83_FR_33011 83 FR 32875 - Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request

83 FR 32875 - Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request

Administration for Children and Families

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32875-32877
FR Document2018-15149

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Pages 32875-32877]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15149]



Administration for Children and Families

Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request

Proposed Projects

    Title: U.S. Repatriation Program Forms.
    OMB No.: 0970--NEW (two of the forms have prior OMB No: [SSA-3955 & 
    Description: The United States (U.S.) Repatriation Program was 
established by Title XI, Section 1113 of the Social Security Act 
(Assistance for U.S. Citizens Returned from Foreign Countries) to 
provide temporary assistance to U.S. citizens and their dependents who 
have been identified by the Department of State (DOS) as having 
returned, or been brought from a foreign country to the U.S. because of 
destitution, illness, war, threat of war, or a similar crisis, and are 
without available resources immediately accessible to meet their needs. 
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was 
provided with the authority to administer this Program. On or about 
1994, this authority was delegated by the HHS Secretary to the 
Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and later re-delegated 
by ACf to the Office of Refugee Resettlement. The Repatriation Program 
works with States, Federal agencies, and non-governmental organizations 
to provide eligible individuals with temporary assistance for up to 90-
days. This assistance is in the form of a loan and must be repaid to 
the Federal Government.
    The Program was later expanded in response to legislation enacted 
by Congress to address the particular needs of persons with mental 
illness (24 U.S.C. Sections 321 through 329). Further refinements 
occurred in response to Executive Order (E.O.) 11490 (as amended) where 
HHS was given the responsibility to ``develop plans and procedures for 
assistance at ports of entry to U.S. personnel evacuated from overseas 
areas, their onward movement to final destination, and follow-up 
assistance after arrival at final destination.'' In addition, under 
E.O. 12656 (53 CFR 47491), ``Assignment of emergency preparedness 
responsibilities,'' HHS was given the lead responsibility to develop 
plans and procedures in order to provide assistance to U.S. citizens 
and others evacuated from overseas areas.
    Overall, the Program manages two major activities, Emergency and 
Non-emergency Repatriation Activities. The ongoing routine arrivals of 
individual repatriates and the repatriation of individuals with mental 
illness constitute the Program Non-emergency activities. Emergency 
activities are comprised of group repatriations (evacuations of 50-500 
individuals) and emergency repatriations (evacuations of 500 or more 
individuals). Operationally, these activities involve different kinds 
of preparation, resources, and implementation. However, the core 
Program policies and administrative procedures are essentially the 
same. The Program provides services through agreements with local 
repatriation service providers (e.g. States, federal agencies, non-
governmental agencies, etc.). For the purpose of this Program, local 
repatriation service provider (local provider) has the same definition 
of ``agency'' as defined under 45 CFR 212.1 (i).
    1. The HHS Repatriation Program Emergency and Group Processing 
Form: Under 45 CFR 211 and 212, ORR is to make findings setting forth 
the pertinent facts and conclusions according to established standards 
to determine whether an individual is an eligible person. This form 
allows authorized staff to gather necessary information to determine 
eligibility and needed services. This form is to be utilized during 
emergencies and group repatriations. Individuals interested in 
receiving Repatriation assistance will complete appropriate portions of 
this form. State personnel will utilize this form as a guide to perform 
an initial eligibility and needs assessment. An authorized federal 
staff from the ACF will make final eligibility determinations through 
the approval of this form.
    2. The U.S. Repatriation Program Privacy and Repayment Agreement

[[Page 32876]]

Form: Under 45 CFR 211 and 212, individuals who receive Program 
assistance are required to repay the federal government for the cost 
associated to the services received. This form authorizes ORR to 
release personal identifiable information to partners for the purpose 
of providing services to eligible repatriates. In addition, through 
this form, eligible repatriates agree to accept services under the 
terms and conditions of the Program. Specifically, eligible repatriates 
commit to repay the federal government for all services received while 
in the Program. This form is to be completed by eligible repatriates or 
authorized legal custodian. Exception applies to unaccompanied minors 
and individuals eligible under 45 CFR 211, if no legal custodian is 
    3. Relinquish Repatriation Services Form: For individuals who are 
eligible to receive repatriation assistance but opt to relinquish 
services, this form is utilized to confirm and record repatriate's 
decision to refuse Program assistance. This form is to be completed by 
eligible repatriates or authorized legal custodian. Exception applies 
to unaccompanied minors and individuals eligible under 45 CFR 211, if 
no legal custodian is identified.
    4. The U.S. Repatriation Program Emergency Financial Form: Under 
Section 1113 of the Social Security Act, ORR is authorized to provide 
temporary assistance directly or through utilization of the services 
and facilities of appropriate public or private agencies and 
organizations, in accordance with agreements providing for payment, as 
may be determined by ORR. This form is to be utilized and completed by 
ORR local providers to request reimbursement of reasonable and 
allowable costs, both administrative and actual temporary services, 
after emergency activities.
    5. The U.S. Repatriation Program Non-emergency Reimbursement Form: 
Under Section 1113 of the Social Security Act, ORR is authorized to 
provide temporary assistance directly or through arrangements, in 
accordance with agreements providing for payment, as may be determined 
by ORR. This form is to be utilized and completed by ORR local 
providers to request reimbursement of reasonable and allowable costs, 
both administrative and actual temporary services.
    6. The U.S. Repatriation Program Financial Waiver Request Form: In 
accordance with 45 CFR 211 & 212 individuals who have received 
Repatriation assistance may be eligible to receive a waiver or deferral 
of their repatriation loan. This form is to be completed by eligible 
repatriates, authorized legal custodian, or the repatriation local 
provider. Exception applies to unaccompanied minors and individuals 
eligible under 45 CFR 211, if no legal custodian is identified.
    7. The U.S. Repatriation Program Temporary Assistance Extension 
Request Form: Under 45 CFR 211 & 212 temporary assistance may be 
furnished beyond the 90 days eligibility period. This form is to be 
completed by the eligible repatriates, authorized legal custodian, or 
the repatriation local provider. This form should be submitted to ORR 
or its authorized grantee 14 days prior to the expiration of the 90 
days eligibility period.
    8. The U.S. Repatriation Program Individual Case Management Report 
and Financial Claim Form: Under Section 1113 of the Social Security 
Act, ORR is authorized to provide temporary assistance directly or 
through agreements with public and private agencies. This form is to be 
utilized and completed by ORR local provider to request reimbursement 
of reasonable and allowable costs, both administrative and actual 
temporary services. This form should also be utilized by the local 
repatriation provider for submit case updates. This forms is to be 
completed by authorized local providers.
    Respondents: Repatriation Program local repatriation service 
provider and individuals repatriated or evacuated by DOS from overseas. 
These respondents are authorized under Title XI, Section 1113 of the 
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1313), Executive Order 12656 (amended by 
E.O. 13074, February 9, 1998; E.O. 13228, October 8, 2001; E.O. 13286, 
February 28, 2003), and 45 CFR 211 & 212.

                                             Annual Burden Estimates
                                                                            Average burden
          Instrument           Number of respondents   Number of responses     hours per     Total burden hours
                                                         per respondent        response
U.S. Repatriation Program      500 or more..........  1...................            0.15  75 or more.
 Emergency and Group
 Processing Form.
U.S. Repatriation Program      1000 or more.........  1...................            0.05  50 or more.
 Privacy and Repayment
 Agreement Form:.
U.S. Repatriation Program      50 or more...........  1...................            0.05  0.8 or more.
 Relinquish Temporary
 Assistance Form.
U.S. Repatriation Program      4 or more............  1...................             .20  4 or more.
 Emergency and Group
 Financial Form.
U.S. Repatriation Program Non- 53 or more...........  1...................            0.20  10.6 or more.
 emergency Monthly Financial
 Statement Form.
U.S. Repatriation Program      100 or more..........  1...................               1  100 or more.
 Loan Waiver Request Form.
U.S. Repatriation Program      500 or more..........  1...................            0.20  100 or more.
 Temporary Assistance
 Extension Request Form.
U.S. Repatriation Program      1000 or more.........  1 or more...........            0.20  200 or more.
 Individual Case Management

    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 540.4.
    In compliance with the requirements of Section 506(c)(2)(A) of the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Administration for Children and 
Families is soliciting public comment on the specific aspects of the 
information collection described above. Copies of the proposed 
collection of information can be obtained and comments may be forwarded 
by writing to the Administration for Children and Families, Office of 
Planning, Research and Evaluation, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW, 
Washington, DC 20447, Attn: ACF Reports Clearance Officer. Email 
address: [email protected]. All requests should be identified 
by the title of the information collection.
    The Department specifically requests comments on: (a) Whether the 
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the 
agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
information; (c) the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden information to be 
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
information on

[[Page 32877]]

respondents, including through the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology. Consideration will 
be given to comments and suggestions submitted within 60 days of this 

Robert Sargis,
Reports Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-15149 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                            32875

                                                must obtain approval from the Office of                  access health equity resources. Form                  U.S.C. Sections 321 through 329).
                                                Management and Budget (OMB) for each                     Number: CMS–10669 (OMB control                        Further refinements occurred in
                                                collection of information they conduct                   number: 0938—New); Frequency:                         response to Executive Order (E.O.)
                                                or sponsor. The term ‘‘collection of                     Occasionally; Affected Public: Private                11490 (as amended) where HHS was
                                                information’’ is defined in 44 U.S.C.                    sector (Business or other For-profits);               given the responsibility to ‘‘develop
                                                3502(3) and 5 CFR 1320.3(c) and                          Number of Respondents: 274; Total                     plans and procedures for assistance at
                                                includes agency requests or                              Annual Responses 274; Total Annual                    ports of entry to U.S. personnel
                                                requirements that members of the public                  Hours: 23. (For policy questions                      evacuated from overseas areas, their
                                                submit reports, keep records, or provide                 regarding this collection contact                     onward movement to final destination,
                                                information to a third party. Section                    Alexandra Bryden at 410–786–2076).                    and follow-up assistance after arrival at
                                                3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA (44 U.S.C.                         Dated: July 11, 2018.                              final destination.’’ In addition, under
                                                3506(c)(2)(A)) requires federal agencies                 William N. Parham, III,                               E.O. 12656 (53 CFR 47491),
                                                to publish a 30-day notice in the                                                                              ‘‘Assignment of emergency
                                                                                                         Director, Paperwork Reduction Staff, Office
                                                Federal Register concerning each                         of Strategic Operations and Regulatory                preparedness responsibilities,’’ HHS
                                                proposed collection of information,                      Affairs.                                              was given the lead responsibility to
                                                including each proposed extension or                     [FR Doc. 2018–15146 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                               develop plans and procedures in order
                                                reinstatement of an existing collection                                                                        to provide assistance to U.S. citizens
                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
                                                of information, before submitting the                                                                          and others evacuated from overseas
                                                collection to OMB for approval. To                                                                             areas.
                                                comply with this requirement, CMS is                     DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                 Overall, the Program manages two
                                                publishing this notice that summarizes                   HUMAN SERVICES                                        major activities, Emergency and Non-
                                                the following proposed collection(s) of                                                                        emergency Repatriation Activities. The
                                                information for public comment:                          Administration for Children and                       ongoing routine arrivals of individual
                                                  1. Type of Information Collection                      Families                                              repatriates and the repatriation of
                                                Request: New collection (Request for a                                                                         individuals with mental illness
                                                new OMB control number); Title of                        Proposed Information Collection                       constitute the Program Non-emergency
                                                Information Collection: Health Equity                    Activity; Comment Request                             activities. Emergency activities are
                                                Technical Assistance Monitoring and                                                                            comprised of group repatriations
                                                Tracking; Use: The Centers for Medicare                  Proposed Projects                                     (evacuations of 50–500 individuals) and
                                                & Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of                         Title: U.S. Repatriation Program                   emergency repatriations (evacuations of
                                                Minority Health (OMH) developed the                      Forms.                                                500 or more individuals). Operationally,
                                                CMS Equity Plan for Improving Quality                       OMB No.: 0970—NEW (two of the                      these activities involve different kinds
                                                in Medicare (CMS Equity Plan for                         forms have prior OMB No: [SSA–3955 &                  of preparation, resources, and
                                                Medicare). The Plan outlines CMS’ path                   SSA–2061])                                            implementation. However, the core
                                                to help advance health equity by                            Description: The United States (U.S.)              Program policies and administrative
                                                improving the quality of care provided                   Repatriation Program was established by               procedures are essentially the same. The
                                                to minority and other underserved                        Title XI, Section 1113 of the Social                  Program provides services through
                                                Medicare beneficiaries, particularly                     Security Act (Assistance for U.S.                     agreements with local repatriation
                                                those with disparities in chronic                        Citizens Returned from Foreign                        service providers (e.g. States, federal
                                                diseases. CMS identified six high-                       Countries) to provide temporary                       agencies, non-governmental agencies,
                                                impact priority areas based on a review                  assistance to U.S. citizens and their                 etc.). For the purpose of this Program,
                                                of the evidence base and stakeholder                     dependents who have been identified by                local repatriation service provider (local
                                                input. These priorities encompass both                   the Department of State (DOS) as having               provider) has the same definition of
                                                system- and community-level                              returned, or been brought from a foreign              ‘‘agency’’ as defined under 45 CFR 212.1
                                                approaches to achieve equity in                          country to the U.S. because of                        (i).
                                                Medicare. Priority 2: Evaluate                           destitution, illness, war, threat of war,                1. The HHS Repatriation Program
                                                Disparities Impacts and Integrate Equity                 or a similar crisis, and are without                  Emergency and Group Processing Form:
                                                Solutions Across CMS Programs,                           available resources immediately                       Under 45 CFR 211 and 212, ORR is to
                                                focuses on increasing understanding of                   accessible to meet their needs. The                   make findings setting forth the pertinent
                                                the impact CMS programs have on                          Secretary of the Department of Health                 facts and conclusions according to
                                                health disparities and on identifying,                   and Human Services (HHS) was                          established standards to determine
                                                developing and integrating proven                        provided with the authority to                        whether an individual is an eligible
                                                solutions to improve their impact on                     administer this Program. On or about                  person. This form allows authorized
                                                vulnerable populations.                                  1994, this authority was delegated by                 staff to gather necessary information to
                                                  CMS created a Health Equity                            the HHS Secretary to the Administration               determine eligibility and needed
                                                Technical Assistance (TA) email                          for Children and Families (ACF) and                   services. This form is to be utilized
                                                (HealthEquityTA@cms.hhs.gov) to                          later re-delegated by ACf to the Office of            during emergencies and group
                                                support CMS programs as they integrate                   Refugee Resettlement. The Repatriation                repatriations. Individuals interested in
                                                health equity into their programs. This                  Program works with States, Federal                    receiving Repatriation assistance will
                                                TA offers guidance from health equity                    agencies, and non-governmental                        complete appropriate portions of this
                                                subject matter experts on a variety of                   organizations to provide eligible                     form. State personnel will utilize this
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                topics including reviewing data to                       individuals with temporary assistance                 form as a guide to perform an initial
                                                identify health disparities, identifying                 for up to 90-days. This assistance is in              eligibility and needs assessment. An
                                                root causes of health disparities, gaining               the form of a loan and must be repaid                 authorized federal staff from the ACF
                                                an organizational champion, building                     to the Federal Government.                            will make final eligibility
                                                organizational capacity to address                          The Program was later expanded in                  determinations through the approval of
                                                health disparities, implementing                         response to legislation enacted by                    this form.
                                                interventions, tracking success of                       Congress to address the particular needs                 2. The U.S. Repatriation Program
                                                intervention, and serves as a portal to                  of persons with mental illness (24                    Privacy and Repayment Agreement

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                                                32876                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                Form: Under 45 CFR 211 and 212,                          of the services and facilities of                             Request Form: Under 45 CFR 211 & 212
                                                individuals who receive Program                          appropriate public or private agencies                        temporary assistance may be furnished
                                                assistance are required to repay the                     and organizations, in accordance with                         beyond the 90 days eligibility period.
                                                federal government for the cost                          agreements providing for payment, as                          This form is to be completed by the
                                                associated to the services received. This                may be determined by ORR. This form                           eligible repatriates, authorized legal
                                                form authorizes ORR to release personal                  is to be utilized and completed by ORR                        custodian, or the repatriation local
                                                identifiable information to partners for                 local providers to request                                    provider. This form should be submitted
                                                the purpose of providing services to                     reimbursement of reasonable and                               to ORR or its authorized grantee 14 days
                                                eligible repatriates. In addition, through               allowable costs, both administrative and                      prior to the expiration of the 90 days
                                                this form, eligible repatriates agree to                 actual temporary services, after                              eligibility period.
                                                accept services under the terms and                      emergency activities.
                                                conditions of the Program. Specifically,                    5. The U.S. Repatriation Program                              8. The U.S. Repatriation Program
                                                eligible repatriates commit to repay the                 Non-emergency Reimbursement Form:                             Individual Case Management Report
                                                federal government for all services                      Under Section 1113 of the Social                              and Financial Claim Form: Under
                                                received while in the Program. This                      Security Act, ORR is authorized to                            Section 1113 of the Social Security Act,
                                                form is to be completed by eligible                      provide temporary assistance directly or                      ORR is authorized to provide temporary
                                                repatriates or authorized legal                          through arrangements, in accordance                           assistance directly or through
                                                custodian. Exception applies to                          with agreements providing for payment,                        agreements with public and private
                                                unaccompanied minors and individuals                     as may be determined by ORR. This                             agencies. This form is to be utilized and
                                                eligible under 45 CFR 211, if no legal                   form is to be utilized and completed by                       completed by ORR local provider to
                                                custodian is identified.                                 ORR local providers to request                                request reimbursement of reasonable
                                                                                                         reimbursement of reasonable and                               and allowable costs, both administrative
                                                   3. Relinquish Repatriation Services
                                                                                                         allowable costs, both administrative and                      and actual temporary services. This
                                                Form: For individuals who are eligible
                                                                                                         actual temporary services.                                    form should also be utilized by the local
                                                to receive repatriation assistance but opt                  6. The U.S. Repatriation Program
                                                to relinquish services, this form is                                                                                   repatriation provider for submit case
                                                                                                         Financial Waiver Request Form: In                             updates. This forms is to be completed
                                                utilized to confirm and record                           accordance with 45 CFR 211 & 212
                                                repatriate’s decision to refuse Program                                                                                by authorized local providers.
                                                                                                         individuals who have received
                                                assistance. This form is to be completed                 Repatriation assistance may be eligible                          Respondents: Repatriation Program
                                                by eligible repatriates or authorized                    to receive a waiver or deferral of their                      local repatriation service provider and
                                                legal custodian. Exception applies to                    repatriation loan. This form is to be                         individuals repatriated or evacuated by
                                                unaccompanied minors and individuals                     completed by eligible repatriates,                            DOS from overseas. These respondents
                                                eligible under 45 CFR 211, if no legal                   authorized legal custodian, or the                            are authorized under Title XI, Section
                                                custodian is identified.                                 repatriation local provider. Exception                        1113 of the Social Security Act (42
                                                   4. The U.S. Repatriation Program                      applies to unaccompanied minors and                           U.S.C. 1313), Executive Order 12656
                                                Emergency Financial Form: Under                          individuals eligible under 45 CFR 211,                        (amended by E.O. 13074, February 9,
                                                Section 1113 of the Social Security Act,                 if no legal custodian is identified.                          1998; E.O. 13228, October 8, 2001; E.O.
                                                ORR is authorized to provide temporary                      7. The U.S. Repatriation Program                           13286, February 28, 2003), and 45 CFR
                                                assistance directly or through utilization               Temporary Assistance Extension                                211 & 212.

                                                                                                                ANNUAL BURDEN ESTIMATES
                                                                                                                                                                  Number of                  Average
                                                                                                                                        Number of                                                           Total burden
                                                                                  Instrument                                                                    responses per              burden hours
                                                                                                                                       respondents                                                             hours
                                                                                                                                                                  respondent               per response

                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Emergency and Group Processing Form ...                    500 or more ......     1    .......................           0.15   75 or more.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Privacy and Repayment Agreement Form:                      1000 or more ....      1    .......................           0.05   50 or more.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Relinquish Temporary Assistance Form .....                 50 or more ........    1    .......................           0.05   0.8 or more.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Emergency and Group Financial Form .......                 4 or more ..........   1    .......................            .20   4 or more.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Non-emergency Monthly Financial State-                     53 or more ........    1    .......................           0.20   10.6 or more.
                                                  ment Form.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Loan Waiver Request Form ........................          100 or more ......     1 .......................                 1   100 or more.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Temporary Assistance Extension Request                     500 or more ......     1 .......................              0.20   100 or more.
                                                U.S. Repatriation Program Individual Case Management Report .........                1000 or more ....      1 or more ..........                   0.20   200 or more.

                                                  Estimated Total Annual Burden                          to the Administration for Children and                        for the proper performance of the
                                                Hours: 540.4.                                            Families, Office of Planning, Research                        functions of the agency, including
                                                  In compliance with the requirements                    and Evaluation, 370 L’Enfant                                  whether the information shall have
                                                of Section 506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork                 Promenade SW, Washington, DC 20447,                           practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
                                                Reduction Act of 1995, the                               Attn: ACF Reports Clearance Officer.                          agency’s estimate of the burden of the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Administration for Children and                          Email address: infocollection@                                proposed collection of information; (c)
                                                Families is soliciting public comment                    acf.hhs.gov. All requests should be                           the quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                on the specific aspects of the                           identified by the title of the information                    information to be collected; and (d)
                                                information collection described above.                  collection.                                                   ways to minimize the burden
                                                Copies of the proposed collection of                       The Department specifically requests                        information to be collected; and (d)
                                                information can be obtained and                          comments on: (a) Whether the proposed                         ways to minimize the burden of the
                                                comments may be forwarded by writing                     collection of information is necessary                        collection of information on

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                            32877

                                                respondents, including through the use                   New Animal Drugs for Investigational                  (§ 511.1(b)(5)). We require sponsors
                                                of automated collection techniques or                    Use                                                   upon request to submit information
                                                other forms of information technology.                                                                         with respect to the investigation to
                                                                                                         OMB Control Number 0910–0117—
                                                Consideration will be given to                                                                                 determine whether there are grounds for
                                                comments and suggestions submitted                                                                             terminating the exemption
                                                within 60 days of this publication.                         FDA has the authority under the                    (§ 511.1(b)(6)). We require sponsors to
                                                                                                         Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act                  report findings that may suggest
                                                Robert Sargis,                                           (FD&C Act) to approve new animal                      significant hazards pertinent to the
                                                Reports Clearance Officer.                               drugs. A new animal drug application                  safety of the new animal drug
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15149 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]              (NADA) cannot be approved until,                      (§ 511.1(b)(8)(ii)). We also require
                                                BILLING CODE 4184–01–P
                                                                                                         among other things, the new animal                    reporting by importers of investigational
                                                                                                         drug has been demonstrated to be safe                 new animal drugs for clinical
                                                                                                         and effective for its intended use(s). In             investigational use in animals
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                 order to properly test a new animal drug              (§ 511.1(b)(9)). The information
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                           for an intended use, appropriate                      provided by the sponsor in the NCIE is
                                                                                                         scientific investigations must be                     needed to ensure that the proposed
                                                Food and Drug Administration                             conducted. Under specific                             investigational use of the new animal
                                                                                                         circumstances, section 512(j) of the                  drug is safe and that any edible food
                                                                                                         FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 360b(j)) permits                  will not be distributed without proper
                                                [Docket No. FDA–2018–N–0341]
                                                                                                         the use of an investigational new animal              authorization from FDA. Information
                                                Agency Information Collection                            drug to generate data to support an                   contained in an NCIE submission is
                                                Activities; Submission for Office of                     NADA approval. Section 512(j) of the                  monitored under our Bio-Research
                                                Management and Budget Review;                            FD&C Act authorizes us to issue                       Monitoring Program. This program
                                                Comment Request; New Animal Drugs                        regulations relating to the                           permits us to monitor the validity of the
                                                                                                         investigational use of new animal drugs.              studies and to ensure the proper use of
                                                for Investigational Use
                                                                                                            Our regulations in 21 CFR part 511 set             the drugs is maintained by the
                                                                                                         forth the conditions for investigational              investigators.
                                                AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,
                                                                                                         use of new animal drugs and require                      Recordkeeping: If the new animal
                                                                                                         reporting and recordkeeping. The                      drug is only for tests in vitro or in
                                                ACTION:   Notice.                                        information collected is necessary to                 laboratory research animals, the person
                                                                                                         protect the public health. We use the                 distributing the new animal drug must
                                                SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug                             information to determine that                         maintain records showing the name and
                                                Administration (FDA) is announcing                       investigational animal drugs are                      post office address of the expert or
                                                that a proposed collection of                            distributed only to qualified                         expert organization to whom it is
                                                information has been submitted to the                    investigators, adequate drug                          shipped and the date, quantity, and
                                                Office of Management and Budget                          accountability records are maintained,                batch or code mark of each shipment
                                                (OMB) for review and clearance under                     and edible food products from treated                 and delivery for a period of 2 years after
                                                the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.                     food-producing animals are safe for                   such shipment or delivery (§ 511.1(a)(3)
                                                                                                         human consumption. We also use the                    and (b)(3)). We require complete records
                                                DATES:  Fax written comments on the                      information collected to monitor the                  of the investigation, including records of
                                                collection of information by August 15,                  validity of the studies submitted to us               the receipt and disposition of each
                                                2018.                                                    to support new animal drug approval.                  shipment or delivery of the
                                                                                                            Reporting: Our regulations require                 investigational new animal drug
                                                ADDRESSES:   To ensure that comments on
                                                                                                         that certain information be submitted to              (§ 511.1(b)(7)). We also require records
                                                the information collection are received,
                                                                                                         us in a ‘‘Notice of Claimed                           of all reports received by a sponsor from
                                                OMB recommends that written
                                                                                                         Investigational Exemption for a New                   investigators to be retained for 2 years
                                                comments be faxed to the Office of
                                                                                                         Animal Drug’’ (NCIE) to qualify for the               after the termination of an
                                                Information and Regulatory Affairs,
                                                                                                         exemption and to control shipment of                  investigational exemption or approval of
                                                OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer, Fax: 202–                   the new animal drug and prevent
                                                395–7285, or emailed to oira_                                                                                  a new animal drug application
                                                                                                         potential abuse. The NCIE must contain,               (§ 511.1(b)(8)(i)).
                                                submission@omb.eop.gov. All                              among other things, the following
                                                comments should be identified with the                                                                            Description of Respondents:
                                                                                                         specific information: (1) Identity of the             Respondents to this collection of
                                                OMB control number 0910–0117. Also                       new animal drug, (2) labeling, (3)
                                                include the FDA docket number found                                                                            information are persons who use new
                                                                                                         statement of compliance of any                        animal drugs for investigational
                                                in brackets in the heading of this                       nonclinical laboratory studies with good
                                                document.                                                                                                      purposes. Investigational new animal
                                                                                                         laboratory practices, (4) name and                    drugs are used primarily by drug
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         address of each clinical investigator, (5)            industry firms, academic institutions,
                                                Amber Sanford, Office of Operations,                     the approximate number of animals to                  and the government. Investigators may
                                                Food and Drug Administration, Three                      be treated or amount of new animal                    include individuals from these entities,
                                                White Flint North, 10A–12M, 11601                        drug(s) to be shipped, and (6)                        as well as research firms and members
                                                Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD                        information regarding the use of edible               of the medical professions.
                                                                                                         tissues from investigational animals
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                20852, 301–796–8867, PRAStaff@                                                                                    In the Federal Register of February
                                                fda.hhs.gov.                                             (§ 511.1(b)(4) (21 CFR 511.1(b)(4)). If the           22, 2018 (83 FR 7735), FDA published
                                                                                                         new animal drug is to be used in food-                a 60-day notice requesting public
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    In                         producing animals, e.g., cattle, swine,               comment on the proposed collection of
                                                compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA                      chickens, fish, etc., certain data must be            information. No comments were
                                                has submitted the following proposed                     submitted to us to obtain authorization               received.
                                                collection of information to OMB for                     for the use of edible food products from                 FDA estimates the burden of this
                                                review and clearance.                                    treated food-producing animals                        collection of information as follows:

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:53:26
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:53:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 32875 

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