83_FR_32990 83 FR 32854 - Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision Approval, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

83 FR 32854 - Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision Approval, Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32854-32855
FR Document2018-15135

This notice announces EPA's approval of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' request to revise/modify certain of its EPA-authorized programs to allow electronic reporting.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Pages 32854-32855]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15135]




Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision 
Approval, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces EPA's approval of the Commonwealth of 
Massachusetts' request to revise/modify certain of its EPA-authorized 
programs to allow electronic reporting.

DATES: EPA approves the authorized program revision for the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts' National Primary Drinking Water 
Regulations Implementation as of August 15, 2018, if no timely request 
for a public hearing is received and accepted by the Agency. EPA 
approves the other authorized program revisions/modifications as of 
July 16, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Devon Martin, U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Information, Mail Stop 
2823T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460, (202) 566-
2603, [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 13, 2005, the final Cross-Media 
Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR) was published in the Federal 
Register (70 FR 59848) and codified as part 3 of title 40 of the CFR. 
CROMERR establishes electronic reporting as an acceptable regulatory 
alternative to paper reporting and establishes requirements to assure 
that electronic documents are as legally dependable as their paper 
counterparts. Subpart D of CROMERR requires that state, tribal or local 
government agencies that receive, or wish to begin receiving, 
electronic reports under their EPA-authorized programs must apply to 
EPA for a revision or modification of those programs and obtain EPA 
approval. Subpart D provides standards for such approvals based on 
consideration of the electronic document receiving systems that the 
state, tribe, or local government will use to implement the electronic 
reporting. Additionally, Sec.  3.1000(b) through (e) of 40 CFR part 3, 
subpart D provides special procedures for program revisions and 
modifications to allow electronic reporting, to be used at the option 
of the state, tribe or local government in place of procedures 
available under existing program-specific authorization regulations. An 
application submitted under the subpart D procedures must show that the 
state, tribe or local government has sufficient legal authority to 
implement the electronic reporting components of the programs covered 
by the application and will use electronic document receiving systems 
that meet the applicable subpart D requirements.
    On September 8, 2017, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental 
Protection (MassDEP) submitted an application titled ``EEA ePLACE 
Platform'' for revisions/modifications to its EPA-approved programs 
under title 40 CFR to allow new electronic reporting. EPA reviewed 
MassDEP's request to revise/modify its EPA-authorized programs and, 
based on this review, EPA determined that the application met the 
standards for approval of authorized program revisions/modifications 
set out in 40 CFR part 3, subpart D. In accordance with 40 CFR 
3.1000(d), this notice of EPA's decision to approve Massachusetts's 
request to revise/modify its following EPA-authorized programs to allow 
electronic reporting under 40 CFR parts 50-52, 61-63, 65, 70, 141, 144, 
146, 240-259, 260-270, 272-279, and 280, is being published in the 
Federal Register:

    Part 52--Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans;
    Part 61--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
Pollutants, Subpart M, Asbestos;
    Part 62--Approval and Promulgation of State Plans for Designated 
Facilities and Pollutants;
    Part 63--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air 
Pollutants for Source Categories;
    Part 70--State Operating Permit Programs;
    Part 142--National Primary Drinking Water Regulations 
    Part 145--State Underground Injection Control Programs;
    Part 239--Requirements for State Permit Program Determination of 
    Part 271--Requirements for Authorization of State Hazardous: 
Waste Program; and
    Part 281--Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements 
for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks.

    Specifically, EPA has approved the state's authorized program 
revisions for electronic submissions that include a handwritten 
signature on a separate paper submission report instead of an 
electronic signature.
    MassDEP was notified of EPA's determination to approve its 
application with respect to the authorized programs listed above.
    Also, in this notice, EPA is informing interested persons that they 
may request a public hearing on EPA's action to approve the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts' request to revise its National Primary 
Drinking Water Regulations implementation program under 40 CFR part 
142, in accordance with 40 CFR 3.1000(f), to allow for electronic 
reporting. Requests for a hearing must be submitted to EPA within 30 
days of publication of today's Federal Register notice. Such requests 
should include the following information: (1) The name, address and 
telephone number of the individual,

[[Page 32855]]

organization or other entity requesting a hearing; (2) A brief 
statement of the requesting person's interest in EPA's determination, a 
brief explanation as to why EPA should hold a hearing, and any other 
information that the requesting person wants EPA to consider when 
determining whether to grant the request; (3) The signature of the 
individual making the request, or, if the request is made on behalf of 
an organization or other entity, the signature of a responsible 
official of the organization or other entity.
    In the event a hearing is requested and granted, EPA will provide 
notice of the hearing in the Federal Register not less than 15 days 
prior to the scheduled hearing date. Frivolous or insubstantial 
requests for hearing may be denied by EPA. Following such a public 
hearing, EPA will review the record of the hearing and issue an order 
either affirming today's determination or rescinding such 
determination. If no timely request for a hearing is received and 
granted, EPA's approval of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' request 
to revise its part 142--National Primary Drinking Water Regulations 
Implementation program to allow electronic reporting will become 
effective 30 days after today's notice is published, pursuant to 
CROMERR section 3.1000(f)(4).

Matthew Leopard,
Director, Office of Information Management.
[FR Doc. 2018-15135 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                32854                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                possible, an original and two copies of                  SUMMARY:    This notice announces EPA’s               ePLACE Platform’’ for revisions/
                                                comments in support of or in opposition                  approval of the Commonwealth of                       modifications to its EPA-approved
                                                to this project. The Commission will                     Massachusetts’ request to revise/modify               programs under title 40 CFR to allow
                                                consider these comments in                               certain of its EPA-authorized programs                new electronic reporting. EPA reviewed
                                                determining the appropriate action to be                 to allow electronic reporting.                        MassDEP’s request to revise/modify its
                                                taken, but the filing of a comment alone                 DATES: EPA approves the authorized                    EPA-authorized programs and, based on
                                                will not serve to make the filer a party                 program revision for the Commonwealth                 this review, EPA determined that the
                                                to the proceeding. The Commission’s                      of Massachusetts’ National Primary                    application met the standards for
                                                rules require that persons filing                        Drinking Water Regulations                            approval of authorized program
                                                comments in opposition to the project                    Implementation as of August 15, 2018,                 revisions/modifications set out in 40
                                                provide copies of their protests only to                 if no timely request for a public hearing             CFR part 3, subpart D. In accordance
                                                the party or parties directly involved in                is received and accepted by the Agency.               with 40 CFR 3.1000(d), this notice of
                                                the protest.                                             EPA approves the other authorized                     EPA’s decision to approve
                                                   Persons who wish to comment only                      program revisions/modifications as of                 Massachusetts’s request to revise/
                                                on the environmental review of this                      July 16, 2018.                                        modify its following EPA-authorized
                                                project should submit an original and                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      programs to allow electronic reporting
                                                two copies of their comments to the                      Devon Martin, U.S. Environmental                      under 40 CFR parts 50–52, 61–63, 65,
                                                Secretary of the Commission.                             Protection Agency, Office of                          70, 141, 144, 146, 240–259, 260–270,
                                                Environmental commentors will be                         Environmental Information, Mail Stop                  272–279, and 280, is being published in
                                                placed on the Commission’s                               2823T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,                   the Federal Register:
                                                environmental mailing list, will receive                 Washington, DC 20460, (202) 566–2603,                   Part 52—Approval and Promulgation of
                                                copies of the environmental documents,                   martin.devon@epa.gov.                                 Implementation Plans;
                                                and will be notified of meetings                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On                           Part 61—National Emission Standards for
                                                associated with the Commission’s                         October 13, 2005, the final Cross-Media               Hazardous Air Pollutants, Subpart M,
                                                environmental review process.                            Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR)                   Asbestos;
                                                Environmental commentors will not be                                                                             Part 62—Approval and Promulgation of
                                                                                                         was published in the Federal Register                 State Plans for Designated Facilities and
                                                required to serve copies of filed                        (70 FR 59848) and codified as part 3 of
                                                documents on all other parties.                                                                                Pollutants;
                                                                                                         title 40 of the CFR. CROMERR                            Part 63—National Emission Standards for
                                                However, the non-party commentors                        establishes electronic reporting as an                Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source
                                                will not receive copies of all documents                 acceptable regulatory alternative to                  Categories;
                                                filed by other parties or issued by the                  paper reporting and establishes                         Part 70—State Operating Permit Programs;
                                                Commission (except for the mailing of                    requirements to assure that electronic                  Part 142—National Primary Drinking Water
                                                environmental documents issued by the                    documents are as legally dependable as                Regulations Implementation;
                                                Commission) and will not have the right                  their paper counterparts. Subpart D of                  Part 145—State Underground Injection
                                                to seek court review of the                                                                                    Control Programs;
                                                                                                         CROMERR requires that state, tribal or                  Part 239—Requirements for State Permit
                                                Commission’s final order.                                local government agencies that receive,
                                                   The Commission strongly encourages                                                                          Program Determination of Adequacy;
                                                                                                         or wish to begin receiving, electronic                  Part 271—Requirements for Authorization
                                                electronic filings of comments, protests                 reports under their EPA-authorized                    of State Hazardous: Waste Program; and
                                                and interventions in lieu of paper using                 programs must apply to EPA for a                        Part 281—Technical Standards and
                                                the eFiling link at http://www.ferc.gov.                 revision or modification of those                     Corrective Action Requirements for Owners
                                                Persons unable to file electronically                    programs and obtain EPA approval.                     and Operators of Underground Storage
                                                should submit an original and 7 copies                   Subpart D provides standards for such                 Tanks.
                                                of the protest or intervention to the                    approvals based on consideration of the                  Specifically, EPA has approved the
                                                Federal Energy regulatory Commission,                    electronic document receiving systems                 state’s authorized program revisions for
                                                888 First Street NE, Washington, DC                      that the state, tribe, or local government            electronic submissions that include a
                                                20426.                                                   will use to implement the electronic                  handwritten signature on a separate
                                                   Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern                       reporting. Additionally, § 3.1000(b)                  paper submission report instead of an
                                                Time on July 31, 2018.                                   through (e) of 40 CFR part 3, subpart D               electronic signature.
                                                  Dated: July 10, 2018.                                  provides special procedures for program                  MassDEP was notified of EPA’s
                                                Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,                                 revisions and modifications to allow                  determination to approve its application
                                                Deputy Secretary.                                        electronic reporting, to be used at the               with respect to the authorized programs
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15128 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]              option of the state, tribe or local                   listed above.
                                                BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                                                                                         government in place of procedures                        Also, in this notice, EPA is informing
                                                                                                         available under existing program-                     interested persons that they may request
                                                                                                         specific authorization regulations. An                a public hearing on EPA’s action to
                                                                                                         application submitted under the subpart               approve the Commonwealth of
                                                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                         D procedures must show that the state,                Massachusetts’ request to revise its
                                                                                                         tribe or local government has sufficient              National Primary Drinking Water
                                                [9977–46–OEI]                                            legal authority to implement the                      Regulations implementation program
                                                                                                         electronic reporting components of the                under 40 CFR part 142, in accordance
                                                Cross-Media Electronic Reporting:                                                                              with 40 CFR 3.1000(f), to allow for
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         programs covered by the application
                                                Authorized Program Revision                              and will use electronic document                      electronic reporting. Requests for a
                                                Approval, Commonwealth of                                receiving systems that meet the                       hearing must be submitted to EPA
                                                Massachusetts                                            applicable subpart D requirements.                    within 30 days of publication of today’s
                                                AGENCY: Environmental Protection                            On September 8, 2017, the                          Federal Register notice. Such requests
                                                Agency (EPA).                                            Massachusetts Department of                           should include the following
                                                                                                         Environmental Protection (MassDEP)                    information: (1) The name, address and
                                                ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                         submitted an application titled ‘‘EEA                 telephone number of the individual,

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:31 Jul 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00023   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JYN1.SGM   16JYN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                                  32855

                                                organization or other entity requesting a                requested via the Federal Register on                 become ready for CROMERR; and (iv)
                                                hearing; (2) A brief statement of the                    January 19, 2018 during a 60-day                      provide states with a streamlined
                                                requesting person’s interest in EPA’s                    comment period. This notice allows for                process—together with a uniform set of
                                                determination, a brief explanation as to                 an additional 30 days for public                      standards—for approval of their
                                                why EPA should hold a hearing, and                       comments. A fuller description of the                 electronic reporting provisions for all
                                                any other information that the                           ICR is given below, including its                     their EPA-authorized programs.
                                                requesting person wants EPA to                           estimated burden and cost to the public.              Responses to the collection of
                                                consider when determining whether to                     An agency may not conduct or sponsor                  information are voluntary. In order to
                                                grant the request; (3) The signature of                  and a person is not required to respond               accommodate CBI, the information
                                                the individual making the request, or, if                to a collection of information unless it              collected must be in accordance with
                                                the request is made on behalf of an                      displays a currently valid OMB control                the confidentiality regulations set forth
                                                organization or other entity, the                        number.                                               in 40 CFR part 2, subpart B.
                                                signature of a responsible official of the               DATES: Additional comments may be                     Additionally, EPA will ensure that the
                                                organization or other entity.                            submitted on or before August 15, 2018.               information collection procedures
                                                   In the event a hearing is requested                   ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                      comply with the Privacy Act of 1974
                                                and granted, EPA will provide notice of                  referencing Docket ID Number EPA–                     and the OMB Circular 108.
                                                the hearing in the Federal Register not                  HQ–OEI–2011–0096, to (1) EPA online                     Form numbers: None.
                                                less than 15 days prior to the scheduled                 using www.regulations.gov (our                          Respondents/affected entities: Entities
                                                hearing date. Frivolous or insubstantial                 preferred method), by email to                        that report electronically to EPA and
                                                requests for hearing may be denied by                    oei.docket@epa.gov, or by mail to: EPA                state or local government authorized
                                                EPA. Following such a public hearing,                    Docket Center, Environmental                          programs; and state and local
                                                EPA will review the record of the                        Protection Agency, Mail Code 28221T,                  government authorized programs
                                                hearing and issue an order either                        1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                            implementing electronic reporting.
                                                affirming today’s determination or                       Washington, DC 20460, and (2) OMB via                   Respondent’s obligation to respond:
                                                rescinding such determination. If no                     email to oira_submission@omb.eop.gov.                 Voluntary, required to obtain or retain a
                                                timely request for a hearing is received                 Address comments to OMB Desk Officer                  benefit (Cross-Media Electronic
                                                and granted, EPA’s approval of the                       for EPA.                                              Reporting Rule (CROMERR) established
                                                Commonwealth of Massachusetts’                              EPA’s policy is that all comments                  to ensure compliance with the
                                                request to revise its part 142—National                  received will be included in the public               Government Paperwork Elimination Act
                                                Primary Drinking Water Regulations                       docket without change including any                   (GPEA)).
                                                Implementation program to allow                          personal information provided, unless                   Estimated number of respondents:
                                                electronic reporting will become                         the comment includes profanity, threats,              175,047 (total).
                                                effective 30 days after today’s notice is                information claimed to be Confidential                  Frequency of response: On occasion.
                                                published, pursuant to CROMERR                           Business Information (CBI) or other                     Total estimated burden: 83,837 hours
                                                section 3.1000(f)(4).                                    information whose disclosure is                       (per year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR
                                                                                                         restricted by statute.                                1320.03(b).
                                                Matthew Leopard,
                                                                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Total estimated cost: $4,055,829 (per
                                                Director, Office of Information Management.                                                                    year), including $569,916 in annualized
                                                                                                         Devon Martin, Office of Environmental
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15135 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]                                                                    capital or operation & maintenance
                                                                                                         Information (2823T), Environmental
                                                BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                         Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania                  costs.
                                                                                                         Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460;                          Changes in the estimates: There is an
                                                                                                         telephone number: 202–566–2603;                       increase of 34,233 hours in the total
                                                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                                                                       estimated respondent burden compared
                                                AGENCY                                                   email address: martin.devon@epa.gov.
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            with the ICR currently approved by
                                                [EPA–HQ–OEI–2011–0096; FRL—9980–55–                      Supporting documents, which explain                   OMB. This increase occurred primarily
                                                OEI]                                                     in detail the information that the EPA                because of the launch of substantial new
                                                                                                         will be collecting, are available in the              e-reporting systems by EPA, such as
                                                Information Collection Request                                                                                 lead-based paint abatement
                                                                                                         public docket for this ICR. The docket
                                                Submitted to OMB for Review and                                                                                notifications, and the anticipated launch
                                                                                                         can be viewed online at
                                                Approval; Comment Request; Cross-                                                                              of the e-Manifest system. Additionally,
                                                                                                         www.regulations.gov or in person at the
                                                Media Electronic Reporting Rule                                                                                based on consultations with industry
                                                                                                         EPA Docket Center, WJC West, Room
                                                (Renewal)                                                                                                      and state, tribal, and local agencies, EPA
                                                                                                         3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW,
                                                AGENCY: Environmental Protection                         Washington, DC. The telephone number                  increased some of the previous burden
                                                Agency (EPA).                                            for the Docket Center is 202–566–1744.                estimates to reflect a more realistic
                                                                                                         For additional information about EPA’s                average.
                                                ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                         public docket, visit http://www.epa.gov/              Courtney Kerwin,
                                                SUMMARY:  The Environmental Protection                   dockets.                                              Director, Regulatory Support Division.
                                                Agency (EPA) has submitted an                              Abstract: This ICR addresses the                    [FR Doc. 2018–15134 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                information collection request (ICR),                    electronic reporting components of the
                                                                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule                    Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule
                                                (EPA ICR No. 2002.07, OMB Control No.                    (CROMERR), which is designed to: (i)
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                2025–0003), to the Office of                             Allow EPA to comply with the
                                                Management and Budget (OMB) for                          Government Paperwork Elimination Act                  FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                review and approval in accordance with                   of 1998; (ii) provide a uniform,                      Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
                                                the Paperwork Reduction Act. This is a                   technology-neutral framework for                      Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
                                                proposed extension of the ICR, which is                  electronic reporting across all EPA
                                                currently approved through July 31,                      programs; (iii) allow EPA programs to                   The companies listed in this notice
                                                2018. Public comments were previously                    offer electronic reporting as they                    have applied to the Board for approval,

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:54:07
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:54:07
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesEPA approves the authorized program revision for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Implementation as of August 15, 2018, if no timely request for a public hearing is received and accepted by the Agency. EPA approves the other authorized program revisions/modifications as of July 16, 2018.
ContactDevon Martin, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Information, Mail Stop 2823T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460, (202) 566- 2603, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 32854 

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