83_FR_3734 83 FR 3716 - Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly Listing of Program Issuances-October Through December 2017

83 FR 3716 - Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly Listing of Program Issuances-October Through December 2017

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 18 (January 26, 2018)

Page Range3716-3730
FR Document2018-01475

This quarterly notice lists CMS manual instructions, substantive and interpretive regulations, and other Federal Register notices that were published from October through December 2017, relating to the Medicare and Medicaid programs and other programs administered by CMS.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 18 (Friday, January 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 18 (Friday, January 26, 2018)]
[Pages 3716-3730]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-01475]



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Quarterly Listing of Program 
Issuances--October Through December 2017

AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This quarterly notice lists CMS manual instructions, 
substantive and interpretive regulations, and other Federal Register 
notices that were published from October through December 2017, 
relating to the Medicare and Medicaid programs and other programs 
administered by CMS.

[[Page 3717]]

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: It is possible that an interested 
party may need specific information and not be able to determine from 
the listed information whether the issuance or regulation would fulfill 
that need. Consequently, we are providing contact persons to answer 
general questions concerning each of the addenda published in this 

                  Addenda                                        Contact                           Phone No.
I. CMS Manual Instructions................  Ismael Torres....................................     (410) 786-1864
II. Regulation Documents Published in the   Terri Plumb......................................     (410) 786-4481
 Federal Register.
III. CMS Rulings..........................  Tiffany Lafferty.................................     (410) 786-7548
IV. Medicare National Coverage              Wanda Belle, MPA.................................     (410) 786-7491
V. FDA-Approved Category B IDEs...........  John Manlove.....................................     (410) 786-6877
VI. Collections of Information............  William Parham...................................     (410) 786-4669
VII. Medicare-Approved Carotid Stent        Sarah Fulton, MHS................................     (410) 786-2749
VIII. American College of Cardiology-       Sarah Fulton, MHS................................     (410) 786-2749
 National Cardiovascular Data Registry
IX. Medicare's Active Coverage-Related      JoAnna Baldwin, MS...............................     (410) 786-7205
 Guidance Documents.
X. One-time Notices Regarding National      JoAnna Baldwin, MS...............................     (410) 786-7205
 Coverage Provisions.
XI. National Oncologic Positron Emission    Stuart Caplan, RN, MAS...........................     (410) 786-8564
 Tomography Registry Sites.
XII. Medicare-Approved Ventricular Assist   Linda Gousis, JD.................................     (410) 786-8616
 Device (Destination Therapy) Facilities.
XIII. Medicare-Approved Lung Volume         Sarah Fulton, MHS................................     (410) 786-2749
 Reduction Surgery Facilities.
XIV. Medicare-Approved Bariatric Surgery    Sarah Fulton, MHS................................     (410) 786-2749
XV. Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission    Stuart Caplan, RN, MAS...........................     (410) 786-8564
 Tomography for Dementia Trials.
All Other Information.....................  Annette Brewer...................................     (410) 786-6580

I. Background

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is responsible 
for administering the Medicare and Medicaid programs and coordination 
and oversight of private health insurance. Administration and oversight 
of these programs involves the following: (1) Furnishing information to 
Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, health care providers, and the 
public; and (2) maintaining effective communications with CMS regional 
offices, state governments, state Medicaid agencies, state survey 
agencies, various providers of health care, all Medicare contractors 
that process claims and pay bills, National Association of Insurance 
Commissioners (NAIC), health insurers, and other stakeholders. To 
implement the various statutes on which the programs are based, we 
issue regulations under the authority granted to the Secretary of the 
Department of Health and Human Services under sections 1102, 1871, 
1902, and related provisions of the Social Security Act (the Act) and 
Public Health Service Act. We also issue various manuals, memoranda, 
and statements necessary to administer and oversee the programs 
    Section 1871(c) of the Act requires that we publish a list of all 
Medicare manual instructions, interpretive rules, statements of policy, 
and guidelines of general applicability not issued as regulations at 
least every 3 months in the Federal Register.

II. Format for the Quarterly Issuance Notices

    This quarterly notice provides only the specific updates that have 
occurred in the 3-month period along with a hyperlink to the full 
listing that is available on the CMS website or the appropriate data 
registries that are used as our resources. This is the most current up-
to-date information and will be available earlier than we publish our 
quarterly notice. We believe the website list provides more timely 
access for beneficiaries, providers, and suppliers. We also believe the 
website offers a more convenient tool for the public to find the full 
list of qualified providers for these specific services and offers more 
flexibility and ``real time'' accessibility. In addition, many of the 
websites have listservs; that is, the public can subscribe and receive 
immediate notification of any updates to the website. These listservs 
avoid the need to check the website, as notification of updates is 
automatic and sent to the subscriber as they occur. If assessing a 
website proves to be difficult, the contact person listed can provide 

III. How to Use the Notice

    This notice is organized into 15 addenda so that a reader may 
access the subjects published during the quarter covered by the notice 
to determine whether any are of particular interest. We expect this 
notice to be used in concert with previously published notices. Those 
unfamiliar with a description of our Medicare manuals should view the 
manuals at http://www.cms.gov/manuals.

    Dated: January 17, 2018.
Kathleen Cantwell,
Director, Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory Affairs.

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[FR Doc. 2018-01475 Filed 1-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                               3716                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 18 / Friday, January 26, 2018 / Notices

                                               panel meeting and the transition to one                 and resubmitted no later than 3 years                  to serve on the Panel under the
                                               meeting of the panel per year (81 FR                    after the original nomination submittal                conditions described in this notice and
                                               31941).                                                 to continue to be considered for                       further specified in the Charter.
                                                                                                       committee vacancies. CMS will consider                   • The hospital or hospital system
                                               II. Request for Nominations; Criteria for
                                                                                                       the nominations submitted in response                  name and address, or CAH name and
                                                                                                       to the notice published in the Federal                 address, as well as all Medicare hospital
                                                  The Panel shall consist of a chair and               Register on December 23, 2016, entitled                and or Medicare CAH billing numbers
                                               up to 15 members who are full-time                      ‘‘Medicare Program; Renewal of the                     of the facility where the nominee is
                                               employees of hospitals, hospital                        Advisory Panel on Hospital Outpatient                  employed.
                                               systems, or other Medicare providers                    Payment and Solicitation of                              Future updates or changes to the
                                               that are subject to the OPPS. For                       Nominations to the Advisory Panel on                   panel nomination process may be
                                               supervision deliberations, the Panel                    Hospital Outpatient Payment’’ (81 FR                   published in the Federal Register or
                                               shall also include members that                         94378), unless they are withdrawn or                   posted on the CMS Advisory Panel for
                                               represent the interests of Critical Access              the nominees’ qualifications have                      Hospital Outpatient Payment website,
                                               Hospitals (CAHs), who advise the                        changed. Nominations will be                           referenced in section II, ‘‘Request for
                                               Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                         considered as vacancies occur.                         Nominations; Criteria for Nominees,’’ of
                                               Services (CMS) only regarding the level                    The Panel must be balanced in its                   this notice.
                                               of supervision for hospital outpatient                  membership in terms of the points of
                                               therapeutic services. (For purposes of                  view represented and the functions to                  IV. Copies of the Charter
                                               the Panel, consultants or independent                   be performed. Each panel member must                      To obtain a copy of the Panel’s
                                               contractors are not considered to be full-              be employed full-time by a hospital,                   Charter, we refer readers to our website
                                               time employees in these organizations.)                 hospital system, or other Medicare                     at: http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-
                                                  The HOP Panel currently consists of                  provider subject to payment under the                  and-Guidance/Guidance/FACA/
                                               13 panel members. Two additional                        OPPS (except for the CAH members,                      AdvisoryPanelonAmbulatoryPayment
                                               vacancies will occur in CY 2018. The                    since CAHs are not paid under the                      ClassificationGroups.html.
                                               list of HOP Panel members is located in                 OPPS). All members must have
                                               the FACA database, Advisory Panel on                                                                           V. Collection of Information
                                                                                                       technical expertise to enable them to
                                               Hospital Outpatient Payment Committee                                                                          Requirements
                                                                                                       participate fully in the Panel’s work.
                                               page, on the FACA database website at:                  Such expertise encompasses hospital                      This document does not impose
                                               https://www.facadatabase.gov/                           payment systems; hospital medical care                 information collection requirements,
                                               committee/committee.aspx?cid=                           delivery systems; provider billing                     that is, reporting, recordkeeping or
                                               1791&aid=76.                                            systems; APC groups; Current                           third-party disclosure requirements.
                                                  Panel members serve on a voluntary                   Procedural Terminology codes; and                      Consequently, there is no need for
                                               basis, without compensation, according                  alpha-numeric Health Care Common                       review by the Office of Management and
                                               to an advance written agreement;                        Procedure Coding System codes; and                     Budget under the authority of the
                                               however, for the meetings, CMS                          the use of, and payment for, drugs,                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                               reimburses travel, meals, lodging, and                  medical devices, and other services in                 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
                                               related expenses in accordance with                     the outpatient setting, as well as other                 Dated: January 12, 2018.
                                               standard Government travel regulations.                 forms of relevant expertise. For                       Seema Verma,
                                               CMS has a special interest in ensuring,                 supervision deliberations, the Panel
                                               while taking into account the nominee                                                                          Administrator, Centers for Medicare &
                                                                                                       shall have members that represent the                  Medicaid Services.
                                               pool, that the Panel is diverse in all                  interests of CAHs, who advise CMS only
                                               respects of the following: Geography;                                                                          [FR Doc. 2018–01474 Filed 1–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       regarding the level of supervision for
                                               rural or urban practice; race, ethnicity,               hospital outpatient therapeutic services.
                                                                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 4120–01–P

                                               sex, and disability; medical or technical                  It is not necessary for a nominee to
                                               specialty; and type of hospital, hospital               possess expertise in all of the areas
                                               health system, or other Medicare                                                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                       listed, but each must have a minimum                   HUMAN SERVICES
                                               provider subject to the OPPS.                           of 5 years of experience and currently
                                               Appointment to the HOP Panel shall be                   have full-time employment in his or her                Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
                                               made without discrimination on the                      area of expertise. Generally, members of               Services
                                               basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender,                  the Panel serve overlapping terms up to
                                               sexual orientation, disability, and                                                                            [CMS–9106–N]
                                                                                                       4 years, based on the needs of the Panel
                                               cultural, religious, or socioeconomic                   and contingent upon the rechartering of
                                               status.                                                                                                        Medicare and Medicaid Programs;
                                                                                                       the Panel. A member may serve after the                Quarterly Listing of Program
                                                  Based upon either self-nominations or                expiration of his or her term until a
                                               nominations submitted by providers or                                                                          Issuances—October Through
                                                                                                       successor has been sworn in.                           December 2017
                                               interested organizations, the Secretary,                   Any interested person or organization
                                               or his or her designee, appoints new                    may nominate qualified individuals.                    AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
                                               members to the Panel from among those                   Self-nominations will also be accepted.                Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
                                               candidates determined to have the                       Each nomination must include the                       ACTION: Notice.
                                               required expertise. New appointments                    following:
                                               are made in a manner that ensures a                        • Letter of Nomination stating the                  SUMMARY:  This quarterly notice lists
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               balanced membership under the FACA                      reasons why the nominee should be                      CMS manual instructions, substantive
                                               guidelines. This notice requests                        considered.                                            and interpretive regulations, and other
                                               nominations for HOP Panel members on                       • Curriculum vitae or resume of the                 Federal Register notices that were
                                               a continuous basis. Nominations for a                   nominee that includes an email address                 published from October through
                                               person not serving on the committee                     where the nominee can be contacted.                    December 2017, relating to the Medicare
                                               may be reconsidered as committee                           • Written and signed statement from                 and Medicaid programs and other
                                               vacancies arise, but should be updated                  the nominee that the nominee is willing                programs administered by CMS.

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                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 18 / Friday, January 26, 2018 / Notices                                                                                 3717

                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    It is                                information whether the issuance or                                     concerning each of the addenda
                                               possible that an interested party may                                    regulation would fulfill that need.                                     published in this notice.
                                               need specific information and not be                                     Consequently, we are providing contact
                                               able to determine from the listed                                        persons to answer general questions

                                                                                                            Addenda                                                                                      Contact                       Phone No.

                                               I. CMS Manual Instructions ......................................................................................................          Ismael Torres ..........................    (410)   786–1864
                                               II. Regulation Documents Published in the Federal Register ..................................................                              Terri Plumb .............................   (410)   786–4481
                                               III. CMS Rulings .......................................................................................................................   Tiffany Lafferty ........................   (410)   786–7548
                                               IV. Medicare National Coverage Determinations .....................................................................                        Wanda Belle, MPA .................          (410)   786–7491
                                               V. FDA-Approved Category B IDEs .........................................................................................                  John Manlove .........................      (410)   786–6877
                                               VI. Collections of Information ...................................................................................................         William Parham .......................      (410)   786–4669
                                               VII. Medicare-Approved Carotid Stent Facilities ......................................................................                     Sarah Fulton, MHS .................         (410)   786–2749
                                               VIII. American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry Sites ...............                                           Sarah Fulton, MHS .................         (410)   786–2749
                                               IX. Medicare’s Active Coverage-Related Guidance Documents .............................................                                    JoAnna Baldwin, MS ..............           (410)   786–7205
                                               X. One-time Notices Regarding National Coverage Provisions ..............................................                                  JoAnna Baldwin, MS ..............           (410)   786–7205
                                               XI. National Oncologic Positron Emission Tomography Registry Sites ..................................                                      Stuart Caplan, RN, MAS ........             (410)   786–8564
                                               XII. Medicare-Approved Ventricular Assist Device (Destination Therapy) Facilities ...............                                          Linda Gousis, JD ....................       (410)   786–8616
                                               XIII. Medicare-Approved Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Facilities ......................................                                    Sarah Fulton, MHS .................         (410)   786–2749
                                               XIV. Medicare-Approved Bariatric Surgery Facilities ...............................................................                        Sarah Fulton, MHS .................         (410)   786–2749
                                               XV. Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography for Dementia Trials .......................                                            Stuart Caplan, RN, MAS ........             (410)   786–8564
                                               All Other Information ................................................................................................................     Annette Brewer .......................      (410)   786–6580

                                               I. Background                                                            various manuals, memoranda, and                                         accessibility. In addition, many of the
                                                                                                                        statements necessary to administer and                                  websites have listservs; that is, the
                                                 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                                    oversee the programs efficiently.                                       public can subscribe and receive
                                               Services (CMS) is responsible for                                          Section 1871(c) of the Act requires                                   immediate notification of any updates to
                                               administering the Medicare and                                           that we publish a list of all Medicare                                  the website. These listservs avoid the
                                               Medicaid programs and coordination                                       manual instructions, interpretive rules,                                need to check the website, as
                                               and oversight of private health                                          statements of policy, and guidelines of                                 notification of updates is automatic and
                                               insurance. Administration and oversight                                  general applicability not issued as                                     sent to the subscriber as they occur. If
                                               of these programs involves the                                           regulations at least every 3 months in                                  assessing a website proves to be
                                               following: (1) Furnishing information to                                 the Federal Register.                                                   difficult, the contact person listed can
                                               Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries,                                                                                                             provide information.
                                               health care providers, and the public;                                   II. Format for the Quarterly Issuance
                                               and (2) maintaining effective                                            Notices                                                                 III. How to Use the Notice
                                               communications with CMS regional                                            This quarterly notice provides only
                                                                                                                                                                                                  This notice is organized into 15
                                               offices, state governments, state                                        the specific updates that have occurred
                                                                                                                                                                                                addenda so that a reader may access the
                                               Medicaid agencies, state survey                                          in the 3-month period along with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                subjects published during the quarter
                                               agencies, various providers of health                                    hyperlink to the full listing that is
                                                                                                                                                                                                covered by the notice to determine
                                               care, all Medicare contractors that                                      available on the CMS website or the
                                                                                                                                                                                                whether any are of particular interest.
                                               process claims and pay bills, National                                   appropriate data registries that are used
                                                                                                                                                                                                We expect this notice to be used in
                                               Association of Insurance Commissioners                                   as our resources. This is the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                concert with previously published
                                               (NAIC), health insurers, and other                                       current up-to-date information and will
                                                                                                                                                                                                notices. Those unfamiliar with a
                                               stakeholders. To implement the various                                   be available earlier than we publish our
                                                                                                                                                                                                description of our Medicare manuals
                                               statutes on which the programs are                                       quarterly notice. We believe the website
                                                                                                                                                                                                should view the manuals at http://
                                               based, we issue regulations under the                                    list provides more timely access for
                                               authority granted to the Secretary of the                                beneficiaries, providers, and suppliers.
                                               Department of Health and Human                                           We also believe the website offers a                                      Dated: January 17, 2018.
                                               Services under sections 1102, 1871,                                      more convenient tool for the public to                                  Kathleen Cantwell,
                                               1902, and related provisions of the                                      find the full list of qualified providers                               Director, Office of Strategic Operations and
                                               Social Security Act (the Act) and Public                                 for these specific services and offers                                  Regulatory Affairs.
                                               Health Service Act. We also issue                                        more flexibility and ‘‘real time’’                                      BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

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       Publication Dates for the Previous Four Quarterly Notices                arrangements to transfer material to a local library not designated as an
          We publish this notice at the end of each quarter reflecting          FDL. Contact any library to locate the nearest FDL. This information is
information released by CMS during the previous quarter. The publication        available at http://www.gpo. gov/libraries/
dates of the previous four Quarterly Listing of Program Issuances notices                 In addition, individuals may contact regional depository libraries
are: February 23, 2017 (82 FR 11456), May 5, 2017 (82 FR 21241),                that receive and retain at least one copy of most federal government
August 4, 2017 (82 FR 36404) and October 27, 2017 (82 FR 49819). We             publications, either in printed or microfilm form, for use by the general
are providing only the specific updates that have occurred in the 3—month       public. These librariecs provide reference services and interlibrary loans;

                                                                                                                                                                          satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
period along with a hyperlink to the website to access this information and a   however, they are not sales outlets. Individuals may obtain information
contact person for questions or additional information.                         about the location of the nearest regional depository library from any
                                                                                library. CMS publication and transmittal numbers are shown in the listing
      Addendum I; Medicare and Medicaid Manual Instructions                     entitled Medicare and Medicaid Manual Instructions. To help FDLs locate
                (October through December 2017)                                 the materials, use the CMS publication and transmittal numbers. For
        The CMS Manual Systemis used by CMS program components,                 example, to find the manual for January 2018 Quarterly Average Sales
partners, providers, contractors, Medicare Advantage organizations, and         Price (ASP) Medicare Part B Drug Pricing Files and Revisions to Prior
State Survey Agencies to administer CMS programs. It offers day—to—day          Quarterly Pricing Files use (CMS—Pub. 100—04) Transmittal No. 3878.
operating instructions, policies, and procedures based on statutes and                    Addendum I lists a unique CMS transmittal number for each
regulations, guidelines, models, and directives. In 2003, we transformed the    instruction in our manuals or program memoranda and its subject number.
CMS Program Manuals into a web user—friendly presentation and renamed           A transmittal may consist of a single or multiple instruction(s). Often, it is
it the CMS Online Manual System.                                                necessary to use information in a transmittal in conjunction with
                                                                                information currently in the manual. For the purposes of this quarterly
How to Obtain Manuals                                                           notice, we list only the specific updates to the list of manual instructions
          The Internet—only Manuals (IOMs) are a replica of the Agency‘s        that have occurred in the 3—month period. This information is available on
official record copy. Paper—based manuals are CMS manuals that were             our website at www.cms. gov/Manuals.
officially released in hardcopy. The majority of these manuals were
transferred into the Internet—only manual (IOM) or retired. Pub 15—1, Pub       Transmittal                      Manual/Subject/Publication Number
15—2 and Pub 45 are exceptions to this rule and are still active paper—based
manuals. The remaining paper—based manuals are for reference purposes                              sition          Handboo
only. If you notice policy contained in the paper—based manuals that was                        Fee—for—Service Contractor Workload Transitions
not transferred to the IOM, send a message via the CMS Feedback tool.                           Transition Handbooks
          Those wishing to subscribe to old versions of CMS manuals should      109           Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
                                                                                              Confidentiality of Instruction
contact the National Technical Information Service, Department of
                                                                                110           Affordable Care Act Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative —
Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 Telephone                                     Recurring File Updates Models 2 and 4 April 2018 Updates
(703—605—6050). You can download copies of the listed material free of          111           Update to Medicare Deductible, Coinsurance and Premium Rates for 2018
charge at: http://cms. gov/manuals.                                                             Basis for Determining the Part A Coinsurance Amounts
                                                                                                Part B Annual Deductible
                                                                                                Part B Premium
How to Review Transmittals or Program Memoranda
         Those wishing to review transmittals and program memoranda can                       —Internet Only ManualUpdates to P:                     100-04 to Conéct J
access this information at a local Federal Depository Library (FDL). Under                     Errors and Omissions (SNF Requirements — General
the FDL program, government publications are sent to approximately 1,400                         Medicare SNF PPS Overview
                                                                                                 Medicare SNF Coverage Guidelines Under PPS
designated libraries throughout the United States. Some FDLs may have                            Hospital Providers of Extended Care Services

daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014

                                            Three- Day Prior Hospitalization                                                 Treatment Plans
                                            'lhree-Day Prior Hospitalization- Foreign Hospital                               Hospice Services
                                            Effect on Spell of Illness                                                       Hospice Attending Practitioner
20:14 Jan 25, 2018

                                            Medical Service of an Intern or Resident-in-Training                             Provision of Services to Hospice Patients in a RHC or FQHC
                                            Medical and Other Health Services Furnished to SNF Patients                      Preventive Health Services
                                            Services Furnished Under Arrangements With Providers                             Preventive Health Services in RHCs
                                            Definition of Durable Medical Equipment                                          Preventive Health Services in FQHCs
                                                                                                                             Copayment for FQHC Preventive Health Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 18 / Friday, January 26, 2018 / Notices
                             229          Implementation of Changes in the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
                                          Prospective Payment System (PPS) and Payment for Dialysis Furnished for    231   Implementation of Changes in the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
                                          Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in ESRD Facilities for Calendar Year (CY) 2017         Prospective Payment System (PPS) and Payment for Dialysis Furnished for
Jkt 244001

                             230          Rural Health Clinic (RHC) and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)           Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in ESRD Facilities for Calendar Year (CY) 2017
                                          Updates                                                                    232   January 2017 Cpdate of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System
                                            Table of Contents                                                              (OPPS)
                                            Index of Acronyms                                                                Covered Inpatient Hospital Services Covered Under Part A
PO 00000

                                            RHC General Information                                                  233   Clarification of Payment Policy Changes for Negative Pressure Wound
                                            FQHC General Information                                                       Therapy (NPWT) Using a Disposable Device and the Outlier Payment
                                            RHC Staffing Requirements                                                      Methodology for Home Health Services
                                            RHC Temporary Staffing Waivers                                                   Table of Contents
Frm 00047

                                            RHC and FQHC Visits                                                              National60-Day Episode Rate
                                            Multiple Visits on Same Day                                                      Outlier Payments
                                            3-Day Payment Window                                                             Consolidated Billing
                                            RHC Services                                                                     Patient Confined to the Home
Fmt 4703

                                            FQHC Services                                                                    Sequence of Qualitying Services and Other Medicare Covered Home
                                            Emergency Services                                                               Health Services
                                            Non RHC!FQHC Services                                                            Needs Skilled Nursing Care on an Intermittent Basis (Other than Solely
                                            Description of Non RHC/FQHC Services                                             Venipuncture for the Purposes of Obtaining a Blood Sample), Physical
Sfmt 4725

                                            RHC Payment Rate                                                                 Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology Services, or Has Continued Need for
                                            RHC Payment Limit and Exceptions                                                 Occupational T11erapy
                                            Payment Codes for FQHCs Billing Under the PPS                                    Physician Certification
                                            FQHC PPS Payment Rate and Adjustments                                            Supporting Documentation Requirements

                                            FQHC Payment Codes                                                               Wound Care
                                            RHC and FQHC Cost Report Requirements                                            Medical Supplies (Except for Drugs and Biologicals Other Than Covered
                                            RHC and FQHC Cost Report Forms                                                   Osteoporosis Drugs), the Use of Durable Medical Equipment and
                                            RHC and FQHC Charges, Coinsurance, Deductible, and Waivers                       Furnishing Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Using a Disposable Device
                                            Comminglin                                                                       Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Using a Disposable Device
                                            Dental, Podiatry, Optometry, and Chiropractic Services                           Coinsurance, Copayments, and Deductibles
                                            Graduate Medical Education                                               234   Clarification of Admission Order and Medical Review Requirements
                                            Transitional Care Management (TCM) Services                                      Table of Contents
                                            Chronic Care Management (CCM) Services                                           Covered Inpatient Hospital Services Covered Under Part A

                                            Services and Supplies Furnished "Incident to" Physician's Services               Hospital Inpatient Admission Order and Certification
                                            Provision oflncident to Services and Supplies                            235   Removal of Contractor Requirement to Submit Opt Out Data into the
                                            Incident to Services and Supplies Furnished in the Patient's Home or           Contractor Reporting of Operational and Workload Data (CROWD) System
                                            Location Other than the RHC or FQHC                                            (Form 8)
                                            Payment to Physician Assistants                                          236   Medicare l:lenetlt Policy Manual - Chapter 10, Ambulance Locality and
                                            Services and Supplies Furnished Incident to NP, P A, and CNM Services          Advanced Life Support (ALS) Assessment Locality
                                            Services and Supplies Incident to CP Services                                    Ground Ambulance Services
                                            Mental Health Visits                                                     237   Implementation of Changes in the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
                                            Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology          Prospective Payment System (PPS) and Payment for Dialysis Furnished for
                                            Service                                                                        Acute Kidnev Iniurv (AKI) in ESRD Facilities for Calendar Year (CY) 2018
                                            Requirements for Visiting Nursing Services


238    Rural Health Clinic (RHC) and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)       3877   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity
         Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Chapter 13 Update                                  of Instruction
         Treatment Plans or Home Care Plans                                         3878   January 2018 Quarterly Average Sales Price (ASP) Medicare Part B Drug
         Graduate Medical Education                                                        Pricing Files and Revisions to Prior Quarterly Pricing Files
         Services and Supplies Furnished "Incident to" Physician‘s Services         3879   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to a
         Provision of Incident to Services and Supplies                                    Confidentiality of Instruction
         Incident to Services and Supplies Furnished in the Patient‘s Home or       3880   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity

                                                                                                                                                                               satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
         Location Other than the RHC or FQHC                                               of Instruction
         Payment for Incident to Services and Supplies                              3881   Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule Not Otherwise Classified, Not Otherwise
         Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, and Certified Nurse Midwife              Specified. or Unlisted Service or Procedure Code Data Collection
         Services                                                                   3882   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity
         Payment to Physician Assistants                                                   of Instruction
         Services and Supplies Furnished Incident to NP, PA, and CNM Services       3883   Payment for Services Furnished by Qualified Nonphysician Anesthetists
         Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Social Worker Services                         Qualified Nonphysician Anesthetist Services
         Services and Supplies Incident to CP Services                                     Entity or Individual to Whom Fee Schedule is Payable for Qualified
         Mental Health Visits                                                              Nonphysician Anesthetists
         Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology             Anesthesia Fee Schedule Payment for Qualified Nonphysician Anesthetists
         Services                                                                          Conversion Factors Used for Qualified Nonphysician Anesthetists
         Description of Visiting Nursing Services                                          Conversion Factors for Anesthesia Services of Qualified Nonphysician
         Requirements for Visiting Nursing Services                                        Anesthetists Furnished on or Afier January 1, 1992.
         Home Health Agency Shortage Area                                           3884   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
         Treatment Plans
                                                                                           Confidentiality of Instruction
         Telehealth Services
                                                                                    3885   Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and
         Hospice Attending Practitioner
                                                                                           Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) PPS Changes
         Provision of Services to Hospice Patients in an RHC or FQHC
                                                                                    3886   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity
         Preventive Health Services in RHCs
                                                                                           of Instruction
         Copayment and Deductible for RHC Preventive Health Services
                                                                                    3887   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity
         Preventive Health Services in FQHCs
                                                                                           of Instruction
         Copayment for FQHC Preventive Health Service
                                                                                    3888   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity
         Care Management Services
                                                                                           of Instruction
         Transitional Care Management Services
         General Care Management Services — Chronic Care Management and             3889   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranct due to
         General Behavioral Health Integration Services                                    Confidentiality of Instruction
                       ol                   de                                      3890   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
                                                                                           Confidentiality of Instruction
       IIyperbaric Oxygen (IIBO) Therapy (Sectlon C, Topical Application of         3891   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
       Oxygen) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy                                                   Confidentiality of Instruction
                                                                                    3892   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranct due to
                                                                                           Confidentiality of Instruction
3872   Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit
       Software for January 2018                                                    3893   Ambulance Inflation Factor for CY 2018 and Productivity Adjustment
                                                                                           Ambulance Inflation Factor (AIF)
3873   Place of Service Codes
3874   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to        3894   File Conversions Related to the Spanish Translation of the Healthcare
                                                                                           Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Descriptions
       Confidentiality of Instruction
                                                                                    3895   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranct due to Sensitivity
3875   Internet Only Manual Update to Pub. 100—04, Chapter 16, to Update Clinical
                                                                                           of Instruction
       Lab Fee Schedule Layout
                                                                                    3896   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
3876   Decommission the MCS Maintained HBCRBO81 Report ("Correct Coding
       Quarterly Savings Report")                                                          Confidentiality of Instruction
         Savings Report                                                             3897   Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) Services Addition to Chapter 19, Indian
         Savings Record Format                                                             Health Services (IHS)
                                                                                             Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy,

         Speech—Language Pathology and Diagnostic Audiology Services — Payment             3918   Therapy Cap Values for Calendar Year (CY) 2018
         Policy Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services — Claims Processing                      3919   Update to Rural Health Clinic (RHC) All Inclusive Rate (AIR) Payment Limit
3898   Correction to Prevent Payment on Inpatient Information Only Claims for                     for Calendar Year (CY) 2018
       Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare Advantage Plans                                  3920   Qualified Medicare Reneficiary Indicator in the Medicare Fee—For—Service
         Claims Processing Requirements for TAVR Services for Medicare                            Claims Processing System
         Advantage (MA) Plan Participants                                                  3921   IIyperbaric Oxygen (IIBO) Therapy (Section C, Topical Application of
         Claims Processing Requirements for TMVR for MR Services for Medicare                     Oxygen)

                                                                                                                                                                                      satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
         Advantage (MA) Plan Participants                                                  3922   Update to the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Prospective
3899   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      Payment System (PPS) for Calendar Year (CY) 2018 — Recurring File Update
       Confidentiality of Instruction                                                      3923   Quarterly Update of HCPCS Codes Used for Home Health Consolidated
3900   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      Billing Enforcement
       Confidentiality of Instruction                                                      3924   2018 Annual Update to the Therapy Code List
3901   Update to Pub 100—04, Chapter 18 Preventive and Screening Services —                3925   Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination (NCD) Edit
       Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)                         Software for January 2018
3902   New Waived Tests                                                                    3926   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
3903   Annual Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Files Delivery and                           Confidentiality of Instruction
       Implementation and Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB)                3927   Instructions for Downloading the Medicare ZIP Code File for April 2018
       2018 File Layout Manual Addendum                                                    3928   O[[—Cycle Update to the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Prospective Payment
3904   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      System (PPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Pricer
       Confidentiality of Instruction                                                      3929   Elimination of the GT Modifier for Telehealth Services
3905   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to               3930   Hospice Manual Update Only for Section 30.3
       Confidentiality of Instruction                                                             Data Required on the Institutional Claim to A/B MAC (HHH
3906   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      Hospice Pricer Program
       Confidentiality of Instruction                                                             Input/Output Record Layout
3907   October 2017 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (LOCE) Specifications                3931   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity
       Version 18.3                                                                               of Instruction
3908   Influenza Vaccine Payment Allowances — Annual Update for 2017—2018                              ial R
3909   Quarterly Update for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics. Orthotics
       and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) — January
3910   Remittance Advice Remark Code (RARC), Claims Adjustment Reason Code
       (CARC), Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and PC Print Update
3911   New Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Radiopharmaceutical/Tracer
       Unclassified Codes
3912   Off—Cycle Update to the Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Prospective                         Participating Religious Nonmedical Healthcare Institutions
       Payment System (PPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Pricer                                   172    Revision to State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix A — Survey Protocol,
3913   Common Edits and Enhancements Modules (CEM) Code Set Update                                Regulations and Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals
3914   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity   173    Revisions to State Operation Manual (SOM), Appendix PP Guidance to
       of Instruction                                                                             Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities
3915   Implement Operating Rules — Phase III Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)            174    Revisions to the State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix P
       Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): CORE 360 Uniform Use of Claim                      175    Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix J, Part II —
       Adjustment Reason Codes (CARC), Remittance Advice Remark Codes                             Interpretive Guidelines — Responsibilities of Intermediate Care Facilities for
       (RARC) and Claim Adjustment Group Code (CAGC) Rule — Update from                           Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
       Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) Committee on Operating
                                                                                           176    Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix A — Survey Protocol,
       Rules for Information Exchange (CORE)                                                      Regulations and Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals
3916   Claim Status Category and Claim Status Codes Update
3917   Calendar Year (CY) 2018 Participation Enrollment and Medicare
       Participating Physicians and Suppliers Directory (MEDPARD) Procedures


                                                                                          186    IVIG Demonstration: Payment Update for 2018
747   Update to Reporting Requirements                                                    187    Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (NGACO) Year Three
        Reconsideration Requests — Non—certified Providers/Suppliers                             Benefit Enhancements
        External Reporting Requirements
748   Defending Medical Review Decisions at Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)                1928   Multi—Carrier System (MCS), Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) and
      Hearings                                                                                   VIPS Medicare Shared System (VMS) Automation of Prior Authorization
        Election of Status                                                                       (PA)
        Coordination of the ALJ Hearing                                                          Requests/Pre—Claim Reviews (PCR) and their Responses with Multiple

                                                                                                                                                                                      satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
        Party in the ALJ Hearing                                                                 Services (for programs like Home Health (HH)) via the Electronic
        The ALJ Hearing                                                                          Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) System
749   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to               1929   CMS Approved Review Topics for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetic,
      Confidentiality of Instruction                                                             Orthotics, Supplies (DMEPOS)
750   Proof of Delivery Documentation Requirements                                        1930   National Provider Identification Crosswalk System (NPICS) Retirement
      Supplier Proof of Delivery Documentation Requirements                                      Analysis Only — Engage Shared Systems Maintainers (SSMs) and Medicare
      Proof of Delivery and Delivery Methods                                                     Administrative Contractors (MACs) in Meetings and Correspondence Related
      Proof of Delivery Requirements for Recently Eligible Medicare FFS                          to the NPICS Retirement with the Integrated Data Repository (IDR) Team
      Beneficiaries                                                                       1931   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity
      Supplier Documentation                                                                     of Instruction
751   Clarifying Signature Requirements                                                   1932   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Identify Inactive Medicare Demonstration
752   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      Projects within the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System — Removing/Archiving
      Confidentiality of Instruction                                                             demonstration codes 38, 42 and 43)
753   Certificates of Medical Necessity (CMN) and Durable Medical Equipment               1933   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Identify Inactive Medicare Demonstration
      (DME) Information Forms (DIF)                                                              Projects within the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System — Removing/Archiving
754   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      demonstration codes 38, 42 and 43)
      Confidentiality of Instruction                                                      1934   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity
755   Tracking Medicare Contractors®‘ Prepayment and Postpayment Reviews                         of Instruction
                                                                                          1935   FISS Process Enhancements — Analysis Only
                                                                                          1936   Modifications to the National Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA)
                                                                                                 Crossover Process
                                                                                          1937   Provider Education and Referral Reporting
                                                                                          1938   Archiving National Provider Identifier Crosswalk System (NPICS) System
                                                                                                 Logic in the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Claims Processing System
                                                                                          1939   Fiscal Intermediary Shared Systems (FISS) Enhancements to the Mass
                                                                                                 Adjustment of Process Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Claims
                                                                                          1940   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity
                                                                                                 of Instruction
                                                                                          1941   Transitional Drug Add—on Payment Adjustment (TDAPA) for patients with
                                                                                                 Acute Kidney Injury (AKT)
                                                                                          1942   Common Working File (CWEF) to Medicare Beneficiary Database (MBD)
180   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity          Extract File Changes for Detailed Skilled Nursing Facility Data to Support
      of Instruction                                                                             HIPAA Eligibility Transact.lon System (.HETS)     —        —
181   Next Generation ACO Model — Weekly AIPBP Reduction File Change                      1943   Assign the Correct 935 Indicator on Adjustment Claims Submitted through
182   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranct due to Sensitivity          the Provider ?ortal      —           —                —
      of Instruction                                                                      1944   MCS Ar}alysm Only: Undeliverable Medicare Summary Notices (UMSNs) —
183   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to                      Beneficiary Do N(_)t Forward Procefs                 —
      Confidentiality of Instruction                                                      1945   Ad(?, Date of Receipt to the Beneficiary Data Streamlining (BDS) Part A
184   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity          Claims Layout —                            —       —
      of Instruction                                                                      1946   Sl.lar.ed System !:nhan.cement 2015: Removing/Archiving Obsolete Reports
185   Demonstration: Payment Update for 2018                                                     within the Multi—Carrier System (MCS)

1947   Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Electronic Data                 Expert Claims Processing System (ECPS) — Analysis Only
       Interchange (EDI) Front End Updates for April 2018                                   1971   Modifications to the National Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA)
1948   Archiving National Provider Identifier Crosswalk System (NPICS) System                      Crossover Process
       Logic in the Muti—Carrier System (MCS)                                               1972   Analysis Only: Develop Enhanced Claims Search Reporting in Fiscal
1949   Remove Obsolete Edits from the Fiscal Intermediary Shared Systems (FISS)                    Intermediary Shared System (FISS)
1950   Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (F‘ISS) and VIFS Medicare Shared System            1973   Multi—Carrier System (MCS) Modernization Proof of Concept Number 8
       (VMS) to Update Records Based on the Automation of Prior Authorization               1974   Revision of PWK (Paperwork) Fax/Mail Cover Sheets

                                                                                                                                                                                        satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
       (PA) Requests/Pre—Claim Reviews (PCR) and their Responses with Multiple              1975   ICD—10 and Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations
       Services (for programs like Home Health (HH))                                               (NCDs)
1951   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Removing/Archiving Obsolete On                       1976   Common Working File (CWF) to Modify CWF Provider Queries to Only
       Request Jobs within the Multi—Carrier System (MCS)                                          Accept National Provider Identifier (NPI) as valid Provider Number
1952   Calculating Interim Rates for Graduate Medical Education (GME) Payments              1977   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity
       to New Teaching Hospitals                                                                   of Instruction
1953   Shared System Enhancement 2014; Implementation of Fiscal Intermediary                1978   Implementation of Changes to Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) and
       Shared System (FISS) Obsolete On—Request Jobs — Phase 1                                     CMN DME Information Form (CMN DIF) as a result of the New Medicare
1954   New Common Working File (CWF) Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Type                           Card Project
       for T iability Medicare Set—Aside Arrangements (LMSAs) and No—Fault                  1979   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Identify Inactive Medicare Demonstration
       Medicare Set—Aside Arrangements (NFMSAs)                                                    Projects Within the Common Working File (CWEF)
1955   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity   1980   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Removing/Archiving Obsolete On
       of Instruction                                                                              Request Jobs within the Multi—Carrier System (MCS)
1956   Analysis and Design Working Sessions for the Development ofa Pre—                    1981   Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 and 2015 Worksheet S—10 Revisions: Further
       Payment Common Additional Documentation Request (ADR) Letter                                Extension for All Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospitals
1957   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Identify Inactive Medicare Demonstration             1982   Line Level versus Claim Level Reporting — Analysis Only
       Projects Within the Common Working File (CWF) — Removing/Archiving                   1983   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Identify Inactive Medicare Demonstration
       Demonstration codes 51 and 56                                                               Projects within the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System — Removing/Archiving
1958   Shared System Enhancement 2014; Implementation of Fiscal Intermediary                       demonstration codes 38, 42 and 43)
       Shared System (FISS) Obsolete Financial and Expert Claims Processing                 1984   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity
       System (ECPS) Reports — Phase 1                                                              f        i
1959   Shared System Enhancement 2014: Implementation of Fiscal Intermediary                            :
       Shared System (FISS) Obsolete Financial and Expert Claims Processing                        ssued to a si)ccn ic audience, not posted   to Internet/Intranct duc to
       System (ECPS) Reports — Phase 1                                                             Confidentiality of Instruction
1960   Implementation of the Award for the Jurisdiction Part A and Part B Medicare          71     Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
       Administrative Contractor (JJ A/B MAC)                                                      Confidentiality of Instruction
1961   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to Sensitivity    72     Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/Intranet due to
       of Instruction                                                                                 nfidentiality  of Instructi
1962   Shared System Enhancement 2014: Implementation of Fiscal Intermediary
       Shared System (FISS) Obsolete Core Reports — Phase 1                                         one
1963   Issued to a specific audience, not posted to Internet/ Intranet due to Sensitivity
       of Instruction
1964   Shared System Enhancement 2014; Implementation of Fiscal Intermediary
       Shared System (FISS) Obsolete Core Reports — Phase 1
1965   Shared System Enhancement 2015: Resolve Operating Report (ORPT) Issues
       — Development and Implementation
1966   Out—of—Jurisdiction Providers (OJP) and Qualified Chain Providers (QCP)
       Move to Correct A/B MAC Jurisdiction — Analysis CR Only
1967   CICS Region Merge(s) for A/B MACs — Analysis Only
1968   Tracking Status of Claims Adjustments
1969   Partial Settlement of 2—Midnight Policy Court Cases
1970   Establish an Automated Process For Creating Mass Adjustments Utilizing

                                                                                                                                                                                                       bA b

                                                                               title, the date the publication was issued, and the effective date of the
                Addendum II: Regulation Documents Published                    decision. An NCD is a determination by the Secretary for whether or not a
          in the Federal Register (October through December 2017)              particular item or service is covered nationally under the Medicare Program
Regulations and Notices                                                        (title XVIII of the Act), but does not include a determination of the code, if
          Regulations and notices are published in the daily Federal           any, that is assigned to a particular covered item or service, or payment
Register. To purchase individual copies or subscribe to the Federal            determination for a particular covered item or service. The entries below
Register, contact GPO at www.gpo.gov/fdsys. When ordering individual           include information concerning completed decisions, as well as sections on

                                                                                                                                                                satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
copies, it is necessary to cite either the date of publication or the volume   program and decision memoranda, which also announce decisions or, in
number and page number.                                                        some cases, explain why it was not appropriate to issue an NCD.
          The Federal Register is available as an online database through      Information on completed decisions as well as pending decisions has also
GPO Access. The online database is updated by 6 a.m. each day the              been posted on the CMS website. For the purposes of this quarterly notice,
Federal Register is published. The database includes both text and             we are providing only the specific updates that have occurred in the 3—
graphics from Volume 59, Number 1 (January 2, 1994) through the present        month period. This information is available at: www.cms.gov/medicare—
date and can be accessed at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/index.html. The        coverage—database/. For questions or additional information, contact
following website http:/www.archives. gov/federal—register/ provides           Wanda Belle, MPA (410—786—7491).
information on how to access electronic editions, printed editions, and
reference copies.                                                              Title                    NCDM        Transmittal   Issue Date    Effective
         This information is available on our website at:                                               Section     Number                      Date
                                                                               Hyperbaric Oxygen
http://www.cms. gov/quarterlyproviderupdates/downloads/Regs—                   (HBO) Therapy
4Q17QPU.pdf                                                                                             NCD 20.29   203            11/17/2017   04/03/2017
                                                                               (Section C, Topical
         For questions or additional information, contact Terri Plumb          Application of Oxygen)
                                                                                   Addendum V: FDA—Approved Category B Investigational Device
                      Addendum III:;: CMS Rulings
                                                                                          Exemptions (IDEs) (October through December 2017)
                    (October through December 2017)
                                                                                         Addendum V includes listings of the FDA—approved
          CMS Rulings are decisions of the Administrator that serve as
                                                                               investigational device exemption (IDE) numbers that the FDA assigns. The
precedent final opinions and orders and statements of policy and
                                                                               listings are organized according to the categories to which the devices are
interpretation. They provide clarification and interpretation of complex or
                                                                               assigned (that is, Category A or Category B), and identified by the IDE
ambiguous provisions of the law or regulations relating to Medicare,
                                                                               number. For the purposes of this quarterly notice, we list only the specific
Medicaid, Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review, private health
                                                                               updates to the Category B IDEs as of the ending date of the period covered
insurance, and related matters.
                                                                               by this notice and a contact person for questions or additional information.
         The rulings can be accessed at http://www.cms. gov/Regulations—
                                                                               For questions or additional information, contact John Manlove (410—786—
and—Guidance/Guidance/Rulings. For questions or additional information,
contact Tiffany Lafferty (410—786—7548).
                                                                                         Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360¢) devices
                                                                               fall into one of three classes. To assist CMS under this categorization
      Addendum IV: Medicare National Coverage Determinations
                                                                               process, the FDA assigns one of two categories to each FDA—approved
                    (October through December 2017)
                                                                               investigational device exemption (IDE). Category A refers to experimental
         Addendum IV includes completed national coverage
                                                                               IDEs, and Category B refers to non—experimental IDEs. To obtain more
determinations (NCDs), or reconsiderations of completed NCDs, from the
                                                                               information about the classes or categories, please refer to the notice
quarter covered by this notice. Completed decisions are identified by the
                                                                               published in the April 21, 1997 Federal Register (62 FR 19328).
section of the NCD Manual (NCDM) in which the decision appears, the

daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014

                                                                                                                    IDE        Device                                                       Start Date
                             IDE          Device                                                      Start Date    Gl50231    Mayo Clinic Nerve Scaffold #1 (MCNSl)                        12/14/2017
                                                                                                                    Gl60258    REZUM SYSTEM                                                 12/15/2017
20:14 Jan 25, 2018

                             Gl70177      Medtronic IN.P ACT Admiral Drug-Coated Balloon              10/04/2017
                             Gl70229      Gel-Bead embolization spheres                               10/04/2017    Gl702S6    Transmural Transcaval Closure Device (Delivery System &      12115/2017
                             Gl70226      Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix                      10/05/2017               Implant); Guidewire for use with Transcaval Closure Device
                             Gl70227      DiamondTemp Ablation Svstem                                 10/06/2017    Gl70287    Invisalign Palatal Expander                                  12/15/2017
                             Gl70232      LC BeadLUMI                                                 10/13/2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 18 / Friday, January 26, 2018 / Notices
                             Gl70237      Exablate Model 4000 Type 1                                  10/20/2017
                             Gl70051      Left Gastric Artery Embolization for Glycemic Control       10/24/2017      Addendum VI: Approval Numbers for Collections of Information
Jkt 244001

                             Gl70100      Axonics Sacral Neuromodulation System                       10/27//2017
                             Gl70240      Doctormate Renqiao Remote Ischemic Conditioning Device      10/27/2017
                                                                                                                                   (October through December 2017)
                                          Type IPC-906X                                                                      All approval numbers are available to the public at Reginfo.gov.
                             Gl70242      A High-Performance ECoG-based "\Jeural Interface for        10/27/2017    Under the review process, approved information collection requests are
PO 00000

                                          Communication and Neuroprosthetic Control                                 assigned Ol'v!B control numbers. A single control number may apply to
                             Gl70247      HiResolution Bionic Ear System                              11102/2017    several related information collections. This information is available at
                             Gl60196      Neovasc Reducer System                                      11/03/2017
                             Gl70248      ClonoSEQ in-vitro assay, laboratory developed test          11107/2017
                                                                                                                    www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain. For questions or additional
                                                                                                                    information, contact William Parham (410-786-4669).
Frm 00053

                             Gl70252      Trace IT Tissue Spacer                                      11/07/2017
                             Gl70251      Wingman Crossing Catheter                                   11/08/2017
                             Gl70179      SYNERGY Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium                11109/2017         Addendum VII: Medicare-Approved Carotid Stent Facilities,
                                          Coronary Stent System                                                                    (October through December 2017)
Fmt 4703

                             Gl70261      AXIOS Stent and Electrocautery Enhanced Delivery System     11109/2017
                                          lOmmxlOmm; AXIOS Stent and Electrocautery Enhanced
                                                                                                                               Addendum VII includes listings of Medicare-approved carotid
                                          Delivery System 15mmxl0mm;AXIOS Stent and                                 stent facilities. All facilities listed meet CMS standards for perforrning
                                          Electrocautery Enhanced Delivery System 20mmx10mm                         carotid artery stenting for high risk patients. On March 17, 2005, we issued
Sfmt 4725

                             Gl70189      Contour PV A, Embosphere and Embozene                       11/14/2017    our decision memorandum on carotid artery stenting. We determined that
                             Gl70254      Wallstent                                                   11/16/2017
                                                                                                                    carotid artery stenting with embolic protection is reasonable and necessary
                             Gl70257      SPRINT PNS System for the Treatment of Back Pain            1111712017
                             Gl70258      CardioME.Y!S HF System                                      11/17/2017    only if performed in facilities that have been determined to be competent in

                             Gl70083      PQ Bypass System                                            11/20/2017    performing the evaluation, procedure, and follow-up necessary to ensure
                             Gl70219      Cardio Flow Orbital Atherectomy System                      11/21/2017    optimal patient outcomes. We have created a list of minimum standards for
                             Gl70205      Brown Glaucoma Implant                                      11/22/2017    facilities modeled in part on professional society statements on competency.
                             Gl70268      Activa PC+S Neurostimulation System; Neurostimulation       11124/2017    All facilities must at least meet our standards in order to receive coverage
                                          Systems for Deep Brain Stimulation
                             Gl70270      SurgiMed Meshed Collagen Matrix                             11/29/2017
                                                                                                                    for carotid artery stenting for high risk patients. For the purposes of this
                             Gl70273      Medtronic Arctic Front Advance Cardiac Cryoballoon          11130/2017    quarterly notice, we are providing only the specific updates that have
                                          catheter                                                                  occurred in the 3-month period. This information is available at:

                             Gl70272      Study of Left Main Coronary Artery Healing after PCI with   12/01/2017    http://www. ems. gov/MedicareApprovedFacilitie/CASF/list. asp#TopOfPage
                                          Boston Scientific Synergy Bioabsorbable Polymer Stent
                                                                                                                    For questions or additional information, contact Sarah Fulton, MHS
                             Gl70126      MMS .Y!icroStent System                                     12/08/2017    (410-786-2749).
                             Gl70279      Aries 2 Device                                              12/08/2017
                             Gl70282      SYNERGY Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium                12/13/2017
                                          Coronary Stent System
                             Gl70283      Cardioblate BP2, Cardioblate LP, Cardioblate Pen,           12/13/2017
                                          Cardioblate XL Pen, Cardioblate MAPs; Cardioblate
                                          Generator; Cardioblate CryoFlex Probes and Clamp;
                                          Cardioblate CryoFlex Console


Facility                            Provider       Effective Date   State   Facility                           Provider   Effective Date   State
                                                                            Aurora, IL 60506
  ood SamaritanHo pifa M             902865355 _   10/20/2017               FROM: Resurrection Medical         140117     04/12/2005       IL
Center 1000 Montauk Highway                                                 Center
West Islip, NY 11795                                                        TO: Presence Resurrection
Salt Lake Regional Medical Center   1417988833     12/11/2017       UT      Medical Center
1050 E. South Temple                                                        35 West Talcott Avenue

                                                                                                                                                   satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
Salt Lake City,   UT 84102                                                  Chicago, IL 60631
                                                                            FROM: Provena Saint Joseph         140217     05/11/2005       IL
FROM: SSM St. Mary‘s Health         26—0091        01/12/2012       MoO     Hospital
Center                                                                      TO: Presence Saint Joseph
TO: SSM Health St Mary‘s                                                    Hospital
Hospital — St. Louis                                                        77 North Airlite Street
6420 Clayton Road                                                           Elgin, IL 60123—4912
Richmond Heights, MO 63117                                                  FROM: Provena Saint Joseph         140007     09/06/2005       IL
FROM: DePaul Health Center          26—0104        10/30/2009       MoO     Medical Center
TO: SSM Health DePaul Hospital                                              TO: Presence Saint Joseph
— St. Louis                                                                 Medical Center
12303 DePaul Drive                                                          333 North Madison Street
St. Louis, MO 63044—2588                                                    Joliet, IL 60435—6595
FROM: SSM St. Clare Health          26—0081        01/23/2006       MoO     FROM: Provena St. Mary‘s           140155     06/01/2005       IL
Center                                                                      Hospital
TO: SSM Health St. Clare                                                    TO: Presence St. Mary‘s Hospital
Hospital — Fenton                                                           500 West Court Street
1015 Bowles Avenue                                                          Kankakee, IL 60901
Fenton, MO 63026                                                            FROM: Tenet Hospital Limited       450678     09/07/2007       TX
FROM: SSM St. Joseph Health         26—0005        04/26/2005       MoO     TO: Baylor Scott & White
Center                                                                      Medical Center—White Rock
TO: SSM Health St. Joseph                                                   9440 Poppy Drive
Hospital — St Charles                                                       Dallas, TX 75218
300 First Capitol Drive                                                     FROM: Foote Hospital               230092     11/03/2005       MI
St. Charles, MO 63301                                                       TO: Henry Ford Allegiance Health
FROM: Saint Louis University        26—0105        05/17/2005       MoO     205 North East Avenue
Hospital                                                                    Jackson, MI 49201
TO: SSM Health Saint Louis                                                  FROM: Rogue Valley Medical         380018     05/05/2005       OR
University Hospital                                                         Center
3635 Vista at Grand Boulevard                                               TO: Asante Rogue Regional
St. Louis, MO 63110                                                         Medical Center
P.O. Box 15250                                                              2825 East Barnett Road
SSM—SLUH, INC                                                               Medford, OR 97504
FROM: St Mary‘s Medical Center      15—0100        05/17/2005       IN
TO: St. Vincent Evansville                                                  Facility                           Provider   Effective Date   State
3700 Washington Avenue                                                                                         Number
Evansville, IN 47740                                                        Lee‘s Summit Medical Center        260190     05/17/2005       MoO
FROM: Provena Mercy Medical         140174         07/15/2005       IL      2100 SE Blue Parkway
Center                                                                      TLee‘s Summit, MO 64063
TO: Presence Mercy Medical
1325 North Highland Avenue

                            Addendum VII:                                         Facility                                            City          State
     American College of Cardiology‘s National Cardiovascular Data                Newton Wellesley Hospital                           Newton        MA
             Registry Sites (October through December 2017)                       Gerald Champion Regional Medical                    Alamogordo    NM
          Addendum VIII includes a list of the American College of
Cardiology‘s National Cardiovascular Data Registry Sites. We cover                                                                     ores    i
                                                                                  Termination Requested
implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) for certain clinical               Central Maine Medical Center                        Lewiston      ME
indications, as long as information about the procedures is reported to a         Termination Requested——Please see case

                                                                                                                                                               satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
central registry. Detailed descriptions of the covered indications are            00325173. We have consolidated ICD to PID
available in the NCD. In January 2005, CMS established the ICD                    288750.
                                                                                  Forrest General Hospital                            Hattiesburg   MS
Abstraction Tool through the Quality Network Exchange (QNet) as a
                                                                                  Service/Facility Closed——This facility had
temporary data collection mechanism. On October 27, 2005, CMS                     duplicate accounts. The ICD Registry was
announced that the American College of Cardiology‘s National                      merged with PID 266955. Access to the ICD
Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC—NCDR) ICD Registry satisfies the data           Registry for PID 656089 will cease 12/31/17.
                                                                                  Nicholas H. Noyes Memorial Hospital                 Dansville     NY
reporting requirements in the NCD. Hospitals needed to transition to the
                                                                                  Termination Requested
ACC—NCDR ICD Registry by April 2006.                                              University Campus of CHI Health CUMC—               Omaha         NE
          Effective January 27, 2005, to obtain reimbursement, Medicare           Bergan Mercy
NCD policy requires that providers implanting ICDs for primary prevention         Termination Requested
clinical indications (that is, patients without a history of cardiac arrest or    St. Joseph Regional Medical Center — South Bend     Mishawaka     IN
                                                                                  Termination Requested—— Please see case
spontaneous arrhythmia) report data on each primary prevention ICD                00325200. We have consolidated the ICD
procedure. Details of the clinical indications that are covered by Medicare       registry to PID 663672.
and their respective data reporting requirements are available in the             Willis Knighton Pierremont                          Shreveport    LA
Medicare NCD Manual, which is on the CMS website at                               Termination Requested
                                                                                  Union Hospital                                      Elkton        MD
http://www.cms. hhs. gov/Manuals/IOM/itemdetailasp?filterType=nonc&filt
                                                                                  Termination Requested
erByDID=99&sortByDID=1 & sortOrder=ascending&itemID=CMSO14961                     Melbourne Same Day Surgery                          Melbourne     FL
          A provider can use either of two mechanisms to satisfy the data         Termination Requested
reporting requirement. Patients may be enrolled either in an Investigational      Integris Grove Hospital                             Grove         OK
                                                                                  Termination Requested——Please see case
Device Exemption trial studying ICDs as identified by the FDA or in the
                                                                                  00325232. We are consolidating the ICD
ACC—NCDR ICD registry. Therefore, for a beneficiary to receive a                  Account to PID 334434 so all registries are under
Medicare—covered ICD implantation for primary prevention, the beneficiary         one account.
must receive the scan in a facility that participates in the ACC—NCDR ICD
registry. The entire list of facilities that participate in the ACC—NCDR ICD      Addendum IX: Active CMS Coverage—Related Guidance Documents
registry can be found at www.nedr.com/webnedr/common                                            (October through December 2017)
          For the purposes of this quarterly notice, we are providing only the         CMS issued a guidance document on November 20, 2014 titled
specific updates that have occurred in the 3—month period. This information      "Guidance for the Public, Industry, and CMS Staff: Coverage with
is available by accessing our website and clicking on the link for the           Evidence Development Document". Although CMS has several policy
          American College of Cardiology‘s National Cardiovascular Data          vehicles relating to evidence development activities including the
Registry at: www.nedr.com/webnedr/common. For questions or additional            investigational device exemption (IDE), the clinical trial policy, national
information, contact Sarah Fulton, MHS (410—786—2749).                           coverage determinations and local coverage determinations, this guidance
                                                                                 document is principally intended to help the public understand CMS‘s
                                             Cit                                 implementation of coverage with evidence development (CED) through the
 Our Lady of the Lal                        _Gonnzales _


national coverage determination process. The document is available at            order to receive coverage for VADs implanted as destination therapy. On
http://www.cms.gov/medicare—coverage—database/details/medicare—                  October 1, 2003, we issued our decision memorandum on VADs for the
coverage—document—details.aspx?MCDId=27. There are no additional                 clinical indication of destination therapy. We determined that VADs used
Active CMS Coverage—Related Guidance Documents for the 3—month                   as destination therapy are reasonable and necessary only if performed in
period. For questions or additional information, contact                         facilities that have been determined to have the experience and
JoAnna Baldwin, MS (410—786—7205).                                               infrastructure to ensure optimal patient outcomes. We established facility

                                                                                                                                                                   satNION/8IOZ ‘0Z Lrenuef ‘Kepu4/gt ‘ON ‘gg ‘TOA /JajstSay fedapayq
                                                                                 standards and an application process. All facilities were required to meet
                               Addendum X:                                       our standards in order to receive coverage for VADs implanted as
     List of Special One—Time Notices Regarding National Coverage                destination therapy.
               Provisions (October through December 2017)                                   For the purposes of this quarterly notice, we are providing only the
          There were no special one—time notices regarding national              specific updates to the list of Medicare—approved facilities that meet our
coverage provisions published in the 3—month period. This information is         standards that have occurred in the 3—month period. This information is
available at www.cms. hhs.gov/coverage. For questions or additional              available at
information, contact JoAnna Baldwin, MS (410—786 7205).                          http://www.cms. gov/MedicareApprovedFacilitie/VAD/list.asp#TopOfPage.
                                                                                 For questions or additional information, contact Linda Gousis, JD,
        Addendum XI:; National Oncologic PET Registry (NOPR)                     (410—786—8616).
                     (October through December 2017)
          Addendum XI includes a listing of National Oncologic Positron          Facility                                 Provider      Date Approved    State
Emission Tomography Registry (NOPR) sites. We cover positron emission
tomography (PET) scans for particular oncologic indications when they are        Lovelace Medical Center                  320009        10/09/2017       NM
performed in a facility that participates in the NOPR.                           601 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. NE
          In January 2005, we issued our decision memorandum on positron         Albuquerque, NM 87102
emission tomography (PET) scans, which stated that CMS would cover               JFK Medical Center                       100080        01/25/2017       FL
                                                                                 5301 South Congress Avenue
PET scans for particular oncologic indications, as long as they were
                                                                                 Atlantis, FL 33462
performed in the context of a clinical study. We have since recognized the       Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Inc.      340040        09/27/2017       NC
National Oncologic PET Registry as one of these clinical studies.                d/b/a Vidant Medical Center
Therefore, in order for a beneficiary to receive a Medicare—covered PET          2100 Stantonsburg Road
                                                                                 Greenville, NC 27834
scan, the beneficiary must receive the scan in a facility that participates in
                                                                                 CHI St. Vincent Heart Clinic             040007        11/22/2017       AR
the registry. There were no additions, deletions, or editorial changes to the    2 St. Vincent Circle
listing of National Oncologic Positron Emission Tomography Registry              Little Rock, AR 72205
(NOPR) in the 3—month period. This information is available at                   Hillerest Medical Center                 370001        12/04/2017       OK
http://www.cms.gov/MedicareApprovedFacilitie/NOPR/list.asp#TopOfPage.            1120 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104
For questions or additional information, contact Stuart Caplan, RN, MAS
                                                                                         : Inova Fairfax Hospita
(410—786—8564).                                                                  TO: Inova Fairfax Medical Campus
                                                                                 3300 Gallows Road
       Addendum XII:; Medicare—Approved Ventricular Assist Device                Falls Church, VA 22042
                                                                                 Joint Commission # 6351
   (Destination Therapy) Facilities (October through December 2017)
                                                                                 Delray Medical Center, Inc               100258        08/17/2017       FL
          Addendum XII includes a listing of Medicare—approved facilities        5352 Linton Boulevard
that receive coverage for ventricular assist devices (VADs) used as              Delray Beach, FL 33484
destination therapy. All facilities were required to meet our standards in       Joint Commission # 5215

daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014

                             Facility                                Provider   Date Approved   State   Facility                         Provider        Date Approved   State
                                                                     Number                                                              Number
                             UT Southwestern Medical                 450044     08/09/2017      TX      Center
20:14 Jan 25, 2018

                             Center/William P. Clements Jr.                                             TO: Einstein Medical Center
                             University Hospital                                                        Philadelphia
                             6201 Harry Hines Boulevard                                                 5501 Old York Road
                             Dallas, TX 75390                                                           Philadelphia, PA 19141
                             Joint Connnission #9013. Hospital                                          Joint Connnission # 6118

                                                                                                                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 18 / Friday, January 26, 2018 / Notices
                             previously listed as St. Paul Medical                                      Lancaster General Hospital       390100          10/04/2017      PA
                             Center.                                                                    555 North Duke Street
Jkt 244001

                             "ew York Presbyterian- Columbia         330101     09/24/2015      NY      Lancaster, P A 17602
                             University Medical Center                                                  Joint Connnission # 6086
                             622 West 168th Street
                             "ew York, NY 10032
PO 00000

                             Joint Connnission # 5838
                             University of Utah Hospital             460009     08/09/2017      UT             Addendum XIII: Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS)
                             50 N Medical Drive                                                                                (October through December 2017)
                             Salt Lake City, UT 84132                                                             Addendum XIII includes a listing of Medicare-approved facilities
Frm 00057

                             Joint Connnission # 9544
                                                                                                        that are eligible to receive coverage for lung volume reduction surgery.
                             "orthwestern Memorial Hospital          140281     08/19/2017      IL
                             251 E Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611                                       Until May 17, 2007, facilities that participated in the National Emphysema
                             Joint Connnission # 7267                                                   Treatment Trial were also eligible to receive coverage. The following three
Fmt 4703

                             Texas Heart Hospital of the Southwest   670025     08/23/2017      TX      types of facilities are eligible for reimbursement for Lung Volume
                             DBA The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano                                        Reduction Surgery (L VRS):
                             1100 Allied Drive Plano, TX 75093
                             Joint Connnission # 440319
                                                                                                             • National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT) approved (Beginning
                                                                                                        05/07/2007, these will no longer automatically qualify and can qualify only
Sfmt 4725

                             "mth Carolina Baptist Hospital DBA      340047     08/19/2017      NC
                             Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center                                         with the other programs);
                             .\i!edical Center Boulevard                                                     • Credentialed by the Joint Commission (formerly, the Joint
                             Winston Salem, NC 27157
                                                                                                        Commision on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)) under

                             .Joint Commission # 6571
                             .\i!ayo Clinic                          100151     10/04/2017      FL      their Disease Specific Certification Program for L VRS; and
                             4500 San Pablo Road                                                             • Medicare approved for lung transplants.
                             Jacksonville, FL 32224                                                               Only the first two types are in the list. There were no updates to
                             Joint Connnission # 369946
                                                                                                        the listing of facilities for lung volume reduction surgery published in the
                             Baylor University Medical Center at     450021     11101/2017      TX
                             Dallas                                                                     3-month period. This infonnation is available at
                             3500 Gaston Avenue Dallas, TX 75246                                        www.cms.gov/MedicareApprww. ems. gov /MedicareApprovedF acilitie/B SF /list.asp#To
                                                                                                        questions or additional information, contact Sarah Fulton, MHS

                             Joint Connnission # 8993
                             Seton Medical Center Austin             450056     10/04/2017      TX      (410-786-27 49).
                             1201 W 1Sth Street Austin, TX 7S705
                             Joint Connnission # 8939
                             Emory University Hospital               110010     09/27/2017      GA         Addendum XIV: Medicare-Approved Bariatric Surgery Facilities
                             1364 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30322                                                            (October through December 2017)
                             Joint Connnission # 6689                                                             Addendum XIV includeww. ems. gov /MedicareApprovedF acilitie/B SF /list.asp#
                             Thomas Jefferson University Hospital    390174     09/21/2017      PA
                             111 South 11th Street
                                                                                                        that meet minimum standards for facilities modeled in part on professional
                             Philadelphia, PA 19107                                                     society statements on competency. All facilities must meet our standards in
                             Joint Connnission # 6132                                                   order to receive coverage for bariatric surgery procedures. On February 21,
                             FROM: Albert Einstein Medical           390142     09/20/2017      PA


daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014

                           BILLING CODE 4120–01–C
                                                    [FR Doc. 2018–01475 Filed 1–25–18; 8:45 am]

20:14 Jan 25, 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 18 / Friday, January 26, 2018 / Notices
Jkt 244001
PO 00000

                                                                                                  2006, vve issued our decision memorandum on bariatric surgery procedures.        for bariatric surgery that have been certified by ACS and/or ASMBS in the
Frm 00058

                                                                                                  We determined that bariatric surgical procedures are reasonable and              3-month period. This information is available at
                                                                                                  necessary for Medicare beneficiaries who have a body-mass index (BMI)            www. ems. gov/MedicareApprovedF acilitie/B SF/list.asp#TopOfPage. For
                                                                                                  greater than or equal to 35, have at least one co-morbidity related to obesity   questions or additional infonnation, contact Saral1 Fulton, MHS
                                                                                                  and have been previously unsuccessful 'vith medical treatment for obesity.       (410-786-2749).
Fmt 4703

                                                                                                  Tiris decision also stipulated that covered bariatric surgery procedures are
                                                                                                  reasonable and necessary only when performed at facilities that are: (1)            Addendum XV: FDG-PET for Dementia and Neurodegenerative
                                                                                                  certified by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) as a Level 1 Bariatric              Diseases Clinical Trials (October through December 2017)
Sfmt 9990

                                                                                                  Surgery Center (program standards and requirements in effect on February                 There were no FDG-PET for Dementia and Neurodegenerative
                                                                                                  15, 2006); or (2) certified by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery        Diseases Clinical Trials published in the 3-month period.
                                                                                                  (ASBS) as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence (BSCOE) (program                      This information is available on our website at

                                                                                                  standards and requirements in effect on February 15, 2006).                      www. ems. gov/MedicareApprovedF acilitie/PETDT/list.asp#TopOfPage.
                                                                                                            There were no additions, deletions, or editorial changes to            For questions or additional information, contact Stuart Caplan, RN, MAS
                                                                                                  Medicare-approved facilities that meet CMS 's minimum facility standards         (410-786-8564 ).


Document Created: 2018-10-26 10:05:35
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 10:05:35
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactIt is possible that an interested party may need specific information and not be able to determine from the listed information whether the issuance or regulation would fulfill that need. Consequently, we are providing contact persons to answer general questions concerning each of the addenda published in this notice.
FR Citation83 FR 3716 

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