83_FR_33008 83 FR 32872 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request

83 FR 32872 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32872-32874
FR Document2018-15104

This notice announces the intention of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to request that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approve the proposed information collection project ``Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Clinician and Group Survey Database.''

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Pages 32872-32874]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15104]



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
Comment Request

AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces the intention of the Agency for 
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to request that the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) approve the proposed information collection 
project ``Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems 
(CAHPS) Clinician and Group Survey Database.''

DATES: Comments on this notice must be received by September 14, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Written comments should be submitted to: Doris Lefkowitz, 
Reports Clearance Officer, AHRQ, by email at 
[email protected]. Copies of the proposed collection plans, 
data collection instruments, and specific details on the estimated 
burden can be obtained from the AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer.

Clearance Officer, (301) 427-1477, or by emails at 
[email protected].


Proposed Project

Renewal of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems 
(CAHPS) Clinician and Group Survey Database

    In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501-
3521, AHRQ invites the public to comment on this proposed information 
collection. The CAHPS Database is a repository for data from selected 
CAHPS surveys. The primary purpose of the CAHPS Database is to 
facilitate comparisons of CAHPS survey results by survey users. This 
voluntary compilation of survey results from a large pool of data into 
a single database enables survey users to compare their own results to 
relevant Database results. The CAHPS Database also offers an important 
source of primary data for research related to consumer assessments of 
quality as measured by CAHPS surveys.
    The CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey (CG-CAHPS) Database is the 
newest component of the CAHPS Database. It was developed in response to 
the growing demand for Database results for the various versions of the 
CG-CAHPS Survey, including the 12-month and Visit versions. In May 
2011, the first set of Database results for both the 12-month and Visit 
versions was released through the CAHPS Database Online Reporting 
    AHRQ developed the database for CAHPS CG Survey data following the 
CAHPS Health Plan Database as a model. The CAHPS Health Plan Database 
was developed in 1998 in response to requests from health plans, 
purchasers, and CMS for survey data to support public reporting of 
health plan ratings, health plan accreditation and quality improvement 
(OMB Control Number 0935-0165, expiration 5/31/2020). Demand for survey 
results from the CG Survey has grown as well, and therefore AHRQ 
developed a dedicated Clinician and Group Database to support 
benchmarking, quality improvement, and research (OMB Control Number 
0935-0197, expiration 02/28/2019).
    The CAHPS Database contains data from AHRQ's standardized CAHPS 
Surveys which provide survey measures of quality to health care 
purchasers, consumers, regulators, and policy makers. The Health Plan 
Database also provides data for AHRQ's annual National Healthcare 
Quality and Disparities Reports.
    The goal of this project is to renew the CAHPS CG Survey Database. 
This database will continue to update the CAHPS CG Database with the 
latest results of the CAHPS CG Survey. These results consist of 31 
items that measure 5 areas or composites of patients' experiences with 
physicians and staff in outpatient medical practices. This database can 
be used to do the following:
    (1) Improve care provided by individual providers, sites of care, 
medical groups, or provider networks.
    (2) Offer several products and services, including providing survey 
results presented through an Online Reporting System, summary 
chartbooks, custom analyses, private reports in Excel format, and data 
for research purposes.
    (3) Provides information to help identify strengths and areas with 
potential for improvement in patient care. The five composite measures 

Getting Timely Appointments, Care, and Information
How Well Providers Communicate With Patients
Helpful, Courteous, and Respectful Office Staff
Providers' Use of Information to Coordinate Patient Care

[[Page 32873]]

Patients' Rating of the Provider

    This study is being conducted by AHRQ through its contractor, 
Westat, pursuant to AHRQ's statutory authority to conduct and support 
research on health care and on systems for the delivery of such care, 
including activities with respect to the quality, effectiveness, 
efficiency, appropriateness and value of health care services and with 
respect to quality measurement and improvement, and health surveys and 
database development. 42 U.S.C. 299a(a)(1), (2), and (8).

Method of Collection

    To achieve the goal of this project, the following activities and 
data collections will be implemented:
    (1) Registration Form--The purpose of this form is to determine the 
eligibility status and initiate the registration process for 
participating organizations seeking to submit their CAHPS CG survey 
data voluntarily to the CAHPS CG Survey Database. The point of contact 
(POC) at the participating organization (or parent organization) will 
complete the form. The POC is either a corporate-level health manager 
or a survey vendor who contracts with a participating organization to 
collect the CAHPS CG survey data.
    (2) Data Use Agreement--The purpose of the Data Use Agreement (DUA) 
is to obtain authorization from participating organizations to use 
their voluntarily submitted CAHPS CG survey data for analysis and 
reporting according to the terms specified in the DUA. The DUA states 
how data submitted by participating organizations will be used and 
provides confidentiality assurances. The POC at the organization will 
complete the form. Vendors do not sign the DUA.
    (3) Data Submission--The number of submissions to the database may 
vary each year because medical groups and practices may not administer 
the survey and submit data each year. Data submission is typically 
handled by one POC who is either a health system, a medical group or 
practice or a survey vendor who contracts with the medical group or 
practice to collect data on their behalf. After the POC has completed 
the Registration Form and the DUA, they will submit patient-level data 
collected from the CAHPS CG survey to the CAHPS CG Survey Database. 
Data on organizational characteristics such as ownership, number of 
patient visits per week, provider specialty, and information related to 
survey administration such as mode, dates of survey administration, 
sample size, and response rate, which are collected as part of CAHPS CG 
survey operations are also submitted.
    Each submission will consist of 3 data files: (1) A Group File that 
contains information about the group ownership, (2) a Practice File 
containing the practice ownership and affiliation (i.e., commercial, 
hospital or health system, university or academic medical center, 
community health center, military or county), number of providers 
working each week, sampling information, number of patient visits per 
week, contact information and (3) a Sample File that contains one 
record for each patient surveyed, the date of visit, survey disposition 
code, information about survey completion, and survey responses.
    Survey data from the CAHPS CG Database is used to produce four 
types of products: (1) An online reporting of results available to the 
public on the CAHPS Database website; (2) individual participant 
reports (in Excel format), used for comparing a participating 
organization's CAHPS survey results to the database averages, that are 
confidential and customized for each participating organization that 
submits their data, (3) an annual Chartbook that presents summary-level 
results in a downloadable file in PDF format; and (4) a de-identified 
dataset that is made available to researchers for additional analyses.
    Information for the CAHPS CG Database has been collected by AHRQ on 
an annual basis since 2010. Participating organizations are asked to 
submit their data voluntarily to the database each year. The data are 
cleaned with standardized programs, then aggregated and used to produce 
summarized results. In addition, reports in Excel format are produced 
that compare the participating organizations' results to the overall 
database results. These reports are sent via a secured FTP site upon 
the participating organization's request.
    Database results and individual participant reports can serve a 
variety of purposes:
     Identifying areas for quality improvement at multiple 
levels, including medical group, practice site, and individual 
     Briefing senior leadership on patients' views of the 
health care they receive.
     Supporting public reporting of patients' assessments of 
     Combining with other quality measures to examine health 
care outcomes.
    The CAHPS CG Database supports research by providing a de-
identified analytic database. Much like the CAHPS Health Plan Database 
developed in 1998 (OMB Control Number 0935-0165, Expiration Date 5/31/
2020), researchers can use the CAHPS CG Survey Database to examine:
     Disparities in CAHPS satisfaction scores by racial and 
ethnic characteristics of patients.
     Comparisons of adult and child CAHPS survey results.
    Analysis of case-mix factors affecting CAHPS scores, such as 
patient age, education, and self-reported health status.

Estimated Annual Respondent Burden

    Exhibit 1 shows the estimated burden hours for the participating in 
the CG database. The 11 POCs in exhibit 1 are the number of estimated 
vendors. Survey vendors assist the Health/Medical entities with 
submitting data submission materials. Survey vendors generally submit 
all required survey data and other materials other than the DUA. The 86 
POCs in exhibit 1 are the number of estimated participating Health/
Medical entities based on 2017 submission.
    Each vendor will register online for submission. The online 
Registration Form will require about 5 minutes to complete. The DUA 
will be completed by the 86 participating Health/Medical entities. 
Vendors do not sign DUAs. The DUA process requires about 15 minutes to 
sign and return by fax, mail or to upload directly to the submission 
system and includes an accompanying practice site excel file that is 
uploaded to the submission system. Each submitter will provide a copy 
of their questionnaire and the survey data file in the required file 
format. Survey data files must conform to the data file layout 
specifications provided by the CAHPS Database. The average number of 
data submissions per vendor is estimated to be 10. Once a data file is 
uploaded, the file will be automatically checked to ensure it conforms 
to the specifications and a data file status report will be produced 
and made available to the submitter. Submitters will review each report 
and will be expected to fix any errors in their data file and resubmit 
if necessary. It will take about one hour to complete each file 
submission. The total burden is estimated to be 133 hours annually.

[[Page 32874]]

                                                     Number of       Number of
                    Form name                      respondents/    responses for     Hours per     Total  burden
                                                       POCs          each POC        response          hours
Registration Form...............................              11               1            5/60               1
Data Use Agreement..............................              86               1           15/60              22
Data Submission.................................              11              10               1             110
    Total.......................................             108              NA              NA             133

    Exhibit 2 shows the estimated annualized cost burden based on the 
respondents' time to complete the submission process. The cost burden 
is estimated to be $6,602 annually.

Exhibit 2--Estimated Annualized Cost Burden

                                                     Number of                        Average
                    Form name                      respondents/    Total  burden    hourly wage     Total cost
                                                       POCs            hours          rate *          burden
Registration Form...............................              11               1         a 40.95             $41
Data Use Agreement..............................              86              22         b 93.44           2,056
Data Files Submission...........................              11             110         c 40.95           4,505
    Total.......................................             108             133              NA           6,602
* National Compensation Survey: Occupational wages in the United States May 2016, ``U.S. Department of Labor,
  Bureau of Labor Statistics.'' (a) and (c) Based on the mean hourly wages for Computer Programmer (15-1131).
  (b) Based on the mean hourly wage for Chief Executives (11-1011). https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm.

Request for Comments

    In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, comments on AHRQ's 
information collection are requested with regard to any of the 
following: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is 
necessary for the proper performance of AHRQ's health care research and 
health care information dissemination functions, including whether the 
information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of AHRQ's 
estimate of burden (including hours and costs) of the proposed 
collection(s) of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility 
and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information upon the 
respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology.
    Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized 
and included in the Agency's subsequent request for OMB approval of the 
proposed information collection. All comments will become a matter of 
public record.

Francis D. Chesley, Jr.,
Acting Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. 2018-15104 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                32872                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                1456. For press-related information,                     DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              growing demand for Database results for
                                                please contact Alison Hunt at (301) 427–                 HUMAN SERVICES                                        the various versions of the CG–CAHPS
                                                1244 or Alison.Hunt@ahrq.hhs.gov.                                                                              Survey, including the 12-month and
                                                   If sign language interpretation or other              Agency for Healthcare Research and                    Visit versions. In May 2011, the first set
                                                reasonable accommodation for a                           Quality                                               of Database results for both the 12-
                                                disability is needed, please contact the                                                                       month and Visit versions was released
                                                Food and Drug Administration (FDA)                       Agency Information Collection                         through the CAHPS Database Online
                                                Office of Equal Employment                               Activities: Proposed Collection;                      Reporting System.
                                                Opportunity and Diversity Management                     Comment Request                                          AHRQ developed the database for
                                                on (301) 827–4840, no later than                         AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research                CAHPS CG Survey data following the
                                                Tuesday, July 3, 2018. The agenda,                       and Quality, HHS.                                     CAHPS Health Plan Database as a
                                                roster, and minutes will be available                                                                          model. The CAHPS Health Plan
                                                                                                         ACTION: Notice.
                                                from Ms. Bonnie Campbell, Committee                                                                            Database was developed in 1998 in
                                                Management Officer, Agency for                           SUMMARY:   This notice announces the                  response to requests from health plans,
                                                Healthcare Research and Quality, 5600                    intention of the Agency for Healthcare                purchasers, and CMS for survey data to
                                                Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland                        Research and Quality (AHRQ) to request                support public reporting of health plan
                                                20857. Ms. Campbell’s phone number is                    that the Office of Management and                     ratings, health plan accreditation and
                                                (301) 427–1554.                                          Budget (OMB) approve the proposed                     quality improvement (OMB Control
                                                                                                         information collection project                        Number 0935–0165, expiration 5/31/
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                                     2020). Demand for survey results from
                                                                                                         ‘‘Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
                                                I. Purpose                                               Providers and Systems (CAHPS)                         the CG Survey has grown as well, and
                                                                                                         Clinician and Group Survey Database.’’                therefore AHRQ developed a dedicated
                                                  The National Advisory Council for                                                                            Clinician and Group Database to
                                                Healthcare Research and Quality is                       DATES: Comments on this notice must be
                                                                                                                                                               support benchmarking, quality
                                                authorized by Section 941 of the Public                  received by September 14, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                               improvement, and research (OMB
                                                Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 299c. In                   ADDRESSES: Written comments should                    Control Number 0935–0197, expiration
                                                accordance with its statutory mandate,                   be submitted to: Doris Lefkowitz,                     02/28/2019).
                                                the Council is to advise the Secretary of                Reports Clearance Officer, AHRQ, by                      The CAHPS Database contains data
                                                the Department of Health and Human                       email at doris.lefkowitz@AHRQ.hhs.gov.                from AHRQ’s standardized CAHPS
                                                Services and the Director of AHRQ on                     Copies of the proposed collection plans,              Surveys which provide survey measures
                                                matters related to AHRQ’s conduct of its                 data collection instruments, and specific             of quality to health care purchasers,
                                                mission including providing guidance                     details on the estimated burden can be                consumers, regulators, and policy
                                                on (A) priorities for health care research,              obtained from the AHRQ Reports                        makers. The Health Plan Database also
                                                (B) the field of health care research                    Clearance Officer.                                    provides data for AHRQ’s annual
                                                including training needs and                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      National Healthcare Quality and
                                                information dissemination on health                      Doris Lefkowitz, AHRQ Reports                         Disparities Reports.
                                                care quality and (C) the role of the                     Clearance Officer, (301) 427–1477, or by                 The goal of this project is to renew the
                                                Agency in light of private sector activity               emails at doris.lefkowitz@                            CAHPS CG Survey Database. This
                                                and opportunities for public private                     AHRQ.hhs.gov.                                         database will continue to update the
                                                partnerships. The Council is composed                                                                          CAHPS CG Database with the latest
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                of members of the public, appointed by                                                                         results of the CAHPS CG Survey. These
                                                the Secretary, and Federal ex-officio                    Proposed Project                                      results consist of 31 items that measure
                                                members specified in the authorizing                                                                           5 areas or composites of patients’
                                                                                                         Renewal of the Consumer Assessment of
                                                legislation.                                                                                                   experiences with physicians and staff in
                                                                                                         Healthcare Providers and Systems
                                                II. Agenda                                               (CAHPS) Clinician and Group Survey                    outpatient medical practices. This
                                                                                                         Database                                              database can be used to do the
                                                   On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, the                                                                            following:
                                                Council meeting will convene at 8:30                        In accordance with the Paperwork                      (1) Improve care provided by
                                                a.m., with the call to order by the                      Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501–3521,                   individual providers, sites of care,
                                                Council Chair and approval of previous                   AHRQ invites the public to comment on                 medical groups, or provider networks.
                                                Council summary notes. The meeting is                    this proposed information collection.                    (2) Offer several products and
                                                open to the public and will be available                 The CAHPS Database is a repository for                services, including providing survey
                                                via webcast at www.webconferences.                       data from selected CAHPS surveys. The                 results presented through an Online
                                                com/ahrq. The meeting will begin with                    primary purpose of the CAHPS Database                 Reporting System, summary chartbooks,
                                                an update on AHRQ’s current research,                    is to facilitate comparisons of CAHPS                 custom analyses, private reports in
                                                programs, and initiatives. The agenda                    survey results by survey users. This                  Excel format, and data for research
                                                will also include updates on: AHRQ                       voluntary compilation of survey results               purposes.
                                                Data, Analytics, and Insights; Making                    from a large pool of data into a single                  (3) Provides information to help
                                                Health Services Research Relevant to                     database enables survey users to                      identify strengths and areas with
                                                the C-Suite; and AHRQ’s Opioids                          compare their own results to relevant                 potential for improvement in patient
                                                efforts. The final agenda will be                        Database results. The CAHPS Database                  care. The five composite measures are:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                available on the AHRQ website at                         also offers an important source of                    Getting Timely Appointments, Care, and
                                                www.AHRQ.gov no later than Friday,                       primary data for research related to                     Information
                                                July 13, 2018.                                           consumer assessments of quality as                    How Well Providers Communicate With
                                                                                                         measured by CAHPS surveys.                               Patients
                                                Francis D. Chesley, Jr.,                                    The CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey                 Helpful, Courteous, and Respectful
                                                Acting Deputy Director.                                  (CG–CAHPS) Database is the newest                        Office Staff
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15105 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]              component of the CAHPS Database. It                   Providers’ Use of Information to
                                                BILLING CODE 4160–90–P                                   was developed in response to the                         Coordinate Patient Care

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:31 Jul 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00041   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JYN1.SGM   16JYN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                            32873

                                                Patients’ Rating of the Provider                         administration such as mode, dates of                   • Combining with other quality
                                                   This study is being conducted by                      survey administration, sample size, and               measures to examine health care
                                                AHRQ through its contractor, Westat,                     response rate, which are collected as                 outcomes.
                                                pursuant to AHRQ’s statutory authority                   part of CAHPS CG survey operations are                  The CAHPS CG Database supports
                                                to conduct and support research on                       also submitted.                                       research by providing a de-identified
                                                health care and on systems for the                          Each submission will consist of 3 data             analytic database. Much like the CAHPS
                                                delivery of such care, including                         files: (1) A Group File that contains                 Health Plan Database developed in 1998
                                                activities with respect to the quality,                  information about the group ownership,                (OMB Control Number 0935–0165,
                                                effectiveness, efficiency,                               (2) a Practice File containing the                    Expiration Date 5/31/2020), researchers
                                                appropriateness and value of health care                 practice ownership and affiliation (i.e.,             can use the CAHPS CG Survey Database
                                                services and with respect to quality                     commercial, hospital or health system,                to examine:
                                                measurement and improvement, and                         university or academic medical center,                  • Disparities in CAHPS satisfaction
                                                health surveys and database                              community health center, military or                  scores by racial and ethnic
                                                development. 42 U.S.C. 299a(a)(1), (2),                  county), number of providers working                  characteristics of patients.
                                                and (8).                                                 each week, sampling information,                        • Comparisons of adult and child
                                                                                                         number of patient visits per week,                    CAHPS survey results.
                                                Method of Collection                                     contact information and (3) a Sample                    Analysis of case-mix factors affecting
                                                   To achieve the goal of this project, the              File that contains one record for each                CAHPS scores, such as patient age,
                                                following activities and data collections                patient surveyed, the date of visit,                  education, and self-reported health
                                                will be implemented:                                     survey disposition code, information                  status.
                                                   (1) Registration Form—The purpose of                  about survey completion, and survey
                                                                                                         responses.                                            Estimated Annual Respondent Burden
                                                this form is to determine the eligibility
                                                status and initiate the registration                        Survey data from the CAHPS CG                         Exhibit 1 shows the estimated burden
                                                process for participating organizations                  Database is used to produce four types                hours for the participating in the CG
                                                seeking to submit their CAHPS CG                         of products: (1) An online reporting of               database. The 11 POCs in exhibit 1 are
                                                survey data voluntarily to the CAHPS                     results available to the public on the                the number of estimated vendors.
                                                CG Survey Database. The point of                         CAHPS Database website; (2) individual                Survey vendors assist the Health/
                                                contact (POC) at the participating                       participant reports (in Excel format),                Medical entities with submitting data
                                                organization (or parent organization)                    used for comparing a participating                    submission materials. Survey vendors
                                                will complete the form. The POC is                       organization’s CAHPS survey results to                generally submit all required survey
                                                either a corporate-level health manager                  the database averages, that are                       data and other materials other than the
                                                or a survey vendor who contracts with                    confidential and customized for each                  DUA. The 86 POCs in exhibit 1 are the
                                                a participating organization to collect                  participating organization that submits               number of estimated participating
                                                the CAHPS CG survey data.                                their data, (3) an annual Chartbook that              Health/Medical entities based on 2017
                                                   (2) Data Use Agreement—The purpose                    presents summary-level results in a                   submission.
                                                of the Data Use Agreement (DUA) is to                    downloadable file in PDF format; and                     Each vendor will register online for
                                                obtain authorization from participating                  (4) a de-identified dataset that is made              submission. The online Registration
                                                organizations to use their voluntarily                   available to researchers for additional               Form will require about 5 minutes to
                                                submitted CAHPS CG survey data for                       analyses.                                             complete. The DUA will be completed
                                                analysis and reporting according to the                     Information for the CAHPS CG                       by the 86 participating Health/Medical
                                                terms specified in the DUA. The DUA                      Database has been collected by AHRQ                   entities. Vendors do not sign DUAs. The
                                                states how data submitted by                             on an annual basis since 2010.                        DUA process requires about 15 minutes
                                                participating organizations will be used                 Participating organizations are asked to              to sign and return by fax, mail or to
                                                and provides confidentiality assurances.                 submit their data voluntarily to the                  upload directly to the submission
                                                The POC at the organization will                         database each year. The data are cleaned              system and includes an accompanying
                                                complete the form. Vendors do not sign                   with standardized programs, then                      practice site excel file that is uploaded
                                                the DUA.                                                 aggregated and used to produce                        to the submission system. Each
                                                   (3) Data Submission—The number of                     summarized results. In addition, reports              submitter will provide a copy of their
                                                submissions to the database may vary                     in Excel format are produced that                     questionnaire and the survey data file in
                                                each year because medical groups and                     compare the participating organizations’              the required file format. Survey data
                                                practices may not administer the survey                  results to the overall database results.              files must conform to the data file layout
                                                and submit data each year. Data                          These reports are sent via a secured FTP              specifications provided by the CAHPS
                                                submission is typically handled by one                   site upon the participating                           Database. The average number of data
                                                POC who is either a health system, a                     organization’s request.                               submissions per vendor is estimated to
                                                medical group or practice or a survey                       Database results and individual                    be 10. Once a data file is uploaded, the
                                                vendor who contracts with the medical                    participant reports can serve a variety of            file will be automatically checked to
                                                group or practice to collect data on their               purposes:                                             ensure it conforms to the specifications
                                                behalf. After the POC has completed the                     • Identifying areas for quality                    and a data file status report will be
                                                Registration Form and the DUA, they                      improvement at multiple levels,                       produced and made available to the
                                                will submit patient-level data collected                 including medical group, practice site,               submitter. Submitters will review each
                                                from the CAHPS CG survey to the                          and individual practitioner.                          report and will be expected to fix any
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                CAHPS CG Survey Database. Data on                           • Briefing senior leadership on                    errors in their data file and resubmit if
                                                organizational characteristics such as                   patients’ views of the health care they               necessary. It will take about one hour to
                                                ownership, number of patient visits per                  receive.                                              complete each file submission. The total
                                                week, provider specialty, and                               • Supporting public reporting of                   burden is estimated to be 133 hours
                                                information related to survey                            patients’ assessments of care.                        annually.

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                                                32874                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                          Number of        Number of                          Total
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hours per
                                                                                                 Form name                                                               respondents/    responses for                       burden
                                                                                                                                                                            POCs           each POC                           hours

                                                Registration Form ............................................................................................                      11                 1            5/60                1
                                                Data Use Agreement .......................................................................................                          86                 1           15/60               22
                                                Data Submission ..............................................................................................                      11                10               1              110

                                                      Total ..........................................................................................................            108                NA              NA               133

                                                  Exhibit 2 shows the estimated                                             submission process. The cost burden is                         Exhibit 2—Estimated Annualized Cost
                                                annualized cost burden based on the                                         estimated to be $6,602 annually.                               Burden
                                                respondents’ time to complete the

                                                                                                                                                                          Number of          Total            Average       Total cost
                                                                                                 Form name                                                               respondents/       burden          hourly wage      burden
                                                                                                                                                                            POCs             hours             rate *

                                                Registration Form ............................................................................................                     11                  1          a 40.95           $41
                                                Data Use Agreement .......................................................................................                         86                 22          b 93.44         2,056
                                                Data Files Submission .....................................................................................                        11                110          c 40.95         4,505
                                                    Total ..........................................................................................................              108                133             NA           6,602
                                                  * National Compensation Survey: Occupational wages in the United States May 2016, ‘‘U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.’’
                                                (a) and (c) Based on the mean hourly wages for Computer Programmer (15–1131). (b) Based on the mean hourly wage for Chief Executives
                                                (11–1011). https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm.

                                                Request for Comments                                                        DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                       other forms of information technology to
                                                                                                                            HUMAN SERVICES                                                 minimize the information collection
                                                  In accordance with the Paperwork                                                                                                         burden.
                                                Reduction Act, comments on AHRQ’s                                           Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
                                                                                                                                                                                           DATES: Comments on the collection(s) of
                                                information collection are requested                                        Services
                                                                                                                                                                                           information must be received by the
                                                with regard to any of the following: (a)
                                                                                                                            [Document Identifiers: CMS–10669]                              OMB desk officer by August 15, 2018.
                                                Whether the proposed collection of
                                                                                                                                                                                           ADDRESSES: When commenting on the
                                                information is necessary for the proper                                     Agency Information Collection                                  proposed information collections,
                                                performance of AHRQ’s health care                                           Activities: Submission for OMB                                 please reference the document identifier
                                                research and health care information                                        Review; Comment Request                                        or OMB control number. To be assured
                                                dissemination functions, including                                                                                                         consideration, comments and
                                                                                                                            AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
                                                whether the information will have                                                                                                          recommendations must be received by
                                                                                                                            Medicaid Services, Department of
                                                practical utility; (b) the accuracy of                                      Health and Human Services.                                     the OMB desk officer via one of the
                                                AHRQ’s estimate of burden (including                                                                                                       following transmissions:
                                                                                                                            ACTION: Notice.
                                                hours and costs) of the proposed                                                                                                           OMB, Office of Information and
                                                collection(s) of information; (c) ways to                                   SUMMARY:    The Centers for Medicare &                           Regulatory Affairs, Attention: CMS
                                                enhance the quality, utility and clarity                                    Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing                            Desk Officer, Fax Number: (202) 395–
                                                of the information to be collected; and                                     an opportunity for the public to                                 5806, OR Email: OIRA_submission@
                                                (d) ways to minimize the burden of the                                      comment on CMS’ intention to collect                             omb.eop.gov.
                                                collection of information upon the                                          information from the public. Under the
                                                                                                                            Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                                  To obtain copies of a supporting
                                                respondents, including the use of
                                                                                                                            (PRA), federal agencies are required to                        statement and any related forms for the
                                                automated collection techniques or
                                                                                                                            publish notice in the Federal Register                         proposed collection(s) summarized in
                                                other forms of information technology.                                                                                                     this notice, you may make your request
                                                                                                                            concerning each proposed collection of
                                                  Comments submitted in response to                                                                                                        using one of the following:
                                                                                                                            information, including each proposed
                                                this notice will be summarized and                                          extension or reinstatement of an existing                        1. Access CMS’ website address at
                                                included in the Agency’s subsequent                                         collection of information, and to allow                        http://www.cms.hhs.gov/Paperwork
                                                request for OMB approval of the                                             a second opportunity for public                                ReductionActof1995.
                                                proposed information collection. All                                                                                                         2. Email your request, including your
                                                                                                                            comment on the notice. Interested
                                                comments will become a matter of                                                                                                           address, phone number, OMB number,
                                                                                                                            persons are invited to send comments
                                                public record.                                                                                                                             and CMS document identifier, to
                                                                                                                            regarding the burden estimate or any
                                                Francis D. Chesley, Jr.,                                                    other aspect of this collection of
                                                                                                                                                                                             3. Call the Reports Clearance Office at
                                                                                                                            information, including the necessity and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Acting Deputy Director.                                                                                                                    (410) 786–1326.
                                                                                                                            utility of the proposed information
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15104 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                            collection for the proper performance of                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                BILLING CODE 4160–90–P                                                      the agency’s functions, the accuracy of                        Reports Clearance Office at (410) 786–
                                                                                                                            the estimated burden, ways to enhance                          1326.
                                                                                                                            the quality, utility, and clarity of the                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:   Under the
                                                                                                                            information to be collected and the use                        Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
                                                                                                                            of automated collection techniques or                          (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), federal agencies

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:54:10
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:54:10
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesComments on this notice must be received by September 14, 2018.
ContactDoris Lefkowitz, AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer, (301) 427-1477, or by emails at [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 32872 

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