83_FR_39595 83 FR 39441 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Disclosures in Professional and Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion

83 FR 39441 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Disclosures in Professional and Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 154 (August 9, 2018)

Page Range39441-39448
FR Document2018-17045

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 154 (Thursday, August 9, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 154 (Thursday, August 9, 2018)]
[Pages 39441-39448]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-17045]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2017-N-0558]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office 
of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Disclosures in 
Professional and Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a 
proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA).

DATES: Fax written comments on the collection of information by 
September 10, 2018.

ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on the information collection are 
received, OMB recommends that written comments be faxed to the Office 
of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer, 
Fax: 202-395-7285, or emailed to oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. All 
comments should be identified with the OMB control number 0910-NEW and 
title ``Disclosures in Professional and Consumer Prescription Drug 
Promotion.'' Also include the FDA docket number found in brackets in 
the heading of this document.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ila S. Mizrachi, Office of Operations, 
Food and Drug Administration, Three White Flint North, 10A-12M, 11601 
Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD 20852, 301-796-7726, 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA has 
submitted the following proposed collection of information to OMB for 
review and clearance.

Disclosures in Professional and Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion

OMB Control Number 0910-NEW

I. Background

    Section 1701(a)(4) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 
300u(a)(4)) authorizes FDA to conduct research relating to health 
information. Section 1003(d)(2)(C) of the Federal Food, Drug, and 
Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 393(d)(2)(C)) authorizes FDA to 
conduct research relating to drugs and other FDA regulated products in 
carrying out the provisions of the FD&C Act.
    FDA regulates prescription drug advertising and promotional 
labeling directed to healthcare professionals (HCPs) and consumers 
(section 502(a) and (n), respectively, of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 
352(a) and (n))). In the course of promoting their products, 
pharmaceutical sponsors (sponsors) may present a variety of information 
including the indication, details about the administration of the 
product, efficacy information, and clinical trial data. To present 
often complicated information concisely, sponsors may not include 
relevant information in the body of the text or visual display of the 
claim. Additionally, sponsors may not always present limitations to the 
claim in the main body of the text or display. In these cases, sponsors 
typically include disclosures of information somewhere in the 
promotional piece.
    There is limited published research on disclosures in prescription 
drug promotion, either directed to consumers or to HCPs. The use of 
disclosures is one method of communicating information to HCPs and 
consumers about scientific and clinical data, the limitations of that 
data, and practical utility of that information. These disclosures may 
influence HCP and consumer comprehension and decision making, and may 
affect how and what treatment HCPs prescribe for their patients. 
Previous research on the effectiveness of disclosures has been 
conducted primarily in the dietary supplement arena (Refs. 1-4). Thus, 
the proposed research will examine the effectiveness of clear and 
conspicuous disclosures in prescription drug promotion directed to both 
populations. The purpose of our study is to determine how useful 
disclosures regarding prescription drug information are when presented 
prominently and adjacent to claims.\1\ Specifically, are HCPs and 
consumers able to use disclosures to effectively frame information in 
efficacy claims in prescription drug promotion?

    \1\ The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which regulates the 
advertising of non-prescription drug products as well as other non-
FDA regulated products (e.g., package goods, cars, etc.) issued a 
specific position on disclosures (Ref. 5) for the advertising it 
regulates. Specifically, FTC explains that disclosures must be 
``clear and conspicuous''; in other words, in understandable 
language, located near the claim to be further clarified, and not 
hidden or minimized by small font or other distractions.

    To address this research question, we have designed a set of 
studies that cover both consumers and HCPs, as well as three 
presentations addressing different

[[Page 39442]]

types of information: Scope of treatment, ease of use, and statistical 
significance (see table 1). The scope of treatment information to be 
tested can be thought of as disease-awareness information; that is, a 
broader discussion of a medical condition that includes disease 
characteristics beyond what the promoted drug has been shown to treat. 
The disclosure for this condition will focus on the disease 
characteristics that the product has been shown to treat. The ease of 
use information to be tested is a simple claim of easy drug 
administration, followed by a disclosure that includes material 
information about drug administration. Finally, the statistical 
significance information to be tested includes a presentation of 
efficacy analyses, followed by a disclosure revealing that the results 
of the presented analyses were not statistically significant, and thus 
must be viewed with considerable caution. We selected these types of 
information because they are commonly seen in promotional material.
    Each participant will view three different professionally developed 
mock promotional print pieces for different prescription drug products 
that mimic currently available promotion. For each of the three 
promotional pieces, they will be randomized to see an ad with a weak 
disclosure, a strong disclosure, or no disclosure. We will manipulate 
the strength of disclosure by including additional concluding 
information (strong) or not (weak) in the disclosure statement. In all 
cases, disclosures will be adjacent to claims and written in font clear 
enough to be detected.

                       Table 12--Identical Study Designs for Samples of HCPs and Consumers
                                                      Level of disclosure
            Type of claim             --------------------------------------------------         Control
                                                 Weak                    Strong
                                                  Study A: HCPs
Scope of Treatment...................  Evidence Only..........  Evidence + Conclusion..  No Disclosure
Ease of Use..........................  Evidence Only..........  Evidence + Conclusion..  No Disclosure
Statistical Significance.............  Evidence Only..........  Evidence + Conclusion..  No Disclosure
                                               Study B: Consumers
Scope of Treatment...................  Evidence Only..........  Evidence + Conclusion..  No Disclosure
Ease of Use..........................  Evidence Only..........  Evidence + Conclusion..  No Disclosure
Statistical Significance.............  Evidence Only..........  Evidence + Conclusion..  No Disclosure

    We will analyze the results of the scope of treatment disclosures, 
the ease of use disclosures, and the statistical significance 
disclosures independently of each other, even though each participant 
will see one of each. The claims and disclosures are different enough 
that practice effects should be moderated, but we will counterbalance 
the order of ads shown to minimize potential bias.
    Because promotional pieces intended for HCPs and consumers have 
different levels of complexity and medical depth, and because the 
amount of knowledge expected between the two groups differs, the 
studies will use separate mock promotional pieces and ask slightly 
different comprehension questions of each group. We will maintain as 
much similarity across groups as possible for descriptive comparisons.
    Both consumers and HCPs will be recruited from internet panels. 
Because promotional pieces will represent three different medical 
conditions, we will obtain a general population sample of consumers and 
a HCP sample of primary care physicians. We will exclude individuals 
who are employees of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
or who work in pharmaceutical, advertising, or marketing settings 
because their knowledge and experiences may not reflect those of the 
typical healthcare provider or consumer. Eligible participants who 
agree to participate voluntarily in this survey will view mock 
promotional pieces and answer questions about their comprehension of 
the main messages in the promotion, perceptions of the product, 
attention to disclosures and intention to ask a HCP about it 
(consumers) or to prescribe the product (HCPs). Questionnaires are 
available upon request.
    Pretests will be conducted before conducting the main studies to 
ensure the mock promotional pieces are realistic and that the 
questionnaire flows well and questions are reasonable. We will 
supplement the findings of the pretests with two small eye-tracking 
studies. Researchers use eye-tracking technology to capture viewing 
behavior that is independent of self-report. The technology measures 
where and for how long participants glanced at or examined particular 
parts of a display. It has been used in studies of consumer print 
advertising (Refs. 6-8) and internet promotion (Refs. 9 and 10). To our 
knowledge, there is little or no published research using eye-tracking 
technology with HCPs.
    We will use these small eye-tracking studies to determine what 
parts of each promotional piece consumers and HCPs actually viewed. 
Specifically, we will be able to determine whether they looked at the 
disclosure statement at all, and we can obtain a rough idea of how long 
they looked at it. This data will complement the self-reported items on 
the questionnaire. Moreover, we will use this data, as well as the 
pretest data, to improve the main studies. For this part of the study, 
20 consumers and 20 HCPs will view the promotional pieces.
    In the Federal Register of June 14, 2017 (82 FR 27268), FDA 
published a 60-day notice requesting public comment on the proposed 
collection of information. Four comments were received. Responses to 
those comments follow. For brevity, some public comments are 
paraphrased and therefore may not reflect the exact language used by 
the commenter. We assure commenters that the entirety of their comments 
was considered even if not fully captured by our paraphrasing in this 
document. The following acronyms are used here: DTC = direct-to-
consumer; HCP = healthcare professional; FDA and ``The Agency'' = Food 
and Drug Administration; OPDP = FDA's Office of Prescription Drug 
    The first public comment responder (regulations.gov tracking number 
lkl-8y39-rtyb) included 25 individual

[[Page 39443]]

comments, to which we have responded.
    Comment 1a (summarized): FDA is conducting too much research 
without articulating a clear, overarching research agenda or adequate 
rationales on how the proposed research related to the goal of further 
protecting public health. The Agency should publish a comprehensive 
list of its prescription drug advertising and promotion studies from 
the past 5 years and articulate a clear vision for its research 
priorities for the near future.
    Response 1a: OPDP's mission is to protect the public health by 
helping to ensure that prescription drug information is truthful, 
balanced, and accurately communicated, so that patients and healthcare 
providers can make informed decisions about treatment options. OPDP's 
research program supports this mission by generating scientific 
evidence to help ensure that our policies related to prescription drug 
promotion will have the greatest benefit to public health. Toward that 
end, we have consistently conducted research to evaluate the aspects of 
prescription drug promotion that we believe are most central to our 
mission, focusing in particular on three main topic areas: Advertising 
features, including content and format; target populations; and 
research quality. Through the evaluation of advertising features we 
assess how elements such as graphics, format, and disease and product 
characteristics impact the communication and understanding of 
prescription drug risks and benefits; focusing on target populations 
allows us to evaluate how understanding of prescription drug risks and 
benefits may vary as a function of audience; and our focus on research 
quality aims at maximizing the quality of research data through 
analytical methodology development and investigation of sampling and 
response issues.
    Because we recognize the strength of data and the confidence in the 
robust nature of the findings is improved through the results of 
multiple converging studies, we continue to develop evidence to inform 
our thinking. We evaluate the results from our studies within the 
broader context of research and findings from other sources, and this 
larger body of knowledge collectively informs our policies as well as 
our research program. Our research is documented on our homepage, which 
can be found at: https://www.fda.gov/aboutfda/centersoffices/officeofmedicalproductsandtobacco/cder/ucm090276.htm. The website 
includes links to the latest Federal Register notices and peer-reviewed 
publications produced by our office. The website maintains information 
on studies we have conducted, dating back to a survey of DTC attitudes 
and behaviors conducted in 1999.
    Comment 1b (The commenter provided a summary of the comments 
followed by a more detailed description of the same comments. For 
brevity, the summary of comments has been omitted and only the specific 
comments [1b through 1y] are provided below. The commenter's full 
comments may be accessed at regulations.gov via tracking number lkl-
8y39-rtb) (verbatim): It is not clear from this description whether the 
study will yield useful information to evaluate whether disclosures 
provide appropriate contextual information in certain communications, 
whether such disclosures can be made more effective, and where the 
disclosures are necessary to ensure communications are truthful and 
non-misleading. The Agency should provide significantly more detail 
regarding the design of the study, the proposed disclosures, the mock 
promotional pieces, and the information it seeks to collect.
    Response 1b: We have provided the purpose of the study, the design, 
the population of interest, and have provided the questionnaire to 
numerous individuals upon request. These materials have proven 
sufficient for others to comment publicly, and for academic experts to 
peer-review the study successfully. We do not make draft stimuli public 
during this time because of concerns that this may contaminate our 
participant pool and compromise the research.
    Comment 1c (summarized): After pretesting, the Agency should make 
available revised questionnaires, data collection methodologies, and 
    Response 1c: In this current notice, we provide the revised design 
as based on academic peer reviewers, cognitive interviewing, and public 
comments. The revised questionnaire is also available upon request. Our 
full stimuli are under development during the PRA process. We do not 
make draft stimuli public during this time because of concerns that 
this may contaminate our participant pool and compromise the research. 
Individuals are welcome to inquire about the progress of the study and 
any changes from the pretests will be communicated at that time.
    Comment 1d (summarized): FDA should base mock promotional stimuli 
on realistic promotional pieces.
    Response 1d: We have done this. Our stimuli are modified from 
actual promotional pieces in the marketplace to disguise the original 
    Comment 1e (summarized): It is unclear whether such disclosures 
will contain relevant information ordinarily provided in promotional 
    Response 1e: The goal of our research is to obtain answers to 
questions about prescription drug promotion that will inform the Agency 
and stakeholders. Thus, we strive in all of our studies to make our 
mock promotional pieces as realistic as possible. That includes any 
disclosures that we may include in testing. Also, please see response 
to comment 1d.
    Comment 1f (verbatim): FDA seems to have an overly broad conception 
of the need for disclosures for ``scope of treatment'' communications. 
In the Notice, FDA describes this type of communication as ``a disease-
awareness claim; that is, a broader discussion of a medical condition 
that may include disease characteristics beyond what the promoted drug 
has been shown to treat.'' Where a disease awareness communication 
discusses a disease in a manner beyond what the promoted drug has been 
shown to treat, but does so in a balanced manner without implying any 
particular treatment benefits from the associated drug, it should be 
viewed as providing helpful general background information on the 
disease, and not as making an off-label claim for the drug. In those 
circumstances, there should be no need for any disclosure about the 
limits of use of the drug. FDA should clarify its understanding of 
``scope of treatment'' claims and make its proposed claims and 
disclosures available for public comment.
    Response 1f: Previous research has demonstrated that presenting 
study participants with information about the consequences of a 
disease, particularly when the information was integrated into one 
print ad with information about a particular drug, resulted in false 
beliefs that the advertised drug prevented those consequences.\2\ The 
``scope of treatment'' claims that are included in this research are 
embedded in mock promotional materials, juxtaposed with specific 
efficacy information about the mock drug products. As such, they will 
likely imply ``particular treatment benefits from the associated 
drug.'' This research will help us to evaluate the usefulness of a 
disclosure in relation to this type of information when it is found in 
promotional pieces. Also, please see response to comment 1c.

    \2\ Aikin, K.J., H.W. Sullivan, and K.R. Betts, (2016). 
``Disease information in direct-to-consumer prescription drug print 
ads.'' Journal of Health Communication, 21(2), pp. 228-239.


[[Page 39444]]

    Comment 1g (verbatim): FDA states that the ``ease of use'' claim 
``is a simple claim of easy drug administration that omits specific 
important details that contribute to a more difficult drug 
administration than suggested.'' This statement appears to imply that 
all ease of use claims are misleading, where the Agency perhaps intends 
to clarify that validated and non-misleading ``ease of use'' claims may 
require a disclosure or more context. FDA should clarify its 
understanding of ``ease of use'' claims, and, in testing, ensure it 
does not test overly misleading base claims for ``ease of use'' that 
would be difficult to contextualize with a disclosure statement and 
hence would bias the results of its study. Such claims should be made 
available for public comment.
    Response 1g: FDA did not intend to imply that all ease of use 
claims are misleading or that all ease of use claims would necessarily 
require a disclosure. FDA agrees that some ease of use statements 
require a disclosure or more context and intends to evaluate one such 
example with this research. We have revised the description of the 
study in this notice to clarify. Also, please see response to comment 
    Comment 1h (verbatim): FDA states that the ``statistical 
significance'' claim ``will be one in which the disclosure reveals that 
the presented analyses were not statistically significant, and thus 
must be viewed with considerable caution.'' It is not clear what 
content FDA intends to test for this type of claim. We encourage FDA to 
clarify how it intends to present ``not statistically significant'' 
analyses for testing in order to ensure such claims are presented with 
appropriate contextual information. Such claims should be made 
available for public comment.
    Response 1h: Please see responses to comment 1c, 1d, and 1e.
    Comment 1i (summarized): The Agency should clarify what 
distinctions will be made between HCP and consumer pieces.
    Response 1i: As our mock promotional pieces have been adapted from 
existing materials in the public domain, the materials directed to HCPs 
and to consumers vary in similar ways to what can currently be seen in 
the public domain. For example, materials directed to HCPs tend to have 
more data, more technical medical language, and more text in general. 
Consumer pieces are generally written in plainer language and generally 
do not include as much data and statistical information. Our pieces are 
highly realistic as they were developed from actual promotional pieces.
    Comment 1j (verbatim): The Agency proposes that consumer and HCP 
subjects will be recruited from internet panels, indicating that the 
study will be conducted using an electronic format. Because the 
proposed research topic is not dependent on an electronic medium, FDA 
should consider testing non-electronic media as well, including printed 
promotional pieces.
    Response 1j: Although our study will be conducted via the internet, 
we will show participants mock print materials in .pdf format.
    Comment 1k (verbatim): The Agency proposes to use eye-tracking 
studies to complement the self-reported items on the questionnaire and 
to improve the main studies. [The commenter] encourages the Agency to 
use this technology in conjunction with other inputs (for example, 
qualitative research) to understand why subjects are looking at a 
portion of the proposed materials, rather than to draw conclusions that 
such portions were viewed. Additionally, an explanation of the use of 
eye-tracking technology should also be included during the subject 
enrollment process.
    Response 1k: FDA plans to collect and analyze eye-tracking 
(physical measures of attention) data in conjunction with other 
measures, including cognitive interviews. To avoid the potential for 
priming effects, the eye-tracking component of the study will not be 
explained to recruited individuals before they report for their in-
person sessions. However, participants will be made aware of the eye-
tracking component during the informed consent process.
    Comment 1l (summarized): The commenter recommends increasing the 
sample size of the eye-tracking components to ensure more robust data.
    Response 1l: Our primary method of analysis of the eye-tracking 
data will be examination of gaze plots coupled with self-report data 
provided by participants. Thus, eye-tracking results will be examined 
on an individual, rather than aggregate, level. Furthermore, the eye-
tracking studies included in this research are intended as qualitative, 
formative studies; they will be used to inform any necessary changes to 
the stimuli before the main studies. Formative eye-tracking studies 
such as these are often executed with sample sizes as small as five 
participants.\3\ In our experience, a sample of 20 participants in each 
population ensures that we will collect fully useable data from a 
minimum of 15 participants in each population. Used as an observation 
tool, eye-tracking complements the other data collected to increase 
discoverability of specific events and confidence in our qualitative 

    \3\ Pernice, K. and J. Nielsen, (2009). ``How to Conduct 
Eyetracking Studies.'' https://media.nngroup.com/media/reports/free/How_to_Conduct_Eyetracking_Studies.pdf.

    Comment 1m (summarized): The commenter recommends limiting the 
participant sample to disease sufferers rather than a general 
population sample.
    Response 1m: We carefully consider the type of sample to use in 
each of our studies. In the current study, the population of sufferers 
for the conditions addressed by our stimuli (i.e., chronic obstructive 
pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic iron overload, and high blood 
pressure) are varied. Because we are showing participants more than one 
ad, we chose not to select diagnosed populations or specialists.
    Comment 1n (summarized): FDA should recruit a demographically and 
geographically diverse sample.
    Response 1n: We agree and we plan to recruit individuals with a 
range of gender, race, ethnicity, and, as much as possible within an 
internet sample, socioeconomic status. For the consumer sample, we aim 
for a sample with 60 percent of people who have some college or less. 
An advantage of sampling via internet panel is that we have access to 
individuals in all parts of the United States.
    Comment 1o (verbatim): FDA should capture whether subjects 
comprehend certain information disclosed in the mock promotional 
pieces, even if the subject does not recall information on the 
specifics. Currently, open-ended and recall questions (e.g., Consumer 
Questionnaire Q2-Q3; HCP Questionnaire Q2-Q3) ask test subjects to 
identify certain information regarding the featured drug products (what 
a mock drug product is specifically ``used for'' or ``not approved 
for''). It is not clear why such an open-ended format or questions are 
necessary for the research purpose of the study, as subjects could 
recognize a limit to the efficacy being presented even if they do not 
follow or recall all of the details of a disclosure.
    Response 1o: We do intend to capture what information has been 
observed in the mock promotional pieces, and we do this through the 
open-ended and recall questions. It is common practice to include open-
ended and closed-ended questions in one research study, as they tend to 
complement each other. Open-ended questions allow responses that have 
not been prompted by particulars, which is not the case with closed-
ended questions. Closed-ended questions

[[Page 39445]]

provide a more efficient way of obtaining information.
    Comment 1p (summarized): FDA should ensure that terms used in the 
consumer pieces are consumer-friendly.
    Response 1p: We agree and always review our mock consumer pieces 
for lay language. The terms mentioned by the commenter (e.g., chronic 
iron overload, COPD, lung function, scientific evidence, effectiveness, 
statistically significant) will be used in the HCP materials. However, 
we also strive to make our materials as realistic as possible, and in 
this case, we have modified existing DTC pieces for consumers. If they 
used a term (e.g., COPD), and OPDP reviewers agreed that this is common 
and acceptable, we maintained it in our mock pieces.
    Comment 1q (summarized): FDA should consider changing the sliding 
scale format of Q4.
    Response 1q: We carefully develop each question of our 
questionnaires, taking into account language and response options. No 
cognitive interview participant reported confusion with this sliding 
scale question. Without scientific justification for changing the 
response format of this question, we will maintain the current format.
    Comment 1r (verbatim): In a study setting, subjects may be prone to 
pay attention to more or all of the information presented throughout 
the study, including claims designed to be intentionally misleading. As 
a result, subjects are more likely to be biased based on the strength 
or weakness of the claims and disclosures presented. The Agency should 
address what efforts it will take to avoid response bias by presenting 
these varying degrees of disclosures.
    Response 1r: The study is designed so that participant will be 
randomly assigned to condition. Moreover, the only aspect of the 
participants' experiences that will be varied in the study will be the 
manipulations that we have described. Any individual differences in 
attention or ability or potential biases should be spread across 
experimental conditions. Thus, if we find differences between and among 
conditions, we can be reasonably sure that the manipulations caused the 
differences. We have not found in the past that our participants spend 
an inordinate amount of time viewing stimuli, but we will be careful to 
place the research in context when we interpret the data.
    Comment 1s (verbatim): The Consent Text introduction should not 
state that the survey is being conducted ``on behalf of the U.S. Food 
and Drug Administration.'' This statement could potentially influence 
subjects' responses to study questions. Instead, this information might 
be provided at the conclusion of the study.
    Response 1s: In previous studies, we took this same view and 
typically used ``Department of Health and Human Services.'' We will 
incorporate this change.
    Comment 1t (verbatim): Questions regarding statements in ads 
(Consumer Questionnaire Q10, Q20, Q30; HCP Questionnaire Q12, Q22, Q33) 
should be the first questions presented following the subjects' viewing 
of a promotional piece. A subject will likely recall the statements 
that appeared in the promotional piece most accurately immediately 
after reviewing the piece and before answering other questions that 
could influence their selection of answers.
    Response 1t: As with all other aspects of study design, we 
carefully develop questionnaires with order effects in mind. Therefore, 
we chose to include questions regarding perception of efficacy or ease 
of use, information seeking, and behavioral intention first because it 
is important that participant responses to these items be based solely 
on the information presented in the ads. The questions referenced by 
the commenter also include incorrect recall items, which could 
potentially bias responses to later questions if the order was changed. 
Additionally, repeated exposures to the correct recall items in the 
above-referenced questions could have a reinforcing effect that could 
confound results.
    Comment 1u (verbatim): In the Consumer Questionnaire, an ``FDA 
employee'' category, similar to S7 and S8, should be added to the 
Screener Survey. These individuals should also be terminated from the 
    Response 1u: We will revise question S8 to read, ``Do you work for 
a pharmaceutical company, an advertising agency, a market research 
company, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?'' to 
capture these individuals, as suggested.
    Comment 1v (verbatim): In the Consumer Questionnaire, Q8-Q9 should 
be presented prior to Q6-Q7 in order to prevent bias in favor of non-
HCP sources. Similarly, Q19 should appear before Q18, and Q28 should 
appear before Q27.
    Response 1v: We will reorder the questionnaire as the commenter 
    Comment 1w (summarized): We recommend that Q8-Q9, Q19, and Q28 be 
expanded to more fully evaluate the role of the prescriber in aiding 
consumers' understanding of disclaimers in promotional materials.
    Response 1w: HCPs are often a very important source of information 
about prescription drugs. However, when prescription drugs are promoted 
directly to consumers, they may be more likely to look for information 
on their own before taking steps to consult their HCPs. We have taken 
this into account in this study by examining the responses of both 
consumers and HCPs.
    Comment 1x (verbatim): In the HCP Questionnaire, Q5, Q7, and Q29 
should be omitted. Comparative efficacy is highly dependent on the 
particular HCP subject's experience outside the experiment setting; 
this question thus may lead to highly variable results. Further, how 
the drug featured in the mock promotional communication compares to 
other prescription medications has no relevance to FDA's stated study 
goals. Questions regarding comparative efficacy should thus be omitted 
from the proposed HCP Questionnaire.
    Response 1x: Comparative efficacy questions are another way to 
assess how HCPs respond to prescription drug promotion. Any subjective 
experiences outside the experiment setting should fall out because HCPs 
will be randomly assigned to conditions. The questions are relevant to 
our study because HCPs make comparative decisions each time they make a 
prescribing decision.
    Comment 1y (verbatim): In the HCP Questionnaire, Q34 does not 
appear to provide appropriate programming instructions for the scenario 
in which Q33_A=01 and Q33_D=01. FDA should confirm that Q33 may be 
asked if subjects select both Q33_A and Q33_D, and provide that this 
question may be repeated for both responses. The variable label text 
for Q34 should also be rewritten as follows: ``How much did the 
statement [disclosure] influence your assessment of the scientific 
evidence for [D]esyflux?''
    Response 1y: Q33 asks whether participants have seen any of the 
listed statements. Q34 is asked for each of Q33_A and Q33_D when they 
respond affirmatively to that statement in Q33. Thus, participants who 
chose option 01 for both items will see two separate questions. We will 
make the suggested changes to Q34.
    The second public comment responder (regulations.gov tracking 
number lkl-8y11-169c) included four individual comments, to which we 
have responded.
    Comment 2a (summarized): FDA should give consideration to the 
representativeness of online study

[[Page 39446]]

volunteers to the general public who will view print ads.
    Response 2a: This is an excellent point and one to which we have 
given much thought. As with all research, there is a tradeoff of 
efficiencies when it comes to collecting information from volunteers. 
Recruiting from internet panels is a relatively economical way to 
achieve large sample sizes from all across the United States, making it 
possible to achieve geographic and urban/rural diversity in a way that 
was not previously possible. However, it is true that members of lower 
socioeconomic classes do not have the same access to computers and the 
internet, and therefore our sample may be skewed toward individuals who 
have higher education and/or income. We have attempted to mitigate this 
issue by aiming for recruitment of 60 percent of individuals with some 
or no college and 40 percent of individuals with a college degree or 
    While it is important to note that random assignment of respondents 
to experimental conditions provides us the ability to make causal 
claims about our findings, we do note that truncating the population 
from which we sample is a limitation of the study and will describe 
this in any publication or presentation that results from the data.
    Comment 2b (verbatim): We suggest that the study include electronic 
advertisements in addition to print advertisements to account for and 
reflect changes in consumer consumption of media, including the 
increase of electronic promotion and advertising of products by 
    Response 2b: We agree that more information and promotion is moving 
to electronic presentations, including the internet, mobile 
applications, and other communication formats. However, the questions 
we ask in this current study are fundamental questions that should not 
differ based on presentation format. Moreover, our print ads are 
similar to what might be shown on a website, which is a prominent 
electronic format. We have other studies ongoing that are examining 
other electronic presentation modes (e.g., 82 FR 32842, July 18, 2017).
    Comment 2c (summarized): If the three levels of disclosure are to 
be strong, weak, and none, we recommend considering the following 
levels of disclosure:

 Additional concluding information makes it strong
 Less additional information makes it weak
 No additional information makes it none

    Response 2c: Thank you for clearly investing time and energy in 
responding to this study design. The suggested levels of disclosure are 
effectively the same as what we have included in our study design. The 
weak disclosure provides some additional information, while the strong 
disclosure provides both the additional information and an explicit 
conclusion based on the information.
    Comment 2d (summarized): FDA should keep in mind that stronger 
disclosures may be longer, therefore eye-tracking time may reflect 
length, not necessarily effectiveness.
    Response 2d: The commenter is correct in that a longer block of 
text will generally result in a longer gaze fixation. We have taken 
steps to keep the stronger disclosures as close as possible in length 
to the weaker disclosures. However, as noted previously, eye-tracking 
outcomes will be analyzed qualitatively. Our primary interest is 
whether the disclosure was attended to--the length of attention is of 
less interest in this case.
    The third public comment responder (regulations.gov tracking number 
lkl-8y16-bf58) included five individual comments, to which we have 
    Comment 3a (summarized): The commenter assumes that stimuli will 
conform to FDA regulations and requirements in non-study aspects and 
will not overdramatize claims versus disclosures.
    Response 3a: All stimuli will conform to FDA regulations, as 
reviewed by OPDP reviewers. Additionally, we have designed the 
materials to fall within realistic parameters, thus the claims and 
disclosures are representative of what we may see in the marketplace.
    Comment 3b (summarized): The commenter includes a section titled 
``Comments on the Brief Summary and Provision of Risk Information in 
Advertising'' wherein FDA is encouraged to continue to consider the 
purpose and practical limits of advertising.
    Response 3b: FDA agrees that a consideration of the purpose and 
practical limits of prescription drug promotion will guide the 
development of research projects. Otherwise, the comment appears to 
fall outside the scope of this particular proposed research.
    Comment 3c (summarized): Add ``Don't Know'' options for questions 
about perceived effectiveness in the consumer questionnaire.
    Response 3c: Questions about perceived effectiveness by definition 
involve subjective rather than objective assessments of effectiveness. 
Participants have the option to skip these questions if they wish.
    Comment 3d (verbatim): We suggest also including questions to 
capture whether respondents have a general understanding that there are 
limitations to the data and information being presented, even if they 
do not recall specific information and disclosure statements.
    Response 3d: This is a good suggestion, but it is important to 
phrase such questions appropriately. For example, simply asking 
participants if they believe the data is thorough and complete or that 
the data has limitations is not likely to yield useful information. 
However, there are several validated skepticism scales that approach 
this idea of trusting the validity of presented information. Although 
these items are not tied to data specifically, they will provide some 
information for us about how much individuals rely on the data. We have 
added two questions near the end of the survey to address this issue.
    Comment 3e (summarized): The commenter recommends deleting ``. . . 
from a source other than your healthcare provider'' from questions 6 
and 7.
    Response 3e: Because we ask about seeking information from a HCP in 
other questions, we will retain this distinction in Q6 and Q7 for 
    The fourth public comment responder (regulations.gov tracking 
number lkl-8y38-n0p8) included eight individual comments, to which we 
have responded.
    Comment 4a (summarized): The commenter is supportive of the 
    Response 4a: Thank you for your support.
    Comment 4b (summarized): The commenter suggests carefully selecting 
medical conditions to ensure a range of therapeutic areas. 
Specifically, they suggest one life-threatening condition (e.g., 
cardiovascular conditions leading to stroke), one chronic condition 
(e.g., atopic dermatitis), and one non-life-threatening and non-chronic 
condition (e.g., urinary tract infection).
    Response 4b: FDA believes this proposed range of medical conditions 
is a great way to choose therapeutic categories. For the current study, 
however, we limited ourselves to medical conditions that have existing 
promotional pieces that include a variety of limitations that can be 
feasibly explained in a disclosure. We will keep the commenter's 
approach in mind and apply it in future research when possible.
    Comment 4c (summarized): The commenter suggests selecting a 

[[Page 39447]]

of participants, including gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic 
status, etc., to better represent the population at large. Also, FDA 
should consider inclusion and exclusion criteria for HCPs and consumers 
    Response 4c: We agree that these characteristics are important and 
strive to obtain representativeness across a variety of personal 
demographics. Although we will aim to recruit a diverse group of 
participants with sufficient variation on demographic characteristics 
such as gender, race, age, and education, we note that this study 
features random assignment to condition, whereby these demographic 
characteristics should have an equal chance of occurring. In terms of 
HCPs, we will include them if they are primary care physicians, and 
will work to recruit a sample with sufficient diversity on demographic 
characteristics as noted above.
    Comment 4d (verbatim): It is critical that FDA evaluates the merits 
of unbiased introduction by not presenting a promotional piece to HCPs 
with specialty in the same therapeutic category.
    Response 4d: For this study, we will be recruiting only primary 
care physicians and not specialists. Thus, while any given participant 
may have experience treating one or more of the conditions represented 
by our stimuli, none should have specialties in the respective 
therapeutic categories.
    Comment 4e (summarized): The commenter encourages the use of a 
health literacy competency tool such as a readability calculator to 
ensure consumers can understand the language.
    Response 4e: We agree that the plain language communication of 
information is critical for the best public health outcomes. 
Nevertheless, our aim in this study is to test promotional materials 
that are available in the public domain. Although we have disguised the 
products and campaigns in our mock stimuli, all pieces are derived 
directly from promotion in the marketplace. We feel this is important 
to ensure that our study is relevant.
    Comment 4f (summarized): The commenter recommends recruiting 
through hospitals, doctor offices, and clinics rather than via the 
internet. The commenter suggests that this will expand on the pool of 
participants, help minimize potential bias, and ensure the entire 
population of the United States is represented as not everyone has 
access to or uses the internet.
    Response 4f: Please see our response to comment 2a.
    Comment 4g (summarized): The commenter recommends conducting 
subgroup analyses, such as with older adults.
    Response 4g: We will examine covariates including age, race, and 
education level to determine whether these variables have any effect on 
our findings. This study is not designed to conduct between-subgroup 
analyses. If we detect relevant trends, such subgroup analyses may 
become good candidates for future studies.
    Comment 4h (verbatim): [The commenter] recommends that the FDA 
communicate the actions they will take based on the study results and 
analysis. We also encourage FDA to provide further communication about 
when FDA will publish the study results, how the study results will be 
applied, and how this will impact the work of FDA.
    Response 4h: Please see our response to comment 1a.
    FDA estimates the burden of this collection of information as 

                                 Table 2--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden \1\
                                                   Number of
           Activity                Number of     responses per   Total annual    Average burden     Total hours
                                  respondents     respondent       responses      per response          \2\
Pretest Screener..............             833               1             833  0.03 (2 minutes)              25
Pretest.......................             500               1             500  0.33 (20                     165
Eye-Tracking Screener.........              80               1              80  0.08 (5 minutes)               7
Eye-Tracking Study............              20               1              20  1...............              20
Main Study Screener...........           2,500               1           2,500  0.03 (2 minutes)              75
Main Study....................           1,500               1           1,500  0.33 (20                     495
Pretest Screener..............             735               1             735  0.03 (2 minutes)              22
Pretest.......................             500               1             500  0.33 (20                     165
Eye-Tracking Screener.........              80               1              80  0.08 (5 minutes)               7
Eye-Tracking Study............              20               1              20  1...............              20
Main Study Screener...........           2,206               1           2,206  0.03 (2 minutes)              67
Main Study....................           1,500               1           1,500  0.33 (20                     495
    Total.....................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ................           1,563
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of
\2\ Rounded to the next full hour.

II. References

    The following references are on display in the Dockets Management 
Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 
1061, Rockville, MD 20852 and are available for viewing by interested 
persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; they are also 
available electronically at https://www.regulations.gov. FDA has 
verified the website addresses, as of the date this document publishes 
in the Federal Register, but websites are subject to change over time.

1. Dodge, T. and A. Kaufman. ``What Makes Consumers Think Dietary 
Supplements Are Safe and Effective? The Role of Disclaimers and FDA 
Approval.'' Health Psychology, 26(4), 513-517. (2007).
2. Dodge, T., D. Litt, and A. Kaufman. ``Influence of the Dietary 
Supplement Health and Education Act on Consumer Beliefs About the 
Safety and Effectiveness of Dietary Supplements.'' Journal of Health 
Communication: International Perspectives. 16(3), 230-244. (2011).

[[Page 39448]]

3. Mason, M.J., D.L. Scammon, and X. Feng. ``The Impact of Warnings, 
Disclaimers and Product Experience on Consumers' Perceptions of 
Dietary Supplements.'' Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(1), 74-99. 
4. France, K.R. and P.F. Bone. ``Policy Makers' Paradigms and 
Evidence from Consumer Interpretations of Dietary Supplement 
Labels.'' Journal of Consumer Affairs, 39(1), 27-51. (2005).
5. FTC. ``Full Disclosure.'' Accessed at: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/business-blog/2014/09/full-disclosure (September 23, 
2014) Last accessed on June 22, 2018.
6. Higgins, E., M. Leinenger, and K. Rayner. ``Eye Movements When 
Viewing Advertisements.'' Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 210. (2014).
7. Pieters, R., M. Wedel, and R. Batra. ``The Stopping Power of 
Advertising: Measures and Effects of Visual Complexity.'' Journal of 
Marketing, 74(5), 48-60. (2010).
8. Thomsen, S. and K. Fulton. ``Adolescents' Attention to 
Responsibility Messages in Magazine Alcohol Advertisements: An Eye-
Tracking Approach.'' Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 27-34. 
9. Simola, J., J. Kuisma, A. [Ouml][ouml]rni, L. Uusitalo, et al. 
``The Impact of Salient Advertisements on Reading and Attention on 
Web pages.'' Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17(2), 
174-190. (2011).
10. Wedel, M. and R. Pieters. ``A Review of Eye-Tracking Research in 
Marketing.'' In Review of Marketing Research, vol. 4 (pp. 123-147), 
N. K. Malhotra (Ed.). Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe. (2008).

    Dated: August 3, 2018.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2018-17045 Filed 8-8-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices                                                   39441

                                                meetings and other committee                            DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              FDA to conduct research relating to
                                                management activities, for both the                     HUMAN SERVICES                                        drugs and other FDA regulated products
                                                Centers for Disease Control and                                                                               in carrying out the provisions of the
                                                Prevention and the Agency for Toxic                     Food and Drug Administration                          FD&C Act.
                                                Substances and Disease Registry.                                                                                 FDA regulates prescription drug
                                                                                                        [Docket No. FDA–2017–N–0558]
                                                                                                                                                              advertising and promotional labeling
                                                Sherri A. Berger,                                                                                             directed to healthcare professionals
                                                                                                        Agency Information Collection
                                                Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease                                                                  (HCPs) and consumers (section 502(a)
                                                Control and Prevention.                                 Activities; Submission for Office of
                                                                                                        Management and Budget Review;                         and (n), respectively, of the FD&C Act
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–17042 Filed 8–8–18; 8:45 am]                                                                    (21 U.S.C. 352(a) and (n))). In the course
                                                                                                        Comment Request; Disclosures in
                                                BILLING CODE 4163–18–P
                                                                                                        Professional and Consumer                             of promoting their products,
                                                                                                        Prescription Drug Promotion                           pharmaceutical sponsors (sponsors) may
                                                                                                                                                              present a variety of information
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,              including the indication, details about
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                          HHS.                                                  the administration of the product,
                                                                                                        ACTION:   Notice.                                     efficacy information, and clinical trial
                                                Centers for Disease Control and                                                                               data. To present often complicated
                                                Prevention                                              SUMMARY:    The Food and Drug                         information concisely, sponsors may not
                                                                                                        Administration (FDA) is announcing                    include relevant information in the
                                                Notice of Closed Meeting                                that a proposed collection of                         body of the text or visual display of the
                                                                                                        information has been submitted to the                 claim. Additionally, sponsors may not
                                                  In accordance with Section 10(a)(2) of
                                                                                                        Office of Management and Budget                       always present limitations to the claim
                                                the Federal Advisory Committee Act
                                                                                                        (OMB) for review and clearance under                  in the main body of the text or display.
                                                (Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease
                                                                                                        the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                   In these cases, sponsors typically
                                                Control and Prevention (CDC)
                                                                                                        (PRA).                                                include disclosures of information
                                                announces the following meeting.
                                                  The meeting will be closed to the                     DATES: Fax written comments on the                    somewhere in the promotional piece.
                                                                                                        collection of information by September                   There is limited published research
                                                public in accordance with provisions set
                                                                                                        10, 2018.                                             on disclosures in prescription drug
                                                forth in Section 552b(c) (4) and (6), Title
                                                                                                        ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on                 promotion, either directed to consumers
                                                5 U.S.C., and the Determination of the                                                                        or to HCPs. The use of disclosures is one
                                                Director, Management Analysis and                       the information collection are received,
                                                                                                        OMB recommends that written                           method of communicating information
                                                Services Office, CDC, pursuant to Public                                                                      to HCPs and consumers about scientific
                                                Law 92–463.                                             comments be faxed to the Office of
                                                                                                        Information and Regulatory Affairs,                   and clinical data, the limitations of that
                                                  Name of Committee: Safety and                                                                               data, and practical utility of that
                                                Occupational Health Study Section                       OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer, Fax: 202–
                                                                                                        395–7285, or emailed to oira_                         information. These disclosures may
                                                (SOHSS), National Institute for                                                                               influence HCP and consumer
                                                Occupational Safety and Health                          submission@omb.eop.gov. All
                                                                                                        comments should be identified with the                comprehension and decision making,
                                                (NIOSH).                                                                                                      and may affect how and what treatment
                                                                                                        OMB control number 0910–NEW and
                                                  Dates: October 16–October 18, 2018.                   title ‘‘Disclosures in Professional and               HCPs prescribe for their patients.
                                                  Time: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., EDT.                       Consumer Prescription Drug                            Previous research on the effectiveness of
                                                                                                        Promotion.’’ Also include the FDA                     disclosures has been conducted
                                                  Place: Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal
                                                                                                                                                              primarily in the dietary supplement
                                                Road, Alexandria, VA 22314.                             docket number found in brackets in the
                                                                                                                                                              arena (Refs. 1–4). Thus, the proposed
                                                  Agenda: The meeting will convene to                   heading of this document.
                                                                                                                                                              research will examine the effectiveness
                                                address matters related to the conduct of               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ila
                                                                                                                                                              of clear and conspicuous disclosures in
                                                Study Section business and for the                      S. Mizrachi, Office of Operations, Food               prescription drug promotion directed to
                                                study section to consider safety and                    and Drug Administration, Three White                  both populations. The purpose of our
                                                occupational health-related grant                       Flint North, 10A–12M, 11601                           study is to determine how useful
                                                applications.                                           Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD                     disclosures regarding prescription drug
                                                  For Further Information Contact: Nina                 20852, 301–796–7726, PRAStaff@                        information are when presented
                                                Turner, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer,               fda.hhs.gov.                                          prominently and adjacent to claims.1
                                                NIOSH, 1095 Willowdale Road,                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                         Specifically, are HCPs and consumers
                                                Morgantown, WV 26506, (304) 285–                        compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA                   able to use disclosures to effectively
                                                5976; nturner@cdc.gov.                                  has submitted the following proposed                  frame information in efficacy claims in
                                                  The Director, Management Analysis                     collection of information to OMB for                  prescription drug promotion?
                                                and Services Office, has been delegated                 review and clearance.                                    To address this research question, we
                                                the authority to sign Federal Register                                                                        have designed a set of studies that cover
                                                                                                        Disclosures in Professional and                       both consumers and HCPs, as well as
                                                notices pertaining to announcements of                  Consumer Prescription Drug Promotion
                                                meetings and other committee                                                                                  three presentations addressing different
                                                management activities, for both the                     OMB Control Number 0910–NEW
                                                                                                                                                                1 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which
                                                Centers for Disease Control and                         I. Background                                         regulates the advertising of non-prescription drug
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Prevention and the Agency for Toxic                                                                           products as well as other non-FDA regulated
                                                Substances and Disease Registry.                           Section 1701(a)(4) of the Public                   products (e.g., package goods, cars, etc.) issued a
                                                                                                        Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.                         specific position on disclosures (Ref. 5) for the
                                                Sherri Berger,                                          300u(a)(4)) authorizes FDA to conduct                 advertising it regulates. Specifically, FTC explains
                                                Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease            research relating to health information.              that disclosures must be ‘‘clear and conspicuous’’;
                                                Control and Prevention.                                                                                       in other words, in understandable language, located
                                                                                                        Section 1003(d)(2)(C) of the Federal                  near the claim to be further clarified, and not
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–17043 Filed 8–8–18; 8:45 am]              Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C                    hidden or minimized by small font or other
                                                BILLING CODE 4163–18–P                                  Act) (21 U.S.C. 393(d)(2)(C)) authorizes              distractions.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:11 Aug 08, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00040   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\09AUN1.SGM   09AUN1

                                                39442                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices

                                                types of information: Scope of                                   followed by a disclosure that includes                     promotional print pieces for different
                                                treatment, ease of use, and statistical                          material information about drug                            prescription drug products that mimic
                                                significance (see table 1). The scope of                         administration. Finally, the statistical                   currently available promotion. For each
                                                treatment information to be tested can                           significance information to be tested                      of the three promotional pieces, they
                                                be thought of as disease-awareness                               includes a presentation of efficacy                        will be randomized to see an ad with a
                                                information; that is, a broader                                  analyses, followed by a disclosure                         weak disclosure, a strong disclosure, or
                                                discussion of a medical condition that                           revealing that the results of the                          no disclosure. We will manipulate the
                                                includes disease characteristics beyond                          presented analyses were not statistically                  strength of disclosure by including
                                                what the promoted drug has been                                  significant, and thus must be viewed                       additional concluding information
                                                shown to treat. The disclosure for this                          with considerable caution. We selected                     (strong) or not (weak) in the disclosure
                                                condition will focus on the disease                              these types of information because they                    statement. In all cases, disclosures will
                                                characteristics that the product has been                        are commonly seen in promotional
                                                                                                                                                                            be adjacent to claims and written in font
                                                shown to treat. The ease of use                                  material.
                                                information to be tested is a simple                               Each participant will view three                         clear enough to be detected.
                                                claim of easy drug administration,                               different professionally developed mock

                                                                               TABLE 12—IDENTICAL STUDY DESIGNS FOR SAMPLES OF HCPS AND CONSUMERS
                                                                                                                                   Level of disclosure
                                                              Type of claim                                                                                                                            Control
                                                                                                                    Weak                                        Strong

                                                                                                                                    Study A: HCPs

                                                Scope of Treatment .......................        Evidence Only ..............................   Evidence + Conclusion .................   No Disclosure
                                                Ease of Use ...................................   Evidence Only ..............................   Evidence + Conclusion .................   No Disclosure
                                                Statistical Significance ...................      Evidence Only ..............................   Evidence + Conclusion .................   No Disclosure

                                                                                                                                Study B: Consumers

                                                Scope of Treatment .......................        Evidence Only ..............................   Evidence + Conclusion .................   No Disclosure
                                                Ease of Use ...................................   Evidence Only ..............................   Evidence + Conclusion .................   No Disclosure
                                                Statistical Significance ...................      Evidence Only ..............................   Evidence + Conclusion .................   No Disclosure

                                                   We will analyze the results of the                            knowledge and experiences may not                          actually viewed. Specifically, we will be
                                                scope of treatment disclosures, the ease                         reflect those of the typical healthcare                    able to determine whether they looked
                                                of use disclosures, and the statistical                          provider or consumer. Eligible                             at the disclosure statement at all, and
                                                significance disclosures independently                           participants who agree to participate                      we can obtain a rough idea of how long
                                                of each other, even though each                                  voluntarily in this survey will view                       they looked at it. This data will
                                                participant will see one of each. The                            mock promotional pieces and answer                         complement the self-reported items on
                                                claims and disclosures are different                             questions about their comprehension of                     the questionnaire. Moreover, we will
                                                enough that practice effects should be                           the main messages in the promotion,                        use this data, as well as the pretest data,
                                                moderated, but we will counterbalance                            perceptions of the product, attention to                   to improve the main studies. For this
                                                the order of ads shown to minimize                               disclosures and intention to ask a HCP                     part of the study, 20 consumers and 20
                                                potential bias.                                                  about it (consumers) or to prescribe the                   HCPs will view the promotional pieces.
                                                   Because promotional pieces intended                           product (HCPs). Questionnaires are
                                                                                                                                                                               In the Federal Register of June 14,
                                                for HCPs and consumers have different                            available upon request.
                                                                                                                                                                            2017 (82 FR 27268), FDA published a
                                                levels of complexity and medical depth,                             Pretests will be conducted before
                                                                                                                                                                            60-day notice requesting public
                                                and because the amount of knowledge                              conducting the main studies to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                            comment on the proposed collection of
                                                expected between the two groups                                  the mock promotional pieces are
                                                                                                                                                                            information. Four comments were
                                                differs, the studies will use separate                           realistic and that the questionnaire
                                                                                                                                                                            received. Responses to those comments
                                                mock promotional pieces and ask                                  flows well and questions are reasonable.
                                                slightly different comprehension                                 We will supplement the findings of the                     follow. For brevity, some public
                                                questions of each group. We will                                 pretests with two small eye-tracking                       comments are paraphrased and
                                                maintain as much similarity across                               studies. Researchers use eye-tracking                      therefore may not reflect the exact
                                                groups as possible for descriptive                               technology to capture viewing behavior                     language used by the commenter. We
                                                comparisons.                                                     that is independent of self-report. The                    assure commenters that the entirety of
                                                   Both consumers and HCPs will be                               technology measures where and for how                      their comments was considered even if
                                                recruited from internet panels. Because                          long participants glanced at or                            not fully captured by our paraphrasing
                                                promotional pieces will represent three                          examined particular parts of a display.                    in this document. The following
                                                different medical conditions, we will                            It has been used in studies of consumer                    acronyms are used here: DTC = direct-
                                                obtain a general population sample of                            print advertising (Refs. 6–8) and internet                 to-consumer; HCP = healthcare
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                consumers and a HCP sample of                                    promotion (Refs. 9 and 10). To our                         professional; FDA and ‘‘The Agency’’ =
                                                primary care physicians. We will                                 knowledge, there is little or no                           Food and Drug Administration; OPDP =
                                                exclude individuals who are employees                            published research using eye-tracking                      FDA’s Office of Prescription Drug
                                                of the U.S. Department of Health and                             technology with HCPs.                                      Promotion.
                                                Human Services or who work in                                       We will use these small eye-tracking                       The first public comment responder
                                                pharmaceutical, advertising, or                                  studies to determine what parts of each                    (regulations.gov tracking number lkl-
                                                marketing settings because their                                 promotional piece consumers and HCPs                       8y39-rtyb) included 25 individual

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014      18:11 Aug 08, 2018      Jkt 244001    PO 00000     Frm 00041    Fmt 4703     Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\09AUN1.SGM     09AUN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices                                                   39443

                                                comments, to which we have                              reviewed publications produced by our                    Comment 1e (summarized): It is
                                                responded.                                              office. The website maintains                         unclear whether such disclosures will
                                                   Comment 1a (summarized): FDA is                      information on studies we have                        contain relevant information ordinarily
                                                conducting too much research without                    conducted, dating back to a survey of                 provided in promotional materials.
                                                articulating a clear, overarching research              DTC attitudes and behaviors conducted                    Response 1e: The goal of our research
                                                agenda or adequate rationales on how                    in 1999.                                              is to obtain answers to questions about
                                                the proposed research related to the goal                  Comment 1b (The commenter                          prescription drug promotion that will
                                                of further protecting public health. The                provided a summary of the comments                    inform the Agency and stakeholders.
                                                Agency should publish a                                 followed by a more detailed description               Thus, we strive in all of our studies to
                                                comprehensive list of its prescription                  of the same comments. For brevity, the                make our mock promotional pieces as
                                                drug advertising and promotion studies                  summary of comments has been omitted                  realistic as possible. That includes any
                                                from the past 5 years and articulate a                  and only the specific comments [1b                    disclosures that we may include in
                                                clear vision for its research priorities for            through 1y] are provided below. The                   testing. Also, please see response to
                                                the near future.                                        commenter’s full comments may be                      comment 1d.
                                                   Response 1a: OPDP’s mission is to                    accessed at regulations.gov via tracking
                                                protect the public health by helping to                 number lkl-8y39-rtb) (verbatim): It is not               Comment 1f (verbatim): FDA seems to
                                                ensure that prescription drug                           clear from this description whether the               have an overly broad conception of the
                                                information is truthful, balanced, and                  study will yield useful information to                need for disclosures for ‘‘scope of
                                                accurately communicated, so that                        evaluate whether disclosures provide                  treatment’’ communications. In the
                                                patients and healthcare providers can                   appropriate contextual information in                 Notice, FDA describes this type of
                                                make informed decisions about                           certain communications, whether such                  communication as ‘‘a disease-awareness
                                                treatment options. OPDP’s research                      disclosures can be made more effective,               claim; that is, a broader discussion of a
                                                program supports this mission by                        and where the disclosures are necessary               medical condition that may include
                                                generating scientific evidence to help                  to ensure communications are truthful                 disease characteristics beyond what the
                                                ensure that our policies related to                     and non-misleading. The Agency should                 promoted drug has been shown to
                                                prescription drug promotion will have                   provide significantly more detail                     treat.’’ Where a disease awareness
                                                the greatest benefit to public health.                  regarding the design of the study, the                communication discusses a disease in a
                                                Toward that end, we have consistently                   proposed disclosures, the mock                        manner beyond what the promoted drug
                                                conducted research to evaluate the                      promotional pieces, and the information               has been shown to treat, but does so in
                                                aspects of prescription drug promotion                  it seeks to collect.                                  a balanced manner without implying
                                                that we believe are most central to our                    Response 1b: We have provided the                  any particular treatment benefits from
                                                mission, focusing in particular on three                purpose of the study, the design, the                 the associated drug, it should be viewed
                                                main topic areas: Advertising features,                 population of interest, and have                      as providing helpful general background
                                                including content and format; target                    provided the questionnaire to numerous                information on the disease, and not as
                                                populations; and research quality.                      individuals upon request. These                       making an off-label claim for the drug.
                                                Through the evaluation of advertising                   materials have proven sufficient for                  In those circumstances, there should be
                                                features we assess how elements such as                 others to comment publicly, and for                   no need for any disclosure about the
                                                graphics, format, and disease and                       academic experts to peer-review the                   limits of use of the drug. FDA should
                                                product characteristics impact the                      study successfully. We do not make                    clarify its understanding of ‘‘scope of
                                                communication and understanding of                      draft stimuli public during this time                 treatment’’ claims and make its
                                                prescription drug risks and benefits;                   because of concerns that this may                     proposed claims and disclosures
                                                focusing on target populations allows us                contaminate our participant pool and                  available for public comment.
                                                to evaluate how understanding of                        compromise the research.                                 Response 1f: Previous research has
                                                prescription drug risks and benefits may                   Comment 1c (summarized): After                     demonstrated that presenting study
                                                vary as a function of audience; and our                 pretesting, the Agency should make                    participants with information about the
                                                focus on research quality aims at                       available revised questionnaires, data                consequences of a disease, particularly
                                                maximizing the quality of research data                 collection methodologies, and stimuli.                when the information was integrated
                                                through analytical methodology                             Response 1c: In this current notice,               into one print ad with information about
                                                development and investigation of                        we provide the revised design as based                a particular drug, resulted in false
                                                sampling and response issues.                           on academic peer reviewers, cognitive                 beliefs that the advertised drug
                                                   Because we recognize the strength of                 interviewing, and public comments. The                prevented those consequences.2 The
                                                data and the confidence in the robust                   revised questionnaire is also available               ‘‘scope of treatment’’ claims that are
                                                nature of the findings is improved                      upon request. Our full stimuli are under              included in this research are embedded
                                                through the results of multiple                         development during the PRA process.                   in mock promotional materials,
                                                converging studies, we continue to                      We do not make draft stimuli public                   juxtaposed with specific efficacy
                                                develop evidence to inform our                          during this time because of concerns                  information about the mock drug
                                                thinking. We evaluate the results from                  that this may contaminate our                         products. As such, they will likely
                                                our studies within the broader context                  participant pool and compromise the                   imply ‘‘particular treatment benefits
                                                of research and findings from other                     research. Individuals are welcome to                  from the associated drug.’’ This research
                                                sources, and this larger body of                        inquire about the progress of the study               will help us to evaluate the usefulness
                                                knowledge collectively informs our                      and any changes from the pretests will                of a disclosure in relation to this type
                                                policies as well as our research program.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        be communicated at that time.                         of information when it is found in
                                                Our research is documented on our                          Comment 1d (summarized): FDA                       promotional pieces. Also, please see
                                                homepage, which can be found at:                        should base mock promotional stimuli                  response to comment 1c.
                                                https://www.fda.gov/aboutfda/                           on realistic promotional pieces.
                                                centersoffices/officeofmedicalproducts                     Response 1d: We have done this. Our                  2 Aikin, K.J., H.W. Sullivan, and K.R. Betts,
                                                andtobacco/cder/ucm090276.htm. The                      stimuli are modified from actual                      (2016). ‘‘Disease information in direct-to-consumer
                                                website includes links to the latest                    promotional pieces in the marketplace                 prescription drug print ads.’’ Journal of Health
                                                Federal Register notices and peer-                      to disguise the original product.                     Communication, 21(2), pp. 228–239.

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                                                39444                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices

                                                   Comment 1g (verbatim): FDA states                      Comment 1j (verbatim): The Agency                   population ensures that we will collect
                                                that the ‘‘ease of use’’ claim ‘‘is a simple            proposes that consumer and HCP                        fully useable data from a minimum of
                                                claim of easy drug administration that                  subjects will be recruited from internet              15 participants in each population.
                                                omits specific important details that                   panels, indicating that the study will be             Used as an observation tool, eye-
                                                contribute to a more difficult drug                     conducted using an electronic format.                 tracking complements the other data
                                                administration than suggested.’’ This                   Because the proposed research topic is                collected to increase discoverability of
                                                statement appears to imply that all ease                not dependent on an electronic                        specific events and confidence in our
                                                of use claims are misleading, where the                 medium, FDA should consider testing                   qualitative findings.
                                                Agency perhaps intends to clarify that                  non-electronic media as well, including                  Comment 1m (summarized): The
                                                validated and non-misleading ‘‘ease of                  printed promotional pieces.                           commenter recommends limiting the
                                                use’’ claims may require a disclosure or                  Response 1j: Although our study will                participant sample to disease sufferers
                                                more context. FDA should clarify its                    be conducted via the internet, we will                rather than a general population sample.
                                                understanding of ‘‘ease of use’’ claims,                show participants mock print materials                   Response 1m: We carefully consider
                                                and, in testing, ensure it does not test                in .pdf format.                                       the type of sample to use in each of our
                                                overly misleading base claims for ‘‘ease                  Comment 1k (verbatim): The Agency                   studies. In the current study, the
                                                of use’’ that would be difficult to                     proposes to use eye-tracking studies to               population of sufferers for the
                                                contextualize with a disclosure                         complement the self-reported items on                 conditions addressed by our stimuli
                                                statement and hence would bias the                      the questionnaire and to improve the                  (i.e., chronic obstructive pulmonary
                                                results of its study. Such claims should                main studies. [The commenter]                         disease (COPD), chronic iron overload,
                                                be made available for public comment.                   encourages the Agency to use this                     and high blood pressure) are varied.
                                                   Response 1g: FDA did not intend to                   technology in conjunction with other                  Because we are showing participants
                                                imply that all ease of use claims are                   inputs (for example, qualitative                      more than one ad, we chose not to select
                                                misleading or that all ease of use claims               research) to understand why subjects                  diagnosed populations or specialists.
                                                would necessarily require a disclosure.                 are looking at a portion of the proposed                 Comment 1n (summarized): FDA
                                                FDA agrees that some ease of use                        materials, rather than to draw                        should recruit a demographically and
                                                statements require a disclosure or more                 conclusions that such portions were                   geographically diverse sample.
                                                context and intends to evaluate one                     viewed. Additionally, an explanation of                  Response 1n: We agree and we plan
                                                such example with this research. We                     the use of eye-tracking technology                    to recruit individuals with a range of
                                                have revised the description of the                     should also be included during the                    gender, race, ethnicity, and, as much as
                                                study in this notice to clarify. Also,                  subject enrollment process.                           possible within an internet sample,
                                                please see response to comment 1c.                        Response 1k: FDA plans to collect and               socioeconomic status. For the consumer
                                                   Comment 1h (verbatim): FDA states                    analyze eye-tracking (physical measures               sample, we aim for a sample with 60
                                                that the ‘‘statistical significance’’ claim             of attention) data in conjunction with                percent of people who have some
                                                ‘‘will be one in which the disclosure                   other measures, including cognitive                   college or less. An advantage of
                                                reveals that the presented analyses were                interviews. To avoid the potential for                sampling via internet panel is that we
                                                not statistically significant, and thus                 priming effects, the eye-tracking                     have access to individuals in all parts of
                                                must be viewed with considerable                        component of the study will not be                    the United States.
                                                caution.’’ It is not clear what content                 explained to recruited individuals                       Comment 1o (verbatim): FDA should
                                                FDA intends to test for this type of                    before they report for their in-person                capture whether subjects comprehend
                                                claim. We encourage FDA to clarify how                  sessions. However, participants will be               certain information disclosed in the
                                                it intends to present ‘‘not statistically               made aware of the eye-tracking                        mock promotional pieces, even if the
                                                significant’’ analyses for testing in order             component during the informed consent                 subject does not recall information on
                                                to ensure such claims are presented                     process.                                              the specifics. Currently, open-ended and
                                                with appropriate contextual                               Comment 1l (summarized): The                        recall questions (e.g., Consumer
                                                information. Such claims should be                      commenter recommends increasing the                   Questionnaire Q2–Q3; HCP
                                                made available for public comment.                      sample size of the eye-tracking                       Questionnaire Q2–Q3) ask test subjects
                                                   Response 1h: Please see responses to                 components to ensure more robust data.                to identify certain information regarding
                                                comment 1c, 1d, and 1e.                                   Response 1l: Our primary method of                  the featured drug products (what a mock
                                                   Comment 1i (summarized): The                         analysis of the eye-tracking data will be             drug product is specifically ‘‘used for’’
                                                Agency should clarify what distinctions                 examination of gaze plots coupled with                or ‘‘not approved for’’). It is not clear
                                                will be made between HCP and                            self-report data provided by                          why such an open-ended format or
                                                consumer pieces.                                        participants. Thus, eye-tracking results              questions are necessary for the research
                                                   Response 1i: As our mock                             will be examined on an individual,                    purpose of the study, as subjects could
                                                promotional pieces have been adapted                    rather than aggregate, level.                         recognize a limit to the efficacy being
                                                from existing materials in the public                   Furthermore, the eye-tracking studies                 presented even if they do not follow or
                                                domain, the materials directed to HCPs                  included in this research are intended                recall all of the details of a disclosure.
                                                and to consumers vary in similar ways                   as qualitative, formative studies; they                  Response 1o: We do intend to capture
                                                to what can currently be seen in the                    will be used to inform any necessary                  what information has been observed in
                                                public domain. For example, materials                   changes to the stimuli before the main                the mock promotional pieces, and we do
                                                directed to HCPs tend to have more                      studies. Formative eye-tracking studies               this through the open-ended and recall
                                                data, more technical medical language,                  such as these are often executed with                 questions. It is common practice to
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                and more text in general. Consumer                      sample sizes as small as five                         include open-ended and closed-ended
                                                pieces are generally written in plainer                 participants.3 In our experience, a                   questions in one research study, as they
                                                language and generally do not include                   sample of 20 participants in each                     tend to complement each other. Open-
                                                as much data and statistical                              3 Pernice, K. and J. Nielsen, (2009). ‘‘How to
                                                                                                                                                              ended questions allow responses that
                                                information. Our pieces are highly                      Conduct Eyetracking Studies.’’ https://
                                                                                                                                                              have not been prompted by particulars,
                                                realistic as they were developed from                   media.nngroup.com/media/reports/free/How_to_          which is not the case with closed-ended
                                                actual promotional pieces.                              Conduct_Eyetracking_Studies.pdf.                      questions. Closed-ended questions

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices                                         39445

                                                provide a more efficient way of                         Administration.’’ This statement could                consumers’ understanding of
                                                obtaining information.                                  potentially influence subjects’ responses             disclaimers in promotional materials.
                                                   Comment 1p (summarized): FDA                         to study questions. Instead, this                        Response 1w: HCPs are often a very
                                                should ensure that terms used in the                    information might be provided at the                  important source of information about
                                                consumer pieces are consumer-friendly.                  conclusion of the study.                              prescription drugs. However, when
                                                   Response 1p: We agree and always                        Response 1s: In previous studies, we               prescription drugs are promoted directly
                                                review our mock consumer pieces for                     took this same view and typically used                to consumers, they may be more likely
                                                lay language. The terms mentioned by                    ‘‘Department of Health and Human                      to look for information on their own
                                                the commenter (e.g., chronic iron                       Services.’’ We will incorporate this                  before taking steps to consult their
                                                overload, COPD, lung function,                          change.                                               HCPs. We have taken this into account
                                                scientific evidence, effectiveness,                        Comment 1t (verbatim): Questions                   in this study by examining the
                                                statistically significant) will be used in              regarding statements in ads (Consumer                 responses of both consumers and HCPs.
                                                the HCP materials. However, we also                     Questionnaire Q10, Q20, Q30; HCP                         Comment 1x (verbatim): In the HCP
                                                strive to make our materials as realistic               Questionnaire Q12, Q22, Q33) should be                Questionnaire, Q5, Q7, and Q29 should
                                                as possible, and in this case, we have                  the first questions presented following               be omitted. Comparative efficacy is
                                                modified existing DTC pieces for                        the subjects’ viewing of a promotional                highly dependent on the particular HCP
                                                consumers. If they used a term (e.g.,                   piece. A subject will likely recall the               subject’s experience outside the
                                                COPD), and OPDP reviewers agreed that                   statements that appeared in the                       experiment setting; this question thus
                                                this is common and acceptable, we                       promotional piece most accurately                     may lead to highly variable results.
                                                maintained it in our mock pieces.                       immediately after reviewing the piece                 Further, how the drug featured in the
                                                   Comment 1q (summarized): FDA                         and before answering other questions                  mock promotional communication
                                                should consider changing the sliding                    that could influence their selection of               compares to other prescription
                                                scale format of Q4.                                     answers.
                                                   Response 1q: We carefully develop                                                                          medications has no relevance to FDA’s
                                                                                                           Response 1t: As with all other aspects
                                                each question of our questionnaires,                                                                          stated study goals. Questions regarding
                                                                                                        of study design, we carefully develop
                                                taking into account language and                                                                              comparative efficacy should thus be
                                                                                                        questionnaires with order effects in
                                                response options. No cognitive                                                                                omitted from the proposed HCP
                                                                                                        mind. Therefore, we chose to include
                                                interview participant reported                                                                                Questionnaire.
                                                                                                        questions regarding perception of
                                                confusion with this sliding scale                                                                                Response 1x: Comparative efficacy
                                                                                                        efficacy or ease of use, information
                                                question. Without scientific justification                                                                    questions are another way to assess how
                                                                                                        seeking, and behavioral intention first
                                                for changing the response format of this                                                                      HCPs respond to prescription drug
                                                                                                        because it is important that participant
                                                question, we will maintain the current                                                                        promotion. Any subjective experiences
                                                                                                        responses to these items be based solely
                                                format.                                                                                                       outside the experiment setting should
                                                                                                        on the information presented in the ads.
                                                   Comment 1r (verbatim): In a study                                                                          fall out because HCPs will be randomly
                                                                                                        The questions referenced by the
                                                setting, subjects may be prone to pay                                                                         assigned to conditions. The questions
                                                                                                        commenter also include incorrect recall
                                                attention to more or all of the                                                                               are relevant to our study because HCPs
                                                                                                        items, which could potentially bias
                                                information presented throughout the                                                                          make comparative decisions each time
                                                                                                        responses to later questions if the order
                                                study, including claims designed to be                                                                        they make a prescribing decision.
                                                                                                        was changed. Additionally, repeated
                                                intentionally misleading. As a result,                                                                           Comment 1y (verbatim): In the HCP
                                                                                                        exposures to the correct recall items in
                                                subjects are more likely to be biased                                                                         Questionnaire, Q34 does not appear to
                                                                                                        the above-referenced questions could
                                                based on the strength or weakness of the                                                                      provide appropriate programming
                                                                                                        have a reinforcing effect that could
                                                claims and disclosures presented. The                                                                         instructions for the scenario in which
                                                                                                        confound results.
                                                Agency should address what efforts it                      Comment 1u (verbatim): In the                      Q33_A=01 and Q33_D=01. FDA should
                                                will take to avoid response bias by                     Consumer Questionnaire, an ‘‘FDA                      confirm that Q33 may be asked if
                                                presenting these varying degrees of                     employee’’ category, similar to S7 and                subjects select both Q33_A and Q33_D,
                                                disclosures.                                            S8, should be added to the Screener                   and provide that this question may be
                                                   Response 1r: The study is designed so                Survey. These individuals should also                 repeated for both responses. The
                                                that participant will be randomly                       be terminated from the study.                         variable label text for Q34 should also
                                                assigned to condition. Moreover, the                       Response 1u: We will revise question               be rewritten as follows: ‘‘How much did
                                                only aspect of the participants’                        S8 to read, ‘‘Do you work for a                       the statement [disclosure] influence
                                                experiences that will be varied in the                  pharmaceutical company, an advertising                your assessment of the scientific
                                                study will be the manipulations that we                 agency, a market research company, or                 evidence for [D]esyflux?’’
                                                have described. Any individual                          the U.S. Department of Health and                        Response 1y: Q33 asks whether
                                                differences in attention or ability or                  Human Services?’’ to capture these                    participants have seen any of the listed
                                                potential biases should be spread across                individuals, as suggested.                            statements. Q34 is asked for each of
                                                experimental conditions. Thus, if we                       Comment 1v (verbatim): In the                      Q33_A and Q33_D when they respond
                                                find differences between and among                      Consumer Questionnaire, Q8–Q9 should                  affirmatively to that statement in Q33.
                                                conditions, we can be reasonably sure                   be presented prior to Q6–Q7 in order to               Thus, participants who chose option 01
                                                that the manipulations caused the                       prevent bias in favor of non-HCP                      for both items will see two separate
                                                differences. We have not found in the                   sources. Similarly, Q19 should appear                 questions. We will make the suggested
                                                past that our participants spend an                     before Q18, and Q28 should appear                     changes to Q34.
                                                                                                                                                                 The second public comment
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                inordinate amount of time viewing                       before Q27.
                                                stimuli, but we will be careful to place                   Response 1v: We will reorder the                   responder (regulations.gov tracking
                                                the research in context when we                         questionnaire as the commenter                        number lkl–8y11–169c) included four
                                                interpret the data.                                     suggested.                                            individual comments, to which we have
                                                   Comment 1s (verbatim): The Consent                      Comment 1w (summarized): We                        responded.
                                                Text introduction should not state that                 recommend that Q8–Q9, Q19, and Q28                       Comment 2a (summarized): FDA
                                                the survey is being conducted ‘‘on                      be expanded to more fully evaluate the                should give consideration to the
                                                behalf of the U.S. Food and Drug                        role of the prescriber in aiding                      representativeness of online study

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                                                39446                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices

                                                volunteers to the general public who                       Response 2c: Thank you for clearly                 assessments of effectiveness.
                                                will view print ads.                                    investing time and energy in responding               Participants have the option to skip
                                                   Response 2a: This is an excellent                    to this study design. The suggested                   these questions if they wish.
                                                point and one to which we have given                    levels of disclosure are effectively the                 Comment 3d (verbatim): We suggest
                                                much thought. As with all research,                     same as what we have included in our                  also including questions to capture
                                                there is a tradeoff of efficiencies when                study design. The weak disclosure                     whether respondents have a general
                                                it comes to collecting information from                 provides some additional information,                 understanding that there are limitations
                                                volunteers. Recruiting from internet                    while the strong disclosure provides                  to the data and information being
                                                panels is a relatively economical way to                both the additional information and an                presented, even if they do not recall
                                                achieve large sample sizes from all                     explicit conclusion based on the                      specific information and disclosure
                                                across the United States, making it                     information.                                          statements.
                                                possible to achieve geographic and                         Comment 2d (summarized): FDA                          Response 3d: This is a good
                                                urban/rural diversity in a way that was                 should keep in mind that stronger                     suggestion, but it is important to phrase
                                                not previously possible. However, it is                 disclosures may be longer, therefore                  such questions appropriately. For
                                                true that members of lower                              eye-tracking time may reflect length, not             example, simply asking participants if
                                                socioeconomic classes do not have the                   necessarily effectiveness.                            they believe the data is thorough and
                                                same access to computers and the                           Response 2d: The commenter is                      complete or that the data has limitations
                                                internet, and therefore our sample may                  correct in that a longer block of text will           is not likely to yield useful information.
                                                be skewed toward individuals who have                   generally result in a longer gaze fixation.           However, there are several validated
                                                higher education and/or income. We                      We have taken steps to keep the stronger              skepticism scales that approach this
                                                have attempted to mitigate this issue by                disclosures as close as possible in length            idea of trusting the validity of presented
                                                aiming for recruitment of 60 percent of                 to the weaker disclosures. However, as                information. Although these items are
                                                individuals with some or no college and                 noted previously, eye-tracking outcomes               not tied to data specifically, they will
                                                40 percent of individuals with a college                will be analyzed qualitatively. Our                   provide some information for us about
                                                degree or more.                                         primary interest is whether the                       how much individuals rely on the data.
                                                                                                        disclosure was attended to—the length                 We have added two questions near the
                                                   While it is important to note that
                                                                                                        of attention is of less interest in this              end of the survey to address this issue.
                                                random assignment of respondents to
                                                                                                        case.                                                    Comment 3e (summarized): The
                                                experimental conditions provides us the                    The third public comment responder                 commenter recommends deleting ‘‘. . .
                                                ability to make causal claims about our                 (regulations.gov tracking number lkl–                 from a source other than your healthcare
                                                findings, we do note that truncating the                8y16–bf58) included five individual                   provider’’ from questions 6 and 7.
                                                population from which we sample is a                    comments, to which we have                               Response 3e: Because we ask about
                                                limitation of the study and will describe               responded.                                            seeking information from a HCP in other
                                                this in any publication or presentation                    Comment 3a (summarized): The                       questions, we will retain this distinction
                                                that results from the data.                             commenter assumes that stimuli will                   in Q6 and Q7 for clarity.
                                                   Comment 2b (verbatim): We suggest                    conform to FDA regulations and                           The fourth public comment responder
                                                that the study include electronic                       requirements in non-study aspects and                 (regulations.gov tracking number lkl–
                                                advertisements in addition to print                     will not overdramatize claims versus                  8y38–n0p8) included eight individual
                                                advertisements to account for and                       disclosures.                                          comments, to which we have
                                                reflect changes in consumer                                Response 3a: All stimuli will conform              responded.
                                                consumption of media, including the                     to FDA regulations, as reviewed by                       Comment 4a (summarized): The
                                                increase of electronic promotion and                    OPDP reviewers. Additionally, we have                 commenter is supportive of the
                                                advertising of products by sponsors.                    designed the materials to fall within                 research.
                                                   Response 2b: We agree that more                      realistic parameters, thus the claims and                Response 4a: Thank you for your
                                                information and promotion is moving to                  disclosures are representative of what                support.
                                                electronic presentations, including the                 we may see in the marketplace.                           Comment 4b (summarized): The
                                                internet, mobile applications, and other                   Comment 3b (summarized): The                       commenter suggests carefully selecting
                                                communication formats. However, the                     commenter includes a section titled                   medical conditions to ensure a range of
                                                questions we ask in this current study                  ‘‘Comments on the Brief Summary and                   therapeutic areas. Specifically, they
                                                are fundamental questions that should                   Provision of Risk Information in                      suggest one life-threatening condition
                                                not differ based on presentation format.                Advertising’’ wherein FDA is                          (e.g., cardiovascular conditions leading
                                                Moreover, our print ads are similar to                  encouraged to continue to consider the                to stroke), one chronic condition (e.g.,
                                                what might be shown on a website,                       purpose and practical limits of                       atopic dermatitis), and one non-life-
                                                which is a prominent electronic format.                 advertising.                                          threatening and non-chronic condition
                                                We have other studies ongoing that are                     Response 3b: FDA agrees that a                     (e.g., urinary tract infection).
                                                examining other electronic presentation                 consideration of the purpose and                         Response 4b: FDA believes this
                                                modes (e.g., 82 FR 32842, July 18, 2017).               practical limits of prescription drug                 proposed range of medical conditions is
                                                   Comment 2c (summarized): If the                      promotion will guide the development                  a great way to choose therapeutic
                                                three levels of disclosure are to be                    of research projects. Otherwise, the                  categories. For the current study,
                                                strong, weak, and none, we recommend                    comment appears to fall outside the                   however, we limited ourselves to
                                                considering the following levels of                     scope of this particular proposed                     medical conditions that have existing
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                disclosure:                                             research.                                             promotional pieces that include a
                                                                                                           Comment 3c (summarized): Add                       variety of limitations that can be
                                                • Additional concluding information                     ‘‘Don’t Know’’ options for questions                  feasibly explained in a disclosure. We
                                                   makes it strong                                      about perceived effectiveness in the                  will keep the commenter’s approach in
                                                • Less additional information makes it                  consumer questionnaire.                               mind and apply it in future research
                                                   weak                                                    Response 3c: Questions about                       when possible.
                                                • No additional information makes it                    perceived effectiveness by definition                    Comment 4c (summarized): The
                                                   none                                                 involve subjective rather than objective              commenter suggests selecting a diversity

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                                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices                                                                                                39447

                                                of participants, including gender, race,                                 physicians and not specialists. Thus,                                        represented as not everyone has access
                                                ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc., to                                while any given participant may have                                         to or uses the internet.
                                                better represent the population at large.                                experience treating one or more of the                                          Response 4f: Please see our response
                                                Also, FDA should consider inclusion                                      conditions represented by our stimuli,                                       to comment 2a.
                                                and exclusion criteria for HCPs and                                      none should have specialties in the
                                                consumers carefully.                                                                                                                                     Comment 4g (summarized): The
                                                                                                                         respective therapeutic categories.
                                                   Response 4c: We agree that these                                                                                                                   commenter recommends conducting
                                                                                                                            Comment 4e (summarized): The                                              subgroup analyses, such as with older
                                                characteristics are important and strive                                 commenter encourages the use of a
                                                to obtain representativeness across a                                                                                                                 adults.
                                                                                                                         health literacy competency tool such as
                                                variety of personal demographics.                                        a readability calculator to ensure                                              Response 4g: We will examine
                                                Although we will aim to recruit a                                        consumers can understand the language.                                       covariates including age, race, and
                                                diverse group of participants with                                                                                                                    education level to determine whether
                                                                                                                            Response 4e: We agree that the plain                                      these variables have any effect on our
                                                sufficient variation on demographic
                                                characteristics such as gender, race, age,                               language communication of information                                        findings. This study is not designed to
                                                and education, we note that this study                                   is critical for the best public health                                       conduct between-subgroup analyses. If
                                                features random assignment to                                            outcomes. Nevertheless, our aim in this                                      we detect relevant trends, such
                                                condition, whereby these demographic                                     study is to test promotional materials                                       subgroup analyses may become good
                                                characteristics should have an equal                                     that are available in the public domain.                                     candidates for future studies.
                                                chance of occurring. In terms of HCPs,                                   Although we have disguised the
                                                                                                                         products and campaigns in our mock                                              Comment 4h (verbatim): [The
                                                we will include them if they are primary                                                                                                              commenter] recommends that the FDA
                                                care physicians, and will work to recruit                                stimuli, all pieces are derived directly
                                                                                                                         from promotion in the marketplace. We                                        communicate the actions they will take
                                                a sample with sufficient diversity on                                                                                                                 based on the study results and analysis.
                                                demographic characteristics as noted                                     feel this is important to ensure that our
                                                                                                                         study is relevant.                                                           We also encourage FDA to provide
                                                above.                                                                                                                                                further communication about when
                                                   Comment 4d (verbatim): It is critical                                    Comment 4f (summarized): The
                                                                                                                                                                                                      FDA will publish the study results, how
                                                that FDA evaluates the merits of                                         commenter recommends recruiting
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the study results will be applied, and
                                                unbiased introduction by not presenting                                  through hospitals, doctor offices, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      how this will impact the work of FDA.
                                                a promotional piece to HCPs with                                         clinics rather than via the internet. The
                                                specialty in the same therapeutic                                        commenter suggests that this will                                               Response 4h: Please see our response
                                                category.                                                                expand on the pool of participants, help                                     to comment 1a.
                                                   Response 4d: For this study, we will                                  minimize potential bias, and ensure the                                         FDA estimates the burden of this
                                                be recruiting only primary care                                          entire population of the United States is                                    collection of information as follows:

                                                                                                            TABLE 2—ESTIMATED ANNUAL REPORTING BURDEN 1
                                                                                                                                       Number of
                                                                                                            Number of                                            Total annual
                                                                      Activity                                                       responses per                                              Average burden per response                              Total hours 2
                                                                                                           respondents                                            responses


                                                Pretest Screener ...............................                           833                            1                      833       0.03 (2 minutes) ...............................                         25
                                                Pretest ...............................................                    500                            1                      500       0.33 (20 minutes) .............................                         165
                                                Eye-Tracking Screener .....................                                 80                            1                       80       0.08 (5 minutes) ...............................                          7
                                                Eye-Tracking Study ...........................                              20                            1                       20       1 .......................................................                20
                                                Main Study Screener ........................                             2,500                            1                    2,500       0.03 (2 minutes) ...............................                         75
                                                Main Study ........................................                      1,500                            1                    1,500       0.33 (20 minutes) .............................                         495


                                                Pretest Screener ...............................                           735                            1                      735       0.03 (2 minutes) ...............................                         22
                                                Pretest ...............................................                    500                            1                      500       0.33 (20 minutes) .............................                         165
                                                Eye-Tracking Screener .....................                                 80                            1                       80       0.08 (5 minutes) ...............................                          7
                                                Eye-Tracking Study ...........................                              20                            1                       20       1 .......................................................                20
                                                Main Study Screener ........................                             2,206                            1                    2,206       0.03 (2 minutes) ...............................                         67
                                                Main Study ........................................                      1,500                            1                    1,500       0.33 (20 minutes) .............................                         495

                                                      Total ...........................................   ........................   ........................   ........................   ...........................................................           1,563
                                                   1 There    are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
                                                   2 Rounded     to the next full hour.

                                                II. References                                                           available electronically at https://                                             Disclaimers and FDA Approval.’’ Health
                                                                                                                         www.regulations.gov. FDA has verified                                            Psychology, 26(4), 513–517. (2007).
                                                  The following references are on
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                         the website addresses, as of the date this                                   2. Dodge, T., D. Litt, and A. Kaufman.
                                                display in the Dockets Management                                                                                                                         ‘‘Influence of the Dietary Supplement
                                                                                                                         document publishes in the Federal
                                                Staff (HFA–305), Food and Drug                                                                                                                            Health and Education Act on Consumer
                                                                                                                         Register, but websites are subject to
                                                Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm.                                                                                                                    Beliefs About the Safety and
                                                1061, Rockville, MD 20852 and are                                        change over time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Effectiveness of Dietary Supplements.’’
                                                available for viewing by interested                                      1. Dodge, T. and A. Kaufman. ‘‘What Makes                                        Journal of Health Communication:
                                                persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,                                           Consumers Think Dietary Supplements                                          International Perspectives. 16(3), 230–
                                                Monday through Friday; they are also                                         Are Safe and Effective? The Role of                                          244. (2011).

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014        18:11 Aug 08, 2018         Jkt 244001     PO 00000         Frm 00046       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703       E:\FR\FM\09AUN1.SGM               09AUN1

                                                39448                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 154 / Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Notices

                                                3. Mason, M.J., D.L. Scammon, and X. Feng.              Substances.’’ This guidance has been                  identified, as confidential, if submitted
                                                     ‘‘The Impact of Warnings, Disclaimers              developed to provide manufacturers                    as detailed in ‘‘Instructions.’’
                                                     and Product Experience on Consumers’               with recommendations for submission                      Instructions: All submissions received
                                                     Perceptions of Dietary Supplements.’’                                                                    must include the Docket No. FDA–
                                                     Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(1), 74–
                                                                                                        of new drug applications (NDAs),
                                                     99. (2007).                                        investigational new drug applications                 2018–D–2614 for ‘‘Dissolution Testing
                                                4. France, K.R. and P.F. Bone. ‘‘Policy                 (INDs), or abbreviated new drug                       and Acceptance Criteria for Immediate-
                                                     Makers’ Paradigms and Evidence from                applications (ANDAs), as appropriate,                 Release Solid Oral Dosage Form Drug
                                                     Consumer Interpretations of Dietary                for orally administered immediate-                    Products Containing High Solubility
                                                     Supplement Labels.’’ Journal of                    release (IR) drug products that contain               Drug Substances.’’ Received comments
                                                     Consumer Affairs, 39(1), 27–51. (2005).            highly soluble drug substances. The                   will be placed in the docket and, except
                                                5. FTC. ‘‘Full Disclosure.’’ Accessed at:               guidance is intended to describe when                 for those submitted as ‘‘Confidential
                                                     https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/                                                                   Submissions,’’ publicly viewable at
                                                     business-blog/2014/09/full-disclosure              a standard release test and criteria may
                                                                                                        be used in lieu of extensive method                   https://www.regulations.gov or at the
                                                     (September 23, 2014) Last accessed on
                                                     June 22, 2018.                                     development and acceptance criteria-                  Dockets Management Staff between 9
                                                6. Higgins, E., M. Leinenger, and K. Rayner.            setting exercises.                                    a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
                                                     ‘‘Eye Movements When Viewing                       DATES: The announcement of the
                                                     Advertisements.’’ Frontiers in                                                                              • Confidential Submissions—To
                                                                                                        guidance is published in the Federal
                                                     Psychology, 5, 210. (2014).                                                                              submit a comment with confidential
                                                                                                        Register on August 9, 2018.
                                                7. Pieters, R., M. Wedel, and R. Batra. ‘‘The                                                                 information that you do not wish to be
                                                     Stopping Power of Advertising:                     ADDRESSES: You may submit either                      made publicly available, submit your
                                                     Measures and Effects of Visual                     electronic or written comments on                     comments only as a written/paper
                                                     Complexity.’’ Journal of Marketing,                Agency guidances at any time as                       submission. You should submit two
                                                     74(5), 48–60. (2010).                              follows:
                                                8. Thomsen, S. and K. Fulton. ‘‘Adolescents’
                                                                                                                                                              copies total. One copy will include the
                                                     Attention to Responsibility Messages in            Electronic Submissions                                information you claim to be confidential
                                                     Magazine Alcohol Advertisements: An                                                                      with a heading or cover note that states
                                                     Eye-Tracking Approach.’’ Journal of
                                                                                                          Submit electronic comments in the                   ‘‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS
                                                     Adolescent Health, 41, 27–34. (2007).              following way:                                        CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.’’ The
                                                9. Simola, J., J. Kuisma, A. Öörni, L. Uusitalo,        • Federal eRulemaking Portal:                       Agency will review this copy, including
                                                     et al. ‘‘The Impact of Salient                     https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the               the claimed confidential information, in
                                                     Advertisements on Reading and                      instructions for submitting comments.                 its consideration of comments. The
                                                     Attention on Web pages.’’ Journal of               Comments submitted electronically,                    second copy, which will have the
                                                     Experimental Psychology: Applied,                  including attachments, to https://
                                                     17(2), 174–190. (2011).
                                                                                                                                                              claimed confidential information
                                                                                                        www.regulations.gov will be posted to                 redacted/blacked out, will be available
                                                10. Wedel, M. and R. Pieters. ‘‘A Review of
                                                     Eye-Tracking Research in Marketing.’’ In
                                                                                                        the docket unchanged. Because your                    for public viewing and posted on
                                                     Review of Marketing Research, vol. 4 (pp.          comment will be made public, you are                  https://www.regulations.gov. Submit
                                                     123–147), N. K. Malhotra (Ed.). Armonk,            solely responsible for ensuring that your             both copies to the Dockets Management
                                                     New York: M. E. Sharpe. (2008).                    comment does not include any                          Staff. If you do not wish your name and
                                                  Dated: August 3, 2018.                                confidential information that you or a                contact information to be made publicly
                                                                                                        third party may not wish to be posted,                available, you can provide this
                                                Leslie Kux,
                                                                                                        such as medical information, your or                  information on the cover sheet and not
                                                Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                                                                                        anyone else’s Social Security number, or              in the body of your comments and you
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–17045 Filed 8–8–18; 8:45 am]              confidential business information, such               must identify this information as
                                                BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                  as a manufacturing process. Please note               ‘‘confidential.’’ Any information marked
                                                                                                        that if you include your name, contact                as ‘‘confidential’’ will not be disclosed
                                                                                                        information, or other information that                except in accordance with 21 CFR 10.20
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                identifies you in the body of your                    and other applicable disclosure law. For
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                          comments, that information will be                    more information about FDA’s posting
                                                Food and Drug Administration                            posted on https://www.regulations.gov.                of comments to public dockets, see 80
                                                                                                          • If you want to submit a comment                   FR 56469, September 18, 2015, or access
                                                [Docket No. FDA–2018–D–2614]                            with confidential information that you                the information at: https://www.gpo.gov/
                                                                                                        do not wish to be made available to the               fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-09-18/pdf/2015-
                                                Dissolution Testing and Acceptance                      public, submit the comment as a                       23389.pdf.
                                                Criteria for Immediate-Release Solid                    written/paper submission and in the                      Docket: For access to the docket to
                                                Oral Dosage Form Drug Products                          manner detailed (see ‘‘Written/Paper                  read background documents or the
                                                Containing High Solubility Drug                         Submissions’’ and ‘‘Instructions’’).                  electronic and written/paper comments
                                                Substances; Guidance for Industry;                                                                            received, go to https://
                                                Availability                                            Written/Paper Submissions
                                                                                                                                                              www.regulations.gov and insert the
                                                AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,                  Submit written/paper submissions as                 docket number, found in brackets in the
                                                HHS.                                                    follows:                                              heading of this document, into the
                                                ACTION:   Notice of availability.                         • Mail/Hand delivery/Courier (for                   ‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts
                                                                                                        written/paper submissions): Dockets                   and/or go to the Dockets Management
                                                SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug                            Management Staff (HFA–305), Food and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                              Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061,
                                                Administration (FDA or Agency) is                       Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers                     Rockville, MD 20852.
                                                announcing the availability of a final                  Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.                     You may submit comments on any
                                                guidance for industry entitled                            • For written/paper comments                        guidance at any time (see 21 CFR
                                                ‘‘Dissolution Testing and Acceptance                    submitted to the Dockets Management                   10.115(g)(5)).
                                                Criteria for Immediate-Release Solid                    Staff, FDA will post your comment, as                    Submit written requests for single
                                                Oral Dosage Form Drug Products                          well as any attachments, except for                   copies of this guidance to the Division
                                                Containing High Solubility Drug                         information submitted, marked and                     of Drug Information, Center for Drug

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:11 Aug 08, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00047   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\09AUN1.SGM   09AUN1

Document Created: 2018-08-09 01:11:28
Document Modified: 2018-08-09 01:11:28
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesFax written comments on the collection of information by September 10, 2018.
ContactIla S. Mizrachi, Office of Operations, Food and Drug Administration, Three White Flint North, 10A-12M, 11601 Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD 20852, 301-796-7726, [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 39441 

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