83_FR_37102 83 FR 36955 - Notice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting: Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee

83 FR 36955 - Notice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting: Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 147 (July 31, 2018)

Page Range36955-36956
FR Document2018-16346

This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda for a meeting of the MHCC. The meeting is open to the public and the site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. The agenda provides an opportunity for citizens to comment on the business before the MHCC.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 147 (Tuesday, July 31, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 147 (Tuesday, July 31, 2018)]
[Pages 36955-36956]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-16346]



[Docket No. FR-6083-N-02]

Notice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting: Manufactured 
Housing Consensus Committee

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing 
Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

ACTION: Notice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting: Manufactured 
Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC).


SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda for a 
meeting of the MHCC. The meeting is open to the public and the site is 
accessible to individuals with disabilities. The agenda provides an 
opportunity for citizens to comment on the business before the MHCC.

DATES: The meeting will be held on September 11 through September 13, 
2018, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) daily.

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Washington--
Capitol, 550 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20024.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Teresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator, 
Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and 
Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 9166, Washington, DC 20410, 
telephone (202) 708-6423 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons who 
have difficulty hearing or speaking may access this number via TTY by 
calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 800-877-



    Notice of this meeting is provided in accordance with the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act, 5. U.S.C. App. 10(a)(2) through implementing 
regulations at 41 CFR 102-3.150. The MHCC was established by the 
National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 
1974, 42 U.S.C. 5403(a)(3), as amended by the Manufactured Housing 
Improvement Act of 2000, (Pub. L. 106-569). According to 42 U.S.C. 
5403, as amended, the purposes of the MHCC are to:
     Provide periodic recommendations to the Secretary to 
adopt, revise, and interpret the Federal manufactured housing 
construction and safety standards in accordance with this subsection;
     Provide periodic recommendations to the Secretary to 
adopt, revise, and interpret the procedural and enforcement 
regulations, including regulations specifying the permissible scope and 
conduct of monitoring in accordance with subsection (b);
     Be organized and carry out its business in a manner that 
guarantees a fair opportunity for the expression and consideration of 
various positions and for public participation.
    The MHCC is deemed an advisory committee not composed of Federal 

Public Comment

    Citizens wishing to make comments on the business of the MHCC are

[[Page 36956]]

encouraged to register by or before Tuesday, August 28, 2018, by 
contacting Home Innovation Research Labs; Attention: Kevin Kauffman, 
400 Prince Georges Blvd., Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, or email to 
[email protected] or call 1-888-602-4663. Written comments are 
encouraged. The MHCC strives to accommodate citizen comments to the 
extent possible within the time constraints of the meeting agenda. 
Advance registration is strongly encouraged. The MHCC will also provide 
an opportunity for public comment on specific matters before the MHCC.

Tentative Agenda

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I. Call to Order--Chair & Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
II. Opening Remarks--Chair & HUD
    A. Roll Call--Administering Organization (AO)
    B. Introductions
    i. HUD Staff
    ii. Guests
    C. Administrative Announcements--DFO & AO
III. Approve draft minutes from December 12, 2016, MHCC meeting
IV. Update on the Regulatory Process
V. Update on Approved Proposals--HUD OGC
VI. Review of Current Log & Action Items
VII. Break
VIII. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items
IX. Public Comment Period
X. Lunch
XI. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items
XII. Break
XIII. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items
XIV. Daily Wrap Up--DFO & AO
XV. Adjourn

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I. Reconvene Meeting--Chair & Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
II. Opening Remarks--Chair
    A. Roll Call--Administering Organization (AO)
III. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items
IV. Break
V. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items
VI. Public Comment
VII. Lunch
VIII. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items or Subcommittee/
Task Group Meetings
IX. Break
X. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items or Subcommittee/Task 
Group Meetings
XI. Daily Wrap Up--DFO
XII. Adjourn

Thursday, September 13, 2018

I. Reconvene Meeting--Chair & Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
II. Opening Remarks--Chair & FHA Commissioner
    A. Roll Call--Administering Organization (AO)
III. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items or Subcommittee/Task 
Group Meetings
IV. Break
V. Continue Review of Current Log & Action Items or Subcommittee/Task 
Group Meetings
VI. Public Comment
VII. Daily Wrap Up--DFO & AO
VIII. Adjourn

    Dated: July 25, 2018.
Vance Morris,
Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing 
[FR Doc. 2018-16346 Filed 7-30-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 147 / Tuesday, July 31, 2018 / Notices                                          36955

                                               ‘‘Contacts Information.’’ If an individual               FOIA. Throughout the benefit                           meeting of the MHCC. The meeting is
                                               believes more than one component                         determination process, and prior to                    open to the public and the site is
                                               maintains Privacy Act records                            USCIS making a determination to deny                   accessible to individuals with
                                               concerning him or her, the individual                    a benefit request, USCIS provides                      disabilities. The agenda provides an
                                               may submit the request to the Chief                      individuals with the opportunity to                    opportunity for citizens to comment on
                                               Privacy Officer and Chief FOIA Officer,                  address and correct the information.                   the business before the MHCC.
                                               Department of Homeland Security,                                                                                DATES: The meeting will be held on
                                                                                                        NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES:
                                               Washington, DC 20528–0655. Even if                                                                              September 11 through September 13,
                                               neither the Privacy Act nor the Judicial                      See ‘‘Record Access Procedures.’’                 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern
                                               Redress Act provide a right of access,                   EXEMPTIONS PROMULGATED FOR THE SYSTEM:                 Standard Time (EST) daily.
                                               certain records about the individual                                                                            ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
                                               may be available under the Freedom of                       The Secretary of Homeland Security,
                                                                                                        pursuant to Secretary’s delegation                     the Holiday Inn Washington—Capitol,
                                               Information Act.                                                                                                550 C Street SW, Washington, DC
                                                  When an individual is seeking records                 number 15002 to the Director of USCIS
                                                                                                        to conduct certain law enforcement                     20024.
                                               about himself or herself from this
                                               system of records or any other                           activities, when necessary to protect the              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               Departmental system of records, the                      national security and public safety,                   Teresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator,
                                               individual’s request must conform with                   pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2), is                    Office of Manufactured Housing
                                               the Privacy Act regulations set forth in                 proposing to exempt this system from                   Programs, Department of Housing and
                                               6 CFR part 5. The individual must first                  the following provisions of the Privacy                Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW,
                                               verify his or her identity, meaning that                 Act: 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (c)(4); (d);                 Room 9166, Washington, DC 20410,
                                               the individual must provide his or her                   (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), (e)(4)(G), (e)(4)(H),          telephone (202) 708–6423 (this is not a
                                               full name, current address, and date and                 (e)(4)(I), (e)(5), (e)(8); (f); and (g).               toll-free number). Persons who have
                                               place of birth. The individual must sign                 Additionally, the Secretary of Homeland                difficulty hearing or speaking may
                                               the request, and the individual’s                        Security, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.                         access this number via TTY by calling
                                               signature must either be notarized or                    552a(k)(2), has exempted this system                   the toll-free Federal Information Relay
                                               submitted under 28 U.S.C. 1746, a law                    from the following provisions of the                   Service at 800–877–8339.
                                               that permits statements to be made                       Privacy Act: 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d),                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               under penalty of perjury as a substitute                 (e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (e)(4)(H), (e)(4)(I), and
                                                                                                        (f). When a record received from another               Background
                                               for notarization. While no specific form
                                               is required, an individual may obtain                    system has been exempted in that                          Notice of this meeting is provided in
                                               forms for this purpose from the Chief                    source system under 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2),               accordance with the Federal Advisory
                                               Privacy Officer and Chief FOIA Officer,                  DHS will claim the same exemptions for                 Committee Act, 5. U.S.C. App. 10(a)(2)
                                               http://www.dhs.gov/foia or 1–866–431–                    those records that are claimed for the                 through implementing regulations at 41
                                               0486. In addition, the individual                        original primary systems of records from               CFR 102–3.150. The MHCC was
                                               should:                                                  which they originated and claims any                   established by the National
                                                  • Explain why the individual believe                  additional exemptions set forth here.                  Manufactured Housing Construction
                                               the Department would have information                                                                           and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42
                                               on him or her;                                                                                                  U.S.C. 5403(a)(3), as amended by the
                                                  • Identify which component(s) of the                    DHS/USCIS–002 Background Check                       Manufactured Housing Improvement
                                               Department the individual believes may                   Service, 72 FR 31082 (June 5, 2007);                   Act of 2000, (Pub. L. 106–569).
                                               have the information about him or her;                   DHS/USCIS–003 Biometric Storage                        According to 42 U.S.C. 5403, as
                                                  • Specify when the individual                         System, 72 FR 17172 (April 6, 2007).                   amended, the purposes of the MHCC are
                                               believes the records would have been                     Philip S. Kaplan,                                      to:
                                               created; and                                                                                                       • Provide periodic recommendations
                                                                                                        Chief Privacy Officer, Department of
                                                  • Provide any other information that                  Homeland Security.                                     to the Secretary to adopt, revise, and
                                               will help the FOIA staff determine                                                                              interpret the Federal manufactured
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–16138 Filed 7–30–18; 8:45 am]
                                               which DHS component agency may                                                                                  housing construction and safety
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 9111–97–P
                                               have responsive records;                                                                                        standards in accordance with this
                                                  If an individual’s request is seeking                                                                        subsection;
                                               records pertaining to another living                                                                               • Provide periodic recommendations
                                               individual, the first individual must                    DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND                              to the Secretary to adopt, revise, and
                                               include a statement from that individual                 URBAN DEVELOPMENT                                      interpret the procedural and
                                               certifying his/her agreement for the first               [Docket No. FR–6083–N–02]                              enforcement regulations, including
                                               individual to access his/her records.                                                                           regulations specifying the permissible
                                                  Without the above information, the                    Notice of a Federal Advisory                           scope and conduct of monitoring in
                                               component(s) may not be able to                          Committee Meeting: Manufactured                        accordance with subsection (b);
                                               conduct an effective search, and the                     Housing Consensus Committee                               • Be organized and carry out its
                                               individual’s request may be denied due                                                                          business in a manner that guarantees a
                                               to lack of specificity or lack of                        AGENCY:  Office of the Assistant                       fair opportunity for the expression and
                                               compliance with applicable regulations.                  Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing                  consideration of various positions and
                                                                                                        Commissioner, Department of Housing                    for public participation.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES:                            and Urban Development (HUD).                              The MHCC is deemed an advisory
                                                  For records covered by the Privacy                    ACTION: Notice of a Federal Advisory                   committee not composed of Federal
                                               Act or covered JRA records, see                          Committee Meeting: Manufactured                        employees.
                                               ‘‘Records Access Procedures’’ above.                     Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC).
                                               Any individual, regardless of                                                                                   Public Comment
                                               immigration status, may file a request to                SUMMARY:  This notice sets forth the                     Citizens wishing to make comments
                                               access his or her information under the                  schedule and proposed agenda for a                     on the business of the MHCC are

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:30 Jul 30, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000    Frm 00084   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\31JYN1.SGM   31JYN1

                                               36956                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 147 / Tuesday, July 31, 2018 / Notices

                                               encouraged to register by or before                      XI. Daily Wrap Up—DFO                                   • Email: permitsR3ES@fws.gov.
                                               Tuesday, August 28, 2018, by contacting                  XII. Adjourn                                          Please refer to the respective permit
                                               Home Innovation Research Labs;                           Thursday, September 13, 2018                          number (e.g., Application No.
                                               Attention: Kevin Kauffman, 400 Prince                                                                          TEXXXXXX) in the subject line of your
                                               Georges Blvd., Upper Marlboro, MD                        I. Reconvene Meeting—Chair &                          email message.
                                               20774, or email to mhcc@                                       Designated Federal Officer (DFO)                  • U.S. Mail: Regional Director, Attn:
                                               homeinnovation.com or call 1–888–                        II. Opening Remarks—Chair & FHA                       Carlita Payne, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                               602–4663. Written comments are                                 Commissioner                                    Service, Ecological Services, 5600
                                               encouraged. The MHCC strives to                             A. Roll Call—Administering                         American Blvd. West, Suite 990,
                                               accommodate citizen comments to the                            Organization (AO)                               Bloomington, MN 55437–1458.
                                                                                                        III. Continue Review of Current Log &
                                               extent possible within the time                                                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                              Action Items or Subcommittee/Task
                                               constraints of the meeting agenda.                                                                             Carlita Payne, 612–713–5343;
                                                                                                              Group Meetings
                                               Advance registration is strongly                         IV. Break                                             permitsR3ES@fws.gov. Individuals who
                                               encouraged. The MHCC will also                           V. Continue Review of Current Log &                   are hearing or speech impaired may call
                                               provide an opportunity for public                              Action Items or Subcommittee/Task               the Federal Relay Service at 1–800–877–
                                               comment on specific matters before the                         Group Meetings                                  8339 for TTY assistance.
                                               MHCC.                                                    VI. Public Comment                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We, the
                                               Tentative Agenda                                         VII. Daily Wrap Up—DFO & AO                           U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite
                                                                                                        VIII. Adjourn                                         the public to comment on applications
                                               Tuesday, September 11, 2018                                Dated: July 25, 2018.                               for permits under section 10(a)(1)(A) of
                                               I. Call to Order—Chair & Designated                      Vance Morris,                                         the Endangered Species Act, as
                                                     Federal Officer (DFO)                              Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary for          amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
                                               II. Opening Remarks—Chair & HUD                          Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner.                 The requested permits would allow the
                                                  A. Roll Call—Administering                            [FR Doc. 2018–16346 Filed 7–30–18; 8:45 am]           applicants to conduct activities
                                                     Organization (AO)                                                                                        intended to promote recovery of species
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE P
                                                  B. Introductions                                                                                            that are listed as endangered or
                                                  i. HUD Staff                                                                                                threatened under the ESA.
                                                  ii. Guests
                                                  C. Administrative Announcements—                      DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            Background
                                                     DFO & AO                                                                                                    With some exceptions, the ESA
                                               III. Approve draft minutes from                          Fish and Wildlife Service
                                                                                                                                                              prohibits activities that constitute take
                                                     December 12, 2016, MHCC meeting                    [FWS–R3–ES–2018–N085;                                 of listed species unless a Federal permit
                                               IV. Update on the Regulatory Process                     FXES11130300000–189–FF03E00000]
                                               V. Update on Approved Proposals—                                                                               is issued that allows such activity. The
                                                     HUD OGC                                            Endangered and Threatened Species;                    ESA’s definition of ‘‘take’’ includes such
                                               VI. Review of Current Log & Action                       Receipt of Recovery Permit                            activities as pursuing, harassing,
                                                     Items                                              Applications                                          trapping, capturing, or collecting in
                                               VII. Break                                                                                                     addition to hunting, shooting, harming,
                                               VIII. Continue Review of Current Log &                   AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                  wounding, or killing.
                                                     Action Items                                       Interior.                                                A recovery permit issued by us under
                                               IX. Public Comment Period                                ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit                   section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA
                                               X. Lunch                                                 applications; request for comments.                   authorizes the permittee to conduct
                                               XI. Continue Review of Current Log &                                                                           activities with endangered or threatened
                                                     Action Items                                       SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and                     species for scientific purposes that
                                               XII. Break                                               Wildlife Service, have received                       promote recovery or for enhancement of
                                               XIII. Continue Review of Current Log &                   applications for permits to conduct                   propagation or survival of the species.
                                                     Action Items                                       activities intended to enhance the                    These activities often include such
                                               XIV. Daily Wrap Up—DFO & AO                              propagation or survival of endangered                 prohibited actions as capture and
                                               XV. Adjourn                                              or threatened species under the                       collection. Our regulations
                                                                                                        Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                    implementing section 10(a)(1)(A) for
                                               Wednesday, September 12, 2018
                                                                                                        amended. We invite the public and                     these permits are found in the Code of
                                               I. Reconvene Meeting—Chair &                             local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies            Federal Regulations at 50 CFR 17.22 for
                                                     Designated Federal Officer (DFO)                   to comment on these applications.                     endangered wildlife species, 50 CFR
                                               II. Opening Remarks—Chair                                Before issuing any of the requested
                                                  A. Roll Call—Administering                                                                                  17.32 for threatened wildlife species, 50
                                                                                                        permits, we will take into consideration              CFR 17.62 for endangered plant species,
                                                     Organization (AO)                                  any information that we receive during
                                               III. Continue Review of Current Log &                                                                          and 50 CFR 17.72 for threatened plant
                                                                                                        the public comment period.                            species.
                                                     Action Items
                                                                                                        DATES: We must receive your written
                                               IV. Break                                                                                                      Permit Applications Available for
                                               V. Continue Review of Current Log &                      comments on or before August 30, 2018.
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: Document availability and
                                                                                                                                                              Review and Comment
                                                     Action Items
                                               VI. Public Comment                                       comment submission: You may, within                     Proposed activities in the following
                                               VII. Lunch                                               30 days of the date of publication of this            permit requests are for the recovery and
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               VIII. Continue Review of Current Log &                   notice (see DATES) submit requests for                enhancement of propagation or survival
                                                     Action Items or Subcommittee/Task                  copies of the applications and related                of the species in the wild. The ESA
                                                     Group Meetings                                     documents, and submit any comments                    requires that we invite public comment
                                               IX. Break                                                by one of the following methods. All                  before issuing these permits.
                                               X. Continue Review of Current Log &                      requests and comments should specify                  Accordingly, we invite local, State,
                                                     Action Items or Subcommittee/Task                  the applicant name(s) and application                 Tribal, and Federal agencies and the
                                                     Group Meetings                                     number(s) (e.g., TEXXXXXX):                           public to submit written data, views, or

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:30 Jul 30, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00085   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\31JYN1.SGM   31JYN1

Document Created: 2018-11-06 10:29:12
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 10:29:12
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting: Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC).
DatesThe meeting will be held on September 11 through September 13, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) daily.
ContactTeresa B. Payne, Acting Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 9166, Washington, DC 20410, telephone (202) 708-6423 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons who have difficulty hearing or speaking may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 800-877- 8339.
FR Citation83 FR 36955 

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