability and reliability of the 
high incidence protection system. The applicant may establish this 
capability and reliability by flight testing, simulation, or analysis 
as appropriate. The capability and reliability required are:
    a. It must not be possible to encounter a stall during the pilot-
induced maneuvers required by Part I, section 5(a), ``High Incidence 
Handling Demonstrations,'' and the handling characteristics must be 
acceptable as required by Part I, section 5(b), ``Characteristics in 
High Incidence Maneuvers'' of these special conditions;
    b. The airplane must be protected against stalling due to the 
effects of wind shears and gusts at low speeds as required by Section 
6, ``Atmospheric Disturbances'' of these special conditions;
    c. The ability of the high incidence protection system to 
accommodate any reduction in stalling incidence must be verified in 
icing conditions;
    d. The high incidence protection system must be provided in each 
abnormal configuration of the high lift devices that is likely to be 
used in flight following system failures; and
    e. The reliability of the system and the effects of failures must 
be acceptable in accordance with Sec.  25.1309.
3. Minimum Steady Flight Speed and Reference Stall Speed
    In lieu of Sec.  25.103, ``Stall speed,'' the following applies:
    a. The minimum steady flight speed, VMIN, is the final, 
stabilized, calibrated airspeed obtained when an airplane is 
decelerated until the longitudinal control is on its stop in such a way 
that the entry rate does not exceed 1 knot per second.
    b. The minimum steady flight speed, VMIN, must be 
determined in icing and non-icing conditions with:
    i. The high incidence protection system operating normally;
    ii. Idle thrust;
    iii. All combinations of flap settings and landing gear positions 
for which VMIN is required to be determined;
    iv. The weight used when the reference stall speed, VSR, 
is used as a factor to determine compliance with a required performance 
    v. The most unfavorable center of gravity (CG) allowable; and
    vi. The airplane trimmed for straight flight at a speed selected by 
the applicant, but not less than 1.13 VSR and not greater 
than 1.3 VSR.
    c. The 1g minimum steady flight speed, VMIN1g, is the 
minimum calibrated airspeed at which an airplane can develop a lift 
force (normal to the flight path) equal to its weight, while at an 
angle of attack not greater than that at which the minimum steady 
flight speed referenced in section 3(a) of this special condition is 
determined. These minimum calibrated airspeeds must be determined for 
both icing and non-icing conditions.
    d. The reference stall speed, VSR, is a calibrated 
airspeed defined by the applicant. VSR may not be less than 
a 1g stall speed. VSR must be determined in non-icing 
conditions and expressed as:


VCLMAX Demo = Demonstrated calibrated airspeed obtained 
when the corrected lift coefficient of the load factor

 is first a maximum during the maneuver
 prescribed in section 3(e)(viii) of this
 special condition.
nZW = Load factor normal to the flight path at 
W = Airplane gross weight;
S = Aerodynamic reference wing area; and
q = Dynamic pressure.

    e. VCLMAX Demo is determined in non-icing conditions 
    i. Engines idling, or, if that resultant thrust causes an 
appreciable decrease in stall speed, not more than zero thrust at the 
stall speed;
    ii. The airplane in other respects (such as flaps and landing gear) 
in the condition existing in the test or performance standard in which 
VSR is being used;
    iii. The weight used when VSR is being used as a factor 
to determine compliance with a required performance standard;
    iv. The CG position that results in the highest value of the 
reference stall speed;
    v. The airplane trimmed for straight flight at a speed selected by 
the applicant, but not less than 1.13 VSR and not greater 
than 1.3 VSR;
    vi. At the option of the applicant, the high incidence protection 
system can be disabled or adjusted to allow full development of the 
maneuver to the angle of attack corresponding to VSR; and
    vii. Starting from the stabilized trim condition, with an 
application of the longitudinal control to decelerate the airplane so 
that the speed reduction does not exceed 1 knot per second.

[[Page 32762]]

4. Stall Warning
    In lieu of Sec.  25.207, the following apply:
a. Normal Operation
     If the design meets all conditions of Part I, section 2 of these 
special conditions, then the airplane need not provide stall warning 
during normal operation. The conditions of Part I, section 2 provide a 
level of safety equal to the intent of Sec.  25.207, ``Stall warning,'' 
so the provision of an additional, unique warning device for normal 
operations is not required.
b. High Incidence Protection System Failure
     For any failures of the high incidence protection system that the 
applicant cannot show to be extremely improbable, and that result in 
the capability of the system no longer satisfying any part of sections 
2(a), (b), and (c) of Part I of these special conditions: The design 
must provide stall warning that protects against encountering 
unacceptable characteristics and against encountering stall.
    i. This stall warning, with the flaps and landing gear in any 
normal position, must be clear and distinctive to the pilot, and must 
meet the requirements specified in sections 4(b)(iv) and 4(b)(v) of 
Part I of these special conditions.
    ii. The design must also provide this stall warning in each 
abnormal configuration of the high lift devices that is likely to be 
used in flight following system failures.
    iii. The design may furnish this stall warning either through the 
inherent aerodynamic qualities of the airplane or by a device that will 
provide clearly distinguishable indications to the flightcrew under all 
expected conditions of flight. However, a visual stall warning device 
that requires the attention of the flightcrew within the flight deck is 
not acceptable by itself. If a warning device is used, it must provide 
a warning in each of the airplane configurations prescribed in section 
4(b)(i), above, and for the conditions prescribed in sections 4(b)(iv) 
and 4(b)(v) of part I of these special conditions.
    iv. In non-icing conditions, the stall warning must provide 
sufficient margin to prevent encountering unacceptable characteristics 
and encountering stall in the following conditions:
    1. In power-off straight deceleration not exceeding 1 knot per 
second to a speed of 5 knots or 5 percent calibrated airspeed (CAS), 
whichever is greater, below the warning onset; and
    2. In turning flight, stall deceleration at entry rates up to 3 
knots per second when recovery is initiated not less than 1 second 
after the warning onset.
    v. In icing conditions, the stall warning must provide sufficient 
margin to prevent encountering unacceptable characteristics and 
encountering stall in power-off straight and turning flight 
decelerations not exceeding 1 knot per second, when the pilot starts a 
recovery maneuver not less than three seconds after the onset of stall 
    vi. An airplane is considered stalled when the behavior of the 
airplane gives the pilot a clear, distinctive, and acceptable 
indication that the airplane is stalled. Acceptable indications of a 
stall, occurring either individually or in combination, are:
    1. A nose-down pitch that cannot be readily arrested;
    2. Buffeting of a magnitude and severity that is strong and thereby 
an effective deterrent to further speed reduction; or
    3. The pitch control reaches the aft stop, and no further increase 
in pitch attitude occurs when the control is held full aft for a short 
time before recovery is initiated.
    vii. An airplane exhibits unacceptable characteristics during 
straight or turning flight decelerations if it is not always possible 
to produce and to correct roll and yaw by unreversed use of aileron and 
rudder controls, or abnormal nose-up pitching occurs.
5. Handling Characteristics at High Incidence
a. High Incidence Handling Demonstrations
    In lieu of Sec.  25.201, ``Stall demonstration,'' the following is 
    i. Maneuvers to the limit of the longitudinal control, in the nose-
up sense, must be demonstrated in straight flight and in 30-degree 
banked turns with:
    1. The high incidence protection system operating normally;
    2. Initial power conditions of:
    a. Power off; and
    b. Power necessary to maintain level flight at 1.5 VSR1, 
where VSR1 is the reference stall speed with flaps in 
approach position, landing gear retracted, and maximum landing weight;
    3. None;
    4. Flaps, landing gear, and deceleration devices in any likely 
combination of positions not prohibited by the airplane flight manual 
    5. Representative weights within the range for which certification 
is requested;
    6. The most adverse CG for recovery; and
    7. The airplane trimmed for straight flight at the speed prescribed 
in section 3(e)(v) of these special conditions.
    ii. The following procedures must be used to show compliance in 
non-icing and icing conditions:
    1. Starting at a speed sufficiently above the minimum steady flight 
speed to ensure that a steady rate of speed reduction can be 
established, apply the longitudinal control so that the speed reduction 
does not exceed 1 knot per second until the control reaches the stop.
    2. The longitudinal control must be maintained at the stop until 
the airplane has reached a stabilized flight condition, and must then 
be recovered by normal recovery techniques.
    3. Maneuvers with increased deceleration rates:
    a. In non-icing conditions, the requirements must also be met with 
increased rates of entry to the incidence limit, up to the maximum rate 
    b. In icing conditions, with the anti-ice system working normally, 
the requirements must also be met with increased rates of entry to the 
incidence limit, up to three knots per second.
    4. Maneuvers with ice accretion prior to normal operation of the 
ice protection system:
    For flight in icing conditions before the ice protection system has 
been activated and is performing its intended function, the handling 
demonstration requirements identified in section 5(a)(i) must be 
satisfied using the procedures specified in sections 5(a)(ii)(1) and 
5(a)(ii)(2) of these special conditions. The airplane configurations 
required to be tested must be in accordance with the limitations and 
procedures for operating the ice protection system provided in the AFM, 
per Sec.  25.21(g)(1), as modified by and Part II of these special 
b. Characteristics in High Incidence Maneuvers
    In lieu of Sec.  25.203, ``Stall characteristics,'' the following 
    i. Throughout maneuvers with a rate of deceleration of not more 
than 1 knot per second, both in straight flight and in 30-degree banked 
turns, the airplane's characteristics must be as follows:
    1. There must not be any abnormal nose-up pitching;
    2. There must not be any uncommanded nose-down pitching, which 
would be indicative of stall. However, reasonable attitude changes 
associated with stabilizing the incidence at Alpha limit, as the 

[[Page 32763]]

control reaches the stop would be acceptable;
    3. There must not be any uncommanded lateral or directional motion, 
and the pilot must retain good lateral and directional control by 
conventional use of the controls throughout the maneuver; and
    4. The airplane must not exhibit buffeting of a magnitude and 
severity that would act as a deterrent from completing the maneuver 
specified in section 5(a)(i) of these special conditions.
    ii. In maneuvers with increased rates of deceleration, some 
degradation of characteristics is acceptable, associated with a 
transient excursion beyond the stabilized Alpha limit. However, the 
airplane must not exhibit dangerous characteristics or characteristics 
that would deter the pilot from holding the longitudinal control on the 
stop for a period of time appropriate to the maneuver.
    iii. It must always be possible for flightcrew to reduce incidence 
by conventional use of the controls.
    iv. The rate at which the airplane can be maneuvered from trim 
speeds, associated with scheduled operating speeds such as 
V2 and VREF up to Alpha limit, must not be unduly 
damped or be significantly slower than can be achieved on 
conventionally controlled transport airplanes.
c. Characteristics up to the Maximum Lift Angle of Attack
    In addition to the requirements in section 5(b) of this special 
condition, the following requirements apply:
    i. In non-icing conditions, maneuvers with a rate of deceleration 
of not more than 1 knot per second, up to the angle of attack 
corresponding to VSR obtained using sections 3(d) and (e) of 
this special condition, must be demonstrated in straight flight and in 
30-degree banked turns in the following configurations:
    1. The high incidence protection system deactivated or adjusted, at 
the option of the applicant, to allow higher incidence than is possible 
with the normal production system;
    2. Automatic-thrust-increase system inhibited (if applicable);
    3. Engines idling;
    4. Flaps, landing gear, and deceleration devices in any likely 
combination of positions not prohibited by the AFM;
    5. The most adverse CG for recovery; and
    6. The airplane trimmed for straight flight at the speed prescribed 
in section 3(e)(v) of this special condition.
    ii. In icing conditions, maneuvers with a rate of deceleration of 
not more than 1 knot per second up to the maximum angle of attack 
reached during maneuvers from section 5(a)(ii)(3)(b) must be 
demonstrated in straight flight with:
    1. The high incidence protection system deactivated or adjusted, at 
the option of the applicant, to allow higher incidence than is possible 
with the normal production system;
    2. Automatic-thrust-increase system inhibited (if applicable);
    3. Engines idling;
    4. Flaps, landing gear, and deceleration devices in any likely 
combination of positions not prohibited by the AFM;
    5. The most adverse CG for recovery; and
    6. The airplane trimmed for straight flight at the speed prescribed 
in section 3(e)(v) of this special condition.
    iii. During the maneuvers used to show compliance with sections 
5(c)(i) and 5(c)(ii) of Part I of these special conditions, the 
airplane must not exhibit dangerous characteristics and it must always 
be possible for flightcrew to reduce angle of attack by conventional 
use of the controls. The pilot must retain good lateral and directional 
control, by conventional use of the controls, throughout the maneuver.
6. Atmospheric Disturbances
    Operation of the high incidence protection system must not 
adversely affect airplane control during expected levels of atmospheric 
disturbances, nor impede the application of recovery procedures in case 
of wind shear. This must be demonstrated in non-icing and icing 
7. None
8. Proof of Compliance
    Add the following requirement to that of Sec.  25.21:
    (b) The flying qualities will be evaluated at the most unfavorable 
CG position.
9. The Design Must Meet the Following Modified Requirements

           14 CFR section                           Change
25.145(a)...........................  ``VMIN'' in lieu of ``stall
25.145(b)(6)........................  ``VMIN'' in lieu of ``VSW.''
25.175(c) and (d)...................  ``VMIN'' in lieu of ``VSW.''
25.1323(d)..........................  ``From 1.23 VSR to VMIN'' in lieu
                                       of ``From 1.23 VSR to the speed
                                       at which stall warning begins;''
                                       and ``speeds below VMIN'' in lieu
                                       of ``speeds below stall warning

Part II: Credit for Robust Envelope Protection in Icing Conditions

    1. In lieu of Sec.  25.21(g)(1), the following applies:
    (g) The requirements of this subpart associated with icing 
conditions apply only if certification for flight in icing conditions 
is desired. If certification for flight in icing conditions is desired, 
the following requirements also apply (see AC 25-25):
    (1) Each requirement of this subpart, except Sec. Sec.  25.121(a), 
25.123(c), 25.143(b)(1) and (b)(2), 25.149, 25.201(c)(2), 25.207(c) and 
(d), and 25.251(b) through (e), must be met in icing conditions. 
Compliance must be shown using the ice accretions defined in appendix C 
to part 25, assuming normal operation of the airplane and its ice 
protection system in accordance with the operating limitations and 
operating procedures established by the applicant and provided in the 
airplane flight manual.
    2. In lieu of Sec.  25.103, ``Stall speed,'' define the stall speed 
as provided in Special Conditions Part I, section 3, ``Minimum Steady 
Flight Speed and Reference Stall Speed.''
    3. In lieu of Sec.  25.105(a)(2)(i) to read as follows:
    (2) In icing conditions, if in the configuration of Sec.  25.121(b) 
with the ``Takeoff Ice'' accretion defined in appendix C to part 25:
    (i) The V2 speed scheduled in non-icing conditions does not provide 
the maneuvering capability specified in Sec.  25.143(h) for the takeoff 
configuration, or
    4. In lieu of Sec.  25.107(c) and (g), the following apply, with 
additional sections (c') and (g'):
    (c) In non-icing conditions, V2, in terms of calibrated 
airspeed, must be selected by the applicant to provide at least the 
gradient of climb required by Sec.  25.121(b) but may not be less 
    1. V2MIN;
    2. VR plus the speed increment attained (in accordance 
with Sec.  25.111(c)(2)) before reaching a height of 35 feet above the 
takeoff surface; and
    3. A speed that provides the maneuvering capability specified in 
Sec.  25.143(h).
    (c') In icing conditions with the ``Takeoff Ice'' accretion defined 
in appendix C to part 25, V2 may not be less than--
    1. The V2 speed determined in non-icing conditions.
    2. A speed that provides the maneuvering capability specified in 
Sec.  25.143(h).
    (g) In non-icing conditions, VFTO, in terms of 
calibrated airspeed, must be

[[Page 32764]]

selected by the applicant to provide at least the gradient of climb 
required by Sec.  25.121(c), but may not be less than--
    1. 1.18 VSR; and
    2. A speed that provides the maneuvering capability specified in 
Sec.  25.143(h).
    (g') In icing conditions with the ``Final Takeoff Ice'' accretion 
defined in appendix C to part 25, VFTO may not be less 
    1. The VFTO speed determined in non-icing conditions.
    2. A speed that provides the maneuvering capability specified in 
Sec.  25.143(h).
    5. In lieu of Sec. Sec.  25.121(b)(2)(ii)(A), 25.121(c)(2)(ii)(A), 
and 25.121(d)(2)(ii), the following apply:
    Sec.  25.121 Climb: one-engine inoperative:
    (b) Takeoff; landing gear retracted. In the takeoff configuration 
existing at the point of the flight path at which the landing gear is 
fully retracted, and in the configuration used in Sec.  25.111, but 
without ground effect,
* * * * *
    2. The requirements of subparagraph (b)(1) of this section must be 
* * * * *
    (ii) In icing conditions with the ``Takeoff Ice'' accretion defined 
in appendix C of part 25, if in the configuration of Sec.  25.121(b) 
with the ``Takeoff Ice'' accretion:
    (A) The V2 speed scheduled in non-icing conditions does 
not provide the maneuvering capability specified in Sec.  25.143(h) for 
the takeoff configuration; or
    (c) Final takeoff. In the en route configuration at the end of the 
takeoff path determined in accordance with Sec.  25.111:
* * * * *
    2. The requirements of subparagraph (c)(1) of this section must be 
* * * * *
    (ii) In icing conditions with the ``Final Takeoff Ice'' accretion 
defined in appendix C of part 25, if:
    (A) The VFTO speed scheduled in non-icing conditions 
does not provide the maneuvering capability specified in Sec.  
25.143(h) for the en route configuration; or
    (d) Approach. In a configuration corresponding to the normal all-
engines operating procedure in which VSR for this 
configuration does not exceed 110 percent of the VSR for the 
related all-engines-operating landing configuration:
* * * * *
    2. The requirements of sub-paragraph (d)(1) of this section must be 
* * * * *
    (ii) In icing conditions with the ``Approach Ice'' accretion 
defined in appendix C to part 25, in a configuration corresponding to 
the normal all-engines-operating procedure in which VMIN1g 
for this configuration does not exceed 110% of the VMIN1g 
for the related all engines-operating landing configuration in icing, 
with a climb speed established with normal landing procedures, but not 
more than 1.4 VSR (VSR determined in non-icing 
    6. In lieu of Sec.  25.123 (b)(2)(i), the following applies:
    Sec.  25.123 En route flight paths:
    (b) The one-engine-inoperative net flight path data must represent 
the actual climb performance diminished by a gradient of climb of 1.1 
percent for two-engine airplanes, 1.4 percent for three-engine 
airplanes, and 1.6 percent for four-engine airplanes.
* * * * *
    2. In icing conditions with the ``En route Ice'' accretion defined 
in appendix C to part 25 if:
    (i) The minimum en route speed scheduled in non-icing conditions 
does not provide the maneuvering capability specified in Sec.  
25.143(h) for the en route configuration, or
    7. In lieu of Sec.  25.125(b)(2)(ii)(B) and Sec.  
25.125(b)(2)(ii)(C), the following applies:
    Sec.  25.125 Landing
    (b) In determining the distance in (a):
* * * * *
    2. A stabilized approach, with a calibrated airspeed of not less 
than VREF, must be maintained down to the 50-foot height.
* * * * *
    (ii) In icing conditions, VREF may not be less than:
    (A) The speed determined in sub-paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this 
    (B) A speed that provides the maneuvering capability specified in 
Sec.  25.143(h) with the ``Landing Ice'' accretion defined in appendix 
C to part 25.
    8. In lieu of Sec.  25.143(j), the following applies:
    Sec.  25.143 General
    (j) For flight in icing conditions--before the ice protection 
system has been activated and is performing its intended function--the 
following requirements apply:
    (1) If activating the ice protection system depends on the pilot 
seeing a specified ice accretion on a reference surface (not just the 
first indication of icing), the requirements of Sec.  25.143 apply with 
the ice accretion defined in part II(e) of appendix C to part 25.
    (2) For other means of activating the ice protection system, it 
must be demonstrated in flight with the ice accretion defined in part 
II(e) of appendix C to part 25 that:
    (i) The airplane is controllable in a pull-up maneuver up to 1.5 g 
load factor or lower if limited by AOA protection; and
    (ii) There is no reversal of pitch control force during a pushover 
maneuver down to 0.5 g load factor.
    9. In lieu of Sec.  25.207, ``Stall warning,'' to read as the 
requirements defined in Part I of these special conditions.

    Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on July 9, 2018.
Victor Wicklund,
Manager, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and Innovation Division, 
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-15071 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]


                                              Rules and Regulations                                                                                          Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                             Vol. 83, No. 136

                                                                                                                                                             Monday, July 16, 2018

                                              This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                     http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                           The NRC is publishing concurrently
                                              contains regulatory documents having general             adams.html. To begin the search, select               with this guidance document the final
                                              applicability and legal effect, most of which            ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then                   rule, ‘‘Medical Use of Byproduct
                                              are keyed to and codified in the Code of                 select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS                        Material—Medical Event Definitions,
                                              Federal Regulations, which is published under            Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,                    Training and Experience, and Clarifying
                                              50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
                                                                                                       please contact the NRC’s Public                       Amendments’’ (RIN 3150–AI63, NRC–
                                              The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by               Document Room (PDR) reference staff at                2008–0175) in Separate Part IV of this
                                              the Superintendent of Documents.                         1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by                   issue of the Federal Register. In
                                                                                                       email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The final              conjunction with the final rule, the NRC
                                                                                                       guidance document is available in                     developed this final guidance document
                                              NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                       ADAMS under Accession No.                             which provides guidance to licensees
                                              COMMISSION                                               ML18176A377.                                          and applicants for implementing the
                                                                                                          • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and                   revisions in the final rule.
                                              10 CFR Parts 30, 32, and 35                              purchase copies of public documents at
                                                                                                                                                                Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day
                                              [NRC–2014–0030]                                          the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One                       of July 2018.
                                                                                                       White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
                                              RIN 3150–AI63                                                                                                     For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
                                                                                                       Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
                                                                                                                                                             Daniel S. Collins,
                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Medical Use of Byproduct Material—                                                                             Director, Division of Materials Safety,
                                              Medical Event; Definitions and                           Donna-Beth Howe, Office of Nuclear
                                                                                                                                                             Security, State, and Tribal Programs, Office
                                              Training and Experience                                  Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S.                  of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
                                                                                                       Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–14853 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                              AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                              Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone:
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                              Commission.                                              301–415–5441; email: Donna-
                                              ACTION: Final guidance; issuance.                        Beth.Howe@nrc.gov.
                                                                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The NRC
                                              SUMMARY:    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                  published the draft guidance document                 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                              Commission (NRC) is issuing a final                      in the Federal Register on July 21, 2014
                                              guidance document entitled, ‘‘Final                      (79 FR 42224). The NRC received seven                 Federal Aviation Administration
                                              Guidance for the Rule ‘Medical Use of                    comments on the draft guidance. The
                                              Byproduct Material—Medical Events                        NRC’s response to the public comments                 14 CFR Part 25
                                              Definitions, Training and Experience,                    received can be found in the fourth
                                              and Clarifying Amendments.’ ’’ This                      section of the final guidance. The                    [Docket No. FAA–2015–0310; Special
                                              guidance document addresses                              guidance document is for use by                       Conditions No. 25–732–SC]
                                              implementation of the NRC’s final rule                   applicants, licensees, Agreement States,
                                              amending its medical use of byproduct                                                                          Special Conditions: Gulfstream
                                                                                                       and the NRC staff. This guidance
                                              material regulations which is being                                                                            Aerospace Corporation Model GVII–
                                                                                                       document (ADAMS Accession No.
                                              published concurrently in Separate Part                                                                        G500 Series Airplanes; Flight Envelope
                                                                                                       ML18176A377) has four parts: the first
                                              IV of this issue of the Federal Register.                                                                      Protection—High Incidence Protection
                                                                                                       two are revisions to existing information
                                              DATES: The guidance document is
                                                                                                       in the NUREG–1556, ‘‘Consolidated
                                              available on July 16, 2018.                              Guidance About Materials Licenses,’’                  AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                              ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID                     series of volumes for medical uses                    Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                              NRC–2014–0030 when contacting the                        (Volume 9) and commercial nuclear                     ACTION: Final special conditions.
                                              NRC about the availability of                            pharmacies (Volume 13); the third part
                                              information regarding this document.                     is a series of questions and answers to               SUMMARY:   These special conditions are
                                              You may obtain publicly-available                        assist applicants and licensees in                    issued for the Gulfstream Aerospace
                                              information related to this document                     understanding and implementing the                    Corporation (Gulfstream) Model GVII–
                                              using any of the following methods:                      new regulatory changes; and the fourth                G500 series airplanes. This airplane will
                                                • Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to                    is the comments received on the                       have a novel or unusual design feature
                                              http://www.regulations.gov and search                    proposed guidance during the public                   when compared to the state of
                                              for Docket ID NRC–2014–0030. Address                     comment period, and the NRC’s                         technology and design envisioned in the
                                              questions about NRC dockets to Carol                     responses. The current NUREG–1556                     airworthiness standards for transport
                                              Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;                      documents provide guidance to                         category airplanes. This design feature
                                              email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For                      applicants for the completion and                     is a high incidence protection system
                                              technical questions, contact the                         submission of materials license                       that limits the angle of attack at which
                                              individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                     applications to the NRC. The documents                the airplane can be flown during normal
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                      also include model procedures that an                 low speed operation. The applicable
                                              document.                                                applicant may consider when                           airworthiness regulations do not contain
                                                • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                           developing its radiation safety program.              adequate or appropriate safety standards
                                              Access and Management System                             The guidance document can be found                    for this design feature. These special
                                              (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-                        on the NRC’s Medical Uses Licensee                    conditions contain the additional safety
                                              available documents online in the                        Toolkit website (http://www.nrc.gov/                  standards that the Administrator
                                              ADAMS Public Documents collection at                     materials/miau/med-use-toolkit.html).                 considers necessary to establish a level

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:38 Jul 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00001   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\16JYR1.SGM   16JYR1

                                              32760               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              of safety equivalent to that established                 requirements of 14 CFR part 34, and the               5.c.ii.4, and 5.c.ii.5, previously used
                                              by the existing airworthiness standards.                 noise certification requirements of 14                verbiage was updated to reflect language
                                              DATES: This action is effective on July                  CFR part 36.                                          recommended in the Aviation
                                              16, 2018.                                                  The FAA issues special conditions, as               Rulemaking Advisory Committee
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joe
                                                                                                       defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance                (ARAC) Flight Test Harmonization
                                              Jacobsen, Airframe & Flight Crew                         with § 11.38, and they become part of                 Working Group (FTHWG) Phase 2
                                              Interface Section, AIR–671, Transport                    the type certification basis under                    report. This language more accurately
                                              Standards Branch, Policy and                             § 21.17(a)(2).                                        describes the actions required and
                                              Innovation Division, Aircraft                            Novel or Unusual Design Features                      formulas to be used to obtain the
                                              Certification Service, Federal Aviation                                                                        required result. In Part I, sections 3.b.ii
                                                                                                         The Gulfstream Model GVII–G500                      and 5.a.ii.4, the ARAC FTHWG language
                                              Administration, 2200 216th Street, Des                   series airplane will incorporate the
                                              Moines, Washington 98198; telephone                                                                            was adapted to reflect specific
                                                                                                       following novel or unusual design                     Gulfstream design features.
                                              and fax 206–231–3158; email                              feature:
                                              Joe.Jacobsen@faa.gov.                                      A high incidence protection system,                   In several previous special conditions
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                               which limits the angle of attack at                   on this subject, we used the
                                                                                                       which the airplane can be flown during                nomenclature VCLMAX. To avoid
                                              Background                                                                                                     confusion with previous Gulfstream
                                                                                                       normal low speed operation, prohibits
                                                On June 30, 2013, Gulfstream                           the airplane from stalling, and cannot be             special conditions, we have changed the
                                              Aerospace Corporation (Gulfstream)                       overridden by the flightcrew. The                     nomenclature to VCLMAX Demo to
                                              applied for a type certificate for its new               application of this angle of attack limit             highlight a difference. The difference is
                                              Model GVII–G500 series airplane. The                     influences the stall speed                            not significant, but the change in
                                              Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 series                        determination, stall characteristics, stall           nomenclature was considered clarifying
                                              airplane will be a business jet with                     warning demonstration, and                            and therefore was adopted in this
                                              seating for up to 19 passengers. It will                 longitudinal handling characteristics of              instance.
                                              incorporate a low, swept-wing design                     the airplane. Existing airworthiness                  Discussion of Comments
                                              with a T-tail. The powerplant will                       regulations do not contain adequate
                                              consist of two aft-fuselage-mounted                      standards to address this feature.                      The FAA issued Notice of Proposed
                                              turbofan engines. The Gulfstream Model                                                                         Special Conditions No. 25–18–02–SC
                                              GVII–G500 series airplane’s maximum                      Discussion                                            for the Gulfstream Model GVII–G500
                                              takeoff weight will be approximately                        The high incidence protection system               series airplane, which was published in
                                              79,600 pounds.                                           prevents the airplane from stalling at                the Federal Register on May 14, 2018
                                                The high incidence protection system                   low speeds and, therefore, a stall                    (83 FR 22214). The FAA received one
                                              prevents the airplane from stalling at                   warning system is not needed during                   comment that was not relevant to the
                                              low speeds and, therefore, a stall                       normal flight conditions. However,                    subject of these special conditions.
                                              warning system is not needed during                      during failures, which are not shown to               Therefore, the special conditions are
                                              normal flight conditions.                                be extremely improbable, the                          adopted as proposed.
                                              Type Certification Basis                                 requirements of §§ 25.203 and 25.207
                                                                                                       apply, although slightly modified by
                                                 Under the provisions of title 14, Code                these conditions. If there are failures of               As discussed above, these special
                                              of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 21.17,                   the high incidence protection system                  conditions are applicable to the
                                              Gulfstream must show that the Model                      that are not shown to be extremely                    Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 series
                                              GVII–G500 series airplane meets the                      improbable, the flight characteristics at             airplane. Should Gulfstream apply at a
                                              applicable provisions of 14 CFR part 25,                 the angle of attack for CLMAX must be                 later date for a change to the type
                                              as amended by amendments 25–1                            suitable in the traditional sense, and                certificate to include another model
                                              through 25–137.                                          stall warning must be provided in a                   incorporating the same novel or unusual
                                                 If the Administrator finds that the                   conventional manner.                                  design feature, these special conditions
                                              applicable airworthiness regulations                        Part I of the special conditions is in             would apply to that model as well.
                                              (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain                    lieu of §§ 25.21(b), 25.103, 25.145(a),
                                              adequate or appropriate safety standards                                                                          Under standard practice, the effective
                                                                                                       25.145(b)(6), 25.175(c) and (d), 25.201,
                                              for the Gulfstream Model GVII–G500                                                                             date of final special conditions would
                                                                                                       25.203, 25.207, and 25.1323(d). Part II is
                                              series airplane because of a novel or                                                                          be 30 days after the date of publication
                                                                                                       in lieu of §§ 25.21(g)(1), 25.105(a)(2)(i),
                                              unusual design feature, special                                                                                in the Federal Register. However, as the
                                                                                                       25.107(c) and (g), 25.121(b)(2)(ii)(A),
                                              conditions are prescribed under the                                                                            certification date for the Gulfstream
                                                                                                       25.121(c)(2)(ii)(A), 25.121(d)(2)(ii),
                                              provisions of § 21.16.                                                                                         Model GVII–G500 series airplane is
                                                                                                       25.123(b)(2)(i), 25.125(b)(2)(ii)(B), and
                                                 Special conditions are initially                                                                            imminent, the FAA finds that good
                                              applicable to the model for which they                      These special conditions address this              cause exists to make these special
                                              are issued. Should the type certificate                  novel or unusual design feature on the                conditions effective upon publication.
                                              for that model be amended later to                       Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 series                     Conclusion
                                              include any other model that                             airplane, and contain the additional
                                              incorporates the same novel or unusual                   safety standards that the Administrator                 This action affects only certain novel
                                              design feature, these special conditions                 considers necessary to establish a level              or unusual design features on
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              would also apply to the other model                      of safety equivalent to that established              Gulfstream Model GVII–G500 series of
                                              under § 21.101.                                          by the existing airworthiness standards.              airplanes. It is not a rule of general
                                                 In addition to the applicable                            These special conditions are different             applicability.
                                              airworthiness regulations and special                    from special conditions previously                    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
                                              conditions, the Gulfstream Model GVII–                   issued on this topic. In Part I, sections
                                              G500 series airplane must comply with                    3.b.iv, 3.b.vi, 3.e.vi, 5.a.i.1, 5.a.i.4,               Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
                                              the fuel vent and exhaust emission                       5.a.i.6, 5.a.i.7, 5.c.i.4, 5.c.i.5, 5.c.i.6,          and recordkeeping requirements.

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            32761

                                              Authority Citation                                       2. Capability and Reliability of the High                c. The 1g minimum steady flight
                                                                                                       Incidence Protection System                           speed, VMIN1g, is the minimum
                                                The authority citation for these                                                                             calibrated airspeed at which an airplane
                                              special conditions is as follows:                           The applicant must establish the
                                                                                                       capability and reliability of the high                can develop a lift force (normal to the
                                                Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113,            incidence protection system. The                      flight path) equal to its weight, while at
                                              44701, 44702, 44704.                                     applicant may establish this capability               an angle of attack not greater than that
                                                                                                       and reliability by flight testing,                    at which the minimum steady flight
                                              The Special Conditions                                                                                         speed referenced in section 3(a) of this
                                                                                                       simulation, or analysis as appropriate.
                                                                                                       The capability and reliability required               special condition is determined. These
                                              ■ Accordingly, pursuant to the authority
                                                                                                       are:                                                  minimum calibrated airspeeds must be
                                              delegated to me by the Administrator,
                                                                                                          a. It must not be possible to encounter            determined for both icing and non-icing
                                              the following special conditions are
                                                                                                       a stall during the pilot-induced                      conditions.
                                              issued as part of the type certification                                                                          d. The reference stall speed, VSR, is a
                                              basis for Gulfstream Model GVII–G500                     maneuvers required by Part I, section
                                                                                                       5(a), ‘‘High Incidence Handling                       calibrated airspeed defined by the
                                              series airplanes.                                                                                              applicant. VSR may not be less than a 1g
                                                                                                       Demonstrations,’’ and the handling
                                              Part I: Stall Protection and Scheduled                   characteristics must be acceptable as                 stall speed. VSR must be determined in
                                              Operating Speeds                                         required by Part I, section 5(b),                     non-icing conditions and expressed as:

                                                 In the following sections, ‘‘in icing                 ‘‘Characteristics in High Incidence
                                              conditions,’’ means with ice accretions                  Maneuvers’’ of these special conditions;
                                              (relative to the relevant flight phase) as                  b. The airplane must be protected
                                              defined in appendix C to part 25, at                     against stalling due to the effects of
                                              amendment 25–121.                                        wind shears and gusts at low speeds as
                                                                                                                                                             VCLMAX Demo = Demonstrated calibrated
                                                                                                       required by Section 6, ‘‘Atmospheric
                                                                                                                                                                airspeed obtained when the corrected lift
                                              1. Definitions                                           Disturbances’’ of these special                          coefficient of the load factor
                                                These special conditions use                              c. The ability of the high incidence
                                              terminology that does not appear in 14                   protection system to accommodate any
                                              CFR part 25. For the purpose of these                    reduction in stalling incidence must be
                                              special conditions, the following terms                  verified in icing conditions;                             is first a maximum during the maneuver
                                              describe certain aspects of this novel or                                                                          prescribed in section 3(e)(viii) of this
                                                                                                          d. The high incidence protection
                                              unusual design feature:                                                                                            special condition.
                                                                                                       system must be provided in each                       nZW = Load factor normal to the flight path
                                              High-Incidence Protection System                         abnormal configuration of the high lift                   at VCLMAX Demo
                                                                                                       devices that is likely to be used in flight           W = Airplane gross weight;
                                                 A system that operates directly and                   following system failures; and                        S = Aerodynamic reference wing area; and
                                              automatically on the airplane’s flight                      e. The reliability of the system and the           q = Dynamic pressure.
                                              controls to limit the maximum angle of                   effects of failures must be acceptable in                e. VCLMAX Demo is determined in non-
                                              attack that can be attained to a value                   accordance with § 25.1309.                            icing conditions with:
                                              below that at which an aerodynamic                                                                                i. Engines idling, or, if that resultant
                                                                                                       3. Minimum Steady Flight Speed and
                                              stall would occur.                                                                                             thrust causes an appreciable decrease in
                                                                                                       Reference Stall Speed
                                              Alpha-Limit                                                                                                    stall speed, not more than zero thrust at
                                                                                                          In lieu of § 25.103, ‘‘Stall speed,’’ the          the stall speed;
                                                The maximum angle of attack at                         following applies:                                       ii. The airplane in other respects
                                              which an airplane stabilizes with the                       a. The minimum steady flight speed,                (such as flaps and landing gear) in the
                                              high incidence protection system                         VMIN, is the final, stabilized, calibrated            condition existing in the test or
                                              operating and the longitudinal control                   airspeed obtained when an airplane is                 performance standard in which VSR is
                                              held on its aft stop.                                    decelerated until the longitudinal                    being used;
                                                                                                       control is on its stop in such a way that                iii. The weight used when VSR is
                                              VMIN                                                     the entry rate does not exceed 1 knot per             being used as a factor to determine
                                                                                                       second.                                               compliance with a required
                                                The minimum steady flight speed in                        b. The minimum steady flight speed,                performance standard;
                                              the airplane’s configuration under                       VMIN, must be determined in icing and                    iv. The CG position that results in the
                                              consideration with the high incidence                    non-icing conditions with:                            highest value of the reference stall
                                              protection system operating. See Part I,                    i. The high incidence protection                   speed;
                                              Section 3, ‘‘Minimum Steady Flight                       system operating normally;                               v. The airplane trimmed for straight
                                              Speed and Reference Stall Speed,’’ of                       ii. Idle thrust;                                   flight at a speed selected by the
                                              these special conditions.                                   iii. All combinations of flap settings             applicant, but not less than 1.13 VSR and
                                              VMIN1g                                                   and landing gear positions for which                  not greater than 1.3 VSR;
                                                                                                       VMIN is required to be determined;                       vi. At the option of the applicant, the
                                                VMIN corrected to 1g acceleration of                      iv. The weight used when the                       high incidence protection system can be
                                              gravity conditions. See Part I, Section 3,               reference stall speed, VSR, is used as a              disabled or adjusted to allow full
                                              ‘‘Minimum Steady Flight Speed and                        factor to determine compliance with a                 development of the maneuver to the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              Reference Stall Speed,’’ of these special                required performance standard;                        angle of attack corresponding to VSR;
                                              conditions. This is the minimum                             v. The most unfavorable center of                  and

                                              calibrated airspeed at which the                         gravity (CG) allowable; and                              vii. Starting from the stabilized trim
                                              airplane can develop a lift force normal                    vi. The airplane trimmed for straight              condition, with an application of the
                                              to the flight path and equal to its weight               flight at a speed selected by the                     longitudinal control to decelerate the
                                              when at an angle of attack not greater                   applicant, but not less than 1.13 VSR and             airplane so that the speed reduction
                                              than that determined for VMIN.                           not greater than 1.3 VSR.                             does not exceed 1 knot per second.

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                                              32762               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              4. Stall Warning                                            2. In turning flight, stall deceleration              6. The most adverse CG for recovery;
                                                In lieu of § 25.207, the following                     at entry rates up to 3 knots per second               and
                                                                                                       when recovery is initiated not less than                 7. The airplane trimmed for straight
                                                                                                       1 second after the warning onset.                     flight at the speed prescribed in section
                                              a. Normal Operation                                         v. In icing conditions, the stall                  3(e)(v) of these special conditions.
                                                If the design meets all conditions of                  warning must provide sufficient margin                   ii. The following procedures must be
                                              Part I, section 2 of these special                       to prevent encountering unacceptable                  used to show compliance in non-icing
                                              conditions, then the airplane need not                   characteristics and encountering stall in             and icing conditions:
                                                                                                       power-off straight and turning flight                    1. Starting at a speed sufficiently
                                              provide stall warning during normal
                                                                                                       decelerations not exceeding 1 knot per                above the minimum steady flight speed
                                              operation. The conditions of Part I,
                                                                                                       second, when the pilot starts a recovery              to ensure that a steady rate of speed
                                              section 2 provide a level of safety equal
                                                                                                       maneuver not less than three seconds                  reduction can be established, apply the
                                              to the intent of § 25.207, ‘‘Stall
                                                                                                       after the onset of stall warning.                     longitudinal control so that the speed
                                              warning,’’ so the provision of an
                                                                                                          vi. An airplane is considered stalled              reduction does not exceed 1 knot per
                                              additional, unique warning device for
                                                                                                       when the behavior of the airplane gives               second until the control reaches the
                                              normal operations is not required.
                                                                                                       the pilot a clear, distinctive, and                   stop.
                                              b. High Incidence Protection System                      acceptable indication that the airplane                  2. The longitudinal control must be
                                              Failure                                                  is stalled. Acceptable indications of a               maintained at the stop until the airplane
                                                 For any failures of the high incidence                stall, occurring either individually or in            has reached a stabilized flight condition,
                                              protection system that the applicant                     combination, are:                                     and must then be recovered by normal
                                              cannot show to be extremely                                 1. A nose-down pitch that cannot be                recovery techniques.
                                                                                                       readily arrested;                                        3. Maneuvers with increased
                                              improbable, and that result in the
                                                                                                          2. Buffeting of a magnitude and                    deceleration rates:
                                              capability of the system no longer                                                                                a. In non-icing conditions, the
                                                                                                       severity that is strong and thereby an
                                              satisfying any part of sections 2(a), (b),                                                                     requirements must also be met with
                                                                                                       effective deterrent to further speed
                                              and (c) of Part I of these special                                                                             increased rates of entry to the incidence
                                                                                                       reduction; or
                                              conditions: The design must provide                         3. The pitch control reaches the aft               limit, up to the maximum rate
                                              stall warning that protects against                      stop, and no further increase in pitch                achievable.
                                              encountering unacceptable                                attitude occurs when the control is held                 b. In icing conditions, with the anti-
                                              characteristics and against encountering                 full aft for a short time before recovery             ice system working normally, the
                                              stall.                                                   is initiated.                                         requirements must also be met with
                                                 i. This stall warning, with the flaps                    vii. An airplane exhibits unacceptable             increased rates of entry to the incidence
                                              and landing gear in any normal                           characteristics during straight or turning            limit, up to three knots per second.
                                              position, must be clear and distinctive                  flight decelerations if it is not always                 4. Maneuvers with ice accretion prior
                                              to the pilot, and must meet the                          possible to produce and to correct roll               to normal operation of the ice protection
                                              requirements specified in sections                       and yaw by unreversed use of aileron                  system:
                                              4(b)(iv) and 4(b)(v) of Part I of these                  and rudder controls, or abnormal nose-                   For flight in icing conditions before
                                              special conditions.                                      up pitching occurs.                                   the ice protection system has been
                                                 ii. The design must also provide this                                                                       activated and is performing its intended
                                              stall warning in each abnormal                           5. Handling Characteristics at High
                                                                                                                                                             function, the handling demonstration
                                              configuration of the high lift devices                   Incidence
                                                                                                                                                             requirements identified in section 5(a)(i)
                                              that is likely to be used in flight                      a. High Incidence Handling                            must be satisfied using the procedures
                                              following system failures.                               Demonstrations                                        specified in sections 5(a)(ii)(1) and
                                                 iii. The design may furnish this stall                                                                      5(a)(ii)(2) of these special conditions.
                                              warning either through the inherent                         In lieu of § 25.201, ‘‘Stall
                                                                                                       demonstration,’’ the following is                     The airplane configurations required to
                                              aerodynamic qualities of the airplane or                                                                       be tested must be in accordance with
                                              by a device that will provide clearly                    required:
                                                                                                          i. Maneuvers to the limit of the                   the limitations and procedures for
                                              distinguishable indications to the                                                                             operating the ice protection system
                                                                                                       longitudinal control, in the nose-up
                                              flightcrew under all expected conditions                                                                       provided in the AFM, per § 25.21(g)(1),
                                                                                                       sense, must be demonstrated in straight
                                              of flight. However, a visual stall warning                                                                     as modified by and Part II of these
                                                                                                       flight and in 30-degree banked turns
                                              device that requires the attention of the                                                                      special conditions.
                                              flightcrew within the flight deck is not                    1. The high incidence protection
                                              acceptable by itself. If a warning device                                                                      b. Characteristics in High Incidence
                                                                                                       system operating normally;                            Maneuvers
                                              is used, it must provide a warning in                       2. Initial power conditions of:
                                              each of the airplane configurations                         a. Power off; and                                     In lieu of § 25.203, ‘‘Stall
                                              prescribed in section 4(b)(i), above, and                   b. Power necessary to maintain level               characteristics,’’ the following apply:
                                              for the conditions prescribed in sections                flight at 1.5 VSR1, where VSR1 is the                    i. Throughout maneuvers with a rate
                                              4(b)(iv) and 4(b)(v) of part I of these                  reference stall speed with flaps in                   of deceleration of not more than 1 knot
                                              special conditions.                                      approach position, landing gear                       per second, both in straight flight and in
                                                 iv. In non-icing conditions, the stall                retracted, and maximum landing                        30-degree banked turns, the airplane’s
                                              warning must provide sufficient margin                   weight;                                               characteristics must be as follows:
                                              to prevent encountering unacceptable                        3. None;                                              1. There must not be any abnormal
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                                              characteristics and encountering stall in                   4. Flaps, landing gear, and                        nose-up pitching;
                                              the following conditions:                                deceleration devices in any likely                       2. There must not be any
                                                 1. In power-off straight deceleration                 combination of positions not prohibited               uncommanded nose-down pitching,
                                              not exceeding 1 knot per second to a                     by the airplane flight manual (AFM);                  which would be indicative of stall.
                                              speed of 5 knots or 5 percent calibrated                    5. Representative weights within the               However, reasonable attitude changes
                                              airspeed (CAS), whichever is greater,                    range for which certification is                      associated with stabilizing the incidence
                                              below the warning onset; and                             requested;                                            at Alpha limit, as the longitudinal

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                        32763

                                              control reaches the stop would be                           ii. In icing conditions, maneuvers                            Part II: Credit for Robust Envelope
                                              acceptable;                                              with a rate of deceleration of not more                          Protection in Icing Conditions
                                                 3. There must not be any                              than 1 knot per second up to the                                    1. In lieu of § 25.21(g)(1), the
                                              uncommanded lateral or directional                       maximum angle of attack reached                                  following applies:
                                              motion, and the pilot must retain good                   during maneuvers from section                                       (g) The requirements of this subpart
                                              lateral and directional control by                       5(a)(ii)(3)(b) must be demonstrated in                           associated with icing conditions apply
                                              conventional use of the controls                         straight flight with:                                            only if certification for flight in icing
                                              throughout the maneuver; and                                1. The high incidence protection                              conditions is desired. If certification for
                                                 4. The airplane must not exhibit                      system deactivated or adjusted, at the                           flight in icing conditions is desired, the
                                              buffeting of a magnitude and severity                    option of the applicant, to allow higher                         following requirements also apply (see
                                              that would act as a deterrent from                       incidence than is possible with the                              AC 25–25):
                                              completing the maneuver specified in                     normal production system;                                           (1) Each requirement of this subpart,
                                              section 5(a)(i) of these special                            2. Automatic-thrust-increase system
                                                                                                                                                                        except §§ 25.121(a), 25.123(c),
                                              conditions.                                              inhibited (if applicable);
                                                                                                          3. Engines idling;                                            25.143(b)(1) and (b)(2), 25.149,
                                                 ii. In maneuvers with increased rates                                                                                  25.201(c)(2), 25.207(c) and (d), and
                                              of deceleration, some degradation of                        4. Flaps, landing gear, and
                                                                                                       deceleration devices in any likely                               25.251(b) through (e), must be met in
                                              characteristics is acceptable, associated                                                                                 icing conditions. Compliance must be
                                              with a transient excursion beyond the                    combination of positions not prohibited
                                                                                                       by the AFM;                                                      shown using the ice accretions defined
                                              stabilized Alpha limit. However, the                                                                                      in appendix C to part 25, assuming
                                                                                                          5. The most adverse CG for recovery;
                                              airplane must not exhibit dangerous                                                                                       normal operation of the airplane and its
                                              characteristics or characteristics that                     6. The airplane trimmed for straight                          ice protection system in accordance
                                              would deter the pilot from holding the                   flight at the speed prescribed in section                        with the operating limitations and
                                              longitudinal control on the stop for a                   3(e)(v) of this special condition.                               operating procedures established by the
                                              period of time appropriate to the                           iii. During the maneuvers used to                             applicant and provided in the airplane
                                              maneuver.                                                show compliance with sections 5(c)(i)                            flight manual.
                                                 iii. It must always be possible for                   and 5(c)(ii) of Part I of these special                             2. In lieu of § 25.103, ‘‘Stall speed,’’
                                              flightcrew to reduce incidence by                        conditions, the airplane must not                                define the stall speed as provided in
                                              conventional use of the controls.                        exhibit dangerous characteristics and it                         Special Conditions Part I, section 3,
                                                 iv. The rate at which the airplane can                must always be possible for flightcrew                           ‘‘Minimum Steady Flight Speed and
                                              be maneuvered from trim speeds,                          to reduce angle of attack by                                     Reference Stall Speed.’’
                                              associated with scheduled operating                      conventional use of the controls. The                               3. In lieu of § 25.105(a)(2)(i) to read as
                                              speeds such as V2 and VREF up to Alpha                   pilot must retain good lateral and                               follows:
                                              limit, must not be unduly damped or be                   directional control, by conventional use                            (2) In icing conditions, if in the
                                              significantly slower than can be                         of the controls, throughout the                                  configuration of § 25.121(b) with the
                                              achieved on conventionally controlled                    maneuver.                                                        ‘‘Takeoff Ice’’ accretion defined in
                                              transport airplanes.                                                                                                      appendix C to part 25:
                                                                                                       6. Atmospheric Disturbances                                         (i) The V2 speed scheduled in non-
                                              c. Characteristics up to the Maximum
                                              Lift Angle of Attack                                        Operation of the high incidence                               icing conditions does not provide the
                                                                                                       protection system must not adversely                             maneuvering capability specified in
                                                 In addition to the requirements in                    affect airplane control during expected                          § 25.143(h) for the takeoff configuration,
                                              section 5(b) of this special condition,                  levels of atmospheric disturbances, nor                          or
                                              the following requirements apply:                        impede the application of recovery                                  4. In lieu of § 25.107(c) and (g), the
                                                 i. In non-icing conditions, maneuvers                 procedures in case of wind shear. This                           following apply, with additional
                                              with a rate of deceleration of not more                  must be demonstrated in non-icing and                            sections (c’) and (g’):
                                              than 1 knot per second, up to the angle                  icing conditions.                                                   (c) In non-icing conditions, V2, in
                                              of attack corresponding to VSR obtained                                                                                   terms of calibrated airspeed, must be
                                              using sections 3(d) and (e) of this                      7. None
                                                                                                                                                                        selected by the applicant to provide at
                                              special condition, must be demonstrated                  8. Proof of Compliance                                           least the gradient of climb required by
                                              in straight flight and in 30-degree                         Add the following requirement to that                         § 25.121(b) but may not be less than—
                                              banked turns in the following                            of § 25.21:                                                         1. V2MIN;
                                              configurations:                                             (b) The flying qualities will be                                 2. VR plus the speed increment
                                                 1. The high incidence protection                      evaluated at the most unfavorable CG                             attained (in accordance with
                                              system deactivated or adjusted, at the                   position.                                                        § 25.111(c)(2)) before reaching a height
                                              option of the applicant, to allow higher                                                                                  of 35 feet above the takeoff surface; and
                                              incidence than is possible with the                      9. The Design Must Meet the Following                               3. A speed that provides the
                                              normal production system;                                Modified Requirements                                            maneuvering capability specified in
                                                 2. Automatic-thrust-increase system                        14 CFR                                                      § 25.143(h).
                                              inhibited (if applicable);                                                                     Change
                                                                                                            section                                                        (c’) In icing conditions with the
                                                 3. Engines idling;                                                                                                     ‘‘Takeoff Ice’’ accretion defined in
                                                                                                       25.145(a) .........    ‘‘VMIN’’ in lieu of ‘‘stall identifica-
                                                 4. Flaps, landing gear, and                                                     tion.’’                                appendix C to part 25, V2 may not be
                                              deceleration devices in any likely                       25.145(b)(6) .....     ‘‘VMIN’’ in lieu of ‘‘VSW.’’              less than—
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              combination of positions not prohibited                  25.175(c) and          ‘‘VMIN’’ in lieu of ‘‘VSW.’’                 1. The V2 speed determined in non-
                                              by the AFM;                                                (d).                                                           icing conditions.
                                                                                                       25.1323(d) .......     ‘‘From 1.23 VSR to VMIN’’ in lieu of
                                                 5. The most adverse CG for recovery;                                            ‘‘From 1.23 VSR to the speed at           2. A speed that provides the
                                              and                                                                                which stall warning begins;’’ and      maneuvering capability specified in
                                                 6. The airplane trimmed for straight                                            ‘‘speeds below VMIN’’ in lieu of       § 25.143(h).
                                              flight at the speed prescribed in section                                          ‘‘speeds below stall warning              (g) In non-icing conditions, VFTO, in
                                              3(e)(v) of this special condition.                                                                                        terms of calibrated airspeed, must be

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                                              32764               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              selected by the applicant to provide at                     (ii) In icing conditions with the                  demonstrated in flight with the ice
                                              least the gradient of climb required by                  ‘‘Approach Ice’’ accretion defined in                 accretion defined in part II(e) of
                                              § 25.121(c), but may not be less than—                   appendix C to part 25, in a configuration             appendix C to part 25 that:
                                                 1. 1.18 VSR; and                                      corresponding to the normal all-engines-                (i) The airplane is controllable in a
                                                 2. A speed that provides the                          operating procedure in which VMIN1g for               pull-up maneuver up to 1.5 g load factor
                                              maneuvering capability specified in                      this configuration does not exceed                    or lower if limited by AOA protection;
                                              § 25.143(h).                                             110% of the VMIN1g for the related all                and
                                                 (g’) In icing conditions with the                     engines-operating landing configuration                 (ii) There is no reversal of pitch
                                              ‘‘Final Takeoff Ice’’ accretion defined in               in icing, with a climb speed established              control force during a pushover
                                              appendix C to part 25, VFTO may not be                   with normal landing procedures, but not               maneuver down to 0.5 g load factor.
                                              less than—                                               more than 1.4 VSR (VSR determined in                    9. In lieu of § 25.207, ‘‘Stall warning,’’
                                                 1. The VFTO speed determined in non-                  non-icing conditions).                                to read as the requirements defined in
                                              icing conditions.                                           6. In lieu of § 25.123 (b)(2)(i), the              Part I of these special conditions.
                                                 2. A speed that provides the                          following applies:
                                              maneuvering capability specified in                                                                               Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on July
                                                                                                          § 25.123 En route flight paths:                    9, 2018.
                                              § 25.143(h).                                                (b) The one-engine-inoperative net
                                                 5. In lieu of §§ 25.121(b)(2)(ii)(A),                                                                       Victor Wicklund,
                                                                                                       flight path data must represent the
                                              25.121(c)(2)(ii)(A), and 25.121(d)(2)(ii),               actual climb performance diminished by                Manager, Transport Standards Branch, Policy
                                              the following apply:                                                                                           and Innovation Division, Aircraft
                                                                                                       a gradient of climb of 1.1 percent for                Certification Service.
                                                 § 25.121 Climb: one-engine                            two-engine airplanes, 1.4 percent for
                                              inoperative:                                             three-engine airplanes, and 1.6 percent
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–15071 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 (b) Takeoff; landing gear retracted. In               for four-engine airplanes.                            BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                              the takeoff configuration existing at the
                                              point of the flight path at which the                    *       *     *     *     *
                                              landing gear is fully retracted, and in                     2. In icing conditions with the ‘‘En               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                              the configuration used in § 25.111, but                  route Ice’’ accretion defined in appendix
                                              without ground effect,                                   C to part 25 if:                                      Federal Aviation Administration
                                                                                                          (i) The minimum en route speed
                                              *       *     *    *     *                               scheduled in non-icing conditions does                14 CFR Part 97
                                                 2. The requirements of subparagraph                   not provide the maneuvering capability
                                              (b)(1) of this section must be met:                      specified in § 25.143(h) for the en route             [Docket No. 31203; Amdt. No. 3808]
                                              *       *     *    *     *                               configuration, or
                                                 (ii) In icing conditions with the                        7. In lieu of § 25.125(b)(2)(ii)(B) and            Standard Instrument Approach
                                              ‘‘Takeoff Ice’’ accretion defined in                     § 25.125(b)(2)(ii)(C), the following                  Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums
                                              appendix C of part 25, if in the                         applies:                                              and Obstacle Departure Procedures;
                                              configuration of § 25.121(b) with the                       § 25.125 Landing                                   Miscellaneous Amendments
                                              ‘‘Takeoff Ice’’ accretion:                                  (b) In determining the distance in (a):
                                                 (A) The V2 speed scheduled in non-                    *       *     *     *     *                           AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                              icing conditions does not provide the                       2. A stabilized approach, with a                   Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                              maneuvering capability specified in                      calibrated airspeed of not less than                  ACTION: Final rule.
                                              § 25.143(h) for the takeoff configuration;               VREF, must be maintained down to the
                                              or                                                       50-foot height.                                       SUMMARY:    This rule amends, suspends,
                                                 (c) Final takeoff. In the en route                                                                          or removes Standard Instrument
                                              configuration at the end of the takeoff                  *       *     *     *     *
                                                                                                          (ii) In icing conditions, VREF may not             Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and
                                              path determined in accordance with                                                                             associated Takeoff Minimums and
                                              § 25.111:                                                be less than:
                                                                                                          (A) The speed determined in sub-                   Obstacle Departure Procedures for
                                              *       *     *    *     *                               paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section;                  operations at certain airports. These
                                                 2. The requirements of subparagraph                                                                         regulatory actions are needed because of
                                                                                                          (B) A speed that provides the
                                              (c)(1) of this section must be met:                                                                            the adoption of new or revised criteria,
                                                                                                       maneuvering capability specified in
                                              *       *     *    *     *                               § 25.143(h) with the ‘‘Landing Ice’’                  or because of changes occurring in the
                                                 (ii) In icing conditions with the ‘‘Final             accretion defined in appendix C to part               National Airspace System, such as the
                                              Takeoff Ice’’ accretion defined in                       25.                                                   commissioning of new navigational
                                              appendix C of part 25, if:                                  8. In lieu of § 25.143(j), the following           facilities, adding new obstacles, or
                                                 (A) The VFTO speed scheduled in non-                  applies:                                              changing air traffic requirements. These
                                              icing conditions does not provide the                       § 25.143 General                                   changes are designed to provide for the
                                              maneuvering capability specified in                         (j) For flight in icing conditions—                safe and efficient use of the navigable
                                              § 25.143(h) for the en route                             before the ice protection system has                  airspace and to promote safe flight
                                              configuration; or                                        been activated and is performing its                  operations under instrument flight rules
                                                 (d) Approach. In a configuration                      intended function—the following                       at the affected airports.
                                              corresponding to the normal all-engines                  requirements apply:                                   DATES: This rule is effective July 16,
                                              operating procedure in which VSR for                        (1) If activating the ice protection               2018. The compliance date for each
                                              this configuration does not exceed 110                   system depends on the pilot seeing a                  SIAP, associated Takeoff Minimums,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              percent of the VSR for the related all-                  specified ice accretion on a reference                and ODP is specified in the amendatory
                                              engines-operating landing configuration:                 surface (not just the first indication of             provisions.
                                              *       *     *    *     *                               icing), the requirements of § 25.143                     The incorporation by reference of
                                                 2. The requirements of sub-paragraph                  apply with the ice accretion defined in               certain publications listed in the
                                              (d)(1) of this section must be met:                      part II(e) of appendix C to part 25.                  regulations is approved by the Director
                                              *       *     *    *     *                                  (2) For other means of activating the              of the Federal Register as of July 16,
                                                                                                       ice protection system, it must be                     2018.

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:53:55
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:53:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal special conditions.
DatesThis action is effective on July 16, 2018.
ContactJoe Jacobsen, Airframe & Flight Crew Interface Section, AIR-671, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and Innovation Division, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 2200 216th Street, Des Moines, Washington 98198; telephone and fax 206-231-3158; email [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 32759 
CFR AssociatedAircraft; Aviation Safety and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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