83_FR_37977 83 FR 37828 - Notice of Hearing (Notice of Evidentiary Hearing and Opportunity To Provide Oral, Written, and Audio-Recorded Limited Appearance Statements); In the Matter of Crow Butte Resources, Inc. (Marsland Expansion Area)

83 FR 37828 - Notice of Hearing (Notice of Evidentiary Hearing and Opportunity To Provide Oral, Written, and Audio-Recorded Limited Appearance Statements); In the Matter of Crow Butte Resources, Inc. (Marsland Expansion Area)


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 149 (August 2, 2018)

Page Range37828-37830
FR Document2018-16546

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 149 (Thursday, August 2, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 149 (Thursday, August 2, 2018)]
[Pages 37828-37830]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-16546]



[Docket No. 40-8943-MLA-2; ASLBP No. 13-926-01-MLA-BD01]

Notice of Hearing (Notice of Evidentiary Hearing and Opportunity 
To Provide Oral, Written, and Audio-Recorded Limited Appearance 
Statements); In the Matter of Crow Butte Resources, Inc. (Marsland 
Expansion Area)

July 27, 2018.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Before the Licensing Board: G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Chairman, Dr. 
Richard E. Wardwell, Dr. Thomas J. Hirons

    The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hereby gives notice that it 
will convene an evidentiary hearing to receive testimony and exhibits 
in this proceeding regarding intervenor Oglala Sioux Tribe's (OST) 
challenge to the May 2012 application of Crow Butte Resources, Inc., 
(CBR) seeking to amend the existing 10 CFR part 40 source materials 
license for its Crow Butte in situ uranium recovery (ISR) site to 
authorize CBR to operate a satellite ISR facility within the Marsland 
Expansion Area (MEA) in Dawes County, Nebraska. The evidentiary hearing 
will concern OST's admitted Contention 2, which raises hydrogeological-
related environmental and safety matters regarding the proposed license 
amendment. In addition, the Board gives notice that, in accordance with 
10 CFR 2.315(a) and the procedures specified below, it will entertain 
oral, written, and audio-recorded limited appearance statements from 
members of the public in connection with the issues raised by 
Contention 2.

A. Matters To Be Considered

    As set forth by the Licensing Board in a July 20, 2018 issuance, 
OST Contention 2 provides as follows:

OST Contention 2: Failure to Include Adequate Hydrogeological 
Information to Demonstrate Ability to Contain Fluid Migration
    The application and final environmental assessment fail to 
provide sufficient information regarding the geological setting of 
the area to meet the requirements of 10 CFR part 40, Appendix A, 
Criteria 4(e) and 5G(2); the National Environmental Policy Act; and 
NUREG-1569 section 2.6. The application and final environmental 
assessment similarly fail to provide sufficient information to 
establish potential effects of the project on the adjacent surface 
and ground-water resources, as required by NUREG-1569 section 2.7, 
and the National Environmental Policy Act.

LBP-18-3, 88 NRC __, __(slip op. at 43) (July 20, 2018). This issue 
will be the

[[Page 37829]]

subject matter of the evidentiary hearing and should be the focus of 
any limited appearance statements.\1\

    \1\ As the Board also indicated in its July 2018 issuance, LBP-
18-3, 88 NRC at __(slip op. at 43), the scope of the safety and 
environmental concerns encompassed by this contention include the 
following: (1) The adequacy of the descriptions of the affected 
environment for establishing the potential effects of the proposed 
MEA operation on the adjacent surface water and groundwater 
resources; (2) exclusively as a safety concern, the absence in the 
applicant's technical report, in accord with NUREG-1569 section 2.7, 
of a description of the effective porosity, hydraulic porosity, 
hydraulic conductivity, and hydraulic gradient of site hydrogeology, 
along with other information relative to the control and prevention 
of excursions such as transmissivity and storativity; (3) the 
failure to develop, in accord with NUREG-1569 section 2.7, an 
acceptable conceptual model of site hydrology that is adequately 
supported by site characterization data so as to demonstrate with 
scientific confidence that the area hydrogeology, including 
horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity, will result in the 
confinement of extraction fluids and expected operational and 
restoration performance; and (4) whether the final EA contains 
unsubstantiated assumptions as to the isolation of the aquifers in 
the ore-bearing zones.

B. Date, Time, and Location of Evidentiary Hearing

    The Board will convene an evidentiary hearing conducted in accord 
with the procedures set forth in 10 CFR part 2, subpart L, regarding 
the environmental and safety matters specified in section A above on 
the following date at the specified location and time:
    Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018.
    Time: 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time (MT).
    Location: Crawford Community Building, 1005 1st Street, Crawford, 

The hearing will continue from day-to-day until concluded. CBR, the NRC 
staff, and OST will be parties to the hearing and will sponsor 
witnesses and evidentiary material.
    Any member of the public who plans to attend the hearing is advised 
that security measures may be employed at the entrance to the room 
where the hearing will take place, including searches of hand-carried 
items such as briefcases or backpacks, and is reminded to arrive in 
sufficient time to allow for security screening. Items that could 
readily be used as weapons will not be permitted in the room where the 
evidentiary hearing sessions will be held. Also, during the evidentiary 
hearing session no signs will be permitted in the hearing room.

C. Date, Time, and Location of Oral Limited Appearance Statement 

    A 10 CFR 2.315(a) oral limited appearance session regarding the MEA 
ISR proceeding will be held on the following date at the specified 
location and time:
    Date: Sunday, October 28, 2018 (if there is sufficient interest).
    Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MT.
    Location: Scottsbluff Room, Chadron State College Student Center, 
1000 Main Street, Chadron, Nebraska.

D. Participation Guidelines for Oral Limited Appearance Statements

    Any person not a party, or the representative of a party, to this 
proceeding will be permitted to make an oral statement setting forth 
his or her position on matters of concern relating to the proceeding. 
Although these statements do not constitute testimony or evidence, they 
nonetheless may help the Licensing Board and/or the parties in their 
consideration of the matters of concern in this proceeding relating to 
OST Contention 2.
    Oral limited appearance statements will be entertained during the 
hours specified in section C above, or such lesser period as may be 
necessary to accommodate the speakers who are present. In this regard, 
if all scheduled and unscheduled speakers present at the session have 
made a presentation, the Licensing Board reserves the right to 
terminate the session before the ending time listed in section C above. 
The Board also reserves the right to cancel the Sunday afternoon 
session scheduled above if there has not been a sufficient showing of 
public interest as reflected by the number of preregistered speakers.
    Any member of the public who plans to attend the limited appearance 
session is strongly advised to arrive early to allow time to pass 
through any security measures that may be employed. Attendees are also 
requested not to bring any unnecessary hand-carried items, such as 
packages, briefcases, backpacks, or other items that might need to be 
examined individually. Items that could readily be used as weapons will 
not be permitted in the room where this session will be held. During 
the oral limited appearance session, signs no larger than 18 inches by 
18 inches will be permitted, but may not be attached to sticks, held 
over one's head, or moved about in the room.
    The time allotted for each limited appearance statement normally 
will be no more than five minutes, but to ensure everyone will have an 
opportunity to speak, may be further limited depending on the number of 
written requests to make an oral statement that are submitted in 
accordance with section E below and/or the number of persons present at 
the designated times.

E. Submitting a Request To Make an Oral Limited Appearance Statement

    A person wishing to make an oral statement who has submitted a 
timely written request to do so will be given priority over those who 
have not filed such a request. To be considered timely, a written 
request to make an oral statement must either be mailed, faxed, or sent 
by email so as to be received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on Monday, 
October 12, 2018. Based on its review of the requests received by 
October 12, 2018, the Licensing Board may decide that the Sunday 
afternoon session will not be held due to lack of adequate interest in 
that session. Written requests to make an oral limited appearance 
received after Monday, October 12, 2018, will be honored to the extent 
    Written requests to make an oral statement should be submitted to:

Mail: Administrative Judge G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Atomic Safety and 
Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop T-3A02, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Fax: (301) 415-5205 (verification (301) 415-5277).
Email: paul.bollwerk@nrc.gov and sarah.ladin@nrc.gov.

F. Submitting Written Limited Appearance Statements

    As provided in 10 CFR 2.315(a), any person not a party, or the 
representative of a party, to the proceeding may submit a written 
statement setting forth his or her position on matters of concern 
relating to this proceeding. Although these statements do not 
constitute testimony or evidence, they nonetheless may help the Board 
or the parties in their consideration of the matters of concern in this 
proceeding relating to OST Contention 2.
    A written limited appearance statement may be submitted at any 
time, however, for the statement to be the most helpful to the Board 
and parties relative to the evidentiary hearing on Contention 2, it 
should be submitted so as to be received by Wednesday, October 24, 
2018. The written limited statement should be sent to the Office of the 
Secretary using one of the methods prescribed below:

Mail: Office of the Secretary, Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff, 
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Fax: (301) 415-1101 (verification (301) 415-1677).
Email: hearingdocket@nrc.gov.

[[Page 37830]]

In addition, using the same method of service, a copy of the written 
limited appearance statement should be sent to the Licensing Board 
Chairman as follows:

Mail: Administrative Judge G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Atomic Safety and 
Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop T-3A02, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Fax: (301) 415-5599 (verification (301) 415-6094).
Email: paul.bollwerk@nrc.gov and sarah.ladin@nrc.gov.

G. Submitting Audio-Recorded Limited Appearance Statements

    As provided in 10 CFR 2.315(a), any person not a party, or the 
representative of a party, to the proceeding may submit an audio-
recorded statement setting forth his or her position on matters of 
concern relating to this proceeding. Although these statements do not 
constitute testimony or evidence, they nonetheless may help the Board 
or the parties in their consideration of the matters of concern in this 
proceeding relating to OST Contention 2.
    To ensure that the Licensing Board members will have the 
opportunity to review an audio-recorded limited appearance statements 
prior to the beginning of the evidentiary hearing, an audio-recorded 
limited appearance statement must be submitted so that it is received 
by Friday, October 12, 2018. All recordings must conform to the 
directions below in order for the Board and parties to consider the 
information and concerns contained therein. All audio-recorded limited 
appearance statements will be transcribed by a court reporter and 
included in the docket of this proceeding.

1. Size

    Due to technical constraints, all audio-recorded limited appearance 
statements submitted must be no more than 15 minutes in length.

2. Format and Submission

    Audio-recorded limited appearance statements may be sent to the 
Board one of two ways. An audio-recorded limited appearance statement 
may be sent by email to paul.bollwerk@nrc.gov as an attachment. The 
total size of the email cannot exceed 17 megabytes (MB). The attached 
file must be sent as an .mp3, .mp4, or .dss file.
    An audio-recorded limited appearance statement may also be sent by 
mail on either a compact disc (CD) or digital versatile disc (DVD) to:

Mail: Administrative Judge G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Atomic Safety and 
Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop T-3A02, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

H. Availability of Documentary Information Regarding the Proceeding

    The CBR application and license and various staff documents 
relating to the application are available on the NRC website at https://www.nrc.gov/info-finder/materials/uranium/licensed-facilities/crow-butte.html.\2\ These and other documents relating to this proceeding 
also are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public 
Document Room (PDR), located at One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville 
Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland, or electronically from the 
publicly-available records component of NRC's document system (ADAMS) 
at www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading 
Room), including the agency's Electronic Hearing Docket, https://adams.nrc.gov/ehd/ (under Docket No. 40-8943-MLA-2). Persons who do not 
have access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in accessing the 
documents located in ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR reference staff 
by telephone at (800) 397-4209 or (301) 415-4737 (available between 
8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except federal 
holidays), or by email to pdr@nrc.gov.

    \2\ On May 24, 2018, the staff notified the Board that, in 
accordance with 10 CFR 2.1202(a), the CBR license amendment license 
had been issued, effective immediately. See Letter from Emily 
Monteith, NRC Staff Counsel, to Licensing Board at 1 (May 24, 2018). 
Although section 2.1213(a) afforded OST the opportunity to seek a 
stay of this staff action, no such request was filed. Nonetheless, 
the CBR license amendment is subject to any merits determinations 
the Board might make relative to OST's pending contention.

I. Information Updates to Schedule

    Any updates or revisions to the evidentiary hearing schedule or the 
schedule for the limited appearance session can be found on the NRC 
website at www.nrc.gov/public-involve/public-meetings/index.cfm, or by 
calling (800) 368-5642, extension 5036 (available between 7:00 a.m. and 
9:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except federal holidays), or by 
calling (301) 415-5036 (available seven days a week, twenty-four hours 
a day).
    It is so ordered.

    For the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.

    Rockville, Maryland, July 27, 2018.
George P. Bollwerk III,
Chairman, Administrative Judge.
[FR Doc. 2018-16546 Filed 8-1-18; 8:45 am]

                                               37828                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                               DATE AND TIME:                                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                                                  August 14, 2018; 12:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.                COMMISSION                                            COMMISSION
                                                  August 15, 2018; 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.                                                                       [Docket No. 40–8943–MLA–2; ASLBP No.
                                                                                                       [Docket No. 40–8943–MLA–2; ASLBP No.                  13–926–01–MLA–BD01]
                                               PLACE: National Science Foundation,                     13–926–01–MLA–BD01]
                                               2415 Eisenhower Ave. Alexandria, VA                                                                           Notice of Hearing (Notice of
                                               22314.                                                  Notice (Regarding Weapons at Atomic                   Evidentiary Hearing and Opportunity
                                                                                                       Safety and Licensing Board                            To Provide Oral, Written, and Audio-
                                               MEETING INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                             Recorded Limited Appearance
                                                                                                       Proceeding); In the Matter of Crow
                                               www.nsf.gov/mps/advisory.jsp.                                                                                 Statements); In the Matter of Crow
                                                                                                       Butte Resources, Inc. (Marsland
                                               TYPE OF MEETING:      Open.                             Expansion Area)                                       Butte Resources, Inc. (Marsland
                                                                                                                                                             Expansion Area)
                                               CONTACT PERSON:  Christopher Coox,                      July 27, 2018.
                                               National Science Foundation, 2415                                                                             July 27, 2018.
                                                                                                       Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
                                               Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA                         Before the Licensing Board: G. Paul Bollwerk,         Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
                                               22314; Telephone: 703.292.5137; Email:                                                                        Before the Licensing Board: G. Paul Bollwerk,
                                                                                                            III, Chairman, Dr. Richard E. Wardwell,            III, Chairman, Dr. Richard E. Wardwell, Dr.
                                               ccoox@nsf.gov.                                               Dr. Thomas J. Hirons                               Thomas J. Hirons
                                               PURPOSE OF MEETING:   To provide advice,                  Notice is hereby given that the rules                  The Atomic Safety and Licensing
                                               recommendations, and counsel on major                   and policies regarding the possession of              Board hereby gives notice that it will
                                               goals and policies pertaining to                        weapons in United States Courthouses                  convene an evidentiary hearing to
                                               mathematical and physical sciences                      and United States Federal Buildings in                receive testimony and exhibits in this
                                               programs and activities.                                the State of Nebraska shall apply to all              proceeding regarding intervenor Oglala
                                               Agenda                                                  proceedings conducted in governmental                 Sioux Tribe’s (OST) challenge to the
                                                                                                       or private facilities in Nebraska by the              May 2012 application of Crow Butte
                                               Tuesday, August 14, 2018                                Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of                  Resources, Inc., (CBR) seeking to amend
                                                                                                       the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                           the existing 10 CFR part 40 source
                                               • Meeting opening, FACA briefing,                                                                             materials license for its Crow Butte in
                                                 introductions, and approval of                        Commission.
                                                                                                                                                             situ uranium recovery (ISR) site to
                                                 previous meeting minutes                                Accordingly, no person other than                   authorize CBR to operate a satellite ISR
                                               • MPS update                                            federal law enforcement personnel or                  facility within the Marsland Expansion
                                                                                                       law enforcement personnel from the                    Area (MEA) in Dawes County, Nebraska.
                                               • Big Ideas: Quantum Leap: Leading the                  Dawes County Sheriff’s Department, or                 The evidentiary hearing will concern
                                                 Next Quantum Revolution                               any other authorized Nebraska state or                OST’s admitted Contention 2, which
                                               • Big Ideas: Windows on the Universe:                   local law enforcement organization,                   raises hydrogeological-related
                                                 The Era of Multi-Messenger                            while performing official duties, shall               environmental and safety matters
                                                 Astrophysics                                          wear or otherwise carry a firearm, edged              regarding the proposed license
                                               • Preparation for meeting with the NSF                  weapon, impact weapon, electronic                     amendment. In addition, the Board
                                                 Director and Chief Operating Officer                  control device, chemical weapon,                      gives notice that, in accordance with 10
                                                 (COO)                                                 ammunition, or other dangerous                        CFR 2.315(a) and the procedures
                                                                                                       weapon into the limited appearance                    specified below, it will entertain oral,
                                               Wednesday, August 15, 2018                              session scheduled at the Chadron State                written, and audio-recorded limited
                                                                                                       College Student Center in Chadron,                    appearance statements from members of
                                               • Meeting opening and FACA briefing                                                                           the public in connection with the issues
                                                                                                       Nebraska, on Sunday, October 28, 2018,
                                               • Update: Sexual Harassment                                                                                   raised by Contention 2.
                                                                                                       or the evidentiary hearing scheduled to
                                               • Big Ideas: Harnessing the Data                        begin on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, at                A. Matters To Be Considered
                                                 Revolution                                            the Crawford Community Building in                       As set forth by the Licensing Board in
                                               • Big Ideas: Understanding the Rules of                 Crawford, Nebraska.                                   a July 20, 2018 issuance, OST
                                                 Life: Predicting Phenotype                              This notice does not apply to state or              Contention 2 provides as follows:
                                               • Discussion: Synthetic Biology                         local law enforcement officers                        OST Contention 2: Failure to Include
                                               • Update from MPSAC sub-committee                       responding to a call for assistance from                   Adequate Hydrogeological Information
                                                                                                       within the Chadron State College                           to Demonstrate Ability to Contain Fluid
                                                 on the Physics Frontiers Centers                                                                                 Migration
                                                 Program                                               Student Center or the Crawford
                                                                                                                                                               The application and final environmental
                                                                                                       Community Building.
                                               • Discussion with NSF Director and                                                                            assessment fail to provide sufficient
                                                 COO                                                     For the Atomic Safety and Licensing                 information regarding the geological setting
                                                                                                       Board.                                                of the area to meet the requirements of 10
                                               • Wrap up and opportunity for public                      Dated: Rockville, Maryland, July 27, 2018.          CFR part 40, Appendix A, Criteria 4(e) and
                                                 Q&A/comments                                                                                                5G(2); the National Environmental Policy
                                                                                                       George P. Bollwerk III,                               Act; and NUREG–1569 section 2.6. The
                                                 Dated: July 30, 2018.                                 Chairman, Administrative Judge.                       application and final environmental
                                               Crystal Robinson,                                                                                             assessment similarly fail to provide sufficient
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–16545 Filed 8–1–18; 8:45 am]
                                               Committee Management Officer.                                                                                 information to establish potential effects of
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                                                                                                                             the project on the adjacent surface and
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–16551 Filed 8–1–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                             ground-water resources, as required by
                                               BILLING CODE 7555–01–P                                                                                        NUREG–1569 section 2.7, and the National
                                                                                                                                                             Environmental Policy Act.
                                                                                                                                                             LBP–18–3, 88 NRC __, __(slip op. at 43)
                                                                                                                                                             (July 20, 2018). This issue will be the

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:06 Aug 01, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00046   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\02AUN1.SGM   02AUN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices                                          37829

                                               subject matter of the evidentiary hearing                 Date: Sunday, October 28, 2018 (if                  E. Submitting a Request To Make an
                                               and should be the focus of any limited                  there is sufficient interest).                        Oral Limited Appearance Statement
                                               appearance statements.1                                   Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MT.                      A person wishing to make an oral
                                               B. Date, Time, and Location of                            Location: Scottsbluff Room, Chadron                 statement who has submitted a timely
                                               Evidentiary Hearing                                     State College Student Center, 1000 Main               written request to do so will be given
                                                  The Board will convene an                            Street, Chadron, Nebraska.                            priority over those who have not filed
                                               evidentiary hearing conducted in accord                                                                       such a request. To be considered timely,
                                               with the procedures set forth in 10 CFR                 D. Participation Guidelines for Oral                  a written request to make an oral
                                               part 2, subpart L, regarding the                        Limited Appearance Statements                         statement must either be mailed, faxed,
                                               environmental and safety matters                                                                              or sent by email so as to be received by
                                                                                                          Any person not a party, or the                     5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on Monday,
                                               specified in section A above on the                     representative of a party, to this
                                               following date at the specified location                                                                      October 12, 2018. Based on its review of
                                                                                                       proceeding will be permitted to make an               the requests received by October 12,
                                               and time:                                               oral statement setting forth his or her
                                                  Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2018.                                                                           2018, the Licensing Board may decide
                                                  Time: 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time (MT).                  position on matters of concern relating               that the Sunday afternoon session will
                                                  Location: Crawford Community                         to the proceeding. Although these                     not be held due to lack of adequate
                                               Building, 1005 1st Street, Crawford,                    statements do not constitute testimony                interest in that session. Written requests
                                               Nebraska.                                               or evidence, they nonetheless may help                to make an oral limited appearance
                                               The hearing will continue from day-to-                  the Licensing Board and/or the parties                received after Monday, October 12,
                                               day until concluded. CBR, the NRC                       in their consideration of the matters of              2018, will be honored to the extent
                                               staff, and OST will be parties to the                   concern in this proceeding relating to                practicable.
                                               hearing and will sponsor witnesses and                  OST Contention 2.                                       Written requests to make an oral
                                               evidentiary material.                                      Oral limited appearance statements                 statement should be submitted to:
                                                  Any member of the public who plans                   will be entertained during the hours                  Mail: Administrative Judge G. Paul
                                               to attend the hearing is advised that                   specified in section C above, or such                      Bollwerk, III, Atomic Safety and
                                               security measures may be employed at                    lesser period as may be necessary to                       Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop
                                               the entrance to the room where the                      accommodate the speakers who are                           T–3A02, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                                               hearing will take place, including                      present. In this regard, if all scheduled                  Commission, Washington, DC
                                               searches of hand-carried items such as                                                                             20555–0001.
                                                                                                       and unscheduled speakers present at the
                                               briefcases or backpacks, and is                                                                               Fax: (301) 415–5205 (verification (301)
                                                                                                       session have made a presentation, the
                                               reminded to arrive in sufficient time to                                                                           415–5277).
                                                                                                       Licensing Board reserves the right to
                                               allow for security screening. Items that
                                                                                                       terminate the session before the ending               Email: paul.bollwerk@nrc.gov and
                                               could readily be used as weapons will
                                                                                                       time listed in section C above. The                        sarah.ladin@nrc.gov.
                                               not be permitted in the room where the
                                               evidentiary hearing sessions will be                    Board also reserves the right to cancel               F. Submitting Written Limited
                                               held. Also, during the evidentiary                      the Sunday afternoon session scheduled                Appearance Statements
                                               hearing session no signs will be                        above if there has not been a sufficient
                                                                                                       showing of public interest as reflected                 As provided in 10 CFR 2.315(a), any
                                               permitted in the hearing room.
                                                                                                       by the number of preregistered speakers.              person not a party, or the representative
                                               C. Date, Time, and Location of Oral                                                                           of a party, to the proceeding may submit
                                               Limited Appearance Statement Session                       Any member of the public who plans                 a written statement setting forth his or
                                                                                                       to attend the limited appearance session              her position on matters of concern
                                                 A 10 CFR 2.315(a) oral limited                        is strongly advised to arrive early to
                                               appearance session regarding the MEA                                                                          relating to this proceeding. Although
                                                                                                       allow time to pass through any security               these statements do not constitute
                                               ISR proceeding will be held on the                      measures that may be employed.
                                               following date at the specified location                                                                      testimony or evidence, they nonetheless
                                                                                                       Attendees are also requested not to                   may help the Board or the parties in
                                               and time:                                               bring any unnecessary hand-carried                    their consideration of the matters of
                                                  1 As the Board also indicated in its July 2018
                                                                                                       items, such as packages, briefcases,                  concern in this proceeding relating to
                                               issuance, LBP–18–3, 88 NRC at __(slip op. at 43),       backpacks, or other items that might                  OST Contention 2.
                                               the scope of the safety and environmental concerns      need to be examined individually. Items                 A written limited appearance
                                               encompassed by this contention include the              that could readily be used as weapons
                                               following: (1) The adequacy of the descriptions of                                                            statement may be submitted at any time,
                                               the affected environment for establishing the           will not be permitted in the room where               however, for the statement to be the
                                               potential effects of the proposed MEA operation on      this session will be held. During the oral            most helpful to the Board and parties
                                               the adjacent surface water and groundwater              limited appearance session, signs no
                                               resources; (2) exclusively as a safety concern, the                                                           relative to the evidentiary hearing on
                                               absence in the applicant’s technical report, in         larger than 18 inches by 18 inches will               Contention 2, it should be submitted so
                                               accord with NUREG–1569 section 2.7, of a                be permitted, but may not be attached                 as to be received by Wednesday, October
                                               description of the effective porosity, hydraulic        to sticks, held over one’s head, or                   24, 2018. The written limited statement
                                               porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and hydraulic
                                               gradient of site hydrogeology, along with other
                                                                                                       moved about in the room.                              should be sent to the Office of the
                                               information relative to the control and prevention         The time allotted for each limited                 Secretary using one of the methods
                                               of excursions such as transmissivity and storativity;                                                         prescribed below:
                                               (3) the failure to develop, in accord with NUREG–
                                                                                                       appearance statement normally will be
                                               1569 section 2.7, an acceptable conceptual model        no more than five minutes, but to ensure              Mail: Office of the Secretary,
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               of site hydrology that is adequately supported by       everyone will have an opportunity to                       Rulemakings and Adjudications
                                               site characterization data so as to demonstrate with
                                               scientific confidence that the area hydrogeology,
                                                                                                       speak, may be further limited depending                    Staff, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                                               including horizontal and vertical hydraulic             on the number of written requests to                       Commission, Washington, DC
                                               conductivity, will result in the confinement of         make an oral statement that are                            20555–0001.
                                               extraction fluids and expected operational and          submitted in accordance with section E                Fax: (301) 415–1101 (verification (301)
                                               restoration performance; and (4) whether the final
                                               EA contains unsubstantiated assumptions as to the       below and/or the number of persons                         415–1677).
                                               isolation of the aquifers in the ore-bearing zones.     present at the designated times.                      Email: hearingdocket@nrc.gov.

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                                               37830                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                               In addition, using the same method of                         Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop                  POSTAL SERVICE
                                               service, a copy of the written limited                        T–3A02, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
                                               appearance statement should be sent to                        Commission, Washington, DC                        Product Change—Priority Mail
                                               the Licensing Board Chairman as                               20555–0001.                                       Negotiated Service Agreement
                                                                                                       H. Availability of Documentary                          AGENCY:    Postal ServiceTM.
                                               Mail: Administrative Judge G. Paul                      Information Regarding the Proceeding
                                                    Bollwerk, III, Atomic Safety and                                                                           ACTION:   Notice.
                                                    Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop                      The CBR application and license and
                                                    T–3A02, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                    various staff documents relating to the
                                                                                                                                                               SUMMARY:    The Postal Service gives
                                                    Commission, Washington, DC                         application are available on the NRC
                                                                                                                                                               notice of filing a request with the Postal
                                                    20555–0001.                                        website at https://www.nrc.gov/info-
                                                                                                                                                               Regulatory Commission to add a
                                               Fax: (301) 415–5599 (verification (301)                 finder/materials/uranium/licensed-
                                                                                                                                                               domestic shipping services contract to
                                                    415–6094).                                         facilities/crow-butte.html.2 These and
                                                                                                                                                               the list of Negotiated Service
                                               Email: paul.bollwerk@nrc.gov and                        other documents relating to this
                                                                                                                                                               Agreements in the Mail Classification
                                                    sarah.ladin@nrc.gov.                               proceeding also are available for public
                                                                                                                                                               Schedule’s Competitive Products List.
                                                                                                       inspection at the Commission’s Public
                                               G. Submitting Audio-Recorded Limited
                                                                                                       Document Room (PDR), located at One                     DATES: Date of required notice: August
                                               Appearance Statements
                                                                                                       White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike                 2, 2018.
                                                  As provided in 10 CFR 2.315(a), any                  (first floor), Rockville, Maryland, or
                                               person not a party, or the representative                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                       electronically from the publicly-
                                               of a party, to the proceeding may submit                                                                        Elizabeth Reed, 202–268–3179.
                                                                                                       available records component of NRC’s
                                               an audio-recorded statement setting                     document system (ADAMS) at                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The
                                               forth his or her position on matters of                 www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html                       United States Postal Service® hereby
                                               concern relating to this proceeding.                    (the Public Electronic Reading Room),                   gives notice that, pursuant to 39 U.S.C.
                                               Although these statements do not                        including the agency’s Electronic                       3642 and 3632(b)(3), on July 27, 2018,
                                               constitute testimony or evidence, they                  Hearing Docket, https://adams.nrc.gov/                  it filed with the Postal Regulatory
                                               nonetheless may help the Board or the                   ehd/ (under Docket No. 40–8943–MLA–                     Commission a USPS Request to Add
                                               parties in their consideration of the                   2). Persons who do not have access to                   Priority Mail Contract 455 to
                                               matters of concern in this proceeding                   ADAMS or who encounter problems in                      Competitive Product List. Documents
                                               relating to OST Contention 2.                           accessing the documents located in                      are available at www.prc.gov, Docket
                                                  To ensure that the Licensing Board                   ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR                        Nos. MC2018–199, CP2018–277.
                                               members will have the opportunity to                    reference staff by telephone at (800)
                                               review an audio-recorded limited                                                                                Elizabeth Reed,
                                                                                                       397–4209 or (301) 415–4737 (available
                                               appearance statements prior to the                      between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET,                     Attorney, Corporate and Postal Business Law.
                                               beginning of the evidentiary hearing, an                Monday through Friday, except federal                   [FR Doc. 2018–16523 Filed 8–1–18; 8:45 am]
                                               audio-recorded limited appearance                       holidays), or by email to pdr@nrc.gov.                  BILLING CODE 7710–12–P
                                               statement must be submitted so that it
                                               is received by Friday, October 12, 2018.                I. Information Updates to Schedule
                                               All recordings must conform to the                         Any updates or revisions to the                      POSTAL SERVICE
                                               directions below in order for the Board                 evidentiary hearing schedule or the
                                               and parties to consider the information                 schedule for the limited appearance                     Product Change—Priority Mail and
                                               and concerns contained therein. All                     session can be found on the NRC                         First-Class Package Service
                                               audio-recorded limited appearance                       website at www.nrc.gov/public-involve/                  Negotiated Service Agreement
                                               statements will be transcribed by a court               public-meetings/index.cfm, or by calling
                                               reporter and included in the docket of                                                                          AGENCY:    Postal ServiceTM.
                                                                                                       (800) 368–5642, extension 5036
                                               this proceeding.                                        (available between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00                   ACTION:   Notice.
                                               1. Size                                                 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except
                                                                                                       federal holidays), or by calling (301)                  SUMMARY:    The Postal Service gives
                                                  Due to technical constraints, all                    415–5036 (available seven days a week,                  notice of filing a request with the Postal
                                               audio-recorded limited appearance                       twenty-four hours a day).                               Regulatory Commission to add a
                                               statements submitted must be no more                       It is so ordered.                                    domestic shipping services contract to
                                               than 15 minutes in length.                                                                                      the list of Negotiated Service
                                                                                                         For the Atomic Safety and Licensing
                                               2. Format and Submission                                Board.                                                  Agreements in the Mail Classification
                                                                                                         Rockville, Maryland, July 27, 2018.                   Schedule’s Competitive Products List.
                                                  Audio-recorded limited appearance
                                               statements may be sent to the Board one                 George P. Bollwerk III,                                 DATES: Date of required notice: August
                                               of two ways. An audio-recorded limited                  Chairman, Administrative Judge.                         2, 2018.
                                               appearance statement may be sent by                     [FR Doc. 2018–16546 Filed 8–1–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               email to paul.bollwerk@nrc.gov as an                    BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                                                                                                                               Elizabeth Reed, 202–268–3179.
                                               attachment. The total size of the email
                                               cannot exceed 17 megabytes (MB). The                       2 On May 24, 2018, the staff notified the Board      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The
                                               attached file must be sent as an .mp3,                  that, in accordance with 10 CFR 2.1202(a), the CBR      United States Postal Service® hereby
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       license amendment license had been issued,
                                               .mp4, or .dss file.                                     effective immediately. See Letter from Emily
                                                                                                                                                               gives notice that, pursuant to 39 U.S.C.
                                                  An audio-recorded limited                            Monteith, NRC Staff Counsel, to Licensing Board at      3642 and 3632(b)(3), on July 27, 2018,
                                               appearance statement may also be sent                   1 (May 24, 2018). Although section 2.1213(a)            it filed with the Postal Regulatory
                                               by mail on either a compact disc (CD)                   afforded OST the opportunity to seek a stay of this     Commission a USPS Request to Add
                                               or digital versatile disc (DVD) to:                     staff action, no such request was filed. Nonetheless,
                                                                                                       the CBR license amendment is subject to any merits
                                                                                                                                                               Priority Mail & First-Class Package
                                               Mail: Administrative Judge G. Paul                      determinations the Board might make relative to         Service Contract 85 to Competitive
                                                    Bollwerk, III, Atomic Safety and                   OST’s pending contention.                               Product List. Documents are available at

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:06 Aug 01, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00048   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\02AUN1.SGM     02AUN1

Document Created: 2018-08-02 01:29:03
Document Modified: 2018-08-02 01:29:03
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesTuesday, October 30, 2018.
FR Citation83 FR 37828 

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