83_FR_38004 83 FR 37855 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Options Clearing Corporation; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendments No. 1 and 2, Related to The Options Clearing Corporation's Stress Testing and Clearing Fund Methodology

83 FR 37855 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Options Clearing Corporation; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendments No. 1 and 2, Related to The Options Clearing Corporation's Stress Testing and Clearing Fund Methodology


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 149 (August 2, 2018)

Page Range37855-37864
FR Document2018-16529

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 149 (Thursday, August 2, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 149 (Thursday, August 2, 2018)]
[Pages 37855-37864]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-16529]



[Release No. 34-83735; File No. SR-OCC-2018-008]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Options Clearing Corporation; 
Order Approving Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendments No. 1 
and 2, Related to The Options Clearing Corporation's Stress Testing and 
Clearing Fund Methodology

July 27, 2018.

I. Introduction

    On May 30, 2018, The Options Clearing Corporation (``OCC'') filed 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') the 
proposed rule change SR-OCC-2018-008 (``Proposed Rule Change'') 
pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 \2\ thereunder to propose changes to OCC's 
By-Laws and Rules, the formalization of a substantially new Clearing 
Fund Methodology Policy (``Policy''), and the adoption of a document 
describing OCC's new Clearing Fund and stress testing methodology 
(``Methodology Description'').\3\ The proposed changes are primarily 
designed to enhance OCC's overall resiliency, particularly with respect 
to the level of OCC's pre-funded financial resources. Specifically, the 
proposed changes would:

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ See Notice of Filing infra note 5, at 83 FR 28018.

    (1) Reorganize, restate, and consolidate the provisions of OCC's 
By-Laws and Rules relating to the Clearing Fund into a newly revised 
Chapter X of OCC's Rules;
    (2) modify the coverage level of OCC's Clearing Fund sizing 
requirement to protect OCC against losses stemming from the default of 
the two Clearing Member Groups that would potentially cause the largest 
aggregate credit exposure for OCC in extreme but plausible market 
conditions (i.e., adopt a ``Cover 2 Standard'' for sizing the Clearing 
    (3) adopt a new risk tolerance for OCC to cover a 1-in-50 year 
hypothetical market event at a 99.5% confidence level over a two-year 
look-back period;
    (4) adopt a new Clearing Fund and stress testing methodology, which 
would be underpinned by a new scenario-based one-factor risk model 
stress testing approach, as detailed in the newly proposed Policy and 
Methodology Description;
    (5) document governance, monitoring, and review processes related 
to Clearing Fund and stress testing;
    (6) provide for certain anti-procyclical limitations on the 
reduction in Clearing Fund size from month to month;
    (7) increase the minimum Clearing Fund contribution requirement for 
Clearing Members to $500,000;
    (8) modify OCC's allocation weighting methodology for Clearing Fund 
    (9) reduce from five to two business days the timeframe within 
which Clearing Members are required to fund Clearing Fund deficits due 
to monthly or intra-month resizing or due to Rule amendments;
    (10) provide additional clarity in OCC's Rules regarding certain 
anti-procyclicality measures in OCC's margin model; and
    (11) make a number of other non-substantive clarifying, conforming, 
and organizational changes to OCC's By-Laws, Rules, Collateral Risk 
Management Policy, Default Management Policy, and filed procedures, 
including retiring OCC's existing Clearing Fund Intra-Month Re-sizing 
Procedure, Financial Resources Monitoring and Call Procedure (``FRMC 
Procedure''), and Monthly Clearing Fund Sizing Procedure, as these 
procedures would no longer be relevant to OCC's proposed Clearing Fund 
and stress testing methodology and would be replaced by the proposed 
Rules, Policy, and Methodology Description described herein.

[[Page 37856]]

    On June 7, 2018, OCC filed Amendment No. 1 to the Proposed Rule 
Change.\4\ The Proposed Rule Change, as amended, was published for 
public comment in the Federal Register on June 15, 2018.\5\ On July 11, 
2018, OCC filed Amendment No. 2 to the Proposed Rule Change.\6\ The 
Commission received five comment letters in support of the proposal.\7\ 
This order approves the Proposed Rule Change as modified by Amendments 
No. 1 and 2.

    \4\ In Amendment No. 1, OCC corrected formatting errors in 
Exhibits 5A and 5B without changing the substance of the Proposed 
Rule Change.
    \5\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83406 (Jun. 11, 2018), 
83 FR 28018 (Jun. 15, 2018) (SR-OCC-2018-008) (``Notice of 
Filing''). On May 30, 2018, OCC also filed a related advance notice 
(SR-OCC-2018-803) (``Advance Notice'') with the Commission pursuant 
to Section 806(e)(1) of Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street 
Reform and Consumer Protection Act, entitled the Payment, Clearing, 
and Settlement Supervision Act of 2010 and Rule 19b-4(n)(1)(i) under 
the Act. 12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1). 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1) and 17 CFR 
240.19b-4, respectively. The Advance Notice was published in the 
Federal Register on July 6, 2018. Securities Exchange Act Release 
No. 83561 (Jun. 29, 2018), 83 FR 31594 (Jul. 6, 2018) (SR-OCC-2018-
    \6\ In Amendment No. 2, OCC made three non-substantive changes 
to the proposal. Specifically, OCC (1) updated a cross-reference in 
Article VI, Section 27 of the OCC By-Laws to reflect the relocation 
of OCC's clearing fund-related rules, (2) added an Interpretation 
and Policy to proposed Rule 1001 to clarify the applicability of the 
5 percent month-over-month limitation in the reduction of clearing 
fund size is not intended to apply to the initial changes in to 
OCC's clearing fund sizing resulting from implementation of the 
proposed methodology, and (3) clarified an implementation date of 
September 1, 2018 for the proposed changes in the filing.
    \7\ See letter from Andrej Bolkovic, CEO, ABN AMRO Clearing 
Corporation LLC (``AACC''), dated June 26, 2018, to Brent Fields, 
Secretary, Commission (AACC Letter I); letter from Chris Concannon, 
President and COO, Cboe Global Markets (``CBOE''), dated July 6, 
2018, to Brent Fields, Secretary, Commission (CBOE Letter I); letter 
from Matthew R. Scott, President, Merrill Lynch Professional 
Clearing Corp. (``MLPRO''), dated July 6, 2018, to Brent J. Fields, 
Secretary, Commission (MLPRO Letter I); letter from Kurt Eckert, 
Partner, Wolverine Execution Services (``WEX''), dated July 12, 
2018, to Brent Fields, Secretary, Commission (WEX Letter I); and 
letter from Mark Dehnert, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC 
(``GS''), dated July 17, 2018, to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, 
Commission (GS Letter I), available at https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-occ-2018-008/occ2018008.htm.

II. Background

    The Proposed Rule Change concerns proposed changes to OCC's By-Laws 
\8\ and Rules,\9\ the formalization of the substantially new Policy, 
and the adoption of OCC's new Methodology Description.\10\ According to 
OCC, the changes comprising the Proposed Rule Change are primarily 
designed to enhance OCC's overall resiliency, particularly with respect 
to the level of OCC's pre-funded financial resources.\11\

    \8\ OCC's By-Laws are available at https://www.theocc.com/components/docs/legal/rules_and_bylaws/occ_bylaws.pdf.
    \9\ OCC's Rules are available at https://www.theocc.com/components/docs/legal/rules_and_bylaws/occ_rules.pdf.
    \10\ See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28018.
    \11\ See id.

    As enumerated in the Notice of Filing, the specific modifications 
that OCC proposes are as follows: (1) Reorganize, restate, and 
consolidate the provisions of OCC's By-Laws and Rules relating to the 
clearing fund into a revised Chapter X of OCC's Rules; (2) modify the 
coverage level of OCC's clearing fund sizing requirement to protect OCC 
against losses stemming from the default of the two clearing member 
groups that would potentially cause the largest aggregate credit 
exposure for OCC in extreme but plausible market conditions (i.e., 
adopt a ``Cover 2 Standard'' for sizing the clearing fund); (3) adopt a 
new risk tolerance for OCC to cover a 1-in-50 year hypothetical market 
event at a 99.5% confidence level over a two-year look-back period; (4) 
adopt a new clearing fund and stress testing methodology, which would 
be underpinned by a new scenario-based one-factor risk model stress 
testing approach, as detailed in the proposed Policy and Methodology 
Description; (5) document governance, monitoring, and review processes 
related to the clearing fund and stress testing; (6) provide for 
certain anti-procyclical limitations on the reduction in clearing fund 
size from month to month; (7) increase the minimum clearing fund 
contribution requirement for clearing members from $150,000 to 
$500,000; (8) modify OCC's allocation weighting methodology for 
clearing fund contributions; (9) reduce from five to two business days 
the timeframe within which clearing members are required to fund 
clearing fund deficits due to monthly or intra-month resizing; (10) 
provide additional clarity in OCC's Rules regarding certain anti-
procyclicality measures in OCC's margin model; and (11) make a number 
of other non-substantive clarifying, conforming, and organizational 
changes to OCC's By-Laws, Rules and filed procedures, including 
retiring OCC's existing Clearing Fund Intra-Month Re-sizing Procedure, 
Financial Resources Monitoring and Call Procedure, and Monthly Clearing 
Fund Sizing Procedure, as these procedures would be replaced by the 
proposed Rules, Policy, and Methodology Description.\12\

    \12\ See id. at 28018-19.

    The remainder of this section will first provide an overview of 
OCC's current process for sizing the clearing fund, followed by a more 
detailed discussion of the specific changes proposed by OCC, with 
particular focus on the following categories: (a) Stress testing; (b) 
total financial resources; (c) financial resource sufficiency; (d) 
allocation of clearing fund contributions; and (e) textual 
clarification and consolidation.

A. OCC's Current Process for Sizing the Clearing Fund

    OCC's process for determining the size of its clearing fund was 
initially approved in 2011,\13\ and enhanced in 2015,\14\ resulting in 
OCC's current process. Currently, OCC resizes its clearing fund at the 
beginning of each month to maintain financial resources, in excess of 
margin, to cover its credit exposures to its clearing members. The 
current process is effectively an extension of OCC's daily margin 
process, in which OCC calculates what it refers to as the ``daily 
draw'' based on observations from its margin model at specific 
confidence levels each day.\15\ OCC tracks the rolling five-day average 
of these daily draws and, at the beginning of each month, sets the 
clearing fund size to the sum of (1) the largest five-day rolling 
average observed over the last three months and (2) a $1.8 billion 

    \13\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 65386 (Sep. 23, 
2011), 76 FR 60572 (Sep. 29, 2011) (Order Approving Clearing Fund 
    \14\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 75528 (Jul. 27, 
2015), 80 FR 45690 (Jul. 31, 2015) (Order Approving Clearing Fund 
    \15\ See Order Approving Clearing Fund I, 76 FR at 60572-60573. 
Each day, OCC estimates credit exposures under the stressed margin 
model for two scenarios: The greater of the two estimates is the 
daily draw. The two scenarios are of (1) the single largest credit 
exposure that would arise out of the default of a single clearing 
member group (``idiosyncratic default'') and (2) the credit exposure 
that would arise out of the default of two-randomly selected 
clearing member groups (``minor systemic default''). See Notice of 
Filing, 83 FR at 28019.
    \16\ See Order Approving Clearing Fund II, 80 FR at 45691.

    As described in detail below, OCC is proposing three primary 
changes to the existing approach. First, instead of simply relying on 
its margin model, OCC would rely on the proposed stress testing 
framework, including both sizing and sufficiency stress tests. Second, 
OCC would set the size of its clearing fund based on a Cover 2 
Standard. Third, OCC would eliminate the current $1.8 billion static 
buffer because it would be obsolete in light of the new sizing stress 
tests and increased coverage afforded by the move to a Cover 2 Standard 
that, together, would function as a dynamic buffer.

B. Stress Testing

    OCC proposes to adopt a new stress testing methodology, as detailed 
in both the proposed Policy and the proposed

[[Page 37857]]

Methodology Description.\17\ OCC believes that its proposed methodology 
would enable it to measure its credit exposure at a level sufficient to 
cover potential losses under extreme but plausible market 
conditions.\18\ To do so, OCC proposes to conduct daily stress tests 
that consider a range of relevant stress scenarios and related price 
changes, including but not limited to: (1) Relevant peak historic price 
volatilities; (2) shifts in other market factors including, as 
appropriate, price determinants and yield curves; and (3) the default 
of one or multiple clearing members.\19\

    \17\ See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28021.
    \18\ See id.
    \19\ See id.

    The stress scenarios used in OCC's proposed methodology would 
consist of two types of scenarios: Historical scenarios and 
hypothetical scenarios.\20\ Historical Scenarios would replicate 
historical events in current market conditions, which include the set 
of currently existing securities and their prices and volatility 
levels.\21\ Hypothetical scenarios, rather than replicating past 
events, would simulate events in which market conditions change in ways 
that may have not yet been observed.\22\ Hypothetical Scenarios, 
constructed using statistical methods, would generally include price 
shocks specific to various instruments, such as equity products, 
volatility products, and fixed income products. Each scenario would 
represent a draw from a multivariate distribution fitted to historical 
data regarding the relevant instrument (e.g., returns of the S&P 
500).\23\ In a hypothetical scenario, the shock to a risk driver would 
be used to determine the relative shock to each associated risk factor 
(i.e., related underlying security).\24\ For example, OCC would 
establish the size of its clearing fund according to a scenario that is 
based on statistically generated up or down price shocks for the SPX 
assuming a 1-in-80 year market event.\25\

    \20\ See id. Because not all of the underlying securities in 
current portfolios existed during the events on which historical 
scenarios are based, OCC has developed methodologies to approximate 
the past price and volatility movements as appropriate. See id. at 
    \21\ See id. at 28021.
    \22\ See id. at 28022.
    \23\ See id. at 28023. Risk drivers are a selected set of 
securities or market indices (e.g., the Cboe S&P 500 Index (``SPX'') 
or the Cboe Volatility Index (``VIX'')) that are used to represent 
the main sources or drivers for the price changes of the risk 
factors. See id. at 28021, n. 25. The term risk factor refers 
broadly to all of the individual underlying securities (such as 
Google, IBM and Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts (``SPDR''), 
S&P 500 Exchange Traded Funds (``SPY''), etc.) listed on a market. 
See id.
    \24\ See id. at 28022.
    \25\ See id. at 28023.

    OCC's proposed stress testing framework would categorize OCC's 
inventory of stress tests by each stress test's intended purpose: 
Adequacy, sizing, sufficiency, and informational.\26\ Specifically, OCC 
would use the (1) ``Adequacy Stress Tests'' to determine whether the 
financial resources collected from all clearing members collectively 
are adequate to cover OCC's risk tolerance; (2) ``Sizing Stress Tests'' 
to establish the monthly size of the clearing fund; (3) ``Sufficiency 
Stress Tests'' to monitor whether OCC's credit exposure to the 
portfolios of individual clearing member groups is at a level 
sufficiently large enough to necessitate OCC calling for additional 
resources so that OCC continues to maintain sufficient financial 
resources to guard against potential losses under a wide range of 
stress scenarios, including extreme but plausible market conditions; 
and (4) ``Informational Stress Tests'' to monitor and assess the size 
of OCC's pre-funded financial resources against a wide range of stress 
scenarios that may include extreme but implausible and reverse stress 
testing scenarios.\27\

    \26\ See id. at 28024.
    \27\ See id. at 28024-26.

C. Total Financial Resources

    As noted above, OCC proposes to (i) to adopt a new clearing fund 
methodology, which would be underpinned by a new scenario-based one-
factor risk model stress testing approach,\28\ modify the coverage 
level of OCC's clearing fund sizing requirement to a Cover 2 Standard; 
(iii) provide for certain anti-procyclical limitations on the reduction 
in clearing fund size from month to month; and (iv) reduce from five 
business days to two business days the timeframe within which clearing 
members are required to satisfy clearing fund deficits due to monthly 
or intra-month resizing.\29\

    \28\ OCC detailed the new methodology in the proposed Policy and 
Methodology Description.
    \29\ See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28020.

1. Proposal To Change the Monthly Clearing Fund Size Calculation
    As discussed above, OCC proposes to replace the methodology by 
which it determines the monthly clearing fund size with an approach 
based on hypothetical stress scenarios that assume SPX shocks (up and 
down) associated with a 1-in-80-year market event.\30\ Under the 
proposal, OCC would continue determining the size of its clearing fund 
each month based on the peak-five daily rolling average of estimated 
stress exposures; however, such exposures would be based on the output 
from OCC's stress testing framework going forward as opposed to the 
margin-derived approach described above.\31\

    \30\ See id. at 28023.
    \31\ See id. at 28024. Specifically, OCC would identify its 
exposures under a 1-in-80-year hypothetical event. See id.

    As its benchmark for identifying extreme but plausible market 
conditions, OCC proposes to adopt a credit risk tolerance defined by 
OCC's largest potential aggregate credit exposure to two clearing 
member groups under a 1-in-50-year hypothetical market event as opposed 
to the greater of exposures arising under an idiosyncratic default or a 
minor systemic default.\32\ OCC further proposes to base its daily draw 
on the aggregate credit exposures estimated under a 1-in-80-year 
hypothetical market event.\33\ Additionally, OCC proposes to size the 
clearing fund to a Cover 2 Standard.\34\

    \32\ See id. at 28021. As discussed above, OCC's hypothetical 
stress scenarios represent draws from a fitted distribution of 2-day 
log returns for a given risk driver. OCC noted in its proposal that 
a 1-in-50-year hypothetical market event corresponds to a 99.9921 
percent confidence interval under OCC's chosen distribution of 2-day 
logarithmic S&P 500 index returns. See id., n. 24.
    \33\ See id. at 28024.
    \34\ See id. at 28021.

    OCC believes that sizing the clearing fund to cover a 1-in-80-year 
event would provide sufficient coverage in excess of the exposures 
estimated under a 1-in-50-year event to justify no longer collecting 
the $1.8 prudential margin of safety.\35\

    \35\ See id., n. 23.

2. Proposal To Limit Reductions in Clearing Fund Size From Month to 
    Currently, OCC does not constrain month-over-month changes in the 
size of the clearing fund. OCC proposes to adopt two limitations on 
month-over-month decreases in the size of the clearing fund. First, OCC 
proposes to prohibit a clearing fund decrease of more than 5 percent 
month-over-month.\36\ Second, OCC proposes to limit the clearing fund 
decreases based on its daily monitoring of OCC's financial resources. 
When determining the size of the clearing fund at the beginning of a 
given month, OCC would not allow that size to be less than 90 percent 
of the peak credit exposures estimated under the stress tests used for 
daily monitoring during the last five business days of the

[[Page 37858]]

preceding month.\37\ These limitations are designed to reduce the 
potential for cyclical movements in the size of the clearing fund, as 
well as reduce the need for OCC to call for additional financial 
resources intra-month.\38\

    \36\ See id. at 28027.
    \37\ See id. As discussed below, OCC proposes to monitor the 
sufficiency of its financial resources daily by comparing the size 
of the clearing fund to the output of several historical stress 
    \38\ See id.

3. Timing of Clearing Fund Contributions
    In addition to revising the methodology for sizing OCC's total 
financial resources, OCC proposes generally to reduce the time in which 
each clearing member must make its clearing fund contribution.\39\ 
Clearing members currently have five business days to satisfy a 
clearing fund deficiency arising out of the monthly sizing or intra-
month resizing processes. OCC proposes to reduce that time to two 
business days.\40\ OCC also proposes to require clearing members to 
satisfy any clearing fund deficit resulting from a decrease in the 
value of the clearing member's existing contribution within one hour of 
notification by OCC.\41\

    \39\ See id. at 28028-29.
    \40\ See id. at 28029.
    \41\ See id. at 28028.

D. Financial Resource Sufficiency

    As noted above, OCC proposes to (i) adopt a new clearing fund 
methodology, as detailed in the newly-proposed Policy and Methodology 
Description and (ii) document governance, monitoring, and review 
processes related to the clearing fund and stress testing.\42\ Proposed 
changes to OCC's clearing fund methodology include the assessment of 
OCC's clearing fund against a wide range of historical scenarios.\43\

    \42\ See id. at 28020.
    \43\ See id.

1. Proposal To Monitor the Sufficiency of OCC's Financial Resources
    Currently, OCC monitors the sufficiency of its financial resources 
daily by estimating whether the size of the clearing fund is sufficient 
to cover a maximum potential loss from a simulated idiosyncratic 
default.\44\ Under its current procedures, when OCC observes credit 
exposures estimated under the idiosyncratic default in excess of 75 
percent of the clearing fund size, OCC issues a margin call against the 
clearing member group generating the credit exposures.\45\ The size of 
such a margin call is the difference between the idiosyncratic default 
exposure and the base clearing fund amount.\46\ The margin call is 
allocated among the individual clearing members in the clearing member 
group based on each clearing member's proportionate share of the risk 
to OCC.\47\ OCC may limit the size of the margin call to each clearing 
member to the lesser of $500 million or 100 percent of such clearing 
member's net capital.\48\

    \44\ See id. at 28019. As noted above, an idiosyncratic default 
is one of the two scenarios that OCC currently uses to determine the 
size of the clearing fund each month. See supra note 15. 
Specifically, the single largest credit exposure that would arise 
out of the default of a single clearing member group.
    \45\ See id.
    \46\ See id. As noted above in section II.A., the base clearing 
fund amount is the size of the clearing fund less the $1.8 billion 
prudential margin of safety.
    \47\ See id., n. 13.
    \48\ See id. at 28019.

    OCC's current procedures also call for increases to the total size 
of the clearing fund in more extreme scenarios. When OCC observes 
credit exposures estimated under the idiosyncratic default \49\ 
exceeding 90 percent of the clearing fund size OCC must, under its 
procedures, increase the size of the clearing fund.\50\ The size of the 
increase to the clearing fund is the greater of $1 billion or 125 
percent of the difference between the idiosyncratic default exposure 
and the clearing fund.\51\

    \49\ OCC would reduce the size of the idiosyncratic default 
exposure by factoring in margin calls issued due to a breach of the 
75 percent threshold described above. See id.
    \50\ See id.
    \51\ See id.

    OCC proposes to revise this process by replacing the above-
described idiosyncratic default approach with an approach that compares 
the size of the clearing fund to the exposures estimated under a set of 
historical scenario stress tests (``Sufficiency Stress Tests'').\52\ 
The Sufficiency Stress Tests proposed by OCC include the largest market 
moves up and down during 2008 on a cover 2 basis and the market moves 
associated with the 1987 market crash on a cover 1 basis.\53\

    \52\ See id. at 28024.
    \53\ See id. OCC proposes to measure the clearing fund against 
the two largest exposures under the 2008-like events and the one 
largest exposure under a 1987-like event. See id.

    OCC proposes to call for additional margin when it observes that 
one or more clearing member groups' exposure under a Sufficiency Stress 
Test exceeds 75 percent of the clearing fund.\54\ Under the proposal, 
the size of the margin call would be the amount by which the 
Sufficiency Stress Test exposure exceeds the 75 percent threshold.\55\ 
Similar to the current process, OCC proposes to retain authority to 
limit such margin calls to each clearing member to $500 million or 100 
percent of the clearing member's net capital.\56\

    \54\ See id. at 28025.
    \55\ See id.
    \56\ See id.

    OCC also proposes to revise the process for increasing the size of 
the clearing fund under more extreme scenarios. OCC proposes to 
increase the size of the clearing fund when it observes a Sufficiency 
Stress Test exposure in excess of 90 percent of the clearing fund.\57\ 
Similar to the current process, the size of the clearing fund increase 
would be the greater of $1 billion or 125 percent of the difference 
between the Sufficiency Stress Test exposure and the clearing fund.\58\ 
OCC also proposes to provide new authority to its Chief Executive 
Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, and Chief Operating Officer to 
temporarily increase the size of the clearing fund, subject to notice 
and later review by OCC's Board Risk Committee (``RC'').\59\

    \57\ See id. at 28025-26.
    \58\ See id. at 28026.
    \59\ See id.

    Additionally, OCC proposes to add a new threshold at which it would 
commence enhanced monitoring of a clearing member group.\60\ Where OCC 
observes that a clearing member group's Sufficiency Stress Test 
exposure exceeds 65 percent of the clearing fund, OCC would commence 
enhanced monitoring of, and provide notice to the clearing member 

    \60\ See id. at 28025. Based on OCC's procedures, staff 
understands that such monitoring would entail escalation within 
OCC's Financial Risk Management group noting the relevant clearing 
member, the future potential for breach of the 75 percent margin 
call threshold, and a summary of the apparent risk drivers resulting 
in the stress exposures.
    \61\ See id.

2. Proposal To Document Governance Processes Related to the Clearing 
Fund and Stress Testing
    OCC proposes to establish, as part of its rules, processes for the 
governance, monitoring, and review of the stress testing framework and 
clearing fund methodology described above.\62\ Such processes would 
cover daily, monthly, and annual review of OCC's stress testing 
framework and clearing fund methodology.

    \62\ See id. at 28026.

    On a daily basis, OCC's staff would monitor the size of the 
clearing fund against OCC's risk tolerance and sufficiency stress 
tests.\63\ OCC staff would be required to report material issues to the 
Executive Vice President of OCC's Financial Risk Management group 
(``EVP-FRM''). The EVP-FRM

[[Page 37859]]

would further escalate issues with OCC management as applicable.

    \63\ See id.

    On a monthly basis, OCC's staff would provide reports and analyses 
of the daily stress tests to OCC's Management Committee and RC.\64\ 
OCC's staff would also be responsible for conducting a comprehensive 
analysis of stress test results, scenarios, models, parameters, and 
assumptions monthly or more frequently when the products cleared or 
markets served by OCC display high volatility or become less liquid or 
when the size or concentration of positions held by OCC's participants 
increases significantly.\65\

    \64\ See id. at 28026-27.
    \65\ See id. at 28026.

    On an annual basis, OCC's Model Validation Group would be required 
to perform a model validation of OCC's clearing fund methodology.\66\ 
The RC would review such validations.\67\ The RC would also be 
responsible for annual review and approval of the Policy.\68\

    \66\ See id. at 28027.
    \67\ See id.
    \68\ See id.

E. Allocation of Clearing Fund Contributions

    As noted above, OCC proposes to (i) increase the minimum clearing 
fund contribution requirement for clearing members to $500,000 and (ii) 
modify OCC's allocation weighting methodology for clearing fund 

    \69\ See id. at 28020.

1. Proposal To Increase the Minimum Clearing Fund Contribution
    Currently, the minimum amount a clearing member must contribute to 
OCC's clearing fund (the ``fixed amount'') is $150,000.\70\ OCC 
proposes to increase the fixed amount to $500,000.\71\ The minimum 
contribution requirement has been in place since June 5, 2000,\72\ and 
has remained static while the average size of OCC's clearing fund has 
increased significantly.\73\ OCC also noted that other CCPs' minimum 
requirements are well in excess of OCC's minimum contribution 
requirement.\74\ OCC analyzed the impact of the proposed change on its 
clearing members and discussed such impacts with the potentially 
affected clearing members, the majority of which did not express 
concerns over the proposed increase.\75\

    \70\ See id. at 28028. The initial amount that a new clearing 
member must contribute to OCC's clearing fund is also $150,000. See 
id. at 28027.
    \71\ See id. at 28028. OCC similarly proposes to increase the 
initial contribution. See id. at 28027.
    \72\ See id. (citing Securities Exchange Act Release No. 42897 
(June 5, 2000), 65 FR 36750 (June 9, 2000) (SR-OCC-99-9)).
    \73\ See id. at 28027.
    \74\ See id.
    \75\ See id.

2. Proposal To Modify the Clearing Fund Allocation Weighting
    In addition to the fixed amount described above, most clearing 
members are required to contribute an additional amount to OCC's 
clearing fund (the ``variable amount''). The variable amount is based 
on the weighted average of each clearing member's proportionate share 
of total risk, open interest, and volume.\76\ Currently, OCC uses the 
following weighting in its allocation of clearing fund requirements: 35 
percent total risk; 50 percent open interest; and 15 percent 
volume.\77\ OCC proposes to modify the allocation weighting as follows: 
70 percent total risk; 15 percent open interest; and 15 percent 

    \76\ See id. at 28028. Total risk refers to a clearing member's 
margin requirement. See id., n. 43. Additionally, the current 
methodology calculates volume based on executed volume. See id. at 
    \77\ See id.
    \78\ See id. The definition of total risk would remain the same, 
but OCC would calculate volume based on cleared volume as opposed to 
executed volume. See id.

F. Textual Clarification and Consolidation

    Finally, as noted above, OCC proposes to (i) reorganize, restate, 
and consolidate the provisions of OCC's By-Laws and Rules relating to 
the Clearing Fund into a newly-revised Chapter X of OCC's Rules; (ii) 
provide additional clarity in OCC's Rules regarding certain anti-
procyclicality measures in OCC's margin model; and (iii) make a number 
of other non-substantive clarifying, conforming, and organizational 
changes to OCC's By-Laws, Rules, and filed procedures, including 
retiring OCC's existing Clearing Fund Intra-Month Re-sizing Procedure, 
Financial Resources Monitoring and Call Procedure, and Monthly Clearing 
Fund Sizing Procedure, as these procedures would be replaced by the 
proposed Rules, Policy, and Methodology Description.\79\

    \79\ See id. at 28020.

1. Proposal To Reorganize, Restate, and Consolidate Certain Rule Text
    The primary provisions that address OCC's Clearing Fund are 
currently located in Article VIII of the By-Laws and Chapter X of the 
Rules.\80\ OCC believes that consolidating all of the Clearing Fund-
related provisions of its By-Laws and Rules into one place would 
provide more clarity around, and enhance the readability of, OCC's 
Clearing Fund requirements.\81\ Given the scope of changes described 
above, OCC believes that it is appropriate to make such revisions at 
this time.\82\

    \80\ See id.
    \81\ See id.
    \82\ See id.

    The changes to the provisions currently residing in OCC's By-Laws 
require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the directors then in 
office, but not less than a majority of the number of directors fixed 
by the By-Laws; however, changes to OCC's rules generally require only 
a majority vote of OCC's Board of Directors.\83\ OCC proposes to amend 
its By-Laws to maintain the existing requirements for modifying those 
rules that would be moved from Article VIII of OCC's By-Laws to Chapter 
X of its Rules.\84\

    \83\ See id.
    \84\ See id.

2. Proposal To Add Rule Text Clarifying Anti-Procyclicality Measures in 
OCC's Margin Model
    OCC's existing methodology for calculating margin requirements 
incorporates measures designed to ensure that margin requirements are 
not lower than those that would be calculated using volatility 
estimated over a historical look-back period of at least ten years.\85\ 
OCC now proposes to amend its Rule 601(c) to reflect this practice.\86\ 
OCC believes that the proposed change would provide more clarity and 
transparency in its rules.\87\

    \85\ See id. at 28029.
    \86\ See id.
    \87\ See id.

3. Proposal To Make Other Non-Substantive Changes to OCC's Rules
    OCC proposes a number of clarifying, conforming, and organizational 
changes to its By-Laws, Rules, Collateral Risk Management Policy, 
Default Management Policy, and Clearing Fund-related procedures in 
connection with the proposed enhancements to its Pre-Funded Financial 
Resources and the relocation of OCC's Clearing Fund-related By-Laws 
into Chapter X of the Rules.\88\

    \88\ See id. at 28029-30.

    In addition to the relocation of rules described above, OCC would 
also make minor, non-substantive revisions. For example, OCC would 
replace text referencing ``computed contributions to the Clearing 
Fund'' and ``as fixed at the time'' with text stating ``required 
contributions to the Clearing Fund'' and ``as calculated at the time'' 
to more accurately reflect that these rules are intended to refer to a 
Clearing Member's required Clearing Fund contribution

[[Page 37860]]

amount as calculated under the proposed rules.\89\

    \89\ See id. at 28031, n. 52.

    Further, OCC proposes to update references to Article VIII of the 
By-Laws in its Collateral Risk Management Policy and Default Management 
Policy to reflect the relocation of OCC's Clearing Fund-related By-Laws 
into Chapter X of the Rules.\90\

    \90\ See id. at 28031.

    Finally, OCC proposes to replace procedures regarding its processes 
for (i) the monthly resizing of its Clearing Fund, (ii) the addition of 
financial resources, and (iii) the execution of any intra-month 
resizing of the Clearing Fund.\91\ OCC proposes to retire its existing 
procedures because the relevant rule requirements would be maintained 
in the proposed rules as well as the Clearing Fund Methodology Policy 
and Clearing Fund Methodology Description included as part of the 
Proposed Rule Change.\92\

    \91\ See id.
    \92\ See id.

III. Summary of Comments

    As noted above, the Commission received five comment letters--AACC 
Letter I, CBOE Letter I, MLPRO Letter I, WEX Letter I, and GS Letter 
I--supporting the changes in the Proposed Rule Change.\93\ Two of the 
commenters urge the Commission to approve the proposal as expeditiously 
as possible.\94\ AACC believes that the proposal would remediate two 
problems with the current clearing fund methodology: (1) OCC's current 
clearing fund sizing methodology failing to contain sufficient anti-
procyclicality measures, and (2) OCC's current clearing fund 
contribution allocation methodology failing to appropriately 
incentivize clearing member risk management.\95\

    \93\ See supra note 7.
    \94\ AACC Letter I at 1; MLPRO Letter I at I.
    \95\ AACC Letter I at 1.

    Regarding the clearing fund sizing methodology, AACC believes that 
the proposal would implement a number of measures intended to provide 
stability and consistency to the size of OCC's clearing fund.\96\ 
Specifically, AACC supports (1) sizing the clearing fund based on a 
variety of risk factors, and (2) testing the size of the clearing fund 
on a daily basis against extreme but plausible market events, thereby 
lowering the likelihood that OCC's clearing fund would be insufficient 
to protect OCC and market participants in the event of a clearing 
member default.\97\ MLPRO believes that the proposed changes would 
create a more transparent and predictable model.\98\ Similarly, GS 
supports OCC's proposal to include more comprehensive testing scenarios 
by including observed market events over a longer historical period, 
which would improve the overall quality of OCC's stress testing and 
strengthen OCC's ability to model risk scenarios.\99\ Additionally, WEX 
believes that the proposed changes, specifically changes regarding how 
the monthly clearing fund sizing process will address anti-
procyclicality, should help reduce operational issues related to a 
clearing member's obligations increasing and decreasing.\100\

    \96\ Id. at 2.
    \97\ Id. at 2-3.
    \98\ MLPRO Letter I at 2.
    \99\ GS Letter I at 2. In its letter, GS refers to OCC's 
movement to a 1-in-80-year period from a 1-in-50-year model. The 
Commission notes that OCC's current process is not based on a 1-in-
50-year model, and that OCC is now proposing to adopt a new risk 
tolerance based on a 1-in-50-year hypothetical event. See Notice of 
Filing, 83 FR at 31596. Further, OCC proposes to base the size of 
the clearing fund on the aggregate credit exposures estimated under 
a 1-in-80-year hypothetical market event (as opposed to an 
historical market event). See id. at 31600.
    \100\ WEX Letter I at 1.

    AACC states that, from a theoretical perspective, OCC's proposed 
sizing methodology constitutes a significant improvement over the 
current sizing methodology in that the size of the clearing fund would 
be less influenced by changes in volatility because OCC is introducing 
other risk drivers into the sizing methodology as well as monitoring 
and augmenting such risk drivers on a daily basis based on market 
conditions.\101\ AACC also comments that the proposal would cause the 
size of OCC's clearing fund to become more stable because OCC would 
test for adequacy and sufficiency on a daily basis using a series of 
historical and hypothetical stress tests that are rooted in extreme but 
plausible market events.\102\

    \101\ AACC Letter I at 3.
    \102\ Id.

    Commenters also believe that the proposal would improve OCC's risk 
models by correcting existing shortcomings.\103\ CBOE comments that the 
adoption of a Cover 2 standard would ensure that the size of the 
clearing fund is sufficient to protect OCC against losses from the 
simultaneous default of its two largest Clearing Members under extreme, 
but plausible market conditions.\104\ GS also agrees with OCC's 
proposal to adopt a Cover 2 Standard.\105\ MLPRO comments that the 
adoption of a Cover 2 standard in establishing a new model to measure 
the adequacy of the clearing fun and address potential default 
scenarios would address issues that MLPRO identifies with OCC's current 
model.\106\ MLPRO also supports OCC's (1) adopting risk tolerance and 
stress testing assumptions that are developed from extreme, but 
plausible scenarios, and (2) calibrating individual equity price 
movements to the price shock for the applicable equity index to address 
issues with the current model.\107\

    \103\ CBOE Letter I at 1; MLPRO Letter I at 1-2.
    \104\ CBOE Letter I at 1.
    \105\ GS Letter I at 2.
    \106\ MLPRO Letter I at 1-2.
    \107\ Id.

    Regarding the changes to the clearing fund allocation methodology, 
commenters believe that the proposal would better align clearing 
members' required clearing fund contribution to the risk they present 
to OCC and other market participants.\108\ AACC states that the 
proposed changes would place more emphasis on the economic risk 
presented by a clearing member's cleared contracts than the operational 
risk presented by a high volume clearing member, thereby better 
recognizing that certain types of clearing members present a relatively 
lower risk to OCC even though they may represent a higher percentage of 
overall activity (i.e., clearing members with market-maker and other 
risk-neutral customers).\109\ Similarly, WEX supports allocation based 
on cleared volumes as opposed to executed volumes in consideration of 
where a positon is cleared as opposed to where it is executed.\110\ 
MLPRO also supports increases the weighting of total risk in the 
allocation process.\111\ Commenters also believe that the proposed 
changes make sense from a default and liquidation perspective.\112\

    \108\ AACC Letter I at 4; WEX Letter I at 1; GS Letter I at 1.
    \109\ AACC Letter I at 4.
    \110\ WEX Letter I at 2.
    \111\ MLPRO Letter I at 2.
    \112\ AACC Letter I at 4; GS Letter I at 1.

    Commenters AACC and WEX believe that the proposed changes would 
have positive effects on the listed options market.\113\ Similarly, 
MLPRO believes that the proposed changes would increase liquidity in 
the listed options market.\114\ Additionally, GS believes that the 
proposed changes will greatly enhance OCC's resiliency and risk 

    \113\ AACC Letter I at 5; WEX Letter I at 2.
    \114\ MLPRO Letter I at 1.
    \115\ GS Letter I at 2.

IV. Discussion and Commission Findings

    Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act directs the Commission to approve a 
proposed rule change of a self-regulatory organization if it finds that 

[[Page 37861]]

proposed rule change is consistent with the requirements of the Act and 
the rules and regulations thereunder applicable to such 
organization.\116\ After carefully considering the Proposed Rule 
Change, the Commission finds the proposal is consistent with the 
requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder 
applicable to OCC. More specifically, the Commission finds that the 
proposal is consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act \117\ and 
Rules 17Ad-22(e)(1) and 17Ad-22(e)(4) thereunder.\118\

    \116\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
    \117\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
    \118\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(1); 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4).

A. Consistency With Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act

    Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act requires that the rules of a 
clearing agency be designed to, among other things, promote the prompt 
and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, 
assure the safeguarding of securities and funds which are in the 
custody or control of the clearing agency or for which it is 
responsible, and, in general, to protect investors and the public 
interest.\119\ Based on its review of the record, the Commission 
believes that the proposed changes are designed to promote the prompt 
and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, 
assure the safeguarding of securities and funds which are in OCC's 
custody or control, and, in general, protect investors and the public 
interest by enhancing OCC's overall risk management for the reasons set 
forth below.

    \119\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

    First, as described above, OCC's current process for sizing the 
clearing fund was established in 2011 and strengthened under a 2015 
interim approach. The current process is essentially an extension of 
OCC's margin model. In general, margin requirements for clearing 
members are very reactive to market movements and changes in clearing 
member portfolios. Because OCC's current process for sizing the 
clearing fund is based on a relatively dynamic daily margin process, 
the size of the clearing fund can at times be volatile and cyclical in 
nature. The Proposed Rule Change would base the sizing and monitoring 
of OCC's clearing fund on a stable inventory of stress tests rather 
than continuing to rely on a dynamic margin model. The Commission 
believes this new approach would provide OCC with a more precise, 
rigorous, and stable assessment of the financial resources it would 
need to hold in its clearing fund to cover its credit risk exposure to 
its members in extreme but plausible market conditions.
    Second, with respect to the robustness of the new stress testing 
framework itself, the Commission believes that the stress tests 
proposed in OCC's framework are an improvement over OCC's current 
approach in this area, as the stress tests comprise a wide range of 
foreseeable stress scenarios. The scenarios cover historical events as 
extreme as the 2008 financial crisis and 1987 market crash as well as 
hypothetical events derived from a dataset of historical S&P returns. 
OCC's proposed stress testing framework would also include a category 
of stress tests designed specifically for review of OCC's financial 
resources against implausible scenarios and reverse stress tests. Such 
stress tests would not directly affect the total amount of OCC's 
financial resources, but would facilitate a more forward looking risk 
management process. Accordingly, while as an ongoing supervisory matter 
the Commission expects OCC to consider and, as necessary, implement 
future enhancements to its suite of stress tests, the Commission 
believes that the suite of stress tests that OCC proposes to establish 
in its risk management framework pursuant to the Proposed Rule Change 
represents a material improvement to OCC's current risk management 
practices for estimating potential future losses in extreme but 
plausible market conditions.
    Third, as described above, OCC proposes to adopt several 
enhancements to its methodology for determining the size of its 
clearing fund. OCC proposes to adopt an internal credit risk tolerance 
based on hypothetical stress scenarios, which would provide OCC with a 
benchmark that it believes represents extreme but plausible market 
conditions. The Commission believes that establishing such a tolerance 
is a valuable step in accurately estimating the total financial 
resources necessary to cover OCC's exposures in extreme but plausible 
market conditions. Next, OCC proposes to set the size of its clearing 
fund to cover a scenario that is more extreme than its internal 
tolerance to ensure consistent coverage, which the Commission believes 
would be another valuable step in accurately estimating OCC's necessary 
total financial resources. Further, OCC proposes to cover its two 
largest credit exposures when setting the size of the clearing fund, 
which goes further than OCC's current practice of covering the greater 
of OCC's single largest exposure or two random exposures. For the same 
reasons, the Commission believes this, too, would improve OCC's risk 
management practices. Finally, OCC proposes to limit the potential 
reductions in the size of the clearing fund month-over-month. Such 
limitations would avoid large drops in the clearing fund size over a 
short period of time and unnecessary reductions followed by immediate 
calls for additional resources at the beginning of each month.
    Fourth, the proposal discussed above would expand and improve upon 
the scope of stress scenarios against which OCC monitors is financial 
resources. Under the proposal, OCC would continue to review the size of 
its clearing fund against exposures under a stress scenario designed to 
replicate the 1987 market crash, and would also introduce monitoring 
against other historical scenarios such as the largest market moves up 
and down observed during the 2008 financial crisis. In addition, OCC 
would continue its practice of collecting additional resources in 
margin collateral and clearing fund requirements where stress exposures 
exceed 75 percent and 90 percent, respectively, of the size of the 
clearing fund. Based on a review of the parameters of the scenario 
replicating the 1987 market crash, the Commission believes that the 
scenario presents potential losses that are extreme while also 
plausible in light of their historical basis. Additionally, the 
Commission believes that the scenario would provide stress exposure 
estimates that would be meaningful for the monitoring of OCC's total 
financial resources. The Commission also believes that the introduction 
of new historical scenarios, such as those replicating the financial 
crisis, would provide additional depth to the monitoring of OCC's 
financial resources. The Commission believes, therefore, that the 
changes proposed in the Proposed Rule Change include the adoption of a 
wide range of stress scenarios for the testing of OCC's financial 
    Fifth, OCC would document its periodic review and analysis of its 
stress testing framework and clearing fund methodology, which would 
include (1) daily review of stress test outputs, (2) monthly (or more 
frequently as needed) analysis of the stress test results, scenarios, 
models, parameters, and assumptions, and (3) annual validation of the 
clearing fund methodology. OCC also would clearly define the process 
for escalating the results of its daily and monthly analyses and 
require on an annual basis Board level review and

[[Page 37862]]

approval of the Clearing Fund Methodology Policy. The Commission 
believes that these governance processes would help ensure that OCC is 
in a position to continuously monitor, analyze, and adjust as necessary 
both the stress testing framework and the clearing fund methodology, 
thereby helping to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the 
methodology by which OCC tests the sufficiency of its financial 
    Taken together, and for the reasons discussed above, the Commission 
believes that the proposed changes will increase the likelihood that 
OCC will have sufficient financial resources in excess of margin to 
address credit losses that could arise from a wide range of stress 
scenarios including, but not limited to, the default of the participant 
family that would potentially cause the largest aggregate credit 
exposure for OCC in extreme but plausible market conditions. Having an 
improved capacity to access and apply sufficient financial resources to 
credit losses in a wide range of stress scenarios should, in turn, 
enhance OCC's ability to continue to promptly and accurately clear and 
settle securities transactions for participants in the options markets 
during periods of market stress. Therefore, the Commission believes 
that the proposal is consistent with promoting the prompt and accurate 
clearance and settlement of securities transactions.
    The Commission further believes that the proposed changes are 
consistent with assuring the safeguarding of securities and funds which 
are in OCC's custody or control, or for which it is responsible. By 
establishing a clearing fund that is sized to address credit losses 
that could arise from a wide range of stress scenarios including, but 
not limited to, the default of the participant family that would 
potentially cause the largest aggregate credit exposure for OCC in 
extreme but plausible market conditions, the proposal will enhance 
OCC's ability to use the clearing fund as a means to safeguard the 
securities and funds it holds for its Clearing Members during periods 
of market stress. In addition, the Commission believes that the 
proposed changes to OCC's allocation weighting will allow OCC to better 
manage its credit exposures to its clearing members by better aligning 
each clearing member's contributions to the credit risk it poses to 
OCC. This improved ability to manage credit exposure in the form of 
clearing fund amounts more closely calibrated to credit exposure 
should, in turn, improve OCC's ability to rely upon the clearing fund 
as a resource to safeguard the securities and funds it holds during 
periods of market stress.
    Finally, the Commission believes that OCC's proposed measures 
addressing the potential procyclical nature of clearing fund 
obligations, as well as the textual clarifications and reorganization 
set forth in the proposal, are consistent with the protection of 
investors and the public interest. The enhanced certainty for Clearing 
Members that should be achieved in the form of clearly established and 
understood limitations on the reduction in Clearing Fund size from 
month to month should make it easier for Clearing Members, and their 
customers and investors more broadly, to more easily anticipate and 
manage financial resource demands that can arise from OCC's risk 
management processes in respect of the clearing fund. In addition, the 
reorganization and consolidation of rule provisions related to OCC's 
clearing fund would enhance the readability of OCC's public-facing 
rules, and additional clarification of OCC's margin rules would promote 
transparency by providing the public with information about OCC's risk 
management processes. The Commission believes that the additional 
clarity, predictability and transparency provided by these proposed 
changes would generally be consistent with the protection of investors 
and the public interest by removing potential sources of confusion, 
surprise or misunderstanding regarding the operations and potential 
consequences of OCC's risk management processes in respect of the 
clearing fund.
    Accordingly, and for the reasons stated above, the Commission finds 
that the Proposed Rule Change is consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) 
of the Act.\120\

    \120\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

B. Consistency With Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4) Under the Act

1. Total Financial Resources
    Rules 17Ad-22(e)(4)(i) and (iii) under the Act requires, among 
other things, that OCC establish, implement, maintain, and enforce 
written policies and procedures reasonably designed to effectively 
identify, measure, monitor, and manage its credit exposures to 
participants and those arising from its payment, clearing, and 
settlement processes by, among other things, maintaining financial 
resources at the minimum to enable OCC to cover a wide range of 
foreseeable stress scenarios that include, but are not limited to, the 
default of the participant family that would potentially cause the 
largest aggregate credit exposure for OCC in extreme but plausible 
market conditions.\121\

    \121\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4)(i) and (iii).

    As described above, the proposal includes enhancements to OCC's 
methodology for sizing its clearing fund to ensure that it maintains 
sufficient financial resources, including: (i) Adoption of an internal 
credit risk tolerance that OCC believes represents extreme but 
plausible market conditions; (ii) sizing the clearing fund to cover 
credit exposures under scenarios that are more extreme than OCC's risk 
tolerance, (iii) sizing the clearing fund to cover the default of the 
two clearing member groups that that would potentially cause the 
largest aggregate credit exposure for OCC; (iv) limiting the potential 
reduction in clearing fund size month-over-month; and (v) shortening 
the time by which each clearing member must fund its clearing fund 
    Taken together, the Commission believes that proposed changes 
described above are designed to improve the process by which OCC sizes 
its total financial resources and are consistent with the requirements 
of Rules 17Ad-22(e)(4)(i) and (iii) under the Act. First, the proposal 
is designed to cover credit exposures in excess of those posed by any 
one clearing member group because OCC is proposing to cover the largest 
aggregate exposure to two clearing member groups. Second, the proposal 
is designed to cover credit exposures in extreme but plausible market 
conditions because OCC proposes to size its clearing fund based on 
scenarios that are more extreme than those that OCC believes to 
represent extreme but plausible market conditions. Further, based on 
the Commission's detailed analysis of the relevant scenarios through 
the supervisory process, the Commission believes that OCC has defined 
extreme but plausible scenarios in an acceptable manner for the markets 
served. Finally, the Commission believes that proposal would support 
the consistent and stable maintenance of an appropriate level of total 
financial resources by limiting month-over-month reductions in the size 
of clearing fund and requiring clearing members to make clearing fund 
contributions within two business days. Accordingly, the Commission 
believes that the proposed modifications to OCC's clearing fund sizing 
methodology are consistent with Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4)(i) and (iii).\122\

    \122\ Id.


[[Page 37863]]

2. Financial resource sufficiency
    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4)(vi) under the Act requires OCC to establish, 
implement, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures 
reasonably designed to effectively identify, measure, monitor, and 
manage its credit exposures to participants and those arising from its 
payment, clearing, and settlement processes by testing the sufficiency 
of its total financial resources available to meet the minimum 
financial resource requirements under paragraphs Rules 17Ad-22(e)(4)(i) 
through (iii).\123\ Such testing must include (A) Conducting stress 
testing of OCC's total financial resources once each day using standard 
predetermined parameters and assumptions; (B) conducting a 
comprehensive analysis on at least a monthly basis of the existing 
stress testing scenarios, models, and underlying parameters and 
assumptions, and considering modifications to ensure they are 
appropriate for determining the covered clearing agency's required 
level of default protection in light of current and evolving market 
conditions; (C) conducting a comprehensive analysis of stress testing 
scenarios, models, and underlying parameters and assumptions more 
frequently than monthly when the products cleared or markets served 
display high volatility or become less liquid, or when the size or 
concentration of positions held by the covered clearing agency's 
participants increases significantly; and (D) reporting the results of 
such analyses to appropriate decision makers at OCC, including but not 
limited to, its risk management committee or board of directors, and 
using these results to evaluate the adequacy of and adjust its margin 
methodology, model parameters, models used to generate clearing or 
guaranty fund requirements, and any other relevant aspects of its 
credit risk management framework, in supporting compliance with the 
minimum financial resources requirements set forth in paragraphs 
(e)(4)(i) through (iii) of Rule 17Ad-22.\124\ Additionally, pursuant to 
Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4)(vii) under the Act, the policies and procedures 
required under Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4) must include the performance of a 
model validation of OCC's credit risk models not less than annually or 
more frequently as may be contemplated by OCC's risk management 

    \123\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4)(vi) (citing 17 CFR 240.17Ad-
    \124\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4)(vi)(A)-(D).
    \125\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4)(vii).

    After reviewing and assessing the proposal, the Commission believes 
that the proposed changes described above are consistent with Rules 
17Ad-22(e)(4)(vi) and (vii) under the Act,\126\ because, among other 
reasons, (i) they are designed to improve the testing of OCC's 
financial resources; (ii) expanding the scope of stress scenarios 
against which OCC monitors its financial resources would increase the 
likelihood that OCC maintains sufficient financial resources at all 
times; and (iii) the formalization of OCC's processes for the periodic 
review and analysis its stress testing framework and clearing fund 
methodology is designed to support OCC's monitoring of its financial 

    \126\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4)(vi) and (vii).

    In addition, the Commission believes that (i) the daily testing of 
OCC's financial resources against the sufficiency stress tests, 
including stress tests based on market movements in the 2008 financial 
crisis and the 1987 market crash included in the proposal would be 
consistent with the daily stress testing requirements of Rule 17Ad-
22(e)(4)(vi)(A), as described above; (ii) the at least monthly analysis 
of stress test results, scenarios, models, parameters, and assumptions, 
with more frequent review and analysis as required would be consistent 
with the monthly comprehensive analysis requirements set forth in Rule 
17Ad-22(e)(4)(vi)(B) and (C) as described above; and (iii) the annual 
validation of OCC's clearing fund methodology discussed in more detail 
above would be consistent with model validation requirements of Rule 
17Ad-22(e)(4)(vii). The proposal also contemplates the reporting and 
escalation of such testing, analyses, and validations to OCC's 
management and Board of Directors, which the Commission believes would 
be consistent with the reporting requirements of Rule 17Ad-
    Accordingly, taken together and for the reasons discussed above, 
the Commission believes that the proposed stress testing and clearing 
fund methodology governance changes are consistent with Rules 17Ad-
2(e)(4)(vi) and (vii).\127\

    \127\ Id.

3. Proposal To Modify the Clearing Fund Allocation Methodology
    As noted above, Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4) under the Act requires that OCC 
establish, implement, maintain, and enforce written policies and 
procedures reasonably designed to, among other things, effectively 
manage its credit exposures to participants.\128\

    \128\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(4).

    As discussed above, OCC manages its credit exposures not covered by 
margin through the allocation of clearing fund requirements to its 
clearing members. OCC proposes to determine the size of is clearing 
fund based on the measurement of its credit exposures under 
hypothetical stress scenarios, and to monitor such exposures under 
historical stress scenarios. OCC also proposes to increase the initial 
and minimum clearing fund contribution amounts from $150,000 to 
$500,000, and to modify the allocation weighting used to determine the 
variable amount that most clearing members contribute to the clearing 
fund. Specifically, under the proposal, the proposed clearing fund 
contribution requirements would be based on an allocation methodology 
of 70 percent of total risk, 15 percent of open interest and 15 percent 
of open interest (as opposed to the current weighting of 35 percent 
total risk, 50 percent open interest, and 15 percent volume).
    The Commission believes that the changes described above are 
reasonably designed to improve OCC's management of its credit exposures 
to participants. First, OCC's overall clearing fund size has increased 
significantly since the current initial and minimum contributions were 
set in 2000 and OCC's requirements are lower than the minimum 
requirements imposed by other CCPs. The Commission believes that the 
proposed changes to OCC's initial and minimum clearing fund 
contribution amounts are designed to better manage the risks posed by 
clearing members with minimal open interest, and are commensurate with 
the growth of OCC's clearing fund over time. The Commission also 
believes that the changes to OCC's allocation weighting will allow OCC 
to better manage its credit exposures to its clearing members by better 
aligning each clearing member's contributions to the credit risk it 
poses to OCC, thereby allowing OCC to better manage its credit 
exposures to its participants.
    Accordingly, based on the foregoing, the Commission believes that 
the proposed changes pertaining to the sizing, monitoring, and 
allocation of clearing fund requirements are consistent with Exchange 
Act Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4).\129\

    \129\ Id.

C. Consistency With Rule 17Ad-22(e)(1) Under the Act

    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(1) under the Act requires that OCC establish, 
implement, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures 
reasonably designed to

[[Page 37864]]

provide for a well-founded, clear, transparent, and enforceable legal 
basis for each aspect of its activities in all relevant 
jurisdictions.\130\ The Commission has stated that, in establishing and 
maintaining policies and procedures to address legal risk, a covered 
clearing agency generally should consider whether its rules, policies 
and procedures, and contracts are clear, understandable, and consistent 
with relevant laws and regulations.\131\

    \130\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(1).
    \131\ Securities Exchange Act Release 78961 (Sep. 28, 2016), 81 
FR 70786, 70802 (Oct. 13, 2016) (S7-03-14) (``Covered Clearing 
Agency Standards'').

    The Commission believes that the proposed consolidation and 
reorganization of OCC's Rules described above would improve readability 
by locating all rules related to the clearing fund in one place, 
thereby enhancing the clarity, transparency, consistency, and 
understandability of OCC's Rules related to the clearing fund. 
Additionally, by amending the Rules to accurately reflect OCC's current 
margin practices, the Commission believes OCC's Rules will be more 
transparent and understandable.
    Accordingly, the Commission finds that the proposed textual 
reorganization and clarifications are consistent with Rule 17Ad-

    \132\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(1).

V. Conclusion

    On the basis of the foregoing, the Commission finds that the 
Proposed Rule Change is consistent with the requirements of the Act, 
and in particular, the requirements of Section 17A of the Act \133\ and 
the rules and regulations thereunder.

    \133\ In approving this Proposed Rule Change, the Commission has 
considered the proposed rules' impact on efficiency, competition, 
and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
Act,\134\ that the Proposed Rule Change (SR-OCC-2018-008), as modified 
by Amendments No. 1 and 2, be, and hereby is, approved.

    \134\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
    \135\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\135\
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-16529 Filed 8-1-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices                                               37855

                                               SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                   Applicant’s Address: 800 Clinton                       funded financial resources. Specifically,
                                               COMMISSION                                              Square, Rochester, New York 14604.                       the proposed changes would:
                                                                                                                                                                   (1) Reorganize, restate, and
                                               [Investment Company Act Release No.                     Cohen & Steers Active Commodities
                                                                                                                                                                consolidate the provisions of OCC’s By-
                                               33184]                                                  Strategy Fund, Inc. [File No. 811–
                                                                                                                                                                Laws and Rules relating to the Clearing
                                               Notice of Applications for                                                                                       Fund into a newly revised Chapter X of
                                               Deregistration Under Section 8(f) of the                   Summary: Applicant seeks an order                     OCC’s Rules;
                                               Investment Company Act of 1940                          declaring that it has ceased to be an                       (2) modify the coverage level of OCC’s
                                                                                                       investment company. On April 13,                         Clearing Fund sizing requirement to
                                               July 27, 2018.                                          2018, applicant made a liquidating                       protect OCC against losses stemming
                                                 The following is a notice of                          distribution to its shareholders, based                  from the default of the two Clearing
                                               applications for deregistration under                   on net asset value. Expenses of $50,599                  Member Groups that would potentially
                                               section 8(f) of the Investment Company                  incurred in connection with the                          cause the largest aggregate credit
                                               Act of 1940 for the month of July 2018.                 liquidation were paid by the applicant.                  exposure for OCC in extreme but
                                               A copy of each application may be                          Filing Date: The application was filed                plausible market conditions (i.e., adopt
                                               obtained via the Commission’s website                   on July 11, 2018.                                        a ‘‘Cover 2 Standard’’ for sizing the
                                               by searching for the file number, or for                   Applicant’s Address: 280 Park                         Clearing Fund);
                                               an applicant using the Company name                     Avenue, 10th Floor New York, New                            (3) adopt a new risk tolerance for OCC
                                               box, at http://www.sec.gov/search/                      York 10017.                                              to cover a 1-in-50 year hypothetical
                                               search.htm or by calling (202) 551–                       For the Commission, by the Division of                 market event at a 99.5% confidence
                                               8090. An order granting each                            Investment Management, pursuant to                       level over a two-year look-back period;
                                               application will be issued unless the                   delegated authority.                                        (4) adopt a new Clearing Fund and
                                               SEC orders a hearing. Interested persons                Robert W. Errett,                                        stress testing methodology, which
                                               may request a hearing on any                            Deputy Secretary.                                        would be underpinned by a new
                                               application by writing to the SEC’s                     [FR Doc. 2018–16527 Filed 8–1–18; 8:45 am]               scenario-based one-factor risk model
                                               Secretary at the address below and                                                                               stress testing approach, as detailed in
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                               serving the relevant applicant with a                                                                            the newly proposed Policy and
                                               copy of the request, personally or by                                                                            Methodology Description;
                                               mail. Hearing requests should be                        SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                     (5) document governance, monitoring,
                                               received by the SEC by 5:30 p.m. on                     COMMISSION                                               and review processes related to Clearing
                                               August 21, 2018, and should be                                                                                   Fund and stress testing;
                                               accompanied by proof of service on                      [Release No. 34–83735; File No. SR–OCC–                     (6) provide for certain anti-procyclical
                                               applicants, in the form of an affidavit or,             2018–008]                                                limitations on the reduction in Clearing
                                               for lawyers, a certificate of service.                                                                           Fund size from month to month;
                                               Pursuant to Rule 0–5 under the Act,                     Self-Regulatory Organizations; The                          (7) increase the minimum Clearing
                                               hearing requests should state the nature                Options Clearing Corporation; Order                      Fund contribution requirement for
                                               of the writer’s interest, any facts bearing             Approving Proposed Rule Change, as                       Clearing Members to $500,000;
                                               upon the desirability of a hearing on the               Modified by Amendments No. 1 and 2,                         (8) modify OCC’s allocation weighting
                                               matter, the reason for the request, and                 Related to The Options Clearing                          methodology for Clearing Fund
                                               the issues contested. Persons who wish                  Corporation’s Stress Testing and                         contributions;
                                               to be notified of a hearing may request                 Clearing Fund Methodology                                   (9) reduce from five to two business
                                               notification by writing to the                                                                                   days the timeframe within which
                                                                                                       July 27, 2018.
                                               Commission’s Secretary.                                                                                          Clearing Members are required to fund
                                               ADDRESSES: The Commission: Secretary,                   I. Introduction                                          Clearing Fund deficits due to monthly
                                               U.S. Securities and Exchange                               On May 30, 2018, The Options                          or intra-month resizing or due to Rule
                                               Commission, 100 F Street NE,                            Clearing Corporation (‘‘OCC’’) filed with                amendments;
                                               Washington, DC 20549–1090.                              the Securities and Exchange                                 (10) provide additional clarity in
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the                          OCC’s Rules regarding certain anti-
                                               Shawn Davis, Branch Chief, at (202)                     proposed rule change SR–OCC–2018–                        procyclicality measures in OCC’s
                                               551–6413 or Chief Counsel’s Office at                   008 (‘‘Proposed Rule Change’’) pursuant                  margin model; and
                                               (202) 551–6821; SEC, Division of                        to Section 19(b) of the Securities                          (11) make a number of other non-
                                               Investment Management, Chief                            Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule                substantive clarifying, conforming, and
                                               Counsel’s Office, 100 F Street NE,                      19b–4 2 thereunder to propose changes                    organizational changes to OCC’s By-
                                               Washington, DC 20549–8010.                              to OCC’s By-Laws and Rules, the                          Laws, Rules, Collateral Risk
                                                                                                       formalization of a substantially new                     Management Policy, Default
                                               Broadstone Real Estate Access Fund,                                                                              Management Policy, and filed
                                                                                                       Clearing Fund Methodology Policy
                                               Inc. [File No. 811–23303]                                                                                        procedures, including retiring OCC’s
                                                                                                       (‘‘Policy’’), and the adoption of a
                                                  Summary: Applicant, a closed-end                     document describing OCC’s new                            existing Clearing Fund Intra-Month Re-
                                               investment company, seeks an order                      Clearing Fund and stress testing                         sizing Procedure, Financial Resources
                                               declaring that it has ceased to be an                   methodology (‘‘Methodology                               Monitoring and Call Procedure (‘‘FRMC
                                               investment company. Applicant has                       Description’’).3 The proposed changes                    Procedure’’), and Monthly Clearing
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               never made a public offering of its                     are primarily designed to enhance                        Fund Sizing Procedure, as these
                                               securities and does not propose to make                 OCC’s overall resiliency, particularly                   procedures would no longer be relevant
                                               a public offering or engage in business                 with respect to the level of OCC’s pre-                  to OCC’s proposed Clearing Fund and
                                               of any kind.                                                                                                     stress testing methodology and would
                                                  Filing Dates: The application was                      1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                 be replaced by the proposed Rules,
                                               filed on July 11, 2018, and amended on                    2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                    Policy, and Methodology Description
                                               July 19, 2018.                                            3 See Notice of Filing infra note 5, at 83 FR 28018.   described herein.

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                                               37856                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                                  On June 7, 2018, OCC filed                           Change are primarily designed to                       on the following categories: (a) Stress
                                               Amendment No. 1 to the Proposed Rule                    enhance OCC’s overall resiliency,                      testing; (b) total financial resources; (c)
                                               Change.4 The Proposed Rule Change, as                   particularly with respect to the level of              financial resource sufficiency; (d)
                                               amended, was published for public                       OCC’s pre-funded financial resources.11                allocation of clearing fund
                                               comment in the Federal Register on                         As enumerated in the Notice of Filing,              contributions; and (e) textual
                                               June 15, 2018.5 On July 11, 2018, OCC                   the specific modifications that OCC                    clarification and consolidation.
                                               filed Amendment No. 2 to the Proposed                   proposes are as follows: (1) Reorganize,
                                               Rule Change.6 The Commission                            restate, and consolidate the provisions                A. OCC’s Current Process for Sizing the
                                               received five comment letters in support                of OCC’s By-Laws and Rules relating to                 Clearing Fund
                                               of the proposal.7 This order approves                   the clearing fund into a revised Chapter                  OCC’s process for determining the
                                               the Proposed Rule Change as modified                    X of OCC’s Rules; (2) modify the                       size of its clearing fund was initially
                                               by Amendments No. 1 and 2.                              coverage level of OCC’s clearing fund                  approved in 2011,13 and enhanced in
                                                                                                       sizing requirement to protect OCC                      2015,14 resulting in OCC’s current
                                               II. Background                                          against losses stemming from the default               process. Currently, OCC resizes its
                                                  The Proposed Rule Change concerns                    of the two clearing member groups that                 clearing fund at the beginning of each
                                               proposed changes to OCC’s By-Laws 8                     would potentially cause the largest                    month to maintain financial resources,
                                               and Rules,9 the formalization of the                    aggregate credit exposure for OCC in                   in excess of margin, to cover its credit
                                               substantially new Policy, and the                       extreme but plausible market conditions                exposures to its clearing members. The
                                               adoption of OCC’s new Methodology                       (i.e., adopt a ‘‘Cover 2 Standard’’ for                current process is effectively an
                                               Description.10 According to OCC, the                    sizing the clearing fund); (3) adopt a                 extension of OCC’s daily margin
                                               changes comprising the Proposed Rule                    new risk tolerance for OCC to cover a 1-               process, in which OCC calculates what
                                                                                                       in-50 year hypothetical market event at                it refers to as the ‘‘daily draw’’ based on
                                                  4 In Amendment No. 1, OCC corrected formatting
                                                                                                       a 99.5% confidence level over a two-                   observations from its margin model at
                                               errors in Exhibits 5A and 5B without changing the
                                               substance of the Proposed Rule Change.
                                                                                                       year look-back period; (4) adopt a new                 specific confidence levels each day.15
                                                  5 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83406 (Jun.    clearing fund and stress testing                       OCC tracks the rolling five-day average
                                               11, 2018), 83 FR 28018 (Jun. 15, 2018) (SR–OCC–         methodology, which would be                            of these daily draws and, at the
                                               2018–008) (‘‘Notice of Filing’’). On May 30, 2018,      underpinned by a new scenario-based                    beginning of each month, sets the
                                               OCC also filed a related advance notice (SR–OCC–        one-factor risk model stress testing
                                               2018–803) (‘‘Advance Notice’’) with the
                                                                                                                                                              clearing fund size to the sum of (1) the
                                               Commission pursuant to Section 806(e)(1) of Title       approach, as detailed in the proposed                  largest five-day rolling average observed
                                               VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and           Policy and Methodology Description; (5)                over the last three months and (2) a $1.8
                                               Consumer Protection Act, entitled the Payment,          document governance, monitoring, and                   billion buffer.16
                                               Clearing, and Settlement Supervision Act of 2010        review processes related to the clearing
                                               and Rule 19b–4(n)(1)(i) under the Act. 12 U.S.C.
                                                                                                                                                                 As described in detail below, OCC is
                                               5465(e)(1). 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1) and 17 CFR 240.19b–     fund and stress testing; (6) provide for               proposing three primary changes to the
                                               4, respectively. The Advance Notice was published       certain anti-procyclical limitations on                existing approach. First, instead of
                                               in the Federal Register on July 6, 2018. Securities     the reduction in clearing fund size from               simply relying on its margin model,
                                               Exchange Act Release No. 83561 (Jun. 29, 2018), 83      month to month; (7) increase the
                                               FR 31594 (Jul. 6, 2018) (SR–OCC–2018–803).
                                                                                                                                                              OCC would rely on the proposed stress
                                                  6 In Amendment No. 2, OCC made three non-
                                                                                                       minimum clearing fund contribution                     testing framework, including both sizing
                                               substantive changes to the proposal. Specifically,      requirement for clearing members from                  and sufficiency stress tests. Second,
                                               OCC (1) updated a cross-reference in Article VI,        $150,000 to $500,000; (8) modify OCC’s                 OCC would set the size of its clearing
                                               Section 27 of the OCC By-Laws to reflect the            allocation weighting methodology for
                                               relocation of OCC’s clearing fund-related rules, (2)
                                                                                                                                                              fund based on a Cover 2 Standard.
                                               added an Interpretation and Policy to proposed
                                                                                                       clearing fund contributions; (9) reduce                Third, OCC would eliminate the current
                                               Rule 1001 to clarify the applicability of the 5         from five to two business days the                     $1.8 billion static buffer because it
                                               percent month-over-month limitation in the              timeframe within which clearing                        would be obsolete in light of the new
                                               reduction of clearing fund size is not intended to      members are required to fund clearing
                                               apply to the initial changes in to OCC’s clearing
                                                                                                                                                              sizing stress tests and increased
                                               fund sizing resulting from implementation of the
                                                                                                       fund deficits due to monthly or intra-                 coverage afforded by the move to a
                                               proposed methodology, and (3) clarified an              month resizing; (10) provide additional                Cover 2 Standard that, together, would
                                               implementation date of September 1, 2018 for the        clarity in OCC’s Rules regarding certain               function as a dynamic buffer.
                                               proposed changes in the filing.                         anti-procyclicality measures in OCC’s
                                                  7 See letter from Andrej Bolkovic, CEO, ABN
                                                                                                       margin model; and (11) make a number                   B. Stress Testing
                                               AMRO Clearing Corporation LLC (‘‘AACC’’), dated
                                               June 26, 2018, to Brent Fields, Secretary,              of other non-substantive clarifying,                     OCC proposes to adopt a new stress
                                               Commission (AACC Letter I); letter from Chris           conforming, and organizational changes                 testing methodology, as detailed in both
                                               Concannon, President and COO, Cboe Global               to OCC’s By-Laws, Rules and filed                      the proposed Policy and the proposed
                                               Markets (‘‘CBOE’’), dated July 6, 2018, to Brent        procedures, including retiring OCC’s
                                               Fields, Secretary, Commission (CBOE Letter I);
                                               letter from Matthew R. Scott, President, Merrill        existing Clearing Fund Intra-Month Re-                    13 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 65386

                                               Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. (‘‘MLPRO’’),          sizing Procedure, Financial Resources                  (Sep. 23, 2011), 76 FR 60572 (Sep. 29, 2011) (Order
                                               dated July 6, 2018, to Brent J. Fields, Secretary,      Monitoring and Call Procedure, and                     Approving Clearing Fund I).
                                                                                                                                                                 14 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 75528
                                               Commission (MLPRO Letter I); letter from Kurt
                                               Eckert, Partner, Wolverine Execution Services
                                                                                                       Monthly Clearing Fund Sizing                           (Jul. 27, 2015), 80 FR 45690 (Jul. 31, 2015) (Order
                                               (‘‘WEX’’), dated July 12, 2018, to Brent Fields,        Procedure, as these procedures would                   Approving Clearing Fund II).
                                               Secretary, Commission (WEX Letter I); and letter        be replaced by the proposed Rules,                        15 See Order Approving Clearing Fund I, 76 FR at
                                               from Mark Dehnert, Managing Director, Goldman           Policy, and Methodology Description.12                 60572–60573. Each day, OCC estimates credit
                                               Sachs & Co. LLC (‘‘GS’’), dated July 17, 2018, to                                                              exposures under the stressed margin model for two
                                               Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Commission (GS Letter I),
                                                                                                          The remainder of this section will
                                                                                                                                                              scenarios: The greater of the two estimates is the
                                                                                                       first provide an overview of OCC’s
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               available at https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-occ-                                                              daily draw. The two scenarios are of (1) the single
                                               2018-008/occ2018008.htm.                                current process for sizing the clearing                largest credit exposure that would arise out of the
                                                  8 OCC’s By-Laws are available at https://
                                                                                                       fund, followed by a more detailed                      default of a single clearing member group
                                               www.theocc.com/components/docs/legal/rules_             discussion of the specific changes                     (‘‘idiosyncratic default’’) and (2) the credit exposure
                                               and_bylaws/occ_bylaws.pdf.                                                                                     that would arise out of the default of two-randomly
                                                  9 OCC’s Rules are available at https://              proposed by OCC, with particular focus                 selected clearing member groups (‘‘minor systemic
                                               www.theocc.com/components/docs/legal/rules_                                                                    default’’). See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28019.
                                               and_bylaws/occ_rules.pdf.                                 11 See   id.                                            16 See Order Approving Clearing Fund II, 80 FR
                                                  10 See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28018.               12 See   id. at 28018–19.                            at 45691.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices                                                      37857

                                               Methodology Description.17 OCC                            up or down price shocks for the SPX                  its clearing fund each month based on
                                               believes that its proposed methodology                    assuming a 1-in-80 year market event.25              the peak-five daily rolling average of
                                               would enable it to measure its credit                        OCC’s proposed stress testing                     estimated stress exposures; however,
                                               exposure at a level sufficient to cover                   framework would categorize OCC’s                     such exposures would be based on the
                                               potential losses under extreme but                        inventory of stress tests by each stress             output from OCC’s stress testing
                                               plausible market conditions.18 To do so,                  test’s intended purpose: Adequacy,                   framework going forward as opposed to
                                               OCC proposes to conduct daily stress                      sizing, sufficiency, and informational.26            the margin-derived approach described
                                               tests that consider a range of relevant                   Specifically, OCC would use the (1)                  above.31
                                               stress scenarios and related price                        ‘‘Adequacy Stress Tests’’ to determine                  As its benchmark for identifying
                                               changes, including but not limited to:                    whether the financial resources                      extreme but plausible market
                                               (1) Relevant peak historic price                          collected from all clearing members                  conditions, OCC proposes to adopt a
                                               volatilities; (2) shifts in other market                  collectively are adequate to cover OCC’s             credit risk tolerance defined by OCC’s
                                               factors including, as appropriate, price                  risk tolerance; (2) ‘‘Sizing Stress Tests’’          largest potential aggregate credit
                                               determinants and yield curves; and (3)                    to establish the monthly size of the                 exposure to two clearing member groups
                                               the default of one or multiple clearing                   clearing fund; (3) ‘‘Sufficiency Stress              under a 1-in-50-year hypothetical
                                               members.19                                                Tests’’ to monitor whether OCC’s credit              market event as opposed to the greater
                                                                                                         exposure to the portfolios of individual             of exposures arising under an
                                                  The stress scenarios used in OCC’s                     clearing member groups is at a level
                                               proposed methodology would consist of                                                                          idiosyncratic default or a minor
                                                                                                         sufficiently large enough to necessitate             systemic default.32 OCC further
                                               two types of scenarios: Historical                        OCC calling for additional resources so
                                               scenarios and hypothetical scenarios.20                                                                        proposes to base its daily draw on the
                                                                                                         that OCC continues to maintain                       aggregate credit exposures estimated
                                               Historical Scenarios would replicate                      sufficient financial resources to guard
                                               historical events in current market                                                                            under a 1-in-80-year hypothetical
                                                                                                         against potential losses under a wide
                                               conditions, which include the set of                                                                           market event.33 Additionally, OCC
                                                                                                         range of stress scenarios, including
                                               currently existing securities and their                                                                        proposes to size the clearing fund to a
                                                                                                         extreme but plausible market
                                               prices and volatility levels.21                                                                                Cover 2 Standard.34
                                                                                                         conditions; and (4) ‘‘Informational
                                               Hypothetical scenarios, rather than                       Stress Tests’’ to monitor and assess the                OCC believes that sizing the clearing
                                               replicating past events, would simulate                   size of OCC’s pre-funded financial                   fund to cover a 1-in-80-year event
                                               events in which market conditions                         resources against a wide range of stress             would provide sufficient coverage in
                                               change in ways that may have not yet                      scenarios that may include extreme but               excess of the exposures estimated under
                                               been observed.22 Hypothetical                             implausible and reverse stress testing               a 1-in-50-year event to justify no longer
                                               Scenarios, constructed using statistical                  scenarios.27                                         collecting the $1.8 prudential margin of
                                               methods, would generally include price                                                                         safety.35
                                                                                                         C. Total Financial Resources
                                               shocks specific to various instruments,                                                                        2. Proposal To Limit Reductions in
                                               such as equity products, volatility                          As noted above, OCC proposes to (i)               Clearing Fund Size From Month to
                                               products, and fixed income products.                      to adopt a new clearing fund                         Month
                                               Each scenario would represent a draw                      methodology, which would be
                                               from a multivariate distribution fitted to                underpinned by a new scenario-based                    Currently, OCC does not constrain
                                               historical data regarding the relevant                    one-factor risk model stress testing                 month-over-month changes in the size
                                               instrument (e.g., returns of the S&P                      approach,28 modify the coverage level of             of the clearing fund. OCC proposes to
                                               500).23 In a hypothetical scenario, the                   OCC’s clearing fund sizing requirement               adopt two limitations on month-over-
                                               shock to a risk driver would be used to                   to a Cover 2 Standard; (iii) provide for             month decreases in the size of the
                                               determine the relative shock to each                      certain anti-procyclical limitations on              clearing fund. First, OCC proposes to
                                               associated risk factor (i.e., related                     the reduction in clearing fund size from             prohibit a clearing fund decrease of
                                               underlying security).24 For example,                      month to month; and (iv) reduce from                 more than 5 percent month-over-
                                                                                                         five business days to two business days              month.36 Second, OCC proposes to limit
                                               OCC would establish the size of its
                                                                                                         the timeframe within which clearing                  the clearing fund decreases based on its
                                               clearing fund according to a scenario
                                                                                                         members are required to satisfy clearing             daily monitoring of OCC’s financial
                                               that is based on statistically generated
                                                                                                         fund deficits due to monthly or intra-               resources. When determining the size of
                                                 17 See
                                                                                                         month resizing.29                                    the clearing fund at the beginning of a
                                                         Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28021.
                                                 18 See  id.                                             1. Proposal To Change the Monthly                    given month, OCC would not allow that
                                                  19 See id.
                                                                                                         Clearing Fund Size Calculation                       size to be less than 90 percent of the
                                                  20 See id. Because not all of the underlying                                                                peak credit exposures estimated under
                                               securities in current portfolios existed during the          As discussed above, OCC proposes to               the stress tests used for daily monitoring
                                               events on which historical scenarios are based, OCC       replace the methodology by which it                  during the last five business days of the
                                               has developed methodologies to approximate the            determines the monthly clearing fund
                                               past price and volatility movements as appropriate.       size with an approach based on                          31 See id. at 28024. Specifically, OCC would
                                               See id. at 28023.
                                                  21 See id. at 28021.
                                                                                                         hypothetical stress scenarios that                   identify its exposures under a 1-in-80-year
                                                  22 See id. at 28022.                                   assume SPX shocks (up and down)                      hypothetical event. See id.
                                                  23 See id. at 28023. Risk drivers are a selected set   associated with a 1-in-80-year market                   32 See id. at 28021. As discussed above, OCC’s

                                               of securities or market indices (e.g., the Cboe S&P       event.30 Under the proposal, OCC                     hypothetical stress scenarios represent draws from
                                                                                                                                                              a fitted distribution of 2-day log returns for a given
                                               500 Index (‘‘SPX’’) or the Cboe Volatility Index          would continue determining the size of               risk driver. OCC noted in its proposal that a 1-in-
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               (‘‘VIX’’)) that are used to represent the main sources
                                               or drivers for the price changes of the risk factors.                                                          50-year hypothetical market event corresponds to a
                                                                                                           25 See id. at 28023.
                                               See id. at 28021, n. 25. The term risk factor refers                                                           99.9921 percent confidence interval under OCC’s
                                               broadly to all of the individual underlying
                                                                                                           26 See id. at 28024.                               chosen distribution of 2-day logarithmic S&P 500
                                               securities (such as Google, IBM and Standard &
                                                                                                           27 See id. at 28024–26.                            index returns. See id., n. 24.
                                                                                                           28 OCC detailed the new methodology in the            33 See id. at 28024.
                                               Poor’s Depositary Receipts (‘‘SPDR’’), S&P 500
                                               Exchange Traded Funds (‘‘SPY’’), etc.) listed on a        proposed Policy and Methodology Description.            34 See id. at 28021.

                                               market. See id.                                             29 See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at 28020.              35 See id., n. 23.
                                                  24 See id. at 28022.                                     30 See id. at 28023.                                  36 See id. at 28027.

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                                               37858                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                               preceding month.37 These limitations                     clearing member group generating the                     such margin calls to each clearing
                                               are designed to reduce the potential for                 credit exposures.45 The size of such a                   member to $500 million or 100 percent
                                               cyclical movements in the size of the                    margin call is the difference between the                of the clearing member’s net capital.56
                                               clearing fund, as well as reduce the                     idiosyncratic default exposure and the                     OCC also proposes to revise the
                                               need for OCC to call for additional                      base clearing fund amount.46 The                         process for increasing the size of the
                                               financial resources intra-month.38                       margin call is allocated among the                       clearing fund under more extreme
                                               3. Timing of Clearing Fund                               individual clearing members in the                       scenarios. OCC proposes to increase the
                                               Contributions                                            clearing member group based on each                      size of the clearing fund when it
                                                                                                        clearing member’s proportionate share                    observes a Sufficiency Stress Test
                                                  In addition to revising the                           of the risk to OCC.47 OCC may limit the                  exposure in excess of 90 percent of the
                                               methodology for sizing OCC’s total                       size of the margin call to each clearing                 clearing fund.57 Similar to the current
                                               financial resources, OCC proposes                        member to the lesser of $500 million or                  process, the size of the clearing fund
                                               generally to reduce the time in which                    100 percent of such clearing member’s                    increase would be the greater of $1
                                               each clearing member must make its                       net capital.48                                           billion or 125 percent of the difference
                                               clearing fund contribution.39 Clearing                     OCC’s current procedures also call for                 between the Sufficiency Stress Test
                                               members currently have five business                     increases to the total size of the clearing              exposure and the clearing fund.58 OCC
                                               days to satisfy a clearing fund                          fund in more extreme scenarios. When                     also proposes to provide new authority
                                               deficiency arising out of the monthly                    OCC observes credit exposures                            to its Chief Executive Officer, Chief
                                               sizing or intra-month resizing processes.                estimated under the idiosyncratic                        Administrative Officer, and Chief
                                               OCC proposes to reduce that time to two                  default 49 exceeding 90 percent of the                   Operating Officer to temporarily
                                               business days.40 OCC also proposes to                    clearing fund size OCC must, under its                   increase the size of the clearing fund,
                                               require clearing members to satisfy any                  procedures, increase the size of the                     subject to notice and later review by
                                               clearing fund deficit resulting from a                   clearing fund.50 The size of the increase                OCC’s Board Risk Committee (‘‘RC’’).59
                                               decrease in the value of the clearing                    to the clearing fund is the greater of $1
                                               member’s existing contribution within                                                                               Additionally, OCC proposes to add a
                                                                                                        billion or 125 percent of the difference                 new threshold at which it would
                                               one hour of notification by OCC.41                       between the idiosyncratic default                        commence enhanced monitoring of a
                                               D. Financial Resource Sufficiency                        exposure and the clearing fund.51                        clearing member group.60 Where OCC
                                                                                                          OCC proposes to revise this process                    observes that a clearing member group’s
                                                 As noted above, OCC proposes to (i)
                                                                                                        by replacing the above-described                         Sufficiency Stress Test exposure
                                               adopt a new clearing fund methodology,
                                                                                                        idiosyncratic default approach with an                   exceeds 65 percent of the clearing fund,
                                               as detailed in the newly-proposed
                                               Policy and Methodology Description                       approach that compares the size of the                   OCC would commence enhanced
                                               and (ii) document governance,                            clearing fund to the exposures estimated                 monitoring of, and provide notice to the
                                               monitoring, and review processes                         under a set of historical scenario stress                clearing member group.61
                                               related to the clearing fund and stress                  tests (‘‘Sufficiency Stress Tests’’).52 The
                                                                                                        Sufficiency Stress Tests proposed by                     2. Proposal To Document Governance
                                               testing.42 Proposed changes to OCC’s                                                                              Processes Related to the Clearing Fund
                                               clearing fund methodology include the                    OCC include the largest market moves
                                                                                                        up and down during 2008 on a cover 2                     and Stress Testing
                                               assessment of OCC’s clearing fund
                                               against a wide range of historical                       basis and the market moves associated                       OCC proposes to establish, as part of
                                               scenarios.43                                             with the 1987 market crash on a cover                    its rules, processes for the governance,
                                                                                                        1 basis.53                                               monitoring, and review of the stress
                                               1. Proposal To Monitor the Sufficiency                     OCC proposes to call for additional                    testing framework and clearing fund
                                               of OCC’s Financial Resources                             margin when it observes that one or                      methodology described above.62 Such
                                                  Currently, OCC monitors the                           more clearing member groups’ exposure                    processes would cover daily, monthly,
                                               sufficiency of its financial resources                   under a Sufficiency Stress Test exceeds                  and annual review of OCC’s stress
                                               daily by estimating whether the size of                  75 percent of the clearing fund.54 Under                 testing framework and clearing fund
                                               the clearing fund is sufficient to cover                 the proposal, the size of the margin call                methodology.
                                               a maximum potential loss from a                          would be the amount by which the                            On a daily basis, OCC’s staff would
                                               simulated idiosyncratic default.44 Under                 Sufficiency Stress Test exposure                         monitor the size of the clearing fund
                                               its current procedures, when OCC                         exceeds the 75 percent threshold.55                      against OCC’s risk tolerance and
                                               observes credit exposures estimated                      Similar to the current process, OCC                      sufficiency stress tests.63 OCC staff
                                               under the idiosyncratic default in excess                proposes to retain authority to limit                    would be required to report material
                                               of 75 percent of the clearing fund size,                                                                          issues to the Executive Vice President of
                                                                                                          45 See id.
                                               OCC issues a margin call against the                                                                              OCC’s Financial Risk Management
                                                                                                          46 See id. As noted above in section II.A., the base
                                                                                                        clearing fund amount is the size of the clearing fund    group (‘‘EVP–FRM’’). The EVP–FRM
                                                 37 See id. As discussed below, OCC proposes to
                                                                                                        less the $1.8 billion prudential margin of safety.
                                               monitor the sufficiency of its financial resources         47 See id., n. 13.                                       56 See id.
                                               daily by comparing the size of the clearing fund to
                                                                                                          48 See id. at 28019.                                     57 See
                                               the output of several historical stress tests.                                                                             id. at 28025–26.
                                                 38 See id.                                               49 OCC would reduce the size of the idiosyncratic        58 See id. at 28026.

                                                 39 See id. at 28028–29.                                default exposure by factoring in margin calls issued       59 See id.
                                                 40 See id. at 28029.                                   due to a breach of the 75 percent threshold                60 See id. at 28025. Based on OCC’s procedures,
                                                 41 See id. at 28028.                                   described above. See id.                                 staff understands that such monitoring would entail
                                                                                                          50 See id.
                                                                                                                                                                 escalation within OCC’s Financial Risk
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                                                 42 See id. at 28020.
                                                                                                          51 See id.
                                                 43 See id.                                                                                                      Management group noting the relevant clearing
                                                                                                          52 See id. at 28024.                                   member, the future potential for breach of the 75
                                                 44 See id. at 28019. As noted above, an

                                               idiosyncratic default is one of the two scenarios that
                                                                                                          53 See id. OCC proposes to measure the clearing        percent margin call threshold, and a summary of
                                               OCC currently uses to determine the size of the          fund against the two largest exposures under the         the apparent risk drivers resulting in the stress
                                               clearing fund each month. See supra note 15.             2008-like events and the one largest exposure under      exposures.
                                               Specifically, the single largest credit exposure that    a 1987-like event. See id.                                 61 See id.
                                                                                                          54 See id. at 28025.                                     62 See id. at 28026.
                                               would arise out of the default of a single clearing
                                               member group.                                              55 See id.                                               63 See id.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices                                              37859

                                               would further escalate issues with OCC                  clearing members, the majority of which                  Clearing Fund requirements.81 Given
                                               management as applicable.                               did not express concerns over the                        the scope of changes described above,
                                                 On a monthly basis, OCC’s staff                       proposed increase.75                                     OCC believes that it is appropriate to
                                               would provide reports and analyses of                                                                            make such revisions at this time.82
                                               the daily stress tests to OCC’s                         2. Proposal To Modify the Clearing
                                                                                                       Fund Allocation Weighting                                  The changes to the provisions
                                               Management Committee and RC.64                                                                                   currently residing in OCC’s By-Laws
                                               OCC’s staff would also be responsible                      In addition to the fixed amount                       require an affirmative vote of two-thirds
                                               for conducting a comprehensive                          described above, most clearing members                   of the directors then in office, but not
                                               analysis of stress test results, scenarios,             are required to contribute an additional                 less than a majority of the number of
                                               models, parameters, and assumptions                     amount to OCC’s clearing fund (the                       directors fixed by the By-Laws;
                                               monthly or more frequently when the                     ‘‘variable amount’’). The variable                       however, changes to OCC’s rules
                                               products cleared or markets served by                   amount is based on the weighted                          generally require only a majority vote of
                                               OCC display high volatility or become                   average of each clearing member’s                        OCC’s Board of Directors.83 OCC
                                               less liquid or when the size or                         proportionate share of total risk, open                  proposes to amend its By-Laws to
                                               concentration of positions held by                      interest, and volume.76 Currently, OCC                   maintain the existing requirements for
                                               OCC’s participants increases                            uses the following weighting in its                      modifying those rules that would be
                                               significantly.65                                        allocation of clearing fund                              moved from Article VIII of OCC’s By-
                                                 On an annual basis, OCC’s Model                       requirements: 35 percent total risk; 50                  Laws to Chapter X of its Rules.84
                                               Validation Group would be required to                   percent open interest; and 15 percent
                                               perform a model validation of OCC’s                     volume.77 OCC proposes to modify the                     2. Proposal To Add Rule Text Clarifying
                                               clearing fund methodology.66 The RC                     allocation weighting as follows: 70                      Anti-Procyclicality Measures in OCC’s
                                               would review such validations.67 The                    percent total risk; 15 percent open                      Margin Model
                                               RC would also be responsible for annual                 interest; and 15 percent volume.78                         OCC’s existing methodology for
                                               review and approval of the Policy.68                    F. Textual Clarification and                             calculating margin requirements
                                               E. Allocation of Clearing Fund                          Consolidation                                            incorporates measures designed to
                                               Contributions                                                                                                    ensure that margin requirements are not
                                                                                                         Finally, as noted above, OCC proposes
                                                                                                                                                                lower than those that would be
                                                 As noted above, OCC proposes to (i)                   to (i) reorganize, restate, and consolidate
                                                                                                                                                                calculated using volatility estimated
                                               increase the minimum clearing fund                      the provisions of OCC’s By-Laws and
                                                                                                                                                                over a historical look-back period of at
                                               contribution requirement for clearing                   Rules relating to the Clearing Fund into
                                                                                                                                                                least ten years.85 OCC now proposes to
                                               members to $500,000 and (ii) modify                     a newly-revised Chapter X of OCC’s
                                                                                                                                                                amend its Rule 601(c) to reflect this
                                               OCC’s allocation weighting                              Rules; (ii) provide additional clarity in
                                                                                                       OCC’s Rules regarding certain anti-                      practice.86 OCC believes that the
                                               methodology for clearing fund
                                                                                                       procyclicality measures in OCC’s                         proposed change would provide more
                                                                                                       margin model; and (iii) make a number                    clarity and transparency in its rules.87
                                               1. Proposal To Increase the Minimum                     of other non-substantive clarifying,                     3. Proposal To Make Other Non-
                                               Clearing Fund Contribution                              conforming, and organizational changes                   Substantive Changes to OCC’s Rules
                                                  Currently, the minimum amount a                      to OCC’s By-Laws, Rules, and filed
                                               clearing member must contribute to                                                                                  OCC proposes a number of clarifying,
                                                                                                       procedures, including retiring OCC’s
                                               OCC’s clearing fund (the ‘‘fixed                                                                                 conforming, and organizational changes
                                                                                                       existing Clearing Fund Intra-Month Re-
                                               amount’’) is $150,000.70 OCC proposes                                                                            to its By-Laws, Rules, Collateral Risk
                                                                                                       sizing Procedure, Financial Resources
                                               to increase the fixed amount to                         Monitoring and Call Procedure, and                       Management Policy, Default
                                               $500,000.71 The minimum contribution                    Monthly Clearing Fund Sizing                             Management Policy, and Clearing Fund-
                                               requirement has been in place since                     Procedure, as these procedures would                     related procedures in connection with
                                               June 5, 2000,72 and has remained static                 be replaced by the proposed Rules,                       the proposed enhancements to its Pre-
                                                                                                       Policy, and Methodology Description.79                   Funded Financial Resources and the
                                               while the average size of OCC’s clearing
                                                                                                                                                                relocation of OCC’s Clearing Fund-
                                               fund has increased significantly.73 OCC                 1. Proposal To Reorganize, Restate, and                  related By-Laws into Chapter X of the
                                               also noted that other CCPs’ minimum                     Consolidate Certain Rule Text                            Rules.88
                                               requirements are well in excess of
                                               OCC’s minimum contribution                                 The primary provisions that address                      In addition to the relocation of rules
                                               requirement.74 OCC analyzed the                         OCC’s Clearing Fund are currently                        described above, OCC would also make
                                                                                                       located in Article VIII of the By-Laws                   minor, non-substantive revisions. For
                                               impact of the proposed change on its
                                                                                                       and Chapter X of the Rules.80 OCC                        example, OCC would replace text
                                               clearing members and discussed such
                                                                                                       believes that consolidating all of the                   referencing ‘‘computed contributions to
                                               impacts with the potentially affected
                                                                                                       Clearing Fund-related provisions of its                  the Clearing Fund’’ and ‘‘as fixed at the
                                                 64 See id. at 28026–27.                               By-Laws and Rules into one place                         time’’ with text stating ‘‘required
                                                 65 See id. at 28026.                                  would provide more clarity around, and                   contributions to the Clearing Fund’’ and
                                                 66 See id. at 28027.                                  enhance the readability of, OCC’s                        ‘‘as calculated at the time’’ to more
                                                 67 See id.                                                                                                     accurately reflect that these rules are
                                                 68 See id.                                              75 See id.                                             intended to refer to a Clearing Member’s
                                                 69 See id. at 28020.                                    76 See id. at 28028. Total risk refers to a clearing   required Clearing Fund contribution
                                                 70 See id. at 28028. The initial amount that a new    member’s margin requirement. See id., n. 43.
                                               clearing member must contribute to OCC’s clearing       Additionally, the current methodology calculates
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                                                                                                                                                                 81 See id.
                                               fund is also $150,000. See id. at 28027.                volume based on executed volume. See id. at 28028.
                                                                                                                                                                 82 See id.
                                                 71 See id. at 28028. OCC similarly proposes to          77 See id.
                                                                                                                                                                 83 See id.
                                               increase the initial contribution. See id. at 28027.      78 See id. The definition of total risk would
                                                 72 See id. (citing Securities Exchange Act Release                                                              84 See id.
                                                                                                       remain the same, but OCC would calculate volume
                                                                                                                                                                 85 See id. at 28029.
                                               No. 42897 (June 5, 2000), 65 FR 36750 (June 9,          based on cleared volume as opposed to executed
                                               2000) (SR–OCC–99–9)).                                   volume. See id.                                           86 See id.
                                                 73 See id. at 28027.                                    79 See id. at 28020.                                    87 See id.
                                                 74 See id.                                              80 See id.                                              88 See id. at 28029–30.

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                                               37860                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                               amount as calculated under the                          transparent and predictable model.98                       address potential default scenarios
                                               proposed rules.89                                       Similarly, GS supports OCC’s proposal                      would address issues that MLPRO
                                                 Further, OCC proposes to update                       to include more comprehensive testing                      identifies with OCC’s current model.106
                                               references to Article VIII of the By-Laws               scenarios by including observed market                     MLPRO also supports OCC’s (1)
                                               in its Collateral Risk Management Policy                events over a longer historical period,                    adopting risk tolerance and stress
                                               and Default Management Policy to                        which would improve the overall                            testing assumptions that are developed
                                               reflect the relocation of OCC’s Clearing                quality of OCC’s stress testing and                        from extreme, but plausible scenarios,
                                               Fund-related By-Laws into Chapter X of                  strengthen OCC’s ability to model risk                     and (2) calibrating individual equity
                                               the Rules.90                                            scenarios.99 Additionally, WEX believes                    price movements to the price shock for
                                                 Finally, OCC proposes to replace                      that the proposed changes, specifically                    the applicable equity index to address
                                               procedures regarding its processes for (i)              changes regarding how the monthly                          issues with the current model.107
                                               the monthly resizing of its Clearing                    clearing fund sizing process will                             Regarding the changes to the clearing
                                               Fund, (ii) the addition of financial                    address anti-procyclicality, should help                   fund allocation methodology,
                                               resources, and (iii) the execution of any               reduce operational issues related to a                     commenters believe that the proposal
                                               intra-month resizing of the Clearing                    clearing member’s obligations                              would better align clearing members’
                                               Fund.91 OCC proposes to retire its                      increasing and decreasing.100                              required clearing fund contribution to
                                               existing procedures because the relevant                   AACC states that, from a theoretical                    the risk they present to OCC and other
                                               rule requirements would be maintained                   perspective, OCC’s proposed sizing                         market participants.108 AACC states that
                                               in the proposed rules as well as the                    methodology constitutes a significant                      the proposed changes would place more
                                               Clearing Fund Methodology Policy and                    improvement over the current sizing                        emphasis on the economic risk
                                               Clearing Fund Methodology Description                   methodology in that the size of the                        presented by a clearing member’s
                                               included as part of the Proposed Rule                   clearing fund would be less influenced                     cleared contracts than the operational
                                               Change.92                                               by changes in volatility because OCC is                    risk presented by a high volume clearing
                                               III. Summary of Comments                                introducing other risk drivers into the                    member, thereby better recognizing that
                                                                                                       sizing methodology as well as                              certain types of clearing members
                                                  As noted above, the Commission                       monitoring and augmenting such risk                        present a relatively lower risk to OCC
                                               received five comment letters—AACC                      drivers on a daily basis based on market                   even though they may represent a
                                               Letter I, CBOE Letter I, MLPRO Letter I,                conditions.101 AACC also comments                          higher percentage of overall activity
                                               WEX Letter I, and GS Letter I—                          that the proposal would cause the size                     (i.e., clearing members with market-
                                               supporting the changes in the Proposed                  of OCC’s clearing fund to become more                      maker and other risk-neutral
                                               Rule Change.93 Two of the commenters                    stable because OCC would test for                          customers).109 Similarly, WEX supports
                                               urge the Commission to approve the                      adequacy and sufficiency on a daily                        allocation based on cleared volumes as
                                               proposal as expeditiously as possible.94                basis using a series of historical and                     opposed to executed volumes in
                                               AACC believes that the proposal would                   hypothetical stress tests that are rooted                  consideration of where a positon is
                                               remediate two problems with the                         in extreme but plausible market                            cleared as opposed to where it is
                                               current clearing fund methodology: (1)                  events.102                                                 executed.110 MLPRO also supports
                                               OCC’s current clearing fund sizing                         Commenters also believe that the                        increases the weighting of total risk in
                                               methodology failing to contain                          proposal would improve OCC’s risk                          the allocation process.111 Commenters
                                               sufficient anti-procyclicality measures,                models by correcting existing                              also believe that the proposed changes
                                               and (2) OCC’s current clearing fund                     shortcomings.103 CBOE comments that                        make sense from a default and
                                               contribution allocation methodology                     the adoption of a Cover 2 standard                         liquidation perspective.112
                                               failing to appropriately incentivize                    would ensure that the size of the                             Commenters AACC and WEX believe
                                               clearing member risk management.95                      clearing fund is sufficient to protect                     that the proposed changes would have
                                                  Regarding the clearing fund sizing                   OCC against losses from the                                positive effects on the listed options
                                               methodology, AACC believes that the                     simultaneous default of its two largest                    market.113 Similarly, MLPRO believes
                                               proposal would implement a number of                    Clearing Members under extreme, but                        that the proposed changes would
                                               measures intended to provide stability                  plausible market conditions.104 GS also                    increase liquidity in the listed options
                                               and consistency to the size of OCC’s                    agrees with OCC’s proposal to adopt a                      market.114 Additionally, GS believes
                                               clearing fund.96 Specifically, AACC                     Cover 2 Standard.105 MLPRO comments                        that the proposed changes will greatly
                                               supports (1) sizing the clearing fund                   that the adoption of a Cover 2 standard                    enhance OCC’s resiliency and risk
                                               based on a variety of risk factors, and (2)             in establishing a new model to measure                     management.115
                                               testing the size of the clearing fund on                the adequacy of the clearing fun and
                                               a daily basis against extreme but                                                                                  IV. Discussion and Commission
                                               plausible market events, thereby                          98 MLPRO    Letter I at 2.                               Findings
                                               lowering the likelihood that OCC’s                        99 GS Letter I at 2. In its letter, GS refers to OCC’s
                                                                                                                                                                    Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act directs
                                               clearing fund would be insufficient to                  movement to a 1-in-80-year period from a 1-in-50-
                                                                                                                                                                  the Commission to approve a proposed
                                               protect OCC and market participants in                  year model. The Commission notes that OCC’s
                                                                                                       current process is not based on a 1-in-50-year             rule change of a self-regulatory
                                               the event of a clearing member                          model, and that OCC is now proposing to adopt a            organization if it finds that such
                                               default.97 MLPRO believes that the                      new risk tolerance based on a 1-in-50-year
                                               proposed changes would create a more                    hypothetical event. See Notice of Filing, 83 FR at           106 MLPRO     Letter I at 1–2.
                                                                                                       31596. Further, OCC proposes to base the size of the         107 Id.
                                                 89 See
                                                                                                       clearing fund on the aggregate credit exposures
                                                         id. at 28031, n. 52.                          estimated under a 1-in-80-year hypothetical market
                                                                                                                                                                    108 AACC Letter I at 4; WEX Letter I at 1; GS
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                                                 90 See  id. at 28031.                                                                                            Letter I at 1.
                                                                                                       event (as opposed to an historical market event).
                                                 91 See id.                                                                                                         109 AACC Letter I at 4.
                                                                                                       See id. at 31600.
                                                 92 See id.                                              100 WEX Letter I at 1.                                     110 WEX Letter I at 2.
                                                 93 See supra note 7.                                    101 AACC Letter I at 3.                                    111 MLPRO Letter I at 2.
                                                 94 AACC Letter I at 1; MLPRO Letter I at I.             102 Id.                                                    112 AACC Letter I at 4; GS Letter I at 1.
                                                 95 AACC Letter I at 1.                                  103 CBOE Letter I at 1; MLPRO Letter I at 1–2.             113 AACC Letter I at 5; WEX Letter I at 2.
                                                 96 Id. at 2.                                            104 CBOE Letter I at 1.                                    114 MLPRO Letter I at 1.
                                                 97 Id. at 2–3.                                          105 GS Letter I at 2.                                      115 GS Letter I at 2.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices                                            37861

                                               proposed rule change is consistent with                 assessment of the financial resources it              of OCC’s single largest exposure or two
                                               the requirements of the Act and the                     would need to hold in its clearing fund               random exposures. For the same
                                               rules and regulations thereunder                        to cover its credit risk exposure to its              reasons, the Commission believes this,
                                               applicable to such organization.116 After               members in extreme but plausible                      too, would improve OCC’s risk
                                               carefully considering the Proposed Rule                 market conditions.                                    management practices. Finally, OCC
                                               Change, the Commission finds the                           Second, with respect to the robustness             proposes to limit the potential
                                               proposal is consistent with the                         of the new stress testing framework                   reductions in the size of the clearing
                                               requirements of the Act and the rules                   itself, the Commission believes that the              fund month-over-month. Such
                                               and regulations thereunder applicable to                stress tests proposed in OCC’s                        limitations would avoid large drops in
                                               OCC. More specifically, the Commission                  framework are an improvement over                     the clearing fund size over a short
                                               finds that the proposal is consistent                   OCC’s current approach in this area, as               period of time and unnecessary
                                               with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act 117                the stress tests comprise a wide range of             reductions followed by immediate calls
                                               and Rules 17Ad–22(e)(1) and 17Ad–                       foreseeable stress scenarios. The                     for additional resources at the beginning
                                               22(e)(4) thereunder.118                                 scenarios cover historical events as                  of each month.
                                                                                                       extreme as the 2008 financial crisis and                 Fourth, the proposal discussed above
                                               A. Consistency With Section                             1987 market crash as well as                          would expand and improve upon the
                                               17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act                                 hypothetical events derived from a                    scope of stress scenarios against which
                                                  Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act                      dataset of historical S&P returns. OCC’s              OCC monitors is financial resources.
                                               requires that the rules of a clearing                   proposed stress testing framework                     Under the proposal, OCC would
                                               agency be designed to, among other                      would also include a category of stress               continue to review the size of its
                                               things, promote the prompt and                          tests designed specifically for review of             clearing fund against exposures under a
                                               accurate clearance and settlement of                    OCC’s financial resources against                     stress scenario designed to replicate the
                                               securities transactions, assure the                     implausible scenarios and reverse stress              1987 market crash, and would also
                                               safeguarding of securities and funds                    tests. Such stress tests would not                    introduce monitoring against other
                                               which are in the custody or control of                  directly affect the total amount of OCC’s             historical scenarios such as the largest
                                               the clearing agency or for which it is                  financial resources, but would facilitate             market moves up and down observed
                                               responsible, and, in general, to protect                a more forward looking risk                           during the 2008 financial crisis. In
                                               investors and the public interest.119                   management process. Accordingly,                      addition, OCC would continue its
                                               Based on its review of the record, the                  while as an ongoing supervisory matter                practice of collecting additional
                                               Commission believes that the proposed                   the Commission expects OCC to                         resources in margin collateral and
                                               changes are designed to promote the                     consider and, as necessary, implement                 clearing fund requirements where stress
                                               prompt and accurate clearance and                       future enhancements to its suite of                   exposures exceed 75 percent and 90
                                               settlement of securities transactions,                  stress tests, the Commission believes                 percent, respectively, of the size of the
                                               assure the safeguarding of securities and               that the suite of stress tests that OCC               clearing fund. Based on a review of the
                                               funds which are in OCC’s custody or                     proposes to establish in its risk                     parameters of the scenario replicating
                                               control, and, in general, protect                       management framework pursuant to the                  the 1987 market crash, the Commission
                                               investors and the public interest by                    Proposed Rule Change represents a                     believes that the scenario presents
                                               enhancing OCC’s overall risk                            material improvement to OCC’s current                 potential losses that are extreme while
                                               management for the reasons set forth                    risk management practices for                         also plausible in light of their historical
                                               below.                                                  estimating potential future losses in                 basis. Additionally, the Commission
                                                  First, as described above, OCC’s                     extreme but plausible market                          believes that the scenario would provide
                                               current process for sizing the clearing                 conditions.                                           stress exposure estimates that would be
                                               fund was established in 2011 and                           Third, as described above, OCC                     meaningful for the monitoring of OCC’s
                                               strengthened under a 2015 interim                       proposes to adopt several enhancements                total financial resources. The
                                               approach. The current process is                        to its methodology for determining the                Commission also believes that the
                                               essentially an extension of OCC’s                       size of its clearing fund. OCC proposes               introduction of new historical scenarios,
                                               margin model. In general, margin                        to adopt an internal credit risk tolerance            such as those replicating the financial
                                               requirements for clearing members are                   based on hypothetical stress scenarios,               crisis, would provide additional depth
                                               very reactive to market movements and                   which would provide OCC with a                        to the monitoring of OCC’s financial
                                               changes in clearing member portfolios.                  benchmark that it believes represents                 resources. The Commission believes,
                                               Because OCC’s current process for                       extreme but plausible market                          therefore, that the changes proposed in
                                               sizing the clearing fund is based on a                  conditions. The Commission believes                   the Proposed Rule Change include the
                                               relatively dynamic daily margin                         that establishing such a tolerance is a               adoption of a wide range of stress
                                               process, the size of the clearing fund can              valuable step in accurately estimating                scenarios for the testing of OCC’s
                                               at times be volatile and cyclical in                    the total financial resources necessary to            financial resources.
                                               nature. The Proposed Rule Change                        cover OCC’s exposures in extreme but                     Fifth, OCC would document its
                                                                                                       plausible market conditions. Next, OCC                periodic review and analysis of its stress
                                               would base the sizing and monitoring of
                                                                                                       proposes to set the size of its clearing              testing framework and clearing fund
                                               OCC’s clearing fund on a stable
                                                                                                       fund to cover a scenario that is more                 methodology, which would include (1)
                                               inventory of stress tests rather than
                                                                                                       extreme than its internal tolerance to                daily review of stress test outputs, (2)
                                               continuing to rely on a dynamic margin
                                                                                                       ensure consistent coverage, which the                 monthly (or more frequently as needed)
                                               model. The Commission believes this
                                                                                                       Commission believes would be another                  analysis of the stress test results,
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                                               new approach would provide OCC with
                                                                                                       valuable step in accurately estimating                scenarios, models, parameters, and
                                               a more precise, rigorous, and stable
                                                                                                       OCC’s necessary total financial                       assumptions, and (3) annual validation
                                                 116 15
                                                                                                       resources. Further, OCC proposes to                   of the clearing fund methodology. OCC
                                                         U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
                                                 117 15  U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
                                                                                                       cover its two largest credit exposures                also would clearly define the process for
                                                 118 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(1); 17 CFR 240.17Ad–        when setting the size of the clearing                 escalating the results of its daily and
                                               22(e)(4).                                               fund, which goes further than OCC’s                   monthly analyses and require on an
                                                 119 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).                         current practice of covering the greater              annual basis Board level review and

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                                               37862                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                               approval of the Clearing Fund                           securities and funds it holds during                    extreme but plausible market
                                               Methodology Policy. The Commission                      periods of market stress.                               conditions.121
                                               believes that these governance processes                   Finally, the Commission believes that                   As described above, the proposal
                                               would help ensure that OCC is in a                      OCC’s proposed measures addressing                      includes enhancements to OCC’s
                                               position to continuously monitor,                       the potential procyclical nature of
                                                                                                                                                               methodology for sizing its clearing fund
                                               analyze, and adjust as necessary both                   clearing fund obligations, as well as the
                                                                                                                                                               to ensure that it maintains sufficient
                                               the stress testing framework and the                    textual clarifications and reorganization
                                                                                                                                                               financial resources, including: (i)
                                               clearing fund methodology, thereby                      set forth in the proposal, are consistent
                                               helping to ensure the accuracy and                                                                              Adoption of an internal credit risk
                                                                                                       with the protection of investors and the
                                               reliability of the methodology by which                 public interest. The enhanced certainty                 tolerance that OCC believes represents
                                               OCC tests the sufficiency of its financial              for Clearing Members that should be                     extreme but plausible market
                                               resources.                                              achieved in the form of clearly                         conditions; (ii) sizing the clearing fund
                                                  Taken together, and for the reasons                  established and understood limitations                  to cover credit exposures under
                                               discussed above, the Commission                         on the reduction in Clearing Fund size                  scenarios that are more extreme than
                                               believes that the proposed changes will                 from month to month should make it                      OCC’s risk tolerance, (iii) sizing the
                                               increase the likelihood that OCC will                   easier for Clearing Members, and their                  clearing fund to cover the default of the
                                               have sufficient financial resources in                  customers and investors more broadly,                   two clearing member groups that that
                                               excess of margin to address credit losses               to more easily anticipate and manage                    would potentially cause the largest
                                               that could arise from a wide range of                   financial resource demands that can                     aggregate credit exposure for OCC; (iv)
                                               stress scenarios including, but not                     arise from OCC’s risk management                        limiting the potential reduction in
                                               limited to, the default of the participant              processes in respect of the clearing                    clearing fund size month-over-month;
                                               family that would potentially cause the                 fund. In addition, the reorganization                   and (v) shortening the time by which
                                               largest aggregate credit exposure for                   and consolidation of rule provisions                    each clearing member must fund its
                                               OCC in extreme but plausible market                     related to OCC’s clearing fund would                    clearing fund contribution.
                                               conditions. Having an improved                          enhance the readability of OCC’s public-
                                               capacity to access and apply sufficient                                                                            Taken together, the Commission
                                                                                                       facing rules, and additional clarification              believes that proposed changes
                                               financial resources to credit losses in a               of OCC’s margin rules would promote
                                               wide range of stress scenarios should, in                                                                       described above are designed to
                                                                                                       transparency by providing the public                    improve the process by which OCC
                                               turn, enhance OCC’s ability to continue                 with information about OCC’s risk
                                               to promptly and accurately clear and                                                                            sizes its total financial resources and are
                                                                                                       management processes. The
                                               settle securities transactions for                                                                              consistent with the requirements of
                                                                                                       Commission believes that the additional
                                               participants in the options markets                                                                             Rules 17Ad–22(e)(4)(i) and (iii) under
                                                                                                       clarity, predictability and transparency
                                               during periods of market stress.                                                                                the Act. First, the proposal is designed
                                                                                                       provided by these proposed changes
                                               Therefore, the Commission believes that                 would generally be consistent with the                  to cover credit exposures in excess of
                                               the proposal is consistent with                         protection of investors and the public                  those posed by any one clearing member
                                               promoting the prompt and accurate                       interest by removing potential sources                  group because OCC is proposing to
                                               clearance and settlement of securities                  of confusion, surprise or                               cover the largest aggregate exposure to
                                               transactions.                                           misunderstanding regarding the                          two clearing member groups. Second,
                                                  The Commission further believes that                                                                         the proposal is designed to cover credit
                                                                                                       operations and potential consequences
                                               the proposed changes are consistent                                                                             exposures in extreme but plausible
                                                                                                       of OCC’s risk management processes in
                                               with assuring the safeguarding of                                                                               market conditions because OCC
                                                                                                       respect of the clearing fund.
                                               securities and funds which are in OCC’s                    Accordingly, and for the reasons                     proposes to size its clearing fund based
                                               custody or control, or for which it is                                                                          on scenarios that are more extreme than
                                                                                                       stated above, the Commission finds that
                                               responsible. By establishing a clearing                                                                         those that OCC believes to represent
                                                                                                       the Proposed Rule Change is consistent
                                               fund that is sized to address credit                                                                            extreme but plausible market
                                                                                                       with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.120
                                               losses that could arise from a wide range                                                                       conditions. Further, based on the
                                               of stress scenarios including, but not                  B. Consistency With Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4)                  Commission’s detailed analysis of the
                                               limited to, the default of the participant              Under the Act                                           relevant scenarios through the
                                               family that would potentially cause the
                                                                                                       1. Total Financial Resources                            supervisory process, the Commission
                                               largest aggregate credit exposure for
                                                                                                          Rules 17Ad–22(e)(4)(i) and (iii) under               believes that OCC has defined extreme
                                               OCC in extreme but plausible market
                                               conditions, the proposal will enhance                   the Act requires, among other things,                   but plausible scenarios in an acceptable
                                               OCC’s ability to use the clearing fund as               that OCC establish, implement,                          manner for the markets served. Finally,
                                               a means to safeguard the securities and                 maintain, and enforce written policies                  the Commission believes that proposal
                                               funds it holds for its Clearing Members                 and procedures reasonably designed to                   would support the consistent and stable
                                               during periods of market stress. In                     effectively identify, measure, monitor,                 maintenance of an appropriate level of
                                               addition, the Commission believes that                  and manage its credit exposures to                      total financial resources by limiting
                                               the proposed changes to OCC’s                           participants and those arising from its                 month-over-month reductions in the
                                               allocation weighting will allow OCC to                  payment, clearing, and settlement                       size of clearing fund and requiring
                                               better manage its credit exposures to its               processes by, among other things,                       clearing members to make clearing fund
                                               clearing members by better aligning                     maintaining financial resources at the                  contributions within two business days.
                                               each clearing member’s contributions to                 minimum to enable OCC to cover a wide                   Accordingly, the Commission believes
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                                               the credit risk it poses to OCC. This                   range of foreseeable stress scenarios that              that the proposed modifications to
                                               improved ability to manage credit                       include, but are not limited to, the                    OCC’s clearing fund sizing methodology
                                               exposure in the form of clearing fund                   default of the participant family that                  are consistent with Rule 17Ad–
                                               amounts more closely calibrated to                      would potentially cause the largest                     22(e)(4)(i) and (iii).122
                                               credit exposure should, in turn, improve                aggregate credit exposure for OCC in
                                               OCC’s ability to rely upon the clearing                                                                           121 17    CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(4)(i) and (iii).
                                               fund as a resource to safeguard the                       120 15   U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).                         122 Id.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices                                            37863

                                               2. Financial resource sufficiency                       the proposed changes described above                       As discussed above, OCC manages its
                                                  Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4)(vi) under the Act                 are consistent with Rules 17Ad–                         credit exposures not covered by margin
                                               requires OCC to establish, implement,                   22(e)(4)(vi) and (vii) under the Act,126                through the allocation of clearing fund
                                               maintain, and enforce written policies                  because, among other reasons, (i) they                  requirements to its clearing members.
                                               and procedures reasonably designed to                   are designed to improve the testing of                  OCC proposes to determine the size of
                                               effectively identify, measure, monitor,                 OCC’s financial resources; (ii)                         is clearing fund based on the
                                               and manage its credit exposures to                      expanding the scope of stress scenarios                 measurement of its credit exposures
                                               participants and those arising from its                 against which OCC monitors its                          under hypothetical stress scenarios, and
                                               payment, clearing, and settlement                       financial resources would increase the                  to monitor such exposures under
                                               processes by testing the sufficiency of                 likelihood that OCC maintains sufficient                historical stress scenarios. OCC also
                                               its total financial resources available to              financial resources at all times; and (iii)             proposes to increase the initial and
                                               meet the minimum financial resource                     the formalization of OCC’s processes for                minimum clearing fund contribution
                                               requirements under paragraphs Rules                     the periodic review and analysis its                    amounts from $150,000 to $500,000,
                                               17Ad–22(e)(4)(i) through (iii).123 Such                 stress testing framework and clearing                   and to modify the allocation weighting
                                               testing must include (A) Conducting                     fund methodology is designed to                         used to determine the variable amount
                                               stress testing of OCC’s total financial                 support OCC’s monitoring of its                         that most clearing members contribute
                                               resources once each day using standard                  financial resources.                                    to the clearing fund. Specifically, under
                                               predetermined parameters and                               In addition, the Commission believes                 the proposal, the proposed clearing fund
                                               assumptions; (B) conducting a                           that (i) the daily testing of OCC’s                     contribution requirements would be
                                               comprehensive analysis on at least a                    financial resources against the                         based on an allocation methodology of
                                               monthly basis of the existing stress                    sufficiency stress tests, including stress              70 percent of total risk, 15 percent of
                                               testing scenarios, models, and                          tests based on market movements in the                  open interest and 15 percent of open
                                               underlying parameters and                               2008 financial crisis and the 1987                      interest (as opposed to the current
                                               assumptions, and considering                            market crash included in the proposal                   weighting of 35 percent total risk, 50
                                               modifications to ensure they are                        would be consistent with the daily                      percent open interest, and 15 percent
                                               appropriate for determining the covered                 stress testing requirements of Rule                     volume).
                                               clearing agency’s required level of                     17Ad–22(e)(4)(vi)(A), as described                         The Commission believes that the
                                               default protection in light of current and              above; (ii) the at least monthly analysis               changes described above are reasonably
                                               evolving market conditions; (C)                         of stress test results, scenarios, models,              designed to improve OCC’s management
                                               conducting a comprehensive analysis of                  parameters, and assumptions, with more                  of its credit exposures to participants.
                                               stress testing scenarios, models, and                   frequent review and analysis as required                First, OCC’s overall clearing fund size
                                               underlying parameters and assumptions                   would be consistent with the monthly                    has increased significantly since the
                                               more frequently than monthly when the                   comprehensive analysis requirements                     current initial and minimum
                                               products cleared or markets served                      set forth in Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4)(vi)(B)                  contributions were set in 2000 and
                                               display high volatility or become less                  and (C) as described above; and (iii) the               OCC’s requirements are lower than the
                                               liquid, or when the size or                             annual validation of OCC’s clearing                     minimum requirements imposed by
                                               concentration of positions held by the                  fund methodology discussed in more                      other CCPs. The Commission believes
                                               covered clearing agency’s participants                  detail above would be consistent with                   that the proposed changes to OCC’s
                                               increases significantly; and (D) reporting              model validation requirements of Rule                   initial and minimum clearing fund
                                               the results of such analyses to                         17Ad–22(e)(4)(vii). The proposal also                   contribution amounts are designed to
                                               appropriate decision makers at OCC,                     contemplates the reporting and                          better manage the risks posed by
                                               including but not limited to, its risk                  escalation of such testing, analyses, and               clearing members with minimal open
                                               management committee or board of                        validations to OCC’s management and                     interest, and are commensurate with the
                                               directors, and using these results to                   Board of Directors, which the                           growth of OCC’s clearing fund over
                                               evaluate the adequacy of and adjust its                 Commission believes would be                            time. The Commission also believes that
                                               margin methodology, model parameters,                   consistent with the reporting                           the changes to OCC’s allocation
                                               models used to generate clearing or                     requirements of Rule 17Ad–                              weighting will allow OCC to better
                                               guaranty fund requirements, and any                     22(e)(4)(vi)(D).                                        manage its credit exposures to its
                                               other relevant aspects of its credit risk                  Accordingly, taken together and for                  clearing members by better aligning
                                               management framework, in supporting                     the reasons discussed above, the                        each clearing member’s contributions to
                                               compliance with the minimum financial                   Commission believes that the proposed                   the credit risk it poses to OCC, thereby
                                               resources requirements set forth in                     stress testing and clearing fund                        allowing OCC to better manage its credit
                                               paragraphs (e)(4)(i) through (iii) of Rule              methodology governance changes are                      exposures to its participants.
                                               17Ad–22.124 Additionally, pursuant to                   consistent with Rules 17Ad–2(e)(4)(vi)                     Accordingly, based on the foregoing,
                                               Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4)(vii) under the Act,                  and (vii).127                                           the Commission believes that the
                                               the policies and procedures required                                                                            proposed changes pertaining to the
                                                                                                       3. Proposal To Modify the Clearing                      sizing, monitoring, and allocation of
                                               under Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4) must include                   Fund Allocation Methodology
                                               the performance of a model validation                                                                           clearing fund requirements are
                                               of OCC’s credit risk models not less than                  As noted above, Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4)                   consistent with Exchange Act Rule
                                               annually or more frequently as may be                   under the Act requires that OCC                         17Ad–22(e)(4).129
                                               contemplated by OCC’s risk                              establish, implement, maintain, and
                                                                                                                                                               C. Consistency With Rule 17Ad–22(e)(1)
                                                                                                       enforce written policies and procedures
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                                               management framework.125                                                                                        Under the Act
                                                  After reviewing and assessing the                    reasonably designed to, among other
                                               proposal, the Commission believes that                  things, effectively manage its credit                     Rule 17Ad–22(e)(1) under the Act
                                                                                                       exposures to participants.128                           requires that OCC establish, implement,
                                                 123 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(4)(vi) (citing 17 CFR                                                               maintain, and enforce written policies
                                               240.17Ad–22(e)(4)(i)–(iii)).                              126 17    CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(4)(vi) and (vii).        and procedures reasonably designed to
                                                 124 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(4)(vi)(A)–(D).                127 Id.
                                                 125 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(4)(vii).                      128 17    CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(4).                        129 Id.

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                                               37864                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2018 / Notices

                                               provide for a well-founded, clear,                        SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                Partial Amendment No. 2 to the
                                               transparent, and enforceable legal basis                  COMMISSION                                             Proposed Rule Change to supersede and
                                               for each aspect of its activities in all                                                                         replace Partial Amendment No. 1 in its
                                               relevant jurisdictions.130 The                            [Release No. 34–83732; File No. SR–OCC–
                                                                                                                                                                entirety, due to technical defects in
                                               Commission has stated that, in                            2017–021]
                                                                                                                                                                Partial Amendment No. 1. Therefore,
                                               establishing and maintaining policies                     Self-Regulatory Organizations; The                     the Initial Filing, as modified by
                                               and procedures to address legal risk, a                                                                          Amendment No. 2, reflects the changes
                                                                                                         Options Clearing Corporation; Notice
                                               covered clearing agency generally                                                                                proposed.
                                                                                                         of Filing of Partial Amendments No. 1
                                               should consider whether its rules,
                                                                                                         and 2 to Proposed Rule Change                             Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                               policies and procedures, and contracts
                                                                                                         Concerning Updates to and                              Act 8 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder 9 the
                                               are clear, understandable, and
                                                                                                         Formalization of OCC’s Recovery and                    Commission is publishing notice of
                                               consistent with relevant laws and
                                                                                                         Orderly Wind-Down Plan                                 these Partial Amendments No. 1 and 2
                                                  The Commission believes that the                       July 27, 2018.                                         to the Proposed Rule Change as
                                               proposed consolidation and                                   On December 8, 2017, The Options                    described in Items I and II below, which
                                               reorganization of OCC’s Rules described                   Clearing Corporation (‘‘OCC’’) filed with              Items have been prepared by OCC. The
                                               above would improve readability by                        the Securities and Exchange                            Commission is publishing this notice to
                                               locating all rules related to the clearing                Commission (‘‘Commission’’) proposed                   solicit comments on the Proposed Rule
                                               fund in one place, thereby enhancing                      rule change SR–OCC–2017–021                            Change, as modified by Amendments
                                               the clarity, transparency, consistency,                   (‘‘Proposed Rule Change’’) pursuant to                 No. 1 and 2, from interested persons.
                                               and understandability of OCC’s Rules                      Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities
                                               related to the clearing fund.                             Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and                   I. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
                                               Additionally, by amending the Rules to                    Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 concerning                     Terms of Substance of Partial
                                               accurately reflect OCC’s current margin                   enhanced and new tools for recovery                    Amendments to the Proposed Rule
                                               practices, the Commission believes                        scenarios.3 The Proposed Rule Change                   Change
                                               OCC’s Rules will be more transparent                      was published for comment in the
                                               and understandable.                                                                                                This Partial Amendment No. 2 would
                                                                                                         Federal Register on December 26,
                                                  Accordingly, the Commission finds                                                                             make the following three amendments
                                                                                                         2017.4 On March 22, 2018, the
                                               that the proposed textual reorganization                                                                         to the Initial Filing: (1) Removal of
                                                                                                         Commission instituted proceedings
                                               and clarifications are consistent with                    under Section 19(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Act 5              sections of the RWD Plan concerning
                                               Rule 17Ad–22(e)(1).132                                    to determine whether to approve or                     OCC’s proposed authority to require
                                                                                                         disapprove the Proposed Rule Change.6                  cash settlement of certain physically
                                               V. Conclusion
                                                                                                         On June 20, 2018 the Commission                        delivered options and single stock
                                                 On the basis of the foregoing, the                                                                             futures; (2) updating the list of OCC’s
                                                                                                         designated a longer period for
                                               Commission finds that the Proposed                                                                               Critical Support Functions; 10 and (3)
                                                                                                         Commission action on proceedings to
                                               Rule Change is consistent with the                                                                               making three changes to Chapter 5 of
                                                                                                         determine whether to approve or
                                               requirements of the Act, and in                                                                                  the RWD Plan in order to conform to a
                                                                                                         disapprove the Proposed Rule Change.7
                                               particular, the requirements of Section                                                                          change contemporaneously proposed in
                                               17A of the Act 133 and the rules and                      On July 11, 2018, OCC filed Partial
                                                                                                         Amendment No. 1 to the Proposed Rule                   Amendment No. 2 to OCC proposed rule
                                               regulations thereunder.
                                                                                                         Change. On July 13, 2018, OCC filed                    change SR–OCC–2017–020 concerning
                                                 It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
                                               Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,134 that the                                                                         enhanced and new tools for recovery
                                               Proposed Rule Change (SR–OCC–2018–
                                                                                                           1 15  U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                              scenarios.11
                                                                                                           2 17  CFR 240.19b–4.
                                               008), as modified by Amendments No.                          3 On December 8, 2017, OCC also filed a related        With regard to the removal of sections
                                               1 and 2, be, and hereby is, approved.                     advance notice (SR–OCC–2017–810) with the              of the RWD Plan concerning OCC’s
                                                 For the Commission, by the Division of                  Commission pursuant to Section 806(e)(1) of Title      proposed authority to require cash
                                               Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated                VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and          settlement of certain physically
                                                                                                         Consumer Protection Act, entitled the Payment,
                                               authority.135                                                                                                    delivered options and single stock
                                                                                                         Clearing, and Settlement Supervision Act of 2010
                                               Robert W. Errett,                                         and Rule 19b–4(n)(1)(i) under the Act (‘‘Advance       futures, OCC proposes to amend the
                                               Deputy Secretary.                                         Notice’’). 12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1) and 17 CFR 240.19b–    following text on pages 16 and 55–56 of
                                                                                                         4(n)(1)(i), respectively. The Advance Notice was
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–16529 Filed 8–1–18; 8:45 am]                                                                       the Initial Filing (new text is underlined
                                                                                                         published in the Federal Register on January 23,
                                               BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                    2018. Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82513        and proposed deletions are marked in
                                                                                                         (Jan. 17, 2018), 83 FR 3224 (Jan. 23, 2018) (SR–       strikethrough text).
                                                 130 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(1).                           OCC–2017–810).
                                                 131 Securities                                             4 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82352 (Dec.
                                                               Exchange Act Release 78961 (Sep.                                                                   8 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                               28, 2016), 81 FR 70786, 70802 (Oct. 13, 2016) (S7–        19, 2017), 82 FR 61072 (Dec. 26, 2017) (SR–OCC–          9 17
                                                                                                         2017–021) (‘‘Initial Filing’’).                               CFR 240.19b–4.
                                               03–14) (‘‘Covered Clearing Agency Standards’’).
                                                                                                                                                                  10 The amendment to the list of Critical Support
                                                 132 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(1).                              5 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B)(i).

                                                 133 In approving this Proposed Rule Change, the            6 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82927     Functions would be made to the confidential and
                                               Commission has considered the proposed rules’             (March 22, 2018), 83 FR 13176 (March 27, 2018)         redacted portions of the RWD Plan.
                                               impact on efficiency, competition, and capital                                                                     11 See Amendment No. 2 to SR–OCC–2017–020.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).                             7 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83485     The three amendments to Chapter 5 also would be
                                                 134 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).                                                                                       made to the confidential and redacted portions of
                                                                                                         (Jun. 20, 2018), 83 FR 29843 (Jun. 26, 2018) (SR–
                                                 135 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                             OCC–2017–021).                                         the RWD Plan.

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Document Created: 2018-08-02 01:28:54
Document Modified: 2018-08-02 01:28:54
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 37855 

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