83_FR_34779 83 FR 34639 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 6 Related to Market Maker Quotations, Section 14 Related to Lead Market Maker Quotations and Section 15 Related to Directed Market Maker Quotations

83 FR 34639 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 6 Related to Market Maker Quotations, Section 14 Related to Lead Market Maker Quotations and Section 15 Related to Directed Market Maker Quotations


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 140 (July 20, 2018)

Page Range34639-34645
FR Document2018-15502

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 140 (Friday, July 20, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 140 (Friday, July 20, 2018)]
[Pages 34639-34645]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15502]



[Release No. 34-83642; File No. SR-BX-2018-029]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing 
and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Amend BX Rules 
at Chapter VII, Section 6 Related to Market Maker Quotations, Section 
14 Related to Lead Market Maker Quotations and Section 15 Related to 
Directed Market Maker Quotations

July 16, 2018.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that 
on July 2, 2018, Nasdaq BX, Inc. (``BX'' or ``Exchange'') filed with 
the Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission'') the 
proposed rule change as described in Items I and II below, which Items 
have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this 
notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested 

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange proposes to amend BX Rules at Chapter VII, Section 6 
related to Market Maker quotations, Section 14 related to Lead Market 
Maker quotations and Section 15 related to Directed Market Maker 
    The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange's 
website at http://nasdaqbx.cchwallstreet.com/, at the principal office 
of the Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in 
sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such 

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    BX proposes to amend the current rule text of Chapter VII, Section 
6(d), Section 14 and Section 15 related to quoting obligations for 
Market Makers, Lead Market Makers and Directed Market Makers, to 
restructure the current rule to mirror rule text utilized on Nasdaq 
Phlx LLC.\3\ The Exchange does not propose to amend the current quoting 
obligations, rather the Exchange proposes to more clearly state the 
current quoting obligations utilizing the same format as Phlx Rule 

    \3\ Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii).

Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)
    The Exchange proposes to amend Chapter VII, Section 6(d) to remove 
the word ``continuous'' from this first sentence in the rule. The 
Exchange is removing the word ``continuous'' because the Exchange notes 
that Market Makers quote a percentage of the day and therefore the word 
continuous may not accurately reflect the manner in which Market Makers 
quote on BX. The Exchange proposes to retitle Section 6(d) as ``Intra-
day Quotes.''
    The Exchange also proposes to replace references to ``continuous'' 
with ``intra-day'' within the Rulebook. The Exchange proposes to amend 
Chapter V, Section 3 to replace ``continuous quoting'' with ``intra-day 
quoting.'' The Exchange proposes to amend proposed Chapter VII, Section 
14(f)(4) to replace ``continuous electronic quote obligation'' with 
``intra-day electronic quote obligation.'' The Exchange proposes to 
amend proposed Chapter VII, Section 14(g) to replace ``continuous 
quotes'' with ``intra-day quotes.'' The Exchange proposes to amend 
Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(d) to replace ``continuous electronic 
quote obligation'' with ``intra-day electronic quote obligation.'' The 
Exchange proposes to amend Chapter X, Section 7(c) to replace 
``continuous quotes'' and ``continuous bids and offers'' with ``intra-
day quotes'' and ``intra-day bids and offers.''
    The Exchange proposes to amend Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i) to 
delete the

[[Page 34640]]

first sentence of this paragraph, ``On a daily basis, a Market Maker 
must during regular market hours make markets consistent with the 
applicable quoting requirements specified in these rules, on a 
continuous basis in options in which the Market Maker is registered.'' 
The Exchange believes that a Market Maker's obligation to enter bids 
and offers for the options to which it is registered is currently noted 
in proposed Chapter VII, Section 6(d). The Exchange proposes to 
specifically detail a Market Maker's quoting obligations in the 
proposed rule text and therefore believes that this sentence is not 
necessary because the following sentences replaces this sentence with 
the exception of the intra-day aspect as described below.
    The Exchange proposes to add new rule text to Chapter VII, Section 
6(d)(i). The first new sentence will provide ``A Market Maker must 
enter bids and offers for the options to which it is registered, except 
in an assigned options series listed intra-day \4\ on the Exchange.'' 
The Exchange believes this sentence is more specific than Section 6(d) 
because it accepts [sic] the intra-day quotes. Today, a Market Maker is 
not held to quote an intra-day add of a series because the options 
series was not available for trading the entire day. The Exchange is 
adding this exception to the rule text to make clear that Market Makers 
would not be responsible for quoting an intra-day addition. The 
Exchange believes that not counting intra-day adds of a series that 
were not available for the entire day of trading is consistent with the 
Act because the Market Maker would not have the opportunity to trade 
that particular options series for the entire trading day. The Exchange 
also proposes to note, ``On a daily basis, a Market Maker must make 
markets consistent with the applicable quoting requirements specified 
below.'' The Exchange proposes to note within the new rule text the 
specific quoting obligations for each type of Market Maker.

    \4\ An intra-day add of a series shall be defined, for purposes 
of this Phlx Rule 1081 [sic], as an option series that is added 
manually on the same day the series begins trading.

    The Exchange is also adding rule text to explain the interplay 
between the quoting obligations for BX Market Makers who may also 
qualify as a Lead Market Maker, pursuant to Chapter VII, Section 14 or 
Directed Market Maker pursuant to Chapter VII, Section 15. 
Specifically, the Exchange proposes to add, similar to Phlx Rules,\5\ 
``An Options Participant will be required to meet each market making 
obligation separately. A Market Maker who is also the Lead Market 
Maker, pursuant to Chapter VII, Section 14, will be held to the Lead 
Market Maker obligations in options series in which the Lead Market 
Maker is assigned and will be held to Market Maker obligations in all 
other options series where assigned. A Market Maker who receives a 
Directed Order,\6\ as described in Chapter VII [sic], Section 10, shall 
be held to the standard of a Directed Market Maker, as described in 
Chapter VII, Section 15.'' The Exchange proposes to make clear that a 
BX Options Participant who is a Market Maker, Lead Market Maker and 
Directed Market Maker will have quoting obligations which may need to 
be separately met depending on the role.

    \5\ See Phlx Rule 1081(c).
    \6\ The term ``Directed Order'' means an order to buy or sell 
which has been directed, provided it is properly marked as such, to 
a particular market maker (``Directed Market Maker''). Directed 
Orders are handled within the System pursuant to Chapter VII [sic], 
Section 10. Directed Orders may be available only in certain 
options. See Chapter VII [sic], Section 1(e)(2).

Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(1)
    The Exchange proposes to remove the following sentence from Chapter 
VII, Section (d)(i)(1), ``To satisfy this requirement, a Market Maker 
must quote 60% of the trading day (as a percentage of the total number 
of minutes in such trading day) or such higher percentage as BX may 
announce in advance.'' The Exchange proposes to replace this language 
with language that more technically defines the quoting obligation. The 
Exchange proposes the following rule text:

    Market Makers, associated with the same Options Participant, are 
collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 60% of the 
cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as BX may 
announce in advance, for which that Options Participant's assigned 
options series are open for trading. Notwithstanding the foregoing, 
a Market Maker shall not be required to make two-sided markets 
pursuant to this Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(1) in any Quarterly 
Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option series 
with an expiration of nine months or greater.

The 60% requirement and the manner in which it is calculated is not 
being amended. The Exchange does not propose to amend the current 
quoting obligations, rather the Exchange proposes to more clearly state 
the current quoting obligations utilizing the same format as Phlx Rule 
1081(c)(ii)(A). The Exchange notes the quoting obligations expressed as 
the cumulative number of seconds rather than 60% of the trading day. 
While the current rule indicates that the Exchange currently reviews 
quoting as a percentage of the total number of minutes, the two 
standards are otherwise equivalent. Adding ``associated with the same 
Options Participant'' to the first sentence also makes clear that the 
obligation is at the firm level and that all associated Market Makers 
will be counted in arriving at the calculation for quoting obligations. 
The Exchange also states, ``Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Market 
Maker shall not be required to make two-sided markets pursuant to this 
Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(1) in any Quarterly Option Series, any 
Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of 
nine months or greater.'' This exception exists today for BX and is 
simply being carried over into the new text from current Section 
6(d)(i)(2). The definition of an adjusted option series is currently 
defined at Section 6(d)(i)(2) as an option series wherein one option 
contract in the series represents the delivery of other than 100 shares 
of underlying stock or Exchange-Traded Fund Shares. This definition is 
being relocated to 6(d)(i)(1)(a), similar to Phlx's structure and is 
defined as ``Adjusted Options Series'' throughout this rule.
Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(2)
    The Exchange proposes to add new rule text at Chapter VII, Section 
6(d)(i)(2) which provides the method by which the Exchange will 
calculate the BX Market Maker quoting obligations. The Exchange 
proposes to state, that the Exchange will (i) take the total number of 
seconds the Options Participant disseminates quotes in each assigned 
options series, excluding Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option 
Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months or 
greater; and (ii) divide that time by the eligible total number of 
seconds each assigned option series is open for trading that day. 
Similar to Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(D), the Exchange believes that the 
addition of this language will bring greater transparency to the manner 
in which the Exchange calculated the quoting obligation. The Exchange 
is not amending the manner in which the quoting obligation is 
calculated, rather the Exchange is simply adding to the current rule 
the exact manner in which the Exchange determines the quoting 
percentage. The Exchange proposes to add, ``Quoting is not required in 
every assigned options series.'' This sentence is not currently 
contained in the rule. The Exchange is not proposing to amend its 
current practice, rather the Exchange is clearly stating that quoting 
is not required in every assigned options series to make clear the 

[[Page 34641]]

obligation. Also, the Exchange proposes to state, ``Compliance with 
this requirement is determined by reviewing the aggregate of quoting in 
assigned options series for the Options Participant.'' This language is 
similar to the language currently being removed from Chapter VII, 
Section 6(d)(i)(1), ``This obligation will apply to all of a Market 
Maker's registered options collectively to all appointed issues, rather 
than on an option-by-option basis.'' The proposed new language simply 
conforms the text to Phlx's Rule 1081(c)(ii)(D).
Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(3)
    The Exchange proposes to also delete the following language from 
Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(3), ``This obligation will apply to all of 
a Market Maker's registered options collectively to all appointed 
issues, rather than on an option-by-option basis. Compliance with this 
obligation will be determined on a monthly basis. However, determining 
compliance with the continuous quoting requirement on a monthly basis 
does not relieve a Market Maker of the obligation to provide continuous 
two-sided quotes on a daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange 
from taking disciplinary action against a Market Maker for failing to 
meet the continuous quoting obligation each trading day.'' The Exchange 
proposes to replace this language with the following language proposed 
in Section 6(d)(i)(3), ``For purposes of the Exchange's surveillance of 
an Options Participant compliance with this rule, the Exchange may 
determine compliance on a monthly basis. The Exchange's monthly 
compliance evaluation of the quoting requirement does not relieve an 
Options Participant of the obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a 
daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking disciplinary 
action against an Options Participant for failing to meet the quoting 
obligation each trading day.'' The Exchange's amendment is not 
substantive, rather the amendment conforms the rule text to Phlx Rule 
    The Exchange proposes to remove the entire paragraph at current 
Section 6(d)(i)(2). As explained above this language is being relocated 
within the proposed rule text to Section 6(d)(i)(1) and subsection (a) 
to that paragraph. The Exchange notes that the sentence ``Accordingly, 
the continuous quotation obligations set forth in this rule shall not 
apply to Market Makers respecting Quarterly Option Series, adjusted 
option series, and series with an expiration of nine months or 
greater'' is being deleted and not relocated because this sentence is 
redundant. Also, the Exchange proposes to amend current Section 
6(d)(i)(3) by renumbering it (4) and also capitalizing ``System'' which 
is a defined term and renumbering a cross-reference.
Chapter VII, Section 14(f)
    BX's Rules at Chapter VII, Section 14(f) related to Lead Market 
Maker or ``LMM'' quotations. The Exchange is amending BX's Rules to 
conform to Phlx's Rules with respect to Specialists which are the 
equivalent of an LMM on BX. Similar to the changes for BX Market 
Makers, the Exchange proposes to more specifically state within Section 
14(f) that an LMM must enter two-sided quotations. Further, ``An LMM 
that enters a bid (offer) in a series of an option in which he is 
registered on BX must enter an offer (bid), except in an assigned 
options series listed intra-day \7\ on BX. These quotations must meet 
the legal quote width requirements specified in Chapter VII, Section 
14(b)(iv), (v) and (vi).''

    \7\ See note 4 above.

    The Exchange is removing the words ``may enter quotations only in 
the issues included in its appointment.'' The Exchange is revising this 
paragraph to state, ``An LMM must enter two-sided quotations. An LMM 
that enters a bid (offer) in a series of an option in which he is 
registered on BX must enter an offer (bid), except in an assigned 
options series listed intra-day on BX. These quotations must meet the 
legal quote width requirements specified in Chapter VII, Section 
14(b)(iv), (v) and (vi). A Market Maker who is also the Lead Market 
Maker, pursuant to this Chapter VII, Section 14, will be held to the 
Lead Market Maker obligations in options series in which the Lead 
Market Maker is assigned and will be held to Market Maker obligations 
in all other options series where assigned pursuant to Chapter VII, 
Section 6(d).'' The deletion of the words from this paragraph are 
replaced with the same concept in the new sentences where it is stating 
that the LMM enter a bid (offer) in a series of an options in which he 
is registered on BX.
    Today, an LMM is not held to quote an intra-day add of a series 
because the options series was not available for trading the entire 
day. The Exchange is adding this exception to the rule text to make 
clear that LMMs would not be responsible for quoting an intra-day 
addition. The Exchange believes that not counting intra-day adds of a 
series that were not available for the entire day of trading is 
consistent with the Act because the LMM would not have the opportunity 
to trade that particular options series for the entire trading day. As 
is the case today, an LMM must meet the legal quote width requirements 
specified in Section 14(b)(iv), (v) and (vi).
    The Exchange also proposes to add to this paragraph the following 
sentence, ``A Market Maker who is also the Lead Market Maker, pursuant 
to this Chapter VII, Section 14, will be held to the Lead Market Maker 
obligations in options series in which the Lead Market Maker is 
assigned and will be held to Market Maker obligations in all other 
options series where assigned pursuant to Chapter VII, Section 6(d).'' 
This language will parallel the language currently proposed on Chapter 
VII, Section 6(d) and make clear that a BX Options Participant who is a 
Market Maker and a Lead Market Maker will have quoting obligations, 
which may need to be separately met depending on the role.
Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(1)
    The Exchange proposes to remove the following sentence from Chapter 
VII, Section 14(f)(1), ``An LMM must provide continuous two-sided 
quotations throughout the trading day in its appointed issues for 90% 
of the time the Exchange is open for trading in each issue. Such 
quotations must meet the legal quote width requirements herein. These 
obligations will apply to all of the LMMs appointed issues 
collectively, rather than on an option-by-option basis. Compliance with 
this obligation will be determined on a monthly basis.'' The Exchange 
proposes to replace this language with language that more technically 
defines the quoting obligation. The Exchange proposes the following 
rule text:

    LMMs, associated with the same Options Participant, are 
collectively required to provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the 
cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage as BX may 
announce in advance, for which that Option Participant's assigned 
options series are open for trading. An LMM shall not be required to 
make two-sided markets in any Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted 
Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine 
months or greater. However, a LMM may still receive a participation 
entitlement in such series if it elects to quote in such series and 
otherwise satisfies the requirements of Chapter VI, Section 10.

The 90% requirement and the manner in which it is calculated is not 
being amended. The Exchange does not propose to amend the current 
quoting obligations, rather the Exchange proposes to more clearly state 
the current quoting obligations utilizing the same format as Phlx Rule 

[[Page 34642]]

The Exchange notes the quoting obligations expressed as the cumulative 
number of seconds rather than 90% of the trading day. The two standards 
are equivalent. The rule text in current Section 14(f)(1) is being 
revised and certain text is being relocated. The legal quote width 
obligations are now in Section 14(f) generally and the compliance 
obligations are being relocated to Section 14(f)(3) as described in 
more detail below. The rule text related to making a two-sided market 
in Quarterly Option Series, any adjusted option series, and any option 
series with an expiration of nine months or greater is being relocated 
from Section 14(f)(4) along with the definition for an Adjusted Option 
Series which is being relocated to Section 14(f)(1)(a) and is being 
defined. The Exchange is also relocating this sentence ``However, a LMM 
may still receive a participation entitlement in such series if it 
elects to quote in such series and otherwise satisfies the requirements 
of Chapter VI, Section 10'' from current Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(4). 
The Exchange is conforming the adjusted series definition to that of 
Phlx,\8\ which provides ``An adjusted option series is an option series 
wherein one option contract in the series represents the delivery of 
other than 100 shares of underlying stock or Exchange-Traded Fund 
Shares.'' \9\ The amendment of the definition will not result in an 
adjusted option series being treated differently for purposes of BX 

    \8\ See Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(A)(i).
    \9\ Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(4) provides the following 
definition for an adjusted options series, ``For purposes of this 
Rule, an adjusted option series is an option series wherein, as a 
result of a corporate action by the issuer of the underlying 
security, one option contract in the series represents the delivery 
of other than 100 shares of underlying security.''

Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(2)
    The Exchange proposes to add new rule text at Chapter VII, Section 
14(f)(2) which provides the method by which the Exchange will calculate 
the BX LMM quoting obligations. The Exchange proposes to state, that 
the Exchange will (i) take the total number of seconds the Options 
Participant disseminates quotes in each assigned options series, 
excluding Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any 
option series with an expiration of nine months or greater for Market 
Makers; and (ii) divide that time by the eligible total number of 
seconds each assigned option series is open for trading that day. This 
language conforms to the language also proposed for Chapter VII, 
Section 6(d)(i)(2). Similar to Phlx, the Exchange believes that the 
addition of this language will bring greater transparency to the manner 
in which the Exchange calculated the quoting obligation. The Exchange 
proposes to add, ``Quoting is not required in every assigned options 
series.'' This sentence is not currently contained in the rule. The 
Exchange is not proposing to amend its current practice, rather the 
Exchange is clearly stating that quoting is not required in every 
assigned options series to make clear the current obligation. Also, the 
Exchange proposes to state, ``Compliance with this requirement is 
determined by reviewing the aggregate of quoting in assigned options 
series for the Options Participant.'' This language is similar to the 
language currently being removed from Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(1), 
``These obligations will apply to all of the LMMs appointed issues 
collectively, rather than on an option-by-option basis.'' The proposed 
new language simply conforms the text to Phlx's Rule 1081(c)(ii)(D).
Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(3)
    The Exchange proposes to relocate the following rule text from 
current Section 14(f)(1) to new (f)(3) ``BX Regulation may consider 
exceptions to the requirement to quote 90% (or higher) of the trading 
day based on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements or other 
mitigating circumstances.'' The Exchange proposes to replace this rule 
text in current Section 14(f)(1), ``However, determining compliance 
with the continuous quoting requirement on a monthly basis does not 
relieve an LMM of the obligation to provide continuous two-sided quotes 
on a daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking 
disciplinary action against an LMM for failing to meet the continuous 
quoting obligation each trading day'' with the following rule text:

    For purposes of the Exchange's surveillance of an Options 
Participant compliance with this rule, the Exchange may determine 
compliance on a monthly basis. The Exchange's monthly compliance 
evaluation of the quoting requirement does not relieve an Options 
Participant of the obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a daily 
basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking disciplinary 
action against an Options Participant for failing to meet the 
quoting obligation each trading day.

The Exchange is not amending the manner in which the surveillance 
functions today. The Exchange proposes to conform this rule text 
throughout the rule to mirror language utilized in Phlx Rule 
1081(c)(iii) and also proposed new Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(3). 
This rule text mirrors language currently contained in Section 
Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(2), (3) and (4)
    The Exchange proposes to renumber current Section 14(f)(1)(i) as 
Section 14(f)(4). As noted herein, current Section 14(f)(4) is being 
relocated to within the rule text as explained above. The Exchange also 
proposes to renumber Section 14(f)(2) and (3), which are not being 
amended, as 14(g) and (h), respectively.
Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)
    The Exchange proposes to amend Section 15(iii) related to Directed 
Market Maker quoting requirements to similarly add text to conform to 
Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(C). The Exchange proposes to add to Section 
15(iii), ``A Directed Market Maker must enter two-sided quotations. A 
Directed Market Maker that enters a bid (offer) in a series of an 
option in which he is registered on BX must enter an offer (bid), 
except in an assigned options series listed intra-day on BX. These 
quotations must meet the legal quote width requirements specified in 
Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(ii).'' Similar to the changes for BX Market 
Makers and Lead Market Makers, the Exchange proposes to more 
specifically state within Section 15(iii) that an Directed Market Maker 
must enter two-sided quotations. Today, a Directed Market Maker is not 
held to quote an intra-day add of a series because the options series 
was not available for trading the entire day. The Exchange is adding 
this exception to the rule text to make clear that Directed Market 
Makers would not be responsible for quoting an intra-day addition. The 
Exchange believes that not counting intra-day adds of a series that 
were not available for the entire day of trading is consistent with the 
Act because the Directed Market Maker would not have the opportunity to 
trade that particular options series for the entire trading day. As is 
the case today, a Directed Market Maker must meet the legal quote width 
requirements specified in Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(ii).
    The Exchange also proposes to add to this paragraph the following 
sentence, ``A Market Maker who receives a Directed Order, as described 
in Chapter VII [sic], Section 10, shall be held to the standard of a 
Directed Market Maker as described in Chapter VII, Section 15.'' This 
language will make clear where a Market Maker receives a Directed Order 
and what the quoting standard shall be for that Directed Market Maker.

[[Page 34643]]

Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(a)
    The Exchange proposes to adopt a new Section 15(iii)(a) and 
provide, Directed Market Makers, associated with the same Options 
Participant, are collectively required to provide two-sided quotations 
in 90% of the cumulative number of seconds, or such higher percentage 
as BX may announce in advance, for which that Options Participant's 
assigned options series are open for trading. An Options Participant 
shall be considered directed in all assigned options once the Options 
Participant receives a Directed Order in any option in which they are 
assigned and shall be considered a Directed Market Maker until such 
time as an Options Participant notifies the Exchange that they are no 
longer directed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Options Participant 
shall not be required to make two-sided markets in any Quarterly Option 
Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an 
expiration of nine months or greater. Notwithstanding the obligations 
specified in subparagraph (iii) above, a DMM may still receive a 
participation entitlement in such series if it elects to quote in such 
series and otherwise satisfies the requirements of Chapter VII [sic], 
Section 10.
    The Exchange notes that it is not amending the quoting obligations 
for Directed Market Makers. The Exchange is simply conforming the text 
to Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(C). The Exchange is adding rule text to make 
clear, similar to Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(C), when a Directed Market 
[sic] is considered to be directed. Similar to Phlx, an Options 
Participant shall be considered directed in all assigned options once 
the Options Participant receives a Directed Order in any option in 
which they are assigned and shall be considered a Directed Market Maker 
until such time as an Options Participant notifies the Exchange that 
they are no longer directed. The Exchange, similar to today, shall not 
apply quoting obligations to Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted 
Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of nine months 
or greater.\10\ The Exchange is relocating language to Section 
15(iii)(a) from Section 15(iv) which states, ``a DMM may still receive 
a participation entitlement in such series if it elects to quote in any 
Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any option 
series with an expiration of nine months or greater series and 
otherwise satisfies the requirements of Chapter VII [sic], Section 

    \10\ See current Chapter VII, Section 15(iv).

Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(a)(i)
    The Exchange proposes to adopt a definition of an adjusted option 
series in subparagraph (i) similar to Phlx \11\ which provides ``An 
adjusted option series is an option series wherein one option contract 
in the series represents the delivery of other than 100 shares of 
underlying stock or Exchange-Traded Fund Shares,'' \12\ and define it. 
The amendment of the definition will not result in an adjusted option 
series being treated differently for purposes of BX Rules.

    \11\ See Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(A)(i).
    \12\ Chapter VII, Section 15(iv) provides the following 
definition for an adjusted options series, ``For purposes of this 
Rule, an adjusted option series is an option series wherein, as a 
result of a corporate action by the issuer of the underlying 
security, one option contract in the series represents the delivery 
of other than 100 shares of underlying security.''

Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(b)
    The Exchange proposes to add new rule text at Chapter VII, Section 
15(iii)(b) which provides the method by which the Exchange will 
calculate the BX Directed Market Maker quoting obligations. The 
Exchange proposes to state, that the Exchange will (i) take the total 
number of seconds the Options Participant disseminates quotes in each 
assigned options series, excluding Quarterly Option Series, any 
Adjusted Option Series, and any option series with an expiration of 
nine months or greater; and (ii) divide that time by the eligible total 
number of seconds each assigned option series is open for trading that 
day. Similar to Phlx, the Exchange believes that the addition of this 
language will bring greater transparency to the manner in which the 
Exchange calculated the quoting obligation.
    The Exchange proposes to add, ``Quoting is not required in every 
assigned options series.'' This sentence is not currently contained in 
the rule. The Exchange is not proposing to amend its current practice, 
rather the Exchange is clearly stating that quoting is not required in 
every assigned options series to make clear the current obligation.
    Also, the Exchange proposes to state, ``Compliance with this 
requirement is determined by reviewing the aggregate of quoting in 
assigned options series for the Options Participant.'' This language is 
similar to the language currently being removed from Chapter VII, 
Section 15(iii) ``These obligations will apply collectively to all 
series in all of the issues, rather than on an issue-by-issue basis.'' 
The proposed new language simply conforms the text to Phlx's Rule 
Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(c)
    The Exchange proposes to relocate the following rule text from 
current Section 15(iii) to new 15(iii)(c) ``BX Regulation may consider 
exceptions to the requirement to quote 90% (or higher) of the trading 
day based on demonstrated legal or regulatory requirements or other 
mitigating circumstances.'' The Exchange proposes to add,

    For purposes of the Exchange's surveillance of an Options 
Participant compliance with this rule, the Exchange may determine 
compliance on a monthly basis. The Exchange's monthly compliance 
evaluation of the quoting requirement does not relieve an Options 
Participant of the obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a daily 
basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange from taking disciplinary 
action against an Options Participant for failing to meet the 
quoting obligation each trading day.

The Exchange is not amending the manner in which the surveillance 
functions today. The Exchange proposes to conform this rule text 
throughout the rule to mirror language utilized in Phlx Rule 
1081(c)(iii). The Exchange proposes to relocate and revise this 
language, ``provide continuous two-sided quotations throughout the 
trading day in all options issues for which the Directed Market Maker 
is assigned for 90% of the time the Exchange is open for trading in 
each issue. Such quotations must meet the legal quote width 
requirements of Chapter VII, Section 6. These obligations will apply 
collectively to all series in all of the issues, rather than on an 
issue-by-issue basis. Compliance with this obligation will be 
determined on a monthly basis'' as described herein into Sections 
15(iii) and Section 15(iii)(a).
Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(d)
    The rule text concerning a technical failure is being relocated 
from Section 15(iii) to Section 15(iii)(d). The word ``system'' is 
being capitalized as that term is defined within the Rulebook. As noted 
herein, Section 15(iv) is being relocated to Section 15(iii)(a) and 
Sections 15(iii)(a)(i).
    The Exchange believes this proposed rule will allow Market Makers 
to quickly compare obligations across Nasdaq affiliated markets.\13\

    \13\ The Exchange intends to file a similar proposal for The 
Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC, Nasdaq ISE, LLC, Nasdaq GEMX, LLC and 
Nasdaq MRX, LLC.


[[Page 34644]]

2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section 
6(b) of the Act,\14\ in general, and furthers the objectives of Section 
6(b)(5) of the Act,\15\ in particular, in that it is designed to 
promote just and equitable principles of trade, to remove impediments 
to and perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and a national 
market system, and, in general to protect investors and the public 
interest. The Exchange believes that its proposed rule change provides 
further detail as to obligations of Market Makers, LMMs and Directed 
Market Makers on BX. The Exchange is not amending its current quoting 
obligations, rather the Exchange is proposing to amend its current rule 
text to bring greater transparency to the current quoting obligations 
by adding clear language which explains the manner in which BX will 
calculate the various quoting obligations for each type of Market 
Maker. The Exchange believes the proposed rule text is consistent with 
the Act because the proposed rule text protect investors and the public 
interest by providing clear language that will be utilized on all 
Nasdaq affiliate markets for easy comparison.

    \14\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \15\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section 
6(b) of the Act,\16\ in general, and furthers the objectives of Section 
6(b)(5) of the Act,\17\ in particular, in that it is designed to 
promote just and equitable principles of trade, to remove impediments 
to and perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and a national 
market system, and, in general to protect investors and the public 
interest. The proposal does not impose a burden on competition because 
the Exchange will continue to uniformly calculate and apply the quoting 
obligations to all BX Market Makers as provided for in the proposed 
rule text. The Exchange's proposal does not modify the current quoting 
obligations on BX.

    \16\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \17\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    No written comments were either solicited or received.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Because the foregoing proposed rule change does not: (i) 
Significantly affect the protection of investors or the public 
interest; (ii) impose any significant burden on competition; and (iii) 
become operative for 30 days from the date on which it was filed, or 
such shorter time as the Commission may designate, it has become 
effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A)(iii) of the Act \18\ and 
subparagraph (f)(6) of Rule 19b-4 thereunder.\19\

    \18\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(iii).
    \19\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(6). In addition, Rule 19b-4(f)(6) 
requires a self-regulatory organization to give the Commission 
written notice of its intent to file the proposed rule change at 
least five business days prior to the date of filing of the proposed 
rule change, or such shorter time as designated by the Commission. 
The Exchange has satisfied this requirement.

    A proposed rule change filed under Rule 19b-4(f)(6) \20\ normally 
does not become operative for 30 days after the date of filing. 
However, pursuant to Rule 19b-4(f)(6)(iii),\21\ the Commission may 
designate a shorter time if such action is consistent with the 
protection of investors and the public interest. In its filing with the 
Commission, the Exchange has asked the Commission to waive the 30-day 
operative delay so that the proposal to amend its Market Maker quoting 
obligations to add more detail to the current quoting requirements may 
become operative immediately upon filing. The Exchange believes that 
the proposal will bring greater transparency to the Exchange's rules. 
The Commission notes that the changes are substantially similar to Phlx 
Rule 1081(c). As such, the Commission believes that waiving the 30-day 
operative delay is consistent with the protection of investors and the 
public interest. Therefore, the Commission designates the proposed rule 
change operative upon filing.\22\

    \20\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(6).
    \21\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(6)(iii).
    \22\ For purposes only of waiving the operative delay, the 
Commission has considered the proposed rule's impact on efficiency, 
competition, and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).

    At any time within 60 days of the filing of the proposed rule 
change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule 
change if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or 
appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or 
otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. If the Commission 
takes such action, the Commission shall institute proceedings under 
Section 19(b)(2)(B) of the Act \23\ to determine whether the proposed 
rule change should be approved or disapproved.

    \23\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to [email protected]. Please include 
File Number SR-BX-2018-029 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-BX-2018-029. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's internet website (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). 
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 
20549, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection 
and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All comments 
received will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are 
cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying 
information from comment submissions. You should submit only 
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions 
should refer to File Number SR-BX-2018-029 and should be submitted on 
or before August 10, 2018.

[[Page 34645]]

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\24\

    \24\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-15502 Filed 7-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices                                             34639

                                               it appears to the Commission that such                     For the Commission, by the Division of                proposed rule change. The text of these
                                               action is necessary or appropriate in the                Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              statements may be examined at the
                                               public interest, for the protection of                   authority.11                                            places specified in Item IV below. The
                                               investors, or otherwise in furtherance of                Eduardo A. Aleman,                                      Exchange has prepared summaries, set
                                               the purposes of the Act.                                 Assistant Secretary.                                    forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
                                               IV. Solicitation of Comments                             [FR Doc. 2018–15497 Filed 7–19–18; 8:45 am]             the most significant aspects of such
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  statements.
                                                 Interested persons are invited to
                                               submit written data, views, and                                                                                  A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                               arguments concerning the foregoing,                      SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 Statement of the Purpose of, and
                                               including whether the proposed rule                      COMMISSION                                              Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
                                               change is consistent with the Act.                                                                               Change
                                               Comments may be submitted by any of                      [Release No. 34–83642; File No. SR–BX–
                                                                                                        2018–029]                                               1. Purpose
                                               the following methods:
                                                                                                                                                                  BX proposes to amend the current
                                               Electronic Comments                                      Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq                   rule text of Chapter VII, Section 6(d),
                                                 • Use the Commission’s internet                        BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and                          Section 14 and Section 15 related to
                                               comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                        Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed                     quoting obligations for Market Makers,
                                               rules/sro.shtml); or                                     Rule Change To Amend BX Rules at                        Lead Market Makers and Directed
                                                 • Send an email to rule-comments@                      Chapter VII, Section 6 Related to                       Market Makers, to restructure the
                                               sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                  Market Maker Quotations, Section 14                     current rule to mirror rule text utilized
                                               CboeBYX–2018–011 on the subject line.                    Related to Lead Market Maker                            on Nasdaq Phlx LLC.3 The Exchange
                                                                                                        Quotations and Section 15 Related to                    does not propose to amend the current
                                               Paper Comments                                           Directed Market Maker Quotations                        quoting obligations, rather the Exchange
                                                  • Send paper comments in triplicate                                                                           proposes to more clearly state the
                                                                                                        July 16, 2018.
                                               to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                                                                            current quoting obligations utilizing the
                                               Commission, 100 F Street NE,                                Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                                                                                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934                         same format as Phlx Rule 1081(c).
                                               Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                                                                        (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                 Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)
                                               All submissions should refer to File
                                                                                                        notice is hereby given that on July 2,
                                               Number SR–CboeBYX–2018–011. This                                                                                    The Exchange proposes to amend
                                                                                                        2018, Nasdaq BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’ or
                                               file number should be included on the                                                                            Chapter VII, Section 6(d) to remove the
                                                                                                        ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities
                                               subject line if email is used. To help the                                                                       word ‘‘continuous’’ from this first
                                                                                                        and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or
                                               Commission process and review your                                                                               sentence in the rule. The Exchange is
                                                                                                        ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
                                               comments more efficiently, please use                                                                            removing the word ‘‘continuous’’
                                                                                                        change as described in Items I and II
                                               only one method. The Commission will                                                                             because the Exchange notes that Market
                                                                                                        below, which Items have been prepared
                                               post all comments on the Commission’s                                                                            Makers quote a percentage of the day
                                                                                                        by the Exchange. The Commission is
                                               internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                                                                            and therefore the word continuous may
                                                                                                        publishing this notice to solicit
                                               rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                                                                                  not accurately reflect the manner in
                                                                                                        comments on the proposed rule change
                                               submission, all subsequent                                                                                       which Market Makers quote on BX. The
                                                                                                        from interested persons.
                                               amendments, all written statements                                                                               Exchange proposes to retitle Section
                                               with respect to the proposed rule                        I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                       6(d) as ‘‘Intra-day Quotes.’’
                                               change that are filed with the                           Statement of the Terms of Substance of                     The Exchange also proposes to
                                               Commission, and all written                              the Proposed Rule Change                                replace references to ‘‘continuous’’ with
                                               communications relating to the                              The Exchange proposes to amend BX                    ‘‘intra-day’’ within the Rulebook. The
                                               proposed rule change between the                         Rules at Chapter VII, Section 6 related                 Exchange proposes to amend Chapter V,
                                               Commission and any person, other than                    to Market Maker quotations, Section 14                  Section 3 to replace ‘‘continuous
                                               those that may be withheld from the                      related to Lead Market Maker quotations                 quoting’’ with ‘‘intra-day quoting.’’ The
                                               public in accordance with the                            and Section 15 related to Directed                      Exchange proposes to amend proposed
                                               provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                      Market Maker quotations.                                Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(4) to replace
                                               available for website viewing and                           The text of the proposed rule change                 ‘‘continuous electronic quote
                                               printing in the Commission’s Public                      is available on the Exchange’s website at               obligation’’ with ‘‘intra-day electronic
                                               Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                         http://nasdaqbx.cchwallstreet.com/, at                  quote obligation.’’ The Exchange
                                               Washington, DC 20549, on official                        the principal office of the Exchange, and               proposes to amend proposed Chapter
                                               business days between the hours of                       at the Commission’s Public Reference                    VII, Section 14(g) to replace
                                               10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                   Room.                                                   ‘‘continuous quotes’’ with ‘‘intra-day
                                               filing also will be available for                                                                                quotes.’’ The Exchange proposes to
                                               inspection and copying at the principal                  II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                      amend Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(d) to
                                               office of the Exchange. All comments                     Statement of the Purpose of, and                        replace ‘‘continuous electronic quote
                                               received will be posted without change.                  Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                  obligation’’ with ‘‘intra-day electronic
                                               Persons submitting comments are                          Change                                                  quote obligation.’’ The Exchange
                                               cautioned that we do not redact or edit                    In its filing with the Commission, the                proposes to amend Chapter X, Section
                                               personal identifying information from                    Exchange included statements                            7(c) to replace ‘‘continuous quotes’’ and
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               comment submissions. You should                          concerning the purpose of and basis for                 ‘‘continuous bids and offers’’ with
                                               submit only information that you wish                    the proposed rule change and discussed                  ‘‘intra-day quotes’’ and ‘‘intra-day bids
                                               to make available publicly. All                          any comments it received on the                         and offers.’’
                                               submissions should refer to File                                                                                    The Exchange proposes to amend
                                               Number SR–CboeBYX–2018–011, and                               1117 CFR  200.30–3(a)(12).                         Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i) to delete the
                                               should be submitted on or before                              1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                               August 10, 2018.                                              2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                  3 Phlx   Rule 1081(c)(ii).

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:06 Jul 19, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000     Frm 00104   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\20JYN1.SGM   20JYN1

                                               34640                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices

                                               first sentence of this paragraph, ‘‘On a                  meet each market making obligation                    reviews quoting as a percentage of the
                                               daily basis, a Market Maker must during                   separately. A Market Maker who is also                total number of minutes, the two
                                               regular market hours make markets                         the Lead Market Maker, pursuant to                    standards are otherwise equivalent.
                                               consistent with the applicable quoting                    Chapter VII, Section 14, will be held to              Adding ‘‘associated with the same
                                               requirements specified in these rules, on                 the Lead Market Maker obligations in                  Options Participant’’ to the first
                                               a continuous basis in options in which                    options series in which the Lead Market               sentence also makes clear that the
                                               the Market Maker is registered.’’ The                     Maker is assigned and will be held to                 obligation is at the firm level and that
                                               Exchange believes that a Market Maker’s                   Market Maker obligations in all other                 all associated Market Makers will be
                                               obligation to enter bids and offers for                   options series where assigned. A Market               counted in arriving at the calculation for
                                               the options to which it is registered is                  Maker who receives a Directed Order,6                 quoting obligations. The Exchange also
                                               currently noted in proposed Chapter                       as described in Chapter VII [sic], Section            states, ‘‘Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                                               VII, Section 6(d). The Exchange                           10, shall be held to the standard of a                a Market Maker shall not be required to
                                               proposes to specifically detail a Market                  Directed Market Maker, as described in                make two-sided markets pursuant to
                                               Maker’s quoting obligations in the                        Chapter VII, Section 15.’’ The Exchange               this Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(1) in
                                               proposed rule text and therefore                          proposes to make clear that a BX                      any Quarterly Option Series, any
                                               believes that this sentence is not                        Options Participant who is a Market                   Adjusted Option Series, and any option
                                               necessary because the following                           Maker, Lead Market Maker and Directed                 series with an expiration of nine months
                                               sentences replaces this sentence with                     Market Maker will have quoting                        or greater.’’ This exception exists today
                                               the exception of the intra-day aspect as                  obligations which may need to be                      for BX and is simply being carried over
                                               described below.                                          separately met depending on the role.                 into the new text from current Section
                                                  The Exchange proposes to add new                                                                             6(d)(i)(2). The definition of an adjusted
                                                                                                         Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(1)
                                               rule text to Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i).                                                                      option series is currently defined at
                                               The first new sentence will provide ‘‘A                     The Exchange proposes to remove the                 Section 6(d)(i)(2) as an option series
                                               Market Maker must enter bids and offers                   following sentence from Chapter VII,                  wherein one option contract in the
                                               for the options to which it is registered,                Section (d)(i)(1), ‘‘To satisfy this                  series represents the delivery of other
                                               except in an assigned options series                      requirement, a Market Maker must                      than 100 shares of underlying stock or
                                               listed intra-day 4 on the Exchange.’’ The                 quote 60% of the trading day (as a                    Exchange-Traded Fund Shares. This
                                               Exchange believes this sentence is more                   percentage of the total number of                     definition is being relocated to
                                               specific than Section 6(d) because it                     minutes in such trading day) or such                  6(d)(i)(1)(a), similar to Phlx’s structure
                                               accepts [sic] the intra-day quotes.                       higher percentage as BX may announce                  and is defined as ‘‘Adjusted Options
                                               Today, a Market Maker is not held to                      in advance.’’ The Exchange proposes to                Series’’ throughout this rule.
                                               quote an intra-day add of a series                        replace this language with language that
                                                                                                         more technically defines the quoting                  Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(2)
                                               because the options series was not
                                                                                                         obligation. The Exchange proposes the                    The Exchange proposes to add new
                                               available for trading the entire day. The
                                                                                                         following rule text:                                  rule text at Chapter VII, Section
                                               Exchange is adding this exception to the
                                                                                                           Market Makers, associated with the same
                                                                                                                                                               6(d)(i)(2) which provides the method by
                                               rule text to make clear that Market
                                                                                                         Options Participant, are collectively required        which the Exchange will calculate the
                                               Makers would not be responsible for
                                                                                                         to provide two-sided quotations in 60% of             BX Market Maker quoting obligations.
                                               quoting an intra-day addition. The                                                                              The Exchange proposes to state, that the
                                                                                                         the cumulative number of seconds, or such
                                               Exchange believes that not counting                       higher percentage as BX may announce in               Exchange will (i) take the total number
                                               intra-day adds of a series that were not                  advance, for which that Options Participant’s         of seconds the Options Participant
                                               available for the entire day of trading is                assigned options series are open for trading.         disseminates quotes in each assigned
                                               consistent with the Act because the                       Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Market               options series, excluding Quarterly
                                               Market Maker would not have the                           Maker shall not be required to make two-
                                                                                                                                                               Option Series, any Adjusted Option
                                               opportunity to trade that particular                      sided markets pursuant to this Chapter VII,
                                                                                                         Section 6(d)(i)(1) in any Quarterly Option            Series, and any option series with an
                                               options series for the entire trading day.                                                                      expiration of nine months or greater;
                                                                                                         Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any
                                               The Exchange also proposes to note,                                                                             and (ii) divide that time by the eligible
                                                                                                         option series with an expiration of nine
                                               ‘‘On a daily basis, a Market Maker must                   months or greater.                                    total number of seconds each assigned
                                               make markets consistent with the                                                                                option series is open for trading that
                                               applicable quoting requirements                           The 60% requirement and the manner
                                                                                                         in which it is calculated is not being                day. Similar to Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(D),
                                               specified below.’’ The Exchange                                                                                 the Exchange believes that the addition
                                               proposes to note within the new rule                      amended. The Exchange does not
                                                                                                         propose to amend the current quoting                  of this language will bring greater
                                               text the specific quoting obligations for                                                                       transparency to the manner in which
                                               each type of Market Maker.                                obligations, rather the Exchange
                                                                                                         proposes to more clearly state the                    the Exchange calculated the quoting
                                                  The Exchange is also adding rule text                                                                        obligation. The Exchange is not
                                               to explain the interplay between the                      current quoting obligations utilizing the
                                                                                                         same format as Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(A).              amending the manner in which the
                                               quoting obligations for BX Market                                                                               quoting obligation is calculated, rather
                                               Makers who may also qualify as a Lead                     The Exchange notes the quoting
                                                                                                         obligations expressed as the cumulative               the Exchange is simply adding to the
                                               Market Maker, pursuant to Chapter VII,                                                                          current rule the exact manner in which
                                               Section 14 or Directed Market Maker                       number of seconds rather than 60% of
                                                                                                         the trading day. While the current rule               the Exchange determines the quoting
                                               pursuant to Chapter VII, Section 15.                                                                            percentage. The Exchange proposes to
                                               Specifically, the Exchange proposes to                    indicates that the Exchange currently
                                                                                                                                                               add, ‘‘Quoting is not required in every
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               add, similar to Phlx Rules,5 ‘‘An                            6 The term ‘‘Directed Order’’ means an order to    assigned options series.’’ This sentence
                                               Options Participant will be required to                   buy or sell which has been directed, provided it is   is not currently contained in the rule.
                                                                                                         properly marked as such, to a particular market       The Exchange is not proposing to
                                                 4 An intra-day add of a series shall be defined, for
                                                                                                         maker (‘‘Directed Market Maker’’). Directed Orders    amend its current practice, rather the
                                               purposes of this Phlx Rule 1081 [sic], as an option       are handled within the System pursuant to Chapter
                                               series that is added manually on the same day the         VII [sic], Section 10. Directed Orders may be
                                                                                                                                                               Exchange is clearly stating that quoting
                                               series begins trading.                                    available only in certain options. See Chapter VII    is not required in every assigned options
                                                 5 See Phlx Rule 1081(c).                                [sic], Section 1(e)(2).                               series to make clear the current

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014    18:06 Jul 19, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00105   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\20JYN1.SGM   20JYN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices                                                   34641

                                               obligation. Also, the Exchange proposes                  is redundant. Also, the Exchange                          opportunity to trade that particular
                                               to state, ‘‘Compliance with this                         proposes to amend current Section                         options series for the entire trading day.
                                               requirement is determined by reviewing                   6(d)(i)(3) by renumbering it (4) and also                 As is the case today, an LMM must meet
                                               the aggregate of quoting in assigned                     capitalizing ‘‘System’’ which is a                        the legal quote width requirements
                                               options series for the Options                           defined term and renumbering a cross-                     specified in Section 14(b)(iv), (v) and
                                               Participant.’’ This language is similar to               reference.                                                (vi).
                                               the language currently being removed                                                                                  The Exchange also proposes to add to
                                                                                                        Chapter VII, Section 14(f)                                this paragraph the following sentence,
                                               from Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(1),
                                               ‘‘This obligation will apply to all of a                    BX’s Rules at Chapter VII, Section                     ‘‘A Market Maker who is also the Lead
                                               Market Maker’s registered options                        14(f) related to Lead Market Maker or                     Market Maker, pursuant to this Chapter
                                               collectively to all appointed issues,                    ‘‘LMM’’ quotations. The Exchange is                       VII, Section 14, will be held to the Lead
                                               rather than on an option-by-option                       amending BX’s Rules to conform to                         Market Maker obligations in options
                                               basis.’’ The proposed new language                       Phlx’s Rules with respect to Specialists                  series in which the Lead Market Maker
                                               simply conforms the text to Phlx’s Rule                  which are the equivalent of an LMM on                     is assigned and will be held to Market
                                               1081(c)(ii)(D).                                          BX. Similar to the changes for BX                         Maker obligations in all other options
                                                                                                        Market Makers, the Exchange proposes                      series where assigned pursuant to
                                               Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(3)                          to more specifically state within Section                 Chapter VII, Section 6(d).’’ This
                                                  The Exchange proposes to also delete                  14(f) that an LMM must enter two-sided                    language will parallel the language
                                               the following language from Chapter                      quotations. Further, ‘‘An LMM that                        currently proposed on Chapter VII,
                                               VII, Section 6(d)(i)(3), ‘‘This obligation               enters a bid (offer) in a series of an                    Section 6(d) and make clear that a BX
                                               will apply to all of a Market Maker’s                    option in which he is registered on BX                    Options Participant who is a Market
                                               registered options collectively to all                   must enter an offer (bid), except in an                   Maker and a Lead Market Maker will
                                               appointed issues, rather than on an                      assigned options series listed intra-day 7                have quoting obligations, which may
                                               option-by-option basis. Compliance                       on BX. These quotations must meet the                     need to be separately met depending on
                                               with this obligation will be determined                  legal quote width requirements                            the role.
                                               on a monthly basis. However,                             specified in Chapter VII, Section
                                               determining compliance with the                          14(b)(iv), (v) and (vi).’’                                Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(1)
                                               continuous quoting requirement on a                         The Exchange is removing the words                        The Exchange proposes to remove the
                                               monthly basis does not relieve a Market                  ‘‘may enter quotations only in the issues                 following sentence from Chapter VII,
                                               Maker of the obligation to provide                       included in its appointment.’’ The                        Section 14(f)(1), ‘‘An LMM must
                                               continuous two-sided quotes on a daily                   Exchange is revising this paragraph to                    provide continuous two-sided
                                               basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange                 state, ‘‘An LMM must enter two-sided                      quotations throughout the trading day in
                                               from taking disciplinary action against a                quotations. An LMM that enters a bid                      its appointed issues for 90% of the time
                                               Market Maker for failing to meet the                     (offer) in a series of an option in which                 the Exchange is open for trading in each
                                               continuous quoting obligation each                       he is registered on BX must enter an                      issue. Such quotations must meet the
                                               trading day.’’ The Exchange proposes to                  offer (bid), except in an assigned options                legal quote width requirements herein.
                                               replace this language with the following                 series listed intra-day on BX. These                      These obligations will apply to all of the
                                               language proposed in Section 6(d)(i)(3),                 quotations must meet the legal quote                      LMMs appointed issues collectively,
                                               ‘‘For purposes of the Exchange’s                         width requirements specified in Chapter                   rather than on an option-by-option
                                               surveillance of an Options Participant                   VII, Section 14(b)(iv), (v) and (vi). A                   basis. Compliance with this obligation
                                               compliance with this rule, the Exchange                  Market Maker who is also the Lead                         will be determined on a monthly basis.’’
                                               may determine compliance on a                            Market Maker, pursuant to this Chapter                    The Exchange proposes to replace this
                                               monthly basis. The Exchange’s monthly                    VII, Section 14, will be held to the Lead                 language with language that more
                                               compliance evaluation of the quoting                     Market Maker obligations in options                       technically defines the quoting
                                               requirement does not relieve an Options                  series in which the Lead Market Maker                     obligation. The Exchange proposes the
                                               Participant of the obligation to provide                 is assigned and will be held to Market                    following rule text:
                                               two-sided quotes on a daily basis, nor                   Maker obligations in all other options                      LMMs, associated with the same Options
                                               will it prohibit the Exchange from                       series where assigned pursuant to                         Participant, are collectively required to
                                               taking disciplinary action against an                    Chapter VII, Section 6(d).’’ The deletion                 provide two-sided quotations in 90% of the
                                               Options Participant for failing to meet                  of the words from this paragraph are                      cumulative number of seconds, or such
                                               the quoting obligation each trading                      replaced with the same concept in the                     higher percentage as BX may announce in
                                               day.’’ The Exchange’s amendment is not                   new sentences where it is stating that                    advance, for which that Option Participant’s
                                               substantive, rather the amendment                        the LMM enter a bid (offer) in a series                   assigned options series are open for trading.
                                                                                                                                                                  An LMM shall not be required to make two-
                                               conforms the rule text to Phlx Rule                      of an options in which he is registered                   sided markets in any Quarterly Option
                                               1081(c)(iii).                                            on BX.                                                    Series, any Adjusted Option Series, and any
                                                  The Exchange proposes to remove the                      Today, an LMM is not held to quote                     option series with an expiration of nine
                                               entire paragraph at current Section                      an intra-day add of a series because the                  months or greater. However, a LMM may still
                                               6(d)(i)(2). As explained above this                      options series was not available for                      receive a participation entitlement in such
                                               language is being relocated within the                   trading the entire day. The Exchange is                   series if it elects to quote in such series and
                                               proposed rule text to Section 6(d)(i)(1)                 adding this exception to the rule text to                 otherwise satisfies the requirements of
                                               and subsection (a) to that paragraph.                    make clear that LMMs would not be                         Chapter VI, Section 10.
                                               The Exchange notes that the sentence                     responsible for quoting an intra-day                      The 90% requirement and the manner
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               ‘‘Accordingly, the continuous quotation                  addition. The Exchange believes that                      in which it is calculated is not being
                                               obligations set forth in this rule shall                 not counting intra-day adds of a series                   amended. The Exchange does not
                                               not apply to Market Makers respecting                    that were not available for the entire day                propose to amend the current quoting
                                               Quarterly Option Series, adjusted option                 of trading is consistent with the Act                     obligations, rather the Exchange
                                               series, and series with an expiration of                 because the LMM would not have the                        proposes to more clearly state the
                                               nine months or greater’’ is being deleted                                                                          current quoting obligations utilizing the
                                               and not relocated because this sentence                       7 See   note 4 above.                                same format as Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(B).

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                                               34642                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices

                                               The Exchange notes the quoting                           believes that the addition of this                    text mirrors language currently
                                               obligations expressed as the cumulative                  language will bring greater transparency              contained in Section 14(f)(1).
                                               number of seconds rather than 90% of                     to the manner in which the Exchange
                                               the trading day. The two standards are                   calculated the quoting obligation. The                Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(2), (3) and (4)
                                               equivalent. The rule text in current                     Exchange proposes to add, ‘‘Quoting is                  The Exchange proposes to renumber
                                               Section 14(f)(1) is being revised and                    not required in every assigned options                current Section 14(f)(1)(i) as Section
                                               certain text is being relocated. The legal               series.’’ This sentence is not currently              14(f)(4). As noted herein, current
                                               quote width obligations are now in                       contained in the rule. The Exchange is                Section 14(f)(4) is being relocated to
                                               Section 14(f) generally and the                          not proposing to amend its current                    within the rule text as explained above.
                                               compliance obligations are being                         practice, rather the Exchange is clearly
                                                                                                                                                              The Exchange also proposes to
                                               relocated to Section 14(f)(3) as described               stating that quoting is not required in
                                               in more detail below. The rule text                                                                            renumber Section 14(f)(2) and (3),
                                                                                                        every assigned options series to make
                                               related to making a two-sided market in                                                                        which are not being amended, as 14(g)
                                                                                                        clear the current obligation. Also, the
                                               Quarterly Option Series, any adjusted                    Exchange proposes to state,                           and (h), respectively.
                                               option series, and any option series with                ‘‘Compliance with this requirement is                 Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)
                                               an expiration of nine months or greater                  determined by reviewing the aggregate
                                               is being relocated from Section 14(f)(4)                 of quoting in assigned options series for                The Exchange proposes to amend
                                               along with the definition for an                         the Options Participant.’’ This language              Section 15(iii) related to Directed
                                               Adjusted Option Series which is being                    is similar to the language currently                  Market Maker quoting requirements to
                                               relocated to Section 14(f)(1)(a) and is                  being removed from Chapter VII,                       similarly add text to conform to Phlx
                                               being defined. The Exchange is also                      Section 14(f)(1), ‘‘These obligations will            Rule 1081(c)(ii)(C). The Exchange
                                               relocating this sentence ‘‘However, a                    apply to all of the LMMs appointed                    proposes to add to Section 15(iii), ‘‘A
                                               LMM may still receive a participation                    issues collectively, rather than on an                Directed Market Maker must enter two-
                                               entitlement in such series if it elects to               option-by-option basis.’’ The proposed                sided quotations. A Directed Market
                                               quote in such series and otherwise                       new language simply conforms the text                 Maker that enters a bid (offer) in a series
                                               satisfies the requirements of Chapter VI,                to Phlx’s Rule 1081(c)(ii)(D).                        of an option in which he is registered on
                                               Section 10’’ from current Chapter VII,                                                                         BX must enter an offer (bid), except in
                                               Section 14(f)(4). The Exchange is                        Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(3)
                                                                                                                                                              an assigned options series listed intra-
                                               conforming the adjusted series                              The Exchange proposes to relocate the              day on BX. These quotations must meet
                                               definition to that of Phlx,8 which                       following rule text from current Section              the legal quote width requirements
                                               provides ‘‘An adjusted option series is                  14(f)(1) to new (f)(3) ‘‘BX Regulation                specified in Chapter VII, Section
                                               an option series wherein one option                      may consider exceptions to the                        6(d)(ii).’’ Similar to the changes for BX
                                               contract in the series represents the                    requirement to quote 90% (or higher) of               Market Makers and Lead Market
                                               delivery of other than 100 shares of                     the trading day based on demonstrated                 Makers, the Exchange proposes to more
                                               underlying stock or Exchange-Traded                      legal or regulatory requirements or other             specifically state within Section 15(iii)
                                               Fund Shares.’’ 9 The amendment of the                    mitigating circumstances.’’ The                       that an Directed Market Maker must
                                               definition will not result in an adjusted                Exchange proposes to replace this rule                enter two-sided quotations. Today, a
                                               option series being treated differently                  text in current Section 14(f)(1),                     Directed Market Maker is not held to
                                               for purposes of BX Rules.                                ‘‘However, determining compliance                     quote an intra-day add of a series
                                               Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(2)                            with the continuous quoting                           because the options series was not
                                                                                                        requirement on a monthly basis does                   available for trading the entire day. The
                                                  The Exchange proposes to add new
                                                                                                        not relieve an LMM of the obligation to               Exchange is adding this exception to the
                                               rule text at Chapter VII, Section 14(f)(2)
                                                                                                        provide continuous two-sided quotes on                rule text to make clear that Directed
                                               which provides the method by which
                                                                                                        a daily basis, nor will it prohibit the               Market Makers would not be
                                               the Exchange will calculate the BX
                                                                                                        Exchange from taking disciplinary                     responsible for quoting an intra-day
                                               LMM quoting obligations. The Exchange
                                                                                                        action against an LMM for failing to                  addition. The Exchange believes that
                                               proposes to state, that the Exchange will
                                                                                                        meet the continuous quoting obligation                not counting intra-day adds of a series
                                               (i) take the total number of seconds the
                                                                                                        each trading day’’ with the following                 that were not available for the entire day
                                               Options Participant disseminates quotes
                                                                                                        rule text:                                            of trading is consistent with the Act
                                               in each assigned options series,
                                               excluding Quarterly Option Series, any                      For purposes of the Exchange’s                     because the Directed Market Maker
                                               Adjusted Option Series, and any option                   surveillance of an Options Participant                would not have the opportunity to trade
                                               series with an expiration of nine months                 compliance with this rule, the Exchange may           that particular options series for the
                                                                                                        determine compliance on a monthly basis.              entire trading day. As is the case today,
                                               or greater for Market Makers; and (ii)                   The Exchange’s monthly compliance
                                               divide that time by the eligible total                                                                         a Directed Market Maker must meet the
                                                                                                        evaluation of the quoting requirement does
                                               number of seconds each assigned option                   not relieve an Options Participant of the             legal quote width requirements
                                               series is open for trading that day. This                obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a           specified in Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(ii).
                                               language conforms to the language also                   daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange           The Exchange also proposes to add to
                                               proposed for Chapter VII, Section                        from taking disciplinary action against an            this paragraph the following sentence,
                                               6(d)(i)(2). Similar to Phlx, the Exchange                Options Participant for failing to meet the
                                                                                                                                                              ‘‘A Market Maker who receives a
                                                                                                        quoting obligation each trading day.
                                                                                                                                                              Directed Order, as described in Chapter
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                                                 8 See  Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(A)(i).
                                                 9 Chapter                                              The Exchange is not amending the                      VII [sic], Section 10, shall be held to the
                                                            VII, Section 14(f)(4) provides the
                                               following definition for an adjusted options series,     manner in which the surveillance                      standard of a Directed Market Maker as
                                               ‘‘For purposes of this Rule, an adjusted option          functions today. The Exchange proposes                described in Chapter VII, Section 15.’’
                                               series is an option series wherein, as a result of a     to conform this rule text throughout the              This language will make clear where a
                                               corporate action by the issuer of the underlying
                                               security, one option contract in the series represents
                                                                                                        rule to mirror language utilized in Phlx              Market Maker receives a Directed Order
                                               the delivery of other than 100 shares of underlying      Rule 1081(c)(iii) and also proposed new               and what the quoting standard shall be
                                               security.’’                                              Chapter VII, Section 6(d)(i)(3). This rule            for that Directed Market Maker.

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices                                                       34643

                                               Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(a)                            satisfies the requirements of Chapter VII                the issues, rather than on an issue-by-
                                                                                                          [sic], Section 10.’’                                     issue basis.’’ The proposed new
                                                  The Exchange proposes to adopt a                                                                                 language simply conforms the text to
                                               new Section 15(iii)(a) and provide,                        Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(a)(i)
                                                                                                                                                                   Phlx’s Rule 1081(c)(ii)(D).
                                               Directed Market Makers, associated with                       The Exchange proposes to adopt a
                                               the same Options Participant, are                          definition of an adjusted option series in               Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(c)
                                               collectively required to provide two-                      subparagraph (i) similar to Phlx 11                        The Exchange proposes to relocate the
                                               sided quotations in 90% of the                             which provides ‘‘An adjusted option                      following rule text from current Section
                                               cumulative number of seconds, or such                      series is an option series wherein one                   15(iii) to new 15(iii)(c) ‘‘BX Regulation
                                               higher percentage as BX may announce                       option contract in the series represents                 may consider exceptions to the
                                               in advance, for which that Options                         the delivery of other than 100 shares of                 requirement to quote 90% (or higher) of
                                               Participant’s assigned options series are                  underlying stock or Exchange-Traded                      the trading day based on demonstrated
                                               open for trading. An Options Participant                   Fund Shares,’’ 12 and define it. The                     legal or regulatory requirements or other
                                               shall be considered directed in all                        amendment of the definition will not                     mitigating circumstances.’’ The
                                               assigned options once the Options                          result in an adjusted option series being                Exchange proposes to add,
                                               Participant receives a Directed Order in                   treated differently for purposes of BX
                                               any option in which they are assigned                      Rules.                                                      For purposes of the Exchange’s
                                                                                                                                                                   surveillance of an Options Participant
                                               and shall be considered a Directed                         Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(b)                          compliance with this rule, the Exchange may
                                               Market Maker until such time as an
                                                                                                             The Exchange proposes to add new                      determine compliance on a monthly basis.
                                               Options Participant notifies the                                                                                    The Exchange’s monthly compliance
                                               Exchange that they are no longer                           rule text at Chapter VII, Section
                                                                                                          15(iii)(b) which provides the method by                  evaluation of the quoting requirement does
                                               directed. Notwithstanding the foregoing,                                                                            not relieve an Options Participant of the
                                               an Options Participant shall not be                        which the Exchange will calculate the
                                                                                                                                                                   obligation to provide two-sided quotes on a
                                               required to make two-sided markets in                      BX Directed Market Maker quoting
                                                                                                                                                                   daily basis, nor will it prohibit the Exchange
                                               any Quarterly Option Series, any                           obligations. The Exchange proposes to
                                                                                                                                                                   from taking disciplinary action against an
                                               Adjusted Option Series, and any option                     state, that the Exchange will (i) take the               Options Participant for failing to meet the
                                               series with an expiration of nine months                   total number of seconds the Options                      quoting obligation each trading day.
                                               or greater. Notwithstanding the                            Participant disseminates quotes in each
                                               obligations specified in subparagraph                      assigned options series, excluding                       The Exchange is not amending the
                                                                                                          Quarterly Option Series, any Adjusted                    manner in which the surveillance
                                               (iii) above, a DMM may still receive a
                                                                                                          Option Series, and any option series                     functions today. The Exchange proposes
                                               participation entitlement in such series
                                                                                                          with an expiration of nine months or                     to conform this rule text throughout the
                                               if it elects to quote in such series and
                                                                                                          greater; and (ii) divide that time by the                rule to mirror language utilized in Phlx
                                               otherwise satisfies the requirements of
                                                                                                          eligible total number of seconds each                    Rule 1081(c)(iii). The Exchange
                                               Chapter VII [sic], Section 10.
                                                                                                          assigned option series is open for                       proposes to relocate and revise this
                                                  The Exchange notes that it is not                       trading that day. Similar to Phlx, the                   language, ‘‘provide continuous two-
                                               amending the quoting obligations for                       Exchange believes that the addition of                   sided quotations throughout the trading
                                               Directed Market Makers. The Exchange                       this language will bring greater                         day in all options issues for which the
                                               is simply conforming the text to Phlx                      transparency to the manner in which                      Directed Market Maker is assigned for
                                               Rule 1081(c)(ii)(C). The Exchange is                       the Exchange calculated the quoting                      90% of the time the Exchange is open
                                               adding rule text to make clear, similar                    obligation.                                              for trading in each issue. Such
                                               to Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(C), when a                           The Exchange proposes to add,                         quotations must meet the legal quote
                                               Directed Market [sic] is considered to be                  ‘‘Quoting is not required in every                       width requirements of Chapter VII,
                                               directed. Similar to Phlx, an Options                      assigned options series.’’ This sentence                 Section 6. These obligations will apply
                                               Participant shall be considered directed                   is not currently contained in the rule.                  collectively to all series in all of the
                                               in all assigned options once the Options                   The Exchange is not proposing to                         issues, rather than on an issue-by-issue
                                               Participant receives a Directed Order in                   amend its current practice, rather the                   basis. Compliance with this obligation
                                               any option in which they are assigned                      Exchange is clearly stating that quoting                 will be determined on a monthly basis’’
                                               and shall be considered a Directed                         is not required in every assigned options                as described herein into Sections 15(iii)
                                               Market Maker until such time as an                         series to make clear the current                         and Section 15(iii)(a).
                                               Options Participant notifies the                           obligation.
                                                                                                             Also, the Exchange proposes to state,                 Chapter VII, Section 15(iii)(d)
                                               Exchange that they are no longer
                                               directed. The Exchange, similar to                         ‘‘Compliance with this requirement is                       The rule text concerning a technical
                                               today, shall not apply quoting                             determined by reviewing the aggregate                    failure is being relocated from Section
                                               obligations to Quarterly Option Series,                    of quoting in assigned options series for                15(iii) to Section 15(iii)(d). The word
                                               any Adjusted Option Series, and any                        the Options Participant.’’ This language                 ‘‘system’’ is being capitalized as that
                                               option series with an expiration of nine                   is similar to the language currently                     term is defined within the Rulebook. As
                                               months or greater.10 The Exchange is                       being removed from Chapter VII,                          noted herein, Section 15(iv) is being
                                               relocating language to Section 15(iii)(a)                  Section 15(iii) ‘‘These obligations will                 relocated to Section 15(iii)(a) and
                                               from Section 15(iv) which states, ‘‘a                      apply collectively to all series in all of               Sections 15(iii)(a)(i).
                                               DMM may still receive a participation                                                                                  The Exchange believes this proposed
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                               11 See
                                                                                                                    Phlx Rule 1081(c)(ii)(A)(i).
                                               entitlement in such series if it elects to                      12 Chapter                                          rule will allow Market Makers to
                                                                                                                        VII, Section 15(iv) provides the
                                               quote in any Quarterly Option Series,                      following definition for an adjusted options series,     quickly compare obligations across
                                               any Adjusted Option Series, and any                        ‘‘For purposes of this Rule, an adjusted option          Nasdaq affiliated markets.13
                                               option series with an expiration of nine                   series is an option series wherein, as a result of a
                                               months or greater series and otherwise                     corporate action by the issuer of the underlying
                                                                                                          security, one option contract in the series represents     13 The Exchange intends to file a similar proposal

                                                                                                          the delivery of other than 100 shares of underlying      for The Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC, Nasdaq ISE,
                                                 10 See   current Chapter VII, Section 15(iv).            security.’’                                              LLC, Nasdaq GEMX, LLC and Nasdaq MRX, LLC.

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                                               34644                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices

                                               2. Statutory Basis                                        III. Date of Effectiveness of the                         determine whether the proposed rule
                                                                                                         Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                       change should be approved or
                                                  The Exchange believes that its                         Commission Action                                         disapproved.
                                               proposal is consistent with Section 6(b)
                                                                                                            Because the foregoing proposed rule                    IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                               of the Act,14 in general, and furthers the
                                                                                                         change does not: (i) Significantly affect
                                               objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,15                                                                           Interested persons are invited to
                                                                                                         the protection of investors or the public
                                               in particular, in that it is designed to                  interest; (ii) impose any significant                     submit written data, views, and
                                               promote just and equitable principles of                  burden on competition; and (iii) become                   arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                               trade, to remove impediments to and                       operative for 30 days from the date on                    including whether the proposed rule
                                               perfect the mechanism of a free and                       which it was filed, or such shorter time                  change is consistent with the Act.
                                               open market and a national market                         as the Commission may designate, it has                   Comments may be submitted by any of
                                               system, and, in general to protect                        become effective pursuant to Section                      the following methods:
                                               investors and the public interest. The                    19(b)(3)(A)(iii) of the Act 18 and
                                               Exchange believes that its proposed rule                                                                            Electronic Comments
                                                                                                         subparagraph (f)(6) of Rule 19b–4
                                               change provides further detail as to                      thereunder.19                                               • Use the Commission’s internet
                                               obligations of Market Makers, LMMs                           A proposed rule change filed under                     comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                               and Directed Market Makers on BX. The                     Rule 19b–4(f)(6) 20 normally does not                     rules/sro.shtml); or
                                               Exchange is not amending its current                      become operative for 30 days after the
                                                                                                                                                                     • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                               quoting obligations, rather the Exchange                  date of filing. However, pursuant to
                                                                                                                                                                   sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
                                               is proposing to amend its current rule                    Rule 19b–4(f)(6)(iii),21 the Commission
                                                                                                                                                                   BX–2018–029 on the subject line.
                                               text to bring greater transparency to the                 may designate a shorter time if such
                                               current quoting obligations by adding                     action is consistent with the protection                  Paper Comments
                                               clear language which explains the                         of investors and the public interest. In
                                               manner in which BX will calculate the                     its filing with the Commission, the                         • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                               various quoting obligations for each                      Exchange has asked the Commission to                      to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                         waive the 30-day operative delay so that                  Commission, 100 F Street NE,
                                               type of Market Maker. The Exchange
                                                                                                         the proposal to amend its Market Maker                    Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                               believes the proposed rule text is
                                               consistent with the Act because the                       quoting obligations to add more detail to                 All submissions should refer to File
                                               proposed rule text protect investors and                  the current quoting requirements may                      Number SR–BX–2018–029. This file
                                               the public interest by providing clear                    become operative immediately upon                         number should be included on the
                                               language that will be utilized on all                     filing. The Exchange believes that the                    subject line if email is used. To help the
                                               Nasdaq affiliate markets for easy                         proposal will bring greater transparency                  Commission process and review your
                                               comparison.                                               to the Exchange’s rules. The                              comments more efficiently, please use
                                                                                                         Commission notes that the changes are                     only one method. The Commission will
                                               B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                         substantially similar to Phlx Rule                        post all comments on the Commission’s
                                               Statement on Burden on Competition                        1081(c). As such, the Commission                          internet website (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                         believes that waiving the 30-day                          rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                  The Exchange believes that its                         operative delay is consistent with the                    submission, all subsequent
                                               proposal is consistent with Section 6(b)                  protection of investors and the public                    amendments, all written statements
                                               of the Act,16 in general, and furthers the                interest. Therefore, the Commission                       with respect to the proposed rule
                                               objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,17               designates the proposed rule change                       change that are filed with the
                                               in particular, in that it is designed to                  operative upon filing.22                                  Commission, and all written
                                               promote just and equitable principles of                     At any time within 60 days of the                      communications relating to the
                                               trade, to remove impediments to and                       filing of the proposed rule change, the                   proposed rule change between the
                                               perfect the mechanism of a free and                       Commission summarily may                                  Commission and any person, other than
                                               open market and a national market                         temporarily suspend such rule change if                   those that may be withheld from the
                                               system, and, in general to protect                        it appears to the Commission that such                    public in accordance with the
                                               investors and the public interest. The                    action is necessary or appropriate in the                 provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                               proposal does not impose a burden on                      public interest, for the protection of                    available for website viewing and
                                               competition because the Exchange will                     investors, or otherwise in furtherance of                 printing in the Commission’s Public
                                               continue to uniformly calculate and                       the purposes of the Act. If the                           Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
                                               apply the quoting obligations to all BX                   Commission takes such action, the                         Washington, DC 20549, on official
                                               Market Makers as provided for in the                      Commission shall institute proceedings                    business days between the hours of
                                               proposed rule text. The Exchange’s                        under Section 19(b)(2)(B) of the Act 23 to                10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
                                               proposal does not modify the current                                                                                filing also will be available for
                                                                                                              18 15
                                                                                                                  U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(iii).
                                               quoting obligations on BX.                                     19 17                                                inspection and copying at the principal
                                                                                                                  CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6). In addition, Rule 19b–
                                               C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                         4(f)(6) requires a self-regulatory organization to give   office of the Exchange. All comments
                                               Statement on Comments on the                              the Commission written notice of its intent to file       received will be posted without change.
                                                                                                         the proposed rule change at least five business days      Persons submitting comments are
                                               Proposed Rule Change Received From                        prior to the date of filing of the proposed rule
                                                                                                                                                                   cautioned that we do not redact or edit
                                               Members, Participants, or Others                          change, or such shorter time as designated by the
                                                                                                         Commission. The Exchange has satisfied this               personal identifying information from
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                 No written comments were either                         requirement.                                              comment submissions. You should
                                               solicited or received.
                                                                                                           20 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6).
                                                                                                                                                                   submit only information that you wish
                                                                                                           21 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6)(iii).
                                                                                                                                                                   to make available publicly. All
                                                                                                           22 For purposes only of waiving the operative
                                                 14 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).                                                                                              submissions should refer to File
                                                                                                         delay, the Commission has considered the proposed
                                                 15 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).                                 rule’s impact on efficiency, competition, and capital     Number SR–BX–2018–029 and should
                                                 16 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).                                    formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).                          be submitted on or before August 10,
                                                 17 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).                                   23 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).                              2018.

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 140 / Friday, July 20, 2018 / Notices                                                          34645

                                                 For the Commission, by the Division of                                                                       Percent declaration for Private Non-Profit
                                               Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated                                                                             organizations in the State of NEW
                                               authority.24                                                   Businesses with Credit Avail-                           JERSEY, dated 06/08/2018, is hereby
                                               Eduardo A. Aleman,                                               able Elsewhere ......................           7.220 amended to include the following areas
                                               Assistant Secretary.                                           Businesses        without          Credit               as adversely affected by the disaster.
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–15502 Filed 7–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                Available Elsewhere ..............              3.610
                                                                                                              Non-Profit Organizations with                           Primary Counties: Burlington
                                               BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                                                                                   All other information in the original
                                                                                                                Credit Available Elsewhere ...                  2.500
                                                                                                              Non-Profit Organizations with-                          declaration remains unchanged.
                                                                                                                out Credit Available Else-
                                                                                                                                                                         (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
                                               SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                    where .....................................      2.500
                                                                                                                                                                         Number 59008)
                                                                                                            For Economic Injury:
                                               [Disaster Declaration #15584 and #15585;                       Businesses & Small Agricultural                            James Rivera,
                                               Texas Disaster Number TX–00500]                                  Cooperatives without Credit                              Associate Administrator for Disaster
                                                                                                                Available Elsewhere ..............              3.610    Assistance.
                                               Presidential Declaration of a Major                            Non-Profit Organizations with-
                                               Disaster for the State of Texas                                  out Credit Available Else-                               [FR Doc. 2018–15588 Filed 7–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                where .....................................      2.500   BILLING CODE 8025–01–P
                                               AGENCY: U.S. Small Business
                                                                                                              The number assigned to this disaster
                                               ACTION: Notice.                                              for physical damage is 155846 and for                        SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
                                               SUMMARY:   This is a Notice of the                           economic injury is 155850.
                                               Presidential declaration of a major                          (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance                      [Disaster Declaration #15590 and #15591;
                                                                                                            Number 59008)                                                WEST VIRGINIA Disaster Number WV–
                                               disaster for the State of Texas (FEMA–
                                               4377–DR), dated 07/06/2018.
                                                 Incident: Severe Storms and Flooding.                      James Rivera,
                                                                                                                                                                         Presidential Declaration of a Major
                                                 Incident Period: 06/19/2018 and                            Associate Administrator for Disaster                         Disaster for Public Assistance Only for
                                               continuing.                                                  Assistance.
                                                                                                                                                                         the State of West Virginia
                                               DATES: Issued on 07/06/2018.                                 [FR Doc. 2018–15587 Filed 7–19–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 Physical Loan Application Deadline                         BILLING CODE 8025–01–P                                       AGENCY: U.S. Small Business
                                               Date: 09/04/2018.                                                                                                         Administration.
                                                 Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan                                                                                             ACTION: Notice.
                                               Application Deadline Date: 04/08/2019.                       SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
                                               ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan                                                                                          SUMMARY:    This is a Notice of the
                                                                                                            [Disaster Declaration #15553 and #15554;
                                               applications to: U.S. Small Business                         NEW JERSEY Disaster Number NJ–00048]                         Presidential declaration of a major
                                               Administration, Processing and                                                                                            disaster for Public Assistance Only for
                                               Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport                         Presidential Declaration Amendment of                        the State of West Virginia (FEMA–4378–
                                               Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.                                  a Major Disaster for Public Assistance                       DR), dated 07/12/2018.
                                                                                                            Only for the State of New Jersey                                Incident: Severe Storms, Flooding,
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A.
                                                                                                                                                                         Landslides, and Mudslides.
                                               Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,                      AGENCY: U.S. Small Business                                     Incident Period: 05/28/2018 through
                                               U.S. Small Business Administration,                          Administration.                                              06/03/2018.
                                               409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050,                               ACTION: Amendment 1.
                                               Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734.                                                                                     DATES: Issued on 07/12/2018.
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is                         SUMMARY:   This is an amendment of the                          Physical Loan Application Deadline
                                               hereby given that as a result of the                         Presidential declaration of a major                          Date: 09/10/2018.
                                               President’s major disaster declaration on                    disaster for Public Assistance Only for                         Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
                                               07/06/2018, applications for disaster                        the State of New Jersey (FEMA–4368–                          Application Deadline Date: 04/12/2019.
                                               loans may be filed at the address listed                     DR), dated 06/08/2018.                                       ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
                                               above or other locally announced                               Incident: Severe Winter Storm and                          applications to: U.S. Small Business
                                               locations.                                                   Snowstorm.                                                   Administration, Processing and
                                                 The following areas have been                                Incident Period: 03/06/2018 through                        Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
                                               determined to be adversely affected by                       03/07/2018.                                                  Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
                                               the disaster:                                                DATES: Issued on 07/13/2018.                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A.
                                               Primary Counties (Physical Damage and                          Physical Loan Application Deadline                         Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
                                                   Economic Injury Loans): Cameron,                         Date: 08/07/2018.                                            U.S. Small Business Administration,
                                                   Hidalgo                                                    Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan                                409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050,
                                               Contiguous Counties (Economic Injury                         Application Deadline Date: 03/08/2019.                       Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734.
                                                   Loans Only):                                             ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is
                                                 Texas: Brooks, Kenedy, Starr, Willacy.                     applications to: U.S. Small Business                         hereby given that as a result of the
                                               The Interest Rates are:                                      Administration, Processing and                               President’s major disaster declaration on
                                                                                                            Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport                         07/12/2018, Private Non-Profit
                                                                                             Percent        Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.                                  organizations that provide essential
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A.                          services of a governmental nature may
                                               For Physical Damage:
                                                                                                            Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,                      file disaster loan applications at the
                                                 Homeowners with Credit Avail-
                                                   able Elsewhere ......................            3.875   U.S. Small Business Administration,                          address listed above or other locally
                                                 Homeowners without Credit                                  409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050,                               announced locations.
                                                   Available Elsewhere ..............               1.938   Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734.                           The following areas have been
                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice                        determined to be adversely affected by
                                                 24 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                               of the President’s major disaster                            the disaster:

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Document Created: 2018-07-20 01:19:35
Document Modified: 2018-07-20 01:19:35
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 34639 

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