83_FR_37850 83 FR 37702 - Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances

83 FR 37702 - Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 148 (August 1, 2018)

Page Range37702-37733
FR Document2018-15995

EPA is promulgating significant new use rules (SNURs) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for 145 chemical substances which were the subject of premanufacture notices (PMNs). The chemical substances are subject to consent orders issued by EPA pursuant to section 5(e) of TSCA. This action requires persons who intend to manufacture (defined by statute to include import) or process any of these 145 chemical substances for an activity that is designated as a significant new use by this rule to notify EPA at least 90 days before commencing that activity. The required notification initiates EPA's evaluation of the intended use within the applicable review period. Persons may not commence manufacture or processing for the significant new use until EPA has conducted a review of the notice, made an appropriate determination on the notice, and has taken such actions as are required with that determination.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 148 (Wednesday, August 1, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 148 (Wednesday, August 1, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 37702-37733]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15995]

[[Page 37701]]

Vol. 83


No. 148

August 1, 2018

Part III

Environmental Protection Agency


40 CFR Parts 9 and 721

Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances; Final Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 83 , No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / 
Rules and Regulations

[[Page 37702]]



40 CFR Parts 9 and 721

[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2017-0366; FRL-9970-23]
RIN 2070-AB27

Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Direct final rule.


SUMMARY: EPA is promulgating significant new use rules (SNURs) under 
the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for 145 chemical substances 
which were the subject of premanufacture notices (PMNs). The chemical 
substances are subject to consent orders issued by EPA pursuant to 
section 5(e) of TSCA. This action requires persons who intend to 
manufacture (defined by statute to include import) or process any of 
these 145 chemical substances for an activity that is designated as a 
significant new use by this rule to notify EPA at least 90 days before 
commencing that activity. The required notification initiates EPA's 
evaluation of the intended use within the applicable review period. 
Persons may not commence manufacture or processing for the significant 
new use until EPA has conducted a review of the notice, made an 
appropriate determination on the notice, and has taken such actions as 
are required with that determination.

DATES: This rule is effective on October 1, 2018. For purposes of 
judicial review, this rule shall be promulgated at 1 p.m. (e.s.t.) on 
August 15, 2018.
    Written adverse comments on one or more of these SNURs must be 
received on or before August 31, 2018 (see Unit VI. of the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION). If EPA receives written adverse comments on 
one or more of these SNURs before August 31, 2018, EPA will withdraw 
the relevant sections of this direct final rule before its effective 
    For additional information on related reporting requirement dates, 

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification 
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2017-0366, by one of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit 
electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business 
Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted 
by statute.
     Mail: Document Control Office (7407M), Office of Pollution 
Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001.
     Hand Delivery: To make special arrangements for hand 
delivery or delivery of boxed information, please follow the 
instructions at http://www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.
    Additional instructions on commenting or visiting the docket, along 
with more information about dockets generally, is available at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.

    For technical information contact: Kenneth Moss, Chemical Control 
Division (7405M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, 
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, 
DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-9232; email address: 
[email protected].
    For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 
554-1404; email address: [email protected].


I. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    You may be potentially affected by this action if you manufacture, 
process, or use the chemical substances contained in this rule. The 
following list of North American Industrial Classification System 
(NAICS) codes is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
guide to help readers determine whether this document applies to them. 
Potentially affected entities may include:
     Manufacturers or processors of one or more subject 
chemical substances (NAICS codes 325 and 324110), e.g., chemical 
manufacturing and petroleum refineries.
    This action may also affect certain entities through pre-existing 
import certification and export notification rules under TSCA. Chemical 
importers are subject to the TSCA section 13 (15 U.S.C. 2612) import 
certification requirements promulgated at 19 CFR 12.118 through 12.127 
and 19 CFR 127.28. Chemical importers must certify that the shipment of 
the chemical substance complies with all applicable rules and orders 
under TSCA. Importers of chemicals subject to these SNURs must certify 
their compliance with the SNUR requirements. The EPA policy in support 
of import certification appears at 40 CFR part 707, subpart B. In 
addition, any persons who export or intend to export a chemical 
substance that is the subject of this rule on or after August 31, 2018 
are subject to the export notification provisions of TSCA section 12(b) 
(15 U.S.C. 2611(b)) (see Sec.  721.20), and must comply with the export 
notification requirements in 40 CFR part 707, subpart D.

B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?

    1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through 
regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the 
information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or 
CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as 
CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the 
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one 
complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as 
CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information 
claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket. 
Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with 
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
    2. Tips for preparing your comments. When preparing and submitting 
your comments, see the commenting tips at http://www.epa.gov/dockets/comments.html.

II. Background

A. What action is the Agency taking?

    1. Direct Final Rule. EPA is promulgating these SNURs using direct 
final procedures. These SNURs will require persons to notify EPA at 
least 90 days before commencing the manufacture or processing of a 
chemical substance for any activity designated by these SNURs as a 
significant new use. Receipt of such notices obligates EPA to assess 
risks that may be associated with the significant new uses under the 
conditions of use and, if appropriate, to regulate the proposed uses 
before they occur.
    2. Proposed Rule. In addition to this Direct Final Rule, elsewhere 
in this issue of the Federal Register, EPA is issuing a Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking for this rule. If EPA receives no adverse comment, 
the Agency will not take further action on the proposed rule and the 
direct final rule will become effective as provided in this action. If 
EPA receives adverse comment on one or more of SNURs in this action by 
August 31, 2018 (see Unit VI. of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION), the

[[Page 37703]]

Agency will publish in the Federal Register a timely withdrawal of the 
specific SNURs that the adverse comments pertain to, informing the 
public that the actions will not take effect. EPA would then address 
all adverse public comments in a response to comments document in a 
subsequent final rule, based on the proposed rule.

B. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?

    Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(2)) authorizes EPA to 
determine that a use of a chemical substance is a ``significant new 
use.'' EPA must make this determination by rule after considering all 
relevant factors, including the four bulleted TSCA section 5(a)(2) 
factors listed in Unit III. Once EPA determines that a use of a 
chemical substance is a significant new use, TSCA section 5(a)(1)(B) 
requires persons to submit a significant new use notice (SNUN) to EPA 
at least 90 days before they manufacture or process the chemical 
substance for that use (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)(B)(i)). TSCA furthermore 
prohibits such manufacturing or processing from commencing until EPA 
has conducted a review of the notice, made an appropriate determination 
on the notice, and taken such actions as are required in association 
with that determination (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)(B)(ii)). As described in 
Unit V., the general SNUR provisions are found at 40 CFR part 721, 
subpart A.

C. Applicability of General Provisions

    General provisions for SNURs appear in 40 CFR part 721, subpart A. 
These provisions describe persons subject to the rule, recordkeeping 
requirements, exemptions to reporting requirements, and applicability 
of the rule to uses occurring before the effective date of the rule. 
Provisions relating to user fees appear at 40 CFR part 700. According 
to Sec.  [emsp14]721.1(c), persons subject to these SNURs must comply 
with the same SNUN requirements and EPA regulatory procedures as 
submitters of PMNs under TSCA section 5(a)(1)(A). In particular, these 
requirements include the information submission requirements of TSCA 
section 5(b) and 5(d)(1), the exemptions authorized by TSCA section 
5(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3), and (h)(5), and the regulations at 40 CFR part 
720. Once EPA receives a SNUN, EPA must either determine that the 
significant new use is not likely to present an unreasonable risk of 
injury or take such regulatory action as is associated with an 
alternative determination before the manufacture or processing for the 
significant new use can commence. If EPA determines that the 
significant new use is not likely to present an unreasonable risk, EPA 
is required under TSCA section 5(g) to make public, and submit for 
publication in the Federal Register, a statement of EPA's findings.

III. Significant New Use Determination

    Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA states that EPA's determination that a use 
of a chemical substance is a significant new use must be made after 
consideration of all relevant factors, including:
     The projected volume of manufacturing and processing of a 
chemical substance.
     The extent to which a use changes the type or form of 
exposure of human beings or the environment to a chemical substance.
     The extent to which a use increases the magnitude and 
duration of exposure of human beings or the environment to a chemical 
     The reasonably anticipated manner and methods of 
manufacturing, processing, distribution in commerce, and disposal of a 
chemical substance.
    In addition to these factors enumerated in TSCA section 5(a)(2), 
the statute authorizes EPA to consider any other relevant factors.
    To determine what would constitute a significant new use for the 
chemical substances that are the subject of these SNURs, EPA considered 
relevant information about the toxicity of the chemical substances, 
likely human exposures and environmental releases associated with 
possible uses, and the four bulleted TSCA section 5(a)(2) factors 
listed in this unit.

IV. Substances Subject to This Rule

    EPA is establishing significant new use and recordkeeping 
requirements for 145 chemical substances in 40 CFR part 721, subpart E. 
In this unit, EPA provides the following information for each chemical 
     PMN number.
     Chemical name (generic name, if the specific name is 
claimed as CBI).
     Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry number (if 
assigned for non-confidential chemical identities).
     Basis for the TSCA section 5(e) consent order.
     Information identified by EPA that would help characterize 
the potential health and/or environmental effects of the chemical 
substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the 
Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a 
SNUN for a significant new use designated by the SNUR. This information 
may include testing required in a TSCA section 5(e) Order to be 
conducted by the PMN submitter, as well as testing not required to be 
conducted but which would also help characterize the potential health 
and/or environmental effects of the PMN substance. Any recommendation 
for information identified by EPA was made based on EPA's consideration 
of available screening-level data, if any, as well as other available 
information on appropriate testing for the chemical substance. Further, 
any such testing identified by EPA that includes testing on vertebrates 
was made after consideration of available toxicity information, 
computational toxicology and bioinformatics, and high-throughput 
screening methods and their prediction models. EPA also recognizes that 
whether testing/further information is needed will depend on the 
specific exposure and use scenario in the SNUN. EPA encourages all SNUN 
submitters to contact EPA to discuss any potential future testing. See 
Unit VIII. for more information.
     CFR citation assigned in the regulatory text section of 
this rule. The regulatory text section of each rule specifies the 
activities designated as significant new uses. Certain new uses, 
including exceedance of production volume limits (i.e., limits on 
manufacture volume) and other uses designated in this rule, may be 
claimed as CBI. Unit IX. discusses a procedure companies may use to 
ascertain whether a proposed use constitutes a significant new use. 
These rules include 145 PMN substances that are subject to Orders under 
TSCA section 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I) where EPA determined that activities 
associated with the PMN substances may present unreasonable risk to 
human health or the environment. Those Orders require protective 
measures to limit exposures or otherwise mitigate the potential 
unreasonable risk. The SNURs identify as significant new uses any 
manufacturing, processing, use, distribution in commerce, or disposal 
that does not conform to the restrictions imposed by the underlying 
Orders, consistent with TSCA section 5(f)(4).
    Where EPA determined that the PMN substance may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health via inhalation exposure, 
the underlying TSCA section 5(e) Order usually requires, among other 
things, that potentially exposed employees wear specified respirators 
unless actual measurements of the workplace air show that air-borne 
concentrations of the PMN substance are below a New Chemical Exposure 
Limit (NCEL) that is established by EPA to provide adequate protection 
to human health. In addition

[[Page 37704]]

to the actual NCEL concentration, the comprehensive NCELs provisions in 
TSCA section 5(e) Orders, which are modeled after Occupational Safety 
and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) 
provisions, include requirements addressing performance criteria for 
sampling and analytical methods, periodic monitoring, respiratory 
protection, and recordkeeping. However, no comparable NCEL provisions 
currently exist in 40 CFR part 721, subpart B, for SNURs. Therefore, 
for these cases, the individual SNURs in 40 CFR part 721, subpart E, 
will state that persons subject to the SNUR who wish to pursue NCELs as 
an alternative to the Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request 
to do so under Sec.  721.30. EPA expects that persons whose Sec.  
721.30 requests to use the NCELs approach for SNURs that are approved 
by EPA will be required to comply with NCELs provisions that are 
comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA section 5(e) 
Order for the same chemical substance.

PMN Numbers: P-14-472 and P-14-496

    Chemical names: Polyphosphoric acids, 2-[alkyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-
yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with N-(aminoiminomethyl)urea (generic) 
(P-14-472) and Polyphosphoric acids, 2-[(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-
yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with alkyl amino, polymers with Bu 
acrylate, N-(hydroxymethyl)propenamide and styrene (generic) (P-14-
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 26, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) uses of the PMN substances are as a site-controlled 
intermediate (P-14-472) and a paper additive (P-14-496). Based on 
Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) analysis of test data on 
acrylates/methacrylates, and other structurally similar substances, 
there is potential for irritation and sensitization for P-14-472. For 
P-14-496 there is concern for sensitization based on the presence of 
formaldehyde and concern for irritation and lung effects from the 
surfactant properties of the substance. Further, based on SAR analysis 
of test data on analogous phosphates, EPA predicts toxicity to aquatic 
organisms may occur at concentrations that exceed 3 parts per billion 
(ppb) of P-14-472 and 4 ppb of P-14-496 in surface waters. The Order 
was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(i) and 5(e)(1)(A)(i), based 
on a finding that the available information is insufficient to permit a 
reasoned evaluation of the human health effects of the PMN substances. 
Further, the Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on a finding that the substances may present 
an unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the environment. To 
protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substances 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment to prevent dermal exposure.
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
    4. No release of the PMN substances resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 3 ppb for P-14-472 and 4 ppb for P-14-496.
    5. No modification of the manufacturing process that results in 
inhalation exposure and no use involving application methods that 
generate a dust, mist, or aerosol.
    6. Use of the PMN substances only as a site-limited intermediate 
(P-14-472) and the confidential use specified in the Order (P-14-496).
    The SNUR would designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence 
of these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the fate and human health toxicity of the PMN 
substances may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substances in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to exceed the confidential production 
limit without performing a skin sensitization study and a 
biodegradation test on each substance. In addition, EPA has determined 
that the results of a pulmonary effects testing of the PMN substance 
may be potentially useful in characterizing the health effects of the 
PMN substances. Although the Order does not require this additional 
testing, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11024 (P-14-472) and 40 CFR 721.11025 (P-

PMN Number: P-14-630

    Chemical name: Bismuth bromide iodide oxide.
    CAS number: 340181-06-8.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: May 10, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as a pigment for liquid coatings solvent based 
system; a pigment for powder coatings; and a pigment for polymer 
materials. Based on test data and physical/chemical properties of the 
PMN substance, as well as SAR analysis of analogous respirable, poorly 
soluble particulates, EPA identified concerns for lung effects, 
including fibrosis. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
EPA assessed risks based on the specific manufacturing, processing, 
use, distribution/transportation, treatment and disposal processes, 
process equipment, engineering controls, and handling practices 
(including worker activities and cleaning procedures) described in the 
PMN. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 
(NIOSH)-certified respirator with an Assigned Protection Factor (APF) 
of at least 10 (where there is a potential for inhalation exposures) or 
compliance with a New Chemical Exposure Limit (NCEL) of 2.4 milligram/
meter\3\ (mg/m\3\) as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No use of the substance in a consumer product that generates a 
dust, mist, or aerosol.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures, and any use to vary or alter, the 
manufacturing, processing, use, distribution/transportation, treatment 
and disposal processes, process equipment, engineering controls, and 
handling practices (including worker activities and cleaning 
procedures) described in the PMN in such a way as to change the 
magnitude of inhalation exposure.

[[Page 37705]]

    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substance may be 
potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substance in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a 
manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter 
has agreed not to exceed the confidential production limit without 
performing specific target organ toxicity testing. In addition, EPA has 
determined that the results of a chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity test 
of the PMN substance may be potentially useful in characterizing the 
health effects of the PMN substance. Although the Order does not 
require this additional testing, the Order's restrictions on 
manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, and disposal will 
remain in effect until the Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on 
submission of this or other information that EPA determines is relevant 
and needed to evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11026.

PMN Number: P-15-450

    Chemical name: Aluminum cobalt lithium nickel oxide.
    CAS number: 177997-13-6.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 23, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as a mixed metal oxide for batteries. Based on 
test data on the PMN substance, EPA identified concerns for spleen and 
kidney toxicity. Based on physical/chemical properties of the PMN 
substance, as well as SAR analysis of analogous respirable, poorly 
soluble particulates, EPA identified concerns for lung effects based on 
lung overload. Based on the crystalline structure of the PMN substance, 
EPA identified concern for lung carcinogenicity. The Order was issued 
under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on 
insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding 
that the substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human 
health. EPA assessed risks based on the specific manufacturing, 
processing, use, distribution/transportation, treatment and disposal 
processes, process equipment, engineering controls, and handling 
practices (including worker activities and cleaning procedures) 
described in the PMN. To protect against these risks, the Order 
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the time limit as specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
and protective clothing (where there is a potential for dermal 
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 
1,000 (where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or 
compliance with a NCEL of 0.000092 ppm as an 8-hour time-weighted 
    4. Use of the chemical transfer processes and air ventilation 
processes described in the PMN and the exposure monitoring requirements 
described in the Order.
    5. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    6. Disposal of the PMN substance by landfill only. Air releases are 
limited by processes described in the PMN, including filtering through 
a high-efficiency particulate air filter with an efficiency rate of 
    7. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substance.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substance may be 
potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substance in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a 
manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter 
has agreed not to exceed the time limit without performing specific 
target organ toxicity testing and carcinogenicity testing. In addition, 
EPA has determined that the results of medical monitoring of the 
workers exposed to the substance during manufacturing, processing, and 
use may be potentially useful in characterizing the health effects of 
the PMN substance. Although the Order does not require this medical 
monitoring, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11027.

PMN Number: P-15-705

    Chemical name: Alkylarylamine (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: May 11, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as a chemical intermediate and as an additive 
and octane booster in aviation fuels.
    Based on test data on the PMN substance, EPA has identified 
concerns for dermal irritation, developmental toxicity, and blood 
effects. Based on test data on analogous anilines, EPA has identified 
concerns for cardiovascular, eye, liver, kidney, and pulmonary effects, 
as well as bladder cancer. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious 
gloves, full body chemical protective clothing and chemical goggles or 
equivalent eye protection (where there is a potential for dermal 
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 
1,000 (where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or 
compliance with a NCEL of 0.48 mg/m\3\ as an 8-hour time-weighted 
average. (EPA's estimates indicate that variations of the parameters 
(including batch size, number of processing sites, days per year of 
operation) of the uses identified below would not result in inhalation 
exposure that would indicate a different respirator.)
    4. No use of the substance in a consumer product.
    5. No use other than as a chemical intermediate or as an additive 
and octane booster in aviation fuels.
    6. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    7. No release of the PMN substance resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 1 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substance may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 

[[Page 37706]]

SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to exceed the confidential production 
limit without performing specific target organ toxicity testing and a 
chronic aquatic toxicity test.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11028.

PMN Numbers: P-15-706 and P-15-707

    Chemical names: Aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer containing 
cyclohexyl groups and trimethoxy silanes (generic) (P-15-706) and 
Aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer containing aspartic ester groups and 
trimethoxy silanes (generic) (P-15-707).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 26, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the generic 
use of the substances will be as ingredients for multipurpose exterior 
coatings. Based on SAR analysis on reactive methoxy silane moieties, 
EPA has identified concerns for irritation to lungs, eyes, and mucus 
membranes. There are also concerns for acute toxicity, neurotoxicity, 
and developmental toxicity based on the presence of methanol, and for 
sensitization if there are residual isocyanates. The Order was issued 
under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on 
insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding 
that the substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human 
health. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the production limit as specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 10 
(where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or compliance with 
a NCEL of 0.9 mg/m\3\ as an 8-hour time-weighted average. (EPA's 
estimates indicate that variations of the parameters (including batch 
size, number of processing sites, days per year of operation) of the 
uses identified below would not result in inhalation exposure that 
would indicate a different respirator.)
    4. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    5. No manufacture beyond an annual production volume of 250,000 
kilograms (kg).
    6. Manufacture of the PMN substances to contain no more than 0.1% 
residual isocyanate by weight.
    7. No uses of the substances other than allowed in the Order.
    8. No use of the substances in a consumer product.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substances may 
be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substances 
in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if 
a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter 
has agreed not to exceed the confidential production limit without 
performing specific target organ toxicity testing for P-15-706.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11029 (P-15-706) and 40 CFR 721.11030 (P-

PMN Numbers: P-16-273 and P-16-274

    Chemical names: Alkyl heteromonocycle, polymer with 
heteromonocycle, carboxyalkyl alkyl ethers (generic).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 25, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substances will be as ingredients in 
metalworking fluids. Based on submitted test data for P-16-273 and 
structurally similar surfactants, EPA has identified concerns for 
dermal sensitization and irritation and lung effects. Based on 
submitted toxicity data for P-16-273, EPA estimates toxicity to aquatic 
organisms may occur for both PMNs at concentrations that exceed 10 ppb 
of the PMN substances in surface waters. The Order was issued under 
TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on 
insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding 
that the substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human 
health and the environment. To protect against these risks, the Order 
    1. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substances.
    2. Use of the PMN substances only: (i) For the confidential uses 
specified in the Order, (ii) at a concentration no greater than 3% of 
the metalworking fluid, and (iii) used only in closed metalworking 
systems as specified in the PMNs with no modifications in the process 
that would result in worker inhalation exposure.
    3. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    4. No release of the PMN substances resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 10 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the fate and toxicity of the PMN substances may be 
potentially useful to characterize the health and environmental effects 
of the PMN substances in support of a request by the PMN submitter to 
modify the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering 
submitting a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by 
this SNUR. EPA has determined that the results of specific target organ 
toxicity testing and a biodegradation test of the PMN substances may be 
potentially useful in characterizing the health and environmental 
effects of the PMN substances. Although the Order does not require 
these tests, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11031.

PMN Number: P-16-289

    Chemical name: Benzene dicarboxylic acid, polymer with alkane dioic 
acid and aliphatic diamine (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 24, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states the substance 
will be used as an extrusion compounding molding resin. Based on test 
data on analogous high molecular weight polymers, EPA has concerns for 
lung effects, which includes lung overload. The Order was issued under 
TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on 
insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding 
that the substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human 
health. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of particle size testing on the PMN substance prior 
to exceeding the time limit as specified in the Order.

[[Page 37707]]

    2. Manufacture of the PMN substance such that the solid particle 
form has a particle size distribution where less than 1% of the 
particles are less than 10 microns.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the physical/chemical characteristics of the PMN 
substance may be potentially useful to characterize the health effects 
of the PMN substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to 
modify the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering 
submitting a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by 
this SNUR. The submitter has agreed not to manufacture beyond a certain 
time period without measuring the particle size distribution to 
characterize the fraction of the dry particle PMN substance less than 
10 microns. In addition, EPA has determined that the results of 
specific target organ toxicity testing of the PMN substance may be 
potentially useful in characterizing the health effects of the PMN 
substance. Although the Order does not require this additional testing, 
the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, distribution in 
commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the Order is 
modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or other 
information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to evaluate a 
modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11032.

PMN Number: P-16-322

    Chemical name: Manganese cyclic (tri)amine chloride complex 
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 25, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substance will be as a pulp bleaching 
catalyst. Based on test data on an analog, EPA has identified concerns 
for kidney, blood, and thyroid effects, immunotoxicity, reproductive 
and developmental toxicity, and neurotoxicity. Based on test data on 
the PMN substance, EPA estimates that toxicity to aquatic organisms may 
occur at concentrations that exceed 18 ppb of the PMN substance in 
surface waters. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health 
and the environment. To protect against these risks, the Order 
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment to prevent dermal exposure 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 25 
(where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or compliance with 
a NCEL of 1.2 ppm as an 8-hour time-weighted average. (EPA's estimates 
indicate that variations of the parameters (including batch size, 
number of processing sites, days per year of operation) of the uses 
identified below would not result in inhalation exposure that would 
indicate a different respirator.)
    4. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    5. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substance.
    6. Process and use of the PMN substance only for the confidential 
uses and formulation percentage specified in the Order.
    7. No release of the PMN substance resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 18 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substance may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to exceed the confidential production 
limit without performing specific target organ toxicity testing, 
reproductive/developmental toxicity testing; and chronic aquatic 
toxicity testing.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11033.

PMN Numbers: P-16-338, P-16-339, P-16-439, and P-16-440

    Chemical names: Xanthylium, (sulfoaryl)-bis [(substituted aryl) 
amino]-, sulfo derivs., inner salts, metal salts (generic) (P-16-338); 
Substituted triazinyl metal salt, diazotized, coupled with substituted 
pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids, substituted 
pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids, diazotized substituted 
alkanesulfonic acid, diazotized substituted aromatic sulfonate, 
diazotized substituted aromatic sulfonate, metal salts (generic) (P-16-
339); Carbon black, (organic acidic carbocyclic)-modified, inorganic 
salt (generic) (P-16-439); and Carbon black, (organic acidic 
carbocyclic)-modified, metal salt (generic) (P-16-440).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 11, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) uses of the PMN substances will be as dyestuffs (P-
16-0338 and P-16-0339) and as coloring agents (P-16-0439 and P-16-
0440). Based on physical/chemical properties of the PMN substances and 
test data on analogous poorly respirable particles, EPA has identified 
concerns for irritation to the eyes, lungs, and mucous membranes, and 
lung effects. Further, based on SAR analysis of test data on analogous 
dyes, EPA predicts toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur at 
concentrations that exceed 200 ppb of the PMN substances in surface 
waters. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substances may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the environment. To 
protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. No manufacture of the PMN substances beyond the confidential 
annual production volume specified in the Order.
    2. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substances.
    3. Import the PMN substances only according to the terms specified 
and for the confidential uses specified in the Order.
    4. No release of the PMN substances to surface waters.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the fate, human health toxicity, and aquatic toxicity 
of the PMN substances may be potentially useful to characterize the 
effects of the PMN substances in support of a request by the PMN 
submitter to modify the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is 
considering submitting a SNUN for a significant new use that will be 
designated by this SNUR. EPA has determined that the results of a 
biodegradation test, specific target organ toxicity testing, and acute 
and chronic aquatic toxicity testing of the PMN

[[Page 37708]]

substances may be potentially useful in characterizing the health and 
environmental effects of the PMN substances. Although the Order does 
not require these tests, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, 
processing, distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in 
effect until the Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on 
submission of this or other information that EPA determines is relevant 
and needed to evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11034 (P-16-338), 40 CFR 721.11035 (P-16-
339), 40 CFR 721.11036 (P-16-439), and 40 CFR 721.11037 (P-16-440).

PMN Number: P-16-350

    Chemical name: Polyaralkyl aryl ester of methacrylic acid 
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 31, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substance will be as a polymer reactant. 
Based on test data on methacrylate moieties, EPA has identified 
concerns for irritation and sensitization based on analogy to 
methacrylates. Based on SAR analysis of test data on structurally 
similar respirable surfactants, EPA has identified concerns for lung 
effects. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substance may present an unreasonable 
risk of injury to human health. To protect against these risks, the 
Order requires:
    1. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    2. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    3. Manufacture of the PMN substance such that it is not less than 
the minimum average molecular weight identified in the Order and does 
not contain more than the maximum weight percent of low molecular 
weight species below 1,000 Daltons.
    4. Use of the PMN substance only for the confidential use specified 
in the Order.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the toxicity of the PMN substance may be potentially 
useful to characterize the health effects of the PMN substance in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a 
manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. EPA has 
determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity testing 
and a sensitization test of the PMN substance may be potentially useful 
in characterizing the health effects of the PMN substance. Although the 
Order does not require these tests, the Order's restrictions on 
manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, and disposal will 
remain in effect until the Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on 
submission of this or other information that EPA determines is relevant 
and needed to evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11038.

PMN Number: P-16-352

    Chemical names: Phenol, 2-[[[3-(octyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (P-
16-352, chemical A) and Phenol, 2-[[[3-(decyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- 
(P-16-352, chemical B).
    CAS numbers: 1858221-49-4 (P-16-352, chemical A) and 1858221-50-7 
(P-16-352, chemical B).
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 21, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the PMN 
substances will be used as co-catalysts in the manufacturing of release 
coatings for producing papers and films at a concentration of 1% or 
less. Based on SAR analysis of test data on analogous phenols, EPA has 
identified concerns for respiratory and dermal irritation and 
developmental toxicity. In addition, EPA has identified concerns for 
liver toxicity and reproductive effects based on the hydrolysis product 
o-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Further, based on SAR analysis of test data on 
analogous phenols, EPA predicts toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur 
at concentrations that exceed 1 ppb of the PMN substances in surface 
waters. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substances may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the environment. To 
protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substances.
    5. No manufacture of the PMN substances beyond an annual production 
volume of 250 kg/yr.
    6. No use of the PMN substances in application methods that 
generate a dust, mist, or aerosol.
    7. No release of the PMN substance resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 1 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substance may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to exceed the confidential production 
limit without performing specific target organ toxicity, reproductive/
developmental toxicity, and acute aquatic toxicity testing.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11039 (P-16-352, chemical A) and 40 CFR 
721.11040 (P-16-352, chemical B).

PMN Number: P-16-358

    Chemical name: Alkyl phenol (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 24, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as a chemical intermediate. Based on SAR 
analysis of test data on analogous phenols, EPA has identified concerns 
for developmental toxicity. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).

[[Page 37709]]

    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. Use of the PMN substance only as a chemical intermediate.
    5. No manufacture, process, or use of the PMN substance in any 
manner or method that generates a dust, mist, or aerosol or in a non-
enclosed process.
    6. No release of the PMN substance to surface waters.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substance may be 
potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substance in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a 
manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter has 
agreed not to exceed the confidential production limit without 
performing specific target organ toxicity and reproductive/
developmental toxicity tests.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11041.

PMN Number: P-16-364

    Chemical name: Nitrile-butadiene-acrylate terpolymers (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 31, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substance will be as a chemical 
intermediate. Based on SAR analysis of test data on structurally 
similar respirable particles, EPA has identified concerns for lung 
effects, including lung overload. The Order was issued under TSCA 
sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Use of the PMN substance only as a site-limited chemical 
    2. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    3. No manufacture, process, or use of the PMN substance if it 
contains more than 5% of the particle size distribution less than 10 
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the toxicity of the PMN substance may be potentially 
useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substance in support of a 
request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a manufacturer 
or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a significant new use 
that will be designated by this SNUR. EPA has determined that the 
results of specific target organ toxicity testing of the PMN substance 
may be potentially useful in characterizing the health effects of the 
PMN substance. Although the Order does not require this test, the 
Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, distribution in 
commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the Order is 
modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or other 
information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to evaluate a 
modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11042.

PMN Number: P-16-399

    Chemical name: Starch, polymer with 2-propenoic acid, potassium 
salt, oxidized.
    CAS number: 1638117-09-5.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 6, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as an agricultural soil amendment for field 
crops, agricultural soil amendment for turf applications and direct 
soil injection with fertilizers, and a compound to be used in 
preparation of advanced seed coatings. Based on SAR analysis of test 
data on structurally similar respirable particles, EPA has identified 
concerns for lung effects, including lung overload. The Order was 
issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), 
based on insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a 
finding that the substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury 
to human health. The Order was also issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(II) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(II), based on a finding that the 
substance that the substance is or will be produced in substantial 
quantities and that the substance either enters or may reasonably be 
anticipated to enter the environment in substantial quantities, or 
there is or may be significant (or substantial) human exposure to the 
substance. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the time limit as specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. Manufacture of the substance with a particulate size greater 
than 30 microns.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the toxicity of the PMN substance may be potentially 
useful to characterize the health and environmental effects of the PMN 
substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the 
Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a 
SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to manufacture beyond a certain time limit 
without performing an acute aquatic toxicity test. In addition, EPA has 
determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity testing 
of the PMN substance may be potentially useful in characterizing the 
health effects of the PMN substance. Although the Order does not 
require this additional testing, the Order's restrictions on 
manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, and disposal will 
remain in effect until the Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on 
submission of this or other information that EPA determines is relevant 
and needed to evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11043.

PMN Number: P-16-430

    Chemical name: Pentanedioic acid, 2-methyl-.
    CAS number: 617-62-9.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: May 17, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states the generic (non-
confidential) use of the substance will be as a filler. Based on test 
data on the PMN substance, EPA has identified concerns for systemic and 
reproductive toxicity. Based on structural analysis on the acid groups 
and test data, EPA has identified concerns for dermal and respiratory 
irritation. Further, based on test data on the PMN substance and test 
data on analogous neutral organics, EPA predicts toxicity to aquatic 
organisms may occur at concentrations that exceed 14 ppb of the PMN 
substance in surface waters. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the

[[Page 37710]]

substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health 
and the environment. EPA assessed risks based on the specific 
processing, use, distribution/transportation, treatment and disposal 
processes, process equipment, engineering controls, and handling 
practices (including worker activities and cleaning procedures) 
described in the PMN. To protect against these risks, the Order 
    1. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    2. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 10 
(where there is a potential for inhalation exposure). (EPA's estimates 
indicate that variations of the parameters (including batch size, 
number of processing sites, days per year of operation) of the uses 
identified below would not result in inhalation exposure that would 
indicate a different respirator.)
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substance.
    5. Import of the PMN substance at or below the maximum 
concentration specified in the Order.
    6. No release of the PMN substance resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 14 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures, and use of the chemical substance to vary or 
alter the processing, use, distribution, engineering controls, and 
handling practices described in the Order in such a way as to change 
the magnitude of inhalation exposure.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substance may be 
potentially useful to characterize the effects of the substance in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a 
manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. EPA has 
determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity testing 
of the PMN substance may be potentially useful in characterizing the 
health effects of the PMN substance. Although the Order does not 
require this test, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11044.

PMN Number: P-16-495

    Chemical name: 2-Pentanol, 4-methyl-, reaction products with 
phosphorus oxide (P2O5), compounds with alkylamine (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 25, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
use (non-confidential) of the substance will be as a lubricant 
additive. Based on test data on the substance, EPA has identified 
concerns for systemic effects, sensitization and irritation to the eyes 
and skin. Based on physical/chemical properties, EPA has concerns for 
lung effects, including lung surfactancy. Further, based on test data 
on analogous aliphatic amines for the cation and neutral organics for 
the anion as well as test data on the PMN substance, EPA predicts 
toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur at concentrations that exceed 
200 ppb of the PMN substance in surface waters. The Order was issued 
under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on 
insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding 
that the substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human 
health and the environment. To protect against these risks, the Order 
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment (where there is a potential 
for dermal exposure).
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No manufacture in any manner or method that results in 
inhalation exposure.
    5. No use of the PMN substance in an application method that 
generates a vapor, mist, or aerosol.
    6. No release of the PMN substance resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 200 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substance may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substance effects of the PMN substance in support of a request by 
the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a manufacturer or 
processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a significant new use 
that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter has agreed not to 
exceed the confidential production limit without performing chronic 
aquatic toxicity tests. In addition, EPA has determined that the 
results of specific target organ toxicity testing of the PMN substance 
may be potentially useful in characterizing the health effects of the 
PMN substance. Although the Order does not require this additional 
testing, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11045.

PMN Number: P-16-513

    Chemical name: Hydroxy alkylbiphenyl (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: May 2, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as a chemical intermediate. Based on test data 
on an analog, EPA has identified concerns for developmental toxicity, 
systemic toxicity, blood effects, and corrosion of the skin, eyes, and 
mucous membranes. Further, based on SAR analysis of test data on 
analogous amides, EPA predicts toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur 
at concentrations that exceed 17 ppb of the PMN substances in surface 
waters. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substances may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the environment. To 
protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment (where there is a potential 
for dermal exposure).
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 50 
(where there is a potential for inhalation exposure). (EPA's estimates 
indicate that variations of the parameters (including batch size, 
number of processing sites, days per year of operation) of the uses 
identified below would not result in inhalation exposure that would 
indicate a different respirator.)
    4. Use of the PMN substance only as a chemical intermediate.

[[Page 37711]]

    5. No release of the PMN substance resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 17 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substance may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to exceed the confidential production 
limit without performing specific target organ toxicity and 
reproductive/developmental toxicity testing. In addition, EPA has 
determined that the results of acute aquatic toxicity tests may be 
potentially useful in characterizing the environmental effects of the 
PMN substance. Although the Order does not require these additional 
tests, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11046.

PMN Numbers: P-16-534, P-16-535, and P-16-536

    Chemical names: Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with 
alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl 
alkyl substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene glycol 
alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate, dialkylene glycol diheteromonocyclic ether 
and alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (generic) (P-16-534); 
Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with 
substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl 
substituted alkyl ester, alkanediol diheteromonocyclic ether, 
polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate and 
alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (generic) (P-16-535); and 
Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with bis heteromonocyclic substituted 
alkyl carbomonocycle, alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with substituted 
alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl 
ester, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate and 
alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (generic) (P-16-536).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 4, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substances will be a component of ink. 
Based on test data on structurally similar respirable particles, EPA 
has identified concerns for lung effects if inhaled, based on lung 
overload. In addition, EPA has identified ecotoxicity concerns for the 
substances if made with an acid component exceeding 20% of the 
molecular weight due potential for increased absorption and solubility. 
The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substances may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the environment. To 
protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Manufacture of the PMN substances such that the minimum average 
molecular weight is 1,800 daltons and the carboxylic acid content does 
not exceed 20%.
    2. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substances.
    3. Process or use of the PMN substances only for the use specified 
in the Order.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substances may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
substances in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the 
Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a 
SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
EPA has determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity 
testing and an acute aquatic toxicity test of the PMN substances may be 
potentially useful in characterizing the health and environmental 
effects of the PMN substances. Although the Order does not require 
these tests, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11047 (P-16-534), 40 CFR 721.11048 (P-16-
535), and 40 CFR 721.11049 (P-16-536).

PMN Numbers: P-16-549, P-16-550, P-16-551, P-16-553, P-16-555, P-16-
556, P-16-557, P-16-558, P-16-560, P-16-561, P-16-562, P-16-563, P-16-
564, P-16-565, and P-16-567

    Chemical names: Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-substituted 
polymer (generic) (P-16-549, P-16-550, and P-16-551); Quatenary 
alkylamine functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic) 
(P-16-553); Neutral alcohol functionalized methacrylate-substituted 
polymer (generic) (P-16-555 and P-16-556); Neutral alkyl salt 
functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic) (P-16-557, P-
16-558, and P-16-560); Acid functionalized methacrylate-substituted 
polymer (generic) (P-16-561, P-16-562, P-16-563, P-16-564, and P-16-
565); and Alkylamine functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer 
(generic) (P-16-567).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: May 2, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states the substances 
will be use as crosslinked resins for chromatographic separation of 
biomolecules and biocatalysts. Based on test data on structurally 
similar respirable particles, EPA has identified concerns for lung 
effects, including lung overload. EPA has also identified irritation 
concerns for skin and eyes. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 
5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    2. Manufacture of the PMN substances only in the physical form of 
spherical beads and with less than 0.1% below a particle size of 10 
    3. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substances.
    4. Process or use of the PMN substances only for the uses specified 
in the Order.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substances may 
be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the substances in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or

[[Page 37712]]

if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. EPA has 
determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity testing 
of the PMN substances may be potentially useful in characterizing the 
health effects of the PMN substances. Although the Order does not 
require this testing, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, 
processing, distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in 
effect until the Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on 
submission of this or other information that EPA determines is relevant 
and needed to evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11050.

PMN Number: P-16-579

    Chemical name: Waste plastics, poly(ethylene terephthalate), 
depolymd. with polypropylene glycol ether with glycerol (3:1), polymers 
with alkenoic and alkanoic acids (generic).
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 13, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the 
substance will be used as an ultraviolet curable coating resin. Based 
on test data on similar structural moieties, EPA has identified 
concerns for dermal and respiratory sensitization and irritation of 
mucous membranes. In addition, EPA has identified human health and 
environmental concerns for the substance if made with lower molecular 
weight due potential for increased absorption and solubility. The Order 
was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), 
based on insufficient information to make a reasoned evaluation and a 
finding that the substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury 
to human health and the environment. To protect against these risks, 
the Order requires:
    1. Use of personal protective equipment including gloves and 
protective clothing (where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    2. Use of a NIOSH-certified full face respirator with an APF of at 
least 50 (where there is a potential for inhalation exposure). (EPA's 
estimates indicate that variations of the parameters (including batch 
size, number of processing sites, days per year of operation) of the 
uses identified below would not result in inhalation exposure that 
would indicate a different respirator.)
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No manufacture of the PMN substance with an average molecular 
weight less than 1,100 Daltons.
    5. Use of the PMN substance only as an ultraviolet curable coating 
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the physical-chemical properties and human health and 
aquatic toxicity of the PMN substance may be potentially useful to 
characterize the effects of the substance in support of a request by 
the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a manufacturer or 
processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a significant new use 
that will be designated by this SNUR. EPA has determined that 
measurement of certain physical-chemical properties, the results of 
specific target organ toxicity, reproductive/developmental toxicity, 
sensitization, and acute and chronic aquatic toxicity testing may be 
potentially useful in characterizing the health and environmental 
effects of the PMN substances. Although the Order does not require 
these tests, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing, 
distribution in commerce, and disposal will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11051.

PMN Number: P-17-32

    Chemical name: 1,3,5-Naphthalenetrisulfonic acid.
    CAS number: 6654-64-4.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 22, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substance is for monitoring of oil/gas 
well performance. Based on test data on an analog and physical/chemical 
properties of the PMN substance, EPA has identified concerns for dermal 
and respiratory irritation, developmental toxicity, and blood effects. 
The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substance may present an unreasonable 
risk of injury to human health. To protect against these risks, the 
Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the confidential production volume limit as 
specified in the Order.
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including NIOSH-approved 
respirator (APF 50) and impervious gloves (where there is a potential 
for inhalation or dermal exposure). (EPA's estimates indicate that 
variations of the parameters (including batch size, number of 
processing sites, days per year of operation) of the uses identified 
below would not result in inhalation exposure that would indicate a 
different respirator.)
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No manufacture or processing of the PMN substance beyond a 
confidential annual production volume specified in the Order.
    5. No manufacture, processing, or use using application methods 
that intentionally generate a vapor, mist or aerosol.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substance may be 
potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substance in 
support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if a 
manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter 
has agreed not to exceed the confidential production limit without 
performing specific target organ toxicity and developmental toxicity 
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11052.

PMN Numbers: P-17-33, P-17-34, P-17-36, P-17-38, P-17-39, P-17-41, P-
17-42, P-17-43, P-17-45, P-17-47, P-17-50, P-17-52, P-17-55, P-17-57, 
P-17-59, P-17-61, P-17-62, P-17-63, P-17-64, P-17-66, P-17-67, P-17-69, 
P-17-71, P-17-72, P-17-73, P-17-75, P-17-76, P-17-79, P-17-80, P-17-83, 
P-17-85, P-17-87, P-17-90, P-17-91, P-17-93

[[Page 37713]]

                     Chemical Names and CAS Numbers
                     Chemical name                           CAS No.
Benzoic acid, 2-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-33)..         6654-64-4
Benzoic acid, 4-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-34)..          499-90-1
Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-, sodium salt (1:1)         67852-79-3
Benzoic acid, 2-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1)          2966-44-1
Benzoic acid, 4-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1)         25832-58-0
Benzoic acid, 2,5-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-        522651-42-9
Benzoic acid, 3-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-42)..          499-57-0
Benzoic acid, 2,6-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-          6185-28-0
Benzoic acid, 3,5-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-        530141-39-0
Benzoic acid, 2,4-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-          1765-08-8
Benzoic acid, 3,4-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-        522651-44-1
Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-       1180493-12-2
Benzoic acid, 2,3,4-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-        402955-41-3
Benzoic acid, 2,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-        522651-48-5
Benzoic acid, 2,3-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-       1604819-08-0
Benzoic acid, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1)         69226-41-1
Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-62)..        17264-74-3
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-63)..         3686-66-6
Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-64)..        17264-88-9
Benzoic acid, 2,3-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-        118537-84-1
Benzoic acid, 2,5-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-         63891-98-5
Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-        154862-40-5
Benzoic acid, 2,6-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-         10007-84-8
Benzoic acid, 3,4-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-         17274-10-1
Benzoic acid, 2,4-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P-17-         38402-11-8
Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-4-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-         855471-43-1
Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-4-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-        1421761-18-3
Benzoic acid, 5-chloro-2-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-        1382106-78-6
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-3-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-        1421029-88-0
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-2-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-        1382106-64-0
Benzoic acid, 5-bromo-2-chloro-, sodium salt (P-17-85)      1938142-12-1
Benzoic acid, 3-bromo-4-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-87)       938142-13-2
Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-5-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-90)      1938142-14-3
Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-2-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-91)      1938142-15-4
Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-3-fluoro-, sodium salt (P-17-93)      1535169-81-3

    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 22, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substances are for monitoring of oil/gas 
well performance. Based on test data on an analog, EPA has identified 
concerns for reproductive, developmental and neuro-toxicity, as well as 
lung toxicity and dermal irritation. The Order was issued under TSCA 
sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
EPA assessed risks based on the specific manufacturing, processing, 
use, process equipment, engineering controls, and handling practices 
(including worker activities and cleaning procedures) described in the 
PMN. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substances 
prior to exceeding the production volume limit as specified in the 
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 50 
(where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or compliance with 
a NCEL of 0.0184 ppm as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
    4. Use of processes, process equipment, engineering controls, and 
handling practices specified in the Order for manufacturing and 
    5. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    6. No manufacture or process of the PMN substances beyond a 
confidential annual production volume specified in the Order.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substances may 
be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substances 
in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if 
a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter 
has agreed not to exceed the confidential production limit without 
performing specific target organ toxicity testing on P-17-0091.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11053.

PMN Numbers: P-17-35, P-17-37, P-17-40, P-17-44, P-17-46, P-17-48, P-
17-51, P-17-53, P-17-54, P-17-56, P-17-58, P-17-60, P-17-65, P-17-68, 
P-17-70, P-17-74, P-17-77, P-17-78, P-17-81, P-17-82, P-17-84, P-17-88, 
P-17-89, P-17-92, P-17-97

[[Page 37714]]

                     Chemical Names and CAS Numbers
                     Chemical Name                           CAS No.
Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro- (P-17-35)..........         1201-31-6
Benzoic acid, 2-(trifluoromethyl)- (P-17-37)..........          433-97-6
Benzoic acid, 2,5-difluoro- (P-17-40).................         2991-28-8
Benzoic acid, 2,6-difluoro- (P-17-44).................          385-00-2
Benzoic acid, 3,5-difluoro- (P-17-46).................          455-40-3
Benzoic acid, 2,4-difluoro- (P-17-48).................         1583-58-0
Benzoic acid, 3,4-difluoro- (P-17-51).................          455-86-7
Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trifluoro- (P-17-53)..............       121602-93-5
Benzoic acid, 2,3,4-trifluoro- (P-17-54)..............        61079-72-9
Benzoic acid, 2,4,5-trifluoro- (P-17-56)..............          446-17-3
Benzoic acid, 2,3-difluoro- (P-17-58).................         4519-39-5
Benzoic acid, 3-(trifluoromethyl)- (P-17-60)..........          454-92-2
Benzoic acid, 2,3-dichloro- (P-17-65).................           50-45-3
Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro- (P-17-68).................           51-36-5
Benzoic acid, 2,6-dichloro- (P-17-70).................           50-30-6
Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-4-fluoro- (P-17-74)............         2252-51-9
Benzoic acid, 5-chloro-2-fluoro- (P-17-77)............          394-30-9
Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-4-fluoro- (P-17-78)............          403-16-7
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-3-fluoro- (P-17-81)............          403-17-8
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-2-fluoro- (P-17-82)............          446-30-0
Benzoic acid, 5-bromo-2-chloro- (P-17-84).............        21739-92-4
Benzoic acid, 3-bromo-4-fluoro- (P-17-88).............        11007-16-5
Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-5-fluoro- (P-17-89).............          394-28-5
Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-3-fluoro- (P-17-92).............       153556-42-4
Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-2-fluoro- (P-17-97).............       112704-79-7

    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 22, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substances are for monitoring of oil/gas 
well performance. Based on test data on an analog, EPA has identified 
concerns for reproductive, developmental and neuro-toxicity, as well as 
lung toxicity and dermal irritation. The Order was issued under TSCA 
sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health. 
EPA assessed risks based on the specific manufacturing, processing, 
use, process equipment, engineering controls, and handling practices 
(including worker activities and cleaning procedures) described in the 
PMN. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substances 
prior to exceeding the production volume limit as specified in the 
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 50 
(where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or compliance with 
a NCEL of 0.0184 ppm as an 8-hour time-weighted average to prevent 
inhalation exposure.
    4. Use of processes, process equipment, engineering controls, and 
handling practices specified in the Order for manufacturing and 
    5. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    6. No manufacture or process of the PMN substances beyond a 
confidential annual production volume specified in the Order.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health toxicity of the PMN substances may 
be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the PMN substances 
in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the Order, or if 
a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a SNUN for a 
significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. The submitter 
has agreed not to exceed the confidential production limit without 
performing specific target organ toxicity and reproductive/
developmental toxicity testing on both P-17-35 and P-17-37.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11054.

PMN Numbers: P-17-94, P-17-95, P-17-96, P-17-98, P-17-99, P-17-100, P-
17-101, P-17-102, P-17-103, P-17-104, P-17-105, P-17-114, P-17-122, P-
17-123, P-17-124, P-17-125, P-17-126, P-17-127, P-17-128, P-17-129, P-
17-130, P-17-131, P-17-132, P-17-133, P-17-134, P-17-135, P-17-136, P-
17-137, P-17-138, P-17-139, and P-17-140

                     Chemical Names and CAS Numbers
                     Chemical name                           CAS No.
Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-       122894-73-9
Benzoic acid, 4-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester (P-17-          583-02-8
Benzoic acid, 2-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester (P-17-          577-62-8
Benzoic acid, 2,6-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-98)....        19064-14-3
Benzoic acid, 2,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-99)....          708-25-8
Benzoic acid, 2,3,4-trifluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-100)       351354-50-2
Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-5-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-          351354-50-2
Benzoic acid, 3,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-102)...          350-19-6

[[Page 37715]]

Benzoic acid, 5-bromo-2-chloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-           76008-73-6
Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-104........         1128-76-3
Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-105).......         7335-25-3
Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-         137521-81-4
Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-          474709-71-2
Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-4,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-      144267-97-0
Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-3-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-         1130165-74-0
Benzoic acid, 3-bromo-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-           23233-33-2
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-           4793-20-8
Benzoic acid, 2,5-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-127)...        35112-27-7
Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-3-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-         203573-08-4
Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-         167758-87-4
Benzoic acid, 5-chloro-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-         773139-56-3
Benzoic acid, 2,4-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-131)...       108928-00-3
Benzoic acid, 3,4-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-132)...       144267-96-9
Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-133)       495405-09-9
Benzoic acid, 2,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-134)       351354-41-1
Benzoic acid, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester (P-17-        76783-59-0
Benzoic acid, 2,3-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P-17-136)...       773134-65-9
Benzoic acid, 2,6-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-137)...        81055-73-4
Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-138)...        91085-56-2
Benzoic acid, 2,4-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-139)...        56882-52-1
Benzoic acid, 3,4-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P-17-140)...        28394-58-3

    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: March 22, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the 
substances are for monitoring oil/gas well performance. Based on test 
data on an analog, EPA has identified concerns for reproductive, 
developmental and neuro-toxicity, as well as lung toxicity and dermal 
irritation. Further, based on SAR analysis of test data on analogous 
neutral organics, EPA predicts toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur 
at concentrations that exceed 15 ppb of the PMN substances in surface 
waters. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substances may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the environment. EPA 
assessed risks based on the specific manufacturing, processing, use, 
process equipment, engineering controls, and handling practices 
(including worker activities and cleaning procedures) described in the 
PMNs. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Submission of certain toxicity testing on the PMN substances 
prior to exceeding the production volume limit as specified in the 
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator with an APF of at least 
1,000 (where there is a potential for inhalation exposure) or 
compliance with a NCEL of 0.0184 ppm as an 8-hour time-weighted 
    4. Use of processes, process equipment, engineering controls, and 
handling practices specified in the Order for manufacturing and 
    5. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    6. No manufacture or process of the PMN substances beyond a 
confidential annual production volume specified in the Order.
    7. No release of the PMN substances resulting in surface water 
concentrations that exceed 15 ppb.
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substances may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substances in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to exceed the confidential production 
limit without performing specific target organ toxicity and 
reproductive/developmental toxicity testing on P-17-127; specific 
target organ toxicity testing on P-17-101; and acute aquatic toxicity 
testing on both P-17-101 and P-17-127.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11055.

PMN Number: P-17-198

    Chemical name: Neodymium aluminium alkyl polymer complexes 
    CAS number: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: April 27, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMN states the generic (non-
confidential) use of the substance will be as a catalyst in a closed 
process. Based on physical/chemical properties of the substance and 
test data on the PMN substance, EPA has identified concerns for dermal 
and respiratory irritation, corrosion, developmental toxicity, and lung 
effects. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substance may present an unreasonable 
risk of injury to human health. To protect against these risks, the 
Order requires:
    1. Submission of glove permeation testing on the PMN substance 
prior to exceeding the production volume limit as specified in the 
    2. Use of personal protective equipment including impervious gloves 
(where there is a potential for dermal exposure).
    3. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    4. No domestic manufacture of the PMN substance.
    5. No use in any manner or method where there is potential for 
inhalation exposure.

[[Page 37716]]

    6. Use of the PMN substance in a closed system as specified in the 
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measure.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that the results 
of glove permeability testing will help characterize the effectiveness 
of protective measures to mitigate human health risk of the PMN 
substance in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify the 
Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting a 
SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
The submitter has agreed not to manufacture beyond a certain time 
period without performing glove permeability testing.
    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11056.

PMN Numbers: P-17-272, P-17-273, P-17-274, P-17-275, P-17-276 and P-17-

    Chemical name: Fatty acid amide alkyl amine salts (generic).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: August 4, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substances will be as a component in 
asphalt emulsion. Based on SAR analysis of test data on analogous 
substances, EPA has identified concerns for dermal and respiratory 
irritation, corrosion, developmental toxicity, systemic effect, 
sensitization and lung effects. The Order was issued under TSCA 
sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient 
information to make a reasoned evaluation and a finding that the 
substances may present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health 
and environment. To protect against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Use of the PMN substances only for the use specified in the 
    2. Use of personal protective equipment for workers exposed 
dermally to the PMN substances (including impervious gloves, chemical 
goggles or equivalent eye protection and clothing which covers any 
other exposed areas of the arms and torso).
    3. No modification of the manufacture, process or use of the PMN 
substances if it results in inhalation exposure to vapor, dust, mist or 
    4. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    5. No release of the PMN substances into the waters of the United 
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substances may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substances in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
EPA has determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity 
testing of the PMN substances, and acute and chronic aquatic toxicity 
testing of the PMN substances may be potentially useful in 
characterizing the health and environmental effects of the PMN 
substances. Although the Order does not require these tests, the 
Order's restrictions on manufacture, processing and distribution in 
commerce, will remain in effect until the Order is modified or revoked 
by EPA based on submission of this or other information that EPA 
determines is relevant and needed to evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11057.

PMN Numbers: P-17-278, P-17-279 and P-17-280

    Chemical name: Fatty acid amide alkyl amine salts (generic).
    CAS numbers: Not available.
    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e) Order: August 4, 2017.
    Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order: The PMNs state that the generic 
(non-confidential) use of the substances will be as a component in 
asphalt emulsion. Based on SAR analysis of test data on analogous 
substances, EPA has identified concerns for irritation, corrosion, 
developmental toxicity, systemic effect, sensitization and lung 
effects. The Order was issued under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 
5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient information to make a reasoned 
evaluation and a finding that the substances may present an 
unreasonable risk of injury to human health and environment. To protect 
against these risks, the Order requires:
    1. Use of the PMN substances only for the use specified in the 
    2. Use of personal protective equipment for workers exposed 
dermally to the PMN substances (including impervious gloves, chemical 
goggles or equivalent eye protection and clothing which covers any 
other exposed areas of the arms and torso).
    3. No modification of the manufacture, process or use of the PMN 
substances if it results in inhalation exposure to vapor, dust, mist or 
    4. Establishment and use of a hazard communication program, 
including human health precautionary statements on each label and in 
the SDS.
    5. No release of the PMN substances into the waters of the United 
    The SNUR will designate as a ``significant new use'' the absence of 
these protective measures.
    Potentially useful information: EPA has determined that certain 
information about the human health and aquatic toxicity of the PMN 
substances may be potentially useful to characterize the effects of the 
PMN substances in support of a request by the PMN submitter to modify 
the Order, or if a manufacturer or processor is considering submitting 
a SNUN for a significant new use that will be designated by this SNUR. 
EPA has determined that the results of specific target organ toxicity 
testing and acute and chronic aquatic toxicity testing of the PMN 
substances may be potentially useful in characterizing the health and 
environmental effects of the PMN substances. Although the Order does 
not require these tests, the Order's restrictions on manufacture, 
processing and distribution in commerce will remain in effect until the 
Order is modified or revoked by EPA based on submission of this or 
other information that EPA determines is relevant and needed to 
evaluate a modification request.
    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11058.

V. Rationale and Objectives of the Rule

A. Rationale

    During review of the PMNs submitted for the chemical substances 
that are subject to these SNURs, EPA concluded that for all 145 
chemical substances regulation was warranted under TSCA section 5(e), 
pending the development of information sufficient to make reasoned 
evaluations of the health or environmental effects of the chemical 
substances. The basis for such findings is outlined in Unit IV. Based 
on these findings, TSCA section 5(e) consent orders requiring the use 
of appropriate exposure controls were negotiated with the PMN 
    The SNURs identify as significant new uses any manufacturing, 
processing, use, distribution in commerce, or disposal that does not 
conform to the restrictions imposed by the underlying Orders, 
consistent with TSCA section 5(f)(4).

[[Page 37717]]

B. Objectives

    EPA is issuing these SNURs for specific chemical substances which 
have undergone premanufacture review because the Agency wants to 
achieve the following objectives with regard to the significant new 
uses designated in this rule:
     EPA will receive notice of any person's intent to 
manufacture or process a listed chemical substance for the described 
significant new use before that activity begins.
     EPA will have an opportunity to review and evaluate data 
submitted in a SNUN before the notice submitter begins manufacturing or 
processing a listed chemical substance for the described significant 
new use.
     EPA will be able to either determine that the prospective 
manufacture or processing is not likely to present an unreasonable 
risk, or to take necessary regulatory action associated with any other 
determination, before the described significant new use of the chemical 
substance occurs.
     EPA will identify as significant new uses any 
manufacturing, processing, use, distribution in commerce, or disposal 
that does not conform to the restrictions imposed by the underlying 
Orders, consistent with TSCA section 5(f)(4).
    Issuance of a SNUR for a chemical substance does not signify that 
the chemical substance is listed on the TSCA Chemical Substance 
Inventory (TSCA Inventory). Guidance on how to determine if a chemical 
substance is on the TSCA Inventory is available on the internet at 

VI. Direct Final Procedures

    EPA is issuing these SNURs as a direct final rule. The effective 
date of this rule is October 1, 2018 without further notice, unless EPA 
receives written adverse comments before August 31, 2018.
    If EPA receives written adverse comments on one or more of these 
SNURs before August 31, 2018, EPA will withdraw the relevant sections 
of this direct final rule before its effective date.
    This rule establishes SNURs for a number of chemical substances. 
Any person who submits adverse comments must identify the chemical 
substance and the new use to which it applies. EPA will not withdraw a 
SNUR for a chemical substance not identified in the comment.

VII. Applicability of the Significant New Use Designation

    To establish a significant new use, EPA must determine that the use 
is not ongoing. The chemical substances subject to this rule have 
undergone premanufacture review. In cases where EPA has not received a 
notice of commencement (NOC) and the chemical substance has not been 
added to the TSCA Inventory, no person may commence such activities 
without first submitting a PMN. Therefore, for chemical substances for 
which an NOC has not been submitted EPA concludes that the designated 
significant new uses are not ongoing.
    When chemical substances identified in this rule are added to the 
TSCA Inventory, EPA recognizes that, before the rule is effective, 
other persons might engage in a use that has been identified as a 
significant new use. However, TSCA section 5(e) consent orders have 
been issued for all of the chemical substances, and the PMN submitters 
are prohibited by the TSCA section 5(e) consent orders from undertaking 
activities which will be designated as significant new uses. The 
identities of 38 of the 145 chemical substances subject to this rule 
have been claimed as confidential and EPA has received one post-PMN 
bona fide submission (per Sec. Sec.  720.25 and 721.11) for a chemical 
substance covered by this action. Based on this, the Agency believes 
that it is highly unlikely that any of the significant new uses 
described in the regulatory text of this rule are ongoing.
    Therefore, EPA designates August 1, 2018 (the date of public 
release of this rule) as the cutoff date for determining whether the 
new use is ongoing. The objective of EPA's approach has been to ensure 
that a person could not defeat a SNUR by initiating a significant new 
use before the effective date of the direct final rule. In developing 
this rule, EPA has recognized that, given EPA's practice of on occasion 
posting rules on its website a week or more in advance of Federal 
Register publication, this objective could be thwarted even before that 
    Persons who begin commercial manufacture or processing of the 
chemical substances for a significant new use identified as of that 
date will have to cease any such activity upon the effective date of 
the final rule. To resume their activities, these persons will have to 
first comply with all applicable SNUR notification requirements and 
wait until EPA has conducted a review of the notice, made an 
appropriate determination on the notice, and has taken such actions as 
are required with that determination.

VIII. Development and Submission of Information

    EPA recognizes that TSCA section 5 does not require developing any 
particular new information (e.g., generating test data) before 
submission of a SNUN. There is an exception: Development of test data 
is required where the chemical substance subject to the SNUR is also 
subject to a rule, order or consent agreement under TSCA section 4 (see 
TSCA section 5(b)(1)).
    In the absence of a TSCA section 4 test rule covering the chemical 
substance, persons are required only to submit information in their 
possession or control and to describe any other information known to or 
reasonably ascertainable by them (see 40 CFR 720.50). However, upon 
review of PMNs and SNUNs, the Agency has the authority to require 
appropriate testing. Unit IV. lists potentially useful information for 
all of the listed SNURs. Descriptions of this information is provided 
for informational purposes. EPA strongly encourages persons, before 
performing any testing, to consult with the Agency pertaining to 
protocol selection. Furthermore, pursuant to TSCA section 4(h), which 
pertains to reduction of testing in vertebrate animals, EPA encourages 
consultation with the Agency on the use of alternative test methods and 
strategies (also called New Approach Methodologies, or NAMs), if 
available, to generate the recommended test data. EPA encourages dialog 
with Agency representatives to help determine how best the submitter 
can meet both the data needs and the objective of TSCA section 4(h). To 
access the OCSPP test guidelines referenced in this document 
electronically, please go to http://www.epa.gov/ocspp and select ``Test 
Methods and Guidelines.'' The Organisation for Economic Co-operation 
and Development (OECD) test guidelines are available from the OECD 
Bookshop at http://www.oecdbookshop.org or SourceOECD at http://www.sourceoecd.org.
    In certain of the TSCA section 5(e) consent orders for the chemical 
substances regulated under this rule, EPA has established production 
volume limits in view of the lack of data on the potential health and 
environmental risks that may be posed by the significant new uses or 
increased exposure to the chemical substances. These limits cannot be 
exceeded unless the PMN submitter first submits the results of 
specified tests that would permit a reasoned evaluation of the

[[Page 37718]]

potential risks posed by these chemical substances. Under recent TSCA 
section 5(e) consent orders, each PMN submitter is required to submit 
each study at least 14 weeks (earlier TSCA section 5(e) consent orders 
required submissions at least 12 weeks) before reaching the specified 
production limit. The SNURs contain the same production volume limits 
as the TSCA section 5(e) consent orders. Exceeding these production 
limits is defined as a significant new use. Persons who intend to 
exceed the production limit must notify the Agency by submitting a SNUN 
at least 90 days in advance of commencement of non-exempt commercial 
manufacture or processing.
    Any request by EPA for the triggered and pended testing described 
in the Consent Orders was made based on EPA's consideration of 
available screening-level data, if any, as well as other available 
information on appropriate testing for the PMN substances. Further, any 
such testing request on the part of EPA that includes testing on 
vertebrates was made after consideration of available toxicity 
information, computational toxicology and bioinformatics, and high-
throughput screening methods and their prediction models.
    The potentially useful information identified in Unit IV. may not 
be the only means of addressing the potential risks of the chemical 
substance. However, submitting a SNUN without any test data or other 
information may increase the likelihood that EPA will take action under 
TSCA section 5(e), particularly if satisfactory test results have not 
been obtained from a prior PMN or SNUN submitter. EPA recommends that 
potential SNUN submitters contact EPA early enough so that they will be 
able to generate useful information.
    SNUN submitters should be aware that EPA will be better able to 
evaluate SNUNs which provide detailed information on the following:
     Human exposure and environmental release that may result 
from the significant new use of the chemical substances.
     Information on risks posed by the chemical substances 
compared to risks posed by potential substitutes.

IX. Procedural Determinations

    By this rule, EPA is establishing certain significant new uses 
which have been claimed as CBI subject to Agency confidentiality 
regulations at 40 CFR part 2 and 40 CFR part 720, subpart E. Absent a 
final determination or other disposition of the confidentiality claim 
under 40 CFR part 2 procedures, EPA is required to keep this 
information confidential. EPA promulgated a procedure to deal with the 
situation where a specific significant new use is CBI, at Sec.  
    Under these procedures a manufacturer or processor may request EPA 
to determine whether a proposed use would be a significant new use 
under the rule. The manufacturer or processor must show that it has a 
bona fide intent to manufacture or process the chemical substance and 
must identify the specific use for which it intends to manufacture or 
process the chemical substance. If EPA concludes that the person has 
shown a bona fide intent to manufacture or process the chemical 
substance, EPA will tell the person whether the use identified in the 
bona fide submission would be a significant new use under the rule. 
Since most of the chemical identities of the chemical substances 
subject to these SNURs are also CBI, manufacturers and processors can 
combine the bona fide submission under the procedure in Sec.  
[emsp14]721.1725(b)(1) with that under Sec.  [emsp14]721.11 into a 
single step.
    If EPA determines that the use identified in the bona fide 
submission would not be a significant new use, i.e., the use does not 
meet the criteria specified in the rule for a significant new use, that 
person can manufacture or process the chemical substance so long as the 
significant new use trigger is not met. In the case of a production 
volume trigger, this means that the aggregate annual production volume 
does not exceed that identified in the bona fide submission to EPA. 
Because of confidentiality concerns, EPA does not typically disclose 
the actual production volume that constitutes the use trigger. Thus, if 
the person later intends to exceed that volume, a new bona fide 
submission would be necessary to determine whether that higher volume 
would be a significant new use.

X. SNUN Submissions

    According to Sec.  [emsp14]721.1(c), persons submitting a SNUN must 
comply with the same notification requirements and EPA regulatory 
procedures as persons submitting a PMN, including submission of test 
data on health and environmental effects as described in 40 CFR 720.50. 
SNUNs must be submitted on EPA Form No. 7710-25, generated using e-PMN 
software, and submitted to the Agency in accordance with the procedures 
set forth in 40 CFR 720.40 and Sec.  721.25. E-PMN software is 
available electronically at http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/newchems.

XI. Economic Analysis

    EPA has evaluated the potential costs of establishing SNUN 
requirements for potential manufacturers and processors of the chemical 
substances subject to this rule. EPA's complete economic analysis is 
available in the docket under docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2017-0366.

XII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

A. Executive Order 12866

    This action establishes SNURs for several new chemical substances 
that were the subject of PMNs and TSCA section 5(e) consent orders. The 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these types of 
actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled ``Regulatory 
Planning and Review'' (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993).

B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    According to PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), an agency may not 
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a 
collection of information that requires OMB approval under PRA, unless 
it has been approved by OMB and displays a currently valid OMB control 
number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's regulations in title 40 of 
the CFR, after appearing in the Federal Register, are listed in 40 CFR 
part 9, and included on the related collection instrument or form, if 
applicable. EPA is amending the table in 40 CFR part 9 to list the OMB 
approval number for the information collection requirements contained 
in this action. This listing of the OMB control numbers and their 
subsequent codification in the CFR satisfies the display requirements 
of PRA and OMB's implementing regulations at 5 CFR part 1320. This 
Information Collection Request (ICR) was previously subject to public 
notice and comment prior to OMB approval, and given the technical 
nature of the table, EPA finds that further notice and comment to amend 
it is unnecessary. As a result, EPA finds that there is ``good cause'' 
under section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 
U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B)) to amend this table without further notice and 
    The information collection requirements related to this action have 
already been approved by OMB pursuant to PRA under OMB control number 
2070-0012 (EPA ICR No. 574). This action does not impose any burden 
requiring additional OMB approval. If an entity were to submit a SNUN 
to the Agency, the annual burden is estimated to average between 30 and 
170 hours per response. This burden estimate

[[Page 37719]]

includes the time needed to review instructions, search existing data 
sources, gather and maintain the data needed, and complete, review, and 
submit the required SNUN.
    Send any comments about the accuracy of the burden estimate, and 
any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including 
through the use of automated collection techniques, to the Director, 
Collection Strategies Division, Office of Environmental Information 
(2822T), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 
Washington, DC 20460-0001. Please remember to include the OMB control 
number in any correspondence, but do not submit any completed forms to 
this address.

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    On February 18, 2012, EPA certified pursuant to RFA section 605(b) 
(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), that promulgation of a SNUR does not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
where the following are true:
    1. A significant number of SNUNs would not be submitted by small 
entities in response to the SNUR.
    2. The SNUR submitted by any small entity would not cost 
significantly more than $8,300.
    A copy of that certification is available in the docket for this 
    This action is within the scope of the February 18, 2012 
certification. Based on the Economic Analysis discussed in Unit XI. and 
EPA's experience promulgating SNURs (discussed in the certification), 
EPA believes that the following are true:
     A significant number of SNUNs would not be submitted by 
small entities in response to the SNUR.
     Submission of the SNUN would not cost any small entity 
significantly more than $8,300.
    Therefore, the promulgation of the SNUR would not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    Based on EPA's experience with proposing and finalizing SNURs, 
State, local, and Tribal governments have not been impacted by these 
rulemakings, and EPA does not have any reasons to believe that any 
State, local, or Tribal government will be impacted by this action. As 
such, EPA has determined that this action does not impose any 
enforceable duty, contain any unfunded mandate, or otherwise have any 
effect on small governments subject to the requirements of UMRA 
sections 202, 203, 204, or 205 (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).

E. Executive Order 13132

    This action will not have a substantial direct effect on States, on 
the relationship between the national government and the States, or on 
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels 
of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132, entitled 
``Federalism'' (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999).

F. Executive Order 13175

    This action does not have Tribal implications because it is not 
expected to have substantial direct effects on Indian Tribes. This 
action does not significantly nor uniquely affect the communities of 
Indian Tribal governments, nor does it involve or impose any 
requirements that affect Indian Tribes. Accordingly, the requirements 
of Executive Order 13175, entitled ``Consultation and Coordination with 
Indian Tribal Governments'' (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), do not 
apply to this action.

G. Executive Order 13045

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045, entitled 
``Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety 
Risks'' (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because this is not an 
economically significant regulatory action as defined by Executive 
Order 12866, and this action does not address environmental health or 
safety risks disproportionately affecting children.

H. Executive Order 13211

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, entitled 
``Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy 
Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001), because 
this action is not expected to affect energy supply, distribution, or 
use and because this action is not a significant regulatory action 
under Executive Order 12866.

I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)

    In addition, since this action does not involve any technical 
standards, NTTAA section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note), does not apply to 
this action.

J. Executive Order 12898

    This action does not entail special considerations of environmental 
justice related issues as delineated by Executive Order 12898, entitled 
``Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority 
Populations and Low-Income Populations'' (59 FR 7629, February 16, 

XIII. Congressional Review Act

    Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), 
EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required 
information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and 
the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of 
the rule in the Federal Register. This action is not a ``major rule'' 
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).

List of Subjects

40 CFR Part 9

    Environmental protection, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

40 CFR Part 721

    Environmental protection, Chemicals, Hazardous substances, 
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    Dated: July 19, 2018.
Jeffery T. Morris,
Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.

    Therefore, 40 CFR parts 9 and 721 are amended as follows:


 1. The authority citation for part 9 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 135 et seq., 136-136y; 15 U.S.C. 2001, 2003, 
2005, 2006, 2601-2671; 21 U.S.C. 331j, 346a, 348; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 33 
U.S.C. 1251 et seq., 1311, 1313d, 1314, 1318, 1321, 1326, 1330, 
1342, 1344, 1345(d) and (e), 1361; E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR, 
1971-1975 Comp. p. 973; 42 U.S.C. 241, 242b, 243, 246, 300f, 300g, 
300g-1, 300g-2, 300g-3, 300g-4, 300g-5, 300g-6, 300j-1, 300j-2, 
300j-3, 300j-4, 300j-9, 1857 et seq., 6901-6992k, 7401-7671q, 7542, 
9601-9657, 11023, 11048.

 2. In Sec.  [emsp14]9.1, add the following sections in numerical order 
under the undesignated center heading ``Significant New Uses of 
Chemical Substances'' to read as follows:

Sec.  9.1  OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

* * * * *

                                                           OMB  control
                     40 CFR citation                            No.
                                * * * * *
               Significant New Uses of Chemical Substances
                                * * * * *
721.11024...............................................       2070-0012

[[Page 37720]]

721.11025...............................................       2070-0012
721.11026...............................................       2070-0012
721.11027...............................................       2070-0012
721.11028...............................................       2070-0012
721.11029...............................................       2070-0012
721.11030...............................................       2070-0012
721.11031...............................................       2070-0012
721.11032...............................................       2070-0012
721.11033...............................................       2070-0012
721.11034...............................................       2070-0012
721.11035...............................................       2070-0012
721.11036...............................................       2070-0012
721.11037...............................................       2070-0012
721.11038...............................................       2070-0012
721.11039...............................................       2070-0012
721.11040...............................................       2070-0012
721.11041...............................................       2070-0012
721.11042...............................................       2070-0012
721.11043...............................................       2070-0012
721.11044...............................................       2070-0012
721.11045...............................................       2070-0012
721.11046...............................................       2070-0012
721.11047...............................................       2070-0012
721.11048...............................................       2070-0012
721.11049...............................................       2070-0012
721.11050...............................................       2070-0012
721.11051...............................................       2070-0012
721.11052...............................................       2070-0012
721.11053...............................................       2070-0012
721.11054...............................................       2070-0012
721.11055...............................................       2070-0012
721.11056...............................................       2070-0012
721.11057...............................................       2070-0012
721.11058...............................................       2070-0012
                                * * * * *

* * * * *


 3. The authority citation for part 721 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and 2625(c).

4. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11024 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11024  Polyphosphoric acids, 2-[alkyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-
yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with N-(aminoiminomethyl)urea (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
polyphosphoric acids, 2-[alkyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl)oxy]ethyl esters, 
compds. with N-(aminoiminomethyl)urea (PMN P-14-472) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (3), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (sensitization), (g)(2)(i), 
(v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and 
warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized 
System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(h), (q), and (y)(1). It is a significant 
new use to have manufacturing activities that result in inhalation 
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 3.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

5. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11025 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11025  Polyphosphoric acids, 2-[(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-
yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with alkyl amino, polymers with Bu 
acrylate, N-(hydroxymethyl)propenamide and styrene (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
polyphosphoric acids, 2-[(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl)oxy]ethyl 
esters, compds. with alkyl amino, polymers with Bu acrylate, N-
(hydroxymethyl)propenamide and styrene (PMN P-14-496) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (3), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a), through (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (sensitization), (g)(2)(i), 
(v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning 
statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System 
(GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k), (q) and (y)(1). It is a significant 
new use to have manufacturing activities that result in inhalation 
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 4.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

6. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11026 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11026  Bismuth bromide iodide oxide.

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as bismuth bromide 
iodide oxide (PMN P-14-630, CAS No. 340181-06-8) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The requirements of this section do 
not apply to quantities of the substance after they have been reacted 
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(4), when determining which persons are reasonably likely to 
be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(4), engineering control 
measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the operation, general and 
local ventilation) or administrative control measures (e.g., workplace 
policies and procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent 
exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)(respirators must provide a National 
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned 
protection factor (APF) of at least 10), (a)(6)(i) (particulate), (b) 
(concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 2.4 mg/m\3\ as 
an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as an 
alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to do 

[[Page 37721]]

under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use the 
NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ii), 
(g)(2)(ii), (use respiratory protection or maintain workplace airborne 
concentrations at or below an 8-hour time-weighted average of 2.4 mg/
m\3\), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet 
the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard 
Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(q). It is a significant new use to vary or 
alter, the manufacturing, processing, and use, distribution/
transportation, treatment and disposal processes, process equipment, 
engineering controls, and handling practices (including worker 
activities and cleaning procedures) described in the PMN in such a way 
as to change the magnitude of inhalation exposure. It is a significant 
new use to use the substance for a consumer product that generates a 
dust, mist, or aerosol.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (d), and (f) through (i) are applicable to 
manufacturers and processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

7. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11027 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11027  Aluminum cobalt lithium nickel oxide.

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as aluminum cobalt 
lithium nickel oxide (PMN P-15-450, CAS No. 177997-13-6) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (3), (4), when determining which persons are reasonably 
likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) and (4), 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5) 
(respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 1,000), 
(a)(6) (particulate) (b) (concentration set at 0.1%), and (c). It is a 
significant new use to manufacture or process the substance without the 
chemical transfer processes and air ventilation processes described in 
the PMN and the exposure monitoring requirements described in the 
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.000092 mg/
m\3\ as an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue 
NCELs as an alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may 
request to do so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 
requests to use the NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required 
to follow NCELs provisions comparable to those contained in the 
corresponding TSCA section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set 0.1%), (f), (g)(1)(ii), (This 
substance may cause damage to the lung, kidney, and spleen), 
(g)(1)(vii), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (When using this substance wear 
protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection), 
the following human health precautionary statement must appear on the 
SDS as specified in paragraph (a)(2)(ii): (When using this substance 
use respiratory protection or maintain workplace airborne 
concentrations at or below an 8-hour time-weighted average of 0.000092 
mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning 
statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System 
(GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(p) (24 months and 6 years).
    (iv) Disposal. Requirements as specified in Sec.  721.85(a)(2), 
(b)(2), and (c)(2). It is a significant new use to release this 
chemical substance to air unless using the chemical transfer and air 
ventilation processes described in P-15-0450 including filtering 
through a high-efficiency particular air filter with an efficiency rate 
of 99.99% before release to air.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (j) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

 8. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11028 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11028  Alkylarylamine (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
alkylarylamine (PMN P-15-705) is subject to reporting under this 
section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of 
this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (a)(3), and (4), when determining 
which persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (a)(5) (respirators must provide a National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor 
(APF) of at least 1,000), (a)(6)(particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) 
(concentration set at 0.1%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.48 mg/m\3\ as 
an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as an 
alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to do 
so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use the 
NCELs approach are

[[Page 37722]]

approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs provisions comparable 
to those contained in the corresponding TSCA section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 0.1%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (iv), (vi), (vii), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory 
protection or maintain workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 
8-hour time-weighted average of 0.48 mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), (g)(3)(ii), 
(g)(4)(i), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements that 
meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA 
Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(o) and (q). It is a significant new use to 
use the substance other than as a chemical intermediate or as an 
additive and octane booster in aviation fuels.
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 1.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

9. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11029 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11029  Aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer containing cyclohexyl 
groups and trimethoxy silanes (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer containing cyclohexyl groups and 
trimethoxy silanes (PMN P-15-706) is subject to reporting under this 
section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of 
this section. The requirements of this section do not apply to 
quantities of the substance after they have been reacted (cured).
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i),(iii), (iv), (a)(3) and (4), when determining 
which persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (a)(5) (respirators must provide a National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor 
(APF) of at least 10), (a)(6) (particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) 
(concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.9 mg/m\3\ as 
an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as an 
alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to do 
so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use the 
NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ii), 
(ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory protection or maintain 
workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 8-hour time-weighted 
average of 0.9 mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and 
warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized 
System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k), (o), (p) (594,000 kilograms, P-15-706 
and P-15-707 combined), and (t)(250,000 kilograms, P-15-706 and P-15-
707 combined). A significant new use is any manufacture, processing, or 
use of the PMN substance with more than 0.1% residual isocyanate by 
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

10. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11030 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11030  Aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer containing aspartic 
ester groups and trimethoxy silanes (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer containing aspartic ester groups and 
trimethoxy silanes (PMN P-15-707) is subject to reporting under this 
section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of 
this section. The requirements of this section do not apply to 
quantities of the substance after they have been reacted (cured).
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3), (4), when determining 
which persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (a)(5) (respirators must provide a National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor 
(APF) of at least 10), (a)(6)(i), (v), (vi), (b) (concentration set at 
1.0%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.9 mg/m\3\ as 
an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as an 
alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to do 
so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use the 
NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ii), 
(g)(1)(ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory protection or 
maintain workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 8-hour time-
weighted average of 0.9 mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5).

[[Page 37723]]

Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the 
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 
may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k), (o), (p) (594,000 kilograms, P-15-706 
and P-15-707 combined), and (t) (250,000 kilograms, P-15-706 and P-15-
707 combined). A significant new use is any manufacture, processing, or 
use of the PMN substance with more than 1% residual isocyanate by 
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

11. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11031 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11031  Alkyl heteromonocycle, polymer with heteromonocycle, 
carboxyalkyl alkyl ether (generic).

    (a) Chemical substances and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified generically as alkyl 
heteromonocycle, polymer with heteromonocycle, carboxyalkyl alkyl ether 
(PMNs P-16-273 and P-16-0274) are subject to reporting under this 
section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of 
this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (a)(3), (b) (concentration set at 
1.0%), and (c). When determining which persons are reasonably likely to 
be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1), engineering control 
measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the operation, general and 
local ventilation) or administrative control measures (e.g., workplace 
policies and procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent 
exposure, where feasible.
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (dermal sensitization), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), and (v), 
(g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(iii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and 
warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized 
System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f). It is a significant new use to use the 
substances for the uses specified in the Order, at a concentration 
greater than 3% of the metal working fluid, and use other than the 
closed metal working systems as specified in the PMNs with no 
modifications in the process that would result in worker inhalation 
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 10.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

 12. Add Sec.  721.11032 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11032  Benzene dicarboxylic acid, polymer with alkane dioic 
acid and aliphatic diamine (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as generically as 
benzene dicarboxylic acid, polymer with alkane dioic acid and aliphatic 
diamine (PMN P-16-289) is subject to reporting under this section for 
the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k)(Manufacture only in a form with a 
particle size distribution where less than 1.0 percent of the particles 
are less than 10 microns) and (p) (six months).
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

 13. Add Sec.  721.11033 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11033  Manganese cyclic (tri)amine chloride complex 

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
manganese cyclic (tri)amine chloride complex (PMN P-16-322) is subject 
to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described 
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The requirements of this section 
do not apply to quantities of the substance after they have been 
reacted (cured).
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (3), (4), when determining which persons are reasonably 
likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) and (4), 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5) 
(respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 25), 
(a)(6)(i), (particulate), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 1.2 mg/m\3\ as 
an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as an 
alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to do 
so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use the 
NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(iv), 
(vi), (viii), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory protection 
or maintain workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 8-hour 
time-weighted average of 1.2 mg/m\3\), (v), (g)(3) (This substance may 
be toxic to algae. This substance may be harmful to invertebrates), 
(g)(4)(i), (ii), (do not release to water to yield surface water

[[Page 37724]]

concentrations above 18 ppb.), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and 
warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized 
System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (k), and (q).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 18.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

14. Add Sec.  721.11034 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11034  Xanthylium, (sulfoaryl)-bis [(substituted aryl) 
amino]-, sulfo derivs., inner salts, metal salts (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
xanthylium, (sulfoaryl)-bis [(substituted aryl) amino]-, sulfo derivs., 
inner salts, metal salts (PMN P-16-338) is subject to reporting under 
this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) 
of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (k), and (t).
    (ii) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a), (b), (c), (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(i) of 
this section.

 15. Add Sec.  721.11035 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11035  Substituted triazinyl metal salt, diazotized, coupled 
with substituted pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids, substituted 
pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids, diazotized substituted 
alkanesulfonic acid, diazotized substituted aromatic sulfonate, 
diazotized substituted aromatic sulfonate, metal salts (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
substituted triazinyl metal salt, diazotized, coupled with substituted 
pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids, substituted 
pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids, diazotized substituted 
alkanesulfonic acid, diazotized substituted aromatic sulfonate, 
diazotized substituted aromatic sulfonate, metal salts (PMN P-16-339) 
is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (k), and (t).
    (ii) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a), (b), (c), (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(i) of 
this section.

16. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11036 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11036  Carbon black, (organic acidic carbocyclic)-modified, 
inorganic salt (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as carbon 
black, (organic acidic carbocyclic)-modified, inorganic salt (PMN P-16-
439) is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new 
uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (k), and (t).
    (ii) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers 
and processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(i) of 
this section.

 17. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11037 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11037   Carbon black, (organic acidic carbocyclic)-modified, 
metal salt (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as carbon 
black, (organic acidic carbocyclic)-modified, metal salt (PMN P-16-440) 
is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (k), and (t).
    (ii) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers 
and processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(i) of 
this section.

 18. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11038 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11038  Polyaralkyl aryl ester of methacrylic acid (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as

[[Page 37725]]

generically as polyaralkyl aryl ester of methacrylic acid (PMN P-16-
350) is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new 
uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), when determining which persons are 
reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1), 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (d), (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (sensitization), 
(mutagenicity); (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), and (g)(5). Alternative 
hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally 
Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be 
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k). It is a significant new use to 
manufacture the substance lower than the minimum average molecular 
weight identified in the Order and to contain more than the maximum 
weight percent of low molecular weight species below 1,000 daltons 
identified in the Order.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

19. Add Sec.  721.11039 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11039  Phenol, 2-[[[3-(octyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]-.

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as phenol, 2-[[[3-
(octyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (PMN P-16-352, chemical A; CAS No. 
1858221-49-4) is subject to reporting under this section for the 
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (particulate), (b) 
(concentration set at 1.0%), and (c). When determining which persons 
are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible.
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72 (a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(iv), (vi), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), and (g)(5). 
Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the 
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 
may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (p) (10,500 and 13,000 kilograms, 
respectively, for the total of this substance and the substance subject 
to 721.11039), (t) (250 kilograms for the total of this substance and 
the substance subject to 721.11039), and (y)(1).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 1.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

 20. Add Sec.  721.11040 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11040  Phenol, 2-[[[3-(decyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]-.

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as phenol, 2-[[[3-
(decyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (PMN P-16-352, chemical B; CAS No. 
1858221-50-7) is subject to reporting under this section for the 
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (particulate), (b) 
(concentration set at 1.0%), and (c). When determining which persons 
are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible.
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(iv), (vi), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), and (g)(5). 
Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the 
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 
may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f), (p) (10,500 and 13,000 kilograms 
respectively for the total of this substance and the substance subject 
to Sec.  721.9998), (t) (250 kilograms for the total of this substance 
and the substance subject to Sec.  721.9998), and (y)(1).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 1.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

 21. Add Sec.  721.11041 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11041  Alkyl phenol (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as alkyl 
phenol (PMN P-16-358) is subject to reporting under this section for 
the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3), when determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or

[[Page 37726]]

confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ix), 
(g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), (g)(4)(iii), and (g)(5). Alternative 
hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally 
Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be 
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(a) through (c), (g), (q), (y)(1), and (2).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

22. Add Sec.  721.11042 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11042  Nitrile-butadiene-acrylate terpolymers (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
nitrile-butadiene-acrylate terpolymers PMN P-16-364) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ii), 
(g)(2)(ii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements that 
meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA 
Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (ii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(h), (k) (Manufacture of the substance with 
a particle size distribution where greater than 5.0 percent of the 
particles are less than 10 microns).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), and (f) through (i) are applicable to 
manufacturers and processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

 23. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11043 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11043  Starch, polymer with 2-propenoic acid, potassium salt, 

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as starch, polymer 
with 2-propenoic acid, potassium salt, oxidized (PMN P-16-399, CAS No. 
1638117-09-5) is subject to reporting under this section for the 
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (6) (particulate), When determining which persons are 
reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (b) (concentration 
set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) (concentration set 1.0%), (f), 
(g)(1)(ii), (g)(2)(ii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning 
statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System 
(GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k) (Manufacture of the substance with a 
particulate size less than 30 microns) and (p) (12 months).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (d), and (f) through (i) are applicable to 
manufacturers and processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

 24. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11044 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11044  Pentanedioic acid, 2-methyl-.

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as pentanedioic acid, 
2-methyl- (PMN P-16-430, CAS No. 617-62-9) is subject to reporting 
under this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph 
(a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63 (a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (4), when determining which persons 
are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) 
and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement 
of the operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative 
control measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be 
considered and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5) 
(respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 10), 
(a)(6)(i), (v), (vi), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (vi), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), 
(g)(4)(i), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements that 
meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA 
Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f) and (k) (import of the substance at or 
below the maximum concentration specified in the Order).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 14.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions

[[Page 37727]]

of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section.

 25. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11045 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11045  2-Pentanol, 4-methyl-, reaction products with 
phosphorus oxide (P2O5), compounds with alkylamine (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as generically as 2-
pentanol, 4-methyl-, reaction products with phosphorus oxide (P2O5), 
compounds with alkylamine (PMN P-16-495) is subject to reporting under 
this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) 
of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (3), when determining which persons are reasonably likely 
to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) engineering control 
measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the operation, general and 
local ventilation) or administrative control measures (e.g., workplace 
policies and procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent 
exposure, where feasible, (a)(6) (particulate), (b) (concentration set 
at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (iv), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), and 
(g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet the 
criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard 
Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(q) and (y)(1). A significant new use is 
any manner or method of manufacturing that results in inhalation 
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 200.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

26. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11046 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11046  Hydroxy alkylbiphenyl (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as hydroxy 
alkylbiphenyl (PMN P-16-513) is subject to reporting under this section 
for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (3), (4), when determining which persons are reasonably 
likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) and (4), 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5) 
(respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 50), 
(a)(6)(i), (v), (vi), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(g) and (q).
    (iii) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 17.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (e), (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers 
and processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of 
this section.

 27. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11047 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11047  Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with 
alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl 
alkyl substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene glycol 
alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate, dialkylene glycol diheteromonocyclic ether 
and alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as alkyl 
alkenoic acid, polymer with alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with 
substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl 
substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl 
alkenoate, dialkylene glycol diheteromonocyclic ether and 
alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (PMN P-16-534) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f) and (k). It is a significant new use to 
manufacture the substance such that the lowest number average molecular 
weight is less than 1,800 daltons and the carboxylic acid content 
exceeds 20 percent).
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

28. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11048 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11048   Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with 
alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl 
alkyl substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl ester, alkanediol 
diheteromonocyclic ether, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl 
alkenoate and alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as alkyl 
alkenoic acid, polymer with alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with 
substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl 
substituted alkyl ester, alkanediol diheteromonocyclic ether, 
polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate and 
alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (PMN P-16-535) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 

[[Page 37728]]

specified in Sec.  721.80(f) and (k). It is a significant new use to 
manufacture the substance such that the lowest number average molecular 
weight is less than 1,800 daltons and the carboxylic acid content 
exceeds 20 percent).
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

29. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11049 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11049  Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with bis heteromonocyclic 
substituted alkyl carbomonocycle, alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with 
substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl 
substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl 
alkenoate and alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as alkyl 
alkenoic acid, polymer with bis heteromonocyclic substituted alkyl 
carbomonocycle, alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with substituted alkanoic 
acid hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl ester, 
polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate and 
alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt (PMN P-16-536) is subject to 
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f) and (k.) It is a significant new use to 
manufacture the substance such that the lowest number average molecular 
weight is less than 1,800 daltons, and the carboxylic acid content 
exceeds 20 percent).
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

30. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11050 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11050  Certain functionalized methacrylate-substituted 

    (a)(1) The chemical substances listed in the Table of this section 
is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The requirements of this 
section do not apply to quantities of the substances after they have 
been reacted (cured).

         Table--Functionalized Methacrylate-Substituted Polymers
              PMN No.                           Chemical name
P-16-549..........................  Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-550..........................  Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-551..........................  Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-553..........................  Quatenary alkylamine functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer
P-16-555..........................  Neutral alcohol functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer
P-16-556..........................  Neutral alcohol functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer
P-16-557..........................  Neutral alkyl salt functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer
P-16-558..........................  Neutral alkyl salt functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer
P-16-560..........................  Neutral alkyl salt functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer
P-16-561..........................  Acid functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-562..........................  Acid functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-563..........................  Acid functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-564..........................  Acid functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-565..........................  Acid functionalized methacrylate-
                                     substituted polymer (generic).
P-16-567..........................  Alkylamine functionalized
                                     methacrylate-substituted polymer

    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (a)(3), when determining which persons 
are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(6) 
(particulate), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(f) and (k) (crosslinked resin used for 
chromatographic separation of biomolecules and biocatalysts). It is a 
significant new use to import the substance in any form other than 
spherical beads with 0.1 percent less than 10 microns
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (e), and (i) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

31. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11051 to subpart E to read as follows:

[[Page 37729]]

Sec.  721.11051  Waste plastics, poly(ethylene terephthalate), 
depolymd. with polypropylene glycol ether with glycerol (3:1), polymers 
with alkenoic and alkanoic acids (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as waste 
plastics, poly(ethylene terephthalate), depolymd. with polypropylene 
glycol ether with glycerol (3:1), polymers with alkenoic and alkanoic 
acids (PMN P-16-579) is subject to reporting under this section for the 
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (4),when determining which persons are 
reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(1) and 
(4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of 
the operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5) 
(respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 50), 
(a)(6) (particulate), (b) (concentration set 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1) (This 
substance may cause respiratory and dermal irritation). (This substance 
may cause irritation of the mucous membranes). (This substance may 
cause respiratory and dermal sensitization). (This substance may cause 
mutagenicity), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (g)(5). Alternative 
hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally 
Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be 
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k) (an ultraviolet curable coating resin). 
It is a significant new use to manufacture the substance with an 
average molecular weight less than 1,100 Daltons.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.

32. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11052 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11052  1,3,5-Naphthalenetrisulfonic acid.

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 1,3,5-
naphthalenetrisulfonic acid (PMN P-17-32, CAS No. 6654-64-4) is subject 
to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described 
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iv), (a)(3), (4), when determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (a)(5) (respirators must provide a National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor 
of at least 50, (a)(6)(v), (vi), (particulate), (b) (concentration set 
at 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (iv), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), and (g)(5). Alternative 
hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally 
Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be 
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(q) and (t).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

33. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11053 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11053  Certain halogenated sodium benzoate salts.

    (a)(1) The chemical substances listed in the Table of this section 
is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                                    Table--Halogenated Sodium Benzoate Salts
                    PMN No.                              CAS No.                       Chemical name
P-17-33........................................                6654-64-4  Benzoic acid, 2-fluoro-, sodium salt
P-17-34........................................                 499-90-1  Benzoic acid, 4-fluoro-, sodium salt
P-17-36........................................               67852-79-3  Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt (1:1).
P-17-38........................................                2966-44-1  Benzoic acid, 2-(trifluoromethyl)-,
                                                                           sodium salt (1:1).
P-17-39........................................               25832-58-0  Benzoic acid, 4-(trifluoromethyl)-,
                                                                           sodium salt (1:1).
P-17-41........................................              522651-42-9  Benzoic acid, 2,5-difluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-42........................................                 499-57-0  Benzoic acid, 3-fluoro-, sodium salt
P-17-43........................................                6185-28-0  Benzoic acid, 2,6-difluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-45........................................              530141-39-0  Benzoic acid, 3,5-difluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-47........................................                1765-08-8  Benzoic acid, 2,4-difluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-50........................................              522651-44-1  Benzoic acid, 3,4-difluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-52........................................             1180493-12-2  Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-55........................................              402955-41-3  Benzoic acid, 2,3,4-trifluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-57........................................              522651-48-5  Benzoic acid, 2,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-59........................................             1604819-08-0  Benzoic acid, 2,3-difluoro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-61........................................               69226-41-1  Benzoic acid, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-,
                                                                           sodium salt (1:1).
P-17-62........................................               17264-74-3  Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-, sodium salt
P-17-63........................................                3686-66-6  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-, sodium salt

[[Page 37730]]

P-17-64........................................               17264-88-9  Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-, sodium salt
P-17-66........................................              118537-84-1  Benzoic acid, 2,3-dichloro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-67........................................               63891-98-5  Benzoic acid, 2,5-dichloro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-69........................................              154862-40-5  Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-71........................................               10007-84-8  Benzoic acid, 2,6-dichloro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-72........................................               17274-10-1  Benzoic acid, 3,4-dichloro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-73........................................               38402-11-8  Benzoic acid, 2,4-dichloro-, sodium
                                                                           salt (1:1).
P-17-75........................................              855471-43-1  Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-4-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-76........................................             1421761-18-3  Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-4-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-79........................................             1382106-78-6  Benzoic acid, 5-chloro-2-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-80........................................             1421029-88-0  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-3-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-83........................................             1382106-64-0  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-2-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-85........................................             1938142-12-1  Benzoic acid, 5-bromo-2-chloro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-87........................................              938142-13-2  Benzoic acid, 3-bromo-4-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-90........................................             1938142-14-3  Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-5-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-91........................................             1938142-15-4  Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-2-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.
P-17-93........................................             1535169-81-3  Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-3-fluoro-,
                                                                           sodium salt.

    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (2)(i), (iv), (a)(3), when determining which persons are 
reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  721.63(a)(4), 
engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the 
operation, general and local ventilation) or administrative control 
measures (e.g., workplace policies and procedures) shall be considered 
and implemented to prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5) 
(respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor of at least 50), (a)(6) 
(particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and 
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.0184 mg/m\3\ 
as an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as 
an alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to 
do so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use 
the NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory 
protection or maintain workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 
8-hour time-weighted average of 0.0184 mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5). 
Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the 
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 
may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k), (q) and (t). It is a significant new 
use to manufacture or process the substances other than for the 
processes described in the Order.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

34. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11054 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11054  Certain halogenated benzoic acids

    (a) The chemical substances listed in the Table of this section is 
subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                                        Table--Halogenated Benzoic Acids
                    PMN No.                              CAS No.                       Chemical name
P-17-35........................................                1201-31-6  Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-.
P-17-37........................................                 433-97-6  Benzoic acid, 2-(trifluoromethyl)-.
P-17-40........................................                2991-28-8  Benzoic acid, 2,5-difluoro-.
P-17-44........................................                 385-00-2  Benzoic acid, 2,6-difluoro-.
P-17-46........................................                 455-40-3  Benzoic acid, 3,5-difluoro-.
P-17-48........................................                1583-58-0  Benzoic acid, 2,4-difluoro-.
P-17-51........................................                 455-86-7  Benzoic acid, 3,4-difluoro-.
P-17-53........................................              121602-93-5  Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trifluoro-.
P-17-54........................................               61079-72-9  Benzoic acid, 2,3,4-trifluoro-.
P-17-56........................................                 446-17-3  Benzoic acid, 2,4,5-trifluoro-.
P-17-58........................................                4519-39-5  Benzoic acid, 2,3-difluoro-.
P-17-60........................................                 454-92-2  Benzoic acid, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-.
P-17-65........................................                  50-45-3  Benzoic acid, 2,3-dichloro-.
P-17-68........................................                  51-36-5  Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro-.
P-17-70........................................                  50-30-6  Benzoic acid, 2,6-dichloro-.

[[Page 37731]]

P-17-74........................................                2252-51-9  Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-4-fluoro-.
P-17-77........................................                 394-30-9  Benzoic acid, 5-chloro-2-fluoro-.
P-17-78........................................                 403-16-7  Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-4-fluoro-.
P-17-81........................................                 403-17-8  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-3-fluoro-.
P-17-82........................................                 446-30-0  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-2-fluoro-.
P-17-84........................................               21739-92-4  Benzoic acid, 5-bromo-2-chloro-.
P-17-88........................................               11007-16-5  Benzoic acid, 3-bromo-4-fluoro-.
P-17-89........................................                 394-28-5  Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-5-fluoro-.
P-17-92........................................              153556-42-4  Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-3-fluoro-.
P-17-97........................................              112704-79-7  Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-2-fluoro-.

    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (v), (a)(3), (4), when determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (a)(5) (respirators must provide a National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor 
of at least 50, (a)(6) (particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) 
(concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.0184 mg/m\3\ 
as an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as 
an alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to 
do so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use 
the NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory 
protection or maintain workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 
8-hour time-weighted average of 0.0184 mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5). 
Alternative hazard and warning statements that meet the criteria of the 
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 
may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(q) and (t). It is a significant new use to 
manufacture or process the substances other than for the processes 
described in the Order.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

35. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11055 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11055  Certain halogenated benzoic acids ethyl esters.

    (a) The chemical substances listed in the Table of this section is 
subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                                  Table--Halogenated Benzoic Acid Ethyl Esters
                    PMN No.                              CAS No.                       Chemical name
P-17-94........................................              122894-73-9  Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-95........................................                 583-02-8  Benzoic acid, 4-(trifluoromethyl)-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-96........................................                 577-62-8  Benzoic acid, 2-(trifluoromethyl)-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-98........................................               19064-14-3  Benzoic acid, 2,6-difluoro-, ethyl
P-17-99........................................                 708-25-8  Benzoic acid, 2,5-difluoro-, ethyl
P-17-100.......................................              351354-50-2  Benzoic acid, 2,3,4-trifluoro-, ethyl
P-17-101.......................................              351354-50-2  Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-5-fluoro-, ethyl
P-17-102.......................................                 350-19-6  Benzoic acid, 3,5-difluoro-, ethyl
P-17-103.......................................               76008-73-6  Benzoic acid, 5-bromo-2-chloro-, ethyl
P-17-104.......................................                1128-76-3  Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-, ethyl ester.
P-17-105.......................................                7335-25-3  Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-, ethyl ester.
P-17-114.......................................              137521-81-4  Benzoic acid, 3-chloro-4-fluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-122.......................................              474709-71-2  Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-2-fluoro-, ethyl
P-17-123.......................................              144267-97-0  Benzoic acid, 2-bromo-4,5-difluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-124.......................................             1130165-74-0  Benzoic acid, 4-bromo-3-fluoro-, ethyl
P-17-125.......................................               23233-33-2  Benzoic acid, 3-bromo-4-fluoro-, ethyl
P-17-126.......................................                4793-20-8  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-2-fluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-127.......................................               35112-27-7  Benzoic acid, 2,5-dichloro-, ethyl
P-17-128.......................................              203573-08-4  Benzoic acid, 4-chloro-3-fluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-129.......................................              167758-87-4  Benzoic acid, 2-chloro-4-fluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-130.......................................              773139-56-3  Benzoic acid, 5-chloro-2-fluoro-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-131.......................................              108928-00-3  Benzoic acid, 2,4-difluoro-, ethyl

[[Page 37732]]

P-17-132.......................................              144267-96-9  Benzoic acid, 3,4-difluoro-, ethyl
P-17-133.......................................              495405-09-9  Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl
P-17-134.......................................              351354-41-1  Benzoic acid, 2,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl
P-17-135.......................................               76783-59-0  Benzoic acid, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-,
                                                                           ethyl ester.
P-17-136.......................................              773134-65-9  Benzoic acid, 2,3-difluoro-, ethyl
P-17-137.......................................               81055-73-4  Benzoic acid, 2,6-dichloro-, ethyl
P-17-138.......................................               91085-56-2  Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro-, ethyl
P-17-139.......................................               56882-52-1  Benzoic acid, 2,4-dichloro-, ethyl
P-17-140.......................................               28394-58-3  Benzoic acid, 3,4-dichloro-, ethyl

    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (v), (a)(3), (4), when determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) and (4), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (a)(5) (respirators must provide a National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor 
of at least 1000), (a)(6) (particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) 
(concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).
    (A) As an alternative to the respirator requirements in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i) of this section, a manufacturer or processor may choose to 
follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed in the 
TSCA section 5(e) Order for this substance. The NCEL is 0.0184 mg/m\3\ 
as an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as 
an alternative to Sec.  721.63 respirator requirements may request to 
do so under Sec.  721.30. Persons whose Sec.  721.30 requests to use 
the NCELs approach are approved by EPA will be required to follow NCELs 
provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding TSCA 
section 5(e) Order.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), 
(ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory 
protection or maintain workplace airborne concentrations at or below an 
8-hour time-weighted average of 0.0184 mg/m\3\), (g)(2)(v), (g)(3)(i), 
(ii), (g)(4)(i), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements 
that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA 
Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(q) and (t). It is a significant new use to 
manufacture or process the substances other than for processes 
described in the Order.
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and (c)(4) where N = 15 ppb.
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

36. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11056 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11056  Neodymium aluminium alkyl polymer complexes (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified generically as 
neodymium aluminium alkyl polymer complexes (PMN P-17-198) is subject 
to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described 
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (a)(3), when determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible, (b) (concentration set 1.0%), and (c).
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ix), (The 
substance may react violently with water, (This substance may cause 
skin irritation and corrosion), (This substance may cause respiratory 
complications, irritation, and corrosion), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), 
(When using this substance use in closed system to prevent any 
inhalation exposure), (When using this substance use skin and eye 
protection), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning statements that 
meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA 
Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(c) (It is a significant new use to process 
the substance in manner that results in inhalation exposure.), (f), and 
(p) (8 months).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to manufacturers and processors 
of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

37. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11057 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11057  Fatty acid amide alkyl amine salts (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified generically as fatty 
acid amide alkyl amine salts (PMN P-17-272, P-17-273, P-17-274, P-17-
275, P-17-276 and P-17-277) are subject to reporting under this section 
for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
section. The requirements of this section

[[Page 37733]]

do not apply to quantities of the substances after they have been 
reacted (cured).
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3). When determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible.
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1) (skin 
irritation), (respiratory complication), (internal organ effect), 
(systemic effect), (sensitization), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), 
(g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), (iii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and 
warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized 
System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k), and (y)(1).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

38. Add Sec.  [emsp14]721.11058 to subpart E to read as follows:

Sec.  721.11058  Fatty acid amide alkyl amine salts (generic).

    (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to 
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified generically as fatty 
acid amide alkyl amine salts (PMN P-17-278, P-17-279 and P-17-280) are 
subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses 
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The requirements of this 
section do not apply to quantities of the substances after they have 
been reacted (cured).
    (2) The significant new uses are:
    (i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3). When determining which 
persons are reasonably likely to be exposed as required for Sec.  
721.63(a)(1) engineering control measures (e.g., enclosure or 
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation) or 
administrative control measures (e.g., workplace policies and 
procedures) shall be considered and implemented to prevent exposure, 
where feasible.
    (ii) Hazard communication. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.72(a) through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%), (f), (g)(1) (skin 
irritation), (respiratory complication), (internal organ effect), 
(systemic effect), (sensitization), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), 
(g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), (iii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and 
warning statements that meet the criteria of the Globally Harmonized 
System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may be used.
    (iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements 
as specified in Sec.  721.80(k), and (y)(1).
    (iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).
    (b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part 
apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.
    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in Sec.  
721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers and 
processors of this substance.
    (2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.185 apply to this section.
    (3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. 
The provisions of Sec.  721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) 
of this section.

[FR Doc. 2018-15995 Filed 7-31-18; 8:45 am]

                                               37702            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                 or other information whose disclosure is              at 40 CFR part 707, subpart B. In
                                               AGENCY                                                   restricted by statute.                                addition, any persons who export or
                                                                                                           • Mail: Document Control Office                    intend to export a chemical substance
                                               40 CFR Parts 9 and 721                                   (7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention               that is the subject of this rule on or after
                                               [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2017–0366; FRL–9970–23]
                                                                                                        and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental                      August 31, 2018 are subject to the
                                                                                                        Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania                  export notification provisions of TSCA
                                               RIN 2070–AB27                                            Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.                   section 12(b) (15 U.S.C. 2611(b)) (see
                                                                                                           • Hand Delivery: To make special                   § 721.20), and must comply with the
                                               Significant New Use Rules on Certain                     arrangements for hand delivery or                     export notification requirements in 40
                                               Chemical Substances                                      delivery of boxed information, please                 CFR part 707, subpart D.
                                               AGENCY: Environmental Protection                         follow the instructions at http://
                                                                                                        www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.                    B. What should I consider as I prepare
                                               Agency (EPA).                                                                                                  my comments for EPA?
                                                                                                           Additional instructions on
                                               ACTION: Direct final rule.
                                                                                                        commenting or visiting the docket,                       1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
                                               SUMMARY:    EPA is promulgating                          along with more information about                     information to EPA through
                                               significant new use rules (SNURs) under                  dockets generally, is available at http://            regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark
                                               the Toxic Substances Control Act                         www.epa.gov/dockets.                                  the part or all of the information that
                                               (TSCA) for 145 chemical substances                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      you claim to be CBI. For CBI
                                               which were the subject of                                   For technical information contact:                 information in a disk or CD–ROM that
                                               premanufacture notices (PMNs). The                       Kenneth Moss, Chemical Control                        you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
                                               chemical substances are subject to                       Division (7405M), Office of Pollution                 disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
                                               consent orders issued by EPA pursuant                    Prevention and Toxics, Environmental                  identify electronically within the disk or
                                               to section 5(e) of TSCA. This action                     Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania                  CD–ROM the specific information that
                                               requires persons who intend to                           Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;                   is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
                                               manufacture (defined by statute to                       telephone number: (202) 564–9232;                     complete version of the comment that
                                               include import) or process any of these                  email address: moss.kenneth@epa.gov.                  includes information claimed as CBI, a
                                               145 chemical substances for an activity                     For general information contact: The               copy of the comment that does not
                                               that is designated as a significant new                  TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422                      contain the information claimed as CBI
                                               use by this rule to notify EPA at least                  South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY                     must be submitted for inclusion in the
                                               90 days before commencing that                           14620; telephone number: (202) 554–                   public docket. Information so marked
                                               activity. The required notification                      1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@                    will not be disclosed except in
                                               initiates EPA’s evaluation of the                        epa.gov.                                              accordance with procedures set forth in
                                               intended use within the applicable                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            40 CFR part 2.
                                               review period. Persons may not                                                                                    2. Tips for preparing your comments.
                                               commence manufacture or processing                       I. General Information                                When preparing and submitting your
                                               for the significant new use until EPA                    A. Does this action apply to me?                      comments, see the commenting tips at
                                               has conducted a review of the notice,                                                                          http://www.epa.gov/dockets/
                                                                                                          You may be potentially affected by
                                               made an appropriate determination on                                                                           comments.html.
                                                                                                        this action if you manufacture, process,
                                               the notice, and has taken such actions                   or use the chemical substances                        II. Background
                                               as are required with that determination.                 contained in this rule. The following list
                                               DATES: This rule is effective on October                                                                       A. What action is the Agency taking?
                                                                                                        of North American Industrial
                                               1, 2018. For purposes of judicial review,                Classification System (NAICS) codes is                   1. Direct Final Rule. EPA is
                                               this rule shall be promulgated at 1 p.m.                 not intended to be exhaustive, but rather             promulgating these SNURs using direct
                                               (e.s.t.) on August 15, 2018.                             provides a guide to help readers                      final procedures. These SNURs will
                                                  Written adverse comments on one or                    determine whether this document                       require persons to notify EPA at least 90
                                               more of these SNURs must be received                     applies to them. Potentially affected                 days before commencing the
                                               on or before August 31, 2018 (see Unit                   entities may include:                                 manufacture or processing of a chemical
                                               VI. of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION).                     • Manufacturers or processors of one                substance for any activity designated by
                                               If EPA receives written adverse                          or more subject chemical substances                   these SNURs as a significant new use.
                                               comments on one or more of these                         (NAICS codes 325 and 324110), e.g.,                   Receipt of such notices obligates EPA to
                                               SNURs before August 31, 2018, EPA                        chemical manufacturing and petroleum                  assess risks that may be associated with
                                               will withdraw the relevant sections of                   refineries.                                           the significant new uses under the
                                               this direct final rule before its effective                This action may also affect certain                 conditions of use and, if appropriate, to
                                               date.                                                    entities through pre-existing import                  regulate the proposed uses before they
                                                  For additional information on related                 certification and export notification                 occur.
                                               reporting requirement dates, see Units                   rules under TSCA. Chemical importers                     2. Proposed Rule. In addition to this
                                               I.A., VI., and VII. of the SUPPLEMENTARY                 are subject to the TSCA section 13 (15                Direct Final Rule, elsewhere in this
                                               INFORMATION.                                             U.S.C. 2612) import certification                     issue of the Federal Register, EPA is
                                               ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                         requirements promulgated at 19 CFR                    issuing a Notice of Proposed
                                               identified by docket identification (ID)                 12.118 through 12.127 and 19 CFR                      Rulemaking for this rule. If EPA receives
                                               number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2017–0366, by                         127.28. Chemical importers must certify               no adverse comment, the Agency will
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               one of the following methods:                            that the shipment of the chemical                     not take further action on the proposed
                                                  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 substance complies with all applicable                rule and the direct final rule will
                                               www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                   rules and orders under TSCA. Importers                become effective as provided in this
                                               instructions for submitting comments.                    of chemicals subject to these SNURs                   action. If EPA receives adverse comment
                                               Do not submit electronically any                         must certify their compliance with the                on one or more of SNURs in this action
                                               information you consider to be                           SNUR requirements. The EPA policy in                  by August 31, 2018 (see Unit VI. of the
                                               Confidential Business Information (CBI)                  support of import certification appears               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION), the

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:28 Jul 31, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\01AUR2.SGM   01AUR2

                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         37703

                                               Agency will publish in the Federal                       EPA determines that the significant new               required in a TSCA section 5(e) Order
                                               Register a timely withdrawal of the                      use is not likely to present an                       to be conducted by the PMN submitter,
                                               specific SNURs that the adverse                          unreasonable risk, EPA is required                    as well as testing not required to be
                                               comments pertain to, informing the                       under TSCA section 5(g) to make public,               conducted but which would also help
                                               public that the actions will not take                    and submit for publication in the                     characterize the potential health and/or
                                               effect. EPA would then address all                       Federal Register, a statement of EPA’s                environmental effects of the PMN
                                               adverse public comments in a response                    findings.                                             substance. Any recommendation for
                                               to comments document in a subsequent                                                                           information identified by EPA was
                                               final rule, based on the proposed rule.                  III. Significant New Use Determination                made based on EPA’s consideration of
                                                                                                           Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA states that                available screening-level data, if any, as
                                               B. What is the Agency’s authority for                    EPA’s determination that a use of a                   well as other available information on
                                               taking this action?
                                                                                                        chemical substance is a significant new               appropriate testing for the chemical
                                                  Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA (15 U.S.C.                    use must be made after consideration of               substance. Further, any such testing
                                               2604(a)(2)) authorizes EPA to determine                  all relevant factors, including:                      identified by EPA that includes testing
                                               that a use of a chemical substance is a                     • The projected volume of                          on vertebrates was made after
                                               ‘‘significant new use.’’ EPA must make                   manufacturing and processing of a                     consideration of available toxicity
                                               this determination by rule after                         chemical substance.                                   information, computational toxicology
                                               considering all relevant factors,                           • The extent to which a use changes                and bioinformatics, and high-
                                               including the four bulleted TSCA                         the type or form of exposure of human                 throughput screening methods and their
                                               section 5(a)(2) factors listed in Unit III.              beings or the environment to a chemical               prediction models. EPA also recognizes
                                               Once EPA determines that a use of a                      substance.                                            that whether testing/further information
                                               chemical substance is a significant new                     • The extent to which a use increases              is needed will depend on the specific
                                               use, TSCA section 5(a)(1)(B) requires                    the magnitude and duration of exposure                exposure and use scenario in the SNUN.
                                               persons to submit a significant new use                  of human beings or the environment to                 EPA encourages all SNUN submitters to
                                               notice (SNUN) to EPA at least 90 days                    a chemical substance.                                 contact EPA to discuss any potential
                                               before they manufacture or process the                      • The reasonably anticipated manner                future testing. See Unit VIII. for more
                                               chemical substance for that use (15                      and methods of manufacturing,                         information.
                                               U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)(B)(i)). TSCA                           processing, distribution in commerce,                    • CFR citation assigned in the
                                               furthermore prohibits such                               and disposal of a chemical substance.                 regulatory text section of this rule. The
                                               manufacturing or processing from                            In addition to these factors                       regulatory text section of each rule
                                               commencing until EPA has conducted a                     enumerated in TSCA section 5(a)(2), the               specifies the activities designated as
                                               review of the notice, made an                            statute authorizes EPA to consider any                significant new uses. Certain new uses,
                                               appropriate determination on the notice,                 other relevant factors.                               including exceedance of production
                                               and taken such actions as are required                      To determine what would constitute a               volume limits (i.e., limits on
                                               in association with that determination                   significant new use for the chemical                  manufacture volume) and other uses
                                               (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)(B)(ii)). As                        substances that are the subject of these              designated in this rule, may be claimed
                                               described in Unit V., the general SNUR                   SNURs, EPA considered relevant                        as CBI. Unit IX. discusses a procedure
                                               provisions are found at 40 CFR part 721,                 information about the toxicity of the                 companies may use to ascertain whether
                                               subpart A.                                               chemical substances, likely human                     a proposed use constitutes a significant
                                               C. Applicability of General Provisions                   exposures and environmental releases                  new use. These rules include 145 PMN
                                                                                                        associated with possible uses, and the                substances that are subject to Orders
                                                  General provisions for SNURs appear                   four bulleted TSCA section 5(a)(2)                    under TSCA section 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I)
                                               in 40 CFR part 721, subpart A. These                     factors listed in this unit.                          where EPA determined that activities
                                               provisions describe persons subject to                                                                         associated with the PMN substances
                                               the rule, recordkeeping requirements,                    IV. Substances Subject to This Rule                   may present unreasonable risk to human
                                               exemptions to reporting requirements,                      EPA is establishing significant new                 health or the environment. Those
                                               and applicability of the rule to uses                    use and recordkeeping requirements for                Orders require protective measures to
                                               occurring before the effective date of the               145 chemical substances in 40 CFR part                limit exposures or otherwise mitigate
                                               rule. Provisions relating to user fees                   721, subpart E. In this unit, EPA                     the potential unreasonable risk. The
                                               appear at 40 CFR part 700. According to                  provides the following information for                SNURs identify as significant new uses
                                               § 721.1(c), persons subject to these                     each chemical substance:                              any manufacturing, processing, use,
                                               SNURs must comply with the same                            • PMN number.                                       distribution in commerce, or disposal
                                               SNUN requirements and EPA regulatory                       • Chemical name (generic name, if                   that does not conform to the restrictions
                                               procedures as submitters of PMNs under                   the specific name is claimed as CBI).                 imposed by the underlying Orders,
                                               TSCA section 5(a)(1)(A). In particular,                    • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)                  consistent with TSCA section 5(f)(4).
                                               these requirements include the                           Registry number (if assigned for non-                    Where EPA determined that the PMN
                                               information submission requirements of                   confidential chemical identities).                    substance may present an unreasonable
                                               TSCA section 5(b) and 5(d)(1), the                         • Basis for the TSCA section 5(e)                   risk of injury to human health via
                                               exemptions authorized by TSCA section                    consent order.                                        inhalation exposure, the underlying
                                               5(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3), and (h)(5), and the               • Information identified by EPA that                TSCA section 5(e) Order usually
                                               regulations at 40 CFR part 720. Once                     would help characterize the potential                 requires, among other things, that
                                               EPA receives a SNUN, EPA must either                     health and/or environmental effects of                potentially exposed employees wear
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               determine that the significant new use                   the chemical substance in support of a                specified respirators unless actual
                                               is not likely to present an unreasonable                 request by the PMN submitter to modify                measurements of the workplace air
                                               risk of injury or take such regulatory                   the Order, or if a manufacturer or                    show that air-borne concentrations of
                                               action as is associated with an                          processor is considering submitting a                 the PMN substance are below a New
                                               alternative determination before the                     SNUN for a significant new use                        Chemical Exposure Limit (NCEL) that is
                                               manufacture or processing for the                        designated by the SNUR. This                          established by EPA to provide adequate
                                               significant new use can commence. If                     information may include testing                       protection to human health. In addition

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                                               37704            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               to the actual NCEL concentration, the                    evaluation of the human health effects                  CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11024 (P–
                                               comprehensive NCELs provisions in                        of the PMN substances. Further, the                   14–472) and 40 CFR 721.11025 (P–14–
                                               TSCA section 5(e) Orders, which are                      Order was issued under TSCA sections                  496).
                                               modeled after Occupational Safety and                    5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),
                                                                                                                                                              PMN Number: P–14–630
                                               Health Administration (OSHA)                             based on a finding that the substances
                                               Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)                       may present an unreasonable risk of                      Chemical name: Bismuth bromide
                                               provisions, include requirements                         injury to human health and the                        iodide oxide.
                                               addressing performance criteria for                      environment. To protect against these                    CAS number: 340181–06–8.
                                               sampling and analytical methods,                         risks, the Order requires:                               Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               periodic monitoring, respiratory                            1. Submission of certain toxicity                  Order: May 10, 2017.
                                               protection, and recordkeeping.                           testing on the PMN substances prior to                   Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               However, no comparable NCEL                              exceeding the confidential production                 The PMN states that the substance will
                                               provisions currently exist in 40 CFR                     volume limit as specified in the Order.               be used as a pigment for liquid coatings
                                               part 721, subpart B, for SNURs.                             2. Use of personal protective                      solvent based system; a pigment for
                                               Therefore, for these cases, the                          equipment to prevent dermal exposure.                 powder coatings; and a pigment for
                                               individual SNURs in 40 CFR part 721,                                                                           polymer materials. Based on test data
                                               subpart E, will state that persons subject                  3. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                                                                                        communication program, including                      and physical/chemical properties of the
                                               to the SNUR who wish to pursue NCELs                                                                           PMN substance, as well as SAR analysis
                                               as an alternative to the § 721.63                        human health precautionary statements
                                                                                                        on each label and in the Safety Data                  of analogous respirable, poorly soluble
                                               respirator requirements may request to                                                                         particulates, EPA identified concerns for
                                               do so under § 721.30. EPA expects that                   Sheet (SDS).
                                                                                                                                                              lung effects, including fibrosis. The
                                               persons whose § 721.30 requests to use                      4. No release of the PMN substances                Order was issued under TSCA sections
                                               the NCELs approach for SNURs that are                    resulting in surface water                            5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),
                                               approved by EPA will be required to                      concentrations that exceed 3 ppb for P–               based on insufficient information to
                                               comply with NCELs provisions that are                    14–472 and 4 ppb for P–14–496.                        make a reasoned evaluation and a
                                               comparable to those contained in the                        5. No modification of the                          finding that the substance may present
                                               corresponding TSCA section 5(e) Order                    manufacturing process that results in                 an unreasonable risk of injury to human
                                               for the same chemical substance.                         inhalation exposure and no use                        health. EPA assessed risks based on the
                                                                                                        involving application methods that                    specific manufacturing, processing, use,
                                               PMN Numbers: P–14–472 and P–14–496
                                                                                                        generate a dust, mist, or aerosol.                    distribution/transportation, treatment
                                                  Chemical names: Polyphosphoric                           6. Use of the PMN substances only as               and disposal processes, process
                                               acids, 2-[alkyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-                        a site-limited intermediate (P–14–472)                equipment, engineering controls, and
                                               yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with N-                     and the confidential use specified in the             handling practices (including worker
                                               (aminoiminomethyl)urea (generic) (P–                     Order (P–14–496).                                     activities and cleaning procedures)
                                               14–472) and Polyphosphoric acids, 2-
                                               [(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-                                The SNUR would designate as a                      described in the PMN. To protect
                                               yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with alkyl                  ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                against these risks, the Order requires:
                                               amino, polymers with Bu acrylate, N-                     these protective measures.                               1. Submission of certain toxicity
                                               (hydroxymethyl)propenamide and                              Potentially useful information: EPA                testing on the PMN substance prior to
                                               styrene (generic) (P–14–496).                            has determined that certain information               exceeding the confidential production
                                                  CAS numbers: Not available.                           about the fate and human health toxicity              volume limit as specified in the Order.
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                   of the PMN substances may be                             2. Use of a National Institute for
                                               Order: April 26, 2017.                                   potentially useful to characterize the                Occupational Safety and Health
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    effects of the PMN substances in                      (NIOSH)-certified respirator with an
                                               The PMN states that the generic (non-                    support of a request by the PMN                       Assigned Protection Factor (APF) of at
                                               confidential) uses of the PMN                            submitter to modify the Order, or if a                least 10 (where there is a potential for
                                               substances are as a site-controlled                      manufacturer or processor is                          inhalation exposures) or compliance
                                               intermediate (P–14–472) and a paper                      considering submitting a SNUN for a                   with a New Chemical Exposure Limit
                                               additive (P–14–496). Based on Structure                  significant new use that will be                      (NCEL) of 2.4 milligram/meter3 (mg/m3)
                                               Activity Relationship (SAR) analysis of                  designated by this SNUR. The submitter                as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
                                               test data on acrylates/methacrylates, and                has agreed not to exceed the                             3. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                               other structurally similar substances,                   confidential production limit without                 communication program, including
                                               there is potential for irritation and                    performing a skin sensitization study                 human health precautionary statements
                                               sensitization for P–14–472. For P–14–                    and a biodegradation test on each                     on each label and in the SDS.
                                               496 there is concern for sensitization                   substance. In addition, EPA has                          4. No use of the substance in a
                                               based on the presence of formaldehyde                    determined that the results of a                      consumer product that generates a dust,
                                               and concern for irritation and lung                      pulmonary effects testing of the PMN                  mist, or aerosol.
                                               effects from the surfactant properties of                substance may be potentially useful in                   The SNUR will designate as a
                                               the substance. Further, based on SAR                     characterizing the health effects of the              ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               analysis of test data on analogous                       PMN substances. Although the Order                    these protective measures, and any use
                                               phosphates, EPA predicts toxicity to                     does not require this additional testing,             to vary or alter, the manufacturing,
                                               aquatic organisms may occur at                           the Order’s restrictions on manufacture,              processing, use, distribution/
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                                               concentrations that exceed 3 parts per                   processing, distribution in commerce,                 transportation, treatment and disposal
                                               billion (ppb) of P–14–472 and 4 ppb of                   and disposal will remain in effect until              processes, process equipment,
                                               P–14–496 in surface waters. The Order                    the Order is modified or revoked by                   engineering controls, and handling
                                               was issued under TSCA sections                           EPA based on submission of this or                    practices (including worker activities
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(i) and 5(e)(1)(A)(i), based on a              other information that EPA determines                 and cleaning procedures) described in
                                               finding that the available information is                is relevant and needed to evaluate a                  the PMN in such a way as to change the
                                               insufficient to permit a reasoned                        modification request.                                 magnitude of inhalation exposure.

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         37705

                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                   exceeding the time limit as specified in                 Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               has determined that certain information                  the Order.                                            Order: May 11, 2017.
                                               about the human health toxicity of the                      2. Use of personal protective                         Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               PMN substance may be potentially                         equipment including impervious gloves                 The PMN states that the substance will
                                               useful to characterize the effects of the                and protective clothing (where there is               be used as a chemical intermediate and
                                               PMN substance in support of a request                    a potential for dermal exposures).                    as an additive and octane booster in
                                               by the PMN submitter to modify the                          3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator             aviation fuels.
                                               Order, or if a manufacturer or processor                 with an APF of at least 1,000 (where                     Based on test data on the PMN
                                               is considering submitting a SNUN for a                   there is a potential for inhalation                   substance, EPA has identified concerns
                                               significant new use that will be                         exposure) or compliance with a NCEL of                for dermal irritation, developmental
                                               designated by this SNUR. The submitter                   0.000092 ppm as an 8-hour time-                       toxicity, and blood effects. Based on test
                                               has agreed not to exceed the                             weighted average.                                     data on analogous anilines, EPA has
                                               confidential production limit without                       4. Use of the chemical transfer                    identified concerns for cardiovascular,
                                               performing specific target organ toxicity                processes and air ventilation processes               eye, liver, kidney, and pulmonary
                                               testing. In addition, EPA has determined                 described in the PMN and the exposure                 effects, as well as bladder cancer. The
                                               that the results of a chronic toxicity/                  monitoring requirements described in                  Order was issued under TSCA sections
                                               carcinogenicity test of the PMN                          the Order.                                            5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),
                                               substance may be potentially useful in                      5. Establishment and use of a hazard               based on insufficient information to
                                               characterizing the health effects of the                 communication program, including                      make a reasoned evaluation and a
                                               PMN substance. Although the Order                        human health precautionary statements                 finding that the substance may present
                                               does not require this additional testing,                on each label and in the SDS.                         an unreasonable risk of injury to human
                                               the Order’s restrictions on manufacture,                    6. Disposal of the PMN substance by                health. To protect against these risks,
                                               processing, distribution in commerce,                    landfill only. Air releases are limited by            the Order requires:
                                               and disposal will remain in effect until                 processes described in the PMN,                          1. Submission of certain toxicity
                                               the Order is modified or revoked by                      including filtering through a high-                   testing on the PMN substance prior to
                                               EPA based on submission of this or                       efficiency particulate air filter with an             exceeding the confidential production
                                               other information that EPA determines                    efficiency rate of 99.99%.                            volume limit as specified in the Order.
                                               is relevant and needed to evaluate a                                                                              2. Use of personal protective
                                                                                                           7. No domestic manufacture of the
                                               modification request.                                                                                          equipment including impervious gloves,
                                                                                                        PMN substance.
                                                  CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11026.                                                                             full body chemical protective clothing
                                                                                                           The SNUR will designate as a
                                                                                                                                                              and chemical goggles or equivalent eye
                                               PMN Number: P–15–450                                     ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                                                                                                                                              protection (where there is a potential for
                                                                                                        these protective measures.
                                                  Chemical name: Aluminum cobalt                                                                              dermal exposure).
                                                                                                           Potentially useful information: EPA                   3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator
                                               lithium nickel oxide.                                    has determined that certain information
                                                  CAS number: 177997–13–6.                                                                                    with an APF of at least 1,000 (where
                                                                                                        about the human health toxicity of the                there is a potential for inhalation
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                   PMN substance may be potentially                      exposure) or compliance with a NCEL of
                                               Order: March 23, 2017.                                   useful to characterize the effects of the             0.48 mg/m3 as an 8-hour time-weighted
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    PMN substance in support of a request                 average. (EPA’s estimates indicate that
                                               The PMN states that the substance will                   by the PMN submitter to modify the                    variations of the parameters (including
                                               be used as a mixed metal oxide for                       Order, or if a manufacturer or processor              batch size, number of processing sites,
                                               batteries. Based on test data on the PMN                 is considering submitting a SNUN for a                days per year of operation) of the uses
                                               substance, EPA identified concerns for                   significant new use that will be                      identified below would not result in
                                               spleen and kidney toxicity. Based on                     designated by this SNUR. The submitter                inhalation exposure that would indicate
                                               physical/chemical properties of the                      has agreed not to exceed the time limit               a different respirator.)
                                               PMN substance, as well as SAR analysis                   without performing specific target organ                 4. No use of the substance in a
                                               of analogous respirable, poorly soluble                  toxicity testing and carcinogenicity                  consumer product.
                                               particulates, EPA identified concerns for                testing. In addition, EPA has determined                 5. No use other than as a chemical
                                               lung effects based on lung overload.                     that the results of medical monitoring of             intermediate or as an additive and
                                               Based on the crystalline structure of the                the workers exposed to the substance                  octane booster in aviation fuels.
                                               PMN substance, EPA identified concern                    during manufacturing, processing, and                    6. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                               for lung carcinogenicity. The Order was                  use may be potentially useful in                      communication program, including
                                               issued under TSCA sections                               characterizing the health effects of the              human health precautionary statements
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                 PMN substance. Although the Order                     on each label and in the SDS.
                                               based on insufficient information to                     does not require this medical                            7. No release of the PMN substance
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                         monitoring, the Order’s restrictions on               resulting in surface water
                                               finding that the substance may present                   manufacture, processing, distribution in              concentrations that exceed 1 ppb.
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                  commerce, and disposal will remain in                    The SNUR will designate as a
                                               health. EPA assessed risks based on the                  effect until the Order is modified or                 ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               specific manufacturing, processing, use,                 revoked by EPA based on submission of                 these protective measures.
                                               distribution/transportation, treatment                   this or other information that EPA                       Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               and disposal processes, process                          determines is relevant and needed to                  has determined that certain information
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               equipment, engineering controls, and                     evaluate a modification request.                      about the human health and aquatic
                                               handling practices (including worker                        CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11027.                    toxicity of the PMN substance may be
                                               activities and cleaning procedures)                                                                            potentially useful to characterize the
                                               described in the PMN. To protect                         PMN Number: P–15–705                                  effects of the PMN substance in support
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                   Chemical name: Alkylarylamine                       of a request by the PMN submitter to
                                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                     (generic).                                            modify the Order, or if a manufacturer
                                               testing on the PMN substance prior to                      CAS number: Not available.                          or processor is considering submitting a

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                                               37706            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               SNUN for a significant new use that will                    6. Manufacture of the PMN substances               process that would result in worker
                                               be designated by this SNUR. The                          to contain no more than 0.1% residual                 inhalation exposure.
                                               submitter has agreed not to exceed the                   isocyanate by weight.                                    3. Use of personal protective
                                               confidential production limit without                       7. No uses of the substances other                 equipment including impervious gloves
                                               performing specific target organ toxicity                than allowed in the Order.                            (where there is a potential for dermal
                                               testing and a chronic aquatic toxicity                      8. No use of the substances in a                   exposure).
                                               test.                                                    consumer product.                                        4. No release of the PMN substances
                                                 CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11028.                           The SNUR will designate as a                       resulting in surface water
                                                                                                        ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                concentrations that exceed 10 ppb.
                                               PMN Numbers: P–15–706 and P–15–707                                                                                The SNUR will designate as a
                                                                                                        these protective measures.
                                                  Chemical names: Aliphatic N-alkyl                        Potentially useful information: EPA                ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               urea polymer containing cyclohexyl                       has determined that certain information               these protective measures.
                                               groups and trimethoxy silanes (generic)                  about the human health toxicity of the                   Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               (P–15–706) and Aliphatic N-alkyl urea                    PMN substances may be potentially                     has determined that certain information
                                               polymer containing aspartic ester                        useful to characterize the effects of the             about the fate and toxicity of the PMN
                                               groups and trimethoxy silanes (generic)                  PMN substances in support of a request                substances may be potentially useful to
                                               (P–15–707).                                              by the PMN submitter to modify the                    characterize the health and
                                                  CAS numbers: Not available.                           Order, or if a manufacturer or processor              environmental effects of the PMN
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                   is considering submitting a SNUN for a                substances in support of a request by the
                                               Order: April 26, 2017.                                   significant new use that will be                      PMN submitter to modify the Order, or
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    designated by this SNUR. The submitter                if a manufacturer or processor is
                                               The PMNs state that the generic use of                   has agreed not to exceed the                          considering submitting a SNUN for a
                                               the substances will be as ingredients for                confidential production limit without                 significant new use that will be
                                               multipurpose exterior coatings. Based                    performing specific target organ toxicity             designated by this SNUR. EPA has
                                               on SAR analysis on reactive methoxy                      testing for P–15–706.                                 determined that the results of specific
                                               silane moieties, EPA has identified                         CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11029 (P–                 target organ toxicity testing and a
                                               concerns for irritation to lungs, eyes,                  15–706) and 40 CFR 721.11030 (P–15–                   biodegradation test of the PMN
                                               and mucus membranes. There are also                      707).                                                 substances may be potentially useful in
                                               concerns for acute toxicity,                                                                                   characterizing the health and
                                               neurotoxicity, and developmental                         PMN Numbers: P–16–273 and P–16–274                    environmental effects of the PMN
                                               toxicity based on the presence of                           Chemical names: Alkyl                              substances. Although the Order does not
                                               methanol, and for sensitization if there                 heteromonocycle, polymer with                         require these tests, the Order’s
                                               are residual isocyanates. The Order was                  heteromonocycle, carboxyalkyl alkyl                   restrictions on manufacture, processing,
                                               issued under TSCA sections                               ethers (generic).                                     distribution in commerce, and disposal
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                    CAS numbers: Not available.                        will remain in effect until the Order is
                                               based on insufficient information to                        Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                modified or revoked by EPA based on
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                         Order: April 25, 2017.                                submission of this or other information
                                               finding that the substances may present                     Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                 that EPA determines is relevant and
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                  The PMNs state that the generic (non-                 needed to evaluate a modification
                                               health. To protect against these risks,                  confidential) use of the substances will              request.
                                               the Order requires:                                                                                               CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11031.
                                                                                                        be as ingredients in metalworking
                                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                     fluids. Based on submitted test data for              PMN Number: P–16–289
                                               testing on the PMN substance prior to                    P–16–273 and structurally similar                        Chemical name: Benzene dicarboxylic
                                               exceeding the production limit as                        surfactants, EPA has identified concerns              acid, polymer with alkane dioic acid
                                               specified in the Order.                                  for dermal sensitization and irritation               and aliphatic diamine (generic).
                                                  2. Use of personal protective                         and lung effects. Based on submitted                     CAS number: Not available.
                                               equipment including impervious gloves                    toxicity data for P–16–273, EPA                          Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               (where there is a potential for dermal                   estimates toxicity to aquatic organisms               Order: March 24, 2017.
                                               exposure).                                               may occur for both PMNs at                               Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                                  3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator                concentrations that exceed 10 ppb of the              The PMN states the substance will be
                                               with an APF of at least 10 (where there                  PMN substances in surface waters. The                 used as an extrusion compounding
                                               is a potential for inhalation exposure) or               Order was issued under TSCA sections                  molding resin. Based on test data on
                                               compliance with a NCEL of 0.9 mg/m3                      5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),              analogous high molecular weight
                                               as an 8-hour time-weighted average.                      based on insufficient information to                  polymers, EPA has concerns for lung
                                               (EPA’s estimates indicate that variations                make a reasoned evaluation and a                      effects, which includes lung overload.
                                               of the parameters (including batch size,                 finding that the substances may present               The Order was issued under TSCA
                                               number of processing sites, days per                     an unreasonable risk of injury to human               sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and
                                               year of operation) of the uses identified                health and the environment. To protect                5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                               below would not result in inhalation                     against these risks, the Order requires:              information to make a reasoned
                                               exposure that would indicate a different                    1. No domestic manufacture of the                  evaluation and a finding that the
                                               respirator.)                                             PMN substances.                                       substance may present an unreasonable
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                                  4. Establishment and use of a hazard                     2. Use of the PMN substances only: (i)             risk of injury to human health. To
                                               communication program, including                         For the confidential uses specified in                protect against these risks, the Order
                                               human health precautionary statements                    the Order, (ii) at a concentration no                 requires:
                                               on each label and in the SDS.                            greater than 3% of the metalworking                      1. Submission of particle size testing
                                                  5. No manufacture beyond an annual                    fluid, and (iii) used only in closed                  on the PMN substance prior to
                                               production volume of 250,000 kilograms                   metalworking systems as specified in                  exceeding the time limit as specified in
                                               (kg).                                                    the PMNs with no modifications in the                 the Order.

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         37707

                                                  2. Manufacture of the PMN substance                   health and the environment. To protect                acid, diazotized substituted aromatic
                                               such that the solid particle form has a                  against these risks, the Order requires:              sulfonate, diazotized substituted
                                               particle size distribution where less                       1. Submission of certain toxicity                  aromatic sulfonate, metal salts (generic)
                                               than 1% of the particles are less than 10                testing on the PMN substance prior to                 (P–16–339); Carbon black, (organic
                                               microns.                                                 exceeding the confidential production                 acidic carbocyclic)-modified, inorganic
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          volume limit as specified in the Order.               salt (generic) (P–16–439); and Carbon
                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                      2. Use of personal protective                      black, (organic acidic carbocyclic)-
                                               these protective measures.                               equipment to prevent dermal exposure                  modified, metal salt (generic) (P–16–
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                   (where there is a potential for dermal                440).
                                               has determined that certain information                  exposure).                                               CAS numbers: Not available.
                                               about the physical/chemical                                 3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator                Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               characteristics of the PMN substance                     with an APF of at least 25 (where there               Order: April 11, 2017.
                                               may be potentially useful to characterize                is a potential for inhalation exposure) or               Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               the health effects of the PMN substance                  compliance with a NCEL of 1.2 ppm as                  The PMN states that the generic (non-
                                               in support of a request by the PMN                       an 8-hour time-weighted average. (EPA’s               confidential) uses of the PMN
                                               submitter to modify the Order, or if a                   estimates indicate that variations of the             substances will be as dyestuffs (P–16–
                                               manufacturer or processor is                             parameters (including batch size,                     0338 and P–16–0339) and as coloring
                                               considering submitting a SNUN for a                      number of processing sites, days per                  agents (P–16–0439 and P–16–0440).
                                               significant new use that will be                         year of operation) of the uses identified             Based on physical/chemical properties
                                               designated by this SNUR. The submitter                   below would not result in inhalation                  of the PMN substances and test data on
                                               has agreed not to manufacture beyond a                   exposure that would indicate a different              analogous poorly respirable particles,
                                               certain time period without measuring                    respirator.)                                          EPA has identified concerns for
                                               the particle size distribution to                           4. Establishment and use of a hazard               irritation to the eyes, lungs, and mucous
                                               characterize the fraction of the dry                     communication program, including                      membranes, and lung effects. Further,
                                               particle PMN substance less than 10                      human health precautionary statements                 based on SAR analysis of test data on
                                               microns. In addition, EPA has                            on each label and in the SDS.                         analogous dyes, EPA predicts toxicity to
                                               determined that the results of specific                     5. No domestic manufacture of the                  aquatic organisms may occur at
                                               target organ toxicity testing of the PMN                 PMN substance.                                        concentrations that exceed 200 ppb of
                                                                                                           6. Process and use of the PMN                      the PMN substances in surface waters.
                                               substance may be potentially useful in
                                                                                                        substance only for the confidential uses              The Order was issued under TSCA
                                               characterizing the health effects of the
                                                                                                        and formulation percentage specified in               sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and
                                               PMN substance. Although the Order
                                                                                                        the Order.                                            5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                               does not require this additional testing,                   7. No release of the PMN substance
                                               the Order’s restrictions on manufacture,                                                                       information to make a reasoned
                                                                                                        resulting in surface water                            evaluation and a finding that the
                                               processing, distribution in commerce,                    concentrations that exceed 18 ppb.
                                               and disposal will remain in effect until                                                                       substances may present an unreasonable
                                                                                                           The SNUR will designate as a                       risk of injury to human health and the
                                               the Order is modified or revoked by                      ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               EPA based on submission of this or                                                                             environment. To protect against these
                                                                                                        these protective measures.                            risks, the Order requires:
                                               other information that EPA determines                       Potentially useful information: EPA                   1. No manufacture of the PMN
                                               is relevant and needed to evaluate a                     has determined that certain information               substances beyond the confidential
                                               modification request.                                    about the human health and aquatic                    annual production volume specified in
                                                  CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11032.                       toxicity of the PMN substance may be                  the Order.
                                               PMN Number: P–16–322                                     potentially useful to characterize the                   2. No domestic manufacture of the
                                                                                                        effects of the PMN substance in support               PMN substances.
                                                  Chemical name: Manganese cyclic                       of a request by the PMN submitter to                     3. Import the PMN substances only
                                               (tri)amine chloride complex (generic).                   modify the Order, or if a manufacturer                according to the terms specified and for
                                                  CAS number: Not available.                            or processor is considering submitting a              the confidential uses specified in the
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                   SNUN for a significant new use that will              Order.
                                               Order: April 25, 2017.                                   be designated by this SNUR. The                          4. No release of the PMN substances
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    submitter has agreed not to exceed the                to surface waters.
                                               The PMN states that the generic (non-                    confidential production limit without                    The SNUR will designate as a
                                               confidential) use of the substance will                  performing specific target organ toxicity             ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               be as a pulp bleaching catalyst. Based                   testing, reproductive/developmental                   these protective measures.
                                               on test data on an analog, EPA has                       toxicity testing; and chronic aquatic                    Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               identified concerns for kidney, blood,                   toxicity testing.                                     has determined that certain information
                                               and thyroid effects, immunotoxicity,                        CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11033.                    about the fate, human health toxicity,
                                               reproductive and developmental                                                                                 and aquatic toxicity of the PMN
                                               toxicity, and neurotoxicity. Based on                    PMN Numbers: P–16–338, P–16–339,                      substances may be potentially useful to
                                               test data on the PMN substance, EPA                      P–16–439, and P–16–440                                characterize the effects of the PMN
                                               estimates that toxicity to aquatic                          Chemical names: Xanthylium,                        substances in support of a request by the
                                               organisms may occur at concentrations                    (sulfoaryl)-bis [(substituted aryl)                   PMN submitter to modify the Order, or
                                               that exceed 18 ppb of the PMN                            amino]-, sulfo derivs., inner salts, metal            if a manufacturer or processor is
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               substance in surface waters. The Order                   salts (generic) (P–16–338); Substituted               considering submitting a SNUN for a
                                               was issued under TSCA sections                           triazinyl metal salt, diazotized, coupled             significant new use that will be
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                 with substituted                                      designated by this SNUR. EPA has
                                               based on insufficient information to                     pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids,                    determined that the results of a
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                         substituted                                           biodegradation test, specific target organ
                                               finding that the substance may present                   pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids,                    toxicity testing, and acute and chronic
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                  diazotized substituted alkanesulfonic                 aquatic toxicity testing of the PMN

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                                               37708            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               substances may be potentially useful in                  in support of a request by the PMN                    (where there is a potential for dermal
                                               characterizing the health and                            submitter to modify the Order, or if a                exposure).
                                               environmental effects of the PMN                         manufacturer or processor is                             3. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                               substances. Although the Order does not                  considering submitting a SNUN for a                   communication program, including
                                               require these tests, the Order’s                         significant new use that will be                      human health precautionary statements
                                               restrictions on manufacture, processing,                 designated by this SNUR. EPA has                      on each label and in the SDS.
                                               distribution in commerce, and disposal                   determined that the results of specific                  4. No domestic manufacture of the
                                               will remain in effect until the Order is                 target organ toxicity testing and a                   PMN substances.
                                               modified or revoked by EPA based on                      sensitization test of the PMN substance                  5. No manufacture of the PMN
                                               submission of this or other information                  may be potentially useful in                          substances beyond an annual
                                               that EPA determines is relevant and                      characterizing the health effects of the              production volume of 250 kg/yr.
                                               needed to evaluate a modification                        PMN substance. Although the Order                        6. No use of the PMN substances in
                                               request.                                                 does not require these tests, the Order’s             application methods that generate a
                                                 CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11034 (P–                    restrictions on manufacture, processing,              dust, mist, or aerosol.
                                               16–338), 40 CFR 721.11035 (P–16–339),                    distribution in commerce, and disposal                   7. No release of the PMN substance
                                               40 CFR 721.11036 (P–16–439), and 40                      will remain in effect until the Order is              resulting in surface water
                                               CFR 721.11037 (P–16–440).                                modified or revoked by EPA based on                   concentrations that exceed 1 ppb.
                                                                                                        submission of this or other information                  The SNUR will designate as a
                                               PMN Number: P–16–350                                                                                           ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                                                                                        that EPA determines is relevant and
                                                  Chemical name: Polyaralkyl aryl ester                 needed to evaluate a modification                     these protective measures.
                                               of methacrylic acid (generic).                           request.                                                 Potentially useful information: EPA
                                                  CAS number: Not available.                              CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11038.                     has determined that certain information
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                                                                         about the human health and aquatic
                                               Order: March 31, 2017.                                   PMN Number: P–16–352                                  toxicity of the PMN substance may be
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                       Chemical names: Phenol, 2-[[[3-                    potentially useful to characterize the
                                               The PMN states that the generic (non-                    (octyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (P–16–                effects of the PMN substance in support
                                               confidential) use of the substance will                  352, chemical A) and Phenol, 2-[[[3-                  of a request by the PMN submitter to
                                               be as a polymer reactant. Based on test                  (decyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (P–16–                modify the Order, or if a manufacturer
                                               data on methacrylate moieties, EPA has                   352, chemical B).                                     or processor is considering submitting a
                                               identified concerns for irritation and                                                                         SNUN for a significant new use that will
                                                                                                           CAS numbers: 1858221–49–4 (P–16–
                                               sensitization based on analogy to                                                                              be designated by this SNUR. The
                                                                                                        352, chemical A) and 1858221–50–7 (P–
                                               methacrylates. Based on SAR analysis of                                                                        submitter has agreed not to exceed the
                                                                                                        16–352, chemical B).
                                               test data on structurally similar                                                                              confidential production limit without
                                                                                                           Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               respirable surfactants, EPA has                                                                                performing specific target organ toxicity,
                                                                                                        Order: April 21, 2017.
                                               identified concerns for lung effects. The                                                                      reproductive/developmental toxicity,
                                               Order was issued under TSCA sections                        Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                                                                                                                                              and acute aquatic toxicity testing.
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                 The PMN states that the PMN
                                                                                                                                                                 CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11039 (P–
                                               based on insufficient information to                     substances will be used as co-catalysts
                                                                                                                                                              16–352, chemical A) and 40 CFR
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                         in the manufacturing of release coatings
                                                                                                                                                              721.11040 (P–16–352, chemical B).
                                               finding that the substance may present                   for producing papers and films at a
                                                                                                        concentration of 1% or less. Based on                 PMN Number: P–16–358
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human
                                               health. To protect against these risks,                  SAR analysis of test data on analogous                   Chemical name: Alkyl phenol
                                               the Order requires:                                      phenols, EPA has identified concerns                  (generic).
                                                  1. Use of personal protective                         for respiratory and dermal irritation and                CAS number: Not available.
                                               equipment including impervious gloves                    developmental toxicity. In addition,                     Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               (where there is a potential for dermal                   EPA has identified concerns for liver                 Order: April 24, 2017.
                                               exposure).                                               toxicity and reproductive effects based                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                                  2. Establishment and use of a hazard                  on the hydrolysis product o-                          The PMN states that the substance will
                                               communication program, including                         hydroxybenzaldehyde. Further, based                   be used as a chemical intermediate.
                                               human health precautionary statements                    on SAR analysis of test data on                       Based on SAR analysis of test data on
                                               on each label and in the SDS.                            analogous phenols, EPA predicts                       analogous phenols, EPA has identified
                                                  3. Manufacture of the PMN substance                   toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur               concerns for developmental toxicity.
                                               such that it is not less than the                        at concentrations that exceed 1 ppb of                The Order was issued under TSCA
                                               minimum average molecular weight                         the PMN substances in surface waters.                 sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and
                                               identified in the Order and does not                     The Order was issued under TSCA                       5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                               contain more than the maximum weight                     sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and                        information to make a reasoned
                                               percent of low molecular weight species                  5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient              evaluation and a finding that the
                                               below 1,000 Daltons.                                     information to make a reasoned                        substance may present an unreasonable
                                                  4. Use of the PMN substance only for                  evaluation and a finding that the                     risk of injury to human health. To
                                               the confidential use specified in the                    substances may present an unreasonable                protect against these risks, the Order
                                               Order.                                                   risk of injury to human health and the                requires:
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          environment. To protect against these                    1. Submission of certain toxicity
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                   risks, the Order requires:                            testing on the PMN substance prior to
                                               these protective measures.                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                  exceeding the confidential production
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                   testing on the PMN substance prior to                 volume limit as specified in the Order.
                                               has determined that certain information                  exceeding the confidential production                    2. Use of personal protective
                                               about the toxicity of the PMN substance                  volume limit as specified in the Order.               equipment including impervious gloves
                                               may be potentially useful to characterize                   2. Use of personal protective                      (where there is a potential for dermal
                                               the health effects of the PMN substance                  equipment including impervious gloves                 exposure).

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        37709

                                                  3. Establishment and use of a hazard                  about the toxicity of the PMN substance               (where there is a potential for dermal
                                               communication program, including                         may be potentially useful to characterize             exposure).
                                               human health precautionary statements                    the effects of the PMN substance in                      3. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                               on each label and in the SDS.                            support of a request by the PMN                       communication program, including
                                                  4. Use of the PMN substance only as                   submitter to modify the Order, or if a                human health precautionary statements
                                               a chemical intermediate.                                 manufacturer or processor is                          on each label and in the SDS.
                                                  5. No manufacture, process, or use of                 considering submitting a SNUN for a                      4. Manufacture of the substance with
                                               the PMN substance in any manner or                       significant new use that will be                      a particulate size greater than 30
                                               method that generates a dust, mist, or                   designated by this SNUR. EPA has                      microns.
                                               aerosol or in a non-enclosed process.                    determined that the results of specific                  The SNUR will designate as a
                                                  6. No release of the PMN substance to                 target organ toxicity testing of the PMN              ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               surface waters.                                          substance may be potentially useful in                these protective measures.
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          characterizing the health effects of the                 Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                   PMN substance. Although the Order                     has determined that certain information
                                               these protective measures.                               does not require this test, the Order’s               about the toxicity of the PMN substance
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                                                                         may be potentially useful to characterize
                                                                                                        restrictions on manufacture, processing,
                                               has determined that certain information                                                                        the health and environmental effects of
                                                                                                        distribution in commerce, and disposal
                                               about the human health toxicity of the                                                                         the PMN substance in support of a
                                                                                                        will remain in effect until the Order is
                                               PMN substance may be potentially                                                                               request by the PMN submitter to modify
                                                                                                        modified or revoked by EPA based on
                                               useful to characterize the effects of the                                                                      the Order, or if a manufacturer or
                                                                                                        submission of this or other information
                                               PMN substance in support of a request                                                                          processor is considering submitting a
                                               by the PMN submitter to modify the                       that EPA determines is relevant and
                                                                                                        needed to evaluate a modification                     SNUN for a significant new use that will
                                               Order, or if a manufacturer or processor                                                                       be designated by this SNUR. The
                                               is considering submitting a SNUN for a                   request.
                                                                                                          CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11042.                     submitter has agreed not to manufacture
                                               significant new use will be designated                                                                         beyond a certain time limit without
                                               by this SNUR. The submitter has agreed                   PMN Number: P–16–399                                  performing an acute aquatic toxicity
                                               not to exceed the confidential                                                                                 test. In addition, EPA has determined
                                               production limit without performing                         Chemical name: Starch, polymer with
                                                                                                        2-propenoic acid, potassium salt,                     that the results of specific target organ
                                               specific target organ toxicity and                                                                             toxicity testing of the PMN substance
                                               reproductive/developmental toxicity                      oxidized.
                                                                                                           CAS number: 1638117–09–5.                          may be potentially useful in
                                               tests.                                                                                                         characterizing the health effects of the
                                                  CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11041.                          Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                                                                                        Order: April 6, 2017.                                 PMN substance. Although the Order
                                               PMN Number: P–16–364                                        Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                 does not require this additional testing,
                                                  Chemical name: Nitrile-butadiene-                     The PMN states that the substance will                the Order’s restrictions on manufacture,
                                               acrylate terpolymers (generic).                          be used as an agricultural soil                       processing, distribution in commerce,
                                                  CAS number: Not available.                            amendment for field crops, agricultural               and disposal will remain in effect until
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                   soil amendment for turf applications                  the Order is modified or revoked by
                                               Order: March 31, 2017.                                   and direct soil injection with fertilizers,           EPA based on submission of this or
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    and a compound to be used in                          other information that EPA determines
                                               The PMN states that the generic (non-                    preparation of advanced seed coatings.                is relevant and needed to evaluate a
                                               confidential) use of the substance will                  Based on SAR analysis of test data on                 modification request.
                                               be as a chemical intermediate. Based on                                                                           CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11043.
                                                                                                        structurally similar respirable particles,
                                               SAR analysis of test data on structurally                EPA has identified concerns for lung                  PMN Number: P–16–430
                                               similar respirable particles, EPA has                    effects, including lung overload. The
                                               identified concerns for lung effects,                                                                            Chemical name: Pentanedioic acid, 2-
                                                                                                        Order was issued under TSCA sections                  methyl-.
                                               including lung overload. The Order was                   5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),
                                               issued under TSCA sections                                                                                       CAS number: 617–62–9.
                                                                                                        based on insufficient information to                    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                 make a reasoned evaluation and a                      Order: May 17, 2017.
                                               based on insufficient information to                     finding that the substance may present                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                         an unreasonable risk of injury to human               The PMN states the generic (non-
                                               finding that the substance may present                   health. The Order was also issued under               confidential) use of the substance will
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                  TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(II) and                  be as a filler. Based on test data on the
                                               health. To protect against these risks,                  5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(II), based on a finding that           PMN substance, EPA has identified
                                               the Order requires:
                                                                                                        the substance that the substance is or                concerns for systemic and reproductive
                                                  1. Use of the PMN substance only as
                                                                                                        will be produced in substantial                       toxicity. Based on structural analysis on
                                               a site-limited chemical intermediate.
                                                  2. Establishment and use of a hazard                  quantities and that the substance either              the acid groups and test data, EPA has
                                               communication program, including                         enters or may reasonably be anticipated               identified concerns for dermal and
                                               human health precautionary statements                    to enter the environment in substantial               respiratory irritation. Further, based on
                                               on each label and in the SDS.                            quantities, or there is or may be                     test data on the PMN substance and test
                                                  3. No manufacture, process, or use of                 significant (or substantial) human                    data on analogous neutral organics, EPA
                                               the PMN substance if it contains more                    exposure to the substance. To protect                 predicts toxicity to aquatic organisms
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               than 5% of the particle size distribution                against these risks, the Order requires:              may occur at concentrations that exceed
                                               less than 10 microns.                                       1. Submission of certain toxicity                  14 ppb of the PMN substance in surface
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          testing on the PMN substance prior to                 waters. The Order was issued under
                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                   exceeding the time limit as specified in              TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and
                                               these protective measures.                               the Order.                                            5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                      2. Use of personal protective                      information to make a reasoned
                                               has determined that certain information                  equipment including impervious gloves                 evaluation and a finding that the

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                                               37710            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               substance may present an unreasonable                    PMN Number: P–16–495                                  be designated by this SNUR. The
                                               risk of injury to human health and the                      Chemical name: 2-Pentanol,                         submitter has agreed not to exceed the
                                               environment. EPA assessed risks based                    4-methyl-, reaction products with                     confidential production limit without
                                               on the specific processing, use,                         phosphorus oxide (P2O5), compounds                    performing chronic aquatic toxicity
                                               distribution/transportation, treatment                   with alkylamine (generic).                            tests. In addition, EPA has determined
                                               and disposal processes, process                             CAS number: Not available.                         that the results of specific target organ
                                               equipment, engineering controls, and                        Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                toxicity testing of the PMN substance
                                               handling practices (including worker                     Order: April 25, 2017.                                may be potentially useful in
                                               activities and cleaning procedures)                         Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                 characterizing the health effects of the
                                               described in the PMN. To protect                         The PMN states that the generic use                   PMN substance. Although the Order
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                 (non-confidential) of the substance will              does not require this additional testing,
                                                  1. Use of personal protective                                                                               the Order’s restrictions on manufacture,
                                                                                                        be as a lubricant additive. Based on test
                                               equipment including impervious gloves                                                                          processing, distribution in commerce,
                                                                                                        data on the substance, EPA has
                                               (where there is a potential for dermal                                                                         and disposal will remain in effect until
                                                                                                        identified concerns for systemic effects,
                                               exposure).                                                                                                     the Order is modified or revoked by
                                                  2. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator                sensitization and irritation to the eyes
                                                                                                        and skin. Based on physical/chemical                  EPA based on submission of this or
                                               with an APF of at least 10 (where there                                                                        other information that EPA determines
                                               is a potential for inhalation exposure).                 properties, EPA has concerns for lung
                                                                                                        effects, including lung surfactancy.                  is relevant and needed to evaluate a
                                               (EPA’s estimates indicate that variations                                                                      modification request.
                                               of the parameters (including batch size,                 Further, based on test data on analogous
                                                                                                        aliphatic amines for the cation and                      CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11045.
                                               number of processing sites, days per
                                               year of operation) of the uses identified                neutral organics for the anion as well as             PMN Number: P–16–513
                                               below would not result in inhalation                     test data on the PMN substance, EPA
                                                                                                        predicts toxicity to aquatic organisms                   Chemical name: Hydroxy
                                               exposure that would indicate a different                                                                       alkylbiphenyl (generic).
                                               respirator.)                                             may occur at concentrations that exceed
                                                                                                        200 ppb of the PMN substance in                          CAS number: Not available.
                                                  3. Establishment and use of a hazard                                                                           Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               communication program, including                         surface waters. The Order was issued
                                                                                                        under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and             Order: May 2, 2017.
                                               human health precautionary statements                                                                             Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               on each label and in the SDS.                            5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                                                                                        information to make a reasoned                        The PMN states that the substance will
                                                  4. No domestic manufacture of the
                                                                                                        evaluation and a finding that the                     be used as a chemical intermediate.
                                               PMN substance.
                                                                                                        substance may present an unreasonable                 Based on test data on an analog, EPA
                                                  5. Import of the PMN substance at or
                                                                                                        risk of injury to human health and the                has identified concerns for
                                               below the maximum concentration
                                                                                                        environment. To protect against these                 developmental toxicity, systemic
                                               specified in the Order.
                                                  6. No release of the PMN substance                    risks, the Order requires:                            toxicity, blood effects, and corrosion of
                                               resulting in surface water                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                  the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
                                               concentrations that exceed 14 ppb.                       testing on the PMN substance prior to                 Further, based on SAR analysis of test
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          exceeding the confidential production                 data on analogous amides, EPA predicts
                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                   volume limit as specified in the Order.               toxicity to aquatic organisms may occur
                                               these protective measures, and use of                       2. Use of personal protective                      at concentrations that exceed 17 ppb of
                                               the chemical substance to vary or alter                  equipment (where there is a potential                 the PMN substances in surface waters.
                                               the processing, use, distribution,                       for dermal exposure).                                 The Order was issued under TSCA
                                               engineering controls, and handling                          3. Establishment and use of a hazard               sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and
                                               practices described in the Order in such                 communication program, including                      5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                               a way as to change the magnitude of                      human health precautionary statements                 information to make a reasoned
                                               inhalation exposure.                                     on each label and in the SDS.                         evaluation and a finding that the
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                      4. No manufacture in any manner or                 substances may present an unreasonable
                                               has determined that certain information                  method that results in inhalation                     risk of injury to human health and the
                                               about the human health toxicity of the                   exposure.                                             environment. To protect against these
                                               PMN substance may be potentially                            5. No use of the PMN substance in an               risks, the Order requires:
                                               useful to characterize the effects of the                application method that generates a                      1. Submission of certain toxicity
                                               substance in support of a request by the                 vapor, mist, or aerosol.                              testing on the PMN substance prior to
                                               PMN submitter to modify the Order, or                       6. No release of the PMN substance                 exceeding the confidential production
                                               if a manufacturer or processor is                        resulting in surface water                            volume limit as specified in the Order.
                                               considering submitting a SNUN for a                      concentrations that exceed 200 ppb.                      2. Use of personal protective
                                               significant new use that will be                            The SNUR will designate as a                       equipment (where there is a potential
                                               designated by this SNUR. EPA has                         ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                for dermal exposure).
                                               determined that the results of specific                  these protective measures.                               3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator
                                               target organ toxicity testing of the PMN                    Potentially useful information: EPA                with an APF of at least 50 (where there
                                               substance may be potentially useful in                   has determined that certain information               is a potential for inhalation exposure).
                                               characterizing the health effects of the                 about the human health and aquatic                    (EPA’s estimates indicate that variations
                                               PMN substance. Although the Order                        toxicity of the PMN substance may be                  of the parameters (including batch size,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               does not require this test, the Order’s                  potentially useful to characterize the                number of processing sites, days per
                                               restrictions on manufacture, processing,                 effects of the PMN substance effects of               year of operation) of the uses identified
                                               distribution in commerce, and disposal                   the PMN substance in support of a                     below would not result in inhalation
                                               will remain in effect until the Order is                 request by the PMN submitter to modify                exposure that would indicate a different
                                               modified or revoked by EPA based on                      the Order, or if a manufacturer or                    respirator.)
                                               submission of this or other information.                 processor is considering submitting a                    4. Use of the PMN substance only as
                                                  CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11044.                       SNUN for a significant new use that will              a chemical intermediate.

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        37711

                                                  5. No release of the PMN substance                       Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                PMN Numbers: P–16–549, P–16–550, P–
                                               resulting in surface water                               Order: April 4, 2017.                                 16–551, P–16–553, P–16–555, P–16–556,
                                               concentrations that exceed 17 ppb.                          Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                 P–16–557, P–16–558, P–16–560, P–16–
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          The PMN states that the generic (non-                 561, P–16–562, P–16–563, P–16–564, P–
                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                   confidential) use of the substances will              16–565, and P–16–567
                                               these protective measures.                               be a component of ink. Based on test
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                                                                            Chemical names: Alkaline
                                                                                                        data on structurally similar respirable               functionalized methacrylate-substituted
                                               has determined that certain information
                                                                                                        particles, EPA has identified concerns                polymer (generic) (P–16–549, P–16–550,
                                               about the human health and aquatic
                                                                                                        for lung effects if inhaled, based on lung            and P–16–551); Quatenary alkylamine
                                               toxicity of the PMN substance may be
                                               potentially useful to characterize the                   overload. In addition, EPA has                        functionalized methacrylate-substituted
                                               effects of the PMN substance in support                  identified ecotoxicity concerns for the               polymer (generic) (P–16–553); Neutral
                                               of a request by the PMN submitter to                     substances if made with an acid                       alcohol functionalized methacrylate-
                                               modify the Order, or if a manufacturer                   component exceeding 20% of the                        substituted polymer (generic) (P–16–555
                                               or processor is considering submitting a                 molecular weight due potential for                    and P–16–556); Neutral alkyl salt
                                               SNUN for a significant new use that will                 increased absorption and solubility. The              functionalized methacrylate-substituted
                                               be designated by this SNUR. The                          Order was issued under TSCA sections                  polymer (generic) (P–16–557, P–16–558,
                                               submitter has agreed not to exceed the                   5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),              and P–16–560); Acid functionalized
                                               confidential production limit without                    based on insufficient information to                  methacrylate-substituted polymer
                                               performing specific target organ toxicity                make a reasoned evaluation and a                      (generic) (P–16–561, P–16–562, P–16–
                                               and reproductive/developmental                           finding that the substances may present               563, P–16–564, and P–16–565); and
                                               toxicity testing. In addition, EPA has                   an unreasonable risk of injury to human               Alkylamine functionalized
                                               determined that the results of acute                     health and the environment. To protect                methacrylate-substituted polymer
                                               aquatic toxicity tests may be potentially                against these risks, the Order requires:              (generic) (P–16–567).
                                               useful in characterizing the                                1. Manufacture of the PMN substances                  CAS numbers: Not available.
                                               environmental effects of the PMN                         such that the minimum average                            Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               substance. Although the Order does not                   molecular weight is 1,800 daltons and                 Order: May 2, 2017.
                                               require these additional tests, the                      the carboxylic acid content does not                     Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               Order’s restrictions on manufacture,                     exceed 20%.                                           The PMN states the substances will be
                                               processing, distribution in commerce,                                                                          use as crosslinked resins for
                                                                                                           2. No domestic manufacture of the                  chromatographic separation of
                                               and disposal will remain in effect until                 PMN substances.
                                               the Order is modified or revoked by                                                                            biomolecules and biocatalysts. Based on
                                               EPA based on submission of this or                          3. Process or use of the PMN                       test data on structurally similar
                                               other information that EPA determines                    substances only for the use specified in              respirable particles, EPA has identified
                                               is relevant and needed to evaluate a                     the Order.                                            concerns for lung effects, including lung
                                               modification request.                                       The SNUR will designate as a                       overload. EPA has also identified
                                                  CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11046.                       ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                irritation concerns for skin and eyes.
                                                                                                        these protective measures.                            The Order was issued under TSCA
                                               PMN Numbers: P–16–534, P–16–535,                                                                               sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and
                                               and P–16–536                                                Potentially useful information: EPA                5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient
                                                  Chemical names: Alkyl alkenoic acid,                  has determined that certain information               information to make a reasoned
                                               polymer with alkenylcarbomonocycle                       about the human health and aquatic                    evaluation and a finding that the
                                               telomer with substituted alkanoic acid                   toxicity of the PMN substances may be                 substances may present an unreasonable
                                               hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl                       potentially useful to characterize the                risk of injury to human health. To
                                               substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene                    effects of the substances in support of a             protect against these risks, the Order
                                               glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate,                      request by the PMN submitter to modify                requires:
                                               dialkylene glycol diheteromonocyclic                     the Order, or if a manufacturer or                       1. Use of personal protective
                                               ether and alkylcarbomonocyclic                           processor is considering submitting a                 equipment including impervious gloves
                                               alkenoate, metal salt (generic) (P–16–                   SNUN for a significant new use that will              (where there is a potential for dermal
                                               534); Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer with                  be designated by this SNUR. EPA has                   exposure).
                                               alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with                       determined that the results of specific                  2. Manufacture of the PMN substances
                                               substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl                 target organ toxicity testing and an acute            only in the physical form of spherical
                                               substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl                    aquatic toxicity test of the PMN                      beads and with less than 0.1% below a
                                               ester, alkanediol diheteromonocyclic                     substances may be potentially useful in               particle size of 10 microns.
                                               ether, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether                   characterizing the health and                            3. No domestic manufacture of the
                                               alkyl alkenoate and                                      environmental effects of the PMN                      PMN substances.
                                               alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal                    substances. Although the Order does not                  4. Process or use of the PMN
                                               salt (generic) (P–16–535); and Alkyl                     require these tests, the Order’s                      substances only for the uses specified in
                                               alkenoic acid, polymer with bis                          restrictions on manufacture, processing,              the Order.
                                               heteromonocyclic substituted alkyl                       distribution in commerce, and disposal                   The SNUR will designate as a
                                               carbomonocycle,                                          will remain in effect until the Order is              ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with                       modified or revoked by EPA based on                   these protective measures.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl                 submission of this or other information                  Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl                    that EPA determines is relevant and                   has determined that certain information
                                               ester, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether                   needed to evaluate a modification                     about the human health toxicity of the
                                               alkyl alkenoate and                                      request.                                              PMN substances may be potentially
                                               alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal                       CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11047 (P–                useful to characterize the effects of the
                                               salt (generic) (P–16–536).                               16–534), 40 CFR 721.11048 (P–16–535),                 substances in support of a request by the
                                                  CAS numbers: Not available.                           and 40 CFR 721.11049 (P–16–536).                      PMN submitter to modify the Order, or

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                                               37712            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               if a manufacturer or processor is                        that would indicate a different                       information to make a reasoned
                                               considering submitting a SNUN for a                      respirator.)                                          evaluation and a finding that the
                                               significant new use that will be                            3. Establishment and use of a hazard               substance may present an unreasonable
                                               designated by this SNUR. EPA has                         communication program, including                      risk of injury to human health. To
                                               determined that the results of specific                  human health precautionary statements                 protect against these risks, the Order
                                               target organ toxicity testing of the PMN                 on each label and in the SDS.                         requires:
                                               substances may be potentially useful in                     4. No manufacture of the PMN                          1. Submission of certain toxicity
                                               characterizing the health effects of the                 substance with an average molecular                   testing on the PMN substance prior to
                                               PMN substances. Although the Order                       weight less than 1,100 Daltons.                       exceeding the confidential production
                                               does not require this testing, the Order’s                  5. Use of the PMN substance only as                volume limit as specified in the Order.
                                               restrictions on manufacture, processing,                 an ultraviolet curable coating resin.                    2. Use of personal protective
                                               distribution in commerce, and disposal                      The SNUR will designate as a                       equipment including NIOSH-approved
                                               will remain in effect until the Order is                 ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                respirator (APF 50) and impervious
                                               modified or revoked by EPA based on                      these protective measures.                            gloves (where there is a potential for
                                               submission of this or other information                     Potentially useful information: EPA                inhalation or dermal exposure). (EPA’s
                                               that EPA determines is relevant and                      has determined that certain information               estimates indicate that variations of the
                                               needed to evaluate a modification                        about the physical-chemical properties                parameters (including batch size,
                                               request.                                                 and human health and aquatic toxicity                 number of processing sites, days per
                                                  CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11050.                      of the PMN substance may be                           year of operation) of the uses identified
                                                                                                        potentially useful to characterize the                below would not result in inhalation
                                               PMN Number: P–16–579                                     effects of the substance in support of a              exposure that would indicate a different
                                                  Chemical name: Waste plastics,                        request by the PMN submitter to modify                respirator.)
                                               poly(ethylene terephthalate), depolymd.                  the Order, or if a manufacturer or                       3. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                               with polypropylene glycol ether with                     processor is considering submitting a                 communication program, including
                                               glycerol (3:1), polymers with alkenoic                   SNUN for a significant new use that will              human health precautionary statements
                                               and alkanoic acids (generic).                            be designated by this SNUR. EPA has                   on each label and in the SDS.
                                                  CAS number: Not available.                            determined that measurement of certain                   4. No manufacture or processing of
                                                                                                        physical-chemical properties, the results             the PMN substance beyond a
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                                                                                        of specific target organ toxicity,                    confidential annual production volume
                                               Order: March 13, 2017.
                                                                                                        reproductive/developmental toxicity,                  specified in the Order.
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    sensitization, and acute and chronic
                                               The PMN states that the substance will                                                                            5. No manufacture, processing, or use
                                                                                                        aquatic toxicity testing may be                       using application methods that
                                               be used as an ultraviolet curable coating                potentially useful in characterizing the
                                               resin. Based on test data on similar                                                                           intentionally generate a vapor, mist or
                                                                                                        health and environmental effects of the               aerosol.
                                               structural moieties, EPA has identified                  PMN substances. Although the Order
                                               concerns for dermal and respiratory                                                                               The SNUR will designate as a
                                                                                                        does not require these tests, the Order’s             ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               sensitization and irritation of mucous                   restrictions on manufacture, processing,
                                               membranes. In addition, EPA has                                                                                these protective measures.
                                                                                                        distribution in commerce, and disposal                   Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               identified human health and                              will remain in effect until the Order is
                                               environmental concerns for the                                                                                 has determined that certain information
                                                                                                        modified or revoked by EPA based on                   about the human health toxicity of the
                                               substance if made with lower molecular                   submission of this or other information
                                               weight due potential for increased                                                                             PMN substance may be potentially
                                                                                                        that EPA determines is relevant and                   useful to characterize the effects of the
                                               absorption and solubility. The Order                     needed to evaluate a modification
                                               was issued under TSCA sections                                                                                 PMN substance in support of a request
                                                                                                        request.                                              by the PMN submitter to modify the
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                    CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11051.
                                               based on insufficient information to                                                                           Order, or if a manufacturer or processor
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                         PMN Number: P–17–32                                   is considering submitting a SNUN for a
                                               finding that the substances may present                                                                        significant new use that will be
                                                                                                           Chemical name: 1,3,5-                              designated by this SNUR. The submitter
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                  Naphthalenetrisulfonic acid.
                                               health and the environment. To protect                                                                         has agreed not to exceed the
                                                                                                           CAS number: 6654–64–4.                             confidential production limit without
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                                  1. Use of personal protective                                                                               performing specific target organ toxicity
                                                                                                        Order: March 22, 2017.
                                               equipment including gloves and                                                                                 and developmental toxicity testing.
                                                                                                           Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               protective clothing (where there is a                                                                             CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11052.
                                                                                                        The PMN states that the generic (non-
                                               potential for dermal exposure).                          confidential) use of the substance is for             PMN Numbers: P–17–33, P–17–34, P–
                                                  2. Use of a NIOSH-certified full face                 monitoring of oil/gas well performance.               17–36, P–17–38, P–17–39, P–17–41, P–
                                               respirator with an APF of at least 50                    Based on test data on an analog and                   17–42, P–17–43, P–17–45, P–17–47, P–
                                               (where there is a potential for inhalation               physical/chemical properties of the                   17–50, P–17–52, P–17–55, P–17–57, P–
                                               exposure). (EPA’s estimates indicate                     PMN substance, EPA has identified                     17–59, P–17–61, P–17–62, P–17–63, P–
                                               that variations of the parameters                        concerns for dermal and respiratory                   17–64, P–17–66, P–17–67, P–17–69, P–
                                               (including batch size, number of                         irritation, developmental toxicity, and               17–71, P–17–72, P–17–73, P–17–75, P–
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               processing sites, days per year of                       blood effects. The Order was issued                   17–76, P–17–79, P–17–80, P–17–83, P–
                                               operation) of the uses identified below                  under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and             17–85, P–17–87, P–17–90, P–17–91,
                                               would not result in inhalation exposure                  5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient              P–17–93

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                             37713

                                                                                                                   CHEMICAL NAMES AND CAS NUMBERS
                                                                                                                          Chemical name                                                                                           CAS No.

                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–33) ......................................................................................................................      6654–64–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–34) ......................................................................................................................       499–90–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–36) .....................................................................................................           67852–79–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–38) ......................................................................................................           2966–44–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–39) ......................................................................................................          25832–58–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,5-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–41) ................................................................................................................      522651–42–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–42) ......................................................................................................................       499–57–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,6-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–43) ................................................................................................................        6185–28–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,5-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–45) ................................................................................................................      530141–39–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–47) ................................................................................................................        1765–08–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–50) ................................................................................................................      522651–44–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–52) .............................................................................................................     1180493–12–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–55) .............................................................................................................      402955–41–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–57) .............................................................................................................      522651–48–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–59) ................................................................................................................     1604819–08–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–61) ......................................................................................................          69226–41–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–62) .....................................................................................................................      17264–74–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–63) .....................................................................................................................       3686–66–6
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–64) .....................................................................................................................      17264–88–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–66) ...............................................................................................................       118537–84–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,5-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–67) ...............................................................................................................        63891–98–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,5-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–69) ...............................................................................................................       154862–40–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,6-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–71) ...............................................................................................................        10007–84–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–72) ...............................................................................................................        17274–10–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1) (P–17–73) ...............................................................................................................        38402–11–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-4-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–75) ................................................................................................................       855471–43–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-4-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–76) ................................................................................................................      1421761–18–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   5-chloro-2-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–79) ................................................................................................................      1382106–78–6
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-3-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–80) ................................................................................................................      1421029–88–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-2-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–83) ................................................................................................................      1382106–64–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   5-bromo-2-chloro-, sodium salt (P–17–85) ...............................................................................................................        1938142–12–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-bromo-4-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–87) ................................................................................................................        938142–13–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-5-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–90) ................................................................................................................       1938142–14–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-2-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–91) ................................................................................................................       1938142–15–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-3-fluoro-, sodium salt (P–17–93) ................................................................................................................       1535169–81–3

                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                             exceeding the production volume limit                                   Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               Order: March 22, 2017.                                             as specified in the Order.                                           has determined that certain information
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                                 2. Use of personal protective                                     about the human health toxicity of the
                                               The PMNs state that the generic (non-                              equipment including impervious gloves                                PMN substances may be potentially
                                               confidential) use of the substances are                            (where there is a potential for dermal                               useful to characterize the effects of the
                                               for monitoring of oil/gas well                                     exposure).                                                           PMN substances in support of a request
                                               performance. Based on test data on an                                 3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator                            by the PMN submitter to modify the
                                               analog, EPA has identified concerns for                            with an APF of at least 50 (where there                              Order, or if a manufacturer or processor
                                               reproductive, developmental and neuro-                             is a potential for inhalation exposure) or                           is considering submitting a SNUN for a
                                               toxicity, as well as lung toxicity and                             compliance with a NCEL of 0.0184 ppm
                                                                                                                                                                                       significant new use that will be
                                               dermal irritation. The Order was issued                            as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
                                               under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and                             4. Use of processes, process                                      designated by this SNUR. The submitter
                                               5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient                           equipment, engineering controls, and                                 has agreed not to exceed the
                                               information to make a reasoned                                     handling practices specified in the                                  confidential production limit without
                                               evaluation and a finding that the                                  Order for manufacturing and processing.                              performing specific target organ toxicity
                                               substances may present an unreasonable                                5. Establishment and use of a hazard                              testing on P–17–0091.
                                               risk of injury to human health. EPA                                communication program, including                                        CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11053.
                                               assessed risks based on the specific                               human health precautionary statements
                                               manufacturing, processing, use, process                            on each label and in the SDS.                                        PMN Numbers: P–17–35, P–17–37, P–
                                               equipment, engineering controls, and                                  6. No manufacture or process of the                               17–40, P–17–44, P–17–46, P–17–48, P–
                                               handling practices (including worker                               PMN substances beyond a confidential                                 17–51, P–17–53, P–17–54, P–17–56, P–
                                               activities and cleaning procedures)                                annual production volume specified in                                17–58, P–17–60, P–17–65, P–17–68, P–
                                               described in the PMN. To protect                                   the Order.                                                           17–70, P–17–74, P–17–77, P–17–78, P–
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                              The SNUR will designate as a                                      17–81, P–17–82, P–17–84, P–17–88, P–
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                               17–89, P–17–92, P–17–97
                                               testing on the PMN substances prior to                             these protective measures.

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                                               37714              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                     CHEMICAL NAMES AND CAS NUMBERS
                                                                                                                             Chemical Name                                                                                               CAS No.

                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro- (P–17–35) ...................................................................................................................................        1201–31–6
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-(trifluoromethyl)- (P–17–37) ...................................................................................................................................         433–97–6
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,5-difluoro- (P–17–40) .............................................................................................................................................     2991–28–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,6-difluoro- (P–17–44) .............................................................................................................................................      385–00–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,5-difluoro- (P–17–46) .............................................................................................................................................      455–40–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4-difluoro- (P–17–48) .............................................................................................................................................     1583–58–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4-difluoro- (P–17–51) .............................................................................................................................................      455–86–7
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4,5-trifluoro- (P–17–53) ..........................................................................................................................................   121602–93–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4-trifluoro- (P–17–54) ..........................................................................................................................................    61079–72–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4,5-trifluoro- (P–17–56) ..........................................................................................................................................      446–17–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3-difluoro- (P–17–58) .............................................................................................................................................     4519–39–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-(trifluoromethyl)- (P–17–60) ...................................................................................................................................         454–92–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3-dichloro- (P–17–65) ............................................................................................................................................        50–45–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,5-dichloro- (P–17–68) ............................................................................................................................................        51–36–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,6-dichloro- (P–17–70) ............................................................................................................................................        50–30–6
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-4-fluoro- (P–17–74) .....................................................................................................................................        2252–51–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   5-chloro-2-fluoro- (P–17–77) .....................................................................................................................................         394–30–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-4-fluoro- (P–17–78) .....................................................................................................................................         403–16–7
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-3-fluoro- (P–17–81) .....................................................................................................................................         403–17–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-2-fluoro- (P–17–82) .....................................................................................................................................         446–30–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   5-bromo-2-chloro- (P–17–84) ...................................................................................................................................          21739–92–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-bromo-4-fluoro- (P–17–88) ....................................................................................................................................         11007–16–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-5-fluoro- (P–17–89) ....................................................................................................................................           394–28–5
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-3-fluoro- (P–17–92) ....................................................................................................................................        153556–42–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-2-fluoro- (P–17–97) ....................................................................................................................................        112704–79–7

                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                               exceeding the production volume limit                                        Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               Order: March 22, 2017.                                               as specified in the Order.                                                has determined that certain information
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                                   2. Use of personal protective                                          about the human health toxicity of the
                                               The PMNs state that the generic (non-                                equipment including impervious gloves                                     PMN substances may be potentially
                                               confidential) use of the substances are                              (where there is a potential for dermal                                    useful to characterize the effects of the
                                                                                                                    exposure).                                                                PMN substances in support of a request
                                               for monitoring of oil/gas well
                                                                                                                       3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator                                 by the PMN submitter to modify the
                                               performance. Based on test data on an
                                                                                                                    with an APF of at least 50 (where there                                   Order, or if a manufacturer or processor
                                               analog, EPA has identified concerns for                                                                                                        is considering submitting a SNUN for a
                                               reproductive, developmental and neuro-                               is a potential for inhalation exposure) or
                                                                                                                    compliance with a NCEL of 0.0184 ppm                                      significant new use that will be
                                               toxicity, as well as lung toxicity and                                                                                                         designated by this SNUR. The submitter
                                                                                                                    as an 8-hour time-weighted average to
                                               dermal irritation. The Order was issued                                                                                                        has agreed not to exceed the
                                                                                                                    prevent inhalation exposure.
                                               under TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and                                                                                                      confidential production limit without
                                                                                                                       4. Use of processes, process
                                               5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient                                                                                                       performing specific target organ toxicity
                                                                                                                    equipment, engineering controls, and
                                               information to make a reasoned                                                                                                                 and reproductive/developmental
                                                                                                                    handling practices specified in the
                                               evaluation and a finding that the                                    Order for manufacturing and processing.                                   toxicity testing on both P–17–35 and P–
                                               substances may present an unreasonable                                                                                                         17–37.
                                                                                                                       5. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                               risk of injury to human health. EPA                                  communication program, including                                             CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11054.
                                               assessed risks based on the specific                                 human health precautionary statements                                     PMN Numbers: P–17–94, P–17–95, P–
                                               manufacturing, processing, use, process                              on each label and in the SDS.                                             17–96, P–17–98, P–17–99, P–17–100, P–
                                               equipment, engineering controls, and                                    6. No manufacture or process of the                                    17–101, P–17–102, P–17–103, P–17–104,
                                               handling practices (including worker                                 PMN substances beyond a confidential                                      P–17–105, P–17–114, P–17–122, P–17–
                                               activities and cleaning procedures)                                  annual production volume specified in                                     123, P–17–124, P–17–125, P–17–126, P–
                                               described in the PMN. To protect                                     the Order.                                                                17–127, P–17–128, P–17–129, P–17–130,
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                                The SNUR will designate as a                                           P–17–131, P–17–132, P–17–133, P–17–
                                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                                 ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                                    134, P–17–135, P–17–136, P–17–137, P–
                                               testing on the PMN substances prior to                               these protective measures.                                                17–138, P–17–139, and P–17–140
                                                                                                                     CHEMICAL NAMES AND CAS NUMBERS
                                                                                                                             Chemical name                                                                                               CAS No.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–94) ................................................................................................................            122894–73–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester (P–17–95) ................................................................................................................               583–02–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester (P–17–96) ................................................................................................................               577–62–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,6-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–98) ..........................................................................................................................          19064–14–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–99) ..........................................................................................................................            708–25–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4-trifluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–100) .....................................................................................................................          351354–50–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-5-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–101) ...............................................................................................................               351354–50–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–102) ........................................................................................................................             350–19–6

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                               37715

                                                                                                        CHEMICAL NAMES AND CAS NUMBERS—Continued
                                                                                                                           Chemical name                                                                                            CAS No.

                                               Benzoic   acid,   5-bromo-2-chloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–103) ..............................................................................................................            76008–73–6
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–104 ..............................................................................................................................      1128–76–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–105) .............................................................................................................................      7335–25–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–114) ................................................................................................................        137521–81–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–122) ...............................................................................................................          474709–71–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-4,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–123) .........................................................................................................            144267–97–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-3-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–124) ...............................................................................................................         1130165–74–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-bromo-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–125) ...............................................................................................................           23233–33–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–126) ................................................................................................................          4793–20–8
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,5-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–127) .......................................................................................................................       35112–27–7
                                               Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-3-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–128) ................................................................................................................        203573–08–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–129) ................................................................................................................        167758–87–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   5-chloro-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–130) ................................................................................................................        773139–56–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–131) ........................................................................................................................     108928–00–3
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–132) ........................................................................................................................     144267–96–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–133) .....................................................................................................................     495405–09–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–134) .....................................................................................................................     351354–41–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester (P–17–135) ..............................................................................................................         76783–59–0
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,3-difluoro-, ethyl ester (P–17–136) ........................................................................................................................     773134–65–9
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,6-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–137) .......................................................................................................................       81055–73–4
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,5-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–138) .......................................................................................................................       91085–56–2
                                               Benzoic   acid,   2,4-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–139) .......................................................................................................................       56882–52–1
                                               Benzoic   acid,   3,4-dichloro-, ethyl ester (P–17–140) .......................................................................................................................       28394–58–3

                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)                              0.0184 ppm as an 8-hour time-weighted                                 PMN Number: P–17–198
                                               Order: March 22, 2017.                                              average.                                                                 Chemical name: Neodymium
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                                  4. Use of processes, process                                       aluminium alkyl polymer complexes
                                               The PMNs state that the substances are                              equipment, engineering controls, and                                  (generic).
                                               for monitoring oil/gas well performance.                            handling practices specified in the                                      CAS number: Not available.
                                               Based on test data on an analog, EPA                                Order for manufacturing and processing.                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               has identified concerns for                                            5. Establishment and use of a hazard                               Order: April 27, 2017.
                                               reproductive, developmental and neuro-                              communication program, including                                         Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:
                                               toxicity, as well as lung toxicity and                              human health precautionary statements                                 The PMN states the generic (non-
                                               dermal irritation. Further, based on SAR                            on each label and in the SDS.                                         confidential) use of the substance will
                                               analysis of test data on analogous                                     6. No manufacture or process of the                                be as a catalyst in a closed process.
                                               neutral organics, EPA predicts toxicity                             PMN substances beyond a confidential                                  Based on physical/chemical properties
                                               to aquatic organisms may occur at                                   annual production volume specified in                                 of the substance and test data on the
                                               concentrations that exceed 15 ppb of the                            the Order.                                                            PMN substance, EPA has identified
                                               PMN substances in surface waters. The                                  7. No release of the PMN substances                                concerns for dermal and respiratory
                                               Order was issued under TSCA sections                                resulting in surface water                                            irritation, corrosion, developmental
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),                            concentrations that exceed 15 ppb.                                    toxicity, and lung effects. The Order was
                                               based on insufficient information to                                   The SNUR will designate as a                                       issued under TSCA sections
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a                                    ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                                5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),
                                               finding that the substances may present                             these protective measures.                                            based on insufficient information to
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                                Potentially useful information: EPA                                make a reasoned evaluation and a
                                               health and the environment. EPA                                     has determined that certain information                               finding that the substance may present
                                               assessed risks based on the specific                                about the human health and aquatic                                    an unreasonable risk of injury to human
                                               manufacturing, processing, use, process                             toxicity of the PMN substances may be                                 health. To protect against these risks,
                                               equipment, engineering controls, and                                                                                                      the Order requires:
                                                                                                                   potentially useful to characterize the
                                               handling practices (including worker                                                                                                         1. Submission of glove permeation
                                                                                                                   effects of the PMN substances in
                                               activities and cleaning procedures)                                                                                                       testing on the PMN substance prior to
                                                                                                                   support of a request by the PMN                                       exceeding the production volume limit
                                               described in the PMNs. To protect                                   submitter to modify the Order, or if a
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                                                                                                  as specified in the Order.
                                                                                                                   manufacturer or processor is                                             2. Use of personal protective
                                                  1. Submission of certain toxicity                                considering submitting a SNUN for a                                   equipment including impervious gloves
                                               testing on the PMN substances prior to                              significant new use that will be                                      (where there is a potential for dermal
                                               exceeding the production volume limit                               designated by this SNUR. The submitter                                exposure).
                                               as specified in the Order.                                          has agreed not to exceed the                                             3. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                                  2. Use of personal protective                                    confidential production limit without                                 communication program, including
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               equipment including impervious gloves                               performing specific target organ toxicity                             human health precautionary statements
                                               (where there is a potential for dermal                              and reproductive/developmental                                        on each label and in the SDS.
                                               exposure).                                                          toxicity testing on P–17–127; specific                                   4. No domestic manufacture of the
                                                  3. Use of a NIOSH-certified respirator                           target organ toxicity testing on P–17–                                PMN substance.
                                               with an APF of at least 1,000 (where                                101; and acute aquatic toxicity testing                                  5. No use in any manner or method
                                               there is a potential for inhalation                                 on both P–17–101 and P–17–127.                                        where there is potential for inhalation
                                               exposure) or compliance with a NCEL of                                 CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11055.                                   exposure.

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                                               37716            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  6. Use of the PMN substance in a                         The SNUR will designate as a                          3. No modification of the
                                               closed system as specified in the PMN.                   ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                manufacture, process or use of the PMN
                                                  The SNUR will designate as a                          these protective measures.                            substances if it results in inhalation
                                               ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of                      Potentially useful information: EPA                exposure to vapor, dust, mist or aerosol.
                                               these protective measure.                                has determined that certain information                  4. Establishment and use of a hazard
                                                  Potentially useful information: EPA                   about the human health and aquatic                    communication program, including
                                               has determined that the results of glove                 toxicity of the PMN substances may be                 human health precautionary statements
                                               permeability testing will help                           potentially useful to characterize the                on each label and in the SDS.
                                               characterize the effectiveness of                        effects of the PMN substances in                         5. No release of the PMN substances
                                               protective measures to mitigate human                    support of a request by the PMN                       into the waters of the United States.
                                               health risk of the PMN substance in                      submitter to modify the Order, or if a                   The SNUR will designate as a
                                               support of a request by the PMN                          manufacturer or processor is                          ‘‘significant new use’’ the absence of
                                               submitter to modify the Order, or if a                   considering submitting a SNUN for a                   these protective measures.
                                               manufacturer or processor is                             significant new use that will be                         Potentially useful information: EPA
                                               considering submitting a SNUN for a                      designated by this SNUR. EPA has                      has determined that certain information
                                               significant new use that will be                         determined that the results of specific               about the human health and aquatic
                                               designated by this SNUR. The submitter                   target organ toxicity testing of the PMN              toxicity of the PMN substances may be
                                               has agreed not to manufacture beyond a                   substances, and acute and chronic                     potentially useful to characterize the
                                               certain time period without performing                   aquatic toxicity testing of the PMN                   effects of the PMN substances in
                                               glove permeability testing.                              substances may be potentially useful in               support of a request by the PMN
                                                  CFR citation: 40 CFR 721.11056.                       characterizing the health and                         submitter to modify the Order, or if a
                                                                                                        environmental effects of the PMN                      manufacturer or processor is
                                               PMN Numbers: P–17–272, P–17–273, P–                      substances. Although the Order does not
                                               17–274, P–17–275, P–17–276 and P–17–                                                                           considering submitting a SNUN for a
                                                                                                        require these tests, the Order’s                      significant new use that will be
                                               277                                                      restrictions on manufacture, processing               designated by this SNUR. EPA has
                                                  Chemical name: Fatty acid amide                       and distribution in commerce, will                    determined that the results of specific
                                               alkyl amine salts (generic).                             remain in effect until the Order is                   target organ toxicity testing and acute
                                                  CAS numbers: Not available.                           modified or revoked by EPA based on                   and chronic aquatic toxicity testing of
                                                                                                        submission of this or other information               the PMN substances may be potentially
                                                  Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                                                                                        that EPA determines is relevant and                   useful in characterizing the health and
                                               Order: August 4, 2017.
                                                                                                        needed to evaluate a modification                     environmental effects of the PMN
                                                  Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    request.
                                               The PMNs state that the generic (non-                                                                          substances. Although the Order does not
                                                                                                           CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11057.                   require these tests, the Order’s
                                               confidential) use of the substances will
                                               be as a component in asphalt emulsion.                   PMN Numbers: P–17–278, P–17–279 and                   restrictions on manufacture, processing
                                               Based on SAR analysis of test data on                    P–17–280                                              and distribution in commerce will
                                               analogous substances, EPA has                                                                                  remain in effect until the Order is
                                                                                                           Chemical name: Fatty acid amide                    modified or revoked by EPA based on
                                               identified concerns for dermal and                       alkyl amine salts (generic).
                                               respiratory irritation, corrosion,                                                                             submission of this or other information
                                                                                                           CAS numbers: Not available.                        that EPA determines is relevant and
                                               developmental toxicity, systemic effect,                    Effective date of TSCA section 5(e)
                                               sensitization and lung effects. The Order                                                                      needed to evaluate a modification
                                                                                                        Order: August 4, 2017.                                request.
                                               was issued under TSCA sections
                                                                                                           Basis for TSCA section 5(e) Order:                    CFR citations: 40 CFR 721.11058.
                                               5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and 5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I),
                                                                                                        The PMNs state that the generic (non-
                                               based on insufficient information to                                                                           V. Rationale and Objectives of the Rule
                                                                                                        confidential) use of the substances will
                                               make a reasoned evaluation and a
                                                                                                        be as a component in asphalt emulsion.                A. Rationale
                                               finding that the substances may present
                                                                                                        Based on SAR analysis of test data on
                                               an unreasonable risk of injury to human                                                                           During review of the PMNs submitted
                                                                                                        analogous substances, EPA has
                                               health and environment. To protect                                                                             for the chemical substances that are
                                                                                                        identified concerns for irritation,
                                               against these risks, the Order requires:                                                                       subject to these SNURs, EPA concluded
                                                                                                        corrosion, developmental toxicity,
                                                  1. Use of the PMN substances only for                 systemic effect, sensitization and lung               that for all 145 chemical substances
                                               the use specified in the Order.                          effects. The Order was issued under                   regulation was warranted under TSCA
                                                  2. Use of personal protective                         TSCA sections 5(a)(3)(B)(ii)(I) and                   section 5(e), pending the development
                                               equipment for workers exposed                            5(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I), based on insufficient              of information sufficient to make
                                               dermally to the PMN substances                           information to make a reasoned                        reasoned evaluations of the health or
                                               (including impervious gloves, chemical                   evaluation and a finding that the                     environmental effects of the chemical
                                               goggles or equivalent eye protection and                 substances may present an unreasonable                substances. The basis for such findings
                                               clothing which covers any other                          risk of injury to human health and                    is outlined in Unit IV. Based on these
                                               exposed areas of the arms and torso).                    environment. To protect against these                 findings, TSCA section 5(e) consent
                                                  3. No modification of the                             risks, the Order requires:                            orders requiring the use of appropriate
                                               manufacture, process or use of the PMN                      1. Use of the PMN substances only for              exposure controls were negotiated with
                                               substances if it results in inhalation                   the use specified in the Order.                       the PMN submitters.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               exposure to vapor, dust, mist or aerosol.                   2. Use of personal protective                         The SNURs identify as significant
                                                  4. Establishment and use of a hazard                  equipment for workers exposed                         new uses any manufacturing,
                                               communication program, including                         dermally to the PMN substances                        processing, use, distribution in
                                               human health precautionary statements                    (including impervious gloves, chemical                commerce, or disposal that does not
                                               on each label and in the SDS.                            goggles or equivalent eye protection and              conform to the restrictions imposed by
                                                  5. No release of the PMN substances                   clothing which covers any other                       the underlying Orders, consistent with
                                               into the waters of the United States.                    exposed areas of the arms and torso).                 TSCA section 5(f)(4).

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        37717

                                               B. Objectives                                            VII. Applicability of the Significant                 notice, and has taken such actions as are
                                                                                                        New Use Designation                                   required with that determination.
                                                  EPA is issuing these SNURs for
                                               specific chemical substances which                          To establish a significant new use,                VIII. Development and Submission of
                                               have undergone premanufacture review                     EPA must determine that the use is not                Information
                                               because the Agency wants to achieve                      ongoing. The chemical substances                         EPA recognizes that TSCA section 5
                                               the following objectives with regard to                  subject to this rule have undergone                   does not require developing any
                                               the significant new uses designated in                   premanufacture review. In cases where                 particular new information (e.g.,
                                               this rule:                                               EPA has not received a notice of                      generating test data) before submission
                                                  • EPA will receive notice of any                      commencement (NOC) and the chemical                   of a SNUN. There is an exception:
                                               person’s intent to manufacture or                        substance has not been added to the                   Development of test data is required
                                               process a listed chemical substance for                  TSCA Inventory, no person may                         where the chemical substance subject to
                                               the described significant new use before                 commence such activities without first                the SNUR is also subject to a rule, order
                                               that activity begins.                                    submitting a PMN. Therefore, for                      or consent agreement under TSCA
                                                  • EPA will have an opportunity to                     chemical substances for which an NOC                  section 4 (see TSCA section 5(b)(1)).
                                               review and evaluate data submitted in a                  has not been submitted EPA concludes                     In the absence of a TSCA section 4
                                                                                                        that the designated significant new uses              test rule covering the chemical
                                               SNUN before the notice submitter
                                                                                                        are not ongoing.                                      substance, persons are required only to
                                               begins manufacturing or processing a
                                                                                                           When chemical substances identified                submit information in their possession
                                               listed chemical substance for the
                                                                                                        in this rule are added to the TSCA                    or control and to describe any other
                                               described significant new use.
                                                                                                        Inventory, EPA recognizes that, before                information known to or reasonably
                                                  • EPA will be able to either determine                                                                      ascertainable by them (see 40 CFR
                                                                                                        the rule is effective, other persons might
                                               that the prospective manufacture or                                                                            720.50). However, upon review of PMNs
                                                                                                        engage in a use that has been identified
                                               processing is not likely to present an                                                                         and SNUNs, the Agency has the
                                                                                                        as a significant new use. However,
                                               unreasonable risk, or to take necessary                                                                        authority to require appropriate testing.
                                                                                                        TSCA section 5(e) consent orders have
                                               regulatory action associated with any                                                                          Unit IV. lists potentially useful
                                                                                                        been issued for all of the chemical
                                               other determination, before the                                                                                information for all of the listed SNURs.
                                                                                                        substances, and the PMN submitters are
                                               described significant new use of the                                                                           Descriptions of this information is
                                                                                                        prohibited by the TSCA section 5(e)
                                               chemical substance occurs.                                                                                     provided for informational purposes.
                                                                                                        consent orders from undertaking
                                                  • EPA will identify as significant new                activities which will be designated as                EPA strongly encourages persons, before
                                               uses any manufacturing, processing,                      significant new uses. The identities of               performing any testing, to consult with
                                               use, distribution in commerce, or                        38 of the 145 chemical substances                     the Agency pertaining to protocol
                                               disposal that does not conform to the                    subject to this rule have been claimed as             selection. Furthermore, pursuant to
                                               restrictions imposed by the underlying                   confidential and EPA has received one                 TSCA section 4(h), which pertains to
                                               Orders, consistent with TSCA section                     post-PMN bona fide submission (per                    reduction of testing in vertebrate
                                               5(f)(4).                                                 §§ 720.25 and 721.11) for a chemical                  animals, EPA encourages consultation
                                                  Issuance of a SNUR for a chemical                     substance covered by this action. Based               with the Agency on the use of
                                               substance does not signify that the                      on this, the Agency believes that it is               alternative test methods and strategies
                                               chemical substance is listed on the                      highly unlikely that any of the                       (also called New Approach
                                               TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory                        significant new uses described in the                 Methodologies, or NAMs), if available,
                                               (TSCA Inventory). Guidance on how to                     regulatory text of this rule are ongoing.             to generate the recommended test data.
                                               determine if a chemical substance is on                                                                        EPA encourages dialog with Agency
                                                                                                           Therefore, EPA designates August 1,                representatives to help determine how
                                               the TSCA Inventory is available on the                   2018 (the date of public release of this
                                               internet at http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/                                                                       best the submitter can meet both the
                                                                                                        rule) as the cutoff date for determining              data needs and the objective of TSCA
                                               existingchemicals/pubs/tscainventory/                    whether the new use is ongoing. The
                                               index.html.                                                                                                    section 4(h). To access the OCSPP test
                                                                                                        objective of EPA’s approach has been to               guidelines referenced in this document
                                               VI. Direct Final Procedures                              ensure that a person could not defeat a               electronically, please go to http://
                                                                                                        SNUR by initiating a significant new use              www.epa.gov/ocspp and select ‘‘Test
                                                 EPA is issuing these SNURs as a                        before the effective date of the direct               Methods and Guidelines.’’ The
                                               direct final rule. The effective date of                 final rule. In developing this rule, EPA              Organisation for Economic Co-operation
                                               this rule is October 1, 2018 without                     has recognized that, given EPA’s                      and Development (OECD) test
                                               further notice, unless EPA receives                      practice of on occasion posting rules on              guidelines are available from the OECD
                                               written adverse comments before                          its website a week or more in advance                 Bookshop at http://
                                               August 31, 2018.                                         of Federal Register publication, this                 www.oecdbookshop.org or SourceOECD
                                                 If EPA receives written adverse                        objective could be thwarted even before               at http://www.sourceoecd.org.
                                               comments on one or more of these                         that publication.                                        In certain of the TSCA section 5(e)
                                               SNURs before August 31, 2018, EPA                           Persons who begin commercial                       consent orders for the chemical
                                               will withdraw the relevant sections of                   manufacture or processing of the                      substances regulated under this rule,
                                               this direct final rule before its effective              chemical substances for a significant                 EPA has established production volume
                                               date.                                                    new use identified as of that date will               limits in view of the lack of data on the
                                                 This rule establishes SNURs for a                      have to cease any such activity upon the              potential health and environmental
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               number of chemical substances. Any                       effective date of the final rule. To                  risks that may be posed by the
                                               person who submits adverse comments                      resume their activities, these persons                significant new uses or increased
                                               must identify the chemical substance                     will have to first comply with all                    exposure to the chemical substances.
                                               and the new use to which it applies.                     applicable SNUR notification                          These limits cannot be exceeded unless
                                               EPA will not withdraw a SNUR for a                       requirements and wait until EPA has                   the PMN submitter first submits the
                                               chemical substance not identified in the                 conducted a review of the notice, made                results of specified tests that would
                                               comment.                                                 an appropriate determination on the                   permit a reasoned evaluation of the

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                                               37718            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               potential risks posed by these chemical                  required to keep this information                     XI. Economic Analysis
                                               substances. Under recent TSCA section                    confidential. EPA promulgated a                         EPA has evaluated the potential costs
                                               5(e) consent orders, each PMN submitter                  procedure to deal with the situation                  of establishing SNUN requirements for
                                               is required to submit each study at least                where a specific significant new use is               potential manufacturers and processors
                                               14 weeks (earlier TSCA section 5(e)                      CBI, at § 721.1725(b)(1).                             of the chemical substances subject to
                                               consent orders required submissions at                      Under these procedures a                           this rule. EPA’s complete economic
                                               least 12 weeks) before reaching the                      manufacturer or processor may request                 analysis is available in the docket under
                                               specified production limit. The SNURs                    EPA to determine whether a proposed                   docket ID number EPA–HQ–OPPT–
                                               contain the same production volume                                                                             2017–0366.
                                                                                                        use would be a significant new use
                                               limits as the TSCA section 5(e) consent
                                                                                                        under the rule. The manufacturer or                   XII. Statutory and Executive Order
                                               orders. Exceeding these production
                                                                                                        processor must show that it has a bona                Reviews
                                               limits is defined as a significant new
                                                                                                        fide intent to manufacture or process the
                                               use. Persons who intend to exceed the                                                                          A. Executive Order 12866
                                               production limit must notify the Agency                  chemical substance and must identify
                                               by submitting a SNUN at least 90 days                    the specific use for which it intends to                This action establishes SNURs for
                                               in advance of commencement of non-                       manufacture or process the chemical                   several new chemical substances that
                                               exempt commercial manufacture or                         substance. If EPA concludes that the                  were the subject of PMNs and TSCA
                                               processing.                                              person has shown a bona fide intent to                section 5(e) consent orders. The Office
                                                  Any request by EPA for the triggered                  manufacture or process the chemical                   of Management and Budget (OMB) has
                                               and pended testing described in the                      substance, EPA will tell the person                   exempted these types of actions from
                                               Consent Orders was made based on                         whether the use identified in the bona                review under Executive Order 12866,
                                               EPA’s consideration of available                         fide submission would be a significant                entitled ‘‘Regulatory Planning and
                                               screening-level data, if any, as well as                 new use under the rule. Since most of                 Review’’ (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993).
                                               other available information on                           the chemical identities of the chemical               B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
                                               appropriate testing for the PMN                          substances subject to these SNURs are
                                                                                                        also CBI, manufacturers and processors                   According to PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
                                               substances. Further, any such testing
                                                                                                        can combine the bona fide submission                  seq.), an agency may not conduct or
                                               request on the part of EPA that includes
                                                                                                        under the procedure in § 721.1725(b)(1)               sponsor, and a person is not required to
                                               testing on vertebrates was made after
                                                                                                        with that under § 721.11 into a single                respond to a collection of information
                                               consideration of available toxicity
                                                                                                        step.                                                 that requires OMB approval under PRA,
                                               information, computational toxicology
                                                                                                                                                              unless it has been approved by OMB
                                               and bioinformatics, and high-                               If EPA determines that the use                     and displays a currently valid OMB
                                               throughput screening methods and their                   identified in the bona fide submission                control number. The OMB control
                                               prediction models.                                       would not be a significant new use, i.e.,
                                                  The potentially useful information                                                                          numbers for EPA’s regulations in title 40
                                                                                                        the use does not meet the criteria                    of the CFR, after appearing in the
                                               identified in Unit IV. may not be the                    specified in the rule for a significant
                                               only means of addressing the potential                                                                         Federal Register, are listed in 40 CFR
                                                                                                        new use, that person can manufacture or               part 9, and included on the related
                                               risks of the chemical substance.                         process the chemical substance so long
                                               However, submitting a SNUN without                                                                             collection instrument or form, if
                                                                                                        as the significant new use trigger is not             applicable. EPA is amending the table in
                                               any test data or other information may                   met. In the case of a production volume
                                               increase the likelihood that EPA will                                                                          40 CFR part 9 to list the OMB approval
                                                                                                        trigger, this means that the aggregate                number for the information collection
                                               take action under TSCA section 5(e),                     annual production volume does not
                                               particularly if satisfactory test results                                                                      requirements contained in this action.
                                                                                                        exceed that identified in the bona fide               This listing of the OMB control numbers
                                               have not been obtained from a prior                      submission to EPA. Because of
                                               PMN or SNUN submitter. EPA                                                                                     and their subsequent codification in the
                                                                                                        confidentiality concerns, EPA does not                CFR satisfies the display requirements
                                               recommends that potential SNUN                           typically disclose the actual production
                                               submitters contact EPA early enough so                                                                         of PRA and OMB’s implementing
                                                                                                        volume that constitutes the use trigger.              regulations at 5 CFR part 1320. This
                                               that they will be able to generate useful                Thus, if the person later intends to
                                               information.                                                                                                   Information Collection Request (ICR)
                                                                                                        exceed that volume, a new bona fide                   was previously subject to public notice
                                                  SNUN submitters should be aware                       submission would be necessary to
                                               that EPA will be better able to evaluate                                                                       and comment prior to OMB approval,
                                                                                                        determine whether that higher volume                  and given the technical nature of the
                                               SNUNs which provide detailed                             would be a significant new use.
                                               information on the following:                                                                                  table, EPA finds that further notice and
                                                  • Human exposure and                                  X. SNUN Submissions                                   comment to amend it is unnecessary. As
                                               environmental release that may result                                                                          a result, EPA finds that there is ‘‘good
                                               from the significant new use of the                        According to § 721.1(c), persons                    cause’’ under section 553(b)(3)(B) of the
                                               chemical substances.                                     submitting a SNUN must comply with                    Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
                                                  • Information on risks posed by the                   the same notification requirements and                553(b)(3)(B)) to amend this table
                                               chemical substances compared to risks                    EPA regulatory procedures as persons                  without further notice and comment.
                                               posed by potential substitutes.                          submitting a PMN, including                              The information collection
                                                                                                        submission of test data on health and                 requirements related to this action have
                                               IX. Procedural Determinations                            environmental effects as described in 40              already been approved by OMB
                                                 By this rule, EPA is establishing                      CFR 720.50. SNUNs must be submitted                   pursuant to PRA under OMB control
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               certain significant new uses which have                  on EPA Form No. 7710–25, generated                    number 2070–0012 (EPA ICR No. 574).
                                               been claimed as CBI subject to Agency                    using e-PMN software, and submitted to                This action does not impose any burden
                                               confidentiality regulations at 40 CFR                    the Agency in accordance with the                     requiring additional OMB approval. If
                                               part 2 and 40 CFR part 720, subpart E.                   procedures set forth in 40 CFR 720.40                 an entity were to submit a SNUN to the
                                               Absent a final determination or other                    and § 721.25. E–PMN software is                       Agency, the annual burden is estimated
                                               disposition of the confidentiality claim                 available electronically at http://                   to average between 30 and 170 hours
                                               under 40 CFR part 2 procedures, EPA is                   www.epa.gov/opptintr/newchems.                        per response. This burden estimate

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                                               includes the time needed to review                       requirements of UMRA sections 202,                    Populations and Low-Income
                                               instructions, search existing data                       203, 204, or 205 (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).             Populations’’ (59 FR 7629, February 16,
                                               sources, gather and maintain the data                                                                          1994).
                                                                                                        E. Executive Order 13132
                                               needed, and complete, review, and
                                                                                                           This action will not have a substantial            XIII. Congressional Review Act
                                               submit the required SNUN.
                                                 Send any comments about the                            direct effect on States, on the                         Pursuant to the Congressional Review
                                               accuracy of the burden estimate, and                     relationship between the national                     Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), EPA will
                                               any suggested methods for minimizing                     government and the States, or on the                  submit a report containing this rule and
                                               respondent burden, including through                     distribution of power and                             other required information to the U.S.
                                               the use of automated collection                          responsibilities among the various                    Senate, the U.S. House of
                                               techniques, to the Director, Collection                  levels of government, as specified in                 Representatives, and the Comptroller
                                               Strategies Division, Office of                           Executive Order 13132, entitled                       General of the United States prior to
                                               Environmental Information (2822T),                       ‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255, August 10,               publication of the rule in the Federal
                                               Environmental Protection Agency, 1200                    1999).                                                Register. This action is not a ‘‘major
                                               Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC                                                                           rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
                                                                                                        F. Executive Order 13175
                                               20460–0001. Please remember to                                                                                 List of Subjects
                                               include the OMB control number in any                      This action does not have Tribal
                                               correspondence, but do not submit any                    implications because it is not expected               40 CFR Part 9
                                               completed forms to this address.                         to have substantial direct effects on
                                                                                                        Indian Tribes. This action does not                     Environmental protection, Reporting
                                               C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                      significantly nor uniquely affect the                 and recordkeeping requirements.
                                                 On February 18, 2012, EPA certified                    communities of Indian Tribal                          40 CFR Part 721
                                               pursuant to RFA section 605(b) (5 U.S.C.                 governments, nor does it involve or                     Environmental protection, Chemicals,
                                               601 et seq.), that promulgation of a                     impose any requirements that affect                   Hazardous substances, Reporting and
                                               SNUR does not have a significant                         Indian Tribes. Accordingly, the                       recordkeeping requirements.
                                               economic impact on a substantial                         requirements of Executive Order 13175,
                                                                                                        entitled ‘‘Consultation and Coordination                Dated: July 19, 2018.
                                               number of small entities where the
                                                                                                        with Indian Tribal Governments’’ (65 FR               Jeffery T. Morris,
                                               following are true:
                                                 1. A significant number of SNUNs                       67249, November 9, 2000), do not apply                Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and
                                                                                                        to this action.                                       Toxics.
                                               would not be submitted by small
                                               entities in response to the SNUR.                        G. Executive Order 13045                                Therefore, 40 CFR parts 9 and 721 are
                                                 2. The SNUR submitted by any small                                                                           amended as follows:
                                                                                                          This action is not subject to Executive
                                               entity would not cost significantly more
                                                                                                        Order 13045, entitled ‘‘Protection of                 PART 9—[AMENDED]
                                               than $8,300.
                                                                                                        Children from Environmental Health
                                                 A copy of that certification is
                                                                                                        Risks and Safety Risks’’ (62 FR 19885,                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 9
                                               available in the docket for this action.
                                                                                                        April 23, 1997), because this is not an               continues to read as follows:
                                                 This action is within the scope of the                 economically significant regulatory
                                               February 18, 2012 certification. Based                                                                            Authority: 7 U.S.C. 135 et seq., 136–136y;
                                                                                                        action as defined by Executive Order                  15 U.S.C. 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2601–2671;
                                               on the Economic Analysis discussed in                    12866, and this action does not address               21 U.S.C. 331j, 346a, 348; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 33
                                               Unit XI. and EPA’s experience                            environmental health or safety risks                  U.S.C. 1251 et seq., 1311, 1313d, 1314, 1318,
                                               promulgating SNURs (discussed in the                     disproportionately affecting children.                1321, 1326, 1330, 1342, 1344, 1345(d) and
                                               certification), EPA believes that the                                                                          (e), 1361; E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR,
                                               following are true:                                      H. Executive Order 13211                              1971–1975 Comp. p. 973; 42 U.S.C. 241,
                                                 • A significant number of SNUNs                          This action is not subject to Executive             242b, 243, 246, 300f, 300g, 300g–1, 300g–2,
                                               would not be submitted by small                          Order 13211, entitled ‘‘Actions                       300g–3, 300g–4, 300g–5, 300g–6, 300j–1,
                                               entities in response to the SNUR.                                                                              300j–2, 300j–3, 300j–4, 300j–9, 1857 et seq.,
                                                                                                        Concerning Regulations That                           6901–6992k, 7401–7671q, 7542, 9601–9657,
                                                 • Submission of the SNUN would not                     Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                   11023, 11048.
                                               cost any small entity significantly more                 Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May
                                               than $8,300.                                                                                                   ■  2. In § 9.1, add the following sections
                                                                                                        22, 2001), because this action is not
                                                 Therefore, the promulgation of the                                                                           in numerical order under the
                                                                                                        expected to affect energy supply,
                                               SNUR would not have a significant                                                                              undesignated center heading
                                                                                                        distribution, or use and because this
                                               economic impact on a substantial                                                                               ‘‘Significant New Uses of Chemical
                                                                                                        action is not a significant regulatory
                                               number of small entities.                                                                                      Substances’’ to read as follows:
                                                                                                        action under Executive Order 12866.
                                               D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                          I. National Technology Transfer and                   § 9.1 OMB approvals under the Paperwork
                                               (UMRA)                                                                                                         Reduction Act.
                                                                                                        Advancement Act (NTTAA)
                                                                                                                                                              *       *       *        *        *
                                                 Based on EPA’s experience with                           In addition, since this action does not
                                               proposing and finalizing SNURs, State,                   involve any technical standards,                                                                      OMB
                                               local, and Tribal governments have not                   NTTAA section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272                             40 CFR citation                      control No.
                                               been impacted by these rulemakings,                      note), does not apply to this action.
                                               and EPA does not have any reasons to
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                                               believe that any State, local, or Tribal                 J. Executive Order 12898                                  *            *            *           *           *
                                               government will be impacted by this                         This action does not entail special
                                                                                                                                                                      Significant New Uses of Chemical
                                               action. As such, EPA has determined                      considerations of environmental justice                                   Substances
                                               that this action does not impose any                     related issues as delineated by
                                               enforceable duty, contain any unfunded                   Executive Order 12898, entitled
                                               mandate, or otherwise have any effect                    ‘‘Federal Actions to Address                             *         *              *             *          *
                                               on small governments subject to the                      Environmental Justice in Minority                     721.11024 .............................        2070–0012

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                                                                                                 OMB          (g)(2)(i), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), and       is a significant new use to have
                                                       40 CFR citation                         control No.    (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning                manufacturing activities that result in
                                                                                                              statements that meet the criteria of the              inhalation exposure.
                                               721.11025   .............................        2070–0012     Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     (iv) Release to water. Requirements as
                                               721.11026   .............................        2070–0012     OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                    specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and
                                               721.11027   .............................        2070–0012
                                                                                                              may be used.                                          (c)(4) where N = 4.
                                               721.11028   .............................        2070–0012
                                               721.11029   .............................        2070–0012        (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               721.11030   .............................        2070–0012     consumer activities. Requirements as                  provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               721.11031   .............................        2070–0012     specified in § 721.80(h), (q), and (y)(1).            apply to this section except as modified
                                               721.11032   .............................        2070–0012     It is a significant new use to have                   by this paragraph.
                                               721.11033   .............................        2070–0012     manufacturing activities that result in                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               721.11034   .............................        2070–0012     inhalation exposure.                                  requirements as specified in
                                               721.11035   .............................        2070–0012        (iv) Release to water. Requirements as             § 721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are
                                               721.11036   .............................        2070–0012     specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and              applicable to manufacturers and
                                               721.11037   .............................        2070–0012                                                           processors of this substance.
                                               721.11038   .............................        2070–0012
                                                                                                              (c)(4) where N = 3.
                                                                                                                 (b) Specific requirements. The                        (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               721.11039   .............................        2070–0012
                                                                                                              provisions of subpart A of this part                  certain notification requirements. The
                                               721.11040   .............................        2070–0012
                                               721.11041   .............................        2070–0012     apply to this section except as modified              provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               721.11042   .............................        2070–0012     by this paragraph.                                    section.
                                               721.11043   .............................        2070–0012        (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               721.11044   .............................        2070–0012     requirements as specified in                          is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               721.11045   .............................        2070–0012     § 721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are                  of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               721.11046   .............................        2070–0012     applicable to manufacturers and                       (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               721.11047   .............................        2070–0012     processors of this substance.                         ■ 6. Add § 721.11026 to subpart E to
                                               721.11048   .............................        2070–0012
                                                                                                                 (2) Limitations or revocation of                   read as follows:
                                               721.11049   .............................        2070–0012
                                               721.11050   .............................        2070–0012     certain notification requirements. The
                                                                                                                                                                    § 721.11026      Bismuth bromide iodide
                                               721.11051   .............................        2070–0012     provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                 oxide.
                                               721.11052   .............................        2070–0012     section.
                                                                                                                 (3) Determining whether a specific use                (a) Chemical substance and
                                               721.11053   .............................        2070–0012
                                               721.11054   .............................        2070–0012     is subject to this section. The provisions            significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               721.11055   .............................        2070–0012     of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                (1) The chemical substance identified as
                                               721.11056   .............................        2070–0012     (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                          bismuth bromide iodide oxide (PMN P–
                                               721.11057   .............................        2070–0012                                                           14–630, CAS No. 340181–06–8) is
                                                                                                              ■ 5. Add § 721.11025 to subpart E to
                                               721.11058   .............................        2070–0012                                                           subject to reporting under this section
                                                                                                              read as follows:                                      for the significant new uses described in
                                                   *            *            *             *            *                                                           paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The
                                                                                                              § 721.11025 Polyphosphoric acids, 2-[(2-
                                                                                                              methyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl)oxy]ethyl                  requirements of this section do not
                                               *       *    *           *        *                            esters, compds. with alkyl amino, polymers            apply to quantities of the substance after
                                                                                                              with Bu acrylate, N-                                  they have been reacted (cured).
                                               PART 721—[AMENDED]                                             (hydroxymethyl)propenamide and styrene                   (2) The significant new uses are:
                                                                                                              (generic).                                               (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                               ■ 3. The authority citation for part 721
                                               continues to read as follows:                                     (a) Chemical substance and                         Requirements as specified in
                                                                                                              significant new uses subject to reporting.            § 721.63(a)(4), when determining which
                                                 Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and                         (1) The chemical substance identified                 persons are reasonably likely to be
                                                                                                              generically as polyphosphoric acids, 2-               exposed as required for § 721.63(a)(4),
                                               ■ 4. Add § 721.11024 to subpart E to                           [(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-                          engineering control measures (e.g.,
                                               read as follows:                                               yl)oxy]ethyl esters, compds. with alkyl               enclosure or confinement of the
                                               § 721.11024 Polyphosphoric acids, 2-                           amino, polymers with Bu acrylate, N-                  operation, general and local ventilation)
                                               [alkyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl)oxy]ethyl esters,                   (hydroxymethyl)propenamide and                        or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                               compds. with N-(aminoiminomethyl)urea                          styrene (PMN P–14–496) is subject to                  workplace policies and procedures)
                                               (generic).                                                     reporting under this section for the                  shall be considered and implemented to
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                                  significant new uses described in                     prevent exposure, where feasible,
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.                     paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                     (a)(5)(respirators must provide a
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified                             (2) The significant new uses are:                  National Institute for Occupational
                                               generically as polyphosphoric acids, 2-                           (i) Protection in the workplace.                   Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned
                                               [alkyl-1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl)oxy]ethyl                           Requirements as specified in                          protection factor (APF) of at least 10),
                                               esters, compds. with N-                                        § 721.63(a)(1), (3), and (c).                         (a)(6)(i) (particulate), (b) (concentration
                                               (aminoiminomethyl)urea (PMN P–14–                                 (ii) Hazard communication.                         set at 1.0%), and (c).
                                               472) is subject to reporting under this                        Requirements as specified in                             (A) As an alternative to the respirator
                                               section for the significant new uses                           § 721.72(a), through (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii),            requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of
                                               described in paragraph (a)(2) of this                          (sensitization), (g)(2)(i), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii),     this section, a manufacturer or processor
                                               section.                                                       and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and                    may choose to follow the new chemical
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                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                           warning statements that meet the                      exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                            criteria of the Globally Harmonized                   in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this
                                               Requirements as specified in                                   System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                          substance. The NCEL is 2.4 mg/m3 as an
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (3), and (c).                                  Communication Standard may be used.                   8-hour time weighted average. Persons
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                                     (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                  who wish to pursue NCELs as an
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                       consumer activities. Requirements as                  alternative to § 721.63 respirator
                                               through (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (sensitization),                 specified in § 721.80(k), (q) and (y)(1). It          requirements may request to do so

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                              37721

                                               under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30                   determining which persons are                         release this chemical substance to air
                                               requests to use the NCELs approach are                   reasonably likely to be exposed as                    unless using the chemical transfer and
                                               approved by EPA will be required to                      required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),                  air ventilation processes described in P–
                                               follow NCELs provisions comparable to                    engineering control measures (e.g.,                   15–0450 including filtering through a
                                               those contained in the corresponding                     enclosure or confinement of the                       high-efficiency particular air filter with
                                               TSCA section 5(e) Order.                                 operation, general and local ventilation)             an efficiency rate of 99.99% before
                                                  (B) [Reserved]                                        or administrative control measures (e.g.,             release to air.
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                            workplace policies and procedures)                       (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 shall be considered and implemented to                provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                 prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)              apply to this section except as modified
                                               (f), (g)(1)(ii), (g)(2)(ii), (use respiratory            (respirators must provide a National                  by this paragraph.
                                               protection or maintain workplace                         Institute for Occupational Safety and                    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               airborne concentrations at or below an                   Health (NIOSH) assigned protection                    requirements as specified in
                                               8-hour time-weighted average of 2.4 mg/                  factor (APF) of at least 1,000), (a)(6)               § 721.125(a) through (j) are applicable to
                                               m3), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and                  (particulate) (b) (concentration set at               manufacturers and processors of this
                                               warning statements that meet the                         0.1%), and (c). It is a significant new use           substance.
                                               criteria of the Globally Harmonized                      to manufacture or process the substance                  (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                             without the chemical transfer processes               certain notification requirements. The
                                               Communication Standard may be used.                      and air ventilation processes described               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     in the PMN and the exposure                           section.
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     monitoring requirements described in                     (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               specified in § 721.80(q). It is a                        the Order.                                            is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               significant new use to vary or alter, the                   (A) As an alternative to the respirator            of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               manufacturing, processing, and use,                      requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of                (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               distribution/transportation, treatment                   this section, a manufacturer or processor             ■ 8. Add § 721.11028 to subpart E to
                                               and disposal processes, process                          may choose to follow the new chemical                 read as follows:
                                               equipment, engineering controls, and                     exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed
                                                                                                        in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this               § 721.11028      Alkylarylamine (generic).
                                               handling practices (including worker
                                               activities and cleaning procedures)                      substance. The NCEL is 0.000092 mg/m3                    (a) Chemical substance and
                                               described in the PMN in such a way as                    as an 8-hour time weighted average.                   significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               to change the magnitude of inhalation                    Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as                   (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               exposure. It is a significant new use to                 an alternative to § 721.63 respirator                 generically as alkylarylamine (PMN P–
                                               use the substance for a consumer                         requirements may request to do so                     15–705) is subject to reporting under
                                               product that generates a dust, mist, or                  under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30                this section for the significant new uses
                                               aerosol.                                                 requests to use the NCELs approach are                described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                        approved by EPA will be required to                   section.
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                     follow NCELs provisions comparable to                    (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               apply to this section except as modified                 those contained in the corresponding                     (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                               by this paragraph.                                       TSCA section 5(e) Order.                              Requirements as specified in
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                         (B) [Reserved]                                     § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (a)(3),
                                               requirements as specified in                                (ii) Hazard communication.                         and (4), when determining which
                                               § 721.125(a) through (d), and (f) through                Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)              persons are reasonably likely to be
                                               (i) are applicable to manufacturers and                  through (e) (concentration set 0.1%), (f),            exposed as required for § 721.63(a)(1)
                                               processors of this substance.                            (g)(1)(ii), (This substance may cause                 and (4), engineering control measures
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      damage to the lung, kidney, and spleen),              (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   (g)(1)(vii), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (When            operation, general and local ventilation)
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    using this substance wear protective                  or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                               section.                                                 gloves/protective clothing/eye                        workplace policies and procedures)
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                protection/face protection), the                      shall be considered and implemented to
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               following human health precautionary                  prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   statement must appear on the SDS as                   (respirators must provide a National
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                             specified in paragraph (a)(2)(ii): (When              Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                               ■ 7. Add § 721.11027 to subpart E to                     using this substance use respiratory                  Health (NIOSH) assigned protection
                                               read as follows:                                         protection or maintain workplace                      factor (APF) of at least 1,000),
                                                                                                        airborne concentrations at or below an                (a)(6)(particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b)
                                               § 721.11027 Aluminum cobalt lithium                      8-hour time-weighted average of                       (concentration set at 0.1%), and (c).
                                               nickel oxide.                                            0.000092 mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5).                  (A) As an alternative to the respirator
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                            Alternative hazard and warning                        requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               statements that meet the criteria of the              this section, a manufacturer or processor
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified as                 Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                  may choose to follow the new chemical
                                               aluminum cobalt lithium nickel oxide                     OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                    exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed
                                               (PMN P–15–450, CAS No. 177997–13–6)                      may be used.                                          in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this
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                                               is subject to reporting under this section                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                  substance. The NCEL is 0.48 mg/m3 as
                                               for the significant new uses described in                consumer activities. Requirements as                  an 8-hour time weighted average.
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                        specified in § 721.80(p) (24 months and               Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                     6 years).                                             an alternative to § 721.63 respirator
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                         (iv) Disposal. Requirements as                     requirements may request to do so
                                               Requirements as specified in                             specified in § 721.85(a)(2), (b)(2), and              under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (3), (4), when                           (c)(2). It is a significant new use to                requests to use the NCELs approach are

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                                               approved by EPA will be required to                      persons are reasonably likely to be                      (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               follow NCELs provisions comparable to                    exposed as required for § 721.63(a)(1)                is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               those contained in the corresponding                     and (4), engineering control measures                 of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               TSCA section 5(e) Order.                                 (e.g., enclosure or confinement of the                (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                                  (B) [Reserved]                                        operation, general and local ventilation)             ■ 10. Add § 721.11030 to subpart E to
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                            or administrative control measures (e.g.,             read as follows:
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 workplace policies and procedures)
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 0.1%),                 shall be considered and implemented to                § 721.11030 Aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer
                                               (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii), (ix),           prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)              containing aspartic ester groups and
                                                                                                                                                              trimethoxy silanes (generic).
                                               (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory                 (respirators must provide a National
                                               protection or maintain workplace                         Institute for Occupational Safety and                    (a) Chemical substance and
                                               airborne concentrations at or below an                   Health (NIOSH) assigned protection                    significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               8-hour time-weighted average of 0.48                     factor (APF) of at least 10), (a)(6)                  (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), (g)(3)(ii), (g)(4)(i), and            (particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b)                   generically as aliphatic N-alkyl urea
                                               (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning                   (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).                 polymer containing aspartic ester
                                               statements that meet the criteria of the                    (A) As an alternative to the respirator            groups and trimethoxy silanes (PMN P–
                                               Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of                15–707) is subject to reporting under
                                               OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                       this section, a manufacturer or processor             this section for the significant new uses
                                               may be used.                                             may choose to follow the new chemical                 described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed                section. The requirements of this section
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this               do not apply to quantities of the
                                               specified in § 721.80(o) and (q). It is a                substance. The NCEL is 0.9 mg/m3 as an                substance after they have been reacted
                                               significant new use to use the substance                 8-hour time weighted average. Persons                 (cured).
                                               other than as a chemical intermediate or                 who wish to pursue NCELs as an                           (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               as an additive and octane booster in                     alternative to § 721.63 respirator                       (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                               aviation fuels.                                          requirements may request to do so                     Requirements as specified in
                                                  (iv) Release to water. Requirements as                under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30                § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3),
                                               specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and                 requests to use the NCELs approach are                (4), when determining which persons
                                               (c)(4) where N = 1.                                      approved by EPA will be required to                   are reasonably likely to be exposed as
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                        follow NCELs provisions comparable to                 required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                     those contained in the corresponding                  engineering control measures (e.g.,
                                               apply to this section except as modified                 TSCA section 5(e) Order.                              enclosure or confinement of the
                                               by this paragraph.                                          (B) [Reserved]                                     operation, general and local ventilation)
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                         (ii) Hazard communication.                         or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                               requirements as specified in                             Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)              workplace policies and procedures)
                                               § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                    through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),              shall be considered and implemented to
                                               applicable to manufacturers and                          (f), (g)(1)(ii), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use   prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)
                                               processors of this substance.                            respiratory protection or maintain                    (respirators must provide a National
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      workplace airborne concentrations at or               Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   below an 8-hour time-weighted average                 Health (NIOSH) assigned protection
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    of 0.9 mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5).                 factor (APF) of at least 10), (a)(6)(i), (v),
                                               section.                                                 Alternative hazard and warning                        (vi), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                statements that meet the criteria of the              (c).
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     (A) As an alternative to the respirator
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                    requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                             may be used.                                          this section, a manufacturer or processor
                                               ■ 9. Add § 721.11029 to subpart E to                        (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                  may choose to follow the new chemical
                                               read as follows:                                         consumer activities. Requirements as                  exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed
                                                                                                        specified in § 721.80(k), (o), (p) (594,000           in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this
                                               § 721.11029 Aliphatic N-alkyl urea polymer               kilograms, P–15–706 and P–15–707                      substance. The NCEL is 0.9 mg/m3 as an
                                               containing cyclohexyl groups and                         combined), and (t)(250,000 kilograms,                 8-hour time weighted average. Persons
                                               trimethoxy silanes (generic).                            P–15–706 and P–15–707 combined). A                    who wish to pursue NCELs as an
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                            significant new use is any manufacture,               alternative to § 721.63 respirator
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               processing, or use of the PMN substance               requirements may request to do so
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified                    with more than 0.1% residual                          under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30
                                               generically as aliphatic N-alkyl urea                    isocyanate by weight.                                 requests to use the NCELs approach are
                                               polymer containing cyclohexyl groups                        (b) Specific requirements. The                     approved by EPA will be required to
                                               and trimethoxy silanes (PMN P–15–706)                    provisions of subpart A of this part                  follow NCELs provisions comparable to
                                               is subject to reporting under this section               apply to this section except as modified              those contained in the corresponding
                                               for the significant new uses described in                by this paragraph.                                    TSCA section 5(e) Order.
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The                       (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      (B) [Reserved]
                                               requirements of this section do not                      requirements as specified in                             (ii) Hazard communication.
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                                               apply to quantities of the substance after               § 721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to            Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                               they have been reacted (cured).                          manufacturers and processors of this                  through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                     substance.                                            (f), (g)(1)(ii), (g)(1)(ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii),
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                         (2) Limitations or revocation of                   (use respiratory protection or maintain
                                               Requirements as specified in                             certain notification requirements. The                workplace airborne concentrations at or
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i),(iii), (iv), (a)(3)            provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                 below an 8-hour time-weighted average
                                               and (4), when determining which                          section.                                              of 0.9 mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5).

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                                               Alternative hazard and warning                           and warning statements that meet the                  provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               statements that meet the criteria of the                 criteria of the Globally Harmonized                   section.
                                               Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                          ■ 13. Add § 721.11033 to subpart E to
                                               OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                       Communication Standard may be used.                   read as follows:
                                               may be used.                                                (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     consumer activities. Requirements as                  § 721.11033 Manganese cyclic (tri)amine
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     specified in § 721.80(f). It is a significant         chloride complex (generic).
                                               specified in § 721.80(k), (o), (p) (594,000              new use to use the substances for the                    (a) Chemical substance and
                                               kilograms, P–15–706 and P–15–707                         uses specified in the Order, at a                     significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               combined), and (t) (250,000 kilograms,                   concentration greater than 3% of the                  (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               P–15–706 and P–15–707 combined). A                       metal working fluid, and use other than               generically as manganese cyclic
                                               significant new use is any manufacture,                  the closed metal working systems as                   (tri)amine chloride complex (PMN P–
                                               processing, or use of the PMN substance                  specified in the PMNs with no                         16–322) is subject to reporting under
                                               with more than 1% residual isocyanate                    modifications in the process that would               this section for the significant new uses
                                               by weight.                                               result in worker inhalation exposure.                 described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                           (iv) Release to water. Requirements as             section. The requirements of this section
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                     specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and              do not apply to quantities of the
                                               apply to this section except as modified                 (c)(4) where N = 10.                                  substance after they have been reacted
                                               by this paragraph.                                          (b) Specific requirements. The                     (cured).
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      provisions of subpart A of this part                     (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               requirements as specified in                             apply to this section except as modified                 (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                               § 721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to               by this paragraph.                                    Requirements as specified in
                                               manufacturers and processors of this                        (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                   § 721.63(a)(1), (3), (4), when
                                               substance.                                               requirements as specified in                          determining which persons are
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                 reasonably likely to be exposed as
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   applicable to manufacturers and                       required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    processors of this substance.                         engineering control measures (e.g.,
                                               section.                                                    (2) Limitations or revocation of                   enclosure or confinement of the
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                certain notification requirements. The                operation, general and local ventilation)
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                 or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   section.                                              workplace policies and procedures)
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                                (3) Determining whether a specific use             shall be considered and implemented to
                                                                                                        is subject to this section. The provisions            prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)
                                               ■ 11. Add § 721.11031 to subpart E to
                                                                                                        of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                (respirators must provide a National
                                               read as follows:                                         (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                          Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                               § 721.11031 Alkyl heteromonocycle,                       ■ 12. Add § 721.11032 to subpart E to                 Health (NIOSH) assigned protection
                                               polymer with heteromonocycle,                            read as follows:                                      factor (APF) of at least 25), (a)(6)(i),
                                               carboxyalkyl alkyl ether (generic).                                                                            (particulate), (b) (concentration set at
                                                                                                        § 721.11032 Benzene dicarboxylic acid,
                                                  (a) Chemical substances and                           polymer with alkane dioic acid and aliphatic          1.0%), and (c).
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               diamine (generic).                                       (A) As an alternative to the respirator
                                               (1) The chemical substances identified                                                                         requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of
                                                                                                           (a) Chemical substance and
                                               generically as alkyl heteromonocycle,                                                                          this section, a manufacturer or processor
                                                                                                        significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               polymer with heteromonocycle,                                                                                  may choose to follow the new chemical
                                                                                                        (1) The chemical substance identified as
                                               carboxyalkyl alkyl ether (PMNs P–16–                     generically as benzene dicarboxylic                   exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed
                                               273 and P–16–0274) are subject to                        acid, polymer with alkane dioic acid                  in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this
                                               reporting under this section for the                     and aliphatic diamine (PMN P–16–289)                  substance. The NCEL is 1.2 mg/m3 as an
                                               significant new uses described in                        is subject to reporting under this section            8-hour time weighted average. Persons
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                        for the significant new uses described in             who wish to pursue NCELs as an
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                     paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                     alternative to § 721.63 respirator
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                         (2) The significant new uses are:                  requirements may request to do so
                                               Requirements as specified in                                (i) Industrial, commercial, and                    under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (a)(3), (b)            consumer activities. Requirements as                  requests to use the NCELs approach are
                                               (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).                    specified in § 721.80(k)(Manufacture                  approved by EPA will be required to
                                               When determining which persons are                       only in a form with a particle size                   follow NCELs provisions comparable to
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                       distribution where less than 1.0 percent              those contained in the corresponding
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1), engineering                 of the particles are less than 10 microns)            TSCA section 5(e) Order.
                                               control measures (e.g., enclosure or                     and (p) (six months).                                    (B) [Reserved]
                                               confinement of the operation, general                       (ii) [Reserved]                                       (ii) Hazard communication.
                                               and local ventilation) or administrative                    (b) Specific requirements. The                     Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                               control measures (e.g., workplace                        provisions of subpart A of this part                  through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                               policies and procedures) shall be                        apply to this section except as modified              (f), (g)(1)(iv), (vi), (viii), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii),
                                               considered and implemented to prevent                    by this paragraph.                                    (iii), (use respiratory protection or
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               exposure, where feasible.                                   (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                   maintain workplace airborne
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                            requirements as specified in                          concentrations at or below an 8-hour
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 § 721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are                 time-weighted average of 1.2 mg/m3),
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                 applicable to manufacturers and                       (v), (g)(3) (This substance may be toxic
                                               (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (dermal sensitization),            processors of this substance.                         to algae. This substance may be harmful
                                               (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), and (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii),           (2) Limitations or revocation of                   to invertebrates), (g)(4)(i), (ii), (do not
                                               (g)(4)(iii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard              certain notification requirements. The                release to water to yield surface water

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                                               37724            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               concentrations above 18 ppb.), and                       ■ 15. Add § 721.11035 to subpart E to                    (i) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               (g)(5). Alternative hazard and warning                   read as follows:                                      consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               statements that meet the criteria of the                                                                       specified in § 721.80(f), (k), and (t).
                                               Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     § 721.11035 Substituted triazinyl metal                  (ii) Release to water. Requirements as
                                                                                                        salt, diazotized, coupled with substituted
                                               OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                       pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids,
                                                                                                                                                              specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and
                                               may be used.                                             substituted pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic               (c)(1).
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     acids, diazotized substituted alkanesulfonic             (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     acid, diazotized substituted aromatic                 provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               specified in § 721.80(f), (k), and (q).                  sulfonate, diazotized substituted aromatic            apply to this section except as modified
                                                  (iv) Release to water. Requirements as                sulfonate, metal salts (generic).                     by this paragraph.
                                               specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and                    (a) Chemical substance and                            (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               (c)(4) where N = 18.                                     significant new uses subject to reporting.            requirements as specified in
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                        (1) The chemical substance identified                 § 721.125(a) through (c), (i), and (k) are
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                     generically as substituted triazinyl metal            applicable to manufacturers and
                                               apply to this section except as modified                 salt, diazotized, coupled with                        processors of this substance.
                                               by this paragraph.                                       substituted                                              (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids,                    certain notification requirements. The
                                               requirements as specified in                             substituted                                           provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                    pyridobenzimidazolesulfonic acids,                    section.
                                               applicable to manufacturers and                          diazotized substituted alkanesulfonic                    (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               processors of this substance.                            acid, diazotized substituted aromatic                 is subject to this section. The provisions
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      sulfonate, diazotized substituted                     of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   aromatic sulfonate, metal salts (PMN P–               (a)(2)(i) of this section.
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    16–339) is subject to reporting under                 ■ 17. Add § 721.11037 to subpart E to
                                               section.                                                 this section for the significant new uses             read as follows:
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                                                                                        described in paragraph (a)(2) of this                 § 721.11037 Carbon black, (organic acidic
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions
                                                                                                        section.                                              carbocyclic)-modified, metal salt (generic).
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                                (2) The significant new uses are:                     (a) Chemical substance and
                                                                                                           (i) Industrial, commercial, and                    significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               ■ 14. Add § 721.11034 to subpart E to
                                                                                                        consumer activities. Requirements as                  (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               read as follows:
                                                                                                        specified in § 721.80(f), (k), and (t).               generically as carbon black, (organic
                                               § 721.11034 Xanthylium, (sulfoaryl)-bis                     (ii) Release to water. Requirements as             acidic carbocyclic)-modified, metal salt
                                               [(substituted aryl) amino]-, sulfo derivs.,              specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and              (PMN P–16–440) is subject to reporting
                                               inner salts, metal salts (generic).                      (c)(1).                                               under this section for the significant
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                               (b) Specific requirements. The                     new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               provisions of subpart A of this part                  of this section.
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified                    apply to this section except as modified                 (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               generically as xanthylium, (sulfoaryl)-                  by this paragraph.                                       (i) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               bis [(substituted aryl) amino]-, sulfo                      (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                   consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               derivs., inner salts, metal salts (PMN                   requirements as specified in                          specified in § 721.80(f), (k), and (t).
                                               P–16–338) is subject to reporting under                  § 721.125(a), (b), (c), (i), and (k) are                 (ii) Release to water. Requirements as
                                               this section for the significant new uses                applicable to manufacturers and                       specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and
                                               described in paragraph (a)(2) of this                    processors of this substance.                         (c)(1).
                                               section.                                                                                                          (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                                                                           (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                                                                           provisions of subpart A of this part
                                                                                                        certain notification requirements. The
                                                  (i) Industrial, commercial, and                                                                             apply to this section except as modified
                                                                                                        provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                                                                           by this paragraph.
                                               specified in § 721.80(f), (k), and (t).                                                                           (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                                  (ii) Release to water. Requirements as                   (3) Determining whether a specific use             requirements as specified in
                                               specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and                 is subject to this section. The provisions            § 721.125(a) through (c), (i), and (k) are
                                               (c)(1).                                                  of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                applicable to manufacturers and
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                        (a)(2)(i) of this section.                            processors of this substance.
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                     ■ 16. Add § 721.11036 to subpart E to                    (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               apply to this section except as modified                 read as follows:                                      certain notification requirements. The
                                               by this paragraph.                                                                                             provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      § 721.11036 Carbon black, (organic acidic
                                               requirements as specified in                             carbocyclic)-modified, inorganic salt
                                                                                                                                                                 (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               § 721.125(a), (b), (c), (i), and (k) are                                                                       is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               applicable to manufacturers and                            (a) Chemical substance and                          of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               processors of this substance.                            significant new uses subject to reporting.            (a)(2)(i) of this section.
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      (1) The chemical substance identified
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                                                                                                                                                              ■ 18. Add § 721.11038 to subpart E to
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   generically as carbon black, (organic                 read as follows:
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    acidic carbocyclic)-modified, inorganic
                                               section.                                                 salt (PMN P–16–439) is subject to                     § 721.11038 Polyaralkyl aryl ester of
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                reporting under this section for the                  methacrylic acid (generic).
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               significant new uses described in                       (a) Chemical substance and
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                     significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               (a)(2)(i) of this section.                                 (2) The significant new uses are:                   (1) The chemical substance identified as

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                                               generically as polyaralkyl aryl ester of                 new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)                   (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                               methacrylic acid (PMN P–16–350) is                       of this section.                                      Requirements as specified in
                                               subject to reporting under this section                     (2) The significant new uses are:                  § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (a)(6)(v),
                                               for the significant new uses described in                   (i) Protection in the workplace.                   (vi), (particulate), (b) (concentration set
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                        Requirements as specified in                          at 1.0%), and (c). When determining
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                     § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (a)(6)(v),         which persons are reasonably likely to
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                      (vi), (particulate), (b) (concentration set           be exposed as required for § 721.63(a)(1)
                                               Requirements as specified in                             at 1.0%), and (c). When determining                   engineering control measures (e.g.,
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), when                  which persons are reasonably likely to                enclosure or confinement of the
                                               determining which persons are                            be exposed as required for § 721.63(a)(1)             operation, general and local ventilation)
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                       engineering control measures (e.g.,                   or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1), engineering                 enclosure or confinement of the                       workplace policies and procedures)
                                               control measures (e.g., enclosure or                     operation, general and local ventilation)             shall be considered and implemented to
                                               confinement of the operation, general                    or administrative control measures (e.g.,             prevent exposure, where feasible.
                                               and local ventilation) or administrative                 workplace policies and procedures)                       (ii) Hazard communication.
                                               control measures (e.g., workplace                        shall be considered and implemented to                Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                               policies and procedures) shall be                        prevent exposure, where feasible.                     through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                               considered and implemented to prevent                       (ii) Hazard communication.                         (f), (g)(1)(i), (iv), (vi), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (v),
                                               exposure, where feasible, and (c).                       Requirements as specified in § 721.72                 (g)(3)(i), (ii), and (g)(5). Alternative
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                            (a) through (e) (concentration set at                 hazard and warning statements that
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(i), (iv), (vi), (ix),              meet the criteria of the Globally
                                               through (d), (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii),                       (g)(2)(i), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), and (g)(5).          Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA
                                               (sensitization), (mutagenicity); (g)(2)(i),              Alternative hazard and warning                        Hazard Communication Standard may
                                               (ii), (iii), (v), and (g)(5). Alternative                statements that meet the criteria of the              be used.
                                               hazard and warning statements that                       Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               meet the criteria of the Globally                        OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                    consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA                         may be used.                                          specified in § 721.80(f), (p) (10,500 and
                                               Hazard Communication Standard may                           (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                  13,000 kilograms respectively for the
                                               be used.                                                 consumer activities. Requirements as                  total of this substance and the substance
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     specified in § 721.80(f), (p) (10,500 and             subject to § 721.9998), (t) (250 kilograms
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     13,000 kilograms, respectively, for the               for the total of this substance and the
                                               specified in § 721.80(k). It is a                        total of this substance and the substance             substance subject to § 721.9998), and
                                               significant new use to manufacture the                   subject to 721.11039), (t) (250 kilograms             (y)(1).
                                               substance lower than the minimum                         for the total of this substance and the                  (iv) Release to water. Requirements as
                                               average molecular weight identified in                   substance subject to 721.11039), and                  specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and
                                               the Order and to contain more than the                   (y)(1).                                               (c)(4) where N = 1.
                                               maximum weight percent of low                                                                                     (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                                                                           (iv) Release to water. Requirements as
                                               molecular weight species below 1,000                                                                           provisions of subpart A of this part
                                                                                                        specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and
                                               daltons identified in the Order.                                                                               apply to this section except as modified
                                                                                                        (c)(4) where N = 1.
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                                                                              by this paragraph.
                                                                                                           (b) Specific requirements. The                        (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part
                                                                                                        provisions of subpart A of this part                  requirements as specified in
                                               apply to this section except as modified
                                                                                                        apply to this section except as modified              § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are
                                               by this paragraph.
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      by this paragraph.                                    applicable to manufacturers and
                                               requirements as specified in                                (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                   processors of this substance.
                                               § 721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to               requirements as specified in                             (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               manufacturers and processors of this                     § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                 certain notification requirements. The
                                               substance.                                               applicable to manufacturers and                       provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      processors of this substance.                         section.
                                               certain notification requirements. The                      (2) Limitations or revocation of                   ■ 21. Add § 721.11041 to subpart E to
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    certain notification requirements. The                read as follows:
                                               section.                                                 provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                section.                                              § 721.11041      Alkyl phenol (generic).
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               ■ 20. Add § 721.11040 to subpart E to                   (a) Chemical substance and
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   read as follows:                                      significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                                                                                   (1) The chemical substance identified
                                                                                                        § 721.11040 Phenol, 2-[[[3-                           generically as alkyl phenol (PMN P–16–
                                               ■ 19. Add § 721.11039 to subpart E to
                                                                                                        (decyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]-.                      358) is subject to reporting under this
                                               read as follows:
                                                                                                          (a) Chemical substance and                          section for the significant new uses
                                               § 721.11039 Phenol, 2-[[[3-                              significant new uses subject to reporting.            described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
                                               (octyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]-.                         (1) The chemical substance identified as              section.
                                                 (a) Chemical substance and                             phenol, 2-[[[3-                                         (2) The significant new uses are:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               (decyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (PMN                    (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified as                 P–16–352, chemical B; CAS No.                         Requirements as specified in
                                               phenol, 2-[[[3-                                          1858221–50–7) is subject to reporting                 § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3),
                                               (octyloxy)propyl]imino]methyl]- (PMN                     under this section for the significant                when determining which persons are
                                               P–16–352, chemical A; CAS No.                            new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)                reasonably likely to be exposed as
                                               1858221–49–4) is subject to reporting                    of this section.                                      required for § 721.63(a)(1) engineering
                                               under this section for the significant                     (2) The significant new uses are:                   control measures (e.g., enclosure or

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                                               confinement of the operation, general                    than 5.0 percent of the particles are less            provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               and local ventilation) or administrative                 than 10 microns).                                     section.
                                               control measures (e.g., workplace                           (b) Specific requirements. The                     ■ 24. Add § 721.11044 to subpart E to
                                               policies and procedures) shall be                        provisions of subpart A of this part                  read as follows:
                                               considered and implemented to prevent                    apply to this section except as modified
                                               exposure, where feasible, (b)                            by this paragraph.                                    § 721.11044      Pentanedioic acid, 2-methyl-.
                                               (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).                       (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      (a) Chemical substance and
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                            requirements as specified in                          significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 § 721.125(a) through (c), and (f) through             (1) The chemical substance identified as
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                 (i) are applicable to manufacturers and               pentanedioic acid, 2-methyl- (PMN P–
                                               (f), (g)(1)(ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v),            processors of this substance.                         16–430, CAS No. 617–62–9) is subject to
                                               (g)(4)(iii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard                 (2) Limitations or revocation of                   reporting under this section for the
                                               and warning statements that meet the                     certain notification requirements. The                significant new uses described in
                                               criteria of the Globally Harmonized                      provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                 paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
                                               System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                             section.                                                 (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               Communication Standard may be used.                      ■ 23. Add § 721.11043 to subpart E to                    (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                     read as follows:                                      Requirements as specified in § 721.63
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                                                                           (a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (4), when
                                                                                                        § 721.11043 Starch, polymer with 2-
                                               specified in § 721.80(a) through (c), (g),               propenoic acid, potassium salt, oxidized.             determining which persons are
                                               (q), (y)(1), and (2).                                                                                          reasonably likely to be exposed as
                                                                                                           (a) Chemical substance and
                                                  (iv) Release to water. Requirements as                                                                      required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),
                                                                                                        significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and                                                                       engineering control measures (e.g.,
                                                                                                        (1) The chemical substance identified as
                                               (c)(1).                                                                                                        enclosure or confinement of the
                                                                                                        starch, polymer with 2-propenoic acid,
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                                                                              operation, general and local ventilation)
                                                                                                        potassium salt, oxidized (PMN P–16–
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                                                                           or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                                                                                        399, CAS No. 1638117–09–5) is subject
                                               apply to this section except as modified                                                                       workplace policies and procedures)
                                                                                                        to reporting under this section for the
                                               by this paragraph.                                                                                             shall be considered and implemented to
                                                                                                        significant new uses described in
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                                                                            prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)
                                                                                                        paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
                                               requirements as specified in                                                                                   (respirators must provide a National
                                                                                                           (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                       (i) Protection in the workplace.                   Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                               applicable to manufacturers and                          Requirements as specified in                          Health (NIOSH) assigned protection
                                               processors of this substance.                            § 721.63(a)(1), (6) (particulate), When               factor (APF) of at least 10), (a)(6)(i), (v),
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                      determining which persons are                         (vi), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   reasonably likely to be exposed as                    (c).
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    required for § 721.63(a)(1) engineering                  (ii) Hazard communication.
                                               section.                                                 control measures (e.g., enclosure or                  Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                confinement of the operation, general                 through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               and local ventilation) or administrative              (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (vi), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii),
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   control measures (e.g., workplace                     (iv), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), and (g)(5).
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                             policies and procedures) shall be                     Alternative hazard and warning
                                               ■ 22. Add § 721.11042 to subpart E to                    considered and implemented to prevent                 statements that meet the criteria of the
                                               read as follows:                                         exposure, where feasible, (b)                         Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and
                                                                                                        (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).                 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
                                               § 721.11042 Nitrile-butadiene-acrylate                      (ii) Hazard communication.                         may be used.
                                               terpolymers (generic).                                                                                            (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                                                                                        Requirements as specified in
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                            § 721.72(a), (b), (c), (d), (e)                       consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               (concentration set 1.0%), (f), (g)(1)(ii),            specified in § 721.80(f) and (k) (import
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified                    (g)(2)(ii), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard            of the substance at or below the
                                               generically as nitrile-butadiene-acrylate                and warning statements that meet the                  maximum concentration specified in the
                                               terpolymers PMN P–16–364) is subject                     criteria of the Globally Harmonized                   Order).
                                               to reporting under this section for the                  System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                             (iv) Release to water. Requirements as
                                               significant new uses described in                        Communication Standard may be used.                   specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                           (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                  (c)(4) where N = 14.
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                     consumer activities. Requirements as                     (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                  (i) Hazard communication.                             specified in § 721.80(k) (Manufacture of              provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 the substance with a particulate size less            apply to this section except as modified
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                 than 30 microns) and (p) (12 months).                 by this paragraph.
                                               (f), (g)(1)(ii), (g)(2)(ii), and (g)(5).                    (b) Specific requirements. The                        (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               Alternative hazard and warning                           provisions of subpart A of this part                  requirements as specified in
                                               statements that meet the criteria of the                 apply to this section except as modified              § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are
                                               Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and                     by this paragraph.                                    applicable to manufacturers and
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                                               OSHA Hazard Communication Standard                          (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                   processors of this substance.
                                               may be used.                                             requirements as specified in                             (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                                  (ii) Industrial, commercial, and                      § 721.125(a) through (d), and (f) through             certain notification requirements. The
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     (i) are applicable to manufacturers and               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               specified in § 721.80(h), (k)                            processors of this substance.                         section.
                                               (Manufacture of the substance with a                        (2) Limitations or revocation of                      (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               particle size distribution where greater                 certain notification requirements. The                is subject to this section. The provisions

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                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                   ■ 26. Add § 721.11046 to subpart E to                 (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                             read as follows:                                      generically as alkyl alkenoic acid,
                                               ■ 25. Add § 721.11045 to subpart E to                                                                          polymer with alkenylcarbomonocycle
                                                                                                        § 721.11046      Hydroxy alkylbiphenyl                telomer with substituted alkanoic acid
                                               read as follows:                                         (generic).
                                                                                                                                                              hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl
                                               § 721.11045 2-Pentanol, 4-methyl-, reaction                 (a) Chemical substance and                         substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene
                                               products with phosphorus oxide (P2O5),                   significant new uses subject to reporting.            glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate,
                                               compounds with alkylamine (generic).                     (1) The chemical substance identified                 dialkylene glycol diheteromonocyclic
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                            generically as hydroxy alkylbiphenyl                  ether and alkylcarbomonocyclic
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.               (PMN P–16–513) is subject to reporting                alkenoate, metal salt (PMN P–16–534) is
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified as                 under this section for the significant                subject to reporting under this section
                                               generically as 2-pentanol, 4-methyl-,                    new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)                for the significant new uses described in
                                               reaction products with phosphorus                        of this section.                                      paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
                                               oxide (P2O5), compounds with                                (2) The significant new uses are:                     (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               alkylamine (PMN P–16–495) is subject                        (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                                                                                                                                                 (i) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               to reporting under this section for the                  Requirements as specified in
                                                                                                                                                              consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               significant new uses described in                        § 721.63(a)(1), (3), (4), when
                                                                                                                                                              specified in § 721.80(f) and (k). It is a
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                        determining which persons are
                                                                                                                                                              significant new use to manufacture the
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                     reasonably likely to be exposed as
                                                                                                                                                              substance such that the lowest number
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                      required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),
                                                                                                                                                              average molecular weight is less than
                                               Requirements as specified in                             engineering control measures (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                                              1,800 daltons and the carboxylic acid
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (3), when determining                    enclosure or confinement of the
                                                                                                                                                              content exceeds 20 percent).
                                               which persons are reasonably likely to                   operation, general and local ventilation)
                                                                                                                                                                 (ii) [Reserved]
                                               be exposed as required for § 721.63(a)(1)                or administrative control measures (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                                                 (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               engineering control measures (e.g.,                      workplace policies and procedures)
                                                                                                                                                              provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               enclosure or confinement of the                          shall be considered and implemented to
                                                                                                                                                              apply to this section except as modified
                                               operation, general and local ventilation)                prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)
                                                                                                                                                              by this paragraph.
                                               or administrative control measures (e.g.,                (respirators must provide a National
                                                                                                                                                                 (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               workplace policies and procedures)                       Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                                                                                                                                              requirements as specified in
                                               shall be considered and implemented to                   Health (NIOSH) assigned protection
                                                                                                                                                              § 721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are
                                               prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(6)                 factor (APF) of at least 50), (a)(6)(i), (v),
                                                                                                                                                              applicable to manufacturers and
                                               (particulate), (b) (concentration set at                 (vi), (b) (concentration set at 1.0%), and
                                                                                                                                                              processors of this substance.
                                               1.0%), and (c).                                          (c).
                                                                                                                                                                 (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                               (ii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                                                                                                                                              certain notification requirements. The
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                 consumer activities. Requirements as
                                                                                                                                                              provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                 specified in § 721.80(g) and (q).
                                                                                                           (iii) Release to water. Requirements as            section.
                                               (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (v),                                                                 (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               (g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i), and (g)(5).                  specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and
                                                                                                        (c)(4) where N = 17.                                  is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               Alternative hazard and warning                                                                                 of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               statements that meet the criteria of the                    (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                                                                        provisions of subpart A of this part                  (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and
                                                                                                        apply to this section except as modified              ■ 28. Add § 721.11048 to subpart E to
                                               OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
                                               may be used.                                             by this paragraph.                                    read as follows:
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                        (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                                                                                                                                              § 721.11048 Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     requirements as specified in                          with alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with
                                               specified in § 721.80(q) and (y)(1). A                   § 721.125(a) through (e), (i), and (k) are            substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl
                                               significant new use is any manner or                     applicable to manufacturers and                       substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl ester,
                                               method of manufacturing that results in                  processors of this substance.                         alkanediol diheteromonocyclic ether,
                                               inhalation exposure.                                        (2) Limitations or revocation of                   polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl
                                                  (iv) Release to water. Requirements as                certain notification requirements. The                alkenoate and alkylcarbomonocyclic
                                               specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and                 provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                 alkenoate, metal salt (generic).
                                               (c)(4) where N = 200.                                    section.                                                 (a) Chemical substance and
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                           (3) Determining whether a specific use             significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                     is subject to this section. The provisions            (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               apply to this section except as modified                 of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                generically as alkyl alkenoic acid,
                                               by this paragraph.                                       (a)(2)(ii) of this section.                           polymer with alkenylcarbomonocycle
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      ■ 27. Add § 721.11047 to subpart E to                 telomer with substituted alkanoic acid
                                               requirements as specified in                             read as follows:                                      hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl
                                               § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                                                                          substituted alkyl ester, alkanediol
                                                                                                        § 721.11047 Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer              diheteromonocyclic ether, polyalkylene
                                               applicable to manufacturers and
                                                                                                        with alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with
                                               processors of this substance.                                                                                  glycol alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate and
                                                                                                        substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                                                                            alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                                                                                        substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl ester,
                                               certain notification requirements. The                   polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether alkyl                 salt (PMN P–16–535) is subject to
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                    alkenoate, dialkylene glycol                          reporting under this section for the
                                               section.                                                 diheteromonocyclic ether and                          significant new uses described in
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt            paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions               (generic).                                               (2) The significant new uses are:
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                     (a) Chemical substance and                             (i) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                             significant new uses subject to reporting.            consumer activities. Requirements as

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                                               37728             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                               specified in § 721.80(f) and (k). It is a                                § 721.11049 Alkyl alkenoic acid, polymer                    (ii) [Reserved]
                                               significant new use to manufacture the                                   with bis heteromonocyclic substituted alkyl
                                                                                                                        carbomonocycle, alkenylcarbomonocycle                       (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               substance such that the lowest number                                                                                             provisions of subpart A of this part
                                                                                                                        telomer with substituted alkanoic acid
                                               average molecular weight is less than                                    hydroxyl alkyl substituted alkenyl                       apply to this section except as modified
                                               1,800 daltons and the carboxylic acid                                    substituted alkyl ester, polyalkylene glycol             by this paragraph.
                                               content exceeds 20 percent).                                             alkyl ether alkyl alkenoate and
                                                                                                                                                                                    (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                                  (ii) [Reserved]                                                       alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal salt
                                                                                                                        (generic).                                               requirements as specified in
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                                                                                                 § 721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are
                                                                                                                          (a) Chemical substance and
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part                                                                                              applicable to manufacturers and
                                                                                                                        significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               apply to this section except as modified                                                                                          processors of this substance.
                                                                                                                        (1) The chemical substance identified
                                               by this paragraph.                                                       generically as alkyl alkenoic acid,                         (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                                      polymer with bis heteromonocyclic                        certain notification requirements. The
                                               requirements as specified in                                             substituted alkyl carbomonocycle,                        provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               § 721.125(a) through (c), and (i) are                                    alkenylcarbomonocycle telomer with                       section.
                                               applicable to manufacturers and                                          substituted alkanoic acid hydroxyl alkyl                    (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               processors of this substance.                                            substituted alkenyl substituted alkyl                    is subject to this section. The provisions
                                                                                                                        ester, polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether                   of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                                  (2) Limitations or revocation of                                      alkyl alkenoate and                                      (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               certain notification requirements. The                                   alkylcarbomonocyclic alkenoate, metal
                                               provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                                    salt (PMN P–16–536) is subject to                        ■ 30. Add § 721.11050 to subpart E to
                                               section.                                                                 reporting under this section for the                     read as follows:
                                                  (3) Determining whether a specific use                                significant new uses described in                        § 721.11050 Certain functionalized
                                               is subject to this section. The provisions                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                        methacrylate-substituted polymers.
                                               of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                                     (2) The significant new uses are:
                                                                                                                          (i) Industrial, commercial, and                           (a)(1) The chemical substances listed
                                               (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                                                                                                        consumer activities. Requirements as                     in the Table of this section is subject to
                                               ■ 29. Add § 721.11049 to subpart E to                                    specified in § 721.80(f) and (k.) It is a                reporting under this section for the
                                               read as follows:                                                         significant new use to manufacture the                   significant new uses described in
                                                                                                                        substance such that the lowest number                    paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The
                                                                                                                        average molecular weight is less than                    requirements of this section do not
                                                                                                                        1,800 daltons, and the carboxylic acid                   apply to quantities of the substances
                                                                                                                        content exceeds 20 percent).                             after they have been reacted (cured).

                                                                                             TABLE—FUNCTIONALIZED METHACRYLATE-SUBSTITUTED POLYMERS
                                                                                PMN No.                                                                                      Chemical name

                                               P–16–549    ...........................................................................   Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–550    ...........................................................................   Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–551    ...........................................................................   Alkaline functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–553    ...........................................................................   Quatenary alkylamine functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–555    ...........................................................................   Neutral alcohol functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–556    ...........................................................................   Neutral alcohol functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–557    ...........................................................................   Neutral alkyl salt functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–558    ...........................................................................   Neutral alkyl salt functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–560    ...........................................................................   Neutral alkyl salt functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–561    ...........................................................................   Acid functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–562    ...........................................................................   Acid functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–563    ...........................................................................   Acid functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–564    ...........................................................................   Acid functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–565    ...........................................................................   Acid functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).
                                               P–16–567    ...........................................................................   Alkylamine functionalized methacrylate-substituted polymer (generic).

                                                 (2) The significant new uses are:                                      (particulate), (b) (concentration set at                 apply to this section except as modified
                                                 (i) Protection in the workplace.                                       1.0%), and (c).                                          by this paragraph.
                                               Requirements as specified in                                               (ii) Industrial, commercial, and                         (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (a)(3), when                           consumer activities. Requirements as                     requirements as specified in
                                               determining which persons are                                            specified in § 721.80(f) and (k)                         § 721.125(a) through (e), and (i) are
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                                       (crosslinked resin used for                              applicable to manufacturers and
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1) engineering                                  chromatographic separation of                            processors of this substance.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               control measures (e.g., enclosure or                                     biomolecules and biocatalysts). It is a                    (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               confinement of the operation, general                                    significant new use to import the                        certain notification requirements. The
                                               and local ventilation) or administrative                                 substance in any form other than                         provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               control measures (e.g., workplace                                        spherical beads with 0.1 percent less                    section.
                                               policies and procedures) shall be                                        than 10 microns
                                               considered and implemented to prevent                                                                                             ■ 31. Add § 721.11051 to subpart E to
                                                                                                                          (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               exposure, where feasible, (a)(6)                                                                                                  read as follows:
                                                                                                                        provisions of subpart A of this part

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                    37729

                                               § 721.11051 Waste plastics, poly(ethylene                                criteria of the Globally Harmonized                      shall be considered and implemented to
                                               terephthalate), depolymd. with                                           System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                             prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)
                                               polypropylene glycol ether with glycerol                                 Communication Standard may be used.                      (respirators must provide a National
                                               (3:1), polymers with alkenoic and alkanoic                                 (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                      Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                               acids (generic).
                                                                                                                        consumer activities. Requirements as                     Health (NIOSH) assigned protection
                                                  (a) Chemical substance and                                            specified in § 721.80(k) (an ultraviolet                 factor of at least 50, (a)(6)(v), (vi),
                                               significant new uses subject to reporting.                               curable coating resin). It is a significant              (particulate), (b) (concentration set at
                                               (1) The chemical substance identified                                    new use to manufacture the substance                     1.0%), and (c).
                                               generically as waste plastics,                                           with an average molecular weight less                       (ii) Hazard communication.
                                               poly(ethylene terephthalate), depolymd.                                  than 1,100 Daltons.                                      Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                               with polypropylene glycol ether with                                       (b) Specific requirements. The                         through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                               glycerol (3:1), polymers with alkenoic                                   provisions of subpart A of this part                     (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), (ix), (g)(2)(i), (ii),
                                               and alkanoic acids (PMN P–16–579) is                                     apply to this section except as modified                 (iii), (v), and (g)(5). Alternative hazard
                                               subject to reporting under this section                                  by this paragraph.                                       and warning statements that meet the
                                               for the significant new uses described in                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                       criteria of the Globally Harmonized
                                               paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                                        requirements as specified in
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                                                                                              System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard
                                                                                                                        § 721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to               Communication Standard may be used.
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                                      manufacturers and processors of this
                                               Requirements as specified in                                                                                                         (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                                                                                                        substance.                                               consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (a)(3), (4),when                                (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               determining which persons are                                                                                                     specified in § 721.80(q) and (t).
                                                                                                                        certain notification requirements. The
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                                                                                                   (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                                                                                        provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),                                                                                              provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               engineering control measures (e.g.,                                                                                               apply to this section except as modified
                                                                                                                        ■ 32. Add § 721.11052 to subpart E to                    by this paragraph.
                                               enclosure or confinement of the
                                                                                                                        read as follows:                                            (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               operation, general and local ventilation)
                                               or administrative control measures (e.g.,                                § 721.11052       1,3,5-Naphthalenetrisulfonic           requirements as specified in
                                               workplace policies and procedures)                                       acid.                                                    § 721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to
                                               shall be considered and implemented to                                     (a) Chemical substance and                             manufacturers and processors of this
                                               prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)                                 significant new uses subject to reporting.               substance.
                                               (respirators must provide a National                                     (1) The chemical substance identified as                    (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               Institute for Occupational Safety and                                    1,3,5-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid (PMN                   certain notification requirements. The
                                               Health (NIOSH) assigned protection                                       P–17–32, CAS No. 6654–64–4) is subject                   provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               factor (APF) of at least 50), (a)(6)                                     to reporting under this section for the                  section.
                                               (particulate), (b) (concentration set                                    significant new uses described in                           (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               1.0%), and (c).                                                          paragraph (a)(2) of this section.                        is subject to this section. The provisions
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                                              (2) The significant new uses are:                      of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                                   (i) Protection in the workplace.                       (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                                 Requirements as specified in                             ■ 33. Add § 721.11053 to subpart E to
                                               (f), (g)(1) (This substance may cause                                    § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iv), (a)(3), (4),            read as follows:
                                               respiratory and dermal irritation). (This                                when determining which persons are
                                               substance may cause irritation of the                                    reasonably likely to be exposed as                       § 721.11053 Certain halogenated sodium
                                               mucous membranes). (This substance                                       required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),                     benzoate salts.
                                               may cause respiratory and dermal                                         engineering control measures (e.g.,                        (a)(1) The chemical substances listed
                                               sensitization). (This substance may                                      enclosure or confinement of the                          in the Table of this section is subject to
                                               cause mutagenicity), (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii),                             operation, general and local ventilation)                reporting under this section for the
                                               (iv), (v), (g)(5). Alternative hazard and                                or administrative control measures (e.g.,                significant new uses described in
                                               warning statements that meet the                                         workplace policies and procedures)                       paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                                                                                                              TABLE—HALOGENATED SODIUM BENZOATE SALTS
                                                                                PMN No.                                                        CAS No.                                        Chemical name

                                               P–17–33   ..............................................................................             6654–64–4        Benzoic   acid,   2-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–34   ..............................................................................              499–90–1        Benzoic   acid,   4-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–36   ..............................................................................            67852–79–3        Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–38   ..............................................................................             2966–44–1        Benzoic   acid,   2-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–39   ..............................................................................            25832–58–0        Benzoic   acid,   4-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–41   ..............................................................................           522651–42–9        Benzoic   acid,   2,5-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–42   ..............................................................................              499–57–0        Benzoic   acid,   3-fluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–43   ..............................................................................             6185–28–0        Benzoic   acid,   2,6-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–45   ..............................................................................           530141–39–0        Benzoic   acid,   3,5-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–47   ..............................................................................             1765–08–8        Benzoic   acid,   2,4-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
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                                               P–17–50   ..............................................................................           522651–44–1        Benzoic   acid,   3,4-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–52   ..............................................................................          1180493–12–2        Benzoic   acid,   3,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–55   ..............................................................................           402955–41–3        Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–57   ..............................................................................           522651–48–5        Benzoic   acid,   2,4,5-trifluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–59   ..............................................................................          1604819–08–0        Benzoic   acid,   2,3-difluoro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–61   ..............................................................................            69226–41–1        Benzoic   acid,   3-(trifluoromethyl)-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–62   ..............................................................................            17264–74–3        Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–63   ..............................................................................             3686–66–6        Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1).

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                                               37730             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                 TABLE—HALOGENATED SODIUM BENZOATE SALTS—Continued
                                                                                PMN No.                                                        CAS No.                                         Chemical name

                                               P–17–64   ..............................................................................            17264–88–9         Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–66   ..............................................................................           118537–84–1         Benzoic   acid,   2,3-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–67   ..............................................................................            63891–98–5         Benzoic   acid,   2,5-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–69   ..............................................................................           154862–40–5         Benzoic   acid,   3,5-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–71   ..............................................................................            10007–84–8         Benzoic   acid,   2,6-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–72   ..............................................................................            17274–10–1         Benzoic   acid,   3,4-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–73   ..............................................................................            38402–11–8         Benzoic   acid,   2,4-dichloro-, sodium salt (1:1).
                                               P–17–75   ..............................................................................           855471–43–1         Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-4-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–76   ..............................................................................          1421761–18–3         Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-4-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–79   ..............................................................................          1382106–78–6         Benzoic   acid,   5-chloro-2-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–80   ..............................................................................          1421029–88–0         Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-3-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–83   ..............................................................................          1382106–64–0         Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-2-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–85   ..............................................................................          1938142–12–1         Benzoic   acid,   5-bromo-2-chloro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–87   ..............................................................................           938142–13–2         Benzoic   acid,   3-bromo-4-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–90   ..............................................................................          1938142–14–3         Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-5-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–91   ..............................................................................          1938142–15–4         Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-2-fluoro-, sodium salt.
                                               P–17–93   ..............................................................................          1535169–81–3         Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-3-fluoro-, sodium salt.

                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                                     an alternative to § 721.63 respirator                        (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                                      requirements may request to do so                         provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               Requirements as specified in                                             under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30                    apply to this section except as modified
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (2)(i), (iv), (a)(3), when                               requests to use the NCELs approach are                    by this paragraph.
                                               determining which persons are                                            approved by EPA will be required to                          (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                                       follow NCELs provisions comparable to                     requirements as specified in
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(4), engineering                                 those contained in the corresponding                      § 721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are
                                               control measures (e.g., enclosure or                                     TSCA section 5(e) Order.                                  applicable to manufacturers and
                                               confinement of the operation, general                                       (B) [Reserved]
                                                                                                                           (ii) Hazard communication.                             processors of this substance.
                                               and local ventilation) or administrative
                                               control measures (e.g., workplace                                        Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                     (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               policies and procedures) shall be                                        through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                  certain notification requirements. The
                                               considered and implemented to prevent                                    (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (ix),            provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)                                         (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory                  section.
                                               (respirators must provide a National                                     protection or maintain workplace                             (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               Institute for Occupational Safety and                                    airborne concentrations at or below an                    is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               Health (NIOSH) assigned protection                                       8-hour time-weighted average of 0.0184                    of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               factor of at least 50), (a)(6) (particulate),                            mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5). Alternative                (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) (concentration set at                               hazard and warning statements that
                                               1.0%), and (c).                                                          meet the criteria of the Globally                         ■ 34. Add § 721.11054 to subpart E to
                                                  (A) As an alternative to the respirator                               Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA                          read as follows:
                                               requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of                                   Hazard Communication Standard may
                                                                                                                                                                                  § 721.11054       Certain halogenated benzoic
                                               this section, a manufacturer or processor                                be used.                                                  acids
                                               may choose to follow the new chemical                                       (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed                                   consumer activities. Requirements as                        (a) The chemical substances listed in
                                               in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this                                  specified in § 721.80(k), (q) and (t). It is              the Table of this section is subject to
                                               substance. The NCEL is 0.0184 mg/m3                                      a significant new use to manufacture or                   reporting under this section for the
                                               as an 8-hour time weighted average.                                      process the substances other than for the                 significant new uses described in
                                               Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as                                      processes described in the Order.                         paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                                                                                                                        TABLE—HALOGENATED BENZOIC ACIDS
                                                                                PMN No.                                                        CAS No.                                         Chemical name

                                               P–17–35   ..............................................................................                1201–31–6      Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-.
                                               P–17–37   ..............................................................................                 433–97–6      Benzoic   acid,   2-(trifluoromethyl)-.
                                               P–17–40   ..............................................................................                2991–28–8      Benzoic   acid,   2,5-difluoro-.
                                               P–17–44   ..............................................................................                 385–00–2      Benzoic   acid,   2,6-difluoro-.
                                               P–17–46   ..............................................................................                 455–40–3      Benzoic   acid,   3,5-difluoro-.
                                               P–17–48   ..............................................................................                1583–58–0      Benzoic   acid,   2,4-difluoro-.
                                               P–17–51   ..............................................................................                 455–86–7      Benzoic   acid,   3,4-difluoro-.
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                                               P–17–53   ..............................................................................              121602–93–5      Benzoic   acid,   3,4,5-trifluoro-.
                                               P–17–54   ..............................................................................               61079–72–9      Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4-trifluoro-.
                                               P–17–56   ..............................................................................                 446–17–3      Benzoic   acid,   2,4,5-trifluoro-.
                                               P–17–58   ..............................................................................                4519–39–5      Benzoic   acid,   2,3-difluoro-.
                                               P–17–60   ..............................................................................                 454–92–2      Benzoic   acid,   3-(trifluoromethyl)-.
                                               P–17–65   ..............................................................................                  50–45–3      Benzoic   acid,   2,3-dichloro-.
                                               P–17–68   ..............................................................................                  51–36–5      Benzoic   acid,   3,5-dichloro-.
                                               P–17–70   ..............................................................................                  50–30–6      Benzoic   acid,   2,6-dichloro-.

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                      37731

                                                                                                               TABLE—HALOGENATED BENZOIC ACIDS—Continued
                                                                                    PMN No.                                                        CAS No.                                         Chemical name

                                               P–17–74       ..............................................................................                2252–51–9      Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-4-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–77       ..............................................................................                 394–30–9      Benzoic   acid,   5-chloro-2-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–78       ..............................................................................                 403–16–7      Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-4-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–81       ..............................................................................                 403–17–8      Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-3-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–82       ..............................................................................                 446–30–0      Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-2-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–84       ..............................................................................               21739–92–4      Benzoic   acid,   5-bromo-2-chloro-.
                                               P–17–88       ..............................................................................               11007–16–5      Benzoic   acid,   3-bromo-4-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–89       ..............................................................................                 394–28–5      Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-5-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–92       ..............................................................................              153556–42–4      Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-3-fluoro-.
                                               P–17–97       ..............................................................................              112704–79–7      Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-2-fluoro-.

                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                                         an alternative to § 721.63 respirator                        (b) Specific requirements. The
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                                          requirements may request to do so                         provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               Requirements as specified in                                                 under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30                    apply to this section except as modified
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (v), (a)(3), (4),                                 requests to use the NCELs approach are                    by this paragraph.
                                               when determining which persons are                                           approved by EPA will be required to                          (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                                           follow NCELs provisions comparable to                     requirements as specified in
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),                                         those contained in the corresponding                      § 721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are
                                               engineering control measures (e.g.,                                          TSCA section 5(e) Order.                                  applicable to manufacturers and
                                               enclosure or confinement of the                                                 (B) [Reserved]
                                                                                                                               (ii) Hazard communication.                             processors of this substance.
                                               operation, general and local ventilation)
                                               or administrative control measures (e.g.,                                    Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                     (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               workplace policies and procedures)                                           through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                  certain notification requirements. The
                                               shall be considered and implemented to                                       (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (ix),            provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)                                     (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory                  section.
                                               (respirators must provide a National                                         protection or maintain workplace                             (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               Institute for Occupational Safety and                                        airborne concentrations at or below an                    is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               Health (NIOSH) assigned protection                                           8-hour time-weighted average of 0.0184                    of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               factor of at least 50, (a)(6) (particulate),                                 mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), and (g)(5). Alternative                (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b) (concentration set at                                   hazard and warning statements that
                                               1.0%), and (c).                                                              meet the criteria of the Globally                         ■ 35. Add § 721.11055 to subpart E to
                                                  (A) As an alternative to the respirator                                   Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA                          read as follows:
                                               requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of                                       Hazard Communication Standard may
                                                                                                                                                                                      § 721.11055 Certain halogenated benzoic
                                               this section, a manufacturer or processor                                    be used.                                                  acids ethyl esters.
                                               may choose to follow the new chemical                                           (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed                                       consumer activities. Requirements as                        (a) The chemical substances listed in
                                               in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this                                      specified in § 721.80(q) and (t). It is a                 the Table of this section is subject to
                                               substance. The NCEL is 0.0184 mg/m3                                          significant new use to manufacture or                     reporting under this section for the
                                               as an 8-hour time weighted average.                                          process the substances other than for the                 significant new uses described in
                                               Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as                                          processes described in the Order.                         paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                                                                                                              TABLE—HALOGENATED BENZOIC ACID ETHYL ESTERS
                                                                                    PMN No.                                                        CAS No.                                         Chemical name

                                               P–17–94 ..............................................................................                 122894–73–9         Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–95 ..............................................................................                    583–02–8         Benzoic   acid,   4-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–96 ..............................................................................                    577–62–8         Benzoic   acid,   2-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–98 ..............................................................................                  19064–14–3         Benzoic   acid,   2,6-difluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–99 ..............................................................................                    708–25–8         Benzoic   acid,   2,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–100 ............................................................................                  351354–50–2         Benzoic   acid,   2,3,4-trifluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–101 ............................................................................                  351354–50–2         Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-5-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–102 ............................................................................                     350–19–6         Benzoic   acid,   3,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–103 ............................................................................                   76008–73–6         Benzoic   acid,   5-bromo-2-chloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–104 ............................................................................                    1128–76–3         Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–105 ............................................................................                    7335–25–3         Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–114 ............................................................................                  137521–81–4         Benzoic   acid,   3-chloro-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–122 ............................................................................                  474709–71–2         Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–123 ............................................................................                  144267–97–0         Benzoic   acid,   2-bromo-4,5-difluoro-, ethyl ester.
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                                               P–17–124 ............................................................................                 1130165–74–0         Benzoic   acid,   4-bromo-3-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–125 ............................................................................                   23233–33–2         Benzoic   acid,   3-bromo-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–126 ............................................................................                    4793–20–8         Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–127 ............................................................................                   35112–27–7         Benzoic   acid,   2,5-dichloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–128 ............................................................................                  203573–08–4         Benzoic   acid,   4-chloro-3-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–129 ............................................................................                  167758–87–4         Benzoic   acid,   2-chloro-4-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–130 ............................................................................                  773139–56–3         Benzoic   acid,   5-chloro-2-fluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–131 ............................................................................                  108928–00–3         Benzoic   acid,   2,4-difluoro-, ethyl ester.

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                                               37732             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                              TABLE—HALOGENATED BENZOIC ACID ETHYL ESTERS—Continued
                                                                                PMN No.                                                        CAS No.                                         Chemical name

                                               P–17–132    ............................................................................              144267–96–9      Benzoic   acid,   3,4-difluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–133    ............................................................................              495405–09–9      Benzoic   acid,   3,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–134    ............................................................................              351354–41–1      Benzoic   acid,   2,4,5-trifluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–135    ............................................................................               76783–59–0      Benzoic   acid,   3-(trifluoromethyl)-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–136    ............................................................................              773134–65–9      Benzoic   acid,   2,3-difluoro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–137    ............................................................................               81055–73–4      Benzoic   acid,   2,6-dichloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–138    ............................................................................               91085–56–2      Benzoic   acid,   3,5-dichloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–139    ............................................................................               56882–52–1      Benzoic   acid,   2,4-dichloro-, ethyl ester.
                                               P–17–140    ............................................................................               28394–58–3      Benzoic   acid,   3,4-dichloro-, ethyl ester.

                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                                     specified in § 721.80(q) and (t). It is a                 through (e) (concentration set 1.0%), (f),
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                                      significant new use to manufacture or                     (g)(1)(ix), (The substance may react
                                               Requirements as specified in                                             process the substances other than for                     violently with water, (This substance
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (v), (a)(3), (4),                             processes described in the Order.                         may cause skin irritation and corrosion),
                                               when determining which persons are                                          (iv) Release to water. Requirements as                 (This substance may cause respiratory
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                                       specified in § 721.90(a)(4), (b)(4), and                  complications, irritation, and corrosion),
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1) and (4),                                     (c)(4) where N = 15 ppb.                                  (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (When using this
                                               engineering control measures (e.g.,                                         (b) Specific requirements. The                         substance use in closed system to
                                               enclosure or confinement of the                                          provisions of subpart A of this part                      prevent any inhalation exposure),
                                               operation, general and local ventilation)                                apply to this section except as modified                  (When using this substance use skin and
                                               or administrative control measures (e.g.,                                by this paragraph.                                        eye protection), and (g)(5). Alternative
                                               workplace policies and procedures)                                          (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                       hazard and warning statements that
                                               shall be considered and implemented to                                   requirements as specified in                              meet the criteria of the Globally
                                               prevent exposure, where feasible, (a)(5)                                 § 721.125(a) through (i) and (k) are                      Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA
                                               (respirators must provide a National                                     applicable to manufacturers and                           Hazard Communication Standard may
                                               Institute for Occupational Safety and                                    processors of this substance.                             be used.
                                               Health (NIOSH) assigned protection                                          (2) Limitations or revocation of                          (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               factor of at least 1000), (a)(6)                                         certain notification requirements. The                    consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               (particulate), (a)(6)(v), (vi), (b)                                      provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                     specified in § 721.80(c) (It is a
                                               (concentration set at 1.0%), and (c).                                    section.                                                  significant new use to process the
                                                                                                                           (3) Determining whether a specific use                 substance in manner that results in
                                                  (A) As an alternative to the respirator
                                                                                                                        is subject to this section. The provisions                inhalation exposure.), (f), and (p) (8
                                               requirements in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of
                                                                                                                        of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph                    months).
                                               this section, a manufacturer or processor
                                                                                                                        (a)(2)(iii) of this section.                                 (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               may choose to follow the new chemical
                                               exposure limit (NCEL) provision listed                                   ■ 36. Add § 721.11056 to subpart E to                     provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               in the TSCA section 5(e) Order for this                                  read as follows:                                          apply to this section except as modified
                                               substance. The NCEL is 0.0184 mg/m3                                                                                                by this paragraph.
                                                                                                                        § 721.11056 Neodymium aluminium alkyl                        (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               as an 8-hour time weighted average.                                      polymer complexes (generic).
                                                                                                                                                                                  requirements as specified in
                                               Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as                                        (a) Chemical substance and                              § 721.125(a) through (i) are applicable to
                                               an alternative to § 721.63 respirator                                    significant new uses subject to reporting.                manufacturers and processors of this
                                               requirements may request to do so                                        (1) The chemical substance identified                     substance.
                                               under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30                                   generically as neodymium aluminium                           (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               requests to use the NCELs approach are                                   alkyl polymer complexes (PMN P–17–                        certain notification requirements. The
                                               approved by EPA will be required to                                      198) is subject to reporting under this                   provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               follow NCELs provisions comparable to                                    section for the significant new uses                      section.
                                               those contained in the corresponding                                     described in paragraph (a)(2) of this                        (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                               TSCA section 5(e) Order.                                                 section.                                                  is subject to this section. The provisions
                                                  (B) [Reserved]                                                          (2) The significant new uses are:                       of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                                              (i) Protection in the workplace.                        (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                                 Requirements as specified in                              ■ 37. Add § 721.11057 to subpart E to
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),                                 § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (a)(3),           read as follows:
                                               (f), (g)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (ix),                           when determining which persons are
                                               (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (use respiratory                                 reasonably likely to be exposed as                        § 721.11057 Fatty acid amide alkyl amine
                                               protection or maintain workplace                                         required for § 721.63(a)(1), engineering                  salts (generic).
                                               airborne concentrations at or below an                                   control measures (e.g., enclosure or                        (a) Chemical substance and
                                               8-hour time-weighted average of 0.0184                                   confinement of the operation, general                     significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                               mg/m3), (g)(2)(v), (g)(3)(i), (ii), (g)(4)(i),                           and local ventilation) or administrative                  (1) The chemical substances identified
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES2

                                               and (g)(5). Alternative hazard and                                       control measures (e.g., workplace                         generically as fatty acid amide alkyl
                                               warning statements that meet the                                         policies and procedures) shall be                         amine salts (PMN P–17–272, P–17–273,
                                               criteria of the Globally Harmonized                                      considered and implemented to prevent                     P–17–274, P–17–275, P–17–276 and P–
                                               System (GHS) and OSHA Hazard                                             exposure, where feasible, (b)                             17–277) are subject to reporting under
                                               Communication Standard may be used.                                      (concentration set 1.0%), and (c).                        this section for the significant new uses
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and                                       (ii) Hazard communication.                              described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                                     Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)                  section. The requirements of this section

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 1, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                               37733

                                               do not apply to quantities of the                        § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are                    (ii) Hazard communication.
                                               substances after they have been reacted                  applicable to manufacturers and                       Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                               (cured).                                                 processors of this substance.                         through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                                  (2) The significant new uses are:                        (2) Limitations or revocation of                   (f), (g)(1) (skin irritation), (respiratory
                                                  (i) Protection in the workplace.                      certain notification requirements. The                complication), (internal organ effect),
                                               Requirements as specified in                             provisions of § 721.185 apply to this                 (systemic effect), (sensitization),
                                               § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3).          section.                                              (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii),
                                               When determining which persons are                          (3) Determining whether a specific use             (g)(4)(i), (iii), and (g)(5). Alternative
                                               reasonably likely to be exposed as                       is subject to this section. The provisions
                                                                                                                                                              hazard and warning statements that
                                               required for § 721.63(a)(1) engineering                  of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                                                                                                                                              meet the criteria of the Globally
                                               control measures (e.g., enclosure or                     (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                                                                                                                                              Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA
                                               confinement of the operation, general                    ■ 38. Add § 721.11058 to subpart E to
                                               and local ventilation) or administrative                                                                       Hazard Communication Standard may
                                                                                                        read as follows:
                                               control measures (e.g., workplace                                                                              be used.
                                               policies and procedures) shall be                        § 721.11058 Fatty acid amide alkyl amine                 (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               considered and implemented to prevent                    salts (generic).                                      consumer activities. Requirements as
                                               exposure, where feasible.                                  (a) Chemical substance and                          specified in § 721.80(k), and (y)(1).
                                                  (ii) Hazard communication.                            significant new uses subject to reporting.
                                                                                                        (1) The chemical substances identified                   (iv) Release to water. Requirements as
                                               Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a)
                                                                                                        generically as fatty acid amide alkyl                 specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and
                                               through (e) (concentration set at 1.0%),
                                                                                                        amine salts (PMN P–17–278, P–17–279                   (c)(1).
                                               (f), (g)(1) (skin irritation), (respiratory
                                               complication), (internal organ effect),                  and P–17–280) are subject to reporting                   (b) Specific requirements. The
                                               (systemic effect), (sensitization),                      under this section for the significant                provisions of subpart A of this part
                                               (g)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (v), (g)(3)(i), (ii),            new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)                apply to this section except as modified
                                               (g)(4)(i), (iii), and (g)(5). Alternative                of this section. The requirements of this             by this paragraph.
                                               hazard and warning statements that                       section do not apply to quantities of the
                                                                                                                                                                 (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping
                                               meet the criteria of the Globally                        substances after they have been reacted
                                                                                                                                                              requirements as specified in
                                               Harmonized System (GHS) and OSHA                         (cured).
                                                                                                          (2) The significant new uses are:                   § 721.125(a) through (i), and (k) are
                                               Hazard Communication Standard may                                                                              applicable to manufacturers and
                                               be used.                                                   (i) Protection in the workplace.
                                                                                                        Requirements as specified in                          processors of this substance.
                                                  (iii) Industrial, commercial, and
                                               consumer activities. Requirements as                     § 721.63(a)(1), (a)(2)(i), (iii), (iv), (a)(3).          (2) Limitations or revocation of
                                               specified in § 721.80(k), and (y)(1).                    When determining which persons are                    certain notification requirements. The
                                                  (iv) Release to water. Requirements as                reasonably likely to be exposed as                    provisions of § 721.185 apply to this
                                               specified in § 721.90(a)(1), (b)(1), and                 required for § 721.63(a)(1) engineering               section.
                                               (c)(1).                                                  control measures (e.g., enclosure or
                                                                                                                                                                 (3) Determining whether a specific use
                                                  (b) Specific requirements. The                        confinement of the operation, general
                                                                                                        and local ventilation) or administrative              is subject to this section. The provisions
                                               provisions of subpart A of this part
                                                                                                        control measures (e.g., workplace                     of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to paragraph
                                               apply to this section except as modified
                                                                                                        policies and procedures) shall be                     (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
                                               by this paragraph.
                                                  (1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping                      considered and implemented to prevent                 [FR Doc. 2018–15995 Filed 7–31–18; 8:45 am]
                                               requirements as specified in                             exposure, where feasible.                             BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
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Document Created: 2018-08-01 01:22:40
Document Modified: 2018-08-01 01:22:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionDirect final rule.
DatesThis rule is effective on October 1, 2018. For purposes of judicial review, this rule shall be promulgated at 1 p.m. (e.s.t.) on August 15, 2018.
ContactFor technical information contact: Kenneth Moss, Chemical Control Division (7405M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington,
FR Citation83 FR 37702 
RIN Number2070-AB27
CFR Citation40 CFR 721
40 CFR 9
CFR AssociatedChemicals; Hazardous Substances; Environmental Protection and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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