83_FR_38836 83 FR 38684 - Notice of Availability of Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessments for Field Operations at Thirteen National Marine Sanctuaries and Two Marine National Monuments

83 FR 38684 - Notice of Availability of Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessments for Field Operations at Thirteen National Marine Sanctuaries and Two Marine National Monuments

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 152 (August 7, 2018)

Page Range38684-38685
FR Document2018-16812

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has prepared four draft programmatic environmental assessments for the proposed continuation of field operations for each region of sites managed by the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. The field operations support resource protection, research and education objectives as mandated by the National Marine Sanctuaries Act and as described in site-specific management plans. In each PEA, NOAA analyzes the potential effects on the human environment of two alternatives to implement field operations in the subject region. NOAA is soliciting public comment on the four regional draft programmatic environmental assessments.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 152 (Tuesday, August 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 152 (Tuesday, August 7, 2018)]
[Pages 38684-38685]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-16812]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Notice of Availability of Draft Programmatic Environmental 
Assessments for Field Operations at Thirteen National Marine 
Sanctuaries and Two Marine National Monuments

AGENCY: Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean 
Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 
Department of Commerce (DOC).

ACTION: Notice of availability.


SUMMARY: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has 
prepared four draft programmatic environmental assessments for the 
proposed continuation of field operations for each region of sites 
managed by the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. The field 
operations support resource protection, research and education 
objectives as mandated by the National Marine Sanctuaries Act and as 
described in site-specific management plans. In each PEA, NOAA analyzes 
the potential effects on the human environment of two alternatives to 
implement field operations in the subject region. NOAA is soliciting 
public comment on the four regional draft programmatic environmental 

DATES: Comments on these draft programmatic environmental assessments 
will be considered if received by September 21, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on these documents, identified by 
NOAA-NOS-2018-XXXX, by any of the following methods:

--Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public comments via the 
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NOS-2018-XXXX, click the ``Comment Now!'' icon, 
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
--Mail: Helene Scalliet, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, 1305 
East West Highway, R/ORM6, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered by NOAA. All comments received are a part of the 
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on 
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address), confidential business information, 

[[Page 38685]]

otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily by the sender 
will be publicly accessible. NOAA will accept anonymous comments (enter 
``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain anonymous).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Helene Scalliet, Policy and Planning 
Division, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries at 240-533-0648 or via 
email at helene.scalliet@noaa.gov. Copies of the draft programmatic 
environmental assessments can be downloaded or viewed on the internet 
at www.regulations.gov (search for docket #NOAA-NOS-2018-XXXX). Copies 
can also be obtained by contacting the person identified under FOR 


I. Background

    NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) serves as the 
trustee for a network of underwater parks encompassing more than 
600,000 square miles of marine and Great Lakes waters. The network 
includes a system of 13 national marine sanctuaries and 
Papah[amacr]naumoku[amacr]kea and Rose Atoll marine national monuments. 
The National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA; 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.) is 
the statute governing the National Marine Sanctuary System. The NMSA 
authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to designate as national marine 
sanctuaries areas of the marine environment or Great Lakes with special 
national significance due to their conservation, recreational, 
ecological, historical, scientific, cultural, archeological, 
educational or aesthetic qualities. The primary objective of the NMSA 
is to protect sanctuary resources, which span diverse geographic and 
administrative boundaries. Accordingly, ONMS subscribes to a broad and 
comprehensive management approach to meet the NMSA's primary objective 
of resource protection. Comprehensive sanctuary and monument 
management, described in detail in each site's management plan, serves 
as a framework for addressing long-term protection of a wide range of 
living and non-living marine resources, while allowing multiple uses of 
the site to the extent that they are compatible with the primary goal 
of resource protection. These plans are site-specific documents used by 
all national marine sanctuaries and the monuments for which ONMS has 
management responsibilities. The NMSA requires that ONMS develop and 
periodically review the management plans for each national marine 
sanctuary (Sec. 304(a)(2)(A) and (e)). Since revision of a management 
plan often constitutes a Federal action, ONMS typically analyzes 
changes to the management plan under NEPA. In many cases, this analysis 
does not analyze in-depth consequences of routine field operations, 
such as vessel operations and ongoing research programs. The draft PEAs 
announced through this notice are designed to analyze these routine 
field operations not previously adequately analyzed under the National 
Environmental Policy Act during the management plan review process.
    Within the context of the ONMS management plans, field operations 
are an important component of implementing many of the actions 
necessary to support resource protection, research and education 
activities. The management plans also contain information relevant to 
these draft regional programmatic environmental assessments (PEAs) such 
as background about each sanctuary environment and its resources.

II. NOAA's Proposed Action

    NOAA has prepared four draft PEAs for the proposed continuation of 
field operations described in management plans for each site managed by 
the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. There is a draft PEA for 
each of the following regions: West Coast, Pacific Islands, Northeast/
Great Lakes, and Southeast/Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of the 
underlying field operations analyzed in the draft PEAs is to support 
resource protection, research and education objectives as mandated by 
the National Marine Sanctuaries Act and as described in site-specific 
management plans. Field operations in ONMS-managed sites fall under 10 
categories: vessel operations; vessel maintenance; aircraft operations; 
non-motorized craft operations; SCUBA or snorkel operations; onshore 
field work; deployment of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)/
remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)/gliders/drifters; deployment of 
remote sensing equipment; deployment of equipment on the seafloor; and 
other sampling activities. The four regional draft PEAs describe in 
detail the field operations taking place at each site in the next five 
years as well as their environmental impacts on the physical, 
biological, socioeconomic, maritime heritage and cultural environment.
    In these documents, NOAA analyzes the potential effects of two 
alternatives to implement the proposed action. NOAA also intends to use 
these four draft PEAs as the basis for compliance under the Marine 
Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Magnuson-Stevens Act, 
National Historic Preservation Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act. 
NOAA intends to finalize any necessary compliance requirements for 
these statutes prior to finalizing this action.

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.

Thomas Culliton,
Acting Director, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.
[FR Doc. 2018-16812 Filed 8-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                               38684                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 7, 2018 / Notices

                                               provide an explanation of the attempts                  including those that were suspended at                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               it made to locate the producer or                       the NME entity rate.
                                               exporter at the same time it files its                                                                        National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                                                                          All requests must be filed
                                               request for review, in order for the                                                                          Administration
                                                                                                       electronically in Enforcement and
                                               Secretary to determine if the interested
                                                                                                       Compliance’s Antidumping and                          Notice of Availability of Draft
                                               party’s attempts were reasonable,
                                                                                                       Countervailing Duty Centralized                       Programmatic Environmental
                                               pursuant to 19 CFR 351.303(f)(3)(ii).
                                                  As explained in Antidumping and                      Electronic Service System (ACCESS) on                 Assessments for Field Operations at
                                               Countervailing Duty Proceedings:                        Enforcement and Compliance’s ACCESS                   Thirteen National Marine Sanctuaries
                                               Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68                    website at http://access.trade.gov.5                  and Two Marine National Monuments
                                               FR 23954 (May 6, 2003), and Non-                        Further, in accordance with 19 CFR
                                                                                                                                                             AGENCY:  Office of National Marine
                                               Market Economy Antidumping                              351.303(f)(l)(i), a copy of each request
                                                                                                                                                             Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean
                                               Proceedings: Assessment of                              must be served on the petitioner and
                                                                                                                                                             Service (NOS), National Oceanic and
                                               Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694                         each exporter or producer specified in
                                                                                                                                                             Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                               (October 24, 2011), Commerce clarified                  the request.                                          Department of Commerce (DOC).
                                               its practice with respect to the                           Commerce will publish in the Federal               ACTION: Notice of availability.
                                               collection of final antidumping duties                  Register a notice of ‘‘Initiation of
                                               on imports of merchandise where                         Administrative Review of Antidumping                  SUMMARY:    The National Oceanic and
                                               intermediate firms are involved. The                                                                          Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
                                                                                                       or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding,
                                               public should be aware of this                                                                                has prepared four draft programmatic
                                               clarification in determining whether to                 or Suspended Investigation’’ for
                                                                                                       requests received by the last day of                  environmental assessments for the
                                               request an administrative review of                                                                           proposed continuation of field
                                               merchandise subject to antidumping                      August 2018. If Commerce does not
                                                                                                       receive, by the last day of August 2018,              operations for each region of sites
                                               findings and orders.2                                                                                         managed by the Office of National
                                                  Commerce no longer considers the                     a request for review of entries covered
                                                                                                                                                             Marine Sanctuaries. The field
                                               non-market economy (NME) entity as an                   by an order, finding, or suspended
                                                                                                                                                             operations support resource protection,
                                               exporter conditionally subject to an                    investigation listed in this notice and for
                                                                                                                                                             research and education objectives as
                                               antidumping duty administrative                         the period identified above, Commerce                 mandated by the National Marine
                                               reviews.3 Accordingly, the NME entity                   will instruct CBP to assess antidumping               Sanctuaries Act and as described in site-
                                               will not be under review unless                         or countervailing duties on those entries             specific management plans. In each
                                               Commerce specifically receives a                        at a rate equal to the cash deposit of                PEA, NOAA analyzes the potential
                                               request for, or self-initiates, a review of             estimated antidumping or                              effects on the human environment of
                                               the NME entity.4 In administrative                      countervailing duties required on those               two alternatives to implement field
                                               reviews of antidumping duty orders on                   entries at the time of entry, or                      operations in the subject region. NOAA
                                               merchandise from NME countries where                    withdrawal from warehouse, for                        is soliciting public comment on the four
                                               a review of the NME entity has not been                 consumption and to continue to collect                regional draft programmatic
                                               initiated, but where an individual                      the cash deposit previously ordered.                  environmental assessments.
                                               exporter for which a review was
                                               initiated does not qualify for a separate                  For the first administrative review of             DATES: Comments on these draft
                                               rate, Commerce will issue a final                       any order, there will be no assessment                programmatic environmental
                                               decision indicating that the company in                 of antidumping or countervailing duties               assessments will be considered if
                                               question is part of the NME entity.                     on entries of subject merchandise                     received by September 21, 2018.
                                               However, in that situation, because no                  entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                               review of the NME entity was                            for consumption during the relevant                   on these documents, identified by
                                               conducted, the NME entity’s entries                     provisional-measures ‘‘gap’’ period of                NOAA–NOS–2018–XXXX, by any of the
                                               were not subject to the review and the                  the order, if such a gap period is                    following methods:
                                               rate for the NME entity is not subject to               applicable to the period of review.                   —Electronic Submission: Submit all
                                               change as a result of that review                                                                                electronic public comments via the
                                                                                                          This notice is not required by statute
                                               (although the rate for the individual                                                                            Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to
                                                                                                       but is published as a service to the                     www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;
                                               exporter may change as a function of the
                                                                                                       international trading community.                         D=NOAA-NOS-2018-XXXX, click the
                                               finding that the exporter is part of the
                                               NME entity). Following initiation of an                   Dated: August 1, 2018.                                 ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon, complete the
                                               antidumping administrative review                       James Maeder,                                            required fields, and enter or attach
                                               when there is no review requested of the                Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for                 your comments.
                                               NME entity, Commerce will instruct                      Antidumping and Countervailing Duty                   —Mail: Helene Scalliet, Office of
                                               CBP to liquidate entries for all exporters              Operations performing the duties of Deputy               National Marine Sanctuaries, 1305
                                               not named in the initiation notice,                     Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and                  East West Highway, R/ORM6, Silver
                                                                                                       Countervailing Duty Operations.                          Spring, MD 20910.
                                                 2 See also the Enforcement and Compliance
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–16850 Filed 8–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                Instructions: Comments sent by any
                                               website at http://trade.gov/enforcement/.                                                                     other method, to any other address or
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                 3 See Antidumping Proceedings: Announcement
                                                                                                                                                             individual, or received after the end of
                                               of Change in Department Practice for Respondent                                                               the comment period, may not be
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Selection in Antidumping Duty Proceedings and
                                               Conditional Review of the Nonmarket Economy                                                                   considered by NOAA. All comments
                                               Entity in NME Antidumping Duty Proceedings, 78                                                                received are a part of the public record
                                               FR 65963 (November 4, 2013).                                                                                  and will generally be posted for public
                                                 4 In accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(b)(1), parties
                                                                                                         5 See Antidumping and Countervailing Duty           viewing on www.regulations.gov
                                               should specify that they are requesting a review of
                                               entries from exporters comprising the entity, and to    Proceedings: Electronic Filing Procedures;            without change. All personal identifying
                                               the extent possible, include the names of such          Administrative Protective Order Procedures, 76 FR     information (e.g., name, address),
                                               exporters in their request.                             39263 (July 6, 2011).                                 confidential business information, or

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:54 Aug 06, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00008   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\07AUN1.SGM   07AUN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 7, 2018 / Notices                                                 38685

                                               otherwise sensitive information                         Since revision of a management plan                   Magnuson-Stevens Act, National
                                               submitted voluntarily by the sender will                often constitutes a Federal action,                   Historic Preservation Act, and Coastal
                                               be publicly accessible. NOAA will                       ONMS typically analyzes changes to the                Zone Management Act. NOAA intends
                                               accept anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/                   management plan under NEPA. In many                   to finalize any necessary compliance
                                               A’’ in the required fields if you wish to               cases, this analysis does not analyze in-             requirements for these statutes prior to
                                               remain anonymous).                                      depth consequences of routine field                   finalizing this action.
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        operations, such as vessel operations                   Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.
                                               Helene Scalliet, Policy and Planning                    and ongoing research programs. The
                                                                                                       draft PEAs announced through this                     Thomas Culliton,
                                               Division, Office of National Marine
                                               Sanctuaries at 240–533–0648 or via                      notice are designed to analyze these                  Acting Director, Office of National Marine
                                                                                                       routine field operations not previously               Sanctuaries.
                                               email at helene.scalliet@noaa.gov.
                                               Copies of the draft programmatic                        adequately analyzed under the National                [FR Doc. 2018–16812 Filed 8–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                               environmental assessments can be                        Environmental Policy Act during the                   BILLING CODE 3510–NK–P

                                               downloaded or viewed on the internet                    management plan review process.
                                               at www.regulations.gov (search for                        Within the context of the ONMS
                                                                                                       management plans, field operations are                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               docket #NOAA–NOS–2018–XXXX).
                                               Copies can also be obtained by                          an important component of
                                                                                                       implementing many of the actions                      National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                               contacting the person identified under                                                                        Administration
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
                                                                                                       necessary to support resource
                                                                                                       protection, research and education                    RIN 0648–XG386
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                       activities. The management plans also
                                               I. Background                                           contain information relevant to these                 Pacific Fishery Management Council;
                                                                                                       draft regional programmatic                           Public Meeting
                                                  NOAA’s Office of National Marine
                                                                                                       environmental assessments (PEAs) such
                                               Sanctuaries (ONMS) serves as the                                                                              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                                                                       as background about each sanctuary
                                               trustee for a network of underwater                                                                           Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                                                                       environment and its resources.
                                               parks encompassing more than 600,000                                                                          Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                               square miles of marine and Great Lakes                  II. NOAA’s Proposed Action                            Commerce.
                                               waters. The network includes a system                      NOAA has prepared four draft PEAs                  ACTION: Notice of public meeting
                                               of 13 national marine sanctuaries and                   for the proposed continuation of field                (webinar).
                                               Papahānaumokuākea and Rose Atoll                      operations described in management
                                               marine national monuments. The                                                                                SUMMARY:    The Pacific Fishery
                                                                                                       plans for each site managed by the
                                               National Marine Sanctuaries Act                                                                               Management Council’s (Pacific Council)
                                                                                                       Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.
                                               (NMSA; 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.) is the                                                                         Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup (EWG)
                                                                                                       There is a draft PEA for each of the
                                               statute governing the National Marine                                                                         will hold a meeting via webinar, which
                                                                                                       following regions: West Coast, Pacific
                                               Sanctuary System. The NMSA                              Islands, Northeast/Great Lakes, and                   is open to the public.
                                               authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to                 Southeast/Gulf of Mexico. The purpose                 DATES: The webinar meeting will be
                                               designate as national marine sanctuaries                of the underlying field operations                    held on Tuesday, August 21, 2018, from
                                               areas of the marine environment or                      analyzed in the draft PEAs is to support              1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Pacific Daylight
                                               Great Lakes with special national                       resource protection, research and                     Time) or until business for the day has
                                               significance due to their conservation,                 education objectives as mandated by the               been completed.
                                               recreational, ecological, historical,                   National Marine Sanctuaries Act and as                ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held
                                               scientific, cultural, archeological,                    described in site-specific management                 via webinar. A public listening station
                                               educational or aesthetic qualities. The                 plans. Field operations in ONMS-                      is available at the Pacific Council office
                                               primary objective of the NMSA is to                     managed sites fall under 10 categories:               (address below). To attend the webinar
                                               protect sanctuary resources, which span                 vessel operations; vessel maintenance;                (1) join by visiting this link http://
                                               diverse geographic and administrative                   aircraft operations; non-motorized craft              www.gotomeeting.com/online/webinar/
                                               boundaries. Accordingly, ONMS                           operations; SCUBA or snorkel                          join-webinar, (2) enter the Webinar ID:
                                               subscribes to a broad and                               operations; onshore field work;                       241–675–131, and (3) enter your name
                                               comprehensive management approach                       deployment of autonomous underwater                   and email address (required). After
                                               to meet the NMSA’s primary objective                    vehicles (AUVs)/remotely operated                     logging in to the webinar, please (1) dial
                                               of resource protection. Comprehensive                   vehicles (ROVs)/gliders/drifters;                     this TOLL number +1 (415) 655–0052
                                               sanctuary and monument management,                      deployment of remote sensing                          (not a toll-free number), (2) enter the
                                               described in detail in each site’s                      equipment; deployment of equipment                    attendee phone audio access code 563–
                                               management plan, serves as a                            on the seafloor; and other sampling                   806–284, and (3) then enter your audio
                                               framework for addressing long-term                      activities. The four regional draft PEAs              phone pin (shown after joining the
                                               protection of a wide range of living and                describe in detail the field operations               webinar). NOTE: We have disabled Mic/
                                               non-living marine resources, while                      taking place at each site in the next five            Speakers as an option and require all
                                               allowing multiple uses of the site to the               years as well as their environmental                  participants to use a telephone or cell
                                               extent that they are compatible with the                impacts on the physical, biological,                  phone to participate. Technical
                                               primary goal of resource protection.                    socioeconomic, maritime heritage and                  Information and system requirements:
                                               These plans are site-specific documents                 cultural environment.                                 PC-based attendees are required to use
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               used by all national marine sanctuaries                    In these documents, NOAA analyzes                  Windows® 7, Vista, or XP; Mac®-based
                                               and the monuments for which ONMS                        the potential effects of two alternatives             attendees are required to use Mac OS®
                                               has management responsibilities. The                    to implement the proposed action.                     X 10.5 or newer; Mobile attendees are
                                               NMSA requires that ONMS develop and                     NOAA also intends to use these four                   required to use iPhone®, iPad®,
                                               periodically review the management                      draft PEAs as the basis for compliance                AndroidTM phone or Android tablet (See
                                               plans for each national marine                          under the Marine Mammal Protection                    https://www.gotomeeting.com/webinar/
                                               sanctuary (Sec. 304(a)(2)(A) and (e)).                  Act, Endangered Species Act,                          ipad-iphone-android-webinar-apps).

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Document Created: 2018-11-06 10:38:17
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 10:38:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability.
DatesComments on these draft programmatic environmental assessments will be considered if received by September 21, 2018.
ContactHelene Scalliet, Policy and Planning Division, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries at 240-533-0648 or via email at [email protected] Copies of the draft programmatic environmental assessments can be downloaded or viewed on the internet at www.regulations.gov (search for docket #NOAA-NOS-2018-XXXX). Copies can also be obtained by contacting the person identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
FR Citation83 FR 38684 

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