83_FR_32951 83 FR 32815 - Terminated and Insolvent Multiemployer Plans and Duties of Plan Sponsors

83 FR 32815 - Terminated and Insolvent Multiemployer Plans and Duties of Plan Sponsors


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32815-32825
FR Document2018-15076

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation proposes to amend its multiemployer reporting, disclosure, and valuation regulations to reduce the number of actuarial valuations required for smaller plans terminated by mass withdrawal, add a valuation filing requirement and a withdrawal liability reporting requirement for certain terminated plans and insolvent plans, remove certain insolvency notice and update requirements, and reflect the repeal of the multiemployer plan reorganization rules.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 32815-32825]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15076]



29 CFR Parts 4041A, 4245, and 4281

RIN 1212-AB38

Terminated and Insolvent Multiemployer Plans and Duties of Plan 

AGENCY: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation proposes to amend its 
multiemployer reporting, disclosure, and valuation regulations to 
reduce the number of actuarial valuations required for smaller plans 
terminated by mass withdrawal, add a valuation filing requirement and a 
withdrawal liability reporting requirement for certain terminated plans 
and insolvent plans, remove certain insolvency notice and update 
requirements, and reflect the repeal of the multiemployer plan 
reorganization rules.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before September 14, 2018 to be 
assured of consideration.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
(Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.)
     Email: reg.comments@pbgc.gov. Refer to RIN 1212-AB38 in 
the subject line.
     Mail or Hand Delivery: Regulatory Affairs Division, Office 
of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K 
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026.
    All submissions must include the agency's name (Pension Benefit 
Guaranty Corporation, or PBGC) and the RIN for this rulemaking (RIN 
1212-AB38). All comments received will be posted without change to 
PBGC's website, www.pbgc.gov, including any personal information 
provided. Copies of comments may also be obtained by writing to 
Disclosure Division, Office of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit 
Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026, or 
calling 202-326-4040 during normal business hours. (TTY users may call 
the Federal relay service toll-free at 800-877-8339 and ask to be 
connected to 202-326-4040.)

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Hilary Duke (duke.hilary@pbgc.gov), 
Assistant General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Office of the General 
Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20005-4026; 202-326-4400, extension 3839. (TTY users may 
call the Federal relay service toll-free at 800-877-8339 and ask to be 
connected to 202-326-4400, extension 3839.)


Executive Summary--Purpose of the Regulatory Action

    This proposed rule would make certain reporting and disclosure of 
multiemployer information to PBGC and interested parties more efficient 
and reflect the repeal of the multiemployer plan reorganization rules. 
The proposal would reduce costs by allowing smaller plans terminated by 
mass withdrawal to perform actuarial valuations less frequently and by 
removing certain notice requirements for insolvent plans. This would 
reduce plan administrative costs and, in turn, may reduce financial 
assistance provided by PBGC.
    PBGC's legal authority for this action is based on section 
4002(b)(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 
(ERISA), which authorizes PBGC to issue regulations to carry out the 
purposes of title IV of ERISA; section 4041A(f)(2) of ERISA, which 
gives PBGC authority to prescribe reporting requirements for terminated 
plans; section 4245(e) of ERISA, which directs PBGC to prescribe 
requirements for notices regarding multiemployer plan insolvency; 
section 4261 of ERISA, which authorizes PBGC to provide financial 
assistance to insolvent plans, and section 4281(d)(3) of ERISA, which 
directs PBGC to prescribe requirements for notices to plan participants 
and beneficiaries in the event of a benefit suspension by an insolvent 

Executive Summary--Major Provisions of the Regulatory Action

Plan Sponsor Duties--Annual Valuation and Withdrawal Liability

    The plan sponsor of a multiemployer plan terminated by mass 
withdrawal is responsible for specific duties, including an annual 
actuarial valuation of the plan's assets and benefits. This proposed 
rule would reduce administrative burden by allowing the plan sponsor to 
perform an actuarial valuation only every 5 years if the present value 
of the plan's nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or less. The 
proposed rule would add a new requirement for plan sponsors of certain 
terminated or insolvent plans to file actuarial valuations with PBGC. 
Where the present value of the plan's nonforfeitable benefits is $50 
million or less, a plan receiving financial assistance from PBGC would 
be able to file alternative valuation information.
    The plan sponsor of a multiemployer plan also is responsible for 
determining, giving notice of, and collecting withdrawal liability. The 
proposal would require plan sponsors of certain terminated or insolvent 
plans to file with PBGC information about withdrawal liability payments 
and whether any employers have withdrawn but have not yet been assessed 
withdrawal liability.

Insolvency Notices and Updates

    A multiemployer plan terminated by mass withdrawal that is 
insolvent or is expected to be insolvent for a plan year must provide 
certain notices to PBGC and participants and beneficiaries. Similarly, 
a multiemployer plan that is certified by the plan's actuary to be in 
critical status and that is expected to become insolvent under section 
4245 of ERISA must provide certain notices to PBGC and interested 
parties. Notices include a notice of insolvency and a notice of 
insolvency benefit level. The proposed rule would eliminate outdated 
information included in the notices. The proposal would require a plan 
to provide notices of insolvency if the plan sponsor determines the 
plan is insolvent in the current plan year or is expected to be 
insolvent in the next plan year. The proposal also would eliminate the 
requirement to provide most annual updates to the notices of insolvency 
benefit level.


    The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) administers two 
insurance programs for private-sector defined benefit pension plans 
under title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 
(ERISA): A single-employer plan termination insurance program and a 
multiemployer plan insolvency insurance program. In general, a 
multiemployer pension plan is a collectively bargained plan involving 
two or more unrelated employers. This proposed rule deals with 
multiemployer plans.
    Under section 4041A of ERISA, a mass withdrawal termination of a 
plan occurs when all employers withdraw or cease to be obligated to 
contribute to the plan. A plan terminated by mass

[[Page 32816]]

withdrawal continues to pay all vested benefits from existing plan 
assets and withdrawal liability payments from withdrawn employers. 
PBGC's financial assistance to the terminated plan starts only if and 
when the plan sponsor determines that the plan is insolvent under 
section 4281(d) of ERISA. PBGC also provides financial assistance to 
certain plans in critical status that are not terminated or are 
terminated by plan amendment \1\ if the plan sponsor determines that 
the plan is insolvent under section 4245 of ERISA.

    \1\ Termination of a multiemployer plan by plan amendment is 
determined under section 4041A(a)(1) of ERISA.

    Before 2015, financially troubled multiemployer plans entered a 
``reorganization'' status if their funding was below a certain level. 
Plans in reorganization status were subject to certain rules affecting 
plan funding, benefits, and reporting and disclosure. The plan sponsor 
of a plan in reorganization that determined the plan was insolvent or 
was expected to be insolvent for a plan year was required to provide 
PBGC and interested parties notices regarding the plan's insolvency. 
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 established critical and endangered 
statuses for underfunded plans and provided new tools to help 
multiemployer plans in those statuses improve plan funding but did not 
repeal the reorganization rules. Section 108 of the Multiemployer 
Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MPRA) repealed the rules on reorganization 
under section 4241 of ERISA effective for plan years beginning after 
December 31, 2014. MPRA also amended the notice requirements under 
section 4245(e) of ERISA and 418E(e) of the Internal Revenue Code 
(Code) to replace the references to a plan in reorganization with 
references to a plan in critical status. These amendments did not 
substantively change the notice requirements.
    This proposed rule would reduce reporting and disclosure 
requirements for multiemployer plans that are terminated by mass 
withdrawal or in critical status and that are, or are expected to be, 
insolvent.\2\ PBGC identified these proposed amendments as part of its 
ongoing retrospective review under Executive Order 13563 ``Improving 
Regulation and Regulatory Review.'' Executive Order 13563 provides for 
Federal regulations to use less burdensome means to achieve policy 
goals, and for agencies to give careful consideration to the benefits 
and costs of those regulations. Comments received from one commenter in 
response to PBGC's July 2017 Request for Information\3\ support the 
proposed changes to reduce notice requirements for insolvent plans.

    \2\ In 2014, PBGC amended its regulations to reduce the number 
of actuarial valuations required for certain smaller terminated 
plans and remove certain insolvency notice and update requirements. 
See 79 FR 30459 (May 28, 2014). This rulemaking is a continuation of 
that effort to reduce plan burden.
    \3\ PBGC Regulatory Planning and Review of Existing Regulations, 
Request for Information (82 FR 34619, July 26, 2017).

Proposed Regulatory Changes

Annual Valuation Requirement

    PBGC's regulation on Termination of Multiemployer Plans (29 CFR 
part 4041A) establishes rules for the administration of multiemployer 
plans that have terminated by mass withdrawal, including basic duties 
of plan sponsors of plans terminated by mass withdrawal. Among the 
requirements, the plan sponsor of a plan terminated by mass withdrawal 
must value the plan's nonforfeitable benefits and assets as of the last 
day of the plan year in which the plan terminates and the last day of 
each plan year thereafter. The details of the annual actuarial 
valuation requirement are provided in subpart B of PBGC's regulation on 
Duties of Plan Sponsor Following Mass Withdrawal (29 CFR part 4281).
    The plan sponsor of a plan terminated by mass withdrawal uses the 
annual actuarial valuation to determine whether the value of 
nonforfeitable benefits exceeds the value of assets. If benefits exceed 
assets, the plan may need to reduce benefits. If no benefits are 
subject to reduction, the plan will continue to make periodic 
determinations of plan solvency. The proposed rule would revise Sec.  
4041A.25 of the multiemployer termination regulation to clarify the 
timing of the plan sponsor's determinations of plan solvency by 
combining similar provisions to eliminate repetition and by removing 
potentially confusing language.
    The plan sponsor of a plan in critical status must also make 
determinations of plan solvency. If the plan sponsor determines under 
section 4245(d) of ERISA that the plan is expected to be insolvent for 
a plan year, the plan must file a notice with PBGC, including a copy of 
the most recent actuarial valuation for the plan. PBGC uses the annual 
actuarial valuation to estimate the liabilities PBGC will incur when 
the plan becomes insolvent and for purposes of its financial 
    PBGC is proposing to reduce the number of plans terminated by mass 
withdrawal that are required to prepare an annual actuarial valuation. 
Section 4041A.24 of the multiemployer termination regulation provides 
that if the value of nonforfeitable benefits for a plan terminated by 
mass withdrawal is $25 million or less as determined for a plan year, 
the plan sponsor may use the actuarial valuation for the next two years 
and perform a new actuarial valuation for the third plan year. The 
proposed rule would increase the threshold requirement for plans and 
allow them to use less frequent actuarial valuations. A plan would be 
able to use an actuarial valuation for 5 years if the present value of 
the plan's nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or less and be in 
compliance with the statutory requirement that there be an annual 
written determination of the value of the plan's nonforfeitable 
benefits and the plan's assets.
    If the present value of a plan's nonforfeitable benefits exceeds 
$50 million, the plan would continue to be required to perform 
actuarial valuations annually.\4\ Plans could move in and out of the 5-
year or annual valuation cycle, as applicable, as the value of 
nonforfeitable benefits changes. Thus, a plan that had been using an 
actuarial valuation for 5 years would be required to perform actuarial 
valuations annually if the most recent actuarial valuation indicates 
that the present value of the plan's nonforfeitable benefits exceeds 
$50 million. Similarly, a plan that had been performing the actuarial 
valuation annually would be able to use the actuarial valuation for 5 
years if the most recent actuarial valuation shows the present value of 
the plan's nonforfeitable benefits to be $50 million or less.

    \4\ No valuation is required for a plan year in which the plan 
is closed out in accordance with subpart D of part 4041A.

    To estimate PBGC's multiemployer plan liabilities, PBGC also is 
proposing to add the annual actuarial valuation requirement for 
insolvent plans receiving financial assistance from PBGC (whether 
terminated or not terminated) and plans terminated by plan amendment 
that are expected to become insolvent.\5\ The provision allowing 
smaller plans to use less frequent actuarial valuations would be 
available to these plans. In addition, where the present value of the 
plan's nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or less, a plan receiving 
financial assistance from PBGC could comply with the actuarial 
valuation requirement by filing alternative information as

[[Page 32817]]

specified in valuation instructions on PBGC's website.

    \5\ Section 4041A.24(a)(2) of PBGC's termination regulation 
currently excludes plans receiving financial assistance from PBGC 
from the annual actuarial valuation requirement.

           Summary of Actuarial Valuation Filing Requirements
                                     Frequency of         information
                                       actuarial        permitted to be
 Size of plan according to most       valuation:         filed: plans
   recent actuarial valuation      terminated plans        receiving
                                     and insolvent         financial
                                         plans            assistance
Present Value of Plan's           Every 5 Years.....  Yes.
 Nonforfeitable Benefits is $50
 Million or Less.
Present Value of Plan's           Each Year.........  No.
 Nonforfeitable Benefits Exceeds
 $50 Million.

    The proposed amendments would enable PBGC to continue to have 
reasonably reliable data to measure its liabilities, while reducing 
burden on plans that present smaller exposure. PBGC currently obtains 
actuarial valuations for plans receiving financial assistance by 
contacting plan sponsors. The proposal would require a plan sponsor to 
file the plan's actuarial valuation with PBGC within 180 days after the 
end of the plan year for which the actuarial valuation is performed. 
Having plans file the actuarial valuation or alternative valuation 
information within the proposed time period would provide for a more 
efficient process for plans and PBGC. The proposed rule would also make 
clarifications and other editorial changes to part 4041A.

Withdrawal Liability Payments

    The plan sponsor of a multiemployer plan is required to determine 
and collect withdrawal liability in accordance with section 4219 of 
ERISA. The plan sponsor assesses withdrawal liability by issuing a 
notice to an employer, including the amount of the employer's liability 
and a schedule of payments. The plan sponsor also must file with PBGC a 
certification that notices have been provided to employers.\6\

    \6\ See 29 CFR 4219.17.

    PBGC uses information about withdrawal liability payments and 
settlements, and whether employers have withdrawn from the plan but 
have not yet been assessed withdrawal liability, to estimate PBGC's 
multiemployer liabilities for purposes of its financial statements and 
to provide financial assistance to plans.\7\ It is particularly 
important for PBGC to identify all sources of available funding given 
the declining financial position of the multiemployer program. As of 
September 30, 2017, there were 72 insolvent plans that received 
financial assistance from PBGC and 68 terminated plans not yet 
receiving financial assistance.\8\ The number of plans receiving and 
expected to receive financial assistance led PBGC to examine the way it 
obtains withdrawal liability information.

    \7\ PBGC may prescribe reporting requirements for terminated 
plans under section 4041A(f)(2) of ERISA.
    \8\ See PBGC FY 2017 Annual Report, page 94 at https://www.pbgc.gov/sites/default/files/pbgc-annual-report-2017.pdf.

    PBGC is proposing that plan sponsors of plans subject to the 
actuarial valuation requirement (plans terminated by mass withdrawal, 
plans terminated by plan amendment that are expected to become 
insolvent, and insolvent plans receiving financial assistance from PBGC 
(whether terminated or not terminated)), file with PBGC information 
about withdrawal liability, in the aggregate and by employer, that the 
plan has or has not yet assessed withdrawn employers. The information 
would be specified in the withdrawal liability instructions on PBGC's 
website. For each employer not yet assessed withdrawal liability, 
information would include the name of the employer and the reasons the 
employer has not yet been assessed withdrawal liability. For each 
employer assessed withdrawal liability, information would include the 
name of the employer and whether there are scheduled periodic payments 
or there has been a lump-sum settlement. For periodic payments, 
information would include the start date, end date, frequency of 
payment (monthly, quarterly, annually), amount of payment, and whether 
the employer is current on making its payments. For lump sum 
settlements, information would include the amount and date of payment. 
To satisfy the filing requirement for employers assessed withdrawal 
liability, a plan sponsor could choose to file documents already 
prepared containing the withdrawal liability information for each 
employer, such as withdrawal liability notices setting forth scheduled 
payments or withdrawal liability settlement agreements.
    The proposal would require a plan sponsor to file the withdrawal 
liability information with PBGC within 180 days after the earlier of 
the end of the plan year in which the plan terminates or becomes 
insolvent and each plan year thereafter, unless there is no updated 
information to file. Having plans file the withdrawal liability 
information electronically and within the proposed time period would 
provide for an efficient process for plans and PBGC.

Terminated and Insolvent Plan Notices

    The plan sponsor of a multiemployer plan terminated by mass 
withdrawal must make determinations of insolvency annually in 
accordance with section 4281 of ERISA and the plan sponsor of a 
multiemployer plan in critical status must make determinations of 
insolvency in accordance with section 4245(d) of ERISA. When the plan 
sponsor of a multiemployer plan determines that the plan's resources 
are not sufficient to pay the promised level of benefits stated in the 
plan when due during the plan year, the plan sponsor must suspend 
benefits above the amount that assets will cover. However, benefits may 
not be reduced to an amount less than the PBGC guarantee level. Plans 
that are not able to pay benefits at the promised level of benefits 
stated in the plan are required to notify PBGC and plan participants 
and beneficiaries.
    The notice requirements for plans that have terminated by mass 
withdrawal are provided under subpart D of PBGC's regulation on Duties 
of Plan Sponsor Following Mass Withdrawal (29 CFR part 4281). Similar 
notice requirements are provided for plans that are in critical status 
under PBGC's regulation on Notice of Insolvency (29 CFR part 4245). 
Under the latter, in addition to notifying PBGC and participants and 
beneficiaries, plans must notify other interested parties, including 
employers required to contribute to the plan and employee organizations 
that, for collective bargaining purposes, represent participants 
employed by such employers.
    There are two types of notice that plans must provide: A ``notice 
of insolvency,'' stating the plan year that the plan is insolvent or is 
expected to be insolvent, and a ``notice of insolvency benefit level,'' 
stating the level of benefits that will be paid during

[[Page 32818]]

a plan year in which a plan is insolvent. The proposed rule would 
require the plan sponsor of a critical status plan or of a plan 
terminated by mass withdrawal to provide notices of insolvency if it 
determines that the plan is insolvent in the current plan year or is 
expected to be insolvent in the next plan year. The proposal also would 
make the timing of the delivery of the notice of insolvency and the 
notice of insolvency benefit level the same--by the later of 90 days 
before the beginning of the insolvency year or 30 days after the date 
the insolvency determination is made. In addition, the proposal would 
allow the plan sponsor to provide one combined notice for the same 
insolvency year.
    PBGC's regulations currently require plan sponsors to provide the 
notice of insolvency benefit level annually. PBGC's experience has been 
that virtually all multiemployer plans that become insolvent will 
remain so. Thus, once a plan sponsor has provided the initial notice of 
insolvency benefit level, there is little need to require the plan 
sponsor to provide similar subsequent notices. Consequently, PBGC is 
proposing to eliminate most of the annual updates to the notices of 
insolvency benefit level. The plan sponsor would provide updated 
notices to PBGC and to all participants and beneficiaries only if there 
is a change in the amount of benefits paid that affects participants 
and beneficiaries generally. If a participant or beneficiary enters pay 
status or is reasonably expected to enter pay status during the 
insolvency year, or there is a change in benefit level that affects 
only one participant or beneficiary or a participant class, a notice 
would only be required to be provided to PBGC and to each affected 
person. For example, in the latter case, if a participant enters pay 
status or a participant's death results in the payment of benefits to 
the participant's beneficiary, only PBGC and those affected 
participants and beneficiaries would be provided notices.
    Plan sponsors are required to electronically file notices of 
termination, notices of insolvency, and notices of insolvency benefit 
level.\9\ The proposed rule would move the content requirements for 
these notices filed with PBGC from the regulations to instructions 
available on PBGC's website. PBGC generally considers it preferable to 
describe information to be filed only in the filing instructions, and 
not in the regulation prescribing the filing, to avoid having two 
authoritative descriptions of the same requirements and to make it 
easier for filers to find the information they need in one place. The 
proposed rule also would make changes to the contents of the notice of 
insolvency and notice of insolvency benefit level by eliminating 
outdated information and, consistent with MPRA, by removing references 
to reorganization in the notice of insolvency regulation. The proposed 
rule would also make clarifications and other editorial changes to 
parts 4245 and 4281.

    \9\ Section 4000.3(b)(4) of PBGC's regulation on Filing, 
Issuance, Computation of Time, and Record Retention requires, with 
exceptions, filings to PBGC under parts 4041A, 4245, and 4281 to be 
made electronically in accordance with the instructions on PBGC's 
website, except as otherwise provided by PBGC.

Application for Financial Assistance

    The plan sponsor of a multiemployer plan must apply to PBGC for 
financial assistance if the plan sponsor determines that the plan's 
resource benefit level will be below the level of benefits guaranteed 
by PBGC or that the plan will be unable to pay guaranteed benefits when 
due for any month during the year. Section 4281.47 of PBGC's duties of 
plan sponsor regulation requires a plan sponsor to file an initial 
application with PBGC at the same time that it files a notice of 
insolvency benefit level. When the plan sponsor determines an inability 
to pay guaranteed benefits for any month, the plan sponsor must file a 
recurring application within 15 days after the plan sponsor makes the 
determination. To provide PBGC adequate time to review applications for 
financial assistance, the proposed rule would require an initial 
application to be filed no later than 90 days before the first day of 
the month for which the plan sponsor has determined that the resource 
benefit level will be below the level of guaranteed benefits. The 
proposed rule would require a recurring application to be filed as soon 
as practicable after the plan sponsor determines the plan will be 
unable to pay guaranteed benefits when due for a month and make other 
editorial changes. The contents of the applications for financial 
assistance would be moved from the regulations to instructions on 
PBGC's website.


    The amendments to Sec. Sec.  4041A.2, 4041A.12 and 4041A.25 of the 
multiemployer termination regulation that make changes to the 
definitions, the content of the notice of termination, and the 
determination of plan solvency would be applicable as of the effective 
date of the final rule.
    The amendments to Sec.  4041A.23 of the multiemployer termination 
regulation and to part 4245 that require plan sponsors to file with 
PBGC withdrawal liability information would be applicable for plan 
years ending after the effective date of the final rule.
    The amendments to Sec.  4041A.24 of the multiemployer termination 
regulation and to part 4245 that change the annual actuarial valuation 
requirement would be applicable to actuarial valuations prepared for 
plan years ending after the effective date of the final rule.
    The amendments to part 4245 and part 4281 that make changes to the 
content and timing of the notices of insolvency and notices of 
insolvency benefit level and that make changes to the timing of an 
application for financial assistance would be applicable as of the 
effective date of the final rule.

Executive Orders 12866, 13563, and 13771

    PBGC has determined that this rulemaking is not a ``significant 
regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866 and Executive Order 
13771. Accordingly, this proposed rule is exempt from Executive Order 
13771 and OMB has not reviewed the rule under Executive Order 12866.
    Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all 
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive 
Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and 
benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting 
flexibility. This proposed rule is associated with retrospective review 
and analysis in PBGC's Plan for Regulatory Review issued in accordance 
with Executive Order 13563.
    Although this is not a significant regulatory action under 
Executive Order 12866, PBGC has examined the economic implications of 
this proposed rule and has concluded that the amendments to the annual 
actuarial valuation requirements and notice of insolvency and notice of 
insolvency benefit level would reduce costs for multiemployer plans by 
approximately $438,000. The analysis is as follows.

Annual Actuarial Valuation Requirement

    PBGC has estimated the value of this proposed rule for the annual 
actuarial valuation requirements for plans terminated by mass 
withdrawal that are not insolvent (assuming an annual

[[Page 32819]]

actuarial valuation cost of $12,000 per plan for plans whose 
nonforfeitable benefits have a present value of $25 million or less and 
cost of $30,000 per plan for plans whose nonforfeitable benefits have a 
present value in the range of $25 to $50 million.\10\). As of the end 
of the 2017 fiscal year, there were 68 terminated plans that were not 
insolvent. Of that total, there were 47 plans whose nonforfeitable 
benefits have a present value of $25 million or less that will be able 
to use an actuarial valuation for 5 years instead of 3 years for annual 
savings of approximately $75,200 (47 x $12,000 x .1333 (1/3-1/5)) and 8 
plans whose nonforfeitable benefits have a present value in the range 
of $25 to $50 million that will be able to use an actuarial valuation 
for 5 years instead of 1 year for annual savings of approximately 
$192,000 (8 x $30,000 x .8 (1-1/5)). PBGC estimates annual aggregate 
savings of approximately $267,200 to these plans.

    \10\ The cost of an actuarial valuation varies greatly by plan 
size. Based on plan actuary experience, an actuarial valuation for a 
smaller plan where the present value of the plan's nonforfeitable 
benefits is $50 million or less may cost approximately $10,000 to 

    As of the end of the 2017 fiscal year, there were 72 insolvent 
plans. Of that total, there were 15 insolvent plans whose 
nonforfeitable benefits have a present value exceeding $50 million. As 
PBGC currently obtains actuarial valuations from these insolvent plans 
and provides financial assistance for the cost of performing the 
actuarial valuations, PBGC believes there is no additional cost under 
this proposed rule for performing insolvent plan actuarial valuations.
    The savings under the proposed rule are offset by the annual cost 
of the actuarial valuation and alternative valuation filing 
requirements. PBGC estimates that each year, approximately 40 plans 
will file actuarial valuations and approximately 10 plans will file 
alternative valuation information. As discussed below under the 
Paperwork Reduction Act analysis, PBGC estimates an annual aggregate 
hour burden of 20 hours at an estimated dollar equivalent of $1,500 and 
an annual aggregate cost burden of $8,000.

Withdrawal Liability Filing

    Under the proposed rule, PBGC expects to receive withdrawal 
liability information from approximately 140 plans. As discussed below 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act analysis, PBGC estimates an annual 
hour burden of 140 hours at an estimated dollar equivalent of $10,500 
and an annual cost burden of $56,000.

Annual Notice Updates

    As discussed below under the Paperwork Reduction Act analysis, PBGC 
estimates that the annual aggregate cost of preparing the notice of 
insolvency and notice of insolvency benefit level without the proposed 
rule, and based on recent plan experience, is approximately $627,400 
($12,000 + $615,400). This estimate is based on an estimated 11 plans 
required to issue the notice of insolvency and 55 plans required to 
issue an annual update to the notice of insolvency benefit level. 
Allowing plans to issue a combined notice and eliminating most of the 
annual updates to the notice of insolvency benefit level will reduce 
the cost to $380,400, saving plans approximately $247,000 ($627,400 - 

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act imposes certain requirements with 
respect to rules that are subject to the notice and comment 
requirements of section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act and 
that are likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities. Unless an agency determines that a rule is 
not likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities, section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
requires that the agency present an initial regulatory flexibility 
analysis at the time of the publication of the proposed rule describing 
the impact of the rule on small entities and seeking public comment on 
such impact. Small entities include small businesses, organizations and 
governmental jurisdictions.

Small Entities

    For purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act requirements with 
respect to this proposed rule, PBGC considers a small entity to be a 
plan with fewer than 100 participants. This is substantially the same 
criterion PBGC uses in other regulations \11\ and is consistent with 
certain requirements in title I of ERISA \12\ and the Code,\13\ as well 
as the definition of a small entity that the Department of Labor has 
used for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.\14\

    \11\ See, e.g., special rules for small plans under part 4007 
(Payment of Premiums).
    \12\ See, e.g., ERISA section 104(a)(2), which permits the 
Secretary of Labor to prescribe simplified annual reports for 
pension plans that cover fewer than 100 participants.
    \13\ See, e.g., Code section 430(g)(2)(B), which permits plans 
with 100 or fewer participants to use valuation dates other than the 
first day of the plan year.
    \14\ See, e.g., Department of Labor's final rule on Prohibited 
Transaction Exemption Procedures, 76 FR 66637, 66644 (Oct. 27, 

    Thus, PBGC believes that assessing the impact of the proposed rule 
on small plans is an appropriate substitute for evaluating the effect 
on small entities. The definition of small entity considered 
appropriate for this purpose differs, however, from a definition of 
small business based on size standards promulgated by the Small 
Business Administration (13 CFR 121.201) pursuant to the Small Business 
Act. PBGC therefore requests comments on the appropriateness of the 
size standard used in evaluating the impact on small entities of the 
proposed amendments.


    On the basis of its definition of small entity, PBGC certifies 
under section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et 
seq.) that the amendments in this rule will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Based on 
data for the 2017 fiscal year, PBGC estimates that only 16 small plans 
of the approximately 1,400 plans covered by PBGC's multiemployer 
program will be required to file withdrawal liability information and 
an actuarial valuation or alternative valuation information under the 
proposed rule. An estimated three small plans will be relieved of the 
burden to prepare and distribute an annual notice of insolvency benefit 
level update to participants and beneficiaries. This is not a 
substantial number of small plans. Accordingly, as provided in section 
605 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), sections 
603 and 604 do not apply.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    PBGC is submitting the information requirements under this proposed 
rule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is 
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it 
displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    The collection of information in part 4041A is approved under 
control number 1212-0020 (expires November 30, 2018). Based on recent 
plan experience, PBGC estimates that the current notice of termination 
and other requirements in part 4041A have an annual burden of 69 hours 
and a cost of $50,000, increased from an estimated 17 hours and $3,850.

[[Page 32820]]

    PBGC estimates that the proposed changes to file withdrawal 
liability information electronically would have a minimal hour and cost 
burden as it is expected that the information would be easily 
accessible and that most plans would use documents already prepared 
containing withdrawal liability information. PBGC estimates that 
approximately 140 plans would file withdrawal liability information and 
that it would take each plan approximately 2 hours to electronically 
file the information. PBGC further estimates that the filings would be 
completed by pension fund office staff (50%) and outside attorneys 
(50%). The total hour burden would be approximately 140 hours of 
pension fund office time at an estimated dollar equivalent of $10,500 
(based on an assumed hourly rate of $75 for administrative, clerical, 
and supervisory time). The total cost burden would be approximately 
$56,000 (based on 140 contracted hours assuming an average hourly rate 
of $400).
    PBGC expects that an estimated 40 plans (28 plans with 
nonforfeitable benefits that exceed $50 million plus 12 plans with 
nonforfeitable benefits of $50 million or less) would file actuarial 
valuations and that it would take each plan 30 minutes to file the 
information electronically. PBGC expects that an estimated 10 plans 
receiving financial assistance from PBGC would file alternative 
valuation information and that it would take each plan 2 hours to file 
the information electronically. PBGC further estimates that the filings 
would be completed by pension fund office staff (50%) and outside 
attorneys (50%). The total estimated hour burden to file the actuarial 
valuations and to complete and file the alternative valuation 
information would be approximately 20 hours of pension fund office time 
at an estimated dollar equivalent of $1,500 (based on an assumed hourly 
rate of $75 for administrative, clerical, and supervisory time). The 
total cost burden would be approximately $8,000 (based on 20 contracted 
hours assuming an average hourly rate of $400).
    PBGC estimates that without the proposed rule there would be 2,111 
notices and responses and that the total annual burden of the 
collection of information in part 4041A would be about 69 hours and 
$50,000. PBGC estimates that with the proposed rule there would be 
2,301 notices and responses each year and that the total annual burden 
of the collection of information would be an hour burden of about 229 
hours for pension fund office time (69+140+20) at an estimated dollar 
equivalent of $17,175 and a cost burden for work by outside consultants 
of $114,000 ($50,000+$56,000+$8,000).
    The collection of information in part 4245 is approved under 
control number 1212-0033 (expires November 30, 2018). PBGC estimates 
that only 1 plan would issue new notices of insolvency under part 4245 
and that each year there would be 1,038 notices or combined notices 
issued to participants and beneficiaries, PBGC, and other interested 
parties. PBGC previously estimated that the notices were prepared and 
distributed by outside consultants and that the annual hour burden was 
1 hour and the annual cost burden was $723. Based on recent plan 
experience, the time to prepare and distribute the notices can vary 
significantly by plan size. PBGC estimates that without the proposed 
rule, the annual hour burden would be 20 hours and the annual cost 
burden would be $12,000. The proposed regulation would reduce the 
burden by allowing plans to combine the notice of insolvency and the 
notice of insolvency benefit level and by eliminating most of the 
annual updates to participants and beneficiaries. PBGC estimates the 
proposed rule would reduce the annual hour burden to 16 hours of 
pension fund office time and the annual cost burden for work by outside 
consultants to $10,000.
    The collection of information in part 4281 is approved under 
control number 1212-0032 (expires November 30, 2018). PBGC expects to 
receive the following notices under part 4281: 1 notice of benefit 
reduction; 10 notices of insolvency; 55 notices of insolvency benefit 
level; 10 initial applications for financial assistance; and 300 non-
initial applications for financial assistance. PBGC's estimates 
previously assumed that the notices were prepared and distributed by 
outside consultants. PBGC estimated an annual hour burden of 60 hours 
and an annual cost burden of $309,020. Based on recent plan experience 
and information that the notices are distributed by pension fund 
offices, PBGC estimates an annual hour burden of 1,300 hours and an 
annual cost burden of $615,400. Under the proposed rule, most of the 
annual updates to the notice of insolvency benefit level would be 
eliminated unless there is a change in benefit level. PBGC estimates 
the proposed change would reduce the number of plans issuing notices of 
insolvency benefit level from 55 plans to approximately 5 plans. PBGC 
estimates that 13,826 notices and applications would be issued annually 
under part 4281. PBGC estimates that the proposed rule would reduce the 
annual hour burden to 240 hours of pension fund office time and the 
annual cost burden for work by outside consultants to $370,400.

List of Subjects

29 CFR Part 4041A

    Employee benefit plans, Pension insurance, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

29 CFR Part 4245

    Employee benefit plans, Pension insurance, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

29 CFR Part 4281

    Employee benefit plans, Pension insurance, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

    For the reasons given above, PBGC proposes to amend 29 CFR chapter 
XL and 29 CFR parts 4041A, 4245, and 4281 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 4041A is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341a, 1431, 1441.

2. In Sec.  4041A.2:
a. Add in alphabetical order a definition for ``Actuarial valuation'';
b. Amend the definition of ``Available resources'' by removing ``means, 
for a plan year, available'' and adding in its place ``means 
 c. Amend the definition of ``Benefits subject to reduction'' by 
removing ``the PBGC's'' and adding in its place ``PBGC's'';
d. Amend the definition of ``Financial assistance'' by removing ``the 
PBGC'' and adding in its place ``PBGC'';
e. Amend the definition of ``Insolvency benefit level'' by removing 
``the PBGC'' and adding in its place ``PBGC'';
f. Amend the definition of ``Insolvent'' by removing in the first 
sentence ``that a plan is unable'' and adding in its place ``unable'' 
and by removing the second sentence;
g. Amend the definition of ``Nonguaranteed benefits'' by removing ``the 
PBGC's'' and adding in its place ``PBGC's''.
    The addition reads as follows:

Sec.  4041A.2   Definitions.

* * * * *
    Actuarial valuation means a report submitted to a plan of a 
valuation of plan assets and liabilities that is performed in 
accordance with subpart B of part 4281 of this chapter.
* * * * *

[[Page 32821]]

Sec.  4041A.11  [Amended]

3. In Sec.  4041A.11:
a. Amend paragraph (a) by removing ``A Notice of Termination shall be 
filed with the PBGC'' and adding in its place ``A notice of termination 
must be filed with PBGC'';
b. Amend the paragraph heading in paragraph (b) by removing ``shall'' 
and adding in its place ``must'' and the text is amended by removing 
``shall sign and file the Notice.'' and adding in its place ``must sign 
and file the notice.'';
c. Amend paragraph (c)(1) by removing ``the Notice shall be filed with 
the PBGC'' and adding in its place ``the notice must be filed with 
d. Amend paragraph (c)(2) by removing ``the Notice shall be filed with 
the PBGC'' and adding in its place ``the notice must be filed with 
e. Amend paragraph (d) by removing ``Filings to PBGC'' and adding in 
its place ``Filings with PBGC''.
4. Revise section 4041A.12 to read as follows:

Sec.  4041A.12   Contents of notice.

    (a) Information to be contained in notice. A notice of termination 
under Sec.  4041A.11 required to be filed with PBGC must contain the 
information and certification specified in the instructions for the 
notice of termination on PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (b) Additional information. In addition to the information required 
under paragraph (a) of this section, PBGC may require the submission of 
any other information that PBGC determines is necessary for review of a 
notice of termination.

Sec.  4041A.21  [Amended]

5. In Sec.  4041A.21:
a. Amend the first sentence by removing ``shall'' and adding in its 
place ``must'';
b. Amend the second sentence by removing ``shall be'' and adding in its 
place ``is'' and by removing ``this subpart.'' and adding in its place 
``this subpart C.'';
6. In Sec.  4041A.23:
a. Amend the section heading by removing ``Imposition and collection of 
withdrawal liability.'' and adding in its place ``Withdrawal 
b. Redesignate the text of Sec.  4041A.23 as paragraph (a) with the 
paragraph heading ``Collection of withdrawal liability.'';
c. Amend paragraph (a) by removing ``shall be responsible for 
determining, imposing and collecting'' and adding in its place ``must 
determine, give notice of, and collect'' and by removing ``part 4219, 
subpart C,'' and adding in its place ``subpart C of part 4219'';
d. Add paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  4041A.23   Withdrawal liability.

* * * * *
    (b) Filing of withdrawal liability information. For each employer 
that has withdrawn from the plan, the plan sponsor must file with PBGC, 
not later than 180 days after the end of the plan year in which the 
plan terminates and each plan year thereafter, the information 
specified in the withdrawal liability instructions on PBGC's website 
7. Revise Sec.  4041A.24 to read as follows:

Sec.  4041A.24   Plan valuations and monitoring.

    (a) Annual valuation requirement. The plan sponsor of a plan must 
have actuarial valuations performed in accordance with this section and 
with subpart B of part 4281.
    (1) Termination year valuation. The plan sponsor of a plan must 
have an actuarial valuation performed for the plan for the plan year in 
which the plan terminates.
    (2) High-obligation valuations. If the present value of a plan's 
nonforfeitable benefits exceeds $50 million according to the most 
recent actuarial valuation under this paragraph (a), the plan sponsor 
must have an actuarial valuation performed for the plan for each plan 
    (3) Low-obligation valuations. If the present value of a plan's 
nonforfeitable benefits does not exceed $50 million according to the 
most recent actuarial valuation under this paragraph (a), the plan 
sponsor may treat that actuarial valuation as the actuarial valuation 
for each of the four plan years following the plan year for which the 
actuarial valuation was performed.
    (4) Timing and filing. Each actuarial valuation under this 
paragraph (a) must be performed within 150 days after the end of the 
plan year for which it is performed and must be filed with PBGC within 
180 days after the end of that plan year in accordance with the 
valuation instructions on PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (5) Exception for plans closing out. Notwithstanding paragraphs 
(a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section, no actuarial valuation is 
required for the plan year in which a plan closes out under subpart D 
of this part.
    (b) Plan monitoring; benefit reductions--(1) Applicability. This 
paragraph (b) applies to a plan that is not receiving financial 
assistance from PBGC for the plan year following the plan year for 
which an actuarial valuation is performed under paragraph (a) of this 
    (2) Funding level determination. Upon receipt of each actuarial 
valuation under paragraph (a) of this section, the plan sponsor must 
determine whether the value of nonforfeitable benefits exceeds the 
value of plan assets (including withdrawal liability claims). If it 
does, then the plan sponsor must--
    (i) Amend the plan to reduce benefits subject to reduction (if any) 
in accordance with the procedures in subpart C of part 4281 of this 
chapter to the extent necessary to ensure that the plan's assets are 
sufficient to discharge when due all of the plan's obligations with 
respect to nonforfeitable benefits or, if that result cannot be 
achieved, to the maximum extent possible; and
    (ii) If, after implementing the provisions of paragraph (b)(2)(i) 
of this section, the plan's assets are insufficient to discharge when 
due all of the plan's obligations with respect to nonforfeitable 
benefits, make determinations of plan solvency in accordance with Sec.  
    (3) Notices of benefit reduction. The plan sponsor of a plan that 
is amended to reduce benefits under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section 
must provide participants and beneficiaries and PBGC notice of the 
benefit reduction in accordance with Sec.  4281.32 of this chapter.
    (c) Alternative method of compliance--(1) Applicability. Paragraph 
(c) of this section applies to a plan that meets both of the following 
    (i) The plan is receiving financial assistance from PBGC for the 
plan year following the plan year for which an actuarial valuation is 
required under paragraph (a) of this section.
    (ii) The present value of the plan's nonforfeitable benefits does 
not exceed $50 million according to the most recent actuarial valuation 
under paragraph (a) of this section.
    (2) Alternative compliance requirements. A plan sponsor is 
considered to comply with the actuarial valuation and filing 
requirements of paragraph (a) of this section if both--
    (i) The plan sponsor files with PBGC the information in paragraph 
(c)(3) of this section within the time required for filing the 
actuarial valuation under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, and
    (ii) If, within 90 days after the plan sponsor makes the filing 
described in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, PBGC requests other 
information reasonably required to determine the plan's assets and 
liabilities, the plan sponsor files such other information within 60 
days after PBGC's request.

[[Page 32822]]

    (3) Information to be provided. The information the plan sponsor 
must file with PBGC under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section is all of 
the following:
    (i) The most recent summary plan description of the plan or the 
date the document was previously filed with PBGC.
    (ii) The most recent actuarial valuation of the plan or the date 
the document was previously filed with PBGC.
    (iii) Information reasonably necessary for PBGC to prepare an 
actuarial valuation as specified in the valuation instructions on 
PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
8. In Sec.  4041A.25:
a. Revise paragraphs (a) and (b);
b. Amend paragraph (c) by removing ``shall'' and adding in its place 
c. Amend paragraph (d) by removing ``If the plan sponsor determines 
that the plan is, or is expected to be, insolvent for a plan year, it 
shall'' and adding in its place ``If the plan sponsor determines that 
the plan is insolvent in the current plan year or is expected to be 
insolvent in the next plan year it must'' and by removing ``the PBGC'' 
and adding in its place ``PBGC''.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  4041A.25  Periodic determinations of plan solvency.

    (a) Annual insolvency determination. A plan that has no benefits 
subject to reduction and has assets insufficient to discharge when due 
all of the plan's obligations with respect to nonforfeitable benefits 
must make periodic determinations of plan solvency in accordance with 
this paragraph (a). No later than six months before the beginning of 
the applicable plan year described in this paragraph (a), or as soon as 
practicable after the plan sponsor determines the applicable plan year, 
and no later than six months before each plan year thereafter, the plan 
sponsor must determine in writing whether the plan is expected to be 
insolvent for such plan year. The applicable plan year is--
    (1) For a plan that had no benefits subject to reduction when it 
terminated, the plan year the plan terminated; or
    (2) For a plan that eliminated benefits subject to reduction by 
amendment after termination, the plan year in which the amendment that 
eliminated all (or all remaining) benefits subject to reduction is 
    (b) Other determination of insolvency. Whether or not a prior 
determination of plan insolvency has been made under paragraph (a) of 
this section (or under section 4245 of ERISA), a plan sponsor that has 
reason to believe, taking into account the plan's recent and 
anticipated financial experience, that the plan is insolvent in the 
current plan year or is expected to be insolvent in the next plan year 
must determine in writing whether the plan is or is expected to be 
insolvent for that plan year.
* * * * *


9. Amend the heading for Subchapter J by removing ``reorganization,''.


10. The authority citation for part 4245 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341a, 1431, 1426(e).

11. Revise the heading for Part 4245 to read as follows:


12. Revise Sec.  4245.1 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.1   Purpose, scope, and filing and issuance rules.

    (a) Purpose and scope. This part prescribes insolvency notice 
requirements and financial assistance requirements pertaining to 
critical status plans. Plans that have terminated by mass withdrawal 
under section 4041A(a)(2) of ERISA are required to file and issue 
similar insolvency notices under part 4281 of this chapter and 
withdrawal liability and actuarial valuation information under part 
4041A of this chapter.
    (b) Filing and issuance rules.--(1) Method of filing. Filing with 
PBGC under this part must be made by a method permitted under the rules 
in subpart A of part 4000 of this chapter.
    (2) Method of issuance. The issuance of the notice of insolvency 
benefit level to interested parties must be made by one of the 
following methods--
    (i) A method permitted under the rules in subpart B of part 4000 of 
this chapter.
    (ii) For interested parties other than participants and 
beneficiaries who are in pay status or reasonably expected to enter pay 
status during the insolvency year for which the notice is given, the 
plan sponsor may post the notice at participants' work sites or publish 
the notice in a union newsletter or in a newspaper of general 
circulation in the area or areas where participants reside. Notice to a 
participant is deemed notice to that participant's beneficiary or 
    (3) Filing and issuance dates. The date that a filing is sent and 
the date that an issuance is provided are determined under the rules in 
subpart C of part 4000 of this chapter.
    (4) Where to file. Filings with PBGC under this part must be made 
as described in Sec.  4000.4 of this chapter.
    (5) Computation of time. The time period for filing or issuance 
under this part must be computed under the rules in subpart D of part 
4000 of this chapter.
13. In Sec.  4245.2:
a. Revise the definition of ``Actuarial valuation'';
b. Amend the definition of ``Available resources'' by removing ``means, 
for a plan year, available'' and adding in its place ``means 
c. Amend the definition of ``Benefits subject to reduction'' by 
removing ``the PBGC's'' and adding in its place ``PBGC's'';
d. Amend the definition of ``Financial assistance'' by removing ``the 
PBGC'' and adding in its place ``PBGC'';
e. Amend the definition of ``Insolvency benefit level'' by removing 
``the PBGC'' and adding in its place ``PBGC'';
f. Amend the definition of ``Insolvent'' by removing in the first 
sentence ``that a plan is unable'' and adding in its place ``unable'' 
and by removing the second sentence;
g. Add in alphabetical order a definition for ``Interested parties'';
h. Remove the definition of ``Reorganization''.
    The revision and addition read as follows:

Sec.  4245.2  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Actuarial valuation means a report submitted to a plan of a 
valuation of plan assets and liabilities that is performed in 
accordance with subpart B of part 4281 of this chapter.
* * * * *
    Interested parties means, with respect to a plan,--
    (1) Employers required to contribute to the plan;
    (2) Employee organizations that, for collective bargaining 
purposes, represent plan participants employed by such employers; and
    (3) Plan participants and beneficiaries.
* * * * *
14. Revise Sec.  4245.3 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.3  Notice of insolvency.

    (a) Requirement of notice. The plan sponsor of a plan that 
determines that the plan is insolvent in the current plan year or is 
expected to be insolvent in the next plan year must file with PBGC a

[[Page 32823]]

notice of insolvency containing the information described in Sec.  
4245.4(a) and must issue to interested parties a notice of insolvency 
containing the information described in Sec.  4245.4(b). Once notices 
of insolvency with respect to a plan have been provided as required, no 
notices of insolvency need be provided with respect to the plan for any 
subsequent plan year. A notice of insolvency may be combined with a 
notice of insolvency benefit level under Sec.  4245.5 for the same plan 
    (b) When to provide notice. The plan sponsor must provide the 
notices of insolvency under paragraph (a) of this section at the time 
described in Sec.  4281.43(b) of this chapter.
15. Revise Sec.  4245.4 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.4  Contents of notice of insolvency.

    (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of insolvency under Sec.  4245.3 
required to be filed with PBGC must contain the information and 
certification specified in the notice of insolvency instructions on 
PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (b) Notices to interested parties. A notice of insolvency under 
Sec.  4245.3 required to be given to interested parties must contain 
all of the following information--
    (1) The information set forth in Sec.  4281.44(b)(1) through (4) of 
this chapter.
    (2) The estimated total amount of annual benefit payments under the 
plan (determined without regard to the insolvency) for the insolvency 
    (3) The estimated amount of the plan's available resources for the 
insolvency year.
16. Revise Sec.  4245.5 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.5  Notice of insolvency benefit level.

    (a) Requirement of notice. The plan sponsor of an insolvent plan 
must file with PBGC and issue to interested parties notices of 
insolvency benefit level containing the information described in Sec.  
4245.6 in each of the following circumstances--
    (1) For the initial insolvency year, provide the notices of 
insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to interested parties.
    (2) For any insolvency year following the initial insolvency year--
    (i) If there is a change in the insolvency benefit level that 
affects plan payees generally, provide the notices of insolvency 
benefit level to PBGC and to plan payees. For purposes of this section, 
``plan payee'' means a participant or beneficiary in pay status or 
reasonably expected to enter pay status during the insolvency year.
    (ii) If there is a change in the insolvency benefit level that 
affects only one plan payee or a class of plan payees but not plan 
payees generally (treating commencement of a person's benefits for this 
purpose as a change in the insolvency benefit level for that person), 
provide the notices of insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to each 
affected plan payee.
    (b) Combined notices. The plan sponsor may combine a notice of 
insolvency benefit level and a notice of insolvency under Sec.  4245.3 
for the same plan year.
    (c) When to provide notice. The plan sponsor must provide the 
required notices under this section at the time described in Sec.  
4281.45(c) of this chapter.
17. Revise Sec.  4245.6 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.6  Contents of notice of insolvency benefit level.

    (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of insolvency benefit level under 
Sec.  4245.5(a) required to be filed with PBGC must contain the 
information and certification specified in the notice of insolvency 
benefit level instructions on PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (b) Notices to interested parties other than participants and 
beneficiaries in or entering pay status. A notice of insolvency benefit 
level under Sec.  4245.5(a) required to be delivered to interested 
parties, other than to a participant or beneficiary who is in pay 
status or is reasonably expected to enter pay status during the 
insolvency year, must include all of the following information--
    (1) The name of the plan.
    (2) The plan year for which the notice is issued.
    (3) The estimated amount of annual benefit payments under the plan 
(determined without regard to the insolvency) for the insolvency year.
    (4) The estimated amount of the plan's available resources for the 
insolvency year.
    (5) The amount of financial assistance, if any, requested from 
    (c) Notices to participants and beneficiaries in or entering pay 
status. A notice of insolvency benefit level required by Sec.  
4245.5(a) to be delivered to participants and beneficiaries who are in 
pay status or are reasonably expected to enter pay status during the 
insolvency year for which the notice is given must include the 
information set forth in Sec.  4281.46(b)(1) through (7) of this 
18. Revise Sec.  4245.7 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.7  Successor plan.

    The plan sponsor of a successor plan created by a partition order 
under Sec.  4233.14 of this chapter must issue to participants and 
beneficiaries any notice required under the partition order and is not 
required to file or issue notices under Sec. Sec.  4245.3 or 4245.5.
19. Revise Sec.  4245.8 to read as follows:

Sec.  4245.8  Financial assistance.

    (a) Application for financial assistance. If the plan sponsor of a 
plan determines that the plan's resource benefit level for an 
insolvency year is below the level of benefits guaranteed by PBGC or 
that the plan will be unable to pay guaranteed benefits when due for 
any month during the year, the plan sponsor must apply to PBGC for 
financial assistance pursuant to section 4261 of ERISA and in 
accordance with Sec.  4281.47 of this chapter.
    (b) Actuarial valuations and withdrawal liability. The plan sponsor 
of an insolvent plan or a terminated plan that is expected to become 
insolvent under section 4245 of ERISA must--
    (1) File withdrawal liability information with PBGC in accordance 
with Sec.  4041A.23 of this chapter. The filing under paragraph Sec.  
4041A.23(b) of this chapter must be not later than 180 days after the 
earlier of the end of the plan year in which the plan becomes insolvent 
or terminates and each plan year thereafter.
    (2) Have performed and file with PBGC actuarial valuations in 
accordance with Sec.  4041A.24 of this chapter, except that if a plan 
is not terminated, the termination year valuation under Sec.  
4041A.24(a)(1) of this chapter must be performed for the plan for the 
plan year in which the plan becomes insolvent.


20. The authority citation for part 4281 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341(a), 1399(c)(1)(D), 1431, 
and 1441.

21. In Sec.  4281.2:
a. Add in alphabetical order a definition for ``Actuarial valuation'';
b. Amend the definition of ``Available resources'' by removing ``means, 
for a plan year, available'' and adding in its place ``means 
c. Amend the definition of ``Benefits subject to reduction'' by 
removing ``the PBGC's'' and adding in its place ``PBGC's'';
d. Amend the definition of ``Financial assistance'' by removing ``the 
PBGC'' and adding in its place ``PBGC'';
e. Amend the definition of ``Insolvency benefit level'' by removing 
``the PBGC'' and adding in its place ``PBGC'';
f. Amend the definition of ``Insolvent'' by removing in the first 
sentence ``that

[[Page 32824]]

a plan is unable'' and adding in its place ``unable'' and by removing 
the second sentence;
g. Amend the definition of ``Pro rata'' by removing ``shall'' and 
adding in its place ``must''.
    The addition reads as follows:

Sec.  4281.2   Definitions.

* * * * *
    Actuarial valuation means a report submitted to a plan of a 
valuation of plan assets and liabilities that is performed in 
accordance with subpart B of this part.
* * * * *
22. Revise Sec.  4281.3 to read as follows:

Sec.  4281.3   Filing and issuance rules.

    (a) Method of filing. Filing with PBGC under this part must be made 
by a method permitted under the rules in subpart A of part 4000 of this 
    (b) Method of issuance. The notices must be issued to interested 
parties by the methods provided in Sec.  4281.32(c) for notices of 
benefit reductions, Sec.  4281.43(c) for notices of insolvency, and 
Sec.  4281.45(d) for notices of insolvency benefit level.
    (c) Filing and issuance dates. The date that a filing is sent and 
the date that an issuance is provided are determined under the rules in 
subpart C of part 4000 of this chapter.
    (d) Where to file. Filings with PBGC under this part must be made 
as described in Sec.  4000.4 of this chapter.
    (e) Computation of time. The time period for filing or issuance 
under this part must be computed under the rules in subpart D of part 
4000 of this chapter.

Sec.  4281.11   [Amended]

23. In Sec.  4281.11:
a. Amend paragraph (a) by removing ``annual valuation'' and adding in 
its place ``annual actuarial valuation'', by removing ``shall be'' and 
adding in its place ``are'', and by removing ``year thereafter.'' and 
adding in its place ``year thereafter for which an actuarial valuation 
is required to be performed under Sec.  4041A.24 of this chapter.''.
b. Amend paragraph (b) introductory text by removing ``shall be'' and 
adding in its place ``is''.

Sec.  4281.13   [Amended]

24. In Sec.  4281.13:
a. Amend the introductory text by removing ``shall'' and adding in its 
place ``must'';
b. Amend paragraph (b) by removing ``described in Sec.  4281.14;'' and 
by adding in its place ``under Sec.  4044.53 of this chapter;''.

Sec.  4281.14   [Removed and Reserved]

25. Section 4281.14 is removed and reserved.
26. Revise Sec.  4281.43 to read as follows:

Sec.  4281.43   Notice of insolvency.

    (a) Requirement of notice. The plan sponsor of a plan that 
determines that the plan is insolvent in the current plan year or is 
expected to be insolvent in the next plan year must file with PBGC a 
notice of insolvency containing the information described in Sec.  
4281.44(a) and issue to plan participants and beneficiaries a notice of 
insolvency containing the information described in Sec.  4281.44(b). 
Once notices of insolvency with respect to a plan have been provided as 
required, no notice of insolvency need be provided with respect to the 
plan for any subsequent year. A notice of insolvency may be combined 
with a notice of insolvency benefit level under Sec.  4281.45 for the 
same plan year.
    (b) When to provide notice--(1) Except as provided in paragraph 
(b)(2) of this section, the plan sponsor must file or issue the notices 
of insolvency under paragraph (a) of this section by the later of--
    (i) 90 days before the beginning of the insolvency year, or
    (ii) 30 days after the date the insolvency determination is made.
    (2) Participants and beneficiaries in pay status. The plan sponsor 
may deliver the notices of insolvency under paragraph (a) of this 
section to participants and beneficiaries in pay status concurrently 
with the first benefit payment made after the date the insolvency 
determination is made.
    (c) Method of issuance to participants and beneficiaries. The 
issuance of the notice of insolvency to participants and beneficiaries 
must be made by one of the following methods--
    (1) A method permitted under the rules in subpart B of part 4000 of 
this chapter.
    (2) For participants and beneficiaries other than those who are in 
pay status or reasonably expected to enter pay status during the 
insolvency year for which the notice is given, the plan sponsor may 
post the notice at participants' work sites or publish the notice in a 
union newsletter or in a newspaper of general circulation in the area 
or areas where participants reside. Notice to a participant is deemed 
notice to that participant's beneficiary or beneficiaries.
27. Revise Sec.  4281.44 to read as follows:

Sec.  4281.44   Contents of notice of insolvency.

    (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of insolvency required under Sec.  
4281.43(a) to be filed with PBGC must contain the information and 
certification specified in the notice of insolvency instructions on 
PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (b) Notice to participants and beneficiaries. A notice of 
insolvency required under Sec.  4281.43(a) to be issued to plan 
participants and beneficiaries must contain all of the following 
    (1) The name of the plan.
    (2) A statement of the plan year for which the plan sponsor has 
determined that the plan is or is expected to be insolvent.
    (3) A statement that benefits above the amount that can be paid 
from available resources or the level guaranteed by PBGC, whichever is 
greater, will be suspended during the insolvency year, with a brief 
explanation of which benefits are guaranteed by PBGC under section 
4022A of ERISA.
    (4) The name, address, and telephone number of the plan 
administrator or other person designated by the plan sponsor to answer 
inquiries concerning benefits.
28. Revise Sec.  4281.45 to read as follows:

Sec.  4281.45   Notice of insolvency benefit level.

    (a) Requirement of notice. The plan sponsor of an insolvent plan 
must file with PBGC a notice of insolvency benefit level containing the 
information described in Sec.  4281.46(a) and issue to plan payees 
(which for purposes of this section means participants and 
beneficiaries in pay status or reasonably expected to enter pay status 
during the insolvency year) a notice of insolvency benefit level 
containing the information described in Sec.  4281.46(b) in each of the 
following circumstances--
    (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, for the 
initial insolvency year and for any insolvency year following the 
initial insolvency year, if there is a change in insolvency benefit 
level that affects plan payees generally, provide the notices of 
insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to plan payees.
    (2) For any insolvency year following the initial insolvency year, 
if there is a change in the insolvency benefit level that affects only 
one plan payee or a class of plan payees but not plan payees generally 
(treating commencement of a person's benefits for this purpose as a 
change in the insolvency benefit level for that person), provide the 
notices of

[[Page 32825]]

insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to each affected plan payee.
    (b) Combined notices. The plan sponsor may combine a notice of 
insolvency benefit level under this section and a notice of insolvency 
under Sec.  4281.43 for the same plan year.
    (c) When to provide notice--(1) Except as provided in paragraph 
(c)(2) of this section, the plan sponsor must provide the notices under 
this section by the later of--
    (i) 90 days before the beginning of the insolvency year, or
    (ii) 30 days after the date the insolvency determination is made.
    (2) Participants and beneficiaries in or entering pay status. The 
plan sponsor may deliver the notices required under this section to 
participants and beneficiaries who are in pay status or reasonably 
expected to enter pay status during the insolvency year for which the 
notice is given concurrently with the first benefit payment made after 
the date the insolvency determination is made.
    (d) Method of issuance to participants and beneficiaries. The 
issuance of the notice of insolvency benefit level to participants and 
beneficiaries who are in pay status or reasonably expected to enter pay 
status during the insolvency year for which the notice is given must be 
made by a method permitted under the rules in subpart B of part 4000 of 
this chapter.
29. Revise Sec.  4281.46 to read as follows:

Sec.  4281.46   Contents of notice of insolvency benefit level.

    (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of insolvency benefit level required 
by Sec.  4281.45(a) to be filed with PBGC must contain the information 
and certification specified in the notice of insolvency benefit level 
instructions on PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (b) Notice to participants and beneficiaries in or entering pay 
status. A notice of insolvency benefit level required by Sec.  
4281.45(a) to be delivered to plan participants and beneficiaries in 
pay status or reasonably expected to enter pay status during the 
insolvency year must contain all of the following information--
    (1) The name of the plan.
    (2) The insolvency year for which the notice is being sent.
    (3) The monthly benefit that the participant or beneficiary may 
expect to receive during the insolvency year.
    (4) A statement that in subsequent plan years, depending on the 
plan's available resources, this benefit level may be increased or 
decreased but not below the level guaranteed by PBGC, and that the 
participant or beneficiary will be notified in advance of the new 
benefit level if it is less than the participant's full nonforfeitable 
benefit under the plan.
    (5) The amount of the participant's or beneficiary's monthly 
nonforfeitable benefit under the plan.
    (6) The amount of the participant's or beneficiary's monthly 
benefit that is guaranteed by PBGC.
    (7) The name, address, and telephone number of the plan 
administrator or other person designated by the plan sponsor to answer 
inquiries concerning benefits.
30. In Sec.  4281.47:
a. Amend the first sentence in paragraph (a) by removing ``plan 
sponsor'' and adding in its place ``plan sponsor of a plan'' and by 
removing ``shall'' and adding in its place ``must''; the second 
sentence is amended by removing ``shall'' and adding in its place 
``must'' and by removing ``prescribed in paragraph (b) of this 
section.'' and adding in its place ``under paragraph (b) of this 
section and contain the information under paragraph (c) of this 
section.''; and the third and fourth sentences are removed.
b. Revise paragraphs (b) and (c);
c. Remove paragraphs (d) and (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  4281.47   Application for financial assistance.

* * * * *
    (b) When, how, and where to apply--(1) Initial application. Except 
as provided in the next sentence, a plan sponsor must apply for 
financial assistance no later than 90 days before the first day of the 
month for which the plan sponsor has determined the resource benefit 
level will be below the level of guaranteed benefits. If a plan sponsor 
cannot practicably apply for financial assistance no later than 90 days 
before such date, the application must be made as soon as practicable.
    (2) Recurring application. A plan sponsor must apply for financial 
assistance as soon as practicable after the plan sponsor determines 
that the plan will be unable to pay guaranteed benefits when due for a 
    (3) How and where to apply. Application to PBGC for financial 
assistance must be made in accordance with the rules in subpart A of 
part 4000 of this chapter. See Sec.  4000.4 of this chapter for 
information on where to apply.
    (c) Contents of application--(1) Initial application. A plan 
sponsor applying for financial assistance because the plan's resource 
benefit level is below the level of guaranteed benefits must file an 
application that includes the information specified in the instructions 
for an application for initial financial assistance on PBGC's website 
    (2) Recurring application. A plan sponsor applying for financial 
assistance because the plan is unable to pay guaranteed benefits for 
any month must file an application that includes the information 
specified in the instructions for an application for recurring 
financial assistance on PBGC's website (www.pbgc.gov).
    (3) Additional information. PBGC may request any additional 
information that it needs to calculate or verify the amount of 
financial assistance necessary as part of the conditions of granting 
financial assistance pursuant to section 4261 of ERISA.

    Issued in Washington, DC.
William Reeder,
Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
[FR Doc. 2018-15076 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           32815

                                                    Issued under authority provided by 49                  calling 202–326–4040 during normal                    present value of the plan’s
                                                  U.S.C. 106(f) and 44701(a) in Washington,                business hours. (TTY users may call the               nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or
                                                  DC, on July 2, 2018.                                     Federal relay service toll-free at 800–               less. The proposed rule would add a
                                                  Dorenda D. Baker,                                        877–8339 and ask to be connected to                   new requirement for plan sponsors of
                                                  Executive Director, Aircraft Certification               202–326–4040.)                                        certain terminated or insolvent plans to
                                                  Service.                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      file actuarial valuations with PBGC.
                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–15154 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]              Hilary Duke (duke.hilary@pbgc.gov),                   Where the present value of the plan’s
                                                  BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                   Assistant General Counsel for                         nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or
                                                                                                           Regulatory Affairs, Office of the General             less, a plan receiving financial
                                                                                                           Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty                     assistance from PBGC would be able to
                                                  PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY                                 Corporation, 1200 K Street NW,                        file alternative valuation information.
                                                  CORPORATION                                              Washington, DC 20005–4026; 202–326–                      The plan sponsor of a multiemployer
                                                                                                           4400, extension 3839. (TTY users may                  plan also is responsible for determining,
                                                  29 CFR Parts 4041A, 4245, and 4281                       call the Federal relay service toll-free at           giving notice of, and collecting
                                                                                                           800–877–8339 and ask to be connected                  withdrawal liability. The proposal
                                                  RIN 1212–AB38                                                                                                  would require plan sponsors of certain
                                                                                                           to 202–326–4400, extension 3839.)
                                                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                 terminated or insolvent plans to file
                                                  Terminated and Insolvent
                                                                                                                                                                 with PBGC information about
                                                  Multiemployer Plans and Duties of                        Executive Summary—Purpose of the                      withdrawal liability payments and
                                                  Plan Sponsors                                            Regulatory Action                                     whether any employers have withdrawn
                                                  AGENCY:  Pension Benefit Guaranty                           This proposed rule would make                      but have not yet been assessed
                                                  Corporation.                                             certain reporting and disclosure of                   withdrawal liability.
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule.                                   multiemployer information to PBGC and                 Insolvency Notices and Updates
                                                                                                           interested parties more efficient and
                                                  SUMMARY:   The Pension Benefit Guaranty                                                                          A multiemployer plan terminated by
                                                                                                           reflect the repeal of the multiemployer
                                                  Corporation proposes to amend its                                                                              mass withdrawal that is insolvent or is
                                                                                                           plan reorganization rules. The proposal
                                                  multiemployer reporting, disclosure,                                                                           expected to be insolvent for a plan year
                                                                                                           would reduce costs by allowing smaller
                                                  and valuation regulations to reduce the                                                                        must provide certain notices to PBGC
                                                                                                           plans terminated by mass withdrawal to
                                                  number of actuarial valuations required                                                                        and participants and beneficiaries.
                                                                                                           perform actuarial valuations less
                                                  for smaller plans terminated by mass                                                                           Similarly, a multiemployer plan that is
                                                                                                           frequently and by removing certain
                                                  withdrawal, add a valuation filing                                                                             certified by the plan’s actuary to be in
                                                                                                           notice requirements for insolvent plans.
                                                  requirement and a withdrawal liability                                                                         critical status and that is expected to
                                                                                                           This would reduce plan administrative
                                                  reporting requirement for certain                                                                              become insolvent under section 4245 of
                                                                                                           costs and, in turn, may reduce financial
                                                  terminated plans and insolvent plans,                                                                          ERISA must provide certain notices to
                                                                                                           assistance provided by PBGC.
                                                  remove certain insolvency notice and                        PBGC’s legal authority for this action             PBGC and interested parties. Notices
                                                  update requirements, and reflect the                     is based on section 4002(b)(3) of the                 include a notice of insolvency and a
                                                  repeal of the multiemployer plan                         Employee Retirement Income Security                   notice of insolvency benefit level. The
                                                  reorganization rules.                                    Act of 1974 (ERISA), which authorizes                 proposed rule would eliminate outdated
                                                                                                           PBGC to issue regulations to carry out                information included in the notices. The
                                                  DATES: Comments must be submitted on
                                                                                                           the purposes of title IV of ERISA;                    proposal would require a plan to
                                                  or before September 14, 2018 to be
                                                                                                           section 4041A(f)(2) of ERISA, which                   provide notices of insolvency if the plan
                                                  assured of consideration.
                                                                                                           gives PBGC authority to prescribe                     sponsor determines the plan is insolvent
                                                  ADDRESSES: Comments may be                                                                                     in the current plan year or is expected
                                                  submitted by any of the following                        reporting requirements for terminated
                                                                                                           plans; section 4245(e) of ERISA, which                to be insolvent in the next plan year.
                                                  methods:                                                                                                       The proposal also would eliminate the
                                                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 directs PBGC to prescribe requirements
                                                                                                           for notices regarding multiemployer                   requirement to provide most annual
                                                  www.regulations.gov. (Follow the online                                                                        updates to the notices of insolvency
                                                  instructions for submitting comments.)                   plan insolvency; section 4261 of ERISA,
                                                                                                           which authorizes PBGC to provide                      benefit level.
                                                     • Email: reg.comments@pbgc.gov.
                                                  Refer to RIN 1212–AB38 in the subject                    financial assistance to insolvent plans,              Background
                                                  line.                                                    and section 4281(d)(3) of ERISA, which                   The Pension Benefit Guaranty
                                                     • Mail or Hand Delivery: Regulatory                   directs PBGC to prescribe requirements                Corporation (PBGC) administers two
                                                  Affairs Division, Office of the General                  for notices to plan participants and                  insurance programs for private-sector
                                                  Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty                        beneficiaries in the event of a benefit               defined benefit pension plans under
                                                  Corporation, 1200 K Street NW,                           suspension by an insolvent plan.                      title IV of the Employee Retirement
                                                  Washington, DC 20005–4026.                               Executive Summary—Major Provisions                    Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA): A
                                                     All submissions must include the                      of the Regulatory Action                              single-employer plan termination
                                                  agency’s name (Pension Benefit                                                                                 insurance program and a multiemployer
                                                  Guaranty Corporation, or PBGC) and the                   Plan Sponsor Duties—Annual Valuation                  plan insolvency insurance program. In
                                                  RIN for this rulemaking (RIN 1212–                       and Withdrawal Liability                              general, a multiemployer pension plan
                                                  AB38). All comments received will be                       The plan sponsor of a multiemployer                 is a collectively bargained plan
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  posted without change to PBGC’s                          plan terminated by mass withdrawal is                 involving two or more unrelated
                                                  website, www.pbgc.gov, including any                     responsible for specific duties,                      employers. This proposed rule deals
                                                  personal information provided. Copies                    including an annual actuarial valuation               with multiemployer plans.
                                                  of comments may also be obtained by                      of the plan’s assets and benefits. This                  Under section 4041A of ERISA, a
                                                  writing to Disclosure Division, Office of                proposed rule would reduce                            mass withdrawal termination of a plan
                                                  the General Counsel, Pension Benefit                     administrative burden by allowing the                 occurs when all employers withdraw or
                                                  Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street                      plan sponsor to perform an actuarial                  cease to be obligated to contribute to the
                                                  NW, Washington, DC 20005–4026, or                        valuation only every 5 years if the                   plan. A plan terminated by mass

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                                                  32816                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  withdrawal continues to pay all vested                   less burdensome means to achieve                      an annual actuarial valuation. Section
                                                  benefits from existing plan assets and                   policy goals, and for agencies to give                4041A.24 of the multiemployer
                                                  withdrawal liability payments from                       careful consideration to the benefits and             termination regulation provides that if
                                                  withdrawn employers. PBGC’s financial                    costs of those regulations. Comments                  the value of nonforfeitable benefits for a
                                                  assistance to the terminated plan starts                 received from one commenter in                        plan terminated by mass withdrawal is
                                                  only if and when the plan sponsor                        response to PBGC’s July 2017 Request                  $25 million or less as determined for a
                                                  determines that the plan is insolvent                    for Information3 support the proposed                 plan year, the plan sponsor may use the
                                                  under section 4281(d) of ERISA. PBGC                     changes to reduce notice requirements                 actuarial valuation for the next two
                                                  also provides financial assistance to                    for insolvent plans.                                  years and perform a new actuarial
                                                  certain plans in critical status that are                                                                      valuation for the third plan year. The
                                                                                                           Proposed Regulatory Changes
                                                  not terminated or are terminated by plan                                                                       proposed rule would increase the
                                                  amendment 1 if the plan sponsor                          Annual Valuation Requirement                          threshold requirement for plans and
                                                  determines that the plan is insolvent                       PBGC’s regulation on Termination of                allow them to use less frequent actuarial
                                                  under section 4245 of ERISA.                             Multiemployer Plans (29 CFR part                      valuations. A plan would be able to use
                                                     Before 2015, financially troubled                     4041A) establishes rules for the                      an actuarial valuation for 5 years if the
                                                  multiemployer plans entered a                            administration of multiemployer plans                 present value of the plan’s
                                                  ‘‘reorganization’’ status if their funding               that have terminated by mass                          nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or
                                                  was below a certain level. Plans in                      withdrawal, including basic duties of                 less and be in compliance with the
                                                  reorganization status were subject to                    plan sponsors of plans terminated by                  statutory requirement that there be an
                                                  certain rules affecting plan funding,                    mass withdrawal. Among the                            annual written determination of the
                                                  benefits, and reporting and disclosure.                  requirements, the plan sponsor of a plan              value of the plan’s nonforfeitable
                                                  The plan sponsor of a plan in                            terminated by mass withdrawal must                    benefits and the plan’s assets.
                                                  reorganization that determined the plan                  value the plan’s nonforfeitable benefits                 If the present value of a plan’s
                                                  was insolvent or was expected to be                      and assets as of the last day of the plan             nonforfeitable benefits exceeds $50
                                                  insolvent for a plan year was required                   year in which the plan terminates and                 million, the plan would continue to be
                                                  to provide PBGC and interested parties                   the last day of each plan year thereafter.            required to perform actuarial valuations
                                                  notices regarding the plan’s insolvency.                 The details of the annual actuarial                   annually.4 Plans could move in and out
                                                  The Pension Protection Act of 2006                       valuation requirement are provided in                 of the 5-year or annual valuation cycle,
                                                  established critical and endangered                      subpart B of PBGC’s regulation on                     as applicable, as the value of
                                                  statuses for underfunded plans and                       Duties of Plan Sponsor Following Mass                 nonforfeitable benefits changes. Thus, a
                                                  provided new tools to help                               Withdrawal (29 CFR part 4281).                        plan that had been using an actuarial
                                                  multiemployer plans in those statuses                       The plan sponsor of a plan terminated              valuation for 5 years would be required
                                                  improve plan funding but did not repeal                  by mass withdrawal uses the annual                    to perform actuarial valuations annually
                                                  the reorganization rules. Section 108 of                 actuarial valuation to determine                      if the most recent actuarial valuation
                                                  the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act                     whether the value of nonforfeitable                   indicates that the present value of the
                                                  of 2014 (MPRA) repealed the rules on                     benefits exceeds the value of assets. If              plan’s nonforfeitable benefits exceeds
                                                  reorganization under section 4241 of                     benefits exceed assets, the plan may                  $50 million. Similarly, a plan that had
                                                  ERISA effective for plan years beginning                 need to reduce benefits. If no benefits               been performing the actuarial valuation
                                                  after December 31, 2014. MPRA also                       are subject to reduction, the plan will               annually would be able to use the
                                                                                                           continue to make periodic                             actuarial valuation for 5 years if the
                                                  amended the notice requirements under
                                                                                                           determinations of plan solvency. The                  most recent actuarial valuation shows
                                                  section 4245(e) of ERISA and 418E(e) of
                                                                                                           proposed rule would revise § 4041A.25                 the present value of the plan’s
                                                  the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to
                                                                                                           of the multiemployer termination                      nonforfeitable benefits to be $50 million
                                                  replace the references to a plan in
                                                                                                           regulation to clarify the timing of the               or less.
                                                  reorganization with references to a plan                                                                          To estimate PBGC’s multiemployer
                                                  in critical status. These amendments did                 plan sponsor’s determinations of plan
                                                                                                           solvency by combining similar                         plan liabilities, PBGC also is proposing
                                                  not substantively change the notice                                                                            to add the annual actuarial valuation
                                                  requirements.                                            provisions to eliminate repetition and
                                                                                                           by removing potentially confusing                     requirement for insolvent plans
                                                     This proposed rule would reduce                                                                             receiving financial assistance from
                                                  reporting and disclosure requirements                    language.
                                                                                                              The plan sponsor of a plan in critical             PBGC (whether terminated or not
                                                  for multiemployer plans that are                                                                               terminated) and plans terminated by
                                                  terminated by mass withdrawal or in                      status must also make determinations of
                                                                                                           plan solvency. If the plan sponsor                    plan amendment that are expected to
                                                  critical status and that are, or are                                                                           become insolvent.5 The provision
                                                  expected to be, insolvent.2 PBGC                         determines under section 4245(d) of
                                                                                                           ERISA that the plan is expected to be                 allowing smaller plans to use less
                                                  identified these proposed amendments                                                                           frequent actuarial valuations would be
                                                  as part of its ongoing retrospective                     insolvent for a plan year, the plan must
                                                                                                           file a notice with PBGC, including a                  available to these plans. In addition,
                                                  review under Executive Order 13563                                                                             where the present value of the plan’s
                                                  ‘‘Improving Regulation and Regulatory                    copy of the most recent actuarial
                                                                                                           valuation for the plan. PBGC uses the                 nonforfeitable benefits is $50 million or
                                                  Review.’’ Executive Order 13563                                                                                less, a plan receiving financial
                                                  provides for Federal regulations to use                  annual actuarial valuation to estimate
                                                                                                           the liabilities PBGC will incur when the              assistance from PBGC could comply
                                                                                                                                                                 with the actuarial valuation requirement
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                     1 Termination of a multiemployer plan by plan         plan becomes insolvent and for
                                                  amendment is determined under section                    purposes of its financial statements.                 by filing alternative information as
                                                  4041A(a)(1) of ERISA.                                       PBGC is proposing to reduce the
                                                     2 In 2014, PBGC amended its regulations to                                                                     4 No valuation is required for a plan year in which
                                                                                                           number of plans terminated by mass                    the plan is closed out in accordance with subpart
                                                  reduce the number of actuarial valuations required
                                                  for certain smaller terminated plans and remove          withdrawal that are required to prepare               D of part 4041A.
                                                  certain insolvency notice and update requirements.                                                                5 Section 4041A.24(a)(2) of PBGC’s termination

                                                  See 79 FR 30459 (May 28, 2014). This rulemaking            3 PBGC Regulatory Planning and Review of            regulation currently excludes plans receiving
                                                  is a continuation of that effort to reduce plan          Existing Regulations, Request for Information (82     financial assistance from PBGC from the annual
                                                  burden.                                                  FR 34619, July 26, 2017).                             actuarial valuation requirement.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                          32817

                                                  specified in valuation instructions on
                                                  PBGC’s website.

                                                                                             SUMMARY OF ACTUARIAL VALUATION FILING REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                     Frequency of actuarial                    Alternative information
                                                              Size of plan according to most recent actuarial valuation                            valuation: terminated plans               permitted to be filed: plans
                                                                                                                                                       and insolvent plans                  receiving financial assistance

                                                  Present Value of Plan’s Nonforfeitable Benefits is $50 Million or Less ..............        Every 5 Years ..........................     Yes.
                                                  Present Value of Plan’s Nonforfeitable Benefits Exceeds $50 Million ................         Each Year ................................   No.

                                                     The proposed amendments would                         assistance.8 The number of plans                           becomes insolvent and each plan year
                                                  enable PBGC to continue to have                          receiving and expected to receive                          thereafter, unless there is no updated
                                                  reasonably reliable data to measure its                  financial assistance led PBGC to                           information to file. Having plans file the
                                                  liabilities, while reducing burden on                    examine the way it obtains withdrawal                      withdrawal liability information
                                                  plans that present smaller exposure.                     liability information.                                     electronically and within the proposed
                                                  PBGC currently obtains actuarial                            PBGC is proposing that plan sponsors                    time period would provide for an
                                                  valuations for plans receiving financial                 of plans subject to the actuarial                          efficient process for plans and PBGC.
                                                  assistance by contacting plan sponsors.                  valuation requirement (plans terminated
                                                                                                           by mass withdrawal, plans terminated                       Terminated and Insolvent Plan Notices
                                                  The proposal would require a plan
                                                  sponsor to file the plan’s actuarial                     by plan amendment that are expected to                       The plan sponsor of a multiemployer
                                                  valuation with PBGC within 180 days                      become insolvent, and insolvent plans                      plan terminated by mass withdrawal
                                                  after the end of the plan year for which                 receiving financial assistance from                        must make determinations of insolvency
                                                  the actuarial valuation is performed.                    PBGC (whether terminated or not                            annually in accordance with section
                                                  Having plans file the actuarial valuation                terminated)), file with PBGC                               4281 of ERISA and the plan sponsor of
                                                  or alternative valuation information                     information about withdrawal liability,                    a multiemployer plan in critical status
                                                  within the proposed time period would                    in the aggregate and by employer, that                     must make determinations of insolvency
                                                  provide for a more efficient process for                 the plan has or has not yet assessed                       in accordance with section 4245(d) of
                                                  plans and PBGC. The proposed rule                        withdrawn employers. The information                       ERISA. When the plan sponsor of a
                                                  would also make clarifications and                       would be specified in the withdrawal                       multiemployer plan determines that the
                                                  other editorial changes to part 4041A.                   liability instructions on PBGC’s website.                  plan’s resources are not sufficient to pay
                                                                                                           For each employer not yet assessed                         the promised level of benefits stated in
                                                  Withdrawal Liability Payments                            withdrawal liability, information would                    the plan when due during the plan year,
                                                     The plan sponsor of a multiemployer                   include the name of the employer and                       the plan sponsor must suspend benefits
                                                  plan is required to determine and                        the reasons the employer has not yet                       above the amount that assets will cover.
                                                  collect withdrawal liability in                          been assessed withdrawal liability. For                    However, benefits may not be reduced
                                                                                                           each employer assessed withdrawal                          to an amount less than the PBGC
                                                  accordance with section 4219 of ERISA.
                                                                                                           liability, information would include the                   guarantee level. Plans that are not able
                                                  The plan sponsor assesses withdrawal
                                                                                                           name of the employer and whether there                     to pay benefits at the promised level of
                                                  liability by issuing a notice to an
                                                                                                           are scheduled periodic payments or                         benefits stated in the plan are required
                                                  employer, including the amount of the
                                                                                                           there has been a lump-sum settlement.                      to notify PBGC and plan participants
                                                  employer’s liability and a schedule of
                                                                                                           For periodic payments, information                         and beneficiaries.
                                                  payments. The plan sponsor also must
                                                                                                           would include the start date, end date,                      The notice requirements for plans that
                                                  file with PBGC a certification that
                                                                                                           frequency of payment (monthly,                             have terminated by mass withdrawal are
                                                  notices have been provided to
                                                                                                           quarterly, annually), amount of                            provided under subpart D of PBGC’s
                                                                                                           payment, and whether the employer is                       regulation on Duties of Plan Sponsor
                                                     PBGC uses information about                           current on making its payments. For
                                                  withdrawal liability payments and                                                                                   Following Mass Withdrawal (29 CFR
                                                                                                           lump sum settlements, information                          part 4281). Similar notice requirements
                                                  settlements, and whether employers                       would include the amount and date of
                                                  have withdrawn from the plan but have                                                                               are provided for plans that are in critical
                                                                                                           payment. To satisfy the filing                             status under PBGC’s regulation on
                                                  not yet been assessed withdrawal                         requirement for employers assessed
                                                  liability, to estimate PBGC’s                                                                                       Notice of Insolvency (29 CFR part 4245).
                                                                                                           withdrawal liability, a plan sponsor                       Under the latter, in addition to notifying
                                                  multiemployer liabilities for purposes of                could choose to file documents already
                                                  its financial statements and to provide                                                                             PBGC and participants and
                                                                                                           prepared containing the withdrawal                         beneficiaries, plans must notify other
                                                  financial assistance to plans.7 It is                    liability information for each employer,
                                                  particularly important for PBGC to                                                                                  interested parties, including employers
                                                                                                           such as withdrawal liability notices                       required to contribute to the plan and
                                                  identify all sources of available funding                setting forth scheduled payments or
                                                  given the declining financial position of                                                                           employee organizations that, for
                                                                                                           withdrawal liability settlement                            collective bargaining purposes,
                                                  the multiemployer program. As of                         agreements.                                                represent participants employed by
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  September 30, 2017, there were 72                           The proposal would require a plan
                                                  insolvent plans that received financial                                                                             such employers.
                                                                                                           sponsor to file the withdrawal liability
                                                  assistance from PBGC and 68 terminated                                                                                There are two types of notice that
                                                                                                           information with PBGC within 180 days
                                                  plans not yet receiving financial                                                                                   plans must provide: A ‘‘notice of
                                                                                                           after the earlier of the end of the plan
                                                                                                                                                                      insolvency,’’ stating the plan year that
                                                                                                           year in which the plan terminates or
                                                    6 See
                                                                                                                                                                      the plan is insolvent or is expected to
                                                         29 CFR 4219.17.
                                                    7 PBGC may prescribe reporting requirements for          8 See PBGC FY 2017 Annual Report, page 94 at             be insolvent, and a ‘‘notice of
                                                  terminated plans under section 4041A(f)(2) of            https://www.pbgc.gov/sites/default/files/pbgc-             insolvency benefit level,’’ stating the
                                                  ERISA.                                                   annual-report-2017.pdf.                                    level of benefits that will be paid during

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                                                  32818                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  a plan year in which a plan is insolvent.                preferable to describe information to be              and to part 4245 that require plan
                                                  The proposed rule would require the                      filed only in the filing instructions, and            sponsors to file with PBGC withdrawal
                                                  plan sponsor of a critical status plan or                not in the regulation prescribing the                 liability information would be
                                                  of a plan terminated by mass                             filing, to avoid having two authoritative             applicable for plan years ending after
                                                  withdrawal to provide notices of                         descriptions of the same requirements                 the effective date of the final rule.
                                                  insolvency if it determines that the plan                and to make it easier for filers to find                 The amendments to § 4041A.24 of the
                                                  is insolvent in the current plan year or                 the information they need in one place.               multiemployer termination regulation
                                                  is expected to be insolvent in the next                  The proposed rule also would make                     and to part 4245 that change the annual
                                                  plan year. The proposal also would                       changes to the contents of the notice of              actuarial valuation requirement would
                                                  make the timing of the delivery of the                   insolvency and notice of insolvency                   be applicable to actuarial valuations
                                                  notice of insolvency and the notice of                   benefit level by eliminating outdated                 prepared for plan years ending after the
                                                  insolvency benefit level the same—by                     information and, consistent with MPRA,                effective date of the final rule.
                                                  the later of 90 days before the beginning                by removing references to                                The amendments to part 4245 and
                                                  of the insolvency year or 30 days after                  reorganization in the notice of                       part 4281 that make changes to the
                                                  the date the insolvency determination is                 insolvency regulation. The proposed                   content and timing of the notices of
                                                  made. In addition, the proposal would                    rule would also make clarifications and               insolvency and notices of insolvency
                                                  allow the plan sponsor to provide one                    other editorial changes to parts 4245                 benefit level and that make changes to
                                                  combined notice for the same                             and 4281.                                             the timing of an application for financial
                                                  insolvency year.                                                                                               assistance would be applicable as of the
                                                     PBGC’s regulations currently require                  Application for Financial Assistance                  effective date of the final rule.
                                                  plan sponsors to provide the notice of                     The plan sponsor of a multiemployer
                                                                                                           plan must apply to PBGC for financial                 Executive Orders 12866, 13563, and
                                                  insolvency benefit level annually.
                                                                                                           assistance if the plan sponsor                        13771
                                                  PBGC’s experience has been that
                                                  virtually all multiemployer plans that                   determines that the plan’s resource                      PBGC has determined that this
                                                  become insolvent will remain so. Thus,                   benefit level will be below the level of              rulemaking is not a ‘‘significant
                                                  once a plan sponsor has provided the                     benefits guaranteed by PBGC or that the               regulatory action’’ under Executive
                                                  initial notice of insolvency benefit level,              plan will be unable to pay guaranteed                 Order 12866 and Executive Order
                                                  there is little need to require the plan                 benefits when due for any month during                13771. Accordingly, this proposed rule
                                                  sponsor to provide similar subsequent                    the year. Section 4281.47 of PBGC’s                   is exempt from Executive Order 13771
                                                  notices. Consequently, PBGC is                           duties of plan sponsor regulation                     and OMB has not reviewed the rule
                                                  proposing to eliminate most of the                       requires a plan sponsor to file an initial            under Executive Order 12866.
                                                  annual updates to the notices of                         application with PBGC at the same time                   Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
                                                  insolvency benefit level. The plan                       that it files a notice of insolvency                  direct agencies to assess all costs and
                                                  sponsor would provide updated notices                    benefit level. When the plan sponsor                  benefits of available regulatory
                                                  to PBGC and to all participants and                      determines an inability to pay                        alternatives and, if regulation is
                                                  beneficiaries only if there is a change in               guaranteed benefits for any month, the                necessary, to select regulatory
                                                  the amount of benefits paid that affects                 plan sponsor must file a recurring                    approaches that maximize net benefits
                                                  participants and beneficiaries generally.                application within 15 days after the                  (including potential economic,
                                                  If a participant or beneficiary enters pay               plan sponsor makes the determination.                 environmental, public health and safety
                                                  status or is reasonably expected to enter                To provide PBGC adequate time to                      effects, distributive impacts, and
                                                  pay status during the insolvency year, or                review applications for financial                     equity). Executive Order 13563
                                                  there is a change in benefit level that                  assistance, the proposed rule would                   emphasizes the importance of
                                                  affects only one participant or                          require an initial application to be filed            quantifying both costs and benefits, of
                                                  beneficiary or a participant class, a                    no later than 90 days before the first day            reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
                                                  notice would only be required to be                      of the month for which the plan sponsor               and of promoting flexibility. This
                                                  provided to PBGC and to each affected                    has determined that the resource benefit              proposed rule is associated with
                                                  person. For example, in the latter case,                 level will be below the level of                      retrospective review and analysis in
                                                  if a participant enters pay status or a                  guaranteed benefits. The proposed rule                PBGC’s Plan for Regulatory Review
                                                  participant’s death results in the                       would require a recurring application to              issued in accordance with Executive
                                                  payment of benefits to the participant’s                 be filed as soon as practicable after the             Order 13563.
                                                  beneficiary, only PBGC and those                         plan sponsor determines the plan will                    Although this is not a significant
                                                  affected participants and beneficiaries                  be unable to pay guaranteed benefits                  regulatory action under Executive Order
                                                  would be provided notices.                               when due for a month and make other                   12866, PBGC has examined the
                                                     Plan sponsors are required to                         editorial changes. The contents of the                economic implications of this proposed
                                                  electronically file notices of                           applications for financial assistance                 rule and has concluded that the
                                                  termination, notices of insolvency, and                  would be moved from the regulations to                amendments to the annual actuarial
                                                  notices of insolvency benefit level.9 The                instructions on PBGC’s website.                       valuation requirements and notice of
                                                  proposed rule would move the content                                                                           insolvency and notice of insolvency
                                                                                                           Applicability                                         benefit level would reduce costs for
                                                  requirements for these notices filed with
                                                  PBGC from the regulations to                               The amendments to §§ 4041A.2,                       multiemployer plans by approximately
                                                                                                           4041A.12 and 4041A.25 of the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  instructions available on PBGC’s                                                                               $438,000. The analysis is as follows.
                                                  website. PBGC generally considers it                     multiemployer termination regulation
                                                                                                           that make changes to the definitions, the             Annual Actuarial Valuation
                                                    9 Section 4000.3(b)(4) of PBGC’s regulation on         content of the notice of termination, and             Requirement
                                                  Filing, Issuance, Computation of Time, and Record        the determination of plan solvency                      PBGC has estimated the value of this
                                                  Retention requires, with exceptions, filings to PBGC     would be applicable as of the effective               proposed rule for the annual actuarial
                                                  under parts 4041A, 4245, and 4281 to be made
                                                  electronically in accordance with the instructions       date of the final rule.                               valuation requirements for plans
                                                  on PBGC’s website, except as otherwise provided by         The amendments to § 4041A.23 of the                 terminated by mass withdrawal that are
                                                  PBGC.                                                    multiemployer termination regulation                  not insolvent (assuming an annual

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                     32819

                                                  actuarial valuation cost of $12,000 per                   Annual Notice Updates                                  for purposes of the Regulatory
                                                  plan for plans whose nonforfeitable                                                                              Flexibility Act.14
                                                  benefits have a present value of $25                        As discussed below under the                           Thus, PBGC believes that assessing
                                                  million or less and cost of $30,000 per                   Paperwork Reduction Act analysis,                      the impact of the proposed rule on small
                                                  plan for plans whose nonforfeitable                       PBGC estimates that the annual                         plans is an appropriate substitute for
                                                  benefits have a present value in the                      aggregate cost of preparing the notice of              evaluating the effect on small entities.
                                                  range of $25 to $50 million.10). As of the                insolvency and notice of insolvency                    The definition of small entity
                                                  end of the 2017 fiscal year, there were                   benefit level without the proposed rule,               considered appropriate for this purpose
                                                  68 terminated plans that were not                         and based on recent plan experience, is                differs, however, from a definition of
                                                  insolvent. Of that total, there were 47                   approximately $627,400 ($12,000 +                      small business based on size standards
                                                  plans whose nonforfeitable benefits                       $615,400). This estimate is based on an                promulgated by the Small Business
                                                  have a present value of $25 million or                    estimated 11 plans required to issue the               Administration (13 CFR 121.201)
                                                  less that will be able to use an actuarial                notice of insolvency and 55 plans                      pursuant to the Small Business Act.
                                                  valuation for 5 years instead of 3 years                  required to issue an annual update to                  PBGC therefore requests comments on
                                                  for annual savings of approximately                       the notice of insolvency benefit level.                the appropriateness of the size standard
                                                  $75,200 (47 × $12,000 × .1333 (1/3–1/5))                  Allowing plans to issue a combined                     used in evaluating the impact on small
                                                  and 8 plans whose nonforfeitable                          notice and eliminating most of the                     entities of the proposed amendments.
                                                  benefits have a present value in the                      annual updates to the notice of
                                                  range of $25 to $50 million that will be                  insolvency benefit level will reduce the               Certification
                                                  able to use an actuarial valuation for 5                  cost to $380,400, saving plans                            On the basis of its definition of small
                                                  years instead of 1 year for annual                        approximately $247,000 ($627,400 ¥                     entity, PBGC certifies under section
                                                  savings of approximately $192,000 (8 ×                    $380,400).                                             605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                  $30,000 × .8 (1–1/5)). PBGC estimates                                                                            (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) that the
                                                  annual aggregate savings of                               Regulatory Flexibility Act                             amendments in this rule will not have
                                                  approximately $267,200 to these plans.                       The Regulatory Flexibility Act                      a significant economic impact on a
                                                     As of the end of the 2017 fiscal year,                                                                        substantial number of small entities.
                                                                                                            imposes certain requirements with
                                                  there were 72 insolvent plans. Of that                                                                           Based on data for the 2017 fiscal year,
                                                  total, there were 15 insolvent plans                      respect to rules that are subject to the
                                                                                                            notice and comment requirements of                     PBGC estimates that only 16 small plans
                                                  whose nonforfeitable benefits have a                                                                             of the approximately 1,400 plans
                                                  present value exceeding $50 million. As                   section 553(b) of the Administrative
                                                                                                            Procedure Act and that are likely to                   covered by PBGC’s multiemployer
                                                  PBGC currently obtains actuarial                                                                                 program will be required to file
                                                  valuations from these insolvent plans                     have a significant economic impact on
                                                                                                                                                                   withdrawal liability information and an
                                                  and provides financial assistance for the                 a substantial number of small entities.
                                                                                                                                                                   actuarial valuation or alternative
                                                  cost of performing the actuarial                          Unless an agency determines that a rule
                                                                                                                                                                   valuation information under the
                                                  valuations, PBGC believes there is no                     is not likely to have a significant
                                                                                                                                                                   proposed rule. An estimated three small
                                                  additional cost under this proposed rule                  economic impact on a substantial
                                                                                                                                                                   plans will be relieved of the burden to
                                                  for performing insolvent plan actuarial                   number of small entities, section 603 of
                                                                                                                                                                   prepare and distribute an annual notice
                                                  valuations.                                               the Regulatory Flexibility Act requires
                                                                                                                                                                   of insolvency benefit level update to
                                                     The savings under the proposed rule                    that the agency present an initial
                                                                                                                                                                   participants and beneficiaries. This is
                                                  are offset by the annual cost of the                      regulatory flexibility analysis at the time
                                                                                                                                                                   not a substantial number of small plans.
                                                  actuarial valuation and alternative                       of the publication of the proposed rule
                                                                                                                                                                   Accordingly, as provided in section 605
                                                  valuation filing requirements. PBGC                       describing the impact of the rule on
                                                                                                                                                                   of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
                                                  estimates that each year, approximately                   small entities and seeking public                      U.S.C. 601 et seq.), sections 603 and 604
                                                  40 plans will file actuarial valuations                   comment on such impact. Small entities                 do not apply.
                                                  and approximately 10 plans will file                      include small businesses, organizations
                                                  alternative valuation information. As                     and governmental jurisdictions.                        Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                  discussed below under the Paperwork                                                                                PBGC is submitting the information
                                                                                                            Small Entities
                                                  Reduction Act analysis, PBGC estimates                                                                           requirements under this proposed rule
                                                  an annual aggregate hour burden of 20                        For purposes of the Regulatory                      to the Office of Management and Budget
                                                  hours at an estimated dollar equivalent                   Flexibility Act requirements with                      (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction
                                                  of $1,500 and an annual aggregate cost                    respect to this proposed rule, PBGC                    Act. An agency may not conduct or
                                                  burden of $8,000.                                         considers a small entity to be a plan                  sponsor, and a person is not required to
                                                  Withdrawal Liability Filing                               with fewer than 100 participants. This                 respond to, a collection of information
                                                                                                            is substantially the same criterion PBGC               unless it displays a currently valid OMB
                                                    Under the proposed rule, PBGC                           uses in other regulations 11 and is                    control number.
                                                  expects to receive withdrawal liability                                                                            The collection of information in part
                                                                                                            consistent with certain requirements in
                                                  information from approximately 140                                                                               4041A is approved under control
                                                                                                            title I of ERISA 12 and the Code,13 as
                                                  plans. As discussed below under the                                                                              number 1212–0020 (expires November
                                                                                                            well as the definition of a small entity
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act analysis,                                                                                30, 2018). Based on recent plan
                                                                                                            that the Department of Labor has used
                                                  PBGC estimates an annual hour burden                                                                             experience, PBGC estimates that the
                                                  of 140 hours at an estimated dollar
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              11 See, e.g., special rules for small plans under    current notice of termination and other
                                                  equivalent of $10,500 and an annual                       part 4007 (Payment of Premiums).                       requirements in part 4041A have an
                                                  cost burden of $56,000.                                     12 See, e.g., ERISA section 104(a)(2), which
                                                                                                                                                                   annual burden of 69 hours and a cost of
                                                                                                            permits the Secretary of Labor to prescribe
                                                     10 The cost of an actuarial valuation varies greatly   simplified annual reports for pension plans that
                                                                                                                                                                   $50,000, increased from an estimated 17
                                                  by plan size. Based on plan actuary experience, an        cover fewer than 100 participants.                     hours and $3,850.
                                                  actuarial valuation for a smaller plan where the            13 See, e.g., Code section 430(g)(2)(B), which

                                                  present value of the plan’s nonforfeitable benefits       permits plans with 100 or fewer participants to use      14 See, e.g., Department of Labor’s final rule on

                                                  is $50 million or less may cost approximately             valuation dates other than the first day of the plan   Prohibited Transaction Exemption Procedures, 76
                                                  $10,000 to $35,000.                                       year.                                                  FR 66637, 66644 (Oct. 27, 2011).

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                                                  32820                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                     PBGC estimates that the proposed                      equivalent of $17,175 and a cost burden               pension fund office time and the annual
                                                  changes to file withdrawal liability                     for work by outside consultants of                    cost burden for work by outside
                                                  information electronically would have a                  $114,000 ($50,000+$56,000+$8,000).                    consultants to $370,400.
                                                  minimal hour and cost burden as it is                       The collection of information in part
                                                                                                           4245 is approved under control number                 List of Subjects
                                                  expected that the information would be
                                                  easily accessible and that most plans                    1212–0033 (expires November 30,                       29 CFR Part 4041A
                                                  would use documents already prepared                     2018). PBGC estimates that only 1 plan
                                                                                                                                                                   Employee benefit plans, Pension
                                                  containing withdrawal liability                          would issue new notices of insolvency
                                                                                                                                                                 insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                  information. PBGC estimates that                         under part 4245 and that each year there
                                                  approximately 140 plans would file                       would be 1,038 notices or combined
                                                  withdrawal liability information and                     notices issued to participants and                    29 CFR Part 4245
                                                  that it would take each plan                             beneficiaries, PBGC, and other                          Employee benefit plans, Pension
                                                  approximately 2 hours to electronically                  interested parties. PBGC previously                   insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                  file the information. PBGC further                       estimated that the notices were prepared              requirements.
                                                  estimates that the filings would be                      and distributed by outside consultants
                                                  completed by pension fund office staff                   and that the annual hour burden was 1                 29 CFR Part 4281
                                                  (50%) and outside attorneys (50%). The                   hour and the annual cost burden was                     Employee benefit plans, Pension
                                                  total hour burden would be                               $723. Based on recent plan experience,                insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                  approximately 140 hours of pension                       the time to prepare and distribute the                requirements.
                                                  fund office time at an estimated dollar                  notices can vary significantly by plan
                                                                                                                                                                   For the reasons given above, PBGC
                                                  equivalent of $10,500 (based on an                       size. PBGC estimates that without the
                                                                                                           proposed rule, the annual hour burden                 proposes to amend 29 CFR chapter XL
                                                  assumed hourly rate of $75 for
                                                                                                           would be 20 hours and the annual cost                 and 29 CFR parts 4041A, 4245, and
                                                  administrative, clerical, and supervisory
                                                                                                           burden would be $12,000. The proposed                 4281 as follows:
                                                  time). The total cost burden would be
                                                  approximately $56,000 (based on 140                      regulation would reduce the burden by                 PART 4041A—TERMINATION OF
                                                  contracted hours assuming an average                     allowing plans to combine the notice of               MULTIEMPLOYER PLANS
                                                  hourly rate of $400).                                    insolvency and the notice of insolvency
                                                     PBGC expects that an estimated 40                     benefit level and by eliminating most of              ■ 1. The authority citation for part
                                                  plans (28 plans with nonforfeitable                      the annual updates to participants and                4041A is revised to read as follows:
                                                  benefits that exceed $50 million plus 12                 beneficiaries. PBGC estimates the
                                                                                                                                                                   Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341a,
                                                  plans with nonforfeitable benefits of $50                proposed rule would reduce the annual                 1431, 1441.
                                                  million or less) would file actuarial                    hour burden to 16 hours of pension
                                                  valuations and that it would take each                   fund office time and the annual cost                  ■  2. In § 4041A.2:
                                                  plan 30 minutes to file the information                  burden for work by outside consultants                ■  a. Add in alphabetical order a
                                                  electronically. PBGC expects that an                     to $10,000.                                           definition for ‘‘Actuarial valuation’’;
                                                  estimated 10 plans receiving financial                      The collection of information in part              ■ b. Amend the definition of ‘‘Available
                                                  assistance from PBGC would file                          4281 is approved under control number                 resources’’ by removing ‘‘means, for a
                                                  alternative valuation information and                    1212–0032 (expires November 30,                       plan year, available’’ and adding in its
                                                  that it would take each plan 2 hours to                  2018). PBGC expects to receive the                    place ‘‘means available’’;
                                                  file the information electronically.                     following notices under part 4281: 1                  ■ c. Amend the definition of ‘‘Benefits
                                                  PBGC further estimates that the filings                  notice of benefit reduction; 10 notices of            subject to reduction’’ by removing ‘‘the
                                                  would be completed by pension fund                       insolvency; 55 notices of insolvency                  PBGC’s’’ and adding in its place
                                                  office staff (50%) and outside attorneys                 benefit level; 10 initial applications for            ‘‘PBGC’s’’;
                                                  (50%). The total estimated hour burden                   financial assistance; and 300 non-initial             ■ d. Amend the definition of ‘‘Financial
                                                  to file the actuarial valuations and to                  applications for financial assistance.                assistance’’ by removing ‘‘the PBGC’’
                                                  complete and file the alternative                        PBGC’s estimates previously assumed                   and adding in its place ‘‘PBGC’’;
                                                  valuation information would be                           that the notices were prepared and                    ■ e. Amend the definition of
                                                  approximately 20 hours of pension fund                   distributed by outside consultants.                   ‘‘Insolvency benefit level’’ by removing
                                                  office time at an estimated dollar                       PBGC estimated an annual hour burden                  ‘‘the PBGC’’ and adding in its place
                                                  equivalent of $1,500 (based on an                        of 60 hours and an annual cost burden                 ‘‘PBGC’’;
                                                  assumed hourly rate of $75 for                           of $309,020. Based on recent plan                     ■ f. Amend the definition of ‘‘Insolvent’’
                                                  administrative, clerical, and supervisory                experience and information that the                   by removing in the first sentence ‘‘that
                                                  time). The total cost burden would be                    notices are distributed by pension fund               a plan is unable’’ and adding in its place
                                                  approximately $8,000 (based on 20                        offices, PBGC estimates an annual hour                ‘‘unable’’ and by removing the second
                                                  contracted hours assuming an average                     burden of 1,300 hours and an annual                   sentence;
                                                  hourly rate of $400).                                    cost burden of $615,400. Under the                    ■ g. Amend the definition of
                                                     PBGC estimates that without the                       proposed rule, most of the annual                     ‘‘Nonguaranteed benefits’’ by removing
                                                  proposed rule there would be 2,111                       updates to the notice of insolvency                   ‘‘the PBGC’s’’ and adding in its place
                                                  notices and responses and that the total                 benefit level would be eliminated unless              ‘‘PBGC’s’’.
                                                  annual burden of the collection of                       there is a change in benefit level. PBGC                 The addition reads as follows:
                                                  information in part 4041A would be                       estimates the proposed change would
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                 § 4041A.2    Definitions.
                                                  about 69 hours and $50,000. PBGC                         reduce the number of plans issuing
                                                  estimates that with the proposed rule                    notices of insolvency benefit level from              *     *    *      *    *
                                                  there would be 2,301 notices and                         55 plans to approximately 5 plans.                      Actuarial valuation means a report
                                                  responses each year and that the total                   PBGC estimates that 13,826 notices and                submitted to a plan of a valuation of
                                                  annual burden of the collection of                       applications would be issued annually                 plan assets and liabilities that is
                                                  information would be an hour burden of                   under part 4281. PBGC estimates that                  performed in accordance with subpart B
                                                  about 229 hours for pension fund office                  the proposed rule would reduce the                    of part 4281 of this chapter.
                                                  time (69+140+20) at an estimated dollar                  annual hour burden to 240 hours of                    *     *    *      *    *

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                                                  § 4041A.11       [Amended]                                ■ d. Add paragraph (b) to read as                      valuation is performed under paragraph
                                                  ■  3. In § 4041A.11:                                      follows:                                               (a) of this section.
                                                  ■  a. Amend paragraph (a) by removing                                                                               (2) Funding level determination. Upon
                                                  ‘‘A Notice of Termination shall be filed                  § 4041A.23       Withdrawal liability.                 receipt of each actuarial valuation under
                                                  with the PBGC’’ and adding in its place                   *      *     *     *    *                              paragraph (a) of this section, the plan
                                                  ‘‘A notice of termination must be filed                      (b) Filing of withdrawal liability                  sponsor must determine whether the
                                                  with PBGC’’;                                              information. For each employer that has                value of nonforfeitable benefits exceeds
                                                  ■ b. Amend the paragraph heading in                       withdrawn from the plan, the plan                      the value of plan assets (including
                                                  paragraph (b) by removing ‘‘shall’’ and                   sponsor must file with PBGC, not later                 withdrawal liability claims). If it does,
                                                  adding in its place ‘‘must’’ and the text                 than 180 days after the end of the plan                then the plan sponsor must—
                                                  is amended by removing ‘‘shall sign and                   year in which the plan terminates and                     (i) Amend the plan to reduce benefits
                                                  file the Notice.’’ and adding in its place                each plan year thereafter, the                         subject to reduction (if any) in
                                                  ‘‘must sign and file the notice.’’;                       information specified in the withdrawal                accordance with the procedures in
                                                  ■ c. Amend paragraph (c)(1) by                            liability instructions on PBGC’s website               subpart C of part 4281 of this chapter to
                                                  removing ‘‘the Notice shall be filed with                 (www.pbgc.gov).                                        the extent necessary to ensure that the
                                                  the PBGC’’ and adding in its place ‘‘the                  ■ 7. Revise § 4041A.24 to read as                      plan’s assets are sufficient to discharge
                                                  notice must be filed with PBGC’’;                         follows:                                               when due all of the plan’s obligations
                                                  ■ d. Amend paragraph (c)(2) by                                                                                   with respect to nonforfeitable benefits
                                                  removing ‘‘the Notice shall be filed with                 § 4041A.24 Plan valuations and
                                                                                                            monitoring.                                            or, if that result cannot be achieved, to
                                                  the PBGC’’ and adding in its place ‘‘the                                                                         the maximum extent possible; and
                                                  notice must be filed with PBGC’’;                           (a) Annual valuation requirement.                       (ii) If, after implementing the
                                                  ■ e. Amend paragraph (d) by removing                      The plan sponsor of a plan must have                   provisions of paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this
                                                  ‘‘Filings to PBGC’’ and adding in its                     actuarial valuations performed in                      section, the plan’s assets are insufficient
                                                  place ‘‘Filings with PBGC’’.                              accordance with this section and with                  to discharge when due all of the plan’s
                                                  ■ 4. Revise section 4041A.12 to read as                   subpart B of part 4281.                                obligations with respect to
                                                  follows:                                                    (1) Termination year valuation. The                  nonforfeitable benefits, make
                                                                                                            plan sponsor of a plan must have an                    determinations of plan solvency in
                                                  § 4041A.12       Contents of notice.
                                                                                                            actuarial valuation performed for the                  accordance with § 4041A.25.
                                                    (a) Information to be contained in                      plan for the plan year in which the plan
                                                  notice. A notice of termination under                                                                               (3) Notices of benefit reduction. The
                                                                                                            terminates.                                            plan sponsor of a plan that is amended
                                                  § 4041A.11 required to be filed with                        (2) High-obligation valuations. If the
                                                  PBGC must contain the information and                                                                            to reduce benefits under paragraph
                                                                                                            present value of a plan’s nonforfeitable               (b)(2)(i) of this section must provide
                                                  certification specified in the                            benefits exceeds $50 million according
                                                  instructions for the notice of                                                                                   participants and beneficiaries and PBGC
                                                                                                            to the most recent actuarial valuation                 notice of the benefit reduction in
                                                  termination on PBGC’s website                             under this paragraph (a), the plan
                                                  (www.pbgc.gov).                                                                                                  accordance with § 4281.32 of this
                                                                                                            sponsor must have an actuarial                         chapter.
                                                    (b) Additional information. In                          valuation performed for the plan for
                                                  addition to the information required                                                                                (c) Alternative method of
                                                                                                            each plan year.                                        compliance—(1) Applicability.
                                                  under paragraph (a) of this section,                        (3) Low-obligation valuations. If the
                                                  PBGC may require the submission of                                                                               Paragraph (c) of this section applies to
                                                                                                            present value of a plan’s nonforfeitable               a plan that meets both of the following
                                                  any other information that PBGC                           benefits does not exceed $50 million
                                                  determines is necessary for review of a                                                                          requirements—
                                                                                                            according to the most recent actuarial                    (i) The plan is receiving financial
                                                  notice of termination.                                    valuation under this paragraph (a), the                assistance from PBGC for the plan year
                                                  § 4041A.21       [Amended]                                plan sponsor may treat that actuarial                  following the plan year for which an
                                                  ■  5. In § 4041A.21:                                      valuation as the actuarial valuation for               actuarial valuation is required under
                                                  ■  a. Amend the first sentence by                         each of the four plan years following the              paragraph (a) of this section.
                                                  removing ‘‘shall’’ and adding in its                      plan year for which the actuarial                         (ii) The present value of the plan’s
                                                  place ‘‘must’’;                                           valuation was performed.                               nonforfeitable benefits does not exceed
                                                  ■ b. Amend the second sentence by                           (4) Timing and filing. Each actuarial                $50 million according to the most recent
                                                  removing ‘‘shall be’’ and adding in its                   valuation under this paragraph (a) must                actuarial valuation under paragraph (a)
                                                  place ‘‘is’’ and by removing ‘‘this                       be performed within 150 days after the                 of this section.
                                                  subpart.’’ and adding in its place ‘‘this                 end of the plan year for which it is                      (2) Alternative compliance
                                                  subpart C.’’;                                             performed and must be filed with PBGC                  requirements. A plan sponsor is
                                                  ■ 6. In § 4041A.23:                                       within 180 days after the end of that                  considered to comply with the actuarial
                                                  ■ a. Amend the section heading by                         plan year in accordance with the                       valuation and filing requirements of
                                                  removing ‘‘Imposition and collection of                   valuation instructions on PBGC’s                       paragraph (a) of this section if both—
                                                  withdrawal liability.’’ and adding in its                 website (www.pbgc.gov).                                   (i) The plan sponsor files with PBGC
                                                  place ‘‘Withdrawal liability.’’;                            (5) Exception for plans closing out.                 the information in paragraph (c)(3) of
                                                  ■ b. Redesignate the text of § 4041A.23                   Notwithstanding paragraphs (a)(1)                      this section within the time required for
                                                  as paragraph (a) with the paragraph                       through (a)(4) of this section, no                     filing the actuarial valuation under
                                                  heading ‘‘Collection of withdrawal                        actuarial valuation is required for the                paragraph (a)(4) of this section, and
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                                                  liability.’’;                                             plan year in which a plan closes out                      (ii) If, within 90 days after the plan
                                                  ■ c. Amend paragraph (a) by removing                      under subpart D of this part.                          sponsor makes the filing described in
                                                  ‘‘shall be responsible for determining,                     (b) Plan monitoring; benefit                         paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, PBGC
                                                  imposing and collecting’’ and adding in                   reductions—(1) Applicability. This                     requests other information reasonably
                                                  its place ‘‘must determine, give notice                   paragraph (b) applies to a plan that is                required to determine the plan’s assets
                                                  of, and collect’’ and by removing ‘‘part                  not receiving financial assistance from                and liabilities, the plan sponsor files
                                                  4219, subpart C,’’ and adding in its                      PBGC for the plan year following the                   such other information within 60 days
                                                  place ‘‘subpart C of part 4219’’;                         plan year for which an actuarial                       after PBGC’s request.

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                                                  32822                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                     (3) Information to be provided. The                    account the plan’s recent and                             (3) Filing and issuance dates. The
                                                  information the plan sponsor must file                    anticipated financial experience, that                 date that a filing is sent and the date that
                                                  with PBGC under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of                    the plan is insolvent in the current plan              an issuance is provided are determined
                                                  this section is all of the following:                     year or is expected to be insolvent in the             under the rules in subpart C of part 4000
                                                     (i) The most recent summary plan                       next plan year must determine in                       of this chapter.
                                                  description of the plan or the date the                   writing whether the plan is or is                         (4) Where to file. Filings with PBGC
                                                  document was previously filed with                        expected to be insolvent for that plan                 under this part must be made as
                                                  PBGC.                                                     year.                                                  described in § 4000.4 of this chapter.
                                                     (ii) The most recent actuarial                         *     *     *    *     *                                  (5) Computation of time. The time
                                                  valuation of the plan or the date the                                                                            period for filing or issuance under this
                                                  document was previously filed with                        SUBCHAPTER J—INSOLVENCY,                               part must be computed under the rules
                                                  PBGC.                                                     REORGANIZATION, TERMINATION, AND                       in subpart D of part 4000 of this chapter.
                                                                                                            OTHER RULES APPLICABLE TO
                                                     (iii) Information reasonably necessary                                                                        ■ 13. In § 4245.2:
                                                                                                            MULTIEMPLOYER PLANS
                                                  for PBGC to prepare an actuarial                                                                                 ■ a. Revise the definition of ‘‘Actuarial
                                                  valuation as specified in the valuation                   ■  9. Amend the heading for Subchapter                 valuation’’;
                                                  instructions on PBGC’s website                            J by removing ‘‘reorganization,’’.                     ■ b. Amend the definition of ‘‘Available
                                                  (www.pbgc.gov).                                                                                                  resources’’ by removing ‘‘means, for a
                                                                                                            PART 4245—NOTICE OF INSOLVENCY
                                                  ■ 8. In § 4041A.25:                                                                                              plan year, available’’ and adding in its
                                                  ■ a. Revise paragraphs (a) and (b);                       ■ 10. The authority citation for part                  place ‘‘means available’’;
                                                  ■ b. Amend paragraph (c) by removing                      4245 is revised to read as follows:                    ■ c. Amend the definition of ‘‘Benefits
                                                  ‘‘shall’’ and adding in its place ‘‘must’’;                 Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341a,              subject to reduction’’ by removing ‘‘the
                                                  ■ c. Amend paragraph (d) by removing                      1431, 1426(e).                                         PBGC’s’’ and adding in its place
                                                  ‘‘If the plan sponsor determines that the                                                                        ‘‘PBGC’s’’;
                                                  plan is, or is expected to be, insolvent                  ■ 11. Revise the heading for Part 4245                 ■ d. Amend the definition of ‘‘Financial
                                                  for a plan year, it shall’’ and adding in                 to read as follows:                                    assistance’’ by removing ‘‘the PBGC’’
                                                  its place ‘‘If the plan sponsor determines                                                                       and adding in its place ‘‘PBGC’’;
                                                                                                            PART 4245—DUTIES OF PLAN
                                                  that the plan is insolvent in the current                                                                        ■ e. Amend the definition of
                                                                                                            SPONSOR OF AN INSOLVENT PLAN
                                                  plan year or is expected to be insolvent                                                                         ‘‘Insolvency benefit level’’ by removing
                                                  in the next plan year it must’’ and by                    ■    12. Revise § 4245.1 to read as follows:           ‘‘the PBGC’’ and adding in its place
                                                  removing ‘‘the PBGC’’ and adding in its                                                                          ‘‘PBGC’’;
                                                  place ‘‘PBGC’’.                                           § 4245.1 Purpose, scope, and filing and                ■ f. Amend the definition of ‘‘Insolvent’’
                                                                                                            issuance rules.                                        by removing in the first sentence ‘‘that
                                                     The revisions read as follows:
                                                                                                              (a) Purpose and scope. This part                     a plan is unable’’ and adding in its place
                                                  § 4041A.25       Periodic determinations of plan          prescribes insolvency notice                           ‘‘unable’’ and by removing the second
                                                  solvency.                                                 requirements and financial assistance                  sentence;
                                                     (a) Annual insolvency determination.                   requirements pertaining to critical status             ■ g. Add in alphabetical order a
                                                  A plan that has no benefits subject to                    plans. Plans that have terminated by                   definition for ‘‘Interested parties’’;
                                                  reduction and has assets insufficient to                  mass withdrawal under section                          ■ h. Remove the definition of
                                                  discharge when due all of the plan’s                      4041A(a)(2) of ERISA are required to file              ‘‘Reorganization’’.
                                                  obligations with respect to                               and issue similar insolvency notices                      The revision and addition read as
                                                  nonforfeitable benefits must make                         under part 4281 of this chapter and                    follows:
                                                  periodic determinations of plan                           withdrawal liability and actuarial
                                                  solvency in accordance with this                          valuation information under part 4041A                 § 4245.2    Definitions.
                                                  paragraph (a). No later than six months                   of this chapter.                                       *     *     *     *    *
                                                  before the beginning of the applicable                      (b) Filing and issuance rules.—(1)                     Actuarial valuation means a report
                                                  plan year described in this paragraph                     Method of filing. Filing with PBGC                     submitted to a plan of a valuation of
                                                  (a), or as soon as practicable after the                  under this part must be made by a                      plan assets and liabilities that is
                                                  plan sponsor determines the applicable                    method permitted under the rules in                    performed in accordance with subpart B
                                                  plan year, and no later than six months                   subpart A of part 4000 of this chapter.                of part 4281 of this chapter.
                                                  before each plan year thereafter, the                       (2) Method of issuance. The issuance                 *     *     *     *    *
                                                  plan sponsor must determine in writing                    of the notice of insolvency benefit level                Interested parties means, with respect
                                                  whether the plan is expected to be                        to interested parties must be made by                  to a plan,—
                                                  insolvent for such plan year. The                         one of the following methods—                            (1) Employers required to contribute
                                                  applicable plan year is—                                    (i) A method permitted under the                     to the plan;
                                                     (1) For a plan that had no benefits                    rules in subpart B of part 4000 of this                  (2) Employee organizations that, for
                                                  subject to reduction when it terminated,                  chapter.                                               collective bargaining purposes,
                                                  the plan year the plan terminated; or                       (ii) For interested parties other than               represent plan participants employed by
                                                     (2) For a plan that eliminated benefits                participants and beneficiaries who are                 such employers; and
                                                  subject to reduction by amendment after                   in pay status or reasonably expected to                  (3) Plan participants and
                                                  termination, the plan year in which the                   enter pay status during the insolvency                 beneficiaries.
                                                  amendment that eliminated all (or all                     year for which the notice is given, the
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                                                                                                                                                                   *     *     *     *    *
                                                  remaining) benefits subject to reduction                  plan sponsor may post the notice at                    ■ 14. Revise § 4245.3 to read as follows:
                                                  is effective.                                             participants’ work sites or publish the
                                                     (b) Other determination of insolvency.                 notice in a union newsletter or in a                   § 4245.3    Notice of insolvency.
                                                  Whether or not a prior determination of                   newspaper of general circulation in the                  (a) Requirement of notice. The plan
                                                  plan insolvency has been made under                       area or areas where participants reside.               sponsor of a plan that determines that
                                                  paragraph (a) of this section (or under                   Notice to a participant is deemed notice               the plan is insolvent in the current plan
                                                  section 4245 of ERISA), a plan sponsor                    to that participant’s beneficiary or                   year or is expected to be insolvent in the
                                                  that has reason to believe, taking into                   beneficiaries.                                         next plan year must file with PBGC a

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                                                  notice of insolvency containing the                      one plan payee or a class of plan payees              required under the partition order and
                                                  information described in § 4245.4(a) and                 but not plan payees generally (treating               is not required to file or issue notices
                                                  must issue to interested parties a notice                commencement of a person’s benefits                   under §§ 4245.3 or 4245.5.
                                                  of insolvency containing the                             for this purpose as a change in the                   ■ 19. Revise § 4245.8 to read as follows:
                                                  information described in § 4245.4(b).                    insolvency benefit level for that person),
                                                                                                                                                                 § 4245.8    Financial assistance.
                                                  Once notices of insolvency with respect                  provide the notices of insolvency
                                                  to a plan have been provided as                          benefit level to PBGC and to each                        (a) Application for financial
                                                  required, no notices of insolvency need                  affected plan payee.                                  assistance. If the plan sponsor of a plan
                                                  be provided with respect to the plan for                    (b) Combined notices. The plan                     determines that the plan’s resource
                                                  any subsequent plan year. A notice of                    sponsor may combine a notice of                       benefit level for an insolvency year is
                                                  insolvency may be combined with a                        insolvency benefit level and a notice of              below the level of benefits guaranteed
                                                  notice of insolvency benefit level under                 insolvency under § 4245.3 for the same                by PBGC or that the plan will be unable
                                                                                                           plan year.                                            to pay guaranteed benefits when due for
                                                  § 4245.5 for the same plan year.
                                                    (b) When to provide notice. The plan                      (c) When to provide notice. The plan               any month during the year, the plan
                                                  sponsor must provide the notices of                      sponsor must provide the required                     sponsor must apply to PBGC for
                                                  insolvency under paragraph (a) of this                   notices under this section at the time                financial assistance pursuant to section
                                                                                                           described in § 4281.45(c) of this chapter.            4261 of ERISA and in accordance with
                                                  section at the time described in
                                                                                                           ■ 17. Revise § 4245.6 to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                 § 4281.47 of this chapter.
                                                  § 4281.43(b) of this chapter.
                                                                                                                                                                    (b) Actuarial valuations and
                                                  ■ 15. Revise § 4245.4 to read as follows:
                                                                                                           § 4245.6 Contents of notice of insolvency             withdrawal liability. The plan sponsor
                                                  § 4245.4   Contents of notice of insolvency.             benefit level.                                        of an insolvent plan or a terminated
                                                    (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of                           (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of                    plan that is expected to become
                                                  insolvency under § 4245.3 required to                    insolvency benefit level under                        insolvent under section 4245 of ERISA
                                                  be filed with PBGC must contain the                      § 4245.5(a) required to be filed with                 must—
                                                  information and certification specified                  PBGC must contain the information and                    (1) File withdrawal liability
                                                  in the notice of insolvency instructions                 certification specified in the notice of              information with PBGC in accordance
                                                  on PBGC’s website (www.pbgc.gov).                        insolvency benefit level instructions on              with § 4041A.23 of this chapter. The
                                                    (b) Notices to interested parties. A                   PBGC’s website (www.pbgc.gov).                        filing under paragraph § 4041A.23(b) of
                                                  notice of insolvency under § 4245.3                         (b) Notices to interested parties other            this chapter must be not later than 180
                                                  required to be given to interested parties               than participants and beneficiaries in or             days after the earlier of the end of the
                                                  must contain all of the following                        entering pay status. A notice of                      plan year in which the plan becomes
                                                                                                           insolvency benefit level under                        insolvent or terminates and each plan
                                                    (1) The information set forth in                       § 4245.5(a) required to be delivered to               year thereafter.
                                                                                                           interested parties, other than to a                      (2) Have performed and file with
                                                  § 4281.44(b)(1) through (4) of this
                                                                                                           participant or beneficiary who is in pay              PBGC actuarial valuations in accordance
                                                                                                                                                                 with § 4041A.24 of this chapter, except
                                                    (2) The estimated total amount of                      status or is reasonably expected to enter
                                                                                                                                                                 that if a plan is not terminated, the
                                                  annual benefit payments under the plan                   pay status during the insolvency year,
                                                                                                                                                                 termination year valuation under
                                                  (determined without regard to the                        must include all of the following
                                                                                                                                                                 § 4041A.24(a)(1) of this chapter must be
                                                  insolvency) for the insolvency year.                     information—
                                                                                                                                                                 performed for the plan for the plan year
                                                    (3) The estimated amount of the                           (1) The name of the plan.
                                                                                                                                                                 in which the plan becomes insolvent.
                                                  plan’s available resources for the                          (2) The plan year for which the notice
                                                  insolvency year.                                         is issued.                                            PART 4281—DUTIES OF PLAN
                                                  ■ 16. Revise § 4245.5 to read as follows:                   (3) The estimated amount of annual                 SPONSOR FOLLOWING MASS
                                                                                                           benefit payments under the plan                       WITHDRAWAL
                                                  § 4245.5   Notice of insolvency benefit level.           (determined without regard to the
                                                    (a) Requirement of notice. The plan                    insolvency) for the insolvency year.                  ■ 20. The authority citation for part
                                                  sponsor of an insolvent plan must file                      (4) The estimated amount of the                    4281 is revised to read as follows:
                                                  with PBGC and issue to interested                        plan’s available resources for the                      Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341(a),
                                                  parties notices of insolvency benefit                    insolvency year.                                      1399(c)(1)(D), 1431, and 1441.
                                                  level containing the information                            (5) The amount of financial                        ■  21. In § 4281.2:
                                                  described in § 4245.6 in each of the                     assistance, if any, requested from PBGC.              ■  a. Add in alphabetical order a
                                                  following circumstances—                                    (c) Notices to participants and                    definition for ‘‘Actuarial valuation’’;
                                                    (1) For the initial insolvency year,                   beneficiaries in or entering pay status. A            ■ b. Amend the definition of ‘‘Available
                                                  provide the notices of insolvency                        notice of insolvency benefit level                    resources’’ by removing ‘‘means, for a
                                                  benefit level to PBGC and to interested                  required by § 4245.5(a) to be delivered               plan year, available’’ and adding in its
                                                  parties.                                                 to participants and beneficiaries who                 place ‘‘means available’’;
                                                    (2) For any insolvency year following                  are in pay status or are reasonably                   ■ c. Amend the definition of ‘‘Benefits
                                                  the initial insolvency year—                             expected to enter pay status during the               subject to reduction’’ by removing ‘‘the
                                                    (i) If there is a change in the                        insolvency year for which the notice is               PBGC’s’’ and adding in its place
                                                  insolvency benefit level that affects plan               given must include the information set                ‘‘PBGC’s’’;
                                                  payees generally, provide the notices of
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                                                                                                           forth in § 4281.46(b)(1) through (7) of               ■ d. Amend the definition of ‘‘Financial
                                                  insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to                  this chapter.                                         assistance’’ by removing ‘‘the PBGC’’
                                                  plan payees. For purposes of this                        ■ 18. Revise § 4245.7 to read as follows:             and adding in its place ‘‘PBGC’’;
                                                  section, ‘‘plan payee’’ means a                                                                                ■ e. Amend the definition of
                                                  participant or beneficiary in pay status                 § 4245.7   Successor plan.                            ‘‘Insolvency benefit level’’ by removing
                                                  or reasonably expected to enter pay                        The plan sponsor of a successor plan                ‘‘the PBGC’’ and adding in its place
                                                  status during the insolvency year.                       created by a partition order under                    ‘‘PBGC’’;
                                                    (ii) If there is a change in the                       § 4233.14 of this chapter must issue to               ■ f. Amend the definition of ‘‘Insolvent’’
                                                  insolvency benefit level that affects only               participants and beneficiaries any notice             by removing in the first sentence ‘‘that

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                                                  a plan is unable’’ and adding in its place               § 4281.14    [Removed and Reserved]                   § 4281.44 Contents of notice of
                                                  ‘‘unable’’ and by removing the second                                                                          insolvency.
                                                                                                           ■ 25. Section 4281.14 is removed and
                                                  sentence;                                                reserved.                                               (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of
                                                  ■ g. Amend the definition of ‘‘Pro rata’’                ■ 26. Revise § 4281.43 to read as                     insolvency required under § 4281.43(a)
                                                  by removing ‘‘shall’’ and adding in its                  follows:                                              to be filed with PBGC must contain the
                                                  place ‘‘must’’.                                                                                                information and certification specified
                                                     The addition reads as follows:                        § 4281.43    Notice of insolvency.                    in the notice of insolvency instructions
                                                                                                              (a) Requirement of notice. The plan                on PBGC’s website (www.pbgc.gov).
                                                  § 4281.2    Definitions.                                                                                         (b) Notice to participants and
                                                                                                           sponsor of a plan that determines that
                                                  *     *     *    *     *                                 the plan is insolvent in the current plan             beneficiaries. A notice of insolvency
                                                    Actuarial valuation means a report                     year or is expected to be insolvent in the            required under § 4281.43(a) to be issued
                                                  submitted to a plan of a valuation of                    next plan year must file with PBGC a                  to plan participants and beneficiaries
                                                  plan assets and liabilities that is                      notice of insolvency containing the                   must contain all of the following
                                                  performed in accordance with subpart B                   information described in § 4281.44(a)                 information—
                                                  of this part.                                            and issue to plan participants and                      (1) The name of the plan.
                                                  *     *     *    *     *                                 beneficiaries a notice of insolvency                    (2) A statement of the plan year for
                                                  ■ 22. Revise § 4281.3 to read as follows:                containing the information described in               which the plan sponsor has determined
                                                                                                           § 4281.44(b). Once notices of insolvency              that the plan is or is expected to be
                                                  § 4281.3    Filing and issuance rules.                   with respect to a plan have been                      insolvent.
                                                    (a) Method of filing. Filing with PBGC                 provided as required, no notice of                      (3) A statement that benefits above the
                                                  under this part must be made by a                        insolvency need be provided with                      amount that can be paid from available
                                                  method permitted under the rules in                      respect to the plan for any subsequent                resources or the level guaranteed by
                                                  subpart A of part 4000 of this chapter.                  year. A notice of insolvency may be                   PBGC, whichever is greater, will be
                                                    (b) Method of issuance. The notices                    combined with a notice of insolvency                  suspended during the insolvency year,
                                                  must be issued to interested parties by                  benefit level under § 4281.45 for the                 with a brief explanation of which
                                                  the methods provided in § 4281.32(c) for                 same plan year.                                       benefits are guaranteed by PBGC under
                                                  notices of benefit reductions,                              (b) When to provide notice—(1)                     section 4022A of ERISA.
                                                  § 4281.43(c) for notices of insolvency,                  Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)                  (4) The name, address, and telephone
                                                  and § 4281.45(d) for notices of                          of this section, the plan sponsor must                number of the plan administrator or
                                                  insolvency benefit level.                                file or issue the notices of insolvency               other person designated by the plan
                                                     (c) Filing and issuance dates. The date               under paragraph (a) of this section by                sponsor to answer inquiries concerning
                                                  that a filing is sent and the date that an               the later of—                                         benefits.
                                                  issuance is provided are determined                         (i) 90 days before the beginning of the            ■ 28. Revise § 4281.45 to read as
                                                  under the rules in subpart C of part 4000                insolvency year, or                                   follows:
                                                  of this chapter.                                            (ii) 30 days after the date the                    § 4281.45    Notice of insolvency benefit
                                                     (d) Where to file. Filings with PBGC                  insolvency determination is made.                     level.
                                                  under this part must be made as                             (2) Participants and beneficiaries in                (a) Requirement of notice. The plan
                                                  described in § 4000.4 of this chapter.                   pay status. The plan sponsor may                      sponsor of an insolvent plan must file
                                                     (e) Computation of time. The time                     deliver the notices of insolvency under               with PBGC a notice of insolvency
                                                  period for filing or issuance under this                 paragraph (a) of this section to                      benefit level containing the information
                                                  part must be computed under the rules                    participants and beneficiaries in pay                 described in § 4281.46(a) and issue to
                                                  in subpart D of part 4000 of this chapter.               status concurrently with the first benefit            plan payees (which for purposes of this
                                                                                                           payment made after the date the                       section means participants and
                                                  § 4281.11    [Amended]                                   insolvency determination is made.                     beneficiaries in pay status or reasonably
                                                  ■  23. In § 4281.11:                                        (c) Method of issuance to participants             expected to enter pay status during the
                                                  ■ a. Amend paragraph (a) by removing                     and beneficiaries. The issuance of the                insolvency year) a notice of insolvency
                                                  ‘‘annual valuation’’ and adding in its                   notice of insolvency to participants and              benefit level containing the information
                                                  place ‘‘annual actuarial valuation’’, by                 beneficiaries must be made by one of                  described in § 4281.46(b) in each of the
                                                  removing ‘‘shall be’’ and adding in its                  the following methods—                                following circumstances—
                                                  place ‘‘are’’, and by removing ‘‘year                       (1) A method permitted under the                      (1) Except as provided in paragraph
                                                  thereafter.’’ and adding in its place                    rules in subpart B of part 4000 of this               (a)(2) of this section, for the initial
                                                  ‘‘year thereafter for which an actuarial                 chapter.                                              insolvency year and for any insolvency
                                                  valuation is required to be performed                       (2) For participants and beneficiaries             year following the initial insolvency
                                                  under § 4041A.24 of this chapter.’’.                     other than those who are in pay status                year, if there is a change in insolvency
                                                  ■ b. Amend paragraph (b) introductory                    or reasonably expected to enter pay                   benefit level that affects plan payees
                                                  text by removing ‘‘shall be’’ and adding                 status during the insolvency year for                 generally, provide the notices of
                                                  in its place ‘‘is’’.                                     which the notice is given, the plan                   insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to
                                                                                                           sponsor may post the notice at                        plan payees.
                                                  § 4281.13    [Amended]
                                                                                                           participants’ work sites or publish the                  (2) For any insolvency year following
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  ■  24. In § 4281.13:                                     notice in a union newsletter or in a                  the initial insolvency year, if there is a
                                                  ■ a. Amend the introductory text by                      newspaper of general circulation in the               change in the insolvency benefit level
                                                  removing ‘‘shall’’ and adding in its                     area or areas where participants reside.              that affects only one plan payee or a
                                                  place ‘‘must’’;                                          Notice to a participant is deemed notice              class of plan payees but not plan payees
                                                  ■ b. Amend paragraph (b) by removing                     to that participant’s beneficiary or                  generally (treating commencement of a
                                                  ‘‘described in § 4281.14;’’ and by adding                beneficiaries.                                        person’s benefits for this purpose as a
                                                  in its place ‘‘under § 4044.53 of this                   ■ 27. Revise § 4281.44 to read as                     change in the insolvency benefit level
                                                  chapter;’’.                                              follows:                                              for that person), provide the notices of

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                 32825

                                                  insolvency benefit level to PBGC and to                  will be notified in advance of the new                information specified in the instructions
                                                  each affected plan payee.                                benefit level if it is less than the                  for an application for initial financial
                                                     (b) Combined notices. The plan                        participant’s full nonforfeitable benefit             assistance on PBGC’s website
                                                  sponsor may combine a notice of                          under the plan.                                       (www.pbgc.gov).
                                                  insolvency benefit level under this                         (5) The amount of the participant’s or                (2) Recurring application. A plan
                                                  section and a notice of insolvency under                 beneficiary’s monthly nonforfeitable                  sponsor applying for financial
                                                  § 4281.43 for the same plan year.                        benefit under the plan.                               assistance because the plan is unable to
                                                     (c) When to provide notice—(1)                           (6) The amount of the participant’s or             pay guaranteed benefits for any month
                                                  Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2)                   beneficiary’s monthly benefit that is                 must file an application that includes
                                                  of this section, the plan sponsor must                   guaranteed by PBGC.                                   the information specified in the
                                                  provide the notices under this section                      (7) The name, address, and telephone               instructions for an application for
                                                  by the later of—                                         number of the plan administrator or                   recurring financial assistance on PBGC’s
                                                     (i) 90 days before the beginning of the               other person designated by the plan                   website (www.pbgc.gov).
                                                  insolvency year, or                                      sponsor to answer inquiries concerning                   (3) Additional information. PBGC may
                                                     (ii) 30 days after the date the                       benefits.                                             request any additional information that
                                                  insolvency determination is made.                        ■ 30. In § 4281.47:                                   it needs to calculate or verify the
                                                     (2) Participants and beneficiaries in or              ■ a. Amend the first sentence in                      amount of financial assistance necessary
                                                  entering pay status. The plan sponsor                    paragraph (a) by removing ‘‘plan                      as part of the conditions of granting
                                                  may deliver the notices required under                   sponsor’’ and adding in its place ‘‘plan              financial assistance pursuant to section
                                                  this section to participants and                         sponsor of a plan’’ and by removing                   4261 of ERISA.
                                                  beneficiaries who are in pay status or                   ‘‘shall’’ and adding in its place ‘‘must’’;
                                                                                                                                                                   Issued in Washington, DC.
                                                  reasonably expected to enter pay status                  the second sentence is amended by
                                                  during the insolvency year for which                     removing ‘‘shall’’ and adding in its                  William Reeder,
                                                  the notice is given concurrently with the                place ‘‘must’’ and by removing                        Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty
                                                  first benefit payment made after the date                ‘‘prescribed in paragraph (b) of this                 Corporation.
                                                  the insolvency determination is made.                    section.’’ and adding in its place ‘‘under            [FR Doc. 2018–15076 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                     (d) Method of issuance to participants                paragraph (b) of this section and contain             BILLING CODE 7709–02–P
                                                  and beneficiaries. The issuance of the                   the information under paragraph (c) of
                                                  notice of insolvency benefit level to                    this section.’’; and the third and fourth
                                                  participants and beneficiaries who are                   sentences are removed.                                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                  in pay status or reasonably expected to                  ■ b. Revise paragraphs (b) and (c);                   AGENCY
                                                  enter pay status during the insolvency                   ■ c. Remove paragraphs (d) and (e).
                                                  year for which the notice is given must                     The revisions read as follows:                     40 CFR Part 300
                                                  be made by a method permitted under                                                                            [EPA–HQ–SFUND–1990–0011; FRL–9980–
                                                                                                           § 4281.47 Application for financial
                                                  the rules in subpart B of part 4000 of                   assistance.                                           63—Region 5]
                                                  this chapter.
                                                  ■ 29. Revise § 4281.46 to read as
                                                                                                           *      *     *     *    *                             National Oil and Hazardous
                                                  follows:                                                    (b) When, how, and where to apply—                 Substances Pollution Contingency
                                                                                                           (1) Initial application. Except as                    Plan; National Priorities List: Partial
                                                  § 4281.46 Contents of notice of insolvency               provided in the next sentence, a plan                 Deletion of the Beloit Corporation
                                                  benefit level.                                           sponsor must apply for financial                      Superfund Site
                                                    (a) Notice to PBGC. A notice of                        assistance no later than 90 days before
                                                  insolvency benefit level required by                     the first day of the month for which the              AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                  § 4281.45(a) to be filed with PBGC must                  plan sponsor has determined the                       Agency.
                                                  contain the information and                              resource benefit level will be below the              ACTION: Proposed rule; notification of
                                                  certification specified in the notice of                 level of guaranteed benefits. If a plan               intent.
                                                  insolvency benefit level instructions on                 sponsor cannot practicably apply for
                                                  PBGC’s website (www.pbgc.gov).                           financial assistance no later than 90                 SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
                                                    (b) Notice to participants and                         days before such date, the application                Agency (EPA) Region 5 is issuing a
                                                  beneficiaries in or entering pay status. A               must be made as soon as practicable.                  Notice of Intent to Delete the Former
                                                  notice of insolvency benefit level                          (2) Recurring application. A plan                  Beloit Corporation Research Center
                                                  required by § 4281.45(a) to be delivered                 sponsor must apply for financial                      Property (RCP) of the Beloit Corporation
                                                  to plan participants and beneficiaries in                assistance as soon as practicable after               Superfund Site (Site), in Rockton,
                                                  pay status or reasonably expected to                     the plan sponsor determines that the                  Illinois, from the National Priorities List
                                                  enter pay status during the insolvency                   plan will be unable to pay guaranteed                 (NPL) and requests public comments on
                                                  year must contain all of the following                   benefits when due for a month.                        this proposed action. This partial
                                                  information—                                                (3) How and where to apply.                        deletion includes all media at the 20-
                                                    (1) The name of the plan.                              Application to PBGC for financial                     acre RCP. The rest of the Site remains
                                                    (2) The insolvency year for which the                  assistance must be made in accordance                 on the NPL and is not affected by this
                                                  notice is being sent.                                    with the rules in subpart A of part 4000              action. The NPL, promulgated pursuant
                                                    (3) The monthly benefit that the                       of this chapter. See § 4000.4 of this                 to Section 105 of the Comprehensive
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  participant or beneficiary may expect to                 chapter for information on where to                   Environmental Response,
                                                  receive during the insolvency year.                      apply.                                                Compensation, and Liability Act
                                                    (4) A statement that in subsequent                        (c) Contents of application—(1) Initial            (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is an
                                                  plan years, depending on the plan’s                      application. A plan sponsor applying                  appendix of the National Oil and
                                                  available resources, this benefit level                  for financial assistance because the                  Hazardous Substances Pollution
                                                  may be increased or decreased but not                    plan’s resource benefit level is below                Contingency Plan (NCP). EPA and the
                                                  below the level guaranteed by PBGC,                      the level of guaranteed benefits must file            State of Illinois, through the Illinois
                                                  and that the participant or beneficiary                  an application that includes the                      Environmental Protection Agency, have

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:54:09
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:54:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments must be submitted on or before September 14, 2018 to be assured of consideration.
ContactHilary Duke ([email protected]), Assistant General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Office of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026; 202-326-4400, extension 3839. (TTY users may call the Federal relay service toll-free at 800-877-8339 and ask to be connected to 202-326-4400, extension 3839.)
FR Citation83 FR 32815 
RIN Number1212-AB38
CFR AssociatedEmployee Benefit Plans; Pension Insurance and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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