83_FR_33033 83 FR 32897 - Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region-Wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251

83 FR 32897 - Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region-Wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 136 (July 16, 2018)

Page Range32897-32903
FR Document2018-15180

On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will open and publicly announce bids received for blocks offered in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region-wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251 (GOM Region-wide Sale 251), in accordance with the provisions of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), as amended, and the implementing regulations issued pursuant thereto. The GOM Region-wide Sale 251 Final Notice of Sale (NOS) package contains information essential to potential bidders.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2018)]
[Pages 32897-32903]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15180]



Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

[Docket No. BOEM-2018-0035]

Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region-Wide Oil and Gas 
Lease Sale 251

AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Interior.

ACTION: Final notice of sale.


SUMMARY: On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, the Bureau of Ocean Energy 
Management (BOEM) will open and publicly announce bids received for 
blocks offered in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf 
(OCS) Region-wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251 (GOM Region-wide Sale 
251), in accordance with the provisions of the Outer Continental Shelf 
Lands Act (OCSLA), as amended, and the implementing regulations issued 
pursuant thereto. The GOM Region-wide Sale 251 Final Notice of Sale 
(NOS) package contains information essential to potential bidders.

DATES: BOEM will hold GOM Region-wide Sale 251 at 9:00 a.m. on 
Wednesday, August 15, 2018. All times referred to in this document are 
Central Standard Time, unless otherwise specified.
    Bid submission deadline: BOEM accepts sealed bids between 8:00 a.m. 
and 4:00 p.m. on normal working days prior to the sale with the 
exception of Tuesday, August 14th, the day before the sale. BOEM must 
receive all bids for GOM Region-wide Sale 251 by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 
August 14, 2018. For more information on bid submission, see Section 
VII, ``Bidding Instructions,'' of this document.

ADDRESSES: Bids will be accepted prior to the bid receipt deadline at 
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana. Public bid reading 
for GOM Region-wide Sale 251 will be held at 1201 Elmwood Park 
Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana, but the venue will not be open to 
the general public, media, or industry during bid opening or reading. 
Bid opening will be available for public viewing on BOEM's website at 
www.boem.gov via live-streaming video beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the 
date of the sale. BOEM will also post the results on its website after 
bid opening and reading are completed. Interested parties may download 
the Final NOS package from BOEM's website at http://www.boem.gov/Sale-251/. Copies of the sale maps may be obtained by contacting the BOEM 
GOM Region at: Gulf of Mexico Region Public Information Office, Bureau 
of Ocean Energy Management, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans, 
Louisiana 70123-2394, (504) 736-2519 or (800) 200-GULF.
    For more information on bid submission, see Section VII, ``Bidding 
Instructions,'' of this document.

Supervisor, Office of Leasing and Plans, 504-736-

[[Page 32898]]

2607, ann.glazner@boem.gov or Wright Jay Frank, Acting Chief, Leasing 
Policy and Management Division, 703-787-1325, wright.frank@boem.gov.

Table of Contents

    This Final NOS includes the following sections:

I. Lease Sale Area
II. Statutes and Regulations
III. Lease Terms and Economic Conditions
IV. Lease Stipulations
V. Information to Lessees
VI. Maps
VII. Bidding Instructions
VIII. Bidding Rules and Restrictions
IX. Forms
X. The Lease Sale
XI. Delay of Sale

I. Lease Sale Area

    Blocks Offered for Leasing: BOEM will offer for bid in this lease 
sale all of the available unleased acreage in the GOM, except those 
blocks listed in ``Blocks Not Offered for Leasing'' below.
    Blocks Not Offered for Leasing: The following whole, segregated, 
and partial blocks are not offered for lease in this sale. The BOEM 
Official Protraction Diagrams (OPDs) and Supplemental Official Block 
Diagrams are available online at https://www.boem.gov/Maps-and-GIS-Data/.
    Whole and partial blocks that lie within the current boundaries of 
the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (in the East and West 
Flower Garden Banks and the Stetson Bank), identified in the following 

High Island, East Addition, South Extension (Leasing Map TX7C)
    Whole Block: A-398
    Partial Blocks: A-366, A-367, A-374, A-375, A-383, A-384, A-385,
A-388, A-389, A-397, A-399, A-401
High Island, South Addition (Leasing Map TX7B)
    Partial Blocks: A-502, A-513
Garden Banks (OPD NG15-02)
    Partial Blocks: 134, 135

    Blocks that are adjacent to or beyond the United States Exclusive 
Economic Zone in the area known as the northern portion of the Eastern 

Lund South (OPD NG 16-07)
    Whole Blocks: 128, 129, 169 through 173, 208 through 217, 248 
through 261, 293 through 305, and 349
Henderson (OPD NG 16-05)
    Whole Blocks: 466, 508 through 510, 551 through 554, 594 through 
599, 637 through 643, 679 through 687, 722 through 731, 764 through 
775, 807 through 819, 849 through 862, 891 through 905, 933 through 
949, and 975 through 992
    Partial Blocks: 467, 511, 555, 556, 600, 644, 688, 732, 776, 
777, 820, 821, 863, 864, 906, 907, 950, 993, and 994
Florida Plain (OPD NG 16-08)
    Whole Blocks: 5 through 24, 46 through 67, 89 through 110, 133 
through 154, 177 through 197, 221 through 240, 265 through 283, 309 
through 327, and 363 through 370

    All whole and portions of blocks deferred by the Gulf of Mexico 
Energy Security Act of 2006, Public Law 109-432:

Pensacola (OPD NH 16-05)
    Whole Blocks: 751 through 754, 793 through 798, 837 through 842, 
881 through 886, 925 through 930, and 969 through 975
Destin Dome (OPD NH 16-08)
    Whole Blocks: 1 through 7, 45 through 51, 89 through 96, 133 
through 140, 177 through 184, 221 through 228, 265 through 273, 309 
through 317, 353 through 361, 397 through 405, 441 through 450, 485 
through 494, 529 through 538, 573 through 582, 617 through 627, 661 
through 671, 705 through 715, 749 through 759, 793 through 804, 837 
through 848, 881 through 892, 925 through 936, and 969 through 981
DeSoto Canyon (OPD NH 16-11)
    Whole Blocks: 1 through 15, 45 through 59, and 92 through 102
    Partial Blocks: 16, 60, 61, 89 through 91, 103 through 105, and 
135 through 147
Henderson (OPD NG 16-05)
    Partial Blocks: 114, 158, 202, 246, 290, 334, 335, 378, 379, 
422, and 423

    Depth restricted, segregated block portion(s):

    Block 299, Main Pass Area, South and East Addition (Louisiana 
Leasing Map LA10A), containing 1,125 acres, from the surface of the 
earth down to a subsea depth of 1,900 feet with respect to the 
following described portions:
    SW\1/4\NE\1/4\; NW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\; W\1/2\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/
4\; S\1/2\S\1/2\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\; S\1/2\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\; S\1/
2\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\; N\1/2\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\ NE\1/4\; SW\1/
4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\; NW\1/4\SE\1/4\ SE\1/4\ NE\1/4\; N\1/2\NW\1/
4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\; N\1/2\SE\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\; 
N\1/2\S\1/2\SE\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\; S\1/2\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\; S\1/
2\S\1/2\N\1/2\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\; N\1/2\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\; S\1/2\SE\1/
4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\; NE\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\; E\1/2\NE\1/4\SW\1/
4\NW\1/4\; N\1/2\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\; NE\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/
4\; N\1/2\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\; SE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/
4\; E\1/2\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\; N\1/2\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/
4\NW\1/4\; N\1/2\S\1/2\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\NW\1/4\; N\1/2\N\1/
2\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\; N\1/2\N\1/2\N\1/2\NW\1/4\NW\1/
4\SE\1/4\; N\1/2\N\1/2\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4.\

    The following blocks, whose lease status is currently under appeal:

Keathley Canyon (Leasing Map NG15-05) Blocks 290, 291, and 292
Keathley Canyon (Leasing Map NG15-05) Blocks 246 and 247
Keathley Canyon (Leasing Map NG15-05) Blocks 335 and 336
Vermilion Area (Leasing Map LA3) Partial Block 179

II. Statutes and Regulations

    Each lease is issued pursuant to OCSLA, 43 U.S.C. 1331-1356, as 
amended, and is subject to OCSLA implementing regulations promulgated 
pursuant thereto in 30 CFR part 556, and other applicable statutes and 
regulations in existence upon the effective date of the lease. Each 
lease is also subject to those applicable statutes enacted and 
regulations promulgated thereafter, except to the extent that the 
after-enacted statutes and regulations explicitly conflict with an 
express provision of the lease. Additionally, each lease is subject to 
amendments to statutes and regulations, including but not limited to 
OCSLA, that do not explicitly conflict with an express provision of the 
lease. The lessee expressly bears the risk that such new or amended 
statutes and regulations (i.e., those that do not explicitly conflict 
with an express provision of the lease) may increase or decrease the 
lessee's obligations under the lease.

III. Lease Terms and Economic Conditions

Lease Terms

OCS Lease Form
    BOEM will use Form BOEM-2005 (February 2017) to convey leases 
resulting from this sale. This lease form may be viewed on BOEM's 
website at http://www.boem.gov/BOEM-2005. The lease form will be 
amended to conform with the specific terms, conditions, and 
stipulations applicable to the individual lease. The terms, conditions, 
and stipulations applicable to this sale are set forth below.
Primary Term
    Primary Terms are summarized in the following table:

[[Page 32899]]

       Water depth  (meters)                    Primary term
0 to <400.........................  The primary term is five years; the
                                     lessee may earn an additional three
                                     years (i.e., for an eight-year
                                     extended primary term) if a well is
                                     spudded targeting hydrocarbons
                                     below 25,000 feet True Vertical
                                     Depth Subsea (TVDSS) during the
                                     first five years of the lease.
400 to <800.......................  The primary term is five years; the
                                     lessee will earn an additional
                                     three years (i.e., for an eight-
                                     year extended primary term) if a
                                     well is spudded during the first
                                     five years of the lease.
800 to <1,600.....................  The primary term is seven years; the
                                     lessee will earn an additional
                                     three years (i.e., for a ten-year
                                     extended primary term) if a well is
                                     spudded during the first seven
                                     years of the lease.
1,600+............................  Ten years.

    (1) The primary term for a lease in water depths less than 400 
meters issued as a result of this sale is five years. If the lessee 
spuds a well targeting hydrocarbons below 25,000 feet TVDSS within the 
first five years of the lease, then the lessee may earn an additional 
three years, resulting in an eight-year primary term. The lessee will 
earn the eight-year primary term when the well is drilled to a target 
below 25,000 feet TVDSS, or the lessee may earn the eight-year primary 
term in cases where the well targets, but does not reach, a depth below 
25,000 feet TVDSS due to mechanical or safety reasons, where sufficient 
evidence is provided that it did not reach that target for reasons 
beyond the lessee's control.
    In order to earn the eight-year extended primary term, the lessee 
is required to submit to the BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for Leasing 
and Plans, as soon as practicable, but in no instance more than 30 days 
after completion of the drilling operation, a letter providing the well 
number, spud date, information demonstrating a target below 25,000 feet 
TVDSS and whether that target was reached, and if applicable, any 
safety, mechanical, or other problems encountered that prevented the 
well from reaching a depth below 25,000 feet TVDSS. This letter must 
request confirmation that the lessee earned the eight-year primary 
term. The BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for Leasing and Plans will 
confirm in writing, within 30 days of receiving the lessee's letter, 
whether the lessee has earned the extended primary term and update BOEM 
records accordingly. The extended primary term is not effective unless 
and until the lessee receives confirmation from BOEM.
    A lessee that has earned the eight-year primary term by spudding a 
well with a hydrocarbon target below 25,000 feet TVDSS during the 
standard five-year primary term of the lease will not be granted a 
suspension for that same period under the regulations at 30 CFR 250.175 
because the lease is not at risk of expiring.
    (2) The primary term for a lease in water depths ranging from 400 
to less than 800 meters issued as a result of this sale is five years. 
If the lessee spuds a well within the five-year primary term of the 
lease, the lessee will earn an additional three years, resulting in an 
eight-year primary term.
    In order to earn the eight-year primary term, the lessee is 
required to submit to the BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for Leasing and 
Plans, as soon as practicable, but in no instance more than 30 days 
after spudding a well, a letter providing the well number and spud 
date, and requesting confirmation that the lessee earned the eight-year 
extended primary term. Within 30 days of receipt of the request, the 
BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for Leasing and Plans will provide written 
confirmation of whether the lessee has earned the extended primary term 
and update BOEM records accordingly. The extended primary term is not 
effective unless and until the lessee receives confirmation from BOEM.
    (3) The standard primary term for a lease in water depths ranging 
from 800 to less than 1,600 meters issued as a result of this sale is 
seven years. If the lessee spuds a well within the standard seven-year 
primary term, the lessee will earn an additional three years, resulting 
in a ten-year extended primary term.
    In order to earn the ten-year primary term, the lessee is required 
to submit to the BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for Leasing and Plans, as 
soon as practicable, but in no instance more than 30 days after 
spudding a well, a letter providing the well number and spud date, and 
requesting confirmation that the lessee earned the ten-year primary 
term. Within 30 days of receipt of the request, the BOEM GOM Regional 
Supervisor for Leasing and Plans will provide written confirmation of 
whether the lessee has earned the extended primary term and update BOEM 
records accordingly. The extended primary term is not effective unless 
and until the lessee receives confirmation from BOEM.
    (4) The primary term for a lease in water depths 1,600 meters or 
greater issued as a result of this sale will be ten years.

Economic Conditions

Minimum Bonus Bid Amounts
     $25.00 per acre or fraction thereof for blocks in water 
depths less than 400 meters; and
     $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof for blocks in water 
depths 400 meters or deeper.
    BOEM will not accept a bonus bid unless it provides for a cash 
bonus in an amount equal to, or exceeding, the specified minimum bid of 
$25.00 per acre or fraction thereof for blocks in water depths less 
than 400 meters, and $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof for blocks in 
water depths 400 meters or deeper.
Rental Rates
    Annual rental rates are summarized in the following table:
Rental Rates

                                    Rental Rates per Acre or Fraction Thereof
             Water depth (meters)                 Years 1-5                     Years 6, 7, & 8+
0 to <200....................................           $7.00  $14.00, $21.00, & $28.00.
200 to <400..................................           11.00  $22.00, $33.00, & $44.00.
400+.........................................           11.00  $16.00.

[[Page 32900]]

Escalating Rental Rates for Leases With an Eight-Year Primary Term in 
Water Depths Less Than 400 Meters
    Any lessee with a lease in less than 400 meters water depth who 
earns an eight-year primary term will pay an escalating rental rate as 
shown above. The rental rates after the fifth year for blocks in less 
than 400 meters water depth will become fixed and no longer escalate, 
if another well is spudded targeting hydrocarbons below 25,000 feet 
TVDSS after the fifth year of the lease, and BOEM concurs that such a 
well has been spudded. In this case, the rental rate will become fixed 
at the rental rate in effect during the lease year in which the 
additional well was spudded. Royalty Rate
Royalty Rate
     12.5 percent for leases situated in water depths less than 
200 meters; and,
     18.75 percent for leases situated in water depths of 200 
meters and deeper.
Minimum Royalty Rate
     $7.00 per acre or fraction thereof per year for blocks in 
water depths less than 200 meters; and
     $11.00 per acre or fraction thereof per year for blocks in 
water depths 200 meters and deeper.
Royalty Suspension Provisions
    The issuance of leases with Royalty Suspension Volumes (RSVs) or 
other forms of royalty relief is authorized under existing BOEM 
regulations at 30 CFR part 560. The specific details relating to 
eligibility and implementation of the various royalty relief programs, 
including those involving the use of RSVs, are codified in Bureau of 
Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) regulations at 30 CFR part 
    In this sale, the only royalty relief program being offered that 
involves the provision of RSVs relates to the drilling of ultra-deep 
wells in water depths of less than 400 meters, as described in the 
following section.
Royalty Suspension Volumes on Gas Production From Ultra-Deep Wells
    Leases issued as a result of this sale may be eligible for RSV 
incentives on gas produced from ultra-deep wells pursuant to 30 CFR 
part 203. These regulations implement the requirements of the Energy 
Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 13201 et seq.). Under this program, wells 
on leases in less than 400 meters water depth and completed to a 
drilling depth of 20,000 feet TVDSS or deeper receive a RSV of 35 
billion cubic feet on the production of natural gas. This RSV incentive 
is subject to applicable price thresholds set forth in the regulations 
at 30 CFR part 203.

IV. Lease Stipulations

    Consistent with the Record of Decision for the Final Programmatic 
Environmental Impact Statement for the 2017-2022 Five Year OCS Oil and 
Gas Leasing Program, Stipulation No. 5 (Topographic Features) and 
Stipulation No. 8 (Live Bottom) will apply to every lease sale in the 
GOM Program Area. One or more of the remaining eight stipulations 
listed below may be applied to leases issued as a result of this sale. 
The blocks to which particular stipulations will apply is identified on 
the map ``Final, Gulf of Mexico Region-wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251, 
August 15, 2018, Stipulations and Deferred Blocks'' included in the 
Final NOS package. The detailed text of the following stipulations is 
contained in the ``Lease Stipulations'' section of the Final NOS 

(1) Military Areas
(2) Evacuation
(3) Coordination
(4) Protected Species
(5) Topographic Features
(6) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Royalty Payment
(7) Agreement between the United States of America and the United 
Mexican States Concerning Transboundary Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the 
Gulf of Mexico
(8) Live Bottom
(9) Blocks South of Baldwin County, Alabama
(10) Restrictions due to Rights-of-Use and Easement for Floating 
Production Facilities

V. Information to Lessees

    Information to Lessees (ITLs) provides detailed information on 
certain issues pertaining to specific oil and gas lease sales. The 
detailed text of the ITLs for this sale is contained in the 
``Information to Lessees'' section of the Final NOS package and covers 
the following topics:

(1) Navigation Safety
(2) Ordnance Disposal Areas
(3) Existing and Proposed Artificial Reefs/Rigs-to-Reefs
(4) Lightering Zones
(5) Indicated Hydrocarbons List
(6) Military Areas
(7) Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Inspection 
and Enforcement of Certain U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Regulations
(8) Significant Outer Continental Shelf Sediment Resource Areas
(9) Notice of Arrival on the Outer Continental Shelf
(10) Bidder/Lessee Notice of Obligations Related to Criminal/Civil 
Charges and Offenses, Suspension, or Debarment; Disqualification Due to 
a Conviction under the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act
(11) Protected Species
(12) Proposed Expansion of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine 
(13) Communication Towers
(14) Deepwater Port Applications for Offshore Oil and Liquefied Natural 
Gas Facilities
(15) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Sites
(16) Rights-of-Use and Easement
(17) Industrial Waste Disposal Areas
(18) Gulf Islands National Seashore
(19) Air Quality Permit/Plan Approvals

VI. Maps

    The maps pertaining to this lease sale may be viewed on BOEM's 
website at http://www.boem.gov/Sale-251/. The following maps also are 
included in the Final NOS package:

Lease Terms and Economic Conditions Map

    The lease terms and economic conditions associated with leases of 
certain blocks are shown on the map entitled, ``Final, Gulf of Mexico 
Region-wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251, August 15, 2018, Lease Terms 
and Economic Conditions.''

Stipulations and Deferred Blocks Map

    The lease stipulations and the blocks to which they apply are shown 
on the map entitled, ``Final, Gulf of Mexico Region-wide Oil and Gas 
Lease Sale 251, August 15, 2018, Stipulations and Deferred Blocks 

VII. Bidding Instructions

    Bids may be submitted in person or by mail at the address below in 
the ``Mailed Bids'' section. Bidders submitting their bid(s) in person 
are advised to email boemgomrleasesales@boem.gov to provide the names 
of the company representative(s) that will submit the bid(s). 
Instructions on how to submit a bid, secure payment of the advance 
bonus bid deposit (if applicable), and what information must be 
included with the bid are as follows:

Bid Form

    For each block bid upon, a separate sealed bid must be submitted in 
a sealed envelope (as described below) and include the following:
     Total amount of the bid in whole dollars only;
     Sale number;
     Sale date;

[[Page 32901]]

     Each bidder's exact name;
     Each bidder's proportionate interest, stated as a 
percentage, using a maximum of five decimal places (e.g., 33.33333%);
     Typed name and title, and signature of each bidder's 
authorized officer;
     Each bidder's qualification number;
     Map name and number or Official Protraction Diagram (OPD) 
name and number;
     Block number; and
     Statement acknowledging that the bidder(s) understand that 
this bid legally binds the bidder(s) to comply with all applicable 
regulations, including those requiring it to post a deposit in the 
amount of one-fifth of the bonus bid amount for any tract bid upon and 
make payment of the balance of the bonus bid and first year's rental 
upon BOEM's acceptance of high bids.
    The information required to accompany the bid(s) is specified in 
the document ``Bid Form'' that is available in the Final NOS package. A 
blank bid form is provided in the Final NOS package for convenience and 
may be copied and completed with the necessary information described 

Bid Envelope

    Each bid must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope labeled as 
     ``Sealed Bid for GOM Region-wide Sale 251, not to be 
opened until 9 a.m. Wednesday, August 15, 2018;''
     Map name and number or OPD name and number;
     Block number for block bid upon; and
     The exact name and qualification number of the submitting 
bidder only.
    The Final NOS package includes a sample bid envelope for reference.

Mailed Bids

    If bids are mailed, please address the envelope containing the 
sealed bid envelope(s) as follows: Attention: Leasing and Financial 
Responsibility Section, BOEM Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201 Elmwood 
Park Boulevard GM 266A, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394. Contains 
Sealed Bids for GOM Region-wide Sale 251. Please Deliver to Mr. Greg 
Purvis, 2nd Floor, Immediately.
    Please Note: Bidders mailing bid(s) are advised to inform BOEM by 
email to boemgomrleasesales@boem.gov immediately after putting their 
bid(s) in the mail. This is to ensure receipt of bids prior to the Bid 
Submission Deadline. If BOEM receives bids later than the Bid 
Submission Deadline, the BOEM GOM Regional Director (RD) will return 
those bids unopened to bidders. Please see ``Section XI. Delay of 
Sale'' regarding BOEM's discretion to extend the Bid Submission 
Deadline in the case of an unexpected event (e.g., flooding or travel 
restrictions) and how bidders can obtain more information on such 

Advance Bonus Bid Deposit Guarantee

    Bidders that are not currently an OCS oil and gas lease record 
title holder or designated operator, or those that ever have defaulted 
on a one-fifth bonus bid deposit, by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or 
otherwise, must guarantee (secure) the payment of the one-fifth bonus 
bid deposit prior to bid submission using one of the following four 
     Provide a third-party guarantee;
     Amend an area-wide development bond via bond rider;
     Provide a letter of credit; or
     Provide a lump sum payment in advance via EFT.
    For more information on EFT procedures, see Section X of this 
document entitled, ``The Lease Sale.'' Please allow sufficient time for 
your EFT payment to process so that it can be confirmed prior to your 
bid submission.

Affirmative Action

    Prior to bidding, each bidder should file the Equal Opportunity 
Affirmative Action Representation Form BOEM-2032 (October 2011, https://www.boem.gov/BOEM-2032/) and Equal Opportunity Compliance Report 
Certification Form BOEM-2033 (October 2011, https://www.boem.gov/BOEM-2033/) with the BOEM GOM Adjudication Section, Attention: BOEM Gulf of 
Mexico OCS Region, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, GM 276A, New Orleans, 
Louisiana 70123-2394. This certification is required by 41 CFR part 60 
and Executive Order No. 11246, issued September 24, 1965, as amended by 
Executive Order No. 11375, issued October 13, 1967, and by Executive 
Order 13672, issued July 21, 2014. Both forms must be on file for the 
bidder(s) in the GOM Adjudication Section prior to the execution of any 
lease contract.

Geophysical Data and Information Statement (GDIS)

    The GDIS is composed of three parts:
    (1) The ``Statement'' page includes the company representatives' 
information and lists of blocks bid on that used proprietary data and 
those blocks bid on that did not use proprietary data;
    (2) The ``Table'' listing the required data about each proprietary 
survey used (see below); and
    (3) The ``Maps'' being the live trace maps for each proprietary 
survey that is identified in the GDIS statement and table.
    Every bidder, including joint bidders, must provide all applicable 
parts of the GDIS at the time of bid submission. If the data you are 
using has been reprocessed in any way, externally or ``in-house,'' it 
is considered proprietary data and is no longer considered speculative. 
All three parts of the GDIS must be submitted for proprietary data.
    The GDIS must be submitted in a separate and sealed envelope, and 
must identify all proprietary data, which includes reprocessed 
speculative data, and/or any Controlled Source Electromagnetic surveys, 
Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO), Gravity, or Magnetic data; or other 
information used as part of the decision to bid or participate in a bid 
on the block. The bidder and joint bidder must also include a live 
trace map (e.g., .pdf and ArcGIS shape file) for each proprietary 
survey that they identify in the GDIS illustrating the actual areal 
extent of the proprietary geophysical data in the survey (see the 
``Example of Preferred Format'' that is included the Final NOS package 
for additional information). The shape file must not include cultural 
information; only the live trace map of the survey itself.
    The GDIS statement must include the name, phone number, and full 
address of a contact person and an alternate who are both knowledgeable 
about the geophysical information and data listed and who are available 
for 30 days after the sale date. The GDIS statement also must include a 
list of all blocks bid upon that did not use proprietary or reprocessed 
pre- or post-stack geophysical data and information as part of the 
decision to bid or to participate as a joint bidder in the bid. The 
GDIS statement must be submitted even if no proprietary geophysical 
data and information were used in bid preparation for the block.
    The GDIS table should have columns that clearly state:
     The sale number;
     The bidder company's name;
     The Joint Bidder Company (if applicable);
     The block area and block number bid on;
     The owner of the original data set (i.e., who initially 
acquired the data);
     The industry's original name of the survey (e.g., E 
     The BOEM permit number for the survey;
     Whether the data set is a fast track version;

[[Page 32902]]

     Whether the data is speculative or proprietary;
     The data type (e.g., 2-D, 3-D, or 4-D; pre-stack or post-
stack; and time or depth, etc.);
     The Migration algorithm (e.g., Kirchhoff Migration, Wave 
Equation Migration, Reverse Migration, Reverse Time Migration) of the 
data and areal extent of bidder survey (i.e., number of line miles for 
2-D or number of blocks for 3-D);
     The Live Proprietary Survey Coverage (2-D miles 3-D 
     The computer storage size, to the nearest gigabyte, of 
each seismic data and velocity volume used to evaluate the lease block;
     The name of the party that reprocessed the data and the 
date the final reprocessing was completed (month and year);
     If data was previously sent to BOEM, list the sale number 
and date of the sale for which it was used; and
     Whether proprietary or Speculative AVO/AVA (PROP/SPEC) was 
    The computer storage size information will be used in estimating 
the reproduction costs for each data set, if applicable. The 
availability of reimbursement of production costs will be determined 
consistent with 30 CFR 551.13.
    BOEM reserves the right to query about alternate data sets, to 
quality check, and to compare the listed and alternative data sets to 
determine which data set most closely meets the needs of the fair 
market value determination process. For an example of the preferred 
format of the table, see ``Example of Preferred Format'' that is 
included in the Final NOS package. A blank digital version of the 
preferred table can be accessed on the GOM Region-wide Sale 251 web 
page at http://www.boem.gov/Sale-251.
    The GDIS maps are live trace maps (e.g., .pdf and ArcGIS shape 
files) that should be submitted for each proprietary survey that is 
identified in the GDIS table. They should illustrate the actual areal 
extent of the proprietary geophysical data in the survey. See the 
``Example of Preferred Format'' that is included in the Final NOS 
package for additional information. As previously stated, the shape 
file must not include cultural information; only the live trace map of 
the survey itself.
    Pursuant to 30 CFR 551.12 and 30 CFR 556.501, as a condition of the 
sale, the BOEM Gulf of Mexico requires that all bidders and joint 
bidders submit the proprietary data identified on their GDIS within 30 
days after the lease sale (unless they are notified after the lease 
sale that BOEM has withdrawn the request). This requirement only 
pertains to proprietary data that is not commercially available. 
Commercially available data is not required to be submitted to BOEM, 
and reimbursement will not be provided if such data is submitted by a 
bidder. The BOEM Gulf of Mexico Regional Director will notify bidders 
and joint bidders of any withdrawal of the request, for all or some of 
the proprietary data identified on the GDIS, within 15 days of the 
lease sale. Pursuant to 30 CFR part 551 and 30 CFR 556.501, as a 
condition of this sale, all bidders that are required to submit data 
must ensure that the data is received by BOEM no later than the 30th 
day following the lease sale, or the next business day if the 
submission deadline falls on a weekend or Federal holiday.
    The data must be submitted to BOEM at the following address: Bureau 
of Ocean Energy Management, Resource Studies, GM 881A, 1201 Elmwood 
Park Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70123-2304.
    BOEM recommends that bidders mark the submission's external 
envelope as ``Deliver Immediately to DASPU.'' BOEM also recommends that 
the data be submitted in an internal envelope, or otherwise marked, 
with the following designation: ``Proprietary Geophysical Data 
Submitted Pursuant to GOM Region-wide Sale 251 and used during  evaluation of Block .''
    In the event a person supplies any type of data to BOEM, that 
person must meet the following requirements to qualify for 
    (1) The person must be registered with the System for Award 
Management (SAM), formerly known as the Central Contractor Registration 
(CCR). CCR usernames will not work in SAM. A new SAM User Account is 
needed to register or update an entity's records. The website for 
registering is https://www.sam.gov.
    (2) The persons must be enrolled in the Department of Treasury's 
Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) for electronic invoicing. The person 
must enroll in the IPP at https://www.ipp.gov/. Access then will be 
granted to use the IPP for submitting requests for payment. When a 
request for payment is submitted, it must include the assigned Purchase 
Order Number on the request.
    (3) The persons must have a current Online Representations and 
Certifications Application (ORCA) at https://www.sam.gov.
    Please Note: The GDIS Information Table must be submitted 
digitally, preferably as an Excel spreadsheet, on a CD, DVD, or any USB 
external drive (formatted for Windows), along with the seismic data 
map(s). If bidders have any questions, please contact Ms. Dee Smith at 
(504) 736-2706, or Mr. John Johnson at (504) 736-2455.
    Bidders should refer to Section X of this document, ``The Lease 
Sale: Acceptance, Rejection, or Return of Bids,'' regarding a bidder's 
failure to comply with the requirements of the Final NOS, including any 
failure to submit information as required in the Final NOS or Final NOS 

Telephone Numbers/Addresses of Bidders

    BOEM requests that bidders provide this information in the 
suggested format prior to, or at the time of, bid submission. The 
suggested format is included in the Final NOS package. The form must 
not be enclosed inside the sealed bid envelope.

Additional Documentation

    BOEM may require bidders to submit other documents in accordance 
with 30 CFR 556.107, 30 CFR 556.401, 30 CFR 556.501, and 30 CFR 

VIII. Bidding Rules and Restrictions

Restricted Joint Bidders

    On May 15, 2018, BOEM published the most recent List of Restricted 
Joint Bidders in the Federal Register at 83 FR 22513. Potential bidders 
are advised to refer to the Federal Register, prior to bidding, for the 
most current List of Restricted Joint Bidders in place at the time of 
the lease sale. Please refer to the joint bidding provisions at 30 CFR 

Authorized Signatures

    All signatories executing documents on behalf of bidder(s) must 
execute the same in conformance with the BOEM qualification records. 
Bidders are advised that BOEM considers the signed bid to be a legally 
binding obligation on the part of the bidder(s) to comply with all 
applicable regulations, including that requiring payment of one-fifth 
of the bonus bid on all high bids. A statement to this effect is 
included on each bid form (see the document ``Bid Form'' that is 
included in the Final NOS package).

Unlawful Combination or Intimidation

    BOEM warns bidders against violation of 18 U.S.C. 1860, prohibiting 
unlawful combination or intimidation of bidders.

Bid Withdrawal

    Bids may be withdrawn only by written request delivered to BOEM 
prior to the Bid Submission Deadline. The withdrawal request must be on 
company letterhead and must contain the bidder's name, its BOEM

[[Page 32903]]

qualification number, the map name/number, and the block number(s) of 
the bid(s) to be withdrawn. The withdrawal request must be executed in 
conformance with the BOEM qualification records. The name and title of 
the authorized signatory must be typed under the signature block on the 
withdrawal request. The BOEM Gulf of Mexico RD, or the RD's designee, 
will indicate their approval by signing and dating the withdrawal 

Bid Rounding

    Minimum bonus bid calculations, including rounding, for all blocks 
are shown in the document ``List of Blocks Available for Leasing'' 
included in the Final NOS package. The bonus bid amount must be stated 
in whole dollars. If the acreage of a block contains a decimal figure, 
then prior to calculating the minimum bonus bid, BOEM rounded up to the 
next whole acre. The appropriate minimum rate per acre was then applied 
to the whole (rounded up) acreage. The bonus bid amount must be greater 
than or equal to the minimum bonus bid in whole dollars.

IX. Forms

    The Final NOS package includes instructions, samples, and/or the 
preferred format for the following items. BOEM strongly encourages 
bidders to use the recommended formats. If bidders use another format, 
they are responsible for including all the information specified for 
each item in the Final NOS package.

(1) Bid Form
(2) Sample Completed Bid
(3) Sample Bid Envelope
(4) Sample Bid Mailing Envelope
(5) Telephone Numbers/Addresses of Bidders Form
(6) GDIS Form
(7) GDIS Envelope Form

X. The Lease Sale

Bid Opening and Reading

    Sealed bids received in response to the Final NOS will be opened at 
the place, date, and hour specified under the DATES and ADDRESSES 
sections of the Final NOS. The venue will not be open to the public. 
Instead, the bid opening will be available for the public to view on 
BOEM's website at www.boem.gov via live-streaming. The opening of the 
bids is for the sole purpose of publicly announcing and recording the 
bids received; no bids will be accepted or rejected at that time.

Bonus Bid Deposit for Apparent High Bids

    Each bidder submitting an apparent high bid must submit a bonus bid 
deposit to the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) equal to one-
fifth of the bonus bid amount for each such bid. A copy of the 
notification of the high bidder's one-fifth bonus bid amount may be 
obtained on the BOEM website at http://www.boem.gov/Sale-251 under the 
heading ``Notification of EFT 1/5 Bonus Liability'' after 1:00 p.m. on 
the day of the sale. All payments must be deposited electronically into 
an interest-bearing account in the U.S. Treasury by 11:00 a.m. Eastern 
Time (10 a.m. Central Time) the day following the bid reading (no 
exceptions). Account information is provided in the ``Instructions for 
Making Electronic Funds Transfer Bonus Payments'' found on the BOEM 
website identified above.
    BOEM requires bidders to use EFT procedures for payment of one-
fifth bonus bid deposits for GOM Region-wide Sale 251 following the 
detailed instructions contained on the ONRR Payment Information web 
page at http://www.onrr.gov/ReportPay/Payments.htm. Acceptance of a 
deposit does not constitute, and will not be construed as, acceptance 
of any bid on behalf of the United States.

Withdrawal of Blocks

    The United States reserves the right to withdraw any block from 
this lease sale prior to issuance of a written acceptance of a bid for 
the block.

Acceptance, Rejection, or Return of Bids

    The United States reserves the right to reject any and all bids. No 
bid will be accepted, and no lease for any block will be awarded to any 
bidder, unless:
    (1) The bidder has complied with all requirements of the Final NOS, 
including those set forth in the documents contained in the Final NOS 
package, and applicable regulations;
    (2) The bid is the highest valid bid; and
    (3) The amount of the bid has been determined to be adequate by the 
authorized officer.
    Any bid submitted that does not conform to the requirements of the 
Final NOS and Final NOS package, OCSLA, or other applicable statute or 
regulation will be rejected and returned to the bidder. The U.S. 
Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission will review the 
results of the lease sale for antitrust issues prior to the acceptance 
of bids and issuance of leases.

Bid Adequacy Review Procedures for GOM Region-Wide Sale 251

    To ensure that the U.S. Government receives a fair return for the 
conveyance of leases from this sale, high bids will be evaluated in 
accordance with BOEM's bid adequacy procedures, which are available at 

Lease Award

    BOEM requires each bidder awarded a lease to:
    (1) Execute all copies of the lease (Form BOEM-2005 (February 
2017), as amended);
    (2) Pay by EFT the balance of the bonus bid amount and the first 
year's rental for each lease issued in accordance with the requirements 
of 30 CFR 218.155 and 556.520(a); and
    (3) Provide to BOEM the bonding required by 30 CFR part 556, 
subpart I.
    ONRR requests that bidders use only one transaction to pay the 
balance of the bonus bid amount and the first year's rental. When ONRR 
receives such payment, the bidder awarded the lease may not request a 
refund of the balance bonus bid amount or first year's rental payment.

XI. Delay of Sale

    The BOEM Gulf of Mexico RD has the discretion to change any date, 
time, and/or location specified in the Final NOS package in the case of 
an event that the BOEM Gulf of Mexico RD deems may interfere with the 
carrying out of a fair and orderly lease sale process. Such events 
could include, but are not limited to, natural disasters (e.g., 
earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods), wars, riots, acts of terrorism, 
fires, strikes, civil disorder, or other events of a similar nature. In 
case of such events, bidders should call (504) 736-0557, or access the 
BOEM website at http://www.boem.gov, for information regarding any 

    Dated: July 11, 2018.
Walter D. Cruickshank,
Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
[FR Doc. 2018-15180 Filed 7-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                            32897

                                                copy of the nomination, include an                       from interested and affected parties on               ACTION:   Final notice of sale.
                                                electronic copy of the nomination on a                   issues relevant to potential leasing
                                                data storage device. BOEM will list the                  within the Call Areas.                                SUMMARY:   On Wednesday, August 15,
                                                parties that submitted nominations and                      The responses to this Call could lead              2018, the Bureau of Ocean Energy
                                                the location of the proposed lease areas                 to the initiation of a competitive leasing            Management (BOEM) will open and
                                                (i.e., OCS blocks nominated) on the                      process in some parts of the Call Areas               publicly announce bids received for
                                                BOEM website after the comment period                    (i.e., where competition exists), and a               blocks offered in the Gulf of Mexico
                                                has closed.                                              noncompetitive process in other parts of              (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
                                                   Comments and other submissions of                     the Call Areas (i.e., where no                        Region-wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251
                                                information may be submitted by either                   competitive interest exists). The Call,               (GOM Region-wide Sale 251), in
                                                of the following two methods:                            described in detail in the Federal                    accordance with the provisions of the
                                                   1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                Register (83 FR 15602 (April 11, 2018)),              Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
                                                www.regulations.gov. In the entry                        had an initial comment deadline of May                (OCSLA), as amended, and the
                                                entitled, ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter                 29, 2018, but several stakeholders have               implementing regulations issued
                                                BOEM–2018–0004, and then click                           requested additional time to comment.                 pursuant thereto. The GOM Region-
                                                ‘‘search.’’ Follow the instructions to                   BOEM agrees that it would be helpful in               wide Sale 251 Final Notice of Sale
                                                submit public comments and view                          this instance to reopen the comment                   (NOS) package contains information
                                                supporting and related materials                         period until July 30, 2018.                           essential to potential bidders.
                                                available for this notice.                                  Protection of Privileged or                        DATES: BOEM will hold GOM Region-
                                                   2. U.S. Postal Service or other                       Confidential Information: BOEM will                   wide Sale 251 at 9:00 a.m. on
                                                delivery service. Send your comments                     protect privileged or confidential                    Wednesday, August 15, 2018. All times
                                                and information to the following                         information that you submit as provided               referred to in this document are Central
                                                address: Bureau of Ocean Energy                          in the Freedom of Information Act                     Standard Time, unless otherwise
                                                Management, Office of Renewable                          (FOIA). Exemption 4 of FOIA applies to                specified.
                                                Energy Programs, 45600 Woodland                          trade secrets and commercial or                          Bid submission deadline: BOEM
                                                Road (VAM–OREP), Sterling, Virginia                      financial information that you submit                 accepts sealed bids between 8:00 a.m.
                                                20166.                                                   that is privileged or confidential. If you            and 4:00 p.m. on normal working days
                                                   All responses will be reported on                     wish to protect the confidentiality of                prior to the sale with the exception of
                                                http://www.regulations.gov.                              such information, clearly mark it and                 Tuesday, August 14th, the day before
                                                   If you wish to protect the                            request that BOEM treat it as                         the sale. BOEM must receive all bids for
                                                confidentiality of your nominations or                   confidential. BOEM will not disclose                  GOM Region-wide Sale 251 by 10:00
                                                comments, clearly mark the relevant                      such information if it qualifies for                  a.m. on Tuesday, August 14, 2018. For
                                                sections and request that BOEM treat                     exemption from disclosure under FOIA.                 more information on bid submission,
                                                them as confidential. Please label                       Please label privileged or confidential               see Section VII, ‘‘Bidding Instructions,’’
                                                privileged or confidential information                   information ‘‘Contains Confidential                   of this document.
                                                ‘‘Contains Confidential Information,’’                   Information’’ and consider submitting
                                                                                                                                                               ADDRESSES: Bids will be accepted prior
                                                and consider submitting such                             such information as a separate
                                                                                                         attachment.                                           to the bid receipt deadline at 1201
                                                information as a separate attachment.                                                                          Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans,
                                                                                                            BOEM will not treat as confidential
                                                Treatment of confidential information is                                                                       Louisiana. Public bid reading for GOM
                                                                                                         any aggregate summaries of such
                                                addressed in the section of this Call                                                                          Region-wide Sale 251 will be held at
                                                                                                         information or comments not containing
                                                entitled, ‘‘Protection of Privileged or                                                                        1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, New
                                                                                                         such information. Additionally, BOEM
                                                Confidential Information.’’ Information                                                                        Orleans, Louisiana, but the venue will
                                                                                                         will not treat as confidential (1) the legal
                                                that is not labeled as privileged or                                                                           not be open to the general public,
                                                                                                         title of the nominating entity (for
                                                confidential will be regarded by BOEM                                                                          media, or industry during bid opening
                                                                                                         example, the name of your company), or
                                                as suitable for public release.                                                                                or reading. Bid opening will be available
                                                                                                         (2) the list of whole or partial blocks
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         that you are nominating. Information                  for public viewing on BOEM’s website
                                                Luke Feinberg, BOEM, Office of                           that is not labeled as privileged or                  at www.boem.gov via live-streaming
                                                Renewable Energy Programs, 45600                         confidential will be regarded by BOEM                 video beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the date
                                                Woodland Road (VAM–OREP), Sterling,                      as suitable for public release.                       of the sale. BOEM will also post the
                                                Virginia 20166, (703) 787–1705 or                                                                              results on its website after bid opening
                                                                                                          Dated: July 11, 2018.
                                                luke.feinberg@boem.gov.                                                                                        and reading are completed. Interested
                                                                                                         Walter D. Cruickshank,                                parties may download the Final NOS
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                         Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy               package from BOEM’s website at http://
                                                   Authority: This Call is published
                                                                                                         Management.                                           www.boem.gov/Sale-251/. Copies of the
                                                pursuant to subsection 8(p)(3) of the
                                                                                                         [FR Doc. 2018–15133 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]           sale maps may be obtained by
                                                OCS Lands Act, 43 U.S.C. 1337(p)(3),
                                                which was added by section 388 of the                    BILLING CODE 4310–MR–P                                contacting the BOEM GOM Region at:
                                                Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), as                                                                          Gulf of Mexico Region Public
                                                well as the implementing regulations at                                                                        Information Office, Bureau of Ocean
                                                                                                         DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            Energy Management, 1201 Elmwood
                                                30 CFR part 585.
                                                   Background and Purpose: The OCS                       Bureau of Ocean Energy Management                     Park Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana
                                                Lands Act requires BOEM to award                                                                               70123–2394, (504) 736–2519 or (800)
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                leases competitively, unless BOEM                        [Docket No. BOEM–2018–0035]                           200–GULF.
                                                makes a determination that there is no                                                                            For more information on bid
                                                                                                         Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf                submission, see Section VII, ‘‘Bidding
                                                competitive interest (43 U.S.C.
                                                                                                         Region-Wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale                    Instructions,’’ of this document.
                                                1337(p)(3)). BOEM will make this
                                                determination after reviewing the                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ann
                                                nominations received in response to this                 AGENCY:Bureau of Ocean Energy                         Glazner, Deputy Regional Supervisor,
                                                Call. This Call also requests information                Management, Interior.                                 Office of Leasing and Plans, 504–736–

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:31 Jul 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00066   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JYN1.SGM   16JYN1

                                                32898                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                2607, ann.glazner@boem.gov or Wright                         through 905, 933 through 949, and 975                     N1⁄2S1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4;
                                                Jay Frank, Acting Chief, Leasing Policy                      through 992                                               N1⁄2N1⁄2NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4SW1⁄4;
                                                and Management Division, 703–787–                          Partial Blocks: 467, 511, 555, 556, 600, 644,               N1⁄2N1⁄2N1⁄2NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4;
                                                                                                             688, 732, 776, 777, 820, 821, 863, 864,                   N1⁄2N1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
                                                1325, wright.frank@boem.gov.
                                                                                                             906, 907, 950, 993, and 994
                                                Table of Contents                                        Florida Plain (OPD NG 16–08)                            The following blocks, whose lease
                                                                                                           Whole Blocks: 5 through 24, 46 through 67,          status is currently under appeal:
                                                  This Final NOS includes the                                89 through 110, 133 through 154, 177
                                                following sections:                                          through 197, 221 through 240, 265                 Keathley Canyon (Leasing Map NG15–05)
                                                                                                             through 283, 309 through 327, and 363               Blocks 290, 291, and 292
                                                I. Lease Sale Area                                                                                             Keathley Canyon (Leasing Map NG15–05)
                                                II. Statutes and Regulations                                 through 370
                                                                                                                                                                 Blocks 246 and 247
                                                III. Lease Terms and Economic Conditions                   All whole and portions of blocks                    Keathley Canyon (Leasing Map NG15–05)
                                                IV. Lease Stipulations                                   deferred by the Gulf of Mexico Energy                   Blocks 335 and 336
                                                V. Information to Lessees
                                                VI. Maps
                                                                                                         Security Act of 2006, Public Law 109–                 Vermilion Area (Leasing Map LA3) Partial
                                                                                                         432:                                                    Block 179
                                                VII. Bidding Instructions
                                                VIII. Bidding Rules and Restrictions                     Pensacola (OPD NH 16–05)                              II. Statutes and Regulations
                                                IX. Forms                                                  Whole Blocks: 751 through 754, 793
                                                X. The Lease Sale                                            through 798, 837 through 842, 881                    Each lease is issued pursuant to
                                                XI. Delay of Sale                                            through 886, 925 through 930, and 969             OCSLA, 43 U.S.C. 1331–1356, as
                                                                                                             through 975                                       amended, and is subject to OCSLA
                                                I. Lease Sale Area                                       Destin Dome (OPD NH 16–08)                            implementing regulations promulgated
                                                   Blocks Offered for Leasing: BOEM                        Whole Blocks: 1 through 7, 45 through 51,
                                                                                                                                                               pursuant thereto in 30 CFR part 556,
                                                will offer for bid in this lease sale all of                 89 through 96, 133 through 140, 177
                                                                                                             through 184, 221 through 228, 265                 and other applicable statutes and
                                                the available unleased acreage in the                                                                          regulations in existence upon the
                                                GOM, except those blocks listed in                           through 273, 309 through 317, 353
                                                                                                             through 361, 397 through 405, 441                 effective date of the lease. Each lease is
                                                ‘‘Blocks Not Offered for Leasing’’ below.                    through 450, 485 through 494, 529                 also subject to those applicable statutes
                                                   Blocks Not Offered for Leasing: The                       through 538, 573 through 582, 617                 enacted and regulations promulgated
                                                following whole, segregated, and partial                     through 627, 661 through 671, 705                 thereafter, except to the extent that the
                                                blocks are not offered for lease in this                     through 715, 749 through 759, 793                 after-enacted statutes and regulations
                                                sale. The BOEM Official Protraction                          through 804, 837 through 848, 881
                                                                                                                                                               explicitly conflict with an express
                                                Diagrams (OPDs) and Supplemental                             through 892, 925 through 936, and 969
                                                                                                             through 981                                       provision of the lease. Additionally,
                                                Official Block Diagrams are available
                                                                                                         DeSoto Canyon (OPD NH 16–11)                          each lease is subject to amendments to
                                                online at https://www.boem.gov/Maps-
                                                                                                           Whole Blocks: 1 through 15, 45 through 59,          statutes and regulations, including but
                                                                                                             and 92 through 102                                not limited to OCSLA, that do not
                                                   Whole and partial blocks that lie                       Partial Blocks: 16, 60, 61, 89 through 91,          explicitly conflict with an express
                                                within the current boundaries of the                         103 through 105, and 135 through 147              provision of the lease. The lessee
                                                Flower Garden Banks National Marine                      Henderson (OPD NG 16–05)                              expressly bears the risk that such new
                                                Sanctuary (in the East and West Flower                     Partial Blocks: 114, 158, 202, 246, 290, 334,
                                                                                                                                                               or amended statutes and regulations
                                                Garden Banks and the Stetson Bank),                          335, 378, 379, 422, and 423
                                                                                                                                                               (i.e., those that do not explicitly conflict
                                                identified in the following list:                          Depth restricted, segregated block                  with an express provision of the lease)
                                                High Island, East Addition, South Extension              portion(s):                                           may increase or decrease the lessee’s
                                                    (Leasing Map TX7C)                                                                                         obligations under the lease.
                                                                                                           Block 299, Main Pass Area, South and East
                                                  Whole Block: A–398
                                                                                                         Addition (Louisiana Leasing Map LA10A),
                                                  Partial Blocks: A–366, A–367, A–374, A–                                                                      III. Lease Terms and Economic
                                                                                                         containing 1,125 acres, from the surface of
                                                    375, A–383, A–384, A–385,                                                                                  Conditions
                                                                                                         the earth down to a subsea depth of 1,900
                                                A–388, A–389, A–397, A–399, A–401
                                                                                                         feet with respect to the following described          Lease Terms
                                                High Island, South Addition (Leasing Map
                                                    TX7B)                                                  SW1⁄4NE1⁄4; NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4;
                                                  Partial Blocks: A–502, A–513
                                                                                                                                                               OCS Lease Form
                                                                                                              W1⁄2NE1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4; S1⁄2S1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4;
                                                Garden Banks (OPD NG15–02)                                    S1⁄2SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4;                                BOEM will use Form BOEM–2005
                                                  Partial Blocks: 134, 135                                    S1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4; N1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4         (February 2017) to convey leases
                                                  Blocks that are adjacent to or beyond                       NE1⁄4; SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4; NW1⁄4SE1⁄4          resulting from this sale. This lease form
                                                the United States Exclusive Economic                          SE1⁄4 NE1⁄4;                                     may be viewed on BOEM’s website at
                                                Zone in the area known as the northern                        N1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4;
                                                                                                                                                               http://www.boem.gov/BOEM-2005. The
                                                portion of the Eastern Gap:                                                                                    lease form will be amended to conform
                                                Lund South (OPD NG 16–07)                                     S1⁄2NE1⁄4NW1⁄4; S1⁄2S1⁄2N1⁄2NE1⁄4NW1⁄4;          with the specific terms, conditions, and
                                                  Whole Blocks: 128, 129, 169 through 173,                    N1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4; S1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4;             stipulations applicable to the individual
                                                   208 through 217, 248 through 261, 293                      NE1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4;                            lease. The terms, conditions, and
                                                   through 305, and 349                                       E1⁄2NE1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4;                             stipulations applicable to this sale are
                                                Henderson (OPD NG 16–05)                                      N1⁄2SE1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4;                             set forth below.
                                                  Whole Blocks: 466, 508 through 510, 551                     NE1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4;
                                                   through 554, 594 through 599, 637                          N1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4;                        Primary Term
                                                   through 643, 679 through 687, 722                          SE1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4;
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                   through 731, 764 through 775, 807                          E1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4;                          Primary Terms are summarized in the
                                                   through 819, 849 through 862, 891                          N1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4;                        following table:

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:31 Jul 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00067   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JYN1.SGM    16JYN1

                                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                                                               32899

                                                                  Water depth                                                                                                        Primary term

                                                0 to <400 .........................................        The primary term is five years; the lessee may earn an additional three years (i.e., for an eight-year ex-
                                                                                                             tended primary term) if a well is spudded targeting hydrocarbons below 25,000 feet True Vertical Depth
                                                                                                             Subsea (TVDSS) during the first five years of the lease.
                                                400 to <800 .....................................          The primary term is five years; the lessee will earn an additional three years (i.e., for an eight-year ex-
                                                                                                             tended primary term) if a well is spudded during the first five years of the lease.
                                                800 to <1,600 ..................................           The primary term is seven years; the lessee will earn an additional three years (i.e., for a ten-year ex-
                                                                                                             tended primary term) if a well is spudded during the first seven years of the lease.
                                                1,600+ .............................................       Ten years.

                                                   (1) The primary term for a lease in                                          A lessee that has earned the eight-year                                     the BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for
                                                water depths less than 400 meters                                            primary term by spudding a well with                                           Leasing and Plans, as soon as
                                                issued as a result of this sale is five                                      a hydrocarbon target below 25,000 feet                                         practicable, but in no instance more
                                                years. If the lessee spuds a well targeting                                  TVDSS during the standard five-year                                            than 30 days after spudding a well, a
                                                hydrocarbons below 25,000 feet TVDSS                                         primary term of the lease will not be                                          letter providing the well number and
                                                within the first five years of the lease,                                    granted a suspension for that same                                             spud date, and requesting confirmation
                                                then the lessee may earn an additional                                       period under the regulations at 30 CFR                                         that the lessee earned the ten-year
                                                three years, resulting in an eight-year                                      250.175 because the lease is not at risk                                       primary term. Within 30 days of receipt
                                                primary term. The lessee will earn the                                       of expiring.                                                                   of the request, the BOEM GOM Regional
                                                eight-year primary term when the well                                           (2) The primary term for a lease in                                         Supervisor for Leasing and Plans will
                                                is drilled to a target below 25,000 feet                                     water depths ranging from 400 to less                                          provide written confirmation of whether
                                                TVDSS, or the lessee may earn the eight-                                     than 800 meters issued as a result of this                                     the lessee has earned the extended
                                                year primary term in cases where the                                         sale is five years. If the lessee spuds a                                      primary term and update BOEM records
                                                well targets, but does not reach, a depth                                    well within the five-year primary term                                         accordingly. The extended primary term
                                                below 25,000 feet TVDSS due to                                               of the lease, the lessee will earn an                                          is not effective unless and until the
                                                mechanical or safety reasons, where                                          additional three years, resulting in an                                        lessee receives confirmation from
                                                sufficient evidence is provided that it                                      eight-year primary term.                                                       BOEM.
                                                did not reach that target for reasons                                           In order to earn the eight-year primary                                        (4) The primary term for a lease in
                                                beyond the lessee’s control.                                                 term, the lessee is required to submit to                                      water depths 1,600 meters or greater
                                                   In order to earn the eight-year                                           the BOEM GOM Regional Supervisor for                                           issued as a result of this sale will be ten
                                                extended primary term, the lessee is                                         Leasing and Plans, as soon as                                                  years.
                                                required to submit to the BOEM GOM                                           practicable, but in no instance more
                                                Regional Supervisor for Leasing and                                          than 30 days after spudding a well, a                                          Economic Conditions
                                                Plans, as soon as practicable, but in no                                     letter providing the well number and                                           Minimum Bonus Bid Amounts
                                                instance more than 30 days after                                             spud date, and requesting confirmation
                                                completion of the drilling operation, a                                      that the lessee earned the eight-year                                            • $25.00 per acre or fraction thereof
                                                letter providing the well number, spud                                       extended primary term. Within 30 days                                          for blocks in water depths less than 400
                                                date, information demonstrating a target                                     of receipt of the request, the BOEM                                            meters; and
                                                below 25,000 feet TVDSS and whether                                          GOM Regional Supervisor for Leasing                                              • $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof
                                                that target was reached, and if                                              and Plans will provide written                                                 for blocks in water depths 400 meters or
                                                applicable, any safety, mechanical, or                                       confirmation of whether the lessee has                                         deeper.
                                                other problems encountered that                                              earned the extended primary term and                                             BOEM will not accept a bonus bid
                                                prevented the well from reaching a                                           update BOEM records accordingly. The                                           unless it provides for a cash bonus in an
                                                depth below 25,000 feet TVDSS. This                                          extended primary term is not effective                                         amount equal to, or exceeding, the
                                                letter must request confirmation that the                                    unless and until the lessee receives                                           specified minimum bid of $25.00 per
                                                lessee earned the eight-year primary                                         confirmation from BOEM.                                                        acre or fraction thereof for blocks in
                                                term. The BOEM GOM Regional                                                     (3) The standard primary term for a                                         water depths less than 400 meters, and
                                                Supervisor for Leasing and Plans will                                        lease in water depths ranging from 800                                         $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof for
                                                confirm in writing, within 30 days of                                        to less than 1,600 meters issued as a                                          blocks in water depths 400 meters or
                                                receiving the lessee’s letter, whether the                                   result of this sale is seven years. If the                                     deeper.
                                                lessee has earned the extended primary                                       lessee spuds a well within the standard
                                                term and update BOEM records                                                 seven-year primary term, the lessee will                                       Rental Rates
                                                accordingly. The extended primary term                                       earn an additional three years, resulting                                        Annual rental rates are summarized in
                                                is not effective unless and until the                                        in a ten-year extended primary term.                                           the following table:
                                                lessee receives confirmation from                                               In order to earn the ten-year primary
                                                BOEM.                                                                        term, the lessee is required to submit to                                      Rental Rates

                                                                                                                  RENTAL RATES PER ACRE OR FRACTION THEREOF
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                  Water depth                                                                                  Years 1–5           Years 6, 7, & 8+

                                                0 to <200 .............................................................................................................................................               $7.00   $14.00, $21.00, & $28.00.
                                                200 to <400 ........................................................................................................................................                  11.00   $22.00, $33.00, & $44.00.
                                                400+ ....................................................................................................................................................             11.00   $16.00.

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                                                32900                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                Escalating Rental Rates for Leases With                  applicable price thresholds set forth in              (10) Bidder/Lessee Notice of Obligations
                                                an Eight-Year Primary Term in Water                      the regulations at 30 CFR part 203.                        Related to Criminal/Civil Charges
                                                Depths Less Than 400 Meters                                                                                         and Offenses, Suspension, or
                                                                                                         IV. Lease Stipulations
                                                  Any lessee with a lease in less than                                                                              Debarment; Disqualification Due to
                                                400 meters water depth who earns an                         Consistent with the Record of                           a Conviction under the Clean Air
                                                eight-year primary term will pay an                      Decision for the Final Programmatic                        Act or the Clean Water Act
                                                escalating rental rate as shown above.                   Environmental Impact Statement for the                (11) Protected Species
                                                The rental rates after the fifth year for                2017–2022 Five Year OCS Oil and Gas                   (12) Proposed Expansion of the Flower
                                                blocks in less than 400 meters water                     Leasing Program, Stipulation No. 5                         Garden Banks National Marine
                                                depth will become fixed and no longer                    (Topographic Features) and Stipulation                     Sanctuary
                                                escalate, if another well is spudded                     No. 8 (Live Bottom) will apply to every               (13) Communication Towers
                                                targeting hydrocarbons below 25,000                      lease sale in the GOM Program Area.                   (14) Deepwater Port Applications for
                                                feet TVDSS after the fifth year of the                   One or more of the remaining eight                         Offshore Oil and Liquefied Natural
                                                lease, and BOEM concurs that such a                      stipulations listed below may be applied                   Gas Facilities
                                                well has been spudded. In this case, the                 to leases issued as a result of this sale.            (15) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal
                                                rental rate will become fixed at the                     The blocks to which particular                             Sites
                                                rental rate in effect during the lease year              stipulations will apply is identified on              (16) Rights-of-Use and Easement
                                                in which the additional well was                         the map ‘‘Final, Gulf of Mexico Region-               (17) Industrial Waste Disposal Areas
                                                spudded. Royalty Rate                                    wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251,                      (18) Gulf Islands National Seashore
                                                                                                         August 15, 2018, Stipulations and                     (19) Air Quality Permit/Plan Approvals
                                                Royalty Rate                                             Deferred Blocks’’ included in the Final               VI. Maps
                                                  • 12.5 percent for leases situated in                  NOS package. The detailed text of the
                                                water depths less than 200 meters; and,                  following stipulations is contained in                  The maps pertaining to this lease sale
                                                  • 18.75 percent for leases situated in                 the ‘‘Lease Stipulations’’ section of the             may be viewed on BOEM’s website at
                                                water depths of 200 meters and deeper.                   Final NOS package.                                    http://www.boem.gov/Sale-251/. The
                                                                                                         (1) Military Areas                                    following maps also are included in the
                                                Minimum Royalty Rate                                                                                           Final NOS package:
                                                                                                         (2) Evacuation
                                                  • $7.00 per acre or fraction thereof                   (3) Coordination                                      Lease Terms and Economic Conditions
                                                per year for blocks in water depths less                 (4) Protected Species                                 Map
                                                than 200 meters; and                                     (5) Topographic Features
                                                  • $11.00 per acre or fraction thereof                  (6) United Nations Convention on the
                                                                                                                                                                 The lease terms and economic
                                                per year for blocks in water depths 200                                                                        conditions associated with leases of
                                                                                                              Law of the Sea Royalty Payment
                                                meters and deeper.                                                                                             certain blocks are shown on the map
                                                                                                         (7) Agreement between the United
                                                                                                                                                               entitled, ‘‘Final, Gulf of Mexico Region-
                                                Royalty Suspension Provisions                                 States of America and the United
                                                                                                                                                               wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251,
                                                  The issuance of leases with Royalty                         Mexican States Concerning
                                                                                                                                                               August 15, 2018, Lease Terms and
                                                Suspension Volumes (RSVs) or other                            Transboundary Hydrocarbon
                                                                                                                                                               Economic Conditions.’’
                                                forms of royalty relief is authorized                         Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico
                                                under existing BOEM regulations at 30                    (8) Live Bottom                                       Stipulations and Deferred Blocks Map
                                                CFR part 560. The specific details                       (9) Blocks South of Baldwin County,                     The lease stipulations and the blocks
                                                relating to eligibility and                                   Alabama                                          to which they apply are shown on the
                                                implementation of the various royalty                    (10) Restrictions due to Rights-of-Use                map entitled, ‘‘Final, Gulf of Mexico
                                                relief programs, including those                              and Easement for Floating                        Region-wide Oil and Gas Lease Sale
                                                involving the use of RSVs, are codified                       Production Facilities                            251, August 15, 2018, Stipulations and
                                                in Bureau of Safety and Environmental                    V. Information to Lessees                             Deferred Blocks Map.’’
                                                Enforcement (BSEE) regulations at 30
                                                                                                            Information to Lessees (ITLs) provides             VII. Bidding Instructions
                                                CFR part 203.
                                                  In this sale, the only royalty relief                  detailed information on certain issues                  Bids may be submitted in person or
                                                program being offered that involves the                  pertaining to specific oil and gas lease              by mail at the address below in the
                                                provision of RSVs relates to the drilling                sales. The detailed text of the ITLs for              ‘‘Mailed Bids’’ section. Bidders
                                                of ultra-deep wells in water depths of                   this sale is contained in the                         submitting their bid(s) in person are
                                                less than 400 meters, as described in the                ‘‘Information to Lessees’’ section of the             advised to email boemgomrleasesales@
                                                following section.                                       Final NOS package and covers the                      boem.gov to provide the names of the
                                                                                                         following topics:                                     company representative(s) that will
                                                Royalty Suspension Volumes on Gas                        (1) Navigation Safety                                 submit the bid(s). Instructions on how
                                                Production From Ultra-Deep Wells                         (2) Ordnance Disposal Areas                           to submit a bid, secure payment of the
                                                  Leases issued as a result of this sale                 (3) Existing and Proposed Artificial                  advance bonus bid deposit (if
                                                may be eligible for RSV incentives on                         Reefs/Rigs-to-Reefs                              applicable), and what information must
                                                gas produced from ultra-deep wells                       (4) Lightering Zones                                  be included with the bid are as follows:
                                                pursuant to 30 CFR part 203. These                       (5) Indicated Hydrocarbons List
                                                regulations implement the requirements                   (6) Military Areas                                    Bid Form
                                                of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42                     (7) Bureau of Safety and Environmental                  For each block bid upon, a separate
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                U.S.C. 13201 et seq.). Under this                             Enforcement (BSEE) Inspection and                sealed bid must be submitted in a sealed
                                                program, wells on leases in less than                         Enforcement of Certain U.S. Coast                envelope (as described below) and
                                                400 meters water depth and completed                          Guard (USCG) Regulations                         include the following:
                                                to a drilling depth of 20,000 feet TVDSS                 (8) Significant Outer Continental Shelf                 • Total amount of the bid in whole
                                                or deeper receive a RSV of 35 billion                         Sediment Resource Areas                          dollars only;
                                                cubic feet on the production of natural                  (9) Notice of Arrival on the Outer                      • Sale number;
                                                gas. This RSV incentive is subject to                         Continental Shelf                                  • Sale date;

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:31 Jul 13, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00069   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16JYN1.SGM   16JYN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                             32901

                                                  • Each bidder’s exact name;                            Please see ‘‘Section XI. Delay of Sale’’                 (3) The ‘‘Maps’’ being the live trace
                                                  • Each bidder’s proportionate                          regarding BOEM’s discretion to extend                 maps for each proprietary survey that is
                                                interest, stated as a percentage, using a                the Bid Submission Deadline in the case               identified in the GDIS statement and
                                                maximum of five decimal places (e.g.,                    of an unexpected event (e.g., flooding or             table.
                                                33.33333%);                                              travel restrictions) and how bidders can                 Every bidder, including joint bidders,
                                                  • Typed name and title, and signature                  obtain more information on such                       must provide all applicable parts of the
                                                of each bidder’s authorized officer;                     extensions.                                           GDIS at the time of bid submission. If
                                                  • Each bidder’s qualification number;                                                                        the data you are using has been
                                                  • Map name and number or Official                      Advance Bonus Bid Deposit Guarantee
                                                                                                                                                               reprocessed in any way, externally or
                                                Protraction Diagram (OPD) name and                         Bidders that are not currently an OCS               ‘‘in-house,’’ it is considered proprietary
                                                number;                                                  oil and gas lease record title holder or              data and is no longer considered
                                                  • Block number; and                                    designated operator, or those that ever               speculative. All three parts of the GDIS
                                                  • Statement acknowledging that the                     have defaulted on a one-fifth bonus bid               must be submitted for proprietary data.
                                                bidder(s) understand that this bid                       deposit, by Electronic Funds Transfer                    The GDIS must be submitted in a
                                                legally binds the bidder(s) to comply                    (EFT) or otherwise, must guarantee                    separate and sealed envelope, and must
                                                with all applicable regulations,                         (secure) the payment of the one-fifth                 identify all proprietary data, which
                                                including those requiring it to post a                   bonus bid deposit prior to bid                        includes reprocessed speculative data,
                                                deposit in the amount of one-fifth of the                submission using one of the following                 and/or any Controlled Source
                                                bonus bid amount for any tract bid upon                  four methods:                                         Electromagnetic surveys, Amplitude
                                                and make payment of the balance of the                     • Provide a third-party guarantee;                  Versus Offset (AVO), Gravity, or
                                                bonus bid and first year’s rental upon                     • Amend an area-wide development                    Magnetic data; or other information
                                                BOEM’s acceptance of high bids.                          bond via bond rider;                                  used as part of the decision to bid or
                                                  The information required to                              • Provide a letter of credit; or                    participate in a bid on the block. The
                                                accompany the bid(s) is specified in the                   • Provide a lump sum payment in                     bidder and joint bidder must also
                                                document ‘‘Bid Form’’ that is available                  advance via EFT.                                      include a live trace map (e.g., .pdf and
                                                in the Final NOS package. A blank bid                                                                          ArcGIS shape file) for each proprietary
                                                                                                           For more information on EFT
                                                form is provided in the Final NOS                                                                              survey that they identify in the GDIS
                                                                                                         procedures, see Section X of this
                                                package for convenience and may be                                                                             illustrating the actual areal extent of the
                                                                                                         document entitled, ‘‘The Lease Sale.’’
                                                copied and completed with the                                                                                  proprietary geophysical data in the
                                                                                                         Please allow sufficient time for your
                                                necessary information described above.                                                                         survey (see the ‘‘Example of Preferred
                                                                                                         EFT payment to process so that it can
                                                Bid Envelope                                             be confirmed prior to your bid                        Format’’ that is included the Final NOS
                                                                                                         submission.                                           package for additional information). The
                                                  Each bid must be submitted in a
                                                                                                                                                               shape file must not include cultural
                                                separate sealed envelope labeled as                      Affirmative Action                                    information; only the live trace map of
                                                                                                            Prior to bidding, each bidder should               the survey itself.
                                                  • ‘‘Sealed Bid for GOM Region-wide
                                                                                                         file the Equal Opportunity Affirmative                   The GDIS statement must include the
                                                Sale 251, not to be opened until 9 a.m.
                                                                                                         Action Representation Form BOEM–                      name, phone number, and full address
                                                Wednesday, August 15, 2018;’’
                                                  • Map name and number or OPD                           2032 (October 2011, https://                          of a contact person and an alternate who
                                                name and number;                                         www.boem.gov/BOEM-2032/) and Equal                    are both knowledgeable about the
                                                  • Block number for block bid upon;                     Opportunity Compliance Report                         geophysical information and data listed
                                                and                                                      Certification Form BOEM–2033                          and who are available for 30 days after
                                                  • The exact name and qualification                     (October 2011, https://www.boem.gov/                  the sale date. The GDIS statement also
                                                number of the submitting bidder only.                    BOEM-2033/) with the BOEM GOM                         must include a list of all blocks bid
                                                  The Final NOS package includes a                       Adjudication Section, Attention: BOEM                 upon that did not use proprietary or
                                                sample bid envelope for reference.                       Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201                       reprocessed pre- or post-stack
                                                                                                         Elmwood Park Boulevard, GM 276A,                      geophysical data and information as
                                                Mailed Bids                                              New Orleans, Louisiana 70123–2394.                    part of the decision to bid or to
                                                  If bids are mailed, please address the                 This certification is required by 41 CFR              participate as a joint bidder in the bid.
                                                envelope containing the sealed bid                       part 60 and Executive Order No. 11246,                The GDIS statement must be submitted
                                                envelope(s) as follows: Attention:                       issued September 24, 1965, as amended                 even if no proprietary geophysical data
                                                Leasing and Financial Responsibility                     by Executive Order No. 11375, issued                  and information were used in bid
                                                Section, BOEM Gulf of Mexico OCS                         October 13, 1967, and by Executive                    preparation for the block.
                                                Region, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard                      Order 13672, issued July 21, 2014. Both                  The GDIS table should have columns
                                                GM 266A, New Orleans, Louisiana                          forms must be on file for the bidder(s)               that clearly state:
                                                70123–2394. Contains Sealed Bids for                     in the GOM Adjudication Section prior                    • The sale number;
                                                GOM Region-wide Sale 251. Please                         to the execution of any lease contract.                  • The bidder company’s name;
                                                Deliver to Mr. Greg Purvis, 2nd Floor,                                                                            • The Joint Bidder Company (if
                                                                                                         Geophysical Data and Information
                                                Immediately.                                                                                                   applicable);
                                                                                                         Statement (GDIS)
                                                  Please Note: Bidders mailing bid(s)                                                                             • The block area and block number
                                                are advised to inform BOEM by email to                     The GDIS is composed of three parts:                bid on;
                                                boemgomrleasesales@boem.gov                                (1) The ‘‘Statement’’ page includes the                • The owner of the original data set
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                immediately after putting their bid(s) in                company representatives’ information                  (i.e., who initially acquired the data);
                                                the mail. This is to ensure receipt of                   and lists of blocks bid on that used                     • The industry’s original name of the
                                                bids prior to the Bid Submission                         proprietary data and those blocks bid on              survey (e.g., E Octopus);
                                                Deadline. If BOEM receives bids later                    that did not use proprietary data;                       • The BOEM permit number for the
                                                than the Bid Submission Deadline, the                      (2) The ‘‘Table’’ listing the required              survey;
                                                BOEM GOM Regional Director (RD) will                     data about each proprietary survey used                  • Whether the data set is a fast track
                                                return those bids unopened to bidders.                   (see below); and                                      version;

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                                                32902                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices

                                                   • Whether the data is speculative or                  request). This requirement only pertains              seismic data map(s). If bidders have any
                                                proprietary;                                             to proprietary data that is not                       questions, please contact Ms. Dee Smith
                                                   • The data type (e.g., 2–D, 3–D, or                   commercially available. Commercially                  at (504) 736–2706, or Mr. John Johnson
                                                4–D; pre-stack or post-stack; and time or                available data is not required to be                  at (504) 736–2455.
                                                depth, etc.);                                            submitted to BOEM, and reimbursement                     Bidders should refer to Section X of
                                                   • The Migration algorithm (e.g.,                      will not be provided if such data is                  this document, ‘‘The Lease Sale:
                                                Kirchhoff Migration, Wave Equation                       submitted by a bidder. The BOEM Gulf                  Acceptance, Rejection, or Return of
                                                Migration, Reverse Migration, Reverse                    of Mexico Regional Director will notify               Bids,’’ regarding a bidder’s failure to
                                                Time Migration) of the data and areal                    bidders and joint bidders of any                      comply with the requirements of the
                                                extent of bidder survey (i.e., number of                 withdrawal of the request, for all or                 Final NOS, including any failure to
                                                line miles for 2–D or number of blocks                   some of the proprietary data identified               submit information as required in the
                                                for 3–D);                                                on the GDIS, within 15 days of the lease              Final NOS or Final NOS package.
                                                   • The Live Proprietary Survey                         sale. Pursuant to 30 CFR part 551 and
                                                Coverage (2–D miles 3–D Blocks);                                                                               Telephone Numbers/Addresses of
                                                                                                         30 CFR 556.501, as a condition of this
                                                   • The computer storage size, to the                                                                         Bidders
                                                                                                         sale, all bidders that are required to
                                                nearest gigabyte, of each seismic data                   submit data must ensure that the data is                BOEM requests that bidders provide
                                                and velocity volume used to evaluate                     received by BOEM no later than the                    this information in the suggested format
                                                the lease block;                                         30th day following the lease sale, or the             prior to, or at the time of, bid
                                                   • The name of the party that                          next business day if the submission                   submission. The suggested format is
                                                reprocessed the data and the date the                    deadline falls on a weekend or Federal                included in the Final NOS package. The
                                                final reprocessing was completed                         holiday.                                              form must not be enclosed inside the
                                                (month and year);                                           The data must be submitted to BOEM                 sealed bid envelope.
                                                   • If data was previously sent to                      at the following address: Bureau of
                                                BOEM, list the sale number and date of                                                                         Additional Documentation
                                                                                                         Ocean Energy Management, Resource
                                                the sale for which it was used; and                      Studies, GM 881A, 1201 Elmwood Park                     BOEM may require bidders to submit
                                                   • Whether proprietary or Speculative                  Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70123–2304.                    other documents in accordance with 30
                                                AVO/AVA (PROP/SPEC) was used.                               BOEM recommends that bidders mark                  CFR 556.107, 30 CFR 556.401, 30 CFR
                                                   The computer storage size                             the submission’s external envelope as                 556.501, and 30 CFR 556.513.
                                                information will be used in estimating                   ‘‘Deliver Immediately to DASPU.’’
                                                the reproduction costs for each data set,                                                                      VIII. Bidding Rules and Restrictions
                                                                                                         BOEM also recommends that the data be
                                                if applicable. The availability of                       submitted in an internal envelope, or                 Restricted Joint Bidders
                                                reimbursement of production costs will                   otherwise marked, with the following                    On May 15, 2018, BOEM published
                                                be determined consistent with 30 CFR                     designation: ‘‘Proprietary Geophysical                the most recent List of Restricted Joint
                                                551.13.                                                  Data Submitted Pursuant to GOM                        Bidders in the Federal Register at 83 FR
                                                   BOEM reserves the right to query                      Region-wide Sale 251 and used during                  22513. Potential bidders are advised to
                                                about alternate data sets, to quality                    <Bidder Name’s> evaluation of Block                   refer to the Federal Register, prior to
                                                check, and to compare the listed and                     <Block Number>.’’                                     bidding, for the most current List of
                                                alternative data sets to determine which                    In the event a person supplies any                 Restricted Joint Bidders in place at the
                                                data set most closely meets the needs of                 type of data to BOEM, that person must                time of the lease sale. Please refer to the
                                                the fair market value determination                      meet the following requirements to                    joint bidding provisions at 30 CFR
                                                process. For an example of the preferred                 qualify for reimbursement:                            556.511–515.
                                                format of the table, see ‘‘Example of                       (1) The person must be registered
                                                Preferred Format’’ that is included in                   with the System for Award Management                  Authorized Signatures
                                                the Final NOS package. A blank digital                   (SAM), formerly known as the Central                     All signatories executing documents
                                                version of the preferred table can be                    Contractor Registration (CCR). CCR                    on behalf of bidder(s) must execute the
                                                accessed on the GOM Region-wide Sale                     usernames will not work in SAM. A                     same in conformance with the BOEM
                                                251 web page at http://www.boem.gov/                     new SAM User Account is needed to                     qualification records. Bidders are
                                                Sale-251.                                                register or update an entity’s records.               advised that BOEM considers the signed
                                                   The GDIS maps are live trace maps                     The website for registering is https://               bid to be a legally binding obligation on
                                                (e.g., .pdf and ArcGIS shape files) that                 www.sam.gov.                                          the part of the bidder(s) to comply with
                                                should be submitted for each                                (2) The persons must be enrolled in                all applicable regulations, including that
                                                proprietary survey that is identified in                 the Department of Treasury’s Invoice                  requiring payment of one-fifth of the
                                                the GDIS table. They should illustrate                   Processing Platform (IPP) for electronic              bonus bid on all high bids. A statement
                                                the actual areal extent of the proprietary               invoicing. The person must enroll in the              to this effect is included on each bid
                                                geophysical data in the survey. See the                  IPP at https://www.ipp.gov/. Access                   form (see the document ‘‘Bid Form’’ that
                                                ‘‘Example of Preferred Format’’ that is                  then will be granted to use the IPP for               is included in the Final NOS package).
                                                included in the Final NOS package for                    submitting requests for payment. When
                                                additional information. As previously                    a request for payment is submitted, it                Unlawful Combination or Intimidation
                                                stated, the shape file must not include                  must include the assigned Purchase                      BOEM warns bidders against violation
                                                cultural information; only the live trace                Order Number on the request.                          of 18 U.S.C. 1860, prohibiting unlawful
                                                map of the survey itself.                                   (3) The persons must have a current                combination or intimidation of bidders.
                                                   Pursuant to 30 CFR 551.12 and 30
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         Online Representations and
                                                CFR 556.501, as a condition of the sale,                 Certifications Application (ORCA) at                  Bid Withdrawal
                                                the BOEM Gulf of Mexico requires that                    https://www.sam.gov.                                    Bids may be withdrawn only by
                                                all bidders and joint bidders submit the                    Please Note: The GDIS Information                  written request delivered to BOEM prior
                                                proprietary data identified on their                     Table must be submitted digitally,                    to the Bid Submission Deadline. The
                                                GDIS within 30 days after the lease sale                 preferably as an Excel spreadsheet, on a              withdrawal request must be on
                                                (unless they are notified after the lease                CD, DVD, or any USB external drive                    company letterhead and must contain
                                                sale that BOEM has withdrawn the                         (formatted for Windows), along with the               the bidder’s name, its BOEM

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2018 / Notices                                                  32903

                                                qualification number, the map name/                      deposit to the Office of Natural                      BOEM’s bid adequacy procedures,
                                                number, and the block number(s) of the                   Resources Revenue (ONRR) equal to                     which are available at http://
                                                bid(s) to be withdrawn. The withdrawal                   one-fifth of the bonus bid amount for                 www.boem.gov/Oil-and-Gas-Energy-
                                                request must be executed in                              each such bid. A copy of the notification             Program/Leasing/Regional-Leasing/
                                                conformance with the BOEM                                of the high bidder’s one-fifth bonus bid              Gulf-of-Mexico-Region/Bid-Adequacy-
                                                qualification records. The name and                      amount may be obtained on the BOEM                    Procedures.aspx.
                                                title of the authorized signatory must be                website at http://www.boem.gov/Sale-
                                                typed under the signature block on the                                                                         Lease Award
                                                                                                         251 under the heading ‘‘Notification of
                                                withdrawal request. The BOEM Gulf of                     EFT 1/5 Bonus Liability’’ after 1:00 p.m.                BOEM requires each bidder awarded
                                                Mexico RD, or the RD’s designee, will                    on the day of the sale. All payments                  a lease to:
                                                indicate their approval by signing and                   must be deposited electronically into an                 (1) Execute all copies of the lease
                                                dating the withdrawal request.                           interest-bearing account in the U.S.                  (Form BOEM–2005 (February 2017), as
                                                                                                         Treasury by 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time (10               amended);
                                                Bid Rounding
                                                                                                         a.m. Central Time) the day following the                 (2) Pay by EFT the balance of the
                                                   Minimum bonus bid calculations,                       bid reading (no exceptions). Account                  bonus bid amount and the first year’s
                                                including rounding, for all blocks are                   information is provided in the                        rental for each lease issued in
                                                shown in the document ‘‘List of Blocks                   ‘‘Instructions for Making Electronic                  accordance with the requirements of 30
                                                Available for Leasing’’ included in the                  Funds Transfer Bonus Payments’’ found                 CFR 218.155 and 556.520(a); and
                                                Final NOS package. The bonus bid                         on the BOEM website identified above.                    (3) Provide to BOEM the bonding
                                                amount must be stated in whole dollars.                     BOEM requires bidders to use EFT                   required by 30 CFR part 556, subpart I.
                                                If the acreage of a block contains a                     procedures for payment of one-fifth                      ONRR requests that bidders use only
                                                decimal figure, then prior to calculating                bonus bid deposits for GOM Region-                    one transaction to pay the balance of the
                                                the minimum bonus bid, BOEM                              wide Sale 251 following the detailed                  bonus bid amount and the first year’s
                                                rounded up to the next whole acre. The                   instructions contained on the ONRR                    rental. When ONRR receives such
                                                appropriate minimum rate per acre was                    Payment Information web page at http://               payment, the bidder awarded the lease
                                                then applied to the whole (rounded up)                   www.onrr.gov/ReportPay/                               may not request a refund of the balance
                                                acreage. The bonus bid amount must be                    Payments.htm. Acceptance of a deposit                 bonus bid amount or first year’s rental
                                                greater than or equal to the minimum                     does not constitute, and will not be                  payment.
                                                bonus bid in whole dollars.                              construed as, acceptance of any bid on
                                                                                                                                                               XI. Delay of Sale
                                                IX. Forms                                                behalf of the United States.
                                                                                                                                                                  The BOEM Gulf of Mexico RD has the
                                                  The Final NOS package includes                         Withdrawal of Blocks                                  discretion to change any date, time,
                                                instructions, samples, and/or the                          The United States reserves the right to             and/or location specified in the Final
                                                preferred format for the following items.                withdraw any block from this lease sale               NOS package in the case of an event that
                                                BOEM strongly encourages bidders to                      prior to issuance of a written acceptance             the BOEM Gulf of Mexico RD deems
                                                use the recommended formats. If                          of a bid for the block.                               may interfere with the carrying out of a
                                                bidders use another format, they are                                                                           fair and orderly lease sale process. Such
                                                responsible for including all the                        Acceptance, Rejection, or Return of Bids
                                                                                                                                                               events could include, but are not
                                                information specified for each item in                     The United States reserves the right to             limited to, natural disasters (e.g.,
                                                the Final NOS package.                                   reject any and all bids. No bid will be               earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods),
                                                (1) Bid Form                                             accepted, and no lease for any block                  wars, riots, acts of terrorism, fires,
                                                (2) Sample Completed Bid                                 will be awarded to any bidder, unless:                strikes, civil disorder, or other events of
                                                (3) Sample Bid Envelope                                    (1) The bidder has complied with all                a similar nature. In case of such events,
                                                (4) Sample Bid Mailing Envelope                          requirements of the Final NOS,                        bidders should call (504) 736–0557, or
                                                (5) Telephone Numbers/Addresses of                       including those set forth in the                      access the BOEM website at http://
                                                     Bidders Form                                        documents contained in the Final NOS
                                                (6) GDIS Form                                                                                                  www.boem.gov, for information
                                                                                                         package, and applicable regulations;                  regarding any changes.
                                                (7) GDIS Envelope Form                                     (2) The bid is the highest valid bid;
                                                                                                         and                                                    Dated: July 11, 2018.
                                                X. The Lease Sale
                                                                                                           (3) The amount of the bid has been                  Walter D. Cruickshank,
                                                Bid Opening and Reading                                  determined to be adequate by the                      Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy
                                                  Sealed bids received in response to                    authorized officer.                                   Management.
                                                the Final NOS will be opened at the                        Any bid submitted that does not                     [FR Doc. 2018–15180 Filed 7–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                place, date, and hour specified under                    conform to the requirements of the Final              BILLING CODE 4310–MR–P
                                                the DATES and ADDRESSES sections of the                  NOS and Final NOS package, OCSLA,
                                                Final NOS. The venue will not be open                    or other applicable statute or regulation
                                                to the public. Instead, the bid opening                  will be rejected and returned to the                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                will be available for the public to view                 bidder. The U.S. Department of Justice
                                                on BOEM’s website at www.boem.gov                        and the Federal Trade Commission will                 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
                                                via live-streaming. The opening of the                   review the results of the lease sale for
                                                bids is for the sole purpose of publicly                 antitrust issues prior to the acceptance              [Docket No. BOEM–2018–0035]
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                announcing and recording the bids                        of bids and issuance of leases.
                                                                                                                                                               Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf
                                                received; no bids will be accepted or
                                                                                                         Bid Adequacy Review Procedures for                    (OCS), Oil and Gas Lease Sale 251
                                                rejected at that time.
                                                                                                         GOM Region-Wide Sale 251
                                                Bonus Bid Deposit for Apparent High                                                                            AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy
                                                                                                           To ensure that the U.S. Government                  Management, Interior.
                                                Bids                                                     receives a fair return for the conveyance
                                                                                                                                                               ACTION: Notice of availability of a
                                                  Each bidder submitting an apparent                     of leases from this sale, high bids will
                                                                                                                                                               Record of Decision.
                                                high bid must submit a bonus bid                         be evaluated in accordance with

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Document Created: 2018-07-14 00:53:24
Document Modified: 2018-07-14 00:53:24
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionFinal notice of sale.
DatesBOEM will hold GOM Region-wide Sale 251 at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. All times referred to in this document are Central Standard Time, unless otherwise specified.
ContactAnn Glazner, Deputy Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing and Plans, 504-736- 2607, [email protected] or Wright Jay Frank, Acting Chief, Leasing Policy and Management Division, 703-787-1325, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 32897 

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