83_FR_32982 83 FR 32846 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

83 FR 32846 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32846-32847
FR Document2018-15132

The Department of Defense has submitted to OMB for clearance the following proposal for collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Pages 32846-32847]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15132]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket ID: DOD-2018-OS-0023]

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

AGENCY: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and 
Sustainment, DoD.

ACTION: 30-Day information collection notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Defense has submitted to OMB for clearance 
the following proposal for collection of information under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by August 
15, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Comments and recommendations on the proposed information 
collection should be emailed to Ms. Jasmeet Seehra, DoD Desk Officer, 
at [email protected]. Please identify the proposed 
information collection by DoD Desk Officer, Docket ID number, and title 
of the information collection.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Fred Licari, 571-372-0493, or [email protected].

    Title; Associated Form; and OMB Number: Base Realignment and 
Closure (BRAC) Military Base Reuse Status; DD Form 2740; OMB Control 
Number 0790-0003.
    Type of Request: Reinstatement.

[[Page 32847]]

    Number of Respondents: 100.
    Responses per Respondent: 1.
    Annual Responses: 100.
    Average Burden per Response: 1 hour.
    Annual Burden Hours: 100.
    Needs and Uses: Through the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), 
Department of Defense (DoD) funds are provided to communities for 
economic adjustment planning in response to closures and realignments 
of military installations. A measure of program evaluation is the 
monitoring of civilian job creation, and the type of redevelopment at 
former military installations. The respondents to the annual survey 
will generally be a single point of contact at the local level that is 
responsible for overseeing the base redevelopment effort. If this data 
is not collected, OEA will have no accurate, timely information 
regarding the civilian reuse of former military bases. As the 
administrator of the Defense Economic Adjustment Program, OEA has a 
responsibility to encourage private sector use of lands and buildings 
to generate jobs as military activity diminishes, and to serve as a 
clearinghouse for reuse data.
    Affected Public: Business or other for-profit; State, local, or 
tribal government.
    Frequency: Annually.
    Respondent's Obligation: Voluntary.
    OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet Seehra.
    You may also submit comments and recommendations, identified by 
Docket ID number and title, by the following method:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency 
name, Docket ID number, and title for this Federal Register document. 
The general policy for comments and other submissions from members of 
the public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on 
the internet at http://www.regulations.gov as they are received without 
change, including any personal identifiers or contact information.
    DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Frederick Licari.
    Requests for copies of the information collection proposal should 
be sent to Mr. Licari at [email protected].

    Dated: July 11, 2018.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2018-15132 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                32846                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                the maximum extent practicable, a                        design; and knowledge of the MMPA                     Next Steps
                                                balanced representation of viewpoints                    and processing of marine mammal stock                   Following review, nominees who are
                                                among the individuals on each SRG.                       assessments.                                          identified by NMFS as potential new
                                                Expertise Solicited                                      Submitting a Nomination                               members must be vetted and cleared in
                                                   For the Atlantic SRG (including                                                                             accordance with Department of
                                                                                                           Nominations for new members should                  Commerce policy. NMFS will contact
                                                waters off the Atlantic coast, Gulf of                   be sent to Dr. Shannon Bettridge in the
                                                Mexico, and U.S. Territories in the                                                                            these individuals and ask them to
                                                                                                         NMFS Office of Protected Resources                    provide written confirmation that they
                                                Caribbean), NMFS seeks individuals                       (see ADDRESSES) and must be received
                                                with expertise in one or more of the                                                                           are not registered Federal lobbyists or
                                                                                                         by August 15, 2018. Nominations                       registered foreign agents, and to
                                                following priority areas (not in order of                should be accompanied by the
                                                priority): Acoustics methodology and                                                                           complete a confidential financial
                                                                                                         individual’s curriculum vitae and                     disclosure form, which will be reviewed
                                                anthropogenic effects of sound on
                                                                                                         detailed information regarding how the                by the Ethics Law and Programs
                                                cetaceans; line-transect methodology,
                                                                                                         recommended person meets the                          Division within the U.S. Department of
                                                mark-recapture methods and survey
                                                                                                         minimum selection criteria for SRG                    Commerce’s Office of General Counsel.
                                                design, and quantitative ecology; Gulf of
                                                                                                         members (see below). Nominations                      All nominees will be notified of a
                                                Mexico/southeast U.S. bottlenose
                                                                                                         should also include the nominee’s                     selection decision in advance of the
                                                dolphin population dynamics; and
                                                                                                         name, address, telephone number, and                  2019 SRG meetings.
                                                manatees. Additional areas of expertise
                                                                                                         email address. Self-nominations are
                                                areas include marine mammal bycatch                                                                              Dated: July 10, 2018.
                                                reduction, Caribbean marine mammal                                                                             Donna S. Wieting,
                                                species, and genetics.                                   Selection Criteria                                    Director, Office of Protected Resources,
                                                   For the Pacific SRG (including waters                                                                       National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                off the Pacific coast, Hawaiian Islands                     Although the MMPA does not
                                                                                                                                                               [FR Doc. 2018–15064 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                and the U.S. Territories in the Central                  explicitly prohibit Federal employees
                                                                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                and Western Pacific), NMFS seeks                         from serving as SRG members, NMFS
                                                individuals with expertise in one or                     interprets MMPA section 117(d)’s
                                                more of the following areas (not in order                reference to the SRGs as ‘‘independent’’
                                                of priority): Marine mammal stock                        bodies that are exempt from Federal                   DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                                definition and assessment under the                      Advisory Committee Act requirements
                                                                                                                                                               Office of the Secretary
                                                MMPA and ESA; abundance estimation,                      to mean that SRGs are intended to
                                                especially distance sampling and mark-                   augment existing Federal expertise and                [Docket ID: DOD–2018–OS–0023]
                                                recapture methods and survey design;                     are not composed of Federal employees
                                                West Coast and Alaska fishing gear/                      or contractors. Therefore, NMFS will                  Submission for OMB Review;
                                                techniques; West Coast pinnipeds,                        not consider any nominee who is                       Comment Request
                                                including assessment, life history,                      currently a Federal employee or a full-               AGENCY:  Office of the Under Secretary of
                                                ecology, and human-pinniped                              time contractor supporting a Federal                  Defense for Acquisition and
                                                interactions; large whales, particularly                 agency.                                               Sustainment, DoD.
                                                with regard to entanglement issues;                         When reviewing nominations, NMFS,                  ACTION: 30-Day information collection
                                                ocean health and veterinary expertise,                   in consultation with the U.S. Fish and                notice.
                                                especially relative to disease and habitat               Wildlife Service, will consider the
                                                change; fisheries oceanography and                       following six criteria:                               SUMMARY:    The Department of Defense
                                                ecology, particularly decadal and long-                                                                        has submitted to OMB for clearance the
                                                                                                            (1) Ability to make time available for
                                                term understanding; quantitative                                                                               following proposal for collection of
                                                ecology, population dynamics,                            the purposes of the SRG;
                                                                                                                                                               information under the provisions of the
                                                modeling, and statistics, especially as                     (2) Knowledge of the species (or                   Paperwork Reduction Act.
                                                related to abundance and bycatch                         closely related species) of marine
                                                                                                                                                               DATES: Consideration will be given to all
                                                estimation, Bayesian methods,                            mammals in the SRG’s region;
                                                                                                                                                               comments received by August 15, 2018.
                                                applications of new technologies, and                       (3) Scientific or technical
                                                                                                                                                               ADDRESSES: Comments and
                                                methods for data-limited circumstances;                  achievement in a relevant discipline,
                                                State, Tribal, or regional/local fishery                                                                       recommendations on the proposed
                                                                                                         particularly the areas of expertise
                                                and/or marine mammal entanglement                                                                              information collection should be
                                                                                                         identified above, to be considered an
                                                issues in the Pacific Islands and West                                                                         emailed to Ms. Jasmeet Seehra, DoD
                                                                                                         expert peer reviewer for the topic;
                                                Coast states; sea otters; science-                                                                             Desk Officer, at oira_submission@
                                                                                                            (4) Demonstrated experience working                omb.eop.gov. Please identify the
                                                management interface, such as                            effectively on teams;
                                                management approaches with imperfect                                                                           proposed information collection by DoD
                                                data; and interdisciplinary skills                          (5) Expertise relevant to current and              Desk Officer, Docket ID number, and
                                                combining different fields of research.                  expected needs of the SRG, in                         title of the information collection.
                                                   For the Alaska SRG, NMFS seeks                        particular, expertise required to provide             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Fred
                                                individuals with expertise in one or                     adequate review and knowledgeable                     Licari, 571–372–0493, or whs.mc-
                                                more of the following areas, in order of                 feedback on current or developing stock               alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-
                                                priority: The Alaska commercial fishing                  assessment issues, techniques, etc. In                collections@mail.mil.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                industry and commercial fishery                          practice, this means that each member                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                methods/gear, particularly fisheries                     should have expertise in more than one                   Title; Associated Form; and OMB
                                                with marine mammal bycatch                               topic as the species and scientific issues            Number: Base Realignment and Closure
                                                interactions; population dynamics,                       discussed in SRG meetings are diverse;                (BRAC) Military Base Reuse Status; DD
                                                modeling, and statistics; and abundance                  and                                                   Form 2740; OMB Control Number 0790–
                                                estimation, especially distance sampling                    (6) No conflict of interest with respect           0003.
                                                and mark-recapture methods and survey                    to their duties as a member of the SRG.                  Type of Request: Reinstatement.

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                                  32847

                                                  Number of Respondents: 100.                            DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                 through 102–3.165, and the availability
                                                  Responses per Respondent: 1.                                                                                 of space, this meeting is open to the
                                                  Annual Responses: 100.                                 Office of the Secretary                               public. Seating is on a first-come basis.
                                                  Average Burden per Response: 1 hour.                                                                            Written Statements: This meeting is
                                                                                                         National Security Education Board;                    being held under the provisions of the
                                                  Annual Burden Hours: 100.
                                                                                                         Notice of Federal Advisory Committee                  Federal Advisory Committee Act
                                                  Needs and Uses: Through the Office                     Meeting
                                                of Economic Adjustment (OEA),                                                                                  (FACA) of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as
                                                Department of Defense (DoD) funds are                    AGENCY:  Under Secretary of Defense for               amended), the Government in the
                                                provided to communities for economic                     Personnel and Readiness, Department of                Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as
                                                adjustment planning in response to                       Defense.                                              amended), and 41 CFR 102–3.140 and
                                                closures and realignments of military                    ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory                    102–3.150. Pursuant to 102–3.140 and
                                                installations. A measure of program                      Committee meeting.                                    sections 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory
                                                evaluation is the monitoring of civilian                                                                       Committee Act of 1972, the public or
                                                job creation, and the type of                            SUMMARY:   The Department of Defense                  interested organizations may submit
                                                redevelopment at former military                         (DoD) is publishing this notice to                    written statements to the Department of
                                                installations. The respondents to the                    announce that the following Federal                   Defense National Security Education
                                                annual survey will generally be a single                 Advisory Committee meeting of the                     Board about its mission and functions.
                                                point of contact at the local level that is              National Security Education Board will                Written statements may be submitted at
                                                responsible for overseeing the base                      take place.                                           any time or in response to the stated
                                                redevelopment effort. If this data is not                DATES: Open to the public Thursday,                   agenda of the planned meeting. All
                                                collected, OEA will have no accurate,                    September 6, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to                  written statements shall be submitted to
                                                timely information regarding the                         4:30 p.m.                                             the Designated Federal Official for the
                                                civilian reuse of former military bases.                 ADDRESSES: Washington Hilton, 1919                    National Security Education Board, and
                                                As the administrator of the Defense                      Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington,                    this individual will ensure that the
                                                Economic Adjustment Program, OEA                         DC 20009.                                             written statements are provided to the
                                                has a responsibility to encourage private                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      membership for their consideration.
                                                sector use of lands and buildings to                     Michael Nugent, (571) 256–0702                        Contact information for the Designated
                                                generate jobs as military activity                       (Voice), (703) 692–2615 (Facsimile),                  Federal Official can be obtained from
                                                diminishes, and to serve as a                            michael.a.nugent22.civ@mail.mil                       the GSA’s FACA Database—http://
                                                clearinghouse for reuse data.                            (Email). Mailing address is National                  facadatabase.gov/. Statements being
                                                  Affected Public: Business or other for-                Security Education Program, 4800 Mark                 submitted in response to the agenda
                                                profit; State, local, or tribal government.              Center Drive, Suite 08F09–02,                         mentioned in this notice must be
                                                  Frequency: Annually.                                   Alexandria, VA 22350–7000. Website:                   received by the Designated Federal
                                                  Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.                    https://www.nsep.gov/content/national-                Official at the address listed at least five
                                                  OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet                          security-education-board. The most up-                calendar days prior to the meeting that
                                                Seehra.                                                  to-date changes to the meeting agenda                 is the subject of this notice. Written
                                                  You may also submit comments and                       can be found on the website.                          statements received after this date may
                                                recommendations, identified by Docket                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This
                                                                                                                                                               not be provided to or considered by the
                                                ID number and title, by the following                    meeting is being held under the                       National Security Education Board until
                                                method:                                                  provisions of the Federal Advisory                    its next meeting.
                                                  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                  Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 (5                         Dated: July 11, 2018.
                                                www.regulations.gov. Follow the                          U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the                    Aaron T. Siegel,
                                                instructions for submitting comments.                    Government in the Sunshine Act of                     Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
                                                   Instructions: All submissions received                1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and                 Officer, Department of Defense.
                                                must include the agency name, Docket                     41 CFR 102–3.140 and 102–3.150.                       [FR Doc. 2018–15136 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                ID number, and title for this Federal                      Purpose of the Meeting: The purpose                 BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                                Register document. The general policy                    of the meeting is to review and make
                                                for comments and other submissions                       recommendations to the Secretary of
                                                from members of the public is to make                    Defense concerning requirements
                                                these submissions available for public                   established by the David L. Boren                     DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
                                                viewing on the internet at http://                       National Security Education Act, Title
                                                www.regulations.gov as they are                          VII of Public Law 102–183, as amended.                [Docket No.: ED–2018–ICCD–0074]
                                                received without change, including any                     Agenda: 10:00 a.m.—Welcome and
                                                personal identifiers or contact                          Chair Opening Remarks. 10:30 a.m.—                    Agency Information Collection
                                                information.                                             National Security Education Program                   Activities; Comment Request; Magnet
                                                   DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Frederick                  (NSEP) Programmatic Updates. 11:00                    Schools Assistance Program—
                                                Licari.                                                  a.m.—Boren Awards: New Pathways to                    Government Performance and Results
                                                   Requests for copies of the information                Building the Pipeline. 11:45 a.m.—                    Act (GPRA) Table Form
                                                collection proposal should be sent to                    National Language Service Corps. 12:30
                                                Mr. Licari at whs.mc-alex.esd.mbx.dd-                    p.m.—Working Lunch with Boren                         AGENCY: Office of Innovation and
                                                                                                                                                               Improvement (OII), Department of
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                dod-information-collections@mail.mil.                    Scholars and Fellows. 2:00 p.m.—
                                                                                                         Language Training Centers RAND                        Education (ED).
                                                  Dated: July 11, 2018.                                  Report. 3:00 p.m.—Federal Needs and                   ACTION: Notice.
                                                Aaron T. Siegel,                                         Requirements. 4:00 p.m.—Board
                                                Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                   Discussion. 4:30 p.m.—Public                          SUMMARY:  In accordance with the
                                                Officer, Department of Defense.                          Comment/Adjourn.                                      Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ED is
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15132 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]                Meeting Accessibility: Pursuant to 5                proposing a revision of an existing
                                                BILLING CODE 5001–06–P                                   U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR 102–3.140                      information collection.

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:53:41
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:53:41
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Action30-Day information collection notice.
DatesConsideration will be given to all comments received by August 15, 2018.
ContactFred Licari, 571-372-0493, or whs.mc- [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 32846 

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